#I should be writing my fanfic rn
I desperately want the sims cats and dogs- in other words I’m going insane!
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thatbakedpotato · 3 months
you ever read a fic that changes the literal trajectory of life? that renders you incapable of picking up another piece of literature? cause same.
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vulpinesaint · 2 years
want to post on ao3. don't want to write things to post on ao3. want to post on ao3.
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an-theduckin · 5 months
Why am I not good at anything I do :(
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notasecrettelepath · 9 days
Chapters: 4/20 Fandom: 9-1-1 (TV) Relationships: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV) Rating: M | Words: 29k (slow burn babey)
Angsty Chapter Snippet:
Once, when he was thirteen years old, someone had asked Evan Buckley what he wanted to be when he grew up. Evan doesn’t remember what he said. Probably something along the lines of quarterback, professional athlete, maybe a veterinarian. Something that would be agreeable. Rational, even. But Buck remembers what he truly thought. What do you want to be when you grow up?, the question. A martyr, the answer.
Fluff Chapter Snippet, because I contain multitudes:
Buck waits for a comment or a quip as he organizes the phrase around in his phone. After a few seconds of silence, he glances at Eddie by his side. Eddie is looking at him like Buck grew a second head, and, automatically, he reaches for his hair to see if one of the kids have stuck something to him while he wasn’t paying attention. When Eddie just keeps staring, in silence, Buck moves around uncomfortably in his chair. “What?” Eddie’s voice comes out careful, like he maybe misheard something, like the little computer always making the analysis in his head came back with an error this time. He says, “You’re learning Spanish so… you can train it with Christopher?”
Read Chapter 4 on AO3.
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jedi-enthusiast · 4 months
Snippets From Parts I Haven't Gotten to Yet: Part ???
Have some Barriss while I struggle with the next chapter of Bloodshed, Crimson Clover <3
As Barriss laid there in that small metal compartment, one hand laced together with Ahsoka's and the other holding tightly to her lightsaber, her thoughts strayed to Ilum. Honestly, she was surprised by it---having thought that she would have other things on her mind when she was dying---but...well...she had thought a lot of things about her death, hadn't she?
Before the war, she'd always assumed that her death would be peaceful, natural, brought on by old age and illness. She'd be surrounded by her family and her friends, sent off with both an old Mirialan ritual for the dying and an even older---ever evolving---Jedi tradition as well. And, once she'd finally passed, she would become One with the Force---as all those before her had, and as all those after her would.
After the war, those assumptions had changed. She'd thought that she would be struck down by a stray bullet, crushed by falling debris, destroyed as her ship was shot down, or simply killed by the blade of General Grievous or a Sith. She would either be alone or side by side with her men and her master, but the rest of her family would be too far away for her to reach. If they were lucky, they would have a body to burn...but that was only a maybe. She would still become One with the Force, but far too soon.
And now she was dying, side by side with a friend, slowly suffocating inside a tiny metal box after blowing up a Separatist super-weapon.
Nothing at all like what she'd thought.
So, she supposed, she could give her mind a pass for straying to odd topics.
On Ilum, when the Force deemed her ready to receive a kaiber, she and the other initiates she was with had to face their worst fears. Sasha's had been water, Tai'ryn's had been his parents, Kel-Ta's had been heights.
Hers had been being alone.
Not alone as in being by herself, she'd always been perfectly content in her own company, but alone as in complete and utter solitude.
When she couldn't feel anyone or anything, like all of the ever-familiar lights of her family being snuffed out in a second, like being the only Jedi left in the universe.
That was what she was afraid of. Even now, she struggled with it sometimes---which had only been exacerbated by the war, which had split her family far across the galaxy and kept killing more of them the longer it went on. So, selfishly, she was at least glad that she wasn't dying alone, and she didn't have the strength to fight against or interrogate that impulse.
She squeezed Ahsoka's hand with what little strength she had left and Ahsoka squeezed back, light as a feather, making Barriss think that maybe Ahsoka felt the same way too.
So Barriss closed her eyes, found peace, and waited for the Force to bring her Home.
There was a cracking sound, like rocks falling down a mountain, and Barriss's first thought was that it was just the natural shifting of rubble---Geonosian sandstorms were known to have violent winds, after all---but then it grew louder, and that assumption faded away. Before she could make any new ones, though, she felt a bright light fall onto her face, shining even through her eyelids.
Slowly she opened her eyes and gave them a moment to adjust to the sudden light. Then, through the dust and smoke and bright sun, Barriss eyes met her master's, and the overwhelming feeling of- love, relief, happiness -flooded their Force-bond.
"Barriss!" Her master shouted, stumbling quickly down the rocky ledge she was standing on, and Barriss couldn't help but smile. She was loved, safe, and alive.
Perhaps the Force had different plans for her, then.
Perhaps her death would be peaceful, surrounded by her family, after all.
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junebluues · 3 months
urge to get back into writing fanfics is sooo crazy but my ao3 account unfortunately my irls know about it. so i would have to make a new account. or post on anon…
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mammomlette · 1 month
You ever get so obsessed with a song you learn it on instruments and then you start associating it with your current obsessions and fav characters and writing song fics in your notes app (me rn with i know the end by phoebe bridgers, it is SO Life is strange, The good place and obey me coded esp the outro)
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actively losing my mind rn because we’re coming up on a year since I played Edna in hairspray and I’m still getting hit with waves of Post Show Depression. HOW. I cannot exist normally and haven’t been able to since last october because I love her so much
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pjlotrkwt · 4 months
it would be amazing if there were more reader insert that have a storyline about being family from your confort characters
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Doodles for now because I’m tired rn- I’ll likely color these after I get the motivation to post chapter 12
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thedragonqueens · 1 year
Legacies X me headcanons
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gif by @legaciesladies 🤍
I would be one year older than Hope
I would be played by Hailee Steinfield or Madelaine Petsch
My name would be Kira
I would be part witch and part werewolf when I broke the curse, my parents would've made me a ring to control my turn
I would be a very powerful witch with a lot of knowledge because of my parents and my appreciation to learn
I would be friends with the twins since when I started go to the Salvatore School
Later, when Hope got there, I would be very close to her because I wouldn't judge her
Lizzie wouldn't like me being so close to Hope at first but she would understand later
Lizzie and Josie would be my best friends
I would help Hope to feel safe and defend her against others
I would meet the Mikaelsons after months being friend with Hope
I would share the room with Hope, Lizzie and Josie
I would study magic with Freya and Hope sometimes
My hobbies would be dance, read, write, and watch movies
2 months after meet Hope's family, I would have my first kiss with her
Then we would start dating
Landon wouldn't like this at first since he and hope had a complicated story
But he became very supportive later
Me and Hope would make our relationship public at school later so we could be close without shame
All Mikaelsons were supportive and made me feel safe at their family
Josie was happy for us and focusing on herself
Lizzie would be jealous at first without know why exactly but then she got happy for us because we were two very important people in her life that would make each other happy
After Hope's transition, me and Hope would considerate me become a Hybrid with her blood (after she turned off and turned on again)
After some years, I would turn and she would help me in my transition
Maybe adding more later?
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grahamcrackers4hanni · 6 months
So, a while ago in the middle of the night, I wrote the beginning of a shitty Hannibal fic. I decided to post the parts I have rn on here to see if it’s good enough to continue!
Carnival of Venice AU inspired by the Cask of Amontillado
- Blood, hannigram, main character death, m/m, murder, stabbing, drinking, masks, etc. I don't know how to do this. Alt universe, Will Graham POV, 1st Person POV, grammar mistakes, unfinished, the beginning of the story and then a small snippet of the end at the bottom of the post, and probably some mistakes in characterization. I mean I was half asleep when I wrote this. I would love ideas for costume ideas for characters if anyone has any!
Quick summary of the basic idea if you don't want to read it all:
Will goes to the festival with his friends for the first time, borrowing one of their old masks. There he met this man with a gorgeous mask; one as extravagant as an elk. He wouldn't normally be able to go up to the man with the intentions that he has due to society’s expectations to love a woman, but there he has freedom. They talk for a while and eventually, the man invites him to dinner. He told him to wear a mask with no bottom half but still hide your identity so that he’d be able to eat without taking it off. They meet again the next night and they have dinner. It all seemed pleasant and peaceful at first with the meal being like that of which Will had never seen much less tasted. It was all wonderful. Eventually, he realizes that the man nor the meat was as they seemed. The man was a serial killer and a cannibal. He had done the same thing with Will with that of many others. Yet in the end ‘I truly am sorry, William. You’ve been like no other…. For you, I think that I'll eat your heart first.’
Actual fic:
I was invited to a carnival in Venice by a friend of mine, Dr. Alana Bloom. Alana typically moves between Venice and Florence, so I wasn’t initially startled by her offer. However, I was very tentative. But, in the end, guilt weighed me towards the idea. I must admit, I’m not used to events such as this. The activity was… suffocating. She gave me a spare mask, a simple one that hides the entirety of my face. It was a golden knight.
As I found myself surrounded by a crowd of sharks, I heard the laughter of her voice grow further and further. At least she finds happiness. Eventually, I find refuge from the inane and mad near a few barrels of rum, wine, beer, juice, etc. Their unmarked property assures that it is not of a soul’s awareness, which barrel contains what. It was a gamble, but wasn’t also being at this carnival? A place to be whomever and act however without discomfort or fear.
I pour myself a handle of the second barrel’s contents. With a sip, I’m pleased to find myself consuming wine. As I stand near the stand, a stag walks over to me. His mask was black with golden accents and showed the lower half of his face. The beauty and detail left me in awe. I’ve never seen someone with such a mask. I nodded softly, readjusting my hood and mask as I stopped drinking.
“Tell me, what are you drinking,” the stag asked with an accent that left me feeling confused as I attempted to pinpoint its origin.
“Red wine.”
“I see. Which barrel? They never mark these barrels for some idiotic reason.” A scowl formed on the man’s face as he looked at the barrels with distaste.
I smiled under my mask, appreciating the stag’s scowl. “The second.”
“Ah, thank you. I appreciate your help.” He pours himself a wine glass of the drink before moving to stand next to me. “Have you come to the festival before? You seem… out of place.”
“No. This is my first time. I was invited by Dr. Bl—… the um… the woman in the bluejay mask.” I shifted uncomfortably, tilting my head towards her direction.
“Dr. Alana Bloom?”
My head perks up at the mention of her name, tilting lightly.
“She’s a friend of mine,” he explains instantly, “I would rather not provide any other details as they would hint at my identity, but please be reassured that I do know Dr. Bloom quite well. Do not hesitate to converse about her with me.”
I nod, although the fact doesn’t console me fully. I continued, “She asked me to come here. Provided my mask and everything.”
“Do you enjoy it here?”
“As you mentioned, this is not my scene.”
“Then pray tell, what is your scene, my dear?”
I hesitate for a moment looking in the stag’s mask. It was as black and dark as a nightmare’s soul or as a raven’s death. “What’s yours?”
He stays quiet, turning back to the crowd in front of them.
It stays like that for a while. The two of them together watching the others dance and drink. For a moment I see a moth attempt to court a red dragon before the dragon declines and turns away.
“Ballrooms.”I snap my head back to the stag upon hearing his newly sincere voice harboring a new emotion or maybe lack of one. “Or my kitchen,” he continues.
“Your kitchen? Do you cook? A stag like you, I would’ve assumed you to afford many maids and cooks,” I say, looking into the mask. I’m sure that the fortune it must’ve cost to make would’ve sent me to the slums.
“I can, but I prefer to make my own food. No one else would make it the way I prefer.”
I hum in understanding. “I see. I’m sure you are a wonderful cook.” He hums and nods his head.
“Would you like to find out, my knight?” My head whips around towards him, his words taking me by surprise.
“That’s impossible, stag. The masks.”
“We can eat with masks. Ask Alana for one which leaves the bottom half of your face open. We can meet again here, at the same time, tomorrow night. I will be wearing the same mask. If you do not wish to, then do not show up.” The stag looks within the crowd spotting a jester walking further into it, pushing a woman butterfly along as he laughs at her. “I’m afraid I must part. My hunger is only growing, and I must prepare dinner. I yearn to meet again, my knight.” The stag bows before making his exit, walking towards where the jester was previously, going after him. They must know each other, I conclude, watching as he leaves.
The festival was nearly closed, and the crowds had almost completely dissipated. Nearby, a bluejay waves goodbye to a woman in a pig mask. She began to trot over upon realizing my location. “Will, I’ve been looking for you. Where did you go?”
“Alana, I just went to get a drink. Who was that?” I walked over to meet her halfway.
“I don’t know, but she was nice. I wish I managed to get her name. Shall we be off?”
I nodded as she led me back to her abode. The building was in one of the many lantern-lit alleys. The walls only further reminded me of my home in Florence, causing an itch to form where the heart beats and the bones grow.
As we arrived inside, we stripped off our concealing attire. I laid my mask on the table and hung my coat on the coat rack. I studied her as she took off her costume. “Alana,” I hesitantly began, “could I attend alongside you again tomorrow night? Maybe in a mask that allows me better access to my mouth?”
Alana gave me a suspicious glance. “Oh? And what would you need it for? Don’t tell me you plan a night of pleasure for yourself tomorrow with some handsome lady?”
I felt my face tense as I turned towards the fireplace. I managed a quick shake of my head as I spoke, “No, no. Nothing of the sort. I just got hungry. It was difficult to get nourishment and quench my thirst with this mask; although, I do marvel at its beauty. It was just a little-“ I paused, trying to find the word, “suffocating.” would greatly appreciate a more appropriate mask.”
Alana nodded and went to her bedroom before coming out with a gorgeous mask in hand. It was detailed with a bone-white coloring and two things that looked like ears on the side of it. She handed it to me carefully. “I went to it as a lamb a few years back. It was…enjoyable. I hope you find the same outcome.”
I attempt to hand it back to her after feeling the hills of the lines and the cannons. “Surely you can hold onto it for me until morning.”Yet, she hands it right back.
“Keep it. You never know when you might need it.” She smirks and takes her stuff as she heads back into her bedroom. “You best be leaving for your inn. I hear that it will rain before morning.”
As I lay in my bed for the night, my mind kept trembling with restless moths of thoughts, crowding the lightbulb of my sanity. In the pitch of my room, my eyes kept trying to identify the white lamb mask on my dresser, but they were left to only imagine its curves and indents.
Eventually, I shut my eyes. My mind drifts off to the darker place it usually finds residence. The woods crackle and live soundly around me as I look past black, stretching trees. In it, I see a familiar suited man with a familiar black mask. He huffs as red coats his figure. A sickening cut is heard causing me to stumble on a branch, breaking it. He spins around to face me. The mask…isn’t a mask at all. It connects to its person, merging into an overwhelming beast. A black, tall, lanky stag-man stands before me covered in blood. He was something out of children’s horrific nightmares and warnings. It creeps towards me before offering a long, lanky hand. Its fingers were twisted like tree branches and as sickening as bloody organs.
“Would you care for a dance, my lamb in knight’s clothing?”
The next night I hesitated at the entrance. The sounds of laughter and enthusiasm were overwhelming to hear as he studied the grounds.
“Will? What’s wrong? You look nervous. You weren’t nervous last night.” Alana looks at me with a furrowed brow, rubbing her soft palms over my coat. I remember a time when I used to fawn over her touch, and frequently find my gaze drifting back to her, now I just enjoy the company.
“I didn’t- I didn’t have plans tonight. I may leave tonight without you.”
“You will?”
“I might,” I correct immediately. She raises a brow. “I’m ok.”
“You were just hyperventilating.”
“I’m- I will be ok.”
“Will, tell me what’s going on.”
I hesitate, glancing into the crowd, and catching sight of the barrels. They appear alone. A frown crosses my face without apparent reason.
“Will? Are you ok?” She takes ahold of my shoulder, trying to ground me.
“Yeah, yeah. I just-…I’ll be ok. I’ve got this. I’ll be seeing you.” I leave her standing aimless and confused as I make my way through the crowd towards the barrels.
Once I arrive, the place is lonely. Not a mask in sight, much to my dismay. I pour myself a glass of the liquid in the second barrel. My face scrunches in disgust at the taste of beer after assuming wine.
A hollow laugh erupts beside me, making me whip my head towards them. “I suppose the second barrel isn’t red wine tonight, is it?”
It was the stag. His appearance brings a smile to my face. “Stag.”
“My knight, I love tonight’s mask. A lamb, yes?” I nod. “It looks beautiful on you.”
I turn back to my drink, wishing the mask covered more of my lower face. “I believe you promised me dinner, Stag.”
“I did. How could I forget?” He offers me his arm. “Shall we be off? My home isn’t far from here.”
Hesitantly I link my arm around his, letting him lead me to his abode.
Test for ending:
Pain seared and burned like molten lava as the blade began to carve a slit into the folds of my skin, tainting them scarlet. The blade lifted for a moment before moving to the next area for an incision. My hands wrapped the wrist, stilling the knife as it pressed softly against my skin, eliciting a small bead of blood.
My eyes blur as I look past him… at him… the pitch, lanky figure carving me like dinner. “I see you,” I rasp, softly. My voice barely evolved to a whisper. The wind brushing branches against the panels of glass windows almost hid my speech.
My hand fell slowly as I watched the eyes above me. Crimson eyes studied mine as we held each other’s gaze. “I let you see me,” he corrected quietly. His voice hid an emotion buried deep like a skeleton in a ditch. If I believed that he cared about me any more than a random stranger picked as a victim, then I would've mistaken it for remorse or regret.
I felt as he fixed his grip on the blade, pressing it in again slightly. I didn't realize that it had faltered, previously. “I truly am sorry, William. You’ve been like no other…” He pauses for a moment, studying my eyes again, a new hunger filling them. “For you, I think that I'll eat your heart first.”
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kindlythevoid · 26 days
Rewind Update:
I’m late.
Really sorry about that one, guys. Looked around, noticed the time, and suddenly realized two weeks had passed!!
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The chapter is not finished at this time.
If there are any changes, I will update y’all much more quickly. But if I manage to finish it before the next planned update day, I will simply slap it up there instead of making y’all wait.
Again, apologies. :(
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justacasualidiot · 1 year
oh god the Huntlow brain rot is PUNCHING ME IN THE FACE- I mean, I’m not complaining, I love the ship but GOD I can’t focus on anything else rn
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wildflowergirlie · 4 months
found out today that IMHIACTF is double the length of animal farm. so. that's fun!
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