#I made a typo in one of the tags but it's far to late to fix
wyfy-meltdown · 5 months
Shortly after Madoka Magica released (to great success), everyone started trying to make the next big "magical girl misery" anime. I think the reason those ones didn't really take off is because they missed the point of Madoka: the love of others and self-sacrifice is center stage, and we only really feel bad for the characters of Madoka Magica because we see them happy.
Madoka Magica isn't just a misery fest; Mami's death matters because we understand Mami's dreams and struggles, Sayaka becoming Oktavia is impactful because we see her downfall that isn't her fault (or anyone's for that matter). Madoka (and to a secondary extent, Homura) never give up hope or trying.
Madoka isn't constantly victimised and abused (unlike some over-the-top edgy magical girl animes I know) she's in tragic circumstances and still tries her best; still WANTS the best for the world around her.
Making something sad isn't about how much we see a character suffer and struggle; it's about making the struggles and suffering they go through impactful through their story. Wants, relationships, traits, and flaws... That's what makes a character's pain painful for an audience.
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Can we talk about the timing of The Hunger Games movies being taken off of Netflix? Not to sound like a crazy conspiracy theorist, but there have been A Lot of comparisons between modern media and The Hunger games and it seems there are several governments that fear unrest and revolution…
Idk man it just seems kinda on the nose :/
Anyway. Do your rewatch before the end of the month (May 2024, for possible future people). Maybe it’ll spark something.
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prophetszendo · 11 months
How the birds fly (Pt. 1)
Content warning: attempted suicide, very negative thoughts. Only read if you are in the right mindset
Summary: the adventuring life took a toll on you, and you face your feelings on a nightly walk
Pairing: Astarion/you (no use of pronouns or y/n)
Word count: 2.7k
Tags: hurt/comfort, kissing, I guess fluff?, I am horrible at tagging please forgive me
About the dialogs: they are in two different "-marks, because my program uses my native language as default. And as I'm not a native speaker, feel free to point out typos, or simply weird sentences. I aim to be better with English.
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It was a very long day. You finally made camp after walking for half a day, defending yourselves against an ambush, then gettinf lost in some woods. You ended up in a clearing, somewhere up in a mountain. You were not even sure anymore that you were heading to the right direction.
Setting up camp always came with it’s duties. One of it was collecting wood for a fire so someone can make the only meal you usually eat a day. Today, you were on wood and branch duty. As if it wasn’t me nearly always – you thought to yourself. Everyone clearly preferred not doing it. It was a long task and if unsuccesful, the bearer could be blamed. They didn’t went far enough, didn’t look hard enough.
Of course, everyone was on edge by now. The tadpoles in your head, the waiting, the constant danger looming over all of you created this snappy and sarcastic environment. They never really meant any of it, it was just a way to let off some steam.
You tried to not think about any of it while you picked up another piece of wood. Somewhere in the distance you heard some birds rustling, chirping, and then flying away. You tried to look through the trees surrounding you to see their siluettes in the dawn, but they were far away.
Once you deemed you had enough wood, you headed back. You heard the camp from far away. Your companions talked loudly, as if they were in a tavern, not on some mountain in the middle of nowhere.
This used to make you smile. You used to think there was at least once place you could remotely call warm and home. Right now it just felt distant.
„I’m back” you announced. Your companions looked up in sync, and in agreement, they took all of it from you and started making a fire to cook. Everyone, except Astarion.
He had this game with you. Sometimes he gave you attention, and other times, like this, as if you were thin air. Which you probably wouldn’t have cared about that much, if only you didn’t have feelings for him for a time now. When he gave you his attention, it was simply heavenly. Great flirtatous talks, teasing words, maybe a few stolen moments alone, or a drink for him, from you. They were cherished by you.
You sighed as you sat down, watching the others get lost in the chaos of collecting the ingredients for dinner.
Gods, you felt alone.
Later, when it was already late at night, you lied in your tent, wide awake. You were exhausted, yet dreams evaded you. Maybe for the better – you thought to yourself. Since the tadpoles, they were confusing, and you couldn’t get the proper rest and awoke feeling tried.
You decided to take a walk. Maybe moving around could make you a bit more sleepy. You decided to take the same route you used for collecting wood. At least you had an idea where you were there, and where was camp.
It was a very clear night, the moon was also full and shining bright. So bright, that it nearly dimmed all of the stars.
You zoned out while walking. When you came to, you noticed a cliff. You decided to take a rest there, and using what light tbe moon provides to just sit and watch.
There was a branch conveniently a few meters from the edge of the cliff.
In the distance, you heard and owl making noise. The next moment, it flew above you, and into the horizon.
You always wanted to fly. It seemed so free. From everything. Let it be the ground that was under you, or the burden of everyday life.
Not that you had a big burden back in Baldur’s Gate. It was the opposite, really. Everyday was the same. It grew dull overtime. Yet you couldn’t find anything motivating enough to change it. You were prepared to grow old, doing the same thing. You also had trouble bonding with people there. Not that you didn’t try, the friendships just always seemed to wither away with time. And the tavern buddies slowly all stopped showing up, until you were sitting by yourself, drinking some cheap ale.
Originally you thought of this tadpole event to be the push you needed to finally change your life around for the better. Learn new skills, like how to set up camp, survive on your own, decide which berry is edible. Make great friends for life – if you make it out alive. You were positive at the start that you would. You took on every challenge, helped every person that came your way, moved every rock to find a cure.
The others started to see you as their leader. It made you happy, gave you a purpose.
Until it became too much. You had to make the hard choices: who to side with? Which lead to follow? Kill someone and be sure they won’t spill your plan to the enemy, or let them live and be hopeful that they will be true to their promise?
It didn’t help that everyone had opinions, which they didn’t hesitate to share. And someone always disapproved, and it was on you.
And seemingly only you had nothing personal to solve. Everyone had a life, a purpose, a big enemy, an end goal. A reason to get the tadpole out. What waited for you after the adventure was just... grey. As it was before.
You sometimes wished this adventure would never end. You liked being around everyone. Karlach’s happy demeanor, how she seemed to be excitied for everything. Lae’zel and Shadowheart’s conflicts did bring some tension, but it always turned out well in the end. Gale and his magical hunger made you slightly amused: who actually eats boots? Not to mention Wyll, Halsin or Volo.
Astarion. Obviously, he was the star of the group. For you, at least. You loved how he liked deception and mocking people. You loved hearing his sweet words, especially when one of those were your name. You loved, when he opened up a little about himself. How life was for him as a spawn. It twisted your heart to hear him struggle, and you tried to help any way you could. Basically blidly following if he had a suggestion, even claiming it was your idea, if the others asked.
You believed your feelings became obvious for the others some time ago. You overheard them talk, then suddenly go silent when they saw you. Your name was whisperes silently along with Astarion’s a few times, but you were never included in those conversations.
You stood up, and took a few steps ahead, while fixing your gaze on the stars. They looked beautiful, like tiny little lanters far in the sky.
Like how the blood splattered from the goblin you killed today.
The image suddenly invaded your mind, and you now all you saw in the sky was bloodshed and violence. You didn’t want to end their life, it seemed pointless. They didn’t even seem so evil, just like a few pawns in the bigger game.
You tried to redirect your thoughts, so you thought about something else. More precisely, someone else. His silverish hair, eyes so sharp, that they see into your soul, his vampire smile he only shows with you.
Usually these pictures comfort you, but how Astarion had been acting lately, you just felt more invisible, even smaller.
Yes, invisible. You found the right word. As if you were hidden behind your responsibilities and decisions. As if your opinions, emotions did not matter anymore. Because you will do all the hard stuff, let it be collecting wood, taking the blame, or deciding to let someone bleed out or end their suffering.
They probably haven’t even noticed just how much you had on your shoulders.
Would they notice if you were gone?
You took a few steps closer to the cliff. You wondered what could be on the bottom. Maybe the river you passed recently? Or was that on the other side? Maybe a few boulders.
The memory of the birds you heard today flashed i ro your mind. You really did want to feel free, like how they were flying away from you.
You stood on the edge. The front of your feet were not even on the ground anymore. The moon didn’t give enough light to see what was on thr bottom. It seemed like a dark pit, that could just swallow you whole.
You felt something cold on your face. You realized that while you were lost in your thoughts, you started crying.
You never faced your raw feelings before. Maybe that’s why. Or because you finally made a decision. One, that would make sure you never ever had to make anymore.
„I always wanted to try flying...” you whispered in front of you, into the abyss.
You closed your eyes, and put your arms out, imitating wings. You shifted your weight, and started to fall forward...
...and with a suddend yank, you fell back, onto something warm.
You were confused, and it took you a few seconds to realize what happened. Sounds slowly made it to your ear, and the little light into your eyes.
„Fuck, dammit, you... No, it’s not your fault, I’m sorry, but shit, I can’t believe... Do you know what you were doing?!”
A voice came from under and behind you. It was rambling, sounding very distraught. Maybe even scared.
You turned around, still a bit lightheaded from the shock of falling backwards. Your eyes met a very familiar pair of scarlet eyes.
He was panting, as if he ran from camp all the way here. But you doubted it, he wouldn’t run after you. Maybe he noticed you were gone?
Suddenly, he hugged you tightly. His fingers dug into you, as if you could just float away anytime from his grasp. He felt warm, which was unusual to you. But truth be told, he never held you like this before.
He struggled breathing. He didn’t need to get air, which just added to the list of strange things happening. Maybe you actually fell and now living in just a fantasy?
But no, you slowly started to hear soft sniffles with the breathing. Astarion was... Sobbing.
„I’m... So, so sorry” he said, making eyecontact again. You noticed tears forming in his eyes.
You were at a loss for words. You finally pieced together what happened. Astarion saved you in the last second, and he was clearly distraught by what happened.
You felt guilty.
„What happened?” Astarion asked with a soft voice. You looked away, not being able to make a sound. You yearned to share your feelings with him, but there seemed to be no proper words to use. Nor a voice to say anything with.
„You... You’re so strong. What happened? What did we... What did I miss?”
The correction in his sentence made you heart flutter and ache at the same time. He clearly was very caring towards you, but you feared it was just one of those times and that it would never last longer than a few days.
„I’m...” you stuttered. Your voice felt like it wasn’t yours. You had to put all your strength into forming just a few words. „...not...strong...”
Astarion looked at you, with immense worry. You couldn’t say more now, and you felt like you couldn’t speak again for a long time.
You tugged on his tadpole, inviting him for a visit in your mind. You previously all agreed in the group, that you give everyone the privacy of their own mind, so you opening a way into yours was unusual.
You gave him a faint smile. You tried to put encouragement into it. He closed his eyes, and stepped through the door into your memories and feelings.
You showed him everything. How life was for you in Baldur’s Gate, and just how miserable you felt. How the initial excitement of this adventure turned into a daily torture of decisions, where there was no right answer, responsibilities which were crushing you, and the constant judgement of others.
You showed him the rollercoaster of feelings his actions caused. The hope you cradled for so much time, the longing you felt for him. The pain you felt everytime it seemed like he was just toying with you.
You shared how ready you were to let things end.
As he experienced your feelings, his arm grew even tighter around you, and he slowly buried his wet face into your neck.
After you showed him everything, he pulled out of your mind. He lifted his head, but only so much that his mouth was to your ear.
„You’re so much stronger than I thought you to be, darling” he whispered. „I never knew you struggled so much. You always seemed so sure, you... You never took any shit. You seemed so brave and determined.”
He gulped, and took a deep breath. He slowly lifted his head fully, to be face to face with you.
„I guess... I never thought about how it affects you. It was so easy following what you say, letting you decide on every crossroad. And it was so easy... Blaming you, if something went south. We... I should’ve stopped to think about you. And how you feel.”
Tears started forming again. He took another shaky breath, and tried to quickly blink them away.
„I always took you for granted. A strong leader, who is always there. And not just there...”
He looked down. You saw a single teardrop sneaking over his cheek. You never saw him this vulnerable before.
„I took you granted in a more... personal way too. Now that I saw myself through your eyes, I understand. Gods, I was such an asshole with you.”
He paused for a moment, as if searching for words. He opened his mouth, but closed it back soon. You sat in silence for a bit. You didn’t mind.
For the first time, you felt seen.
„I was scared of my own feelings” Astarion said suddenly. You sligthly raised your eyebrows, suggesting suprise. His own feelings?
„Yes. The ones I have for you.”
Your stomach filled up with butterflies. Did you hear that correctly? You couldn’t do anything, but blink at him.
„Whenever I realized just how much I care about you, I pushed you away. In my past, caring about someone meant you had another exploitable weak spot. Someone they could hurt to hurt you. And I didn’t want anyone to hurt you. So I pushed you away, since if I’m cold towards you, noone will think anything of you.”
He chuckled a little.
„But I could never keep it up for long. Because I missed you, Gods I missed you so much, even when you were right beside me, covering my back in a battle, sleeping just a few tents away. And yet, I kept missing you so much, it hurt. And now that I see, just how much it hurt you, I regret it so, incredibly much. We could have had sweet stolen moments together, if only I was less stubborn, and looked out for you a little more.”
Astarion looked utterly defeated and sad. You felt the truth in his words, and it was something you only ever dreamed of. You raised your hand to caress his cheek. He gave you one of those vampire smiles that made your knees weak.
He lifted both his hands, and held your face just under your ears. He pulled you closer to himself, and out your foreheads together. It was a very intimate moment.
„I think I fell in love with you” he whispered so silently, you barely heard it. But you did. And it gave your voice back.
„I fell in love with you, too” you said, giving him the first real smile since you were here.
He slowly leaned closer to you. You closed your eyes, and got lost in the moment.
And then... He kissed you.
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charliehoennam · 4 months
forever home
a/n: i rewatched the office and it was that episode where jim buys pam a house 🥰
pairing: william miller x f!reader
warnings: none (i think. i suck with tags, sorry), just fluff, not proofread so sorry for any typos
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It's almost 11 p.m.
You're sat on the couch, trying to keep your tired eyes open as you watch a rerun of Hell's Kitchen.
With Gordon Ramsey's yelling and cursing in the background, you lift your phone once more to check for any new messages but there aren't any. You open up the chat with Will on the messaging app and reread his last text.
"Having one for the road. Be home in 20. Love you 💚"
You don't want to be one of those nagging fianceés, but the urge to text or call him is just bubbling inside. That was almost an hour ago and you're starting to get worried.
What if something happened to him on the drive home? What if he got into a fight at the bar?
It would be a surprise, but it wouldn't be the first time. Despite the progress he's had through therapy, you know how he can be impatient at times and a little hot-headed too. And maybe a little cocky too, although he would only let that side shine through at Benny's matches.
The trust you have in each other is the one of the main foundations that you've built your relationship on. Opportunities like these are essential to remind, not only you, but also himself of how far he's come.
You remind yourself of that when you hear a car pulling into the condo's parking lot downstairs. It takes all of your willpower to refrain from racing to the window to make sure it's really him. Truthfully, you just want to know if he's alright.
Will's tired legs slowly his heavy body up the single flight of stairs that led up to your small and shared condo apartment. His arms are so sore that he can barely hold the keys in his hand as he unlocks the door. He's never felt so tired, even on his deployments.
For the past 3 months, Will and his team have been working on a new house. He'd gotten into the business of buying and flipping houses which has been working out really well for him.
He loved being able to work with his hands and there is something just so gratifying to him about seeing something come together so beautifully after lots of sweat, work and a little bit of blood whenever he's accidently hurt himself. Will was usually very cautious, but accidents can happen to anyone.
You always supported him and his career since he'd expressed his desire to get into the business. You're thankful he did. Will's really good at what he does and he genuinely loves being so handy.
One of the other perks is getting to watch him in action. There's something so attractive about watching your fiancé slam a sledgehammer to a wall. Will knows you like watching him too, so he'll flaunt his muscles off whenever you come around to bring him some materials or sweet treats for the team.
However, this specific project has really been taking up most of his time and you just cannot wait until it's done and sold.
As usual, Will and the guys get together every Friday night to catch up, watch a game and shoot the shit. It's their own way of making sure everyone - particularly Tom ever since the divorce - are still hanging in there.
Opening the front door to the apartment, he steps inside and locks the door with a tired sigh before near the open plan kitchen to set his wallet and keys on the breakfast counter.
"Hey, baby. Sorry I'm late. Tom got a little carried away with the beers and I had to give him a ride."
"It's alright, honey," you yawn. "Did the guys get home alright?"
You look over the back of the couch and watch him kick off his dusty work boots at the door. His work jeans are tattered, splattered with dried old paint and wood varnish. The faded tan jacket is peeled off his body and hung up on a hook.
A mental note is made in your mind to convince him to buy new clothes when you go out the next time, although you know that'd be a bit of hassle since he's too stubborn to waste money on himself. It's nothing a batting of eyelashes can't handle.
"Yeah, sweetheart. The other guys just had a couple beers, but you know Tom," he struts over as he shares with you, bending down to kiss you hello and plops himself on the couch beside you, manspreading his legs as a arm drapes of your lap, hand stroking your thigh. "He's really going through it."
"I can imagine. You been talking to him?"
"I have, yeah. Invited him to the support group, but you know how he can be."
You nod adjusting to lean closer and thread your fingers through his hair. His blonde eyelashes flutter as he closes his eyes, instantly melting under your touch.
"Yeah, I know, baby. But don't give up. You never know. He might just show up one day."
"I know, sweetheart," he smiles before opening his eyes as his head turns to face you with a gentle squeeze to your thigh. "How was your day, beautiful?"
"Just the same ol'. Made your favorite for dinner though" you smile watching the exhaustion in his eyes slowly fade.
"Pesto chicken alfredo pasta?"
His blue gleam with hope. His pretty pink lips stretch into a wide smile behind the golden whiskers of his beard. You chuckle at how happy he gets when it comes to food.
You know it stems from the lack of indulgence during his deployments. Will's no fussy eater, but when he's home, he indulges when he can to make up for the barely edible chow he and the guys had to eat. Although tasteless and sometimes expired, Will never had any problems with it because he knew the purpose wasn't to be good, but to keep him alive.
That's why he quickly back up on his feet and striding towards the kitchen to heat a plate up for himself, leaving you to snicker at his excitement. If there's one thing that the Miller brothers share, it's their appetite for food.
"How's the house coming along?"
"We finally fucking finished, babe," he grins plating the cold food. "It looks so good though. I cannot wait for you to see it. You are going to love it." Of course. He built it with you and your tastes in mind. "Tomorrow, I'm taking you to see it."
"Really?" you grin.
Your opinion is very important to Will and he always comes to you when he's got doubts and is in need of a feminine point of view, so it's not exactly uncommon for him to bring you to his projects for a look-around.
The next morning, you find yourself in his car listening to No Excuses by Alice In Chains.
With nothing else to do, you sing along to the song as Will drives steadily
“Can I please take this thing off?” you ask adjusting the blindfold he’s got on you. “I don’t want cops pulling us over thinking you’re kidnapping me.”
“Baby, no one’s gonna pull us over” he chuckles at the thought. “We’re almost there.”
You try to focus on the sounds beyond the car in an attempt to locate where you are, but the catchy tune playing from the stereo makes it impossible. The only thing you know for certain is that you’re not in the city. The familiar salty scent strikes you as clear as day.
“Are we at the beach?” your voice fills with excitement.
“You’ll see soon enough. We’re here. I’m gonna help you out of the car, hold on.”
You can hear the smile he’s got plastered on his face. Will finds it cleverly adorable how you figured part of his surprise out already. it's not enough to ruin it though.
Just as promised, he opens the car door and takes your hand to carefully help you out of the car with kind instructions. You hold onto his hand as you settle on the stony driveway. Although from a distance, you can still hear the ocean waves quietly splashing on the shore.
"Take a look," he grins anxiously untying your blindfold.
Your eyes take a moment to adjust to the bright light of the blue sky but, once it does, you freeze in awe of the house before you.
The mediterranean-style house is simple but large and elegant. Red Italian tiles and cream-colored paint exude a rustic and mysteriously familiar feeling that makes you feel at home.
Colorful flowers strategically planted grow in the grassy front lawn. Behind it, potted flowers sit on the low wall that encloses the small garden along the gated pathway to the door.
You and Will had talked about buying a house for a long time. Little did you know, Will had made a list in his precise mind of every little detail that you desired in your forever home.
"Will, this house is beautiful. You might have finally outdone yourself!"
He chuckles filled with relief and joy as he listens to you swoon over every small and carefully thought out detail of the exterior.
"C'mon, let's take a look."
He takes your hand and leads you up the pathwalk to unlock the door. You step inside the empty home and marvel at the space.
"Wow... It looks small from outside, but it's pretty big huh?"
"I thought so too. I kinda liked that about it."
"I love it! It's like a little illusion and then, you come in and it's just so much space," you grin roaming around each room slowly to take everything in.
"Do you like the windows?"
"Yeah, they're lovely. They really add to the mediterranean/contemporary vibe you got going on here. Can we see the kitchen? You know how much I love kitchens," you giggle excitedly.
"Of course. It's right over here."
"The floorplan is really nice and open too, huh? Oh, the sink! You installed the farmhouse sink! Undermount, too! The owners will love that."
Will smiles as he gazes at you, watching your reaction lovingly as you wander around the house and notice every tiny detail that Will spent countless hours pondering over to ensure you would have the house of your dreams.
The project cost him a pretty penny, but every single cent and drop of sweat he had spent investing into this home was certainly worth to see your eyes light up with every nook and cranny.
He led you to the backyard compete with a pool and beautiful stones and bright green plants that made it feel like your own little personal lagoon, with a wooden pathway that leads to a private gateway to the beach behind the house.
In truth, you feel like you're in paradise. You could spend every day in this house without the urge to leave it.
"So? What do you think?" he smiles holding your hips.
"I think this is your masterpiece, babe" you grin holding his strong biceps. "Do you have any buyers yet? I bet this will be the most expensive house you've sold yet."
"Actually, someone's already bought the place... This is ours."
You stare up at him in shock.
"A-Are you serious? You bought this place for us?"
"Mhm," he nods with a shit-eating grin. "The farmhouse sink, the red italian rooftop tiles, the little garden... It's everything that was on your list."
As tears fill your eyes, you hug him tightly and sniffle as your arms tighten around him. You want to thank him, but you're too speechless to say anything although your reaction says everything he needs to know.
You think back to all the long pillow talks you've had, where he'd casually asked you about little bits and pieces he should add to the project. You would have never guessed the project he'd been working on was your new home together.
The mere fact that Will had gone through so much trouble to make this house perfect to every desire makes your swell. Being designed by the love of your life is the finaal cherry on top.
"Thank you, Will," you mumble still stunned as you stare at your new backyard.
"Welcome home, babe."
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ruanais · 8 months
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• — { omnipresent. chapter one: }
• — {warnings : mentions of suicide, dark content, no nsfw but things that could be triggering, dazai :P , bad writing, reader curses a lot, maybe some typos, etc. etc.}
• — {special thanks to : silver for helping me write + plan the plot, thank u to red and kat for taking their time to beta read, and thank u to mai for also helping with the plot ! }
• — { tagging the people who expressed interest ! @settingssun | @silverbladexyz @cheriiyaya | @kxttqi | @riiwrites + comment under this post to be tagged ! }
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THE FIRST TIME Dazai Osamu met you, it was midnight. he was just walking to a bar and you were on the edge of a bridge railing, dressed in a school uniform. probably from a prestigious high school and not more than 15, he guessed when he took a better look at you. 
it was raining a storm, Rain had soaked through your clothes, and your hair was drenched. Paired with the harsh wind, you must be freezing. 
You were looking down at the river, a rather far away look in your eyes as you were seemingly in a dilemma, weighing two choices and- 
dazai had already got the gist of what you were about to do, yet made no motion whatsoever. still and silent as a shadow, even when you took in a sharp breath and stepped off, falling down to the river’s current
a splash and you were gone forever, leaving him alone on the bridge.
now he was blankly staring at where you were mere seconds ago. not caring to even move. rooted at where he was. but several questions ran through his mind at that moment.
did you notice him staring? 
it wasn’t any use thinking about it so he let it go. 
the second time he encountered you, he had heard a series of gunshots then quickly headed to there. you were already dead. shot by someone he couldn’t catch.
Obviously, he was surprised to see your face but quickly collected himself, called the police, and left. finding it suspicious but quickly brushing it off his mind as he had more urgent and important matters to take care of than the measly death of someone he didn’t know. 
the third time he saw you, you were crossing the street. a calico cat in your arms as you talked to it, petting its fur and a warm smile on your face. 
then, you turned your head and caught sight of him, you widened your eyes seemingly in recognition, but you had ran, almost as if you were trying to escape from him.
well, dazai had tried to chase after you. But in your haste, you had failed to look at the road. tires screeched and you got hit by a car. 
he had ran and reached out his hand to try and pull you away despite knowing it was futile. but it was too late. blood splattered on him, staining his hand. Not that he ever cared. 
the cat was unhurt though, somehow miraculously shielded by your body. its large eyes looking into his’s before letting out a small meow then ran away. leaving you on the ground. 
sirens cut through the deathly silence, medics quickly rushing out of an ambulance after a bystander called the police. arriving just a few minutes later.
He tsked, running his hand through his hair, and and slipped away from there, away from that street, never to return.
on the fourth time, he saw you again. now convinced that you were a special case, he had to find you before you were gone. 
but unfortunately, he was too late again. you were a member of an rival organisation, holding important information and so was captured, interrogated, then brutally killed by one of the executive’s ability. crimson red blood pooled around your corpse before he got a chance to talk to you. 
“she already told us what we needed to know already. it’s no use keeping her around.” was what ozaki said when he demanded an explanation. “best to kill them before they cause further trouble. Say, dazai, don’t tell me-?” she frowned, shooting him a small glare. sighing deeply when he shook his head no. 
“I have to say, she was quite pathetic. Immediately telling us everything when we threatened the lives of her subordinates… I overestimated her.” was what she said while walking away slowly disappearing into the darkness, leaving him alone in the dim room. 
it was strange, he had to admit. the fact that you died every time before he got the chance to talk to you was quite eerie. not that he could do anything about it. Then, he left you again, leaving his underlings to clean up the mess. 
it happened nine times more, but instead of seeing you directly, he saw it on the news or heard it from his acquaintances. looking at your picture, you looked different in every universe but you had the same features. just enough to be recognizable. 
He was in the agency now, a new member. And amazingly, in record time, he was already doppo kunikida’s worst nightmare. 
today was his third day. how boring was this? 
in short: indescribable.
he felt like a deer caught in a spotlight. Far too out of place. Dazai knew how to put on an act, one to cover his true intentions quite nicely. Not enough to fool edogawa, of course. But enough to fool everyone else. 
he had listened to what odasaku had told him, be someone who saves people. he did or tried, or it would be something that he would do later. Depends, really.
…maybe one of the reasons he decided to follow through with his friend’s words was to make himself feel better. From what though? 
the guilt of not being able to save you? Maybe not stopping you from dying on the first time you met? 
Impossible. he was known as the demon prodigy after all when he was back in the port mafia, famous for being someone who had no remorse for murdering hundreds or committing endless heinous crimes. 
How troublesome. Such emotions were an obstacle to his goals. 
He tried to get rid of it. ignoring the guilt that was eating his heart away helped only a bit. But distractions helped. A few bottles of sake and his guilt would leave him for a while. 
But maybe paired with the fact that he couldn’t help nor save sakunosuke oda only made it worse. 
guilt was annoying. Troublesome, a nuisance. just about anything that was negative, he thinks, leaning back in his seat and ignoring the reports he has to write. 
actually, all emotions were useless. Was what he thought, turning around and around. 
…come to think of it, he never saw you in this universe before. nor even heard of you. 
maybe you don’t even exist right now. 
which is weird. since you seem to pop up randomly in every universe he’s in. 
really, really, reallyyyyyyy suspicious- 
A book hit his head, snapping him out of his thoughts. 
“Get to work dazai!” 
ah yes, classic kunikida. Always and forever strict and doesn’t like fun. Why were all math teachers like that? oh. even former ones. all they do is yell, scream, scold, yep math is definitely ruining the minds of everyone.
“Fineeee…these are boring though… I’ll do it later….” he whines, laying his head on his desk, drawing random shapes with his finger on the light brown wooden table. 
“Just do your work already!” Kunikida yelled, clearly at his breaking point.
“Come onnnn kunikidaaaaa just let me have some funn~” 
“You can have fun after work is over-“ 
“Aaah! sorry I'm late!” 
The agency’s door bangs open, and a disheveled young woman appears.
he automatically freezes, eyes widening as he feels a chill run down his spine, dazai did just a quick double check to see if his vision is finally failing him.
the same eye colour? check.
the same hair colour? check.
the same height? check.
check, check, check.
Was what Dazai thinks after mentally checking off everything. His eyebrows furrowing. it was getting even more suspicious. Normally, you would die before he got to interact with you, so isn't this practically giving him a chance to know about you? What the hell does it- does it even fucking make sense? 
obviously not. 
which…didn’t make things any easier. 
kunikida mutters something under his breath before marching towards you, ready to give out yet another lecture. “Now why were you late?!” 
“uhm…I had to work a longer shift?” you said, shifting from one foot to the other. “Uh…it also didn’t help that there were more customers than usual..?” you added, awkwardly smiling as you sweatdropped nervously. 
“how many times do I have to tell you to fix your schedule?!” kunikida practically screams at you. “This has been the 5th time this month!” he stomps his foot before sighing, walking back to his seat and sitting down before checking his watch; “see? Now you’ve made me 3 minutes behind!” he groans, but promptly pushes back up his eyeglasses and opens back his computer to work.
“It wasn’t my fault- oh! new member huh? hi. want meat buns anyone?” you raise up a paper bag of warm buns, waiting for their response. instantly, almost everyone in that room raises their hand up. Except for kunikida and dazai.
“…we need to save some for president and haruno though.” Yosano reminded you as she reached into the bag for one. “i bought another bag of them, it’s fine!” you reassured her, then walked towards dazai.
 “hey, you. Do you like meat buns?” you ask, before letting him having a chance to answer, you stuffed the whole bun into his mouth when you got the chance, “it’s good right?” ignoring the fact that he may be choking right now. But who cares when you have dr. yosano? 
“Yep!” he replies after a while when he finished the bun, putting on a charming smile, pausing for a few moments before adding something utterly ridiculous; “would you be interested in committing a double suici-?” 
“no.” you interrupted, cutting him off. hitting his head with a folder you took from kunikida’s desk. Not noticing the slight ouch he let out. “I’m far too young to die yet.” You declare, taking out a bun and apparently practically inhaling it in less than a minute.
“What’s your name by the way?” “Dazai Osamu.” “That’s a weird name.” You remark, placing back the folder. “Anyways, I’m [name].“
“no last name?” “[name]’s surname is a mystery to everyone. only the president and ranpo know it, but apparently they wont even give a hint.” Yosano yawned stretching her arms.
“But, if you successfully guess what is her last name, you get half the money in her purse!” A random staff member chimed in.
“shut up!” you huff, “and my last name isn’t that important anyways! Besides, I’m not paying anyone for guessing my last name correctly-“
“all of you shut up! We won’t ever get any work done at this rate! Dazai, focus on your damned reports! [name]! Help organise these folders!”
kunikida hollered, now practically spitting fire. Well, to avoid trouble, everyone got to work. Expect for dazai that is. Unfortunately, he was still lazing around until you threatened to tell the president of his tardiness.
“Who knew [name] could be so strict? you really wouldn’t know her from just 3 years ago.” yosano teases as you glare at her. “Let’s not talk about that time.” You cringe, tensing up at the memory.
“ehh? but you were so cute back then! now you’re just a boring adult…” the doctor sighs, “at least I can go out to drink with you now.” she added, browsing through grotesque pictures of victims’ deaths. “oooo now this looks good…” she mumbled, absorbed in choosing the next picture to hang in her room. 
“Well im glad that I changed.” you say as you pour some coffee into your cup. How the coffee machine got placed on your desk was a wonder but no one asked why, already used to your rather unusual actions.
“Mmm…pretty sure you’re the only one that feels like that.” 
“I swear to God I’m gonna dieeee…” you slump in your chair, frowning after a few hours passed. evening had arrived and it was just about 6:00PM. The sun was in the process of setting, a warm orange-reddish glow settled around the agency.
everyone was occupied with something; dazai with his beloved a guide to suicide book, you with your day dreaming, kunikida with his work, yosano with her pictures, the staff with their own things, and ranpo who finally arrived after buying his snacks and is now feasting on them.
“there’s more work for today. Good job everyone. Feel free to home and rest.” the president suddenly appears from from his office, a black cat and haruno following him close behind.
Fukuzawa Yukichi: the man responsible for creating the Armed Detective Agency. the cat sat down the floor, then stared up at the president, letting out a small ‘meow!’ earning a few “awwws” from the agency staff and members.
“goodness…that cat is cute…” you murmur, playing with a pen. “I’ll bet I’ll scare the shit outta them the second i try to go near there though. what a shame.” You sigh before picking up your phone, after hearing numerous pings, you quickly scrolled through them, then got up, took your bag and started out.
“well then, thank you all for the hard work and please excuse me for leaving before you. I’ll see you all tomorrow then. Also! president! There’s a bag of meat buns for you and haruno! enjoy!” You waved, opened the door, and left. stretching your arms when you felt like you finally tasted the freedom of after finishing work.
you soon arrived at the train station, buying a ticket then entered the train. Suprisingly, there weren’t too much people. That’s good. after all, being stuffed in a train with loads of people like sardines in a can was never fun.
sitting down, you glanced out the window, admiring how pretty the sky looked when the sun was setting. Maybe you should wake up earlier tomorrow to see the sunrise…which would probably never happen since waking up in the mornings were hell.
nothing was really new. you followed the same routine everyday. wake up, brush your teeth, eat something, dress, then head to uzumaki cafe to work.
Which usually lasted until the afternoons. Then, you walked up to the agency’s office and helped with almost anything until your roommate spammed your messages to buy groceries or beer or whatever.
you’d head back, make dinner, do chores, shower, mess around then practically pass out in your bed until 7:00am and repeat.
you followed the same routine today as well, get back, made dinner, which today consisted of rice, vegetables, and soup. after that, you headed to bed a bit later than usual. due to innasomia from caffeine.
you really shouldn’t have drunk that much coffee at night.
either way, you were content with how things were. And you had thought that tomorrow would be the same as before until you woke up due to your phone ringing.
squinting at your clock, you wince. It was quite early: 8:00am and you only got 4 hours of sleep. just the day when you got the rare chance to head to work late.
groaning, you reached for your phone blindly, knocking down a few things until you could finally get a hold of it.
“…hello?” You groggily ask when you answer the phone, immediately snapping awake from your half asleep state after realising what the other person on the line just said.
“what the actual living fuck?”
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rua’s notes : and that concludes the first chapter! whoaaaa it sure took a while huh :0 since it’s only the 1st, I wont immediately write abt the reader and osamu’s relationship :3 also, the reader has a ability ! (just wait a few more chapters) also chapter two will be focusing back on dazai !
thank u for reading this cringy ass fic that I stayed up all night writing !
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Character Development
Joel Miller x Reader | Part 2
Summary: Neither of you were in the right headspace to be in a relationship. Everything about you and him was a mutual decision, the start, the middle, the end. And yet, here you were, seeing a bunch of flowers in his hand, thinking, how dare he?
Word Count: 2k+
Warnings: fem!reader, angst, typos, etc.
A/N: this is a late birthday gift for @sloanexx!! happy birthday love. 죽어! (: UPDATE! I MADE A P2! The link is above!! Tagging: @multifandom-fangirl4 @pinksirensong @aralezinspace
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You loved the smell of early mornings. You loved waking up to do your chores. You loved going outside for it. You loved needing to stretch before you took your basket in hand and tended to the harvest. You loved that today, you were going to be picking some fruits.
And as you filled your basket to the brim, enough that the container will allow you, enough that your arms will let you carry, you felt satisfied. You felt like you had a sense of purpose.
Purpose was far and few during the apocalypse.
You were happy to have this as your purpose, though not inherently grandiose.
The sound of your boots crunching against dirt filled your ears as a cool morning breeze blew past you.
It was a beautiful day. You were happy to make as many trips back and forth from the storehouse to the gardens until you finish your chores.
Your movements slow when you spot Joel walking off tangent by your path. You see the red flowers in his hands; paintbrushes they were called, you think. You slow even more as you watch him bunch it up with some brown paper and string.
Your brows furrow. Your stomach begins to react.
Joel brings the thin, ropey material to his teeth and begins to chew on it. He effectively cuts it to his desired length.
You see him do this. You stop walking altogether. In lieu of walking, you think about how Joel did the same thing to your spaghetti straps, just because he could. You think about he's dug his teeth into your lips, your thighs, to whatever you would let him sink into. You think about how he asked if he could before each time he did so, though you've told him, rather desperately every instance, that he could bite, squeeze, or do absolutely anything else he wanted with you.
He was good at that. He was good at asking then at being rough, he was good at making you forget then at making you feel good.
He was bad at tying up those flowers... or whatever it was he was attempting to do. You wonder why he even bothered going through the effort of making an arrangement. Ellie would have appreciated the flowers whether or not it was wrapped in paper and string.
You begin to feel your arms tire so you lean to one side and plop your basket on your hip. You then decide to make your way to Joel to help him achieve whatever it was he wanted to with those flowers.
Your boots crunch against the dirt again, but this time around, you walking doesn't slow, it just stops abruptly.
"Joel," she says, calling the said man's attention.
You stand there, watching the woman walk up to Joel with a smile. She was dressed in a flowy dress. He was dressed in a worn-out flannel. They looked like they had nothing to do with each other. Joel smiles at her. But they also looked like they complimented each other.
Her name was Abella. She had just gotten here a few weeks ago. She was sweet and thoughtful. She was just like this morning, beautiful and refreshing.
"Need some help?" she asks.
Joel turns from her to the flowers, paper, and string in his hand, then shakes his head, "I don't think that would be appropriate."
Abella raises a brow, "why not?"
"Well," he sighs and shrugs, handing her the flowers anyway, "cause these are for you."
What the fuck.
Abella is shocked. You're aghast.
Joel presses his lips tightly, "they say it's the thought that counts."
What the actual fuck.
Abella chuckles and takes the flowers from him, "wow," she cannot hold back her smile, even though she badly wanted to, "yeah... it is the thought that counts."
Thought that counts?
She giggles, "thank you, Joel."
Give me a fucking break.
Where were the thoughts that counted when you made him a shitty pie? All he did was complain about how you got the crust wrong and how it was way too sweet. The thought didn't count then. Of course, you gave him shit for giving you shit over your attempts. He then he taught you a very... hard, rough, and loud lesson not to get on his nerves again, not that you were complaining after. And for that precise reason, you made it a point to--
What the- It doesn't matter!
What matters was he was there with Abella, looking at her as she explained to him what her chores were for the day was.
"Let me help," Joel retorts.
Your lips part.
He never offered to do that with you. You feel the basket dig into your hip. Ok, to be fair, you normally egged him on to join you, so he had no choice but to do so in the end.
You watched him smile as Abella rambled.
Wait... was that it? You were too annoying?
You continue to watch them speak to each other, but at this point you're too lost in your thoughts to hear a word they said. All you knew was Abella is laughing, leaning into Joel, gripping his bicep, and he's laughing with her.
Then it plays in 2x speed. The day you met him and how Tommy introduced Joel as his brother. The day you told him he had a nice butt and how he grunted in response. The day you kissed him and how he pushed you away. You remember how he said he didn't want anything, much less anything serious. You eagerly agreed and kissed him again. Serious was scary and cumbersome, you added. He didn't push you away after.
You remember it was when you were tracing the lines on his face that you fucked up. You remember the day you looked at him too long and Joel noticed, so he quipped, 'if you slap my ass when I walk by, you're gonna get it.'
You didn't. You didn't slap his ass when he walked by. You didn't move. You didn't say anything. You just watched as he walked by and felt your breath hitch at the scent of his soap. You just looked at him as he moved across the room and realized you fucked up real good.
You thought over, and over, and over again you did the right thing in telling him, because you had to get it out of your system. You thought over, and over, and over again that he did the right thing in telling you that he didn't feel the same way, because it was the truth. You thought that you were both adults and that it was good both of you thought to end this thing. It was for the best, because it was. You wouldn't feel bad, you didn't feel bad. Why would you? It was to be expected. At least you had a good run.
But damn, flowers for the pretty girl? Flowers and paper and string?
You wouldn't have cared but you hadn't expected this to happen. Why was he suddenly doing this? And... why not you? Were you not pretty enough, or rather, were you not pretty at all to him? Were you not a flowers-and-paper-and-string kind of girl? Were you not worth that much extra effort? He didn't even put that much effort, it's the thought that counts-- dear fuck-
You shake your head and gulp. You wipe your face and decide this was not the time to do this. This was not the day to do this. It was such a beautiful day. It won't change any time soon.
You release a breath and begin to walk again. You make it a point not to go anywhere near them as you head to the store house.
But you didn't expect the next thing that happened either.
You freeze in your spot when you hear her call your name and say good morning.
Fuck, you shouldn't have froze. You could have walked off and pretended like you didn't hear. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
You turn over your shoulder and pretend you didn't know it was Abella that called out to you. You smile at her as she waves. You say good morning back, but she tortures you by starting small talk.
"Are those apples?"
You catch the look on Joel's face, "yeah... want one?"
"Oh," Abella looks bashful, "no, no-- sorry, I was just curious."
Fuck it. "Well then you should both get one," you say, walking over to them.
The moment you're in front of them, you fish for an apple for Abella and hand it to her. You then fish an apple for Joel and hand it to him with the best poker face you could pull. You do yourself one better by softening your expression with a smile.
Joel looks at you for a prolonged moment before apprehensively taking the apple from you. In truth, he betrays himself by acting like you haven't talked at all after ending things. Why was he acting so guilty?
You purse your lips into a lopsided grin, "good morning, Joel."
Joel takes the fruit in both hands and smiles softly, "mornin', doll."
Your breath hitches. You quickly turn away from him.
Joel catches himself in that moment and shifts in his spot, "sorry, force of hab-"
"It's fine," you quip, turning to him quickly before turning to Abella to offer a tight smile, "see you two at lunch then."
Abella smiles back and nods, cradling both her apple and her flowers in her arm, "see you at lunch!"
You walk away after that, grunting as you carried your apples with you. They are uncomfortably heavy now for some reason. Damn gravity. Damn emotions.
Joel notices this and immediately perks. He mindlessly turns away from Abella, handing her his apple to walk over to you and mutter, "let me help."
You don't have a moment to decline as suddenly he's beside you, helping you carry the basket.
Joel offers you a soft smile as he does so.
You wanted to lunge at him and bash all the fruits into his skull. You wanted to scream. But you don't. Instead you pull on your best face and muster all your strength, yanking the basket out of his hands.
Joel is shocked by the action.
You click your tongue and raise a brow at him, "mama didn't raise no wimp."
He looks at you, wordlessly.
You grip your heavy basket in both hands and manage a playful expression, "don't you think if I wanted your help, I would have demanded it by now?"
Joel thinks for a moment. He's doesn't know what to say.
"Besides... aren't you going to help Abella?" you tilt your head to her direction.
He still says nothing.
You release a breath, "I'm not an idiot," you mutter lowly, "she's sweet and pretty and you picked her flowers," you find it in you to smile, "good for you."
His lips part. His hands twitch. You instantly turn away from him when he calls out your name.
"See you two later," you call out dismissively, walking away in a hurry.
Joel furrows his brows tightly. He thinks about running after you, but instead he places a hand on his hip. He does nothing but watch as you walk farther away. He only turns around because Abella calls his name. When he sees her innocent expression, he releases a soft breath and lets himself smile at her.
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astranite · 11 months
Fluff, Earth and Sky, plus Scott getting a nap. A.K.A Virgil gets Scott a weighted blanket.
EDIT!!! I used one of the Fluffember 2023 prompts in here but completely forgot to tag or mention that. Prompt is "Say: "Thank you for...""
A little inspired by the fic in where Virgil gets a weighted blanket (https://archiveofourown.org/works/23042224 Insomnia by chidoriXblossom), mine written because I think Scott would like one too. And we all know he needs more sleep. Plus soft furnishings!Scott!!!
Also- "This will be only like 500 words max," my muse lied.
So, another fic! Mostly was written on the bus on my phone, while wandering around the kitchen looking for something to eat yesterday, and on notes on my laptop when the Aussie internet and phone service met its untimely demise today.
@idontknowreallywhy With the last 2 paragraphs and hopefully less typos!! Hope you're feeling better too. SOFT FURNISHINGS!SCOTT!
“Got you a present,” Virgil said, holding out a package wrapped in shiny blue paper. 
Scott took it without hesitation, utterly unprepared, because this was Virgil, not Gordon or Alan or any other trouble makers.
He staggered at the sudden, unexpected weight.  Scott kept fit for international rescue and lifted more than this on any given day, but dropped into his hands where Virgil made it look like nothing. Well, he nearly dropped it. 
Just as Virgil lunged to snatch it back from the bounds gravity, Scott  got a firmer grip on the package and hefted it up. 
Virgil stepped back, grinning, nearly as excited as the day they sent Two to space. “Open it, Scotty!”
Scott dutifully sat down on the couch with the package in his lap, slipping his fingers beneath the tape. 
“But why, why today?” Scott asked. 
It wasn’t Christmas. He determined it was not his birthday after quickly counting out what month was it anyway because he’d lost track with how busy he’d been lately. He wasn’t forgetting something else was he? Some important event that wasn’t in his calendar? Oh damn, was he supposed to have gotten his brothers presents too?
Virgil sat down by his side. 
“You’re alright Scott, no occasion. Present’s just because.” Virgil smiled. 
Scott bumped his shoulder against Virgil’s in a wordless act of affection. 
Then he turned to the shiny present he held, excitement bubbling up. 
What could it be? 
The package was soft, moving about fluidly within the paper, which would usually bring to mind something along the lines of an item of clothing. But whatever it was was far too heavy for that. Even allowing for thick denim or mission suit material, but Virgil wouldn’t wrap up a routine update, and that sort of engineering generally came under Brains’ department. 
With the strange slithery, many grains of sand running over each other noise it made whenever it shifted, at this point Scott would expect a prank, even from Virgil. 
Except that Virgil was right next to him, just as genuinely happy to be seeing him open the present as Scott was to receive it. Plus his brother was a frankly awful liar and trying to cover for it by, say, hiding his face in his hands while suspiciously giggling behind them had never worked once, for the record. 
So Scott shook the package vigorously, when Virgil didn’t stop him assuming it was non breakable, then gave up on the whole guessing game to get to the real deal. 
He tore the paper off with a grin, foregoing attempts to be neat about it because he just wanted to see what it was. 
Copious amounts of blue fabric poured into his lap. Heavy, weighted fabric, trying to slither to the floor as he grabbed at it and pulled it up. 
The thing was soft too, fluffy on one side and more fuzzy on the other, Scott discovered as he ran his hands over it. 
A quilted blanket of some kind, a big one too. Scott hefted it and spread it across himself and Virgil to lay it out so he could see it. 
It was— oh, “A weighted blanket?” he asked Virgil. 
Virgil nodded, smiling widely, “I thought you’d like one of your own, since you seem to like mine so much.”
That was true. Even on the last movie night when Virgil had brought out his own green, wonderfully soft monstrosity of a blanket that practically required an exosuit to lift, Scott had ended up sharing it with him. 
He never would have bought one for himself, he didn’t need it, but Virgil has seen and he had gotten him one. 
Scott threw his arms around his brother and whispered a heartfelt, “Thank you for— for everything,” into Virgil’s flannel. 
Virgil hugged him tight. “Glad you’re happy, Scooter.” 
Scott swallowed. “Yeah. I am.”
He stayed in the hug, letting himself lean on Virgil.
Eventually he pulled away, bumping his forehead with Virgil’s briefly in another thanks, before flopping backwards onto the sofa. 
He dragged the blanket over his body, snuggling down beneath it, to try it out properly. 
Virgil tugged the edges out straight, patting Scott on the leg where he’d slung them over Virgil’s lap to fit onto the couch. 
“‘M not moving ever again,” Scott mumbled. 
The blanket’s weight pressed down on him comfortingly, like the soothing pressure of a tight hug. The fabric was soft, fluffy and warm, but not too hot for their tropical island. It covered his feet even when he pulled it right up to his chin. 
Scott was in heaven. 
When he shut his eyes for a moment, letting the sensation sink in, Virgil snickered. “G’night, Scotty.”
Scott opened one eye to glare, then the other. He was not going to sleep. He was just getting comfortable, that was all.
He reluctantly removed one arm from beneath the blanket, wriggling his fingers towards Virgil. He could still work if Virgil would just pass him his tablet. 
Heaving a put upon sigh, Virgil reached for the side table and gave Scott his tablet, picking up his own sketch book. 
Scott opened his emails, hiding a smile. The blue eyes act still worked on his brother, evidently. 
Something, something, board meeting. Something, something, product development. He flicked a couple marked urgent open which weren’t even particularly important and shouldn’t have been flagged for him. He forwarded them on to be delegated to the correct people. 
Learning that he didn’t have to do absolutely everything had been a long process, and he was getting better at it. 
Scott continued through his bottomless inbox, so warm and comfortable he wasn’t even particularly annoyed with the uptight business people he had to deal with. Or at least he was minorly irritated as opposed to resisting the urge to throw his tablet across the room. He ran his free hand across the soft material, wound in the fluffy fabric while his other held his tablet. 
The blanket was working wonders. Quiet scratchings of pencil on real paper from Virgil did aid his calm somewhat too. But the weighted blanket was definitely going down in his favourite items of soft furnishings. Trust Virgil to have gotten it for him and gifted it just because. 
Scott’s blinks got slower and slower, and maybe he’d just rest his eyes for a moment, snuggled up on the couch with his brother and his new weighted blanket. 
Virgil looked up from his sketchbook at his brother. The permanently stressed crinkles between Scott’s brows were smoothed out, his face lax, his whole body a loose jumble of limbs instead of a wound up ball of tension. His arm arced gracelessly off the edge of the couch, tablet fallen on the floor beside it. His other hand was still gripping the blue blanket, hanging onto it even in his sleep. 
Because Scott was asleep. In the middle of the day, finally catching up on countless missed hours, even in the open lounge room, fast asleep with no signs of nightmares. 
A line of pencil on thick drawing paper, and Virgil begun to sketch Scott’s sleeping form, seeking to capture such a rare moment. He had no where to be, a mug of coffee beside him, and art supplies at hand so he was content. Plus he had his big brother close, legs still in Virgil’s lap, and no way he was moving to risk disturbing Scott, even if he wanted to, which he certainly didn’t.
Virgil smiled down at Scott, infinitely glad his present of a blue weighted blanket was comforting his brother and letting Scott get some much needed and well earned rest. 
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foxymoxynoona · 9 months
After the Applause (Ch. 6)
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Header and linebreaks by @awrkives
Single Dad Jimin x Female OC
SUMMARY: Jimin doesn't know how he would have made it this far after the shattering of his world without the support of his thoughtful, generous, helpful neighbor. Hanbyul has lived next to hottie Jimin and his adorable daughter for years now, long enough to remember the wife he was so devoted to and lost far too young. With each safely ensconced on their side of the brick wall of the Parks' grief, it will take an enterprising little scientist to set the stage for a second chance at love.
CW/tags: grief, prior loss of spouse/parent, comfort, explicit sex, secondhand embarrassment, sort of love triangle/web/rat's nest, fluff, cursing, dating apps, fuckboy friends, dancer Jimin, stubborn dad Jimin, stubborn pre-teen daughter, miscommunication, pining
Previous Chapter | Masterlist | Next Chapter
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Hanbyul stared at the website confirmation page and felt certain she’d fucked something up. She hated this feeling, like she’d done something wrong. She’d probably attached the wrong thing, or missed some egregious typo, or maybe she sounded annoying in the cover letter. Maybe her headshot wasn’t actually a good likeness.
Thank you for submitting your resume and application. One of our recruiters will be in touch with you shortly.
She belatedly felt stupid to have done this on a Friday afternoon. Now the soonest someone would contact her would be Monday, which gave her at least forty-eight hours to convince herself that applying was the most embarrassing thing she’d ever done and that they were going to laugh at her application and print it out just so they could chuck it in the trash.
Enough of that. She steeled her resolve (to do the thing she had in fact already done) and closed her laptop and crossed her arms in an attempt to look as confident as she wanted to feel. She deserved that job. Some parts were outside of her skillset or experience but most of it was familiar. A man wouldn’t let some pieces hold him back from applying. A man would apply and convince the interviewer why he was still the best candidate for the job, and so that’s exactly what Hanbyul was going to do. 
Because only about 20% of boardrooms in the country consisted of women and while Hanbyul wasn’t applying for a board position, that’s where she was reaching. Someday she was going to get there, and she’d take Sun-young –maybe by then a successful young scientist– out for coffee and say Thank you. Thank you for reminding me that we face extra challenges in the workplace and it’s our responsibility not to hold ourselves back because others will gladly do that for us.
Hanbyul would not be held back! She’d give it her all to get this new position with its better pay and improved benefits. If it didn’t work out, she’d apply for others. She’d call her parents more. She’d clean her apartment this weekend. She’d stop putting Namjoon off and finally have a truthful conversation with him –her responses had been vague and she was certain he could tell. Right now, she could do anything! Even with her trembling hands!
Because a nine-year-old had convinced her she could. Sun-young had inspired her, it was true. Her determination and serious efforts to convince her father that she ought to do science club had shamed Hanbyul into applying because she refused to be a woman who let her childhood confidence fade away. Not that she had ever been as confident as Sun-young, but it wasn’t too late to catch up! She wanted to be the kind of woman Sun-young apparently thought she was.
So she needed to do that other thing, even though she’d been dreading it: she took Hudu on a walk and called Namjoon. 
He picked up on the third ring, a little breathless but cheerful sounding. Not for the first time she wished she could just text him about this but he deserved more than that. Hopefully he wouldn’t be too upset. Hopefully he wasn’t that invested. He couldn’t be, right?
“Hanbyul? Hey, I was just thinking of messaging you–”
“Hi Namjoon. I, um… I’m sorry, I have sort of disappointing, um…”
“Bad news? Are you ok?”
She cursed how sweet he sounded. The confidence after submitting her resume began to drain away. Why was she doing all these exhausting things in the same day? She had foolishly overestimated herself. 
“I’m ok but… I know I haven’t been very responsive lately and I wanted to just be direct because you’re really great and you deserve that.”
“I’m really sorry but I’m just…”
There was silence on the line. She appreciated that he seemed to understand without her saying much. Or maybe he was just shocked. Stunned. Heartbroken?! Oh god, she’d never broken anyone’s heart before.
“Look if you’re just really busy right now or something, I get it. I know I’m traveling for work a lot too, so…”
“It’s not that. I mean, I am busy, and I just applied for a better job so maybe I’ll get even busier but–”
“Oh congratulations, I hope it goes well–”
“Aish, don’t be so nice,” she complained. “I feel awful, Namjoon. You’re such a great guy and–”
“You don’t have to do that. I mean you don’t have to comfort me. I mean, it sucks, because you’re… but…”
She tugged Hudu to the side of the path so she could stop and squeezed her eyes shut. Why couldn’t he be an asshole about this? She’d feel so much better. She was aware that she was stupid, that this was stupid, that she was ending what could become something good with a great guy for no reason. Or at least not a good reason. 
“I feel like shit.”
“It’s ok.”
“No, don’t you comfort me!”
“Can I just ask… it’s ok if you don’t feel comfortable, but I just…”
She waited, trying to ignore the way her stomach twisted and her face flushed and the blood rushed in her ears. This was awful. She didn’t have much experience calling things off with men and when she did, the guy had usually seen it coming and not cared that much anyway.
“Did I do something? Is there some… feedback you can give me or…”
“You didn’t do anything wrong at all,” she quickly insisted. And then because she felt too miserable and clung to a piece of driftwood she thought might make it better: “You’re such a great guy. To be honest, I kind of have feelings for someone else and I thought I could get over it but I can’t and you deserve better than that.”
For a moment he was silent again. She could hear his breathing; he always seemed to hold the phone so close to his mouth when he spoke. 
“I get it,” he said. “That really sucks. Sorry you’re in that situation, and I hope he figures it out quick.”
“I don’t think he will but… um… thanks. And I’m really sorry, Namjoon.”
“Don’t be sorry. I had fun.”
“Yeah, me too.”
“And uh, give me a call or something if you’re ever not… not feeling things for someone else, I guess.”
“I will,” she blurted out because she couldn’t think quickly enough on her feet. She ended the call before she could say anything else stupid and pressed it to her forehead. Had that gone well or not well? She couldn’t tell. She supposed it could have been worse… but she felt like she shouldn’t have mentioned having feelings for someone else. What if he somehow figured out she meant Jimin?! And it was a cop out anyway because that wasn’t the only reason. She was emotionally compromised, but she didn’t break off with Namjoon for Jimin. Jimin wasn’t an option! She just didn’t see a future right now with anyone who wasn’t… Jimin.
She felt punchy in a different way now. She practically jogged home with Hudu, which she never did and clearly confused him; he kept looking up at her like he expected someone else might be holding the leash. Once home, she dug through her cabinets looking for anything to soothe or distract but her cupboards were practically bare. Why did she have so many ingredients but no food or alcohol?
It was in this state of desperation that she received a message from Jungkook.
Jeon Jungkook: hey re hitting up hongdae club aura and youre coming
Hanbyul: ok I’m in
Jeon Jungkook: wait really???
Hanbyul: did you mean to invite someone else? 😅
Jeon Jungkook: you but you never take me up on it!
Hanbyul: I don’t want to sit at home tonight
Jeon Jungkook: ok ouch didn’t need to make an excuse
Jeon Jungkook: whatever, you can’t bring me down, see you at 10
Hanbyul: TEN?! 
Jeon Jungkook: why are all my friends grandpas? 10 is early! Don’t you bail on me too
Hanbyul: I’ll see you at 10 if you can actually get us in…
Jeon Jungkook: you’re cute, you’ll get us in
Hanbyul laughed. Hard. She knew she ought to be giddy for a man who looked like Jungkook to say that kind of thing, but he said that kind of thing all the time in a way that didn’t actually feel very specific anymore. Only after the date was set did she have a rush of terror realizing she had just agreed to go out clubbing with Jungkook… but it was true that she felt jittery and didn’t want to be home this evening. She felt like she could do anything! Even stay awake until 10pm to go clubbing on a Friday night! 
She had a sneaking suspicion she knew exactly which of Jungkook’s friends had insisted ten was too late at night. Though he’d obviously be the hottest one there, she didn’t think Jimin was into the scene –certainly not in the time she’d known him. She had absolutely no concern that Jimin would be at the club. She also felt like this might be a good chance to really establish a platonic friendship with Jungkook and quiet her slight fear that she was leading Jimin’s close friend on. You know, since she’d already slept with and ghosted then dumped another… 
Her dress was short. It was the shortest dress she owned. She didn’t really own revealing clothing, nothing sexy for hitting the clubs, but she’d bought this dress that was a little too small and so that would have to do. She’d just have to remember not to raise her arms or… disaster! 
She kept tugging it down as she made her way inside with no issue –Jungkook had put her “on the list” and texted her to come on in, which seemed really suspicious. He was easy to find, practically spot-lighted under a round table in a distant corner, animated and laughing with another guy and two girls.
She carried herself bravely forward, nerves instantly frazzled by the loud music, pulsing lights, and close bodies she had to weave her way through to reach them.
“Hey you didn’t bail!” Jungkook cheered when she reached his elbow. “My only true friend.”
The use of friend instantly set her at ease, though she wasn’t prepared for the names lobbied instantly at her amidst their shouts of protest at his remark: Jung Hoseok, Park Andi, and Han Chun. Years and connections were shared and she tried to keep up over the noise of the club, answering the questions as formally as a job interview. She had hoped no one noticed how nervous she was to be out with people she didn’t know, but Jungkook seemed to because he insisted on buying her a drink, which she was overwhelmed into agreeing to. Only when he returned with her cucumber something in hand did she realize there were two men and two women and Jungkook had just bought her a drink and maybe calling her his friend was all part of his plan. Even though that seemed absolutely ridiculous when both those women looked–
Oh. Hanbyul realized she had miscounted. 
“I can’t even count!” she groaned and let her face fall against her hand, not even caring that the slump might smudge her makeup or transfer oil to her chin and give her acne. Who cared what a girl who couldn’t even count looked like!
“Who’s counting? You don’t need to count anything right now,” Jungkook laughed. “You want me to do some math for you?”
“He can’t do math,” Hoseok immediately ratted him out. “Don’t ask him to do math, he just picks a number.”
“That’s not true!”
Andi giggled and leaned in close to agree, “He acts like he’s thinking really hard and then confidently gives a very wrong answer.”
“He doesn’t need math, he’s so pretty,” Chun suggested, though Hanbyul couldn’t tell if her smirk at Jungkook was predatory or just teasing. She didn’t know these people, and clearly her day was beginning to take a toll, so she really shouldn’t have come out. 
“Shut up, don’t blow my cover. Hanbyul’s a smarty, don’t make me look stupid,” Jungkook laughed.
Hoseok nodded and agreed, “I’ve heard about it.”
“About… me?” Hanbyul clarified, tilting her head.
“Neighbor Hanbyul,” Hoseok confirmed, which made more sense, even if it made her a little sad to be still Neighbor Hanbyul. “Sunnie talks about you a lot too.”
“Ahhh that girl.” Hanbyul grinned as a warmth blossomed in her chest. That was better, at least. “She’s amazing, isn’t she?”
Jungkook’s stare and slow grin made her nervous as he nodded, the others confirming. It was quickly made clear they all knew Jimin and Sun-young –Hoseok was a teacher at Jimin’s studio, Hanbyul was quickly educated on, and Chun and Andi both danced with him and Jimin. When asked if she’d ever seen Jimin dance she admitted that she hadn’t and chose not to disclose her YouTube history. There weren’t many videos on there but there were a few! Anyway, they clearly meant seen him dance live, so it wasn’t a total lie.
“We hear a lot about your son, too,” Hoseok added. Hanbyul, mid-sip of her cucumber something, promptly choked. Jungkook seemed to take great glee in pounding her on the back.
“My what?”
“He’s a dog!”
“A dog can be a son!” Hoseok laughed with the rest of the table. He smiled with his whole face and it reminded her so much of Jimin she could almost believe they were related.
“Honestly a dog is the best son,” Andi insisted. “Like, I love Sunnie with my whole heart, but I don’t want kids of my own. I’ve got a cat and I want a dog too but I don’t think I’m tough enough to walk one in the winter.”
“You’re not tough enough,” Jungkook agreed; Andi dipped her fingers into her glass and flicked the droplets his direction.
“I would die for my dog,” Chun announced. “I can never have kids while he’s alive, it wouldn’t be fair to him.”
Hoseok sighed and admitted, “My dog still lives with my parents.”
“It’s their dog,” Jungkook snorted.
“It was my dog but I couldn’t have him with me at university housing when I was younger, and they were all so attached by the time I moved out on my own so– but we could get a dog,” he said, pouting his lips in Jungkook’s direction as if it all came down to his choice.
“I want a dog,” Jungkook agreed.
“Well fuck, let’s get a dog! Woah, but is it a betrayal of Mickey, that’s what I’m worried about…” Hoseok sighed and slumped.
Hanbyul murmured sympathetically and sipped her drink faster. She did not understand what was happening. On the surface she appeared to have joined a group of very fun, down to earth people who just happened to look insanely gorgeous and not of this world in shiny button-up shirts and sequined dresses. It was a complete injustice for these people to be both fun and look like that, and Hanbyul the boring dowager in her plain dress. 
Yet at the same time it made perfect sense because these were Jimin’s friends, and he was like that too! Hanbyul felt utterly stupid for having agreed to come out and yet simultaneously, selfishly fascinated. She felt like Jungkook had opened a door for her that Jimin had not, letting her see this adult social aspect of Jimin’s life –arguably without his permission. Not that he owned these people or anything… but if part of her reason for being here was to learn more about Jimin and get closer to him in that way… fuck, she was a creep! Would she have ever even talked to Jungkook if he wasn’t Jimin’s friend? She doubted herself now. 
“I’m getting another, do you want one?” Andi asked, nudging Hanbyul in a friendly, familiar way that she was flattered to have somehow already earned .She didn’t want another one, but she also did.
“I can buy you something back,” she offered Jungkook before following Andi.
“It’s fine.”
“I insist.”
“Ok, whatever you get.”
“Even if it’s girly?” she checked.
He gave her a horrified look and clarified, “It’s a drink, there’s no gender.”
Hanbyul too was horrified and insisted, “No, I know! But sometimes men are so–”
“I’m just fucking with you. Girly is fine, I don’t discriminate.”
Hanbyul did not know what to make of him, especially since Hoseok was now leaning to the side laughing into the final sips of his beer.
“Forget this, I’m coming too,” Chun decided. “They just want to stand around and drink.”
“We’re going to get more drinks…” Andi pointed out.
“But we can dance on the way and back!”
In that way Hanbyul found herself boxed onto the dance floor for a period of time that could have been ten minutes or an hour, she couldn’t have said. The music was high energy and heavy-bass and she couldn’t tell when one song ended and another began. Her movements felt painfully clumsy next to the graceful way Andi and Chun twisted and swayed. It would be obvious to anyone observing that she was no dancer –but everyone was packed too tightly for anyone to really observe. Hopefully. 
She was glad when it ended, and that relief led her to agree to the round of shots Andi bought. Chun missed her mouth slightly, the rum dribbling down the cleavage of her dress, which Andi dramatically helped her wipe. Then they leaned in close with Hanbyul and scouted out the hotties along the bar, of which they considered there to be very few. 
Hanbyul kept waiting for one of them to ask her something pressing or private –maybe why Jungkook had suddenly invited her along, or why she’d come, or why she thought she should delve further into Jimin’s life when she was just his neighbor– but they didn’t. 
The closest was Chun asking, “What do you think, Hanbyul? Anyone at this bar catch your eye? What’s your type?” But she didn’t have any malicious twinkle in her eye or bullying smirk, it really seemed like just a sincere question! And Hanbyul began to realize that maybe she was getting too used to workplace politics and competitiveness and it was interfering with her ability to just make friends. Was that what was happening here?
Maybe it was that hope, or maybe it was the alcohol starting to do numbers in her blood, but she admitted, “I don’t think I have a type… at least not one that has worked out for me.”
“Oh no. Something recent?”
“Oh… I did end something recently… but it wasn’t his fault, it was…” Oops. Just in time she realized she couldn’t say more about this without revealing way too much –not only because all roads led to their friend Jimin but also because she’d only just met these girls! “It didn’t work out,” she summarized.
“Another shot?” Andi asked, already signaling for the bartender.
“No, wait–”
“Yes!” Chun agreed. “You can feel sad about it tomorrow if you really want to, but tonight there’s dancing!”
“I’m a terrible dancer,” Hanbyul found herself confessing. They were overwhelming, both of these women, pressing another shot into her hand. It was bitter this time and made all three grimace and smack their lips.
She thought they’d missed what she said anyway but Andi insisted, “There’s no such thing as a terrible dancer. Technique? Sure. But dancing is just… feeling! It’s just moving! It’s just breathing.”
“You have clearly not seen me.”
“I was dancing with you five minutes ago!” Andi laughed. “And now I’ll dance with you again, let’s go!”
Hanbyul had Jungkook’s and her drinks in her hand, but did her best to shimmy and sway adequately along with Chun and Andi in the direction of the table. She felt ridiculous but their acceptance was a balm on her self-conscious soul. Jungkook and Hoseok leapt up at their approach and began dancing as well. It was just such a completely different club experience than Hanbyul was used to when she would go out with work peers, or longer ago when it was college friends rotation around her, drinking too much, picking at each other’s appearances and achievements to feel better about themselves in what felt like a hunting grounds for sex.
This didn’t feel that way at all! Hanbyul found her nerves dissolving with each sip, with each song (assuming it wasn’t just one long song playing which she thought entirely possible), with each moment of shared laughter. It was impossible but she began to feel as though she had known these people for a very long time.
Also the alcohol helped. 
Hoseok spun her around –vaguely she recalled making some comment about ballerinas– which led to her promptly over-balancing against him, or it was possible Jungkook had bumped into her, and possibly on purpose because they were dancing near their table and the space was tight and everyone was very close together. She felt barely on her feet and slid around to lean against the table instead and catch her breath so she didn’t accidentally drag Hoseok down. Their empties were gone and she hesitated over the waters, which had now sat unguarded for some period of time. She ought to get water fresh–
“Hey hey! You came out after all!”
Hanbyul didn’t know how she even heard Jungkook’s shout over the noise other than her sixth sense suddenly shooting an alarm up her spine. She turned, not even bothering to hope it was literally any other friend of Jungkook’s than Jimin.
No, worse. 
There was Jimin, an eyebrow lifted and his mouth open in surprise aimed clearly, undeniably in her direction.
And there beside him, both eyebrows lifted and mouth open in surprise aimed clearly, undeniably in her direction, was Namjoon.
“Fuck!” she choked out.
Jungkook gasped and grabbed her arm, asking, “Did I step on your foot?”
“No but I suddenly need to go home– I mean yes, I need to go home.”
“Shit, how bad–?” Jungkook dropped to a crouch, reaching for her foot. Which was a very bad look, she thought. She leapt away from him, but teetered again because the alcohol. The alcohol! Shit, she could not be drunk at a club like this in the presence of either Jimin or Namjoon and most definitely not together!
“I’m fine, but I’m heading out. Goodnight!” Would they believe that she hadn’t seen them and that’s why she wasn’t greeting either one of them? All of this had happened in the span of four seconds.
No, it wouldn’t make sense, even her alcohol-riddled brain knew they were directly in front of her.
“You really don’t have to leave on my account–” Namjoon said.
“Why do you have to go, just because I’m here–” Jimin said at the exact same time.
They stopped and looked at each other and Hanbyul lost at least three years off her life. 
And then mercifully, before they could say anything, Andi flung her arms around their shoulders and cheered, “You sad sacks came out after all? Let’s get you some motherfucking drinks!”
“Wait, you’re both really here? You never come out!”
“I have a kid,” Jimin defended, suddenly all smiles as Chun descended, pinching his arm and brushing something off his shoulder. 
“I, uh,” Namjoon coughed and looked over their heads. “I just don’t like places like this.”
“Oh sorry it’s not refined enough for you,” Andi tittered. “Too busy at art galas and restaurant openings to consort with club scum, huh?”
“Andi,” he complained, dimples flashing, all the charm Hanbyul had initially liked about him. And yet she felt so closed off from it now, like she could recognize but not really connect with that charm. How could she when Jimin was there beside him, glowing like her north star?  
Hanbyul saw her chance and took it. She ducked around them all and tried to flee for the door. She could call an Uber and be speeding away, looking back through the rear window, before anyone even noticed she was gone.
Unfortunately, the club was a confusing place and after weaving across the throng of dancers, she’d been carried by the current upstream to the bathrooms. 
“Shit-shit,” she mumbled to herself and darted inside because she really did need to pee too and better to do that now. Maybe they’d think she was already gone and stop looking for her and she could still escape. She took her time, braced every time the door opened for it to be Andi or Chun ruining her escape. But as some amount of minutes (uncountable because alcohol) ticked by, she steeled herself and found her confidence. She could get out of here. Whatever Namjoon and Jimin talked about in her absence, at least she wouldn’t be here to face it. That was a Tomorrow Hanbyul problem. Today Hanbyul needed to get the hell out of here.
She stepped boldly from the bathroom in the direction she was certain was the front door –and ran boldly into Namjoon.
“Oh, hey, Namjoon,” she said, thinking as she said it how casual and cool she sounded. Might as well tack on hey, wow, I didn’t see you, didn’t know you were here!
“Hey look, I– sorry, I guess I surprised you… I didn’t know that you uh… knew these people… or would be out at a club… tonight. This club. With these people.”
“Oh, yeah, it was sort of a… a spur of the moment thing. Jungkook invited me along and I didn’t want to just sit at home so…” Her words caught up to her and she realized how terrible that sounded. I dumped you but I also didn’t want to be bored so I just went clubbing.
“Ah. So Jungkook uh… is the guy…? I didn’t even know you knew him…”
“What guy?”
“That you said…” He leaned in close as the music took a turn, and the warm scent of his cologne was unkind as he said closer to be heard, “You said you had feelings for–”
“Oh! NO THAT’S NOT HIM!” she shouted, stiff-arming him away. A little too roughly, she realized, and quickly grabbed his arm and apologized, “Sorry, I– I forgot I told you that. No, it’s not him. He’s just a friend. Sort of. And I– sorry, I’m a little drunk right now kind of?”
“I didn’t just break things off with you and go party, I was feeling pretty bummed so I thought I’d do something out of the ordinary…I mean, it was the right thing to do but like I said, um… but now you’re here and…” And Jimin is here…
“Hey, it’s fine,” Namjoon assured her. “If you aren’t comfortable with me here, I can leave but if it’s ok, I can be cool.”
“You’re very cool,” she agreed.
He smiled, a handsome dimpled smirk like she hadn’t answered his question correctly, and corrected, “I just mean, I’m only going to be here for a drink and then I’ll go. This isn’t really my scene so don’t let me chase you away.”
“And uh, just so it’s out there, if you… ha, nevermind. I’m just going to get my drink, don’t mind me.” He held his hands up and backed away and Hanbyul hated not knowing what he’d been about to say. Maybe: if you want to be friends, that’s cool, I can refrain from ever letting anyone know we had sex and a few dates. She hated that he was probably not saying that.
Almost as much as she hated seeing Jimin standing not too far off, having clearly watched their interaction.
She couldn’t go talk to him. Not while Namjoon would see her and she would probably say or do something that would make it immediately obvious who Jimin was to her because damn he looked so good! He’d gelled his hair back and rolled the sleeves of his dark button-up to his elbows. The club lights flickered off his earring, as if he needed any help from a spotlight to draw eyes to him. Hanbyul felt like the crowd dramatically parted, like the lights shone specifically for him, from him. 
She couldn’t read his expression, couldn’t tell if he was confused or annoyed to see her invading his friend group, or if he had a guess as to what had happened between her and Namjoon. For all she knew, Namjoon had told him everything before they came tonight, or in the time since she’d fled the table, and Jimin had come to demand what the fuck was wrong with her.
But Namjoon was a class act, maybe he hadn’t said anything. Maybe Jimin was only curious about why she and Namjoon had been speaking so closely. If she left now, all Jimin would know was whatever Namjoon said about it. If she stayed and everything seemed cool, maybe Jimin wouldn’t think anything weird was happening. She’d mentioned before she spoke to Jungkook through the app, so it couldn’t be a total surprise she was here.
It made sense in her mind, and was a better excuse than that other thought: I just want to hang out at a club with Jimin. 
Who was she kidding, she couldn’t stay here!
He was walking towards her and she couldn’t move. 
“Hey,” he greeted when he reached her and she wondered if he ever used that line on women at the club because it would totally work, looking like that.
“Jungkook invited me and I had a really long day so I thought it would be good to get out of my apartment,” she blurted out in an attempt to distance herself from Namjoon in one sweep.
“It is a good idea,” Jimin said. “I didn’t know you went clubbing.”
“Me neither.”
“You look like a natural,” she assured him.
Jimin shook his head and laughed, “Can I buy you a drink?”
“Uh… yes?”
“Yes,” she said, despite knowing she really shouldn’t. More alcohol was the last thing she needed but Jimin had offered! Jimin twisted his hand behind his back so she could hold onto it and trail him through the club to the bar. Jimin asked her what she wanted and paid and she felt bad to let him pay but he’d bought her a drink!
Drink in hand, she was the one to lead them back to the table, though it had been abandoned; all Jimin’s friends were dancing. She thought to join, but Jimin leaned against the wall and she felt anchored to his side.
He nudged her arm and asked, “So how do you know Namjoon?”
“Dating app,” she answered quickly. “And Jungkook. I think all your friends are on there… I make a lot of friends on there… it’s not just for dating!” What was she even saying? She thought maybe if she said “friend” enough it would be enough to save her.
“Friends, huh?” He was practically shouting to be heard, not leaning in as close as Namjoon had. She wished he would; she felt like the distance meant something. “I don’t know anything about apps but I started an account today. Guess I’ll see you on there, huh?”
Hanbyul didn’t know what to do with that information. Why had he made an account on a dating app?!
Same reason as you, moron. Park Jimin was ready to start dating again, that’s what it told her. He’d come to the club looking like that, so maybe he’d been hoping to meet someone here. He must be, to come out when he didn’t normally. The thought of watching him pick up a woman made her break out in a cold sweat. What if she ran into her leaving Jimin’s apartment in the morning–no, probably he wouldn’t take someone there with Sun-young at home, but maybe she was spending the night somewhere else? 
“I hear it’s tough though,” Jimin said, still shouting. “Namjoon had a thing going I guess and it ended today so I made him come out too.”
Oh god, he knows.
“I’d rather meet people the traditional way,” he continued.
“Here?” she asked, face twisting into a grimace. “I guess it depends on what you’re looking for.” 
“Ah… I don’t know…”
“Not all of us meet people as easily as you but I don’t think you’ll have a hard time,” she shouted back.
He pressed his hand over his eyes and then laughed, “I don’t know what I’m doing.”
“Do you need a pep talk before you go hit on someone?” she asked, drawing on all of her strength to be what he needed in this moment and not do what her drunk brain was encouraging her to (lean in and kiss.) “You are brave and smart and funny and–”
“Are you giving me the same speech you gave my daughter?”
“Maybe!” she laughed because he was laughing and because it all felt briefly very funny, having this shouted conversation in the club with Jimin. Encouraging him to go meet a woman “the traditional way” (drunk in a bar) to take home and do the things she wanted to do with him and hope he didn’t find out she’d done those things with his friend already… but different things! Similar in theme but different!
He finally did lean in and begin, “You know what she told me today? She– hey, maybe we should go somewhere we can hear–”
“HEY!” Chun suddenly appeared, followed in short order by Hoseok. “The fuck are you wallflowers doing?”
“Come dance,” Hoseok agreed. “You can talk at home!”
There wasn’t room left to argue. She and Jimin were dragged out, downing their drinks on the way to abandon on a table, and then pressed into the dancing mob. Hanbyul had hoped to position herself so she could at least dance near Jimin, but her hesitation when faced with Namjoon and what he might realize about her feelings towards his friend was just enough time for Andi and Chun to slide in between. Instead Hanbyul found herself on the fringe with Jungkook and Hoseok.
Maybe that was for the best. She was like a baby: without Namjoon or Jimin in sight she was able to forget them, aided by alcohol and loud music and the antics of these two of Jimin’s friends. Despite being physically graceful men, they were clearly just having fun with dancing; both grinned and laughed and didn’t take themselves too seriously which helped her feel less self conscious about what her less-drunk brain would have termed “awkward motions at best.” Maybe she was getting the hang of dancing in the club! Maybe she’d be confident enough now to dance over closer to Jimin! 
Abort abort abort!! Hanbyul froze at the familiar way a random woman danced with Jimin, her hands trailing over his body. Maybe she wasn’t random? Jimin did not seem put off by it, just laughed and lifted her hands but kept her close. Hanbyul wasn’t sure what to make of that. Was Jimin really that bold or did he already know that woman? Hanbyul couldn’t imagine dancing with a man like that. The envy flooded her.
She tried not to look again but it was hard not to. She felt suddenly like a switch had flipped and all the fun she’d been having abruptly turned off. She was being stupid jealous. Hadn’t she just encouraged Jimin to go meet someone? And they were just dancing. And even if it went somewhere, it wasn’t any of her business.
“I need water,” she announced to no one in particular and disappeared again, responsibly leading herself to the bar. It tasted weird and unpleasant in her mouth, and at the first sip she had the urgent need to pee, which meant another swim upstream through the crowds to reach the restrooms. The club was becoming less fun by the minute.
She didn’t think that much time had passed but when she tried to find the group again, they’d scattered. Trying to locate them was a fool’s errand; she’d think she saw one only to squeeze her way there and find it to be someone else. She was all twisted around. The room felt overly loud, the music too loud, the lights too bright. 
There, Jimin!
At the bar, nodding as the woman from earlier leaned in close to say something in his ear. He said something back, right in her ear, then appeared to look around before shaking his head. The woman touched his arm.
Hanbyul knew her night was over. She couldn’t stay here and watch him pick up a woman. She shouldn’t have been here in the first place. She could still see Namjoon out of the corner of her eye, that good guy she’d dumped for no reason other than that it was casual fun when she wanted something serious with someone who was not available, only for him to immediately find her out at the club. She couldn’t find Jungkook. She barely knew Andi and Chun. Her feet hurt and her head was swimming and she felt like she kept getting drunker even though she hadn’t had anything to drink in a while.
Oh no, she realized with a longing for sobriety. I drank too much. Control of her arms and legs felt exaggerated, and the music felt like it was leaking into her skull, and she had the impulse to take off her clothes because it was so hot in here.
Don’t do it! The last tendril of her rational self pleaded with her to behave. She shushed it gently with a finger to her lips.
“You!” a voice at her elbow called. She spun, expecting Jimin, finding Jungkook.
“You were lost!” she cried.
He glared and wagged his finger, “You disappeared! I’ll be in deep shit if I lose you!”
“With the proper authorities?”
Someone bumped into her and she edged closer to Jungkook with a pout. She didn’t want to be here anymore. She wished Jimin would take her home –no, Jimin wouldn’t take her home, even though they lived right now to each other. Jimin might be taking someone else home.
“He’s still talking to her,” she realized, her eyes landing on Jimin despite the crowd. She couldn’t tell if it was the same woman but it didn’t matter. Jimin was going to take home whatever woman he wanted and meet more women on the dating app and Hanbyul was going to have to just sit back and cheer him on. She wanted to cry.
“Hey, you ok? You look like you’re about to cry.”
“I want to go home,” she said in a small voice. “I’m too drunk…”
“Ah, damn. No, don’t cry.”
“I won’t cry,” she vowed, though didn’t quite believe it herself.
“What? I can’t hear you… let’s just get you home,” he said, as best she could tell. When he nudged her towards the door, she let him guide her out. It had cooled off considerably outside and she shivered. The sudden shift in volume left her feeling teetery, as if she’d been leaning on the noise and body heat.
“How drunk are you?” he asked, hand gripping her arm.
“Um, just a little bit… I can get a cab…” she pulled her phone out of her purse and promptly dropped it on the ground. “Oops.” It was embarrassing for Jungkook to see her like this. She didn’t know how she’d gotten this far, just one drink leading to another, and it was all fine until suddenly she fully understood she was watching the love of her life–
“He’s not the love of my life,” she insisted.
“What now?”
“I don’t know, where’s my phone?”
Jungkook held it up, but promptly overbalanced and fell on his ass. Only when he started laughing did Hanbyul consider she wasn’t the only drunk one, and it was overwhelmingly comforting in that moment. A few tears did leak out then.
“Shit, you’re crying. Let me go get Jimin, he’s better with that kind of–”
“No… Jimin?”
“Can I sleep at your place?”
“Uh…” Jungkook looked up at her from the curb. “Yes… but–”
“Not to have sex!”
“Ok geez.”
“No, I have to get home to Hudu… where’s my phone…” 
“It’s dead,” Jungkook told her.
Hanbyul promptly sat down beside him on the curb and sighed, “Well shit.”
“I’ll get you home.”
“You don’t have to.”
“No? I should just wave and let you walk off? Jimin would shred my balls and peel the skin off my body.”
“Ew,” she gasped.
“Oh he can take you home, he lives right by you.” Jungkook began to rise but Hanbyul knocked against him to send him sprawling again. “What the–”
“No!” she cried on a delay. “Anyone but him.”
“It can’t be him. He’s… busy.”
“Like… flirting. I don’t want to get in the way.”
“Nah, he won’t mind.”
“I can’t! He can’t see me like this! Who knows what I’ll say?!”
“What’s the worst you can say?” Jungkook laughed. “‘I’m in love with you’?”
Hanbyul grabbed his arm, eyes going wide, and demanded, “Did I say that?!”
“How did you know that?!”
“The… fucking… wait… do you?”
“Did Namjoon tell you that?!”
“What does Namjoon have to do with anything?”
“I didn’t tell him who but I didn’t think he would show up today and why is Jimin friends with everyone in this city–”
“He’s a friendly guy.”
“I know and I know I’m just a friend so you don’t have to tell me but I still didn’t mean to…” She trailed off, unable to bring herself to admit she’d fallen in love with him, or unknowingly slept with his friend, or that her jealousy over him even talking to other women in the bar right now was going to consume her.
“Hey.” Jungkook nudged her arm with his. She gave him a miserable look. “I don’t think you’re just a friend.”
“Thanks, Jungkook. That’s sweet of you… I think…”
“No, I mean–” A car interrupted him, pulling to a stop so close that they both scrambled backwards. “Oh that’s our car.” She thought it was too soon for a car to have arrived. How had he even ordered one on his phone without her seeing? They scrambled into the car like a pair of street rats.
“Oh my god I’m too drunk I shouldn’t have been saying any of this! Stop making me talk!”
“It thinks it’s the alcohol.”
“Too much,” she sighed. “Why did I come out with you?”
“To have fun. Admit it, you were having fun.”
“I was, until…”
“So you’re like… in love with–”
“Stop saying it! I didn’t say that.”
“You pretty much did,” he tittered.
“You can’t tell him. Promise me. Promise me, Jungkook, not a word!”
“Why would I tell him your business?” Jungkook snickered. “I think you should tell him. And let me watch.”
“Jungkook. Jungkook Jungkook Jungkook–”
“Hanbyul, what.”
“We can never tell him,” she said with utmost sincerity, grabbing his hand and squeezing as tightly as she could. “He can never know.”
“Why not?”
“He and Sun-young are too important to me. Do you understand?”
“Yeah but what if you’re important to him too?”
“I am. I get to take care of Sun-young sometimes and he likes my cooking…” She closed her eyes because the car ride was making her dizzy. At least thinking of Jimin helped settle her head just enough she didn’t think she was going to puke in the backseat of the Uber. Probably. 
“Yeah but what if he thinks you’re more important than your cooking?”
She smiled and wished she could move enough to pat his head as she explained, “He doesn’t but I can be happy with being neighbor Hanbyul, but not less than that if I make him uncomfortable and he stops talking to me.”
“I don’t really know you a lot but I don’t think you should settle.”
“That’s sweet.”
“Yeah, I’m sweet,” he agreed. “I think it matters, love and romance and… and thinking someone is the best part of your day…”
“Are you a romantic?” she gasped.
“That’s what I’m saying!”
“I thought you were a…”
“A what?!”
“A flirt…” Fuckboy.
“I am a flirt. I can be both. And I’m not setting for anything less than… I’m waiting to meet someone who gets all red faced talking about me like you do about Jimin.”
“I do not! I’m just drunk!”
“It’s cute.”
“I wish I could fall out of this car and have it run me over.”
Jungkook laughed hard and Hanbyul actually felt all right for him to know her secret. At least for right now. Even though he was one of Jimin’s best friends, at least right now her drunk mind did not perceive a threat that he would run and tell. Right now he felt like her friend too, like they were just two drunk girls in the bathroom sharing secrets. Except it was the back of a cab and his only secret was that he wanted to be in consuming love someday. To be honest, Hanbyul did not think being in love agreed with her so far.
Because yes, she was a little bit in love with Jimin and so far it was nothing but stomachaches.
They walked together up to her apartment. She thought he was just being a gentleman, but when she got back from the quickest pee she’d ever taken Hudu on, she found Jungkook puking in her bathroom.
“Mixed my alcohols,” he groaned. 
Well, Hanbyul was drunk enough to spill her secrets but not enough to puke. With any luck, Jungkook wouldn’t even remember these conversations tomorrow; she hadn’t realized he was as or even more drunk than she was.
“You can sleep on the couch,” she told him.
“The couch? Come on, let me share your bed.”
“We don’t have to fuck! Jimin would never forgive me–”
“Stop talking about it!”
“About fucking? Or Jimin? Or fucking Jimin–”
“Come on, you’re practically my sister in law at this point, just let me sleep in your–”
“I am not! What are you talking about?!” She covered her face and leaned against the wall. And refused to admit that she felt some secret little thrill in this teasing, in someone else making her connection to Jimin seem real and acceptable and possible. Even though she knew it wasn’t and that Jungkook was just a brat who was enjoying teasing her –which was sweet in its own way but she was definitely going to die of embarrassment tomorrow if he remembered any of this.
When she uncovered her face, Jungkook was holding Hudu, swaying slowly with the pup under his chin, and humming. 
Until he suddenly set Hudu down and sprinted to the bathroom again. At that point he decided he wanted the couch after all, since it was closer to the toilet. Hanbyul brought him a trash can too and a glass of water, by which point he was already asleep. Not that she was far behind. The room spun as she lay in bed, the events of the day sliding and jostling over each other.
Jimin was so handsome. And sweet. And charming. And kind. And handsome.
It didn’t matter what Jungkook said. Jimin wasn’t interested in her like that, as evidenced by his attention to other women, as evidenced by his mentioning dating other people to her several times now, as evidenced by his joining of a dating app when there was a perfectly ok Hanbyul down the hall.
Plus… Namjoon.
Well. This had been fun. But Hanbyul was never going to drink again and never going to go out with Jungkook and their friends again.
But first she made sure Jungkook was asleep with traitor Hudu curled up on his legs, and closed her bedroom door, and let her vibrator walk her through the memories of the way Jimin had looked and danced, except this time around her, kissing the lingering taste of his drink into her mouth…
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Jimin slept like shit. Every time he’d start to doze, he’d grab his phone again, squinting at the blinding brightness to see if there was a message back. Occasionally he’d manage to fall asleep only to bolt up, certain he’d heard his phone ring –that obnoxious awful ring he’d put on ever since that one time Sunnie’s school hadn’t been able to get hold of him because he always kept his phone on silent and they’d called Hoseok, the second emergency contact, to go get Sunnie and she’d thought it meant her dad died too.
There was never an obnoxious ring going off. Instead he drifted in and out of sleep until Sun-young was awake, enough of an excuse to get out of bed and go through the motions of making them both breakfast and rattling off their plans for the day. Not that there was much for this one blessed weekend. Jimin wasn’t teaching any classes or partaking of any workshops or attending any performances by fellow dancers. Sun-young wanted to see her friends but there was nothing planned yet, and she had no weekend dance since there was no reason for her to take on extra. It wasn’t time for dress rehearsals yet. For her final recital.
“We need to grocery shop,” Jimin suggested, because their fridge was empty and that made him think of cooking and food and Hanbyul, which was better than thinking of Sunnie quitting dance. Hanbyul who had not answered his phone call or either of his texts asking if she got home all right. That wasn’t excessive, was it? But she’d been very drunk, and every time he’d tried to make his way over to her, Kim Hayoon kept catching hold of him again –and he couldn’t exactly just shove her off because she sat on the board of a scholarship that aided many of his students, which in turn kept his lights on and doors open.
Hanbyul must be ok. Just hung over. Hoseok said he’d seen Jungkook getting her an Uber and while Jimin would have greatly preferred that someone let him know Hanbyul was heading out so he could catch a ride home with her, he knew he could trust Jungkook. The fact she was drunk was both obvious and endearing, he could see it in the way she danced without her usual reserve, and the exaggerated way she responded when anyone talked to her. She just had a different look in the club when they’d talked that he couldn’t quite explain but it had just felt… different. He hadn’t understood she was drunk at first when they spoke, and maybe she wasn’t yet then, maybe that came later. He didn’t know, she just seemed happy. He had gotten painfully little actual time with her and the injustice of that was palpable. She’d looked amazing and he had never in his life expected to be at a club with her and he would have liked to dance together. Preferably just the two of them… and what the fuck was wrong with him that he hadn’t managed to make it happen?!
“I’m not hungry,” Sun-young said, possibly related to his comment about grocery shopping. He closed the refrigerator, now several degrees warmer, and looked over where Sunnie poked at her gyeran bap, cheek resting on her hand.
“You want cereal instead? We have…” He trailed off, realizing they had none. Hanbyul might have some he could bum off her…
“No,” Sun-young sighed. “Can I watch TV?”
“Sure, but we should go grocery shopping today and figure out what else we need to do… laundry… do you have homework?” Even as he said these things, he frowned. He did need to do these tasks, but he also wanted to just have fun with his daughter. Maybe Hanbyul could come along? He could tease her about last night, make sure she understood he had wanted to dance with her–
But to what end? He’d dance with her and maybe she’d humor him and only think to herself a little why is this old dad wanting to dance with me at the club? Why is he even here? He didn’t usually go to clubs –not because he didn’t enjoy them but because he didn’t usually have the time or energy. But Namjoon was bummed because that girl he’d been dating had called things off and it wasn’t serious but it kinda sucked and so Jimin had called in a favor with Yoongi and put himself together and gone to the clubs.
And there was Hanbyul, for no reason he could comprehend at the time, long hair pulled back to show off her neck, wearing a cute very short dress he’d never seen her in before… vibing with Jungkook. For a moment he’d lit up like a holiday tree with surprise and envy and relief, because here was an opportunity to spend time with Hanbyul in an adult setting except she was already spending that time with Jungkook! 
And then there was whatever Namjoon and Hanbyul had been talking about by the bathroom. He didn’t realize she’d gotten to know so many of his friends around him and now he felt even more like an idiot not to have invited her into his circle long ago. They clearly got along with her, she seemed happy –except for that moment she spoke with Namjoon, and looked so distressed it was hard to hold himself back from running in to save her. Maybe he should have. At the time he’d hesitated because Hanbyul wasn’t his to save and whatever they were talking about wasn’t his business. He’d been anchored by that twist of displeasure that she was young and single and pretty and so were his friends. 
Sun-young curled up on the couch with a blanket and watched some kid drama with an unblinking, disconnected stare. It dragged Jimin from his thoughts of Hanbyul.
“You ok, Sunnie?”
“I’m tired.”
That was wildly unlike her. Jimin perched on the edge of her couch and touched her forehead but couldn’t decide whether it was unusually warm or not. 
“Does anything hurt?” he asked.
“I don’t know.”
“Your head? Your stomach? Your throat?”
“I don’t know, I just feel…”
“Yes?” he prodded, waiting for the revelation.
Illness in Sun-young always raised a panic in him on par with what he’d experienced when she was only an infant and he and Subin young, inexperienced parents convinced every sniffle could be the first sign of something fatal. Most parents learned over time through proof of the contrary that colds were common and their child was healthy, though the fear always lurked in the shadows. But when Subin was suddenly very sick, and only a short time later died, it broke that security in Jimin. Any illness could be the last one. 
The doctor’s office was used to his overreactions at this point. He didn’t care, though he tried to reign it in once Sun-young made clear she found the coddling overbearing. He tried to trust her assessment of her own body, but she was a child! She gave him nothing to go on this time anyway, just tired, so Jimin checked ears and nose and throat, took her temperature, pressed on her belly, took her temperature again.
“A small fever,” he murmured.
“I think it’s just a cold,” she said, drooping to the couch again. She nudged his leg. “I can’t see.”
“Your vision is hazy?!”
“You’re blocking the TV.”
“My throat hurts a little,” she conceded, as if throwing him a bone in his worry. He had thought it looked a little red, her lymph nodes a bit swollen to touch.
This called for an aggressive offense of yuzu jelly tea, popsicles, and Sunnie’s favorite stew samgyetang. But they were out of popsicles, there was only a scrape of yuzu jelly left in the jar to make tea with, and of course he had no samgyetang readily on hand.
He glanced at the clock. It was nearing ten now. Surely Hanbyul would be waking up –even if she’d slept in with a hangover. In fact, he had some Easy Tomorrow she could drink! He should have taken it over last night and regretted his thoughtlessness now. She might be having a rotten morning and it would be shitty of him to show up and ask if she had any yuzu jelly or could make samgyetang for his sick daughter.
But she might be already making it for herself, and she might not mind sharing the jelly, and she might appreciate the Easy Tomorrow later than never. Plus he could confirm with his own eyes she’d gotten home safe.
“I’ll be right back.”
“Where are you going?”
“Just to see if Hanbyul has yuzu jelly.”
“Tell her to come watch TV with me,” Sun-young said from her blanket burrito. “You can say I’m sick if it makes her come.”
“I think you are sick, kiddo.”
“I’m just a little tired.”
She coughed immediately afterwards, as if even her body couldn’t stand by the dismissal of her symptoms. Jimin would never. Already he was evaluating just how far he’d let her symptoms get before he’d take her to the doctor. The answer: not very far.
He felt a twinge of guilt as he knocked on Hanbyul’s door. She might have a headache so he started quietly but when he didn’t hear anything, graduated to the buzzer.
He tracked footsteps to the door and then a pause during which he assumed Hanbyul was peeking through the peephole to see who was bothering her on a Saturday morning. He ran his hand through his hair, hoping he didn’t look too rough.
The door swung open to reveal Jungkook wearing yesterday’s clothes and looking puffy-eyed and crusty. He yawned and scratched at his cheek and gave Jimin a sleepy grin.
“Hey, Easy Tomorrow, thanks,” he said, reaching for the bottle. “I was just heading out. Hanbyul’s still asleep if that’s who you’re looking for.”
Jimin was so completely stunned to be confronted by Jungkook answering Hanbyul’s door that he could only stammer out, “Who else would I be looking for at Hanbyul’s apartment?”
“Yeah, good point.” Jungkook unscrewed the cap from the bottle and downed it in one long chug while Jimin just stood there, waiting for an answer to any of the questions he couldn’t find his voice for: why are you waking up inside Hanbyul’s apartment wearing yesterday’s clothes? Why did you go home with her? Why did you invite her out in the first place? Are you two dating now? Did you fuck?
Bottle empty, Jungkook handed it back to Jimin and clapped him on the shoulder as he said, “It was good you came out last night. I think everyone had a lot of fun.”
“Uh… yeah, uh…”
“Fuck. Think I’ll get some more sleep at home… see ya later. Tell Sunnie I said hey.”
Jungkook did not seem to realize that Jimin was stunned speechless. He set off down the hall, leaving Hanbyul’s door open as if Jimin was going to just waltz right in. She wasn’t even out of bed yet! Had she slept naked after Jungkook…
Jimin pulled the door shut, making sure he heard the click of the lock before sprinting back to the safety of his own apartment. There he snuggled down beside Sun-young and pulled out his phone to order yuzu jelly tea and stew and anything else he could think of that they wanted for delivery, cost be damned. 
What the fuck?! Had Jungkook really gone home with and slept with Hanbyul?
Jimin couldn’t even process it. Jungkook ought to know she was off limits! But also, of course Jungkook wouldn’t think she was off limits, because Jimin never said so, because she wasn’t off limits. Even if it felt wrong for her to not be off limits. Even if Jimin and Hanbyul weren’t dating, she shouldn’t be dating any of his friends either, right?? Because… because there was still an emotional connection there…
Jimin flat out didn’t know what to do. Everything in him warred between marching right over, coming out with it and seeing what she said… and doing anything in the world except that.
But coming out with what? What did Jimin have to offer Hanbyul? Absolutely nothing in some areas and too much in others. A single father, a dead wife, a heart still trying to adjust to the idea of letting someone else in. If Hanbyul was interested in Jungkook, then Jimin was not the guy for her. Jimin should be looking for someone older and settled or something anyway, right? Maybe someone with a kid too, so they could mutually burden each other –not that he thought Sun-young was in any way a burden, but it was a lot to ask someone who wasn’t a parent to suddenly become one!
“Is unnie coming?” Sunnie asked, sitting up and leveling a pink-faced pout in his direction. 
“Oh uh, I don’t know, she wasn’t awake yet.”
“Can you call her? I really want her to come over.”
Jimin stroked Sun-young’s hair and took her acceptance of this touch as proof she was very sick. 
Would it be such a bad thing if Hanbyul wound up with Jungkook? He could use someone to look after him, and she could use someone who could be fun and free with her. And she’d still be in Sunnie’s life, just as an aunt instead of…
Was he really thinking of Hanbyul like this? It wasn’t in any explicit way, words still seemed impossible and ill-fitting and heavy. He didn’t know what he wanted, he doubted Hanbyul wanted this nameless space, he was too afraid to look directly at this thing taking hazy shape in his mind, this future starting to come into focus. Did the future have to be big and scary? Wouldn’t it be the easiest thing in the world right now for Hanbyul to walk in from the other room and settle on the couch with them, legs folded beneath her, Jimin’s arm around her shoulder and Sun-young draped across their laps? Hanbyul’s head settling onto his shoulder…
The physical closeness was the only thing that would be new, and he wanted it. He craved it in such a sudden, overwhelming rush that it almost drove him from the couch to take a lap around the apartment to work out this restless energy. He wanted Hanbyul here and it wasn’t fair that she wasn’t. Sunnie wanted her here too! Couldn’t they just have what they wanted this time? The scene was playing out in his mind, the casual affection, Hanbyul’s hand stroking Sunnie’s hair, Jimin’s fond smile, maybe a soft shared kiss once Sun-young drifted off to sleep halfway through the movie. God, to kiss Hanbyul, to share a warm, close embrace that he’d been deprived of for years! And for the first time in as long, the longing for it didn’t bring him to his knees in grief. Subin was there in his heart, forever and always, but there was space for Hanbyul too, space he desperately wanted her to fill. Butterflies fluttered in his stomach as he stared at the empty space on the couch as if she was really there, as if they were sharing the phantom first kiss. His flush was as real as if they had.
God, he was pathetic. Lonely, and latching on to a fantasy of his neighbor. He tried to push the thoughts from his head with limited success and turned to narrating the TV show to Sun-young instead until she insisted he stop. 
“Is this what you want to watch? Here, let me get you socks and your stuffie. Maybe you need some medicine too? I think delivery will be here soon–”
“Appa just stay still with me.”
He immediately froze, still as a statue as Sun-young adjusted in his arms, her little warm body curled up with his in a way he’d feared she had outgrown. 
Well he sure fucking wasn’t moving now.
“Ok. I’ll stay,” he assured her. 
“Did you message unnie?”
“Yes,” he partially lied. “But she has something else going on. It’s just going to be us, ok?”
“Ok,” Sunnie sighed and he felt her head getting heavier against his chest. 
There. There, if she could accept it, he could too. They didn’t need Hanbyul or anyone else in their lives. The two of them and the memory of Subin were a whole-enough family. Things were already getting better between them since he’d budged on the dance and science, and the future would be ok. 
He’d let Jungkook know to take care because Hanbyul was a good woman, and then he’d let go of that silly dream he’d almost fallen into.
He had Sunnie and Sunnie had him and they didn’t need anyone else in the world.
Except maybe someone to get the delivery at the door so he didn’t have to unsettle his sleeping daughter. Shit! 
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37 notes · View notes
Weekly Wrapup 12/31/23 (late!)
Top five smashable wrestlers this week:
Athena - 90.2% smash
Minoru Suzuki (Young Variant) - 88.7% smash
Swerve Strickland - 88.3% smash
Bret Hart - 71.0% smash
David Finlay - 69.1% smash
More stats under the cut, along with my observations, commentary, and some of my favorite tags...
Bottom five smashable wrestlers this week:
Marty Scurll - 23.8% smash
Jake the Snake Roberts - 31.6% smash
Neckstrong Roderick Strong - 32.8% smash
Trent Seven - 40.8% smash
Carmella - 47.8% smash
Most total votes this week (most enthusiasm)
Swerve Strickland - 444 votes
Athena - 337 votes
William Regal - 311 votes
Minoru Suzuki (Young Variant) and Bret Hart - 300 votes
And least total votes this week (least enthusiasm)
David Finlay - 152 votes
Trent Seven - 157 votes
Raven (ECW Variant) - 184 votes
Marty Scurll - 193 votes
Carmella - 205 votes
The closest match was Raven (ECW Variant) who won 95-89
Top Five Overall
Kris Statlander - 91% smash
Athena - 90.2% smash
Minoru Suzuki (Young Variant) - 88.7% smash
Swerve Strickland - 88.3% smash
Hangman Adam Page - 86.4% smash
Bottom Five Overall
Vince McMahon - 3.9% smash
Kane (Corporate variant) - 10.1% smash
Triple H (Terra Ryzing variant) - 18.6% smash
The Boogeyman - 22.6% smash
Brock Lesnar - 23.2% smash
Top Women Overall
Kris Statlander - 91% smash
Athena - 90.2% smash
Rhea Ripley - 84.2% smash
Julia Hart (Spooky Variant) - 81.9% smash
Chyna - 78.2% smash
Penelope Ford - 72.9% smash
Top Men Overall
Minoru Suzuki (Young Variant) - 88.7% smash
Swerve Strickland - 88.3% smash
Hangman Adam Page - 86.4% smash
Hikuleo - 86.0% smash
Jon Moxley - 84.8% smash
Top Tag Teams
The Golden Lovers - 80.4% smash
Best Friends - 66.7% smash
Motor City Machine Guns - 65.5% smash
Young Bucks - 43.8% smash
Ink Inc. - 25% smash
Average Smash Rating
Week 1: 52.7% Week 2: 57.7% Week 3: 54.4% Week 4: 62.9% Week 5: 58.4% Week 6: 55.9%
Holy shit you guys are horny for Minoru Suzuki. That was impressive. When the Swerve poll was posted, I was like "Oh yeah he's gonna go to the top of the men's rankings." No. Minoru Suzuki's bare ass from 30 years ago is what does it for Tumblr.
In other news, the Raven fuckers are vindicated. ECW era-Raven has been deemed smashable, but it was close. Four votes made the difference. I commented to my husband that trying to find a good photo of him was stressing me out, so he had a look and commented, "He seems like the kind of guy that is remembered for being hotter than he actually was."
On average, women are 73.2% smashable. Carmella has the dishonorable distinction of being the least smashable woman so far, and being one of two women to be voted not smashable (the other being Cheerleader Julia Hart). Sorry, anonymous person who called her "the most beautiful woman in the WWE." For those who are curious, men are 55.0% smashable on average. Also, this blog's women's division is comparable to the AEW women's division in that women have been featured in 10 polls total, compared to 82 polls for men.
Thanks for bearing with me through the Christmas and New Year holidays. I full on forgot what day it was for a few days there, then I got home from traveling and my keyboard broke??? so please excuse any typos because I am typing on the worst keyboard in the world.
And now for some of my favorite tags and comments
@booboo-eyedbambi on Athena: #not only would i smash i would let her kill me like a praying mantis if she so pleased
@grimdarkfandango on Swerve: #yes I know about the blood drinking and it was hot thank u
@arthausen on William Regal: #if I’m being honest. smash that old British cunt till he screams tally ho lads I’m arriving!
@arthausen on Neckstron Roderick Strong: #I love pathetic men and I would love to re-break his neck. smash
@saturatedsinset on Minoru Suzuki: #like yeah but you only deserve to fuck young suzuki if you also wanna fuck old suzuki. cowards
@pavlovean on Jake the Snake: #he literally has a mustache and a snake what more could you want
@theringleader on Bret Hart: #twirls hair heyyyyyyyy wanna talk about ring psychology?
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the-knightmare · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks to @daddygrandpaandthebeaver for the tag.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I write for mostly The Legend of Zelda and Bob's Burgers, but I have written for Escape Room and had thoughts about Six of Crows stuff. And that one Uncle Obi-Wan fic I did for flufftober last year.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
Too Late
Seeking Solace With You
A Life Interrupted
Stay in Bed
I Met You in a Closet
The first and third aren't surprising, they're both older works of mine. Too Late is an angsty coldfalsh fic I wrote back when I was into the the Flash/Legends of Tomorrow. A Life Interrupted is my unfinished Roudise soulmate au (perhaps the upcoming theme week will motivate me to finish).
I was actually really happy to see Seeking Solace With You to be the second most popular. It's one that I'm proud of, and put a bit more into emotion-wise.
I'm actually surprised Stay in Bed and I Met You in a Closet (both zelink) made it into the top five as I didn't think they were my best works.
5. Do you respond to comments?
I respond to some of them. I'm a bit shy/anxious and I tend to overthink what I say. I absolutely love every comment I get, and I read every one even if I'm slow to respond.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
That would be Too Late, as it deals with the aftermath of The Flash's season three finale where Barry enters the speedforce (I had to refresh my memory of what happened it's been so long, haha).
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Since I love happy endings, there's a few of them. I'll highlight two and cheat a little:
A Call to Ears: A roudise fic where Louise catches Rudy trying on her bunny ears.
Dancing with Freckles and Glasses: a Telink fic post Wind Waker where Link helps Tetra practice dancing before a ball.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Luckily no, even when I make typos and errors.
9. Do you write smut?
I do not. The most I do is hint and let readers make their own decisions.
10. Do you write crossovers?
No, not really.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
As far as I know, I have not.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have not.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I cheat again, as I love both Roudise and zelink.
But I also love a lot of ships that I don't write, but read and enjoy canon material of.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
There are a few I have in early stages of writing in notebooks or scraps in a word doc, not much of note.
I suppose A Life Interrupted is one that I have no idea if I'll actually finish since I would have to think of a new way to end it. A good gist of what I may have originally meant as an ending can be read in Hidden in Plain Slide where I have some of my headcannon of Louise not liking things changing is on display, as well as the running away after a confession.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I had a comment on a fic that mentioned nonsexual intimacy and friendship underlying the characters attraction, and I would say that I always try to write relationships that feel balanced in their romantic elements.
I also think I've learned how to tell when something is working and when something is needed to make it work. Especially keeping character's true to their characterizations as best I can. So long as it sounds proper, I'm happy.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Finishing multi-chapter fics. It haunts me that I haven't finished A Life Interrupted, and every so often I think of it.
I could stand to go over my writing for typos and mistakes more. If I think about it too much, I'm sure I could think of a million things.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
I could only do French outside of English, but I wouldn't. While I'm technically bilingual, I'm fairly rusty and don't have confidence to write a whole story in French.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
It would either be Harry Potter or the City of Ember all the way back in my fanfic.org days.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
I'm going to cheat again and list some I haven't mentioned yet:
Morning Person (roudise)
Burger Approval (zekina, with the Bob and Zeke relationship as a focus)
Lies Carved in Stone (zelink)
This was an interesting one. For tags, if anyone wants to do it, then feel free.
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deanwax · 1 year
Find the Vibe: But I don't want to
cheers for the tag, @ntzsche9
Post a snippet that matches the vibe. No-pressure tagging @dyrewrites @athenswrites @ashwithapen @cee-grice and @wardenwyrd
i found another typo when I was looking up this chapter, lol. fixed.
tw: food issues
Other skills are much harder to develop, and the hurdles far more punishing.
I have come to loathe mealtimes.
Not all of them, of course; the routine where I prepare a small serving of our simple, high protein diets is most agreeable. However, as of late, there are occasions where I am not instructed to cook. On these days, Rigo will arrive with a paper bag printed with the emblem of a local restaurant. 
Tonight, the bag says ‘Russo’s’ in red ink. An American-Italian restaurant, I believe. I recall the sign from the vicinity of the Michaels clubhouse. Seated at the kitchen table, I interlock my fingers and watch as Rigo unpackages several containers from the bag and begins to serve their contents into bowls. Our silence allows me to hear the entire process in great details, and the wet squelch of the serving spoon has me squirming in my seat. 
My worst suspicions are confirmed when he sets the bowl in front of me.
“What is this?” I ask, aghast.
“Fettucine alfredo,” Rigo informs me.
“It’s congealed.” I grimace, offended.
“It is not. It’s the chef’s special.”
Cream. The sauce is made from cream, I’m sure of it. Cream, garlic, and something that gives off a pungent scent of mould. “I can’t eat this,” I declare, looking up at Rigo with a stricken expression. “I’ll be sick.”
“You will eat it,” Rigo counters, unaffected by my display of emotion. “You are required to exhibit normal behaviour in a restaurant, and that includes eating.”
“Would I eat shellfish, just to save face?” I challenge him.
“Yes,” Rigo tells me sternly. “You have an epipen.”
It is an epinephrine autoinjector, a device about the size of a pen but three times as thick. It’s not pleasant to administer (I conducted two test trials with the aid of some oysters; one through clothing and one directly on skin) but it will treat anaphylaxis. When I leave the house, I keep two upon my person in the same way I keep a 9mm semi-automatic pistol in my holster, and a house key on a chain around my neck.
I look back down to the bowl before me. Vomit. It looks like vomit. Truly, I curse the man who discovered early agriculture, who rendered cow’s milk down into cream. Disgusting. The first bite turns the corners of my mouth down and I struggle to swallow.
“That was awful.” The words come from Rigo’s lips, not mine. He frowns, pausing in twirling pasta onto his own fork. “To act like that in a restaurant would disturb the entire table. Try again.”
“I hate it,” I whisper, stalling for time as I twirl another noodle around my fork. 
“Then imagine that you don’t,” Rigo instructs me, taking his seat on the opposite side of the table. “Compartmentalise.”
I am familiar with the term, but it makes my nose wrinkle. “I don’t think I can,” I murmur, the fork hovering before my lips. “Not with this.”
“Then you must improve your acting,” Rigo tells me unsympathetically, picking up his own fork. “I won’t coddle you any more in this regard. Eat.”
Coddle. The word stings. I look down at the pasta with trepidation. I flinch as I imagine it in my stomach. Looking back to Rigo, I feel a helpless sort of jealousy as he begins to eat without issue.
“How do you do it?” I ask him with a furrow in my brow. 
Rigo chews, swallows, and sighs, before he answers. “We were not raised using the same methods,” he says. “I have no aversion to dairy products.”
“Then what do you have an aversion to?” I ask, still searching for answers. “How do you do something you despise without reacting?” 
My questions feel like all I have, in this moment. All I need is one example: no matter how abstract, I’ll adapt the solution to help me tackle the eating. If Rigo can do it, I’m sure I can, too. 
He stares at me for a moment before setting down his fork and dabbing at his lips with a napkin. “I have to make a phone call,” he announces, getting up from the table. He pauses at the door.
“Aure,” he tells me over his shoulder. I freeze in my seat, feeling caught red-handed with my thoughts. “This is not an exercise in subterfuge.”
I would have returned half of the bowl to the original restaurant container, it’s true. I was already planning it the moment he set down his fork. Not the garbage; too obvious, and not all of it; too obvious, again. Half, back in the container from whence it came, hidden in plain sight. How does he always know what I am thinking?!
“If I return and find you have disposed of any portion of your meal without eating it,” Rigo carries on, “I will force feed you a double serving.”
I nod curtly, not even turning around to see if he is watching me. He leaves the room and my stomach turns, staring down at the pasta dish before me. I can imagine, most vividly, one hand pinching my nose shut and the other forcing the rotten stuff into my mouth, manipulating my jaw to masticate. The fear of the mental image spurs me to take up my fork, using the side of the instrument to scrape the creamy sauce off of a lone piece of pasta. It’s… less horrible, that way, but I can already foresee the dilemma I am creating for myself: less sauce on the fettucine I eat just leaves more of it in the bowl. My mind jumps to the conclusion of a bowl full of nothing but the stinking cream and my stomach heaves. Clapping a hand over my mouth to suppress the urge, I resign myself to my fate and return to twirling pasta normally.
I chew and swallow as fast as I can, scraping my tongue on the sides of my teeth. It helps to speed my progress with the meal but it does nothing for my composure: by the third bite, I am still shaking.
Rigo returns without speaking, casting a careful eye over my bowl as he resumes his seat. 
I nearly bite my tongue with the speed of my chewing, causing Rigo to scowl. “Slowly,” he tells me. “Bad manners attracts attention.”
The meals drags on. The chair feels particularly hard and unforgiving under my buttocks in a way that brings back uncomfortable memories. It feels as though my mouth is not my own; my stomach, host to some foul being. It is almost as though I can feel it moving inside me. When my fork clears the last piece of the pasta from the bowl, I cannot say how much time has passed. 
Rigo, having finished long before me, had sat back to watch me. “You have succeeded in swallowing the food,” he tells me dryly. “But nothing else.”
I close my eyes and shudder. I hear Rigo sigh and rise from his seat, moving to the kitchen counter. After a few moments, the crisp sound of a page being torn from a notepad.
“Here,” he says, and I open my eyes to receive the list and the hundred dollar bill he’s holding out for me. “Fetch the groceries.”
I’m almost grateful for the task, until I see an unusual addition at the end of the list. Cream. 
“Go,” Rigo tells me.
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A trick of the heart
Synopsis: Andy walks back into Miranda's life. Can you handle this?
WARNING: angsty
Word count: 1K
A/N: sorry for any typos, also I know this isn't a Sarah character but I just love Miranda so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so sorry if you did not want to be tagged
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Miranda Priestly. Sounds intimidating, right? Intimidating would be an understatement, but that’s what intrigued you the most. After the debacle that was Paris Fashion Week, you were hired right on the spot. Miranda needed someone to fill the shoes of her biggest disappointment and that just so happened to be you.
This tore your nerves up because you knew the feelings she had for Andy no matter the root was strong and unwavering. Those were shoes you knew you just couldn’t fill. Everything you heard was “Andrea” this and “Andrea” that. You think that in itself would dissipate the little crush that was ever growing on the dragon lady, but it didn’t. Nothing did.
Working for someone you constantly fell for more and more each day was hard, but you stuck it out because who wouldn’t. It was Miranda Priestly for fucks sake. Just being in her presence was unlike anyone you ever met, and when those feelings hit you… it’s like you knew it wasn’t just a crush. Being around Miranda made you feel in ways you never had before, everything felt light and airy. Calm, yet so fierce. A sense of wholeness surrounded you in her moments of vulnerability that only you could see.
The days were getting easier as you felt as if you were gaining way into some part of her broken heart. She started treating you as a human unlike before as just her employee. The talks became longer, the feelings became stronger. Miranda was letting you in, and it gave you hope for a future between you both.
Until today, today… a day that started out completely normal. You’re sitting at your desk after coming back from your lunch break that was normally spent in Miranda’s office. But today, she told you that she wouldn’t be able to have lunch; she had a very important work meeting. You paid it no mind and went about your day until you heard giggling come from Miranda’s office. Not just her usual fake laugh she had with everyone, it was the giggle she had always saved especially for you. Lost in the seemingly jealous thought, Miranda’s door opens, and out walks the one and only Andrea Sachs.
The burning in your tummy worsened as their conversation continued while Miranda showed Andrea to the door.
“Well, this was lovely. I hope we can do this again soon, Miranda.” Andy smiled as she looked at your Miranda.
“Yes, let’s,” Miranda said as she waved a farewell to Andy.
Your eyes never left theirs. Miranda finally turned around and her eyes found yours. She immediately looked away and went straight back into her office.
“Y/n, is there a reason my coffee isn’t here?” she asked in the most passive tone. That’s the straw that broke your back. You couldn’t be a part of this charade any longer, especially now. You would not allow yourself to be in a situation of watching the woman you fell in love with fawn after another.
Enough was enough, you stalked your way into Miranda’s office.
“Have you completely lost your mind, Y/n?” Miranda scoffed at your presence.
“I quit,” you said.
“W-what?!” Miranda exclaimed.
“I didn’t stutter,” you said as you turned to leave her office.
“Stop. Don’t be dense. You’re not going to quit.” Miranda laughed as if she knew the kind of power she held over you.
“Miranda, get over yourself. You don’t own me. I can do whatever I want. I’m done with this.” you growled.
“And what exactly are you done with, Y/n?” Miranda challenged. You rolled your eyes and started walking. Not looking back. The anxiety did not completely hit you until the realization of the huge backlist target you put on your back as you exited the Elias Clarke building. It was too late to turn around now: and you were too far gone to look back.
On your way back to your small studio apartment, all you could think about how stupid you were for blowing up like that. Miranda didn’t owe you anything - she wasn’t yours. You were finally inside the lobby of your building, and looking quite solemn. The little old lady, Anita, that lived next door stopped you in your tracks, “Y/n? Are you okay, little dove?”
Your body breaks at that moment; sobs uncontrollably leaving you as you turn towards Anita. She opened her arms and you trudged way into them with a huff.
“I m-messed up, A-Anita. I-I’ve ruined e-everything.” you mustered out between sobs.
“You haven’t ruined anything, darling.” you could clearly hear Miranda’s voice coming from behind you. You whipped your head around so fast finding piercing eyes looking right into yours.
“M-Miranda… w-what are you doing here?” you sniffed out while taking a step closer to the woman who haunts your every being.
“I followed you. Y/n, why did you walk out on me?” Miranda asked.
“Miranda, I-,” she cuts you off, “I won’t allow you to walk out on me, darling. I cannot... will not, lose you. Do you understand me?”
“What about An-dray-uh?” you asked with disdain laced in your voice.
Miranda knew she had messed up. Inviting Andrea to her office was just a peace offering - letting bygones be bygones. Miranda just needed some closure to a part of her life that at one time she thought she wanted but now she knows will never be.
“Darling, Andrea is nothing more than an acquaintance. There is nothing that she has that I want. There is nothing you have that she is going to get.” Miranda says while slowly walking closer to you.
“I don’t have what I want,” you say looking to your feet.
“What do you want, darling?” Miranda’s voice was barely above a whisper. She’s so close to you, her hand cups your chin pulling your face to look at her.
Miranda sighs, “I’m older. Vain. Insensitive. I can’t give you the love you that you deserve, Y/n”
“I. Want. You.”
You both are standing so close together that you can feel her lips grazing yours. Miranda’s insecurities holding her back. You close the distance - an immediate explosion of fireworks. Miranda takes control of the kiss. Slow, passionate. The best kiss you had ever experienced.
“Take it upstairs.” Anita’s voice broke you from your trance.
You giggle and Miranda rolls her eyes.
“Wanna come upstairs, Miranda?” you smirk.
sfw taglist: @oh-mydarling @rainbow-hedgehog @twistedpoeticjustice @tissaias-lover @peggycarter-steverogers @hortensia-doll @citizenoftheworld-stuff-blog @commanderspeach @lanawinters-ily @lntlmate @sapphicforsarahh @talulahmae @billiedeansgirl @dreamypqulson @goodeday2u @autumnbunnyboo @imstacysmomtm
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angryschnauzer · 3 years
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Mad Enough To Kiss Me
Summary; Sy reminscises he and his wife's summer party whilst he's meant to be working.
Pairing; Captain Syverson x Wife 'Jess'
Fandom; Sandcastle (Movie), Henry Cavill - Actor.
Warnings; NSFW, oral sex (female recieving), unprotected Vaginal Sex, exhibition kink, pregnancy.
Word count: 1246
This is a sequel to 'The Bite of the Bear' which is Walter Marshall x Reader.
I do not run a masterlist or tag list, however if you follow @angryschnauzerwrites and put that blog onto notifications, you'll then get an alert every time i post new work.
Fic entirely written and posted on mobile, so any typos are allowed to run wild and free.
Mad Enough To Kiss Me.
Sy sat at his desk, frowning at his laptop as he tried to concentrate on his taxes but the scene outside would draw his attention from the screen every few minutes. Sitting back in his chair he let out a sigh and crossed his hands behind his head. 
The lake sparkled in the low Autumn light, the maples and cedars that surrounded it a sea of rich colours. But no matter how beautiful the treeline was, his eyes were always drawn to the floating dock in the lake, and a smile would tug at the corners of his lips. It had been late summer, a little over two months ago, when he and his wife Jess had their annual party. Friends and family from far and wide always made the effort to come, but what was making the smile on Sy's lips grow wider was the memory of Jess that night.
Jess was a firecracker, she'd called him out on his shit the very first time they'd met, and he'd fallen instantly in love that very moment. Over the days and weeks that followed he'd gone out of his way to get her to yell at him and get her really riled up. When eventually he'd asked her if she was mad enough to kiss him yet she'd screamed at him before launching herself at him and knocking him to the ground straddling his waist, and they'd practically torn each others clothing off there and then.
What followed was a few years of Sy working out the last of his enlistment, always ensuring he came back to their shared home on the lake, and throwing a party to celebrate the anniversary of the 'are you mad enough' day. Looking back to the floating doc Sy thought to the way he'd set up the fireworks on that night so that the 20 minute display only needed one fuse to be lit at the very start, meaning they had 19 minutes to indulge in little exhibitionism kink they'd discovered they both enjoyed. Laying his beautiful wife out on the spread of cushions and blankets he'd scoured from the house, he'd stripped the pair of them naked before burying his face between her thighs. He would get cunt drunk on her peach, and his only regret that he had to limit himself to just ten minutes of making her come on his tongue, but he needed to leave time to fuck her too. Having made her come at least three times with his mouth he'd crawled up her body and slid home deep into her waiting pussy, groaning as her tight walls gripped his considerable girth. Flipping them over he relished the sight of her riding him, spearing deep into her soft body as they were illuminated by the fireworks overhead. They were some of the best 9 minutes of his life, and some that they repeated for an encore on the patio table once all their party guests had left for the evening.
Back in the present Sy looked down, realising he was sporting a semi and with a growl he palmed himself just the once before clearing his throat and sitting straight, returning to his taxes on screen. Taking a gulp from his mug he was greeted with a mouthful of cold coffee, grimacing at first but then licking his lips, enjoying the maple cinnamon creamer Jess had added. Taking a few more smaller sips he smiled at the taste, somehow it reminded him of her essence. Perhaps it was that every single thing in the house was currently some version of a seasonal spice scent, or just that he was so in tune with the taste of her, that when he'd woken her up with his head between her legs that morning she'd tasted different. Her peach had a mellow tartness to it, and he couldn't get enough of it, making her come three times before she'd finally pushed his head away with a laugh;
"Sy! I got shit to do today, just fuck me already!"
He'd done as she'd asked, and an hour later when he'd watched from his office window as she'd walked down the driveway to her car to go run errands, she'd waddled a little and it had given him a virile sense of pride that he'd fucked her so good even after all this time that she still couldn't walk straight.
With a laugh and sigh he set the mug down and swore he'd concentrate on his taxes, and an hour later when he heard the front door shut he'd finally made good headway into his admin.
"Hey Cupcake!" Sy called out to Jess.
"I'll be up in a second!"
He concentrated on saving his work, smiling when he heard her footsteps on the wooden stairs, before her head appeared over the wooden railing. He watched as she approached, appreciating the way her body moved, especially noticing how her dress made her titties look fantastic, she must be wearing a new bra or something because he could have sworn they were bigger. 
Walking up to him she pressed a kiss to his lips before sliding a box onto the desk.
"Hey thanks, new boots" Sy smiled, before moving to pull her into his lap, surprised when she dodged out of his way.
"Don't you want to check out the boots? I heard they changed the design slightly"
With a sigh Sy laughed;
"Sure thing Cupcake"
Lifting the box he frowned, it was surprisingly light considering the boots he favoured usually weighed a couple of pounds. Setting the box on his lap he shot a glance quickly to Jess and saw she was grinning but trying to hide it by chewing on her lip. What was she up to? She wasn't one for pranks.
Carefully opening the lid when he saw what was inside his throat went tight;
"Are you sure?"
Jess nodded, her eyes now watering with tears threatening to spill, waiting for him to finally say it.
"Cupcake…" Sy choked out, lifting the tiny pair of hand knitted wool booties, the white plastic stick of a pregnancy test sticking out of one showing a clear pink mark for a positive result.
Feeling tears start to well in his eyes he rubbed at them with his fingers and thumb, setting the box aside as he took Jess's hand and pulled her onto his lap. Pressing a kiss to her lips he grinned and let the tears start to spill, resting his massive hand on her stomach;
"We're gonna have a baby" he stated, Jess nodding and cradling his face in her hands
"We sure are Sy"
"How far along?"
"About ten weeks"
"Ten weeks…" the cogs and gears in his mind started to turn, and as he did he twisted his chair until they could both see out to the lake; "Ten weeks ago i was filling that peach of yours out on that dock, in plain view of all our friends"
Jess giggled;
"I know Sy… so, have i made you mad enough to kiss me?"
With a sigh and a smile Sy pulled his wife close to him and pressed a kiss to her lips, before lifting the booties and setting them gently onto her stomach. Resting her head on his shoulder Jess wrapped her hand over his, safe in the knowledge that the kid growing inside her would have the best father possible.
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hi lovely! could we have a morpheus x reader fic where he’s just really petty and jealous of the guys around her even though she’s assured him many times that there’s nothing going awnnn. she gets so fed up one day she pretends to flirt with one of the guys just to spite him 🫢🫢
Baked Brie (With Extra Jelly)
Dream of the Endless x Reader
Summary: The family that owned the bakeshop by the end of your block was just as sweet and warm as the goods they sold. The children of the owners had a soft spot for you, and Dream was so wholly hard on them.
Word Count: 2k+
Warnings: gender neutral!reader, jealous!dream, dream vs 2 kids & their older brother, fluffity fluff fluff fluff, dream petty AF, typos, etc.
A/N: HAHAHA THIS IS SO ME IM PETTY AF CHEERS NONNIE YOU AND I SHARE THE SAME BRAINCELL omg i realized i ended up writing something far different than your req RIP IM SO SORRY T_T Tagging: @pinksirensong @deniixlovezelda @shadow-pancake9 it's here @sloanexx !! it's HERE HAHHHA lol i hope everyone enjoys good night [dead]
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Niki, Nina, Nix, eldest to youngest, were the kids of Noelle and Nora, who owned the bakeshop, just a few buildings down from where I lived. They were a a happy family. They were so endearing, even in their arguments, they made me long to have a family like theirs in the future.
"And it's so cute actually," I say as I swing Dream's hand as we walk hand in hand, "they're all nicknamed N!"
He hums, lips curved into a small smile as he watches me skip beside him, "and what are the Moretti family's real names?"
I cease my hopping. I walk in thought beside him. He chuckles as he watches, pulling me close to him, linking our arms together, pressing a kiss at the back of my hand.
"I think Noelle is short for Emmanuelle and Nora is for Andrea," I place a hand on my chin, "Niki for Dominico, Nina for Adrienne, and Nix, is the only one named N, which is short for Nicolas."
"Niccolo," Dream corrects, "Niccolo Rafael Abreo-Moretti, named after Andrea's paternal grandfather Stephano Niccolo Moretti, and maternal grandfather, Rafaelo Constanzi."
I give him a look, stopping in my tracks, releasing a sigh. My lips curve into a pout, "I totally forgot you know everyone, ever."
The Prince of Stories chuckles, leaning towards me as he did.
I feel a bit wronged, in all honesty. There is a sourness in my voice when I speak, "why did you even ask when you know better than me?"
"I like to listen to your voice-- your stories."
I roll my eyes, "oh please."
I begin to continue our trail, but Dream holds me back. He pulls me towards him. I recoil and collide with his chest. He looks down at me with questioning blue eyes and pouty lips, "I would not lie to my beloved."
I suck in my cheeks, holding back the smile threatening to spill onto my lips. I snort, pushing myself off his chest, straightening myself up. I turn to the street to distract from the butterflies in my stomach and clear my throat, "yeah, yeah, let's keep walking. Don't want to be a nuisance. I remember how annoying it was to see couple pda-ing in the middle of the street."
"How critical of you," he mutters, the softness of his smile beginning to intensify.
I grab onto his arm and force lead him back on track, grunting as I did so, "well, couples are annoying if you're not the couple."
He finally chuckles, "well, I am glad I am not annoying, beloved."
I chew on my lips as I sink my face into his arm, trying to hide from the sensation of blood rising up my neck. I release a sigh as I reach out for his torso. He rids his arm between us and opts to prop it on my shoulders. I brush my face into his chest, breathe in his scent, deep and ethereal, and allow myself to calm down from the high his new pet names I have been earning as of late.
Dream pulls me close into him, awfully pleased with himself for garnering the reaction he did.
I pull away when I see the orangey light from the bakery. I perk, grabbing his hand again, "there it is!"
Dream smiles as he nods, "indeed."
"Oh," I grip his hand tightly in both of mine, "I hope they have baked brie!"
The moment we enter the establishment, I am welcomed with a cheer of greetings from the Moretti family. There is a chorus of 'finally,' 'you're here,' 'we have something freshly baked,' and other words that I could not all make out in time.
"Hello, my child," Noelle smiles from behind the counter just as she finishes clipping her blonde-grey hair back, "I see you brought someone with you today."
"Is he your boyfriend?!" Nina excitedly squeals, sharp, dyed-black bangs moving with her dyed-pink bob, beside her mother. Noelle shushes her teenaged daughter as she wipes he hands on her soft belly, telling her to go back to wrapping the cookies.
Nina makes a face but follows nonetheless, pointy, manicured nails, ribboning up some packaging.
I pull away from Dream, ready to introduce him. I am beat to the punchline.
"He looks weird," Nix blurts, mop of light blonde hair turning from his sister to the said being, blatantly giving him side eye as he walks with a tray of dishes back to the kitchen.
There is a loud, collective, "NIX!" thrown into the air.
"What?" the 7-year-old grumbles... or did he already turn 8? "he's worse than Nina."
Nina mutters angrily under her breath as her younger brother passes. She attempts to kick him, but Nix is too quick, too ready and used to it.
I turn to Dream, who was unfazed by everything, just as Noelle apologizes for her son.
He shakes his head, "I am unbothered by such remarks," he offers a polite smile, "you can call me Dream."
"My! Dream," Noelle turns to me, smiling as she mutters, "a patient man, and so pretty!"
I snort, covering my mouth with the side of my fist. I let myself calm down before replying, "he is."
Dream smiles to himself.
"Oh," Noelle calls, "you've been looking for baked brie, right?"
I nod excitedly.
"Papa is pulling it out of the oven," Noelle says, throwing her thumb behind her shoulder, "it'll only be a few minutes. Go ahead and look around or take a seat while waiting."
I nod once more and turn to Dream, taking his hand. I then lead him off to the goods on display, pointing out the ones I enjoyed the most.
"Oh, this one," I motion to some chocolate pastries, "for some reason always gets sold out on Thursdays."
Nina, who came out of nowhere, restocks the said item, "that's because there's an office nearby and I think their cult requires it as an offering."
I knew better than to listen to her fantastical musings, so I only offer her a snort.
Dream however, does the mistake of noting on it, albeit well-intentioned and concerned, "you are acquainted to this cult?"
Nina's face twists in the special, eerie way she is capable of. She finishes placing the things on her tray onto the shelf then presses the the tray in between her arm, reaching for my shoulder, "yes I am," she moves close to my neck, "and I am taking my beloved as captive."
She's pretending that she was going to bite me. Well, okay, she has bitten me once before.
"Your beloved?" Dream quips, moving towards me and Nina.
I pull away from the mischievous teen before 1) she actually bite me, 2) Dream could push himself between us.
Nina throws her head back at our reactions, laughing, "ohemgee, your boyfriend's a total grandpa."
"Well," I start, just as Dream grabs both my shoulders and looks down at his opponent, "he is, like, a bazillion years old."
"No kidding," Nina says, turning to Dream with a challenging look, "hey, you ever hear of a joke?"
"Do not make it a habit to joke about things not yours to joke about."
Nina makes a face, turning to me, "yeah," she turns back to him, "ok."
Just as Nina walks away, Dream eyes her intently. Then, from the other side, Nix comes up to me, grabbing my hand, pulling me off, "look, look, I finished my design!"
I part from Dream as I am redirected to a table by the boy holding his sketchbook in hand, "you're gonna love this one!"
I release a breath as I am pushed down on the chair. Nix circles around and places the book on the table. Before he can sit across me however, he starts and reels back, seeing Dream was already seated there, arms crossed, expression grave.
"What the fuck!" he squeaks in shock.
"Nix! Language!" I reprimand.
Nix turns to me in shock and slight fear, "how is he there?!"
"I hold dominion over every seat across my person," Dream purses his lips tightly, eyeing Nix like he was a criminal.
I turn to Dream, calling out his name under my breath as I shoot him a similarly reprimanding look. His blue eyes dart to me, his posture deflates.
I turn back to the boy as I sigh, bringing his sketch pad near me, "what was it you wanted to know me, Nix?"
Nix huffs, eyeing Dream dirtily one last time, before leaning over the table, coming close to me as he showed me his design, "I call it, Zombie Pizza!"
Nix begins to explain that is was a sweet, deep-dish with smushed chocolate and red velvet cake and fondant zombie fists. He finishes it by saying, "papa says that we can only sell it on halloween and on my birthday."
I chuckle at the little pout he gives me. I jolt when I hear Dream snarl. Nix turns to Dream just as I do, however the boy scowls much harsher than I do.
"Dream," I call out.
"I would like to finish our errand," he quips coldly, "and leave immediately."
Nix closes his sketchbook, raising a brow at Dream, "you are aware you can't leave until Niki comes, right?"
Dream narrows his eyes at the boy, "and why can't we?"
"Because he's going to throw a tantrum if he doesn't see-"
Nix is cut off by the loud call of my name from across the room.
The next moment, the tall, muscular man comes running towards me with open arms. I barely have time to stand before I get squished into a tight hug by the eldest Moretti sibling.
He exclaims something in Italian, I choke as I make an attempt to wrap my arms around him. My feet are barely on the floor as I am hoisted up. Nix rolls his eyes at his brother as he walks away, "show off..." he grumbles, "so what I'm bad at Italian..."
"Niki," I struggle, "I- can't breathe."
"Oh," he gasps as he pulls away. I catch my breath and receive two kisses on both my cheeks. Niki's large hands are on my neck, "it's been so-"
"Release your grip this instant!" a voice cuts as a hand comes onto Niki's wrists.
Niki and I turn to Dream, who is absolutely livid. The lights begin to flicker.
I open my mouth, but before I could speak, Niki shoots Dream a glare and pulls away from him, bringing me along as he did.
Dream's nostrils flare, his eyes widen in anger.
"Niki please," I look up to the man who pulled me back protectively. I move away from his side and come up to Dream's. He seems stunned by my actions. His jaw clenches when Dream pulls me into his chest as his hand darts to my waist.
I place a hand on Dream's chest for balance, giving Niki, who was growing just as agitated as Dream, a soft look, "this is my boyfriend."
Niki's expression falls. He blinks, casting his gaze to me, "your what?"
"Boyfriend, lover, partner, whatever you want to call it," Dream retorts for me, stepping forward in the process.
"Dream," I call, keeping him back, "enough of you."
Dream turns to me, brows knit, lips pursed, eyes glassy. He retreats.
Niki shakes his head. His shoulders relax, "oh... wow," he breaks into a smile, "I didn't know you had a boyfriend." He then crosses his arms, his muscles bulge in his tight shirt, "I didn't think you'd be the type to get into a relationship," he points a finger, "considering you complain about couples to me, like," he counts on his fingers, "everyday."
I release a breath, "Niki."
Niki turns to Dream, brushing his longish dirty-blonde hair back, "you know she said PDA should be banned," he motions at us, "and yet look at you now."
Dream narrows his eyes at Niki. I begin to feel blood rise up my neck.
Thank the goodness of the earth, Nora called out my order the next moment. I turn to the man with a brown mustache and wide shoulders like his eldest child, holding a blue box in his hand that looks small only in comparison to him. I drag Dream along with me when I claim my order.
I hurriedly fish for my wallet as Dream stands rigidly beside me.
"So," Nora starts, giving Dream a once over, "you're the boyfriend huh?"
"Isn't he pretty, Nora," his wife says before she goes into the back kitchen.
Nora's face is stiff. Dream's is just the same.
"So," the man starts again, "what do you do for a living?"
I pull out a bill and slam it onto the counter, sliding it over to Nina, who was now manning the register. I answer for Dream, "freelance."
Nina raises her dark, sharp brow. Nora knits his bushy ones, "doesn't sound very stable."
Oh, nothing about it is stable. "Trust me," I sigh, "it's a full time job."
"That makes literally no sense," Nina points, making her father agree.
Nix comes up to my right, eyeing Dream darkly.
I make up a lame excuse, "it's a Gen-Z thing."
"That man," Nix scoffs, "is not a gen-z."
I look down at the boy, "I didn't say he was, kid."
Nix pouts.
Niki comes behind Dream, placing his beefy arm on his shoulders, "what kind of freelance do you do?"
I swear, in that moment, Dream's smaller form (compared to Niki) slowly begins to grow. My eyes widen as I pull him away, "quit it!"
Niki, thinking it was he I was talking to, deflates, frowning, "I'm... I'm sorry. I just wanted to know."
Dream gives him a dirty look. I notice him grow and bulk a few inches. I grab his pale face, quickly turning to Niki as I say, "not you baby."
"Baby?" Dream growls, face contorting in offence.
"Here's your change," Nina says apprehensively.
"Keep it," I say, turning around only to get my box. I offer a quick smile to everyone and begin to push the I-was-sure-was-still-growing Dream out of the establishment.
The Moretti family looks at me as I wheel my boyfriend out of their bakery. I give them a strangled look as I shove Dream out toward the glass door, "I'm sorry, it's just- we're very late for an appointment."
"Are you sick?" Niki calls out in concern, "I can drive-"
"NO!" I call a bit too loudly. I pull back from Dream, turning to the five people, sighing, "I'll see you guys tomorrow."
I do not wait for their response and the bell rings, indicating the exit of the two of us.
We walk in a rush down the street in silence.
Dream, now towering over me like an insane person with a muscular build and extremely long legs, looks upon me with an unamused look.
I look up at him with a vengeance, completely annoyed by his antics, "what the heck is wrong with you?!"
Dream's face tenses. He looks away like an angry child.
"Lord Morpheus?!" I call out rather loudly and mockingly.
Dream turns to me, muttering, "do not regard me like that."
I grunt, stopping in my tracks, holding the box by my chest as I grind my teeth at him.
Dream turns to me, lips parting as he huffs.
I raise my brows and shake my head, "well?"
"They were too familiar with you."
I roll my eyes, continuing to walk, not at all waiting for him.
He scowls, walking after me, "do not disregard me."
"I'm not disregarding you!" I exclaim, "I'm just not allowing myself to blow up in the middle of the street, because I will."
"They were touching you! And regarding you as if you belonged to them!"
"And do I belong to you?" I snap, turning my heel, looking up to him.
Dream knits his brows, leaning down quickly towards my face. His hot breath hits me as he whispers, "everything that you are belongs to me," he steps forward, pressing into the box in between us, "every breath, every heartbeat, every thought of your is mine," he captures my face into his hand, "just as everything that I am is at the mercy of your fingertips."
A shiver runs down my spine, "Dream-"
"Make no more room for your heart, if not for me, my dear."
I raise my brows at his sentiment, "that's messed up."
"I don't care."
He grabs the box in between us and presses his forehead onto mine, "let us continue this discussion when we are not in the middle of the street," he takes my hand, "lest I blow up."
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mercurygguk · 4 years
cockblocked. (m) | jjk
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➵ summary; in which a pair of best friends are hopelessly in love with one another but they’re both too dumb to realize, even when everyone around them are dropping hints every five minutes. or alternatively; “you’re an idiot for thinking I wouldn’t love you back.”
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pairing; jeongguk x f. reader
word count; 15.8k
rating; 18+
content; roommates au + friends (idiots) to lovers, smut/fluff/angst
warnings; mentions of alcohol, swearing, explicit sexual content, dirty talk, cum eating, oral sex (f. receiving), stupid jeongguk and stupid reader
a/n; i’ve been wanting to write a oneshot for so long with the ultimate boyfriend version of gguk, so i started writing with this gguk in mind. i hope you like it! ALSO, this is heavily unedited, so ignore any typos thx – enjoy!
find drabbles related to this fanfic through this tag !! 
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Music is blaring through the speakers, shaking your body as you stand against the wall, watching people get shitfaced and stick their tongues down each other’s throats. There’s an untouched drink in your hand. It’s lukewarm by now and definitely tasting way worse than when it was made. You hate yourself for always saying yes to joining your friends at this type of scene. Quite simply, you hate every single thing about parties at frat houses. The music is shit, it’s nothing compared to your own favorite chill playlist filled with ballads and old classics. The alcohol smells and tastes like crap, and it doesn’t get you nearly as drunk as it should. To top it all off, your friends had left you alone for two random guys, so in conclusion, this night could’ve been better but it could’ve been much worse as well you suppose. It’s not like you’ve done anything stupid, so really, what’s the problem?
It’s not even that late when you decide to make your way upstairs. There must be a quieter place in this huge house where you can sit in silence until you deem it acceptable to leave again. But as you push your way past couples practically having sex on the staircase, you realize that all rooms are most likely taken. Maybe you should just leave now? You chuckle at your own situation. You haven’t even been here for two hours and you’re already planning on going home again. You shake your head to yourself as you continue your walk upstairs. It won’t hurt to see if you just happen to be lucky enough to find an empty room in this gigantic house.
The first room you come across seems quiet as you press your ear against the door’s surface. You take the chance and grab the handle before pushing yourself inside. You stop in your tracks when one of the two in there turns to look at you, the other one sitting with their head down a bucket. You grimace as you back out of the room, closing the door behind you. The smell of puke haunts you as you move on to the next door.
“Last room better be empty,” you whisper to yourself after checking almost every single room upstairs. You push yourself inside without a single warning to those who may be on the other side of the door. The scene in front of you doesn’t surprise you at all as you stay in the doorway. The pair stops their actions upon your presence.
“I swear that’s the seventh person to barge in here!” The girl, who was being grinded on by the dude on top of her, whines. The guy turns his head to look at you, a glare evident even though it’s mostly dark in the room. “And suddenly I’m not in the mood anymore,” the girl groans as she pushes Mr. Fuckboy off her, “see you around, Jeon.”
You watch with an amused smirk as the girl yanks her shirt off the ground, slipping it on and pushing past you out of the room, her shoulder bumping against yours. You chuckle to yourself, wondering why some girls just had to be like that. The guy you now know as ‘Jeon’ gets up from the bed, turning to face you fully. He’s not wearing a shirt which allows you to see the sleeve of tattoos on his right arm. His pants are unzipped and his belt is unbuckled, and yet he doesn’t seem fazed at all. You cock a brow at him as he finally notices and reaches down to zip his pants and buckle his belt.
“Thanks for cockblocking me by the way,” ‘Jeon’ shoots at you, making you scoff and cross your arms over your chest.
“Well, it’s not entirely my fault,” you defend yourself, gesturing to the door beside you, “you could’ve just locked the door.”
He chuckles at your defensive tone as he grabs his sweatshirt off the floor. He slips it over his head, messing his black, curly hair up even more than it was before. That girl must’ve had a good grip on it for it to look like such a mess in this very moment.
“Why are you even in here?” Jeon asks, reaching up to run a hand through his hair. It tames it a bit, you think to yourself as you watch it fall back onto his forehead and slightly into his eyes. Not bothering to answer his question, you decide on stepping further into the room, making your way to the balcony that happened to be in this exact room. Jeon watches you as you open the doors and head outside into the chilly night air. He follows behind, joining you on the balcony. Why he does so wonders the both of you. He leans on the railing beside you, looking at the side of your face. “Party not fun enough?”
You chuckle. “Just not my typical scene,” you tell him, glancing at him.
The stranger, who goes by ‘Jeon’ so far, is still looking at you, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “What is your typical scene then?”
This dude’s sudden interest in you doesn’t go unnoticed by you, so you decide to finally look at him fully instead of the drunk people on the front lawn below you.
“Somewhere quieter, somewhere you’re actually able to talk to people,” you explain to him, “and if there’s food, even better!”
This makes him laugh lightly, a glint in his eyes that makes your stomach tingle in a funny way. “A foodie then?”
You nod, a wide smile on your face. “Huge foodie.”
“What’s your name?” He asks, seeming genuinely interested in knowing it. “I’m Jeongguk.”
“___,” you tell him, “it’s nice to meet you, Jeongguk.”
He grins, a bunny smile appearing and you can’t help but think about how ridiculously cute he actually is. And yet still a fuckboy, without a doubt.
“Nice to meet you too, ___.”
You both watch the drunk people below in silence. You wonder what he’s thinking about. Does he think the same about these people as you or is he usually one of them? Maybe he’s one of those people who attends every single frat party. But he doesn’t seem to be very drunk at the moment. You’re about to ask him when he turns to look at you, eyes slightly wide with a glint in them as if he just thought of something brilliant.
“Wanna go somewhere else?” He suddenly asks. You squint your eyes at him, wondering what place he possibly could be thinking about. “I know this great place that has really good frozen yoghurt.”
You can’t help but let out a laugh, “you want frozen yoghurt at almost 1 am?”
He nods, a boyish smile on his face. “Yeah, why not? This party sucks aaaand you totally cockblocked me, so I see no reason to stay here anymore.”
Rolling your eyes, you chuckle at his attempt to make you feel guilty once again. “I stand my ground,”  you snicker, “you could’ve just locked the door, dumbass.”
Jeongguk shrugs it off, a tiny smirk appearing on his lips. “So, is that a yes?”
You purse your lips, pretending to think about his question when in reality you had made up your mind the second he mentioned frozen yoghurt. Food is never questioned, you always say yes when your friends ask, and now also when Jeongguk asks. You nod, smiling widely.
“Yeah, frozen yoghurt sounds really good, actually.”
Jeongguk grins, grabs your hand before pulling you back inside and out of the room. A mild tingle erupts in your stomach as you look down at how tightly his hand is gripping yours. You shake the thoughts from your head as you follow behind, letting him guide you downstairs to where the party is still ongoing. He pushes his way through the crowd of people, glancing back at you once in a while to make sure you’re still with him. Were you really just about to leave this party, leave your friends behind to get frozen yoghurt with a complete stranger? Guess so. Were you starting to regret saying yes? Surprisingly, no.
As you ride with the bus to the downtown part of the city, you learn a few things about Jeongguk. He tells you that he’s majoring in photography and that his camera is his most prized possession, he tells you about how he’s a huge gym rat and that he’s basically living his life at the gym when he isn’t studying or running around with his camera. You learn that Jeongguk loves food more than anything and that he’s quite a chef himself (but you also learn that he isn’t one to brag, so you basically had to force it out of him). He also tried to assure you that he wasn’t a fuckboy, which you had claimed him to be when you interrupted him in that bedroom. You only laugh it off, patting him on the shoulder as if to tell him it’s okay, that you don’t judge him for whatever sex life he’s living.
You find yourself enjoying his company more than you had expected to, laughing more than you ever would’ve at the frat party. Even at some point throughout the bus ride, your one leg had somehow managed to rest over his thigh, his hand on it as if it’s the most normal position for the two of you. And there’s not a single moment of awkward silence during the entire trip to that frozen yoghurt place which Jeongguk had been gushing about since you got on the bus.
“Why is this place even open so late?” You ask as Jeongguk holds the door open for you. You walk inside the shop, him following right behind. Before Jeongguk can answer your question, you gasp loudly as you take in the size of the place Jeongguk brought you to. He chuckles from beside you, grabbing your hand once again to pull you to the yoghurt machines. Your mouth is agape in amazement as you grab a cup, starting to mix different flavours. “Jeongguk, there’s too many flavours! How am I supposed to make one without having to pay a shit ton of money?”
Jeongguk laughs, eyes scrunching together and pearly white teeth showing. “I guess that means we have to visit again soon?” He says, more like a question than a statement.
You nod excitingly, making him laugh once again.
Jeongguk ends up paying for yours even after you fight him on it, but he didn’t take no for an answer and left you to watch as he paid for both cups of yoghurt, yours ending up more expensive than you had intended.
“Thanks, that was really kind of you,” you softly tell him as he hands you your cup, playfully glaring at him as he does so. “It’s on me next time.”
He shrugs it off, smiling softly. “Don’t worry about it, ___.”
You seat yourselves inside a booth, eating your frozen yoghurt in comfortable silence. Jeongguk finishes it rather quickly causing you to widen your eyes at his empty cup. You’re about to tell him he’ll end up with a brain freeze but the said brain freeze beats you to it. You watch as Jeongguk brings a hand to his forehead, groaning in agony.
“Fuck,” he swears, “wasn’t thinking about this when I shoved that down.”
You laugh, grimacing yourself as he grimaces in pain. After a while, it stops and Jeongguk rubs his forehead with a sigh.
“You good?” You ask as you try to stifle another laugh. He nods, glaring at you and then the empty cup in front of him. Pushing it to the side, you chuckle. “It’s not the yoghurt’s fault, Jeongguk.”
He sighs deeply as he leans back in his seat, watching you as you finish yours. You glance at him occasionally, offering him a small smile once in a while as well. His eyes are captivating in a way, dark brown irises and long lashes. You can’t hold his stare for long without feeling like he’s seeing right through you and reading everything there’s going on inside your head. A tiny crush is starting to develop at the bottom of your stomach, but you try to ignore it, not wanting to go in that direction right now.
“You never told me about yourself,” he then says, catching your attention once again as he leans over the table. You look at him, confused. “It was just me talking about myself on the way here and we never got to talk about you.”
“Oh!” You exclaim, “well, there isn’t much to tell.”
Jeongguk scoffs with a chuckle. “Come on, there has to be something.”
You think for a bit, trying to think about what you can tell him that could possibly be interesting for Jeongguk to hear about. “But what do you wanna know?” You ask him, smiling.
“Mhm,” he hums, “well, first of all, what’s your major?”
“English,” you answer.
He nods at that. “Favorite color?”
“Favorite animal?”
Without thinking, you smile and answer: “Bunnies.” 
You swear you see Jeongguk’s cheeks redden as the word leaves your mouth. You smile to yourself, resting your chin in your palm as you watch him, his cheeks flushed. He rubs his chin, searching for another question. 
“Ah! Celebrity crush?”
“Gong Yoo,” you sigh, dreamy gaze with what you’d call a real-life ‘heart eyes’ emoji expression on your face. Across from you, Jeongguk is pretending to gag. You swat at him, giggling lightly. “Shut up! You’re just jealous.”
“Never,” he retorted quickly, making you smirk slightly. “Okay, last question.”
You wait, anticipating something but not sure what exactly.
“Can I have your number?”
There’s nothing to do to stop the blush that colors your cheeks as you nod, smiling at him for being so damn smooth. He hands you his phone with a small smile, you type his phone number in and hand him his phone back. Jeongguk laughs as he notices how you put your name in his phone; ‘cockblocker <3′
“I’m glad we did this,” he suddenly says, his expression a serious but soft one. You nod in agreement.
“Me too,” you tell him, meaning it. This night turned out way better than you had expected, and it was all because you happened to cockblock Jeon Jeongguk.
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You run around your dorm room with a towel wrapped around your body, wet hair all over the place as you try to figure out where you left your phone. Your phone is currently ringing and you know without a doubt who it is, but you can’t answer him because you might have lost it in the pile of clothes on your bed and floor.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit,” you hiss to yourself repeatedly as you rummage through the clothes, the ringing of your phone becoming more persistent if that’s even possible. Then it stops ringing before you have the chance to locate it. You continue to look as you sigh, knowing it will most likely ring again in a few seconds. But it doesn’t. Instead there’s a knock on your door. You glance down at your body. 
“Great, still naked,” you groan to yourself and move to the door, opening it and revealing your curly-haired best friend (who may you mention looks exceptionally good in his ripped blue jeans, black hoodie and white sneakers). He marches into your room before you even get to greet him. You close the door after him before turning to look at him. You grip the towel tightly, terrified it will fall if you let go. And cause a very awkward situation for you and Jeongguk.
“What’s taking you so long? We have to-” Jeongguk stops as he turns to face you, just now realising you’re only wrapped in a towel and not fully dressed at all. “Oh.”
Your lips turn into a straight line, nodding. “Yep.”
His cheeks turn a slight red color as he quickly turns back around, his back to you. “Sorry,” he then says. You laugh at his embarrassment, clearly not as fazed about this as him. And he’s supposed to be the girl magnet, you think to yourself.
“Calm down, Gguk. I decided to let you in even though I’m basically naked, so really, don’t worry about it.”
He glances at you over his shoulder, not even slightly discreet about the way he looks you up and down. You feel your cheeks slightly heat up, noticing the way his eyes linger on your hand which is still clutching the towel tightly. It has been almost 9 months since you met Jeongguk at the frat party and there has been a slight tension of something you can’t quite decipher ever since. There have been more than several moments like these where Jeongguk is staring at you a bit too long or his touch lingers on you for a while longer than they probably were supposed to. You always shrug it off, not thinking too much of it because it’s probably all in your head anyway.
Jeongguk sits himself down on your bed, gesturing to the bathroom. “Well, get dressed already. Jimin’s performance is in like 30 minutes.”
“Right!” You shriek, now remembering what the purpose of your shower was. 
Jimin is Jeongguk’s best friend from high school and is a year ahead of you and Jeongguk at the same college. Jimin is a dance major, doing all kinds of dances varying from hiphop to contemporary and so on. He’s truly talented and even more of a sweetheart. You met him one night a few months back when you joined Jeongguk and his group of friends at a karaoke bar. You hit it off with Jimin in particular that night, and your friendship has only been getting better ever since.
Jeongguk watches with a lopsided smile as you scurry back to the bathroom to dry your hair. You haven’t even decided on an outfit yet. “What do I even wear?”
On your bed, Jeongguk is looking through your clothes. He holds up a red skirt without thinking, just simply liking the color of it.. “What about this?” He calls out to you, having no idea at all what you could possibly wear to go see a dance performance. You open the bathroom door slightly to look at him and the piece of clothing in his hand.
“A flaming red miniskirt?” You question, raising a single eyebrow at him. He catches your tone and drops it to the floor, looking for something else.
He tries again as he holds up a pair of light denim jeans with a cute, hesitating smile on his face. “Jeans?”
You grin, nodding, “much better.”
The place is crowded once you and Jeongguk arrive at the theatre where Jimin is going to perform. You look around, trying to see if you can spot Jimin. You want to wish him good luck before he gets on stage. Just as you locate him, he looks up and locks eyes with you. You wave excitingly, grabbing Jeongguk’s arm and pulling him towards his own best friend. Jeongguk lets you drag him along with a small smile on his lips.
“Hey, you guys made it!” Jimin beamed, hugging you tightly. You smile as Jimin gives you a light squeeze before pulling away.
Jeongguk grins at his best friend. “We wouldn’t miss it, hyung.”
Jimin pats Jeongguk on the shoulder in an appreciative manner. “Well, take a seat. The show is starting in 15 minutes or so,” he gestures to the seats, “I have to get backstage before the stylists have my ass for not being ready on time.”
You chuckle, not surprised that Jimin is one to always struggle with being on time. It has happened once or twice before.
“Good luck!” You make sure to tell him. Beside you, Jeongguk offers his hyung an encouraging smile and a thumbs up. Jimin gives your hand a squeeze before heading off to backstage. You both watch him run off, the stylist already smacking his arm as she tells him to sit down. You glance at Jeongguk who’s already laughing because of his best friend. “Where do you wanna sit?” You ask him.
He shrugs, “you decide, I’m happy anywhere.” You nod and purse your lips, looking over the theatre.
“Let’s just sit here,” you point to the seats right beside you. Jeongguk agrees, his hand coming up to rest against the small of your back as to tell you to sit first. Your skin tingles underneath your shirt at his touch, his hand strong but soft on you and lingering a tad bit longer than necessary. You sit down, Jeongguk plopping down beside you. His hand is resting on the armrest between the two of you and it takes all in you to not let your own rest on top of his.
To say your crush on Jeongguk had become less and less the past 9 months would be a total lie. If anything, it has only become worse and yet you can’t get yourself to tell him because you’re sure he doesn’t feel the same way. He’s still the ‘Jeon’ you met at the party almost a year ago, his fuckboy tendencies coming through once in a while and you’ve seen girls leave his room in the morning when you’d arrive at his place to hang out. And it hurt slightly every single time but you’ve never considered telling him why it hurts. He doesn’t even know it hurts you. But then again, here he is on a Saturday night, spending his evening with you to watch Jimin’s dance performance when in reality, he has seen Jimin perform multiple times. More times than he can count and it’s nothing new to him. He could be balls deep in some random girl right now and yet he’s here. With you. And his leg is brushing against yours, his shoulder is also touching you. It would be so easy to just tangle your fingers through his but your insecurities and doubt stop you from doing anymore. You sigh deeply, leaning back in your seat.
Jeongguk notices the heavy sigh you let out, looking at you with slight worry in his eyes. “Everything okay?”
You nod, offering him a soft smile. “Yeah, just a bit tired,” you answer him, a small yawn escaping your lips. It was partly true. You can tell he doesn’t quite believe you but decides against it, not wanting to push you into telling him.
Jimin’s performance starts right then. The lights dimmed down as he appears on stage along with a group of other people, his dance team that consists of other guys. Some of them are also Jeongguk’s friends; Taehyung and Hoseok. You watch with wide, exciting eyes, feeling very proud of Jimin for finally doing this performance when you know how much he has been working on it and how time consuming it has been for him. What you don’t notice throughout the entire performance is that Jeongguk is occasionally watching you instead of the performance, his heart beating just a tad bit faster whenever you almost catch him.
When Jimin finishes and bows to the crowd, you stand up for an applause, smiling widely as he thanks everyone by bowing one more time and then heading off stage.
Jeongguk taps your shoulder, motioning his head as if to tell you to leave. “Let’s go find him,” he says over the music that’s still playing. You nod, grabbing your things and following right behind. You squeal, happy and excited as you spot Jimin by the stage. He turns around just as you reach him, engulfing him in a tight hug. Jeongguk stands by behind you, watching you hug the living shit out of his best friend. It doesn’t feel right, he thinks to himself.
“You were amazing!” You cheered, squeezing him tightly as he did to you earlier. He laughs at your gushing excitement as you pull apart, thanking you and flashing you that charming smile of his.
Jimin glances at Jeongguk, smiling lips falling into a straight line. You don’t notice but Jeongguk is glaring at Jimin and Jimin knows exactly why. He scratches the back of his head, glancing back at his team before looking back at you and Jeongguk.
“We, um, we’re headed to a bar downtown. You guys wanna join?”
You look at Jeongguk briefly before smiling at Jimin, nodding, “sure.”
“Great! We’re leaving in a few, I just need to pack up my stuff,” Jimin grins and heads over to his team. You spot two people that you know — Hoseok and Taehyung. Taehyung caught your eye a lot during the performance, his mop of curly black hair stood out a lot and the way he was so into the performance and the mood of the songs. Truly mesmerising. 
Jeongguk clears his throat beside you, letting you know that he’s still right beside you. Your cheeks heat up at the possible chance of being caught ogling a bit too long at Taehyung. 
“Let’s go,” you pipe up, leaving Jeongguk’s side to go find Jimin again. The tension that’s starting to form is too intense for you right now. You feel Jeongguk’s eyes on you as you walk away and up to Jimin. Jeongguk’s heart drops a little when he can tell that you decide to walk with Jimin all the way to the bar downtown. He doesn’t get to stand there and grumble too long because Hoseok and Taehyung are quick to pull him along, dragging him in the same direction you and Jimin left in.
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Your laughter sounds like a sweet melody to Jeongguk as he watches you from his seat at the bar, laughing at something Taehyung says to you. You’ve been sitting beside Taehyung for the past two hours, laughing and having a good time which is great but Jeongguk doesn’t like how close to you Taehyung is sitting and he certainly doesn’t like the way you have to touch Taehyung’s arm every time you laugh at something he says. Jeongguk takes a swig of his beer as Jimin plops down on the seat beside him. Jimin follows his line of sight, sighing deeply once he realizes what has caused him to become so quiet. 
“Dude, you’re gonna burn holes in their skulls if you keep staring like that,” Jimin calls out, snapping Jeongguk out of his own thoughts.
Jeongguk sighs, taking his eyes off you and Taehyung. “Yeah,” he trails off.
Eyeing him carefully, Jimin places a hand on his shoulder. “If it’s that bad, why don’t you just go talk to her?” He suggests, the tone sounding hesitant.
Jeongguk glances at Jimin. “You know I can’t do that,” he grumbles, turning his back to you and Taehyung, facing the bar instead. 
Jimin nods as he remembers why. “Sure, but can you explain it to me again? I still don’t see the point.”
Rolling his eyes, Jeongguk runs a hand through his hair only for it to fall back into his eyes. He really needed a haircut soon, he thinks to himself.
“I can’t tell her how I feel because that’d ruin our friendship and I’d rather have her be my friend than nothing at all,” he explains to Jimin as if it’s obvious. And it was true. Jeongguk’s straight up terrified that you’ll find out how he really feels about you and then proceed to end your friendship. It’s a risk he isn’t willing to take, maybe someday but just not yet.
Jimin hums to himself. “What if she feels the same then?” Jeongguk stays silent. “Ever thought about that possibility?”
Shaking his head, he sighs, almost sounding like he has given up on you already. “Listen, I just know that she doesn’t. She wouldn’t be over there with Tae right now if that was the case- Ow! What the hell was that for?”
He rubs the back of his head, pouting lightly at his best friend. Jimin shakes his head. “You’re dumber than I thought,” he concludes before getting up from his seat and heading back to the table where the rest of his dance team is sitting. 
Jeongguk slumps in his seat, dropping his head into his hand. Jimin is right; he really is dumb. But as he glances back at you and sees the wide smile on your face, the same smile he can get out of you with his stupid jokes and goofy faces, he just knows that he wouldn’t be able to live without you even if it meant he got to tell you how he really feels. Jeongguk turns his back to the scene that is you and Taehyung again, finishing his bottle of beer before ordering a new one.
It isn’t even him who walks you home to your dorm that night. Taehyung gets the chance and swoops right in, offering to walk you home. You let him without hesitation and Jeongguk can only stand back, watching you walk off with Taehyung by your side. And it doesn’t go unnoticed, neither by him or Jimin, that you also forgot to hug your best friend goodnight. Jimin offers Jeongguk an apologetic smile, patting his shoulder and wishing him a good night before heading home with Hoseok, who’s also his roommate besides being his teammate.
Jeongguk is pretty sure everyone who passes by him on his way home can hear the sound of his heart breaking a bit more for every step he takes. But what does it matter? You don’t want this broken heart anyway.
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“I’m thinking about moving out of the frat house.”
Your eyes widen in surprise and you choke on the coffee Jeongguk had just served you, coughing lightly and holding a “one second” hand up to Jeongguk who looks at you worried. Once your coughing dies down, you look at him, still surprised.
“You what?”
Jeongguk chuckles in his seat across from you. “I don’t feel like staying at the frat house anymore,” he shrugs, “I earn enough from working here to find my own place.”
Jeongguk’s little part time job at the campus café actually does pay him a good amount of money, but you wouldn’t expect anything else since he’s here more than he’s in class. The hours he dedicates to this place also gives him the right to chill in a booth with you during his shift because the owner of the shop gives him that much freedom. He has her hooked around his little finger and she doesn’t even know it. You smile at the thought, knowing very well that every single woman — old and young — would let Jungkook do whatever he wants after being flashed that charming smile of his. You guess that’s just the way his charms work.
“What’s on your mind?” Jeongguk asks, tapping your forehead to get you back to earth.
Your cheeks turn pink, “sorry.”
Jeongguk smiles at you, eyes glinting like they always do behind that long hair. “Actually, I already found a place I would like to rent, it’s not far from campus and it’s the perfect size even though it’s a 3-bedroom apartment,” he tells you. You smile, happy for him.
“That’s great, Gguk!” You beamed. “I’m happy for you.”
He did say 3-bedroom apartment though. Does that mean he’ll get himself a roommate? Your head fills with possible options for a roommate for him. Jimin could be a good one, but he already lives off campus with Hoseok. Taehyung lives by himself in a studio apartment, so that wasn’t an option either. He could ask that other guy he sometimes hangs out with, that one from his photography class and his frat house too. Namjoon, was it? You purse your lips, several faces showing up in your mind. Jeongguk clears his throat across from you, bringing you back once again.
“You’re zoning out a lot today,” he states, concern covering his face. You chuckle. 
“I was just thinking about who you could ask to be your roommate,” you tell him and Jeongguk opens his mouth to speak up but you continue, “most of your friends already live off campus but you could ask that Namjoon fella, he still lives in the frat house, right?”
Jeongguk nods.
“He seems like a nice guy,” you ponder, finger tapping your chin. “You could just find some stranger too, but that’s quite a risk, isn’t it? Personally, I would prefer someone I know already, but you do you.”
You hear him sigh in defeat as you ramble on. “Or what about-”
Jeongguk cuts you off. “I already know who I’m gonna ask,” he blurts.
“Oh.” You fall silent. 
“Yeah,” Jeongguk says, “she’s rambling her ass off right now and she does that a lot to be honest, so I don’t know if I still wanna ask her.”
Your cheeks are burning as Jeongguk smirks at you, knowing very well that you’re aware he’s talking about you. Composing yourself, you sit upright in your seat. “Well, what if she doesn’t wanna move out of her dorm?”
Jeongguk chuckles sarcastically. “Oh, but she does,” he snickered, “with the amount of times she has complained about the shitty shower in her room, I’m convinced she’s just waiting for the opportunity to get out of there.” 
“Am not!” You defend yourself even though you know he’s right. 
Jeongguk laughs. “Shut up.”
You cross your arms over your chest, pretending to be offended but you can’t hold the act for long as you burst into laughter. “Okay, you’re right. I really do hate that shower.”
“Thought so,” Jeongguk smirks lightly. He stands from his seat, knowing he has to get back to work before the customers think he’s some lazy barista. He offers you another one of those charming smiles of his. “You’re my best friend, ___. I can’t imagine anyone else in that room other than you. So just think about it, yeah?”
You nod, smiling. You watch him walk off, heading for the cashier. He moves around the counter, patting the other cute barista boy (he’s a sophomore and he basically idolizes Jeongguk) on the shoulder as he passes by him and continues out to the back of the café. You turn back to your laptop and books, smiling to yourself as you take another sip of your coffee, made (with a tiny amount of love, but you don’t know that) by Jeongguk.
You don’t get too much time to yourself and your assignment before a certain dancer slips into the seat Jeongguk was in previously. You glance up at Jimin, who’s smiling slyly at you. You give him a confused but curious look, closing your laptop screen. “What?”
He nods his head in Jeongguk’s direction. “Did he ask you?”
“Asked me what?”
Jimin rolls his eyes. “Don’t play dumb, you know what I’m talking about.”
You shrug. “He did,” you squint at him as he cheers, clapping his hands.
“Well,” he gushes, “did you say yes?” His excitement is bouncing off the walls as he leans over the table. You’re close to getting a whiplash from his quickly changing expression as you watch his face fall not even two seconds later. “Did you say no? Why?”
You shake your head, not able to keep up with him. “Calm down, will you? I didn’t even get to answer you.”
Jimin breathes out and slumps back in his seat. “Sorry,” he pouts but grins nevertheless, “I’m just excited.”
“You don’t say,” you mumble under your breath. “I didn’t give him an answer yet, he told me to think about it.”
Across from you, Jimin smiles at you - his smile hinting at something. You let out a small groan. “Jimin! I know what you’re thinking and no, I’m not gonna do it.”
“What?” Jimin exclaims, hands up in surrender. “You don’t even know what I was gonna say.”
Now it’s your time to roll your eyes because yes, you do in fact know what he’s about to say. Jimin has been pestering you ever since he met you about the fact that you’re ‘pining’ after Jeongguk, your feelings on your sleeve and obvious to anyone around you, except for Jeongguk. The fact that you haven’t even told Jimin how you feel about Jeongguk just shows how well Jimin reads people and apparently you’re like an open book, especially to Jimin. Not to certain others.
“Have you ever thought about the possibility that he might like you too?” Jimin questions you, the same question he asked Jeongguk at the bar the other night. You nod your head at this, sighing deeply in exasperation.
“I have, Jimin, I really have,” you mumble, “but it’s obvious he doesn’t feel the same way. I can just tell that I’m nothing but a good friend to him.”
Jimin might scream at the both of you very soon. How blind and stupid can people actually be?
“If you say so,” he backtracks. You lean back in your seat, pen coming up to lay between your teeth. You bite on it as you stare at nothing in particular, Jeongguk is filling up your brain like he lives there rent free. “Look, ___,” Jimin catches your attention again, “accept his offer, maybe you’ll be surprised.”
He gives you a friendly, comforting smile and a squeeze of your hand before he gets up. He waves at Jeongguk who stands behind the counter again before leaving the café. His words linger around you. “Maybe you’ll be surprised.” Jimin had said and you wonder why he would say that. You know Jeongguk quite well even after less than a year as friends; what could possibly surprise you at this point?
Maybe it wouldn’t be that bad to live in the same place as Jeongguk. This thought has appeared in your head for the past hours since you left the café. Now you’re sitting here, in your bed with a Netflix show, which you’re not paying attention to, running through several episodes. Jeongguk’s proposition has been raking up your mind since he left you to yourself at the café. It’s like he knew you would have to think about it when he told you to do exactly that.
And as you sit here, thoughts running at full speed, you try to come up with pros and cons for living under the same roof as your bff #1. Pros are that you get a nice shower every time you have to bath, you will live off Jeongguk’s delicious gastronomic talent and you’ll have your best friend close to you at all times. Cons would be the possibility of getting tired of each other even though you already spend five out of seven days together during the week. Another con would be witnessing girls leave his room and your apartment in the morning after having heard her scream his name all night. That specific thought makes a weird, not-so-great feeling appear in your stomach, making you frown deeply. But you will have to realize sooner or later that Jeongguk won’t ever see you that way and that this crush of yours is a lost cause. Maybe it really is time to just get over it. You sigh deeply, grabbing your phone off the nightstand to send Jeongguk a text.
you [11:38 pm]: i’ll do it, but you gotta make me delicious food every day
You wait for his reply, staring at your screen. Heart hammers wildly as three dots appear on the screen. Your breath hitches in your throat as you read his reply.
gguk [11:40 pm]: anything for you princess ;)
Jeongguk has never in these months of you knowing him, called you a nickname like that. And the way your cheeks blush as you imagine him saying it, tells on you. You love it.
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Jeongguk groans as he puts down your last box on the floor of your new bedroom. It’s a box with all your English books and there’s a lot. “Have you even read all of these?”
You stop in your little project of hanging up all your precious polaroid pictures, turning to look at him. You scoff, lying as you say: “yes, of course.”
He smirks lightly, giving you a look that says ‘nice try’. You laugh to yourself, turning back around to your polaroids. 
Jeongguk plops down on your bed, head laying on his hands as he brings them up behind his head. Today is a day for the books, you thought to yourself when he first arrived along with Jimin to get all your boxes and shove them into Jimin’s tiny car. He’s wearing blue jeans again, which you absolutely love on him, and he has styled them simply with a black t-shirt, showing off his tattooed right arm. You’ve been staring at him quite a few times since you arrived at the apartment you and Jeongguk have rented together. And it wasn’t helping how his arms kept flexing as he carried your boxes with all your shit up to your new bedroom.
He watches you in silence as you hang up the polaroids, standing with one in particular a bit longer. You smile as you reach down, showing it to him. “It’s us,” you smile softly.
Jeongguk takes the polaroid from your fingers, holding it closer to his face to see it better. It’s a polaroid photo taken at the Han River from that one night where you went out to eat dinner with his friends and some of your girlfriends. You had brought your polaroid camera along, hoping to catch some memories with it tonight. Jeongguk had noticed it that evening, grabbing it from your purse and snapping a ‘selfie’ of the two of you.
He smiles at the photo, remembering that evening as clear as if it was yesterday. That evening was one of the first times Jeongguk realized that he was indeed absolutely smitten by you and that you had him wrapped around your finger. You just didn’t know and you still don’t. “That was a great night,” he reminisces, handing you the photo back. You hang it up on the wall, right in the middle of all the others.
“Yeah,” you sigh deeply, “it was.”
Jeongguk claps his hands on his thighs as he sits up on the edge of your bed. You plop down beside him. “Pizza for dinner?” He suggests.
You nod frantically, “yes, please.”
And that’s how you and Jeongguk end up on the couch, watching that stupid movie with Gong Yoo. You’re completely sucked into that movie, mouth open in awe as you watch Gong Yoo unfolding his charms on the tv-screen. “Wow,” you breathe out as he kisses the main female character. Jeongguk scoffs from beside you, rolling his eyes before dropping his head backwards. The ceiling is more interesting than that ridiculous movie.
“Why is everyone so obsessed with this guy?” he asks, looking back at the screen again.
You shoot him a glare. “Are you sure you're not jealous?”
Jeongguk gasps dramatically, pretending to be offended by your words as he places a hand over his heart. “Am not!”
“Am too!” You laugh, scooting closer to him on the couch. “Admit it, you don’t like Gong Yoo because he’s getting a lot more attention than you.”
Scoffing again, Jeongguk knows that’s a lie and suddenly feeling like he needs to prove a point. He has girls waiting for him, not that you don’t know that. He smirks at you and says: “You know that’s a big fat lie, ___.”
You cock a brow at him. “You’re so full of yourself,” you scoff and get off the couch, taking the pizza boxes with you to clean up, “and you’re jealous, it’s obvious.”
Jeongguk scoffs right back at you as he gets up to follow you into the kitchen. “I am not jealous of some actor,” he states, “I have no reason to be.” You sigh to yourself, your back facing him as he leans in the doorway to the kitchen. You know very well that he has no reason to be jealous of some actor and you certainly don’t need him to remind you. He watches you clean up with a frown. “___.”
“What, Gguk?” You laugh humorlessly, turning to face him. “I get it, you’re hot and a woman magnet and so on, you don’t have to explain it to me.”
He smirks lightly, pushing himself off the wall and stepping closer to you. “Who’s the jealous one now?” He chuckled, arms crossed over his chest as he towers over you. You groan and push at him, making him take a step back from you.
“You’re so annoying,” you grumbled, moving around him and out of the kitchen. Jeongguk watches you walk away towards your bedroom. “Goodnight, roomie,” you call out, waving a hand over your head without glancing back at him. There was a tone of sarcasm in your voice. The door to your bedroom being closed as Jeongguk sighs to himself, wandering his way to his own bedroom. As soon as his head hits the pillow, he’s asleep. The day must’ve been more tiring than he had thought. A nice memory of him and a pretty girl at the Han River fills up his mind as he dozes off into the night.
The next morning you’re sitting at the dining table, laptop and books out. Your reading glasses are resting on the bridge of your nose and your hair is in a messy bun, making you look relaxed as you study for whatever class you have coming up. Jeongguk strolls out of his bedroom, no shirt… only a pair of grey sweatpants. You glance at him as he passes by you, heading directly for the fridge. You can hear him rustle around for a bowl and a spoon. A minute later he joins you at the dining table, a bowl of fruit loops in front of him.
“Morning,” he says softly, voice still hoarse from waking up. Your stomach tingles at the sound and you mentally slap yourself for being such a wimp for him. You don’t give him a response, continuing to read in your book and type away on your laptop. You can feel him glancing at you occasionally as he eats his cereal. Jeongguk pouts lightly, sighing deeply as you don’t pay him any attention. This is not how he expected the first morning in the apartment to be like. He grumbles to himself for a bit, contemplating on what to say to fill out the silence that has overcome the two of you. An idea pops into his head. 
“Hey, I was thinking,” he starts, making you look at him briefly. You focus back on your laptop. Jeongguk falls silent.
“I’m listening,” you tell him, voice soft. “I just gotta finish this, but I’m listening.”
Jeongguk nods, hands fumbling. Why was he suddenly so nervous around you? There is absolutely no reason to be. Was it the tone from last time in which you had told him goodnight and then left him to himself that had him so on edge? He can’t really tell.
“I was thinking that we could have a small get-together with our friends, like a moving-in party?” He suggests. This idea actually sounds interesting, you think to yourself as you look back at him. Jeongguk smiles softly, continuing: “We can just invite the guys I usually hang with and then you can invite Lisa and Jisoo?”
You nod, smiling. “That does sound fun,” you agree on his idea, “let’s do it.”
A grin appears on Jeongguk’s lips. “Tonight? If people are able to make it with such short notice?”
Again, you nod. “I’m sure they don’t have more important stuff to attend on this Saturday evening,” you chuckle, knowing your friends and the fact that they rarely have much to do except for school, work and hanging out with each other. Same goes for Jeongguk’s friends. 
“You’re right,” Jeongguk laughs, feeling more at ease now that you’ve joked around with him a bit instead of just sitting there in silence and not really noticing him. It feels better when you laugh, joke around and talk like you usually do without the annoyed and slightly jealous tone. “I’ll text around, asking them to come over tonight.”
You nod lightly, watching him get up from his seat and bringing his cereal bowl to the kitchen. “Remember to tell them to bring their own alcohol! We have nothing in this house yet,” you call out, chuckling slightly. You really didn’t. You almost didn’t have any food either. Maybe today calls for a shopping trip to the supermarket. You turn back to your laptop, eager to finish the assignment and then getting to the supermarket to buy snacks and some food for your empty kitchen cupboards. Maybe Jeongguk can join you on the trip there.
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“You think this is enough?” Jeongguk wonders out loud as he places the bowls of snacks down on the coffee table. You join him a few seconds later, a bunch of glasses in your arms for the beverage. Jeongguk notices you joggling all those glasses, rushing to your side with wide eyes to take some from you.
“Thanks,” you softly say, letting him take most of the glasses and placing them down on the table as well. He smiles sweetly in return. “I think it’s enough, we have a few extra chips bags in the cupboard.”
“Perfect,” Jeongguk grins, clapping his hands and rubbing them together in excitement. “This is gonna be fun, I didn’t expect everyone to say yes but they’re literally all coming here in like ten minutes.”
You chuckle softly, making Jeongguk’s stomach do small backflips. He ignores them as he plops down on the couch. “I’m excited,” you sigh, plopping down beside him.
Jeongguk nods, smiling still. “Me too,” he murmurs.
You and Jeongguk fall into small-talk as you wait for your guests to arrive. A bit more than ten minutes pass and the first guest knocks on the door. Jeongguk gets up to let them in, not getting to say much before he’s engulfed in a tight hug by Hoseok. “Hey man,” Hoseok grins, squeezing Jeongguk tightly. He pats him on the back before letting go and walking further inside. Jimin and Taehyung follow right behind, both giving Jeongguk one of those guy hugs.
You lock eyes with Taehyung, his eyes lighting up at the sight of you. He lets go of Jeongguk to make his way to you, smiling widely. He looks really good, you think to yourself as he stops in front of you. His dark hair was curlier and more unruly than the last time you saw him which was only a few days ago. His smile was wide and bright as always, and his eyes a warm, dark brown. “Hey,” he greets you, smiling.
“Hi,” you reply, leaning closer to give him a hug. Jeongguk is closing the door behind Jimin as he glances your way and notices how Taehyung is already at your side, hugging you. He feels himself become slightly frustrated but Jimin is quick to push a hand against his chest, stopping him from walking over to you and make himself look stupid.
“Don’t,” he shakes his head at Jeongguk, eyeing him down until Jeongguk looks slightly less like he could punch Taehyung in the face right now. His jealousy is starting to get the best of him. He watches you, noticing how you smile that specific smile whenever you get flustered or complimented. Jimin glances in the direction of you and Taehyung, sighing as he looks back at Jeongguk. “You don’t get to be like this, Gguk. Not when you haven’t done anything to get her yourself.”
Jeongguk breathes out deeply, taking his eyes away from the relationship that’s starting to unfold in front of his eyes. Jimin is right, once again. He has no right to get all worked up and angry at the thought of you with Taehyung. At least Taehyung has the balls to actually flirt with you. Jeongguk feels like it backfires every time he tries to. Maybe it just isn’t meant to be you and him. With one glance at you and Taehyung, he joins Jimin in the kitchen to get himself a beer.
The night goes on, the rest of your friends arriving not long after Taehyung, Hoseok and Jimin. Lisa and Jisoo sit with you at the dining table, having fun as all of you laugh loudly at whatever you’re talking about. Jeongguk has been watching you tonight more than he’d like to admit, almost being caught a few times. But he was quick enough to look away before you could lock eyes with him. He hasn’t spoken much to you since your friends had arrived which made his heart fall a bit further into his stomach. 
You glance in his direction, smiling softly. Jeongguk smiles back at you, deciding to get up and talk to you for the first time in hours. Grabbing his beer off the table, he’s about to get up and make his way to you, but he quickly stops in his tracks. Taehyung appears out of nowhere, standing close to you. His hands are resting on your shoulders as you look up at him. He smiles and says something Jeongguk can’t make out. You get up from your seat, letting Taehyung take your hand in his and guide you to the small balcony that is in you and Jeongguk’s apartment. 
Jeongguk doesn’t notice Lisa and Jisoo looking at him, sad smiles on their faces as his face drops and he heads for the kitchen instead, walking past them. You nor Jeongguk knows that the two girls are secretly rooting for the two of you to finally get out of your heads and actually date. It has been too long of this pining after one another, but you’re both in denial no matter how much either Lisa, Jisoo, Jimin or whoever it is, tells you to confess to each other. Lisa gets up from her seat, letting Jisoo know she’ll be right back. 
Lisa sighs deeply at the sight when she enters the kitchen. Jeongguk is hunched over the kitchen counter, head in his hands. She walks up to him, leaning against the counter beside him. Jeongguk senses her presence, grumbling lightly. “What?”
She scoffs, throwing a slap to his back causing him to stand up and face her. He glares at her, but he doesn’t say anything as he leans back against the counter, arms crossed over his chest. He’s frowning deeply, looking at the floor. “What’s going on with you?” Lisa asks, even though she knows what’s up. Jeongguk glances quickly at her before diverting his gaze back to the floor.
“Nothing,” he shrugs.
Lisa scoffs again, not believing any of his bullshit. “Bullshit, Jeon. I know this is about ___.”
He can’t help but roll his eyes at the mention of your name. He’s about to have had enough of talking about you and his feelings for you. Jeongguk is quite literally wearing his heart on his sleeve for everyone to see and yet you’re the only one who doesn’t notice. “I just needed a moment to myself,” he mumbles, sighing deeply before taking a swig of his 4th or 5th beer of tonight.
Lisa nods, “I get that. I mean, she did go with Tae just as you were about to approach her.”
“Yup,” Jeongguk pops the ‘p’, another sip of his beer down his throat. “She’s with Tae, probably already head over heels for him.”
The annoyance in his tone and the slight disgust makes Lisa sigh. “Listen, Jeongguk, you’re doing nothing. You walk around, hang out with her and now you live with her and she still doesn’t know. ___ is blind as hell and she won’t know about your feelings if you don’t acknowledge them yourself.”
“I know,” Jeongguk groans, “but I just don’t- I don’t think she’ll ever see me like I see her.”
Lisa pats his shoulder, giving him a smile that probably is supposed to comfort him but it only makes him feel like she’s pitying him. “Just think about telling her how you feel instead of getting hurt every time someone else does what you could be doing.”
And with that, she leaves him alone in the kitchen again. Staying in his place for a few minutes, he contemplates going out to the balcony and demanding to talk to you, even if it means he has to interrupt your conversation with Taehyung. He empties his beer, leaving it behind as he makes his way to the balcony. He opens the door slightly, slipping outside to see you there with your hand in Taehyung’s. His face drops a little along with his heart. He covers it well with a small smile, his heart hammering hard inside his chest still.
“Hey Tae,” he says, “can I steal ___ for a bit?”
Taehyung nods at his younger friend, looking back at you. “So Friday then?” Taehyung smiles at you.
Friday? What happens Friday?
Jeongguk looks at you, awaiting your answer like Taehyung. “Yep,” you nod, smiling softly back at the curly-haired man in front of you.
“Awesome, it’s a date then,” he grins and lets go of your hand, heading back inside. Jeongguk moves to the side, letting Taehyung through the door. You glance at your roommate slash best friend, watching him as he moves closer. Silence overcomes you for the second time today and Jeongguk finds it unbearable. There’s usually never silence between you or around you, only when you have study dates and even then you always end up chatting instead of actually studying. 
Jeongguk clears his throat to break the silence. “So a date, huh?”
You look at him, a small hesitant smile on your lips but it looks closer to being a frown than an actual smile. “Yeah,” you trail off, finger fumbling as you lean over the balcony fence. Jeongguk’s hands are in his pockets but he feels them itching, dying to grab your fumbling ones.
“He’s a great guy,” Jeongguk suddenly blurts. You look at him confused. “Taehyung, I mean.”
You nod slowly, wondering where this conversation is going.
“But he loves girls, ___,” he rambles on, “you know, like, he has a hard time focusing on just one.”
Your face becomes hard, slightly offended on Taehyung’s behalf as the words leave Jeongguk’s mouth. “Oh, so he’s like you?”
Jeongguk falls silent at your words and it feels like a low blow. He sighs and frowns, looking away from you, staring at the almost empty street below. You can’t help but feel slightly guilty from saying that but it’s not a lie. Jeongguk has a booty call or two during the week, always having someone to contact whenever he needs his dick wet. But you still feel bad for firing off such a harsh comment.
“I’m sorry,” you murmur, softly touching his bicep before heading back inside, leaving Jeongguk alone on the balcony.
You’re right, he thinks, but it’s only you who actually matters to him.
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Two months have passed since your moving-in party, and things have been a bit tense around the apartment ever since. Taehyung has visited the apartment more often than any of your shared friends, but not for Jeongguk’s company. No, yours. And even though Jeongguk really has no say in your relationship with Taehyung, he still can’t help himself as he finds it ridiculous. He can tell you’re not as much in it as Taehyung is and it’s quite painful to watch. Why you’re not as into it as him is still a mystery to Jeongguk.
Today is no different as Jeongguk sits on the couch, watching his favorite cartoon when the doorbell rings. He groans lowly as he gets up from the couch to open the door. Taehyung appears in front of him, his big and unruly curly hair taking all the attention. Dude should get a haircut, Jeongguk thinks to himself as he leaves the door open for Taehyung to enter. 
“Hey man,” Taehyung greets Jeongguk, stepping inside and closing the door behind him. “Is ___ home?”
Jeongguk cocks a single eyebrow. Shouldn’t he have checked that before coming here. “She’s in the shower,” he tells Taehyung, plopping back down on the couch. Taehyung nods, thanking him quietly before heading for your bedroom. Jeongguk watches him, grumbling under his breath because he’s starting to get tired of seeing Taehyung’s face that often during the week. He sighs to himself, trying to focus on his cartoon show instead of the sounds of you giggling inside your room.
Long hours pass before Jeongguk hears Taehyung leaving, the clock striking eleven in the evening before he’s out of you and Jeongguk’s apartment. He did leave quite in a rush though, making Jeongguk curious. He leaves his laptop on as he gets up from his bed to go to your bedroom. He knocks on your slightly opened door, peeking inside. You’re nowhere to be seen making him frown and furrow his eyebrows. He hears shuffling in the kitchen as he moves to the living room. When he reaches the doorway to the kitchen, he leans against it. You’re moving around, rummaging through the cupboards for something, dressed in pajamas shorts and an oversized t-shirt, one that looks awfully a lot like one of his.
“What are you looking for?” Jeongguk calls out, making you jump in surprise. You hold a hand to your chest as you turn to look at him, eyes wide. Jeongguk smirks lightly at your shocked expression, noticing the light blush that appears on your cheeks.
You turn your back to him to continue to look through the cupboards. “Just some snacks, I’m craving some right now,” you tell your best friend who you have no idea is just behind you. You freeze in your actions as Jeongguk reaches up to grab his usual snack off the top shelf. He hands it to you, smiling softly. You squint at him, wondering why he’s giving you his favorite snacks and the last pack at that.
As if he can read your mind: “You can have them if you want.”
Smiling, you open the pack and pop one into your mouth, the crispy consistency making you sigh in content. Jeongguk laughs at your happy expression, knowing the way to your heart is usually through food. 
You grab another piece, holding it up to Jeongguk’s lips. He glances at it before opening his mouth and letting you feed him. His eyes are on yours the entire time as his lips brush your fingertips. Your heart leaps, making you pull your fingers back quickly. Jeongguk doesn’t seem to notice as he smiles, chewing the snack with the same happy expression you sported just moments ago.
“Let’s talk,” you suddenly blurt out, Jeongguk looking confused which causes you to explain further. “We haven’t like talked talked in a long time, so uh yeah, let’s talk?”
Your declaration has turned into a hesitant question as you wait, needing some kind of response.
“Sure,” he shrugs, smiling again. As he turns on his heel, you smile back and follow him into the living room. You plop down beside him on the couch, unintentionally letting your legs rest against his thigh as you pull them up under you. He glances at your bare legs for a second before diverting his eyes to you. “So what do you wanna talk about?”
You shrug, “I don’t know, life?”
Jeongguk chuckles, “life?”
You nod enthusiastically, smiling at him, “yes, life.”
He purses his lips, wondering if there’s anything to tell. You basically know most things already and not much has happened the past weeks except for the fact that his little ‘I’m in love with my best friend’ hasn’t resolved at all, and that he’s still hopelessly in love with you even though you have a boyfriend now. Which still seems surreal to him because it’s one of his friends whom he usually likes but not right now because well, yeah, he’s dating you. But there’s no way he’s actually going to tell you all of that.
“I don’t have anything to say,” he decides on saying, pouting playfully. You chuckle at his facial expression. He smiles at you, eyes going soft because you’re sitting so close to him for the first time in a long time and he feels relaxed. More relaxed than he has been for a while.
“Nothing much for me either,” you sigh, moving the pack of snacks closer to Jeongguk so he can eat some. “Tae asked me to come home with him for the fall break, he wants me to meet his parents.” You leave out the part where you broke up with Taehyung.
Jeongguk’s movements come to a halt, one banana crisp inches away from entering his mouth. “Really?”
You nod. Jeongguk notices how your tone was slightly hesitating and off as you told him about Taehyung’s request.
“Isn’t it a bit…” he trails off, not knowing which words to use without sounding like an asshole. You watch him as he searches for the words.
“A bit what, Gguk?” You press.
He sighs. “A bit over the top, maybe?”
You scoff lightly, “what’s that supposed to mean?”
Jeongguk panics as you move a bit away, your legs no longer touching his. You give him a look that tells him to explain what he means. He sits up, elbows resting on his knees. “Listen, I just think it’s a bit unnecessary since it’s obvious that this relationship isn’t as important to you than it is to Tae.”
“You don’t know that,” you tell him, voice stern. Jeongguk is right, but you’re not gonna tell him that. He hasn’t been talking much to you for the past months hence he has no idea what he’s talking about because you haven’t told him anything about your now ended relationship with Taehyung. Call you bitter, you don’t care. Your best friend hasn’t shown any interest in your life whatsoever for two months now and yes, you’re blaming him for the tension there is in this home.
Jeongguk lets out a small groan in frustration, “but I do, ___! I do know,” he insisted, turning to fully face you, “I can tell because you’re not looking at him the way he looks at you, you’re not fully there every time he’s kissing you goodbye by the door before he leaves. I’ve witnessed it enough to know that you don’t feel the same as he does.”
You’re silent as he talks, listening to everything he says but still holding onto the bitterness that you have for him in regards to his little to no interest in you for two whole months.
“Don’t you dare deny it, ____,” he snapped, “I know you and you don’t love him.”
Punch him. You want to punch him for knowing you so damn well and for seeing right through you. And you want to punch him for being so dumb and blind that he still hasn’t figured out why you’re not in love with Taehyung. How can he not see that he’s the one you love? You’ve been wearing your heart on your sleeve for the entire summer and more, slowly falling in love with him ever since that night he brought you to the frozen yoghurt shop downtown.
“You’re right. I don’t love him,” you mumble under your breath. Jeongguk glances at you, eyes still filled with a small amount of frustration and anger, all directed at you and only you. “But you have no right to tell me this when you haven’t been interested in me and my life for two fucking months, Jeongguk!”
Jeongguk’s eyebrows furrow together in confusion, his heart slowly starting to beat faster because why are you fighting? What the hell just happened? “Wha-” 
You get up from your seat, moving further away from him and Jeongguk feels like you’re slipping right through his fingertips even though he hasn’t ever been the one to hold you. But he should have, he should’ve been the one to hold you from the start.
“You don’t get to do this, not now when we haven’t really spoken to each other for so long,” you jabbed, “it’s my fault too, but I don’t come at you for having several girls over, do I?”
Jeongguk sighs, running his hands over his face in aggravation. “___, you’re overreacting. I wasn’t trying to tell you anything, I was just-”
“No, Jeongguk. No,” you shake your head, sneering at him. “I don’t need you to tell me or suggest anything, I don’t need your input and I don’t need you to make a decision!”
Jeongguk gets up, moving towards you, face twisting in anger. “Tell me, ___. What is he to you, huh? What is he?”
You glare at him, eyes hard on like his own and you don’t falter one moment. This anger and frustration has been a long time coming now, from both of you. “You’ve said he’s your boyfriend, but what is he really? Is he a fuckbuddy? Is he just someone to get yourself off with, huh?”
“No, Jeongguk, fuck you!” You shout, defending whatever it is that you have with Taehyung. “He’s good company, and no, I don’t see him like he sees me. He’s nothing more than good company but I actually like being around him unlike someone else I know!”
Jeongguk chuckles flatly, no humor behind it as he steps back from you. Hurt flashes across his face as he gets what you just said. “I see how it is,” he nods, giving you one last hurt look before retreating to his room. You stand back, hand coming up to cover your mouth as a cry rakes through your body. You didn’t know you had been holding back tears, the emotions you have for Jeongguk being poured out in the form of heavy tears in the middle of your living room. You’re frozen in your spot, sobs shaking you as you hold yourself. The sound of Jeongguk slamming his hand against the wall makes you move out of your frozen spot. You quickly make your way to your own bedroom, slamming the door behind you. 
You slide under the covers, head feeling heavy as you let the tears fall. You didn’t intend to hurt Jeongguk the way you did, but you practically just shouted at him that you don’t like being around him, that his company isn’t good. It must’ve hurt him more than what you or he, himself, expected it to. You feel bad as you let your duvet engulf you whole, the taste of regret on your tongue as you keep repeating your own words in your head. 
“He’s nothing more than good company but I actually like being around him unlike someone else I know!”
How could you even say that when Jeongguk hasn’t been anything but great company for you? He has been even more than that, he has been a friend you needed more than you ever knew, a person so supportive and loving that you always felt like you had someone to come to whenever times were rough. And in the midst of all this, you managed to fall for him as well. He didn’t do much to make it happen, he was just himself from the very beginning of your friendship and you’ve seen sides to him not many people have witnessed and you know the real Jeon Jeongguk. The Jeongguk who loves his camera more than anything, the Jeongguk who loves food and snacks and banana milk as if he was five years old again. The Jeongguk who’s such a softie, when you first get to know him like you do, that half of it would be more than enough. The Jeongguk who loves with his entire being, always putting his loved ones before himself – including you.
You sigh deeply, hating yourself for shouting such inaccurate words at him. You had to make it up to him, apologize to him for being so inconsiderate when all he did was trying to make you realize that the relationship you have with Taehyung is a waste of time. Jeongguk is right, you know he is. You don’t love Taehyung and you know you never will. The feelings just aren’t there, they’re elsewhere with someone who’s been worthy of them since what feels like forever.
Sleep doesn't overcome you as you stay in bed, staring at the ceiling. You’ve been tossing and turning for the past few hours, trying your very hardest to fall asleep ever since the fight you had with Jeongguk.You glance at the clock on your nightstand that’s reading 3 am — you have a morning lecture to attend in 6 hours. You let out a heavy sigh. Eyebrows furrowed together in frustration and your lips in a pout because why the fuck are you not able to sleep? Your eyes feel heavy from crying, but your best friend is taking up all your thoughts and the feelings you have for him are almost bursting out of your chest.
You groan to yourself as you roll over, pulling the duvet over your head. Closing your eyes, you try again for the umpteenth time. “I just wanna sleep,” you whine to yourself, but it’s no help. You give up on sleep.
You’re only half aware of what’s happening as you get out of bed and leave your bedroom, heading for Jeongguk’s bedroom. You stop in your tracks in front of his door. Maybe he’s also up, you think to yourself as you reach for the doorknob, turning it lightly. Peeking inside his dark room, you notice him fast asleep in his bed. You softly smile through the evident feeling of regret which is still heavy in your stomach. Without further thinking, you slip inside his room and close the door. You tiptoe over to his bed, glancing over him once again.
He looks peaceful, eyes shut and eyelashes touching the top of his cheek. Yet there’s a crease on his forehead and a slight frown upon his lips. The corner of your lips turn into a frown, copying his features unintentionally. Your eyes rake over the rest of his body. The duvet is only halfway covering him, from the waist and down. his naked chest is rising and falling as he breathes deeply. A soft tingle runs through your stomach as you carefully crawl onto his bed. You lift the duvet and slip under, sliding closer to him. He stirs in his sleep, turning over onto his side. you glance up at his face, noticing his eyes slightly open. You can barely see him in the darkness, but you can feel him looking at you.
“Hey,” he whispers into the darkness.
You smile, a sad smile, but he can’t see it. “Hi.”
“Can’t sleep?” He asks, voice soft yet hoarse. He moves a bit, trying to lay comfortably while creating more space for you. He’s careful not to touch you. 
You shake your head at his question. “Not really,” you mumble.
You scoot closer, hand reaching out to touch his that is lying between the two of you. “I’m sorry,” you whisper softly into the night. Jeongguk turns his hand, letting you intertwine your fingers with his. 
“For what?” He mutters quietly.
You breathe out shakily as Jeongguk is now the one to move closer to you. You let out a sigh, relaxing as his forehead rests against yours, his breathing clashing with your own.
“For the things I said, for shouting at you, for insulting you,” you explain, voice still soft and low as if someone outside would be able to hear you. “I didn’t mean any of it, I just-”
You stop yourself, hesitating. Should you just tell him? Tell him why you don’t love Taehyung when you have plenty of reasons to do so? Jeongguk senses the inner battle you’re having with yourself, his hand squeezing yours to let you know that you can tell him whatever it is that you have on your mind, reassuring you that he’s listening. “I don’t love Taehyung,” you sigh, “I broke up with him tonight… And there’s a pretty good reason for this.”
Jeongguk nods, humming in response because he already knows, it just took him insanely long to realize. Your thundering heart and shaky breath gave you away the moment he moved closer to you. Jeongguk is daring as he leans even closer, breath hitting your lips. You gasp lightly at the feeling of his lips ghosting yours, the skin of them softer than anything. His hand lets go of yours only to snake around your waist, pulling you flush against him. Your hand touches his bare chest, the almost new and fresh tattoo he got two weeks ago feeling rough yet soft under your touch. He’s holding you so close that you’re unconsciously holding your breath.
“I was so scared,” you whisper against his lips, hand moving up from his chest to the back of his neck. Your fingertips brush against his hair, his long and slightly curled hair soft like you had always imagined it to be. “Scared you wouldn’t say it back.”
The tension in the room is almost unbearable but in a good way. This is months of feelings, tension and longing all coming together and clashing right here in this moment. You feel breathless, like you can’t breathe but at the same time, you’re perfectly fine.
“Say what back, ___?”
His hand runs along your hip and to your thigh, hooking around it and bringing it around him to hug his waist. His crotch is almost touching yours and your breath hitches at the feeling. Jeongguk smirks to himself, knowing exactly what kind of effect he has on you. He loves taking your breath away like this, but he can think of another way, something he’s been dying to do for a long time.
“Tell me,” he demands softly yet strongly, making you gasp again.
“I love you, Jeongguk,” You breathe out, feeling a weight coming off your chest, “I love you so much.”
Jeongguk’s heart skips a beat, a small smile appearing on his face as he cups your face, thumb running across your cheek. “You’re an idiot for thinking I wouldn’t love you back,” he whispers against your lips.
You whine at him for calling you an idiot and then you melt as he presses his lips against yours, soft and plump like pillows. Your hand tangles in his hair, fingers grabbing strands of curly, black hair as you let him kiss you until your breath is gone. It’s like you're sinking into him, fitting perfectly against his body. Goosebumps rise upon your skin as his hand wanders; over your bare legs to your waist and further across your chest and up to lightly wrap around the base of your throat. His tongue pokes at your lips, wanting to find yours. You part your lips, letting his tongue touch yours, the wetness and softness mixing well together as he pulls you even closer, a moan slipping out of you.
“Shit, ___,” he grunts against your lips as you press your core to his in eagerness, making him lose his mind, “please let me fuck you, let me love you so good, baby.”
You nod frantically, giving him full permission to do whatever he wants with you. A tiny squeal emits from your lips as he pushes you over, hovering over you and trapping you between his arms. He looks down at you, eyes soft and filled with want and lust. You smile up at him, hands running up and down the sides of his naked torso. You loved touching him like this, feeling his muscles tense under your touch and his soft skin that is filled with heavy tattoos, all of them having their own special meaning.
“I love you,” he whispers so softly you almost don’t hear it, eyes flickering between yours.
“I love you too,” you whisper back, cupping his face to pull him down to meet you for a kiss, a sloppy and wet kiss that makes your body tingle. You hum in satisfaction as he moves away from your lips, kissing his way down to your neck. He licks a stripe up your neck and to your ear, tongue flicking at your earlobe. He makes you shiver, his touch soft like a feather and yet rough enough to make you feel them more evidently than anything you’ve ever felt before.
As he works his way down with his lips, your hands are everywhere. On his shoulders, in his hair. You’re squirming under his touch, feeling impatient as he takes his time with you. It’s like he already knows every part of your body as he runs his hands down your sides and up under his T-shirt, that you’ve stolen at some point, pushing it up and revealing your breasts. He pulls the shirt all the way off, throwing it onto the floor without looking. His room is rather cold, making your nipples stiffen. He licks his lips, looking at your chest with hungry eyes. You gasp as he cups your breasts, thumbs running over each nipple. You bite your lip, holding yourself from moaning too loudly. You can’t hold it in as you watch him wrap his wetted lips around one of your hardened nubs, tongue lapping over it and flicking it.
“Holy sh- Jeongguk,” you moan, eyes closing as you arch your back in pure pleasure. He bites onto it causing you to twitch in his grasp. He smirks up at you as you glance down, watching him move to the other breast to give it the same amount of attention. He’s such a tease, you can barely comprehend it in your mind. 
A small tiny moan emits from your lips as he moves further down, lips kissing the skin on your stomach, trailing around your navel and to the edge of your pajamas shorts. He glances up at you for permission which you grant him with a small nod, teeth biting onto your lower lip. He hooks his fingers under the waistband, pulling shorts and panties down your legs. They’re on the floor within a matter of seconds, out of the world and out of the mind of the both of you as Jeongguk focuses his attention on the wetness that has formed between your legs. His dick twitches in his boxers, the sight of you bare and naked in front of him messing with his head.
You whimper as he spreads your legs, revealing your wetness to the cold air of the room, making you shiver once again. He inhales as he lowers his face between your legs, quiet growl leaving his lips. “You smell so good, baby,” he rasps, hands running from your ankles to your thighs and squeezing the soft flesh there, making goosebumps appear on your skin. “Can’t wait to taste you.”
The feeling of his lips against you makes you jolt, your breath quickening as you feel him kissing against your folds. Jeongguk brings a hand up, the other hand gripping your thigh tightly to keep your legs spread for him. You moan lightly as he runs a finger down between your wet lips, loving every second of watching and hearing you squirm beneath his touch. You’re not prepared for the feeling when he spreads your folds with his fingers before diving in, licking up and flicking your already sensitive clit with the tip of his tongue.
“Oh my god,” you moan out, your hand digging into his hair as he licks and eats you out like a starved man. Your breathing picks up as he quickens the pace of his tongue, feeling yourself nearing your high. “D-don’t stop, Gguk.”
Jeongguk hums in response to your words, letting a finger slip between your folds and inside you. You gasp, leaning up onto your elbows to watch him. Your mouth hangs open, a fucked out expression on your face as he glances up at you, lips still tightly connected to your core. “Oh,” you hum, biting your bottom lip tightly, “oh, fuck.”
His mouth leaves your wet lips as another finger sinks into you, pumping in and out at a fast pace. He’s desperate to bring you to your orgasm, lips kissing all over your thighs and lower stomach. “Let go, baby, cum for me.”
Your arms give up, your head hitting the pillows as your first orgasm of the night comes at you with full force – Jeongguk’s goal is to make you cum at least three times tonight but you don’t know that. “Fuuuuck Jeongguk,” you moan, voice high pitched as you close your eyes. Your toes are curling, fist grabbing the sheet tightly as his fingers fucks you through your orgasm. As you come down from your high, Jeongguk removes his fingers from you, your release covering them as he holds them up. You watch him bring his fingers to his lips, licking your cum off them. You whine, sitting up to reach for him, desperate for more.
He chuckles with a smirk, letting you pull him closer by hooking a finger around the silver necklace around his neck. Your lips finally land against his again, a sigh emitting from you as you let him lead you back onto your back again. You can taste yourself on his tongue as he positions himself between your legs, his cock twitching against your core. You can feel how hard he is through his boxers. Your tongue dances with his as you reach down, cupping him through the fabric of his underwear.
He grunts against your mouth, letting your lips go to rest his forehead against your collarbone. Your hand squeezes him causing him to whine lightly. “Baby, don’t do this to me,” he rasps, lips pressing tiny kisses against the skin on your throat. “Need to fuck you.”
You nod, running a hand through his hair and down his neck to his shoulder blade. Pushing at the waistband of his boxers, he gets the hint. He helps you push them down his legs, his cock springing free and slap against his abdomen. You let him do the rest himself. He kicks them off, leaving them to fall onto the floor, long forgotten. He reaches over to his bedside table, opening the drawer and pulling out a condom. You watch him rip it open with his teeth before reaching down to roll it onto his sensitive, throbbing dick. You kiss him once he returns back to hovering over you, tongue sloppily fighting against his. Pulling away, he trails kisses to just above your breasts and back up to your neck. His hands are everywhere on you, running over your nipples to your stomach and further down to brush against your still wet, pulsing core. “Still so wet for me, huh?” He hums against your neck, teeth lightly biting into your skin. “Only for me?”
You nod, breathing heavily, “only you, Gguk.”
You can feel his smirk against your neck, shivers running through you at the thought. He lines himself up, leaning up on his elbows to glance at your face. You lock eyes with him, your hand coming up to cup his cheek. He leans into your touch, eyes closing momentarily before he presses a kiss to your palm.
The moment his eyes open again, you gasp. They’re dark, filled with lust and desperation. You don’t get to say a thing before he pushes past your folds and inside, making you moan his name out loud in surprise and pleasure. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, oh my god,” you moan, grabbing onto his bicep tightly. He hisses at the mixed feeling of your nails digging into his skin and the sensation of finally getting to be balls deep in you after all these months. He bottoms out, head resting in the crook of your neck as he stays still for a moment. 
“Oh god, you’re big,” you breathe out into the darkness, taking a few minutes to adjust to his size before you tell him to move. He chuckles against your neck, pressing a small kiss there before leaning up to support himself on his hands, looking down to see where you’re connected as one. “Gguk, please move.”
You’re in another world as he pulls out and pushes back in, the force already unlike anything you’ve ever tried before. How is he better and bigger than what you’d expected? 
“Fuck,” he groans, “you’re so tight.”
Your moans become more high pitched for each thrust Jeongguk does, your stomach tightening in just the right way. He sets a steady rhythm, somehow managing to hit the perfect spot every single time. “I love you so much,” you gasp out as he grinds into you, bottoming out in you and filling you to the brim.
He moans at your words, a hand grabbing your leg and wrapping it tightly around his waist as he fucks you harder. “I love you too,” he breathes out against your lips before kissing you hard but sloppily.
Jeongguk man handles you halfway through, unwrapping your legs from his waist and bending them to press against your chest. This angle causes him to hit even deeper than before. “Jeongguk, please fuck me faster,” you whine, moaning. He bites into his bottom lip as he follows your command, setting a faster yet still hard pace. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as he hits you deeper for every single thrust, his balls slapping against your ass as he fucks hard into you.
You’re seeing stars as you close your eyes and moaning out loud in pleasure, loving you better than anyone ever good, cherishing your body in every way he can as he brings you to another orgasm. White flashes for your eyes as it hits you, hands digging into his hair and pulling him in for another kiss. “Oh my god, fuck,” you whine against his lips, feeling yourself tighten around him.
This brings him to the edge, low grunts and groans leaving his lips in between sloppy kisses. His last thrusts become even harder as he hits his high, he stills as he cums into the condom. He’s breathing hard along with you, forehead resting on your chest.
“Holy fucking shit,” he sighs deeply as he pulls out before plopping down to lay beside you. He pulls the condom off and throws it into the bin close to his bed. “That was-”
“Amazing,” you breathe out, turning onto your side to look at him. He turns his head, smiling at you. “You’re amazing,” you tell him.
He grins, leaning up to press his mouth to yours in another sloppy yet soft kiss. You peck his lips one, two, three times before resting your head on his chest. Jeongguk wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you close to his side. The duvet is pulled over the two of you as you’re slowly beginning to drift off to sleep. You don’t allow yourself to fall asleep before you’ve talked about this whole thing.
You rest your chin on his chest, locking eyes with him. His finger tips are running up and down your naked back, goosebumps rising once again.
“What now?” You question hesitantly, voice soft and careful.
Jeongguk shrugs, smiling softly at you. He brings a hand up to push strands of hair behind your ear. “It’s just you and me,” he softly says, running his thumb across your bottom lip. You kiss the pad of his thumb, making him smile even wider.
“Just you and me?” You repeat.
He nods, “you and me.”
You lean up, pressing a last kiss to his lips before resting your head against his chest once again, this time really falling asleep. Jeongguk lies awake for a bit, fingers still running up and down your spine. Your soft snores fill the quietness of his bedroom and it already feels like this is how it’s meant to be, finally.
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The sun is forcing its way through the curtains in Jeongguk’s bedroom causing you to stir in your sleep. You stretch before rolling over onto your other side, coming to face a sleeping Jeongguk. You smile, feeling your chest fill with warmth and love as you watch him sleep with his mouth slightly parted and light snores leaving him as well.
You reach out, brushing his overgrown, curly hair out of his face. He stirs lightly, reaching up to wrap his hand around yours and intertwining your hands. He’s still sleepy as he opens his eyes, dark brown eyes meeting yours.
“Hey,” you whisper, shuffling closer so that you can press a soft peck to his lips.
He smiles, feeling his chest fill with warmth and the feeling of being content and happy in this exact moment. 
It doesn’t even take five minutes before Jeongguk’s is more awake and has you pinned down beneath him. He leans down, lips ghosting yours as he rests himself between your legs. He’s still naked just like you.
“Wanna go again?” He whispers against your lips, pressing a soft kiss to them.
You chuckle, “wasn’t last night enough for you?”
He shakes his head, lips moving further down to your neck and biting into your skin, in the same spot as last night. “It will never be enough,” he hums into your skin. You can feel his dick twitch against your thigh causing wetness to quickly appear in between your legs.
Without another word, you reach down and line him up against your folds. “No condom?” He looks at you, confused.
You shake your head. “I’m on the pill and I’m clean,” you tell him, “aren’t you?”
Jeongguk looks at you in awe, nodding his head. “Of course, I am.”
He leans down, kissing you softly, tongue poking out to ask for allowance. You kiss him back, letting him in, arms wrapping around his neck to keep him close. Jeongguk lines himself up again, hand wrapped around the base of his cock. You feel him poking at your folds, stomach tingling in excitement because there’s simply no cock better than Jeongguk’s.
“I love you,” he softly whispers.
You smile, “I love you too.”
Just as he’s about to push himself fully inside, the sound of the front door slamming shut stills him. Jimin’s voice sounds throughout the apartment: “Guys, get up! I’m inviting both of you out to eat breakfast, so you better be ready in five minutes!”
Jeongguk drops his head to your shoulder, a groan leaving his lips. “I can’t believe I get cockblocked again,” he grumbles against your skin, making you laugh out loudly.
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taglist; @ggukkieland​ @koonanamilk​ @cloudreads-blog @bringitseijoh​ @lenisqueen​ @crazyboutjooni​ @sugaminh​ @cheerfulmultiez​ @jaykayseagull​ @shubhiixxx @luv-yourselff​ @97z-gcf​ @n4omiii​ @bangtaened-army​ @romeisourstoruin​ @imluckybitches
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