#I love this weird little trio and I Demand More Of Them
flaccid-rats · 1 year
So here’s the dynamic I want going forward since we FINALLY seem to be circling back to the whole Din Is The Mand’alor By Right And Creed thing
Mand’alor Din Djarin and his military leader Paz Vizsla and his political advisor Bo-Katan Kryze (but they’re still a disaster together and Din and Paz regularly get into fistfights and Bo has to break it up and no one’s quite sure how they can so effectively and efficiently lead an entire planet but they’re Doing It)
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withdenim · 6 months
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I think it’s time I introduce my doomed ancient yuri to the ninjago fandom. I’ll leave the story under the cut if anyone wants to read it 💜 it includes my Wojira backstory and why I draw Nyad as oni
Wojira is the younger, less powerful sister of firstbourne, I think. Wojira and Firstbourne we’re both chill with Oni, but Firstbourne was more Reserved about it . Like, she didn’t enforce weird rules or anything but she also . Didn’t stop her kids from being really awful.
Wojira spent more time with Oni than other Dragons. Even her kids (wind and water Dragons) were sort of weird about it. She didn’t really like the sort of power hoarding attitude of the other Dragons and decided to teach them a lesson about it.
When the first master was born she realized that Oni blood COULD bear elemental magic, and she took in two Oni kids (Nyad and her brother who I made up and haven’t named yet lmao) and gave them wind and water (separately) magic. And the other Dragons were VERY mad about this. They thought it was disgraceful.
They tried to get Firstbourne to banish her . Firstbourne refused and so her kids just all worked together to banish her instead. And sort of gave her a fucked up cursed eternal headache (in the amulets) Whoops . Nyad and her brother followed Wojira into the realm of Ninjago and tried to ease her pain for years but eventually it just sort of broke her mind and she started laying absolute waste to everything.
The FSM goes through his whole story (still figuring out details of it in my headcanons) and comes to Ninjago, desperate for a new home. And Nyad and her brother (I really need to name them DIFNDKFM) are scared of him at first. But he shows them his elemental magic and they realize he’s like them (Oni with elemental magic). And they bond over that and tell him about Wojira. The first master decides to help Nyad convince the Merlopians and Islanders to resist Wojira and hopefully bring peace to the realm.
Over several months they become good friends, and they often calm Nyad’s brother by making beautiful little worlds out of their elemental magic for him. And the FSM promises that one day Ninjago will be safe like these worlds, and they’ll all be able to live there.
And these very very lonely people have made a little family.
Of course, the Oni hunters are sent to track down the FSM, and Mystaké is the first to find them. She announces herself and demands the first master return with her. He begs to stay just long enough to make this world safe for the people there, and she reluctantly agrees when they show her the safe world they’re planning to build. It looks beautiful.
Mystaké joins their efforts, hoping to speed along the process of the first master’s return to the first realm, but she finds herself amazed by their magic and (worse) deeply fond of the little trio. She falls in love with Nyad, and starts letting herself indulge in their hopeful fantasies of a safe world where no one will find them. In this time, Nyad gives the FSM a name of his own to use when they have their safer world. Hajime.
When the preparations are as ready as they’ll ever be, the Battle of Nine Days begins. On the eighth day, Nyad’s little brother (who wasn’t even fighting) is struck near-fatally, and Nyad launches a risky attack to try and end the battle once and for all. It’s unsuccessful, but she realizes Wojira’s weak spot. Like in canon, she merges with the sea, desperate to give the others a chance at the world they’d all hoped for, and hoping that her brother could be saved if the battle ended and he could get proper help.
She knows she should kill Wojira, but she can’t bring herself to. And instead of killing her she decides to take the amulets, and send Wojira into a deep, painless sleep, hopefully eternal.
Hajime is devastated by Nyad’s death, and though Mystaké grieves her as well, she’s a lot more accustomed to death, and watches her go, surprised by the ache in her heart.
The brother lives, but passes on his element very soon after the events of the battle, sick of it’s consequence. Hajime builds the new world and appoints new masters, though he doesn’t know where the water and wind elements went (not his domain). Mystaké never even brings up the idea of taking Hajime back to the first realm again, and protects him from other hunters when she can. Hajime lives a long long time before choosing to pass on and find peace for himself. Mystake lives another thousand years, farming strange enchanted teas, occasionally a companion to Wu and Garmadon.
In Hunted, she confides in Lloyd that if or when she dies, she would like to be sunk into the sea where the battle took place (not that she tells him the story. Just the location), and Lloyd thinks it’s just some weird senile old lady talk. But when she does die at the hands of his father and the Sons of Garmadon in Hunted, Lloyd doesn’t get a chance to row her out until after March of the Oni.
She liked Lloyd. He was a lot like Hajime.
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helpfandom · 11 months
Could i request some platonic yandere david headcanons with a camper reader? Ty!
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Gee Whillikers, He sure does love ya'!
With him, he must have a nice darling, [you] may be nice out of pity or out of the kindness of your heart, but he thinks it's the latter. Hopefully.
Be careful not to break this man's heart! He can't take too much!
Anyway, out of that realm now.
David is someone who could not bring himself to kill. David would rather die than hurt one of the campers, but it doesn't stop him from treating them rudely. [And by rudely, we mean that he wouldn't do as many activities the camper liked, such as he wouldn't make it mandatory for the campers like Max to show up at Preston's play, or something of the like.]
Gwen may notice this weird obsession with you, and how he babies you, but her worries are dispelled by the knowledge that David wouldn't do that. Right?
David [and any others observant enough] finds himself often giving you special treatment; going with what you suggest instead of what was planned, walking or otherwise sticking by you during activities, refusal to swap the channel [episode 8, season 4, After hours, for those wondering] from what you chose. And Max, being the little shit that he is, is quick to pick up on this and capitalize on it.
David and Max quickly find that it's an impasse between the two. David refuses to let you get roped in with the trio, and Max is adamant to use his obsession with you to get what he wants.
So, suddenly Max had to take a trip to the wood scouts.
It is unlike David to kidnap, however, he wouldn't mind if you got stuck, or lost, and missed the bus to go home and all of a sudden you have to stick with him until the bus arrives, but the bus won't arrive.
He's emotionally dependent on you, relying on your kindness to keep him afloat in this emotional world of his. Depending on the time, he may fall farthest into his obsession than ever, or he may be the lightest.
He wouldn't be afraid of becoming more confident in the terms of you, though. David would fight back if the Wood Scouts wanted to grab ahold of you, or even letting them just so that he could save you and have an excuse to hold you in the cabin instead of out with the other campers...
Although, he does realize that this is selfish of him, so it's a loop on whether or not he acts on that impulse of letting it happen, or if his sense of justice outweighs his sense of parental concern. If at the time where he knows that Jasper is dead, then he would act on it, letting it happen only to burst into the Wood Scouts and demand that you come back, his need to protect overpowering his urge of peace.
No matter what, you just have to get on the bus to go home. He would never follow you home! What's David doing at your school? Well, silly, he needs a job after the summer! Too bad he's your teacher.
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shatcey · 5 months
The villains wanna tease little robin (Elbie/Alfie)
Jude/Ellis (bitter) Elbie/Alfie (bitter) Vic/Will (bitter)
I found the first two chapters, the premium ending and the epilogue:
So I recommend reading this beforehand.
But before I start talking about the ending, I just have to mention this scene from 1ch.
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It happens that right now I'm reading Alfie's route on JP, and it really gives a huge hint to understanding his personality.
The boys went to catch the culprit, but didn't take Kate with them. On the way to the Queen's room, they express interest in her… in their own strange way
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Elbert apologizes for always asking the same question. But Alfie doesn't think he has anything to apologize for.
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Actually, I cannot say I understand why Alfons thinks that way. What exactly did he mean by that? Because their relationship is based on mutual help, but mostly Alfons helps Elbert (with his obsession). And as I see it, it's really difficult to find his fault at all. I would even dare to say that without him, Elbert would be in a more dire state if he were still alive.
While they were away, Kate was surrounded by young debutantes. The girls she met while playing the role of the Queen. And the girls started asking her for advice. Obviously, Kate knows a few tricks if she has attracted the attention both Alfons and Elbert.
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While she was trying to sort out this misunderstanding, Elbert and Alfons returned. The girls asked Kate to keep in touch with them and give her their contact information. Alfons, of course, commented on this.
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As soon as they got into the coach, the boys began to compliment Kate.
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And immediately after that, Alfons begins to demand a reward
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She tried to reason with them. It's weird to reward people who work together. But…
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Kate realized she should act before they made their demands, and stopped the coach.
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She ran away, and Alfons laughs, how naive she is. Elbie followed her.
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Alfons mutters how this is all troublesome, and follows Elbie…
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I love both boys and thought I knew them very well. I finished Elbert's route and halfway of Alfons' route, but still some moments make me doubt. Of course, it's hard to know everything about someone, and over time, the developers will probably throw us something new, so I shouldn't be surprised… But still… Alfie feels guilty… This disturbing thought doesn't wanna leave my head.
I'm really happy to see Alfie enjoying himself. Recently I go soft for him and I happy when he's happy. For some reason, his route hit too close to home… Perhaps due to some personal experience. I cannot say for sure.
🔝 Start page 🔝
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kit-williams · 6 months
not rlly an ask, just me wanting to say ty for all your wh40k yandere fics/ideas. they get me through the day <3 (especially those with the raven guard trio)
aww thank you!
I mean I have to thank @moodymisty for posting the initial idea of her writing a yandere space marine that I literally could not wait to read it that I just had to write something. (Like for real the initial post about the thought of a yandere space marine/black templar on her blog is what kicked it off and without that Brother Roland wouldn't be here)
Also if it sounds like I'm deflecting praise... I kinda am... it just feels weird to be praised at times... I'm kinda like Perturabo where it's like I wanna be praised but also like I know I'm just doing what I do...
But I'm happy that my menagerie of space marines make people happy. Like I've been gushing to my husband that I'm shocked that people like them so much here... I might polish them up and post them on ao3... maybe when my tiny night lord is a little older and isn't as demanding my attention. But I digress...
I have been gushing to him about all the kind words everyone has been saying and the several people whom I've inspired... it really feels weird to be on the other side of the fence of having people love your writing and not being the person gushing to the other writer.
I also gotta thank @wolf-tail for my partial success in the 40k space for their space marine husbandry prompt that helped spiral me more... which is slowly being lewded by my anons and askers (I'm sorry)((but also not?))
I do find it funny how my D&D crossover/au Primarch thing isn't what caught on but literally me being like "Lets make these boys yandere"
Also gotta thank @bispecsual for literally tending the fungus farm and like your wonderful tags that helped kept me going in those early days with the yandere boys.
Also to all my anons (who I really hope is actually multiple people and not just like the same person even if you were I still wanna be your mutual) I really have to thank you all... and I hope someday ya'll feel comfy enough to tell me who you are and let me follow you; even if its just some side account to your main just the support ya'll give to me makes me feel warm inside.
This post is long enough right? But yeah um tl;dr... thank you
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bunkernine · 10 months
PLEASE speak abt the parents Beryl Tristan and Esperanza 🙏 🙏 🙏
Ok outside of firmly believing that those parents HAVE to be legacies (esperanza ESPECIALLY or at least she saw thru the mist) I'm just gonna blab about an AU that makes me laugh. The way I spent 30 mins writing this instead of my finals...
Quick run down: the three of them were friends, tristan and beryl as childhood friends actually, and then they accidentally kill a man (monster)
Grew up poor in a small town, "trailer trash", extremely critical alcoholic mother. Dad left when she was a kid. Had an older brother who left as soon as he could and never calls
Enjoyed watching movies and tv to imagine a better life she can live in
Nerdy as hell in school, wore the biggest glasses in the world. Had a huge crush on tristan for YEARS, especially when he got hot in high school, but liked him before too
Has the sight, can see thru the mist and it scares the shit out of her. Part of why Rosa thinks Leo is fucking devilspawn cuz Esperanza thought she was seeing demons. She moved around a lot growing up because of that fear, but also Hazel's curse
Kinda a rebellious punk, wildchild younger sibling. Her and Rosa are CONSTANTLY fighting
She moves into Tristan and Beryl's town in high school, after her mom died.
There's a satyr and demigod in her class. She doesnt think too much of it. Her teacher is weird....
Kinda geeky, has 5 siblings but never talks about them too much. Was always a very sweet and quiet kid. Childhood friends with beryl, also poor too
Super into Ezperanza because she's different. Even when she's weird and mumbling about being chased she's still sooo cool compared to the town they're in.
Okay so now that they're in high school... I think this would be the early 80s 🙂 they essentially are together in a rag tag group, lost trio style, until they see a demigod getting attacked. Tristan hits the monster with his car. The 3 of them are HORRIFIED because they killed a man, but Esperanza keeps talking about monsters and explains it. The demigod's satyr is fucking young Hedge 💀 he's shit at his job so he just tells them about demigods and stuff.
Beryl is slowly ENAMORED by this. Starts drinking from this event but she is DELIGHTED by the idea of a new better world out there. Ezperanza feels like SHIT! She thinks this is all her fault and she's cursed. Tristan is going CRAZY, racked with grief. He is not doing well at ALL!!!!
Anyway they go to college with this in California together, mostly out of being closer but also fear of this secret (dead body) weighing on them. A few more monster and minor god encounters. Eventually, Hedge has to mist-wipe Tristan's memories because hes going crazy, which causes Hedge's issue with the Council of satyr elders or whatever. Idk its in the books lol. But this causes them all to separate and go their separate ways when Tristan can't remember the other two.
Beryl drops out of college, and gets scouted as she is waitressing. Has her big break, goes onto TV and gets famous. She begins to forget some of the little things about how much the demigod world is HORRIBLE. Once, she meets up with Esperanza and they stumble into a minor god, which makes her remember how much she wants to be in that world. She meets Zeus at a party :) and thinks he's charming and powerful, just different. It reminds her of the monster experience. She fucks that man obviously. Desire for something different to her shit life. She is CRAZY!!! 🩷
Esperanza goes to New Rome Uni because i luv that place idk if they allow mortals but she will!!!!! Because she goes to that fake school, no mortals really take her degree seriously which is why it was harder for her to get a job. Never taken seriously. She heads back to Texas eventually. She know he's Hepaestus when he approaches her at a library, doesn't like the idea of getting involved with that god stuff. Still falls in love. When her great grandfather falls ill (Sammy) she demands hepaestus to stay with her. He doesn't obviously, but he promises to come back, if not for her than for Leo. He has to. He doesn't.
Tristan doesn't go to college, he just works at like, fucking Hollister or Abercrombie because he's hot now. He meets Aphrodite a few times but she's busy and he doesnt give in. Eventually they meet at the beach surfing and she's like "I've been trying to get your attention for a while now"... She doesn't tell him she's a goddess but Tristan kinda has a familiar feeling. He's forgotten what it was but she just feels different. When piper grows up, aphrodite sends little gifts to "her favorite heartthrob" and he just gives it to Piper.
Anyway it was just putting little seeds together + being crazy. Beryl and Esperanza sometimes still talked. They met once when they were pregnant and talked about their kids playing together. Esperanza, seeing theu the mist, had an idea that Beryl was fucking a god, but its not like she has high standing either. Beryl and Tristan bumped into each other with their acting careers, but Tristan doesnt really remember Beryl the way he should. Esperanza and Tristan have some kind of twisted relationship I fear of will they, wont they with Beryls jealousy 🙄 such it is. Naturally the same with Beryl and Esperanza 🙏
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hualianff · 1 year
Tiny Xianle Quartet
Just imagine you’re walking around with tiny dianxia nestled in your front shirt pocket. He would wave “hello!” to anyone passing by with the friendliest smile! Just tiny dianxia with his mini bamboo hat and simple, white robes happily nestled near your chest. 
Then, as you continue your stroll, you see a lone dandelion with the stem still attached floating nearby.
“Huh, that’s weird,” you think, then blow the dandelion away.
The distant sound of a high-pitched “Gegeeeee” can be heard. It turns out to be tiny HC who was using the dandelion to catch the wind and bring him to dianxia, but his plans are thwarted by the giant human who decided to blow him in the opposite direction :(
(XL: 😳😳 “I thought I heard-“
HC: 😭😭😭)
HC crash-lands in the grass, tumbling over himself a couple times. Once he’s right-side-up, he can only watch as the big human continues walking forward with tiny XL in tow.
HC resorts to scurrying after the big human, smacking away the large blades of grass that dare stand in his way. When you finally notices a little creature trailing behind, they scoop HC up in one hand.
“GYAHH- UNHAND ME, MORTAL,” HC demands, banging his little fists on the hand.
XL lets out a surprised squeak. “San Lang!”
“Gegeee! I’m here! I’m here to save you!” HC exclaims, still struggling in his entrapment.
“It’s okay! I’m not in any danger!” XL replies. “But I’m glad you’re here anyway!”
XL turns to you, and places his hands together in a pleading gesture: “Can you just put him in the pocket with me? I promise he won’t cause you any trouble.”
You nod in understanding. With one last indulgent squeeze of the tiny creature, the human drops HC into their shirt pocket.
Twin grunts of “oofs!” are heard, along with a small shuffling inside the pocket.
Immediately, two smol heads pop out from inside the pocket.
“Thank you for accommodating him. Between you and me, San Lang loves walks. He’s secretly very grateful to tag along,” XL says.
(HC, at the human: 🥊🥊
XL: “San Lang, stop being rude!”)
Even as tiny fists poke harmlessly against your chest, you can’t help but laugh whole-heartedly. Tiny dianxia just has that effect on you. 
“It’s my pleasure,” you say. “The more, the merrier.”
(HC: “did u just call me merry-“ 😡
XL quickly covers HC’s mouth.)
The trio continues their walk, passing many flowers and a stream that shimmers aqua blue.
When you walk under a cherry tree, you suddenly feel two thumps on the top of your head. Pairs of tiny feet seem to be padding along your hairline. You lift a hand up to rub your head, but the tiny feet keep evading their reach.
HC and XL are too busy whispering among themselves to pay attention to the commotion upstairs.
A heavy sigh escapes your lips. An itch is developing on their scalp that really needs to be scratched. You decide to shake your head side-to-side, and using both hands, grab hold of two more smol bodies in your clutch.
MQ: “you idiot, why’d you jump down too? You gave us away!”
FX: “it wasn’t me! That bird shook the branch and caused our cherry to fall”
XL pauses his story: “oh heyy guys! What brings you here?”
You look at XL with a raised eyebrow.  “More of your…friends?”
HC: “hey I’m not just a-“
XL: “Yes, more friends! Though I could’ve sworn they were busy doing something else…” 🤔
MQ huffs while FX glares at the rascal in red clinging to XL like sticky tape.
“What should I do with them?” You ask XL. 
To FX and MQ’s horror, HC leans close to whisper in XL’s ear. 
XL: “Hmm, it’s a little tight in here, so maybe-“
Cut to the next scene where FX and MQ are unceremoniously shoved into the human’s back pockets.
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raspberryconverse · 8 months
So I just did the 5 Current Favorite Songs thing and I had mentioned that I really wanted a good post-pubescent version of Hanson's Thinking of You. I've been a big Hanson fan from the start (not big enough/too cheap to join their fan club, but maybe one of these days I will for a little bit and download all of the Members Only EPs they put out every year). A lot of people only think of MMMBop when they think of Hanson (especially the original version where Taylor and Zac's voices haven't changed), but they are so much more than that. They have a huge catalog, especially after leaving their label and starting their own.
That experience is a crazy story on its own, very similar to the current Paramour situation. There is a whole documentary on it a friend of theirs made. When I was in college, they did a tour of college campuses where they screened it and also did interviews at the different schools' radio stations. I was a radio major and even though I wasn't on the air, I basically demanded doing the interview with the morning host for that day (He became a fan after that too. At graduation, we got a photo together and he said, "We'll always have Hanson.").
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Anyway, the problem with Middle of Nowhere is because they were so young when they recorded it, Taylor's voice was changing while they were recording the album (listen to Weird and you'll hear a major difference in Taylor's voice versus a lot of the album) and Zac's didn't change until after. So while I love Thinking of You, I don't love Taylor's squeaky changing voice or Zac's very high voice. It's not bad, but it's not my favorite.
So I really wanted to find a version of Thinking of You that was recorded after their voices changed and I didn't really like the one that I found. I searched today and I found 3 more versions and one of them I think might be one to figure out if I can download it and just save the audio for my own personal enjoyment (I also need to do that with this cover of Wake Up Exhausted by Alkaline Trio featuring Tegan Quinn. I used to have it somewhere but I'm not sure where).
This is the version I originally found and it's fine, but there's too much screaming. That's half my beef with live tracks. Too much screaming and on live albums, they always have the banter for the next song tacked onto the end of the previous song (I never understood why they do that. It would make more sense to have that at the start of the song or a separate track. I just want to hear the song. I rarely listen to a live album from front to back after the first time)
I do like that they picked a key that they all can sing in comfortably and that the instrumental part of the bridge has the drums and keyboard balanced correctly. Zac's drumming in this song is phenomenal (which if you think about the fact that he was 11 when they wrote it, is even more amazing). The keyboard part is also an important part of the bridge and in other versions it gets lost because it's not mixed right.
This one isn't bad when it comes to the screaming, but you can tell in the second verse and on the chorus that they're using the original key with Taylor dropping down an octave. Zac's voice is starting to change, so when he has his solo line in the second verse, you can tell he's struggling to hit those notes. Zac is definitely the tenor of the group now (Taylor is the baritone and Isaac is the bass), but they either should have dropped the key down or seen if Zac could handle his part an octave lower. Other than that, this one is a decent version.
This one is actually not bad for Zac's voice not having changed, but there's still a little too much screaming. The harmonies in the chorus just sound a little off because Zac is in a different octave than Taylor and Isaac. But what are you gonna do? Puberty comes when it wants to.
I also like in the video how they focus on Zac for the instrumental part of the bridge. He's 12 here. 12! That drumming is pretty incredible, but especially so for a kid that young.
I like this version because the key is right and the crowd noise is minimal, but the instrumental part of the bridge is what ruins it. It's supposed to be more of a call and answer and you don't really hear it in this version. You can't hear the keyboard part at all. It would be perfect otherwise.
This version is probably the best one I've found. They're in a good key for everyone and everyone's voices have changed, so the harmonies are tighter. Zac still struggles on his solo line and that's not great. The instrumental part of the bridge is perfectly mixed, though. You hear the both the keyboards and the drums, which really are the stars of that part of the song.
What I also love about this version is they do a bit of a fake ending. They start to play the outro, but then go back to the bridge and that's really cool. If Zac didn't struggle on his solo line, it'd be perfect.
So that's my in depth analysis of one of my favorite Hanson songs that there aren't a lot of recordings of. If you made it to the end, leave a comment and let me know what you think. Do you agree? What's your favorite version?
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beyondspaceandstars · 3 years
Around Your Neck
Relationship: Bucky Barnes x Reader Warnings: SMUT, NSFW, penetrative sex, choking, metal arm kink, fingering, semi-public sex, slight hand and finger kink - 18+, minors DNI. Summary: Something sparks in you when you watch Bucky wrap his hand -- the metal hand -- around Zemo’s throat. A/N: I was gonna wait to publish this tomorrow but ya know what?? im too excited about it. it’s pretty well received on ao3 so i hope y’all enjoy! probably not the best smut ever written but i had fun writing it. this is a result of some late night imagination.
Masterlist | Part 2 | Part 3
It happened fast. You were sitting on the plane, watching the trio bicker, when the next thing you knew, Bucky’s hand was around Zemo’s throat. To make matters more intense, it was the metal one. While hidden under that glove and coat, just the thought of it, the realization hit…
While fully aware of the intensity and seriousness of the situation, you practically groaned at the action. You didn’t know what it was, but seeing that contrast of metal and skin, and the flex of his arm... You couldn’t help it as you let out a breathy gasp.
Bucky backed away then but not before giving you a side glance. You could tell he was fighting back a teasing smirk as he eyed you and your sudden tense state. To outsiders it may have seemed like you were scared by your boyfriend’s reaction, even Zemo looked a bit concerned, but you and Bucky knew. Knew the pillow talk and drunk confessions you’d made about the arm.
Your thighs clenched as you watched Bucky return to his seat. He still wore that hard expression, somehow turning you on even more. It was suddenly getting hot, you felt, squirming a bit in your sweater.

Why did you allow yourself in this position? When Bucky enlisted your help, citing your past as an agent, you had originally dismissed it. You’d never really worked with your boyfriend, having already been out of the scene before he came into your life. But those pleading eyes and soft touches won you over no matter what.
Little did you know, though, it’d lead to you being on the private jet of a terrorist, ridiculously turned on by your boyfriend’s metal arm.
You fumbled for your bottle of water, taking a big gulp.
“Everything okay, doll?” Bucky asked as he broke off the conversation with the other two men. All of them faced you, waiting for a reply.
You nodded, placing your water bottle down. You turned directly to Bucky and met his furious eyes. “Just feeling a bit hot.”
He raised his brows as you felt the other men stare with confusion. The relationship wasn’t a secret by any means but the tone you two spoke with was certainly one reserved for other times.
"I think there’s a bathroom towards the back," Bucky nodded, motioning towards the end of the plane with his metal arm. From the corner of your eyes, you saw Zemo odd in confirmation. "If you need to cool down."
His simple movements sent a million little fires within you. The wetness between your thighs was getting harder to ignore, harder to play cool in front of the other men.
Biting your lip, you nodded. "Thank you, Bucky." You said his name with such slow ease, it was lighting something more in him, too. That’s when it really clicked.
You watched him as you rose from your seat. He glanced down, pretending to check something, trying to act as cool and collected as possible. For a former assassin, you thought, he wasn’t doing very well. He definitely knew. He got the little hint in your nod, in your tone. You figured he’d give it at most five minutes.
You made it to the airplane bathroom and squeezed your way in. Way smaller than you anticipated and you tried to figure how your super-soldier boyfriend was going to fit in here but he’d make it in. His arousal wouldn’t let him out of this.
You stood in front of the mirror, faux fixing your make-up and splashing water to kill time when the knock on the door came. Bucky hadn’t even given it a full minute before he was hot on your heels.
You couldn’t help but giggle at his urgency as you unlocked the door.
"You know they totally know what’s going on in here," you whispered as Bucky just barely fit himself inside the tiny bathroom. In one full motion, he locked the door then picked you up by the waist, setting you on the makeshift bathroom counter. You let out another giggle of surprise by his smoothness.
His arms were around your waist, pulling himself into your body, so eager and urgent. The gloves were long gone you realizes as you gasped at the feeling of the metal arm teasingly making its way under your sweater. His grip on you were tight.
"Do you think I care if they know?" Bucky mumbled as he began attacking your neck with kisses. He nipped and licked at your skin making you let out little squeals. Oh yeah, there was no way no one knew what was happening here but you didn’t have it in your heart to care anymore. You were practically dripping in your jeans and it was like Bucky could tell.
In an attempt to move closer, his thigh came up to your core, pressing, rubbing. You moved with it, letting the motions ease some of the burning in you.
Bucky continued the assault on your neck as you let out a desperate moan. "Could we please at least hurry so it’s not as weird when we go back out there?"
Your boyfriend chuckled, almost darkly, as he removed his lips from your neck. He began working up until his lips were finally on yours. Your arms wrapped around his neck, now taking your chance to pull him in. Bucky didn’t seem to mind your eagerness as he once again nudged your core with his thigh. The moans you gave out at that… Bucky felt captivated and you could feel it in his kiss.
Reluctantly disconnecting, he mumbled, "I don’t think I want to hurry anything, doll." He gave another peck. "Might want to stay here and spend hours between those thighs."
"Bucky-," you gasped.
"But that’s not what you’re here for, right?" He chuckled, his metal arm on your bare back. It came around to your side slowly, inching upward to your lace-covered breasts. "It’s the arm that got you all bothered."
You groaned as he then began to drag the hand back down your side, dipping just a finger below the waist of your jeans. The coolness barely skimmed over your hip but you were thrilled. It was a riveting contrast to the warmth that had been building over you since Bucky decided to choke someone right in front of you.
"It just looked g-good," you were getting breathy trying to formulate words. But everything was escaping you. As you tried formulating coherent sentences, Bucky began popping the buttons of your jeans then slowly tugging down the zipper. You gulped at the actions.
"Yeah?" Bucky chuckled, halting his actions. "How do you think my hand would look wrapped around your neck?"
Your brain starting spinning. You hated and loved when you got in this drunk state for him and he apparently was amused too as he gave you no time to answer. Bucky backed off a bit, as far as he really could, removing his touch entirely. You leaned back on the counter, brows furrowed in confusion.
"Turn around," he demanded.
The lightbulb went off in your head at his words. With a coy smirk, you hopped down from the counter and turned, your ass just brushing over his front. He was already ridiculously hard and apparently not amused with your sudden teasing. Without warning, Bucky grabbed your hips and forced you around completely. He made you plant your hands on the counter, giving you a clear view of yourself in the small airplane bathroom mirror. It surely wasn’t a full-fledge mirror but gave you just enough to see your neck, which you could already imagine how it was going to look with Bucky’s metal hand wrapped around it.
Apparently abandoning his threat of taking his time, Bucky pulled down your jeans and panties in one swift, sudden motion. You gasped at the action, feeling the material practically burn your thighs as it went.
Bucky was over any more teasing and talk as his metal hand promptly came up to your neck. It wrapped around, just tight enough to make you groan at the pressure. It felt so heavy and secure. Like it belonged there. You swore you got wetter at the sight.
Your eyes caught Bucky’s in the mirror. His didn’t hid how aroused, intrigued, he was at the sight before him. His eyes never left yours as his other hand made its way down your body, slipping right to your core where it found the bundle of nerves begging for attention. He gave it some attention before moving to dip a finger in you. Bucky groaned in your ear at the wetness that met his skin.
He pumped the one finger in and out slowly but surely as he whispered in your ear, "So wet." Another pump. "Looking so pretty, doll."
Your eyes started drifting close at the sensations Bucky was working over your body. Between the tightness on your neck to the pumping finger to your clit that brushed a bit over the counter, you were losing it.
Bucky, apparently, didn’t like you getting too comfortable. Without any warning, he pulled his finger out and undid his pants. Before you could register anything happening around you, he plunged his cock into you, lunging you forward on the counter. Your eyes snapped open. You were greeted by your boyfriend’s intense expression once again.
You barely registered the sight of yourself in the mirror. Your eyes were wide and that metal hand was not letting up on your neck. You could barely choke out any moans but it all felt so good, so right.
Satisfied that he had your attention, Bucky began thrusting in and out of you, pushing you more into the counter now, your arms barely holding up. He slipped in and out of you with such ease it was almost embarrassing. The only sounds prevalent for a bit in the room were the squelching between your thighs and the light grunts Bucky let out.
"How’s that?" Bucky asked between thrusts. Your legs were going to give out if he even began to talk. And as if he knew that fact, he continued. "Is this what you wanted, doll? My hand wrapped around your neck while I pounded into this sweet, tight pussy?"
You could only let out a weak moan in response which pleased him greatly. So much so, the thrusting picked up and the hand got tighter. Shocking you, your legs began to tremble. Bucky must’ve sensed it as his other hand came to grasp your waist tightly.
"I got you, doll," he whispered in your ear, placing a sweet kiss on your cheek. The contrast between that and his not-so-sweet motions nearly had you climaxing right then and there. "Got you so drunk on this cock you can barely stand, huh?"
You gave a breath moan, "B-Bucky-,"
He continued pounding as he spoke, seeming like the world’s greatest multitasker. Well, you figured, those assassins gotta be fast on their feet.
"What’s wrong?" Bucky mocked. "You close?"
You nodded profusely, watching your boyfriend in the mirror as he turned back towards it, your eyes meeting. He looked so blown out, in a primal state, as he kept working in and out of you.
Slowly, Bucky’s hand left your waist and sneaked down to your clit. He gave it a quick press that made you yelp. Bucky chuckled, amused by your responsiveness. It didn’t make him falter as he pressed again, this time running tight circles on your clit. The pressure and motion were making you lose your mind.
Bucky must’ve greatly enjoyed the sight as his metal hand got slightly tighter. You couldn’t do it — didn’t know how you managed it until now — but your eyes fluttered shut as your orgasm built and built and built—
He sped up the motions on your clit, accompanied by even more powerful thrusts. Your arms gave out, overwhelmed, sending you forward on the counter. Bucky went with, pressing his body fully into yours. His hand never left your throat. His thrusts never hesitating.
"That’s it, doll," he whispered and you could practically hear the cocky smile on his lips. "Cum for me."
And you did. It took nothing else. Your orgasm rushed through you, sending sparks and waves across your body. Bucky never once let up as he simultaneously chased his own while working you through yours.
"Bucky…" you mumbled as your legs shook, your orgasm rushing warmth throughout your body.
His motions and thrusting weren’t letting up, sending you into an overstimulated state. You clenched on his cock at the sensation. Bucky couldn’t hold back anymore. With a tight grip still on you and a desperate moan on his lips, he came inside, soaking your walls, letting it drip to your thighs.
His movements got weak and sloppy as he worked through his orgasm. You couldn’t even handle it anymore and pushed his hand from your clit, earning an amused chuckle from your boyfriend.
He gave one more quick thrust before pulling out of you, watching as his seed slowly leaked out of your swollen hole. He had half the nerve to get on his knees to clean you up but figured that was the last thing you wanted in your overwhelmed, dazed state.
Instead, he was a good boyfriend and began cleaning you up with some hand towels from a rack. You shivered as the fabric came into contact with your thighs. The reaction didn’t go unnoticed by Bucky who pressed a soft kiss to your skin.
Once cleaned, you finally found your balance again. You pulled up your panties and jeans then looked back into the mirror. You saw Bucky working to readjust himself in his jeans but what really caught your attention was the redness. Your neck had the faintest yet noticeable glow of red from his hand. You gasped, lightly running your hands over it.
Bucky whipped his head towards you, suddenly noticing the redness left on your skin from his grip. His heart nearly stopped until he saw the pure delight, satisfaction, in your eyes.
"Was that okay?" Bucky asked, wrapping his arms around your waist. You two watched each other in the mirror, this time in a much softer, sweeter position than before.
You nodded, "It was wonderful."
Bucky grinned and placed a kiss upon your lips. You melted into it, half wanting to go another round. But Bucky forced you two to disconnect.
"We should get back out there," he said.
You frowned. "What happened to spending hours between my thighs?"
"You little minx," Bucky groaned, his hands coming up to tickle your sides. You let out a squeal.
"We really have to face them, huh?"
Bucky went to answer but was cut off by Sam suddenly yelling from the other side of the bathroom door.
"Yes, you do!" He called out, anger and annoyance dripping from his words.
You two met each other’s stare as if hoping for one to suggest a way out of this mess but coming up empty, you just gave a sigh and pushed out of Bucky’s arms. Shamefully, you unlocked the door and opened it, trying to prepare mentally for how you were ever going to face Sam again.
"Sorry, Sam," you mumbled, slipping your way around him back to your seat, avoiding his gaze all cost. Bucky followed behind, seemingly unfazed by the situation.
"On a plane? Really?" Sam asked in disbelief. "While people are sitting right here?" You gave a quick glance to Zemo who truthfully didn’t look bothered by the situation. Your stomach turned at the idea of what else was taking place on this plane.
"Maybe you’re just jealous," Bucky finally spoke as he got comfortable again in his seat. Sam still stood in the aisle, hands on his hips, shocked by Bucky’s suggestion.
Bucky shrugged. "I got to bang my very hot girlfriend on a plane. I think you’re jealous."
You groaned at his words, trying to hide your face in your hands. You could hear Bucky’s light chuckles, practically dismissing the situation, which did not please Sam.
"Who thinks it’s okay to bang their girlfriend when other people are right on the other side of the door?" Sam asked.
"Look, Sam," Bucky turned his head towards him, that teasing grin playing at his lips. "When it’s game time, it’s game time."
His words earned a chorus of disgusted groans and protest from the entire group. Your face was hot, probably entirely flushed, as red as your neck if you had to guess. You tried reprimanding Bucky for his ridiculous innuendos — something he didn’t quite understand as he tried defending his statement to the group. No one was buying it.
"Alright," you finally said, halting the conversation. "That’s enough. Can we please no longer talk about this? I think we get it, we got a bit carried away."
Zemo, however, didn’t think it was enough. He decided to add his two cents to the conversation by asking, "And what exactly inspired you to get carried away?"
Zemo didn’t even try to hide it as his eyes glanced down to Bucky’s metal arm. Sam observed, his eyes suddenly getting wide as he put two and two together, causing him to share even more disgust towards you two. Bucky took it all, laughing like it was the greatest joke of all time. You, on the other hand, hid your face once more, praying your seat would just swallow you whole. It sent them into another bicker of conversation.
No one was ever going to let you live it down.
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mobbu-min · 3 years
(Hxh yandere adult trio)
What if y/n successfully managed to kill herself and they get home from a mission they see her lifeless body.
But was if they found out a way to ya’know bring her back to life but it would cost something really great. Would they pay that price to bring back their darling ??
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A/N: was originally going to post this later but im feeling chaotic hehehe
Characters: Hisoka(hxh), Illumi(hxh) and Chrollo(hxh)
!Warning! Yandere behavior and mindset, mentions of suicide, murder, death
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Yan!Adult Trio finding a way to bring back their deceased darling hcs
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▫ Say sorry to whatever family or friends you had left, or hello, because they’ll be joining you in the afterlife soon enough.
▫ Hisoka will go on with his usual life after your death. A little dishearten but that doesn’t stop Hisoka from being his usual self. Although, he’s much quicker to anger and annoy.
▫ I feel like he’ll take the time to reflect on his relationship with you. Hisoka is a weird yandere to have, because he’s so painfully lucid but he disregards it all because he can.
▫ So he definitely takes time to reflect and think about how he could have done better. He doesn’t really change in the eyes of others, but he’s sure that you would’ve appreciated it.
▫ Once he hears about a way to bring you back, he’s hesitant to do so. It’s not the price that sets him off, but rather that Hisoka takes a moment to consider your own feelings about the whole situation.
▫ Hisoka knows you left for a reason, that reason being him. So he doubts that you'd appreciate him bringing you back.
▫ So, Hisoka lets you stay dead. To him, your relationship with him was a game, one that you won. You're the winner and he’s the loser, what more can he do about it.
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▫ Illumi becomes even more closed off and emotionless then he was before. No one dares to be near him for the months to come. The bloodlust, mixed with unimaginable grief, suffocates all that comes near.
▫ His ebony eyes become a mass of sadness and near madness as days turn into months without your warmth.
▫ Illumi doesn’t allow himself to grieve, unlike Chrollo or Hisoka. Instead he’ll push it all down, just like he was taught, and continued to work. Assassination after assiassianton, Illumi doesn’t stop.
▫ He’s eventually forced to by Silva and Zeno, not because they care, but because Illumi had gotten sloppy and careless with his jobs. Almost as if he was planning for his job to take him out in the process.
▫ Illumi hears about a way to bring back loved ones during this time. His mind instantly pictures your corpse hanging from the ceiling. Illumi feels like it's too good to be true, so he’ll research more about it. Once he’s convinced, Illumi is determined to bring back his darling.
▫ Illumi will do almost anything to bring back his darling.
▫ The only thing off the table would have to be his family, not only does he not want to kill or harm them, Illumi is well aware of the power difference between him and his elders(besides Kiyoko)
▫ But other than that, Illumi will do anything to bring them back.
▫ On a side note, Illumi might even ask(more like demand) Alluka/Nanika to bring you back. Killua absolutely disagrees with it. Illumi will only do this if the other method fails.
▫ Killua and Alluka might be more on board if they’ve met you before your death, but even then Killua is very hesitant to let Nanika, both because of the repercussions and that he doesn’t want to use Nanika like that.
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▫ Once Chrollo saw his darling’s body lying lifeless on the floor, he completely lost it. He’s immediately starting a mascare. Chrollo doesn't care who it is, he just needs to take his grief and anger out.
▫ Each and every Troupe member is allowed to join. Not only does that cause more chaos and death, but the Troupe is also devastated at your death. They were all incredibly grateful to Chrollo’s darling for bringing him happiness and peace.
▫ After, Chrollo disappears off the face of the Earth. No one, not even the Troupe members, are able to track him down. It’s like he never existed in the first place. Some feared that he took the same path as you in hopes to reunite with his darling in the afterlife.
▫ He’s traveling the world, going from place to place with no goal or future in sight. He’s floating in the sea of life that his darling no longer has.
▫ It's on his travels that he finds a way to bring his precious darling back, but it comes with a price. It doesn’t deter him in the slightest.
▫ Chrollo will pay any price to bring back his darling. It’s scary how far he’s willing to go to bring his darling back. Human lives mean nothing to him, but his precious darling means the world to him.
▫ He’ll steal and kill whoever or whatever is needed to bring them back. If he needs to give up his own limbs and heart, he’d do it without a second thought.
▫ The only reason he’d hesitate, is if it involved taking the lives of his Troupe. He’d asked them first, he’s somewhat considerate of their views on it. But most likely they’ll do whatever it takes to bring you back, not only for the other members, but most importantly for their precious boss. Even if it costs them their lives, they’ll do it.
▫ Once Chrollo has you back in his arms, warm and alive, he’s never letting go again. No matter what path his darling takes, he’s alway following closely behind. Waiting and planning to bring them back to him again.
▫ It's a cycle Chrollo is never going to end.
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draftingteacups · 2 years
Potions Incident
I just thought of something interesting for a Potions Accident for Soni and crew, and I wanna get it out there because I think it'd be interesting 👀
Note: There will be spoilers to certain chapters in The Eternal Blooming Flower as well as minor spoilers for Soni in particular. It took so long for this to get posted, but I finally did it! 🎉
The Incident
Of course, it all starts in Potions Class and they messed up their Potion
However, everyone in the group (Soni and the Braincell Trio) got affected and reverted into a younger form of themselves
The twist is that their personalities in that form are retained, meaning we'll see pretty different versions of the same characters we all know and love.
Let's meet them, shall we?
The Characters
Young Ace didn't change much from his older self, except he's more cheeky and hardly knows anyone in the group of people he's surrounded with; he understands that he's at NRC, but he doesn't realize it's the future until people tell him so
He's still with his Ex-Girlfriend until he sees his phone's texts
He assumes that his method of ghosting her worked before seeing the line of messages from her friends right after that
Young Ace doesn't know what to think of the girl who's wearing all-white clothing. NRC is an all-boys school, so seeing a girl here was weird, especially in a white and gold outfit that resembles RSA.
Young Ace and Young Soni (just like at the beginning of their friendship in canon) don't get along, mostly because Young Soni doesn't really care about Ace since she's focused on getting the hell home and away from everyone else
Young Deuce is the wild Delinquent™️ and he shows it in the way that he reacts to people; snarling at some people who think he's easy to pick on, his eyes showing that he's not at all afraid to establish dominance in this school, and just angry as hell
The one thing that his younger self would be very confused about is the little pink monster that clings to him with big watery eyes and confusion; it makes him feel uncomfortable
When the sole girl in the school tells him to hug the little monster, he tries to pick a fight with her; he's mostly nervous and confused as to why a girl is talking to him since girls (besides his mom and grandma) are afraid of him.
It honestly puts him on the edge of how little Young Soni cared about his feelings or what he said to make her go away
Makes him think what kind of life she lived if someone like him didn't scare her off for a split second
Young!Deuce: "Why the hell are ya tellin' me what to do-?!" Young!Soni: "This Happiny, for some Arceus-forsaken reason that I sure don't fucking see, cares about you, you ass. I don't fucking know what the hell is going on here, but at least I'm not a big enough asshole to let a little kid cry."
Young Deuce reluctantly hugs Happiny, which makes Happiny calm down from her tears; he softens at the sight.
Young Soni Monet that was brought back via Potion is roughly around the same time she got crowned Champion, meaning she is not at all calm about what's happened to her two years later
Young Soni in this period is wearing her Champion outfit at the time; Everything that's happened up until Chapter 9 of EBF happened.
Cue the reveal of her situation in TWST by Crowley
And yeah, Crowley was surprised by the explosion that happened afterward smh
Young Soni immediately demands answers from the bastard Crow without even caring about who the hell he was
Crowley's just getting flashbacks to her normal 16-year-old self when Soni demanded a pay raise with five different reasons as to why
This version of her just screamed so loud that it was like hearing the sound barrier shattering in his eardrums with very real facts mixed in
Young Ace just whistles at the amount of verbal ripping that Young Soni's pulling on Crowley while Young Deuce is just amazed by her sheer anger and vocal range mixed with swearing
When Young Soni realizes that this is all a temporary Potion accident and she'll be able to go home, she settles down
But she's also vicious about how long it's been since her older form had contacted home and how "such a gracious Headmaster of a prestigious magical academy should be able to do that much for her if he was so kind and powerful"
Yeah, Soni had way less of a filter back then, but she was 14 with less experience in talking and dealing with a whole lot of terrible things all at once.
Little Grim is a small mewing kitten that doesn't know words just yet; he squirms whenever Young Soni pets him, even biting her a few times on the hand
That doesn't stop Young Soni from doing it and brings him home to Ramshackle, which makes him wonder who the heck is this person
She was nice though and gave him canned tuna when he wanted it
She's also pretty strict on him, but she takes care of him, even when he fumbles around the dorm that they're staying at
Grim likes her better than the other two who pick on him for being a small, fire monster
However, all of them just sit in shame whenever Young Soni catches them trying to do something that lights a plant on fire and are subjected to her scolding-
Their Time Together
The four of them were to stay at Ramshackle for the time being and Young Soni had never wanted to leave everyone behind more than ever
Apparently, the Potion would wear off in a few days.
Young Ace wonders why someone who looks so RSA is at NRC, much less a girl, and the fact that she's magicless with weird familiars- it's just screaming "Who the heck are you?"
Very quickly, Young Ace and Soni get into an argument as to why she was so uptight and wanted to go home so much with Ace being Ace
She explodes on them like Chapter 4 of TEBF and tells them that she's the recently crowned Champion of her region that's on the edge of breaking apart from Team Flare's terror
Without her there, everything would fall into chaos because Young Soni trusted barely anyone at this point in time with her mother, grandma, Pokemon, and Sycamore (a smidge)
The Pokemon League was full of opportunists, the nobility was full of egotistical assholes who looked down on her, and the International Police were hardly any better at both qualities
Kitten!Grim can sense that his henchman (it's a thing that comes to him more easily than anything else) is horribly distressed and curls up with her
Aegis, who's been keeping watch over this whole thing, steps in and pulls the same intimidation trick from the mines on Ace
Soni doesn't stop Aegis this time
Young Ace is sweating because a scary-ass sword is trying to fight with him; his magic certainly can't fight it off
Happiny bursts into tears because Happiny cannot understand why everyone's so different and strange; Young Deuce panics and doesn't have the same knowledge as his normal self on handling Happiny
Young Soni takes the little one into her arms without thinking too much about it and just looks tired of everything
Young Soni can understand Pokemon at this point and Happiny's cries of why "Mama was arguing with Uncle Ace so much and why Daddy was acting so scary" made her head hurt
She was too young to be handling a baby Pokemon, but she was also too young to be handling a region
Soni tells the both of them (Young Deuce and Ace) that they'll have to work to earn their keep at the dorm and neither of them can argue when her Pokemon are looking at them like it's normal
Rumor Has It
Lemme clarify that it's strange to them how people are surprised by how they dislike one another in their younger forms
When in their normal forms, they got along more civilly, or more specifically, they were friends
Young Ace just stares at the little Alcremie that smooshed itself against his face and feels weirded out by the affection
He just doesn't understand why people group him with Deuce either or Soni when the both of them are so... different; he especially can't see himself talking with Soni regularly
Sure, he could admit she's cute, but that cuteness is hampered by that temper and expression on her face
There was no way that she ever smiled- absolutely not.
Young Deuce sees all of his test papers and is confused by why they're as high as they are, along with the lack of influence he has on the local delinquents of NRC
None of them get into fights with him because Soni's reputation at the school precedes her and Deuce wonders if she was the boss of their group
(She's the Braincell holder of the group, Young Deuce; you're not wrong lol)
Young Deuce sees the text messages from his mom and is quietly looking through the history of how proud she was for Deuce turning a new leaf and attending the school
His heart clenches when he sees his phone's note app and sees why he turned a new leaf; how he wrote it down so even if he forgot, it'd be the first thing he would see about himself
He sees text messages from his mom that pertain to him and Soni raising Happiny saying that "Happiny needs her mom and dad" and "she's happy to be a grandma" and for Deuce to "bring over his wife"; Young Deuce just flusters over it alksdfja
Young Soni tries to understand Twisted Wonderland all over again and it's unspeakable happiness to see Pokemon roaming around NRC
She stays with the Pokemon more than she stays with people, but the Pokemon are asking her about the two boys, which makes her go, "They're idiots"
Her Pokemon don't disagree on that 🤣
Soni in all her life never had friends that were human, but apparently, these guys were supposed to be hers? What kind of weirdoes were they?
Dior just smiles at her while Aegis huffs, but doesn't rebuff the statement of friendship
Young Soni feels embarrassed by the looks and doesn't understand why because there was something that she was missing and no one was telling her
It's All Coming Together
Eventually, they all come across her Rotom Phone and see a whole bunch of videos, photos, and voice recordings, spanning their friendship at NRC
Ace's interaction at the statues was the first of them; Young Ace is surprised by his older self and laughs at the stuff that he says before the ensuing chaos
Young Deuce is watching the fight between Grim and Ace, curiously; he'd be commenting on it and saying things like "Nice dodge", "Nice shot", etc..
Young Soni just looks at older herself being annoyed from the background, but not as angry as she would've been. She's a little surprised by the Feebas in a bucket though.
Little Grim is asleep through all of this.
Young Ace and Deuce just freak out at Mila's Surf (as a Feebas) and just ask Soni questions about it
Young Soni feels like she's entertaining a bunch of kids with how excited they got about it and does her best to fill in the gaps of their lack of Pokemon knowledge
Next were a bunch of photos during their baking experience and the little quotes underneath told the story; Young Ace rubs his neck at the idea of having that collar on his neck
Young Soni's annoyed at having to deal with this kind of crap when she was so obviously tired from everything else; looking at the dates alone, this was done within the same week
The next photos were taken at random points with Soni picking up Grim in the lunch line, a card game with Soni and Deuce in the background while a little pink Egg was between them and blue flames were in the corner, and so many more.
There were a lot of Happiny videos, and the thing is, there were subtitles, so everyone could understand what Happiny was saying.
Deuce is in every single one of them, holding out his arms for Happiny to which the little one just runs into them.
"Daddy!" is repeated so many times over and Young Ace nearly got beat up by Young Deuce after making a comment about how corny it was.
Hearing Happiny calling Soni "Mommy/Mama" the first time was a trip for Young Ace and Deuce, even though the latter knew about it, it was still surprising
Even more so when Soni starts smiling at Happiny, as though she forgot the video was recorded; what really sold the shock was that Soni laughed
Young Soni hasn't smiled or laughed in the time that she's been here and honestly, for a good long time
Seeing her older self smile at Happiny made her feel weirdly relieved in a way.
Like she could and would be happier in the future when there was less bullshit to deal with. That things would get better with time.
Endless memories of study sessions, world explorations, and precious moments passed them all and finally ends in silence.
The Aftermath
Young Ace doesn't know how to react at that moment, especially when he knows himself well enough to understand that he really was friends with them all.
Young Deuce was hugging Happiny who indulges in the comfort of his hugs; he doesn't know when he'll meet Happiny again nor does he know if he'll remember this
But he at least wants to apologize for putting Happiny through that initial distress and hugs her when she pats his cheek, looking happy
Young Soni feels way too many things when she sees those memories of an older version of her
The biggest one is anger because she's angry that it took going to another world to have people who seemed to not care about her title besides the few she was attached to
It didn't give her much hope when she scrolled through her contacts and saw numerous blocked numbers from multiple nobles and other numbers that she has long blocked on her Holo Caster
The next is a familiar sense of sadness as she realizes that there were people who would be her friend only if to have the privilege of being a Champion's friend and not Soni's friend
The next is peace, oddly enough.
To know that, one day, she'll be able to smile as freely as her older self is enlightening, even if she was going to be surrounded by idiots.
Somehow that wasn't a bad deal if it meant she was happy.
That night, they all gathered up a bunch of mattresses and test out the whole sleepover idea; it'd never been more chaotic with Grim trying to snatch the snacks they were betting
The next day, they were all back to normal and they all remembered what happened.
All of them were embarrassed to certain degrees
Ace was the least obvious, acting like nothing had changed between them because it really hadn't.
There were times when his eyes went soft, but they went quickly back to that familiar cheekiness that they were accustomed to
Ace had a tendency to joke more around Soni, sometimes saying if she'd be willing to wear white again cause of her Champion outfit
Grim was more needy and catty with affection, especially towards Soni with more pets, more canned tuna, and more naps
Grim sits in her lap and stays there, even if Lucius glared at him; it was his spot
Deuce was more involved with Happiny than he already was and ensures that Happiny never experiences that level of sadness ever again
Happiny doesn't mind it, but hopes that Deuce's past self would be okay without her; Deuce cries at her kindness when Soni translates it
Soni smiles more at the whole scenario but tries to hide it because it's so dumb for her to feel so happy about something so simple
There's also a quiet sense of familiarity in their actions with one another after that
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avirxy · 2 years
a spider on the wall or bite back! -thosetrollkids
I’ll talk about both since I hold all my au’s close to my heart lol, also thanks for the ask! I love getting them.
Spider on the wall, is my shameless spider man au, I rewatched the movies and was like wow-time to add my hyper-fixation into this.
Jim gets bit by a radioactive spider, big shocker.
And everything goes horribly wrong when he tries to handle it on his own. Bular’s gang of T.R.O.L.L.S are terrorizing the city, demanding money from citizens, trying to take over from the underground, totally normal bad villain stuff. Toby and Claire end up finding out Jim’s acting as some crazy vigilante because man’s shows up half dead, bleeding out outside Toby’s window.
After they find out, they want to help obviously, they end up getting into a lot of shenanigans when Blinkous and his husband Aaarrrgghh find out what they’ve been up to as well. Only adding the chaos.
Such as breaking into a top secret laboratory and perhaps, accidentally freeing a nasty little symbiote on their way out. That may or may not attach itself to one of them, Claire’s just been having a really bad nights rest these past few weeks, she’s totally not out there causing property damage and being a host for a dangerous alien unwillingly.
And if Toby happens to find this weird green serum in the basement of Arcadia Corporations, plus a cool hover craft to go with it? He always wanted to be a hero anyway and it’s not like the serum will change him in any way. Especially not when Jim’s life was in danger and he couldn’t just stand around so injecting himself to help protect his best friend definitely will not have consequences.
Not to mention if he repeatably continues to use it.
I have such little of it written and I want to write to more but I feel like it’s corny, because it’s literally Spider-Man, been done a trillion times and I want to add my own personal twist but I’ve just got to figure that out.
Okay so now, Bite back.
It’s a one shot right know but, it could definitely be expanded into separate fics. The gang head out on patrol the night before Halloween. (it’s not really slotted into the timeline, but Jim’s a troll already.)
They got reports of some weird looking troll trying to attack people and running rampant. They eventually find the troll or whatever it is because the closer they get the more it becomes apparent that this thing clearly is not a troll.
It lashes out at the gang and tries to attack Jim first.
Jim’s troll skin is a bit too hard to penetrate, so when it’s knocked unsuccessfully backwards with a flaming war-hammer the monster decides to choose another target, Claire managed to portal Toby out of harms way but that makes her last the of the trio close enough and the monster ends up gnawing down on her arm instead.
Thankfully Jim kills it soon after the monster gets ahold of her arm, unfortunately it wasn’t soon enough.
They don’t realize exactly what the creature was until the full moon rises on Halloween night and suddenly, Claire really isn’t herself anymore. Who knew werewolves were in Arcadia?
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mutigold · 4 years
∞ for dessert — woosan.
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summary: in which mommy and daddy come home to find their baby boy doing something naughty.
pairing: daddy!san x mommy!poc!reader x babyboy!wooyoung
genre: smutty smut
warning: daddy kink, mommy kink, hard dom!san, soft switch!reader, sub!wooyoung, food play, rimming, fingering, spanking, degrading, oral receiving [f. & m.], anal, sex toy, spit kink, choking, boyxboy, edging, face slapping, hair pulling, breast feeding kink, crying, aftercare.
word count: 1.8k
author’s note: heyy! i hope you enjoy this little segment! please support and give me some feedback cuz idk if i did this right for my first time 🥺 but i love you regardless 🤍
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“honey! we’re home!”
you and san just got back from your first dinner without your babyboy, wooyoung. he had announced that he didn’t feel too well and decided not to go out; ushering you two to have fun without him.
so, you indeed that. san introduced you to a new korean restaurant where you could see the pretty, bright lights upon the city. you ate some tasty pork, siding it with white rice, and drank soju while chatting up with your first lover.
though, it felt weird without the baby of the trio.
before leaving the traditional establishment; you and san determined to be good partners, ordered wooyoung some vanilla ice-cream for dessert. “baby! we brought you something!” you yelled trying to get your second boyfriend’s attention.
“wooyoung?” san questioned.
you turned to san trying to figure out the situation, but he seemed confused as you. “let’s go check up on him. he still might not be feeling okay.”
when he agreed, you two proceeded to go up to your wooden stairs and near the main bedroom. though the closer you two got, the more vibrations became detected. the sounds of wooyoung’s pathetic and beautiful moans spread throughout the hallway.
“ugh, the nerve of this boy..” you croaked listening to the calls of both you and san’s names.
san looked you from the corner of his eye and replied, “you know we gotta punish him right?”
you sighed understanding he was right. the last time wooyoung pulled a stunt like this, you let him off like the soft dom you were. but this time, san was here to witness his doing; and you definitely didn’t want to defy him.
“let me go grab the ice-cream..”
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opening the bedroom door, you spot wooyoung on the king-sized bed rubbing his cock and thrusting a small, pink buzzing toy in his hole. “o–oh fuck! mommy! oh, daddy! faster!”
you bit your bottom lip and felt your lace underwear become damp noticing that the sex toy was from your drawer. then, your eyes drew down to view wooyoung’s tight rectum clenching with every push. “yes! that feels so good! i–i think i’m gonna come!”
“oh honey, that wouldn’t be the smartest thing to do.”
wooyoung immediately stops hearing your stern tone. he jumps up from his initial position and hides the vibrator behind his back. “h–hi, mommy.” he mummers.
you sighed exploring different emotions due to his actions; “now babyboy. what were you just doing, and don’t lie to mommy.”
“i–i don’t know what you're talking about mommy.”
a sadistic smile creeps upon your face knowing san was literally gonna fuck his shit up. “babyboy, you don’t know what you just started,” you say as san walks into the door with the cold, creamy dessert.
wooyoung’s bunny-like orbs bounce to san’s shivering frame and waters with tears. “no! no! i’m sorry mommy! i won’t do it again! i promise!”
you walk toward your naked boyfriend and grasp his smooth chin shaking it. “no can do baby, i gave you a chance to explain yourself and now you have to suffer the consequences.” wooyoung’s lip quivers at your statement and looks at san again with fear.
straightening up your posture, you turn to the dominant male and vocalize, “do you wanna start or shall i?”
“i think you should. he’s not getting babied this time.”
sitting down on the bed; you pull wooyoung toward you, signaling for him to come across your lap. “how many should i give you babyboy? fifteen? maybe ten? i think ten is a good number–”
you sensed his cock twitch in excitement on your leg cutting your sentence off. “–and you better count or we’re starting over.”
san’s presence appeared behind you as wooyoung cutely whimpered the numbers. “look at that pretty ass turning red.”
“what did i say babyboy, keep counting.”
“i–i’m sorry! four.”
“eight, nine..”
your hand tingles with anticipation at the last spank. “come on, one more.”
“ah! ten!”
you flipped him over caressing his flushed bottom and kissing his wet cheeks. “aww, you did so good baby! but it isn’t over yet.” wooyoung’s blurry eyes look up to notice san licking his lips sadistically.
he roughly grabs his chin, bringing him towards his face. “listen to me, you little brat. y/n may be all nice and sweet to you, but this is the last time you act out. especially when we were so worried about your health; and you lied.”
“i-i’m sorry daddy!”
“yeah, you’ll be sorry alright.” he releases wooyoung and unbuttons his black, formal pants. “come suck on my cock.”
wooyoung quickly grips his monster cock, licking him from the base to his pre-cum covered tip. san’s nostrils flared up at wooyoung’s bratty actions, pulled the strands from his head, and slapped his face. “do. not. play. with me. either you suck my cock or you don’t get to come tonight.”
and with that, san begins to get sucked on. wooyoung deep-throats the cock; saliva dripping. “look at you taking down that big cock. you look so pretty babyboy.” you moan looking at your boyfriends play in front of you.
wanting in on that play, you rub on wooyoung’s ass as an idea pops into your head. “arch your back and spread your legs for me, honey,” you say picking up the melted ice-cream.
and he does just that still engulfing on san. you drop a pint of spit along with some of the dessert on your baby’s puckered star, rubbing your thighs for pleasure. then you lower yourself, licking inside of wooyoung’s ass.
“oh my god! mommy!” he suddenly shouts in pleasure. you began to french kiss his anus tasting the sweetness; trying to find that special spot inside of him. “keep sucking daddy’s cock baby.”
san groans deeply at your seductive voice and wooyoung’s moaning around his cock. “that’s it babyboy. should i let you come tonight? maybe we’ll make you apologize with come in your mouth first. then maybe your dumb self would get it after that.”
wooyoung rubs himself on the bed with every insult san makes and every thrust your tongue moves. “oh, i think he likes that daddy. don’t you baby?”
switching it up, you stop rimming him, making sure to lick up all the cream, and stick three fingers up his ass making him whine. “shhh, baby. i’m just prepping you for daddy’s cock, okay? how about this; if you come up with a good apology for daddy and me, i’ll let you fuck me while he fucks you. how about it?”
he moans in agreement as san fills his mouth up with come. “good fucking boy making me come. come on, give us that apology.”
taking his cum-filled entrance off, he gibbers with, “i’m sorry! i swear i’ll never do it again! i swear this time, mommy, daddy! i’ll do whatever you want, please fuck me!”
you looked up at your other boyfriend once again trying to view his expression. if you were in charge at this moment, you would have accepted his apology; however, it was san that was in control and he was always unpredictable.
“what do you think san? was it a good enough apology?” you asked.
“mhmm... i think it was. turn over so i can stick my cock deep inside you while you eat mommy’s pussy out. then you can fuck her; i like that plan more, don’t you?”
“yes daddy, thank you so much!”
wooyoung turns over so you can sit on his face while san can fuck him. “let me taste your pussy, mommy.” listening to his command, you sit on his warm organ feeling him suck on your clit. “ohhh, baby..”
meanwhile, the dominant male pounds wooyoung’s ass hitting his prostate and making him gasp into your channel. “ah! yes, baby! suck my fucking clit! such a good boy for mommy..” with all your moaning, you didn’t even notice your eyes closing.
but when you opened them, they spot the small, pink sex toy at the corner of the bed. you grabbed it, turned it on, and placed it on the nerve tingling with pleasure. “yessss! stick your tongue me, baby! you’re about to make come! ah!”
creaming, your thighs shake from the sudden desire. you get off of wooyoung’s face, licking and kissing his wet face covered with your essence. “oh, you did mommy so good babyboy. are you ready for me to ride you?”
he whines in agreement as san pulls out of him; setting him up over by the headboard while being under him. “okay baby, i’m gonna ride your cock now.”
both you and san begin to push on him, giving him double the pleasure. “oh my god! i love you guys! i love you so fucking much!” he cries tears dripping down his sweaty face. you drop on him while the other boyfriend thrusts into him hitting his prostate again.
“please! please!”
the feeling of your clenched pussy around him and san’s large cock pushing into him began to make him go crazy. “i–i think i about to come! i’m about to come!”
you bring your small hand up to choke wooyoung’s slender tanned neck, demanding, “uh-uh, you don’t get to come before mommy and daddy honey. ah! come on baby, make us come.”
“oh, mommy! daddy! please come!”
grabbing more of the leftover melting ice-cream, you pour it along your chocolate breasts. “be quiet and suck mommy’s nipples, babyboy. it’ll keep your bratty ass close.” san huffed out still pounding wooyoung’s prostate.
so, that’s what he did. like a baby, the submissive male licked and sucked the sweet cream that was on your nipples. “ooo! you like mama’s milk, don’t you baby.” he moaned nevertheless fuzzing with overall pleasure.
“fuck, i’m about to come in your ass.”
hearing that, made you climb over the edge and come around wooyoung’s twitching cock. “oh! fuck! you’re making me come, baby!”
“shit me too, come with us babyboy. you have five seconds. one–”
not even a second later, wooyoung explodes inside of your cunt, painting your insides white. “ugh! thank you so much! i’ll never do it again!”
after coming down from all the sensory overload, you and san take the time to clean up and do some aftercare with wooyoung. “you did so good baby. i’m so proud of you. but why didn’t you tell us you were sexually frustrated?” you sweetly asked.
“i didn’t want to be a bother. i learned my lesson, i’m sorry.”
san kisses his cheek; replying with, “we don’t ever want you to feel like that. you’re also apart of this relationship, wooyoung. next time, just talk to us.”
“m’kay. i love you” he coos.
you giggled, also kissing his sweaty cheek. “we love you more, babyboy.”
“question, where’d that ice-cream come from?”
“oh! that was for the dessert.”
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ACOTAR Couples Headcanons
Rhysand and Feyre
They are the Pottery Barn couple one hundred percent.
Still wildly in love even centuries later because they genuinely believe that no one is better than the other person.
If Harry Potter existed in this world, you cannot tell me that Feyre wouldn’t be a diehard Potterhead.
Rhysand is one of those people who genuinely believes in conspiracy theories. He would have a tumblr dedicated to them.
Midnight cookie baking is a thing. The warmth of oven, the whispers because they don’t want to wake Nyx, and the complete and utter happiness of just being able to be together.
Lucien and Elain
Elain thinks that there is no one Earth who is more of a gentleman than Lucien. And Lucien definitely bumps up that gentlemanly behavior because he knows that she likes it.
Elain may not be a big reader, but she loves poetry. She loves how people can use words to mutate meaning and declare feelings that they wouldn’t be able to otherwise. She wishes that she were more eloquent, but since she can’t be, she allows poetry to do that for her.
Lucien can’t keep his eyes from Elain, and not in a, “You are so beautiful. I can’t stop staring at you way.” But in a, “Is this real way?” He doesn’t realize that when he’s not looking, Elain is looking at him in exactly the same way.
The parties that these two have are legendary. Their parties are always at the same time the best, the wildest, the calmest, and the place to be. They just have that energy that can shift and become whatever the people around them need them to be.
The two of them have the most lavish mating ceremony. He is the son of a High Lord and beloved of many Courts. Between them most all of the Courts demand an invitation, and it becomes quite the state affair.
Azriel and Gwyn
Azriel is known for his straight face, but when Gwyn’s around you can see everything that is thinking, whether that is thinking about how beautiful she is or smirking because she said something funny or contemplative because he’s thinking deeply about what is bothering her. Around her, he is an open book.
Gwyn is an absolute weirdo, but only because she is so academic. She is constantly studying a hundred different things at once, and she can recite any of those things at the drop of a hat. She is ridiculously intelligent and well spoken. Azriel will always look to her first when seeking information or an opinion.
At first, Azriel is weary of the services that are offered in the Library. He knows that they are meant for the women there so he doesn’t want to intrude, but when the priestesses decide to host a special service in the training area, Azriel joins them. He sings beautifully, and more than one person is brought to tears when he and Gwyn sing together.
When Gwyn is pregnant and her body seems to be betraying her. No sleep. Upset stomach. The only thing that calms her is when Az takes her flying. In the air, they take in the sight of Velaris, and something about the wind and the cool air settles Gwyn. It is no surprise when the baby is born with wings.
When Azriel and Gwyn have a child, Azriel can’t help but to look at the differences between his scarred and bloody hands the innocence of this child, but one talk from Gwyn and he realizes that he is being stupid. “You are whole because I love you,” she tells him. “And I am whole because you love me.” “And together, we will be more than enough for this perfect child. We can do anything, together, as a family.”
Mor and Emerie
Mor and Emerie are that couple that are never home, but when they come back from whatever far away land, they always have gifts for everyone. Sometimes, Mor even lets Emerie pick out the gifts though she still insists that she has the best taste.
Mor has never been obsessed with anyone quite in the way that she is with Emerie. If she weren’t so dang cute, Emerie might find it a bit weird, but Mor is Mor, and she is gorgeous, and Emerie loves her. So what if Mor keeps a scrapbook of their time together. Emerie will appreciate it centuries later as much as she appreciates it now.
Emerie has and always will be a badass on the battlefield. There is something about battle that gets her blood pumping. Maybe it because she wasn’t allowed to fight for so long, that now she loves it. When she and Mor are on the battle field or in the training ring together, nothing can stop them. The two move in perfect unison, and their blades and hands are deadly instruments.
When Mor finally decides to come out to her family, Emerie is right there by her side. Emerie, the woman who never gave into her own bigoted family, is a support for Mor when she needs her. And she is a fist when Keir tries to humiliate Mor. “She is in charge here,” she says. “Not you. She has always been better than you, and she always will be.” Keir leaves their presence with more than a broken spirit, a broken nose.
The pair are always holding hands. They love just being around one another, and it shows to everyone that they see. For years, Mor has had to hide who she is, but now, she walks the streets of Velaris hand in hand with the person that she loves most in the world.
Amren and Varian
Amren never knew what it meant to love. She still isn’t sure that she loves Varian, but she is suspicious of how much she cares for him. She knows that if anything happened to him, that she would want to burn the world to the ground. Rhys informs her that the feeling is very much love, and she considers it before deciding that maybe it’s not so bad.
Amren goes to the summer court on occasion, and she gets a little jolt of pleasure when someone remembers her past, and jumps at her presence. Varian laughs along with her. Nice isn’t meant for everyone. Amren will be Amren. And he likes her just the way she is.
The pair love to swim together in the Adriata. The sun glistens off of their skin, and each think that there is no better picture in the world.
Game night is a blood bath. Amren and Varian versus whoever, it doesn’t matter, Amren plays to win, and Varian plays to help Amren win. No matter what.
A mating ceremony may not be in the cards for them, but when Nesta tells them about the human concept of marriage. Amren demands a wedding. It is held in Velaris. The dress is huge. The cake is delicious. And Amren smiles.
Cassian and Nesta
Cassian and Nesta are the definition of ‘’I can make fun of them, but if you try it, you die.”
Nesta has never been partial to animals, but Cassian can’t seem to keep from bringing them home. Animals are just attracted to him. Nesta is the father that doesn’t want the dang animal to begin with, but then secretly gives it cuddles and treats whenever no one is around to witness her. They end up liking Nesta more than Cassian.
Cassian and Nesta love to talk. They just love to hear each other speak. It can be about important matters or it can be about nothing at all. But they always have their best conversations in the middle of the night. Lights off, the house quiet the pair whisper back and forth about books, about life, about love, the future, the past, nothing if off limits.
When the two have a daughter, she is the best parts of each of them. She challenges them in her teenage years, but even when the trio argue, they always come back together again because they are family. And no one knows what that means more than Nesta and Cassian.
There is not a night that the pair spend out of each others’ arms. They are simply the most comfortable and the most at peace when they hold each other as they sleep.
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sadlil-anon · 2 years
Flowers and Patience
Pairing: Nanami Kento x GN!Reader
Genre: Fluff <3
Warnings: None!
Word Count: 805~
Notes: Okay so I might have gone a little insane, and honestly, I don't regret it. Also, this is my first published fic!!
 It had been a long day, to say the least. While working at Jujutsu Tech, you had to handle a small but difficult mission, it only took a few hours, but it felt like days with how the curse fought back. When you returned to the school, Shoko had helped patch you up, and with the news of your return, Gojo and the trio of first years came to greet you. It was a simple and kind gesture to come and see how you were, but with your while-haired co-worker and the doctor in a room with you, their high school classmate, you wouldn’t be able to escape without some of your dignity thrown in the bin.
 Thankfully, due to the mission, you were sent home early. Nanami had a day off from work and used it wisely when you told him of your day in a rant over the phone, probably paying more attention to telling your husband than the road. The blonde told you to use some time to cool down before coming home, maybe taking a walk in a park or something of the sort. Seeing as you just wanted to get home and snuggle up with Nanami you found it weird, but agreed, not wanting to possibly annoy him with your own mood.
 Nanami quickly got to work, ordering from your favourite takeout spot, brewing you some tea, and picking up some flowers on the way to get your food. He always did things like this, maybe the grandiosity of the gesture was outweighed by the situation but he didn’t care, if you were in a bad mood that he could fix, he’d do anything to help. 
 Sooner than later, your husband asked when you’d be returning, requesting it be soon. Now this was when you figured something was up, he acted similarly on the day he asked you out on your first date, your anniversaries, and when he proposed. It was a common thing he did but was never quite able to make it seem like a smaller feat than it was, always making the surprises anticipated, but never less than expected. It was Nanami Kento for crying out loud. 
 With a slightly clearer head and a headache, you told the blonde that you’d be home shortly, and you kept your word by returning in about 5 minutes. When you opened the front door, you anticipated Kento to be standing there waiting for you like a puppy, but he wasn’t. A bit of sadness and confusion ran through you because he always trailed you around like a lost puppy when he was home before you. No one ever expected it but it was such a cute thing to have found out about him soon into your relationship. With your dangerous work at Jujutsu Tech, Nanami wanted to spend every second he could with you out of fear of losing you. 
 “Nanami love, i’m home!” you called through the house, it wasn’t a big house by any means, but if he wasn’t at the door he was probably in his study at the back of the house, where he spent most of his alone time to read. When you heard the familiar creaking of the old door that you demanded get changed, you smiled, knowing he had heard you and was about to greet you at the door. 
 After taking your shoes and coat off, you were met with the tall blonde kissing the top of your head and a hum off a ‘welcome home’, he gently placed his hand on the back of your head as if you would disappear if he didn’t hold on. In his other hand was a mug, presumably the coffee he was always drinking. After getting handed the mug you soon realised it was tea, still hot. “I made it for you. There’s also some food in the kitchen, cooking was not something I had the energy to do so I hope takeout will suffice.” 
Taking your hand in his, he led you to the kitchen where there was a bouquet of fresh flowers in a vase and boxes of takeout that would be packed into the fridge as you took the flowers and set them next to your bed, taking a nap with Nanami. It wasn’t an uncommon experience at all, after all you both had stressful and tiring days, sometimes a nap just made it easier to human. You both understood that very well. 
 With a change into more comfortable clothes and some slow sips of tea, you and Nanami tucked in for a nap, gentle loving and tired kisses exchanged and enjoyed. ‘I love you’s being exchanged and glasses being removed, you both cuddled up and would fall asleep in each other’s warmth, the pressure of earlier fading into your sleepiness.
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curiosity-killed · 3 years
Lang Qianqiu deserves more love goddammit: a post, unfortunately
This brought to you by the wonderful @veliseraptor & @/yuer on Twitter but also mostly out of spite and the fact that it’s preventing me from writing a very dumb poke-the-bear post abt the entire weird social media culture around The Minors
So first off: when I hit the scene where lqq confronts xl and screams “I will never be like you” I sat up in bed, did a little shimmy of delight, and hissed “fuck yes” at like 2 AM so. Now you have a preview of wtf this train wreck will be
1 ) lqq is a good character
We don’t get a ton of time with lqq because tgcf is 87 side characters running across stage with The Most Interesting Concept constantly one-upping each other before vanishing. But what we do get is, I think, enough to make a pretty compelling story: Lang Qianqiu is a kind and generous prince who is also the sole survivor of the bloody massacre of his entire family, committed by the people dearest to him (both in his belief that Gusohi Fangxin did it and in the reality of An Le’s involvement), who goes on to peacefully lead his fractious nation into a peaceful reign before he ascends as a powerful enough (aka beloved and worshipped enough) god to be ranked among the top heavenly generals. That’s like. Pretty fucking classic protagonist vibes right there.
And, as usual with mxtx’s characters, we get a lot more than this lovely little backstory. In his interactions in canon, lqq is capable of great grief and anger; he is willing to sacrifice himself if it means avenging his murdered family; and he simultaneously holds both great hatred and great respect for his old teacher. And, of course, he winds up raising and taking care of his enemy’s son which shows a remarkable depth of compassion and emotional messiness that I find terribly compelling. He struggles with a simplistic view of justice that is supported by lies told to “protect” him and that is uprooted by the truth and forces him to try to make sense of the world without the guardrails that others installed around him (looking at you mister fangxin sir).
Also I’m stealing my own tweets bc I’m Right but:
*pulls up single barstool to lqq is a good character table* I think it’s interesting & Says Things abt the continued relationship btwn lqq & xl that lqq *didn’t* recognize xl, implying that he left fangxin’s mask in place even when he went to kill him
Like here is the man who killed his family & best friend, who left him abandoned in bloodshed on his 17th bday—& here is also the man who saved his life, who taught him, who lqq looked up to & wanted to be like
Even when lqq *does* recognize xl, he still has so much respect for him paired with that hatred that it’s honestly rlly tragic? Like man. There’s so much grief in lqq’s repeated demands for a duel & insisting it’s fine if xl kills him as long as he doesn’t hold back
*pats lqq pompom* this bb is so sad. And so much more like his teacher than either of them seem to realize or necessarily want
Despite being a pretty minor character, lqq gets a lot of complexity and nuance! Look at this child trying to be grown up while desperately turning to his old master for guidance and “the truth”! Look at him! Be sad!!
2 ) lqq is an excellent parallel to xl
Okay stealing my own tweet again don’t look at me I yell the same shit everywhere
Xl didn’t want lqq to become like him (self-sacrificing, vengeful, alone) but lqq not only became alone, chasing vengeance, & willing to sacrifice himself for revenge—he also became kind, open-minded, & remorseful!! & he still clearly respects xl @ novel end 🙃🙃
We all know hc’s “they’re not very alike at all” and yeah sure baby go support your man but narratively, there’s a lot of importance given to cycles, parallels, and foils in mxtx’s writing and most explicitly (compared to mdzs, haven’t read svss) in tgcf. For example, *gestures at beefleaf, gestures at Xianle Trio vs Wuyogn Crew, gestures at Xie Lian & Jun Wu’s whole uh. Deal.* And while I’d argue xl and lqq are part of a triumvirate rather than a pair, we’re not including mister three-face in this conversation so just looking at xl and lqq:
Both adored and sheltered crown princes
Both taught by a guoshi who was seeking to prevent the repetition of their own tragedies and in their efforts, lied/omitted information and failed to protect their charge from tragedy
Both were betrayed* by their closest friends
Both are the last living members of their respective royal families
Both caught the interest of supernatural beings from a young age
Etc etc I’m getting v bored and distracted writing this so moving on
Most importantly to me, we have their betrayal by a very close and adored mentor and how they react. The confrontation I mention at the start of this shitshow is really imo one of the most important scenes in the novel because it a) illustrates the differences in xl and Jun Wu and b) sort of gives you a preview of how xl ultimately wins
So a) Jun Wu and Xie Lian both take a talented, marked-for ascension young prince under their wing. Jun Wu sees himself in the boy and obsesses over shaping him into Jun Wu’s own image in the belief that this will make him the perfect heir. Jun Wu pushes his chosen heir into situations where Xie Lian is repeatedly harmed in an effort to show that the common people are fickle and cruel and don’t deserve his compassion and care.
Meanwhile, Xie Lian is reluctantly roped into mentoring his prince due to his inability to stand aside when he feels he could do something to prevent hurt or injustice befalling another (simultaneously his great strength and great weakness! God I love him). Xie Lian tries to teach his student to believe in and care for the common people and not to sacrifice himself (see: flashback convo re:taking the force of the sword strike into his own body).
When Xie Lian refuses to bend in the shape Jun Wu demands, Jun Wu bashes his head into the wall. When Lang Qianqiu cries “I will never be like you!”, Xie Lian laughs and says “Good!”.
B) this of course feeds directly into foreshadowing! Like Lang Qianqiu’s bold words, xl ultimately refuses to become like his mentor and remains defiant even when it would stop him from being hurt. Xl beats lqq and says so what if I tricked you, so what if I lied, I still won. Naturally, xl beats Jun Wu not through standard swordplay but by using a trick he learned while forced to busk and wander the earth alone and unlucky for centuries.
…okay so I have fully forgotten what I was actually saying here! Anyway!
Like Xie Lian, Lang Qianqiu spends a time consumed with the need for vengeance, hunting his enemy and rejecting the heavens. And like Xie Lian, he winds up caring for his enemy’s “son” and trying to both comfort him and maintain what’s left of Qi Rong’s life force despite having previously been hellbent on destroying him—bc he sees the impact it has on another person. In the end, he even gives a gift to Xie Lian—his mentor, his role model, and the one who killed his father—that was once given to him as a symbol of unexpected kindness. Sound familiar?
But, importantly, and contradictory to what I have been yelling abt but whatever it’s 12:30 am, Lang Qianqiu is not a direct mirror of Xie Lian but a closing of a vital loop in the story. Lqq is very similar to xl (I will die on this hill!! Only I won’t bc I’m stronger than y’all and will keep swinging these pots and pans) but bc xl tries to do better and keep lqq from suffering the way xl has, lqq is able to have a gentler and more optimistic path forward. He’s proof that even a small act of kindness or even kindness to only one person still matters and has a ripple effect that can’t be seen when you’re in the middle of it—a thread started with xl giving the coral pearl to Lang Ying and closed with Lang Qianqiu returning the pearl to Xie Lian.
So I have no idea if any of this is coherent or compelling but I meant to be asleep two hours ago and the points are:
A) Lang Qianqiu is good actually
B) parallels!!!
C) look ive already started another wip about Lang Qianqiu and Xie Lian and I didn’t want this but no one else wrote it so now I have to so pls just accept this as a warning
*sort of air quotes around this for Xie Lian bc frankly Mu Qing was right & Xie Lian kicked feng xin out BUT on the other hand, it was experienced as a betrayal and we also again have all of Jun Wu’s shit so it evens out
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