#I put the scar on the wrong side of her face but you didnt notice that okay?
Moss seaweed apple!
Moss! Would i kiss them.
Perpep Pepnep - maybe "Oftcas" Niptur - maybe
Detheo Ordeor - maybe Detheo Niptur - maybe
Somati Visoma - probably not The Sanguine, Ur-Clown, Ur-Crane - probably not
Declan "Bluebell" Ferics - probably not The Halfiron - probably not
The SetMedic "Azokie" Axilla - probably not Plexus Axilla - maybe
The Hungjury - most likely not Dlicti Secutu - maybe
Calixtus - yes
The Critical - most likely not Tirent Bawurz - probably not
Bucket Gemnat - yes The Pailborn - yes
Feralone- yes Banyet Cleeaw - yes
Oomani Cartor - probably yes The ShortOut - yes
The Unstrung - yes Qadrum Tunead - yeag
Borrel Brunze - probably The Bullkill - maybe
The Dittched - yes ###### - also yes
Seaweed! What are they most self concious about?
Perpep Pepnep - The stunting. She hates it a lot, that she's always going to be just "worse" than other people, the way she sees it right now. She hates that she cant form the only kind of relationship shes ever had, i.e. the fucked up quad thing she has with her culler, with anyone she knows for reasons that she didnt know she was unnacceptable in, i.e. age, that the whole world works on a ruleset that she was never told about. Why does age matter now when it didnt then type beat, he's twice her age. People say that older people are more mature so it would be a power imbalance but she feels uniquely less grown up than literally anyone she knows. it makes her want to just go back, since it would be easier and safer and she would maybe be happier, at least she thinks so, if she could go back to the life she had before people wouldnt be telling her the only person shes ever knwn and her closest friend and lover is a monster. She had the bandage ripped off and it took the skin with it, but the skins necrotic, just putting the bandage back on would be worse, and you couldn't've worn it forever "Oftcas" Niptur - Ironically, also kind of similar. Not stunting though, that she never had the chance to be a kid, and that she's now the oldest person in any given room. Tv always shows teens having like romances dates and coming come to their lusus or having grill outs or whatever, she never got that. She only really even talks to a peer ever though i guess talk is the wrong word because the halfiron is almost fully nonverbal. Her psionics are tuned towards social environments, she gets *lonely*. Its why she hangs out at the hospital so much, its a huge group of people she can be around. but even when she was able to go out in public without wearing a ghillie suit or a lusus fur cloak she couldnt get close to people, not intimately. if anyone saw her gills- the ones she didnt burn fused- the ones on her ribs, dead. and forget pailing. Someone would have to really not know what olive is supposed to look like to not notice... maybe she tried tattooing her bits olive like she did with her scars... hm. She's an intersex analogue and a trans analogue. She does what she has to to survive. On Continua, Detheo B is gonna have a lot of work once he's in a state to start holding up the pale side of the whatever they have. Sixty years of unpacking once she can finally let out that held breath. Twenty eight sweeps of sawing parts of herself off so her hexagon can fit the square hole.
Detheo Ordeor - His facade. He considers the ... pet regressed? version of himself he indulges in in the garden to be the real him. He hates talking, he hates people. Detheo Ordeor is a character he plays. And he fucking hates that guy. Detheo Niptur - His baby face. Not lacking facial hair-- i mean not Not lacking facial hair, but its not weird for his age for that-- He's small, both naturally and due to the stress he went through when he was hiveless he's just gonna be small. like forevver, it knocked a few inches off his already short stature. Hell on Beforus where he had really soft life when it comes to basic needs like that Perpeps half his age and still taller than him. He. Hates. being underestimated. He's not that scared prawn anymore- he spars with an adult troll and he wins more often than any other she spars with. The fastest way to die around him is to act like he isnt a threat. It frenzies him. It. Pisses. Him. Off.
Somati Visoma - the way his mutations made his proportions wrong. he's the height of an adult purple at nine sweeps, but he didnt grow normally, his skull is taller for one, hands and feet are bigger, the gigantism is most obvious in places with many small bones, because they all keep growing. Its why he wears baggy clothes. He also feels useless. His culler puts a lot of work into being sunny around him but it just feels fake to him, makes him feel like more of a dead end, like he should do more in return, or hurry up and die so she can get on with her life. The Sanguine, Ur-Clown, Ur-Crane - The same dysmorphia. Probably a bit more acutely, especially as he ages, especially as the ur-clown. it was part of his act when he was in the carnival. When they stopped calling him serial culler and started calling him a cryptid,,, well.
Declan "Bluebell" Ferics - To be honest, probably just their disabilities. Mental ones more than physical but all of it. They're stubborn, they're spiteful, its a cover for how sensitive they are about it. They've been made to feel like shit for needing accommodations, and their hive is a legal trial of overthinking pseudo laws. They have to justify anything they want with legal precedent. The Halfiron - Atrocious bedside manner. Thats whats plexus is for.
The SetMedic "Azokie" Axilla - She transitioned late. She's butch but shes not very confident in her femininity yet. Most self conscious about her boobs i think Plexus Axilla - Her blood. Her appearance. Her blood. She hates it. So much. It and everything it represents, every obvious fuckup she did that would have gotten a burgundy killed, every lowblood patient who died for no fucking reason, its the part of her she hates most.
The Hungjury - God... I have no idea. Dlicti Secutu - The scars. Specifically the mouth scar and her manacle and collar scars... and that little :c) scar on her right bicep. And a few others under her clothes. She doesn't fault herself for them and her rational brain doesn't hold them against her and knows on principle that she shouldnt let herself feel ashamed of them, but. she doesn't like looking at them. She has to trust you a lot to feel comfortable with someone looking at them too closely.
Calixtus - Lack of identity. Cali doesn't feel like they have an internal life. They've debated the idea that maybe they're a philosophical zombie, nothing behind the eyes. They don't know if its a mediator cherub thing or just something 'broken' with them, but they. hate talking about themself. a lot.
The Critical - Lack of friends, lack of quadmates. Tirent Bawurz - ...Also that. In the dream bubbles he feels violated, knowing his murderer and his first ghost companion saw his face unpainted. not the same as self conciousness but. yeah. He's very self concious. just in general.
Bucket Gemnat - Yes. Everything. All the time. She's self concious about her horn shape, her name, her transness, her caste, her 'failing to pass,' her 'horrible personality,' her lack of energy, her cruel friends. Her intrusive thoughts. The Pailborn - Everything the same as on Beforus.
Feralone - Her kind of inability to exist in society. Banyet Cleeaw - Gender dysphoria. She's cis, but she never thought she looked enough like a girl, being hairy, flat, and stocky. She channels this into her music.
Oomani Cartor - Oomani struggles with. everything after her violent burnout, but he just doesn't take care of herself. She's sensitive about "how far hes fallen" going from a psion prodigy to legally incompetent. Even without the dissorder she would be depressed right now. No wonder his culler needs to use jedi mind tricks to get her to shower. The ShortOut - The Short Out is dead... if ghosts keep their mental dissabilities then she'd also be. uh. kind of. braindead as a ghost. The same thing that happened to Oomani happened to the ShortOut, but alternian implants are more invasive, not intended to let you be a person who can leave at will, so she got off a lot worse. he got off a lot worse...
The Unstrung - He's self concious about being a stoner hippie. A failure by traditional values. He always kind of feels like he failed his lusus. Qadrum Tunead - Ditto. Universal constant.
Borrel Brunze - She's hard of hearing due to a tbi and cant volume control, shes. sensitive about that. The Bullkill - Having to kill lusii. Its literally her job, she hates it like a lot. She wishes she could use anything other than a bolt gun.
The Dittched - Ditto as their Alt self, but with extra cullee trauma. ###### - Their 'broken brain.' Their lusus abandoned them and they starved as a wriggler too young to hunt, they ate sopor to fill their stomach and it rotted their brain and rotted their stomach. They aren't doing well, even now that they can lay traps. Some days its hard to resist getting back on sopor just cause at least then they'd feel less, even as it destroys them.
Seaweed ! Favorite lie.
Perpep Pepnep - That she was never abused. "Oftcas" Niptur - The plausible deniability that her policy of cutting ties with proteges once they're self sufficient gives her, so she doesn't have to know if they die.
Detheo Ordeor - That he has never abused her. Detheo Niptur - "Short people are more dangerous cause we're closer to hell" or maybe "you know seadwellers are poisonous?" theyre more of jokes but he finds them so funny that he wrote them on some of his communication cards
Somati Visoma - That if he doesn't think about it it will be easier. That he can forget he's dying. The Sanguine, Ur-Clown, Ur-Crane - I don't know if he has one. Seer of Doom means he's not often wrong about things... He has a comfortable delusion he indulges in, sleep, omori style, but its not a lie, really.
Declan "Bluebell" Ferics - Ferics hates lies as nearly much as Perpep. The Halfiron - all of the lies that hide the hospital from prying eyes.
The SetMedic "Azokie" Axilla - The dark carnival, the afterlife. It comforts her even distanced from her faith as she is to think her cullee could exist happily after death. Plexus Axilla - Her identity as One One One, or Onthri her work persona.
The Hungjury - "Justice is blind" Dlicti Secutu - That eating watermelon seeds makes them grow in your stomach.
Calixtus - Everything will be okay.
The Critical - Purple Supremacy Tirent Bawurz - probably also that.
Bucket Gemnat - Escapism, she indulges it a lot. The Pailborn - Also that. Bucket doesn't change much across dimensions.
Feralone - I have no idea Banyet Cleeaw - I have literally no idea
Oomani Cartor - Miketrap. the fnaf theory. its funny to him. The ShortOut - uh...
The Unstrung - ancient aliens Qadrum Tunead - conspiracy theories
Borrel Brunze - ??? The Bullkill - That its more peaceful to use a bolt-gun.
The Dittched - That their lusus was killed, that they didnt leave on purpose. ###### - ditto.
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snipper-snap · 2 years
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POV you invited Spike for drinks at the bar but now she’s giving you a step by step guide on how to commit identity theft
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fukurodianthus · 3 years
Its just skin
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Synopsis: Self-love is not something that comes to you naturally. Years of self-depreciation makes it difficult to grow into the habit of loving yourself despite of the scars peppered across your skin.
But with your fiancé, Tooru Oikawa, you find yourself stealing glances into mirrors quite often. It catches you by surprise when you find yourself...beautiful?
Pairing: Tooru Oikawa X fem!reader
Genres: tooth-rotting fluff , a lil bit of angst thrown in
Word count: 2.2k
Warnings: The reader suffers from body positivity issues and insecurities regarding her appearance.
Author’s note at the end!
(p.s. didnt proof read because im ✨lazy✨ might do it later when im feeling cute idk)
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“Y/N-chan, can we leave already? We’re getting late for the party” Oikawa whined, tugging the sleeve of your shirt lightly.
“Tooru, stop being so impatient!” You pushed your whiny fiancé away and concentrated on covering up the acne scars and freckles peppered across your face with layers of concealer. No matter how much you tried, you could never make your skin look half as perfect as that of the girls who dominated your Instagram and YouTube feed. Every time you looked in the mirror, the taunting voices of your family members and friends would creep into your mind.
Oh my god! Whats wrong with your face?
Don’t you wash your face properly?
You’re never going to get married if you look like that Y/N! Do something about that face of yours!
Do you want me to recommend a good dermatologist to you?
No matter what the topic of the conversation was, people always found a way to bring up the topic of your skin condition in it. You could be talking about quantum physics for all they cared, they would somehow find a way to bring up the topic of your skin.
But they didn’t know all those sleepless nights you had spent on the internet looking for remedies, they didn’t know how you cried yourself to sleep every night, praying that you’ll somehow find that your skin had magically healed up when you woke up. But miracles didn’t happen in this world. At least for you, they didn’t.
You spent a humongous chunk of your salary buying medicines, serums, anything skincare specialists would recommend to you. But none of it could you fix you. Ultimately it all ended up in the trash and you ended up on the bathroom floor, sobbing as you looked into the mirror, face contorted with disgust and self-loathing.
But then, Oikawa Tooru stepped into your life. The first person who didn’t grimace as he looked at your face. He looked at it with childish wonder in his eyes, as if he was looking at something…beautiful?  Every night, when you fell asleep in his arms, his fingers softly grazing your cheeks, you felt an unfamiliar warmth blossom inside your heart. If he could love you despite your flaws, what was stopping you from doing it?
But years of self-depreciation made it difficult to develop the habit of loving yourself. There are still moments when you found you yourself drowning in self-hatred.
Take the present moment, for instance.
No matter how much concealer you caked on your face, it didn’t look half as good as you wanted it to. You let out a frustrated groan as you plopped down on the bed. How could you go to the party looking like this, especially when Oikawa would be by your side? Everyone’s appearance paled in comparison to his flawless beauty. Then how could you, of all people, ever stand beside him as an equal? You knew everyone would be comparing you with him behind your back, their jealousy-tinged voices emphasizing on how someone like you didn’t deserve to be with him. You’d always be an undeserving lover for him in their eyes.
“What’s wrong, Y/N?” Oikawa’s voice was laced with heavy concern. “Do you feel sick? I told you to not eat that expired candy bar last night, but you didn’t listen-”
“Tooru, its not that. I think I look very fucking ugly right now and I can’t bear to look at myself in the mirror. I can’t go to the party right now, not when I’m feeling like this.” You buried your face in a soft cushion and let out a frustrated groan as you turned over on the bed.
“Y/N, did you start putting yourself down again?” You felt him plopping down beside you on the bed, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“Tooru, don’t lie to me, my skin still looks just as bad as ever.”
“You know, sometimes I wonder if astral projections are real.”
“What? Have you finally lost it?” Your widened eyes searched his face, trying to make sense of his words.
“If it was real, then I’d pull your soul out of your body make you look at your face through my eyes. Because there’s clearly something very fucking wrong with your eyes if you cannot see how damn pretty you are.” Tooru huffed, looking at you nonchalantly as if he was stating the obvious.
“Tooru-” you whimpered, turning on your side to face him.
Tooru and his horrible pickup lines.
Gosh, how can I not love him?
His chocolate-brown eyes softened as he pulled you into his chest. The sound of his heartbeat drowned all the cacophony of all the negative thoughts cluttering your mind.
“Y/N, I thought love at first sight was way too cheesy and corny to be real. But then, one day, back in high school, I saw Iwa-chan talking to you. You looked so fucking pretty, you know? The way you’d bite your lips when you were confused, the way you’d look down and let your hair cover your face whenever you were flustered, it was so damn adorable. I might have gone down on my knees right then, if Iwa-chan hadn’t been there. He’d beat the living crap out of me for playing my ‘disgusting tricks’ on his friend.” Oikawa took your hands in his and slowly drew circles on your palm with his thumb.
“Iwa wouldn’t have to beat you up, I’d do it without a second thought if you pulled any of that shit on me. I always found you very bratty, clinging to Iwa with that radioactive sweet smile of yours.”
“Wow, I was head over heels in love with you on first sight, while your first impression of me was that I’m a brat? No wonder you were Iwa-chan’s friend, you both are so mean.” He pouted, looking at you with playful annoyance.
“That was before I got to know you. Your brattiness started growing on me, gradually. Now I’m so used to it, I think I’d forget how to breathe if I didn’t hear your annoying voice every morning.” You chuckled at how his face kept getting redder with every insult that you threw at him.
“You’re used to my brattiness? Are you implying I’m still a brat?”
“Exactly. Looks like you do have a brain.”
“The most amazing setter on this planet doesn’t have a brain, is that what you’re trying to say?”
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but instead of asking me out on a date directly, you bugged Iwa to set us up on a date until he finally shouted at you in the middle of an English class, saying ‘Alright, Shittykawa, I’ll set you up on a date with Y/N, now stop running that fucking stupid mouth of yours.’ " You stole a glance at his face, savoring his flustered expression. "I’m right, am I not?”
Oikawa’s face reddened to the extent where it seemed that he would spontaneously combust at any moment.
"Tooru, c'mon, we both were emotionally constipated fools who could never ask each other out if Iwa hadn't stepped in." You softly ran your hands over his chest, savoring the warmth radiating from him. "Now stop pouting Brattykawa."
"You and Iwa-cha, both of you can never appreciate me before backtracking, huh?" He ran his fingers through your tangled hair, slowly massaging your scalp.
He knew it always calmed you down.
"Hey, did you really find me pretty that day?" You mind went back to how you looked the day when Oikawa first saw you. Greasy hair stuck to your face, cavernous dark circles covering your under eyes, face swollen as a result of pulling all nighters for a whole week. How could anyone, let alone Oikawa find you pretty when you looked like that?
"Can you not hold a conversation for 5 seconds without putting yourself down, huh?"
" I dont think I can Tooru. It still weirds me out that you, of all people found me beautiful when I looked like such a mess."
"Y/N I think we really need to try astral projections now-"
"Tooru, I'm serious-" You whined.
He chuckled, twilring your hair in his fingertips. "Y/N, after being with you for so long, I've realized something. You look for validation in the eyes of people who couldn’t care less about you. But when finally, someone who really cares for you and sees you as who you are tells you that they are truly beautiful, you brush it off. Why do you pretend that our compliments aren't heartfelt? Why are you so scared of being appreciated?"
Every day, when he saw you stealing glances into the mirror, he noticed how disappointment flashed across your face. He knew how you beat yourself up for not being pretty enough. You were never enough for yourself.
If your mind was a place, he’d waltz into it, shredding the self-destructive thoughts gnawing at you sanity into pieces. He’d untangle the mess inside your head, shattering the walls that bars genuine compliments reach your heart.
Oikawa wasn’t the best with words, not at times like this. But he’d give it his best.
He could feel the wet spots blossoming on his shirt, as you buried your face deeper into his chest.
"Oi!  You dummy! Are you crying?"
"To-Tooru I just think th-that I d-don’t deserve your love because I'm not as good looking as-" You choked out in between an onslaught of sobs.
“Hey. Hey, look at me.” He cupped your flushed cheeks and lifted your chin up, his eyes scanning your face in concern.
“Those fucking stupid scars on your face don’t define who you are, okay? Its just skin, Y/N, you are so much more than just…a piece of skin, you know? Honestly, we’re all just bags of flesh and bones if you look at it that way. Do you think I loved you because you were a particularly pretty bag of flesh and bones?” Even though you found his analogy slightly funny, you noticed how his face lit up with passion so you refrained from making any sarcastic comments. He was trying his best.
“Continue, Tooru. I’m listening.”
“I love you because of who you are. I love the way your lashes flutter when we stargaze on the roof every night, I love you how your hair is a tangled mess when you wake up, I love how your puff your cheeks in annoyance when I stop you from over-drinking coffee every night, I love how you whine when you spend hours trying to get your eyeliner right, only to end up smudging it when you rub your eyes absent-mindedly, I love how your eyes light up when I put an extra spoonful of Nutella in your sandwich…gosh, I’m rambling, aren’t I?”
Your grip on his hoodie tightened. He looked at you, breathlessly, scanning your face for a reaction.
Your stared at your reflection in his chocolate-brown eyes, struggling to find the right phrases to express the way his words made you feel. You felt your heart race as if it was beating in pace with a rhythm set in by a drug-induced ecstasy.
What would you call this feeling of warmth that washed over you with every syllable he uttered?
“Thank you.” You wondered if you could’ve said anything better to express how much his words meant to you. God, where were a the fancy words you had learnt from corny YA romance books when you needed them?
But he didn’t need to hear your words to know that you’d been moved by his words. Fancy phrases could never tell him what the faint rosy glow of your cheeks could.
“Stop thanking me for stuff like this. It’s my duty, Y/N. I’m your fiancé for fuck’s sake.”
“You’re such a sap Tooru.” You giggled, squishing his cheeks softly.
“Yeah but you’re hopelessly in love with this sap, so deal with it.” His grip around your waist tightened as he nuzzled his face on your neck, his hot breath fanning across your collarbones.
“Now let me go Shittykawa, we have a party to attend.” You pried his arms off your waist and sat up.
“Babe, we’re about to get married in a few months, you really need to drop that stupid nickname.”
“Hmm, let me think.” Cocking your head to your side, you pretended to be immersed in deep thought. “Nope, not happening.”
“Don’t blame me for what happens next.” Oikawa sat up and tackled you to the bed, pinning your wrists by your side.
“Ooh, now that’s hot, Tooru”
“You know whats hotter Y/N?”
“This.” He didn’t give you a chance to respond as his hands slid down to your waist. Your breath hitched in anticipation.
And then he started tickling you.
You broke out in an uncontrollable fit of laughter, kicking him, trying to get him to stop.
Two minutes later, you both lay side by side, panting, faces flushed with breathless fits of laughter.
You caught a glance of your face in the bedside mirror.
Even with your reddened face, tangled hair and smudged mascara, you looked…beautiful.
You felt beautiful.
As you nuzzled your face on his chest, the sound of his heartbeat rumbling in your ears, his words kept replaying in your mind.
“Its just skin, Y/N.”
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Author’s note: ahhhhh I kinda wrote this in a flow?? Its a comfort fic/drabble???Idk what this is tbh. This is very self indulgent because I’ve suffered from skin problems(cystic acne ugh🤢) all my life, so I decided to comfort myself through this fic 🥺👉👈 . If only I had an Oikawa in my life 😩✋
N E ways, drink water, get enough sleep(lmao the irony that I’m saying this-) and remember to love yourself because you are beautiful!😤❤️I’ll come for your kneecaps if you put yourself down🤩🔪.
Reblogs would be highly appreciated!
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honeypirate · 3 years
Fate of the Clouds
 Gajeel x Fem Reader 
“Hi” you say softly, sitting beside him against the side of the guild house. “Leave me alone” he turned away from you, his voice gruff. He smelled like fireworks and his hair was singed in a few places. You reach out and pinch the end of a lock that was smoldering “all that gorgeous hair, would hate for it to burn” you twist on your butt, laying your back against the sun warmed grass and placing your feet up against the building, you place your hands behind your head as you looked up at the clouds. 
“Why?” his voice was laced with annoyance that you were 50% sure was fake. You look over at his face “why what?” you smile softly at him and you watch his guard fall just a little bit “why won’t you leave me alone?” you sit up again, crossing your legs and resting your hands on your thighs as you study him for a moment “Gajeel, if you really want me to leave and I’m making you uncomfortable, I will. But honestly, I’d like to get to know you. So if it’s alright with you, i’d like to lay here by you and talk, unless you don't want to, then we can just sit together.” 
You watch his emotions in his eyes, he couldn’t understand you. You were sweet and cute and he heard all about how strong a wizard you were. You watched him tear apart the guild hall but you were here by him. Telling him you wat to get to know him? He couldnt decide if you were joking or not. When he doesnt say anything for a few minutes you lay back again, smiling as you look up at the sky. 
After ten minutes go by and your eyes flick down to him, he’s looking at his hands in his lap “Do you mind if I talk to you? You don’t have to respond '' your voice was quiet, like it was carried to his ears on the breeze, his gaze froze on a scar he has on his knuckle “I dont mind” his voice was quieter than you had heard before. His usual anger was gone, just like you suspected it was just a cover for his real feelings. You sigh softly and look back up to the clouds “there is a cloud up there that looks like a horse” he looks up then, his eyes searching, you chuckle and pat the ground next to you softly. He looks down at you, considering, trying to figure you out, to see if you could be hatching a plan. 
He sighs and moves over so he was laying beside you, tensing and watching your face when you scoot closer to him, moving your head down next to his so you could find the cloud again “there” you point up and it takes him a moment to tear his gaze from your soft smile to follow your finger to the right cloud. You move back into your place and smile as you watch the cloud float away and become a blob again. 
“When i was younger..,” you look at him “now you have to promise me you wont tell anyone this, okay? Pinky promise me and since we’re friends you cant break it” you hold up your hand, pinky out and wait for him. His head turns, looking at your eyes and then down to your hand. His fingers drum against his stomach before he hooks his pinky around yours. You smile and pull your hand still connected to his and kiss the back of your thumb, pushing his hand towards his lips next “kiss or it doesnt work” his cheeks flush and he huffs in annoyance but kisses the back of his thumb anyway “thank you Gajeel” you whisper before your hands rest against your stomach again. 
“When I was younger, I had a job on a farm. I would use my water magic to help the crops among other things. I once rode a horse to check for the cows and was feeling really proud of my horse riding skill, I rode down the wrong path, got scraped off the back of my horse and thrown down the mountain. Had a nasty cut on my neck and i wasn't trusted riding alone again. I know this story is stupid, juvenile, but the point is this; trust is something that is really hard to earn, but worth every second. Sure i have other stories i could have told you, other magical ones where i fucked up missions. But all of them have the same point. Proving that you can grow as an individual, proving that people are worthy of a second chance, it’s nice that we even have that opportunity.” you point out another cloud “ooh look at that one! It looks like a starfish!” you chuckle and notice the smile on his lips  
 “Forgiveness has always come easy to me. I truly would like to be your friend and get to know you. No jokes, no dirty tricks. I’m here if you’ll have me Gajeel” he sighs gently, his hands holding his shirt in his fists, his knuckles turning white, after a few minutes his hands release his shirt and he relaxes into the grass.
 He doesn't get any bad vibes from you, if he had to put a picture to how you feel to him, he would picture a field of daisies on a summer day. “That one” he reaches up and points “that one looks like a dragon with a rider on it’s back” you chuckle and follow his finger to the cloud you could see the dragon but figured the rider smudged away “it does! That’s so cute” his cheeks flush and a true smile sits upon his lips. 
After another ten minutes storm clouds roll in as well as cold winds, you shiver and sit up again, turning towards him as he sat up next to you, you reach out slowly and when he doesn't move or say anything you gently run your fingers through his thick hair, pulling out the pieces of grass that stuck to him. “Thank you for letting me sit with you” you smile sweetly up at him, even sitting by him he was much taller and bigger than you. “Thank you, for wanting to” he avoids your gaze, his cheeks dusting pink yet again. 
Every day you would eat meals with him and talk, slowly you would convince others to give him a chance. Inviting others to sit with you both, he slowly opened up more to you and you would cloud gaze and chat about your missions and other things you have witnessed or experienced. but even then, you had to take missions that kept you apart occasionally. 
Excitement was flooding your system, you were a few blocks away from home and you haven't been back for a few months, your last mission was difficult and you spent some time in the hospital. You were so excited to see Gajeel you almost couldn't handle it, forcing yourself to take normal steps and not to run. 
You open the door and look around at everyone, looking for your specific person. Gajeel was in the back of the room, deep in conversation with Levy. Your smile disappears and you feel your heart skip before it crumbles into your stomach. You were happy for him, proud of his growth in the guild. You blink back your tears and then clear your throat softly, working your way through the crowd to the stairs to the dorm. 
You were supposed to be back today, where were you?! He was checking the door every few minutes, his heart racing and his foot tapping against the stone floor. He had gotten back from his mission a few days prior and was waiting for you, you sent him a letter saying when you expected to be back and he kept that letter in his inside jacket pocket. “Hey Gajeeeeel” Levy says as she comes over to his table and he groans internally, he just wanted to talk to you,. 
After humoring her for a few minutes he hears the door close behind him, he turns his head and looks for you but doesn't find you, his eyes lock with Mirajane and she points across the crowded room. When Gajeel followed her finger he sees the end of your hair and bag disappear up the stairs “excuse me” he says, cutting her off and standing quickly, running after you. 
The moment your door closes it’s being opened again, you gasp and your bag falls to the ground “why didn’t you come to me?” he asks, his eyes filled with hurt. You smile up at him and reach behind him, closing the door gently. “You looked busy” you laugh nervously and he furrows his brow “no, dont, don't do this, okay? I was counting down the seconds until you returned, I always count the seconds until you return. So please, come see me immediately next time. Okay?”  your breath hitches as you look at him, his words sinking into your heart. His eyes were wild and his hands were stretched out towards you, he wanted to hug you but you haven't broken the physical touch barrier.. until now. 
You throw your arms around his neck and he tenses, his breath hitching “I missed you so much Gajeel” you whisper and his body relaxes against you, his arms holding you to him tight as he buries his face into your hair. “I missed you too” you pull back and smile up at the dark haired man “wanna get some food and cloud watch and catch up?” you ask and he nods “i’d love to” he says, his gruff voice extremely softer than usual. 
Sitting at a table downstairs you eat your fill, after being gone for so long and not eating enough, it was like you were in heaven. “wow i cant believe you took 5 different missions in two weeks” you say as you finish eating. He laughs “i just took smaller papers so i could back here when you would '' you smile warmly, but he was too busy eating to notice the sweet look you’re giving him. 
You end up on your spot on the grass outside of the build, watching the clouds and talking. You show him your healing wounds that will most likely scar and tell him about your time in the hospital. He looks worried about you but tries to laugh it off “you were scars like badges” you giggle “well duh. I work hard for them” his finger tips brush one of your healed scars and he sighs “i wish you didnt have to get hurt though” he whispers and your heartbeat skips. His eyes meet yours and you smile softly, his eyes looking down to your lips and you almost lean forward to kiss him but before you can he’s turning his attention back to the sky. 
I am such a coward he thinks. How am i supposed to fix this? How do i get back to that moment. His eyes are on your face, watching the clouds reflected on your shiny eyes, the tufts of moisture that you gaze at like you’re reading his fate, and he gets an idea. “look at that one” he points and you don’t really know which one he’s talking about “which one? What does it look like?” He laughs “come see it from my perspective” he all but whispers and you roll on your side, bringing your face close to his to trace his eyesight to the right cloud. But his eyes were on you, on your smiling face and bright eyes, you were gorgeous.
“That one. Right there. It’s a cloud that looks like a cat” you reach out and place your hand on his bicep, your small hand traveling softly down his arm until your hand rests against his bracelet “I can’t find it” you whisper and pout, how could you be so adorable? “It’s right there I don’t know how you can’t see it” he chuckles and you turn your head around, trying different angles before you turn and look back at him “I can’t find it-“ your breath hitches when you notice his gaze is on you, a small smile on his lips and his eyes gentle. His hand moved to cup your cheek “you’re beautiful” his gruff voice was a low whisper, the wind blowing your hair behind you and rustling his into his face. Your hand moves without thinking, brushing his hair out of his eyes and cupping his cheek for a moment. 
“Did these hurt?” your fingers gently brush the studs along his eyebrow “they were magic” you hum, probably hurt as much as the guild tattoo. “These too?” your first finger gently slides down the side of his nose and he nods, his eyes never leaving yours, “what about .. these?” your thumb runs along his bottom lip before pulling it down gently, letting it smack against his teeth as you brush his chin studs. His eyes flick down to your lips and you lean in almost all the way before your eyes flick up to his “Gajeel.. Did you really miss me?” you whisper and a strangled groan escapes his throat “every day” his lips touch yours and you feel sparks burst across your skin, your hand moving to tangle in his hair as he pulls you closer to him. 
You pull back and sigh, your eyes closed for a few moments before they flutter open and meet his. He has a soft blush on his cheeks and a smile “should we form a group?” you ask and he laughs, bringing a smile to your lips “probably” he says as he brushes his fingertips across your cheek “but.. More than that right?” he asks with furrowed brows and you chuckle, pressing your lips softly to the tip of his nose before turning and looking up at the clouds again, like you could read your fate in the tufts of moisture. 
 “I love you Gajeel” you whisper and his breath hitches “you do?” he asks, reaching out and turning your gaze back to his. You smile and nod “yes” he smiles softly, a soft sigh of peace as he presses his forehead to yours “I love you y/n” 
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whumpasaurus101 · 3 years
19th April, Plant Day!
I cannot tell you how tempted I was to write abt fungi but I didn’t want @brutal-nemesis to kill me :) so I can safely say that there is no fungi do not worry :D
Cw: plant whump / ‘stabbing’ sort of / deep cuts / caretaking after / fluff / angst / my gaey boys not having a good time tbh / Alicia being a bitch as usual /
Asher wasn’t happy. He was in Alicia’s house and Jack was right at her feet, kneeling. She raked her hands through his hair. Aaher looked at her in disgust from where he knelt, far away from them both. Why did Rodger have to leave him with this bitch? He would have prefered anyone, anyone over her. Jesus, he’d rather stick a fork in his own fucking eye than be here.
“Anyways,” Alicia sighed, “I want to go to the garden centre to revamp this house and whatnot and the two of you can come if you behave, Asher, I’m looking straight at you. Think of all the fun you could have if you don't throw a fucking tantrum, huh? I’ll even let you two go off for a bit if you're good. But keep in mind, I throw knives like a fucking champ so if one of you decides to try and run, you’ll get a knife in your fucking neck, understood?”
The garden centre was huge, Asher’s eyes lit up as he saw the building. And then there were people, normal people, not sick psychos! Couples, families, you name it! A sudden yank ripped Asher from his thoughts as Alicia pulled back on his top. He stumbled back and Alicia spoke in his ear, “Listen up big boy, you make one single sound to any other people and I will fucking kill you, got it?” Asher quickly nodded, scared to speak.
She forced a smile, “Good, now, let’s not waste any time!” The three walked into the centre, Asher standing in between the pair as he was least trusted. Alicia had her handbag rested against her forearm as she strode in.
There were plants everywhere. Some crawled up the wall, some hung from the ceiling and some were neatly potted and shelved. Asher, completely lost in his thoughts, didn't realise how fast he was walking until Alicia yanked him back, “What the fuck did I just tell you?!” Asher lowered his head, “Sorry.”
Both Jack and Asher followed Alicia obediently as she strolled around the store. Eventually, she had had enough. “Alright, alright! You're starting to piss me off! Just- just- ugh, just go -and stick together. But I swear that if either one of you tries something funny, I will slit both of your throats. Asher looked to Jack who smiled at him. He followed him to the outside area as they held hands in front of them so Alicia couldn't see.
Jack pulled Asher into a corner that was hidden by trees and kissed him gently, wrapping his arms around his waist. Asher chuckled, “Nothing funny, huh?” Jack smiled, “Fine, we can just stop you know, look at these… trees?” Asher chortled, snorting slightly at the end. He traced his hand against Jack’s cheek and jaw, rubbing it slightly, feeling the short stubble.
He brought Jack’s face closer and pecked him on the nose. Jack brought Asher’s hips closer, they kissed again as Jack raked his hands through Asher’s hazelnut hair. “What. the. Fuck?” They both pulled away with a jolt.
Alicia stood there, gobsmacked, “I-you.” She couldn’t form any other words than, “What the fuck.” Asher couldn’t breathe, “Pl-please don’t tell Rodger!! Please!!” That’s when Alicia smiled and chuckled, looking at Jack, “So you’re into Asher, huh? You like the ‘bad boys’?” Jack gulped, blinking fast, “Alicia, please! I-”
Alicia slapped him hard across the face, “I asked you a fucking question!” Jack whimpered. Asher looked in shock, finding himself frozen in shock. “Yes! Okay! I love him, I mean, what is there not to love about him? He’s perfect! He’s brave and he’s handsome. He’s there for me when I need him and he makes me happy every fucking day!”
Asher felt his cheeks flush a deep red. Alicia looked at him blankly, “How sweet. But you know this is simply just not allowed.” The two boys gulped. “Alicia plea-”
“Shut up!!” Asher flinched as she took a step towards him, caressing her sharp nails scraping against his cheek, “Now, now Asher, you know he’s way out of your league!” She cackled, “I mean, what’s the fucking age gap?” Asher clenched his jaw. Her thumb’s nail slightly pressing into his cheek as he let out a yelp.
“Alicia,” Jack raised his voice. Alicia turned to him, nails still digging into Asher’s skin. “Please, he didn’t-”
“You know what?” Alicia sneered, “I don’t think you understand. You are mine and Asher is Rodger’s. You are not permitted to even touch him.” Her grip tightened as blood now ran from Asher’s cut.
“I know, I know, Alicia, please, don’t do this, it was all my fault! I started this! He still doesn’t understand the rules!” Alicia sighed, yanking her hand away, making the cut bigger. “No, he doesn’t, but he will.”
Asher had no clue what she meant until an hour later when he was tied to a chair in Alicia’s kitchen. Alicia circled him, shopping bag in hand. “Have you ever heard of a honey locust?” Asher just glared at her in response, dried blood stuck to his cheek form earlier. “No?” She hummed, taking out what looked like branches of a tree. “Hmmm, well, I was going to give these to Rodger to use them on you, but I guess I can just get more and use these bad boys now!!”
Jack pulled at his cuffs which kept his hands right at the fridge’s handle, “Alicia I-“
“SHUT UP!!!!” Both boys flinched at how loud Alicia was. “Stop sticking up for your bitch all the time! You are mine and he is Rodger’s. And the bast way for you to understand things is to hurt people that you love.”
And with that, she got a thorn and quickly moved it down Asher’s collarbone, leaving a dark red line which blood fell from. Asher let out a howl of pain. His restraints left him unable to double over and protect himself.
Alicia snickered, “Oof, that’s a deep one. Oops?” She did the same thing on the exact another side. This continued until deep gashes covered his abdomen.
When she got bored, she picked up the thorns one by one, piling them into her hand. She dropped the branch and grinned at Jack. She approached a trembling Asher and traced one of the sharp thorns all across and down Asher’s arm, causing goosebumps to rise on his skin.
Without warning, she quickly stabbed a thorn straight into his arm. He yelled, he couldn’t take all of this pain. “P-please, no more! I- AGH!” He was interrupted when she poked another one right under the previous thorn. He felt his vision starting to blur.
Alicia, noticing he was starting to blackout, decided it was enough, for now. “Oh what now? No ‘smart comments’? You see, after a while, I do start to miss them. Its quite satisfying to be honest! You know, Rodger being unable to control his mutt while Jack just sits right at my side like a good bitch.”
Asher saw Jack flinch through his blurred vision. Jack had never heard Alicia call him that. It was always Rodger who did, never Alicia. Did she prefer Asher? No, no, she couldn’t! She loved Jack… right? He looked to the two, Alicia was running a hand through Asher’s hair with a smile as the other’s head lolled to the side as he slowly drifted out of it.
Jack was allowed to clean Asher’s wounds. He had a tweezers and was trying to pluck the thorns out from Asher’s delicate skin. Asher let out painful moans as he rocked back and forward. Jack blinked away his tears, “Ash- Asher please, I need you to stay still.” Asher did but once the tweezers were back on the last thorn, he flinched. Jack rolled his eyes, “ASHER! I NEED YOU TO FUCKING-” He froze the minute Asher’ tear-stained face and puffy eyes turned to him. He looked as if he was about to absolutely ball crying.
“Asher, oh my god, Asher, I am so sorry!” Asher blinked and the tears followed. They streamed down his cheeks as his chest rose and fell fast. He whimpered and bit his lip to stop himself from sobbing. “Asher, please I- I didn’t mean to! I’m so sorry!!”
Asher sniffed and blinked rapidly, “ ‘s alright, y-you didnt m-mean to.” Jack’s heart felt heavy but he had to keep cleaning the wounds before Alicia would come in and make some snarky comments. “This is going to sting- wait, I might have some pain killer I can give you, mkay?”
Asher nodded weakly. “Alright, give me a second.” He got up out of the empty bath they sat in and walked to the bathroom cabinet. He scanned through the shelves and his eyes landed on one of the orange containers.
He opened it up and poured two pills into his palm. He then got a glass and filled it with water, knowing the water from the bathroom probably wasn’t the best but it was better to get rid of all of the pain Asher was in already.
He handed Asher the pills and glass. Asher looked at him, waiting for a nod of approval before putting the pills in his mouth and washing them down with the water. “Th-thank you” His voice was hoarse. Jack wiped tears of his own and sat back behind Asher.
Asher’s flinches were less violent. Jack smiled, knowing that his love was in less pain. No- no, not his. Rodger’s. The heaviness settled in his heart once more. Surely there was some way of keeping Asher. Keeping? What the hell was wrong with him?! Maybe he didn’t deserve Asher. Maybe it was for the best.
He looked down as he felt Asher’s back press against him. He was asleep. His adorable face looked so peaceful. His eyes were closed and he wasn’t in pain. His angry face was relaxed and the usual crease in his eyebrows was gone.
Jack gently traced his cheek with his finger. His scar had been reopened and looked painful. After a few moments of peace, Alicia burst through the door, “Jesus fucking Christ, you cant keep your hands off him, can you? After what he went through because of you!” Jack’s head snapped up to her, “Alicia, please, let him sleep, he never sleeps! Please, I’ll do anything!” Alicia fake smiled at him for a moment before shoving her arms under Asher’s arms and dragging him out of the bathtub. Asher let out a yell of shock as he was brought out of his sweet peaceful dreams back to this phscho bitch.
“Alicia, leave him, alone, please!” Alicia just giggled in excitement, “No way, this is a fun thing to play with. You two think you're so in love. But none of you knows what love is!” Asher hung his head in shame and embarrassment. Jack noticed, he knew that Asher had absolutely no memories of his childhood, he didn't know what love was. Jack felt terrible.
Alicia looked between the pair with a shit-eating grin, “Well, you guys must be tired! Asher, you can sleep on the floor in the kitchen. Jack, you're sleeping in with me!” Jack knew better than to refuse. Asher was dragged out of the room and Jack was left sitting in the bathtub, waiting for Alicia to come and show him who he really belonged to.
@as-a-matter-of-whump @yesthisiswhump @appy-polly-loggies @jordanstrophe @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @likeit-or-whumpit @milk-carton-offical
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sansxfuckyou · 3 years
(i will make this ship sail also @possiblycringe)
kaminari and kirishima, friends forever right? wrong. they got in a fight a while back, about how kirishima needs to get out of his abusive relationship with bakugo before it gets worse. kirishima didnt listen he thought kaminari was 'jealous' or 'trying to hoard kirishima to himself', and that hurt kaminari more than any punch could. kaminari was wounded at what his 'true friend' accused, a wound that would never heal fully. the two had gone down separate paths, no longer speaking with eachother, trying to out due each other in every aspect. it escalated fast, kaminari dropped out of the bakusquad to fly solo until he felt welcome once more, and kirishima was broken; torn between his lost friend and bakugo. kaminari had begun to lash out at anyone who tried to interact with him, no matter how close they where to him. mina couldnt help kirishima at all, his grades had started to slip out from under his feet along with his happy go lucky personality. kaminari in the same boat as kirishima. the class was starting to fall into despair with the two comical relief and memers out off commission. so that catches us all up on this story, so here we go!
kaminari stormed out of the class growling lowly, failed test firmly gripped in hand. "just barely above c level..." he growled out pushing open the door to his dorm with his shoulder crumpling up the test and dropping it in the trashcan as he walked over to his bed and sat down looking at his left wrist in shame before tossing his overcoat to the side and falling back on his bed. "why didnt you trust me kiri?" kaminari asked as he got up and walked over to a random drawer pulling out an array of red pens and markers before gliding them across scars to imitate the blood that once flowed before taking an elastic band and dragging it around his wrist before pulling and releasing in a repetitive motion to imitate pain. "that should be enough for now." he mumbled before calling up mina and completely unloading everything onto her as he cried his eyes out wanting things to go back to the way it used to be. "ok, bye mina, see you in the morning." kaminari sniffled out before falling asleep on his gaming chair, which had been reduced to crying chair.
kirishima awoke the next morning with a start from a nightmare realizing bakugo still had a vice grip on him. "right..." kirishima thought as he gently pushed bakugos arm aside and got up putting on his uniform, not even bothering to shower or wash his face properly from lack of motivation. "maybe today he'll come back." kirishima thought as he glanced over eyes landing on the only picture he had left of him and kaminari, they where kissing in the picture. "i still remember how he tasted, i never got a chance to kill mina for that dare." kirishima though with a light smile as he looked at the photo of the three locked in a tight group hug. "but now i think i should thank her for it." he looked back seeing bakugo had latched onto him from behind still half asleep. "good morning bakugo." kirishima said in a sweet voice.
"good morning teddy bear." bakugo said as he put on his uniform and had a piece of buttered toast tossed at him by kirishima which was caught in his mouth expertly. "i want you to remember something teddy bear." bakugo said as he placed a hand on kirishimas shoulder who looked bakugo in the eyes. "your mine and no one elses, understood?" kirishima nodded in response as bakugo leaned kirishimas head a little to the left and biting down harshly leaving a fresh mark of ownership. "much better." bakugo smirked as he left kirishima who followed close behind after adjusting his overcoat to cover the mark.
mina walked down the halls not noticing she was between kirishima and kaminari till she felt the tension in the air rise exponentially "cmon guys why cant you be friends again?" mina asked with a sigh hearing a murderous growl from kaminari aimed at bakugo who growled back having kaminari cross his arms "want to hang out at my place tonight kaminari?" kaminari nodded in response "good, its been a while since we last hung out." mina said with a smile as she placed a hand on kaminaris shoulder pulling it back with a whine "your emanating electricity again." mina whined walking into the class and taking her seat in front of kaminari who was beside kirishima the others doing the same as aizawa walked in.
"alright class, lets get some battle training started up."
"sensie azawia may i sit out of battle training today?" kirishima asked having bakugo smirk.
"kirishima, your grades have fallen behind to much for me to allow that, im genuinely sorry." aizawa said having kirishima nod in understanding. "go put on your hero costumes and meet up in the main training arena." aizawa instructed everyone doing as told, tension in the air increasing when kaminari saw bakugo slide an arm around kirishimas waist.
they all met up outside kirishima trying to cover his neck in a futile attempt nobody noticing but kaminari, who walked up to kirishima and looked the redhead in the eyes. "explain it, now." kaminari ordered in a slight moving kirishimas hand from the bite mark giving a warning and worried look to kirishima who chuckled nervously in response seeing the glare bakugo sent his way. "i said, explain." kaminari ordered once more, worry in his voice hidden.
-just a mark of ownership from bakugo, he rebites every week so people will know im his and his only." kirishima explained with a weak smile and forced laugh. "just like it always has been." kaminari took a step back looking into kirishimas ruby eyes having mina rush up to prevent kaminari from fully losing balance. "you good?" kirishima asked having kaminari shook his head.
"you really believe it dont you?" kaminari asked. "i tried to get you out before it got this bad." kaminari felt a tear come to his eye mina wrapping an arm around his shoulders.
"believe what?" kirishima asked having kaminari almost burst out in tears. "i always his since the start." kirishima said kaminari bursting into full on crying
"youve changed kirishima, he broke you... i tried to help you out, but you wouldnt listen to me..." kaminari said between slight sobs before leaving with mina who helped him keep his balance as they walked back inside.
"hey, its ok kaminari, its ok..." mina murmured trying to calm down kaminari who was having a mental breakdown sobbing on the floor trying to regain composure to no avail. "you still have me and jirou." mina said having kaminari lash out at her before running off realizing he half paralyzed mina for who knows how long.
"why, is it that everything i do, i mess up?" kaminari asked himself as he hid under a stairwell still sobbing. "i cant even keep my closest friend for a year..." kaminari wiped the tears from his golden eyes and got up walking back to his dorm leaning against a sink cupboard and going back to crying. he pulled a knife out of one of the drawers slight blood stains left on it from lack of washing and use, he pulled down his sleeve on the left wrist looking at the butterfly he drew on it with kirishimas name. "looks like this one wont fly free." he said before cutting a straight slash through it and dropping the knife into the sink sitting back on the floor looking at the blood flow forth and drip onto the floor. "i wasnt supposed to go back to that..." kaminari said weakly. "ive moved past it..." he said with a soft sob, before he stood up and grabbed a piece of paper and pencil and started writing a letter.
hey kiri, its me kaminari, your old pal, i miss when we where good friends. maybe you where right in are fight, maybe i was jealous just couldnt tell from my point of view. but ive been thinking about your relationship with bakugo, its alright if you stay with him and have your personality warped even further than before. im not in control of the decisions you make, im just a friend. a friend that loves you so to speak, you never realize how much someone means to you until their gone. if you want to we could meet up sometime in maybe a forest or near a lake. your gay-af jolteon, kaminari.
"looks good enough to me..." kaminari thought as he folded it up and labeling the envelope before walking over to to kirishima and bakugos dorm knocking on the door having bakugo answer it. "please relay this to kirishima." kamianri said as he handed the envelope to bakugo who looked over it before kaminari left to head back to his dorm.
"teddy bear..." bakugo groans as he walks up and latches onto kirishima from behind. "the discount pikachu dropped this off for you." bakugo said handing the envelope to kirishima who grabbed it before continuing pouring tea.
"hes a jolteon, not a pikachu kat." kirishima said as he handed a cup of tea to bakugo who sipped it slowly while kirishima read the letter eyes widening slightly in realization, rubbing the mark on his neck shamefully. "how could i be fooled...?" he thought with a sigh as he walked to the door and put on his tyranitar hoodie smiling weakly at the memories of when kaminari got him that hoodie with a jolteon one and mina with a garbodor hoodie.
"cmon bro, just put on the hoodie, itll look great on you." kaminari said as he slid on his jolteon hoodie and spiked collar with mina doing the same with her garbodor hoodie and plain black collar.
"i dont really do hoodies bro, they dont look the best on me." kirishima said as he finished fitting the gold studded collar and slid on the hoodie looking at the pattern, kaminari tackling the redhead into a hug.
"who told you that hoodies dont look good on you?" kaminari asked as he held onto the taller tightly goofy grin as always. "they lied to you." kaminari let go of kirishima with a light chuckle.
"my ship is shoving off, now will it sail?" mina muttered under her breath smirk on face as she watched her two friends, maybe soon to be lovers. "i hope so..." she muttered before joining the hug.
"i love both of you guys so much..." kaminari said with a light chuckle in the undertone of his voice.
"i guess he really did mean it..." kirishima muttered as he walked to kaminaris dorm knocking on the door seeing kaminari open it wearing his jolteon hoodie along with his spiked collar. "h-hi..." kirishima said nervously as he was waved in by kaminari.
"im shocked he didnt force you to trash the hoodie." kaminari said as he poured some coke for the kirishima who looked around noticing the various origamis around the room. "admiring my origami i see." kaminari stated as he handed a cup to kirishima before sitting on the floor cup of water in hand sipping it slowly.
"yeah, when did you start making origami and why?" kirishima asked as he picked up a paper crane. "this one looks like a steve." kirishima said hearing kaminari chuckle.
"i started making origami a while back to distract myself from the insatiable urges." kaminari said as he grabbed a strip of gold paper, scribbled a message on it and folded up a star tossing it to kirishima who caught it. "only unfold and read the message if you want to talk it out tomorrow night." kaminari instructed having kirishima nod before kaminari got up and walked over to his pile of pokemon merch, pulling out a tyranitar plush and undoing the collar tossing it to kirishima. "i kept it here for you, you forgot it last time we hung out." kaminari said as he undid his looking at the inscription mina had put on, he only noticed it just recently.
"alright. i'll see you tomorrow. we dont say that we had this chat, understood?" kirishima asked as he walked to the door kaminari nodding before kirishima left to his dorm where he found bakugo already asleep on the pullout couch kirishima dropping down beside bakugo before sitting up and unfolding the star reading the coordinates on it before lying back in bed and drifting off to sleep.
mina walked out to the halls the next morning finding herself between kirishima and kaminari again, except no growls where interchanged, bakugo growled at kaminari, but kaminari stayed silent. "arent you supposed to growl back?" mina asked having kaminari say 'that he decided not to', shocking mina slightly. "weird, you always growl at each other." mina said walking into the class with the others.
"i should thank you pika." bakugo said catching kaminaris attention greatly, but his mood went from curiosity to rage when bakugo pulled over kirishima. "you went out of your way to get my teddy bear a collar." bakugo pulled down the turtleneck bit of the shirt kirishima was wearing, revealing the collar mina had bought for him, kirishima mouthing a small 'help me' subtly. "now everyone will know hes mine when they see the collar." bakugo smirked before walking to his seat kirishima following to his seat kaminari heading to his seat handing kirishima a scrap of paper that read 'yes or no?', kirshima marking the yes with a checkmark handing it back to kaminari.
the day hazed by for everyone, no humor was shared except for mina feeble attempts to ease up the tension in the room to no avail. "hey mina!" kaminari exclaimed grabbing minas attention seeing as how she dashed over.
"what did i miss?" she asked with a grin, knowing what it was the second she saw the spiked collar around kaminaris neck. "oh... no need to answer, i think i already know." mina smirked noticing kaminari turned a shade of red. "and would you look at that im right..." mina said with a light chuckle. "go getem tiger."
kaminari traversed the foresty area he had discovered with kirishima before the fight, climbing into the hayloft of the abonded barn walking around until he found the mattress and table set up. "smells like happy memories." kaminari muttered as he flopped onto the bed, flipping up his hood, smiling softly as he started to braid the hay strands nearby. "just like when i was younger..." he mumbled sitting up and combining the five braids to make a hay crown which he placed beside him, grabbing a few more strands and starting to braid them into his hair so it would appear more hay like, the look he loved but never got a chance to show off. "full moon looks pretty tonight." kaminari muttered looking through the hole in the roof hearing footsteps and quickly turning to see who it was.
"hey." kirishima said as he sat next to kaminari having him place the hay crown on kirishimas head adjusting it slightly and smiling when he took a step back to look at kirishimas moonlit face. "like what you did with your hair." kirishima complimented having denki chuckle lightly at the compliment before asking for kirishima to let his hair down which was doen, allowing kaminari to braid some strands of hay into kirishimas ruby hair. "what did you want to talk about?" kirishima asked seeing kaminari turn red before undoing his collar.
"take off your collar." kaminari said having kirishima hesitate. "please, its important." kirishima undid his collar revealing more fresh bite marks, bruised and definitly going to leave a few more scars. "why didnt you fight back?" kaminari asked as his fists clenched tightly having kirishima sigh.
"hes stronger than me..." kirishima stated.
"i can figure out how to get rid of the scars later." kaminari said with a sigh as he lined up the collars reading the message. "lovers till death due us part... and till that point unseperateable..." kaminari read, first part on his collar second part on kirishimas collar. "thats why i asked you to meet me up here, i wanted to talk about the inscriptions on our collars." kaminari explained sheepishly not seeing mina chilling on one of the higher up planks eating pop-corn with a grin. "do you love me?" kaminari asked shyly.
"its sailing, its sailing!" mina thought her grin increasing.
kirishima stumbled over his words for a solid three minutes leaving kaminari in suspense. "i love you to." kirishima said, having kaminari let out a breath he didnt know he was holding. "but i cant..." kirishima said with a rueful sigh.
"wh-why not?" kaminari asked holding back tears starting to work on braiding something out of hay, mixing in a few flowers he grabbed on the way over to the barn, not noticing mina had started to panic.
"ive made it this far in guiding them to happiness it better not fail me now..." mina thought with an unoticable growl.
"bakugos in the way..." kirishima said with a slight growl at bakugos name. "he'll go to extreme lengths to get what he wants, and keep it his." kirishima explained. "if i break up with him and get together with you, itll only be putting you on his hitlist."
"i understand." kaminari said with a slight sniffle as he finished up the weave he was making. "but, dont forget that i'll always love you kiri." kaminari said with a sigh giving kirishima a short but sweet kiss. "a memento of my love." kaminri said handing the hay heart to kirishima who held onto it gently as kaminari hopped down rolling as he landed to prevent breaking his neck kirishima following suit leaving mina in the rafters.
"mission failed..." she said with a sigh hopping down and walking out of the barn following close behind the two, until they noticed.
"mina." kaminari said taking a deep breath. "did you witness that entire interchange of emotions between me and kirishima?" mina only chuckled sheepishly in response. "why?" kaminari asked.
"ive been guiding you two both to true happiness." mina explained. "i thought the messages on the collars would be enough." mina continued her explanation. "but i left bakugo out of the calculation, which was a dumbass move on my end." mina chuckled shyly at that part playing with her thumbs slightly.
"minas right." kirishima said wrapping an arm around kaminaris shoulders catching kaminari off guard. "itll be best if we get in a relationship, of course that includes you to mina." kirishima pulled mina in for a hug with his other arm smiling brightly. "just got to keep it secret thats all."
"it can be done." kaminari said. "every week on wednesday plus the weekends we meet up at this barn." kaminari said having the others nod in agreement to his offer. "perfect, lets head back now before aizawa gets worried."
"it has sailed..." mina thought smiling as she was carried on kirishimas shoulder kaminari on the other. "and i boarded last second." she grinned at the fact.
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suupernovalight · 3 years
Addictive Drug
Ushijima W. x Reader
Masterlist || Next
1) A “Models” Desire
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Ushijima ran out of the abandoned facility and ran towards a black Porsche. The car was dark enough to be hidden in the shadows.
“Drive Satori” Ushijima said while getting out his gun.
Tendō, his work partner and all time close friend sighed and stepped on the gas. The car swerved left to right.
“Wakatoshi, calm down, I think we lost them” Tendō said as he slowed down the cars speed.
“Clam down? You kidding me? I almost died back there.” Ushijima said burying his face into his hands. “I didn’t know the bastard had a sidekick.”
Tendō slightly chuckled. “Looks like we have to add him to the radar. Did you at least put the tracking device anywhere?”
Ushijima cursed under his breath. “Nope, the fucker blew it up before I could do anything. Damn it, I failed the mission bad... didn’t I?” He said looking up from his hands.
“Well it is true that you failed...” Tendō started. He watched as his friends eyes dropped into a more stressed out look. “I don’t think anything bad will happen to you. Trust.”
Ushijima sighed and rolled down his window for some fresh air. “Trust...”
At The Agency
A man with a neat beard and dark shades stood and looked out his office window. He watched as the night sky was dark and only the lights of the buildings around shined.
“It was a mission failure... was it” the boss said looking at his two successors right before him.
“Sir- I can explain” Ushijima said walking towards the bosses desk. His eyes filled with desperation.
Though the boss just put his palm up, telling Ushijima to stop talking. “Explain what? There’s no use anyways, the mission is already a failure.”
Ushijima sighed and looked at Tendō who also looked stressed out now. Their boss was one strict man, a man who could ruin your career with the snap of his fingers.
“I’ve gotten a report that the big drug dealer has a sidekick? Did you see his features?” The boss asked Ushijima.
Ushijima tried remembering from what happened a few hours before.
“Listen Waka, be careful... anything could happen” Tendō said over the radio Ushijima had on hand.
“I know that Satori...” Ushijima looked around in the dark facility. All around were metal pipes scattered. There were also unusual left over bullets.
Suddenly, Ushijima felt something click behind him. The click was followed by the back of his head being touched by something. He knew he was in a dead situation.
“What are you doing here~” someone unfamiliar said while chuckling a bit. “Didnt you read the sign? “No Trespassing” the guy said gripping his gun more.
Ushijima slowly dropped his own gun and raised his hands into the air. This showed the unfamiliar person that he was unarmed, for now.
“Who are you?” Ushijima asked.
The guy behind him started laughing. After laughing for a few, the guy stopped. “I’m not spitting it out to someone who’s part of Japan’s Defense Force.”
Ushijima’s eyes widened a bit.
“Don’t think I don’t know. I may not know you personally but it’s pretty obvious why you are here. So what will it be?~” the guy said getting closer to shooting the gun.
“Be what?” Ushijima said quickly turning around and grabbing the guys wrist. The gun was now out of line of Ushijima’s body.
“Tch” the guy said trying to fight back.
Ushijima grabbed the guys head and slammed it to the concrete ground. He could see the blood seeping out slowly. The gun was already out of the guys reach.
“What will it be?” Ushijima mocked while pinning the guy.
The guy who was pinned to the ground did nothing but laugh. Every laugh started to get louder, and louder. Ushijima was honestly disturbed a bit.
“Now or never... boss” the guy said.
At the corner of Ushijima’s eyes, he saw someone appear from out of the shadows. He quickly unpinned the guy he was on and started running while grabbing the gun he got.
While running, Ushijima took a close eye of who he was pinning. Brown hair... black eyes... noticible scar across his eye.
Flashback End
“Brown hair. Black Eyes. Has a scar across his eye” Ushijima said snapping back into reality.
The boss tapped his fingers on his desk and sat down on his chair. He then grabbed his phone and pressed a few buttons.
A Mansion Not To Far Away
A girl laid on her bed while being surrounded by money. Her face wasn’t in a happy expression though.
Suddenly, her room echoed with the sound of her phone ringing. The girl let it ring for a few then picked it up.
“Assassin y/n?” The person said from the other line.
You yawned and looked at your nails. “Wrong number sorry”. You were about to hang up but the other line had a different plan.
“Japan’s Defense Force, the boss of this place. You cannot hang up, I’ve locked that” the other line said.
You sighed at this guys determination. “What’s up.”
“He seriously is gonna hire someone?” Tendō said drinking his champagne. “Wonder how that’s gonna work out”
Ushijima and Tendō were at a bar just relaxing. After a horrible fail, the boss decided to give the boys some break time.
“It all seems useless, we can do it ourselves... even if it takes awhile.” Ushijima mumbled out the last part.
Tendō seemed to notice so he grabbed a drink for his friend and clinked both glasses.
“Don’t worry, maybe this will pay off. The boss did tell us that she’s one of the most dangerous woman in Japan. I’m sure she’s our level, maybe even higher”
Ushijima blinked a few times, then drank his drink. “Isn’t she an assassin? That’s what the boss said right?”
Tendō nodded. “He also said she works as a model to cover her identity”
“A model...” Ushijima repeated.
The Next Day
Ushijima and Tendō walked up to a building. There were many cars around and a lot of good looking people.
“Look at this magazine, ‘A Model’s Desire’, so weird” Tendō mocked.
At the corner of his eye, Tendō could see someone putting a hand on his shoulder. She wore a green coat with a black skirt.
“Watch it, you don’t know who you’re mocking” the girl said walking away with a smile.
Tendō’s eyes widened, he felt his whole body tense up at the moment. Even his friend noticed.
“Who was that just now?” Ushijima asked his friend.
Tendō quickly looked at the magazine, then at Ushijima. “Don’t know... that creeped me out though.”
After a few minutes of stalling, the boys went into the building to go find the assassin girl their boss was talking about.
When walking in, they seen many people posing for their photo to be taken. Many did weird poses. Both Tendō and Ushijima kinda felt uncomfortable.
“Satori, look” Ushijima pointed at a girl far away from the people.
When Tendō looked, it was the same girl who told him to “watch it”. Ushijima got out his phone and read the discription of the most dangerous woman in Japan.
“It’s her. That’s the lady.” Ushijima said walking towards her.
Tendō quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him back. “Not so fast, it looks like she’s about to take photos. Let’s stall a bit to pass time”
Ushijima reluctantly agreed to stall and followed Tendō to the side where they could get a better look of the lady.
While waiting, Tendō sighed. “That’s her motto here.”
Ushijima looked at his friend in confusion. “What?”
Tendō then showed him the magazine. There showed the girl they were looking for.
“That’s her motto... A Model’s Desire.”
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okay so in one of your quarantine drabbles you write about peter having a sensory overload i think and nat asks "how long?" and then she finds out it isnt long for peter and basically im saying id love to see the aftermath of peter's long episodes- maybe he like walks into a movie night where the other avengers are hanging and didnt tell him to try and let him sleep or something? idk it may be stupid i just thought it might be cute
Thanks for the prompt, babe! It’s been a while since I looked at that one ^-^ I hope you like it!
Read on Ao3
Pairings: Momma and Baby Spider. We love us some platonic Avengers. 
Warnings: aftermath of sensory overload episode, other than that, hella fluffy
Word Count: 1869
Pretty much every time FRIDAY pops up a panel in her room, Natasha doesn’t pay a lot of attention because typically it’s something she knows already.
Not this time.
The window pops up as Natasha comes out of the bathroom, twisting her hair into a braid. It shows Peter sitting quietly by himself on the couch in the common room.
“FRIDAY, is Natasha in her room?”
She expects Peter to get up and start walking towards the elevator but instead, he stays on the couch, twisting his hands together.
“…do you think she’d be okay with me going over?”
He still doesn’t get up. Oh, Peter.
Natasha sighs and tosses the comb back onto the sink. Once arriving at the Complex, she’d had a feeling that this might happen. Considering how Peter had vanished into the lab within five minutes of arriving and only now, three hours later, has he emerged, it’s less of a feeling now.
“Do you—“
“Stop stalling, Peter, and go.”
Thank god for FRIDAY, hmm? She’s pretty certain if anyone else had tried to say that to him it wouldn’t’ve worked. The screen closes as Peter gets up with an: “okay, okay, I’m going.”
Natasha sits down on the bed and presses her hands together under her chin. “How bad is it?”
“Bad,” the AI summarizes helpfully.
“Okay,” she breathes, getting up and going to the closet.
She opens the doors and reaches up, looking for the thick comforter. She pulls it down. Perfect. It’s nice and soft and thanks to being up on the top shelf it’s nice and cool. Spreading it over the bed, she straightens up just in time for the soft chime of the door.
Natasha pulls on the fluffy grey cardigan and goes to answer. Peter looks so much smaller standing swamped in his pink sweater than he did on the cameras.
“Ms. Romanoff?” Oh, dear. “Are — are you busy?”
“Come in, Солнышко,” she says instead, stepping aside.
Peter smiles — or at least the corners of his mouth quirk up a little bit — and walks through the door, glancing around the room. There isn’t anything Natasha can see, which means Peter’s not alright.
Obviously, we knew that, and we didn’t need the confirmation.
“Of course,” Natasha said. She closed the door. “What’s going on, Peter?”
'I just, um, wanted to see how you were settling in for the night—“
Peter freezes. Then he looks over at Natasha, and swallows hard. “…sorry, habit.”
“I know.” Peter hides very well behind civility and the service mask. It’s the hardest one to take off, especially when it works so well.
“…are you settling in okay?” Case in point. Natasha’s about to chide him when she catches sight of Peter’s face. “Please?”
Natasha’s known Peter long enough to know what he’s really asking. “I’m just here relaxing, Peter, you’re not interrupting anything. I just got out of the shower when you arrived.”
She reaches out, offering her hand. Peter nods. She takes him lightly by the arm and tugs him toward the bed. “Now, what’s wrong, Солнышко?”
Poor Peter looks like he’s about ten seconds from falling over. He tries to stand up and Natasha’s chest clenches when he wobbles terribly.
“Easy,” she murmurs, catching him by the shoulders and sitting him back down, “talk to me.”
“…it’s…it’s been a really long day,” Peter mumbles, “and I, um…it started at school.”
“I see.” So more than three hours.
“And, um…” Peter hesitates. Then his arms go tightly around his waist. He laughs. For one second. Then it turns into a hitched gasp. It settles like a dead weight in Natasha’s chest.
“Obviously it didn’t go as well as I would’ve liked.”
“…oh, Peter, come here.”
Every single ounce of Natasha’s body is screaming at her to cuddle the poor kid until he can’t cry anymore. She tucks Peter’s head under her chin and works her hand under the iron grip the kid’s got on his own waist to rest on his lower stomach, rubbing softly to ground him.
It starts tensing under her hand and the hitching of his breaths makes Natasha curl her arms around him. Damn, she wishes she were better at this. All she does is clutch Peter closer as he begins to shake, making soothing noises.
“I didn’t know it was gonna be that bad, I wanted—I wanted to get work done today but I couldn’t and I just wanted to—“
“Shh, shh, you don’t have to explain, shh, I’ve got you.”
It takes a while, to neither of their surprises, but eventually, Peter stills and buries his face in Natasha’s neck, nuzzling into the collar of her sweater.
“…thank you for understanding, Nat,” he mumbles.
“Of course,” Natasha replies automatically, running her hand through Peter’s hair. As she feels Peter start to slump, an idea comes to her head. Something to help him fall asleep.
“Hey, listen,” she says softly, giving Peter’s head a little shake, “sometimes when it gets bad for me, I have this ritual of sorts. Can we try it?”
“Um, what is it?”
“Will you lie down on the bed for me?”
It takes a second, which she doesn’t mind at all, for Peter to move out of her arms and crawl to the middle of the bed. He tugs his sweater around him and lays down on his back.
“Perfect.” Natasha smiles and moves closer, swinging a leg to lie over Peter’s calves, still checking that it’s okay. She reaches forward to tug at the edge of Peter’s sweater. “Can I take your sweater off?”
“What are we doing?” Peter blurts out, tugging the sweater closer around himself.
Natasha smiles sadly. Sometimes she forgets that Peter’s still in so many ways just a kid. Even though he’s in so many ways the exact opposite. And right now, he looks every bit the scared kid who just needs a hug.
“I know that you said there’s a bit after one of your attacks, especially a long one,” she murmurs, “where it’s hard for you to remember where your body is.”
Natasha leans forward and runs her hand over Peter’s cheek. “In my experience, being close to someone afterward and knowing they care about you, after everything, makes me feel a little more human, a little more like I know I..have a body.”
“Is that why you help Steve with the whole once a week thing?”
“You mean having someone take care of you and make you feel safe and loved which is very important?” Natasha smirks as Peter starts to fumble with his hands and averts his gaze. “Hmm? Is that what you’re asking me?”
“Yes. Also why I help Steve with it. Apart from the fact that he’s a big blond puppy dog with you, he’s very good at being very pure in his affections and he loves you. So much. We all do.”
And she does have to smile again with Peter giving Steve a run for his money with his puppy dog eyes.
“…what am I supposed to say to that?”
“That you love us too?”
Peter’s face changes to scared almost immediately and he scrambles upwards. “Of course I do, did I — “
“Shh, Солнышко, I’m teasing. Of course, we know.” Peter relaxes and lets Natasha lie him back down. “You don’t have to say anything.”
She can see how hard it is for him to feel like he’s okay to relax if he keeps talking.
“Or talk, if you don’t want to,” she amends.
The room feels warmer with Peter here, like it’s trying to make itself into a nest. She takes the edge of the comforter and fluffs it, making it look like Peter’s sinking into the blanket. As she works, she starts murmuring softly.
“My ritual is to have someone else just stay with me for a little bit. Just to feel a little more human. So I just want to touch you. That’s it. Physical contact, safe, soft, from someone who loves you. Is that okay?”
She gets a nod, so she takes her hands and gently places them on the sides of his ribcage.
“…I want to touch your skin directly. It’ll help ground you. You can keep your stuff on if it helps. Is that okay?”
Another nod.
She starts peeling the sweater slowly away from Peter’s body, running her hands over the material, and placing one hand on the little bit of Peter’s waist that she can see under his shirt.
“I think I know where to avoid but if at any time I hurt you or make you uncomfortable you tell me,” she says sternly, “don’t just lie there and take it, alright?” Peter nods. “I’m afraid I’m gonna need a verbal agreement for this one.”
“Yes,” Peter says, “I promise.”
“Good job, Baby Spider.”
“Please don’t touch my wrists.”
“I won’t.” Peter takes the hem of his sweater and balls it up in his fist as Natasha’s hand starts rubbing small circles on his tummy. “You let me know if it gets bad again, okay?”
“I will.”
“Thank you,” she murmurs as she stretches to put Peter’s phone on the nightstand. “Do you want me to talk or stay quiet?”
“…don’t know.”
“Why don’t I start talking,” she says as she resumes rubbing little circles on Peter’s tummy, “and then if you want me to stop, you let me know.”
He nods.
So Natasha starts talking. If she’s being perfectly honest, she can’t really tell what she’s saying, she’s just kind of rambling. She’s much more focused on how her hands run softly over the scars and the marks left on Peter’s skin, and how Peter’s many masks slowly start to slip off, dozing under the warm light.
It’s somewhere in the middle of a story about something Clint did in the middle of their mission to Bucharest — not Budapest — that she notices Peter’s eyes are closed. She smiles softly and lets her voice trail off, only to frown when Peter blinks his eyes open and shifts.
“It’s okay, you can sleep. That’s part of it,” Natasha reassures, giving the upper part of his chest a little pat. Peter shifts back and his eyes close again, a sleepy little murmur quickly muffled by the comforter as Natasha tucks him in. “We love you, Солнышко. Sleep, now.”
“Good night, Natasha,” comes Peter’s little voice from the pile of blanket.
“Good night, Baby Spider. Sleep.”
Natasha continues to rub Peter’s arms softly and murmuring quiet words into the hushed room until Peter’s breathing evens out. She trails off again and this time, Peter doesn’t wake up.
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oyesmendes · 4 years
a year later
a/n: remember the person who asked for whiskey and pendants part two? and i told her no? well i was wrong. i made this a 5SOS and Shawn Mendes crossover LOL don’t killme 
@mendesficsxbombay​ hope i didnt rip too hard
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One year. They’ve been broken up for one year as of today, not that anyone was counting. Y/N couldn’t be bothered to count the number of days since the supposed love of her life broke her heart into pieces and left her hanging by a thread. She had better things to worry about. Like how she was on her way to an album release party for 5 Seconds of Summer, in her favourite scarlet red dress, the fabric clinging on to her body and hugging the curves she was once too shy to show off. Her hair was now cut short, the messy waves of her hair doing wonders to frame her face. She got a tan from her recent trip to Bora Bora, figured that she would go even if Shawn wasn’t the one to take her there. It was a solo trip to foreign land, scary yet exhilarating, and somehow in-between her time in Bora Bora and the party that she was now on the way to, Y/N found herself. She started dating again, no surprise one of the 5SOS band members, Calum. But she also finally knew how she wanted to live her life by her own rules, to play the game her way. She let herself love in the ways she hadn’t done before, and honestly, she was making good progress. Y/N was happy, so fucking happy and content with her life.
“We’re here” the driver announced as the car came to a stop. Y/N thanked him before stepping out of the car, making her way into the building. She met with her friends at the rooftop bar, nursing a cocktail as they caught up and discussed the album tracks. The band had greeted her with a wide grin on their faces, throwing around too many inside jokes they had made during the course of curating the album. She then shared the deepest, most loving kiss with her boyfriend and then left him to party the night away with his brothers. Y/N was having a good time, dancing to the songs that she had painstakingly produced. That was until he sauntered in.
One of her friends nudged her slightly, turning her attention to the entrance where Shawn stood, exchanging hellos with the band. She would’ve guessed he would be here, after all he was friends with the band before she worked with them. There was a pang in her chest when she actually took in his appearance. He had an acid wash denim jacket on, signature white T-shirt with black skinny jeans, not forgetting his worn out Chelsea boots. He looked fresh as hell she wasn’t going to lie, his hair styled perfectly and the smile on his face as wide as when he first locked eyes with her. Before she could even react, Shawn’s eyes were scanning the crowd. It was as if he knew she would be there, and of course why would he not know? Her name was on the record for God’s sake. She quickly turned to face the bar, her friends providing the adequate distraction as they went on about their lives. Though it wasn’t long before a hand landed on Y/N’s shoulder, and the look on her girl friend’s faces was enough to tell her who it was.
“Hey” She breathed out. He had a beer in his hand, cheeks flushed from the influx of alcohol. Shawn grinned stupidly, babbling out a response to her. Y/N got off the bar stool, turning to face him.
“Nice to see you again.” A genuine smile was on her face now, because it was really nice to see him again, and the fact that he looked happy was good.
“I almost didn’t recognise you with your hair, and wow, this dress.”
“Thanks.” Y/N said shyly. The confidence that she brewed over the past year was now gone in an instant while she was under his eyes. She cursed at herself mentally, standing up straighter in her black stilettos. He never saw this side of her before and to Shawn, it was absolutely stunning. An awkward silence fell between the both of them, the chatter of the rooftop bar insufficient to fill the air. Y/N played with the rings on her fingers, hands still wrapped around the half empty glass.
“Can we talk? Maybe somewhere quiet?” Here we go. Y/N nodded, grabbing her glass off the table as she followed behind Shawn. They made their way through the small crowd, stopping to greet mutual friends every once in awhile. Shawn let them to a corner with less people, and a view overlooking the Los Angeles skyline. It felt like their first meeting all over again just that this time, her heart was in different place and the feelings between them far from mutual.
“This is nice isn’t it?” Shawn sighed, letting the cool wind brush his face. She hummed in response, watching the lights sparkle below them.
“I’m sorry for that night, Y/N” He tilted his body to face her. Throughout their two year relationship, Y/N was like an open book and Shawn knew her every move before she even thought about it. But right now, the book was closed, and he was trying really hard to read the words that weren’t there.
“I am too.” She turned to face him as well, and that’s when she noticed the pendant sitting on his chest. The one that she left on the floor of his apartment lobby, the one that brought them together and broke them apart. Her breath hitched in her throat when she felt Shawn grab onto her hand softly. There was no more spark, at least for her, it was just a shockwave sent through her system as she quickly pulled her hand back. Y/N watched as Shawn’s face dropped, him nodding understandingly.
“I just wanted to say I miss-“
“No, please don’t do this” She ran her hand through her hair, the messy curls now a disheveled mess.
“Let me apologise, Y/N. Let me fix this.”
“What for?”
“For the sake of our love.” Y/N let out a humourless chuckle at those words. This was some cliche scene straight out of a movie and right now, she wasn’t having it.
“For the sake of our love? Are you out of your mind, Shawn? There was no love between us the moment you led that stupid blonde chick- Sarah, come into our life. There was no love the moment you left me to clean up the pieces of that broken glass that afternoon.” Her voice was raised ever so slightly, earning the attention of some people nearby. She turned to face the skyline again. It felt like a sick joke to Y/N - now that she was happy, he wants to come rolling in? No God damn way.
“We both had a part to play that afternoon, Y/N.” Shawn stated as a matter-of-fact. Two can play this game.
“Yeah, but I didn’t have a part in sitting on your lap throughout the party that night.”
“I just wanted to apologise, why do you have to make this so hard?” Shawn sighed. Now Y/N felt the anger bubble in her chest. She slammed her cocktail down on the ledge to make a point.
“Do you think I had it easy? I look put together yes, but the scars from the heartbreak are still here, Shawn. I was hurt but I’m getting over it, I’m happy. As much as you would like for us to kiss and make up, I can safely tell you that it’s not going to happen. I’m not the same person anymore.” As if on cue, a six foot tall Australian made his way to Y/N’s side, hands wrapping around her waist protectively.
“Everything alright, love?” Calum kissed the top of her head, looking at her then at Shawn. Y/N could only smile and nod though the hurt on Shawn’s face was evidence that nothing was right. Calum acted oblivious to the situation, pulling her in even tighter. 
“Then is it alright if I steal her away from ya for a minute?” Shawn nodded with a tight lipped smile as he watched her cuddle into the Calum’s side.
The rest of the night felt like a blur to Shawn. Y/N disappeared with Calum after the encounter with him to the other side of the bar so she could calm down. Once she emerged in the crowds again, Shawn had his eyes following her as she jumped from group to group with her boyfriend, if not she was stuck to the side of his bandmates or their girlfriends. He wanted to get to her, explain everything and let her punch him if she must. He wanted to tell her he was sorry, and how much he loved her. He wanted to show her the pictures of Aaliyah’s graduation, the new song he wrote a couple of weeks ago that he thought would be perfect for her to produce. And most importantly he wanted to show her the ring he meant to give her that night a year ago. But he couldn’t.
She looked too happy and confident in her own skin that he couldn’t bear stripping that away from her. She was in love, the glow of her skin and look in her eyes as she stared at her boyfriend didn’t keep anyone guessing. A loud laugh erupted from her lips while she stood next to one of the band members. Her eyes found Shawn’s and she looked for a brief moment before returning her attention back to the group.
“If you’re going to stare, at least be more discreet, mate” Calum said as he took the seat next to Shawn. Shawn stayed silent, eyes still following her as she leaned on the shoulder of one of the girls.
“I know you still love her.” Shawn looked at Calum who was undoubtedly a little drunk, but he was right, even a blind man could tell Shawn was still head over heels for her.
“I do.”
“But you’re in love with the old her.” What the fuck was this man talking about? Shawn thought to himself. He downed the last shot of tequila, wincing as the alcohol slid down his throat. Shawn wanted to get up from his seat and bolt out those doors, but Calum’s next words glued him to the bar stool.
“I know this is stupid, and trust me mate I can’t believe I’m talking to my girl’s ex-boyfriend, but yeah Y/N’s changed.”
“In what way?”
“In the smallest as well as the largest of ways.” Calum took a swig of his beer, “She no longer drinks whiskey like how she did a year ago. Made me get rid of all my whiskey glasses.”
Calum didn’t know it was a low blow, but Shawn felt the knife stab his heart. He waited for him to continue, “She’s so confident of her work now, and she’s one of the most creative people I know. She’s comfortable in her own skin, she’s happy-“
“You don’t know that.” Shawn cut him off but Calum could only smile to himself as he set his bottle down.
“I do, she wasn’t like this a year ago in that club.” Both their eyes flickered over when a large chorus of laughs came from her and her friends. She was dancing and twirling around, something she would never have done with Shawn.
“I get why you still love her, Shawn. But that’s the old her you’re seeing. This is a brand new Y/N, I hope you know.” Calum pat Shawn on the back before joining his friends. He watched as she kissed him softly on the lips and pulled him to dance with her. She was happy.
Shawn could only push the tray of shots back to the bartender as he made his way to leave the bar, to leave the woman he once called his own.
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ivyuns · 4 years
after hours ❆ ✰
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han jisung
genre: angst and fluff
word count: 1.6k
warnings: language + self harm
A/N: since you guys asked for it, heres part two of moral of the story (: repost
listen to after hours by the weeknd
part one | part two
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thought i almost died in my dream again.
right after you left changbin’s embrace to hop onto your plane back to korea, he was furious. he didnt even knew jisung was cheating on you. as a cousin, he went to yell at your ex lover.
“han fucking jisung.” changbin muttered out. the younger one lifted his eyes and saw his hyung. quickly wiping his tears and waits for changbin to continue speaking. “did i just witnessed y/n catching you cheating on her? are you serious jisung? after everything she done for you, for us, and you did this in return!?” changbin ran his fingers through his hair and let out a heavy sigh.
“i wont hurt you or anything, just at least talk to y/n and fix some things alright?” jisung immediately nodded as changbin left the room. jisung got up and changed into a casual outfit and met up with his manager to talk about some things.
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without you, don't wanna sleep. cause my heart belongs to you.
after meeting up with his manager and convincing to continue the tour without him, he finally agreed. jisung dashes through the hallway, into his hotel room and gathers his stuff and gets his belongings then heads to the airport.
handing in his ticket and sitting in his seat in the plane, he pulls our your promise ring that you threw at him a few hours ago and remembers your pained face the moment you saw him cheat on you. the way the tears fell onto your cheeks. the way you wanted to hold back your tears but couldnt. jisung kicks the seat in front of him and starts bawling his eyes out, earning a groan from the elder who he kicked, immediately starting to apologize to the boomer.
wanting to fall asleep so time can pass by, only to have nightmares of you, taking your own life of his yet another stupid mistake. forcing himself to stay awake by looking back at all the memories you two shared.
baby where are you now when I need you most? i'd give it all just to hold you close.
after the plane has landed, he made his way out of the gate and hailed a cab and gave the driver the address of your apartment. few minutes pass by and jisung looks up and sees his destination. thanking the driver and giving them money and tip, he gets his stuff and unlocks your door. everything looked normal. you had to be here. quickly going to each room to see where you were, you were unseen.
memories start flooding in his mind and sees the first fight you two had. seeing your pale body on the bathroom floor. bunch of tubes connected to your body to regain the nutrients needed. he ran his hands through his hair and yelled, not caring about the neighbors. he needed to find you before his nightmare in the plane could actually happen.
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i know it's all my fault, made you put down your guard.
he ran to the dorm, thankful you decided to live a few blocks away from them. taking out his keys to unlock the door and smells a familiar scent, knowing you came here recently. he goes to his room to see a box on his bed and the pictures hung up of you two hidden in his drawer.
seeing the note placed on the box made him feel even more worse. he let out another scream and pulled out his phone, seeing if you still share your location with him.
entering the passcode for his phone and opening his friends locator app. he searches for your name only to find only you can see his location. he threw his phone on the bed and fell on the ground. not knowing where you could be. who knows if youre in the streets all alone.
knowing if youre upsetting at something, jisung always knew you wouldnt have the appetite to eat and ruin your healthy life. even if you came back to korea a few hours ago, your body could make you sick, especially since you didnt eat anything before you left for japan.
i know i made you fall, they said you were wrong for me
remembering how you acted towards him after telling stays about your relationship with him made him guilty. he knew how insecure you felt since the beginning of high school. after the mean comments stays made about you, you felt everyone was coming at you and that you didnt deserve jisung.
until jisung stepped in and defended you. he brought in the light when you fell into the darkest time. even til before he cheated on you, whenever you would fall into a dark time, he would be your knight in shining armor and bring you back to light.
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i lied to you, i lied to you, i lied to you. Can't hide the truth, I stayed with her in spite of you.
he knew he shouldnt had cheated on you. but something that jiseo gave him made him fall harder for her and started cheating behind your back. the times he cancelled the dates and plans was only to hang out with jiseo. with the excuses he used was just he needed to practice more or make a new song. all the lies he said to you. all the unsaid i love you.
you did some things that you regret, still ride for you. cause this house is not a home.
currently on the bridge you were sitting at, with the han river under your dangling legs and with park near the bridge, where you two met when you were a little kid. with a blade in your hand, you rolled up your over-sized button up flannel to reveal a fresh canvas to place the scars. each memory and tear that fell, you would cut into your flesh. you promised yourself you would never cut youself or try to harm you, but you felt weak and nobody was there to help.
jisung, who was running around trying to look at the places you would always go to relieve some stress or just for fun. remembering you would always go to the park next to the han river always made you feel so calm since it was the place you and him landed eyes on each other. running to the park, only to find nobody. looking up afar, he sees a figure. a very familiar figure. noticing the same flannel you would always wear.
making his way to the bridge, he hears the sobs which pains him. going up to you, he sees blood coming out of your fore arm. widening his eyes as he approaches you, he takes the blade and throws it in the river and hugs your trembling body.
“its okay y/n” he tries to make you calm. slowly sinking into the hug, relaxing. you then remember what happened. with your shaking body, you push jisung back to where he isnt hugging you anymore and falls on his side. “how can you say that as i caught you cheating on me?!” you yelled out, which you shouldnt have, making you see more than one jisung.
“y/n, let me explain!” due to lots of blood loss, you fainted. having jisung to press on your wounds and take you to the hospital. “please y/n, not again. please i cant lose you again.”
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jisung waited in the waiting room with his elbows on his knees and bloody hands on his hand. as the doctor was walking towards him with papers in his hands, he stood up. “ah so jisung. y/n is fine but due to the lost of blood she lost which was almost half a gallon, she will be having blood transmitting to her body. you can go to her room now” jisung thanks the doctor as he pats jisungs back.
walking to your room, only to see you looking at the window. jisung grabs a chair and places it next to your bed. jisung grabs your hand and starts speaking.
“im sorry y/n. i-i shouldnt have cheated on you. if i didnt, we wouldnt have to be in this situation. i dont know why i did it in the first place but after seeing you hurt, it just made me feel so guilty. i didnt return you the love you gave me and seeing your pained face, i just felt my heart shatter. and after having to keep stray kids continuing their tour without me and coming back here to talk to you. just because i love you and i dont know what life ill be doing without you.”
you turn your head to see jisungs face full of regret of what he did in the hotel room. you smiled after hearing ‘i love you’ after months. “i love you too jisung”. he lifts up his head and sees you smile. he gets up and hugs you. “if you do this again jisung, i wont hesitate and break up with you.” and kiss jisung on his lips. he sits back down and grabs your left hand. “i believe you need to put this on again, sunshine.” and slides in the promise ring you threw at him.
and finally, he goes on his knees and pulls out the small black velvet box you found earlier. without jisung even asking, you immediately say yes. “baby i didnt even ask you” jisung laughs.
“i dont care, yes is my answer.”
jisung smiles and puts the engagement ring on your ring finger.
“thank you for this second chance baby”
sorry that i broke your heart, your heart. and I said, baby, i’ll treat you better than i did before, i'll hold you down and not let you go, this time i won't break your heart, your heart, no.
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END <3
a repost since first try didnt show up in the tags but ty for reading
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awkbo0b · 4 years
Two of a Kind: 3
A/N hello everyone! here’s part three. I didnt want to keep you waiting as long as long as i did for part two so here is it is! Here are the other two parts in case you haven’t read those yet, Two of a Kind:1, Two of a Kind:2
I’ve made a tag also for this story! #TwoOfAKind
Warning: Drugs, swearing, vomit, slow burn ;)
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The next morning I wake up to Tony running across the room and slamming the bathroom door. She has been up all night puking her guts out. I get up to go check on her. “Need some more water?” I ask through the door. After some dry heaving Tony makes out a small please.
After helping Tony back into bed and getting some water in her, I lay back down on bed i made on the floor. I have my own guest room here but with how sick Tony is, I couldn’t leave her to fend for herself.
Last night plays over in my head, the group of pogues were the best. Really felt like I could be myself around them. Plus once Tony started feeling sick, they all helped me get her home in one piece. Pope even carried her up the stairs so we wouldn’t wake any of our parents. Kie said she could grab our cooler so I gave her my number so she can let me know.
I catch myself thinking about JJ, his little snarky remarks and jokes, the way he was smile when he would catch me looking at him, just they way his lips look when when he’s talking. I roll into my stomach and groan into my pillow.
“sure hope you’re not going to end up sick, because i’m not going to be able to help you,” Tony’s voice is weak from being up almost all night.
“No I smoked so no hangover for me.” i say up to Tony.
“You lucky bitch.” Tony isn’t the one to swear, so her voice of words have me laughing my ass off.
“You jealous bitch,” I’m laying on my back again. Tony somehow picks herself up to leave over her bed to look at me.
“You’re not wrong,” Tony begins to laugh but then  winces, “damn, got a huge headache too.”
“What did we learn?” I ask smiling up at Tony.
“When I say I should wait, i shouldn’t drink anymore.” Tony states then throws herself back into her pillows. “I was suppose to show you around today.” There’s a hint of regret in her voice. I pull myself up onto the end of her bed.
“I’m going to be here all summer, don’t even worry about it,” I say but the look Tony is giving me says she doesn’t believe me. “Besides, I have some inspiration for a drawing so I’ll just work on that today,” I shrug trying to give off the vibe ‘it’s not a big deal’. Tony’s eyes light up.
“You’re going to start a piece of art?” Tony is now sitting up as straight as she can.
“Yeah.” I smile.
“It’s been so long, can i do the honors?” Tony places her hands like she is praying, i give a small sigh.
“Sure, why not?” I hop off the bed and make my way to the gues bedroom that has all of my belongings. I grab my notebook and favorite pen, and head back to Tony’s room. I sit back in the bed and open to a blank page.” The idea I have is going to be horizontal,” I turn the book on its and hand my pen to Tony, “try to stay in the center for me,” Tony takes the pen and begins to make some scribbles. Once she’s finished I take the notebook back and look to see the mess. I then look back at Tony who is holding her head up high and proud, when she instantly goes pale and has to run for the bathroom again. I let out a sigh and follow her.
After taking a shower and getting dressed I text Kie, ‘hey did you end up grabbing that cooler? if not i was going to make my way back to that beach anyways!’.
I place my phone facing up on the bathroom counter an begin to apply light make up along with some sunscreen. My phone buzzes, ‘actually I think JJ got it last night, here’s his number’ in a separate text came in containing the phone number. I text Kie thanks and then save the new number into my phone.
‘hey, its Mae from last night, Kie said you might have my cooler?’ I hesitate before pushing send, should I make it a little more flirty? Did I make it seem too flirty? What if he was only being nice last night because I caught him with his friends and didn’t want to come off as a dick? I shake away the thoughts and press the send button, I have never been this scared to text a boy before, I’m not the one to get scared. It’s a weird feeling.
“What the hell is the matter with you?” I ask my reflection in the mirror. I laugh quietly to myself, then jump at the sound of my phone buzzing.
‘Ya I have it, meet me at the boneyard’ JJ’s text read, I smile at the words, trying to push the idea out of my head that I might be into him.
I pack my notebook and some pens and my hammock into my back pack, then my pipe and travel size jar of weed, just incase. I slip on some shoes and make my way to Tony’s room. I open the door to see her still laying in her bed. “Hey dude, I’m going to go out to draw. Text me if you need anything.” I see Tony’s arm shoot up with a thumbs up. I laugh and shut the door.
I had set up my hammock and pulled out my notebook to begin drawing. The scribble that Tony had started for me was perfect. It stayed in the center like I asked her to, but it was low enough where I wanted it. I begin to think about the bonfire last night, I take a deep breath and then begin my work. The small curvy lines at the top I begin to shape them to look like flames. Once I did that a couple times I decided I wanted to make a glowing halo above the soon to be fire, and draw an arch about three inches from the scribble. The lines that are harsher and seem to have more corner than curves, I begin to shape them into logs, adding some knots into them. I see a curvy line I haven’t touched yet and the idea with some taller flames came to mind. I start about half way, tracing the curves that Tony has started, then breaking into untouched territory of white space.
“Hey!” I flinch, taking my hand, and my pen, about the arch. I turn to see blondie. “What you doing there?” I notice him squinting his eyes from the glare of the sun from the beach.
“Well, I was drawing until you scared me.” I try to make sure my tone doesn’t come off rude. JJ reaches my hammock, places the cooler down by his feet and looks over to my notebook.
“Damn, I caused that?” He uses his finger to point and to touch the line that obvioulsy goes way to high.
“Yep, you sure did.” I respond slightly laughing.
“Fuck, my bad dude.” JJ’s  face says it all, he really does feel bad. And I start to feel bad, he obviously doesn’t know that mistakes in my art are what make my art so different.
“Honestly, I like it.” JJ’s face is full on confusion. I look back down to the line. I take my pen to the tip and draw downwards completeing a large flame. “I’ll be drawing in some larger flames to match it, not big deal.” I shrug and then close my note book. “Thanks for grabbing the cooler.” I mention looking down at it then back up to JJ.
JJ’s face still seems to be uneasy and unsure where to take the converstion.
“This is when you say you’re welcome.” I whisper trying to lighten the mood. Once JJ catches the hint, his whole body loosens up.
“Oh shit yeah, You’re welcome. Its a nice cooler. It probably would have gotten stolen if we left it here over night.” JJ states then smiles.He looks at my notebook then back to me. “You might get this a lot, but do you mind showing me you’re art work?” JJ’s hand motions to it.
Talking about my art is not my favorite thing to do. It’s like someone asking you to stand there naked while they look at every scar and winkle in your skin. Makes me feel too vunerable.
“How about you show me around and I’ll think about it.” I hope out of my hammock and stuff my notebook into my backpack. I stand up straight to see JJ smirking at me. Oh my god his face is beautiful. I have to refrain from shaking my head, stop Mae you are NOT into him. “What?” I ask.
“Thought you said last night you don’t need a guide.” JJ raises his eyebrows and crosses his arms over his chest. I roll my eyes trying to come up with a quick remark to put him back in his place.
“Oh please, if I wanted to see touristy sites I would have called up one of the pretty boys from last night. I want to see the heart of this place. So,” I take a step closer to JJ, tilting my head to the side. JJ still has a smirk on his face but I notice him look at my lips. “I’m asking a local.” I make my last word as breathy as I could, then back away to begin taking down my hammock.
“So does this mean you pick pogues over kooks?” JJ ask.
I turn back around to see his face slightly flushed with red. “If that means I can have as much fun as I did last night with you guys, then definitely.” I nod with my hands on my hips.
“There’s a rule among the pogues fyi.” JJ informs, “pogues don’t make on pogues, so,”
“It’s a good thing I won’t have to worry about you hitting on me then.” I cut JJ off and give him a wink. “Now come on,” I place my hammock in my back pack, “You should show me a place only the locals know.” I slide my bag onto my back and wait for JJ.
JJ licks him lips as he looks towards the water. “You are something else Mae,” JJ thinks out loud, “Lets go. I’ll show you around.” JJ points over his back and grabs the cooler with his other hand. “Lets fill this up so we can have some food and drinks for the day.”
“Sounds like a plan to me.” I say and JJ leads the way back to town.
Thank you for reading, I hope you are loving it as much as me! continue to like and reblog, the more notes I get the faster the next part will come out!
What are some request that you guys would like to see between Mae and JJ? I’m all ears and will give credit due if I decide to incorporate it into the story! So send some in!!!
Love you guys, talk to you soon!
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unicyclehippo · 4 years
as much as they love big pranks and chaos, artagan loves messing w beau subtlety sometimes. on one occasion they manage to put a flower crown on her without her noticing. no one points it out, beau is just wondering why everyone’s smiling at her today
not exactly the prompt but fairly similar to what i was already writing, thank u. sorry it is long, i think. follows on from the artagan post i made earlier
A gentle hand shakes her awake—it doesn’t deserve the way Beau comes awake all teeth and tense fear, she doesn’t deserve that, but here in the graveyard of trees, relics of the forest that used to stand here, Beau has dreamed of gleaming green eyes and ghosts, laughter and the touch of long fingers closing cold around her heart. And pain. Yasha rocks backwards, takes Beau’s attack on one shoulder, and shakes her head at the immediate apology.
‘It’s alright,’ she says, voice low. Her eyes crease and Beau—still blurred around the edges, still pulling out of sleep—doesn’t know what that means until Yasha pulls further away and Beau can see all of her face is smiling gently down at her. ‘The others are asleep. I just - wanted to thank you.’
‘For the flowers.’ Uncurling a hand, Yasha shows her the dozen or so little bluedrops.
Beau glances at them and then quickly away. Shuffles out of her uncomfortable half-up position and sits properly, crossing her legs.
‘Not from me. Maybe Nott. Or Jester.’
‘Oh.’ Yasha’s brows lift in the faintest hint of disbelief. Her eyes lift a fraction to Beau’s hair. ‘Then you have been visited too.’
She reaches out oh so slowly and Beau doesn’t flinch, not until she sees the rusted hilt laying in Yasha’s bedroll, far on the other side of the dome. Yasha pulls away at the flinch. She nods instead, Look her eyes say, and they follow Beau’s hand as she reaches up to—ah, fuck. Her hair ribbon.
Beau pulls her hand down, examines the bluedrop with frustration.
‘I can - take out the rest? If you want.’
‘Yeah. Please.’
They both go about it with caution—Beau turns around so she can’t possibly see the sword, Yasha does her best not to touch Beau at all as she tries to remove the little flowers, and it’s tense and awful so Beau, with all the talent in her body, relaxes back into her friend’s side as though they’ve done so a hundred times before, as though they’ve done more than simply exchange a few short words since reclaiming her.
Yasha’s hand settles shakily on her shoulder. Warm. Solid. Beau leans her head back against Yasha’s and smiles up at her, looks up out from the corner of her eyes. Maybe it’s a fey thing—not power, necessarily, but the habit of looking at things from new angles—but Beau finds from this angle that the sad lines of Yasha’s face are less pronounced. She looks younger, lighter. Beau relaxes a little more, and has to reevaluate whether it’s the angle that has Yasha awash with joy or the semi-awkward hug they share.
Morning dawns hot and dry, the coolness of the hut burned away the second the spell falls. No one else is waking, so the two sit together and wait. The flowers are set aside into a small pile and Yasha has long since finished, leans back on her hands and doesn’t ask Beau to move. So she doesn’t. Uses Yasha as a back rest instead.
She feels Yasha speak before she hears the words, the buzz of them moving from Yasha’s chest to Beau’s back, and she wonders idly as she tilts her head toward the rising sun whether there’s a way of...keeping a memory. Keeping this peace, this connection.
‘Can I ask you something?’
‘’m awake. Go for it.’
She doesn’t immediately. But it isn’t very long before Yasha sighs. Says, ‘I’ve missed things. While I was...away.’
Beau snorts. ‘Away.’
Yasha bumps her shoulder into Beau’s back, fond, chiding. They resettle. ‘There are things I see that...I don’t know if I should talk about. If they’re private or new.’
‘Fjord has a new voice,’
‘Wild, right?’
‘It’s...different. He’s different,’ Yasha says, and Beau nods. ‘You all are.’
‘It’s been a lot.’ Beau scrubs a hand over her face. Dredges back in her memory with a wide net, not wanting to pull up all the details. The close calls. The fear. The running and running to catch up to Yasha, only lose her again. The scrying. Jester’s tears. She doesn’t tell her in order, just plucks their history out from the pile. ‘Uh. We went into that Happy Fun Ball again, which, turns out, is more than just those couple rooms we saw the first time—well, not you, but the rest of us. It’s like...a series of folded inter-dimensional spaces that contain not only increasingly horrific things but also is totally designed to fuck up magic users. We went in cause Yussa—remember him? He went in and disappeared for like three weeks and turns out he got got by the Ball guardians—‘ Yasha snorts. Beau grins. ‘We met this super hot wizard chick from Tal’Dorei, Yussa’s - friend? Maybe? Who helped us out with that, and with you. The blonde chick who talked to us in the King’s throne room. Let’s see, what else? I made Expositor and then almost immediately got banned from all the fuckin’ libraries—long story, it involves teleporting horses,’
‘Ah. Okay.’
‘We visited a volcano—not the Traveller Con one, a different one—and tricked a white dragon and stole from some assholes connected to - to Shady Creek. Fjord got a new sword and a new voice, got hitched to the Wildmother, we met this superhero chick who could turn into animals, we got tattoos,’
‘You changed.’
Beau stops talking. Stares out, over the barren treetops painted pink and golds in place of withered grey. ‘I guess. Happens, y’know.’
Yasha hums her agreement.
‘Good change?’
Yasha ignores the crack in her words. ‘I think so. You’re...more confident. Comfortable.’
‘You’re pretty comfortable too,’ Beau says, threading it with a familiar flirtation, and she smiles more genuinely when Yasha laughs.
‘I didnt - like to see you in Kamordah.’ Yasha has to feel the way she tenses, entire body locking up, but she ignores it. ‘It was - like looking in a mirror.’
‘Oh yeah? Shitty parents?’
‘No. My parents were good enough.’ Yasha shifts ever so slightly. Beau doesn’t know how until one finger comes to rest atop Beau’s pinkie. ‘You looked ready to die,’ she says, voice blunt like a fist to the gut. ‘Ready to leave us. I don’t care for that much.’
‘You’re one to talk.’
‘I know. But am I wrong?’
Beau doesn’t answer. Not with words, not with a shrug or a laugh. It is hard to move beneath the sudden crushing sensation of being fully in her body, a body that is not dead, that is sat amongst a nest of friends she has not fully earned, deserved. She shivers, heart feeling small and cold again.
‘Perhaps I should not have spoken to it,’ Yasha continues very softly, and she lifts a hand to run it through Beau’s braided, flowerless hair. ‘But I have.’
Beau breathes out shakily. Fights the pressure that clutches her lungs. ‘Yep. Sure have.’
Yasha waits a moment. Then, ‘There is another, ah, topic.’
‘Fuckin’—fine. Yeah, fine, go for it,’ Beau sighs, pulls away from Yasha finally. Scrubs hard at her face again. Her cheeks and eyes are dry still and her skin is warm from the morning sun, but she feels numb. The gesture helps, a little.
‘I’m sorry. I have missed so much, I don’t know who to ask. And you—tell the truth. Without...’
‘Being nice about it?’
Yasha smiles. ‘I guess. But sometimes nice is confusing and doesn’t help me much.’
‘Sometimes nice is what you deserve,’ Beau mutters.
‘Is that the truth?’
It’s not what Yasha wanted to talk about, Beau is pretty sure, but she sounds very uncertain and Beau’s heart aches with it.
‘Yash,’ she sighs. ‘Yeah. You deserve—friends. Family. You deserve good stuff.’
‘Even though...’
Her eyes dip down. Beau is wearing a shirt now, not her old vestments. She’s been wearing a shirt since that night. The scar doesn’t bother her, but it bothers others.
‘Even though.’
Yasha hums, neither agreement nor disagreement. Then, so casually as to be super obvious about it, she looks about to see if any of the others are awake. No one is—or seems to be—but still Yasha folds herself forward so there is only an inch or two between their faces.
‘You and Jester,’ Yasha says.
Beau pulls quickly back.
Yasha doesn’t try to say more. Whatever the question would have been—she sees answer enough in Beau’s escape.
‘We should wake the others. Get out of here.’
‘Good talk.’ Beau claps her hands on her knees. Pushes smoothly to standing. ‘Good talk. Bye.’
‘Bye, Beau.’
‘These are such pretty flowers, Yasha! Where did you find them? I haven’t seen flowers for ages!’ Jester says, braiding a handful of them into one of Yasha’s plaits. She doesn’t notice the way Yasha glances to Beau, and doesn’t seem to require an answer, because she continues on. ‘And you know it’s a forest but it’s not like any forest I’ve ever been in—no leaves, no animals, no food! You should’ve told us if you saw flowers—maybe that means something.’
‘Perhaps a space where the curse is not so prevalent,’ Caleb adds thoughtfully. ‘Was it far from here?’
This time, no fewer than all of the Nein notice the way Yasha looks to Beau. Beau pretends she hasn’t noticed, examining the torn skin around her nailbeds.
‘Beau?’ Jester drags her name out teasingly. ‘Did you find flowers and give them to Yasha?’
‘If you found them—I do not know how much you heard, but if you did, there is a curse upon this forest and any sign of - leniency or space where the curse did not take so virulent a hold—‘
‘I didn’t find them!’ Beau snaps. Her eyes cut to Jester—she should’ve told her earlier, she realises. And not with everyone around. Fuck the Traveller, fuck Artagan for being right. She should have told her. ‘I—got given them. Sort of. He was being an asshole.’
‘He? A gift? Some kind of apparition?’
‘No!’ Beau cuts Caleb off. ‘No, I’m not stupid! It was — it was the Traveller, okay?’ She keeps her eyes firmly on Caleb, tries not to notice the way Jester’s smile blooms and then withers almost immediately. ‘He came around last night during my watch and said some stupid fuckin’ fey shit and bounced. Turned my cloak into flowers. That’s all. That’s all,’ she says again, turning her attention to Jester who summons up a wobbly smile and a cheerful,
‘That’s great! Isn’t he the coolest!’
‘He’s somethin’, alright.’
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fortressclan · 4 years
Bidwell sighed, glancing over at the full moon. Its that time of the month again. Great.
The moon had just risen, the twolegplace blocking out the stars from the sky and leaving the moon as the only source of light. Bidwell was preparing to make the quick trip over to the clans, having just finished all the tasks he had to do for the day. All was left was to check up on the two rivalling clans, and he could retreat back to his den and take a rest. God did he want to rest.
Bidwell looked over to Saxton, who was close by with some cats he was chatting up. He was too far away to hear anyone but Saxton, who was being loud as usual. He was sure anyone in the area wasnt going to be able to sleep that night, if he continued his story for that long. Hopefully the cats he was talking to would keep him distracted enough so he wouldnt try and fight another kittypet or, god forbid, a twoleg again. Saxton managed to catch his assistant's gaze and grinned, a quick acknowledgement before he continued with his loud conversation. Bidwell nodded before turning around, beginning the trip over to the clans.
It didnt take too long thankfully. Bidwell hopped over the log at the entrance of Blueclan's camp, something he had learned early on that one of the mercenaries had put there in a sad attempt at defense. And which had successfully tripped him three times before he finally learned to jump over it. At least it was better than nothing, he supposed.
The camp itself was somewhat small. The cats had moved and redid the entire place, leaving four dens remaining. They had kept the medicine cat and warrior dens, and Bidwell had later learned that they actually had weaved the nursery into the warrior's den, leaving an odd dip in the ground inside the den from where the nursery was originally was. The leader's den was, of course, untouched, and a thick bramble wall was made over the entrance, a small gap left in the barrier for what Bidwell could only assume was how their leader got delivered food and water. Bidwell didnt want to ask where their leader made dirt though- he feared what the answer to that question would be. The last den was close to the medicine cat's, being for anyone with injuries or visitors. Pauling had told him it was added after a particularly rainy night kept her in the camp, and Baystep was kind enough to help make a quick shelter for her to stay the night. Before Bidwell had questioned why she didnt just stay in the warrior's den with the others, but after actually meeting them, he quickly understood.
Immediately upon entering he spotted a gaggle of the mercenaries by one of the dens, some of them sharing a rabbit. He struggled to remember their names sometimes, since their leaders had decided to rename them all as a sign of welcoming and he had only knew them as their loner names. He managed to overhear their conversation and quickly put faces to names- Heavyclaw, Scorchleap, Hawkslash, and Baystep. He struggled for a few seconds with the last tom, since one of the cats kept naming him 'Berrytooth' for some reason, but after watching Heavyclaw gently hit him with a paw and correct him, he managed to remember Houndsnap's name. Bidwell offered little other than a quick nod to the group to acknowledge they existed, before heading to the medicine cat's den. The smells of herbs, flowers, and a scent Bidwell's mind immediately told him was blood flooded his nose, almost being too much for him. He spotted Bloodspeckle sitting down and pointing at something red and suspiciously meaty looking, with Firecrackle listening with wide eyes. "And you see, this is the hea- oh! Hello, Bidvell!" The medicine cat greeted, a few too many red spots on him for Bidwell to blissfully ignore. Firecrackle chirped a greeting as well, and Bidwell quickly nodded a hello before immediately backing away from the scene. That left two cats left, unless one of them was unfortunate enough to have been reduced to whatever Bloodspeckle was showing Firecrackle.
After investigating the two other dens and ruling out the leader's den as where the two were hidden, Bidwell decided desperate times required desperate measures. The gaggle of cats had mostly spread out, and Bidwell slowly gravitated towards the two ginger toms, Baystep and Heavyclaw. The paler of the two, Baystep, paused his conversation as soon as Bidwell approached, tipping his head in greeting. Heavyclaw paused to read Bidwell's expression, before his ears perked. "Little man has question?" He asked, with a slight tilt of his head and curiousity in his expression. Baystep chimmed in as well, adding "Feel free to ask us anything, partner. We'd be glad to help". Bidwell nodded, glancing around almost nervously. "Yeah, right, thank you. Uh, would any of you happen to know where the others are?" He asked, trying to remember their names. "Rushwing and..." He waved a paw, trying to remember what new name the other had gotten. "Raccoonheart?" Baystep supplied, and Bidwell nodded. "Yes, him. Them. Both of them." Baystep glanced at Heavyclaw, apparently thinking. "I thought i saw Raccoonheart hunting earlier, and i aint too sure where the kid is." He responded, and Heavyclaw slowly nodded, turning his head over to where Houndsnap and Scorchleap were. "Do Hound and Scorch know where little apprentice went?" He asked, and both cats shook their head. Bidwell watched as Scorchleap went and asked Bloodspeckle and Firecrackle, and groaned as he came back and reported they had no clue, either.
"How did you manage to lose an entire cat?" Bidwell sighed, lowering his head and debating hitting it against the ground as a sign of frustration. Maybe he would manage to knock himself out and wake up back in his den like this was a bad dream. "Dont worry, the little ankle-biter will show up sooner or later. Or you'll hear him yabbing on about something or other." Hawkslash reassured Bidwell, which did little to help actually reassure him. Bidwell nodded anyways, before deciding what to do. "I'll return later." He said to none of the cats in particular, raising his head up. "He cant be too far, and its quicker than waiting, at least." Some of the cats dipped and nodded their heads, leaving Bidwell to leave camp to wander around and hopefully find the missing speedy tom.
Fortunately, that didnt take too long. The smells of the twolegplace had clogged his nose enough for him to be utterly useless at tracking, but Rushwing didnt seem to be the one to be sneaky in any sense. Whenever Bidwell lost the scent, there was normally a broken branch or obviously moved fern that he could follow and use to pick it up again. It took barely ten minutes for him to find out where Rushwing was, counting the two times he had mistakenly followed the wrong trail. The area Rushwing was in looked to have been a long abandoned training clearing, with a soft and sandy ground that would've been perfect to practice on. It was padded down slightly from use, and Bidwell was able to see some spots where paw prints had been worn down into the ground. Rushwing himself was hitting a clawed up tree that jutted out into the training area a bit, hopping and dodging about for practice. It didnt seem like Rushwing had noticed Bidwell, and while he could leave now that he knew the other hadnt gotten himself killed, something told him to sit down and watch for a few seconds. It wasnt everyday he got to see someone fight. Someone that wasnt Saxton, that is.
Bidwell got caught pretty quickly, Rushwing having paused to lick his paw after accidentally actually hitting the tree with his paw pad. Rushwing stared at Bidwell for a second, tongue sticking out against his paw, before smiling. "Oh hey, prissy pelt!" He greeted, quickly licking his paw before setting it down. "Any reason youre sittin' there watchin' me?" Rushwing asked, and Bidwell shook his head. "No, none at all." "Well, cause, y'know i was just warming up. Normally i fight foxes. Reaaaal big ones." Bidwell raised his non existent eyebrows, sensing the conversation veering directly into bragging territory. "I mean like, even bigger than me! And you, obviously." Bidwell had little idea how to respond without fueling the fire, so he just nodded and let Rushwing continue. Maybe he could sneak away while Rushwing was talking? "I even fought a badger once! Real big guy, tough too! I think it was a guy. I didnt ask. Anyways, me and Scorchleap, this was before you and Pauling and everyone else stuck their noses into our lives, no offense, we had to fight it! And we, well, we were the only ones left in the clan, but that was alright! We won anyways, and-" Rushwing paused, bending awkwardly to get to the back of his front leg, shoving a bit of fur out of the side. His fur had hidden them, but Rushwing had a few scars on his leg which Bidwell recognized as teeth marks. Bidwell had never seen a badger, or a fox for that matter, but a quick run over of his teeth with his tongue informed him that, for once, Rushwing was probably not lying or exaggerating the story. "I got this! The badger bit my leg and tried throwing me, but it didnt let go, and i got dizzy and my head kinda hurt. Scorchleap smacked it right in its ugly face and it dropped me, and we both chased if off!" Rushwing smiled, clearly proud of his scar as he sat properly again, licking his fur down and over the scars again.
Bidwell opened his mouth, instinct kicking in with the normal 'you did great, sir' he would give Saxton for the latest fight he had, but quickly stopped that train of thought before it left his mouth. Bidwell opened it again to ask about the badger, before Rushwing continued. "I mean, it probably aint much to what's in the twolegplace. The other guys keep goin' on and on about how harsh and bad that place is. You gotta have some scars too, right? C'mon, spill it!" Rushwing got up, circling Bidwell excitedly as if to search for any scars he had under his long fur. "I, uh, i dont have any." Bidwell admitted, craning his head around to keep his eye on Rushwing. "Im not a fighter. I just work for Saxton, unlike Pauling. She's most likely the one with the good stories." He said as Rushwing finished his circling, looking rather disappointed. "Well you have to know somethin'! Aint there big monsters and twolegs there? Dont you, like, fight 'em?" Bidwell shook his head, and Rushwing groaned, throwing his head back dramatically. He sat down, going silent for a few seconds, before immediately perking up. "I know! Fancy paws, get up." Rushwing nearly commanded, getting a flat stare from Bidwell. Bidwell hesitantly got up, unsure to where this was going. Rushwing scurried to the other side of the training clearing, before getting down into a crouch with an excited grin. "What are you doing?" Bidwell asked in the same tone he used on kits, rowdy apprentices, and, occasionally, Saxton. "Pretendin' youre a fox." Rushwing answered, and before Bidwell could ask what that even meant, Rushwing was suddenly charging at him at a surprising speed. Bidwell's first reaction was to scramble away, but it seemed Rushwing had planned for that. As Bidwell ran, Rushwing leaped and landed directly in Bidwell's path, whipping around and striking a paw out.
Bidwell froze and closed his eyes, expecting the hot flash of pain, but was instead met with a light twap as Rushwing rather gently hit him with a sheathed claw. Bidwell opened one eye, then the other, watching with defeat as Rushwing hit his face like a kitten playing with yarn. "By starclan, you would not survive in the wild." Rushwing said, clearly amused and trying not to laugh. "I said i wasnt a fighter..." Bidwell exhaled, sitting and slowly calming down, licking flat some fur that had risen up from the short lived conflict. "I didnt think you were that bad!" Rushwing defended himself, sitting down as well. "I mean, even Bloodspeckle is better than that! I dont think he has any self preser-whatsit, but you didnt even fight! You just ran!" Bidwell didnt really know how to react, since everything Rushwing was saying was true, staying silent instead of repeating the 'im not a fighter' line again. "Ok ok, alright, listen. Next time i do that, run forwards. Not away, towards. Got it?" Bidwell was about to ask what 'next time' was suggesting, before Rushwing went back over to the other side of the training clearing again. Oh lord. Bidwell debated his options, before deciding that this was the best practice he was going to get. He got up, much to what seemed like surprise and genuine happiness on Rushwing's face, getting back to around where he was before. "Ready?" Rushwing asked, and Bidwell tentatively nodded. Rushwing began charging once again, and Bidwell's instincts screamed at him to run away, to escape the danger. He grounded himself, trying his best to ignore it, and once he saw Rushwing's hind paws bunch up in preparation to jump, he ran forward. Rushwing left the ground as Bidwell left little but dust and sand where he was standing, and the long fur tom was surprised when he ran right under Rushwing, landing in his paws hard to turn his head around and watch Rushwing land. Something clicked in Bidwell, and he began charging right at Rushwing. The tom looked over with a almost proud grin that made Bidwell only feel a little bad as he sped towards him, and the expression was quickly replaced with surprise as Bidwell slammed his front paws into his shoulder. The force knocked the unsuspecting warrior over, with Bidwell following after with little clue on how to roll along with the fall. The two were silent for a second, with Rushwing trying to process what happened and Bidwell silently proud of what he had done, before Rushwing let out a small laugh, still on the ground. Bidwell smiled, slowly joining in with the laugh at what he had just done. The two stayed on the ground like that for a few seconds, before their laughter died down as the rustling of leaves alerted them to a newcomer.
"Are you two done playing like kits?" Raccoonheart asked, setting down a warm rabbit, most likely recently caught. Bidwell immediately got up, shaking his fur and getting any sand stuck to him off. Rushwing raised his head but didnt get up, glaring at Raccoonheart. "We were trainin'! Which is more than you seem to be doin'. Doesnt Baystep get us enough food?" Rushwing grumbled, nodding to the rabbit. "Bluestar specifically requested for a rabbit, according to Bloodspeckle. Now leave Bidwell alone and let him do his actual work." Raccoonheart replied, picking up his rabbit and retreating into the bushes. Rushwing stuck his tongue out as the tom left, grumbling to himself once he was out of sight. "Raccoonheart is right." Bidwell admitted, feeling somewhat disappointed. "I should go back to my work. I still have to make sure Redclan is in order." Rushwing got up, shaking his fur with a sigh. "Yeah, i thought so." He nodded, looking almost as disappointed as Bidwell felt. Bidwell turned to depart, before Rushwing caused him to pause. "Hey, uh, stay safe." Rushwing said, his tone somewhat cautious, and almost nervous. "Kind of want to beat you up again, y'know?" Bidwell looked at Rushwing, who seemed a bit uncomfortable at the attempt of being genuine. He smiled at the tom, nodding. "I'll... Yeah, it was fun. Ill try not to die or anything." Bidwell agreed. "Yeah, yeah! Thanks. For, uh, not dying. In advance." Bidwell smiled at that before breathing out, turning around, and leaving into the forest. The small training had hurt his paws and the side he had landed on slightly, but Bidwell didnt really seem to mind as he began walking away. Maybe Saxton was right. Maybe a good fight was something he needed. Or maybe all he needed just a good laugh.
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overwatchshotz · 5 years
Couples fight (reaperxF!reader) 1
Just writing a collection of moments where you and our beloved Reaper argue like couples do sometimes. But there are always sweet endings with our edgy man.
Warnings: Female pronouns, cussing, mentions of sexual activity. And physical fighting (one sided) that turns into kissy faces.
She had an attitude today, she was tired, she was bored, and she missed him terribly. But he was always just gone. Work she could understand, she worked with him, but lately he was just gone for hours sometimes days even. And she was getting sick of that. If he didnt want her, tell her, she rather cry her tears tonight and be moving on the next day.
"I'm back." His voice heard in the for the most part silent room, she was reading. "For how long?" She asked. Her tone not pleasant, he could pick up on that as soon as he entered the room, just from body language alone. "A while" he said going over to her to try his luck with a simple move of the mask and kiss on top of her head. "So 5 minutes?" She asked. He rolled his eyes. Starting to take off his hood and coat. He had a very long day.
"Oh my God, those are actually removable?" She gasped raising her brow. He tossed his garments onto an armchair beside him, mask gone, only his scarred face and goatee, still nicely groomed. His brown orbs now a reddish color. He combed his beard with her fingers now free from his usual clawed gauntlets. "Is there an issue?" He asked. "Perhaps....are you going to stay long enough to actually talk about it?" She asked putting her bookmark in her book and tossing it to the coffee table.
He stood there arms now crossed. "Speak." He saying simply. "What have you been doing whenever you arent around, or not on missions?" She asked. "Afraid I'm unfaithful? Never took you as the type." He said amusement in his gruff tone. "I've heard rumors about you being unfaithful to your past organization...so you ARE the type maybe." She said with even more amusement when his eye seemed to twitch. She wasn't with him during those days, they became an item after he joined Talon.
"Watch it..." he warned. "No, you watch it. I want to know where you've been going and why." She wasnt afraid of him in the slightest, she was never afraid of anyone in her life, it's something he liked about her. "It's none of your business Y/N..." he was getting pissed. "It is my business if you want to keep getting between my legs Gabriel. I dont sleep with cheaters nor traitors." She said sternly. "I'm not the one getting between your legs sweetheart, you crawl onto my dick." He chuckled at the look of her face. He could play the game of who can piss off the other just as well as she could.
"Now tell me princess, what did daddy say no to that has you so pouty?" He asked in a mocking manner. Knowing she hated to be called princess. ((In this situation anyway)) and in a moment, he moved his head to the side dodging a oncoming fake plant (they were not around enough to take care of real ones). "F*ck you! You know what fine dont tell me, but whatever you're up to, I hope she, he or it is worth it and if you f*ck up I'm not backing you!" She got up the chair she said in and went for the door.
He was infront of her in seconds, "You're not walking away from me, and you will not walk out of here making a scene..." now if she wasnt so mad at him, him being so tall and towering over her, she would have been turned on, but right now she wanted to hit him. "I'll make biggest scene and show you how I could have been an actress." She said. "How dramatic you are I dont doubt it." He said, that's it. She pushed him back against the door and her fist went to his face, he moved his head and her fist went through the door.
"Come at the king....best not miss...and you're the only one who got a chance to try twice." He said. " 3..." she corrected and brought her knee up to get him in the stomach, he grabbed her leg and shoved her backward. Their living quarters was like a studio apartment, she stumbled onto the bed on her back. "Always loved seeing you like that..." he was sounding playful. "You better start taking me seriously..." she growled as she grabbed a lamp and threw it at him too, he wisped and was behind her now.
"Hard to when you're acting like a child throwing a tantrum..." his arms wrapped around her, holding her to him tightly, she kicked her legs trying to get him to falter in some way. "Now let me guess what's really wrong...." he grunted when she bit his arm. "You're lonely, horny, and bored. And I have been too busy for your liking and you're insecurities, which I'm surprised you have any, are making you come up with insane theories." He grunted again when she managed to stretch her leg up and behind his head, the position forcing him to let go and she got his arm, they wrestled a little bit,but she but him in an arm bar.
"F*ck" he grunted. "You will tell me what you've been up to, or we are over..." she threatened as she tightened her hold. Despite all this, he loved her, and he sighed, getting his other arm and managing to grab his own hand and started to lift her, forcing the arm bar to break and she let go, her body landing on the bed, her body bouncing in a delightful way in his sight.
"What If you couldnt know?" He said looking down at her, exhausted. "You know how many things I told you that you couldnt know? Just tell me if you're screwing around with someone else just tell me so I could get up, get out and move on." She said. "Y/N..." he sighed, she was going to be mad either way. "I'm not seeing anyone sexually...or romantically...besides you. If you want to label us that." He said. "Then?" She nudged him with her foot.
"I've been trying to fix myself..." Gabe finally said. "Fix yourself?" She said slowly, trying to understand. "Yes, I want to be normal again...I'm tired of my body feeling like its constantly on fire, I hate when my face decays and I have to go a week sometimes weeks without kissing you." "Who have you been seeing?" She asked. He gave her a look, he's trying to open up here and she's still on that question. "The one who turned me into this...monstrosity..." he sounded sad, disgusted with himself. He should have never aloud Moria to help him...she was helping herself...and left him to rot...literally then regenerate, he was in pain most of the time, even when he and Y/N are together he hid the fact, something he became pretty good at.
"So me touching you, hurts you?" She asked. "In the last 10 minutes, yes..." he joked. But she felt horrible. "Then why would you be with me if you're in constant pain?" She asked. "Because of a silly little L word...besides, its most of the time, it seems when I have you, that sensation overtakes the pain..." he smirked at the small blush on her face. "Go to someone else...to help you I mean...Moria won't help, she'll probably just experiment more in the name of finding a cure..." she said.
He sighed "I there is no one else..." he said. She now wrapped her arms around his neck, "Not true, you see here's the thing, I know people...people that even Talon can't connect with...very special friends that If I call would love to meet you." She said, lips brushing against him, barely connecting. "And how come you've never mentioned them?" He asked his hands going to her hips. "It's your fault, you don't let me in...how am I supposed to know these things if you dont talk" she said. "Point taken....in Talon you never know who your friends are..." he said. "True but then why do you let me "crawl onto your dick" hmmm?" She raised a brow. He chuckled "You're cute...that's why." "Bull...I think it has something to do with that silly L word you were mentioning." She pressed. "Maybe I "Like" you...just a little bit..." he said.
She kissed his lips slowly, pressing herself more into him. She missed his lips. "Bull" she said pecking his lip. "Mmmmm maybe I like you a little more than a bit..." he said, she kept pecking his lips "bull..." she said again. He hummed, laying her down, getting ontop of her. "Alright, alright....since you literally twisted my arm...I love you..." he said. "Love you too...asshole..." she said making nip at her lip. "I think I need relief (pet name of your choice)..." "Go to Moria..." she said playfully making him growl and kiss her hard, she laughing into the kiss.
Ah Silly little L word...
Hope you enjoyed, as always Gif is not mine, and if you guys would like me to write something, use that ask box. And I will write it hopefully. I will put up a notice and "rules" soon.
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thatnerdnextdoor24 · 5 years
If your face is the last I ever see, I’ll be happy with that
Part 1 Part 2  Part 3
Ao3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When Kit was little, he had had a strange dream. In it was a man with blue eyes and dark hair. The man had laughed when he saw Kit. Told him that he never imagined for him to be so small. Kit had replied that being small made him good for stealing. The man had smiled and told him perhaps. 
He had all but forgotten the dream since. But now, he remembered. Because that man stood in front of him again. Only, now he recognized him from the photographs that hung off the walls of his home. And from Mina’s birth. Because he had been there, too, and Kit couldn’t quite find the right time to introduce himself. "Will." He said. Will Herondale smiled. "Hello there, Christopher. It's a pleasure to see you again." 
Kit looked around where he sat. He was in the infirmary in the Los Angeles Institute. He didn't remember getting there. He looked down to find that someone had intertwined their fingers with his. He would have recognized those fingers anywhere. Ty sat, asleep, in an armchair beside Kit's bed. "What happened?" He asked. "You pulled a Herondale." Will said simply. Kit internally sighed. “Did you just use our last name as a verb?” Will shrugged his ghostly shoulders. “You protected someone you loved at the expense of your own safety and well being. Yeah, that’s a Herondale. I bet it’s in the dictionary somewhere.” 
A part of Kit wanted to snark back with a witty remark but, the other, was tired. His limbs felt heavy, his joints sore. A pounding rhythm was beginning in his head, his chest hurt everytime he moved. His eyes drifted back to Ty. They tended to do that alot. "And why are you here?" Kit asked instead. Will drifted closer, his watchful gaze taking in the features of Ty's face. "You know how ghosts sometimes stop by when a family member dies?" 
A memory of Micheal Wayland and Robert Lightwood came to Kit's mind. "Yeah?" He met Will's eyes. Even now, they were startlingly blue. "Well, I'll be honest. I didn't think you were going to make it through the night." He smiled sadly. Kit's breath hitched, "Oh," was all he could manage. He squeezed Ty's hand. "Oh indeed." Will grimaced. The clock on the wall ticked and toked, echoing through the mostly empty Infirmary. 
Just then, Will's head snapped up. "I have to go." He said. His voice sounding far away. Kit had spent enough time around ghosts to know that he didn't have much time. "Thank you." He said. Will tilted his head. "Why? I didn't do anything." 
"But if I had died. You would have been there. Thank you." Kit said simply. It eased his heart somehow, to know that one day, when his body could carry him no longer, Will would be there to take him home. So the ghost smiled, he looked back to where Ty slept and said, "You should wake him. For he loves you, in a way I can hardly remember." His voice had the gravely tone of someone who had seen far to much, and lived far too long. 
When Kit did look back at Ty's soft and sleeping face. He smiled, he could remember. Early mornings with Ty in his arms. Late nights walking the roads of the Shadow Market. Afternoons in the library. And he knew, that of course Will could remember these, because he had lived them too. He was going to say as much when- 
He was gone.
One moment standing there, the next, cold and empty air. Nothing but a whisper on a still breeze.
"....goodbye, Christopher." 
Kit started at the empty space where will had been, and wondered, if he had ever really been there at all. He stared at it for a long time. Until, there was a stirring from his side. The hand he was holding onto tightened its grip, and Ty yawned. Kit smoothed back his hair. "Good morning, baby." He whispered.
Ty smiled sleepily at the sound of his voice,  and then violently, jolted awake. "You're  awake!" He exclaimed. Frantically looking Kit up and down, checking the pulse on his wrist, the bandage around his head. Kit felt a laugh bubble up inside him. It was cute how worried Ty was.
"I'm fine Ty." He assured, Ty didnt look convinced. Kit held Ty's hands to his mouth, pressing a soft kiss to his fingertips. "Really." His voice low and gentle. "I'm okay." He pressed their foreheads together, felt Ty sigh.
"I know." Ty whispered. "But you scared me." His fingers fiddled with Kit's. He pulled back to look seriously, into Kit's eyes. "You really, really scared me." He bit his lip. 
Suddenly, Kit felt his throat dry up. "I'm sorry." He whispered. He remembered a promise. A promise made after a night he thought would never end. Where he had forced himself to spill out all the truths and feelings that had seemed to choke him. A promise made under the stars. 'I will be honest. With you, I will not hold my tongue l. I will not push my feelings aside.'
Kit had yet to break that promise. And he didn’t intend to start now. He cupped Ty’s cheek in his hand. “I should have paid more attention to myself. I was too worried about you. I was so focused on keeping you safe, that I forgot about myself.” It always hurt a little to be so honest with Ty. Always a voice in the back of Kit’s head, that told him that Ty didn’t care. 
The voice was always wrong.
Ty pulled himself onto the bed with Kit, who laid his head on Ty’s shoulder. “You also look really hot when you fight.” Kit added. Ty let out a laugh. “That’s the poorest excuse you could have possibly come up with.” 
“It’s not an excuse, its the truth.” “It’s still dumb.”
“No it’s not. You’re hot when you fight, deal with it.”
“Fine. Then you look pretty hot yourself.” 
Kit looked up, a tired smile across his mouth. To find Ty, dark circles beneath his eyes and his hair a disheveled mess, with that beautiful smile on his face. That smile that lit up his entire face, that seemed to call all attention to itself and yet, was rarely seen. The smile that had started it all. Kit felt breathless, he yearned to pull Ty to him. 
Oh ya… He thought. I can do that now. It still felt so new. 
Kit cupped Ty’s cheek and pressed his mouth against his. He felt Ty sigh beneath him, he melted into the kiss, his hands going familiarly into Kit’s hair. His lips knew how to move like second nature. Kit tasted summer time, books, and apples. It was so, very, Ty. He moved closer, Ty wrapped his arm around him and sudden blinding pain ripped through him, coming from the deep gash on his chest. With a hiss, Kit pulled back. Ty frantically pulled back and off the bed. “I’m so sorry! Oh, are you okay? Maybe I should go get Jem. Are you alright, Kit?”
 Kit wanted to throw himself out the window. He had just ruined a perfectly, lovely, moment. By the Angel, the demon didn’t kill him, but he was going to die of embarrassment. “It’s okay, Ty.” He said, his cheeks turning red. Ty didn’t seem very convinced, “I think I should still go get the others. They’ll want to know you’re awake anyway.” Ty gave Kit a quick kiss on the forehead before rushing out of the infirmary. Kit put his hand to his forehead, at least that was something. 
The next time Ty returned to the room, he wasn’t alone. Not by a long shot. Behind him trailed, Brother Enoch, Catarina, Magnus, Tessa and Jem. Brother Enoch and Catarina pushed themselves forward, telling the others that Kit’s health was the top most priority. Catarina asked him questions ranging form ‘how are you feeling?’ to ‘does it hurt when I do this?’ While Brother Enoch unwrapped and rewrapped bandages, applied runes, and told Kit to drink a strange purple liquid. It tasted like cough syrup. 
The second they had said he would be fine, with some rest, Tessa and Jem were upon him. Tessa smothered his face with kisses, while Jem ignored his pleas for help. He only held Kit’s hand, “Don’t ever scare me like that again.” Jem begged, his voice cracked, Kit’s heart shattered a little at the sound of it. “I won’t.” he promised. He intended to keep it. 
Finally, Magnus took pity on Kit and told Tessa, “Maybe you shouldn’t smother the boy.” Tessa glared at him, but pulled back. Ty took that opportunity to take up his spot on the bed beside Kit. He rested his head on his shoulder“You gave us quite a scare there, Christopher.” Magnus continued. Kit smiled sheepishly, “That's what I’ve been told.”
Magnus smiled wearily back, “I think it runs in your family.” he complained. Kit couldn’t help but laugh. “You know? Someone else told me that earlier.” Magnus raised an eyebrow, but was cut off by a voice at the door. “Are you taking visitors yet?” 
Kit smiled at the familiar voice. In the doorway was Dru and Ash. “Sure am.” He said, though his voice still sounded weak and hoarse to his own ears. And his entire body screamed at him to lay back down. Dru smiled and pulled Ash into the room, who grinned when he saw Kit’s condition. “Those are gonna be some wicked scars man.” He fistbumbped Kit. “I know, right? I just wish the story was cooler.” 
Ty gave him a quizzical look. “I think it’s cool. You were protecting me.” Kit felt his face blush, out of the corner of his eye, Dru hid behind Ash. He could hear her giggling. “Even if you should have known better.” Ty added. “I’m sorry, does somebody want to fill me in? What happened, exactly?” Ash looked from Ty to Kit, and back again. “Kit was an idiot.” Ty said simply. “He said so himself.” 
Kit was shocked. “I did not say that. Okay, I said it was a mistake, but that doesn’t mean I was an idiot.” Ty completely ignored him. He went on to tell Ash how idiotic Kit could be sometimes. And, about how if Kit hadn’t been thirsting over him, then he would be fine. Kit went red and tried to interfere, but Ash feigned shock, “Kit! Be quiet, your boyfriend is trying to tell me some very important information.” The worst was when he could hear Tessa and Jem try to conceal their laughs. 
But Kit didn’t try too hard to fight back, he understood he deserved this. For worrying them so much. He loved them all, so very very much. Eventually, as people came and left the room, Kit felt his eyes grow heavy. Tessa noticed, and so, ushered everyone except Ty out of the room. Who, also seemed very worn out. Tessa didn’t look to hyper herself. She simply helped Kit lay back into the bed. Told Ty that he could stay with him if he wished. He did. 
She got Kit a glass of water, (which was quickly devoured.) and kissed them each on the forehead. It surprised Kit sometimes, how much Tessa loved Ty as if he were her son too. And maybe (hopefully) one day he would be. Once Tessa shut the door behind her, Ty curled up against Kit’s side. “I love you.” He whispered, already drifting off to sleep. Kit smiled, “I love you.” He whispered back. But his love had already fallen asleep. So Christopher followed suit, closing his eyes to fall asleep in Tiberus’s arms.
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guettaes · 5 years
Found You - Leon S. Kennedy x Reader Deviantart @yuuki332
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Leon was on edge ever since you his partner since after the Raccoon City infection took place was suddenly noted as 'Missing'. The president had told Leon he set out other agents to search for you but they ended up coming back empty handed or plain out right dead.
It wasn't long till the new virus hit and sadly the president was turn, forcing Leon to shoot him in order for Helena to be saved. Even though he found himself fighting thorough yet another outbreak that brought bad memories he still tried to look for you as they checked in places where ever they went to make sure it was either clear or in search for what they had needed.
"What's wrong?" Helena asked as she noticed his quick movements for a while now.
"It's nothing." He replied not wanting to bring it up yet.
"It has to be something, come on...were partners for this." Helena told.
Sighing Leon slumped his shoulders and turned to her, stopped walking he looked right at her.
"My partner for most missions....and my girlfriend...has been missing for almost a year now." He told her.
"What?" Helena whispered.
"Her name is (Y/N) (L/N), I met her back in Raccoon City along with two others....we have been working together ever since." He finished then walked off to hurry and get this thing over with.
Helena was kind of shocked, a skilled agent like you got kidnapped? It was true she heard of you cause of people either talking out loud or whispering to one another about the 'missing agent' but she also knew from kind of reading files that you were skilled in hand-to-hand combat and had good speed and reflects...but you were human so it wasn't like you were always on point.
Even skilled agents would get caught off guard sometimes, but she could feel the emotion coming off Leon. He blamed himself for not noticing anything sooner...for not being able to protect you more.
Though in Leon's mind he knew he wouldn't give up until he at least seen a body, no...you weren't dead he wouldn't believe that at all. You've gotten shot a couple of times yet lived through it.
'She's okay...I just got to find her soon...' He thought.
A dark room with a metal door in the far end only had the light of the moon shining down. A single figure laid on the cold hard ground, arms bound behind their back. Cuts and wounds covered their body by countless of beatings for having a smart mouth at some words or not even telling the captor where what they had been looking for was.
Yup....in this very room was you.
Breathing heavy you had your eyes closed you (H/C) bangs covered your eyes, that was one of your annoyance with your hair, but didnt ever dare cutting it. The room though had no way to get out..the window was to high to climb out from and the metal door was only able to lock from the outside..so with all the faith you had left you waited.
You knew Leon would find you, and no matter how long it took you'd believe in him and wait.
"I'm waiting Leon....come for me soon..." You whispered.
Leon and Helena were finally able to kill Simmons and make him pay for the shit he had put the city into and everything else, now his mind was back on you.
Where were you?
"Leon, before we head back lets try looking for her." Helena suggested.
"We don't even know where she is." He sighed.
As if someone was reading their minds a call came through to Leon's phone, it was Hunnigan.
"Hunnigan? What is it?" Leon asked.
"I believe I have finally figured out (Y/N) location." She replied.
"Really? Where?" Helena asked.
"At some island south from where you are now. I traced back where the location was the moment a message came through." Hunnigan replied.
"Message?" Leon asked.
"Yes...you might want to not see this Leon...but it was sent in five minutes ago..." Hunnigan frowned and sent the video to Leon's phone.
Leon raised his free hand while Helena took control of the helicopter, he wasn't sure what would be shown but he knew inside it couldn't be something good from Hunnigan's words.
But he had to know what happened to you.....so he pressed play..
**In The Video**
"Why hello their Agent Kennedy, gotcha little girl friend here." A males voice spoke out.
"What shall I do to you to get a message across?" He laughed.
Picking you up he resulted into beating you, your yells of pain even coughs when his foot connected with your stomach was heard. The camera was moved to be more closer to you showing your new formed wounds.
"Now Agent Kennedy this girl sure is strong, know how to pick them huh?" The male laughed as the camera shook to prove the bastards enjoyment for hurting you.
"I wonder though...would it hurt..." He started.
What happened next made Leon have his eyes widen slightly and flinch.
The damn man moved the camera along with him and showed a metal bar that had been bent, it seemed to look like a crowbar but it was far from it. Hearing the males laughter as he placed it in a fire pit it was for the moment Leon knew what would happen next...
The bastard was gonna leave a reminder on you..one that would maybe even make you remember this torture.
"Say hello to some heat." The male cackled with laughter.
Placing the burning metal on your back your scream was so loud, it left a scar right there in the same shape of the metal bar that was placed there.
"A little reminder of her hell." The guy laughed and ended the video.
**Video End**
"That was all that was sent...." Hunnigan finally spoke after a few minutes of silence.
"My god...." Helena managed to get out from what she had heard.
"Who is this man?" Leon asked doing his best to control his anger.
"We don't know, since he didn't show his face and seemed to distort his voice...we are guessing it's someone smart..." Hunnigan replied.
"Alright....we will return with (Y/N) cause as of now....Helena and I are gonna go after her." Leon told.
"Okay be careful there and keep me posted, I'll get a medical team set up for the signal." Hunnigan told before hanging up the call.
Putting his phone away he helped Helena with the helicopter, he was gonna save you no question there at all.
Your back hurt like hell, the burn mark was hurting so bad that you didn't dare move. Knowing it would scar over you decided to think of something else rather then how much pain your were in. Actually you thought of someone else. Closing your eyes you pictured being at home with Leon..small smile on your face formed as you knew that soon very soon you'd see him again.
And just how right you were indeed.
An hour passed and both Leon and Helena set the helicopter down on a clearing. Pulling their hand guns out they looked around then soon found a big building in the distance.
"That must be where she's being held." Leon spoke.
"Then let's go!" Helena replied.
Like usual they had to get through a lot of things that were set up to keep people away, traps even lasers. Heck even zombies or mutated undead people, seemed like this guy got his hands on some virus. That was one thing he had to make sure to not let roam free.
"Damn this place got infected too?" Helena asked.
"I'm not sure..who ever this is must of got their hands on some of it.." Leon replied.
It took a while before they finally found a door to get inside of the said building. Apparently this guy was rich cause the room they were in was huge and well sorted out. Putting their ear pieces in they nodded at one another and went each way to look for you.
Leon to the left, and Helena to the right.
They would find you soon, and that was a silent promise.
"Looks like we got some visitors...." The male grinned as he watched from the monitors.
"Oh my dear (Y/N)...this will be a fun game to play." The male laughed pulling his hood off his head.
The male had short brow hair and green eyes, though his green eyes held nothing but arrogance, and insanity. He was the guy at one point you were suppose to stop but he ended up clearing his path and getting away.
His name...Shiron.
Shiron was one guy that admired the whole ideal of the virus so much that he stole one sample and set it off through out his island's people. The bastard didn't care if the people of this island that was once peaceful and beautiful...his care wasn't even there he didn't give two shits about all the lives he killed.
"Welcome to my game." He smirked.
Leon looked through every door but found nothing but empty bedrooms, this was growing more and more frustrating for him but he kept this feeling back and focused on finding you. He just simply had to.
Soon the two had regrouped and shook their heads, this was so hard on Leon that he believed this was missed information.
But the idiots sure love to spout about their evil plans don't they?
Clapping was hear from the high staircase, their guns raised towards the guy. Shiron walked down the stairs slowly.
"So you lived through my little puppets, wow this game is fun!" He laughed.
"Where's (Y/N)?!" Leon shouted.
"Ah...the girl...strong women she sure is." He laughed remembering what he had done to you.
"The hell you do all that to her for?!" Helena spoke next.
"I was just sending you guys a message." He smirked.
"Message of what?" Leon asked not having a good feeling.
"This!" He pressed a button.
"The names Shiron, remember that as you die!" Shiron laughed.
Doors from either side opened and B.O.W's walked out leaving Shiron to be able to get away.
"Wait!" Leon shouted shooting the guy in the side.
A yelp was heard but that didn't stop Shiron from getting the hell out of there, leaving the two agents to deal with the B.O.W's.
**Time Skip**
Since the B.O.W's were now dead the two ran up the stairs and rushed down the hall Shiron went. Lucky for them the mans blood lead his path. And it was all because of the single bullet that Leon shot at him.
Following it they came to the door where it had a small pool of blood, it was indeed the metal door you were in.
"This is it.." Leon whispered.
"Let's go." Helena replied in a whisper.
Opening it as quick as he could from the metal door they quickly got in and pointed their guns at Shiron. Who had you in his arms with a knife to your throat. Of course you were passed out and unknown to the events unfolding.
"One move and I slice her throat." He warned.
"It's over give up." Helena glared.
"Hand her over." Leon demanded.
This went on for a moment longer before Leon had quickly got him away from you and Helena took the chance to knock him out.
With that now clear Leon cut the ropes around your wrists and took you into his arms.
"(Y/N)?" He asked.
When you didn't answer he placed his ear on your chest, hearing your heart still beating he sighed in relief and smiled at you. He finally did it...he found you.
Though the reunion was cut sort since he got a call by Hunnigan.
"Did you find her?" She asked once Leon answered.
"Yeah, she's passed out but she's alive." Leon answered.
"Good there should be a medical team soon arriving on the island, get to the front. And do not worry more agents will come there to rid of whatever is on there." Hunnigan told.
Once the call ended he put his phone back in his pocket and picked you up into his arms, rushing to get out of this building he found himself soon outside and once the medical team noticed him they rushed over and took you from his arms and hurried back to the aircraft to give you some medical attention.
***Few Days Later***
When word got out of Agent (L/N) being found the agents around were relieved you were back, alive and safe. Some visited your hospital room and some even left flowers and get well cards. The doctors were able to help you with the wounds you got...but the burn mark indeed would leave a scar.
Leon though didn't leave your side, not even for a second. Course that didn't mean he didn't go home he did indeed go there to take a shower and eat but other then that he refused to leave.
Since a few days went by and you weren't awake Leon grew even more worried about you even if you were in a stable state.
Though that worry washed away when he saw your hand twitch and your eyes opening.
"Leon?" You whispered.
"Hey." He smiled.
"I knew you'd come for me." You smiled back.
Leon chuckled and leaned over, pressing his lips to yours for a soft kiss that had be long waited. He'd tell you soon from what you missed but for now he wanted you to recover and be okay enough to be told.
He found you, and you knew that in time he would. And here you are now safe and right back where you belong.
With him.
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