#I kind of don't love it but I was too impatient to not share anymore
lilliumrorum · 5 months
What does he have that I don't? (Pilot)
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Synopsis: After a long and very much tiring solo mission, you head back to the base and report to your Captain. When you finally got home, you found your boyfriend of 2 years in another's mouth.
WC: 0.8k
Content/Warnings: 18+ MDNI, Angst, Cheating.
Notes: This is my first time writing a fanfic, so please don't attack my ass too bad if it's shit.
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Going weeks (sometimes even months) without seeing your lover was normal in your shared line of work. Simon had seemed accustomed to it, almost content with you not being around. Being Simon Riley, however, he could barely handle your relationship. Many nights would end with the lights shutting off, Simon shutting down as well. If you tried to even curl up next to him, he would shove you away forcefully. You knew he didn't love you anymore, but you kept denying it. You knew that very night when he left you in bed with no aftercare, with no second glance, and departed to "do some work," he really just wanted to be left alone. He didn't want you anymore, but like a persistent pebble in a shoe, you stubbornly stayed with him.
In your heart, you felt a deep loneliness, the person you thought was your anchor now seems distant and uninterested. Neglect has crept into your relationship, leaving you longing for the love and attention that used to be there. Each day seems like a quiet plea for connection, as his actions show a noticeable change in emotions. The small, affectionate gestures that defined your love story are replaced by an unsettling emptiness. In silence, you face the painful truth that the love you once cherished might be slipping away, and you went through the emotions that come with the fading passion you once shared.
You've been facing the painful realization that Simon's lost interest in your relationship. The passion and desire you once shared had faded, replaced by distance and disinterest. Simon's actions, or lack thereof, show a decline in physical intimacy and affection. Longing for the connection you had left you feeling unfulfilled and undesirable. Dealing with the emotional strain of this shift in attraction became a source of heartache as you navigated the complex emotions of a fading intimate connection with him.
Your Captain's questioning voice quickly brought you back to reality. His salt-and-pepper hair and subtle crow's feet added character to his face, and his inquisitive look was accentuated by the movement of his mustache along with his lips.
"Yes, sir?"
"Are you alright? you seem on edge still."
The Captain's concern for you was evident in the genuine worry etched across his face. His questioning voice took on a tone of care, reflecting his kind yet impatient personality. As he looked at you with genuine concern, the words he spoke mirrored the sincerity in his eyes, emphasizing the depth of his worry and the genuine connection between Captain and Sergeant. He knew what was wrong. He could instantly tell what was bothering you. Price was aware of how you were discarded, as if you were nothing. He had seen that sullen, tired, lifeless look in your eyes every time his lieutenant was mentioned. Though he had knowledge of your situation, he would never pry into your affairs, despite his great concern.
"Of course, just a smidge tired. That's all." You shot him a lazy grin.
"Take care of yourself, Sergeant."
He motioned toward the door, indicating that you could be dismissed.
"And {name}, Great work. I'm proud of how much effort you put into your assignments." He smiled.
"Thank you, Captain," you quickly saluted and left the office.
Beginning the long and unpleasant walk back to your shared Room on base, many thoughts began to run through your mind. Usually, Simon would ask when you were coming home. However, that stopped months ago. Simon would buy you a large bouquet of flowers and hand them to you as soon as you entered the door. After a night of lovemaking, he would whisper sweet nothings into your ear. But one cannot change time. Oh, how you wish you could. You've tried to talk to him, but he would just respond with the clicking of his teeth or even wave you off.
You missed the moments that once filled your heart with tenderness. The wish to turn back time and revive the warmth is a constant thought. Trying to talk to Simon only results in indifferent grunts or dismissive gestures, highlighting the growing divide. The once vibrant thrumming of your heart is now silent, and the journey back to your room becomes an exploration of a changing relationship, where communication is elusive, leaving you to chart the emotional terrain alone.
You haven't the slightest clue why you stayed, why your heart still melted at the sight of him. You still loved him. You told yourself over and over that this wasn't the Simon you knew and that this was Ghost. Your stubborn heart wouldn't listen.
"Shit, that walk was fast." You murmured to yourself, the room coming into view.
You don't even bother to knock, too worn out to even care if you were shouted at. The anticipation of reprimand looms, and the weariness you carry is met with the potential for Simon's raised voice, making every move a delicate dance around his disapproval.
You could not believe what was taking place right before your eyes.
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More notes: Sorry this is so short, remember that this is my first time writing!! This will be a series!:) I am planning on starting part one tonight and posting it tomorrow!!
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mileyjassie · 8 months
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𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨: 𝘒𝘪𝘮 𝘏𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘫𝘰𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘹 𝘍!𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦: 𝘚𝘮𝘶𝘵 🔞
𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 5.7K
𝘚𝘺𝘯𝘰𝘱𝘴𝘪𝘴: You fall in love with the new student, he's a bad influence for you, but you've never felt better.
𝘈𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳'𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘦: He's a jerk y'know, she's a jerk too, let's be honest. Teenagers doing teen drama in a classical high school cliché. Totally inspired by "The Heathers" (not the movies) and all of this JD and Veronica shit. Ah, the Camila Cabello "My OH My" song too...
The car insisted on making me crash into the walls, I wasn't very good at that stuff anymore, despite liking bumper cars I didn't know how to drive them very well.
It didn't take long for everyone to start laughing, it was really embarrassing, I tried not to look around, ignoring the car that hit the back of mine, the guy in it contributing on making me more uncomfortable.
I saw the guy who was taking care of the carts approach and take me out of that situation for the second time, a smile stuck on his face.
"You don't seem to be doing very well...There are people wanting to get in, do you mind if you share the cart with someone...who knows how to drive the toy?"
I pulled the corner of my lips, my face burning with embarrassment, becoming so dispirit that I couldn't give the guy a single smile, not even a nervous one.
"I-I wasn't supposed to be alone, I know I can't drive, but they left me here, sorry to disturb you..."
"Can I do it then?"
I confirmed with a nod, seeing him walk away. Soon a guy entered the lane, his dark eyes finding my cart with a thin, sharp smile, intimidating in a certain way. When he got closer, he lowered his head, looking me in the eyes, I waited for any joke to come out of his mouth, because his smile didn't break with any new expression he could make.
"Thanks, lady, I was getting impatient from waiting in the line. Is it really okay if I drive it?"
I blinked a few times, agreeing almost automatically, standing up so he could sit in my seat.
"I'm terrible at this."
"I watched." He let out a short laugh, turning the cart around. I was glad to see it finally actually moving. "Why did you come then?"
I pursed my lips, looking at the audience on the side of the track.
"I came with some friends, one of them said she would be with me, but after we sat down she abandoned the car and left the track, saying that I could do it by myself." I looked for them around with my eyes, not at all surprised when I didn't find them anywhere. "They were there a minute ago, laughing. But I don't see them anymore."
His smile faded a little, but he didn't say anything about it, letting out an "oops!" and hitting the car near us, making me laugh.
"Are they really friends or is this just some kind of joke?" He commented in a malicious tone, looking at me quickly, letting go of the steering wheel at once to make the car behind us hit our back.
As we leaned forward with the impact, the boy with the black hair slicked back gave me a wide smile, his eyebrows jumping excitedly at what he had just done.
We let out a few laughs, he followed others with the car again, and I watched him do so.
"Colleagues I think... they invited me, I saw no reason to deny it."
The corner of his mouth tugged to the side, an unconvinced expression on his face.
"I hope you've seen it now."
I frowned, feeling good about his empathy, despite his intimidating appearance, he was being the best company for me that night.
I watched him for a while, following his smiles as he played some other joke around, looking at me to check if what he was doing was also amusing me as it amused him.
"What the hell?!" He exclaimed, catching my attention, but I only found more excitement on his face.
"What?" I asked frantically, looking around. "Are they after us?"
"No! They're running away from us!"
I let out a nasal laugh, looking at him almost in disbelief.
"What's your name?" I murmured, he didn't hear me well, so he put his hand to his ear, not taking his eyes off the track.
"I didn't hear you, cutie, louder."
I opened my eyes wide, blushing.
"Your name."
He smirked, tilting his head back a little, turning his face to look at me in a slightly mischievous way, carelessly letting go of the steering wheel, crashing us into the wall.
His eyes were penetrating and his nose was perfectly sharp, he was also full of piercings in his ears, his eyebrow had two cuts across it and a piercing in the middle, he wore some rings and had an undercut too. Really interesting look.
Even so, his personality was a contrast.
And I fell in love.
[ ... ]
I closed my locker after taking out my things, avoiding meeting the girls who had abandoned me at the amusement park. In a way, it wasn't so bad, Hongjoong, who saw me leave the place alone, asked if I wanted to have ice cream, and so we continued the night.
Unfortunately, I was ripped out of my reveries the moment I saw my semester project glued on the wall without my consent. My ideas being stolen again.
"Why are you using my project without telling me? Why didn't you ask?"
I only received a dull look, the colorful makeup sicken my vision.
"I'm only putting it in because I was asked. But whatever, it's the classroom's project anyway, everyone wins."
I furrowed my eyebrows, clenching my fists.
"It's my project! Not the classroom's!"
"Listen, girl, stop being selfish, you think you're big shit." She said disgustedly, leaving me behind.
I hid my fist in my pants pocket, clenching my teeth and continuing on my way with a lowered gaze.
Was I selfish? Really?
My eyes widened in alert when a hand suddenly met the wall in front of me, an arm stopping me from going my way.
I studied the leather jacket for a few seconds before finding the relaxed face of the boy I had met the day before, his same hairstyle and piercings catching my eyes.
His smile grew with my astonishment.
"Scared you?" He tilted his head, moving closer.
"Surprise!" He laughed weakly, shaking his other hand.
I leaned against the wall, trying to move away from his proximity, feeling my fingers freeze with his sudden presence.
"Why are you here?"
Hongjoong smiled at my comment, clearly mocking my silliness.
"What else could I do in a school? Blow it up?" I was startled by his bad joke, shifting my gaze to the corridor, seeing some students looking at us weirdly. "I've been transferred. New city, new school."
"Ah... You're a new student..." I murmured, trying to move away, he noticed and walked away, putting his hands in his pockets.
"If my company bothers you, I can leave." He said in a despondent tone, already seeming disappointed with my reaction.
"No!" I exclaimed, pushing myself away from the wall. "I was just a little embarrassed."
His eyebrows arched, chin crinkling while taking a lazy look around us, finding nothing interesting.
"Ashamed of me?" He remained with his hands in his pockets, not seeming to understand at first what kind of embarassment I had felt.
I observed him completely, surreptitiously.
I certainly wasn't feeling embarrassed of him.
"I think you got it wrong. Don't be mad." I asked politely. "I need to hurry to class, but we can meet up later if you want."
Hongjoong looked at me slightly, turning and shrugging.
"Sure." He withdrew, strolling down the hall. "I'm not one to feel embarressed..."
I looked at him impressed, choosing not to answer him and go straight to my class, despite having the boy's voice stuck in my thoughts from the beginning of the class until the end.
In the end, I was dying to see him again.
Luckily, I actually did.
When everyone left for break, he was already waiting for me outside, hidden behind the door frame, pulling me by the wrist and finding me with a small smile.
"If no one's watching, you won't feel any embarrassment, will you?" He leaned toward me, softening his grip on my wrist.
"You almost scared me to death, Hongjoong! Is this a hobby of yours?" I adjusted the strap of my backpack, putting my hand on my chest, soon hearing him laugh lightly at my reaction.
"Aren't you going to show me the school?" He pouted, feigning sadness as his earrings swayed from side to side with every movement he made. "I feel so lost...I need your help."
I looked away from his provocative expressions, hiding a smile, I pretended not to notice his warm palm squeeze my wrist from time to time, so that I didn't have to ask him to let go of me.
"Of course I'll show you." I commented as I left little by little, looking at him slightly so he would follow me, this one unfortunately having to let go of my wrist, but remaining close enough.
We sat on a concrete platform, a little distance from the other students. Hongjoong supported his body weight with one arm behind him, holding a can of Coke with the other, watching me eat quietly, I watched random corners, not really knowing what to do.
"Oh!" He said, letting out an amused chuckle. "That's the kind of embarrassment you were talking about." He conclued satisfied, smiling.
I turned my face to look at him, unable to deny it.
"Y-Yeah..." I laughed nervously, noticing some students passing by and looking at us. "Why was it so difficult for you to understand?..."
Hongjoong looked at me disinterestedly, shaking the soda can as if it had become more interesting than the conversation.
"The other type occurred more." He wrinkled his chin, looking away indifferently, leaving the can aside when he took the last sip, now using both arms for support. "Do you always snack like this? Alone?"
The way he asked that certainly didn't make me confident enough to lie, but I felt like I didn't need to keep up appearances with him.
"I prefer it this way."
Hongjoong smiled wide, making his eyebrows jump.
"Took my advice, huh? Dumped them?" He waited for the answer anxiously, his black pupils shining for a moment.
"Not really. I just avoided them today." I watched his reaction in silence, not seeing him do anything other than lay his head on his shoulder and return the look, a gesture that lasted for a few long seconds until my face began to heat up.
"Don't look away." He said quietly, I turned my face again to find him still in the same position, relaxed as always. "I was enjoying."
I pursed my lips, taking another look at the boy, surreptitiously. It wasn't like I was that kind of person, but this boy...damn.
We looked at each other a little more, until the break was over.
Hongjoong rolled his eyes, huffing.
"Don't you want to skip class with me?" He extended his hand, as if the simple gesture could convince me. And he almost convinced.
"One of these days, maybe." I smiled, getting down from the platform and turning to look at his still very comfortable posture above. "You won't come?"
The boy glanced at the sky, a displeased pout on his lips proving his displeasure.
"I will." He crawled to the edge, climbing down from the platform. "But just to accompany you, I don't want to see that face sad." He smiled full of himself, tapping his index finger on my chin, leading the way, but stopping to look at me from the side and wait for me to approach.
"Thank you for your kindness."
His arm rested around my shoulders, staying there. I internally thanked him for the initiative, smiling a little, without peeking if he could see my happy face.
"I can be much kinder if you wish..." he whispered behind my ear, his face burying into my hair. I shivered for a moment, he noted, softening his fingers in his grip.
I remained silent for a few seconds, turning my face to meet his curious eyes.
"Are you free?" I said with all the courage I had, Hongjoong held back his smile, his eyebrows jumping in amusement.
"If that's an invitation then I'm grateful I'm no longer am." He spontaneously squeezed my shoulder, giving me a warm smile.
We slowly separated, waving and heading to different ways.
[ ... ]
It was our fourth date that week, but I didn't know if we were going too fast or this feeling was just a reflection of my lack of experience.
Hongjoong cornered me against the wall outside the small store where we bought our milkshakes, tasting his before wetting his lips and lowering his face, I held mine tighter, ignoring the fact that the cold plastic was starting to irritate my palm.
"You hold back too much... what are you waiting for?"
I frowned, taking time to respond.
"What you mean?" I murmured, letting my eyes roam over his face. "Do you want me to do something?"
His gaze dropped from mine to my mouth, and without leaving from the spot he put the straw back in his mouth, giving me a prominent roll of his eyes, raising his eyebrows.
"We both want something to happen, doesn't matter who does it...but I would appreciate it if it happened to be you." He smiled as he bit the plastic straw, walking away. "But not now." He reached for my hand, pulling me close to him and putting his arm around my shoulders, making us walk along the sidewalk.
"When?..." I asked quietly, hiding my shyness.
"Soon, princess, but not now." He repeated, tilting his head to look at me, using the unoccupied hand on my shoulder to gently scratch my jaw with his fingernail. I smirked, looking away and drinking some of my own milkshake, wrapping my arm around his torso.
In fact, I couldn't control it, his arrival in my life made everything start moving too fast, I was enjoying it and starting to ignore any moralism that forced me to slow it down.
We got into his father's car, parking on a random dark corner near a random place, then I saw Hongjoong lower his seat and lie down after locking the car doors.
He only needed to look at me for a few seconds until I was already sitting on his lap. His relaxed face waited for me calmly, fingers adorned with rings searching for my fallen hair, removing it from his view.
"Why are you holding back so much, my love?..." he murmured, his hands stroking my hair slowly, pleasurably. "Haven't you realized that you're already my girl?..."
"I am?..." I asked with my hands on the sides of his torso, watching a calm and soft smile form on his lips.
"Aren't you?..." he joked, his eyes thinning slightly. When his hands stopped caressing me, I let my lips press together in dissatisfaction. "If not me, who will it be?..."
I grunted low, squeezing his sides and feeling his fingers soften in my scalp again, I lowered myself to his face, brushing our noses before sealing his cheek and jaw, ignoring how loud my heartbeat got each time I got closer to his mouth. When I finally found his lips, his hand grabbed my shoulder, pulling me down, making me lie on top of him, deepening the slow and sticky kiss.
I moved my hand up his chest until I reached his neck, squeezing weakly, then I felt his hot breath hit my face and his hand left my locks to go down and squeeze my hip, moving up to my waist.
"We are perfect for each other." He whispered, pulling half of my shirt out of my pants. "You noticed that, didn't you?" He dragged his fingertips down my ribs, scratching my skin lightly, making me shiver from the caress. I stated, dragging my lips over his, giving in to any gesture he made.
I bit his lip and pulled it weakly, hearing him suck in air between his clenched teeth.
"Do a little more, beautiful..." he asked in a soft sigh, squeezing my skin with his fingers.
"Do you want me to pull your lip into my kisses?" I murmured, giving him a peck.
"I want you to use those teeth on me, love, bite me anywhere, everywhere...please do it, yeah?" He cupped my face, digging his thumb into my cheek, mimicking the up and down of his nails on my back.
I closed my eyes, leaning against his body with his touches down my shirt, his soft fingers sliding down my spine until they stopped at the curve at the end of my spine.
"I'll do whatever you want..." I whispered without looking for his eyes, holding his jaw to turn his face to the opposite side, scratching his jaw with a light bite.
I saw him smiling, eyes already closed to receive the bites he had asked for, sighing heavily as I nibbled on the sensitive area below his ear.
"Treat me like the good girl you are, okay?..." he whispered serenely, still with his eyes closed with his fingers running up and down my spine. "From now on, darling, I will call you mine. So don't think twice before calling me yours."
I raised my lips to his ear, his hand went from my face to the back of my neck, diving into the roots of my hair.
"Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?..."
Hongjoong opened his eyes, pressing his fingers into my locks just a little, still affectionately, removing the fingers that were caressing my back to hold the side of my face, making me look at him closely.
We looked at each other for a while, taking our time.
"I'm just asking for someone that's already mine..."
[ ... ]
I found the girl who caused me so much trouble.
"If you don't take my project off the wall and stop saying it's yours, I'll go to the office and inform the principal about your actions!"
The look of contempt she gave me was disgusting, as if I was a little rat which was just getting in the way.
"Is the crybaby going to go to the office?" She mocked, imitating me with a high-pitched, honeyed voice. "Go fuck yourself, we're already using your project, why don't you let it go?"
"Because it's mine. I'm not going to give a fuck!"
The young lady turned around in surprise, at first she seemed in disbelief, then she seemed amused by my attitude.
"Ah...now are you brave?" She pouted impressedly, moving closer until she was right next to my ear. "Are you going to run and tell the principal? Because if you do, I won't have any problems leaving the entire school knowing that you fucked that punk in his car on a dark, dirty corner, you bitch."
I furrowed my eyebrows in shock, shame and humiliation coursing through my veins.
No one could find out about this, they would spend the rest of their lives calling me a whore. How would they respect me? What would my family think of me?
"Oh!" She exclaimed happily, letting out a laugh. "So it's true? Did you guys have sex?" She laughed loudly, I pushed her into any corner, terrified. She continued smiling, amused by my despair. "You know, I had just guessed, saw the parked car and just assumed it could be the two of you..." she walked away, surrounding me with predatory eyes. "Who would have thought... you, of all people..."
"Shut up!" I growled, pointing my finger in her feline face. "I swear if you-"
"That's your choice. The project or your reputation?" She shrugged, slowly retreating. "Yeah, I think we're sorted."
I watched her walk away with cold fingers, my heart beating like crazy.
I was feeling so dirty.
Because of that, I suppressed myself, made excuses, walked away, and Hongjoong wasn't happy about it.
"Why are you ignoring me? Running away from me?" He followed me down the hallway, holding my shirt for me to stop. He could have been angry, irritated, but he didn't show that side, just confusion. "You said you weren't ashamed of me and now you do this? You want to see me suffer, is that it?
I looked at him with a negative wave, tired, even though I wanted distance, I didn't want to see him sad because of me.
"Just let me go for now..." I turned around, being pulled by his hand close to the wall, his palms cupped my face, staring at me intensely.
"I know you love me, that you haven't given up on me. So tell me what they did to you."
I held his wrists, not wanting to worst things up.
"Forget it." I tried to leave, but he refused.
"No." He emphasized, making me look at him again.
I sighed, holding the back of his head to steal a quick kiss from him, smoothing my thumb across his cheekbone.
"I'll tell you later, okay?"
Hongjoong agreed, staying silent for a bit before taking another quick peck from me, letting me go after a pinch on my waist, making me smile and making him smile too.
It was after that that the following week Hongjoong came looking for me in the library with a small but cocky smile on his lips.
He looked a little different that day, his hair was down and he was wearing a navy blue sweatshirt, almost black. But his essence remained the same, as he had only his hair down because I had done so earlier when we met in the corridor.
He confessed that he didn't like it very much, that it made him shorter. I laughed at that and praised him a little more, that was enough for him to let it go.
I watched him sit down next to me, catching his furtive glance from the corner of my eye.
"How did the tests go?" I started the subject by going back to the notes in my notebook, even though I knew he had something to talk about.
"I did well, of course." He shrugged, closing his eyes and raising his eyebrows smugly. I wasn't surprised, but I grimaced all the same. "And you?" He folded his arms on the table, laying his head down with a soft smile.
I sighed, lowering my head dramatically, I heard him laugh, so I raised my head again, looking at him boredly.
"I failed."
"I'll help you study, don't worry." He reached out, squeezing my hand.
I looked at him suspiciously.
"You? Help me study? Seriously?"
Hongjoong let go of my hand, shaking his in surrender, returning to using the arm to support his head.
"I swear this time I'm going to take it seriously. I don't want you to fail, that would be shit."
"Yeah, it would." I sighed, going back to studying, ignoring the fact that the boy continued to watch me with a smile. He used to do that, but the tension upon me started to bother.
I turned my head slowly, catching his gaze, remaining like that.
"I need to show you something." He commented relaxedly, still waiting for a response from me.
"Show me then."
Hongjoong put his hand in his pocket, taking out his cellphone, unlocking it and looking for something, dragging it on the table to my things.
It was open into a chat, an image more precisely. An intimate and explicit photo of a girl I had no way of knowing who was.
I looked away, pushing the phone back.
"Why are you showing me this? I'm...very intrigued. Really." I avoided turning my face, going back to flipping through my notebook as if I could still study after that, leaving a tasteless expression on my face.
I heard his short laugh.
"Amazing! You reacted exactly the way I imagined you would." He ignored the phone, only blocking it again.
I became discredited.
"You were simply testing me?" I frowned.
Hongjoong raised his eyebrows, looking at me slightly.
"Why? Are you jealous?" He smiled roguishly. I looked at him in disbelief.
"I could if there was any more reasonable motive for that?"
Hongjoong waved his hand, paying little attention to it.
"It's just a nude of the bitch that's been bothering you, love." He lay back down on top of his arms, snuggling.
I was silent.
"You didn't think about-"
"Why not?" He interrupted me, opening his palms. "Give her the same poison back."
I looked away, denying it.
"It's wrong, I would never do the same."
"I didn't say it needed to be you."
I caught his eyes quickly, his smile widened at my reaction.
"Let me carry the burden. It really doesn't hurt." He came near me, sitting closer to touch our shoulders, whispering even though we were alone. "You didn't do anything alone, you did it with me. If you don't have the courage to bargain for her silence in the right way, then I don't see any problem with me doing it for you myself."
I heard him as I closed my fists, feeling his head lay against me.
"I don't care about my reputation, but I want to protect yours. Don't you worry anymore, okay?"
I lowered my head, not having the initiative to say anything.
And it was at that moment that he knew I was saying yes.
[ ... ]
The project was mine again, simply returned to me when they decided to cancel the progress to represent the class.
It was pretty quick.
I was happy, really happy that no more people were taking advantage of me, but I remained nervous.
It was still early, Hongjoong wasn't coming for personal reasons, helping his father with work or something like that.
I sat down and paid attention in class, everything was normal, everything was calm... Out of my sight.
Whispers and gossip everywhere.
The class was definitely hating me, they knew that I was the cause of the work being cancelled, that they would be left without good grade. That they would run out of extra notes.
It was a few hours later that I noticed the murmurs, that I heard part of them.
I looked for her throughout the school and took her to the bathroom, there was no way she could get away from me, and she didn't even try.
"You told them!"
"Told them what?..." she leaned against the edge of the sink, tilting her head. "That you had s-"
"You had no right to do that!"
"But that was our deal, honey!" She exclaimed, showing irritation for the first time. "You made your choice! You! Now the whole school knows, but it's your fault!"
"What would you think if the school also knew about your nu-"
"Do it!" She screamed, startling me for a moment. "Everyone will know that you did this because you hate me! You always have! And on top of that, you're a coward! You didn't have the courage to threaten me to my face! You told your boyfriend to do it."
When the palm of my hand was already against her face, my wrist was grabbed at the same moment, and wanting to return the gesture, she threatened to hit me in the face, but we ended up with both of us holding each other's wrists.
"Nobody will believe it. My face can't be seen in the picture." Even though she murmured arrogantly, I saw fear in her eyes and hated myself for feeling pity.
"You will regret this. For stealing from me, for using me, for pretending to be my friend and defaming me."
"The school now knows nothing but the truth..."
I pushed her away from me when the siren sounded, heading out into the hallway, unfortunately having to go back to class.
I have never felt so ashamed, so humiliated. Even the teachers looked at me with pity.
Why pity? What have I done of so bad to make them look at me with so much pity?
I returned home late in the afternoon after putting up with the teasing, finding nothing but very well-informed parents.
I got my ass beat up.
They prohibited me from leaving my room, from seeing Hongjoong, from using my phone or computer. But that wasn't the problem.
I cried. Of course.
I cried with hate.
I swore my whole life to be a good girl... for this.
I waited until after midnight, to them I was sleeping, I was bored, with nothing to do but lie down. It never crossed their minds that I would do something like that, that I would run away.
But there I was, walking with hard, fast steps, the early morning cold throwing my hair back and drying my lips. I was burning, burning with rage.
This was so wrong and I knew it.
I invaded his room, not expecting to see him sleeping at that hour, he had his phone to his chest, he must have been awake for a while but he ended up falling asleep, perhaps out of tiredness. That's why his window was still open.
Hongjoong's hair was tangled, strands falling over his forehead and others up, without earrings or rings, he was wearing a one-band large shirt and shorts, his sheet was wrapped around his legs.
I calmed down just a little.
Just a little.
I approached, standing next to him in silence, taking the phone from his fingers and placing it on the side desk. His eyelids moved a little, then he woke up lazily, taking time to understand the situation, looking at me dazedly.
"You scared me." He muttered in a choked voice, quickly wiping his eyes. "How did you manage to come here and why? What happened? I have a lot of questions. Why haven't you answered my messages?"
"You won't get any of the answers you want now." I whispered, watching him straighten himself.
"Why?" He supported himself on his arms. I climbed onto the bed, sitting on his lap. "Ok, I see..." I wrapped my arms around his neck, bringing my face closer to his. "My poor girl came to seek comfort..." he murmured bashfully, brushing our lips. "It's okay, I'll take care of you, my love..."
His hands went up my sides, welcoming me with affection, his soft smile hiding a natural perversity. I clutched his shirt in my hands, clenching my jaw.
"I don't want you to take good care of me."
Hongjoong tilted his head, not reacting until he let out a roguish smile.
"Are you upset?"
I pushed his chest so he could lay down again, adjusting myself on his hip.
"I'm more than upset." I took off my hoodie, throwing it on the corner of the bed, ignoring his surprise. "Only you can do this for me, Hongjoong... So help me, love me all night until dawn."
The boy smiled mischievously, sitting again to squeeze my naked torso in his hands.
"How can I say no to you, hm?" He stroked my neck, distributing wet kisses as he moved my hair out of the way, gathering it in his other hand, holding it weakly. "Tell me what else you want me to do to you, alright?" He scratched my skin with his teeth, sliding his tongue in afterward.
I breathed heavily, placing my hands on his shoulders before moving my hips against his, feeling his hand instantly tighten my hair and his breathing quickly stop.
"I want you to hold my hair tight like this." I gasped, tilting my head back. "Hold me tight, kiss me hard, I want you to moan loudly, Hongjoong."
I rubbed myself against his lap more times, enjoying the rotating rhythm that brought relaxation to my body.
"You're so beautiful." I pulled his body close, starting to pant and hear his satisfied grunts. "Don't...you understand how much I want from you yet?"
"I know very well... my angel." He whispered in my ear, squeezing my hips, pulling and thrusting faster, resting his chin on my shoulder.
The next thing I knew, I was hugging the boy, letting him rhythm my hips with more and more force, our moans coming out loose and uninhibited, his trapped hands sinking into my skin while mine grabbed his short, spiky hair.
"So good...So good...give me more." He moaned against my mouth, sucking my lips eagerly. I followed his sly murmurs, laying my head in the crook of his neck before ripping his hands away from me when I was already feeling euphoria dominate my body. "Don't do that..." He hugged me again, thrusting his hips up when I stopped moving on him.
"I'm going to give you a little more, baby, let me go..." I moved away, getting off his lap to take off my lower pieces, watching him do the same until he was only wearing the large shirt, welcoming me again with a kiss on the cheek. "Don't hold back at any point, that's not what I want you to do to me."
"I wouldn't dare go against your wishes in any way." He played with serene eyebrows, panting when I slowly fitted him in, closed my eyes, moving down until I found his hips again. I pressed his lips tightly against mine, unable not to move very quickly, moving up and down, dancing around him. "Ah, fuck..."
I hugged him tightly as his movements increased, taking my hands to his back, sliding my fingers under the hem of his blouse and inside. His hand found my hair, grabbing it tightly, I groaned from the pain, but I liked it enough. "I know you can do more, cutie. Show me." I raised my head, closing my eyes once again and doing what he asked me to do, he let out some weak moans, digging the nails of his other hand into my thigh. I sucked in air between my teeth, clawing his back in an impulse to return the gesture, hearing an "argh" escape from him and a less than happy expression, but consequently a drawn-out moan.
"Don't treat me badly..." He murmured with his lips wandering over my jugular, mouthing the area between the curve of my neck and shoulder, clenching his teeth and letting go of my skin when I let out a loud, tearful gasp, then licking the area. "Your nails gonna leave pretty marks on my back..." he warned quietly, helping me continue the ups and downs when I could no longer do it alone. "I'm returning the favor..."
I continued to feel his bite mark, letting my eyes wander to any corner of the room that wasn't his greedy eyes.
"As you should." I whispered against his face, holding it to take his lips to my lips, he giving in before I even tried to explore his mouth, letting himself fall back on the bed, hugging my torso enough to press my chest against his.
We went into ecstasy, interrupting the clumsy kiss with the last satisfied cries, panting heavily with each lazy thrust that followed until we both no longer needed it.
I came back from the state of euphoria against his neck, being laid down next to him cautiously, his arm around my torso still keeping me close to his body, but far enough away for us to be face to face.
"I'll take care of you. Never doubt that..." He gave me a light smile, resting his hand on the side of my face.
I nodded, holding the soft fabric of his clothe.
"Where is your father?..." I asked, noticing his lack of concern, as he didn't want to lock the bedroom door or hold back for a moment to keep quiet.
"He went drinking, didn't come back 'til now..." he shrugged, calmly. "Nothing new." He combed my hair back, wrapping his finger around the strap of the only piece I hadn't removed. "Why were you upset?"
I explained to him what had happened, letting him take off this last piece of underwear I had left, receiving comforting kisses on the collarbone area. I caressed his hair, taking my time taking off the large shirt that still hid his torso from me.
"I'm sorry, princess." He ran his fingers down my belly, looking at me with some pity in his gaze. I placed my hands on his jaw, making him pay attention.
"Don't feel sorry for me."
Hongjoong stated, resting his arm next to my head, staring at my face above me.
"How can I make up to you then?"
I looked at him for a few seconds and by the thin smile that appeared on his face I knew that he had seen my intentions.
"End that bitch's life, baby. For me, please?" I pulled his face, pecking the corner of his mouth, receiving a weak but evil laugh.
"As you wish, love..." he sealed my lips a little sleepily, holding my thigh next to his hip. "It will be an honour."
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eddiemunsonswhxre · 2 years
okay so what about eddie x spiritual! reader, the reader giving him crystals to carry around for protection, giving eddie tarot readings, always burning incense in his place etc. etc.
100%, love love love.
two satan worshippers / eddie munson
one shot/drabble
cw: cursing
the two of you could not be more different. the only things you had in common were the fact that you were in love, smoked weed, and the majority of hawkin's population considered you to be satan worshippers.
"hey, eddie?" you asked nervously, standing behind him in the cafeteria line. he turns to you, confused as to why you're talking to him.
he examines you for a moment before speaking up. "hey, y/n, what's up?"
you bite you lip, nervous, but reach into your pocket anyway. "um, i wanted to give you this," you say and hold out your hand. eddie eyes it in confusion. a light pink stone and a piece of paper were in your palm.
he gives you a cautious look before grabbing it. "what is it?" he asks, holding the cold crystal up to get a better look.
"it's a um, a rose quartz. gotta go, bye," you scramble and speed walk away, a little too nervous for anymore questions.
eddie watches you leave with a dumbfound expression. what the fuck just happened? he walks back to his own lunch table and sits down. "guys, what the hell is a rose quartz?" he asks, holding the stone out for everyone to see.
"it's a crystal, some believe crystals have intense metaphysical properties that can influence your life, mood, and decisions," dustin says casually.
eddie looks at him, not surprised it was him who answered. damn, nerd. "what does it mean if someone gifted it to me?" eddie asks, further pushing.
dustin looks up from his homework to look between eddie's face and the stone he was holding. "well, it's for love and relationships. so i assume whoever gave it to you likes you," dustin shared, catching the rest of the tables attention.
"no shit?" eddie muttered quietly in awe.
mike looked around the table. "well, who gave it to you?" he asks impatiently once he realizes no one else will.
eddie looks around at everyone and then opens the piece of paper.
i think you're pretty cool, we should hang out some time :) 907-867-5309 -y/n
his jaw drops. "yo, did y/n l/n just ask me out?" he asks in bewilderment, showing everyone the note. the world had flipped on its ass. you were hot. a little eccentric and a bit of a loner, sure. but you were definitely hot.
"how do i do this?" eddie asks, sitting crisscross across from you on his bed.
you laugh, shuffling your deck of tarot cards and shaking your head. "you don't really do anything. you ask a question to the universe, focus on it, and i tell you what cards come out and what they mean," you explain.
eddie nods and begins thinking. "any question?" he asks with a teasing smile.
"mm, kind of," you say, waiting for him to ask it.
he scoots closer and looks at you as a blush takes over his cheeks. "will we end up together?" he asks, causing you to smile and look down shyly. you begin to shuffle as you let out a small giggle, eddie finding it adorable. a card flies from the deck and you reach to pick it up, eyes widening at the card. "what? is it good?" eddie asks impatiently.
you flip it over to show him the card showcasing two individuals in an embrace. "the lovers," you mumble in disbelief. eddie looks from the card to you in shock.
"so yes?" he asks in a higher pitched voice. you bite your lip, shrugging but nodding. "great, because i didn't want to wait any longer. be mine?" he asks, nerves very apparent.
you nod, a huge smile overtaking your face. eddie leans forward, trapping your lips in a kiss.
"baby?! babe, are you okay? why is there smok-" eddie's worried yelling is cut off when he finally makes it in the open door. he sees you standing in the middle of his living room with a roll of... something... smoking as all his doors and windows were open.
you blink before holding it out towards him. "i'm cleansing," you say as if it's obvious.
eddie juts his neck forward and raises his eyebrows. "i'm sorry, what?" he asks, looking at what looked to be a bunch of grass and flowers.
you turn, continuing to waft the smoke throughout his living room. "cleansing, it was feeling a bit heavy in here. the vibes were off, so i'm just pushing all the negative out. i can already feel how much better it is," you explain. eddie watches you for a moment before deciding what you were doing was fine and walked to get himself a pop.
eddie was a sick mess, so of course you were on your way to help him get better. "baby, you don't have to do all this," he grumbled, voice nasally and low from sleep. you shrug, continuing to make his tea.
"it'll make you feel better," you cooed as he nuzzled his face into your neck while hugging you from behind.
he sat his chin on your shoulder, watching closely. "so what is everything meant to do?" he asked quietly.
you hum, mixing in a bit of your moon water to the steaming hot water. "well, this is moon water. it makes everything more powerful and i charge it to heal, so..." you inform him, grabbing other ingredients. "it's not going to taste the best, but it'll help. there's peppermint in here to hopefully clear some of that stuff out of your sinuses, then there's some ginger and turmeric for your inflammation. i also put some lavender so you can get some good sleep, not where you wake up every thirty minutes," you explain, putting your home-made tea bag into the mug. "i'm also going to put some honey in there. it will make it taste better, but also help your throat," you smile looking back at him.
"you amaze me," he smiles and kisses your cheek. you smile back, finishing his tea and making him drink it. then you were forcing him back to his room. "a nap? but baby, you've only been here like thirty minutes," he complained as you sat him in his bed as if he were a kid.
you pushed his shoulders back so he'd lay down and then grabbed his sheet that you had cleaned a couple days ago. "you need sleep to heal, is your head still bothering you?" you ask, tucking him in. it really was quite comical how he let you do this as if he was five years old. he nodded in response to your question. you sighed, pulling out some crystals from your pocket.
"a jasper, and a howlite," you mutter as you place the cool stones on his forehead. he didn't question you knowing that it was somehow meant to help him.
you stood up to leave the room and go start cleaning up a bit when he stopped you. "can i have a kiss?" he pouted. you laughed, bending down to place a soft kiss to his lips.
five minutes later you could hear his snores as you cleaned the coffee table in his living room.
eddie was now used to you giving him random things, mostly crystals, but other trinkets too. he wore a couple on necklaces since you made them for him, along with a baby spell jar that was for his protection. he even wore a rose quartz ring on his finger that you had made for him (and you had a matching one).
he was now used to constant incense burning in his home, or you deciding a space needed cleansed, and always went to ask for your natural remedies when he wasn't feeling too good. you were so different, and he loved that about you. so what if the dumb jocks at school framed you as satanists? he knew that wasn't true, and frankly neither of you could care less. all that mattered was that you were with each other.
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riveranova · 1 year
(A/N): Aaaaand mama's back! First of all, let me say how grateful I was and am to get so many messages from people sharing their stories and wishing me all the best - made me tear up multiple times not gonna lie. Thank you all so much and let's dive right back in. <3
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IkePri NSFW Headcanons x GN! Reader - Part 2
Warnings: Smut | minors DNI, would this really be a Nova original if there wasn't at least a lil bit crack?, Licht's getting a little sad
Characters: Chevalier, Luke, Yves, Jin, Licht, Leon, Ikemen Prince
Word count: 690
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Chevalier Michel
yk i had a thought for this one
obviously hes a top
but but, hear me out - what if he wasn't?
imagine his cold, blue eyes that normally resemble a frozen lake
well that thick ice is now shattered as he's pressing his head into his pillow, trying not to wake up his annoying brothers (Clavis) while you suck him off
hes a lil bit embarrassed about the way his fists and thighs are clenched together because hes Chevalier Michel, no one makes him this weak
well, exept for you of course
but no one is allowed to find out
i think that hes a little bit bratty as a bottom
like, you want to make him beg? well beg for it.
its kind of a back and forth
but just threaten him to stop and its like a different man lies before you
just imagine him beg for you to get him off in that deep voice
Luke Randolph
i'm a huge suporter of the 'luke only cuddlefucks' theory that a great researcher (me) brought to life
i mean that man sleeps the entire day so why not, right?
he gets horny really fast, just like Gilbert
hes also big, and i dont only mean his body
big boy, gimme a big booooy-
strong hands hold you in place - in front of him, holding you against his chest while slowly fucking you from behind
100% whispers sleepy shit into your ear
honestly so sweet
idk why this is so funny to me but imagine him just falling asleep mid-sex
you're just laying there like '...uh''
lucky for you, this man is into sleep play, so just finish the job yourself~
Yves Kloss
honestly? i think hes one of those really cute and soft tops
soft tops are the best, are they not
but i don't think hes really focused on the sex part
hes a big aftercare guy
he honestly just wants to spoil you and make sure you're all pretty for him
150 step korean skincare routine after every single session without fail
bathing together with him is the most normal thing in the world
hums into your ear while massaging your shoulders
praise praise praise
i honestly think that Yves would be so fucking obsessed with you - in a non-weird way tho
if youre comfortable then he is too <3
Jin Grandet
alright, heres my completely objective take on him
god i love this man so much
crush me with those honke- okay, sorry
i think hes the kind of guy who doesn't want to have one big session but like short ones scattered across the day
lil quickies yk
hes also shameless
so he just pulls you away whenever he wants to and you know what he wants
he has these 'please im so horny its not cool anymore' eyes
and if youre like me then fuck it, leggo
gives zero fucks about how loud you are
castle staff hates it when he does that but as i said
shameless (hot) asshole
Licht Klein
grumpy ass bottom
not even bratty, just grumpy as fuck
but i think thats what makes the entire thing so thrilling for him
yeah so what if he doesnt care what you do? what are you gonna do about it?
okay maybe hes a little bratty
not the guy that makes a lot of sounds while having sex
he kinda just lays there enjoying the attention hes getting from you - the sex is just a lil bonus
tries to take control on very impatient days
but nuh- uh, his moody ass is staying down
100% sure that he has these 'pls humiliate me' days
theyre rare, yeah, but getting told hes the 'bad sibling' his entire life fucked a little with his brain
pls give him aftercare
Leon Dompteur
i swear i need three tries to get his last name right every single fucking time
anyways, this mans obviously a top
he treats you like youre the deity hes praying to every single day
literally worthsips you so much
i think hes a big vanilla boi
no choking or bondage, just sweet sweet vanilla sex
his hands are huge and everywhere, like a blanket that just never ends
big praise guy too
loves to give it and absolutely thrives off of getting some back
please tell him that hes doing a good job, tell him how good his cock is making you feel
hes a big cuddler too, so get ready for some cozy aftercare <3
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Idfk if fic requests are still open lmao, but I've been kinda into transmasc Edd lately and maybe Tord can affirm him by calling him "my handsome man" while making love to him 🥺
Sure! I love this, sweet affectionate sex is underrated I think (nsft past this point proceed at your own risk)
So in all seriousness this might not be the best call, it's been said a million times that banging your friends only complicates things and makes it awkward. But Tord was really convinced that he and Edd were different, and that it would be fine. They had done everything together since they were little kids, so why not this too.
They were both a little drunk, which definitely helped move things along, and he couldn't stand seeing Edd all needy and squirmy with nothing to help him, he was terrible at hiding it especially while he was tipsy. So that's how they got from being in the living room watching a movie with the others and sharing a bottle of vodka to Tord's bed.
In all honesty he was a little surprised Edd was so willing, he knew he had issues with his body, especially the parts that are for sex, and had expressed before to Tord that he felt like it made it really hard for him to have a good sexual experience and made him really hesitant to that stuff.
He felt sort of special, like Edd trusted him. It made perfect sense to him, maybe the whole reason he was so hesitant with everyone else is because he didn't know if he could be comfortable around them, but he knew he'd be safe with Tord.
He had Edd properly wrap his legs around his waist, trailing his hands up his thighs slowly tenderly, absolutely relishing in the sweet little moan the brunette gave into the kiss. Was it bad to say he had wanted this for a while? To be able to hold the little brit like this and hear his little noises, it was wonderful.
He felt a hand tangle into his hair, very gently pulling him closer as Edd kissed him deeper. He seemed so desperate, his other arm wrapped around Tord's neck. The kiss broke and he took a few breaths, not letting go. "P... Please, Tord... I want it so bad" he seemed embarrassed, but more desperate than anything.
Clearly he didn't want to wait, even if they had just started. The norsk just stared for a moment, enjoying his red, bashful expression in the dim light before nodding "don't worry, I'll take care of you" he was taking Edd's pants off as they spoke, dropping them off the side of the bed.
He didn't waste any time getting his tops off too, running his hands up the brunettes now bare sides and watching the way she shuddered slightly. "So handsome..." He mumbled leaning down to kiss his neck, slipping his boxers off finally.
The boy bit his lips and spread his legs, he was soaked already. Tord's heart skipped a beat and he gave a little breath. It wasn't fair to make him wait any longer, but he loved watching him like this. He pulled his own shirt off, and took off his pants with one hand while he opened the drawer and fished out a condom with the other. Even if Edd had been on testosterone for a while now and wasn't ovulating anymore, better safe than sorry. Tord figured at least. It was a bright cherry red, that was the only kind he bought.
Edd was wiggling impatiently, watching closely as Tord removed his boxers. If he was sober he would have been more embarrassed about staring like that, but it didn't even cross his mind. He's seen Tord's dick a few times, it happens when you know someone as long as he's known Tord, walking in on each other, skinny dipping, they do a lot of dangerous stuff in which clothes get ripped.
"would you put this on for me?" He was snapped from his thoughts by Tord handing him the condom with a little smirk, blushing a little more, he nodded quickly. He took it and sat up a little, Tord sitting back a bit on his knees with a soft smile. There was something weirdly intimate about the way he gently rolled it on, biting his soft pink lips before giving a little breath as he was done, looking up at Tord for confirmation that he'd done well.
The norsk chuckled softly and kissed his cheek, mumbling "good boy" before gently kissing him again. Edd kissed back right away, whimpering softly into it and pressing a little closer to his lover.
Eager to continue, while also not wanting to move away, Tord gently had Edd spread his legs, the other hand holding his hip. He just pushed into him in the position they were in. The brunette moaned sweetly into the kiss and held him tighter.
The taller started moving his hips slowly at first, the kiss breaking with a huff and he pushed Edd to properly lay down. He watched him, mumbling "so perfect, Eddy" he began speeding up and getting harder, Edd moaning and whining more, his chest rising and falling quickly. "My handsome man" he rubbed his hip.
His partner melted so much at all the praise, just softly begging him not to stop and to keep fucking him, wrapping his legs around Tord's waist. The norsk took it as a sign to go harder for him, electing a cry of pleasure from his partner. The brunette was twitching and gasping as he was fucked, not clear minded enough to think to be quiet.
Even if he had been sober, Tord was just slipping him further and further into sub space and that made it terribly difficult for him to think clearly. He couldn't think about Tom and Matt, or anyone really other than how good it felt, how good Tord was making him feel.
Tord was panting softly as he thrusted, one hand on Edd's hip and the other gripping the blanket as he thrust into his friend's perfect tight pussy. It really was so tight around him, he was practically drooling, getting harder and harder without even realizing at first. He only realized what it was he was doing when he heard Edd screaming.
He seemed like he was absolutely on cloud nine, back arched slightly as he held the blankets desperately, drooling a bit "f-fuck- Tord!~" he let his head fall back, moaning out loudly. Tord felt himself blushing deeply watching him, the room full of his noises, and the sounds of skin against skin.
It was a slight struggle to keep his eyes open but it was so worth it, watching Edd writhe in pleasure, the pleasure that Tord was providing him. Absolutely fucking magnificent. He held onto Edd's hips with both hands now, keeping him in place so he could be a bit more precise.
The shorter man panted and drooled, giving little broken moans "T-tord, oh my god" he let his head fall back, moaning loudly "It feels s-soo good- ah!~" he was trying to push his hips forward as if that would help him feel it deeper, biting his lips and giving little moans.
He was starting to get close, and he didn't even say anything, but it was like Tord knew somehow. He let one hip go and instead used the hand to very gently stroke his little clit while thrusting, it was plenty erect already by now after all. His lover nearly screamed, hips jerking slightly as he arched his back, whining and crying.
He came hard, squeezing even more around the norsk's cock as he held the blankets for dear life. "O-oh god" he breathed out, letting his eyes flutter shut as Tord stopped for a moment, his hips stuttering as he came as well, panting and filling up the condom.
They just stayed out for a second, he couldn't have pulled out even if he wanted to, Edd still hadn't taken his legs from around his hips. Seemed he liked him being so close. So Tord leaned in and gently kissed him, the brunette just giving a soft hum and very carefully and sweetly wrapping his arms around his neck.
Everything was so sweet and soft and warm for the time being, he moved away slowly, kissing his cheek and jaw instead "you did so well Eddy, such a good boy, my handsome man" he coed watching the smaller blush, looking up at him. He slowly pulled out, Edd letting his legs fall against the bed.
He took the condom off and just threw it away, laying down and wrapping his arms around Edd when he shuffled closer. This was fantastic, if Tord could pick a single moment in his life to pause time and live in it forever it would have been right now. He ran his fingers through the boy's hair, Edd's head tucked just under his own, chin resting on Tord's shoulder.
"Du er så kjekk, kjære" he whispered, kissing his forehead sweetly. Edd didn't know what he said, but it didn't matter. He just gazed up at him like he was the only thing in the world. They both fell asleep like that, naked and tangled together under the wonderful blankets.
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myers-meadow · 1 year
A sneaking suspicion: Mischa (OC) x reader
Title: A sn(e)aking suspicion
Pairing: my OC Mischa x reader.
Summary: During a ghost hunting case in an old university, things don't add up. There's a strange sound in the walls, and as you dread having to tell the headmisstress about the bullying that took place, you search deeper. And deeper. There you find a sorcerer, a being of magic, who has a proposition for you.
Warnings: threats of violence, mentions of bullying, a snake. Nothing graphic. Reader has long hair.
Word count: 2324 words
Here he is!! I hope you enjoy this first introduction into this new world (that isn't all too different from ours), and that you have fun meeting Mischa! ✨ Please let me know what you think; reblogs, comments are all very welcome! If you have anymore questions about this universe or about the characters - don't be shy, I'd love to answer them <3. Thank you so much again for your encouragment and kindness @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @devil-doll13 @house-of-slayterr <3
Dividers by delishlydelightfuldividers
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“So, this college,” I started, looking at the headmistress’ stern face, “is haunted?”
Sharing a look with my ghost hunting partner and boyfriend, Timo, just as his gaze flickered over to me with the same concern. Something really serious must have happened here if the haunting was legitimate. Which will unavoidably be something headmistresses don’t like having to deal with.
“The students said the apparitions manifested mostly in the girl’s bathroom on the second floor. Follow me.”
Her heels clacked on the pristine marbled floors, and before long, the door to the haunted bathroom swung open. It smelled strange inside, like a mix of food gone bad and pine scented cleaning supplies. Timo stepped in first, setting down his big backpack to take out some equipment. He handed me the tripod to set up as he took the camera from its case. Walking around the space, white with bright LED lighting, I tried feeling a spot where it would be good in. Nothing felt out of the ordinary yet, so I settled for in the corner, with sight of the mirrors and the door to the hallway, rather than the toilet stalls.
“All good?” Timo asked, and I nodded. He screwed the camera on top of the tripod, as he did so, I checked out the stalls. To see if there was any writing, any cold spots, weird gusts of wind… Nothing. Only a very strange sound from the pipes overhead. As if something… slithered. Not water, no, and not the creaking of old pipes either. There was no toilet cover, so instead I hiked up my skirt and stepped up on the seat to see if I could hear it better. Just as I reached up to the ceiling, Timo pushed open the door to the stall.
“What you doing in here?” he asked. The noise faded.
“Thought I heard something,” I mumbled, letting him help me down.
“And?” the headmistress started, tapping her foot impatiently. “What did you find?”
“Nothing yet, ma’am,” said Timo, and took out some more equipment. Temperature sensor, listening device…
“Are there any other locations that are said to be haunted?” I asked, to keep the headmistress occupied.
She shook her head. “But I wouldn’t know, perhaps you’d better talk with the students.”
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And so I did. The weird sound seemed to follow me through the walls or ceiling. When asked, the headmistress said it was old copper pipes, but it seemed unlikely. The rushing of water when someone took a shower was also audible, but this was distinct. The interviews with the students were as expected; no, they didn’t see much, no, they never messed with the occult, no, they never went left their rooms past curfew. They were lying, of course. There was one girl, more quiet than the rest, who received strange looks from the others. After I said we were done with the questions, the group relaxed. On the way out, it just so happened I was heading in the same direction that the lone girl was: the library. She looked clever, with sharp brown eyes.
“I can tell there’s something no one’s telling me. And I don’t mean sneaking out after curfew, I don’t care about that.”
She regarded me from the side, clutching her book bag to her chest. “You’re not gonna tell the headmistress?”
I shook my head with a laugh. “I frankly don’t care if you went out after curfew, did drugs or went to the boy’s wing. This is just my job. If we solve whatever’s going on, we get paid. The rest doesn’t matter to me.”
With a strange look, she leaned in closer and said: “Have you ever seen Carrie?”
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It was almost unbelievable; a case of bullying so severe that the poor girl left school (some say she went home, others say she died, we can’t know for sure), and now her ghost and residual bad memories haunted the place. After this came out and I confronted the earlier students a second time, they had more details to share. Some recalled ‘buckets worth of blood falling from the ceiling’, or pipes bursting. Weird whispers in the library, things levitating, all of that was seen, according to students. The girl who talked to me was one of the reluctant bystanders of the bullying, and it was a great relief to her to finally have adults involved. Something still bothered me, though. What was the noise then? Those could hardly be described as whispers. We’d have to talk to the student who went home after this phase of research was done, and it felt like an idle hope to have our questions cleared up fully. None of it added up.
Checking in with Timo went as usual, he said we needed more evidence (partly for the case, partly for on the blog), so even though I wanted to get out of there, we’d be there for a while. He wasn’t one to listen to feelings and dismissed my suspicions. Sometimes a case is just too easy, but to him that was just a lucky one. Not particularly feeling like keeping the headmistress company and hearing her “How could this happen, and right under our noses!” for much longer than needed, so I went off following the strange noise in the walls.
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The university was inside of a strange, old building, older than I previously thought. And larger, almost maze-like. Some parts of it had bullet holes still in the walls, and I traced my fingers over them as I listened for the direction of the sounds. Deeper, and lower, my search took me. There was a cellar, with racks for wine, and behind one of the large barrels was a wooden door, that led to a backroom. The deeper I went, the more the feeling that something wasn’t right with this school crept up on me. After descending a ladder – which should have really been a red flag – there were tunnels. That in itself wasn’t strange, lots of old buildings have tunnels, right?
It was dark, but decently lit enough with the flashlight on my phone. The space smelled of dirt and stale water, a natural scent. The stones of the small tunnel were worn down in spots, moss growing in the cracks. After a bit, symbols lined the walls and my heart hammered in my chest. This wasn’t a simple ghost, this was occultism. I was right, something’s down here! Timo’ll never believe me. Some of the symbols reminded me of old sigils, but it was hard to tell, as they were crudely etched into the imperfect bricks. I turned a corner, trying to listen, but there was only the echo of my footsteps and the blood rushing in my ears. A sound echoed, different, almost a voice, and I halted, heart skipping a beat. Again, it was… hissing. The hissing of an animal. Covering my phone flashlight with my hand, I inched closer, letting the smallest bits of light be enough. The sound moved away. Not wanting to lose whatever was down here, wanting so stupidly badly to find out what it was, I followed the sound hastily. Another corner and- a door. Light shone from under it. There was only half a thought of how strange it was, for this tunnel system to end in such an ordinary looking door, but it didn’t stop me from opening it.
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Inside was a room, lit by candles and oil lamps. A much more welcoming space, compared to the damp tunnels. A somewhat normal room, a study, with a desk, chairs, a bookshelf. The back wall was lined with pillars, gaping darkness beyond them. And by the desk in the middle of the room a man. He turned as he heard me come in, and beckoned me in.
I wanted to say something, ask what he was doing here, who he was, but nothing came out, as I stared at the symbols drawn on the floor. They came to a central point and I made a mental note to avoid its centre.
“Welcome,” the man said, “make yourself at home.”
At first I thought this could be a misunderstanding, but the shivers that ran down my spine were sure this was nothing good.
“Who are you?”
“I’m surprised you got this far. You are here because of the,” he waved his hands around, “happenings upstairs?”
“That was you? They thought it was a ghost.”
There were markings on his face, small ones, but enough to show he wasn’t an ordinary man. A sorcerer. I’ve only heard the stories, enough to make my heart skip a beat. He smiled as if he knew.
Softly, he spoke words in an entirely different language and the sound from before returned, closing in, growing louder. Then, through the pillars, the head of a giant monstrosity of a dragon- no! A snake! I stared at it, slapping my hand in front of my mouth in shock at the size of it. Those horror movies with the giant snake in the rain forests hold no candle to this one. To witnessing it in person. Like standing in the middle of a storm, aware of the brute force of nature, of how small and insignificant my tiny human life is. The creature, flicking its tongue out to smell the air – smell my fear – and slid more and more of her into the room. Her body was long too, and soon she blocked off the exit I came in here with, and kept going. I turned around to keep looking at her, in a circle. It was as if there was no end to her.
“You and that boyfriend of yours make a nice team.” The man spoke again and in my amazement, I’d almost forgotten he was there. My eyes snapped up to his.
Bewildered, I pointed to the snake, who coiled more of itself into the room, already pushing the desk aside to reach its master.
“She is yours?”
“It's easy to tell you're the real brain behind your operation," he continued without answering the question. "A bit reckless though, going down into an old tunnel system all by yourself. No one knows you're here."
That settled like icy water in my veins. He smiled, the crow’s feet around the corners of his eyes made him look almost kind. The snake finished another lap around the room and I had to move closer to the centre of the room to avoid touching her.
"Why pick this place, this university?" I asked, perhaps to find out his motivations, to buy time until the snake gaped open its maw and devours me. Feverishly looking at any possible exit but all there was, was the snake and its glistening scales.
"Are you afraid of her?" Between the slithering and the glimmer, he stood perfectly still. “Her name’s Belle.”
“Nice to meet you, Belle,” I said, sarcastically, not daring to take my eyes off of him. The body of the snake was cold to the touch, it pushed me closer to the centre of the room.
“Will you not introduce yourself?” and he said my name. It rolled off his tongue with ease, the lilt in his voice making it sound foreign, like a spell. How did he know?
“Seems there’s no need.” Another cautious step closer, feeling the snake behind me, touching the braid that hung down my back.
“I’m Mischa,” he said, reaching out to touch her skin absentmindedly. I thought she’d stop moving at his touch, but she didn’t.
Took a sharp breath, and answered with politeness. Another “pleased to meet you”, and a proper introduction. The sorcerer nodded in acknowledgement. Every few breaths I had to shuffle closer, the space quickly growing cramped.
"Someone as hard-headed as you, with wits like you, would make a great partner. Too bad the one you have now is this slow and incompetent."
We were at arms distance then. He smelled of moss, of wet dirt. Lazily his gaze trailed over me, the growing panic didn’t affect him. "You must've noticed you’re not leaving here alive-" I nodded, both hands bracing against the snake at my back, as I leaned as far away from him as possible. "But that would be a waste, would it not? Would you hear my proposition?"
If he keeps talking this slowly I’ll be crushed before he finishes. I nodded wildly.
"Why don't you give up your silly ghost hunt, and become my partner instead?" Just as the distance shrunk as the snake forcefully pushed me closer, only the length of a forearm left. Mischa’s hand fell into the hair at the nape of my neck. He dragged his nails over my scalp idly. When he spoke again, his voice dropped lower, an intimate, secretive tone. "Be my apprentice… I'll teach you the language of snakes, or how to shape fire, how to conjure elementals, how to sprout a tree from a seed, levitate objects with just your mind... Just say the word, and leave that pesky boyfriend behind. Great deeds are waiting for us."
I avoided his eyes, my silence taken as resistance. With cold fingers he tilted my chin up to look him in the eye.
"You might want to consider if there's much of your partner left to go back to, if you think it best to refuse my offer." And his smile then was anything but kind. A tongue, forked like that of a snake darted out to wet his lips, and my predicament was claustrophobic. The fright of my heart, irregular, a sharp gasp instead of an answer. What was there to answer? There is no retort for this but- anything but death. Mischa saw my thoughts form, reading me like an open book. Saw how my resilience crumbled, and leaned down to seal my fate with a cruelly tender forehead kiss.
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A Poet Could Not But Be Gay — part 2
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Part 1
Pairing: college!au Ellie Williams x f!reader
summary: You and Ellie text after you like her post and see each other in class again. You talk to each other, slowly growing closer.
word count: 2.1k
warnings: mutual pining, reader has no rizz, anxiety, English class
a/n: M (minors and men) DNI, please! Y'all I can't believe you guys gave me 34 notes on my first-ever fic!!! I'm literally on top of the world and it really motivated me to write another chapter so here it is!! 😁
Ellie Williams: Hey stalker (;
You were frozen. Your breath had caught in your throat and you felt your entire body burning up as though you'd throw up at any second. Your phone screen had gone black by then and you only had time to blink before another notification came in.
Ellie Williams added you as a friend.
Finally, you were able to breathe. What the fuck is happening!? you thought. She has to be playing some kind of prank on me 'cause no one should be this cool about a random girl like a — how old was it? 5-week-old picture!
You decided that the best thing to do was to respond. She already knew you were online and you would only look more guilty if you ignored her. Ellie had caught you red-handed, sure, but she didn't need to know why you were looking her up. You started typing, probably taking way longer than you should to write a simple text.
you: hey! sorry i was just struggling with the homework and youre the only person i knew from that class so i looked you up
you: how are you handling the last minute assignment she sent us?
Really? A double text seconds after I was caught stalking her? I'm fucking dead. Every second that passed by felt like an hour. You were biting your nails, staring at the screen impatiently. She hadn't even seen it yet and you felt like she was judging you through the phone. After one minute, she opened the chat and started typing. Looking at those three taunting dots, you couldn't help but imagine all the texts she could be writing. Nightmarish thoughts were flying through your brain when her text finally appeared.
Ellie Williams: Oh fuck I hadn't even seen that email! What kind of psychopath of a teacher sends an assignment at 6pm?
You let out a relieved sigh, thankful she hadn't asked any questions regarding your lie. Your shaking thumbs started typing but you received another text.
Ellie Williams: And who even has a favourite poem to write 500 words about
Ellie Williams: Well you definitely do
You had to read that twice. She remembers about my poem. Your small smile grew into a grin, and the little exhale from your nose grew into a fit of giggles. You rolled onto your back before remembering you had to answer her.
you: im glad i was able to tell you about the assignment! and yeah i have a favourite poem and i absolutely LOVE telling people about it but i know how scatterbrained i can be so idk if ill be able to make sense
The two of you texted back and forth for a few minutes but your shyness held you back and your conversation eventually dwindled. After several minutes of radio silence on both ends, your phone vibrated again.
Ellie Williams: Well I'm gonna start writing that paper but I'll see you on Wednesday!
you: good luck with that!
you: cant wait to see you again :)
You held your breath, frightened by your boldness.
Ellie Williams: Don't miss me too much (;
You honestly thought you could have died at that moment. And there was that winking face again. You couldn't believe your clumsy mistake had led you to have an actual conversation! Outside of school! Sure it was mainly about your shared class but now it felt more personal. She wasn't just "Ellie, the hot girl from my poetry class" anymore. She was Ellie Williams, the charming girl you'd met in class and befriended and fell in love with and moved in with and married and — ok now. I shouldn't get ahead of myself. I don't even know her favourite colour yet. I don't even know if she likes girls, let alone me!
You decided that the best thing for you to do now was to focus on your assignment. It wouldn't take very long but at least it would keep your mind occupied for a little while.
Though the poem was about the beauty of nature and all it has to offer, you couldn't help but relate every verse to Ellie.
"they / Out-did the sparkling waves in glee" Ellie outdoes everyone and everything. There was not a single thing you could think of that you would rather look at than Ellie. There was no sound you'd rather hear than her laugh and no word you'd rather read than hers. I'm so fucking gay, it's ridiculous, you thought.
Some verses you felt rather poetic about, while others felt like they were describing the slight gay panic you'd had upon first seeing her, "I gazed — and gazed — but little thought". That's exactly how you'd felt. You'd stared at her sheer beauty and focused on nothing but her. The only thing you could remember from your time staring at her was the warmth that had formed in your belly and the tingling in your face.
You had known this girl for barely 8 hours and you could already see her in everything. Fuck, this is gonna hurt.
Tuesday was somewhat uneventful. You'd been awoken by your alarm once again and had rolled over to check your phone. You were barely awake when you saw that Ellie had changed your name on messenger to "y/n🌸". Has she been thinking about me? you thought with a grin plastered to your face. Before you had time to overthink, you quickly changed her name to "Ellie 😉".
Neither of you texted the other again until Wednesday. It was a cool and cloudy day meaning everything had grey undertones and you refused to let yourself darken because of some stupid clouds. That's why you chose to wear your long sleeve, bright yellow shirt underneath short, green overalls.
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The sky might be grey and sad but I'm looking like a ray of fucking sunshine! you told yourself in the mirror. The colour you wore made you feel invincible, as though you could conquer the world and make it bright again.
Eventually, after an interminable lecture, you were sat at your seat in your and Ellie's shared class, awaiting the girl herself. To busy yourself, you started taking out your books and laptop, putting your pens neatly out onto your side of the desk. While you were distracted, Ellie walked into the class.
Ellie's thoughts
Ellie's mind was racing, trying to figure out what to say to you when she saw you. She knew she would say hi; that was a given. But what then? She didn't want to just be an acquaintance to you. She wanted to be on your mind as much as you were on hers, which was constantly. Dreams of you consumed her nights which she loved until she woke up and realized you had barely talked to each other.
When she walked into the classroom, she nearly froze in the doorframe. Of course, she thought, on a gross day like this, she has to look like a ray of fucking sunshine. It was as though you were trying to make her fall head over heels for you.
When she started walking normally again, your head popped up and a genuine smile graced your lips. Ellie felt like the Earth had stopped spinning and smiled back with false confidence. She sat down next to you and told you her scripted, "Hi," in her usual, honeyed voice, adding an improvised, "how you doing?", proud she hadn't stumbled over her words.
"Hi," you answered, voice quieter than hers, "I'm doing pretty good. I actually finished the assignment on time, so the semester's off to a good start!" you said with a laugh.
Ellie laughed back, happy you had initiated a topic so she would get to keep talking with you. "Wow! Three whole days in and no late assignments yet! I'm extremely impressed." she replied, the glee evident in her tone.
You giggled and said, "You should be!"
There was a beat of silence and she was scared you had run your conversation to its course before it had even started. Then you surprised her by asking, "How have you been?"
She looked up at you, taking a few seconds to admire every line and curve in your face. "Oh, you know," she said, "I've been busier now that school started up again but I've been good." She paused for a second and continued, "I haven't been too busy to figure it out though."
A smile crept onto your face and she thanked her lucky stars that she'd kept talking. "Figure what out?" you asked.
With slightly shaking hands she hoped you wouldn't notice, she reached out to your arm and pushed up the sleeve of your shirt to reveal the tattoo you'd shown her. "This," she said looking back up, her eyes boring into yours, "It's Wordsworth right?" You nod and she goes on, "That's a sick name for a poet. I read the poem and I have to say, you've got some good taste, pretty girl." The name just slipped out of her mouth. Her eyes widened and she noticed your smile falter. She pulled away from your arm.
She cleared her throat, trying to regain her composure but you spoke before she could, "I feel like with a name like that, he couldn't really go into any other profession, you know." you laughed dryly, clearly trying to ease the tension.
She laughed the same dry laugh and let out a quiet, "Yeah, he had to go into writing."
Luckily, your awkward moment only lasted a short time and Ellie was saved from any further embarrassment as your professor began her lecture.
About 30 minutes into the lecture, Ellie was flipping the pages of her textbook like crazy, trying to find the poem the class was discussing. She figured you had noticed her struggling because you tapped her on the arm and whispered the page number. She thanked you and started flipping to that page. In doing so, however, a page managed to slice through her skin, causing her to flinch and immediately suck on her cut.
She was cursing the paper when you tapped her arm again. She turned to you, finger still between her lips. You gave her a small smile and lifted something in your hand, "Do you need a bandaid?" you whispered. How could she say no when you were looking at her like that, big doe eyes full of concern.
She took her finger out of her mouth and agreed with a low, "Sure". Before she could do anything else, you grabbed her hand and wrapped the bandaid around her injured finger. Ellie could only stare at you, marveling at the care you gave to such a minor cut. "Thanks, y/n" she whispered. She thought she may have caught a glimpse of a blush on your cheeks but you had turned your head too quickly for her to tell for sure.
When she picked up her pen, she got her first good look at what you'd wrapped around her finger and laughed to herself. Of fucking course this personified beam of sunlight would carry around flower bandaids. I'm never taking this off. she thought as she admired her finger.
Back to your thoughts
You were looking up front but your mind was nowhere near whatever subject the professor was talking about. I touched Ellie! you though. Not the other way around! I touched her arm and then her hand! I'm gonna pass out. You were ecstatic, to say the least. You couldn't wait to call Taylor and tell her everything that happened during this second class with Ellie.
Soon enough, the class ended and you started packing your books. You got up, still giddy from excitement, and got ready to say goodbye to Ellie. She stood up after a few moments and spoke first, "So I was thinking," she said, her usual confidence seemingly vanished, "if you wanted to study or do assignments for this class, I'm free in the afternoon on Thursdays. We could meet in the library if you want. Or not even necessarily for this class, like, we could study for any class together if that was something you were interested in."
You gave her a quick open-mouthed smile. "Yeah!" you beamed, "Yeah that definitely sounds good. I know a secret spot in the library nobody ever goes to so we won't even need to worry about other people."
"Sounds great. I'll see you tomorrow then."
You both hesitated a little before moving to leave the classroom, and then again in the hallway, not sure of where the other was going. Seemingly amused by this, judging by the smirk on her face, Ellie put her hand on the small of your back, guided you in the direction you'd been headed in, and walked backward in the opposite direction.
"Bye, pretty girl!"
Part 3
a/n: I got a little carried away in this one... Did you see how much touching there was! Whoo, that was borderline smut! But I told you there would be more talking! Also, I am obsessed with Romantic poetry, specifically William Wordsworth so sorry if there was too much of him in this chapter but I really love his work! You guys should all read "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud". It's a really short poem that may or may not have made me shed a tear. Anyway, leave any ideas you have for this story in the comments! I can't wait to see what you think!!
ps: lemme know if you wanna get tagged in the next one!
tags: @lonelyfooryouonly
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eliasiis · 2 years
SINCE REQUESTS ARE OPEN ragbros with Lee Kaeya please-
oh my god this was so fun to write. first of all i am SO ler for kaeya like it's crazy. secondly. writing ragbros is so fun their dynamic if they were friends again is so fun to think about i love to read like... different interpretations of ragbros friendships but i stand by a mutual friendship of teasy bickering ok its just. chefs kiss mwah
ragbros <333
word count: 1.4k
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It hasn't been too long since Kaeya and Diluc... Reunited, for lack of a better word.
It's a very tentative sort of reunited- The kind where they're both afraid to say something that'll set the other off, or maybe they'll say something they don't mean and it'll shatter everything.
But that hasn't happened yet. They're careful around each other. They're cautious, walking on eggshells that if they think about it rationally, aren't really there.
But it's nice to... Get along again. If Kaeya sees Diluc in Mondstadt he has the privilege to actually have a conversation with him rather than pretend he never saw him at all.
Now, though, Kaeya leisurely strolls into Angel's Share. After hours, of course.
Diluc barely glances at the door before he speaks. "We're closed... Oh, it's you." If Kaeya weren't paying attention, he wouldn't have noticed the small upwards quirk of Diluc's lips. He makes himself comfortable on the stool near the bar, right across from his brother.
Kaeya does his usual smirk, leaning his elbows on the bar with his hands clasped beneath his chin. "If you're closed, you should lock your doors, don't you think?" He asks.
Rolling his eyes, Diluc crosses his arms. "Forgive me for that. What'll it be?" He asks, casually setting his hands down on the bar. It really wouldn't usually mean anything, but Diluc acting so casual even with Kaeya's presence around makes Kaeya so much happier than it should.
"Mmm.... Surprise me," He says, lazily tapping a finger on the cold, wood surface.
"What makes you believe I won't just give you grape juice?" Diluc teases, yet turns around and starts making one of those unbelievably delightful concoctions of his. God, they're good.
"You wouldn't do that to your poor brother, would you?" Kaeya says, starting with his damn puppy eyes- Diluc wasn't even planning to actually give him grape juice, but he averts his eyes anyway. Those eyes could make the most stone-hearted man crumble.
He presents Kaeya with a drink. It's pretty, that's for sure. Two colors layer over each-other, a peachy orange at the top and a nice, light pink at the bottom.
"Well, what is it?" He asks, swirling the drink around a bit. The colors mix a bit more. It's almost... entrancing.
"You said to surprise you. Try it yourself," Diluc says. He matches Kaeya's tapping on the bar, but his seems a bit more impatient, like he's waiting for Kaeya to try it. He knows his drinks are good, but he also knows that he knows Kaeya's preferences and this is a little... Different. On the topic of walking on eggshells, even this feels like one of them. Like making a drink he doesn't like could be...
(He doesn't use the word betrayal anymore. Not when it comes to Kaeya.)
"Mmm! Oh, Diluc, your skills never fail to amaze me." Kaeya takes leisurely sips of his drink, leaning forward on the counter. The comment is genuine, but his tone is playfully teasing.
"Is that so? I seem to remember you talking with Rosaria the other day... Hmm... About how you just can't stand a certain drink I make." Diluc remarks, making the most unamused expression he can muster- Which is to say, he still looks pretty amused.
Kaeya gasps, as if in offense. "Have you been eavesdropping on me? For shame, 'Luc. I should've known you'd do something like that." He shakes his head in disapproval. Diluc comes around the bar to sit on the stool beside his brother.
"You're always sitting right in front of me. Was I supposed to tune you out?" He asks, punctuating his remark with a gentle poke to Kaeya's side, just thinking it'd be a casual sort of contact- Something to shorten the distance between them just a little more, but he's surprised when Kaeya squeaks and bats his hand away, trying to cover it up with a cough.
"Kaeya... You're still ticklish?" He can't help but ask, letting his small smirk grow into a sort of fond smile mixed with something more teasing.
"I- Well, it's- Are you?" Kaeya's attempt to turn the attention off of himself is a total failure, and to save it he tries to retaliate with a poke to Diluc's side instead. This fails as well, when Diluc catches Kaeya's wrist in his hand before he can make it.
"Answer the question, Kaeya."
"...No, I don't think I will."
"Well, I can just find out myself then." Before Kaeya can make any attempt to run away or deflect, Diluc already has two hands squeezing at his sides, thumbs massaging into his skin over the thin material of his shirt.
"W-Wait! Nohohoho fahahahair! 'Luc, You bahahastard!" Kaeya squeals, covering his smile with one gloved hand and desperately pushing at Diluc's shoulder with the other.
"Are you in any position to be insulting me, Kaeya? For shame." He mimics Kaeya's earlier words right back to him, climbing up to scribble his fingers under his arms, to which Kaeya reacts with a high-pitched squeal and howling cackles. He slams his arms down as tight as he possibly can, still squirming about. "You'll fall off the stool if you do that," Diluc comments, still chuckling.
When Kaeya looks Diluc in the eye, he detects such a soft fondness that he has to look away. His squirming becomes significantly less because he wants to get away and more because he can't help it. "Oh, shuhut uhuhup! Nohoho, Luc, Not thehehere-!! AACK-!!"
He feels the lightest poke to his hips and Kaeya screeches. The only thing he can think to do is retaliate. He knows somewhere Diluc used to be incredibly ticklish and can only hope that he still is.
Grabbing at Diluc's ribs, Kaeya gasps with relief and curls up in his seat when Diluc flinches away.
"...I'll make you regret that, Kaeya."
Kaeya jumps out of his seat, holding his hands up in front of him as if that'll save him.
"Waitwaitwaitwait- 'Luc, H-Hold on, you don't want to do this!"
"Is that a threat?"
"I- What?!"
"Lost your wit, Kaeya?"
Diluc inches closer with a dangerous look in his eyes. If Kaeya's good at anything, it's running. He darts up the stairs with a silly, unrepressable grin on his face. His legs feel like jelly and he's almost bursting with a giddy energy as he hears Diluc's quick footsteps following him.
Before he can turn the corner, Diluc's dashed in front of him and he's just run straight into his brother, causing a domino effect. They both fall straight to the floor.
Kaeya can't help it, he rolls onto his side and doubles over laughing, because how can they still be so childishly stupid?
He cracks his eye open to look at Diluc, and he notices that they're both laughing. Diluc's covering his eyes with one hand, and his laugh is still so bouncy and happy, just as it was when they were kids. Only, now it has a more mature, rich sound to it. Kaeya rolls onto his back again, panting.
"We're not done here," Diluc says. He has an evil smile on his face and Kaeya does try to get up to run away again but his legs are jelly and he just flops back downward.
Diluc grabs his hips and starts clawing and Kaeya can't even think. The ticklish feeling is both delightfully silly and unbearably intense and he cannot believe this is happening right now. "N-No! Fuhuhuck! Oh, Archons, EEK-!! Dihihiluc! Stahahap, I can't! I cahahan't!!"
"Wow. You're usually a lot more cocky than that. Apologize." Diluc massages his fingers into Kaeya's hip-bones and he involuntary bucks, smacking at Diluc's hands to no avail.
"For Whaahahahat?!? I dihihidn't-!" Before he can finish his sentence, Diluc moves his one hand to scribble under his arms while the other stays at his hips and he just gives in, shrieking and bucking and trying to escape the hands of his evil brother. "I'M SORRY! I'm sohohohorry!" He apologizes without even knowing what he's apologizing for, but before he can even react, Diluc's hands have stilled and he's already standing.
Panting like an idiot on the floor, Kaeya glares at Diluc. As much as he can with that grin still plastered to his face, anyway. "Why? Explain what your goal was just now."
Diluc mockingly hums, as if really thinking about it. "I felt like it. You were apologizing for insulting my drink, by the way."
"Hmph. Well, maybe you should've taken my advice."
"Maybe you should watch your mouth before we go through all that again."
"You wouldn't dare!"
"I definitely would."
Kaeya rolls his eyes, playfully punching Diluc's arm and flinching when he receives an evil glare in return.
He missed this.
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stardustbee · 2 years
Throneroom intimacy
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Maul x fem!reader
Summery/Notes: Just Maul having his time with you in the Mandalore Throneroom @eloquentmoon thank you for always giving me comments on all the stuff I write...you are my muse I swear. And @eyecandyeoz thank you for being my crazy counterpart. I love you two, really and it is your fault that you encouraged me so much that I will post this now ❤🖤❤🖤❤ this is my first longer smutty one shot I'll be posting here. I am nervous. I have it in my draft since the beginning of July!
Warnings: Cock warming, p in v, hair pulling, fingering, oral (female receiving) fingering, and I don't know what else please tell me if I should put more warnings here!
Everything under the cut is 18+ content! Minors do not interact!
You can read that later on Ao3 too!
You sat on his lap, legs apart, his dick in your pussy. The Throne Room of Mandalore. You sit naked on his lap. Your gaze was directed to the closed gate of the hall. The windows had been blacked out. It was not the first time that you shared this intimacy with him. How long has it been since you were placed in his service? You had worked in the palace before he conquered Mandalore. A servant. No more, no less. Solely there to serve the ruler of Mandalore. And when you were placed in Lord Maul's service, you had no idea what was in store for you. He used you when he wanted, how he wanted. He let you call his chamber more and more often. It started slowly at first. A few kisses here, a few bites there. Little bruises left on your neck. The tongue between your legs...you enjoy it. You enjoy the attention he gives you. The kind of attention that made him decide not to let you leave his chambers for a while.
"Maul...", saliva ran over your mouth. He had been working on you for hours. He wanted you here, on his throne. "Lord Maul...are we losing our eloquence, beauty?" "Lord...please..." you try to move your hips to stimulate him, to encourage him to finally fuck you. Everything before that was just playing around. Now he took you as you were, as he was. You had always wondered how he could make you happy in other ways and you were always surprised. Just like today. As he pulled out his synthetically designed cock and commanded you to do what you've been longing for. After you gave him what he wanted with your mouth long enough, he gently touched your chin and pulled you onto his lap. It was the best you've ever felt. Better than any lover before. And yet he preferred to keep playing with you. While you had stripped off all your clothes, he sat there, further dressed. He only ever gave you a little of what he had and he knew that this was enough. 
"I feel what you want, my star." His voice was close to your ear. You could feel his deep voice. Another unsuccessful attempt to move. "Well, well, who's getting impatient?" He ran his hands down your arms, slowly toward your breasts. You could feel his breath on your back as he brushed his lips across it. Sometimes he would kiss your back. His fingers play with your nipples. You're wet, can't hold it anymore. He kissed your neck and started biting you gently. Maul hums pleased. 
"Stop playing...please!" He ran his hand through your hair. "So impatient. Enjoy. I want to have my time with you." He pulled on your hair and jerked your head back to get a better grip on your neck. Finally...he moved. He started fucking you as you wanted. Maul made you stand up and then with all his ferocity pinned you down and grabbed you from behind. It was good. What you wanted Because Maul used the Force to search your mind for what you wanted. Today wasn't about him. No, it was about what was in your pretty little head. It was your will that made him do what he was doing. Maul pressed his body against yours. You could feel the fabric and a little bit of his skin. You wanted more, you wanted to feel him, everything about him. "Not today, dear." His hands stroked your back and the rhythm of his movements was like a beautiful song. You could sense that you were about to...and he sensed that you didn't want it yet. So he held it back, he held you back. It hurt and yet it felt so good. A spectacle of sweat and groans. And eventually he let go of you. He dropped you and immediately caught you again. 
You came. Through him, on him. You can feel his mechanical legs through the fabric of his pants and goosebumps run down your back. Maul pushed his cock deep into you one last time, so you could memorize it well. The sudden emptiness grabbed you like an ice-cold hand and you just fell flat out of sheer exhaustion. You could hear Maul laughing. "Does the sight amuse you, my lord?" You roll onto your back and press your abdomen against his. With sweeping movements you tried to push his cock back into your cunt. You didn't want to feel this emptiness and loneliness. He hummed in agreement. "I'm sure I won't leave you alone" he gave you his hand, which you accepted immediately. He pulled you powerfully into his arms, you swung your legs around his hips and he grabbed your ass. You were still shaking from your orgasm but you didn't care. You want him. In one movement he picked you up and placed you on his throne.
Maul placed a kiss on your forehead, on your cheek and ran his hand over your still wet clit. He started kissing you on the lips very sloppy and your tongues finally met. Small moans escaped from your mouth and you had to hold on to him. You could feel him smiling. He broke the kiss and you almost cried after him. He dropped to one knee in front of you, kissing your stomach and appreciating your body with his hands. "You are my..." he kissed your temple and started licking and sucking your clit. You put your hands on his head. You moan, you beg and you would come again and again. He looked up at you. The bright eyes...so hungry. "My queen."
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Tagging some people:
@eloquentmoon @eyecandyeoz @elledjarin @dinsverdika @justalittletomato @kimageddon @by-the-primes @literatureandqueen @nxctuaryninetythree @oh-three @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @moonstrider9904
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away-ward · 11 months
One of the things that I like about Emory and Damon's relationship is that Damon did not and could not have much control over her, be it her mind, her heart or her body. Even after roughly knowing each others' pain and burying Natalya's body together, HE was the first one to be somewhat cordial to her (in his own weird way ofc), but Emmy still needed a lot of reassurance, readiness and trust to even be friendly towards Damon. In that hallway scene with Will and Damon, it was clear that she wanted Will, and we saw Damon has somewhat opened up to her and maybe even willing to share his bond with Will (because sex and being sexual were two of the main ways how he bonds with others), but it was Emmy that rejected that bond offer (is there a better term because idk if this makes sense 100%) because even after everything, it was not enough to convince her to trust him or will, or them both. I very much love this implication because when this happens, emmy was never described as rejecting them out of pride anymore, like she did to will in some scenes privately before, but mostly out of unreadiness. Other than that, It could also mean that she probably wasnt willing to settle down through this kind of bond with these two specific people, when there were so many other immaturity, big and little issues as well as miscommunications that were not solved between all of them, so they just cannot dive together (like how Damon, Will and Winter did).
Emory Scott always expected more for and from them and everyone (as she fucking should) and not even the horsemen were exempted from this. Emory is the kind of person that don't do casual relationships, but also don't easily take people into their lives just because she doesnt want to feel alone, and not even after everything, could Damon or Will have anything of her and I like that. Not in the sense where "oh yeah these guys are not going to get everything they wanted", but in the sense where this is the first book in the series where the FMC was actively setting her boundaries and making sure that other MMCs know her expectations from them and that this is not just their world, but it's also hers. So no matter if theyre God, the President, Damon Torrance, Will Grayson or the Horsemen, if they cannot offer her something specific that she can logically respects, needs and wants, they still are not much worth to her life, and dont really bring anything much to her table. Each one of them needs to work for the other's respect, Emory herself included, so they needed to work harder to be better themselves as an individual and as friends or family members, rather than just share a few sad scenes and then have impromptu sex with each other, then POOF, expect everything to be magically solved. This was at least, what I think people like Emory would rationale her actions in that situation. The kind of trust she expected was probably something that should come from a place of sincerety, kindness, care and patience, and not some impatient, cheap and shallow view of each other, especially not when they were all still so young and she was so highly dependent on her abusive brother, and believed that no one could and would want to share her burden with her.
So thats why, I think this might also be one of the traits that Damon might appreciate about Emmy the most (among many others), because he knew he cant just get away with anything with her, but also knew that she wont vilify him wrongly based on rumours and for something that could have justifiable cause for his actions, especially after fact checking with others. Emory could be distrustful to others, but when she trusts someone, she is a very loyal person and she always got many solid reasons to trust them too, not just some surface level kind of trust, and some reasons might even be weird as fuck (usually personal), just because she could put her emotional side and be rational in certain situations like these, even when no one else can seem to understand her reasons. She also understand the difference between wants and needs, personal vendetta and circumstances etc., and when to prioritise which to deal with her situation at hand (interestingly, despite her not always agreeing with her own words and actions), and many other complicated and nuanced isues, so she is usually ahead of others when it comes to thinking maturely and critically. We know by now that Thinking maturely and critically in a very tough situation are not really the best traits shown by the horsemen or some of their wives, at least, not all the time, so this convinces me even more that as much as Emory needs them to safely be innocent, wildly and freely let go, and be whoever she had always wanted to be, they too needed someone like her to ground them back to reality and pop their Thunder-Bay-People bubble, like what Alex said in Nightfall during their first meeting. When you think about this more right, as a family, they all really did balance each other out.
Emory and Damon's relationship is definitely the first relationship that Damon had to work for with someone outside of his friend group, a relationship that he cant always control or indulge in whenever he wants. It had to come from a lot of anticipated mutual respect, and a good amount of approriateness of whats right and whats wrong. If not, he wouldnt have apologised to her about burning the previous gazebo. Building the new gazebo might not just be about emory, but also for will, and him standing up for her in the train might be because he could also understand how lonely it was to not having any allies in hideaway and kill switch + a sense of understanding, trust and loyalty from their similar pain and that Natalya burial. However, Damon by that point, other than wanting the best for Will, which means Emory scott will be their family sooner or later- Damon himslef, had no solid need to apologise to her at all for that gazebo burning, even on the behalf of will. Of course, he was partly guilty, but he didnt have to feel the NEED to apologise, like he didnt feel the need or regret for a lot of his past crimes and faults. But the fact that this was one of the things that he brought up to her, after many things that he did regret and didnt regret, he probably had given it some thought about how that couldve impacted her. He was already mature enough by then to understand the gravity of the gazebo burning, and how they did fucked up a gazebo of an innocent girl, just because their friend was rejected and "abandoned". The gazebo that she studiously work all by herself with no one else's help!
Damon also probably understood the kind of person Emory was and the kind of relationship that she expected all those years ago now, especially after not betraying him about Natalya and Banks, and even telling him that she needs to tell Will about it, because imagine if this was Rika or Kai, they probably wouldve used this as a leverage to fuck with him. After maturing, instead of having the narrative of Emory were always just a prideful person (before the locker scene), he probably understood her personality even clearer now, especially after working with her for years, and see that it was never personal to her, and it was just her setting boundaries out of self-respect, (as she should have). Thats why, i dont think there have to be any other words necessary exchanged between them by the end of Nightfall. I believe, out of the many friendships, theirs is a solid one from the start till the end because a lot of their moments in their relationship came from mutual respect, unexpected kindness, sincerety, and loyalties so they'll just be like those friends who saw different facades of the other from the rest of the world, and will have each others' back in an approriate amount. Not always enabling, but not always judging either, and i think their friendship and partnership, if pd did explore more of it, would be a natural friendship where no matter how long the other took to match their pace in life or weird the circumstances was, they could actually get along with each other even outside of the horsemen, because at the core theyre very similar, but with very different trajectory of life, so for lot of the things that they had to work with, they could agree on a lot of the same values in their work and life.
I might looked into their relationship a bit too much, but it's because i found them so different yet so similar, they're like foils to each other, thats why their friendship could work well. What do you think?
Oooh I like this this kind of talk. And I really think there’s some merit to your HCs!
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Damon was definitely making a point in the school scene with Will and Emory, but I never considered the idea that he was offering something to Emory. I had interpreted this scene as a message for Will – a signaling that Damon was accepting their relationship. I mean, I know he wanted Emory to see them, to know what they were about and see what she would do with it - reject or accept them. I still never thought it was for her and not Will. But you might be absolutely right. I mean, you are correct that he bonds with people through sex, so maybe this was him reaching out to her.
I do think that Damon respected Emory regardless of her rejection. When she didn’t give in to his manipulations – either her body or her mind, she showed him what she was made out of, and I’m not sure how often he found people who could resist him that so thoroughly. He hated her for what she did to Will after prison (in his interpretation, things are done to them), but before that he respected her.
I had considered her reasons for rejecting Will in that moment was her not wanting to bring him into her life. I think she was scared and too stubborn to go back on what she had already committed to. Still, there is an argument to be made that she was really scared of what joining them could mean for her. Scared of what it opened her up to and revealed about herself. At the same time, they weren’t good enough for her. She was committed to getting out of Thunder Bay, but Thunder Bay was their playground. They weren’t going to leave, at least not for long. And Will, as he was then, would drag her down and keep her under him, and Damon would have help him.
Everything you said about Emory having standards and boundaries that she demanded be respected is so accurate and I love you for saying it. I absolutely love this:
The kind of trust she expected was probably something that should come from a place of sincerety, kindness, care and patience, and not some impatient, cheap and shallow view of each other, especially not when they were all still so young and she was so highly dependent on her abusive brother, and believed that no one could and would want to share her burden with her.
Couldn’t have said it better myself.
Emory isn’t quite to give her trust, but once she does, she does it completely. So solid.
as much as Emory needs them to safely  be innocent, wildly and freely let go, and be whoever she had always wanted to be, they too needed someone like her to ground them back to reality and pop their Thunder-Bay-People bubble like what Alex said in Nightfall during their first meeting. When you think about this more right, as a family, they all really did balance each other out.
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(I had to find the scene you were talking about. Thanks for bringing it out! Love that someone – even though it was Alex – said this to Emory)
And The GAZEBO! Idk if it’s like this for anyone else, but hearing Damon apologize for the gazebo, for not trying harder to stop Will, did so much for me. Going back and reading that scene, with the new information of what Damon and Emory went through, why Damon would want to stop it really…just. I can’t articulate it!
But like… the idea that Damon didn’t want Will to burn it because he knew
Will would regret it.
It would hurt Em, who he didn’t feel deserved to be hurt at that point.
Like, he was really trying to look out for both parties in that case. And the fact that he regretted not trying harder! That he counted that as a failing on his part! Enough to make it up to her and Will by building the gazebo? Because he didn’t make any money on that. That wasn’t a job. He took the little time he had as a new father and starting a company, developing a new skill, found her plans and said i'm going to do this. Because, yeah sure Will would like it went he got back from traveling, but I also struggled with that being Damon’s only motivation. Somewhere along the way, Damon’s feelings for Emory had to have shifted away from “She hurt Will so she will pay” to “She did what she had to” and that means so much to me. One of the first people Damon starts to forgive (?) is Emory.
Okay… look. I have very normal feelings about the gazebo.
And yeah, I agree that him standing up for her on the train was more about him understanding what it’s like to be Public Enemy number 1 to these people and to also know… they’ve forgiven worse things. He’d done far worse things to them that Emory ever could, so maybe dial it back, guys?
But going back to what I said before, for most of the books, the main problem seems to be that these boys interpret things as happening to them, and not a result of their actions or a series of decisions or because bad things happen sometimes and there’s no one to blame (I mean, they are also right -- Evans' was something that happened to them, but that's the beside the point. Not everything is a conspiracy to hurt them). For Damon to be the one that learned that lesson first, and having to remind Kai and Michael that what happened with Emory wasn’t about Will or them in general, is big. He was essentially saying they're only mad because they view themselves as the heros, when in reality, he knew that they were just by-standers in Emory’s story.
Another thing I didn’t doubt was the bond between Damon and Emory at the end of NF (it’s only now that I’m realizing I didn’t even thing to put them on the poll. I’m sorry. They deserve the attention.). It’s obvious from the scenes they share they’re going to have something special, different from what they share with the others. At the same time, Damon being the favorite means he’s going to have a special and unique relationship with all of the characters. It’s unavoidable.
But I specifically love their bond.
I believe, out of the many friendships, theirs is a solid one from the start till the end because a lot of their moments in their relationship came from mutual respect, unexpected kindness, sincerety, and loyalties so they'll just be like those friends who saw different facades of the other from the rest of the world, and will have each others' back in an approriate amount. Not always enabling, but not always judging either
Yeah exactly. I don’t believe there’s any room for judgement between them. There’s too much understanding and insight and kindness and respect for them to judge the other. To even want to. They are very similar people.
New thought: if Will is Alex’s reflection, is Damon Emory’s??
I come alive for this kind of discussion. I don’t think you’re looking into their relationship too much. I think of all the friendships in the group, Damon and Emory’s has the most to inspect and analyze. There’s so many layers to the way they interact with each other, between their shared background, their bonds with Will, they’re approach to the world. But they’re also different enough to hold each other to a higher standard, which we need from friends.
Like you said earlier in your comment, Emory expected more from them, and that included Damon. But no one expected anything good from Damon, and he played into that. Sort of like “you think I’m bad, but I can be so much worse” almost? And here Emory comes, not accepting it, not playing into it. It leaves him with nothing to hide behind, and forces him to reveal a little of himself.
There’s so much here to look at and dig into, and I know I’m not skilled enough to be right about everything (or most things), but there’s also so many directions to take this in that make it fun.
All I can say is, Damon and Emory ftw
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darlingpwease · 2 years
I tried to write more coherently, but it turned out to be useless, so I'll tell you in the usual way, pie.
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Content Warnings: very unhealthy behaviour (obsessiveness, clinginess, possessiveness, jealous, mention of the use of violence), unconsensual struggling (r., in a state of passion)
dub-con, cnc [consensual noncon], rough treatment, mention of somnophilia (?), mention of choking (g.)
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Yuuta would definitely be thrilled with the idea of cnc. Submission through compulsion — submission through the inability to fight back, because you are too strong and want to use his body for your pleasure too much to care about his consent.
Squeeze his shoulders until they bruise. Tie his hands tightly. Make sure that any of his attempts to escape are useless. Squeeze his hands with your palm — it's not that he even planned to break out too much, but when you tease him, proving your superiority in such a small thing, forcing him to admit the impossibility of resisting you even in the most insignificant things. Your desire to possess him is stronger than his desire to escape. It doesn't matter if he wants to or not, you will see that in the end the only thing he can do is ask you for more when his body can't even exist without you.
You're only doing this to show how much you adore him.
And call him by someone else's name.
... After all, Yuuta was raised by Rika and her possessive instincts, which prevented him from communicating even with his family, and whether he realized it or not, it poisoned him, slowly saturating him with the realization that the only form of love is devotion even after death and blind adoration; he simply does not know how to do otherwise — does not know how, does not understand why.
It is very innocent if his sanity is at a decent level — it was funny and a little strange, but everyone makes mistakes from time to time, and although he's not exactly happy that you think about someone else, it's okay; you think too much about others and other things, and he's ready to help you so that this does not happen anymore.
But if he is already unstable? If his sanity is no longer at a normal level? If he already suspects that someone else is in your heart?
Yuuta is not the kind of guy who talks about his feelings openly, allowing them to rot from the inside — not a very pleasant thing, especially when his tenderness and attentiveness becomes painfully bloody tenacity and suspicion, with a quiet growl whenever someone approaches. You promised. You promised that you would love him. You promised that you would tell if something was wrong, and you would not have any secrets concerning this relationship.
When you are next to him and share this sensual moment with him, why is there someone else in your head? Why can't you focus on him alone? Why can't you just put up with him and stop thinking that way about others?
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It gets even worse if it repeats itself — if you say someone's name again, if you talk too much about others, if you are emotionally impatient for someone, if you start to move away, pushing him back and ignoring how he reacts. If you react poorly to his suspicious taciturnity. If you don't point out that his behavior has changed, that his tone has changed, that his movements have changed, becoming more and more strange, very strange, given his former puppyishness.
There is nothing strange when, during one of your intimate moments — simple cuddling, gentle whispering, nothing superfluous — his mouth reaches out to your neck to gently press, catching your pulse under his lips, like a mute lullaby, from which he almost falls asleep in your arms. There is nothing strange when his hand reaches out to your neck, gently grasping the skin under fingers — too tenacious fingers you realize too late, catching the air, but with difficulty keeping his hand from blocking access to the air completely.
Yuuta is affectionate and gentle — in fact, he is most unlikely in the image of someone who applies pain to loved ones, he is not like that, he is not like that at all, he does not even see the point in violence, but is so sensitive and painfully responsive to any manifestation of the absence of the same feelings as before. And even this is not a problem — rather, the moment when his "notice me, look at me, touch me" turns out to be "I will make you, even if none of us like it."
After all, when you are afraid of him, you look only at him and think only about him, unlike other moments — and it is even satisfying to know that at least so your head is filled only with him. There is no one and nothing superfluous, except fear and misunderstanding, when his thin fingers squeeze your neck, feeling the pulse under the skin, making him tremble.
He is yours and yours alone, and it also works the other way around, doesn't it?
[You don't want to say no — not just because of him]
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Yuuta is soft and affectionate, compliant, trustingly poking his nose into your palm and almost licking in search of affection.
Yuuta loves it when your hand squeezes his neck, this time leaving bruises not only on his shoulders — but you don't say anything, biting him and making him shrink almost shamefacedly, but continuing to ignore even when he whimpers, knowing that his whimpering will soon be replaced by other sounds.
Yuuta doesn't like to hurt, doesn't like to fight, doesn't like to inflict violence — but when your nails are imprinted into his skin, leaving bloody bruises that will definitely hurt and that you definitely won't let him heal, it feels delicious, as if he is about to lose consciousness.
It won't stop you though.
Not that you're even interested in his vocal agreement after his palm wrapped around your neck. Yuuta had his own way of flirting when his sanity was dangerously low — but you didn't mind it at all. It was even charming.
Yuuta was delighted with the idea of cnc. There was nothing wrong with enjoying submission to you, even if you confirmed his submission with marks on his neck and shoulders. Nothing wrong.
Just different ways of courting.
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minisugakoobies · 1 year
-runs to get laptop and cracks knuckles- lets do this...
My favorite fic of yours: this is gonna take me forever to decide, please hold, I will get back to you by the end of the year.
2. My favorite chapter in my favorite fic of yours: I lovelovelove the early chapters of Paradise, shy Koo, jealous Koo, just all of the tension. and the intro of little jackson wang, because I screamed in laughter.
3. The best character you've written for: imo it is Hoba, you see all the parts of him that I do and meld them into whatever plotline so seamlessly.
4. The best ship you've written for: this was hard, but I wanna say Namkook is my favorite from you.
5. A fic I haven't read yet from you, but I want to: bestie there is alot, the bluelix that luce just sent me and this beast thats been on my tbr since at least March, Hungry (For Your Love)
6. Something I remember vividly from reading one of your fics: How you describe Hobi's kisses 🫠
7. What made me the most emotional after reading: IN GOOD HANDS, like hitting me in the gut with all the former horrific sexual experiences that made me feel less than thanks to inexperienced and impatient little boys.
8. What I like the most about your writing: All of it, the porn, the plots, the CRACK, it is hard for me to settle my restless brain to read anymore but I don't struggle with your fics.
9. A fic I'm excited for you updating/posting: it is always and forever Paradise, I adore this Koo.
10. A character/ship I didn't enjoy/think about as much before you wrote about them: ummmm that minimoni shirt sharing rearranged my brain
11. Something I wish/hope you write: I need bisexual Yuta BAD, the belly button piercing, and butterfly tattoo are haunting my life. Specifically, your take on it.
12. A fic of yours that I've re-read: …we both know the answer to this.
13. If I've ever shared/talked about your fic to someone else: lol all last year m had to deal with me constantly raving, and @rapline-heaux has the hear about it endlessly.
14. A fic I didn't expect to like so much: the All Wound Up's! I love all the BTS easter eggs you put in there.
15. A question I have about one of your fics: will we be getting a halloween themed woodpeckers sequel? 🫣
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MARS! Oh my gosh. You are far, far too kind. 🥺 Let me try to answer these without dissolving.
It makes me so happy that you enjoy when I write Hobi. Truly! I would say that of the members, I feel most confident when writing Yoongi, Jungkook, or Jin, and least confident about Hobi and Taehyung. So it's so reassuring to know that there's at least one person out there who likes how I write him (and his kisses - I just know that man's a hell of a kisser, I feel it in my soul 🥴).
I'm honored that I made you rethink Minimoni! I think they're an underrated pairing. And god knows how much I'm obsessed with the Namkook dynamic, glad I'm not the only one there.
The thought of you talking about my fics with anyone else is super flattering, hold on while I scream into a pillow for a minute.
1. Something I wish/hope you write: I need bisexual Yuta BAD, the belly button piercing, and butterfly tattoo are haunting my life. Specifically, your take on it.
15. A question I have about one of your fics: will we be getting a halloween themed woodpeckers sequel? 🫣
Great question. Is that something people want? A Halloween costume contest, perhaps, or haunted house?
This really made my night. I love talking fic with you and listening to your amazing ideas. You give me so much inspiration (like Outlaw!) and I'm truly thankful for your friendship. Even if your biases scare me. 🤣💕
Send me a fanfic ask - with a twist!
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lilacsadgirl · 11 months
Know no one reads it... it's so long. I just felt like I have to share it somewhere. It needs to be corrected but I need to see if it's worthy enough or not.
My dear grey one, who I love the most
No one here around me except your ghost
Seems like you're dead I can't reach you anymore
Drown and covered in blues, miss how it felt before
My careless grey one, who I care about the most
The pest incurable girl recently lies on frigid floors
These shattered glasses really hurt my toes
As time goes they match the color of my nose
My dark grey one who I light the most
I treated you the best even on my worst
Stole my time and attention from the rest
That's why no one knows I'm such a mess
My numb grey one who I feel the most
Never ending emotions drag me like a force
Battling, bruising, healing my life's a curse
Misapprehended emotions make you nothing but gross
My static grey one who I run to the most
Took off my conscious awareness all to be yours
Wanted to be held by you when they treated me bad
I used to saw your smile when they didn't understand
My dry grey one who I rain on the most
Wish you could know the pain you put into my soul
Eyes so much smaller, they look thirstier
I remember you when I look in the mirror
My indescribable grey one who I narrate the most
Maybe if I were interesting you would call me your own
I sticked little hearts on me with color of your thoughts
Keeping you in my arm isn't free it needs to be cost
My changing grey one who I rely on the most
I'm the stones on your cliffside all I do is roll
There's a girl inside of me, she endlessly hates you
The other one dementedly writes about you
My uncertain grey one who I assure the most
All my existence includes is skin and bones
I feel like this sadness gonna stick forever
I run to the means to fullfil, I mean whoever
My unsteady grey one who I tolerate the most
There's nothing to write for you but these empty notes
Why can't you miss me, not those kind to force
Passing all the hurdles but chronics on my horse
My invisible grey one who I see the most
Don't know why I'm breathing without a goal
Can't feel yellow anymore your absence paints me blue
What we had was so constrained so you had to unglue?
My flawless grey one who I reclaim the most
Do the ones around you really know your worth?
Never regretted sharing anything with you
Maybe this will be the first time I would do
My busy grey one, who I need the most
Got no beauty, seem deader than a corpse
Been talking to you, your shadow's on the walls
Wanted to ask if from the start it was false
My free grey one who I committe to the most
Waves of your emotions no longer rest on my coast
Teared myself apart, you cared enough to watch
Not seen you within years but barely felt your touch
My unsolvable grey one who I try the most
Don't be ashamed if someone sees you on your lows
But if someone's not me, it's not for the better
Comprehending your moods needs someone clever
My forgotten grey one who I remind the most
I still talk to the moon, while the wind blows
Everytime you loved me I was in love with you
But you didn't love me all the times I loved you
My impatient grey one who I wait for the most
Tell me have you ever tried hard to be loved before?
You don't have to but I do that's how my story remains
Buried unwritten words choke me, I obsess my own killers
My unknown grey one who I know the most
My words gonna tell you how my world flows
Seems like you don't even notice I'm not around
Been hidden in your closet hoped to be found
My quiet grey one who I talk to the most
New conversations can't be bought from the stores
I wrote thousand letters for you inside my mind
Directed hundred movies with you while I was blind
My lost grey one who I find the most
Gonna risk whatever to fill this hole
How hard it was to break the pieces this small?
Lying glamorising the shit you did to me after all
My insecure grey one who I defeat the most
Too many brutal insurgents are getting close
You destroy me effortlessly by not being destroyed
Maybe I wasn't good enough for you to be employed
My brave grey one who I'm afraid the most
Cheeks don't host my weakness, surrounded by savior boats
I thought about you wherever I went to
Now those places are hardest to go through
My realistic grey one who I dream of the most
My imaginary fairytale moments feel like a joke
Can't see you talking to me in my Dreamland
Would've stay there all day if you took my hand
My unbreakable grey one who I fall for the most
Why can't I hurt you, diligently tired but not even close
I care so truly but sentimentalism smells needy
Roses are morose while the weather is sunny
My escapee grey one who I look for the most
Still waiting patiently wishing you open the doors
Blood drops on my body scream you riped my soul
Spend years and years to heal from what we did not control
My calm grey one who I fight the most
Our struggles seem too different to be close
Obviously again we got nothing to discuss
It's the same, your promises always turn to dusk
My dear grey one, my gone grey one, who I miss the most
Did you know that is was you who hurt me the most?
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hexpea · 2 years
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Ch. 20 - Just Settling ⚠️NSFW BELOW⚠️
The mailbox...again. It was the only place where you'd have to run into Geto, that is, if you weren't also assigned with him on a mission again. The two of you stood apart at your respective mailboxes, flicking through mail yet again. The silence that you shared was deafening. You wondered if there would ever come a day where you'd reconcile. Or speak to one another again.
"So..." he was first to break the silence as he tore through one of his envelopes. "You've managed to do it, has he asked you out on a date yet?" You could tell he was trying to be light and friendly with his tone, but it was obvious he was covering up the tense aura within his voice.
"Actually," your voice was soft as you replied to his unexpected interaction, "I asked him out." You pushed some of your hair behind your ear as you kept your eyes trained on your own mail. There wasn't much, so at this point you were awkwardly flipping through the same envelopes to keep yourself looking busy.
"Wow," Geto smiled to himself with a fake tone, "so when is it?" He finally turned to look at you. For a moment he looked like the old Geto you once knew and loved...like a friend.
In your mind, the same thought was rolling. Actually, your best friend would rather kiss you, not me. "Well, it turns out, we're not that compatible."
"What's that mean?" Geto shook his head, the playful happiness he originally felt had disappeared. "Does that mean all our work over these past two years has been for nothing?"
You nodded quietly. "We're more like...friends with benefits at this point."
"I guess not even I can tame him," he chuckled. "You have no idea..." you thought. "Well, I guess that means our work together is done."
"Y-yeah," you agreed though you weren't sure what he meant by that, if he was considering reconciliation or complete separation. He unfortunately didn't give an answer, walking away with his mail in hand before you could ask.
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The rest of your day, mission included, went over in a sort of fog. The past week since moving back to Tokyo had been nothing of what you expected and it was draining your energy, physically and emotionally. You were happy to be back in your apartment where you could disassociate in peace.
You decided to catch up on your favorite show, plopping down on your couch in the middle of your living area, back to the door.  Your eyelids felt heavy with each passing moment as relaxation finally set in. It felt good to finally have a moment where your thoughts were drowned out by the volume of the television. You thought you'd finally have a night to yourself without feeling like a complete failure.
"Hey, Y/N," Gojo's suave voice rang in your ear causing your eyes to snap open. You choked on a scream as his hands delicately found themselves on your shoulders, his lips against the shell of your ear.
"Oh, hey, Satoru," you sighed, realizing you weren't in any danger. You also didn't want to bother with formalities anymore, not caring to use his family name.
"Would you be interested...in some...play time?" He gave a low chuckle in your ear before planting a small kiss along the upper curve. 
You rolled your eyes to yourself and sat up a little bit. "Please don't call it that. But fine."
"I mean...we don't have to if you don't want to. I definitely don't want to pressure you," he stood up straight and spoke at a normal volume. At the same time, you adjusted your body to better face him. 
"No, no," you shook your head plainly, "let's do it." You stood and began to make your way to your bedroom. 
You began to strip as you walked down the short hallway, letting your clothing litter the floor behind you. Little to your own knowledge, Gojo was busy eyeing you up - getting something out of every little inch of skin that you showed. Too bad it wasn't romantic in nature...
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You turned around as soon as you passed the threshold to your bedroom. Gojo, who was quickly trailing you like some kind of impatient predator, came up and put his hands gently on your waist. You accepted the affection by resting your hands on his forearms, looking up toward his blindfold.  He barely wasted any time before diving toward your neck. The feeling of his saliva against your gentle skin was warm, but you lacked any of your regular goosebumps. Your heart barely fluttered against his touch. You knew something was off with you. An even bigger issue as he moved from your neck to your lips: all you could taste was him. You felt disgusted with yourself as he continued, but didn't want to stop.
In fact, it was more than just you. You noticed as he pulled your body closer, you couldn't feel anything. His zipper was pressed against your exposed clit but there was nothing else there, no growing pressure from an erection.
"Satoru," you stared with your voice soft. He hummed against your neck as if to answer. "Do you even want to do this?" You asked. The sudden question caused him to pull away.
There was a look of hesitation in his eyes as he answered. "Yeah, of course." You squinted your eyes at him for a moment in disbelief. "I'm just...I've just been a bit off because of Suguru." 
"You already thought he was dating me, how's this girl different?" You turned your head suspiciously, waiting for some kind of accidental insult to come out of his mouth.
"Well, he's been different. And I think it's because of her," Gojo sighed and let you go. 
"I've noticed that, too," you agreed with a small, concerned look. "I've never met her, you really think so?"
"Oh...I haven't met her either," Gojo shrugged, "I just assume because he's been that way ever since your party when he met her."
The two of you stood in silence for a moment, both in thought. Gojo continued to sadly think about how his friend, the person he actually wanted to be with, had changed while you were trying to connect the dots - hoping that it wasn't your crumbling friendship that was causing this behavior.
"I mean..." Gojo broke the silence first, "he's always struggled with depression. And he's always been a bit reckless, especially when things get bad, but..." he trailed off.
"Oh," you muttered, "I had no idea..." Gojo nodded.
"He'll...get better," Gojo tried to cheer you, and himself, up, but it didn't sound like he believed himself. "It just takes time."
"Yeah," you agreed. "For now...shall we...continue?" He nodded again and leaned back in to your neck, hands this time fumbling with getting his clothing off.
As his clothing dripped to the floor, the two of you also carefully backed up until you felt your bed hit the back of your knees. You allowed yourself to fall back, Gojo's towering form above you with his pants around his knees - kisses attacking most of your torso and heading south.  You didn't want to discourage him, but you still felt no excitement toward his touch, so you pretended to get something out of it by breathing a bit heavier. You hoped that once he got to your clit, your body wouldn't betray you. Something with that many nerve endings can't just turn off, right?
You put on as much of a show as you could as you let Gojo have his way. At least you could feel it. The issue was the connection. You hadn't realized just how much connection mattered to you in that regard. In fact, you wondered if you ever felt that with him at all.  Either way, it was nothing compared to how you felt with Geto.
While you tried to stay focused on performing for your partner, your mind couldn't help but wander. The thing about comparisons, they're easy to make after you've had what you considered your best.  You let your eyelids flutter shut as your body was rocked by Gojo's steady thrusts, mind immediately taking you to that night. The night you wished you could forget, for your own sake. 
As your mind took you away, you began to feel again - picturing Geto's muscular form over you, his silky black hair tickling your cheeks as he pulsed against you. Your moans became more natural as you kept your mind on the feeling of Geto's soft, deep movements and the sound of his pleasured voice as your body hugged his.
Though you had escaped into the confines of your brain, the true reality of what you were doing and how you were feeling stayed. You knew you couldn't stay like this if all you could think about was him.
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f-rgetregret · 1 year
had this idea last night as i was falling asleep bc i like to live in the headcanon that cas and dean get a house on the lake with miracle.
dean takes a "which team free will member are you?" uqiz and gets sam. he's really upset about this because there is no way he's a Veggie Loving Softy. he's supposed to be Meat Man Badass!
glancing at the username of the quiz maker, he finds his answer. the whole thing's rigged, it was made by a garth girl. figures. he takes the quiz again; having gone through the questions once already, maybe now he'll get the correct answer.
"how in the hell is crowley even an option in this!?" dean calls out to nobody, or so he thinks.
"well. he didn't have to die for you boys." cas startles him from behind. he walks around the couch and settles in next to dean, "he died of his own free will. don't you think that justifies his spot on the team?" they exchange a glance of upset, and dean shoves his laptop towards cas.
"fine then, you take the damn quiz!" dean grumbles, folding his arms, irrationally upset about not 'getting' himself. cas clicks through the questions quickly, a different but still equally sweet smile with every choice and click of the built-in left mouse key. dean watches cas leave a note in the last question, something he personally opted out of in impatience and disinterest, but can't help but soften his once surly demeanor as he sees the words typed out.
This quiz kept a smile on my face the whole time, thank you for the fun!
they share another glance, this one much warmer, and it fills deans' stomach with butterflies. what was he so upset by again? they break eye contact when the next screen loads, and, oh yeah. that's it. what the fuck!? cas got himself! "how!?" dean pleads, taking the laptop back with force.
"i just picked the options that were meant for me." cas says, as if it were so simple.
"i did that the first time and i fucking got sam!" dean retorts and this smile from cas shouldn't be for this kind of situation. it's so big on his face, and dean will kiss it off of him if he doesn't stop. he's determined to win this quiz, though, and goes again.
"claire!?" he throws his hands up in the air. he thought for sure this time he'd figured out the way this user read their characters, but nope! "it doesn't make sense!"
"well, you two do share a lot of similarities. mother and father issues, coupled with the expectations you have of yourself and therefore others. it makes sense why you were drawn to her answers." cas explains. okay, it may make logical sense, but dean is not admitting to that right now. instead, he rolls his eyes and restarts the quiz. clicking through, it's like he's not even reading the thing anymore, and his result this time is jack. dean frowns, reading through the brief description.
misunderstood from birth, this giant bundle of energy has lived in his fathers shadow for too long. now he's ready to make the most out of life that the world has to offer him. he's got a lot to learn but will always be safe, cared for, and loved by his family.
"aw, this quiz maker is so sweet." cas says gently, and dean wants to be angry, but he's coming up more sad than anything. dammit, this was supposed to be fun and light! why does he have to feel things now!? he misses jack, and sends a pleasant thought his way. thinking about you, kiddo. hope you're having a good day, or night. or time. or place. since you're everywhere or whatever.
"sure, they're sweet, but where the hell am i!?" dean counters, and cas takes the laptop back from him, going to the beginning again and clicking through the questions as quickly as his first go-around. for this turn's optional note, cas stops and thinks for a second before typing, counting something on his fingers.
This quiz is so enjoyable I've taken it six times now!
he hands the computer back to dean with a slight chuckle as he sees the results load in with Dean Winchester.
the righteous man. the heart of team free will. the glue that holds them together. the one who got back up every time he was knocked down. he's in each of us, as we are all bits of him. the world is beautiful because dean winchester is alive and we are lucky to share this space with him.
and dean slams the cover shut, getting up and walking out of the room. "it was rigged! the whole time! i knew it!" he starts, making his way into the kitchen to look in the fridge for nothing in particular. cas follows him and pulls on the back of deans shirt as dean leans forward, presumably grabbing a beer. beer in hand, dean closes the refrigerator door and straightens his posture, now leaning back against cas's chest. he takes a sip and relaxes at the sensation of cool liquid mixed with the close presence of his love, even if the aforementioned love is a know-it-all and perfect uquiz taker.
"they were right, you know." cas whispers into deans left ear, kissing the nape of his neck softly. "we are all so lucky to be alive at the same time as you." in his right ear, this time. shivers run up deans spine and it's only by force of habit to make a joke out of it, minimize things and they don't feel as intense. his arms jut out, as if to push his sleeves up.
"yeah, well, the world will be a bunch of sorry suckers when i kick it then, huh?" dean retorts, and finds himself now embraced within cas' hold.
"yes, they will be." cas mutters, fitting his chin onto deans shoulder and resting his head next to his loved one, and they stare out their kitchen window towards the lake.
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nikatyler · 2 years
questions 1-9 for ur fav sim
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Thank you for the permission to continue the Ross brainrot 😌
1. What common traits do you share with your oc? What about them is the least like you?
He can get easily offended or angered. I hate to admit this but I do too, we're fragile 😂 We're also both the "kinda good at school/job, kinda sucks at everyday adulting" type. You know, when you see someone at work or at school and think, wow they're so good at what they're doing, and then you see them outside and think oh god they're absolutely stupid.
Least like me...well, he has all the confidence and charisma that I lack 😂 I'm just some dude. He's...him. 🤷‍♀️
2. Do you think you would get along with your oc if you could meet them? What things would you talk about?
Depends. Young Ross? Nope, stay away, I don't want you near. But he's not that terrible guy anymore, I would enjoy hanging out with the current Ross haha. We would talk a lot about vampires, obviously.
3. How competent would your oc be in a survival situation? Would they be better off on their own or in a group?
He'd do much better in a group. He's the leader type, sure, but he needs competent people to help him. They would survive together by cooperating.
4. Is your oc a daredevil, or more of a scaredy cat? What is the most daring thing they’ve done in their life?
I'm not sure if I can say that yet. 🤐 But he's probably more of a daredevil, although I wouldn't use that exact word for him. There's just a few things that could freak him out so much that he'd panic and stop functioning.
5. What is your oc’s patience like? When waiting for something, are they able to sit still or do they fidget? How do they fidget?
He's very impatient 😂 He hates when he has to wait for things, or when it takes too much effort and time to get better at things.
When sitting impatiently, he tends to bounce his leg. Sometimes he doesn't even realize, and he never knows how annoying it can be to other people.
6. How much thought does your oc put into what they wear/look like? Any reason why?
TOO MUCH THOUGHT. He loves to look good and put together and elegant. Even when he's just chilling at home, he rarely wears just a t-shirt and sweatpants. He's got his strong opinions on some uncomfortable materials but he'll suffer through them if it means he'll look good 😂
As for why...I don't know, I guess he's just vain like that.
7. Does your oc collect anything? What about of knowledge or facts? How big is their collection?
✨vampire literature of all kinds sparks joy even when it's stupid and full of misinformation, cliche and myths✨
8. What kind of flavours does your oc like? How much spice can they handle?
He loved spicy food as a human, even extremely spicy. Now as a vampire, not so much, his taste has changed. That doesn't mean he won't keep trying to eat it.
9. How easily does your oc trust others? Any particular reason why? How trustworthy are they themselves?
It's in his nature to be very trusting (e.g. how just after a few minutes of talking to a certain vampire he was like yup, best friends for life 😂), but of course, over time he learned that people often have other intentions, especially in politics. He had to learn to read them and learn to not jump to trust them so quickly. It was a hard journey, but I think he got pretty skilled eventually.
Ross himself is not much of a deceiver, even though he can lie, but he much more prefers just avoiding the topics he would have to lie about, be very vague about them, or, on another hand, just be brutally honest about it.
Thanks for the ask! ♥
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