#I started writing this up way way before I finished the game and the extra content and it’s honestly a delight to have done so
coralinnii · 3 months
Congrats on reaching the 2.7 K followers milestone!! If it's okay to ask why specifically 2.7 K?
anyways I heard you were taking requests so I'll request something to celebrate with you :-D
I was wondering if you could do one where Idia, Kalim, Azul, Riddle rejects Fem!reader but ends up falling for reader after that, how would they react when they need to reject her and when the realization of them liking her back hits? (I tried to come up with an og idea but idrk if this one is actually good enough writing material :'-D)
 ‧₊˚✧ Waking up Too Late ‧₊˚✧
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↳ Realizing their feelings for fem!reader after rejecting you 
feat: Idia ❋ Kalim ❋ Azul ❋ Riddle genre: slight hurt/comfort, open ending note: no pronouns were used but reader is written as a female in mind, reader can be interpreted as Yuu!reader, 
Question: Why specifically 2.7K? Well... I wanted to do something when I reached 2k but by the time I finished my initial wave of requests and WIPs, it already reached 2.7K ^_^" There wasn't a real rhyme or reason... I was just really late to the game
extra note: the joke in the start of Azul’s section doesn’t mean anything bad about him in general. It’s just Azul reminds me too much of myself during my younger days and I wasn't the biggest fan of myself back then.
Also, if anyone is wondering... I haven't stopped writing. I was just unable to find time for myself during the last 3 months because my classes and work didn't leave me time to do much outside of that. Seriously, I had assignments due on weekdays AND weekends! If none of you know who I am or didn't even realize I was gone... ignore me and have a good day ^_^
2.7K Followers Writing Event 2023
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The Big Ooff
Regardless of Idia’s feelings before or after the confession, he rejected you in fear of change. He was content with the way things are, where he doesn’t have to worry about things like romance and relationships. 
Idia can’t imagine being the main protagonist for anything. He’s not the cool main hero or the handsome prince that gets the pretty girl. That's for the extroverts with high charm specs (a.k.a not him). Afterall, when does the NPC ever win? 
So when you, his friend and confidant, his solace and only exception, told him that you held feelings more than friendship…well, his system short-circuited. 
While the two of you said it wouldn’t change your friendship, you still wanted time away from him to heal the hurt. Idia agreed that the risky emotional roll dealt some real backlash to both of you.
The Realization
Idia tried to deny it, but he started imagining an alternative universe where he did accept your confession that fateful day. 
If he were to zone out during his level grinding sessions, he would vaguely envision himself in the same position, but perhaps with you lying next to him or even running your fingers through his flames. These daydreams would surprise him literally off the bed, his aforementioned flames burning a cute pinkish hue.
Some days when he’s browsing around online shops, he would occasionally encounter items that remind him of you.
Now, that in itself is not new but rather it was when he imagined how cute you would be if he got these items for you. Instead of your usual pleasantly surprised thank you, would you lovingly embrace him, maybe even kiss-! 
Ortho was startled to see his brother suddenly falling off his gaming chair, with his hands suspiciously covering his face. 
Crap, not only did he realize his feelings for you (which in hindsight probably was not surprising in the least), but he actually would like to be in a stupid lovey-dovey relationship with you. 
His Next Moves?
Continues to deny everything. So what if he wants a relationship with you? He can’t handle this new step even with these newly realized emotions. Plus, he was the one who blew his own shot by rejecting you the first time. 
So, he falls to his coping mechanism which is to deny everything and that he’s perfectly fine the way things are. 
When the two of you returned to your typical routine, he tried to keep things the way it used to be, as the same with you. 
Except it’s not quite the same. 
You weren’t sure if you were being conscious or that it’s been a while since you two hung out, but you felt that Idia was slightly more…attentive you could say?
He would give you first bids of the better controller before picking anything himself. If you seemed the slightest bit uncomfortable while sitting, the blue-flamed senior would offer you a comfier spot on his bed and a blanket if you wanted, before sputtering that he meant nothing weird about it.
He says he’s fine, but Idia’s is in no way the usual closed-off, sometimes cocky genius you knew before. He’s jittery, more prone to shriek and burst into pink flames to any of your gestures, and according to his little brother his heartbeat is slightly faster than usual. 
It’s weird…it’s like he actually acknowledges you as a woman…
“Ahh, I seriously chose the wrong choice option. The story path…I wonder if I could still salvage a good ending…”
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The Big Ooff
Kalim’s overly friendly nature, while harmless, is somewhat misleading and confusing to those around him. I mean, if someone threw a grand luxurious party for you, it’s easy to assume that you were someone special. Unfortunately, Kalim is simply just…too friendly. He would do this and more for just about anyone, no matter how special they may or may not be.
Nonetheless, you still wanted to tell him your feelings. You wanted to tell him how his smile and laugh hastens your heartbeat as you smile back. That you feel butterflies every time he extends his hands to you, coaxing you to dance with the boisterous Housewarden of Scarabia. 
To everyone’s genuine surprise, the snow-haired student sincerely apologized to you, not able to return your feelings the same way. All of your friends and also Scarabia was so sure that their Housewarden thought differently of you, but news quickly spread that Kalim never thought about being more than friends with you.
The Realization
To clarify, Kalim never thought about being more than friends with anyone. He’s happy to have so many friends, what more could he possibly want?
But your words did shake him mentally. He never realized that you would feel this way for him. On days when he can’t keep track of the lessons at hand, his mind would doze off and wander back to your confession. 
“Hastening heartbeat, feelings of butterflies, always wanting to smile when you do…”
The more he thinks about your love symptoms, he’s realizing how similar those feelings were to his own when he’s around you. It was why he would always try to find you in a crowd, or why he wanted to be your dance partner on any occasion. Sure, he’s happy to be around everyone, but he feels especially good when it's you.
The pieces are connecting, the clogs are aligning, and soon…
His Next Moves?
Man is now a fool in love. He has this goofy smile on his boyish face at the slightest mention of you. Everytime he thinks about you, he keeps attempting to buy one or two grand bouquets of flowers for you, each flower as beautiful as you, much to Jamil’s chagrin as the vice-Housewarden has to keep reminding him of a crucial fact. 
“You two aren’t dating. Actually worse considering your prior actions.” 
Jamil’s brutal but accurate words brought Kalim back to harsh reality as he realized his mistake in not realizing his feelings soon enough. But not one to wallow in the past, Kalim sought to tell you his feelings just as you bravely did before. 
Whether I personally think if that’s a smart move is irrelevant
Whatever your response is to him, Kalim would fully respect your choice, prioritizing your comfort and feelings over his newly uncovered ones. Despite his well intentions and honest feelings before the realization, his carelessness hurt you and he needed to consider your healing process. 
Kalim would still act like a love-sick fool, however. Buying beautiful trinkets because he thought of you but won’t push them onto you if you couldn’t handle the heavy sentiment (thank Jamil for that). 
Though a little more sheepishly, he would still extend his hand to you hoping for a dance, small little gestures to make you smile even the slightest bit brighter…all this and more because “I like you” and nothing else.
Just because he’s slow in figuring things out, his feelings won’t change so easily. This special feeling of happiness, of love… he’s grateful that you taught him this whole new world.
"I’m a little much? Haha, sorry. I get really happy when I see you...It feels nice being in love with you.”
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The Big Ooff
Please reconsider 
Ahem. Azul has grown accustomed to your presence. Perhaps even look forward to it throughout his daily routine, even assisting you in whatever trouble you always seem to get involved in. Some would accuse him of favoritism, but Azul argued that he was simply a gentleman treating a lady right.
He’s too observant to not notice that these sentiments are somewhat mutual. He thought of you as too kind and generous as to spend your spare time helping him around the lounge or to keep him company when the Leech twins get a little much. 
But he was surprised to learn that your feelings were deeper than he initially predicted. There was such sincerity in your voice as you confess your feelings that it shook Azul to his core and turned his human legs weak. 
However, he still had so many aspirations he hasn’t reached yet, opportunities he can’t miss. He can’t afford to split his time for something like romance, something that didn't register to him as urgent in the first place. Love is all well and good, but success is better and more tangible.
He’s careful with his words, gratefully thanking you for your confession and complimenting you with a list of traits he admired about you. 
But you should know Azul by now. He’s hyping you up before ultimately giving you crushing news. Like a company recruiter telling you weren’t chosen despite your apparent talents. 
You knew this, but it still hurts to have your dynamic treated equivalent to that of a business relation. 
The Realization
Azul understood you needed time away. Certain things were said that can’t be taken back and it’ll be a while before you two could feel comfortable around each other again. 
During this time though, the Housewarden truly felt your absence. He feels it when someone else takes a seat in his office where you usually occupy, when his mealtime feels less fulfilling because you weren’t there to enjoy it with him, when his headaches get worse from stress and you weren’t there to lend a comforting hand. 
This sense of void was like a stream of cold water slowly trickling into his body and mind until he felt heavy and almost drowning. What an odd sensation for a deep-sea merman. 
His mind became cluttered. He can’t focus on his work when all he could think about is where you might be and what you were doing. 
He reached his limit when he realized that he couldn’t even hide this internal conflict from Jade or Floyd when their keen eyes pick on every moment of his loss of focus, and they have an inkling as to the cause. 
…Dear Sevens, he might have made a great miscalculation on his own feelings.
His Next Moves?
First off, he’s going to spend some time in his pot. He needs some personal time reflecting over his own obliviousness and self-sabotage. 
Once that’s over, he now has to figure out how to remedy this. A plan to get back into your good graces after the blunder. 
He is a greedy merman. If he’s going to do something, he wants the best outcome possible, which is you forgiving him and accepting him while forgetting the past even happened.  
He’s read through countless relationship books, advice found online, and personal intel that his schoolmates were forced to generous enough to offer under an NDA. 
He’ll use the knowledge he remembered from your confession to his advantage, highlighting the parts of himself that he knew you liked about him. He shows off his good side in hopes to reignite what attracted you to him. 
If there’s anything to expose his intent with you, it’s the flush of his pale skin when you finally thanked him with that sweet smile he missed so much.
"I’m not one to lose an opportunity when within my reach. However long it takes, I’ll earn back what I’ve foolishly lost.”
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The Big Ooff
Riddle was, in all seriousness, taken aback by your confession.
The studious Housewarden of Heartslabyul is definitely smart, but he’s just slightly lacking in the people-reading department. 
To him, you were simply a very loving person. He thought perhaps you were on the shyer side but always worrying about his well-being, making sure he’s taken breaks and to enjoy himself between his duties.
You were still a little rambunctious as lately you seem at odds with Ace as you’re quick to smack and silence the mischievous redhead who seems to snicker more often than usual as of late. 
Frankly, you left him stunned, his face similar to a deer in headlights. No textbook or lecture has prepared him to reply back to your sincere confession. 
In the end, he rejected you while giving his full honesty. Silly things like love and relationships were subjects he never thought to consider in depth, and he wasn’t sure it was something he wanted at the moment. 
He tried to explain the best he could, but you couldn't stop the aching feeling of your heart breaking. 
The Realization
Your relationship with Riddle took a blow but it was not destroyed. Albeit some awkwardness here and there, life flows relentlessly as usual. 
But that fateful day would occasionally sneak its way into Riddle’s mind during his spare moments to himself, recalling your determined face, coupled with his memories of your beautiful, clear eyes.
Nowadays, his heart would tighten, his throat would feel dry, and his breathing would be shallower whenever his thoughts sway towards you. 
Spurred by these odd symptoms, he finally looked more into the topic of love. The more he delved into talks on relationships, seminars on emotional attraction, and even tropes from novels, the more it feels as though he’s going down a rabbit hole of new emotional discoveries. 
For a while, the Heartslabyul dorm was on edge as they feared for their necks every time their terrifying Housewarden suddenly turned franticly scarlet out of nowhere.
Alone in Riddle’s room, surrounded by articles and books littered on his once pristine desk, Riddle found his conclusion; he’s in love too
His Next Moves?
Riddle isn’t actually sure how to approach you anymore. This whole “in love” experience is all too new to him. He couldn’t bring up this embarrassing topic with any of his peers, and much less with his mother (Sevens knows he doesn’t exactly want to replicate a relationship like his parents). 
But he couldn’t handle the sudden sensations of nerves that occur every time he’s close to you. He can’t keep up constantly chastising himself internally for flinching every time he passes a tart or a teacup to you during Unbirthday parties. 
He can no longer focus during his study sessions with you as he’s now fighting with himself as he dreams to hold your free hand or to brush a stray lock of hair from your endearing face. 
Was it as difficult to deal with as it was for you? Was this the reason you decided to confess to him? But the thought of speaking to you about something so intimate invokes nerves in him that he couldn’t understand.
No, he should learn from your example. If the natural progression of his feelings should be clear communication between those involved, then he will face this challenge as confidently as he does with any other. 
Prepare yourself, the stubborn Riddle has made a goal for himself. 
“I admit my inexperience has hurt those I cherish. Next time, I will respond to your bravery in kind.” 
542 notes · View notes
woso-dreamzzz · 7 months
Ausenal II
Arsenal Women x Teen!Reader
Summary: You travel for an away game
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It was a long drive up to Liverpool.
Like four plus hours kind of long.
Which meant you had plenty of time to do your homework.
Steph wandered around the house, picking up her bags and sorting through the last of the mail before turning to you.
"Have you packed your laptop?"
You nodded.
"And your calculator?"
You nodded.
"And your boots and your socks?"
You didn't stop nodding.
"Okay. Let's get this show on the road."
Steph drove you both to the training grounds. She looked at you in the backseat and adjusted her rear view mirror. "Did you pick up your lunch?"
You held up the little brown paper bag she'd packed for you.
Steph nodded. "Good. Right, onto the bus with you. I'm just going to pop in and grab some water from reception."
You nodded.
Away games like this were always the same. Steph let you have a little lie in as she double then triple checked your bag and made you your lunch. Then, she would wake you up where you would beg to just have something small for breakfast like a protein bar but she would make you eat a full meal. Next Steph would drive you to the bus where she would make you get on while she slipped inside to get you some extra water in case you got car sick.
Now came the next part of your routine.
"There she is!" Katie crowed from her spot next to Caitlin. "We've been saving you a seat."
She nodded to the seat opposite her and you sat.
This was normal as well. Leah and Alessia were set up at the table across the aisle, playing cards as Kyra kneeled on her seat so she could annoy Lotte and the new American signing, Emily.
No one would sit on your other side but Steph would definitely take up the seat in facing Kyra to make sure she behaved.
"What have you got today?" Katie asked as you got out your schoolwork.
You made a face. "Biology and Chemistry."
"Did you bring the funny calculator?" Caitlin asked, making grabby hands for it.
"I need it," You said.
"I only want it for a bit," Caitlin said," I'm going to send Macca and Lanni a picture of me writing boobs."
"You're so childish," Steph said in greeting as she arrived on the bus," Leave her alone. She has deadlines." She passed you over two bottles of water and looked at you sternly. "Drink one of them now."
"She means," Katie cut in," Make sure you finish it in the first half of the journey so when we get to the services, you can have a toilet break there."
That was part of the normal routine too and you just nodded.
You got to work quickly even as the bus turned into carnage the moment you set off.
At some point, Caitlin had grabbed your calculator and was amusing herself using the graph function after sending the boob picture to Macca and Lanni.
Kyra was still annoying Lotte and Emily even after Steph made her sit down and turn around.
Leah and Lessi's card game got progressively more aggressive as the time lagged on and you found yourself abandoning your schoolwork to watch.
"You can't cheat at Uno, Leah! You're being a bad loser!"
"I haven't lost yet and there's no way you had that many plus fours! You're such a cheater!"
"Just because you have bad luck doesn't mean that I do! Now pick up your cards or resign!"
You snapped out of your watching to look across from you. Katie raised a singular brow and looked down at your laptop.
"Didn't Steph say you had deadlines? Come on, get it done so you can relax on your way back."
You huffed and got back to work.
"And start drinking your water too! It helps with brain power!"
You diligently typed away, absentmindedly snacking on whatever Katie pushed your way and having to fight back you calculator from Caitlin.
When it came to the twenty minute break at the services, you were more than happy to escape into the fresh air.
"Hand," Leah said as she caught up with you, holding her own hand out expectantly.
"Leah," You began to whine but a firm look from her had you slipping your palm into hers.
Kyra snickered behind you and you felt your face go bright red. "Don't wander off," Kyra teased as she moved past," Wouldn't want to get lost, would you?"
"Kyra!" Steph snapped as she approached," No teasing! It's mean!"
You and Leah didn't stick around to hear anymore of the lecture because you were dragged to the toilet and then to the little store to pick up a new book.
You were distracted though and kept peering around Leah to look at the snacks.
"No," She said," That's not good for you. Come on, you're choosing a new book."
You picked up the next book in the series you were reading but made sure to take the long way back around to the checkout, purposely walking Leah through the snacks.
"No," She said again, waving a teasing finger in your face.
"Please?" You begged," I finished my schoolwork. And I ate the lunch Steph packed for me!"
Leah looked at you through narrowed eyes, studying you before sighing. "One snack. And not too big either. I mean it, this stuff isn't good for you."
You grinned and went to grab your favourite chocolate bar, dragging Leah with you when it was clear that she wasn't going to let go of your hand.
"Go on," She said, guiding you up onto the team bus again," You promise that you finished your work?"
You nodded.
"Okay. Go and sit with Lessi. Kyra can sit in your old seat."
Alessia was already waiting for you. At some point while you were away, she'd gotten out a blanket.
"Come on," She said softly, beckoning you closer," You look like you need a nap. You had to wake up early."
"I'm not a baby," You complained even though you were already taking your shoes off so you could curl up properly on the seat.
"Teenagers can nap too." Alessia wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you a bit closer.
"I'm not tired," You said," I've got a new book."
"The book can wait. We need you fighting fit for the match later. Kyra's already asleep."
You turned your head to spot Kyra face down on the table, eyes shut and drooling. You huffed and looked back at Alessia.
She was giving you one of those looks that you were more accustomed to seeing from Steph or Kim so you blew out all your air in a big sigh and rested your head on her shoulder.
"Good," Lessi said," I'll wake you up when we get there."
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haikyu-mp4 · 4 months
Second chance to cupid
word count; 1048 – f!reader
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Not usually favouring sports, you’re in the journalism club to make use of your great eye for design and writing. After watching one of your school’s volleyball team’s official games last season, you took notice of the boring brochures they handed out with the players’ information. You hadn’t yet chosen what to do for your project this semester and decided to lend your talents to making a better representation of the team’s charms and talents. What you didn’t expect to get out of the project was a date.
You received permission from their coach and captain and set up some equipment to take your photos in a room adjacent to the gym during practice. Hopefully, you can encourage them all to pose confidently. In order to not disturb their whole practice, you ask one grade to join you at a time, starting with the first-years and ending with the third-years. Good luck!
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You were already very familiar with Bokuto. The guy was so outgoing that he’s had an interaction with almost every student at Fukurodani, and your conversations simply spurred into many more of them. A couple of days a week, you would see him in the hallway and he would wave excitedly while yelling your name, so that’s how you also ended up talking a lot to Akaashi. It always brightened your day and you could easily admit you grew a bit extra fond of Akaashi as the two of you started spending time together without the third wheel, despite his complaints about it.
Akaashi found you very interesting. He loved listening to you ramble about your club and other interests whenever you two were together. In some ways, your excitement reminded him of Bokuto. Now, some people think Bokuto is stupid. He is not, because when he sees how you two interact, there is no doubt in his mind that something is going on. Bokuto said yes to this project before you even finished your first sentence, which made you laugh softly and thank him before continuing to explain anyway. After meeting with you, he excitedly told Akaashi all about it even though he already heard about it from you, but Bokuto enjoyed how Akaashi seemed so happy about it coming true. That’s why Bokuto asked him during practice if he was planning on asking you out soon.
“What?” Akaashi said, grabbing the ball instead of passing it back.
“Y/n. Shouldn’t you ask her out soon?” the captain asked, gesturing for Akaashi to keep going with the drills. He didn’t.
“Uhh maybe…” Bokuto walked over, annoyed that he wasn’t passing but also smiling as he got an idea and interrupted Akaashi from answering further.
“You can do it while she’s here for the project!” he suggested, imagining some grand scene that didn’t suit Akaashi at all. “Make it real romantic, like when she’s taking the picture you say ‘your pretty smile is even brighter than the camera flash’ and magically whip out a bouquet of roses.”
“I will do it, Bokuto. At some point.” Akaashi assured him, stern but still soft as he wanted Bokuto to feel like he was helping in some way. “She doesn’t even like roses…” he mumbled as well. His mind went into overthinking for a while, mindlessly passing the ball between him and Bokuto.
Akaashi had put emphasis on the will because he planned on doing it the day after your photo shoot when you two shared lunch and discussed the player details. However, he didn’t notice that he didn’t emphasise that idea to his friend. The captain was thrilled because all he heard was you’re right, I will.
The photo shoot was easy so far. The Fukurodani team knew how to look confident and you had an all around good time with them. Your waves of laughter could be heard from outside the room and you all spent the time well. Akaashi seemed happy and you wondered if the room might be too hot as his cheeks were slightly red when you looked at him through the camera lens. He gave you a little smile and put his hands on his hips, doing his best to make you happy with his effort.
You took the picture and put the camera down in your lap to check it, whistling and then looking back up at the guy. “That’s great, Akaashi.” He had given you a couple of options.
He was the last one, so you sent another second year to get the third-years and kept making jokes with everyone as they shuffled out. Akaashi walked a bit slower, thanking you for doing the project for them and telling you to have good luck with the others. Well… with Bokuto.
“Hey, hey, hey!” Bokuto walked in first and bounced over to you, putting an arm over your shoulder and asking if you were doing alright. You confirmed but were still watching Akaashi as he left, giving Konoha a high five and then glancing over his shoulder at you. Bokuto looked between you two excitedly before yelling out. “Hey, Akaashi! Did you ask her out like you planned to?”
Akaashi froze, slowly turning around with a face filled with horror. You were surprised, frowning at Bokuto because you had not been asked about anything like that. Akaashi huffed and avoided your eyes. “No, I was going to do it tomorrow for lunch,” he whispered under his breath, sounding absolutely exasperated.
“So you already have a date tomorrow, that’s great!” Bokuto said, and Akaashi had to gather all his strength to not hit him over the head and make him too dejected before you had to deal with him. Everyone else in the room was laughing at the show and you couldn’t help the small chuckle either. Even though your cheeks were burning red, you smiled brightly and gave Akaashi a little wave.
“I look forward to our date, Akaashi. Get back to practice, I’ll send this one back to you when I’m done with him,” you teased, nodding your head at Bokuto who was giving off ‘I know I did something wrong but I’m happy with the outcome’ vibes.
“Just call me Cupid, I can be hired for any volleyball-related dating proposals,” he announced, making the other team members wince. No way.
the Flyer Series ║ masterlist
/taglist: @cottonlemonade @dira333 @cosmiicdust @nagi-core
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sturniluvr · 4 months
FA cup champ
Mason Mount x fem!reader
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word count: 1.5k
warnings: some strong language, maybe some spelling mistakes, nothing other than that, lmk if I missed anything.
requested: yes/no
summary: Y/N surprises Mason at the FA cup final
A/N: shoutout to my fave mase acc on tumblr @mountttmase for convincing me to write this❤️enjoy everyone!🫶🏻
❗️semi proof-read❗️
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Today was the day, May 25th, FA cup final, Manchester derby. Y/N was nervous to say the least, having grown up a Man United fan, knowing the boys were playing arguably one of the team's biggest rivals made those nerves worse. She wanted nothing more than her club to win, especially for her boyfriend of 3 years, Mason Mount. 
She was currently in the car with Mason’s family on the way to Wembley, next to the Y/H/C woman sat Summer, who was asleep in her car seat and on the other side of the sleeping girl was Jaz, Mase’s older sister and Lewis sat behind the three girls with a sleeping Mila next to him. Y/N felt a tap on her shoulder, she looked behind at Lewis. He leaned forward as much as the seat belt would allow him. 
“Does he know you’re coming?” The older man asked. She shook her head. 
“No, I told him I had to work, but I managed to convince my manager to let me have today off, thought it’d be a nice surprise.” She replied. He nodded his head in agreement and sat back in his seat. 
*little time skip*  
They had arrived at Wembley and Y/N had the job of waking summer up while Jaz quickly changed Mila’s nappy before they all headed into the stadium. 
“Sum, wake up sweetheart. We’re here.” She whispered softly to the little girl and summer stirred in her car seat. She opened her eyes and held her arms out to her auntie. Y/N picked her up out her car seat and rested the girl on her hip until she was more awake and wanted to walk. 
The adults had collectively agreed to get some food first before heading into the stadium since everyone was hungry and they were earlier than expected so they found a little restaurant up the road from the stadium and they made their way to the restaurant and had some delicious food. 
*around 2:30* 
After they finished their food, they made their way back to the stadium and headed up the stairs. As she walked up the stairs to the entrance of the stadium, all she wanted to do was go and wait for Mason to arrive but she had to stop herself so she didn’t ruin the surprise.  
“You excited to see uncle Masey?” Y/N asked summer who was holding her hand. She looked up and nodded enthusiastically with a smile on her face and a skip in her step knowing she was soon going to see her uncle. 
*time skip to kick off* 
She watched as the teams made their way out of the tunnel, she smiled at the sight of her childhood team, on the pitch ready to play and win the FA cup. Y/N and Lewis leaned forward in their seats as the whistle blew for kick off and watched intently. 
30th minute
She cheered with the United fans as Garnacho tapped the ball into the net, scoring the first goal of the match. She certainly started feeling more confident as she watched the reds play with all they could give. 
39th minute
She bit her nails as she watched Bruno beautifully pass to Kobbie and Mainoo kicked it into the back of the net, making the score 2-0 to United before half time, she shot up and cheered once again, feeling pride fill her body at how well her team was doing. 
90+2 minute
She clapped and smiled as Mase made his way onto the pitch being subbed on alongside Lindelof for McTominay and Garnacho. She was silently praying that city wouldn’t not score again and cause the match to go to extra time, she was too nervous for that. Next to the woman, she heard chants of ‘Masey’ coming from Summer. She smiled at the young girl and picked her up and rested her on her hips so that she had a slightly better view of the game. 
*time skip to full time*  
She let out a cheer with and gently jumped up and down with summer still on her hip. Man United had won the FA cup!! She was beaming with pride for Mase and her team, she was so proud of them all.  
She already had tears in her eyes from the sight of Mase lifting the trophy with the biggest grin on his face, reaching from ear to ear and his pearly whites on show, now she was crying even more seeing her team lift the trophy behind the FA cup winner banner and confetti and champagne covering them all head to toe. She physically couldn’t wipe the smile off her face. She put summer down and quickly wiped her eyes before they headed down to the pitch, she could finally see her boy and tell him just how proud she was.  
*on the pitch*  
The players had now spread out across the pitch heading to their respective families and friends. Her Y/E/C eyes landed on the love of her life, who she’d been dying to see all day. Before anyone could catch her, summer bolted towards her uncle Masey.  
“MASEY!” Summer screamed out as she ran towards him. He turned around and smiled at the sight of his niece, he opened his arms and picked her up and spun her around before sitting her on his hip. 
“Hey sweetheart, you okay?” Mason spoke softly to her. Summer nodded and smiled at him.  
Y/N stayed behind slightly to give Mason a moment with his family. She watched with a soft smile as Mason passed Summer over to Jaz so he could hug everyone else.
“There’s someone here darling.” Debbie whispered in his ear as she hugged him. The 25 year old looked around and his brown eyes locked with the Y/E/C he fell in love with 3 years ago. He made a beeline for his girl and wrapped his arms around Y/N’s torso and lifted her off the ground, she instantly wrapped her arms around his neck, placing kisses all over his face, the last one being his lips, he deepened the kiss ever so slightly and his hands made home on her hips. 
She looked up at him with a breathtaking smile, one that he immediately reciprocated. 
“I’m so fucking proud of you mase!” The woman exclaimed. He pulled her back in for another hug. One hand cupping the back of her head and the other resting on her back, he rested his head in the crook of her neck, planting sporadic kisses to her neck.  
“Thank you, baby. I’m so glad we won!” He replied, voice slightly watery with emotion. 
He lifted his head up to look at the love of his life and he smiled at her before placing a final kiss on his favourite pair of lips. It finally set in that his girl was here and not at work like she said she would be today. He looked down at Y/N and squeezed her waist slightly. 
“I thought you had work anyway cheeky. I thought your asshole of a manager wouldn’t give you the day off?” He spoke with a confused tone, Y/N let out a little laugh at the sight of her boyfriend looking like a confused puppy. 
“I managed to convince him to give me the day off, so I thought I’d surprise you.” she replied, smiling up at her winner. 
“Cheeky.” Mase chuckled, slapping her butt gently. “But thank you darling, it means the world to me for you to be here with my family” he added on, still smiling, his cheeks had started to hurt from all the smiling he’d done in the last hour. 
Interrupting their moment, Rasmus ran over to the couple, he gave Y/N a quick hug as the older woman congratulated him. 
“We gotta get going to the after party soon mase, you coming Y/N/N?” The younger man spoke with excitement in his voice.  
“Mase we gotta get to Monaco for the Grand Prix.” she spoke looking between the two footballers.  
“Love, the race isn’t until 3 we’ll be able to fly tomorrow morning and make it for the race.” Mason reassured the woman.  
“Come on Y/N let’s have a party!” Rasmus spoke in a sing song tone causing her to laugh at him. 
“What do you say baby?” Mase looked at the girl for confirmation, she threw her head back dramatically sighing.  
“Fuck it, why not.” She replied laughing as the boys cheered and wrapped their arms around her shoulders. 
“Jaz, Lew, you coming to the after party?” The siblings nodded almost immediately.  
“Mum? Dad? You coming?” Jaz looked between her parents. 
“No it’s okay, we’ll get the girls home and in bed, you kids go have fun!” Tony replied, smiling at the younger adults. Jaz passed summer to Debbie and Tony already had Mila in his arms, they left with the young girls, and the adults all made travel arrangements to get to the after party. Y/N, Lewis and Jaz got an uber and Mason and Rasmus made their way to the party on the team coach.  
They all danced the entire night. Y/N and Mason being slightly more conscious with drinking than Rasmus as they had to travel the next morning. They all laughed at Rasmus singing Abba. Y/N made a mental note to message the younger man in the morning to see how he was feeling knowing he’d he hungover. 
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328 notes · View notes
Ghost | Noah Sebastian One Shot
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Pairing: Noah Sebastian x Reader
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Y/N had always loved playing video games. She got settled into her gaming chair and readjusted the round glasses perched on her nose before tossed her hair up into a messy bun. She opened Steam on her computer and got the game she downloaded ready.
Her room was organized chaos. Her bed was unmade in the background in front of walls lined with framed vinyls of her favorite bands and a ‘Bad Omens’ flag covered her window as a makeshift curtain. 
An empty Starbucks cup sat next to her Stanley water bottle on her desk from her writing session that morning.
She was an author by trade, with one of her more recent books sneaking its way onto the New York Times Best Sellers list. So streaming gave her an outlet to connect with fans of the book who were eagerly waiting to see what she published next. But she also enjoyed the thrill of gaming. 
So every Wednesday and Friday night, she’d set up her Twitch stream, ready to chat with her followers while she worked on her newest story on her computer or let them watch as she tried to conquer a new game. 
Tonight was Friday night, which meant Game Night! She adjusted her headset and looked into the camera with a grin. 
"Hey, guys! Welcome back! Since we finished Hollow Souls in the last game night stream, we’re starting a new one requested in the Patreon called Nervous System. I downloaded it earlier today and I can’t wait to get started. So, grab your snacks and get comfy!” 
As the game loaded, Y/N glanced at the chat window. The usual usernames flashed by, but one stood out: TwitchGhost. 
“Hey, Ghost! Is this one of the games you’ve played or is this a new one?” She asked, her tone playful.
TwitchGhost: This one is new to me.
Ghost had popped up in one of her streams a few months ago when she was playing through the new Call of Duty storyline and had since become a regular viewer. She began to look forward to his comments almost as much as she looked forward to playing. 
Week after week her chat box was filled with Ghost’s banter and witty interactions with her and her other followers. He even started to watch her regular streams where she would chat with fans and answer questions while working on the draft of her next book.
As the game loaded and the eerie music of Nervous System filled the room, Y/N noticed Ghost’s usual cheeky messages lighting up the chat.
TwitchGhost: I’m ready for some jumpscares!
Y/N chuckled and adjusted her headset. “Yeah, I heard this game is supposed to be pretty intense. I’m excited to see how we’ll do.”
She clicked to start a new game, and the screen transitioned to a dimly lit hallway with flickering lights. The graphics were stunningly detailed, adding an extra layer of immersion. Y/N began exploring, moving through the unsettling environment and commenting on the game’s eerie atmosphere.
The chat was buzzing with excitement as the game’s tension built. Her followers were actively engaging, offering their own tips and sharing their favorite horror games. Ghost’s messages stood out, though. His comments were always well-timed, blending humor with insightful observations about the game.
TwitchGhost: I love how the game is making the mundane so creepy. The lights and music are driving me insane.
Y/N grinned, glancing over at the chat. “I know, right? It’s amazing how a simple light can make everything feel so unsettling. You’re going to help me out if I get stuck, right?”
TwitchGhost: Absolutely! I’ve got your back. Just don’t let the creepy noises get to you.
The game took a sudden turn as a loud crash echoed through the virtual hallway, making Y/N jump slightly. 
“Fucking Hell!” She yelled. 
She laughed nervously and played along with the chat’s reactions. 
“I’m definitely going to need that backup. This game is already getting under my skin.”
TwitchGhost: If you need someone to hold your hand during the scary parts, I’m only a message away.
Y/N raised an eyebrow, her grin widening. 
“Oh, is that so? I’ll have to keep that in mind.” 
The chat exploded with playful and teasing comments from other viewers reacting to their playful flirting. Y/N continued navigating through the game, her focus occasionally shifting to Ghost’s messages.
As she progressed through the game, Y/N found herself getting more engrossed at one point in the gameplay, her tongue peaking out of the side of her mouth in concentration. 
A short but loud alarm suddenly sounded causing her to jump and clutch at her chest. 
A message stating TwitchGhost played KEM Alarm for 0 bits popped up on the screen. 
It was one of the sound bits that she had added to the list when she was still playing COD and had never gotten around to removing it. 
“Fuck you Ghost!” She yelled after pausing the game to calm her racing heartbeat. 
TwitchGhost: 👀😏😈
“Behave.” She said, shaking her head with a smile. 
TwitchGhost: JK. 😉
TwitchGhost: You are doing pretty well with the jumpscares though. They’re my least favorite part of these games. 
Y/N’s cheeks flushed slightly at the compliment. She replied with a playful tone, “Well, thank you! I’d say you’re pretty good at keeping the chat entertained too. Maybe we make a pretty good team?���
TwitchGhost: I like the sound of that. Maybe we should test that theory sometime—on or off stream.
With that the chat went wild with one user even commenting, “I ship it!” 
Y/N’s heart skipped a beat at the suggestion and her smile grew wider as she continued to play the game.
She took a deep breath and responded, “You’re quite the charmer, aren’t you? I’ll have to consider it. For now, I need to survive this game.”
Just as they were about to uncover a major plot twist in the game, Ghost dropped a message that stood out from his usual playful banter.
TwitchGhost: Have you ever thought about adding a horror element to one of your books? You seem to handle the scares pretty well!
Y/N’s eyes widened slightly as she read the message. She paused the game and looked directly into the camera. 
“You know, I haven’t really thought about that. But that’s a really good idea. Maybe mixing some horror elements into a future story could be really interesting. Thanks for the suggestion!”
The chat exploded with excitement, many viewers expressing their enthusiasm for the idea. Y/N smiled, feeling inspired by the unexpected suggestion. She turned her attention back to the game, ready to dive into the next part of the story with renewed energy.
TwitchGhost: Anytime. Looking forward to reading it. 
Another notication popped up - TwitchGhost sent you a friend request
She paused for a moment before eventually hitting the accept button.
Suddenly a direct message box opened.
TwitchGhost: Maybe I’ll be lucky enough to help you brainstorm over a cup of coffee sometime?
Y/N’s heart raced at the thought. She gave a teasing smile to the camera before typing:
Y/NUserName: Maybe. 
The rest of the stream flew by in a blur with Y/N accomplishing the first five objective missions before deciding to call it a night. The stream had left her both exhilarated and exhausted. She closed the game and thanked her viewers for joining her.
“Thanks so much for hanging out tonight! You guys made this game night unforgettable. And Ghost, your suggestion about incorporating horror into my writing might just spark my next big idea. I’ll keep you posted on how it goes!”
She glanced at the chat one last time and saw Ghost’s final message.
TwitchGhost: Looking forward to it. Until next time.
With a contented sigh, Y/N closed her laptop and started to tidy up her desk. 
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A few weeks passed and Ghost had been noticeably absent from the chat. 
Another Wednesday had rolled around and Y/N had finished up a full day of meetings with her management and publisher about the press tour for her next book, Michael. It was the first in her new Fallen Angels series and was due to be released at the end of the summer. 
It was completely different from her first book, Ace of Spades. Michael, was titled after the Archangel Michael and was more fantasy based while Ace of Spades was a gritty underground crime romance novel. 
She logged into twitch and the “Stream Starting Soon” graphic appears on the screen going live to her followers. She pulls up her manuscript for the new book she was starting, her face illuminated by the soft glow of the screen. Depending on how busy the chat was tonight she had planned on working on it. When she was ready she switched to the live view. 
“Hey, everyone! Welcome back to the stream. Tonight, we’re swapping out the gaming for some writing and a little Q and A session. I’m diving into outlining a new story and also wanted to let you know a little more about my next release and the series it will be a part of.” She stated.
The chat blew up with excitement and questions about the new series. 
“Okay, the next book is titled Michael and it will be the first in a seven book series called The Fallen Angel series. It will be a fantasy series of sorts and each of the books will be named after one of the seven archangels.” She excitedly answered. “I just finalized plans for the release with my team today and I am happy to announce that it is due to come out at the end of August.” 
She watched as a steady stream of happy and excited replies popped into the chat box on the edge of the screen at the news. 
She let the users chat with each other about the announcement for a bit and started working on the outline of her next story Nightmares. Which popped into her head not long after the stream where Ghost suggested she incorporate horror into one of her books.
She glanced over to take a peek at the chat and noticed someone had used 500 channel points to highlight their message. 
“Oh, that's a good question. Trickster24 asked what was my inspiration for Carter in Ace of Spades was.” She said, before adjusting her headset and looking directly into the camera. 
“So, Carter was inspired by a mix of classic noir heroes and a bit of real-life charm. I took some cues from those figures you would see in old detective films. But there’s also a touch of some famous personas in there as well in an overall aesthetic sense. It really helped shape Carter into a more nuanced character.” 
The chat continued to buzz with interest with viewers dropping comments about who they pictured as Carter when they read the book. 
GoldenGoddess45: Who did you envision as Carter when you were writing the book?
“So…when writing Ace of Spades, I honestly envisioned Carter as someone who looks similar to the lead vocalist of one of my favorite rock bands called Bad Omens.” She began, “If you guys aren’t familiar with them you should definitely check them out.” 
The chat fills with more questions, but her attention is drawn to a familiar username. 
TwitchGhost: Carter sounds like someone I’d love to have a coffee with. How about you? Do you think Carter would enjoy a coffee date?
The comment makes her laugh. 
“Welcome back Ghost! I’ve missed seeing your name in the chat,” She started, “I could definitely see Carter frequenting a little dimly lit cafe. And knowing him, he’d definitely be the type to keep the conversation interesting. What about you, Ghost? Are you as mysterious as Carter?”
TwitchGhost: I like to think I have a few secrets up my sleeve. 😉
She grins at the response and how the chat proceeded to blow up at the continuation of their flirty banter. She almost struggles to keep up with the steady stream of questions and responses flowing into the chat.
After a while one pops up about the outline for the new story that she mentioned. 
“Oh yeah, I’ll give you guys a little hint about what I’m working on. I got some inspiration from one of Ghost’s comments actually during a previous stream. I’m not going to announce the title just yet, but I will say it will be more of a horror based dark romance story compared to my other works. I'm in the very early outlining stages though so I am looking forward to seeing where it goes.” 
TwitchGhost: Glad you liked the idea! I’ll be first in line to read it. 😉
Y/N felt a flutter of excitement at Ghost’s message, a sense of anticipation hanging in the air. She glanced at the clock. Her stream had been going for close to two hours, and she still had a lot of work to do on her outline.
“Alright, everyone, I think we’re going to start wrapping things up soon. But before we go, I want to thank you all for your awesome questions. I love how engaged and creative this community is. It really makes this whole process so much fun!”
The chat exploded with thank-yous and goodbyes as her viewers began to sign off. She glanced back at Ghost’s messages, his usual witty banter making her smile.
A new direct message pops up.
TwitchGhost: Sorry for missing so many streams. I hope you’ve been keeping things interesting without me. 😉
Y/N’s heart skipped a beat at the message. She typed back, trying to match his flirtatious tone. 
Y/NUserName: Oh, you know I always keep things lively. But it’s been a bit dull without your witty comments. How have you been?
TwitchGhost: Busy, had to travel for work and time zones got in the way of tuning in. You’ve been on my mind more than I’d like to admit. 😏
She felt a rush of warmth at his words. 
Y/NUserName: Well, aren’t you a charmer? I’ve missed our little banter. It definitely adds a spark to the stream.
TwitchGhost: Just doing my part to keep things exciting. Speaking of which, I’ve been dying to know—how’s the new book coming along?
Y/N’s smile widened, feeling a thrill at his compliment.
Y/NUserName: The new book is shaping up nicely, thanks for asking. I might even incorporate a bit of the intrigue you bring to our chats into it.
TwitchGhost: I’m flattered. Can’t wait to see how you bring a touch of me into your work. Maybe you’ll make a character who’s just as irresistible as you. 😉
Y/N’s cheeks flushed at his flirty remark. 
Y/NUserName: Well, if I do, I’ll have to make sure they have your charm. I think that’s a winning formula.
TwitchGhost: I’m all for it. And who knows? Maybe your characters will end up stealing more than just my heart.
Y/N’s heart raced at his bold comment. 
Y/NUserName: You’re quite the tease, Ghost. I’ll have to keep that in mind while I’m writing. For now, though, I’m glad you’re back. It wouldn’t be the same without you.
TwitchGhost: Glad to be back. I’ve missed our little moments. I’ll try not to stay away too long next time. 😉
Y/N responded with a flirtatious grin. 
Y/NUserName: I’ll hold you to that. 
She leaned back in her chair and stretched, feeling a mix of relief and exhilaration. She turned off her computer and added a few ideas inspired by their playful exchange to her outline. 
As she wrote, she couldn’t stop thinking about the chemistry she felt with Ghost. She had no clue who he was, but he had quickly become one of her favorite parts of streaming, and the thought of possibly meeting him one day was both thrilling and intriguing.
She quickly finished up her notes and decided to call it a night. As she settled into bed, her phone buzzed. She picked it up to find another message from Ghost.
TwitchGhost: Can’t wait to see where this story leads. Sweet dreams, Y/N. 😘
Y/N smiled and quickly typed back, her fingers dancing over the screen.
Y/NUserName: Goodnight, Ghost. 
She set her phone down, turned off the bedside lamp, and snuggled under the covers. As she drifted off to sleep, her thoughts swirled with the possibilities that awaited both in her writing and her streaming.
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A few weeks later, Y/N received an unexpected surprise. Bad Omens had announced their next tour and her manager, Andy, had secured a spot for them both on the guest list for the date in the city a couple hours from her hometown. She not only got to see her favorite band live, but she would get the chance to meet them after the show. 
She excitedly announced the news to her followers on the next stream.
“Hey everyone!” Y/N’s excitement was palpable as she spoke into the camera. “I’ve got some super exciting news to share! I don’t know what my manager did, but I’m going to see Bad Omens next month! Not only that, but I’ll also get to meet them after the show. I’m over the freakin moon right now!”
The chat exploded with enthusiasm, her followers sharing in her excitement and asking if she would be able to get any exclusive behind-the-scenes content. Y/N promised to do her best to share the experience and make everyone feel like they were part of it.
As Y/N wrapped up her stream, she noticed a new direct message notification from Ghost. Her heart raced with anticipation as she opened it.
TwitchGhost: Bad Omens, huh? That’s incredible! I’m jealous. Have you ever met them before?
Y/N couldn’t help but smile, her excitement bubbling up again.
Y/NUserName: I’ve never met them before. This will be my first time! I’m so excited I can barely contain myself.
TwitchGhost: I bet you’re going to have an amazing time. I’m curious, though—what would you say to them if you had the chance?
Y/N’s fingers flew over the keyboard as she typed her reply, her thoughts racing with the possibility of meeting the band.
Y/NUserName: I’d probably gush about how much their music has meant to me. And if I were feeling brave, I might even mention that I have a crush on their lead singer. 😉
TwitchGhost: Haha, that’s a bold move! I’m sure they’d appreciate hearing how much their music means to you. That lead singer would be a lucky guy. 😉
Y/N felt a flush of warmth at Ghost’s words, her thoughts wandering to the idea of meeting the mysterious person behind the messages that had become such a cherished part of her life.
Y/NUserName: Well it probably wouldn’t work out anyway. I kinda already have someone else who’s been keeping me on my toes. 
TwitchGhost: Oh? Celebrity crush has some competition then? Anyone I know? 😏
Y/N’s heart skipped a beat at his playful inquiry.
Y/NUserName: Maybe…
Y/NUserName: I need to get back to writing now. But I’ll let you know how everything goes. 
TwitchGhost: Can’t wait to hear all about it. Good luck with the writing, and remember, if you need any more inspiration, you know where to find me. 😉
Y/NUserName: Thanks, Ghost. I’ll keep that in mind. Talk to you soon!
TwitchGhost: Goodnight, Y/N!
Y/N closed her laptop and set her phone aside, her mind buzzing with excitement about the upcoming concert and the prospect of meeting her favorite band.
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As the next few weeks passed, Y/N eagerly counted down the days until the show. She had tried to busy herself with writing Nightmares and unfortunately had to deal with finalizing all of the not so fun logistics of her upcoming book release, but the thought of seeing her favorite band live kept her spirits high.
The night of the concert finally arrived and the excitement was palpable as Y/N and Andy arrived at the venue. They received their passes from the ticket window and were guided inside by a staff member. As they grabbed a spot at the barricade, Y/N was recognized by a few of the fans who were already inside as part of their VIP pass access. She spent the next hour chatting with a few of them about the band and telling them what she could about her new books. 
The lights dimmed and the crowd's anticipation grew palpable as the guitarist, Jolly, walked on stage and the opening notes of Artificial Suicide began to reverberate through the venue. Y/N’s excitement was almost tangible, her eyes glued to the stage as the band’s electrifying performance unfolded. Her and Andy both sang along to each and every verse at the top of their lungs. The music was everything she had hoped for and more. 
As the last few notes of Dethrone echoed across the room an hour and a half later and the final bows were completed, they let the crowd disperse a little before they navigated their way to the side of the barricade. They showed their passes to Ash, the band’s head of security, before he allowed them backstage with a friendly smile. 
The adrenaline from the concert was still coursing through Y/N’s veins as they eventually met with the band’s tour manager, Matt, who introduced himself. 
“The guys are cooling off and getting changed really quick. If you’ll follow me, I’ll take you ladies outside to where they’ll be hanging out while we tear down and finish up loadout.” He said leading them to a makeshift sitting area the band had put together outside their bus earlier in the day. 
After a few minutes the band members slowly but surely made their way outside, each introducing themself as they found a seat and fell into easy conversation with the two of them. 
The lead singer, Noah, was the last to emerge. He wore an oversized merch hoodie, a pair of joggers, and slides. Despite being comfortably dressed, his striking presence was undeniable.
“Hi, I’m Y/N?” She introduced herself, holding out her hand. 
Noah’s smile broadened as he stepped closer and took her hand in his.
“Oh, he knows who you are…” Jolly teased from where he sat at one of the picnic tables. 
She turned to look at him before looking back at Noah with a confused look. 
The tall man chuckled in response, before rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. 
“Eh, well, I had to make sure my favorite author enjoyed seeing her favorite band. And, I couldn’t miss the chance to meet the person behind the screen. I mean I am still holding out hope for that coffee date…”
Y/N’s eyes widened as she took in his presence, a mix of shock and delight washing over her. 
“You’re Ghost?!” 
“Guilty as charged,” Noah said with a wink. “I guess I managed to keep my two worlds separate for a while. But I couldn't resist. I wanted to see you. actually, I’ve been wanting to for a while.”
Y/N felt her cheeks flush as she took in his words. “Well, you definitely pulled off an incredible surprise. I never would have guessed.”
Noah’s gaze softened as he took a step closer. “I wanted to see if you’d react the way you just did. And I’m glad I did.”
They continued to chat, and Y/N found herself falling deeper into conversation with Noah. It felt surprisingly natural, almost like she had known him for a while. They talked about music, books, and even the quirky things that had happened during her streams.
As their conversation flowed effortlessly, Y/N noticed how Noah’s eyes seemed to sparkle with genuine interest. It was as if he was completely absorbed in the discussion, and she felt a magnetic connection.
Eventually, the band’s crew finished loading out and a few of them started to talk about wanting to go out before the bus call at 2am. 
“Hey, do you have any plans after this?”
Y/N shook her head. 
“Not really. Why?”
Noah’s smile widened. 
“Well, if you’re up for it, I’d love to maybe take you out for that coffee. There’s a café nearby that’s open late.”
Y/N’s heart raced. She glanced around and Andy gave her a knowing look, mouthing “GO!”. 
Her eyes met Noah’s, and she could see the sincerity in his expression.
“I’d like that,” she replied softly.
They walked together to the café, and as they settled into a corner table, the conversation continued seamlessly. They talked about everything from their childhood memories to their dreams and even their fears. The more they talked, the more Y/N felt an undeniable connection.
As the night wore on, Noah’s gaze lingered on Y/N with an intensity that made her heart flutter. Their laughter and shared stories created an intimate atmosphere.
On the walk back to the venue, Noah paused and reached out, taking Y/N’s hand gently into his. 
“I have to admit, I’ve really enjoyed spending time with you tonight.” 
Y/N’s breath caught in her throat. She looked into Noah’s eyes, her feelings mirrored in his gaze. 
“I feel the same way.”
“I’d really like to keep getting to know you and see where all this goes, if that's okay with you?” He questioned, stepping closer. 
“I’d like that.” She answered, glancing up at him. 
He smiled down at her, his eyes briefly drifting toward her lips and back. 
Slowly, Noah stepped even closer and he cupped Y/N’s face in his hand, his touch sending a warm shiver through her. 
He leaned forward and their lips met in an electrifying kiss. It was gentle at first, but as the moment deepened, their kiss became more passionate. The connection they felt was palpable, and it seemed to solidify everything they had shared that night.
When they finally pulled away, their faces were flushed, and they both wore wide, contented smiles.
“I’m really glad you came tonight,” Noah said softly, his thumb brushing lightly over Y/N’s hand.
“Me too,” Y/N replied, her heart full. “This has been one of the best nights of my life.”
As they walked side by side, Y/N couldn’t help but think about how surreal and wonderful this evening had been. Not only had she met her favorite band, but she had also found her Ghost. 
With an exchange of phone numbers and the promise of staying in touch they went their separate ways. But not before Noah leaned in for one last, lingering kiss, making Y/N’s heart skip a beat.
The night had turned into something extraordinary. An unexpected but perfect blend of their separate worlds colliding into something beautiful. 
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worldofkuro · 4 months
Carnally in need of some extra snippets of their childhood✨😔
After chapters of murders and steamy sex, going back to their younger age seems a good thing, indeed.
Painted Smile Bonus
You were laying on Alastor’s bed, pouting, since you got here, with Eamon in your arms. Your mother didn’t want you to go to Marie’s place because you would neglect your homeworks. So, you said you were going to ask Alastor for help, which he intended to do!
But when your mother told Alastor that if you hadn’t done any of your homework, you wouldn’t be able to come back, he made it his personal mission to help you. You thought it was going to be fun, that Alastor would just ignore your mother’s threats, like you were doing. 
“ Come on, it’s not that complicated.” 
But how wrong were you?
Alastor was sitting on his desk, looking at you with a straining smile. He was teaching you mathematics, which was the worst thing he could have done. Betraying you like that.
“ I don’t want to do my homeworks. I want to play, Alastor!” you whined while sitting up. You  just wanted to play, not do some boring homeworks. You heard Alastor sigh before walking toward you. 
“ Listen, if you don’t do it, we won't be able to play together anymore.”
“ My mother is always lying! She wouldn’t do that to us!” you kicked your feet in the air, pouting. Homeworks was boring, you were already bored all week, you didn’t want to waste your weekend doing boring stuff with Alastor.
“ Mhn.. Are you so stupid you can’t do basic mathematics?” 
You jerked your head toward him. You? Stupid? You stood up, frowning.
“ I’m not stupid !”
“ Then why can’t you do your homeworks?”
“ Because I don’t want to!” you crossed your arms on your chest. You weren’t stupid you were–
“ So, you are lazy.”
“No!” you blushed, ashamed.
“ Let’s play a game then, the one who finishes their homeworks first, get to make the other do whatever they like.” he taunted you. You jumped out of his bed, running toward his desk and took your school books before starting to do your homeworks. 
You were going to be the first to finish those boring homeworks.
… But why was it so complicated! Alastor was next to you, writing without stopping while you were almost tearing out your hair from anger. You felt tears in your eyes, you didn’t understand anything and you would stay here all weekend without playing with Alastor.
“ You shouldn’t do it like that.” you heard Alastor next to your ear. You turned your teary eyed toward him. He was writing down something on a piece of paper, showing what you were supposed to do. You tilted your head as he explained to you how you should resolve your problems. You didn’t know why but you understood better when Alastor was explaining than your teacher.
After one hour or so, you screamed in joy as you finished all of your homeworks. Alastor was sitting next to you with a happy smile as you bounced around his room, claiming your victory.
“ I won! I finished before you !” you beamed before turning toward Alastor. “ That means you have to do what I want!”
Alastor just nodded with his usual smile. He stood up as you tugged him outside already explaining all the games you wanted to try. You were so excited that you didn’t even see that Alastor had finished his homeworks way before you.
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ktaerssoi · 5 months
summary: after a long game, that the team lost, paige comes home wanting nothing more then to cuddle with her girlfriend.
paige bueckers x fem!reader
postgame blues.
watching your girlfriend struggle to keep her cool in the middle of a game against Iowa was difficult, it was even worse because you couldn't even be there in the stadium. due to your professor assigning a paper last week out of the blue, you were unable to go to the game and support Paige because you had to write a conclusion on the mathematics of something.
you weren't getting much work done as you had been too distracted by Paige during the game, so you ultimately turned it off in the third quarter but kept your phone notifications on.
as the last quarter finishes, you get one final notification letting you know that UConn has not won against Iowa. tonight was going to be hard for Paige.
Paige got home about an hour later, and you had been prepared for her to just go straight upstairs and shower, and be pretty quiet for the rest of the night. But, to your surprise, she instead unlocked the door, dropped her bag down, and came and hugged you on the couch.
"p, you know I am so proud of you right?" you whisper as you feel her shove her head further into your neck, she nods a little. "so you know that losing this game does not take away from your value as a person, right?" she nods again, and you can feel a tear dampen your shirt.
"p, baby," you lift her head, looking at her for a moment, wiping her cheeks dry before pulling her back to you. planting a kiss on her head, you get up, heading to the kitchen. grabbing two spoons and a half-eaten container of cherry garcia ice cream, Paige's favorite, you walk back into the living room where Paige is now sitting up, her head leaning against the cushions as she zones out.
"Paige, c'mon baby, don't dwell on this game, it doesn't define your career okay? you're so much more than just your sport." your words seem to hold only truth, and Paige nods, a faint smile on her lips as you hand her a spoon and the ice cream.
"did you watch the game?" Paige asked quietly, you felt bad not watching the game in full, but you did have work you needed to do. "I watched the first half, but I had to turn it off because you were distracting me from my essay," you smile at her, taking a spoonful of ice cream. she nods slowly, seeming to relax a little as she knows the game is over and you still love her even after her "bad performance" in said game.
Once the ice cream is gone, you get up and throw away the empty container. you realize suddenly that Paige is still in her uniform, and you plop down next to her on the couch again as you pull her closer to you. "why don't you go take a shower? get changed and we can watch some TV or something." Paige looks up at you suddenly, "trying to get rid of me?" she smiles, cracking her first joke since she had been home.
"oh gosh no, I will miss you so dearly well you're away for 15 minutes, I can barely function even thinking about it." you kiss her head squeezing her extra tight as you get up from the couch for the second time, pulling her up with you. once the two of you were standing, she towered over you, standing at a good 5'4 you weren't necessarily the tallest person in the world.
"What is your way of convincing me to shower to get in with me? if so, it's working." she smiles down at you, and you pray the room is dim enough that she doesn't spot the pinkish hue covering your cheeks. "ha ha. no, I am going to go make our bed and find a movie we can watch once you get out of the shower. alone."
paige sighs as she starts heading towards the bathroom, and you follow behind her, but you quickly turn to end up in your guys' bedroom, plopping down on the bed trying to locate the remote. it had been almost ten minutes before you heard the water start running. this girl and her 45-minute showers. you roll your eyes as you scroll through, finding a good-sounding movie, Repo Man. You make the bed quickly and find your phone, trying to pass the time as you wait for Paige.
when she finally gets out to your bedroom, gets dressed, and climbs onto the bed next to you it is almost 11 pm. "Paige, I think you might have just taken the longest shower in human history." you smile at her, crossing your arms as you rest against the headboard. "I had to wash the loss off of me, can't bring that into this sacred bed." she pats the space between you at the end of her statement, getting an eye roll and a smile from you.
once you two start the movie and get comfortable, Paige is already half asleep on top of you. her head was resting comfortably on your shoulder, and her legs were tangled with yours as her soft snores could be heard not even an hour into the movie, you kissed her forehead, turned off the tv, and rolled over to lean into her.
you wake up to giggles from the doorway as you see KK with her phone out taking pictures of you two cuddling. She had found the key, again.
bro omg there is this girl in my class and i actually like her like a lot but i literally cannot tell if shes gay so and like were friends, i mean she sits in front of me and we talk like all the time and she always gives me such mixed signals but literally i was leaning on her a little and we were watching her tiktok or wtvr and AN EDIT OF PAIGE CAME UP and she said she was fine SO I THINK SHES INTO GIRLS. sos chat. - kate
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prettiestlovergirl · 7 months
EAT YOUR YOUNG (part one)
tw: MDNI; fem!reader; ravenclaw!reader; hidden identites; teasing; masks; french! mattheo riddle. no active smut just yet.
concept: hogwarts is having a masquerade ball and the student body has taken it amongst themselves to ensure everybody's identity remains a secret. tonight will be about shedding your inhibitions and exposing who you really are. song: eat your young by hozier.
a/n: this came to me in a dream after i finished another cinderella story (the one with selena gomez) and then i had to write it djfgnsf. this is PART ONE!! had to cut it into two bc it was getting long, promise part two will be extra smutty. enjoy, my lovelies! 𓆩♡𓆪
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tonight, you were determined to try something new.
in your regular day-to-day life, you had a fairly generic life. you got good grades, you were a good student, you hung out with your small group of friends, you just... didn't do anything outside of the norm.
you didn't really flirt with cute guys or go to parties and get drunk. really, you didn't do much of anything that would bring a lot of attention to yourself.
so tonight, when your best friend insisted on you going to the masquerade ball with her... you decided you were going to be someone brand new.
for one night, and one night only, you were going to be open and free. no names, no rules, no boundaries. as long as you wore this pretty white mask, you were going to have fun.
you'd left your best friend to pick out your masks and dresses, knowing that if you chose you would pick the safe options, and that's not what you wanted. if you were really doing this, you needed to be out of your comfort zone.
your mask was absolutely gorgeous. it was white and covered in gold tipped feathers, reminiscent of a dove. and your dress? god, it was fucking stunning.
the material of the dress was gold satin that flowed down your body perfectly, the back of it an open crisscross that exposed more skin than you were used to.
you made a mental note to thank your friend for this tomorrow. if there was one thing she had, it was good taste. she knew you and picked out the best possible outfit for you.
but now that you were here, in your gorgeous dress and mask, you were insanely nervous. it was exciting, of course, getting to be a new person for the night, but still, it was brand new.
mattheo riddle was definitely excited for this masquerade ball.
already, he could have just about any girl he wanted. it was that bad boy charm that had just about any girl hooked on him with a single wink.
he looked at this evening as a sort of... challenge for himself. no one would know it was him, he wouldn't have his reputation to back him up when he started to flirt. he had to rely solely on his skills, it was exciting.
he'd spotted you first.
he was in the middle of a conversation with draco, taking a survey of the room when you arrived. you were a gold fleck in a sea of dark blues and blacks, it wasn't hard to track you as you made your way in.
you didn't notice his stare until you turned to do your own survey of the room and caught the man staring intently at you. his entire outfit was a stark contrast to yours.
he wore a black button up with the cuffs rolled up and black jeans that outlined his muscled legs. he looked mouthwateringly delicious, and with the way his lips quirked up when you caught him staring? he knew it.
you shot him a wink before turning and walking in the opposite direction, feeling the heat of his gaze on your back as you got lost in the sea of masked students. normal you would have gone towards him, but tonight?
tonight you felt like playing the long game.
mattheo's eyes sparked when you walked farther away from him, you were exactly the challenge he had been hoping for. fly as far away as you want, petite colombe (little dove). the night would end with your lips on his, that was a guarantee.
you walked over to the food table, leaning over to grab some punch and letting your dress glide up, revealing more of your plush thighs to him and the rest of the room.
môme (brat), he thought, his tongue gliding over his suddenly dry lower lip. draco continued to go on about.... something, but mattheo's attention was solely on you.
he wanted nothing more than to grab your hips and bend you over, smacking your ass until the skin was a deep red and his hand stung. he wanted to drag has hand between your thighs, feel the way they were soaked in your arousal.
you could still feel his eyes on you, but you didn't look back at him. you grabbed your drink and took a sip, excited butterflies floating in your stomach. you'd never played this game before, never been chased and tracked like this. it was exciting.
"wanna dance?" a voice asked you, snapping you out of your thoughts as you looked to see a different guy standing in front of you, instantly being struck by deep blue eyes. "i'm sorry, what was that?" you asked, having to shout over the music as you looked to him.
"i asked if you wanted to dance." the new guy shouted back. you glanced over at the brown-eyed man still watching you from a distance, although now his gaze had shifted towards blue eyes and narrowed.
you couldn't stop the grin breaking out on your face as you nodded, placing your hand in his happily. "i'd love to." you stated, tossing your cup into the trash and letting blue eyes lead you back towards the dancefloor.
mattheo watches as you and blue eyes dance on the floor, a smirk on his face as he sees just how bad of a dance partner he is. you look fucking stunning, your body free and weightless as you sway your hips to the beat. blue eyes on the other hand?
he's not equipped to handle you the way mattheo can. he doesn't tease you while you dance, doesn't run his hands over every inch of exposed skin, doesn't murmur filthy things in your ear to make you blush.
he let it go on for a bit longer, wanting to see you suffer a bit for teasing him the way you did, before making his way down to get rid of him.
"i'll take it from here." mattheo stated firmly, tapping blue eyes on the shoulder and then shooing him away. you bit your lip gently as you heard his voice, all deep and rough.
"i was dancing, you know." you hummed, resting your head back against his chest as you went back to swaying your hips to the music, his hands gliding down your body.
"'m not sorry, petite colombe (little dove). your body deserves to be fucked right, to be worshipped. he's got nothing to offer you." he murmured in your ear, making you shiver at his hot breath on your skin.
"and you think you do?" you asked teasingly, chest heaving as his hands continued to run over every inch of your body he could reach while your hips swayed together.
"oh, petite colombe (little dove), i know i do." he smirked, his voice deep and so full of lust it made your thighs squeeze together. he brushed his thumb over your lower lip, smudging your perfectly lined lipstick onto your chin.
you looked straight up at him, head falling back onto his chest so you could look right into his eyes. he nearly groaned, feeling your ass pressing against his bulge and providing delicious friction.
he pushed his thumb into your mouth, surprising you slightly. you flicked your tongue against the digit, staring right back into his eyes as a million images popped into his mind. "fuck. let me have you, petite colombe (little dove). let me fuck you like you deserve."
you suck on his thumb harshly as you consider his words. isn't this exactly what you wanted from tonight? a free moment, away from yourself? his eyes nearly roll into his head as your tongue expertly sucked the skin.
ᵈⁱᵛⁱᵈᵉʳ ᵐᵃᵈᵉ ᵇʸ @ᵐᵘʳᵘᶠᶠⁱⁿ
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myscenic · 6 months
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Pairing: bf!yoon jeonghan x 14thmember!male!reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1k+
Synopsis: jeonghan and y/n have been in a loving relationship for years. during some competitive games in a variety show, jeonghan pushes through a knee injury to support y/n, showing their caring teamwork.
𖤓 Note: i was sick yesterday so i didn't write anything, i just rushed to finish this and it's 4am, it's kinda rough but idk😭
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the fourteen members were prepping for the nana tour. as the director, na pd ensured everyone was ready.
jeonghan searched the room for his boyfriend y/n. they had counted on each other since little and after debuting, chose to openly share their relationship with carats.
he walked over to where y/n reviewed the schedule. "all set, babe?" jeonghan asked affectionately, touching y/n's arm.
y/n smiled. "just checking out the games."
leaning in, jeonghan said, "if we go shopping, let me know what you like. i'll buy it for my cute boyfriend."
y/n blushed at the sweet gesture, even after publicly dating for a while. their moment was interrupted by staff calling them to start filming.
during filming, jeonghan found ways to show y/n his affection like including him first or letting y/n lean on his shoulder. their open displays of love earned smiles from fans, who were happy the relationship didn’t need hiding.
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the members began filming the first game, which was a scavenger hunt around the studio. na pd split them into teams, with jeonghan and y/n naturally partnering up.
"let's work hard to win, babe," jeonghan said, “you're not gonna troll the other members?” y/n questioned while smirking, jeonghan just smiled and shaked his head, then giving y/n's hand a squeeze before they took off.
the pair noticed the fans in the audience sighing happily at their cute interaction. they hustled through the plaza, finding items like a potato stuffed animal and director's megaphone.
when y/n spotted the last item on the high place, jeonghan said, "i'll lift you up so you can reach." but y/n hesitated, saying, "your knee just healed though, i don't want to hurt it again."
jeonghan smiled reassuringly. "don't worry, i feel strong. just be quick okay?" he knew y/n fretted over his injury from before.
still unsure, y/n met jeonghan's eyes. jeonghan said sincerely, "i'll be fine, i promise. now come on before the others finish!" y/n nodded and carefully stepped into jeonghan's cupped hands.
jeonghan grit his teeth a bit but lifted steadily. he trusted his body and didn't want to disappoint his boyfriend. within seconds y/n grabbed the item in victory.
"thanks hannie, you're the best as always," y/n said, extra gentle as he hugged jeonghan in celebration of their win. the fans cooed at their consideration for each other despite the competitive game.
jeonghan smiled, glad he could help even with his recent recovery. he knew y/n just looked out for his well-being, and that made his love feel sweeter.
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during the next game, y/n tried his best but was struggling a bit without jeonghan by his side. jeonghan noticed and gently told na pd that he felt well enough to help.
na pd agreed, seeing y/n's concern for jeonghan had eased now that his injury was resting. jeonghan joined y/n's team, giving an encouraging smile. "let's do this together."
with jeonghan's support, y/n's spirits lifted and he played better. though jeonghan's knee twinged occasionally, he powered through for his love. their teamwork was seamless as always.
in the end, another group won. But y/n was just happy jeonghan didn't overexert himself. during their break, he gently rubbed jeonghan's knee. "thank you for helping. i feel at ease when we face things side by side."
jeonghan smiled softly, always touched by y/n's caring nature. "anything for you. now rest with me so this knee heals properly, okay?" y/n nodded, leaning into jeonghan's embrace. their bond gave each other strength.
that's when na pd announced the next game - a cooking challenge where pairs had to follow recipes. jeonghan caught y/n's excited eye. "partner?" without a word, y/n helped jeonghan up knowing they worked best in the kitchen together.
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after a quick water break, it was time for another game involving a shopping trip. "remember our deal," jeonghan whispered to y/n with a wink.
at the store, y/n's eyes lingered on a stuffed bear holding a heart. neonghan noticed and said, "that one's yours!" he paid for it while the other members chuckled at their affection.
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na pd announced that the filming for the day had finished. the members began going shopping, taking pictures, as the staff started packing up equipment.
jeonghan's knee was feeling sore, so y/n helped support him. "let's get some ice on it right away." jeonghan smiled lovingly at his caring boyfriend. "thank you, but don't fuss over me too much. i’ll be alright."
once everything was cleared away, the members said their goodbyes to the staff and began going back to the hotel. jeonghan and y/n went back together, holding hands. the long day of filming had exhausted them both, but being with each other made the tiredness fade away.
while walking to the hotel, y/n gently held jeonghan's hands, rubbing circles on his hand. jeonghan leaned his head on y/n's shoulder, smiling contentedly. "you were amazing out there today. i'm so proud of you." y/n blushed at the praise. "only because you were by my side supporting me every step of the way."
when they arrived at the hotel, the others headed to their rooms to rest but jeonghan took y/n's hand. "stay with me tonight?" y/n nodded, following jeonghan to his room. after showering, changing into comfortable clothes, and applying more ice to jeonghan's knee, they cuddled up in bed.
wrapped in each other's arms, all the stress and aches from the long day melted away. their love and affection for one another was the ultimate healing remedy. as they drifted off to sleep, jeonghan whispered, "i love you," to which y/n responded with a kiss on the forehead and his own. "i love you too."
safe and content in each other's embrace, wrapped in the warmth of their enduring love, jeonghan and y/n slept peacefully, dreaming of many more adventures yet to come as their relationship continued to thrive.
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sunflowersteves · 6 months
kinktober day 005 — thigh riding
pairing || joel miller x afab!f!reader
summary || you and joel liked to play games. how long can you last without him touching you?
author's note || wow so, I’m back! I know I dipped after one kinktober fic, but I was honestly forcing myself. I finally have the motivation and excitement for writing again <3
warnings || fluff, some soft!joel, SMUT, praise kink, thigh riding, dom x sub, [18+ only]
FREE PALESTINE - info, info, info
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kinktober masterlist
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“Are you going to behave?”
It was such a simple question. It was one that Joel had asked quite often—especially to you.
There was something in the way that he said those five words. His eyebrows were always furrowed, and a frown was etched across his features. His gruff, rumble of a voice would send shivers down your spine. Your nails would dig into his flannel jacket—just so you would be able to stay calm.
It was always a game that you so dangerously played. Who breaks first?
You had been teasing him quite literally all night. You teased him before communal dinner by swaying your hips a bit extra while walking down stairs. You teased him during the dinner when your hand gracefully placed itself on top of his thigh. You slowly inched your way forward toward the thing you had been so desperately wanting.
Sure, you were the one teasing, but had he seen himself? He looked so handsome with his dark flannel shirt and navy jeans. The cuffs of his sleeves were folded up, nice and neat—which didn’t help the ache in your heart as you stared at his veiny forearms.
So, you didn’t say a word to him. You couldn’t.
His eyebrow gently lifted, as if to say “I’m not repeating myself.” The action alone made you swallow thickly.
“Yes.” You barely whisper. All he did was stare at you with his bright, brown hues—and yet he melted you right into a puddle.
He has you on the couch, gently splayed on his lap. Your chest was facing his own with your legs on either side of him and it was becoming increasingly harder to avoid his intense gaze. His breaths were slow and deep, but you could tell that there was something tingling coursing through his veins.
“You sure?” He gruffed out. “‘Cause by the way you’re actin’ right now, I’m not so sure I believe it.”
You knew you had thirty minutes until Ellie, Maria, and Tommy came over for the weekly game night. You knew that if you acted anything out of line, you were going to get it when they left. There was a part of you that grew excited from the chance of pissing off your sweet partner—it made you giddy.
Joel had other plans, though. Normally, when you were misbehaving like this—he would make you wait until the unbearable possible second and then you would snap. Tonight was different.
Joel wanted to give you exactly what you wanted. He didn’t want to play that game anymore—it was predictable.
“I’m sure, Joel.” Half of the sentence that spews out of your mouth was jumbled from the way that his hands settled down to your hips and squeezed.
He huffed, not believing a single word. He knew you—knew that no matter how much of Joel you seem to obtain, it never fulfills you enough. You’re always ready for him.
He was just so thick. The way his arms bulged out of his sleeves and his chest pushing against the buttons of his flannel. His thighs—god, his thighs—strung right against the thick jean material. How could anyone resist that?
“It’s okay, sweet thing. I know you just need a little somethin’.” You become confused and almost deranged when one of his hands leave your waist and start to casually unbuckle his belt.
“Joel—” You couldn’t even finish the question that was perched on top of your tongue. Your mouth clamped shut as he shuffled his jeans down his legs.
“Jus’ sit pretty, would you?” He almost rolls his eyes. After being so long with one another, one would think you would have gotten used to Joel caring for you. Old habits die hard.
“Let me take care of you, hmm?” He asked, the hum vibrating against his chest. No matter what, Joel always made sure to get a verbal response. The action alone made your heart skip a beat.
He maneuvers you over so he can skillfully take off your shorts and underwear. His breath hitches at the sight of your hairy mound and the slick peaking through your folds.
“Oh baby,” he coos once more, “bet you been aching like this all day.”
He moved your hips forward, creating the friction right against your clit. You gasped at the newfound feeling, pleasure sparking against your spine. “So fuckin’ pretty, sweet girl.”
You whimpered at the praise. The way his dark eyes stared straight into you, not letting himself miss a single moment churned something deep within your chest.
“J-Joel—” It sounded so pitiful when the sound left your lips. Joel couldn’t help but coo. His hand briefly left your hip
Joel starts to breathe heavily, his boxers feeling even more tight around his cock. “Good girl. Look at ya.” He huffed out.
Your hips rocked back and forth on his thigh, slick dripping from your core and onto his unclothed thigh. You moaned, head lulling to the side at the pure pleasure coursing through you.
“That’s it, baby. Good girl.”
You whimpered at his praises. Your hand wanted to desperately reach out and drag his lips onto yours, but you refrained. Just like he asked. Sit there and look pretty.
“Doin’ such a good job for me, aren’t ya?” He pauses, head tilted down to watch the way you drag your puffy clit against his meaty thigh. “Look at you, pretty girl. Fuck—”
He could feel the way his cock throbbed against his boxers. He almost could smell the way your slick rubbed against his skin. He let out a moan when he heard a beg from your lips.
“Please, Joel—please.”
You were drenched in wanton. Your eyes were glassy with each roll of your hips across his bulging thigh. “That’s my good girl. Just needed me so bad, yeah?”
You nodded, whining when he pressed his thumb against your clit. “So bad, Joel. I need—I need—”
“Sh, I know, pretty. I’ve got you.”
His thumb pressed deeper onto your sensitive nub. Just the pressure alone, and the pure agonizing pleasure was just enough to send you over.
Your chest arches into him as you say his name over and over. Your legs start to shake and give out, but Joel still rocks your hips back and forth. The pleasure spins through your core and to your head, sending you feeling fuzzy and euphoric.
He presses sweet kisses to your cheeks, whispering praises against your skin. “Let go, baby, yeah that’s it. So good for me. You did so good. I know you wanted that so bad. Such a good girl.”
Finally, your body goes slack against his broad chest. He lets out a chuckle at how spent you look. He knew that going on patrol would leave you a babbling mess.
You practically purred into him. You pressed your cheek against his chest and inhaled his deep woody scent. His arm wrapped around your form and pulled you in deeper. He let out a content sigh before kissing the tip of your nose.
You never get tired of nights like this.
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halloween header by @saradika 🖤
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g-xix · 1 year
Pub golf Forfeit // ArthurTV
🙏 xLoving mr ATV eternally 🙏 Content: kinda fluffy ig, extra-long 5k+ wordcount CWs: Alcohol
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‼️READ THIS IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT PUB GOLF IS‼️ (if you do, skip this bold writing and move onto the main story)
Pub golf is a game where you visit a set amount of pubs and get different drinks at each one- and you need to try and finish these drinks without having to lower it, as many times as possible. 
TheBurntChip has used this concept with Harry W2S, ReevHD, Theo Baker, ArthurTV, ChrisMD, George Clarkey, and more- and that is what this oneshot is based around.
KEY TERMS: "Hole" -> the name of the pub. e.g. Hole 3 is the third pub that's been visited "Par" -> Number of sips/gulps it took to finish the drink Forfeit -> self explanatory but whenever the rules are breached/smth bad happens, a forfeit card is pulled and needs to be done. 
Reminder to always drink responsibly as per usual, only drink when you're legally allowed to do so and stay safe when going drinking.
"ArthurTV and Maddie!"
I turned to look across the line, my eyes meeting Arthur's.
It was my first time doing a pub golf on the TheBurntChip channel and I was somewhat terrified. Sure, I'd known all the other boys ranging from years to just a few months- but I'd grown just as close with George Clarkey, who I had only met a few months ago, to Harry, who I'd known for years, having first met him when big brother Chris and Harry filmed their football videos together.
But one thing that all of the boys knew for certain, was that I had developed a little online crush on ArthurTV. Of all of Chris' friends, I'd never had the pleasure of meeting Mr TV in real life until that moment, when Harry had let it slip to Freezy who'd let it slip to Chip that I liked Arthur... thus Chip DMed an invite to for a pub golf video alongside Harry, Reev, Chris, George Clarkey, Theo Baker, and of course, Arthur.
Oh and as if it wasn't bad enough, Chris, my very own half-brother, knew I had a crush on Arthur.
"That's quite a interesting pairing isn't it, Maddie?" Chris snickered from the side with a grin I knew meant that he was going to have the time of his life teasing me for the next few hours. 
"Bit of a coincidence if you ask me, Chrissy." Harry sneered from besides Chris, making my insides churn.
I wasn't so much a YouTuber as the rest of the boys- I was originally Chris's one and only member of the camera crew and production. In that small bedroom in Jersey, Chris and I would sit together on a desk and make lists of ideas for football challenges, ways to execute them, different shots to make the video dramatic... Then, we would hit the pitches and try to film without the older boys telling us to bugger off so they could play on the pitches.
Then, people started noticing the voice behind the camera, leading to me making a BROTHER VS SISTER  video for the channel, which was only the start of coming in front of the camera more. As Chris hired professional camera men and got set production budgets from serious producers, I was pushed more in front of the camera, making videos with Harry and Chris before lurching into the British YouTube scene, initially gravitating towards the e-boys content, before relocating moreso to reaction content with George Clarkey and Cam Kirkham. 
And we don't talk about that Stephen Tries sketch I attempted.
The fans were pleased with my occasional cameos in videos on the British YouTube channels, always finding new ship names for whoever I collaborated with, or new clips to edit, or rumours to spread... but overall, I couldn't be happier with where I've ended up. 
Well, not where I'd ended up whilst filmed pub golf- right in the middle of Chris and Harry's teasing. 
"How's it a coincidence?" Arthur asked, wide brown eyes swivelling between Harry, Chris and I like a deer caught in headlights.
"Oh, just because I said I uhm..." I started. Shit, quickly Maddie, think of something quickly... My thoughts began racing. Of course Chris would begin hinting towards the fact I had a crush on Arthur not even five minutes into the recording."Chris pointed out on the way here that us two were the only ones that have never collaborated together before... Like, you know... on a video..."
Yes he knows you meant on a video, genius. Great, you sound as thick as a brick now. 
"Oh yeah, that is true actually," Arthur realised, his face lighting up as the thought seemed to land in his head. He was so expressive with his voice- like an animated Pixar character, seemingly straight out of the movie. His voice was so calm, and slightly husky, and somehow matched his face perfectly. "You should come onto the channel if you like watching those 90 day fiancée type of programmes-"
"Arthur's playing the 9 minute fiancée game right now, by the looks of it-" George giggled, nudging me from behind which only made my cheeks burn red, Arthur simply laughing it off before responding.
"Is it working though, Maddie?" Arthur flashed a grin with a quick wink, myself pretending to fall into George's arms and fan myself with my hands, jokefully pretending I was falling for it. 
The real joke was that I wasn't just pretending to fall for it.
Arthur's biggest asset were those fucking eyes. They had me melting with how wide and doe-like they were- his eyes seeming to light up whenever he started a topic that interested him. 
"You're not chatting her up are you, Arthur?" Reev raised his brow and crossed his arms to ask. Out of all of the boys, Reev was the most like a brother in the fact he was so protective- always trying to make sure I was safe. The others were more like brothers in the fact they'd just tease me and get under my skin at every opportunity. 
I watched as Arthur's eyes widened, as he assumed Reev was trying to intimidate him.
"Give him a break, Reev, he's just having a laugh," I defended Arthur, not letting him respond to the allegation in fear that Arthur would shake his head or say that he really wasn't interested in me. That could wait until a few more holes, when I was too peppered to care.
"Well, listen to this you two, for your couples outfit, you two will be going as... The prisoner and the policeman...! or woman!" Chip exclaimed, throwing the outfits to us. 
I looked a the policewoman outfit he had handed to me- the costume coming with a short skirt, unscrupulous tie and lopsided police hat.
This was gonna be a long video...
"Hole one, the rule on his hole is that you must drink it with your left hand!"
Hole one was easy. Arthur sent his pint down in one and after Harry and Reev, it was my turn to have my pint of lager. 
"You want me to hold your hair back?" He offered. I searched for a band on my wrist and almost facepalmed as I realised I hadn't thought to bring one.
"Yes please, I completely forgot to get a hairband... Just come up behind me and grab my hair, while I do it" I said, scrunching my face up with realisation of what I'd said only once it had come out of my mouth.
"What was that?" Harry asked, bursting into laughter.
"Get in, Mr TV-"
"Please, not at that at the drinking table-"
"Not on the Chippo YouTube channel, you won't, but I can think of another site where you could-"
"Shut up I didn't mean it like that..." I groaned and put my head in my hands. "Look, I'm just going to send off the pint-"
Arthur's hand wrapped around my hair, the other one on my shoulder, rubbing it and giving soft words of encouragement. I let the drink tip down my throat easily as I felt the face heat up, his words landing hot on the back of my neck and making me want to shiver, despite the fact I was holding the drink. I could feel my face burning when I dropped the glass back down, grinning with the fact I had done it in one...
"That was really good- I didn't think you could finish it in two." Harry commented, nodding his head in surprise.
"I did it in one though?"
"Counted as two points though- you drank it with your right hand." Chip explained with a devious grin. 
Of course I had been stupid enough as to forget the rule- too fixated on gorgeous bloody Arthur instead of what I was actually meant to be doing. Drinking.
"That one's Arthur's fault- Maddie was too distracted by waiting for you to come up behind her-"
"SHUT UP, GEORGE!" Arthur's face went into his hands this time, both of us clearly a blushing mess from all the comments the boys were making. 
"What does your forfeit card say?" Arthur asked as we travelled to the next hole, not downcast despite my mess-ups, as we were still in joint second. 
"Sing a song with your partner at one of the holes." I read it off. "Sorry for getting you roped into it..."
"No, no, that's actually one of the only one's I'd happily be roped into," Arthur shook his head. "I suppose we just need to think of a song to sing... You a fan of Harry Potter?"
"Am I?!" I repeated enthusiastically. "You have no idea how much I used to love those books, movies... Even the Cursed Child I went and saw."
"Seriously? I just get called a nerd whenever I say I like Harry Potter," Arthur gawked. "Do you have a wand?"
"Yep, Ginny's wand- black and fourteen inches." I proudly nodded. "You could see those fourteen inches later ya know..."
"Only if you're trying to see a rather bendy, sixteen inch one with waterproofing." Arthur retaliated with confidence. 
"You got Hagrid's wand?"
"Duh, it came with an umbrella."
"Of course that's why you'd get it."
"This is hole two to the left, here!" Chip bellowed from behind. I lagged behind slightly to walk with Chris and Harry- catch up with them for a moment.
"You and Arthur getting cozy, eh?" Chris wiggled his brows, looking forwards to Arthur who was petting a dog with Reev- the both of them looking completely out of place, dressed in a bright orange prisoner jumpsuit and Reev as ketchup bottle (with a hat for a lid)- though the dog seemed pleased nonetheless. 
"Just don't let me catch you two snogging after a few more drinks." Harry put bluntly, making my eyes go wide.
"Just because you guys know I like him doesn't mean he likes me back, unfortunately." I reminded them, though I could feel my heart melting as Arthur scratched the back of the dog's ear and tickled his chin, the dog happily wagging his tail with his tongue lolling out as Arthur pet him. 
"Seems to like you enough." Harry shrugged. "Like you enough to come up behind you and-"
"Seriously shut up... Did I sound that stupid when I said that?"
Chris and Harry responded simultaneously.
"Okay you sounded a little flustered when you said it, but then Arthur was blushing and looked shy as well- and everyone knows he's a bit awkward around women he likes," Harry pat my back comfortingly. "If anything he looked like more of a tit than you."
"Great, thanks Harry." I responded, somewhat flatly and yet somewhat happily. 
"Maddie, your team's getting another forfeit because Arthur scared the dog away." Chip addressed me as we neared the bar.
"Like hell he did, that dog loved him!" I exclaimed, head swivelling to find Arthur guiltily wavering his eye contact.
"Theo tried to take the dog away from me by offering it something so I tried to bash him with his wheelchair but the dog got scared and ran off." Arthur explained, kicking at a pebble on the ground. 
"Did you hit Theo?"
"Well then... At least you hit him."
"What the fuck, Maddie." Theo deadpanned. 
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"Don't try steal Arthur's bitches I guess." I shrugged, watching as Arthur withdrew a forfeit card, his face dropping as he read it. 
"What does it say?" I asked, leaning over to try and read it. He smacked it against his chest before shoving it into a pocket, eyes wide as they met my own.
"Uhh- nothing." Arthur spluttered. "We can sort it out when we get to hole five when forfeits are actually activated... What did you say the rule for this hole was, Chip?"
"Drink with your partner holding the glass." Chip responded. 
I looked at Arthur.
"You're quite a bit taller- you're gonna have to crouch down for me to hold it." I realised, picking up the bloody mary and wrinkling my nose. "They really couldn't have picked a worse drink."
"They're foul aren't they." Arthur gave a dirty look to the glass. 
Each pair began seeing their drinks off, using a variety of methods to check whether it was too much or they needed a break.
"Do we need to do the hand-squeeze method to indicate whether it's too much?" Arthur asked, looking distastefully as Reev squeezed Harry's hand, signalling for Harry to tilt more. 
"I'm thinking we just raw-dog it." I shrugged, looking up for Arthur's reaction. He nodded in tasteful agreement.
"That's how I usually do it, anyways."
He picked one glass up. "You first," He stated instead of asking. "And open wide."
Reev gave him a neck-slap and a "Watch it, Arthur..." before I opened my mouth and tilted my head back, finishing it in one. 
"Alright, sit down so you're lower down, Arthur." I spoke through a shudder, the bitterness of the bloody mary giving me a whole-body shiver. 
Picking up a glass, I stood to the side of Arthur and held it up to his face, leaning over slightly due to the awkward angle I stood at. 
"Just come 'ere-" He reached out, steadfastly placing his hands on my hips and manspreading- pulling me between his legs so that I was closer and presumably so that he had a better angle to drink from. I felt my body react to his touch, cheeks warming and knees feeling a bit wobbly as he held his hands there for a moment longer, his grip firm but not forceful. I tried to maintain composure and stop myself from running my hands through his fluffy hair and kissing him right then and there.
"You watch your bloody hands, Arthur." Chris warned, causing Arthur to hold them up by his head as if pleading innocence. As he finally released his hold, I couldn't help but notice how the closeness between us left a lingering sensation, like an electric current still pulsating through my skin. His presence was intoxicating, and I struggled to steadily hold the glass for Arthur to down. I turned to death-glare Chris as I placed the glass back onto the table once Arthur had finished it. 
"Why would anyone voluntarily order that, that's awful... I feel like I've lost my soul after drinking that..." Arthur shivered at the bitterness. "Who knew dementors could be put in drinks..."
Laughing, I sat down besides him and leaned my head against his shoulder as if it were second nature. It felt so natural and cosy against the crook of his neck, and I felt warmed even more as he put his arm around my shoulders, watching in a comfortable silence as Chip choked on his drink from across the table. 
"You're so cute..." I murmured, and only once the words had been said did I regret them slightly. I facepalmed internally as Arthur struggled to reply for a moment, myself wondering why I had to be such a lightweight; only 2 drinks down and already I was making careless comments.
"Am I really cute?" Arthur asked after a moment, and I pulled away from his shoulder to dopily smile at him. 
"Of course you are, you have a cute little smile." I grinned, causing his lips to stretch out into a smile as he laughed slightly, eyes curving into happy little crescents as he did. "See? Cutest smile I've even seen." I giggled, and Arthur looked down with such domestic happiness in his glowing chocolate eyes I felt as though my heart were melting, simply so infatuated with him.
"Hope I'm not interrupting anything here-" Harry planted himself between Arthur and I on the bench, forcing Arthur's arm away and my head from his neck. Arthur cleared his throat and looked at the ground whilst Harry looked between Arthur and I. "What, something wrong?" Harry responded to my blank face, before grinning and giving a wink which Arthur couldn't see. 
"Prick," I hissed as I passed Harry on the walk to the third hole, causing Harry to burst into laughs and start explaining to Chris what he's done- only making Chris laugh alongside him. 
Hole three was easy- just a glass of wine and pub quiz Arthur and I managed to lose a point at for winning the quiz. 
As the smallest person there, I was also the least able to handle large amounts of alcoholic units- and it had begun showing, from the moment I went to stand up and almost fell back down. 
Arthur had to walk with his arm around me to the next pub, though I wasn't complaining- instead holding his hand and making him skip with me to hole four. 
"Long Island iced teas on this one," Chip explained. "And the rule here is that one member of the team must drink it blindfolded."
"I think I'm more sober than you at the minute," Arthur stated the obvious, as if I hadn't just made him skip to this hole. "I'll wear the blindfold for this one."
"You sure? I'm not completely gone right now, just a bit...Well..." It was a pointless proposition from myself. Arthur just shook his head, handing me the blindfold.
I slipped the material over his eyes, placing the drink on a separate table to that the boys wouldn't dump ice into his drink (which had just happened to Theo's drink), and directing him to the glass- though Chip had better ideas. 
"Maddie, could you please regulated the hand-" Arthur spoke waveringly, and I noticed that Chip had a hand on Arthur's arse.
"Oi, chip-" I reached over for the space hopper which was besides the bag, whacking Chip with it before being hit in the face with it myself.
"Fuck!" We both exclaimed. Arthur had found his glass and drank it in one towards the side, meanwhile Chip found Theo's wheelchair and he began fighting against me and my space hopper. "Chip, I don't think you're gonna win this one," I huffed as the space hopper bounced off of his side, making him stumble slightly. 
"Like shit won't I win- I've been going gym you know-" I cut off his rambles by throwing the hopper at him, causing him to stumble back and trip slightly over the curb so that he was sat on the pavement- allowing me to put my arm around his neck, squeezing only slightly.
"Tap out already, Chip..." I groaned whilst Chip shook his head whilst struggling.
"Chip isn't used to tapping out, he usually passes out before he gets the chance." Theo sneered from the side. That seemed to be enough to make Chip tap out. 
We finished our drinks after that before agreeing on a short grace period, where we sat around and chattered for a few minutes.
"The blindfold makes you feel like, ten times more drunk than you actually are." George said, the other who had worn the blindfold agreeing. 
"You should try it, Maddie- you're by far the most off your head right now- it'll be funny to see how you react to it."
That's how I ended up on the pavement, blindfold on and hands outstretched as Arthur directed me, his fingers occasionally brushing against mine as he'd insisted on walking beside me to make sure I didn't get a concussion from falling over anything.
"Watch the curb here, it's quite difficult navigating- WHOA" As soon as Arthur had said that, I stumbled, almost falling but Arthur held me up from behind whilst the others laughed from the table at my stagger. "You sure you wanna continue? I don't think it's safe, Maddie..."
"It'll be okay, I'm just gonna get back to the table and pull it off..."
I took a few more staggered steps, Arthur holding my hand to guide me whilst I was blinded, his hand warm and reassuring, and I felt confident with Arthur's unwavering presence by my side. His touch sent a gentle electrical ripples down my spine, igniting a spark that brought butterflies to life in my stomach as I focussed less on walking and more on Arthur.
But then I felt a blow to my head- not painful- but extremely forceful.
Some voices screamed "CHIP!" whilst another shouted "Maddie!" as I staggered, waiting to fall- before feeling hands on my back and the crook of my knees, gravity seeming to turn upside down for a moment, before the blindfold was ripped off. 
Arthur's face was above my own, looking forwards as he walked- his two strong arms holding me flush to his body as he carried me in what I assumed was bridal style- having prevented my fall. He looked gorgeous from this angle- his chiselled features accentuated by the soft glow of the sunshine through the dull English clouds- and his eyes, like pools of warm honey, never not making me melt.
"You okay, Maddie?" He looked down and questioned, eyes full of concern and yet also alighting sparks within me as they met my own.
"What? Of course I am... What even happened?" I asked in confusion as I looked back and saw the boys with open mouths looking between myself and Chip, who had a look of upmost guilt on his face. Arthur sat down on one of the seats surrounding the table and lowering me onto that same seat before replying. Nevermind- I was actually sat on his lap, and was NOT going to complain about it.
Chris was going to instead.
"She can sit on her own seat, Arthur-"
"She's almost been bloody ran over, she's sticking with me for now." Arthur huffed resolutely, wrapping his arms around my waist as he spoke to make his point. I felt my head go fuzzy from the touch, leaning back into his touch and resting my head onto his shoulder where it felt like it belonged... Before pulling it back off quickly as I digested his words again.
"Hang on, almost ran over? What the Hell just happened?"
"Chip thought it'd be a good idea to whack you with the space hopper whilst you were blindfolded and he knocked you off balance- you would've fallen into the road if Arthur hadn't got you." Harry explained, a small smile playing on his face. 
"Good man, Arthur." Reev nodded his head approvingly before turning to Chip. "And you, you're no better at handling your drink than her- what if she had gotten run over?"
"Good riddance, in that case." Chip sipped his water calmly, making me throw an ice cube at him.
In the end, Chip made a formal apology (which was of course easily accepted), and drew another forfeit card, having to take 3 shots to make up for almost brutally murdering me- which I thought was very fair. 
Hole five happened so quickly I didn't even register it- though that may have been also due to the knock to the head Chip had delivered. 
However on the walk between hole five to hole six, the alcohol began taking its effect on more people. 
Namely, Chris and Chip.
Chip had found the space hopper once more and began hammering Chris with it whilst Chris balled up onto the ground. "YOU STUPID BOY-" Chip was yelling between blows, Harry and Reev slapping each other between laughs. 
Then, Harry set off on his bike to the next hole as Chip let Chris get up- before we all slung our arms over each other and began the journey to hole 6, singing Backstreet Boys all the way there. 
Arthur lagged behind slightly, and though I was busy singing with Chris and Chip, I did notice they were having quite a hushed conversation, and looking our way every so often.
"Hole six- forfeits are now activated!"
"Can I know your forfeit yet?" I whispered to Arthur, and he simply shook his head with a small smile. 
"I know what it is, Maddie," Reev giggled to the side, rubbing his hands together with a look of glee on his face. 
"Is that what you two were talking about whilst we walked here?" I gasped at the realisation, looking between the two as they shrugged with all-knowing smiles on their faces. 
Hole six was easy- sambuca shots with no hands. I managed mine, though I almost choked it and chipped it when it clattered onto the table- whereas Arthur was found out for trying to dilute his drink, and was made to do two shots instead. 
Still, he didn't seem to be off his head at all.
"Arthurrr," I sang I skipped up to him, on the journey to hole seven.
"Madelyn." He nodded cordially, saying my full name before smirking as he saw my face wrinkle in disgust. "Not a fan of your full name?"
"Not when it's bloody Madelyn, I'm not," I responded, shuddering at the thought.
"Maddie sounds like you're mad," Arthur pondered. "You should just go with... Lyn."
"...Lyn." I repeated, trying to hold a laugh.
"Yeah, it's cute- just like you." Arthur grinned down, making me turn away so he wouldn't see the stupid blush that began spreading across my cheeks.
"Suddenly I quite like that name." I smiled bashfully back, and Arthur just laughed, sliding an arm around me casually and allowing me to rest my head against his shoulder as we walked in a comfortable silence.
"You're so fine, Arthur." I said after a while. "You know I like you?"
"I like you too, Lyn." He patted my head and pulled his arm away, instead slipping his hand into mine as we walked. I didn't feel satisfied with his reaction. Did he not realise I meant that I liked him romantically?
"No, I meant that like- I really like-"
Trust Chip to ruin a romantic moment. 
just an fyi im swapping the order of the holes- everything that happened in the vid at hole 8 is now assumed to have happened at hole 7, and vice versa
"Lyn I don't think I an do another pint," Arthur put down two drinks onto the table before sitting on my lap instead of the bench, allowing me to plop my policeman hat onto his head and hug him from behind, shaking my head.
"I've been finished since hole three, Arthur- I don't care what happens now, you can just sip the whole thing and I'll be fine with that." I groaned. "I'm definitely doing this in at least three different pars..."
I did exactly that. Arthur managed his in five, alongside my words of encouragement which made Chip awhhh.
"I love how everyone hates each other and is beating each other with the space hopper between holes whilst Arthur and Maddie are too busy holding hands and being wholesome with each other, walking alone to each hole." Chip said with a disoriented smile at one of the cameras, louder than he thought he was being as both myself and Arthur watched him say it to the camera.
"Bit early to be holding hands isn't it?" Chris asked, dopily swinging his head back to Arthur and I, only just registering Arthur was also sat on my lap. "Naughty, don't be sitting on each others laps like I have no idea what's going in where when someone sits on someone's lap-"
"That's enough from you, Chris." I shushed my brother, pressing a hand to his mouth which weakly attempted to paw away from his mouth.
"On to hole eight, final hole?" Chip proposed and everyone nodded in agreement- all too ready to get this over and done with.
"I don't think I've ever been this drunk before." I admitted to Arthur as we exited the pub, hands clasped together and swinging joyfully back and forth as we walked, as though we were kids. "I feel like I'm not even walking."
"And now you really aren't even walking," Arthur said as he placed his arms on my legs and back, scooping me back into his arms, carrying me as though I were nothing. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stared up at his face I'd grown so fond of over these past few hours. 
"What song d'you wanna sing for my forfeit at the next hole?" I questioned, myself also wondering what we could sing. 
"Oh it'll come to us when we get there..." Arthur spoke lazily, jumping me up to readjust my grip causing me to let out a squeak before relaxing against his body. Did he have abs under that shirt? It felt like it. He is so fine. 
My thoughts died out as I realised this was the final hole and after this it would be all over. Thank God. 
We all clinked our jaeger bombs together, the lightweight drink easily going down in one for everyone before Chip reminded Arthur and I that we still had forfeits we had to complete.
"What is your forfeit Arthur?" Harry asked inquisitively- somehow looking as though he hadn't had a single drink, although he had in fact had the most, having ordered an extra pint for good measure.
"That's what I'm asking- he still hasn't told me, either!" I exclaimed, looking for Arthur to give his game up and show the card. "C'mon, surely you can reveal it now that it's the last hole-"
"Not before you do your forfeit-song to the bar- look- they have a karaoke machine nobody's using there, go use it before someone else takes it!" Arthur rushed, pointing at the TV screen connected to a microphone and speakers. The other boys began clamouring their agreement before pushing me up to the stage, a bundle of nerves as I stumbled up the stairs, slotting a coin into the machine and waiting for the next song to come on. 
"ArthurTV this is a GROUP FORFEIT- GET UP ONTO THE STAGE!" I shouted and held a hand out to Arthur, causing him to take my hand and get onto the stage with the help of the boys, as they cheered upon hearing the first few chords of the infamous song we were only singing a few hours ago.
I Want it That Way, by the Backstreet Boys. Of course. 
I held the mic out for Arthur to hold with me as we sang the first line.
You are... My fi-ire, the one... desi-ire
I opened my eyes and faced Arthur, the look of joy melted into his caramel eyes and making me feel soft and gentle hearted as we went to sing the next line.
Believe... When I say... THAT I WANT IT THAT WAY
I looked out to the crowd and saw that some tables had turned to face us, singing alongside the tune- and all the other boys had huddled together, arms around each other and swaying back and forth as they joined us for the chorus. 
Tell me why Ain't nothin' but a heartache
Arthur closed his eyes as he virtually shouted the lyrics into the microphone, getting so into the song I had to pause to laugh before continuing
Tell me why Ain't nothin' but a mistake Tell me why I never wanna hear you say
Arthur and I leaned it to sing the final bit of the song, heartily enjoying as the rest of the bar joined us to finish it.
I want it that way
I looked at Arthur, his own eyes meeting me own- full of a tender sort of love I had only ever seen in the movies...
Cause I want it that way...
The song ended with whistles and claps from the rest of the bar, before I dropped the microphone to the ground, wheeling around to face Arthur with a squeal and outstretched arms, as my arms wrapped around his neck, his arms found my waist, pulling me right off of the floor as he hugged me, spinning me around once before I pulled my head off of his chest and looked up at his glowing face.
My eyes only flickered down to his lips for a milisecond before I felt his on top of my own, a billion tiny fireflies lighting up and racing around my stomach as I closed my eyes, relaxing into his hands which were positioned lazily around my waist, holding me lovingly as his lips caressed my own, tuning out the world around us as I focussed on just him and I- together - his lips perfectly top of mine.
"What was your forfeit in the end, Arthur?" I asked, eyebrows scrunched as I sat on his lap at the table- arms around his neck and my police hat and tie around Arthur's neck. 
Theo was close to nodding off whilst Chip besides him already had. Chris had taken to the stage, wowing the bar with his drunk dancing and (not) killer vocals. Harry, George and Reev still seemed alright however, and were sat making warm conversation around the table, laughing and joking like there was nothing wrong. And truly- there was nothing wrong.
Arthur smiled slightly at my question before tugging at his pocket and pulling out the card, sharpie pen scrawled across it saying:
Give a kiss to the fittest person in the group xoxo (Doesn't have to be on the lips, Chip- we know you will anyways, but everyone else- just know you don't need to go that deep)
I laughed at the bracketed side-note before looking up to Arthur who smiled goofily down at me, looking so pleased- as though he wouldn't rather have anyone else in his arms.
My hand found the side of his face, thumb tracing his jawline and running up his cheeks before padding at his lips. Closing my eyes, I leaned it, finding his lips as we kissed once more, still with the afterglow of embers burning in my heart as I realised I couldn't be happier in anyone else's arms. 
Hope you enjoyed reading!! Feel free to interact- whether that be a comment, vote or follow! Requests open, feel free to submit what u wanna see... Much love!!
To see more, here's my MASTERLIST
And here's my WATTPAD, with 50+ more oneshots to read
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imaniwriting · 9 months
Rafe x Heyward!Reader who meets at a party and go from enemies to lvrs
(I had fun writing this icl)
𝟐 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 (requests are open)
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Warnings : swearing, let me know if i missed anything
Summary : it took 2 weeks for Rafe have you wrapped around his finger and it took nothing for you to have him wrapped around yours
Genre : idk
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It was the first party of the season thrown at a kooks place and since all summer you were forced to work at the country club you figured you could treat yourself to this one time of free time and surprisingly your father agreed to let you.
The party was usual drunk kids messing around and some sane people watching over them. You yourself had some drinks but your were only tipsy nothing more nothing less.
“Well, well, well, what’s a pouge doing here all alone? You know you’re in the enemy’s territory.” Said a voice from behind you making you turn around. “Well i wont say I haven’t seen you often on my ‘territory’ Rafe” you shot back making him smirk.
“No need to get so defensive love i was just saying.” He said arms held up in surrender. He had always found you intriguing but never dared to make a move on it until now. He saw you hanging out more and more with some random touron and he wasn’t about to loose his chance to that guy.
“Well go just saying something somewhere else Rafe” you said annoyed not wanting to communicate with the guy who has been beating your brother for the longest time.
Rafe put his hand on his chest in a mockingly manner “why dont you love being in my presence?” He asked making you flip him off and walk away. “You’ll fold someday!” He yelled after you making you chuckle before raising your hand again to flip him off once again. He knew this was game on.
You had officially started working in the country club and it was hard to say the least. There were so many snobby rich people that were just trying to get you fired.
And there were rich teenagers which’s egos were through the roof. She was taking an order when Rafe and his friends walked into the building. “Yes sir would that be all?” She asked to which the guy just rolled his eyes and waved her away. “Okay..” you said dragging the word.
“Here you go sir your cranberry vodka with extra vodka” you said when you finished making the drink “do you want to start a tab?” You asked your eyes trained on Rafe and his friends. “No.” He said making you nod and ring him up. He the left leaving no tip making you roll your eyes. “Fucking stuck up.” You muttered while cleaning the countertop not seeing Rafe walk over to you. Without looking up you greeted him not knowing it was the Cameron boy. “Hello Sir what would you like?” You asked while picking up something up from the ground. When you looked up your face fell. “Huh, Sir? i like the sound of that” he said leaning over the counter top.
“Rafe i do not have time for this” you groaned running your fingers through your hair. “What now? Scaring costumers away?” He asked making you roll your eyes in annoyance
You saw your boss staring at you from afar which made you force a smile onto your face. “No of course not. What would you like?” You said with a big smile on your face which was obviously fake.
“Hmm how about your number?” He asked while scanning over the menu. That made you laugh “yeah right” you said making him look up into your eyes. “A glass of whiskey and 2 vodka cranberries” he said.
You nodded “ want to start a tab?” You asked while getting the cranberry juice and vodka. “No” he said getting out his wallet. You nodded and rung him up trying his eyes staring at you.
“That will be about 20 dollars” you said handing him the drinks. He grabbed an 100 dollar bill and handed it to you before walking away. “Rafe?” You yelled after him and he turned around “this is way to much you still need change.” He shook his head at that.
“I don’t love” he started “ what i need is your number.” He finished shrugging and winking at you.
It was now almost a week since you worked at the country club and every day Rafe came to talk to you keeping you company. He had always left a big tip making it bearable. You also gave him your number after 3 days of convincing.
“So what are you doing after this.” He asked while you fixed up another order. “Probably helping my father out by delivering groceries” you answered recalling that your father wanted some help earlier. “Damn you don’t get no break do you?” Rafe stated the obvious while finishing his drink. “Yeah thats what’s normal when your daddy ain’t rich” you said rolling your eyes you still had to get used to rafe being in your presence. Though talking with Rafe had some pros for example he naturally laid his hands off pouges.
Not long after your brother walked in with his friends. “Hey y/n!” Pope said excitedly while walking over to you. You smiled at him but his smile dropped when he saw Rafe sitting in front of you. You shook your head to signal him to let it go before getting sodas out for them.
“Hey Kiara girl how ya doin?” You asked opening the bottles for them.
Rafe let out a groan before paying and getting up. “At least he left a tip” said jj thinking it was something rare. You nodded staring at Rafe leaving. You looked at the check you had in your hand. ‘I’ll drive you home when you’re done’ it read making you slightly smile.
DAY 10
It had become a routine, waking up, leaving for work, talking to rafe the whole day, being driven home by rafe or hanging out with him and then go to sleep.
“Where to miss heyward?” Rafe asked while starting his car. “Rafe you know damn well were to.” He rolled his eyes playfully “sorry to assume that maybe you have some free time” he said making you turn to him. “You know what? To yours then I’ve been waiting for you to show me how to make that Cameron drink you’ve been talking about.”
Rafe smiled and took a turn so he could drive to tanny hill instead to your house. When you guys finally arrived you sat in the kitchen of the large mansion. “You wanna try?” Rafe asked when he was done with the drink, making you nod. “Sure.” You said while taking the Glas and taking a sip.
“This is actually not bad.” You said surprised Rafe nodded as if to say that he knew. You finished your drink and you found yourself sitting on the expensive couch watching a movie.
You didn't even care that your phone had rang a couple minutes ago. When the movie finally finished you were falling asleep but Rafe knew you would kill him if he let you spent the night.
That’s why he walked over to you and picked you up walking to his car and buckling your seat belt. He drove you home and walked up the stairs hoping that he wouldn’t have to face any of the pouges especially your brother. He was actually hoping for Hayward so that he could lie smoothly
“Hey is that rafe over there?” Pope asked making him groan into his hand. He turned around and held his hands up “look dude im not here to fight for the first time in my life” he said making JJ and pope walk over to him. “Then what are you doing here?” Pope gritted out making Rafe rub his forehead contemplating if he should throw a punch or not. “I’m here to drop of your sister.” He said making jj frown. “What’d you do with her?” He asked venom dripping from his tone.
“Nothing.” Rafe answered truthfully. But none of the pouges in front of him believed him and you got woken up by punches and shouting.
DAY 14
Since the day pope and jj fought with rafe you hadn’t heard from him. Which was hard given he had become a part of your routine. And something you didn’t expect to see this morning was Rafe knocking on your bedroom door.
“Hey” he said scratching the back of his neck. “Hi” you said back feeling a weird sensation build up in your stomach. “Your mother let me in.” He explained upon seeing your confused expression. “Oh you didn’t have to punch yourself through the door?” You asked sarcastically .
“Okay look i know what i pulled wasn’t great,” he started obviously struggling to say sorry. “But I didn’t throw the first punch.” He continued making you scoff “rafe you are 22! They are 17! Who’s the older one to be handling the situation right?” You asked making him nod slightly not wanting to make you any more mad.
“I know.” Was all he said making you look up into his eyes. “Say it.” You replied knowing it as on the tip of his tongue. “I’m.. im sorry” he said hesitantly “What? I didn't hear you.” You said to provoke him.
He caught onto what you were doing and rolled his eyes. “Shut up.” He said making you laugh. “So what are you doing here?” You asked “well firstly i wanted to apologize and secondly i wanted to ask you out.” He said bluntly
“Well you did the first part now do the second.” You said smiling up at him.
“Miss heyward you wanna go out on a date with me ?” He asked making you smile at him and nod “Sure Cameron.” You answered making him smile too.
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one-piece-aus · 1 month
Unbottle Your Emotions
Eustass Kid x Reader (Part 6)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Taglist: @lingxio @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @tremendoushorsepatrolgoth @lil-skelly-bones (ask or comment if you want to be added)
Ahoy! This has been a fun chapter to write! A few important characters are introduced in this chapter and emotions are building up in [Y/n]. For a little context, Koby is living in the Monkey household because I said so :3
Enjoy ^-^
"He's going to kill me, Hawkins."
You worried as you strolled through the halls with your fellow loner. The poor textbooks were suffocating from your tight grip.
"Who is going to kill you?" Hawkins inquired for clarification.
"Eustass." You eye the hallway for any of Kid's crew. Only when you noted no signs did you turn your back as you reached your locker and opened it.
"Don't you think you're being overdramatic, [Y/n]?" It's rare for Hawkins to brush off your worry, but it only happens if he already read the cards.
"No, I'm not. I might know how to avoid ticking him off with words but actions are an unpredictable minefield, and I might have set one off." You stressed taking your backpack out of your locker and shoving your books inside.
"Why don't you just ask-?"
"I can't ask him!" Your words straining through your teeth, looking at Hawkins as if he suggested you should spoil the ending to a popular franchise to a bunch of die hard fans. "Because if he wasn't mad before then he will be since I planted that idea in his head. I'll be dead either way."
"I was going to suggest asking his friends..."
"Oh..." You turn back to your locker and grab your binders to put them in your backpack. "I don't know about that either..."
"My club starts in 5 minutes, I believe Heat and Wire will be there, if you'd like, I could inquire for you," Hawkins offered.
"But you're coming over tonight to practice your math."
"What? Nooooooo, come on. Can't it be for lunch tomorrow?" You pouted.
"It can't be helped, remember? Your family only allows you to go out if it's for homework."
Your face grims. "That's right." 
Thing is, it's more complicated than that.
"I'll let you know when I'm home, try to remain calm until then." Hawkins rested a hand on your shoulder.
"I'll try."
With that Hawkins takes his leave.
A sigh escapes as you finish packing your bag, mind filled with dread. Closing your locker door, you turn to head off when you see Law two lockers over, closing his locker. He notices you and smirks.
Fuck. Your cheeks start burning as you know exactly why he has the smug look. Bastard won't let you live down your embarrassment from two years ago. You face your locker, ignoring him. He seems to get the message and walks away. Once you're sure he's gone, you hit your head against the locker. Sadly it does nothing to shoo the memory of what happened in gym class. Great now your face is heating up more. Why did that have to be the reason he knows you exist?
"Stupid dodgeball!" You kick the locker next to yours. "Stupid teammates!" Another kick. You're at least grateful no one else witnessed it since it only happened early game, and Trafalgar hasn't bothered spreading rumours about it, not that it'd do any good in school since no one knows who the invisible kid is. However, you had a feeling, he would use it as blackmail over you if he knew how.
Gripping the straps of your backpack, you exit the hallway. Most students have disappeared to their clubs or already left the building, you take extra precautions sneaking around now that you have no cover. Your hand finally reaches the exit doors, opens it and you step outside.
"Hi [L/n]."
"AHH!" You jump out of your skin, startling the boy who greeted you. Your eyes flicker to him, calming down. "Oh, it's just you Koby."
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." He bashfully scratches the back of his neck.
"Just don't do it again." You subtly place a hand on your chest, feeling your heart rate return to normal. "What are you doing right next to the doors anyway?"
"Drake said these are the doors you normally use," Koby explained, you gave him a weird look and for a moment you thought he was going to bring up seeing you with Kid at lunch, until he elaborated. "I wanted to walk home with him so he told me to wait with you."
"Oh? So that's all?" You double-check, raising a brow. He nods, so you gesture for him to follow you. "You know my dad doesn't like Strawhat's grandpa, it might be a problem if I walk home with you."
"It's alright, we'll be stopping by my house first so you and Drake don't get in trouble."
"Right." Your voice becoming monotone.
A moment passes as you stop at the meetup tree, Koby looks up at you, worry written on his expression. "...You seemed to be on edge earlier."
"I'm always on edge," you blatantly reply. "Most people just don't realize or scare me like that."
"Sorry..." Koby looks away, seemingly dropping the subject.
Guilt nips at your heart, you don't want to make him feel bad. Though as much as your conscience yells at you to comfort him, you don't. It may be selfish but if Koby associates you with this feeling after greeting you, he's more likely to ignore and avoid you. It'll help prevent future eggshells from being broken and getting you in trouble, so you hope.
A notification from your phone goes off. You grab your device, turning it on to see who it is.
New Message from [Leader Eustass Kid]
You were about to open your phone to read it when you noticed Koby perk up.
"Hey Drake!" Koby greeted his friend.
"Hey Koby, [Y/n]." Drake nodded in acknowledgement.
"Hey..." You briefly wave.
There's a bit of an awkward silence, Drake staring at you as if wanting to ask how your day was and you avoiding eye contact, not wanting to interact with him. You began walking, Drake and Koby following in tow. Koby begins rambling about something Luffy has done. You're grateful Koby came along now, Drake's attention is on him and not you. 
With room to breathe, you pulled out your phone and checked Kid's message.
[Leader Eustass Kid]
Where were you at the end of lunch?
Crap, he did notice you disappearing. Not good. Should you make a likely excuse? ...No, you have a feeling he'd know a bullshit excuse when he sees one. Just keep it brief.
I left
Lunch was over so I left
. . .
Your eyes anxiously stare at the loading dots, his response being typed. Fingers tapping to the rhythm of the flow. Fear sits on your shoulder to watch the screen.
[Leader Eustass Kid]
Say something before you leave next time
Right, he'll be inviting you again when your project's over. Reminder aside, you can't tell the emotion behind his text. Whether he's mad or letting it go, you'll only know when you go over to Hawkins tonight.
"Koby! No club today?" Garp asked welcoming the pink-haired boy home.
"Nope, the club president had to plan some things for next week so I got to walk home with Drake today," Koby chirped entering the house.
"Great it's lasagna night. You can help out with the cooking."
"Yes sir." Koby turned to you and Drake who were standing outside. "Thanks for walking with me, guys. See ya tomorrow!"
"See ya, Koby," Drake said. You just waved bye until Koby disappeared from the doorway.
Garp turned to the two of you. "Do you guys want to stay for dinner?"
Drake shook his head. "I have to work tonight."
"I need to get home before it gets too late," you decline chewing the inside of your mouth, wanting to leave already. "Also I don't know anyone here."
"Nonsense, you're friends of Koby, and I'm sure my other grandsons would be happy to have more guests."
"More guests?" Drake raised a brow.
"Yeah, Ace has his friend over-" Garp explanation got cut off when there was a crash in the background. "THE HELL DID YOU BREAK THIS TIME?"
"oH NO! RUN YAMATO!" Ace warned.
Garp left the doorway, off to scold the boys. Drake narrows his eyes and goes to enter the house when you stop him, a tight grip on his sleeve. Drake looks back to you, your face is neutral yet your hand is shaking.
"Can we leave?" A small demand.
Drake doesn't say anything, glancing from you to the house. You could hear something fall over and it causes you to flinch. Drake looks back at you, sighs and starts walking. Internally, you thank him as you release your grip on his sleeve. Your stroll is silent for the most part until Drake inquires you.
"Who were you texting early?"
"...Hawkins," you lie. "I'm going over to his place tonight to practice my math. My dad won't tolerate anything but the best."
Drake hums, believing your lie sprinkled with truth. It wouldn't be the first night you'd go study with Hawkins, and as for texting others, he knows just how small your contact list is. It pays to be known as a ghost amongst those who do know the invisible kid.
You'll have to change Kid's contact name, you can't risk getting caught. It's fine if Hawkins knows you're talking to Kid, you trust him, but not Drake.
The two of you near the front door of your home, you unlock it and enter inside. You glance around, seeing your father's workers frantically running around, too busy to greet you. Good, your brother's antics made you invisible.
"I'll go inform your father where your brother is," Drake told you as he took off his shoes. "They're probably wondering where he snuck off to. You can let one of your uncles know you'll be studying at Hawkins tonight. We don't want them thinking their other child snuck out later."
"Right..." You slipped off your shoes, observing Drake leaving to inform your dad.
You're thankful to your brother, yet at the same time, you wish he put more thought into his actions. There were consequences, and it affected more than him.
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juniperss · 2 months
Can you do headcanons for the gang with a reader that bakes and she always has something for them?
okay so it's really funny that you sent this request, anon, because I was talking with my bestie @a-libra-writes and she pitched this idea:
"a tiny old diner on the rough part of town that no makes trouble at because the grandma there has known and taken care of the neighbor kids for years and her daughter and granddaughter work there too".
Which led to us brainstorming and then I saw your request and it fits in so well, so I went ahead and kinda combined the two. I present to you all; the gang with a s/o who who works at the local diner and bakes them treats all the time!
song inspo
(she/her pronouns used for reader)
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The diner has been a staple in his life for as long as he can remember. He has a lot of memories of coming here after school to do homework or after games to celebrate a win. But after his parents passed away he didn't have time to stop by as much and he became more of a passerby.
He mostly swings by when the rest of the gang is already there and if they need a ride or if he had time after work and didn't feel like collapsing into bed. He feels a bit uncomfortable there now....so much has changed in his life and he knows that the grandmother who runs the diner has been giving extra food to his brothers without so much as charging them a dime. There's a vulnerability that comes with being at the receiving end of so much generosity
Darry remembered the granddaughter worked there part time, but walking into the diner one night and sees her sliding plates of pie across the counter to Sodapop and Ponyboy with a big smile on her face, he can't help but inhale sharply. Had she always been that pretty?
He hadn't planned on staying for food but she's quick to invite him in with a, "Oh I have somethin' for you!" and disappearing into the back before Darry can reply. Ponyboy has already finished his slice of pie and was leaning forward to swipe another when she came back holding a box.
"You still like chocolate cake, right?"
Okay he might have fallen hard for her right then and there, not gonna lie to you.
And that's really the start of your relationship and I don't mean romantic (at least not right away). He's touched that you remembered what he likes to eat, that you went out of your way to make something just for him despite the fact that the two of you aren't really friends, and you did it for free???
Swears its the best chocolate cake he's ever had and your baking has ruined all other desserts for him for life.
He starts coming by more even when he's tired because there's something in the way that you speak to him that warms him from the inside out. The way you talk about baking when he asks and how you don't pressure him into conversation but don't shy away from including him.
He doesn't really know how to repay you for the kindness and the free food, so he stays after you close to help clean up (and forces the others to help too). When he sees you around town he goes out of his way to offer you a ride home, he offers to patch up things around the diner. And you repay him with pie and cookies despite his adamant refusals that this is defeating the purpose of his acts of service LOL
"But how else are you supposed to keep him coming back", you tease, "if not with baked goods?"
He doesn't really ask you out, you two just kinda...end up dating?? Your relationship just evolves into something romantic over time.
Two Bit:
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This clown is a regular at the diner (and a regular pain in the ass, yes). He comes in all the time with the rest of the gang and with his sisters. He’s his usual loud mouth, sharp tongued and quick witted self but for some reason it absolutely won over the grandma who runs the diner. She sees through his occasional foul mouthed quips and knows that he’s a good kid who loves his friends and his sisters deeply. And that makes him alright in her book
Two Bit has a bit of a crush on you right away and he’s not sure if it’s because you can hold your own with his banter or if it’s because you’re actually really kind (it’s both). He really likes to watch you interact with his younger sisters who are equally as fond of you as he is and declare that you’re the best baker in the entire world each time they stop by. 
When he swings by with the Gang, Two Bit is a little more of a flirt, and his sure fire way of getting you to notice him is by eating anything you put in front of him regardless of how full he is. He hears that you’ve been experimenting with different kinds of pie and he’s having you roll it out for him to taste test. He’ll be your knight in shining armor and then be puking in the bushes on the way home much to the entertainment of the rest of the group. 
He’s actually one of the most interested in your hobby and listens to you talk about baking with a dopey ass grin on his face the entire time. Asks questions just to hear you talk, but still remembers just about everything you were saying. He may not be book smart, but like Ponyboy says, he knows how to make things easy to understand and people are easy to understand. 
He’s volunteered to “help” you bake countless times and it always results in a mess. He really is trying…..kinda. Look, he wants to help but then you’re being really cute and you’ve got flour on your face and he can’t help himself. 
He asked you out by baking you some chocolate brownies which were completely inedible (how do you burn brownies but also leave it under baked??). The gesture was damn sweet though. 
Definitely kissed you for the first time with the excuse that you had frosting on your lips. He’s such an idiot (I love him).
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Ponyboy said it best when he said everyone loves Soda. It’s impossible to not like the middle Curtis brother, not when he’s got such a nice smile and a sweet soul. Your grandma absolutely adored him the moment she set eyes on him years ago and was always sending extra food to his table for the group. He’s the perfect customer; always respectful, usually clean and well mannered, goes out of his way to say hello to everyone working. Somehow knows everyone’s name too. 
And you kinda adored him from the beginning too….he’s just charming, okay? He makes it easy to talk to him and when he and the gang hang out in the evenings after seeing a movie at the drive in, he’s always asking you about what you’ve baked this time. That’s his opening to start talking to you while the others stuff their faces with your latest invention. 
That’s not to say that he doesn’t devour anything you put in front of him, but he eats around the conversation that he pulls out of you. He waits until you’re talking about school or the events of the day before taking a bite of the chocolate pie on his plate, watching your face intently. He swears that listening to you while he eats makes the dessert even sweeter. 
Goes out of his way to help after the diner closes and more than once he’s stayed to help put chairs up so your grandma can sweep. Even though he’s been working all day, he’ll peer through the window on his way home to see if y’all need help. He always comes back home afterward with an armful of leftover boxes. 
But two can play at that game and you’ve surprised him at the DX more than once. You bring a sample of whatever new thing you baked  for him to try. Sometimes you hang around even after he’s finished and you two talk while he works. Sodapop loves those days. 
He begins to notice that each dessert you’ve baked is more catered to him than the last. He doesn’t bring it up until one evening he catches you walking home and falls into step with you. It’s a bit embarrassing having been caught but he’s grinning his classic Sodapop Curtis grin and soon you’re smiling back. He kisses you outside your house that night. 
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Grandma surprisingly doesn’t hate Dallas Winston and that is about as shocking to you as it is to everyone else. Out of the entire Gang, Dally is probably the one who has caused the most trouble at the diner and has been swiftly reprimanded for it by your grandmother. But each reprimand is followed with a plate of free food for him and slowly over time he was won over. 
Dally kinda acts like your grandma’s personal bodyguard now. The few times the Socs have broken windows or tried causing problems, Dally has been one of the first to seek out revenge while the rest of the Gang helps to repair the windows. 
When it comes to you, there’s a sort of respect that Dallas gives you that’s usually reserved for the Gang’s sisters or cousins, a line that isn’t crossed because of who you are and who you’re related to. It starts off as a way that he shows your grandmother that he respects her, but turned into real respect when he saw you stand up to the Socs and to him on a few occasions when he was harassing some other Greaser Girls. Dally knows he’s intimidating and for you to call him out on his bullshit takes guts. 
It helps that he thinks you’re a good baker and doesn’t wanna risk being on your bad side. Definitely still makes quips and flirtatious comments towards you, but they’re ones you find yourself enjoying. 
Dally eats the most of your desserts next to Two Bit and he can hide behind his tough guy appearance as he wants, but you see the way he genuinely enjoys himself. It’s endearing actually to see him look his age. 
He also makes the most requests of you out of the entire gang. He started doing it as a joke but then you began taking his requests seriously and he was floored. What do you mean you actually baked an apple pie specifically for him? What do you mean you remembered his favorite kind of cake and baked it for him as a birthday gift? Stop being nice to him, you’re gonna make him fall in love with you!
Too late though, he’s already found himself crushing hard. 
He starts lingering later and later each night. Stays long after the diner has closed. He claims it’s to make sure that no one tries anything and that you get home safe, but you both know it’s because he wants to spend time alone with you and this is a sure fire way to make that happen. 
He kisses you for the first time by leaning over the counter, saying there’s something on your uniform before pulling you over to him. Like I said, he’s a menace.
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overtrred28 · 10 months
it's not your fault | Mary Earps x reader
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Summary; The qualifier match against the Netherlands didn’t go exactly to plan even though they won and everyone is feeling it when that final whistle blows, especially Mary as she captains her team for the first time and you make sure she doesn't fall too deep.
Pairings; Mary Earps x lioness reader
Words; 2.2k
Warnings; angst and sadness 
A/N; It broke my heart seeing Mary like that after the game, she did her absolute best and I hope she doesn’t take it too hard and keeps her head up for the next game. So I thought I would write something that gave her a bit of imaginary comfort and projected what I would have done in that situation with her. (Also as much as I love Fran I am replacing her with the reader because in this you are a midfielder as well and we have to make some changes in this fake scenario)
You had known Mary long enough to tell when she was nervous before a game, often sitting by herself quietly for a few minutes to collect her thoughts before joining the team and getting them pumped up. But today you could sense an extra level of worry and nerves flowing through her like never before. 
She had a right to be nervous, of course. The Netherlands were tough opponents and she was captaining the Lionesses for the first time with both Leah and Millie absent from the team. She took the role seriously and with pride from the moment Sarina asked her to captain the English side in these qualifiers, you were so very proud of your partner and excited to take the field under her leadership. But now she was starting to worry you. 
She had been quiet the whole day, stuck in her own head as she went over the tactics and game plans she had discussed with Sarina and the coaching staff over the past few days. You had tried talking to her all day and get her mind off the game for one second and enjoy the pre match activities with the team but it was no use. She politely brushed you off and you just knew there was no chance in getting her to relax so you let her be. 
But now as you were preparing to line up in the tunnel for the match, you knew you had to pull her aside for even just a second and try and get her out of her head. 
Mary had just delivered a beautiful and powerful speech to the entire team in the dressing room before they all began moving to the tunnel or the benches and readied to start the game, but before Mary could walk out you grabbed her wrist and pulled her silently to an empty hallway. 
“What are you doing? We have to go and line up.” Mary sighed as you came to a stop and leant against the wall, her standing in front of you. 
“Mary, I need you to listen to me carefully, okay?” You stood up straighter, placing your hands onto her face. She nodded silently in confusion and waited for you to begin. “I need you to know that whatever happens out there, whether it goes our way or not. It’s not only on you, okay?” You spoke sternly with strong eye contact, hoping the words make their way into her head and calm her down. “I’m so proud of you. You work so hard and you deserve to be captain today. But, I can tell that taking on this role has taken a toll on you for the past few days, and I want you to know that you’re not alone and I’m always here for you. You are my world and I love you and whatever happens in these next 90 minutes, I am doing it with you. And so are the rest of those girls who look at you with as admiration as I do.” You smiled sweetly as you finished, watching her visibly melt and relax. She lets the words process and pulls you into a tight hug. 
“Thank you.” Mary mumbled into your shoulder, squeezing you tight before pulling back and looking into your eyes. “I love you.” She puts her forehead on yours and breathes in deeply. After a few moments of silence you both pulled back, nodding your head back down the empty hallway that led to the tunnel and you began walking side by side towards the rest of the starting line up. 
Mary made her way to the front to take her place as number 1 and captain, while you stayed just further back as number 9 and stood between the Lauren’s with your mascot. While waiting to get called out, you watched the back of Mary’s head and hoped that your words were sticking in her head but also stayed focused on the game ahead. Once both national anthems had played and formalities were exchanged with the opposition, it was time to start, waiting for the whistle to blow and the game to begin. 
The beginning was looking promising, your side taking quick possession and having fantastic chances and shots at goal within the first ten minutes but nothing seemed to go in and the Dutch defence was strong. In the 11th minute the Dutch side regained possession, swiftly passing to Pelova down the right wing who took a shot towards Beerensteyn, Jess and Lucy were closing in on her but when they clashed they opened too much space. 
Mary was ready for her, prepared to block from the angle but the ball left Beerensteyn’s foot, passing through Jess’s legs and just going under Mary as she fell to block it but in the end it was an early goal for the Netherlands. 
Watching it happen from further back on the field, unable to do anything from your position in the midfield, sighing in defeat when the net rippled and Mary stayed down on the ground in devastation. When the second goal just slipped past Mary again, she was mad at herself and also her defenders who let Beerensteyn in again for a second time. You caught her eye from the midfield and you could feel the anger from here. “Calm down.” Was all you could mouth to her while the players all returned to their positions, Mary huffing and shaking her head as she stood in the goal.
 The first half ended and England were down two nil and so were their spirits, especially Mary who tried to stay positive for her teammates but it was hard to hide her feelings.
After refreshing themselves and pumping back up for a battle in the second half, ready to fight and take the lead before that final whistle. 
Only 12 minutes into the second half and Georgia had finally secured a goal for the English side, you being one of the first to run up and jump on her with excitement at her header. Hope to turn this around bloomed two minutes later when Hempo sent the ball rippling into the net and the English crowd roared in celebration at the equalising goal. 
Time ticked and neither side could seem to secure a goal, yourself included in those ones on target but blocked. Sarina decided it was time for fresh legs, signalling for the planned substitutions to be made at 68 minutes. The numbers 9 and 23 flashed on the board and you ran over to the side, clapping Alessia and Tooney before walking over to the bench with water and plopping down next to Lotte, Georgia following close behind as exhausted as you. 
The team had 20 odd minutes to add to the scoreline and take the win, plenty of chances made but again nothing. Full time ended and the ref signalled 6 minutes of extra time before it was all over. And very quickly England had advanced again, the people on the bench watching as a brilliant ball was sent from LJ, directly to Tonne’s right foot, sending the ball straight through the keeper's legs at the 91st minute. You jumped up with Georgia and Lotte beside you, screaming your lungs out alongside the home crowd at the late advance. 
The final whistle blew and although England had come out on top, it wasn’t enough to take them where they needed to be in this qualifying stage, meaning the game against Scotland mattered even more now. Your heart broke as you saw Lucy and LJ drop to the floor instantly, feeling absolutely defeated and exhausted from this match. But your first priority was Mary, who you knew would be shattered right now, quickly walking onto the pitch, clapping your teammates and the Dutch players on your way to the England goal. Mary hated conceding goals, it was one thing she criticised herself on so harshly at both club and international level. 
Your eyes searched that end of the field as you walked past player after player but you still couldn’t see her. A few people were knelt down on the ground consoling someone, no face shown but you could just make out the green keeper kit peeping through the gaps and you began running over. Lotte spotted you and began moving away slowly, the other girls also getting the hint and backing away so you could come closer to Mary. As much as they also wanted to console her, they knew you were the person she needed right now, knowing you would be able to get through to her. 
“Hey love.” You spoke softly, kneeling down and resting your head on hers. The second she heard your soft voice she let out a deep breath, more tears springing to her eyes. 
“I’m sorry.” She whispered out to you, shaking her head against yours, shoulder shaking with her shuddered breath.
“Stop.” You spoke more sternly, placing your hands against her face but keeping your foreheads together, keeping this moment between the two of you. “It’s not your fault. It’s never your fault, okay? We rise and we fall as a team.” Mary didn’t respond to you, just sniffling in silence and that was enough for you to pull both of you up from the ground and bury her head in your neck, wrapping one arm around her back, the other holding her head. 
Mary instantly wrapped her arms over your shoulders, her taller frame leaning into your body and letting go slightly. More tears fell from her eyes and she forgot you were standing in the middle of Wembley Stadium, all she knew was that she was safe in your arms and that was all that mattered at that moment. 
A few people had come past you and Mary hugging on the field before you pulled back and finally looked into her red, tired eyes. Your own eyes were teary from feeling the weight of the game and after seeing how hard Mary was taking this and the conceded goals. You sent her a soft smile and wiped under her eyes, brushing a few stray baby hairs from her face. 
“I love you, angel.” She whispered to you once again, tears choking up her throat. 
“I love you so much.” You brushed her cheek with your thumb one last time. Knowing you would have to form your huddle soon, you kept an arm over her shoulder, Mary wrapping one of her own around your waist as you both walked to where other members of the team were waiting. A few of the girls were taking this hard, just like Mary, and others were like you comforting their friends close. 
After interviews were done, everyone was showered and rugged up, you piled onto the silent bus, Mary slotting in beside you near the back. You opened up your arms to her and her head fell onto your chest, her arms wrapping around your middle as you ran your hands through her clean wet hair. Normally Mary was the one to hold you in her arms after a tough game but you knew she needed the familiarity of your arms to sooth her. 
After dinner Mary had found her way into your room, asking to swap with Rachel for the night, who happily did so and went to the other room with Lucy. You and Mary just laid in bed silently together, you laying on her chest and she held you close, slowly running her fingers up and down your back. You could tell she was in her head again when her movements became less constant and when you looked up at her, she was just staring off into space.
“Love,” You caught her attention, her eyes shifting down to you. “You can’t change what happened.” You shook your head softly and watched her deflate. 
“I let everyone down.” She finally spoke, averting her eyes from yours, unable to look at you anymore. You quickly sat up, moving so you were now straddling her hips and put your hands on her shoulders. 
“Love, look at me.” You spoke. “Mary.” Saying her name caught her attention, her eyes locking onto yours, tears slowly forming again. “You did not and could not let anyone down. You were amazing today and what happened on that pitch does not and will not define who you are as a person or footballer.” You had now moved your hands to hold her face. “I missed so many shots today, I should have gotten those but I didn’t, these things happen.” You swallowed as tears began to form in your eyes as you can see how broken she is. “I have never been prouder of you than I am right now.” You smiled and rested your forehead on hers. 
“You’re so good to me.” Mary let out a small laugh, a tear rolling down her cheek as she shut her eyes, her hands squeezing your hips gently. “How did I get so lucky?” You laughed at her comment, thinking the exact same thing. Mary lifted her head from yours and met your eyes again for a second before quickly closing the gap and capturing your lips in a kiss. It was slow, soft, passionate and meaningful. 
For the rest of the night you laid in one another's arms, chatting mindlessly about things until the exhaustion took over and you both fell sound asleep attached to each other.
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dollfaced-erin · 10 months
𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟'𝕤 ℂ𝕣𝕒𝕕𝕝𝕖 (Blade x F!Reader x Jing Yuan)
PART 1 , PART 2 , PART 3 , PART 4 , PART 5 , PART 6 , PART 7 , PART 8 , PART 9 , PART 10 , PART 11 , PART 12 , PART 13 , PART 14
A/n :-
Oh lord im so sorry i didnt update. i had a few tests i had to go through ;;-;;. COVID here is rising again so everyone please take care of your health ! exams are finally overrr aksdlksjd now i can write and finish up those requestss Small reminder that a part of Yingxing's name means star, and a part of Dan Jia's name means home !
Taglist : -
@rebeccawinters , @nayukiyukihira , @pix-stuff , @fluffy-koalala , @swivy123 , @starxao , @kaoyamamegami , @kimura-uzuri , @rsvye , @seikouryuu , @just-here-reading , @matsulovesyou, @sincerely-aaronette , @prettyliliy , @chibiduck , @hermosacolibri , @la-diablas-thingz , @farelady-fate , @everi-eve , @shadowfoxey , @helloyuki , @immahuman
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"They're ready to head to the base terminals to start them up. Apparently all three of them shut down after conduction of foreseeing your current and past predicament." Fu Xuan said, looking at (Y/n) after she had returned from giving orders to her assistant.
(Y/n) lifted an eyebrow as if to say, 'is it my fault ? Damn, sorry', but Fu Xuan sighed and put a hand on the forearm of the taller lady next to her.
"No, it's not your fault. The symbols on the Matrix have been dimming for quite a while now, it was expected for it to not be able to recount such memories as distant the Era of Bloodshed." Fu Xuan said, shaking her head.
"Then, if so, would it be able to relinquish Kafka's means ?" (Y/n) asked as she looked at the Master Diviner of the Luofu.
"To reread the recent past written by a mortal to another, is hardly much of a chore." Fu Xuan said with a proud huff, her cute cheeks blushing red with happiness.
"I suppose a lady as capable as yourself shouldn't have any problem in pulling through crises." (Y/n) said with a small smirk.
Fu Xuan flushed and she almost beams at the words of the former High Elder of the Vidyadhara. Then she turns away, trying to keep the ghost of a smile hidden from her face.
"You and that sugar-tongued General...he has really been rubbing off on you, hasn't he ?"
(Y/n) chuckled, shaking her head slightly with dusted cheeks. "As it is, fate is inevitably cruel to those blessed with more time than others. It is only natural to adopt similar instances of speech."
"Ugh..." Qingque grumbled, looking down with tears in her eyes. "I worked so hard in getting transferred to the repository. It was the best place to slack off and be invisible..."
"Now, I actually have career prospects...this is terrible !" She sobbed softly. "If I screw up, they might fire me...but if I get it done right, they'll send me more work !"
But as (Y/n) approached, Welt coughed into his fist, stopping Qingque's rambles.
"Lady (Y/n), will you be joining us ?" Welt asked as the royal lady approached them, her hand fan elegantly resting in the palms of her left hand, the hilt firmly wrapped with her right.
"Yes. I am indebted to the Master Diviner, the General, and those who had expressed concern over my wellbeing." (Y/n) said with a nod. "I shall assist you with whatever power I possess."
"L-Lady (Y/n) herself is accompanying us ?" The librarian, whose name was Qingque, as she recalled, said, looking at the horned woman with admiration in her green eyes. She was just grumbling a moment ago how there was extra work but no extra rewards.
"Does that mean we'll get jobs done faster ?"
"Perhaps ?"
"Oh great ! Then, let's go ! I want to play-- i mean..."
The brunette coughed into her fist for a bit.
"I would like to complete the task provided by the Master Diviner as efficiently as possible. Then, spend my leisure time with some relaxing but mind boggling luck based games." Qingque said, trying to mask her want to get the job done and quickly slack off to go play some Celestial Jade.
(Y/n) chuckled a bit before parting ways with the librarian to meet up with Jing Yuan who was addressing the present events with Stelle and March.
"Fu Xuan's Matrix of Prescience was able to go one step further than Kafka. To maintain the upper hand, I had to keep it a surprise. I hope this hasn't made you doubt my sincerity ?" Jing Yuan said with a smile as he nodded at the approach of (Y/n), his smile turning warmer.
March did NOT look impressed. "Next time, ease off on the surprises ?"
"I promise to be more transparent next time. This time it was sealed tight, not even (Y/n) was aware of my moves."
Jing Yuan looked a little guilty, but not by much.
"At present, Kafka has no intention of speaking and the Stellaron Hunters' motives remain unknown. We must rely on the power of the Divination Commission to unearth the truth." The General said again.
"'Unearth the truth'..." Welt said before looking at Jing Yuan. "You mean, interrogate Kafka using the Matrix of Prescience ?"
"Precisely. The Matrix of Prescience is the Divination Commission's ultimate weapon. It was originally used to calculate navigation routes and predict future events..." Jing Yuan said with a slight nod of his head. "With, special exceptions of course."
"Special exceptions ?" March asked, looking quite invested in the functionality of such a master device.
"Yes. For instance interrogation. The secrets of the Stellaron Hunters' cannot remain hidden for any longer. I have no choice but to move beyond conventional protocol -- we must use divination to ascertain Kafka's intent."
"And for the second means, is to peer into the misty fog that prevents power and past knowledge that is needed to be applied in special circumstances and for health purposes." Jing Yuan said, looking at (Y/n). "Lady (Y/n)'s recurring memories were quite literally dragging her consciousness to the brink of insanity. And as you all know, she possesses timeless and indispensable knowledge."
"Everything hinges on restoring the Matrix of Prescience, which is why I would like you to help Diviner Fu complete the setup. I am eternally grateful for your assistance."
"And as such, I would like you all to look after this little princess for me. She wants to come along with you, and I hope you'll help me keep an eye on her." Jing Yuan said as he gestured to (Y/n) with a cheeky grin.
"Wh-what ?! How rude !"
After repairing the first screen, the group teleported to their first destination. The first of three terminals. The Temporal Terminal which correlates with essence of time. "Observes the potential of the temporal plane" as they say.
After arranging the Mutare Magnus of the Temporal Terminal, the group then moved towards the second gate, where there was a malfunctioning robot, sparking with electricity and buzzing circuits.
"What the heck is this ? It looks like a walking gate !" March said, looking at the automaton in slight fear and awe.
"An Aurumaton. A guard-like robot placed in strategic places. The Matrix is very crucial and information abundant, so it's a...protection measure to make sure only those allowed could activate the terminal." (Y/n) said, looking at the malfunctioning piece of metal suspiciously.
"I feel like it needs a sign saying 'mortals forbidden' or something..." March said, hiding behind (Y/n) while holding onto her arm. Then she looked at Qingque with worried eyes. "Are you sure it wont fly into a rage if we walk past it...?"
"We're here by the order of the master diviner to restart the Matrix of Prescience. We're friends -- not foes !" Qingque declared to the Aurumaton.
The malfunctioning Aurumaton stood up, voice crackling with a broken chip. taking a stance. March yelped and (Y/n) pushed March even more behind her, and standing in front of Stelle.
Qingque looked panicked as she looked at the rising Aurumaton. "Ah...! March, you should join the Divination Commission ! Quick, do something !"
"Get back !" (Y/n) exclaimed, pulling out her fan as she summoned, cloudhymn magic to conjure up surrounding water to slip into the broken cracks of the piece of machinery.
"Before me !" (Y/n) commanded, before stomping her foot onto the ground, leaving a crown of ice circling her foot. Then she swung her fan, using her ice powers to freeze the water that slipped into the Aurumaton, locking it in place.
(Y/n) panted as she set down her fan, the fear from the sudden attack taking her by surprise. Her cheeks were a little dusted even though it was an easy battle for her, but she had to admit.
She was scared for a moment there.
"Hurry. Before the ice melts, you have to either destroy it, or spend time looking for the control panel and cutting the wires." (Y/n) said and Stelle hurriedly rushed forward with March by her side.
"It should be on the back !" Qingque said, still cowering behind (Y/n) as she held the legend's arm.
Without thinking much, March found the control circuit and conjured up an ice knife to cut through the colorful wires.
Then, just as hoped, the Aurumaton fell to the ground, broken. It crackled with sparks, as it serving a warning like it would get up again. But knowing that the circuits were ripped apart, they were sure that it was no longer a need to be afraid...
Then the group entered the second terminal, the Spatial Terminal. It was designed to retrieve information based on space, as Qingque explained. This time, (Y/n) sat by the side as she watched the other girls line up the Mutare Magnus, finding it endearing how they bickered over what way they should put down the pins to achieve the required shape.
And as they walked into the third and final terminal, March looked around with hands on her hips.
"So...let me guess, time, space... I bet the next terminal is energy-related !" March said proudly with a bright smile one her lips.
"Darn..." Qingque groaned as she looked at March with a sorry smile. "The Karma Terminal. They say this terminal is designed to establish casual relationships."
"What ?!"
The three began to move around, arranging the Mutare Magnus, even (Y/n) decided to join in to help them after watching them reset the plane a couple of times.
As she hopped in to help move the pins, she was suddenly reminded of an old memory that flashed in her mind.
"Hey ! Not too far out !" The familiar beloved would call out, chuckling as he followed the tugging of the blanket in his hands. He held the edge of the blanket in his thin but crafty hands, calloused from the harsh work he endured day and night to produce legends.
"But I want the blanket to be straight and tense before setting it down, Yingxing !"
"I understand, but there is no need to pull it so hard, beloved." The older man said, shaking his head as he set down the blanket on the grassy plains beneath the tree.
Wind blew past his hair, causing it to fly all over the place. The white-haired man sighed as he pushed back his long tresses behind his ear. Then he looked at her with a kind and loving gaze, the light of the moon highlighting his features.
"Well ? What are you waiting for ? Come sit down with me, my moon dancer."
Then she saw herself sitting close to the older man, snuggling happily in his arms as the two of them laid under the blanket of stars. The sight of the man staring into her eyes with love as he leaned in to kiss her forehead.
"--dy (Y/n) ?" A voice called out.
"Lady (Y/n) !" A cheerful and bright voice called out, making (Y/n) snap out of her trance-like state. The dragon lady blinked a couple of times, taking in the difference of what seemed to be her memory and the reality in front of her.
All three of the girls were looking quite worried at (Y/n), as she had suddenly stopped after placing the pin in the board.
"Are you alright, Lady (Y/n) ?" March asked, looking quite concerned. "You suddenly spaced out all of a sudden ! We're done here now, and all the terminals have lit up, so let's go back and take a short rest." The pink haired girl advised.
(Y/n) didn't really seem to understand what had just happened, but she nodded and followed the group back to the core using the screens. Although she knew that there were alot of entities roaming around to cause havoc, she couldn't help but shake off the feeling as if there was someone watching her.
The red eyes that observed from afar turned around, once he had determined that his beloved was in safe hands.
"Well done, all of you. I can sense the Matrix of Prescience symbols re-illuminating." Fu Xuan said with a satisfactory smile. "Now, to interrogate Kafka."
The master diviner turned around to face the Matrix before shooting (Y/n) a glace. "Those of you in the core may feel a few...impacts."
March was about to question Stelle what Fu Xuan had said, but then there were two Cloud Knights escorting a young and beautiful woman with red wine hair tied in a messy ponytail and captivating eyes. She wasn't cuffed, yet made no attempt to flee, following the soldiers with a simple gloved hand on her hip.
"Is this really necessary ?" The woman named Kafka asked, her voice as alluring as her features. "I said I'd cooperate with you."
"I have no interest in the words of wanted criminals. Especially those skilled in the art of manipulation." Fu Xuan briskly answered, gaze averted with a frown on her face. Then with a breath, she turned back to face the detained criminal.
"So, say what you will. I'm here to witness the divination of the Matrix of Prescience." Fu Xuan said strongly. "The Divination Commission has ways of extracting the truth, and they're far more effective than a conversation."
The woman with wine red hair chuckled softly, turning to enter the core. That was, before she shot (Y/n) a brief glance with a smirk playing at her lips.
"Then please, Master Diviner."
"Witness my destiny."
With Kafka standing in the middle, hands bound by imaginary power, Fu Xuan stood by the edge, watching her before taking out the power of the matrix. With precise hand gestures and polished expertise, Fu Xuan closed her eyes before she began to extract and activate the power of the three terminals activated by (Y/n) and the group earlier.
The tiles correspondent to their reason and trait glowed, before forming a connection that linked the plates to the Master Diviner. With using the three terminals and herself, a large binding hexagram formed in the air, rotating and calculating the past, present and future.
Kafka levitated in the air, letting her form be suspended and closer to the Matrix' core without a struggle. Symbols and constellations surrounded her as the Master Diviner began to collect data by reading the lines and the meaning of her stars, yet she smiled. Her eyes began to glow a light blue from the power surging through and out of her body, letting it see through her memories and seek out the answers they chased after.
Fu Xuan's own eyes began to glow blue, as she resonated her consciousness with Kafka's and the Matrix itself, focusing and getting a good reading of her own divination.
That was before she saw what she sought after.
Fu Xuan gasped and immediately re-casted the spell, making the Matrix stop its function without the user and Kafka slowly descended to the ground.
"That's...why you're here...?" Fu Xuan asked, full of disbelief as she looked at Kafka.
Kafka smiled slyly and knowingly in return, enjoying the look of betrayal and disbelief painted so evidently on Fu Xuan's face.
"All for that ?!"
Kafka looked down, an unreadable expression in her magenta eyes. "Well ? Not what what you were expecting ?" Kafka asked, tilting her head a little although she had totally expected the reaction.
"I cant believe it..." Fu Xuan said, looking at Kafka in horror, as if the woman before her had told her the most atrocious lie ever known to mankind.
"But the Matrix of Prescience cannot be wrong..."
"What did you see ?" Stelle asked, looking at the Master Diviner worriedly.
"Kafka has nothing to do with the Stellaron." Fu Xuan said before landing her eyes on Stelle. "But you...it's you..."
Stelle looked so confused to what Fu Xuan was talking about, for it wasn't her that had seen the same visions as Fu Xuan did.
"Ha ! Absurd ! I'd never have thought it..."
Then her golden eyes landed on (Y/n), gaze slightly scrutinizing.
"And you...I'd never considered the relation..."
"Talking like this isn't solving anything, Master Diviner..." (Y/n) said, hands crossed over her chest. The other members of the Nameless, and the Amicassador of Sky-Faring Commission looked all confused the same.
Fu Xuan shook her head before nodding in Kafka's direction.
"Ask her yourself. Take as long as you wish."
Fu Xuan left in a hurry after that, saying something about needing to see the General as soon as possible. The remaining party remained unsure of how to proceed. And since it was both (Y/n) and Stelle that were directly regarded by Fu Xuan, it was now known that Kafka knows something about them.
Stelle looked unsure of how to approach the situation, but Welt nodded at her encouragingly. "It's fine...you go ask her. I know you have many questions for Kafka yourself."
Though Stelle looked determined, she was quite unready. "Mr. Yang..." she started. "I think I still need more time to figure out what I want to ask."
"Don't worry." (Y/n) said, putting a tender hand on Stelle's shoulder.
"I'll go first."
"Well...I have heard of you, former Lady High Elder." Kafka said with a little awe in her eyes. "But to see you up-close and personal isn't really the same feeling as he had implied it to be."
"Which do you prefer, Lady High Elder ? Or the Saltator Lunae ? Or even the name you go by with now ?"
"(Y/n) is fine." (Y/n) said, raising up a hand to stop Kafka.
"I had only just woken up from a slumber. So I do not know of your misdeeds to have you scoured by the cosmos itself. But what I do know of is Blade's affiliation with the Stellaron Hunters faction." (Y/n) said with a shake of her head, (h/c) locks swaying elegantly as she did so.
"To know that is more than enough. The Master Diviner wasn't aware of Bladie's intentions of meeting you here. But to see through me consciousness and be aware of it must've been a little surprising to her." Kafka answered simply and honestly, looking straight into (Y/n)'s eyes.
She couldn't be lying. Not that she needed to anyway.
"How was he aware that I was awake in the first place ? Not even the General anticipated my awakening." (Y/n) said with a curious tilt of her head.
"Well...that's because the Destiny's Slave had said so before." Kafka said with a small chuckle, remembering something quite amusing to her.
"You should've seen the look on Bladie's face when he was announced that he stood a chance to meet an intergalactical treasure that had laid dormant for centuries..." Kafka said tenderly.
"It was such...an odd encounter...with emotions so strong. I wonder if I'll ever experience something as intense." The cuffed woman said with a light chuckle.
"For the first time since I met him...he looked alive."
"For the stars had turned against us while we adhered to the laws...perhaps the tide of fate pities us for leading such miserable paths of fate to let us reunite in unfortune events..." Blade said to himself, red eyes clouded with memories, heart beating again with reason.
Unknowing that there was a certain concerned young woman eavesdropping in case his Mara had reacted in him. But oddly, there was no reaction even though Blade was reminiscing about his past.
"Dancer of the moon...shall time and fate allow us..." she heard him gasp softly through a rare soft but broken voice.
For the first time since Kafka had met him, she heard him weep.
'How envious...' Kafka thought to herself.
"With my immortal and life-infested shell, I'd never let you stray away again..."
"My beloved home of stars...(Y/n)..."
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