#I have a silly idea in mind actually - I just need the motivation to start drawing it XD
bespectacled-bookwyrm · 11 months
People seem to really like Whumptober story number 20 (it's called "Safety Beneath Volcarona Wings" on AO3).
I'm quite glad, actually. I really like my idea of Alder becoming a father figure to Colress and N, so I'm really happy that it's receiving so much positive feedback.
Although I don't have many ideas for this found family at the moment, the positive feedback I've received already has given me the confidence to hopefully do more for this trio in the future.
I might even do a few drawings or comics! :3
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yourmoonie · 2 months
Let's talk about manifestation. And what it means to "feel it real"
When I go into my imagination and feel my desires as if they've already come true, I often find I don't need them to "manifest" in the 3D, because I already know that they are mine.
A simple example of this would be:
• I was told I’d be paid to do a specific project for someone. Even though the money isn't in my account yet, it doesn't affect my behavior in the physical world. I’m in this “state of mind” where I already feel successful, and I walk around with that excitement and confidence.
• For example, after hearing about the project, I start to carry myself differently. I feel more confident, motivated, and at ease. I even treat myself to a celebration, knowing that the payment is on its way. I network more, share my ideas freely, and take on new challenges with enthusiasm because, in my mind, I am already successful. The anticipation and joy of receiving the payment fuel my actions and interactions.
• Soon enough, the payment comes through, but the transformation in my mindset has already made a significant impact. It teaches me that feeling successful and fulfilled in my imagination can change my reality, leading to real-world success and opportunities.
Sometimes, the satisfaction and fulfillment I experience in my imagination are so real that I no longer crave their physical manifestation (even though I know it will eventually happen).
As I like to say "The times will pass anyway, so I don't have anything to lose"
If I can experience anything and everything right now at this specific moment, then why worry? Yeah that's right! It's like I can achieve and feel everything I want within my mind, and this brings me immense peace and contentment.
The time is NOW, this MOMENT
Back then, I used to make the mistake of holding back from feeling my wishes were fulfilled until they actually happened because I was scared of being disappointed. Even though I knew I couldn’t really fail, the fear of letdown was stronger. Over time, I learned that everything starts in our imagination and then becomes real.
1) "You become rich in your mind/imagination, then in your physical reality"
2) "If you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand" - Bob Proctor
Imagination is the real deal.
And imagination doesn't mean vivid visualization.
In this case:
Imagination ≠ visualization
Imagination = inner knowing
Now, I let myself fully enjoy the feeling of my desires in my imagination, and the physical world just follows along.
Just a silly example from my early days of my loass journey: I once visualized having a perfect day with friends, picturing every laugh and moment of joy. The happiness I felt in my imagination was so real that I didn't feel the need to make it happen in reality. Eventually, a day like that did occur, but the joy I experienced in my imagination was just as fulfilling.
feeling ≠ emotion
There is so so much I would like to share but as for this post that is all ✨️
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liveontelevision · 6 months
Hallo!!! I’d just like to say to start I ADORE your work! Especially with Lucifer, the way you depict him is SO refreshing you have no idea.. your work practically canon in my eyes I love it!!! You’re super awesome.
I did also notice that in your Lucifer works you talked about his more ‘unappealing’ traits, so-to-speak. Like his temper, his possessiveness, and especially his paranoia and panic.
I suffer with a paranoia disorder and some ptsd of my own, and it was really nice to have those traits made known, but not have them severely criticized, y’know?
I understand and agree that Lucifer would need a patient partner when it comes to these things, someone to stick around and be reassuring through it all; And while they can get frustrated, not criticize or even leave him for it; something I theorize may have been a reason for Lilith’s own departure.
But what if the reason for the reader’s patience is because of their own panic issues? Or their own temper?
Now to be fair, not sure how i’d exactly want it to go. It could be them comforting him when he panics, or Lucifer when they panic, or just a simple heart-to-heart about their combined struggle and the resilience that is forged because of that…
Like while their breath quickens, hands clutching into their thighs as their brain practically screams at them to calm down through all the mind-numbing internal noise; boiling tears stream down their face as they shiver within the darkness of an empty corridor. Perhaps Lucifer steps around, bearing witness to their storming off, getting a glimpse of the uglier side of their lover. The strange, uncomfortable, terrified side of them. But that isn’t what he sees, not at all. His gaze softens as he stares into their tear-blinded irises and carefully sits in front of them. He sees a person. A real, true human being.
(hahaaa got a bit too silly sorry xP)
All I know is that I think Lucifer, while also being equally concerned, would appreciate having someone who could understand what he’s going through; Well, as close as a sinner could get to understanding it, at least.
But what do you think? Would he act any different? I’d love to know ^^ ❤️
Thank you so much for getting into these details! After reading this I realized how much I connected my own mental struggles to what I write. So just seeing that you're about to relate to it as well made me feel really good :)
This was honestly a little hard for me, trying to get into this mindset. Even though it's not super motivated by Lucifer's character, I kinda needed to write this for myself honestly :') but still, I hope you enjoy this!
CW: Descriptions of depression and panic attacks, flulff, angst
You were head of heels for Lucifer. And you’d do anything for him, that goes without saying, even if you do enjoy seeing his reaction to your devotion. You knew Lucifer as the king of Hell before anything else, so your first impression of him was obviously different from the Lucifer you know and love today. He was always portrayed in media as some suave, flirtatious, powerful being. No one dared talk negatively about him, his true authority being misinterpreted as pure malicious intent. But that didn’t stop the media from tearing Charlie apart. Why didn’t he defend his daughter then? In summary, Lucifer was known for two things; incredible power and little consideration for the actual ongoings of Hell, even with whatever his daughter was involved with. At first. His saving the hotel, defending Hell on extermination day, and encouraging his daughter, was the side of him that only a handful of trusted people could experience firsthand.
Luckily, you got to be one of those people. It’s easy to take his goofy exposure and temper and make it appear that he is an aloof king. But no one can handle being a hermit for centuries without having a different view on life. And being an outcast from his original realm? Being abandoned by his brothers? Even the most powerful demon couldn't experience that without it taking a mental toll. That was obvious. Comforting Lucifer would never be an easy task, even for someone who’s experienced exactly what he has. And who knows exactly how close Lillith was to him? Was she able to see him in this state? Was it another factor of himself that he chose to bury in fear of rejection and abandonment? It was a pitiful thought, but definitely not an impossible one.
Whether or not you truly understood Lucifer's past, you wanted to be there for him. It felt good to comfort such a powerful being, being an anchor for someone who has an absurd amount of baggage. But it’s not like you always knew what you were doing. You weren’t this perfectly healthy person who knew what to say all the time. When you first got together, you had your doubts about even having feelings for him. He was an icon, a celebrity, royalty. It was great he confided in you, but was his status clouding your judgment? Were you only enjoying the dominance you had over his emotional state because of who he was? Was your admiration misconstrued as love? It took a while for you to get over this mindset. The longer you were together, the less it became you constantly praising and fawning over him, the more it became being in love with your best friend.
You didn’t really bother to bring any of this up to him, the idea made you cringe. Would bringing up your doubts about the relationship only transfer those feelings to him as well? The moment passed, so there’s no need to get him worked up over nothing.
That’s a great example of how your mind works. You assumed that all these spiraling questions, that brought you to the brink of tears, just went away. That, because you realized how much you loved him and how much he loved you, that meant that you never needed to express these thoughts. Nothing could be done about it, those feelings were in the past. Why bring it up now?
There was also the question of how much you gave into the relationship. You gave Lucifer your all, gave him your heart and body, and yet you don’t feel comfortable enough to share your own suffering? You could've blamed Lucifer if you wanted. He should be supporting you the same way you support him. Or you could blame yourself. Obviously, if you wanted support you should feel comfortable asking for it. But why do you have to ask? Lucifer never asked for it. Why don’t you feel comfortable sharing your feelings? Your own trauma? What’s wrong with you?
That ended up being your downfall. Nothing ever just goes away. How could you constantly comfort Lucifer and push him to let out what he needs to, yet refuse to express anything that truly upset you? Demons are essentially immortal, these feelings couldn't be bottled up forever. But they can be bottled up until you break.
Lucifer had an especially rough day, he was looking forward to finding his sweetheart and venting about how shitty his meetings went and how Alastor pissed him off, along with some other daily struggles. That’s all it was; a daily vent session that helped him decompress. What he wasn’t realizing was how much that affected you. It wasn’t really his fault, or he wasn't doing it on purpose at least. You weren’t really the type to share your own struggles, you mentioned that to him once or twice. You felt that crying and letting it all out, venting about struggles that simply don’t need to be discussed, none of that really helped you when you were struggling. But today, you were struggling. 
“Ugh! That tacky son of a bitch made fun of my suit today, can you believe it? Like - I mean - C’mon! We basically wear the same things but in different colors, I don’t know what he’s on about. Oh, and I had to go to the Embassy today. Luckily I didn’t need to meet with anyone but I - “ As Lucifer started his long-winded complaints, he stripped himself of his boots, hat, and jacket, then approached you. You were lying in bed, which wouldn't exactly be strange if it were early in the morning or late at night, but it was nearly dinner time. You were wearing your usual pajamas and had been scrolling through your phone for who knows how long. Did you have anything to do today? You didn’t have time to think about that.
Lucifer placed a quick kiss on your forehead, then between words, one on each cheek, then a final, slightly lingering, kiss on your lips. He finally plopped down and laid perpendicular to your lounging body, laying his head in your lap and looking into the ceiling as he went on. You set your phone aside, that had been plugged in and turned on since late last night, leaving it hot to the touch in your hand. You had become numb to it at this point.
None of this seemed to really come off as an issue to you. Who doesn't have a day or two where they can't get out of bed? You were sure you’d be ready to get back to work the next day, so it’s not a problem. Plus, Lucifer was here! You could get some quality time in with him and convince yourself that you weren't wasting a whole day. He went on and on. Talking about the Embassy got him on the topic of Heaven, which led to him sharing a story of how his brothers weren’t supportive of a specific invention he was sharing. “It was really something, you know. If I could've just been accepted by them, if they supported me.. like you do! maybe things could've been different. Maybe - “ Plop. Lucifer flinched at the sudden drop of water that hit his cheek. He wiped it away before finally discovering its source.
You were crying. It was silent, and you were holding your breath to prevent it from turning you into a heaving, sobbing, mess. Lucifer was quick to sit up, seating himself on his knees as he tried to question your disposition. He was finally noticing your overall situation. You are in the same spot that he left you in this morning, wearing the same pajamas, scrolling through the same phone that never left the nightstand. He started to feel ashamed that he didn’t notice any of this sooner. You had shifted your gaze downwards, picking at your clawed fingers like you would your skin when you were alive. This is embarrassing. You don’t want him to see you this way, you look like a mess. You tried your best to keep tears from coming from your eyes, but the fact that Lucifer was sitting near you in absolute silence somehow made it worse. You hitched your breath, trying to control your emotions in any way, then let out a shaky exhale that made your body shrink.
The moment seemed to go on forever. It felt like his eyes were burning into you. You had to do something. Anything. “I’m okay! I’m okay, Luci. Sorry, J-Just a rough day. But it's over now! We can just relax now. Promise.” You quickly said, your voice raspy due to it being the first words you had spoken today. You shifted yourself over, pulling the blanket aside and patting the spot next to you. Lucifer didn’t know how to respond. He’s seen you like this before, everyone has rough days. And why would you lie to him? You could go to him for anything. You knew that, right? He reluctantly moved into the bed, holding his arm out to allow you to snuggle into his side, finally resting your head on the center of his chest. Your eyes looked vacantly towards the other side of the room, as your finger mindlessly traced the seems on the side of his shirt. A monotonous task that kept your mind on anything other than how you were feeling. Today was just one of those days where every little problem you’d encounter was tipping you over the edge, sending you into a spiraling mess.
He knew something was wrong. He didn’t push you away, you clearly needed the contact, but the warm spot that you created from staying in bed all day was apparent when he went in to hold you. Sure, he’s seen you like this before. But this was different. “Darling..? Erm.. Sorry, I didn’t get a chance to - I should’ve.. How was your day, love? Wanna.. talk about it?” He always struggled with words. It’d take him a while, but he’d always manage to get what he intended when he spoke. “Oh, um.. It was good.. My day was good. Didn’t do much, but that’s okay. Just a relaxation day I suppose.” Ah, relaxation. You’ve used that word before. He always wondered; How come relaxation never meant going to a spa or doing something legitimately soothing? Was laying in bed all day really what you considered relaxing?
“ I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you worry. Go on, you were talking about your brothers? What were you - “ Your diversion was immediately noticed. Before you could even finish your question, Lucifer had taken your chin and angled your head upward to look at him. It was a struggle for you to meet his eyes. You gulped, and no matter how much you wanted to pull away from his grasp, you didn’t. Tears were welling in your eyes the whole time, and even though your breath had calmed, you still seemed winded. “Please tell me what’s wrong. Please. Let me help.” It seemed like everything just fell into place. Lucifer finally picked up on things you never realized came from your insecurities and paranoia. And he wanted to fix it, not stop it, actually fix it. You hated how the idea of it surprised you. It shouldn't, of course, he’d do this for you.
“ I-I promise it’s nothing.. I’ve just been feeling off today, I just want to be close to you. That always helps.” You smiled up at him. No matter how forced, he returned your smile. “Well.. Do you think.. Talking would help?” You tensed up as he spoke, an obvious sensation to Lucifer since you laid suddenly uncomfortably on his chest. “Hun, you know that stuff really isn’t for me… I don’t benefit from that, I think. So don’t worry. Just - be here. For me? Can you do that?” You began to sound agitated. It wasn’t an aggressive plea, more like a plea for this conversation to be over. He wasn’t a huge fan of how you spoke, it came off as a sort of insult to him. Did you not think he could help you in the same way you did for him? He could try. He wanted to try.
He planted a small kiss on your forehead, then traced his hand up and down your back, feeling your tension melt as he did so. He pressed his cheek against the top of your head and picked up your hand in his. He traced your palm, running along the wrinkles and folds of your skin, then lightly grazed his claw up the length of each of your fingers. He sent a starfish motion across the entirety of your hand before finally interlacing your fingers. You stared at his movements the whole time, watching only for a moment before your eyes glazed over, leaving you in a sort of mindless state. He squeezed your hand after giving it attention, which brought you back to reality. Your eyes had continued to drip, leaving a few small specks of wetness on the part of his shirt that sat below your face. With the newfound grip he had on your hand, he pulled your still clasped hands up to his face, rubbing his cheek on the back of your hand before pressing gentle kisses across your knuckles. His eyes looked at you, half-lidded, with your hands still held to his lips.
Well, you weren't lying when you said being around him helped. Just the sight of him caring for you in this way, calmed your mood. You managed to accept that your actions today wernt like you. That something had taken over in your mind to keep you weighed down in your shared bed. “Thank you.” It barely came out as a whisper when you said it, bringing your clasped hands to your own lips and pressing a kiss on his own knuckles in response. “Of course, love. Anything for you. I mean it.” These actions weren't exactly new to the two of you, these were methods you occasionally used to help Lucifer fall asleep, or calm him down after a rough day. But he was using it on you. He had learned how to take care of you, by watching what you do. Noticing how you act on a daily basis and how that contrasts from the version of you he’s seeing right now. It was a subconscious transaction that you two had. But when you did notice it happening, you could hardly contain the mixed emotions you felt. Embarrassment, Pride, Love.. 
“ I mean it.” He repeated, snapping you from whatever state of mind you caught yourself in, “You know that, don’t you? You know I can help you, right? ” Now, this was new. He’s never questioned you like this. For some reason, it became difficult to respond. To admit that you knew he had your best interest in mind. “Tell me.” He wasn’t demanding, he seemed genuinely concerned as he spoke. Your cheeks flushed, feeling some sort of embarrassment. “Y-Yeah, I know.” You were quiet, still.
Lucifer didn’t seem completely convinced. “I’m sure you do. But can’t you just.. I want to know what goes on in your head.. If that makes sense. I don’t know, maybe I’m overthinking this - No, I want you to try and talk to me. Just try?” You almost scoffed, trying to play it off as some kind of joke. “It’s not important, I’m feeling better now, that’s what’s important.” 
That’s when he became agitated. He gently sat up, lifting you up with him. “No! It still matters. Tell me how you feel. Or - how you felt, I don’t know..! Talk to me. Please.” He had a tight grasp on your arms, almost shaking you as he spoke. You tried to calm down, you really did, but you felt forced into talking. Not in a negative manner, just in the way that your instinct to isolate yourself in this state was being challenged. You were physically reacting, tensing under his touch and lowering your eyes to the point he couldn't see them. You rubbed your hands against your thighs, trying to figure out what to say. It seemed like it took too long for you to respond. When you did it came out in the form of broken sobs, your hands moved from your thighs to your cheeks, running your forearm across your face to wipe tears. You broke.
You finally open up about your day. About how today, you felt like you didn't have any reason to get out of bed, how it felt okay to just rot there. You tried your best to describe what makes you this way, but you really weren't all that sure yourself. And despite how much Lucifer struggles with his own words, you were almost silent when it came to describing how you felt. He would nod his head and keep a calm composure, just like you do for him. It took everything in him to just hold you as tight as he could, to repeat I'm so sorry and it'll be okay and I love you so much. But that's not what you'd do at this moment, and he realized how much he'd hate that for himself. It’d feel disingenuous. You loved physical affections, even the slightest intimate moments were improved by a simple hand-holding, or just sitting close to Lucifer. And right now, you felt ashamed for wanting to push him away. But you didn't.
He cooed you, and pulled you in close, his arms engulfing your curled up body. He continued to rub your back, just like you’d do for him, and would ask if you needed anything multiple times, even if you politely rejected each time. Just to be safe. You let out a gross mixture of sobs and apologies, and possibly some things that you’d regret saying later, but the dam was broken at this point. After you had calmed down, he loosened his grasp to let you sit up, your body stiff from holding it in that position for so long. He was quick to create some tissues out of thin air and hand them to you, catching sight of your reddened eyes and nose, but he also made it a point to not stare at you. He’d turn his gaze to the floor, or to your hands, or he’d rest his head on top of yours. “So..? How are you doing?” He almost sounded nervous when he asked as if he might have messed up at some point. “I feel disgusting.” You said bluntly, your voice nasally due to your nose being so stuffed up. He chuckled and pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “I told you this stuff doesn't work for me, I feel awful still.” A bittersweet smile hit his face, but you were still making it a point to keep your eyes away. “I know, love. But, I’m glad you did it. I’m.. well, I’m glad you’re talking to me - I know it was hard.. So.. thank you, I suppose. You did good.” His words were choppy as if he was still figuring out what he wanted to say. He said what he needed to though.
You let out an absolutely exhausted sigh and leaned back into his chest, bringing both of you back down onto the bed. After a bit more backrubbing and hums of affection, you finally lift your head to look up at him. He was absolutely glowing. The smile on his face brought you butterflies that you didn't realize could resurface after being with someone for so long. “You did so well~” He said in a low tone, keeping his eyes locked on yours, and keeping your head turned upwards by gently holding your chin. “W-Well, don’t say it like that.. Perv..” You let your suddenly dirtied mind blurt out a nervous response. “Hey, that one’s on you. I would never proposition a damsel in distress.” He tapped your nose, speaking in a theatrical voice, before meeting your lips in a much-needed kiss. “Love you.” You muttered into his lips, only to feel his smile form in response. His eyes weld with affection for you when he pulled away. “I love you.”
Even if you felt awful after your little outburst, the reality of laying in bed all day finally hit you with a burst of adrenaline. You weren’t able to sleep after that and Lucifer had no complaints about that. The rest of the night was spent doing silly little things, Lucifer demanded you do your nightly routine, insisting it would help your mood. He provided snacks, started a movie that you mentioned you wanted to see a while ago, and sat behind you as he either brushed your hair or spent the time to give you a thorough massage.
You were so proud of him. You always struggled alone when this kind of thing happened. And, although a little awkward, he was exactly what you needed him to be at that moment.
( @vififofum @thornwolfy235 @tinywolfiegirl @chipper-chip @bat-boness @misfitgirlwrites @nayomi247 @lonelynmisunderstood )
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androgynousblackbox · 6 months
Types of sex [Radioapple, Appleradio]
A03 link
Up until being with Lucifer, Alastor only knew about sex like a transaction at the absolute best. Something you do because it will give you something in return or something expected by another party. If there is not an actual motive for it, it's completely worthless and irrelevant to the rest of his life.
After Lucifer enters his bed, he starts learning about all the different kinds of sex there are.
The lazy sex in which he wakes up to a morning wood already poking him from behind and Lucifer whispers if he can use his ass or thighs to relieve himself, and he says yes, the build slowly making him grind back. He doesn't always finish or touches himself, but it feels nice all the same. The quick and messy sex of the "I have to have you right now, right here, or I will go insane" variety that is like a whole hurricane trapped in a jar, contained to this one moment in which he truly could not care about the rest of the world. His head is still spinning when he has to try to fix his clothing. The passionate and full of hands everywhere sex that turns into slow and full of soft kisses sex that burn his skin all the same. The slow one sex that speeds up to the point he has to grab to the head of the bed and leaves his legs useless, his body electrified as every blood vessel is fighting to come down to a normal rythm. The casual sex in the afternoon when they have nothing else better to do, so might as well do this, usually with some giggles involved because Lucifer keeps saying he looks so pretty like that and he has to hide his face on the shoulder of the fallen angel. The "we had a fight and I am still a bit mad, but I mostly just want to be around you and that somehow turned into this" sex that no matter how many times does he play it on his mind, he can never understand how it happened. They don't remember either why they were fighting in the first place or decide it wasn't worth it anyway. The failed sex that seemed to be going there, but then something happens. A problem with the hotel, people needing their attention, Lucifer deciding to talk about something and he won't stop, so Alastor stays on his lap and listens. The little touches and kisses that don't leave him feeling like he is actually missing anything.
The continuation of the failure sex that always feels like a relief and a secret promise that, even if the world does keep existing and demanding attention, this is also important.
The foreplay that very well could be sex with how good it feels and he is later shocked to realize that it wasn't technically sex.
The sex where Lucifer fills his ears with soft words of encouragement, compliments, little secrets about how he thought about him during the day, and doesn't shut up except for kissing, making him feel small and vulnerable in a way that he has no idea how to properly understand, so when they do reach the sex there is an element of comfort there, because this at least he can handle.
The ridiculous and silly sex, because they both can't be serious for too long, so someone makes a stupid joke or something goes wrong and they giggled about it like two idiots while their bodies are still connected. The snort of Lucifer just makes him laugh even more. This one never feels like a failure, even if none of them finishes and the mood changes entirely.
The sex through the radio because fuck phones when Lucifer has to attend some issue in any of the other rings where Alastor isn't allowed to accompany him, so that is the only way for them to communicate. It doesn't really do anything for Alastor, physically at least, but he loves to hear Lucifer moan on the other side while talking about what he imagines doing to Alastor if they could be in the same room. Lucifer's voice was already beautiful, but it was extra lovely then, hoarse and worked up, going deep when he was reaching the climax and in the end saying his name with a low curse that almost felt like a claw running down his spine. The only sound that he wished he could record to repeat it over and over again.
He still doesn't understand why people obsess over sex overall. Alone or with someone else. In his opinion, it's not about sex at all. Lucifer is the real difference and he will the only demon in hell to know about it.
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beanghostprincess · 2 months
not anything specific!! you might just start with the few ideas you have i would read it all!!
Sorry for replying so late!! I've been busy 🙏🏻💖
!!!!!! I adore Nirei's character as a whole. Like, I could talk for hours about him. The second he appeared he became my favorite character and I believe it is criminal that we do not get to appreciate this outfit again (not the shirt because apparently he doesn't like it much but the rest of it!!). Please. Please. Please, we need more of his fashion. Just look at him. I think he should take Sakura shopping and torment him as he makes him try different outfits. I think I just miss his silly little glasses and his hair.
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This has absolutely nothing to do about analysis btw I just love him too much not to mention every little thing about him.
So uhhhmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm I do not know where to start. As I've been saying... Quite a lot lately... I adore where his character is going. He has gone from being scared and having to be protected to be the one insisting on protecting Sakura instead. And I believe one of my favorite things about this is that his fighting spirit is not something that suddenly appeared with the realization of being weak. He has always wanted to become stronger. He was well aware from the start of his limitations and still fought against those guys in the second chapter (you know. Basically his first appearance). And I think it's very refreshing (I keep saying all Wind Breaker characters are like this, but they are) to see the sidekick of the MC having that motivation before meeting him. What I mean by this is-- Yes, Nirei's motivation now mainly focuses on helping Sakura get to the top and being worthy of being with the rest of them and not be a burden etc etc etc. But that motivation eixsted beforehand and Sakura is just the embodiment of that dream of protecting the town Nirei has. You know where I'm coming from? I don't think a lot of sidekicks who consider the MC to be the best and the chosen one have realistic expectations of them sometimes. But Nirei's perception of him is very ground to earth and I love that. I should stop mentioning Sakura in these things, I swear this ship is not consuming my mind completely and I can see them as separate beings-
Also, something I love about Nirei is how his character has this ability to be able to remember everybody's skills and names because he is pretty observant and analytical. But despite that strength the manga doesn't give us the typical "oh well then he doesn't need to fight anymore because he already helps with this" or the "he actually doesn't feel completely satisfied with that skill so he has to fight whether he wants it or not". It's a mix of both. He keeps that skill and still fights anyway because that's what he has wanted from the start. We love an intelligent fighter (intelligence that, btw, comes from an empathetic side and I love how it's valued in the same way as logical intelligence).
I don't believe I talk much about his sense of justice btw. The way his first fight is literally him going against guys he knows he can't win to protect a girl... The fact that he's constantly doing this over and over again despite being aware that he's clearly not as strong as his opponents. I think Sakura (and the rest too but mostly, you know, Sakura) see this and think of it as the one thing they need to be a part of Bofurin.
His whole character is basically about protecting the weak, following his moral compass and fighting to become stronger and to help Sakura get to the top because he is the embodiment of what Nirei considers the peak of justice and what the town needs. But his ambitions are now more tied to the fact that he also loves and cares for the team (almost right away tbh) and mostly Sakura. He has such a caretaker personality and I adore how they always show that as a strength rather than a weakness.
I don't know what else I could talk about besides his whole character arc being his will of protectiveness being stronger than his fear of getting hurt. And also the trust he places in all of his friends because he is observant, after all, so he reads people well. And I keep saying his character wouldn't exist well without Sakura's but Sakura's wouldn't exist without his either, but you know who wouldn't shine as much either without Nirei's presence?? Suo. We talk a lot about him protecting Nirei and teaching him how to fight, but the protectiveness and undeniable care Suo shows would never be there if it wasn't for Nirei's character! I just love how these three are always so... Intertwined.
If you have more questions or suggestions about Nirei's character please tell me because I would love to talk more about him but idk how to ramble about him without it making 0 sense <333
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silkythewriter · 4 months
Hi! I just stumbled upon your blog because of Death Note and that you were accepting requests for it! Can we get a gender neutral reader trying to convince L to put cat ears on? For science? Pretty please? :3 (They might need to bribe him with something sweet for him to do it)
✧Reader putting Cat ears on L!✧
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Warnings!: Non!
Fandom!: Death Note!
Summary!: Reader putting cat ears on L! ( ˘ω˘ )
“Go kitty, go kitty
Go kitty, go, and just
Ride kitty, ride kitty
Ride kitty, roll!”
At first questioned you motives behind it, were you trying to use this as black mail after?, Maybe embarrass him?
It’s just the natural detective in him coming out, but if he finds out it’s purely for fun he’d mello out! (See what I did there? ( =ω= ) )
Bribing him with sweet treats is a must!, brownies, pudding, or cake would do the trick! I feel like his personal favorite is strawberry short cake though so do with that as you will!
Honestly…at first he’d be against it, but just to please you and get back to his work he’ll plop them on and stare at you with his beady eyes for a second
He actually doesn’t mind it, the minute your smile starts beaming at him like sun rays he genuinely forgets about it even being on him, as he just takes in your features and naturally as he does, study it aswell very single small detail.
Sometimes puts it on himself to surprise you just to see your smile, only when alone and in private though which lets be honest with ourselves is most of the time.
As stand off-ish as he is, I feel like depending on how long you two have been together, he would enjoy physically affection, but a bit watered down. As he himself hasn’t had much love in his life let alone romantic affection so at some points in time it’s a bit overwhelming for him.
But trust me when I say this man LOVES when you softly rub your fingers through his scalp like an actual cat. A bit embarrassing on his end? Yea, but I mean… anything for you affection he supposed
He likes running his fingers along the fake cat ear material. The soft fur is very nice quality!, and maybe if they added a bell to the end of the ears he’ll probably fiddle with them while thinking.
He of course takes them off after awhile, much to your dismay, but he does keep them! As a Memory sake and also just to play around with it.
He does get flustered! Hard to tell sometimes but you can always see the small tint of pink on his cheek and the subtle way his body tenses up before becoming jelly in your grasp.
He definitely gets you a matching pair!, he’ll get yours either the color of your hair or alternatively your favorite color!, maybe some accessories to go with it too!
Maybe to go with the ears some oversized hoodies that color match it. Or some sweat pants lord knows this man is obsessed with sweat pants.
He does admittedly like seeing you in matching ears, he can’t put his finger on it but something About just makes his heart thump.
He naps like a cat (on the rare occasions he actually sleeps…if you can even call it that (¬_¬)) he does that thing if you two are sleeping in the same bed, where he just kinda puts his full weight on you and decides to just die for a few hours on you 😭
Put your hands on both sides of his face and pepper his faces with kisses, he might as-well be your own cat cause he’ll protest then question when you go to king without giving him any.
Likes your smell, you can feel the faint sniffing he does when he gently lays his head on your collar bone and has his joes against your neck.
Misa and light once walked in on it and immediately turned around, at least light, Misa tried speaking but light dragged her out. It was awkward for a while after…(メ﹏メ)
He does that thing cat do when you try touching them, like batting your hand away, yea, he does that but when you try taking the ears back 😭
Overall, he loves them… his static face makes it hard to tell but when you match and see the faint smile on his face you know his true feelings!, he loves you and your unique way of showing it (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃
IM SO SO SO SORRY FOR DYING (again…) I’m working on a way to post regularly without being burnt out so fast (╥_╥)… if you have any tips please do share!, anyway, I HOPE YOU ENJOYED! PLEASE REQUEST AGAIN! :3
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thelonelyshore-if · 1 month
I'll get here first! Perri NSFW Alphabet? please 🥺🙏
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Perri Alphabet below the cut!!
A = Aftercare
Perri's a big cuddler. After sex they'd enjoy laying together, being a little silly and playful and flirty.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
F!Perri enjoys her hips, while M!Perri and NB!Perri are both partial to their stomachs. As for their partner, Perri is kind of obsessed with hands.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
The idea of being covered in a partner's cum drives Perri insane.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Nobody knows how kinky they are. They sort of feel like they haven't earned it, since they've never even had sex before.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Perri is a virgin! So everything is totally new to them.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
They don't know yet! There are lots they're intrigued by, but they don't think they could pick a favorite until they've tried them.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Perri falls somewhere in the middle between serious and playful. They wouldn't mind having fun during sex and are certainly able to laugh and tease, but they also would enjoy something a little more intense/serious.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
They don't shave fully but keep it neat--and, considering their hair is often dyed some outlandish color, the carpet doesn't match the drapes lmao. Their body hair is a very light brown.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Nervous. Terrified that they're doing something wrong or they're going to embarrass themself. At least, at first. After they've done it a few times, Perri is VERY eager. Eager to please as well as eager to try new things. And they're a romantic at heart lol they'd love the more romantic aspects of sex.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Touching themself is one of the only methods that sort of works when Perri's dealing with their insomnia. It isn't a sure-fire thing, but sometimes they're actually able to get a bit of sleep after an orgasm.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Their praise kink is out of control tbh. They have plenty of others, but that's the big one.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
They're intrigued by the idea of semi-public sex. Not full blown exhibitionism, but something like a parked car? The idea makes them squirm.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Perri's motivated by a combination of things--their own sex drive, their curiosity to explore their various kinks, and, maybe more than anything else, to get closer to their partner. Physical intimacy is so appealing to them and they crave it desperately.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
There's a lot Perri would try tbh, but they're very much so not into humiliation. They've got enough insecurities on their own without adding extra ones in bed.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
They've never done it, so at first I think they'd be very hesitant and unsure of themself. The idea excites them, though, and Perri's a fast learner. Ultimately I think they'll end up preferring giving, but only by a bit.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Fast and rough c:
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Hmmmm…sounds fun and exciting. Perri would love to slip in a quickie right before their show starts or during a commercial break. Just something fast and dirty and probably badly timed.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
There is so much Perri wants to try. That being said, they're a fairly hesitant person naturally. They'll need their partner to take the lead, at least a little bit, when it comes to anything that isn't something they're already curious about.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
F!Perri and NB!Perri can both last for several rounds. They're very eager to make up for lost time. M!Perri feels the same way, but probably needs a bit more time in between rounds to catch his breath haha.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
They have quite the extensive collection of toys! They're a collector at heart. That being said, I think they have their favorite toys and the others probably don't actually get much use.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Perri isn't super interested in teasing their partner. Edging turns them on, however; they like to be teased.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
For somebody so quiet, Perri ends up being quite loud in bed. A lot of little noises, mostly, but if you truly get them going they'll end up so overstimulated that they just babble whatever thoughts come into their head.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Perri doesn't know it yet, but eventually they'll realize how much they like being marked. Seeing leftover bites or hickies or bruises gives them an indescribable thrill.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
They'll be fairly shy about undressing, although they're fairly comfortable with their body. Their freckles are even more prominent on their body than their face, which is something most people don't know. They have a super cute tummy.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Actually fairly high, and once they've actually started sleeping with a partner it will only get higher.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Most of the time, Perri won't be able to sleep after sex at all. Their insomnia is pretty severe. On a rare occasion, though, post-sex they'll be able to cuddle up and drift off. They absolutely treasure these occasions. Being able to actually sleep with their partner is like a dream come true.
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hacked-by-jake · 4 months
So...I just I just ended the first episode of Moonvale (and my thoughts on some point I already express it)....when I saw the screen glitching at the end and Alan bodycam's recording the backpack...I IMMEDIATELY knew it was Jake...
I have still some point I would like to talk with you... like what Charlie have to tell us?? Maybe he knows Jake?? Or Richy?? And I still have question form Duskwood... like I would like to know if Phil got discharged from prison?? Who gave Hannah our number and why??
And for the Everbyte dilemma...I really hope they would change the game purpose and restore the Duskwood idea's of the package for the all game
When I saw the first glitch, I was like "Wt-" and then the second glitch came and I immediately knew what is going to happen and my 'Wt' ended with "OH MY GOD!" I immediately started gasping and almost wanted to throw away my phone with excitement. Then it said "new message incoming" and the next second I saw Alan's cam and was a bit confused at first and then I was ready for everything.
At first I actually thought we're going to see Alan chasing Jake through the forest which would have been sooo cool as well but I loved how Everbyte decided to do it. It was seriously everything needed and wanted. 😩
I never thought they would make him die but still, always a little worry in the back of my head. But now I'm just a silly little happy fangirl and this ending have me so much motivation and I love it.
About the thing with Charlie, I link you this post here because I have already talked in much more detail and I certainly can not remember everything I said. And it would only be a repetition.
But I can say that I have absolutely no idea what this means. I have so many questions and theories in my head but somehow I don’t believe in most of them myself.
Just another really mean Everbyte thing to give us this grudge and then to say "Yes, see you later, we’ll talk about it again in the next episode" and then we have to wait and worry again. It really is torture!
And I’m pretty sure we’ll get things answered. As long as they have not forgotten this promise as well...
But no, I think the side story will definitely not be too short and we will have to deal with it in the next episodes and hopefully find out everything. I mean, Everbyte took good care of Duskwood, I hope they brought that to Moonvale.
Personally, I would much rather have a real premium version again, even if I’m sorry for those who can’t afford it. I don’t want to have such inequality and such an advantage but as we have noticed now it is still not so easy to get through the game without paying money. No one is happy about it, and makes it unfair either way.
While some can buy gems, others can’t, it’s simply unfair to everyone. And I also hope that Everbyte will change their mind and bring back a little more from Duskwood.
Everything that has happened is still a bit confusing to me and even if I'm calmer, the disappointment is still there. And I really hope they will give us some of the Duskwood vibe back.
Otherwise, I just hope that you also liked the story of Moonvale itself and that you had a really nice game experience besides of everything around it.
And of course, thank you a lot for sharing your opinion with me/us. I really enjoyed reading it and it's especially wonderful to see other people being happy about Jake as well. 🤭
Have a wonderful day/evening/night! 💚
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hxney-lemcn · 2 years
Domestic Daydreams — Brett Hand x gn! reader
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summary: Reader celebrates Brett's birthday and end up scoring a date :)
tw: One mention of sex, and it's Gigi... Rotting amounts of fluff omfg. I went all out with this one.
a/n: I had no motivation to write, but this has been bouncing around my head for a few days so I forced myself to write it. Also, the beginning is heavily inspired by this fic, as well as me recently giving my friend a crocheted jellyfish plushie I made <3
wc: 2k
Master List
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I fiddled with the stuffed crocheted jellyfish I had made. I made it a few months ago, and Brett’s birthday was coming up, so I thought it would be a cool gift. But I felt anxious. What if he didn’t like the colors? What if he didn’t like jellyfish? Would he even want a stuffed animal? I stared mindlessly into the happy face of the jellyfish, wishing it would bring me some form of clarity. 
I knew it was silly of me worrying. I mean come on, this is Brett we’re talking about. I’m sure I could give him dirt and he wouldn’t mind. I let out a sigh, deciding to text him.
Hey, are you free for a minute?
I wasn’t expecting his response to be immediate. Although I wasn’t sure what I was expecting.
Brett😻: Of course! Did you need something?
I got something for you :)
This time, it took a few minutes for him to respond. I bit my lip anxiously as I noticed those damned three bubbles pop up and disappear a few times. 
Brett 😻: You didn’t have to Brett😻: Where are you?
My office 👍 Stop by when you can
I didn’t receive a reply after that, but I think I had an idea he was on his way already. I didn’t even notice the smile that crept onto my face. I looked back at the plushie that laid on my desk. Suddenly, the situation seemed less intimidating. I haven’t given someone a homemade gift before, but just texting Brett seemed to have calmed me down a bit. 
Before I could get too far, the doors to my office slammed open, and overly excited Brett on the other side. I quickly grabbed the plushie and hid it under my desk. Brett quickly walked up to my desk, eyes wide, reminding me of a puppy. 
“Happy birthday!” I exclaimed, shoving the plushie into his hands when he was close enough. I watched as his eyes scanned over it, and the tears that started to form in his eyes made me falter. Brett turned his gaze from the plush to me.
“Did you make this…for me?” He asked, admiration in his tone. 
“Uhm, not at first, but I thought you’d like it…” I admitted. 
Without another word, Brett pulled me out of my chair and wrapped his arms around me. I hugged him back, ignoring the tears that seemed to have fallen onto my shoulder. I rubbed his back gently, enjoying the warmth. I felt a giant smile work itself onto my face, happy that he enjoyed the gift so much. I never realized how nice it was to give people homemade gifts. 
Once he pulled away, his cheery attitude seemed to have increased ten fold, his smile seemingly ear splitting. He held the plush jellyfish close to himself, staring at me with what I could only describe as a loving stare.
“I will cherish this forever!” Brett exclaimed. “This is the best thing I’ve ever gotten!”
I smiled sheepishly in response, “I’m glad you like it so much.” Gaining a bit of confidence, I asked, “Are you free after work?”
“Yeah,” Brett said, his eyes lighting up even more if possible. 
“How about we do something to celebrate your birthday then,” I suggested. “Whatever you want.”
Brett opened his mouth before closing it. He seemed to be racking his brain for what he wanted to do before finally answering, “C-could we bake something together?”
My eyes lit up, that actually sounded really fun!
“Yeah!” I agreed happily. 
We planned everything out. We were going to bake chocolate chip cookies since he already had all the ingredients and it would be at his house. The work day seemed to be a lot longer. I kept checking the time, imagining all the grossly cute things that could happen later today.
Girlboss Gigi💅: What the hell did you do to Brett?
Girlboss Gigi💅: He won’t shut up about this stuffed jellyfish, and he said it was a present from you.
Oh, I made that a few months ago and since it’s Brett’s birthday I thought it would be a neat gift. I didn’t expect him to like it sm tho 😭
That warm bubbly feeling simmered through me at this new information. God, I was so lovesick I felt like giggling at that moment. Gross. 
I mean how could I not fall for Brett? He was the definition of sunshine. He was so caring and sweet, literally a package deal. I tried to keep the feelings to myself, but my boss, Gigi, sniffs out any and all drama. The word quickly spread around, but no one seemed to really care, which I was grateful for. So I was left to simmer in my romantic feelings that I tried to hide as Gigi would bring it up from time to time.
Girlboss Gigi💅: He also won’t stop talking about you Girlboss Gigi💅: It was funny at first but it’s getting old fast Girlboss Gigi💅: You need to fuck him or something to shut him up 🙄
My jaw dropped at the last message Gigi sent, feeling my cheeks heat up, trying not to think about doing that with…Oh God. I know she tends to be crass but oh my god. She can’t just say that to me without giving me a heart attack. 
He’s probably just excited because we made plans for his birthday
Girlboss Gigi💅: If y’all are going out for drinks count me in 😉
We’re… baking cookies…
Girlboss Gigi💅: … Girlboss Gigi💅: You two seriously make me want to puke Girlboss Gigi💅: Give me all the deets tomorrow <3
I laughed a bit, calming down a bit. When work was over I quickly went home and changed into something more comfortable. When I arrived at his place, I took a deep breath before stepping out of my car. I debated between texting Brett or knocking, but before I could make a decision, the door opened. 
Brett stood on the other side donning a pink frilly apron. I couldn’t stop myself from checking him out, though I tried to do it on the down low. I probably failed at that though.
“You’re here!” Brett exclaimed excitedly. “Come in, I’ve got everything set up.”
This was the first time I was outside of work with Brett. We’d typically eat lunch together, which meant that Reagan or the others joined in. He would drop by my office as well whenever he had time to just talk about whatever happened recently. 
I took my shoes off in front of the door, following Brett into the rest of his house. Everything was neat and simple looking.
“Here,” Brett grinned, handing me an apron matching his. I tried to tie it, but I kept accidently pulling too hard, causing it to undo the knot. 
“Do you think you could help?” I asked sheepishly, turning my back to Brett and holding the strings up.
“Of course,” He grinned, tying it somewhat loosely, but not too loose. 
“Thanks,” I smiled back. “Let’s get this started then.”
Brett nodded, going over the directions with me. I started with the liquid ingredient bowl while Brett started on the dry ingredient bowl. I added it all to the mixer, rereading the directions to make sure I was doing everything right. I turned the mixer on slowly and waited for everything to mix. I didn’t even notice that Brett appeared next to me. I jumped slightly when I noticed him. 
“Sorry,” He laughed lightly. His eyes seemed to have a slight haze to them, but I didn’t question it. 
“You’re good,” I replied. “Got the sugar ready?”
“You know it,” He winked. I felt myself fluster, I know he meant it innocently but the connotation was still there. I tried to laugh it off lightly, but it sounded somewhat awkward. The silence felt deafening between us and I realized that I should play some music. I took my phone out as Brett started to pour the sugar in the mixer. Looking through my variety of playlists, I decided to play Spotify’s Black & White playlist. ‘Again’, sung by Doris Day, started playing and I set my phone off to a safe spot on the counter. 
When my focus turned back to Brett, he was looking towards me, wide eyes and sparkling grin seeming to never vanish. No matter what, Brett’s cheery attitude always rubbed off on me. Whenever I’m around him, my cheeks hurt from how much I smile. 
“What?” I asked with a goofy grin. 
“I’m just so happy,” Brett said earnestly. I felt my heart melt. The world was rose tinted for me, and this all seemed so sappily domestic. 
“I am too,” I replied. I was so caught up in my own world, I didn’t notice the pink tint that coated his cheeks, or just how lovesick he looked. Brett quickly turned his face down to the cook book, eyes scanning over the next step. 
It continued like that for a bit. Longing glances shared over romantic music. My daydreams before I sleep are going to go crazy with all these new scenarios. I felt satisfied at our work as we put the two trays of cookies in the oven. When my gaze landed on Brett, I wasn’t expecting him to already be looking at me. ‘Put Your Head on My Shoulder’ by Paul Anka started playing, and the want to slow dance overcame me. 
“M-may I have this dance?” Brett stuttered out slightly, which surprised me. I mean, he always seemed so confident, I wonder why he was being so shy right now? 
I opened my mouth, not sure what to say exactly. I met his soft brown eyes and felt silly for overthinking it. If only I could feel this way all the time.
“Yes you may,” I replied, holding my hand out. When his hand held onto mine, I couldn’t help but bask in the warmth he offered. I put my free hand on his shoulder, Brett’s falling on my mid back. We swayed slightly to the music, and I fought the urge to rest my head on his shoulder. Damn song putting the thought in my head. 
I felt so content in that moment, just wanting it to continue forever. It was a hopeless romantic’s dream come to life. If only we were actually more than just friends. I finally gave in to my urges and rested my head on Brett’s shoulder. I closed my eyes as Brett softly hummed to the song. 
The need to confess suddenly overwhelmed me. What if I just told him right now? I mean…it really does seem like he likes me back. From what Gigi has said to the way he acts around me are like giant flags screaming his feelings. I just never felt so strongly for someone before, and I was scared about the what if’s. But at this moment, who cares about the what if’s? Us being a thing would be better than always wondering what could have been. 
Now the next problem, what the hell do I say? Before I could think on the subject further, the timer for the cookies went off. I pulled away hesitatingly, feeling cold without him so close to me. 
“Smells good,” I commented as Brett put on his pink heart oven mitts. Who made it legal for him to be so cute?
“Yeah,” He replied dreamily, placing the trays on the counter top. I grabbed a spatula and started placing the cookies on a plate to cool off. 
“Hey Brett?” I called out, placing the last cookie on the plate.
“Hm?” He hummed out, looking towards me. 
“What if we did something like this again, but as a date,” I said boldly. This time, I couldn’t deny the redness that littered Brett’s cheeks as he let out a short squeal. He couldn’t seem to hold in his excitement as he nodded vigorously. 
I already couldn’t wait for that day to come.
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rinnie-marylin · 3 days
Hey guys
So imma start school tomorrow, yes i know, i live on the other side of the world from yall that's why i started school later😔
Anyways, i will still be uploading (at least i'll try to) but at a WAY slower pace. I still have many ideas but in order to execute them perfectly i'm gonna need alot of time, and ofc that won't be possible with school in the way. So as a filler post, i'mma show yall the artworks that i drew just for fun, some of which include info about me :)
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Nothing much to say here, just wanted to try a new artstyle
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Remember when i said i'd try to draw their designs in the heathers AU? Well i made this as a "sketch". that's why it's not perfect, i just wanted sort of like a blueprint to map out my ideas and metaphors. Ex: tobey's hammer is mechanical, victoria's holds her intrument, and eileen's is a confetti canon.
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Nothing much to say here, all in the colors!
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I saw this bingo somewhere and wanted to try it out for myself.
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I saw a picture of two kittens cuddling 3 months ago and immediately got motivation boost, so i drew tobecky over 'em! Unfortunately, i don't have the original picture, i'll update this post when i find it!
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There was this art trend with the song "takin' what's not yours" by tv girl, and i thought it would be perfect to do tobecky with it, i would've recorded it but i dunno how to make videos yet- (definitely not an excuse to not show how ugly this artwork actually is)
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Just a fun little silly thing i made a while back because my mind was plagued by yhe tobecky virus.
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Tried to draw myself in the wordgirl artstyle. Not perfect but i'm pretty proud of it. I know i'm a teen but i wanted to draw myself aged up because i wanted to be a more mature character.
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minheelovelee · 1 year
Could you write about &team nicho smut?
yes! i liked my a-z nsfw w epex, so i'll start that w my other groups as well. nicho first!
nsfw a-z: nicholas
warnings: nsfw :)
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
things can get quite rough when nicho is in charge. catching your breath is the first step. that cliché where two people pant and stare at the ceiling, then look to each other and smile. that's nicho.
he flips a switch and goes back to his silly self. he's a good boy, so he'll cuddle you real tight and whisper cute things in ur ear. also, he makes sure to clean u up with a warm towel.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
he's quite confident in himself, so I don't think he has a favorite body part. he does like the way you hang off his neck and leave little bruises, though.
legs. he's a sucker for a long pair of legs. kisses everywhere! he also likes spending his time between them.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
he doesn't mind getting messy at all. clean-up is an inevitable part of sex. he's fine cumming anywhere. inside, on ur face, in his hand. whatever you're most comfortable with, he'll do.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
he wants to see you squirt. so bad. he won't tell you, because he knows that'll just make it harder. but he is obsessed with the thought. there are days when he doesn't tend to his own needs at all. his focus is on you. his fingers and mouth work your pussy until you can't go any further. then he'll fuck his hand and finish on your tummy, he's ready to try again tomorrow :)
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
it's hard to put a label on him. i think he knows a thing or two from porn and word of mouth. but has he ever experienced the real thing? i'm not sure.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
mating press. he wants to be so deep inside that you feel it in your tummy.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
i don't think that he's all that goofy during sex. he's a silly boy outside the bedroom. but inside, he takes sex pretty seriously, especially if you're in a relationship.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
i don't think he does much to clean up down there. he doesn't care at all. same goes for his partner. shave. don't shave. it's all the same to him. he eats starbursts even if there's a little wrapper left on it.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
nicho is so romantic. in and out of the bedroom. there's so much build up to the actual deed. he'll spend hours loving up on you before he even gets his clothes off. sex actually means a lot to him.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
he jacks off at least once a week. i think his needs are quite high when he doesnt have a way to channel them.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
dirty talk. he's nasty. he lives to see your reactions when he says wild things. if you're not reacting how he expected, he'll push further. even he is surprised by the words that leave his mouth. he's so naughty.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
bathroom. he likes the false feeling of security. anyone can come in or bang on the door to ask what's happening. seeing how scared you are by the idea of getting caught turns him on. he doesn't really care if he gets caught. eventually they'll leave.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
he likes to feel powerful. there's something so special about having control over someone. he takes that role seriously.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
he hasn't tried everything yet, so he can't say.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
bro loves getting head. he likes it sloppy and rough. he might even take away your control, fucking your face the way he wants.
he's not bad at giving, either. he's a fan of face sitting.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
he's so rough. he can't help it, just feels too good. you might have to ask him to slow down or let up on his thrusts, bc it can be quite a lot.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
he would be totally fine with quickies. he would do just about anything to get his dick wet. if that means pulling you into the bathroom for a quick fuck, so be it.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
he would be fine with just about anything. he's an open-minded person and believes that you can't say no to something unless you've tried it.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
up to two. usually he'll just want to cum once. sex is pretty hot and sweaty with him, so you might be too tired to go more than two rounds.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
he's a fan of toys. he likes a bit of bondage, so he probably owns handcuffs or a cute ribbon for that purpose. he probably has a vibrator to use on you and sometimes himself. i also feel like he got a vibrating cock ring as a gift. lol.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he's such a tease. it's unreal. he never stops talking, always filling the air with some sort of sound. his teasing words are next level, he'll say some real nasty stuff sometimes.
orgasm control :( he'll make the situation all about you. letting you have his fingers and tongue bc you're so good. then he'll rip it away once you're close. he's mean like that. he edges himself too, so he can last longer.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
like i said before, he doesn't stop talking. but when he makes sounds of pleasure, it usually consists of groaning and hissing. when you do something he really likes, then you'll hear his cute moans.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
he's so embarrassing. being in the dorms with him is a nightmare. he doesn't care if the boys hear you. hell, he doesn't care if they see you. he'll eat you out on the kitchen counter in the middle of the night if that's what he wants. that's fun and all, but when fuma comes to get a drink,,,,, and sees you,,,,, that's not fun.
and sometimes he imitates your moans. if you let one slip out when ur supposed to be quiet, he'll repeat it louder. he thinks its funny...
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
he's pretty average in length and width. he fits his body proportions well. he might be a little longer than most, but he's relatively thin and has a nice vein that runs down the side.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
he has a high sex drive. not as high as others, but high enough where sex is an important part in a relationship.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
he usually gets his energy back quickly and can stay up for a while. he might just lay in bed after, but he can lie awake and talk for hours.
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b3742864234 · 1 year
Futa x reader, Futa x reader, Futa x reader. Please please. There aren’t that many out there, which is a shame~
Ok so for this I decided to do just regular relationship hcs (lmk if you want a pre milgram him xreader about how you got together as i already wrote one for current him) buut i included both pre-milgram fuuta and the fuuta we have now :)
Pre-milgram silly
he can and will be agressively protective of you
im talking like, if someone looks at you wrong he is not afraid to get in a fight with them
he's proud to show you his accomplishments (by that i mean. getting a whole group of people to bully others)
but also, he's be very proud of you
he's the kinda person that will show off his s/o at any chance he can get
annoying-couple style, he posts about how cool and great you are
he easily adapts to your love language, he treats your needs as more important than anyone else's
his love language is physical touch. so get ready
he plays soccer with you :)
if you don't know how to play/aren't that good at it, he teaches you instead
when he first asked you to play you were. surprised to say the least
smth smth twitter user goes outside !?
but still. he doesn't seem like the kinda person to enjoy sports all that much
if you're in any way artsy or just want to get out and do something, he's the one
like in backdraft's mv, i imagine he actually enjoys drawing graffiti
it's a nice way to destress, express yourself, all that
if you mess up it's whatever. who's gonna judge a graffiti drawn in some secluded place
he draws you at one point. it's not the best but you know he tried his best.?
you both take a few selfies in front of the art :)
it's Your Spot <3
he found out about his victim's death when he was with you
and oh. oh
he didn't mean to do this
he just. stares there at his phone, mumbling excuses to himself
because he's not a murderer, right?
you wouldn't date a murderer.
he's okay. he didn't do anything bad
he just hopes you don't blame him
Milgram silly
he feels weird about this relationship
in a way that, he doesn't fully understand your reasons to date him.
but he's happy with you
he often says how you're "the only normal one here" and you "keep him sane"
he's joking. obv
half joking
if you're a prisoner, he fully believes you are innocent
honestly i feel like he wouldn't even date you if he thought otherwise
as in, he'd first have to know your story and then he'd judge you based on that
if you're a guard? that's a funky dynamic
the annoying loud angry prisoner becoming more and more calm around That One Guard
everyone is quick to notice, which results in him kind of avoiding you
he fails miserably. you are a guard. there is no escaping
either way he cares about you. a lot
he talks about you to haruka
it started kind of involuntarily. haruka just asked him about his opinion on you
and oh boy. he sure had an Opinion
he "offhandedly" complimented you a lot, noticed a lot more details about you than about other prisoners
haruka understood the situation. pretty quickly
he does not mind :) he finds it kinda cute
fuuta thinks about you. a lot
he likes to imagine you both in different scenarios, he has soo many ideas for you guys for when he's (or you both) released
speaking of which, you're his new motivation to get out of milgram
he now just wants to live with you, be free to do whatever he wants, all with you, without That Feeling at the back of his mind that someone is watching (other prisoners/guards)
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arlertdarling · 6 months
tldr: i’m cancelling my follower event and moving blogs to @junovie. i’m officially back from my ‘break’ but i can’t promise i’ll be frequently active (at least not as much as i used to be), much less that i’ll be writing/posting new works regularly.
i look forward to catching up with you all !! thank you for your support and understanding <3
full original post under the cut
you may or may not have noticed that i’ve been quite inactive for the last few months or so.
i’m sorry to everyone who has reached out to me in that time — i’m not ignoring you, i’ve just been logged out of this account and staying away from tumblr in general. i plan on getting back to you all privately and individually, but if you could read this post, just so you have an idea of what’s going on, i would really appreciate it! :)
anyway, i have two announcements to make regarding my blog — not bad, but definitely important changes! i’ve been meaning to make them for a while, but only just found the time and courage to go through with them.
there’s also a more in-depth (albeit rambly) explanation to why and where i’ve been gone after the announcements. it’s a little long, so there’s no pressure to read it all if you don’t want to.
my first announcement is that i’m cancelling my 100+ follower event.
...but you probably all saw that one coming lol
i absolutely intended to complete all the requests regardless of how long it took, but it’s been over 7 months now and i no longer see myself ever getting around to them at this point. i feel awful about it, especially because i was so excited about the event and milestone itself, but i just don’t have the motivation to write the rest anymore.
to be transparent, the main thing that affected and eventually halted my work flow entirely is this weird subconscious self-disciplinary rule i had where i was ‘not allowed’ to write anything until i’d finished my old projects. this isn’t an actual rule obviously, but it prevented me from writing new ideas or enjoying writing on this blog/for tumblr as a whole for months. every time i got inspired to write something, i’d remember that i have these obligatory requests to complete first, that it would be selfish and unfair to ‘ignore’ or not prioritise them, that people will be mad at me for not doing so etc, etc.
i’ve luckily stopped thinking this way now, but that’s why i’ve made this decision. i should write for myself and my enjoyment, first and foremost. it shouldn’t be an obligation. it’s not a commission or contractual assignment, it’s a silly online milestone event that i made and can just as easily discontinue should i want to — so that’s what i’ve chosen to do.
thank you to everyone who participated and/or supported the event, it means a lot to me still, and i’m sorry to those whose requests i didn’t manage to write. even with how much time has passed, i still feel shame and embarrassment about how this all turned out, so your acceptance and understanding would be really appreciated.
my next announcement is that i’m moving blogs.
i’m moving to a new account where i have an interaction/personal main blog (@junovie) and my current nsfw writing sideblog. i might make a new sfw one for my other writing shenanigans, but i haven’t made up my mind about that one yet.
it’s nothing serious, i mostly just want a fresh start. this blog has gotten disorganised and messy, and while some people don’t mind or even like it that way, personally i need structure and organisation in order to stay sane, so my plan is to move to a new blog. as for this blog — i might delete it permanently in the future, but for now, i just intend to archive it.
with the announcements out of the way, i just have a few more things i want to talk about.
i’m currently writing this part of the post in march of 2024, but i’ve been considering these changes since around december of 2023, and started drafting this post in january.
in that time, i’ve been mostly logged out of this account (aside from when i would come to add to this post) and keeping tumblr at arm’s length in general for... no reason in particular really? i know many people have had at least one bad experience or two during their time on tumblr, which may have led to them needing a break, but i’ve honestly been lucky enough to never have encountered anything severe personally.
for the most part, i’ve just been focused on my education. i’m at a stage in my life where i have important decisions to be making, paths and passions i want to be pursuing, responsibilities i need to be taking care of... and in comparison, my time for writing on tumblr has dwindled.
on the other hand, this ‘break’ of sorts, away from tumblr, has helped me realise just how much of my time i had been spending on what is really just another silly little social media app on my silly little phone. that’s not to say the people i’ve met and the feelings i’ve experienced aren’t good, valuable or a part of my life, or that the support i’ve received and joy i’ve shared don’t have worth in the bigger picture, because they are, they do, and i’m grateful for them all!! but in retrospect, there were, and are, more important things in my life that require my time, energy and attention [over writing] and that i should have been prioritising sooner. that’s on me for getting essentially addicted and becoming neglectful, and that’s why i needed to step back like i have.
in some ways, i feel a little guilty, because i feel like, i don’t know... like my sudden ‘hiatus’ should have been as a result of some big, crazy life event, or depression or something. and it kind of was [the latter], at the start, but the truth is it’s the opposite now? like, i’ve just been happier these days... but i don’t think it has anything to do with my break from tumblr, at least not in the sense that it makes me unhappy, or the absence of it improves my mental health or whatever. just in the sense that the time i would have spent scrolling or writing, i’ve now been spending doing other hobbies that make me happy, making connections with real life people, reflecting on and learning to love life and myself. i’m far from being where i want to be and i’m definitely still figuring things out, but i feel like i’m better at dividing my time now, and more capable of being on tumblr without it consuming my life force and every waking thought.
so, i’m going to come back, but i’m making no promises that i’ll be frequently active (at least not as much as i used to be), much less that i’ll be writing/posting new works regularly, especially not requests. i’m here just to have fun, be silly, bond with people over stories and fictional characters — and whatever else i may want in the future — but i never want it to feel like a chore or burden again.
even though i feel bad for basically ghosting everyone in my inbox and being inexplicably MIA for like, 3 months, i don’t regret taking this break. i just hope everyone will understand and respect my decisions and the changes to come.
friends/mutuals are welcome to message me if you’re curious about details or concerned or whatever else, but i’ve probably said enough here to answer any questions lol. i look forward to coming back and catching up with you all.
see you guys soon <3
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Since the first post about it, I am now eternally rotating Yandere Town in my mind. Lately it’s imagining how the townspeople would react if the reader was a complete recluse. There’d be clandestine watchtowers in place with a view of the readers home, and any time they left people got some equivalent of an amber alert that their darling is out and about, so be on your best behavior! Everyone working double time to make every second count should they encounter the reader, tripping over themselves to try and make enough of an impression that they just might come out more often.
The more desperate folks get dressed in blue collar outfits and pass themselves off as inspectors who “just need to take a quick look around, make sure everything’s in order.” The reader is equal parts relieved that the town takes citizen safety so seriously and confused as to why five people have showed up in the last three days, not to mention that they seem more interested in chatting than doing any work. The local government cracks down on that pretty quickly, but a few people still slip through the cracks.
Once they all get some idea of what the reader enjoys, the events going on in town get weirdly specific. Checked out a lot of horror books at the library? Big horror movie night in the gym! Spotted shopping around the farmers market? Time for the local festival with plenty of fresh pies and homemade treats! Frequently stop by a certain restaurant? What do you know, they actually throw this big feast in town every year! Crazy how it just happens to fall on the readers birthday, huh? They wouldn’t want to miss it, would they?
And since I’m a big fan of darlings who can read between the lines, the reader catching on that people are acting weird and leaving the house even less than they did when they first arrived, and turning away any unexpected visitors, even if they really are there to check on the house. Unrest sweeping through the streets because nobody’s seen them for the past month, and the leaders have to resort to drastic measures to keep the peace. The fireman chalk up the destruction of the readers entire house to be a horrible case of flawed wiring, they really should’ve let someone check that out. Nowhere to stay? Don’t be silly! Anyone in town would be happy to take them in until they have somewhere new to stay. It’s a close knit town, so expect plenty of guests! Surely the reader won’t mind, they can’t dictate such things in someone else’s home, right? :)
(Apologies for the long-ish ask, it’s just been rotting my brain and I needed to get it all out of my system. Love the stories, love you, have a wonderful day.)
YES YES YES!!! You have reached into my mind and took my exact thoughts to the point where I don't actually have much to add to this.
I definitely think being a recluse would lead to more yanderes invading your privacy, ironically enough. If they can't come in for inspections, your "neighbors" offer to renovate and maintain your home. New paint, gardening, one of them even offered to start digging a hole in your backyard to put in a pool (no ulterior motives here! they totally aren't hoping to catch you in a bathing suit on the dozens of cameras surrounding your house). While you may be missing some things and you're pretty sure you have less locks on your windows now, you can't deny how much nicer the house looks. Hopefully you don't get too attached because, like you said, something bad may happen if you spend too much time inside. They won't resort to burning it down unless they're really desperate. Most of the time, a burst sewer line or power outage is enough. Maybe the utility company will shut off your water, forcing you to stay at a friend's for a while.
Never apologize for long asks! It's a genuine delight to see how excited people get about my writing <3
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valeriianz · 2 months
fic talk! yay! tagged by @beatnikfreakiswriting and @hardly-an-escape <3
How many wips do you have currently?
okay, let's be reasonable about this (lol). WIPs that im currently working on, only 4. don't- hey! don't look into my Google Docs! ignore all those files. sometimes i like to jot a sentence or idea down, that doesn't mean it's an active WIP! that also doesn't mean they are abandoned. they are just... marinating. snoozing. biding their time.
Which one are you finding the hardest to finish? Why do you think that is?
oh geez, probably Savory & Sweet. it's so silly because the first chapter of that flew out of me. it was so fun to write and its a verse i definitely revisit from time to time... and technically the first chapter works as a stand alone- i don't need to write a follow up. but after i had posted it, i really had every intention to write more. but for some reason the motivation to actually sit down and write it out is fleeting. but it's a year old at this point and i just want. it. FINISHED!
What does it usually look like when inspiration strikes for you?
it never strikes when i want it to, firstly. never when im sitting down and writing. it sometimes comes when i dont have access to a pen and paper or my phone- like riding my bike or in the shower, so whatever great idea/line of dialogue/scene that pops into my head in that moment, i repeat in my head over and over until i can finally scramble to get it hastily written down lmao. but it is very random... and usually strikes when im alone and in my own head, doing nothing in particular.
Do you curate playlists for each fic or is your process different?
no. and i write in absolute silence as well. lyrics distract me and music has never spoken to me that way- not enough to influence writing at least. of course the big exception is Bolt in the Blue lmao. but i think it makes sense that im making playlists for that fic. (oh and i made one for Let Me Down Easy as well... but these two fics have literally been the only times in my entire fanfic history that i've made playlists haha)
Do you go balls to the wall and write as you go or are you more organised?
for the moooost part i have a bit of organization, even if it's a few scattered notes. i learned my lesson quite late about making sure to at least have an ending in mind before i start writing and publishing (to be very real with y'all, the reason the dreamling Road Trip au hasn't gotten off the ground yet is because i can't think of a good ending for it). that being said though, once i do have an ending sorted out, my writing process is basically chaos. sometimes plot points or arcs will change entirely... which is a little scary, but as long as i can keep my ending the same, fuck it.
tagging, no obligation/tag me in existing posts: @issylra @delta-pavonis @valiantstarlights @tj-dragonblade
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theburntgasoline32 · 2 months
TUMBLR!!! I NEED YOUR HELP!!!!!! TL;DR I NEED A NAME FOR A STORY!!! (skip to the part in blue for the story)
okay so. As of recent I've been writing this story for my OCs. Told my mum about it and she says that I'm apparently gifted or some shit like that?? Like doesn't everyone make maps, geography and culture for their ocs /silly...
That was off topic, and now back to being on it. I need a name for the story. I've spent a long time writing it, and I want to see if this maybe would have a chance outside of my mind and friend group. I'll write a small summary of the story, but let me provide a bit of background for the characters, world, and other details around it.
On a faithful March 10th 2021, 12 year old me was playing Meep City. In a FNF party no less. I was playing as Hex, but his fun-sized one and called it "kid hex". The other person, who I'll call Advent since his full user at the time was something along the lines of "AdventureTwins11", motivated me to call the mini version of the basketball playing robot something else. "Give it a more original name" was basically what he said. I complied, and went through an extremely complex thought process.
Continuation under the cut!
Did I get you there? lmao His name was changed by one letter and one letter only. Into Nex. Past me was completely oblivious to me opening Pandora's Box. We were like "haha, this is so funny lmao" since it was stupid. A week or two later, I asked if I could make him a girl. Advent said that he was chill with the idea, so I went with it. Few more weeks pass, and then we stop abruptly. I didn't get why, just went with it.
Discord came into my life. Woooah storyy of undertale a lot of things happened that I would probably need to censor, but then one day a holy saviour called Amy (@.amysxnflower LOOKING AT YOU BITH) let me join their discord server in the late 2021s. Year later that server went down in flames, but they made a new server. One day, i don't remember if it's during or after the events of SBRP's downfall I made friends with one of the mods. And after another successful rotation around the sun on my daughter's side, I decided to start talking about my robots. That's kinda when everything changed, and here I am now, writing this tumblr post. Nex has changed from knockoff to only having a similar name, but now she's the deuteragonist of the story I'm in search of names for.
Alright, time for the ACTUAL story. It's incomplete and a rough layover of my plan, but it's what I have for it right now.
Yeah, ever had that one weird dream about... huh, meeting... another person that's like you? What? They... look and resemble you. Not the same person, but... The person that had this dream is called Shock Rai, the longest lasting creation of his creator. He and his younger sister Nex are both citizens of the town Southport, England. Today, they need to go out to get a new closet, because, uh... Nex somehow broke her old one. Shock doesn't even KNOW how that shit happened. Skip a walk to the closest furniture store, these two are rushing to look at the closets. Why? For no particular reason- Okay there was gonna be a storm and they'd die if they were out in that weather. However, the gods seem to not be a big fan of them, so they end up getting trapped in the furniture store. Deciding to just stay there until the storm heads out and the sun peaks through, they just kinda hide in a place that not many employees would head to based off of their observations. And after a lot of sibling arguing, Nex manages to go off on her own to look around. She finds... a closet. Not like the others, but when she opens it, it's just an empty void. She called over to Shock, and they both crawled in, walking... in a 1.5 ft wide closet. How? They don't know, it didn't add up in their mechanical little brains. ...Then a drop. A few bangs to the head, and... wait, why are they... in a completely different city? Why did they land in an alleyway overgrown with plants? This isn't their world. It was like the dream that Shock had, there were... other robots there. Like them. Nervously and hesitantly, they began walking around, not straying too far from both each other and their landing spot. That's when the hier of the nation saw them both.
Looking back on what I just wrote, what the actual HELL. Anyways, yeah, Shock and Nex are the protagonists of my little story that I'm writing. Here's what they look like, stolen STRAIGHT from their Art Fight references (i'm not good at art, i know):
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Yeah, artistic confidence is NOT skyrocketing right now. Anyways, please, do tell me, how do you want this story to be named?
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