#I need to be smothered in a thick warm blanket
mrsoharaa · 6 months
I’m getting jabbed ruthlessly with satans pitchfork (Iykyk!) 😖😭
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cordeliawhohung · 1 month
Touch Me 'Till I Vomit (pet!au) [11]
pet!au | ghoap x fem!reader | tag list
old memories
cw: non-con, PTSD, anxiety, slight suicidal ideation, manipulation, extremely unsafe handling of firearms
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No matter how many years pass, Johnny’s still in that tunnel. 
Those damp walls follow him everywhere, and the humidity clings to his body like a second skin. Smothers every pore of his body until it’s screaming for air. Or, is that blood? The substance that trickles down the side of his face, sticky and warm? It envelops the line of his jaw like a tender lover. Like devoted fingers caressing the pain that florescences on the soft side of his skull. He needs the nails to puncture the bone. Seep into the tissue of his brain and remove the anguish that festers like a bad wound. 
A great roaring volume drowns out his senses as hands paw at his chest. He’s shaken like someone attempting to rouse their child from slumber but he doesn’t want to wake up. He needs to seep into the concrete. Liquify and soak into the cold, unforgiving ground, but he won’t. The hands dragging him by his vest refuse to allow it. He can’t die because someone wills it otherwise. Then comes the metal. Tongs and needles; scalpels that slice and tear; saws that grind marrow into dust — it hurts worse than the impact. Worse than an entry wound that bubbles and flattens into a cavern nothing can reach.
When he opens his eyes, there’s nothing but white. Walls, linen, clothes; it’s a blank canvas for him to paint on, and yet he can’t see the image. Gentle shapes and sounds, he tries to remember his cousin’s name but can’t. Wants to shape his mouth into the word but his tongue has forgotten the dance. He can’t remember the number assigned to him when he used to play keeper in football. The memory of his mother’s voice is distorted. Something is broken about his father’s face. He can hardly recall the name of the man always at his bedside. 
Ghost. Is that it? Weird bloke with the mask and dark eyes. There’s vague memories about him. Good ones. Ghost barks at the nurses and doctors who come to see him, always questioning what they’re doing. Why they’re injecting him with certain things. Johnny watches him. Thick fingers clench and relax like waves along the coastline. There is more to his name. It’s shrouded in fuzzy memories. Wading through the static, he plucks the word and lets it sit on his tongue until he’s able to get the useless muscle to move. 
Things hurt more after he says that word. That name. Calls upon the devil; sells his soul to a demon with dark eyes and lips that can’t properly curl anymore because of the scar tissue. He fights. Shreds skin with sharp teeth. Doesn’t care who the skin belongs to. Johnny’s regressed. Gone backwards in evolution. Has turned into nothing more than a bad dog locked in a cage, left alone to lick his wounds. Only the clink of his collar keeps him company. 
But the only thing that makes a dog bad isn’t because they bite or bark — it’s that they’re scared. Confused. He flails and howls lamenting cries as he tries to make sense of the collar and cage, or why his name seems to be something he can’t recapture. The only thing that’s there, repeating in his mind like a broken record, is the bullet. Gunshot ringing loud, lead ripping through his cranium; all he knows how to do is fight. Fight dirty. Fight hard. Slicing claws, bared teeth; something in him still craves blood. Still covets the taste of iron in his mouth. 
That desire is siphoned out of him. Drawn free from his body until not a single drop remains. It breaks down and decays in his body until there’s only fuzz left. A distorted reality. Things are better this way. Happier. Now, there’s nothing but that collar and cage and Simon and Simon and Simon and Simon —
“Fuckin’ hell, Soap, wake up!” 
Instead of the unforgiving metal bars of a kennel, Johnny feels a plush mattress. Sheets and blankets twist up his legs like ivy reclaiming some man made structure — something that doesn’t belong — and his limbs thrash in an attempt to free himself. He’s restrained. Thick arms wrap around his torso, pinning his appendages to his chest. Lips press against the shell of his ear as Simon grunts in frustration, attempting to hold his misbehaving dog down. 
“Easy now, easy. Down boy,” he murmurs. 
“Ah need tae go home,” Johnny rambles, hands pawing at Simon’s forearms. His chest heaves. Rib cage expanding just to crush right back into his lungs as he exhales, throat constricting like it suddenly feels the weight of the collar around it. “Need tae go home.” 
Simon shushes him. Demanding fingers grip Johnny’s forearms as he pulls him closer. He’s become a living straight jacket. Yanking back on his mutt’s leash until he calms. Until the storm passes.  
“You are home. Home with me, ‘member?” Simon attempts to coddle. The softness is foreign to his voice, but he tries anyway. “Look, even Bonnie’s here. Yeah? Your sweet bird? Look at ‘er. Look at ‘er, Johnny.” 
Confused eyes peer through the darkness until he finds you standing to the side of the bed, your back against the wall. Your parted lips look heavenly in the dull glow of the moon seeping through the windows, and he finds his heart quelling in his chest. Then he looks at your eyes. Wide as saucers. Dilated. Chest heaving. Breath escaping you. 
“Yeah, you see ‘er now. You’re home with me. Home with Bonnie. Better now?” Simon asks. 
“Ah still feel it. Digging ‘round in mah fuckin’ skull,” Johnny babbles, feet still kicking at the cloth that holds his legs hostage. His teeth grit so tightly he can hardly get the words to flow between them. 
“Need ya to relax, Johnny,” Simon huffs. Frustrated eyes glare at you, and your throat visibly bobs as he motions for you to come back to the bed. “Want Bonnie to help?”
Following Simon’s orders, you crawl onto the mattress. You shuffle along on your hands and knees, head bowed low but your eyes stay on the men in front of you like they’ll bite if you don’t. Johnny sees the trepidation that lurks in your gaze. Can nearly smell it as it collects like sweat on your skin. He doesn’t like it. That fear in your eyes. Are you scared of him? Why do you look at him like that? 
“Good girl, Bonnie,” Simon praises flatly. Without warning, his hand dives into Johnny’s boxers where he greedily palms at his cock. It’s still soft, having no chance to harden, and yet Simon is unrelenting. Johnny feels the urge to jolt, to fight back against the stimulation as he watches you sit back on your haunches, bottom lip quivering. “You want ‘er, dontcha boy? ‘Course you do. You picked ‘er out and everything. Doesn’t she make ya feel better? Feel at home?” 
There’s a dull buzz in the back of Johnny’s mind that attempts to rewire his brain. To slice away the coax seal and bare the metal cords to the damp air of his skull. To weave things until the pain stops. Until things make sense. But that buzz wanes and dies as his cock begins to harden and he becomes drunk on Simon’s words and the way he tugs at him. When he looks back at you, you are excited. Body quivering with anticipation, on your knees waiting for him like there’s nothing else in the world that can satiate your desire but him. 
“Aye. Ah do,” Johnny groans. 
Simon smirks against his ear. 
“Good boy. Go fetch.” 
Johnny eats you alive after that. Takes you while you’re face first into the mattress, cock pumping into your cunt at an abusive pace. You cry this time. You’ve been good about keeping it bottled inside, tears along with it, but seeing him screaming in his sleep has your anxiety high. Watching him thrash like that, curse, and beg. Like he had been possessed. Like he was somebody else. Fear courses through you like it’s the only component that builds the cells of your blood. Guttural sobs and wails are muffled by the way Simon shoves your face into the bedding and barks at you to quiet down. You are thankful that this time he fucks you on the bed. There’s no unforgiving wood to press into your palms or the side of your face as you grieve into the blankets. Still, it hurts all the same. Your cervix splits and bruises, walls stretched impossibly wide as he pistons into you, ripping you apart from the inside. 
He feasts on your cries. Mumbles that you sound so beautiful, moaning like that. 
All for him. 
When Johnny’s finished, he goes back to sleep. Curls around you like a devoted dog, arms lazily slung over you — nothing but dead weight. Before long, both men are snoring while you sniffle and writhe. There is no sleep to be had, not with the wounds that plague you. After so much time spent in the den of these beasts, you were hoping that your skin would become thicker. Calluses would form from use, and eventually this agony would remit. But scars can’t form if you don’t allow the wound to heal, and Simon is all too willing to tear at the scab until you’re bleeding all over again. 
He likes the taste of brine and iron. 
Morning comes and you still haven’t slept. 
It was a foolish idea to believe you could have. Laying with monstrous men and listening to the rattle of their breathing keeps you awake worse than any creature that could go bump in the night. You promise yourself you’ll sleep when they’re awake. You’ll sleep when Simon’s hands are busy working away at the garden and Johnny’s drawing sketches of your motionless body. It’s easier to rest when the sun is up. When you can open your eyes and make sense of your surroundings and not be swallowed by darkness and terror. 
Simon is the first to rise. He always is. Even the sun lags behind him in sputtering rays as he slinks out of the room. His movement is enough to rouse Johnny who finally relinquished his grasp on you in favor of turning to lay on his stomach. You breathe easier without the weight of his arm on your chest, but it does nothing to quell the ache that still burns in the pit of your stomach. That never-healing wound. That scar which will never quite mend. 
You stir when you hear the shower begin to run. Its creaky faucet strains against the old pipes, squealing as the liquid shoots through it. Lifting yourself up, you muffle your groans behind gritted teeth as you slip off the side of the bed. You’ve gotten good at being quiet. Soft as a mouse trotting through rotten walls. As silent as the flap of an owl’s wings in the dead of night. Even as you dress — fresh cloth pulling over soiled skin — there’s nothing, not even a peep, out of you. Johnny huffs, body missing your presence. You ignore him as you leave the bedroom. 
Morning birds chirp in your willow tree. You’ve decided it’s your tree. Beautiful branches, dancing leaves — Simon has Johnny, and Johnny has you, isn’t it only fair that you have something of your own? Finches chatter as they buzz from branch to branch, excited feet scurrying as they chase one another. They peck and chew at berries and nuts they’ve foraged in the bountiful forest that lay beyond the property, and you stand in front of the window for a moment watching them. 
They force an old memory to resurface. Something from when you were a child. A science class lecture that’s been buried in the grey matter of your brain for so long it had almost gotten lost. Evolutionary pressure. Finches are an example of this. Darwin’s finches, especially. They’re diverse. Changing for better survival. There are some with fat, wide beaks, others with small, dainty growths. Animals evolve fast to adapt and survive. To endure the earth and her cruel games. 
You wonder if you could test this on yourself. Stress your body to the point it has no choice but to morph into something stronger. Something better. If you climbed to the top of this house, or the ridge of those trees, and jumped, would you survive? Would your body scream and cry out for you to change and sprout wings before you hit the ground? Before you’re caught in Johnny’s maw for good? Is this just some foolish notion? Would you just shatter on the pavement below? 
Your sigh mixes with the chirping, free and sovereign. Either way, it would not be an issue for you anymore if you failed. Your wounds would never heal, but you’d be too dead to care about it. 
Simon’s shower turns off with a squeak and the sound snaps you back to reality. This is all a facade. You are not a bird, you are not a woman, you are a pet — nothing more. 
Knowing breakfast is soon to follow, you preemptively wander toward the dining room. If there is one thing to be grateful for in this meticulously crafted hell of yours, it is that you are well fed. There is no such thing as going hungry under Simon’s careful watch. He is not a good man — a good person — but he at least knows how to take care of his pets. You turn into the room —
— there is a gun on the table. 
Solvent hangs faintly in the air next to bottles of cleaners and old toothbrushes that dot the tabletop. It’s the same set up you recall seeing a few weeks back when Simon cleaned his rifle — when he reminded you that hunting season is fast approaching — but there is no rifle on the table. A hand gun sits in its place, resting on its side, aimed toward the wall. It’s not gutted. Each spring and screw lies perfectly in place. Primed. Ready to kill. 
It’s a proper handgun. At least, you think it is. Not one of the six shooters you always see portrayed in old American Western films. It’s deadly. Something officers or Army men would use. Your stomach sinks as you approach it, like it’ll decide to discharge from a mere glance alone. Sleek black metal covers the frame and grip, making it all look uniform, save for some wear and tear scratches. Some of the scratches look deep — long and gnarly gashes like the item itself had been through hell and back. You reach a hand out, floating and careful; your fingertips brush against the grip; wary, like it’ll bite.
“Shouldn’t be touchin’ that.” 
Retracting your hand, you jump as Simon’s voice cuts through the air with as much venom as a viper. You step back as your eyes jump to look at him. Shirtless, skin still freshly wet, he stands like a drowned barbarian as he stares at you. An apology bubbles up in your throat, but you won’t let it escape. You keep it trapped in your larynx as he slowly approaches with feet more quiet than you could ever wish to be. 
“Ever seen one before?” he asks. He crowds you, forces you back another step as he reaches for the pistol. Large hands dwarf the metal frame as he turns it over in his palm, showing it off. “A gun like this?” 
You shake your head. Knives are plenty common in England, but handguns? Something other than a hunting rifle? You thought handguns were banned. Though, Simon’s never been one to shy away from illegal acts. 
“Yeah. Didn’t think so. Fittin’ for a civilian,” he chuckles with crass humor. 
Simon does something unthinkable — he hands you the gun. 
There’s nothing but care as he holds it out, grip faced toward you, muzzle off to the side pointing at neither of you. Your heart leaps into your throat, swells in your esophagus, and then throbs. All you can do is stare. It stares back. Screams at you. You’re all too aware that this item acts not only as your executioner, but as your ticket out of this place. 
“Take it,” he urges. 
Like always, you obey. It feels too thick in your palm, and when he lets go, it’s heavy, much more than you could have anticipated it to be. Everyone in the movies always wields them so flippantly — as if they’re light as air — but the weight it holds screams its deadly intent. Simon’s fingers brush against you, adjusting your grip, and you try not to grimace at the feeling of his skin and tainted metal against your hand. 
“Is it loaded?” you question. You don’t know why you ask it. Maybe you want to know so you can be wary. To not hurt yourself. Or maybe you want to know so you can see if the risk raging in the back of your mind is worth taking. 
“Dunno,” Simon shrugs. Once more, he repositions you. Gently prods your hand higher and higher, elbow bent, muzzle resting against your temple. Maneuvers your pointer finger until it’s hooked around the trigger. A dead woman walking, he forces you to stand there with the gun to your head. “Wanna find out?” 
What a cruel world this is. The earth with her singing birds and sprouting flowers and bright blue skies, and you’ve hardly been able to enjoy any of it. All it has been is pain, and here you are wondering if you’ll ever get the chance to heal from it. Your heart thumps like an amateur drummer; without sense and rhythm. It demands to be heard. Forces you to listen to his cacophonous melody as it drowns the rush of blood in your ears. Your finger twitches, and the trigger gives way, but not enough for anything to happen. 
“C’mon. We’ll get you matchin’ with Johnny, huh? Ugly fuckin’ scar on the side of your head.” As he says it, he eyes the spot where the mouth of the gun meets your trembling flesh. He says it like he’s already imagining the gaping hole. “Pull the trigger, Bonnie.” 
It can’t be loaded. You’re certain of it. There’s no way he would leave something that dangerous around within reach. But it’s so heavy. As if it’s crammed to the brim with bullets ready to riddle your body full of holes. Your breathing stutters. Seizes the muscles of your chest and forces them to jitter. You stare at Simon’s chest. Nothing but pale, thick skin stares back at you. If you pull the trigger, you might paint him red. Red and pink and yellow. You wonder if that’s what he wants. If the feeling of water never feels as warm or embracing to him as fresh blood does. 
“I told you to pull the fuckin’ trigger.” 
Panic writhes in your stomach — you don’t want to die yet. 
The hammer strikes against nothing and dry fires. It rings louder than the terror in your mind and the vibrations that rattle your trembling body as your arm gives out, gun lowering away from your head. Of course it’s empty. How stupid of you to think of anything different. Simon would never allow you to leave before he’s ready to let go. 
When Simon laughs, your stomach lurches so fiercely you nearly vomit. Once you’re able to force yourself to face him, you’re met with the largest smile you’ve ever seen him wear. Crooked teeth sit between scarred lips as he swipes the gun out of your limp fingers. Taking a step back, he nods; utterly amused. It isn’t long before that sneer wipes off of his face and he’s back to wearing that biting, stoic expression he always does. 
“Atta girl,” he huffs. 
Sliding the gun into the waistband of his sweatpants, Simon saunters past you into the kitchen, leaving you to stand alone next to the table. Unstable knees nearly give out as your palms slap against the top, slowly dragging your body into a rickety chair. It hurts to sit, soreness jolting through your core with unforgiving electricity, but you refuse to make a sound. You sit there with tears welling in your eyes as you try to forget the way deadly metal feels in your hand. 
This is Simon’s greatest round of torture yet. He’s given you the keys meant to aid in your escape, but he’s changed all the locks. You bite into your bottom lip to get it to stop quivering. After living here, you’ve learned pain is the best enforcer. Only, it doesn’t quite work as well when it’s self-inflicted. 
Another click sounds, and you wince at it. Holding your breath, you wait for something else to follow — a sonic boom, a scream, a death rattle — but the only thing you hear is the sizzling of bacon on a hot pan as Simon prepares breakfast.
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turtletaubwrites · 9 months
Hogging the Blankets
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This pure smut one shot can be read alone, but it would take place some time after part 18 of the poly fic, We've All Got Needs, linked below.
Pairings: Zoro x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1210
We've All Got Needs Masterlist
Ao3 Link
Summary: Zoro hogged the blankets, so you try to wake him. He tells you what you need to do now that you've woken him up.
Rating/Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, AFAB!Reader, She/Her Pronouns for Reader, 18+ Only, MDNI, Reader-Insert, Very Mild Consensual Somnophilia, Swearing, Smut, Established Relationship, Penis in Vagina Sex, Condoms, Pet Names (including nickname 'Needy'), Shameless Smut
A/N: Who doesn't want to wake up to Zoro in the morning?
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Soft morning light fell into your quarters, and today you’d surprisingly woken up able to breathe.
Sleeping with Zoro was so often dangerous, his heavy body almost always finding a way to smother yours as you slept. 
Sighing as you curled against him, you noticed he’d hogged the blankets. The cool air on your skin had probably woken you, but you knew better than to try to wrestle with his dead weight. 
Grinning to yourself, you trailed your fingers along his hip.
I know what will wake him up. 
Slowly, your fingers traced over the blanket, around that piece of him that was partly awake already. 
Memories of how he’d fucked you stupid last night filled your mind, tightening your core as you shivered. 
He looked so cute now, his green hair mussed, his mouth hanging slack, his arm slung over his head. He didn’t look like someone who’d made you beg him to do filthy things to you, made you cry on his cock as you ached for him to hurt you just a little more. 
Biting your lip as you looked at his seemingly sweet face, you let your hand travel closer. You couldn’t help but hum softly as you felt him getting harder, twitching under the blanket while your fingers played around his length.
“So fucking needy.”
You yelped as his warm fingers wrapped around your wrist, stopping your teasing movements. 
His voice was low, raspy as he squinted at you, and the sound sent shivers over your skin. 
“You’re hogging the blanket,” you whined, pulling at the fabric.
“Oh, is that all you want?”
Zoro stretched, his chest muscles distracting you from your goal. 
“If you’re gonna wake me up like that, you should finish what you start.”
Zoro’s hands were on you, pulling you onto his lap, leaving you breathless. He shoved his fingers into his mouth before rubbing them along your folds. 
“Wow, Needy, your pussy is fucking hungry for me, isn’t it?”
Zoro’s fingers pulled away with thick strands of slick, all your thoughts and teasing of the morning giving you away.
“I just… wanted the blanket.”
The look he gave you at your lie made your skin flush with heat, unable to hide how much he affected you. 
“Sure. Since you want it so bad that you had to fucking wake me up, you’re gonna work for it.”
His command, voice still rough from sleep, made you shiver. He pointed at the nightstand, and you didn’t hesitate to grab a condom, releasing his swollen dick from the blanket, and rubbing the condom down his shaft. 
Zoro moaned softly, putting his hands behind his head as he closed his eyes. 
“Go ahead. This is why you woke me up, isn’t it?”
You paused, waiting for him to move. Zoro normally took you hard and fast, always taking control. You waited too long, and he opened one eye to growl at you. 
“I’m going back to sleep if you don’t give me a reason not to.”
Holding in a laugh, you straddled him, pressing one palm against his chest while you slid yourself onto his length.
You were wet and ready for him, but you still hissed as your body adjusted. You took him in, his full length pressing deep, leaving you to hover, just slightly. 
Zoro had closed his eyes again, and seemed unaffected by the heat of your pussy, clenching him while you moaned his name softly. 
His lack of reaction felt like a challenge, and you started working yourself over him. Slow and steady, holding yourself up with your hands on his chest. You alternated rolling forward and back, and lifting yourself up and down, unable to keep in your own moans as you took his long cock into your now dripping cunt.
Zoro’s lips parted in a small sigh, and you knew he was fucking with you, pretending not to be affected.
Even though his eyes were closed, you leaned over him as you used his shoulders to hold yourself up, watching his face. 
Still alternating with twisting your hips, and fucking yourself onto him, you let yourself moan. A bit louder than you normally did with everyone’s quarters being so close. You let your face show how much you needed him, your tongue hanging slightly out of your mouth.
You were rewarded with a moan from Zoro when his eyes opened to see the needy look on your face. 
“Fuuuck,” he breathed, hands moving down to grab your hips. He helped your body slide over his, and you forgot about your challenge, forgot about everything except for the feel of his cock inside you, building tension and warmth in your core. 
“Mm, my baby can’t even wait for me to wake up,” he teased, moaning as he watched your tits bouncing above him, one hand reaching up to play with them while your back arched. 
“You can’t live without my cock, huh, Needy?”
“I can’t, Zoro, I need you so fucking ba-”
Zoro thrust up into you hard, your body lurching forward as your pussy ached for him, ached for more.
“Tell me what you want, kitten. Tell me what your pussy needs.”
Zoro’s eyes were dangerous as he brought his thumb to trace circles around your clit. Words were not easy to find, but you knew what he wanted to hear.
“I need you to fuck me, Zoro. I need your cock-”
He flipped you easily, and wasted no time in thrusting into you, the sudden force of him ripping a small scream from you before you could bite your lip. 
Zoro rolled his hips with each thrust, keeping his dark eyes on yours as he fucked his way deeper into you. 
His gaze was intense, and you kept it as well as you could while you dragged your nails down his back. His eyes fluttered slightly as you scraped down his skin, and you let out a moan as your body clenched around his. 
“Fuck, Zoro, you feel so fucking good.”
“You too, baby. I love waking up to your eager pussy. It sucks me in so fucking well.”
His last words were emphasized with deep thrusts, sending your body so fucking close to that edge. Zoro lifted your hips then, the angle sending him over and over that soft, needy spot inside you, making you twitch beneath him.
“That’s right, Needy. Come on my cock for me. Show me how much you- Fuck, just like that, baby.”
That tension building in your core snapped as his cock rammed over that perfect spot one more time, and he didn’t let up. He fucked into you harder, chasing his own high as you fell apart for him, legs twitching while you moaned, incoherent pleas of more and too much falling from your lips.
Zoro’s head fell over you as his thrusts stuttered.
“Fucking perfect, baby.”
Your eyes teared up with the heat of his words, the strength of his last thrusts, and the throbbing feel of his heavy cock as he came inside you. 
He stayed there, locked in your body as you both relearned how to breathe. His warm lips found your forehead, making you shiver with a soft kiss, and his whispered tease.
“Good morning, Needy.
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Thank You for Reading! 💜
TurtleTaub Fanfic Masterlist
We've All Got Needs Masterlist
Tag List: @astheni-a | @ferns-fics | @heilee | @iamn1ya | @ghostfacefricker6969 | @onlybassoon01 | @apothicgloom | @slyhersophia | @cyberaestheticals
And @fanaticsnail Thank you, I rolled a 2!
A/N: I hope you enjoyed this extra scene!
Buy me a coffee ☕🙏🏼
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georgiapeach30513 · 7 months
Steve Rogers x me 🙋‍♀️ number 32 or 50 please
Oh!! I love this one so much, but...just don't hate me with this.
There Goes My Life
Summary: just one last time
Pairings: Steve Rogers X Reader
Rating: explicit
Warnings:  explicit language, explicit sexual content, unprotected sex, PIV sex, a smidge of dirty talk, creampie, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 1.2K
Series Masterlist
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He sighs as his blue eyes peer at your sleeping form. You never listened. It was too easy for him to get in through your window, and just gaze at you while you sleep. He warned you that there was a target on your back. Especially the moment you left SHIELD. It just didn’t seem right anymore. Not without Steve, and not knowing what you now know.
You look peaceful, which is more than what he can say for himself. Your windows seem smaller now, or maybe it was just because he felt he could never get too close to you. The picture of the two of you still sits beside your bed, and he feels an ache in his chest as you cling to his pillow. By now his scent would have worn off considering how you had your face buried into it.
“Cap, you have a short window. I’ll buy you some more time. Enjoy your girl.”
“Thanks, Sam,” he whispers, leaning over to remove his boots. If he didn’t have this need to hold you and enjoy you while he could, he would tell you how stupid it was to leave your window unlocked. But he also knew why.
You are also painfully aware that Steve had someone watch your place. Everything changed in such a short time. You didn’t think he would be coming back, much less as often as he did.
Removing his suit, he lets the mess of what was Captain America drift into your floor. Fully naked, and for a reason, he lifts the blanket on his side, and slides in. His eyes rake over your beautiful sleeping face. There wasn’t enough time for him to just watch you, but he did it all the same. He missed you so much it hurt. So much that he couldn’t even focus on the task at hand because he was waiting on you to tell him what to do. But this isn’t SHIELD, and you no longer were in his ear.
Your full lashes flutter with his warm breath. Your body sidles up to his even more. He’s so proud of you, even in your sleep you knew it was him. He reaches to pull the pillow from your grasp, wanting you to use him instead when your sleepy eyes blink away the clouds from your vision.
“Shh,” he whispers, his nose pressing up against yours. Every moment with him is bittersweet because you know he’ll be off somewhere else before you wake up again. Leaving you feeling like everything was only a figment of your imagination.
Your lashes flutter close as you absorb his warmth. His breath. And when his lips press against your trembling ones. “Sugar,” he pleads, but you don’t want to waste time. Each time he visited you felt like it would be the last time, and that killed you inside. “Stop.”
“Steve, just take me. Make me forget that you won’t be here in the morning.”
“You make me feel like the biggest asshole.”
“Language, Captain,” he chuckles on your lips. Hoisting his body to hover over yours. His legs positioned in between your own, and he slides his apart as he sinks lower over you. His silky steel cock, lays over your bare mound, and you shutter at the feeling.
“I really hate that you were privy to that moment.”
“Why’s that?” You tease as he grips his length in one hand and runs it through your slick.
“Because every time I growl out filth in your ears, I want them to be your words only. Because even though you hold your head up high, and you look so regal walking into SHIELD, you’re my dirty little slut.”
“Your dirty little slut wishes that you would just fuck her…ahh,” you gulp as his thick veiny member plunges into your depths. Fully sheathing himself into your wet heat, and his weight settles on yours. It is the best kind of smothering. “Tell me you love me.”
“I love you so much,” he grunts as his hips piston in and out of your walls. Pushing and pulling into every bit of you. Molding the two of you together again, and you hope that this was the normal. That you didn’t have to wait months until you got to feel him again. That this was a bad dream, and Steve wasn’t an enemy of the country.
You focus on the way his body cages around yours and how the two of you had so many beautiful plans. Feel only the way his thicker body made you feel so small. The tickle of his beard as he nips along your neck. You swear every part of him got thicker. And it made you more needy for him.
You took every bit of his hard and deep thrusts because your body was made for him. Nobody pulled out the sounds from your lips. There was nobody else you trusted the way you trusted him. In a different world you and Steve would have already been married, and have a baby on the way. He would have given up this fight with the Avengers just to live a normal life.
But those dreams weren’t reality. Now it was a dream that the man you love was becoming so feral with the limited time he had with you. His hands slam on the headboard above you, and his hips stab into you with so much force you start to see stars. This is how he always ended things. He wanted to make sure you almost passed out with pleasure and pressure.
His thrusts make the picture frames rattle on the walls. Your hands cling to his wide hips as you feel yourself start to go blank. Damn this beautiful man. He couldn’t even bear to say goodbye. The solution was to fuck you stupid. Fuck him.
You try and hold on. See the image of Steve gritting his teeth as he forces his orgasm away. Waiting on you to succumb to your exhaustion. Your eyes roll into the back of your head as your walls clench down tight around his cock, and he gets a few more ruts into you before ribbons of hot thick cum fill your belly up.
He stutters his movement as he watches your head lull to the side, and he hates himself for doing this. Hates having to be so careful. There is nothing he wants more than to bask in your silky walls all day. He pulls himself out of you, and smiles when you sleepily whimper at the loss of him.
Giving himself just a moment to stare at your gaping cunt leaking of him. “Captain, it’s time. We gotta be careful.”
He leaves you laying there, but covers you back up. Leaving behind the scent of him on your sheets, and the regret that things aren’t different. This had to be the last time. He was putting you into too much danger. Slowly he’d call the eye from watching you. He’d let you go because that’s how much he loved you.
“I’m always careful,” he says, slipping back into his suit.
But this time — he wasn’t…..
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @peaches1958 @seitmai @smile1318 @andydrysdalerogers @cjand10 @midnightramyeoncravings @kmc1989 @floral-recs @pandaxnienke @harrysthiccthighss @donutloverxo @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @bambamwolf87
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konigs-left-pec · 10 months
Dad!Simon smluff smutty fluff yo.
18+ under the cut
💠 M a s t e r l i s t
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Simon's desire for you hasn't diminished at all since you started having kids. If anything it's made him sneakier - like stealth groping your ass or breasts in the kitchen when you're cooking dinner or slipping into the shower with you in the morning before the kids are up.
You're doing laundry together in the basement one afternoon, the raucous din of your children playing in the living room overhead just about drowning out his sudden inquiry. How quiet can you be? as he's already got his hand shoved past the waistband of your sweats, fingers insinuating and then how quick can you come? The husky timbre of his voice crawling down your spine as he dips a thick finger into your slick well, smirk spreading across his lips in satisfaction of your body's welcoming answer.
That's how you find yourself on your back on a lopsided pile of bed linens, pants dangling off the curve of one of your knees as your husband all but rips off his belt, shoving his pants down just enough to grip his length and line up. Simon huffs out a weak groan against your neck on the first press, like he's been without you for weeks, before he begins driving into you with purpose. He always feels so damn good, even more so when he's desperate for you. You spread your legs wider to take him deeper, involuntarily squeezing him even tighter when he angles his hips just so, striking a devastating spot inside you.
It's fast and hot, enough to make you feel a little guilty, praying the kids keep playing and you'll be undisturbed for just a few more precious minutes. You're so full, you just know you're going to feel the ache of him for days. You scramble to ground yourself, clutching at the plush nest of blankets beneath you as he's dragging your hand down to touch the root of him between where your bodies meet, begging nonsensically broken things against your lips. You feel so good squeezing me like that...s'wet for me, doll...need you to touch yourself for me...
You're climbing higher, molten warmth is pooling in your belly when he suddenly pulls out. Before you can complain, he's rearranging you into a press and sliding back inside with a stretch that has you delirious. His hand comes down across your mouth just in time to smother the jagged moan that skitters out and he's actually chuckling, the sound breathless and hitched against your cheek and you know he's just as consumed by this tryst as you.
Need you to come with me, love he whispers coolly, oddly collected like he didn't just let out a tortured groan, the churning of his hips slowing to a dead stop to try and stave off his end. It drags you closer to the edge knowing how much he needs it, needs you. You can only nod, circling your aching clit as he picks up the pace. A consuming kiss - teeth and tongues and the punishing glide of his cock is all it takes for you both to succumb.
You're both still lying on the floor in a giddy post-sex haze, Simon half sprawled on top of you when you hear the crack of the door at the top of the stairs. A chorus of sweet little voices call out for papa to come back upstairs to fix one of the many brightly colored noisemaking toys they have strewn around the house. He tells them he'll be up in a moment before he gets to his feet, helping you to do the same before pulling you into his arms.
"I love you." He whispers into the kiss he has pressed against your crown. His hands on your back are strong and warm in a way that makes your heart clench. You'll never look at laundry the same way again. "I love you too, Si."
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f10werfae · 2 years
Sugar Plum Princess
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pairing: Lumberjack!Henry Cavill x Short!Shy!Wife
summary: Y/n feels a little under the weather after a snow day so Henry gives his sweet shy wife a taste of his special “medicine” (Major Dom Henry)
Disclaimer: Story is completely fictional and may contain inappropriate content
likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated♥️
Lumberjack Masterlist, Full Masterlist, Henry Masterlist
“Bunny, what were ya doin’ out there? Shoulda be in here gettin’ warm with me” Henry grumbled helping his precious little wife strip out of her white winter suit, her giggles filling his ears every time he’d lightly spank her ass and jiggle it in his warm hands. “M’sorry never seen snow so thick before! Look, Look!” She squealed excitedly showing him the cute selfies she had taken with her snowman she’d named ‘Hen Bear’ after him.
“Don’t ya jus look adorable sweet pea? Gonna send these to me alright?” He smirked seeing how irresistible she looked, the fact that she was all his and his alone made his cock twitch. Y/n on the other hand had butterflies zooming in her stomach, feeling one of her husbands hands fondling her ass while the other was busy typing on her new phone.
“Really pretty?” She twinkled twirling on her toes, her hands holding onto his blue t-shirt, standing on her toes to nuzzle into his neck; the scruff of his beard scratching her ever so gently. “The prettiest baby” He cooed cupping the back of her head, throwing her phone onto the armchair at the corner of their bedroom. “Now come on, get into bed before ya get a cold sweetpea” Clad in only a flimsy thong and a bra, Y/n found herself being smothered by cuddles and kisses once Henry had tucked them both into the mess of blankets; not that she was complaining she absolutely loved cuddles.
- - -
“Now what did I say about yesterday bunbun?” Henry asked setting down a cup of apple juice by the bed, Y/n’s tired eyes looking up at him lovingly as his fingers brushed over her face. “N-not to go out, but but, the snow s’pretty and I hadta” Y/n mumbled nuzzling herself into the comforters, causing Henry’s heart to crack itself open a tiny bit, his sugar babe was sick and he couldn’t do anything about it.
Earlier on in the wee hours of the morning Y/n had broken into a fever, one which Henry spotted when he turned her over to face him. At the start of their relationship Y/n had always asked that if she turned away from Henry while asleep, he was to turn her around and make sure he was cuddling her, or else as she said “I’ll be really angry and won’t talk to you ever again!” Which was a complete lie because when that did happen, Henry had acted cold as if he didn’t care, ultimately breaking sweet Y/n’s heart; leading him to snatch her up in his arms to show her how much he loved her in their beloved bedroom. “My sweet little wife, ya know you’re all mine right? No one else can have ya but me”
After helping her to take a sip of apple juice, Henry went to his side of the bed and was about to slip in. “Nuh-uh mister, y-you can get sick n’ I don’t wan’ you sick” Y/n squealed cornering herself to the edge of the bed, her legs kicking at Henry to keep him away from her. “No fucking kicking me honey” He grumbled grabbing onto each of her ankles, making her whimper and cower at his massive build. Using his sheer strength he dragged her to him, revealing her naked body, which felt hot to the touch; making Henry wince.
“B-but you’re gonna feel icky if ya come near me H-Hen”
“I don’t give a fuck sugar, you’re my little sugar plum n’ if I wanna cuddle on ya then I will. Do you not want me anymore?” Henry taunted, using his manipulative tone, seeing his bunbun’s mouth fall open and head shake rapidly from
side to side before she let out a loud sob. “O-ow” She whimpered holding onto her head due to the migraines, Henry scoffed before bending down and cradling her head to his chest, “S’okay baby, sometimes your brain is all foggy cause ya too precious, and ya need your husband to clear it”
His hands reached down and felt her hot wet juices start to leak out of her, her second set of lips warm and slick for him. “w-what are you doing b-bear? M’still feelin’ icky” She whined, her arms around his shoulders, her glossy eyes peering into his as his lips softly rubbed themselves against hers; to a point where she had taken initiative and let her tongue run over his lips to coax his out.
“Thought you still felt icky baby?” Henry pulled away, chuckling when he felt her legs lock around his waist to keep him closer, soft whines leaving her as she wiggled in his grasp. “S-stop teasing and bein’ a meanie Hen! W-want you to make the fogginess go away” She whimpered, her cheeks hot to touch along with the rest of her body.
“Course honey, I know jus’ how to make it go away, jus’ let daddy have some of his sweet treat, s’that okay bunbun?” He whispered nudging his nose against hers cutely, his heart clenching when she wrinkled her nose and nodded giddily. “Y-ya promise it’ll work?”
She asked worried, “Have I ever lied to ya sugar?”
Not that she knew anyway.
“S’okay baby, c’mere” Henry grunted, both of them were on their sides facing each other, his hand lifting her leg up whilst his cock slipped through her pussy lips, coating itself in all her goodness. “I-is it bad? Am-am I gonna havta see a doctor?” She asked nervously in between not so subtle moans, her hole was practically clenching around nothing.
“After a’ treat your pussy baby, you won’t need a doctor, promise” Henry smirked fitting his cock into her wet warm fuckhole, her hands around his torso, while his groped and massaged her ass like the rough lumberjack he was. “Let me taste those lips baby, stick that tongue out for me too bunny” His open mouth clamping on top of hers, his spit mixing in with her between their lips as she sucked on his tongue.
Pulling their lips apart, her lips were still wrapped around his tongue, sucking on it as if it was her favourite strawberry sucker, her eyes as wide as saucers as she looked up at him as if he was the most amazing thing in the world. “Do ya want some of my medicine baby, promise it’ll make all the ickiness go away” “Mhm wan’ it all da- Hen” She said wide eyed nodding her head,
“Open wide wifey, n’ swallow” He said bringing one hand to cup her jaw, her mouth forming a circle as he spat into his lewdly, feeling his lover’s hole clench at the nickname he called her. After all these months she still found herself getting giddy snd excited anytime he’d call her his wife, “m’ your wife n’ you’re my husband” She’d say at least once a day, almost as if she couldn’t believe it.
Swallowing his saliva readily, Y/n’s eyes had rolled to the back of her head as Henry’s thrusts were deeper and slower, the nestle of curls on his cock itching her clit to a point of rawness, his balls slapping her like it was his hand. “Good girl, gon’ make ya all better honey, promise” He moaned feeling her lips all over his neck, her tongue lazily drawing over it letting it shine with her spit.
“L-love you s-so much, f-feels fuzzy n’ warm” Y/n hiccuped, her own fingers reaching down to hold her lips wider open, letting Henry’s thumb press down directly onto her swollen nub, “Oh- fuck” She gasped while his thumb rubbed rougher circles on her precious sensitive button, “language sugar” He snarked spitting onto her bouncing breasts, licking them up as his thrusts didn’t let down once.
“Fuck baby your tits are so pretty, your nipples beggin’ to be sucked on” He mocked laughing slightly, his lips surrounding a hardened bud while she pressed her tits smothering his face, letting him motorboat her soft pillows; fuck was he in love with his gorgeous wife, n’ he couldn’t help but feel proud at how easy it was for him to get her.
“Imagine these fleshy tits full of milk, all swollen and ready” His mouth greedily moved between each breast, her voice whining and whimpering at each of his filthy words. “N-nothin but my little hole, always so needy and wantin’ attention, but it’s okay baby, i’ll give ya everything ya need” He groaned looking straight back at her, his shaft nearly giving in with each clench and push, her tongue laying out with her eyes rolling back; her lips mumbling incoherent words , “Wan’ it so bad” “m’just your hole b-bear” “W-would you t-take
my milk too, n-not just my hole?” She screamed finally creaming around his shaft, her legs kicking involuntarily while her orgasm rocked through her body. His lips raining kisses all over her face and her lips, her tongue dominating over his lazily as she seemed desperate to taste him.
“I’d take your milk just like this sugar” He moaned gently pulling out, finding the strength to straddle and hover over her torso, his thick paws pushing her tits together dirtily as his length laid in the valley between them. Y/n’s hair was splayed over the pillows majestically, her face dazed and smiley as her tongue gave kitty licks to the head of his shaft, sweat visibly dripping down her face. “W-what else?” She asked.
“I’d fuck your tits everyday bun, treat it like a second pussy, your milk squirting all over me n’ you; letting me taste your sweet treasure that ya made” His balls suddenly felt heavier, his breaths deepening each time he’d thrust and his shaft would go straight into his wife’s mouth. Her breasts surrounding him like a blanket, causing more of his “medicine” to spurt onto her gorgeous face.
“y-yummy” She whispered picking some up with her finger and licking it lewdly, Henry’s lips smashing onto hers affectionately, not caring that he was tasting himself as he licked her face clean and spat it onto her waiting tongue. “W-will I still need the doctor?”
“No honey, you’ll be alright, m’sure of it” He whispered kissing her forehead, feeling her temperature, thankfully their activities had caused her fever to break; all thanks to him. “Y-you love me right?” She asked out of the blue, her fingers twiddling with his beard shyly,
“What sorta question is that? course I do”
“W-well earlier ya didn’t say it back!” She whimpered kissing his chest softly, all over the bite marks she left. “M’sorry sugar plum, swear just forgot, your pussy is jus’ too good” He smirked causing her to giggle and hit his chest, his fingers rubbing over her stomach gently, taking the extra bit of skin in his hands and bending down to kiss and love on it. “I love you so so much” He whispered against her stomach, the part he knew she was most insecure about, but if anything he just saw it as more of her to love. His sugar plum princess.
Library blog @f10werfaes-cosy-collection
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honey-im-hotdog · 2 months
Pretty Boy
Finan x Reader x Sihtric
Author’s Note: Hi! This is my very first time writing for The Last Kingdom, so please cut me some slack if the characters are a bit ooc. There simply is not enough poly stuff for these two in my humble opinion. I need to be between them both so bad. Okay, please enjoy!
As always, reader is supposed to be gn+vague, so if you catch any mistakes related to that please let me know.
Words: 0.4k — a quick one since I just wanted to get it out :)
Warnings: fluff; pet names (love, pretty boy); kissing; reader is said to have hair with braids but no description of length or color, etc; cheesy as fuck.
Summary: A cute moment spent within Sihtric and Finan's arms.
Check out my other stuff :)
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“What are you thinking about?” Thick with sleep, Finan’s voice is a warm blanket.
Your head tilts to the side as you brush a leaf down his face, smiling softly as his eyes close in bliss.
“Hmm,” you hum as his eyes open and pin you with his stare, “just that you are too pretty to be real.”
His eyes widen, “‘Pretty?!’” he says in mock offense. “I am ‘pretty’ to you? That’s all?! I am a fearsome warrior, I’ll have you know!” His hands fly about as he exaggerates his words.
You can’t help but giggle at his grumbling, feeling your chest warm as he shakes his head side to side in your lap. Your fingers are quick to find the short braids Sihtric wove into the Irishman’s dark hair, the metal beads matching the ones in your and the Dane’s hair.
“Fine, fine! You aren’t pretty.”
As if it were possible, the man grows even more bewildered when you leave your sentence at that. “Excuse me!” His accent thicker than ever.
The laughter bubbles out of you, “What? You didn’t wanna be pretty!”
His mouth opens and closes like a fish as he tries to come up with a response.
You feel the vibrations of Sihtric’s laughter against your back before you hear it. His arms squeezing you just a little tighter. “Keep tormenting him, my love. Misery looks good on him,” his words are said into your shoulder, eyes also peering down at Finan. The smile clear as day in his voice.
“You fucking heathen, you!” Finan sits up in faux rage, but you’re quick to grab his arm and pull him into your chest; smothering his face in light kisses in between your quiet laughter.
“You are the bravest, scariest, toughest, handsomest warrior to have ever walked Wessex. And I am in awe everyday to call you mine.”
The Irishman cups the crown of your head to pull you into a soft kiss. The both of you smiling through it.
You feel Sihtric nuzzle his nose into your neck after a while, “And what about me?”
You and Finan pull away from each other with a laugh.
“You, my friend, are an oaf.”
He just laughs at your gentle smack against his bicep.
You rest your head back on Sihtric’s shoulder, the hand not holding onto Finan reaching up into his hair. “You are the sweetest, kindest, gentlest, most fearsome,” you lightly pinch Finan as he starts to protest, “warrior, Sihtric. My pretty boy.”
He kisses the spot just below your ear, mumbling his thanks and returning your praise tenfold.
Finan tilts his head back, humming in disapproval. “You got that last bit wrong, love,” it’s Sihtric’s turn to be pulled down, “he’s our pretty boy.” Sihtric moans the second their lips connect.
The embrace between the three of you tightens as you get lost within kisses and caresses for the rest of the night.
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the-raindeer-king · 5 days
SELKIE👏SOAP👏 big brain stuff. Don't get me wrong, the Dullahan is my favorite of all mythological creature. I have a whole figurine a foot tall of one on my shelf. But Selkie Soap hits so hard. He'd so be the type to leave his coat out at your house all the time after dating and knowing you're his person. 'Oh, whoops Soap left his weirdly heavy and thick coat here again', 'Oh look, he's calling asking if you can bring him his coat' after a while he gives up and just throws it on you tbh. Let him be yours, damnit!
If selkies are always cold without the pelt, I wonder how important warmth is so Soap. You cuddled up and comment how warm he is, or how warm and cozy it is under the blanket(and pelt cause ofc) with you? Absolute heart eyes. You probably just said the equivalent of something so serious and loving and he's fawning
Big brain shit
AND BEAR SHIFTER PRICE the rumbles the RUMBLESSS takes 'bear hug' to a whole new meaning. Yes he adds honey to his tea, he will bite if you comment on it (if you're not one of the very few he really trusts and cares for that is. If it's say, his wonderful partner, they'll get smothered with a kiss an' a cuddle and maybe a nip at most. Gotta take care of his lil' love after all.) Supreme den to sleep in. Dark room, probably painted like a dark brown or something so it's really dark dark once the sun goes down. California King size bed, so many blankets, heavy ones he can shift around into certain ways. Pillows everywhere, AC cranked LOW low so he can cuddle his sweet partner so so close without them overheating, leaving them clinging to him in their sleep bc he's so warm. Probably loves smelling your scent, and scenting you so others smell him and know to leave you be
He's always there. Haunting those he hunts and those he loves and it's such a rare thing to be so vehemently focused on tbh. As his enemy, it's an endless looking sense. The dark is too dark in certain spaces but not all of them. The quiet is too quiet when they step into a specific spot but take two steps away and they can hear their brain thinking again. On the flip side, you never feel like you're alone. There's always something right around the corner, right behind you that you can't see. Yes, Ghost is there physically, and his body almost feels like there's soft layers and hollow inside. But when hes not there, it's like he is still. A drink on the counter when you wake, a towel on the sink when you shower, the blankets moving and being tucked around you as you settle to sleep, even if you not moving, especially when it's dark.
And 100% I don't see Gaz as a harpy. I think you're on with a Naga though. Notoriously hard to kill (as we've seen with all the shit Gaz gets into (cough cough, helicopter, cough cough)) ruthless on the job but Amicable unless disrespected off the job (usually used as guards in mythology) and I'd go a step farther and say I could see him as either a Boomslang(one of the 10 fastest snakes, cause Gaz isn't super bulky but he's light and quick and snaps to where he needs to go yk?) also a beautiful black/green combo and slimmer species that I feel would fit him well, highly venomous and hang out in trees, idk if that's fitting just a fun fact.
Oooh just imagine going to pick him up after a rough mission. He's still on guard, alert, serious, and once he sees you he's snapping to you, already holding you close, the midsection of his tail winding up to press against the back of your legs, pressing you closer. Mumbling quiet words with a light hiss to them as he draws you in, seeping up your warmth. He's a cold blooded creature, can't you help him warm back up? 🥺
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Anon, you and I are on the same wavelength and I love you (platonic).
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Who amongst the nonhuman au guys is best for cuddles? (I know some of the guys don't have cemented forms which is honestly the beauty of this au since you can always have a different version of them look but if there's different versions then which do you think would be best cuddles?)
Of course, I'm more so asking your opinion (i very much have a preference lol and that's owl harpy rook hunt because i love Rook Hunt and i want to kiss all his feathers and give him all the cuddles and affection lol)
I suppose it depends on the kind of cuddles you want, warm cuddles? Definitely Harpy Rook, Jack, Leona, and Bear Trey.
A great spot to cuddle into is under Rook's wing where it's attached, a lot of warmth comes from there and the wing surrounding you will be like a blanket.
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This is def Yuu with their harpy who's in a snuggle mood when one of the others asks if Yuu wants to do something with them. Though depending on who it is, and with how Rook is, I think he would probably offer them the other wing to snuggle under.
Only Yuu, Rook, and Vil take him up on it 😔 but Vil is always particular about things and Epel gets huffy. He's also going to use you being close as an excuse to try and preen you. Needs to make sure his mate is taken care of after all.
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Jack is a winter wolf and fluffy as heck, the man runs like a heater. Like, you could cuddle him in a situation where or stuck in a cold cave in some snowy place and be totally fine as long as this man is cuddling you.
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He can be a bit awkward about it at first, especially since he's a lot bigger than you and worried about accidentally smooshing his human. Eventually though when he gets more used to things and is more comfortable it, he might try laying on you sometimes, he gets good at distributing his weight, though admittedly he likes having you be the one to lay on top of him, another fan of using his human as a weighted plush.
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Leona is another boy who runs hot, though not fluffy like the others when it comes to the fur on him that isn't his main, he uses fancy products, and it's very soft.
Unlike Jack, Leona doesn't care too much about crushing you and finds it funny when you whine about him being too big and heavy, trying and failing to push his big ass off of you. Will rest his head on your lap, chest, tummy, and butt, and will use your whole self as a body pillow. Will randomly bite and not apologize, expect to be aggressively groomed and then bit if you try getting away.
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Trey is very warm, that green fur of his is thick, and you can comfortably sleep on the guy like a bed.
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Similar to some of the harpies, you can sort of...just sleep and even hide in there if you need to. Very comfortable and you'll definitely feel safe with him, which is what he totally wants.
Now all of this is great but oh man can it be uncomfy when the weather is hot, not to mention that isn't going to keep the clinger guys from trying to smother you. Luckily there are some boys that are cold-blooded and are good for some cooler snuggles, though admittedly if they get cold, they're gonna use your squishy human body as a heating pad.
Idia, Jamil, Azul, Jade, Floyd, Malleus.
Now Idia and Jamil aren't as cuddly as other guys on her, but I think they should be on this list because their bodies are so great for it, you can comfortably use Idia as a sort of recliner and his floofy spider butt is a good pillow.
Jamil is his own bed and is yours, also his scales, along with Mal's feel really good against the skin.
Azul, Jade, and Floyd are all clingy as heck when cuddling or sleeping but you don't have to worry about overheating. Not to mention they're pretty comfy when fully in their mer forms, especially Azul. There's more squish to them, also Azul's giant self really makes the best bed.
Oh, and another mention, Lilia and Rollo.
Lilia is great for being a little spoon that you can snuggle but also as a bed when he turns into a big bat monster. Rollo's fur and wool are very comfy.
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fatkish · 2 months
Monster Gyomei x Depressed Reader
Part 2 of 2
Late summer had gone and now early fall was here. The leaves were turning red, yellow and orange, fruits and vegetables were being harvested. The days were starting to cool down. And you continued to visit Gyomei.
Gyomei was very kind and greatly enjoyed your company, much more than you could know. One day, you had climbed the mountain trail and were surprised to see that Gyomei wasn’t around. Normally he’d be near to greet you.
You decided to tend to your garden and prep for winter, making sure the shrine was in good condition and fixing some of the roof tiles. While you were fixing the roof tiles, you had slipped and began to slide down the side. You thought you were surely going to get hurt from the fall only to be caught in a warm embrace.
Gyomei had rushed over to the side of roof you were on and caught you in his arms. You thanked him profusely for saving you.
“Y/n that’s very dangerous, I told you that you don’t have to do any of this for me” Gyomei said with tears in his eyes as he held you in his arms.
You gently ran your hand up and down his arm, “it’s fine Gyomei, I want to do these things for you. You deserve it” you smiled.
Gyomei gave you a gentle squeeze before setting you down on your feet. “I know but I care deeply for you and worry for your safety. Which reminds me, I have a question for you.”
You looked up at Gyomei and saw that there was a slight red tint to his cheeks. You had never really seen Gyomei blush before so this must be something very personal.
Gyomei took a deep breath, before speaking. “Y/n, as you know, fall is already here and soon, winter will be here as well. I want you to know that I care deeply for you and no matter what, I do not wish you to feel any sort of pressure about what I am about to ask you. And no matter what, you will always be welcome here.”
You started to become worried, so you gently placed your hand on Gyomei’s thick arm. You looked up at him and urged him to continue.
“Y/n, will you be my mate?”
“Huh?” Your entire mind just stopped and froze. You took a few minutes to try and process what Gyomei had asked you.
“You want me, to be your mate?” You asked. You looked at Gyomei as a soft smile came to his teary face.
“You take such good care of me, and I want to do the same. I promise, I will protect you, you will never want for anything, I will provide for you and care for you. Of course, you would come to live here with me permanently. What do you say, y/n? Will you be my mate?”
Gyomei rubbed his beads between his palms. You thought it over for a minute. You had been the happiest you’ve been in years with Gyomei. You never wanted to lose him and this way, you’d get to wake up next to him everyday. And at night, you’d get to snuggle in his arms.
You walked over to Gyomei and reached up to cup his face in your hands. “I’d love to be your mate Gyomei”
Tears ran down Gyomei’s cheeks as he wrapped his large arms around you and picked you up, embracing you. “You have no idea how happy this makes me”
That night you stayed over at the shrine as Gyomei explained what all your future would look like. Gyomei would be going into a mating season in winter where he would need you by his side. When you went to sleep, you crawled into the nest of blankets and fabrics that Gyomei slept in. You snuggled into his warm arms as his tail wrapped around your leg and you fell asleep.
Time flew by quickly and before you knew it, winter had arrived. You had decided to prep during the fall and had stored enough food to last both of you till late winter or early spring. You had noticed how Gyomei had been more affectionate lately. Nuzzling you and smothering you in hugs and cuddles.
One morning, Gyomei approached you from behind as you were making breakfast, he wrapped his large arms around you and began nuzzling against your neck. Rubbing his face against you. You giggled as you smiled at his gentle affection. You turned around and cupped his face in your hands before leaning in and giving him a kiss.
As you kissed him, he started to kiss back. At first it was soft and sweet, then it grew more passionate and slightly sloppy. He licked your bottom lip asking for entrance which you gave him. He slipped his tongue into your mouth and explored every inch of it. His hands moved to have one cup the back of your head and the other on your lower back. Gyomei groaned when you both separated.
He picked you up and brought you over to the nest. He gently laid you down in the middle of it and slowly began to remove your clothes and his. You watched his muscles ripple and flex with each of his movements. Once you both were fully disrobed, he knelt over you and gave you a kiss on the lips.
He cupped your face in one large palm as he slowly peppered your face in kisses.
“Y/n, it’s time. I need you. If you’re serious about being my mate then I will continue, but if not, then I will help you down the mountain and you’ll have to wait until spring to see me again.” He spoke softly.
You reached up and cupped his face, bringing him down to kiss him before answering. “My love, I want to be your mate. I need you just as you need me. I’ve never been happier than I am when I’m with you”
Gyomei smiled as tears ran down his face that you quickly wiped away. “Thank you, my beloved. I promise to be gentle. Let me know if I hurt you, please”
After he spoke he continued kissing you as his hands began to explore the expanse of your body. One hand trailed up your side and cupped your chest. Groping it and palming it, before he pinched your nipple between two fingers and gave it a few tugs and twists. His other hand traveled down your side and slipped between your legs.
His fingers carefully explored, looking for your entrance before he found it and slipped a single finger inside. His thick digit pushed in as you clenched down on him. He curled his finger inside you and pulled it out before adding a second and began to thrust his fingers in and out.
As he stretched you on his fingers, his mouth moved from your neck to your chest. In one hand he had a nipple pinched between two of his fingers. He gently nipped at your chest before taking one of your nipples into his mouth and giving it an experimental suck. You moaned which made him continue to suck on your nipple, gently running his teeth over it and pinching it between them gently. He then switched to your other breast and he groped and palmed at the one his mouth just left.
After giving both of your breasts ample attention, he moved down and lifted your legs onto his shoulders before giving your pussy an experimental lick. He then dove in and began to eat you out. When he found your clit he gave it a harsh tug from between his teeth which made you squeal. He continued to suckle on it whilst fingering you, making you buck your hips. You cried and moaned as he inserted a third finger and began to assault your g-spot, once he found it.
You cried as you came, Gyomei groaned as you clenched down on his fingers. Gyomei then pulled back and sat up, he wrapped his arms around you and helped you get yourself situated above his cock.
“Are you absolutely sure you want this?” Gyomei asked.
“Yes” you replied as you started to sink down on him.
Gyomei groaned and you whimpered as his thick cock began to spread you open as you slowly sunk down on it. Bit by bit, his entire length was slowly swallowed by your greedy cunt. By the time he was fully sheathed, you nearly came as his tip was resting against your cervix. After a few moments you began to grind your hips, letting Gyomei know that he could move.
Gyomei gently grabbed your hips and pulled you almost entirely off of him before pulling you back down. Gyomei began to steadily bounce you on his cock as you gripped his shoulders, nearly in tears from the intense pleasure. Gyomei then leaned over and pulled one of your nipples into his mouth and began to suck on it as he bounced you. You cried when he gently bit down on your nipple, rubbing it between his teeth.
Gyomei started to speed up and began thrusting his hips up into you, his tail swaying and thumping in his excitement. He then laid you down on your back as he started to pummel your poor pussy. His hips would slam into yours, his heavy balls slapping your ass with each thrust. He groaned into your ear as your body squeezed down on him. You could hardly breathe as each thrust just knocked the wind right out of you.
You squealed when Gyomei hit your g-spot, your body tightened and squeezed him so hard his hips stuttered. He began to aim for that particular spot, hitting it with every thrust causing you to arch your back and tears to form in your eyes as you silently screamed. Gyomei speed up as he was getting close, he reached down and pinched your clit, swirling it around with his thumb. He gave it a few good tugs and you came, squirting on him.
He growled and gripped your ass as he sped up his thrusts and snarled as he came. He bit down on your neck, marking you as his cock throbbed, releasing his cum inside of your plush walls. Gyomei rocked his hips a bit, before pulling out. He looked down at you and crooned. He gently held your face and gave you a kiss as he purred, his tail swaying. Gyomei picked you up and sat you on his face as he cleaned you up, licking up both of your combined juices.
After he cleaned you up, he help you in one arm as he cradled you and nuzzled you. He purred as you tiredly kissed him and ran your fingers through his hair. Gyomei cried in delight at finally having the perfect little mate, one to cherish and love, and that loved him. He snuggled up with you in the nest before pulling the top over the both of you to keep you both nice and warm. Gyomei kissed you as you cuddled and you fell asleep, safe in his warm embrace.
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sleepinthrumyalarms · 2 years
— falling asleep (in your arms)
pairing: wednesday addams x fem!oni!reader
warnings: angst, mentions of blood and death (it's mostly fluff tho)
summary: the best rest you could ever get was always by her side
word count: 3.3k
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Wednesday tapped her foot against the lacquered floor impatiently as she stood next to the door of the resident oni’s room, waiting for the girl to come out. She didn’t have a phone, nor did she wear a wristwatch – she didn’t like the aesthetic is all – but her gut told her that it had already been past breakfast time.
Fixing the strap of the black backpack on her shoulder, Wednesday turned to finally knock at the door, doing so especially loudly. When she didn’t hear footsteps, she decided to invite herself in, turning the handle with a swift hand and looking around, annoyed.
The windows were half – open, letting the sounds of birds chirping outside in. Books were scattered across the desk that stood against the wall, the leaves of the small bonsai tree moving in tune with the gusts of wind entering the room and gently worrying the curtains.
Wednesday’s gaze landed on a big lump of blankets laying on the bed, quiet snores coming from under the layers.
Wonderful. She was still in bed.
“(Y/n). Wake up.” The ravenette called out sternly.
No answer came.
“You’re going to be late for class if you don’t get up this instant, (Y/n).” Wednesday warned, her voice gaining volume.
Still no answer.
“I’m not letting you copy my notes. You better wake up right now.”
This time a groan came from the lump resting on the bed, and the demon buried under the warm layers turned on her side, a clawed hand coming out to hang over the edge.
“Tell Weems I ate someone and got arrested.” (Y/n) grumbled, her voice heavy with sleepiness.
“She’ll drop everything to go bail you out.” The ravenette objected, crossing her arms as she walked up to stand over the demon, watching her sleepy face emerge from the sea of comforters.
“Fuck, no she won’t…”
Wednesday sighed, looking down at (Y/n) sternly, “Stop being so immature. Get up or I’m leaving without you.”
“Five more minutes, maybe?” The demon girl asked, her signature slitted puppy eyes making Wednesday frown.
“No, (Y/n),” she replied firmly, refusing to let the cute act get ahold of her, “You’re already running late. We need to get to class.”
(Y/n) scoffed, hiding her face in her pillow resentfully, “Is this what Enid has to go through every morning? No wonder her attendance’s been perfect since the day you came.” She grumbled, voice muffled.
Wednesday rolled her eyes. This was so stupid.
“Fine. Five more minutes and not a second more.”
(Y/n) lifted her face up again, and this time her toothy mouth was adorned by a happy grin. Scooching a bit away from the edge of the bed closer to the wall, her clawed palm patted the empty space, wordlessly inviting the smaller girl to join.
Wednesday’s shoulders sagged, and, leaving her backpack by the edge of the bed and taking of her shoes, she got into the bed, instantly getting smothered by the taller girl wrapping her arms around her shoulders and burying her face into her jet – black hair.
The oni’s frame was emitting heat, and the demon was purring up a storm – Wednesday could feel the vibrations resonate in (Y/n)’s chest, and the feeling had a somewhat calming effect on the gloomy girl.
It was always like this. Why was Wednesday always giving in? She supposed it had something to do with the warm feelings she had for the irresponsible oni demon.
With a small huff the ravenette wrapped her arms around the taller girl’s middle, resting her cheek on the purring demon’s chest, the sound like a powerful machine engine this close.
Five more minutes.
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Flipping through the yellow pages of the huge book, Wednesday’s eyes trailed over the written words in hopes of finding something that would lead her closer to the truth in her investigation. The bestiary was a thick old book with a brown leather cover, no doubt touched and used by a myriad of people before her, and getting her hands on such a relic was surely worth something.
So there she was, in the dead of the night, sitting in the library with one of the only people she could trust at the academy – (Y/n). The demon was reluctant to join at first, but agreed ultimately, not wanting the girl to go down all alone if she was caught sneaking around past curfew. (Y/n) doubted she could be of use to Wednesday in the matter of intelligence and mystery solving, but at least she could keep her company.
Wednesday turned another page, and her eyes widened. There it was, painted with a light hand of a master artist, back slouched and eyes bulging – the hyde.
“(Y/n), look,” she pulled at the sleeve of the demon girl sitting next to her, not tearing her gaze away from the book, “I found it.”
The oni hummed, having been uncharacteristically quiet for the past half an hour, and shuffled by the smaller girl’s side. Wednesday felt weight on her shoulder, but still didn’t look up at her companion.
Focusing on the small amount of information given, she squinted, her finger tracing over the sentences as she read. The language was complicated, but not enough to confuse the great Wednesday Addams.
“He has a master,” she murmured under her breath, slowly digesting the new discovery, “That means, whoever they are, the master has awakened the hyde from his subconsciousness and is giving out orders...” Wednesday raised her head up to look at the taller girl, “Do oni demons also need some kind of an awakening for their true forms, too?”
Wednesday stared at the other girl, unblinking.
She was... asleep.
Leaning against the ravenette’s shoulder snuggly, (Y/n) had her arms folded on her chest, and, breathing evenly, the oni girl snored away. Her eyebrows were furrowed, an evidence of a dream she was most likely seeing, and on her tusked mouth was a small frown.
Wednesday sighed. Her eyes traced over the demon's expression, then she turned back to the book, reaching her hand to tangle her manicured fingers in the demon's (h/c) hair, scratching at her scalp and hoping to ease the girl's worried slumber.
This oni demon could certainly use an awakening. But she'd let it slide for now.
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Early morning sunlight shone through the slit between the thick beige curtains right onto (Y/n)’s face. The demon scrunched her nose in irritation as her eyes slowly pried open, squinting immediately. She brought a hand up to cover her face, then slowly sat up, rubbing at her tired lids. The clock on her bedside table read 5:12 – too early to be up. The (h/c) – haired demon yawned, stretching her long limbs over her head, and the oni’s movements were almost enough to wake up the small lump sleeping next to her.
(Y/n)’s gaze slid down to where Wednesday laid beside her, the ravenette’s hands that were previously wrapped around the demon’s clawed palm now clutching the bedsheets, and the oni watched her chest rise and fall slowly with every breath she took. (Y/n) was content with watching the gloomy girl sleep soundly, her small body curled up against the demon’s. She’s never seen Wednesday so peaceful and relaxed, the sight a complete adoration, making her heart swell with warmth.
Unable to hold herself back any longer, (Y/n) leaned down to press a gentle smooch to the girl’s freckled cheekbone. She lingered there for a few moments, then her lips trailed lower, aiming at Wednesday’s chin, then up to her nose and the corner of her left eyelid. When she was done peppering her face with kisses, she pulled away, smiling softly. Unsurprisingly, it wasn’t enough to wake the dead - asleep girl up, so (Y/n) made the choice to lay back down on her side, resting her head in her palm to watch Wednesday sleep.
God, she loved mornings like this. Waking up next to Wednesday brought her day a reason.
“I can feel you staring at me.” Came the smaller girl’s deadpan voice suddenly, her mouth moving, but eyes still remaining closed.
“Didn’t mean to wake you up.” (Y/n) grinned, a clawed finger coming to get some stray disheveled hair out of her pretty pale face. Wednesday’s nose scrunched at the tickling feeling, and she opened her eyes to look at the demon.
“What time is it?” She asked.
“Too early to worry. You should sleep a bit more.”
“We’ll miss breakfast.”
“No, we won’t. There’s still some time left,” the oni assured, resting her palm on Wednesday’s cheek, her thumb smoothing over the skin there, “Have I ever told you how pretty you look in the morning? You ought to let sunlight graze your features more often, despite how much you claim to loathe it.”
She watched Wednesday’s face heat up, and the gloomy girl frowned, turning on her side and away from the other, “Goodnight, (Y/n).”
The demon chuckled, moving closer to the embarrassed heap of covers that was her girlfriend, then wrapped a hand over her waist, her lips ghosting over Wednesday’s ear, and, as she spoke, her blunt tusks tickled, making goosebumps rise up the ravenette’s neck, “I wonder if there’s something I could do to set your mood for the day...”
“Goodnight, (Y/n).”
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Desperately trying to keep herself upright, (Y/n) walked through the dark forest, her clawed fingers digging into the tree trunks and leaving marks as she stumbled. She was tired – but victorious, and, slowly making her way through the woods and back to the academy, the demon left behind a mauled body of her enemy she had to fight just a few moments ago – the hyde.
(Y/n) didn’t think she’d stumble upon Tyler, but she was glad it was her who did.
“Where is she, Galpin.”
“Oh, you didn’t hear? Addams is dead. She was no longer needed,” the young man chuckled, stepping closer into the demon’s face, but barely even intimidating her, “And you’re next.”
“Fuck,” (Y/n) choked, raising her fist to her suddenly wet eyes to wipe the tears away, “You better be a fucking liar above else, you worthless piece of shit. Or I’ll come back and finish you off.” She cursed, talking to herself in the haze of worry clouding her mind.
Decency the last thing on her mind, the oni stepped on the dirty ground, half – naked, covered in blood and exhausted, but her heart ached and the only thing able to soothe it would be seeing Wednesday, alive and well, pressing her closer and letting the weight and the warmth of her body ground (Y/n). Then she’d let her guard down, let her shoulders sag and eyes close.
(Y/n)’s grip turned white on the chipped stone walls when she walked up to the building, looking around the burned school grounds. The wind blew, chilling the oni to the bone, but did nothing to stop her.
She had to find Wednesday. Somewhere deep inside her guts she had a feeling the ravenette was still alive. The hope was small, like a weak flame burning in her chest, but she refused to let it die.
(Y/n) stopped in her tracks, hanging her head to take a few deep breaths. Then she looked up, and her slitted eyes widened.
There, standing in the middle of the yard with a broken blade in her hand, was the small black – haired girl. Her breath heavy, hair disheveled and a small trail of blood was running down her face.
The demon’s naked feet hurt as she stepped onto the stony surface of the quad, burned down and destroyed, but her legs refused to carry her further anymore.
The ravenette turned at the sound of her name, and her eyes widened.
Throwing her sword away, she ran up to the taller girl, just in time to wrap her arms around her middle when the demon felt her knees buckle. Burying her face in the oni’s chest, not caring about the sticky blood smearing across her cheek, she squeezed her eyes closed.
“You’re okay.” (Y/n) mumbled, her arms encircling Wednesday’s waist, her lips pressing against her hair with a shaky sigh, and the lump in her throat was impossible to fight anymore.
“Don’t cry, mio cuore,” Wednesday murmured, looking up and raising a gentle palm to wipe the tears that rolled down the demon’s cheeks freely, mixing with blood and pouring down her dirty chin, “It’s over now.”
Her grey eyes trailed down to the demon’s bloodied frame, worry swirling in the dark pools, “Are you hurt?”
The demon shook her head, a watery grin on her tusked mouth, “It’s not mine,” she assured, pressing her hand against Wednesday’s where it rested on her cheek, “Tyler told me you were...”
“It’s a long story,” the ravenette shushed the demon, not wanting to unnerve her further, “But I’m okay now.”
(Y/n)’s pointed ear flicked when she caught an unfamiliar sound. She lifted her face, turning her head to find the source of the noise, and her eyes widened.
A click of a gun hammer.
The demon’s lip raised threateningly, baring her blunt tusks at the woman stepping into the quad. Holding a revolver in a shaky but firm grip was Thornhill – well, that’s what she was known as to (Y/n), but now she could tell whatever had happened at the academy during her absence was, undoubtedly, her fault. The bloody gash on Wednesday's forehead, too.
“I heard you butchered Tyler, (Y/n),” the teacher raised her eyebrows, smiling in a way that made the demon want to rip her throat out, “To be expected from an animal like you... But here’s the thing – animals are always hunted. While you can defeat a monster weaker than you, you can’t go against a hunter.”
Pressing her palm into Wednesday’s shoulder, (Y/n) pulled the smaller girl behind herself, growling menacingly, slitted (e/c) eyes glistening under the angrily furrowed eyebrows.
“You know... You are the victor after all,” Thornhill shrugged, as if completely unfazed by the intimidating display of demonic wrath in front of her, “That’s how it’s done in the wild, isn’t it? You won, and for that I’ll grant you mercy... If you step away from Addams. What do you say? You’ll get to live the eternity you were always so afraid of instead of exchanging it for a life of a mere outcast girl.”
“It’ll take more than a flimsy gun to take me down, Thornhill,” the angered oni growled, huffing a small cloud of steam out of her flared nostrils, “Your pet wasn’t enough, and you won’t be, either. Leave while you still have legs to walk on.”
“(Y/n), stop it. It’s not you she wants.” Wednesday said worriedly, moving to stand beside (Y/n), but the demon raised her arm up in front of the ravenette, not letting her step away from behind her.
The red – haired woman chuckled, her grip on the gun tightening, “Oh. Well. Too bad then, (Y/n). I always told you – you keep letting your emotions get in the way of right decisions.”
A shot rang through the yard, and Wednesday gasped, but the taller girl in front of her didn’t budge. A pool of dark red seeped through the demon’s haori, and she grinned at the woman in front of her, “Nice try.”
“Don’t worry. This was just a warning shot.” Thornhill tilted her head and pulled the trigger again.
Blood trickled down the demon girl’s stomach, and a small sputter of the crimson liquid left her mouth, turning the oni’s tusked grin bloody. Thornhill’s eyes widened, and she fired another bullet at (Y/n), hitting her in the shoulder. Blood spilled and skin broke, but she remained unrelenting, standing in front of Wednesday like a guarding brick wall.
“Why won’t you just die?!”
Suddenly there came a quiet buzzing sound, and a small bee landed on the barrel of the gun in the teacher’s hand. Then, the noise came louder, and a huge swarm of fluffy insects flew into the quad, clouding around the woman, making her shout and fire at the bees with no success. Turning her head, Wednesday saw Eugene walk up to her, holding his hand out and guiding the swarm.
(Y/n) could barely hold herself up anymore – she felt her knees buckle, back slouching, as if an invisible weight was pressing her down, and the oni’s mouth started to fill up with crimson liquid, making her choke and fall to her knees. She felt small hands grasp at her middle, trying to soften her fall, and as her back landed on someone's lap, (Y/n)’s half – lidded eyes met Wednesday’s.
“(Y/n). It’s just a few gunshot wounds. Why aren’t you regenerating.” The ravenette deadpanned, trying her best to keep her voice from wavering. But the demon was silent – she opened her mouth, and no sound came as she tried to greedily catch some air into her aching lungs.
“(Y/n), are you listening? You have one job. Pull yourself together and regenerate. Stop slacking off like you always do!”
Wednesday’s hands shook as she pressed her pale palms into the wound in the demon’s chest, desperately trying to stop the never-ending flow of blood. A clawed hand laid on top of hers, and (Y/n) coughed, furrowing her brows at the awful pain.
“Think I’ve... spent all the energy. Not enough to heal.” She wheezed, squeezing her eyes closed.
“Then make it enough, (Y/n),” Wednesday demanded shakily, hand moving to hold the demon’s face, leaving a scarlet imprint on her cheek, “Don’t you dare close your eyes. Don’t fall asleep, (Y/n). You aren’t done. Please.”
“Hurts so fucking bad,” the oni complained, but opened her lids in obedience, (e/c) orbs finding the face of the smaller girl above her, “This is... my first time feeling like this. I don’t like getting shot.”
“No one likes getting shot, you idiot.”
(Y/n) chuckled, and the sound quickly got overtaken by a violent coughing fit.
“You can’t die, (Y/n). You’re a demon, you’re supposed to live for centuries, damn you!” Wednesday felt her eyes water, a sob stuck in her throat, “I-If you die, I’ll go straight to whatever circle of hell you end up in to drag you out and then kill you myself!”
“Sorry, little raven,” the demon apologized quietly, “I wouldn’t have it any other way... You know you look way better in black than me.”
A single wet drop landed on (Y/n)’s collarbone, then another on her neck. The demon’s eyes widened – the small ravenette above her was crying. Her bottom lip shook, and she closed her eyes, bringing the oni’s bloodied palm to her cheek, leaning her face against the cold limb that was always so warm before.
“You can’t leave me. You promised you won’t.”
(Y/n) grunted. There were black spots dancing in her vision, but her misty (e/c) eyes refused to give up their focus on the girl above her. The picture was blurred and hazy, and she felt like there was a heavy stone plate lying over her chest, but the distraught look on Wednesday’s face hurt more than any wound ever could.
“You should’ve seen Galpin, though,” the demon grinned, delirious from the blood loss, “I almost ripped the guy to shreds. I would’ve done the world a favor by killing him, but I didn’t for... some reason. I think I’m getting soft. Because of you,” she coughed, voice turning raspier, “It’s always been like that for me. Learning to kill. Learning to conquer. But with you I think... I found a different purpose.”
(Y/n) leaned into the touch of Wednesday's palm, soft as a pillow, the most comfortable and tranquil of all places she could ever find herself in.
“I’m so tired, ‘Nes. You think I deserve to rest now?”
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jolapeno · 11 months
its the sniffles
Frankie Morales x Reader
He wants nothing more than to come home and take care of you.
an: I’m sick with the flu, and I’m self-indulging so, thought I’d share. No warnings: just fluff, maybe my spelling as I am very ill.
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Frankie would know, even if you keep pretending down the phone it isn’t as bad as it seems. “Its the sniffles”, the lie rolling free, dripping from your tongue as you fight that tickle in the back of your throat. Trying to bury it. Smother it. Only for a sneeze to rip out and echo around your home.
He doesn’t blame you for lying—he’d been looking forward to this job for weeks. What he doesn’t like is that he knows you’re suffering, that it’s likely the days are beginning to blur into one.
The last time you were this bad, it took you weeks to admit to him that you became so delirious you forgot he was working away and went looking for him.
It’s because he knows it’s bad if you’re lying, as to why he comes home early.
Knows you’re fighting dizzy spells, exhaustions, as well as scratches in your throat, because he did notice that you kept trying to mute the phone when you went to cough or sneeze—only to mute it when you were talking instead.
It fuelled him, the need to be there for you. Each image of you he concocted of you on the sofa or crawling out of bed tugging on him, wrapping fingers around threads inside of him, and yanking. So much so, he drives back through the night—stepping through the front door as the sun begins to rise, spotting how the coffee table (that had once been wood, magazines and candles) is now tissues, mugs and medicine.
Removing his boots, dropping his duffel and hanging his hat, all in that order, Frankie moves in pursuit to find you. He passes the bathroom bin in the doorway of the living room, used tissues spilling out over it. Finds the blanket, usually folded over the sofa, now thrown across one of the dining room chairs and the sea of mugs, so many of them, bottles and tablets (all cold and flu), cluttering across the usually tidy kitchen counter. All of it making his heart hurt, ache.
He’s only pleased when he finds you in the centre of your two’s bed. One of his old t-shirts on, eyes closed, breathing heavy—there’s a balled up tissues in your palm and the sheets pulled up to your chin. And without touching you, he knows you’re warm, clammy—riddled with an illness he wished he’d been here to help you fight.
Sitting beside you, he brushes his fingers against your cheeks. Hearing the way you breathing changes, your nose blocked, congested, before you slowly flutter your lashes open, finding him, basking him in warmth and happiness that he’s there. But still you blink—quite a few times—likely ensuring you’re aware and not dreaming. Before your cough smothers the room, words lost, buried in a sea of spluttering as you sit up, and his hand finds your back. Just distinctly, between each hacking and a sneeze, he just makes out you mumbling ‘you’re here?’
It’s then he spots his jumper, the thick one—the one with flecks of gold and white embedded in blues and greens, hanging on the door of the wardrobe. Your voice down the phone coming to him, “can I wear your jumper?” “You missing me?” Your feeble yes falling as his something tightened in his chest when you thanked him for saying yes. He wants to pull it over your head now, pull you close, something he suggests, before beginning to offer to make you food, bring the duvet to the sofa and have a movie day, weekend—
“You should stay away. I don’t want—you could get really sick.”
Hands still rubbing circles on your back as he hands you the glass of water from the table. “Don’t care, baby. I wanted to come home and take care of you,” he whispers, kissing your forehead, pulling you close. “Wish I’d been here sooner, honestly.”
Because you’re worse than he thought. Far worse. And all he can do is wear a smile, guilt swelling in his chest—because he should have been here, should have come home sooner.
You must read him, the same way he does you. Your head tilting to look up at him, eyes weary, full of tears from your coughing, as your hand slides over his. “You’re here now.”
“I am,” he whispers, kissing the top of your head, feeling your body curl into his. His eyes closing, feeling content.
And then you sneeze.
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blondeboyfriend · 2 years
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[ PAIRING ] Eren Yeager x f!reader x Zeke Yeager [ SYNOPSIS ] Just a normal, romantic getaway with your husband, Eren… and his half-brother 🙄 [ WORD COUNT ] 4.2k [ CONTENT ] Modern AU, alcohol, dubcon (Zeke’s definitely intoxicated while he watches you fuck Eren), sexual tension, voyeurism, exhibitionism, nipple play, fingering, masturbation (m), oral sex (f receiving), ass play is brought up but doesn’t happen (sorry), cum play, thick Yeager dick, creampie, Eren and Zeke are both sarcastic little shits, pet names (babe, princess), this fic is where plot comes to die, not beta’d so enjoy the mistakes.
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You dug your toes into the sand while your lower body lay baking in the sun, the rest of you safe under a large, white umbrella. Your skin was smothered in sunscreen so you were in the midst of pristine relaxation. The rays weren’t harsh. They were kinder, softer, almost like each UV was a kiss rather than a death sentence. You wriggled a little, feeling the cool cotton of your beach blanket against your warm legs. You pointed your toes and stretched, letting out a pleased sigh.
“We needed this,” Eren piped up.
The two of you hadn’t been on any form of vacation since your honeymoon.
“You’re telling me,” you said, sitting up. “Where’s your brother?”
“Probably getting a third round of margaritas.”
You pulled your sunglasses off and squinted as your eyes adjusted to the brightness of the day. It was barely noon and Zeke was already drunk. He smelled like salt, lime, and cigarettes. And his cheeks were a faded pink, the remnants of a terrible sunburn he was cursed with on the first day. You and Eren on the other hand were well acquainted with sunscreen.
“We didn’t even have breakfast. He’s going to be a disaster in a few hours.”
Eren brushed you off. “It’s fine. Let him have fun. I rarely see him let go like this.”
“He gets so clingy though.”
Eren got up out of his beach chair and snuggled up next to you. You ran your fingers through his sun warmed hair.
“You should be honored,” he laughed. “He’s only like that with me usually.”
It wasn’t the answer you wanted. You were hoping your husband too felt that his brother was being rather friendly with you. Eren’s distaste was supposed to fuel your own, kill the little part of you that lived for Zeke’s attention. He was always purring bawdy compliments, buying you everything you wanted, and finding ways to put his hands on you. You doubted that Eren experienced any of those acts.
“You don’t think it’s weird?”
He took off his tortoiseshell Wayfarers and gave you a concerned look.
“Uh, should I?”
You went to speak but got interrupted by the drunkard himself.
“Shit, sorry, kiddo,” Zeke slurred as he trampled a child’s sand castle. “Tha—the pleasure you felt from building that was fleeting, it wasn’t gonna last. I did you a favor.”
“Nice job,” Eren called out.
Zeke cautiously made his way over, juggling three margaritas.
“Here!” He said a little too loudly, handing off one of the drinks to his brother. “Ah, and here’s your pretentious one with mezcal and key lime.”
You snatched the drink out of his hand and took a quick sip. It tasted perfect, absolutely divine.
“Does it even taste any different or are you just difficult? I don’t care either way,” he said, mumbling the second sentence.
“Try it,” you said, handing it back to him.
Zeke took it and ended up gulping the rest of it down. The only thing you could do was roll your eyes.
“That was terrible,” he said, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “Nauseating even.”
“Then why did you drink the whole thing?” Eren asked.
Zeke turned his attention towards his brother.
“Do I look like a man with answers?”
Eren gave his brother an exasperated sigh and stood up, patting himself down in search of his wallet.
“I’ll go get you a new one, babe,” he said before setting off to the bar.
“You want this one?”
Zeke held out what was supposed to be his drink.
“Fuck it,” you said, accepting his peace offering.
He collapsed down next to you where Eren had once been. He rested his head on your shoulder and let out a deep sigh. His hair was even more tousled than usual from the sea salt. Zeke spent every morning languishing in the ocean, convinced it helped with his hangovers.
“You mind if I—”
“Go ahead.”
Zeke felt around for his cigarette case which had since been buried in the sand. He brushed it off and flipped it open, pulling out one of his expensive cigarettes. He placed it between his lips and lit it, taking a deep puff. He held the smoke in his lungs before it trailed out of his mouth.
“So, you guys fuck yet?” He said, enveloping you both in an earthy cloud of smoke.
“What? Am I not privy to that information?”
“Yeah! It’s none of your business.”
“You haven’t, have you? We’ve been here for five days and he hasn’t buried his face in your pussy?”
Your cheeks felt like they were on fire. You couldn’t lie; you were slightly disappointed you and Eren had yet to fuck. But Zeke didn’t need to be the person to point it out. Especially in such a vulgar way. You studied his drunken visage, pained to see he still managed to be handsome while embodying the definition of a hot mess. You wanted to know what his beard would feel like tickling your thighs, how it would feel up against your clit.
“If I were him,” he said, ashing his cigarettes. “I wouldn’t even be at the beach. I’d have you back at the suite, ass up.”
“Ass up, huh?”
He let out a drunken giggle. “Ha. Yeah. Does Eren ever eat your ass?”
“No, but it’s not like I’ve ever asked him to.”
“He wouldn’t.”
“You don’t know that,” you said, nudging him with your elbow.
“He wouldn’t know what to do.”
“Lemme guess. You would though, right? You’re the tsar of ass eating?”
His hand found its way to your thigh and gave it a little squeeze.
“I’m honored you think I’d be an expert. And you’re not exactly wrong.” He dug his fingers into the flesh of your thigh. “But you wouldn’t be able to handle me. I’d ruin you. I’d take everything from you and leave you a cum covered slu—”
“I’m back!” Eren shouted, holding your freshly made margarita.
You swatted away Zeke’s hand before plastering a hideous grin on your face for your husband. Eren looked mildly disturbed by your unhinged attempt at maintaining composure. You couldn’t utter a single word, frozen with anxious guilt.
“Here you go, babe.”
You took the drink from him and nervously took a sip. Both of you turned your attention to Zeke who was paying absolutely no attention.
“Hungry,” he muttered absentmindedly, his eyes hidden behind a pair of prescription sunglasses.
“We should probably eat,” you said, sipping your margarita.
The smokiness of the mezcal calmed your nerves, speaking was no trouble now.
“What’re you thinking?” Eren asked.
“What if we g—”
Zeke interrupted you with a half-hearted utterance of “taco.”
Zeke snickered. “Yeah, just one.”
Eren ruffled his brother’s hair. “You need to go dry out.”
“Oh c’mon. I’ll be good.”
“Zeke,” he rebuked.
“Who knows what trouble I’ll get into by my lonesome?”
Eren rolled his eyes and he asked you to assist him in carting his towheaded brother back to the hotel. It was harder than you could have imagined. Zeke was like a limp noodle, a cascade of long, unruly limbs.  It wasn’t a far walk by any means, but walking in the sand with a cumbersome man made it feel like a perilous journey into the unknown.
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Once Zeke was settled in his room, tucking him in the bed like he was a little boy at his request, you and Eren had a relaxing lunch on your room’s balcony. The view of the crystalline sea was breathtaking, the water a brilliant shade of turquoise.
“How long you think he’ll be down for?” You pondered, pushing your empty plate to the side.
“Hours hopefully. It’ll give us time to, you know… Because we haven’t yet.”
“You can just say it,” you laughed, resting your feet on the railing of the balcony. “We haven’t fucked yet. It’s about time.”
Eren groaned and tossed a grape tomato in his mouth. “It’s so hard to find the right moment,” he garbled before swallowing. “And I’d feel like an asshole if I told him to go away. He doesn’t have anyone else to be around.”
“I honestly didn’t think he’d come after he broke up with Levi considering it’s a couples trip.”
“Me too. But there’s no way I could have told him he couldn’t come. Not after he got cheated on,” he replied, spearing a few melon balls with his fork.
Eren had a point. Excluding Zeke would have been needlessly cruel. He didn’t deserve that; it’d be the equivalent of punting a puppy off a cliff. You kicked Eren’s shin under the table.
“Shall we make use of this alone time?”
“No, let’s waste it,” he replied, voice dripping with succulent sarcasm.
He stood up and plucked you out of your chair and led you through the patio door. He slid the door open with a level of sexiness you honestly didn’t think was possible for such a benign act. You couldn’t wait to get him in bed, to feel the warmth of his Herculean body against yours. You craved his touch, longing for his nimble fingers and heavy palms. Eren turned to face you and beckoned you with his embrace. Into his arms you went without a second thought. He placed his hands on the small of your back and held you close, pressing his erection up against you. His green eyes were exuding lust, like the darkest depths of an evergreen forest.
“Can’t wait to fuck that tight pussy,” he murmured before kissing you.
As his soft lips brushed up against yours you felt yourself melting in his arms. Your knees couldn’t have been weaker, more useless. Luckily Eren’s muscled arms were enough to keep you upright. He slid his tongue into your mouth and you tasted a lingering hint of honeydew. His kiss ripe with hunger, a desperate need to devour you, to keep you all to himself. You cradled his face in your hands, rubbing your thumb along jaw. Little hairs pricked your fingers. You had forgotten his vow to not shave while on vacation.
Eren carried you to the bed, gently laying you down. He got on top of you and began to grope you. His hands wandered under your shirt and he pinched your nipples. A weakened whine emanated from your throat as he resumed kissing you. Eren couldn’t help but smile. You were so cute. His hand wandered under your shorts and dragged his fingers against your clit over your cotton panties.
“I’m gonna make you feel so good,” he said, breath hot against your ear.
He applied more pressure to your clothed clit and caught your ear lobe between his teeth.
“Is my pretty girl ready for me?”
Before you could give Eren an enthusiastic yes Zeke burst through the door. Eren quickly rolled off of you onto the floor, leaving you completely defenseless. You thanked your lucky stars you hadn’t taken off any of your clothes.
“Am I interrupting something?” He yawned.
“Yes,” Eren said, standing up.
Eren took a seat on the bed and rubbed his knee. The two of you glared at Zeke. His glasses were crooked; you suspected he napped with them on. His hair had managed to part itself on the side which you had to admit wasn’t exactly a bad look.
“I’m sorry.”
“Are you… gonna leave?” Eren asked expectantly.
Zeke hung his head and sighed heavily. “I’m bored. Can’t I stay?”
“I’m trying to fuck my wife.”
“I’ll just watch! I won’t even say anything. I’ll be silent.”
Eren groaned. “No. That would be even worse than you giving color commentary.”
“Fine. I’ll be quiet, but not too quiet! Maybe I’ll make a little noise, but keep it at a dull roar.”
“Zeke, get out,” Eren said, pointing at the ajar door.
Zeke walked towards it and shut it with little grace or tact. Eren let out another dramatic groan. The blonde turned his attention towards you.
“You wouldn’t mind, right?” He asked. “I know you have a little crush on me.”
“I do not!”
“Yeah, you do,” Eren laughed.
Your cheeks felt like they were on fire. You wanted to crash through the patio door and dive into the ocean, never to be seen again. Eren nudged you with his elbow.
“It’s fine. I think it’s kinda cute in a weird way.”
“So can I watch or what?”
“Zeke!” You and Eren hissed in unison.
“Someone told me that being open about your intentions fosters a greater sense of familial bonding.”
“Who told you that?” You asked with genuine interest.
Eren sighed. “No one told him that. That barely even made sense.”
“I wanna know,” you said under your breath. “Zeke, who told you that?”
“I did.”
You groaned. Eren served you a smug smile.
“Told ya.”
“Okay, okay. Regardless of who did or didn’t tell me something I made up… Can I watch? Please?”
Eren lifted your chin, forcing you to look at him. You could tell he had some interest in letting his brother watch the two of you fuck like animals.
“You down?”
“Are you?” You replied.
“I am, if you are.”
You and Eren stared at each other in nervous silence. It was as if you were playing a game of chicken. You wanted to believe he’d break first and express his enthusiasm for Zeke’s suggestion.
“Okay it sounds like you’re both down. Now let’s get down to business.” Zeke said, voice dripping with impatience.
“Are you still drunk?” Eren asked as he pulled off his shirt.
Zeke grabbed one of the plush chairs and dragged it beside the bed.
“Maybe,” he said, taking a seat. “It’s not as if we were apart very long.”
He had a point. It had only been an hour since you tucked the big, blonde baby in.
“If it’ll put you both at ease, I am not as drunk as I was previously.”
“Good enough for me,” Eren said, shrugging.
Zeke beamed.
The blonde looked you dead in the eye. “Alright, take your clothes off.”
Eren was already nude, his clothing a heap on the floor. Both of them had their eyes glued to you. You could tell they wanted to tear you apart, show you no mercy. Your breath hitched at the mere thought. Zeke pulled on the length of his cock as it fought against his impossibly tight, black swim briefs. Eren pulled at the straps of your tank top, pressing his lips to your lower neck. He pawed at your breast, flicking your nipple through the thin fabric that covered them.
“Eren…” You protested in a tiny voice.
“C’mon, babe. Don’t act like you’re not into having that freak—”
“Hey,” Zeke interrupted, the word drenched in dejection.
Eren ignored his brother’s saddened expulsion and lifted your tank top over your head, revealing your breasts. He bit your nipple, gently applying pressure. You winced and choked back a pathetic yelp.
“On your back,” he said, breath hot against your breast.
You leaned back and waited patiently as Eren pulled your shorts down. He palmed your cunt feeling the wetness that had seeped through your underwear.
“Is she wet?” Zeke slurred as he pulled his cock out.
Eren turned his head towards his brother and served him a perturbed look.
“No, she’s dry.”
“Like a desert,” you tacked on.
“Oh, fuck you guys,” Zeke said, slumping deeper into the chair.
You ran your fingers over the shaved part of Eren’s undercut. His eyes shut and he hummed happily. You could have sworn he was purring.
“You gonna get me naked or what?” You teased.
Eren smiled and peeled off your soaked underwear.
“Gimme,” Zeke said, holding his hand out.
Eren rolled his eyes and handed your underwear to him. He wrapped them around his hand and began to stroke his cock. It was a simple gesture, but Zeke managed to make it unbelievably depraved. You gazed at his cock and let your eyes linger on his glistening tip. He caught you staring and snickered.
“Pay attention to your husband.”
“I am!”
Eren parted your folds and slid his middle and index fingers inside you. He had your full attention now. Your breath hitched as he curled them upward, pressing up against your walls.
“You’re so fuckin’ wet,” Eren growled, stating the absolute obvious.
He pulled his fingers out of you and sucked the fluids off of them. He guided his cock into your cunt, teasingly and slowly. He prodded it with his cocktip, slick with precum.
“I’m gonna make you feel so good.”
Zeke’s voice cut through the room. “Then get to it!”
You stared up at Eren, doe-eyed and pathetic. You needed his cock inside you, to feel it throb as it filled you with cum.
“Eren,” you whined. “I need it.”
“Aw, did you hear her? She needs it.”
“Of course I heard her! I’m literally on top of her!”
Zeke frowned and resumed jerking off with your underwear. You grabbed Eren’s ass and pulled him closer to your body. His cock slid further in you, stretching your cunt. You gritted your teeth and held back a pained groan. Eren stroked your face with the tips of his fingers.
“You’re a big girl, aren’t you? I know you can take it,” he cooed.
“Shit. How big is your cock? Maybe you should be more gentle,” Zeke suggested.
Eren shut his eyes tight, nostrils flared.
“Did I ask for your advice?”
“... No. But look at her.”
“I am lookin’ at her!”
Zeke lowered his glasses with his free hand. “Bu—but are you really looking at her?”
You giggled. You didn’t think Eren would bicker with his brother while he was fucking you. And you didn’t think Zeke’s brain would stop functioning as his cock leaked a steady drip of precum. You knew the blonde was a bit of a disaster after several margaritas. You had witnessed him spend most of the trip laughing loudly at vaguely humorous jokes, binge drinking, flirting, and petting every stray cat that crossed his path.
 “So dumb,” you murmured in Eren’s ear.
“He’s not dumb,” Eren replied audibly as he began to thrust.
“Did you call me dumb?”
“N—no,” you lied through your teeth. “I’d never say something like th—that.”
Eren moaned as he drove his cock further inside you. He held you down by the neck and his green gaze penetrated your doe-eyed expression. He licked lips, looking at you as if you were prey. He forced the full length of his cock in you, the tip just barely grazing your cervix. It was enough to elicit a subdued “ow”. Eren pulled out, teasing your folds with his tip, before slamming it back into you. His balls slapped up against you as he bottomed out.
“C’mon on, princess. I know you and your pretty pussy can take it.”
His words were so sweet but his actions were anything but. You turned your attention to Zeke who was palming the tip of his cock. His hand was still wrapped up in your underwear.
“Is she tight?” Zeke rasped.
“Oh f—fuuuuck yeah,” he moaned as he thrusted his throbbing cock into your weeping cunt.
Your fluids had dripped down your folds and started to collect near your ass. Your slick covered every inch.
“Not to be vulgar, but I want to tonguefuck her ass so bad.”
“Maybe if you're lucky y—yo—fuck!–your brother will let you cl–clean me up,” you said as Eren fucked your body into the mattress.
“If he knows what’s good for him, he will. I know where the embarrassing baby pictures are stowed away.”
Eren didn’t seem to register Zeke’s petty threat, or perhaps he didn’t care at all. He was too caught up in how tight your precious cunt felt around his engorged cock. With his hand still on your neck, he used his free one to pay attention to your throbbing clit. One swift flick of his thumb was enough to make you whimper pathetically. He encircled it and used your slick to glide around your clit.
“You want more?”
You barely nodded in response to Eren’s before he began to pick up the pace, rutting against you with an animalistic fervor. You managed to hear Zeke mutter “holy shit” as Eren fucked you like a dog. You looked over at the blonde. He was watching you two intently, one hand gripping his cock and the other stroking his chest. His cheeks were flushed and his eyebrows knitted in ecstatic agony. He caught you staring and gave you a boyish grin. It gave you butterflies. You nearly drooled at the sight of Zeke’s pearlescent cum spurt from his engorged cock, the tip pink with pleasure.
Eren quickly grabbed your face and squeezed your cheeks. “Stop watching him.”
“Don’t be mean,” Zeke chastised. “Look at me; can you blame her?”
Eren ignored his brother.
“You’re not looking at me, Eren.”
“I’m close,” Eren choked out. “I don’t wanna see your stupid, bearded face when I come.”
Zeke laughed. “Coward.”
Eren clenched his jaw and bucked his hips as his cock shot a steady stream of cum into your cunt. Even in the throes of pleasure, Eren never once stopped rubbing your clit. If anything he did so with more intent, more enthusiasm. Your body went limp. You felt like you were sinking into the mattress which likely had to do with the fact your husband was essentially fucking you into it. Warmth crawled up your thighs gradually flooding your core. You could have sworn you were seeing stars or maybe even god.
“That’s it, princess. Come all over my cock,” Eren beckoned.
Your cheeks felt like they were on fire as your orgasm overwhelmed you. Every nerve ending in your body was singing, crying out in a rhapsody of pleasure. You couldn’t even speak, though it’s not as if words could accurately embody the ecstasy that barrelled through you. All you could do was choke out breathy moans and the occasional pitchy whine. Eren’s thrusts weakened. He cupped your face in his hands and kissed you, lightly sucking on your bottom lip.
“Shit,” you murmured.
Eren rubbed his nose against yours.
“Did you like that?” He asked knowing full well you did.
You smiled and nodded. “As always.”
“You guys are gross.”
You and Eren turned to glare at Zeke.
“You realize you can leave at any time,” Eren growled.
“But I wanted to see how much of a mess you made.”
Eren slid his cock out of you. Zeke got up and they both admired your glistening cunt, slick with cum.
“Good job,” the blonde said, patting Eren on the shoulder.
“Please tell me that’s not the hand you jerked off with.”
“It is, but I had it wrapped in underwear so… It’s fine. Don’t worry about it.”
Eren silently seethed and stood up, walking into the bathroom. Zeke sat down on the bed and ruffled your hair. You were impressed with how casual he was behaving under such circumstances. It was as if you weren’t lying on the bed naked as the day you were born.
“You seemed to enjoy that,” you teased.
“I actually hated every moment of it. You’re both sick,” he replied, smiling. He sighed and eyed your cunt. “You think he’d actually let me clean you up.”
Zeke’s hand found its way to your thigh. Just as his fingers went to stroke the inside of it you crossed your legs, denying him the opportunity.
“No, no. Not before you ask your brother for permission.”
“He won’t mind.”
“What is it they say about assuming? Something about making an ass out of you and me?”
He rolled his eyes and got off the mattress, heading towards the bathroom. He pathetically pawed at the door.
“Ereeeen, can I—”
“I just wa—”
“Absolutely not.”
“Can I finish my s—”
“Why would I let you do that?”
“All I want to do is suck cum out of your wife!” Zeke said quickly.
There was a pregnant pause. It was broken by Eren slowly opening the door.
“Fine,” Eren relented as he stepped out.
The brother joined you on the bed. Eren curled up next to you, resting his head on your chest. Zeke parted your legs and stuck his head between them. His beard tickled the tender skin of your thighs. Zeke ran his tongue along your folds, parting them with the tip of it. It slid in between your labia and lapped up your and Eren’s cum.
“So eager,” you groaned, running your fingers through the blonde’s soft hair.
“Desperate,” Eren scoffed.
Zeke happily hummed, seemingly unaware of Eren’s playful derision. The vulgar sounds of him slurping at your cunt filled the room. You watched as Zeke rutted against the mattress. His nose grazed your clit, sending a brief jolt of bliss to your core.
“Can you not rub your dick all over the sheets?”
“Let him be,” you sighed as you were blessed with a second, more subdued orgasm.
Once your cunt was thoroughly cleaned Zeke curled up next to your unoccupied side. He took off his glasses and set them on the nightstand. He let out a hearty yawn before falling asleep with his head on your breast. His breathing tickled your nipple.
“I think he has the right idea,” Eren said, his eyelids heavy with exhaustion.
“Seriously? I’m not even sleepy. Can I at least get up while you babies have nap time?”
You waited for a response from Eren but it never came.
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stargirlrchive · 1 year
i LOVE how you headcannon tonowari as a sub🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️im gonna need you to elaborate more on that👀👀
sub!tonowari nsfw headcanons <3
cw: sub!tonowari (canon!!!) x afab!reader, praise kink, oral!f receiving, p in v, masturbation (f), orgasm denial/control, biting/marking, aftercare sorta, think that's all
ok so i elaborated a little on how he’s a boob man, but i mean this man is obsessed with your tits
like if you ever linger behind after a clan meeting his head is burying itself into the soft of your chest, eyes fluttering closed as you tangle your fingers through his hair and tug lightly
sucking softly on the plush of your breast, if you let him i swear he’d have his mouth attached to your chest all fucking day
he’s lowkey a brat 🙄
like purposely man-spreading, fully on display for you and silently asking you to put his ass in place!
flexing his muscles, showing off and catching the attention of other clan women
and then when you do he’s a blubbering whiny mess 
crying softly as your grind your bare cunt against his hardened cock but not sinking down onto him
you make him watch as you touch yourself 
his cock is throbbing and balls heavy and he’s so sensitive, pleading with you
he’s telling you how good he’s been, and how sorry he was, how he won’t do it again 
“M’sorry, won’t do it again, please just let me cum”
you're sucking hickies and bite marks onto his toned thighs, his hips are stuttering as he tries to get your mouth on him
you slap at his thighs and he whines out your name but stops 
idk if he’d cry but his eyes would water so bad because he’s so overstimulated but he hasn’t cum and he’s aching to be inside of you 
i think if he’s being “punished” you’d def sit on his face and this mf would put on a show!
have we seen his tongue
he’s so messy, moaning so loud as he fucking devours you 
apologizing with his tongue, holding your hips down onto his face so you smother him 
lapping, sucking, biting softly, his tongue roughly thrusting inside of you
you don’t give him the satisfaction of telling him how good he’s making you feel and he’s begging you to tell him how good he’s been for you 
i don’t think he has a mommy kink, sorry y’all but i do think he has a praise kink 
when he notices how adamant you are in not telling him, he puts his all into making you feel good 
he loves when you cum all over his face, his mouth and face is soaked in your release and his cock is fucking throbbing and heavy 
when you finally cave and sink down onto him, his hands are digging into the floor, face burying into the blankets
whimpers whimpers whimper 
his hips are fighting the urge to fuck up into you but he knows if he did you’d stop 
your hips are lazily rocking into him, not fully using him as he’d like but it feels sooooo good
i think this man is fucking hung! def would be a belly bulge at the end of your tummy
you grab his hand and press it into your lower stomach, clenching around him as he presses into the dent he causes 
he feels so good about himself, crying out your name as you finally begin to lift yourself up and sink roughly down onto him 
his thighs are warm and red from the sheer force of your movements 
no coherent thoughts going on in his brain, he’s just focused on not cumming yet and the warm wet feeling of you wrapped around him 
“please, wanna cum” like his voice is whiny and wobbling 
thick and full of desperation, his fingers slowing crawling up to your hips, just wanting to feel you close to him 
after a few more hard rolls of your hips he’s begging you to let him cum 
your pressing down onto him, your chest flush against this chest before your teeth sink down onto his shoulder 
“you can cum ‘wari, been so good for me”
let’s put the most guttural moan you’ve ever heard 
cums so fucking much, his hips roughly stuttering into you as he releases inside of you
he gets so sleepy and clingy after, his eyes are all low and heavy, practically unable to move as you clean him up 
he’s spent and happy, all the stress leaving him as the warmth of your body lulls him to sleep <333
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makos-hotbox · 2 years
I need one where I’m absolutely smothering either Konig and/or Ghost in kisses. I have so much affection to give to this men. I’m willing to club them if it means I can grab pull them down and smother in affection. They’ll just be doing anything and I will already be sending my affection their way. With he/him pronouns please.
LARGE FONT VER. (coming soon)
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`⌁ ◜ 𝐢’𝐦 𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐲, 𝐢 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐚 𝐠𝐮𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡! ◞
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The sounds of joints popping filled Ghost's ears as he stretched his limbs. Being crammed in the back of a truck with the rest of the 141 had him feeling like he was placed in a fetal position in hardening concrete— terrible. Next to him, Soap was yapping about how gross the sounds made him feel.
“You’re in the military, Johnny.” Was all Ghost said as he began walking to the base. The Scot followed closely, keeping quiet. He would give the Lieutenant some peace after that recent rusty mission. A plethora of things had gone wrong while they were out. Even if the team easily bounced back, it still took a mental toll on them all. When things don’t go to plan it can send people through panic, and that’s exactly what happened. Everyone nearly died from it.
Now, Ghost had a giant bag of stress on his shoulders and needed someone to help him take it off. Soap could see that, but why on earth was the Brit heading to the shooting range? He knew exactly what his friend needed and where to get it, Soap was going to drag Ghost there whether he liked it or not.
Before they could turn down the hall leading outside, Soap grabbed the back of Ghost’s uniform and turned him a different way. “What the hell are you doing?” He grumbled, shoving his hand away but making no effort to turn back around.
“I need to get somethin’ from a friend.” Soap answered quickly, turning down another hall with the L.T. following. Ghost knew the area as he had seen it many times before, it was near your room. A third grader could understand that Soap was taking Ghost to go and see you, his boyfriend, instead. But he wasn’t going to resist it, Ghost wants to go and see you. He just didn’t have the confidence to go do so right now…
So, Ghost allowed for Soap to lead him down to your room. His mind was already thinking about the kind of love you would give him as soon as he walked through the door. It made his chest feel fuzzy and tight, he loved it.
Soap stopped in front of your door and looked at Ghost expectantly. Reluctantly, Ghost complied with a knock, instantly moving to shoo Soap off. “Get outta here, I’ll see you later.” The Scot laughed with a wave, leaving down the hall without Ghost.
On the other side, you opened the door abruptly, your tired expression immediately formed into an excited grin at the sight of your boyfriend. “You’re back!” Without giving Ghost a second to react, you tackled him in a tight hug. The tenderness of your body being close to him again made his heart stutter and his face burn.
Wrapping his own arms around you, Ghost pushed the two of you back into your room and kicked the door shut. Neither of you let go of each other, you didn’t want to. Being too comfortable this close to you was like an addiction for Ghost. The way his mind goes blank and his entire body relaxes and warms up from your touch was a high no drug could ever reach.
Ghost allowed for you to drag him with you to your bed. He pulled you down to lay with him on your thick blankets, a heavy breath of relief leaving his lips once you got settled against him. It was silent, no words to be exchanged because you knew he didn’t want to. Ghost just wanted to be with you, his safe haven.
You reached your hands up to take off his mask, throwing it somewhere else so you could admire his face. With a smile, you began to place kisses all over Ghost’s face. Not rushed and filled with adrenaline; you took your time to place the gentle kisses on his cheeks.
This is what drove him mad about being with you. Your love and affection was practically suffocating him, it was almost too much for his heart to take. Ghost felt like he was on cloud 9. Every kiss felt like it left a lingering feeling of numbness with his skin begging for more contact. He couldn’t help but let a small grumble escape his throat, causing you to laugh quietly at his behavior.
“For as cold as you are, you seem to enjoy this way too much.” You teased Ghost, staring at his love-drunk eyes. Your hands playing with his hair, only sending more tranquility down his spine.
“Had a rough mission…” Ghost mumbled, eyes drooping as exhaustion overpowered him. You didn’t question him any further, it was likely he wouldn’t want to talk about it. So you continued to coddle your boyfriend. Leaning closer again to finally place a kiss on his lips, he weakly reciprocated.
It was like the final bullet to his chest. The kiss felt toxic and ready to send him into a coma. Ghost’s mind felt fuzzy as the only thing he could think of was you. How did he get here? A badass military lieutenant falling limp to his lover.
Feeling your fingers massage his scalp once again, Ghost couldn’t prevent his eyelids from falling shut. His conscious slipping into the dream world with you as his protector. He felt safe. Even if the back of his mind was screaming about how dangerous it is to be so vulnerable; he’d stay vulnerable time and time again if it meant he got to feel this way.
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» 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬 … 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐦
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smallraindrops-blog · 5 months
hi! requests are open, yes? may i ask for a poly tsc!reader x wmftd!y/n x hypno? idk how this’d work but it seemed fun and v self indulgent which is the Best kind of fun hehe. have a nice day!
Constellations of Us
(Part One)
Pairing: TSC!Reader X Hypnos X WMFTD!Y/N
Word count: 7.5
Warnings: Angst, post-breakup for TSC!R x Y/N, jealousy, AU, mentions of infidelity ( none that occurs between the main ship), multiple POVs, no beta.
‘Nothing is more unintelligible than the human heart.’ - Homer, The Odyssey.
Brokenhearted and the new resident of the House of Hades, you are left to pick up the shattered pieces of yourself. 
Funny enough, your hands aren’t the only ones in the pile.
Requests are not open.
I am simply working on a very overdue request. 
For sake of readability, TSC!Reader will be in second person aka ‘you’, Hypnos and Y/N will be in third person’s. I will also attach who POV is. 
This will likely be two parts. 
Thank you for waiting. I hope this first part is worth the wait.
(Reader’s Pov)
The administration chamber had quieten down as the last few shades hurried out, done with their duties for the day. Their happy chatter faded with each step they took. The room was dimmer with just a few candles, the warm light smothered by the dark. Walls of scrolls seem to go up and up into an endless height. 
You paused on the paper you were working on, your quill left in the ink pot as you reread it. You were mildly impressed that the Master’s son had managed to find new ways to break apart the underworld.  
Who knew fire could be used as a surfboard?
You gave a quiet chuckle at the mere thought but slowly, your smile faded.
This wasn’t what you thought it would be. 
A skilled healer turned into a bookkeeper. What would Patroclus say?
You weren’t sure how you felt about it but it was an undeniable fact that the dead didn’t need healers. At least, this way you were getting paid. Not that money meant much to you. 
It was just proof that you were doing something and not wasting away.
The bureaucracy was mind numbing and exhausting. It was also what you wanted.
You didn’t have to think about anything that wasn’t the work on your desk. You didn't think about your shattered heart. That the love of your life was just a few steps away, unable to meet your eyes.
Or think about the god that had taken your place.
Only if there was paperwork you could use to sign away your own useless heart.
You rubbed your forehead, hating that the moment you stopped working was when you thought about him.
About them. 
With a sigh, you picked up your quill and signed the paperwork, verifying that the money will be needed to fix the damage. 
“Oh! You’re still here.” 
With a muffled gasp, you looked up. Did you somehow summon the god of sleep by a mere thought?
Lord Hypnos blinked at you slowly, drifting closer to your desk like he wasn’t a intruder. His red cloak floated around his shoulders, so heavy it looked like a blanket. He didn’t have the regal appearance of Queen Persephone, or the terrifying aura of Lady Nyx but it was undeniable that he was a god.
The god of sleep smiled at you hesitantly, staring down at you. If the god stood on his own feet, he would be taller than you. Another insult even if unintentional.
You hated that you couldn’t deny how beautiful he was. Heavy lidded golden eyes, full lips and perfectly messy curls. His form was mostly hidden under his modest clothes but the glimpses of his arms revealed a slender masculine shape. 
“I am, Lord Hypnos.” You kept your voice quiet, respectful as you stood. You bowed your head, your hands curled by your side. “How may I be of service to you?”
“Just Hypnos.” The god corrected with a hand wave. “I think we both passed that point, hm?” 
You didn’t know what to say to that. 
Hypnos lifted up the thick stack of paperwork in his hands, giving you a rueful grin, “Master Hades had loudly informed me and everyone else in the hall that I had messed up my paperwork once more. Form ZEY -1 to ZEY-213 and um…Form S-3 to Form S-111. I think.”
“I will be happy to make you new copies.” You said in a rush, glad to be given a task. The sooner you can get this god away from you, the better. With a speed you didn’t know you had, you hurried to get him new paperwork. 
You wondered how he could mess up simple paperwork but didn’t ask. One, you didn't want to even look at him. Two. It wasn’t your problem. 
The god had shamelessly picked up your quill and studied it with his head tilt when you returned. Soft white curls spilled over his ridiculous sleep mask. Another thing you didn’t understand, how a god could be so... ungodly.
It was an ugly thing to think of and you hated that small, petty side of yourself. Afterall, the god did nothing wrong. 
This whole mess was yours and Y/N’s fault. You were grown enough to admit that at least.
Lord Hypnos’ face lit up when he spied you. His graceful hands took the fresh stack of paperwork, and your quill floated back to its ink pot with a wave of his finger.  You winced when you noticed how ratty your writing quill was getting. You just didn’t care enough to replace it when it was still working perfectly fine.
His old forms were on your desk. There were doodles of random animals, flowers - and maybe a person? There were a few of them, each one different.- everywhere on the paper and you saw many, many blank lines with missing information.
Well then.
“This is horribly awkward, isn’t it?” Lord Hypnos chuckled, drumming his fingers along the papers. You bit the inside of your cheek. Lord Hypnos lifted an white eyebrow, and you realized that he was waiting for a response.
Gods were supposed to know when morals lied, or so you were warned by your mother growing up.
“Very much so, Lord Hypnos.” You sighed. No point in denying it. It was horrible. It was right down painful. You didn’t know loving someone and knowing they belonged to someone else could hurt so much.
“Hypnos. Please. Just Hypnos. I have rank over you so you have to obey. Or at least pretend to.” Hypnos said with a wink. The joke came effortlessly to Hypnos or so it seemed. It was a talent you couldn’t help but admire. 
“Hypnos.” You admened with a jerky nod. 
A thick pause filled the space between you and the god. All your life, you were taught to respect and worship the gods. Now you were handing one of the infinite beings paperwork.
It was surreal.
“Well, I guess I will go and try not to mess this up again.” Hypnos laughed again, like it was another joke. You tried to smile but you weren’t sure you had succeeded. 
It wasn't until Hypnos vanished that you allowed yourself to slump against your desk. You covered your eyes with your hand and let out a shaky breath. 
You survived a lot. This was nothing compared to the brutal war that stole so much away, your heart shattering into millions pieces or even your death.
With an inhale, you made yourself straightened up. This was nothing and you will get over it.
You had to.
A moment later, you realized that his paperwork had been left on your desk. Unsure what to do, you just shoved the pile into one of your empty drawers. 
You will deal with it later. 
There were many things you missed about living. What surprised you that one of the things you missed the most was the ability to tell time. There were no sundials in the underworld nor calendars.
The closest thing you and every other shade had was the coming and going of Queen Persephone, her gentle smile was nothing more than a fading memory. 
Sometimes the Prince would let something slip when he came in for paperwork. 
His very appearance was enough to terrorize every administration shade, yourself included. 
“Please don’t touch that, your highness.” You begged as Prince Zagrues began flipping through files, tossing them aside or worse, putting it back in the cabinet but out of order when he didn’t find what he was looking for.
You thought you heard one of the shades begin to weep.
“Don’t worry, I won’t be long.” Prince Zagreus assured you cheerfully then he picked up a box too quickly, the scrolls rolled out onto the floor.
Several of the scrolls unfurled, hitting your foot. You bit on the inside of your cheek, so hard that if you were still alive, you would taste blood.
Then Prince Zagreus dropped the armfuls of scrolls he was holding.
The weeping turned to full on sobs and horrified stares. You couldn’t quite stop the strangled noise of anger that spilled from your lips.
“Sir please just tell me what-“ you tried to speak but Zagreus was already going back to the next box of scrolls.
“Why are they crying?” The prince asked you with a frown, like he didn’t realize that he had single handedly ruined everyone’s hard work. “I know spring has ended since I last came in but I just need this one record. I still remember where it is. I think.”
Your ears perked at that.
It had been a while since Queen Persephone returned, and if Spring had ended with Zagreus’ last visit, along with the rumors she will be returning in due time. It must be close to the end of summer then. 
Gods, what wouldn’t you give for a sundial and calendar?
“Hey! Didn’t your Father ban you? Or had he unbanned you again?”  Hypnos swept through the crowd of shades, his cloak bellowed behind him as he came closer. He lifted an eyebrow at the mess that Prince Zagreus created then slowly he glanced toward the crying shade.
“Wowie.” Hypnos murmured. “You already made one of them cry. Good job, your highness. Just like your father.”
Prince Zagrues had the grace to look guilty. “I just need this one thing, Hypnos.”
Hypnos gave Zagreus an unimpressed look, a hand on his hip. “What? Do you need to know how many times you've been run over? Or stabbed? Or nibbled on? Or how many times you annoyed me?”
“Fish.” Zagreus admitted with a shrug. “I wanted to see my fishing records.”
You slapped a hand on your forehead, prompting both gods to look at you. You flushed when you realized how disrespectful it was and murmured an apology. You immediately went three spaces over and pulled the box labeled with Zagreus’ name and quickly found what he was looking for.
“Oh thank you, my good shade.” Zagreus said, reading the scroll. “Huh, I haven’t been fishing as much as I thought.”
“Are you done terrorizing everyone?” Hypnos’ question was honey-coated, his smile fake.
“Oh come on now, I am not that bad.” Zagreus replied then he looked at you, flashing you a gorgeous smile. One that told you that Zagreus knew he was a troublemaker. “Am I?”
Hypnos grabbed a random scroll and began smacking Zagreus with it. “Out. Out, you foul thing. Shoo!” 
“Ow! Stop it, Hypnos. You are going to give me a papercut.” Zagreus batted at the air as he left, Hypnos was still hitting him. 
Exhaustion hit you like a wall. Suddenly, you just wanted a bottle of wine to drink and maybe a small nap. However Prince Zagreus’ mess was calling to you. With a sigh, you kneeled and began gathering the scrolls. 
You were going to have to stay late. Again.
“Hey, I am sorry about him. You should see his room, I mean really.” Hypnos had returned like a ghost, hovering near you. You nearly dropped the scrolls when you heard his voice.
“No, thank you.” You muttered. You had no intention of ever seeing or stepping into Prince Zagreus’ chambers. 
“Wise decision.” Hypnos said with a nod, grabbing some of the scrolls himself only to immediately give it to some unfortunate shade. 
You dropped the scrolls on your desk, and turned to face Hypnos. You wanted to shoo him out much like he just did to Zagreus but you didn’t. You bit your tongue. 
The god gave you a grin but you saw the tension around the corner of his smile. He was nervous. 
Why would a god be uneasy around a nobody moral like you? There was that certain someone you and the god had in common however one look at you then at Hypnos would make it clear that you were outclassed in every sense of the word.
“Is there anything I can help you with, Lo- I mean Hypnos?” You asked when he still didn’t speak up. You could feel the weight of eyes on your back, no doubt you were going to the main conversation for post-work drinks. 
Lovely. Just lovely.
Hypnos bit on his bottom lip, his long fingers drumming on your desk. “Well, yes. I seem to be missing some forms. Like could you see if you have any for me? Um. Please?”
“Of course.” You murmured as you went to check for him. There was a nagging suspicion that Hypnos didn’t have any missing paperwork, one that was confirmed when Hypnos’ paper tray was empty. 
When you went back, the god was gone.
You glanced down the scrolls and frowned. On top of the pile was a brand new quill and a note.
‘A thank you gift! - Hypnos.’ There were little smiley faces and flowers surrounding the words. 
You took a sharp inhale. The quill was nice, far nicer than what a normal shade should have. But you weren’t glad for it. 
It felt like he was mocking you. There was no point in him giving you this. It felt like a slap, one more taunting gesture toward your worthless heart.
You didn’t hesitate to grab the quill along with the note and dump the stuff into the drawer, the one that was still filled with Hypnos’ forgotten paperwork. 
The loud slam of the drawer closing echoed out though the administrative chamber. With a huff, you returned to work, glaring at anyone brave enough to glance your way.
When everyone else left for the night, you pulled the quill out. You twirled it between your fingers, resting your chin on your hand as you studied it. 
The quill was high quality, the orange color shone like fire in the candlelight. If you remembered correctly, it was the same type that Hypnos used. 
Maybe Y/N use the same one as well.
With a sigh, you closed your eyes, the heartache settling in like an old friend. Perhaps taking this job was a mistake. Not that you had much choice. When one is summoned by Master Hades, it is usually in their best interest to obey.
Regardless, it would be best to thank the god of sleep. You highly doubt that Hypnos took time out of his day to mock you. Besides you saw how he bullied Zagreus. He wasn’t the type to hide his teasing. 
Nor will you be ruled by your own heartache. You had seen the ugly paths a soul could take doing so.
You closed your eyes against the memories. Maybe someday you won't be haunted by your own ghosts.
It shouldn’t have been surprising when you found Hypnos by your desk when you came in yet it still caught you off guard. 
The god flashed a toothy grin, waving with far too much enthusiasm for the start of a workday. His curls looked messier, his sleep mask loose around his neck and his right cheek were marked by lines. It looked like he just woke up from a pleasant nap.
Yet that only seems to add to his beauty and you tried not to think about how unfair that it was.
“There you are, my favorite administrative shade- worker-?” He paused, tapping his chin with a finger, then with a nod. “Shade.”
“Hypnos.” You greeted in a more relaxed manner, “I take it you need something from me?”
His smile turned sheepish. “Well. It seemed I messed up my papers once more. I am surprised the house is standing after all the Master's screaming.” 
“Oh that must be why the house was shaking earlier.” You teased him, surprising yourself and him. Mostly yourself.
Hypnos looked delighted, his hands fluttered in the air. “See, I knew you were my favorite for a reason. The others just roll their eyes at me.”
You cleared your throat, stuffling the papers on your desk. “So what forms do you need?”
Hypnos opened his mouth then closed it with a clink. “Um-well-”
Pity bloomed in your chest the longer Hypnos struggled. It must have been obvious on your face because Hypnos crossed his arms. He was actually scowling.  At you.
You blinked in surprise. Not even Master Hades could break Hypnos’ smiles, it was a fact everyone in the house knew.
“I don’t know how you- or anyone for that matter- can keep up with the forms! Everytime I think I know which ones, I turn around and there are a billion more.” Hypnos ran a hand through his curls, frustration clear in the furrow of his brow. 
“There are a lot of forms.” You agreed, your eyes darting over to the walls of scrolls. Only problem was, those forms were necessary. There was so much that needed to be documented for Master Hades to fully understand everything that happens in his domain. 
Or you hoped so. Otherwise you and everyone else are doing busy work for nothing.
Then an idea came to you. You immediately began to pull out your drawers, ignoring Hypnos’ curious glance as he floated closer. 
Where was it-
“Ah! Found it!” You grinned as you revealed the small notebook. It was a blank one that you haven’t gotten around to using yet. It wasn’t as nice as the ones you saw Master Hades used but it will suit.
Hypnos lifted an unimpressed eyebrow. “Yay?”
“Lists.” You told him with a smile. “Whenever I have a lot of work, or stuff I need to remember, I write down everything in a to-do list.” 
You offered the notebook to Hypnos. You held your breath, sure that the god was going to reject it.
Hypnos reached out, his slender fingers brushing against you. You resisted the urge to jerk, shocked at the sheer amount of warmth that came from the god of sleep.
The god flipped through the pages. He was obvious, thankfully. “Do you really think this will help me?”
“Yes.” You said, giving him a sure nod. “I still remember when Patroclus was first teaching me. There was always so much information I needed to know. Once I could write and read, those lists were a lifesaver.”
Hypnos nodded slowly. “Okay. Yeah, you know what? I’ll try it. I mean, there is a reason Y/N calls you a genius, right?”
Those unassuming words caused you to flinch like you were slapped. You didn’t realize that Y/N still called you by your old nickname especially to Hypnos. Or that he told Hypnos that much about you. 
The god caught on immediately. His heavy lidded eyes going wide, his golden irises gleamed with shame.
“I- I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hit a sore spot.” Hypnos grimaced. “I am quite talented at sticking my foot in my mouth.”
“It’s fine.” Your smile was brittle. 
Hypnos bit down on his full bottom lip, the silence filling the hollowed space. Then the door opened, then a flood of shades came. Some brightly chattering as others tried desperately to wake up. 
Some of the office busybodies caught sight of you and Hypnos with wide eyes. They stared shamelessly, even slowing down as they walked passed. You rolled your eyes. 
As the newcomer who hasn't had a breakdown yet, you were a novelty among the gossipy office workers. It didn’t help that you also had a certain god who wouldn’t leave you alone. Hypnos closed the notebook with a nod and offered up a smile. One that you returned.
“Find out what forms you need and I will make sure to have a fresh batch ready for you.” You told him.
It wasn’t until he left that you slumped into your not so comfortable chair. Immediately, it was Lydia who came up to you. Her blue eyes staring a hole into you.
“What was that about?” She asked, placing her hands on your desk and you thought she might be attempting a friendly smile.
“Our favorite type of paperwork. You know how crazy I go over forms for TA.” You replied blandly. It was petty but the look of pure indignation she shot at you was totally worth the uncomfortable moment with Hypnos.
Don’t leave me! Don’t- don’t! please!
You jerked awake, gasping for breath, limps tangled in your blanket. You stared up at the dark ceiling with wide eyes, the candle in your room was so dim it was almost nonexistent.
Hating yourself, you pressed your palms against your damp eyes, willing the tears to stop. Only more came, running down your cheeks. You let out a quiet sob. 
You hated that dream. 
It came over and over again. Never letting you get true rest.
Eventually, you curled under the blanket like you could hide from it, your hands clinging to it, all alone in the dark.
You weren’t embarrassed to admit that your knees still shook whenever you were called forward by Master Hades. It was the most perfectly respectable response a moral could have.
His size was impressive, beastly in comparison to a moral. He flipped through the report you gave him, his scowl deepened as the silence grew. You resisted the urge to shift on your feet. 
You felt like if you just twitched, it would attract the god’s attention, like a cat to a very dumb rat, and that was the last thing you wanted. 
“On form TA11 to TA13 regarding Tartarus’s last chamber, it looks like you corrected the previous shade’s work. Why was that necessary?” Master Hades said. His tone was polite - for him anyway.- but there was an undercurrent of danger. 
“Yes, Master Hades. If you please refer to the file on your desk, you will see what the contractor shades had noted down for repairs versus what was listed on the forms. The document will show with the corrected information along with the new knowledge that we can reuse the materials and save a decent amount.” 
The words came out quickly, your fingers shaky as the god did as you requested. Hades studied the forms and the documents, his red eyes darted between the paperwork.
“Very well.” Master Hades signed the paperwork and you felt your soul resume in a dizzying rush.
As you began your return to your overflowing desk, Hypnos waved at you. When he saw he had your attention, he gave you a double thumbs up with a wide grin. It made him look utterly ridiculous.
Not wanting to be rude, you gave the world’s most awkward thumbs up back. You didn’t know why he wanted to be friendly with you of all people. 
Pity, maybe.
You kept your head down as you hurried down the hallway, eyes skimming over Master Hades’ notes. It was better not to look, to not see him.
“Genius, slow down.”
You paused in mid step, your body going on autopilot at the mere sound of his deep voice. With a sharp inhale and a silent prayer for strength, you faced him.
It didn't stop the devastating knife from twisting in your heart. He was just as you remembered, his eyes intense as he studied your expression. You jutted your chin out, your nails digging into the paperwork.
Unlike you, he looked like he belonged here among the gods. His strength was undeniable even as a shade, his presence commanded respect. You hated that you still wanted to reach out, to wipe away that brooding expression to reveal his smile.
“That isn’t something you get to call me anymore, Sir Y/N.” Your tone came out abrupt, harsh among the gentle light of the hallway. 
His eyes flashed and it was obvious that he wanted to say something back. You straighten your back, ready to counter. It was comforting in a horrible sort of way since disagreements were normal for you and him even before the war. It would feel good to blow off some steam.
Then he only nodded. His voice low as he took a step back. “Of course, reader. Forgive me for overstepping.”  
And just like that the wind went out your sails. Were you really going to have a full on argument with Y/N in the middle of your workplace? You closed your eyes for a single moment then adjusted the papers in your hands.
“Was there a reason you wanted to speak with me?” You didn’t look at him again. You don’t think you could bear it.
“I heard that you and Hypnos had been...working together.” He said after a pause. His voice was a lower octave and you shivered at the sound of it. “That notebook you gave him, it is actually helping him. A lot.” 
“Good.” You said. You actually meant that. Even if you weren’t sure about Hypnos, you hated the idea of anyone struggling. Then you heard him repeat your name, his voice lower.
It took everything in you to not look up at him. To reach for him. “I’m glad to hear that. Was there anything else you wanted?”
“I wanted to say thank you.” He murmured. “So thank you. For helping Hypnos when I couldn’t.”
His quiet gratitude hit a new soreness in your heart - one that you didn't know even existed- but you forced yourself to take a breath. With strength you didn’t really feel, you made yourself look.
There was an unexpected softness in his expression, one that you recognized. You had seen it countless times, during long nights after battles, whenever he pulled you close or the quiet moments of just you and him with the sunshine warm on your skin.
Your breath hitched, and you wanted to tell him that you missed him, that you were sorry about how everything went down, that you just wanted to hold him one more time.
You wanted to ask if he missed you just as much.
Then you caught a glimpse of white curls, Hypnos’ curious expression shifted to one of guilt and he darted away as Y/N turned his head toward the noise. 
“I’m more than happy to help anytime. Tell him I said thanks for the writing quill.” You said, your cheeks flushed hot from pure shame. You were already hurrying away like the guilt was nipping at your heels.
His presence was the reminder you needed to snap you back to reality. 
You thought you heard Y/N began to call you back only for his voice to fade as you pushed past the doors.
(Hypnos’ pov)
“A writing quill?” His voice was low, only for Hypnos’ ears even though they were alone. With a quiet hum, Hypnos gave an indulgent stretch, too stated to actually get up. His arms flopped down around his head and grinned when he caught the flash of hunger in Y/N’s expression.
He met Y/N’s cool stare with an innocent blink.The shade had somehow still had energy, sitting up in the bed. Blankets were pooled around them, with countless soft as cloud pillows spilling onto the floor. The firelight was golden and peaceful. 
His mortal looked gorgeous, the light casting shadows over his muscular form, tempting Hypnos to move closer and use his tongue to trace the lines of his powerful body.
For some reason, his mind flashed back to Reader, or Genius as Y/N called him. The guilt in the Reader’s face was a mirror to Hypnos’ own. Hypnos didn't mean to eavesdrop on a private moment, really. 
He just wanted... he didn’t know, not yet.
Hypnos gave a dismissive wave of his hand. “He needed a new one. The one the house gave him was falling apart.” 
Y/n said nothing. He didn't need to, his silence was enough.
Hypnos sighed, closing his eyes. “You will have to accept his presence here eventually.”
“I have.” Y/N said, his calloused fingers caressing Hypnos’ bare hip. Hypnos let out a  soft gasp, goosebumps forming on his skin but he didn't move. 
Y/N moved downward, pressing open mouth kisses against Hypnos' neck. “What I don't understand is why you are so determined to befriend him.”
Hypnos gripped Y/N's broad shoulders, torn between wanting more or making him stop so they could talk. His eyes traced the stars that gleamed above them. If he was completely honest, Hypnos still didn’t completely know why he cared.
But he did. 
There was something about Reader...
“I like him. Hades still hasn't found anything wrong with their work. And I know he tried. Many times.” Hypnos said, not even attempting to hide his jealousy. He never knew someone who could stand toe to toe with Master Hades with paperwork.
not even his Mother could say such things. Certainly not Hypnos nor the Queen herself.
Hypnos huffed. “ And he actually wants to help people, do you know how rare that is? I think anyone else would have refused to help me, considering the situation.”
Y/N pressed a lingering kiss against Hypnos' collarbone before rolling off on him. His voice was quiet. “I do.”
Hypnos bit his lip, his thoughts whirling. Maybe he should confess to maybe taking quite a few peaks of Y/N’s nightmares and of his gentle dreams. That Hypnos had seen moments shared between lovers. Ones that weren't him and Y/N.
That Hypnos knew Reader still dreamt of y/n. 
Jealousy had definitely been there but not as much as Hypnos thought there would be. If anything, he wanted to keep watching. He didn’t but now, he was curious about this other person. 
This other person that his dearest had loved once. Maybe he still did.
Hypnos wasn’t sure what to expect when he finally met Reader. There was nothing unique about him. He could have easily been lost among the crowd, even if he was pretty for a moral.
Then Hypnos saw it. The spark in those eyes that spoke of an unnatural intellect. Then Reader kept helping Hypnos, again and again.
Reader had been someone Y/N had loved. Surely that meant something. Especially if Hypnos was right, that he saw the same longing in Reader's eyes. 
Hypnos stared up at the canopy, turning the moments over and over in his mind like a puzzle to be solved. Then you reached for him and Hypnos went obediently, sighing when he found a comfortable position, his leg over y/n’s thick quads, his hand on Hypnos’ hip.
”Love you.” He murmured, kissing Hypnos’ forehead gently. Hypnos returned a kiss against Y/n’s bare skin. 
“Love you too.” Hypnos murmured, his fingers trailing over familiar scars.
It felt odd, like something was shifting into a new shape but it wasn’t quite sure what shape it wanted to be yet. Hypnos knew all he could do was wait and see.
(Reader’s Pov)
Shades were rushing past your desk, their arms overflowing with scrolls, orders yelled overhead as the chaos grew. One of the more experienced shade were already passing around a flask, muttering about how it was going to be a long night.
You skimmed over the scroll once more. You were obvious to the chaos around you. It was almost like being back in the war, only this time you didn’t have your hands inside a pulsing body, rushing against time and the fates themselves to save lives. 
This time, it was just your -and everyone else’s- livelihood.
Queen Persephone was due back any day now and Master Hades’ list of demands had only grown.
New flowers needed to be ordered, fresh wood for the hearth, there was a rare type of soil mix from Olympus that Queen Persephone had requested months ago and it still hasn't arrived. Fancy food and types of wines that you have never heard of, fine fabric and so on and so on.
Your fingers danced along the abacus as you went over the numbers of Hades' orders and the cost of everything. It was already more money then you would have earned in a thousand lifetimes but the numbers were easy and mind numbing. 
Which may be why you didn't notice him at first.
“Reader.” His low voice was enough to jolt you out the trance you were in, your fingers lingering on the wooden beads.
Y/n stared down at you, his arms gripping a huge stack of scrolls. You blinked once then once more as you registered just how many he was holding. His strong jaw clenched, the glint in his eyes hard as stone. 
It was a familiar expression, one that told you just how close he was to losing it. Once you had been the one to reach over and smooth away the anger. But that wasn’t your place anymore.
Not that your body didn’t seem to get the memo. Your fingers twitched.
“What is this?” You gestured toward the pile of work, trying to keep your voice cool. 
He exhaled, “Master Hades had decided in his infinite wisdom to increase security for the house. Again. I have the paperwork for the new routines for myself to be filed, along with new procedures for the administration staff.”
With that, he dumped the scrolls in the ‘IN’ box. 
“You’re kidding me.” You breathed, plucking the top scroll and unfurling it. You skimmed over the words, a pounding headache forming behind your eyes. 
This was just more work, not even necessary with all the last minute preparations for the Queen. No one was going home until the Queen arrived, that was for sure. Maybe you should have taken that offer for a drink after all.
He placed a wrapped parcel on your desk, the rich scent of spiced meat and herbs hitting your nose immediately. Your mouth watered. 
With a head shake, you pushed it back to him. “I don’t-“
But he was already walking away, “You need something, gen- Reader.” He scoffed. “You get cranky without food.”
That made your mouth snap close and you let him go without another word. The parcel was still warm when you picked it up. As a shade, food wasn’t a need. But it was a gift from Y/N. 
And he wasn’t wrong to be honest.
You unwrapped the parcel, inhaling the scent of the gemista. A simple food, a large tomato stuffed with herbs, meat and vegetables. It took you back to long nights over bonfires, of your thigh pressed against Y/N’s, of Achilles’ lyra playing sweet melodies, Patroclus’ dark eyes watching over with pride. 
When you took the first bite, you let yourself savor the meal like chaos wasn’t surrounding you. Then you devoured the rest in a single bite and got back to work. The gods wait for no one.
The fates must still keep an eye out for the shades because Queen Persephone’s reunification with the house went off without a hitch. Laughter from the celebrations reached even as far as the administration chamber.
No doubt that wine was free flowing and the tables were stuffed with delicious food. Your stomach growled even if you didn’t actually feel hungry. The thought over an overfilled cup of wine sounded heavenly.
But the thought of possibly running into a certain couple made your gut turn sour. So you looked down at your desk, biting down on your lip.
Numbers were nothing but blurry ink to you now and the lights felt like a thousand sun. You forced yourself to blink your painfully dry eyes. Others were celebrating, some already packing up to return home. It must have been many days since the start of this whole madness.
As you listened in, you wished that you could have done something. But you were dead and so was the child. At least, their many grandparents were more than happy to fuss and spoil the little one.
One of the older men was telling the others about the young grandchild that had recently made their journey to the underworld.
An short and brutal illness was the cause.
You began to clean up your desk, sighing at the chaos. Ink bottles and papers were scattered everywhere and you cursed yourself for getting so messy. 
“Hey, you should come join us.” One of your coworkers, you had forgotten his name, said quietly. He nodded toward the mess on your desk. “I promise it will be more fun than cleaning up.”
The shade was good-looking, his eyes were a charming, gentle brown and his smile was perfect. It made you smile in return but nothing stirred, no breathless sparks in you.
”No. I can't come along but thank you for the invite.” You told him. 
“I insist, let me buy you a drink. Gods knows, you were the only reason none of us lost our jobs today.” He pushed a little more, his smile was still there but it looked a little more colder.
You parted your lips but before you could say anything else, a voice piped up.
”He can’t, because he already promised to join me.” Hypnos beamed at your coworker, blatantly lying. “Early birdie get the worm as they say.” 
The shade narrowed his eyes at Hypnos as if doubtful of Hypnos’ words.
”Soooo.” Hypnos waved him off, like he was a bothersome and pushy merchant. A beat and the shade ducked his head, “Of course, Lord Hypnos. See you around, Reader.”
“Yeah.” You murmured, noting that Hypnos didn’t bother to correct the shade on the title. Far as you knew from rumors and your own handful of interactions, Hypnos didn’t let coworkers call him by any titles, or even strangers if Hypnos liked them on sight.
Once the group left, it was like the air in the room went with them. 
Suddenly, you were aware that you were alone with Hypnos. You have been before but it was different this time. One that you couldn’t put your finger on.
“Thanks but I had it under control.” You told him, stacking the last bits of paper and sitting it aside.
”I don’t doubt that for a moment but I never get to play the hero.” Hypnos grinned at you. It was so boyishly sweet that you actually were a little charmed by it. “Beside, you and I are going to go get a drink, I need to thank you for saving my behind from Master Hades.”
You shook your head but Hypnos held up his hands. His fingers were spread out a little, each one was slender and long. Hands that artists would craft into marble. Unlike your rough hands, ruined by years of creating herbal medicine and cleaning them with harsh soaps.
”I won’t push.” Hypnos said quietly. “I would like to thank you. I usually get yelled so much, my ears would ring for hours but the making a list thing, it really did help. But I understand if you don’t want to.”
His words struck you as sincere. You bit down on your lip, torn. Did you really want to share a drink with Y/n’s lover, to act like you and him were friends? It would be the adult thing to do, but you might only be sitting youself up for a world of hurt.
“Why are you trying to be so nice to me?” The words spilled out before you could stop them. You slapped a hand over your mouth as if that would help take them back.
Hypnos cocked his head. “I’m curious about you.”
You blinked, surprised at his honesty. “You are?”
”Aren’t you curious about me?” Hypnos asked, his golden eyes watchful.
You considered his words then slowly nodded. “I am actually.”
At those words, Hypnos reached into his cloak and pulled out two bottles of nectar.  He wiggled one of the round bottles at you, the liquid appeared like melted gold in the lighting. “So how about those drinks?”
(Y/N’s Pov)
Hypnos had vanished. 
Among the partygoers, he saw Zagreus along with Thanatos and Megarea, sitting on one of the temporary chaise, set out just for the parties. They looked cozy, with their heads close together as they talked in low voices. One of Zagreus’ hands was in Thanatos’, and his thigh pressed against Megarea’s
Y/N didn’t want to interrupt, besides they probably didn’t know where Hypnos disappeared off too. 
After making a quick loop, he still didn’t find Hypnos. Unfortunately, he had to work during the celebration, leaving Hypnos by himself. If Hypnos decided to call it an early night, he would usually let Y/N know. 
With a frown, he scanned the great hall one last time. He pretended that he also wasn’t looking for another face among the crowd.
Guilt settled deep in his chest. He didn't like this side of himself. He always thought of himself loyal, he didn’t have a problem keeping his dick to himself unlike many others he knew. 
Yet, he found himself wanting to talk, to make sure that Genuis- no- No. Reader. He had lost the right to call Reader by the little pet name Y/N gave him so long ago. That had hurt like a knife to the guts. It hurt far more than it should have considering everything.
Sighing in annoyance at himself, he turned to go to Hypnos' chambers when he caught the cast of lights coming from the administration chamber. 
No one was supposed to be there right now. 
He began walking toward the doors, just one more thing to deal with before getting to see Hypnos. He didn’t know what he would say if he saw it was just you.
It was until he was a few steps away that the sound of laughter reached his ears. Two distinct ones, both of them were so different but wonderful to hear together. He froze in place. 
For a moment, he considered being a coward and turning around. He didn’t, his own need to know was far more powerful. He needed to be sure.
Quietly, he pushed the door open just a crack. 
Hypnos sitting on your desk, you in your chair, giggling like children. Hypnos’ sleepmask resting on your head, your fingers brushing on the cloth. 
“I don’t think I can pull this look off.” You told Hypnos as you returned it. Hypnos placed it back on, resting his cheek on his palm as he leaned closer to you. You began telling Hypnos something but your voice was too low.
The sight of Hypnos and you sitting together, smiling and laughing warmly, was like lightning bolts shooting down his back. The contrast between you and the god was beautiful, the dimness in the room softening the difference, bringing two separate pieces together.
He swallowed. 
Hypnos saw him first. His smile grew, bright and cheerful. He also looked quite tipsy. “There you are! All done with work for tonight?” 
Reader jolted upward, blinking at him in surprise. You swayed a bit, cheeks flushed red. It was then he saw the four bottles of nectar sitting on the desk. That would explain a lot then.
“I thought I was but then I found two troublemakers.” He teased, trying to hide the shock to his system. 
That caused you to scoff and you pointed at him. “Hypnos, did he tell you about the time he nearly got killed by a bull because he kept sneaking out at night?”
Hypnos whipped back to you with a dramatic gasp. “Are you serious right now?”
”Wait- don’t tell him-“ he tried to speak over but you went off, telling Hypnos all the sordid details.
“So after killing the bull, they had to pay the owner for lost income and Y/N had to stay in his parents’ tent for three weeks.” You finished the tale. Both pairs of eyes rested on him. 
It caused his guts to twist, a heat clawing up the back of his neck and he scowled at them.
Hypnos shared a pointed glance with Reader, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “So him being bull headed isn’t a new thing, then?”  
That got a genuine laugh from you. Gods, he had missed it. He shifted, trying to shove the unwelcome thoughts away.  He was a grown man, he wasn’t going to play these games.
“Nope.” You replied, giving the ‘p’ a loud pop. 
”I don’t like this.” He grumbled, crossing his arms. “Why are you ganging up on me?”
Another shared glance between you and Hypnos and the pair broke down in loud, drunken laughter.
Despite him being the butt of their jokes right now, it warmed something in his stomach to see them getting along. Even if it did take alcohol to help smooth the process. 
It didn’t take much coaxing to get Hypnos and You to call it a night. He walked behind them, readying to grab one or both everytime they swayed a little too far. Both of them were chatting over office gossip - One of the shade was leaving to work as a blacksmith, there was a rumor of an affair between two of the HR workers and so on.
It wasn’t until they stopped in front of the Reader’s dorms that they went quiet. 
Hypnos shamelessly pulled you into a tight embrace, his cloak enveloped you and him in soft red. You gave Y/N a surprise glance, silently asking and he nodded. If anyone understood the unusual process of becoming friends with Hypnos, it was him.
After a beat of hesitation, you returned it. 
A knot formed in his throat. He should have looked away but he couldn’t. He didn’t want to. There was something beautiful in this moment, two halves of his soul embracing under the warm candlelights.  
He knew that he would be returning to this memory again and again, saved between quiet heartbeats, admiring a sight that only he got to see. 
Hypnos broke the hug, his hands on your shoulders and beamed at you. “Friends?” 
Returning Hypnos’ smile, you nodded, carefully not looking at Y/N. 
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