#I mean... OBVIOUSLY if someone is actually dangerous I wouldn't interact with them
royalight · 8 months
Just a little psa, I am not really associated with any group of people. I interact with those who are kind to me.
I'm not up to date with "Who dislikes who" .... and so on .... and there's really no reason for me to know.
Most don't speak to me enough to be considered more than friendly acquaintances (and that's okay)
I just want to have a nice time on my blog. My job is both emotionally and physically exhausting .... I need some sort of escape. Just to chill ....
sooo....I won't go out of my way to appease people who .... would drop me immediately. Ya know?
sorry for this post but it's been on my mind for awhile... and I just wanted to throw it out there!
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feroluce · 2 months
SO LIKE. As much as I roll with the Emanator of Elation Sampo theory, I do have. Some doubts about this specific instance of it. Not that I think Boothill is lying, or that I think Sampo isn't an Emanator, but I wonder if the person Boothill actually met was Sampo.
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Just! Sampo is so careful. The only reason we even knew he wasn't of Belobog was due to a dialogue-dependent fourth wall-breaking dream sequence that no other character could have seen. It took a missable dream bubble in an out-of-the-way spot that was seemingly left only for the trailblazer at the very end of a side mission just to confirm him as a Masked Fool. Like it's not just the fact that Boothill mentions this person being an Emanator. It's that he knows they're also a Masked Fool, which is also something Sampo is incredibly dodgy about. Sparkle even seems to call him out on this in her party join line fjkdjaskldj
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((But also, Boothill, baby. WHY were you trying to get them drunk????))
And regardless of if you believe him when he calls himself an old timer, he obviously has a lot of experience in doing what he does. He knows what he's doing, he's good at it, and he is viciously capable and competent, unfortunately for his victims smhznskdn
So it just. Feels very unlike him, for him to let his guard down enough to not only let himself get drunk in front of Boothill-
a total stranger btw whom Sampo has absolutely no reason to trust, and a dangerous Galaxy Ranger to boot who has plenty of blood on his hands and a significant bounty on his head
-but to get SO drunk that he lets loose the secret that he's an Emanator.
When Boothill brings this up, he mentions that if Emanators were obvious and known at a glance, it would lead to atrocities. And for as much as Sampo is disliked by his victims (there's an entire anti-Sampo organization in Belobog JFDKLASJFDL), it's all for fraud. He's wanted by the IPC as an intergalactic thief. He scams people out of their money, and only rich people at that. That's mostly all that he's known for. Nothing he does is violent, even though Sampo surely has the capacity to inflict a lot of harm.
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And I don't mean that he's exactly a pacifist or anything; Firefly comments that Sampo seems like a highly skilled covert fighter. His voicelines make it sound like he enjoys combat- hell, his ult line makes him sound like a hitman. I like to hc him as being a pretty high ranker in the fighting rings at the World's End Tavern, like we see in the Simulated Universe occurrences.
But I don't think he would enjoy being the cause of uncontrollable violence and bloodshed.
Like yeah he's a dick who scams people on the regs for funsies, but he has lines he refuses to cross, which we see a lot of in how he interacts with Sparkle. More than just not enjoying it, I think he would hate it if he were found out and it caused an incident, especially since he seems so endeared to Belobog and her people now and it looks like he plans to return there. He wouldn't want to bring any of that back to them.
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So I just can't imagine him carelessly fucking up bad enough to out himself to a random stranger that could easily put a bullet right through his head.
Sparkle maybe could, though.
Because as we find out later the dreamscape had expanded FAR beyond what it seemed, far enough that the trailblazer had been dreaming since the warp jump in. Most people enter it unknowingly, and don't realize they're already dreaming when they think they're still awake. Boothill and Dan Heng should have already been dreaming during their exchange on the Express that started all this.
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And as long as someone knows they're dreaming, completely changing their appearance is easy, even for the common layman. We see this with a couple of NPCs and also Sparkle herself, with her (in)famous impression of Sampo.
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Thank youuuuu Sparkle
And yeah, the trailblazer and almost all of the other characters wouldn't know about the expansion until near the very end. None of them realized they were dreaming even outside of their dream pools, and surely none of them would think to be suspicious of another person's appearance outside of the dreamscape like that.
But Sparkle has a script from Silver Wolf.
She knew all the secrets of the dreamscape, and she knew them from the very beginning. There would have been nothing stopping her from appearing as Sampo in front of Boothill and spilling all his secrets.
And she apparently has a long-standing history with Sampo, including trying to get him in on her own much more fiery and aggressive version of Elation.
Maybe all Sampo needs is to be outed as an Emanator, and then when all the violence and bloodshed catches up to him, then he'll finally understand! ദ്ദി(。•̀ ,<)~✩
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pigcowboys · 1 year
About the confession fic.
Thank you.
Ps.( I need more percy headcanons from you they're so good LORD YOURE AMAZING).
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pairing: percy jackson x gn! reader
summary: part 2 to this fic part 3
warning(s): blood, injuries, rough housing, cursing, SLIGHT jealousy, unresolved feelings whoops.. & mutual pining (they're just a little slow..)
a/n: HAHAH TYSMMM <33!! i wanna write more so badly but so much is going on with school i just haven't found the time.. :( (i have something in the works actually!!)
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"are you okay?"
you jumped at the sound of grover's voice, waving his concerns off with a dismissive 'just fine'. and you were, for the most part at least. or as fine as you could be with the camp currently split in two on account of the disappearance of the young nico di angelo.
you weren't especially close with him - well, not as close as he would've been with his late sister. though, you had your fair share of moments with him.
while percy was away from camp on his quest with everyone else, you became to unofficial babysitter for the boy. taking on the role you assumed his sister had to play for him during the time they were together. and it was fun. you didn't have any siblings of your own so the thought of having your very own younger one just dropped at your feet was awesome to you.
well, it was till percy and the others came back and nico's seemingly never ending cheerfulness faded with the information of his sister's untimely death. it's things like that which reminded you of why being a half-blood was so dangerous.
she didn’t deserved to die that young - shit, nobody deserved to die that young..and in that way?
it's so..fucked.
"do you know when they said they'd be back?" you asked grover, turning to look at him since the first time you began to speak. he gave you an unsure shrug. "mm..soon? i'm not too sure," he turned to look past the camp entrance. " i wouldn't worry about it though, they'll be fine."
"you'd be surprised the amount of shit percy can get himself into.." you said to nobody at all. grover seemed put of by your uncharacteristic brooding. he spared you a glance before parting ways with you to do whatever it is he had to. you didn't want to do anything right now but sleep.
for whatever reason you'd taken it upon yourself to try your best to help out with every single thing you could around the camp, touring new comers, cleaning the pegasus stables - you even assisted the stoll brothers in cleaning the hermes cabin after someone (travis) had let a couple of gerbils loose in there as a prank.
it wasn't funny. you glared daggers at travis for weeks.
maybe you were trying to preoccupy yourself or maybe you genuinely felt like helping - you weren't sure. or maybe you just missed..something.. or maybe someone? you looked towards the front entrance.
yeah..you did.
you hadn't gotten any time to think about the weird interaction the two of you shared a few weeks ago yet, it was always fresh in your mind somehow. percy was so weird. it felt like since that day you'd started to see him less and less than before. could you believe it? this guy, someone you considered to be your best friend had been blowing you off!
what a dick.
worst part was the fact that whenever you did see him, he was almost always with annabeth. annabeth, annabeth, annabeth. i mean, they couldn't of even asked you if you wanted to hang out? why were they always together? always whispering to each other and avoiding eye contact when you'd meet their prodding gaze. it was so weird..
the last straw had to be when you'd overheard them talking one time. you didn't mean to eavesdrop, you just heard your name in passing and it instantly grabbed your attention.
"so..you're going to do it?" annabeth asked
"i guess."
"come on! don't be like that - you're going to scare her off if you're not passionate. about it"
"do girls..like passion?"
"obviously! you have to make her feel important." annabeth tutted. "you guys never get these kinds of things."
"you sound like one of the hunters.."
why were they talking about girls? did percy have his eye on someone? is that why he was avoiding you? he..liked someone and didn't want to tell you. but, he told annabeth about it.. and not you? you were offended - very offended. how dare he not share his feelings with you! the nerve of some people. it wasn't the fact he didn't tell you that hurt the most, it was the fact he'd told someone else before you. why was this the way you had to find that out? who else did percy tell..?
the idea of it all flooded your thoughts and refused to leave it for days after days. it might've been the real reason you were brooding so much. you stopped dead in your tracks as you looked over yonder. ares campers, and they seemed like they were preparing for something. your breath caught in your throat as they noticed you, a sneer forming onto their faces as they made a beheading motion, dragging their thumb across their neck in a threatening manner.
oh wow, capture the flag. your favorite.
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"is too late to run back to my cabin?" you asked nervously, lacing your boots before standing up groggily. percy turned to look at you with a frown. "you gonna be okay?" you didn't spare him a glance, opting to fix your breastplate properly as you stared ahead.
"yeah, i guess." the corners of your lips curled as you made eye contact with another ares camper nearby who seemed to stare you down like a fresh piece of meat. your stomach turned as you clutched your shield tighter, exhaling shakily.
percy stared at you silently, looking forward at the line of campers then back to you. you turned to face him when you felt his hand brush against your own. he didn't react to your head turning, only leaning forward to grab your hand and hold it tightly.
you looked down at where your hands were clasped together then back to percy. he looked back you, a shaky smile making it's way onto his lips as he squeezed your hand tighter.
"for reassurance," he explained, lips tugging into a small smile. you nodded like you understood what he was doing, turning back to face in front as you tried your best to stay focused on not dying.
as so as the match started you were almost hit with an arrow, courtesy of the apollo campers, you concluded. your shoes scrapped the ground as you ran for cover, mud caking onto your shoes as your legs went as fast a they could.
you could hear yells and chants behind you as you dodged the botany of the forest, ducking down to hide behind a larger looking log as you waited for the opposing team to run past. your lungs hurt and you were pretty sure that arrow had just barely missed your face because there seemed to be a small slash on the side of your right cheek. as the sound of the footsteps grew farther and farther you moved out again, running past the log as you made your way to the East Woods.
A hushed whisper of your name caught your attention as you took notice of Annabeth who seemed to be trying to blend in with the surrounding woods.
"jeez, are you trying to get killed?" her eyebrows furrowed. "those ares campers are betting on this match." she rolled her eyes. "those brutes, you'd think they'd try to have some kind of sympathy for the people they hurt." she seemed to ramble on about something under her breath to which you did not hear nor care to even hear.
"where's percy?"
annabeth gave you a look. "i don't know," she looked to her right wearily. "i thought he was with you."
something in your stomach stirred. you'd just seen percy at the start of the match..what happened..? you frowned, moving from annabeth's hiding spot as you planted yourself onto the ground once more, equipping yourself with your weapon once more as you held it close to your chest.
"what do you think you're doing?" annabeth exclaimed. "you can't be out in the open like this, there's barely any cover. you'll be attacked."
"everywhere in this forest is the open."
"you know what i mean." annabeth sighed. "look, i've got a plan but, for to work we've gotta wait a little, okay?"
"what plan?"
"i can't tell you all of it right now." she frowned. "just follow my lead.."
you weren't too trusting of annabeth's plan yet you complied, following after her as she moved from her hiding spot, meticulously through the forest. she was quick on her feet and you tried your best to follow her example but it was harder to recreate with your mud ridden sneakers.
it happened quick, you barely registered the sound of a flurry of arrows being set off at you and annabeth, the two of you ducking out of the way as you took to your feet sloppily, running for your lives. your heart pounded as the sound of 4 different pairs of feet chased after you. annabeth panted harshly as she looked around in a flurry, grabbing your wrist as she made a sharp turn right into the weapon of an ares camper.
they raised their sword and swung down viciously without restraint. your shield was barely able to block the attack, swinging back as you put distance between the camper and annabeth. she seemed shaken up but still readied her weapon, steadying her helmet on her head.
you stared at the ares camper with furrowed eyebrows. "is it true you guys are betting on us..?"
he didn't reply, rushing forward to swing. your shield cushioned the blow yet the rather old material seemed to shatter slightly under the weight of the swing. what the hell did these campers eat?
you threw your shield to the side, backing away steadily as you steadied yourself. annabeth stepped forward as well, swinging at the camper with precision, trying her best to block the harsh slashes. you tried to catch your breath, bringing your hand to your chest as you raised up your head shakily.
you merely stepped forward for a minute when another camper rushed towards you, knocking into your body with full force as you flew to the side, slamming against the tree face first. your nerves could barely register the pain as your collapsed onto your side, falling right onto your right arm.
you cried out in pain, reach forward to clutch your arm as blood smeared against the sleeves of your clothes. you curled into yourself as your body grew heavier and heavier. you could remember the faint sound of yelling before you finally blacked out, losing consciousness.
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you woke up gods knows how much later in the infirmary. your ears were ringing and your chest hurt. how long had you been in here? a few hours? a few days even? you looked around the room wearily, nobody else had been inside - it was practically empty. you tried to stand up but took notice of the fact your arm was bandaged.
what exactly happened..?
the door to the infirmary swung open, gaining your attention as your head snapped towards the figure that opened it. your eye widened slightly when you locked eyes with percy. he seemed surprised you were awake, his eyes glinting with a spark of concern.
"hey." you two said in unison. silence fell over the two of you as percy idled in front of your bed for a moment before pulling up a chair and placing it near your bed, sitting down on it as he gazed at you with worry.
"did you just wake up?" percy asked, trying to seem normal.
"sadly," you exhaled. "i would've liked to sleep a little longer."
"well, you were out for a while." percy said absentmindedly. "i - uh, we were kind of worried about you."
"thanks." you smiled slightly, raising your head to peer at what it was he was holding in your hands. "what's that?"
"ambrosia," percy replied, fishing out a small cube from the pouch. he held it towards your mouth, waving it around slightly as he waited for you to lean forward and bite it.
"you know i can feed myself, right?"
percy frowned. "why can't you just let me be nice?"
you didn't reply, shuffling forward as you opened your mouth, allowing percy to slip the treat into your mouth. your mouth swirled with the best flavor imaginable as you sunk into your bed with a sigh, turning your head to the side to gaze at percy who looked at you wearily.
"how long was out for?"
"pretty long, you broke your arm and a few other things when you fell," he tucked the pouch into his hoodie pocket. "those ares campers are so.."
"insane. can't believe they were betting on people's lives." your eyebrows furrowed. "isn't that fucked?"
percy hummed in response and the two of you grew quiet again. you stole a glance at percy taking notice of the slight eyebags on his face and the redness of his nose.
"annabeth told me everything," he paused. "i'm sorry i wasn't there."
you shrugged. "it was no big deal, i mean, i'm still alive, right?"
percy leaned forward in his chair, bringing his elbow to rest on the cover of your bed, bracing his head in his palm. "yeah but," he paused. "i don't know what i would've done if you didn't manage to bounce back." you stared at him quietly as he seemed to zone out.
"i don't know what i'd do with myself if you ever got hurt."
your eyes widened as you registered his words, your lips curling upwards. so, maybe he didn't hate you.. you sat up in your bed slowly, bracing against the pillow you were resting on as you turned your body towards percy.
"that's not gonna happen," you paused. "..again." percy smiled yet still looked slightly distressed about the whole situation. you reached out to cup his cheek, a teasing smile pulling at your lips as you stretched them outward as far as you could.
"hey man, don't worry - i'm going to be fine, stop brooding now."
percy grunted rebuttals in response, exhaling when you finally released his face with a tired giggle, readjusting yourself to lay down on your bed as you settled in with a hum. percy rubbed his cheek soothingly, leaning forward to admire you.
you didn't register he was staring at you till you turned to your side and locked eyes with him, heart beating in your chest as the two of you stared at each other in silence. percy broke the eye contact, placing his hand on yours that laid still on the bed as he interlocked them.
you gave him a quizzical look as you squeezed his hand.
"it's for me." percy smiled sheepishly. "i wanna know that you're okay."
you didn't say anything only smiling to yourself as you closed your eyes, slowly fading out of consciousness as you dozed off clutching percy's hand.
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interstellarsystem · 6 months
Endogenic Systems and Experiences in the Neurodivergent Community
We tend to stay mostly on the fringes of syscourse nowadays without directly interacting with it too often but I'm going to post this more broadly and less focused on our specific instance of this because community-wise I think it's important to talk about.
Endogenic and other non-traumagenic systems are so commonly excluded from so many neurodivergent-safe spaces where they would otherwise be able to gain knowledge about the disorders they might have, share experiences and coping strategies with peers, or at least have a sense of community that is so commonly valuable to disabled and/or neurodivergent people. In a lot of cases, even people who only support non-traumagenic systems get shoved out.
[Continued under the readmore as it's long.]
This obviously harms non-traumagenic systems, but I have to point out that when people sit there and say "we care about REAL disabled people!", I have to say.... Do you? Because if you did care about those with mental illness, physical disability or neurodivergence, you in my mind wouldn't exclude them based on something unrelated to the topic itself which might even be something as small as holding an opinion that other people get to be the judge of their own experiences. You can say that you care about "real" disabled people, but what about when a traumagenic DID system also has a tulpa that they consider just as valid and real as their alters? What about when a system labels themselves as quoigenic because in reality, you owe no one the knowledge that you are vulnerable and traumatised? What about when a system starts out as endogenic but gains so much trauma later on that they develop dissociative symptoms?
We're quoigenic because while yes we are diagnosed with DID:
DID does not have trauma in the diagnostic criteria so our diagnosis doesn't mean anything by way of origin. Nontraumagenic is not the same as nondisordered the same way that traumagenic isn't the same as disordered.
We cannot remember a time before we were plural so we cannot say with accuracy what our actual origin was.
We have headmates we consider to be from both traumagenic and endogenic origins and it feels unfair to pick one.
We don't owe anyone a quick little "hey, we have trauma!" flag on our pinned post which can easily paint us as a target. This is the exact reason we don't share our triggers online--it's not safe.
You don't owe anyone personal medical information including your diagnostic history, your trauma history or lack thereof, your current medications or how many times you've been in a hospital. That is your business and yours alone to decide who you share it with. It's downright dangerous to share some of it, especially so publically. So who is anyone online that clearly isn't your specific medical practitioner to decide whether your experiences are real enough to allow you into spaces meant for a usually completely unrelated thing? Why would someone holding the opinion that endogenic systems get to decide what labels they use be denied access to spaces just because they support people with differing beliefs and/or experiences?
If we as a system with multiple disabilities want to go into a space for people who are schizoaffective because we need others who won't immediately jump on the ableism train when discussing something we're diagnosed with that has so much stigma, should we be denied that just because we don't label our origin with a clear-cut "we are traumatized!!" label? Should we be denied access to spaces because we don't want to sit around and smile while parts of our system and other members of our community are called fake and evil and whatever else they come up with? It's so common in spaces for people with disabilities to be exclusive to traumagenic systems and people with an anti-endogenic mindset that people don't realise they're not only hurting the endogenic community, but literal chunks of their own community itself.
I can't even begin to understand the reason why.
Endogenic systems by just existing do not cause harm. They're not like a transphobe you would not be safe around by default of having a label. Not every nontraumagenic system is a saint but if you took any communtiy and called everyone in it the equivalent of an unproblematic holy angel, you'd be lying. People are bad in every community, some worse than others, but the nontraumagenic system community literally just wants to exist--and yes, sometimes a nontraumagenic system (or supporter of such) does have dissociative symptoms, or maybe they have autism, or maybe they're physically disabled. Should they be not allowed access just because of the way they chose to label their system, or their opinion of people picking their own labels for their personal identity?
What exactly is the reason they're so excluded everywhere? I'd try to assume that this level of exclusion (to the point of endos being on DNIs next to transphobes and racists) would mean there's some real harm being done on a community-wide scale, but even when looking for it there isn't any explanation we've been able to find. "They're fake" is all we seem to see which has no actual backing whatsoever. "They're harmful" is another but.. How? We might be looking in the wrong places, but we have never seen an actual explanation for how nontraumagenic systems cause harm as a community just by being themselves.
At this point, I have to wonder how many people who say "we care about real disabled people!" are just covering up their "we care about socially acceptable disabled people who I understand and/or do not find cringey" sentiment instead. Being neurodivergent should never be about fitting into tight little boxes--it's part of the whole point of having a community like this. You're not the majority, and that's okay. So why are we dividing the disabled community into boxes too?
Of course, this doesn't only apply to ND spaces. LGBT+ spaces are similar and even more divided from the concept of being a system that it makes even less sense to block nontraumagenic systems from entering the space. How does their system origin relate to their LGBT+ identity? Sometimes it can, but should a trans person be excluded from a trans space because they have a friend who is an endogenic system and they support them fully?
Overall, the main point is that it makes no sense whatsoever to be anti-endo in general, let alone so violently anti-endogenic system to the point where you hurt members of your own community due to it. Sometimes from something as simple as them supporting endogenics alone. Your safe spaces aren't actually safe if you exclude a nonharmful group who also belong in that space due to having a personal identity or opinion different to yours. If you want somewhere to be a safe, inclusive space, it should include everyone as long as letting those people in won't cause harm. People who are seeking to cause harm (racists, transphobes, etc) obviously do not belong in a safe space because they seek to harm others, thus making the space unsafe. But people who just want to be themselves without harming anyone should be included in your space if they fall under whatever it may be topic-wise. Even the "cringey" ones. Even the ones who don't quite make sense to you or have "contradicting" labels. Even the ones who use labels completely differently to the way you do. And even the ones who are uninformed or misinformed but trying their best to learn. Your safe space is not safe if it excludes those who do not follow your every single mindset and thought without any deviation.
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herondalesbooklover · 3 months
I have a new theory yall!!!
Disclaimer: This is gonna be long, but you should stick around I make some fair points...
I know most of us think that Lyra was one of Avery's players, even more now that we have read Jameson's reactions to Lyra and Grayson's interaction. Now, I was thinking that MAYBE this is not the case and that actually someone found the wild card and put it in Lyra's p.o box with the message.
I know that Jameson was looking rather suspicious with his "this should be fun," and it makes sense that he would pick Lyra to mess up with gray, but these are not his picks, these are Avery's and she wouldn't just pick someone to put gray on edge. I think Jamie's reaction has more to do with the fact that gray looked visibly shocked to see her than about him knowing anything about them, I mean it is rare for THE grayson hawthorne to show his emotions, Jameson was obviously going to be intrigued.
Also, I think Grayson wouldn't be the type of person to reveal Lyra's story to anyone, not even his brothers, it is something rather private. We know that by the end of tbh he hadn't said a thing, he might have considered it his mystery to solve, and he probably tried it, but got nowhere, Lyra doesn't have her father's last name, maybe he didn't even sign her birth certificate or smth, so he probably couldn't find her. Grayson definitely didn't tell Avery, so how would she know about her??? It would be a pretty great coincidence that she just choose Lyra randomly and she ended up being the girl that called grayson...honestly, it doesn't add up. It could be that Avery choose people that had been wronged by Tobias, but still choosing lyra would still be big coincidence.
Then, I was thinking that the way in which Lyra got the ticket was pretty specific. A note "you deserve this" and the ticket. The note got destroyed within seconds, which is a Hawthorne trick, it makes sense that we thought Avery or a Hawthorne invited her, but what if it is not? It could be A Hawthorne, just not the boys... It could have been Alice or smne who knows their tricks (maybe not eve, I just don't think she knows anything about lyra ...yet). Then, Lyra mentioned feeling like someone was watching her, none of the other povs has mentioned something like this which makes me think that someone is indeed watching her, not Avery or the boys, they have boundaries (it would be weir if they followed her), but you know what... the epilogue is narrated by the watcher or smth. So I think that the watcher is the person who gave Lyra the ticket.
Considering the fact that lyra is a dancer and Avery is the knife. I think the person who put the ticket in Lyra's mail wants her to be the ballerina, this person wants Lyra to play the game for them, just like Tobias wanted to Avery to do. Honestly, this feels quite dangerous for her. The game is obviously not gonna go as it is planned and someone is definitely planning to manipulate Lyra to do as they want.
This makes the perfect sense when you realize that lyra has a bigger role in tgg than only being gray's love interest.
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paradoxcase · 5 months
Chapter 28 of Nona the Ninth
A broken Sixth skull this time, but I'd guess probably not for any kind of deception
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Honestly curious about who Gideon thinks Nona is at this point. I guess it's plausible that she does know Nona is Alecto since she did think Harrow was in love with Alecto
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Are we ever going to find out what happened? Because I would like to know
Also, this kind of raises the question of why Alecto forgot she was Alecto here? Did she forget when John put her in the tomb? But even if she forgot who she was at that point, she spent all of Harrow the Ninth interacting with Harrow and even giving her advice (and her advice to lie to Mercy about her age indicates that she remembers something about who she is, at any rate) and Nona doesn't remember anything about Harrow here. So did something that happened at the end of Harrow the Ninth cause her to forget?
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A ward of some sort, I guess
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This reminds me of the whole "why does Ross, the largest friend, not simply eat the other friends" thing. Maybe this isn't just because Alecto has a resurrection beast perspective but also because this story is actually full of people eating each other, also, can you really blame her for making this assumption?
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So the resurrection beast doesn't just drive necromancers mad, it also makes doing necromancy dangerous, at least for regular necromancers anyway, this didn't seem to be an issue for the Lyctors at the end of Harrow the Ninth
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Camilla is like, half-dead in this scene, but she's still making jokes
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So if I understand this correctly, they're making plans to somehow travel physically through the River in this BOE truck to Pluto, which for some reason isn't going to be dangerous the way it usually is, but no one has explained why yet
Something that's slightly confusing to me here is that they're talking about Gideon telling them things, and We Suffer is part of this conversation, and I think later GIdeon is outside the truck and sitting up and all, but at the beginning of this chapter Gideon claimed she was still pretending to be dead. So does We Suffer and the rest of BOE know that Gideon isn't really that dead right now, or what?
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I think after the last John chapter, it's been sort of established for me that there isn't a right way to do Lyctorhood and there was never any kind of "perfect" Lyctorhood like whatever Mercy and Augustine though John was hiding from them. I guess Pyrrha wouldn't know, though, even if she does somehow remember the story John told, she wasn't alive at the time that John ate Alecto
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I guess this is the gay sense and not the political sense?
This is mouth-to-mouth kiss #2, and so far neither of them have been between characters who actually have any kind of romantic hinting
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Who is "she"?
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I guess Camilla saved some of Palamedes' bones just so that she could eat it to fulfill the cannibalism part of the Lyctorhood ritual?
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I don't think we've actually seen what happens during the standard Lyctorhood process looks like - we didn't see Ianthe's, we didn't get a detailed description of Harrow's, and everyone else's happened 10,000 years ago, so I have to wonder how this differs from the others, other than obviously they would usually wind up in the necromancer's body
Also, this seems like possibly a worse or at least not better version of what happened to the other Lyctors, since it seems like both Camilla and Palamedes died and they have become someone new instead
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I mean, maybe for Ianthe, but I think Babs is long gone at this point, no?
I guess Ianthe noped out because she realized that there was no way she was going to be able to get back to the shuttle and therefore return with either Gideon or Pyrrha or the Sixth House, and she's obviously been aware of what's going on. But this also means she knows the approximate location of the Sixth House and what their plans are for Gideon's body, which I'm sure will be of great interest to John
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yeowangies · 2 years
Childish Plot
PAIRING: Goku/Vegeta/Reader RATING: Explicit CONTENTS: Explicit sexual content, little plot, a little fluff. WARNINGS: Threesome (F/M/M). Double Penetration. Dom/Sub Undertones WORDCOUNT: 6620
“Can you two not look at me like that?” You asked, flushing under their hungry eyes. 
“Don’t act so coy,” Vegeta smirked, one of his hands trailing from your ankle up your calf.
“You did ask us if we wanted to eat somethin’.” Goku grinned, undoing his sash quickly.
“I didn’t mean me!”
Notes: This is the first threesome fic I had ever publicly shared and I'm a little nervous. I'm quite proud of it but at the same time I'm nervous. This is not a true threesome per se (meaning, Goku and Vegeta do not Really interact with each other as much as I would want, though they still touch) but I want to get there at some point in my future fics. So basically, if you don't like men (especially these two) touching each other, maybe you won't like this. I obviously ship Goku and Vegeta, or I wouldn't have written them like this, so in future fics I want to explore their dynamics more (and actually have a True Threesome). I proofread this when I was sleepy so maybe it's not perfect grammar-wise. Just so yall know, everyone is bisexual in all my fics unless otherwise stated, even the reader.
It was your first night alone after months. Goku and Vegeta had left with Whis that morning to train for god knows how long. Months, obviously. You were okay with that. It’s not like they left you forever, but the first few nights were weird and lonely. You had to learn how to sleep by yourself again in your king size bed (which you always thought was kind of small with how Goku slept). 
It was fine. You didn’t need to sleep with them every night. 
You sighed, stepping out of the shower and wrapping a robe around your body. At least you could do small things that you wouldn’t do as often with them around, you thought as you blow dried your hair. Getting a midnight snack was a rare occurrence, simply because if either Goku or Vegeta noticed (mostly Vegeta, Goku slept like a log most of the time), you had to make enough food to share with them, killing the idea of it being a snack. Not to mention the amount of food you had to cook for both of them every day. Taking a break from all that was needed every once in a while.
Still, you pouted when you walked into your room, bed empty. There wasn't anything to do about it, so you sat by the vanity, running your fingers through your hair so it wouldn’t be as messy in the morning. 
You stood up, turning to go to the dresser to look for underwear to put on when Goku and Vegeta materialized right in front of you. You screeched, jumping backwards and almost knocking over the vanity table.
“Goddamnit!” You held your robe tighter around yourself, trying to even your breathing. “You scared the crap out of me!”
“Sorry, honey,” Goku apologized, rubbing the back of his head. 
“What are you two even doing here?”
“There was some kind of emergency…” Goku began to explain, as Vegeta sat by the bed, taking off his boots and gloves.
You turned your head from side to side, alternating between looking at both of their faces. An emergency? Was the Earth or Universe in danger once more? Will they have to leave?
“It was an emergency on the other side of the universe. Whis didn’t want the clown to tag along, since he always makes matters worse,” Vegeta clarified, noticing the growing panic in your face. 
“So we came back! We’ll leave the next time Whis comes,” Goku said, approaching you and planting a brief kiss on your lips. 
Somehow it didn’t seem like Goku would simply agree to come back so fast just like that. You watched him walk into the bathroom, and you turned to Vegeta, who was just taking off his armor. 
“You convinced him to come back, didn’t you?”
Vegeta grunted before replying.
“The fool would have mindlessly picked up a fight wherever Whis was going. I had to remind him there was someone waiting for us to come home.”
“That’s… really sweet of you.”
Vegeta didn’t respond, but you noticed the tips of his ears turning a little red. The comment took you by surprise if you were honest, but as time went by in the last few years, you could tell he had mellowed out somehow, and sometimes he said things that could be sweet, romantic even. You approached him and leaned down, pressing your lips to his. 
The kiss was supposed to be short, or that was your intention, but when you tried to pull away, Vegeta put his hands on your shoulders, keeping you in place. He deepened the kiss, licking your lips, and you melted into him quickly. When you pulled away, your body felt hotter than usual.
Goku walked in then, with just his pants on, discarding his shirts randomly onto the bedroom floor.
You weren’t sure if they were doing it on purpose, but their actions were starting to affect you.
“Have you eaten?” You asked, clearing your throat. “It’s late but I can make something if you guys want to eat.”
When you turned to walk to the door, Vegeta grabbed your wrist and unceremoniously threw you to the bed. You yelped, surprised, as you bounced on the mattress. His eyes were roaming your body immediately, and you could see something dark pooling in them when you met his gaze. Goku approached you then, standing by the bed, and while he still had his usual smile, you noticed the same gleam in his eyes. 
You recoiled a little instinctively, feeling small, like a deer caught in the headlights.
It was exciting, and warmth started forming in your lower abdomen.
“Can you two not look at me like that?” You asked, flushing under their hungry eyes. 
“Don’t act so coy,” Vegeta smirked, one of his hands trailing from your ankle up your calf.
“You did ask us if we wanted to eat somethin’.” Goku grinned, undoing his sash quickly.
“I didn’t mean me!”
Your eyes scanned his naked body once Goku pulled down his pants and underwear, your gaze settling on his already half hard cock. You swallowed, squeezing your legs together, trying to relieve the pressure that had rapidly built up inside you. 
Vegeta had settled beside you on the bed, and claimed your lips in a kiss that left you lightheaded, his hot tongue hungrily stroking yours. You melted into him immediately, humming into the kiss and cupping his face, as his hands worked on undoing the sash on your robe and pulling it open. You were still naked underneath, and thankfully you never got to put on clothes considering how quickly you got in the mood to have them both. 
When Vegeta trailed his lips downwards towards your neck, his hands tracing the underside of your breasts, Goku cupped your chin and turned you to him to kiss your lips. He was more enthusiastic about it than Vegeta was, nibbling your bottom lip before roaming your mouth with his tongue, devouring you completely. You returned the kiss just as hungrily, until Vegeta’s lips reached your nipple, closing on it and sucking earnestly, making you gasp. Goku swallowed every sound you made, one of his hands caressing your other breast and running his thumb over your nipple. 
They were going so fast, your mind was in a haze so quickly and you were at a loss for words. Goku soon trailed down your neck, biting and kissing, and when his hand reached between your legs to rub your clit, just at the same time Vegeta grazed his teeth on your nipple, you tugged at both of their hairs. 
“W-wait…” You panted, pulling at their hair again to get them to focus on what you were saying. “You guys are going too fast.”
Goku looked at you curiously, like he didn’t understand why that was a bad thing (which it wasn’t really, you were just overwhelmed by the sudden attention and needed a minute). Vegeta grunted in response, clearly annoyed, and tried to resume his work on your chest again, but you tugged at his hair once more.
“And why am I being the focus here?”
“Are you complaining?” Vegeta snapped, impatiently but with no real malice.
“Of course not, but…” You gulped, eyeing them both, hoping they would read your mind. 
Seemingly understanding what you were implying, Vegeta rolled his eyes and grunted before pulling away from you and sitting up. Grabbing Goku by the back of his neck, he yanked him in towards him and captured his lips in a bruising kiss. Goku’s growl was audible enough for you, you could even feel his chest vibrate from the privileged position you were in, just a couple of inches away from them, as they kissed each other greedily, one of his hands tangling in Vegeta’s hair, tilting his head to deepen the kiss. 
Scooting back against the pillows, you stared at them, wide eyed, and fought the urge to touch yourself at the sight, pulling your legs together. You were getting wetter than you expected by simply watching them, they had an effect on you that was otherworldly, turning your brain into jelly easily. You still had your robe draped over your shoulders, and feeling your body getting hotter every passing second, you slid it off and threw it somewhere across the room.
Vegeta broke the kiss, pulling on Goku’s hair to move his head to the side to sink his teeth into his neck, just underneath his ear. Goku groaned, his muscles visibly tensing, and while Vegeta sucked a bruise on the skin of his neck, Goku’s hand reached for his still clothed crotch, stroking it gently. You couldn’t contain simply watching anymore, and you reached your own hand to where Goku’s was touching Vegeta, palming his erection through his clothes. 
It was then Vegeta pushed Goku away from him and swatted your hand off his crotch to discard his own clothes as quickly as possible. Goku turned to you before you knew it, settling in beside you and kissing your lips just as ravenously as he had before, cradling your face in his hands. You kissed him as eagerly as your brain allowed you to, still dizzy from the state of arousal you were in, teeth crashing and tongues tangling immediately. You knew what you wanted however, and you reached one of your hands towards his cock, already hot and hard. He groaned softly when you stroked him gently, running your thumb over the slit, smearing precum all over.
Vegeta’s touch on your inner thigh made your moves falter, squeezing the dick in your hand at the base when his fingers reached your entrance. You gasped, pulling away from Goku’s lips when Vegeta pressed his palm against your clit, running his fingers along your lower lips. His touch was tortuous, slowly moving his digits but without really settling anywhere you wanted him to, and you whined, frustrated, when he passed over your clit with a featherlike touch. 
You met his eyes to glare at him, silently asking why he was torturing you like that when hey basically threw themselves at you first. His gaze was lustful but with a playful gleam in them, a wide smirk adorning his face. It caught your breath in your throat.
“Is this slow enough for you?” Vegeta asked, voice low. 
Son of a bitch, he would tease you like that. You were about to reply when he pressed his thumb against your clit, drawing small circles. You whimpered, your legs twitching from the sudden stimulation, almost making you fall back against the mattress. Afraid you would accidentally grip him too hard, and knowing you weren’t really stroking him how either one of you would have liked, you let go of Goku’s dick, earning a grunt from him. 
The fingers in between your legs started touching you more thoroughly now, though still at a slow pace. It was still a lot better than what he was doing earlier, and you tried to briefly bask in the sensation of his touch, usually rough and aggressive, but in those moments it was surprisingly gentle. You knew you’d get impatient soon enough, so you tried to revel in what Vegeta was giving you. Goku’s lips were on your neck then, nibbling and sucking at the skin underneath your ear, sending shivers down your spine. 
Your head was spinning when they both shifted on the bed, Goku settling in behind you and Vegeta scooting in between your legs. That warm knot in your abdomen tightened when you realized how close his mouth was to your core. You tried to turn over to resume giving Goku your attention, to feel him in your hand again, and maybe even your mouth, all the while Vegeta busied himself with your core; but you were kept in place by two pairs of hands. 
“Why aren’t you guys letting me touch you?” You whined, pouting.
“Maybe later,” Goku replied, nuzzling his nose against the crook of your neck and putting his hands on your waist, pressing you back against his chest. 
You didn’t have it in you to keep complaining, especially not when Goku’s hands slid upwards towards your breast, fondling them tenderly. You weren’t going to win against them anyway, not when both of them had their minds set on something, in this case that something being you. 
When Vegeta darted his tongue, swiping it across your core, you gasped, one of your hands going for his hair to tangle in it. 
“You planned this, didn’t you?” You asked breathily, leaning your head against Goku’s shoulder.
“Not me,” Goku whispered playfully against your ear, making you shudder. 
You tried to snort, but whatever noise you tried to make came out as a stuttered moan when Vegeta slid his tongue through your folds. He nestled in closer, pushing your thighs over his shoulders and resting his hands on your hips to keep you in place as he resumed his work between your legs.
It was like your body was on fire once Vegeta started eating you out, not leaving any part of you untouched. His tongue stroked over your entrance almost meticulously, before flicking it over your clit, making your legs quiver. You moaned loudly, your one unoccupied hand draping back to thread through Goku’s hair as he hummed, running his fingers over your nipples, enhancing the pleasure pulsing through your veins.
You automatically tugged at Vegeta’s hair when his tongue flattened against your clit. Your hips responded to every move of his mouth against your wetness, but his hold of you was obviously too strong to be defied. Every time you arched your back, however, you could feel Goku’s erection pressing against you. He grunted and hummed against the skin of your neck, trailing kisses where he could reach, but didn’t try to alleviate himself otherwise. You wanted to touch him badly, both of them actually, but they already seemed to have plans for you that you didn’t know about.
As Vegeta lapped at your clit and Goku licked and kissed your neck at the same time he pinched your nipples, all you could think about was that you weren’t going to last long. You wanted to enjoy the moment more, but it was difficult to do so with all the attention they were giving you.
Turning your head to the side, you pulled Goku towards your face by the grip you had on his hair, capturing his lips in a fiery kiss. He responded eagerly, cupping your cheek with one of his hands, his tongue pushing inside your mouth, and you tried to kiss him back just as intensely, but Vegeta’s mouth on your clit was making the task difficult. Goku didn’t seem to mind, swallowing down all the noises spilling from your lips as he explored your cavity. 
Vegeta’s lips locked over your clit, sucking hard, and you whined loudly against Goku’s lips. Your legs were shaking, and your brain started to feel like jelly, your vision turning blurry around the edges.
You weren’t sure if you wanted to squeeze Vegeta’s head between your thighs to keep him there, or rip away from him to try and collect yourself. Everything was too intense, the warmth in your abdomen tightening yet close to unraveling any second with every move of his tongue against your core.  
“Please, please,” You begged against Goku’s lips, and he groaned in response, even when he wasn’t directly responsible for your undoing at that moment. 
Letting go of Vegeta’s hair, you gripped his forearm, trying to warn him somehow that you were close. He growled, low and dark, never letting up, pressing his tongue against your clit.
Your vision turned white when your orgasm surged through your body, making you moan over and over in delight. You shivered, your hips still trying to move against Vegeta’s mouth to ride your climax. Goku was there, trailing kisses across your cheek and jaw, massaging your breasts to soothe the intensity of your release. 
Vegeta’s tongue lapped at your clit and he didn’t stop until you actually whimpered.
“Vegeta is good, isn’t he?” Goku asked, voice so low it spilled lust, making your hair at the back of your neck stand on end.
Still trying to catch your breath, you yelped when Vegeta growled, licking across your folds and swiping away your release before pulling away. 
“Shut up, Kakarot, and make yourself useful.” Vegeta said, wiping some of the shine off his chin. 
You slid down Goku’s chest, exhausted even though it was only the first orgasm of the night, and neither of them had come yet. He eased you down on the mattress, slipping from behind you and approaching Vegeta. Goku gripped him by the neck and kissed him, tasting you in his mouth. You flushed at the sight, and then narrowed your eyes when you saw them whispering to each other words you couldn't decipher. 
“What are you two plotting?” They looked your way but said nothing. You huffed, sitting up on your elbows. “Should I bring out the strap?”
Goku chortled, but Vegeta seemed less amused, so you nudged his side with your foot.
“Come on, what are you planning?”
“Turn around,” Vegeta commanded, and you glared at him when he didn’t answer your initial question. “I’ll get you ready.”
You raised an eyebrow. He had your attention once more, and whatever they had in mind excited you, but you felt like you were being left out of their decision. 
“Don’t I get a say in this?”
Goku looked between the two of you before smiling playfully at you.
“Do I bring the strap?” He asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
You stifled a laughter when Vegeta elbowed him in the ribs.
“You complain too much. Turn around,” Vegeta repeated, a little louder this time. 
“I wanna touch you,” You said, sitting up to slide your hands up their thighs.
Goku smiled sweetly at you, holding your chin up and pressing his lips against yours softly. Vegeta grunted, and you felt the bed shift before you broke the kiss. Vegeta’s hand was on your neck next as he pulled you back against his chest, your back pressed flush against him. 
“Why don’t you use that mouth of yours, since you are so desperate?” He murmured against your ear before nibbling your earlobe.
He practically shoved you forward then, and you yelped in surprise, almost smacking your forehead against Goku’s chest, his hands catching you by your shoulders. You were more than ready to keep protesting against Vegeta, especially for pushing you like that, but Goku was cradling your face and kissing you before you could speak a single word. This kiss is greedy compared to the last one, licking your lips and holding you close as if you were going to slip away any second. 
Goku fell backwards onto the mattress with you on top of him, still pressing his lips against yours. You are pulled away from him when Vegeta grabbed your ankles and yanked you towards him, your body sliding down Goku’s, and you nearly bumped your chin against his dick.
“Stop manhandling me, Vegeta!” You yelled, turning your head to look at him over your shoulder.
“Don’t pretend you don’t enjoy it,” Vegeta smirked, grabbing your hips and lifting them up, your ass basically in full display. 
You flushed, embarrassed that they seemed to know you so well, turning your head back to Goku, who was grinning widely, obviously amused at your interactions.
“You manhandle me too, sometimes,” You pouted. 
“Because I know you like it,” He said as he sat up on one of his elbows, holding your chin up and running his thumb across your lips.
You hummed, lightly swirling your tongue around the tip of his finger before taking it into your mouth. Goku leered at you, sticking his thumb more into your mouth and grazing your tongue. You wrapped your lips around it, sucking hard, and you heard him growl, deep in his chest.
When you felt a cool liquid, which you assumed was lube, drip against your backside, you gasped, letting go of Goku’s finger from your mouth. The next thing you felt is a finger prodding around your rear entrance, and you tried to relax, getting back to the task at hand. Goku had his hand on his cock, stroking it slowly right in front of your face. Your mouth watered at the sight; you were dying to taste him.
“Open up,” He said, still holding your chin with one hand, running his thumb over your bottom lip one last time before guiding his dick to your mouth. 
You flinched when you felt Vegeta’s finger pushing inside you. It wasn’t a completely uncomfortable feeling, you had done this before, but it took a while to get to a place where it actually started feeling good. You breathed in deeply, settling your arms on Goku’s thighs and wrapping a hand around his erection. He sighed, letting you do as you pleased, and you nestled in closer.
Darting out your tongue, you licked the underside of his cock, all the way up to the tip. Goku groaned loudly when you flattened your tongue on the slit before planting a kiss there. You licked at the head once more before wrapping your lips around it, looking up to see his face as you sucked lightly. 
Goku’s face was contorted in pleasure, brows furrowed together and eyes blown by desire. It was such a sight to see; his usual expression was always so relaxed, showing his easy going nature, it was something else when you got to see him like that, completely lost in sexual gratification, and it added to the heat slowly pooling in your lower abdomen once more. You felt happy knowing only you and Vegeta got to see him like that.
You moaned around him when you felt Vegeta adding a second finger inside you, at the same time his other hand went in between your legs, stroking your clit ever so slightly. Goku growled, obviously feeling the vibration your voice gave him, and his hips bucked slightly into your mouth, making you take more of him in. Your hand stroked the part of him that you couldn’t fit, as you got used to Vegeta’s fingers moving inside you. His fingers rubbing your clit were certainly helping you loosen up, but it was making sucking Goku off more difficult, as you really couldn’t give him your full attention. 
Trying to resume your work on him, you flattened your tongue on the underside of his cock as you took a little more of him in. You slowly slid up and down, preparing your throat to have him fully inside your mouth. You jumped up slightly when Vegeta’s fingers pressed against your clit once more, his other two fingers still scissoring your rear entrance. You popped off Goku’s dick with a gasp, and you heard him whine from above you at the loss of your touch.
“Didn’t you want to touch us?” Vegeta asked. You couldn’t see him but there must have been a sneer on his lips when he spoke. “Is that all you can do, woman?”
Damn him. Suddenly his fingers on your folds didn’t feel as reassuring but more teasing and challenging instead. 
Focussing on Goku once more, you looked him in the eye, as if asking for help. You held his erection in place as you guided him into your mouth once more. He understood what you wanted by simply locking eyes with you, and he put a hand on your head, pushing you down onto his cock. He wasn’t too far gone that he would fuck your mouth senseless, but he got that you wanted him to aid you somehow. 
Your hand wrapped around the base prevented you from choking around him when the head of his dick grazed your throat. Goku let out a guttural groan, his hand on your head threading through your hair and keeping you in place for a couple of seconds before letting you pull back. You pulled off him briefly to catch your breath before taking him in again, this time bobbing your head around him.
You moaned again when Vegeta pushed another finger inside you, your body shuddering from the stretch, and his fingers stimulating your clit simultaneously was not helping you focus. You didn’t let go of Goku’s cock though, and he groaned louder when you tried to fit him whole inside your mouth. It took you by surprise when he suddenly pulled at your hair, trying to get you off him. 
“Wait…” Goku’s voice was shaky and he was panting, looking down at you with hooded eyes. “I wanna come inside you…”
You pulled off him completely, slowly stroking him with your hand. 
“My mouth is inside,” You teased him, your voice a little hoarse as well.
Goku chuckled, and you didn’t pull him in again. While feeling his cock pulsing inside your mouth as you swallowed down his cum was a gratifying sensation, you also wanted him to come inside you, in any of your two holes that Vegeta was preparing. And at least one, by the way his fingers were sliding into you, seemed to be ready. 
When Vegeta pulled out his fingers, you sighed, relieved that the teasing on his part was over, and you’d get to have them both inside you at last. Goku grabbed your arm, tugging you towards him, and you straddled his hips. Vegeta was right behind you, pressing himself against your back, trailing his lips on your shoulder with his hands on your hips. 
No matter how many times you’ve done that with them, it was never completely comfortable when they penetrated you from behind at first. It didn’t hurt, both Goku and Vegeta made sure of that, but you were never quite ready for how it felt to have them inside you that way. You still tried to relax, closing your eyes, inhaling and exhaling deeply, as Goku’s hands caressed your sides and hips, smiling sweetly at you when he saw the slight tension on your face. You knew the feeling would change once you had both of them fully surrounded by your warmth. 
Vegeta coated his erection with lube before pushing into you carefully, inch by inch until he was fully seated. Your mouth hung open, feeling completely full already, and you supported yourself with your hands against Goku’s chest as you got used to the stretch, his hands still exploring your body as a means to soothe you. Vegeta didn’t move, only placing kisses in the back of your neck, and trailing a hand up and down your back. It still amazed you how gentle he could be at times, and if your mind wasn’t in a haze, you would comment on it.
After a couple of seconds, the dull ache was fading, and you moved your hips slightly to signal him that you were fine. Vegeta grunted, holding your hips and pressing you against his chest. 
“Hurry up, Kakarot!” Vegeta urged him, impatience making his voice shake. 
Goku huffed, obviously impatient himself if he didn’t have it in him to retort. Stroking his cock, he ran the tip over your front entrance, using the wetness still there from your release to coat himself before lining up underneath you. You gasped when he slowly eased himself inside you. He took his time, pulling out a little before pushing back in again, so as not to overwhelm you. Once he was fully sheathed, you sighed loudly. 
“Fuck, you’re so tight…” Goku breathed, closing his eyes shut. 
The stretch was agonizingly blissful. Their dicks were impressive enough on their own, skillfully touching places that set your nerves ablaze, and having them both at once was an out of world experience. You could feel Vegeta shudder behind you, and Goku was practically panting. They were dying to move, but they would wait until you signal them that you were ready. 
It seemed like an hour until you felt comfortable enough. You closed your eyes and inhaled deeply.
Vegeta moved first, sliding out of you before pushing back in diligently. You gasped, shivers going up your spine. You opened your eyes just in time to see Goku’s face filled with bliss as he felt Vegeta’s moves affected the sensation on his dick as well. 
“Feeling okay?” Vegeta whispered against your ear, still moving his hips cautiously. 
“Yeah,” You breathed, resting your head against his shoulder. “I want more.”
Vegeta grunted, grazing his teeth on your earlobe as he slowly built up his rhythm. Goku stared at you, eyes darkened by lust, taking in your reactions before he too started moving. You were breathless, and he held your hips in place as he leisurely glided in and out of you.
Their moves were uneven at first, Vegeta pushing his hips forward when Goku slid out. The way their cocks stroked your insides felt more teasing than anything else, especially with the careful pace they had set. You whined, more than ready to feel them both deep and hard inside you, and you rolled your hips just in time Goku moved upwards, feeling his dick touch you just where you needed him. He growled deeply and you moved your butt back when he eased out to meet Vegeta’s hips instead and it was his turn to grunt at how deep inside you he was. They understood quickly and steadily increased their pace, Goku timing his moves with Vegeta’s.
You couldn’t stop the sounds coming out of your mouth, loud moans and whimpers filling the room along with wet noises of their cocks sliding inside you, and their grunts and groans. Your body felt as if it was on fire, your skin tingling as the aching fullness you felt earlier turned to pleasure. 
You almost slumped forward when their thrusts knocked you out of balance, and you choked back a moan, moving your hands towards Goku’s shoulders to brace yourself, as you tried to keep up with them by rolling your hips. 
“You look so pretty like this,” Goku smiled smugly at you and squeezed your waist.
You whimpered, too out of breath to reply.
Vegeta took your breasts in his hands, squeezing them roughly and digging his fingers into your skin. You cried out, feeling jolts of pleasure traveling your body when he teased your nipples just as he slammed his dick deep inside you. The heat in your abdomen tightened, their cocks gliding in and out of you setting you on edge, but you still needed more to let go.
“Please, please…” You begged, moaning shakily, unable to form a coherent sentence to voice what you actually wanted.
You knew Vegeta wouldn’t give in so easily to your pleas simply because he loved torturing you until you were a moaning mess, but Goku was already on edge because you had teased him with your mouth before, and his hips forcefully snapped upwards as soon as the words left your mouth. You practically screamed, his dick stroking your most sensitive spot inside.
Vegeta growled, his pace faltering when Goku slammed his cock deep into you. You were completely full, both of them settling inside your tight warmth at the same time for a hot moment, and they felt it deeply, Vegeta sinking his teeth into your shoulder, and Goku’s fingers digging painfully into your skin as he groaned. 
Shutting your eyes close, your mouth hung open, panting as they resumed thrusting into you, filling you completely. Goku snapped his hips against you as he sped up first, the rhythm falling out of sync quicker than you expected as he chased his release. You looked at him through hooded eyes when he kept slamming into you hard. He was close, you could tell by the way he leered at you and how his jaw tensed when he moved his hips against yours. Your back arched and you gasped when he suddenly slid his thumb in between your legs to rub at your clit.
You could feel pleasure steadily blooming in your abdomen. Vegeta tried to keep a steady pace of his own, but Goku was in a frenzy, hips ramming into you and making you bounce on top of him. If it wasn’t for how tight they were gripping you would slip away. Goku kept stroking your clit with purpose, and you moaned over and over, closer to the edge than ever.
With a growl, Goku rammed into you as he came, cock twitching inside you. You clenched around him, whimpering as you felt your own release just about to burst within you.
Vegeta pressed you flush against him, one arm tightly wrapped around your waist, and he pushed Goku away from you, swatting the fingers stimulating you with his other hand. Goku groaned at the sudden lack of warmth, his cock spurting streams of cum onto your stomach and thighs. You sobbed, frustrated, your orgasm having just been robbed from you.
“You son of a-” You tried to insult him, but you were cut off when Vegeta lay on the mattress, bringing you down with him to lean against his chest. 
“Not yet,” He murmured roughly against your ear, holding you firmly, your back flush against his chest, as he picked up his pace again, slamming his cock inside you. “You’re not coming yet.”
The pace Vegeta chose this time was relentless, harshly thrusting his dick into you. You screamed loudly until you had no voice left, mouth hanging open once more, only letting out puffs of air. You still felt full, but having him fuck you from behind was more teasing than anything else, and you didn’t get any direct stimulation like that.
Panting, you shakily moved your own hand between your legs and rubbed your clit, desperately trying to build your climax back up. Vegeta pushed your hand away soon enough, and you whined when he replaced it with his own, stroking you with rough fingers. You shuddered, his touch so much better than your own, and when he braced his heels to push you down onto his cock, you gasped loudly. 
You rolled your head back against his shoulder, feeling on the verge of passing out from having been used so roughly. Heat was pooling inside your stomach once more, and you hoped to God Vegeta would let you come this time. Just then you felt him stop his strokes, and when you looked, Goku was swatting his hand away, replacing it with own. He rubbed circles on your clit and pushed three fingers inside your entrance at once, and you cried out with a hoarse voice.
Your body had been pushed to the edge for what felt like a hundred times, that you came as soon as Goku curled his fingers, stroking your insides. You clamped around his fingers, toes curling. Your entire body vibrated and your vision turned white.
Vegeta felt you spasmed when you reached your climax, and he growled, close to release himself. He held your hips tightly as he rammed into you, harder and faster with each passing second. 
He came at last with a guttural groan leaving his mouth, and he buried his cock deep into you. You whimpered, feeling him twitch inside you as he filled you with his seed from behind. 
You were completely worn out, your arms falling limply onto the bed. Vegeta was panting, chest heaving, but he made no move to pull you off him, his hands letting go off your hips and sliding up your waist instead. The only one who was somehow lucid was Goku, and you eyed him wearily as he pressed kisses to both of your knees. 
“You are… an asshole…” You managed to say, clearing your throat, when Goku left to look for a towel.
“I felt your orgasm and heard how loud you screamed.” Vegeta grunted, playfully nibbling your earlobe. “You have nothing to complain about.”
“And yet you still made me suffer to get there…” You hummed, shivering when he kissed your neck. 
“Yeah, Vegeta, why did you push me away?” Goku asked with a scowl once he settled on the bed again, wiping his cum from your stomach and thighs. “I wanted to come inside her!”
Vegeta groaned, but he didn’t reply. 
Goku helped you sit up, and you hissed when Vegeta slipped out of you.
“Maybe next time we should team up against ya,” Goku said, as you leaned against him, settling on his lap and nuzzling your face in his neck. “See how you like that.”
“I’d like to see you try,” Vegeta sneered, not moving an inch from his place on the mattress. 
“I knew you were plotting something!” You pulled away to glare at both of them. Goku chortled, rubbing the back of his neck, trying to act innocent.
“You just realized that?” Vegeta said with a wide smirk on his face.
You pouted, and turned to Goku.
“Let’s do team up next time!” You wrapped your arms around Goku’s neck, and looked him in the eye, smiling mischievously. “We’ll even use the strap.”
“Please, you two really think-”
“Ain’t you the best at everything?” Goku interrupted him, a fake innocent smile on his face. “Or were you bluffin’? Maybe you can’t handle the strap after all.”
“Yeah, I mean, for sure, you are the best at taking it,” You said casually to Goku, cupping his face in your hands. “I’ve already seen you ride me. So no matter what Vegeta says, I know you’re the best until proven otherwise.”
“How v-vulgar do you two have to be?!” Vegeta exclaimed, sitting up, his cheeks dusting a pink flush across them. “Do you really think your childish games would work on me?!”
“Afraid you’ll lose to me again? I get it!” Goku commented, and even though you knew you were playing, your eyes couldn’t have opened wider at the words that came out of his mouth. Goku was truly going all out.
Vegeta’s eye twitched, and you bit your lip, trying to not smile so blatantly at how easy it was to rile him up. 
“Just so you know, Kakarot,” Vegeta spat, looking at Goku dead in the eye. “If I ever choose to do it, it will be because I want to. I already know I’m better at riding dick than you are, I will not do it to prove anything to anyone.”
You tried to stifle your laughter, but the snort that came out of your mouth soon escalated into a full guffaw. Goku laughed along with you until you were both dissolved into a fit of giggles. Vegeta rolled his eyes, flushing a little deeper, accepting his apparent defeat for the moment. His eyes gave away the fondness he was trying to conceal with the scowl on his face, and your heart fluttered at such a funny, intimate moment you just shared with your two favorite people in the world. 
“I’ll guess we’ll settle this next time,” You finally said, clearing your throat with a small smile on your face. “Now, one of you, take me to the bathroom. I need another shower.”
Goku moved first and put his arms underneath your waist and knees, picking you up and carrying you into the bathroom, Vegeta following behind him.
“Don’t you guys dare try anything else tonight!” You nearly yelled once Goku settled you on your feet in the shower. “Or else my ass will hurt until next Saturday!”
Goku snickered as he stepped in next to you, Vegeta joining in tow with a smirk on his face. 
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numericalbridge · 1 month
TOH rewatch semi-liveblog. Season 2b part 1
episodes 11-15
Episode 11
- Good episode on itself, especially Raine's part is great on the rewatch. But still i can't let go of how Gus and Willow are treated - and in this case, while the scene between Willow and Amity is ok in isolation, i find it questionable within the context of Willow's treatment and Labirinth Runner's 'follow up'.
And, again, not sure about Luz's plot of desperately trying to help Kikimora as projection. I find it a bit too much, i think because by this point in the show the characters show more grounded/realistic emotions in serious situations, meanwhile this was very stylized, and then Reaching Out did similar concept much better.
- 1 second hint of interactions between Amity and Gus because he gave her a book /eye roll.
- Oh, Raine absolutely was trying to spy/get info out of Kikimora here:
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- Kikimora makes it seem like Terra rarely emerges from her Greenhouse, so while it's clear Terra is dangerous, it looks like she is not necessary very 'active'. It doesn't seem like even she is a part of some royal court (And it makes sense that Belos would only let someone pathetic and desperate like Kikimora to be 'close', but would not trust super powerful, power hungry witches like Terra.)
- Hooty as the Belos float is so funny.
- Amity and Willow scene is, like, OK, i like that we see that Willow is not all that happy with the current situation between them... but then the follow up in LR just goes in a different direction? Also i hate that they again - albeit more subtly than with Luz and Gus in Glass Ruins - showed that Amity came to Willow because she needed the relationship advice, and Willow was the one who had to reach out and ask her to braid her hair, and then nothing is done with it. If this was the point of conflict in LR it would have been much better, and if not - just don't bring attention to Willow and Gus being afterthoughts for lumity.
- And, again, nothing in this episode would have prevented Willow and Gus from joining the action.
- Amity's abomination glove(mittens?)-weapon is cool, i guess
- Ok, but why is this episode - where Terra is introduced - is the one where Eda suddenly uses plant glyph magic so extensively? I think it's the first and only time?
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(i don't think it means anything, it's just amusing)
- Interesting how Terra says that Kikimora hurting Luz and Amity ("a couple of children") would cause a riot. Obviously it's not the entire truth behind her intervention since Belos needs Luz, but it is something that is considered a reasonable argument by Terra (and we know how she feels about hurting children) and is accepted by Kikimora. So it seems like hurting children is something that would cause a stir in the general population... so it's interesting how it would affect Darius' behavior in ASIAS. I think it fits with my reading of Darius's thought process in this Post.
- So the exact date for DoU was just announced?
- "Utopia free of wild magic" - but how does the Human Realm factors in this, or was this aspect just abandoned by season 2b?
- Also what does "free" mean here? Like, destroying the wild magic as magic or killing the wild witches? I guess, killing isn't likely because of the children. But this would make a much better villain motive for someone like Odalia rather than her knowing that the draining spell would kill most of the population: if for her DoU was about sacrificing a few wild witches for the sake of the paradise, and she just couldn't believe that 'proper' witches like she and her family might be affected and hurt, so she wouldn't trust even her children.
Episode 12
- Love Philip's parts and Eda's part but greatly dislike how Lilith is characterized and where the accents are placed in her arc.
- S2b can be so fast-paced when the plot needs to move forward, lol. It is actually weird because in a lot of ways the writing is much stronger, but then the pacing is like that (which is understandable because of the shortening but still gives an odd impression when watching).
- Conflicting thoughts about the Collector. I thought they were added after the shortening to replace something the writers couldn't fit anymore, and so his plot seemed fine as a replacement plot (except the puppets😡). But apparently Collector and the Archivists were always planned, and idk how i feel about it. I think this is something so big worldbuilding-wise that it would need to be introduced much earlier in some way (even just brief mentions here and there of some legends), like the Titan was. And i really didn't have much feelings about Collector's introduction when i first watched, but if i was watching it without the knowledge of the shortening then introducing a major player like this, out of nowhere, might have weirded me out.
- Oh, no, actually i remembered while editing - i think at first i thought the Collector would be some sort of a Machine.
- Ah, forgot that 'cool aunt Lilith' was Luz's idea. Tbh Lilith trying to be cool to make up for her past behavior and ending up cringey would've been better. But yeah, this episode was the perfect opportunity for some conflict or at least awkwardness between the two to be resolved by the end.
- Like, Lilith trying to find her own path and replicate the feeling of power and control she had in her Coven only to realize that she doesn't need it and can have fun with her nerdy architecture isn't a bad plot, actually it would've been cool, but why is a brown woman presented as a bad, corrupt historian specifically to contrast Lilith? Yes, you can have villains of color, but there is context to some of the roles that makes this iffy. And considering the way Lilith behaved around 'mysterious exotic' ruins in King's episode in s2a?
- And does Flora also have slightly darker skin than the character she is supposed to be parodying?
- Also, Lilith's arc could've been connected better to Oh, Titan. And idk, putting the accent so strongly on her trying to be cool and adventurous, it just makes Lilith seem too immature in a very specific way that i dislike. Yeah, you can say it's the point that she is immature, many characters in toh are, and i even said that if Lilith was acting like that because of the awkwardness between her and Luz i woud've liked it. And i liked when Lilith and Eda acted immature around each other in s1 too.
But her writing in this episode reminds me of the trope i personally dislike (you see it in comics) of a white woman who did some questionable things being softened by the writers into a less interesting character whose whole arc becomes about her own 'uplifting' personal journey in a very hollow manner; and while Lilith's case is not as bad, it sours me to this characterization. For me she would have been interesting if she was very gradually softening up and opening up to her nerdy side, but instead it feels like: "look, she is a huge dork now!!!" It feels manufactured. And in contrast, i think s2a had a good balance for Lilith.
- Ok, Eda started calling Gwen 'mom' between seasons. Also King calls Dell 'granpa'.
- King had never met Dell before.
- Lilith's arc and the focus in this episode is just off. I like that it does touch the false propaganda of Belos's regime about the Savage Ages, but, imo, this should've been a bigger focus in Lilith's arc, compared to other stuff. The episode should've challenged her views more (remember the 'degenerate' comment?).
- And also Lilith in s1 was looking down on the humans more than any other character. Even more than school bullies like Bosha. And that's not Belos's doing. But it just never comes up again. She wasn't just repressing her nerdy, dorky side in the Coven, she had some bad beliefs and unhealthy attitudes, and all that is reduced to an almost throw away line in Oh, Titan.
- Anyway, this episode should have been the start of her arc of challenging her views, to be finalised in Oh, Titan in a serious manner.
- And then her seeing through Philip's lies works mostly fine, but it would fit even better if there was more about challenging the attitudes of the EC and the Emperor's influence and unlearning it.
- Also Lilith being a damsel in distress with the Stone Sleeper? This is another thing that makes me feel like her dorkiness is forced in this episode. Yes, she doesn't have her magic, but she is still an ex Coven Head, why was she pulled by her hand and protected by a 14 years old? When she was initially ambushed and taken by surprise - sure, but why after that? She has her palisman, her physical training. She should be the one protecting Luz to contrast the first season.
- And Luz's "should've listened to you!" doesn't work when they had only 1 single one-sentence scene of Lilith trying to warn her about Philip. Meanwhile it would've worked so much better if there was an actual conflict between them that made Luz not listen to Lilith initially. It would've benefitted both of their characters if there was some edge, some complications.
- Why again anyone thought Philip/Belos would be some misunderstood meow meow after this episode? He is a fun villain, but?
Episode 13
- OK, ASIAS here we go... Actually, there would be 1000 more metas by me about this episode so this would be rather short. A note made while editing this: i lied.
- I always headcanoned that Darius and Eber had stayed behind to snoop around.
- Sorry, but Hunter was also clearly rude when he didn't even greet them, instead straight up demanding answers.
- Darius clutching at his cloak x2
- Like, even at his worst Darius is not nearly as bad as the fandom paints him to be. Even after he is set off by his mentor's sigil he is not as mean as the fandom thinks he is. There are two really mean/bad things he does: 1. grabbing Hunter's cloak to mock Hunter's sewing - and still it won't be out of character for s1 Eda, and 2. taking the cloak 'hostage'. But imo i think he would have returned the cloak eventually regardless of what Hunter did, even if out of mere self-preservation. And then in the episode he does return the cloak as he promised when he collects the kids - and if he was as irrationally hateful as fandom portrays him he wouldn't have done it. It makes more sense if he realized by that point he had fucked up.
(And nothing in the episode indicates, of course, that Darius knows about Belos's abuse - and considering even Terra doesn't seem to be close to the Emperor - none of the Coven Heads are - most likely the Coven Heads barely interracted with Hunter in the first place. And no way Belos himself would even get witches get close or be privy to his personal life or break his benevolent granpa mask in public.)
And if you look at the episode as a whole, if you look at Darius' emotional response and at Hunter's own reactions - to me it looks like this was not Darius' usual behavior. Instead it is an extreme thing he did after he got very upset. And, yes, it was a bad thing and maybe, if not for the events of the episode and the power of Willow (who might have parallels to Darius in his youth) reaching out to Hunter - maybe Darius wouldn't have realized how low he had almost stooped.... and it's still just a common trope when a generally good person nearly becames a worse person, but luckily 'the events of the episode happened.' Nothing so exceptional to warrant the fandom's reaction. And sorry to edgelords, but to me it's more interesting narratively too, if it is an extreme episode that pushed Darius too far and not his usual self.
And going back to him mocking Hunter's sewing - rude, but we dont see how the scene would have ended, maybe Darius would've given him some pointers in a slightly mean way if he did not see his mentor's sigil. And, anyway, if that was some dungeon whiteman the fandom would be cooing how he saw his special interest and had to correct the mistakes and rant about it. And then his PTSD was triggered so actually he did nothing wrong.
- Even Hunter's behavior in the scenes with Darius doesn't fit the supposed constant bullying. He doesn't behave like he does with Belos, and he doesn't behave like he does with the adults who are hostile towards him or his friends like Kikimora, Alador, Graye, even the abomination teacher during the flyer derby match. Hunter isn't agressive, always expects some reasonable response from Darius, doesn't gloat like with Kikimora. Yes, in real life it would be more complicated, but this is a narrative in a story.
- Also, while i don't think Darius has the greatest emotional intelligence (but i read it as him having most trouble interpreting his own emotions), my reading of the opening scene is that he realizes that Hunter is causing unhealthy emotional response, that's why he flips from trying to go away while clutching his cloak - which seems to be his gesture of hiding his upset emotions - to a very agitated response when Hunter keeps bothering him, that to me looks like bottled up emotions spilling out rather than outright intentionally directed anger:
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(his body language is different and more erratic compared, for example, to his friendly-annoyed reaction to Raine's team name or his more controlled reaction to the Abomaton in ER)
- And he still doesn't cross some lines - he walks by Hunter, but he doesn't shoulder him for example. And that's when he is the most upset and at his worst. Yet certain fans were writing Darius as physically abusive for a supposedly fun 'dadr*ius' event.
- Bosha's part was funny, but the Azura book plot is even worse on the rewatch. Luz and Amity could have just gone on a date or to do research with Lilith as a follow up from the previous episode, or do something with King and Eda so Amity could bond with them. Instead it just eats the limited time that could've gone to Willow, Gus and Darius, doesn't bring anything meaningful to lumity, and it isn't even dumb fun for younger kids, instead just a pure fanservice for fandom adults from social media. (also Matt is basically exploited by a known scammer?)
- Abomination teacher seems to be made into a over-the-top jerk just for the sake of the plot.
- Darius sending the scouts to collect the kids rather than leaving it to Hunter makes sense considering what Terra said in the previous episode about a riot over hurting children. Like, the best case scenario - Hunter just can't convince anyone, but even then, as far as Darius knows, Hunter might tell Belos about the kids not obeying him and who knows whether Belos would want to punish them and their families, or whether the Golden Guard would hold a grudge. And he might still take their palismen. And if Darius was so pragmatic and unfeeling - for the rebellion it would not be a bad thing if the Golden Guard hurts some kids and causes mistrust from the general public or if his actions cause a rift between the Emperor and his 'right hand man'/potential heir.
- Skara straight up cries, but that's not a problem apparently? Imagine if someone made Hunter cry and it was played for laughs?
- Yes, the palismen have to be with Darius for the plot to work, but in the in-universe headcanon reading, Darius could've left the palismen behind - as a consolidation prize for Hunter, since he didn't know Hunter changed his mind, or even as a threat for the kids or because he just didn't care and couldn't bother to take the palismen with him. And if Belos got his palismen snack he might be in a good mood and not even question why Darius overrode the Golden Guard's decisions!
- Willow's scenes in this episode, especially her scene in the cell are so good, but the way she only gets an episode in s2 when it's for Hunter's development, meanwhile the similarities between her guilt and Luz's are never explored? Or that Gus is shown to be protective when it suits Hunter's plot, yet we still don't see a friendship moment directly between Gus and Willow?
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- "Can you?" Literally my favourite Darius scene, and when i first watched it, it made it so clear that he had his own morals and was not 100% on the Emperor's side, because there was no point for him to lie here! And the way he acted so serious in a subdued way? Compare him to Terra - who also 'encourages' rebellion, but she always acts the same, there is no emotional substance behind her encourangement. Meanwhile Darius becomes serious and subdued when he is disappointed, becomes more playful (compare how he carefully lowers the cloak in the Blimp scene vs throwing it at the end) when Hunter saves his friends.
- Steve was really barely there until this episode (i couldn't even remember who this was supposed to be the first time). This is the first real development for him, but he was still better received than Darius and got a proper conclusion to his arc in Oh, Titan☹️
- Yeah, i don't actually like how the episode concludes in regards of Darius and Hunter. Not because i think Darius did anything irredeemable and needed to self-flagelate, but because the episode gives an impression that there will be more development between the two, and this is just the start. But if no development was planned/could be fit into the shortened seasons, then they should have had some narrative conclusion to it right here, like Gwen had in her episode, or Steve would have in Oh, Titan, or Alador has the next episode (and then in the Clouds, but even if Alador never appeared again after Reaching Out there was a still narrative conclusion to his and Amity's plotline).
But then, there is no conclusion to Willow's part of the episode either. There was time for a scene of her team cheering her up, but it seems that once she stopped moving Hunter's development the focus just faded away.
- Gus says Hunter types even worse than Perry.
- Would be a good episode, but Azura book plot is such a waste of limited time, and as usual Willow's and Gus's treatment is dragging everything down.
Episode 14
- I'll be honest the first time i watched this, i've skipped through 90% of it because Amity's family annoys and bores me. Luz's plot is good, though.
- My problem with Alador is less about what happens with his development plot-wise and more about 1. The way in the Clouds Odalia was written in such a cartoonishly evil way to make him seem better (problem is not that Odalia is worse, but how it was written - Belos is written as evil and abusive without being like that) 2. Yes, i am bitter that Alador got 2 episodes for his development and both times he verbalized his thoughts and the lessons he learned, while Darius wasn't allowed even one scene of properly explaining his thoughts and motives. And then, ever since the first season Willow and Gus have been constantly pushed aside while the Blight twins got a lot of attention for tertiary characters + the Blight parents' treatment of Willow is just never brought up after s1. 3. Alador is exactly the type of white character who attracts the fans who infantilize him and treat other characters badly.
(Also I just think Alador would be more interesting if more attention was brought to how he used to buy into the ideology of putting the family first, and how he was oblivious to others - like trying to play with Bump's palisman. And by being called out on the treatment of Willow and getting to know Luz and King he would then become better and would be willing to trust the children, while Odalia would stagnant and refuse to listen to anyone.)
- Ok, i admit, compared to what i've remembered Eda does spend time trying to figure out Belos's plans.
- I like how you can see in this episode that the old hexsquad had become a thing when Eda happily brings up Alador while she never even hinted at knowing the Blight parents before, lol
- Yes, i like the progression of Eda opening up and trying to mentor the kids who she barely even knows, but i still hate that her relationship with Willow and Gus - still somewhat present in s2a - is just dropped completely by this point, and instead she gets to mentor Edric. Meanwhile no one among the main adults ever comforts and encourages Willow or Gus like this.
- Luz's plot is great though, and makes more sense than with Kikimora in episode 11.
- I get what they were doing with Amity in the episode, but her getting upset at Luz was so fast-paced.
- Speaking of infantilization - it is spelled in the episode that Alador loved the Brawl, it was good for him, he was not some helpless nerdy baby. Not only it is racist when the fandom turns Darius into his one-dimensional strong protector, but also it's just another case of the infantilization of neurodivergent characters and the screwed whumpified view of abuse survivors that dictates that only a certain kind of person can be an abuse victim worthy of sympathy, and any character who doesn't fit the mold is either ignored or has to be turned into the same stereotype, stripping them of all nuance.
- Sigh, it's a good episode thanks to Luz's plot, but it should've centered her more and focused less on the Blights other than Amity.
Episode 15.
- And yet again Luz clearly says she misses her mom, and the previous episode made it clear how important to her is visiting her father's grave, but no, the fandom really thought her abandoning the Human Realm for good would be the best scenario.
- Faust and Terra are terrible, but so funny.
- Again, Bump and Eda is such an interesting dynamic. And Bump's negative development between the flashback and present day/start of s1 is also so intriguing.
- Ah, yes, a random Black kid is jealous of Raine and acts adversarial, and Eda has to save them. Idk, seems like a weird choice to paint the white child as more virtous in the context of the on-purpose unfair game of "us vs marginalized them". And i've read that Raine was initially supposed to be white too (possibly even a white woman?) before they casted the voiced actor.
It doesn't even work from the pure plot/character perspective, because Eda is not the one to bend under the peer pressure, there is never a plot line where she is tempted with the 'reward' of getting accepted by others to the point that she might turn on Raine. She doesn't seem to be affected by the 'us vs them' aspect of the game that much. Yes, the episode is trying to show the dividing mentality of us vs them, but since it doesn't factor in Eda's decision that much, she isn't tempted by it, it was ok to leave it as the background, the point was already clear enough. So there is no reason to make those kids into adversaries in this way.
Eda is not even shown to be caught up in the competition and her desire to win and show that she is the best (which would have worked better if they wanted to explore her flaws).
Meanwhile the focus should be on whether she is willing to sacrifice her chance for the ribbon and being with Lilith at school to help Raine, who needs the scholarship. Adding those kids for one minute just messes it up.
- You can see that when Terra 'encourages' rebellion there is no change in her behavior, she is still her same happily cruel self, while Darius either becomes more serious when disappointed or softer and more playful.
- Raine's scene at the end is so iconic, just such a good twist.
- It's Mallow time!
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- I like how everything here is so beautifully hand-drawn and neatly written, but then a part of the text is just scribbles:
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- Idk how i feel about the episode, the ending scene is great and iconic, there was some nice flashback stuff, but it wasn't that great overall.
Overall these are all pretty strong episodes. There is a shift towards very fast-paced openings / starting points because of the shortening, and sometimes it feels off, but i think most times the show handles it pretty well, sacrificing the opening moments but leaving more breathing room for the middle and serious scenes.
Still i don't like certain characterization choices and where the show's priorities are (for example, the Blight family prioritized over Willow, Gus or Darius); and well, some choices are just baffling like the Azura book subplot eating up the already limited time, and the show continues to be really iffy when it uses minor characters of color as adversaries for the white characters.
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rawro · 1 year
i dont really *know* anything about schizophrenia, and the concepts that i do associate with it are obviously harmful stereotypes, like thats so easy to see. so i guess my question is why do you think schizophrenia is still so stigmatized while other mental illnesses are getting far more publicity and understanding then ever before? And how do you deal with having a taboo like that hanging over your head?
all of this is with a genuine intrest in learning how i can support people with schizophrenia better, so please point out anything that i said thats inaccurate or could be offenive. ty!
so it's actually a very real problem that bothers me a lot that schizophrenia is being left behind in the mental health awareness movement. the reality is like you pointed out that people only know the stigma and nothing else. they see a homeless person yelling at nothing having a mental health crisis and think "that person has schizophrenia and they're dangerous" rather than just thinking hey maybe this person needs some help from a professional (a cop is not a professional) and the system has failed them by making mental healthcare inaccessible for them and forcing them onto the street because our society does not take care of our disabled. they're not thinking maybe if they were getting the help and support they need then they wouldn't be going through this, they think "how can i get away from this as fast as possible so i can stop thinking about it and feeling afraid and move on with my day". and something i want to emphasise when it comes to psychotic episodes is that they are a lot scarier for the person going through them than those around them. oh they're yelling and acting erratic? okay i'll admit that's unpleasant to be around. however, what would your reaction be if you truly believed something like aliens were currently laying eggs inside your brain and taking over you from the inside (a real example from my life). and i don't mean you are thinking "what if this happened" i mean that in that moment you truly believe that that is what is happening to you and you are trying to think of anything to make it stop. a psychotic episode is not a failure of character, it is when we are at our most vulnerable and when it is so visible it is a cry for help. it is terrifying and truamatising for us going through it but people see that happening and think "that makes me uncomfortable" as they walk by and make themselves the victim in the situation, ignoring the humanity of the person having a psychotic episode.
essentially the thing about schizophrenia that makes the stigma stick around so hard is because this is people's only interaction with schizophrenics and they don't see the humanity and they see us as a nuisance and a bother and something to be feared because we dare have a problem that affected them in the slightest. generally, things like depression and anxiety are very internal and do not affect those people around them in such an "incredibly negative" way that people view their interactions with schizophrenics. anxiety and depression are something to be pittied because the person going through them is suffering. people don't see schizophrenics as suffering they see us as dangerous. and if you actually educate yourself and look at the real world statistics, schizophrenics are more likely to be the victims of violence than the general public, especially at the hands of the police during such criseses. did you know that if you call 911 and report that someone is having a psychotic episode then in the majority of places (well in the us) a cop with a gun is required to be dispatched either with other cops, or if the schizophrenic is lucky in where they are, then with social workers trained in deescalation. no matter what, a cop with a gun will be there and i assume the people on this site are at least educated enough to understand the dangers a cop with a gun are to a person seen as less than human. the stigma out there is all skewed and warped in a way to diminish empathy and raise animosity towards schizophrenics.
schizophrenia can often be an incredibly disabling illness (it is for me) and society already does not care about disabled people and then on top of that schizophrenic people are an incredibly vulnerable population that people so often mistreat and you add that on top of each other and you think about how stress and anxiety can lead to more and worse psychotic episodes and it just confounds factor upon factor against schizophrenic people. we are so often put into the worst situations such as poverty and homelessness that antagonise our symptoms and make our psychotic episodes more visible and then also makes people's desire to help us all the less. it is a true tragedy.
and the language so often used just in general everyday conversation furthers the stigma. how often every day do you hear someone describe someone they don't like as "psychotic" or "schizophrenic". it is deeply ingrained in our culture that schizophrenia = bad and ableism against it is incredibly normalised.
it is a horrible burden to carry this stigma and see how it affects not only me but my fellow schizophrenics and know that there is so little i can do about it. i educate my friends and when i confide in them how much the stigma hurts and how i hate being viewed as scary i am time and time again met with the same reassurance from my friends and that is "you are one of the least scary people i've ever met". and they say this because they know me deeper than my illness, and honestly i've dealt with this stigma so much of my life and i know what it is like to be feared so i absolutely overcompensate myself to be less threatening. but they can see past the surface of what society has painted me as, but so many schizophrenics are not so lucky. i am privileged enough to have a life full of love and empathy from the people surrounding me, but i hurt for my siblings who only know the pain and loneliness that often comes with this illness.
so my advice to you when it comes to supporting people with schizophrenia is this: advocate for our care, emphasise the human behind the illness, and show love to those you may meet who have to live this life. we are people just like you, please treat us as such. society may paint us as monsters, but remember that inside all of us is a soul.
sorry this is a wall of text and maybe not the most coherent but it is something i am very passionate about because it affects me every single day. if you have any further questions or clarifications please feel free to send another ask and i'll do my best to explain
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jestiamy · 1 year
lmk au where mk has a side gig as an assassin but completely just. unintentionally.
I was going through season one episodes for editing purposes, and I found that one scene where mk just completely overloads the tea he was making, hands it to sandy, and he just. passes out immediately.
and I was like. woah. dude imagine if mo got into that ?!??!?!?! that would be so dangerous.
but then from there I was like. wow you know what. I feel like season one mk has the right mix of chaos and general obliviousness and general disregard for other people's circumstances when not fully relevant to him currently to totally pull of frequently killing other people on accident and somehow never noticing. maybe at one point if you really push it you can get it so people actually hire him for it and he's like ??? cool. free money. and has no idea what they're saying/tunes them out but in a rube goldberg esque string of circumstances always ends up somehow killing the right targets anyways and it's like. mix that with that one popular somewhat hc/au mix that macaque is involved with megapolis' underground and you get interactions like this during his introduction episode:
Macaque, not really connecting the dots with the infamous ghost assassin that always gets the job done with no leads or traces with ""golden boy"" mk: so like. question. if you were to kill someone how would you do that.
Mk, distractedly, not really seeing the point but used to answering random questions because of mei: oh like, push them off a busy bridge? duh.
Macaque: that wouldn't kill them.
Mk, still distracted: I mean, obviously not. they won't die, sure, but they'll know someone is after them. give it a few weeks of hypervigilance and then they'll start dropping their guard after nothing happens. maybe they imagined it, they'll rationalize. who would want them dead? who would have the skill to not get caught during attempt in the first place? they'll ask themselves. and it's then, at their most sloppy, will I make my way into their life. I won't be their best friend - more of a frequent side character. the guy you see every day at your favourite hang out spot is hardly suspect. I'll ask them out for a friendly lunch, to get to know them more. maybe they'll be a little stressed - maybe subconsciously they still remember the guy who tried to shove them off a bridge that may or may not be real that was never caught. nothing will happen. it's at the fifth meet up that I offer to help walk them to their next destination - and maybe they'll be suspect them too, but they won't decline. because that's rude, and they feel I'm too nice for that. and it's then, and only then, do I push them into oncoming traffic during rush hour. maybe I'll have the discomfort of seeing their face the moment it hits them what happened. maybe they'll connect the strings. maybe they won't. but in that moment I relax, truly, for the first time since I met them - assured my mission is over. and maybe if they are unlucky enough they will see this, and they'll wonder how much of me they saw really was ever real. from there I will be questioned, no doubt - they ask me what happened, and I lie through my teeth. I'll say they tripped, and I was too late to grab them. I'll cry a bit to sell it, and maybe it won't all be fake. I'll tell them how this same thing happened all of the time - falling. others will support this, because by then I'll have built a habit of subtly tripping them when I could. I'll sob and say that a similarly almost fatal incident happened only just a few months ago. that I was so worried it'd happen again that I offered to walk them home today - and I was too late despite that. they'll give me some shallow comfort - it's not your fault, they'll say. it's a freak accident, they'll say. you had no way of knowing, they'll say. they'll never think it's me beyond a curiously accusation - because what killer brings attention to a previous attempt? what killer sits and thoroughly blabs every little thing they know? and maybe this will haunt me forever, physically or not - but at the very least, at long last I'll have the grim satisfaction of knowing that someone I needed dead is finally gone from this world.
Macaque: right. okay. go back to doing your sets.
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lemonhemlock · 2 years
I've been reading through the conversation regarding Aemond and 'unconditional love' and I could 100% see how Aemond could see his relationship with his mother as conditional. Alicent is shown to be struggling mentally, to be frustrated at times with Helaena and exasperated with Aegon. It would only be all too easy for little Aemond to form the opinion that his mother's affection is conditional on him being a prodigal son, on him behaving a certain way.
Not to start a fire, just my thoughts
Hello & don't worry, I'm not going to bite your head off. Different perspectives are welcome! It's good to be able to talk about this universe without going on a rampage every time someone develops a divergent take. Sadly, oftentimes people block each other or become catty whenever someone just as much as deviates slightly from a particular set interpretation.
The main reason I think why Alicent fans get so defensive about her is because society has a really fucked-up, unhealthy obsession with criticizing mothers over every single thing. People who have traversed motherhood constantly complain about the pressure of being perfect and not being able to rise up to society's expection, of the hurt they feel at being regularly castigated and condemned. For a child bride and victim of marital rape, Alicent is shown very little empathy from large swathes of the fandom. She is a bad mother who hates her children and is guilty of setting them against Rhaenyra. That's a very, very uncharitable view, to say the least.
It does my head in to think of how these people actually interact or judge mothers in real life. For example, a lot of them look at young!Alicent desperately trying to comfort a crying Helaena and see that as proof that her daughter hates her or that she hates her daughter. Do they really have the same reaction if they see a desperate mother on the street, close to tears because her baby won't shut up and she doesn't know what else to do to calm her down? Seven hells.
Alicent is obviously in over her head as a child herself with four young children. She is overwhelmed by her new responsibilities as queen and mother and hasn't been allowed to finish her own development as a person. To top that off, she is afraid for their lives. She is going to make mistakes; who wouldn't? Rhaenyra is allowed to interact with motherhood on a vastly different level - she is allowed to explore her sexuality, conceive children on her own terms and is oblivious to the dangers that surround them because of their bastardy. She is, no doubt, going to be a calmer, more indulgent mother overall.
To return to your question, I do believe Aemond has a huge chip on his shoulder and is struggling with self-confidence issues already. To add to his precarious social position, he is also disabled and disfigured. That does a lot of damage to a person's self-esteem. He's not going to have a positive outlook on life and assume the best of people. I can see him sinking so low as to view himself as unbefitting and valueless.
Can that feeling project to his mother? Perhaps. He may very well come to subconsciously believe that, as wretched as he is, he has to overcompensate and become the perfect son & heir in all other aspects, so as to secure everyone's admiration, yes, including his mother's. This can happen no matter how much Alicent assures him that she loves him (she obviously has problems verbalizing this, but doesn't mean she doesn't feel it).
There can also be an element of competition with Aegon - who craves his parents' approval above anything: Aegon gets everything handed over on a platter anyway, but the one thing Aegon can't get (but Aemond can) is Alicent's approval. So he's going to work as hard as possible to ensure that he never loses it and never becomes like Aegon in her eyes. Which is ironic considering what happens with Luke.
But this is all very nuanced stuff and there is a lot more to it than the merciless characterization of Alicent's love being dependent on Aemond doing his homework or something equally trite. Of course there are limits (for all for us!) when it comes to gaining a parent's approval - it's normal human behaviour, not evil or reprehensible. No parent would want their child to drink themselves to death and sleep with nigh every sex worker in the city. Aegon is a very extreme example for someone supposedly not living up to Alicent's exacting standards.
The comparison to Vhagar comes into play here, but is that truly supposed to be a good thing? Vhagar is a dragon, she goes roar, eats people, dracarys. She is not a complex person in a difficult social situation. Of course she doesn't care whether Aemond performs his duties or not, she's a dragon. Does that mean that Aemond should be allowed to act in society in any old way he wants, just because Vhagar would still consider him her rider? Alicent shouldn't be viewed as an evil/person for wanting her children to behave and trying to discipline them when they don't. Equally, it's very understandable why Aemond would find Vhagar's indifference for his level of social conformity very, very attractive and escapist.
We can have debates about the breakdown in communication between parents and children and about what the lack of mental health awareness does to these relationships without vilifying a mother trying her best (and who, herself, is a victim of abuse). Alicent is not wandering around the Red Keep with a university degree in child development and psychology, after all.
Thanks for dropping by!
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thedreadvampy · 2 years
I am so tired 😭 not like sleepy tired I'm just like
I don't know I think. I don't really need a lot from anyone. I have built a lot of my life around not needing a lot from anyone bc if you need someone then a) that traps them with you and b) you're pretty fucked if you can't rely on them being able to help
that's not to say I'm some sort of lone wolf John Galt island btw. obviously I need people. I have very often needed help with fairly basic things like eating, leaving the house and having shelter. On this I'm pretty good at asking for help, I've lived a lot of my life very reliant on the help of other people. But I try to avoid being in a situation where I need one specific person to help me, if it's an actual survival need I try and have at least a couple of backups before I ask the first person.
(something that does alarm me is that I do have a couple of exclusively load-bearing people just now. like people who if they weren't there I wouldn't have a second option built in. I guess that's trust? but it's also a lot of pressure to put on them)
so like I have spent a lot of time trying to build myself into a position where people can be unavailable to me or say no to me and I will be fine. I'm not going to die of it or go insane or get hurt. I can be relied on to feed myself, go to work or deal with taking a day off, to manage my bills, to get home safely on my own, to protect my physical safety and look after myself if I get ill, to deal sensibly with stuff going wrong or with a crisis...basically, left alone I Will Manage.
(sometimes managing might look like asking for very specific help like 'could I stay on your sofa tonight?' or 'can I come grab your keys cause I'm locked out' or 'i have covid can you leave 6 mangoes and a 2 litre of water outside my door?' or 'can you come get me because I can't leave the house' but those are always. Options. Not the only choice. If the answer is no I will figure something else out and it will be fine)
But like. What I'm finding a lot more. And I think this is maybe a symptom of being a few years into post-traumatic mode rather than constant crisis and instability. Is that I still don't need things from anyone but I'm very much more aware of how much I want from people. Like I want attention. I want love. I want to be looked after in the way that I have made it my life's goal not to need. I want to like. Be able to fall back and have someone else catch me instead of having to set up my own safe landing and several contingencies.
but at the same time these are wants and not needs. and needs should always take precedence over wants.
Like if I'm going to be fine but a bit lonely if I don't see person X, but someone else is in immediate physical danger of they don't see person X, then obviously person X should go see that other person. If I want sympathy and support from person Y because I'm a bit grumpy but they need my support because they're in crisis like, obviously that interaction needs to be about them. Somebody's survival needs are the priority. If an interaction isn't a survival need then it's a nice-to-have and you can ask for it and expect it from people who love you when they have time but you've got to be ready for that to not be a possibility.
but the difficulty is like. ok so a) I have put my eggs in the not-needing-any-one-specific-person basket, meaning I have worked hard to build strategies meaning very few bits of support are fully load bearing, and b) I'm out of crisis. weird. but other people aren't.
so that means that put simply. I want. Other people need. I will always get by on my own if I have to and not everyone will. I very rarely have a need that I can acknowledge both is a need and can only be fulfilled by a specific person.
so if you're paying attention you will notice that means: I am not ever going to be a drop-everything priority. If something else comes up I'm always going to say 'no you should go look after them/yourself' and mean it even though I REALLY REALLY REALLY want you to stay and look after me, bc I know that I will be fine, just temporarily sad about it. Like I'm never going to be in a position where I feel able to ask to be cared for in a way that takes energy away from looking after yourself or other people bc I do not need it. I will manage. I have always managed and anyway things are more manageable now than they've ever been.
but at the same time like. I'm coming to really resent this about myself. I resent that I'm perfectly capable of looking after myself and parenting myself and that I'm constantly balancing other people's needs against my wants. I constantly want to throw myself on the ground and scream and cry and demand attention, like I want to let go completely and fuck up and leave it to other people to catch me, but I can't because that's not fair.
like I want to have needs. I want to be the priority and let myself be the priority. I want to be in dire straits such that people have to put me first or lose me. but like. It doesn't work like that. I've been in extremely bad situations, I've been in near constant crisis for like 20 years, and I've never been able to feel like I'm in a bad enough situation that looking after me should be a priority for anyone because I've always felt like it's on me to drag myself through it and figure it out.
And I have! I've done that! Not without damage but like I'm 30 and I'm still here and I did that. I had help along the way (shout out Alex you fucking lifesaver) but I made that happen.
but in some ways that's uhhhhhh worse? bc I know I'm right that if nobody looks after me I will be ok. I know I'm right that I can manage my own survival even when it feels impossible and even at times when nobody is available to help me. and if that was true when I was much closer to the edge then how can I ask to be prioritised now, when things are pretty much stable and safe for me and very much not that for most of the people around me?
but like. I am so fucking tired. I have been carrying the whole of my own weight and a bunch of other people's non-stop for decades and not been able to let go of any of it and I want so much to put it down. but I don't know how and anyway. it's a want. not a need. and needs come first.
(and it's haaaaaaard because ultimately the problem is with me. I don't prioritise me, and I actively push back when people try to look after me, so I don't think it's anyone's fault but mine. I have decided I can manage and other people can't (and that's pretty narcissistic and self-aggrandizing tbh). so like. If someone asks 'is it ok if I go look after X instead of staying with you' the answer of always gonna be yes. if somebody doesn't ask that but I know they're worrying about X I'm always going to gently encourage them to go deal with X. so I make it very hard to look after me or prioritise me bc ultimately I do think that prioritising me over other needs is almost always the wrong call. It's at the very least internally consistent but it's a very lonely place to be.)
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thestobingirlie · 1 year
(Same anon complaining about fruity four)
Oh my god, the casual homophobia in teens these days, especially from within the community. I'm older genZ, at 25. I have been openly queer for over a decade.
When I first came out all the homophobia I saw/ experienced was from outside the community, casual use of the f and d slurs, using gay as an insult/ synonym for bad, using fruit/ fruity in a derogatory way, and your typical hate crimes/ hate speech.
Now, most of what I see/ hear comes from LGBT+ teens. I have heard teens in a pretty conservative town asking other people (Including adults) if they're fruity. Loudly discussing how strangers are "obviously queer" without caring who is around. And the whole trend of "Is he y'know *limp wrists*?" And the push of micro labels onto almost everyone, who don't want or need to use them.
This links back to the whole "fruity four" thing, because all of these things are used in so many fics for them. Eddie will be limp wristing at everyone. They'll all be describing themselves as fruity. Steve will keep using the word queer to describe his sexuality. Yeah, sure creative liberties and whatever. But it feels unrealistic for a group of teens in the mid '80s. They wouldn't be using all these things that are common in kids now, because they were used in a very derogatory and dangerous way in the '80s. They're teens in a small town in the '80s, they probably wouldn't feel comfortable reclaiming the word queer, let alone half the other stuff they get written as doing when they're written as queer. And they wouldn't be well versed in queer culture of the time, let alone that of today.
i think the reason for this is that these teens are only experiencing queer culture online. the most they get in real life is a commercialised version of pride. all they really know are tiktok comments, where it’s encouraged to imply someone is gay, and loudly discuss what a celebrities sexual orientation might be. outing someone isn’t seen as bad because coming out is seen as a necessity now. i’ve even seen people say that it’s morally wrong and lying not the tell someone you’re gay, which is just insane.
i’ve even seen this post critiquing the word queer because it’s “too vague”… wtf. and yeah! there’s this weird thing where people expect you to totally analyse every aspect of your sexuality and gender and have the perfect word to describe it, and if you don’t totally fit what they think a sexuality is, you’re wrong. and it’s so tiring.
some fics just make it so obvious that they’re writing from a 21st century perspective. like, i’m not saying to write the teens being violently homophobic or anything, but you’ve just got so many st teens treating sexuality with a gentleness and understanding the complexity of it that they just wouldn’t have.
like, robin always knows what bisexual is in fics, she knows the word for it, and she knows exactly what steve is before he even knows. and eddie is flagging and knows exactly what every colour flag mean and he’s a sado dom in small town indiana. and it’s like, get a grip.
i think, when it comes to like robin and steve, it wouldn’t be until they left hawkins, and moved into a city and actually started interacting with queer culture that they would start to refer to themselves with labels. i think in a town like hawkins, where an identity is used to insult you and you really don’t have any other queer people around, it’s harder to just call yourself a dyke or queer. (which is why i love stobin in their 20s exploring queer culture and being able to feel comfortable in themselves and the way they present, because they just really couldn’t do that in the teens).
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Eeeeey, I can finally post about these little mermaid bitches
ifejioerjf Fumi's the mer in here and Heim is an aquarium worker. Specifically, the only aquarium worker Fumi hasn't bit yet bc Heim consistantly treats Fumi like he's dangerous (he is)
Lmaooo Fumi just out here acting all cute and biting the shit out of people when they get close enough XDXDX It's a game to him. He'll drag them underwater, bite them, wrap around them like a boa constrictor, whatever gets people to freak out bc their flailing and screaming is funny to him.
Vrrrr. like, most animals that are in aquariums and zoos nowadays are, like, bred in captivity, never been in the wild or, like.... injured in away that releasing them wouldn't really be a kindness, right?
So like.... why the fuck would they be keeping feral ass Fumi in an aquarium????
Vrrrr thinking a mix between he got injured and also someone just pulled him up with a fishing net and they're studying him or smth.
Mrrrr Like, literally, the amount of injuries Fumi's definitely given staff would definitely get him put down if he were like.... just for display or smth
Maybe he's on display for, like increased funding?????
I mean, less important than Heim and Fumi interactions to me :/
They're my daydream babies <3
Anyway, MOVING ON!
More Fumi and Heim Interactions:
Heim tosses Fumi's fucking food at him from ridiculously far away. He don't let his ankles get anywhere near the water, lmao
Heim's put in charge of Fumi bc Heim seems to be the one with the most luck with dealing with Fumi (AKA. He's never been injured) and everyone else mostly avoids Fumi's area bc he's known to bite and shit and few other people need to be there. Which means the area's empty a lot.
Heim goes in when he needs a break from people and complains to Fumi about his coworkers (doesn't expect him to understand or respond).
One day, when Heim comes in to decompress, he hears Fumi imitate human speech. Specifically his insults
Que Heim realizing the squeaky screech sounds Fumi makes are probably a language and starts trying to teach Fumi English and teach himself whatever the fuck Fumi speaks (He's very bad a it, every time he tries to copy Fumi, he laughs, it's like, the wackiest accent or smth) and they start building raport
Sometime between beginning to make friends and actually trusting eachother, Heim either gets close enough to be dragged in the water, or falls in himself, and Fumi (who sees this as play) gleefully wrapps heim up and drags him down, but Heim's depressed ass decides "it's not worth struggling to escape" and quickly goes limp, closing his eyes, and waiting for Fumi to like, mutilate him or down him. Fumi obviously notices Heim stops thrashing, and gets concerned when Heim goes completely limp, like he's dead. He brings Heim back to the surface, but Heim doesn't react. Fumi, still concerned, drags him back on land and chirps at him. Still no response, so Fumi starts trying to preform CPR, or however much of it he could grasp from the time he actually nearly drowned one of the other workers.
Heim, who's been conscious, just despondent, this while time pushes Fumi off when he starts trying to do chest compressions, and sort of just goes on a depressive spiral while laying there with a concerned mer by him.
This is the point where actual trust starts building between them (from Heim's side, Fumi trusts Heim before Heim trusts him)
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systematic-advice · 3 years
aww too bad but endogenic systems are valid, and unless you got some actual evidence that says otherwise (as in not from another sysmed or some rando's carrd), you're just another terminally online fakeclaimer :)
You know, I have been sitting in my home, on my lovely comfortable sofa that I fought for years to get, in front of my 6 year old laptop that took me a year to save for, next to my partner who has suffered even more than I- trying to decide how to answer this 'exactly'. When someone invalidates your struggles like this, what do you say exactly? I thought about being sarcastic and angry, but honestly that's what you want, isn't it Anon? You'd like to be able to say you boiled the blood of someone who doesn't think like you. But you didn't. What you did was make yourself look like an ass hole. Or you would have, had you actually been brave enough to face me for real. Hiding behind the grey icon further proves you to be a coward with no facts to back yourself up. Otherwise you'd be in here with studies trying to change my mind, not asking me to provide you with your own proof.
You have come into my inbox and, like all your other Endo friends, told me my suffering was nothing. Because that's what the existence of Endos means. If anyone can will a System into existence, why can't we just decide not to have them? Why not just stop ruining our lives. Oh yeah, because we literally can't. You and your lot all seem to have this idea that Systemhood is some great advantage. How about last month when one of our Alters misplaced $900 that we needed to eat, which took us more than a day to find? Things like that happen regularly, because it's not an advantage. IT IS AN INJURY. Systems have BRAIN INJURIES. Trauma of any kind is in fact an injury, so what you're saying is 'LOL You have a broken arm? That looks fun let me do that!" Because you want attention and you can't get it any other way then butting into someone else's space.
I would bother linking you to the numerous studies done by professionals in their field who obviously don't recognise Endos because they aren't a real thing, but that's not what you were asking for. You were using that line as a gotcha, but it's not. It's just funny. Your transphobic use of that term, 'Sysmed' is disgusting and your lack of education is frankly laughable. There are no studies on endos because there are no professionals in their field who believe in them. Because they don't exist beyond your online presence.
I find it truthfully hilarious that you call us 'terminally online' when that is they ONLY thing that could lead to Endos even having a space or voice in the first place. Your liberalism is cute, but radical inclusivity is a danger to medical conditions. After all, what you're basically proposing is that we eliminate diagnostic criteria. So you can have PTSD without trauma and spiritually identify as having ASPD. All absolutely disgusting and ableist.
And for the final point, I've never fakeclaimed anyone. I have gone out of my way to make sure that I don't directly fake claim a single person, even Endo Systems. The designation of Endogenic is an online term that means nothing in the medical industry. I do not claim Endos aren't Systems, I claim Endogenic as a term and designation isn't valid or real. It's not. And no amount of your complaining will change science. I have exactly 'ONE' post wherein I implied someone COULD be faking and I was careful to say that I desperately hoped what they were saying was coming across wrong because I'm not here to fakeclaim. I'm pretty clear about why I don't interact with Endos and this entire post is a pretty good summery of why.
I understand that we are all just trying to figure ourselves out, but there are actual medical journals with REAL information in them, and you all want to read some Carrd about how Endos are valid because they say they are. If any of you bothered to learn a single thing about how to do proper research, this wouldn't even be a problem. But just like the boomers on facebook, you read ONE thing that SOUNDS plausible and it's a fact for life. It's honestly so pathetic. Tumblr users all like to pretend we're better, but people like this clearly aren't. It would take an hour on google with any sort of critical thinking to know the entire Endo community is full of crap. But no, you'd rather just dive in to unsourced anecdotes and ignore evidence.
Fine, but stop pretending we're the ones who are terminally online.
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Uh. I was looking at fe crossover drawings, and. Corrin's canon appearance has the white hair/red eyes combo in addition to pointed ears. I wonder what that would do to the thinkers in the school. Assuming, of course, that Corrin doesn't immediately get kicked out for head empty problems.
Lysithea is just squinting at Corrin's hair like "hmmm." Edelgard is torn between the way she interacts with Lysithea, where she's like "I want to take care of you and make sure you don't overexert yourself because I know what happened to you", and her gut impulse when she sees Corrin's ears to be like "what are you" in a way that is not exactly kind. Claude is taking notes. Linhardt is keeping observations in his head but it's a bit too much effort to actually write it down. Hanneman has her tested for a Crest but the machine just goes haywire.
Flayn and Seteth are desperately fishing for information from Corrin and also nudging her to cover her ears but she doesn't get the subtle hints and then when Seteth outright tells her that it could be dangerous for people to know her true nature, she's like "but all my classmates are so nice! They wouldn't hurt me!" while in the background, Edelgard and Hubert are wrestling Kronya-as-Monica away from blowing her cover by stabbing Corrin instantly.
Now there's possibilities for how Corrin gets here and they can all be incredibly funny:
Hoshido and Nohr exist on another continent in this world and Garon sends Corrin abroad to get more information about the next kingdoms he/Anankos intends to conquer.
Now, this would mean that Corrin is "infiltrating" Garreg Mach under the guise of an "ordinary student", and you'd be like "why would Garon send Corrin to do this when Corrin has rocks for brains" and you're right, but Garon is the undead puppet of a mad god, so this is just what Anankos does. Anyway, Seteth and Rhea are immediately tipped off that Corrin is Not From Around Here but also has rocks for brains so Rhea's not exactly worried about her causing any problems and just resolves to keep an eye on her and try to get a little more information about where she's actually from.
Anyway which house would be funniest for Corrin to end up in? I think she would fit best in the Blue Lions, since Faerghus as a cold, isolated land with people clinging desperately to chivalric ideals seems...a bit like Nohr! (I want to put non-Azure Moon Felix and Birthright Xander in the same room and see what happens.)
Corrin would get along great with Annette and Mercedes - they might remind her a bit of her sisters. And Felix reminds her of her little brother, but god forbid she say that. It goes as well as it initially goes when Mercedes mentions such.
But I did say which house would be funniest, not necessarily what fits best, so! Either of the others could be interesting too. But Blue Lions dynamics is just my first thought.
2. Hoshido and Nohr are also kingdoms of Fodlan that are mostly busy going to war with each other while Adrestia, Leicester, and Faerghus ignore them, but people from those kingdoms are allowed to attend Garreg Mach anyway.
This obviously wildly messes with the political dynamics of Fodlan, but I am ignoring that for now to look at character dynamics:
I want to lock Takumi and Felix in a classroom and see what happens. They'll either kill each other or band together to kill someone else. Peri is following Jeritza around like a lost duckling. Sylvain flirts with Camilla once and she's like "If you persist in this, I will break your knees; now, were you also headed towards the dining hall? Shall we go together?"
Silas is in a corner with Ashe, Ingrid, and Raphael like "I'm just trying to be a good knight, what is happening in this place." Lilith is in the fish pond. Bernadetta thinks the monastery is haunted by the ghost of a woman who drowned and now walks the halls singing because whenever she sneaks out at night to get food she hears an ethereal, echoing voice and sees a lot of wet footprints. Azura is in the fish pond.
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