#I know it's not cool to use your actual oc in fanfic anymore
vael-fire · 6 months
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Weight of the World
Alonza, an Oath of the Ancients paladin, desperately wants to convince Halsin that he deserves all the love in the world. Aka Act 3 bonus romance scenes my brain invented to resolve outstanding character trauma weeee~ Named for BRMC's song "Weight of the World"... because Halsin.
Tags updated with new chapters.
Chapter 1: Let the Master Become the Student
“Did you wait to tell me that you wanted me… because you thought, somehow, you didn’t deserve to be happy while the shadow curse lingered?” -Alonza
"Every straight-laced, tight-assed paladin could benefit from a sweaty, semi-feral bear-man willing to help him unleash his inner freak." - Astarion
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avelera · 4 months
I'm not sure where to ask this, so I thought I could ask you, maybe?
Do you know, if I expand on a magic system in a fanfic, meaning actually define what it is, create names for concepts and lay out rules that.... could be guessed from the orginal but aren't stated, sometimes, and sometimes just make up things, can I put that magic system, my parts of it, on a later date, into orginal fiction? Or, if I transform the world in the fic through the use of plot into a world which would resemble (or be, really) a world I'd use as setting for orginal fiction but, without the context of the fanfic, you wouldn't guess that that's that, can I do that? Can I reuse a plotline I would use for a fanfic, and portray it in an orginal work as something which happened in the past of the orginal work, with the events in the fic even as they were being plausibly, but not explictly, a part of the, uh, fanfic's orginal material?
I feel this may be a silly question, and the answer feels like it should be "obviously yes, those are your ideas", except for the last one which feels more iffy, but, I'm still worried? I dont want to start writing orginal friction right now, I want to try something more casual, but I feel that if I put the cool ideas about plotlines and worldbuilding into a world of something which doesn't belong to me then I'm like, giving it up? Like it doesnt belong to me anymore, it belongs to... I don't know, the collective conciousnes of the fandom in question or something.
Um. To ask in a way that is less, these long and confusing sentences up there: can I put something orginal into a fanfic (like an oc) and then use it in an orginal thing I'd sell for money? (without renaming the oc?) If you dont feel like you can/don't want to answer this, could you still post it, so maybe one of your followers might? 😅 Thanks in advance! ❤️
I think what you’re asking in a roundabout way is “can I file off the serial number and use something from a fanfic in original fiction?” And the answer is yes, it’s so common we have a term for it. Just look at 50 Shades of Gray, which is perhaps the most famous example of this, in which a Twilight fanfic was turned into original fiction.
Now for the next part of your question as I understand it with regards to the magic system: the things that get copyrighted, if you have a legal concern about using bits of another magic system, for example, in your own work tend to be things like proper nouns.
I can have a school of warrior monks who fight with magic swords made of light and channel the power of the universe to move objects, I just can’t call them Jedi. And if you look closely, many many magic systems in original fiction are borrowing bits from other magic systems. No one is getting sued unless you use specific proper nouns or original words that are unique to other stories. Otherwise it’s all plausibly deniable.
Now the bigger thornier question is: are you providing enough foundation in your own story once you make it original that a reader can understand what’s happening without knowing about the fanfic you wrote or the other universe? Because that’s the difference between a good original story and an incomprehensible one. You have to rebuild those foundations in your new story without leaning on the old one. The best way to know if you’ve done that correctly is to pull in a beta reader who is unfamiliar with the other work and ask if they understand your story as it stands on its own (and, of course, if it’s entertaining).
Hope that helps!
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starified-lizzy · 7 months
I figured I should redo my intro to my blog-
Name’s Lizzy! Or Star! I really don’t give a fuck which you use!
Here’s my pronouns card! https://en.pronouns.page/@starified_lizzy
I draw shit for FANDOMS
I write shit for FANDOMS
I got OCS whom I LOVE and ADORE.
“Can I draw fanart of your fics?” My sibling in Christ, we are married. /pos
“Can I draw fanart of your fanart(like DTIYS)?” My sibling in Christ. /pos
“Can I draw fanart of your OCs?” CHRIST. /pos
RAHHHHHH (it’s really fucking early I shouldn’t be doing this now ;-;)
Here’s a list of my socials, it is very limited because I hate the “standard” socials like Twitter and Insta and stuff like that. So it’s more like- fanfic sites, and any other blogs I own for you guys to check out >.>
My AO3
My Art Fight
My YouTube
My TikTok (basically dead at this point, I only ever like/favorite things on it, but I might start up again with my FNF au instead)
My Pinterest
My Spotify because sure
My FNF au blog
My demonpocalypse blog ([possibly] forever retired due to a severe issue in the community it was for)
Blog for food/recipes I want to try because MMMMMMMMMMM FOOOOD
Wow that’s actually not limited like I thought- hot damn I need to touch some grass.
DSMP (and MCYT as a whole for the most part), dude our community is in *shambles*. I’m so glad I left when I did, but at the same time O W.
ATLA. Technically I’m still in this fandom, but I only really get back into it/brainrot about it if I get a reminder, otherwise I kinda forget about it
FNAF. Same with ATLA, still technically in it, but I gotta be reminded it exists sometimes.
BATIM. Ditto
Wings of Fire. Ditto
Undertale. Ditto. Lizzy, my main persona, was actually an OC created from Undertale, who just ended up becoming her own person, and then ended up being associated with mine and my friend’s Minecraft au instead.
Onto CCs I no longer watch:
Any of the DSMP ppl, with very few exceptions
Jacksepticeye. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll still watch a video of his if it pops up and spikes my interest, but I don’t actively seek his content out anymore.
Any of the old Minecrafters. Like DanTDM, Stampy, Tiny Turtle & Little Lizard. Hell, I don’t even think any of the ones I listed even do YT at all anymore. I’ll still watch their old videos tho.
FNF. I really could give less of a fuck if y’all think it’s “bad” or “for kids (it’s not, I promise you)”. The music slaps, and quite a few mods are really well made, so eat my ass.
Day of Dragons. The dragons are cool. I don’t care about any drama in the community. I’m here for the cool fucking dragons.
The Isle. Once again, I don’t care about any drama in the community. I’m here for the cool ass dinosaurs because you can customize your own skins and they just look and sound cool (Dilo, Herarra, and Ptera are my faves)
Lethal Company. Do it for the Company.
RainWorld. Scugs and Scups. Need I say more?
Hollow Knight. Sorta falling out of this one, but until I beat the entire game (P5) I am not finished.
Minecraft. Technically in “the fandom”, but not really attached to a specific YTer or anything like that anymore. I just like the game.
CCs I still watch:
Astral Spiff. Sprog is a good gamer.
Smii7y and his friends like Grizzy, Droid, Puffer, Blarg, etc.
Jack Manifold. I only watch his You Laugh You Loose and Ghost Sighting Compilation videos. I don’t even know if he still does Minecraft anymore.
8-BitRyan. While he doesn’t swear in his videos, it’s kinda a breath of fresh air. Plus his edits are quite funny.
Markiplier. Yes. Just… yes…
IGP. His content is just interesting. The way he freaks out over shit is funny as hell. Does he do content with IcyCaress anymore? Their banter was funny, but idk if something happened, cuz I just don’t see much stuff with Icy in it anymore.
As of right now, that’s all I can think of. It’s nice to meet you!
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that-wildwolf · 11 months
Get to know your fanfic writer!
Thank you @callista-curations for tagging me!
When did you post your first ever fanfic?
Circa 2008 I think. Let me tell you those were the wild days. FF.n wasn't really that popular and AO3 straight up didn't exist yet. You would make a whole ass entire blog. And you would post your fic on that blog. And people actually found that shit???? Wouldn't work now.
First Character(s) you wrote?
OCs actually, in the PJO fandom. I don't really enjoy writing OCs now but that's what was cool back then 😅 The first canon characters I wrote were Sarah Jane and the Doctor from Doctor Who.
Main Character(s) you're currently writing?
Well I've always got that Shakarian brainrot, don't I? Also like. Saren and Nihlus I guess.
Character(s) you haven't written about before but plan to soon?
Jolyne and Jotaro Kujo! I've still lowkey got that Eyes of Heaven brainrot, and isn't it cool to write characters that are biologically parent and child as having a sibling relationship, but I'm aware that the target audience of that fic would be uh. me. so I'm not in a rush.
Fandom(s) you're currently writing?
It's mostly mass effect. Even the WIPs I have of other fandoms are scarce among my mass effectses.
Platonic Pairing(s) you're currently writing?
Jotaro and Jolyne, definitely. Shepard and Saren is always a lot of fun to write, though my Kryterius fic mostly focuses on Shepard and Nihlus. Also fun, but not as much.
Romantic Pairing(s) you're currently writing?
Shakarian and Kryterius. I mean what did you expect? a magic trick?
Your top AO3 tags?
Interspecies Relationship(s) absolutely sweeping at 32 fics. Followed by Fluff (19 fics) and Post-Canon (18 fics). Like I said I have no idea where this idea that I'm an angst writer came from, I'm all about the fluff--
Current platform you use for posting?
I guess I might as well officially say that since finishing up my first contact Shakarian AU two years ago, I am no longer posting my fics on FF.n anymore. It's all AO3 now.
Snippet of the WIP you are currently working on?
"Saren." Nihlus is immediately at his side, one hand on his cowl and another grabbing his good arm. "Saren, you're not going to die. I'm getting you out of here. I swear."
"Shepard will never allow that."
"She doesn't have a say in this. You're my responsibility." Nihlus nearly growls at the thought of anyone getting in the middle of that. After everything he's done, the Council will have to agree if he asks. Damn what Shepard thinks. "She doesn't have the authority."
"Nihlus..." Saren shakes his head at him. His subvocals, as always, remain infuriatingly silent, but Nihlus has learned to read his body language to make up for that. He doesn't like what he's seeing: Saren's eyes are completely vacant of any emotion and his shoulders drooped. There's nothing left in him, no fight, no hope. He's given up already.
And that's something Nihlus can't accept.
“I’m getting you out of here,” he promises again. This time, he receives absolutely no reaction.
It nearly breaks his heart to leave now, but he has to. He has to get Saren out of this as quickly as possible, he can’t allow this to go on. So he quietly slips out, silently hoping that Saren isn’t looking. He wouldn’t bear to have that hopeless gaze on himself right now.
Shepard is waiting for him just outside the holding cells. Of course she is. Nihlus doubts she would ever allow anyone to make a decision about Saren that she didn't approve, or at least know, of.
Which is probably going to make things very difficult for him from now on.
"You can release him," he says simply.
Shepard, to her credit, doesn’t say a word. She just looks at him like he's just done the worst thing she could imagine. In all honesty, the flicker of rage, disappointment, and disapproval that lit up her eyes almost made him pause.
She slowly shakes her head and walks away without as much as a single look back. Nihlus isn’t sure how he feels about that.
He just hopes he hasn't just made an enemy he won’t be able to deal with later on.
Tagging (but you guys know my tags are no pressure. I won't be upset if you don't do it.) @whiskynorocks @milkywayes and @nicolasadrabbles
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honeymochibubbletea · 7 months
Whaaat? Someone who also likes BES and Fluffpillow's Ocs??? Dude, are you like, my sibling or something??
I saw your whole blog and I gotta say: you have a LOT of potential!! ;D
Keep doing your thing! (No pressure though!)
And hey... Could i present to you a really random ship? *Inhales deeply*:
Fowler and Dr. Phantasmo?
Hurray! Finally my hard work is paying off! :3
Yes that’s how random i can be: i can mix together two things that are basically impossible to happen in canon and, you know, just have some fun imagining how for example these characters would interact with each other, would they bond or hate each others guts? That’s the fun thing of imagination: when you don’t care about what others might think about your ideas, you leave room for cool endless possibilities! :)
Also: thank you very much for the kind words~♪ ;3
As for your request… that’s… genuinely a very, VERY interesting idea!
Let’s see what can i work with:
Dr. Phantasmo x Abijah Fowler headcanons:
If we ignore the ACTUAL dates where Telltown and BES takes place and pretend these two are in the same year (now which year would be up to you, dear readers), we can work better with these headcanons, alright? Good.
And now, without further ado: Fowler would have recognized Phantasmo (formerly known as Victor) thanks to T-oby (i’ll explain better on my mini series (or should i say one-shots?) of fanfics that i’ve promised of BESxTelltown) that he (AF) remembered when he was visiting a small town and saw him (T-oby) in the distance and decided to greet the robot. They have exchanged some small talk until Fowler brought up about Victor:
AF: where is that genius scientist who created you?
T-oby: o-oh… w-well… you see… my father isn’t the same anymore…
AF: Oh? May i see him then? I am curious to see what you mean by “isn’t the same anymore”! Has he finally saw how the world truly works? Perhaps it could be that?
T-oby: . . .I… i don’t think he’s going to remember you but… s-sure…
And so, they both went to see Phantasmo: T-oby was carrying a lot of plastic bags with things that his father asked him to bring and Abijah didn’t offer any help (because he be like that, an asshole)
When they finally got to the mansion where Phantasmo lives, Fowler couldn’t help but chuckle and comment about how worn out that mansion was, it was such a waste having a big house like that and not taking care of it
When they opened the door and went downstairs to Phantasmo’s lab, Fowler was surprised to see a ghost and not a man. He points to Phantasmo and asks T-oby if that was him: Victor.
T-oby: Yes… and n-no… it’s hard to explain… you know? A lot has… changed ever since you and that blue eyed samurai left…
Phantasmo was so busy that he didn’t hear the two talking or rather, he couldn’t care less about who his “son” brought to his home
Fowler laughed loudly and said that explained the reason why the mansion was in such a bad state. Phantasmo started to growl quietly and told his “son” to get rid of the “guest” because he (AF) was disturbing him (Phantasmo).
T-oby: m-maybe we should g-go… my dad hates being disturbed and-! H-hey…! What do you think you are doing??
Fowler ignored T-oby’s warnings and decided to sneak up on the scientist. But he quickly turned just in time before Fowler could give a big old pat in his back:
Phantasmo: are you deaf or something? Am i speaking in French? I said you must leave!
Fowler: Aye now, aye now! Why are you treating an old friend like that? You used to be a lot nicer, Vict-!
T-oby quickly ran into Fowler’s direction and placed his hands over his mouth. The robot quickly apologized to his father and tried to bring Fowler with him to another room of the mansion. But was stopped by his father, who told his “son” to take off his hands off the man’s mouth:
Phantasmo: an old “friend”… you say? Pardon you but WHO the fuck are you…? Also, how do you know my n- ahem, my OLD name?
AF: Wow! So you are saying you don’t remember me? You hurt me! *fakes dramatic pose and smirks* how could you forget me? I was that man who was accompanied by that blue eyed miss and-
Phantasmo: wait… can… can you repeat that again…?
AF: hey, don’t cut off me like that, it’s rude. But continuing: i am that man who was accompanied by that blue eyed-
Phantasmo: samurai… hmm… what was her name? What was her name… Mizu…? Yeah, yeah! Mizu!
AF: hey, i already told you to not interrupt me like that… and you remember her? And not… me? Oh, you have hurt me even more now! *fakes gasp and places one hand over chest*
Phantasmo: you know… i Think I’m… starting to remember you too~ yeah, weren’t you that man who wanted to buy T-oby~? *starts circling around the red hair man*
AF: so that’s ALL you remember ME for? Ohoho, you know how to “flatter” someone… specially an old friend!
Phantasmo bursts out laughing and compliments Fowler’s sarcasm… then, Phantasmo offered him to sit on a seat and the two started to keep in touch of what happened to both of them:
Phantasmo explained that his memory wasn’t always the best and because of that he doesn’t remember a lot of things after he died: he doesn’t know where is his wife (he presumes that she’s dead), he doesn’t remember his past life and etc…
Abijah explained to Phantasmo that the reason he was accompanied by Mizu was because he was one of the suspects of being her father and that she was holding him “hostage” until she found the other two men who probably brought her out to this world. Phantasmo laughed at him and told him he was being too weak of being held as a hostage by someone who he could easily overpower. Fowler just shrugged off and said that indeed he had the upper hand against Mizu but she quickly turned the table and was ready to kill him…
Phantasmo: T-oby! Bring some tea for this gentleman! NOW!
AF: is that offer still available? I really could pay good money for him!
Phantasmo: Hmmm… just… how much are we talking about~?
AF: 100,000,000 golden ryu~♪
T-oby “accidentally” dropped the hot tea tray on Fowler and looked at Phantasmo angrily until he cowered when his dad looked at him even more angrily…
Phantasmo: forgive my… “son”… he is sometimes a little clumsy but nothing like a good old spanking wouldn’t resolve this… are you still willing to buy him~?
AF: hmmm… he seems to love you a lot, but yes: i am still thinking of buying him~♪
Phantasmo shouted at T-oby and told him to shut up. The poor robot went silent and basically that’s how Abijah moved in to Phantasmo’s mansion!
These two would be plotting many evil plans to take over the world (technically, Fowler already owned entire armies and had many costumers because of his trafficking and other illegal things he does. But the more the better)
Charlie would have a lot of difficulty to reach Phantasmo now thanks to Fowler (have you seen his aim?? He has scarily good aim… and also his size-). She would need to team up with Mizu to beat him and Phantasmo. And how would that happen if Mizu was probably at the other side of the world? Well… T-oby may or may not have secretly tried to sail (along with Charlie and Squirt) to find Mizu and tried to bring her to Fowler, so that way she could finally have her revenge and T-oby would be free from that man🤭
These two (Mizu and Charlie) would team up to take down Phantasmo and Fowler and Charlie made it very, VERY clear to Mizu that they wouldn’t be killing ANYONE. That they would sent both Phantasmo and Fowler to the prison: where they belong. Of course, Mizu is very against the idea and wants to kill Fowler. They have a little fight here and there but eventually Mizu agrees to just send Fowler to the prison.
These two (AF and Phantasmo) would pass off the “can’t stand this bitch for one minute🙄” to “me and bestieee🥰” kind of vibes, you know?
If they somehow had the idea of marrying each other, it would probably go down like this:
Phantasmo: Buhahahahaha! Give up now! We are going to take over the world you fools! And there’s nothing you and your blue eyed friend can do to stop us!!!
Fowler: hey, hey. Phantasmo.
Phantasmo: WHAT? Can’t you see i am in the middle of an evil speech?
Fowler: i was here thinking… we could be something more than… evil partners in crime you know?
Phantasmo: are you really suggesting what i think you’re suggesting right NOW?
Fowler: *bends in on knee* i know right now isn’t the best time but… would you marry me?
Charlie: . . .
Mizu: . . .
T-oby: . . . *screaming internally* “please say no, please say no, please say n-“
Phantasmo: . . . are you serious right now?
Fowler: *opens ring box, revealing a big diamond ring*
Phantasmo: *snatching the diamond ring as soon as he sees it and placing on his finger* Yeah, yeah sure whatever, we are married now and i’ll be the husband of this relationship, understood? Good.
Fowler: *chuckles and gets up to teasingly kiss Phantasmo on the cheek*
Charlie: oh God i think i’m gonna puke-
Mizu: simply d i s g u s t i n g.
T-oby: *faints*
Phantasmo: *blushing and shouting at Fowler* Abijah! Don’t kiss me in front of my arch nemesis!
Fowler: *laughs even more*
After they would get married, i imagine that they would constantly bicker a lot but would still “love” each other, lol
Phantasmo would sometimes try to kill Abijah to take possession of his fortune, lol (and Abijah couldn’t be bothered by it because Heiji shindo also tried to kill him when they were “business” partners. So he (AF) is used to it by now, lol)
Usually it’s Abijah who is the one who makes Phantasmo flustered, because he (Phantasmo) is easily flustered by any little thing that Fowler does: especially his public “affection”
And that’s it! If i have more ideas and headcanons for these two, i’ll probably Reblog and update! Bu-byeee~!
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koffing-time · 1 year
I will gladly interact with you! Send an ask! @ me! I would love to RP with you. I will do an (IC) promo if you ask (assuming i'm popular enough for that lmao)!
Hello Hello ~
My name is Tix (they/them, occasionally it/its), and welcome to my rotomblr blog! I'm 23, I'm from Unova and i have a small café on Route 3 right outside Striaton City. If you don't find it, just look for the Daycare on the hill, walk up that hill and look for the building at the foot of the hill! And now come in and get a cupcake, you earned it!
Don't be alarmed by the poison types around here! Most of them are registered to me and are completely harmless unless you touch them. They are also friendly, so if you wanna pet them, ask me! I'll gladly provide handling advice.
I also have an employee, Olivia. I might occasionally mention him. Maybe she'll also make a few post here and there.
There is also Brandy, my Rotom. Let's hope they can behave!
As for my Pokémon, there are a few! [Complete list of Pokémon including retcons at the end in the ooc section]
My Koffing, Coffee! The shop's named after him! Look at his FABULOUS moustache!
Bienenstich the Scolipede, she's very good with kids. If you need someone to look after your toddler, she's the gal! (i am so not kidding)
Cream the Haunter. No, your drink isn't haunted, she just helps me out a bit.
Muffin the Roselia, he's the primary gardener. I would do more around there but he doesn't let me.
Poppy the Toxicroak, he's a cool guy. He also makes music with me.
Basil the Toxtricity. Best bassist i've ever met (sorry Roxie).
Carrot Cake the Clodsire. He doesn't do much, but that's okay.
Rhubarb the Ekans. Little rascal. Don't trip over him.
Eggplant the Skorupi. He's new, still getting to know him myself!
Soup the Grimer is also quite new. I hatched him from a strange egg.
Also here's three pics of me. (//i forgor what the picrew were. if anyone knows, let me know)
//Pelipper Mail is on
//I will draw your OCs badly
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OOC below the cut:
// Hi, hello. I run this blog as a side blog, so I'll like and follow from my main @fire-water-grass-core. If you need to address me (the player/mun), I'm okay with any pronouns, and if you need a name you can call me Kama, Nox or Cheese. I also run:
@zekrom-sword where i explore some darker themes (ig?) regarding pokémon hunting. This blog is less focused on blogging though and goes more into headcanon/fanfic territory. I'm happy to RP with Felix (muse over there) though!
@fire-water-grass-core is the main, as mentioned. Originally it was planned for that one to be a personal blog for Olivia, Tix' employee, but i didn't really get into it. I mostly use it for OOC stuff regarding rotomblr ig?
@kamataros is my general, non-pkmn-irl blog. idk what you would want there? but feel free to check it out. I post a lot of shit and a lot of it is untagged.
NOW for the rules ig?
ZERO: don't be a dick. easy, right? right. This is the important part :)
First: blanket #unreality warning. I will tag posts usually as pokemon irl, #pkmn irl or #pokeblogging. The actual unreality tag is reserved that genuinely blends reality and fiction (such as talking about animals in the context of the pokemon world.)
Second: i went on a BIG hiatus for like 6 months. I've retconned a few things, but i didn't want to actually go through the blog and delete stuff. Instead, i tagged all old posts as #Koffing-Time-1.0. Everything with this tag is not neccesarily canon anymore. case-to-case basis i guess.
Third: If anything comes up, I'll try to put a warning tag. I'll keep it to one format: #cw [trigger]. I will probably still use them sparingly, since i'm personally okay with most things. Please tell me if i should tag something.
Fourth: I won't participate in high stakes a lot and probably never in ultra stakes. Everything will be appropriately tagged #high stakes pokereality on the off chance that i do join. I don't think i will be getting into details like "low stakes" and "medium stakes" for tagging.
Fifth: Regarding sentient/sapient pokémon: they are allowed. I might ignore them if i ever do any story-arcs or so, but go ahead! (this was different for 1.0)
Sixth: Ask games will be tagged with #ask game. Once i reblog them, they are open indefinitely, including old ones from #Koffing-Time-1.0. The tag will be for the initial meme only, not the answers to make it possible to find them. Generally, please put the question for the meme into your ask, especially if it's an older ask game. (Feel free to ask Brandy or Olivia as well, but if not specified it will be Tix answering)
Seventh: DMs are an OOC zone :)
I'm trying to use a funny tagging system for blogs i "frequently" interact with (as in.. i am not chronically on tumblr so "frequently" is a bit much to say)
Out of Character posts will be tagged with #ooc . This goes only for posts where a significant portion is ooc.
Out of Character answers to asks will be tagged #cheesy answers
Out of Character notes will be marked as // or //ooc (including tags)
I might reblog art or even posts that tix isn't involved in. these will be tagged #//reblog
Posts involving details about certain headcanons will be tagged #headcanon
Image descriptions or Video description will be in [brackets] .
Also here is a (not complete) list of a few headcanons that i use.
I'll update and edit this post as well as reblog it if something changes.
I, Cheese, Mun will use pink coloured text in addition to the //
Tix will be writing/talking in colourless text
Olivia will be writing/talking in blue text
Brandy will be writing/talking in red text
otherwise, i won't use much colours in posts. this intro blog stuff will be the exception to make it easier to read (i hope)
That being said: feel free to interact, feel free to send a DM, feel free to send asks, I'm happy to do offscreen posts and RP and whatnot, I won't bite and i won't poison you. Probably.
PS: little thing about reblog chains (i guess?)
Now, that was a long one. If you read it all, congratulations, have a cookie. Or a coffee. And most importantly: have fun!
PPS: Here's a list of Tix'Pokémon:
Coffee the Koffing
Muffin the Roselia
Bienenstich the Scolipede
Cream the Haunter
Poppy the Toxicroak
Basil the Toxtricity
Cracker the Murkrow (retconned) [it hurt me to do this but there are so many already] (never fucking mind i love them too much i can't delete them)
Cheese the (shiny) Crobat (retconned) [it hurt me to do this but there are so many already] (never fucking mind i love them too much i can't delete them)
Rhubarb the Ekans
Chocco the Salandit (retconned)
Carrot Cake the Clodsire
Pumpkin the Bellsprout (retconned)
Loaf the Trubbish (retconned)
Yoghurt the Yveltal (retconned)
Bun the (ultra domesticated) Trubbish (retconned)
Roll the (ultra domesticated) Tubbish (retconned)
Appleslice the (ultra domesticated) Mareanie (reconned)
Bacon the (ultra domesticated) Mareanie (retconned)
Lettuce the (ultra domesticated) Mareanie (retconned)
Tomato the (ultra domesticated) Mareanie (retconned)
Caramel the Beedrill (retconned)
Tofu the Sliggoo (retconned)
Annie Stonefruit the (albino) Cranidos (retconned)
Jack the Pumpkaboo (retconned)
Brandy the Rotom
Eggplant the Skorupi
Leonard the bed-sized Clodsire Plush
Soup the Baby-Grimer
If all of Tix team appear in a post (i doubt) it'll be tagged with #tix band
Also a list of Olivias Pokémon
Hans the Lotad
Grill the Darmanitan
Marbles the Alolan Exeggutor (tagged with just #marbles the exeggutor )
The Kalosian the Escavalier (tagged with just #kalosian the escavalier)
Beach Ball the Gible
Gregor the Gimmighoul
If all of Olivias Team appear in a post, it'll be tagged #olivias gang
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faeriekit · 5 months
As you are one of the few people who ever put Star Wars stuff on my dash, I have a question for you (or your followers if you don't know). I'm trying to get into SW fanfic but obviously there's 8 billion characters who are all some author's personal favorite blorbo and I watched 8 of the movies and maybe a third of the Clone Wars and the first three episodes of the Mandalorian. I am wildly confused and I got through multiple paragraphs of a fic thinking that it was talking about Maul when it was actually talking about Mace. Anyway. I've been warned by many different fandoms to never trust the official wiki pages since they aren't run by fans anymore, so I wanted to ask if you or anyone else knew of a better reference resource I could use when trying to figure out which clone a fic is talking about or even be able to recognize a major character that I've somehow never heard of. I hope this ask doesn't come across as rude but instead in the greatly weary and desperate tone I intended. I think your blog is super cool and so are you.
Thank you! Um. The problem is. I learn everything character-wise from osmosis, either from watching the media itself or reading. A lot.
I would say that when it comes to broader strokes, the wiki should be fine. It will show you what they look like and let you glance at their backstories. That's basically as much as you should need. If you want, you can try to hit up Wookiepedia on the Wayback machine and see which pages you can access pre-takeover, which might be like...2019? Maybe? 2018? Archived versions of most if not every article should exist, perhaps barring the famously controversial Boobs article.
I would say that, if you're ever reading one of the fics where you don't know someone's backstory, look up what they look like on the wiki and then treat them as an author's OC from there. The author (provided that they're doing a good job) should give you a lot of provided info on what they're up to, their motivations, their behavior and personality anyway, so you can learn of what the author is specifically up to with this version of the character as you read. Trying to memorize Star Wars characters like you're studying for a quiz isn't going to work. There's too many of them. They all have silly names. Everyone is some author's hated enemy AND some other author's specialest little cinnamon roll simultaneously.
Yeah, it's not rude. Star Wars is designed to come off as huge and expansive, and that has consequences for people getting into it. I wish I could be more help, but alas 🤧 I just take it a day at a time. You can also try limiting your ao3 results specifically to versions of Star Wars you've watched, such as the Mandalorian or the movies you've seen. Like a solid...sixth of the lore and characters are book/comics only lore or blorbos. Go ahead and make it easy on yourself. Trim the fat.
Good luck, take care, and I hope you end up with something to make navigating it easier! 🤧😭
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myrskytuuli · 1 year
Tokyo mew mew fandom I need your help! Before the new episode drops, I need to clarify a mystery that’s been bothering me about the canon for a hot minute. Because I’m not sure if I made up a headcanon when I was twelve or if this was a canon fact stated somewhere that I just don’t remember anymore.
Was the mew mew transformation into magical girls originally alien technology??
Okay, background. When I was twelve, I drafted a sprawling fanfic epic in my notebooks (and I’m SO MAD that I’ve lost them) that was 80% worldbuilding and alien lore and 20% kishigo. BUt. The cornerstone of that lore rested on the idea that what Ryou and his family had uncovered were instructions on how to create magical girls like the mews from the ancient alien sources, by fusing warriors with animal essences or whatever. It’s magic. The point is that it makes so much sense, but now I really cannot think wether the canon ever actually said anything akin to that or not. I do remember that the anime outright said that the mew aquas were left behind by the aliens, and it would make logical sense therefore that the whole magic warriors who are the only ones able to sense aquas and fight against the alien-created chimeras would also be, you know, from the same branch of magic/science.
Anyway, does anyone remember what the canon actual states?
(Also, I remember very little of the details of my tween epic, but there was some genuinely cool lore for someone who was so young. I was reading the Silmarillion at the same time, so my goal was to create a silmarillion-esque history for the aliens. One of the plot points was that these original magical proto-mew warriors, if dying especially martyrous and dramatic deaths, would have their souls transformed into mew aquas, and whenever our mews used a mew aqua, they also got a connection to that original warrior, (This was where I flexed my tween OC making desires like hell) and got to communicate with those legendary alien heroes/saints. Why am I writing this down? Because in case I turn out to have been a child-prophet, I wanted to get this out before the new episode airs. Would be insane if I saw shades of my old-as-balls headcanons in the new show.)
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melishade · 2 years
Don't worry about the progress you are doing fine. I've been following this fanfic for years and now it is the only one I am keeping track of. I've read this shit for like a hundred times from the start to the finish now and I still enjoy it. You'll get it right. Also 🌻
And I appreciate that a lot. I do. A lot of the people who commonly like and comment on my work like you, @justawannabearchaeologist, @lazymooneye @fandoms-uniteds-blog, @fandomchick80 and more Ao3 commenters like Samuel Y.S. Loe, and Haris. People who made fanart for my work that I put so much time in, like @honey-on-bread. You take time out of your day to just leave a simple like and comment talking about my work, and yeah, some of you guys have been following me for years. It's something I deeply appreciate.
...It's just....I work really hard writing these chapters. I put so much time and so much effort into this crossover that I do enjoy writing. Even if it is a lot of work at times.
The Hizuru OVA took me so long to write, and I had to do so much research in order to create a situation as to what Hizuru would look like during this time period. I had to look up the layout of Japan in 1920s and 1930s. I had to look up the appearance of rulers to make my own OCs to interact with Mikasa. I looked up toys, games, foods, traditions, fighting styles, music, for this specific chapter alone. It sits at 31,301 words, and I'm still adding to it. I'm putting a lot of time and effort into some of the chapters I've written in the past. And when I post it, hoping for some validation, some comments, even a simple 'cool chapter', sometimes I don't get that. I don't get the flood of comments that I used to which is understandable because I don't have that same large audience that I used to have on fanfiction.net. I'm reworking to get the following that I had when I was on that website and that took years to accumulate.
Some of the things that do make me mad though is when people demand stuff out of me. Like "please add this" or "are you going add this character to the story" or "you should really write this" or "I think this would be great" and they'll say it repeatedly even though I've set up ground rules for this. (This is happening more on Ao3, not here anymore. Surprisingly you guys are actually listening to the rules here.) I put so much time and effort trying to craft a story that I like, and some people are demanding that I change a story to their liking even though I've stated repeatedly "I have my story planned out. I have my ending planned out. I'm not changing anything to your whim. I know what I want."
It's dejecting sometimes, and I'm particularly worried that when I do post the Hizuru chapter on March 19th, it's not going to get the recognition and praise that I'm hoping for. And people will just use the opportunity to beg me to write something for them when they are more than capable of doing it themselves. I want to talk about my thought process, my writing process. I want people to see what I see, or come up with a wild theory that I could laugh about, think is good, or even say "damn alright. you get a cookie. good work."
I don't know. Maybe I'm just being childish. I don't like to spoil my work because I want it to be a good experience for those who want to be surprised, and this is the internet. I shouldn't expect more from internet.
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sofoulandfairaday · 1 year
Forgive me if you've already said this, but where can I read your fics? Your opinions are always very interesting and I am intrigued to see them developed into a story.
Ya can’t lmao
No, see, I mostly write for myself because I enjoy it and therefore it’s shameless self-indulgent content. I cry when writing sad scenes, I giggle at the crack-y ones, I get flustered with the smut, I spend hours researching the little details like book titles and whether jasmine grows in Venice or not and what the magical hierarchy of cities is and how dark magic can also heal and not just destroy and how not to make the characters overpowered because that is such a pet peeve of mine. It’s very VERY specific to my taste and I overthink every single word I write (yes, the curtains are yellow for a reason). I do have a very long 50+ chapter WIP which will maybe be published when finished. Since every fucking chapter is about 8K words long it will never be finished and no one will ever bother reading it ihihihihi.
(Just publish the first chapters!, you say. I wish I could write linearly, I reply)
Also, there is another HUGE problem. Most of my stuff is written in Italian. The very few excerpts on here are translated. Do you know how hard it is to try and convey the precise feelings you had when writing something, the word plays and the very specific descriptions in another language? It’s a whole job, and a boring one most of the time, which means that my Anna Karenina length fucking fan fiction (not even close to finished) has to be translated by me in my nonexistent down time. Also, I used to be one of those people who bitched about GRRM, but MAN my story has maybe spiralled into 100 different directions and I have no idea which version of the characters I want to stick to, what order I want to give certain events, and if they are IC or not anymore. Can you tell that I’m a perfectionist and I make even fun things unfunny?
Which is also why I’m so behind with the fics I want to read and review both in eng and ita. I DO see the new stuff published and I have NO time to look at it let alone tell the author what I think.
(Also I erase half of what I write because cringe and I have a self-insert OC - double cringe - that was meant to be a fun minor wink wink character in two (2) chs that has become important so now it CAN’T be a self-insert and i have to make psychologically complex except now she’s too bitchy and then she’s not bitchy enough to the point she is nothing like me now which kind of invalidates the point entirely. Also, I hate everybody else’s OCs so why should my writing have one when I could concentrate on other characters?? Except I can’t give her role to anyone else unless I rewrite half of the whole thing so I am stuck and-)
When Olivia Rodrigo said and I hate every song I write and I’m not cool and I’m not smart (and I can’t even parallel park) that’s me :))))
I am so sorry anon by the way this wasn’t meant to be a rant you’ve just opened Pandora’s box and now I’m afraid I come off as a little unhinged. I am honestly flattered that you would send this, bless you. You’re my favourite ❤️
WITH THAT BEING SAID, there is something of mine on the internet (most of it SUCKS). Unless you know Italian you won’t be able to read it though. My account on a very popular Italian fanfic site still has my old little Bellamort song fics from when I was 13 (I can’t even bring myself to cancel them because cancelling them would mean opening them and opening them means I combust from the cringe). My views of the characters have also changed and I stand by NOTHING lmao. There is also some new stuff which is all smut (some I’m proud of and some I’ll delete as soon as I get over myself and just open the damn site) and maybe one (1) one-shot that I’m actually proud of.
And in English? The only thing that has ever been translated in English as of now is 8K+ words of filthy (and I mean filthy) PW very little P smut which I will not link on an account that actual people from my actual offline life might find (it’s hard enough to explain what’s on here) . However if you know me it’s not impossible to track down (or you can just dm me). There is no deeper meaning or philosophical themes or anything like that tho; if you’re attracted to my thoughtful metas where I quote and dissect the book passages or my quirky headcanons where I tease the characters, this is not that. This is just them fucking.
Sorry ❤️
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bloodgulchblog · 1 year
I got distracted and remembered @ladyknightskye did a tag thing that I felt like responding to, so here's that. (You can also do it if you want?)
Your name: Zita. Just call me Zita.
Your first fandom(s): Uhhhhhh I guess the first one I really went online for was Pokemon? I was into the end of Pokemon fandom where people did crossovers with everything and had absolutely wild OC adventures set in America for no reason. That kind of thing.
Your current fandom(s): Mostly Halo. I have other things I like, but Halo's kept me pretty busy. RvB if you talk me into it. Tabletop rpgs too. (And I mean "tabletop rpgs," I have some favorites but I'm really into watching the whole field.)
How did you first get into fandom?: I was real young back in the 90s during the Pokemon craze and, at that point in Internet history, you could go to the library and check out a book that was JUST a listing of Pokemon fan websites. A literal book. That a someone sold for actual money. That's how I first ran into personal sites belonging to pokemon nerds, and webrings, and fanfiction, and all that other stuff.
How long have you been engaging in fandom spaces?: I was active on fanfiction.net when I was like 8 years old. I didn't have an account, though. I was just really insufferable in peoples' review sections, but that was pretty normal. There were a lot of kids doing that. I am often not really active in "fandom" spaces but over the years I've generally had people to hang out with and talk to even if I wasn't posting fanfiction or w/e.
How often do you read fanfics?: Rarely. Like, to the point where I feel bad about not engaging with other fans' work as much as I'd like to. As I've gotten older, I've had less and less free time and more and more difficulty focusing. I count myself lucky when I successfully get through something. There's a lot of excellent work out there that I just am not able to stick my eyes to for long enough.
Top three characters from your current fandom(s):
We all know Chief's the top of the Halo pile for me but the competition for spot #2 is so ferocious I can't even do it.
I love so many of them. ;_;
Anyway I guess because we're on this blog: Grif is the best RvB. Followed very closely by Carolina. And then the third spot falls too hard into tossup territory.
Have you ever written fic for a fandom?: Oh yeah bro I got a link on this blog.
Have you ever drawn fanart for a fandom?: I don't draw as much as I used to, like once or twice a year anymore, but boy did I used to. I still draw tabletop characters sometimes, because I tend to gravitate to nonhuman characters that require some effort on my part to make a token for.
Share a personal headcanon that you feel very strongly about:
…I feel like I do that on my blog constantly and nothing I could say would be a surprise to anyone.
And finally, what does fandom mean to you?: Something fun to think about because so many other things I have to think about are… not fun at all. Even better because you get to do it with people and some of them turn out to be really cool to talk with.
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pantherxdrawz · 2 years
Oh fucc forgot to do an intro
and AFTER the 500 post point-
…I ain’t putting all this in my bio
Anywho, Welcome to my blog!
[That is of course, unless your a proshipper, MAP, lgbtphobic, bigot, TERF, racist, support the shitshow that is TBATF and/or the creators (that parts just because I’m in the Eddsworld Fandom).]
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^Visual representation of me tapping my lil DNI list
YK the common basics. (Tbh who WANTS those guys interacting with them/rh)
If your one of them,
very kindly fuck off
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(You WILL be blocked if not)
With that out of the way,
☄️-I’m Panther/Nyx/Shade
I’ve also got many other names take y’all’s pick [pulls out a comedically large tophat with names], I even have names like Cloudberg and Roomba at this point as long as it’s not offensive anything is on the table really-/hj
At this point you could point to me and go “your name is Tom now your Tom” and I’d go: “…okay guess I’m Tom now”
💫-I currently use all the pronouns, He/She/They/Xe/It etc. Whatever just go for it, still figuring that shit out and I don’t really mind
☄️-I‘ma hobby artist, also hobby animator if I feel like it, but I do take Discord Nitro commissions at times (info below if you’re interested, you could also just DM me right off the bat for info, however since I also have school I might not get to it straight way as fair warning)
I also feel like I should’ve charged for completion and not crop and that these are embarrassingly cheap, and full body’s are embarrassingly expensive but hey I don’t have this as my full job what do I know
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You can DM me on here, or on my Discord RandomPurplePantherGorl#2046 if you’re interested
Edit: So since the Twitter (or “X” *gags*) forced update with the username changes, my Discord is now pantherxdrawz just like my Tumblr
Disclaimer: I have all rights to deny a commission for any possible reason, even if it’s perfectly fine by all the guidelines I’ve put, I still have full rights to deny it (I probably won’t though, but still) ★・・・・・・★
Current Hyperfixations:
-Ensemble Stars (This one’s the newest and current strongest)
-Project Sekai
-Ace Attorney
-Eddsworld (Well, actually not really anymore, Been Hyperfixated on it for a year then eventually just kinda…lost interest and left the fandom. but I’m still gonna put it here, I might return one day)
I’m basically Multi-fandom friendly and post whatever tf I want when I want, basically I just see a cool thing and hit reblog
so if you followed me for only one fandom and don’t like multi fandom posting, uhhh sorry pal you’re in the wrong place, feel free to unfollow in that case
I’m just a little guy trying to post their art and reblog stuff
★・・・・・・★ Filtering tags of mine, everything else on this fucking blog is a cluttered garage:
#pantherxdrawz My art/animation tag
#pantherxeditz My edit tag, where you’ll find my au edits of game/show shots
#pantherxwritez My tag for writing/fanfics that I make
#pantherzocs / #panthersocs My tag for if you ever get interested in my Hand made blorbos (my ocs) and want to see everything I’ve posted of them
#for the pocket friends My tag for showing my mutuals stuff simple as that
Enjoy your stay :]
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cassie-fanfics · 2 years
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I posted 4,956 times in 2022
That's 4,956 more posts than 2021!
99 posts created (2%)
4,857 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,835 of my posts in 2022
#tag game - 193 posts
#star wars - 163 posts
#picrew - 141 posts
#star wars rebels - 135 posts
#hera syndulla - 132 posts
#kanan jarrus - 118 posts
#oc design - 106 posts
#kanera - 97 posts
#hello little queue - 69 posts
#ezra bridger - 56 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#i love side characters in books. i need more dhina content. the communications officer from victory's price. i need more of that content.
My Top Posts in 2022:
None of us can function because of Hera and Chopper. Also I would like to know about Jacen and Ezra. I have seen that mena Massoud is at least being considered (really hope they confirm soon). Also we need Jacen!
Wait, they're actually considering Mena Massoud for Ezra???
We need need need need Jacen in the series though.
I am becoming more dysfunctional by the minute now that I know that Ezra might be in the show.
Well, my fanfic writing plans for today will now be leaving so I can obsess over the Ahsoka series. I'm so so so excited for this series now.
17 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
Family member: *lecturing me on why I should be more polite*
Me, an introvert who doesn’t feel like making basic human interaction: *wondering what I did wrong because I don’t want to talk and don’t know what to say*
18 notes - Posted April 21, 2022
So I was reading Chapter 3 of @laughingphoenixleader's fanfic Space Married?, which is awesome and I love it so much, but anyway, there was a moment where Kanan tells Hera that he worries about her sleeping schedule sometimes, to which she responds, "I abandoned a healthy sleeping schedule at age twelve as one of my first acts of rebellion against my father."
And because I used to spend a lot of time looking at memes, an idea got into my brain. Everything I just wrote is prelude to this:
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Related to that whole thing, I now have an account on a memeing site because I just can't let things like this slide.
23 notes - Posted August 11, 2022
When you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)❤️❤️❤️
oh thank you!!!!
I like my taste in music (it's VERY weird but I love it)
I like my brain. It is very weird but it keeps me alive and I like that.
I like my clothing style, because if I could have it the way I want it to be, I wouldn't own anything but Star Wars (and other fandoms too!) t-shirts.
I like my asexuality and my being aromantic. (also, autocorrect, learn proper English. aromantic is a valid word!)
I like my fanfiction/other writing. It makes me smile!
Because I am feeling a little tired, can I tag 10 of my followers and start a chain instead?
alright, 10 tags, here we go. @locitapurplepink @kanerallels @zaya-mo @elivanto @indigostars @commandersnips41 @generalgri3vous @iknowwhattosaynow @is-that-sand-in-my-waffles @bh-52
let's spread some positivity!
24 notes - Posted August 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
10 different characters from 10 different fandoms
@amikoroyaiart tagged 'everyone who wants to do this' so that means me I guess?
Rules: List your 10 characters from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 people.
'kay, this will be kinda hard.
Hera Syndulla - Star Wars
Annabeth Chase - Percy Jackson
Primrose Everdeen - The Hunger Games
Tsunami - Wings of Fire
*forgot about Arcane for a few seconds* OH WAIT Caitlyn - Arcane
Pooky - Garfield
Ginny Weasley - Harry Potter (I don't read it much anymore because it's not really that good but I used to love it lol)
is nancy drew a fandom? then Nancy Drew - Nancy Drew
two more to go this will be hard um Amy Santiago - Brooklyn Nine-Nine
last one! I'm not really into Marvel but I needed someone else so: Yelena Romanoff - Marvel
Tagging.... @laughingphoenixleader, @kanerallels, @generaljarrus-syndulla , and pretty much everyone else who wants to play as well!
67 notes - Posted May 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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s-c-g-s-c-g · 4 months
Twenty Fanfic Writer Questions
Tagged by @reconstructwriter! Thank you! I'm going to take the easy route and tag anyone who would like to participate!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 
96! We're approaching the triple digits!
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 
277,273 words!
3. What fandoms do you write for? 
At the moment mostly Star Wars, trying to get around to finishing up my ongoing BNHA series. I'm not writing batfam anymore.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
an ill-advised gift (Star Wars), Breaking: Local Man Leaves Apartment for Eggs, Returns With a Child (BNHA), Breaking: Local Child is Straight Up Not Having a Good Time (BNHA), Breaking: Local Man Throws Cats at His Problems (BNHA), Failed Hunts and Little Stowaways (Star Wars).
5. Do you respond to comments? 
Yes! When I first started posting on AO3 I decided to respond to every (non-hate) comment. I've kept that up for over two years now!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? 
Oof, that's actually a bit hard. Actual no comfort angst is probably between the different flavors of And Still The Galaxy Turns, It's A Sad Song, and here and now, if this is it (all Star Wars and major character death with Jedi, Clone, and Alderaan feels respectively).
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 
Happiest ending is probably... Hey, Look! Free Sibling! (Batfam). I am a hopeful/bittersweet ending person at heart.
8. Do you get hate on fics? 
Not much proper hate these days. I did quit writing for Batfam in part over hate comments but for the most part I've been pretty fortunate.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? 
Nope, I tried once just to try but it's not my thing. I'm content writing around it if necessary.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? 
No, I enjoy reading them but I've never actually written one.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
Not yet!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
I haven't!
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? 
These things come and go. I'm a casual multi-shipper and have been around for many a beloved ship. Right now I'd say Feemor/Jaster, I loved writing Weddings and Other Methods of Deadly Swamp Access.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? 
I will finish them all! I will! However, I'm self-aware enough to know that The Extended Adventures of Bakugou Katsuki and His Horrible Murder Kitten is the least likely to happen. I like Bakugou, I don't love him and that's generally a killer for me with long-running WIPs.
16. What are your writing strengths? 
I'm good about following through on individual fics. I generally focus on one WIP at a time with a random one shot thrown in when I get bored/tired. These days I almost always start posting after most of the fic is written because having eternally incomplete stuff stresses me out.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Endings, I usually have a general idea but I spend more time and energy on endings than any other part of the writing process. Also, while focusing on one project at a time is great it also means that certain series get left to the wayside for months/years with no progress.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? 
Excluding the occasional Japanese word I've only really done conlangs and I've definitely changed over time. I used to use a lot more Mando'a and even some Dai Bendu in fic. I'm much more sparse with it now, primarily for ease of readership and because in my experience the way many people write it isn't how people talk.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Technically veggie tales but really DC Comics. Back when I was a young teenager! I had a whole crew of OCs with cool powers.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? 
Ah, that's hard. I have so many and they're so different. I still have a lot of affection for all of them, even the ones I wouldn't write today. I genuinely don't think I can pick an all time favourite.
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mlynar-nearl · 2 years
heyup its anon back from that hell we call life and im just here to ask one very important question i have been stuck on for a while now: what is a good valentines day gift that isnt flowers (horrifyingly expensive) or chocolate (i just dont like them) ? answer however the hell you like man i ran out of people to ask
and yeaaaaah your reply to my prev ask totally reminded me why i dont care too much about the ak community actually its cos i dont wanna be in drama (unlike in genshin)
oh and get this, i was rushing lantern rite the other day (did it in 3 hours hehe) and using my nonexistent primos i won my 50/50 and got the big booba man like hell yeah now all i have left is kaveh (my beloved) and yes. maybe i will go back to genshin. if you play in asia i can drop my uid but im pretty sure ur a north america kinda person so like probs not
anyways didnt answer ur prev prev reply to one of my asks but like yeah they shlda made more people darker skinned in sumeru :/ kinda iffy that they aint ykyk like i live in southeast asia and my skins still darker than everyone in the cast lmao (okay maybe not everyone id say im on par w xinyan?) and it suuuuuuuucks but oh well mhy is just (insert thumbs down) anyways hope ur doing well lol u can throw in updates abt ur ocs too i havent had time to be on tumblr much lately thankiessssss
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do NOT apologize lmao i love talking
imo, the best valentine's gift is one that's not too extravagant but a little personal. gift card to a store/place they like or somethin'. maybe i'm broke but i don't really do v-day even tho i'm in a relationship LMAO
i don't mind the ak community very much in terms of seeing cool gameplay and a lot of the few people who interpret lore and the few other fanfic authors in english floating out there that i've seen have been really cool and i do try to encourage other creators in the space. there are some exceptions as some things/tropes/opinions piss me off but i try to keep it posi.
i do play in NA on genshin and english global on ak :( but grats on the autism man, the superhero we needed AND wanted. my partner played genshin for a bit before i did and they sent me a picture of xinyan and went ash this looks like you. they aint fuckig wrong. colorism won today
as for ocs! i've been thinking about audie a normal amount* lately. i scribbled some stuff with him and encio and gnosis but lost it when my computer crashed :( there's some stuff i posted in my tag for him tho (which is "oc: audie") about them and their games of chess.
shealtiel DOES do this but he doesnt know why. me instigating a fight because the andoain is hot and i want him on me. also, i think that when he converses with andoain on the trail- because andoain knows he's being followed and just lets shealtiel do it and sometimes tries to chat with him, persuade him to stop being so furious- if andoain starts annoying him he turns off his hearing aids and leaves. turning off my hearing aids i don't want to hear you anymore. andoain has to live with knowing that shealtiel can put him on mute. shealtiel hopes it makes him fucking writhe.
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botwstoriesandsuch · 3 years
hey Kip! I’m sending asks into different writer’s askboxes, inquiring about cool themes/development facts/stuff the author wants to share about their personal favorite work of their own. What’s yours? :)
Ok so this ask is old and when I first got it I was like “dang I don’t really have a lot to talk about, what should I talk about I could those revalink headcanons the Kip Cut that turned into a working fic uhh hmm maybe I’ll just make something new to talk about real quick” and then I did and now there is a 12+ chapter Revalink fic in my drafts and I’m gonna talk about that now, whoopsie doopsie [click "j" to skip]
aHEM, OK so allow me to break out the primary school white board because yeah, I have a lot of thoughts and the oxford comma has not yet made it’s home into my brain. oh and spoilers for paraphrase. for both all of Chapter one and future events in later chapters, but it’s really nothing you couldn’t surmise from the AO3 tags
so I really wanted to tell the story of Revali and Link learning and struggling to love again after the less-than-fortunate events of Botw, but I wanted a...how you say...fresher, approach on the subject? Like I know we always say that fanfic writers writing the same tropes and stories time and time again is good because we eat that shit up--but at the same time I had asian parenting as was told never to half ass anything ever, no matter what. So now I'm gay and extra and have depression maybe and oh would you look at that @motherhyrule has dropped a beautiful revalink prompt right into my lap
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Great so now that we have, that, I shall take you on the step by step process on how to make a :sparkles: story. So step one is to spend at least five to eleven business days for your white board to dismantle your genre and themes and work them around your character arcs. Luckily I have prepared one ahead of time
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s*breaks out those laser pointers that uni professors use* So let's start with defining genre. As define because I HATE you, fuck you. I want you to suffer and writhe on the ground, motherfucker. How dare you think that I would give you nothing but pure predictable fluff, fuck you and yours
is the set of expectations that your audience has when consuming a piece of media
And the great thing about fanfiction is that unlike movies or book where the genres are more vague like, "oh it's a noir mystery genre. so there's a crime, maybe a murder, and a detective and a criminal." or "oh it's a teen romance. so there's some white people and a morally questionable six-pack 18 year old love interest that will be painted as desirable for some reason" BUT with fanfiction HALF of the work out the window, because as soon as you see those #revalink #aro sidon #zelpha #revali is an idiot and #found family tags you already know what's up.
Now what's so great about genre and expectation? Well the fun thing about it is that
I will use it to fucking break you.
... ... ...
<3 For example! <3
In Chapter 1: Holes, you already expect there to be revalink, you already expect them to be soulmates with the soulmarks and there's angst and yadayada ya. Revali and Link have to match because thatttss what this is all about, this is about them! This is about cute, little soulmarks and romantic words!
But whoooopsie doopsie [disney channel laugh track plays] they DON'T match anymore! Link's got a different mark! The number one rule of this entire genre has been broken whoooooooooooooooops. *ba dum tiss*
You might notice with a lot of my writing that I do this a lot, this whole..."oop but there's one little thing that's different." TebaSaki sick fic? Ok cool, but what if Teba burns an irreplaceable relic of the Rito champion to fight a wizzrobe first to characterize why his dumbass clicks with Saki. Mipha deciding to persue Link? Ok what if she chases after a dragon to externalize this conflict as she pierces it's flesh for a scale. Link fighting a Lynel? Ok but what if it's actually a sidlink angst fic in disguise and it's also world building on how Link deals with the bloodmoon that erases all of his efforts which is sort of similar to how his existence was erased from Hyrule 100 years ago mwaahahaha! Ok now that I say this outloud I think I just have a pattern of using fight scenes to externalize character growth. I like fight scenes...anyways.
I think another great thing about the realm of fanfiction is that with the tagging system, I can basically use a chekhov's gun sort of deal, without doing any writing. You know I'm gonna use that gun marked "soulmates" but you don't know when I'm gonna shoot it, and you SURE as hell don't know how.
And huzzah! One of the main points of conflict both drives the tension between Revali and Link, solidifies the unique genre and setting of this world, while also creating a new mystery that will carry over for the next few chapters.
Is Revali right in that Link's rebirth makes him destined for someone new now? What will Link do with the information that his soulmark has changed? Why did it change? Did Revali's change as well? How does anything fucking work right now?
And sure, you might be able to tell where things will end with them, but you sure as fuck will not know how because I HATE you. Fuck you. I want you to suffer and writhe on the ground, motherfucker. How dare you think that I would give you nothing but pure predictable fluff. I am not your goddamn fairy godmother, I will do as I fucking please. You will suffer as you fucking deserve, fuck you and your little tiny--
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Oh! But you might have noticed on my little planning whiteboard thing that there was a little T-Chart! For Revali and Link! That's because the next important thing besides plot (and in a lot of cases, including this one, it's argued to be even MORE important than plot) is
[to the tune of that history of the world video on youtube]
So yes, it's a little T-Chart outlining their character views in relation to the themes. And the great thing about themes is that they're not something you can necessarily predict in the same way you can with the genre and plot.
But now see, I'm very lazy so I'm just gonna plagiarize @hyrule-kingdom-updates thingy [that you should read btw] because they said my point quite clear enough
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Now I don't really need to care about those points about bond and relationships and being understood, because I'm dealing with already established canon characters. I'm not some NERD who dabbles with entire casts of ocs who even cares about ocs not me that's for sure ahaahahaahahahahahaahahahahahAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH *cries in my orphaned WTTU fic* AHAHAHA*sobs*DONT FUCKING LOOK AT ME THAT WAY I SWEAR--
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/j I love ocs
But the points I do wanna focus on is the idea that characters provide new perspectives on the theme, and that characters growth can be tracked based on their wants, lies, and needs.
So see, themes can be predicted the same as genre/plot because while you can have the same fanfic plots and tropes, theme will always vary!
Sometimes it's a journey of selfworth with Revali! Sometimes it's an exploration of trauma with Link. Sometimes it's about how you deal with the vulnerabilities of love with Mipha. Sometimes there's straight up NOOOO theme, and people just be fucking, and kissing, and baking, and having a good time. And that is totally fine too!
But I'm not a fucking coward.
I'm gonna weave in themes with my plot, because I fucking can.
I'm not a weakling like you.
Do you hear me, 2019 Kip? Do you hear me Demmers? Do you hear me Quill? I'm coming for your ass. You think you're so great, but I'm coming for you. Rest assured that your graves will be as deep as your sculptured pride--
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Heeeere is that T-Chart again, plus more!
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yyyyyYou might notice that Revali and Link are quite parallel, to paraphrase. Ayoooo, see what I did there? *dabs* I'm a genius. Anywho
They both start off the same way: 100 years ago they were in love and happy. Basically the equivalent of childish naivety. For the first time in their lives, life is whimsical and charming, and they make each other happy. In fact, it's almost a flaw with how they perceive this happiness. But don't worry! It doesn't last long!
You know what happens.
I think the chart is pretty self explanatory. Revali builds walls fast enough to give a republican a wet dream. Meanwhile Link makes every aromantic in the chat groan with his doubled down sentiments in the idea that his chances of being truly happy again are gone.
Now, I can't exactly describe the full on process of the inbetweens, and where Revali and Link are gonna go from here, because...you have to read it for yourself! Heehee...but something I did think was fun was how these character views on the themes are revealed. Because you'll notice that, I never give exposition. Ever.
Ok well, let me rephrase that. I never give exposition scenes. I will never give you a big LOTR fancy wizard scene explaining the ins and outs of a character's question or the world's magic or whatever. I'm a very impatient Kip, and I value efficiency. Nonono, it's all about multi tasking, baby!
Chapter 1: Holes is divided into three parts.
Post 100 Years - Medoh (Establishes Ghost Rev/Bonk Head Link's view)
100 Years Ago - Flight Range (Establishes old Revalink views)
Post 100 years - Mark (Develops Ghost Rev/Bonk Head Link's view in contrast to who they once were)
I think the way that you structure flashbacks is incredible vital, as it's a very quick way to characterize people without having them say stuff like "I used to be like you, until I took an arrow to the knee" or whatever.
And with the main structure of the chapters and the fic as a whole is focus on their characters, that means I can hide whatever other stuff I want in those scenes, becuase you're too busy absorbing the fun character stuff to realizing I'm giving you boring exposition. Like for example:
Post 100 Years - Medoh and Mark
Foreshadowing for the end of the fic
Set up connection to Medoh with Revali
Link has defeated Windblight
Link has been visiting Revali every night for the past few days
Link has already met Kass and presumably Teba
Link doesn't have the Mastersword
Revali's Gale is still an ability that needs master and practice on Link's end
And that's just some of the stuff.
And see, the only reason I can efficiently give all of this information regarding character, and even exposition, is because of the theme. The themes make everything relevant, and everything circles and encompasses one another, so there's absolutely no wasted space. I mean don't even get me started on how it's gonna be to characterize the other characters around this
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I don't wanna talk about the other characters too much either because that's spoilers, but you can probably take a gandar based on my notes.
And oh my god this is just on the theme of the faults that come with "soulmates" and "true love" and all that, and how even magical destined relationships still require work and effort, and that no one thing or person solves all your problems. And that's not even TOUCHING the shit on trauma and scars. I didn't think it was even possible for me to talk about botw without touching on that, ha. Ah well, I've been talking for too long.
Revalink has a lot o' writing potential so das pretty cool yeah, I am excite
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