#I love prompts <3
tinyarmedtrex · 1 year
From the prompt list... "I work at the animal shelter and you always come in to pet the cats when you’re sad" (if you're so inspired) 💖💖
“Hey look! He’s back!” Jesper tapped the back of Nina’s shoulder. “Look! Nina!”
“I don’t need to look Jesper, I already know what he looks like.” She said, not glancing up from the computer. 
“But he’s in a new sweater today!” Jesper said, craning his neck to get a better view of the man in question. “It’s giving major 80’s dad vibes. I bet he’s someone who likes mowing the lawn in socks and sandals. I'd let him mow my lawn."
“Ew." She kept typing then added, "Well, you could know for sure if you, I don’t know, actually spoke with him.” 
Jesper snorted. “I have!”
Nina finally looked up at him. “Directing him to the cats doesn’t count. You stare at him every time he comes in, it’s getting weird. You need to ask him out already, for all our sakes."
Jesper opened and closed his mouth. They’d had this discussion before and his excuses were getting worse and worse. “I haven't had a chance, I don’t work with the cats.”
He was in charge of the dogs. He liked their energy more, loved getting outside and playing with them. The cats always seemed boring by comparison. Until Wylan at least. The man came in at least once a week and always asked to sit with the cats. It seemed like he was always sad when he came in but, after an hour with the cats, he perked up. The first time Jesper had seen him smile he swore his heart stopped. 
Jesper had found excuses to talk to him briefly. Once he’d pretended to clean the cat cages, just to talk to Wylan. Another time he said he was taking pictures of the cats. He didn’t even notice until Wylan left that he hadn’t even brought a camera.  He just hoped that Wylan didn't notice either.
Each time they talked Jesper fell for the man more. He couldn’t help it. Wylan wasn’t like anyone else he’d met and Jesper wanted to learn everything about him. 
Nina clicked a few more things on the computer before handing Jesper a key with a cat keychain on it. “Well today you do.”
“Nina!” He stared at the key. “Tolya is going to be pissed.” 
“He can deal with it for a day. Now, go ask him out already! I’m not doing this again.”
“Thank you!” He said, kissing the top of her head. “You’re the best.”
“Remember this next time I ask you to cover a shift for me!” She called as he ran out of the small office. Wylan was in the waiting room, looking at the cat toys. 
“Our worst customer.” Jesper called, practically running to Wylan. The man turned and offered him a watery smile. 
“What’s wrong?” Jesper wanted to hug him but knew better. They were barely on a first name basis. Hugging him would probably send him running.
“Nothing.” Wylan said, rubbing his eyes on his sweater. “Can I sit with the cats?”
“Always!” Jesper jangled the keys. “I’ll come with you. They always need more attention.”
Wylan smiled at him again and followed Jesper into one of the cages. Jesper knew Wylan liked long hair cats, so he picked an enclosure with three of them. Wylan sat and one immediately jumped into his lap, purring loudly as Wylan started to pet.
They sat quietly for a few minutes then Wylan said, “Cats are so much easier than people. They tell you exactly what they want.”
“Partner troubles?” Jesper asked. He'd been petting another cat but it got bored of him and went to Wylan, rubbing his side.
He huffed a small laugh. “No. I’m painfully single.” 
Jesper tried not to perk up at the good news. "What happened? Not that you have to tell me but-" He stopped before the rambling started.
"Stuff with my dad." Wylan said, turning to pet the new cat. "It's a long story."
"I've got time."
Wylan raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you working?"
"I'm on break." Not true but he hoped Nina would let it slide.
Wylan thought for a second then launched into a story about his dad and how he was getting remarried for a third time and expected Wylan to sit in the back and stay silent. Jesper tried to just listen but couldn't help but rail against Wylan's dad, just a little.
"Thanks for listening." Wylan said as he finished. He looked at the cats. All of them were sitting by him now. “I think I’m going to adopt one. Then I don’t need to keep coming and bugging you.”
“Oh. Um.” Jesper looked away to hide his disappointment. “Yea, of course. Do you know who you want?”
“Cosmos.” Wylan said, gesturing to the cat in his lap. “We already have a connection.”
“Great. Yea. Okay.” Jesper stood. “I’ll get all the paperwork.” As he got the paperwork ready his mind whirled. He should have seen this coming. It made sense for Wylan to adopt a cat, but it meant that Jesper wouldn’t see him again. He really was running out of time.
“Here, fill this out. The fee is fifty dollars.” He held out the clipboard, but Wylan didn’t take it. 
“Um, my arms are full of cats. Could you do it for me?”
“Sure thing.” Jesper sat again, closer to Wylan this time. He started reading the questions and writing down Wylan’s answers. It was slower but he didn’t mind, it gave him more time with Wylan.
Jesper took his time completing the adoption process and helping Wylan wrangle Cosmos into a carrier. Finally, though they were at Wylan’s car and Cosmos was strapped safely in the backseat. Wylan was about to get in his car and leave forever and Jesper still hadn't asked for his number.
Wylan glanced at the cat carrier and asked, “Do you have access to the adoption requests?” 
“No.” Jesper shook his head. “Only my manager Nina does.”
“So if you, um, needed to call me I would have to give you my number now?” As Wylan spoke a blush spread across his cheeks. “About the cat.” He added.
Jesper's heart leapt. “Yes, I would need it now. And you should have mine. In case you have any cat related questions.” 
Wylan nodded. “I think I might have a lot of them. Cat questions that is. Is that okay?”
Jesper put his hand on the car, leaning closer. “Maybe we should go out to dinner? Then you can ask me all your questions at once.” 
Wylan’s flush deepened as he smiled. “That sounds like a good idea.” 
Jesper pulled a pen from his pocket and took Wylan’s hand. “Here’s my number. Text me and we’ll set something up.” Jesper didn’t think it was possible, but Wylan grew even redder as they touched.  "And I'll get yours from Nina."
"Sounds good." Wylan said, stepping back and getting into his car. He gave Jesper a small wave as he drove away and Jesper darted inside, eager to get Wylan's number and text him to set up their date.
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mischievous-thunder · 25 days
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Logan not only held onto the photograph after the fight until he fell asleep but also kept it with himself until what he thought was going to be his last conversation with Wade.
Just prior to going into the chamber to destroy the Time Ripper, Logan gave the photo back to Wade because the man didn't think that he'd make it. He wasn't someone who expressed their emotions too eloquently but in that moment his expressions and voice conveyed what his heart truly felt. Seeing Wade teared up and realising that that moment could be their very last together, Logan let the voice of his heart take over.
That was their declaration of love.
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lyralit · 1 year
things to think about for characters
do they have allergies?
what foods will they not touch?
what kinds of music do they like?
how are they around new people?
do they speak in an accent?
have they tried learning a new language?
how many languages do they know?
what is a song that will always make them cry?
how do they cry? heaving? silently? sobbing?
how do they dress? for practicality or fashion?
what is the first thing they notice about a stranger?
what is their humour like?
do they have scars? what caused them?
do they wear jewelry?
are they a frivolous spender or a miser?
do they prefer luxury or practicality?
who would they quote?
what could make them change their mind?
who is the first person they'd call?
how are they around animals? do they have pets?
what is their favourite childhood food?
what is something they've never told anyone?
childhood friends?
what are habits they've picked up from other people?
what are their guilty pleasures?
what is something they're staunchly against?
do they speak a certain way? do they use contractions? popular turns of phrase?
can they fall in love? what does it look like? does it differ between people -- friends vs family?
what would they rather die than do?
what is their biggest mistake? one that they look out to never do again.
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jesncin · 28 days
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Two FAce Attorney for DC Gotcha for Gaza! (prompts closed!) Okay the prompt was just to draw Two Face but I've had this joke in my mind for so long that I had to draw it heheh
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lazylittledragon · 8 months
Hello I love your bg3 content and your Dorian is so lovely! Can we get like an alternative reality with Dorian and Ascended Astarion? What would your headcannon be for them? 🙇
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something like this, probably
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emptygoldstudio · 1 year
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[3] Losing team 🥈
Prompt source for October
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 7 months
During Bruce's trip around the world, learning all the things needed to be batman, he was recommended Maddie Fenton as a teacher. He didn't understand at first - while she was a ninth-degree black belt, she was also 5 months pregnant with her second child - until he saw her and her husband's inventions.
Bruce spends most of a year with them learning how to build and use everything he'd need to be Batman.
He also becomes little Danny's godfather, much to Vlad's horror when he shows up over a decade later and tries to claim the title.
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heph · 5 months
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Waterdhavian Vernacular 🗣️
And a bonus (drawn by my dear oomf @micchiyt )
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 261
“So is no one going to talk about the eldritch space child or…” 
“I mean, do you want to get between a child and Batman? I think the only one who could even get close right now is Superman…” 
“No you’re right, I think- oh my god the eldritch space child is playing with batman’s bat-ears and he’s not doing anything about it what the fuck I thought only Robins could get away with that-” 
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ministarfruit · 8 months
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day 12: karma ♡
(femslashfeb prompt list)
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sariphantom · 6 months
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Rise April 2024 Days 1, 2, and 3: Trick, Fashion, and Crossover
Technically... Usagi counts as crossover, considering he's from a different show.
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drac0line1nn1t · 1 month
*Wade playing with baby knife, flipping it in his hand*
Logan: can you stop that bub.
Wade: you know I can't get hurt by it, right?
Logan: yes, I'm aware but it's stupid
*wade ignores him and flips the knife, he doesn't catch it and it cuts down his palm*
Wade: oops
*Logan gets up and grabs the unused first aid kit even as the cut is healed*
Wade: what are you doing, honeybadger?
*Logan grabs one of the dinosaur printed band aids (who bought these) and walks back over to wade, putting the band aid over where the cut was*
Logan: consider it a mark of shame for being fucking stupid
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mischievous-thunder · 2 months
The actual slow burn in Deadpool and Wolverine is the striptease Marvel made Wolverine do
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Those insane arms are the first to go bare
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However, the climax (pun intended) comes with a shirtless Wolverine with his iconic mask on which is one of the most divine sights Deadpool along with each one of us has ever had the chance to witness
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Wade does know how to multitask because the way he saves the world with 207 bones in his body has to be the trickiest feat he's ever accomplished.
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erwinsvow · 6 months
omgg what about kook trio where rafe and reader are sleeping and rafe is laying on her chests and top and kalce walk in and keep making fun of him all dayy. i need<3333
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truthfully, rafe hadn't been feeling well all day. he was hungover from last night, because you seemingly become a drain for alcohol, drinking endless amounts and only getting drunker and drunker. when you smile up at him and offer him another shot, he finds it hard to refuse.
"c'mon, rafe, stop being such a pussy and just take it with me. ugh," you yell over the music, shoving the drink into his hand. it's harder still to refuse after that.
so he wakes up hungover. you're up beside him, having slept in his bed at tannyhill like you always do after they have a party. the light's pouring into his bedroom, and you look like an angel, dressed in one of his old frat shirts.
"rise and shine," you chirp, stretching your arms and showing him a glimpse of pink panties that are making his head pound even more. "rafe? get up."
"shut up," he mumbles, turning around to look away from you before his dick gets hard. "get the curtains. m'head hurts."
"aww," you purr, getting closer to rafe, resting your head back on the pillow. you stroke rafe's hair for a second, hand hovering with hesitation before going back to do it again. it feels too intimate between friends, even friends like you and rafe.
he groans against his pillow, and you let your hand fall back.
"come on rafe.. we'll go get greasy bacon and pancakes. it'll fix you right up. good as gold, right?" you say, mimicking the phrase he always uses.
with some convincing, you get rafe up and at the dinner. you text top and kelce to come too, but you don't know where they went off to—you really never keep track, always busy with rafe the morning after.
when you make it back to tannyhill after breakfast—or rather lunch—rafe is still complaining about his headache.
"you need water and-"
"what i need is for you to stop yappin'. woke me up for this shit. those eggs sucked."
"i thought they were fine. you're just cranky, rafe you need a nap and an advil-"
"m'not napping, not a child. jus' let me go lay down."
"whatever you say," you chirp back. "you big baby."
"shut your mouth before i shut it for you." he goes and lays down on the couch, while you get a cup of water for him and sit by rafe's head. you run your fingers through his hair, not as worried this time.
"mm. keep doin' that." he mumbles back, eyes shutting. you hold back a laugh, curling up to get more comfortable, bringing rafe's head into your lap.
you don't know when you fell asleep—just remember stretching your legs and getting pulled into rafe's warm grip. you're not even hungover, but it was hard to pull away when rafe had an arm across your stomach and the other inside your shirt—his shirt—with a hand on your back. rafe's head is now on your chest, nestled comfortably on your boobs. he's snoring, which means he's really tired.
you wake up to the sound of snickering. your eyes open for a second to take in kelce and top laughing, phone out and taking a picture of you and rafe.
"guys," you whisper, not wanting to wake up rafe. "don't laugh. he was hungover."
"so if i get hungover, i can feel you up too?"
"shut up," rafe mumbles against your chest. "fuck off. let us sleep." they shuffle away, still laughing.
"you know they're never gonna let this go, right?"
"don't care. you shut up too. m'sleeping. this is nice." you smile.
"yeah. it is."
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Imagine your f/o holding you, wrapping the two of you in an incredibly soft and comforting blanket. "I've got you, okay? You can rest, you're safe with me." They express in a soft tone, kissing your forehead delicately as you begin to doze off in their embrace.
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zuiz41 · 3 months
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Au where people call them The Power Couple 👁️
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