#I mean I’m in a relationship with THE most amazing person ever. I made the picrew which was surprisingly popular
potato-lord-but-not · 2 years
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Let it be known that when this was posted, I was ending the year off with sparkling grape juice and drawing Moist and Adora
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sailortongue · 1 year
pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
wc: ~1.5k
summary: the team decides that Spencer is in need of a date and they're going to be the ones to help him. But there's just one problem that the team doesn't know about: Spencer already has a girlfriend
a/n: this is my first time writing for criminal minds so they're probably all out of character but pls bear with me. binged the first four seasons in a month and i'm completely hooked on the show and spencer so hopefully i'll write more and improve characterization. any feedback would be super appreciated!
Spencer Reid was a rather private person, preferring to keep his private life just that: private. But it was getting progressively harder to explain why he didn't want to participate in group outings to the local bars. Truth be told, all he wanted was to get home to you and cuddle on the couch. Not that his teammates knew you even existed. It wasn't that he was ashamed of you! No, never. How could he ever be ashamed of the most wonderful thing in his life? No, it was because he knew he'd never hear the end of the teasing, especially from Morgan. And so he had decided that he would keep you all to himself, after discussing with you, of course. You had no issue with him not disclosing your relationship with his coworkers. However, it was this secrecy that led him to this horribly uncomfortable moment.
“You don't get to weasel out this time, pretty boy. You're coming with us even if I have to manhandle you there,” said Morgan. “And you're not leaving that bar without a girl on your arm,” he added, finger pointed at Reid in an accusatory manner.
It took all of Spencer’s willpower to not outwardly grimace. Like hell he was going to leave with any girl that wasn't you. “I’m not looking for a relationship right now,” he declined. It wasn't exactly a lie; he was already in a relationship, afterall.
“Oh, c’mon, Spence, don't you want to settle down one day?” chimed in Emily. “I bet you'd be an amazing husband.” She redirected her attention, “We just have to find the future Mrs. Reid, right Morgan?”
Morgan smirked, “Sounds like a plan.”
“No. There is no plan. Stop scheming. I told you, I’m not looking for a relationship. And even if I was, I don't think I’d need a team of FBI agents to help me get a date,” Spencer tried to discourage his friends, but to no avail. In fact, it just seemed to egg them on.
“Reid, I’ve never seen you go out with anyone. We’re getting you laid tonight and there's nothing you can do about it.”
“Never seen me go out with anyone? Should I be inviting you along to my dates?”
The sarcasm wasn't lost on Morgan, who rolled his eyes. “You know what I mean.” He turned to look at Garcia, “Hey, babygirl, you wanna help us land Reid a date?” The grin that Morgan had whilst asking was soon mirrored by the technical analyst in question.
“Do you even have to ask, sugar?”
A quick glance around the bullpen at his gathered teammates told him that no one was going to help him get out of this. Spencer’s expression changed to one of panic, but not for the reason that his friends assumed, i.e. that he had no experience with girls and was just nervous. Much to his chagrin, Hotch made a different deduction, and whilst everyone else was discussing their plan for later that night, he leaned down to Reid, “Why don't you just tell them you have a girlfriend already?”
Spencer, who was nowhere near as skilled as Hotch at hiding his emotions, had shock written all over his face. He opened his mouth to question how Hotch knew that, not even bothering to deny it. But Hotch answered before Spencer could even ask the question. “I’m a profiler. To be honest, I'm surprised the rest of the team hasn’t figured it out. Rossi has a suspicion, though.” And with that, Hotch stood back up to his full height and resumed conversation with the team, asking what time they had decided to meet.
I’m so screwed thought Spencer.
“I’m so screwed,” Spencer announced to you as soon as he walked into your shared apartment, dropping his satchel in the entryway. You looked up from the book you were currently reading, “What happened? Are you okay?” You closed your book and set it on the coffee table, giving your perfect boyfriend your full attention. He sighed and joined you where you were reclined on the couch, lying down and placing his head on your tummy, wrapping his arms around you in the process. You smiled down at him gently and brought your hand up to play with his curls, eliciting a satisfied groan from him. “What's eating you, Spence?”
He tilted his head up before answering, “I have to meet the team at a bar later tonight.”
Your brows furrowed in confusion, not seeing what the issue could possibly be. “Ok? Why is that a problem?”
He adjusted himself to be propped up on his elbows on either side of you. “It’s a problem because they've all decided that I'm in need of a girlfriend,” he huffed. Despite your best efforts, you couldn't contain your laughter at Spencer’s obvious distress over the situation. You truly meant no offense, but he was just so gosh darn cute.
“Spencer, sweetheart, why don't you just tell them?”
“Honestly, at this point I just want to see how long it takes them to figure it out without me outright telling them. We're not supposed to profile each other, but it becomes second nature due to the job, so they're bound to pick up on it eventually. Hotch already knows, and he said that Rossi is suspicious. The others haven't caught on yet, but now Morgan wants to be my wingman for the night. How am I supposed to play this off?”
You thought about it for a second before an idea came to mind, a sly grin sliding across the features Spencer loved oh so much. “You're going to do exactly what Morgan wants.”
Spencer blanched, immediately objecting to your words. How could you even suggest that?
“Hold on, I’m not done. I’m not sending the love of my life out to flirt with anyone that isn't me. So what we’re gonna do is….
“Oh, what's this? Did pretty boy find a pretty girl?” teased Derek. His friend practically looked like those wolves from vintage cartoons with hearts for eyes and tongue rolling out of their mouths. His question caught the attention of the rest of the table, all of whom saw Spencer with his eyes trained on a lovely young woman sitting at the bar.
“You should go talk to her!” encouraged Penelope.
“Oh, she's so pretty!” exclaimed JJ. “I agree with Pen, you should definitely go talk to her!”
Hotch watched as the rest of the team, all at least a few drinks in, hyped Spencer up with intoxicated enthusiasm. He had a barely-there smile on his face, watching the events unfold. He watched as Spencer’s face got redder and redder with the attention. As entertaining as this was for the others, it was infinitely more entertaining for Hotch, since he was certain that the woman at the bar was Spencer’s secret girlfriend.
Finally, Spencer gave in to his friends’ demands and approached the bar, seating himself beside the woman. Beside you. Knowing his friends were watching, he had to pretend as if he was meeting you for the first time.
“Can I buy you a drink?” he offered.
You glanced at him coyly before accepting his offer. At some point, the two of you fell into the usual rhythm of conversation you always had, speaking to each other in a way that betrayed how close you really were.
Back at the table, Rossi leaned over to Hotch and gestured for Hotch to lean in as well. “That's the kid’s girlfriend, isn't it?” he whispered. Hotch pulled back with an amused expression and gave the slightest nod, confirming Rossi’s question. Meanwhile, Morgan was placing a bet with Garcia about how long it would take for Reid to leave with you. Morgan was confident that it would be within the next thirty minutes, stating that Reid, who wasn't the most socially adept but was having such a lively conversation, must have really hit it off with you. They watched as Reid spoke to you, all smiles and wild hand gesticulations. And then there was you, the pretty woman who, unbeknownst to the team (minus Hotch and Rossi), was already irrevocably in love with their resident genius long before they took it upon themselves to be a whole wingteam. The radiant smile you wore matched the one Spencer had as you responded to him just as enthusiastically as he had been speaking.
Unfortunately for Garcia, Morgan won their bet. The two of them watched as Reid leaned in to whisper something in your ear. When he pulled away, there was a prominent blush on your face that the minimal amount of alcohol you had couldn't possibly be responsible for. You nodded at him, and he stood from his stool, offering his hand for you to take, which you did as you followed him to the exit.
“My man!” called Morgan from across the bar, raising his beer in Spencer’s direction. Hotch and Rossi chuckled, exchanging glances and shaking their heads. The rest would figure it out eventually. It might be when they receive a wedding invitation, but eventually nonetheless. 
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lyzsaphrodite · 7 months
༊*·˚ Home is Where the Heart is ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
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Dior Goodjohn x fem!reader
synopsis: You and Dior are long distanced and she decides to surprise you by coming to visit you for your birthday.
warnings: fluff, fluff, and fluff
a/n: this is not my best writing ever i just wanted to get this out while i work on the Summer fic
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You and Dior have been in a long-distance relationship for about a year and a half now. You met on the set of Percy Jackson and instantly clicked; she ended up asking you out two months into filming. After season one wrapped, she went back home to LA, and you returned to your hometown. You haven't seen each other in person since filming wrapped six months ago, because you're still in school. You guys text multiple times a day and FaceTime at least once a day, but it's still hard for both of you. Especially for you since your love language is physical touch, and you just like to have physical connections with people. Your birthday was coming up, so Dior thought it would be an amazing idea if she came and surprised you. She planned it all out with your family; she would fly in on your actual birthday and stay for a month.
Today was finally your birthday. You woke up to look at your phone and found a bunch of birthday wishes from friends, family, and even fans. But none from the person that mattered most to you. You didn't think she would ever forget your birthday. Maybe she just wasn't awake yet, even though it was currently noon, which means it was 9 in LA, and she's always up before 9. But you just decided not to worry about it. You still had the whole day. You were really bummed that she wouldn't be able to come for your birthday, but you understand that she's busy with her music and everything. You got out of bed, took a shower, and got ready for the day. You and your best friend decided to go shopping for your birthday. You visited all your favorite stores, getting all of your birthday freebies. By the time you and your best friend headed home, it was around 4 o’clock, and you've yet to get a message from Dior, which made you visibly disappointed. Your best friend kept seeing you checking your messages every few minutes and finally decided to say something.
“I’m sure she didn't forget; you know her, she's always busy with something.”
“Yeah, I'm pretty sure everyone but her has wished me a happy birthday though. Like even at the mall, those fans who came up to us to say happy birthday, I didn't even know them. And I thought she would be one of the first to say it.”
You finally arrived home and went straight upstairs to put your bags down and take off your shoes. You were home for around 30 minutes when you finally heard the doorbell ring.
“Y/N, someone's here for you,” your mom yelled. You had no clue who it could be; you weren't expecting anyone.
“Coming!” you yelled back to your mom. You hurried down the stairs to the front door, and standing there was Dior with her bags and a gift. She looks just as beautiful as she always does.
“Hey, baby,” she said, smiling.
You had absolutely no idea how to react; you were definitely not expecting this at all. You ran to her and jumped to hug her. As she held and hugged you, you started to tear up.
“I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too.”
“What are you doing here? I thought you weren't able to come.”
“I wanted to surprise you, sweet girl.”
“How long are you staying?”
“For a month.”
“Oh my gosh, no way!”
“OMG, and Mom, you knew about this?”
Your mom just smiled and nodded.
“Yep, and so did your best friend.”
“OMG!! I cannot believe this; I thought you forgot my birthday!”
“I could never forget your birthday, mamas.”
You and Dior share a passionate kiss, the weight of her surprise visit lifting a heavy burden off your shoulders. In that moment, all the worries and doubts melted away, replaced by the warmth of her presence. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The month that followed was a whirlwind of joy and reconnection. Every day felt like a treasure, filled with laughter, adventures, and stolen moments of affection. Whether it was exploring your hometown together, cooking meals side by side, or simply cuddling on the couch watching movies, every second was cherished. On the day of her departure, you stood at the airport, hand in hand, hearts heavy with the weight of impending separation.
"I wish we lived closer," you managed to say, your voice breaking slightly as you fought back tears, the airport's din muffling your words.
Dior's eyes softened, mirroring the sorrow in your own as she squeezed your hand gently. "I know, darling. It's hard saying goodbye every time," she murmured, her voice tinged with empathy.
You leaned into her embrace, seeking solace in the warmth of her presence amidst the impersonal hustle of the airport. "I hate it when you leave," you stated simply, your voice carrying a mix of longing and frustration, the airport's commotion providing a stark backdrop to your heartfelt confession.
Dior's arms wrapped around you, holding you close as if trying to shield you from the pain of separation. "I feel it too, love. It never gets any easier," she whispered, her breath warm against your ear.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you buried your face in her shoulder, the weight of longing settling heavily in your chest. "I just wish we could be together more often," you confessed, your voice barely audible above the noise of the crowd.
Dior's fingers brushed through your hair soothingly, her touch a silent reassurance. "Me too, sweetheart. But no matter the distance, you'll always have my heart," she vowed, her words a promise of enduring love.
And as you stood together in the midst of the bustling airport terminal, surrounded by the chaos of departure, you found solace in the simple act of being together, knowing that no matter where life may take you, your love would always be a constant, guiding light in the darkness.
this is unusually short because I didn't know how to end it
taglist: @asvterias
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e-vay · 2 months
so… i turn thirty this year & after two failed relationships, im unsure how to have hope i’ll ever find my “person”. Ive been following you for a long time… how did you have hope that you’d eventually find someone and have a happy relationship?
If this is too intense or personal to ask, dont worry i just,,, i dont know. Its a struggle to feel like i’ll ever find The One and i know you went through something similar so… maybe you’d just have advice?
Thank you,,, i hope youre having an amazing night ❤️
I don’t mind you asking me this. If talking about the hard times I went through can help others get through it, I think it’s worth discussing. 
Like you said, I also struggled with love for a long time and after a few devastating relationships I gave up on dating altogether for a while. But, in hindsight, that ended up being a blessing because I was able to spend time bettering myself and—most importantly—learn to love myself. Yes, having a partner can make our lives richer, but I think it’s important to be able to enjoy your own company. Before, I thought the void inside of me needed to be filled by another person, so I would go out of my way to find somebody to do that without actually worrying whether or not they were the correct fit for me. Having time to focus on myself made me a better person (I think), and it ultimately ended up being for the best because I no longer felt like I was less than. Of course, I would still feel lonely from time-to-time and I’ve always been a romantic so I love the idea of love, but I got to the point where I felt fulfilled enough on my own so that when I met my now-husband, the feeling was significantly different. It wasn’t “I need to put this person in the hole that is my heart so that I can crawl my way up out of this pit,”... It was instead “Oh, this person significantly ADDS to the joy in my life” and that’s one of the reasons why he stood out to me as a partner. Though I would have liked to have met my husband sooner in life, honestly? Had we met sooner, before I matured and improved myself, we likely wouldn’t have worked out. I'm not saying you need to improve yourself. I'm just saying that that's what helped me and ended up giving me hope.
I also think society gives us too many unrealistic expectations and goals that we’re expected to meet by certain “deadlines”. Everybody moves at their own pace and has their own journey that’s unique to them. We can’t all be expected to follow the same linear path; humans are just too different. I was my husband’s very first girlfriend and he was 36 years old when we started dating. But when I’ve asked him if he’s upset/disappointed he never had a relationship before meeting me, he’s told me “No, I think we met when we were supposed to.”
Lastly, I want to address my personal beliefs on “The One.” Y’all know I’m a romantic and I do believe in soulmates, but I also believe we’re capable of having more than one soulmate. The world is too big for us to be limited to the chance of only ever finding one single person who is compatible for us. And if we miss out on meeting that one person, our chance of love is shot??? I just don’t believe that. When widows/widowers remarry, does that diminish the love they had for their late spouse? Of course not. It doesn’t mean their first love wasn’t just as important and meaningful as their new love. So, maybe you could find it helpful if you adopt this mindset as well. I think it makes the idea of romance seem less impossible.
I don’t know if this makes you feel any better but at the very least I hope you don’t feel worse for having read it! I don’t know you personally, but I wish you absolute happiness.
It's going to be okay 🙂
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snghnlvr · 10 months
𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠. / sim jaeyun
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sim jaeyun x fem reader!
read part two here <3
synopsis : who knew there was something behind your relationship with the infamous smart guy at school? you had questions as to why jake likes you and chose you to be his girlfriend out of all people. soon, you found out the truth: by a bet.
includes : 1.5k | cursing (internally) | again with the one sided relationship sigh | i’m a SUCKER for angst so.. | jake is a loser and i would end myself if this happened irl | y/n you’re too nice :((
extra: olivia rodrigo is my mom , if i was y/n i would’ve slapped the shit out of jake but let’s not get too physical here eh?? :] , i haven’t seen much jake angst (because he’s the most loving human ever??? he would NEVER ever do something like this) so here i am… :D
likes, comments, and reposts are very much appreciated <3
[below the cut]
“thanks for making me get $100, babe”
you look up from your seat to see your boyfriend, jake holding a $100 bill between his index and middle fingers. he sent you a wink which already made you blush like crazy but then you slowly processed the words.
“what?” your expression dropped. you looked at jake, waiting for a response for what he meant.
“i said,” he planted his two hands in front of his desk, staring down at you with his beautiful eyes of his. you stared back with nothing but confusion in your eyes.
“thanks for letting me have $100 sweet cheeks.” jake’s lips curved up. he slowly leaned towards your cheeks, pecking them before proudly looking down at his cash.
that little nickname he gave you made your hearts do back flips as usual.
you stood still before replying, “what do you mean? you used me?”
you’ve liked jake ever since he was in the school’s soccer team since sophomore year. he’s popular for his smartness, his godly visuals, his amazing personality of his that steals the hearts of girls, and his talents.
your introverted personality of yours didn’t dare to make a move on jake. you were undoubtedly shy and didn’t like social interaction very much. all of the girls were in line to ask him out and directly confess their love to him, but you didn’t. you weren’t in line, you were just observing him from the side, mentally noting what he likes, didn’t like, what topics he likes to talk about and many more.
the only proof that you like him was through a little post it note you had on your desk before leaving to go to cafeteria.
sim jaeyun <3
was all you’ve written in pink in your yellow post it note. you haven’t told anyone, even your closest friend for you would be afraid of the public teasing that would soon eventually let the whole school know you like jake.
five months, he suddenly asked you out because he thought you were the “most beautiful girl i had ever laid eyes on but was scared to make a move”, quoted by sim jake himself.
at first you didn’t question it as to why he randomly asked you out.
you remember that day, you were blushing like crazy, heart almost ripping out of your rib cage, and you had all sorts of scenarios and activities both you and jake can do because both of you are in a relationship.
well, were in a relationship.
“yeah.” your thoughts were interrupted when jake responded with a heartless tone. “i admit that you were cute when you bought me gifts, but either than that,
i’ve never liked you.” his tone was monotonous.
is that why i reminded him of my birthday? is that why i reminded him of our monthsavrie? when my classes end? is that why i was the first to everything? good morning texts?
thinking about your past memories where you felt the most happy with jake,
was all just an act. just for the damn $100 dollars.
jake being the first one to hold your hand whenever both of you met, even if it’s a minute in the hallways or meeting after school ended, him being the first to notice you shivering and toss you his hoodie even if he was cold, him volunteering to help you study your subjects even if it’s 2am, him wiping your lips with his soft fingers from eating ice cream, him listening to your rants and sobs whenever your parents fight late at night, and always looking at you with nothing but love and admiration you believed,
all an act?
you lowered your head, trying to contain your proper breathing and trying not let your tears fall down. you exhaled, closing your eyes.
“who asked you?”
jake’s face slightly clenched when seeing your eyes filled with rage yet tears threatening to spill out. “who asked you for the bet?” you asked once again but with a firm tone. you didn’t break eye contact. you were thinking of his friends he always hung out with, park sunghoon, yang jungwon, lee heeseung, and many more but you felt like these people - your best friends as well - would never hurt you like that.
instead of being sad and running away, you’re staring at your ex boyfriend with bitterness. the loving stare you’ve had towards jake was rather replaced as if he’s your enemy. yeah, you’ve been backstabbed.
“does it matter?” jake tilted his head, shrugging it off. “what matters is i got my money.” he flicked his bill right in front of your face, his tongue peaking when he mockingly smiled at you.
you glanced at the dollar and then back at jake.
“did i mean nothing to you?” you asked, your thoughts suddenly spilling from your lips. “was our relationship nothing to you?” a tear spilled out of your eyes. seconds later, multiple of them were easily sliding down your cheeks.
you stood up from your seat, looking directly into jake’s emotionless eyes. “did you have fun playing with my feelings? did you enjoy taking my likeness towards you as an advantage? were your friends having fun hyping us up whenever we were around them? did you at least have some fucking sympathy for me!?”
after screaming, you looked down. you were going crazy. literally.
“god, y/n calm down. you’re embarrassing me, lower your volume.” jake crinkled his nose, eyes wandering around to see if there was anyone near the both of you.
despite not looking at him, you can hear the annoyance in his tone and the rolling of his eyes whenever you guys argue. he would call you “overdramatic.”
“fine.” you gulped before looking at him. you imagined yourself as a crying mess. it’s like every argument you had, jake would not cry, but you were.
you had to contain yourself to not let your emotions overwhelm you, but it’s hard right now.
you just got used for money.
“i hope that $100 dollar bill reminds you how much of a shitty person you are.” you grabbed your book bag and ran for your life.
out of that suffocating room.
i can’t believe it, you thought.
he’s a bitch he’s a bitch why is he a bitch!? why did he choose me!? why did he hurt me? i did nothing but .. love him and be there for him.. what did i do to get treated like this??
your chest hurts like shit, you can’t breathe, you can’t think properly, all you wanna do is to hide forever and never face jake the following monday at school. you wanted to go anywhere. anywhere but be in a room with him, sim jaeyun.
god, love is fucking embarrassing as hell.
YEAHHH jake angst drabble🕺 idk how to feel this one as i can’t imagine jake doing such a thing :(( but we need a change don’t we ? i hope you enjoyed it!! thank you for reading!! ❣️
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mysticfalls01 · 10 months
Romeo & Juliet
(Misa Rodríguez x reader)
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Playing for Barcelona and dating a Real Madrid player has been something crazy.
Before playing for Barcelona, you played for Atletico de Madrid for their B team where you met the love of your life, María Isabel Rodríguez or better known as Misa.
From the moment you met her you were head over heels for her, you asked her out 6 months after meeting her and you guys officially started dating a month later.
Misa is the extrovert to your introvert persona, she is the light you see at the end of the tunnel. Misa and you complemented each other perfectly, she brought out your best qualities. Dating Misa has been the best thing ever, it wasn’t a secret that you guys were dating as your Instagram page basically became fan account for her.
Everything had been a bliss until the season 2020/2021. You guys knew that if you wanted to grow as a professional player moving from Atletico was the best decision as both of your contracts ended. When the news about your decisions to move from teams came out the both of you received offers from multiple teams.
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Cuddling in the living of your shared apartment in Madrid the both of you knew that it was needed to have “The Talk” about your futures.
“Mi amor, ayer me marcó mi representante y me comentó las ofertas que ha recibido” (Mi love, yesterday mi agent called to tell me about the offers that he has received) Misa said enthusiastically.
“That’s amazing baby!” you said matching her energy.
“En cuanto me mencionó el nombre de un equipo le dije que ese era, que los demás no me interesaban” (As soon as he mentioned a particular team, I told him that that was the team, that I didn’t want to hear more) she said, you could see how her eyes shined with determination
“Mi vida, I also recently talked with mi manager, and I also have a preference for a particular team” you answered her
“How about this mi amor, we count until three and we mention the name of the team” she said with a grin on her face
So, the both of you started counting before saying the team’s names.
“1, 2, 3”
“Real Madrid”
As soon as each other heard the name of the other person’s team you guys stared at each other with wide eyes knowing what it meant.
Each one of you were joining a different side from the most important rivalry in football.
Silence was all that was heard in the apartment until you decided to talk.
“Mi vida, I know what this means. I haven’t accepted the offer yet. For you I could join another team” you said with a soft voice.
Misa turned towards you and with her finger on your chin she turned your face towards her own face.
You were looking at her brown eyes when she spoke “Amor, one of the best teams in the world wants you to join them, I couldn’t ask you to do not join them.”
She made a brief pause before talking again. “I know that I’m joining Real, it’s a totally new team but it’s my dream to be there when one of the best organizations can fight against the best teams in the world, I want to help them to achieve that goal. I promise you that nothing will change our relationship even the legendary rivalry won’t be able to change it”
Her words and her confidence only made you love her even more.
“And don’t worry mi amor, I’ll talk with Ale and Jenni as I’m sure that you will need your extrovert person there” she said with a wink.
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When the announcements of both of your signings came out the fans were quick to give you guys new nicknames “Romeo & Juliet” with Misa being Juliet and you being Romeo.
Sticking true to her word she talked with her national teammates Alexia and Jenni. They received you with open arms and made sure to make your arrival as smooth as possible not without being teased for dating one of their closest friends.
As time passed the both of you adapted to your new teams, each of you were in love with your teams.  You guys talked with each other in a daily basis and traveled to each other’s city when it was possible.
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Before you knew it the game that you had been dreading all season was about to happen. The first ever women’s “El Clásico”.
When you saw that next week’s game was against Real Madrid you were regretting choosing to be a striker and not a midfielder or a defender, your job was going to be to score against the love of your life.
Alexia and Lieke, your national teammate, noticed that you were more quiet than usual. You were a quiet person but you had never reached that level of quietness so, the both of them approached you in the team’s bus which was on the way to the field.
“Romeo! Is everything alright?” Alexia asked while sitting next to you.
“Oh, hola Ale. Si, everything is alright”
“Don’t lie to me Romeo, I can see it on your face how worried you are” Alexia said softly.
“Yeah y/nn, you are quieter than usual. We just want to help you” Lieke said.
You were so in your own head that you didn’t heard Lieke arriving.
“We are playing against Real Madrid” was all you said.
“Yeah?” Lieke said having not yet realized what you were talking about
Ale being the intelligent woman she is she realized why you were so worried. “It’s Misa isn’t it y/n”
Lieke was the first one to hug you with Ale following her action.
“y/n you know that Misa will love nothing more than you giving your all”
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
You had never been more nervous than the moment when you were in the tunnel, even if you weren’t starting the nerves were still there.
Before going to the bench you felt a hand quickly taking you away from the crowd. When you turned around to see who took your hand you saw your favorite brown eyes, it was Misa.
“Amor!” Misa said while giving you a hug. You quickly put your face on her neck and hugged her. She could how fast your heart was beating.
“Amor, Ale told me how nervous you are” she softly said.
All you could do was to nod your head still hugging her as you were seeking for her comfort.
“y/nn you know that whatever happens on that field will not change our relationship, the love that we have for each other”
“I know mi vida but what if I score against you, what if I make the winning goal, what if…” before you could continue she gave you soft kiss to stop your rambling.
“Baby, calm down. We knew that sooner or later this game would happen. You already have scored against me with our nationals teams so calm down, everything will be alright” she said.
Before you could answer Olga interrupted you. “Misa! It’s time to line up. Hurry up!”
“y/nn remember nothing will happen. Te amo mi amor”
Before she left you told her “También te amo Misa!”
At that moment you couldn’t had been more grateful to Ale as she knew that the only person who could calm you down was Misa.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
You entered the game as a sub in the 55th minute and 9 minutes later you scored, the moment the ball hit the net you felt your teammates enthusiastically jumping on you celebrating your goal however, you didn’t celebrated it and all you could see was girlfriends stressed face as the score went up to 0-3 with Barcelona winning.
As soon as the game ended went to where Misa was.
“Congratulations my love” she said softly, you could hear the pain in her voice
“I’m proud of you Misa” was all you said while you hugged her.
You guys hugged for some more minutes until Lieke got behind you and spoke in Dutch “Romeo, I’m sorry to interrupt but you were chosen for media duties”
You sighed before answering back in Dutch “I’ll be there in a minute Lieke”
After she left Misa, for the first time since the match ended, laughed “All I understood was Romeo mi vida. I see that they also have been bothering you with the Romeo and Juliet nicknames huh”
“They haven’t stopped calling me Romeo since we arrived my Juliet” you said with a fake annoyed voice
“I must leave Misa but expect me in your apartment later tonight. Jonatan knew how much this game was taking a toll on me and gave me a few days off.”
“I’ll be expecting you there mi amor!”
You started walking away towards Lieke and when you reached her you gave her a side hug and spoke in Dutch so no one else could understand “Lieke could you go out with me to buy the ring. I think it’s moment to take the next step with my Juliet”.
You knew that there were going to be more games between Real Madrid and Barcelona however, your love was stronger than the most legendary rivalry in football.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Misa deserves so much love. She is such an amazing and my favorite goalkeeper.
I'm taking more requests for Madrid players so don't be shy!
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sunny44 · 4 months
Forget about us
Pairing: Carlos Sainz x Ex!reader
Warnings: nothing I guess
Summary: Y/n writes a song about her ex and ends performing for him.
Note: heyy, this story was inspired by the song Forget about us from Perrie, im using her as face claim and her last name also.
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Y/nedwards instagram post
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Liked by @rebeccadonaldson, @maxverstappen1, @yourbff and others 28397
Y/nedwards Hey guys, I’m happy to tell you all that my new single “Forget About Us” is out now. This is a very personal song for me and I was really concerned to put it out but here we are.
Hope you guys like it
@f1fan this song is fantastic and I love it
@jnao22 I hope Carlos listens to it
@Imrebeccad In love with this song
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This was definitely the most personal song I had ever written. I had written songs about him and our relationship before, but nothing so deep and exposing my feelings so clearly. But after years, I finally felt ready to expose my feelings to the world, and here we are.
And it happened to be during the Monaco Grand Prix weekend, to which I was invited by Ferrari. Even though I knew he would be there, I couldn't refuse because, according to my agent, this was what I needed for my career, especially since I made a song about him, even though people didn’t know about it.
So here I was, entering the garage and being greeted by some familiar faces.
"Y/n." I turned around to see Charles, surprised to see me.
"Hi." I hugged him.
"How are you? It's been a while." He said, a bit awkwardly.
"I'm fine, and you?"
"Also fine. I heard your song, and it's amazing."
"Thanks, I listened to yours too, and I'll definitely ask you to do a piano solo for me."
"I'd love that."
"Y/n?" And the voice I least wanted to hear.
"Carlos." I said simply.
"I didn't know you were coming."
"Yeah, I was invited."
"Oh, that's great. How are you?" At this point, Charles had already found a way to slip away.
"Good, and you?"
"Good too." Thank God he didn't mention the song.
"You are..." he was interrupted by a woman with brown hair and beautiful blue eyes.
"Hi, love." She kissed him and looked at me. "Hi, you’re Y/n, right?"
"I'm Rebecca, Carlos's girlfriend." She said kindly and extended her hand to me.
"Yeah, of course." I shook her hand. "Nice to meet you."
"Likewise, I loved your song. I haven't stopped listening to it for a minute."
"Song?" Carlos asked, confused.
"The one I showed you the other night, and you said it was very good."
"Thanks for that. Look, I need to go, but it was a pleasure meeting you."
"Sure, if you want to watch the race with me."
"Thanks for the invite." I said, walking away.
It was all too much. The encounters happened very quickly, just minutes after I arrived so I needed some time away. But on my way, I bumped into someone and would have fallen if the person hadn't caught me.
"Oh my God, I'm sorry." I said as soon as I regained my balance.
"No problem, I almost made you fall." I picked up my bag from the floor. "Y/n, right?"
"Yes, nice to meet you."
"Max." He said, and that's when I realized he was another driver.
"Of course, I know who you are." He smiled. "Sorry again, I wasn't paying attention, and it's very crowded here."
"Small place with lots of people, it's normal." He laughed. "Which garage are you in?”
"I knew I recognized you from somewhere."
"Please don't tell me it's because of Carlos."
"Actually, no, you released a song a few days ago, didn't you?"
"Yes I did."
"Daniel hasn't stopped listening to it, and he insisted I listen to it too. Really good, by the way." He said kindly.
"Thanks, that means a lot."
"Now I know who it's about." He joked, and for some reason, that made me laugh.
"You're welcome in the Red Bull garage anytime."
"Well, I have to go, but I'll see you around."
"Sure, definitely." He waved and started to leave. "Oh, there's an event tonight, and they're looking for someone to close the night. I'll mention you."
"Wow, thank you, that would be amazing."
"See you later then."
"Sure." And then he left.
A few hours later, I got a call from the event organizer at Tag Heuer, saying that if I was available to sing my song at the end of the night, she would send me the details. Since I couldn't refuse, I obviously accepted.
And now, I was here, nervous, trying to think of an outfit that would look good but not too simple since Monaco wasn't a place where people wore ordinary clothes.
"Oh my God, I have nothing to wear." I said, frustrated, to myself, and seconds later, there were knocks on my door. When I opened it, my manager walked in with a black garment bag, probably with an outfit inside, followed by two more women. "What's going on?"
"Did you really think I wouldn't find a way?" She shook the hanger in her hand, and I laughed. "Have you showered?"
"Then you can start on the makeup."
I think an hour later, I was ready. The outfit was perfect for a performance at an event in Monaco. I would say a bit over-the-top in my opinion, but according to my manager, it was a common outfit for the place we were in.
When I left the hotel and headed to the event, I was wearing a black dress for now since I would be participating in the party a bit before my performance, and she didn't want to spoil the outfit's surprise.
When I arrived, I obviously passed by several photographers before managing to get inside. Once I stepped inside, a few gazes turned directly to me, and I just smiled and tried to blend in.
"You look beautiful." I heard a voice behind me, and it was Carlos.
"Thanks, you don't look bad yourself."
"Found you." Now it was Max. "So, are you nervous about later?"
"Later?" Carlos asked.
"Oh, I mentioned her to the Tag Heuer folks. They were looking for a final performance to close the event."
"You're going to sing?"
"Want something to drink?"
"Oh, I don't think it's a good idea. Better not to be tripping during the performance." Max laughed and agreed. "But I'll take a sparkling water if you have."
"Sure, be right back."
"About the song..."
"We don't need to talk about it. Actually, I don't want to talk about it."
"I don't want to talk about it with you."
"Because the song is about me?"
"Look, just forget it, okay? I wrote a song about something in my life, and there's nothing wrong with that."
"I didn't say there was."
"Just forget it, okay? Why don't you go be with your girlfriend?"
"So you can stay here alone with Max?"
"What do you mean by that?"
"It's obvious he's into you."
"And this concerns you because?" He didn't respond. "That's what I thought."
With that, I left and found Max halfway. We talked until it was time for me to go. I changed clothes and was backstage, waiting for them to announce me so I could go on stage.
"And now we have one last performance, singing her newest single. Y/n Edwards."
I went on stage, and the music started playing. I felt the gazes on me, but his gaze felt like it was burning my skin. I had to be careful not to stare at him the whole song, but a few times our gazes met, and when the song was ending, I looked at him, who was smiling at me and applauding along with everyone else.
After that, I returned to the party, which now had a DJ. I received several compliments and once again encountered Carlos, but this time with his girlfriend.
"You were amazing." She said excitedly and hugged me. "It was even better live, and I loved your outfit."
"Thank you."
"Y/n." Max came with a drink in hand. "Here, your manager said it's your favorite."
"Come on, let's leave them alone." Rebecca said, and reluctantly, Carlos went with her.
"Come, let's go over there." He took my hand, and we went to the other side.
Most of that night is a blur. Max and I drank too much, and I only remember waking up naked next to him the next morning. I spent the day at his apartment with him until I caught a flight to England in the evening.
Already back in my routine, I woke up to the alarm, ready to get dressed for an interview. When I picked up my phone, I was hit by thousands of news stories with titles like "Carlos Sainz and Rebecca Donaldson Break Up," and there was also a message among the thousands of others that caught my attention.
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Bonus scene!
Y/nedwards instagram stories
“So happy that I got to play my song here in Monaco, thank you @Taghauer”
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fatuismooches · 1 year
Imagine the 3.8 Secret Summer Paradise event but with Wanderer and you. Nahida sends Wanderer to investigate something in the desert and you tag along for fun but you two get sucked into a magic bottle somehow?! Klee dubs his title as the “Sorcerer” - her mage sidekick - and yours as the “Soldier” - her protecter! (Or whatever you want, I’m bad at this.)
The rollercoasters are nothing compared to Wanderer’s flights of fright. He will do loops, twists, turns, upside downs in the air all while holding YOU… at least in the rollercoaster there are seats. Klee is amazed by your endurance and wants to try flying too! (Wanderer reluctantly gives her a piggy back ride and flies a safe distance up from the ground… Kaeya’s watching him very carefully, but you vehemently reassure him that Wanderer would never hurt a child. The cavalry captain actually grows to like him!) Though you manage to convince Wanderer to ride a slow rollercoaster with you. There’s no one else in the Choo-Choo Cart, and it’s late at night. Wanderer lays on your lap as you play with his hair, the both of you silent as you stare out the window, taking in the lovely sights of this realm.
Idyia’s quite scared of Wanderer at first but overtime she comes to fawn over and admire how deep your love is, she’s met many people in her little bottle, but no one has ever had a relationship like yours! Not to mention, Zosimos takes inspiration from the two of you for his characters. And speaking of plays, I think despite the fact the one the group acted out had poor plot, Wanderer finds joy in it, because I believe he likes the arts/dance/performances, and also he found Klee’s acting endearing. (When Kaeya runs out of stories for her, Wanderer takes over and tells her Inazuman folktales!)
Collei is extremely nervous speaking to Wanderer, but finds herself liking him more than she expected. She feels like she can… relate to him, for some strange reason? She doesn’t really understand, since she’s never met him before, but she doesn’t question it. Plus, she knows you’re a really nice person, so you wouldn’t date someone who’s mean, anyway. Eula is suspicious of him at first too, but seeing Collei warm up to him makes her tolerate him, while Kokomi finds the stranger very interesting. She has a few chats with Wanderer, and the things he says about Inazuma has her only more curious. The most important part is, Klee wants to be the flower girl at your wedding, whenever that happens.
Moving on, Wanderer has a soft spot for the Hydro Eidolons because they remind him a bit of the Aranara. He acts all annoyed when they want to play hide and seek with him but secretly he enjoys it (and you’re enjoying his fervent denial at being soft.) You two play all of the games together, although Wanderer is less enthusiastic about it than you (as usual of course) but he actually enjoys Bing-Bang Finchball! :3 (He wonders if his creator and that kitsune would like it, too.) Most of all, Wanderer especially enjoys the solitude he gets at certain places of the realm. Sometimes you’re with him, sometimes you’re not, but when you are, during these moments he’s oddly quiet and clingy. Sometimes he still struggles to accept his life and what he’s been through. But making memories like these with you make him happy.
At the end of your stay, when you have to bury a treasure to leave behind, you put in two dolls of Wanderer and you that you quickly made in the mirage! (Wanderer had taught you how to make them that nicely.) You didn’t show your lover at first, a bit embarrassed and scared of his reaction, but he found out anyway and sighed, but pulled down his hat to cover his blush. He flew you to a beautiful spot with the best view, and you two buried it together. You wonder if it would still be there if you ever visited again.
Even after many years pass, Idyia never fails to tell the engrossing tale of the grouchy puppet and his darling lover, an unlikely but loving couple. Maybe if you’re lucky, you could meet them spending their days strolling the streets of Sumeru with the young Archon.
Overall, an unplanned but very necessary vacation that Wanderer needed. Nahida had a blast listening to all of your stories! (And happy he has made some more friends, which he of course denies that accusation.) 
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loquaciousferret · 1 year
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Summary: After a difficult 6-month partnership with Agent Peña, the tension unravels itself in an unexpected way.
Pairing: Javier Peña x F!Reader
Content Warnings: 18+ ONLY, smut, degradation, sexism, physical violence, rough unprotected sex, powerplay/ light dom/sub dynamics, male-receiving oral sex - rough. sir!kink, semi-public sex (private but in an office/public place), maybe more PLEASE read at own risk.
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: You guys ATE up my mean!Javi last time and made it my most popular fic so far! (nearly 900 notes is absolutely crazy and also over 100 followers thank you so much). He is so much worse in this LOL
@silkiers @tightjeansjavi
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“You don’t outrank me!” You yelled at Agent Peña, and the way his eyes darkened when you pointed this out honestly terrified you.
“Maybe not.” He says through gritted teeth. “But this is my fight.” 
You rolled your eyes at him. “It’s everybody’s fight. We are partners, Javier. Equal partners. Stop acting like you are the only person with a stake here!” You respond, exasperated. Since you joined the team in Colombia as Javier Peña’s partner 6 months ago, this must be an argument you have had over a dozen times. 
“If you had just obeyed orders they never would have gotten away!” He yelled, closing the distance between you in the already narrow corridor and stabbing a finger towards you accusatorially. “It’s your fault.” 
“Get it through your head! There is no “obeying your orders” Javi.” You say through gritted teeth, before your voice raises to a yell, “You are not my superior. Get used to it!” You are enraged by his constant disrespect. 
“Well I should be, though.” He seethes.
“What?” You snap.
“How many arrests do you have since you got here?” He challenged.
You scoffed and put a hand on his shoulder to push him out the way and rejoin your team, but he stood firm, not letting you past. 
“How many times have I saved your ass in the field? Have you ever done it in return?” He continues.
You exhale with exertion as you continue to try and pass him, but he is steadfast. 
“Answer me, hm? You really think you’re my equal in this job?” 
“I’m not doing this, Javi. I’m not in competition with you.”
“Right. Because you know yourself that you can’t be.” He sneered.
“Stop it.” You urge him, your frustration growing by the second. “I earned my right to be on this team the same way you did.” 
“Oh now that’s funny.” He scoffed, “I know who your father is. You don’t think him being head of internal affairs has anything to do with your appointment here?”
“How dare you.” You say, seething with anger at his insinuation. It's not like it isn't one you've heard behind your back, but it's the first time someone has thrown it in your face. “I didn’t even tell my father I was applying for this transfer. He has nothing to do with it.” 
“Ok.” He stares at you with a dark look in his eyes. “Then who did you fuck to get the job, then?” The way the word rolls of his tongue makes it sound more vulgar than you could imagine, and before you can take a moment to stop yourself, Javi gasps in shock as your right hand connects with his cheekbone with an amazing amount of power. You just slapped your partner.
“You fucking bitch.” He spits. 
For a second you honestly thought he was approaching you to hit you back, but even more strangely, he is connecting his lips to yours. To your own surprise, you are kissing him back. Roughly, and desperately, and it's as if all of your anger and disdain towards him has transformed into lust with the snap of a finger.
He was ripping at the buttons on your blouse as you fumbled with the straps and buckles on his tactical vest on instinct. Had this been it all along, and you had been totally blind to it? Was all the tension between the pair of you just sexual frustration this whole time, and once it was out your system your partnership could be amicable? 
Who knows. But at this point it was worth a shot. It couldn’t make your working relationship any worse, as there was no way further down from where it already was. 
He pushed you back against the wall where you hit your head roughly but neither of you acknowledged that. 
“You’re gonna forget I’m not your superior when you’re on your knees, calling me sir, and begging me to fuck you.” He hissed into your ear and you froze up under his touch. He noticed, and you felt his lips tug into his signature devilish smirk as he continued to kiss you harshly, dominating with his tongue, controlling the pace of it all.
With your shirt fully unbuttoned he began to make his way down your body, leaving your lips to attach his lips to your neck, collarbones, lower to the curve of cleavage peaking out over your bra. You cursed yourself for wearing a sensible one, not planning on having it on show, but Javi clearly didn’t seem to care, groping you harshly through the fabric cups before slipping a hand inside one and freeing your breast from the top. As your breast sprung out of the fabric, your nipple hardened in the cold air and he flicked his tongue across it, sucking lightly. You gasped and bit your lip to stop yourself from moaning at the sensation. You figured that adrenaline and sexual frustration were adding to why you felt so sensitive under Javi’s touch, or at least that’s what you would tell yourself to explain why he was having such a dramatic effect on you.
As you got his tactical vest unfastened, you pushed it off his shoulders and it fell to the floor with a loud clatter.
He hissed at you to be quiet and it snapped you back to the reality of the situation. What were you doing? Were you really about to hate-fuck your partner just a few yards away from your entire team and a considerably large section of the Colombian police force and army?
You must have pulled away from him subconsciously as these thoughts ran through your head because the kiss broke and Javier was looking at you, his eyes questioning you. You considered him for a moment, and noticed how his expression had softened from before. Somehow this made you give in to your desires once again and you were reaching out for him, clutching his broad shoulders and pulling him back towards you.
He smiled. This was all the permission he needed to have his way with you now. He had backed off and you had re-initiated.
Javier had known all along that his attraction to you would be a thorn in his side whilst working together. It made him question his own judgment, it made him hesitate. It numbed his instincts in the field.
This was the tension relief he had needed for the whole 6 months you had been here, tormenting him with your mere presence. Your shiny hair. Your delicious scent. The way sweat would bead in the valley between your collarbones, inviting him to lick and suck and taste every inch of you. Now he was finally getting his chance. And you wanted it too.
You, of course, were oblivious to his thoughts and distracted from your own by his lips which were attached to your neck, sucking and nibbling lightly, making you gasp, whilst you worked at the buckle on his belt and then unzipped his jeans. He had a stiff erection that somehow both thrilled and alarmed you due to its size.
At this point he made good on his earlier promise and shoved you roughly to your knees. You gratified his silent command, wrapping your lips around the head of his hard cock. You took him further into your mouth, ever so slowly, retaining eye contact with him as he slid along your tongue and into your throat at a torturous pace for him. When you pulled away just as slowly, slipping him back out your mouth and teasing the underside of his shaft with your tongue as he glided across it, his patience snapped. In a moment he was grabbing both your arms, hauling them up and pressing them against the wall, pushing you back into it until there was not an inch of space between you. You kept watching him, expectantly, and then you opened your mouth widely and let your tongue drop out just slightly. He groaned at the sight and slammed nearly his entire length into your mouth. His pace was aggressive and you felt tears welling in your eyes after just a few of this thrusts as he fucked your throat.
"We're done doing things your way, you understand?" He grunted.
You watch his expressions, unable to respond. A vein bulges in his neck and a few of his curls are beginning to plaster themselves to his forehead with sweat.
"I asked you a question, agent. Do you understand me?" He repeated, partly through gritted teeth as he concentrated on not completely losing himself in the sensation of you letting him fuck your throat so well.
With great difficulty, you nodded your head slightly and hummed a response. The vibration of the movement and the sound had him grunting again, faltering inside you for a moment.
You could feel spit dribbling down your chin, your neck. You knew you must look absolutely wrecked and once again you considered being caught in this compromising position with Javi. Only this time, the thought didn't fill you with anxiety. It sent a pulse straight to your dripping core. The fear was turning you on.
He pulled out with no warning and you felt yourself reaching out to take him in your mouth again almost involuntarily. He removed one of his hands from their grip on your wrists and held your hair, tugging you back away from him and holding your head firmly against the wall.
"What a greedy slut." He taunted, his eyes watching you practically penetratingly.
You whined and he smirked. "Tell me what you want."
"I want you to fuck me." You say breathlessly.
"Oh I will, pretty girl." His thumb is tracing your lower lip and gathers some saliva still dripping from his rough treatment of your mouth. He spreads it around more down your chin.
"But you'll have to ask me nicely." His tone is menacing.
You shake your head at what he is asking for and he laughs, dropping your hands quickly and pulling back from you, beginning to tuck himself away and reaching for the zip on his jeans.
"No!" You protest. "No, I'm sorry. No, please."
He pauses, waiting for you to give him exactly what he wanted.
"Please, Javi, I want you to-" But this wasn't enough and he resumes his actions, slower this time but still continuing to adjust himself in his jeans and tidy himself up. You whine again in frustration. You are already begging more than you want to. But you understand that he isn't going to indulge you until you submit even further.
"Please, Sir."
He finally stops preparing to leave you there and you can see satisfaction written all over his expression. You had given in to what he wanted and you knew you would never live it down, but your desire overruled this logical thinking part of your brain.
"Please, what?" He says, already with his cock out again, stroking it slowly in front of your face.
"Please, Sir, I want you to fuck me. I want you to use me."
"Yeah, that's right." He growls, gripping your shoulders and dragging you back to your feet.
He rips your pants and underwear down your legs hastily, throwing them aside and lifting you up, wide palms spread under your thighs, strong arms hoisting you up to be in line with his hips.
He plunges his erection inside you with absolutely no preparation. It would have been more painful if you weren't so wet and turned on, ready for him to take from you what he wanted. A strangled sound escapes you, something desperate and shameless, between a moan and a cry.
"Be fucking quiet." He hisses.
He is bouncing you on his cock, your body dragging up and down the cold wall. Your hair is becoming more untamed by the second. He doesn't take his eyes off of you, never checking out and focussing on his own pleasure, rather constantly observing yours. The way you bit your lip and screwed up your face in pleasure and pain was driving him crazy.
"This why you've had such an attitude all along, needed me to put you in your place, huh?" He growls in your ear.
You have never liked this kind of talk. But now, with Javi, it is turning you on more than you have ever imagined.
You nod and he tuts at you.
"What do you say when I ask you something?"
"Y-yes, sir." You gasp.
His pace is punishing and the angle is allowing him to reach the deepest part of you, every single thrust was overwhelmingly powerful in its effect.
You braced yourself with your hands on his shoulders and found the confidence to roll your hips against him in the rhythm of his strokes, finding just the right way to stimulate your clit. Whimpers escaped your lips rapidly and he was no less vocal, grunting and panting into your ear.
You felt your orgasm approaching you quickly and began to clench around him as the knot built inside you.
"Oh, god, that's it." He praised. "That's my girl."
Whether it was his words or the sensation of his lips and moustache tickling your ear, you weren't sure, but suddenly you were coming undone around him. You lost your grip on his shoulders and slumped slightly but he tightened his hold on you and picked up his pace, desperate to earn his release whilst your walls were still clenching around him following your orgasm.
Barely a couple of strokes later and he was releasing inside you, guttural sounds escaping him. He stayed still for a couple of moments afterwards, panting while he caught his breath. Unexpectedly, he plants a gentle kiss on your forehead.
He helps you down slowly onto your feet and laughs quietly when you stumble a little the first time he tries to let go of you. That's what snaps you out of your post-orgasm haze and you shoot him a glare as you hurriedly get dressed again.
With your back to him, you finish buttoning your shirt. "This changes nothing."
"We'll see." He challenges, taking his cigarettes from his jacket pocket and balancing one between his lips. You shake your head, one more icy look sent his way for good measure, and then you return to your department, trying not to think about all the ways in which this event could come back to bite you.
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useyourwordsdarling · 3 months
Hey, I hope this isn't too rude considering you already have an effing mountain of asks in your inbox, but I wanted to express my gratitude. No pressure to respond; I just hope you see it, and it makes you smile. Just read the pink out of this word salad; my kink is that I feel the need to explain my reasoning like a proper STEM idiot.
(below explaining why I'm thanking you essentially)
Probably oversharing here, but:
For the last two years or so, I've started to believe that the only men who would accept me were those that needed me as their therapist rather than a partner. I don't mean just listening to them; I mean them struggling with mental health crises and me having to pick up the pieces like the empathetic dumbass I am (and them being too scared to call the hospital). These are just the sort of people I seem to attract. As you can imagine, that did wonders for my self-worth and future perception of people who hit on me.
I already consider myself an eccentric woman. Among other things, my libido often feels insatiable. I write smut both on and off tumblr, the latter of which is some of the most nonsensical, most embarrassing, most bizarre shit I have ever written. 783 pages since 2020, the last 100 pages of which have been me realizing I have a deep-seated desire to be a cocksleeve. It's hard enough to tell people how much I care about having a healthy, passionate sexual relationship without bringing any of that into the mix.
(end explanation, TL;DR I attract shitty men and am insecure as hell about my own sexual preferences.)
All of that has made me despair on numerous occasions that I will ever get to know someone who both actually loves me and wants to fuck the absolute shit out of me.
But blogs like yours have lifted me out of that hellhole of anxiety more than once. Seeing both your own fantasies and the way you respond to your asks makes me feel like I'm not doomed to a relationship where I will have to sacrifice a large part of myself for the other person's sake. It makes me think: "People like this exist somewhere."
Thank you for being a dom that cares about your sub, and thank you for sharing on this blursed platform where I could see you.
Side (less wholesome) note: Yes, you have provided a lot of fuel for my smut pieces, and I am officially blaming you for the fact that there are now 446 fucking instances of the word "Daddy" in my most recent collection.
I appreciate how much effort you put into making this. And as another STEM idiot I love the way you made your reasoning. Also to be clear I love asks, I just have a hard time replying to many at once, but I appreciate them a lot.
And as to you attracting shitty men, I understand how exhausting and how heavy it might be the burden to carry the responsibility over someone’s mental health issues. But I think that also says a lot about your character, how you’re someone who’s really caring. Who wants to help these people, which is an amazing thing but it can be problematic if you don’t set boundaries. Which is a hard thing to do (I know because I’m bad at that…) it’s healthy to focus on your own mental health, your own problems. Especially when we have very little energy left.
And you aren’t doomed for that type of relationship I believe. And I hope you eventually find the right person who’ll love you and not make you responsible over their mess (and also fuck the shit out of you, fingers crossed). So it’s just a matter of time
Side (even less wholesome) note: I’d be lying if I said part of me isn’t curious about those 446 instances now..
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embrosegraves · 7 months
ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕖𝕕 𝕆𝕧𝕖𝕣
(request) Fernando Alonso x Fem!Reader Starting a committed relationship means telling all of your deepest secrets
Warnings: Mentions of negative mental health, mentions of abu$e, mentions of su!cide, talks of selfh4rm. I am begging you, don't read this if the topics discussed may trigger you
Note: I've never gone through anything like this myself so, with permission, I have based a little bit of the story on a very close friend of mine. It's not exact obviously, but there are elements of a real experience.
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You hadn’t been dating Fernando for very long. Just barely 3 months. It still felt like a very new relationship, even if people said otherwise. It had been enough time to realise that you might genuinely love him. He never pressured you, he never made you feel less than, and he always made sure to tell you that you were enough. Sure it was the bare minimum, but it was always nice to know people could be like that. 
However, the fact was that you were scared to love him fully. You had almost sworn off dating completely because of your last partner. Your ex had made you feel so unworthy of everything. He had almost convinced you that he was the only person who would ever love you. Almost. Thankfully you had an amazing support system in your friends and most of your family. They had helped you get out of a horrible situation and they were with you the entire time, helping you recover from the trauma you had experienced. 
When Fernando had told you he was serious about dating you, you had said to him that it would be a long while before you went further than kissing and holding hands. Like a true gentleman, Fernando had told you that he completely understood that some things would take time, but he was willing to wait for however long it took for you to be comfortable. Which is why today was so important for you. 
“I’m nervous to show him, Y/f/n. What if he runs off after seeing it?” You had called your best friend, who was basically like your sister, trying to get rid of the rest of your nerves and anxiety. 
“Babe, I’ve seen how he treats and looks at you. He won’t run off and you’ll be okay.” She said, “You’re so brave and incredibly beautiful and he will see that regardless of your skin and scars. I promise if he hasn’t said ‘I love you’ before, he definitely will after this.” 
You scoffed. “Thank you but I doubt it. Once he sees he’s going to run for the hills.” 
“Who’s running for the hills?” 
You jerked your head around and saw Fernando walking through the door. You quickly said goodbye to your friend who wished you luck, and hung up the phone. You turned your body so that you were fully facing Fernando. Thankfully he could understand that this was going to be a serious conversation, so he gingerly sat next to you and took a hold of your hands. 
“I need to tell you something important.” You said, keeping your eyes firmly on the space of blanket between you. His thumbs started rubbing circles over your knuckles, bringing you some comfort. 
“I don’t need to know if you’re not ready to tell me.” He said softly. 
“No. You need to know this.” You took a deep breath before you launched into your explanation. It was now or never. 
“When I was in my early 20s, I was dating this guy. He was my first serious relationship that I’d ever had and for a time I thought he was going to be my future. I didn’t realise it at the time but he was very isolating, and controlling. There were times where he would scare me and laugh when I’d cry. He wouldn’t always, but he would often tell me that he was the only person who could ever love me, and for a time I believed him.” You didn’t want to count the amount of times your voice had already cracked. 
“It really took a toll on me. So much that in the last few months of that relationship, I started to hurt myself. Because part of me thought he was right. When he found out what I was doing, he started to- He started-” 
Fernando wiped a tear from your face. When had you started crying? 
Taking in another big breath, you continued. “He started to hurt me as well. He would press on them while they were fresh and he would bruise me to see the colours. If my brother hadn’t walked in, I probably would’ve taken my life.” You finally looked at Fernando’s face and saw that he had begun crying too. Lifting one of your hands you wiped his gathering tears. 
“I decided that if our relationship is going to go further, then you need to see what I did to myself.” 
You slowly stood up, taking your hands from his, and began to shimmy your trousers down until they were pooled at your feet. You kept undressing before you could chicken out. You took your cardigan off and your shirt followed soon after. Standing there, in front of Fernando in just your undergarments, your scars were on full display. The scars on your thighs and stomach had been healed over for many years now but they still looked just as angry as the day they appeared. You had to force your arms to stay at your sides instead of curling around your stomach like they wanted to. You tried your best not to flinch when Fernando brought his hands up to gently trace them with his fingers.
Fernando looked up at you from where he was still sitting. He looked at every inch of your face and he saw just how broken you were. His heart hurt just thinking about all the abuse you were put through. He took hold of your hands again and slowly dragged you closer to him, giving you plenty of time to back away if you wanted to. 
When you stood directly in front of him, he wrapped his arms gently around the back of your thighs and laid his head to rest on your stomach. Your hands were on his shoulders. 
“You don’t know how incredibly strong you are, Mi Vida. You are so, so strong and I’m so lucky to be with you now.” 
By now the both of you had tears streaming down your faces. Neither of you bothered enough to wipe them off. You were terrified of how your relationship was going to continue, if it was continuing at all. 
You felt Fernando leave soft kisses just over your scars, as if he was afraid to hurt you by pressing more firmly. Quiet sobs broke their way past your lips. Your grip on his shoulders tightened just a bit. 
“Please don’t leave.” You whispered, voice heavy with emotion. Fernando loosened his grip and stood up to cup your face in his hands. You brought your own hands to rest on his wrists as he held you. 
“There is not a single thing about you that would make me leave.” His thumb brushed a stray tear away. “I love you more than I can say.” 
Hearing his words, you closed your eyes and began sobbing harder. Your arms wrapped tightly around his waist as you buried your head into his chest. Fernando hugged you close to him and gently caressed the back of your head. 
“Thank you for being brave enough to tell me.”
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I hope you enjoyed reading this! I tried my best to write this in a way that was both a little detailed but also very vague so let me know how I did!
as always, likes, replies and reblogs are always appreciated <3
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I don’t want you like a best friend | Xavier Thorpe x Reader
Summary: You and Xavier have been best friends for a while, but you don’t want to be just friends anymore. Come the Rave’n dance, you decide to tell him
Word count: 2.2k
Warnings: suggestive themes
"Say my name and everything just stops I don't want you like a best friend Only bought this dress so you could take it off"
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‘’Are you coming the the Rave’n dance?’’
‘’I don’t have a date.’’
‘’You could go with Xavier?’’ Enid suggested with a knowing grin.
You and Xavier have been best friends since your first year at Nevermore Academy. Being away from home for this long and adjusting to a new environment had been difficult. You missed your family and the comfort of home. Making friends wasn’t your strongest, so you ended up very lonely.
Until you met Xavier. Although he was part of the popular crowd, he preferred solitude. He could spend hours on his own, drawing or painting.
One day, his sketchbook fell out of his bag in botanical class and you were amazed by the close to perfection sketch of your mutual classmate, Ajax. You hadn’t been able to stop the compliment that spilled from your lips. Xavier had smiled, a little shy, and thanked you. The next day, he had made a drawing of you sitting in the courtyard, reading a book.
You never talked to him outside of class…until parents’s weekend. You had been anticipating that day for so long — you missed your parents very dearly —, only to hear from Principal Weems that morning that they would not be coming. Sadness had filled your heart and you ended up crying silently between two shelves at the library.
You weren’t the only student whose parents didn’t come. Some parents, like Xavier’s father, were so busy with their work life that they cared very little about their son’s school event. Unlike you, Xavier didn’t come to cry. He was looking for a book. Except he found you instead.
You spent the whole day together, getting to know each other and talking about anything but your parents and, for the first time in weeks, a smile curled on your lips. Especially when he shared with you his little ability of making his artwork move.
Your friendship tightened over the years, friends turning into best friends. You called each other during summer break, and sometimes visited because September was just too far away. The Thorpe manor was massive and Xavier had his own art studio — which was even bigger than his shed on school grounds.
It was nice to have a friend like him.
But since your last visit, some things changed. Your friendship had developed into deeper feelings — non-platonic feelings. You held back from acting on them because Xavier was freshly broken up with Bianca and hurting. You also didn’t want to be someone’s rebound.
‘’I heard he’s going with Bianca,’’ Wednesday butted in, making Enid narrow her eyes at her.
‘’Only because she asked him,’’ the blonde quickly clarified. ‘’It doesn’t look like they’re getting back together though. Like ever. Xavier’s been very indifferent toward Bianca lately.’’
Enid wasn’t wrong. You hadn’t heard Xavier say Bianca's name in the past two months and you were the second person he spent the most time with — after Ajax. He came to you when he had doubts about the genuineness of their relationships, so he would tell you if he was still into her. Right?
That’s how the plans were made.
‘’That means we’re going dress shopping!’’ Enid grabbed her pink fuzzy backpack, looking at you excitedly. ‘’You need a dress that screams ‘stand back bitches, he’s mine’.’’
There weren't many shops in Jericho, so everyone ended up in the same one. It’s gonna be a miracle if two girls don’t show up in the same dress.
The bell above Hawte Kewture dinged as you and Enid stepped in. ‘’The dance committee is suggesting all white to match with the team, but that’s not gonna fly with us. If you want to catch Xavier’s attention and make him see you as something else than a best friend, you need to stand out.’’
‘’I’m not gonna wear bright pink, if that’s what you’re suggesting.’’
You weren’t afraid of colors like Wednesday, but brighter tones and pastels were Enid’s palette. Not yours.
‘’That’s not what I had in mind. Come.’’
None of the dresses you tried were to your liking. Too much tule, too itchy, too plain. You needed something that would make the whole place shimmer, to quote Enid.
Time passed and, around you, your classmates were all finding their dresses. All except you. Even Enid had found hers — a white number with a fluffy collar and cuffs. You were starting to feel defeated.
A sigh left your lips. I'll never find anythi—’’ You cut yourself, catching a velvet fabric smushed between the tule and sequins. You plucked it from the rack and held it before you.
‘’What about this one?’’
Enid stopped flicking through the dresses and turned to you, approval flashing in her eyes. ‘’Yes! This is the dress,’’ she confirmed, squealing excitedly.
You and Enid were getting ready for the dance in her dorm, both of your makeup bags spilled and mixed up on her bed. It was a complete mess — and will probably be staining her comforter in some places because of a missing cap on a lipstick and a broken highlighter. Sorry, Enid.
‘’If Xavier doesn't kiss you tonight, he is the dumbest guy ever. I mean, look at you. If this doesn’t push him to make a move, someone else will.’’
But I don’t want someone else, you thought to yourself as you applied a light wash of color to your cheeks.
You didn’t want to be that girl, but to your eyes there was only Xavier.
His sweet smile that never fails to make your heart swoon, those pretty green eyes you want to stare into all day, those lips you were dying to kiss and taste. The way only he knows how to make you laugh when you're sad and the warm hugs you never want to break from. He is always real and honest with you, even if his thoughts are sometimes dark. The speckles of paint on his shirts and sometimes on his school uniform — which he always needed your help to clean —, the late nights sneaking in his dorm to talk about everything and nothing.
‘’Y/N! Are you listening?’’
You pulled yourself out of your thoughts, thankful for the color on your cheeks covering your natural flush. ‘’Sorry. What did you say?’’
‘’You were thinking about him, were you?’’ Enid teased, grinning like a teenage girl in a rom-com.
‘’I was not thinking about Xavier,’’ you denied.
She scoffed. ‘’Liar.’’ Enid held up two lipsticks, asking for your input. ‘’Should I do red or pink?’’
When you entered the room of flashing lights and buzzing music, all eyes turned to you.
All except Xavier’s.
His were too busy staring at the layered white tablecloths while Bianca was talking about god knows what. Before him was an empty glass, telling you enough about the fun he was not having.
You bit back a smile, secretly happy to see he was not having fun with his date.
‘’Ohh, look, Xavier’s there,’’ Enid pointed out in the least subtle way, grabbing your arm and looking right in his direction. ‘’He polished up nice.’’
He was wearing an all white suit with a thin black bowtie and his hair was pulled back, showing off his features. You sucked in a breath, feeling butterflies in your stomach. He looked so handsome — gorgeous.
‘’I’m gonna get us some drinks.’’ You tore your eyes from Xavier and went to the table where the punch was. With luck, someone will have spiked it and it’ll give you some liquid courage for later.
As you were filling the second glass with blue smoking punch, someone came up to your side. By the whiff of their cologne, you knew immediately who it was.
‘’I thought you weren’t coming.’’
His eyes raked up and down your body and you held back a smirk. Your plan was working, the dress was working. It was nothing too revealing. You wanted to get Xavier’s attention, not get sent to your room by Principal Weems.
‘’I changed my mind.’’ You grabbed your other drink and handed Xavier the second one. ‘’Yeti-tini?’’
It was for Enid, but oh well.
Xavier accepted it with a soft dimpled smile and brought the glass to his lips. ‘’You look…’’ He swallowed hard and lowered his eyes while searching for his words. ‘’Beautiful.’’ A light flush covered his cheeks, quickly correcting himself. ‘’I mean, you look great.’’
‘’Thanks.’’ You brought your drink to your lips to hide your smile. ‘’Shouldn’t you be with your date? Bianca seems a little lonely.’’
He glanced at Bianca who was sitting alone at a table, swishing her drink in its glass out of boredom, then drew his gaze back to you. ‘’I’m not allowed to come and say ‘hi’ to my best friend?’’
Best friend. You tried not to wince.
Xavier Thorpe was the king of mixed signals. A minute ago, he was complimenting you and looking at you the way a platonic friend wouldn’t, and now he was calling you his best friend. The words hurt like a knife in your chest.
You shifted your eyes to the dancefloor and faked a gasp. ‘’I gotta go. There’s a girl code emergency. Someone is flirting with Enid and she’s giving me the help signal.’’
‘’Oh. Okay. I…I’ll see you later, then.’’
You walked away with your drink and searched for Enid. The night was off to a bad start.
Eventually, you got dragged to the dancefloor. Most songs the DJ was playing were normie modern pop, but you tried to not cringe too much. One would think a school like Nevermore would be into more unorthodox music, but they can’t escape the radio hits.
You were dancing with Enid and Yoko, letting go and having fun between girls when you caught sight of an upset Bianca leaving the dance and Xavier sulking in a chair. Abandoning the girls, you snaked through the crowd of students and made your way to him.
‘’I know you are Nevermore’s tortured artist, but you’re allowed to have fun once in a while. Come dance.’’ You extended your hand, waiting for him to take it.
Xavier raised an eyebrow. ‘’With you?’’
‘’Yes. I promise I won’t step on your feet.’’
He accepted your hand with a sigh and you pulled him to the dancefloor as a better song came up. A sliver of a smile curled on his lips as your back was turned to him, hidden from you.
You swayed close to him, moving your arms, hips and shoulders to the music. Xavier chuckled and followed automatically, dancing as he pleased and fully letting go. He pulled silly moves and even made you twirl, making you both laugh. A perpetual smile etched itself on your face and pieces of hair were coming loose from Xavier's hair tie, forgetting about the people around you.
The music switched to a slow song and you both stood there, not knowing what to do. His eyes flicked down to you, looking at you in a way he never had before. You've never been nervous around Xavier before. He was your comfort person, the only one who you could be unapologetically yourself with. But the way he was looking at you sent nervous butterflies in your stomach.
Your hands shaking from holding back from him. You didn't want him like a best friend anymore. You didn’t want him to touch you like a best friend anymore.
As if he had heard your thoughts, Xavier stepped closer, so close not even a sheet of paper could pass between you. So close you could smell his cologne, a mix of pine notes with a softer undernote. His hands found the courage to rest on your waist, his gentle touch sending electricity through your body. ‘’Is this okay?’’ he asked, gulping as his eyes bore into you, the close proximity making his hands sweaty and causing his heart to pick up.
You nodded. It was more than okay.
He hummed, his green eyes shimmering from the mirrorballs hung to the ceiling, reflecting the party lights. You curled your fingers around one of the tails of Xavier’s bowtie, wishing you could undo it and attach your lips to his neck and fastening yourself to him like a stitch.
‘’There's something I've been wanting to tell you for a while.’’ He motioned for you to go ahead as you swayed to the slow music. You took a last breath and allowed the words to leave your lips. ‘’I...I don't want us to be friends anymore. I can't keep pretending I'm okay with us being just friends when all I think about when we're together is closing the space between us and kissing you.’’
‘’Like this?’’
Xavier leaned down and when his lips touched yours, all pieces fell into place. You melted into him and slid your hands around his neck, as if you were afraid he would break the kiss and run.
You were both out of breath when you pulled away, eyes filled with desire.
‘’I take back what I said earlier, you look fucking beautiful tonight,’’ Xavier said, his mouth overing over yours. ‘’And that dress— It's killing me.’’ His hands moved up and down your sides while his eyes stalled on the swell over your breasts. He was trying to be respectful with all the chaperon professors around, but his pants were getting a little tight.
There was absolutely no subtlety in the way you and Xavier snuck out of the room to go to his dorm. Your red dress stood out like a sore thumb among all the white.
Your dress hit the floor the moment you made it to Xavier’s dorm and remained there all night. After all, it was the reason you had bought it.
Xavier Thorpe taglist: @sofiaadler @partyfly @hoodforcalum @thelilacmourning @ellessecretobsession @su-alteza-emia @achoo---uu @not-leaprvt @xaviersgf @peterparkerdilf @roadworkaheadisurehopeitdoes @dragon-chica @coldtacozinepanda @wrldofsage @eddiemunsonsluvrrr @capriaura @officialsaturn @babyfiva @maevaomizzolo @kelloggs-world @whosljt @ajpanda181 @belovedrey @emerycrt @elizabitchsshit @heaven-hiding @lilithlikestoread @est-liber @moonisu @dessxoxsworld @parker-nite @bellblake121890 @vesperazhier @kaldurahms-lover @beeebo234 @nephilimsss @mayuphoenix @sweetheartlizzie07 @watermelon-18 @snixx2088 @555stargirl555 @robinscardigan @chumchum19 @lilttblog @aphex2winn @heizenka @mystargirl-interlude @hwrtsiren @babygirljay20 @wildflowerlyss @strangersomeone @openfandoms @charlottelaffin @iheartmaddyperez @starless-starkov @ali-r3n
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AITA for "forcing" my best friend to break up with his boyfriend?
I (22 cis m) and my best friend 'A' (21 ftm) have been friends since we were 10 years old and I love him more than anything. He’s genuinely the sweetest, most thoughtful, and funniest person I’ve ever met. He means everything to me and we’ve been there for each other through the hardest times of our lives so far and I plan on staying until the end.
It’s always been us two. Btw, everyone mentioned here uses he/him pronouns exclusively.
A has been with his boyfriend (21 cis m) for about 2 years now, and from what he told me, things were going great. Even if I’m not too fond of his boyfriend. A few days ago, we got pretty drunk at a friend’s housewarming party. A and I live together, and as soon as we got home, he suddenly started rambling about how he wishes his boyfriend cared about him the same way I do.
Legit felt like I was in some dumb romance movie for a moment there. I felt a little uneasy and asked him to elaborate. In short, his boyfriend essentially treats him like a doll instead of a person with real emotions. He feels as though his boyfriend just uses him to get his daily fix of physical affection and sex, that’s it. The only positive thing his boyfriend can say about A is that he’s cute, which boggles my mind. It’s true but there’s so much more to him as a human being.
A is an incredibly talented artist, super kind, super emotionally intelligent, and has a plethora of interests he loves to infodump about. I’m trying my hardest not to make this entire post about how amazing he is. He’s helped multiple friends clean their depression apartments and took them out to get fresh groceries etc. because it’s basic decency to him. He has such a big heart and holds so much love in it for everyone in his life. Being around him is just so easy and makes life worth living.
He’s just an incredible person all around and every single person that has him in their life recognizes that, except his boyfriend. They’ve had issues in the past because they’re not sexually compatible, which led to some miscommunication and made A feel like he was coerced into things he didn’t want to do. He just did them to make his boyfriend happy. He does a lot of things for his boyfriend, actually. He’s constantly buying little gifts, remembering what he likes, and plans cute dates for them to go on. His boyfriend does none of these things.
I want to mention that A has bpd and avpd. He has an intense fear of rejection and will do everything in his power to appease others so they won’t leave him. I always take the time to reassure him that I love him for who he is and not what he can give me. Basically just making sure he feels loved. Keep in mind, his boyfriend is aware of this but he just gets annoyed when A seeks reassurance from him. His behavior has made my blood boil several times in the past already, but I always kept it to myself for A’s sake. If I was vocal about disliking his boyfriend, it probably would’ve caused A a lot of distress and emotional turmoil.
Still, I don’t think this relationship is healthy for A and I know him well enough to know he won’t break it off on his own. It’s just his combo of personality disorders that makes it impossible for him. I told him about my concerns and he agreed, but said he feels bad for his boyfriend since he apparently doesn’t have any friends outside of A. From my POV, it just looks like his boyfriend knows A is out of his league and is grasping at straws to make A stay with him out of pity.
This is where I might be the asshole. I got a little frustrated and raised my voice, which I severely regret. I don’t want to blame it on the alcohol but it definitely had a hand in it. I finally told him about all these grievances I have about his boyfriend, how much I dislike him and how A deserves so much better, etc.. At one point, I essentially gave him an ultimatum. It’s me or his boyfriend. I didn’t really mean it, it was just a heat of the moment thing I spat out. I would never leave him like that.
A started crying and begged me to calm down, at which point I realized how shitty I was being and immediately began apologizing. We hugged, I comforted him, and we spent the rest of the night cuddling and talking about how he could approach the breakup.
Now that I’ve sobered up I feel like absolute shit. I know it’s not my place to tell A what to do with his romantic relationships, even if I’m his best friend. Plus, I want to be 100% honest here and say I might have romantic feelings for A. I think I have for a long time, but I always wrote it off as intense platonic love. So I may be biased in this whole conversation about his boyfriend.
I didn’t say these things because of that. I genuinely think his boyfriend is a huge dick and full of shit, no matter how sweet and loving he pretends to be. It’s all in the way he treats A. He’s one of those guys that paint their nails (nothing wrong with that but you know the kind of guy I’m talking about), pretend to be feminists, and steal their romantic partner’s personality to seem cooler. He even asked A to stop taking testosterone because he didn’t like how hairy A was getting or some shit like that.
He’s pansexual but has only ever dated girls and started dating A before A began medically transitioning. There’s obviously nothing wrong with that and changes nothing about the fact that he’s pansexual, he just pisses me off when he criticizes A for being 'too masculine'. You can have a preference for feminine people but don’t make that shit your partner’s problem when they just want to pass.
I feel like A’s boyfriend just thought A would always stay the smooth, baby-faced twink he was before going on testosterone and now makes him feel guilty for looking like a grown man. Some people don’t know how to appreciate hairy tummies.
Sorry for making this so long but I just want to be as honest and informative as possible to get proper opinions on the issue. A is now dead set on breaking things off because he now knows that I actively despise his boyfriend and he always puts my opinion above everyone else’s.
Was I in the wrong for doing this or am I just protecting my best friend? I’m glad he intends on ending things but I feel a bit like a conniving snake considering everything. It feels like I’m taking advantage of his mental state even if I’m not doing it consciously.
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galadriel-blue · 22 days
I want Celeborn to be present in The Rings of Power and here’s why:
A lot of people love Celeborn more than I thought, so it gave me the confidence to post why I want him to be in the show and what I think his character should be like. Hopefully this is coherent. There may be mistakes despite me proofreading it 100,000 times haha! I kind of rambled here, but I hope my fellow Celeborn enjoyers like my random thoughts nonetheless. Share your thoughts with me because I'd love to hear them!
(p.s. I finally watched the new episodes, so this post will have small mentions of The Rings of Power Season 2, so if you don't want spoilers, don't read!)
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I don’t care when they introduce him. I’m secretly hoping it’s soon, but if it’s not, I simply hope they bring him in eventually. But when they do make his introduction, I hope they do it well. And by well, I mean that I hope they don’t water down his character, and his relationship with Galadriel, just to make Sauron the better love interest.
Now, do not jump to conclusions about my opinion just yet. I am not slandering the ever-popular ship of Haladriel/Saurondriel. It may be true that I have a love-hate relationship with the pairing, but that is a topic for a different post. If I am completely honest, I don’t see anything romantic between Galadriel and Halbrand/Sauron. I can recognize the undertones, which I sort of mention in this post, but I personally see the pairing as a non-romantic bond. If you are a Haladriel/Saurondriel shipper, know that I love you and appreciate you, and even though I have complicated feelings surrounding the ship, I am eating up all of the content that is being created for it. You guys are amazing. Seriously.
With that disclaimer out of the way, I will now discuss my thoughts…
When Celeborn arrives in the Rings of Power, I want him to be like Halbrand/Sauron, but slightly to the left. Let me explain.
What makes Sauron and Galadriel’s dynamic so appealing is their bond. How they have been and become connected by fate to be the opposites to each other. He binds her to power, his power, and she binds him to the light. It’s such an interesting connection: Two people, two enemies, bound together by some unspeakable force, bringing them closer in a circle that seems like it’s unbreakable. Many find romance hiding between the lines, and while I do think there is a romantic temptation there, it’s been doomed to fail from the start.
Because when we face it, we see how one-sided it is. Sauron may hold love for Galadriel, but it is only in the way that she makes him feel about himself. She was the first one to forgive him, despite her not knowing who he was at the time, and she was the only one who made him feel like what he was doing was good. His desire to keep her for himself is entirely selfish. He may promise her power, but it’s not her own. It’s his. And even if she did join him, there would be no sense of equality between them. He would always hold more, and in turn, he would hold Galadriel back. Even if at some point he did (or does) feel a true romantic attraction for her, it still would never work because his lust for power, and love for himself, will always be stronger no matter what Galadriel makes him feel.
But it is tempting for Galadriel to want this power because he twists it so beautifully. He is a deceiver, and he catered his deception to her desires. Galadriel likes to be in control. She likes to be strong. She likes to be a leader. Combining that with her stubborn nature and her unsteady, grief-stricken mind, it is no surprise that she fell under Sauron’s spell. Not to mention, he turned himself into exactly what she needed at the time. Someone who pushed her, someone who didn’t hold her back. Sauron became the most ideal partner in the most toxic way because he only became that for her in order to achieve what he wanted. He was using her the whole time, regardless of the feelings he developed as he got to know her, which makes their dynamic so incredibly complex.
Because that’s what evil people do. They convince you that they are your friend and that what they’re doing to you is good, and when you contradict them, they cast the blame onto you. “Sauron lives because of you.” Suddenly it’s Galadriel’s fault for finding a connection with him in the first place. Because she resisted him, it is now her burden to bear all of his hatred inside of her. She’s the one to blame. He makes it her fault that he lives because she was strong enough to push the darkness away. Now he is making it a point to haunt her with darkness wherever she goes by filling her with guilt.
And part of her hates him for it but part of her wants him back. “I felt it too.” She keeps thinking back on that moment because it felt good to be understood for once, after thousands of years of people telling you that you were wrong and that you needed to stop. She felt loved and seen with him.
So basically, I want Celeborn to be Halbrand if Halbrand was just a bit softer and wasn’t a master manipulator hiding behind the guise of a nice, attractive man.
Galadriel and Celeborn are bound by an invisible string too, they just don’t know it yet. The Silmarillion describes that they “had great love between them.” I don’t want the show to erase that. We saw how she spoke so fondly of Celeborn as she reminisced with Theo. She spoke of a glimpse of who she was before the war, with a faraway look and tears in her eyes. Galadriel was a woman in love, one who danced outside in fields of flowers and had a sense of humor, even as she was watching her beloved being sent away to a battle they did not believe would last so long. She thought she lost her love.
She literally thinks Celeborn is dead, and it tears her heart apart. Because in my mind, Celeborn was the only other person who truly saw her, other than Finrod and now Halbrand. And Morfydd even said it in an interview where they asked her about Celeborn. She said that there is a part of Galadriel that isn’t awake because she believes her husband to be dead. Because of his supposed death, the quote, “softest part of her” has been closed and hopefully Celeborn will return and make her feel safe again. How tragically sad and romantic is that?
Galadriel’s heart is lonely. She doesn’t know Celeborn is still out there. That’s another reason why it was so easy for her to open her heart to Halbrand. I feel like a part of her saw what she used to have in Celeborn in him. Then, it was so easily torn apart, and she was hurt again after being built up. What a blow to her self-esteem and her mind.
In Celeborn’s character, I want him to be similar to Halbrand in certain ways. I want him to be clever and strong. Perhaps even a little bit stubborn himself. I want to see him as a man who pushes Galadriel to be the best version of herself and keeps her in check when she starts running too a bit too fast, (but not so much that we take away the spitfire that Galadriel is) as Halbrand did for her on Numenor. I want to see him as someone who challenges her brain. Allows her to make plans but helps her navigate when things become difficult. I don’t want Celeborn to be someone who holds Galadriel back because her steadfast nature is what I love most about her. Her ability to be emotional is something I want Celeborn to support. I want him to be a bit of a dork who loves his wife no matter what. I see Celeborn as someone who is sweet, tender, and kind, but that doesn’t take away from his own strength. I want him to be all of Halbrand’s best traits because then we would see why it was so easy for Galadriel to fall sway to her enemy’s schemes. It would also just be super interesting to watch how two different people, with similar personality traits, both had a connection (and fell in love if you like the Haladriel route) with the same person and both followed different life paths. Celeborn as good and true despite the darkness in Galadriel, and Halbrand, is the darkness among the light that Galadriel holds.
This is why I hope they cast someone who looks like Charlie Vickers a bit because maybe she found comfort in a “familiar” face. It would make sense why she was so quick to trust Halbrand if she saw the traits of someone who loved her the most behind his eyes.
And here’s another thing. I don’t want Celeborn to be used to diffuse Galadriel’s personality. I keep seeing arguments (mainly angry YouTube men) use Celeborn to hate on Haladriel and to make Galadriel fit their ideals of what her character “should be” in their minds.
All of the dudebros sitting in front of their computers, arguing against Haladriel/Sauron by using Celeborn as their point of reason (“Why add enemies to lovers?? It doesn’t make sense to the canon blah blah blah”) only want Celeborn in the show to reel Galadriel in. They hate Haladriel because it denies canon, but they want Celeborn to be the main focus instead of Galadriel, because strong female characters can’t exist in the Tolkien universe without a man apparently.  And they use “canon” as their scapegoat, but what’s the deeper message they’re spilling? They can’t stand seeing a female character being badass (excuse my language) without a man to back her up in the way they want to see it. In their eyes, Galadriel is supposed to be soft, ethereal, quiet, mystical, and never fighting in armor. They want her to be their perfect male fantasy of what a mysterious woman should be. But are we forgetting how she banished Sauron in The Hobbit? Everyone acts like Galadriel was never a fighter, but we see her use her immense power to send away to greatest evil she’s ever seen. Where is the logic??
These people who insist Celeborn be introduced, simply to be the “proper love interest because that’s what canon says” are completely missing the point of his character. Their version of Celeborn is soaked in prejudice because they want him to be the stereotypical man to hold Galadriel back and take away all of her stubbornness and strength (I.e. the parts of her that make her such a relatable character for me). That is not the Celeborn I want.
I want a Celeborn that enhances and supports the traits that Galadriel already had from the start of season one, and the traits she will continue to have as the series progresses. Heck, I want these traits that she possesses to be the reason he fell in love with her in the first place. Galadriel is feminine, and regal, with an heir of beauty, but she is also clever, quick-witted, and even quick to anger. She’s not a picture-perfect woman, and I love it. And I bet Celeborn loves it too. I’ll say it again: “There was great love between them.” Great love comes with knowing every part of a person, even what we consider bad, and loving them despite of it. Regardless of how they bring him in, or if they do at all, I want him to be a strength for her, without getting rid of all of the parts of her character that made me love her in the first place.
The difference between Galadriel and Halbrand and Galadriel and Celeborn is that while Haladriel’s dynamic is centered around selfishness (from both of them desiring power and possibly each other so much so that it blinds them) Galadriel and Celeborn could be centered around selflessness. I mean, we see it in their story. When Galadriel eventually decides to go to Valinor, Celeborn doesn’t make her feel bad for leaving. He is understanding and compassionate. He respects her decision. And she respects him for staying behind. He returns to her eventually, but in their time apart there is no hatred.
I am not saying that the Haladriel ship is selfish, I am just saying that the two characters are selfish. I am analyzing the characters in the ship, not the ship and the shippers, so please keep that in mind.
Both Galadriel and Halbrand/Sauron are obsessed with each other (albeit in slightly differing ways) which makes them do things they can’t control.
Galadriel pleads with Elrond to help her in S2. “I can’t let him in again.”
“He never left Galadriel.”
She knows the control Sauron has over her is too strong. She knows it’s bad, but she still wants it. It’s unhealthy and wrong, but the heart follows where it wills when it is weak. Galadriel needs support and I hope we will eventually see Celeborn provide it.
The thing I am most afraid of is that they will turn Celeborn into an easily dislikable character, simply because they are following what most of the fans want. It’s not a bad thing to cater to an audience, but if they butcher his character for the sake of it, then I will be greatly disappointed. I want Celeborn to have just as much depth as Galadriel, and I want their relationship to have as much depth as Haladriel does. I don’t want Celeborn to be perfect, and I don’t want Galadriel to be either. I want their relationship to have flaws, but I also want to see the great love between them.
Galadriel is going through some complicated emotions. She’s experiencing the most dramatic situationship of all time. Perhaps that will hurt Celeborn in some ways, watching how his lover is tempted by another man, and I want to see that. But I also want to see him strengthen her in the process, by helping her through it instead of abandoning her. Even though it hurts him. Even though it hurts her. Because let’s face it, the best relationships are built on communication, and when one person makes a mistake, you don’t just get up and run when things get tough. You battle through it. The good and the ugly. Until one day, your connection is stronger because of it.
To sum it up, I ship Galadriel and Celeborn, and I can’t wait to see their dynamic onscreen, whenever it ends up happening. I just hope they do it right. I feel like such an unpopular TROP fan when I talk about them, because in all honesty, I favor Celadriel much more than Haladriel/Saurondriel, and we all know between the two what the most popular ship is. That’s not to say I don’t get excited when I see moments between Galadriel and Halbrand that could be interpreted as romantic, or when my friends post Haladriel fanfiction with so much enthusiasm. I eat that stuff up because I love it when people get excited about what they love. I just hope there are people out there who will be excited when it’s my ship's turn to shine, or when I gush about the Celadriel fanfictions I am bound to post.
 Like I said before, I have complicated feelings about Haladriel/Saurondril that I will explain at some point, (and again, I am not a Haladriel hater by any means) but I want to explain my opinion of it right because I just know some people will come after me if I say something that disagrees with them. I want to be delicate okay-
I don’t even know if I explained my thoughts on Celeborn clearly, but I hope I can find some people who understand where I’m coming from with this. The moment Galadriel talked about Celeborn, how he saw her dancing, and how he looked like a silver clam in his armor, I fell in love with the ship. That may make me the odd one out, but perhaps I’ll discover some people who feel the same about them.
Feel free to discuss your thoughts with me! I’d love to hear them! (If you disagree, make sure to make your point respectfully please-)
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jackdaw-kraai · 2 months
I've been a Guides fan for years but sometimes I still marvel at what an amazing character your Luke is. A character that is undeniably capable and dangerous, and who has a fair amount of darkness inside of him, who chooses to go about his life being not only kind, but friendly and warm in personality. As a trans guy I sometimes struggle with feeling like my demeanor isn't very masculine because I also like to be friendly and approachable, but having a character that walks that line (though obviously his cultural perceptions of masculinity are wildly different than mine) has really helped me.
Do I ever understand how you feel. Luke, when I’m writing him, has a few hard-and-fast rules, but one of the most important ones is that he is, always, on the side of the common people and the downtrodden. It’s, quite literally, what he was made for, and he takes it extremely seriously. So his commitment, however difficult, however inconvenient, is to be kind. Not necessarily nice, or sweet, or pleasant, but always kind. And yes, sometimes to be kind, he has to be cold and harsh and dangerous, but crucially, it’s only sometimes. The most common, effective, and easy way to be kind is often to be warm, respectful, and as open as one can be. Not a doormat, not a yes-man, not a fool, but simply kind and with a willingness to extend the grace of trust to almost anyone he meets. He trusts other people want to be good, to be kind, to have a pleasant interaction with him, and to not be needlessly cruel. He trusts other people on a vital and visceral level, not with his most inner secrets, not with his life, but with faith in their intent and desire to be good. And in acting on it, more often than not, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Another important one is that Luke, always, knows who he is and what he is. If he ever doesn’t, expect it to be a major crisis and not easily swept aside. Luke knows who he is, knows what he is, and in knowing, denies others the power to define him. He doesn’t care if he’s seen as more or less of a man, if he’s seen with respect and deference or scorn and hostility. Heck, he doesn’t even care if he is a “man” at all! He’s a Raqkesh, a Runner, a being made and not born, a purpose made manifest! What does he care if he obliges to some kind of arbitrary idea of gender? It’s not even his own! The Children have such a vastly different concept of gender to us that “manliness” isn’t even something that Luke fully understands. He goes by “he” because that’s what he was taught was his pronoun in Basic, and by now, he’s attached to it and regards it as his own, but it doesn’t mean the same thing to him as it would to you or I. Gender, to him, is what you do. You are the gender you are because of the role you decide to play in society, the functions you choose, and the affinities you have. You are a “woman” if you decide to dedicate to the ways of water and foraging, and a “man” if you dedicate to the ways of the sky and the hunt. Your pronouns aren’t who you are, but what your relationship is to the person you’re currently speaking to. You are “ach/ache” when you are speaking to someone innately more powerful to you, a spirit or other powerful individual. You are “kai/kair” when addressing your Home, your Kamir, and being addressed by them. You are “zar/zara” when being addressed by entities far more powerful than you. Your parents, guardians, or mentors are “sha/shara.” Who you are, who you are said to be, changes with the situation, and pronouns are as static as a person themselves.
Luke isn’t a man as we understand, he is, in his own mind, a myriad of genders and roles and purposes that make up him in his entirety. What does he care if others think him less of a man? He doesn’t even put value in that idea to begin with, or for that matter understand it. It’s not his purpose to be a man, not as far as he’s concerned. It’s not who he is, and no matter what other people may insist, he knows himself true. He knows who he is, what he is, what he’s here for. He knows, down to his bones, what his purpose is in the world. Nothing can shake that from him, or deny him that knowledge. So he acts, knowing who he is, and thus has an identity that cannot be taken from him or denied. And if that isn’t manly, well... what is?
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proudahgase-exol · 6 months
I’m not longer your muse?
Hongjoong x reader
Summary: Overhearing a conversation between Hoonjoong and a girl he was working with, made you to notice a change in their relationship and perhaps the end of yours thinking he likes her more than you.
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Your pov:
When I started dating Hongjoong, I knew that he would be busy most of the time, but what I didn’t know was that he would want to be around even when he was busy. As the relationship progressed, he became more comfortable telling me about his problems and insecurities. He also started to share his work with me. When he was working on a song, he would ask for my opinion, wanting to know what I thought.
When he is stuck on a song, he will ask for my advice. When he wasn’t inspired by writing a song, he would ask if I could accompany him. He called me his muse multiple times and told me he would just look at me or talk to me, and he would immediately get inspired.
Now, lately, I have seen that change. Since he began working with this new girl, he rarely calls me or texts me; he also doesn’t call me to ask if I could visit him at the studio.
I guess he was busy with this new project, and you understood. But as the days passed, I didn’t hear from him. The only way I got any updates on him was from Seonghwa, who would tell me what Hongjoong was up to. I didn’t think anything bad about him spending time with this new girl; I understood it was his job.
But when the song came out, I thought everything would go back to normal, but I was wrong. I mean, he did text back, but his replies were short; he would call just to say good night or to apologize for not being able to talk for longer.
It made me sad because, from what Seonghwa told me, he had more free time; he wasn’t that busy, and again, I didn’t think anything of it.
A few days ago, I had a talk with the boys, and San asked if I could make him one of my special desserts since it’s been a while since I made them anything, and I agreed. I also made them a meal that I knew they would love.
After spending a few hours preparing the delicious food, I packed everything and made my way to the KQ building. I had found Mingi walking in the lobby, so I ran to him. He told me Hongjoong was in the studio and the rest were in the dance practice, so he walked me to the dance practice so I could give him and the boys their food before going to Hongjoong’s studio.
After I give the boys their food, I make my way down to Hongjoong’s studio. I was so excited to see him. It's been a while since we last talked. When I got near his door, I noticed it was cracked open. I could see him sitting and chatting with this new girl, and as I got closer, I could hear what they were talking about.
I wasn’t trying to spice things up for them, but when I heard my name being mentioned, it got me curious, so I stayed silent and heard what they were talking about.
"Yeah, yeah, it’s alright and all, but she doesn’t really understand the music industry like you. I try to teach her, but she just doesn’t understand." Hongjoong said with a sigh.
"Well, you have me if you ever need someone to understand you. I mean, we have been working for a while now, and we understand each other perfectly,” she said as she rubbed his arm.
"Yeah, since I started working with you, I've had a lot of inspiration. It’s like your personality gives me inspiration, a new kind that Y/N doesn’t give me, and this is what I needed,” he replied, laughing.
“I’m so glad we understand each other since we have been working together. I've seen that you kind of like having me around more than your own girlfriend,” she said in a teasing tone.
"Yeah, that’s kind of true with you. I can talk about things she doesn’t understand, and let’s not mention the fact that we have the same interests. I like hanging out with you." Hongjoong said, smiling.
"Hey, we should go out to have dinner again. The new restaurant you took me to last Friday was amazing,” she said excitedly.
"Yeah, of course, let’s finish this up, and we can go there,” he said, getting back to work.
As I listened to them, it made me realize that, in fact, he hasn’t been spending much time with me, always claiming to work late when in reality he’s gone out with her. I also realize that their relationship has changed from being professional to being very friendly.
I was so heartbroken hearing him talk about how much better she was at understanding him than me; it broke me and made me feel stupid.
I understand I might not know much about being a music producer or music in general, but I try to understand him and learn from him. I tried so hard to the point where I had to beg Seonghwa to teach me a few things so I could surprise Hongjoong just by having him say that about me.
As I looked at them one last time, I noticed how close she was to him and how he didn’t push her away from him. It hurt me to see them, so I just left. I placed the lunch bag in front of the door, and I walked away, trying to keep my tears from falling.
As I was walking out of the building, I saw the Ateez manager walk up to me and ask if I was leaving so soon. I just smiled at him and walked away. I just wanted to leave as soon as possible.
Once I got one, I broke down crying, thinking about my relationship and whether I was even good enough for Hongjoong. I thought back to our relationship: was I really his muse, like he claimed I was? Is he tired of me? Did he want someone who understood him perfectly? All those questions started to come to mind.
After a few hours of crying, I went to take a shower and then to take a nap. I was tired of crying, and I needed a nap.
The next morning, I got a message from Seonghwa asking if I got to talk to Hongjoong.
Haw💗: Hey, did you get to talk to Hongjoong?
Me: No, he was busy.
Haw💗: Well you can try again today.  We got off early, so you can come over.
Me: I don’t think he will be free. I mean, I guess he’s busy with his new friend.
Haw💗: I’ll convince him to hang out with you don’t worry.
Me: No, it’s okay. I just wish he would want to hang out with me instead of her and own his own account, not having to be asked to...
Haw💗: I swear, he’s kind of stupid sometimes he’ll come around. Don't worry.
Me: I hope that when he does, it’s not too late.
Haw💗: hey! have some faith he can be obvious at times, but he’s a good guy.
Me: If you say so, anyway, I’m going out with my friend, so talk to you later.
Haw💗:Okay, have fun.
Right after I was done texting Seonghwa, I called a friend of mine to see if she wanted to do something, and she agreed. I needed to get my head off Hongjoong, and I knew she would keep me busy.
We had agreed to go to the mall, so she had picked me up, and once we arrived, we went to our favorite stores, and we were having a good time. Then we went to get a bubble, and we got our drinks. I heard a voice that I could recognize anywhere, so I looked for it, and then I found it.
It was Hongjoong and his friend; they were here at the mall, laughing and acting way too friendly. What got me confused was that Seonghwa said that they would be off early and that they would be at the dorms, so why was Hongjoong here?
I was standing there, just looking at him with a hurt and betrayed look on my face. I just understood why he was spending so much time with her instead of me, his girlfriend.
Then I saw him turning around with a smile on his face. He looked up to me, and his smile slowly started to disappear once he saw the expression on my face. I saw him walking my way, but I turned around and called for my friend, telling her it was time to go.
After we had left the mall, my friend dropped me off at my house and left, telling me to call her once I had called down.
Twenty minutes didn’t pass when I heard a knock at the door, and I immediately knew it was Hongjoong. As much as I didn’t want to open the door, I did because I wanted an explanation. I wanted to know if our relationship was over.
Once I opened the door, I moved aside so he could get in and then close the door. I watched in silence as he took his coat and shoes off and walked into my living room.
He sat down and gestured for me to do the same, and I did, but on the other side of the couch, not wanting to seat to close to him. The room got quiet, but then he started talking.
"Hey, it’s been a long time. I haven’t seen you in a while,” he said nervously.
“Why are you talking nervously? Had you done something wrong? You only talk like that when you know you're in trouble,” I asked, ignoring what he had said.
"Well, I don’t know what I did; I just know that you're upset with me,” he said, looking at me.
“You got to be fucking kidding me,” I said under my breath.
“So why are you mad? By the way, I got you food. My friend thoughtit was delicious, and I also like it,” he said, smiling.
“Is it always going to be about her? If so, please save this bullshit and get out of my place,” I reply, pissed.
“What? What are you talking about?” He asked, confused.
“Every since you started to work with her, everything become about her. All the conversations we had were about her. I replied, raising my voice.
"Wow, calm down. Why are you so mad at her? She did nothing wrong,” he said, defending her.
"See, here we go again. Look, let’s save each other time and end this here. I overheard what you told her. I heard when you told her that she was your new muse and how she understood you better than I did, so if you love her so much, please leave and never come back. You are just hurting me." I said I was trying not to show my pain. Through my voice
“You were there? So you were the onewho left the food? Why didn’t you walk in?” He asked, surprised.
“San had asked if I could make his favorite dessert, and I thought, Why not make you all some food that will give me the excuse to come see you? But you were already busy and talking badly behind my back, so I just left, and now I want you to live. If you're just going to ignore the problem, please go back to her since she seems to understand you.” I said, getting up from the couch and walking to my bedroom.
After a few seconds, I heard the front door open and close, letting me know he had chosen her. I just sat down on my bed and broke down crying, knowing he actually chose her over me. He chose someone else over some he knew longer.
After crying for an hour or so, I fell asleep. I didn’t have the energy to do anything. I felt miserable. I felt lost and hopeless, so I just fell asleep.
Hongjoong pov:
After I left your place, I walked back to the dorms, and once I walked in, San and Wooyoung came running, asking where I was and if you were with me, but once they saw I was alone, they went back to the living room, and Seonghwa asked if we could talk.
We went to his room, and he closed the door and asked me to sit down, and with a very serious tone, he asked where I was.
“Where were you?" He asked, “Were you with y/n?" Did you know she wanted to see you for so long?”
“How do you know she did? How much time have you been spending with her?” I asked, annoyed.
“Since you started to ignore her and since she asked me to help her on something,” he answered.
“Why had she wished you to help her? Why can’t she come to me if she needs help?” I asked, pissed.
“She’s been seeing that you would rather spend time with your new lady friend instead of her; she also doesn’t have many friends, and she chooses to hang out with me; she also wanted to surprise you, idiot,” he said, rolling his eyes.
“What do you mean surprised me?” I was confused.
“She wanted to show you that she can understand your work and that she can help you when you are stuck on a song. She wanted to show you that she understands the music industry. She came to me for help to surprise you. She came and asked. I said no; I want you to help her, but she began to begg, so I agree." He replied, raising his voice.
“She really begged you to teach her,” I asked in surprise.
"Yes, and right before you got here, she texted me, telling me that she thinks you guys broke up. She told me that she would miss the boys and me. So tell me, did you really end the relationship fir this new girl? Was she worth your relationship? Was she worth hurting? Was she really better than y/n?" He kept asking as he walked back and forth angrily.
“She thinks we broke up,” I asked.
"Yeah, I would too if I were her. You know you could be a better boyfriend if you just paid a little more attention to what she was doing and the effort she tried to put into your relationship. So if you want to fix your relationship, you should go and apologize and tell her how you really feel. And if what you say to your lady friend has any meaning, then just end things with her; she doesn’t deserve all this pain,” Seonghwa said, and walked out of his room.
After talking to Seonghwa, I went to my bedroom and sat down on my bed, and I just thought about everything Seonghwa said. I was so upset with myself that I let myself go, and I became someone I didn’t recognize, and it’s costing me my relationship.
I was thinking of ways to apologize to y/n, but no matter what, I still think about the way I treated her and how I ignored her to spend time with someone else. I was disgusted by my behavior, and I wish I could have done this differently.
After I just sat down thinking about what I should do, I tried to go to sleep, thinking it was best to work things out tomorrow, but no matter what I did, I couldn’t fall asleep. Guilt was eating me up. I couldn’t stop thinking about how y/n might be feeling, and the thought of it didn’t let me sleep.
The next day, I woke up before the guys and left the dorms. I went for a walk, then I went to buy stuff to make something to eat for y/n.
Once I got into her apartment, I went to her kitchen as quietly as possible and started to cook her something delicious.
After a few minutes, I heard her walking down the hallway. Then I saw her right behind me, and I was kind of scared to face her just to have her kick me out, but then she started talking in a low voice.
“What’s all this? What are you doing here? I thought we ended things,” she asked.
"Well, I thought I could make you something delicious to eat than we could talk about last night, if that’s okay with you,” I asked nervously.
“You better have a good excuse because I’m so ready to end everything. I’m not going to be anyone’s joke,” she replied as she sat down on the kitchen table.
“I promise I’ll try to fix everything. I’ll do everything I need to fix my mistakes,” I said in a low tone.
After I was done cooking, I placed everything on the table and sat down across from her. As she was eating quietly, I was scared to do or say anything, so I just looked down at my lap.
I was coming up with ways to fix my relationship. I really didn’t want to lose her, and that scared me. She has been the best thing that has happened to me, and I’m afraid to lose her because I know that without her, I’ll be a mess.
Ever since we started dating, she has been there to help me every step of the way. She helps me a lot with so many things, one of them being the boys. They love her so much that they respect her and obey her more than me.
After she was done eating, I cleaned up as she went to sit on the couch. I was so nervous. I hoped she could forgive me. I hoped I didn’t mess it up too much.
Once I was done cleaning, I went to sit on the couch with her. I was nervous still, but I had to get this over with, so I started to talk.
“I’m sorry for how I have been acting. I haven’t been the best boyfriend, and I have been ignoring it. I’m so sorry. I wish I could have acted differently." I said not looking at her in the eye.
“Am I no longer your muse?” She asked sadly, “I mean, I heard what you told her that she gives you a new kind of inspiration that I don’t give you, and that to me, it seems that I’m no longer your muse, the one you needed.”
“I was stupid for saying anything like that but knowing that I might lose you that I might lose the one that made way days better scares me. Your all I need, your all I think about, and you help me when I need help with my music.” I said, finally looking at her.
“But I didn’t understand you the way you would like. I tried my best to do so, but I just failed to understand your world,” she said as some tears fell from her eyes. “You know, ignoring me really hurt me. I thought I was going to lose you to her. I thought you didn't love me any more.”
"No, baby, you are and forever will be my muse. You are the reason why I’m always working. You always encourage me to do my best. I can’t ever replace you your everything I want and need,” I said, smiling softly. “I'm sorry for ignoring you. I was acting stupid, and I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't think I would make you feel this way.”
“Did you ever think of ending our relationship to be with her? Do you actually have more things in common with her than with me?” She asked, unsure.
“Yes and no.” I replied in a chuckle, “We do share the same musical interests and a few other things, but I have more things in common with you, like our sense of humor and stuff we like to do in our free time.”
“I mean, yeah, but is that enough for you? Are you okay with me not understanding you one hundred percent?” she said, smiling.
"Yeah, it doesn't bother me; it actually gives me a reason to teach you new things. Baby, I'm so sorry. I need you. I can’t imagine being without you. I want to go back, like before. Have you in the studio, and be my little helper.” I said, putting y/n into my chest.
“I don't know. Convince me, and I might,” she said, smiling up at me.
“I’m sure I came up with something in the meantime. I heard from some that you beg him to teach you a thing or two about music. Is that true?” I asked, teasing
“I’m going to kill Hwa; he promises not to say anything, but he rats me out to you,” she said, blushing.
“You know, that’s kind of cute and sweet of you to try to surprise me, but don’t go to him or any of the boys; I get jealous, and don’t make food for the boys only for me,” I said, whining.
“How can I say no to the boys, especially Sannie? He looks so cute with his cute puffy cheeks and that cute voice he makes. It’s hard for me to say no to them,” she said, giggling.
"Baby, I promise not to ever ignore you. No for another girl, not for nothing; your all I need and want. I’m sorry for my actions. Because of that, I almost lost you. I can’t afford to lose you, and from now on, I will not talk to her or hang out with her unless I really have to, but I’ll make sure you're there as well." I said, kissing the top of her head.
As we sat on the couch, hugging each other, I couldn’t help but think that I could have lost her. I could have lost the only person who made my bad days good and who was there to support me, my little muse. I can’t believe she forgives me now. I won’t ever make the same mistake again. I can’t afford to lose her, not when she has done so much for me. I will make sure to show her how much I love and appreciate her.
I hope you guys enjoyed it and sorry if it was bad :(
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