#I know I'm delusional
pearlynia · 4 months
"James would never like Regulus, you're delusional"
Yes, and?
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
Actually thinking about Akutagawa's spatial distortion being described as a “black beast that eats through all it encounters, even if that something is space itself”. Thinking about it evolving to eat space and time. Thinking about him using it to defeat Fukuchi in an eventual rematch. Thinking
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gipitothefrog · 22 days
new theory
james and regulus were planning to hunt the horcruxes together(possibly with sirius) after regulus got the first one, but y'know.... lack of swimming lessons for the Most Nobel and Ancient House of Black
and then sirius thought that reggie betrayed them or smthn
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angie-starz · 10 months
MHA As far as i know ONLY has 3 CANONICAL Time related quirks!
I made sure to think this this through- AND I AM SURE THERE ARE ONLY 3(excluding the games cause i have not played them)
These 3 characters are as follwed
Eri, Chronostasis, and Sir Nighteye
Their quirks?
Eri: rewind; the power to revert things back to their former state or to the point where they weren't even created/conceived
Chronostasis: chronostasis; the power to physicaly stop time for any living being with just a single cut
Nighteye: foresight; the power to tell what is to be and what is to become, formerly without intervention
What do they all have in common?
AND ALL IN SEASON 4? COINCIDENCE? I THINK NOT! What if its like a metaphor for the fates? What if eri is past, chrono is present, and sir is future? What if they represented the thread of time its self? WHAT IF BECAUSE ONE OF THEM DIED THE TIMELINE OF MHA GOT THROWN OFF BALANCE????
I can go on and on and on on this theory but that is a can of worms if i open, i fear i will never shut up about
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zukostolemyhonor · 1 year
As a society i don't think we talk enough about the scene in which Carmy sends a text to Syd just before opening his brother's letter. It's such an underrated moment between them but i love it so much cause he's so nervous and doesn't have the courage to open the letter yet and the first thing he thinks about is sending a message to her even tho they basically lashed out at each others the day before and she quit. But then he thinks let's randomly give her the answer to improve the dish she was working on, and she says something like "shove it (the dish) up your ass" because she's pissed as fuck and he smiles, HE SMILES. Can you believe it? I just love them so much I'm going insane, i want like 5 season worth of slow burn between them when we just believe that they'll never be a thing and then boom it's endgame.
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askfairyromano · 11 months
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// singular image from the recent interaction, because I like to think I'm hilarious
For context: Gil gets sunburned a lot and Roma has to heal him. It's a pain in the ass to do so
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rosyhue-nightss · 4 months
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this is NOT how you insult your nemesis.
Smelly probably? How "probably" mister? You two have already spoken face to face...you already know how he smells (ok yes, he doesn't have a nose but neither does Angel Dust and I don't see anyone point out that he doesn't have a sense of smell. Yeah i know he's literally a screen but why write that? Why are you curious about what your archenemy smells like? huh? huuh?? )
Furry? Dumb hair? Lame stick? Gross hoof feet?
TRIANGLE ASS??? Why are you pointing out the shape of your enemy's butt? Why are you looking at his butt?
Look at the state of that drawing??? How long have you kept that portrait?
And why is the drawing so accurate and cool?
The only mockery seems to be the bad smell and you don't even know about that! (and the dildo but I'm sure that was Valentino, and it's debatable whether it's really an insult)
Also, maybe I'm wrong but since Alastor doesn't want to appear on camera I can assume that getting a photo of him is difficult. So can I also assume that this drawing is at least 7 years old? and it was created just because a certain loser missed him and was hurt from being rejected?
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They're looking at him so suspiciously...
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homkamiro · 5 months
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"Love, huh?"
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asukachii · 7 months
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In the summer-like colors running down my cheeks
The words that curse you are stuck in the back of my throat
"Will we meet again?"
[black and white version]
(I don’t like putting watermarks so, PLEASE, if you want to post these gifs somewhere GIVE CREDITS! Also, don’t use them in edits/videos. Thanks~)
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tennant-davids · 7 months
i'm sorry i'm so sorry i know i'm just a "delusional lokius shipper" but loki nervously fixing up his hair and jacket, making himself look good, before approaching timeline mobius??? that was a real thing that happened? and he didn't bother doing it for anyone else lmaooo??? staring at mobius for-fucking-ever as he realises controlling where he wants to be is about who he wants to be with, rather than where, what or why??? and we have another visit to the time theatre coming up where they're both crying?? i'm doing great, guys. fantastic, even. 🤡
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fer3112 · 2 years
wwdits accomplished what twilight never could: making me experience real feelings for a cursed cgi baby
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starliteonearth · 22 days
You know Ghoulcy has become a very serious threat when antis are literally forgetting that their ship IS the main cannon ship. Because what do you mean you'll cry if Vaultknight doesn't become real?? They ARE real. Did we somehow slip into an alternate reality where they aren't canon? Like please be so serious right now 😭😭
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naturecalls111 · 8 months
Me, consuming any other media ever: how can I make this about zosan
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m3lodyxo · 3 months
Welcome to "Is my taste in men bad or is he actually hot?"
On today's instalment we have:
The one.
The only.
The unapologetically hilarious...
*drumroll sound for dramatic effect cause I'm sassy*
Adam a.k.a. The Dick Master, also known by:
The leader of the Exterminators
The original dick
The first man
Mr. "All of humanity came from deez nuts"
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(Second panel is NOT my art. All credit goes to scout_ish on Twitter.... X?? Idfk man, eat the rich, I hate this, I'm still calling it Twitter.)
Now, is it the fact he's hilarious? Is it because he wears a mask? Is it the because Alex Brightman voices him? OR, is it because he plays guitar and I'm definitely part of the problem with stereotypes?
The amswer is E) all of the above
I blame all the fanart people do of him and two cosplayers in particular.
I'm not even gonna try to justify this one. He's just silly, which in my book, is atractive.
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Hes uglyhot guys, please.
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sweetly-dream-writes · 4 months
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WHY IS HE PRETTY!!!!!!😭😭😭😭😭
(the delusions are coming....)
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all-too-unwell-13 · 3 months
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"it's just a one off" "i'm not asking you to join us again"
LIAR. anthony lockwood, i can practically see it in your eyes.
tell me that wasn't him trying to ask her to come back!!!! bc it totally was!!!!!
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