#I just desperately needed to make the 'dog person' joke
askponyinuyasha · 2 months
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@ask-inkheart: You have very pretty eyes! Like a kitty!
@tekbro: meows
Inuyasha: Tch, cats... I'm... more of a dog person.
[Edit: Forgot to add the read-more cut above the PNGs, whoops]
(High-res transparent PNGs below the cut)
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Inkheart was especially fun to draw for me. I love her mane. It's serving 90s shojo anime protag. A little Mini Moon, maybe a little CCS.
Tekbro made me really fight to get a cat in the MLP style, because the cats that exist in canon all look terrible XD
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potionpeddlerpatchy · 2 years
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word count: 7.2K
paring: Bokuto x fReader
warning(s): panty stealing, male masturbation - in several locations (shower, bedroom, laundry room), scent kink (wasn't my intention but it's in there), hint of obsessive behaviour oral. Bokuto is a perv in this, so be warned.
authors note: well, it has finally arrived - this darn fic I have been spending way too long on; to put it into perspective I started this in July. But anyway, what started as self-indulgent fluff morphed into something completely different and I am pretty happy with it! Hope you all enjoy this new side to our favourite volleyball playing himbo~ 🔮
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Life always had a way of making itself just a little difficult, no matter what you did; even if the answer led to the best possible solution and outcome for you; you had to make sacrifices so you could succeed in a world that was always trying to see you fail. This was one such occasion.
You just moved to a new neighborhood, one that was far away from family and friends for your career. In order to move ahead, to gain the comfortable life you always wanted for yourself, you had to move away from all that you knew. It wasn’t easy, the decision taking you weeks to accept. At least you had your move, the unpacking and organizing of your new apartment, and your work to keep you busy; to keep your mind occupied on things that didn't revolve around how alone you felt. 
But that could only last for so long, a temporary solution for an abiding problem; you knew it wouldn’t last. And after all the boxes were unpacked, all your furniture was properly arranged - and rearranged, and you finally found your stride at work; you couldn’t distract your mind any longer. That getting up and ready for work became a task that grew harder and harder to do every day. After a few months of adjustments, you just couldn’t bear the loneliness you felt whenever you came home; to emptiness and silence.
It wasn’t something you were used to and you knew you would never become. It never happened before in your life, never was a constant, even if your family was away you could always hop onto chats and spend your nights laughing with your friends.
And now? Well, you were halfway across the world. When you got up, your friends were fast asleep, and when they finally sent you a message you were on your way to bed. There was no real way to quell the ache that you felt in your heart in the traditional ways you knew how; you knew you needed a different solution.
 And there was really only one solution you could think of.
You got yourself a dog.
A little lapdog with a goofy, but sweet, personality from the shelter nearby. A scruffy thing who couldn’t contain the hopeful wag of his tail as you walked by his kennel; one that couldn’t help but jump on the chain link barrier that separated you both, and then onto your legs when you went to greet him. One that filled your face with almost desperate kisses when you finally bent down to say hello; to give him a chance at a new home.
And it seemed you both were made for each other. Out of all the ones you saw that day, this one looked almost as lonely as you. But now? Well, the loneliness that etched across your sweet dog’s face no longer showed, just as the heaviness that clouded and weighed your heart down started to fade away.
No longer would you come home to emptiness, instead you had a ball of fluff and fur to greet you with enthusiasm as they wagged their tail and jumped on you in excitement to see you once more. And no longer would your little friend ever have to worry about sleeping all alone on a cold cement floor, with only a thin bed to keep him from getting a chill, wondering when someone would take him home and give him a warm bed to sleep on.
A match made in heaven, you joked as you snuggled up together each night on the couch to watch your favorite TV program after enjoying a nice dinner. Though your little furry friend always broke up your cuddle session, and your show, in the middle as they whined to go to the bathroom.
You would always oblige, and soon it became a part of your schedule. You began to enjoy the fresh air and routine it gave; to where 5-minute walks would turn into 10 and then into 15. Now your evenings consisted of 30-minute walks with your best friend by your side, trotting along as you mapped out all sorts of new paths to take, new sights to see, and new parts of the city to explore.
You finally, after a few months of exploring with your enthusiastic little friend, found a route that fit both of your needs. Lots of beautiful scenery for you to enjoy with limited hills and roads to cross so your aging dog didn’t lose steam too quickly. 
Every night you did this little song and dance, to the point where if you ran even a few minutes behind your little friend would start giving you attitude. You also surmised that the time you did go on your walks was perfect as you never really ran into anyone, or their own dogs, or had to worry about anything else in the world that would break your stride. For all you knew, it was just you and your dog - no one or anything else mattered.
Well, turns out there was one other person in your world, though he had yet to make it be known.
Besides, Bokuto had not meant for this to be a daily occurrence.
He noticed you a few times whenever he got home after practice, your walking figure catching his eye whenever he moved about in his apartment. He never really gave it, or you, much thought.
That was until he injured his leg and had to be on bed rest for two whole weeks. Not being able to move, not being able to practice and play volleyball - the one thing he loved most - was nearly unbearable. But that doom and gloom would be alleviated, just slightly, whenever you would walk by.
Bokuto wasn’t sure why, maybe it was the consistency? The reassurance then whenever your recognizable figure crossed through his window meant that he got through another day. Maybe it was because it gave him something to do, he did find himself casually watching other dog walkers that passed by throughout the afternoon and evening. Or maybe it was because it was specifically you. Bokuto couldn’t put his finger on why, but something drew him to you.
“Probably because she’s new around here.” That was his reasoning. Made sense to him, a new person in the neighborhood would cause some added curiosity.
But he knew that wasn’t the case. It’s not like he knew anyone in his neighborhood, let alone his apartment building.
Bokuto truly had not meant for all this to escalate out of proportion; to peer out his apartment window every day until you showed up. And now here he was, weeks after being healed, rushing to get his shoes off and throw his stuff to the side so he could watch you pass by. It was pathetic really, to be so enthralled by someone who walked across the street every day, but his heart kept pulling him closer to the window.
His friends had teased him about it, one day after practice as he rushed to get home with them by his side so they could drop their stuff off at his place before going out for the night. Watching him as he got all flustered at a person across the street.
“Dude, it’s kinda creepy, ya know!” Atsumu laughed, arms laying across the taller man's shoulder as he leaned on him - peering out the window to see you obviously unaware of their stares “Watching this girl obsessively.”
“That’s textbook stalker behavior~” Kuroo would join, also laying his weight on him, poking his flushed cheeks in a teasing manner.
“N-no it’s not! I am just making sure she passes my block safely! It’s dangerous to walk at night, you know!” Bokuto would shoot back.
“Ya’live in the safest neighborhood in the whole city!”
“Yeah, and besides whatta gonna do from all the way up here?”
Bokuto just shrugged them off, mumbling more to himself some sort of excuse for his behavior - some sort of made-up plan he had in place should the need to rescue you arised. But he knew, as much as they did, that there was no plan - or excuse - he just liked knowing you walked by him every day; that you were in his life for a brief moment.
At the time, he didn’t think much of it; at how alone he really was. Thinking that when he caught your eye briefly and grew a little bashful was out of embarrassment and not because it made his heart flutter. But it happened once again when they were hanging out, a little get-together before leaving on tour, how Bokuto would keep looking out his window with worry in his eye before they would soften into a form of sweet longing, that same woman walking by.
“Just go down and ask her out!” Hinata's bright voice would encourage him.
“Not like she’ll turn you down!’ Atsumu would add with a wink
The teasing would continue, even after you passed, of how much of a love-struck chicken he was for not talking to you. About how he was a little creepy for just staring at you and your dog as you walked by without a care in the world.
“I know,” Bokuto would sigh, longingly, in agreement “I’m just waiting for the right moment is all.”
Then, months later, after the winter tour had ended and the world was in the warmer, but rainier, spring weather, Bokuto would finally get that opportunity. When you accidentally dropped your pair of gloves that were stored in your pocket; an accident you didn't notice as you were too busy getting, and opening, the doggy bag that also resided in your cute little coat. Quickly, without truly thinking, he ran out to grab them. Waiting until after you had turned the corner off his street to make his way to where they lay, his bare feet becoming frozen on the concrete as he trotted over. He didn’t want them to be stolen or swept away with the wind to be forever lost. Gloves were expensive after all! And besides, given the cute design they had, he could tell you would miss them. A small sense of victory filled his being, as he now had the perfect chance to talk to you.
But that chance never really did come.
You came by the next day, earlier than normal, making Bokuto curse as he contemplated running out of his apartment in nothing but a towel; figuring against it as it would not be the best first impression or look good on his character or reputation, and he knows Iwaizumi would kill him if he got sick doing something so idiotic.
So, he figured he would get the chance to meet you tomorrow. That he would make sure to be ready early just in case you decided to pull a stunt like that again. But as he eagerly waited by his window, gloves in hand, the next evening you never did appear; you figure never walking down his street. He waited until late that night, just in case, but you never showed. Not the next day, or the day after that.
Soon days turned into weeks and then into months, and you had never once appeared in his window, walking on that sidewalk across the street. The gloves, tan in colour and with bright pink pom poms, lay untouched as they would greet him by his door every day, waiting for you as much as him.
Bokuto wondered where you, and your little furry companion, had disappeared to. He hoped it was somewhere good. Couldn’t help but have his mind wander to where you were and to all of the things you were getting up to, and couldn’t help but dream that it involved him as well.
Maybe you were in the countryside, enjoying the vastness and peace they gave as their winds swooped over the wheat fields and across your cheeks. Or perhaps in the mountains, enjoying their trails as you hiked up and down them, your dog in tow trying to keep up with a tree branch in their mouth. Or maybe you were in some onsen, inhaling the steam with a happy sigh as you soaked in the hot, soothing, waters.
Bokuto always had to stop his brain from continuing when he thought of you at hot springs; ignoring the strain of his cock as he thought about how soft and warm your skin would be - how he wished to be bathing right next to you, to feel every curve of your body.
He had to stop, he didn’t want to defile you like that; not without even knowing your name.
Bokuto just wanted you back. Even if it was only for the mere moments, the few seconds he got when you strolled on by with your happily trotting dog; strolled on briefly through his life with that pretty smile.
You hadn’t meant for your trip back home to last as long as it did. What started as a simple voyage home early for the Easter holiday extended considerably to having you stay. With your family’s urgent needs overtaking any reason you may have had to leave. You were lucky the job you had was flexible, able to accommodate you in your time of need, and that you had your dog with you; unable to bring yourself to think of what might have happened if you left him in a kennel all those months.
Now you were just lucky everything ended well and that you could finally get back to your cozy apartment and the routine you had made for yourself and your sweet dog; the one you neglected for a long time, and were sorely wanting to get back to.
You sighed in delight when the fresh air you longed to return to, that only this city could provide, hit your face as you made you trek out on your usual route once more; the sereneness you felt was like seeing an old good friend after years apart, as your feet began their first steps on the pavement while you enjoyed the late October breeze.
It was a long and grueling practice and Bokuto truly couldn’t think of a better way to end his day than crawling into bed and forgetting it ever existed. Kicking his door open with a groan, practically throwing his bag by his coat closet with a loud thud, and placing his keys in the bowl on the little table he kept nearby. He eyed the gloves too small for him briefly, eyes and body filled with a sense of sadness as he regaled at how he let his opportunity go.
Kicking himself internally he sighed, hands rubbing his face as he groaned once more, this time in frustration, as he walked further into his home.
“Why didn’t I just go out there? Not like I was naked…” he grumbled as he began shrugging off his coat, slowly making his way to his bedroom and walking by that cursed window.
His eye caught movement, one that made his head turn slightly out of impulse. But never fully, he knew it was of someone walking by, so he ignored it at first. Assuming it was someone just doing a late job, running an errand, or stopping by to get their mail. Whatever the case was, he didn’t want to think further of it - to have those thoughts lead to you.
But something inside him told him to take another glance; compelling him to go to the window like he once had many times before and to take a proper look, his heart aching at him to try just one more time.
And there was you. Appeared at long last when all hope seemed lost, leaving him dumbstruck as he stared out at your form with his jaw slack and his eyes wide.
It didn’t take long for him to break out of his surprised stupor, rushing out of his apartment as he fumbled with his coat, falling with little grace as he tripped over his duffle bag but with no care about the poor downstairs apartment that had to endure the loud thud or his now aching knee or whether he had grabbed his keys to prevent him of being locked out. All that mattered at that moment was you, and the tan gloves that you had lost and which would grant him the opportunity to finally talk to you.
Bokuto called out to you, his voice he was sure louder than expected as you jumped in scared surprise, as he dashed across the street to where you stood in a stupor. He was out of breath, he knew, and he also knew that while he stood there panting to try and regain it was not helping his case.
This was truly the last thing you were expecting, normally your brief counters with people were a polite smile as you passed each other, briefly sharing the sidewalk. And it was so far and few in between that you never really thought much about it or the people you passed; them always being a blur in your memory.
But this? Well, you would be sure never to forget this moment. Not only was your heart racing, the loudness of the man’s shout before you startled you to the point you were sure you would keel over with a heart attack at any moment. But that he was incredibly tall and imposing and…..handsome.
You couldn’t help the way your face warmed at the sight of him, both out of bashfulness over how close he was and how his golden eyes bore into your own, and in embarrassment at how little your fight or flight response acted; just allowing you to stand there frozen with a dumb gaped look on your face.
“I- I’m really sorry for scaring you!” Bokuto apologizes, moving his open palms up to showcase he meant to harm “You just um - uh you dropped your gloves a while ago and I-I uh grabbed them, which I guess sounds bad, but I just didn’t want them stolen or anything, and I- I have been meaning to give them back to you so um…..”
Bokuto gently, but with little grace as he fumbled for a moment, pulled your gloves out of his pocket, holding them out for you to take “Yeah… here. Sorry, it took so long to give them back…”
You found his eagerness, and nervous fumbling adorable, as you timidly laughed; gingerly reaching out to take your old gloves from his grasp.
“Thank you…” You mumbled, your voice unable to break higher than that “But I suppose it wasn’t your fault. I’ve been gone for a while, family stuff ya know? But um, again, thanks. It’s really sweet of you to wait so long to give them back.”
You had a hard time meeting his gaze, embarrassed even more over the fact that you not only lost your gloves, but that you forgot all about it and that the poor man before you had kept them for months, waiting to get rid of them and back to you, and that said man was staring so intently at you - you had never been looked at in such a way and you didn’t know what to do.
“Of course, it’s only the neighborly thing to do, right?” Bokuto smiled, making your knees buckle more, “I’m Bokuto Koutaro, I live in this building here! And who is this?”
“I am so sorry!” You squeaked, trying to gently pry your dog off his legs “His name is Rufus, he’s so terrible about jumping on people, he just wants pets, I’m so so sorry!”
“Hey, don’t we all?” He laughed, crouching down to give your dog the attention he so cutely asked for. “Aren’t you a cutie! So, Rufus, are you new around here? New to the neighborhood maybe? Cause I have seen lots of cute dogs but never seen you before!”
“Kinda,” You giggled, laughing at how your dog had thrown himself on his back for belly rubs and the cute way this stranger - well not technically stranger anymore - was indirectly asking you questions “We moved here almost a year ago, but only really started walking this route for a few weeks before, well, we had to leave for a bit.”
“Yes…. I see, that’s very interesting Rufus, thank you.” Bokuto nodded, sticking his chin out further to get some of the kisses your dog was trying to give “Now tell me, what’s your pretty owner’s name, hm?”
“O-oh uh um!” You fumbled, caught off guard by the compliment, but still managed to provide him the response he was looking for; giving forth a shy smile to his more bright one.
“Well, that’s a pretty name, isn’t it Rufus?”
“T-thank you, um we-we um should get going, the sun is starting to set and stuff… don’t want to take up more of your time.” You mumbled, tugging your dog gently, and successfully, away to slowly start walking your route once more.
“H-hey, wait!” Bokuto called out, taking a few steps to close the small gap that was made between the two of you “Would… would you like to grab a coffee or something sometime?”
His request caught you off guard, your gaping mouth that you had to shut quickly (and loudly) proof of that, but not in a bad way as you nervously cleared your throat 
“Y-yeah, that sounds really nice,” You smiled excitedly, almost giddy as rummaged in your pocket for a moment to pull out your phone “Give me your number and I’ll let you know when I’m next available.”
You didn’t have to tell him twice, his eagerness once again making you giggle and his bright smile making your knees buckle, as he grabbed hold of your phone, waiting not a second to input his number along with a cute nickname before handing it back.
“Text me soon, okay?”
“O-okay!” You agreed, your smile almost mirroring his own as you gave him a final wave goodbye, tugging your dog gently off his legs one last time to resume your walk.
You both felt weightless as you walked back to your respective homes. You were unable to weaken the dumb, broad, smile that was glued on your face as giggled to yourself over your encounter with that handsome man, as you kept glancing down at the gloves he so kindly returned to you - whispering your thanks as you held them to your heart.
Bokuto’s legs felt like jelly as he sauntered back over to his building, fumbling with the intercom to try and gain access to the complex; his own dreamy and dumb expression never leaving his face as he almost incoherently asks to be let back in. Stumbling his way back up to his floor and through the threshold of his home, he thought of you and your cute smile; how he wants to see it again and soon. Excitedly he broke out of the trance you left him in to furiously type his text to you; the same one you receive as soon as you walked through the door
‘Please tell me I can meet you tomorrow!’
How interesting it was, how time could move so slowly and so quickly at the same time. How hours seem to fade into days, which fade into one another, and then all of a sudden a month will have passed and you never even realized it - like a blink of an eye.
It’s a combination of things, for time to move like this. For if it was just passing by quickly it would mean either life was so dull that things just blended together and time would then be wasted; or it could be the opposite, that all sorts of fun and excitement were happening at once that you could barely keep up. But if it is both, those days seem to drag on but weeks seem to end swiftly, then it’s a mixture of the two.
And really, that was the perfect explanation for it all.
During the day as you worked the hours seemed to drag on, but in the evenings whenever you had to walk your dog, or on the weekends, it was like time was doing everything it could to make the day anew again; to subjugate you to the long and drawn out hours of boredom work provided.
But whenever you weren’t at work, you found yourself crossing paths with your handsome new friend Bokuto. That was probably why time seemed to pass on by, it always seemed to move fast whenever someone was having fun. And you couldn’t lie that you were having the most fun you had in months while you were around that exuberant man, His positivity and brightness were contagious, and no matter how run down you felt, no matter how bad the day was, once you saw his smile it was like nothing bad happened at all.
Ever since you took the leap and replied to his enthusiastic text with one of your own stating a time to go out with you the next night to help you walk your dog, it has been a whirlwind of that bright fun.
Going to cafes to get coffee, trying out new restaurants that popped out of nowhere, trying out the hiking trails that you never knew existed, and exploring hidden corners of the city you had yet to explore. All while he held your hand tightly and dazzled you with his beaming smile every time you went out with him.
On top of it all, every weekday, after you finished work,  Bokuto would try his best to meet where it all began. To wait out in front of his apartment building in hopes to catch you, to then continue on walking with you for the remainder of your trip home; taking hold of your dog’s lead as he happily tucked your arm underneath his instead - his excuse was always  “gotta make sure you make it home safe” smiling down at you if you ever tried to complain.
Before you knew it a month had passed. A month filled with good morning texts, evening walks in the cool autumn air, and weekends filled with little dates. Your days consumed with the attentions and affections of a man you never thought you would meet, let alone be romanced by so energetically. It was all so sudden, almost overwhelming, but so welcomed all the same.
Though, with all the affection and time spent together, you couldn’t definitely say what you were; if you were his girlfriend or not. You couldn’t say there was nothing between you both, not with the small nervous gestures he gave you, like all those lingering kisses he would press to your forehead whenever he dropped you off. Never actually pressing his lips to yours, as if he was afraid of overstepping a boundary.
Due to this, you couldn’t claim to be official, that he was your boyfriend, that you were going steady. Which made butterflies form in your tummy when you asked him for a large favor; not sure if he would be okay with it all. After all, you hadn’t even kissed yet.
A work event was approaching, and it was mandatory that you go to it. Which meant you had to leave for an entire weekend. Normally, weekend trips were fine, as you could bring your furry companion with you. But you couldn’t bring your dog with you, the hotel your work arranged for you to stay at wouldn’t allow it. And you didn’t want to spend hundreds of dollars to send your dog to a service, or allow a stranger into your home to take care of them; who knows what they might look at or steal.
You decided to bite the bullet when the week of the event came up; figuring that the worst-case scenario was Bokuto would say no - but given how close you had gotten over the past month you had high hopes.
Besides, he was the perfect option. You would feel comfortable with him in your home, he had been over a few times before, and your dog adored him. And, he lived close by too, so if something were to happen or if he didn’t feel comfortable staying at your place for a few days it wouldn’t be the end of the world; he and your pet would just a few blocks.
You asked him, on a particularly warm Tuesday night for October, and he said yes without hesitation. You didn’t know why he agreed, perhaps it was in the bashful manner you asked, or maybe he could sense the quiet desperation in your tone. But, overall, it didn’t matter to you, just as long as your home and precious pet were safe.
But just as your life had started to slowly be consumed by him in all those little ways he had woven himself into your daily routine; Bokuto’s was completely taken away by you.
He couldn’t help it. Bokuto found himself thinking about you all the time, at almost every moment of the day. While grocery shopping he thought of what you might buy, and what dishes you might make yourself. At practice when he was supposed to be listening to his coach, or paying attention to the plays happening before him, all he could think about was having you sit on the bleachers cheering him on. Even late at night after you had sent your last text of the day, wishing him goodnight, he was thinking about you, almost obsessed by you, though he figured it was inevitable given how borderline obsessive he was before he even knew you; when he would just watch your figure pass by his window every day.
That was probably why he said yes to your request; not wanting to say no to your cute face or to possibly jeopardize his future chances of being with you. Besides, he loved your dog, and the chance to be in the place you called home, for longer than a moment to drop you off, was far too tempting.
“My goodness, again, thank you so much for doing this!” You gushed once more as you rushed to get the last of your things together, pushing Bokuto further into your home.
“No problem at all! Happy I could do this for you” He beamed, still holding onto the bag you had practically thrown at him when you opened the door to greet him.
“I know, I know…” You took a breath, finally taking the proper moment to actually acknowledge him “But still… figured I would let you know how appreciative I am; so, thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He responded in kind, his smile was so gentle that it made your heart skip a beat.
“R-right! Um… I wrote a list of what Rufus needs. His feeding schedule, walk schedule, all that kind of stuff. It’s on the kitchen table, so take a look.” Your voice went faint, though Bokuto could still hear you, as you walked away from him into your bedroom “It, it also has the passwords to my streaming services, should you want to use them.” You let out a small huff, as you dragged your suitcase from your bedroom “You are also free to have whatever you like from the kitchen! Nothing is off-limits, so go nuts. And um… you know if you wanted to bring your girlfriend over to hang out that’s cool with me too!”
You took your bag from Bokuto’s hold, taking a moment to peer inside to double-check you had all you needed in there. As well as looking at your suitcase to take a second to recall all you put in; trying to see if you had forgotten anything; doing your best to try and play it cool over what you just said.
“Well, that won’t be necessary,” Bokuto mumbled, doing his best to look at you but not stare. a hand fiddling with one of his hoodie’s drawstrings “The girlfriend thing I mean… don’t have one so… yeah.”
His nervous chuckle made you follow suit making you pause your tireless item shuffling to glance up at him; your smile was small before growing wider alongside his and you shared a brief moment - on that you both couldn’t really put a name to, but knew it was a good one all the same.
“Alright, I think I’m good to go!” You bit your lip, taking hold of your suitcase; extending the handle for easier use.
“Safe travels, okay? Text me when you get there!” Bokuto asked, opening the door for you to avoid any further struggles
“Don’t worry, I will!” You leaned up, placing a quick peck on his lips before walking through your threshold  “Thanks, again! I’ll see you in a few days!”
Bokuto watched you leave, down the hall, and into the elevator with a dumbstruck look on his face; if you weren’t in such a hurry you might have laughed at that. But as soon as you were out of sight that shocked look turned into one of dumbstruck love as a goofy smile crossed his face as he closed your door with a goofy-sounding chuckle.
‘Our first kiss’ was all he could think about as he wandered over to your couch, plopping down on it as he absent-mindedly pet your dog as he relived the way your lips felt over and over again. Hoping that when you came back, he would be graced with another one.
The first night went without a hitch. Due to your late afternoon departure, all Bokuto had to do was put Rufus out for the last time, and then enjoy the night in. Ordering food and choosing a movie to play in the background as he absent-mindedly scrolled his phone - sending a good night text your way once you confirmed you made it to your hotel safely. And given that Iwazumi was so hard on him, and his team members, in training earlier that day, he didn’t think twice about hitting the hay once he got back from that final walk with your furry friend.
However, the next morning would prove to be his downfall.
Though it wasn’t like it was his fault really. It was just, sleeping in your bed, being surrounded by the smell of you - the whisper of floral from the shampoo that you use lingered on your pillows, the faint smell of your laundry detergent that comforted him as he snuggled deeper in your blanket, and the scent of your faded sweat the clung the deeper he sunk into your sheets -  all of it was so uniquely, perfectly, utterly you that his body acted without thinking.
And maybe it was because he was laying in your bed, surrounded by the same sheets that clung to your body in ways he could only imagine, could only dream about. That such an innocent act was something far more intimate than he, and more than likely yourself, thought it could be. It was something that got to him more than it should.
No matter how much he tossed and turned, tried to think of anything else, his body betrayed him. And as the sun’s rays hit his eyes, signaling a new day, his stiffened cock stood proud, barely contained by the fabric of his boxers, just as it did when he first crawled into your bed.
“A cold shower would do the trick,” Bokuto whispered to himself as he dragged his body into an upright position, keeping an eye on your dog to make sure he was still asleep. “Always works before a game….”
And it did. Well… whenever he was about to play a game, or away on tour and needed to get rid of his morning wood before meeting his teammates. This was proving to be a different case all entirely. And he was only a man.
A weak, weak, man too easily trumped by temptation.
He would apologize, and beg to whatever god that was above, for your forgiveness and understanding but he couldn’t help but stroke his cock to the thought of you. How your skin would look all lathered in bubbles from the body wash he was currently inhaling; never once thinking the smell of hibiscus would make his eyes roll to the back of his skull. Imagining how he would bend you over, pressing you against the cheap tile wall, and fuck you so hard that your neighbors could hear the sound of your moans over the water; how pretty your pussy would look after he came so deep inside, how his cum would slowly seep out and down your pretty legs before being washed away down the drain.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” Bokuto hissed, as his hipped jerked into his hand, his release overtaking him making a mess of his hand, chest, and your shower wall; silently, and shamefully watching it go down your drain - disappointed over the reality of it all.
The rest of the day went decently enough. Bokuto avoided your room and everything in it, even your bathroom for most of the day in fear of having to take another hour-long shower. Instead, he occupied his time by taking your dog out on a nearby, local, hiking trail; one that traversed close to and alongside a river. Your dog loved it, and Bokuto made sure to keep a mental note to take you out here soon before the weather got too cold and the river would freeze over.
He also spent his time, the majority of his evening, catching up on the latest TV drama Hinata was begging him to watch; keeping the younger man updated on which episode he was on, and taking small breaks to feed your dog or to take him on his needed walks for bathroom relief.
But Bokuto knew he couldn’t avoid it forever; that when night fell, he would crack once more. He knew he should have slept on the couch, to deal with the aches in his joints, the soreness in his muscles, and whatever back pain he would inevitably have by huddling and sleeping in such a still position on your too-small couch. But the allure of sleeping in your sheets - to be surrounded by the same comfort you allowed yourself to enjoy every night - was too enticing.
It was a sleepless night, once again.
Though this time it was not spent like the night before, where he was tossing and turning to try and settle down to get a proper night's rest. Bokuto knew that it would be pointless to try. Instead, fueled by the faded smell of your shampoo that lingered on your pillowcase, he took hold of your fluffiest pillow, and slotted it between his legs; against his weeping and aching cock. No longer able to help, or ignore the heat that coursed through his veins.
His whimpers, though muffled, echoed within your empty bedroom as the sound of your headboard softly hitting the wall behind accompanied the sinful symphony as his body crushed your favourite pillow; hips desperately trying to keep that wonderful friction it gave to get him over the edge. Bokuto thought about how you would look folded into a mating press as he pinned you in place with nothing but his weight; how sweet you would look with tears in your eyes as you babbled on about how much you loved his cock.
“Yeah, just like that…. fuck, you’re such a good girl….nngh!.... You like taking my cock, huh? You like how my fat cock stretches you out? Come on… come on say it, please?”
It went on all night long, and when the morning sun finally hit his tired eyes did Bokuto finally feel spent; finally felt like he got all his pent-up frustrations out of him. Though his body screamed at him to not move, to lay down and rest, he had to ignore it. Had to take your soiled bedding - pillows, sheets, and blankets - off your bed so they could be washed. If he had more energy he would wince in shame over how much cum he managed to spill out onto it all; but right now he couldn’t give a damn. It was more than worth it to him.
Bokuto blessed the gods above that you had a washer and dryer within your cute apartment; how thankful he was not to have to take them all the way down flights of stairs and possibly run into one of your neighbors. He quickly went to put a load on, knowing he had to take care of a few last things around the house, for your little dog, and place some new sheets on your bed to dissuade any suspicion before you got home.
And oh what a blessing your little laundry room was.
There, sat atop your dirty laundry within the hamper you kept so neatly tucked away, sat a pair of pretty pink lace panties. He knew you had worn them, knew that they were meant to be washed, knew you had not left them there to tease him but instead discarded them like anyone would with used clothing, and he knew he should have just walked away from them. But they were so pretty, Bokuto couldn’t help but grab them for a closer look.
Couldn’t help but enjoy the way the soft fabric felt against his calloused fingertips. Couldn’t help but bring them up to his face, couldn’t help the way his mouth watered from the musky smell that greeted him, and certainly couldn’t help what he was about to do.
He knew it was wrong; he only has a few hours before you came home for Christ's sake. But this whole weekend was a perfect example of how little control he had when it came to you. That despite how wrong it all was, how he was violating your privacy and taking advantage of this situation, he couldn’t quell his lust as he took another deep inhale of your scent that stayed on that flimsy piece of fabric; his loose athletic shorts slipping past his hips as his angry-red cock sprung free once again.
“Gotta be quick…. gotta be quick - fuck!” He kept muttering to himself as he furiously pumped his hand up and down the length of his cock; doing his best to finish quickly and move on to what he was supposed to be doing.
He thought of you on top of the washer; sitting like the good girl you were as he knelt before you and ate you out like his last meal - your moans and mewls shaking in rhythm to the vibrations of the machine below you. The whole image being brought to him in a clearer focus in his mind due to the constant inhale of your fragrance.
Bokuto came with an unexpected groan, finishing much faster than he anticipated; not realizing just how effective those pretty panties of yours were. He collapsed against your wall with a deep and satisfied sigh; doing his best to calm his heart and breathing down. He could hear his phone go off from the other room, the specific chime meant it was you - clearly texting him that you were almost home. Bokuto sighed one last time, knowing he was not in an even bigger hurry to clean things up; starting with the panties he had balled in his fist.
Maybe… maybe you won’t notice if they are gone….
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or perhaps maybe you will
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monster-disaster · 5 months
Little brain rot idea I had to share after reading your latest werewolf piece…but what if a werewolf was in love with a human woman BUT she doesn’t like dogs/canines. Not because she has trauma or anything, she just doesn’t like them (she’s a cat person). IMAGINE the absolute devastation werewolf man would be going through!
Let me know what you think. I don’t think I’ve ever read something like this, but I feel like this’d be such a funny read. Even just a drabble.
First Meeting/Date:
Werewolf: “So do you like dogs?…”
Woman: “Ehhh…not really. I tolerate them at best. I love cats much more. What about you?”
Werewolf: *Internal screaming
Oh god, imagine the stress!
I can see it as a speed dating event at a restaurant or a coffee shop. Our sweet werewolf noticed you from the moment you stepped into the building. His eyes followed you the whole time, and he was so impatient he almost jumped out of his chair to get to your table.
He knows he probably looks a bit crazy when he sits down in front of you on the other side of the small table. His eyes are wide, and his hair is a mess from pushing it out of his face every few minutes. His whole body is on edge, with his wolf form vibrating and rumbling under his skin. The young man wants to jump over the table to get you in his arms and run away as far as he can at the same time. His heart beats in his throat. "Hey," you smile at him, letting your eyes wander over his fidgeting body. It looks like he can barely stay on the chair. "Hey." His greeting almost sounds like a whisper in the busy restaurant. Everyone is chatting around you, busy with their date for the next few minutes. Questions and answers pop up from the tables hurriedly. The man has to shake his head to clear his mind and focus on your question. He almost misses it, and when he replies without asking his own question, your smile slowly starts to disappear. Disappointment appears in your eyes, and his posture straightens with panic.
Ask something, you stupid!
"Do you like dogs?" He asks hurriedly. His eyes widen even more when a small grimace contorts your face. "I'm more of a cat person." Your two cats waiting for you to go home is proof enough. "Oh," he breathes out, clearly disappointed with your answer. You can't help but be surprised at his reaction. "Why?" You ask him, trying to lighten the mood. "You live in a dog shelter?" You joke. "More like in a pack," he replies quietly. "Oh!" You gasp, understanding his meaning. "Oh!" "Yeah," he sighs, smoothing his thumb over the wooden surface of the table in small circles. He can barely look into your eyes, afraid of your rejection. Before you can say anything, the similar sound of a bell disturbs the restaurant. Men stand up from the tables nearby, saying goodbye to their date to move to the next one. The werewolf does the same. His movements are slow and dejected. "Wait!" You gasp at the last moment. "I can make an exception!" You are ready to slap yourself at the desperate tone of your voice. "I mean…" But the man doesn't need to hear more. His eyes shine again with excitement as he smiles down at you. "Would you like to go for a coffee after this?" He asks. You can almost imagine a fluffy tail wagging behind him. "How about now?"
Introducing him to your cats will be another challenge, but one step at a time. And our sweet werewolf is ready to become besties with them if it means they don't chase him out of your house.
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Enhypen Hyungline when you cockblock them :(
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Jake panicking in photo (>_<) ------⤴
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A/N : Hellooo I am writing this after most of you picked it from the poll :) Hope you enjoy! I'm accepting emoji Anons! (I'm making a list!)
Pairing : Bf!Hyungline X Fem!Reader
Warnings : Suggestive, boners, just hyungline tryna get their dick wet.
Word Count : 1,026 Words (about 250 words each)
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» Lee Heeseung «
His eyes shot open, his breathing ragged as sweat beaded his forehead. Fuck. He just had a wet dream. A dream a little to realistic. "Heeseung! Ahh" he could still hear your sweet moans ringing in his ears as you fucked yourself on his cock in his dream.
He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply, trying too ignore the aching between his legs. He already knew it; He was hard. He tried to ignore his erection, but the more he tried the more painful it felt.
He couldn't get off without you, even if he tried. He rolled around, gratefully finding you next to him, rolled on your side. His hands found your waist almost out of instinct, pushing you closer to his crotch.
The second your ass made contact with his clothed cock, he shamelessly started rocking his hips against you desperately for relief. "Y-Y/n" he whimpered out, hesitant but also wishing you just woke up and took care of him. "Y/n" he called out again, a little guilty for waking you up this late.
"Hee?" you asked softly, trying to turn around and face him.
"Yeah, baby it's me" he replies, biting his lips at your innocence.
"Everything oka-" you felt it.
"Y-yeah, I just need you" he admits, voice raspy with sleep.
"At 2:46 Am in the morning?" you asked, rubbing your eyes "No" you firmly added, unwrapping his hands from your hips and shutting down your eyes again.
He physically whines out and pouts "P-please baby, it hurts" he begs, though keeping his hands to himself.
"Nope, I don't feel like it tonight" you explain "stop being a horn dog and control your erections" you said, smiling to yourself and going back to sleep.
"You're so mean" he sighs to himself, accepting the fact that he got blue balled. :(
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» Park Jay «
Jay knew he had a busy schedule. Lately he's been coming home late and very horny. But, being the thoughtful person he was, even if he had a raging boner, he wouldn't want to wake you up very late at night just to relieve himself.
But today, he came home fairly early. Well, even if it was half past ten at night, he found you in the kitchen, still washing the plates from dinner. This was his chance.
He makes his way over to the counter, wrapping his hands around your waist - just to back-hug you.
"Hi baby~" he greets happy to be with you after a long day of work. You greet him back, turning your head around to give him a short kiss.
"How was work?" you ask him, your hands still busy with the dishes.
"It was okay" he starts off sighing "I was thinking about you most of the time" he admitted.
"Is that why you're trying to get your dick wet?" you ask bluntly, referring to the not-so-subtle movements of his hips against you.
"I- uhh, maybe?" he feels his cheeks heat up.
"Too bad, I'm on my period" and with that you dry up your hands, lay a kiss on his flushed cheeks and go get ready for bed, leaving him staring blankly in disbelief.
Sigh, guess he's gonna have to rub one out in the shower.
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» Sim Jake «
It was a lazy Friday and you and your sweet boyfriend Jake were one the couch, binge watching a random Netflix show. He was on one end of the couch, you were on another.
As the show went on, he felt himself getting more and more bored when he could be fucking you right then and there. You however, were very invested in the show, laughing at every little joke that Jake missed or paying close attention when he was just yawning and rubbing his eyes.
"Y/n, don't you think this is a little boring?" he asks all of a sudden, making you pout.
"You could've told me you weren't enjoying the show" you pouted.
"Yeah, I'd enjoy you much more" he smirked, flicking his eyebrows up and down.
"Oh" you simply say, shrugging your shoulders and resuming your show.
He stares at you in shock, expecting you to at least do something, but when you don't he makes his way to your end of the couch, burying his face in your tummy and holding your waist.
"Y/nnnn pleaseee" he begged, squeezing you harder, making you giggle "Need you"
"Nah uh, I'm not in the mood Jakey, sorry" you confirm, nevertheless stroking his hair.
He puffed out, getting up "I have to go to the bathroom" He announced, kissing your forehead and making his way to the bathroom.
At one point you turned off the television and decided to listen to his exaggerated moans as he jerked himself off, secretly laughing to yourself.
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» Park Sunghoon «
You jumped in shock when Sunghoon slid the shower curtain open, sliding in behind you.
"Hoon! Jesus you scared me" you sigh, sucking a breath in.
"Jesus, am I that scary" He jokes, tickling your sides, "Booooo!"
"Shut up dummy" you laugh, turning around to face him, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips. His hands rubbed all over your back, before landing on your ass, giving it a squeeze. "Perv" you roll your eyes playfully.
"You have a nice ass babe" he admits, giving it another squeeze to emphasize his point.
"So do you" you say, reaching for his ass and giving it a light slap.
"Heyyyy" he whines, swatting your hands away. You giggle at his blushing cheeks, pinching them. It's only when you realise why he's blushing after feeling his tip nudge your belly.
"Extra perv" you giggle, watching as he tries to defend himself.
"It's not my fault your ass is so soft" he blames you ass of growing him an erection, making you shrug your shoulders.
"Unlucky for you, I'm not a fan of shower sex" you say, sliding the curtain open and getting out, leaving him hanging with a raging boner. "B-but" he sighed when you he realised you were already out of the room.
He better have a good mental image of your nice ass cause he's gonna need it to get himself off.
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Hi, thanks for reading till the end! I hope you enjoyed this post! Have a good day/night and remember that ily <333
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citruslullabies · 2 months
Forgive me if this is weird, but I'd kind of like to see some moments of Dogday acting like a dog.
I'll do some minis since they're fast, darling
This is a judgement free zone so it isn't weird!! Also I wanna try something new so let me know if it's good
So for starters, we know Dogday can howl,
But he can also bark
He finds it embarrassing, but only does it if he needs too
The house was peaceful, with soft breathing and light music being the only noise as Dogday was pressed against you while you scratched behind his ears.
He sighed happily, drifting off into his own paradise where it was just you and him. Maybe in a house better than this one, with a garden in the backyard and gloves big enough for his hands to help it. But his mind quickly drew blank with annoyance when yipping and yelping started echoing through the room, opening his eyes and looking down at the causes.
Peanuts yipped at Cubby to play while Cubby growled and snapped her little mouth at him, while Biscuits was trying to play with his planes. She suddenly snatched one of the toy cars in her mouth and went to walk off with it while Peanuts was whimpering loudly, and Biscuits mreowing at him softly and trying to press his little blue plane against Peanut's cheek to cheer him up. Dogday quickly put the commotion to an end, and he... Barked? Fully barked to get them to stop, and it worked. He huffed and snuggled back up with you as you snorted and just continued to scratch him behind the ears before murmuring. "Didn't know you could do that, puppy."
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He also likes to mark you
Not in a weird way, but he marks you with his paws and head
Dogs and cats both like to rub scent glands on things that they claim is theirs (that's actually why dogs will kick in the dirt and nuzzle and cats make biscuits)
You let out a long sigh as you sat down in bed after a long day of work, gently undoing a few buttons on your shirt as you plopped down. Dogday came in a few moments later, shutting the door behind him and turning keeping the lights off as to not bother you. "Angel? Is everything alright?" He asked softly. You groaned and nodded. "Just stressed.."
He nodded before sitting down beside you, making the bed creak under his weight but not break. He stared at you for a few minutes, before snuggling with you. However his nose quickly caught the smell of someone else, which was your boss. As unhappy as he was he didn't say anything, since he didn't wanna stir anything. He knew you wouldn't be that type of person.
So he instead, very quietly started to scratch and rub your back with his large hands as he nuzzled his fat head into your neck and face. You snorted and looked over at him. "You trying to give me a massage?" You joked, which caused him to shrug with a hum. "You could say that."
You eventually fell asleep, sound in his arms as he relaxed with a sigh. Smiling as he shut his eyes with his head nuzzled into the crook of your neck, since you finally smelled right again. You smelled like his again.
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He thinks he's a lapdog.
No, really
This large humanoid dog who is 6× your size thinks he is a lapdog
"Dogday get off-!" You said, struggling to breathe as your overgrown mutt laid down in your lap, after you had only sat down for a minute as the water in the kitchen was boiling. You huffed and continued to try and push but he was just too heavy.
"Dogday, please! I have to go make dinner!" You desperately tried to reason, but he would not budge and instead closed his eyes while pretending to sleep. You groaned and tilted your head back against the couch, huffing and giving up. Before you scratched his head in defeat. "You're an asshole." You huffed, and from the apparently 'sleeping' figure you felt a rumble as a chuckle and saw a small smirk. Jerk.
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Thanks for requesting my lovely!
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
desperately need “trying to pretend that some jokes/comments don't bother them until one just finally goes too far” from the prompt list!! maybe peter trying to fit in w a certain crowd and making dumb dude jokes? or funny haha comments about things reader is really insecure about (other “prettier” girls wink hint)?
kinda not the request but kinda yeah
Who came up with the ball and chain simile? 
Just a question, because if you knew, you’d travel back in time to find the weak, misogynistic, miserable son of a bitch and punch his nose a good one. Just imagining the blood just trickling, a bruise forming under his condescending eye, it sends a satisfying zing up your spine. 
Well, you didn’t know who came up with the term. However you did know who’s been using it, and it makes you want to punch him all the same. 
“Nice to finally meet Parker’s ball and chain,” it makes you want to immediately retract your hand and look at Peter in shock, you didn’t know this person at all, he was Peter’s friend, someone he’s been hanging out more with around campus, and he wanted you to meet him, and the first thing he compares you to was something that weighs someone down. 
Your hand goes limp in his hand, he hasn’t even told you his name, “I’m sorry, what?” 
And he laughs, not the man shaking your hand, don’t worry he laughs too, with the other circle of friends. No, the laugh that stuck out the most was your boyfriends. 
Like an inside joke, it made you feel really small. Normally you’d pull your hand away and tuck into Peter’s side, but right now you want to walk away. Peter didn’t have your back here, how nasty that sounded, from a stranger no less, and it made him laugh and disregard the audacity in his friend's voice. 
When the man holding your hand caught your silence he stopped and shook your hand, ��just kidding, love.” His pet name sends a chill down your spine, where’s Peter’s supportive hand on your back? “I’m Nick.” 
You bite your tongue and smile appropriately until the end of the dragged out interaction, only speaking when necessary, missing Peter’s touches, why wasn’t he holding you? Normally his hand would hold your thigh at the dinner table, or his thumb would take swipes at your back to settle you when you leaned into him. The only thing he’s done is thrown a dominating arm over your shoulder when his other friend Oscar complimented your outfit, it didn’t feel right and you shrugged him off. 
You couldn’t hold it in any longer, the second you were far enough away from his friends ears you spoke, the breeze outside made you cross your arms over your chest, spitting your words with venom you couldn’t bear to even look at Peter. 
“What the fuck was that tonight?” 
Peter looked at you, dared to be confused, “what was what?” 
You pointed back at the restaurant, “that, Peter. What the fuck was that?” 
You seeth, he’s playing dumb, you refuse to get in his car. “What the fuck is the matter with you?” 
“Get in the car,” he looks back over, hoping his friends aren’t watching. 
“No. Not until you tell me what that was.” 
Peter rubbed his forehead, “stop being dramatic, get in the car.” 
He’s never spoken to you like this, you don’t know what went on but you were livid. He was speaking to you like a dog, nervous you were speaking your mind at his sudden change of character in front of his friends. 
“Peter, I swear to fucking god you better check yourself, I’ll show you how dramatic I can be.” 
He takes a look back, no one’s watching, he quickly comes to your side of the car. His arms grip your shoulders and he gently pushes you against the car. “Stop, please just get in the car.” 
You narrow your eyes, “you’re not sleeping over tonight.” 
He sighs and pushes you to the side, he opens the passenger side door and gestures to it, “okay, sure. Will you please just get in?” 
You scoff and push him away, “I am so unbelievably pissed at you it’s not funny.” 
Frustration seeps at Peter’s voice, his teeth are clenched, “yeah, I get it. Just get the fuck in, Y/N.” 
You click your teeth and get in, before Peter can close the door you grab the handle and slam it shut as hard as you could, you watch him pinch the bridge of his nose and mumble to himself in the side mirror before walking back to his side. 
When he sat down you turned your body towards the door, you refused to speak to him. 
“I’m not talking to you.” 
Peter doesn’t wrap his arm around your seat when he reverses, you know why you’re mad, he doesn’t have a right to be mad. 
“I just wanted you to know.” 
You’re beyond pissed, but him not fighting back made it worse. It made you blow over even harder, suddenly you either needed to get out of the car or you were about to start screaming. Your jaw clenched as you waited but he said nothing, tapping his fingers to the beat on the radio you felt like you were steaming. 
“You were shit tonight and so were your friends.” 
“So you are talking to me.” 
“Yeah, because I wanted you to know you made me feel like shit tonight and you’re making it worse by not defusing it.” 
“I just,” Peter pauses, then sighs and rubs his eyebrow, “baby, I don’t know what you’re mad at.” 
The sudden tone change made you sad, why were you mad? Nick said a shitty thing, but Peter didn’t have your back, that’s what it was about. 
You have a lot of emotion and not enough time or space to figure them out, they come out in the form of tears. You tried your hardest to blink back tears, you sniffed and it gave you away. 
“Baby?” A hand rested on your thigh, you grabbed it to push it off, instead his worry made you burst. Your lower lip trembles when you speak, the words tumble out. “Nick was mean and you laughed.” 
And Peter felt bad, so he pulled off the road and unbuckled himself to reach over and hold you. He repeated sorry’s until you felt better, then told you it was a dumb joke, and he was so, so, so sorry. 
“I promise, baby, it was just a joke.” 
Maybe you were overreacting, you did just meet him and he was Peter’s friend, maybe he just made a tasteless joke, you could accept it at that. 
“You promise it was just a joke?” 
Peter presses kisses to your hairline, “promise.” 
You tried to keep the same mindset over the next few weeks, you plastered a fake smile on each time it was said and sometimes you were able to choke out a laugh, joke or not the meaning upset you. 
You couldn’t handle it anymore, last night Nick laid into you, “late again, let me guess, the ball and chain were reluctant to let go?” It wasn’t being compared to the object anymore, you were the object. 
“Can we talk?” 
Those words always sent a jolt in Peter’s spine, he hates those three words, nothing good ever happened. 
“Of course.” He watched you pace the floor in front of him. 
“I tried being cool, Peter. I really did, and I didn’t want to be dramatic and ruin a fun time, but I can’t, Peter. I can’t handle the jokes anymore, it makes me feel super insecure and it feels like I’m just an object for you.” 
“What jokes?” 
It feels silly, but you feel judged every time you do something around his friends. 
“The ball and chain ones. It makes me feel like I’m weighing you down, and it’s really getting to me. I don’t want to ruin the joke but I just feel like I can’t be myself around your friends.” 
Peter’s upset he’s let it go on so long, he should’ve stopped it after the first time it happened but when he saw you smile along he thought you were in on the joke, you weren’t, it still felt like they were laughing at you. 
“If it makes you feel like that it’s not a joke. I’ll stop it, they’ll never say it again.” 
Was it really that easy? 
“I don’t want to be dramatic,” 
“Not dramatic, poking fun at someone's expense isn’t fun.” 
It was that easy. 
“Never again?” 
“Nope. Watch this,” Peter grabs his phone and holds it up, “hey, Siri. Text the group chat, my old lady’s making me tell you guys-” 
Peter was cut off when you tackled him to the couch. 
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fragileruns · 8 months
Hello love! Would it be possible to request something with derek morgan x inexperienced!reader? I think it's such an interesting dynamic since he's a very suave person. Maybe something about the reader being nervous or insecure of having less experience than he does? You can go either fluffy or smut or both 🥰 I hope this request finds you well. Thank you in advance!! ❤️
hi! thank you for your request <3 it’s just a little blurb but i hope you like it
derek morgan x reader. content warning: mentions of sex but no smut, reader being nervous, derek being a gentleman, reader likes coffee so if you don’t i’m sorry, reader has hair but i think the rest is gender neutral
You had spent longer than you’d care to admit picking out an outfit for your date tonight. You knew that Derek had seen you at your worst - working together had made it inevitable for him to see you sick at least once, tired, irritable, and much worse than that - but it still felt like a big deal.
It was your third date, and you knew what the implications meant. Even if you didn’t, Emily, JJ, and Penelope and taken to relentlessly teasing you to make sure you did know. And sure, you’d known each other for years and had been in this sort of relationship for a few months (your work made it hard to plan times to be together, which was why you’d been on so few dates), but you were nervous.
You had never really been with many people. Somehow, Derek had managed to be with quite a few people even with how often you had to be away for your job: you knew this because everyone did. He wasn’t exactly subtle. You, however, were not as skilled at picking up anyone while you were away or at home, for that matter. The only people you’d been with were the few actual relationships you’d had in the past.
So, you were sitting on his couch after your date - he had cooked for you, which somehow made this all even more nerve wracking - and you were trying desperately not to bounce your knee.
After what felt like forever, and simultaneously not long enough to prepare yourself, Derek had come to plop down next to you. He insisted you go sit while he did the dishes, something about being a ‘gentleman’ and ‘needing you to sit pretty.’
You were sure he’d noticed your nerves, but he had been kind enough not to say anything yet. However, once he placed a hand on your thigh in what was meant to be a comforting way, and you tensed up, he couldn’t hold it in.
“What’s up with you tonight? Did I do something wrong? You’re not vegan, are you?” He questioned, worried that maybe you hadn’t really enjoyed your dinner.
“What? No,” your eyebrows furrowed as you looked at him for a mere second, before casting your gaze in front of you. “Nothing’s wrong with me, I’m just tired.”
“Trying to lie to a profiler? Babe, that’s like, the worst move you could make,” Derek chuckled slightly, turning to face you more. He was trying to make light of the situation, and you appreciated that, but your nerves didn’t seem to care.
“I’m a profiler, too.”
“So you should know you can’t hide things from me. C’mon, just spit it out,” his hand moved to brush your hair off of your shoulder before rubbing it to try and coax whatever was wrong out of you. “I promise I won’t laugh.”
You shot him a look, and he grinned. “Okay, depending on what it is, I may laugh. Just a little bit. But that doesn’t mean I don’t want you to tell me.”
“I just - it’s our third date.”
“Really? Thought it was our fifth.” He tried to joke, but when it didn’t seem to calm you any, he just shook his head and mumbled a small apology.
“And there’s… implications that go along with it.”
Derek tilted his head, looking at you similar to a confused dog. But when you didn’t clarify and instead only gave him a look, he understood what you meant.
“And you’re worried about that?”
“I mean, kind of. Yes. I just,” you sighed as you tried to piece your words together, cheeks flush with embarrassment about even having to have this conversation. You were an adult, but for some reason, telling your sort of boyfriend that you hadn’t had sex in a while still felt awkward. “I’m not really.. experienced, I guess. I’ve only been with a few people. And you-”
“Used to be a total manwhore?”
“I wasn’t going to say that. And I really wish Garcia hadn’t taught you that term.”
He laughed at that then, and his arm lifted off of your shoulder to trail down your arm, before he grabbed onto your hand.
“Look, I’m not expecting anything out of tonight, okay? I just wanted to spend time with you, I don’t care if I see you naked tonight. Or for a while. It doesn’t matter,” he started, and the seriousness on his face was almost odd, since you were used to his teasing grin. “If you’re not ready for it, I’m not ready for it. Just because it’s our third date doesn’t mean we’re required to have sex. And I wasn’t really thinking about that, anyway. I don’t want to do it if you don’t want to.”
“It’s not that I don’t want to. I just don’t want you to be disappointed because I’m not as good as you expected. Or what you’re used to,” You frowned, and it made him frown, almost like a mirror.
“Baby. Sweetheart. Honey. You seriously think I’m going to be disappointed? I used to wake up early every morning so I could get coffee from your favorite place just so I could have an excuse to bring you a cup and talk to you.”
“That’s forty minutes out of the way.”
“I know. I’m like, borderline obsessed with you. You should be creeped out.” When the corners of your lips turned up at that, he broke out into a grin, and leaned forward to grab your face into his hands, forcing you to look at him. “What I’m saying is, I could never be disappointed by anything you do. If we have sex, and only whenever you’re ready for it, it’s going to be great for me no matter what. ‘Cause it means that I’m with you.”
Your head leaned against the palm of his hand, and he leaned forward to press a kiss to your lips, quick but loving.
“If you’re ever feeling stressed about these things, you need to just tell me. Don’t sulk, you shouldn’t be nervous about anything. Not with me. Got it?”
“Yeah,” you say quietly and his hands drop from his face, wrapping around your shoulders and pulling you to his side, your head falling onto his shoulder.
“Great. Now - which horror movie do you wanna watch? Halloween or Scream?”
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berrieluv · 2 years
Matt Murdock and younger!reader. cw. bimbo reader because why not? we're fulfilling my dream of being a white man's stupid hoe. this is pure fluff, honestly, just a bit of angst in a cut but quickly resolved. also mentions of sex. this is boring but I'm sorry I really need love and affection.
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Matt looked at you and blinked a few times, it was a wonder for him how you had no filter when it came to things.
"But you can't be blind" You told him, a few dates later into your relationship. He was amused on how you didn't catch the man you were dating was blind. Yes, he knew he managed life pretty well with all his senses "I saw you fighting against those men at the bar who were saying nasty things to me... And you won!"
You say, as if it was unbelievable, which he knew it kinda was. It wasn't everyday that a blind man fights five men and wins.
"Plus, you being blind is so sad" You pout, and he frowns at your words "You can't see how pretty you are..." You close your mouth a little and then your eyes open wide; "You can't see how pretty I am!"
You panicked and Matt chuckled, sensing your concern in the atmosphere.
"Oh" He starts, soft voice and taking your hand in his "I know how pretty you are" You smile "I can tell"
"How? You can't see me" You pouted "And I don't mean 'your personality is nice' type of pretty, Matt" You look at him and get closer, he can feel your breathing in his face "I really am pretty. Like, you should see me..."
"I believe you"
"But like..." You make a smirk "Like are you really blind? Or you... Is like partially blind? Like would you get your vision back? Or you just have to live like that?"
"I've been blind most of my life. Since I was a kid, actually"
"So... you never got to see Reese Whiterspoon in Legally Blonde?"
"Not one of my biggest concerns but no, I didn't"
"But it's a film of cult!" You said "If I describe it to you, would you watch it?"
"Only for you"
You chuckle, knowing Matt is in a chokehold because of you. It haven't been long since the both of you started dating, but it was, however, a surprise for almost everyone that you even started dating.
When his best friend made a joke about Matt being blind, you legit thought he meant the kind of blind people always call men... you never thought of it in a literal way.
"You're so wrapped around my little finger, it's embarrassing" You smile "And you can't even see how pretty I am" You gasp "I'll be walking you like a dog if you could see my beauty"
Matt drops a loud laugh, because from all the people in the world, he seemed to have find the only one who could make his blindness about themselves. And it didn't bother him, he was happy that you were able to treat him as a normal person. And if he thinks about it long enough, he was treated like a 'complete' man, for long enough, before you found out he couldn't see.
Suddenly, you 'wow' "That's why you're always wearing those ugly glasses!"
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"Matthew Murcock"
You yell while entering his office and Foggy looks at Matt at the sudden change of his name.
"I have no idea where she got that from" He says, smiling.
That was the day after the first time you ever had sex, when opened the door you look at Foggy, then at Matt and pout, completely forgetting he couldn't see you.
"Foggy, get out"
Matt says and you smile, walking to him as fast as Foggy leaves the office. You kneel in front of him and rest your head in his thigh; fuck you were needing him.
"Baby, you know we can't do that stuff around here. It's my office, baby" He smiles.
"You wouldn't say the same if you knew how pretty I look"
"Oh, I just know you look fucking pretty" He says, taking your body and sitting you on his lap "You wore a skirt and everything" You nod "I guess I can put my fingers inside if you like"
You nod desperately and open your legs, Matt only laughs at your neediness and starts to work.
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You cry as you reach him in his bedroom, he was calm and breathing slowly, his chest going up and down and unconsciously flexing his muscles. He opened his eyes as soon as he heard you entered his flat.
"Yes, dear?" He asks, peacefully, ignoring the tone of your voice that adverts you're looking forward to create drama.
"Why didn't you call me?" He lets out a groan when you sit on top of his naked torso and put your hands on his chest "I let a sticky-note asking for you to call me as soon as you were back" You pouted.
"Darling..." He starts, calmly "How am I suppose to see that?"
"What do you mean 'how'... with your eyes, Matth–" You pout "I see..." He chuckles and you shake your head "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it"
"It's fine, pretty girl"
"But I'm always so reckless" You cry, letting your head fall into his pectorals "I'm reminding you all the time that you can't see"
"It's not like I can forget it, my love"
"Yeah, you're right"
You chuckle in his chest and he feels his shorts getting a little tighter. He doesn't want to point it out, how could he when you're sharing such an intimate and cute moment. And he was sure you wouldn't notice, hell, if she didn't notice I was blind, how would she notice an erection; was what he thought the first time you gave him a boner. And what he seems to remember every time now that you give him one by accident.
The first time ever you and Matthew have a fight it's complicated. You believe he was on edge before you and him got together that day, he arrived to your department a bit more serious. This time there wasn't a kiss, or a hug, or a single word.
You were yourself at the gala he asked you a few weeks ago to go with him, but it seemed like it wasn't someone he wanted you to be. He pressed tighter your arm every time you joked, but you took that as an action he was making to decease his worries, never could you think it was because of you, since your personality was never a problem.
"What is your fucking problem?" He asked, storming into his flat, his steps were heavy and loud and you just looked at him, shyly, the first time ever you felt shy around Matt. "You couldn't just act like a mature person, couldn't you? You have to let out your childish annoying personality in one of the most important nights of my career"
"I'm sorry"
You say, with a small voice, almost afraid to ask.
"Yeah" He says, finding himself the glass and the wine he always leave in the same place, to pour himself one. "You're always fucking sorry but I never see you change anything about yourself" He hears the glass breaking into the floor and he frowns, looking directly at where he sensed you. "Did you fucking moved the glass?"
You were scared to say yes, not at Matt, you couldn't be scared of him, but now, you weren't feeling him as your Matt.
"You always do this, why do I even bother having a house if you're gonna do whatever the fuck you want with MY stuff" He walks to the room and you follow him, silent, fidgeting your fingers "I would have chose any other woman if I knew you were going to act like a fucking child!"
You feel your eyes watering and you look at him, finally saying, with a small broken voice; "Why are you talking to me like this?"
Before Matt could answer with another mean comment, he smell your tears falling on your cheeks and he felt bad. Because it wasn't your fault he has been on edge all day. Because he knew you were younger than him and it never seemed to be a problem until one of the lawyers pointed out how young and pretty you were to date someone like him.
How could you ever please her if you're blind.
"Baby... love... I'm so sorry" He says, pressing his fists against his eyes and then opening his arms "I'm so sorry, you don't, you don't deserve this. I'm– I've been better than this, you deserve better than this, my darling love, I'm an asshole"
"You are" You slowly say, letting him wrap his arms around your body "But I like you anyways"
"And I'm so lucky for that"
You nod, knowing he was in fact lucky you pulled out with this shit and you didn't leave the room immediately.
"You were being mean"
"I know, I know" He says, holding you closer to him and letting your body and his fall into the mattress. "I was just so mean to my pretty girl"
And since that, Matt made sure everything that could involve you in a fight was gone. Of course, you had the typical arguments a couple has, but you never kept them for too long. You were way too distracted and it wasn't like he wanted to keep the fight going. Not when you looked so pretty.
The first time he ever saw you mad, was so ridiculously cute, you always got mad about the bloody same thing, and Matthew couldn't take you seriously anymore.
"Why are you so f-stubborn?" You stop yourself at the curse word, and Matt smiled, knowing you're not one to curse. You were organizing both of your clothes in the closet "I always tell you the clothes go ordered by color, Matt" You cry and throw one of his shirt at him.
"Princess..." He starts, that's the pet name he choose to call you when he was about to correct something you said "How am I supposed to know that green and red are not the same?"
You're ready to yell at him again until it hits you, he can't really know. "It's imposible to get mad at you"
You pout, and he opens his arms while laughing. "C'mon, my pretty dumb girl"
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centipedelightning · 1 year
Hey, I was wondering if you could do a skeleboys x reader whose gut reaction when the get spooked is to sort of pull their boy back to them not caus they don't trust him their just used to being a protector.
(I request undertale and underfell plus dealers choice :D)
Thanks love your stuff by the way
Waaaa how cute! Ugh I love dealers choice it just means I can write my pookies (today that means the swapfell bros). Yk I always feel bad bc I feel like I write too little. I am used to writing research papers where I just get to the point so creative writing is so painful.
| Ut/Uf/Sf Skelebros x protective reader || super vaguely romantic for a few || fluffy |
Cw/Tw: None
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He’s blushing
I imagine this would be the kind of situation where you two were near some people that got in a physical altercation and you pulled him back. That kind of unconscious instinct both surprises and Greatly flatters him.
He’ll go all wide-socketed and just look at you like you’ve grown extra eyes.
Once the y’all are away from whatever situation spooked you, he’ll start making little jokes non-stop. It’s terrible.
“what was that?” “Wdym what was that?” “were you trying to protect me??” “Tf are you talking about??” “you need a new nickname. i didn’t realize you’re such a guard dog.” “Sans what are you talking about”
Sans tries to keep the energy equal in a relationship. Not one-to-one type of stuff where if you do one chore one day he’ll do it the next, as much as if you put in a lot of work he’ll try to treat you or do something that shows that he knows you did it and appreciates it. So now that he knows you’ll jump to his defense at the drop of a hat, he makes it his mission to Not let you do that. He is flattered of course but he just doesn’t want you to get hurt.
In smaller situations where you just got spooked by something he’ll try to calm you down with jokes and puns.
He’s so flattered he’s just a mess.
Papyrus is the type of person that will jump to anyone’s defense immediately, so you reciprocating the energy means everything to him.
He doesn’t spook very easy, so you’ll probably be the jumpier person. No matter what gets you, big or small, you just randomly pulling him behind you has him blushing hard enough to glow.
Emotional bioluminescence never works in a skeleton’s favor.
I fear that you don’t realize what you brought onto yourself though.
If you weren’t already, Papyrus is staying up planning you an incredibly detailed workout plan to make sure you are capable in combat.
The finalized workout regimen is planned exactly to your physical limitations. Almost to a concerning degree… did he do a secret medical exam or something??
No for the record, but he wouldn’t say no matter what the answer.
Red is pretty jumpy himself so his hackles are already raised as he is trying to drag you behind him, but You dragged him back first??? You want to protect Him???
He’s swooning
He still wins this nonexistent battle for the right to protect the other, so he manages to get you close to him. Sorry not sorry but Red’s protective instincts are hard to match, let alone beat.
If the situation was severe enough that you two would need to leave, once y’all do he’s all over you. Laughing and joking about how you’re trying to play guard dog.
He does try to check in a make sure you know you can depend on him yada yada. Please reassure him that you know and whatnot.
It’s not that he doesn’t trust you or feels insecure of course—hell one of his many types is strong and forthcoming—he is just also used to being the protector and wants to make sure you don’t burden yourself.
Utterly flabbergasted.
That’s all.
Confused even
Situationally you have two options: either you startled at something he also recognizes as a “threat” or you jump at something that just happened to scare you. Both of these options end with him looking at you like you are some combination of a deity and an oddly shaped cat. Confusion, wonder, adoration, a touch of horror—you get the picture.
More specifically, for the smaller option he will just straight up ask you wtf, but for the “big threat” option he gloats. Loudly.
He is about to get very loud.
Imagine something along the lines of “NYAHAHA YES FEAR ME AND MY HUMAN HAHAHA”
Edge is a skeleton that loves his theatrics what can I say.
You will also be put through a training regimen btw. It’s about the same as Papyrus’ just with more sparring. You did this to yourself.
I’m so sorry but Indi picks fights.
He does
He’s shameless
Maybe you can try to physically pull him away from needling randos? Then again you jumping to his defense might just make him more confident and Worse.
You won’t get a workout regimen out of this guy though! Little victories.
for literally any other time where something just makes you jump and you grab him instinctually, he’ll play into it. You should tell him as soon as you can if that’s something you don’t want.
But he will dramatically jump into a fighting stance the second you start to tug him towards you.
He is always ready to defend his human’s honor.
He let’s you drag him back with very little resistance.
In all honesty he finds you jumping to his safety quite amusing, especially if it was from something small that just happened to make you jump and grab him with you.
If there’s ever a situation where you aren’t in immediate danger but near some (like some strangers getting into an altercation) Cash will absolutely allow you to do whatever you want.
He’s never gonna let either of y’all get into real danger, so as long as that doesn’t happen you are free to your instincts to try and protect him.
Hell, you might not even need to grab him with how much he loves to touch or hang off you. No sense of personal space truly.
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xoxo-sarah · 5 months
Done This Before
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↝pairing: Daryl Dixon x reader
↝warning: angst, Leah, inaccurate/ not canon events for Daryl meeting Dog and Leah, death (reader), mention of death, set season 9 when Daryl leaves to look for Rick's body or whatever, not proofread
|| Disclaimer: I do not own Daryl Dixon, or any character from The Walking Dead. I only own y/n and any characters I create with my own brain. ||
↝⎙ 1.29.24
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In the aftermath of yet another loss, Daryl Dixon found himself haunted by the echoes of his past. The weight of grief and guilt bore down on him with unyielding force. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was cursed, that anyone who dared to get close to him would meet a tragic end.
As he stood alone in the silence of the night, memories of those he had lost flooded his mind. The pain of each departure cut deeper, leaving wounds that seemed to never fully heal. His rugged exterior, once a shield against the world, now felt like a prison, trapping him in a cycle of despair.
Your body laid limp in his arms, the feeling all too familiar to Daryl.
"You're not doin' it right." Daryl hissed, watching your fingers fiddle with the bowstring. He didn't mean to come off as irritated. Today was one of those days where he was woke up frustrated with himself and decided to make it everyone's problem. He had so much built up frustration and no where to let it out. Searching for Rick's body was solemnly for closure. For the both of you. You weren't supposed to join him on one random day. But you did. And you stayed, not wanting him to be alone with his thoughts. It was a good call, and as much as Daryl hated to admit it, he was thankful. That didn't stop him from lashing out sometimes. You didn't seem to take it to heart.
There were times where he wasn't mean. Those were the moments where you got to really know each other, find some similarities, make a few jokes. As time passed, you two did more joking and less arguing.
"The string is old, Daryl." You analyzed the frayed string.
Daryl yanked it out of your hands, grumbling.
"'s fine." He knew the bow was old and in need of a new string, he didn't need you telling him jack shit.
You two sat in silence as Daryl examined the bow now. He really should get that fixed, he thought.
Everything happened to fast. One second, you were kicking leaves around, stopping at the feeling of being watched. The next, you heard a rustling and felt a burning sensation on your right side.
The gunshot rang through the woods, scaring any animal in the opposite direction.
You were both caught off guard. It wasn't until your knees have out that Daryl moved, falling beside you. His eyebrows were nearly touching from his face being scrunched in confusion. He violently looked around, catching a head of long, light brown hair as the person ran away as fast as she could.
Unknowingly, It was Leah, someone who Daryl would shortly grow close to, that accidentally pulled the trigger. She had snuck up on you two, watching your interactions, contemplating if you were dangerous or not. She had her gun cocked and ready, waiting. A sudden squirrel running across her foot had her finger squeezing the trigger. Leah panicked and fled the scene out of fear and guilt.
Daryl brought you into his arms, running as fast as he could in the environment. He mindlessly ran in the direction of the closes community he knew of. But it was pointless. It would take far too long to get to any place that could possibly help.
He staggered through branches and bushes, yelling out in desperation, or anyone. It was an all too familiar feeling.
He had done this before.
He stopped at a river, watching the water flow through rocks. You gargled blood, looking up at him, listening to the water and the silence of the woods.
He gently sat you down, kneeling beside you.
You two just looked at each other as the life drained out of your eyes.
Daryl had silently apologized over and over again, feeling his eyes start to sting when you were gone. Officially gone.
Daryl's heart ached as he replayed the moment when he had to watch yet another loved one slip away, much like Beth had. The anguish was a relentless storm, threatening to consume him whole. He couldn't help but wonder if he was the common thread in these tragedies, the dark cloud that hovered over those who dared to care for him.
The flickering flames of the campfire cast dancing shadows across his face, mirroring the turmoil within. His eyes, usually steely and resolute, now betrayed the turmoil of his soul. Each passing day seemed to deepen the chasm of his despair, leaving him adrift in a sea of unanswered questions.
In the depths of his anguish, Daryl struggled to find solace. The very act of opening his heart to another felt like tempting fate, a reckless gamble with the lives of those around him. The burden of his perceived curse weighed heavily on his shoulders, threatening to crush him under its unforgiving weight.
As the night wore on, Daryl's thoughts became a tempest of self-doubt and pain. He was a lone wolf, forever condemned to wander the desolate landscape of his own making. The echoes of his losses reverberated in the stillness, a haunting reminder of the price of his affections.
In the quiet embrace of the night, Daryl Dixon grappled with the ghosts of his past, each one a painful testament to the fragility of life. The stars above bore witness to his silent anguish, a solitary figure adrift in a world that seemed determined to tear apart the very fabric of his being.
A twig broke behind Daryl, causing him to swing around, crossbow-which has a new bowstring- in hand, ready to kill. The puppy barked, looking up at Daryl, head slightly tilted.
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•2021-2024 by xoxo-sarah on Tumblr•
•My work is not to be translated, copied, modified, and/or reposted on any other site without my permission. [I don't give permission!]
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aesterblaster · 4 months
Bad Dogs Can Learn New Tricks
Which Blue Lock Characters Have Gone To Therapy, In My Humble Opinion. (+ Who Desperately Needs To But Hasn't + Who Might In The Future)
Warnings: Some spoilers for way past the U-20 Arc, also not an extensive list of characters, honestly kind of funny. I wasn't trying to be TOO serious
Songs: Falling Behind / Laufey , The Main Character / Will Wood , Nothing's New / Rio Romeo
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Has Gone To Therapy And Loves Their Therapist Gang
-Anri, There is no way she is able to have that much patience and take that much shit from corporate without having a therapist. I think she uses like 1/5th of her paycheck on books about improving your life and stuff like that LMAO. Her therapist is also a woman so it helps her to have someone who understands her frustrations with not really getting credit despite being one of the founders of Blue Lock. Also sometimes she gets worried she's unethical towards the boys so that weighs on her.
-Kenyu, Look it's still in progress ok? He was just starting before he came to Blue Lock. Once he realized he was going to lose his vision he started working with a professional and found it really helpful. In fact they were the one who encouraged him to go after Blue Lock in the first place. One of the reasons he was so quick to say sorry to Isagi is because he has those #coping skills.
-Gagumaru, After having a run in with a bear in the woods he kept having nightmares and his parents made him go to therapy. Well it was kindddd of therapy..it was a hippie who's a family friend. That doesn't mean he doesn't know grounding techniques. He even taught Naruhaya how to calm down from a panic attack once. But yeah, he doesn't really tell people that he went to therapy
-Snuffy, After his best friend's death he went to therapy ASAP. The type to only call his therapist once every 5 months and still have a rock solid relationship with them. His therapist helped him break his womanizing habit and realize that he's enough all on his own. 100% did some soul searching and stepped away from the scene. He also combined the therapist with a personal trainer to really max out his healing process. 100/10 dude for it.
"I Have Gone To Therapy And It Didn't Work" Crew
-Chigiri, Similar to Kenyu, his parents thought he might need some mental health help after the trauma of thinking he'd never be an athlete again. But he was one of those cold shoulder my mom is forcing me to do this cases. He never actually worked through what he might do if this whole thing falls through. Also snarkiness 100, his therapist almost quit because he was so insulting to them. Chigiri just felt ashamed that his parents even thought he should go in the first place and convinced his sister to also beg them to stop taking him lmao.
-Isagi, Okay at some point his parents realize he takes faliure wayyy too hard and tried to get him in therapy. When he talked to the therapist though the dude was like "Yeah, he's just competitive. Nothing wrong here." Alas, he's been masking for so long that he's incapable of revealing his issues to anyone who hasn't known him for 3 years or plays sports with him. Also, he convinced himself he doesn't need it and then idly imagines just going apeshit and killing his enemies to cope with stress...like bro...
-Noa, Why do you think he gets along with Isagi? All jokes aside, his PR people probably asked him to do it and he went and then secretly never went back. It honestly didn't work because he wasn't willing to give it a chance. And still isn't!!!! Would rather backflip off of a yacht than tell someone in a lounge chair about how growing up in intense poverty still haunts him sometimes, makes him question his worth and avoid conflict in day to day life. Sometimes he wonders if one day he'll wake up and find out it was all a dream....But nah he doesn't need therapy!
-Oliver, He was soooo close to actually getting his mental health in check but then his therapist retired. After that he got another really seasoned one and saw the amount of case files in his desk and just felt like a straight up burden. One of those "other people have it worse" and "it is what it is" guys. He's very open about his emotions and feelings so he just talks to his friends when he's really struggling. (Even though Sendou never says the right things-) Like yeah it's their job but why bug these nice people when sex?? Why talk about issues in sessions when he can get drunk or go train for 4 hours??? Riddle him that?
The "I Need Therapy And I Know It" Team
-Ness, He has so many fucking issues. Honestly, despite his devout worship of Kaiser he does realize that his behavior isn't quite healthy or normal. Dude tries to show you a funny video on his phone and all of his ads are for Betterhelp. Genuinely trying to figure out a diagnosis. Yes he has looked up all sorts of personality disorders and no he doesn't think he has any of them (He has at least two). But again, Ness is self aware enough to know that some help or someone to talk to who sees him as an actual human being would be nice.
-Niko, He cannonicaly describes himself as very very introverted and nerdy, also he hides his face. Tell me you were bullied in school or at least had an extremely traumatizing incident without telling me. Kind of never had anyone, just people who hung around because of his soccer skill or avoided him like the plague. He is that guy who will rant about "society" online for hours and fantasize about moving to a different country thinking he'd get better treatment there. Cripplingly lonely and self conscious at the end of the day, in all honesty. Also he genuinely wants a therapist but just can't afford one.
-Hiori, Obviously his parents are the ones who stop him. He tries to go and his mom realizes where he's making her drive him and swerves off. Even when he gets his license, you just know they're tracking everywhere he goes. He doesn't have enough privacy to really get better like that, Hiori has to wait until he moves out. Still genuinely fucked up by the fact that Gagumaru has gotten therapy and he hasn't. Just listens to emo music and plays video games and pretends that that fixes everything. He's totally releasing a top-selling book about his horrible childhood after Blue Lock.
-Bachira, Is he outgoing and silly? Yes. Does he need better coping skills? Also yes. Men will tell you the most horrible and traumatizing childhood memories about getting jumped and then laugh it off, and it's him, Bachira is men. He ties to brush off his trauma with humor but it never really works. He knows that he genuinely needs to talk to someone other than Isagi or his mom about the Monster and how it was by his side for so long. But also never goes through with getting professional help, just thinks about it sometimes.
The "What's Therapy? Fuck You!" Group
-Kaiser, Oh god, don't even suggest it to him. I headcannon that mental illness kind of runs in his family. He's watched family members be taken away for being too out there and openly mentally ill so he has a reason to not trust doctors. Just associates therapy and things like it with abusive institutions. If he told a therapist all of his issues, he'd probably be sent to a psyche ward. Just the threat of being sent there single handedly kept him from killing himself or talking about his feelings when he was younger. He will continue to just be slightly abusive to the people around him thank you very much.
-Ego, Bro's got the government banning him from soccer and you think he's thinking of therapy? When Anri tells him he needs it offhand, he's like, revenge is my therapy. Insane as fuck but thinks that it's a good thing. He is not willing to talk about his issues to anyone, but especially not someone who will write it all down. Genuinely ruined a few relationships in his past because the main people he attracts are the "I Can Fix Him" people and it just never works. Suprisingly unself aware for how much he analyzes others.
-Barou, His main issue is just shame and failed gifted kid syndrome. But as soon as he's back up he's convinced he doesn't need help. Barou suffers from really high highs and really low lows but he also has the mental fortitude to handle it. He is a well adjusted and kind enough person outside of the soccer field so he never considers that he needs therapy. When he feels bad about himself he hits the gym but he's never really opened up to anyone and he sure isn't going to start once he gets more famous. Especially when he's seen as one of the best right now, can't risk his reputation.
-Rin, He's would rather gut himself with a sword than admit that his mental illness doesn't make him a cool loner wolf and just a lonely person who hasn't healed his inner child. Kind of just wants someone to baby him and tell him everything's going to be alright but in the mean time his barriers are up 24/7. He disdains therapy, thinks that he'd just be seen as a pay check and he kind of isn't wrong. Rin would rather pay money for expensive cleats than spend it for someone to suggest him breathing exercises. He also had a traumacore phase, but he'd rather not talk about it.
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faithshouseofchaos · 7 months
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Guardian Angel version two— mafia Carlos sainz x reader
@moss-on-tmblr @toasttt11 @ironcowboycopnickel @alwayzbeenale @astraeaworld @f1ln4dr3cl16mv33 @charlesf1leclerc @hollie911 @sarahedwards16 @omgsuperstarg @otako5811 @natailiatulls07 @norrisleclercf1
“Oh my god are you okay?” You asked the man who lay on the ground bleeding from his shoulder.
“No” he wheezed out. Getting on your knees you put pressure on his wound
“We need to get you to a hospital,” you said stressed out.
“No no please no hospitals”
“I don’t think you have a choice dude”
“I can’t go to the hospital because the police will get involved and I’m not exactly a model citizen”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m the leader of the Spanish mafia”
“Oh fucking Christ of course you are,” you said putting pressure down on the wound
The man’s eyes widened “Do you know who I am?” He asked in a panicked tone.
“You should know me,” he said in a joking tone “Carlos Sainz jr, I ran a multi-billion dollar crime empire across Spain and beyond. I’m a kingpin, an international criminal feared around the world” he smiled and coughed blood at you “I hope you haven’t heard of me before”
“Honestly I don’t care, let's worry about you bleeding out. Alright”
“What’s your name?” The criminal asked curiously “You’re not Spanish since you don’t know me”
“I'm y/n and I’m American”
“Oh you’re American” the Spanish man’s eyes widened in surprise “I’m not sure if you realize how far away Spain is from America. You’re miles away from home,” he said with a raised eyebrow “So what were you doing here?”
“My father was stationed at the navy base in Moron Air Force Base Moron De La Frontera. Mom was pregnant and gave birth here before moving back to the US”
“Oh that makes more sense,” he said “I’m sorry I assumed otherwise” he paused
“Anyway, I appreciate you helping me out right now, you didn’t have to but you did, and for that, I’m very grateful” he smiled “My name is Carlos Sainz jr, but you can call me my nickname, King Carlos, or by my more personal nickname, Smooth Operator”
“Oh you're a smooth operator alright you're laying it on thick over here”
“Hehe” Carlos laughed “I’m just trying to make a good impression,” he said winking at you
“Yeah anyways come you need to stand up we got to get you some more qualified help”
“Then what the hell am I supposed to do with you?”
“Maybe you can keep me at your place? As a prisoner maybe?” Carlos asked
“I need someplace to stay to heal from my wounds, if I don’t I could lose my arm” he panicked “I’ll do anything, but I need your help”
“Oh god ok alright let’s go”
The Spanish man tried to get up but fell to the ground “It hurts, my shoulder it hurts” he cried in pain
“Can you help me please?” He asked in desperation.
“Take off your belt” you instructed
He did as you asked, taking off his belt, he seemed confused at the instruction
“What do I do with my belt?” He asked.
“This,” you say as you wrap the belt around his shoulder tightly to stop the bleeding and help with the pain
Carlos sighed in relief “Thank you for stopping the bleeding”. Following you inside Carlos asked “Do you think I could stay here for a few days, maybe a week at most?” He looked at you with puppy dog eyes
“Yeah look I’m not comfortable with that you can stay the night but only tonight morning time comes I need you gone”
“Please I need your help,” he said, he looked desperate
“I’ll sleep on the couch and not bother you, you’ll never even know that I’m here”
“Ok fine let’s get you stitched up” I don’t want you bleeding out on my couch”
The Spanish man followed you to the bathroom and took off his jacket
“Is this gonna be painful?” He asked, he didn’t seem too keen on the idea of you using a needle and thread on his wound.
“No, it’s gonna tickle yes it’s gonna hurt”
“I’m sorry in advance for anything I might say,” he said, he looked nervous as you prepared your equipment to stitch up his wound
“You’re ok”
The leader of the Spanish mafia bit his tongue as you were sewing his wound, it seemed painful but he was trying his best not to look weak and cry out in pain.
“You know it’s okay to cry I won’t judge,” you say focusing on the wound
“I appreciate that, but I am a man,” he said through gritted teeth
“And men don’t cry” he sighed
“Bullshit everyone cries”
“Not men” the Kingpin shook his head “We must be tough. Crying is a sign of weakness.” He said
“I can kick you in the balls you’ll cry then”
“Okay fine, you’re right. Maybe I will be a little weak in front of you” the man admitted “I don’t mean to sound rude but you aren’t a threat to me, and that makes it easy for me to let my guard down. But if you tell anyone about my weak side I’ll make sure to find you and do unspeakable things” he said with malice in his voice.
“Yeah okay, whatever,” you said putting in the last stitch. “Look at that you're done all stitched up”
“That hurt like hell but it looks good, thank you” the Kingpin smiled as he sat up
“I’ve got something to ask you…”
“What is it?”
The man looked at you “I’m curious… I can see that you’re really pretty, but I’ve never seen you with a boyfriend or a husband… I’m just wondering if you’re single?”
“I don’t wanna talk about it,” you said looking down at the ground
“Okay I’m sorry for asking,” Carlos said, he changed the topic
“Do you have anywhere I can stay tonight? I wouldn’t feel comfortable on the street after you stitched me up” he asked “At least let me stay on the sofa for tonight”
“Yeah you can sleep on my couch”
“Thank you and don’t worry I’ll be out of your hair tomorrow morning,” Carlos said with a small smile.
Nodding you turned to the direction of your bedroom. “help yourself to whatever’s in the kitchen” you tell Carlos walking away.
Quietly you closed your bedroom door leaning against it calming down your nerves.
“Oh, I’m sorry baby did I wake you up?”
“Yeah,” your five-year-old son answered.
“I’m sorry baby go back to sleep I’ll be quiet”
“Are you okay Mommy?”
“Yeah baby, why do you ask?’
“You look pale and sick people get pale”
“I’m an okay baby I promise now go to sleep”
“Okay and momma I love you”
“I love you too now sleep”
Carlos woke up early the next morning to a sharp pain in his shoulder. Looking around he remembered that you let him sleep on the couch picking up his phone he called his cousin.
“I need you to pick me up I’ll send you the address make sure you're not followed and bring me a secured burner”
“What’s going on?”
“I'll tell you when you get here,” Carlos says, hanging up the phone. Texting Caco the address.
“Who are you?”
Looking in the direction of the kitchen Carlos saw a little boy who looked like you.
“I’m Carlos, who are you?”
“I’m Jasper”
“Hello Jasper, is your mom still sleeping?”
“Yeah she didn’t get much sleep last night”
“I’m hungry”
“I can help you if you want”
“I want a toasted bagel please”
“Ok a toasted bagel it is”
“Thank you”
“You welcome Jasper”
After a while Caco arrived knocking on your door. Carlos got up from the couch where he sat watching cartoons with your son.
“What's going on?”
“Not here I’ll tell you in the car. You got what I asked for?”
“Yeah here,” Caco said, handing Carlos the phone.
“Hey Jasper, can you give your mom this when she wakes up with this note please?”
“I can do that”
“Thank you, buddy and lock the door behind me ok?”
“OK Carlos”
“Oh and one more thing, be good for your mom for me ok?”
“I’m always good”
“I believe you” Carlos says, grabbing his stuff and walking out of your apartment standing outside the door waiting and listening as your son locked the door behind him.
Waking up you walked out into the living room noticing your son sitting where Carlos was the night before.
“Mommy I have something for you” your son says, giving you a burner phone with a note.
— in case there’s an emergency call me I’ll be there.
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hi big brother ! so i had an idea. what about headcanons for when mc has to go somewhere for some time, how would the m6 deal with it ? maybe spraying mc's perfume on a pillow and hugging it or writing every thought they have about mc. (this is totally not a self-indulgent idea (◔◡◔✿) )
The Arcana HCs: M6 when MC goes on a trip
~ hi little sister! oh my, what a completely not self-indulgent prompt. I'll be sure to stay extra uninspired while I write it (joking) @elysian-chaos I hope you like these! - brainrot ~
You're going on a trip? Without him? Why?!
Oh. Are you sure you don't need him to go with you?
Doesn't try to convince you otherwise, but will tell you that he'll miss you. To avoid falling into old habits, he decides that everything he does is "for MC."
He leaves the clinic on time without overworking himself "for MC." He only has one drink at the Rowdy Raven "for MC." He eats three times a day and drinks water at least twice "for MC."
He brushes his teeth "for MC." He puts on his coat "for MC." He washes his dishes "for MC." He clips his toenails "for MC."
Portia and Mazelinka start to give him grief for the amount of times a day he murmurs "for MC" before doing something mundane with a heroic air, but he lets them in return for crashing at their places
Because going through the day is busy and distracting enough, but when he gets home and it's exactly the way it was when he left? When he can't hear anyone else breathing in the house?
He hasn't spent one night at home since the first one after you left, choosing instead to show up at Mazelinka's or Portia's right before dinner with the biggest puppy dog eyes they've ever seen
He sporadically writes you long, poetry filled love letters, and sleeps with your replies tucked against his heart
When you get back his ginger chest hair is stained blue in splotches from where the ink rubbed off
Ah, the sweet, sweet taste of poetic justice
Asra's delightfully humble when you rub it in their face - they're the first to point out the irony and suggest they run the shop for you
He makes sure you have everything you need before you leave, puts you in touch with several trustworthy friends, encourages you through any travel anxiety, and waves happily at you as you walk out
And then they mope
The shop starts opening later and later, customers walk in to find a sleepy and depressed Asra behind the counter, and even Aisha and Salim have a tricky time cheering him up
Until two days in when they look up to the sound of the shop bell, and there's Muriel, grumpily following through on your request to check up on Asra while you're gone
Which results in the mountain man standing stoically in front of the counter, trying not to give in to his oldest friend's infectious laughter at how the tables have turned
Seeing how much his visits perk him up has Muriel dropping by almost every afternoon until you return, and the two have a great time catching up on life
Muriel even gets the chance to repay years of teasing when he goes upstairs and sees that Asra has dragged your entire wardrobe onto the bed so they can snooze buried in your smell
You have a lot of laundry to do when you get back
Almost smothers you with everything you need
Transportation? Clothes? Funds? Useful tools to not get lost? Enough paper and ink to write her a ten page letter every day?
She admires your determination to do this on your own merit and decides that she is going to follow suit. She is going to spend the extra time being the best Countess she can for Vesuvia (and you)
Two days in she can't stand the loneliness any more. Where is her MC when she just wants to sit back and relax after a long day? Where can she find someone who'll just treat her like a person?
She quickly finds that most of your mutual friends are unfortunately busy
Desperate times call for desperate measures
She writes to her sisters
Over the next few days, the Satrinava siblings descend on the Palace in hordes. The workload has never been so light, which leads to unexpectedly empty afternoons
And oh, those afternoons are so much more fun than she could have ever expected. Exploring the Heart and Temple districts, riding through the fields, even sparring and dance matches
She would almost feel guilty for how much fun she's having in your absence if she wasn't purchasing everything she saw that reminded her of you
You get home to a pile of presents and lots of sisterly teasing
He's sad to see you go, but he's not hugely bothered
He knows you're a competent traveler, and to be honest, he could use a little alone time. He loves you, but he also likes his introvert recharging time and he's used to being a little more isolated
Starts to get frustrated because for someone who likes being alone, it's a lot harder to enjoy than he remembers
Until he opens the door to his hut after a walk with Inanna to see Asra snoozing in front of the fire
It seems you saw fit to have them return all the favors Muriel did when they were the ones going off on a trip (they were more than happy to humor you) and make sure he didn't get too lonely
Between Asra's love for shaking things up and his own restlessness without you, Muriel suggests renovating the hut to surprise you
The two of them first built it when they were kids, so they know they can do better. It ends up being more fun than either of them expect and they get to really talk for the first time since the plague
The hut itself turns out beautifully - the beams are reinforced, it's given a new floor, any rickety furniture is repaired and replaced, and Asra takes it upon themself to paint the entire interior in beautiful detail
You get home to a yard full of chickens wearing mini bow ties (don't ask) and a Muriel who is very happy to have you back
Oh dear, you lowkey triggered her a little bit when you told her you were going on a trip by yourself
This is exactly how it always goes! The cool person she loves and admires takes off on an adventure and forgets all about her!
Until you remind her that the reason she can't join you is because she's also scheduled for a very cool trip to a different country as a representative of Vesuvia
The first half of your trip goes well with both of you on the road. She tracks your itinerary on one of her many maps and writes you letters with updates on Pepi and the crew every day
Until her trip ends halfway through yours and she's stuck waiting in Vesuvia until you get back
The only moment she stops to breathe is when she writes your daily letter and cooks herself dinner (all of them your favorites)
Other than that, she's too busy working to stay distracted. When she runs out of things to do at the Palace, she deep cleans her cottage, and then Julian's house, and tries to clean Mazelinka's
It's when Mazelinka looks over mid-afternoon to see Portia bustling in the door with a cutlass she "borrowed" from the Palace armory, begging for a distraction, that she intervenes
You get back to an empty cottage, only to find out that Portia's been challenging the Palace guards to sparring matches and sleeping at Mazelinka's every night
You're going on a trip? Without him? Why?! (pt. 2)
He knows that the job you've accepted will work better with only one person, and he knows that of the two of you you're the one who practices magic, but still!
Alternates between grumbling about you leaving and cheering you on because you're so cool, you don't need help, you've got this!
Thankfully, the town he stays in waiting for you knows and loves both of you and is happy to host one of their regular journeymen for the two days you'll be gone
This is fortunate, because Lucio's response to missing you is deciding to learn magic, regardless of his natural ability (or lack thereof) and ignoring the fact that he has nobody to teach him
After you leave that morning, he spends the rest of the day out in some poor farmer's field practicing magical attacks on their hay bales while Mercedes and Melchior terrorize all the local wildlife
He stops by the tavern for dinner early that evening, and after several drinks, decides to camp out in the town's square belting out tone-deaf ballads of your virtues
The townspeople love him for all he's done on different jobs for their sake, so the next morning they take turns asking for his assistance with different tasks to keep him out of trouble
You get back that evening to half the town telling you how much he missed you and a very tired (but satisfied) Lucio
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thejacketscloset · 7 months
Avenging myself against @forestshadow-wolf this one got a little away from me I'll be honest but i like where I ended up LMAO
Soap daydreams about retiring sometimes, never honestly thinks of the idea as something that would happen for him, but he finds entertainment in the possibilities. Different lives he'd like to try leading if he was anyone else, some more absurd than others.
It started as something to keep his mind off nerves when he was deploying, something that stuck with him all through his rookie years. Then he adopted the use of his journal, and the plans got more cohesive as he jotted them down.
Each page it was something different, none of them particularly sticking with him enough to think of them for too long. The scenarios always seemed to be missing something
It doesn't quite click until after Soap meets Ghost on what was missing.
It starts off as a harmless joke in his own mind, wondering what Ghost would do if he retired. The ideas getting more and more absurd with any new thought.
Thinking of Ghost in domestic settings just seems strange, which how cold he has known the man to be he could never imagine him doing something as mundane as frying eggs for breakfast or taking his dogs out for a walk.
The betrayal in Las Almas changes his mind.
After he finally gets out of those rain filled streets and into the truck Ghost is speeding, Soap desperately needs a distraction from his shoukder bleeding out. His mind falls back into his ritual of thinking up retirement plans for everyone.
And suddenly, its not so strange to imagine Ghost living the quiet life in the countryside. He thinks of one or two dogs, despite his own personal opinions of dogs. He thinks of a small cabin-like house with big property. He thinks of a forest to take hikes in every day. He thinks of himself visiting Ghost in this life, maybe even staying the night. Then he thinks of himself making breakfast for Ghost, bringing it up to him so he can eat in bed, climbing onto the mattress beside him-
And woah. Thats a new one. Soaps brain seems to fixate on the thought, the idea of sharing a life after retirement. Soap can't escape it, and after maybe five minutes of failing to escape it, he gives up and indulges. Maybe he indulges a little too much.
"What kinda dogs would ye want L.T.?" He asks, hardly even thinking about how out of place his question might me.
He sees Ghost glance at him from where he's driving, and he has half a mind to apologize for the strange question before the other is responding.
"You're seriously asking me that after the 'half a dog' joke?" And oh Soap can practically heat the grin Ghost's wearing under his mask.
"Jus answer the question," Soap is laughing in response.
Ghost seems to genuinely consider the question for a good moment, Soap watches him the whole time.
"I'd get a Pitbull." He answers after his consideration.
"Scary dog, aye?"
"Nah. They're all sweethearts, just need the right person to show their soft side."
Ghosts eyes seem to flick over to Soap and linger for a long moment after what he said. Soap tries not to let his mind run too wild with what Ghost could mean by that.
"And you Johnny? What would you get."
"I'm no' much of a dog person. Maybe I could be though, if a nice enough Pitbull came around."
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ithseem · 1 year
What Your Favourite Twisted Wonderland Character Says About You
**Disclaimer: All of these are jokes, so if any of you are offended, sorry 😅. Anyway, on to the assumtptions! Also, I cannot say how accurate this is**
Riddle Rosehearts:
You thought his uptightness was too much for you, but post-book one he became your favourite and you can't help but respect his growth. I don't blame you, his backstory was a tear-jerker
Trey Clover:
You want a malewife
Cater Diamond
There's a 40% chance you're bi and there's a 30% chance you follow Danny Gonzalez (and/or one of his clones)
Ace Trappola:
You either have no filter or you wish you could get rid of yours
Deuce Spade:
You think the Bad Boi + Himbo combo is cool and lowkey simpable. There's also a 40% chance you're neurodivergent
Leona Kingscholar:
You're the therapist friend in your group who desperately needs therapy. That or you're really horny
Ruggie Bucchi:
You didn't grow up with much money, and you relate to his struggle. Also, you'll never forgive Andrew Tate for what he posted
Jack Howl:
The more you get to know him, the more you see him as a tsundere puppy. There's also a 20% chance you made at least one pun about him e.g. bro's really JACKed up
Azul Ashengrotto:
There's a 40% chance that Mammon is your favourite Obey Me character. You're also probably an aspiring business owner
Jade Leech:
Your favourite colour is red. That's why you like this walking/swimming red flag
Floyd Leech:
You say he's really cute, but he's also a walking/swimming red flag. Also, if you had to die, you'd say the best way is to suffocate by him squeezing you
Kalim Al-Asim:
There's a chance you mistook him for Mammon from Obey Me. You also see him as the school's therapy dog
Jamil Viper:
You're probably Desi/Arab and you relate to being forced to suppress your emotions just to make sure you keep the peace
Vil Schoenheit:
You thought he'd be a Regina George/Sharpay Evans/Gordon Ramsay reskin but now you respect him more than you respect your IRL friends. Either that or you want him to step on you
Rook Hunt:
You appreciate the fact that he's a goofy mf and owns it. That or you're insane
Epel Felmier:
Your life's motto is "Short People Rule!" There's also a 30% chance you're feral asf
Idia Shroud:
You're a gamer/anime fan. There's also a 45% chance you're autistic
Ortho Shroud:
You either want him as a little brother or as a son
Malleus Draconia:
You're at least 45% of the fanbase. You also think goths are just neat
Lilia Vanrouge:
You're an e-boy/girl/other-gender or a menace to society
Sebek Zigvolt:
You've lost track of how many times you wanted to bully this boomer of a sixteen-year-old
You have good taste 😎
You're a cat person
Yuu (manga/game/novel):
You're cool 😎
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resident-idiot-simp · 2 months
I love the Black dog idea so much!!! And it doesn’t go against the premise at all. Imagine Simon’s human his whole life and thinks Mythics are just lazy spoiled princesses only to become one himself also gaining his new name Ghost. The symbolism between life and death with Soap and Ghost and how opposites can attract and balance each other vs Farah and Hadir where the opposites can tear people apart instead.
People absorb magic their whole lives and while it’s most common to hybridise as a small child if an adult needs to absorb a lot of magic quickly to survive a dangerous situation it’s possible they will also hybridise. In cases like those the area, type of danger, internal magic they’ve absorb in there life and the persons desires would affect the creature they became ie wanting to survive vs wanting revenge would affect the outcome. Being English and being buried alive in an unmarked grave plus wanting revenge = a very pissed black dog hybrid!!!!
In this universe wendigos are a thing with all the magic around but they’re not hybrids they are full creatures. The American military tried using them but they couldn’t control them they had no intelligence beyond hunting for food and couldn’t distinguish between allies or foes.
Fae and a bunch of other creatures are also a present, them returning to the world is what brought back the magic. Soap being a unicorn is fae adjacent and he gets along with the fair folk surprisingly well (the fae courts also completely disregard human royalty (Soap finds this hilarious Ghost doesn’t)).
Roba was also a mythic he was an “old coyote” trickster and used his power to torment people. Hey got away with it so long because mythics are basically above the law in most cases. They will always be treated better than a regular hybrid even one like Ghost. People are lerry of of death affiliated hybrids like vulters or ravens and there are a few nasty stereotypes floating about. Alex probably gets called dumb a couple times a month and the amount of freedom jokes Graves cops a beyond count. Nick’s viewed as a violent brute stuff like that.
Valeria almost died on the mission where she usurped the previous cartel leader and became a regular hybrid to survive. She was unarmed, injured, and surrounded by enemies. She need a way to defend herself and she found one (she’s super venomous).
SOAP GOT HIS NAME FROM SOAPWART because when he uses his magic that shit starts growing everywhere and when Ghost uses his it kills them off. The only reason their home isn’t overgrown with it is because Ghost keeps it incheck.
Ok that's good I'm glad it works because it really feels like it works. I see so in a moment of desperation or dire situation they can transform to survive, it makes sense. The symbolism between Soap and Ghost is amazing an it feels important honestly because it can also delude the godly nature of the Mythics. Them being opposite of Farah and Hadir works so well.
That explanation works well I man after all who wants to fuck with pissed a black dog?
heheheheh Wendigos that makes a lot of sense honestly you can also have it to where they are just smart enough to know they want NO part in the military BS. However I still have the question of what can and can't be a hybrid. Dragons can but not Wendigos, Black dogs but not fae. What is the deciding factor of what can and can't be a hybrid?
I love the idea that Soap and the Fae are just besties and Ghost is just there. ALSO FAE COURT! (poor Ghost)
OLD COYOTE TRICKSTER ROBA IS SO SMART! I like the negative stereotypes it makes the world feel more real and honestly I think it is necessary. The Jokes made at everyone expense is absolutely something that would happen.
Valeria backstory is perfect for her character I love it so much!
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