#I know people with older phones who it seems to be ok for so maybe it’s a matter of updating :
bloomburnburial · 1 year
my phone is only like 4 years old and this app is already unusable on it
…ok I started making this post to complain about how the app makes my phone extremely hot and slow but as I was typing the keyboard just disappeared. thankfully I can touch type???? it comes back temporarily if I touch inside the post area but as soon as I start typing she is gone.
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0 notes
bunniesanddeer · 7 months
Hi! I hope you’re having a wonderful day or night.
I saw your asks are open and I had an idea. What if it’s a protective Alastor x Reader who is the daughter of a protective Lucifer? Maybe she kept in contact with her dad so they are closer and she is older than Charlie. When Lucifer comes to visit the hotel him and Alastor cause some drama
I hope this is what you were looking for? I am very new to doing things like this!
Daddy's Girl
Pairing: Alastor X Lucifer's Daughter! Reader
Tags: Sisterly love, some sexual connotations, spoilers, some angst maybe? idk, swearing, Mimzy.
Word Count: 1,775
The hotel was eerily quiet when you awoke, so you made your way downstairs to see if anyone was awake. All you could hear as you made your way down the stairs was your quiet footfalls and weird murmuring. As you turned towards the sitting area, you realized the muttering was coming from your younger sister, Charlie.
Charlie was pacing back and forth in front of a pin board covered in colorful papers, and strings. She tugged at her hair, her muttering growing more frantic. As you took in the scene, you realized there were a few people standing and watching her. Niffty was bouncing on the couch, her face full of a strange glee. Husk and Sir Pentious were watching with mixes of bafflement and curiosity.
“Hey, Char Char? Are you ok?” You asked, walking around the couch to get a better view. You saw Angel and Vaggie approach from your peripherals as Charlie whipped around frantically.
“Nope! No. Not really! Haha. Hah…” Her false smile falls as she rips a page off the board. “I have been up all night trying to figure out why the hotel isn’t working! We’ve done every single trust exercise and arts and crafts project I could find! We’ve talked about our feelings and… nothing is working!”
You frown. You knew that things taking so long would eventually get to her, but it was sad to see just how severely. She needed more help. 
You walk up to your sister, and set your hands on her shoulders. “I think…”
Her expression collapses. “Please don’t say it.”
“We should call dad. And ask for his help.”
She winces. She clearly doesn’t want your dad’s help. You can’t exactly blame her, either. The two of you were raised a little separate, and it had affected her relationship with Lucifer pretty badly. Although, you were older, and it had afforded you time with Lucifer before Lilith had started to separate herself from him. Charlie had only had a handful of years before their relationship went south. It showed in her anxiety with him, and Lucifer’s inability to talk to Charlie openly. It made you sad, but you weren’t sure how to fix that rift.
“He’s the reason the extermination happens to begin with! He just let it happen! He doesn’t even like sinners! Why would he help me?” Charlie hugs herself, looking off to the side. “He’s always preferred you anyway.”
You hear some audible winces from the audience by the couch, but you ignore them. You pull her into a tight hug, her taller frame putting you at her collarbones. “You know I would change that if I could, honey.” You squeeze her tightly and say, “We can at least see if he can get you a meeting. Anything to give you the advantage, Char Char.”
She sighs, and hugs you back. “Yeah. I guess we can at least try.”
You pull back. “I think you should call him. I bet he’s dying to hear from you, even though he sucks at showing it.”
Charlie rubs her arm and nods. “Alright. I’ll do it!”
As she struggles to start the phone call, Husk makes comments about her having ‘Daddy Issues’, and you blanch. How rude! (Even if it was true). The others make comments about meeting Lucifer, but you and Vaggie just keep your eyes on Charlie. She seems so nervous, and it makes your stomach twist in knots. 
She finally calls. It rings three times before a faint, “Heyyyy bitch!” rings out on the other end of the line. You facepalm. Good going Dad.
When all is said and done, Lucifer announces he is visiting within the hour, after much cajoling and guilt-tripping on Charlie’s part. Although, from what you could hear, he seemed excited.
Charlie is excited, and so is everyone else in the hotel. You cheer for her, and then the realization hits you. 
Alastor. Fuck.
As the final touches are finished, you sidle up to Alastor with a small grin.
“Please, please don’t start shit. Charlie needs this to work. And I need this to work for Charlie,” you murmur to him. 
He barely glances at you. “Worry not, sweetheart! You know I would never do anything to risk the reputation of the hotel! Charlie will get the help she needs!” His arm wraps around your shoulders, and he squeezes you into his side. For just a moment, his head ducks down, and he whispers into your ear. “Just need to make it clear whose little girl you are now.” Then he perks right back up like nothing happened.
Your face burns hot. How dare he! But you don’t get to do anything in retaliation, because Charlie is opening the door.
“Chaaaaarlie!” Lucifer exclaims, immediately pulling her into a tight embrace. Your sister’s face is full of shock, and you just want to laugh. Ha! You were right! He continues talking to her in the slightest baby voice, and you can’t help but let some giggles escape you. Your dad could be just so silly! “Oh, it’s so good to see you!”
He lets go of Charlie as she welcomes him to the hotel. He spots Keekee first, and pets her. Then greets Razzle and Dazzle. You watch from the sidelines with a small smile. It was nice seeing your dad outside the home. He had been holing himself up for so long… You look up at Alastor, who hasn’t moved an inch since your dad came in.
You elbow him gently. “You okay?”
Alasotr’s expression is tight. His eyes flicker to you for a moment, before landing back on your father. He merely hums in response, making you frown. How odd… You knew the two wouldn’t get along, but for Alastor to dislike him already?
 Then your dad spots the bar. “Oh! What in the unholy Hell is that?” 
Alastor immediately shadow-walks to the other side of the room, and you know it’s time to intervene.
“Oh! Just some of the renovations we’ve made.” Alastor gestures with his mic, before continuing. “Adds a bit of color, don’t you think?” 
You wince, and make your way to Alastor’s side. 
“Hey, Dad,” you say, trying to prevent your dad making any further comments on the decor. That's a good way to piss off Alastor.
“Sweetheart!” Your dad runs up to you, and tries picking you up. You laugh at the tights squeeze. “How’s my girl?” His hands squish your cheeks, making it hard to respond.
You giggle through the ministrations, and finally push his hands back so you can respond. “I’m doing great, Dad. Figured I should introduce you to Alastor here.” You gesture to Alastor, who looks the closest to not smiling that you have ever seen. It makes your stomach feel like lead, as you keep talking. “He’s our facilities' manager, and my…”
Your voice trails off, and you look at Alastor, as if hoping he has the word you are looking for.
“I’m her lover!” Alastor exclaims, quite loudly. His static drops for a moment and then bursts back up in volume, making you wince. Great. He just announced that to everyone in the room. The ‘everyone’ being everyone who didn’t know. You can hear Charlie ‘whoop!’ in the background, and several variations of ‘what the fuck’. “She’s quite the darling. I just couldn’t resist this sweet face!” Alastor grabs at your cheeks, similar to how your dad did, and squishes them. “See?”
You risk a glance at your dad. He looks ready to kill. Fuck. This is absolutely not how you wanted to tell your dad. He nearly killed the last partner you had for ghosting you. You can see your dad’s horns growing, and you push Alastor back.
“Haha! Yeah. Uh. Sorry. I would have told you before now, but we’re kind of new! We were trying to keep it on the down-low for now but…” You glare at Alastor, but he just has this shit-eating grin on his face, and you know he doesn’t care. 
“Right.” Your dad continues glaring at Alastor. You wince, and decide to go over by the snack table. Angel is just giving you this look, and you know he will be asking about Alastor’s dick, which you have not seen, later. Husk seems disappointed in you, and you absolutely know why. You just give him an apologetic shrug, and watch as Alastor and your dad seem to start a pissing match. 
It ends with Alastor in his face saying, “Fuck you,” and your knees nearly give out. Holy shit. 
Charlie finally intervenes, and Lucifer, after some more glaring at Alastor, get her to introduce him to the rest of the residents.
Alastor lays a hand on your shoulder as your dad greets both the guests and the staff. You can feel his thumb rubbing back and forth, and it sends shivers down your spine. You look up at Alastor, but his gaze is still locked on your dad. Annoyed, you roll your eyes with a huff, and look back to the meet-and-greet. Your dad is looking back at you, his frown deep, and a barely audible growl making its way to your ears. Your dad is fucking growling at Alastor. What the Hell?
A rumble builds up in Alastor’s chest, and you can feel it against your back. This one sets heat back up to your face. Gosh, this man needed to get his shit together. No need to start stuff with your dad! Alastor’s hand tightens on your shoulder, before he lets go and stalks back towards Charlie, who is trying to convince your dad to help her. 
And then they’re singing. Because of course. Alastor joins in, saying some things that seem to really piss off your dad, but you can't hear much over the blood rushing in your ears. Sometimes these two could be so embarrassing. When your dad pulls out the golden fiddle, you nearly die laughing. (He still wasn’t over losing that one time!) Everything comes to a head, with the two men yelling insults in each other's faces, when suddenly-
“It’s ME!” A woman barges in through the lobby doors, yelling and calling herself Mimzy. She’s blonde, and dressed like a flapper. Alastor seems to recognize her, so you don’t worry. 
Later that night, when your dad has finally agreed to help your sister get that meeting, you all settle onto the couches, making a game plan. Alastor sits beside you, one foot resting on the other knee. You lean over and ask softly, “What did you say during that song, anyway?”
Alastor’s grin sharpens, and he presses his lips near your ear, again. “Charlie calls me dad, and your eldest calls me Daddy.”
If you nearly choke on your own spit, you refuse to admit it. 
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at0michips · 2 months
interviews and intimacy — mike faist
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summary: the press tour of challengers was coming to an end, and even though Mike liked promoting his new movie all around the world, he was tired and even annoyed of the same old questions, so it did surprise him when a younger woman changed the pattern.
author note: just wanted to say that this is based off my deepest thoughts and hallucinations that this is going to happen to me someday and I just really needed to elaborate it further than in my brain. I have a lot more like this to work on so maybe it becomes a sort of series, who knows!! feel free to request
It was a full day, Mike has been patient and tried to be as social as possible with the press but he couldn't help the bad mood that came with those clueless questions that could totally put him and his coworkers in an uncomfortable situation, especially with both of them openly having a significant other. So when he heard that this would be the last interview of the press he felt relieved, he could go straight back into his house in New York, spend some days in there and go back to Ohio so he could see his family for a bit and then see what was his next step.
Everything seemed like it was going to work out nicely, and then it didn't looked like it anymore. After the new interview crew arrived he could hear some whispering between them.
"W-why does it have to be me?" one of the girls said a little loud only to be shushed by an older woman who was attaching a mic in her clothing
"Because you have a degree, because you have been helping Rose write the last interviews questions, because you're good!" she answered "Calm down, they're just people, ok? I spoke to her on the phone and she promised to pay you dinner next friday, keep that in mind." and then it hit him, that a girl who looked barely out of college was about to lead this interview.
The studio buzzed with the controlled chaos of a film set winding down for the day. Mike Faist sat across from you, a young journalist who had been unexpectedly thrust into the role of interviewer. Initially skeptical of her ability to handle the job, Mike found himself pleasantly surprised as the interview progressed.
"You know, for someone who's filling in last minute, you're doing pretty damn well," Mike remarked, a hint of admiration in his voice.
You felt your shoulders relax a fraction, the tension from earlier slowly dissipating. "Thank you. I'm glad I could hold my own."
Mike nodded thoughtfully, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "More than holding your own, actually. You're asking some really insightful questions."
You couldn't help but smile back, a mixture of relief and pride washing over her. "I've been a writer for a while, just not usually about movies."
"Well, maybe you've found a new calling," he teased lightly, his gaze lingering on her face. "You've definitely got a knack for it."
You felt a warmth spread through your chest at his compliment. "I think I'll stick to writing," you replied, matching his playful tone. "But who knows? Maybe I'll make an exception."
Mike leaned in a bit closer, the studio lights casting a soft glow around the both of you. "I hope you do," he said sincerely. "Because I'd really like to see you again. Maybe over a drink, not in a studio."
You could feel your heart skip a beat at the invitation. "I'd like that too."
As they exchanged smiles, the noise of the studio faded into the background, leaving only the promise of a new connection blossoming between them.
The bar was buzzing with soft chatter and the clinking of glasses, casting a warm glow over you and Mike as you sat across from each other. After the earlier meeting for the interview, something had shifted, probably the intimate ambiance of the place helped it too.
"So, what's it really like being on stage every night?" you asked, with the voice laced with genuine curiosity.
Mike leaned forward, his eyes sparkling as he recounted stories from his time on Broadway. His passion for his craft was evident, and you found yourself captivated not just by his words but by the sincerity in his gaze.
As the evening wore on, the conversation flowed effortlessly, weaving between laughter and moments of shared insight. Mike found himself drawn to your intelligence and wit, and he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something special about you.
The drinks arrived, and Mike hesitated for a moment before reaching out to lightly touch your hand. You looked up, meeting his gaze with a hint of surprise that quickly melted into a warm smile.
"I'm really glad we could do this," Mike admitted, his voice soft but earnest.
You could feel your heart skip a beat. "Me too," you replied, the voice tinged with a mix of excitement and nervousness.
In that moment, the air between you both seemed to crackle with unspoken tension. Without another word, Mike leaned in, closing the gap remaining between the two of you. Your lips met in a gentle, tentative kiss that spoke volumes of the attraction simmering beneath the surface.
It was a kiss filled with promise, a silent agreement of mutual interest and the beginning of something new.
The world around you seemed to fade away as they kissed, your hand finding its way to Mike's cheek as if to anchor yourself in the moment. Mike's heart raced, his mind momentarily forgetting the crowded bar and focusing solely on the warmth of your lips against his.
When you finally pulled back, your breaths mingling in the space between them, Mike searched for your eyes, his own filled with a mixture of wonder and longing.
"Wow," you whispered, your voice barely audible above the soft background music.
"Yeah," Mike murmured, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "That was... unexpected."
You chuckled nervously, feeling a warmth spread around your face. "Unexpected, but definitely not unwelcome."
You sat in comfortable silence for a moment, basking in the afterglow of their kiss. The tension that had built up between you and Mike earlier seemed to dissipate, replaced now by a quiet understanding.
"I should probably walk you home," Mike suggested softly, his thumb gently tracing circles on the back of your hand.
You nodded, a small smile playing on your lips. "I'd like that."
As you guys left the bar and stepped out into the cool night air, Mike offered you his arm, and you gladly linked hers through his. You walked side by side, with the shoulders brushing occasionally, each lost in their own thoughts yet connected by the spark that had ignited that evening.
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atzjieun · 2 months
crash landing
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summary | jieun tries her best to avoid temptation, which is incredibly difficult when there’s a devil (wooyoung) on her shoulder
date | july 2024
contains | 1.7k words, fluff
note | inspired by the ateez airport departure videos 😭
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Flight days were never Jieun’s favourite. 
She’d grown accustomed to flying after years of travelling to different countries for schedules, but there was something about airports that never really sat right with her. Maybe it was the stress of making sure her carry-ons were the right weight, or the long wait times. Either way, she couldn’t wait to get on the plane. 
The moment she walked through the airport doors, Jieun was greeted by a barrage of cameras and microphones in her face. She closed her eyes as multiple shutters began going off, blinded by all the flashes. 
No. This had to be it. 
Luckily, it wasn’t long before their bodyguards began motioning for people to back away, creating a path in the middle of the crowd. One of their managers went ahead, leading the way through the sea of people with the members following close behind. 
Jieun felt a slight tug on the back of her sweater. Looking over, she noticed Yunho standing right beside her, hand placed on the nape of her neck. His gaze scanned the crowd for a moment before he looked down at her and with a small smile, offered his arm. Although covered by her mask, the corners of her mouth tugged upward as she linked arms with the older man. They made their way through the crowd together, occasionally waving to the fans that called their names from the sidelines. 
Although she’d initially rejected his offers, Jieun had become accustomed to linking arms with Yunho whenever they walked through crowded areas. It started a few months after debut, with their growing popularity resulting in heavier crowds as time went on. At some point, Yunho had made it a habit to keep contact with Jieun to ensure her safety, whether it be holding onto her hand, her shirt, or through linking their arms. She wasn’t extremely bothered by crowds, if anything it was just a bit uncomfortable, but it was clear that the small gesture gave Yunho a bit of extra reassurance, so she humoured him. 
The swim through the crowd wasn’t long as they quickly made their way to the check-in area. Once out of the crowd, Jieun unlooped her arm from Yunho’s and reached into her pocket to pull out her phone. She opened her text conversation with Sunwoo, sending him a quick message. 
Me: good luck at your concert! i’m so sorry i couldn’t attend :( 
Sunwoo’s reply came almost instantly. 
Sunwoo: it’s ok, you’re here in spirit :)  Sunwoo: thanks for the snack basket btw Sunwoo: the members finished everything already 😐
Wooyoung walked up to the girl and rested his head on her shoulder as he looked down at her phone. 
“Who ya texting?” 
“Sunwoo,” she answered without looking up. 
Me: i’ll get a bigger basket next time 😭
“Ah, right. They have a concert tonight, don’t they?” 
Jieun nodded, letting out a small sigh. Sunwoo had told her about their concert long before it was announced to the public, surely breaking some rules in the process. She’d been excited initially, but it seemed that luck wasn’t on their side as her flight was scheduled on the same day and there wouldn’t be enough time if she tried taking a later one. The two groups’ tours also overlapped too much, so she wouldn’t even be able to see the concert in a different city later on if she wanted to. 
Wooyoung picked up on the way her shoulders seemed to droop after his question, mouth lowering into a frown. 
“Sucks that we had to leave today,” he said, to which she nodded. Wooyoung stood up straight and let out a small gasp. She looked over her shoulder to see a grin spreading across the man’s face. “You know what will make you feel better?” 
Jieun raised her eyebrows slightly, silently questioning him. Wooyoung reached behind him and grabbed his luggage, holding it out to her with a wide grin. She let out a single chuckle as she looked down at the luggage, shaking her head. Wooyoung had been talking about his new luggage for weeks, bragging about how he’d be able to ride around in style while everyone else would have to walk, in his words, like peasants. 
“C’mon, try it out!” Wooyoung exclaimed. “It’s so fun- look.” He pulled up the handle of the luggage before taking a seat. Jieun stepped out of the way as Wooyoung started riding around the waiting area, much to the amusement of the reporters and fansites that began clicking photos. 
After a couple laps, Wooyoung rode back to where Jieun was standing and hopped off his luggage. He motioned for her to get on, though the girl shook her head. 
“It’s ok, I’m good,” she said, causing Wooyoung to frown.
“Boo, you’re no fun.” 
Jieun rolled her eyes lightheartedly and shook her head. She glanced towards a few of the fansites waiting on the sidelines, waving to the few that she recognized. 
After a couple minutes of waiting, she felt a buzz in her pocket and reached to grab her phone. 
Sunwoo: Wooyoung’s right, you’re no fun
She looked up from her phone to see Wooyoung on his, a smirk settled on his face as he typed away.
“Did you seriously snitch on me to Sunwoo because I didn’t wanna ride the luggage kart?” 
Wooyoung glanced up at the girl with a casual expression and lazily shrugged before looking back down at his phone. Her eyes narrowed at the man before she typed out a response.
Me: wtf Sunwoo: 🤷
She glanced over at Wooyoung, his attention turned toward the other members as he tried convincing Yunho to try out the luggage as well. The latter eventually gave in and took a seat on Wooyoung’s luggage. Jieun watched as Wooyoung showed him how to use the controls before Yunho went off to take the luggage for a spin. Yeosang, having bought the same luggage, joined and followed Yunho around. 
“Looks fun, right?” Wooyoung said from where he stood beside her. Jieun’s eyes remained forward, purposefully avoiding the man’s eyes. “C’mon, Eun-ah, you know you want to.” 
As if on cue, Yunho rode back to where the rest of the members were standing and got off the luggage. He handed it back to Wooyoung, who looked at Jieun with raised eyebrows as he awaited her response. 
She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. After a few seconds of contemplation, Jieun let out a long, tired sigh and nodded. A wide smile spread across Wooyoung’s face as he pushed the luggage toward her. 
“Ok, ok, sit.” 
Unenthusiastically, Jieun took a seat on the luggage and placed her feet on both sides. She watched as Wooyoung showed her each button, how to steer, and which ones to speed up and slow down. 
“Got it?” he asked excitedly. Jieun gave a small hum in response. “Ok, let’s go.” 
Although hesitant at first, Jieun began slowly moving forward as she got used to the controls. She travelled forward a few metres before taking a U-turn and moving back. Jieun made a lap of the empty area before Yeosang put his own luggage into motion and started following the girl.  
Together, the two rode around the waiting area as their members looked on in amusement. Jieun smiled as she made laps, grateful for the mask covering her enthusiasm so she wouldn’t have to admit that Wooyoung had been, at least partially, right. She made a mental note to check out the link that Wooyoung had sent later.
However, as she turned to go back to the rest of the group, Jieun accidentally pressed the acceleration. In a quick attempt to slow herself down, she pressed on the brake, but the sudden halt caught Yeosang off-guard, who had been trailing behind her. He didn’t have enough time to stop, causing the two to crash into each other. Yeosang managed to remain steady and jumped up to avoid falling, but Jieun wasn’t so lucky. The suitcase tipped over, causing Jieun to lose her balance and fall to the ground before she had a chance to catch herself. Gasps echoed throughout the room. 
The members, who had been watching the whole time, were split between bursting into laughter and concern as a few of them went to help her up. Jieun stayed on the ground for a second, processing what just happened before she felt Seonghwa’s hand on her arm. 
“You ok, Eunnie?” he asked as she took his hand, helping her stand up. Jieun nodded and brushed herself off. 
“Yeah, I’m good.” She let out a dry laugh as blood rushed to her face. 
“Ah, Jieun, I’m sorry,” Yeosang said with a soft expression. “Are you ok?” 
Jieun blinked at the boy as she nodded sheepishly. 
“Don’t worry, I’m ok,” she reassured. Jieun reached over and picked the suitcase up off the ground, rolling it over to Wooyoung who was still bent over in laughter. “You can have it back now.” 
Wooyoung let out a sigh and stood up straight, wiping a tear away as he took the suitcase back from her. 
“Thank you. That was great, really. Thank you for that.” 
Jieun closed her eyes, breathing in for four seconds before slowly exhaling to calm herself down. After a couple cycles of this, she shook her head and let out a small chuckle. Maybe she didn’t need a new suitcase after all. 
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A content sigh left Jieun’s lips as she slumped into one of the lounge chairs. They weren’t the most comfortable, but she was just grateful for the chance to sit and relax for a bit after going through customs and security. She put her airpods into her ears, about to close her eyes when the sound of an incoming text caught her attention. Jieun looked down at her phone to see who had messaged her.
Sunwoo: nice crash landing Sunwoo: [view attachment]
Jieun froze at the opened chat, staring down at the video playing on the screen. After a few seconds, her head slowly raised, and she stared at her members with a cold expression.
“Which one of you sent this video to Sunwoo?"
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taglist: @teezingsiyeon
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theodorecanaryhood · 1 year
Family feud
Jason Todd x male! Reader
Reader gets into a dispute with his family, Jason gets protective
Warning: swearing, offensive slur, assault and threat - I also haven’t proof read so excuse any spelling errors!
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Being the youngest always had complications as well as advantages. You always knew what mistakes not to make and you always got to enjoy a childhood a little longer.
The bad parts were that you were babied quite a lot and no one ever took you seriously when you got older, along with the fact that your older Sister had it in her head she would get everything first.
Truth be told you got the career first, moved out first, got a car first, and once you came out to the family, you began to get boyfriends first too.
Now in your early 20’s and your sister turning 30, she was always the jealous type as still could not get into the swing of adulthood just yet.
In many ways people always thought you were older as you matured a lot quicker, seeming to know the madness of life you worked hard to stay stable. In Gotham City of all places.
‘This is Warren’ your sister smiled as she introduced her boyfriend to you.
This was her first serious relationship or at least the first of hers you knew about, y/s/n didn’t have much luck with men and dating.
‘Lovely to meet you’ you smiled as you held your hand out, Warren hesitating to shake it at first.
‘Sure it is’ he chuckled, with a very cut off expression on his face, you could tell he wasn’t going to stick around or would he trouble.
You set the table as you finished up cooking and laid the plates in front of y/s/n and her boyfriend, who was still not interested in making eye contact with you.
‘So how’d you guys meet?’ You asked, sitting down after serving food.
The conversation was very one sided as only your sister made an effort to talk. Warren more or less focusing on his plate, your sister or checking his phone every now and then.
You drifted mentally from the conversation a little as you studied Warren, thinking all different things. Like maybe he has another woman, maybe he was shy, maybe he just wasn’t ready to meet anyone from his girlfriends family yet.
‘Have you spoken to Mum and Dad recently?’ Y/s/n asked you, you nodded.
‘Yeah, they’re enjoying the trip to Mexico, Dad keeps sending me pictures’ you took another mouthful.
Your sister excused herself to the bathroom as you sat opposite Warren, not really sure what to think of him, you respected that your sister liked him.
‘So, you from Gotham?’ You asked, Warren shook his head. Still not looking at you.
‘Well, we will have to give you a tour sometime, there’s great museums and clubs’ you smiled, you stayed as polite as possible but the man wouldn’t even look at you.
‘You ok?’ You asked, he finally made eye contact with you. He looked deep into your eyes and then looked away, playing with his fork as y/s/n came back into the room.
‘Hope you two are getting along’ she joked as she sat back down. Warren turning to her.
‘Can we go now?’ He asked her, very quickly and making clear he wasn’t comfortable.
‘Not yet, haven’t seen my little brother in a while. We need a catch up’ y/s/n replied, you looked confused.
He huffed as he slumped a little more into his chair, the door opened followed by heavy footsteps.
‘Babe, I’m home’ Jason called out, y/s/n shot her eyebrows up as you stood up and walked towards the door.
‘Hey’ you gave a kiss to Jason and walked with him into the dining room.
‘Y/s/n, this is Jason’ you smiled, your sister walking over and giving Jason a hug.
She’d met him before but only ever on FaceTime as she lived further away from you, Jason greeted her with a smile.
‘This is Warren, my sisters boyfriend’ you introduced, the two men eyed each other and shook hands.
‘Pleasure to meet you’ Jason smiled, the look on Warren’s face was surprise more than anything.
‘You too’ Warren kind of mumbled out, Jason stayed polite as he sat down.
‘Hungry?’ You served Jason a plate of food as he sat down next to you.
There was more conversation made but still only three ways now, as Warren still did not speak. You still couldn’t put a finger on it, or understand the problem.
‘Well, let me show you around’ Jason said to your sister as he got up to give her a tour of the apartment.
Warren remained sat opposite you as you sighed, fed up of the ignorance more than anything.
‘Right, is there a problem?’ You shot the question, as all your sister’s boyfriend could do was stare at you again.
‘I’m not comfortable’ was all he replied, you nodded.
‘I don’t feel comfortable being here, with you sitting opposite me when you might flirt with me’ he said. You scoffed in disbelief as you nearly jumped onto your feet.
‘What? Why would I?’ You asked, Warren only kept staring at you.
‘Well you’re a gay guy and I’m a guy’ he replied, you laughed out loud but only because the thought of his response humoured you.
‘You’re really not all that my man, nor are you my type’ you responded, bluntly but also making a point.
‘Fuck you’ he responded as he stood up, you shot up onto your feet too.
‘Give him a prize he fucking speaks’ you shot back as you followed him into the hallway.
‘You disgust me, you and Justin’ he spat at you, venom in his words.
‘It’s Jason, and I really don’t care. Why come here if you knew? What do you care?’ You fired back, the man just stood in front of you.
‘Disgusting little faggot’ Warren’s poisoned words came out as his fist connected with your face.
Jason was there in seconds as he heard only Warren gunning words, your sister not sure of what she was hearing.
‘Don’t touch him’ Jason roared as he grabbed Warren by the collar and threw him to the ground.
You stood up on your feet as Jason brushed your face gently with his fingers, y/s/n rushing over to her boyfriend to help him up.
‘You should be ashamed of yourself, this is assault’ your sister took her turn in firing words to both of you.
You rubbed your now bruised eye as Jason shook his head in pure rage, his eyes would’ve turned black from the fire inside him.
‘Are you serious? This man is a homophobic prick who just physically attacked my boyfriend and your little brother’ Jason stated calmly, but his eyes showing the anger inside him.
‘Keep him away from me’ you said with a crack in your voice as you saw Warren stepping forward.
Jason took your hand in his as a tear fell from your eye, the other eye now bruised from the impact.
‘Let’s go’ Warren rushed as he yanked your sister out of the door.
‘That’s it, get the hell out of my apartment and don’t even think you’re welcome here again. Y/s/n, don’t ever call or text y/n again and you, Warren, you’re lucky I don’t call the police’ Jason boomed as the two walked out of the door.
You cried as you watched your sibling, your family, walk away from you and take another side. A side that had spoken to you like that and had physically hurt you too.
Jason took your hand again as you still stared at the door.
‘It’s gonna be ok baby’
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namjoonscoffeeshop · 2 months
Dear Namjoon| 23
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✧ Pairing: kim namjoon x reader ✧ warning(s): explicit language, suggestive content, mature content ✧ genre: angst,fluff,smut,slow burn ✧ synopsis; You're sent to live with your father and older brother. only that your older brother is in a band called BTS. you meet jimin's friends and automatically get tangled with one of his band members. you're relationship has to be kept a secret but for how long can you keep it that way?
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Jimin has been avoiding my calls, and only exchanges dull messages. I  stopped texting him completely my last message was me telling him that I'm waiting for him to want to talk to me. 
Namjoon was also unreachable, it seemed as if everyone was too busy or bothered  to even acknowledge me. I were planning to visit this week but no one answered me in time to even plan the visit so it didn't happen. It was scary how the deadline namjoon had set to telling jimin was approaching and you weren't anywhere close to making up with him over this trivial matter. 
but this time it wasn't you who postponed telling jimin, but rather namjoon. "it's fine, it's not like I visit very often these days" you nibble on your bottom lip as your boyfriend tells you that jimin still isn't doing great and with the next album approaching it just didn't seem like it was a good idea. 
he was frustrated, with work and the backlash of what had happened had not quiet down at all. people are really good at reminding you of your worst moments. but everything he was saying was only adding to your reasons of ending this relationship with him. he was adding to the fire without knowing and the flames were getting to the point to where it will be impossible to tame. 
"namjoon, I-"
"Give it to jungkook" namjoon yells to jin from across the hall as he was sneakily talking to you. "sorry babe, we're just so busy...what were you going to say?" you felt bitter. 
"nothing, I have to go. let's talk later alright" you try to sound as cheerful as possible but it was in vain, his attention was somewhere else completely he didn't notice you weren't ok, or maybe your expectations are just to high. 
that's all he said before ending the call. 
Namjoon was laying on the floor of the practice room, he could not sleep and decide to just practice since he should do good with any free time he had. he stared at his phone screen, his finger hovering over your photo. glancing at the corner of his screen 3:30am, he lets out a sigh turning off his screen. 
You both haven't seen each other for a long time now, and he was feeling like a jerk about it.  He kept thinking about how you might've been right about ending it, but he didn't want that. He knew how much this relationship was stressing you and that you thought there were more cons than pros.....but he wanted you. 
sitting up he stared at himself in the mirror before looking down at his phone again. 
"fuck it" tapping on your photo the phone rings. 
and it rings
and it rings
and it rings
"hello?" her soft voice making his beating heart calm down as he exhales. 
"hey" he says slowly 
"are you alright?" he hears shuffling in the other end and knows you were sleeping but his selfishness didn't let him feel bad for waking you up. "sorry I woke you up" he lets out a chuckle.
"no it's alright, I was just surprised you called" 
"I know..I haven't been there for you a lot lately" 
"it's fine, i understand" 
laying back down on the floor he stares at the ceiling, so many thoughts flooded his mind and your silence didn't help him with keeping rational thoughts. he was starting to see what you meant, how this relationship right now could cause so much trouble and he thought he couldn't be as confident as he was before. 
"can you just...what have you been up to" his voice shakes, but you were too tired to notice.
shutting his eyes he holds his phone up to his ear and hears you talk about the stuff you've been doing, he wanted you to tell him everything you had not been able to these past weeks but what he really just wanted was to hear your voice.
before he could respond to you he hears the door to the practice room open automattically he sitting up he faces the man who walked in. 
"jimin" he says quietly, your voice freezing at his name
"what are you doing here" the younger member says, walking to him. 
"i see you on the phone" jimin laughs 
"yeah...it's y/n" namjoon says, eyes never leaving jimin. as if to read his reaction but jimin didn't do anything, he put down his bottle and stood in front of the mirror, looking at namjoon's reflection. 
"this late?" 
jimin stared for a moment then reached for the control on the floor and turned on the music. his body moving to the choreography they learned earlier as he ignores namjoon's stares. "are you planning to never make up with her" namjoon speaks up. 
"that's none of your business" jimin continues to dance, jumping he lands on his left foot as he leans forward. 
everyone was silent, he tried to concentrate on the phone against his ear as he tried to hear you but noticed that you weren't saying anything either. 
"I'll just hang up now...it's late so" you're voice was small, his eyes never leaving jimin as he thought how much of a jerk he was for how he was treating you. 
"alright, i'll call you later" he says into the phone before hanging up. 
placing his phone in the bag that laid near him, he gets up and joins in on the choreography. it didn't last long before jimin who had the control in his pocket suddenly turns off the music. 
"since when are you close with my sister?"
wiping his front, his eye brows creased at the hostility in his voice, "we became friends ever since you introduced her to us" trying to avoid eye contact he walk over to the bench that had a 24 of water bottles. 
"yeah? just friends huh" he scoffs 
"yeah, just friends" 
"close enough to be calling this late?" 
"she had called me yesterday and I didn't see until now, you know how busy I am after what happened" 
"for what"
"to ask how her brother was doing" sitting on the bench he clenches the bottle in his hand as he talks to jimin, the real answer as to why he called you was at the tip of his tongue but he couldn't say it. the way jimin was treating you made him want to just tell him that you guys were dating.
"it's not her fault you know, and i'm not saying it's yours either but still. the way you're treating her isn't right" gathering his things, namjoon pats his shoulder as he makes his way out the practice room. 
"I didn't get to talk to her like i wanted" he mumbles. 
he was pacing in the dorm, his thumb nail between his teeth as he stared at the screen "jimin?" jungkook calls out his name 
"whats wrong?"
"my sister" is all his says but those two words still made jungkook feel his heart beat race "what about her?" 
"I've been acting like a dick and now I wanna call her but I don't even know what to say to her" he put his phone on the counter and takes a seat. jungkook stares at him before glancing at his phone "just call her, thats it"
"since when is namjoon close with her?" jimin looks at jungkook, after yesterday the whole conversation replayed in his head. "did you guys also get close?"
jungkook swallows before chuckling "your sister is a really friendly person. it's not like she isn't unlikeable" 
"yeah but...i don't know..forget it" he laughs making jungkook feel even more uneasy. 
a little over a month passed and the announcement was released for the next album. Namjoon and you talked more, since jimin had seen namjoon that night talk to you and he didn't say anything in the matter the two of you thought it would be fine. 
but you wouldn't say that everything was better, jimin still had not contacted you and well the secret was still there. Namjoon said that it'll be better to not say anything until we talked again but i'm not sure I want that. 
how can I tell him right after we make up, he'd stop talking to me all over again. 
but it didn't matter how much time I thought I had, I should've known with this luck of mine that nothing would've gone my way. 
entering the building you looked around trying to find someone you recognized but there was only one person in the lobby. 
bitting your lip you take a deep breath as you head for the elevators... it was his birthday, of course he wouldn't kick you out...would he? walking down the hall as you exited the elevator you stood in front of the familiar door. 
your hand hovered over the door bell as you hesitated to press and confront your brother. 
"what are you doing" startled by the voice behind you, you turn quickly looking at a more mature jungkook. holding your breath you bit on your lip "i'm here to see my brother" 
"then why not enter" his brow raises in question, stepping forward he leaves no space between the two of you as reaches next to you sliding up the cover to enter the code. you could smell his cologne from how close he was standing "he's in his room, exhausted from practice" he pulls the door open "even if he is your older brother, lecture him will you? he doesn't take care of himself as he should and if someone points it out he" frustrated just thinking about jimin's recent behavior he stares down at you "why aren't you entering"
"you're in my way" breaking eye contact he steps back and you enter the apartment "right" jungkook mutters behind you as he enters after you. 
"he stares at his phone a lot, debating if to call you or not. honestly I didn't think he could drag it out this long but then again the work he does doesn't give him the luxury  to sit around and call people" setting down the bags on the counter he turns to look at you with arms crossed against his chest "you could've also called instead of following his stupid childish tantrums...you both really are siblings" he rolls his eyes. 
"all you ever do is blame me for everything, brat" 
"yeah well" shrugging he begins to unpack the bags. you glare at his back for a second before walking down the hall towards his room. turning back you call out to him "hey, who else is here"
"if you're asking for..him. he's not here, he's at the studio recording" you give him a small nod, turning the door knob, the dark room gets a bit of light from the hall. 
closing the door you sneak up next to the bed, hearing his small snores you couldn't help but smile. the little light that manage to enter the room from the curtains let you see his face that just like jungkook's had changed significantly. 
so much was running through your head, how'd you try to make up with him. tell him about namjoon, and hope he doesn't kick you out in the spot or fight namjoon. but seeing him sleeping made you also realize how petty he had been towards you. who cares if what jungkook said was true, he was still being a dick towards you. 
so you did, the only thing you could've done as his sister. 
pulling on the sheet slowly, you climb onto the bed. grabbing a good grip on him you push him with all your force off the bed his body slamming to the ground made him yell. 
 "what the fuck" jimin curses, groaning as he held his head. 
sitting up he pulls at the curtain, the window not so far from his bed he lets light come in. "sleeping in this late? you're lazy" jimin who had been rubbing his eyes stops, and stares at you. "oh it's you" he mumbles as he lifts himself off the ground to sit on the bed next to you. "I'm not lazy, i've just been working hard" 
"i've heard" you roll your eyes as he tries to lay back down, pushing you as he gets comfortable. not wanting him to ignore you or feel awkward because of the distance that was obvious between the both of you. 
sighing you pull the covers up and lay next to him, the two of you are silent as you both stare at the ceiling. usually he would apologize first when ever there was a fight but he was silent and you thought he had fallen asleep. 
turning to face him he slightly looks your way before clearing his throat "what"
"are those wrinkles" you jokingly touch the corner of his eye, swatting your hand away 
"stop" he scowls 
"you have to stop stressing brother, it's starting to show. mom has a good anti-aging cream maybe if I ask her she'll send a ba-" sitting up he chuckles "you really are so annoying you know that" you smile at him and shrug your shoulders as if you did not care. 
"i'm sorry" you both say in unison 
"no, you shouldn't need to apologize. it was me who took my anger out on you" scratching his head he sighed "you were just there and I blew. I didn't know how to..."
"I understand, I was being rather annoying too wasn't I" shaking his head, you both smiled at each other awkwardly. 
"I should thank namjoon" 
"namjoon? why?"
"just for checking on you and well reminding me- doesn't matter...but you both are just friends right?"
he shuts his eyes, leaning against the head board as he yawns clearly still tired. opening his eyes he looks at you and raised a brow. 
"yeah just friends" you felt your body jolt at the voice that came from behind you. turning around you see your boyfriend leaning against the door frame "as much as I'm happy you both finally reconciled the food is here and we're all hungry" walking into the room he stops beside the bed "and you know that if you're not fast enough there won't be any more food" placing his hand on your shoulder he smiles "how have you been?" 
you chuckle at his acting and stand up to hug him "good, and you" jimin who didn't give the action much thought makes his way to the door "well lets go then" you watch as jimin walks out the room with the two of you close behind him. you kept giving namjoon glances, inside you were screaming so happy to finally see him. 
leaning down he whispers into your ear discretely "i've missed you"
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chloe-skywalker · 2 years
Revealed - Wonder Woman
Diana x fem!reader daughter
Warnings: none
Word count: 835
Summary: Y/n meets her mom's friends and their kids for the first time.
DC Masterlist
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“Mom” Y/n spoke as she entered their huge apartment home before stopping in her tracks at the sight of all the superheroes in their home.
“Y/n, these are my co-workers.” Diana told her daughter even though she was sure she already guessed that.
Y/n nodded pointing to all of them. “Mom I know who they are. Both sides of them. All of them.”
“How?” Clark asked what everyone in the room was thinking.
“It's really not that hard to figure out.” Y/n smiled trying not to laugh. I mean how did people not know was her question.
“How-” Dick went to start but didn’t know how to finish since he did have to admit it was at points very obvious.
“Wait.” Arthur waved a hand and turned to face Diana. “Isn’t the real question here about how this young woman called Diana ‘mom’?”
“You never told us you have a daughter.” Bruce looked curiously at Diana. He thought he knew everything about her when he looked into her.
“None of us talk much about our ‘normal’ lives when we’re together.” Diana had a point, they never talked about their day jobs or night or part time. Never talked about their kids either and most of them had kids. So Diana just never brought it up.
“Well, do you have a name gorgeous?” Jason came over to her to ask with his signature smirk.
“Really Todd?” Damian tutted shaking his head at his older brother's cheesiness.
“Yes, really Demon’s spawn.” Jason rolled his eyes.
“You barely know her yet your flirting?” Damian disapproved of Jason’s actions.
“That's the point of flirting, brat.” Jason grumbled, pointing out the obvious.
“They always fight like this?” Y/n asked the brother that was standing next to her watching his idiot brothers.
“Pretty much.” he nodded before turning to face her so he could introduce himself. “I’m Dick by the way.”
“y/n.” she reached out to shake his hand.
Her name has caught the other two boys' attention, which had Jason smirking. “Nice to meet you, Y/n.”
Y/n smirked back at Jason before looking back to Dick. “Nice to meet you, Dick.”
With that, Dick couldn’t help but laugh, oh if Jason wanted this girl he’d have to work for it. Damian smirked, maybe he could like this girl.
“Hey, Man. Not cool.” Jason pouted at Dick. But even with what just happened he still liked the girl. She had fire.
“So are you Diana’s birth daughter or?” Damian asked very bluntly which made Dick and Jason let out a sigh and a groan.
“Ok that's enough rudeness. Demons spawn.” Jason interrupted.
“Agreed” Dick stated staring down at the black haired boy.
“Its ok.” Y/n said glancing at Dick and Jason before answering. “I’m kinda both. I have her DNA, and my powers are similar to hers. But she didn’t birth me.”
Damian nodded. “Interesting.” An with that he turned and walked away.
“Ok then.” Y/n nodded not knowing what exactly just happened.
“He’s always that rude.” Jason told her noticing her expression.
“Good to know.” Y/n nodded this time in understanding.
After an hour or two later Diana looked over towards her daughter before telling her. “Y/n, sweetheart. Time for us to go home.” The mother and daughter had more than one home and if they were gonna go to Themiscrya they would need to leave soon.
“Okay” Y/n answered turning to get numbers to stay in contact. After all, she just made some new friends.
“Seem’s like she became good friends with my boys.” Bruce stated as they both watched their kids switching phones. Obviously exchanging phone numbers.
“Seems like it.” Diana smiled agreeing with the older Wayne.
Bruce let out a sigh, he had to ask. “Why’d you never say anything Diana?”
Diana gave him a tight smile. “I wanted to keep her out of all this for as long as I could.”
Diana knew Bruce would understand that one. If only every kid he took in would’ve wanted nothing to do with his nightly activities.
Bruce nodded in understanding. “That I understand, but you could’ve told us.”
Diana smiled gratefully at Bruce. “I know, Bruce.”
“I hope you’ll bring her over to the Mannor sometime.” he added Bruce knew Alfred would love the girl.
“With the way your boys are reacting I think it will be sooner rather than later.” Diana smiled knowingly tilting her head to the side.
“Yeah…” Bruce sighed making Diana let out a laugh. “Well, just come over anytime. We’ll all have dinner.”
“Soon Bruce. I promise.” Diana had to admit it did sound nice.
“Good. She’s welcome at the manner anytime. Let her know that, ok?” Bruce raised his brows before turning to get his jacket so he and his boys could leave as well.
“Bruce.” Diana called out stopping him in his tracks. Once Bruce turned to look at her Diana sent him a warm smile. “Thank you.”
Everything Tag:
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seoll3miwrites · 5 months
Doing Time | Criminal Minds
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Chapter 1. Looking at me
Back to Masterlist
In which Hana goes to a job interview at the FBI which is 'totally' where an ex Assassin should work. Chapter Title: Looking at Me by Sabrina Carpenter
Hana first day was as uneventful as one could be as a BAU candidate, she'd exited the lift to what she hoped was the correct floor and approached the front desk. She was clutching the strap of her small black bag tightly in her hand.
"Hey, is this the BAU?" She asked the young woman at the front who was likely around her age.
"No this is Baskin Robbins how can I help you today" she replied not looking up from her phone. 
"Well can you either get me a ice cream or point me in the right direction otherwise I can go elsewhere"
She look up at her for the first time seemingly impressed someone had actually played along with her. "Not bad, we'll get along just nice. Oh and don't worry you're in the right place. Just through those doors" she pointed towards the glass doors just to the right of the main desk. 
"Perfect thank you so much..." 
"Thank you Gerry, I'm Hana"
"Have a good day Hana" she smiled, waving her off before glancing back down to her phone. 
Hana moved away from the front desk and entered through the glass a look around the large bullpen. There were at least ten main desk scattered around the room, and on the higher platform section there were seemingly three rooms. Hana presumed these were the rooms for the section chief, supervisor and of course the conference room. 
As she was looking around Hana was soon approached by a tall man who was well dressed in a simple smart suit, his badge on display showed the named A. Hotchner; Unit chief. 
"Can I help you?"
"Are you SSA Hotchner?"
"I am, and you are?"
"Oh okay, well I'm Hana Fedorov one of the new candidates ... I got an email saying I have a interview today"
"Of course thank you for coming, but I must let you know that we're currently on a case so it may be a long interview process."
"Not to worry sir, I'm known for my patience." Hana replied to the imposing man. Aaron was younger then she'd pictured, but was definitely someone of authority. He had a simple but smart haircut alongside a clean shaven face, and his wardrobe were all clearly a way to subconsciously make others know he was in control.
She subconsciously shook her head in order to stop herself from profiling further, she'd heard rumours in the academy about how the BAU wasn't all that fond on profiling their team mates; especially their bosses.
"So erm where should I wait?" 
"Just outside are some seats, the other candidates should be there as-well" Hotchner said before pointing towards the glass entrance doors. 
"Ok, thanks" she smiled brightly at the tall man before making her way out the doors he had pointed to. She immediately saw the line of candidates either sat or standing down the hallway, and as much as she'd deny it; Hana was a little intimidated. These people were older than she was by a significant amount in terms of experience both in life and on the field. In reality she had just as much experience too but she couldn't tell anyone what that experience is let alone the FBI. 
Taking a deep breath as her father taught her, she stepped down the hallway and found a spare seat next to another woman. She took another deep breath, once she sat and placed her bag down in front of her legs. 
"Nervous?" The woman next to her asked, causing Hana to turn towards her before answering.
"Just a little, I think I'm youngest one here..." She joked as she scanned.
"I'm just glad I'm not the oldest",at this both women turned to look at each other smiling softly, before falling into quiet laughs. "I'm Tara by the way"
"Nice to meet you, I'm Hana"
"Hmm both double a, sounds like fate"
"Maybe I'm not a huge believer in that"
"Well either way, I should get your number in case we never see each other after this. You seem a lot of fun"
"I'd like that", It was shame the BAU was one looking for one spot, it would've been nice for Hana and Tara to be teammates.
At that moment, Agent Hotchner came back out from the bullpen and approached the group again. "Can I have everyone's attention, please." 
Everyone, including Hana and Tara, promptly turned their full attention towards the imposing figure stood by the glass doors.
"The BAU is working an active case, so this interview process may take some time." He explained before continuing,  "Does anyone need to return to their field office?"
After that majority of the group either shook their head or verbally responded no. Pleased with this response Hotchner turned towards Tara, "Good. Dr. Lewis, we'll start with you."
At this Tara quickly stood before she responded a simple "Absolutely." and moved to follow him through the glass doors, but not before turning back to Hana and waving bye. 
After Tara left spent the next thirty minutes in the same seat reading through her past few messages on her phone. Most were from either her phone provider or random promotional offers that she opted to ignore. The one that she focused on was a message from a unknown number, likely from a burner phone. It simply read 'Been missing the Black Lion, are you ever coming back to play?' and Hana knew exactly who it had come from.
She had no intention of returning to her past she hadn't done a job since she was 17 and that was almost 8 years ago. After she'd been brought in and given a second chance, how could she throw it all away for people she hadn't seen in years. Also, those were the worst fucking years of her life. So fuck that.
With a sigh, Hana made the decision to quickly block the number and close her messages. Opting instead to play one of the random games she had on her phone, it wasn't very productive but it would at least pass the time and relax her.
Eventually she saw Tara come back through and make her way back over. "Hey!"
"Hey, how it go?"
"I think it went well. He said I had a good amount of experience"
"Oh really? That's sounds good"
There's no way Hana was getting this job.
"Yeah but who knows I was the first one interviewed anything can happen." She smiled softly at Hana. It was clear she was doing this to make her feel better but Hana knew that Tara was incredibly happy with how her interview went. 
"Agent Fedorov" She quickly moved her head towards Hotchner at the end of the hall who had called her name. "You're next, if you'd just follow me"
"Okay... sure" Hana stood to follow him making sure she didn't leave anything behind. As she walked through the bullpen she noticed it was full of activity with people moving between the desks and speaking rapidly to each other. Whatever case the BAU were on was high profile that much was clear.
When Hotchner approached the door to his office he held the door open for her. As she stepped in first she couldn't help but analyse the room and in turn the man was interviewing her. The office was incredibly well kept and clearly belonged to someone in control, but there was also a single frame on the desk that although facing away from her, was clearly some form of family photo so he wasn't a complete robot. 
"You can take a seat" He began as he took his own seat behind the desk. Once Hana a took one of the chairs opposite he continued, "I must say first of all you're not like the other candidates we have lined up" 
"Yes but also, your past history is curious" He flipped open a file that was on his desk. "It seems there's no record of you before age 17. Why is that?" 
Hana wondered if this how suspects felt in the interrogation room. "I was living in Russia for the first 16 years of my life, I was taken to the US after escaping a pretty bad situation." 
"Do you have any records of your time Russia?"
"My father was off the grid, he hated the government so he refused to be on record" She let out a sigh before continuing, "It also meant he didn't want me on record. I mean I was homeschooled for most of my life" 
"Well considering I must say I'm impressed by what you've achieved since." He flipped to another page as he continued, "You graduated at the top of your class at the academy and is currently one of our youngest agents active in the field" 
"I was told to aim for greatness" 
"Well with these credentials you could go on to do great things, so why join the BAU?" 
Hana clenched her fists tightly as she thought of an answer, "I've seen a lot of bad things happen so I'm not ignorant to the type of people you guys deal with, and I wanna help be the reason those types are put away for good" 
"You think you have what it takes? This job can be hard for most, let alone someone fresh from the academy"
"I know I do." She steeled her face making sure to show how serious she was, she could see that he was watching her carefully trying form some type of profile. 
Yet before he could continue someone knocks on the door before entering. "We're ready to deliver the profile" 
"Thanks, We'll be right there Rossi" Agent Rossi nodded before heading back out into the bullpen. "I want you to hear the profile too, all the candidates actually"
"Okay" Hana stood and followed Hotchner out into the main bullpen where she could all the other candidates crowded round the BAU as they stood waiting for the pair to join them. After spotting Tara in the crowd, Hana quickly made her way over and stood next to her. As she found her place Agent Morgan began the briefing 
"The unsub that we're looking for is a contract killer who is doubling back to kill his former customers." 
"This man is highly skilled and well-trained." continued Morgan "Under no circumstances should he be engaged without back-up."
"So is this a case of organised crime tying up loose ends?" Tara questioned bringing Hana's attention back to the room instead of the ringing in her ear.
"Organised crime's got nothing to do with this, 
At least not in the traditional sense. " Agent Rossi answered before Dr Reid continued. 
"In 2013, the bureau took down the silk road network " Hana had heard of this, the dark web was almost unusable during those months. Most people like her had to kick it old school. "Our initial assumption was that it was an encrypted online market for illegal drugs, which it was, but upon further inspection, we were stunned at the breadth of goods and services being traded online. Weapons, child porn, even hit men." 
Hotchner then chimed in, "And the payment scheme was escrow based, in which the buyer would put down half as a deposit and the other half when the seller delivered." 
By this point Hana was going through head of all her previous 'acquaintances', immediately striking off anyone she knew was either dead or incarcerated. 
"We've now confirmed that all 3 victims hired the unsub over the past year through a similar escrow system."
"So why is he killing his old clients?"
"Hit men don't leave a message unless you pay them to." Rossi answered quickly, "The exception is to leave a warning for customers or competitors."
"This unsub suffered some sort of injury to his jaw or voice, most likely as a result of something these customers did. The pulcinella mask is his statement on revenge and justice" Dr Reid continued once again, Hana was impressed with how rapid fire and precise these guys were giving this profile. 
"Betray the oath between customer and contractor and you pay the price. Now, normally a man with this kind of defect would attract attention." Reid continued to explain "The fact that he hasn't indicates that he has deep pockets and a network of resources at his disposal."
"Share this profile with your local divisions and with law enforcement." Hotch ended the briefing speaking directly to everyone in the room. "Search for escrow payments to match the unsub to his clients. One of those clients will be his next target."
At that everyone dispersed in various directions, while Hana followed quickly behind Hotchner as he made his way back to his office.
Next Chapter
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brandogenius · 6 months
could we get a fic of ya and phoebe based on what u said how phoebe is when ya is upset? maybe ya read hate comments or something happening at home and has shut down for the past week and phoebes had enough and wants to get to the bottom of it 💕
yes!!! sorry this may not be good D: i wrote this up quickly!!! AHHH
ONE SHOT: phoebe & young artist - spiralling
word count: 915
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“put the phone down”
you locked the phone and threw it beside you. you gave phoebe a glare before returning to your toast. tension on the bus was so thick you could cut it with a knife.
it was obvious what going on. three days ago was the last show before a break for a bit. the break due to traveling. you were coming down with the flu which unfortunately meant your voice wasn’t in good shape. you hold yourself to high expectations, and that night wasn’t to the standards you try to achieve.
julien; lucy and phoebe all collectively knew you were spiralling. someone who found themselves on social media most of the time, searching through twitter for comments , negative and positive. hearing negative comments which were just from haters, it made you upset and frustrated. and unfortunately it seemed like you’ve been taking that frustration on the three older musicians in front of you.
it felt like everything was happening all at once. it just..wasn’t a good few weeks for you. you tried to hold out as best as you could but it seemed like the hate comments were getting to you.
“i don’t want to talk about it” you snapped. julien stared into her coffee mug as lucy collected the plates, dropping them into the sink and announcing her departure to the bathrooms. julien quickly got up too, taking the opportunity to leave and go outside for a bit.
which brought you to now.
phoebe sat across from you, her arms crossed and a frown on her face.
“i can tell somethings up- and don’t try to tell me everything’s fine because i know it isn’t.” phoebe was quite blunt. she doesn’t like to leave things waiting or stalling. seeing you in distress and being upset made her upset too. angry at the people who caused you to shed a few tears late at night when you thought nobody could hear you.
“can we drop this?”
“phoebe..” you gave a sigh, placing your head in your hands. why was she like this.
you heard shuffling around you before arms wrapped around your frame. phoebe got up from the other side and walked towards you. settling herself onto the couch and bringing you into her arms.
“i worry a lot” she muttered, gently prying your hands away from your face. “you’re still so young and have so much ahead of you. being in this headspace and only associating yourself with negative comments does not do yourself good. trust me i know”
the older woman looked down at you with such sincerity you felt ashamed. ashamed to worry the older woman. ashamed to be in this position where she feels the need to make sure you’re ok.
you were someone who felt like you didn’t deserve that. you didn’t deserve kindness from others. you could manage by yourself even if it came with an expense of longing for something you won’t allow yourself to have.
“i don’t want you to worry” you open your mouth to say more but phoebe beats you to it.
“i don’t care- you’re gonna have to get used to this while you’re on tour with us. i’ve seen you shut yourself out like you have when you first arrived on tour, kid. i know that’s not you.”
“these hate comments you’re getting are just a bunch of dickheads who can rot in piss for all i care. they are a bunch of losers who have nothing better to do than waste their time on the internet obsessively hating on another person who did nothing wrong” phoebe stated. you nodded your head, eyes taking interest in your lap. picking at the nail polish on your nails. phoebe continued
“our entire lives are on the internet. all our work is on the internet for everyone to see. streaming music and people posting concert clips. we’re bound to have people hate us. we can’t make everyone like us.. if it’s about the last show we did-“
“don’t talk about that” you cut phoebe off.
“i don’t think nothing was wrong with it, kid” phoebe sighed.
“i sounded like shit”
“i can tell you a hundred present honestly, you didn’t. ask the boys. they’d agree with me. you’re choosing to believe what random people on the internet think, rather than the people you preform with?” phoebe gave you a look.
you felt quite small under her gaze. like a child getting scolded by their parent.
“i mean.. they must’ve heard it live to comment right?”
“what if they didn’t?” this made you look up. “what if they didn’t even go to the show? just choosing to say shit for the fun of it. like i said, a random person on the internet who knows jack shit”
“i guess- it sounds stupid now” you felt the embarrassment creep up in your stomach. anxiety settling in. phoebe poked your shoulder in a playful manner
“there’s no need. it’s not stupid. you’re young and you have so much in life ahead of you. hate will come. there’s no denying it. we will all get hate. you just gotta be strong and not give a fuck about it. you have us behind you”
“you’ll tell us if anything else is bothering you right? not letting yourself bottle it up until you lash out. yeah?”
“yeah” you have phoebe a small smile as she ruffled your hair.
“good. i’ll leave you to it then?”
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thislovintime · 7 months
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Some more Ask Peter Tork selections...
"Hello Peter, OK, it's hard to actually type anything here, because it is hard to believe this could be you. Remember me, the crazy lady in the 4th row at the concert in NJ, in the 80's holding a big sign that read, ‘I LOVE PETER.’ Of course you couldn't have noticed with that huge crowd, but I do want to say; thanks for the FUN! My question to you now is, about today's young people, and their strong dependence on their parents. I've seen other people my age (54) going through the same thing, and wonder if our peace, rock & roll, drugs, drinking, and party days, have contributed to their actions and behaviors now. My 25 year old son still lives home; he has things like, a TV, cell phone, guitar, drums, and some other smaller instruments. He over the years, had thoughts of being a rock star, had and has, drug, and depression issues. And like many other young men, loves beer, concerts, parties, clothing, girls, and sports; all just the same. There is no real motivation for much else, hence the still living at home. At least after the 60's/70's hullabaloos, our generation eventually went to work, moved out, and learned to be independent. Unless maybe today, things (even music) are just so expensive, it seems un-comprehensible. Are we as parents giving up, giving material items, and giving in, not wanting to be the same as our own parents? Are we way too cool to be more aggressive in how we talk to them? Are we still living our own "Hippie" care free life through them? Also, have you yourself ever actually witnessed what I'm talking about? Oh yeah, one more thing, is it easier for some parents to be able to kick them out 'For their own good,' than other parents? Yours Truly, Shell New Jersey"
"Dear Shell, I remember you well. You were awfully cute there in the 4th row. But on to important matters. First of all, I'm pretty sure there is no blanket statement about your question that would cover the situation. For instance, of course some parents find it easier to kick out their kids than others. That's just natural. But as to the general average of kids today staying more with their parents than in days of yore, well, I partly blame those who let the economy go to hell in a hand basket...or perhaps actively took it there is a better description. It's tougher now than it used to be to find a job, and there is less of a spirit that finding one will give one a real chance to come up in the world. It's therefore understandable that 25-year-olds and some even well older would be discouraged, and have very little incentive to go forth and make their way. Still, I am pretty sure that wanting to work rather than lay about is a preference in human nature, as long as no major roadblocks stand in the way. As to whether it was our hippie lifestyle that led us to treat our kids in ways that made them lazy, well, I wouldn't know for sure. But I do know that every generation is formed by the previous generation's reactions to their parents' generation, etc., etc., since time immemorial. We did the best we could with what we had, and if we don't like what we see, I'm not sure we can do much for the next generation anymore. I believe that my kids appreciate that I am still working on my own life, and that gives them encouragement not to give up, whatever else they may think of me. I don't have much to say about the way they live their lives. Of course, they aren't encamped in my basement, either. Meanwhile, I counsel patience and love, of course. Best of luck, Peter" - Ask Peter Tork, July 2010
"Dear Peter, My name is Mary and I’m in tenth grade. I’ve been struggling recently because all of my friends and teachers think that I should have a 'direction' to my life. They tell me that I need to have my future planned out right now. What college am I going to? What career field will I try to get into? I don’t know how to answer any of their questions. Should I know what I want to do with my life even though I’m only fifteen? Thank you, Mary C."
"Dear Mary, 'Should'? I don’t know from should anymore. I once heard someone say 'Don’t "should" on yourself.' I eventually worked it out to where the word 'should' requires the phrase 'in order to.' You 'should' turn left here 'in order to' get to the grocery store. Like that. So, the question becomes, 'in order to'… what? Check out the letter and answer beforehand. Do you know what you want to be when you grow up? No? Well, perhaps a little investigation is in order. When you were little, what did you dream of becoming? Airline pilot? Doctor, nurse, veterinarian or horse trainer? Wonder Woman? Rock star? Newspaper reporter? Or did you imagine that a life of marriage and kids plus a bit of a trade as, say, a hair stylist was heaven on earth? Go back to your early daydreams and see whether any of them still holds a charge. Be careful here: if you don’t know instantly what your dreams were, then it’s possible that you were discouraged from holding on to them. If that’s true, then that discouragement will get in the way of your trying to access those dreams now. Be extremely gentle with yourself, even to the point of sickeningly coddling yourself (for a little while anyway, heheheh). If your childhood dream comes to the fore, you will have all you need to decide whether and where to go to college, or whatever else you may need. One note: it’s wonderful to decide to, say, become a musician, but if “famous musician” is your goal, you may be in for more trouble than you want. If you pursue your dream for what it gives you and let it take you where it will, you will have a pretty cool life almost no matter what. I’m really sure about this. Get back to me if it’s not working out. Best of luck, Peter" - Ask Peter Tork, July 2010
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peaky-shelby · 2 years
New Romantics | Mbappé [3]
» summary: in which an arrogant and talented football player (the best of his time as some say) and a focused and harsh critic of a journalist are gonna have to find a way to co-exist.
« Previous chapter
» chapter 3: road to ruin
» writers note: well hello beautiful people! This one is a long one. I usually write chapter 2000 words so this one is an exception 😋 but i also wanted to leave you with a cliffhanger so you'll want more 👀 made a playlist so check out if you want you can listen while reading ⚽
» Taglist: @moonchildohh @formulahoe @princetongirlll818 @mavieesttriste16 @kiwisa @godessstela @hummusxx @kodzuvk @pink-manz @corbyns-smile @ippid @jayruiewo265738 @blueanfield @mrs-bellingham @sorceresski @sooblovebot @okayymochi @army7g @j-rbps @heli991113
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“So, are they as hot in real life as they are on the screen?”
Taylor laughed when hearing the question. She had the phone balanced between her ear and her shoulder while she was packing her clothes. “That’s your first question after everything you heard?”
“How is that not the first thing you notice after working with 20 of the hottest guys in France.” Trish asked. Taylor let down her clothes and took the phone in her hands, holding it to her ear.
“I’m in immune to footballers.” She explained “I’m a woman, if I show a hint of affection towards any of them people are gonna think it influences my writing, let alone my coaching.” She sat on the edge of the bed, looked up at the ceiling “I’ve trained my brain to see footballers as the least attractive human beings on the planet.”
“And that’s why you’re gonna be single for the rest of your life. Shit, I need to go Miranda is here.”
Trish hanged up before Taylor had barely any time to say goodbye, perhaps it was for the best because she herself had to run on the training campus. She didn’t tell her friend she would be playing again today, she knew it would lead to questions and worries, so she kept it a secret. She looked at her bag and picked it up hanging it over her shoulder.
When she reached the campus she had a wide smile on her face, ready to face the guards that had taunted her the days before. She got her ID card out of her pocket before they asked for it, waving it in front of the face. “Nothing to say now, do you?” she asked, smiling. One of the guards smiled and motioned his head for her to go in. Neymar was standing in the main entrance, waved at her when he saw her and walked closer to her.
“No problem with the guards today?” he asked, while looking at his phone.
“I came prepared!”
The two of them started walking outside on the pitch when she noticed that almost the entire team was here already. She looked at Neymar, giving him a questioning look. He smiled “Don’t worry you are not late we had a fan meeting.”. When they reached the field she saw Kylian kneeling next to a little girl, she couldn’t have been older than 7. He was talking with her, laughing. The rest of the team was standing behind them. It was a beautiful sight that melted her heart. She had never seen Kylian like that, she couldn’t even remember if she had seen him smiling ever since she had gotten here but he seemed to be enjoying the time with his new tiny friend.
“Who is she?” she asked, her eyes watching the adorable interactions between her and Kylian.
“I don’t know. Kylian volunteers for a number of organizations, agrees to meet ill fans, kids mostly.” She nodded. Maybe he wasn’t such a big asshole after all “We are gonna spend some time with her and start training, ok?” Neymar ran to where the others were. A few seconds later Kylian had gotten up and was playing football with the young girl, kicking the ball gently to her while she kicked it back at him. Taylor reached for the camera around her neck, she took a picture of the moment, then another one. She zoomed in on Kylian’s smiley face, noticing for the fist time how much smiling suited him and suddenly he looked straight at her, through the camera. The smiling fading away and she lowered her camera, giving him a slight nod which he didn’t even acknowledge. Back to normal, she thought to herself.
“Wilock!” She jumped and turned around in the sound of her name. Marquinhos smiled at her, handing her a plastic bag. “You ready?” she took bag and looked inside; it was a psg uniform she could wear for the game. She hadn’t worn a uniform in years.
“Is too late too back out?” she asked, begging he’d give her an out but Marquinhos shook his head.
“Cold feet?”
She glanced back at the girl who was going to sit through training and back at Marquinhos “Didn’t think I’d have an audience. I haven’t played for a crowd in years.”
“Don’t worry about it. Go, change.”
“Yes captain!”
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Kylian was doing his stretches while Marquinhos was separating the teams. So far, he was with Hakimi, Kimpembe, Verratti, Ektike and Emery.
“Kylian you are captain!” said Marquinhos and threw him a yellow arm band. Kylian caught it, quickly standing up. The rest of team put on their blue flannels, the other team would be wearing red. From the corner of his eye, he got a small figure walking towards the field, he looked up to see who it was, his eyes scanning her from her legs to her face. His mind went numb, his body froze- Verratti smacked him in the stomach, they both shared the same dumbfounded expression.
“Why’s she wearing a uniform?”
Taylor walked towards Marquinhos, an evil smile on her lips, or at least that’s how Kylian would describe it.
“Wait a damn second-“
“Wilock! Thank you for joining us!” Said Marquinhos. Kylian and Verratti rushed to their side, the rest of Kylian’s team running behind him. Everyone was confused, making a circle around her and Marquinhos. “I was down one man, she offered to help.” Ramos guffawed, holding his stomach. Neymar clapped, laughing as well. The rest of the team was too confused to react.
“Does she even know how to play?” Asked Kylian, raising his hands. Taylor snickered, looking away from him and crossing her arms. Hakimi came behind Kylian placing his hand on his shoulder. “What does a journalist know about football?”
“Enough to piss you off apparently” she shot back.
“I assure you she has the experience necessary.” Said Marquinhos.
“When’s the last time you played?” Asked Ramos “High school?”
Taylor calculated the years in her head, narrowing her eyes “Technically- yes-“
Kylian laughed, this whole thing seemed hilarious to him like God was pranking him. He rubbed his face, shaking his head. “This is ridiculous. She’s gonna hurt herself kicking the ball- we have a game coming up we can’t be wasting time-“
“So far the only thing wasting time is your whining.” That earned her a few claps and gasps from the rest of the team. She smiled at her win. Kylian looked over to her like he was going to attack her any time now. Then his body suddenly shifted and he waved her off.
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The two teams made and stood in two separate circles to go through their plans before the beginning of the game. Kylian gathered his team on the left side of the field.
“Are we allowed to tackle her or are we just going to ignore her existence?” asked Kimpembe. Kylian laughed.
“As if she’s ever getting that ball." He said and Hakimi lowered his head, shaking it “keep your eyes on the real dangers. Messi and Neymar. Don’t let them get on our area.”
“OR-or- or-“ Hakimi raised his hand, looking left and right at the others “listen to this maybe they are expecting you to act like sexist idiots and they are gonna use her as an advantage.”
Everyone looked at him blinking, processing his words. Verratti leaned closer to Kylian “He’s got a point.”
“Fine. Ektike, you keep an eye on her.”
“Why me?”
“Hold up!” Kimpembe raised his hands “So are we allowed to tackle?”
Kylian thought about it, glanced over at the other team and then back at his “she was the one that wanted to join. We are not changing the way we play for her. If she gets the ball, you tackle her like she is freaking Zlatan, I don’t care.”
“Maybe not as hard” suggested Hakimi.
On the other side of the field the second time was assigning their roles. Taylor had been assigned as a midfielder. Ramos kept his eyes on her through the whole conversation, eyeing her up and down “We sure she knows how to kick a ball?” He asked, looking at Marquinhos.
“Yes we are sure.” He reassured the team. “They’re probably gonna keep away from her so we’ll use that as an advantage. You shoot to her when she’s open.”
“Keep your eyes open, I’ll use you for the assists.” Messi said, pointing at her. For a moment she felt like she was back in her own pitch with her team. There was beauty in these pregame conversations. The anticipation. Making plans that everyone knew were possibly gonna get fucked up 10 minutes in the game. The trust the team was putting on each other. She simply nodded at Messi, a hand reaching up to her chest, rubbing the skin over her heart. The team pulled away from each other, chanting for their win.
“You guys ready or what?” she asked when she saw the other team still in a circle talking. That was enough to break them apart as well. Hakimi stayed behind Kylian, Kylian gave him a quick look.
“You think she could be good?”
“I think Marquinhos wouldn’t have put her on the field unless he was sure about her abilities. To undermine her would be undermining him. And undermining him would be a mistake.” Hakimi patted Kylian on the back and ran to his rightful spot. Kylian stared at her, his eyes, for some reason, lasting on her legs. Why was he looking at her exposed skin? The uniform looks good on her- stop. He shook his head, waving of the thoughts and raising his eyes to her neck. She had her hair up again, rubbing her neck while trying to loosen her shoulders. He was staring again but he didn't realize it until he heard the referee's whistle, waking him up. Now the only thing on his mind was the win.
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The boys kept the ball away from her for the most part, she was moving up and down the field slowly, trying not to pressure herself. There was this itch in her throat, demanding her to chase the ball faster, to steal some passes but whenever she tried, she’d stop last minute like someone was pulling her strings. Marquinhos approached her during the first 15 minutes, hand over his mouth.
“Are you ok?”
“Just out of shape.”
“Get your shit together.”
“Its supposed to be my job to tell you that.” She smiled. In a way promising that she was going to do better. She started running faster. There was an opening, Marquinhos sending the ball to her, she took control of it but was quickly tackled by Ektike. Rolling on the ground. Perhaps it was some sort of muscle memory but the minute she hit the ground something awoke in her. She got up on her knees, Neymar coming to hold her up, she waved him off. Now she was really in the game, picking up the pace and chasing behind the ball, ruining the passes of Kimpembe. Marquinhos smiling from the other side of the field.
“She’s fast.” Said Hakimi to Kylian as he was passing by him. Kylian nodded. He was starting to lose his patience. The ball found it’s way to Messi’s legs. Everyone was focused on getting the ball away from him no one was marking her. She was wide open. Messi kicked the ball to her and she ran towards it, getting control. She moved it in between her feet, but turning around she was faced by a very dangerous looking Kylian, standing in front of her like a wall. She laughed when she saw him. He tried to get the ball right from under her but she rolled it backwards, drippling and almost making him lose his balance.
“How’s this for high school football?” she asked, Kylian giving her the side. She moved to the right, then to the left. She was playing him. Then she rolled the ball in between his legs. Kylian’s eyes widened, his pride getting hurt in the worst way, she moved around him and headed straight towards the goalpost, giving it a powerful kick and sending in inside the net, just right over the goal keeper who was expecting her to go lower.
She thought time stopped. She felt this fulfilment in her body, this beautiful satisfaction she had missed. Her whole team ran to her, all of them throwing themselves on her to hug her. Neymar picked her up on his shoulders and she closed her eyes while she listened to the cheers. Ramos wrapped his arm around her head, rubbing her head like she was a kid.
“Good job chipmunk” he laughed.
Messi neared her after everyone else was gone, holding his hand out for her. She grabbed it and he pulled her closer. “That was really good”
“Thanks for the pass” she smiled.
Kylian stood watching, breathing heavily, his hands on his hips. Hakimi thought he could see smoke coming from his ear as he walked closer to him. Kylian glanced at him “Don’t say it.”
“I wasn’t.” he said but he was thinking about it, i told you so.
The referee called for everyone to get back on their place and start the game again. She was more confident now. That alone made her quicker, braver and more dangerous. She’d try to steal the ball anytime she was close enough, falling and rolling on the ground more than once but she’d get back up in seconds. Just before the end of the first half Verratti had complete control of the ball, she saw it, she scanned him. He was moving his ball on his left leg, just the other day he had an accident on his right leg, it was his weakness, she wrote a whole article about it. She ran to his left side, she slid her entire body on the ground, tackling him from the left, he tried to kick the ball on his right leg but he lost balance, falling forward, she got control of the ball, twisting her body and getting up. She started sprinting with the ball in her legs while Hakimi ran to her to stop her. He stretched his leg to get the ball but she jumped over it, kicking the ball up. Kimpembe headed right towards her, she moved under him, ducking her body, kicked the ball in the air and then with her knee, searching for Ramos. He was across her, when the ball reached her foot, she sent it to him and with his head, he sent it right on the net. Taylor jumped up in excitement as the Referee whisteled for the end of the first half. She ran to Ramos, throwing her entire body on him. He picked her up, holding her like she was a trophy. The rest of the team jumped on them and they all fell on the ground together.
Kylian stayed, staring blankly at them. veratti joined him. “What the ‘ell just happened?” he asked, looking at Kylian. He was feeling all sorts of emotions, anger, jealously and of course bitterness. She was good and eventually he would have to admit it to himself and the team. His blood was boiling.
“I need water” is the only thing he said before he left.
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Taylor sat on the benches, taking a few deep breaths and drinking from her bottle. Marquinhos knelt in front of her, fist bumping her knee. “Told you this would work.” She smiled “they loved you.” He said, encouraging her.
“Don’t tell me they want me on the team now?” she teased, looking over at them.
“Would you join?” he asked.
She thought about it, then nodded her head left and right “No, I’d go back to my girls if I had the chance. Wouldn't betray them for a bunch of guys.” She admitted, laughing “I missed them today.”
“What was the dream?”
“The dream?”
“Yeah. You know before the accident and the doctors. Come on, we all had a dream.”
She tried to hold back her smile, looking down. “Barcelona.”
“Damn girl!” he laughed. She chuckled, wiping the sweat from her forehead. He looked back at the field “Any advice for the second half?”
“Verratti is misplaced. Kylian is using him as a defender but he plays like a midfielder. That creates a hole. Use that to your advantage.” She continued by pointing at each player, noting the weaknesses she had noticed until Marquinhos had to head back. A part of her wanted to join the second half too but her heartrate reminded her of why she shouldn’t. She rubbed the skin over it again, closing her eyes and taking in a deep breath.
“Burnt out already?”
When she opened her eyes Kylian was standing in front of her. There was something about him she couldn’t explain. He looked more angry than usual; his tone suggested some sort of challenge. He smiled at her in an undermining way. She wanted to slap the smile of his face. “One goal wasn’t enough for you?”
“Why? Can you put a second one?”
“I mean I kinda did-“
“You used Verratti’s injury against him. He’s gonna get back at you for that.”
“Really? How about he spends that time training to get his right leg working again.”
“You were lucky-“ she hated that word. She stood up, their faces inches apart. She had to stop herself from spitting on his face. “I let you have that pass, so I wouldn’t tackle you and send you in the hospital.”
“Do you say that to your male opponents as well?”
“No, I don’t have to- they are professionals. They know sometimes things can get out of hand but it looks like you can barely handle a first half-“
She stepped closer. She had already taken her decisions, no matter the consequences “Please dear lord, let things get out of hand.” He laughed, he felt in uncomfortable standing so close to her, staring in her cold eyes. “Let’s go for a second round Kylian.” She challenged and pushed him out of her way, making her way back on the field. Marquinhos saw the devil in her eyes, terrified of what was going to follow he moved in front of her to stop her from stepping on the grass.
“What are you doing?”
She took the ball from his hand “I’m fine.” He grabbed her arm.
“Hey! You need to calm down. We agreed for the first half.”
“I said I’m fine. I can do this.”
“You don’t have to pressure yourself”
“I’m not” she said. She definitely was but she didn’t care.
“What did you do?” asked Hakimi when Kylian joined him on the field.
“I’m not getting beat by a high school player-“
Hakimi grabbed his arm “She’s obviously not just a high school player. Get out of your head Ky.”
Kylian pulled his arm away “My head’s in the game Achraf.” He reassured him and walked away.
The second half started slow. But that was only for the first 5 minutes, Taylor was going above and beyond, running like she was in a world cup match. Bumping and getting in between anywhere she could. Especially when the ball was at Kylian’s feet. If she was writing an article about herself, she’d write about how unfocused she was, letting her pride take over and Verratti’s murderous stares to get to her. But that didn’t stop her from running like she was back in her own team, before the accident and the hospital. Neither did the continues ache in her chest, the loud beating of her heart that was quickening by the second, neither did her view getting blurry. It was when she felt her breath shorten that she paused, her sight getting darker. She didn’t even realize she stopped moving. Kylian didn’t realize it either when his body bumped onto hers. He was running so quick he must have hit her with all the strength in his body, his shoulder knocking the back of her head, his entire body toppling over her. legs getting tangled together. His arms, out of instinct, wrapped around her tiny body as they both lost balance, pulling her close to him as they spun around themselves so he’d be the one hitting the ground with his back and she’d be shielded from the crash. She landed on his chest and he rolled her over, to lay her on the grass, she was unconscious. Kylian pulled away one of his hands, giving her a gentle slap on the cheek to wake her but she didn’t seem to respond.
Marquinhos was on the other side of her, calling for the medics and for someone to get some water. Her eyes fluttered when they threw water on her. First thing she saw was Kylian, she could only feel frustration for that man. With whatever strength she had she pushed him away, causing him to fall back on the ground “I’m fine” she said when the medics got near.
“Do you need a doctor?” Marquinhos, pulled up her head. Helping her sit, she argued.
“No.” she rubbed the back of her head “His shoulder just hit me pretty hard.”
“Who the hell stops in the middle of the field like that?”
She glanced at him scoffing. “Are you incapable of apologizing ?”
He started regretting protecting her from the fall. “Apologize for what? You blacked out in the middle, what you thought was going to happen?
“It was an accident” Verratti defended Kylian. Helping him stand up.
“Sure.” She mumbled and stood up, looking a little dizzy as she did but Neymar quickly held her on her feet.
"you're out of the game." Marquinhos announced. The only one that knew the whole truth.
Then she heard the one thing she hoped she wouldn’t. It was her name being called out by Galtier. She looked back, he was standing by the benches. She knew she was in trouble. She tried to look as steady as she could as she ran over to him, her expression remaining blank so she wouldn’t give away how much her chest was hurting.
“What’s going on?” he asked
“Marquinhos suggested I join them; I thought you knew.”
“For the first half. What is this? Do I have to worry about my right hand being as reckless as my players?”
“No.” she answered fast. Trying to defend herself. Regretting of telling him the reason she kept away from the sport. It was better when he was just wondering “I got carried away sir, I’m sorry but I’m good. I wouldn’t have joined if I thought it would be dangerous.”
“I don’t need excuses. Remember why you are here.” He demanded “Don’t throw away that chance by being irresponsible. This is your first warning there won’t be a second one.” He raised her finger at her. She felt like a kid, getting yelled at by her father. She felt so small. “I’m still waiting for those reports. If you have time to play, it means it’s going well, right?” she didn’t respond them “Get them to me on Sunday instead of Monday. I want them by noon. So, I can make a new schedule on Monday morning.” He closed his jacket and left before she could argue. Taylor sighed disappointed at herself, hiding her face on her palm. She looked back at the field, her eyes passing by the girl with the illness Kylian had brought.
She was still on the bleachers; she was looking at her. She waved, smiling. Taylor ran up the stairs to her, kneeling in front of her and her mother.
“Did you enjoy the game?” she asked.
“She doesn’t speak English.” Her mother said and translated the question. The girl nodded smiling, it was a genuine smile, an innocent smile.
“Tu vas bien?” the little girl asked. Taylor laughed, lowering her head.
“Oui. Oui.” She reassured.
“She was wondering how come you are playing with the boys.”
Taylor gazed between the kid and her mother “I’m like the wise side-kick. You know? Like they are in movies.”
“Comme un entraîneur?” the girl asked after her mother translated what taylor said. Taylor gazed at her mother.
“She asks If you’re like a coach”
She held herself from answering right away “Kinda yes. I help the coach, give him notes, pointers. All that. And sometimes I guess I play with them. It helps see what their weaknesses are.” She explained.
“Les filles peuvent faire ça?”
“Of course, they can girl! Bien sûr!” she exclaimed “And can I tell you a secret?" Her eyes softened "I get ill too sometimes” she smiled “and look at me. I’m right here. So don’t get discouraged, alright? You’re a fighter no matter what. Tell me Who’s your favorite player?” she asked
“Mbappe!” the little girl exclaimed. Taylor raised her eyebrows, grinning.
“Kylian has helped her a lot.” Her mother added. There was so much gratitude in her eyes, it was almost making taylor emotional “not just us. The entire hospital. The kids love him.” If she didn’t know better, she’d think the woman was talking about a different Kylian, maybe cillian murphy but not Mbappe, until she remembered; she didn’t know him at all, same way he didn’t know her.
Said Kylian was watching at the three women from afar. For some reason he wanted to go up there and join the conversation but he was scared he’d show his worst self to Ann, the little girl Taylor was talking too.
“Stealing your passes and your fans? Tsk tsk tsk.” Neymar clicked his teeth, glancing over at Kylian. “that’s bold” Kylian’s eyes remained cold.
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“Since when is Ramos best buddies with her?” Asked Verratti sitting next to Kylian on the table.
“The entire team loves her now apparently.” Kylian said. Looking down at his food. He kept messing with potatoes, pushing them back and forth with his fork.
“You look like she killed your mother.” Joked Hakimi, stealing on of Kylian’s potatoes.
“I don’t like being mocked on my face, ok? And that’s exactly what she doing. First Galtier appoints her as his eyes and ears, then she is giving pointers to Marquinhos who for some reason has her up on a pedestal. And maybe it’s just me but she hasn’t really been journaling anything ever since she got here-“
“Or maybe Galtier respects her because she is experienced and a direct contact to JW who can help with publicity of our team.” Hakimi stole another one of his potatoes. "but that's just a logical explanation, how stupid of me."
“I think she is ambitious; she wants a place on the crew. So, she is trying to invade our team. Sell our weaknesses to Galtier to get on his good side and get us in trouble. or maybe she works for another team, spying us and JW is just an excuse.” Hakimi couldn’t believe his ears. He reached for another potato chewing it slowly while staring worryingly at Kylian “we need to get close to her. Stop her before it gets out of control-“
“She’s the one getting out of control?” he asked in a high-pitched voice.
“Whose side are you on?”
“No one’s because There are no sides."
“Who are we gonna send to get close to her?” asked Verratti completely ignoring Hakimi. Hakimi dropped his fork in desperation. Why was he hanging out with them?
Kylian looked at Verratti “I mean-“
“Dude I’m married.”
“You’re just gonna flirt with her. You’re not actually doing it because you like her-“
“You wanna be the one explaining that difference to my wife?”
“Don’t you even dare look at me!” said Hakimi, stopping him before he even thought about it. So Kylian looked at Neymar. Neymar was chewing on his food, looking as lost as ever.
“I have a girlfriend.”
“Isn’t she on a world tour or something? She’ll never know-“ a napkin landed on his face, hitting him right on the nose.
“Stop encouraging people to cheat-“ hissed Hakimi.
"stop throwing napkins at me-"
“You could do it.” Suggested Neymar.
Kylian wanted to argue at first but then he thought about it. He looked over at her, she was laughing alongside Bernat. The two of them were sitting alone now and she was making notes of what he was saying on her notebook. God was he dying to read whatever was inside that notebook. Bernat was looking at her like she was taking a liking. He bit on the inside of his lip. Without looking trying to stab one of potatoes to eat them but his fork kept falling on the dish so he looked down, he dish was empty. He looked at hakimi who was chewing his food.
"it's not my fault you've been plotting conspiracies." He said and got up to leave. Just as he was leaving Taylor started walking towards their table, keeping her eyes on Neymar. Verratti would hit Kylian on the knee as she was drawing closer like he warning him. Kylian kept his eyes on his dish so he would avoid eye contact.
"junior" she called and Neymar looked back at her, wiping his mouth with a napkin "you mind coming with me? I have to do the one on one interviews."
Neymar nodded "sure, yeah. I'll be right there."
"thanks." She smiled and glanced at Kylian. She noticed his dish was empty but for some reason he kept looking at it. "You know, you're not gonna turn to stone if you look at me I'm not Media."
"easily debatable" mumbled Verratti. Taylor scoffed and walked away. Kylian gazed at her as she left, she was still wearing her uniform, her legs were exposed. He gulped, a slight shiver growing on his body. Neymar noticed it, he smiled but didn't say anything.
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While Taylor was interviewing Neymar on the other room, hakimi and Kylian sat in the jacuzzi, calming themselves after a long day in training. Kylian kept looking at his phone, refreshing JW's website or clicking through all the Instagram accounts with the name Taylor Wilock.
"stop looking at that thing" Kylian didn't respond. "You're gonna drive yourself insane" he huffed and left his phone on the edge of the tub. Crossing his arms and sinking in the water. He leaned back his head. "I think you're just looking for an excuse"
"what?” he opened his one eye to look at his friend.
"to get close to her."
Kylian sat better "what are you on about?”
"It's not rocket science- she challenges you. You're not one to shy away from a challenge. She could prove to you she's the greatest player in the world and you'd still want to kick her out of the team because you can't have her on your side. She deliberately annoys you and not for nothing but she enjoys it. But you never let things get under your skin ky" hakimi looked at him "not unless you're scared"
Kylian didn't say anything. He looked at the ceiling. Scared? Why would he be scared of her.
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Taylor waited outside of the campus for her Uber as always. She was scrolling on her phone, pictures and videos she had taken during the day. A few of the boys came out, laughing and jumping on each other like boys do. She smiled at the picture, as much trouble as they ad brought in her life she actually enjoyed their company more than she let on.
“You guys going home?” she asked, smiling.
“We’re going for a drink. You wanna come?” Neymar asked “We want our star player with us.”
“You maybe do, I’m not sure for the rest.”
Neymar gave her a wink “you just gonna go home?”
“I’m tired anyway. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
“Alright.” He shrugged his shoulders and followed the rest of the crew. She hadn’t realized Kylian was behind her, with his back against one of the poles, arms crossed to his chest. She jumped at the sound of his voice catching her off guard when he asked;
“Do you have any friends?”
She turned around and looked at him. Narrowing her eyes “excuse me?”
He grinned, the dimples on his cheeks showing as he tilted his head “I mean here in Paris. Do you have any friends? Do you know anybody except us?”
She wasn’t sure she wanted to answer the question but she didn’t wanna look desperate either “Yeah I do.”
“Really? Thought you moved here from London or something.”
“What does that mean? I can’t have French friends?”
“I mean you are a bit loud for us.”
“Are you capable of talking to me without offending me every other sentence?” she asked, half serious, half as a joke. He laughed, pushed himself of the pole.
“It’s hard but I promise I’m trying.”
“I do have friends, you know? Really good friends cause I’m a likable person. People like me. French people too- my new best friend is French, you know?”
“Is she? What’s her name?”
She thought about it then in one breath she said “Luna”
Kylian leaned forward, crossing his arms. He blinked a couple times “That’s a cat name-“
“Wha- it is not” she laughed nervously “she is absolutely not a cat- she is an actual human being.”
“Sounds like a cat name-"
"it's a very human name"
"my cousin had a cat named Luna"
“That’s very offensive of you to say- so if you don’t mind, I’ll just go to my house-“
“Come with us. Have a drink. You’ve been in Paris for what? 3 days? All you’ve seen is this fucking campus and your apartment with your cat-“
“It’s not a cat!” she argued
“Fine, whatever. Just come along”
She thought about it, made a step forward suspiciously “why? So you can poison my drink or my food?” she asked. He laughed but shook his head as if to say ‘no’. She drew closer “get me drunk? Drive me of a cliff?” he looked amused, waiting to see what other idea she was gonna come up with “Lock me in a basement till the day I die?”
“You know” he stepped closer, looking down at her, a smirk on his lips “I’d do all that but Hakimi would have to go down as an accomplish to murder. I wouldn’t do that to my best friend.” She smiled. It was the first time he stood so close to her without threating her or offending her. He looked sweet, she had never noticed it before. “i wanna buy you a drink for knocking you down earlier. You had me worried for a sec. Thought I would have to be calling JW, telling him i killed his assistant" she laughed.
"you know your double personality has started terrifying me."
"I could say the same about you." He forced a smile "come on, I’ll even get food for your cat on the way.” He walked passed her expecting her to follow.
She knocked her foot on the ground. “She’s not a cat!” she yelled. But for some reason still followed him.
Next chapter : every night is like a battle »
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Can we appreciate the way they are unable to talk to each other without offending each other? I think it's beautiful. 🥲 Next chapter is gonna be interesting 👀👀 Kylian wants to get close to her, she is softening bc she knows he's actually a good person deep down,,,, what could possibly go wrong? 👀 If he hates her know he's gotta wait till he finds out she's JW, that's gonna be hilarious 👀 prepare yourselves for the angst is about to begin 😌
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razor-tits · 9 months
A very long and over due life update.
So, to start this off I guess I need to back up. Let's start in October. It feels like yesterday but also a lifetime ago. Things were...ok I'd say. Boring, routine, the only shake up was my hormones ran out and my job was changing our insurance, so I had to cancel my follow up appointment for bloodwork and a refill. But then I got some bad news from my parents.
My dad had a heart attack and was in the hospital. He was ok, but he needed surgery. First they thought just a stent, but then decided he needed a triple bypass. I have a pretty good relationship with my parents, but we're kind of distant. I live a few hours away and only see them around the holidays but we talk on the phone weekly. My dad can lean a little on the conservative side but both of them are the absolute salt of the earth. They're done so much to help me and I felt powerless to be able to help. I couldn't leave work and felt like there was nothing I could do.
The next couple weeks were rough, my dad was staying in the hospital, my mom was going back and forth staying with him and taking care of my grandma, who is in her late 80's and has a litany of health issues. On a Friday I finally managed to make the drive home and spend the weekend there. Seeing my dad laid up in a hospital gown tied to machines is something i'll never forget. He could get up and move and acted like he was ok. But he's one of those guys you meet and you think he's invincible. The kind of guy that put a new roof on our house with a broken finger and can't turn away a stray animal at the door. Some family members I hadn't seen in a long time came and went over the weekend. Thoughts of our own mortality set in and I realize this could be the last time I see any of them.
I've lost people before. Some of them suddenly and unexpectedly. Others who's death was almost a sigh of relief after fighting for so long. I never got to say goodbye when my friend died and I hope he knows how much he meant to me. I don't want to feel that again, ever.
The day of surgery came. He was in the OR for 3 hours but it felt like an eternity and a second at the same time. A few hours after that my mom and I were able to see him. He was extubated already, which was a good sign. But he was on heavy medication, incoherent, coming in and out of sleep. But he knew I was there and that's all that mattered.
I had to leave and make my way back to my parents to get my dog, and then make the 2 hour drive back to Ohio and go back to work in the morning. At this point I knew my dad would be ok, he just had to get through recovery. But now thoughts of my own health were worrying me. I'm not in the best shape, I don't exercise or work out. I've already had surgery to fix stomach problems. Everyone on my dad's side has heart problems, and everyone on my mom's side has cancer and diabetes. There's not much I do to prevent any of that. I'm in my 30's and I feel it, maybe more than I should.
Over the next couple months my mental health continues to fall. I had a birthday and spent it sick, as I always seem to do. It's always a rough time of year for me. Seasonal depression kicks in, I get older, and another year passes. My dog, my best friend, the reason I kept myself alive, is getting old. I see it more and more every day and it breaks my heart.
The holidays came and went. I saw my grandma for the first time in a few years. Always wondering if it will be the last. Despite that, this year I never felt less in the holiday spirit. I used to love this time of year, now I desperately try to enjoy it, but part of me just wants it to be over. The best part seems to be a few days off work.
At this point it should be noted I have not restarted hormones. My identity has always been more in flux than i've let on, and maybe that needs to be it's own post, but I don't know if I want to start again or not. I don't know what I want, I don't know what my goals are. I don't know who i am. Beyond basic hygiene, I really don't even feel like taking care of myself most days. I pretty much always feel melancholic. I'm not angry, I don't get excited, I don't have much joy. My sex drive is non existent and I have no desire to do...well, anything.
New year's comes and I honestly couldn't care. It feels like another day. My gf and I go out and have an Ok time. I'm just so tired all the time it's hard for me to go out and enjoy myself like I used to.
And then, a couple days ago my landlord calls. We have to move out. Not sure when, but probably soon. I'm heartbroken and panicking over it. We absolutely love our house. We've only been here about a year and a half but it's been wonderful. It has plenty of room, privacy, it's quiet. We can leave our doors unlocked and packages aren't stolen off our porch. We're allowed both of our dogs and all 3 of our cats with no issues. We've invested so much time and money here. My gf is close with the owners and their children, who were the previous tenants. We even thought about trying to buy this house off of them when their other kid moves out of the downstairs apartment. And it's affordable. Anything else like what we have now will cost double and we can't afford that.
Our last apartment was tiny, cramped, dark and ran by an awful property investment company. And now we have to deal with that again. If we can even find a place where we can take 5 animals. We can hide 2 of the cats, but not all of them. We're in no position to buy nor do we have the time to go through the process. My gf said we may have to find 2 different apartments and live separately for a while. Just the thought of that brings me to tears. I can't live without her, I can't live without our pets. We're a family. I don't know what to do.
Since I got the phone call I've done nothing but panic, contact rental agencies and weigh my options. None of them are good. Best case scenario is we move in a smaller, worse place, paying more rent.
Nothing is going right for me. I know this isn't insurmountable and nothing that people haven't gone through before. But...god damn I need a break and I can't get one.
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Obey me MC timetravels to when Solomon was still ruling King Solomon.
(: AFAB MC although it can be read as Gender neutral for now? I will change this if ever. I have always tried to stick to gender neutral pronouns for MC so If I slip up I'm sorry and kindly tell me. Part 1 probably and will be very short. I just need to gather my thoughts maybe make an outline Uh as much as I would like to make this more inclusive the MC here grew up in a religious household as it is needed for the plot.... so sorry. NB spoiler free yay. Also sorry for the wrong grammar and the typos. I did this on my phone :)
Time travel is not something new to MC. In fact they have already done so multiples times. This however comes as a surprise as instead of anywhere in the devildom. They seem to be in an unfamiliar land instead. somewhere ancient. MC couldn't explain it however the description seems to fit.
Determined to at least find a general location of where they were. Walking along the road near the river which should lead to somewhere with people right? At the very least they hope it will. It wasn't long before they were stopped by a kind lady who looks concerned about MC's modern clothing.
"Oh poor dear! Have you been attacked by bandits on the way here?" MC looks confused but before they were able to refute the old lady's claims they were drag to the home of the lady. "No need to worry I will help you" The old lady assured them before they are able to speak a word. Privately however they thank whatever has put them there that they can understand the language that the lady speaks. Must be some kind of magic or atleast a way to appease them on whatever this is and why does this always happen to them anyways... Waking up in unfamiliar places.
MC was made to sit down as the old lady went to another room. This time carrying a bunch of clothing that MC only has ever seen worn during things such as historical plays or those Movies about the stories from the bible that plays every month of March back where they grew up. As popularized by the holy week. Not wanting to offend the kindness of the stranger they gratefully accepted the clothing. As they were ushered to an empty room to change into the clothes. They suppose it was a good thing so that they can blend in even better while thinking of a way to get back to their timeline. Now to know where in the past they are.
"Um.. Thank you for your kindness..." MC spoke meekly to the older woman in front of them. The older woman just smiled at them.
"You look very out of sorts poor dear. A long way from home I presume?" She asked MC kindly as she folded the clothes MC was wearing earlier.
"Ah you don't need to do that..." MC flushed. This lady remind her of her grandmother.
"It's fine I assure you. So what led you here to Jerusalem?" MC hoped to have kept their facial expressions clear from their shock. Alright that is one problem solved. They are in Jerusalem. But *WHEN* in Jerusalem. Will they be seeing Jesus or something? Does Jesus even exist? MC lowkey wanted to ask the brothers or even Solomon but considering the circumstances they privately kept it to themself.
"Uh... I was actually hoping to visit the temple for... uh worship..." that's a safe answer right? There shpuld be many temples for God here since it's the holy land right? Damn if MC knew thsi would happen they should've paid more attention to theology classes back in their school days. Thankfully it seems that MC has hit the nail on its head somewhat as the woman nodded her head.
"How unfortunate that you arrived here during the Sabbath." Sabbath MC knows that day of rest. Yeah ok they got this. Totally not internally panicking. God they feel like Levi.
"Uh.. yeah how unfortunate..." they trailed off.
"You came at a great time however since the temple that King Solomon has been building has been finished." King Solomon...
Well shit. Well at least now they know for sure when they are in the last but at the same time. Why does this always happen to them really...
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lyon-amore · 1 year
With you until the end of the world Chapter 4
Chapter 3
*Angel POV*
I've become Jake's connection to the outside. It doesn't bother me since that way I can find out if there is news that my parents might be looking for me. It's been a month and there's still no one talking about a girl who ran off with a mystery guy. I walk the streets to go to the studio. From time to time I stop by so they can see that I use it, I stay for a few minutes and I leave. I haven't told Jake that I sent a letter to my parents, saying that I'm fine. Of course, I don’t put the address where we stayed. I have thought that every end of the month I will write to them and put different addresses. I don't want them to worry about me and look for me. I also don't go into details about who I'm with. Maybe the only one who knows is my mother? She always knew what was wrong with me and I told her but I didn't say many things. I didn't want to talk about Jake, just say that there was a boy I liked.
Okay, this might be the second thing I've kept from Jake. I also enter my mail, but disconnected. I have read the messages that my friends have sent me, wondering why I don’t answer my phone. Because I haven't told them anything. Lian asked me the day I left why I hadn't gone to work, later she found out from my parents that I had left, she wrote to me asking why I didn't tell her anything, since she was my best friend. The more I go up, the more messages I see that from when they found out. Most of the messages are from Jessy, Dan and Lilly. Jessy who has been writing more as if she were telling me how her day to day is going and that in the end she has decided to move, she’s looking for a apartment in Colville. It seems that texting me serves as therapy for her. Lilly texts me disappointed that I didn't tell her I was running away with Jake. Rather, she's mad at both of us for not telling her what we were planning to do. Dan writes to me worried that something might happen to me as I run away, if I might get in trouble with the law for being with Jake or if they might want to kill me because of him. I'd love to write back and tell them I'm fine, but they've already risked too much because of us. I decide to archive the emails so I can read them later.
I stand looking at the televisions in a store. They still talk about what happened in Duskwood and how the FBI showed up looking for a criminal. I see that they also name me quickly and I cover myself better. I want them to forget about this topic once and for all.    "Isn't Hannah Donfort the sister of that girl who made that video accusing two people of kidnapping her?" I hear a girl ask another.    "Yeah, what happened to her?" the other asks.     I walk away from there, continuing my way to the study. There are still “I am Jake” graffiti on some streets or some Nymos eyes. Where I lived, they gave my father and the other policemen headaches. Teenagers were the ones who painted the most. Then, after my article, it got a little worse. More overtime for my father.
I enter the building and go up to the studio, inserting the key to gain access. I lower my hood as I look inside. It's sparsely furnished and the blinds are down, it's only lit by the light from the computer. I check that everything is working fine and take out my phone to text Jake. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The computer is in perfect condition
Function correctly, as always
-----Jake has connected-----
Any problem upon arrival?
All good
No one following me, sir!
Do not call me sir.
I feel older.
Well, you're older than me 😝
Well, being older than I am, you know that you must obey me, right?
Maybe tonight I can find a place for you to obey.
Angel 😳
Jake ;)
Be careful when you come back.
Make sure no one follows you.
Something special to eat?
Hmm… Choose you today.
You? 😏
Ha ha.
Sorry to disappoint you, but I will be with the computer for a bit.
I know
I fancy something Italian
How about?
Of course:)
So, see you 😊
I will be waiting, angel.
-----Jake has disconnected----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I put my phone away and pull up my hood. I'm not disappointed not to have intimate moments with Jake, honestly. Maybe at first we were a little…needy of each other, but now we just joke about these things on the phone. Also, it's not just about us having sex, for me, the fact that he caresses my hair when he is working on the computer or that we talk about the things we like being in the same room, without interruptions, is what I like the most. When I go to sleep, he stays next to me with his laptop, stroking my cheek gently, whispering how much he loves me as I drift off to sleep. I feel so complete with him.
I want that the day he is free; I can present him to my parents, that they see that he is someone special to me. Maybe at first my father wouldn't like it, but when he saw that they have the same taste in movies or a strong sense of justice, perhaps he likes him better, or also, the one who sees that he respects his daughter like no one has ever done before. I want that future for both of us.
Even though Jake hasn't told me anything about his past yet, it's like he's still afraid to tell me anything about his life for fear someone might take it from me by force. I hope that some day he will tell me something about his life, some detail. No one would ever get information out of Jake from me. I choose death rather than betray him.
*Jake POV*
I keep an eye on the data from the rental agency to know when people will come to look at the apartment. We have been here for a month with no problems and that relieves me, but I am sure we will have to leave eventually. You can never stay in one place for too long, so I have made a plan in case we have to leave.
I avoid thinking that I use her to monitor the computer. I think I like it better think that I do not keep her in here bored while I work on the computer. And according to her, she wants to know if there is talk of her disappearance, if her parents have caused a scandal to look for her. I do not know whether to care about jer words, I do not want to look like a kidnapper again. She told me not to worry about it, that she had made it very clear in writing that it was her decision.
While I am creating another surveillance program to detect any suspicious activity around me, I receive a notification that I have been named in his social network, again, posting a picture of me. I hacked his account to delete the post. I know he is been looking for me for a long time, but he does not know that he could risk being hunted down.    “Sorry buddy, but I can not let you put yourself in danger.” I mutter, heading back to the computer.     I make a small noise, complaining. I get a message. It is assumed that he would not have to send me one again if it was not that I did it. And I was not thinking about doing it again either, he already risked enough when I asked him to put the Nymos sticker on. But there have been so many messages that I have had enough. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I know that I have sent you many messages
That I risk getting in touch with you again, but…
I don't know anything about you Jake 😔 and that worries me ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I just hope he is talking meanwhile diverting his IP to another. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Comet, do not text me again.
Do you know how many messages I have sent you?!
When I found out that the FBI was in Duskwood, I was worried!
You risk writing to me.
Stop doing it or we will both be in trouble.
Comet I don’t care
You can get your father in trouble.
He don't know nothing, he's busy keeping tabs on the people you messed with 😑
And enough of both of you treating me like a child when I'm an adult!
Just tell me if you're in trouble and I'll deflect any signals
Nymos I already have it under control. Do not worry.
And I do not treat you like a child, I just do not want to get my little brother in trouble. :)
Always with that habit of not worrying others when we already are 😠
And what about her? Don't worry about how I am for you?
Angel is fine, do not worry about her.
Who is Angel?
Wait… 😱 OH!
It was her decision.
I see that friends don’t enter the sack of the privileged 😒
I could not make her see reason.
But I take good care of her.
I will not let anything bad happen to her.
If you trust her…
I trust her.
Alright, alright
Just be careful…
Henry, she is trustworthy.
But do you know that her father is a cop?
I wouldn’t trust her 😐
She has always shown me that I can trust her.
She would have given me away long ago.
But this time you’re with her, it’s different 😰
Don’t let it give you away
-----Comet has disconnected----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I pinch the bridge of my nose as I sigh. I have known Henry since he was a child, I myself helped him find a home and a father, we taught him everything we knew about security and hacking. He admired me and continues to admire me, to the point that when I contacted him again for help, he would not stop talking and asking me where I had been. Very persistent, if I dare say. I told him about her and he was even glad that I cared for someone as much as I ever had before. Now his attitude towards her has changed, as if she is dangerous. I have to assume it was the FBI news that made him change his mind. It is not yet known who warned them.
But I know my angel was not.
I hear the door and let out a small laugh. She still has trouble using the lock picks. I get up from the ground and go to open the door, then lean against the frame with a smile. She looks at me with a frown, picks in hand.    "I almost had it." she replies, putting them in his pants pocket.    “You have to avoid leaving marks on the lock” I lean forward, approaching her face “, if you see that you cannot, leave it.”    “ 'If you see that you can't, leave it' “ she imitates me entering the house.     I stop her by placing a hand on her waist, turning her around. I place my hand on her chin and approach her lips.    "Are not you forgetting something?" I ask, whispering.     I go to kiss her and she places a bag in front of me.    "The food." She replies with a mischievous smile.     I roll my eyes and pick up the bag. It is she who kisses me, to later let out a laugh.    "I told you, I was hungry for you." She chuckles, wrapping her arms around my neck.    "You are going to drive me crazy, angel." I caress her lips, seeing a shy smile.    Her cheeks turn red and I feel her skin warm. I kiss her forehead and hear her sigh. She hugs me resting her head on my body.    “I'm home.” she says, and I hear happiness in her voice.    "Yes, you are." I reply, kissing her head.
   We sit on the ground. I take care of the program and she eats, watching what I do.    "Here." She tells me, approaching the pasta. I open my mouth and let him feed me. If it weren't for her, I would forget the most important needs in a human being.     She then gets upset that she does not deserve to be called an angel.    "Any news of your escape?" I ask after finishing swallowing the food.   “No, it seems that my parents have understood the letter I left them correctly” she answers after she has finished swallowing “, besides, I told them that it wouldn't be forever.”     I nod understanding her words. She can come back without problems whenever she wants, I do not keep her by my side.    “What are you doing now?” she asks, dragging herself over to me, setting the food container aside.    "I am trying to create a better surveillance program around us" I answer without taking my eyes off the screen “, I want to collect the information of the people around us and know if any of them could be an undercover agent if I look at their messages.”    "Won't it be dangerous?" She does not sound worried, more curious.     I look at her raising an eyebrow.    "Do not you know who you are talking to?"     She looks me up and down, cocking her head. She raises her hand to her face and dabs with her finger.    “Well, no, I don't know” I take her by the wrist and attract her to me, beginning to tickle her “No! Stop!” She exclaimed between laughs.    “I am going to make you remember who you are talking to, angel.” I tell her, laying her down.    "Wasn't it that you had to work?" She smiled as she caressed my face.    "I can take a break."     She bites her lip and pulls her to me. Before I can kiss her, I hear the notification that he is put up another post again. I quickly part ways, deleting all information and photo from that post. Just about, if I am a second later… I raise my hands to my head, taking a deep breath. When will he give up?    "What's wrong, Jake?" She asks me worried.    "It is nothing" I reply, taking her hand and kissing it “. Do not worry, why do not you listen to some music while I work?”     I move a little and let her settle in with me. I start stroking her hair slowly, trying to make her forget what happened. But she did not make it.    “Are you sure you're okay?”     I lower my head to look at her and smile.    “Yes angel, I'm fine.” I kiss her forehead and she nods.     The less information she know about my past, the better. It would be risking too much.
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Chapter 5 
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notademon10 · 5 months
Kris CANNOT be the DR version of Chara. Here's why.
I just wanted to post this because it seems like people who defend this theory want to make Chara as sympathetic of a character as much as other Undertale and Deltarune characters. It's not like I don't understand where this is coming from, but I believe it misses out on key thematic points about the first fallen human that the game directly states at the end of the pacifist route.
First off, Asriel says "Frisk, you really ARE different from Chara. I don't know why I always acted like you were the same person. Maybe, the truth is... Chara wasn't really the greatest person. While, Frisk, you're the tipe of person I wish I always had."
This is a VERY important point, since it means that Chara is well, NOT the tipe of person Asriel should have always been with. That literally doesn't make much sense if you think that Chara IS Kris, because Asriel is just straight up admitting that hes shouldn't have had Kris as a sibling AT ALL. Which is weird, because in DR, KRIS is the one who is characterized as having too little time with their older brother. Even in the past, when they were a kid, they wanted to hang out with the 'big kids', only to get rejected. They even bought them burgers, on their own!
Ok, but this doesn't take into account the fact that UT Chara has been shown to be the worst version of themselves! Perhaps Kris is a reformed, different version of them?
That's a really good point, actually! Unfortunately, I have a pretty big counterevidence, which just so happens to be the same thing that made me want to make this post, which is: BALLGAME
More specifically, there is a description for the red trait, (which is, of course, Chara's main trait) that reads as follows:
"Try as you might, you will always be yourself"
What does this mean? That Kris should always be Chara, and Chara will always be Kris. Which CAN'T be the case, because of Asriel's dialogue...
Also, Chara says that everytime a number increases (including LOVE), that feeling... That's them. This ties to the red trait because Paps implies in a phone call that it's actually love. It also ties to the fact that the mirrors in the no mercy route, or the LOVE route, if you will, say: It's me, Chara. This is contrasted by the fact that in the pacifist route (or Love route), they actually say: Still just you, Frisk.
This is doubled down by the fact that Frisk's stick is useless for attacking, but VERY useful for acting sometimes, as well as having the bandage equiped secretly guarantees a chance to run away in the first turn (remember how Sans says that everytime you run, Frisk smiles?). There's also the theme of flirting and dates through the route, which has to come from Frisk, because you can flirt with Toriel. It wouldn't make sense if it was Chara's input, because they had her as a mother figure which they likely respected, given how both of them greet you with "Greetings".
All of this to say that Frisk is linked to love while Chara is linked to violence and hate. This doesn't mean one can't feel the other, but more so that they're strongly associated with one specific aspect of LOVE. This ALL culminates into the likelyhood that Chara wanted to do a no mercy route on the humans. This will be relevant later.
I would also like to mention Kris' relationship with Susie. You see, even all the way back in the new girl story, Kris seemed to weirdly care for her (with them never telling Toriel about Susie's bullying). As a matter of fact, I actually have already made a post full of evidence that Kris has a crush on her! See here!
Soo, what's the point? The fact that Susie's bullying doesn't get in the way of Kris feeling empathy towards her, unlike Chara who most likely wanted to do something similar to the no mercy route to the humans, for abusing them, of course. They blamed the ENTIRETY of mankind for the abused they endured. Now, I DO NOT KNOW what kind of abuse they endured, but their inability to move on is somdthing to be considered. After all, Chara will ALWAYS be themself, no matter what.
THIS is why I believe that Kris isn't DR Chara. If you have any piece of counter evidence, PLEASE let me know. As always, share, like and follow this account if you found me helpful in any way. Have a good day :)
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hylianengineer · 11 months
Goddamn it, I have either triggered the Dairy-Allergy-Induced-Anxiety, or I am simply incapable of calming down after this chaotic day. Maybe both.
Also I keep hearing noises I really hope are fireworks... but who sets off fireworks on Halloween? Isn't that illegal? Which isn't to say people don't do it...
I'm really Not Over the sulfuric acid incident at work today. I'm physically completely unharmed but emotionally very shaken up. I've never had a real lab accident before that required reporting or medical advice or anything. This one might not have technically required it either, but the MSDS (material safety data sheet - records we keep on every chemical we use that hold safety and first aid information) said to get medical attention. So I called Poison Control. I'm not even sure why I decided that was the correct people to call - it was very much not an emergency situation since there were no visible injurjes, and who else knows about chemical exposure? Maybe the University EHS department, whose phone number is on the lab door, but really, I don't know who they are or what they do beyond picking up our haz waste. I'm told I made the right call but I feel really self concious about it - why did I call Poison Control, aren't they supposed to deal with small children putting weird things in their mouths, not lab techs with chemical spills? They seemed totally unphased though. And it worked out, they knew what to do, I didn't actually get hurt, I took all the precautions.
After I got off the phone with Poison Control - but before I knew for sure everything was ok, because apparently acid burns don't always develop immediately and they said they'd call me back in an hour - I went upstairs to the grad students' office hoping against hope my favorite PhD student would be there. For emotional support and to have someone around slightly more experienced in Lab Stuff than me. She was not there. However, the PI and a couple other people were having a meeting in the conference room across the hall, and noticed me, and asked if I needed something - I do not generally come to that part of the building. I told her the whole story, and she looked at my not-burn (it seemed completely normal) and told me I did all the right things and it seemed like everything would be fine and asked if I needed anything. Then I went back to the lab, panicked some more, and waited for the Poison Control people to call me back. Which they did 45 minutes late, but I guess they're busy and this was low priority. Fair.
I feel so... ugh. That I was never taught who you call about stuff like this. I know to run acid-affected skin under running water for fifteen minutes. (I even know WHY you're not supposed to neutralize an acid burn with a base: acid+base=water+HEAT.) I know - in theory - how safety showers and chemical spill kits work (I'm so glad I didn't have to test THOSE!). But as for who to call afterwards? It was always assumed someone who knew more than me would be around to handle it. I was the only person in the lab today, and I didn't even know there were other lab members in the building. If I needed help but it wasn't 911 levels of bad, what the hell was I supposed to do? Fucking improvise? If I could've left the lab I could've gone to the office where I know some people - but I was kinda trapped at the sink running my arm under water for a minimum of fifteen minutes. And what the hell do the office folks know about chemical spills anyways?
Is this what being an adult is always like? Constantly figuring things out alone even though you feel like there should be someone older and more experienced and more Trained For This Shit around to handle it?
We used to have a lab manager who I assumed would be around to help if anything like this ever happened. She left six months ago and I've been doing half her job ever since. I'm not trained for this. And on Friday I have to go back to work and keep doing shit I wasn't trained for - this time attempting to repair the ion chromatograph.
Part of me feels like I freaked out over nothing. One drop of acid on one inch of exposed skin. Part of me feels angry that I feel like that. It was fine. It WAS fine. But how was I supposed to know that? I just did what the best information I had at the time - the MSDS - told me to do. Kind of. In the only way I could figure out how to do it. I'm kind of starting to think the MSDS writers need to take a chill pill - I swear every time I end up really needing one, it says something really scary, I act accordingly, and then I feel like an idiot afterwards. (Long story.)
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