#I kept the reason for his coming back VAGUE but... it can go MULTIPLE ways that could vary from rp partner to partner!
hyaciiintho · 7 months
🌸。*゚+. A small little Romeo bio post under the cut since I still want to modify my google doc stuff, but for the sake of having his main bio out there-- ♡ This may change when I go to officially put his doc together, but for now, the general idea/vibes
Name: Romeo Collodi Nicknames/Titles: King of Puppets, Lampwick, Charming Age: ??? (Physically appears somewhere between 19-25) D.O.B: May 19th (Taurus ♉) Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality/Romanticism: Pansexual / Demiromantic Height: 7’2” Weight: 352 lbs Hair: Pale golden blond Eyes: Hazel (Blue-Brown starburst) Skin: Pale Associated Flowers: Yellow Stargazer Lilies & Purple Carnations Main tag: VERSE | MAIN 🌸 Romeo
“When the boy opened his eyes, he found himself sitting on a throne that he had not asked for. When he sought his friend of the past, he clung to his memories even though he knew there was no going back.”
For the longest time, Romeo could remember nothing of his life prior to becoming a puppet, thoughtless and powerless to steer the course of fate down a different path. Eyes remained watching, unable to fully process what they would witness, day in and day out. That is, until the day came that he woke up. By then, there had already been blood on his hands, countless innocent lives ended by a single command, given by his own self. 
Designed to bear the blame for such a tragedy, there was little Romeo could do to change what had been done. 
But he would do his best to fix it, as well as prevent what had yet to be done.
The crown had been a weight placed upon his head that he hadn’t wanted, but Romeo rose to the occasion all the same, taking lead and charging head first into the maws of death itself. Despite having not been himself at the time, Romeo could recall it all with excruciatingly painful detail. The guilt was sure to slowly eat away at him, but holding onto what precious little memories of his past that he had, he used it to drive his cause forward the best he could.
It was only natural that he would fall to the one who bore his dearest friend’s face– heart and soul lying dormant within a puppet vessel that would deliver his end like an angel delivering justice.
Finally… Romeo could rest; Finally, he could have true freedom.
Or at least, that’s what he had thought.
Once more, he had awoken, fixed and renewed, bearing a body that didn’t beg for the release of constant flames licking their way up and down his limbs at any given moment. No longer was his body plagued with the threat of overheating by merely existing, allowing the king to move about freely without the need of a larger, protective (cooling) shell. Whoever had fixed him had made sure to follow Geppetto’s chronicled notes with the utmost care.
Vaguely, he could recall a somewhat familiar voice whispering to him, though from where, he did not know.
Take care not to waste this second chance, brave one.
There was little doubt in his mind as to what his next goal would be: Fix what he had broken, and repay the kindness that had been given to him by paying it forward.
OTHER VERSES OF NOTE: Rose Estate Verse; Taking place in the time of his youth and past life, where a younger and more wilder Romeo lived in the Monad Charity House alongside his best friend, Carlo.
Stalker AU Verse; In which Romeo has graduated from the Rose Estate and become an esteemed Stalker of Krat, well on his way of achieving his and Carlo's dream: Becoming the greatest Stalkers Krat (and the world) has ever seen.
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kyriethesquishysquid · 9 months
Betrayal Never Felt So Good (König/Fem!Reader) Chapter 1
You can find Chapter 2 here, Chapter 3 here, Chapter 4 here, Chapter 5 here, and Chapter 6 here!
Summary: The reader is a military nurse currently employed by Shadow Company. She was sent out with a small team into the middle of nowhere to gain intel on the enemy, her presence only a precaution as it should have been an easy in-and-out mission. Unfortunately for the Shadow team, KorTac had also been working on a lead in the same area. One thing led to another and the reader was forced to watch as her team was slaughtered mercilessly. Rather than kill her as well, she was taken back as a hostage and kept captive by the group's colonel, König.
Word Count: ~8.5K
Rating: Mature (For Smut)
A/N: To preface this story - I’ve never played the storyline of any COD games, nor do I know a damn thing about the military, much less special forces, so there will be inaccuracies galore, but I hope you all enjoy it nonetheless! My take on König is somewhere between the headcanons of him being a ruthless psycho and a shy bean. Also, don’t come at me with complaints of this not being realistic, please. This is fanfic, loves. It doesn’t have to be realistic. Plus, if I was the one captured by this tree of a man and he was interested? Morals and reality be damned. I’m hopping on that train lmfao. Also, I wrote this entire thing in less than 24 hours and was too eager to post it to do a bunch of editing, so please excuse any errors!
Important Details: Occasional use of Y/N. Reader appearance is left vague but is described in little details such as being short (no exact height used), chubby, and with hair at least long enough to be pulled back. This story is essentially porn with plot, so literally over half of this is smut.
TW: Body shaming, violence, and attempted assault from random asshole #1. A few insecurities surrounding weight by the reader. Canon violence toward others by König. Super fast burn, unprotected sex, oral, fingering, Dom/Sub, multiple orgasms, squirting, creampie, suggested Stockholm syndrome (but really reader is just a touch-starved, thirsty bitch for Gentle!Giant König), pet names (in English and German), bad German translations bc I’m a lame monolingual American, no beta we die like the jackass Graves. Crappy Translations:
Ich werde dich mit deinen eigenen Eingeweiden füttern, bevor du diesen Satz beenden kannst! - I will feed you your own intestines before you can finish that sentence!
Maus- Mouse
Süßes mädchen - Sweet girl
Heilige Scheiße/Scheiße - Holy shit/shit
Mein schatz - My darling
Mein Gott - My god
Kleines - Little one
Verdammt, sieh dich an, kleine Maus - Damn, look at you, little mouse.
Oh, du kleine Füchsin! - Oh, you little vixen!
It was probably stupid. Scratch that, you knew it was stupid, but you couldn’t help but enjoy the company of the large Austrian man before you. Despite being the one to kidnap you and keep you tied up in this basement-like room for almost a full day now, the conversation had been flowing between you two like you were good friends. Maybe it was the gentle way he was treating you. Maybe it was the fact he’d kept his promises to you thus far. No matter the reason, you knew it was dangerous, this trust growing between you and him, but you were going to lean into it nonetheless.
“Hey, uh, I- I promise I’m not complaining but… why haven’t you, ya know, hurt me yet?” you asked softly. 
König let out a heavy sigh, his mask fluttering around his face temptingly before he dropped back into his chair. It was hard to see his eyes from across the room but you were certain he was staring at you nonetheless. His gaze was heavy anytime it was on you, palpable in a way that made goosebumps crawl over your skin. 
“You’ve given me no reason to,” he replied after a moment, “And, in all honesty, you weren’t our original target. In fact, it should have been anyone but you.”
You almost asked why, but he was quick to continue his explanation as if he hadn’t even stopped. 
“You’re a nurse, ja? A nurse who does not see combat often, according to the intel we’ve been able to gather about your team, and that means you have little to no information we need.”
A warmth crept up your neck as he casually talked about you as if you were nothing of import, essentially a useless captive. It made your heart sting in an odd way. 
“Ah… I see,” you hummed quietly. 
“So now, we wait until your squadmates come in for the rescue, and then we get what we need from them.” 
You managed a little nod but it stopped short when an embarrassingly loud rumble emanated from your stomach. Eyes widening, you nervously glanced his way to see if he’d caught it, only to find him getting to his feet. 
“My apologies. You’ve been here quite some time with nothing but water. Let me go grab something for you.”
Before you could argue, he was out in the hallway, instructing one of the guards to step inside and keep an eye on you until he returned. The instant the young brunette stepped into the room, something felt off. Why? You weren’t sure. Maybe it’s just because you’d grown used to the “comfort” of your kidnapper. More than likely though, it was the way he was staring at you. 
As you were stewing in your thoughts, trying to figure out your emotions, the man crossed the room and stopped at your feet with a laugh.  
“So, you’re the broad the colonel’s been hiding? Interesting.”
The man’s words were spit with pure vile and reeked of danger. You instinctively leaned away when he reached out for your face and the disobedience was quickly rewarded with a hefty smack, tearing a cry of shock from your lips. While the sting was painful, it was nothing worse than you’d experienced before. Unfortunately, you knew he wasn’t going to stop there, the leer in his eyes enough to make your stomach uneasy as he stalked in circles around you like a predator to its prey.
“A little round for my taste, but I can see it. The colonel must have a thing for soft and small. Probably because he’s a fucking mountain. Opposites attract and all that jazz,” he snickered, “Too bad the bastard is too scared to just take what he wants. But don’t worry sweetheart, I’m not a little bitch like him.”
Hearing him talk about König in such a way did weird things to your body. Anger began to rear its head. What kind of person talked about their commanding officer that way? You may not have been a full-blown soldier in the practical sense but you could never imagine speaking filth like that about your superiors. 
“Just because you lack the self-control to be a decent human like him doesn’t mean everyone does,” you bit out through a glare, “I wouldn’t touch you if you were the last human on earth.” 
He paused, eyebrows flying up in surprise, and, for one silly little moment, you’d thought you’d gotten through to him. Then reality struck hard with his fist across your face. A scream escaped your lips as the pain finally registered through the shock, your cheek aching to the heavens. 
“Now, see, you just had to go and be a smart ass. And here König talked about how compliant you were. Don’t tell me you got a hardon for the colonel, sweetheart,” he touted with a cackle, “And, for your information, it wasn’t a request. Either you can suck it up and make this easy, or I’ll take what I want either way.” 
Before he could do anything more, you tilted your head back and screamed, long and loud, for König. Of course that wasn’t allowed for very long. His second punch cut you off instantly, causing your vision to swim as you cried out again. You could hear him mutter something under his breath and you brought your eyes up only to find him drawing his fist back once more. 
You braced for impact, tears slipping down your cheeks through your clenched eyes, but the sound of a door crashing open interrupted his assault. The sound of a solid thud and a scream of pain tore your attention to the sudden group piling into the room, then more specifically to your captor-turned-savior pinning your assailant to the floor by one knee on the smaller man’s back, his arms wrenched behind him in a way that looked horrifying. He was snarling words in a mixture of German and English but you weren’t able to make out a single thing as you watched on in awe while he slammed the man’s face repeatedly into the concrete floor. 
“You are lucky I don’t kill you now!” König thundered, voice echoing through the room. 
“I- I’m sorry, I-”
“Nein! Ich werde dich mit deinen eigenen Eingeweiden füttern, bevor du diesen Satz beenden kannst!”  
Shivers crawled up your spine at the ruthless aggression in König’s voice. It was new, unexpected, and you were suddenly even more grateful not to have been on the receiving end of his anger. 
“Take him to his room and see to it that he does not leave. I will deal with him later,” König hissed, shoving the now bruised and bloody soldier toward the two at the door. 
“Yes, colonel, right away, sir.”
The moment the door closed, he deflated, shoulders slumping as he pinched the bridge of his nose and muttered something under his breath. You watched carefully as he closed the gap between the two of you. 
“I’m sorry, maus, are you hurt?” 
And instantly, it was like that war-hardened soldier had never existed, replaced once again by the gentleman you’d spent the last few hours with. You shook your head slightly and watched him kneel before you. A little smile twitched up the corners of your lips in amusement as you realized he was still taller on his knees than you were sitting in the chair.
“Nothing that I can’t handle anyway,” you replied quietly, voice trailing off as his hands cupped your face gently.
His touch was tender in ways you hadn’t expected as he shifted your head around, taking in the damage with a sigh. Thankfully, other than a sore and swollen cheek, that asshole hadn’t gotten the chance to do anything more before König had returned. 
“Thank you.” 
The giant before you froze, looking as surprised as you felt. Had you really just thanked your captor? Face warming, you watched him watch you. You could have taken it back, but not only would that have been weird, it would have been a lie. Because as far as hostage situations went, this was the best one you could imagine, and he had just saved you from one of his own when he could have turned a blind eye. Instead, you waited patiently for him to react.
“Hurting someone defenseless is cowardly,” he muttered lowly.
So the infamously ruthless König had an honor code. Interesting. That explained a lot, really. If it weren’t for the fact you’d seen him kill multiple of your allied Shadows with a brutality unparalleled, you’d think he wasn’t the revered Operator he really was. The silence grew in leaps and bounds, a strange charge in the air between you, until the moment was interrupted by another untimely growl of your stomach.
“Ah, yes, food!”
He grabbed a brown paper bag from beside the door and brought it over only to pause once he was in front of you once more. 
Confused, you watched on as his eyes darted around you in obvious thought before you finally broke the silence with a soft, “König?”
As if snapped out of a trance, he rushed over and snagged the black folding chair from across the room just to plop it loudly on the floor at your feet. He quickly took a seat and started opening the bag.
“I apologize but I can’t exactly unbind you,” he spoke softly, “Not yet, anyway.”
Your heart began to race at the implication. He was going to feed you. It was hard to decipher how you felt about it, a potent mixture of surprise, adoration, lust, and embarrassment hitting you all at once. 
“O-Oh, okay,” you mumbled.
Eyes lowering, you watched in interest as he carefully peeled an apple and cut it into bite-sized slices with a fancy-looking pocket knife. It was hilarious how tiny his massive hands made the fruit seem. All humor drained from your thoughts when he picked up a piece and slowly brought it your way. 
König’s eyes were wide beneath the sniper hood when you glanced up but you quickly dropped your gaze once more self-consciously as you parted your lips. Before you could stop it, a mortifying moan of delight fled your lips as you crunched into the deliciously sweet fruit, but you couldn’t find enough fucks to care as the hunger in your belly ramped up. When he picked up the next piece, you preemptively opened your mouth in wait. 
This continued on for quite some time in a comfortable silence until you swallowed the last piece and you almost whined at the loss. Thankfully, it seemed he wasn’t done. He snagged a block from the bag next and your mouth watered as you finally realized it was a brick of cheese. Surprising, but delicious and welcomed nonetheless. The cheese passed much quicker as it was a small chunk and you couldn’t help but watch in elation as he grabbed another thing from the bag. It appeared to be the last of the food because he crumbled up the paper sack and tossed it aside before opening up the little red box. 
“Do you like dark chocolate?” he asked suddenly. 
A grin spread across your lips as you nodded a little too eagerly. 
“Of course!”
You couldn’t tell for certain, thanks to the mask, but you were sure he smiled with the way his eyes crinkled at the corners. Why was that cute? That shouldn’t have been cute. 
“These are from Germany,” he explained warmly, “A brand called Schogetten.” 
He broke off one of the small pieces and brought it to your already parted lips. As the sweet morsel melted across your tongue, you went limp in disbelief, a little whine muffled in your closed mouth. You don’t know if it was because you hadn’t eaten in almost a day, or if it was the fact it was different than your usual chocolate back home, but the flavor was unparalleled. If all your dignity hadn’t already gone through the window, you wouldn’t have certainly lost it for that chocolate. 
Piece after piece, he fed you dutifully and silently, until you were too full for more. 
“I’m- I’m glad you enjoyed that.”
His voice was low, huskier than before, and it sent flutters through your heart. 
Feeling much more relaxed and comfortable, you had to smile back in response, carefully nudging your foot against his much larger boot. 
“Thank you for sharing it with me,” you replied.
That familiar weight of his gaze was on you once more but it didn’t take long to figure out why, one hand reaching out and steadying your face while his other thumb came to wipe your bottom lip. 
“You have some chocolate here,” he mumbled.
It was sweet of him to help when you would have had no way of knowing. The feelings of adoration dissolved into something much darker when his hand went beneath his hood and you heard the audible pop of his thumb leaving his mouth. 
It seemed he realized what he was doing at the same time as you, his posture going rigid as his eyes widened. A soft curse left him as he suddenly jerked his hand back down. 
“I apologize. I don’t know what came over me.” 
Fuck. Was this Stockholm syndrome? Did that set in this quickly? It wasn’t exactly a topic you’d researched much in your nursing classes. If it was… it certainly wasn’t a bad feeling. 
Biting your lower lip, you tried to steady your breath as the flutters in your chest grew stronger. 
“It’s okay,” you assured him.
Another bout of silence filled the space between you both, but this time you were practically vibrating in your seat from the anxious excitement thumping in your veins. As you stared into his half-lidded eyes, your thoughts went wild. 
What was going to happen now? There was a static charge in the air and it made your skin bump up. How long did you have before your team came? Were they coming? Did you even want them to come now? 
Your thoughts were brought to a screeching halt when he lunged forward, hands cradling your face carefully as his mouth smashed painfully hard against yours. It was a delicate juxtaposition and your brain took a few long seconds to register what was happening, but the instant you realized he was kissing you, you melted into it with a moan. The scratch of the hood against your lips was a unique texture but not entirely unpleasant, although you’d much rather have his lips bare. 
The chair creaked with a loud groan as you tipped forward, eager for more of the Austrian and frustrated by the rope keeping you bound. 
A huff of annoyance slipped out as you snapped beneath your breath, “Fucking rope!”
“Süßes mädchen,” König groaned low in his throat.
He pulled away just as suddenly as he’d started and you actually did whine out at that, not caring how pitiful you sounded, until you saw him take out the pocketknife. Fear bubbled acridly in your throat as you swallowed hard, eyes pinned to the blade as he flicked it out. König hadn’t hurt you yet. There was no reason to think he would now… right? 
It became painfully obvious that your intuition was right when he stepped behind you and fingered the ropes. 
“Stay still, maus, I don’t want to hurt you.”
You did as instructed and we were rewarded with the freedom to move as the rope snapped and fell away. With a long, loud, groan, you leaned back and stretched up to the ceiling, a dopey smile painted on your face as you loosened all the stiff muscles. As you relaxed back into the chair, you found König in front of you once more, almost looking nervous in his stiff posture. 
“Thank you,” you said warmly. 
When you stood, you were made acutely aware of just how short you were compared to him. You’d known he was tall but seeing him now, how far you had to crane your neck back to meet his gaze, it was so different. 
“I’m trusting you not to try anything.”
His voice was tight, whether from excitement or worry you weren’t sure, and you immediately knew how you wanted to prove your trustworthiness. Grabbing one of his massive hands in both of yours, you pulled him over to the cot in the back corner of the room. It was almost comical how easily he followed you and allowed you to push him to sit on the bed but, as you stepped between his knees and got face to face, there was no denying who was actually in charge when your eyes met. If his physical presence wasn’t enough to deter you, the power in those beautiful blues was reminder enough. 
“I think I owe you, for being so kind and for saving me,” you whispered, hands cupping his jaw to mimic the hold he’d had on you, “If that’s okay, sir.” 
When he didn’t stop you, you took the chance to kiss him again. It was even better the second time around. The groan he let out against your lips was pornographic and you found your knees weakening as his arms wrapped around your thighs, hands resting right below your ass. It didn’t take long for your desire to overwhelm your thoughts and you broke the kiss with a gasp of air, carefully lowering to your knees between his legs. What you weren’t expecting was the absolute mind fuck it was to see such a big man looming above you, nor the way seeing his thick thighs on either side of your head would make your pussy throb. 
“Well, süßes mädchen?” he teased, leaning back onto his hands. 
What a sight that was; Black shirt pulled so tight across his body that every ridge of his muscles bumped through, dark green cargo pants now sporting a growing bulge, the intensity of his gaze staring you down with something akin to amusement and delight. 
You could feel your hands shaking as you reached up. What little confidence you had previously was beginning to wane at the realization that you were going to actually be allowed to touch this adonis of a man. Taking a deep breath, you steeled your nerves and got on with it. To his credit, König didn’t push you to speed it up. In fact, he praised you softly with each touch. By the time you were pulling on his boxers to get his cock out, you were beyond soaked and arousal hummed like a bee through your body. The way it slapped against his stomach once free didn’t help your predicament one single bit. 
“Holy shit.”
You weren’t a virgin by any means but the size of him made you pause in shock. Of course. A giant man would have a giant cock. What else did you expect? It was surprisingly beautiful too; surrounded by trimmed blonde hair, thick, long, and curved, flushed tip leaking and just begging to be sucked. 
Swallowing hard, you let your fingers wrap around him and moaned when your fingers didn’t meet. If you were lucky enough to do more than suck him off, you were going to be sore… blissfully, happily, sore. 
“Ah, scheiße, ja. That’s it, maus,” he purred, cock twitching in your hand. 
Your face warmed under the praise. Leaning forward on your knees, you braced your hand against one of his thick thighs before bringing your lips to the tip of his cock, pressing a gentle kiss to the sensitive skin. The hiss he drew in was delightfully guttural. You needed to hear more of him, needed to earn that praise and pay him back for his unprovoked kindness. Slowly, you moved down his cock, planting kiss after kiss until you came to the base. He was nearly vibrating with need when you finally poked your tongue out, tracing up the veins branching along the underside. 
With the way his body tensed, you’d almost thought you’d done something wrong but then his hand was in your hair, pulling it back as he guided your mouth to his head again. 
“Stop teasing or I’ll bend you across my lap, Y/N,” he commanded gruffly. 
The way your name sounded coming from his lips was deadlier than any poison. You wanted to hear it again and again, whispered in your ears and against your skin. Fuck. 
Oh, and the mental images. How did you tell him that you wouldn’t mind him spanking you at all? Hmm, an option for later, maybe? Pushing the thoughts aside, you finally gave in to your temptations and licked up the precum around his head before taking him into your mouth. 
“Heilige Scheiße!” 
His moan was heavenly in the most sinful ways, only rivaled by the little breathless whimpers he let out as you hollowed out your cheeks and slowly sucked him down. You knew there was no way you’d be able to fit the entirety of him, your jaw already aching from the stretch, but you were going to fit as much as humanly possible. Inch by difficult inch, you took him until he was pressing dangerously hard against your throat. Unfortunately, you couldn’t get your body to relax enough to take him in- your body’s self-preservation too strong- but you quickly thought of a loophole. 
Pulling back suddenly, you gasped out, “Push me down.”
Giving him a coy smile, you said, “I know I can’t push past my body’s limits, but you can fix that. I want you in my throat so, please, just… push me down?”
His entire being shuddered and he took in a sharp breath as if he were going to argue, but finally, he relented with a nod. Flashing him a wink, you wrapped your lips around him once more.
“Take a breath,” he instructed softly. 
You barely got a lungful in before he arched into your face. Tears welled up in your eyes as he thrust in deep, saliva pooling in your mouth as you gagged around him, but you were able to relax just enough for him to push through. Mortification clawed at your brain as both tears and drool spilled out the instant he began to fuck your mouth, but worse was the embarrassing noises that escaped your throat. Thankfully he didn’t seem as perturbed by them, possibly even enjoying them if his groans were any indication. 
Blinking away the tears, you looked up at him and were rewarded with a pained moan.
“Scheiße, kleines maus, you look so perfect like this,” he groaned, “That pretty little mouth feels so- ah- so good.”
When he let you up, you inhaled a quick breath before going back down. Now feeling more comfortable with the sensations, you brought your hands back into play, one pumping the base of his cock while the other wiggled beneath his boxers to stroke his balls. It wasn’t long before you could hear little frantic whimper leaving his lips. The way his breath hitched and his fingers tightened painfully in your hair told you all you needed. You quickened your pace and played into the sucking noises that he seemed to relish. 
“A-Ah, fuck, I’m going to cum. B-Bitte. Bitte, bitte, bitte. Don’t stop!”
A flush of heat rushed through your core and you couldn’t help but moan around him. Something about hearing such a powerful man reduced to a pleasured mess was both arousing and flattering. His strangled gasp was the only warning you got before he slammed you down, hips arching into your face as his cock throbbed in your throat. 
Eyes burning and throat aching, you managed to pull up just enough to breathe and used your saliva to pump his cock faster. 
“Come for me, König, please,” you begged him weakly before taking him in your mouth again, your tongue laving his head lovingly. 
Almost instantly, he broke, rope after rope of cum filling your mouth as he groaned your name. As you looked up at him, you wished you could see his face, see more than just the squint of his eyes as you sucked him dry. Unfortunately, you knew you couldn’t ask that of him… yet. Maybe if you were lucky enough to be around him more, eventually you could earn that trust. 
It wasn’t until he was shuddering and tugging on your hair that you finally pulled back, content that he’d ridden out that wave as long as he could. A satisfied smile curled up your lips as you leaned your head against his thigh and watched him intently. The heavy rise and fall of his chest was enrapturing. What would it feel like to curl up against him and use those muscles as a pillow? 
You were torn from your daydreams when he patted his other thigh. 
“Up, now,” he demanded. 
Lifting your brows in shock, you let him guide you up onto the cot and sat on his thighs as commanded. 
“Yes, sir?” you asked curiously. 
König didn’t answer. Instead, a hand came to the back of your skull and jerked you forward while he sat up, a squeal of shock escaping as you fell against him hard. Before you could question him, a mouth was over yours. A decidedly bare mouth. No hood to impede it. Realization sent a shiver through your body and you couldn’t help but reach up and hold his jaw. Prickles of a shadow beard tickled your palms and fingers with each caress. There was no denying his jaw was strong, angular almost, as you soaked in the sensations. God you wanted to see him even more now. Your exploration was cut short when you felt the breach of a tongue between your lips and a hand between your thighs simultaneously. 
“König,” you gasped out softly against his mouth.
The chuckle he let out caused your core to clench in need.
“You didn’t think that I was done with you, did you, maus?”
He didn’t give you the chance to respond, tongue filling your mouth with vigor as you melted into him. You were suddenly very thankful that you’d been captured in your pajamas when his hand slipped easily beneath the elastic waist of your silky shorts. He let out a hungry groan when his fingers came into direct contact with your skin. 
“No panties?” he asked, amusement and lust heavy in his voice, “How lucky for me.” 
His words made you blush but the embarrassment was easily forgotten when one long finger ran down your cunt, tracing your slit in teasing strokes. 
“You’re already so wet, mein schatz.”
A broken snicker fled your lips as he tenderly slid two fingers between your lips and you whimpered out, “It’s not my fault you’re- fuck!” 
“I’m what?” he teased.
He made it impossible to respond, the calloused pad of his fingers making little swirls around your nub, just on the right side of not enough. 
“You-You’re, fuck, you’re- Ugh, you’re making it hard to talk!” you squeaked out. 
König let out a long rumbling laugh that felt way too nice against your chest. 
“Try, maus, tell me what you’re thinking.”
“Fuck, you’re so sweet, and you’re big, and your eyes are beautiful, and- and-” a pitiful squeal interrupted your train of thought when he slowly slipped a single finger into your cunt. 
“Annnd?” he purred. 
“I love your voice, fuck, I could listen to you read a dictionary!” you groaned.
“Mmm, good girl.”
Your knees went weak and your cunt clenched around his finger as your eyes flew open to meet his in surprise. 
“Ah, you like that, hmm? You like to hear what a good girl you’re being for me?” he asked, not-so-subtly grinding up against you with an already hardening bulge, “You’re being absolutely perfect, mein schatz. This little cunt gripping so tight. Almost as tight as your throat was on my cock. I’m almost afraid to take you.”
“No, please, please do, please! I can take it!” 
“Oooh, I know you can, süßes mädchen, don’t worry,” he hummed, quickening his finger as he twisted his palm to rest against your clit. 
Your forehead fell against his shoulder in utter defeat as you lost all inhibitions, grinding down against his palm with each thrust he gave. It was ridiculous how close you already felt with so little stimulation but there was no denying the ways your walls were flutter around him. Pleasure swirled through your core, growing tighter and tighter, until all you could think about was how fucking good he felt and how you wanted his cock in you, now.
A needy whimper fell from your lips when he suddenly pulled his hand away and you jerked back in his lap to stare at him in disbelief. 
Your voice went silent as you watched the way his tongue cleaned up his glistening fingers with a moan. Fuck. That was it. You were good and ruined. 
“I want to make sure you are good and ready, mein schatz, so lay down for me.”
Before you could even move, he picked you up as if you were nothing and dumped you onto the cot. It took a second for your brain to catch up, too shocked by the show of strength, and by then he was lying on the comically small bed on his stomach, mouth pressing hungry kisses to the insides of your soft thighs. 
“Mein Gott, you are so beautiful,” he groaned quietly, “So soft. So sweet.”
Instinctively, you slapped your hands over your face and let out a whine. No way was this beast of a man not only going down on you, but he was going to kill you with compliments while he did it. 
Almost instantly, your hands were thrown aside and you gaped at him in confusion, only to see his full lips curved up into a smirk, mask tucked behind his ears to expose even more of his beautiful features.
“None of that now. You will not hide from me. I want to see that pretty face when I make you scream.” 
Yep. You were dead. Dead and gone to heaven. When they raided the camp, you had just been killed with all your allies and this was some fucked up kind of reward for all your good deeds. 
All existential thoughts were wiped clean from your mind when you felt him tugging your shorts down. You quickly helped him, unable to stop the giggle that escaped when he tossed them aside with a curse. And then you were bare before him. He looked like a man starved and you were given no warning before he dived in. 
“Oh, fuck!” you gasped. 
Big hands wrapped around your thighs and tugged you closer, throwing your legs over his shoulders before moving to part your lips for his tongue. Before you could get used to the sensation, he thrust two fingers in your cunt, punching all the air from your lungs. 
“Scheiße kleines,” he groaned against your skin, “You taste so good. I could live between these thighs.” 
It was all too much. The swirl of his tongue on your clit, the girth of his fingers pressing oh-so-perfectly against that sweet spot only your toys could reach, the feel of his facial hair scraping against your sensitive skin. And then he added a third finger into the mix. 
“Ho-Holy fuck! König, ohmygodfuck!” 
You nearly collapsed in around him but he was quick to catch your legs, holding them apart with a hand and elbow on either side, his forearm pressing deliciously against your lower belly. That pressure alone sent you rocketing to the edge. Instinctively you reached down to grab his hair, only to come into contact with the fabric, and you couldn’t help but whine in frustration. You really wanted to touch him more. 
As if understanding your plight, he slowed until only his fingers were pumping in and out and lifted slightly. Something was brewing in his beautiful blues when they met your gaze. 
“I can’t take off the mask, mein schatz, I’m sorry,” he sighed. 
“It-It’s okay!” you assured him quickly, “I understand!” 
Despite your words, he kept staring at you, the sounds of his fingers sliding through your arousal the only noise in the room. 
“Here, close your eyes for a moment.”
You did as told, swallowing hard in anticipation, and then his hand grabbed yours. Your heart felt like it was trying to escape your chest as he guided your fingers below the hood into his short hair. It was a bit longer than you expected, having thought he would have a regulation military fade cut, and softer. 
“Thank you,” you whispered, tears invading your closed eyes. 
“Of course, maus.”
How in the actual fuck was this stranger- a literal mass killer- you’d met a day ago more in tune with your needs and willing to compromise than literally any other man you’d been with? 
A gasp tore from your throat, harsh and raw, when he immediately returned to his previous act. Somehow it was even more intense after the brief break; frantic, almost painful. 
“König, pl-please. Don’t stop!” 
His moan was the only response you got. Rather than take your words as an invitation to go harder or faster like most did, he listened and listened well, keeping the same even pace, building you steadily higher and higher. Words and thoughts became impossible, incoherent pleading and wanton moans the only sounds you could make as you began to shake around him. Your fingers snarled in his locks in a way that was probably painful but you couldn’t find the wherewithal to stop. 
“Ja, that’s it, maus,” he demanded, “Be a good girl and come for me.” 
Within seconds, that ever-tightening knot in your gut broke. You tried to scream but the pleasure left you mute, lips parted in a silent cry of his name as wave after wave of ecstasy rolled through your being. When your breath finally came, so did the tears. 
“Fuckfuckfuckfuck, so- mm!- so good!” 
Just as it became too much, he lifted from your pussy with a heady groan. 
“Verdammt, sieh dich an, kleine Maus.” 
The moment the orgasm haze started to clear, you reached down and snagged his shirt, tugging on it to get him over you. He relented with a little chuckle when you whined his name. 
“Are you okay?” he asked softly, clean fingers gently tracing along your jawline. 
“Okay? The fuck you think? I’m absolutely dead in the best way,” you giggle, finally opening your eyes to meet his, “But… I still want you.” 
Wrapping your legs around his hips, you reached up at the same time and carefully pushed the hood back up, just enough to reveal his lips, your own curving up into a gleeful smile as you saw them. 
“Can I?” you asked hesitantly.
His answer came as the brutal crush of his lips on yours, pulling a moan from deep in your chest. As his tongue dominated yours, you took the initiative to reach between your bodies and palmed his cock, delighting in the way he whined. 
“Please, please fuck me,” you begged against his mouth.
“Couldn’t refuse you even if I wanted to,” he hummed back. 
You helped guide him as he lowered his hips to yours, unable to stop the gasp that escaped when you felt his fat head against your entrance. 
“You’re sure?” he asked suddenly. 
Brows furrowing, you dug your nails into his neck lightly and pulled him into another hungry kiss. 
“If you don’t fuck me, I might die.” 
That earned a warm laugh, a laugh that made your insides light up too bright, and a swift smack to the ass. 
“Well, we wouldn't want that, now would we?” 
When he began to push in, you tried so hard to keep your eyes open, wanting to see the expression in his, but it was too overwhelming. Despite his thorough prep, it’d been quite a dry spell for hookups due to work and it didn’t help that he was absolutely massive. It was a stretch, to say the least, but it hurt in all the best ways. 
“Oh mein gott,” König hissed into your mouth, “You are so tight, Y/N.” 
You couldn’t help but laugh.
“I’m pretty sure you’re just hung, big guy,” you teased through shaky breaths, “It’s- It’s good though.” 
“So fucking good.”
The metallic tang of blood filled your mouth when he suddenly caught your lips again, this time with too much teeth and force, but it only made you moan. The pain of a split lip was nothing compared to the delight of his cock stretching your walls. It felt like forever until his hips were against yours, but once they finally were, you were already needing more. You tried to rock your hips into him only for him to stop you with a bruising grip and a dark growl. His eyes were predatory when you found them and it lit another kind of fire in your belly. 
“Dont. Do. That,” he bit out gruffly, “Don’t move. Give me a second, mein schatz, or it’s going to be over far too soon.”
Pride fluttered to life in your chest at his admission and you couldn’t help but grin, earning another cheeky smack. 
“You’re enjoying this? My pain?” he teased warmly. 
You pouted slightly but couldn’t maintain the look, too enraptured by his pretty blues. 
“I have to admit that it feels good to know you’re as affected as me,” you whispered. 
He groaned, forehead falling against yours, and muttered, “You have no idea, my love. You feel- Gott, I can’t even describe it. I’ve never felt someone who fit me so perfectly.” 
Lips quirking up into a teasing smile, you replied, “I guess you’ll have to keep me around then, hmm? Because I can promise you, you’ve ruined all other men for me at this point.” 
König groaned and his hips rutted eagerly at your words. 
“Don’t tempt me, süßes mädchen,” he moaned, “I would love nothing more than to steal you and keep you here, all mine, to have whenever I wanted.” 
As he spoke, you fell more and more in love with the idea. And why shouldn’t you? This was the most romance you’d experienced in years, all your previous conquests being quick flings with soldiers who barely qualified as friends. König was the first one to truly see you in years. 
“Oh, don’t look at me like that, maus, you’re making this hard.” 
Biting your lower lip, you tested a little wiggle against his hips and were elated when he allowed it. 
“I’m already here, König, who says you have to let me go?” you whispered, “For all they know, I’m just another casualty.”
Logically you knew you shouldn’t feed into the delusion plaguing you both right now, but fuck did you want it. Something about the idea of being at his beck and call, being allowed to please him whenever either of you wanted, was a deliciously dangerous option. 
Suddenly, he drew out his hips and slammed back in with a strangled grunt. 
“You want that, hmm? Want to be my personal little whore, maus?”
The way you clenched around him made you both whimper and you instantly wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him down into a heated kiss. 
“Yes, yes, please! Wanna be allowed to have you whenever,” you whined, “Want you to use me.” 
Your nails found his shoulders and dug into the firm muscles there as the sound of your bodies meeting clouded the room. But you needed more, needed to feel more of him. Logically you knew you both needed to stay as clothed as possible, considering you could be interrupted any moment, but you couldn’t resist the urge to touch him. Slipping your hands under the hem of his shirt, you slid your nails up the length of his back, dragging the material with you until it gathered at his shoulders and you were granted the absolutely stunning visual of his abdomen clenching with each thrust of his hips. 
“God you’re beautiful,” you gasped out subconsciously. 
The noise König let out was unholy, deep and keening, as his fingers tightened on your hips once more. Even through the haze of bliss, you could see the way his cheeks lit bright red. It would be cute if he weren’t currently fucking you silly.  
“That’s-That’s my line, maus,” he chuckled breathlessly. 
Eyes trailing back up to his, you couldn’t resist leaning up as you pulled him down against you once more, your lips finding his ear with a little moan. 
“Then we’re both beautiful, König, because- fuck!” 
His pace grew brutal without warning as he shifted and suddenly it felt like he was slamming right against your cervix, the sharp pinch of pain making you yelp in surprise. It was clear the praise was doing something, a fact you stored away in your memory for later. Then he hit your cervix again. You almost tried to pull back until his hand left your hip, coming between your bodies to rub gentle circles across your clit. Fuck and that made the pain more than worth it. 
“Kö-König, close, please, just-” 
He groaned lowly and grunted out, “I know, I know. I’ve got you, mein schatz. Just relax and let go for me.” 
You finally released your hold on his back only to cup his jaw and draw him into a frantic kiss, panting out half-mumbled half-screamed moans as he tongued at your mouth. It was all too much. It was the best thing you’d ever experienced. When your climax finally hit, it felt like the world turned up on end. Collapsing back on the bed, you slapped a hand over your mouth to somewhat muffle the scream that escaped, but König had none of that. One big hand collected both of yours and pinned them to the bed by your wrists. 
“No! Let me hear what I do to you,” he snarled, “I want to hear every pretty little sound!”.
Looking up through wet eyelashes, you couldn’t stop the enamored smile that crossed your lips even as you whimpered for him. He looked so fucking good over you. What you wouldn’t give to see that sight every damn day. 
“Why are you so smiley?” he asked, amusement lacing his tone as he slowed his pace. 
“Just really fucking happy,” you giggled softly, “You feel so damn good and look just as amazing.” 
König’s lips twitched into a half smile before he shifted in place, keeping your hands pinned while he carefully lifted one leg up over his shoulder. Before he even moved, you could tell your body was going to resist the change in depth. Not that you would stop him. He could demand you attempt a headstand while he fucked you and you’d do it.  
“Oh FUCK!”
Your shriek earned a broken moan from the man above you but it didn’t stop him for even a moment, hips slamming into you with purpose. Fingers curling tight, you dug your nails into his hand and bit your lip hard to keep a hold of your senses, though it was for naught. The way his fat cock buried into your tight walls over and over was more than you could handle. You wanted to beg him to stop and to keep going until you died. 
“So tight for me, süßes mädchen,” he groaned huskily as his free hand came back to your clit, “One more.” 
“Eh!?” you gasped in disbelief. 
He grunted out a laugh and said, “Come for me, one more time. I want to feel you coming again before this is over.” 
You shook your head violently and retorted, “I can’t.” 
Even as you said it, he was easily proving your words wrong with his gentle stroking contrasting with the way he pounded your swollen cunt. His fingers tightened until it felt like your wrists would break under the force and yet you couldn’t find it in you to care, all self-preservation long gone. 
“You can and you will, mein schatz. I am nothing but a patient man.”
A pathetic whimper tumbled from your parted lips as you panted for breath beneath the exhaustion of it all. Suddenly though, he slows, releasing your hands and letting your leg fall aside. 
“König, wh-”
He silences you as he falls completely over you once more, the heavy feeling of his body against yours making you sigh happily. It only takes a moment to realize his reasoning, hands pushing your hair away while plush lips begin kissing along your neck. 
“Mmmm,” you hummed softly, fingers slipping up the back of his hood to find his hair again, “That feels incredible.” 
“You taste incredible,” he replied through a mouthful of your flesh, “Though, I must admit, my intentions aren’t so pure.”
Before you could ask what he meant, he bit down hard, hard enough that you reflexively yanked on his hair and screeched. The pain dulled to a low throb when he started licking and sucking over the wound, and you clenched hard around him when he rolled his hips into yours. 
“You’re gonna kill me,” you whined breathlessly. 
“Only with pleasure, maus,” he said with a chuckle, “Would never hurt a hair on this pretty little head.” 
Your heart fluttered traitorously at that. Deciding to return the favor, you moved aside his hood enough to reveal his thick, pale, neck and started kissing along the warm flesh. 
“Ah, s-scheiße.”
Poking your tongue out, you traced a line up to his ear and moaned at the taste of salt and skin. Even his sweat was driving you crazy. What was this man doing to you?  
The slow motions quickly turned into something much more primal when you wrapped your legs around his waist and sunk your teeth into his throat. 
“Oh, du kleine Füchsin!”
Groaning, you released his neck and whispered, “Fuck, I love hearing you talk.” 
“Then I shall talk to you,” he grunted through moans, “What should I say? Should I tell you how good you feel, how perfect you grip me? That I never want to leave this tight little cunt? How divine you look when you’re drunk on my cock?”
Despite your earlier protests, you could feel another orgasm brewing fast under his words and you let him know. 
“Ja, you going to come for me, aren’t you, schatz?”
“Oh god yeah, yes, please, keep- keep-” 
You pulled his hair taut as your limbs drew him in close, silently demanding to feel every inch of his body against yours, and his name spilled from your lips like a mantra. This one came up just as fast but much calmer, creeping up silently and taking you by surprise with its voracity. Something deep inside you snapped and you could feel your arousal gush down your cunt, coating your cheeks and the cloth beneath you. 
“Fuck, mein schatz, where- mein Gott, where do you want it?” he gasped out as you clenched around him. 
You didn’t even give it a second thought, locking your legs and pulling him into a ravenous kiss. 
“In me, please, I’m- I’m on birth control. I need to feel it in me,” you whined weakly into his mouth. 
His curses were muffled by your lips but their intensity wasn’t lost on you, the mumbled praises only adding to the flush on your skin. You bit his lower lip gently and suckled all while your nails scraped against his scalp and shoulders, doing your best to pull him under with you. 
“Oh, that’s my girl. My good girl,” he snarled, “Mine. All mine!” 
Stars burst behind your eyes as he buried his cock as far as possible in your walls, the throbbing sending little pulses of ecstasy through your veins as you tried hard to focus on working him through it. You only hoped you could return even a fraction of the bliss he put you through. 
A long, loud groan reverberated through the now silent walls as he went limp- though stubbornly keeping all his weight from pressing on you- and you had to smile to yourself, fingers now playing through his soft strands gently, in a silent apology for nearly ripping them out. 
“I’m going to move, hold onto me,” he instructed you quietly. 
You did as asked but the way he flipped your bodies over was still a shock. You instinctively tried to lift off of him only to be jerked back down, massive arms locking around you and holding you to his chest. 
“You are not going to hurt me, Y/N,” he murmured, “Rest. Relax.”
“O-Okay,” you whispered.
Face red, you fought all those negative inner thoughts away and gave in, earning a content little sigh from the big man. 
“You know, I never thought I’d have the best sex of my life while being a captive,” you joked easily, turning your head to rest your chin on your forearm, allowing you to observe him closely, “Where have you been all my life?” 
Your head bobbled like a boat on the ocean with each hearty laugh that left him and your heart clenched in delight at the pure joy in his eyes. 
“Waiting for you apparently, maus, took you long enough to get here.”
There was something strange in the way he looked at you, the tenderness in his touch as he held your face and stroked your lips, but your cockdrunk, touch-hungry, brain decided it couldn’t care less. All that mattered was how it made you feel, and God did it ever make you feel perfect.
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ornisapiens · 1 year
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Some drafts of a peraxil based fan-character for Serina. The silhouette is newer and better looking, so it goes first. I’ve included a human to illustrate Timber’s height, and made them hold hands as if he’s touring Earth’s cities and asking lots of questions. The sketch is from a spontaneous stream I did during December from memory, hence why his body was rounder and his face finchier than the species of his inspiration. Since I don’t use a mic, notes were sketched on canvas or typed into chat. Details were kept on the vague side as I didn’t want to raise hopes and let people down in case this ended up in the trash bin. It also plays a little bit with the canon like taffy candy.
So... to reiterate Timber’s origins, he popped into my head while I was reading the project via text-to-speech as a narrator character with a penchant for weather forecasts. He speaks with a playful cadence and doesn’t always pronounce words the way we do. Think if Microsoft Mark had a little more emotional/tonal range and that’s roughly the pitch and texture for him.
Timber is an outdoorsy dude largely by obligation, since he has nowhere else to be if not hunkered inside temporary shelter, built or found. Through a combination of his sapience, its ensuing isolation, and sheer boredom, Timber occupied himself with skill-building activities that would eventually aid him on his journeys. He seldom stays in one place, driven by his stomach and a need to satisfy his curiosity of the world around him. It began with uncovering a bug he’d never seen before, which was an unexpected and positive outcome of his father driving him away from the family. It was then he really took in the sight of his surroundings, the trees thinned out to open skies, and he didn’t know why. He has seen biomes that his species hasn’t, with a preference for temperatures slightly warmer than his native habitat. On occasion, some of his rounds bring him back home and he can be seen swinging through the branches.
It doesn’t mean he feels entirely at home with other whitecloaks, and not for a lack of trying. The species’ familial structure comprising of one territorial male with multiple females and their offspring has proven prohibitive, he would relearn painfully. He fathered some chicks with an individual who was temporarily separated from her group, under the assumption she was alone. Timber would then be a dad solely in a biological manner when his mate’s presumed male found them both shortly after the encounter. The shouting match had been brief, one-sided, and profoundly embarrassing for Timber as he chose to retreat. How can you argue with someone who will never understand you for reasons beyond any living beings’ control? None of his offspring would display behaviours indicative of his spark, so he couldn’t recognize his chicks if they were to meet at all.
It would not be the last unpleasant encounter he’s had with anything, but those are for another time. Below are more general notes.
Timber’s favourite foods are insects and other metamorph species larvae. With some exceptions he’ll eat just about any arthropod, exoskeleton and all. He’d probably do handstands and sing the alphabet backwards to get some lobster from you.
Meeting other sophonts would make him squeak and gesticulate happily, if it’s safe to do so. While his intentions are good, he can come across as insensitive in his questions concerning social norms, traditions, and physical traits.
Humans would make his head spin. Our jaws, forward-set eyes, and ear structure are especially uncanny and interesting to him. He will look you up and down with one eye.
He’ll bring snails and or hug a friend to comfort them. If neither is an option, he’ll apologize and scramble to try something else.
Timber’s OCEAN index scores are highly open, mid to highly conscientious, highly extraverted, highly agreeable, and mid neurotic. If we’re going by human standards, that is.
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killian-whump · 2 years
Dream Colin not only paid me a visit last night, he stuck around for HOURS and we LARPed like total nerds and it was a lot of fun.
First, some stuff to help you understand my dreams: My dreams are usually semi-lucid and have a continuing vibe to them. Like, there’s multiple “worlds” or realities they tend to take place in, and the basic structure/characters of those worlds remain the same whenever they’re visited. Events tend to build on each other, as well, so I’ll “remember” something that happened in a previous dream as something that happened previously in that world. The semi-lucidity means I’m often aware that what’s happening isn’t “real” - sometimes I’m aware it’s all a dream, sometimes I’m only vaguely aware that I have an element of control in whatever’s going on - which is where the LARPing comes in. Like, I (and the other dream characters) are all playing around in an open-ish world where we can make up adventures just for the hell of it.
So! In this particular Dream World, I’m part of a traveling troupe of... travelers? It’s based on a couple trips I took in High School with a multi-school Unity group that was half-vacation, half-feel-good-bonding-experience. Like, take in the sights and have fun one minute, have a self-worth-affirming group exercise the next. They were a lot of fun; some of the best experiences of my life. So this “dream world” is basically me and a bunch of like-minded folks taking fun trips to various locales and, you know, bonding. Well, at SOME point, Dream Colin joined this group. So now he’s present for most/all of the trips, but the bastard never actually joins in at any point. He and Helen just sort of... hang out in their own private suite and never come out of it, always giving the reason that it’s because he’s famous and he needs his privacy.
Well, last night someone else in the group was picking on me (how un-affirming of them!) and everyone was so upset that I was upset that Dream Colin actually came out of his suite to try to cheer me up. And then he stuck around to LARP with us all in the fantasy world we were visiting.
Since he was essentially the guest of honor, he got to pick the scenario and his character - who was, of course, a rock-n-roll-playing pirate. I got to play his romantic interest, of course, because I was in need of cheering up.
Except Dream Colin’s terrible at LARPing romantic plotlines (this has happened in my dreams before), because when the plot calls for him to send you a love letter (as it did in this dream), he instead sends you a letter that says, “I’m very married, but you’re a wonderful friend and I’m so glad we have such a lovely friendship, and did I mention I’m married? Your FRIEND, Colin” which is really so on brand that I have to give my subconscious mind reluctant kudos for having him consistently troll my dreams in such a way.
Anyway, if you sorta squint your eyes, you can kinda pretend it’s a romantic plotline anyway, and it’s always fun to play with Dream Colin, so whatever. He was a rock-n-roll pirate, and I was his long lost love who wandered off one day to explore something-or-other and got swept away by the ocean and was off in some alternate world.
At one point, he performed a concert and dedicated a song to “all the white people” and the entire troupe of LARPers were all like, “WTF DID YOU SAY?” “You can’t just do that!” and wanting to cancel him immediately. Dream Colin just went, “I know, I know, but they wanted a song!” and pointed to the audience, where a camera pan revealed an entire section of the crowd that was literally entirely white (skin, hair, clothes and all, like the pieces on the white side of a chess board) and everyone was like, “...oh.”
No, I don’t have any clue what that was about, but I blame the Nonny who asked me awhile back if I thought Colin could ever be canceled, lol. Apparently, my brain took a couple weeks to come up with something vaguely plausible.
ANYWAY. So Dream Rock-n-Roll Pirate Colin kept searching for his love (me) and I kept trying to get back to my home, and we kept sending love songs and poems and letters to each other from afar, with Dream Colin’s all being some variation of, “I really love you like you a lot, my dear friend, you’re not my wife, who I love endlessly, but you’re kinda cool anyway...” and me eventually sending him songs and poems back like, “You’re a fucking nerd, but whatever; You’re my favorite nerd, try to stick to the script, you enormous boogerbutt, I’m trying to live vicariously through the glory of make-believe here...”
And, um, that was pretty much it. But (I think) a lot of fun was had by all, so here’s hoping Dream Colin comes out to play more often - even if all he ever does is troll my dumb ass the whole time I’m sleeping.
Again, totally on brand for the man himself, so good job subconscious.
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crescentmoonrider · 2 years
If this unreliable self can become someone... - Part 2 (Annotated Edition)
"I'll teach you," Toji-san had said, and Yuuta was thankful for it. "I'll teach you," Yuuta wants to say in turn. There's no way he can ever show how truly grateful he is, but the least he can do is try. [Edo AU]
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Once again I bring y’all commentary on my own writing, because I am unstoppable. As promised, there are plants and samurai in there ! And swords, although that’s more for the fic itself.
“The weather here is warmer than back home […]”
My personal headcanon is that Yuuta comes from Aomori, the northernmost region of Honshu (Japan’s main island). The reasoning actually comes from Rika’s backstory, with her dad taking her hiking in the mountains and then them getting lost in a blizzard… I don’t know, I just think it makes sense for them to be from a very cold, snowy region.
Anyway in this story he doesn’t come from Aomori itself, but rather from a small mountain village in what will become the Aomori prefecture. The kind of small village that doesn’t even have a name, because it’s the only one in the valley and the closest other settlement is on the other side of a mountain in another valley and you only see the people from there maybe once of twice a year when the weather allows it.
Fun unrelated fact, but in Switzerland some mountainous valleys in Graubünden were so isolated that they developed different dialects. So now we have multiple versions of Rumantsch, which has like 40k speakers in total.
Yomogi (ヨモギ)
A species of mugwort also known as Artemisia Princeps, or Japanese mugwort. Its leaves are used in cooking to make kusamochi, but the juice is also used in traditional medicine as a way to prevent bleeding or to lower fevers.
I kept this one vague, because while I do know that in the European Middle Ages, wild leek and related plants would be used as medicinal plants to prevent infections, I am not sure if that was the case in Japan. Probably was, since those are pretty common plants and that’s usually the basis for that kind of use, but I have no certainty and I don’t want to say anything stupid.
I do know that leeks are supposed to cure colds according to Japanese folk medicine, so that’s something at least. If you have a cold, tie a leek around your neck and you’ll be fine in no time ! (probably)
The paste for the bruises
Once again, my knowledge betrays me. I do have the titles of references I could turn to, but unfortunately they’re in Japanese, and my reading abilities stop at comics. Not even sure I could even get my hands on them if I could read them, anyway.
What I can tell you about folk medicine though, is that in the Alps (and generally northern Europe) we use Arnica Montana grinded up to a paste for bruises and insect bites, although its effects haven’t been proven scientifically. It’s still a very popular remedy in any case, and if anything putting something cold on bruises helps with the pain, whether it has actual medical properties or not.
How do you even stop being a samurai ?
Technically, there are a few options. If your daimyou dies and you find yourself without a Lord to serve, or if you just get kicked out of his service, you’ll become a rônin. Same if you run away for some reason. That’s not exactly a good thing, but it’s nothing that can stop you from finding a normal job and just living life as a commoner (like lots of actual samurai were also forced to at the time), or from finding another Lord who will take you into his service.
Of course, the Zen’in hate Toji’s guts, so they instead had him declared officially dead. Which is immensely more permanent. It also means Toji lost all privileges given to the samurai caste, such as the right to bear sharp weapons (like swords). Not that it’s going to stop him, since there’s not much of a law enforcement on the road.
It’s also worth noting that the Zen’in are, safe for a few ghostly details, a pretty traditional samurai clan – serving a daimyou, probably participating in poetry contests and the like from time to time… During the Edo era, the number of samurai capable of keeping this way of living got much lower, due to the long-lasting peace, with most of them having to turn to commerce or to governmental offices like the machikata to make a living. So for the Zen’in to be able to remain the same way as they used to before the Edo era… it speaks to their wealth and political power.
You can actually make soap with wood ashes, although normally you should let it rest for way longer than in this story. Apparently pines make the best ashes for that purpose ?
If you can, please use a softer support than rocks when doing the actual washing though. Wood works good, and risks damaging the textile way less.
Hours in Edo-era Japan were worth roughly two of ours. So Toji has actually been scolding Yuuta for 30 minutes, or what feels like it at the very least. Press F for our boy ú.ù
Sun (寸)
An old unit of length used in Japan before the Meiji era (although it’s still used currently for some trades, like carpentry). It’s equivalent to the Chinese cun, and measures about 3cm (or 1.2in).
And we’re done ! This time was much shorter, but I guess that’s to be expected when the characters are mostly isolated from civilization. Next time though, we’ll be back in town babey !!
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monotonous-minutia · 1 year
what do you think about komische oper berlin 2015 tales of hoffman
oh I have....Thoughts on this one
TL;DR I hated it. if you liked the production you probably don't want to read this. I'm not very nice about it lol
I know people love Kosky but I won't forgive him for this. idk if I've seen anything else of his.
I watched the archival video stream however long ago that was and I was quite excited because the production looked interested and it professed to be the Kaye edit, which is the most recent critical edit and rarely produced. HOWEVER, it most definitely was not the Kaye edit. instead...
-large chunks of recits were missing -some dialogue was changed -scenes were cut or missing -long spoken monologues were inserted between acts (I presume they were excerpts from the real Hoffmann's work that inspired the opera, which is interesting, but it really didn't work).
Additionally, some lines were switched around or given to other characters. For example, Andres was taken out and replaced by one of the Hoffmanns.
And I say "one of" BECAUSE
they director had three different actors portraying Hoffmann.
I read a note saying he was playing off the tradition of having multiple performers playing the heroines, or even way back when the Villains were sometimes played by different performers.
in my humble opinion, that's just dumb.
there are REASONS that the heroines are played by separate performers. yes, it tends to be better when they're all played by the same diva, and we see that more and more lately, but I do no at all blame performers who choose to just sing one of the ladies because the singing style for each is pretty different. it makes much less sense for the villains to be played by different performers, and as such this is hardly ever seen anymore. Out of the almost 50 filmed productions I've seen, I've only seen that happen once.
so why have different actors play Hoffmann?
aside from "it's kind of funny" literally what is the point? The only thing that makes it vaguely interesting is that one of them is a baritone (in the Giulietta act iirc, it's been a while) and that's interesting because the role was initially going to be written for a baritone but that idea was scrapped because come on, how can a character like Hoffmann not be a tenor.
none of the Hoffmanns look or act the same so there's a deliberate attempt at discontinuity here. idk if they're trying to go for some breaking up of his psyche or id/ego whatever, but it doesn't work. the point of this opera is that the same guy (Hoffmann) goes through all these wacky scenarios with different people who also actually turn out to be the same people. making Hoffmann be different people throughout takes away from this and adds nothing.
also, the Hoffmann/Nicklausse dynamic (which as you all probably know by now is my favorite part of the opera) is not good. they push each other around and at one point Hoffmann grabs Nicklausse by the arm and twists it until he falls over. this is like their first interaction in the production so it doesn't set the mood very well. they do get to dance in the Olympia act and Nicklausse gets to be all protective of him in the Giulietta act, and they do have the Violin Aria but it's in the wrong place and he sings it to the speaking Hoffmann from the Prologue and interludes so it's really disconnected from the rest of the story.
the rest of the production is just weird. Nicole Chevalier plays all the divas and she deserves so much better. Her Antonia and Giulietta were okay but Olympia (and that act overall) were just weird. she was in a box. two of the Hoffmanns kept rotating during the trio des yeux.
the stage and set were interesting--diamond-shaped platform, glass bottles everywhere--but it couldn't save the rest. the only act I enjoyed even a little was the Giulietta one. standing on its own I could see it being okay. Chevalier was a great Giulietta and the Hoffmann in that act was pretty okay, and the set and darkness and creepy chorus members worked to make a pretty decent act.
but then it's ruined because there's no real epilogue, no grand reveal of what the stories all are, and no closing monologue for the Muse followed by the typical jaw-dropping chorus. Instead, we get the speaking Hoffmann lying in a coffin. Nicklausse sits on the coffin and together they sing "la ci darem la mano" as the lights slowly go down.
the director references Don Giovanni a lot in this. yeah, yeah, I know Stella is performing that opera but I'm tired of directors trying to make some grand connections. I really don't think there are any. I think Don Giovanni was just popular. I can't remember all the ways the production referenced Don G and I think honestly I've blocked some of it out but I remember being super annoyed with it because it just. didn't. work.
I liked Nicklausse's outfit. stylish and kinda sparkly. he was so gay but had nothing to work with.
anyway there are my thoughts, hope you enjoyed lol
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Anakin Introduces his Jedi Babies (and Himself)
Context:  Anakin and the Jedi Babies, chrono
Warnings for: canon-typical dismemberment, unfortunately-aimed puppy crushes
Word count: 5,839
The first time a Jedi meets a Skywalker, it’s on Bandomeer.
The planet is close to Mandalorian space. Finding someone associated with Mandalore is, technically, not that surprising. There are even Mandalorian operations on the planet.
What is surprising is the fact that the person from Mandalorian space is an unfamiliar Jedi Knight who is utterly unstoppable.
(Obi-Wan Kenobi has no way of knowing how similar his experiences are to what might have been, on this planet. Mandalore has been interfering in operations here ever since Ylliben Skywalker started reporting visions about the coming catastrophe. Where that interference has helped or hurt... well. There’s no way to know.)
(Is there?)
When Xanatos shows up and starts taunting Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon, there’s a giggle from the doorway.
All three have to turn to look at the individual in question.
Mid-twenties, leaning against the doorframe, slim but strong, covered in dark fabric and half a set of armor. A scar by one eye, well-kept hair, and a smirk that could burn the longest fuse. A lightsaber, unlit, in one gloved hand.
This man is... very attractive, Obi-Wan thinks. This is not an appropriate thought for the situation. Obi-Wan thinks he can maybe blame it on the exhaustion.
“No, no, keep going,” the stranger says, sounding like there’s a laugh stuck in his throat. He waves dismissively. “Let’s, ah, let’s hear the master plan. Good ranting voice, maybe a six out of ten on the ‘I’m better than you’ and a four on the actual intimidation. You can do better.”
“Excuse me?” Xanatos hisses, sounding incredibly malicious to Obi-Wan’s ears. “Just who do you think you are?”
“And now you’re overselling it,” the stranger sighs. “Are you new at this? You seem new at this.”
“I would... also like to know who you are,” Master Jinn admits, shifting uncertainly as he tries to keep both du Crion and the stranger in his sights.
“I’m just your friendly neighborhood Jedi Knight, here to fight darksiders because... that’s my life, apparently,” the man says, looking down at his arm for some reason. He shakes his head and looks up at them with a bright grin. “Do you need some help, Master Jinn?”
“You still haven’t told us your name.”
“This is true,” the knight says. “That said, I’ve been told by my boss to explicitly avoid naming myself while on this mission for a variety of reasons.”
“Your... boss,” du Crion drawls. “Not the Council, then.”
“Current supervisor,” the stranger offers as correction, completely unconcerned. “It’s a complicated situation, don’t worry about it.”
“I don’t worry about nonentities.”
The man purses his lips like he’s trying very, very hard not to laugh again. It’s very mocking. “Sure, kid.”
Xanatos has had his lightsaber out ever since Obi-Wan and Master Jinn entered the room, but he does one of those fancy, meant-to-be-intimidating one-handed saber twirls as he turns to face the Knight.
The man’s smirk widens. “You do realize you’re going to lose, right? C’mon, kid--”
“I’m older than you!”
“I did like zero research on you as a person, just your many and varied crimes; how old are you?”
Du Crion’s face goes pinched. “I’m twenty-five.”
“Ah, yeah, no, I’m older,” the knight says. “Only a few years, but I’m also a delightfully obnoxious little bastard who ages real slow for, uh, reasons--”
Obi-Wan is fascinated. This man is very strange. And very pretty.
Obi-Wan may be light-headed. Is he bleeding? Blood loss would explain this.
Obi-Wan isn’t bleeding. Damn.
“--anyway, I’m sure I’ve got a more interesting life with more mature experiences than you,” the knight says. “So even if I wasn’t older in body, I’d be older in spirit.”
The knight’s entire sense of being carries such an air of banthashit that Obi-Wan can barely believe it. It’s almost impressive. Obi-Wan wonders how often this man just opens his mouth and immediately gets punched in the face.
“You talk a lot for a man in someone else’s domain.”
“Hey, look on the bright side,” the knight says. “At least I’m not flirting with you. That’s what my master did with almost every darksider we met except his grandmaster.”
Du Crion pauses.
Obi-Wan has the distinct feeling that he and Master Jinn have lost any control they might have, at any point, had over this situation. They hadn’t had much control in the first place, but anything they did have is squarely in the stranger’s court right now. The silver lining to that is that du Crion is thoroughly distracted and has also lost some control of the situation.
“Besides,” the man continues, completely ignoring the very red lightsaber that is being very obviously readied for his death. “This is not that big of an advantage for you. I mean, hey, the fancy central console that can only be reached by skinny walkways with no railings are a nice touch, all chromed metal and minimal lighting, very dramatic, but there’s no lava. I’m not, like, chained to a rock in the middle of an arena for a public execution at the hands of starving animals the size of a fighter ship. You’re threatening to kill me personally instead of standing in the most expensive box of the theater, sipping your wine and congratulating yourself on step one of a plan that has another fifty-thousand steps and no end in sight. You--”
“Is there a point to this?”
“I’m just saying, I’ve been in worse situations by better darksiders than you. This is sad. You’re sad. Try harder.”
Obi-Wan makes a little noise in the back of his throat. Nobody seems to notice, but Master Jinn does put a hand on his shoulder. That’s nice.
“I don’t have any interest in setting up a public execution.”
“What kind of a Sith wannabe are you?” the knight asks, tilting his head. Obi-Wan distantly notes that his hair is longer than initially assumed; it’s just held back and curled. “Public executions are a whole thing. It’s like you’re not even trying. Tell me you’ve at least got vague plans to hand me off to a pirates instead of killing me so you can make some comment about me not even being worth the effort.”
“Are you trying to get yourself killed?” du Crion asks, his voice the kind of forced casual level nonsense that shows he’s actually very, very frustrated. Obi-Wan could almost believe that du Crion is as uninterested as he’s pretending to be.
“If I was trying to get myself killed, I’d... pick a fight with the Trade Federation, maybe? I mean, I survived that when I was nine but they’d probably take me more seriously this time.” The knight taps at his chin. “I don’t even know where the actual Sith is, but--”
“There are no more Sith,” du Crion scoffs.
Oh, the knight looks pitying now. Obi-Wan likes that much more than he should. It just really suits the man’s face.
Quin’s going to make so much fun of him later.
“I have fought multiple Sith,” the man says, slowly and clearly, as though explaining something to a child. “My master fought more than that. I lost my arm to a Sith when I was nineteen. You can say they’re gone, but I don’t trust like that.”
“It’s not a matter of trust,” du Crion says, rolling his eyes. “It has been a thousand years since the Sith were wiped out. Much as I’d like them to still be around, I’m not going to--”
“Oh!” the knight exclaims. “You’re lying! You do think they’re back, this whole mess is you auditioning.”
Du Crion stares at the man as though he’s lost what few marbles he had. “Excuse me?”
“You want to be the next Sith Apprentice,” the man says, cheerfully unconcerned by the mounting tension in the air. “That’s adorable. Well, no, actually, it’s very bad, both for you and for everyone else, and now it means I can’t just kill you in battle like I was planning because the Jedi are going to need you for information. Blast.”
Du Crion’s eyes widen. It is not in fear, but in incredulity. Obi-Wan thinks that it’s all in the eyebrows and the tight, befuddled smile. “You were planning to kill me, Jedi?”
“I mean... yeah, kinda,” the knight says, shrugging. “Quick and clean option, that.”
This time, Master Jinn is the one that makes a disbelieving noise that both of the bitchy twenty-somethings ignore.
“You’re a Jedi,” du Crion points out, entirely pleasant.
“...yes,” the man says, not meeting anyone’s eyes. “Technically.”
Du Crion is very much distracted by this. “Technically?”
The man wiggles a hand. “Arguments can be made. I certainly was trained as a Jedi and consider myself to be one. My knighting was according to protocol, and at the Temple. Technically.”
“...but?” Master Jinn prompts.
The knight smiles like he’s got something very spicy in his mouth and is unwilling to admit it’s too much for him. “But nothing! Don’t worry about it. There’s a fight to be had with a Sith wannabe who doesn’t realize he’s not going to measure up.”
“Arrogant,” du Crion accuses.
“No,” the knight immediately says. “You just don’t fight a galactic war without learning which opponents are actually going to kill you.”
Obi-Wan leans into Master Jinn’s side, his legs feeling a little too much like jelly. He whispers, “I have so many questions.”
“As do I, Padawan,” Master Jinn mutters back, and something in Obi-Wan’s heart twists. He’s a padawan! Master Jinn’s actually going to go through with it!
The fight does actually happen, at that point. The knight lights his saber and leaps forward, flashing through Djem So movements without a moment’s hesitation. For all the trash talk and boasting, the fight isn’t actually over very quickly. Du Crion is good, even without having had a chance to spar against a real person since he left the Order. Power flows around him, dark and heavy and sharp in ways that the Force usually isn’t, and the red saber snaps through the air with a speed Obi-Wan can barely track. Xanatos du Crion is, without question, danger incarnate in this moment.
The unknown knight is better.
There are attempts at banter, mostly by the stranger. Du Crion is too focused on the fight to bother responding. Obi-Wan just clings to Master Jinn, trying to stay awake and aware. It’s difficult, given the past few days, and even with help from the Force, he’s flagging.
The way the knight moves is... captivating, though.
(Quinlan’s going to laugh at the top of his lungs, later. Obi-Wan’s going to blush and stutter and bury his face in a pillow, and Bant’s going to pat his back like the amazing friend she is, and Quin’s just going to laugh, like an asshole.)
The fight doesn’t end cleanly. The knight cuts du Crion’s saber in half and, in the same movement, cuts the man’s hand off.
Obi-Wan’s seen too much blood in the last few days for it to shock him, but the smell is... unpleasant.
“I don’t suppose either of you carries Force-nullifying cuffs?” the knight asks, holding his saber to du Crion’s neck with an expression that is amused and satisfied in equal measure.
“No,” Master Jinn says. He seems... very bothered. Well, du Crion was his student once. Obi-Wan can’t imagine he’d be very calm if he had a student that went dark and started killing children. “Was cutting off his hand really necessary?”
“I feel like half my fights end with either someone dying or someone losing a limb,” the knight muses. “Sometimes that limb is my own, even!”
Obi-Wan isn’t sure if the man is manic or just trying to throw them off their rhythm. It probably doesn’t matter.
“Okay, I have Force-nullifying cuffs of my own,” the man says. “But these things are expensive as hell, and they weren’t paid for by the Order, so just giving them to you isn’t really on the table. That said... my ship kind of got shot down on the way here. If you could give me a ride off-planet--”
“Our ship was also shot down.”
The knight blinks at him, and then kicks du Crion in the hamstring. It’s not a very hard kick, but du Crion shoots him a look of offense that’s probably justified. Getting kicked when one is already down is never a great feeling.
“Stop shooting people,” the knight scolds.
Obi-Wan feels vaguely like he’s having a fever dream.
“Okay, new plan,” the man says. “What kind of ship did you come in?”
“KYL-3400 small transport,” Master Jinn says, with not a little hesitation. “Why?”
The knight grins. “I’m going to cannibalize it for parts.”
Jango has known Anakin Skywalker for six years. Many of those years have been spent being yanked into babysitting for the man. For reasons Jango doesn’t feel like examining, this will likely continue.
“You’re late,” he says, as the man in question stumbles out of a battered ship that looks only barely like the one that left three months ago. “I thought you said Bandomeer was a quick fix.”
“Ship got shot down, had to help some Jedi, ran into fucking Onaka on the way back,” Skywalker grouses. “I feel like shit. Where are my kids?”
“Buir says you have to go to medical.”
“Yeah, sure, whatever. My kids, Jango.”
“They can visit you in medical.”
“And, what, Mereel’s gonna go there for a debrief?”
“Your debrief is going through me,” Jango says, and doesn’t let himself flinch when Skywalker makes a face. “He’ll check in later.”
“Yeah, no,” Skywalker says, taking a step forward and then swaying with a curse. “Listen, this actually does need to go to Mand’alor direct, not just the Alor-in-training--”
“Please don’t do that with my language,” Jango immediately says. “That’s not--no. ‘Alor-in-training’ isn’t a thing. Don’t do that.”
Skywalker turns on his heel with a frustrated snarl, and Jango’s eyes widen as the stupid tunics the man wears flare out.
“Is that a blaster wound?”
“Yes it--for fuck’s sake, Skywalker!” Jango growls and just goes over to grab the taller man by the shoulders and march him to medical. “I’m calling your sister.”
“Don’t tell Shmi, she’s got enough to--”
“I’m calling your sister,” Jango snaps. “And you’re going to deal with it. Ka’ra, do you even think? Is there a brain in that head of yours?”
“I’ve been told my braincell is lonely.”
“I’m going to shove you in a trash compactor, dikut’la jetii,” Jango mutters. “Are you hurt anywhere else?”
“If I say yes, will you let me go deal with it on my own?”
Jango strangles his own scream and shoves Skywalker into the nearest examination room. “Fix him!”
The medic looks up, raises a brow, and turns to Skywalker. “What did you do?”
“What didn’t I do?” Skywalker shoots back, grinning like they’re sharing battle stories over a drink in a cantina.
The medic--Mirka’lu, he thinks--crosses her arms. “General.”
Oh man, the medics must be angry with him already if they’re already jumping titles like that.
“I’m just a knight--”
“General Skywalker.”
The man in question grimaces. “I maybe got shot during an altercation with some pirates.”
“And... I maybe--maybe--picked a fight with some Hutt enforcers.”
Jango’s going to wring his neck.
Right after he calls Shmi.
Komari does her level best to not shift nervously under the judgmental eyes of the man they’re pretty sure is the Mand’alor. Her master’s got the situation under control. She’s just there to observe. They’ve got an entire team--
“Is that your way of telling me that your Order did minimal research on the situation before coming to intervene, and the only reason you bothered to reach out is because one of my men, weeks ago, let you know that Death Watch is setting traps for both my people and yours?”
Komari feels the flare of annoyance from Master Dooku. She doesn’t react, but she can hear the tension when her Master speaks.
“I assure we would not have attacked on Galidraan unless attacked first, or if we’d found solid evidence of the actions we were informed of,” Master Dooku says, quiet and even. “All your messenger did was save us all a little time.”
Mereel smiles thinly. “Saved us all some lives, more like it.”
“Ah, jetiise aren’t the only ones with Force-Sensitives,” the Mand’alor says. “I’ve more than a few under my command. Visions aren’t foolproof, I’m aware, but I’ll be damned if such a warning goes completely ignored.”
Master Dooku makes a low humming noise. “Be that as it may, I’m unsure of what it is that you’re expecting out of our... presence. We are not here to help you claim your presumed throne. We are only here to stop the killings we were told about.”
“I don’t need your help to reunite my people.” Mereel waves a hand, batting the mere suggestion away. “But I’d appreciate the help with taking out the terrorist group that’s actually going out and murdering the helpless, this planet’s farmers and doctors and children. Kyr’tsad isn’t just a thorn in my side, Master Jedi.”
“And what proof do I have that you aren’t just the same kind of monster as you claim they are?” Master Dooku challenges.
It’s a little brazen, considering how dicey these negotiations are. For all that Komari herself doesn’t wince, someone behind her outright hisses in dismay. She agrees with the sentiment.
Mereel just laughs at them. He catches the eye of one of the armored individuals along the wall, human or close to it, and nods to himself.
“Right,” the man says. “Well, we have our own Jedi. Would you like to meet him?”
Master Dooku is immobile, as if carved from stone. The rest of the group is... not.
“I suppose that would be acceptable,” Master Dooku says, and Komari feels the tension in him wind further through the training bond. There are a million questions to be had here. None of them can be answered without the supposed Jedi.
“Great,” the Mand’alor says. He leans back in his seat and turns to the door. With the press of a button, the door slides open. “Ben!”
A child darts into the room, stops, and bounces on their feet. Probably male, Komari thinks, and very anxious. The child’s eyes dart about the room, taking in every single Jedi in sight. When that gaze lands on Master Dooku, there’s a flash of recognition and... not hate, but distaste. Confused and distant dismay, maybe. The child turns back to Mereel.
“Mand’alor,” the child greets, still bouncing. “Am I needed?”
“Thought I told you this meeting was for grown-ups,” the Mand’alor says.
Ben shrugs. “I wanted to listen in.”
“That door is soundproofed and you know it.”
The Mand’alor grins. “Do me a favor and go fetch your dad.”
“Buir’s still sleeping,” Ben says, grave as dirt. It’s a strange expression for such a small child. He can’t be older than eight, and Komari’s pretty sure even that’s a stretch. “Shmi’s gonna be mad if he has to wake up before the bacta’s done.”
“I just need him for negotiations,” Mereel assures the child.
“Aggressive negotiations with a lightsaber?” Ben asks, and Komari nearly chokes.
“No, just regular ones.”
Ben nods sharply, and then turns and runs out.
“That boy...” Mereel mutters, but it’s fond. “Anywa--”
“BUIR!” Ben’s voice echoes from the hall, faint but audible, along with some very loud banging on what is presumably a door. “DAD! WAKE UP, THE COUNT IS HERE!”
The Count? Komari wonders. Even Master Dooku seems surprised.
The question is clearly on more minds than just her own. Mereel raises a brow at Master Dooku and gestures vaguely. “Didn’t know any of you were nobility. You a Count, Master Jedi?”
“No,” Master Dooku says, and before the Mand’alor can press further, he adds, “but if I were to retire from the Order, the title would be mine to inherit. As I have no intentions of retiring, I am not and will not be a Count, but I assume that is what the child is referring to.”
“Ben,” the Mand’alor corrects. He seems pleased with the reasonable answer. “Ylliben Skywalker. I suggest you refer to him by name.”
“You have a fondness for him,” Master Dooku notes.
Mereel shrugs. “No more than any other child, objectively, but his father is one of my more effective allies, and he gets antsy about things. Saying ‘your child’ won’t be a problem, but ‘the child’ is... well.”
The smirk is a challenge that Komari doesn’t feel ready to meet. She’s glad it’s not hers to handle.
“Why do you ‘have’ a Jedi?” Master Dooku asks, pushing the conversation back to the point Komari’s sure he was initially aiming for.
“Found him in a snowstorm, brought him inside,” Mereel says, grinning. “And then he refused to leave, the shabuir. Troublesome man, like you wouldn’t believe, but useful.”
“Like a feral tooka,” someone behind Komari mutters. She feels a part of her soul die.
You can’t just say that in front of the Mand’alor! she screeches in the depths of her mind, despairing.
“Exactly,” Mereel agrees with a laugh. “Skywalker’s a feral tooka.”
Komari dies a little more.
“Talkin’ shit about me, Mereel?”
...oh no.
This one’s pretty.
The man is tall, dressed almost entirely in black, and looks like shit.
“You look like you got run over by a herd of bantha,” the Mand’alor notes.
“I got back less than a day ago,” Skywalker growls out. He leans against the wall behind the Mand’alor’s desk. He folds his arms. He glowers around the room. “The kriff is Count Dooku doing here?”
“Master Dooku,” the man in question says, a little pained. “As I informed Mand’alor Mereel, I may technically have claim to that title, but I am a Jedi. So long as I remain a Jedi, the title isn’t actually mine.”
Skywalker makes a face, and then shakes his head. “Fine. Whatever. Jaster, what the hell do you need from me?”
“Well, some manners would be nice.”
“I got shot and am putting myself in a position to get yelled at by baar’ur Mirka’lu for coming here when I’m supposed to be on bed rest,” Skywalker growls out. He kicks Mereel’s chair, glaring at the back of the man’s head. “You’re lucky I put on pants.”
Mereel seems unbothered by this statement or treatment.
Komari thinks her eyes may currently be the size of dinner plates.
“You’re the one from Bandomeer.”
Skywalker’s head snaps up to focus his gaze on Master Dooku. “Say what?”
“You’re the one my former Padawan encountered on Bandomeer,” Master Dooku says, something satisfied in his tone. “He said you refused to give a name, but the physical description does match.”
“Oh, lovely, Jinn’s been gossiping,” Skywalker mutters. “That’s just--”
“General Skywalker,” Mereel says, voice finally slipping to something more stern than amused. “If you could please focus.”
Skywalker rolls his eyes and mutters something about painkillers.
Skywalker’s head tilts to the side, and he holds one arm out to the side. The kid from before--Ben--darts in to cling to the man’s side. A slightly taller Togruta follows in and ducks in under his other arm. Both children keep a wary gaze fixed on the same person, and their adult...
Every look from this man is a new challenge to Master Dooku.
“They’re yours?”
That is the exact question Komari was hoping her master wouldn’t ask.
“We’re in Mandalorian territory,” Skywalker says. “They’re Force-Sensitive orphans with an incredible amount of potential. If I didn’t claim them, someone else would have.”
It’s not an airtight justification--the man could have just sent them to the Temple--but the air around him is roiling with aggression. This man does not like Master Dooku, and is more than a shade protective of these--his--children. Komari shifts her weight and worries as the pregnant silence grows heavier.
“As you say,” Master Dooku allows, and some of the bowstring-tight tension in the room loosens, drains away like foul bathwater. “If I may... I was unaware you were a General, nor that Mandalore had a standing army large enough for such a position.”
“He’s not,” Mereel says. “Used to be, won’t tell me where. It’s not my business, or yours. Title’s a holdover from whatever war he was fighting before we got him.”
Komari is not the only person whose heart drops as Master Dooku says, “Qui-Gon claimed that the rogue knight he’d met on Bandomeer mentioned a galactic war against the Sith.”
Mereel blinks, and then turns his seat around to look at Skywalker. The other Mandalorians look at Skywalker. Every single Jedi also looks at Skywalker.
The Togruta child sticks her tongue out at Master Dooku.
“I did say that,” Skywalker says. “What of it?”
“You know, when I said I didn’t care what fight you were running that turned you into a soldier, I kind of assumed it was something on the level of, say, a system-wide civil war,” Mereel drawls. “Not galactic Force nonsense.”
Skywalker shrugs. “Don’t ask questions you don’t want answers to.”
“Because you’ll lie?”
“No, I’m just going to be really annoying about it,” Skywalker tells him. The Togruta giggles and shoves her face into his side. “Or, hell, I’ll let Ben do it. We both know he can talk circles around basically everyone in this room.”
The two hold gazes for a moment that lasts just a little too long, and then Mereel breaks it off. “We’re talking about this later.”
“Of course, Mand’alor,” Skywalker says, with a grim sort of smile. “Wouldn’t dream of doing otherwise.”
Mereel doesn’t seem particularly impressed by that.
Komari wonders if anyone else remembers that Skywalker was supposed to be here to make negotiations easier.
Yan Dooku is having a Day.
He’s not entirely sure whom to blame for this mess. Perhaps Yoda, for suggesting he handle this mission. Perhaps the governor of Galidraan, who decided collaborating with terrorists for his own gain was a good idea. Perhaps Jaster Mereel, whose influence and power is enough that Yan needs to tread carefully. Perhaps Qui-Gon, for giving him just enough information about Skywalker to cause some drama.
Perhaps Skywalker for being a recalcitrant, ornery bastard who delights in Yan’s suffering.
(One of the Mandalorians calls him that to his face, and Skywalker informs the man that “my mother always told me I didn’t have a father,” and stares until the Mando stammers out an apology and turns on his heel.)
(The smirk on Skywalker’s face is certainly informative.)
Yan looks up from the datapad he’s been using to try and punch out a report, for all that he can’t find the words he needs, and sees the Togruta youngling from Skywalker’s side hanging upside-down from a ventilation grate.
He blinks evenly at her. “Good afternoon. Is that your normal manner of traversing the building?”
“Yeah, when Jan-Jan isn’t yelling at me about it,” she says, and drops from the ceiling. Seemingly without paying attention, she directs the grate itself back into place with the Force, screws reattaching themselves with only the slightest whisper. She’s done this many, many times.
“I’m afraid I don’t know who that is.”
“Jango Fett,” she clarifies. “Ad be Mand’alor.”
Child of the king.
He does remember that much from the briefing.
“I see,” Yan says, rather than try to tackle whatever the usage of such a nickname implies. “I’m afraid nobody’s seen fit to introduce you, youngling.”
“I’m Sokanth Skywalker, but most people call me Soka,” she says, with a bouncing, shallow bow. Full of energy, this one. “I’m eight.”
“The General is your father, then?”
“Mm-hm! He adopted me when I was almost two,” she says, and climbs up onto the bench. She wraps her arms around her knees and beams up. “Ben was still a baby, and we didn’t go get Shmi until a few months later when Skyguy could afford it.”
“Skyguy?” Yan prompts.
“My dad,” she explains, head tilting a little as she studies his reaction. “I... I’ve always called him Skyguy. He took care of me before he adopted me, for at least a year. He says I called him Skyguy when I first started talking, back then, and then he didn’t make me stop when he adopted me.”
“I see,” Yan says. “Does your father know you’re speaking with me?”
“And would he approve?” Yan hints as heavily as he can. “He doesn’t seem to like me very much.”
“That’s because we’ve all seen what you could be,” she says. “But you’re not the Count yet, so it’s okay.”
Information. “Ah. Visions, then. That would explain some things.”
“Ben gets them the most,” she keeps talking. “But it’s not just that. It’s like... patterns. The Sith are going to target you, because they’re going to think you’re worth corrupting.”
“And you’ve seen enough Sith to know that?”
“Visions are not foolproof,” he says, trying to keep his tone gentle. He’s not used to interacting with children of this age, and this one comes with a father in the Mand’alor’s confidence, someone he can’t afford to irritate by making a daughter cry. “I have a friend who is very prone to visions, and some come true, some don’t, and others--”
“Are self-fulfilling,” Sokanth finishes for him. “I know that. But my dad’s actually fought Sith, y’know. The guy who cut off my dad’s arm used to be a Jedi Master, like you, and he was all fancy-schmancy and a history nerd for Sith stuff, and didn’t like the Council or their decisions very much. Like you.”
That’s... very personal.
“A surface-level similarity is not enough to make the claim that I am to become a Sith,” he says.
She blinks at him, eyes too large for a face that’s so near to human in bone-structure. It’s unnerving. “Whether or not you Fall is your choice, Count. All I can tell you is that you are the kind of person they look to groom... if only as a pawn.”
The words are too old for a girl her size.
“You speak as if you’ve faced the Sith yourself,” Yan says, well aware now that he needs to tread carefully, but... “You’re too young to go out into the field. I can’t imagine your father would allow a child like yourself to go up against someone that dangerous.”
She blinks those too large eyes, and tilts her head in the other direction, and then smiles. “You care. That’s good. Keep that compassion, Count.”
He raises an eyebrow. “I feel like you’re evading the question.”
Sokanth giggles. “Maybe. Buir doesn’t like us talking about it much. It makes him sad, ‘cuz he can’t help us not hurt, and a lot of it is really scary. It’s like... my memories are too big for my head. I don’t get a lot of visions, but I get a lot of dreams of things that happened that I’m not alive for. And buir does remember those things happening, so it’s true, and it happened, but I only... sort of remember it, and when I think about it too hard, it hurts my head. Or I get nightmares about it, and I don’t like those. Ben’s got it worse, though. He has more to fight.”
It’s a lot of information.
It’s confusing information.
It’s... possibly information that the General has asked her to feed him for reasons he can’t even begin to guess at.
“In this war your father fought,” Yan asks, “were you a soldier as well?”
“Commander,” she corrects, voice soft. “That’s what the dreams call me, before they start screaming.”
“How old are you really?” He asks, before he can quite stop himself.
She laughs, suddenly bright again. “I’m as old as I look. I’m eight. Just because the Force gives me memories I shouldn’t have doesn’t mean that my brain isn’t a kid. Sometimes Ben tries to act older than he is ‘cuz of the memories, y’know. Buir gets sad whenever he does that, ‘cuz he thinks we deserve to be kids before the galaxy goes to hell again.”
“He’s sure of such a thing?”
“It always does,” she says, with the air of someone who isn’t sure how their conversation partner could be quite that dense. Her voice takes on a sing-song cadence, like she’s telling a fable instead of a philosophy. “War always comes eventually. Not every sentient is selfish, but enough are, and they tend to be the ones that claw their way to the top. The rich and powerful will take and take and take, and then, when there’s nothing left, they will use their living stepping stones to tear each other apart. All we can do is be ready to end it as quickly as possible once it comes.”
Yan lets the claim sit for a long, quiet minute. “Did your father tell you that?”
“No,” she says. “Ben did.”
The six-year-old.
“He has a way with words,” Yan manages.
“Sometimes he uses his stuffed animals to host courtroom dramas,” she says. “He makes me look up the right laws so it can be procedurally accurate, ‘cuz he’s a nerd but so am I, and it makes Skyguy happy when he sees us playing like that instead of just doing saber forms and stuff.”
Yan has... no idea what to do with that. “I wouldn’t normally call courtroom dramas a normal children’s activity.”
“Yeah, but Ben’s a nerd,” she says, as if that’s all that needs to be said. Maybe, for her, it is. “And there’s only so much time I’m allowed to spend hunting.”
Right. Togruta.
“And what was your father doing at that age?”
“I’m not allowed to talk about that,” she says immediately. “Because it’s very private and he and Shmi get upset if we bring it up, ‘cuz of trauma and stuff.”
Shmi. The... sister, he thinks. People seem to be unclear on that. He’s heard a few refer to the teenager as just “one of Skywalker’s,” so that’s something to consider. She’s near-perfectly halfway between the children and the General, in terms of age, so it’s a little ambiguous where she fits.
That said, he’s been in a lot of places in his time as a Jedi Master. It’s taken him a little longer than it should have to realize, but he thinks he’s got at least part of the puzzle.
Skywalker’s a slave name. Tatooine, specifically.
It’s not confirmation, really, but...
Well. He thinks it’s better he doesn’t dig, on that subject.
“Hey,” Sokanth says, tugging at his sleeve. “Can I ask ya something?”
“I cannot promise an answer, but you may ask.”
“Can you spar with Skyguy? I wanna see who wins.”
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pocket-archer · 2 years
The “Don’t Tap the Glass” AU info dump
funny little halloween au 
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^most recent and accurate art for DTTG
The AU started as a subject for inktober a long time ago and trying to make a cohesive story out of miscellaneous prompts. It was a struggle and eventually it became too difficult to keep working on it but I still care about it. So, as requested, here’s a lore dump of what I was rotating in my mind for so long  
(CW some blood and body horror under cut, long post that I recommend opening on my blog instead of your dash or you’ll perish)
If you’re ever curious of what else I’ve been doing, I post art most often here @corruptimles​​​! 
First of all, obviously, Cassidy (McCree at the time of writing) (Van Helsing skin) was a monster bounty hunter who accepted other jobs and deals as well. Hanzo (demon skin) was considered an oni manifested from the tragedies that occurred in the history of the Shimada castle 
(as in a hundred years ago type history) 
Also I’m going to admit with full honesty; I don’t remember what I did with Genji for this AU and how he and Cassidy knew each other. My best bet is they briefly worked together for some time but Genji was not in a state of making friends back then and they since split off years ago. Genji would’ve been based off his Oni skin (AU was before karasu and skeleton) 
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Cassidy was tasked by a “priest” (Cultist Zenyatta) to capture the monster terrorizing the old castle because, despite never leaving castle walls, Hanamura townsfolk were afraid and the priest felt that the oni couldn’t be left there any longer for “other reasons”, cryptically implying a worse fate to come. There was an emphasis on capturing and not killing.
This btw was sus as hell and Cassidy knew the priest was definitely not human and wouldn’t know what he’d do with a demon in hand but the priest was also a sort of benefactor to a lot of people that can vouch for his benevolence
along with vaguely remembering the stories about Hanamura and the Shimada castle (maybe stories from Genji who Cassidy figured was a resident there once)
and there was a large some of money promised as well
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^height difference for oni form
I never scripted the battle but Cassidy was a pretty cruel fighter during it and Hanzo was in the larger oni form. It ended with Cassidy sealing the oni in a enchanted glass jar with multiple talismans since the nature of what creature he was isn’t something Cassidy dealt with before so better safe than sorry 
The two obviously hated each other cuz I’m weak to enemies-to-lovers 
Cassidy went into this knowing the nature of Oni supposedly to be mindless violence, murder, sometimes the cannibalism, so he found it amusing for a while that instead the Oni more or less sassed at him for the journey and they kept having conversation
Despite being cruel in battle, Cassidy was more snarky and light-hearted during conversation which Hanzo hated because he thought it was being boastful and arrogant
Also, while Cassidy isn’t really thinking too hard about what’s going to come after, because that’s none of his business, Hanzo is certain the fact he was still alive was because he was probably going to be used as a resource, or worse, enslaved as a familiar 
The task involved travelling to Hanamura then meeting with the priest again in another village to drop off the Oni, and there was implication of other obstacles in the way 
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But basically the whole journey had a bit of miscalculation on Cassidy’s part who didn’t expect how long it’d take, noted by a nightmare and a realization of the moon’s phases
They take a detour to ‘restock on supplies’ which extends the journey’s time
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It gets noted that both characters are getting weaker for different reasons at this point
Hanzo’s been concealed for so long with actual power draining seals and lack of consumption, he had been betting on having enough energy to fight the split second he’s out again but now he’s worrying 
Cassidy’s notably wavering as well in both physical strength and emotion because of accidentally comparing Hanzo’s situation with his recent nightmare
Unfortunately it is around here where I stopped drawing so! This is going to be a bit more quick but vague
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They do detour to another town where there is one more encounter 
The next time Hanzo wakes was to a conversation Cassidy is having with a woman (Witch Mercy) in this other town
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Hanzo realized she’s a witch which is worse than the chance of becoming a servant
She already sees him in the bag and was intending to take him but Cassidy grabs her arm which causes a burning effect
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^the prosthetic arm in this AU was heavily enchanted with different anti-monster stuff so it reacts to non-humans
The two keep up the appearance of pleasantry but the conversation turns tense
Cassidy lets go and she playfully laments the loss of a potential servant 
She lightly reminds Cassidy that he’s running out of time and he notes she should mind her own business 
I think it was implied they knew each other already but were trying to be civil in public
Also implication that either Cassidy is determined to keep up this deal with the priest, or starting to protect the oni for other reasons
Hanzo meanwhile realizes that him being able to sense she was a witch meant he wasn’t being completely sealed anymore, the enchantments were getting weaker as the same time as Cassidy
More time would pass as the full moon comes closer
Hanzo starts making conversation w Cassidy and notes about the moon
Reveal that Cassidy wasn’t human himself
Remember the arm reacts to non-humans? 
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anyway Hanzo being trapped inside the containment meant he was pretty much surrounded by only the magic that made it and now that it was getting weaker, he could start comparing it to stuff around them, and notes that it was Cassidy’s own magic that must’ve been used to seal (which is technically obvious but hang on) 
question about why Cassidy’s worrying about the time
"You’re also cursed, aren’t you?”
Unfortunately from here on, I don’t remember the scenes anymore so pretend there’s reasonable time between each plot point here
note on the word ‘also’
Cassidy is like, heavily cursed, a reason Hanzo couldn’t get a good read on him
at some point reveal Hanzo was human before
Cassidy runs out of time and the curse causes a transformation
I put a heavy implication that Cassidy was a werewolf which Hanzo would note that he could sense, but it wasn’t strong enough to make sense. 
Cassidy was actually Undead
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^he is both ‘van helsing’ and ‘undead’. (The mask art was the very last thing I drew on my ipad before moving to my huion tablet. I never posted it but I want to redraw it) 
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Cassidy was attacked and bitten by a werewolf but what killed him was the decision to amputate the arm in a desperate attempt to stop the lycan curse 
There was a deal made with Death and it was actually the anniversary of that deal where Cassidy needed to hold up his end or his soul is collected
The deal with Death also connected to the ‘Deadeye’ ult in a way of seeing people marked for death but I never really wrote that into this
Death was either Pumpkin or Nevermore Reaper, or a combination
I could’ve sworn I had a comic panel where a crow was watching Cassidy and Hanzo for a while but I can’t find that?
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I dont. remember what Cassidy had to do. for the deal. I think maybe life for a life? or the reason he went to the town was to look for something to prolong his sentence but got turned around by the witch? orz
but there was a bit of a scuffle and it broke the jar 
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I think they just straight up fight off Death, for now
Cassidy and Hanzo were definitely supposed to have a tentative alliance after fighting together
A note about Hanzo being kinda short (human height) and staying short because he was too weak to keep the oni form on (and to make it more jarring to remember the oni really was some guy)
There was going to be conflict about what to do with Hanzo in the case he was now just going to be killed or enslaved if Cassidy reached the rendezvous
Cassidy and Hanzo more or less procrastinate on what to do and wander/run away/maybe find a way to help Hanzo/I cant quite remember
I’m pretty sure there was going to be a way for Hanzo to take on a human appearance later since Cassidy can
Also running from Death and Mercy
Death and Mercy were connected somehow because I wrote this with my headcanon the Mercy caused Reaper
The problem now with them ‘saving’ Hanzo is that he never gets to Zenyatta, who was with Genji
Hanzo and Genji were sons of the Shimada castle a long time ago and their story of betrayal and fratricide and loss became folklore, one brother unable to be laid to rest and resurrected into something else, and the other transformed in his grief and self-perception of being a monster
so they’re technically really old lol
Zenyatta had tasked Cassidy with this quest in the fear the Hanzo would lose himself to monstrosity staying alone within the castle; hoping the mend the broken bond between the two brothers after Genji has long come to peace and understanding of what happened
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and now Genji runs off worried, to hunt both of them down in case one kills the other
funny misunderstandings and antics from there
priest Zenyatta has a new feeling things will be just fine and just chills
In conclusion, I was a younger impulsive artist so everything was a hot mess and I have no time or energy to remake a whole comic to tell the story in a more cohesive way but I’m SO SO happy people still enjoyed my cringe, so thank you!
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anyway go check out @corruptimles​​
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misterghostfrog · 4 years
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[IMAGE ID; a digital drawing of Martin Blackwood carrying Jonathan Sims from The Magnus Archives. Martin is a fat freckled white man with curly ginger hair that is shaved close at the sides. He has a pair of round framed glasses in a bright red, under the glasses he is wearing eyeliner, and a navy eyeshadow. He has black lipstick, two black snakebite piercings under his lip, and a small black nostril piercing. His ear has a large black piercing that cuffs a chain to a small black piercing higher up his ear, and one final black piercing in the middle. He has a black choker, and then a looser chain necklace with an eye ornament on it. He has a studded lather jacket on that is covered in multiple patches and pins, mostly hidden by Jon: of the visible pins there is a trans flag patch on his chest, and on his shoulder is a large dark colored patch that has A-C-A-B on it in white. Under the Jacket is a black shirt that he has partly tucked into his pants, the shirt has a large anarchy symbol drawn on it in red. Under that he is wearing jeans that are significantly ripped as far as we can see. On his right hand he has several black rings, and his nails are painted black. Jon is a skinny Jordanian man with brown eyes and shoulder-length grey-streaked dark brown hair pulled back into a messy ponytail at the base of his neck. He has a beard beginning to grow that appears to be the product of forgetting to shave. He is covered in a series of small round scars that vary in exact size. He is wearing a pair of rectangle-framed glasses, a plain t-shirt, a pair of jeans that are ripped at the knee, and converse. Martin is carrying Jon bridal style in his arms, and is looking away, he is blushing, though his expression is concerned and appears to be speaking. Jon has his arms wrapped around Martins neck, his cheeks are darkened and he is staring at hte ground with an expression somewhere between fear and the face one makes when they’re having to retrace every step they’ve taken to get here. END ID]
Punk Martin but make it Jonmartin.
Also I wrote a lil thing to go along with this under the cut, its only barely edited because it was mostly for fun so be warned its a big ol mess! But its s2 jonmartin nonsense with Martin being very cool and attractive and Jon being seven layers deep in denial (Also I may have written Jon as a touch autistic because its projection hours tonight i’m too sleepy to mask and that goes for writing too babey)
(Mentions of worms, past injuries, and Jon dealing with some internalised ableism and general foolishness)
Jon forgot his cane.
It’s a relatively regular occurrence, for a multitude of reasons. For one thing it’s something of a recent addition to the list of things he needs to keep track of when he leaves the house. Another lovely parting gift from Prentiss, a worm in his left leg that went just quick enough to start burrowing into the bone before it was removed. 
For another, he really has other things to worry about. And if it doesn’t hurt, it shouldn’t matter. Most days he can get by just fine without it- it hurts of course. But not so much he can’t support himself, and really, does he need it otherwise?
Martin and Tim don’t seem to agree, though Sasha has kept respectfully to herself on the whole business. Martin, of course, he trusts. Albeit only recently. But that doesn’t make him right, his priorities are warped. Naturally. He doesn’t see the bigger picture.
(or at least that’s what Jon tells himself)
Which is what leads to this moment, sitting on a bench outside the shop, single grocery bag by his feet. He’d only run out to get a few things, but somewhere between the his flat the the shop his barely visible limp had become more pronounced as his hip began to throb, then he was halfway through the frozens when he realized he wasn’t going to be able to finish the trip. After that he’d barely made it through checkout to the nearest seat before all but collapsing into it.
And now he’s sitting, stuck. An insurmountable walk from home, without his stupid cane. Which, he notes, he wouldn’t need if he’d brought in the first place. Funny how that works.
“Jon?” A familiar voice jolts him out of his thoughts. Jon jolts upright. Martin. 
He knows Martin lives in the area, a side effect of his... investigations. Though he was unaware he used the same shop. He looks up, a greeting or perhaps a question on his lips that dies as soon as he actually lays eyes on Martin.
Martin is wearing a leather jacket. Not just a leather jacket of course, but that’s the first thing Jon can process. He’s wearing a studded leather jacket covered in various patches that advertise various opinions and identities that Jon doesn’t have time to think about. His  jeans are about as much rip as they are Jean, and he’s got piercings- and eyeliner. he’s dressed like he should be riding a motorcycle, not the beat-up red bike he’s got beside him.
“Are you alright?” Martin says, and Jon realizes he’s been staring.
“Are you going to a costume party?” Jon blurts instead of answering. A costume party would make sense, of course. Martin doesn’t dress like this, he dresses like- like-
It occurs to him dimly that he’s never encountered Martin outside of work, at least never in a scenario that would allow him to change out of his work clothes. And some part of him has always assumed that sweaters and khakis were simply how he dressed. It suited him, really. Or Jon had assumed, but then again he assumed anything familiar is suiting.
“Wh- A- no?” Martin answers, looking vaguely offended. Jon flushes.
“I- sorry, I just- I’ve... I didn’t think you seemed the type to dress... like that...?” Jon fumbles, pathetically trying to salvage the conversation. Judging by Martins expression, he’s failing.
Martin opens his mouth to say something, and Jon realizes there’s likely no coming back from this particular mortification. He snatches the bag by his feet and moves to stand. Some excuse already tumbling out when the reason for his sit-down, which had dulled to a shockingly forgettable throb, decides to remind him of his place in the world.
He lets out a cry of pain, and crumples. Only stopped from hitting the ground by a pair of arms that wrap around his chest and under his shoulder. 
“Oh my god, Jon. Are you alright- what- is it your leg? Where’s your cane-” Martin babbles, Gently replacing Jon on his bench as Jon breathes through gritted teeth.
“It’s fine- i’m fine Martin I-” he sighs, studiously avoiding Martins gaze. “My cane is at home.” He tries not to sound chastised as he says the last part- he shouldn’t have to after all. He’s still Martins boss. He shouldn’t be looking away like he’s been caught at something.
“Jon” Martin sounds exasperated, and Jon crosses his arms. Once again, nothing like someone being scolded. He’s not being scolded. He’s an adult. “How long have you been sitting here like this?”
“I...” Jon begins before trailing off, he’s not actually sure. The period between sitting on the bench and the pain dulling enough for him to think through the fog is something is a blur. He is pretty sure someone asked if he was alright at some point. His lack of answer seems to be enough for Martin though.
“Just give me a moment.” He says, stepping away from Jon over to his bike- which has fallen over onto the ground -pulling it upright and over to Jon on the bench. He pushes down the rusted kickstand with a hearty kick- and Jon briefly notes he’s wearing steel-toed boots -and sets the bike gently upright.
“Okay, so! If you sit on the bike I can push it, and you can get home and rest that leg without jostling it too much by trying to walk without your cane.” He says pointedly. Jon makes a face,
“This... this really isn’t necessary Martin- I’m perfectly capable-” He grumbles, waving a hand dismissively. But a glance at Martins expression shuts him up quick. 
“Do you think you can stand?” He asks. Jon pauses, the memory of the white-hot flash of pain still fresh in his mind. He grimaces, shaking his head. Martin hums thoughtfully. “Alright, would you be alright if I picked you up? Just for a moment to get you on the bike” He asks carefully.
Jon hesitates, looking between Martin and the bike. And weighs his options. After several seconds he nods. Martin smiles, and Jon feels something in his chest flutter. Anxiety at his decision most likely. Or perhaps nerves in relation to sitting on a bike, he’s never ridden one- of course Martin will be doing all the work but surely there’s some sort of balance required isn’t there? Really he shouldn’t be riding a bike like this-
Those thoughts are all swept away at the feeling of large warm hands gently scooping him off the bench. He instinctively throws his arms around Martins neck for support as he’s lifted into the air. 
He can feel Martins chest warm against his side as Martin holds him close, one hand on his shoulder and the other supporting his legs. He’s being cradled by his subordinate, carefully as so not to jostle his leg. And all he can think about is how warm Martin is. He’s large and soft despite all the sharper accessories and he smells a bit like leather and tea on top of whatever soap he uses. Probably something that Jon wouldn’t be able to name with a gun to his head. And Jon can see the freckles on Martins cheeks and neck close enough to count if he wanted to even as he looks away, saying something Jon can’t quite parse because he’s too busy reeling from the realization he’d be happy to sit in Martins arms like this for the rest of his life.
His face goes hot and he forces himself to look down at the ground. The pain is clearly messing with his head, or perhaps the sleep deprivation. Or perhaps he’s still riding the high from that moment of realization that Martin isn’t trying to kill him, that he can trust him. 
Either way he’s not thinking straight, which is why he’s dissapointed instead of relieved when Martin gently places him on the bike with the exact amount of care he took in picking him up. Which shouldn’t make him feel so oddly jittery but it does.
The ride is quiet, aside from awkward instructions from Jon on where to turn as Martin guides them carefully along the sidewalk. They miss a turn once because Jons too preoccupied with the feeling of Martins arm bumping against his shoulder as he guides the bike.
And then they’re at Jons flat, and Jon once again feels that misplaced disappointment. He wonders if perhaps Martin will carry him up to his flat, and his face burns again as the silliness of the thought hits him.
Martin does very, very briefly lift him to help him off the bike when he stumbles. But his leg has recovered enough that he can make it up to his flat without assistance, or so he tells Martin. Who looks unconvinced.
“Let me at least walk with you, yea? That way I know for sure you got home safe.” He insists, and Jon forced himself to be displeased with the situation.
It ends up being a good thing Martin came along though, a partway up the steps the railing is no longer enough to support Jon, and he ends up half-carried the rest of the way. Martins arm under his shoulder, his own loops around Martins back, gripping the jacket for support. He can feel his head drifting at the contact- Martin is just so damned warm and safe and Martin it’s impossible not to get distacted.
He forces himself to think about something else, anything else. The jacket- he can feel the leather under his fingertips and it’s as good distraction as any.
It’s a nice jacket, really. Clearly well-worn. And it does suit Martin, in an odd sort-of way.
Jon winces internally, remembering the conversation from earlier. He hadn’t meant to come off so... well. It doesn’t matter. Except that it does, even though it doesn’t, but it does.
Once they reach Jons door, he pushes off of Martin to lean on the wall while he fumbles for his keys. Martin lingers as he does so, twiddling his thumbs awkwardly in the silence.
Jon finds his keys and sighs in relief as the door swings open.
He nearly wanders inside and shuts the door before remembering basic human etiquette. He pauses in the doorway, turning to Martin. Who smiles awkwardly.
“Thank you.” He says stiffly, still leaning heavily on the doorframe. “That was... very kind. Of you.” Martin shakes his head.
“It’s nothing, really. Couldn’t exactly just leave you there, could I?” 
Jon shifts awkwardly, wincing at the brief weight on his leg. He’s right of course, morally at least. If not logically.
“I... I suppose not.” He says, hesitating before adding “I’m sorry.”
“Look, Jon. I already said it’s fine-”
“No-” Jon grimaces “not for that. I- I meant... for what I said. About your clothes. They don’t... I just- I didn’t expect it, and I may have come off as... rude.” He mutters
“Oh.” Martin says flatly, Jons sure he’d forgotten about that until just now, and he wishes he could have kept it that way.
“they do suit you, though.” He says, after an awkward pause. “Your clothes, I mean. It looks- you look nice.” he finishes as genuinely as he can- he does mean it. Of course, he just doesn’t know how to make it sound like he does.
“Oh” Martin says again, brightening slightly, his cheeks going blotchy red in a blush. “I- er- thank you...? I suppose?”
“Yes. Well. Your welcome, I suppose.” There’s another awkward pause, Martin isn’t quite smiling at Jon, but there’s something soft in his expression Jon can’t quite parse. “ Have a good day, Martin.” He says finally, after a long pause. Martins cheeks redden again.
“Oh- yeah, er. You too Jon- and take care of yourself. Alright?”
Jon nods, and Martin smiles. And Jon thinks he’d like to see Martin smile a bit more.
He waves as Martin heads down the stairs, he can hear Martin humming as he goes.
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stellocchia · 3 years
Okay, now that I have a bit of time it’s time to analize that disaster of a custody battle stream, also known as Tommy and Wilbur visiting Las Nevadas!
As always this is gonna be quite long so I’ll put everything under the cut and remember that I’ll only be talking about the characters. Also for the dialogues the colors are: Quackity, Tommy and Wilbur
One thing that I would like to point out before we get into it is that c!Tommy is pretty much spiraling throughout this stream (he dissociates and shows his suicidal tendencies more clearly) so it’s good to keep this in mind when analizing his actions and words. 
First of all here’s Wilbur’s pov of it: Wilbur's POV
And here’s Tommy’s: Tommy's POV
I’ll be using both for this.
One thing that is immediately interesting to notice is that, despite supposedly living with Phil we mostly see Wilbur around L’Manhole.
“Have you been sewing? Knitting? That can be a dangerous sport if done too quickly” (just wanted to point out the tailor!Tommy bit)
So first of all is the confirmation that the stone never had a use beyond keeping Tommy occupied back when Wilbur asked for it. The task of gathering the stone could also have been a test on Wilbur’s part to test Tommy’s obedience considering that it was a tedious and apparently sensless task that most people would not have taken on.
Afterwards we have an interesting little bit where Wilbur demonstrates that he is still extremely knowledgable when it comes to tnt, knowing which blocks are more resistent to it and even being able to deduce that the ufo was blown up from the inside (something he’ll lie about later). 
“Someone’s a little copycat. Hey tommy someone’s a little copycat~” (in reference to what happened to Purpled’s ufo. This could be interpreted as derogatory we’ll have to see if Wilbur appreciates someone imitating his work)
Quackity’s book is then introduced, though at first Wilbur is very vague about it’s contents before straight up lying about them (saying that it said: “My dearest friend Wilbur, I’ve really missed seeing you, come to project Nevadas your best friend Quackity”), here’s the actual contents of it:
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It is possible that he didn’t mention the actual content to Tommy because he was afraid Tommy would have kept him from meeting Quackity if he knew that he seemingly agreed with Wilbur’s ideology, though this is just a theory. 
Another interesting thing is that Wilbur keeps referring to Ghostbur’s resurrection site as his “tombstone” despite Tommy having already told him last time that he didn’t get one. Perhaps this is a show of Wilbur’s own fear of being forgotten or of having been inconsequential to the bigger narrative (his continued search for the confirmation that he did have a big impact would seem to point to this).
“Will, I’m accustomed to people lying to me. Just tell me: will the book, whatever is in there, bring us more primes?” (this is an interesting way for Tommy to let Wilbur know that he knows he’s lying while still trying to keep the conversation more light herted)
On their way to Las Nevadas there is an interesting instance of Wilbur standing still near a creeper instead of trying to protect himself so that Tommy has to intervene (similar instances happen multiple times throughout the stream) which could be a portrayal of his self-destructive tendencies and kinda mirrors Tommy's behaviour in exile. 
“Every person we’ve spoken to aside from say, I don’t know, Jack Manifold. Every person aside from Jack Manifold has taken a bit of a disliking to me. Oh and Phil, Phil was lovely too, and you actually! Come to think of it the 3 people I care about most, Jack Manifold, you and Phil, have been the nicest to me”
There are a few things I wanna say here: first of all there is one manipulation tactic that consists of making yourself out to be the victim in a certain situation in order to gain pity, sympathy or evoke compassion in the other and that’s what Wilbur has been doing both in this stream and in the past when mentioning that people hate him despite every single person he met (aside from Tommy himself) actually being rather kind and accomodating. This does probably come from Wilbur’s own self-hatred and his view of himself as a villain but, once again, I would like to remind you that manipulation is still manipulation even if you believe in what you’re saying. 
The second point I wanted to talk about briefly was the line about only caring about the 3 people he mentioned. Aside from how truthful he is about all 3 of them (I’m sorry but I have a hard time believing that he cares deeply for Jack Manifold when he didn’t even used to remember who he was) he also later mentions that there are other people he would like to see, basically it’s like the L’Manburg situation: just because Wilbur says he doesn’t care about something it doesn’t mean that it’s true.
“They told me it was like a small little town where Big Q sells funny potions and liquids from his van” (so from Tommy’s understanding Las Nevadas was a mix between the drug van and og L’Manburg. I wonder if we’ll find out who gave him this idea)
Little note about Wilbur throwing Linda (Tommy’s prized shovel) away twice during this stream almost casually.
“Tommy stand back. Tommy stand back” (Wilbur interposing himself between Tommy and a situation that might be dangerous, I’ll talk about this a bit later but keep it in mind)
“I’ll tell you what: it’s nice to see you out of that stupid vice president shirt. You know I never thought you were fit for that vice president thing anyway, I think that this is- this is- what- what are you like the concierge of this area? Like the cleaner?” “This is so nice!” “I don’t know what to call it Wilbur all I know is that this is my place. This is mine. I own this place”
It is interesting to note that Wilbur apparently did not think too highly of Quackity, immediately assuming he must be and employee rather then having a leading position, he even expresses that he didn’t think Quackity was fit to even be vice president. It’s also interesting to point out that Tommy gets immediately uncomfortable with where the conversation is going and splits off from the two to explore while also being extra obnoxious in an attempt to split up the fight he knew to be coming (he is always rather perceptive), to which Quackity responds only with amusement (actually humouring Tommy), while Wilbur simply ignores it for the time being. 
“If I’d known there was a place I could align myself to as quickly as this I would have done it sooner” (could be both a search for community as well as him generally prefering being aligned to a country as he comments later on that he’s not a fan of anarchy by mentioning that him and Phil don’t see eye to eye on this)
This is when Wilbur brings up Quackity’s book for the second time mentioning that he assumed it was an invite to joing Quackity in Las Nevadas, which turns out it wasn’t. 
“So that’s the invitation to work alongside you I assume, I- I accept. I accept. I’d love to come in” “Big Q I also wanted... can I move into the big- the big penis?” “*laugh* No Tommy. Wilbur, Wilbur” “Yeah?” “No? No?” “That was... that was not an invitation I’m sorry Wilbur” *Wilbur checks the book again* “That’s not an invitation. Wilbur, Wilbur, my nation will not be subject to your... unpredictability, alright? Thank you so much for coming, thank you so much for visiting Wilbur but, uhm... I don’t need any- I don’t need any extra members right now” 
So taking this conversation a bit at a time: Quackity is the first person since Wilbur has come back (aside from Tommy, but Tommy’s opinion really doesn’t matter to Wilbur) who hasn’t tried to accomodate him. He set his own rules and stuck by them not willing to budge on it at all. Also it is interesting to note that Quackity so far doesn’t seem to be interested in letting Tommy join either, only changing his demeanour later after Tommy calls Wilbur out on his lying. This change of mind could both be tied to a crack he noticed in Tommy’s loyalty to Wilbur as well as done to spite Wilbur himself. Or both really. 
“[Las Nevadas] It’s like one of those visions you have after being in the mines for several hours” (Tommy mentioning having hallucinations once again)
“No... no, you’ve got it all wrong. You’ve got it all wrong man. Okay okay, maybe, maybe I was unprdictable in the past” “But it’s really nice...” “But I’ve turned over a new leaf Quackity! I don’t lie anymore, I don’t- I don’t, you know, I don’t deceive, I know nothing about tnt anymore. I’ve forgotten everything I knew about tnt, it’s ridiculous I-” “*snicker* Ok- mmm, well... Will, well” “Is he lying Tommy?”
Also here we have a clearer example of Wilbur lying and deceiving right after asserting that he doesn’t do it anymore (he deceived Tommy on the book and lied about his knowledge on tnt) together with Tommy calling him out on it.
“This is the best place on the server! This is like heaven! Paradise!” “Quackity we can stay, right?” “You seem to like it a lot Tommy” 
Immediately afterwards there’s where Quackity seems to change his mind about letting Tommy stay while also ignoring Wilbur in the process. Again we really don’t have any definitive indication for the reason why he changes his mind, it could be because he saw how much Tommy liked it here as much as it could be to spite Wilbur. Any conclusion for either is pure speculation.
“Quackity look at me, look at me in the eyes. I. Am. Your. Servant. I am at your service. I have run countries, I’ve won elections, I’ve done everything that you will need in a leadership role, Quackity. Even not in leadership! I can- I can be, you know, assistent to president”
Another less known form of manipulation. Wilbur wants power within this new country so he offers to cover a more “subservient” position to have Quackity let his guard down so that he can achieve his role. 
“Will this is so cool!” “Tommy SHUT UP!” “Hey! What a fu- hey what a fuck?!” (a bit of Wilbur’s “affable” persona slipping away paired up with Tommy immediately noticing that that was not okay and calling Wilbur out on it)
“Wilbur listen to me: I saw what you did to L’Manburg and I’m not letting Las Nevadas have the same fate as L’Manburg. I appreciate Tommy here, I appreciate you checking this place out Wilbur but, I don’t need your services, I don’t need your presence, you’re very unpredictable” (Quackity once more standing his ground and repeating that he does not trust Wilbur in the slightest and also reaffirming that he does want Tommy there instead)
It’s interesting to notice that all throughout this exchange, while Tommy was off exploring Quackity was the one often paying attention to him while Wilbur ignored him the whole time before snapping.
“So we’re not allowed?” “Tommy, I need to talk to you Tommy” “Am I allowed? Or is it just Will?” “Well, I’d love to discuss it with you” (Quackity is the first person that actually directly addressed Tommy while ignoring Wilbur since Wilbur’s resurrection and that’s quite interesting. It could be that perhaps he noticed that Wilbur seems to consider Tommy almost like an extension of himself and that he tried to drive a wedge into that)
The next few minutes are spent with Wilbur trying to find out exactly where the confines of Las Nevadas are.
“Tommy come with me. Tommy at my side please” (addressing him like a soldier again)
There is a back and forth between Wilbur and Quackity where Quackity tries to deflect Wilbur’s question about his ownership of the adiacent forest multiple times, but Wilbur does end up finding out that it’s not Quackity’s land. (Wilbur also has a throwaway comment about that forest being Paradise in response to Tommy calling Las Nevadas that which Tommy disagrees on).
“What’s the point in capitalism without healthy competition?” (Wilbur announcing he wants to create a country next to Quackity’s)
“Wait, where are you going?” “Just over here Tommy. Stay by my side, by my side” (once again an emphasis on wanting Tommy nearby, which isn’t new)
“You know what Wilbur? You’re right: capitalism strives on competition and I’m ready for all the competition you can bring me” (Wilbur is positively giddy at this declaration, which makes me think that he does truly see this competition mostly as a game)
“Will I don’t want to start a country, I very much like that country there” *Tommy points at Las Nevadas* “With the stone-” “Tommy we- we’ll discuss this in a minute” “No...” “No no no, Tommy seems to have some concerns about building a country from the ground up” (Tommy under) “Listen, listen, guys, guys, I was over there” (Quackity over) “So how about you take Tommy’s opinion into consideration? For once, for once in your life since you’ve never done so before” (Tommy under) “Can we please listen to me? You [Quackity] are not lis- you’re not lis- you’re actually speaking over me”
This is the first one of many conversations this stream where the fight has moved from the power pissing context Wilbur and Quackity had going on to Tommy. It’s also where they starting weaponizing him more and more (his traumas as well as the other’s treatment of him) while each trying to prove that they’re better for him then the other. Of course this isn’t actually about Tommy, it’s about power once again. Quackity has undeniably noticed by now how Wilbur treats Tommy (aka as an extension of himself) together with being pissed that Wilbur challenged him on his own territory (challenging Las Nevadas which is Quackity’s most prized possession) so he decided to repay him in kind. 
From here on out Tommy seems to spiral more, standing up for himself less, looking more and more uncomfortable (especially when the other two start bringing up his traumatic experiences) and slipping back into dissociation and self-loathing behaviour.
“You showed great interest for my country Tommy and I would like to speak to you about that” “Yes” “Wilbur I don’t think you’ll hold Tommy down and make him join your country” “I have utter fate that Tommy will make the right decision” (both of them starting to put pressure on him, subtly influencing him with their wording) 
Tommy and Quackity have a chat together alone (though Wilbur is listening in). 
First thing that happens is Quackity bringing up the hotel which Wilbur implies later was done maliciously, though we don’t know if Quackity knew that the ownership of it didn’t go back to Tommy once he came back to life.
Afterwards Tommy asks Quackity about his scar. 
“If I’m gonna speak to you I want you to be honest with me, ‘cause I’ve spent quite a lot of time with people who just bullshit me, they lie to me and I’m not doing that anymore” (this is one of Tommy’s 2 priorities in life right now. What he wants can be boiled down to honesty and safety)
Quackity does explain honestly what happened, though the information that they spent their time hunting down Techno while Tommy was in exile instead of trying to help him does understandably upset Tommy quite a bit. (Also Wilbur finally makes himself a sword).
“But if this [butcher army] was while I was in exile you’re meaning to tell me that you put in all of the effort to kill Techno instead of helping me?” (...) “You know I needed help and no one came to see me” (this set back his mentality regarding exile quite a bit I’d guess. The anger is more then understandable)
Quackity doesn’t deny the accusations but he does deflect a bit saying that they can talk about it another time and that he is not Tommy’s enemy to which Tommy agrees.
“How would you like to run the official food business of Las Nevadas” (this is Quackity’s big offer for Tommy)
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(Wilbur putting pressure on Tommy in the meantime)
After this Wilbur intervenes directly inquiring on wether or not they were done. Quackity tries to get in a last minute sale pitch to Tommy who is getting quite overwhelmed and asks for some time to think (which he is now given by Quackity, but not later by Wilbur)
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Wilbur also expresses worry for Tommy’s safety while they’re coming back, though how sincere it is it’s unknown (I think it's at least partially sincere worry, but I doubt that's all there is to it). That said I want to say that multiple times in this stream Wilbur has seemingly shown to be protective of Tommy when it comes to Quackity, often almost treating him as if he was incapable of defending himself (as if he couldn’t 1v2 the two of them easily). For example here, even though Tommy said that he can take care of himself Wilbur immediately responds out loud with an: “okay I’m coming” and bringing out his sword.
“Listen Tommy I heard what he was saying to you man and you don’t seriously believe that do you?” (keeping the question very open so that Tommy can interject his own doubts. Also Quackity technically didn’t lie once to Tommy and, while there was a bit of deflection on his part so far he hasn’t been all that manipulative if I’m being honest)
Wilbur proceeds to tell Tommy that if he stays with Quackity he’ll be nothing more then a caterer (strongly implying that that’s not something he wants) and Tommy chimes in saying that that’s not for him.
“Listen Tommy I’m not gonna stop you but, I’ll be honest with you man, you’re all I’ve got” (set up for the guilt tripping later as well as once again putting himself in the position of the victim so that Tommy won’t leave him. Also he denies that Jack and Phil count as well because the first is too busy and he doesn’t agree with the political views of the latter)
“I wanna make a place where we can be safe for once. Tommy it’s been so long since we felt safe and man you deserve it. You’ve been through so much, you’ve done so much, Tommy you’ve changed the world! And all you’ve got to show for it is some scars and some trauma. Tommy you deserve this safety and this sanctuary and that’s why I wanna make it with you and you won’t get it over there”
Now this should sound familiar to quite a few people, mostly because it’s pretty similar to the tactic that Quackity himself uses. First identify the victim’s vulnerabilities and their desires (Tommy only wants 2 things and only one is connected to physical places so safety it is). Second relate to the victims experiences repeating that they do deserve to get what they so desperately want (check back Quackity’s conversation with Fundy if you want to see that done really well). And lastly emphasise that you’re the only one who can give them what they want.
“You know what has substance Tommy? Family. Blood” (what sparked back the canon sbi discourse)
“I haven’t- I don’t wanna make my mind now ‘cause it’s- it feels like-” “Tommy you need to make your mind now” (putting a ton of pressure onto Tommy, enough that Tommy is reminded of his time in prison)
“Tommy I love a challenge” (considering the context and the fact that this is in response to Tommy hesitating on who to join this is most definitely about him. Wilbur definitely still considers this, at least partially, part of his and Quackity’s game)
“If you pick Las Nevadas what am I gonna do? Man, what am I gonna do? I’d never hurt you. I’d never want anything bad for you Tommy” (mixing in a bit of guilt tripping with a bit of lies. Now, it’s probably not a lie that he wouldn’t want something bad for Tommy, but the thing about never hurting him? I mean, this stream is a proof of the cotrary)
“You can go with whatever you want, but just know what you’d do to me” (once again painting himself as the victim while guilt tripping Tommy)
“I put a lot of things to the side that I shouldn’t of. I prioritized the wrong things, I put revenge over humanity. I guess all I’m seeking right now is someone who’ll be honest with me and a place where I can feel safe”
Here it is, we got Tommy’s desire spelled out by him. This is what makes him so vulnerable to Wilbur’s manipulation, the fact that Wilbur knows how to pretend that he can offer this. Also the first part of this is another recognition of how unhealthy his mindset was while he was with Technoblade, which makes him saying that he betrayed Techno and feels guilty about that afterwards even more sad because he recognizes that being with Techno was not good for him but still bashes himself over leaving him even if he really didn’t have any other choice if he wanted to stay true to himself. It’s quite tragic and it’s once more a show of his self-loathing. 
“This can be a safe place for them [Techno and Tubbo]” (Wilbur is using the informations Tommy provided him in a moment of open vulnerability to manipulate him further)
Tommy then agrees to stay with Wilbur though he seems far from enthusiastic about it. He seems to believe Wilbur when he says he's gonna make a safe space for him and the people he cares about, but also seems hesitant to fully trust him.
“Big Q is gonna wish he never fucked with me” (still in regard to challenging Wilbur’s perceived ownership of Tommy)
The stream is far from over though. After that conversation between Wilbur and Tommy they start to build a stone penis over the lake and Wilbur and Quackity get in a very heated argument that leaves Tommy incredibly uncomfortable. The whole conversation consists in Wilbur and Quackity shouting at each other about things the other has done to Tommy (all traumatic for him) while Tommy makes himself smaller and shuts down. First Qauckity accuses Wilbur of emotionally manipulating Tommy (which is true), then Wilbur accuses Quackity of using the hotel against Tommy (which wasn’t actually true) and they keep going like that. 
“The one thing [the hotel] Tommy’s tried to do was a failure” (way to undermine achievements like putting Dream behind bars there... however to be exact this is a manipulation tactic known as “shaming” which consists in undermining the victim’s worth to foster feelings of inadequacy which makes them more vulnerable. It’s a tactic Wilbur has used quite often since Pogtopia)
“Great job Wilbur of doing to Tomminnit what you’ve done your entire fucking life” (Quackity does sound actually upset) 
“Don’t try to compare me to you Wilbur, me and you are not the same” (this does align to Quackity’s desire to not live in other people shadows any longer)
“Hey hey hey hey, don’t come near Tommy, don’t come near Tommy” “Will, Will, hey hey, let me speak! This is about me so let me speak! I don’t know I-” “I just don’t want him to hurt you. I just don’t want him to hurt you” “I can fend for myself. You weren’t here for a long time. I thought, I thought you [Wilbur] were gonna make me feel a little bit safer, let me tell you now either of you-” “Fellas fellas” “No shut the fuck up! I didn’t feel- that didn’t make me feel- that was weird, I didn’t- don’t do that either of you” 
Now this is both Wilbur once again babying Tommy and treating him as if he’s not capable of taking care of himself (it could be done out of sincere care, but that doesn’t make it any less patronizing) and Tommy actually standing up for himself. Tommy made himself as little as possible during their confrontation and didn’t utter a word and now he finally got a bit of confidence back to say that he didn’t like that and both of them still tried to interrupt him. And Wilbur immediately went to say that he won’t do it again, but Quackity will as if he didn’t listen to a word Tommy just said. That said after that Quackity does apologize to Tommy specifically (though how sincere that was is debatable and Wilbur also accepts the apology as well even if it wasn’t directed at him) and invites the both of them to have a tour of Las Nevadas. Tommy wanted to refuse the tour because he was already visibly overwhelmed, but Wilbur ignores him and proceeds to accept anyway. 
“Quackity I wanna say from here on, as much as we may have our disagreements here man I- we gotta leave Tommy out of this” (they don’t)
“Tommy I’ll take it back, I’m fine with you working here and still being, you know, as long as you still hang out with me and don’t leave me on my own I have no problems with you working here man” (except they both already put an incredible amount of pressure on him and Will in partucular already made him feel guilty for even considering sort of leaving him)
“At the end of the day it’s okay Tommy, you make your own decisions, but let me keep showing you around the TommyInnit res- uh, I mean the restourant” (very sneaky there Quackity. Naming things creates attachment btw) 
Btw, Quackity and Wilbur are still very tense, but they both put their differences aside in a split second to get Tommy away from the strip club, which honestly is just funny. Also once again Wilbur goes before Tommy inside the casino in case it’s dangerous.
They then gamble for a bit and Tommy bets Linda away and looses it. They then go up in the white tower. 
“This would be such a good point to just jump off and just end it. Woah” “no no no Tommy get down!” “Tommy get down from the rail” (casual reminder that Tommy is still extremely suicidal, though at least this time there was someone there to get him down)
Quackity and Wilbur have a small conversation while Tommy is still checking out the view which mostly consist in Quackity trying to find out more about the Revival Book (while feigning complete ignorance about it). 
Meanwhile while dissociating Tommy puts down some water to the side of the tower and then jumps in it while taking it away (therefore technically jumipng off, but not dying because his fall was slowed down). Quackity notices and immediately panics, while Wilbur places some water down for him so he can get back up. 
“Tommy come here, I’ve got you, I’ve always got you” (both helping and emphasizing his wish for Tommy to depend on him as much as he does on Tommy)
After that they talk for a while and Quackity brings up the conversation that he had with Wilbur which is the moment Wilbur realizes that the “You were right” in the book was referring to the pre-Pogtopia him. Also Wilbur talks about the things he’s lost (years of his life and people are the two things he mentioned). 
“There’s lots of people I wish I could see. Like I wish I could just tell them ‘I’m alive’ and apologize and also thank them” (I do think he’s sincere, but it does make me a bit sad that Tommy was not in the list of people who deserved an apology in Wilbur’s mind)
After that Quackity seems to take an interest in Wilbur’s plans specifically, but, before he can investigate further, Tommy gives him his own answer and declines his offer of manning the restaurant saying that that life is not for him, it’s too relaxed (Wilbur's reaction to it is also worth notice). 
“I don’t wanna run a food stand. Wilbur gets things done” (sorry to Tommy here, but, genuinely, when’s the last time Wilbur got something done without Dream’s or Tommy’s help?)
After this they get back on the topic of the Revive Book and Wilbur reveals that Dream is the one who brought him back. He also admits that he wants to thank Dream for saving him and describes him as his “hero” again. Quackity himself reveals that he has been visiting Dream.
“Oh who cares about Ghostbur?” “Don’t fucking say- don’t- he killed Ghostbur” (once again Tommy should not be here for this conversation considering how triggering the subject is for him)
“I can’t believe- you’re like a misinformed parent, you’re just wrong” (Tommy both pointing out that Wilbur is wrong and admitting that that’s due to a lack of information)
“The prison is not just this thing, this dandelion. No no no, the prison-” “How are you back then Tommy? If you died” “Dream killed me to prove a point. That he- (continues under) he’s omnipotent, he’s got this God complex” “Quackity I need to get in there”
Once again not letting Tommy speak even if Wilbur himself asked the question, though this time it may be because if he listened to Tommy’s story and his experience with Dream he would realize that there are some incongruences between the version of Dream he created in his mind and the real Dream. Between his hero and Tommy’s abuser who beat him to death to prove a point. This split in his mind in how he views Dream was already evident in the last stream with him fip flopping between wanting him dead or not. 
“Tommy, Tommy, I’m not gonna talk shit about them [Sam] without their presence here alright?” (Quackity being protective of his own business patners)
Also Tommy manages to deduce on his own what Quackity has been doing to Dream, though he gets to the conclusion with the wrong clues. Either way after finding out how to visit the prison Wilbur leaves in a hurry telling Tommy to go with him as well.
“I’m a big boy Tommy, I’m a big boy, I’ll be fine” “Wilbur I’m a big man, but I was not fine” (Tommy tries to explain Dream’s danger to Wilbur by making himself vulnerable again, but it doesn’t work as Wilbur doesn’t listen)
Afterwards Wilbur tells Tommy that he is going to the prison and ignores any of Tommy’s concerns on the matter.
“Tommy listen, I didn’t wanna spring things on you because I’m really trying not to be a shit person to you Tommy, right? I’m really really trying. And it’s easy, it’s easy not to be a shit person to you, right? Because we got people like Quackity over there who are just- you know he said it best I’m not gonna talk shit about him behind his back"
If he’s not trying to be a sh*t person to Tommy he is failing miserably. Truly this whole stream he either ignored him, talked over him, talked about incredibly triggering stuff in front of him or tried manipulating him. This was all their interactions summarized. Pettiness aside though, he still badmouths Quackity by handing Tommy the book and telling him that Quackity agreed with the “old Wilbur” (not specifying that he is referring to pre-Pogtopia Wilbur and that he himself still agrees with the “old him”) to villainize him. He also acts like Tommy is being unreasonable for not wanting him to go, despite having died there and having seen Ghostbur die there. Wilbur does say that he won’t go if Tommy really doesn’t want him to, but he leaves telling him they’ll talk about it again right after Tommy tells him this: 
“I don’t think you should do that, he’s more powerful then you think you are”
Left on his own Tommy reminisces of when he went to the prison looking for closure as well. He then borrows an ender chest from Quackity for his and Wilbur’s little stone shack and then goes to the middle of the lake to listen to cat. 
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frogs-are-pretty · 3 years
Demon Brother headcanons for trying to get their attention
You're trying to ask them on a date but they're ignoring you, then you figure out the best way to get their attention
Includes demon brothers, lord diavolo, barbatos, simeon, and solomon
No Luke cause that's your brother, tf??
He was outside of RAD talking to Lord Diavolo about something
You honestly didn't know what they were talking about but hoped it would end soon
Barbatos knew you were there but also knew where this was going
Lord Diavolo knew you were there too but thought it best not to say something since it was Lucifer you wanted
You were starting to get aggravated
Then you had an idea
You went and held his gloved hand
He was taken aback by the sudden weight on his hand
He turned and saw you and your hands intertwined with his
He would've been happier for the affection if it wasn't in the middle of his conversation with Lord Diavolo
He asked what were you doing with an intrigued yet confused tone
"Well I was trying to get your attention but you wouldn't pay attention to me. Anyway, there's a new place that opened up that sells different varieties of princess' poison apples. I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go with me."
"Why you didn't ask Beel to go? He likes princess' poison apples."
Yes Lucifer liked them more than Beel does, but he didn't see why you had to interrupt the conversation to ask him
You ad to repeat the part where you wanted to go with him, only him
That's when he asked if you were asking him on a date
Once he figured that out he agreed and told you that your going as soon as be finishes talking to Lord Diavolo
Diavolo let him go since he knew how long you've been waiting to ask him
You two walked and he did not let go of your hand at all
He was trying to sell something to a demon
Or was he trying to get them involved in a new scheme?
You didn't know and couldn't care less
He kept talking while you tried to get his attention and you were getting fed up
Then you realized what you could do
There's two ways to do this
Route A- hug him from the front with your arms around his shoulders
He'll be flustered and all you have to do is let go but keep your arms draped over his shoulders and he's a cherry red tomato
Route B- hug his side and snuggle ino him
He'll still be flustered but just look up and he'll almost lose the ability to speak cause of how cute you look at his side
He'll ask what your doing in either case cause your getting in the way of money
"You weren't paying attention to me and I wanted to ask if you will to go to the human world with me. There's this new place I wanna go to and Lucifer said I could bring someone if I wanted and I kinda wanted to bring you."
"Of course you'd want to take the great Mammon!"
He didn't get that it was a date
You had to be more specific on why you wanted to go with him until he realized it was a date
It made him happy that his human wanted to go on a date with him
The demon was quickly forgotten about when he realized this
You two went to the house of lamentation with his arm around your waist
He's talking to someone about some game
Possibly an online mutual or someone with an interest in it
Either way you we're being ignored
You knew his rants can go on for hours
You were seriously having thoughts of kicking him, then a better idea came
While his head was still enough, you kissed his cheek
He stopped dead in his tracks and looked over at you
He flushed red and asked why you did that
Part of his redness was because this happened in an anime he saw once
But it was mostly because you kissed a yucky otaku
"Lucifer switched cooking shifts with me and I wanted to know if you wanted to make some of that food we saw in the anime we watched the other day. We're gonna need to shop for ingredients too."
Of course he agreed to make some anime food with you, but he was taken aback that you wanted to make it with him
He didn't know it was a date and you could tell by how calm he was compared to when you kissed him
You put emphasis on the fact you wanted to make it with him
That's when he realized it was supposed to be a cooking date
Leviathan.exe has stopped working
He lost the ability to speak but you knew he wanted to
You grabbed his hand while looking on your D.D.D for the ingredients
Once he calmed he built up the nerve to put his arm around your shoulder
He was over the moon when you leaned into him
He was talking to someone about some book
All you needed was 3 minutes of his attention and he couldn't spare that
He was getting into the conversation and so was the other demon
You were getting annoyed and wanted to punch one of them
But a thought overpowered that one
Right when he was still enough you grabbed his hand
He immediately stopped and looked over at you
He'll be greatful for the gesture and considered rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb but didn't
"What was that for?"
"I wanted to ask if you will go to this new bookstore that opened up. There's also a cat cafe near it too."
You lost him at bookstore
He was dragging you by the hand to go there
You had to physically stop him so you could tell him it was a date
That made him even happier to go
You both walked there hand in hand
He was telling Solomon about something
You didn't know cause you wanted to punch both of them
The conversation felt like it qould never end
You were considering actually punching them but then something better came to mind
You hugged Asmo from the front with your arms around his shoulders
He stops before giggling a bit and hugging you back
"Awww, what is this for?"
"I wanted to ask you if you would go to this store with me that just opened up."
He agreed and asked Solomon to come too
That's when you had to say that you wanted to go with just and only him
The dots connected immediately
He kissed your nose agreed
He held you with trying to speed up the conversation with Solomon so you two could go
You didn't care now cause you got what you had to say out
You were also happy that you were so close to Asmo right now and he was stroking your back
When their conversation finished, he walked with you there with his arm around your waist
He was talking his fangol coach
You didn't know what about exactly and you couldn't care less
All you wanted was to talk to Beel and apparently that was asking for too much
You were about to give up when you had an idea
You grabbed his arm, pulled him down and placed a kiss on his temple
He looked over at you curiously
"Mc, are you ok? What was the kiss for?"
Don't get him wrong, he loved the kiss. He just wonders if there was a reason
"There's a new restaurant that opened up and I wanted to go with you. And maybe also go to a movie."
His mouth was already salivating at the thought
He agreed but really wanted to finish talking to his coach first
His coach let him go cause Beel's been a better player since you arrived
Beel almost dragged you, but stopped when you called his name
You had to elaborate more on why you wanted to go with him
When he realized it was a date he was even more existing to go
You walked there holding onto his arm and he loved how small you looked next to him
He was talking to Beel and he didn't notice you cause he was sleepy
He was awake enough to hold a conversation with his brother but not enough to notice the obvious next to him
You were mad with him and wanted to stab him awake
You decided against it
Instead you held his hand
It was warm and soft so you could've fallen asleep to just at the touch
The sudden heaviness made him finally look at you
You figured he was awake enough tobhear what you needed to say
"Do you want to go to this stuffed animal store later today with me? I want to get you something from there, my treat."
The fact you added my treat made him curious
"Why did you say my treat? Usually people only say that if..... Mc, are you asking me on a date?"
Your silence answered everything for him
He pulled you close to him and buried his head in the crook of your neck
"Ok, but let me nap right here real quick."
You and Beel laughed a bit
You allowed him to use you as a pillow to sleep and talked to Beel
When he woke up you two went to the stuffed animal store
He had his arm around your shoulder cause you were so comfy earlier, why would he let go?
Lord Diavolo
He was talking to Barbatos about some royal thing or something
You knew you couldn't always have his attention but just this once for 2 minutes you wanted it
You were growing impatient
So you decided to hold onto his arm
He felt the weight and looked over at you
The way you were holding his arm had him worry a bit
"Mc, are you ok?"
"Yeah, I just wanted to know if you wanted to go to a restaurant with me. Maybe not today, but someday soon."
He immediately asked if it was a date
When you confirmed he was so happy
He put a hand over one of yours
He tried to quickly finish his talk with Barbatos
When he did he asked him to make the reservations at the best restaurant he knew
He was excited to go on one with you
When you did go with him, he had you hold onto his arm again
He loved how your fragile human body looked against his
How you weren't scared in the slightest either, even in a world of demons
It was everything to him
He was talking to Diavolo about butler things or whatever
He knew you were there but couldn't talk
He also had a vague idea on what you were going to do
Seeing multiple different timelines mad eit hard to know exactly what was going to happen
The conversation with Diavolo was making you irritated
You decided the best way to get the butler's attention
You put a hand on one cheek and tried to pull him towards you for a kiss on the cheek
Then he turned his head so you ended up actually kissing him
He looked at Diavolo
"If you'll excuse me, my Lord." He turned to you "Is there something you need? Or did you already get what you need?"
"I wanted to ask if you'd go to the movies with me one day. There's a movie playing but it was released a while ago so the theater should be empty."
"Sounds like a date."
Diavolo told him to go and decided himself that what they were talking about could wait
Barbatos followed the orders and took you to the theater
He walked you there with his hand on your back
He did put his hand on your waist cause he knew you'd prefer that instead, and he'd do anything to make you happy
He was talking to Luke about the Celestial Realm
Or was he saying how angels aren't so drastically different from demons?
It didn't matter because the angel was ignoring you
All you knew is that Luke was too busy being in his "the devildom is evil and so are the brothers" mood to tell Simeon you were there
You wanted pull his hair out
But you thought of something better, better for both of you
When he was sighing from Luke's mood, you hugged his side
He put a hand on your back when he saw it was you
Luke was surprised himself to see you there
"Mc! What are you doing here? Did those demons scare you out?" Luke asked, still in his mood
"What are you doing here? Did you need something? Are you ok?" Simeon asked, now stroking your back
Damn, this angel knows how to make you feel loved
"I'm ok Simeon. I just wanted to know if you'd go to a restaurant with me. But not like, as friends."
He got the message with the last part and agreed
He was greatful, knowing that you liked him back
And enough that you asked him on a date before he asked you
Luke was excited that you two were going on a date
You spent the next thirty minutes talking to Luke and Simeon, with Simeon's hand still on your back
He was talking Asmo
Asmo was being Asmo so Solomom couldn't really pay attention to you
You wanted to hit Asmo at the moment
Then you wanted to do something else, so you did
You reached down and held his hand
He looked at you and held back a slight laugh
"Is there something you need?"
"I wanted if you'd go to the human world with me to go to a new store. Ya know, just us."
Immediately realized it was a date and said a flirty remark back
He was happy that you had feelings for him, the only other human in this world of demons
Asmo was upset that you didn't ask him for a date
You simply reached over a gave him a head pat and he liked the touch
You both went to Lucifer and he changed you using his magic into your human world clothes (the magic just immediately changes clothes, no nudity)
He walked with you hand in hand, planning on taking you to dinner there too
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cloudy-minded-idiot · 3 years
closing time
pairing: Natasha Romanoff x female reader (kinda?)
warning: mentions of blood, a probably very inaccurate description of a wound being treated (lemme know if I should add anything else)
word count: around 3,000
a/n: wrote this before bed last night and edited it this morning. feedback would be appreciated, just pls don’t be too hard on me, since it’s the first fic i’m posting on here. i have a vague idea for a second part if anyone’s interested.
summary: a wounded stranger stumbles into your life one night, and you find yourself helping her out despite your better instincts.
next part
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It was a slow night for a change. The last customer had left half an hour ago. An elderly man who had only bought two packs of cigarettes and some strawberry mint gum to go along with it. He was a regular, came in at least once a week, always bought the same thing. The kind of customer you enjoyed after a long day: quiet and quick to leave.  
You were all set to lock up for the day. All you could do now was wait for your shift to actually be over. A difficult thing for someone who was inherently impatient and had nothing to distract herself with. Your phone had died halfway through the day, and you had finished your book sometime around lunch. Any other night, you would at least have your co-worker or your boss to chat with, but Mr. Douglas had left early today. Something about his in-laws coming to visit. You hadn't question it.
A glance at the clock. Ten more minutes. With a sigh, you closed your eyes, just listening to the ticking sound. For a while, you counted along. It was calming. Almost enough to lull you to sleep. Not that that took a lot, you were pretty tired after all. You had long lost track of the seconds gone by when, in between the rhythmical tik-tok, a  shrill bell chimed. The one above the entrance you knew all too well.  
You had to suppress an annoyed sigh. Last-minute customers.
Whatever complaint you had on your mind was quickly replaced by utter shock when you opened your eyes. In, through the drugstore-door, staggered a woman with fiery red hair, covered head to toe in dirt. Bruises lined her face, and she kept one hand pressed to her abdomen in a futile attempt to stop blood from seeping out of a wound. Little droplets fell to the floor despite her efforts, marking her path to the counter.  
"Holy shit!" you breathed out, eyes probably wide as saucers. You continued dumbly, "I think you need to see a doctor."
An understatement, to be sure. If her sickly pale complexion was anything to go by, she was sure to keel over sooner rather than later.
The redhead shook her head determinedly, a pain-stricken look on her face.  
"No doctor. No hospital. Just need some medical supplies," her remark was accompanied by her slamming crumpled dollar bills on the counter.
"O-kay," you said slowly, leaving the counter and taking her by the elbow, "I'll get you your supplies, but you seriously need to sit down."  
You opened the door to the break room, guiding her to a chair that she more or less collapsed onto. She winced in pain, and you stayed a moment to make sure she was all set before hurrying back out. In a frenzy, you jogged along the shelves, mentally trying to create a list of supplies she could need. Rubbing alcohol, a first aid kit, scissors, tweezers. You also grabbed some painkillers and a bottle of water on your way back.  
Dumping all the supplies on the round wooden lunch table, you watched her nervously as she started to cut off parts of her shirt to get better access to the wound. Almost instinctively, you grabbed the trash can holding it out for her to dump the blood-soaked fabric into.  
"Water," she croaked out in between painful gasps, "Need to…rinse the wound." 
Mutely, you nodded. Rummaging through the cabinet of the small old-fashioned kitchen counter until you found a big bowl and filled it up. Dipping a towel into the lukewarm water, you knelt in front of the woman.  
"Let me do it. You need to save your strength."
She looked like she wanted to object, but, in the end, she gave you a curt nod. There was a lot of blood. You did your best not to irritate the wound too much. By the time you were finished, the water itself was a deep crimson. She had closed her eyes, sweat covering her brow. She grabbed you by the sleeve of your shirt when you tried to stand up, holding you in place.  
"Now with alcohol," she told you. Your eyes flickered to the bottle on the table.
You hesitate. Swallowing the lump in your throat.
"Are you sure?"
"Do it," the redhead commanded, eyes still closed. She let go of your arm then, returning hers to the armrest of the chair. Her fingers left behind bloody prints.  
You obeyed her order, wincing along with her in sympathy as you pressed the alcohol-drenched cloth to her wound. You could only imagine how much it must sting. Her grip on the armrests tightened until her knuckles turned white. When you were done, she inspected the wound, eyes narrowed to see in the dim light of the fluorescent lamps. A long silence stretched between you two. She looked up, meeting your gaze for the first time. Her eyes were a mix of greens with little specks of grey thrown in. Under different circumstances, you might have admired them a little longer. They were quite beautiful.
"Can you sew?"  
You nod slowly, sensing where she was going with this and not liking it one bit.  
It took a while to find sewing supplies. Taking deep breaths, you willed your hands to stop shaking and followed her murmured instructions. Put on latex gloves, sterilize the needle and thread. She sounded very calm as she explained how to make the first stitch, didn't even flinch when the needle pricked her skin. It helped calm you down a little.  
By the time you cut off the excess thread, you found yourself unable to recall doing any of the other stitches. The rush of the moment made the procedure seem to pass faster than it probably did in reality. She eyed your handiwork for a moment before giving a small nod of approval, a faint, exhausted smile tugging at her lips.  
“Not bad for a rookie.”  
“Thanks,” you breathed out, already preoccupied with sifting through the first aid kit.
Wrapping the wound was much more your forte. The redhead leaned back in the chair once you finished, washing some painkillers down with a big gulp from the water bottle. With the adrenaline wearing down, you felt as exhausted as she looked. Leaning back against the table leg, you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, your body relaxing as your apprehension lessened little by little.
You took a couple of moments to mentally catch up to what just happened, processing the sheer craziness of it all. Your brain was brimming with questions. Who was she?  Who hurt her? Why didn’t she get professional help? They were on the tip of your tongue. But the woman passed out before you had the chance to ask her anything.  
With tremulous hands, you cleaned the store for the second time that evening, wiping up blood from the floor, the chair, and the table. You discarded the rags with the rest of the used supplies. All the while, you checked on her multiple times, unable to shake the fear she might die right then and there. She looked unnaturally pale, but her pulse continued to drum rhythmically, her chest kept rising and falling with every breath she took.  
What now? Should you call the cops? The hospital? She seemed pretty set on not getting any authorities involved. Perhaps with good reason?  
You resolved to find out tomorrow, hoping you would not grow to regret it. Slinging one of her arms over your shoulder, you lifted her up and carried her bridal style, mindful of her injury. She wasn't too heavy, but you still were glad you had had the foresight to park your car nearby. After making sure she was safely strapped into the passenger seat, you went back and finally closed up the shop.
The next morning, you were woken up by some clattering sounds coming from your living room. With a groan, you forced yourself out of your bed and stumbled through the door into the next room. The redhead was walking around in the dim light, rummaging through your drawers and dropping things left and right. You watched, for a moment, too perplexed to say anything as you rubbed your eyes tiredly.
“Shouldn’t you be resting or something?” you ask, voice rough from sleep. It was still way too early to be awake. You had thought the pain killers would help her sleep for a couple of hours more. Looks like you were wrong.
“Later,” she muttered just loud enough for you to hear. Crouching down, she opened the bottom drawer of the tv cabinet and pulled out some DVDs you had stored there, only pausing to look at the title of one of them with a smirk.
“Is this not a kids' movie?”
You had no idea what she was looking at, but you crossed your arms, feeling a bit offended anyway. Blame your lack of sleep for making you a little sensitive.
“Do you make it a habit to judge the movie taste of people who were gracious enough to let you stay in their home overnight?”
The woman didn’t answer verbally, just put the movie back and closed the drawer again. She turned to face you, her expression turning serious all of a sudden as if only now remembering where she was and how she got here in the first place. She looked apprehensive, taking a couple of steps in your direction.
“Does anyone else know I’m here?” her voice conveyed a sense of urgency, eyes staring into yours imploringly. Confused, you just shook your head. 
Her shoulders relaxed a little.
“Good,” she nodded, her attention already returning to her little scavenger hunt.
The redhead walked across the room, sifting through your kitchen cabinet next.
You sighed, picking up a couple of things she had knocked over in the living room and putting them back in their proper place. Every few seconds, you would glance at her from afar. She was still wearing the outfit she had on when she came into the drugstore. With her unconscious, you hadn’t seen any way of getting her into some new clothes, at least not without possibly irritating her wound or waking her up. She could surely use something clean to wear. Her current attire was dirtied and bloody, not to mention that her shirt now looked like a makeshift crop top since she had cut off parts of it last night.
“You know, if you just told me what you’re looking for you wouldn’t have to make such a mess of my apartment,” you winced as one of your spice shakers fell out of the cupboard and landed on the stove just as you finished speaking. Luckily, nothing broke.
The woman paused mid-motion, still on her tiptoes, body halfway turned towards you.  
“A radio. An old one preferably.”
Frowning, you picked up and folded the blanket she had discarded on the floor in front of your couch.  
“What for?”
The redhead eyed you for a moment, hesitant and unsure whether you could be trusted. In the end, she kept quiet, ruling against explaining herself. You reluctantly accepted her decision, tossing the folded blanket back on the couch cushion in resignation.
“I should have an old radio alarm clock somewhere in my wardrobe. Will that do?”  
It took you a couple of minutes to find the old thing, hidden away in the very back of your closet, underneath some clothes you hadn’t worn in forever. When you returned to the living room, your visitor was leaning against the kitchen isle, nibbling on one of your pop tarts which she abandoned as soon as she saw you. Eagerly she took the alarm clock off your hands, acknowledging you with a grateful nod. The redhead sat down on the couch, plugging the device into the closest outlet. 
You more or less kept an eye on her while you made yourself some coffee, but you had no idea what she was doing. To you, it looked like she was just fiddling with the controls, only static and a couple of high-pitched sounds filling the living room. It was grating on your nerves, but you made no comment. By the time she finished and turned the radio off again, you were already on your second cup.  
“Are you expecting any visitors in the next couple of days?” she asked casually, sidling up next to you in the kitchen.
 You raised an eyebrow, placing your empty cup in the sink.
“No. Why?”
“I need a place to lay low until Tuesday.”  
“Lay low?” you parroted, “What for? Who are you hiding from?”
Subconsciously, she glanced down at her bandaged wound, and you followed her gaze, slow realization coming over you.  
“Did they do that to you? Did they hurt you?” you asked more softly. She only shook her head in confirmation, “Then why not just go to the police? I’m sure they can help you better than I c-"  
“No,” she cut you off immediately, gripping your wrists tightly in both her hands as if to physically keep you from taking your phone and calling the cops. This only made you grow more concerned.
“No. We can’t go to the police. It’s not safe,” she loosened her grip on you a little.
 Your eyebrows were drawn together as you thought about what she said.
“Why would it not be safe? Unless...,” you swallowed as a possibility crossed your mind, “Are you in trouble? Did you do something illegal?”  
When she didn’t immediatley deny your statement, you started to jump to conclusions, your voice rising with panic.
“Oh, shit! You did. What was it? Were you in a fight? Did you kill someone? Holy shi- Does helping you make me an accomplice? Am I harboring a criminal in my ho-”
She cut off your rant by slapping a hand over your mouth, thus muffling your words.
“Be quiet, your neighbors might hear,” she hissed, gaze darting to the door, almost like she expected someone to burst through it. 
Your eyes were wide in fear, but you listened to her, your heart racing. She slowly removed her hand, giving you a warning look as though she feared you would start talking again. You didn’t.
“I’m not a criminal,” she told you earnestly, “I am, however, on the run, so I would appreciate your discretion.”
“On the run from whom?”
The question was no more than a whisper, too scared to raise the volume of your voice. She held your gaze for a moment before shaking her head.
“I’m afraid that’s classified.”
“Classified,” you repeated, incredulous, “So let me get this straight. You show up at my job, bleeding all over the place and telling me not to call the authorities. I help you out, let you crash at my place and you, in return, wake me up at an ungodly hour, make a big mess of my living room, imply that you might have done something illegal, and expect me to let you stay here until Tuesday without getting any information whatsoever?”  
“I know this isn’t fair...,” she admitted, and you laugh humorlessly.
“Not fair? I would be crazy to agree without at least having an idea what I’m getting myself into.”
The redhead nodded in agreement, looking away guiltily, teeth biting down on her lips. She seemed genuinely beat down, something even you, as a stranger, could tell was foreign to her. Oddly enough, you felt bad, although you knew, realistically, that you had done nothing wrong.
You let out a weary sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. Curse your empathetic heart.
“Three conditions,” you conceded, making her look at you in surprise. Holding up a finger, you started your list.  
“One. No more throwing my stuff around. If you need something, ask. I don’t want to have to clean up after you.”  
She nods, having the decency to actually look sorry this time. You put up a second finger.
“Two. You tell me your name. Doesn’t have to be your full name or even your real name if that’s a secret or whatever," you added with an indifferent shrug, "I just want something other to call you than ‘hey you’.”
“What’s the third condition?” she prompted, not commenting on the second one.
“You promise me that you’re not the bad guy in this situation and that helping you won’t land me in trouble somehow.”  
The redhead cocked her head to the side, an almost fascinated expression on her face.
“How would you know I’m telling the truth?”
“I don’t,” you countered without hesitation, “I’m just gonna have to trust your word here. Just as you will have to trust mine that I’ll keep your presence here a secret.”  
For a moment, she regarded you with some indescribable emotion on her face before nodding in concession. Letting go of the one wrist she was still holding, she took a step back. Caught up in the moment, you hadn’t even realized how close you were standing. Thinking about it now made your face heat up for some reason. The redhead raised one hand as though she was about to take an official oath. She held your gaze unwaveringly as she spoke.
“I promise you, that I will not make a mess in your home anymore. And I solemnly swear that you won’t get in trouble for helping me in any way whatsoever.”
Something about her demeanor told you she wasn’t lying. You shake your head satisfied, a small but relieved smile taking over, some of the tension and apprehension leaving your body. She smiled tentatively in return, extending her hand to you in greeting.
“The name’s Natasha.”
Glancing at her proffered hand, you took it and gave it a small shake.
“Nice to officially meet you, Natasha.”
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rmnamjoons · 4 years
Taking Flight [KNJ Oneshot]
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➳ summary: More than a decade after the alien invasion that wiped out most of the planet, you and Namjoon are both in the Pilot Cadet Corps, training for if the alien attackers ever come back. What begins as a playful rivalry between two overachievers develops into a deep friendship and emotional bond, but when the aliens suddenly return and you and Namjoon are separated, you find out just what you’re willing to do to get back to him.
➳ pairing: pilot!Namjoon x pilot!reader
➳ genre: smut, sci fi au, post apocalypse au, alien invasion au, rivals to friends to lovers
➳ word count: 15.2k
➳ read on ao3, link to my masterlist
➳ tags: smut, reunion sex, oral (f receiving), fingering, emotional loving sex, soft dom namjoon, dirty talk (no degradation), rivals to friends to lovers, sexually charged fight/sparring scene when they’re rivals, previously seemingly unrequited love/mutual pining, shower sex, multiple positions, namjoon is needy and so in love
➳ warnings: unnamed character death/death mention, blood mention, injury mention/vague description
➳ a/n: I know this is kind of a niche genre for smut fics; I primarily wrote this for myself, and I definitely had fun and like what I came up with! What’s the point of fanfiction anyway, if not to have fun? Also, this takes place over a few years, and I tried to portray how Namjoon was feral and angry when he was younger but is now a loving gentle giant. Enjoy!
Everybody lost someone in the attacks that killed most of the planet. Friends. Family. Partners. You had lost everything and everyone, like most people who’d lived in the cities that no longer had names — what once had been centers of commerce, tourism, and civilization were now nothing more than craters, and with so few left who remembered them, what they’d once been were now lost to time.
You'd only survived by chance, really. You and your family had been in a tunnel leaving the city, on foot like everyone else, and when everything had turned to chaos, you’d gotten lost from your parents and sister. You still remembered the way people screamed and ran through the tunnel, their voices echoing harshly off the cement walls. You’d spotted someone hiding off to the side in a utility room in the tunnel, and when the blast hit the city center, that person had made you hide in the room too, their body shielding yours from the hellfire, melting around you.
You were five years old then. You were pretty sure your sister had been eight. You couldn’t remember what your parents or sister looked like, or your house, or where you’d gone to school, other than vague flashes and shapes of people who’d once been your whole world. All you’d had with you were the clothes on your back, and even those had been taken away once you’d gotten somewhere safe and been given something clean to change into.
After the ships fell and surviving aliens left, it had taken years to clear the rubble and start over. The attacks that changed and destroyed everything had also been a gift, or so they now preached, in which humanity was able to grow, learn, and become united. The religions and cults who now worshiped the alien attackers believed humanity had deserved extermination, but you liked the more academic approach to the alien race’s lessons: the technology humans had been able to reverse engineer from their fallen ships.
One of the many ways humanity had advanced in the last few years was flight technology. Planes were faster, turned sharper, could go farther, burned cleaner energy. The one thing everyone seemed to agree on was how important Earth’s planes had been in beating them, so that was where all the technology and progress was focused now.
You loved planes and flying, you always had, but the real reason you wanted to be a pilot, you held much closer to your chest: your entire life, you always felt like the attacks when you were young were just the beginning. Like an unhealthy obsession or open wound, it was all you could think about sometimes, what drove your every decision, what led you to the Pilot Cadet Corps. You wanted to be part of the team that took them down if they ever came back. You wanted to be ready.
You were eighteen when you’d joined the Corps. You’d jumped on that opportunity the first moment you were able, without so much as a second glance back at what you left behind. You’d been adopted fairly soon after the attacks, but your adopted parents never felt much like family.
The first full year of Corps was bootcamp. Bunk rooms were co-ed, and every moment of your lives was dictated down to the second. You woke up at six in the morning and ran laps around the track. You had as much free time as you earned between whenever you finished your laps and when breakfast started at seven: the faster you ran, the more free time you got.
Eight to noon was physical training. After lunch was different depending on the day: three days a week you had mental training for whatever field you were going into, mostly flight simulation for the pilots. Another day was more combat training, and the last was an alternate, for first aid, written tests, marksmanship, and other courses along those lines. After that you had more physical training, like sparring and hand-to-hand combat, then dinner, then free time. Lights out was strictly at ten-thirty every night, and then you’d start it all over again the next day.
Now, you stood in line with the other cadets training to be pilots, waiting to hear your class ranks. Every month, they would announce a ranking of all cadets, a score averaged in test results, simulator scores, and overall performance. The better you ranked, the better your placement once you graduated.
“Third place, Park. Eighty-nine point nine,” the sergeant read off, making a small boy a few rows away from you puff up his chest in pride. You weren’t sure why anyone would feel proud of not getting an A, but you pushed that thought away.
You swallowed hard, holding your breath. There were only two spots left, and if you’d scored higher than Park, that meant you got an A and were either in second or first place out of the whole class. You didn’t know everyone’s names yet, so you weren’t sure who you were competing with.
“Second place, Y/L/N. Ninety-five point two.”
You heard the impressed murmur of others in the class before all of them were silenced by a firm look from the sergeant. Your heart sank, your hands curling into tight fists. Second place? You’d been so sure before now that you were working harder than all the other cadets. You were smarter than them, faster, more focused. Who the fuck had beaten you?
“First place, Kim. Ninety-five point three.”
Your brow furrowed. You weren’t sure who this Kim was, but you set your jaw, becoming determined to learn everything about them so you could beat them. Whatever their weaknesses were, you’d find them and exploit them.
You snuck a glance around you, trying to figure out who Kim was, and nearly jumped out of your skin when the tall boy next to you made eye contact with you, raising one eyebrow in the most smug, cocky, asshole-ish look you’d ever seen. That one singular eyebrow quirk, the corner of his lip curling up barely noticeably, all of it made you want to seethe and strangle him.
You’d noticed this man before, but had never thought much of him. He was taller than all the other men, but he hadn’t come off as particularly smart or extraordinary. This guy was the one who’d beaten you?
Now that you looked at him, you noticed he was definitely very muscular. Had he beaten your score through his strength? You could work harder at weight lifting and beat him. Were his test scores perfect? You could make yourself study even more.
Whatever it was that made him first place, you’d find out and beat him.
In the following weeks, you began to wonder how you’d ever missed Kim Namjoon.
You and Namjoon both worked harder than everyone else. You both trained longer, started earlier in the morning and kept going until you were the last ones left. You both pushed yourselves harder than all of your other classmates, academically and physically. Before he was placed first in the class, you hadn’t even noticed him, but now he was the bane of your existence, and you existed only to beat him and come out on top.
You were faster and more agile, but Namjoon was by far stronger. You almost wanted to dispute the scoring system; what use was strength for a pilot? You weren’t soldiers. He needed fast reflexes and precision, not fighting skills or the ability to deadlift two hundred pounds. Was he planning on picking up planes and throwing them at the alien ships? It was so stupid.
The second month of bootcamp, you were the top of the class, and Namjoon was second place now. You smiled smugly to yourself and kept your eyes focused forward, staying perfectly at attention like the other cadets, but you could feel his eyes on you and almost sense his focused anger, that same emotion you’d felt when he’d first beaten you.
After the ranking announcements, you went to combat training in the gym, but your instructor called out both your name and Namjoon’s before you could even get started.
“I want the two of you to spar,” the instructor said as the two of you ran up. “No rules, just fighting. You can use boxing, wrestling, martial arts, whatever you want — just don’t kill each other.”
You narrowed your eyes at Namjoon, almost expecting him to refuse to fight you, for being a girl. Besides occasional glares, the two of you had never so much as said a word to each other, but you figured smug alpha male assholes were all the same.
But instead, Namjoon smiled and said, “All right.” He almost seemed eager to get in the ring and teach you a lesson.
Now, you eyed him from across the ring, how he was watching you with a smug little smirk as he wrapped his knuckles.
“To win, pin the other person’s back to the mat for five full seconds,” your instructor said carefully. “Their back has to fully touch the ground, not just shoulders. They don’t have to be conscious to be pinned.”
You and Namjoon made eye contact at that.
“Whoever wins doesn’t have to run laps next week. Loser runs double laps before eating. You both ready?”
You and Namjoon ended up drawing a crowd of spectators.
The moment the instructor said start, you ran, jumped, and wrapped your legs around his head, twisting and throwing him to the ground so that he was on his back and you stood over his head, smirking down at his stupid surprised face.
He’d hit the mat hard, the breath completely knocked out of him. A few people in the crowd murmured quietly to themselves and quietly asked each other if the fight was already over. You let out a shaky breath, letting yourself feel proud for a split second as you glanced at the spectators, but before you could register what was happening, Namjoon grabbed you by both your legs, making you twist and fall hard on your back, too.
You tried to crawl away from him, but he just pulled you under him by your legs, climbing on top of you and trying to hold you down with his hands. You arched your back as high as you could, touching the mat only with your shoulders and ass as Namjoon fought to grab your wrists. He was on top of you, straddling your abdomen and trying to keep you down without actually touching your chest, and you watched him bite his lip and heard him growl as he focused on not getting hit while you thrashed beneath him.
You brought your leg up and kneed his kidney as hard as you could, making him groan before moving back to pin your legs down too. You could now easily keep your back fully off the mat, but he was straddling you much lower now, bending over you and still trying to grab your arms. This close, you could smell him, his sweat and masculine scent mixed with the cheap soap you all were given, and you had to push aside the fact you kind of liked the way he smelled.
You were panting hard, your chest rising and falling rapidly with each deep breath. You watched Namjoon as he glanced down at your breasts, before his eyes snapped back up at your face, his eyes wide as if he were surprised he’d let himself look.
“Having fun?” you teased, smirking up at him.
“Tons,” he growled, finally catching one of your hands and pinning it down by your wrist.
You hooked your leg up as far as you could, wrapping it around him and using his close proximity to your advantage. This seemed to catch Namjoon very off guard, and you felt more than heard him make a noise in surprise as you essentially embraced him, not giving him any space to move or do anything as you pulled your hand free and wrapped all your limbs around him, hanging off of him like a leach.
Namjoon sat back on his knees, and you held onto him, your legs around his waist and arms around his shoulders, waiting for your moment to use his weight against him and throw him on his back. He was squirming and wearing himself out, while you just squeezed him, hard enough you heard something in him crack.
“What are you doing?” he grumbled, trying to pry you off of him. Before you could answer, he grabbed you by your hair and jerked your head backwards, making you gasp and cry out. He started to force you off by getting his hands between your bodies, but you surprised him, grabbing his throat with both hands and squeezing.
Namjoon forcefully brought his hands down on your arms, bending them so that you let go of his neck, and now you were much closer to his face, nearly nose to nose as he still sat there on his knees with you hanging off of him. He held your wrists with both hands now as you tried to struggle free from him, and when you realized you couldn’t, you twisted one wrist, bringing his hand up to your mouth and biting down as hard as you could on the meat of his thumb.
He yelped and let go of you, but before you could use the moment to your advantage, he grabbed you and pushed you off of him, throwing you down away from him while he scrambled back and looked at his hand.
Your body bounced as you hit the mat, rolling a few times until you slammed against the edge of the ring. Namjoon was back on you before you could react, and you felt him behind you, trying to roll you over so he could pin you down on your back again. You brought your head back hard and connected with his nose, making him jump back again.
When you looked back at him, Namjoon was standing across the ring, holding his nose and glaring at you as you jumped to your feet too.
You circled each other for a moment, both closely watching the other’s every move like prey.
His nose was bleeding heavily, both of you out of breath and covered in sweat.  You were pretty sure you had a bruised rib from him throwing you, your lungs burning from exertion from the fight. Everyone who’d been in the gym was now watching, none of them speaking as the two of you circled each other.
You ran at each other at the same time, Namjoon throwing a swing that you easily ducked. While his momentum was off, you punched him hard in the stomach, making him bend over in pain.
He was being sloppy, maybe distracted from his pain and anger, or maybe he was just more of a big clumsy oaf who relied on strength alone than you’d thought. You knew he was smart based on his test scores, but none of that appeared to translate to agility or finesse. He was fighting clumsy and angry, but you only felt more focused now, catching yourself smiling as you almost enjoyed yourself.
When you tried to strike him again, moving to hit your elbow between his shoulders while he was bent over, he turned and reached up, grabbing your neck with both hands. You broke his hold easily, and used that moment to bring your hand up and smack his injured nose.
Namjoon groaned in pain, holding his nose again. You grabbed his free hand, twisting it until he turned around and fell to his knees, yelling in pain, his arm bent painfully behind his back. You now stood behind him, Namjoon unable to move unless he wanted you to break or dislocate his arm, you on your feet with him on his knees.
“Do you forfeit?” you said, pulling his arm up another inch and making him hiss in pain. You could see how much he was sweating and panting, and ignored the way it sent a shiver of lust through you.
“You play dirty,” he seethed. Just standing close to him, you could feel the way heat radiated off of him. You’d noticed before that he was a sweaty guy, but now he was shining with it.
“I seem to remember being told that there were no rules for this fight,” you said, smiling proudly to yourself as you held the large man in place with one hand.
Instead of responding, Namjoon threw himself backwards into you, knocking you off your feet. You were on your back now and he was on his back on top of you, pinning you there. He had to have at least pulled his arm out of socket doing that move, and his body tensed from the pain, but he didn’t stop.
Namjoon pushed down with his shoulders as hard as he could, arching his back and standing up on his feet, bending his legs to put even more weight on just his shoulders to trap you there under him. You were crushed by him, barely able to breathe, let alone keep yourself fully off the mat.
He was so big and heavy, his shoulders wide enough to pin your arms down. You did the only thing you could think to do in the moment, what you hoped would give you an advantage again. You leaned in and bit down where his shoulder met his neck, the same side his arm was dislocated, and you bit down hard.
Namjoon yelped in surprise and pain, and you wrapped your arms around him in a chokehold so that when he tried to roll away, you went with him. He twisted in your arms until he was on top of you, facing you again, and this time you brought your knee up hard between his legs, his eyes closing as he groaned in agony.
You easily pushed him off and got on top of him, straddling his chest and pinning him down. Your knees pressed your full weight down on his biceps, including his injured arm, which made him groan in pain with every harsh exhale. He arched his back and tried to push you off of him, but he could barely move or reach you, his arms both pinned outward.
“Tired of getting your ass kicked yet?” you goaded, raising an eyebrow when Namjoon glared up at you. “How were you ever the top of our class? This is a little too easy.”
“Fuck you,” he growled, seething hard, blood all over his mouth and chin from his broken nose. His back still wasn’t technically on the ground though, so you needed to think of a way to make him stay down.
You were straddling his chest, so you moved your hips forward suddenly before throwing your whole body back, slamming yourself down hard and completely knocking the wind out of him. You simultaneously knocked him down so that his back was against the mat, and purposefully hit the back of your head against his crotch, which had to still be hurting from when you’d just kneed him a minute ago, so that he wouldn’t have the strength to get himself back up for a few seconds. You heard what you thought was a crack, which you really hoped wasn’t his crotch, before you heard and felt him groaning in pain.
The instructor counted out, and you won. You immediately jumped off of him and looked down at the damage.
Blood covered Namjoon’s chin, mouth, and neck, all from his nose wound, which you’d smacked more than once. He was bleeding from the bite on his neck, and his shoulder did not look right, pulled painfully out of socket and potentially broken. He rolled onto his side away from you and moaned, the hand of his arm that wasn’t dislocated over his crotch as he curled up in a ball on the ground.
“You all right?” you asked cautiously, stepping out of the way as the instructor rushed in to help him. Namjoon held up his middle finger to you, closing his eyes as he tried to breathe steadily.
You snorted in amusement and went off to the locker room to shower.
That night, Namjoon limped into dinner.
You were sitting by yourself at a table near the back, reading a book written by a pilot from before the attacks. Namjoon sat down across from you, as if sitting together was something the two of you normally did.
His nose was badly bruised and taped up, definitely broken. Judging by the limp he’d come in with, you’d messed up something below deck. His arm seemed to have been popped back in socket, but you could see the bruising spreading over his collarbone under his t-shirt, and his arm was in a sling. He had bite marks on his neck and hand, and the one on his neck had needed stitches.
You tried not to smile to yourself.
“Y/L/N?” he asked, like he wasn’t sure of your name, like you two weren’t rivals constantly competing and you hadn’t kicked his ass a few hours ago.
“Kim,” you said, returning the formality.
He didn’t say anything for a moment, so you went back to eating, trying not to look over at him. He rested his non-injured hand on his stomach, and you wondered if you’d broken one of his ribs or if he was just hungry.
“You planning on eating?” you asked him after a moment.
Namjoon actually smiled, laughing to himself weakly.
“I don’t think I even have the energy to walk across the room to get food,” he murmured, his voice a little deeper than usual.
Without a word, you stood, walking straight across the room to get another plate of food. When you returned and placed it in front of him, he looked up at you with wide eyes, confused and shocked by your gesture.
“Do you need me to cut it up for you, too?” you teased, though glancing at his arm, you wondered if he’d actually need that.
Namjoon shook his head after a moment, glancing down at his plate.
“Thank you,” he said quietly. You saw a small, genuine smile on his lips, and you realized then for the very first time that he had dimples.
The following week came, as did Namjoon’s punishment week for losing the sparring match. The first morning, you noticed him waking up earlier than everyone else to go start his laps, since he had to do double. You quickly got dressed and followed.
You ran up beside him as he slowly jogged around the track.
“What are you doing?” He looked over at you, furrowing his brow but not stopping.
“Running laps,” you answered flatly.
You ran the same number of laps as he did that morning, despite having won the right not to run this week. Namjoon, you learned, had a broken rib and pulled groin in addition to all the other stuff you’d done to him, and he’d been given an out and didn’t have to run any laps after all. Your instructor had told him that he needed to focus on healing and not accidentally hurt himself more. He didn’t have to do combat training or anything else physical until he was healed, but he still ran his punishment laps anyway, completely by choice, and so you ran them too, matching his pace the entire time, neither of you saying a word to the other.
Despite getting his ass kicked in the sparring match, the rest of the cadets viewed Namjoon as almost a superhero after that. They respected how well he’d taken a beating; he was the guy who kept fighting, even with half a dozen injuries and multiple broken bones. You were the only one who’d been able to best him, using just your speed to outwit him, and now the rest of the class respected you both even more. Namjoon was a nearly unstoppable tank, and you were the lithe fox that beat him.
As boot camp continued, you and Namjoon continued your quiet friendship, neither of you the overly gushy or warm type, both focused only on training. You studied together, and started helping each other instead of competing. Both of you only improved your scores and times.
Namjoon helped you with your physical training, helping you get stronger. You helped him with his marksmanship, precision, and speed. You regularly sparred and fought and pushed each other further. You studied together, fought together, ate together, did everything together.
The first year of Corps ended, and you entered the second year. This was more specialized, focused on specifically becoming a pilot with more time on flight training instead of physical and military training, which you still definitely had a lot of.
Your class was smaller now, but you still slept in a co-ed barrack. You and Namjoon picked spots next to each other this year.
One night during winter break, almost everyone else had gone home for the week, the two of you essentially having the base to yourselves. It was well past midnight and after lights out, but you and Namjoon laid in your beds talking quietly, both on your sides facing each other. You only had about a foot of space between your beds, and you could just barely make out his face in the dark.
Namjoon told you that he remembered the attacks, losing his family, everything. He’d had a sister too, and had lived in a suburb, not one of the cities. He didn’t explain further, but said that he remembered what happened to his family, and that he’d been found in the woods by himself weeks later. He’d only been seven years old at the time, and you wondered how the hell he’d made it on his own for so long.
You got the feeling he was used to being on his own, and didn’t let himself get attached to anything or anyone. Part of you wanted to reach out and touch him, put your hand on his shoulder and tell him he didn’t have to be alone anymore. But instead you sighed, ignoring the way his sad eyes made your heart ache.
Your second year turned into your third, and you and Namjoon only became closer. You both planned to go on to a fourth year of training, even though it wasn’t required, as it would give you higher credentials and clearance when you finished. Both of you still strived to be perfect, after all.
Halfway through your third year together, you realized Namjoon was the closest thing you had to family. You both saw each other pretty much every moment of every day. You both didn’t leave the base for holidays, so the longest you’d been apart since first meeting was a few hours, at most.
You were constantly together, even when you didn’t need to be. You woke up early and ran laps, even though you were no longer required to — only first year cadets ran laps, but you both continued because… you didn’t know why, and you didn’t question it. You loved running with him.
That first year together, Namjoon had been stoic and quiet. He didn’t talk much, unless directly questioned, and even then he kept his answers as concise as possible. You weren’t exactly talkative, but when the two of you talked to each other alone, especially in the past few years, Namjoon began coming out of his shell. When he wasn’t guarded and quiet, he was warm and funny, almost loving in his own kind of way. You got the feeling he was naturally full of love, but had pushed that part of himself down in the years he’d spent alone and in shelters.
Now, you were giving Namjoon a haircut. His hair grew weirdly fast, and there were rules about keeping everything, including hair, perfectly in uniform. Men had to have very short hair and be clean-shaven, which meant Namjoon had to get a haircut basically every other week.
When it was warm you did this outside, but now it was winter and you were in the locker room. While you worked, you talked about upcoming tests and other little things. You kept catching Namjoon looking up at you as you stood in front of him, between his spread legs, and he seemed to be getting bolder, watching your face outright instead of just stealing glances.
“Close your eyes and tilt your head back,” you mumbled, trying to hide the fact you were blushing and flustered. Namjoon listened without a word, and you let yourself look at him for just a second; your faces were close, even with him sitting and you standing, because of how tall he was. You’d been obsessed with his lips lately, finding yourself fantasizing about them at the most inopportune times, thinking about how soft and full they looked and wondering what they’d feel like against your own.
Before you could pull yourself from your thoughts and start on the front of his hair, the power suddenly cut out.
You let out a small gasp, but this wasn’t exactly surprising around here. The power went out often because of the testing they were doing with switching over completely to alien tech for larger power structures. Still, you’d gasped in surprise because you’d been so focused on Namjoon’s face, and now the two of you were alone together in a dark locker room.
“Are you okay?” Namjoon asked, his hands coming up to rest on your hips.
Of course you were okay; the lights had just gone off.
“Yeah,” you answered anyway. You moved your hands from over his head to his shoulders, feeling him in the dark.
“It’ll be back on in a second, we’re okay,” he said, his thumbs moving slightly, like he was trying to comfort you.
“I know,” you said, your voice sounding small. You weren’t afraid at all, but you didn’t want him to stop what he was doing.
The lights came back on then, and you looked down at him. Namjoon smiled up at you, dimples on full display, and it nearly took your breath away. He had a little piece of cut hair on his cheek, which you gently brushed away, and he wrinkled his nose at you, making your heart ache.
You finished giving him his haircut, and afterwards he pulled off his shirt and went over to one of the showers, to wash off the pieces of hair you’d cut. You gathered up the electric razor and your other belongings while you heard him undressing behind you, turning on the shower and humming happily to himself.
You stopped yourself from looking at him as you walked out of the room and went back to the barracks, refusing to let yourself think about him showering or the way he’d looked at you.
Your last year of training was mostly just the two of you working together and with various superior officers. You’d get promotions and rank changes after some time in the field, but you’d start out as Senior Airmen, and would probably both make Staff Sergeant within a few years of graduating. There were no wars or active duty anymore, but it meant you’d both be given leadership positions, if ever the need arose.
After graduation, you and Namjoon would both receive your assignments and placements. You’d both requested to be placed together, without requesting anything else. You could be sent anywhere in the world, given any position; you didn’t care where you ended up though, as long as you were with him.
Since it was your last year, you were both given proper rooms instead of barracks. The rooms were small and minimal, but your room was right across from Namjoon’s. You spent a lot of time in each other’s rooms, even sometimes sleeping over.
Now, you laid on Namjoon’s bed in his room, while he sat at the chair by his desk with his feet propped up on the end of his bed. He was playing with a stress ball, passing it back and forth between his hands. You’d finished all your testing and training, so you were both basically just resting until graduation, anticipating your placements. It was late at night, the rest of the base quiet and sleeping.
“Dream placement,” you said, turning your head and pointing at him. “Go.”
“Oh, man…” Namjoon rolled his head back, looking at the ceiling. “Southern California.”
You scoffed, rolling your eyes. “What’s in Southern California, besides desert?”
“That’s the closest base to where the first ship went down. They’ve got the best tech out there, the best planes.”
“Okay, true,” you sighed. “But there’s nothing out there for miles. There’d be nothing to do.”
“What else is there, besides flying?” Namjoon threw the little ball he was playing with gently so it bounced off the wall beside you and landed on your stomach.
“I like flying and being able to see something besides sand, rock, and craters for hundreds of miles,” you said, tossing the ball back to him.
“You feel like you’re going faster if you don’t have anything to look at,” he said, catching the ball with one hand and tossing it behind him onto his desk.
“You also get lost easier,” you laughed, propping yourself up on your elbows.
“Not if you’re a good navigator,” Namjoon laughed too, standing up and moving onto the bed with you. He wasn’t exactly tickling you, but he was touching your body and you were both giggling as he laid down beside you.
“If you want to feel like you’re going fast, then just go fast,” you said, your hands on his shoulders now as you grinned up at him. He was partially on top of you, partially beside you as he smiled down at you, his mouth so close to yours.
“I want to go even faster,” he said, but he stilled suddenly, looking down at you with wide eyes. He seemed to have suddenly realized the position the two of you were in, and he moved so that he was just beside you, laying on his side as you laid on your back.
You sighed. It was always like this — not that you were complaining, because you loved the relationship you already had with him. But lately, you’d get so close, almost kissing, almost embracing, almost something, and then he’d back off. You still loved the moments before, where you could forget that you were just friends and pretend you were something more, as much as it ended up hurting your heart in the long run.
Even now, you loved this. Namjoon propped himself up on his elbow, looking down at you as you continued talking, a different topic now. Your mouths were only a few inches apart. It would be so easy for him to just lean down and kiss you, like you wanted him to so badly.
Namjoon’s hand that wasn’t supporting his head rested on your stomach. You put your hands there too, playing with him, feeling his long fingers and how big his hand was, and Namjoon let you, pretending not to notice.
You talked about graduation plans, life plans, little nothings that made each other sadly smile. Neither of you said it, but you both worried you wouldn’t be placed together.
“What’s your dream placement?” he asked you gently, his voice soft.
“You know, I don’t even care,” you said. Because it didn’t matter where they put you as long as you were with him, but you didn’t say that.
That night the two of you fell asleep like that, in that position. It wasn’t the first time.
When you woke up, you could feel Namjoon’s gentle breathing on your neck. You turned your head and looked at him, studying his expression in the early morning calm.
He was still on his side facing you, so now you were face-to-face, your foreheads and noses only a few inches apart. His hand still rested on your stomach, and you still held his hand there with both of your hands. You felt his fingers twitch a little in his sleep and wondered what he was dreaming about. His other arm was under the pillow now, and through it you could almost feel the swell of his bicep and warmth of his skin.
You only ever let yourself really look at him like this when he was sleeping, when the two of you had sleepovers in each other’s rooms. You studied the shape of his nose, the way his big, plush lips parted, the puffiness of his cheeks as he relaxed and breathed, every freckle and mole on his face that you wanted to kiss so badly. Cuddled up with him like this, you could feel how warm he was; Namjoon was a furnace of a man, and you’d gotten so used to sharing a bed with him the past few months, you now had to layer up and sleep with an extra blanket whenever you slept alone.
Namjoon sighed then, shifting a little in his sleep. You quickly closed your eyes and turned your head back so you weren’t facing him directly, in case he opened his eyes.
You felt him moving, shifting so that his arm was hugging you instead of his hand just resting on you. His hand was now on your side, below your armpit, his thumb on the side of your breast. He sighed and seemed to fall back asleep, softly snoring again after a few moments.
You laid like that for a while, enjoying this feeling, knowing you’d never have this for real. You'd never wake up next to Namjoon in the context you wanted, but this was more than enough for you. You were so in love with him, but he didn’t see you the same way, so you’d enjoy waking up in his arms for as long as you could.
When Namjoon eventually woke up on his own, he seemed to slowly realize the position you were in, moving his hand down carefully to more platonic territory. You opened your eyes and turned your head to look at him, and were caught off guard by the way he was staring at you so openly, looking down at your mouth for a few moments before looking back at your eyes with an expression you couldn’t name.
“Y/N,” he murmured, so softly you could barely hear him, but you could feel the rumble of it in his chest. You didn’t say anything, both of you just looking at each other in the peaceful quiet stillness of early morning, the only noises both of your gentle breathing.
Namjoon moved his hand up to your shoulder, and then his hand was cupping your cheek, brushing your hair back from your face. The tips of your noses were almost touching, his warm breath on your lips. He closed his eyes and put his forehead against yours, your heart almost stopping in your chest from how close he was. He’s never done anything like this before, and you definitely were not going to stop him.
He turned his head slightly, your foreheads still connected as the tip of his nose skimmed along your cheek, by your nose. He brushed his lips against yours so lightly you could barely feel him, his eyes still closed. You could feel his eyelashes tickling your cheek, and prayed he couldn’t feel how fast your heart was racing or how you nearly whimpered at his every touch.
Namjoon moved and brushed his barely parted lips against the corner of your mouth, your chin, your jaw. His hand on your cheek, he stroked your skin with his thumb slowly, touching you, feeling you. His leg moved up slowly, hooking over yours, and you spread your legs for him. You couldn’t even think straight right now, the only things your brain were processing were the touches and sensations Namjoon was giving you.
What the hell was he doing? The thought of him seeing you romantically, the same way you saw him, had seemed so impossible before now, but now, as he brushed his lips against your skin, you wondered if he’d been longing the same way you had.
Namjoon turned your head carefully, slightly away from him, so that you were looking directly up again. He kissed your cheek closer to him while he stroked the other, pressing gentle open-mouthed kisses down your face and neck as he slowly moved himself on top of you. You, matching his slow movements, wrapped your legs loosely around him and held onto his shoulders.
Namjoon kissed your skin as lightly as he could, feeling you anywhere you’d let him, and you were lost in him. He switched to your other side, kissing your collarbone and neck and jaw, and one of his hands moved up behind your head, tangling in your hair. Every movement was slow and deliberate and gentle.
You never would’ve guessed Namjoon was the gentle type, but now that this was happening, it made sense and you craved it. He closed his lips lightly against your earlobe and you gasped loudly, trying to arch up against him.
“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured against your ear. “So soft, so perfect, my angel, my love.” His voice was so warm and deep, and you quietly whimpered, holding onto his shoulders even tighter. You felt like he could make you come just from this, just from his light touches and hearing his deep voice praise you. You'd wanted him so badly for years now, you’d dreamed about him, fantasized nonstop, and now here he was, and the tension was already building up for you.
He hadn’t even fully kissed your mouth yet. Namjoon pressed his lips against your cheek, caressing the other side of your face with his hand, just holding your body so close to his. You swore you could die right now and be fine with that.
An alarm suddenly blared, and both of your bodies stilled and tensed.
Namjoon jumped off of you and sat back on his legs, looking around the room like he was expecting to see what was happening written on the walls. You sat up too, looking around. Your legs were still spread, your brain still hazy from Namjoon’s kisses, and you looked at him as you saw him working through what was happening.
“Something’s wrong,” Namjoon said, quickly jumping up. He sat back down on the side of his bed long enough to put on his shoes. “Come on,” he said, pulling you up when he stood again.
You snapped yourself out of your lust-haze. The alarm was still going off, which meant something major was happening right now. It wasn’t just a test.
You left, quickly scampering across the hall to your own room so you could get dressed.
You and Namjoon met up in between your rooms a moment later, both in uniform, and ran down together to where the rest of the base had gathered, Namjoon taking your hand in his as you ran.
It was another attack, like when you were young.
You all stood there at attention receiving orders, none of you looking anywhere except forward blankly. This was it, everything you had trained for, the exact reason you’d trained so hard. They were back.
You and Namjoon were both assigned as squadron leaders to two different units, Namjoon to Red One and you to Blue One. Those were two of the best, most elite units of fighter jets, but you looked over at him when you got your assignments. You weren’t together, so you wouldn’t know if he was okay until after it was all over.
You were all dismissed and had fifteen minutes to get to your planes and prepare for launch. You went straight to your plane, not stopping to talk to Namjoon. You knew you wouldn’t be able to leave him once you looked at him, so it was better to just pretend this morning hadn’t happened.
You were just starting to climb the ladder up to your plane when you heard his voice.
“Not saying goodbye?”
You froze in your tracks, but didn’t turn or look at him. You couldn’t make yourself say anything, instead just staring straight in front of you with your hands on the rungs of the ladder.
“Y/N,” he said, his voice much softer now as he walked over to you. The planes were close together so you were in tight quarters, and he stood right behind you, his hands not quite touching your sides.
“What?” you said, not looking back at him.
“Please don’t leave without saying goodbye,” he said. You'd never heard his voice like this. Quiet, pleading, loving. It was like this morning in bed, but more desperate, yearning, begging you to look at him.
You started to move up the ladder without turning around, and he put his hands on your hips, stopping you. He immediately let go, not wanting to trap you there.
You sighed and turned around to face him, only partially, still a step up on the ladder so you were just slightly taller than him. You reached back and held onto the ladder with one hand as you looked at him.
When you saw the expression on his face, it took your breath away. He looked almost tearful, sick with worry, trying to be stronger than how he obviously felt.
“Goodbye,” you said softly, bringing your free hand up to his cheek.
He stood there for a moment, just looking at you. You stroked his cheek with your thumb and tried to smile weakly. His hair was getting a little long, you noticed then for some reason. He was supposed to keep it short to stay in uniform, but now it looked long enough for you to run your fingers through.
Namjoon’s eyes were wide and innocent, searching your face. Around you, the base was chaotic and busy as other pilots ran to their planes and officers barked out orders and engines started up. The two of you just stood there in your quiet moment, both a lot less excited about your first mission than you’d thought you’d be, everything happening so much sooner then you’d both thought and on such a larger scale than you ever could have anticipated. You remembered almost wanting this when you were young, promising yourself that you’d be ready if they ever came back. Maybe the universe was punishing you; whenever you loved someone, the universe immediately sought to take it from you. Your family when you were young, and now Namjoon.
He looked like he wanted to kiss you or tell you something. He parted his lips and glanced at your mouth, his brow furrowing as he breathed, and he looked back up at your eyes, his expression so worried.
“I’ll see you soon,” you said, smiling gently.
You turned and climbed up into your plane without another word.
There had been twenty pilots in your squadron when you left, and four when you returned.
You didn’t really remember the aliens from when you were little, but you’d seen countless videos. You knew what they looked like, how they performed, what their technology was supposed to be like, what their weaknesses had been.
You saw so many planes go down. The alien ship had a different defense than last time, and the fight was only over when the alien ship suddenly left and moved on, seemingly just because it wanted to, not because the humans posed any kind of threat to it. When it left, it had taken out an entire city, just like last time. The town near the base had only recently gotten its infrastructure set up.
You and your three surviving pilots returned first out of all the other squadrons. You quickly climbed out of your plane and ran down to the hangar, asking about the other pilots still out there. You needed to know if Namjoon was okay.
Before you even got to the hangar, another alarm started blaring. A plane near you exploded, and you spun around, looking up at the sky.
There had to be over a hundred alien ships in the sky, all firing on the base and the planes.
“Get inside, now!” you yelled, pointing at the pilots from your squadron who’d ducked down near their planes. You knew the base had a bunker, and the number of people at the base now could easily survive down there long-term.
There was panic as people got down there as fast as they could, all climbing over each other and yelling. You stayed back where you could see the sky, ducking down in a safe spot and watching as long as you could. You only saw alien ships, none of your own.
You imagined Namjoon’s last seconds. If he hadn’t made it back to the base, there was no way he’d survive. The ships would find him. You could only see the planes you’d seen exploding earlier, hear the voices of the pilots in your squadron on your coms as their ships exploded. A cut-off shout, and then nothing.
You finally made yourself run down to the bunker. In the distance, you could hear the ships destroying every visible part of the base, every last truck and car and plane and tank exploding as the blasts hit them. The walls shook and lights flickered and dust fell from the ceiling as you made your way down the stairwell to the bunker.
Over the destruction above you, you could hear Namjoon’s voice that morning in his bed, the world frozen around you then, the only things that mattered his large, gentle hands, his slow, exploring mouth, and his soft voice.
“You’re so beautiful,” he’d breathed against your neck. You'd been able to feel his smile, the tip of his nose tracing your jaw, the warmth of his breath on your skin. You'd never felt safer than when you were laying in bed with him.
You pushed the door of the bunker shut behind you, your hands shaking and eyes welling up. You could not think about this; you had to push all of that aside for now. You had a job to do.
After about five minutes down in the bunker, the lights went out. The weak backup generator kicked on near-immediately, but now there was no connection to the outside world. If any pilots managed to survive this long, the base wouldn’t know about it or have any way of contacting them.
When you’d taken off, both you and Namjoon had been promoted to captains, to lead your squadrons. Once all of the remaining people at the base were down in the bunker and accounted for, you were promoted again, this time to major.
Almost everyone out of the thousand or so people on the base had gone out to fight. The only people who’d stayed behind were ground control officers, technicians, first years, civilians who worked on the base, and the top few people in charge. There were maybe a few hundred people down in the massive bunker now, and you ranked sixth in command out of all of them.
Namjoon would’ve been so jealous you outranked him, you thought with a small smile.
Four days passed with no news.
There was no service. There was no internet, radio, or any connection to the outside world.
You were itching to get out. There was no news from the outside world, but there also hadn’t been any explosions since the first day. The alien ships had to be gone by now. On the second day, you’d tried to suggest to the general that you could go up to the surface and see if an evacuation could be planned, but the general and other officers had all said that there was no need to evacuate, because there were plenty of supplies down here. They would continue to work on regaining communications with other bases, and nothing else immediately mattered until then.
Now, you were on your cot, staring at the ceiling above you. It was the middle of the night and just about everyone else was asleep. Most people slept on cots in what looked like an old gym, all lined up in long rows. Everyone had been given two changes of clothes, all gray jumpsuits. You felt like you were in prison.
The scratchy wool blanket was pulled up to your neck. You tried to imagine sharing the cot with Namjoon, the two of you squeezed onto the spot only meant for one and giggling when you just barely fit. You imagined him spooning you, kissing your neck and shoulder and holding you close to him. You imagined feeling his heartbeat in his chest. You imagined his face when his plane exploded.
It wasn’t fair. You’d literally just become something more than friends, maybe, kind of. Your relationship with Namjoon meant everything to you, and it had suddenly been changing in such amazing ways, and then he’d immediately been taken from you.
You refused to cry about this. You refused to even accept he was gone. There were ways he could’ve survived. There had to be. He could’ve flown low and ejected and hidden in the rubble of the city. Except he wasn’t a coward; you knew him, and you knew he was the type to win or die fighting. He could’ve led other survivors away from the city. Except there was no way these planes could’ve outrun the alien ships. They weren’t fast enough.
There had to be a way. You had to get up to the surface and find out. You had to find him.
After one week down in the bunker, you felt like you were going out of your mind.
You had a plan. You were going to go to the surface whether they let you or not. You were going to find Namjoon, or at least the remains of his plane. You were going to find him or find closure.
You needed climbing gear to get up the destroyed stairwell. You’d need to find rope and gear, a lot of water, and survival supplies. You began your plan, looking around for spare supplies nobody would notice was missing until you were gone. You knew where to find rope, but you had to figure out how to acquire and carry enough water. Plus you would need to bring medical supplies, in case Namjoon was injured. God, you could just imagine him, laying somewhere, bleeding out and barely conscious. You wondered if he’d thought of you, imagined you coming to save him.
You were seconds away from stealing rope from a supply closet when a short little man walked around the corner.
You froze in place. You weren’t in the room yet; you were innocent.
“Yes?” you said, smiling politely.
“The general wants to see you,” he said, and left without adding anything else.
Shit. How had they known? You hadn’t done anything yet, or told anyone or written anything down.
You made your way to the command center. Not much was going on there in the way of commanding anything, but it was where the higher ups — which now included you — met, and it was where they were attempting to reestablish communications with the outside world.
The room was busy with officers buzzing around. There were a lot of exposed wires hanging out of the walls. It looked like they were rebuilding a computer system circa 1970.
“Major,” the general said, motioning you over.
“Yes, sir?”
“You’re the highest ranking field officer, so this goes to you first,” he said, handing you a manila folder. “We’ve established communication with a base a hundred and fifty miles from here, but only briefly. They said they have seven survivors from our base. They didn’t say who.” The general quickly added the last part when he saw your face light up at the mention of survivors.
You glanced down at the folder. Before you could speak, the general continued.
“We need someone — a pilot — to go up to the surface and see if any planes are still intact, and if so, fly to Walker Base. If there aren’t any planes left, we’ll probably have you try to find a car, or hike if you have to. We need to get our relay codes to that base, and once we do, we’ll have full communication with them again. You up for it?”
You looked up at the general, smiling.
It took you about an hour to climb the staircase. Most of it was rubble and a lot of it involved throwing up a rope and securing it on something to climb the huge gaps where the stairs had fallen out, but you eventually got to the top, pushing aside debris to get yourself outside.
The base was gone. There was no way any planes survived this. Still, you walked out onto the strip, just in case.
Some of the piles of charred metal were still smoking. A few small fires were still going, most of them out in the lot, where jet fuel must still be feeding them. You tried to see if you could spot where your and Namjoon’s rooms used to be, but it was all just rubble, ash, and charred cinderblocks.
You walked down the landing strip, looking at the piles of scorched plane parts, blasted to nothing. Pieces of metal jutted up, a plane wing here, a part of engine there. Every pile you saw, you imagined seeing Namjoon’s body among them. You knew if he was dead, he wouldn’t be here, he’d be out in the city — but seeing all of the destroyed planes wasn’t helping.
You stopped in your tracks.
At the end of the landing strip, under a broken wing of a much larger plane, was the most beautiful F-15 Eagle you had ever seen.
You ran to it, climbing on it when you reached it and pushing aside the wing of the bigger plane until it clamored to the ground. You climbed into the cockpit, dropping your backpack with supplies and the relay codes into the little compartment, feeling nearly dizzy in euphoria. You prepped the jet for takeoff, everything going smoothly, and you imagined Namjoon’s face when you showed up at the base. He’d be so happy to see you, but so surprised, and when you told him that you got promoted to major–
You stopped for a moment, your smile falling as you stared blankly at your hands on the switches and dials.
You didn’t know if he was one of the survivors at the other base. You shouldn’t get your hopes up just to show up and find out he wasn’t one of the pilots who made it. For all you knew, you’d get there and one of the pilots from Namjoon’s squadron would tell you all about how he died.
You focused on the task in front of you. You were on a mission, first and foremost, to get the relay codes to the base. That was the important thing right now, not yourself or Namjoon.
You got the plane prepped and ready to go. The center of the runway was clear, since most of the planes had been gone.
F-15s were always your favorite.
You didn’t attract any alien attention while flying, thankfully. You got there in just over twenty minutes; around the fifteen minute mark, you slowed down and the base contacted you on your descent into their airspace. You had to identify yourself and state your intentions, but the base seemed completely willing to let anyone human land.
When you landed, a few people ran out and took care of your plane for you, as you were escorted inside. You handed over the relay codes and quickly asked if you could see the survivors from your base.
“Most of them were pretty shell-shocked when they got here, but they’re soldiers. They know how it is,” the officer escorting you said as the two of you walked. “How many survivors at your base?”
“Three hundred and forty-two,” you said flatly, staring straight in front of you as you walked. “We had four pilots including myself return, the rest were non-flight officers and civilians. No casualties on the ground, but the base was destroyed in an aerial attack shortly after we landed.”
“Yeah, we heard about that. That’s why we got your other pilots,” the guy said, motioning in front of him in the direction you were walking, assumedly at the surviving pilots. “They didn’t have anywhere to land and thought the base was gone, so they came here. All from different squadrons, but led by one captain.”
You perked up when you heard that. A captain had survived.
You really did try not to get your hopes up. Your base was huge; there were so many squadrons, only one captain surviving was not good news for Namjoon. Still, you were hopeful.
You were led to a barrack where a few pilots were sitting around together, all men looking bored out of their minds. You recognized Park from your training class, and a few others as well. You scanned their faces quickly, looking from person to person, desperately searching for him, frantic and anxious and despairing when you looked and didn’t see him–
“Y/N?” a voice said from behind you, and you spun around.
Namjoon had walked in behind you from the other direction; he looked like he’d just taken a shower, from the wet hair, clean clothes, and bag over his shoulder, which he dropped as he stared at you in disbelief.
Neither of you even said anything. You were only about ten feet apart already, but you immediately met in the middle, desperately grabbing at each other, hugging tightly. Your legs were up around his waist and he held you to him as he kissed all over your face. The room was spinning or maybe Namjoon was just spinning you around, you didn’t care, you just held onto him and tried to kiss him, one hand in his hair and the other arm around his shoulder, trying to pull him closer.
As much as you wanted and tried to kiss him, Namjoon was just too much; it was like he was trying to kiss every last millimeter of your face at least twice. He was holding you so tight you almost couldn’t breathe, but you didn’t even care. His skin, his hair, his mouth, his kisses were all the most amazing things you’d ever felt. You were pressed chest-to-chest, arms wrapped around each other, and you could almost feel his heartbeat pumping along with your own.
Namjoon stopped kissing you long enough to nuzzle against you, closing his eyes as he rubbed his cheek against yours, nearly animalistic.
“I missed you so much, my love,” he breathed. You swore his face was wet with tears, his cheek still pressed against your own. “I haven’t thought about anything other than you. I haven’t stopped thinking about you this whole time, I love you so much… god, fuck, when I thought I’d lost you…” He started kissing your cheek again desperately, his hand coming up to hold your other cheek and hold you in place.
“I missed you too,” you gasped, your voice small and high-pitched as you tried and failed to hold in your tears.
“I love you so much, sweetheart. I love you, I love you, I love you,” he kept repeating, not even stopping speaking as he kissed you, so some of his words were muffled.
“I love you, too, Joon,” you managed to say before he kissed your mouth, tilting his head to kiss you so deeply it took your breath away.
“Okay, Jesus Christ,” somebody else in the room said then. “Do you guys want us to, like, leave or something?”
Namjoon stopped, catching his breath as you turned your head to look back at the six other pilots and the officer all awkwardly watching you.
“Uh, sorry,” you muttered, putting your feet back on the ground and turning around. Namjoon kept touching you, not taking his hands off you, even as you faced the others.
“I know you both outrank us, but get a room,” a different pilot laughed, his smile boxy and voice deep.
“You have a room, actually,” the officer that led you in said, perking up like that was his cue.
“We do?” Namjoon asked, confused. He stood behind you, hands on your hips, tall enough to see over your head.
“She does,” the officer gestured to you. “She’s a major. All superior officers class O4 and up get their own private room.”
“Major?” Namjoon said, tilting a little to look at your face. You smiled to yourself smugly.
“I can take you there now,” the officer said, motioning to the door behind him.
Namjoon stepped to the side and looked down at the ground shyly, glancing up at you and pouting. You wanted to roll your eyes; he actually thought you weren’t going to invite him to come with you.
“You too,” you said, holding out your hand for him.
Namjoon beamed, and quickly picked up his bag and jogged over to what must be his bed, grabbing the few belongings he had, and shuffled back over to your side, taking your hand and kissing you on the cheek before following along with you.
“Go get it, captain,” one of the pilots jeered at him, the others all snickering and wolf-whistling as Namjoon dropped your hand long enough to flip all the other pilots off while the officer led the two of you out and down the hallway.
As soon as the door was shut behind you in your room, the officer gone and the two of you alone, Namjoon dropped his belongings and picked you up again, your legs tight around him, the two of you kissing again. You felt your back against the cold metal of the old-fashioned blast door, one of Namjoon’s hands holding your face.
“How’d you get here?” he murmured against your neck after a moment, kissing your cheek between gasps. “They said the base was destroyed, no contact.”
“The attack happened right after I landed. Everyone got down in the bunker, no casualties on the ground,” you gasped, still a little short on breath. As you spoke, Namjoon kissed your neck, working his way up to your jaw. “They needed a pilot to bring relay codes here.”
“What’s this about you being a major now?” he said, smirking, his lips not leaving your cheek.
“Got an upgrade while you were gone,” you said, and then you gasped, laughing as Namjoon suddenly sucked your skin over your pulse on your neck, leaving behind a deep purple hickey.
“Well, Miss Major, that means you outrank me now,” he said, leaning back enough to smile at you, his expression a mix of mischievous and proud.
He stepped backward then, still supporting you with his arms, and walked back until he got to the bed, sitting down on it. He laid back, pulling you down on top of him gently, your mouths connected the whole way down.
He was the best thing you’d ever felt, his large, firm body contrasting his gentle touches and kisses. You couldn’t get close enough to him, but it was slow, lazy, loving, everything you’d ever wanted with him, his soft tongue in your mouth, his firm arms around you, his warm body under you.
You couldn’t get over how good he smelled. There was the soap he’d just used, but you’d known him and been close to him long enough to know his scent. He tasted so good too; he swirled his tongue with yours slowly, tracing lazy patterns on your tongue, kissing you so deeply your head spun. His hands rested on your back, his fingers spreading wider as he tried to touch more of you.
You parted for air as he rolled you both, holding your body to his with one hand as he pulled you up the bed, resting your head on the pillow as he gently laid you down. Even though you would’ve only fallen a few inches and the bed was soft, he set you down like you were made of glass, looking down at you with love and hearts in his eyes, not breaking eye contact as he gave you a small, warm smile.
His dark hair was mussed up a little from you running your fingers through it, and it looked fantastic on him. His face was flushed and his parted lips were red and a little swollen, and he looked like he’d been crying, or was about to cry, or both.
You pulled him down to you and kissed him again. He set his body against yours, lining himself up with you as you wrapped your legs around him. You were both still fully clothed, but you could feel him, pressed perfectly against you from your collars to his growing erection and your throbbing core.
“I love you,” he groaned against your neck, grinding slowly against you. “I’ve loved you for so long, I wanted to die when I thought something happened to you and I never told you. I promise I’m going to tell you now, every single day, every time I see you, every time we make love, every second of every day–” He cut himself off by kissing your neck desperately, moving down toward your breast.
“I love you, my angel. You’re the most beautiful thing in the world, I love you so much,” he said, kissing along your skin frantically by the collar of your ugly flight jumpsuit. “You’re my best friend, and I love you, I love you, I love you,” he said, kissing up the center of your chest toward your clavicle. His messy hair tickled your chin, and you rested one of your hands on the back of his head as he worked, gently stroking his hair.
“I love you too,” you managed to say, though words weren’t really coming to you right now, with all Namjoon was doing to you.
Namjoon got up then, and you watched for a moment as he started quickly stripping off his clothes. You sat up too, pulling off your jumpsuit, and Namjoon got all but his boxers off before your arms were even out. He helped you, running his hands along your skin as you peeled off the jumpsuit, leaving you in just the undershirt and shorts you’d had on underneath.
There was a moment where the two of you just sat there looking at each other. You’d both seen each other in this context — nearly naked — before, from sleeping in the same room to swimming to other random things you’d done together over the years, but this was the first time it was ever like this.
Namjoon raised his hands slowly, his fingers just barely skimming against your hips. His eyes were on your breasts, his mouth nearly watering, and you smiled at that. He looked up at you, his eyes innocent and showing every emotion he had within him; he was asking for permission.
You brought your hand up to his face and kissed him slowly, savoring every movement of his lips, the feel of his tongue, the taste of him. His hands went to your thighs and helped you wrap your legs around him, and then you were laying down again, Namjoon on top of you.
He kissed down your chest, this time simultaneously running one of his hands up your stomach under your thin undershirt. He cupped your breast with that hand, feeling you fully, while his mouth kissed back up to your neck. He got your undershirt off without either of you having to get up, though he did have to lean back a little to give you room to wiggle around, and then he unhooked your bra and threw that and your undershirt somewhere behind him.
Namjoon swirled his tongue around one of your nipples, gently squeezing your other breast with his hand, your peaked nipple hard against his palm. He rolled one nipple between his thumb and forefinger slowly while sucking the other, just barely using teeth and making you gasp, and then he switched sides, doing the same thing again.
“That feels so good, Joonie,” you sighed, closing your eyes and smiling to yourself. You stroked his hair while he worked, closing your eyes and tilting your head back. Every moment or so, you’d let out a moan for him, tightening your fingers in his hair whenever he did something that made you see stars, and he’d hum back to you, responding without taking his mouth off you.
Namjoon moved down your abdomen, kissing every rib, every freckle, every last inch of your skin. He dipped his tongue into your belly button and you gasped and giggled, feeling his grin against your skin as he kissed down your navel, his tongue tracing along the edge of the little shorts you still had on.
You reached down and tried to pull off your shorts, but Namjoon’s hands replaced your own, slowly pulling just your shorts off and leaving your panties. He tossed your shorts the same direction he’d tossed your bra, and then looked down at you, sitting back on his legs. Your legs were spread wide, your soaked panties the only thing covering you, your eyes desperate for him, your breasts rising and falling as your breath quickened in anticipation and need for him.
“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured, his expression almost dazed in love and adoration. He looked like he didn’t know where to look, his eyes scanning your face, your breasts, your spread thighs, the spot on your panties where you were already wet and soaking for him. You bit your lip and whimpered, and he closed his eyes, sighing and smiling to himself, like he couldn’t believe how lucky he was.
Namjoon bent over and kissed your ankle, slowly, chastely. He moved to the other side and repeated that, kissing your anklebone. He moved up your calf, staying on that side, kissing you over and over and moving so slowly you started to whine for him, begging him to go faster and reaching down for him. He reached up and took one of your hands, holding it and lacing your fingers together as he continued what he was doing, not at all speeding up.
He kissed your knee, the side of it, the front of it, and tilting your leg gently to kiss the back of it. He moved up, kissing your inner thigh while still holding your hand. You spread your legs further for him, whimpering and squeezing his hand as he got closer and closer to your center.
Namjoon pulled back then, a smug smile on his face as he started moving down to kiss his way up your other leg, starting again at your ankle. You let out a whiney moan, pulling his hand and looking down at him, pleading.
“Okay, sweetheart. I’m sorry,” he said gently, moving back to where you wanted him most.
He kissed you right over your panties, a deep, open-mouthed kiss that made you cry out. You could feel him breathing hard through his nose, smelling and inhaling you as he moved his mouth against you, letting go of your hand so he could hold your thighs with both his large, perfect hands.
He licked and sucked the fabric of your panties, tasting where you were soaked for him. It was the most amazing thing you’d ever felt, and you spread your legs even further for him, your hands holding onto the sheets of the bed, your knuckles turning white.
You gasped when you felt teeth, and then Namjoon was slowly pulling your panties down your legs with his mouth, looking up at you with playful eyes and a smirk. You wanted to roll your eyes at him, but instead just closed your legs enough for him to get your panties off of you, letting him have his fun. He let out a small growl at you, your panties still in his mouth, and you giggled, a soft noise that made his eyes light up.
Before you could think or do anything, Namjoon was back between your legs, spreading you open with his fingers and licking a slow, thick line up your folds to your clit.
You cried out, your head falling back and eyes squeezing closed. Namjoon repeated the motion, even slower this time, moaning a little too as he let the tip of his tongue enter you for just a moment. You whined, pulling his hair hard and trying to spread your legs even further, and Namjoon stopped, humming softly as he turned his head and kissed your thigh.
“I love you so fucking much,” Namjoon murmured against your skin, kissing you there again. “Your pussy’s so pretty, my love. So soft and wet for me.”
“Joonie,” you sighed, stroking his hair. You could feel his smile against your thigh, and it made you smile, too. You felt warm, like you were glowing from his love.
Namjoon turned his head back and dipped his tongue into you again, this time further, like he was trying to see how far he could go. His lips sucked at your entrance as his tongue flicked in and out, not fast enough to get you off, but not slow, either. He moved his tongue like he was trying to drink you, lapping you up, bringing your wetness into his mouth and down his throat.
You moaned loudly for him, pulling his face harder against you by his hair, and he reached up and grabbed one of your hands, lacing his fingers with yours over one of your thighs.
He moved his mouth up to your clit, drawing random shapes over it with the tip of his tongue lazily while he curled two fingers into you. He moved clumsily, like he wasn’t exactly sure of what he was doing but just wanted to make you feel good, and what he was doing was definitely working. What he lacked in experience he more than made up for in eagerness and love, and when he moaned around your clit, and you nearly screamed.
“Jesus Christ, Joon, fuck. God, your mouth is… mmm, god, you’re so fucking good, that feels so good, Joonie, Joonie–” You cut yourself off with a long, agonized cry as Namjoon sucked your clit into his mouth hard, swirling his tongue around it as he suctioned his mouth and moved his fingers inside you faster. You repeated a chorus of nothing but his name between breathy moans as you held onto his hair with your free hand, your other hand squeezing his.
You gasped when you came, your whole body tensing as you saw stars and every nerve in your body exploded in pleasure. Your mouth hung open in a silent scream as you failed to breathe, your lungs tightening and your orgasm only building and building as Namjoon kept moving his tongue and fingers. You felt like you were floating in space, millions of stars around you all bursting at once, the entire universe stopping for you and Namjoon and the love you felt for each other.
After a moment, you took in a shaky breath, trying to recover while your mind was still mush. Namjoon was still moving his mouth on you, now licking up your wetness at your entrance and moaning to himself at the taste. If he kept that up, you were going to come again, and soon.
You moaned, pulling on his hair enough for him to look up at you, not stopping what his mouth was doing. You pleaded with your eyes, whimpering and pulling his hair again, and he put his lips to your entrance one last time, this time spreading his lips as wide as possible and sucking as he slowly closed his mouth. You gasped and almost screamed at the sensation of him actually drinking you, desperate to taste you.
Your second orgasm was smaller, making you shudder and gasp for just a moment before steadily breathing deeply as you tried to recover again. You looked down at him, barely able to lift your head; Namjoon was kissing your thigh, your hips, pressing gentle kisses to your skin as he slowly worked his way up your stomach. You could see how hard he was, his precum glistening on the head of his cock as it bounced against his stomach with his movements.
You started to reach down to grasp him, but he gently stopped you, bringing your hand back up by your head and lacing his fingers with yours. He kissed your collarbone, leaving a trail of wet kiss spots all over your body, your own wetness in the shape of his lips and chin.
“Please, Joonie,” you hummed, and he came back to you, kissing your lips slowly and letting you taste yourself on him. You wrapped your legs around him tightly as he lined himself up with your entrance, moaning when you felt the head of his cock against your folds, gasping when he started slowly sliding into you, every amazing inch of him filling and stretching you.
Namjoon buried his face in your neck, the length of his nose pressed against the curve of your jaw. He turned his head enough to kiss your neck, feeling your rapid, heavy pulse with his lips.
“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured against your neck, not opening his eyes. “So fucking tight and wet for me, my angel, my princess, my heart, my love. I love you so fucking much.” He kissed your neck again gently before pushing all the way into you and bottoming out, the stretch so wonderfully tight and full. You cried out, spreading your legs further and higher for him, grabbing at his shoulders, scraping your fingernails down his back as he filled you up so completely.
Namjoon pulled out slowly and then pushed in again, rocking into you. You were desperate, nearly delirious and just about ready to cry if he didn’t start moving faster. He seemed to just barely be holding on by a thread, his own orgasm already one sudden movement away from overwhelming him.
“God, Jesus Christ, Joon, fuck,” you cried, close to actually in tears now. You started to say something else but it turned into a small whimper as he thrust into you again, hard.
“I love you,” he groaned against your neck, “I love you so much, Y/N…” Your name turned into a long moan as he began his slow, torturous pace, both of you so close to the edge already. You didn’t know how he was possibly going so slow still, other than the fact he must want to torture you.
“Go faster, please,” you cried out, holding onto his shoulders as tight as you could and digging in your fingernails. “I need you so bad, Joonie. God, fuck me, please…”
“I love you, angel,” he said, kissing your shoulder. He picked up the pace a little, but it wasn’t enough. “I love you, baby, I love you so much. I love you, I love you–”
“Go fucking faster, now, please…” you sobbed, pulling his hair, making him hiss in pain, but he listened, reaching down and holding your hip with one hand as he started pounding into you, the force of it making the bed creak and your breasts bounce with each quick, powerful thrust. You were long past gone, moaning loudly with each exhale, and Namjoon groaned and grunted, his head against your shoulder as the two of you moved together, you rolling your hips up to meet him thrust for thrust.
Namjoon broke first. His orgasm hit him suddenly and he tried to keep moving, his thrusts sloppy, erratic, and uneven as he spilled into you, his mouth hanging open and eyes squeezed shut. He let out a long groan until he ran out of air, and then he didn’t inhale again until he finished, suddenly and harshly gasping in again, his whole body shaking in your arms.
He reached down and rubbed your clit furiously, and you only lasted a few seconds before you gasped too, clenching around his still half-hard erection inside you, which only made him groan in overstimulation as you squeezed and spasmed around him, gasping nothing but his name and feeling nothing but him, your love, your Namjoon.
Namjoon somehow managed to keep himself from collapsing on top of you. He moved to the side enough to fall beside you, one of his legs still between your thighs as he laid on his stomach, slightly turned in toward you. His hand moved up to cup and stroke your cheek as he lazily kissed your shoulder.
“I love you too, Joonie,” you said between shaky breaths, your vision almost blurry from lust and exhaustion and a dumb happy smile on your face. “I love you, I love you, I love you.”
You laid there for a little while together before you eventually went another round, this time as slow as Namjoon had wanted to go the first time.
When you came this time, your orgasm had to have lasted at least five full minutes (or at least, it felt like that) as Namjoon kept moving in and out of you, keeping up his steady, slow, overwhelming movements that left you delirious with his cock inside you, his thumb on your clit, and his lips on yours, breathing in every moan of his name.
After you both laid there a while again, lazy in post coital haze, you eventually got up and went to your room’s personal little bathroom, where you turned on the tiny shower and let it warm up. You stood there feeling the water’s temperature with your hand while Namjoon stood behind you, arms wrapped around you and lips on your neck. It was like he couldn’t go more than a few minutes without saying “I love you,” not that you were complaining.
You showered together, Namjoon standing behind you the whole time and washing your body for you. He massaged your breasts, hands sudsy as the warm water fell down over them as he kissed your neck, murmuring sweet nothings in your ear. One of his hands fell down to your folds, stroking you slowly as his other hand moved to your breast, arm wrapping around you so that his forearm could also press against your nipple, stimulating and touching both of your breasts at once.
Namjoon slid two fingers into you as he kissed your temple. You could feel him hard against your ass, and that feeling made your eyes flutter.
“You don’t know how many times I’ve dreamt of touching you, pleasing you, making love to you,” he murmured into your hair. You responded with an agonized moan, reaching back and holding onto his shoulder for support. “I’ve wanted you like this since we first met. I dreamed about eating your perfect little pussy so many times, doing exactly this to you, feeling you squeeze my cock like you did earlier when you came so prettily. You’re better than anything I ever could’ve imagined though, baby. Your pussy tastes like heaven and feels even better. You’re so fucking perfect, princess, I love you so much, more than my heart can bare.”
You felt like he had to be bending you over slightly, his firm chest against your back. You swore you could actually feel his cock throbbing.
“I need you,” you moaned, your eyes closed as you felt nothing but his hands.
“I’m here,” he said, kissing your cheek. “I’m here, angel. I love you.”
“Need you inside me,” you said, spreading your legs to stand with your feet braced wider apart. “I love you, too, Joonie. Please…”
Namjoon didn’t need to be told twice. Hooking his arm around your waist for support, he bent you both over a little more, sliding into you from behind in one smooth motion. You cried out in ecstasy, he felt so good and big and yours.
It was fast and sloppy; he hugged you against him with both arms while you braced yourself on the tile wall in front of you. The sound of skin smacking against wet skin, his hips hitting your ass coupled with both your quiet moans and the wet squelching of him moving hard and fast inside you, echoing off the tile walls with the sound of the running water. He filled you so perfectly, stretched you out so far, you felt like he was fucking up into your guts, so hard and deep and good.
You came at the same time, Namjoon groaning and squeezing you harder as your eyes rolled back in your head.
When you’d both recovered some, you stood there under the water, still in the same position. You both knew base rules about wasting water, so you needed to wrap this up, but neither of you wanted to move.
You eventually got out and dried off, both of you getting ready for bed with the toiletries provided by the base. He couldn’t keep his hands off of you the whole time though, so the whole process probably took three times longer than it should’ve.
When you both finished, he pulled you to him, your arms wrapping around his shoulders as he kissed you, his hands spreading out on your bare back. Namjoon’s tongue slowly swirled with yours as he let out a small, contented hum, and he wrapped your legs up around his body, supporting you with one hand on your back and the other on your thigh.
Namjoon walked to your bed, carrying you, and laid down with you on top of him. You didn’t end up going another round, but you kissed for a while until eventually you started to move off of him to sleep beside him. Namjoon, though, held you there on top of him, keeping you there.
He murmured a soft little “please,” stroking your back gently, begging you to stay where you were on top of him. You laid back down and kissed right over his heart, before turning your head and resting your cheek on his chest, nuzzling in against him to sleep as he pulled the sheets up around you both.
You were safe in his arms. The world around you didn’t matter; not the people down the hall, not anything outside the base, none of it. The whole universe was just you and Namjoon in this bed, and nothing else existed. He was yours, and you were his.
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arvinsescape · 3 years
YOURE BACK! I hope you’re feeling better and more yourself!!
Can I request a real fluffy one for blurb night where you and Tom meet on a family holiday (you with your fam him with his) and become like pen pals with FaceTiming and texting cos you live on opposite ends of England and he falls for you when he doesn’t mean to? (Bonus points for my main man Harry being a wingman!)
A/N: I am honestly, feeling like a new person!! Thank you so much and I hope you enjoy!!
Warnings: Swearing.
You'd met Tom last year, you were both on family holidays and met in the hotels bar, you met multiple times throughout your two weeks stay. You got on really well, so well you agreed to keep in contact.
"I go home tomorrow." You said as Tom placed a drink in front of you.
"Me too." Tom said as he placed himself next to you and took a sip of his drink. "So, where are you heading back to?" He asked as he watched you take a sip of your drink.
"Manchester." You said and he smiled.
"No way, London." He informed, you'd not actually discussed where you lived yet.
"You still live in London?" You asked in disbelief, you'd assumed he'd live in America now being a huge star.
"Yeah, I mean I have a house in America but I only use it when I'm filming and for holidays. London is where I live." He said, his arm sliding around the back of your seat. "I'm gonna miss you." He said and it was honest, genuine.
"I'm sure you'll forget about me soon enough." You said, a hint of sadness to your tone.
"Oh no darling, I don't think so." He said and you smiled as your brother joined you both, conversation shifting onto something different.
You kept in touch, he texted you an incredible amount and facetimed you at least once a week. You expected it to dry up as he forgot about you, but that never happened. You were currently on one of your face time calls.
"When are you gonna come down to London?" He asked, he was sat in bed, hair a mess from his sleep as he' just woken up. "Also, what the hell is on your face?"
"It's a face mask, need to get rid of those spots." You huffed, face green from your products.
"Oh, I thought you were trying out for the hulk." He teased.
"Arsehole." You huffed through a laugh.
"I know, I'm sorry," he laughed as he shifted his arm to behind his head. You had to stop yourself swooning as his bicep bulged. "Anyway, London." He brought the topic back to where he wanted it.
"Tom, you're not even in London, why would I go there now?"
"I'm back in like a week, meet me?"
"I can't just ditch my job."
"I've already said you should move into our house with the boys." He suggested, he brought this up at least once a month.
"My family though." You laughed.
"Shit, yeah. We need to work something out." He concluded and you nodded, conversation turning to what you had planned for the week.
Tom almost felt sad as he ended the call with you, sleep threatening to pull you under after, three hours, Tom realised as he checked the timing on his phone. He dropped his phone onto his bed as Harry knocked on the door and came in.
"On the phone with Y/N?" He asked as he entered, Tom firing a good night text your way as you fired back a good morning, have an amazing day. He smiled at his phone before looking at Harry.
"You asked her out yet?" Harry teased and Tom furrowed his brows.
"Oh come on Tom, you are completely in love with her."
"Will you just drop it. I don't think it'll work out. I can't even get her to come to London." Tom groaned and Harry huffed as he sat next to his brother.
"And why does she have to come to London? Why don't you go to her?" He suggested.
"I can't just ask to go to hers."
"Then don't ask." Harry smirked.
Tom: Change of plan x
You furrowed your brows as you recieved the vague text message, asking him to explain himself in response.
Tom: It'd be really amazing if you opened your front door for me x
You were filled with confusion, what was he on about? You ultimately couldn't help yourself as you made your way to your front door, opening it. You almost gasped as you were met with Tom, smile on his face and a suitcase in hand.
"Hope you don't mind, wanted to surprise you, changed my flight pattern." Your heart soared, you were absolutely in love with the curly haired boy and this gesture didn't help your situation.
"How did you know where I lived?" You asked in disbelief.
"I remember from when I sent you that bracelet on your birthday." He smiled as you moved to let him in, your hand instinctively grasping the small chain around your wrist.
"How long are staying for?" You asked and he turned around with a shrug.
"As long as you'll have me."
Having Tom around was fun, showing him all your favourite things and places. He'd been at yours for almost three weeks, your sofa-bed becoming his own, you wondered when he'd grow bored and head home but he never did.
"Can I ask you something?" Tom pulled you from your thoughts, you were sat on your couch, a bottle of white wine had already been shared between you.
"Always." You answered, feet curled beneath your bum, elbow resting on the back of the couch, head planted in your hand.
"Do you have a boyfriend? Anyone you're talking to?"
"No. You?"
"No, do you have anyone you've got your sights on?"
"Yeah." You admitted, "you?"
"Lucky lady." You laughed and he joined.
"I'm sure whoever you're gunning for is luckier." He said and you felt a wave of boldness wash over you, what did you have to lose? If he didn't feel the same at least you wouldn't bump into him on the street, right?
"He'll never know, he likes someone else."
"How do you know?" He asked, heart hammering in your chest as you went for it.
"Because he just told me so." You admitted and Tom raised his eyebrows.
"I don't remember him saying anything about who he liked."
"He's a Hollywood actor, I doubt it'd be me he was talking about."
"I wouldn't be so sure about that." He whispered and you wondered at what point you'd gotten so close, when the distance between you had become non existent. Faces close.
"We're both on the same page here?" You asked, hoping you hadn't grossly misread this situation.
"I think I'm in love with you."
"I think I'm in love with you to." You admitted.
"Can I?" He asked eyes flicking to your lips.
"Please." You begged. He smiled as his lips met yours, your heart bursting from your chest as he did. You shifted closer to him wrapping your arms around his neck as he placed his on your waist. You both pulled back for air after a moment. His forehead finding your own.
"I wanna make this work." He said, hand on your cheek.
"Me too." There was no reason why it wouldn't, you'd made enough time for each other as friends, surely you'd make enough time for each other as partners.
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dreamersdreamloud · 3 years
Coming Home To You (Part 2)
AN: Kara is not Supergirl. She’s human and a reporter :) 
Many of you have requested a part two so here you go! This is part of a book that I’m working on so enjoy this sneak peek 
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“This was a mistake.” Lena paces around inside her penthouse. 
Kara stands awkwardly in the middle of Lena’s living room. She watches her lover in distress, her mind running into a million thoughts. What would Alex say when she finds out? What would Eliza think of her when she finds out? 
She betrayed her oldest sister. It looks bad but most importantly she feels terrible. Kara let her temptations get the best of her. She shouldn’t have gotten so close to Lena when (Y/N) was away. She shouldn’t have comforted her most of the time when they heard the news that (Y/N) went missing during a mission. 
They shouldn’t have assumed that the person they care and love for was dead without any hard evidence. 
“Did you know?! Did you know that she was alive this whole time?!” Lena yells at the blonde Danvers. 
Kara was taken by surprise that Lena is yelling at her. She never yells at her. She never experienced her anger toward her. 
“What? No! Of course not!” Kara quickly replies. 
“How could you not know?! You literally write about international news, war stories, political topics, Kara!” 
“I’m just a reporter, Lena! I’m not a damn government spy! When I heard about my sister going missing. . . I tried to find leads, Lena! I TRIED! Nothing came out. No trace. No witnesses. No clues of what happened to my sister and her team!” 
Lena shakes her head in silence. Her tears were starting to form again. The young CEO thinks about the decisions she has made that have come to this very moment. She shouldn’t have accepted the youngest Danvers’ help and comfort when (Y/N) wasn’t around. She was a fool for falling for Kara’s touch and caring words. 
She tragically replaced (Y/N)’s kisses with Kara’s. 
“I need to find her. . . I need to find (Y/N).” Lena frantically says. “I just need to explain to her that this was a mistake. None of this was serious.” 
Kara looks into the floor and shakes her head in disapproval. 
“Lena . . .” 
“I’m sure she’ll understand. She has always been reasonable, right? God where could she be. A local bar! I just need to look up the local bars. She can’t be far. I-” 
“LENA!” Kara interrupted. 
The raven haired stops rambling and looks at Kara with frustration. 
“WHAT KARA?! I need to find your sister! I need to fix my relationship with her!” 
“What about us?” Kara questions her actions, her reasoning. 
Lena huffs out a laugh, “Us? There’s no us, Kara! This was a mistake. I MADE A MISTAKE. I love your sister, Kara. You know that!” 
It pains Kara to hear those words coming out of Lena’s mouth. Kara fell in love with Lena. In all truth, she fell in love with her while you were dating Lena. She kept it to herself. The youngest Danvers didn’t want to ruin the relationship you have with Lena. She thought that you being “dead” was an opportunity for her to have a chance being with the young CEO. 
Lena sobs, her knees falling to the ground. The stress and frustrations are getting to her. Kara didn’t hesitate to be by her side, comforting her the best she could without making the situation worse. Lena cries against Kara’s shoulder. 
“It’s not ideal to go out and find my sister, Lena. We should probably wait until tomorrow. Let her cool off. I’ll find her first thing in the morning and make this right.” 
“Okay.” Lena mumbles. 
It’s been three whole days that you haven’t stepped out of your hotel room. You have cried endlessly. Scream multiple times. You even broke a couple of items in the room. You drank until you blackout and woke up repeating the same thing you did yesterday. 
You have decided that you need to put your hurt feelings aside. You need to reunite with your family and friends. You mentally think about how you’re going to pretend that you didn’t see Kara and Lena a few days ago. You will keep your distance. You will maintain your cover. 
Your captain has already arranged your new deployment. You will be leaving at the end of the month and have a new assignment to take over. Your plan is to just get away from here. 
You've been in the bathroom for a while. Looking at yourself in the mirror. It’s obvious that it looks like you have gotten no sleep. You can just pass it off and just say that your military position doesn't give you enough sleep
You fix the imperfections of your new set of uniform before heading out. You take a deep breath and hope that no one catches you acting differently. 
Location: Lena’s Office 
“I can’t find her, Lena.” Kara desperately says. 
Lena looks out to the window, standing straight as possible. She was keeping her distance from the youngest Danvers. She can’t trust herself being near the reporter. 
“HOPE can’t find her too. The face recognition hasn’t picked up her face anywhere. . .” 
Kara’s phone rings out loud. The reporter sighs because it’s her sister, Alex. She hasn’t talked to her since you confronted your youngest sister. Kara hopes that Alex hasn’t found out, she can’t bear to handle Alex’s lecture and disappointment. 
Kara answers the call and puts it on speaker for Lena to hear as well. 
Kara: “Hello?” 
Alex: “Kara! Where are you?!” She said cheerfully. 
Kara: “I’m following a lead for my article. Why what’s up?” 
Alex: “(Y/N) is back! She’s alive, Kara! She’s alive!” 
Kara fumbles her words, not knowing how to react or say. She didn’t want to ruin her sister’s excitement. 
Alex: “Get over here at the DEO. J’onn have already picked up Eliza. They’re on their way back here. Bring Lena!” 
The call ended without Kara saying another word. Alex was too happy and excited to see you again. She’s happy that she gets to see you “first.” 
*A few hours earlier*
You didn’t head straight to the DEO to surprise your sister, Alex. You made a quick stop despite the situation you were in. The Uber car pulls up to the two story house that you were looking for. There’s physical changes to the house last time you came here. The grass was looking more green and the roses were more full. By looking at the driveway, the two people you wanted to see are still home. 
You rang the doorbell once and you can tell that someone is on their way to answer the door. You mentally ready yourself before they open the door. 
A woman gasped as they answered the door and saw you standing firmly in the middle. 
“(Y/N)?” Eve can’t believe her eyes. 
“Eve, who’s at the door?” Lex calls out in the background. 
Eve was speechless that she couldn’t answer her husband. Lex was a tad worried that Eve wasn’t answering him right away. The man makes her way to the door and gives the same shocking reaction as his wife. 
“(Y/N)! You bastard! You’re alive!” He shouts with joy. 
You smiled at both of them. You step in to give Eve a hug and then give Lex the same affection. Immediately, Lex can tell that there’s something wrong. He just knows. The man has always been like a brother to you and he feels the same way too. 
The married couple lead you to the living room to have a more comfortable environment to catch up. They didn’t have to worry about being late to their work since they’re technically the bosses of their own department at L-Corp. Eve comes in with some tea and mini sandwiches for everyone. The three made small talk, giving them the truth about what really happened in the months you were missing. 
Lex and Eve felt sorry for you how much pain and recovery you have to go through alone after that accident happened. You assure them that it wasn’t a big deal and that you’re very happy to live another day. 
After the good catch up, Lex thought it was time to find out what was bothering you. 
“(Y/N). . Why exactly are you here? Aren’t you supposed to see your sisters first? Or perhaps Lena?” 
You looked to the side, took a deep breath and sighed loudly. Your mind goes back to Lena. 
“Did you know?” You vaguely ask your ex-girlfriend’s brother. 
“Know what?” Lex replies, Eve looks equally confused. This confirms that no one knows, especially your mother and Alex. 
“About Kara and Lena. . .” Lex thinks for a moment before he replies. 
“All I know is that they’re close. When you were away, Kara had been keeping Lena company.” 
You nodded. He’s telling the truth. Small anger was inside you but you’re mad at Lex. You start to get mad at yourself for not being around much. 
“I caught them. . . I found your sister with my sister. It was clear that the love bites and the flushed redden cheeks on Lena were from Kara. . .” 
Lex suddenly feels stupid for not seeing this. He thinks about how he didn’t see the little hints that his sister was having a lover, becoming a cheater. Eve looks at you with sad eyes, she gets up and wraps you in a hug. 
“(Y/N) I don’t know what to say . . . I just - I really didn’t know. If only I have seen it sooner I would have prevented Lena from making those-” 
“Lex no.” You interrupted him. “Your sister is her own person. She can decide what she wants to do. You couldn’t have prevented her feelings for someone else. I’m not mad at you Lex. You’re always like a brother to me. You have helped me so much and I will continue to do the same. Despite the situation. This is between Lena and I.” 
Lex sucks in his lips and nods, “Did the two of you officially break up or talk about it?” 
“No. I left right when I found out. My heart is really fragile at the moment but I promise you like I promised to Lillian years ago that I will not harm Lena in any way. I have never physically abused her and I will not let this dictate my actions.” 
“You’re a good person, (Y/N). I’m sorry that it had to come out like this. I was desperately waiting for the two of you to get married someday. Getting the chance to call you my sister-in-law.”
You sadly laugh. You almost forgot about the ring that was attached to your military dog tags. You reveal your necklace to Lex and Eve. Eve was the first to react fast. 
“(Y/N)! That ring looks so beautiful!” Eve focused on the diamond on the ring. It wasn’t too small nor too big. It was the perfect size. 
“Damnit Lena.” Lex says under his breath while his wife talks to (Y/N) about the ring. “You better realize that you threw out the best Danvers sister. This one was going to marry you.” 
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tacticaldiary · 3 years
hi!! can i please have some headcanons of bakugou with a fem! foreign reader who’s like a childhood friend? they met at age 9 when the reader went on vacation to japan and stayed with his family since both of their moms are friends? and after realizing she’s got an impressive quirk and doesn’t annoy him, bakugou’s like “you’re alright ig” and they’ve been keeping in touch through phone calls and stuff after she left? and then one day, aizawa announces there’s a new student, which turns out to be the reader, leaving bakugou shocked at first (especially since she never told him she was moving to japan to begin with). but when she greets him like “hey! been a while since we saw each other face to face, huh?” bakugou smiles back and says “yeah”? everyone’s basically shocked to see bakugou and the reader intereacting without him literally yelling at her every few seconds, to which bakugou responds “well, she’s the only one who doesn’t get on my nerves, unlike you damn nerds!!” ☺️
Kinda platonic but not really? :) - @klvbxlove​
Pairing: Reader x Bakugou Katsuki
Genre: Fluff
Reunions aren’t always big and emotional. Sometimes they’re quiet and personal. Bakugou Katsuki isn’t a quiet person, and the class is left dumbfounded as someone manages to rein him in for the first time.
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We all know how Bakugou is very...hard shelled...
There are very few people who he actually tolerates being around, let alone being friends with them.
You were one of those rare people.
Maybe it was because of the fact that you two had met when you were young, about 9, and the fact that he had been much more open to people back then.
Regardless of the reason, the moment he laid eyes on you, however, he was immediately curious.
Your quirk was incredibly strong, not stronger than his of course, but it was up there. You weren’t afraid to talk back to him and you shared the same dream of becoming a hero.
Both your parents were good friends and so you saw each other often, for the duration you had stayed in Japan.
Bakugou had warmed up to you surprisingly quickly, as surprise to his mother. You could often be found playing Heroes and Villains together.
He had thrown multiple fits when he didn’t get to be the hero-
When it was time for you to go back home, after spending a few months on vacation with him, you remember him clinging onto you, though your sure he would deny it if he was ever confronted.
You guys had kept in touch after that through texts and the occasional facetime call. You were one of the few people he enjoyed spending time with, not that he’d ever admit that.
He learns the hard way that timezones are a bitch to deal with. There have been more than a couple of occasions where he’s had to yell at the rest of 1A for pestering him about why the hell they could hear his voice talking to someone at 2am?
It was obviously a hallucination-
He reckons he’ll probably never see you face to face for a while. The thought totally doesn’t hurt him a little
So imagine his surprise when there’s a new student in their class.
He rocks back on his chair, looking around the room lazily as he lets Kirishima talk his ear off about something. It sounds interesting, whatever it was, as evident by Mina’s excited squeals and Sero’s bright grin. His eyes scan the room, attempting to block out the noise and his eyes lands on an empty desk.
Mineta hadn’t shown up all week.
Not that Bakugou was complaining, of course. He didn’t like the brat at all. He was obnoxious and caused unnecessary trouble for everyone within a 5 feet proximity from him. Now that he thinks about it, he hasn’t seen the extra this whole week-
His thoughts are cut off by the arrival of their teacher opening the door. Aizawa steps in and the room slowly filters to accommodate the respectful silence. Nothing out of the ordinary. People slip into their own seats and finish whatever conversations they were having.
Bakugou leans over his desk, propping his head up with his chin, surveying the notebook in front of him. He vaguely hears Aizawa talking, something about making someone feel welcome and a new student…
A new student?
The phrase doesn’t really catch his attention. It would be another extra who he was better with, so what was the point. Still a little curious, he drags his gaze away from the piece of paper, and with a bored look, looks up towards the front of the class.
His pencil drops to the ground with a clatter as his eyes meet another pair of extremely familiar ones. Ones he had seen last night.
Holy fucking-
Y/N seems to be standing there in a slight daze as well, staring at him just as openly as he was at her. She seems to be the first one to snap out of it, turning back to listen to Aizawa’s instructions. She nods at the desk he points at, and Bakugou’s gaze follows her as she walks over to what used to be Mineta’s desk.
This was one hell of a dream. The rest of the lesson flies by in no time, Bakugou not processing a single thing he was being taught. As soon as break comes around, his gaze snaps back to her again. Y/N is surrounded by the others, welcoming her and exchanging greetings. Bakugou stays at his desk and stares at her again, a small furrow in his brow.
This was real? It couldn’t be. It was? What if it was? Why hadn’t she told him she was coming?
They lock eyes again, and Y/N smiles and waves a little nervously. Kirishima, who’s seated on Bakugou’s desk notices and raises an eyebrow, waving her over with a bright grin.
Bakugou watches as she make her way over to them slowly, and by the time she stands in front of him he’s concluded that this was not a dream after all.
“Hey! It’s been a while since we’ve actually seen each other, huh?” She grins, slipping into the seat in front of him. He holds his gaze, feeling much more confident now that she’d actually broken the silence.
“...The hell are you doing here?” The chorus of groans from behind her would have left him amused if he weren’t in this annoying state of disbelief.
She shakes her head at his tone. “We moved to Japan a week ago. I wanted to surprise you, but-”
“Call me fucking suprised then.” he says, starting to relax a little, still a little shocked at actually being able to see her. He could just reach out and physically touch her and she would be there…
“Glad to hear my plan worked.” She smiles. “I’m happy to actually see your grouchy face in person.” He was...far more attractive in person, she had to admit. He was older than she last saw her and he had grown well. A handsome face accompanied by a body she could tell he worked hard for.
He snorts and shakes his head, a small smile on his face.
A smile, not a smirk.
“Yeah...glad to see your ugly face too.”
She scoffs in mock offence. They carry on a conversation, catching up with each other the whole of break, earning looks of disbelief from everyone in the class. Bakugou hadn’t raised his voice or yelled or lost his temper even once.
They hadn’t heard him raise his voice in about an hour…Who was this sorceress?
When the class is walking back to the dorms, Denki questions why he’s acting so...civil. He earns a classic scowl and a response.
“She doesn’t get on my nerves, unlike you damn extras” he rolls his eyes, purposefully avoiding eye contact with Y/N, who was walking next to him, a fond grin on her face.
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