#I skipped over LOTS of stuff from the original text
asteria7fics · 5 months
i would love to hear a full breakdown of the correlation to the original text!! (*^ワ^*)
-still stalking man ˙˚ଘo(∗  ❛ั ᵕ ❛ั )੭່˙
Now THIS is what I'm talkin' about!!
MAJOR spoilers for TSOB under the cut, so if you haven't read it yet, read it here first and come back!
So I think it's kinda obvious who of the kids correlates with which Trojan War character, but I'll list the important ones here:
Cartman: Agamemnon
Kenny: Menelaus
Kyle: Achilles
Stan: Patroclus
Wendy: Hector
Heidi: Paris
Butters: Helen
Craig: Odysseus
Bebe: Priam
Ike: Neoptolemus (adding him was such a goofy move lmao)
All other correlations I made were pretty arbitrary and I didn't really follow them outside of using them when deciding who would be in the horse at the end.
But I know what you're really here for. Here's a breakdown of the events of the war, and how I South Park-ified them!
Paris steals Helen - Obviously, this was Heidi going to Kenny's house and stealing Butters.
Odysseus tries to avoid being drafted - In the original text, Odysseus acts insane and nearly murders his infant son in an effort to 'commit to the bit'. I struggled with this chapter the most and rewrote it a couple of times to make Craig nearly killing Stripe almost make sense, though idk how successful I was truthfully. Easily the weakest part of the story.
Achilles tries to avoid being recruited - Again in the original text, Achilles hides out by disguising himself and living among women away from his home. Having the enemy be the girls made this challenging, so I settled on having Stan and Kyle dress as girls together to try and get Wendy out of the war.
Agamemnon sacrifices Iphigenia, his first born daughter - RIP Mr. Kitty (ಥ﹏ಥ)
Greeks camp on beach & capture many small settlements around Troy - Had the boys camp across the street from Bebe's and raid the surrounding houses to bleed them of supplies.
Agamemnon takes Chryseis - I knew early on I wasn't going to have the boys take women as prisoners like they did in the source text, so I settled on having them take the next most valuable thing; video games. This is Cartman taking the first Switch he gets!
Chryseis’ father prays to Apollo; plague hits camp until she’s returned - The inspiration of The Crappening. I made the decision to not have the Gods be a real factor in the war, so the girls had to take things into their own hands with this one. It was convenient too, considering how dirty Cartman did poor Jenny in Bass to Mouth. Made for great motivation for the girls to give them those laxative-laced cookies, though!
Agamemnon takes Briseis from Achilles - Cartman taking the Switch from Kyle. That bastard! -`д´-
Achilles refuses to fight - Kyle's subsequent hissy fit. He's so Achilles coded it's wild.
Menelaus battles Paris solo - Kenny and Heidi's fight! Didn't have to do much with this one, honestly.
Patroclus wears Achilles’ armor and is killed by Hector - You guys know what happens. Stan dresses in Kyle's armor and gets his leg broken by Wendy. By this point I was able to follow the source material pretty closely.
Achilles kills Hector to avenge Patroclus - Kyle gives Wendy the big chop (ง •̀_•́)ง
Achilles is killed by Paris (bow lead by Apollo) - Heidi takes Kyle out with a lucky shot to the nuts. I never really explored if she was assisted by anyone on this, but I like to think she believed the Gods were on her side, guiding that condom!
The Trojan Horse - I mean, kinda explains itself doesn't it? Though I have to say, using the condom boxes to construct the horse may have been my single greatest idea in the whole fic.
The Greek’s emerge from the horse and torch Troy - There was really no way the story could end without the boys committing arson, was there? I mean, what was Cartman supposed to do? We all know how the story's supposed to end!
This was so fun to FINALLY share with you all! I worked through a lot of these ideas with my irl friends, and the laughter I got out of them really kept me invested in finishing this story. I hope I was able to make some of you chuckle, too!
Thank you so so much for this ask!! ♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡
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ancha-aus · 4 months
RealAgeAU Drabble - Parentalbond Cross
We are back on my BS and selfindulding drabble series, today we are finishing up how all the guys adopted Nightmare!
Last but not least, Cross :D
First Drabble (and original prompt by @spotaus ) Prev Drabble Next Drabble
Okay! No edits and no beta because we don't roll that way 😎😎
But more serious. slight content warning. Cross helps Nightmare bath, wash and clean his wounds and injuries. Poor baby can't take care of his own wounds that well and needs assistance from one of his four dads.
Cross isn't feeling good. Nothing is actually wrong with him but he is nervous.
Why is he even watching Nightmare today?!
It isn't that Cross... it isn't that he doesn't like...
Cross just doesn't feel sure about this.
He just doesn't have that instinct with childcare that the others seem to have. He tried! But he can't help but keep seeing Nightmare as an adult, or old adult? Ex adult?
Even when Dust and he spoke about it. How Dust just compared it with a natural change. Cross just... can't see him as a child.
He knows it is bad. Cross tries very hard to treat him as a child and do it right but Nightmare seems to notice Cross' nervous around it.
Which helps because if Ngihtmare needs anything he just asks Dust or Killer or Horror! Which works perfectly for Cross! How bad of a caretaker is he? That even the child notices that Cross can't handle it.
Cross checks the list again, the list beign something that Dust (and Killer) had put together. Cross would feel bad about needing a list but seeing as the last time he had to babysit he skipped a step or two he knows he deserves this.
Cross nods to himself. Breakfast and lunch were both done. Nightmare had his personal reading time. Nightmare had completed the few assignments Dust had put together for him. They had gone outside for fresh air and sunlight.
Now, the point he had been dreading. Bathtime.
Cross just doesn't get why Nightmare can't do it himself. But Cross had tried that last time only to get Dust to be furious at him, at the time it had also surprised and confused both of Killer and Horror much like Cross.
Since then Dust had refused to let Cross watch over Nightmare. A few days later Killer fully accepted his role as babysitter and caretaker. Which meant that Cross just didn't need to solo babysit Nightmare again.
Which had been fine! Perfect even!
But... well... You always have days were it just doen'st go according to plan. Which leaves Cross today to do all the duties.
Cross sighs and takes out the second list. It is a long list of rules for bathtime.
You need to follow all of these steps! And I mean all of them Cross. No skipping.
Cross rolls his eye lights and reads.
Step 1. Use WARM water. And I mean WARM! If you put your hand under the faucet it should be close to burning you.
Cross turns on the faucet and holds his hand under it to measure the warmth as he continues reading.
Step 2. Fill the bath as Nightmare gets ready himself. He doesn't need help undressed unless he specifically asks. And only then! >:( Tiny boss is specific about when he wants help!
Cross nods before snorting at the extra text. Seems like that Killer also got his hands on this list.
Step 3. Use the soap in the pink bottle and put enough in it to get a few bubbles to appear. NO! USE A LOT! MORE BUBBLES! >:3 No. I am serious. Just a bit is enough.
Cross finds the pink bottle in the small basket of bath stuff that Dust had left for him. Cross knows this because there was a note on it saying 'CROSS USE THESE.'. He can't help but ready the bottle and frowns. mild soap for sensitive skin with some antibacterial effects. Cross puts in a little at first and waits. No bubbles so he puts in a little more. a few tiny bubbles appear and Cross puts the bottle back in the basket.
Step 4. Just let the bath fill up until about the midheight. Safety reasons. Yeah we know we don't need air but Nightmare's magic is fragile and if he gets under water and panicks he may not be able to make his magic shape in the way to enable him to handle no air!
Cross hums and keeps an eye on the height fo the water. Turning it off at the right time.
Step 5. Just wait until Nightmare knocks on the door that he is ready. Once he is make sure you stand with your back to the door and bathtub. Nightmare can get in himself and if he needs help he will let you know. <- This.
Cross nods and just waits. He eyes the door and knocks on it, knowing the large master bedroom is behind it. "You okay Nightmare?"
Silence before a huff "I am fine." he sounds slightly out of breath. But Cross doesn't bother to point it out. He sits next to the bathtub and looks through the basket. A pink soap bar and Cross sniffs it. It smells like citrus, the same scent that the other soap had. Mmh. He grabs some of the brushes and feels them. Very soft and hardly any resistence. Weird choise as the harder and stiffer brushes work better with cleanign between bones. Cross spots some of those brushes in the basket as well and organises those as he waits.
A knock on the door "Cross? I am ready... Is the bath okay?"
Cross gets up and takes his list as he stands with his back to the door as ordered "It is ready!" he takes the list out in front of him again as he reads the next step.
Step 6. Whatever you do. Be normal. Please be normal. Don't freak out and remain calm. No sudden movements as you go near and announce your movement and what you do. Try to make some noise as you move! I have notices that that helps!
Cross feels nervous about that but waits. He hears Nightmare shuffle in and the door close behind him. No movement for a while before light steps move towards the water. Some splashes as Nightmare gets into the tub.
More silence before "okay. I am in... I can do this myself you know..." he sounds nervous.
Cross takes a deep breath and reads the text again before he turns, making sure his feet make noise as he moves around on the tiles. A familiar clicking of bones against it. Cross sighs "I know Nightmare. But last time they got annoyed I let you do it yourself and I don't want to risk that." he slowly gets closer.
Nightmare hums as he moves the water around with his hand "Fair enough."
Cross gets to the side and feels himself freeze. His back is a mess. Open wounds nad chips of bones missing. large cracks and bones barely holding together.
Cross gulps and finds his voice "I am going to sit down now, behind you..." fuck. fuck.. This is why Dust was furious. Because these need cleaning. fuck fuck fuck.
Ngihtmare hums that he heard him and keeps playing with the water.
Cross sits on his knees behind Ngihtmare and glances at the list.
Step 7. Once you are behind Nightmare you will start with his ribs. Use the shower body scrub thing for that. I always called it the poof. I am very sure that isn't the name Killer. Well what is the name? .... That is what i thought. Use the shower body scrub and some of the soap bar. Soap it up and move slowly rib by rib. It takes time. As you do this you need to pay close attention to Nightmare. If you reach his limit he will tense up. When this happens you need to pause and give him a moment. Use this time to just clean the scrub and reapply some new soap before continuing. Ha! You sure that isn't a new step? and what call it 7B? no thanks.
Cross glanes around and sees the shower wash thing that they must have meant and were talking about. Cross isn't even sure about the name for those sponge floof things himself. He nods and speaks "I am going to get the scrub ready. You okay? water okay?"
Ngihtmare hums and shrugs. The shrug causes Cross's attention to shift from the back and mess of ribs and the horrific view of the spine to the large bruises and sores all along the clavicle. Who would do this to a child? Why would they hurt a child this badly?! He is just a babybones!
Cross has the shower floof all nice and wet and soapy and moves slowly closer "I am going to start on your ribs now... okay?" A nod is his answer and Cross gets to work. He applies almost no pressure but Nightmare still shivers. Cross moves slowly to clean some of the ribs. He keeps a close eye to make sure nothing gets stuck on the broken and wounded bones.
They are silent as Cross works as Cross is hyperaware of Nightmare and his breathing. it is slow and even. One by one the ribs get cleaned and Cross makes sure to take two breaks to enable Ngihtmare to calm down.
Cross washes out the floof as Nightmare tries to relax, poking bubbles. Cross looks back at his list.
Step 8. Once you managed to finish washing his ribs he will need a moment. Give the scrub to him, soaped up, so he can wash his own legs and pelvis. As he washes this you need to wash his skull and neck with one of the washcloths. There are no wounds there but it is easier if you do it.
No extra comments form Killer this time. Cross does as told and gives Nightmare the shower floof and Nightmare gets to work on cleaning himself without even needing instructions. Clearly already part of the routine.
Cross still gets the right washcloth wet and soaped up as he speaks "I am going to wash your neck and skull in the meantime okay?" a small nod and Cross gets to work. His hands and fingers easily finding the curves and dips as he carefully cleans the babybones. Nightmare actively relaxes as Cross takes care to clean everything.
Cross leans back and grins "There. those are done." he looks at the list.
Step 9. Now the hardest part. the spine. Nightmare knows he needs this but won't like it. But he won't fight you on it. Again, he understands this is needed. So don't even bother to tell him it will be over quickly or not suck. He hates that. For the spine and the many tiny wounds nad the larger cracks you will need to soft soft brushes, you will quickly understand what i mean. It are the softest i could find and we keep them clean and disinfected. Still, one of the two will have the soap as always. the other is to apply disinfectent at the very end. Make sure one of those two stays dry.
Cross puts one of the two soft brushes to the side and grabs the other one. He starts getting it soaped up as the speaks "I am going to start on your spine now." Nightmare immediantly grows tense and hugs himself. floof forgotten in the water. Cross feels terrible "I am sorry. I will do my best to be careful okay? Just slow and steady?"
Ngihtmare hums and nods "okay..."
Cross has the brush ready and sits nearby "Okay. I am going to put one hand on your side to help keep you steady as i do this." Another nod and Cross helps support Nightmare as he nears the spine with the brush. "I am going to start cleaning the wounds now." a very soft brush but Nightmare still shudders and whimpers in pain.
He hates this. How fucking dare they hurt a child like this? To do this and hurt him this badly? And why?! because they are idiots to think he was bad?! That a child was evil??! That a babybones was evil?!
Cross is seething but his hands are steady as he cleans the wounds and deep slashes. No wonder that they need to do this for Nightmare. Ngihtmare is shaking in pain as he cleans the wounds. Nightmare would not have the ability to do this for himself.
Eventually he manages to clean the spine and Cross puts the brush away "there! All done with that!" Nightmare still sits shaking but leans a bit deeper into the water. calming himself.
Cross grabs his list and searches quickly.
Step 10. If you get to this spot you are almost done. We are in the home stretch! Now. Next is to give him a moment to relax. JUst let him sit in the water. In the meantime you can get the scrub soaped up again for the last step.
Step 11. next is the arms and shoulders. And while sensitive they won't hurt too badly in this. Just wash it off with the soaped up scrub once Ngihtmare sits up striaghter again.
Okay. easy enough. Cross starts preparing the floof as he keeps an eye on Nightmare. Nightmare sits back up after a while and mutters "okay... arms next?"
Cross nods as his soul fills wiht pride and... and... he isnt'sure what... instead he ignores it as he speaks "indeed." Nightmare hums but holds one of his arms out, still not looking at Cross. Cross cleans it efficiently but makes sure his touch is gentle. They switch arms and this one gets the same treatment.
Nightmare uses the water in the bath to get the soap off of him and Cross refers back to the list.
Step 11. This one and the next go together. After you got a towel, pick Nightmare out of the tub and just wrap him up. I like to fully burrito him, You know you did it right when he starts to purr.
Step 12. Use a soft towel to get off all the water. Just softly dab- LMAO! DAB! :D okay. My bad. Just softly tap the towel to the areas near the wounds instead of scrubbing it dry. It takes longer but hurts him less.
Cross searches the bathroom and finds some towels that meet his standard of softness. He takes it to Nightmare. Next he carefully picks Ngihtmare out of the tub, Nightmare still isn't looking at him and Cross can spot a small blush on his face. No doubt embarressed. Cross wraps Nightmare in the towel and hugs him close.
Affection. The other thing he had felt was affection and pride. Becuase Nightmare had been such a brave babybones and had been so well behaved. How could he not be proud?
Cross follows the instructions to the letter as he finishes drying Nightmare. He keeps him in the towel and reads the steps explaining how to desinfect the wounds and how to wrap those. pretty basic stuff. He grabs the other soft brush and explains to Nightmare what he is about to do.
It still stings as that is the nature of the desinfectent but Cross finishes up bathtime with wrapping the ribs and wounds all in soft bandages. In the end Cross puts on the hoody and holds their babybones close to him.
Nightmare, still purring softly as he leans against Cross, relaxes further and further and Cross nuzzles the tiny skull "There we go. you did amazing! We will just sit downa dn waits for the others okay?" a glance back at the bathroom but Cross leaves it be for now. He can clean up their tools and stuff when someone else is back to watch Nightmare.
Nightmare hums and snuggles clsoer to him under his chin and Cross starts to purr himself.
Maybe he does know how this whole parent thing works.
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Hey, I'm microwavesofconfusion, the one who was planning on confronting the guy from D&D club. I both phrased my first comment poorly and planned poorly. I'm sorry to anyone who took offense from my behavior.
I kind of rationalized confronting him as something that would put me in the right. I originally joined D&D club to have fun playing D&D and because a lot of my friends were in it, but when I found out that he was in it, it kind of ruined a lot of the club for me. I still have fun when I'm playing in groups without him, and sometimes when I'm in groups with him, but whenever he's DMing, I (and other people, including those not in the know) have a terrible time. My school's D&D club has roughly 40 people, but only 20-25 of us sit at lunch together. I used to not sit with them (I used to sit with the band group until we broke up over an argument, but that's another story) but when a lot of my friends graduated, I began sitting with both D&D tables more often. I am genuinely friends with these people, and I love my friends very much. (I don't think that came across well in my comments). The thing is, the guy did some terrible things last year, worse things two years ago, and someone told me that he's doing those things more covertly now. Most of his friends are freshmen and sophomores (with juniors and seniors being reluctant to talk to him) because they don't know what he did. I tried talking to one of my friends about all of the stuff he did, and she sounded like she believed me, but then she invited him (well, via their mutual best friend) to the art honors society party, and she's still on good terms with him because she's never seen anything from him firsthand.
I decided that subtly dropping hints that he wasn't great until people thought about it and came to realize on their own that he wasn't a good person was the way to go, because if I try to tell people, it will become a "he said, she said" sort of thing, and people will rise to defend him. So, rather than say that he told a girl that he wanted to sexually assault her, or try to write down some of his racist jokes (which people defend anyway), I just say stuff like "isn't it weird that his girlfriend is so quiet around him" or "I didn't like how he yelled at us during the one-shot" to get people thinking. While I kind of am turning people against him, it's not empty lies. Everything I'm saying is true, and people can dismiss it as easily as they dismiss other people who tell him to stop making homophobic jokes.
It's not really a matter of whether I like him, I just think that people shouldn't be looking up to him as some sort of role model when he still does shady shit (skipping class to hang out alone in the welding room with someone else's partner is shady, whether it's cheating or not). My methods weren't great, and maybe there's a better way to go about it, but I just don't like how he's starting up again.
He did get punished for the stuff he did two years ago. He got suspended for something around the same time that he got in trouble for peeking in the girl's dressing room while the actors were changing, and he isn't a peeping Tom anymore, but he still convinces underclassmen to skip class to hang out with him, and he still sends people (who aren't his girlfriend) lewd texts, and he still discusses BDSM with anyone who has ears, but idk. How do the people of tumblr think I should have handled this situation?
For context:
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papermonkeyism · 4 months
Poking at the dinosaur project thingy, this time with some production technicalities point of view.
Here be musings.
I originally thought of the project as a calendar, then a series of calendars that could be collected into an art book once enough art had been made for it, and at some point I thought of just skipping the calendar part and going straight for art books.
I've been going back and forth between those options multiple times over the years, and it's still kinda open. Like on one hand a simple calendar with just thirteen illustrations (twelve months plus cover) is the easiest and cheapest option, though pretty limited (what to do once the year presented in the calendar ends, and you still got unsold leftover stock?), and the other hand art books are big projects requiring lots of work, even more money, but be a lasting and very satisfying thing to have.
Maybe I should take a middle road and make a zine instead?
Though, this is where the shape of the actual project comes in.
I've always planned the project as having a slice of life style format, with little story and more focus in exploring the setting. Kinda just looking in and enjoying the view while you go. But I've noticed that keeping the "narration" as illustrations kinda keeps the immersion at arm's length too. While that is fine and dandy for a calendar where the space for any narrative would be very limited anyway, if I was going to do more with the setting, I kinda need something deeper. Even if the audience is fine just looking at pretty pictures, with ADHD it would be better to have something deeper to help keep me personally invested enough to actually plan, plot and produce the materials needed.
Should I make an actual story, with plot and stuff? Feels kinda unnecessary for a thing focusing on just illustrations, and I don't know if I really "click" with a text heavy picture book format. I kinda feel it would make comic as the best option, though that has its own downsides. I've always wanted to do full colour paintings of the dinosaurs, yet going comic it would have to simplify a lot and make it grayscale just to keep me sane. And, as someone who has done well over 250 pages of a long form comic, that's still a HUGE commitment I don't think I have the resources - mental, physical nor financial - to pull off.
I also kinda feel having a plot story would sort of detract from the "exploring the world" aspect and put more heavy focus on characters, which. Well, it's not *bad* exactly, just not quite what I want.
(Also I am aware the dinosaur clan I have has a kid character, and I don't want to make her the point of view character for the story. I have no interest doing a childrens' book. I mean, I am perfectly fine if kids do eventually end up liking my stuff, but I don't consider them my target audience. My target audience is me, an adult person in their later 30s, and a handful of nerds I consider friends and/or mutuals.)
Another option I've been toying with is kind of a double edged sword.
Those who got the Almost Real speculative evolution zine volume 5 got a bit of a taste of this, as I kinda tried it out there.
So... I've gone to pretty great lengths as a layperson to work in the setting of the project thingy. It's always bothered me when dinosaurs get just dumped into a story with no regards to when and where they actually lived, making for an anachronistic hodgepodge of what's popular forming into a mismatched fantasy setting, usually with throwing humans into the mix. I don't like that. I'm more interested in seeing the actual animals as they were, when they were and where they were, where the focus is in the dinosaurs themselves. Thus the limit to Two Medicine formation (with some of the surrounding areas included too, though still keeping to the same time period).
I do not want humans in my dinosaur stories. Period.
But what if...
So, imagine a research journal. There's a scientist visiting the clan of Singing People the project focuses on, with the mission of studying them, their life and their world. The book or zine or whatever could be a story of the dinosaur clan introducing themselves and their life to this person. An outsider point of view to excuse learning about them by them teaching this POV person how their world works. There could be some interaction and maybe interviews, and of course illustrations because you need to document your subjects after all.
Like, I'm kinda excited about the idea. It would let me get into the details I want to picture without getting too into the heads of the characters to limit the chances of artistic exploration. You gotta document the surroundings your study subjects live in after all! But you'd still get to know the characters because it's the job of the POV person to learn about them. Win win!
It's just that I don't want to put too much attention on this hypothetical scientist. Like I said before I don't want to mix my settings. The dinosaur project thingy's world IS Laramidia in the Campanian period of late Cretaceous, it's not meant to be a scifi setting, nor do I want to have any focus on any time travel.
Wonder if it would be possible to leave the scientist character vague enough to never actually get explained? They're just nameless outsider from undetermined time and place who's interviewing some dinosaurs. Maybe with some peronal opinions or musings but no anecdotes about their own life or themself. And whenever there's interactions between the scientist and any of the Singing People it just gets handwaved away. (Of course the Singing People are curious about them too, but that's not the point of the study so it just doesn't get documented or something?)
I don't know. Could that work?
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pancakeke · 5 months
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The comic store had a sidewalk sale with $1 bins today. I found a couple single issue Viz manga releases from 2003ish. This was back when they were mirroring manga so it would read left to right. Some fun examples of how this caused problems under the cut.
These first two sets of comparisons are from Ceres Celestial Legend. Original Japanese manga caps are on the left, my pics of the Viz English release are on the right.
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A big problem with mirroring manga was that any text within artwork got reversed. Above you can see a character's shirt in panel 2 containing the letter "E" above the word "ELLE".
The English release edited this panel to cover the original artwork with a nearly identical design that faced the correct direction once mirrored, though the new text is inside a rectangle. I'm guessing the rectangle was a quick and dirty way to cover up the old text and avoid shading folds for the new text.
If you look on to panel 4 you can see that the English version did not bother to edit the same character's shirt. The top half of a backwards E is visible. Both the edited and unedited shirts make additional appearances later.
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Sometimes certain panels were not mirrored, but I don't fully understand why. Choosing NOT to mirror select panels can easily lead to continuity errors or other issues.
Above you can see that the English release kept panel 1 facing it's original orientation. Note how the blonde character and the character in the portrait are wearing kimonos with the left side wrapped over the right. This is the traditionally correct method to wear a kimono (unless you're dead and it's your funeral).
Panel 4 of the English version is mirrored which makes it appear as though the character in the center is wearing a kimono incorrectly. All kimonos in following pages appear to be worn incorrectly as well, since they're mirrored too.
I also saw a few instances of weird choices made when translating Japanese text within artwork. It's unrelated to mirroring, so I'm skipping that stuff.
This next series is Silent Mobius, or as Viz called its issues Silent Mobius Blood and Silent Mobius Hell.
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This series has the same problem with select non mirrored panels creating inconsistencies. Here you can see panel 1 of the English release maintained its original orientation while the remainder of the page was mirrored.
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The same building appears again a few pages later here in panel 1. The English version is mirrored, so the positions of its towers in relation to each other don't match the other page.
Bonus weird translation direction here btw. I noticed a lot of signs in the Japanese version that originally contained both English and Japanese, but the English release replaced them with awkwardly stretched text in English only. There wasn't even anything on this page to justify mirroring it in the first place. You'd think they could have left it and kept the original signs.
I hit the image limit so I'm going to see if I can reblog this from myself and add another cut. There are two more side-by-sides I want to share.
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fumiyami · 4 months
51. knows every bit of gossip in 1A (either just from being observant or from Mina!!)
52. doesn’t really care for hero merch (unless it’s something like an accessory/something he can wear) but still gets it free from hawks unwillingly
53. he spaces out a lot so everyone in class 1A thinks he’s just being all broody and dark but in actuality he’s either staring at his reflection (if he’s zoning out at a mirror/window) or talking to dark shadow in his mind
54. SO GOOD at arguing and comebacks but doesn’t use that skill often
55. I imagine his parents to be like in a dark gothic gang or something like that (maybe that’s where he got his way of speaking from🤫)
56. when he’s older and a pro hero I imagine his fan base is mostly just goth kids and teenagers who look up to him!!
57. LOVES having his feathers stroked (or preened by dark shadow) but doesn’t ask for it or anything usually
58. speaking about his feathers, since they’re all over his face/head that area is warm during the winter and usually overheats in the summer
59. ALSO he hates the fact that summer is so hot since I can tell he’d be sweating if he had to do hero work like running around and fighting villains in THAT HERO COSTUME.
60. has a massive sweet tooth though not many people would expect him to
61. has a bunch of nicknames like “fumi” “mika” (one that I got from a fanfic) as in like fuMIKAge “toko” and then there’s mina who adds adjectives to the start of tokoyami like that one time she called him angryami!!
62. collects the most obscure things ever
63. once he like settles into UA and gets more confidence he sets up a secret tiktok or whatever account where he does song covers and his own original songs!! (class 1A find out and they go wild)
64. once got tricked into getting tipsy by hawks (got this one from a fic!!)
65. sometimes he wants to dress more gothic but i’ve seen how hard it is to find super cool masculine looking goth clothes☹️
66. due to the fact that he’s partially a bird whenever he gets sick the symptoms don’t show up for a while so when they do show up it’s BAD.
67. once accidentally misspelled his classmates names and no one’s letting him live it down
68. has a collection of rings
69. love language is definitely mostly gift giving!! (and all the other ones but mostly gift giving)
70. wears contacts cuz he refuses to get glasses that actually fit him and then wear them
71. as a baby (chick) he didn’t speak for like 3 years (just small chirps and stuff) until one day he just randomly started speaking full sentences?? skipped the whole starter tutorial😣
72. can and will randomly say some creepy fact like “if you nurture little bits of surgically removed brains then it will grow eyes.” “YOU’RE STARTING TO SCARE ME SCARYAMI.”
73. actually really enjoys gossiping but would never admit it
74. also loves shopping!!
75. mr aizawa’s favourite student (one of aizawa’s voice actors, english I think, told us this was true!!)
76. somehow knows who everyone has a crush on, who’s dating and who hates each other (mina pays him in apples for info on the drama they’re gossip buddies trust)
77. can mimic voices and sounds SO easily
78. he only gets really super mad when someone ignores him or goes into his room without permission!
79. can (but probably won’t) argue on why being goth and being emo are different things
80. birds sometimes follow him thinking he’s one of them (he is but would never admit it)
81. HATES quirks that can make people laugh involuntarily (he gets flashbacks into the past with miss joke😖😖)
82. isn’t as introverted as people think but is usually judged like that
83. got his red choker as a gift!!
84. LOVES collecting pins and keychains and stuff like that
85. someone once mentioned mating season to him and he still holds a grudge
86. is able to perfectly understand Shakespeare’s texts and speak like him
88. he can hit really really high notes (like think ballad of Jane doe from ride the cyclone) while singing but refuses to do that front of most people
89. makes playlists for people but in the end either forgets to show them or gets too nervous
90. once accidentally flew into a window and hawks will never let him live it down
91. planned to be a writer/journalist when he was younger
92. will subconsciously copy what other people say which is how he started saying revelry in the dark
93. SUPER ticklish but makes dark shadow come out before anyone even gets close to hearing his actual laugh
94. genuinely likes the taste of birdseed but refuses to let himself enjoy it
95. is always seen with closed eyes because he’s always just naturally tired so this is his way of resting without actually resting!
96. everyone thinks he’s always annoyed or mad or something cuz that’s the way his face looks when he’s just neutral :((
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licht-hex · 6 months
Alrighty, just came back to tumblr after reading the new docs and am gonna detail me thoughts a little here. Might be a bit long so I apologize in advance.
In regard to just the new doc made by Alex, it does confirm a lot of my suspicions regarding Ven, DB, and Alex themself that I haven’t really mentioned anywhere aside from the DMs of a few close friends, the main ones being:
* Alex’s general reasoning over the course of this situation
* How generally uncommunicative (most, if not) everyone related to this situation was
As for actual substance, I wish that Alex had provided more screenshots or at the very least gotten the same screenshots presented in Ven’s argument to, at the very least, supplement his own (ex: how uncommunicative DB was being despite allegedly being uncomfortable with the speed at which the relationship was proceeding).
At this point, it’s just testimony against Ven’s and DB’s testimony AND evidence. While I understand where Alex is coming from that does little to defend against evidence in bulk.
What primarily frustrates me is the lack of mention of anyone else aside from DB, Ven, and, very briefly, the 16 as well as the 14 year old. My assumption is just that Alex wanted to contest the claims made in the original doc, but then wouldn’t have been better if he’d just waited and covered all of his bases?
Hopefully, Alex will get around to addressing those — otherwise I’m just stuck with the bad taste in my mouth.
At the moment, I don’t know my exact stance on the situation, however, what I do know is that l all sides should take a break from the internet after this is over as this clearly has negatively impacted all parties’ health.
I don’t 100% trust Alex, but I feel that Ven’s word should be taken with a grain of salt as they’ve previously professed their desire to releasing evidence in order to bring down Alex’s credibility as a public figure.
As for the other victims (e.g: mitcha, donut, etc.) I’m choosing to continue to follow them and sympathize with their struggles.
For closing stuff,
(You can skip if you don’t want to hear me talk about: kinks and sexual intimacy. I’m not gonna go in graphic detail but I just wanted to discuss for a moment)
I honestly just feel like some of the stuff regarding kinks and shit should’ve just stayed in the drafts as I don’t believe there is any solid evidence that Alex was “forcing” their kinks onto others outside of leaps in logic already applied to other arguments (ex: Alex was manipulating DB from the start based on later convos depicting a relationship where both parties are/appear to be reciprocating).
Sex is a valid means of expressing affection, I know people in my life who require that level of intimacy to truly express their feelings — this is in no way implying that sex is the only way to be in a relationship, just that people need different things. It just feels kinda scummy that demonstrations of sexual attraction between two adults was portrayed so negatively despite both parties matching each other (ex: “I’ll make the next one extra special for you” text).
That’s not all the stuff that I have gripes with from Ven’s original doc, but I don’t feel like being here all day so I’m gonna end it here.
Thank you for reading.
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youredreamingofroo · 7 months
For those awaiting an answer on one of my more recent posts, and whether I'll be leaving, here it is. .....Under the cut, as it, in my usual fashion, gets lengthy, you can skip to the end for a TL:DR :)
I'm not going to leave tumblr/simblr, I'll be floating around and still liking people's posts, I'm probably gonna unfollow some people (not my mutuals ofc ilya) just because it's hard to keep up with my dash when I get over 10 notifications every 2 minutes or so especially when if I'm not going to primarily consume Sims 4 content. I'm going to put my mods folder into my external HDD, in order to preserve them ykwim, and I'm going to uninstall TS4, I'll try to make one more sim before the sims 4 gets poofed off my laptop, although as it stands even after freeing up 20 GBs of space, my space went back down to 400 MBs so 😭😭 I will probably be posting variety content, even though I know all my followers are primarily Sims content consumers (some of ya'll do other stuff, but I mean as a whole, my audience tends to be more Sims 4 related), I might play and share some of my Sims 1 content, which is not story oriented, it's just a little gameplay of Roo in the Sims 1 :) I'll also probably post Baldur gate stuff (if I can free up the storage for it LMAO), I'll post witcher content maybe, and plenty of other things, and like I said, I'll continue to float around, and I'll continue to reblog any Sims content I see and enjoy... as well as other things. .... So what about W.A.S? Yea. I dont know, while W.A.S IS supposed to be a fleshed out story, and while I know I AM leaving sims 4 behind, completely limiting what I can and cannot make story-wise (just cuz I don't know how to make scenes and stuff lmao), I will ATTEMPT to make W.A.S content, I will still make and post the Official teaser, and I'll probably introduce the characters myself sometime after the teaser (I'll take screenshots in CAS and just hope my storage doesn't dip TOO low). I may release some of the story in just text form, as I do really want to continue to post about the story. I'll try to come up with something tho, don't worry :)
I may also start getting back into art, I still need some hobby to preoccupy my time that isn't gaming, I will still do blender stuff (since I have a bunch of my Sims' DAEs) and I will maybe make more edits, but regardless, I still enjoy art and Sims 4 kinda consumed the time that I wanted to spend doing art, soooo yeah.
For the unrooleased tag, I have a bunch of sims that I've never posted, as well as renders that I've never posted, and I may, as Sims 4 filler, post those to fill the void that will become my Sims 4 content
and FINALLY. LAST THING I promise :) I know all of ya'll LOVE Roo, and I do want to reinforce the fact that ROO IS NOT A SIMS CHARACTER, I did NOT make him originally from the Sims, if you were at any point worried I would stop posting about him, I will not be, I will continue to share about Roo, probably with a lot less pictures considering I really only used TS4 as a visual assistant for his story, I do have his DAEs, so I can make SOME Roo blender content, albeit limited with Scenes and stuff. Roo is a character that I will continue to be passionate about, I never mentioned this but I LOVE to make Roo in pretty much every game I play (besides Skyrim................ and ofc games where u dont have customization), like Animal Crossing, I made a variant of Roo there, and in Stardew! You get the point, he will always be a prominent figure of my content. I may also bring back some characters I made from TS4, like Nirvana, I LOVE her character and would LOVE to continue to post about her, as well as Roo's family, I love posting about his family members and sharing their own story and what importance they are to Roo.
WOW, okay that was a lot, if you're skipping here for a clear answer, or a sort of TL:DR, here ya go, I don't want to leave tumblr, so I won't, and I won't necessarily leave the Simblr ring, TS4 is going to be uninstalled, but I WILL preserve my TS4 mods in my external HDD, and be on the look out for the last sim I make in TS4 :)
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look-at-the-soul · 11 months
Look at the soul - Part 11 Green eyes
Cillian Murphy x OC
Series master list
We’ve always heard eyes are a window to the soul, what would Cillian find in Marianne’s?
Word count: 3,460
Song: Green eyes by Coldplay
Tumblr media
Cillian rolled the script in his hands as his eyes crossed the stage and he found the cast getting ready to leave as they finished the rehearsal. Marianne waved at Jason, he played the role of the barman.
“Ready?” Lee approached her.
“I really need that margarita tonight.” Marianne groaned, rolling her neck to ease the tension from her shoulders.
“And all I can think of is having those tacos already.” Lee chuckled.
“Tacos?” Cillian’s voice interrupted them, he was a few steps behind.
Both girls turned around to look at him, they had the same expression of a kid who was just caught up with the hand inside of a cookie jar.
“You’re having tacos and didn’t invite me?” He asked placing one of his hands over his chest, pretending to be hurt.
“You can come if you want.” Marianne replied.
“Thought you had already left.” Enda joined them a moment later, Heidi following him.
“They’re having tacos without us.” Cillian raised his eyebrows.
“Are you serious?” Enda gave them a accusation look.
“It’s not like that.” Marianne tried mortified.
Cillian leaned his elbow on his friend’s shoulder. “So what are you doing tonight?”
“Eating tacos of course.” He folded his arms in front of his chest.
“Me too.” Cillian agreed with a huge grin leading the way towards the parking lot. “I’m starving.”
The girls shared a look, unsure of how the night would unfold, they were so used to their dynamic now.
“Can you hurry up?” Enda called impatient.
“Let’s go!” Cillian shouted with excitement.
“Hmmm this is heaven.” Enda admitted before getting more chips and dip. “I’m still mad that you left us out of this.” He then pointed at the amazing food at the table.
“I told you it was a girls night out originally.” Heidi rolled her eyes.
“We don’t have to dress up as women right?” Enda joked mimicking a girly pose.
“You’re always looking for any excuse man.” Cillian retorted making the girls laugh. “I’m going to tell your wife to hide her heels.”
“Alright, tacos are ready.” Marianne announced placing the tray in the middle of the table. “And you’re more than welcome to join us every week.”
“Shall we declare tacos night inaugurated?” Cillian rubbed his hands together.
“I’m never skipping a tacos night.” Enda announced solemnly taking a bite. “Oh fuck! This is so good.” He shouted.
“I want one of each.” Lee added passing her plate to the opposite side.
“And you haven’t tried her chicken with chipotle yet.” Cillian shook his head, the mere memory was mouthwatering.
Lee looked from Cillian to Marianne suspiciously, wondering how close those two had been getting lately, sneaking backstage before rehearsals to the point of him tasting one of her recipes. She added a mental note to ask her later about that.
But her friend was oblivious to Lee’s stare as she got busy with the tortillas.
“This is fun, we really need to keep it going.” Heidi proposed as she got a text message. “My husband wants some tacos but I don’t think there’ll be anything left, and I don’t have the heart to tell him.”
“No no, tacos are just meant to be eaten here not to take out.” Enda held the tray with both hands apprehensively.
“Just tell him you ordered pizzas tonight.” Cillian encouraged.
“Woah. The salsa is spicy.” Lee pointed waving her hand in front of her mouth, grabbing her glass to wash down the burning sensation in her throat.
“Last time you told me it wasn’t, so I added more this time.” Marianne explained.
“So tell me how did this start.” Enda asked getting a second round of food.
“I was craving some Mexican one day and then I showed Lee some pictures, so I found a little market that has a lot of Mexican stuff and just like that we asked Heidi if she wanted to join us for dinner, Michelle and Isa have been sometimes too.”
“Well thank you for the invitation.” Enda teased.
Cillian chuckled. “He’s never letting that one go, trust me I’ve known him for so long.”
“You said tacos and margaritas, so where’s my drink?” Enda adjusted the glasses on his nose.
“Go easy with the tequila or you’ll start living la vida loca.” Heidi suggested in a very clear Spanish.
Enda and Cillian’s laugh filled the place.
“What happened with Layla?” Heidi asked before taking another bite of her food.
Marianne shuddered. “Think she was in a bad mood or something, because she pushed me so rough.”
“I was thinking of stepping in, but didn’t want to interfere in the rehearsal.” Heidi admitted.
“Who’s she?” Enda interjected. “Should’ve picked a blonde, a brunette and a redhead to play the prostitutes, they’ll look the same.” He admitted laughing.
“When did that happen?” Cillian’s brows knitted.
“From the beginning, I swore she left you a mark.” Lee pointed out. “She’s been acting weird towards you since forever.”
“Please elaborate.” Enda leaned on the table.
Lee threw a quick glance in Marianne’s direction.
“After she joined the play, she wanted to introduce herself to Cillian but he was on the phone in my dressing room so I told her, very politely that he was busy at that moment and she took it badly.”
“No but tell them about the day I heard her mocking your accent.” Lee lost it, she had kept it to herself for so long.
Enda gave Heidi a knowing look, worried about how it would unfold.
“If I had learned this earlier I wouldn’t let her be part of this, unfortunately the opening is around the corner.”
Heidi nodded. “I’ll keep an eye on her.”
“I mean I’m aware of my accent, I’m the first one to laugh when I make a mistake, but it’s obvious she has a problem with me.”
“You’ll never please everyone.” Cillian stated crossing his leg. “Don’t take a single comment from a person you wouldn’t ask for advice.”
And as he said that, they all raised their glasses.
“Need some help?” Cillian asked Marianne as she was busy with the tortillas.
But she shook her head and turned them around just using her hand, as if the pan wasn’t hot.
“You’re going to burn yourself.”
“Yeah?” Marianne smiled placing her hand on top of one again t show Cillian nothing happened.
“So you like playing with fire huh?” He tilted his head, fixing his eyes on her. “You should know then, people who plays with fire, usually gets burn.” He flirted.
The way he dragged his words and the velvety tone of his voice made it sound as if he was giving her warning with a double meaning. Leaving Marianne speechless, her mind in blank, unable to answer anything.
Where did that came from?
Heidi walked between them to get another one, oblivious to what was happening. “Would it be weird if I mix all the fillings in one taco?”
When Marianne looked again at Cillian the atmosphere had changed, he was now texting someone. So she decided that perhaps it had just been a game from her imagination.
“A little, but who are we to judge you?” Lee encouraged.
In a matter of seconds, the kitchen got silent again as they all focused on their food and drinks.
Turning around, Marianne found Cillian a few meters away with his hands in his pockets, shoulders relaxed as he laughed at something Enda said.
Staring at him from afar she took in of his curls and the way he seemed so engaged in the conversation unfolding. A head tilt and then she saw him rubbing his fingertips against his lips.
And as if it was some kind of revelation…
How could he, as the narrator of the story know a lot of things about Adria? This man had to have some kind of deep bond with her.
“Wait! Enda! Cill!” She shouted as they were heading out.
Marianne was running out of breath as she reached them, giving them an excited look.
“You’ve to hear this…” her eyes sparkled in excitement. “I finally realized what you think it’s been missing from the play.” Marianne explained, Enda had been struggling the last couple of days because he kept insisting something was missing from the story but he couldn’t figure out what.
“Well, tell me!”
“The narrator,” she looked up at Cillian and back to Enda, “how could this man know Adria’s story so well? He can’t be just a narrator, there has to be something else… a connection.”
“I’m not following.” Enda admitted frowning.
“We all know how life has been complicated towards Adria, the tough situation with her brother taking everything she owns and blocking her from getting a job and all, we’ve seen her how it is for her to accept the gifts those men give her thinking that will grant them her heart and she uses the money to survive… but we barely know a thing or two about her real feelings, there has to be someone she loved once and-”
Cillian couldn’t hide the smile on his face as he caught up with her idea, it was brilliant.
“Her heart is a mystery until we reveal a small glimpse.” He added staring at Enda.
“I need a drink,” this was mindblowing, it had always been under his nose and he had been so blind. “Shall we go to a pub and talk this through?”
“Yes!” Marianne have them a wide smile, her cheeks blushing.
“C’mon there’s one two blocks away.” Enda wrapped his hand around Marianne’s shoulder to guide her out of the parking lot. “You know this changes a lot of things right?”
Marianne nodded realizing the impact it would have in the rehearsals.
“Remember I’ve a trip tomorrow, but send the changes to my email.” Cillian pointed at Enda. “I just hope my dog won’t make a mess in the house.”
“Are your kids staying with your parents?”
“Yeah but I can’t have them taking care of Scout too.”
Marianne looked at him in silence for an instant.
“I can puppysit.”
Cillian stopped walking, surprised by her proposal.
“Really, I mean I love dogs and these days I’m taking classes online I’m only busy with the rehearsals.”
“He’s a beast.”
“Oh c’mon, bet he behaves better than most people.” Marianne dismissed his statement.
“Are you sure?”
“Just say thank you, stop asking her the same.” Interjected Enda.
Cillian laughed relieved and thankful for the help, he then explained her he’d bring his dog first thing in the morning with all the things she might need, it would still be a short stay though, just for two days while he traveled to London for something work related.
As they walked on the empty street, Cillian closed the jacket over his chest, feeling a shiver running up and down his body.
“So how do we do this?”
“Well, ask that to the mastermind here, she got the idea.” Enda chuckled nudging Marianne with his elbow.
“I was thinking of maybe Adria finds a letter she kept in a box or a photograph perhaps of her lost love and that’s how you reveal that side of her to the audience, but then I thought as you already have the narrator element telling part of the story, Cillian could reveal that part you know, verbally while Adria is in the back staring at his picture.”
“My head is about to explode.” The screenplay writer admitted shocked by the insights Marianne was providing, but it was just one way to prove how connected she was with her character.
Cillian smiled proudly as they reached a booth in the corner, he had been for the last thirty minutes as he started to listen to Marianne’s ideas. This was the kind of thing he didn’t know she could do when he first saw her and it was a remarkable thing to admire from her.
“Do you think it’s possible?” Cillian gave his friend a long look. They were against time.
“Of course I’m going to need a ridiculous amount of caffeine through the night, but sure I can have this by tomorrow.” He took a sip of his pint, desperate to head home.
“Are you sure this is okay? I don’t want you to feel like any pressure to add this.” Marianne doubted toying with the glass of rosé in front of her.
Enda leaned against the back of his seat. “I can’t tell you how much I love that you are so invested in this that you even start adding ideas, it’s so cathartic for me and a relief to know Adria is in the best hands. Here.” He took her face between his hands and planted a loud kiss on her cheek.
“Perhaps her brother had something to do with the fact that Adria split with- are we still naming him narrator?” He chuckled.
“Yes because I want every man in the room thinking it could be him.” Enda took a long sip of his drink and looking at his watch he gasped. “Shit I gotta go, or the wifey will be mad. But keep the brainstorming!”
“I’ve never seen him so obsessed with a play.” Cillian cleared his throat as he moved closer to Marianne.
Honey, you are a rock
Upon which I stand
“Had been thinking that instead of having you talking from the sound booth, you should be on stage narrating because well, the narrator knows everything about Adria first hand.”
“I like that.” His eyes sparkled under the dim light of the pub. “What else?”
“What about you being something like a bartender in the background first and then… boom the big revelation of who you are.”
Cillian nodded, imagining the scene.
And I come here to talk
I hope you understand
“The way I see it is someone with a bohemian kind of look.”
“So… what’s the main story of the bohemian at the bar?” Cillian asked pulling Marianne from her daydream.
He asked the waitress for a napkin and pen to write down the ideas. Marianne noticed the long looks and smilies the woman was giving him, asking over and over if he needed something else. Lee was right, everywhere they went, he got an endless queue of women fighting for his attention. Women offering in a tray without thinking while he was inside of his bubble. How could she compete with that? When he really had a catalog to choose from with endless possibilities; all kinds of beauty, hair color, nationalities…
It was impossible to not fall for that smile and the way he deeply engaged in whatever you were doing, he was hands down the most attentive person, always had something interesting to add, something funny to say. Cillian always added something that really helped you. But when he fixed his ocean eyes on hers, almost without blinking, it was as if he was opening all of the layers to see the deepest parts of her soul, and she ended up questioning everything.
“You can’t even begin to imagine how important this is, you got to the point to start thinking as your character, more importantly, you’re walking in her shoes.” Cillian praised pulling her back to reality.
He had a good feeling about this, about her idea, Enda had already trusted her in different matters and she ended up adding something really good.
And besides all of that, he loved to listen her talking about something that she felt really passionate about, loved the way her eyes lighted up and held a special sparkle.
The green eyes
Yeah, the spotlight
Shines upon you
“Has it happened to you? Getting ideas for your characters?”
Cillian thought her expressions were adorable. It was impossible to not feel like some kind of magnet was pulling him closer.
And how could
Anybody deny you?
“Yes, plenty of times because I let the character use my body as an instrument to project whatever it wants to the public,” he explained forcing himself to focus on something else other than her, “it’s like taking a step back and allowing them to take charge, huh?”
“I never thought about it until now, and it’s both scary and fascinating.” She rested her face on her hand, leaning closer to Cillian.
I came here with a load
And it feels so much lighter now I met you
Marianne was suddenly conscious of the small pout of his lips and the almost imperceptible nod he did.
“I’m in awe of the incredible feeling it is to be onstage,” she admitted placing a loose lock behind her ear.
Cillian felt like it was mouthwatering, everything, every little thing she did, it had an indescribable feeling in him.
The dim light, the little conversation they were having, the rest of the pub disappearing.
He had always been complimented by his eyes and he really didn’t paid attention to other people’s eyes, until now… he was only realizing of the kaleidoscopic shades that were part of Marianne’s green eyes. Of all kinds of shades and tones, a deep emerald adorning around the edge of the iris, a lighter shade mixing perfectly with an olive tone and small rays of gold as it got closer to the pupils.
And honey, you should know
That I could never go on without you
Green eyes
He found them fascinating and it felt contradictory to what he believed in, when someone started talking about his, he brushed the topic to the side and changed the conversation. Destroying any small chance that could allow his ego to grow. But when it came to hers, he realized this was the first time he noticed something like that.
They were so inviting and it was taking all of his willpower to resist the urge to get closer.
That green eyes
You're the one that I wanted to find
Her eyes seemed to change under different lights and he realized now it also depended of the color she was wearing. Now with a purple jumper made the fascinating color of her eyes pop and it was impossible not to get lost in the depths of that emerald treasure.
But what was truly fascinating was all of the things she could express through her eyes even when she wasn’t talking. Every emotion flashing through her eyes, she was so transparent, so genuine.
“Well… how could he not know everything about her? How could she ever forget about the most important person in her life?” She moved her hands in sync with her words. “How could someone become a stranger after seeing your soul?”
He wasn’t sure anymore if this was Marianne or Adria talking… or a mix of both.
And anyone who tried
To deny you must be out of their minds
Cillian leaned back as if he was hit in the gut and the air was taken away from him. Her words repeating over and over in his mind like a song. He had to admit he’d allow her to see his soul as many times as she wanted. She could walk over his back in heels if that made her happy. And that scared him, because of the magnitude it meant; it would mean to give her all of him, his deepest fears, his dreams, his secrets.
Feeling goosebumps all over his skin, Cillian couldn’t help but lean forward a little.
Marianne smiled shyly and looked down at her hands but quickly her gaze returned to Cillian who couldn’t disguise his attraction any longer.
One look and he could be at her feet.
Her breath got caught in her throat as she realized the atmosphere changed suddenly and Cillian was holding her gaze, alternating from her eyes to her lips.
Time stopped as their hearts were drumming inside their chests.
Cillian couldn’t help but wonder what her lips would taste.
There was a force pulling them closer, something neither of them could fight.
Their lips were about to meet midway. A tingle appeared from the anticipation, head tilting…
“Would you like another round?” The waitress interrupted them, breaking off their moment, she tapped her pen against her opposite arm.
Cillian straightened his back as he cleared his throat.
He gave Marianne a long look, noticing the small shook of her head he then thanked the waitress. The magic was gone.
In an instant the bubble burst.
She noticed the waitress had passed in front of them for the hundredth time and she only had eyes for Cillian, but as much as she tried to caught his attention, it didn’t work but she had definitely killed the mood. But she couldn’t blame her though, Cillian was attractive and he had this incredible vibe that made you look twice in his direction.
Perhaps they could talk now that they were out of the pub.
“Can I drive you home?” He offered hoping to continue where they just left, but just as he did, one of his sons called him to let him know they were as well on their way back home.
“It’s fine I’ll get an Uber.” Marianne waved him off so he wouldn’t be late for his sons. “Don’t forget to bring Scout over.” She tried to brush it off, but deep down she couldn’t help but think what would have happened if they weren’t interrupted.
Tag list: @lyarr24 @gypsy-girl-08 @cillmequick @zablife @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @kettlechips3 @heidimoreton @forbidden-forest-witch @kaitebugg03 @thenattitude @forgottenpeakywriter @onlydeadcells @babaohhhriley @lonelyweeb0044 @lovemissyhoneybee @ange-thoughts @already-broken144 @shelbydelrey @cutecurly-hair @winchestergirl22 @moral-terpitude @ironpen @elenavampire21 @lespendy @kittycatcait219 @stevie75 @esposadomd @sloanexx @shaddixlife @rangerelik @peakyscillian @woofgocows @cillianlove @imichelle-l-rigby @emmanuelle19 @sydneyyyya @cljordan-imperium @mrkdvidal1989 @flippittygibbitts @adaydreamaway08 @pono-pura-vida @elk96 @shelundeadxxxx @kmc1989 @lau219
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themaladaptivewriter12 · 11 months
Mirai Yuhara and Savanaclaw
Mirai | Ramshackle | Heartslabyul | Savanaclaw | Octavinelle | Scarabia | Pomefiore | Ignihyde | Diasomnia | Staff |
c/w: not that I know of
Jack Howl
Workout buddies!
Is Mirai fit? Nope!
Can he keep up with the athlete? Nope!
But he does try.
It concerns Jack sometimes, how unatletic Mirai can be
but he knows the blonde is trying
*Jack and Mirai on an evening run* Jack: You good, Prefect? We can stop for today." Mirai practically hyperventilating: "Yeah......"
Likes to help Jack take care of his Cacti
Another study buddy
Jack is far more competent than Ace and Deuce sorry Deucy
Mirai really wants to touch his ears and tail
but he would never do so without permission
Ruggie Bucchi
"I scratch your back and you scratch mine" sort of relationship
Mirai has def had Ruggie do some bad things for a price
Like blackmail material for money
or helping Mirai out of situations for food
They share recipes
the cheaper the better
all you need is a little spice
they both like to team up on Leona and prank him
Is it safe? No. But is it worth it? oh yeah.
Ruggie: "I'm good to go. You ready?" Mirai: *nods* Ruggie: "On three. One, two,.......THREE!" *both Ruggie and Mirai throw water balloons at Leona and run* *both did not make it out the dorm*
Leona Kingscholar
Kinda like Mirai's and Ace's relationship, you can't tell if they hate or like each other
they bicker 24/7
Leona knocks Mirai upside the head a lot
and flicks him on the forehead
but the majority of the time, Mirai deserves it
Leona can be seen hanging with the Ramshackle Prefect
he seems to be able to tolerate him, well, sometimes
they skip class together
Leona was the one started it really, he made the first move
Leona: "Let's ditch the assembly, they won't notice if we're gone." Mirai: ........"Alright, sure."
Mirai lets Leona crash at Ramshackle when he needs to
has come back from classes to find the lion asleep on his couch more than once
makes Leona help with his homework
well, not really
Leona claims he won't help, but caves in after seeing the Freshman struggle
Leona: "Oh, c'mon, Herbivore. This stuff's basic elementary." Mirai: "Oh, and here I thought "The Declaration of Independence" was. I must've be mistaken." Leona:...... Mirai:........ Leona: "Give it here." Mirai: "Gladly"
If they are close enough, Leona will use Mirai as a pillow
And because of that, Mirai will use Leona as a desk
Leona originally was mad at that, but soon let it go.
he can't count how many times he'd awaken to a text book across his face or stomach
Leona Kingscholar - Dating Mirai Yuhara
Much like Ace's relationship with Mirai, you can't tell if they are dating or not
They still bicker, they still make snarky comments, and they still challenge each other
it's not until someone for Royal Sword starts hitting on the Prefect, does Leona make this known
everyone leaned that day not to mess with what belonged to Leona Kingscholar
PDA isn't big thing either, but that doesn't mean it's not there
you just gotta know when and where to look
Like Leona's arm that's slung around Mirai's shoulders
or the tail wrapped around his ankle at lunch
or maybe it's that fact that Leona shares his food with the Prefect
or maybe it's that kisses shared between that two in the Botanical Gardens ❤ (ɔˆз(ˆ⌣ˆc)
And as jealous Leona is, Mirai can be the same way too
Some girl is getting too chummy with his boyfriend?
Mirai is slinging his arm around Leona's (¬‿¬ )
and of course Leona knows, but he doesn't dwell on it
something about someone else getting jealous over him, being someone's first choice, has the man bustling with pride
Leona: "You're not slick, ya'know that, right?" Mirai: "So? She shouldn't have been looking at you like that." Leona: "Like what?" Mirai: "You know! Like she had a chance!" Leona: "Well she didn't, so stop poutin'" Mirai: o(>< )o *Sighing, Leona kisses Mirai on the head* Leona: "Better?" Mirai: "I don't know. Maybe I need more convincing." *Leona chuckles, rolling his eyes*
They cuddle
like way too much (*ノ∀`*)
Ruggie has had the displeasure of finding the two like that more times than he can count
Mirai feels bad, but Leona doesn't
Sorry this part took so long, I've been busy _(_ _)_ I'll try to the next part out soon, and I'll try to get the next part of one of my series out as well. That's it for now!
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reviseleviathan · 2 years
So now that we’re super close to the end of Third Beat (and in particular have passed balcony which I was always going to have Thoughts about the adaptation of), I’m putting to text some thoughts I’ve had (positive and some a little negative) about Third Beat’s adaptation choices with both 28-29 and overall with Momo and a little bit with Yuki over the course of the season. There’s some stuff that had to be missed/skipped out on due to time constraints, which I do understand, but I do think some of it is really good to know so you could also consider this a bit of a shorthand crash course on stuff that’s a bit different for anime-onlies who are curious how things went down in the game. That said, I always rec reading the game story if you have time because a lot of Re:vale’s shenanigans have to get cut for time in the anime; Part 2 to Part 3 Chapter 10 and the rest of Part 3 were both done by translators on Tumblr. Dodge Part 3 Chapter 20 until next week if you don’t want spoilers and you’re all good. With that said, on to the ~meta~
Episode 28-29 -The anime has Yuki realise who Momo went to talk to exclusively because he overheard it on the phone. In the game, Yuki overhears the conversation and discusses with Momo that it might be a trap. This is actually where Yuki’s “Some people are irredeemable” speech initially happens - the anime intercut it with the slap scene, which I actually really enjoyed as a time-preserving choice, since it is relevant to that conversation as well, but also comes at the cost of some of the lines that were originally in the slap scene. Overall, the changes made sense but the cut elements do make it more obvious that Momo knows meeting Touma is risky even if Touma himself means him no harm. -This second point is probably the single biggest change from the game - there’s an entire cut interaction between Momo and Ryou before Ryou leaves Momo’s apartment, where Ryou has watched Momo have the first few drinks forced on him but decided it’s time to leave before he gets caught at the scene of the crime. Probably best known among the fandom for Momo basically telling Ryou to get fucked in a drunk candid moment before backtracking and fake sucking up to him instead, it makes one thing very clear that the anime doesn’t: that Momo ultimately stops Ryou from outing the twins by tricking him into thinking he and Yuki have a retaliation in place already. The anime does not touch on this at all, and while Ryuu’s intervention spares Momo and Yuki, there’s minimal explanation of why Ryou wouldn’t go after the twins regardless after that encounter, especially since he’s so pissed off with Ryuu. This is the explanation for it - that Momo manages to seamlessly lie to him that they’ve got insurance for if it happens despite him literally only finding out about it a few minutes before Ryou showed up to crash his and Touma’s meeting. Given time constraints I can see why they cut this scene, but it is a real shame considering it’s one last moment of Momo getting one over on Ryou even under threat of imminent death. -Another fairly major change but one I think was handled pretty well was that in the hostage scene after Yuki’s arrival, Yuki was the hostage, not Momo. The initial part proceeds similarly - Momo hits one of the suits and tells Yuki to run, but then is hit back - however, in the game what happens while Momo is incapacitated for those few seconds is that one of them grabs Yuki and then smashes the bottle to hold him hostage with. I can kind of understand why they changed this for visual reasons: there’s a certain level of comedy to Momo’s reactions to Yuki’s bluff, and I think the animators realised that if Momo was reacting That Obviously confused about Yuki’s claims of being strong enough to hospitalise 30 people within line of sight of the suits, it’d be rather easy to tell Yuki was bullshitting. Having him facing Yuki allows those reactions in a position where the suits can’t see his face and makes the comedy/tension interplay more effective. My one reservation here is that it’s made abundantly clear in just about every I7 media that Momo is extremely strong - the game implies that there’s a third suit involved in Momo’s capture and they’re still struggling with him when he’s at such a severe disadvantage, which Yuki even points out in the game as part of his bluff (implying that Yuki’s mention at the door that Momo wouldn’t dare hit him means he’s stronger than the already very strong Momo). Given the anime switched the alcohol used for this scene from cheap sake or at least cheap generic alcohol to spirits, I can buy that Momo’s lack of effective resistance as a hostage here is because the sheer amount of alcohol in his system is catching up to him, but it does kind of stand out when by all rights of what we’ve seen him do (particularly when Yuki is endangered), they should not be having such an easy time holding him back. -Due to the switch in hostage, the anime skips Yuki almost collapsing out of the fear he had to hide once he’s released and the suits leave, and Momo coming to fuss over and compliment him before Yuki slaps him. If anyone felt that Yuki slapping Momo a new one Literally Immediately felt a bit abrupt, that’s why. I assume Yuki did check on Momo prior to this because when Momo’s dropped in the anime he’s closer to the bookshelf, whereas the argument happens in front of his window, it was just another sacrifice to the accursed 24 minute episode length gods. There were also some extra comedic lines to this scene after Momo’s “Wow, you’re really pissing me off”, including Yuki explicitly suggesting they settle the argument with their fists and Momo saying he’ll still K.O. Yuki despite being so drunk he can barely stand up. why are u both like this yuki you know momo could win a fight against you just by sitting on you or picking you up Third Beat overall -There’s one factor in the adaptation in regards to Momo that I really have to talk about because I’ve seen it have bearing on how people interpreted certain events or Momo himself - the anime cut a lot of Momo’s more savage, dry, or biting lines to people during Third Beat. Momo’s actually quite wry and sharp-tongued, particularly when he’s losing patience with someone but also just when he’s poking fun - he joins in on a few of Banri’s roasts on Yuki during the game version of the bar scene (which was also several chapters earlier in the game). However, the bigger impact I’ve seen with this was with the framing of Ryou and  Momo’s interactions in the first cour. While the dynamic is still highly toxic and demonstrates Ryou having a massive level of entitlement towards Momo, who by that point is mainly appeasing him because he’s a useful contact with information he needs, Momo gives back as good as he gets in pretty much every one of their scenes in ways that the anime largely tones down or removes. One particular example that can definitely affect the reading of their dynamic is Momo’s departure after disclosing Re:vale’s backstory in an attempt to tap into what little empathy Ryou might have - in the anime, he mostly seems sad and resigned, which I’ve seen at least a few people read as Momo being some sort of naive uwu who never realised what kind of person Ryou was. In the game, Ryou suggests that Momo stay over because he’s had a few to drink, and Momo (cw: emeto reference) drops by far one of my favourite of his bitter, wry roasts in the game: “I’m gonna puke at the entrance and leave. Thanks for having me over.” Momo is much more jaded about the number of untrustworthy people in the industry and how he has to handle his industry interactions than the anime tends to get into, and by the end of things with Ryou, there is a bitterness and irritation with him that comes across abundantly clearly even before Momo lets it all out on him during balcony. While Momo is willing to give people a chance in many situations where it may not feel deserved, he is not naive and he is not unaware that Ryou is a dangerous, twisted person even when he reveals Re:vale’s story. It’s a last-ditch effort to demonstrate how flawed the image Ryou has of idols is and stop his behaviour from escalating, because he knows if he’s going to draw any emotion out of the man then he has to dig as deep as possible - and he has to make it something personal, because as twisted as it is, Ryou’s consideration of Momo as a “friend” provides that tiny, tiny chance that he might respond to his feelings. Unfortunately, at that point Momo is unaware that Ryou considers the Yamato incident Momo’s second betrayal of him, and a lesser one than the first “betrayal” that’s revealed during the balcony scene, so it comes to nothing. As you can probably tell, I have a lot of thoughts about this particular adaptation choice, but tl;dr I highly recommend you read the game if you’re a Momo fan, because he’s actually kind of a fuckin savage on the regular and the game tends to make it clearer that he’s quite possibly the most dangerous person in the main cast if he has reason to be. Even people who are prepared to make an enemy of Ryou hesitate at the idea of making an enemy of Momo. -This isn’t really just a Third Beat thing but public service announcement for yukimomo enjoyers: you think they act romantic in the anime? The anime cuts a substantial amount of their flirting for time, since it’s essentially characterisation fluff and that’s always first on the chopping block. Want to see Momo talk about spicing up the relationship by wearing underwear with Yuki’s face on it, grumble about how Yuki’s handsome even when he’s mouthing off, call him a high class gentleman and a sexy icon that no other man in the world could hold a candle to? Want to see Yuki talk about how Momo begging steered the course of his life and the general implication surrounding the Re:vale backstory drop that Yuki, in a sense, also considers Momo a god or at least a gift from the gods to keep him going with his love for his music? Read the game. Also read the rabbitchats if you have time - these are the stories/conversations that come with cards in the game and the Re:vale ones always have at least one moment of pure, concentrated homosexual agenda per chat, but usually more. The Silver Sky bonus chats in particular, which take place post-Part 2/Second Beat, are foundational yukimomo content where you can learn such magical secrets as how Momo used to just kinda kidnap Yuki places while he was sleeping (feat. Momo’s fantasies about capturing and brainwashing Yuki that are discussed in multiple rabbitchats because momo why are you broadcasting this in groupchats you degenerate /affectionate), the fact that Yuki actually pierced Momo’s and his own ears to help get over his fear of sharp objects enough to cook again, and Banri’s thoughts on current Re:vale feat. him describing them both as feral. anyway if you read this far i appreciate you i just had to get these words out somewhere
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frostfire-17 · 10 months
hello! i have two questions for you:
how did the hittites(?) adopt gods into their pantheon? did they change any major parts of the myths or was it just eating them whole? something else?
what was the phd-obtaining process like?
I have two answers for you! They are both long; brace yourself.
1. The short answer is: yes, they totally changed all sorts of stuff, except when they maybe didn't. The long answer is complicated and difficult, because we have almost zero examples of the original myths/rituals/etc: most of the people from whom the Hittites adopted gods didn't keep written records of their own. So we can't do a side-by-side comparison of, say, a myth from Kizzuwatna (a territory in southeastern Turkey that was conquered early on) and the same myth from the Hittite archives, because the Hittite documents are the only ones we have - the origins are lost. We also don't actually have much straight-up narrative myth; there's a lot more ritual description and incantation (sometimes involving bits of myths along the way). But! We can still work with what we've got.
So, for example, there are some rituals that exist at Hattusa in a shorter form in Hurrian (the language of Kizzuwatna), and then in a longer, modified form in Hittite. Our understanding of Hurrian is not awesome, and all of these texts are super broken and incomplete, but stuff has clearly been changed and added and moved around between the two versions. There's also a record of Puduhepa, a Hittite queen who was the daughter of a Kizzuwatnean priest, attempting some syncretism: that is, she states that the Hittite Sun-Goddess, the female head of the pantheon, is the same as the Hurrian head goddess Hebat. She just goes by different names in the different places, says Puduhepa. So here the two traditions are being fully merged.
This is a pretty extreme example, because Kizzuwatna was incorporated into the Empire quite early, and because there was a lot of intermarriage, so the Hurrian traditions/language ended up deeply interwoven with the central Anatolian traditions by the end of the Empire (at least in the upper class). There are other rituals attested at Hattusa - for example, ones with incantations in a language called Palaic - that don't seem to have been modified in the same way? We have Palaic incantations (which we mostly cannot read) bracketed by pretty basic ritual acts (offerings, libations, etc). These seem to have been adopted into the Hittite festival calendar without much modification. But we can't really know that, because we don't have the original rituals from Pala - and further, there could have been a modified Hittite version with translated incantations and we just haven't found it.
A final example is the one single text that we can compare to a native version, which is Gilgamesh! There is a Hittite version of Gilgamesh, and it is SO GREAT: the Hittites skip the whole beginning part at Uruk. They could not give LESS of a shit about Uruk. What do they care about southern Mesopotamian cult cities? NOTHING. But the bit where Gilgamesh and Enkidu come north into Syria to face Huwawa/Humbaba, up near Hittite stomping grounds, gets lots and lots of attention. Such beautiful country! Such impressive cedar trees! They really linger over it and it is fantastic.
2. The PhD-obtaining process was pretty gruelling! as PhDs always are, really. I did a combined MPhil/PhD, and all told it took eight years, which is pretty normal for the field and even kind of speedy for my university. (Though it is still longer than any human being should spend in graduate school.) First two years were coursework and the Master's thesis - I did an edition of a text for my Master's, which is like - you look at all the fragments of your text, including copies if any. (You are looking usually mostly at published drawings of clay tablets, with reference to photos where available; if you and/or your project are big and important you might go to visit some of the fragments in person if possible.) You make a composite transliteration, which is a transcription of the cuneiform into Latin script, where you match up the fragments as best you can and restore gaps based on copies if they exist, and then a translation. Then you write a commentary where you talk about any difficult grammatical stuff and say whatever you have to say about the content. If you're doing graduate work in cuneiform studies - and other kinds of philology too - you gotta learn how to do this and do a good job at it, and it is incredibly painstaking and difficult, woof.
So then! Two more years of coursework! It's a hell of a lot of coursework; most doctorates do not make you take this much. But you have to learn so many, many languages. I did Akkadian, Sumerian, Hittite, Hurrian, Luwian, and then the more minor Anatolian languages (Lydian, Lycian, etc.) which are only very poorly attested and so you just kind of do your best with what's there and move on with your life. I also had to know how to read French (which I came in with) and German (which I came in with a tiny bit of) and Italian (which I did not know) for research purposes, which was extremely necessary - most of the secondary sources for my dissertation were in German. Those three languages had to be done outside of regular coursework. (Also sometimes other languages! One of my favorite grad school stories is when I was taking a class that was just two of us in my advisor's office, doing abovementioned obscure Anatolian languages, and he turned around at the end of class with two hefty printouts in his hands and said, "Do you two read Spanish?" and we were like, "no," and he was like, "Well, you're going to have to! Read this for next time," and handed us each a forty-page article in Spanish. GOOD TIMES.)
Anyway. After coursework came comprehensive exams, which are almost as fun as they sound - ours were four eight-hour tests, to be taken over seven business days, covering what we had learned in class the previous four years. Then I had to prepare a dissertation topic - this was also when my funding was starting to run out, so I had to start working as a TA and writing instructor, and as a copyeditor for a journal published out of our department. So I proposed my dissertation at the end of my fifth year, and then worked and wrote for three years, which: every year of the last three years was more difficult than any that had come before it. But then I finished! And now I am Doctor Frostfire, the end.
So yeah, it was really - it was quite tough. I don't regret doing it, but it would be hard for me to in good conscience recommend that anyone else do it, because it's really not very good for you to do all that. I was certainly in a much, much worse state of physical and mental health at the end than at the beginning. But I am very proud of it; I wrote a really good dissertation, and one of the nice things about such a tiny obscure field is that you can really witness your own impact on it, even while still a graduate student. And! I am now in a position to dispense Hittite facts basically endlessly, because eight years teaches you A LOT. Hooray!
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hairstevington · 1 year
flowers and ink (part 8)
Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington
Summary: Chrissy stops by the shop to have a necessary conversation. Speaking of necessary conversations, Eddie pays a visit to Steve afterwards.
part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part six, part seven, link to Ao3
Word Count: 2.6K
Warnings: TattooArtist/Florist modern day AU, this one gets kind of emotional actually??? Deep conversations about their pasts, pretty on-par with canon stuff, and then a very sweet ending :)
A/N: Okay, you guys - we're headed to the finish line! After this I most likely will just post one more chapter as an epilogue of sorts. Thank you to all who have followed along!! I never expected this one to get this much love!!
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Steve and Eddie saw each other for three days in a row over their first three dates. After that, neither of them wanted to break their streak. 
Yeah. They were both totally obsessed with each other.
They didn’t go on dates every night, but they’d at least visit each other during breaks on days when they both worked. And they texted constantly. Eddie even joined in on Robin and Steve’s movie night, which apparently was a big deal. They’d only ever let one other person crash their movie night, a surrogate little brother figure of Steve’s who was friends with Will. 
Steve still never pressed Eddie for more information about his past, which was great, but the weird thing was that Eddie actually wanted to tell Steve about his life. 
That was a first.
It probably didn’t help that it was all on his mind from seeing Gareth and Chrissy over the weekend. Just a lot of reminders of what happened and what he left behind. He tried to remind himself of how he was happier now, and the new life he’d built for himself, but he still felt guilty. 
So, when Chrissy showed up to Ink About It, Eddie wasn’t the least bit surprised, and he knew exactly what she wanted to know.
“Hey,” she said with a warm smile. “Do you have some time to squeeze me in?”
“Always,” Eddie replied, gesturing for her to join him in the office. “So, are we getting a tattoo today or just addressing the elephant in the room? Or, maybe you want a tattoo of a giant elephant in a room? Let me know and I’m at your service. I owe it to you, after all.”
He was rambling. He knew he was. But he was nervous and embarrassed and a ton of other things. The truth was, he’d loved Chrissy in high school. Like real, deep, meaningful love, and then he cut her off. He cut everyone off, but that was no excuse.
“I’m not mad at you, you know,” Chrissy said. The sentence made Eddie stop dead in his tracks and spin around to face her. “Not anymore, anyway.”
“That’s, uh, good,” Eddie stuttered. He was eased by the fact that Chrissy seemed a bit nervous, too. 
“Well,” she said on an exhale. “You heard my side of things at the show. Your turn.”
Thank God the tattoo shop was dead. He didn’t have an appointment for another hour, and it was during their slowest time of day so he doubted anyone would walk in. 
“Thanks for saying all that, by the way,” Eddie replied. “You could have made me sound like a real dick.” 
The way that Chrissy had painted their whole relationship in a positive light was the only reason he’d been able to hold it together during and after the show. If she’d talked shit about him on that stage, he probably would have skipped town a second time due to humiliation. 
But she didn’t do that. 
“Yeah, well, lucky for you, I didn’t write the show when I was eighteen,” she teased. “Although there are some very angsty poems in a journal somewhere that I should probably burn.” Eddie laughed, then nodded in understanding.
“I have some….really angsty songs that have never seen the light of day,” he noted. 
“Oh, I bet. The ones I did hear were already pretty scary,” she joked, laughing lightly. 
Eddie used to play all of his original songs for her. Well, almost all of them. There was one he wrote about how he was pretty sure he liked men that he never got the chance to show her. In any case, the way she was still joking and being her familiar sweet self (as opposed to her badass, confident stage persona) made Eddie feel a bit more relaxed. He took a deep breath, noticing the way she was waiting for him to speak. 
Here goes nothing. 
“I didn’t graduate, Chris,” he began. Her eyes went wide.
“What?! No, you - you did. We graduated together. You just didn’t go because you were sick.”
“I didn’t go because I got busted for selling and then was expelled,” Eddie admitted. “I was barely passing my classes anyway. Most of the teachers took pity on me just so I didn’t have to retake the year. But then uh - well, yeah. I got kicked out.”
“But I didn’t -” Chrissy was completely stunned. “I had no idea.”
“I didn’t tell anyone,” he replied. 
He hadn’t. The only person that knew was his uncle. Wayne was the only family member that gave a shit about Eddie, so naturally he was Eddie’s phone call the day of the arrest. Wayne bailed him out and, next thing Eddie knew, he was in Hawkins. 
“Anyway,” Eddie continued. “I was so embarrassed I just…left and didn’t look back. At the time I thought you were better off without me, honestly. You said it yourself - before you met me, you hadn’t even smoked before.”
“Before I met you I was -” Chrissy scoffed and shook her head, baffled. “I start the show talking about the day I met you for a reason. It’s because my life began that day, Eddie. You weren’t some bad influence that corrupted me, you were an escape from - from my shitty friends and my even shittier mom. And you were what sparked me to figure out who I was, and that’s special to me. You were my best friend. And you could have told me.”
Her final sentence stung, but it was a good kind of sting. His secret was finally on the table, and she was still there. She was still supporting him. 
“I know that now,” he replied. “I’ve wanted to reach out for ages, but it felt like the more time that went by-”
“I understand,” she said, nodding. “I get it. It’s okay, I just - I missed you.”
Chrissy closed the gap between them and hugged him tightly, an embrace that Eddie quickly accepted. 
“I missed you too,” he responded. They held each other for a few extended moments, then broke away, a tension off their shoulders. “Do you live here now?”
“For the time being,” she answered. “Argyle and I move around a lot. We just kind of point somewhere on a map and go.”
“Shit, and you ended up here?” Eddie asked, surprised. “That’s, like, a crazy coincidence.”
“Yeah, well Argyle always tells me that we end up exactly where we’re meant to go,” Chrissy responded, smiling. 
“I like that guy,” Eddie said, nodding. 
“Of course you do,” she teased. “You’re both weird stoners with awesome hair.” Eddie laughed, flattered at the compliment. He took a moment to look at her - the way she looked just as she did, but so different at the same time. More laugh lines in her face, for one. Her hair was shinier and fuller. There was more color to her skin. Eddie wondered if that was what happiness looked like. 
“Just so we’re clear,” Eddie said, needing to say one last thing before they moved on. “What you said about me on stage the other day -” He didn’t need to specify. Chrissy spoke about their relationship fondly and candidly. “It was the same for me.”
“I know,” she replied, smiling more brightly now. “Okay! So, we finally got that out of the way.”
“Finally,” Eddie echoed. “Now what?”
“Now,” she started, “we talk about your boyfriend and his ridiculously hot friend.”
Eddie chuckled, then nodded. 
“Okay, well first of all, he’s not my boyfriend.” Chrissy eyed him, knowingly, which he chose to ignore. 
“Whatever,” Chrissy dismissed. “Figures we’re both queer, by the way. I love that for us.”
“They say we travel in packs,” Eddie joked. Chrissy nodded in agreement. “Anyway, Robin’s awesome. Have you gone out with her yet?”
“Tonight!” Chrissy responded. “And I’m very excited. That’s another reason I came here. I wanted to clear the air in case you come up in conversation, because it seems like anything I tell her will just go straight to your boyfriend -”
“Not my boyfriend,” Eddie reminded her, smirking. 
“Why not?  I saw the way you look at each other,” Chrissy noted. 
“Because it’s only been a few weeks,” Eddie pointed out. 
“And?” she prodded.
“It’s too soon,” Eddie insisted, pretending to scratch at a spot on his cheek to hide the blush creeping up his face. “Moving on.”
“Moving on,” Chrissy replied with a smug grin. 
She stuck around the tattoo shop to catch up until his next appointment, and it felt a lot like old times. Eddie thought for the longest time he’d burned every bridge from his hometown, but recently he’d learned that he’d left the water underneath unscathed. 
Who needed a bridge when Chrissy and Gareth could swim?
Steve worked at a literal flower shop, and yet he was just starting to truly understand the expression, ‘stop and smell the roses.’
He was in total bliss. Things with Eddie were great. It had been a long time since Steve had felt such an easy connection with someone. They clicked on pretty much every level. And, best of all, Eddie got along with Robin too. If she approved of him, that basically meant - well, it was a big deal.
So, he felt lighter at work now. He was better at handling customers. He started to memorize the things Robin used to constantly have to remind him of. Being around plants all day almost made him feel high - like the air was better or something. Actually, Steve wasn’t the most academic guy, but he was pretty sure being around plants and flowers all day did give him a better oxygen supply. He kept telling himself to ask Robin or Google it, but then he’d get distracted thinking about Eddie. 
The joys of the honeymoon phase. 
It was the night that Robin was going to go out with Chrissy for the first time. She was, naturally, a ball of nerves, but in a good way. Steve had high hopes for their date. 
“You are way too happy lately,” Robin told him. “It’s spooky.”
“Yeah, well -” Steve began, stumbling on a response. “Get used to it.” 
He sent her off, and then checked his phone. 
Eddie: Can I stop by?
Okay, normally that kind of text would send Steve into blind panic, but he tried to remain optimistic. This could be a nice surprise visit, not a devastating one. He sat in the silent apartment for approximately 30 seconds before the overthinking began.
The last time he’d seen Eddie, everything was fine. Nothing out of the ordinary. Although, Steve had never been the most observant. He wracked his brain going over their last interactions to see if he’d maybe missed something. 
Oh, shit. Never mind, he was for sure panicking. 
Steve: Of course! Robin left so it’s just us 🙂 ETA?
Eddie: On my way now, see you soon!
Well, at least he was using punctuation. Although, that didn’t mean anything necessarily. Steve had been dumped a few times, and -
No, come on. He was not about to get dumped. They weren’t even officially together, so an in-person visit to end things wouldn’t make sense. 
This was fine. Everything was fine. 
The door opened ten minutes later. Thank god. 
“Hey,” Eddie greeted as he walked in. He seemed a little nervous, but not upset. “How was your day?”
If he was going to break up with Steve, he wouldn’t have bothered with the pleasantries, right? 
“It was good, how was yours?” Steve asked, doing his best impression of a Chill Person™.
“Chrissy stopped by the shop today,” Eddie began. “And we just - I hadn’t talked to her in so long, and it was really nice.”
Steve let out a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding in.
“That does sound nice,” he replied. 
“Listen, Steve, I -” Eddie shifted his weight back and forth on his feet. “There’s a lot about my life I don’t talk about. Like, from before I moved here. I hadn’t told anybody about it until today, actually.”
“Dude, were you in the mob or something?” Steve asked, completely lost. “Just tell me what’s going on before I burst.”
“Wait, why are you nervous?” Eddie wondered.
“Uhh, because you sent me an ominous text message asking if you could ‘stop by’ and you’re taking for-goddamn-ever in telling me why,” Steve joked. Eddie literally facepalmed. 
“Oh, Jesus Christ. You’re right, my bad.” Steve chuckled in relief. “No, it’s not - that’s not why I came over, trust me.”
“Okay, cool.” Steve waited for Eddie to continue. “So?”
“I just - I feel like I have to tell you something.”
“Okay, now you’re doing the ominous thing again,” Steve said, rolling his eyes playfully. “Come on, talk to me.”
“I was arrested when I was eighteen for selling drugs to minors,” Eddie blurted out. His eyes went wide, as if he hadn’t expected the words to actually come out. “I mean, to high school students. And it was just weed, by the way.” Steve crossed his arms, waiting for more. 
“Okay,” he said, relatively unfazed. 
“You’re not - wait, why aren’t you judging me?”
“Because I bought weed all the time in high school. That’s not much different.”
“I mean, it’s a little different,” Eddie argued. “But okay. Well I - I never graduated high school, either. I don’t have a diploma.”
“Okay,” Steve repeated. “Do you need one?”
“I - well, no, but - what are you - how do - but - I -”
“Okay, woah,” Steve said, chuckling. He walked to Eddie and put a hand on each side of him. “You know I was a mess when I was a teenager too, right? I already told you about some of the shit I got into. I also started a lot of fights - and I lost all of them, by the way. I’m pretty sure if I get one more concussion I’ll die. And I have a diploma, but I didn’t get into any colleges -”
“You mean you don’t care about anything I just told you?” Eddie asked, confused. “You don’t think of me any differently?”
“What? No, why would I?” Steve answered casually. “I used to be a total asshole, and I should have gotten a lot worse than I did. I was just lucky and rich, that’s all.”
“You were rich?” Steve chuckled. 
“Yeah, past tense,” he clarified. “I was such an asshole that my parents disowned me the second I turned eighteen.” 
“Shit,” Eddie said, exhaling. Steve’s hands slid down Eddie’s arms to his hands, fingers interlocking. 
“I don’t care about that stuff,” Steve assured him. “You don’t still sell drugs, right?”
“No,” Eddie replied, shaking his head. 
“Just like I’m not an asshole anymore,” Steve continued. “Right?”
“You’re the nicest person I’ve ever met, I think,” Eddie responded quickly. Once again, he seemed alarmed at what he was saying. 
“That sounds…impossible,” Steve teased, leaning in to kiss Eddie gently on the cheek. “But I’ll take it.”
Eddie could literally feel his heart warming in his chest. He’d spent years holding all of this inside, and carrying so much shame within him. But he’d gotten forgiveness from Chrissy, and Steve was entirely unbothered. 
Steve - the Flower Boy who took Eddie completely by surprise in the best way. He’d never imagined falling so hard for a guy like him, yet here he was. It was like what Argyle apparently said - we all end up where we’re meant to go. 
Eddie fully intended on befriending Argyle next, by the way.
“Hey, Steve?” Eddie whispered, their foreheads pressed together. 
“You wanna be my boyfriend?”
He didn’t plan on asking this particular night. As he’d told Chrissy, they hadn’t been dating very long, and it was still early. But Eddie was on a roll, and the moment felt right.
Steve smiled, confirming that he felt it, too.
“Yeah, I’d love to be your boyfriend.”
(final part)
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mdhwrites · 3 months
How Did I Get into Analysis?
My brother and I talked a bit a couple days ago about the era of online review that we were first introduced to analysis with. We JUST missed AVGN but we were neck deep within the wave of criticism that came afterwards. To us, it wasn't the style pioneered by Cinemassacre (who unfortunately I never got into) but the style of Channel Awesome who back in college, almost a decade ago, I was HUGE into.
But that's not technically how I began. It's also definitely not what I prefer nowadays, nor for the past half decade at least. Before I actually get into the fun background of what caused me first to start using my critical eye, albeit by no means honing it, I just want to let you know some of the video essayists that I do listen to nowadays in case you want to see my inspirations. (This part is longer than I expected so if you want to skip to the silly story, just jump over to when I use bold text)
Linkara: Of the old Channel Awesome style, I think Linkara is potentially the best that style can be without morphing into something different. I admittedly am not a huge comics person but I've relistened to a lot of his coverage of the bigger events a lot of the time and he's just really good at what he does while being genuinely funny and unapologetic of the style he uses. He never got defensive unlike someone.
Todd in The Shadows: This is the ONLY person I listen to regularly still from back in those days. I drop everything when I see a new TiTS video. You might think that makes him beat Linkara in the style but it's not. He hasn't technically altered his format drastically since he began but I would rarely call him a reviewer. It's not even the majority of his content nowadays. I would put him more as a documentarian and as someone who loves himself some history, I genuinely love what he does. Speaking of documentarians though:
Defunctland: If you have watched any video analyzing theme parks, you've probably heard about this channel. He goes over the history of no longer running theme parks, television shows, etc. For the Disney fans in my audience, I highly recommend his video on the Disney Channel theme but honestly, all of his stuff is good.
Noah Caldwell Gervais: Before I move away from the historical essayists, I would be remiss to mention Noah. I don't watch his travelogues but he's expanded my knowledge on so many game series that I will never touch due to my own tastes. It's a little outdated now but a real highlight for me is his Call of Duty videos where he actually examines the stories and themes of the games and their single player modes and isn't uncritical of the franchise but also isn't blindly shitting on it either. He's a fan for a reason. Another akin to that is his more recent Gears of War series.
Folding Ideas: You can actually see on my blog when I got into this channel. The whole "Put a pin it it?" I did in a blog or two? Yeah, that's straight up just stolen from his 50 Shades of Gray reviews. He does a lot of stuff on scams, including crypto, and is very good.
HBomberguy: The newest addition to my theoretical playlist, I got into his stuff with the video about the Ooph sound and its origins. Just a solid essayist with good delivery and interesting topics.
New Frame Plus: I feel bad for almost forgetting about the ever delightful Dan Floyd. I followed him after he moved on from his previous channel and like 99% of what I know about animation comes from him. When I criticize how Amity adopts a silhouette that's a bit too close to Luz's in S2? Yeah, that's only possible for me because of his video about the subject. He also has great credentials for talking about this stuff as an ex-Pixar animator who has done lots of other work in television, movies and even does animation in games nowadays. He's also a delightful Let's Player who is one of the few of those I still follow.
That went on way too long.
So what actually started me on all of this if not Channel Awesome? What first dragged me into overthinking everything? Besides the fact that my brain already had a hard time ever just shutting up of course. Well that answer is shockingly simple if not extremely embarrassing:
The Bronalysis community. The Brony Analysts. That is not a joke. I actually have a bizarrely vivid memory of one of the first proper reviews of anything I ever watched being a review of the fan made episode of My Little Pony featuring a blind filly who's talent had to do with snow.
Which also highlights why it's embarrassing... But does make a sort of sense. My Little Pony was the first time I was ever part of a fandom. It was the first time I got that deeply invested in a work to even want to discuss it in depth with other people. Before then, I never really had an urge to go and seek out such content because Youtube for me was mostly for sillier things like silly videos about Naruto, AMVs and Dragonball Z abridged. Admittedly, part of this comes from being later to the internet than some of my peers. I was in middle school when I started understanding what the internet was and didn't have my own laptop until High School. A lot of it was just that I didn't use things like Youtube much, even while still being the same sort of nerd I've always been.
And what do I think looking back on those early days? I mean... They were ROUGH. And I by no means was immune to it. I've stated before that part of why I don't do individual episode reviews is because I eventually found them kind of tedious but more than that: Shallow. It's hard to have something deep to say about every episode of a work unless it's a genuine masterpiece. I've been watching Frieren with my brother and while I adore that show, I think it is genuinely incredible in almost every way, there are still episodes of it where I would go, "This is good. To say more would just be me repeating statements I've already made about the work."
Recap and snark was the name of the game back then though. It's why they were called reviews after all because that's always been easier than critique or a deep dive. A bad or lackluster review is just easy to make since you lay down what the plot of the work is, snark on a few elements and then give a recap of your thoughts at the end. It's probably part of why some people like Doug Walker used it as much as a vehicle for their own talents as comedians and writers rather than just how good of an analyst they were because, well, that's what they were more passionate about but they also did reviews.
This isn't to say that there isn't still snark or comedy or even some amount of personal validation to more recent essayists. The video I recommended for Defunctland is genuinely a documentary and also has him use his worries about if he'll be considered one or just some Youtube guy someday as the framing. One could mock him for that, he even fears it in the video, but the difference is that even if you ignore that component, ignore his personality, the information and depth of knowledge and research on the topic is good enough to still warrant watching the work. That wasn't always something you could always say about analysis a decade ago, not the big channels at least. A lot more of them were personality driven, not driven by how good the reviews were as reviews.
It's all just interesting to look back on for me, especially while I've stayed casual in my analysis. I may write full on essays at times for a blog but I am no video essayist. I do not do the sort of research that's required for such things which does make my stuff much more opinion based and what advice I personally feel is good without the depth of wisdom to be an authority on it. At least I don't plagiarize though? XD But I have always said that I analyze things second to me being a writer and I still hold firm to that so I'm fine with that being where I keep things, bare minimum for now. I care much more about being seen as a true storyteller, rather than simply a delusional fanfic writer, than I do of ever being seen as some grand critic.
Just felt like sharing tonight. Thank you for reading and see you next tale.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
A Twitter you can follow too
And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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miloscat · 5 months
[Review] Avatar: The Last Airbender: Quest for Balance (PS5)
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This show deserves better than this cheap and sloppy tie-in.
Peru-based studio Bamtang are the latest to be granted the Avatar licence, after making some decent kart racers for Nickelodeon. Quest for Balance is the result, and although it’s functional this revival game struggles to live up to the predominately Australian-made tie-in games that were contemporary with the show (and movie).
My expectations were quite high for this given the advances in technology since 2006-2010. But there are always other factors at play in game development, like budget, time, and the experience of the dev team, that are potentially lacking here. What I'm saying is the game feels cheap, from the bland level design to the simple combat to the abundance of rough edges.
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Quest for Balance covers all three books of the original show... more or less. The six levels in each try to hit the major points while some episodes and events are skipped over; if you're lucky these will be summarised with a cutscene. But even the significant stuff is dealt with perfunctorily. I did like the side quests in the more hublike levels, with named NPCs and items to find that expand on the world a little bit, although it doesn’t amount to much.
The core gameplay isn’t too different from child/family games we have known such as the Traveller’s Tales Lego games. You explore a level, break objects and interact with interactables, get into fights, and solve some puzzles. Locking the fights into little battle arenas reminded me of the first two Avatar DS games, while the puzzles (maybe the strongest part of the game) recalled the third DS game. I still think I liked those better though.
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These gameplay elements are often sectioned off, and the levels are mostly a flat and uninteresting sequence of rooms. There’s an inventory which I barely touched, and an upgrade system that incentivises finding goodies by improving your combat powers. I did get through most combat by just mashing with the most effective characters (Sokka and Toph as far as I could tell) but there is some depth when you’re not just getting stunlocked. Like most of the game it’s just let down by a pervasive clunkiness.
Co-op is available… most of the time. A fatal flaw is not letting a second player participate when the story requires a solo character’s involvement, as well as being unbalanced. That is, when the maximum three-character party is present, player 1 can swap between two of them while player two is locked to only one. These choices hamper its viability as a multiplayer experience (also, my spouse just thought the game in general was subpar and so left me to it).
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I’d like to circle back to the cutscenes, as they represent the ramshackle feel of how the game is put together. A mere handful are in 3D, using the game models with some decent animation, which despite being prerendered can chug heavily when a lot of stuff is happening. Some are in 2D, going for a motion comic look but with distressing animated png warping. This includes a cute framing story where Iroh, Bumi, and Pakku are recounting the tale to a Ba Sing Se playwright. Others are brief in-engine dialogue scenes where the characters stand motionless. Or you might just have one of the aforementioned three recounters summarising exposition over a paragraph of text. Even with these various methods of varying levels of effort, they will at times neglect to properly set up the next gameplay portion. It’s frankly a mess.
I also have to mention the voice acting, which ranges from decent soundalike performances (eg. Katara or Toph) to… “an attempt was made”. As far as I can tell from a quick search of Behind the Voice Actors, the only VA that returned was Dee Bradley Baker for creature noises, and even his mastery in the field is undermined when you play one of the dull Appa autoscrolling segments and notice that they appear to have forgotten to apply any pitching down or treatment to his voice?? It sounds bizarre and unfinished. I do have to give the game credit for casting a higher proportion of actors of Asian descent though which is nice to see.
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Let it be known that I 100%d Quest for Balance… minus some trophies like the one for completing boss battles hitless. In this janky combat engine and with the bosses as boring as they are, I couldn’t face it. But the game is just competent enough and revisiting stages is streamlined such that I didn’t mind going back for the side stuff, which is my favourite aspect anyway. On the whole though I can’t really recommend this game except to superfans; the old tie-ins are frankly of a higher standard and by virtue of having dedicated instalments for each season, do a better job covering the material on top of having more depth and variety. Plus the first one has an original story! This could have been a triumphant revisit of a beloved story, but it ended up a cheap cash-grab. Oh well.
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blazehedgehog · 1 year
Sir BlazeHedgehog, where is your nickname from?
Oh wow, somebody actually asked for once instead of me having to volunteer it.
This is probably at least the third time I've said this just on this blog alone, but since tumblr search is worthless, we'll take it from the top one more time, but I'll hide it behind a "read more" tag for those who would rather skip it.
And because I'm going to be hiding it behind a tag, I'm going to go all in and tell a story.
The short answer is I made it up.
I am from a time before the internet was everywhere, on everything. In the 5th or 6th grade, our computer lab teacher introduced us to the world wide web using the suite of Apple Macintoshes they had available.
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And when I say "Macintosh" I mean the original. Black and white screens, Hypercard, the whole deal from 1984. Keeping in mind it was currently 1995.
About 25-30 of these little guys split in to two rows. In the middle of the classroom sat a lone Macintosh Performa. Good kids got to use the Performa.
The Performa was the only computer that was capable to render what we would begin to know as the modern internet. It had Netscape Navigator installed, which supported the somewhat-new technology of webpages with embedded images.
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For the rest of us, we were introduced to the text-based internet. You would bring up a terminal application and have to type out commands to interface with the school's webserver in order to check things like email (using PINE). You browsed the internet using Lynx. There was no mouse, no clicking. You scrolled using the arrow keys and could highlight links with tab.
They taught us other terminal commands, like how to open a direct text chat with another student in the lab, some basic formatting and typing stuff, etc. It was slow, difficult to use, and the internet was a lot smaller back then. We had somewhat strict rules on what we could and could not do on these machines, but since they couldn't do much, it wasn't hard to enforce.
In high school, half of the lab was a mixture of older 5200 Performas and newer 6600 "Pizza Box" Performas, with the other half being more left over monochrome Macintoshes. They also had "the one really nice computer" but this one was a modern (by 1997 standards) Power Mac G3. New tech came newer rules: no installing games, no adult content (even soft stuff, like girls in bikinis), and no chat rooms.
We were teenagers, though. You tell us not to do something, and that immediately makes you want to do it. I remember catching some of the particularly geeky among us logging in and playing online MUDs (the precursor to MMOs), and others trying to get around the Foolproof Software locks to install games or look at porn.
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(This is a newer photo of that same computer lab, and I'm unsurprised that, outside of kids being on more modern hardware, absolutely nothing about the setup of that room has changed.)
I wasn't really in my spiral of depression yet, so I used the computers like a good little boy and followed the rules.
Until the last few days of the semester before summer break. That's when everybody -- students, teachers -- collectively stop caring about keeping up proper appearances. I remember having big free periods and spending time in the computer lab. I was usually the only one in there. So, immediately, I began looking up chat rooms.
A few friends and I had gotten into deep trouble a few months earlier, because one wild night during a sleepover we called into a "party line", which was a service where you were hooked into what is now known as a "discord group chat." Except you didn't know who you were getting connected with. They were total strangers. That was part of the thrill. It was new and exciting. We happened to be lucky enough to get a group of girls who were near enough to our age (maybe a little older), and we spent hours talking with them via speakerphone.
The thing was, there was a precedent that doing that cost money. You were calling a 1-800 number, and there were service fees associated with that. Per-minute. So we racked up a bill of something like $70-$100+ that night. That was a big problem.
But internet chat was free. The allure was impossible to ignore. And with it being the last few days of school, who could stop me? At worst I'd be kicked out of the computer lab, but they weren't going to, like, expel me. Being in trouble was a fake idea.
I forget where I ended up the first day, it was some kind of general Yahoo chat or something, but I remember I was too shy to be myself. Being 13 or 14 at the time, I decided to roleplay as Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon. One of the only times I ever did anything like that. I was full-on "I send a rose to all the ladies @}---;----" and everything, it was awful.
On the final day, I started looking up Sonic fansites and ended up somewhere called "Ruby's Sonic Page." This was the homepage of Dawn Best, under the handle Ruby the Echidna. It was there she talked about a game I'd never heard of before -- Sonic Adventure -- and provided a link to the announcement trailer in glorious 160p MPEG-1 video. I was blown away. They were making new Sonic games again?
Provided was a link to discuss the game with other Sonic fans, and it lead to Missy's Sonic Chat, a Beseen Chat Room on a website called Xoom (one of the many Geocities clones). Beseen Chats weren't live chatrooms like we'd think of modern-day Discord, or even AIM or IRC. Beseen was much more comparable to Twitter, or Tumblr, in that it was a website where you could post messages and could refresh the feed to see what other people had posted. It was a bit of a hack, but it worked well enough.
The whole thing was broken down in to different frames (if you're too young to know what those are: imagine multiple separate embedded webpages, sectioned off to specific portions of the screen). So you'd have a frame on the left that was a userlist, where people had set names and even large image avatars for themselves. At the bottom you'd have a text entry field with two buttons at the end: Send and Refresh. And then taking up most of the screen real estate was the feed itself. Something sort of like this, I guess:
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And a lot of people in this Beseen chat had made up their own, original characters. This was my first introduction to Sonic OCs. And Missy's chat was a veritable who's who extremely talented fanartists. Ruby, Barachan, T2, J. Axer, Rinacat, etc.
I wanted to fit in, so I felt like I needed to come up with "a character" of my own.
Literally the first name to jump to mind was "Blaze the Hedgehog." I didn't like it. It was too obvious. Surely there had to be other Blaze the Hedgehogs out there, right? And I wasn't even particularly attached to "flame" powers.
So I sat there for a few minutes, trying to think of something better. My mind went blank.
Admitting defeat, "Blaze the Hedgehog" it was.
The chat was rather dead, given it was still technically a school day, and once I went home that afternoon, that was the end of my access to the internet. The best we had at home was some sort of Hyundai thing -- amber monochrome monitor, no graphics rendering, no hard disk, basically just a glorified word processor.
That changed once my mom got her tax return a little while later. She invested in a 233mhz Packard Bell desktop computer with Windows 98 and a subscription to America Online.
When prompted to make my own AOL username, I decided to go with "Blazehgehg." BlazeHedgehog. The character I'd made up at school.There it was. For the first time, for real, it was set in stone. And from 1998 to 2023, I've never changed it. Other "Blaze the Hedgehog"s have come and gone, but I've been the constant.
Later that night, I found my way back to Missy's Sonic Chat, and I grabbed one of Axer's Sonic images, sloppily recoloring it in MSPaint. I printed it out for posterity and kept it in a folder with artwork I'd actually drawn.
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Blue and green were my favorite colors. Sonic was blue, so Blaze was green. Instead of shoes, he had boots. He wore a leather vest with a black t-shirt on underneath that covered most of his body. And atop his head, a sprout of hair, colored like a flame.
Blaze's only real role as a "character" was in the first and only fanfiction I ever wrote for him; the story was a blend of Final Fantasy VII and an anime I was in love with at the time named "Green Legend Ran." It's better it was lost to time. Besides, I don't think it was ever finished.
Blaze would go through several revisions over the years. More immediately, The Matrix hit the next year, and Blaze was given a trenchcoat. Also, since I could like, actually draw, I decided to stop painting over other people's artwork and draw Blaze for myself.
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Eventually, Blaze Hedgehog the character fell out of favor. I grew up. I never really used him for much more than a forum avatar anyway, and even then, I felt like people were judging me for having a Sonic OC. Especially a green hedgehog. There were a dime-a-dozen green hedgehog Sonic OCs floating around.
Once Sega introduced Blaze the Cat in 2005, that sort of became the final nail in the coffin. But by then, I'd been using "BlazeHedgehog" as an online username for seven years. I'd grown attached to it. I didn't want to change it. So... I didn't.
As I've gotten older and put some distance between myself and that time, I find myself a bit nostalgic for the character of Blaze the Hedgehog. I redesigned him a bit a few years ago to look more like a traditional Sega Sonic character, swapping in a bomber jacket and getting rid of the shirt.
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And, of course, there was Sonic Forces. Options were limited there, but a brown leather jacket and the weird black bodysuit got closest. I was most surprised by the hairstyle options. While we don't get the classic yellow-to-red, we do get a green-to-red, which is good enough. And I really like these ring-strap boots.
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That's about all there is to say, really. These days it's just a username for me, and I keep it so old friends can find me more easily. I'm pretty terrible at keeping up with some people, and I get the feeling I probably come off cold to others when that's never been my intention. But for those who want to keep tabs on me, they know where to find me.
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