#I just don't want to stay afraid to share my opinions
goodolddumbbanana · 3 days
I just remembered something, when Sun went to Nothing happens!universe, alt!Moon mistakes him (at first) for these Sun have portals.
Which means, not only Dark Sun, but still a number variant of Suns, who possessed the same intelligence or, maybe gain his knowledge from eating their Moon.
So, where are they? Where are these Sun? Why does nobody know about them, and why see-all people still concede Sun as Dumb or Useless?
Because in the strangest way just like Earth, whom the evilest version of her just her being president, Sun normally doesn't have evil variants, cuz even Puppet is surprised about him and unable to read Dark Sun. (We didn't see cringe!Dark Sun in cringe dimension proves my point)
I think someone has killed them. The amount of smart Sun has already been terminated, and only the small mounts like Dark Sun and someone honestly just like to hide and being alone. Maybe by Creators because honestly, even Creator hates Sun the most, he seems... I don't know how to describe it, speak to Sun with closure.
(you know the way your parents always say you are disappointed but still they know and acknowledge your abilities? And the possibility that Herry is the want who used to work with Creator? What if Sun is the result of a divorced and herry never paid his child support leading Creator feeling salty about Sun because he reminds him so much about Herry? So he needs to dumb Sun down?)
Cuz Dark Sun seems very confident when he says it only the matter of time when a Sun snapped, and Sun shares the same opinions when he said to alt!Moon this alt!Sun would never grow backbone in that way and he just grew out of being happy like it is the fate of a Sun, suffering and dead or suffering and living out of sprite.
Btw, New Moon's name is so cringe. I wonder what plan they will do with Nexus. Because as I was saying before, Nexus would become a new villain but for how long and does him even have a redemption arc now?
Surely because of the comeback of the Old Moon, Nexus would stay the same like right now as his personality still roaming in his teenage phase.
But then what? Will he still roam free and don't care about anything like right now? (Making new friends and abandoning his old so-called family just because he is obsessed with the idea of being himself, just like Eclipse v1 just lives out of sprite because he wants to avenge Old Moon?) and then die as a villain, again and again, or just get out of the narrative like Eclipse V4?
Or he slowly but surely will have his redemption arc and has 'oh shit, I still care' moment with Sun and he gives up becoming such a deranged?
Nexus says he doesn't care about anyone anymore, what if because of that he will hurt Sun above his imagination to prove a point?
Because since when Nexus wakes up, Sun is the person Nexus has been focusing on the most.
He takes care of Sun when he has mental breakdown moments, he snapped at Sun when he realised Sun is lying to him but still went and rescued him. He and Sun get yeet in Ruin dimension and yet instead of angry and tired with Sun like some people, they are hand-in-hand (not ship) and face the world. Nexus always reminds Sun he is the person Nexus trust most and Nexus can't lose Sun. He even almost spilled the bean to Sun when they talked about how to bring Solar back and hit the wall several times to get out of the nightmare when Sun died. He even kneed down and begged Eclipse V4 to know where Sun was and his Old self always nagging at Nexus to protect Sun. He honestly tries better just for Sun and when Sun said he was disappointed at Nexus, Nexus seems like cool-down a little bit, and even trying to convince Sun to let him out or just let him do it for the family, kill Bloodmoon and save Solar.
The last conversation they have seems to be more civilised than I imagined. Never once, Nexus yelled at Sun. He spoke with Sun in a soft, slow voice, like he was still aware how much Sun is afraid of loud noise.
Like sure, Nexus still hit Sun right in the chest with all the bullshit that he said, but unlike with Earth, when he shut her down right away by calling her name and tossing her aside like an unwanted damage; he still trauma dumping with Sun, he still talked a little bit of his feelings to Sun, about his plan, etc...
And sure all the things he said were terrible but I think it can be worse with Sun. Which means even though Nexus doesn't care, he still cares about Sun like an instinct.
(I think he was talking the truth to some degree when he said he is indifferent about others. Nexus was numbing all his feelings since Solar died, and actively did it worse in order to surpass his old self, which leads to him so exhausted that he is unable to care about the others and wants to throw all of his relationships away.)
Bet the feeling of Nexus for Sun right now is so conflict with a lot of resentment and careness. Because on one side, Nexus still cares about Sun to some degree which maybe if Sun dead, he would feel guilty and maybe feel sad and snapped his actions for a moment. On the other hand, he wants to distance himself from what A Moon calls a Moon, and get rid of all Moon's nagging and want before, like his policy about protecting family in general and Sun in particular.
Like how he even asks Dark Sun why Dark Sun doesn't like to change his name, to separate the image of Sun and Dark Sun. It's almost like Nexus doesn't want Dark Sun to remind him of Sun at all and he still craves the love and agreement of somebody, seeing how he compliments Dark Sun's home and his dog guard...
If Nexus and Sun meet again, I don't think things would end well. Either Nexus would nonchalant say he never cared about Sun and all the time they spend together he was forced and was affected by the Old Moon and tried to hurt Sun because Sun got involved in his plan or just pure his selfishness want to make a point.
Or, he would be angry and snap back at Sun and just do the same actions like I said above.
And Sun...
Out of all people, only Sun, I think only Sun still cares about Nexus and understands him deeply, which leads him to definitely feel guilty, shocked and hollow to seeing his use to be brother go down in such manners.
(because Earth doesn't want to do anything with Nexus since he almost killed her. And she has a higher intelligence emotions level to know She deserves better than this and she wouldn't spend more time to blame herself because of what happened to Nexus. Lunar after killing Eclipse, realized it is not worth it to spend time with people who choose to be terrible, will definitely move on soon.)
Sun,... I don't think this time if Sun meets Nexus again, Sun would just stand by and do nothing. I think, this time, Sun may try to defend himself. Either in the "oppsie silly me, I accidentally killed Moon again" moment, or... Just straight out blasting Nexus.
And The way Nexus sees Sun no longer cares about him, would definitely hurt Nexus inside.
May he become deranged more, or will think back of what he did, that is what time would tell.
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Hey, I am new to ur blog and totally love it!! Definitely my fav one on here & thank u for putting out ur perspective!
So, idk if this has been discussed here before (been here only for the past 2 days.. will deep dive into it🫡) but just wanted get some things off my chest as this blog seems to be a safe place to voice it out.
1. In one of their recent ivs with Kiss fm when asked about how to get out of the friendzone, he agrees to some extent with Nic, but when the interviewer said "just do a me & stay there", L was immediately jumped in to agree and looked visibly nervous, clearing his throat - this solidifies my opinion that he has feelings for her is and is afraid to confront them.
2. I may be reaching with this one, but I think the cast also knows what's up with them? Like Claudia keeps referring to herself as 3rd wheel, Johnny giving a teasing smile to LN when he talks about N and Luke T glancing at them while saying "fear of falling in love" & "oh, personal advice" when LN talked about insecurities.
3. Not to forget in the friendzone or love iv, she raises her brows & hits him with the paddle as of calling him out for sending "mixed message". Also, when she says "don't call me bro, pal or dude if u kiss me" seems to be directed at him. This is the only interview I couldn't get through cause the tension between them was seeping through the screen.
They definitely seem to have some kind of attraction towards each other but holding off for some reason (in some of the interviews they did prior to the promo tour, the ones they did indoors, he keeps giving her googly eyes & scanning her face with his eyes with a smirk & he wasn't like that with claudia. You can see N doing the same to him on some instances). My guess is that N has her guard up as she said she is cynical about love and probably decided to stay friends with him as it could affect their work life (but the maks slips off time and again). I believe that they caught feelings while filming s3 and it might've surprised both of them (remember, his break up with Jade also happened around the same time, she started dating someone else right after breakup so I cant help but notice how the timeline overlaps). He had just then got out of a LT relationship & probably they didn't want to act on his feelings. I am assuming all their bottled up emotions came out with full force once they reached the end of the promo.
From what I understand, they seem to be having an on/off relationship in terms of their feelings, very much like the ross & rachel dynamic he so often keeps mentioning (he said that Polin never get the timing right which is kinda untrue considering once C realised his love he got P, he seems to be talking about Nic & himself). I think the lines were really blurred & at this moment both of them are confused as to what/how they feel.
Now coming to him dating A, I think for him he believes dating A is safer cause he isn't going to lose anything there but with N if it doesnt work out he is going lose their friendship (like it happened with J for him). He really is like Colin & in L's own words, I hope he "gets some vision" & sees "what is right infront of him". For me, it looks he is probably lost right now & acting out cause he doesnt how to deal with his feelings for N.
Apologies for making it so long, I hope u find time to read it, but i had to get it out of my system cause its getting really tiresome to see people calling them disingenuous & questioning their friendship/love they have for each other & labelling it as PR/fake when in reality their dynamic seems too complicated.
First off, thank you and I really appreciate it!
Secondly, thank you for sharing, I pretty much agree with everything you said.
The only point I will add is in Brazil N mentioned that she used to be more cynical about love but that it was changing. Which was apparently a conversation that her and L had.
Then in the KISS interview she said that she loves love.
This is quite the progression. I'm interested to know what caused this change and why now? I have my suspicions...
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an-angels-fury · 2 years
You: Explain that Anakin was a victim of slavery and grooming in the hands of Palpatine, that the Jedi were emotionally neglectful towards him and nobody really helped him to work through his trauma and that these factors influeced the harmful and unhealthy ways he learnt to lead with his emotions and life choices, but still recognize that Anakin is responsible for his dark deeds, even with his agency compromised, and should be held accountable for his horrible crimes.
You: Explain the Jedi were good and well-meaning people who tried their best to save many lives, but were extremely flawed individuals who grew to become arrogant, hypocrital and corrupt, failed to protect and take care of their Chosen One and other members of the Order and made many wrong and questionable choices, acting against their code because they were too worried about losing their influence and status quo. They were the heroes of the story and victims as well who didn't deserve to be slaughtered in Order 66 but they also made terribles mistakes and still should be held accountable for them just like Anakin.
(Ex: not doing anything about slavery unless it was convenient, leading an slave clone army to fight for the Republic, taking into the roles of soldiers but still calling themselves 'peace keepers', sending padawans to fight and die in a senseless conflict, expulsing Ahsoka from the Jedi Order, abandoning her to stand a trial and possible execution for a crime they weren't even sure she commited (SHE DIDN'T) and don't saying a word about it, acting suspicious towards a nine year old boy and treating as he was dangerous because he was afraid and worried about his mother, not caring at all about his childhood trauma, giving the same boy to spend time alone with a much older man that barely know him, even though they were against it, because this man was the chancellor and years later judgining the boy for being too attached to this man but still using that relationship in their favour when was also convenient, commiting treason against the Republic by spying on its leader and planning to taking him out of his position and assume the control of the Senate even before discovered his true identity with no proof about his real intentions or guarantee of support of other politicians, etc...)
P.S.: Just to be clear, I'm NOT saying that everyone who supports the Jedi acts that way, I don't want to generalize or offend anyone. This is solely based on arguments made by some Hardcore Pro-Jedi Fans (which I refer as 'Jedi Apologists') that I read many times here on Tumblr. I wanted to point out the hipocrisy behind those arguments and how unfair they are most of the time. Anyway, thanks to come for my Ted Talk.
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blueshirtjamie · 7 months
"Slut!" // J. Hughes
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In which Jack and the reader decide to go public with their blossoming relationship, only to discover that the internet can be a cruel place. Is all of it really worth it? (Inspired by the masterpiece of a vault track Taylor gave us.)
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, insults (the title is slut after all), not proofread so please pardon any small errors!
Word count: 1.9k
A/N: I honestly don't know Jack's personality very well so hopefully I did an okay job of characterizing him. I hope you enjoy this! My requests are always open :)
Everyone wants him, that was my crime
You had been dating New Jersey’s star young forward, Jack Hughes, for some time now– but it was a complete secret. Jack was one of the NHL’s biggest names because of his insane talent on the ice. And, much to your chagrin, he was also one of the most crushed-on players in the league. His ocean-blue eyes and sweet smile charmed anyone who laid eyes on him, and you were so afraid of what people would say if they found out that you two were an item. New Jersey Devils fans, and Jack Hughes fans in particular, were nothing if not protective and could be so mean online. You liked Jack a lot–you two had so much fun together, always laughing and doing fun things, and you didn’t want the world to break you two apart. You were afraid to share Jack, something you had shared with him from the start of your relationship. The Tweets, Tumblr posts, and Instagram accounts dedicated to your boy ignited a jealous and protective streak in you, but it was the price you’d have to pay to stay with Jack– and one you’d pay willingly. 
Aquamarine, moonlit swimmin' pool// What if all I need is you?
“I think we should go public soon, babe,” Jack said one night as you two were taking a late-night dip in your backyard pool. You swam over to him and put your arms around his neck, planting a small kiss on his lips. 
“ I don’t know, Jack,” you said. “I’m just so scared of what people will say. What if all I need is you? No one else’s opinions and validation, just my boy?” You gave him a small smile. 
“I know you’re scared, baby,” he replied. “But I want to show you off to the world. Everyone deserves to see my pretty girl and learn all about you and your kind heart.”
You blushed, and a sigh escaped you. 
“Okay,” you conceded. “If you’re sure, J, then I trust you.” 
Jack smiled, pulling you in for a long, slow kiss. The kind that made your stomach flutter and your heart melt. 
Got love-struck, went straight to my head// Got lovesick all over my bed
The moonlit swim replayed in your head as you two lay in bed that night. Jack had been sound asleep next to you, softly snoring, for a while now. You, on the other hand, were wide awake, your mind racing. “I want to show you off to the world,” you heard on loop. The sweet facial expression Jack gave you as you said it. The soft kiss that had quickly heated up. God, you loved kissing Jack, and with each kiss, you felt yourself falling deeper and deeper for him. Each sweet word from his pretty lips intensified your feelings. There was no denying it— you were falling in love with Jack Hughes, and he was right. It was time for the world to finally know. 
The next morning, you sat next to Jack in bed as he scrolled through photos of you guys, trying to find the perfect few to post on his Instagram. Finally, you settled on three– a shot of you two post-game, one with the city skyline in the background, and a selfie of you kissing his cheek. Your heart pounded as Jack typed out the caption: “my whole heart ❤️”. He pressed “post” and you took a deep breath. 
“I could throw up,” you said, curling into Jack’s side. He held you close, placing a gentle kiss on your head. 
“Everyone is gonna love you, babe, I don’t know how they couldn’t.” 
And I break down, then he's pullin' me in// In a world of boys, he's a gentleman
As it turns out, the internet was a cruel place, and not everyone loved you. While the comments on Jack’s post were mostly positive, especially the ones from teammates and other players, others were not so nice. The words “slut”, “puck bunny”, “clout chaser”, and “bitch” floated around a lot, and so you found yourself doom scrolling through social media, reading every comment you could find. Your photos were reposted time and time again on various accounts, and it was overwhelming. Tears welled in your eyes and you tried hard to hold them back, but you were unsuccessful. Once they started falling, they just wouldn’t stop. Jack walked around the corner into your bedroom to find you a sobbing mess. He took your phone from your hands, powered it off, and took both of your hands in his. 
“We’re done with that for today, okay?” he said gently. He pulled back the covers on your bed and helped you get in before getting in himself, pulling your body into his. 
“They’re being so mean, Jack,” you said between sobs. “I knew it was a bad idea, I knew it!” 
Jack shushed you gently, wiping your tears with his thumb. 
“Those people don’t matter, love. What matters is that you’re mine, and I’m going to protect you like my life depends on it. You and me, that’s all that matters, okay?”
You nodded as a sob racked through your body. Jack held you like that, whispering reassurances and stroking your hair until you calmed down, your breathing becoming more even and your cries fading out. He handed you a box of tissues from the nightstand and smiled at you as you dabbed at your eyes and blew your nose. 
“I’m sorry baby,” you said, your voice barely above a whisper. 
Jack cupped your face with both of his hands, looking you in your eyes. 
“Hey, there’s nothing to apologize for, baby,” he said. “At some point, you get used to any kind of comments about you and block them out. I forgot that not everyone can ignore it like I’ve learned to. I’m gonna protect you, okay? I mean it. I will tell you time and time again how amazing you are, and I’ll make sure they know it too.” He kissed you gently, and you melted into him. 
I said, "It might blow up in your pretty face"// I'm not sayin', "Do it anyway"// But you're going to
After an afternoon spent snuggling up to Jack and watching movies, you were calm, and the comments had drifted from your mind. Let them talk, you thought. As long as I have my boy, that’s all that matters. 
“Let’s go out tonight,” Jack said, looking at you, his face lit up in excitement. 
“Jack…” you started, an air of uncertainty in your voice. 
“No, I mean it. Let’s go out and be seen, show people that their comments don’t matter in the slightest. Let’s go have fun and get your mind off things, ya know?”
You sighed deeply, contemplating. You could dress up, go out, and have some fun with your boy, or you could stay in bed and sulk. Okay, you thought. Let’s do this. 
“Okay,” you said, looking at Jack and smiling. “But if it blows up in your pretty face, don’t say I didn’t warn you, babe.”
His elation visibly grew as his smile widened. 
“Okay!” He said, placing a gentle kiss on your lips. “Let’s get ready, then.”
But if I’m all dressed up, they might as well be lookin' at us// And if they call me a slut, you know it might be worth it for once// And if I'm gonna be drunk, I might as well be drunk in love
So there you were, dressed in a sexy little black dress that hugged your curves and showed off your best assets, your hair and makeup done up. You felt confident, you felt strong, you felt… hot. Jack agreed, whistling at you as you rounded the corner and stepped into his view. 
“Wow, babe,” he said, taking you in. “You are absolutely stunning. I can’t wait to show my girl off,” he smiled, taking your hand and spinning you in a small circle. He pulled you in then, both his hands on your waist, and gave you a long, slow kiss. You melted into him and deepened the kiss. After pulling away, you took in the sight of Jack. Black pants and blazer paired with a crisp white button-down and black tie, hair mussed up in just the right way that you loved on him. 
“You’re not so bad yourself,” you smiled, meeting his eyes with your own. He smiled back, that charming, bright smile that gave you butterflies every time. 
“Ready to go?” he asked. You nodded confidently. 
“We look so good,” you said. “They might as well be looking at us, right?” 
Jack laughed. “That’s my girl.”
The bar was busy on a Friday night, as was expected, so you two were able to grab a drink inconspicuously, blending into the crowd. Jack kept a hand around your waist the entire time, gently guiding you through the sea of people drinking, mingling, and dancing. You two found a table to stand at and people-watched, chatting and laughing together. It felt good to be out, to be dressed up, to feel confident. Your conversation was soon interrupted by a man, clearly already a few drinks in.
“Oh my god,” he shouted over the music. “Jack Hughes!” 
He clapped a firm hand on Jack’s back. 
“Can I take a picture with you?” he asked, more as a warning, as his phone quickly obscured Jack’s face as he leaned in for a selfie. 
Just as soon as he arrived, he was gone. 
“So it begins,” Jack said, a tone of annoyance in his voice. “I bet that picture is already on Twitter.” 
He took his phone out to check social media, and you leaned close to him, peering over his shoulder. He placed a hand on your lower back, scrolling through his mentions with the other hand. Sure enough– a grainy, dimly lit photo of you two in candid conversation had been posted by a hockey “news” account. 
Jack Hughes spotted with his new girlfriend at a Newark bar! (via @jacklukequinn)
Somehow, this didn’t bother you at all. If you were gonna dress up, they should be looking at you. You two were a hot couple, and the world deserved to see. If they called you a slut, or a puck bunny, or a clout chaser, so what? It was worth it. You had Jack– what they all wanted– so it was worth it. You had the boy who melted your heart with his charming smile, made you feel beautiful with his kind compliments, and kissed you like no one else ever had. If you were gonna get drunk, you might as well be drunk in love, too. You took Jack’s hand, looking him in his eyes. 
“Come on baby, I wanna dance,” you said, a smile creeping onto your face. 
Takin’ your time in the tangerine neon light, this is luxury// You're not sayin' you're in love with me// But you're goin' to
You led Jack to the dance floor, throwing your arms around his neck as he placed his hands on your hips. You swayed them to the beat, moving as close to him as you could be. The world around you faded– the words, the people, the thoughts, the insecurity, all fading away as you danced and the alcohol set in. It was just you and Jack, the neon lights of the bar casting his face in a tangerine glow. He looked at you lovingly, his eyes soft and his smile sweet. You laughed, pulling him close to place a kiss on his delicious lips. This, this right here was all you needed. All that mattered. Just you and Jack, falling in love. If they called you a slut, it truly might be worth it for once.
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outisgivingpac · 10 months
Pick-a-card: What kind of lover you are attracting?
Hello everyone, I'm back (kind of?) to deliver my first love reading ever! 👀🔥 This PAC will look into what kind of romantic (but also platonic) relationship you are inviting to your life with your current energy. Basically, we will see what personality traits you like about each other and what makes your relationship work. Be mindful that your energy changes over time, and with this collective reading, only take what resonates 🍀✨
If you want to book a personal reading with me, check out my pinned post. There you will also find the masterlist of all my free PAC! Enjoy~ 🌞
🐱Pick a pile/image you feel most drawn to🐱
Pile 1. Pile 2. Pile 3.
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Pile 1: Queen of Swords, 6 of Pentacles, 4 of Swords
First of all, the kind of lover you're attracting are drawn to you by your sharp wits, as well as your fierce and independent nature. Where others find your rough exterior difficult to deal with, this person finds charm and wisdom. They like how argumentive and opinionated you are, like you won't be afraid to speak up for the underdogs and can be real protective around your loved ones. In turn, you might like this person for their generous and forgiving nature. Though their ways of living might trigger your protective instinct at first, like how could someone be so comfortable laying their heart bare? What if someone take advantages of them?? (Lol) But soon enough, you will learn their kindness didn't come from naivety, but their rich life experiences; they are someone emotionally mature and capable to give and receive love from a healthy headspace. As someone who had to navigate through life with careful calculation and always on alert, you will grow to trust this person to mean what they say and be genuine with you throughout your relationship. Fundamentally, you both see each other as a sanctuary. You know the other got your back in the end of the day, and got to "recharge" just by spending time together. Platonic or romantic, this seems to be a wholesome connection that helps you stay grounded during turbulent time.
Pile 2: 4 of Cups reversed, Page of Swords, The Moon reversed
The first thing came up when I read your cards is how it feels like you guys meet/interact with each other in a highly specific environment. Meaning, you don't neccessarily have access to each other's personal life or have constant communication, but just expect to see each other at particular time and space. You could easily be classmate or colleagues, or are sharing a mutual friend. I hear some of you would refer to each other to a third person with a really specific nickname, for example "that guy who takes double expresso" or sth like that. You like this person because they're a social-butterfly with a lotta energy. They often poke fun with you and are fairly successful. On their side, they find you interesting, despite the first impression of you being quite standoffish. You managed to take them aback several times with some witty/funny remarks. They think you have a lot to offer, long as others put effort to help break the ice. This relationship seems to be of a casual and light-hearted nature. It sounds strange but, it just works when neither parties know where they are going, nor do they try too hard to stir the boat somewhere specific. It's the kind loose committal relationship that deepen slowly overtime, like the sediment at the bottom of a river.
Pile 3: 2 of Swords, Strength, Temperance reversed
The person you're attracting seems to be someone you would usually consider as "out of your league". Unlike you who always strike for a harmony in a group, this person has a strong and upfront personality, though I won't describe them as unkind or selfish. Quite the opposite, they are incredibly wise and have a big heart of an advocate. In your eyes, they have accomplished a lot of admirable goals with their talent second to their tenacity and hard work. Comparing to them, you might find yourself too indecisive and easily flustered to step out of your comfort zone. On the other hand, they see you as someone with many contradictions and complex inner world. In conversation with you, they can tell how you have many different interests and potentials, yet more often than not surrender your choices to the circumstances or other people. On the surface, it seems like a "I can fix them" kind of attraction, but at the same time I don't sense a strong desire to force themselves in your life from this person. In other words, they are not someone who would force others to change in order to match them. But they will wait and see if you will break out of the comfort zone, or from the harmony of "how things should be", with your own conviction. If anything, they want to be one of your conscious choice, not an convenient option due to the circumstances.
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softpascalito · 1 year
Pedro Pascal x Reader - Here with me
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Summary: During his time in Morrocco, Pedro finds himself in need of reassurance. You are happy to help.
Relationships: Pedro Pascal x Reader
WC: ~1200
Tags/Warnings: RPF, Gender-Neutral Reader, Established Relationship, Fluff and Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Pedro is a softie in this, the morroco pics made me do it, pedro pascals cream-colored hat, age differene (not specified), insecurities
i hope yall like this! it is my first time posting a pedro work so id love to hear your thoughts on it <3 also watch me settle the six pack debate through the power of fanfiction.
“I look stupid.” He muttered under his breath as he stood in front of the mirror. You weren't sure if he was talking to you or to himself. Still, you had caught every word.
“You do not look stupid.” “Fine, then I look- I don't know - bad.”
You sighed, finally turning your full attention towards the man you adored so much.
“You do not-” You crossed the bedroom in a few strides until you were behind him and could gently brush your hand over his back:” look stupid or bad-” He opened his mouth to protest but you immediately cut him off:” or whatever other similar attributes you have prepared.”
Pedro grumbled but it soon turned into a soft sigh as you carefully brushed the wrinkles out of his white tee and stood on your tiptoes to look over his shoulder, glancing at him in the mirror. He looked more than good, in your opinion. His skin was sunkissed, the colorful trunks went well with the basic shirt, he had put on some comfy sneakers and the light fedora he'd brought from Los Angeles. His hair was still a little messy after the shower you had shared and bits of it stuck out below his hat, making him all the more adorable.
You pressed a small kiss to his shoulder, just below his neck. The skin was soft and warm, having absorbed the sun throughout the long day you had spent exploring the streets of Morocco.
“You were so excited about bringing the hat when we packed, baby.” You mumbled to him, searching for his gaze through the mirror in front of you. He still didn't look at you, his eyes instead wandering over his body once more. Your lips were still on his skin and the vibrations of your voice carried into it as you spoke:” What's going on?” Pedro let out another small sigh:” Its nothing, I'm sorry. Just a long week.”
You knew shooting had been draining, the long hours combined with the physicality of the role and the heat- you admired how well he coped with it. Then again, maybe he didn't. Very gently, you stepped back and lowered your heels to the floor, returning to your normal height. You placed a hand on either side of his hips and slowly nudged him to turn around until he was fully facing you. Your left hand stayed on his hip while your right one wandered up to cup his face. He hadn't shaved in a while and you ran your thumb over his beard.
“What's going on?” You asked again, gazing up at him. You both knew he couldn't resist opening up to you. Not when you were looking at him like that. The words almost tumbled out of his mouth.“I just want to go somewhere without it ending up on social media. I want to go out with unwashed hair and a stained shirt and not worry about repeating an outfit or looking stupid or old or-” You shushed him gently, your hand still caressing his cheek.
“Baby, you can. Noone will mind, I promise.” He still looked doubtful. You didn't want to push him but at the same time you felt like you wanted to get to the bottom of this. You knew he needed the reassurance.
“You're afraid you'll look old?” He shrugged a little but it was accompanied by a small nod. So, that was it. “Can I ask something?” Your thumb had begun to draw circles on his cheek and he gave another silent nod.
“Are you scared that someone will think you're old?” You paused for a moment:” Or are you scared I will?”
His large brown eyes finally met yours and-
Pedro barely had time to react as you leaned up and pressed a desperate kiss to his lips, trying to convey how much you adored him, making up for the words you couldn't find. He wrapped his arms around you, almost protectively and it suddenly occurred to you that he must've had that thought for a while.
“Pedrito, I- I don't think that.” You mumbled:” What makes you think I do? And don't say it was the stupid hat, you've worn that before.” He kissed you again, buying some time before he had to reply. “When we were at the beach a few weeks ago and I didn't have my reading glasses with me.” You knew exactly what he meant. And you immediately felt guilty. It had been a rare day off for the two of you and you'd decided to pack up some towels, books and snacks and spend the day at the beach. And then he had realized that he'd forgotten his reading glasses. And you had teased him about it.
“Baby, I didn't mean- Why didn't you say anything?” You asked quietly. You had pulled back a little more, to properly study his face. Just like you, he seemed to struggle with finding the right words. “I didn't want to make a whole deal about it. And I didn't- I didn't mind it. At first.” He explained gently. His voice was low and his gaze kept flickering away from your face:” I don't want you to miss out on things just because I, well, just because I'm older.” You couldn't help but let out a small giggle at that. Pedro stared at you like you had gone crazy:” What's so funny about that?” He demanded. You grinned up at him, your thumb still rubbing circles into his skin:” I'm not some rich Hollywood guy with a fancy yacht. I'm not going to trade you in for some young hunk with a six pack.”
You could tell he still tried to look a little mad but the corners of his lips curled a little as he tried, unsuccessfully, to hide his smile. That earned him another small laugh from you. “With this role, I might have a six pack soon, you know.” He teased as he finally looked down at you again. Your hand that had rested on his hips slowly moved under his shirt, finding his small, soft belly.
”As long as it makes for a comfortable pillow, I don't mind either.”
That elicited a small smile from Pedro. He watched your expression closely as you shifted, turning a little more serious. “I knew how old you were when we started dating. In fact, I'm pretty sure I knew before that.” You said gently:” I don't mind. I want to be with you. Siempre.” Your thumb had found the small, bald spot in his beard and rested in it for a moment. They fit perfectly. “Okay.” He whispered. And then it was his turn to try and convey an emotion he couldn't quite grasp with a kiss.
You understood.
After a while, you pulled back and studied his face for a moment, the way his eyes seemed a little watery, the shape of his nose, his slightly reddened lips. You smiled.
“If you wear the hat, I'll wear the dress.” It took him only a second to catch on:” The yellow one?” He asked, his face lighting up at the idea. ”The yellow one.” You confirmed.
You'd never seen him wear a hat with more pride.
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lazycats-stuff · 1 year
141 TF x male reader
Summary: What if they run into this man while on a mission, looks like a civilian but there's a few problems all enemies have been taken down no bullet wounds and all that stand is a man with a real bad head injury and no memory - requested by @xweirdo101x
Also it's romantical, so it's poly. So whoever doesn't like poly relationships, this is your chance to turn back. And yes, I know it's not realistic, but I need it.
Warnings: violence, blood, dead bodies, amnesia, characters maybe ooc
Jesus, Ghost has me in a chokehold, hence the gif. Also, there is over 2k words in here, so I will write part two.
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141 thought that this was going to be a simple mission. They had been collecting intel for some while now. It was an old terrorist organization, but it was under a new leader, the one who proved to be more radical than the previous.
But there was something else as they were driving to the location provided by the mark. Ghost and Price thought that this was a trap. Soap and gaz didn't really share the opinions, but they did agree that it was odd.
" Alright, we need to do this quickly and quietly. We will breach from the front and work the first floor then move upstairs. Intel on the new leader is out of the most importance. " Price said, getting his rifle ready.
Yes sir echoed from the other three. They had backup in the van behind them, but they were taking the lead in this. More precisely, Price was taking the lead on this. It was really important that they get the intel on this leader.
The van stopped and the task force got out. Ghost took his binoculars and looked at the house that stood tall. It seemed to be empty.
" It seems that the house is empty sir. " Ghost said, putting down the binoculars.
" So do we think that this is a trap? " Gaz asked the captain. The backup got around them.
" We treat it like it is. Ghost and I will lead the teams. My team will breach the first floor and Ghost's will be breaching the top floor. Everything clear? " Price asked.
The yes sir echoed out and Price nodded. The teams were formed and they went to the house. It was far to quiet and it looked abandoned.
The first sign of trouble wasn't even in the house. The dead guards were a dead giveaway that somebody was here before them. And maybe that someone is still here. Ghost and Price stopped, looking at each other.
" Everyone, be careful. " Price said into the radio. Price nodded and stood in front of the door. The door was ajar and inside were more bodies. What the hell happened here?
Price and Ghost entered the house, being mindful of the bodies that littered the floor. The worst of all, those were their enemies. Who killed them all?
Ghost and his team went upstairs. They were following the blood on the walls. It was slightly nerve wracking. The thought of a person who killed them, might being in here, just ready to strike.
Ghost was leading, Soap following right behind him. Ghost opened the bedroom door and was shocked to find a man, alive and breathing, just looking confused.
The said man quickly raised his hands in the air, not wanting to be killed.
" Wait, wait! Please don't kill me! " The man yelled out, afraid of the men in front of him.
" Who are you?! " Ghost asked the man moving closer to search him.
The man took a deep breath to calm down. " I don't know who I am. I woke up here. "
Ghost was going to say otherwise, but he saw a nasty head wound. He sighed. Shit.
" What do we now Lt? " Soap asked.
" We need to evacuate him and get intel. Did you kill the men in here?" Ghost asked with a more rougher voice.
The man shook his head.
" Captain check the bodies. " Ghost said over the radio, taking the man by the forearm.
They went downstairs and Soap stayed upstairs to search for the intel they were here for in the first place.
" Ghost who is this? " Price asked, eyes falling down on the man. He saw the head wound, grimacing at the sight.
" We don't know. He says that he doesn't remember. " Ghost said.
" We checked the bodies. No bullets wounds. " Price said quickly. " Where is Soap? "
" Upstairs, looking for intel. "
Ghost let go of the man's arm, seeing that the man won't go anywhere.
" I will let the base know to get a doctor ready. " Price said, waving the man over. The man walked over.
" Come on, you are going to wait in the van. " Price said, leading the man out. They need to secure the house and search from top to bottom.
After everything was secure, they went back to their base in UK. The doctor checked him out. The doctor confirmed that the man had amnesia and that he doesn't know who is he. However, they did take his DNA and fingerprints.
" We will send them to Interpol and other agencies to try to figure his identity. " The doctor said, writing something down on a clipboard.
" Is he awake? " Price asked.
" Yes. I treated the wound and gave him some painkillers. And don't stress him out. Let him relax. It's difficult to not know who you are. "
Price nodded and thanked the doctor. The captain entered the room, immediately seeing the bed where the man was laying. The man tensed when he saw the captain. Price raised his hands in defense.
" Don't worry. I'm just here to talk. "
The man relaxed, pulling the covers higher. Price sat down next to him on a chair.
" I don't think that I will be much help. I don't remember anything. " The man said looking down, clearly troubled by the amnesia.
" That's okay. Some time needs to pass and you will probably remember it. We also sent your fingerprints and DNA to Interpol and other agencies. We will know something more in a few more days. " Price said to the man.
" Thank you... Can I ask you a question? " The man asked and Price could sense the hesitation.
" Of course you can. "
" What were you looking for in that house? "
Price explained everything he could about the terrorist organization, about the new leader and the new radical change. With every word, the man's face paled.
" How did I end up in that house? " The man whispered to himself. Price put his hand on the man's shoulder.
" Hey, don't think about that now, you are a victim here. "
" But if I'm not? What if I am part of their group? " The man asked Price, who didn't have an answer to that.
" Then we go from there. One step at a time. " Price said, trying to calm him down. The chances of him being a member of this group was low.
After a few days they knew who the man was. His name is (Y/N) (L/N) and he had no ties to any terrorist groups. However, he is former SAS soldier. An injury forced him to leave, but with an honorable discharge.
Price felt relaxed knowing that he didn't have any connection with the any terrorist groups. He was going to the medical wing and he heard laughter. John was confused at first, but everything fell into place when he heard Soap.
All of the boys were talking to him, hoping to trigger something and to lift his mood. Even Ghost talked to him. He mostly talked about his knives and about different techniques you could use to take down your enemy.
And if Soap was there, that means that they were talking about explosives. Well, Soap was talking more about it then (Y/N). Price knocked on the door, making Soap stop talking for a second.
" Soap, could you leave us? "
" Of course sir. We will continue talking later. " Soap said to the man, now (Y/N) and left.
Price showed the file to (Y/N), making (Y/N) tilt his head. Price noted how adorable that was.
" We know who you are. "
(Y/N)'s eyes lit up and he sat up straighter. Price sat down on a chair next to the bed, opening the file.
" So, your name is (Y/N) (L/N). You have no criminal record, just to put it out there. You are a former SAS soldier. You served for a long while, but an injury forced you to retire. You were honorably discharged and my guess is started a peaceful and a normal life. " Price said, taking the photographs out. (Y/N) took them.
They were the photos of his old squad, platoon, whatever you will call it. It was overwhelming to see them. (Y/N) wiped his tears and smiled. For the first time in a couple of days he smiled.
" We also have your house address. If you want to, you can go with someone. "
(Y/N) just nodded in happiness, giving Price a hug. Price was shocked, but he hugged the man nonetheless.
And after the doctor said (Y/N) was fine, (Y/N) and Ghost went to (Y/N)'s apartment. Ghost picked the lock for (Y/N) and they stepped into the dark hallway. (Y/N) turned the lights on. It was a small apartment, but it held a cozy vibe.
(Y/N)'s eyes widened when he heard a meow. A black kitten came to him, rubbing himself against his ankle. Ghost watched in fascination.
" Oh you must be hungry. Come on, little one. " (Y/N) said to the little black kitten, searching for the kitchen. When he found it, he saw a bag of cat food for kittens.
He took a small plate and put the food on it. He put the plate down and got a plate of water for the kitten. The kitten went straight for it.
" You have a cat? " Ghost asked him.
" I guess so. Can I take him or her to the base? " (Y/N) asked Ghost.
Ghost wasn't sure, but he knew that an animal would he helpful to soldiers.
" I think you can. It would be nice to have an animal at the base. "
(Y/N) nodded, thankful for an answer he got. He searched for his room. Once he found it, he took the bag from Ghost to put clothes in it. He was going to stay at the base until they figure out how he ended in that house. He also searched through the drawers. He found his dog tags. He clutched them close to his chest.
Ghost stood in the doorway, silent, letting (Y/N) have his moment of mourning. He didn't say anything, instead, he walked over to (Y/N) and put his hand on his shoulder.
" Come on, we have to go. "
(Y/N) nodded, putting his tags on his neck.
He found a little carrier for the kitten, his bed and all of his toys. Ghost was kind enough to carry all of the heavy stuff. (Y/N) just carried the little kitten.
" Thank you Ghost. " (Y/N) said to Ghost once they were in the car. Ghost just nodded and started the car.
" Come on (Y/N). " Soap said, as if he wasn't dragging (Y/N) to the gym. (Y/N) wasn't in the mood for anything like that. He just wanted to go to bed and cuddle with his cat.
" Soap- "
" No. You need to exercise. It will help you. "
(Y/N) sighed, but knew that Soap was right. Exercise always helps, not just for the physical, but for mental health too. The gym wasn't packed, which was a little bit odd for Soap, but he didn't complain.
" Okay, let's warm up and lets go on the benches to lift. "
(Y/N) nodded, taking his shirt off. Soap was shocked by how the man's body was toned. No. He must stay focused. They ran on the machines for about 30 minutes before moving to the bench. Soap was going first, (Y/N) standing above the metal bar, ready to spot him.
(Y/N) was definitely impressed with the amount he can lift. (Y/N) couldn't lift that for the life of him. After Soap was done, (Y/N) took Soap's spot, ready to lift, but with much lesser plates. When he looked at the old photos, he saw that he was in much better shape then rather than now.
Back then, he could have lifted more than this.
Soap had to take a deep breath to control himself. (Y/N)'s body was gorgeous.
" Soap, help- " (Y/N) wheezed out, Soap quickly scrambled to lift the heavy bar up.
" Sorry, I just got distracted. " Soap apologized.
" Just be careful next time. " (Y/N) said, warning the sergeant.
" Will do sir. "
(Y/N) has gotten a few of his memories back, one of that being that he was good in hand to hand combat. So, what better way to test that was to spar?
Everyone else was busy, but Gaz wasn't. And he was happy to help to the man. And that's why he was here in the gym, in the ring, getting ready to spar.
(Y/N) wrapped his hands, almost automatically. He must have done this a lot of times if he does this on auto pilot.
" You ready? " Gaz asked, leaning on the ropes of the ring.
(Y/N) nodded, shaking his hands off. He took a deep breath. He faced Gaz, nodding towards the young man. Gaz nodded and he pounced. (Y/N) sidestepped. They were going like this for a while and it ended with Gaz on top of him.
Both of them were breathing heavily, looking into each others eyes. Clapping sound made them turn their heads. What the hell? It was Price, Ghost and Soap. Price was the one clapping.
Just how long were they there?
" Impressive (Y/N). " Price said. Gaz scrambled of off (Y/N), quickly helping him up.
" Thanks, uhm, I will go to my room now. " (Y/N) said, excusing himself from the room.
Once (Y/N) was gone, the task force members looked at each other with scowls on their faces.
" You lot can back off, he is mine. " Soap said, anger sipping through his voice.
Price chuckled. Does he really think that he has a chance with (Y/N)?
" You know, I don't care. I'm not going to stop and there is nothing you can do. " Soap said.
" That's fine. Then we can fight for him. " Gaz said quickly.
" Stop thinking about a (Y/N) as a prize to be won. You guys are like dogs fighting for a bone. " Ghost said.
" Then what do we do? " Soap asked.
" We can share him, if he wants to. That way we won't fight about it and he won't be a prize. " Ghost added.
The others looked at each other, clearly intrigued by the idea. It was an interesting idea. Maybe (Y/N) would be interested in that.
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transsexula · 2 months
Hate seeing people say that Transandrophobia isn't real because, in their words, the "androphobia" isn't something people in real life face.
Now. Maybe this is because when I see this opinion, it's attached to someone who is either transfem, AMAB, or who has only ever lived in incredibly liberal areas.
Meaning: They do not have the life experience to speak on that.
It's simple, I can use myself as an easy example: I grew up on the west side of the US. My extended family and parents were very Christian, very conservative. The community I grew up in was in turn the same- very conservative, very Christian, very fundamentalist. Certain Disney movies were banned from the house for featuring witchcraft, or other "morally reprehensible" things. DISNEY MOVIES.
With this background, I'm sure you can tell where this was headed: I can clearly remember being in the pharmacy with my mother. I was small. I saw a lady with what I now know is a pixie cut- incredibly short hair, bright bold pink. Her girlfriend was there, and her own hair was incredibly butch- like they went to a sports clips and asked for what the guy next to them was getting. I was amazed- I'd never seen a woman that looked like that before. I voiced so with awe and wonder to my mother. I was supposed to get a haircut in an hour. "I want that! She looks so pretty and nice"
Who was visibly disgusted. Grabbing me, yanking me away, muttering "no. You don't want to look like that. Let's go."
Fast forward a few years. I'm too young to be drinking a beer, my uncle has stayed up late. We are watching music videos and sharing interests, when we see a rather masc looking woman in a video. He's disgusted. He makes an offhand joke about how she needs to be reminded of her feminine ways. I know what violations he's implying so vividly. He opens up about his fantasy of hatecriming two butch "women" he saw. I'm too afraid to speak.
There's a debate in church. Should women be allowed to wear above the knee shorts? We really didn't like that they can wear pants. Really, the pastor says in his sermon- it's the woman's job to maintain her feminine nature, in opposition to her husband's masculine nature. These blurring lines aren't good for people.
And- I don't want to get into the people I've known who've been hurt, abused, forcefully feminized, beaten for being masculine- the men that feel entitled to their bodies, because they feel entitled to a say in how they present.
The reason you don't see the abuse for being masculine, is because you come from a world where it's widely accepted in ways that not every culture, not every state or country has.
Gnc women, trans men, transmasc nonbinary people- if you're in the wrong place, born to the wrong family, you may never be safe enough to wear pants. You may not be able to cut your hair. Or be anything less than the perfect, ideal woman.
You get punished for not being what you have been assigned. For the act of defiance against others perception, you can be killed.
So, yeah. There's a lot of androphobia. There's a LOT of fear of the masculine. It just comes out in ways you aren't expecting, as someone who hasn't had to experience it. You don't know what to look for. Where to look. It's everywhere but you can be blind to it if you're insulated enough.
Hell- even terfs are falling into severe androphobia. It's their whole motto. What am I, if not a failed woman to them? Mutilating my perfect feminine form? Being a man is the ultimate crime to these people. Are you really telling me JKRs very public campaign hasn't made life hell for ALL of us? We are all losing healthcare due to this.
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martian-astro · 4 months
SUN-MOON Aspects
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Sun Conjunct Moon
These people are very focused and driven, they set extremely high goals for themselves and make sure that they achieve them. They are great leaders, as they can be both assertive and gentle. They are not afraid to take the lead. They are more likely to take on projects that have great risks but also great rewards. These people are great project managers because they are able to recognize other people's strengths and weaknesses and distribute the responsibilities accordingly. They don't like working with slow people, they want to get done with everything as fast as they can and move on to the next big thing. It's important that they surround themselves with obedient people as they don't like their decisions being questioned. They don't know how to explain others their thought process, so people around them need to be on the same wavelength.
Sun Opposite Moon
I have noticed that a lot of people with this placement have identity issues, they have difficulty in balancing their sun and moon. Studying psychology can be really helpful for people with this, as studying other people and their behaviors can help them apply those things in their own lives. Learn to trust your intuition, do self hypnosis and meditate. I have also noticed that people with this placement have trouble choosing one pile from pac readings. These people lean more towards logic and science and this weakens their moon, so meditating and practicing hypnosis will make you more comfortable with the more "mysterious" themes of life. Find a balance. These people learn their lessons by projecting their emotions and issues onto other people, this is how they understand themselves. For ex - if they're facing a problem, and someone else is facing the same problem, it's easier for them to solve the other person's problem but have a hard time applying the same solution in their own life as well.
Sun Square Moon
When people say "the head and the heart are not working together", they are referring to this placement. It's better if these people start their own business as it's not easy for them to listen to their bosses. If they are in a group project, and they work on a specific topic, they have this urge to tell everyone that they were the ones who worked on that specific topic, it's really difficult for them to share credit. They can fight with people who they think don't deserve what they've gotten. It's difficult for them to stay at one place for a long time, as they're always looking for better opportunities, many times these opportunities will turn out to be too good to be true. This placement wants you to carefully think about the pros and cons of a decision before immediately making a change based on appearances. This will ultimately help you balance what's in your heart with what's in your head and make you more successful, but you may need to face a lot of setbacks before that happens.
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Sun Trine Moon
These people are popular and social, and at the same time they also know how to keep their life private. People love being friends with them, but the downside is that these people don't like being friends with everyone, they have very few close friends, others are just acquaintances. They have this talent of letting others know about their achievements without seeming to be boastful about it. They have a very strong intuition and they use it to climb the social ladder. This, in my opinion is one of the best placements to have in the birth chart. People with this placement have the potential to go from rags to riches. I have noticed that they are emotional in such a way that instead of being seen as pushovers they are seen as angels, like.. Its really surprising sometimes. These people are so lucky, the type to help an old woman cross the road and then she turns out to be the owner of a huge company and has no heirs so she adopts them and boom... Fantastic life.
Sun Sextile Moon
Very similar to the Trine. They could also have a strong intuition just not as developed as the Trine. It's easy for them to make friends, the type to still be in contact with their kindergarten friends. The mediator in a group project, other people love to have them on their team. The only thing that can be considered bad about this placement is that these people doubt themselves a lot, they think they don't have the resources and the talent but they do, be practical but also be willing to take risks, you are the only one who's holding yourself back. It's okay to ask for help. With Trine, the people have an easier time taking initiative, with sextile it's a little hard, but you are still able to do it. It's literally the same as Trine, you just need to SEE It, that's it. Oh and also, these people can be really good child psychologists, this is just an observation.
(all pictures are taken from pinterest)
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© martian-astro All rights reserved, 2024
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mindfulstudyquest · 1 month
starve your ego, find your peace
these are my personal thoughts, an outburst. if you want to share your opinion in the comments, i welcome it, but please be kind. if you just want to insult, go elsewhere. if you're not interested, don't read <3 i remind you that english is not my first language, so there may be a few mistakes.
ego, what an interesting word. it is a latin lemma which literally means "I", it indicates
the self, especially with a sense of self-importance.
(psychology, freudian) the most central part of the mind, which mediates with one's surroundings.
a person's self-esteem and opinion of themselves.
in a society like ours, we fight against our ego every day, the anxiety of constantly being in the spotlight, the overwhelming thought of having all eyes on us.
the idea we have of ourselves is the strongest chain that prevents us from freeing ourselves from this mental cage. both positively and negatively. if you have a distorted idea of yourself and low self-esteem, you will never be able to become your higher-self, to take that extra step that allows you to transform your daydreams into a solid reality, if you think you are unintelligent, you will tend to take this truth for granted. "i'm not smart enough for this" and you'll give up your dreams of a higher education, or of getting all A's on your finals, or of having a great and fulfilling job.
but sometimes we think too highly of ourselves too. i always joke that i make study plans like i'm a genius who studies 200 pages in a day, but the truth is, i'm not joking at all.
many of you will recognize themselves in the stereotype of the burned-out gifted kid, especially when you move to a higher level of education (from middle school to high school, or from high school to university) and at that moment all certainty of your acclaimed intelligence collapses. you are no longer in the pond with the small fish, now you are in the big tank with the big fish, relating to a much bigger world (at least in italy, the difference between high school and university is abysmal) and your brain will do everything to maintain an accurate simulacrum of your self-image.
in fact, your brain spends less energy processing two pieces of information that agrees rather than disagreeing information and since our biology is based on self-preservation, your mind will do everything to preserve its rightness. when i started university i was incredibly afraid of taking my first exam, why? because i didn't want to find out that i wasn't good enough for a more advanced education, that i wasn't the straight a student i thought i was.
but waiting for the fear to go away will lead to you staying in the same place forever, because the fear only goes away if you face what you are afraid of, and yes, being afraid of exams may seem silly, but i'm sure many people who follow this blog will understand what it means to identify so much with your grades and to crave academic validation more than anything else.
so i did it, even though i was scared, i had to have the certainty that this was the right place for me, i studied hard, and i definitely rocked my exams. but then the spring exam session arrived, and the fear returned. tired and burned-out from the winter session i had little or no desire to study, so when the exam date approached, i was afraid of not achieving the same results as just two months before, so i postponed, i procrastinated, until the day before, i knew i had to study otherwise i wouldn't pass the exam, yet my brain continued to do everything to protect itself, to protect that completely crazy idea of myself that i could study the entire program in two days (i wish). i don't even have social media (tumblr and pinterest excluded), which is why i found every excuse possible not to study. i didn't want to sit at my desk and realize that i wasn't going to pass that exam, that i should have studied harder, try harder.
that is until i realized that it wasn't laziness or procrastination that was stopping me, or rather, procrastination was just a symptom of a bigger cause: a distorted image of myself. understanding this in my first year of university will perhaps change my next academic years, or perhaps not. i don't know how many of you have drawn these things or reached these conclusions, i just hope that you soon understand that you are not lazy, nor procrastinators, you are just humans who are afraid of failure like all other humans.
the problem arises now, how to change this image? i don't know yet, honestly, but i won't let it stop me from living my life.
uptade in the end i was so fucking lucky and got a 30/30 on my exam yesterday, but still at the cost of a lot of sanity, sleep and unjustified stress.
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thesensteawitch · 3 months
Pick A Pile Reading
💫(Left to Right- Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)💫
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Hey, Senstea Souls!🍁
I am back with another collective reading. Pick your pile intuitively and don't forget to tip my blog!
If you wish to book a personal reading-
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Pile 1🍁- I am channeling that your desire to receive emotional fulfillment, especially in the area of love, wasn't fulfilled in your last lifetime. You faced disappointments that made you put up walls all around you. In this lifetime, it's your purpose to understand emotional connections on a deeper level. You first need to intellectually understand the concept of love and the necessary boundaries. Your soul has everything mapped out regarding the events that must occur in this lifetime, so you let yourself experience the unknown and share your unique experience through writing. Reading is pretty important for you, pile 1.
Pile 2🍁- In your previous lifetime, you felt every problem was bigger than you, but you didn't realize that God was bigger than your problems. You struggled with finding stability in life, and when you did, you felt trapped. What I see is that you were looking for freedom all along. A safe space where you can open up your heart. In this lifetime, you are supposed to not stay silent just to keep the peace. You're supposed to find a balanced approach to speaking your mind. You have a lot of rage within you, as a lot of words that wanted to come out never did in the past. You're supposed to think twice before you speak. Be calm, but also assertive. You don't need to be afraid that you may end up saying something wrong. The more you are connected to your higher self, the better you'll be able to put your emotions into words. And then see the magic unfolding from what you say to someone!
Pile 3🍁- This is about love. In your past life, you have faced challenges to unite with the love of your life. There have been both outer and inner conflicts. In this lifetime, I see that there are some withheld resentments. You somehow end up saying the wrong thing to someone, or you are not able to frame the right sentence. There's an unresolved issue with a soulmate connection from a past life. Either you are with someone or not, you're asked to first resolve your internal conflicts to keep or manifest the love of your life. There's a need to heal yourself because I do see that others opinions of you matter a lot to you. There's an unhealthy attachment to what someone else thinks of you or feels about you. You need to love yourself and feel the right way about yourself first (in all love and light!).
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moeitsu · 2 months
Song Lyrics That Remind Me of Arthur Morgan
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Nobody asked for this, but I listen to A LOT of music, and this boah is constantly on my mind 24/7. So I thought I'd share some lyrics that remind me of him and his relationships <3
Hard Believer - First Aid Kit
"So you ask for my opinion. Well, what is there to say? To be honest and just foolish, won't make you wanna stay. You've got to go on and get moving. And I can't do that for you. Got so many plans and so much you wanna do. Love is tough, time is rough on me."
To a Poet - First Aid Kit (Mary & Arthur)
"You said, 'Don't give me nothing you don't wanna lose.' I said, 'Darlin' I'll give you everything I got, if you want them to choose.' Though unwillingly I left and it was so, so hard to do. Now I miss you more than I can take and I will surely break. And every morning that I wake, God, it is the same."
Afraid of Heights - Boygenius (Dutch & Arthur)
"I know I fucked up when I told you I'm afraid of heights. It made you wanna test my courage. You made me climb a cliff at night. You wanted me to jump and I declined. You called me a coward, I replied, I don't wanna live forever, but I don't wanna die tonight."
My Silver Lining - First Aid Kit
"I don't know if I'm scared of dyin', but I'm scared of living too fast, too slow. Regret, remorse, hold on. Oh no I've gotta go. There's no starting over, no new beginnings, time races on. You've just gotta keep on keeping on."
Sun Bleached Flies - Ethel Cain
"If they strike once, then you hit 'em twice as hard. But in the end, if I bend under the weight that they gave me, Then this heart would break and fall twice as far. We all know how it goes, the more it hurts, the less it shows. But I still feel like they all know, and that's why I could never go back home."
Saviour - George Ezra (Mary & Arthur)
"Time was young and you were mine. Take me back to that midnight moon. Cradle me, at that midnight moon. All of me is all for you, and what I got to give is not enough. It's a dark night. Being your own savior, is it saving you?"
Cowboy, Gangster, Politician - Goldie Boutilier (Mary & Arthur)
"We said goodbye, but it never ends. 'Cause you can't get away from a woman who loves you. 'Cause you can't run away from feelings that haunt you. No, you can't separate a fire from a flame that already burns. Every saints a sinner, we all have our past. Forever is a fiction, nothing lasts."
Let Him Fly - Patty Griffin (Mary Gillis-Linton)
"Ain't no talking to this man, ain't no pretty other side. Ain't no way to understand, the stupid words of pride. It would take an acrobat, and I already tried all that so, I'm gonna let him fly. You know the light has left his face, but you can't recall just where or why. So there was really nothing to it, I said I'm gonna let him fly."
The Chain - Fleetwood Mac (Dutch & Arthur)
"And if you don't love me now, You will never love me again. I can still hear you saying, we would never break the chain. Run in the shadows. Damn your love, damn your lies."
Devil's Resting Place - Laura Marling
"I've been with the devil in the devil's resting place. Water won't clean you, you only hold yourself to the things you do. Come up here to speak to me and hold your face to mine. Any man can hold my gaze has done his job just fine. You sold your life away to be with me tonight. Hold your head against my chest, I think you'll be just fine."
Through the Valley - Shawn James
"I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. And I fear no evil because I'm blind to it all, and my mind and my gun they comfort me. Because I know I'll kill my enemies when they come. Surely, goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life. And I will dwell on this earth forevermore. Well, I came upon a man at the top of a hill. Called himself the savior of the human race. Said he'd come to save the world from destruction and pain, but I said, how can you save the world from itself?"
Youngest Daughter - Superheaven
"It's useless, I tried, but to no avail. To tell you how much I know, how much I care. Breathe until your lungs fail, you can sing 'til you go deaf. I am sick, I am horrified at everything I hear. Everyday repeats itself again, the cycle of our misery, It drives us all insane."
The Fall - Gregory Alan Isakov (John & Arthur)
"You heard blood was thick, brothers and sisters. But ya don't know where anybody's at. Time was a bust, you thought you'd better be tough. Nobody gets past the trembling wire. All eyes on you now, on you. We're all holding our breath."
Second Chances - Gregory Alan Isakov (John & Arthur)
"I'm running from nothing, no thoughts in my mind. Oh my heart was all black but I saw something shine. Thought that part was yours, but it might just be mine. I could share it with you, if you gave me the time. I'm all bloody knuckles, longing for home. If it weren't for second chances, we'd all be alone."
My Mind - Paris Paloma (Dutch & Arthur)
"What did I do wrong? Will you tell me what I did wrong, what did I? Was it a first offense? How long had you been harboring that vemon? You could have used your words then, you wanted them to hurt and so I let them. Never would I beseech you, to endure what you put me through."
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loustat-0 · 5 months
Here's the reasons why I don't connect well with Loumand in the book :
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So one of them is because Louis never even once admitted to Lestat or Claudia so ruthlessly that he loved Lestat and suddenly with Armand he became more free in love & more open , I don't think it was because Armand listened to him or understood him better because there are some parts of iwtv book where Lestat was capable of those yet Louis thought it was manipulation 🙄 . Why didn't he ever think the same about Armand ? 😏 The answer is simple because Armand didn't exactly shown his mind powers to Louis yet . And even when he told Louis he did that & he used it on Louis to make him turn Madeline Louis still forgave him ??? And just asked not to do it again ! And Armand didn't do it ? 😏 What makes us sure he didn't ? Cause there are two sentences which showed he most probably did use it again . 1. " Go to sleep Louis " after Louis burnt the theater & wanted to escape Paris & 2. When he admitted that when he heard Lestat survived he said this :
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While it is true that Armand might have kept the fact that Lestat was alive from Louis to protect him it is also worth mentioning Armand does many manipulative things to help the people he loved too . Armand is able to read anyone's mind & if he had read Louis's he must've known if Lestat being alive will make Louis feel anything or not , right ? And why didn't he tell Lestat about Louis being alive ? 😏 What was he protecting Lestat from ? Other than the fact that if he knew he would probably do whatever he could to find Louis again & talk to him & they would probably leave Armand again & get back together ? 😬 So no it wasn't all about protecting Louis from himself or anyone it was for himself too .
All I can think of is how numb Louis became when Claudia died & Armand & Louis kinda fell apart & just lived together because there were no other vampires who would accept them & they were both afraid of being alone & not finding anyone who could love them again as they once loved each other . In my opinion they practically stayed together out of desperation for not being alone & for Louis because he didn't have anyone else to lean on as powerful as Armand . And Armand was emotionally so obsessed with Louis & he couldn't end it easily.
Armand tried to make Louis separated with Claudia a lot he wanted Louis for himself & he didn't want to share him which in the book Lestat never tried to do . And then he orchestrated a whole show to get rid of Claudia & make Louis believe Lestat was responsible for her doom 🙄 although poor Claudia was already doomed because of Lestat's selfishness of making someone so young but let's not forget that they punished her for killing her maker & one of their kind . Another attempt of Armand to separate Louis & Lestat & let's not forget did Louis ever actually ask himself if Lestat was still in the theater or not when he burnt it down ? Yes He didn't even care at that moment he was angry & he was mourning & that can make you not think of whatever you're doing at that moment . Because later when Louis said this :
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Doesn't this indicate that Louis cared who was burnt in that theater ? He said I didn't really care I hadn't thought of Lestat at all the night I torched the theater . Isn't it weird to you that he thought of Santiago & Celeste but didn't really care about Lestat ? 🤔 And if he didn't then why did he burn Lestat with them ? He said he didn't hate him for Claudia's death . Don't you sense some mind power here ? 👀
And look what Louis said about Lestat being alive : I cannot convey to you the feeling that came over me when I heard this .
I mean what does that say ? Why does Louis say this ?
And one more thing if Lestat had escaped the theater who helped him escape ? He didn't escape in fact Armand had taken him again to the tower 😏 .
4. Finally this is why I don't like book Loumand . No hate on AMC Loumand what so ever because I haven't seen anything from them but if the show runners want to do the books they have to at least notice one of these flaws & voids in Louis & Armand's relationship as much as they did in Louis & Lestat's relationship . 😉
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kasagia · 4 months
i was just rereading “losing your memory” and wondered, how do you think everything would’ve ended if coryo had won the election and now had the “upper hand”? cause if he tried to coerce the reader into a relationship it seems unlikely that she would comply willingly, but also it’s doubtful that she would go with him if he tried persuading her too because of how much power he now holds
And that's very interesting, dear anonymous! 🖤🩵🖤🩵🖤🩵
You're right. If LYM Coriolanus had won the election, the reader would definitely not have come back to him or let him pursue her.
She has a strong character, is not afraid to make controversial decisions, and practically does not care about anyone's opinion except her own. She knows the Capitol's games; she knows how to play them and present herself well, and she will do so as long as she sees the point in her actions and is happy with them. I wanted to present her as... a force to be reckoned with, a someone who will stop at nothing to prove her point and get what she wants (of course, she has certain moral boundaries that she will not cross. Let's call it the blessed influence of Sejanus, which Coryo hates).
She only has one weakness, Coriolanus. Just like he has her as his weakness.
They are similar and, at the same time, different on many levels. While Coriolanus is more severe and merciless, spreading terror to maintain power and respect, the reader uses gentler means. Of course, she doesn't pardon everyone, but under her rule, peacekeepers are supposed to really keep the peace, not herald pain, suffering, and torture to the innocent ones.
Coriolanus throws threats left and right (of course, elegantly intimidating people so that no one else finds out), and the reader silently plans her revenge, smiling sweetly at the potential enemy. Her opponents do not know WHO could have brought them down. They don't expect to be hit. I think it's a bit like water and fire, but they have one shared purpose: The best future of Panem. To make sure that no one will know the pain they felt (mostly the pain the reader has seen in Coryo, Sejanus, Lucy Gray and all of them, because, well... her past isn't so clearly defined, is it?)
If he had won in The Grudge…
"Just leave." he says, his eyes averting from you as he stares at the window overlooking the Capitol. You walk up to him and place your hand on his shoulder. He turns his gaze away from the city in front of him and looks at you questioningly, not understanding what you are doing right now. 'Coriolanus... I..." "And the president of Panem becomes… Coriolanus Snow! Congratulations, Mister President!" the hosts' shouts and fanfare echo from the television, interrupting you. It takes you a while to realise what happened. Your hand falls from his shoulder as you stare dazedly at the TV behind him. He won. He became president. Realisation hits you. You have no idea what will happen next. And... you're afraid. You are afraid that HE will never be close to you again like he used to. That after gaining the power he dreamed of, he will reach further. And the last few weeks... the last few weeks, maybe even months—had shown you that you couldn't live without him next to you anymore. You couldn't pretend anymore that he meant nothing to you. You knew he wouldn't let you do that. Because the terrifying truth was that... You needed Coriolanus Snow… as much as he needed you. "You won't even shake my hand? Am I not worth even that, Y/N?" He asks. You are not even aware that he had spoken to you. You act automatically. You shake his hand with a forced smile, knowing full well that he won't let you just move on. Neither of you could. You had two choices. Save yourself from him or stay with him, try to change him. However, you were no longer naive enough to believe that he could become someone else for you. Not after getting everything he wanted. There was one thing missing from his victory. You. And you're not going to give in to him that easily.
The reader does not take great risks if it is unnecessary, but she is ready to make sacrifices and 'abandon' the life she knows. And she herself says that if Coriolanus won, she would try to escape from the Capitol and disappear from Panem.
So that's what she does.
After this event, taking advantage of the fact that Coriolanus is too busy taking over the position of president, the reader prepares false documents and prepares to escape from the Capitol.
She doesn't listen to the advice of her parents, who still believe that she and Coriolanus will be together, and she doesn't tell anyone about her plans.
She, by herself, is in personal contact with the people who organize the transportation of people outside the Panem. She wants to have as few people as possible involved in her 'disappearance'.
So at dusk, she takes the small bag with her things and runs away.
She travels from district to district, avoiding all peacekeepers. She dyes her hair a different colour and dresses like a citizen of the district. She tries her best to blend in as little as possible, and she succeeds.
For a while, of course. Because Coriolanus will not rule without his First Lady by his side. He raises the alarm and makes up the story that you were kidnapped by rebels and that the Capitol and Panem need to get THEIR FIRST LADY back. Yes. He calls you that in public. And he personally gets involved in the search.
That's why you know you have to run. Run as fast as you can.
And just when you thought you could get away from him, he finds you.
Breathing quickly, you push through the crowd of people around you, hiding your face in the scarf around your neck. He was here. Coriolanus. You saw him when you were about to board a ship that was supposed to illegally transport a small portion of people out of the Panem. And just when you were about to give the secret password to the carrier, the port was swarming with peacekeepers. With Coriolanus at the forefront. You pushed and ran as fast as you could through the crowd of people, turning back every now and then. You know he noticed you. That he raised an alarm among his men that you were somewhere close. You had very little opportunity and time. You had to find a hiding place quickly if you didn't want to fall into the hands of President Snow. But apparently, you've already used up all your luck. You managed to avoid him for a year and outsmart him and his men. And now, when you were in the district you visited the least, which streets you had not had the opportunity to get to know thoroughly, you ran ahead blindly. And Coriolanus took advantage of it. You stop dead in your tracks as you turn into a side street and suddenly see a dead end in front of you. You look around, looking for any way to get out of it. A ladder to the roof, a manhole to the sewers, anything. But there is nothing that can help you. You scream at the top of your lungs as someone's arms wrap around you. You frantically struggle against the tight grip, shouting threats and curses. "Shhh. It's me, calm down, it's me, my little diamond." He whispers in your ear, which only increases your panic. He holds you tighter to him and puts his hand over your mouth. "It's okay; it's okay. That's enough. Everything will be okay. We'll go back to the Capitol, we'll get married, and we'll be happy. Everything's okay. Just don't leave me. Don't leave me anymore. You can't. Please, Y/N, I can't take it. Just stay. Don't fight anymore. There's no point. We belong together and nowhere else. I'll forget everything; just come home with me." You're crying. You tremble in his arms and cry. You feel his tears falling on your hair, but you don't think about him. You only think about that terrible truth, about what fate condemns you to, when he holds you tightly to him and carries you to God knows where, stroking your hair and whispering soothing words (for him, for you, it's like reading a death sentence). And his kisses that capture your tears are just a bitter reminder of how often he will be the reason for them. Because you know perfectly well how little time it will take for him to forget about you, too, now that he has literally everything.
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shiny-jr · 2 years
Have you ever thought of the imposter au with the staff of raven College? I could just imagine Crewel being the reason the reader is summoned to twst while not fulling knowing it (Probably coming in at the end to safe then after realize shits going down). That and maybe Crowley and Vargas going full mad dog and just chasing the reader like crazy. Maybe Trein tripping over his cat while chasing and reader/imposter feeling bad about it. Along with Sam using shadow creature to track the imposter down. Just a fun ideas I've been having, feel free to ignore.
I have thought about it before. I believe I even once mentioned that I would make a separate post for it eventually. Recently been thinking about platonic yan staff, so like fatherly type stuff for those of you with daddy issues.
Platonic yan Crowley! Wants to be your father figure so bad. Why won't you let him take you under his wing? You'd be his little fledgling! Ah, he must do his best to protect you! He is the headmaster of a prestigious school with unfortunately many arrogant troublesome students. Often he'll dramatically lament, inquiring why you don't wish to spend time with your dear old father? When you reply with a deadpan, "You're not my dad, Crowley." He'll break out into a melodramatic wail, oh woe is him that his own child does not wish to partake in any activities with him! Ah–– a way home, you ask? Well, during one of his many hours long searches in the library to find you a way home, something he adamantly assures you he's been doing, he had the most profound idea which he shall so graciously share with you! Why not stay in Twisted Wonderland and allow him to formally adopt you? Then you shall be his child and he will be sure to provide you with all the love and care you need! Isn't he a genius with such boundless benevolence?
Platonic yan Divus! Probably believes the whole world is out to get you. You poor little thing, far from home, lost and afraid, with no where else to go. Eventually he'll begin to doubt that Crowley is taking proper care of you, and deem his efforts as inadequate. Look at this wretched place, an old dorm filled with cobwebs and ghosts is supposed to be your home? An old oversized uniform and a handful of cheap worn clothes from the shop are all you have to wear? And your classmates, his own students, oh he knows what they're like. A bunch of ruthless mischief making pups! This is unacceptable! Divus will spoil you like his own. He has a soft spot for you, so when he's improving your conditions and getting rid of the old dirtied items, you hold up that feral monster cat and go, "Can I at least keep Grim? Please?" Ah, the puppy eyes. How could he say no to you? But that cat is getting a bath first. Oh, and he's incredibly wary of all the students. In his eyes, none of them are good enough to be your friends, and he's beginning to suspect all of them of trying to take advantage of you. Listen here, darling, you are not to trust any other men besides himself, are we clear?
Platonic yan Vargas! Oh god, not another one. Somehow, he's worse than the other two dads you've acquired. Especially because he thinks your escape attempts are some sort of crazy athletic training regimen. He's come to think of your monthly escape attempts as survival training, so not only is he enjoying himself but he's more than capable of keeping up and capturing you. Then dragging you back to NRC with a proud grin, boasting about how you got so much further than last time! "Let me go! Let go of me!" That's the spirit, he cheers. Seems like you're raring to train again, but now's the time regain your energy for next month! Eagerly tells you stories about his youth, how he was the strongest and most popular! He really wants you to look up to him, and he likes to think he's your favorite dad. Especially when it comes to Crewel, let's say they have differing opinions on how to properly care for you. While his counterpart prefers to pamper you, Vargas believes you need more activity and excitement in your life! Wouldn't you agree with him? Come on, give him a smile now!
Platonic yan Trein! The only real dad on the list. He has two sons that are already full adults now, and he believes you'd get along wonderfully with them. You would be their new younger sibling. "That's kinda... dumb. I'm not their sibling though." You comment, as he responds, it is not foolish to want all three of his children to get along. It's a bit annoying that you can never really get on his nerves, despite him being notoriously strict and a little intimidating with his stoic look. But like most of the dads on this list, he too has a weak spot for you. He still expects you to be a well-behaved though. No matter what you're like, he can handle it. After all, he's been a professor at NRC for so long, that he's seen and taken care of countless students. If you're looking for quiet time, he's probably the best to be with by far. He'll let his feline familiar Lucius sit on your lap as he serves you a platter of cookies with a hot beverage. When you do try to get on his nerves for whatever reason, it never works, so you end up plopping down beside him on the couch in defeat, angrily opening a magazine as he calmly continues to read a book. Now that the opportunity has present itself, he'd like to have a word with you. You should know that you are his pride and joy. That being said, should any of his students be pestering you, inform him immediately and he'll handle it promptly.
Platonic yan Sam! Most likely the best one to be with. It doesn't even feel like he's trying to be your dad, he's more like a cool but still concerning weird uncle. But if you had to classify him as a dad, he'd be the chill one. Although it is scary that he seems to know way more about you than you ever told him about. You suspect it has something to do with his friends on the other side. Whenever you're not with him, you have spied an oddly moving shadow or two... But the upside about that is, he always seems to know what you want. If it's small, he'll offer it for free. If it's a bigger item, he'll let you have it if you work the shop with him for a few hours. What's say you, huh? Sound like a deal? He'll entertain you a trick or two while you're here! Sam likes to call you his little good luck charm, because you tend to bring in more customers and just put him in a good mood. He choses to trust you, more than the other dads, probably because he knows you can't escape because he's always watching you somehow. You go on ahead, just be back by dark, you hear? He wouldn't want to send his friends to force you back home if you stay out late, m'kay?
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dulltoned · 6 months
I know I mostly just ask random thoughts about brozone and how unbelievably angsty they are but
What about any headcannons about brozone? Individually or as brozone as a whole?
(Also happy holidays!!)
Oh, that's a fun question. I genuinely haven't put too much conscious thought into it but I have a few that I can share off the top of my head.
There's at least one headcanon involving Branch in there for all of them but I might follow up with more headcanon posts somewhere down the line. (Excuse the funny little doodles, I wanted to see if I could make decent headers and I did... okay.)
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-> He doesn't like being alone. He didn't spend the twenty-some years after BroZone broke up just on his own in the Neverglades but instead hopping around from place to place looking for new experiences and new people to meet. He'd always go back to the Neverglade Trail, though. Just in case someone needed him.
-> It was still really lonely but he never thought too much about his brothers or the Troll Tree. He's an expert at denial and avoidance.
-> He's pushy with Branch because he wants to try and help Branch be more open and direct with him but he doesn't really know how to sit down and have a serious conversation about it.
-> He's not stupid. He can be unobservant and a bit full of himself but he has a good head on his shoulders.
-> He and Branch bond over survivalist tips.
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-> He was worried he was going to be a bad father. He still had a lot of stuff he was working on when he and Brandy had their first kid and he was old enough that he really didn't remember his dad. He certainly didn't want to emulate John Dory. He knew they'd be okay the second he saw his son in Brandy's arms for the first time.
-> Brandy helped him get over the toxic mindset BroZone gave him and while he can still struggle sometimes he's never been happier.
-> Amazing cook. His food is amazing. Cooking, baking, it's all divine.
-> He cooks for Branch a lot when he visits. At first it's because he couldn't get the image of his baby brother out of his head but then it was because Branch had confessed that no one really cooked for him before and he just couldn't have that.
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-> Clay chose the admin building as his room back when he was still desperate to be anything other than the fun boy. He regrets it.
-> He and Viva have bonded a lot about their family traumas, especially over how much they missed their siblings. He never wanted to stay away as long as he had but after they found refuge in the Golf Course he never got the courage to leave Viva behind to go find his brothers.
-> Clay's hair just naturally changed color with age. It wasn't stress-induced or anything, it just happened. Like how some blonds change to brunette when they get older.
-> He really likes crossword puzzles and sudoku. It has nothing to do with his desire to distance himself from his fun persona. He's just a nerd.
-> He really enjoys Branch's input. Branch is an incredibly handy, if not a bit paranoid, realist who isn't afraid to share his opinions. It's really helpful when it comes to safety measures or even trying to avoid complicated emotions.
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-> Floyd may be alive but he doesn't recover fast. The effects of the diamond vacuum (exhaustion, weakness in the limbs, a chill in his bones, dizziness, etc.) linger with him for years afterward and he finds it incredibly frustrating.
-> Floyd is such a smug little shit. He will give you shit and tease you to hell and back and then give you the most innocent smile immediately after.
-> He moves into Pop Village after he's rescued. It reminds him a lot of the Troll Tree when he was a kid and it's bittersweet.
-> He finds out about Branch's puzzle tradition and the two of them start doing daily puzzles together.
-> Floyd's pod is in the clearing where Branch's bunker is.
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Surprisingly I don't really know what to put for Branch here but I think I'll reblog this later with additions for Branch and Poppy.
I hope you enjoy the holidays, thanks for the fun question.
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