#I just wanted to complain a bit and now typing this shit out a fuck ton of other ton is coming out fuck
libingan · 3 days
—how the tf141 are like when they’re sick.
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im sick. that’s literally my only motivation to write this.
i feel like absolute shit but holy fuck i wanted to write this so pls enjoy
no horny juice rn, so its all fluff
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when price gets sick, it’s almost like he’s in denial about it. he’s the type to downplay everything—says it’s just a little cough, just a bit of a sore throat. but then, as the fever starts creeping up, you see the cracks in his usual solid demeanor. he’s flushed, his breathing a bit labored, and when you gently place the back of your hand on his forehead, he swats you away at first, grumbling that he’s fine.
“you don’t have to worry about me,” he mutters, trying to keep his voice steady. but the cough that rattles through his chest betrays him, and eventually, even he can’t deny it anymore.
you coax him into bed, tucking the blankets around his broad frame, and he grumbles under his breath about how ridiculous this all is. he’s not used to being taken care of—he’s the captain, the one in charge, and letting someone fuss over him isn’t in his nature. but there’s a moment when you bring him some tea, and he accepts it quietly, his eyes softening just a little as he watches you.
“i’ve had worse,” he rasps, his voice thick with congestion, but when you sit beside him, he leans into the warmth of your presence, even if he won’t admit it. he tries to stay in control, tries to ask about your day or if there’s any work that needs to be done, but you can see how tired he is. when he finally gives in to sleep, his hand rests loosely on yours, a silent acknowledgment that he’s glad you’re there, even if he doesn’t say it out loud.
gaz is the worst when he’s sick, and he knows it. he tries to be strong about it, but the minute the fever sets in, he’s a mess of sniffles, groans, and dramatic sighs. you find him sprawled out on the couch, a blanket barely covering him as he flips through channels, looking utterly miserable.
“i feel like death,” he complains when you sit next to him, and despite the obvious exaggeration, he looks pitiful enough that you can’t help but smile. he’s not usually one to be overly needy, but when he’s sick? he’s all about the attention.
you bring him some soup, and he gives you a weak smile, propping himself up just enough to take a sip. “you’re an angel,” he mumbles, but even that little bit of gratitude is followed by a dramatic cough that makes you roll your eyes.
he’s restless, constantly shifting under the blankets and complaining about how bored he is, how much he hates feeling like this. you offer to stay with him, and his eyes light up, a mischievous glint behind the obvious exhaustion. “you gonna keep me company?” he teases, voice thick with congestion. “or are you just here to make sure i don’t die on the couch?
you settle in beside him, and even though he’s feeling awful, he still cracks jokes, trying to keep things light. but there’s a quiet moment where he leans into you, his head resting on your shoulder as he drifts off to sleep, his breathing finally evening out. you stay there, feeling the weight of him against you, knowing that as much as he’s complaining, he appreciates you being there.
soap is absolutely insufferable when he’s sick, and he knows it. at first, he tries to play it off—still bouncing around, still grinning, still acting like everything’s fine. but then the fever hits, and it’s like watching a hurricane get knocked flat. he’s sprawled out on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to get comfortable no matter what he does.
you bring him a glass of water, and he gives you that familiar, cocky grin, even though he’s clearly not feeling well. “you’re a sight for sore eyes,” he rasps, taking the water and downing it in one go. his voice is rough, but there’s still that glint of mischief in his eyes. “ye know, if i weren’t sick, we could be havin’ a lot more fun right now.”
you roll your eyes, but there’s no denying the way his teasing makes your heart flutter. he’s always been like this—flirty, cheeky, always pushing your buttons. even now, as he’s lying there, feverish and miserable, he can’t resist making a comment.
“don’t suppose you’ll give me a wee cuddle, eh?” he grins, shifting on the bed and patting the spot beside him. “might help me feel better.”
you know he’s just trying to get a rise out of you, but when you settle next to him, he actually quiets down for a moment, resting his head on your shoulder. his skin is warm, almost too warm, and you can feel the tension in his muscles as he tries to get comfortable
“don’t worry,” he mumbles, his voice soft now. “i’ll be back to my usual self soon enough. ye won’t be able to keep yer hands off me.” despite his words, he’s clearly exhausted, and when he finally drifts off, he’s peaceful for once, his usual energy gone, replaced by the quiet rhythm of his breathing.
when ghost gets sick, it’s like he’s trying to hide it from the world. he’s not the type to show weakness, not even to you, and it takes a lot for him to admit that he’s not feeling well. but eventually, even he can’t fight it off anymore, and you find him in bed, eyes closed, the tension in his body betraying how much he’s struggling.
he doesn’t say much when you sit beside him, offering him some medicine and a glass of water. he just nods, his fingers brushing against yours as he takes the glass, the touch brief but enough to let you know he’s thankful for your presence.
he’s quiet—always quiet—but even more so when he’s sick. there’s no grumbling, no complaining, just the occasional shift of his body as he tries to get comfortable. you adjust the blankets around him, and his eyes flicker open for a moment, dark and heavy with exhaustion.
“you don’t have to stay,” he mutters, his voice low and rough. but there’s no force behind his words, no real intent for you to leave. in fact, the way his eyes follow you as you move around the room tells you that he doesn’t want to be alone, even if he won’t admit it.
you sit beside him, and for a while, there’s just the sound of his breathing, slow and labored. he doesn’t ask for anything, doesn’t demand your attention, but the way his hand occasionally brushes against yours is enough. he’s not used to being taken care of, but he lets you stay, lets you be the quiet comfort he needs.
eventually, his breathing evens out, and he falls into a restless sleep. you watch over him, knowing that even though he doesn’t say much, your presence is enough to ease some of the weight he’s carrying, even if only for a little while.
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sneaky-story · 1 year
>is only free some weekends and has to travel a lot for it
>carefully plans to see my friends because it's my only occasions
>they get sick and can't come
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gay-dorito-dust · 6 months
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Would they or would they not catch you…
Dick: yes. 100% yes but he’s -no pun intended- a little bit of a teasing dick about it.
He will catch you but then act as though he’s going to drop you by loosening his grip, making you scream out of surprise and cling onto him tighter, all the while beaming that bright and beautiful smile of his as though he wasn’t about to willingly let you fall flat on your ass on multiple occasions.
‘I fucking hate you!’ You whined, smacking Dick on the bicep.
‘Oh do you now?’ Dick inquires as he slowly begins to losses his grip on you, smirking.
‘Did I say hate you? I meant love you, a lot! Please don’t drop me.’ You cried as you tightened your grip on his neck whilst struggling to keep your feet from touching the floor. ‘Awww I love you too gorgeous.’ Dick coos as he pressed kisses into your face as you could only glare at the cheeky bastard.
You hate him sometimes but you weren’t going to complain about the affection you were being given. So you guess you’ll suffer for now.
Side note: he might even try and see if you can catch him. 💀
Jason: He will catch you but makes it a big deal whenever he can. He loves holding you in his arms.
He could keep you in his arms forever if he could but knew that he can’t, so he settles for going about his day carrying you throughout the apartment instead.
‘You can put down any day now.’ You’d tell him but that only makes Jason tighten his grip on you as he moved in his makeshift library for a book to read.
‘No.’ He simply replied, scouring the many book titles in front of him in the hopes that one might speak to him. You pout. ‘What do you mean no?’ Jason then looks at you and says. ‘No means no. As in no I will not put you down because I do as I like and will not be told otherwise, so the cutie currently in my arms has to deal with it.’ He then smiles as he presses a kiss to your forehead before looking back towards the bookshelves.
You end up falling asleep in his arms and Jason couldn’t help but smile at how cute you were, even if you did look like the living dead.
Damian: says no but will in fact catch you without hesitation.
However if you do try to tease him about it, then he will drop you without a second thought. ‘You can catch yourself next time.’ He would say as he walks away, leaving you with a bruised ass. Titus -who saw the whole thing- would come up to you to make sure you weren’t genuinely hurt and encourage you to get up by nudging you with his head.
Don’t test him because he will do it and then act like the whole thing didn’t happen if you were to bring it up.
‘Dick.’ You’d say as you stood up.
‘I heard that.’ He’d call back, his voice echoing off the walls. ‘You were meant to.’ You reply. ‘And at least Titus came to check up on me to see if I wasn’t hurt.’ You’d add while scratching Titus behind the ear.
Needless to say you were more cautious when choosing Damian to catch you. However he does apologise for dropping you on your ass by gifting you something he himself drew by hand; He secretly doesn’t like it when you’re upset with him and will do anything to rectify it.
What a sweetheart.
Bruce: he’s too use to you pulling this type of shit that it’s basically muscle memory for him to catch you as you’re running towards him, all with a straight face mind you.
Be grateful because he risked a much needed bowl of Mulligatawny soup just to catch you in his arms, but then again the kisses you bombard his cheek is more than reward enough, a small almost missable smile appears on his lips as he then proceeds to carry you for the rest of the day as “punishment.”
( this only occurs when Bruce is feeling particularly affectionate or playful)
Much to your batkids -Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian, Duke, Cass and Steph- dismay. They’d want to use this as blackmail, but they know that it will backfire as you’ll probably hang the photo on a wall somewhere in the manor, reminding them of how disgustingly their parents can be when given the opportunity.
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sturnsdarling · 15 days
'Chris likes girls who don't like him back'
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Late night streaming with your best friends turns to a conversation about the boys' type, and Chris gets called out
vibe check: flirty fluffy fun, 3/4 of my favourite f words
1.4k words
A/N: i had this idea literally straight away after what Matt said about Chris' type.........the idea of being Chris' best friend that he openly fancies but you're 'not interested' makes MY TOES CURL BRO LIKE ARE YOU KIDDING anyway I hope you love this.
love and cigs, merc
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"Matt he's right there what the fuck are you doing?!" you scream down the mic, nearly throwing your controller across the room as you jolt back in your chair.
You watch as Matt gets sniped in the head from the back, laughing as he wails on this desk, making the whole stream glitch and nearly crash. Chris is laughing along with you, trying not to make it obvious that he's watching you, and not Matt.
"Matt, bro you need to fuckin' up your game, y/n/n is actually carrying us right now." Chris says as Matt picks his chair up off the floor and sits back down in a huff.
"I always carry when I come on with you boys" you smirk, looking at the tiny square of Chris on your screen.
"yeah because you're a little sweat" Matt chuckles.
The boys had been streaming everyday for over a week now and, after some convincing, they managed to get you to join in on one of their games. At first you were apprehensive, obviously, but they explained that they were trying to diversify their platform and find a more mature audience so, actually interacting with girls on the internet was their first step.
You and the boys had been friends for forever, you met them through Nick in elementary school and had basically all been inseparable ever since, you'd been in some earlier videos but the fans back then made it very difficult to just exist around them so, you took it upon yourself to only exist in their real life, not their online one.
Cut to right now, you're nearly two hours deep in fortnite trios with the boys on stream, everyone was super excited to see you when they announced that they'd be joining and, other than a couple comments that you all ignored, it was going really well.
"Matt, someone asked what our types are" Chris laughed, reading the chat.
"I'm not answering that" Matt dead panned, screwing his face up at the camera
"I can answer it for you both, for sure" you chuckle, "chat do you want me to answer it?"
"yes, yes, yes, yes, omg yes" Chris was reeling off the answers in chat, "everyone wants y/n/n to answer, Matt should we let her?" Chris asked.
Matt rolled his eyes with a smile, "g'head, y/n/n, expose us" He chuckled.
"okay, so" you said, in your best girly gossip voice, "Matt likes nerdy, reader, soft girls" you begin to explain, your train of thought is interrupted by Chris erupting into laughter.
"dude she's so right! you love a girl that looks like she's always buried in a book" Chris wails.
"what are you guys even saying?" Matt complains, the smile etched across his face giving his tone a lot less power.
"you definitely want a girl who will go on a hike with you or some shit, Matt" You say, enjoying this whole interaction a bit too much.
Chris was keeled over in laughter, loving finally being able to talk about this kind of stuff on the internet without everyone going insane.
"I dunno why you're laughing so much, Chris, you're next" Matt states, Chris shrugs in reply.
"i don't give a fuck, call me out y/n/n, gimme the best you got" Chris sits back in his chair, arms folded over his chest.
"hmmmm" you say, exaggerating your thinking, "what is the famous Christopher Sturniolos type" you rub your chin, pretending to be thinking deeply.
A knowing smirk is spread wide across Chris' face as he stares at your face on his screen, tongue prodding the side of his cheek.
"I know Chris' type" Matt adds, a menacing smile on his face.
"g'head matt, you take this one" you gesture to the boy on your screen.
"Chris likes girls who don't like him back" Matts brows raise in accusation towards Chris.
You try and hide the smile forming on your face, attempting to look as focused on the game as possible as your tongue prods at your teeth. Neither of the boys say anything, both of them cheesing, Matt in a teasing and knowing kind of way and Chris more so in a 'I cant say what I wanna say' kind of way.
"damn, Matt, you just called me the fuck out" Chris shakes his head, looking to the tiny version of you on his screen.
You're still quiet, trying to fight the smile on your face and look as focused as possible, you catch Chris looking as if he's looking at you on his screen and shake your head with a chuckle.
"what you grinnin' at, kid?" Chris smirks.
You raise your brows, shaking your head with a downwards smile, "no, nothin', nothin" you say, returning your focus back to the game.
All of the viewers watched the interaction and were blowing up the chat with comments about how Chris definitely likes you, saying things like 'did you guys see that?!', and 'think they're slick look at how they're both smiling!!!!!'. Chris was reading the comments and trying to hide the red blush crawling its way onto his cheeks, Matt was relishing in the fact that Chris was so obviously nervous, and you were just trying not to react.
"Chris, dude, you better wipe that smile off your face, chat's onto you" Matt pokes the bear.
"chat ain't onto shit, Matt, shut the fuck up" Chris says, trying to be serious but unable to push his smile down.
"you know i'm right though, you do like girls who don't want you" Matt pushed on with his joke.
"Matt, shut your fuckin' mouth, dude" Chris rolled his eyes and shook his head, his smile still prevalent.
You couldn't help but laugh, still pretending to not care about the situation unfolding. In hindsight, it probably made it all the more obvious that you knew exactly what Matt was referring to.
"you're awful quiet, y/n/n, you got nothing to say on Chris' type?" Matt extends his joke over to you and your attention is immediately on him.
"nah, you hit the nail on the head, I think" you shrug, stretching back in your chair and adjusting your headset.
"oh really?" Chris replies, brows raised in accusation.
"mhm" you nod, faux innocently.
Chris kisses his teeth, nodding and trying to hide the smile on his face once again.
"yeah, chat, Matts right, I like pretty girls, who don't like me back" Chris says, subtly turning his attention to you and then back to chat.
You roll your eyes with a smile, leaning forward once more to lock into the game.
"you're ridiculous, Chris" Matt chuckles into the mic, watching you shift in your seat, trying not to blush.
The rest of the game went off without a hitch, you guys went on to win multiple times and all the viewers eventually stopped trying to get the conversation back to Chris' obvious crush on you. You played until the early hours of the morning, joking and laughing with the boys' just like old times and relishing in the fact that you were finally able to be a part of their online presence again. When it hit around three a.m you told them you had to sign off, explaining that you had to be up early for college that morning.
"guys, I gotta go, but I'll text you when I wake up" you said, pulling off your headset, and brushing your hair back with your hand.
"alright, y/n/n, thanks for helping us bury kids, its always a treat" Matt grinned at you, shooting you his token boyish smile.
"you know I live to humble kids on fort, Matt" You shrugged, putting on your best boyish persona, earning a laugh from Matt
"okay seriously, I gotta go, bye chat!" you smile, "bye boys" you go to switch off your computer but you're stopped by Chris booming voice.
"bye, beautiful" he says, a cheesy grin on his face.
your eyes roll to the back of your head as an uncontrollable smile finds your lips, "bye, Chris" you reply, switching off your computer.
The whole chat erupts with people losing their minds over Chris calling you beautiful, the boys say nothing, Matt just shakes his head, laughing at the chat as he watches Chris, grinning with pride and completely unashamed of his very obvious crush on you.
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taglist: @sturniozalt@mattslolita@shaquilles-0atmeal@blahbel668@sleepysturniolo@le4hsblog @sarosfilms @joemamaaa42069 @2muchofaslvt @seluky10
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okaylikeschaewon · 1 month
~7k words, Roommates series, Eunbi, smut
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“Yo, far side of the bar, they’re still here.”
“I told you, tonight I’m chilling,” you replied, sipping your drink casually. “Take Mint with you.”
“Come on, there’s three of them and I know the one in the middle is your type.”
“Let it go, Jae,” Mint laughed, coming to your defense. “It was hard enough to convince him to come out tonight. There’ll be other girls.”
“Yeah, but I want that girl,” Jae complained. “And this handsome fucker knows the success rate of a three versus three is way higher than a two versus three.”
“I can’t lie, the friend in that little black dress is pretty fucking hot,” Mint added. “But you’d probably fumble this one anyway, you’ve been struggling tonight.”
“Man, I didn’t give a shit about that last girl, she wasn’t even my type,” Jae waved his hand in front of his face. “This girl, though? No chance of fumbling this one. I need to talk to her.”
“What, we’re not good enough for you anymore?” Mint picked up his own drink and took a sip. “You know, you’re allowed to go out and just chill with the boys from time to time.”
“That’s what I’m saying,” you agreed with your friend. “We rarely go out and don’t talk to girls.”
“Yeah it’s rare because your ass hates fun now,” Jae retaliated. “Gotta get you to a knitting club or some shit with all that ‘I refuse to find a girl in a club’ shit you’ve been spewing lately.”
“It’s true, I know I’m not finding the one in a club, especially not one like this,” you laughed while waving Yujin, one of the bartenders, over to get you another drink.
“He has a point,” Mint agreed. “It literally hasn’t worked out for any of us, and Jae you definitely have the most experience in that regard.”
“Also look, your three-man just turned into a two-man,” you commented while accepting your drink from Yujin and handing her a tip. “My girl just ditched them.”
“Perfect, come on MInty, let’s go,” Jae laughed. “You said you liked that little dress.”
“Great,” Mint sighed. “Let’s go add another failed two-man to the history books.”
The three of you laughed together before all of you picked up your drinks.
“Cheers boys,” you held your glass up, laughing as the three of you hit your glasses together. You took a hefty sip of your own while your friends finished theirs. “If the third girl comes back, I’ll step in. Good luck.”
“We don’t need luck where we’re going,” Jae puffed his chest out in confidence.
The two of them walked over to the girls while you watched, leaning against the bar. They actually seemed quite receptive, both of them were laughing at something Jae said. Within minutes, Mint had his arm around the girl he was interested in, and she could not stop staring at him. Jae’s girl was a bit more reserved, but she wouldn’t stop laughing at whatever he was saying.
“I feel like I should warn you,” Yujin leaned over towards you. “That girl your buddy is talking to is roommates with the girl he was talking to last weekend.”
“Oh shit, for real?” you burst out laughing. “Well, I guess he’s in for a surprise if it works out. What about the girl in the dress?”
“Never seen her before, but she seems incredibly sweet,” she answered. “What about you, couldn’t find a girl tonight?”
“What do you mean, I’m talking to one right now.”
“That doesn’t count, it’s my job to talk to customers.”
“Is it also your job to give your number to customers?” you smirked.
“You might as well delete it with how often you text me,” Yujin replied without missing a beat. “And if you say that any louder I will get security to carry you out of here.”
“Don’t worry, I was about to get going anyway. Could you close my tab?”
“Wow, calling it early tonight?” Yujin asked while tapping away at the screen.
“Yeah, I’m exhausted,” you answered. “Plus, it looks like those two are going to be pretty busy,” you motioned towards your friends. Jae had his tongue down his girl and Mint looked like he was absolutely in love with his.
“I guess you’ll have to get a drink with me another night,” Yujin held your card out for you.
“I still gotta finish this one,” you motioned towards your half emptied drink. “You could join me.”
“We agreed that when we eventually get a drink together I’d have to be on that side of the bar,” Yujin replied.
“You’re right, in that case,” you picked your drink up and downed it. “I’ll see you soon.”
“Have a good night,” Yujin leaned over the bar to give you a quick hug and kissed you on the cheek.
Before leaving, you quickly stopped by the bathroom. As soon as you walked in, a pair of girls left one of the stalls together, their clothes making the most feeble attempt at covering their bodies. The first girl was about to walk right past you, but she stopped when her friend paused.
“Why are you in the girl’s bathroom?” she asked you, clearly a little bit tipsy, or perhaps a lot tipsy.
“This is not the girl’s bathroom.”
“It’s not?” she gasped, eyes wide, looking around.
“No, it’s not,” you chuckled, carefully with two fingers adjusting her strap so that it was on her shoulder properly. “So, I guess I should be asking you, why are you in the men’s bathroom?”
“I was just letting my friend eat my ass,” the girl hiccuped.
“Wony, what the fuck,” her friend came back and grabbed her arm.
“Let go of me!” she squealed, yanking her arm away. “I found the love of my life.”
“Well, the love of your life needs to go piss,” you chuckled, turning to walk away from her.
The girl, Wony, stuck her arm out to stop you. Her friend looked so defeated, standing there and watching the events unfold.
“Let me hold it for you,” Wony mumbled as she fell forward.
“Whoa there,” you caught her in your arms, holding her up and stopping her from hitting her head against the wall. “How about we take a seat for a second.”
“I want to sit… on your cock…”
“Alright! That’s enough!” her friend came and grabbed Wony, dragging her away from you. “It’s time to leave.”
“Do you need help?” you asked her friend as she started dragging Wony away.
“It’s- fine-” she gasped as Wony broke free of her grip again and ran into you.
“You’re so fucking pretty,” she moaned as she latched onto you again. “Please eat my ass.”
If only this girl wasn’t borderline blacked out right now, because she was fucking gorgeous. It was a shame, but you weren’t going to even consider accepting her advances in this state, that wasn’t your cup of tea. You very carefully, while watching your hand placement, tried to get her off you, but it was futile - you decided just to carry her out of the bathroom while her friend watched.
“Here, sit down for a second,” you placed her gently onto one of the empty couches where her friend sat down next to her. “I’ll be right back.”
“Don’t leave me,” she whined, reaching out for you with both hands.
“I’m coming right back,” you grabbed both of her hands in yours and shook them playfully. “I promise.”
You couldn’t deny it, the way she nodded was quite endearing. She was still incredibly pretty, but now she was also absurdly cute. Once you felt confident that the girl, Wony, wouldn't fall over, you walked over to the bar.
“She’s cute,” Yujin teased, handing you the glass of water she already knew you came to get.
“She’s drunk,” you shook your head before thanking Yujin and heading back to the girls. Once you arrived back at the table, you handed Wony’s friend the glass of water since Wony was barely conscious at this point and holding a glass would not be in her best interest.
“I appreciate the help,” the friend said, accepting the glass and placing it on the table before reaching her hand out to you. “My name’s Gaeul, by the way.”
“Nice to meet you,” you replied after giving her your name and shaking her hand. “And don’t worry about it, just make sure she drinks some water.”
“Also, what she said about me earlier, that was just a joke,” Gaeul added sheepishly.
“Even if it wasn’t, I’m not judging. That’s your business, not mine,” you replied casually. “Are you guys going to be alright getting home?”
“Yeah, we should be fine, some of our friends are by the bar, we came together,” Gaeul answered kindly. “Thank you again!”
“No problem, have a lovely night, and make sure she drinks that at some point,” you replied warmly before getting up.
Just as you were about to go back to the bathroom, a girl standing by the bar caught your attention. There were pretty girls everywhere, but this one stood out well above the rest. She was perfect - absolutely flawless. Everything from her posture to her expression, the way her outfit accentuated her beautifully fit body, showcasing her phenomenal rack, you just knew you had to talk to this one. You saw her separate from the group briefly as she was putting her empty drink back on the bar and decided that you needed to take the opportunity.
“I’m sorry to bother you, but you look like someone who I need to buy a drink,” you opened with as you leaned against the bar next to the girl.
“Oh do I?” she smirked, turning to face you properly.
It was incredibly difficult to keep your eyes up; She probably had the best tits you had seen in your entire life. Luckily for you, her face was also unbelievably pretty - this girl was unreal - so it wasn’t much of a punishment to keep eye contact with her. This girl really had it all.
“Yes, you absolutely do,” you waved Yujin over and held up two fingers, pointing to the glass the girl had placed on the bar and mouthing ‘please’.
Yujin nodded with a smile and began making the drinks.
“I appreciate the gesture,” the girl smiled while reaching into her purse. “But I think I’m the one who owes you the drink. I saw you taking care of Wonyoung over there.”
“Oh, you know her?”
“We go to school together,” she explained. “She’s actually my roommate.”
“You guys go to-” you began while gesturing towards the direction of your school when Eunbi interrupted you.
“Yup, we heard all the students love this club. It’s our first time here.”
“Wait, you’re not a freshman are you?”
“We’re both juniors, but neither of us lived in dorms before,” she laughed. “You?”
“Senior, been in dorms since the start,” you answered.
“I guess that means you come here often?”
“You could say that. Also, I didn’t help your roommate to get a free drink out of it,” you reached forward and blocked her from taking her card out of her purse. “How about you let me get these since I’m the one who offered, and you can thank me by telling me your name.”
The girl smiled at you, slumping her shoulders in defeat, accepting that you weren’t going to allow her to buy. She took the glass from your hand with a little nod of thanks while you began reaching for your card.
“Don’t worry about it, this one’s on the house,” Yujin winked at you before walking off.
“Would you look at that, now you don’t have to feel guilty,” you smiled, holding your glass up for her.
“So, I guess that confirms you’re a regular,” the girl chuckled while tapping her glass against yours and taking a sip with you. “My name is Eunbi.” 
“Alright Eunbi, explain something to me,” you put your glass down.
“What’s up?”
“How is it that I’ve never seen you before?”
“Maybe you have.”
“Trust me, I wouldn’t forget it if I had,” you smiled at her.
“Well, it’s a big school,” she giggled, looking away for a second in embarrassment. “I was mostly a go-home-after-school type of girl.”
“Then I guess I should just be grateful that I ran into you tonight.”
“You definitely should, I’m not really one to go out like this.”
“Could have fooled me,” you looked her outfit up and down. “You definitely know how to dress the part.”
“That’s very sweet of you,” she smiled again, once again slightly embarrassed by the compliment. “Unfortunately, I think my friends are trying to leave.”
“I don’t see why that has to stop us from talking.”
“What are you implying, you want to stay here?”
“Here, somewhere else,” you answered. “Wherever I can talk to you some more.”
“Well, it is kinda loud here,” Eunbi looked around the club.
“My place is pretty quiet right now,” you commented while looking over at Mint who had his tongue down his girl’s throat now. “And it doesn’t look like my roommate is going to be bothering me tonight.”
“You’re going to invite me over after just meeting me?” Eunbi asked. “That’s a bit quick, no?”
“I’ve been enjoying your company so far and I’d love to get to know you better,” you replied with a smile before pulling out your phone and texting the group chat to let them know you were leaving. “But if you’re not comfortable with that, wanna at least put your number in my phone before we forget?”
“Depends, are you texting your girlfriend right now?”
“I don’t know, gut feeling,” Eunbi explained.
“Here,” you held your phone out to her. “I got nothing to hide, I was texting my friends to let them know I was leaving.”
Eunbi took one look at your phone and immediately bent over laughing.
“Condom broke, we awoke?”
“Blame my friend Jae for that one,” you smiled at her reaction.
“That has to be one of the best group chat names I’ve ever seen,” Eunbi giggled before looking at your phone again. “Alright, you can have my-” she stopped speaking abruptly and her cheeks turned bright pink. “Prettiest girl you’ve ever seen?” she mumbled, looking up from the phone.
“What, I tell my boys how it is,” you replied casually. “I never lie to them.”
Eunbi gave you back your phone and turned around to run over to her group of friends who were still standing there watching her from a few feet away. She began telling them something that earned you some peeks from a few of them. Wonyoung was asleep on Gaeul’s shoulder at this point, the latter flashed a smile at you while Eunbi talked. After about a minute or so, she quickly scurried back towards you.
“You’re not going to murder me, right?”
“Probably not,” you answered.
“Good enough for me,” Eunbi giggled. “Alright, I accept your offer.”
“Are you sure your friends are cool with this?” you asked, staring at Eunbi’s gorgeous eyes while in your periphery you could see her friends all staring at you. “I feel like I’m the one who should be worried about getting murdered.”
“You’ll be fine if you kiss me.”
“If I kiss you?”
“Yeah, they’ll probably trust you then,” Eunbi stared back into your eyes - she was serious.
“Only one way to find out,” you replied, slowly leaning forward.
The skill of Eunbi’s lips was not something you were prepared for. You closed your eyes, cupping her face in your hands, relishing in the sweet taste of her strawberry lip gloss, enjoying the enthralling nature of her soft lips. You couldn’t even hear the music anymore, in your mind the only thing left in this world was the girl you were making out with. As you felt her hand on the back of your neck, you moved one of your hands to her back, holding her warmly.
Once the kiss finally ended and you two separated, Eunbi held her face in front of yours, staring deeply into your eyes. She was adorable, absolutely the prettiest girl you had seen in your entire life. Her round eyes, expressionless face, the way she held herself right in front of you.
“Did it work,” she asked, never breaking eye contact.
“I don’t know.”
“Are you going to check?”
“Why not?”
“I can’t stop looking at you.”
She kept staring back, but now she was smiling and her cheeks were turning pink again.
“Whatever, it was just an excuse to kiss you anyway.”
“You don’t need an excuse to do that.”
“Do you ever stop flirting?” she asked.
“How about we start walking and you can find out for yourself,” you suggested, holding your hand out for her to take.
“We gotta finish our drinks first though,” Eunbi picked your glass back up and placed it in your outstretched hand.
“Let's do it properly then.” you suggested, holding your arm up slightly.
Eunbi wrapped her arm around yours, interlocking your arms at the elbows. She smiled brightly at you before bringing her drink up to her mouth. The two of you started drinking together. You finished your drink a few seconds before her and watched as she scrunched up her face trying to catch up. With your arm locked with hers still, all you could do was watch patiently as the adorable girl chugged her drink until she successfully finished it.
“Definitely not your first time,” you chuckled, taking her glass from her.
After placing her glass on the bar you grabbed a couple of napkins which you held out for her so that she could wipe her lips. She, however, had a different idea, and instead of accepting the napkins stuck her face out and pouted her lips at you. You smiled again, using the napkins to wipe her lips for her - this earned an eruption of little screams and squeals from her friends which you ignored. Eunbi grabbed your hand with a smile and pulled you out of the club without looking back at her friends a single time.
“Finally, I can hear my own thoughts,” you sighed as the brisk night air hit your skin.
“And what are those thoughts telling you?” Eunbi asked while letting go of your hand and spinning in a circle playfully.
“The same thing my eyes are,” you responded while looking over at Eunbi. “That you look even more stunning under the moonlight than I could have ever imagined.”
“I guess that answers my question,” Eunbi laughed, stumbling slightly before balancing herself.
“You’re not also drunk, are you?”
“Oh please, I can handle my liquor way better than Wonyoung,” Eunbi giggled, swaying slightly as she stood there with her hands on her hips. “I’m barely tipsy.”
“How many did you drink tonight?” you asked while walking up next to her and grabbing her hands.
“We were taking shots earlier…” she squinted her eyes as she was trying to remember. “Three? Four? I don’t know.”
“Plus at least two drinks.”
“That’s your fault,” she whined, pouting again. “I was fine until that last one.”
“It was your idea to chug it.”
“Oh yeah,” she giggled before latching onto your arm. “I’ll be honest, I think I’m feeling that last one hit me…”
“Have you been drinking water? Want me to get you some?”
“No it’s fine, I’ll drink some at your place. You have water right?”
“Of course I have water,” you chuckled.
“Then let’s go!” Eunbi giggled again, hopping cutely. “I’m getting cold.”
“We could grab a cab if you wanted,” you suggested as you started walking.
“It’s like a five minute walk to dorms, we’re not getting a cab,” Eunbi dismissed the idea, shivering slightly as she held onto your arm.
“Here,” you lifted your arm up and pulled her closer to your body, wrapping your arm around her shoulder. “Sorry I don’t have a jacket tonight, no drama-esque scene for us.”
“It’s alright,” Eunbi smiled as she held onto your body. “This’ll do. You smell really nice, by the way.”
“Just give me a warning if you’re about to throw up, I like this shirt.”
“Real funny,” Eunbi rolled her eyes at you. “I told you, I’m just tipsy.”
“So what’s the occasion tonight that led to you getting ‘just tipsy’, Friday night?”
“Wony passed some stupid quiz or something and wanted to go out,” Eunbi answered, the little girl shivering slightly. “Friday night is not enough to get me to go out, I told you I don’t do this often.”
“Celebrating a quiz? Wow, you guys sure are good friends.”
“I kinda owed her for something, otherwise I meant it when I said I really don’t go out like this very often.”
“With how quick you were to take any excuse to get out of there, I almost believe you,” you chuckled, giving her just a little bit of a squeeze to let her know you weren’t being serious. “Or maybe you just didn’t want to deal with your drunk roommate.”
“She’s a bit of a brat at times,” Eunbi giggled. “Don’t get me wrong, I love my roommate.”
“I wasn’t questioning it.”
“Good, with how much we do for her, you better not question it.”
“How much you do?”
“Look,” Eunbi giggled. “That girl is as bi as they come, I never know if she’s going to bring a guy or a girl back to the dorm. Thank God we have separate bedrooms.”
“Ah, so that’s what you meant by you owed her.”
“It’s not like that.”
“Hey look, it’s fine if you’re in a relationship with your roommate,” you teased.
“Me? No,” Eunbi laughed. “Our friend Gaeul on the other hand, she’s been coming over almost every night lately.”
“Oh yeah?” you replied, hoping she would elaborate.
“Wonyoung is fucking shameless, I swear,” Eunbi giggled while shaking her head. “She had Gaeul… this might be tmi…”
“No such thing as tmi in my eyes.”
“Look, we’re touchy and all that, I even kissed her tonight as a dare,” Eunbi continued. “But Gaeul… Wonyoung has her do everything to her.”
“Should I even ask?”
“All I’m saying is that the mess they left in the room tonight before we came out is part of the reason why I’d rather go back to your place,” Eunbi giggled.
“I hope you’re not expecting my place to be pristine, I wasn’t expecting company tonight.”
“As long as there aren’t plugs and beads all over the room, it’ll be better than ours.”
“Who said there wouldn’t be?”
“I… guess I didn’t account for that,” Eunbi giggled again. “Which floor are you on?” she asked as your building came into view.
“Oh! Same as us!”
“Wait, you’re also in this building?”
“Yeah,” Eunbi answered enthusiastically. “In the girl’s wing, of course.”
“Thanks for confirming, I was totally questioning that part,” you replied while scanning your ID to open the door. “Now I’m even more upset that I haven’t run into you before.”
“Well, now you know I’m only one hallway away from you, no more excuses,” Eunbi walked through the door you held for her.
After a short elevator ride and walk, you found yourself at your door. You opened it up, holding it for Eunbi to enter before following her into the room.
“Oh wow, this is my first time in a guys’ room,” Eunbi commented while looking around. “It looks just like ours.”
“Were you expecting something different?” you chuckled while walking past Eunbi towards the kitchen. “Here, drink this,” you poured her a glass of water which she accepted graciously.
“Thanks, that walk honestly sobered me up quite a bit.”
“Good, unless you wanted to stay tipsy,” you replied. “All we have right now is some shitty rum or some shitty vodka.”
“I’m alright, thank you though,” Eunbi smiled before putting the empty water glass down. “Can I see your room?”
“Yeah, of course,” you walked over to your bedroom door and entered your room. “Wanna sit?”
“Go ahead,” you motioned towards your bed. “Mind giving me a second, I still really need to run to the bathroom.”
“No worries,” Eunbi smiled at you before looking around your room, admiring the various vanity items.
In the bathroom, you took a quick piss and then quickly reapplied some cologne. You checked your hair in the mirror, made sure everything looked good before heading to the kitchen where you grabbed yourself a glass of water, chugging it before heading back to your room.
“Did you want anything by the way, a drink-” you froze when you entered the room and saw Eunbi had taken off her top, leaving her in just a blue bra. “Oh.”
“Come sit,” Eunbi patted the bed next to her where you walked over and sat down. “You deserve some credit.”
“What for?” you asked, sitting down on the bed next to Eunbi, your eyes no longer able to avoid her tits.
“Not once have I caught you looking at my chest tonight,” Eunbi giggled. “Come on, I’m not stupid.”
“I gotta admit, you haven’t been paying enough attention,” you chuckled. “They’re too fucking beautiful, I couldn’t help myself.”
“At least you’re honest,” Eunbi smiled, leaning closer towards you. “You know, you’re allowed to touch them.”
“Quick to the point, are we?”
“I can put my top back on if you want,” Eunbi commented with an expression of fake concern.
“That won’t be necessary.”
The way her gorgeous smile began shining as soon as you grabbed her tits in your hands couldn’t be compared to anything. Nothing was hotter than a girl with self-confidence, and Eunbi absolutely knew what she was packing. Her tits were so fucking perfect, and they felt as amazing as they looked. So soft, molding into your fingers and you squeezed and squished them in every direction.
“Kiss me again and I’ll take the bra off, too,” she whispered, replacing her smile with the most seductive gaze humanly possible and opening her mouth slightly.
There wasn’t even a second of hesitation before you pressed forward with your mouth. You kept one hand squeezing her tits while the other lowered down towards her hip. Once again that delightful taste of strawberry blessed your mouth as Eunbi wrapped her arms around you, feeling up and down your toned back.
She was so fucking irresistable, you couldn’t detach from her body. You had to keep kissing her, you had to keep feeling her, you had to have her. She was too beautiful for this world - for all you knew, this was just a dream. Who fucking cared, you’d never wake up from this if it was, and that would be alright.
Without even stopping the kiss, Eunbi began reaching behind her back to unstrap her bra. You quickly reached around her body to help her, unstrapping it immediately and tossing it to the side. It didn’t even matter that her tits were completely out now, you didn’t want to stop kissing her yet to take a proper look. Slowly, you pushed forward until Eunbi was laying on her back, both of her hands now cupping your face while both of your hands were groping her chest.
This continued for a few more minutes, both of you were addicted to the other. Eunbi now had her leg bent and wrapped around your hips, you had one hand on the back of her thigh holding it up. Your other hand was still pressing into her soft tits, rubbing her nipples from time to time. Your hand slid up the back of her thigh, and for a bit you ended up palming her soft ass.
“You’re so fucking good at this,” Eunbi moaned from beneath you. “And you’re really fucking hot.”
“Right back at ya,” you smirked before shoving your mouth into her neck, kissing her clavicle.
“I don’t usually do it on the first night,” Eunbi moaned, grabbing your hair and pushing your head lower so that you were squished between her tits.
“That’s fine,” you gasped for air before taking her nipple into your mouth, sucking the nub until it was covered in your saliva. “No pressure.”
“I can make an exception tonight.”
“Should I grab a condom?” you asked excitedly before moving your mouth to her other tit and showing it the same love.
“No need, I’m on the pill,” Eunbi let go of your head and started pulling her skirt down.
“Leave it,” you insisted, sliding down your bed and reaching your hands up her skirt. “May I?”
She nodded with a giggle, loving your little act of chivalry, bending both of her legs so that her knees were up and bringing her hands to her tits, playing with them aggressively. As soon as her panties came off, you shoved your face between her legs. Just like that, within minutes of getting her in your room, you had your face in front of this dime piece of a girl’s pussy. A sharp inhale filled the room as you planted a kiss on her pussy - pure ecstasy to your ears.
Instead of sucking on her beautifully shaved pussy, you decided to slow it down, tease her a bit. You pressed your lips against her soft inner thigh, holding against her skin for a few seconds before kissing. Then, the same on the other leg, alternating with each kiss, moving closer and closer to her pussy. Once you couldn’t get any closer without actually placing your mouth on her folds, you started licking circles around her.
“Stop fucking teasing me,” Eunbi whined, squirming her lower body incessantly.
The corners of your lips curled upwards. You were going to have her begging soon, but you also needed a proper taste of Eunbi’s sweet pussy. With all the enthusiasm in the world, you gave her a singular lick from the bottom of her pussy all the way up to her clit where you sealed her clit with your lips. With the slight tang of her pussy now on your taste buds, you started jabbing your tongue against her clit.
“Oh yeah,” she began moaning before her moans swapped to screams as you shoved, without warning, two fingers up her pussy. “Oh fuck!”
Her entire lower body lifted off the bed briefly as you pushed two knuckles deep into her pussy, but the real surprise came when you felt her pussy squirt right onto your chin. You sat up on your knees, pulling your dripping fingers out of her snatch.
“Sorry,” Eunbi gasped, her chest heaving. “I should have… warned you…”
“Don’t apologize,” you wiped your chin with the back of your hand before ripping your shirt off and tossing it to the side. “That was really fucking hot.”
Eunbi didn’t have any time to feel embarrassed because as soon as your shirt came off you had shoved two fingers up her vagina again, this time thrusting them back and forth aggressively while your other hand started rubbing circles against her clit. It was sensory overload, you could tell by the way her face scrunched up in raw, unfiltered pleasure, and also by the droplets that began flinging out of her.
“Come on,” you grunted, speeding up your thrusting even more.
Suddenly, you got what you were looking for. Eunbi began gushing, spraying all over your arm, your chest, and your bed. She still had her eyes closed, but as her body once again lifted off the bed, she kept squirting all over anything that dared exist in front of her pussy. Once she stopped, you pulled your fingers out, and that led to a gush of liquid spilling out of her. Without missing a beat, you shoved your face between her legs and began lapping up her mess.
“Oh my fucking God,” Eunbi sobbed, her pussy literally trembling against your tongue. “Please.”
It was so fucking addicting. You couldn’t stop, you needed to suck every drop out of her pussy. You wanted to drown in her, your brain wasn’t working anymore. Eunbi’s wet pussy was your salvation. There was no way to know it now, but you’d be thinking about sucking Eunbi’s pussy for the next week.
“Stop,” she cried out, grabbing your hair with her hands. “I can’t…”
With her hands threatening to pull your hair out, you finally obeyed her wishes and held your face still. Other than the occasional lick of your tongue, you simply enjoyed the pulsatile squirts coming out of Eunbi’s pussy directly onto your chin. Once she finally stopped, her squirts being reduced to the occasional dribbles of fluid, you pulled back and sat up on your knees.
“You’re really fucking hot,” you said nonchalantly, wiping your chin again with the back of your hand.
“Come here,” she moaned, reaching her arms out for you.
As soon as you moved forward, she began kissing you again. Her hands found your buckle, undoing it swiftly and unbuttoning your pants. She fumbled around your crotch some more until her hand made it down your underwear, pulling your cock out.
“Want me to suck it first,” she whispered into your mouth between kisses, stroking your cock gently.
“Fuck that,” you spread her legs wide for you to get closer.
“Hold up,” Eunbi got up and turned you around so that now you were laying on your back with her on top of you. “Let me.”
Eunbi, her body right above yours, began rubbing her pussy with her palm before grabbing your cock and spreading her fluids along your shaft. She held your cock with one hand, lining it up with her pussy, and slowly started to lower herself onto your cock. You grabbed her skirt, lifting it up just in time to see her drenched pussy lips spread to accept your cock. She lowered herself lower and lower, pausing once she was all the way down, scrunching her face in delectation as her pussy adjusted to your size.
The girl knew how to move her hips, clearly showing off as she started moving up and down your shaft slowly. Her soaked pussy moved effortlessly as she started bouncing up and down your cock. Your hands found their way to her ass, gripping it tightly while she did all the work, working your cock like an expert.
“You’re so fucking hot,” you grunted, starting to push your hips into hers.
Eunbi started leaning forward, her massive tits hanging in front of you, shaking and jiggling each time she bounced on your cock. They were beautiful, shining as her efforts began leaving a thin layer of sweat all over her soft skin. She was beautiful. The way her face scrunched up as she felt each inch of your cock, she was irresistible. How could a girl be this perfect?
It was overwhelming. You didn’t have it in you to lay there, you knew you had to properly fuck this girl soon or else she was going to make you erupt with how good she was at moving her hips. Your hands left her ass and slid up her back, pulling her tits closer to your face until your nose was pressed between them. With your arms hugging her tightly, you stopped holding back.
“Oh fuck yes!” Eunbi screamed at the top of her lungs as soon as you started slamming your hips towards the roof. “Uh!”
It was such a blessing knowing most of your hallway would be out tonight, sparing you from dealing with the repercussions of a noise complaint, because Eunbi was loud. Equally as loud as her screams was the sound of your body slapping against her sweat-coated skin. At this point you had no idea if it was her sweat coating your legs or the absurd amount of fluid this goddess of a woman had squirted on you tonight.
Everything became a blur of wetness, tits, and Eunbi’s screams. The profanities Eunbi were shouting into your room would surely get you expelled if your school could hear them. If it wasn’t a moan or a cry, it was a mixture of the most lust-driven mumbles of salaciousness. Even with how loud Eunbi’s voice was, she could barely be heard over the wet slapping of her pussy getting fucked.
As much as you wanted to switch up the position, you couldn’t. You physically could not detach your face from Eunbi’s tits - it was not possible. Not that it really mattered, Eunbi was making it very clear that she was enjoying this. In fact, she could not have made it any more clear than she already was, especially with how her body had started squirting all over your cock now. The only disappointment was that as you felt Eunbi’s wetness coating your crotch, you knew you were quickly approaching your limit.
“I’m close,” you huffed into Eunbi’s tits.
There was no way to be sure if Eunbi heard you, not until at least she started bouncing her hips up and down with every bit of enthusiasm in her little frame. She didn’t just want you to cum in her, she wanted to make you cum in her - It was out of your control now. There was no stopping it now, you felt the pressure, the sensation, the pleasure all building up in your cock.
With your hands now squeezing onto Eunbi’s ass for dear life, your face pressed as far into her tits as it could go, you held on for dear life as your cock blew its load into her pussy. She kept moaning, kept moving her hips, despite it being impossible for her to know you were adding to the mess of fluids in her pussy. The only indication would have been the strained moan you let escape your lips as your cock pumped again and again, emptying itself into her.
With one final pump, your entire body went limp. Your hands fell to your sides, and all you could do now was breathe deeply against the softness of Eunbi’s tits. She lay on top of you for a bit longer in silence, moving her hips just enough to feel your cock still inside her as it also began to relax.
“Holy fuck Eunbi,” you broke the silence, trying and failing to sit up.
She didn’t even reply, she simply giggled as she lifted herself up. Slowly, she moved up and let your cock fall over, completely coated in a mess of cum and all of Eunbi’s bodily fluids. Eunbi reached past your body, once again giving you a beautiful view of her massive tits hanging down towards your face, and grabbed a few tissues. She wiped between her legs, not that it mattered with how much of a mess everything was now, before standing up, leaving you on your bed gasping for air.
“Do you mind if I borrow a shirt?”
“Yeah go ahead,” you panted, your chest heaving up and down with your eyes closed.
“Can I take this one?” Eunbi asked.
She looked so embarrassed when you opened your eyes to see her holding the shirt you were wearing earlier.
“Sure,” you shrugged, sitting up in your bed, finally catching your breath. “Bring it back whenever, you know where I live.”
“I promise I will,” Eunbi smiled, slipping the shirt on. It was too big for her, and she looked adorable in it. She quickly checked her phone before giving you a disappointed look “I’m really sorry to rush off like this. I would have loved to spend more time, but I need to check up on Wony.”
“Don’t worry about it at all, go take care of your roommate. I’ll see you soon?”
“Abso’ fucking ‘lutely you will, especially after that.”
Um, Eunbi is really hot. I just HAD to write her at some point. Initially I planned to make this like a 15-20k word fic, but after talking to some other writers I decided to break it up for the sake of readability (yes, that means I have already planned out the plot for the next two parts, and yes I have already started working on them). I could have written it all out and edited it properly, but that dopamine rush of posting a fic is too strong.
Hopefully you guys enjoy, this is a little different from my typical style in the sense that it's an alternate universe fic! I just had this idea and felt like writing it out, I might end up doing more of these style of fics if I get some more ideas that I feel like writing, especially for idols/groups who I don't follow as closely. Let me know what you guys think, as always, appreciate the support!
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obsessedwrhys · 24 days
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ Wolverine x Deadpool x F!Reader
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ᯓ★ Being in a polyamory relationship with these two. (A dream inspired this AHAHHA–) fluff, lots of bickering between the two, funny/goofy shit, bit of jealousy/possessiveness, reader is fem!!
This whole relationship is a mess.
I'm talking never getting a moment of peace kind of mess.
For example this one time you drove the Honda Civic.
Nobody understood why you were the one behind the wheels 'cause now you're ramming into everything with Logan grabbing on the handle for dear life while Wade is having the time of his life at the back.
"Stop the damn car before we crash, bub! Yer gonna kill someone!" Logan shouted and at the same time Wade was screaming out the lyrics to "Highway to Hell" by AC/DC.
Did I mention how different these two are with you?
Wade loves it when you run to hug him, he would swing you around a couple of times with your legs wrapped around his waist.
As for Logan, he prefers something less than that. A simple hug is enough and you can't complain much about it because the way he completely engulfs you in his embrace always made your chest flutter.
It's no surprise that they are protective over you.
Like when you were captured by some troops in the void. The fire guy, Johnny Storm, couldn't help but try to flirt with you. He figured why not shoot his shot right?
"Hey..." He'd say, flashing you a cheesy smile.
And seeing his attempt to charm you, you couldn't help but find it amusing and chuckle.
Clearly the two didn't like it.
Which is why that may or may not be the reason why Wade decided to out the man and get him killed 🤷‍♀️ I guess we'll never know 🤔
You and Wade enjoy pulling pranks on Logan.
The sight of him being pissed off pleases you both.
There was this one time you guys swapped his whiskey to a non-alcoholic drink and you can imagine his frustration.
"WADE!!" But he can never get mad at you. He just can't.
Even Wade complains about this privilege of yours.
"Seriously Lo?! You're gonna get mad at me and not our lovely prank partner here? Come on man, we're both guilty parties in this crime scene. If you wanna get angry, at least share the spotlight :("
Cue you sticking your tongue out at Wade as he pouts with puppy dog eyes.
All jokes aside, the two love and support you dearly.
I like to think Logan is more of an old romantic and Wade is the adventurous type.
That's why it can sometimes take a while for them to decide what to get as a present for you.
"Why the fuck would she want a pillowcase with our faces on it?" Logan asked with genuine disgust in his eyes.
"Why wouldn't she?! It's cute as fuck, and you can never have too many pictures of us together. Besides, it's a lot cheaper than buying a life-sized statue of me for her bedroom, although that's an option too, I hear Wolverine-shaped body pillows are all the rage these days" Without realising, he continued on muttering nonsense to himself which had Logan roll his eyes.
"I'm buying her the leather jacket and it's final" Not letting Wade say anything, he'd walk off to the cashier with him left behind. His action causing him to get irritated.
"What about the budget?!?!" He'd raise his voice but Logan simply ignored him. Fed up, he stomps on his feet as he points at his back.
"Fine, you big lug!! I'll let you have your way this time. But don't come crying to me when she dumps us for a pair of more decisive superheroes!!" He'd shout.
In the end you appreciated the gifts you got for your birthday. Each gift speaks for their character.
You guys definitely have lazy days.
Days where you'll lounge around in pajamas and watch cheesy romantic comedies together, complete with a pile of blankets and snacks.
Expect there to be lots of laughter, cringing, and the occasional eye rolling. Not to forget how you three would start making fun of the characters and the cliche plotlines.
Logan clearly struggles to sit through the entire movie marathon and you always have the to be the one to pull his arm to prevent him from leaving.
"Gimme a break, bub. It’s the same damn thing every time— the good guy wins, the bad guy loses. It’s like they think we got the emotional range of a rock"
"Gee, what a buzz kill. But are they wrong though? You practically live like a rock!!" Wade laughed with Logan letting out a scowl.
Thank goodness you're dating them or else they'd be fighting almost all the time.
In the relationship you're the peacemaker
No but seriously Wade calls you that and the nickname has stuck to you.
You enjoy sleeping in the middle with the two on either sides. Half of the time you always wake up with the two fighting over you.
Just imagine Logan pulling you closer to him but before he could even do that, Wade would be quick to pull you back to his embrace despite them both being asleep.
You like to think it's their reflexes. That even when sleeping they're still fighting with each other 😭
However you absolutely adore the two.
Logan will MELT when you kiss his knuckles. Especially when you do it with your eyes locked to his. He will literally go feral for you.
And Wade? He absolutely loveloveloves it when you baby him. It's his guilty pleasure. Hold him close with his face placed against your chest and he swears the voices in his head finally quiets down. That's why you're his angel.
Also, the two really enjoy showering you with kisses. You can barely ever hold back a smile with the two smooching every surface of your face.
Will do anything to get your praise.
The competitiveness is too much.
Oh Logan got you a bouquet? Well Wade got you a bouquet made of tacos. Who's the better one now huh? 😋
To be fair Wade is Wade. There's nothing you can do about it... but that doesn't mean Logan is ever gonna let him get his way.
"Where's Wade?" You'd ask, watching Logan sink on the sofa beside you.
"Don't know... could care less..." He'd say, wrapping an arm around you to snuggle with you. In the other room Wade has been stuffed inside the closet. Completely restrained and duck taped.
All I can say is that dating them is all fun and love. Literal baby girls.
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nadvs · 3 months
What if sleeping with the enemy rafe accidentally calls reader his gf but neither of them seem to mind 🤭
based on this fic
rafe has had too much to drink. tonight’s game secured his team a position in the championship finals. they had to celebrate. one shot became two became however many it takes to make the room start spinning.
he’s sprawled out on the couch at a party at one of the student houses on campus. everyone’s loud and rowdy and excitable. he’s exhausted and sore after the game, but he’s just as wired.
at this point, he texts her anytime there’s a party because he likes her being around. she’s on the other side of the room with a couple of the friends she brought, laughing at how shit-faced rafe is.
“should you be here?” one of his teammates slurs with a drunk smile, approaching her and her friends.
“no,” she replies light-heartedly. they shouldn’t be at a party celebrating another team’s win, especially theirs, but she stopped caring about the rivalry a long time ago. “you’re the bad guys.”
“you’re the bad guys,” he responds, pointing at her, but he loses his balance and nearly stumbles on top of her.
rafe’s seeing stars but he’s conscious enough to realize his teammate almost just knocked her over. he stands and crosses the room, putting a heavy arm around her, shielding her from his friend.
“you tryin’ to tackle my girlfriend? the fuck’s wrong with you?” rafe drawls. his mind catches up with what he just said. he looks down at her. “i mean, uh… my…”
“you’re hammered,” she laughs. she doesn’t mind the slip-up. she knows they’re friends. but her mind has drifted to the possibility of being more a few times.
rafe falls into a fit of laughter, raking a hand through his hair.
“i’m hammered,” he echoes. “you see all those three-pointers i got tonight?”
“you’ve only mentioned it like a hundred times,” she says. really, she’s thrilled to see him so happy. he’s been working hard this season. he deserved the win. “let’s get you some water. follow me.”
when they reach the quiet kitchen tucked at the back of the house, rafe slouches over the counter as she fills a glass with water.
she watches him drink it, surprised at how far he’s come since they started hooking up. he was never the type to let people tell him what to do, but she just ordered him to follow her and he listened. she’s pretty sure that at this point, she’d tell him to jump and he’d ask how high.
at a party last weekend, he mentioned that she’s his best friend. she told him that he’s hers. but the term girlfriend sounded so good coming out of his mouth.
he drains the glass and then she turns to fill it again.
“i don’t need that much,” he complains.
“you need a lot to hydrate so you don’t feel like shit tomorrow,” she says. “you’re like ten feet tall.”
he laughs again.
“i don’t get hungover,” rafe says.
“that’s a lie,” she chuckles. she offers him the full glass, deciding to tease him. “you shouldn’t lie to your girlfriend.”
rafe rolls his eyes and swallows down the water, but her words sober him up a little bit. he lowers the glass, his lips gleaming with moisture. she stands in front of him, tempted to kiss him.
he stares down at her, gazing into her eyes, and the thought of her wanting some sort of commitment to him is oddly thrilling.
“you’re going to be so embarrassed that you said that,” she laughs.
“no, i’m not,” he says quickly. he may be drunk but that, he knows for sure.
tension sits between them. the reason their whole deal works is because they’re direct with each other. honest. it’s a knee-jerk reaction of his to tell her exactly what he’s thinking. but what he’s thinking right now could shift things. maybe even break them.
she’s frozen. they say drunk words are sober thoughts, so maybe rafe really does see her as his girlfriend. they definitely act like a couple at this point.
“what kind of boyfriend would you even be?” she eventually says. instead of laughing off the prospect of being in a relationship with anyone like he always does, he answers after he takes another sip of water.
“a good one,” he says. “i’m good at everything.“
“your humility is so inspiring,” she replies sarcastically.
their words sound like jokes, but the looks they’re sharing are utterly serious. it’s unusual not to be laughing together, chiding like friends. the air is heavy. awkward.
but it’s also incredibly natural.
“you sleeping over tonight?” rafe asks, eyes traveling over her face.
she’s only slept over a handful of times, when the sex was so tiring she couldn’t imagine making her way home. sleeping over feels coupley. but here he is, asking her to.
and she could make a joke about him just wanting a private nurse for his inevitable hangover in the morning. but it feels cruel to tease him when he’s being so vulnerable, looking at her like she might actually have the power to hurt him. to hurt someone so strong and loud and unpenetrable.
“yeah,” she replies simply.
rafe nods, unable to tear his eyes off of her.
“finish that,” she says, looking down at the half-full glass.
“i don’t have to listen to you,” rafe tells her. but he brings the glass back up to his lips, mirroring her smile.
he definitely doesn’t have to let her boss him around. but he’s going to, whether he wants to or not, because that’s the effect she has on him.
(the next morning)
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pirateprincessblog · 8 months
2 batteries away
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𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫.: if he can choose to spend time with someone else rather than you, daryl would do it. not because he hates you. he simply doesn't have any type of connection with you. and you are so young. but when rick demands that you join him on a scavenge hunt, he doesn't have much of a saying into it, and chooses to act unbothered. he also chooses to ignore the way you tease him the whole trip, your hips swaying just a bit more when walking than usual. 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: daryl dixon x female reader 𝐬𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: alexandria, pre-negan 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 5k 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: big age gap, reader is half daryl's age 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: voyeurism, masturbation, breath-play, subtle ddlg, toys, subtle dacryphilia
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: swearing 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: i am on season ten of twd (my first time watching) and it feels like this man's clothes keep getting tighter and tighter each episode and i am so here for it. also the way his arms magically always glisten in the sun as he subtly flexes when the camera is on him? give me a break I BEG
Also I miss Rick very much 🥺
"i have a special request. if i'm allowed to do that." a playful voice calls behind you.
you turn around, squinting. the sun is high up in the sky, and right in your eyes. you make out carol's short hair, and nod at her as a sign to keep speaking.
"i'm gonna need something i can make cookies or cakes with. hazelnut, chocolate, almonds,... you know. cake stuff." the woman smiles.
"i'm going out for ibuprofen and possibly viagra, not chocolate."
"viagra? for who?"
you chuckle under the cap rosita has given you, and try to subtly glance over at the man loading the car with weapons. he grunts, glaring at you and instantly shutting down the bullying party you wanted to start.
"i don't need no damn viagra." he slams the trunk door shut, and walks past you, intentionally pushing his shoulder into yours.
you fall a step back, holding in a laugh. carol has her hands on her hips, but her laugh isn't hidden. she knows daryl can't say anything to her.
"oh, come on. i know that you like to stay quiet and mysterious, but a little joking in hard times never hurt anybody." the woman defends you, scrunching her eyebrows at daryl.
"it's hurting me." he yells from the car, slamming the door shut.
"how am i supposed to survive this trip with him, ricky?" you complain, shoulders hanging with rising irritation with the situation.
"you survived a walker flooded prison with nothing but an axe before you found us on the other side, and you're telling me you can't survive a grumpy old man for a few hours?"
"thing is, i killed walkers. i cannot kill him. boo-hoo, the precious tracker. i also, when i see a footprint on the floor facing a certain way, know that someone is headed there. wild, right?"
rick pats your head, messing up the cap in the process just to tease you.
"bring me some shirts on the way back, i'm getting sick of these flannels. and get yourself something nice."
one would think that he gave you his credit card to buy him those shirts at the nearby mall. telling you to get yourself something nice, that idiot. the less fun truth is that you are headed towards a landfill two hours away from alexandria, in hopes of finding anything. glenn and morgan haven't had any luck for a few days now, so rick decided to change the route and the team. daryl and you, apparently, make a great one. that pain in the ass of a man.
"i'm leavin'. you stay and talk 'bout me all you wan'. i'm the one actually doin' something for this place."
"stuck up much? see," you open the car door, sitting inside annoyed, "with the viagra, you'd be a much more pleasant person to be around."
"enough with the damn viagra. fuck's the matter with you?"
"god, just start driving and drop me off somewhere in the middle of the road and i'll find my own shit from a different place. rick doesn't need to know."
"no," he simply responds, not sparing you a glance.
rick waves at you with a smile on his face, knowing damn well what he did putting the two of you together for such a long quest. he's so going to hear from you tonight. if you make it out alive while trying to kill daryl.
"so, what are you hoping to find? booze, peanut butter, new clothes? i'm starting to think you stapled those clothes to your body."
he says nothing, eyes focused on the road. you sigh. maybe you're the problem. you're poking him too much, knowing he has zero patience and doesn't very much like your company. you decide to keep quiet for the rest of the drive, only occasionally glancing over at him out of boredom.
you can't lie, he is an attractive man. you don't know why you're mean to him. he is gorgeous to you, your taste in older rugged men not failing you. you're surprised rick isn't the one you fell for. but next to daryl, he looks too... neat. daryl is just perfect. most of the time his deep raspy voice has you subconsciously rubbing and squeezing your thighs, led by a tingling sensation in your lower stomach. his clothes have recently gotten very tight on him, the buttons of his black shirt threatening to pop and give you a view of your lifetime. he has been working out a lot, you've seen him. fuck, not only have you seen him, you also stayed there, secretly snapping pictures with your polaroid your father had left you before disaster struck. you only had a few films left, yet no self control. something about seeing daryl all sweaty as he did push ups, grunting and almost moaning, thinking that nobody can see him, did things to you.
"wha'?" he asks, sensing your intense gaze.
you turn your head away, flushed. "nothin'."
he keeps it short and stern, and if your panties weren't drenched as your brain replayed the memory of his glistening arm muscles, you'd probably make a sassy remark. he raises an eyebrow, probably also wondering why you aren't being mean for so long now.
"shoes." he says after some time.
"what?" you ask, absent-mindedly staring into the tall trees and the walkers hidden among them.
"i'm hoping to find some shoes. it's gettin' hard to walk in these. i also hope i find sum more arrows."
you nod, surprised that he has actually graced you with an answer. you thought he'd say something like cigarettes or alcohol. you hated people who smoke. but daryl is an exception. he looks damn hot doing it.
"you?" he asks.
"well, new underwear would be nice. i ripped all my good panties, and let me tell you, these thongs are not apocalypse friendly."
"shit, girl, oversharing much?"
"what, you disgusted by female underwear?" you poke back, playfully.
"not female underwear. your underwear."
you're offended. you squint at him, and have to fight the urge to smack the back of his head.
"for your information, you don't look or smell all flowery and fresh yourself. i could use your hair to grease up carol's tray for her cakes. and your fingernails? they have their own ecosystem at this point."
and back to the bickering it is. he grunts again, furrowing his eyebrows. he secretly glances at his fingernails. indeed, they had a layer of dirt under them, but daryl thinks that he has bigger issues than some dirt that will get washed off anyway.
"oh, i also wish to find-"
"yeah, lost interest." the man interrupts. "also, for future conversations, you do not mention your... thongs... to people that are ol' enough to be your father."
he did not.
"what, is that how you see me? you could be my father?"
how utterly disappointing. there you were, sitting next to him, imagining him going feral between your legs, all while he is viewing you as his child. there goes your masturbating material for tonight.
"well the age fits the description."
"fuck you. seriously." you sigh, turning your body towards the window so you can fully ignore him.
arriving at the gates, you immediately notice a few things that you will be taking home. how foolish of you to not take a truck instead of the crusty old car.
"watch it." just as he says it, an arrow passes by your head, followed with a loud thud.
you don't have to look back to know that a walker had managed to sneak behind you, while you were foolish enough to stay swooning over his arms glistening in the sun with sweat.
"damn it, girl, i don' know what it is with you, but you gotta snap outta it. i can't keep saving ya ass."
"yes, dad." you reply, annoyed.
"hey." he calls, hand reaching to cup your jaw and turn your head towards him. "shut it before i make ya."
if it weren't for the feeling of his rough hand on your face and his raspy voice sending you a warning turning you on, you would've slapped him and told him not to touch you. but oh, you were going crazy inside. you found a new way to push his buttons, and you're going to have so much fun with it.
you walk behind him into the landfill, the smell of junk pinching your nose. daryl is also bothered by it, seeing his scrunched expression as he scanned the first piles of garbage.
"there." he points his crossbow a certain way.
you follow the invisible line, your eyes landing on what seemed to be several taped boxes. they could have three things inside: food, weapons, or traps. weird how nobody has discovered this place yet. or maybe they have, and they took all valuables already.
daryl doesn't wait for you. he makes his way towards the boxes, keeping his crossbow ready if something goes wrong. you, on the other hand, have tucked your knife safely and are walking around like there isn't walkers scratching at the fence, waiting to sink their teeth into your skull.
you hear rattling. you turn around, only to find the man kicking the boxes angrily. the can he has just thrown on the floor rolls up to your feet, and you crouch down to examine it. it is food, but expired. eating it would be like playing russian roulette.
"i mean, we can still... ya'know, take it with us. what happens happens."
"dixon, if i'm gonna die, i'm gonna die from a bullet or a bite. not from a rotten macaroni."
he raises an eyebrow at you, amused with your laid back attitude. he doesn't give you much attention, just silently walks next to you while scanning his side of the landfill.
"ah, sweet!" you cheer, running towards a pile.
you almost trip over the broken wooden chairs, trying to get to a certain little box in the pile.
"the hell are ya doin'? we're losin' time!"
your eyes instinctively roll at his voice. you know he has nothing smart to say. finally reaching the box, you jump back on the floor, eagerly opening it. seeing that the item still has the foil sealed on it, you victoriously raise it in the air, cheering.
"you have made it a goal for yourself to die today, didn't ya?"
"nah, not anymore. i found something that will keep me occupied and will fuel my will to live a little longer."
you continue your way forward, leaving daryl to stare at the box you have discarded, trying to figure out what it is. but he has decided he has no time for your immaturity. he needs to ask rick to not ever put him with you on a hunt again. he's lost a lot of time already, and hasn't found a single thing to bring back.
"clothes." you point, the pile of fabric sitting on top of a garbage hill.
"you gonna go get 'em?"
"why would i go? you go."
"you wanted your... thongs... so, you go get that."
you scoff, setting the newly acquired item on the ground and slowly climbing up the hill.
"what is this, anyway?" his curiosity wins.
you sit on top of the pile, examining the clothes and discarding the ones with holes in them.your eyes dart to the man below you, and you chuckle when you see him crouch and take the item in his hand.
"it's a wand."
"for?" he keeps pressing, his eyes never leaving the pink gadget.
you look down, mortified. he better not break it.
"careful with that, what's the matter with you?!"
"you're fuckin' crazy, girl."
you silently mock him, sticking your tongue out at him and repeating his words with exaggerated face expressions. he really gets on your nerves. you gather the clothes you have found into a bed sheet, tying it up and putting it over your shoulder, then pick up the gadget from the floor. it seems alive, it didn't break. you only hope it works. you're young, inexperienced, surrounded by people that are either too young or too old for you. though, the old part never was a problem for you, it was for them.
feeling bored, you decide to keep poking him. he is just so grumpy, and silent. and inviting to irritate.
"so, dixon, you've never heard about one of these?" you wave the gadget in front of his face.
he spares you a glare, and continues walking.
"come on, we're talking. nobody's around. tell me, since all of this started, how many times have you even approached a girl? do you even mastu-"
"'m not in the mood to be picked on right now."
"i'm not picking on you. i promise. just trying to converse."
"you want to be useful? hold this. it's in my way." he throws his vest at you, now only wearing a tight black t-shirt.
you scowl at him, shoving his vest into your backpack.
"you're so fun to be around. i get why rick put us together."
he grunts, leaving you behind. rolling your eyes, you go down a different path, hoping to find something useful to all of alexandria and not just you. turning a few lefts, you find yourself standing in front of a little shed like structure. you bang on the door with your foot, and when hearing no growls, you bravely enter. it is dusty and dark, with a singular armchair and a few cupboards.
you open each one of them, happily shoving all the food you managed to find into your backpack, opening a protein bar along the way and chewing on the oats and dried fruits. you missed having those with yogurt for breakfast.
not only will carol be happy with the amount of nuts and flour you have found, rick will be proud of you. you might even ask for a reward when he sees the amount of canned tuna and jam you have found. you forgot what pancakes taste like.
after clearing the room, you peek out the window. daryl is in the distance, going through piles and kicking stuff out of his way, as if playing. you've collected way more than him, and the sun is at it's highest point. the shaded room seems like a perfect place to take a nap, or just rest your feet and ears from him.
you plop on the armchair like a star washed up on the shore. it feels so lonely lately. rick has michonne, carl has enid, rosita has her boytoys, even gabriel might be having more fun than you. as wrong as it was, you stay up listening to the noises coming across the street. they're loud, there's no way you could ignore them even if you wanted to. even rick had to step in and ask them to be quieter. but what is a problem to someone else is a solution for you. is it wrong to touch yourself while listening to someone else fucking? yes. but is it the only way that works for you? also yes.
you eye up the toy that peeks from the backpack, then glance out the window. daryl is busy with his crossbow, having found something that he could use on it.
fuck it.
you unbuckle your pants, not bothering to take off the panties. your fingers are quick to pop the batteries that come with the package in the gadget, and when the lid clicks, you admire it for a second. there it is, in all its glory. waiting to be abused every day by you, until you find a replacement. hopefully a softer and live one.
taking off the thin protective foil from the head, you position yourself on the armchair. you glance at the window again, carefully monitoring daryl. now, if you thought that eavesdropping and touching yourself was bad, what was this? watching daryl's fingers work on his crossbow, arms glistening in the sun, all while the pink toy softly vibrates on your pulsating clit.
you sigh at the newfound pleasure, rubbing the toy up and down your slit, while your eyes stay focused on the man unaware of your situation. he probably even forgot about you. or is thankful that you have left him alone. even better for you. you get to be a pervert without him ever knowing.
you arch your back, throwing your head on the backrest as you focus on chasing the release. it's been awhile, it won't take you long. your eyes open again, just enough to see if the man is still in his spot. your fingers change the vibration strength on the gadget, and instantly, you gasp. it is so intense, and so much, but you don't want it to stop. this thing is your new best friend, you better get used to it.
something else peeks out of the backpack, the leather catching your attention and giving you an idea. like an animal in heat, you grab the vest, burying your nose into it and spreading your legs further. daryl's scent takes over your senses, making you lose control and become a moaning mess. you are getting wetter by the second, the toy now slipping up and down your slit with ease and giving you maximum pleasure.
"fuck- daryl-" you can't help but gasp, enveloped in his manly scent and fabric.
your hips hopelessly rub against the toy, chasing and chasing after something that isn't quite getting closer, even though it feels like it.
"the hell?"
your eyes widen at the interruption. you drop the vest in your lap, hiding the crime scene from him. the man stands at the door, expression unreadable. yours is one of horrified mixed with desire, the way he stares down at you angrily sending arrows to your core.
"daryl- i- did you, uh, find anything?" you try to play it off, foolishly.
"yeah. i found an animal in heat it seems. couldn't wait for alexandria to do that shit?"
"is that my vest?"
he slams the door shut, leaving you two in darkness. you gulp, moving the gadget from your core and letting your panties fall back in place.
"i'm sorry, i'm sorry-" you stutter, failing to put a sentence together while he intensely glares at you.
"ya ain't sorry." he grunts. "ya know why i despise being around your ass? you're inappropriate."
"no, look," you try, but he points a finger at your face, making you close your mouth.
your eyes burn, tears announcing their arrival.
"it's not like that-"
"shut up, dammit! i'm talkin' now! do you have any idea in how many uncomfortable situations you've  put me? all those snarky dirty comments, all that flirting, now this? do you understand what that does to me?!"
he's yelling, frustrated and angry with you. but why are you getting wetter? why can't you think rationally? he is scolding you for being inappropriate, and you continue to be even more inappropriate by sexualising simple yelling. not your fault he looks damn hot while he does it, though.
"you're- you're half my age. i can't allow myself to play your games, no matter how tempting."
"what will alexandria think? they already have no good opinion on me. engaging with someone half my age the way you want me to engage is- it is a horrible idea. i'll be out faster than i was in."
silence swallows the room. you still lay on the armchair, half naked with his vest covering you. he paces around the room, fingers running through his hair as he tries to gather his thoughts. you think whether it's time to finally say something, but you wait another moment. you need to gather your thoughts too.
tempting, he said. so he thought about it too. he saw past your jokes, and has been controlling himself so well. if only you knew what it would take to shatter that control, even for just a moment.
"since when do you care what other people think?" you start.
"since rick chose to trust me."
you hum, understanding.
"so you've been thinking about it." you're the one to interrupt now.
his head snaps up, looking at you with his eyebrow raised, as if asking you where you're going with that statement.
"there's nothing wrong with it. it's not like we're getting married or something."
"i'm older than you. way older than you."
"i could be your father."
"if you say that word to me one more time i swear i will turn this landfill upside down to find another sex toy to shove up your asshole."
"why do you get so triggered by it?"
you roll your eyes, looking anywhere but at him. you press your thighs together, missing the warmth and buzzing from earlier. fun killer.
"doesn't matter."
"tell me," he presses further.
you finally look at him, frustrated. "because i have fucking daddy issues and the thought of you being so much older than me turns me on. there."
you get up from the armchair, putting his vest on so that you can cover yourself. it almost reaches your knees, hiding your body from his gaze. he says nothing, and does nothing for a few moments. you have your back turned to him, hands resting on the counter of the half chipped kitchen cabinet. your head hangs low with embarrassment from the confession that just left your mouth.
tears stream down your cheeks, luckily hidden by your hair. but daryl doesn't miss the little sniff that comes your way. he sighs, then paces around the place a little more. when you don't hear him anymore, and finally face the fact that nothing will be the same with him anymore, you dare turn around. you almost gasp when you come face to face with him, his chest pressing against yours.
"wha- what are you-"
"shh..." he hushes you, eyes roaming your face.
you aren't sure what to do, or what he wants to do. if he tries to comfort you by giving you a hug, you will break down. and you will never face him again. you thought it was only sexual, but the way he looks at you and hushes you as you cry is awakening new emotions inside of you. ones that you will push down for now, because it is not the time.
"daryl, i'm sorry." you hiccup, genuinely feeling sorry for ruining whatever you had with him.
you feel his hands on the back of your thighs, and before you can react, he picks you up and places you on the counter. you instinctively spread your legs, letting him in closer.
"don't be. or else i might regret this."
you look at him doe eyed as he places his hand on your neck, gently holding you just beneath your jaw and softly pressing into the sides of it. he brings his head close to you, eyes half closed as he stares at your lips.
"daryl." you whisper, not sure of this anymore.
"just hush."
and with that, he presses his lips into yours, softly moving them with rhythm only known to the two of you. his other hand caresses your thigh, then creeps to your bottom and pulls you to the edge of the counter, enough to have your crotch press against his.
you can taste your tears while you kiss him, and he probably can too. he doesn't say anything, hell, you even feel him twitch between your legs. you grind on him, unable to control yourself. it is different than the wand. it's warm, and it responds back. it's better.
"hey," you call, slowly pulling away. "i don't want you to do this because you feel sorry for me or something like that. are you doing it because of that?"
before you can continue bombarding him with questions and overthinking, he places his lips back on yours, this time a little rougher than before. you open your mouth, tongue eager to taste him properly. and fuck, he tastes good. you hated cigarettes and alcohol, but from his mouth, you adore it. you finally give in, arms wrapping around his neck and pulling him impossibly close. finally.
it doesn't take long for him to have you whining and grinding on him, wanting more than just kissing and thigh grabbing and occasional choking. you beg into his mouth, quietly at first, but with each kiss he gives you, you become louder and more demanding.
"touch me, please, please, please," you're desperate.
he smiles, for the first time in a while, and snakes his hands under your top. you hurriedly take off the vest and the top, to make it easier for him, but he pulls his vest back on your body. you are now wearing nothing but panties and the leather vest, making daryl incredibly impatient.
"ya just needed some attention, didn't ya?" he kisses your neck, his hand cupping your breast and thumb playing with the hard nub. "some sense fucked into ya to shut that mouth."
for someone that almost never talks, he is quite the talker now. and you can't complain, when his words have you clenching around nothing down there.
"needed someone older to take care of ya."
you moan at his words, spreading your legs further and raising your hips into his crotch. his hand reaches down to your panties, landing a light slap on your clothed clit as a warning. there's growling outside of the shed, but not enough to make you care. you'll get what you want, and no amount of walkers will stop you, even if it'll be your last.
daryl moves your panties aside, pulling away from you to see you. he hums, thumb coming to contact with your clit and circling it a few times. you shake under his touch, throwing your head back. it isn't something you haven't done before, but the touch is foreign, and different. his fingers are rough and big, an opposite of the soft flesh of your clit. he rubs your slit up and down, enough to smear your arousal so he can touch you better.
"fuck..." you trail, grabbing the edges of the counter and digging your nails into the hard surface.
"didn't find a boy your age to open you up?"
you shake your head. he hums again, fingers now circling your tight entrance.
"that's a shame, then. i'm gonna have to take my time with you."
"what? why?" you ask, disappointed.
"i'd split you in half, little one."
every word in that sentence sent arrows to your core. fuck, just how big is he?
"then, what are we doing?"
he turns around, leaving you yearning for his touch while he grabs your discarded toy from the armchair.
"you share toys?"
he pulls himself out from his pants, and you are left with your jaw dropped. it fuels his confidence, the way you're staring at him as he rubs himself up and down. he isn't big. he's huge.
"daryl, how will that fit in me?" you ask, actually concerned.
"it'll take a little time. i'll train ya, and you'll take it like a good girl, the way i teach ya. but ya have to start listening to me and stop pissing me off."
nodding eagerly, you push your hips towards his hands, searching for his touch again.
he turns the gadget on, pressing it against your clit. you moan out loud, grinding on the buzzing toy and sliding with ease. you hear him grunt, and even a quiet moan. your eyes drop to the situation between your legs, and when you see him pressing his cock to the gadget, you swear you could squirt all over him. he rocks his hips with yours, pushing you up against the wall and grunting in your mouth, just like you moan into his. he doesn't break eye contact with you, instead getting off on it.
"i'm gonna cum, daryl." you whine, hands reaching into his hair to pull.
"give me a second."
you'd give him two if he wanted. you try your hardest to focus on not yet cumming, but the way he sweats and grunts for you doesn't make it easy.
"daryl-" you warn, moans becoming high pitched and inviting the walkers around the shed.
he sticks two fingers in your mouth, keeping you silent and helping himself get closer. you only needed to swirl your tongue around him a few time and take him all the way to his knuckles to have him moaning and cumming all over your stomach, rubbing the toy up and down in a sloppy pace.
you follow, pleasure washing over your body along with a thin layer of sweat, the sight of his seed on you making it more intense. you are dehydrated, hot and filthy. and you love it, because he is the same. you'd be like that every day, if it meant getting him the way you just had him.
"you didn't have to..." you say as he helps you dress up, wiping his seed from you with his bandana and discarding it.
"i wanted to. before, today, too."
"you sure?"
you nod. he sees that you are not convinced, and he sighs. he pulls you in for a hug, resting his chin on the top of your head.
"i rarely regret my actions. trust me."
"yeah, well, i hope i'll get more of these actions you speak of."
he chuckles, planting a kiss on your forehead.
"you know, for someone who just came all over me, it's weird to see you so sentimental and comforting."
you don't even finish the sentence, he already playfully throws the bandana at you, rushing outside to hide his smile and to hide from your attempt at attacking.
"oh, you- you- you asshole!"
"right back at ya."
yippie! my first twd oneshot, idk how to feel about it lol. had this in the drafts for a while now. feel free to send feedback, doesn’t matter if it is good or bad 🩷
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hyuckswoman · 6 months
mark and you arguing pt1
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genre: angst (doesn’t have good ending but i can make a pt2)
summary: you don’t like how touchy one of your boyfriend’s friend is, when you try to tell him, he doesn’t listen
pairing: mark x y/n
“no mark you don’t understand and that’s fine, i never asked you to understand either way” you say putting your things down and closing your front door behind you 
earlier that night, you and mark were on a double date with his childhood friend and her situationship? you thought it was her boyfriend but seeing the dynamic up close you understood how wrong you were 
the date was going okay at first. since her situationship was so entertaining, it completed shifted your focus away from the fact that you had barely taked to your boyfriend ever since stepping foot inside of the restaurant, not only that but you had also failed to see how her hand was on mark’s forearm and didn’t look like it was going to move in any second. 
you’re not normally the jealous type but seeing how there’s been a few instances where she had stepped over the boundaries you put with your bf and when you told him about it he just shrugged claiming that “she’s an old friend, she’s bound to be…comfortable” you were apprehensive of the evening. 
and you were right to be! the whole evening was basically her flirting and eye fucking mark, cutting you off when you were speaking, barely paying any attention to her date i mean hell even YOU talked more to him than she did. 
the more the evening progressed the more you dread coming home, yea it meant she wouldn’t be here anymore but it also meant you having to be vocal about your feelings and a possible argument with mark because of course his friend could never be in the wrong 
“why are you being like this? each time we hang out with her you’re always mean and tense about it, i don’t get why you have a vendetta against her” you boyfriend says taking off his coat following you into the living room 
“it’s not like i don’t have a reason to have a vendetta against her mark, she was flirting with you all evening! and i don’t even understand why you’re picking a fight with me, i bit my tongue on purpose and didn’t tell you shit and wasn’t planning to just to avoid this so i’m having trouble understanding why we’re even having an argument right now” you say sitting on the sofa hoping he’ll let it go
but of course he doesn’t 
“oh so now i’m so scary and intimidating that you can’t communicate? and we’re having an argument because tonight, just like every night we’ve ever spend with her you were in a pissy mood. do you know how embarrassing it is to have to apologize for your behavior each time” mark says 
“no one asked you to apologize, i kinda think it’s crazy how you’ve never even taken the time to maybe wonder why i dislike her so much mark” you answer anger rising 
“i know why you’re like this, it’s because you’re jealous” your boyfriend answers
“i’m sorry? yea you’re gonna have to elaborate on this one” you say
“i don’t know maybe it’s because her and i get along or the fact that we were a thing for a short while maybe that makes you insecure or something” you boyfriend says ever so casually 
“what the fuck?? she doesn’t make me insecure i’m just tired of having to explain to you why it bothers me to see one of your friends eye fucking you while you let it happen. i can’t even have a man be in the same vicinity as me before you start to lose your shit mark. Like i really don’t care that you and her were a thing because you’re with me now so unless it’s an issue i need to worry about I don’t see why I’d be jealous? But if you’re gonna be mad at me for being in a ‘pissy’ mood i never want to hear you complain about any men apparently flirting with me ” you say getting up, if you see his face you might start to hit it at this point 
“I still don’t understand why you’re being so bitchy, if her and i were still dating, she would’ve never done this to me” mark says instantly regretting his words 
“So it is something i need to worry about then.. you know what? go date her or something i don’t care mark, maybe she’ll appreciate you acting like a dick” you say sighing. this argument honestly tired you, repeating the same things over and over again tired you but what could be done? 
you were starting to head upstairs to brush your teeth and head to bed when mark gripped your arm preventing you from leaving 
“let go mark” you ask tiredly 
“i’m sorry” he says apologizing 
“okay, now let go” you ask and he shakes his head no 
“please i’m tired i want to sleep let me go” you say as you forcefully remove your arm from his grip, if he wasn’t going to let you go, you’ll leave 
“we don’t go to sleep mad at each other” mark says still blocking your way 
“maybe sometimes we do, plus i’m not even mad at you now please move i want to brush my teeth and you’re blocking the path” you say 
“i’m sorry” mark says 
“i heard you the first time” you answer giving up on brushing your teeth settling to  find a place to sit in your shared house 
“talk to me, please” your boyfriend pleads 
“i have been talking to you mark! ever since the first hang out i told you how she would make backhanded comments about me, then told you how it made me uncomfortable how touchy she was with you, then told you i didn’t want to hang out with her anymore so you could go see her alone and i also told you how her eye fucking you and making me feel like i’m bothering you guys annoyed me. mark you just never listen, and since you don’t listen i sit back, bite my tongue and try my best to act nice but it’s not because she’s your friend that i’m going to let myself get walked over” you say as mark finally lets you in your bedroom where you just lay down to sleep 
“you’re right i’m sorry” mark says hugging your figure thankful that you still communicated despite his actions 
“no you’re not, you say this every time the proceed to do it all over again, anyway good night mark” you say turning so your back faces him just wanting to be done with the conversation because you were starting to feel bad for acting this way when you have every right to be upset. Mark on the other hand is biting his lip realizing that he seriously messed up and needs to make it right somehow. 
because he’d 100% rather never talk to that one friend than have you feel the way you’re feeling right now, at the end of the day, nobody compared to you and he now realized how little he’s been showing it to you 
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uc1wa · 1 year
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18+ minors dni
tags: fem reader, penetrative sex, oral sex, threesome (yay), unprotected sex, alcohol, dirty talk, reader gets slut the fuck out
roy harper: a little friday night clubbing anyone? >:)
it was the first friday you, roy, and jason all had a night off, and roy’s text was your first thought as well—he just beat you to the invitation.
as expected, jason’s quick to turn the idea down. the same reasoning as always: not wanting to be in a sweaty, jam packed room with drinks being thrown and sweaty body’s all over him. it wasn’t the first time the dark haired man had refused, but ended up agreeing to appease his two best friends.
and as always, it takes a little convincing on yours and roy’s behalf, c’mon jay, we never go clubbing! i’ll buy you a drink if you come, pleaseeeee
plenty of pleases were passed around until the man finally gave in, and that’s when he came knocking on your apartment door, dressed in black head to toe with a roll of his green eyes.
"enjoy tonight because i promise this is the last time." he huffs as he sits at one of your barstools, next to roy who’s lining up pregame shots.
"we’ll change that attitude by the end of the night," the red head says with a wink before bringing the tiny cup with tequila to his lips, stretching his head back to down it with a twisted face. jason does the same, but with a slow lick of salt from the top of his hand before he downs the liquor that makes him inhale deeply.
"this shit is nasty," he says lowly, both men watching you as you take your shot with salt before and lime after, a glint playing in roy’s eyes.
two more rounds of shots burn your throat before the three of you are walking a few blocks down the street under streetlights. you walk comfortably between the two men that could very well pass as your personal security guards.
the club was crowded and packed, as expected on a friday night downtown. but, you weren’t complaining, not even a bit as roy was behind you, his hands playing and holding your hips as you leaned and danced against him.
no, it wasn’t like you were dating, but it wasn’t like the three of you were only friends. you and roy had kissed on a few occasions… usually when some type of drinking game was involved, or when you both were plastered and roy would say, "wish i could kiss somebody right now," while he’s scrolling on tinder. because why would he say something like that when you’re sitting beside him, all glossed up?
while roy and you are having the time of your lives, grinding against one another with smiles on your faces, jason’s in front of you, close enough that your legs keep touching but not to the extent that you want him yet. his lips sit straight as he watches you and roy dance, wanting to take both of you back to his place and have more fun than what was taking place.
"c’mon, jay, dance with us!" you’re reaching a hand to snake around jason’s neck, pulling his body closer and his ear down to your lips to say as loud as you can. jason’s chuckling as you’re pulling him to your frontside, the three of your body’s dancing in sync with everybody else’s in the dark club.
roy smirks at that, one hand remaining on your hip and the other goes in front of you, tugging on jason’s belt loops as if the man can’t get closer, legs slotted between your own.
currently, you were the only one with a drink in your hand. jason and roy had finished both of whatever the red headed behind you had ordered. it was apparent jason wasn’t loosened up enough, so you brought the cup to his lips, allowing his tongue and teeth to find the straw with a grin. he sipped on it before you did the same thing, except over your shoulder so that roy could take a sip, and then back down to your own lips.
jason’s knee found it’s way between your legs, and as soon as he realized he could get closer, he had a hand gripped onto roy’s hip, and the other on your waist. "for a little bitch that doesn’t like clubbing, i don’t see you protesting now," roy says loud enough for both you and jason to hear, and jason rolls his eyes while you snicker.
"you know he can’t get enough of us," you say, smirking at jason who’s mirroring your lips, except looking down at you. "and what if i can’t?" jason bites back.
roy pauses briefly with a wide smile, "show us you can’t when we get back home," to which jason nods in approval, tightening his grip that’s latched onto both of you.
whereas most would be hesitant to go to a club in gotham, it was no problem for you, and definitely not a problem for the men towering over you. big hands were holding you while their even bigger and broader selves watched the way you danced like you knew just how their bodies worked.
the red headed man decided to lean down, his lips ghosting over your neck before he presses a small kiss to the spot that sends chills throughout you. "glad to know that i’ll be taking you home," roy whispers in your ear.
"you gotta share me, you okay with that?" your eyes move from roy’s to jason’s who are dark, not interested in what you two are whispering about but rather taking in the view that is you grinding on roy.
if it was anybody but jason, roy wouldn’t have any after thought to what you just said. a shake of his head and he’d be gone.
but… it was jason you were talking about. the man who’d never made a move on either of you, but was always sitting back with crossed legs, observing when you and roy would kiss. jason who would watch the two of you as if you were purely there for his satisfaction, the same exact way he was in the club right now.
like you and roy were made for him and only him.
roy and jason make and keep eye contact as roy’s hand explores your body, running up your stomach and ghosting over your breast, finding its way back down till a hand is squeezing the top of your thigh.
"i think somebody wants a little kiss," roy says in your ear, lowly. a smirk creeps it’s way to your lips, looking from jason’s eyes to his lips that look all too inviting right now.
not another second is wasted as you’re slowly bringing your hands to caress jason’s neck, rubbing the sides and gently pulling him down, to which he doesn’t resist.
"can i kiss you?" your voice is sweet, and your wide eyes are irresistible to the man you call your best friend. a simple nod is spoken between the two of you and you’re pulling tight on his black shirt, greeting him with a messy, open mouthed kiss.
kissing jason was different than kissing roy. roy was hungry for you, not caring if it was your lips he was kissing or your neck and doing it like it was the last taste he’d ever get of you. roy didn’t care what he’d get of you, he just wanted a taste if you’d let him.
but jason was sensual. it could’ve been because it was your first time kissing the man, but his kisses were long and slow and painful, making desire grow faster and faster in your stomach. you reached his pace, kissing back sweeter and softer.
and though you wish your outting could’ve last longer, the feeling of jason’s eyes stripping you combined with roy’s wandering hands is making you weak at the knees. "wanna go home," you pull back from jason’s lips to say loud enough for the two men to hear you.
jason gives another approving nod, not without bringing his thumb to your lips, though. he pushes a little harder than he realizes, but he’s wiping his spit from your mouth with a grin tugging at his lips, bringing the back of his forearm to wipe his own.
green eyes look up to roy’s who hasn’t stopped smirking since you asked jason to kiss him. roy finally understood jason; it was real nice to sit back and watch his two best friends be intimate with one another. but, he couldn’t help the feeling of wanting to join in, which is why he’s grabbing both of your hands and leading way through sweaty bodies and to the outside of the club.
the fresh air is relieving, the breeze allowing you to realize what just happened, and you look at jason who is still holding onto roy, walking towards the direction of your apartment. no words are spoken in the journey, but thoughts filling all three minds.
the first and foremost in your head was, is jason really about to do this? whatever ‘this’ is, was unclear. were you going to go home and makeout ‘till you’re drunk selves pass out? was that going to happen, and more?
nervousness and excitement fill your stomach until you’re fumbling with your keys that jason handed to you from his pocket, unlocking the door and closing it behind the two men with a ‘click.’
you took a breath once you locked the door again, fearing to turn around to the two men who you’d image to be standing there, looking at you a bit clueless. you were scared of the awkwardness that had the potential to arise in the quietness that filled your apartment in contrast to the club that had ear aching music playing.
with a turn on your heel, you’re looking up to find the two figures that you brought home. a sigh of relief slipping past your lips when you see jason headed to take a seat on your sofa and roy ridding himself of his shirt, scarred skin covering his body. with roy looking at you and jason not, you smirk at the red head, motioning with your head to where the other man was sitting before walking over until you’re stood in front of jason.
"hi," you say with a smile, hand reaching jason’s shoulder and pushing back until his neck hits the back of your sectional, looking at you through dark eyelashes. "hi," he says back, tilting his head in a way that’s asking you to follow through with your intentions.
the challenge heightens your confidence, one knee touching the cushions on either side of jason and the other follows. it was extremely safe to say jason was much bigger than roy.
his thighs were meatier than roy’s, adding extra cushion to the seat that you were currently sat. and his chest… jason’s chest was huge. the surface area never seemed to stop as you took it in, his pecs pushing through his shirt that you didn’t realize was so tight against his skin until now.
your eyes traveled upwards until you reached his face. one end of his lips pulled up in a small smirk, his eyebrows at level and his green eyes mirroring yours—observing how pretty and small you look sitting on his muscular thighs.
your attention is diverted as roy takes a seat on the couch beside the two of you, close enough to to show that he was apart of whatever this is, but far enough to allow you two to be comfortable and for him to watch.
"you’re both so pretty," he says, one arm slung over the backside of the sofa, eyes moving up and down your bodies. this makes jason chuckle before his eyes are back on you.
"says you," you say back to roy, extending an arm to place a strand of hair behind his ear which makes him grin. your touch slides down until you’re cupping his jaw, pulling him towards you and pressing a delicate kiss to his lips. "pretty boy," you whisper, pecking one more kiss and you’re pulling back, immediately going to press a kiss to jason’s lips.
his cheeks are a little pink—and who can blame him? he’d never been one to partake in the action, only to sit back and watch like it was his favorite television show. his hands though, tell a different story. big palms start at your knees, slowly and sensually moving upwards until he’s feeling your thighs, and landing on your hips with a squeeze for good measure.
this kiss is different than the one from the club. it’s quicker, hungrier and you can feel the growing erection that’s hidden underneath black denim below you. you smile in the kiss as best as you can, sucking on jason’s tongue which elicits a groan from him, and a smirk from roy.
a minute goes by of sloppy kisses until you’re pulling back, breathing heavy with pink cheeks and a core that’s aching. "bedroom," you whisper, looking from jason to roy and back to jason who’s quick to stand up with a hand latched under your ass, holding you onto him. his other hand holds out for roy, pulling him off the couch and continuing to interlock with him until he’s throwing you on the bed, taking his black shirt off and throwing it somewhere.
roy takes this time to climb over top of you, your back laying comfortably against your decently made bed, his hands going to either side of your head and leaning down without warning. his lips are on you, thighs pushing you further up the bed so that he can comfortably make out with you, pushing his lower end against yours in a small rhythm that’s not overbearing, but makes you want more and more.
the sound of shoes sliding off, metal hitting the ground and the bed creaking as jason climbs to sit on it fills the air that isn’t taken over by the sound of yours and lips kissing, tiny sounds coming from both of your throats.
the man overtop of you smiles against your lips, pulling back as he feels his friends presence beside him. and your eyes widen, your elbows helping your body to sit up more to watch the scene that was happening quickly in front of you.
as roy moved himself from you, he dropped his pants, leaving both him and jason in nothing but their boxers as he cupped jason’s cheek, pressing a small kiss to his lips that acted more like a test. a test that questioned just how far jason was willing to go with the both of you.
your eyes watched jason’s arms, the hesitation in his body that contradicted the way his eyes fell closed and his lips moved against roy’s. the eyes that opened back up, wide, when roy’s eyes looked over jason’s face, reading it and accepting that he was okay with it when hands fell onto the red head’s hips.
now you were the observer, and not a single complaint nor feeling of ignorance came to your head. really, no thoughts came to your head as your eyes watched your two best friends make out with one another. the way light brown freckles covered roy’s back that was flexed in the way he bent over to kiss jason. the bulging biceps that weren’t even flexed of jason’s connected to big and veiny hands that were beginning to slip their way under the elastic band of roy’s boxers.
fucking hadn’t even partaken yet, and the intimacy and heat that flooded the room made it smell of sex. your skin glistened, just as the other two men’s were in a way that only it could tonight; dancing on one another and then making your way to your bedroom.
without intention to, a whimper slipped past your lips that were spread open, jaw dropped and eyes wide. a whimper that pulled roy and jason out of their kissing and made both of their heads turn to you, you with dark red littering your cheeks shyly, embarassment making your stomach tighten.
"’m sorry," you say, apologizing for taking the two men out of their daze. roy can’t help but chuckle at that while jason smiles, resting his hands behind his back.
"don’t be sorry, baby," roy’s raspy voice cuts through the heavy air that’s settled in the room you’re all in. "not getting enough attention? can you believe that, jay? our pretty girl wants us, can’t stand to just sit there and watch," he teases while jason laughs.
roy moves, his body standing in front of yours and his hand placing its weight on your shoulder, pushing you down and into the bed. "so greedy," jason says looking over your body that has too much clothing on for his liking.
pale hands strip your bottoms off your legs, letting them fall to the carpet that’s placed under your bed. roy whistles, looking at the underwear of choice for the night.
"who’d you wear these for?" he asks, finger pulling the band from your waist and letting go, letting it slap against your skin as another whimper slips past you.
and if you were being honest, you didn’t know who you were wearing it for. yes, you’d brought home strangers before and had one night stands with them. and yes, you’d made out with roy, dry humping him against your sofa, but never fucking him.
so, the answer truly wasn’t clear, and your shy voice showed it.
"don’t know," you say quietly, looking back and forth at both sets of eyes that were glued to your body.
"i’ll tell you who you’re gonna start wearing pretty panties for baby," roy begins, bending down until his knees are pressed against the floor of your bedroom, forearms hooking under your knees and pulling you forward with a jolting force.
jason’s big form scoots over in your bed, his hand pulling under your shirt and lifting it over your head with help from you, lips tugging when he realized a bra wasn’t included in your attire for the night, nipples perked and begging to be touched.
"didnt even wear a bra?" jason questions, eyebrow arched and fingers going down to play with the skin that’s asking for him. he takes the soft skin between his index and thumb, pressing hard to hear a moan that’s designed just for him.
though, it’s hard to tell when roy’s lips are sucking and pressing kisses to the inside of your thighs, leaving a trail of saliva against the soft skin until he’s made his way to the lacey thong that’s covering your pussy.
the feeling of two men on you was a lot. the two men being the two men you’d been friends with for years on end now, though? it was a completely different story and the intimacy was making you feel a different type of drunk compared to the alcohol you sipped on in the club.
this type of drunk was overwhelming, hot, and carved to be the perfect fit for your body. your best friends touching you in ways they never had before, but not once did it fail to make your eyes close and your lips part.
jason’s leaning to press soft and close mouthed kisses to your collarbones, the warm skin beneath him getting hotter to the touch. skin that he himself was getting drunk off of too, the tightness that’s growing in his boxers becoming unbearable.
his lips continue kissing you, traveling upwards and kissing at your neck. his lips open, teeth nipping at your throat, kissing up your jaw until he’s at your lips again. tongue delving into your mouth as you kiss him back, making out with him while you smile against his lips, tasting the remnants of roy’s lips that had lasted from earlier.
that was, until you gasped at roy who’s slipped two fingers into your entrance that’s slicked and overly ready for him. your entrance that’s soft and drooling over fingers that roy’s already curling deep inside of you without warning. roy’s lips reattach to your thigh, groaning against it as teeth press down on the skin.
"fuck, y’don’t know how long i wanted to feel this pretty pussy," roy says, lips still pressed to your skin. and it was lewd the way the man’s eyes were glued to your pussy, the way he was very obviously taking mental photos of how you looked, pushing his fingers into your hole as your back arches against the covers beneath you.
jason’s lips pull away from yours at the statement, his eyes meeting roy’s before looking down at where yours and his body’s met, eyes fixating the form of your body, his cock feeling as if it’s pulsating from the aching feeling in his boxers.
"get her prepped for me," jason says to roy. roy’s eyes widen as he nods, "yeah, make her pretty pussy yours," roy snickers, pulling fingers out and licking them up until he’s sucking on the two fingers that were helping open you up for jason. it was sickening, the way your open eyes watched roy who was watching you as he licked himself clean of your mess that you painted him with. the way he was sure not to miss a drop, humming until the only thing glistening on his fingers was leftover saliva.
finally, he pulls away and jason is quick to stand up, taking his place between your legs. he presses a kiss to your bent knee, standing back up and looking down at your body that’s sprawled out, the drool that’s glossed your lips while your pussy was pulsating. his fingers hook under your thong that roy never took off, pulling it down your legs and doing the same to himself as he rid of his boxers.
jason never seemed to have a small cock. after all, he was a big man who stood confidently over six foot with a broad form. so when you saw his member that stood proudly against his abdomen, your eyes widened. he was big. the girth of him followed by the length was monstorous and made your leg tremble slightly in anticipation. several veins lead to his tip that had a small pool of pre-cum dripping from it.
"all fours, pretty girl," the man grinned, hand stroking his member to prepare himself for you and give him some kind of stimulation. as you comply with a nod, turning so that your body is held up by your hands and knees, jason looks to roy. eyebrow arching as he sees the man is still in boxers, chuckling at the wet patch sitting right where the outline of his dick was.
"fuck off," roy responds, taking his boxers off and getting on his knees, making his way until his member is in front of your face. roy wasn’t as big, girth wise, as jason. but his length competed with jason’s, a happy trail of dark red hair leading to the member that was making you lick your lips.
your wide eyes looked up at roy who watched your expression and the anticipation you held. he tilted his head as he smirked. "can your pretty lips take me?" he asks, and you nod your head embarrassingly quick. "wanna taste," you pout.
the feeling of jason making his way onto his knees behind you makes you whimper, your body spiked in excitement and nervousness—coming from both ends. one hand holds your hip as the other takes hold of his member, teasingly hitting and ghosting the lips of your pussy that are moving in want.
"greedy fucking pussy, huh doll?" jason questions, enjoying the way you’re fluttering around his length, your juices dripping onto the cock that’s painfully teasing you.
"jay-jason, please," you whine against the cock that roy’s tapping against your lower lip. maybe if you weren’t being teased from being full on both ends of your body, you wouldn’t have a trembling lip and flushed cheeks. maybe your toes wouldn’t be curled and maybe tears wouldn’t be pricking the corners of your eyes.
but, you couldn’t help it and roy coos, "wanna be stuffed that bad baby? take two cocks at once? fuckin’ dirty girl," he presses his member past your lips which graciously take him, sucking around the length until you’re gagging against him, his hand holding the back of your head to keep you there a beat longer. "if you wanted us that long, shoulda’ just said, slutty baby."
jason allows you to get adjusted to roy’s length that’s filling your mouth and throat, watching as your drool’s dripping down the man until it’s slicking lines down his thighs. and now jason can’t hold himself back as much as he enjoys teasing your entrance.
slowly, the man pushes inside of you, pulling your hips back until your ass is flush against his pelvis, the loud moan leaving your lips making him feel another sense of accomplishment. while on the other hand, roy groans loudly, the feeling of you moaning and humming against his cock sending another feeling of pleasure through his body.
the scene was lewd, the way jason was pumping himself in and out of your pussy. the same pussy that was leaking all over roy’s fingers just minutes ago, now leaking down his own cock. you were sucking him in, proving that without realizing, you were greedy for the man. wanting nothing but his dick to continue stuffing you, his length hitting every spot that no other man had hit before. spots that only the length of jason could touch against your soft and gummy walls
his hand falls flat against your back, forcing you to arch your spine that allows home for a deeper spot within you that jason begins touching. a place that’s tighter and has jason’s hand raised, letting it fall with a loud spank against the meat that moves for him.
"that good, doll? pussy can’t get enough of me, fuckin’ eating me alive," jason groans, finding the confidence to match roy’s level of dirty talk, his mind only halfway there, the other half fucking you with loud sounds of skin slapping skin.
"baby’s too shy, didn’t want us to know she wanted to fuck us," roy smiles wickedly to jason, fucking your lips the second he deemed you adjusted to the size of his dick. "pretty little thing, wanted to be good for us. didn’t want us to know she’s just a little slut for us, huh?" roy’s eyes move down to you, watching the tears spill down your cheeks, shining on the skin he was kissing all over earlier that night. his hand falls to your cheek, tapping it in a small slap that makes you squeeze your pussy against jason.
the moans and groans that come from your throat were pushing roy over the edge, your stomach finding it’s way into knots, squeezing against jason’s cock, pulling him of the cum that’s threatening to gush out of your hole.
jason’s nails dig into the soft skin of your hips, pace increasing until your hands are holding onto roy, one on his hip and the other on his thigh in an attempt to hold yourself up. the stimulation was all too much, your body begging for release in the form of an orgasm, and to fall limp on the bed in front of you.
"gonna swallow me baby?" roy groans, pace slowing to let you nod. as soon as he watches your pretty self accept, he’s spilling himself into your mouth, cum leaking from the corners of your lips and dripping onto the bed beneath you. "good girl," he breathes, pulling out of your mouth and watching you swallow his seed, like the good girl he knows you are. and even while you’re continuing to be fucked by jason, his thumb moves to your lips, pushing the rest of his warmth into your mouth, cleaning your face of the mess he filled you with.
"good girl, yeah? taking jason’s dick so good baby," he says, eyes moving to the man who’s slamming into you enough to make your ass bounce against him every time he pulls out and pushes back in.
it’s only a matter of seconds until you’re milking jason, your cum settling in a ring around jason’s cock as he’s releasing himself into you. you both fill the room with moans and groans as roy watches, a small pool of sweat sitting in the arch of your back as you fist the blankets underneath you. jason’s leaning over you, his cum dripping out of your pussy despite him staying inside of you, stopping his thrusts while one arm holds himself up against the bed. the other wraps around your stomach, touching you in any way that he can, pressing against your lower stomach, more cum making its way out of your hole at the movement that’s helping you to release all energy from your body.
roy lays down, hand smoothing overtop of yours while your body collapses on your bed. breathing at an uneven pace with closed eyes and a whimper when jason finally pulls out of you, his body laying against your blankets beside you.
the sound of catching breaths and small whimpers continuing to leave you at the aftershock of being fucked are now the noises that fill your room. bodies covered in sweat and the pungent smell of heated sex dripping from the cream painted walls of your bedroom.
your body was exhausted, throat sore from moaning and gagging and hands from holding yourself up for so long. pussy aching from the senseless pounding jason had put you through tonight, feeling of emptiness adding onto the feeling.
"she’s so fucked out," roy grins, your face turned towards him, lips open and eyes closed from exhaustion. jason laughs, his hand moving to rest on your back and rub up and down your skin soothingly. "we’ll make it up to you in the morning, doll," jason says as you’re slipping into a state of sleep.
your friends let you sleep, jason’s finding a warm rag and cleaning you up so that you don’t fall asleep as messy as they left you. both men then clean themselves off, roy pressing a kiss to jason’s cheek teasingly while he grins right back.
"didn’t know you had that in you," roy snickers, jason’s green eyes roll. "you two are gonna start finding out what else i have in me," jason says back, holding onto roy’s hand and leading him into bed, both men finding their way on either side of you, tucking you in sweetly.
"goodnight, jaybird," jason says, arm wrapped around you, landing on roy’s backside. "goodnight, pretty boy," roy yawns back.
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a/n first time writing a threesome pls luv it
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rosepinks-world · 1 month
FUCK IT I LOVE YOU, I REALLY DO (cherry waves pt2)
summary: wade helps you patch things up with Logan via a party.
taglist: @justaleksss @fallout-girl219 @fandomsunited @midnights-afternoons
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It had been at least a week since you’d last seen Logan.
You hated to say it but you’d been a wreck. The whole point of casual sex was that you wouldn’t get your heart broken and yet here you were with your heart broken. The fact you felt this way made you realise that you felt the same way about Logan. I mean if you were that bothered about not seeing him that had to mean something.
One weekend you were in a blanket cocoon on the sofa binge watching some shit reality tv when you heard a knock on your door.
He was all that came to mind as you fixed your hair and outfit slightly. You excitedly whipped the door open to reveal:
“Oh. Hi Wade.” You said your smile leaving your face.
“Well fuck you!” He said inviting himself in dropping some flowers onto your counter. “I was chased by an old lady for picking those from her front garden so you better put them in the best vase you own.”
You laughed but returned to being a bit miserable.
“What are you doing here Wade?”
“I’m throwing a little get together and you’re invited! How fun is that?”
Really he came all this way to invite you to a party?
“Wade you have my number why didn’t you just text me.”
“Okay you’re really missing the point.”
You furrowed your eyebrows.
“Logan is doing my fucking head in.” He complained emphasising the ‘ing’. “He keeps moping around the apartment like he’s been told he can’t jerk off for the rest of his life and it’s got to stop.”
You rolled your eyes, “Wade he’s a prick I don’t want anything to do with him.”
He tilted his head pulling out a stool and sat at the counter.
“Okay you had argument apparently but I need more, tell daddy the drama.”
You cringed at the nickname. “Never say that again.”
“Noted. Now carry on!”
You huffed slightly annoyed and embarrassed about explaining what Logan had said to you.
“We were gonna have sex like usual. He ate me out…”
“Yum.” Wade said interrupting.
You gave him a look and he quickly apologised holding his hands to his mouth.
“When I … finished I hit my head on the bed it was funny so I started laughing and then straight after he… finished in his pants from just that. He got up to the balcony smoked a cigar told me we shouldn’t fuck anymore, went to leave with no explanation, then told me that we shouldn’t because he’s falling in love with me and it’s the last thing any of us needs.”
Wade for the first time in forever was speechless.
“So yeah forgive me for not really caring about his moping.”
Wade shook his head laughing, “Never would’ve guessed that Wolvie was the Boston cream his pants type of guy.”
You threw the flowers at him. “That’s not the point Wade!”
“Woah! What’s the point then?”
“He made me feel like I’m unloveable!”
You sighed and continued explaining your point.
“I would’ve accepted him worrying about catching feelings but he said it’s the last thing any of us needed. Am I that bad?”
Wade gave you a sympathetic look as he placed a hand on your shoulder. He thought for a moment thinking of the right thing to say when he gasped.
“Ohhh! I know what his problem is.”
You perked up, “What is it?”
He shook his head no. “I think it’s better if you work it out yourself.”
You threw your arms out aggressively. “What the fuck Wade?”
“Y/n. You’re an incredible, funny, kind hearted person with an amazing ass! Of course Logan fell for you. How could he not? He’s a really sexy but really complicated guy which is why, like I said you should be getting your answers from him.”
You didn’t say anything and Wade sighed.
“Look come to our apartment tonight. Wear something slutty and go get your man. Just warn me if you’re gonna fuck because I really, really, really want to listen.”
You smiled at Wades weird way of comforting you. “I’ll think about it.”
Wade nodded looking at his watch, “Well I’ve got to go and pick up Als coke. See ya y/n”
You decided to take Wades advice.
It was ten pm. Loud music thumped through the door as you stood outside Wade and Logan’s shared apartment. You had a ‘slutty’ dress on and you’d done your makeup to the way you liked it. You went to knock on the door when you stopped just infront of it. What the fuck were you doing?
You went to walk away when the door swung open as if Wade could sense you.
“Y/ns here!” He screamed to the large collection of people as they cheered. He pulled you through the room whispering about how he was proud of you and something about how your ass looked great.
As Wade got distracted your eyes landed on a familiar brown leather jacket. You smiled slightly, you couldn’t help it but it quickly faded when he moved to the side slightly to reveal a woman. She had opposite features to you and she stood in front of him giggling and touching his arms and face. She then leaned up to kiss him and you quickly turned away.
You were angry.
Furious to be exact. You weren’t official but he obviously didn’t fall for you that hard if he was kissing another girl. You snatched a drink from Colossus’ hand downing it as you went to find more.
You were pretty far gone. Not on the verge of blackout (yet at least) but the type of drunk that would explain what you were doing right now. You were on top of a table with a crowd around you as you threw your hips around to the song playing. The cheers from the crowd encouraging you to carry on dancing and to go even further.
You felt yourself reaching to the strap of your dress pulling it sultrily down your arm the top of your bra showing. The cheers only got louder distracting you from the random guy who leaned very close to the table. He placed his hands on the top of your legs grabbing your thighs. He reached his hands around and harshly smacked your ass. The flashing lights around you combined with the thumping bass and cheers were disorientating. You barely saw as the guy who’d grabbed you was harshly shoved away a voice bellowing out,
“Get the fuck out of here! What sort of people did you invite here Wade?”
You squinted to try and make out what was going on when your legs were swept off the table. You were hoisted over the man’s shoulder the front of your body draped over his back your ass extremely close to his face. You got worried for a second wondering who the hell was picking you up and whether the intentions were right until he spoke.
“What the fuck are you doing y/n?”
The happiness of seeing him quickly wore off. God who does he think he is getting mad at you? You returned to being angry.
“Why do you care? I’m not yours to worry about anyway.”
He let out a sigh and kicked the door to what you now realised was his bedroom. You’d been there so many times that the fact you could barely walk in a straight line didn’t stop you from recognising it. He put you down on the bed gently as he went to remove your shoes.
If you had been sober you would’ve shrugged him off to show that you didn’t need him but all independence went out of your mind the minute he’d picked you up. If you had been sober you also wouldn’t make yourself seem so jealous but words left your lips quicker than you could think.
“Who was the girl you were with?” You asked as you kicked off your now undone shoe.
He looked genuinely confused. “What girl?”
You threw your head back on the bed annoyed.
“The girl that was rubbing up against you and kissed you.”
He smirked slightly, he couldn’t help but like the fact you were jealous.“Never seen her in my life. She came onto me, tried to kiss me I declined. She was pretty fucked up I think she got into Als coke so I called her a cab.”
Always a gentleman.
You rolled your eyes as he went to take off your other shoe. “Why are you so nice?” You huffed.
He smiled at the compliment. “Nice? I don’t think that’s me bub.”
You shook your head rather erratic due to the state you were in. “Nope! You are nice you just don’t let other people see it.” He smiled at your compliment.“Well you were nice until you made me feel like shit.”
He frowned guiltily as he helped you up to the pillows on the bed and placed the duvet over you. Logan stood back up and turned towards the door.
“You gonna leave me again?” You asked disappointed. God sober you would be so angry.
He shook his head. “I shouldn’t be here with you when you’re like this. It’s not right.”
You laughed hiccuping as you did “You’ve literally been inside me multiple times and this is where you draw the line? We’re not fucking! Just lay with me.”
He looked skeptical until you tilted your head your eyes shining brightly as you grabbed his arm. “Please?”
How could he say no to you when you looked like that? He cleared his throat and sat next to you on the bed. “You want anything?”
“Yeah. I want you.” You replied not looking at him, eyes fluttering open and closed. You were exhausted.
He shook his head. “Bub, no you don’t.”
You tiredly laughed in disbelief. “What do you mean? I really want this to happen you’re the one that said falling in love with me is the last thing any of us need? Am I that unlovable?”
You wanted him? You were drunk but they do say drunk words are sober thoughts. He wanted to tell you how he felt but there was no damn way you’d remember any of it the next morning. “I’m not answering you when you’re drunk I want you to remember what I say.”
His answer lingered in the air with no reply. He thought you had given him the silent treatment but then he heard soft snores coming from you. He laughed a little.
“And that’s why.” He whispered pushing your hair out of your face.
He sat on the bed next to you the whole night. He didn’t even bother sleeping, too worried about what he was going to say to you when you woke up. The only time he left was to prepare you aspirin, water and some food he knew you liked.
You turned over eyes opening as you moaned clutching your head. Logan gestured to the items he gathered earlier and you fixed yourself up. As you downed the glass of water he spoke up.
“You remember what we were talking about last night?”
He didn’t even bother beating around the bush. You paused gathering your memories it didn’t take you long and you felt like your brain had caught you up to speed. You started to remember all the things you had said and did and groaned head in hands.
He pulled his lips into a straight line.
“Right well, I’m really not good with things like this but I’m sorry for making you feel like shit.”
You kept a straight face wanting to see where this was going but you were grateful for the apology.
“Y/n… you were the one that wanted a casual relationship. For me it was great because I didn’t have to worry about hurting anyone or getting hurt but I fell for you. How could I not?”
Your eyes widened. Logan was renowned for being unemotional so you couldn’t believe he was saying these things. You were also flattered you thought you had flaw after flaw but to Logan you were perfect.
“You didn’t want anyone to love you because you didn’t want to get hurt. I’m a terrible person. The worst version of Logan. And I got scared because I don’t want to hurt you. I also really don’t want to lose you.”
You shook your head ‘no’ at his self depreciation. He felt at ease knowing that you disagreed but he continued, “And I’m an asshole for making you feel unloveable because god y/n how could anyone not fall in love with you?”
Wow. For the first time ever Wade got something right. You smiled at him swinging your legs over his body so you were straddling him against the headboard. You leaned forward studying his face whilst the pads of your thumbs gently rubbed his rough skin.
“Logan you’re worried about hurting me but you’re the first person I’ve met that’s made me feel the safest. And I’m not going anywhere- unless you kill me or something.”
He laughed at your joke. Another reason he adored you. He leaned into the touch of your hands.“So, fuck it Lo, I love you too.”
He grabbed your face with urgency as he kissed you. You couldn’t help but smile into the kiss. God you two were so stupid. Why didn’t you just tell each-other this ages ago? You went to tell Logan what you were thinking when a bang on the wall pulled the two of you away from each other.
“Guys! That was so much better than listening to you fuck!” Wade yelled through the very thin walls of your apartment.
“Have you been listening this whole time prick?” Logan shouted back.
The two of you were met with a silence that strongly suggested that the answer was yes. You laughed leaning your head onto Logan’s shoulder.
“I’ll kill him.” He announced pointing to the wall. Logan was half joking but you could tell he was a little embarrassed. To open up to you clearly made him feel very vulnerable, it was understandable he didn’t want Wade to see that side of him. You tried to make him feel better by playing with the tufts of his hair. “Kill him later. Just stay here for a little longer.”
He nodded obeying you as he drew random patterns on your back. He felt like the luckiest guy in the world. You who looked beyond beautiful at six am in the morning, you who brought light to his life and you who loved him no matter his flaws.
He really did love you and you loved him. Feeling slightly giddy he reached for his cigars and lighter with you still buried into his shoulder.
“Baby..” you started pulling away from his shoulder.
He paused a cigar hanging from his lips. “Yeah?”
“Do I look like a clown?” You asked referring to your messy makeup that hadn’t been removed from last night.
“Yeah. Sexiest clown at the circus.” You cackled hitting his chest jokingly. He went back to his cigar when you started speaking again.
He quirked a brow up pausing in lighting his cigar bringing it away from his mouth. You leaned forward seductively inches away from his lips and paused.
“Don’t even think about smoking one of those fucking things in here.” You ordered smirking as you plucked the cigar from his lips placing it back on the table.
He rolled his eyes chucking the lighter next to the cigar saving it for later. He acted like he wasn’t but really he was happy. Now, he could put your hatred to cigars to a happier memory. He cupped your face. “That’s my girl.”
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headcanonenthusiast · 9 months
COD characters x virgin reader headcanons
This was made with gender-neutral readers in mind. (For most of them, anyway. Valeria's is fem leaning, but everyone else is neutral.)
This will include König, Simon Riley, Valeria Garza, Rodolfo Parra, Alejandro Vargas, Alex Keller and Kyle Garrick.
Yall I accidentally uploaded this when it was halfway done TWICE and in my panic to delete it the first time, I didn't copy everything 😭😭 I'm crying rn/j
Anyways it's a very snowy day, I'm all nice and bundled up, so it's time to write >:)
(I completely understand that this type of content is not everyone's cup of tea, and that's ok! But, please scroll and ignore if this type of content isn't your thing as opposed to leaving any sort of negative comments.)
NSFW under the cut.
Alejandro Vargas
-Romantic? Romantic. Let me tell you that every part of your first time with him is so passionate and romantic, it's nearly like a fairytale.
-He won't just dive right in, nononono, like I said, he's a romantic lover. Therefore, to "set the mood", he's either taking you out to a fancy restaurant or cooking dinner for you.
-Then, he's going to give you plenty of foreplay to ensure that you're ready.
-Very passionate sex. Tries his best to go slower for your sake, but something about him being the one taking your virginity raises his ego by 500%.
-"Thats it, mi chula/o (My girl/boy). Just relax, let me make you feel good."
-Will still be sure to leave hickeys on you, though, even if it is your first time.
-In his mind, his hickeys are proof that you're his.
-"There we go, that's better. You look so gorgeous/handsome covered with hickeys."
-Chuckles softly in your ear if you complain about the hickeys. He'll kiss you apologetically and refrain from leaving them. (this time, anyway.)
-Oh, and he refuses to edge you during your first time. He's actually determined to make you cum at least twice. If he hasn't, he's failed you.
-Aftercare includes you being bedbound at least until noon the next day. Alejandro does NOT want you straining yourself, even if you aren't sore. He'll get whatever you want, whether it's food, drink or the remote. The only time you're getting out of bed is to shower, which he'll insist on joining you for.
Valeria Garza
-Really? She's your first choice? Praying for you rn my friend/j
-Okay in all seriousness, as rough as she is during sex, she'll do her best to be gentle. Doesn't want your intro to sex to be a bad/painful one.
-Just because she's being gentler than normal doesn't mean she still isn't gonna boss you around, though. Will ALWAYS be on top, no matter what.
-"Stay still, stay still. You're basically asking me to make it hurt. Is that what you want, hm? To make it fucking hurt?"
-If you listen to her (God forbid if you don't), she'll nod in approval and press a kiss to your clit.
-"There we go, corazón (sweetheart). It's not that hard to listen to me, now is it?"
-If you don't listen to her however, she'll go a bit harder with her strap/fingers. Not as hard as she normally would, but you'll probably be pretty overstimulated.
-"Don't start with that bullshit. I told you to listen to me. If only you had behaved yourself like I asked. Dios, eres imposible (God, you're impossible.), not obeying me yet getting all whiney when I punish you for it."
-Surprisingly doesn't edge you, even if you haven't been listening. In fact, she encourages you to cum on her fingers/strap.
-"Shit, you're gonna cum? You wanna cum? You're lucky I'm feeling generous, especially after how you've been acting. Go ahead, muñeca (doll). Cum all over my strap/fingers."
-Aftercare includes her pressing gentle kisses to your temple and brushing your hair out of your face. You're welcome to do whatever you want after that, but not without Valeria lingering close by, just in case her pretty girl needs anything.
Rodolfo Parra
-Gentle and loving sex? Gentle and loving sex.
-He'll praise you SO MUCH. You could do the smallest thing and he'll just shower you in compliments.
-"Do you have any idea how beautiful/handsome you are, cariño? (Honey/sweetheart) This body is fucking irresistible. What an amazing woman/man/person you are, amor (love.)"
-Moves deathly slow. He's so careful not to hurt you that the actual process of stretching your pussy/ass out takes forever.
-Whispers praises and compliments the entire time, though.
-His hands gently rub your hips in an attempt to soothe you, constantly asking if you're okay.
-"You alright, amor? (Love). Yeah? I'm not being too rough, am I? Good, good. Let me know if it hurts."
-Oh, and his lips never leave your body. Your neck and face especially.
-Aftercare includes the most heavenly massages imaginable. He'll massage you anywhere you want, your shoulders, legs, anywhere you want to be massaged, he'll do it. Similarly to Alejandro, you're also bedbound. Rudy would rather die before letting you do anything after sex, especially your first time.
-And like I said earlier, Rudy has a voice kink. So, hearing you talk afterwards makes him happy. Talk to him about anything and he'll listen so intently while he massages you.
Kyle Garrick
-Like Rudy, constant praise.
-Seems so fixated on the fact that this is your first time, so he's very concentrated on going slow. (In the beginning, anyway. May or may not get a bit drunk off the feeling of your pussy/ass around his cock.)
-The slowest thrusts imaginable. Starts out very shallow, but he'll carefully go deeper into your pussy/ass. Ensures you're ready before, though.
-He also suddenly gains the best hearing in the world. If you make even the slightest sound of discomfort, he'll stop and check in with you.
-"Christ, you alright, love? Too fast?"
-And even if he's going slower, sometimes he'll get so lost in how good you feel that a bit of communication is in order to ground him.
-"Right, sorry, baby. Here-why don't I go at a few different paces and you see which one's the best, yeah?"
-Never makes you feel like you're taking away his enjoyment if you speak up about something you dislike/like. It's only enjoyable to him if you like it, too.
-There is NO such thing as too much talking with him. Please show how much you like/dislike something, and he'll keep it in mind for the rest of his life.
-"Oh, yeah? You like it like that? I'll have to do it more often, then."
-Aftercare also probably includes some chatter. Maybe a quick order of the most delicious food possible while binge watching your favorite show/movie. Oh, and yall are definitely cuddling all night long, too.
-So, König is big. And he knows he's big. That's why he's honestly a little anxious to fuck you with his dick during your first time.
-Bro is probably pacing around the room like a depressed zoo tiger for a bit before he sits you down and has a talk with you.
-"I'm sorry, darling, but I don't think you could take me. Especially not as your first time. Are you sure you want to do this?"
-If you ensure that you'll be okay, the foreplay will be insane. He's going to slowly stretch you out over his fingers, gently rubbing your clit/tip with his thumb while making you repeat a chosen safeword.
-"Say it again, liebling (darling). Can you be louder for me? Good, that's a good girl/boy. I want you to say that the moment it starts hurting, okay?"
-He's also gonna eat you out/suck you off as well. Like I said, lots of foreplay.
-And when he does finally start fucking you? He's barely gonna put four inches in. So fixated on not hurting you that he barely realizes that you're moaning softly in approval under him.
-When he does hear those moans, though, he's gonna give you a small smile and ask if you're okay.
-"Aw, listen to those moans. Does that feel good? Mhm, good. Just let me know if it hurts, liebe." (Love)
-Won't even cum inside you the first time if you finish first. He doesn't want to overstimulate you at all. Besides, you're always welcome to watch him jerk off (or even help him out 🤭)
-Aftercare includes you using this behemoth of a man as a bed. You're gonna lay on top of him and act as his personal weighted blanket for the night. Then, the next day is all about you. He's gonna do WHATEVER you want the next day. No food, clothing nor activity is off limits for his perfect liebling ❤
Alex Keller
-If he's your first choice, then congratulations. You have amazing taste.
-Might be biased here bc I find him so unbelievably fine, but Alex would be great as your first time.
-He's just so gentle and attentive, starting by carefully stroking your cock/rubbing your clit to calm you down.
-"Its okay, dolly. I know, I know it doesn't feel good right now. How about I just stay still for a bit, and you tell me when you're ready again, okay?"
-And when you do give permission for him to move again, he's kissing your cheek while praising you.
-"Mm, you're so damn tight. Could spend the whole day in this little pussy/ass and never get tired."
-Ensures that his thrusts are shallow and slow, only going to just behind the tip of his cock and seeing how you react.
-So unbelievably sweet. Makes you feel like the most special person in the world.
-Oh, and he holds your hand. Both physically and metaphorically. He entwines your hands together, talking you through each and every step.
-"Can you spread your legs a little farther, please? Good, that's a good girl/boy."
-Tries his best to make sure you cum first, and when you do he'll carefully fill you up, slowly pulling out to watch it drip out of your hole.
-"Ain't that a pretty sight. You okay, darling? Yeah? Did that feel good?"
-Aftercare will consist of a warm shower/bath together before returning to bed to cuddle all night long. Oh, and Alex is totally kissing the back of your neck as yall spoon, whispering praises and sweet words in your ear.
Simon Riley
-Like König, I feel like he'd be a little hesitant to take you. Not necessarily as anxious as him, but he knows that once he's inside you, he probably won't be great at going slow.
-"Look, love, it's not that I don't want to, it's just that I know myself. I'm gonna have a hard time being gentle."
-He can't resist you for long, though. Eventually he does decide to give it a try, but not after the addition of a safeword and physical signals to show if you're uncomfortable.
-Although Simon's unsure at first, he's actually able to keep a clear head and not get drunk off how good you feel.
-Does his best to listen for your safeword or any physical signal that you wanna tap out.
-Because of this, he's more quiet than normal, but he can't help but grunt softly in your ear with the occasional praise for doing so well.
-"You're takin' me so well, love. Good girl/boy, I'm proud of you."
-Because his mind isn't as foggy as he thought it'd be, he's only putting in a few inches. He's sure you'll be able to take all of him eventually, just not right now.
-"Just the tip, baby. No, not puttin' anymore in. It'll be too much for you."
-Gently rubs your clit/tip to soothe you, even if it doesn't hurt much.
-When you cum, so does he. Ghost proceeds to stay there for a little while, doing a quick check in before pulling out and watching his cum drip down your body.
-"Shit, you see what you do to me, baby?"
-Aftercare is similar to what my headcanons on him said. And although he's tired, he makes sure you go to sleep first this time, just so he can admire his gorgeous girl/handsome boy/etc for a little while longer.
YALL ITS FINALLY DONE 😭 I accidentally uploaded this unfinished TWICE and this is my quick attempt at a rewrite. I tried my best 🙏
And I'm sure you can all tell that I had fun w/ the Alex headcanons. I'm sorry but he's just so..😍
Let me know who I should do next!
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chosoisamalewife · 6 months
Loved the Sukuna post. Now... Hear me out...
Bottom Sukuna..
male reader..
some nsfw and sfw hcs
Bottom!Sukuna x Male reader
A/N : ANON I LOVE YOUR BRAIN (the sfw is just more domestic headcanons, I love making big scary mean men domesticated 😁😁😏😏)
A/N : I might have been listening to flesh by Simon Curtis while cooking up the nsfw part
WARNINGS : OOC!Sukuna / Power bottom!Sukuna / Top!reader / a lot of kinky shit / mentions slapping / choking / knife knife / blood play
This man will not show an ounce of submission in public
However remember when I said he loves for you to trace the marks on him. When he is super relaxed a slight pur can be heard. (I HEAD CANON THAT HE PURRS JUST HEAR ME OUT PLEASE. I BEGGING YOU)
However it's not loud and can only be heard when he speaks but you can feel it. Low rumbles in his chest
If you have any hobbies he would act so uninterested but he is full of shit
He would slyly ask about them and take note of them
Only trusts uraume alone with you
Finds everything you watch fucking stupid and boring. He would literally groan anytime you put something on. Would he sit down and watch with you…….yes but will he complain for a bit…..of course he would
Like I said previously he is a pretty good cook but if you are even better than him he would just watch you cook. There is something captivating about you being focused and concentrated. (He will probably get in the mood for some fun 😏)
For him to even consider you topping him would take alot of convincing. "You topping me? Do you view me as some type of weakling" He would laugh loudly in your face
Before you get to chance to top him you have to prove to him that you can take him. That you can handle him.
So that means an all night session with him. He will ruin you all night and if you pass then you will get the glorious victory.
Let's just say he was shocked when you succeeded. He tried everything to make you tap out but nothing seem to work.
He wants you to FUCK him.
He wants you to treat him like he does you, well at least try to
"Don't go gently with me now. I'm not weak , I can fucking take it"
When you finally gripped his hips and started to pound into him he would let out a manic laugh. It startled you a little bit but you carried on
"There you go fuck me like a strong man"
When he tops you he mostly groans but when you fuck him for the first time he literally growls and grits his teeth
He can not let your hear how good you are making him feel
But you will feel it
Ooooooh lord God help you because he will leave SCRATCHES on your back, anywhere
He will dig his nails into any part of your skin so please have antibiotic ointment on hand. Love watching the blood trickle from were his nails have been. Will lick your blood
DO NOT TEASE HIM OR TIE HIM UP because if you do that just means hell when he tops you again
When I say treat him like he does you, slap him, fuck his throat, overestimate him, choke him, bite him. Everything be ROUGH
AND I MEAN CHOKE HIM, this psychotic mother fucker would smile while his lungs aren’t getting air
Slap his face, thighs, ass everything. He lives for the stings
The only time he would beg you while bottoming is for you to sit on his face or to cum in his throat
Put a knife to his throat as you pound into him, he would think you are the sexiest thing to ever walk the earth
Maybe even cut him a little bit , collect his blood on your fingers and shove them in his mouth 😏😏
CAN LAST ALL NIGHT, you will probably run out of energy before does so could luck
I want to give him the most coma inducing diabolical earth shaking galaxy destroying supernova creating backshots. 🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️
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neoneun-au · 7 months
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―PAIRING: wonwoo x fem!reader, mingyu x fem!reader ―GENRE: love triangle au, fluff, mild angst, romantic comedy, suggestive, smut ―CHAPTER WORD COUNT: 11.2k ―CHAPTER WARNINGS: angst, mild language, alcohol consumption, masturbation (explicit female, implied/mentions of male), 18+ only ―STATUS: ongoing
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―AUTHOR’S NOTE: i cant link them here, but please find the series masterlist and other chapters on my blog. i would love to know your thoughts on the story so far, this is really only fun with interaction and it helps keep me motivation to finish !
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iii: who waits for love?
“You didn’t mention one of my roommates was basically a fucking model,” you complain, sinking into the absurdly massive grey sectional next to Jeonghan as he sits scrolling on his phone, attention removed from the drama providing background noise on the shared TV. 
“Who? Mingyu?” He tosses his head back with a bark of a laugh at the suggestion, “he’s a model idiot.” 
“Idiot or not you should have warned me he’d be so…so,” you toss your hands in the air, a dramatic display of frustration completed by the furrow in your brows. The image of Mingyu’s bare chest from your initial meeting (new and improved version 2.0 of hot roommate: now accompanied by a soundtrack of bed squeaks and the joy of someone else’s orgasm!) assaults your senses and you scrub it from your mind’s eye as best as you can before fixing your weary gaze back on Jeonghan, “so hot.”
“Oh please,” Jeonghan rolls his eyes as soon as the word falls from your lips. “Yeah he’s easy on the eyes, but once you get to know him his looks are much less impressive, trust me.” He shakes his head, raising his coffee to take a sip before pursing his lips and fixing you with a concerned stare, “I didn’t take you as the type to pine after tall, dark, and stupid. You’re not thinking of using him as a rebound are you?”
“What? Absolutely not,” the reply comes out perhaps more fervently than it should have because what was intended to deny the suggestion only serves to deepen the crease settling in between Jeonghan’s manicured eyebrows. You clear your throat and take a sip from the mug of tea growing cold in your hands as a cover. 
“Rebound,” you scoff at the word, trying to play off the twisting feeling in your gut with derision but only managing to dig the knife in deeper. “Definitely not. I have no plans to start dating anytime soon. Not after this breakup.” You’re aware that you’ve begun to ramble but as per usual, your mouth runs away with your words. Try as you might, you cannot scramble to retrieve them as they spill forward like a damn breaking open. Jeonghan stares at you with a slight frown as you monologue, “I barely even want to look at men full-stop. Don’t get me wrong, I mean, you’re okay, we’re friends and all. And Seungcheol is fine I guess ‘cause he lifted all of my heavy shit up the stairs like some kind of bodybuilding angel sent from protein-heaven,” a stray strand of hair falls in front of your eyes and you blow it away with a short puff of breath. 
“But dating? No. No, no, no,” you continue unabated, “absolutely not. I’m taking this time to get to know me. If anything, I’m dating myself. Mingyu might be hot but he won’t break my resolve, that’s for sure. I am determined,” you finish the speech with a single, firm nod–agreement with yourself clear and solid and in no way capable of breaking at the threat of warm brown puppy eyes flashed in your direction. 
“Right,” Jeonghan drags out the word, unconvinced by your impassioned declaration of independence. “Well, if you get bored of dating yourself and do end up wanting someone to mess around with for a bit, I can hook you up with some people. Serious or…less serious. Your choice.”
“I will be just fine on my own, thank you.” You nod once. Firm. Decisive. Not at all embarrassed by the display. 
“If you say so,” he sings, shaking his head and pushing himself off the couch before flicking the TV off. You sit in silence for a moment, sipping the last of your lukewarm tea, and listen as Jeonghan’ footsteps fade into the kitchen. The slight lingering guilt and shame from the night before stains your thoughts. A ring of liquid left on the surface of a coffee table, encircling the memory of Mingyu’s moaning and the keen sense of desire that burned a pit in your core at the sound.
Jeonghan returns from the kitchen a second later and sits down on the arm of the couch. He clears his throat to speak, more serious than you had seen since graduating university. “Listen, I’m not going to tell you how to live your life,” he begins. You inhale to laugh your disagreement of the statement but he holds up a single hand to silence you so you bite it back just as quickly. “I’m not going to tell you what to do, but I will just give you a warning, if I may” he lets his hand fall back down to his lap, “as your friend. And as someone who has your best interest at heart.” 
“Fine,” you allow, buying into the sincerity, “I’m listening.” 
“I said that I can hook you up with people both serious and not so serious,” he says, pausing to take a deep breath, “Mingyu is not serious.”
The image of the man in question pops up in your mind once more. An observable object–lips locked with the mystery brunette, hands roaming the expanse of her body as they flutter like a pair of dragonflies locked in a mating ritual towards his bedroom. The chorus of “ohs” and “ahs” that chorus in your ears like the audio from the old Italian softcore porn films you used to sneak out of bed to watch in your adolescence. The squeaking of the bed frame, and even the eventual abrupt departure first thing this morning, project themselves across the walls of your brain like a feel of film. All fleeting images and experiences serve as firsthand evidence backing up what Jeonghan is saying to you at this moment in the harsh light of day. 
“If you’re in it for a quick, no strings attached hookup then, well,” he sighs, brushing his bangs out from in front of his eyes, “you’re a grown woman, I trust you can make your own decisions. But I’ve never seen Mingyu with the same girl more than once. So just…be careful. Because if you want something substantial, you would be barking up the wrong tree with him.” 
You nod and the previous image of Mingyu–all roaming hands and bucking hips–dissolves pixel by pixel into the knitted brows of concern and the serious expression his classically handsome face held barely an hour ago. The warmth of his hand as it pressed ever so lightly against the skin of your forehead–an act so painfully tender and familiar it made you yearn at the intimacy of it. While your logical mind does believe what Jeonghan is saying, another part of you (a deeper and much more foolish part) can’t help but feel like there has to be more to Mingyu than the rest of them give him credit for. That maybe there is something to be taken seriously there. 
The thought dissipates into vapour as Vernon strolls down the stairs–bleary eyed and dazed with the lingering sleep still clawing at the corners of his eyes. He nods lazily in silent greeting, clad in tie dye and baggy jeans, and walks past the pair of you and disappears into the kitchen. 
“Just,” Jeonghan hesitates a moment, waiting for the sound of the fridge opening in the next room to disrupt the strained silence that had settled between you, “be careful, okay?” 
“Don’t worry,” you smile, genuinely grateful for the advice and care from your long-time friend, despite the bells of disagreement ringing out inside of you. “I’ll be fine.”
“Do you think I need a rebound?” The question comes after an hour of banter and conversation over way too expensive cocktails in the dimly lit corner of the bar you used to frequent when you were still going to university with Seulgi. Her insistence that you get out of the apartment and stop stewing in your own thoughts had finally paid off and truthfully the distraction was not entirely unwelcome. But you were still stubbornly refusing to admit that she was right. The status quo of your friendship since the very beginning. 
“Didn’t you say you were swearing off men or something?” Seulgi asks, tapping a manicured fingernail against the side of her nearly empty manhattan. 
“That was before I saw the reality of the men I was swearing off,” you sigh, mourning the loss of your already weak resolve. Solemn regret for the poorly timed declamations you had given voice to in the past. “And the reality is that they're pretty fucking hot.” 
“You mean one of them is pretty fucking hot, right?” she emphasizes, ever observant, and you grimace at her over the lip of your own half-empty glass.  
“One of them looks like a Greek fucking God for no reason,” you grumble, turning to wave the waitress over for another round, “like Adonis or something. It’s not my fault I have functioning eyeballs.” 
“Adonis wasn’t a god, he was the mortal lover of Aphrodite.”
“Well whatever he was, I’m now stuck living in an apartment with him.” The young waitress walks up with an expectant look and Seulgi orders another round of the same while you drain the last of your drink, savouring the bitterness of the gin as it lingers at the tip of your tongue. You watch the waitress as she walks back towards the bar, brunette ponytail swinging behind her like in rhythm with her steps, and wonder vaguely if maybe she’s the girl you saw Mingyu with. 
Seulgi turns back to you with a slight roll of her eyes, “I’m sure it's not that bad. Just ignore him, you’re mostly working or asleep  when you’re not just hanging around bugging me anyway.” 
“Pretty hard to ignore him when he’s so openly hooking up with some random girl in a condo with 4 other people who can clearly hear him.” 
“Well put some earphones in or something, listen to a podcast,” she laughs, shaking her head. You bite your tongue, reluctant to mention the fact that you had willingly listened in as they fucked. That maybe you had enjoyed it a little more than you were letting on. You didn’t need the inevitable teasing that was bound to come if you told her any of that. “Do you remember our one roommate? From second year?” 
“Oh god,” you balk at the memory, “Johnny?” 
“He was so loud,” she grimaces. So many late nights spent huddled together on her bed watching movies, joined in mutual avoidance of the self-proclaimed playboy and his rotating roster of girls. “And then you went and hooked up with him which was just the worst. He was so insufferable after that.” 
“Hey, in my defense I was desperate and not exactly in my right mind,” you bristle at the thought of your pathetic, erstwhile crush. Surely, you had thought in the throes of your youth and naivety, someone who pulled that many girls knows exactly how to make them feel good. Yet by the end of it, as he lay open-mouthed snoring on the bare mattress next to you, you were left with a clear idea of why you never seemed to see the same girl more than once. “Anyway, from the sounds coming out of her, Mingyu seems to actually know what he’s doing in bed.” 
“So you did listen,” she smirks. 
“The walls are thin,” you let the paltry excuse fall from your lips as she tosses her head back in laughter. Gulping down a mouthful of water in a vain attempt to swallow some of the embarrassment boiling like hot lava in your bloodstream. 
“What do you think they were doing?” Seulgi leans forward with a conspiratorial gaze–brown eyes full and bright and filled to the brim with a hint of evil. There have been a few moments throughout your years of friendship where she has fixed you with a look like this, and most of them led to some of the worst decisions either of you have ever made. Breaking into the community swimming pool after dark, stealing the neighbouring houses’ lawn ornaments, making out with dudes that may or may not have been married. Her desire for intrigue terrified and excited you in equal measure. 
“Pretty sure they were fucking,” you respond and she sits back, disappointed at the bland reply. 
“Yeah, I got that part. I mean details. If we’re gossiping, we should do it right.” 
The cacophony of the bar consumes you. Chatter and laughter from nearby tables floods your senses, drowning out the roar of guilt that knocks at the door of your mind as you consider your next words carefully. Whether to completely dive off the deep end and betray your new roommates privacy (in more ways than you already have). If you had been a little more sober and a little less intrigued by the man in your own right, you might have shut the topic of conversation down before it even began. You might have left the apartment for the night and slept on a chair in the lobby and avoided the entire tryst to prevent the memory of his moans from carving themselves into your temporal lobe. 
But you did not and now you are just as invested in the situation, and Seulgi’s complete lack of shame about asking for details further strangled any lingering guilt you had left. “Well,” you start and she leans in closer, eyes alight with anticipation, “they started in the hallway. I thought they were going to have sex right against the wall while I was trapped hiding behind the couch.” 
She laughs, head tossed back in mirth, “bet you would have loved that. Mingyu, bare ass out in front of you,” she jeers and you bristle at the accusation (even if you know she’s right). The waitress returns with your drinks and you mumble a brief thank you to her as she sets the glasses down. Seulgi continues to laugh, pleased with your reaction, “it would have been your wet dream come true.”
“Okay, that’s it. I’m not saying anything else,” you grumble into your fresh drink, wincing at the bite of the liquor. Cocktails were never your thing but Seulgi had offered to pay so who were you to refuse. 
“Aww,” she whines, “fine, fine, I’ll stop teasing you. Please give me the play by play. I am so curious.” She claps her hands together in mock prayer, pleading for your cooperation, and you think she might make an excellent lawyer or serial killer if she weren’t so normal most of the time.
“Fine,” you relent after a beat, already too wrapped up in reliving the night to abandon the story anyway. “Obviously,” you stress, “that didn’t happen. They were making out there for maybe like 5 minutes but it felt like hours. I was so worried she was going to see me but thankfully I managed to stay pretty low.” 
Seulgi takes a sip of her darkly coloured drink, you can tell she wants to interject but she manages to hold true to her promise. 
“So they stumble off to his room,” you continue with a sigh, “and I go to mine, which, mind you, is right next to his. We share a wall.” She winces and you give her a knowing nod, steeling yourself against the all too vivid memory. “I crawl into bed, trying to block out the noise for a while, which at this point isn’t too loud. It’s just like…some muffled talking and moaning and the occasional slap of like…skin on skin. Maybe he spanked her…” you trail off, shaking your head along with the words, fully invested in the theatrics of the storytelling now. “But, through some cruel twist of fate his bed, just like mine, is also right up against our shared wall. So as soon as they really get going, I can feel it.”
“What, like…” she thrusts in her seat, a quizzical slant to her eyebrows, “like shaking?” 
“Yup,” you pop the ‘p’ for emphasis and she lets out a low whistle. 
“For how long?” 
“I don’t know,” you shake your head, “felt like forever. I was just clutching my sheets like it was an earthquake or something.” You do conveniently leave out the heat of desire and curling of toes, but she didn’t need to know that part. 
“Did it start off slow?” she asks, voice conspiratorial. “Fast? Do you think he ate her out first?”
“Seulgi,” you hiss, keeping your voice low. You glance over at the table of college guys next to you but they don't appear to have been listening.
“What, I’m not allowed to ask?” She balks, hand on heart, and appears offended for a moment before the usual mischievousness settles back in and she leans forward with a glint. “Did Wonwoo ever eat you out?”
“We are not discussing the details of my sex life right now.” 
“No of course not,” she rolls her eyes, “we’re just discussing the details of someone else’s.” You grumble at the inability to argue with this statement. “How long has it been since you got laid anyway?” 
“I don’t know,” you sigh, dropping your head to the table and then regretting it immediately when you realise how sticky it is. “Like five months maybe?”
“Five? Didn’t you break up with Wonwoo like…” she fixes her eyes on the ceiling for a brief moment, calculating the time passed in her head before turning back to you with frown lines creased into her forehead, “six weeks ago?”
You shrug, sinking your embarrassment into another sip of alcohol, “so we hadn’t had sex in a while, so what?” 
“Do you think maybe that was a contributing factor in your dissatisfaction with the relationship?” She leans back in her chair, crossing her arms. 
“I don’t need a therapy session, Seulgi.” 
“On the contrary, I think you would benefit greatly from therapy,” she laughs, “but that’s not what this is. You’ve just been sort of distant lately.” You open your mouth to protest but she stops you with a glance, “don’t start, I know we’ve been hanging out, but over the last few months you haven’t been as open about your emotions and stuff. You used to tell me everything, even things I didn’t want or need to hear, but for a while it feels like you’ve just been…hiding. Internalizing.” She leans forward and taps the center of your forehead with one, manicured finger. “Stop that. It’s not good for you to be in your head so much.”
“I hate to say it but, you’re right,” you sigh, begrudgingly agreeing with her observation. The skin where she had poked you tingling in the aftermath of her touch like a beacon of truth.
“I always am,” she nods, “but seriously. We’re friends. I want to hear how you’re feeling. I know I make fun of you a lot, but that’s just ‘cause you’re so easy to make fun of.”
She laughs and you’re reminded of why she and Jeonghan always got along so well. “Seriously though,” she says, expression sobering, “maybe you wouldn’t fixate so much of your loneliness and desperation onto random guys if you got out of your head a bit more regularly. Just a thought.” 
“It's not desperation, I just…” you trail off, unsure of where to begin. Unsure even of what your own internal landscape was trying to tell you. You wanted to confide in her, to be more open and transparent, but it was hard to do that when none of you couldn’t even sort out your thoughts and feelings from your anxieties and worries. It was hard to be clear when everything just felt like mud. She waits, expectant, as you sift through the much for some clear strand of thought. “You’re right, about the loneliness anyway, I know you are.” She nods, dark hair spilling over her shoulders. “But it’s not desperation.”
“So then what is it?” she asks and you try to place it. Try to tug on the thought to follow where it was leading you. What was it about Mingyu that made you feel like you were chasing something? Clawing at the walls of some well of yearning like a prisoner of your own desires. What was it about him that was making you want more? More information, more contact, more, more, more. 
“I think,” you start, hesitant to speak the word lest it be wrong. “I think it’s curiosity.”
“About Mingyu?” 
“Yeah, him. And about myself,” you shake your head. Ruminating on your spiraling thoughts was one thing, but vocalising them for someone who knew you oftentimes better than you knew yourself was another thing entirely. Your thoughts held more weight now that someone else was bearing witness to them. They had more consequences now than just 15 minutes of anxiety or a few hours of doom-scrolling.
“What about yourself?” she asks, unraveling the mess as you present it to her. 
“I feel like…I’ve been in this strange place between needing people for everything and also trying my best to not need anyone at all. I can’t do my taxes without help, I can’t change a tire without help, I can’t even move apartments without it! But when it comes to emotions or vulnerability…I would rather just deal with it on my own, you know?” She nods, attention focused completely on you. Despite how long you’ve been friends, the direct attention still flickers a switch of shyness inside of you.  
“That’s what it was like with Wonwoo, too. He was never the most emotionally available person and I think I just got used to dealing with things on my own because of it. I didn’t want to burden him with my thoughts or feelings cause I know I have a lot of them. Don’t get me wrong, though, it wasn’t like he refused to listen or anything I just…he just wasn’t really open with his own feelings or thoughts so I sort of started to feel guilty about dominating those conversations all the time with mine. Like I was using him as some sort of emotional punching bag. And then I just got used to it, and it took so long for me to realise that I needed something more than that…” 
Any hesitation you had felt before dissipates as you talk, little by little. You feel like you’re back in your dorm room together, laying on your floor and just letting yourself pour out every thought, every feeling, every worry you had. Stream of consciousness–your lips to Seulgi’s ears. That open vulnerability you shared before life and work and everything else got in the way and left the door open for inhibition, shame, and guilt to move into the space between.
You feel lighter as you speak, like you had been needing this–craving it. Waiting for her invitation to come to let loose the torrential downpour of your mind to a willing listener. To a friend. 
She was right. She always was.
“So what is it about this Mingyu guy, then? You don’t think he would just be the same?” She asks, shifting the focus, and you purse your lips in concentration. 
“I’m not sure…” you trail off. And you really weren’t sure. Was he just an idle fascination after all? Did you just find him hot and that smoke screen of good looks was blinding you to the fact that he was just some guy like everyone before him? Or was there actually something there, in spite of it all? You mull it over while Seulgi takes a leisurely sip of her drink. “I was talking to Jeonghan the other day, and he said something that sort of made me think–”
“That’s a surprise,” she laughs, unable to resist the opportunity for a jab at your mutual friend. 
“He said ‘Mingyu is not serious’ and I don’t know,” you continue, unabated by her comment, “I get this feeling that that’s not the full truth.”
“What, like psychic intuition?” she laughs and you shake your head. 
“No, no…well, maybe. I don’t know. Obviously I don’t know the guy very well yet, and I have seen him do exactly what Jeonghan was warning me he does but…” you sigh, trying to collect your scattered thoughts of the man that is currently plaguing your mind. “He has also been very thoughtful, and he seems to notice such small details that the others don’t. I don’t know…I just think there might be something more to him than that, you know?”
“And you think you’re going to be the one to discover that side of him?” she asks, eyebrow quirked. Astute as ever. 
“No,” you start, but catch yourself in the lie immediately. “Well, yeah, I guess. I just want to see if my hunch is correct.” 
She fixes you with a withering gaze, dark brown eyes boring into your own for a moment before she laughs again, “Oh I get it now, you want to fix him.”
“I can’t help it, I love a project,” you sigh, resting your cheek in your palm and tracing idle circles against the wood grain of the table top. 
“So take up crocheting or something! Stop throwing yourself at every man who looks like a kicked puppy.” You groan at the accusation but can’t deny the truth in it. You did have a track record. “Look, if you want to do this. Really want to crack that big beefy chest open and see what’s inside, I’m not going to stop you, but I’m warning you now that I do not think this is going to end well.”
“You sound like Jeonghan,” you mumble, eyes closed as you listen to the lecture. 
“Good, at least someone you live with has some brains.” She shakes her head, pausing to hand her card to the waitress as she walks over with the bill for the evening. Silence stretches out for a moment, the din of the bar enclosing in to envelop you in its swell as you wait for the transaction to finish. The waitress returns and Seulgi slips her card back into her wallet before turning back to you, “I’m not saying this to be mean, but I really think you should take some time to be with yourself before you end up repeating the same mistakes you made with Wonwoo.” 
“Harsh,” you mutter, feeling the sting of it spear through your heart and settle there. Slow poison. 
She softens, eyes warming as she slides off her chair. You follow suit and walk with her out into the chill of the night. The bitterness of winter was starting to seep slowly into the air, you can feel it biting at your skin as you step outside with her to wait for the Uber she ordered to pull up.
“I love you and I want what’s best for you, and if you think that there might be something there with this Mingyu guy then I hope you’re right, I really do,” she says, a smile softening her expression. “I just want you to be careful, ok?” 
“Okay,” you sigh, hugging your arms tight against your chest to fight off the wind as it blisters through your thin jacket. “I love you, too. And I will be careful, I promise. I’m not really too keen to repeat my last relationship either…”
“Good,” she nods, eyes roaming to the curb as a slick black sedan pulls up. “I’ll see you soon. Try not to throw yourself too big of a pity party before then.” She waves goodbye as she strides towards the car. You roll your eyes, returning the wave, before starting your brisk walk the few blocks back to the condo.
Time passes slowly in the new stasis of your life. You take the new opportunity in the wake of your hangout to bury yourself in work and get through some projects that had been building up untouched while you were feeling sorry for yourself. You kept up with regular jogs with Seungcheol, largely at his behest, and they were starting to become an enjoyable break in your days. A way to clear your mind and focus your attention on your body. It also did not escape your notice that the route he was taking you on now steered clear of the street where you had seen Wonwoo a few weeks ago. You use your commitment to the new routine as a silent thank you to him for somehow knowing what you needed when you needed it.
Vernon was becoming a favourite of yours as well. A quiet denizen of the condo; he showed up at random hours, taking a seat near you but not too close, reading through scripts or scrolling on his phone in companionable silence as you worked. It was like living with a cat that took care of itself and had an impressive collection of beanies. 
Mingyu you tried to avoid, for the most part. He still plagued your thoughts on a daily basis, but out of respect for your friends’ concerns you wanted to give this budding infatuation time to settle into shape. To give yourself time to try and figure out what your real feelings on the matter were. You tried to find a delicate balance between roommate and acquaintance, figuring out his general schedule and adjusting your own accordingly so that you weren’t caught in any more awkward situations in the middle of the night or without anyone else around. 
All of these measures were helping to make you feel more at home in the condo. Less like an interloper disrupting their days and more like a part of the makeshift family–even if that part for now was cousin, twice-removed. 
As a result you were spending less time doing your work from the cafe and much more of it huddled over your laptop on the coffee table in the living room. Projects were getting done quicker, though it did mean that you were seeing Seulgi less often. 
“Why aren’t you answering my texts?” Seulgi’s face blinks to life on the screen of your phone as you finally accept her FaceTime call. “Are you still moping?” 
“I’m not moping!” you defend, raising the phone to hide the view of the pajamas you’ve been wearing for the past 24 hours as you were locked in a death-match with an upcoming deadline.
“Well how many more projects do you have left to do before we can go out? It’s been two weeks since I saw you now that you’re actually working from home,” she sighs in exasperation. Judging by the smoked out black liner defining her eyes, she was heading out tonight with or without you anyway. “Yerim is in town and she’s been asking about you.” 
“Yerim? Wait, since when? I thought she was still in England?” you straighten up at the mention of your distant friend’s name.
“She’s back for now to get some visa renewal stuff done,” Seulgi answers, “and we’re going out tonight so you should come if you’re not still buried under a mountain of work.”
You glance at the screen of your laptop, folders stacked on your desktop in a messy landscape of the digital mountain you created for yourself. The thought was tempting but you knew Yerim and you knew what a night out with her always entailed. Read: getting black out drunk in a club and stumbling home at 6:00am the next morning. You had made a lot of progress scaling your workload, but you weren't sure that even without work you would have the energy needed for a night out like that. 
The front door clicks open behind you and you spin your head to spout a quick greeting. Mingyu nods a quick hello, arms loaded with bags of groceries, before disappearing into the kitchen. 
“Who was that?” Seulgi asks, noting the interruption in your conversation.
“Mingyu,” you answer, mindlessly pushing yourself off the ground and bringing her with you as you walk into the kitchen behind him in search of a glass of water. He smiles at you as you enter but says nothing as Seulgi’s voice rings out through your phone.
“Ah,” she smirks, “the one with the nipples?” You roll your eyes at the clear attempt to embarrass you but nod—pointedly ignoring the man in question as he sputters next to you at the comment. You fill a glass with water from the filtered jug in the fridge. “So are you coming tonight or should I tell Yerim you’re too depressed?”
You give it a moment of thought. You haven’t seen Yerim since she moved to the UK in the middle of her third year of university, after the rest of you had already graduated. She sent some odd gifts here and there—chocolate, snacks, a figurine of Shakespeare wearing heart print boxers—but communication had dwindled as you all found your footing in your adult lives, far removed from the heady days of hedonistic college life. 
“Well first of all, don’t tell her I’m depressed, ‘cause I’m not,” you emphasise and Seulgi laughs at the bitter defense, “but I don’t think I can make it tonight. We should make plans for dinner or something before she leaves, though. Something a little more lowkey than the club.” 
“Fine, be boring,” she sighs. “By the way, Yerim brought a friend back with her. He’s apparently cute and not completely useless. She thought you might like to meet him, just as a distraction. Or a rebound that’s not going to jeopardize your living situation. He’s also coming tonight” 
You groan, settling down in a kitchen chair—opposite to the one Mingyu had sat down in with his reheated leftovers. He watches you with mild interest out of the corner of his eye while you try to think of a way to convince Seulgi that you don’t need Yerim’s charity date. “I would, but I already have plans tonight,” you lie, hoping she buys it without question.
“Oh?” she asks, eyes narrowed in cautious suspicion. “Do you have other friends?” 
“Very funny,” you roll your eyes, “but no, actually. It’s just with my roommate.”
“Which one?” she probes, digging you deeper into the grave of your own lie.  
“Oh uh–” you stutter but your eyes flicker above the screen of your phone, locking in on Mingyu’s own wide brown gaze. “Mingyu. We’re going to dinner tonight.”
He opens his mouth to speak, clearly confused by being dragged into your mess, but you shake your head lightly—willing him to just roll with it. He clamps his mouth shut and returns to his bowl of stew. 
“Mingyu?” Her surprise is genuine and you can tell she’s starting to believe you. A flicker of concern shines in her eyes. “Is it like…a date?” 
“No, Seulgi,” you sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose between your thumb and forefinger. She was edging dangerously close to that  ‘jeopardizing your living situation’ territory on her own. “It’s just dinner. With a roommate.” 
“Okay,” she drawls, “but if you end up against a wall with his face between your thighs—”
“Goodbye, Seulgi,” you end the call with a panicked stab of your finger and lean back in your chair, eyes shut tight against the rising tide of anxiety. You feel lightheaded. Hopefully Mingyu didn’t catch that last part. 
“Did we—” He clears his throat. His voice, hesitant and low, floating in and dispeling your faint hope that he hadn’t been paying attention. “Did we have plans I forgot about?” 
You want to laugh, he sounds so genuinely worried. It forces a bitter bubble of bile to rise up into your throat. “No,” you shake your head, clearing it with a sip of water. “Don’t worry you don’t have to go out to dinner with me, I just really didn’t want to go out tonight. Yerim is sort of wild sometimes and the thought of meeting some stuffy English guy in a club was making me feel ill.” 
“Oh,” he smiles—also hesitant, but you can see a hint of his canines poking out behind his lips. “Well, glad I could be of service, then.” His smile widens and you can’t help but return it with one of your own. 
“You have been most helpful,” you laugh. “Sorry for using you as a scapegoat. Also sorry about the nipples thing, Seulgi has a selective memory.” 
“I don’t mind,” he shakes his head, the flush of warmth in his skin betrays the hint of embarrassment he’s trying to mask. You smile at the grace he’s giving you in what could have been an exceptionally awkward moment (especially after weeks of avoiding being alone with him) and push your chair back–wooden legs sliding against the tile. You stand up, preparing to turn around and hunker back down in front of your laptop screen, but Mingyu calls out your name before you get the chance. 
“Yeah?” you reply, half-turned towards the living room. 
“If you do,” he pauses, clearing his throat. “If you do want to go out to dinner tonight though…I could do that. I would uh…I’d like that.”
Your eyes trail from his still slightly pink face to his nearly empty bowl of leftovers. “But you already ate?” 
“Yeah,” he laughs, hand rubbing the back of his neck. A gesture so familiar to you from spending so much time with Wonwoo, but it looks different on him. Less like an anxious tick and more like a bashful habit. “I can eat again though,” he drops his hand from his neck and pats his stomach twice, “I’m a bottomless pit.” 
You should say no. You know you should say no. You shouldn’t dig yourself any deeper into this hole than you already have. But looking at him now, eyes so wide and genuine—freely offering you this tether of kindness—you can’t seem to bring yourself to summon up the word.
“Okay,” you reply, deadpan. Numbed with the confusion and surprise of this sudden change of plans so easily agreed to. So easily ruining weeks of careful avoidance and the cooling off of the one-sided tension you felt when you were near him. 
“Great,” he grins, white teeth glistening in the bright lights of the kitchen. “I need to grab a shower first and make a quick call, but how about we head out in an hour? What kind of food are you in the mood for? Do you have any favourite spots?” 
“I uh—” you stammer, unsure of the answer to the posed question. “I’m fine with anything. I don’t go out for dinner a lot so I don’t really know that many restaurants…”
“No problem,” he smiles again, standing up and grabbing his bowl. “I know plenty, I’ll bring you to a good one. Promise.” He winks before turning around to rinse out his dish and your heart skips a beat at the expression. One you would so often find lecherous and off-putting seems somehow so endearing coming from him. You scold your brain for the thought before stalking back to your room to change out of your pajamas and attempt to appear somewhat presentable. 
The lights of the city cast their soft glow over the water of the slow moving river. A hypnotizing dance of yellow and gold against the backdrop of the night sky. It lulls your thoughts–quietens them to a dull roar–as you sit next to Mingyu on a park bench.
You had finished dinner a half hour ago; a mouthwatering feast of flavour grilled by the deft hands of your roommate himself. You watched as he took to the task with an almost reverent disposition—ushering the food through the cycle of cooking as you sat across from him, absorbed in the aroma and savouring each morsel he placed in front of you. 
You had worried that he was going to take you to some uptight, fine dining restaurant where each dish was somehow the size of your pinky finger while costing more than you made in a day (Mingyu did have a vibe of luxury about him); but when he opened the door to the small, hole-in-the-wall barbeque joint in a random side-street you felt the tension in your shoulders ease and you were finally able to let yourself relax. 
He ordered–a generous selection of high-quality but reasonably priced beef–and you sat and ate and talked. It was normal and nice and the old wood-planked walls of the restaurant leant the entire dinner an air of casualness that your anxiety-addled brain desperately needed. Just a nice normal dinner with a roommate who you did not have any romantic attraction to at all.
Conversation continued after dinner ended. He was easy to talk to, easy to listen to, and you lost yourself in it, completely forgetting about your previous plan to avoid him, as he paid the bill. You continued to talk as you left the restaurant, stepped back out onto the street, and as you continued to walk together until you saw the Han River stretching out in front of you. 
You hadn’t been paying attention as you walked–just let your feet move under the vague assumption that you were just heading back home–so reaching the river had come as a surprise. Mingyu’s face remained impassive as he led you past the numerous couples dotting the riverbank, each splayed out on grass and blankets, bathed in the soft amber glow of the city. You followed him for a few hundred feet until he stopped at a small hill and sat down on a bench, draping his arm casually over the back as he leaned against the sun-faded wood.
You hesitate a minute before sitting down. The mirage of purely platonic companionship had dissipated step by step as you followed him downstream, watching the way his jacket moved against his torso–loosely fitted but structured enough to hint at the firmness of his shoulders underneath, swelling as his arms swung idly at his sides. Your mind blaring a fire red warning in Jeonghan’s voice: be careful. Mingyu notices you hesitate and offers a warm smile, just touching at the corners of his eyes. He moves over an inch on the bench to give you more space and your heart takes that moment to consider itself some sort of acrobat in your chest. You silence the warning, washing it out with your own self-soothing lies, before taking a seat next to him and focusing on the night skyline. 
Living in the city always felt isolating. Like the loneliness of existence was only amplified by the millions of other lives that played out parallel to your own. Millions of other people with different thoughts, feelings, and experiences existing right next to yours–there, but never touching. Lines crossing and converging but rarely intertwining for longer than a heartbeat. 
Wonwoo had been an anchor in that sea of loneliness. Something solid to hold onto as you were buffeted by the waves of life. Stabile, grounding. You never realised how much you needed that stability until it was no longer there. Until you were cast adrift once more, alone in the deep blue. 
Seulgi was there of course–as well as your other friends and family–but it wasn’t the same. They were islands of reprieve to visit when needed, and to offer the same when they did, but it wasn’t the same as having that one person to tether yourself to. To merge your life with and create a new island on solid foundations. Unshakeable, until it’s not. 
Maybe you were pathetic, relying on a partner for so much support. Needing someone to rescue you from your own life. Maybe you needed to save yourself for once. 
“Do you ever get the feeling like you’re going to end up dying alone?” you ask the question, half expecting it to dissolve into the air in front of you and go completely unanswered. Unsure if you even want an answer or if you just needed to remove the thought from your mind.
Mingyu scoffs, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he glances at you sideways–evaluating. “I don’t think that’s going to be a problem for you.” 
“Oh?” you raise an eyebrow, a twinge of offense scurrying up at the comment. “And what makes you so sure of that?”
“Well, what makes you think you would?” he counters and you let a small laugh slip out at the seriousness of his expression. 
“I don’t know,” you shake your head, dismissing the thought and turning your attention back towards the view. Bitterly regretting altering the mood so seriously. You should have remained flippant, joyous. Unserious. But when did your mouth ever listen to you? “I was just thinking out loud.”
“Oh no you don’t,” he laughs, “you brought it up and now you’re avoiding the question?” You feel the heat of his body warm the air around you as he adjusts on the bench, angling away from the river to better face you and pry the answers free under the weight of his attention.
“You avoided mine!” you bite back in defense, turning in kind to face him, but realising the trap too late as he flashes you a wolfish grin.  
“Ah-ha, so it was a serious question!” he cries, pleased with himself. “Listen if you want my honest answer, I will give it to you but I want an answer in return as well.” 
You hesitate, not for the first time tonight—wavering at the edge of the offer and cursing your propensity for sticking your foot straight into your mouth at the drop of a hat. 
Do you really want to open up to him like this? 
It had been such a nice evening. Good food, good conversation, and a nice walk along the river. It had been a while since you had felt so at ease in someone's company. And yet, despite all of that, you had to go and get lost in your self-sabotaging, meandering thoughts and open your big dumb mouth. Did Mingyu even really want to know? He seemed friendly and open enough but you can’t help but hear Jeonghan’s voice as it bounces off the walls of your mind: ‘Mingyu is not serious’. Did he know what Pandora’s Box he was willingly opening by asking you? Did he care?
You fix your gaze on him, evaluating, searching his eyes for any sign of ambivalence or even trickery. He stares back, waiting patiently for you to mull it over, and you come up with no discernable ulterior motive. Nothing lurking in the clear brown of his eyes other than open curiosity and a slight glimmer of amusement. 
“Ugh, fine,” you relent, falling back against the bench with a huff. You forgot Mingyu’s arm is resting against the back and you feel the pressure of it against you as you settle deeper into the bench. “Why do I think I’m going to die alone…” you repose the question, willfully ignoring the shiver that ripples out from the spot where his arm is pressed against you. You can feel the warmth of it even through your jacket. “Maybe because I’m a bit of an anxious wreck and that can’t be easy to deal with. Or maybe because I’ve managed to fuck up every relationship I’ve ever been in.”
“I don’t think so,” Mingyu replies, assured in his denial of your reasoning. 
You let out a mirthless laugh and glare into the middle distance. “Don’t think so? Don’t think what? That I’m not an anxious wreck? You clearly don’t know me that well.”
“No, I believe that part, though anxiety can be treated to a certain extent. I have this psychologist friend, Minghao, he talks a lot about it. I could get you his number if you want.” he offers and you furrow your brow at the suggestion. 
“You want to set me up with a psychologist?”
He laughs, “not like a date. Like if you wanted to book an appointment to see him about it. You know, like a therapist?” 
“Oh,” you mumble, immediately feeling stupid. “So what did you mean then?”
“Just that it takes two to fuck up a relationship most of the time.  You can’t fuck up something that wasn’t ready to be fucked up, you know? No one is perfect, we all have issues so no relationship is ever perfect and that’s not the fault of just one person.”
“Wow,” you exhale. His words sink in, a stark contrast against the internal monologue of shame and blame you had callously constructed. A differing perspective roaring in to shake your foundations. You try to reckon with it, the thought that it might not be all your fault, and it clamours and clangs against your brain in the worst way. In a way that you know it might be true but you’re not ready to accept it yet. 
“Did I say something wrong?” Mingyu asks, momentarily rendered insecure by your plunge into melancholic silence. 
“No, no,” you assure him, distantly amused by his immediate assumption that it might have been him that did something wrong. “It’s just…” you hesitate, unsure of how to word it. “I wasn’t expecting you to be so insightful.”
He snorts out a laugh, “thanks, I guess. I have my moments.” 
“No, no, I don’t mean that I think you’re like…incapable of insight, just…” you pause, trying to reformulate the thought in a way that doesn’t sound like an insult. “I’m just not used to getting reality checks like that from people I don’t really know that well.”
“Oh, okay,” he laughs again, in relief this time, and you feel the edge of tension you had been holding in your body ebb away. “Well, I mean it though,” he affirms, “I don’t think it means you’re going to die alone.”
“Okay, well,” you sigh, unsure where to follow this new proffered perspective, “thanks, I guess.”
“No problem,” he grins. “Your turn.”
“My turn?” You knit your brows in confusion, eliciting another laugh from your seatmate. “For what?”
“You answered my question, so it’s your turn to ask one,” he explains.
“I didn’t realise we were playing 20 questions,” you tease. The words leave your lips with a little more edge than you had intended and you wince. Why did you always sound so defensive? You glance at Mingyu and feel a slight sense of relief at the fact that he seemed not to have noticed the tone. 
“Well, if you don’t have any questions, I’m fine with being the hot, mysterious one in the house,” he winks and again you find yourself not hating how he looks when he does it. 
Still, you snort derisively in response. If only he knew how deeply not-mysterious he already was to you. “Hardly,” you reply. “Okay, fine. I have a question for you: why does The Notebook make you cry so much?”
Wide-eyed surprise ripples across his face, a tinge of red embarrassment colouring the tips of his ears, “who told you that?” he asks in a nervous half-whisper.
“Jeonghan might have mentioned it when I was moving in…” 
“Traitor,” he seethes, running a hand through his hair as he considers this revelation before answering you. “It’s sad,” he states plainly after a moment’s hesitation and you ‘tsk’, refusing the easy answer. 
“Lots of movies are sad, Mingyu. Why does this one in particular make you cry so much that I was warned never to watch it in the living room?”
He sighs again, heaves his chest in and out like an exasperated dog settling down for bed. You watch as he stares out over the river, wide brown eyes shimmering with the lights of the city, and wait for him to respond. You had never seen Wonwoo cry during a movie. You had barely seen Wonwoo cry at all. He kept his emotions held tight, whether for self-protection or because he really was just that steady you didn’t know, but Mingyu’s upfront expressiveness was a breath of fresh air. Seeing someone so open at every moment with how they were feeling made you feel a little bit less alone with your own rapid shifts in mood. Maybe you weren’t the broken one. 
“Fine,” he relents, “honestly, I know it’s corny. I know it’s a corny movie and it’s lame and dumb that an adult man with a job still bawls like a baby while watching it but I can’t help it. Seeing those two old people dying in bed together after reliving the tale of their love just gets me every single time. It’s a confusing mixture of sadness and hope and I have never been able to get through it without weeping.” 
“Wow,” you remark and he shakes his head. 
“Happy?” he huffs, again with an air of a disgruntled dog and you laugh.
“Very happy, thank you for sharing.” 
“Okay my turn,” he grins, leaning back against the bench once more, the wood groaning slightly under his weight as it shifts. 
“Good luck, movies don’t make me cry often.” 
“Well you’ve gotta have some embarrassing secret. Otherwise we’re on uneven ground, and I don’t like that.” 
“I’ve already told you something embarrassing,” you start to defend yourself but he shakes his head. Resolute. 
“What? About thinking you fuck everything up?” You nod and he laughs, “that’s not embarrassing, that’s normal. Everyone thinks they’re more fucked up than they are.” He shrugs and you again marvel at how casually he accepts the very thing that feels so earth-shaking to you. “Tell me your most embarrassing secret.”
“That’s not a question, it’s a demand.” you point out and he nods, considering the rebuttal. 
“Too broad? Okay, then what’s your favourite song?” 
“How is that supposed to be embarrassing?” you ask, aghast. 
“It’s not, I’m just curious. Not every question needs to be so heavy, you can get to know people through simpler things. Happy things,” he smiles again, coy, and your heart betrays you again with a flutter of wings against your chest. 
“I’m not sure,” you muse. He starts to protest but you cut him off before he can begin, “there are too many songs that I love to feel like I can narrow it down to just one all–time favourite. Too many things to consider.” 
“Like what?” 
“Like, what am I doing when I am listening to it? Is it a song I could listen to anytime, anywhere? Does that make it a favourite or just an easy listen? Is it a song that fills me with a swell of emotions? A favourite from high school that still makes me nostalgic? Or a recent song that I’ve played on repeat too many times to count? You see…too many things to consider.”
“Wow, you’re right,” he laughs again, “you really are an overthinker.” 
“Gee, thanks,” you scoff, rolling your eyes. 
“How about you just make me a playlist with all of the above and we’ll consider it answered?” he winks and you blink back at him, stunned to silence. Wonwoo never really got through the songs you would recommend to him, was Mingyu really going to go to the trouble of listening to an entire playlist? For his roommate? 
“Oh–okay,” you answer, unsure of what else to say. 
Silence descends for a moment, settling comfortably between you, and you glance around in surprise to find that most of the people that had been here when you arrived have since departed. How long had you been sitting on this bench talking?
As if reading your thoughts, Mingyu clears his throat. “It’s getting late,” he feigns a yawn, forearm flexing as he brings his hand up to cover his mouth, “but you have one more question to even it up before we start walking back home.”
You sit still, contemplating. While teasing him had been fun, an overwhelming part of you wants to really get to know him. To know what makes him tick. What thoughts and desires lurk in the depths of those puppy brown eyes. To find out exactly what it was about him that was drawing you in so much despite your (and Seulgi’s and Jeonghan’s) better judgement. 
“What did you want to be when you were a kid?” you ask finally. It feels like a silly question as soon as you ask it but you can’t take it back once it’s been spoken. And you do actually want to know the answer. 
“Is that your final question?” he asks and you hesitate but nod. You’re curious about what kind of kid he was. What his dreams had been before the demands of adulthood had set in. “Alright, but it’s silly,” he warns and you wait silently for his response despite it, “I wanted to own my own bakery.” 
“You wanted to own a bakery?” you parrot the response, surprised by his answer. “Really?” 
“I told you it was silly,” he smiles, voice a slight quiver. You hadn’t expected the answer, true, but it’s the nervousness around it that is really taking you by surprise. Like it’s kid Mingyu answering the question and not the 20-something year old adult you had bought you dinner. 
“No, no, it’s not silly, I just didn’t expect it,” you reassure him and the expression of embarrassment on his face melts back into neutrality. The wave of nerves slipping away into the ether. “Why didn’t you do it?” 
He shrugs, “my parents didn’t think it was a suitable career path for someone like me.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You bristle, feeling defensive on behalf of the kid he once was. 
“I never asked for clarification,” he laughs. “Just went to school for business like they suggested. Jokes on them, though, I can still make a mean sourdough.” 
“What can’t you do?” you mumble, intending the comment to be unheard but clearly failing as Mingyu throws his head back with a laugh before getting to his feet. 
“Well, what about you?” he asks as you join him and you both head back down the path towards the main road. “What was your childhood dream?”
“I always wanted to be an artist,” you say, “and I sort of am doing that now just in a more corporate-friendly way. Career was the one aspect of life that I always felt I had a handle on. There was no guesswork. It was just me involved.” 
“Your parents didn’t have any different thoughts as to what they wanted you to do?” he asks, a slight note of surprise colouring his voice. 
“Not really, no,” you shrug, “they were pretty supportive, honestly. I think the only things they really cared about was that I got an education and was able to pay for rent and food.” 
“That’s lucky, it’s nice to have such supportive parents.”
“Yeah, I guess it is,” you nod. It had never been something you had actively thought about, just taken for granted and assumed it was sort of the same for everyone. You make a mental note to call your parents soon and catch up as you and Mingyu leave the park and the river disappears behind you. 
“Would you ever bake something for me?” you ask, matching Mingyu’s stride as you take a turn down the block towards home. 
“That depends,” he replies, amusement clear in his voice.
“On what?” 
“On whether or not you want to hang out again in the future,” he shrugs, feigning nonchalance. You see a hint of blush reddening the tips of his ears again and it makes you wonder. Was it just the slight chill in the air causing it?
“Well, we do live together so I think that’s almost inevitable,” you laugh, trying to brush the niggling feeling off with an assurance that you did not feel. 
“True,” he concedes, “then I guess I will. Are you more of a sweet or savory person?” 
“That depends,” you reply, a small grin turning up the corners of your lips. 
“Overthinking pastries now too?” 
“No,” you laugh, all lingering feelings of defensiveness gone from you. “It depends on what you’re better at making.” 
“Oh, I’m good at it all,” he replies, voice smooth–silk slipping over mahogany–as he holds open the door to the condo complex for you. You glance at him, eyes meeting his in the dim light of the lobby, and study him for a moment. He’s smiling, cool and casual, but there’s a seriousness hiding in the depths of his expression that you can’t quite unravel. It draws you in, curiouser and curiouser, until you find yourself face to face with a crossroads. Two paths diverge in the yellow woods of your mind and the only thing that remains is to choose.  
“Then I’ll take it all,” you reply after a breath, thoughts slipping into place. Threshold crossed, decision made. You step into the lobby and head towards the elevator leaving Mingyu to trail behind. 
The condo is blessedly quiet when you arrive upstairs; everyone else scattered throughout the city with Friday night plans. The absence of Jeonghan in particular is a relief, you knew that no matter what the context was, if he saw you return with Mingyu at this time of night you would be primed for some form of lecture or another. Whether verbal or simply that knowing stare he likes to give you when he thinks you’re being stupid.
That silent cloud of judgement would have been especially intrusive tonight as you step in through the front door barely clinging onto the tenuous air of bravado you had conjured up in the lobby downstairs. It would have shaken your resolve to follow this thought of intrigue towards Mingyu and thrust you right back into your torrential thoughts once more, spinning haphazardly between mourning over what was lost and what might not ever be.  
Instead you stand with shaky confidence and a pounding in your chest as you bid Mingyu goodnight, savouring that look of intrigue you’re sure is mirrored in his own expression as you close your bedroom door for the night and bar any doubt from creeping in behind you. 
You listen through the walls as his own door clicks shut before rummaging through the unpacked duffel bag in the corner of your room. You dig through unsorted paperwork, unopened mail, random knick knacks you had found no home for yet until your fingers grasp the object you were seeking.
Sleek, black silicone emerges from the bag and you glance behind you as if Mingyu might be standing there, ready to chastise you for your impure thoughts. 
You stand up, hesitating, evaluating the vibrator as it sits like a brick in your palm. You had only used it once, years ago, after buying it at a convention with Seulgi before it ended up buried deep in the recesses of your drawer. At the time your sex life had been consistent and satisfying–it was early days for you and Wonwoo and the excitement and novelty of having each other at your fingertips for the whims of the moment had kept you too busy to even remember that you had the toy stored away in the first place. It wasn’t until you were packing to move out that you rediscovered it.
You hesitate for a second before thinking ‘fuck it, I paid like $200 for this, I’m gonna get some use out of it’ and slipping out of your clothes and into your bed. 
You try to set the mood in your mind, fingers swirling idly over your bare skin as you flip through mental images of celebrities, movie scenes, fantasies that you used to use to get in the mood. Anything to deepen that pressure that burned quietly inside of you. None of your old tricks produce results and you sigh, ready to give up on the activity completely, before you feel the distinct thud of Mingyu’s headboard against the wall. 
You imagine Mingyu: what is he doing? Maybe sitting on the edge of his bed, scrolling through Instagram, or maybe he’s under his covers too. Maybe he’s having the same thoughts as you? 
You follow this thought where it takes you, back to that night the other week. Back to the low sound of his moaning carried through the drywall and plaster, the thudding of his headboard against your wall, back to that yawning pit in your stomach that felt like it might swallow you whole at any second. Your hand traces the path of the scene playing out in your mind, blazing a trail down your chest, stomach, and finally to the aching space between your thighs. 
You recall the weight of Mingyu’s arm pressed against your back on the park bench–steady and solid. The sound of his voice and laughter muffling your gasp of surprise as you flick the vibrator on and jump at the sudden noise filling your room. 
You flick it back off immediately, worrying that the distinctive buzzing sound would carry itself through the cover of your blankets and body and make it through the proven-thin walls towards Mingyu’s ears. He would know for sure you were in here thinking about him, fantasizing about his lips on your neck. The thought of discovery adds a confusing stab of guilt to the knotting in your guts but you do your best to squash it as it pops up. What exactly were you doing wrong? You were tired of denying yourself pleasure out of fear of other people’s judgements or shame. You flick the vibrator back on, this time prepared for the noise, and dig the object deeper between your thighs. 
Maybe part of you wants him to hear you–wants him to know what you were doing alone in the dark in the bedroom next to him. Maybe, in this alternative timeline, he knocks softly on your door. His brown eyes rake over your naked body, bared to him like a gift prepared just for him. His sweatpants strain with the pressure of his bulge as his blood travels lower, and lower. Filling him with the desire as it fills you now. He steps forward, wavering at the threshold of your bed and asks, voice so low it plucks at the strings of your core, to join you. To help you release this coil of tension that had made its home inside of you, growing bigger and hungrier every single day since running into him half-naked in the kitchen that first night. Maybe he’s been running through this same scenario every night before bed, hand gripping his cock as it pulses in his hand, sweat beading his brow. 
Alternative timeline or not, the thought itself is all that you need to push you over the edge as you move the vibrator against your clit, finding the right rhythm of pressure, the right balance of relief, to feed the beast of desire crying open-mouthed inside of you. To have your legs shaking and your core pulsing with waves of pleasure no longer denied. You cry out, muffling the sound with the back of your free hand, and for the first time in years it isn't Wonwoo's face clear in your mind as you reach your climax.
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© 2024, neoneun-au. all rights reserved.
―AUTHOR’S NOTE: i cant link them here, but please find the series masterlist and other chapters on my blog. i would love to know your thoughts on the story so far !
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roseykat · 11 months
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TITLE: I can’t see you, but I can hear you:
WARNING: minors DNI with this post or my blog. I create NSFW SKZ related content and I know I won't be able to regulate every single interaction with those posts so please do not engage with my work and page whatsoever.
SUMMARY: an OT8 blurb version of each of the members engaging in phone sex with the reader.
TAGS: phone sex, pre-established relationships, explicit language, dirty talk, use of the name ‘baby girl’.
KINK: phone sex
TAGLIST: @mal-lunar-28 @aaasia111 @queenmea604 @luneskies @kibs-and-bits @kbitties @dreamingaboutjisung @fairy-lixie
When it comes to phone sex, Chan is always the teasing type. Using the ‘aw had to ring me because you’re horny?’ Or ‘is my baby girl that needy for me?’ But he will be the last person to ever admit that he himself doesn’t get like that when he’s needy. Chan will text you first to see if you’re up and if you’ve replied, he’s ringing you.
He’ll hit you with the croaky ‘baby, I miss you, I miss you body so much right now.’ And when you get to talking to try and help get him off, hearing his whimpers and moans through the phone is something otherworldly.
“You have no idea how much I need you right now.”
“I think I do if you had to ring me at this time of the night,” you’d say back to him.
“I know but, I was just thinking about you and I couldn’t stop myself. Need to fuck you so bad, need to be inside you and feel how wet you’d be for me.”
Does not like phone sex for the sole purpose that it does absolutely no justice for the high level of his needs. But when you ring him for the same reason, that’s a different story. He’ll deliberately tease you. Minho will purposely instruct you not to touch yourself, otherwise not to let you cum. Sometimes he’ll be merciful and allow it, but most of the time, he won’t. He needs to make you cum himself.
“You’re what? Horny?” He asks. “How can you still be horny when I fucked you this morning just before I left?”
“Min…” you groan, frustrated with his response. “I can’t help it when you’re not here. Can’t I touch myself at least?”
“You can do whatever you want.”
“Please I just…I need you to….can you just-“
“Big words baby girl,” Minho would tease.
He is merciful enough to let you cum though because he loves you and can’t stand to hear you on the verge of tears from being denied to cum.
There is the odd occasion where Changbin will ring you in the dead of the night, horny as fuck and needs to talk to you to bust one out. But he doesn’t let up on the fact that, nine times out of ten, it’s always you who ends up ringing him. He has to talk you through the whole process of getting yourself off, telling you to slide your hand down the front of your pants and gently rub small circles into your clit.
This man could be in the middle of a crowded public place, be on the phone to you, and talking the dirtiest shit to help you cum. Saying something like ‘aw, I’m not here to fuck you now baby. You’re gonna have to use your hands.’ In short, Changbin power creeps you when you're away from each other because he knows there’s nothing you can do to satiate your needs other than to ring him.
“I can’t do this by myself,” you’d whine and complain to him over the phone. “My fingers aren’t enough, I need you, please.”
“I know,” he’d say apologetically. “But it’ll just have to do for now baby. “I’ll help you cum, yeah? Does that sound good?”
“Yes, hurry, please.”
Phone sex with this man would be like speaking to a god on the other end of the line. Most of the time, it’s not a phone call where one is horny and the other isn’t.
Usually, you’re both horny and roughly around the same time which is perfect yet frustrating. Phone sex is also amazing because you get to cum together, listening to one another on the end of the line mixed in with delicious wet sounds and angelic moans.
“I miss you so much angel, miss fucking that wet pussy of yours,” he’d say to you.
“Jinnie…come back soon, need it so bad,” you’d reply. “Want to cum around you…”
“Yeah? Like cumming around my cock don’t you baby? Wanna feel you shake, see your eyes roll back, see you cum for me…”
Needs to ring you to get himself off. Majority of the time, it’s always him. Like Jisung will send you a nude of his lower half and you can clearly see that he’s hard. And you’d reply with the rolling eyes emoji to which he’d take that as a sign to ring you and tell you just how horny he is. In saying that, when he’s gotten himself into that situation, Jisung will beg for you to do something, switching that sub mode on of his.
“Please…fucking make me cum, please,” he whines.
“I dunno Jisung,” you’d say hesitantly. “What makes you think I should?”
“Been…I’ve been good,” he swallows. “Just wanna cum.”
“Have you really been good though?” You question. “You sent me photo of yourself yesterday trying to get off…”
He did in fact send a photo to you of his stomach where strings of sticky white decorated his abdomen. It made you clench your legs together and it was hot enough to make you want to ring him and ask him for the same favor. But you did him one better and sent him a video of you making yourself cum in front of the mirror.
A literal godsend when it comes to phone sex with you. He’s so understanding of your needs especially if you’re a fair distance away from each other and for equally as longer. As a result, he recognises how difficult it would be to get yourself off when he’s not there. He doesn’t like hearing you suffer, sexually too. If you want to cum, he’ll let you - no hesitation whatsoever. So with phone sex, whatever you need, he’s on it.
“I know you miss me baby, I miss you too. Want me to talk you through it?”
“P-Please Lix.”
“Okay then. Lie back and take off your underwear okay? Then I want you to rub your clit nice and slow for me,” he’d instruct.
“Mm - yes…”
“Feel good baby?”
“Not as good as your mouth,” you’d say which would make Felix’s cock twitch in his pants.
“I know, just a couple more days and I’ll be back. Then I’ll fuck you however you want. You’ve been such a good girl for me…”
Seungmin can go one of two ways when it comes to phone sex; he can be impartial, understanding and generous when it comes to you ringing him. Or, he can be cruel. When he’s feeling nice, Seungmin will take you through the basics-
“Where’s your toy baby?” He’d ask you.
“It’s right here beside me.”
“Then why didn’t you turn it on in the first place, huh?”
“Because I wanted to wait for you to tell me what to do,” you’d reply back.
Then if he’s feeling the complete opposite, you have to start praying that he’ll let you cum. He’d let you use the vibrator, but good luck trying to orgasm.
“Seungmin please, I can’t…can’t take it…”
“That’s too bad,” he’d reply back. “Maybe you should’ve thought about that before sending me a whole set of nudes.”
Jeongin is the type to not let you cum when you’re having phone sex with him because he has this thing where he needs to make you physically orgasm in person. Whether it’s by way of his fingers, dick, or mouth. He’ll let you start to get off, but he won’t let you finish. So he’d definitely delve into a bit of orgasm denial there.
“J-Jeongin…it’s too much, please, just wanna cum so bad for you.”
“No, what did I say?”
Tears would be pricking your eyes at this point having been half an hour into a call with him and still not allowed to cum, “I-I know what you said but, I just-“
“Don’t do it, or I’m not fucking you when I get back.”
You’d try and stifle a series of moans, but the silence on the other end of the line would tell Jeongin the whole story. At that point, he would know that you just came, completely disobeying his orders.
He’d politely wait a few moments just listening to your heavy breathing until he reckons you’ve come down and say, “what did I just tell you?”
“Come on, you love me too much.”
And you’re right, because he does and you know the minute he’s getting home, he probably won’t uphold his word by saying that he won’t fuck you.
A/N: this is unedited atm bc I am down with the flu and very tired lol I will come back to edit this when I’m a bit better and focus on the rest of my works x
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matriarchjojo · 2 years
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18+, DUBCON, bondage, sex toys, double fingering, fingersucking, degradation, exhibition, slapping, marking, MDNI
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You suddenly woke up in a familiar place, but definitely not the place where you fell asleep. Your sight was blurry, it was cold..so fucking cold. and you couldn't feel your limbs, you blinked your eyes three times and saw a little more clear, you saw that your thighs are bound tight in a thick rope. "H-huh..?"
you mumbled still really groggy "you finally fuckin' woke up, damn!" a familiar voice complained. You immediately realized what was happening right now..you are being punished for your little fuck up last night. "We almost thought you were dead" another familiar voice ringed in your ears. You were supposed to seduce another gang leader, but you ended up beating him to death for talking shit about Mikey
The problem about that was that Mikey wanted to make out a deal with said gang leader. Your head shot up to see all of bonten, even the less important people that you didn't know. "Surely you know what's happening right now '' Kakucho stood up from one of the crates where bonten stored their weapons. You slowly nodded looking up at the man that was in front of you. As you looked up, you noticed your arms were tied up to a wooden pillar with the same type of rope that was around both of your thighs.
And as your mind started to clear up, you realized why it was so cold, not just because you are in a basement in the middle of winter. no, you were just in the underwear that you fell asleep in, and the worst part..fear should be kicking in. But the ropes are just the right amount of tight, and the burn in your arms was the cherry on top. You already felt your clit throb, this is so embarrassing.
You just hoped that no one noticed the blush that painted your face and the tears that started to well up in your eyes from the humiliation. You looked down to not let them see your lewd face, making them think that you just regret your Lil fuck up and are ashamed. "Answer." Kaku spoke up like a strict dad when you didn't answer. "Y-yes. I know.." your thighs tried to push against each other but the ropes just felt tighter when you fought against them, you accidentally let a little whimper fall from your lipgloss-stained lips. You just hoped to fucking god that they didn't hear your disgusting and lewd weep, but they did.
The haitani's and sanzu tried to write it off as a small cry, but takeomi, Koko, and kakucho just thought they didn't hear you right. But one thing all of the people in the basement could agree on was that you looked way too erotic for your own good. The way your tits fought against the restraints was so tempting. It made rin and ran especially horny. They are crazy into bondage.
And obviously, everyone in this room wanted to fuck the vixen of bonten at some point maybe even every time they just think about you, but the executives seemed to want to fuck you the most, they always tried to make a move on you but you never understood their shitty pick-up lines. You heard someone walk towards you, and you already knew who it was. His energy gave it away.
"Look up." Mikey demanded. The others didn't really care that you didn't look up at them, but it started to infuriate sanzu when Mikey started talking to you, and you still didn't look up. "You fuckin' dare to refuse to listen to your boss's orders not once but fucking twice?!" Sanzu stomped over to you "who the fuck do you think you are? You're just bonten's little who-"
his hand gripped your hair to make you look at Mikey, but he wasn't prepared for that erotic expression on your face. No one really was. Even Mikey's eyes widened a bit. "H-huh?" Koko stumbled over his words, and your face was so priceless. You had little tears in your eyes and drool dripping from your lips. They just waited for Mikey to say something because god knows they didn't know what the fuck to say. But suddenly Mikey crouched down to grip your pretty face "you like being tied up don't you?.."
his dead fish-like eyes stared into your shiny ones. "n-no!" Rindou and ran's cocks were Rock hard when they were told by Mikey to tie you up but now they were throbbing. seeing you fight more against the restraints on your body will leave pretty marks after this. but it got even worse after Mikey abruptly slapped you and you just...moaned? "Wha.." Koko started and felt his cock harden at that erotic moan. But he wasn't the only one, oh no-no. Every one of them was Rock hard and ready to just rip your panties off and mess that pretty cunt up.
Kakucho looked at Mikey and then back at you, completely confused if what he just heard was his imagination, but by the looks of his co-workers... He wasn't imagining it. Mikey's eyes were shot wide open, looking at your tear, glistening eyes filled with so much Hunger for more that he just had to give you what you were asking for. "Aahh!~" so he slapped you once again, eyes still shot wide open like a deer in headlights, wanting to see every single reaction from you.
"F-fuck.." takeomi mumbled under his breath and thanked God for his long and big coat that Covers his raging erection. The brothers had to fight the strong urge to just have their way with you, but they knew that they would be killed on the spot if they did that. So they just bit their lips till they would be bruised and rindou gripped the metal cart in front of him.
"You're just a cheap whore..ain't that right?" Mikey just glared at you, his cold glare made your pussy throb and clench. Mikey moved his dead, dark blue orbs to sanzu allowing him to tilt your head back by your hair and making you choke on another cute moan of yours before Haru shoved his gun into your mouth. And if you weren't wet before, you sure are flooding now. Sanzu was just as excited as you are though, his cock was aching just to be touched by you..
he was just better at hiding it. Well.if you ignore the pretty pink coloring his pretty features, the sweat coating his temples and forehead, and the obvious bulge in his tight, lilac dress pants. Mikey stood up, looking down at you. "Since you have a hard time taking orders.." his hand went to the rope that held your upper body up and squeezed your tits so perfectly. He pulled it, making you let out another angelic mewl. "They are going to teach you a lesson now..you hear me?"
You hesitated for just a second and Mikey already smacked you again "you fucking answer when I ask you something." His dark eyes stared deep into the depths of your tar Black soul, Mikey's gaze always Made you feel something and now you finally knew what that Feeling was, you weren't scared, you were hopelessly horny for evil and powerful men. Mikey turned around walking in the direction of some crates to sit on and looked at his men before mumbling "go have fun with her." None of the men even dared to hesitate walking over to your pretty, quivering form. Sanzu stared down into your eyes before watching little tears drip down your hot cheeks, he licked his teeth and took his gun out of your mouth with some of your saliva still dripping from his gun. "Messy whore.." he chuckled, pulling your hair tighter. All of a sudden you felt someone run their fingers over your hard nipple "nghh!" You looked down and to your surprise, it was kakucho. He always seemed so sweet and innocent to you..well..as innocent as can be as a Gangster.
"Slut.." he whispered before he ripped your bra completely off and stared at your tits for just a few seconds before he continued to take your pillowy tits in his big and cold hands, sweet Kaku groaned when he started to Massage them
"a-aah! P-please-" your begs made takes cock twitch and leak more of its transparent fluids into his pants. But his eyes stayed stoic and serious even though his face was a flushed pink. Koko got on the other side of you and squished both of your cheeks together and he then placed his thumb on your bottom lip. "You probably know what to do with that filthy mouth of yours, right?" A wicked grin formed on his features as you started suckling on his thumb. "Fuck, you really are a slut" sanzu groaned gripping your hair tighter. Your pussy throbbed when you saw Koko's and sanzu's bulges next to your face, it was all too much for you when Kaku licked your nipple and proceeded to suck on them as if he was trying to get milk out of them. The brothers got behind you and suddenly their pretty, vein decorated hands ran up and down your thighs, as they whispered dirty stuff they wanna do to you in your ear
"gonna Split that pretty pussy open on my cock, ya would like that, hm?" Rindou breathed against your ear in his sexy husky voice. "Gonna spread you out and torture that greedy pussy all night..maybe well even keep those pretty ropes around your body..so you ran run from it~" Ran whispered against your neck before biting down on it "a-ahh- n-no more! Mhh!" Your whines turned them on even more, so protesting against their touches was useless. The brothers chuckled at your pathetic attempt to escape their intoxicating touches and scents. They ran their hands down your inner thigh and snapped your panties off with their switchblades making you yelp out loud and moan even louder when you felt both of the brother's fingers tease different parts of your pussy. Rin was playing with your throbbing clit and ran was running his index finger up and down your leaking slit.
"So fucking wet…" he chuckled and licked his lips. Those three words were enough to make the men go crazy. Kakucho all of a sudden bit down on your nipple, Koko shoved his middle and Index finger down your throat and rin slid his finger from your clit to your hole "fuck..she's fucking dripping.." rindou groaned against your ear and bit the shell. "AHH! N-NO!" you moaned
but in reality, you loved it. You wanted more, you loved the way their touches felt so needy and how Mikey and takeomi just watched his their cocks obviously rock hard. "Your pussy's tellin' us somethin' different, sweetheart~" Ran purred with mockery laced in his tone, even they knew that you loved it. Sanzu ran his gun from your cheek to your clit, crouching down with the haitani's. "Look at me." He ordered, and you didn't even think about disobeying him so you gulped and looked into his sky blue eyes through his snow-white lashes
"you know that the gun is loaded right, bitch?" He grinned, biting his bottom lip at your terrified but absolutely horny expression. While you were busy getting lost in the overwhelming feelings the haitani's shoved their fingers inside you at the same time. "MNHH!" you cried around Koko's slender fingers. They didn't even let you adjust before finger fucking you at different speeds "tight fucking pussy..thought it was already loose by how much cock you take on a daily Basis." Rindou spat, biting down hard on your neck leading to you whining even more on Koko's fingers fucking your throat. Sanzu smacked his gun against your clit and the haitani's felt your pussy clench on their Fingers,
they bit their lips once again to not moan at the tightness of your pussy. Mikey saw as your eyes rolled back into your head and your pussy dripped more fluids onto the floor, creating a little pool of your slick "get away from her." He suddenly spoke up and the men got away from your trembling body and watched tears flood down your cheeks and listen to your delicious whines for more as you lost the orgasm that has been building up for the past hour. Mikey stepped forward, standing in front of you again "look up." He demanded. You lifted your head and looked up at the silver-haired man standing in front of you. Mikey could have gasped at how pretty fucked up you already looked but he knew better than letting you know how bad he wanted to fuck you. Mikey Held his hand open and some men you haven't noticed were there before gave him a pink and rubbery looking thing.
"I found this in your room." It was your vibrator! Your eyes widened in shock and felt even more embarrassed that Mikey and the other men knew that you play with yourself. Mikey leaned down, spread your pussy lips, and shoved the toy agonizingly slow inside of you.
"You're gonna learn to obey me." He rasped before turning the toy on to the highest setting. Your angelic yet pornographic moans and cried immediately invaded the men's ears. Mikey looked back at all the men and motioned for them to come back to you. They all stood in a circle around you, and without any warning, Mikey pulled his sweatpants down just enough for his dick to jump out and slap you in the face. His slim hand took a fistful of your hair and pulled your head back so your lips were on his leaking tip. "Suck it and I'll think about letting you cum." The pressure you felt in your abdomen was getting harder and harder to ignore. It just hurt so much that you were always so close but it was never close enough for you to reach your high.
And frankly Mikey's cock looked way too good and tasty to pass up. You licked up from his heavy balls up to his tip to then suck the salty precum that was leaking from his slit, god he tasted good, the Feeling of Mikey's cock in your mouth made the Feeling in your cunt only worse but you couldn't stop yourself, you had such bad self-control. Mikey looked down at you with his white hair coating his light pink cheeks. You suddenly heard groans from beside and behind you, they were fisting their cocks to the sight of you sucking someone else's cock, their boss's cock at that. They looked so needy watching your every move as sweat dripped from their faces. Mikey, without any warnings, shoved his cock down your throat and then proceeded to fuck it with some pretty groans escaping his lips.
"Mnggh!" You moaned around his cock, almost triggering his Release. But he pulled out before he could cum down your throat and came all over your pretty face instead. The other men didn't last long either. They All spurted their cum in thick white and sticky ropes on your body, you coughed and looked up at Mikey with doe eyes, practically begging him to let you cum.
He pulled his pants up as the other men did the same, and he started to walk to the exit door. "I don't think you've learned your lesson yet..you'll stay here till tomorrow morning." His cruel words hurt but not as bad as the ache in your pussy that was begging for Release. The other men followed but the haitani's stayed for a second behind to kiss your cheek "see ya tomorrow morning', dolly."
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