#I love the chaos and shenanigans it brings
georgierussell63 · 9 months
Secret Santa coming soon 🤩🤩🤩
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lavenoon · 2 years
I'll be honest, forgot you had a discord so hearing you all had started hunting each other down gave me the biggest laugh. Would have loved to have seen that.
#godspeed anon go kill zelda first#<3
2 birds one stone luce
: )
have a nice day/night because i realized that in trying to kill you and zelda, I'm probably gonna end up dying from it aswell. aroaces are not as immune to this shit as people think
It was chaos and now people want to play among us GFDHJS also everyone is rooting for you because. well. I mentioned murder is a hobby for us <3 Server says hi!
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................... I like to think I am immune to some things that would kill Zelda but also fair point. Fair point.
Even fairer point I'm not aroace out of the technicality that I will never try to figure out more than "queer" but I sure notice some overlap in experiences I just like the fiction where I can just stop when I've had enough fhdjsk
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The longer I play Obey Me, the more I feel like Obey Me is a story about how the MC, in their quest to seek acceptance by the people they care about, ends up destroying themselves in the process and losing the very thing that made them so special and loved in the first place.
In the beginning of OG, they started off as just a normal human who got whisked away to a weird ass world where literally nobody respects them. Despite this, they recognised from the beginning that these demons and angels were not so different from humans. MC's ability to see the demons as actual people and not just beings controlled by their sins was what allowed them to form close bonds with them. They had good intentions to reunite the demon brothers who had undergone centuries of misunderstanding, resentment, and pent up grief. Even though they were excessively nosy, MC's unique position as a complete outsider allowed them to see just how much love the demon brothers had for each other, and how they can become closer if everybody would just better communicate with each other. Serving as the bridge to better improve the brothers' relationships was what convinced the demon brothers to also see MC as a member of their family.
But as the MC became more involved in the Devildom's problems, they started to adopt the same toxic traits that had created wedges between the brothers in the first place. From relying heavily on their pacts to subdue the brothers, to allowing a curse to control Barbatos (even though they had the ability to break it), to going along with the brothers' manipulative scheme to trick Satan into reconciling with Lucifer when Satan ran away to the human world -- it's almost like MC has unconsciously picked up on some of their loved ones' behaviour. Gone are the days where MC brings in a new perspective to problems. Now, they just embrace the chaos and their more darker traits, for that is what is expected of them to survive in the Devildom. And since everyone within their circle puts them on a pedestal, this further affirms to the MC that this is how they should be.
Dealing with the affairs of the Devildom had also caused the MC to grow more apathetic. In the beginning, they had been actively taking steps to form pacts with the brothers and were generally very invested in freeing Belphie from the attic. They remained true to themselves and insisted that they form a pact with Satan based on mutual trust and understanding, and not just as a means to smite Lucifer. Despite being in a helpless situation, MC never refused to give up their agency. But the longer MC gets involved with these shenanigans, the more they grew... numb to everything.
Solomon bringing me back to the Devildom unannounced? Oh, sure. Diavolo and Solomon hiding the reasons for my sudden return? Not my problem.
Simeon facing a problem to the point of having a quarter of the cast acting as his bodyguards? Eh, I'll just ignore it until I can't anymore.
Watching and waiting. That's what they have resorted to doing.
And that mindset of kicking problems down the line until it lands on MC's doorstep and they have no choice but to act -- that's exactly how they have been acting when they were stuck in NB, hasn't it? MC didn't bother forming pacts with the past version of the brothers until they were given an ultimatum, and even then, they simply relied on the convenient timing of each brother struggling with an inner crisis to swoop in, resolve the situation and tick them off their checklist.
MC in NB seems like an unfortunate culmination of everything they faced so far. They're too apathetic to care about getting sent to an unfamiliar place once again, too desensitised to life in the Devildom to reclaim their agency, and too desperate to earn the love of their former family to even think about anything else. They became so co-dependent to the demon brothers that they seem to think they cannot live without them or their affection, even if the ones they are living with in the past are different people from the ones they grew to love in the present.
The phrase "You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain" fits way too perfectly for the Obey Me MC. After all, MC keeps getting rewarded every time they try to get themselves killed (or even when they actually got killed). Maybe that's the only way they know how to resolve problems.
So if they can't die as the hero, they'll just learn to live as the villain.
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Roof-Top Shenanigans
It was a peaceful afternoon at the House of Lamentation, well, as peaceful as it could get with demons and one eccentric human roaming around. But for MC, peace was always an opportunity for a little chaos. Today’s grand scheme? A classic meme reenactment. With Solomon as the perfect target.
MC stood on the roof, squinting at Solomon, who was walking in the garden below with Asmo. Mammon, ever the accomplice, stood beside them, arms crossed, muttering about how they better not get him in trouble this time.
“Are you sure about this?” Mammon asked, looking nervously around, “If Lucifer catches us—"
“Shh! This is important, Mammon!” MC replied, giving a mischievous grin as they spotted their target.
Taking a deep breath, MC cupped their hands around their mouth and yelled across the yard, "WHAT'S YOUR NAME?!"
Solomon paused mid-step, his head tilting slightly as if confused, but when he saw MC perched on the roof, he quickly realized what was happening. A smirk tugged at his lips, and without hesitation, he yelled back, “WHAT?!”
Mammon looked at MC with wide eyes, stifling a laugh. “Oh, Diavolo’s gonna love this.”
MC, rubbing their hands together like a true villain, called out louder, "WHAT IS YOUR NAME?!"
Solomon, now fully in on the joke, burst out laughing as he shouted back, "SOLOMON!"
Without missing a beat, MC gave him the finger, “FUCK YOU, SOLOMON!”
Asmo, standing next to Solomon, gasped dramatically, his hand flying to his chest in mock shock. “Oh my stars! MC, such vulgarity!” But Solomon was laughing too hard to care, playing right along.
Still laughing, Solomon shouted back, "WHAT'S YOUR NAME?!"
“MC!” they yelled back, grinning like a Cheshire cat.
With perfect comedic timing, Solomon yelled, “FUCK YOU, MC!”
MC cackled, “FUCK YOU!”
“FUCK YOU!” Solomon echoed, pointing right back at them.
MC’s grin grew even wider as they prepared the next line. “HEY, YOU KNOW WHAT I DID LAST NIGHT?!”
Asmo blinked, looking between MC and Solomon, utterly lost, but still entertained. “What on earth is happening?”
Solomon, knowing where this was going, shook his head with mock seriousness. “YOU BETTER NOT BRING MY MOTHER INTO THIS!”
“I’M GONNA!” MC shouted back gleefully. “YOU KNOW WHAT I DID?!”
“YOU BETTER NOT!” Solomon warned, laughter bubbling up in his voice.
MC dramatically pointed to their left where Belphie, Satan, Beel, and Levi were lazily lounging around a bonfire. “I BUILT THAT FIRE OVER THERE!”
Solomon squinted toward the group and, catching on, smirked. “OH?”
MC didn’t miss a beat. “THEN I FUCKED YOUR MOTHER NEXT TO IT!”
Solomon immediately roared with laughter, clutching his sides as he yelled back, “FUCK YOU, MC!”
MC fell into a fit of hysterical laughter, collapsing to their knees on the roof, tears streaming down their face. “FUCK YOU!”
From the corner of the yard, Levi, who had been half-paying attention to the bonfire, glanced up. “Wait, what did I miss?”
Belphie, unbothered as usual, muttered, “Something about fires and mothers. Don’t worry about it.”
Satan chuckled. “Just another day with MC.”
Beel, munching on a snack, simply nodded. “Sounds about right.”
As the laughter between MC and Solomon continued to echo across the yard, the door to the House of Lamentation creaked open. Lucifer stepped out, his expression already dark with irritation. He took one look at the scene—MC still howling with laughter on the roof, Solomon doubled over by the bonfire, and the rest of the brothers being their usual selves—and immediately sighed.
Without a word, Lucifer turned on his heel and walked back inside, muttering something under his breath about "needing a vacation."
“Worth it,” MC whispered, wiping away a tear, still grinning.
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Reasons as to why I think it would be funny below:
-Cyclonus and Tailgate have been mentioned before but come on, it would be so funny. Here's Cyclonus that looks like a full on rogue even in his holoform and then there's his sunshine husband Tailgate that decides that he wants to be a hero. Cyclonus decides that sure, he'll go along with it if only to make his conjux happy. Too bad everyone thinks Cyclonus is the hero and Tailgate the sidekick.
-Ratchet has also already been mentioned but it would just be hilarious to see him try to tackle Gotham and all the shenanigans that comes with living in the city. I can also see him picking up Robin like a kitten.
-I just think Arcee and Damian would get along. Arcee is an ancient warrior that wields swords and Damian would take one look at her and go "I want to be like her when I grow up". Killer robot grandma and her little killer kid vigilante grandchild.
-Jazz would open a club and it would become the most popular place in Gotham. Fuck the Iceberg Lounge, Jazz's club is the place to be! Becomes the next Gotham celebrity, his himbo playboy persona on par with Brucie Wayne.
-Listen, Bumblebee is old. Old and tired and filled with rage. But he takes one look at the chaos that is Gotham, sees the homeless people and the struggling kids and decides that he has to do something to help. And if that means dropkicking Black Mask then by Primus-!
-Vigilante Drift. That's it. Gotham is so similar to Dead End and Drift knows that he could help people. So, he does. Mainly busts drug rings and protects the homeless population. Might accidentally become a gang leader.
-Riptide would 100% accidentally become a crime lord. He just stumbles into it. His goons know this but they just like him so much. He's nice to them, doesn't make them to terrible stuff and the pay is good. Riptide doesn't even know he's a crime lord, he thinks he's just in some kind of club.
-Accidental rogue/antihero Nautica. In her attempts to find a way back home to her own universe, she commits several crimes, breaks into Wayne Enterprise, leads the batfam on a 3 hour chase, starts a revolution and befriends Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy.
-Fortress Maximus to damn big for this damn city. Accidentally steps on the batmobile. Accidentally kidnaps Nightwing? Nightwing in turn listens to this 52 feet tall robot have an anxiety attack and calms him down. Now they are friends.
-Swerve living life in Gotham. He loves it. Yeah, it's chaos and people are a bit weird but it's also so exciting! The heroes and villains are so cool! He's got various fan blogs. Opens his own (human) bar and it becomes a hangout for rogue goons.
-Blurr starts working in the Iceberg Lounge as a bartender. His holoform is hot so he gets hit on a lot. He loves the attention. Penguin loves the revenue he brings in and promotes him to the poster boy of the place. Batman, as Bruce Wayne, decides to seduce Blurr to get some info on the Penguin. Shenanigans ensue.
-Little sad meow meow Waspinator gets found in the dumpsters by Damian and is subsequently adopted. Alfred takes one look at this pathetic bot and his heart breaks. Bruce returns home to find Waspinator in his living room, snuggled up in a blanket and asleep. Damian threatens to disown him if he makes Waspinator leave.
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xhoess · 1 month
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Logan howlett x fem bod reader
Masterlist wc:3.1k
Summary: you've known Logan for a while now, he brings you comfort. When Wade throws his iconic dance party Logan is inside your apartment, since you share it with Wade, and Wade being Wade he tries to set you guys up
Warnings: fluff, smut, Wade Wilson, NSFW,
Inside your modest apartment, the faint sounds of 'Wade Wilson's Dance Party' drifted from the living room, underscored by heavy beats and raucous laughter. You had learned to tune out his shenanigans, but tonight was different. The mischievous energy felt almost electric, and as you tucked yourself deeper into your couch, you couldn't help but smile at the absurdity of it all.
You glanced at the clock—8:30 PM. Wade’s antics had reached a fever pitch, and you half-wondered if you should tell him to tone it down. Just then, the door burst open, and in strode Wade, clad in an awful neon onesie that was both offensive to the eyes and oddly endearing. He was followed closely by Logan—a man who seemed to embody brute strength hidden beneath a layer of gruff tenderness.
“Hey, roomie!” Wade shouted, an exaggerated grin lighting up his masked face. “You’re missing out on the biggest party of the century! Come join us!”
You rolled your eyes, though it was impossible not to feel a rush of warmth at the sight of Logan. You could always count on him to be the eye of calm in the storm that was Wade Wilson. His rugged features set against the chaos brought a sudden rush of comfort. Your eyes lingered on him a second too long, and Wade noticed.
“Logan, look! It’s the strong and silent type—your favorite!” Wade teased, making a faux-serious face. “Isn’t that right, Wolverine?”
Logan shot Wade a look so withering it could have frozen mercury, but then a small, almost imperceptible smile tugged at the corners of his lips. “Sure, Wade,” he replied, his voice a low rumble. “I love watching you dance like a rabid squirrel.”
“Fine! You’re just jealous of my killer moves!” Wade huffed dramatically, causing you to snicker softly.
“More like jealous of your taste in fashion,” you chimed in, hoping to keep the good-natured banter rolling. Upon seeing Logan's half-amused, half-annoyed expression, your heart raced a little. You liked this man more than you cared to admit, and the chance to make him smile was one you relished.
“Come on! Let’s all lighten up! You two should dance!” Wade declared, and before you could process what was happening, he was pulling you up from the couch.
Dancing wasn’t exactly your forte. But with Wade twirling you around in an exaggerated fashion, it felt like anything was possible. The laughter came easily, and Logan stood off to the side, arms crossed over his muscular chest, watching you both with an expression that was hard to read—part amusement, part irritation, and something else that made your heart skip a beat.
Eventually, Wade took a break, flopping onto the couch like a starfish. “Alright, my work here is done! You two have fun!” he smirked, leaving you and Logan in a small, unexpected silence.
You exchanged a glance with Logan—his dark eyes were intense, scrutinizing you as if he were trying to figure something out. The air crackled with unspoken words, and in that moment, you felt vulnerable under his gaze.
“Wade can be… a lot,” you finally said, trying to fill the silence. “But he has a good heart.”
Logan let out a dry chuckle. “Yeah, if you dig past the chaos,” he replied, the warmth of his tone melting the ice between you two. “He means well, I guess.”
You took a step closer, emboldened by the intimate moment. “How about you? What do you think of him?” you asked, your curiosity pushing forwards. You had often wondered how Logan—a man who had seen and endured so much—dealt with Wade's incessant antics.
“He’s annoying,” Logan admitted bluntly, but you caught the hint of a smile again. “But underneath all that nonsense, he’s a friend—and maybe a bit more than that.”
Your heart raced, fluttering in your chest. The thought of Logan considering Wade a friend brought warmth to an otherwise frigid evening. Yet, you couldn’t shake the underlying question: did Logan consider friendship differently? Who was this man who fought for others yet wore his heart like armor?
In response, you found yourself wanting to push further, even if it took courage that felt out of reach. “What about you, Logan? What do you want?”
Logan’s brows furrowed in thought. “Not sure,” he said finally. “But I’ve grown tired of running. Sometimes… it would be nice to have something—or someone—to hold onto.”
His words settled in your chest like a pebble thrown into a still pond, sending ripples through your consciousness. You wanted to be that someone, to anchor him amidst the chaos of his life. The boldness surged within you, and you took a breath.
“Then maybe that’s what we can do together,” you suggested, your voice soft but resolute. “You don’t have to run anymore, Logan. You have a choice.”
His eyes softened, and in that moment, the weight of his years dropped just a little. “Choice, huh?” he mused, stepping closer so that you could feel the warmth radiating from him. “Maybe I could use a little more of that in my life.”
The moment hung between you, charged with promise, and you ventured a tentative smile, emboldened by the reality that perhaps you both could forge a different path in this chaotic world. The barriers around you both felt like they were cracking, the potential for something deeper growing in the evening chill.
Just then, Wade sprang to life again, slinging an arm around Logan. “You two look cozy! Is this a moment? Because I’m all for romance!”
You laughed, a genuine sound bursting out as Logan rolled his eyes with a grin. But as Wade prattled on, you felt Logan’s gaze on you. The warmth lingered like the whisper of a thousand unspoken words, promising an adventure waiting to unfold—if only you let it.
Tonight could be the start of something new, something different from the relentless chaos. With Logan at your side.
Wade's arm remained draped over Logan's shoulder, and as much as the grizzled man tried to shake it off, there was an undeniable ease between the three of you now. Wade's presence had a way of cutting through tension like a hot knife through butter, leaving behind only the warmth of shared laughter and unspoken camaraderie.
Logan sighed, finally shrugging off Wade's arm with a gentle, but firm, nudge. “Alright, alright, enough of your matchmaking,” he grumbled, though the corners of his mouth twitched up in a reluctant smile.
Wade pretended to be hurt, clutching his chest dramatically. “You wound me, Logan! All I’m doing is trying to set the mood. You know, help my best pals find love in this cold, dark world!” He winked at you, his antics bringing another round of soft laughter from your lips.
You looked at Logan, and for a moment, the world outside your apartment melted away. The harshness of the city, the relentless noise, the bite of the cold—all of it faded into the background. In its place was this connection, fragile yet undeniable, between you and Logan. His dark eyes held yours, and the depth of emotion there made you feel seen in a way that was both exhilarating and terrifying.
Wade’s voice snapped you out of the moment. “Hey, how about we order some food? I’m starving!” he declared, already reaching for his phone. “ Tacos? Ooh, how about sushi?”
You chuckled, the tension easing. “How about pizza? Something easy.”
“Done!” Wade declared, tapping away at his phone with the enthusiasm of a kid in a candy store. “But you guys have to promise me one thing.” He pointed a finger at both of you, his tone suddenly serious.
Logan raised an eyebrow. “What now?”
Wade grinned. “After the pizza arrives, we’re watching a movie—*together*. None of this ‘brooding in silence’ nonsense, okay? It’s movie night, and you both are required to participate.” He turned his gaze to Logan. “That means you too, Mr. Grumpy.”
Logan rolled his eyes, but there was a hint of amusement in his voice when he replied, “Fine, Wade. But I get to pick the movie.”
Wade pouted but relented. “Deal. But it better not be one of those depressing dramas you like.”
You smiled at their banter, the warmth between you all feeling like a shield against the cold outside. As Wade finalized the pizza order, you took a moment to appreciate how far you’d come—how, despite the chaos of your lives, there was something real here. Something worth holding onto.
Logan’s voice pulled you from your thoughts. “So, any suggestions on what to watch?”
You shrugged, trying to keep the mood light. “As long as it’s not too gory or depressing, I’m open to anything.”
Logan considered that for a moment before nodding. “I’ll find something.”
As he moved towards the small stack of DVDs and Blu-rays near the TV, you couldn’t help but watch him. There was a softness in his movements tonight, a quiet thoughtfulness that hadn’t been there before. It was as if he was allowing himself, just for a moment, to let his guard down.
Wade, ever the master of chaos, chose that moment to reappear at your side, leaning in with a conspiratorial whisper. “So, what do you think of our grumpy buddy, huh?”
Your cheeks warmed at the question, but you kept your voice steady. “I think he’s…complicated. But in a good way.”
Wade nodded sagely, as if you had just revealed the secrets of the universe. “That’s our Logan—complicated as a Rubik’s Cube and just as satisfying when you finally figure him out.” He winked, then bounded over to Logan, who was still sifting through movies.
“Hey, Logan!” Wade called, “How about we watch *The Princess Bride*? I mean, it’s got everything—romance, action, and enough humor to keep us all happy!”
Logan paused, then looked over his shoulder with a smirk. “You know what, Wade? That doesn’t sound half bad.”
Wade’s eyes widened in mock surprise. “Logan…did you just agree with me?”
“Don’t make me change my mind,” Logan retorted, but there was no bite to his words. He picked up the DVD and handed it to Wade, who practically skipped over to the player to get it started.
You settled back on the couch, feeling the warmth of the blanket around you as Wade fiddled with the remote. Logan sat beside you, his presence solid and reassuring. The movie began, the familiar opening music filling the room, and for the first time in a long while, you felt at peace.
The three of you watched in comfortable silence, interrupted only by Wade’s occasional commentary and Logan’s quiet chuckles. Every so often, you’d catch Logan’s gaze, and he’d offer you a small smile—a silent acknowledgment of the bond growing between you.
By the time the movie ended, the pizza had long been devoured, and the room was filled with a contented stillness. Wade, surprisingly subdued, was already half-asleep on the couch, mumbling something about “true love” as he drifted off.
You looked over at Logan, who was leaning back with his eyes closed, a rare look of relaxation on his face. The sight filled you with a quiet happiness, knowing that you were part of the reason for it.
“Thanks for tonight,” you said softly, not wanting to disturb the peaceful atmosphere too much.
Logan opened his eyes and turned his head to look at you, his gaze steady. “No, thank you,” he replied, his voice low and sincere. “For reminding me that there’s more to life than just surviving.”
You felt your heart skip a beat, the weight of his words settling over you like a warm blanket. There was a promise in them, a hint of something more that could be, if you both were brave enough to reach for it.
As you sat there, the city outside finally quiet, you realized that tonight had indeed been the start of something new.
You sat there, wrapped in the warmth of the moment, watching as Logan's gaze dropped to your lips. Your heart rate quickened, anticipation building as you waited for his next move.
Suddenly, he leaned in, closing the distance between you. His lips brushed softly against yours, a gentle question seeking permission. You answered by deepening the kiss, your hands reaching up to tangle in his hair. You Thanked God that Wade was asleep right now because the little fucker wouldn't have shut up about this.
As you broke apart, breathless, Logan's eyes darkened with desire. "Bedroom?" he murmured, his voice husky with need.
"Yes," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper.
Once in the bedroom, clothes were shed hastily, leaving both of you bare. Logan's eyes roamed over your body, appreciation evident in his gaze. "You're beautiful," he said, his voice rough."So are you," you replied, running your hands down his chest.
Logan wasted no time, pushing you back onto the bed and following you down. His kisses were rough, demanding, a stark contrast to the gentle exploration from before. You welcomed it, meeting his intensity with your own.
"Tell me what you want," Logan growled, his lips trailing down your neck.
"I want you," you replied, your voice trembling with desire. "Inside me."
Logan didn't need further encouragement. He positioned himself between your legs, his eyes locked onto yours. "Ready?" he asked, his voice strained.
You nodded, your heart pounding in your chest. Logan entered you in one swift motion, filling you completely. You gasped at the sensation, your nails digging into his back.
"Fuck, you feel amazing," Logan groaned, starting a slow rhythm.
"Harder," you urged, digging your heels into his ass.
Logan complied, increasing his pace. His thrusts were rough, each one sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body. You met him stroke for stroke, your bodies moving in perfect sync."You like it rough, don't you?" Logan asked, his voice strained.
"Yes," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper.
Logan's hand snaked down between your bodies, finding your clit. He rubbed circles around it, the pressure building with each thrust. You cried out, your orgasm crashing over you like a wave.
Logan followed suit, his own release triggered by yours. He collapsed onto you, both of you panting heavily.
"Fuck," he murmured, his forehead resting against yours.
"Yeah," you agreed, your hands stroking his back soothingly.
After a moment, Logan rolled off you, pulling you into his arms. You snuggled against him, your bodies still tangled together."That was...intense," you said, your voice soft.
"Yeah," Logan agreed, his hand stroking your hair. "But in the best way possible."
You smiled, your fingers tracing patterns on his chest. "Definitely."
As you lay there, wrapped in each other's arms, you knew that this was just the beginning. There would be more nights like this, more passion and intensity. And you couldn't wait.
But the peaceful silence was interrupted by the parasite in your apartment. "Next time invite me to watch love birds, only hearing wasn't so fun" Wade yelled from the other side of the door.
"That mother fucker-"
This was sitting in my drafts for waay to long and i lowkey forgot about it. ANYWAY if you have one-shot ideas you wanna read you can always ask!! Xx.R
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Hi <3 I'm here with my request for TGC/actress!reader! No pressure if you don't like this or feel that you have to write it but what about if the shows out and people are going feral over their insane chemistry on screen and in interviews. But it gets worse when a pic of them kissing in costume on set is leaked and people are torn over if its a deleted scene or not (you can decide haha). And TGC and reader being fluffy and hounded to answer? Tysm if you decide to write this, no worries if not :)
Deleted Scene
Tom Glynn-Carney x Actress!Reader
Summary: "No, but truly, I am disappointed they didn't keep it," Tom mutters rather seriously, "I totally agree that our characters kissing is 100% vital character development."
Word Count: >600
Warnings: fem!reader, interview shenanigans, whipped!both of them, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: T_T ive been having a hard time finishing my reqs so i do hope yall like em. i think its best for everyone that i keep em short cos i will lose my mind 🤪 i dont wanna give up on them so i hope you enjoy nonnie <3 Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @deniixlovezelda @targaryenmoony @risefallrise @sloanexx @antisociablewallflower
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Tom is sat on a chair on stage as he looks out to the crowd of eager fans, fans eager for answers about a particular clip that has been blazing about online. He breaks into a laugh when he hears the question regarding his lovely costar. He rubs the sides of face and chuckles into the mic, "next question please."
The crowd laughs.
Tom rubs his face and looks away as he clutches his torso. He releases a sigh then turns back to the guy who asked the question, "see... maybe I could answer that question easier if the person that question is about was here."
The crowd cheers.
Tom laughs, pulling his mic away, "I dunno, it's- it's quite awkward to... talk about your coworkers in certain ways, cause, you know, you don't want to put words in their mouth but--" he takes a moment before responding, "I would like to think," he places a hand on his chest, "that as much I as I enjoyed that kiss-"
Intense screaming.
"-she also did," he grits his teeth as he makes an apprehensive look. He breaks into a chuckle at how loud the shouts become.
Someone in the crowd screams out your ship name with Aegon.
"That being said, I do think it's a shame our kissing scene was cut out of the show-"
MEGA intense screaming.
Tom pulls his mic away and laughs through it. His jaw drops at the scream of a particularly enthusiastic fan. He points to that fan's general direction and chuckles as he says, "you get it."
"Can I just say," the fan who had asked Tom about the kissing scene in the first place speaks up. Tom looks at him as he explains that you were here at this convention two days ago and he got to ask you the same questions and-- "she said that she thought it was an integral piece of character development--"
Tom makes a face and nods.
"--and that because they cut it out, you should definitely make up for it with more kissing scenes."
The crowd loses their mind as Tom throws his head back then laughs into his hands. His face begins to turn a bright shade of red as he grins from ear to ear and his shoulders shake.
The fan holding the mic looks out to the crowd, "you can quote me on that, I'm sure there are clips online as evidence."
Tom wipes his face as he bites his lower lip.
He turns back to Tom, "do you have a response for her and everyone that ships your characters together?"
Tom blows a raspberry as he brings the mic to his mouth. With his cheeks still pink and his fingers ripping at his collar, he responds, "I'd love to kiss her."
Total and complete chaos amongst the people.
"FOR PLOT REASONS!" Tom calls out with an open mouthed smile. He shakes a hand out to the crowd as they bust their lungs with the intensity of their shouts.
He makes a cheeky expression, muttering lowly, "or maybe not--" he pulls his head back as he shakes it.
"No, but truly, I am disappointed they didn't keep it," Tom mutters rather seriously, "I totally agree that our characters kissing is 100% vital character development."
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seneon · 6 months
Woaaah I'm so glad the you write for mashe. I don't know if ur open for request if not please ignore this
How about Rayne having to bring his twin sons to work cuz his wife is out for business then for some reason Mash and his gang came to the Divine visionary and typical mashle shenanigans ensues.
The catch tho is that the one twin son is like a carbon copy of Rayne and the other is the same but hair color is like in opposite sides.
If ur uncomfortable with this please ignore this. But I hope you have a great day!!!
★ little raynes and mashle shenanigans
notes. little raynes omg (im his wife like literally) also this is the last request before i start on a new project 🫡
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one rayne, two raynes, three raynes. and another rayne if you're counting finn to look similar to rayne. one twin looks exactly like his father, with half yellow and half black hair split in the center. his lines the same as rayne, both streaks that runs down his eyes. demeanor like his father's— serious, calm, and collected.
what about the other twin? he is exactly the same like his father. well, not really. he has the colour of your hair and a different type of line design. this twin is on the weaker side, seeing how he only has a single line that runs across his nose. just like you, with a single line. being the weaker twin, he was softer than his elder twin brother, often helping around town or anyone at all.
today rayne is all alone with his sons, as his wife had to visit her family's business to help around, so she left the boys with him. rayne is a busy divine visionary, he couldn't just leave his sons alone. so he brought them to his office. what a surprise, his brother's friends are all there. and rayne's eyes twitched at the chaos that is about to happen.
finn is the first one who greets them, for he is their uncle. being the loving and nice uncle finn is, he often spoils them and doesn't know when to stop. like always, he gave both the twins a candy each, ruffling with their head.
mash who has never seen rayne's children before, is fascinated by the fact that there are two other little raynes. one the exact copy, the other immediately reminding him of you. he doesn't know whether to continue feeling fascinated or to feel fear since there is a mini rayne in town now. what if mini rayne is as powerful as his dad?
lance who had no reaction to them at all. he already saw them, already met them, and already knew them long ago. in fact, the older twin quite likes lance. he sees lance as an icy and cool idol to admire.
dot who keeps the kids if they want tips on how to get a girlfriend and only the younger ames listens, for the elder one immediately finds dot annoying. the younger one is just curious on what the meaning of 'girlfriend' is, before lemon pushes dot away and apologised to the younger ames.
lemon who tells the twins not to mind dot, for he still hasn't find a girlfriend after years of being single. she tells them not to worry as they are still young and instead, gives them the cream puffs she has made for mash which ended up being way too much.
and rayne, who sighs and shakes his head at the growing trouble that he could smell from afar. seeing the piles of paper stacked on his table, he has no choice but to ask the help of the mashle friends to look after his kids. he could trust finn, but he doesn't trust the others. so he purposely gave the task to finn, but everyone else took it as an invitation to babysit two little raynes.
rayne will make sure to complain to his wife when she comes back home.
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© SENEON 2024 ♰ do not repost, alter, or translate.
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tomboy014 · 1 year
Dun Dun Dunnn!!! Arkham Security Guard Danny's Epic Backstory! with Dick Grayson
I fell in love with the Arkham Guard AU by @xy-is-i and like most projects I work on, rather than starting where the story starts, I end up going backwards and delve into the backstory.  And I mean waaay into the backstory.
Because while the stories might start when the Bats run into Danny and Jazz working at Arkham Asylum isn’t where they first met.
Long, long ago, through shenanigans unknown, Robin and Phantom became friends, and honestly, they both really needed it. 
Dick Grayson, age 16, has been Robin for a while, but this is so early in the day that there just aren’t many teen heroes or sidekicks yet.  He’s basically pioneering the field of child heroes.
For Danny, 14, Sam and Tucker are great, but there are just some parts of superhero-ing that they just don’t get when you don’t have to hide a secret identity. 
Batman, for his part, does not approve of the friendship.  He’s already not a fan of metas in his city, but when the two of them get together, the chaos twin energy between Dick and Danny multiplies.  Worse, it brings about the pun-pocalypse, and there are only so many puns Bruce can take.  And then there’s the sibling discourse…
After all the stories Danny has told about his family, Dick is desperate to have a little sibling of his own, and the two repeatedly gang up on Batman to adopt another kid.  Their acting may be stilted, but the efforts are constant.
It never works.  Bruce doesn’t have empty nest syndrome yet, and tiny, homicidal Dick was already more than he could handle while he was trying to figure out how to adult, but he also can’t stand that he’s disappointing Dick.  Alfred isn’t helping either; he wants more grandkids.
And there’s no way in HELL that he’s adopting Phantom.
But for Robin and Phantom, they finally have someone they can talk to who gets it.  They can vent about their rogues, get help with homework, bitch about balancing their vigilantism with going to school, talk about whatever TV they’ve been watching, anything and everything.  It’s not uncommon to see them hanging off the Gotham gargoyles or grabbing a bite on top of the Nasty Burger.
There’s an unspoken rule between them that neither pries into the other’s personal life or secret identity, but as they get more comfortable with each other, little things slip out.  Then more.  Numbers are swapped, bits and pieces about their families come out. 
Later on, homes and secret hideouts are visited and they know each other’s first names.  It’s not a problem for Dick to go to the Fenton’s, but technically, Danny isn’t allowed in the Bat Cave or the Manor.  Those visits happen behind Batman’s back, and they were almost caught when they hid in the chandelier before Danny remembered he could turn them invisible. (Alfred encourages the friendship and bakes extra cookies once when he finds out Danny is over.) 
And eventually the relationship grows until they’re comfortable enough to swap full names.  No more secrets.
Dick likes going over to Danny’s place since it’s a chance to feel a lot more normal, even if they have to be very careful and either stay in civilian clothes in the shared areas or stay locked in Danny’s room if they’re in uniform.  Danny also goes out of his way to keep Dick from ever meeting his sister, Jazz (Danny knows he has a type).  It doesn’t stop them from swapping their numbers under the door.  (Jazz will unofficially be Dick’s therapist for years after this)
But being this close, Dick can also see just how stressed Danny is trying to maintain this lifestyle.  Doesn’t help either he has to listen to Danny’s parents go on and on about wanting to rip their own son apart, molecule by molecule.  Sure, Danny has a couple friends to help him, but he doesn’t have the same mentor or support system Dick has.  For a kid his age to be anything other than a sidekick is practically unheard of in this day and age.  Superheroes are still fairly few and far between, but Batman helped start a group called the Justice League a couple years ago with the idea that heroes could help each other.  Maybe there’s something there…
So, Dick starts the Teen Titan.  He had originally intended for Danny to join him as one of the founding members, but are you kidding?  Jump City is on the opposite side of the country!  He has school! and parents! (That’s the point, Danny. We’re trying to get you away from the parents that want to dissect you) He can’t just up and leave home and run halfway across the country!
So, Dick found the other iconic members and still joined the Titans, but Danny will always have an open invitation to join them and a room at the Tower, something Danny does occasionally take advantage of.  Jump City doesn’t spawn as many natural portals as Gotham, but he visits whenever he can and basically haunts the tower the entire month of December to get away from his family.
Still, the distance and growing up are hard on Dick and Danny, and they grow more distant over the years, but they’ll always have each other’s backs in an emergency.  Dick was there when Danny thought he was turning into a monster (it was just ghost puberty).  Danny stole the Spectre Speeder so they could scour the Ghost Zone after Jason died.  And Danny would eventually become godfather to Dick’s daughter, Mar’i. 
But things cooled down between them… at least until a panicked Danny called because his sister just took a job at Arkham…
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sixxrock666 · 9 months
Can I please ask for more Mötley Crüe with a platonic reader, it was surprisingly really wholesome but yet really creative and energetic, please and thank you, love <33
thank u sweets<33 of course here u go more mötley crüe shenanigans :))
Part 2
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can you tell I’m a little Tommy biased ( ̄ω ̄;)
• you would love to braid their hair, especially Tommys, since he was always eager to get it done. You usually had some problems regarding Nikki and Mick but at the end of the day they would let you anyways
• since Nikki and Tommy get into a lot of arguments just pissing each other off all of the time, when a physical fight would break out you would always have to be the one to pull them apart. When they would finally settle down you’d scold them, and they would just sit there like sad lil puppies
• late night talks with Mick on your bed while you are painting yours and his nails, his strictly black. He would always grumble about it but would secretly enjoy it
• i feel like Tommy would get slightly possessive over u sometimes, he just wants to spend time with you in peace without others interfering, jealous boy :o
• clingy Tommy when drunk>>> hed be all over you ,Nikki, Vince and Mick, would lean on your shoulder and even fall asleep in your lap sometimes
• Vince would adore taking care of you, just random acts of service here and there like bringing you a glass of water and some pills and setting them on your nightstand whenever you’d get drunk
• you’d borrow their t-shirts all the time
“is that my shirt”
“might be yours Vince, might be Nikkis”
• once in a while you’ll all gang up on mick and tease him or some shit till he ends up chasing you all and cursing the shit out of you
• impulsively getting matching tattoos in the middle of the night, drunk with the boys
• inside jokes with Mick>>>> you’d randomly say something only you two would get and you’d just start laughing like two crazy idiots. The rest of the boys would just sit there and stare confused
• the only time they would eat homemade food is if you’d cook because they would be helpless, they would either burn the whole kitchen down or make so much mess while trying to make eggs and bacon -_-
They loved it when u did cook for them tho-Tommy’s for sure licking that plate up
• alright hear me out, movie night but it’s pure chaos
☆ you’d take forever trying to pick out a movie, you would end up arguing and pulling and chasing until one of you eventually won. Not everyone would be happy about it and would just complain throughout the whole movie
☆“ you can’t be serious this is so fucking predictable”
“ Vince shut it and watch the movie”
“ but look i fucking told you he’s gonna-“
Would get a pillow in the face so he’d shut up
☆if you’d watch some romantic shit Vince and Tommy would end up crying openly over it, and then you’d catch Nikki and make fun of him, until he would literally tackle you on the couch so you’d shut up
☆Tommys picking some sappy romance, a cartoon or some sex related shit, there’s no in between
• the boys can never say no when you do the puppy eyes except Mick of course, he’s a little devil
• you’d help them die their hair, but it would just end up with you all messing around and in the end the hair dye would be everywhere except where it’s supposed to be-the hair
Part 3
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cookierunauprompts · 8 months
AU Prompt #6 💓♪
Time slowed to a full stop around you as you focused, the chaos surrounding the silver tree all brought to a halt. Not even Pure Vanila Cookie or White Lily Cookie could move a singular fiber of their being. Such is the perks of having Dungeon Master Cookie as your patron. And, speaking of your patron, she stared down at you with her huge, white eyes. " So, the seal upon the silver tree has broken, thus releasing the five Fallen Heroes into the land of Earthbread once more. Now, Reader Cookie, I suspect you want to do something before I have you roll initiative, yes?" " That's correct, Dungeon Master Cookie." You reply, staring up at the holy, towering figure. However all the seriousness of this moment was thrown out of the window with a few, simple words. " I'd like to roll to seduce the Jester." Your patron seemed... unamused? Yet also as if she were expecting this. After all you did the exact same thing with Dark Enchantress Cookie, but that was just for the funny(plus, you got a nat1 that time). You were completely serious about attempting to woo Shadow Milk Cookie, maybe even another one of the Beasts if they showed themselves. " Are- Are you seriously doing this again?" She asked exasperatedly, to which you eagerly nodded. With a sigh and a wave of her hand, a D20 appeared in your arms. " Fine, fine, give me a Charisma check." And once again, fate blesses you. With a natural 20. " ... NAT 20 LET'S GOOOOO!!!!" You can feel the tired aura from Dungeon Master Cookie. " Alright, alright... I'll let you have this." She sighed as the world faded back into motion. You stood tall and proud next to Pure Vanilla Cookie + Gingerbrave and Friends before you stepped forwards. You're pretty sure that you gave PV war flashbacks with the expression on your face. " Reader Cookie for the love of the Witches-" He attempted to plead, but it was already far too late. " Shadow Milk Cookie, hm?" You began, your tone flirty as it always was when you did shit like this. " What a fine name for such a clearly ever so powerful cookie~" You hummed flirtatiously, batting your eyelashes at the gigantic jester before you. " Oh?" Shadow Milk Cookie hummed, leaning down to get a better look at you. " My my! I didn't think I had such an adoring fan of mine waiting for me here~!" He chirped, a subtle yet bright blue hue taking over his face. " Lord have mercy on us all..." Pure Vanilla Cookie mumbled to himself almost desperately. If both you and Shadow Milk Cookie are flirts... then you'll probably be here, locked in a battle of the heart for a while.
Or, You, Reader Cookie, have a Patron named Dungeon Master Cookie. Cue DnD shenanigans brought to the world of Cookie Run. And of course, the natural chaos a nat20 brings when you decide to flirt with the bbeg of the current adventure.
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I watched the episode of House of Mouse where its the Christmas special and Pete's in and that got me thinking-
I cannot remember if you've already made a post regarding Christmas at the HoM, so consider this in September:
Since it's implied Christmas doesn't exist in TW, let's say Yuu starts making gingerbread cookies out of habit. And after that, she is halfway through the pudding when she realises that Christmas, in fact, has never been brought up before amongst her friends.
A quick check later and she leaves the pudding to set while wondering where she's going to find the occasion to give her friends holiday treats.
So sometime before Christmas she brings the cookies and pudding over to the HoM after wrapping them up fancy for her work family-
Only for Pluto to flaunt his special sugar-free gingerbread biscuits in full view of the villains' table.
And then Maleficent calls Yuu over to ask where did Pluto get such cute cookies with pine trees piped all over them-
Yuu, most likely: 'I made them myself for Christmas :). But Christmas doesn't exist in TW, so I couldn't think up a special occasion to give my friends Christmas treats :(. Especially considering all the effort that went into the cookies :( Jamil wouldn't call that cost-effective :(
Jafar is internally cursing out his protege, while Maleficent and the Queen of Hearts immediately start trying to convince her to make their twisted versions cookies :) and only their versions :) no, shove off mal, she's going to make dear riddle cookies that don't break any rules whatsover :) not your grandson :) sod off you hag :)
Anyway, I was going to add something about a kiss under the mistletoe but it's not even November yet so I'll save it until then
Please don't let this ask get eaten-
Wow, I am loving these House of Mouse!AU asks. Life has been crazy these past few months so coming back to Tumblr to see that people are still interested in this really makes me smile 🥰
I remember writing something about that special last year that was kind of similar to what you said - I love the fan trope where our/Yuu's world's holidays/traditions don't exist in twst. The angst and fluff potential is just so good (I remember there was this one episode of Winx Club where the fairies try to cheer Bloom up by having a christmas party but they misunderstand everything and Stella interprets 'christmas cheer' as 'a christmas cheer' like the type cheerleaders do and I feel like that's the kind of endearing shenanigans you'd get in NRC)
I think that's what makes the House of Mouse so neat - it's kind of like a best of both worlds situation where there is a mix of both fantastical Disney magic and parts of our world (so Yuu can feel more at home, in a way)
Okay but back when I was in another fandom, I wrote a christmas themed drabble where a character made personalised gingerbread people for his entire class where he decorated each biscuit to look like them and I think that's definitely something Yuu would do (as well as the usual christmas themed ones, of course - she likes to go all out like that)
But yes, I see the shippers using this as a way to sail their ship. Yes, of course they want to throw a christmas celebration as a way to make Yuu happy - but it wouldn't hurt if they indulged in some light trickery now would it. Cue cartoon shenanigans where everyone is sabotaging each other, leading to total chaos and a Yuu that is both frazzled and totally oblivious.
"C'mon, Jaffy - just 'cause your little protege doesn't appreciate Yuu doesn't mean you have to ruin things for us. Where's your christmas spirit?"
"You don't even celebrate christmas!"
"Neither do you!"
Not to mention all of the animal companions that want special christmas treats as well (much to Pluto's irritation and obvious jealousy)
Thanks for the ask ♡
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I'm just saying, I absolutely love the idea that the Disney Princes are all friends with one another just like the princess are. From this clip alone, it seems like Charming is aware of how rowdy Max tends to be, to where he has to always call Eric to reel him in since he is the only one that’s able to get him under control, other than Ariel XD
I already believe Eric, Eugene, Aladdin and Philip would be such mischief makers in the group too. The Beast (Adam) and Charming (whose name is apparently Henry?) and Li Shang would be the the straight men of the team, shaking their heads at their shenanigans.
Meanwhile, Naveen would be playing a ukulele to bring some music in that matches with the chaos.
How much do you think to offer Disney to make a short revolving around the Disney Princes? Cause that would be a huge opportunity to do since we had the Princess scene in the Wreck it Ralph sequel.
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candyrockpop · 1 year
Drunk WH characters x Reader
Every character drunk x GN!reader (minus home, of course.)
TW/CW: Mentions of alcohol, arguing(not specific, just a mention), kisses, and drunk shenanigans
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Wally Darling
🍎I think Wally would be...not hard to get drunk, but it would take a good number of drinks.
🍎When he does get drunk though? He is clingy and he is HUNGRY.
🍎Probably ask you to hold him and eat over your shoulder if food is nearby.
🍎Would absolutely not let you go, you have to give him affection!
🍎"Wally, can you let go now?" "No. Cuddles."
🍎You would have to bring him to Home, and spend the night as he will hang onto you like a koala.
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Poppy Partridge
🪅You would end up going up to her to see if she was drunk or not.
🪅She would just be watching everyone with a goofy smile.
🪅If you ask her if she's okay, she would just start telling old stories about the neighborhood, even embarrassing ones.
🪅"Oh yes, one time Julie ate one of Barnabys hotdogs and nearly cried because it was spicy! I was so worried!"
🪅She would eventually wrap you in her wings, just holding you. It's pretty warm, actually.
🪅You'd have to bring her home, since she was pretty tipsy.
🪅She thanks you the next morning and apologizes.
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Julie Joyful
💐One drink of something a little too strong and she is a goner.
💐She would end up dancing with Sally.
💐Only after she and a drunken Barnaby argue over what song to put on–
💐Eventually She'll have the idea to try and climb Howdy, who just trips under her added weight.
💐When you go to collect her, she presses kisses all over your face.
💐On the way to her house, she somehow ends up stuck in a tree?
💐Like how? You get her down and home and the next day she thanks you and keeps you company the rest of the day.
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Howdy Pillar
🐛Somehow, this man is even more clumsy than Eddie is on a bad day.
🐛Like, I'm talking tripping over air and running into everything.
🐛It's okay, he doesn't care if that big, happy grin on his face is any indication, especially when he finally stumbles(falls) into you.
🐛You have to force him to sit down since he just wants to give you hugs but keeps falling when he tries to pick you up.
🐛He will wrap you in all of his arms and lay his head on yours.
🐛That dopey, lovesick smile on his face is everything, even if he's drunk.
🐛Eventually you talk(bribe) him into letting you go with kisses.
🐛You literally drag him home since he is a walking disaster. (He sports several scrapes and cuts the next day, and asks what happened.)
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Barnaby Beagle
🌭"Me? Drunk? Absolutely."
🌭He is aware he is drunk, but he doesn't mind since he knows he's safe.
🌭For a little while he's causing chaos. Chasing squirrels, tackling neighbors attempting to chase squirrels, eating half the snack table...
🌭When he gets tired though? He will find you.
🌭And he will sleep on you with his head in your lap.
🌭Before he falls asleep though he is all over you.
🌭Nuzzling you, licking your hair, kissing your cheeks, cuddling into your lap...
🌭He ends up trapping you there for the night, and you hope it doesn't rain...
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Sally Starlet
🌟She is dancing for hours. She doesn't care what the song is, she is dancing.
🌟She will drag everyone to dance, including you.
🌟She is causing chaos, too. Aka, trying to ride Barnaby like a horse, and climb Poppy like a mountain.
🌟You do have to pull her off, but then she just plops where she is and starts telling dramatic stories.
🌟You make sure to write down any ideas she has so she can see them later.
🌟"And then, a second dragon swoops in just as the hero makes a move to slay the first one. And starts fighting the other dragon!" *furiously writes as she talks 🖋*
🌟You end up going to your house since hers was a bit of a mess
🌟She ends up loving the ideas drunk her came up with, and presses happy kisses all over your hands and cheeks, and one to your lips.
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Eddie Dear
✉He's more clumsy than normal, like please keep him away from the tables, he keeps running into them!
✉Ran into you running from a chaotic Julie and knocks you both over.
✉He smiles and you both just kinda lay there.
✉He will listen to you if you start talking, and will randomly start motivating you.
✉With words and with his love.
✉Like, this man is pressing kisses to your knuckles, palm, lips, cheeks, forehead, lips again-
✉When you go to walk him back to the post office?
✉He forgets to open the door, runs into it, and knocks himself out. (It's okay, you carried him inside!)
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Frank Frankly
📚This man a perfect mix of reckless and clean freak.
🦋Like, he will start cleaning obsessively, then make a mess moments later trying to chase a moth he thought was a butterfly.
📚Of course he doesn't make it far, either you grab him or he trips, either way you caught him.
🦋He keeps trying to chase "butterflies"
📚Eventually harassed Howdy about turning into a butterfly.
🦋Pretty soon after he clocks out and passes out on the grass.
📚You carry him home, or drag him, and get him in his bed. You stay to ensure he doesn't make up and try to do something stupid.
🦋He wakes up the next morning and remembers absolutely nothing, but is very embarrassed when you tell him.
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Alright, I hope you enjoyed! This was requested and I hope you don't mind I did headcanons. Let me know if you want anything else, my ask box is open. Also, finals are done and school is out! (Ignore any and all spelling mistakes-)
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avelera · 5 months
I definitely don't need more WIPs right not for Dreamling, but sometimes it is fun to brainstorm a total nonsense fanfic-y premise played totally straight, which is why I'm fondly remembering the Cinderella Dreamling AU I brainstormed on one of the servers.
(Canon Divergence AU, because that's how I roll)
2022 rolls around and Hob and Dream are friends. Just... friends. Hob would love there to be more. He sometimes suspects, more like wishes really hard, that Dream would like more but, as usual, the guy isn't talking if he does. And Hob is too chicken to ruin the friendship they finally achieved to do something so uncouth as proposition his oldest friend.
He comes to the sad and perhaps inevitable conclusion that Dream has had all the chances in the world to say something so the only conclusion is that Hob's just not that interesting to him in that way. Stands to reason. The more Hob learns about the Dreaming and Dream's fantastical realm and all his adventures, the more Hob's almost single-minded dedication to living a normal life despite his immortality seems a bit... dull.
Enter Desire. Or Death. Or both. This is fanfic-y nonsense, after all, the point is there is a device and the device is our fairy god-person who is also sick to death of watching Dream pine from afar but is also a huge fan of chaos.
They (let's go with Desire for now, even if the trope is a bit overplayed, because it seems like their sort of thing) offer Hob a proposal. The chance to go into the Dreaming each night to woo Dream. Best of all, it will be with Desire's protection of his identity and a small amount of magic to create a persona for wooing Dream that won't be immediately obvious.
Oh, also, Dream is throwing a big fuck-off bash for Faerie or some other Dreaming ally so there's gonna be a party for weeks up there. Perfect place to slip in a new stranger. (Hob is a little charmed by the idea that he gets to be the stranger for once.)
Enter: the Knight of Roses.
Basically, Hob creates a persona into which he pours all of charm, wit, and courtier's polish from 600s years of life. If nothing else, he's having the time of his life at what is essentially a fancy magical masquerade ball where he gets to try his damndest to sweep Dream off his feet.
And it seems to be working. Hard to tell with Dream. But each night, Dream seems excited to see the Knight of Roses again.
(It is working. It's working very very well. The Dreaming is awash in flowers. Dream spends every waking moment he's not at the ball pacing his quarters, interrogating his subjects as to how in the world he can't get to the bottom of who this is, and every person who could nominally be considered his friend including his siblings and subjects are tearing their hair out with how sick they are of hearing about the Knight of Roses.
Hob doesn't hear about it though in the waking because Dream is in love with him and doesn't want to ruin any chance they might have together someday by agonizing over a mysterious guest who is probably some trick sent by Desire or Lucifer or someone to mess with Dream. He has no idea how right he is and how wrong he is not to bring it up to Hob.)
Secret Identity shenanigans ensue, of course, until we hit a breaking point with drama, tears, etc etc the usual for the trope because of course (gasp!) Hob is the Knight of Roses and there never was any need to create a separate persona because Dream was also agonizing over whether Hob was interested and Hob was so chill around him he assumed he was misreading all the signs. (Hob was working so, so hard to appear that chill around Dream.) Identities are unmasked and everyone lives happily ever after.
(But Hob is keeping the outfit once they're officially together, because Dream really, really liked the romance of the whole Knight of Roses identity but he likes it even more now that he knows it's Hob and not an evil trap laid by one of his enemies.)
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angelsdean · 2 months
Been thinking abt the finale + potential reboot plotlines and I've really come to the conclusion that TO ME the last thing we actually see from Dean's POV in the finale is him getting into the Impala to drive. Which then segways into the plot of The Winchesters and all the universe hopping and evading Jack / God to stay out of Heaven (and searching for Someone).
The brothers meeting on the bridge however is Sam's POV and crucially Sam is....not actually in heaven. He's still on earth, still the same age he was when Dean dies, and he's stuck in a dream state. Which is why his whole life flashes like a blurry montage. This is a djinn-dream-esque scenario (he did Not cope well with Dean's death) or a Chuck won / Jack corrupted by the god power purposely putting him in a dream state to get him off the playing board, either way, he's dreaming but not actually dead. Which ties into how the other characters still on earth like Jody, Garth, Donna, etc will eventually find him and realize Something Is Up. Also I think it would be pretty sweet if Sleeping Beauty Sam gets woken up by Rowena for a full circle parallel moment with their arcs, how Sam was meant to kill Rowena and cast her down to Hell and now Rowena is the one to break the curse and essentially bring him back to "life" and out of the fake Heaven in his mind.
Meanwhile, Dean is still out there on the run, universe hopping and searching for a certain portal. He eventually crashes the Impala into the Empty (actually in the cold opening of the reboot, bc we got a Lot to get through, we are Starting with the Empty Rescue). And he finds the Empty in chaos. Since everyone is awake, Cas and Billie have formed an alliance and are leading a rebellion. Lots of familiar faces of dead angels and demons. Dean ends up being less a knight in shining armor and more the getaway driver (the magic tardis Impala can open portals for them). Dean, being dead, also can finally glimpse at Cas's trueform and oh boy. He falls even more in love, if that's even possible. (And horny. He saw tentacles.)
They make their escape, along with other angels and demon allies, (Crowley, welcome back!) And then....they have the rest of the season for other plot shenanigans. Rescuing Jack from the god power, saving Sam, universe hopping and fighting more Chuck fail-safes, and of course, destiel things<3 Pale coconuts will collide. Passionately. Multiple times. In my reboot at least.
This also all works perfectly with 1.) Jared saying he doesn't want to do a long reboot season, that's ok dude! You can be asleep for half of it! 2.) Misha not wanting Cas to be sidelined to the Empty for most of it and just be "rescued" as the main plot and 3.) Jensen's continual desire to be Dean again for as long as they'll let him
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