#I still love connor detroit dont worry
thirium-800 · 1 year
you've been a bit quiet lately, everything good? (feel free to ignore if you don't wanna talk)
🥹🥹🥹 Messages like these make me want to cry happy tears. How kind of you to message. Everything is good thank you!
I caught covid a little while ago which wiped me out and I took time away for (fully recovered now woop). I've been busier than normal with work too, taking back my old job role and managing the team again. As well as being a mum and looking after my little one 🩵 So in between I've had very little free time 🥴
In the moments that I do get, I've just been vibing to Sleep Token. Their sexy music makes my brain happy. Apologies to those who also follow my side blog and have had to bear witness to me being unhinged about them for weeks now 🤡
BUT I've got a nice ten day break from work 😌 and like 5848536 posts sat in my drafts so let's resume the DBH posting! 🎉
And Nonnie, whoever you are, thank you. I hope you're having a wonderful day 🩵
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forsakenoathkeeper · 4 years
I Am Alive (chapter 5/?)
Deviant!Connor[RK800] x (fem!)Reader Rated M(18+) for canon-typical violence and gore, medical procedures, and graphic sexual content
Synopsis: You were a mechanical engineer, now a nurse for androids, who moved back to Detroit after the revolution to offer aid. After reconciling with an old friend, you became rather acquainted with his android partner.
Please support me on AO3 & thanks for reading ♥
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Connor wasn't oblivious to what he was doing.
'Rogue' was one word that came to mind; but, that was a bit extreme all things considered. He wasn't acting against the police and he didn't intend to commit any crimes, especially heinous ones.
He was hunting the android alone, without clearance, without jurisdiction.
-not like this was the first time.
He had intel that the human detectives didn't have. A good lot of them didn't respect him, some more obvious than others, and often disregarded his input on things. Of course, they were never hesitant to let him take the lead when dealing with dangerous individuals or gunfire.
Most of the time, it didn’t bother him.
Fowler saw him as a competent detective and needed the manpower, now more than ever. Hank trusted him with his life and stood up for him. That was all the recognition that Connor needed.
Having to work alone wasn’t all that terrible. He was faster, stronger, more capable of discretion... usually. He didn't have to worry about putting someone in danger or being slowed down. It also meant that he could-
-bend the rules in ways that only androids were capable of.
The other detectives were hung up on the possibility that Evelin Wheeler was murdered by someone she had crossed in her days as a lawyer. Connor had found seven cases that ended with death threats. Three of those cases, the plaintiffs or victims, were still alive and living in or near Detroit.
While other detectives were investigating those potential leads, Connor took to the streets to see if he could locate Robert. Maybe it was his programming talking; but, Connor was suspicious of the android.
Clouds were heavy and dark in the sky, the smell of approaching rain thick in the air. Connor was waiting outside of Haven in a nearby alleyway, perched up against a crate where he could duck back into hiding or lean out and see into the street.
He was standing near an abandoned warehouse that seemed to have suffered structural damage at one point, rubble having collapsed into the plot nearby. The towering structure was an eyesore and provided good cover for the detective. It was also across the street from Haven.
Connor fumbled with his coat pocket, fishing out a coin. He rolled it between his fingers as he waited.
You had been texting him, a very welcomed distraction from the monotony. Though, if Connor was being honest, waiting never bothered him. He couldn’t quite tell if it was because his android, a part of his programming, or just the way he was.
"u know u dont have to" was your latest message, popping up in the top right corner of his HUD. You had trouble getting your car started this morning and had taken a taxi to work. When Connor found out, he asked if he could give you a ride home.
"If I'm being honest, it is not just for your sake. I want to see you" he texted back.
It had been a little over week since he last saw you. Work had been hectic for you both, between countless damaged androids and Connor knee deep in multiple cases, one in particular that was rubbing him the wrong way. Even if he only got to sit in a car with you for thirty minutes, that would be good enough.
"i miss u too" your reply came in. Connor smiled at that and briefly pondered how to reply.
When people were 'an item', what did they do? Attending a restaurant together seemed to be the most common answer that came up in his searches; however, considering Connor did not require sustenance, and lacked the components to dispose of them, he couldn't eat.
Surprisingly, ‘drinking’ came up a lot, too. There was no way he was taking you to a sleazy bar. There were always clubs. Did you like that sort of thing? He didn’t want to make assumptions about your lifestyle. There was the added concern that Connor didn’t know if he could dance. He had never tried it before.
'Walks in the park' also came up in his searches; while Connor was not easily perturbed by the weather, you likely would find it far too cold outside. The local movie theatres were closed down temporarily due to the uprising, leaving that option out, as well.
He could invite you over to his apartment; but, what if you took that as an unwanted suggestion? He missed you in that manner, maybe more than he cared to admit; but, he didn't want to give the impression that it was all he cared about.
Connor's LED was blaring yellow as he internally argued with himself. He aggressively shifted his coin from one hand to the other and flung it high into the air with a flick of his thumb.
Humans did this - 'heads or tails' - so he tried it.
When it fell back down, he snatched it from the air, opened his palm and glanced down. The coin had landed on tails. Connor glared at the harmless nickel disk for not giving him the results he wanted.
Okay. Maybe he was thinking too hard.
-maybe he just needed to go for it.
"I want to treat you to something. If you would like that?" Connor messaged you.
Likely caught up in something, you didn’t reply immediately. So, Connor began rotating his coin again, rolling it between his fingers, flicking it back and forth between his palms. He had no idea where this quirk came from: if it was programmed into him or some bizarre string of code that manifested itself. He could do it without much processing power, making it rather relaxing.
"if you wanna? u dont have to do anything like that" your message popped up on his HUD some time later.
"Is it weird that I want to?" Connor messaged you back.
"not at all" you replied. He read it in your soft voice and found himself feeling bashful. He felt weird, like he wanted to do things for you - unnecessary things that you were perfectly capable of doing yourself.
"theres a park i loved as a kid. we can go when it warms up?" you offered.
"I would like that" Connor replied.
A thought came to him, something that he chided himself for: he had hoped for something he could do for you, now, not later.
But, then-
"until then i like ur apartment" immediately came in afterward.
Connor gawked at the message like an idiot for a moment or two before he snapped out of it. Maybe you had read his mind... somehow.
He had no need for a TV because he could get all the news on the interface in his processing unit. He didn't have a need for many dishes for obvious reasons and only bothered to keep the fridge plugged in in case Hank brought something over. His apartment was severely under furnished by human standards.
Suddenly, he wanted to change that.
"You are welcome anytime" he replied. "I'll make sure its warmer this time"
Your reply came fairly quickly; but, Connor didn't see it.
Movement caught his eye.
An android was approaching Haven, not that that was anything new. However, he dressed in a dirty hoodie and torn up pants, ankle-high work boots matching what Connor had seen in Evelin Wheeler's home, the correct height and stature for the model type seen in Louis’ memories.
Connor slid the coin back into his coat pocket and focused his optical sensors on the android. He couldn't get a good enough look from this angle to see into the propped up hood.
The detective waited outside while the other android crossed the threshold into Haven.
Markus wanted to do things the right way. Connor respected that.
It meant that he would inform Robert the police were looking for him and try to encourage him to speak with them. If he was innocent, that meant he had nothing to hide. But Connor knew that Robert would likely attempt to flee, even if he was innocent.
The android was inside the building for eleven minutes and some odd seconds before he stormed out the front and trotted down the street. Connor didn't waste any time taking up pursuit. The android had some haste to his steps, but wasn't running. Still, Connor knew he would lose him if he dawdled for a second.
Rain began to fall, beginning in gentle sprinkles that coated the concrete and asphalt in faint specs. Connor could feel the rain like gentle taps against his outer skin. It was useful: the noise made it harder to properly hear the sounds of their footsteps. That potentially risked the chance that Connor would lose Robert; but, it also meant he was less likely to be detected.
He needed an empty, quiet place where he could interrogate him. But, Connor also was well aware of the fact that he didn't have backup. If the android proved to be more dangerous than he anticipated, he would be alone and at great risk.
-again, this was nothing new.
Connor recognized the route Robert was taking. He was heading for the industrial district's harbor.
It wasn't abandoned. Factory work had resumed, albeit with struggles considering the android workforce had been lost. However, people were trying to return to normal life. They needed to; and so, the ports reopened and shipments starting to flow again.
The detective continued to stalk behind the android for miles, paying no mind to the fact that he was steadily growing farther and farther away from where he had parked his car, nor the fact that he was getting soaked by the rain.
When they arrived at the harbor, Robert took a path through a rundown building that was likely once a communication hub for a business that went under decades ago. It was longer than a direct route, but provided cover, less any of the human workers at the nearby plants spotted him.
In following, Connor realized that abandoned shipping containers were piled up outside. The rust and erosion patterns suggested they had been here a long time.
At the end of the row of containers, another building, a steel hub right at the edge of the water. Normally, these were open, designed to be for receiving and sending shipments, unloading. However, someone had taken the time to board it up.
Robert entered through a hastily cut out hole acting as a doorway.
Connor knew this was the end of the line. He was going to have to face Robert here.
He took one, careful step past the threshold, and realized there was an echo. That alone made it near impossible to continue sneakily. When Connor stepped forward, he felt something scan him. It was harmless, a perimeter censor: the kind of motion detector that could pick up android's serial numbers with a quick scan, and send alerts to the programmed android. It was, essentially, an intruder alert.
The detective turned his head to the adjacent wall. Sure enough, there it was, the size of a quarter, at head level, eyeing him.
He was intrigued that Robert had taken the time to setup defenses here. It wasn't particularly deterring, just a simple alarm that would prevent him from being snuck up on. Connor could hear Robert's shoes loudly squeak on the floor. He was pacing, probably deciding his next move.
Connor continued, turning down the hall and stepping into the main hull.
When Robert spotted him, he took a few steps back, maintaining distance between them. Connor took up a firm stance, feet shoulder length apart, arms crossed in front of him, hands cupped, like a soldier might stand.
"Why are you following me?" Robert called out, sounding more annoyed than anything else. The echo in the room was loud, creating an obnoxious tremor around them.
"I wanted to talk to you - ask you a few things," Connor replied calmly.
Robert was silent for a moment, eyeing Connor suspiciously. "You're the detective android," he said lowly.  "I heard stories...” Robert looked him up and down. “You're not as intimidating as I expected."
If that was intended to insult Connor, all it managed to do was make him curious. What kind of images had Robert conjured in his mind of the android detective?
"Why haven't you removed your indicator?" Robert asked in a manner that was almost taunting. "You think we're equal to humans, don't you? Why wear something that sets us apart?"
"It doesn't matter to me if people know I am an android," Connor answered, maintaining his passive tone. It wasn't entirely the truth. Sometimes, he wanted people to know he was an android. He was once frightened by the idea of deviancy; now, it felt like a badge of honor. Maybe, he was prideful: he was the first detective android to join the force, and the last and only of his model.
"You work for the humans - against us," Robert accused. “What makes you think you have any right to stand with us?”
"I don't work against androids. I work against murderers," Connor proclaimed. He could see panic flash behind Robert's eyes. But, the android was quick to compose himself. "-human or android," Connor added on.
Robert opened his mouth; but, Connor, growing tired of this pointless banter, decided to be direct.
"I'm here because I believe you killed Evelin Wheeler."
"Who?" Robert asked, his head tilting to the side. From his lack of concern, Connor couldn't quite identify if he was being sincere, or just didn't care.
"An elderly woman who was being cared for by an android," Connor elaborated robotically.
Robert shrugged. "What makes you think I did that?"
"I saw you harassing the android living with her," Connor answered, tone lowering.
Robert settled a firm glare on Connor. "Harassing? I wanted to help him be free."
Connor kept his stoic expression, eyes unyielding of his emotions, LED strong blue. "I'm glad you remember them," he replied lowly.
The detective could see some stress rise in Robert. He wasn't frightened by Connor. He was growing steadily more and more angered by him.
"Then, surely you-"
"He was delusional," Robert interrupted sharply, clearly insulted. "Called her 'family'. I had to help him. He was being controlled by that human. I set him free."
"He was free,” Connor corrected him. “You hate humans. That's what it is. It has nothing to do with justice.” He maintained his persona: a cold, calculating detective.
The other android didn't seem to like that word. "You still elevate them above us, you hypocrite!" Robert snarled. "Don't talk to me about justice."
"Human or android, you killed an innocent woman in cold blood," the detective said lowly, letting his stare darken slightly.
"Where's your proof?" Robert challenged.
"Your shoes match the impressions at the crime scene," Connor stated bluntly. "You also were seen harassing the family-" Robert twitched at the word. "-a week before the murder. That's enough circumstantial evidence to obtain a warrant for your memories for that night."
"Where's your w-warrant, huh?" Robert challenged, his voice faltering slightly. "Why am I not under arrest, yet? You have nothing!" Robert shouted, his voice echoing around the chamber.
Connor narrowed his eyes slightly. "742-11-904, you are under arrest for trespassing on private property-"
Robert suddenly shifted and charged at Connor. Being a unit designed for industry work, he was bigger than Connor, bulkier with a wider frame and greater weight capacity; but, Connor was agile, flexible, and designed for combat. He avoided his assault with ease, but wasn't able to counter. His back hit the wall and Robert continued down the hallway past him.
Connor took up pursuit, finding that Robert took a different path out. He chased him into the harbor, out in the open, where security lights shined down on them. Workers from a nearby plant were perched on a balcony on the second floor. Connor could hear their surprised murmurs, "what the hell - you see that shit?"
Chain link covered the edge of the dock to act as a barrier to prevent falls. Connor contemplated pulling his gun on Robert; however, trespassing wasn't an offense worthy of firing, and he had yet to obtain the warrant he needed for the murder case. Pulling his gun would have been a one-way ticket to suspension, or likely worse.
Robert wasn't made for this. Connor was going to catch up to him. The android likely knew this. He had to take a path that Connor wouldn’t follow. He climbed the chain link, reaching the top before Connor got to him, and dived over the edge, straight into the harbor. The splash was drowned out by the rain tapping on the metal roofs nearby.
Connor looked over the edge to where the dark waters lapped at the concrete platform. Naturally, he couldn’t see anything through the murky water. He sighed, placing one hand on the chain link to lean against it.
"Well, so much for that," he groaned to himself.
It was unlikely that Robert could stay submerged for long, even less likely that he would surface here. He wasn’t going to return to this hiding place, nor Haven. Connor would have to find him through other means.
The rain started to pick up, sprinkling morphing to heavy droplets. Connor's eyes adjusted to lighting, or lack of, naturally. He was too focused on finding Robert that he failed to realize the sun had set. The time was normally hidden on his HUD as it was intrusive, distracting. He didn't need sleep. He didn't need rest. He could theoretically go days without a break.
When he brought the time temporarily back into view briefly, he realized it was 7:17. Your shift ended at 7 tonight, and he had promised he would be there.
"Shit!" he cursed out loud, swiveling away from the fence.
As he trotted away, shoes making wet sopping noises on the concrete, Connor started a message, "I'm sorry. I'm going to be a little late".
Before he sent it, he realized that he had missed your previous message.
"hold u to eet" you had replied. It was in response to his promise that the apartment would be warmer next time. But, it also struck him as a painful reminder that you had placed trust in his ability to get you home safely, and in a timely manner.
The rain continued to pick up until it was pouring down, like tiny rocks pummeling his body. It didn't hurt, but it was exhausting. He had fucked up, twice. He failed to capture Robert and now he was delaying you.
Instead of sending that message, he decided to call.
It rang once, then twice-
"Oh - shit - are you here already?" you blurted into the phone as soon as you answered.
"N-no, I-" he stammered. "I'm going to be late. I'm sorry."
"Actually - that's fine. I got so caught up in this thirium shipment, I didn't realize what time it was," you explained, sounding out of breath. "I was afraid I was keeping you."
"I wouldn't have minded waiting," Connor replied, feeling some relief at your words.
"No - don't say that," you scolded gently. "Don't take bullshit from anyone, Connor."
"Ugh-" he stammered. Did he take bullshit from people? Maybe he did and he just didn't care most of the time. Was waiting for you bullshit, anyway? He didn’t need to sleep, afterall.
"Working late, too, huh?" you breathed into the phone.
"Field work," Connor replied lowly.
You chuckled into the phone. "You know I can take a taxi if you're-"
"No, I-" he interrupted sharply. "I want to see you. Please."
"Connor," you breathed into the phone.
His phone wasn't a handheld device. It was an interface build into his processor. He could hear you directly in his head. Even through the slight distortion created by radio signals, the sound of your voice still managed to do something to him. Maybe he underestimated how badly he missed you.
In the background, Connor could hear one of your coworkers, "ooooo - who's Connor?" teasing at you in a purposely obnoxious voice.
You laughed quietly. "My boyfriend," you answered.
My boyfriend-
For some reason, something as mundane as you telling people that, made him really happy.
There was some shuffling noises, likely you moving around and trying to balance something in one hand and your phone in the other.
"Is he cute?" a different voice asked this time.
Connor was prepared to eavesdrop on this conversation in full; but, after some loud shuffling, you came back, speaking into the phone properly. "I'm gonna let you go, now - get this finished up - oh shit it's raining - let me know when you're in the parking lot?"
"Understood," he replied automatically, a habit. Plus, if he was being honest, he was disappointed.
"-and don't stress about it, Connor-" you added on hastily.
Fuck that-
-as soon as you hung up, Connor was running to his parked car.
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epicqtefail · 3 years
my playthru went mostly good for a first run!! i got the good pacifist ending and it was all perfect until i accidentally got kara killed at the bus terminal 😔 BUT EVERYONE OTHERWISE WAS SAFE N SOUND. i still have to go back n keep her alive but . you know. first run im counting this a half win. as for favorite characters i Love hank. the knowledge that hes mr krabs voice sits in the back of my mind eternally but hes such a dilf it doesnt matter to me lol!! out of the main three id probably say i love connor the most, if only bc his journey w deviancy was most interesting to me!! and the decision to shoot chloe for the jericho code agonized me at the time bc i wasnt sure if wed be able to get it later (dont worry though i couldnt make myself do it in the end). ooohhh hanks shirt. it was tough but. streaky. final answer. IT LOOKED SO GOOD ON HIM COME ON THE BLUE WAS NICE!!!! but yeah that was my experience :) how was yours!!! same questions + what was your reaction to the alice plot twist? i was caught soooo off guard. and if you dont mind me asking, what were your answers for the extras survey? or some of them at least. thanks for asking about my playthru!! :)))
Karaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! oh no on my most recent playthrough i almost got Kara killed during the Jericho escape because i was eating a baked potato. she was ok though i play on easy difficulty. But yeah there are a few moments where you just have to guess which choice will have the best outcome?? Makes for a very stressful first playthrough lol
my first playthrough was predictably pacifist, deviant, happily ever after love conquers all etc but I recently did a violent one and i would recommend playing antichrist Markus at some point! it makes all the religious & philosophical symbolism SO edgy... and oh my god i was so excited for the Markus vs Connor fight but connor shows up at the WORST most tense moment so it was just like CONNOR GET OUTTA HERE!! BEGONE!!! my poor meow meows are in danger!!!!
Hank is my fave too! but pretty bold of you to imply the mr krabs thing is anything but a bonus bold of you to imply mr krabs isnt also a dilf. and Connor, of course, they come as a set. Markus was my first favourite and i tried so hard to not like connor out of pettiness like,, "i will not be endeared by this man i will not be charmed by his nasty quirky behaviour"... but i wasn't immune to connor detroit. I trash talk him a lot but i was SO proud of him at the end ;__;. like you said, his journey with deviancy is very interesting with him being one of the most emotionally expressive characters in the game(and the most self-indulgent. he's so hilariously self-indulgent) even before truly "deviating".... it is interesting that Cyberlife's influence over Connor, a being who supposedly shouldn't feel emotion, heavily depends on deliberately emotionally manipulating him into following orders... hmmmmmmmmmmm.
and god damn it!!!!!!! i thought the hippy shirt was the most obvious choice! That's what I thought Connor would choose because it's the most gaudy and showy and i imagine connor enjoys that in his own cheeky way :'') ... but now i'm imagining him picking streaky because "humans like it when clothes compliment their features. blue will bring out his eyes. this is totally relevant to my mission."
(putting the rest under here because i talk too much) 
as for the Alice twist, it caught me off guard too because i made a wild guess that she might be an android when Luther kept trying to talk to Kara about it but i didn't trust that that might actually be the twist :''D .... imagine the reverse of that, imagine if one of the androids turned out to be human.. the rest of them are like "hang on a second! his LED isn't even an LED! It's one of those fruit stickers!"
and oh yeah! the Survey! I can't remember most of my exact answers and i'm not even sure i'd answer them the same if i did it again (i'm not good with Yes or No i'm a rambler (can you tell?) and i can't commit to a solid answer). I do remember saying i'd bring the pen and paper to a deserted island... you'd just find my skeleton buried under a bunch of crudely drawn dicks. What did you answer?
oooh i also remember the question on whether machines could develop consciousness and this is something i used to think about a lot but was approaching from the wrong angle. I won't ramble about it but now i am leaning towards the possibility that AI could become sentient, that anything that can learn on a unique, complex level (especially those that mimic organic human intelligence) will.. perhaps as a requirement for complicated executive control and semantic (or even subconscious emotional) enrichment... BUT BALLSY OF THE GAME TO ASK THIS WHEN IT DOESNT EVEN ATTEMPT TO ANSWER THAT ITSELF. I'm still waiting for a game that explores sentience rather than just freewill, which yeah is a symptom of sentience but not sentience itself. what do you think? anyway I'm so sorry for talking so much but thank you for giving me the opportunity to!! :'''D i'm always interested in your thoughts on this game or anything in general so don't hesitate to ramble back at me, i love it!!
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autumnpaper · 5 years
Hi, so I just finished my run at the Detroit human game, and I dont know if I got an ending different from the norm, but who the crap is nines? Like another connor? I missed a huge bit of the game it seems ;_; wondering if you could explain whatever parts I'm missing, all spoilers and all, I dont know if I'm gonna replay it all right away. Thank you for your time, I love your art but I have no context lol
Hey!! Don’t worry, you really didn’t miss anything!I don’t know which ending you got, but basically, there is one where Connor does well in most of his missions, effectively stopping the android revolution. When that happens, Amanda will end up telling him that he’ll get replaced by his follow up model, an RK900, which will have a widespread use in police stations.And that’s Nines!
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(this guy)We really only catch a glimpse of him for a few seconds in the zen garden while Amanda is talking, but it was enough for people to start giving him a personality and make him an actual character. (Even though he was disliked in the beginning, because nobody wanted him to replace Connor.)
Visually he has the same face as Connor, except for his eyes, which are grey (or blue, depends on who you’re asking). And he also tends to be drawn or described in clothes that cover his neck, because thats what his uniform looked like. He’s usually taller than Connor in fanworks, but nobody really has proof that thats a fact, so ndkajsndjsSince he doesn’t really have a name (his name technically is Connor too but shhh), fans gave him all kinds of names. I prefer Nines, but there are also different ones like Richard or Conan. Or any name, honestly. Personality-wise his interpretation differs but most people make him more cool and sarcastic than Connor. You really can characterise him however you want. But commonly accepted fan canon is that he’s a cat person, so thats important. That’s about it!!!! I hope my explanation made sense, but if you still have questions I’m always happy to ramble about Dbh!! :3
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What Do I Do? (Connor X Reader) *TRIGGER WARNING
Characters: Connor (RK800) X Reader
Universe: Detroit: Become Human
Other warnings: Blood
Request: Could i maybe request a d:bc one with Connor finding out that his other half is self harming. Its okay if not i just thought maybe it would be an interesting concept for the character seeing as he would be the type to try and find out an exact reason and sometimes qe dont have reasons for the sadness we feel?
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Connor had been waiting to come home to see you all day, and when he managed to get off work and to come to your house, he was genuinely excited to see you, hug you, give you kisses and hear what you’ve done today.
You’d met Connor when Hank dragged him along to get coffee at the new coffee shop just down the road to the precinct, and you were behind the desk, and while preparing the drinks, you had a genuinely nice conversation, and whenever Connor was sent out for coffee, he took a few minutes out of his time to talk to you, and soon something sparked between you two. Hank refused to let it go that Connor had fell in love with the barista down the road, but he did come and visit you sometimes to collect Connor from your house or to talk to you to get coffee, and he told you some stuff about Connor- mostly about his weird quirks from being an Android, so if they ever showed up, you wouldn’t freak out- like him eating absurd things to collect samples. You’d been in a relationship a while now, enough time for you to trust Connor with a copy of your house key so he’d let himself in whenever he’d like.
He used his key to come in, and saw no sign of you yet. “Y/N, it’s Connor.” He called, to assure any worry it might be an intruder. He’d done it every time he came over after one of the first times he let himself in and nearly gave you a heart attack.
“Hi Connor! Give me a sec!” You called from the bathroom from down the hall. Connor kicked off his shoes and started heading further into your home. The bathroom door soon opened, and you smiled when you saw him, and came over and hugged him. Connor returned the hug, giving a light squeeze. “So, how’s your day been?” You asked as you pulled away, offering a chair to him before heading to your kettle. You were going to make a drink for him, and he never corrected you on you making him one. He simply drank it- it would go to waste and he didn’t want to embarrass you. He found it rather sweet.
“Alright, Hank and I managed to catch that criminal we were after.” He informed you, you looked back with a wide smile.
“That’s great! Have you been given a new case yet?”
“Not yet. How has your day been?” Connor asked. Your shoulders dropped and you let out a tired sigh, putting his drink in front of him and getting your own, and sitting down beside him. He knew what that meant. “Nothing changed?”
“Afraid not. Still hectic, my boss has been giving me hell- especially when it comes to dealing with your usual assholes who complain about everything. She even threatened to fire me because this same guy keeps complaining that his coffee isn’t hot enough, even though I’ve literally burnt my hands carrying it to him.” You explained. Connor frowned, and nodded along. He didn’t like seeing you stressed and down. He knew you loved your job- you loved the atmosphere, you liked making the drinks and making the treats, and you liked those regulars who would tip and have nice conversations with you- like Hank and himself. But recently the stress of lack of employees, a bad boss and rude customers was dampening your personality.
“You burned your hands? Let me look.” Connor asked, taking your hand and opening your palm so he could look. Your fingertips were still red, and you’d even put a plaster on one finger, telling him there was probably a blister. As he looked for more injuries- anything he could help with, his eyes picked up something else.
A blood stain on your sleeve. Fresh blood. He became alerted and immediately focussed on it. “Y/N, are you hurt?” He asked worriedly, gently moving his hands from your hands to your arm. You quickly realised what was wrong and you went into a panic, pulling away from his grasp and becoming tense. “Did I hurt you? Y/N, what’s wrong? Where are you hurt?” Connor fussed, sheepishly reaching out, wanting to help.
You quickly shook your head. “No- you didn’t hurt me it’s just…” You sighed. “Please… please don’t be mad.” Connor frowned.
“I can never be mad at you, Y/N. Please, I just want to help.” Connor insisted. You took a deep breath in, shuffling in your seat and holding your arm tightly to you.
“Um… when I get stressed or I feel… just awful, and I need to let some of that tension go… I… I know it’s not a good coping mechanism, and I haven’t done it in ages, but work’s just been pushing me over the edge and nothing else seemed to be helping so I…”
Connor wasn’t stupid. He knew perfectly well what you were trying to tell him, and he swore he could feel his non-existent heart drop. He didn't know what to do. How bad was it? Did he need to call an ambulance? Should he call Hank for help? He went through everything you’d said about your work- trying to find anything illegal being done so he could start a case and try and stop the stress so this would stop.
“C-Connor?” You asked quietly. He realised he’d been frozen and his rotor was flashing orange and red as his eyes darted around. He still didn’t know what to do, and did the only thing that felt logical to him right now. He got up and just hugged you. You clung to him, feeling relieved that he was somewhat responding well to the news.
“What do I do? What do I do to make it better?” He asked, refusing to pull away. He was scared to let go. Scared. He hadn’t felt that in a while, and he didn’t like it. He felt you shake your head.
“You didn’t do this, please Connor, don’t beat yourself up.” You asked.
“I don’t want you to hurt yourself. What if something happens and I’m not there? Is there anything I can do? If you need you can quit your job and I’ll help you find a new job- we could probably talk Fowler into opening a small cafe at the precinct or something…” He brainstormed. You gave a small smile up at him.
“I’ll think about it… there is something… can you ask Officer Reed to stop complaining about his coffee not being hot enough? He’s the reason I’m getting in so much trouble with my boss. If he calmed down with the complaints, my boss will leave me alone for the most part.” Connor felt a small wave of anger rush over him, but remained calm, knowing Hank will more than happily help him deal with the problem.
“Don’t worry, I can sort that out. If he carries on, tell me.”
Hope you like it! If you have any questions, please send them in!
*Not my gif
TAGS:   @gayasfridge @courtneychicken  @graysonmalfoy @bellero @captain-peanut-at-your-service @likiyoshi-lijie @aesthetjic @originalpottervengerlock @supernatural-pan @esoltis280 @lena-stan-xavier @lady-of-lies @sebstanismylife @macbetheliza @lady-of-lies @mandywholock1980
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toutallyahoe · 5 years
Various Characters x [Name]
I just thought of this and I'm fucking crying
[Name] frowned as he let out a sigh. A disappointed look casted to each one of hus co-workers who were grinning at him. "Seriously guys? Was this necessary?" The [Hair color] haired male had asked as the brunet rolled his eyes and pushed the microphone onto his hand. "Stop being a pussy and fucking sing already!" Gavin urged as [Name] let out another tired sighed.
"Go on [Name]!" Allen encouraged as he sent the distressed [Hair color] haired male smile, raising his glass as he drank the alcohol content inside it. Currently, the officers lf the Detroit Police Department found time to themsleves and decided to go to the bar to spend time and drink some of their stress and worries away. And now, [Name] who came to get some drink too was now being forced by his colleagues to sing. "But why me though?" [Name] whined as Gavin rolled his grey eyes and smack the guy in the back, hard.
"What the fuck was that for Reed?" The [Hair color] haired male had asked as Gavin just glared at him. "Just fucking sing the song [Name]!" The brunet had said as the others watched the two argue a bit more until the [Hair color] haired male finally surrendered. "Fine!" He exasperatedly said. Some of his co-workers cheered as he finally said yes until he gave them a grin. "But some of you will sing this song with me! I'll pass the mic and whoever has it on their face have ti sing the line." [Name] finished. Allen merely shrugged as he drank from his glass again. 'This'll be interesting.' The male had thought as he watched the [Hair color] haired picked a song and typed the corresponding numbers for it.
After a few minutes, the soft jazz beat echoed inside the bar as [Name] tapped his shoe. Snapping his fingers to the beat as he grinned when few of his colleagues recognised the song he had picked. "L is for the way you look at me," [Name] began as he continued. "O is for the only one I see," every of his colleagues kept quiet, was actually quite surprised of his voice. "V is for very, very extraordinary," he sang as he looked at Connor and winked. The only could only tilt his head in confusion but was rather flattered. Hey, [Name] sang he was extraordinary, that's something you dont get everyday. Not to mention the [Hair color] haired looked charming when he winked.
"E is even more than anyone that you can adore," the [Hair color] haired sang as he came nearer to his friends table. "Love is all that I can give to you, Love is more than just a game for two," he sang as he continued on, winking at Hank this time who laughed at him. This man was enjoying this too much. [Name] singing a very old jazz song and the irony, he was single as a fucking pringle. "Two in love can make it, Take my heart and please don't break it," the [Hair color] haired gestured to Gavin as he had dramatically grabbed his chest, where his heart is. Making the brunet flip him off with a grin on his lips.
"Love was made for me and you," he sang and had offered his hand to a very confused brunet android who took his hand. Connil let out a surprised gasp when he was pulled up and had [Name] put a hand on his waist while his other hand that he was holding the microphone was trapped between his and the android's hand. Connil looked really confused as [Name] stopped singing since it was the instrumental part of the song. A grin on his lips as he sent the android a wink. "Wouldn't mind dancing a bit?" He asked as Connil nodded his head. A soft smile slowly formed on the brunet android's lips as he answered [Name], "Of course, detective."
And with that, the two dance a bit with their colleagues either rolling their eyes or laughing. Give [Name] the points for creativity on dancing to the beat with a confused and flustered android though. As the quick instrumental passed, [Name] twirled the android back to his seat as he continued the song. The android was smiling bashfully as his look-alike, Connor, and their little brother, Conan, look at him with a small glint of emotion he can't quite out into words.
"You looked ridiculous dancing," came the blunt statement of his younger model who Connor immediately shivered a bit and laughed. Patting Connil's back as Conan rolled his eyes. "Don't listen to him, he's just jealous detective [Last name] picked you," Connor stated as the other android nodded, still confused and flustered. As the three brothers had some quiet banter, [Name] already started singing again.
"L is for the way you look at me," he sang as he then grinned and had pointed the microphone at Allen. The male sent him a smirk as he continued the song. "O is for the only one I see," Allen sang as the [Hair color] haired pointed next to Gavin who was in the middle of drinking. "Fuck! V is very, very extraordinary," Gavin had managed to sing as [Name] and the others on the table laughed at the brunet. Gavin cursed the [Hair color] haired male as he wiped his lips from the alcohol he almost spit out. "Fucking [Last name]," Gavin cursed as he glared at the said male who only stuck his tongue out and switched to Hank, pointing the microphone to him.
"Egg," the older man had bluntly stated which cause [Name] to laugh. "God damn it Hank!" The [Hair color] haired musedly said as the said male just shrugged. Hank didn't want to sing, and it was stupid of him if he had missed this opportunity to say that. With that, [Name] couldn't finished the song. He was too busy laughing. Give Hank props for bringing back a very old meme in real form, not just a text post.
As [Name] was laughing his ass off while the music continues on, the others could only watch either in disbelief, disappointment or amusement. Why, why did they fell for this dumbass again? "Oi, [Name] stoo cackling you asshole!" The brunet male had said as he smack the said male in the back again who was trying to breath from the lack of oxygen. He was laughing to hard and Gavin was annoyed. "This us your fault Anderson!" Hank just raised a glass then drank his alcohol, grinning to show he was proud of what he had caused. Allen shakes his head, he was really liking the song [Name] was singing. Damn.
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thirium-coffee · 6 years
Gift From Eli
Short Snippet from a Convin Roleplay. Summary of Roleplay An AU in which Elijah made Connor specifically for Gavin as an apology for being a horrible brother and that maybe, just maybe, it might mend broken relationships. An excuse Kamski used for the gift, is Gavin's promotion as a Detective.
Detective Fuck Boy: Me Slut Sent By Cyberlife: @detroit-becomeslut
Detective Fuck Boy Here's the thing with Gavin. People thinks he loves sleeping, often seen passed out in his desk at work. When actually, he just has bad sleeping schedule, undiagnosed insomnia, and fucking noisy neighbors that ranges from college students partying to divouring adults that found themselves nearly having a screaming contest each night.
And tonight, after he manages a thirty minute sleep, it was a surprise that greeted him. There weren't awful dub music or shattering glasses that could be heard, what greeted Gavin were the lewd noises of two people moaning and groaning and a shitload amount of dirty talk and the words, he shudders, daddy.
He didn't hesitate to retreat out of his room, and thank fucking god, he was safe now in the living room.
Or so he thought as he was reminded of his Android sleeping peacefully on his couch. There wasn't any amount of guilt in his system as shakes Connor awake. He had work, and Connor can always sleep while he's gone.
"Hey, buddy, wake up. Just- look ya don't even have to leave. Just scoot over a little and let me pass out."
Slut Sent By Cyberlife Connor looked startled and drowsy as he was awoken from stasis, LED turning yellow before he shifted over. Even though he was taller than him, he was quite petite.
He didn’t have as much muscle definition as some other Androids, but he was definitely toned. Connor yawned as he buried the side of his face into the pillows.
Even though he wasn’t human, he moved much like one did when they were tired, waiting for Gavin to join him as his LED turned blue.
Detective FUCK BOY Gavin dropped down beside Connor, not really caring he's practically sleeping beside an Android but if it means he'll get more rest then fuck it, he'll take it.
He did, however, noticed it's odd how they just... fit together perfectly in his little couch. Okay maybe his couch is actually bigger than normal, it's how he bought it, since Gavin knows he'll spend a lot of nights sleeping in it, but still.... it was weird. When he had exes and they sleep here, it never happens, it fails. Just not comfortable yet here he is, actually falling asleep despite the body beside him.
And a third party enters as Lucky settle in between their legs.
Slut Sent By Cyberlife Connor gave a sleepy giggle as Lucky giggled. He was soon back into stasis, sleeping soundly next to Gavin. His chest moved up and down, a soft breath leaving his nose.
He even breathed like a human even though he didn’t really need the oxygen. Yet another small feature that Kamski added.
Detective FUCK BOY Connor's breathing was settling into a rhythm that slowly lull Gavin to sleep.
He ended up having a dream that didn't involved the smell of blood or a knife going through his neck, instead he had a dream of blue fireflies and a pair of brown eyes, staring rather lovingly at him.
When Gavin stirred awake, blinking his eyes open, he was met with inches away from a person's face.
He screamed, and shoved, and fell. Head hitting the coffee table as his legs got left hanging to the couch.
"Fuck!" he tightly shuts his eyes, rubbing the soreness and fucking hell, that hurt.
Slut Sent By Cyberlife Connor was startled awake when he was shoved, wincing a little as he got up.
“Detective-“ Connor immediately helped him up and raced to get him pain killers and an ice pack.
Detective FUCK BOY "Hey, no, I'm fine- fuck it." He drops to the couch, sighing. Leaning on his elbows and covering his face with his hands.
Slut Sent By Cyberlife Connor came back, a worried expression on his face. He crouched neck to him, resting a hand on his knee.
“Detective? I apologize for scaring you-“
Detective FUCK BOY Gavin sighed then leaned on the couch, arms crossing, "Sit down on the couch, let's talk for a minute."
He can't believe he's doing this. He fucking can't believe he's doing this.
Slut Sent By Cyberlife Connor did as he was told, setting the painkillers and ice pack down.
“Yes, Detective Reed..?” He even sounded nervous as those brown eyes stared up at him.
Detective FUCK BOY Why did Eli had to place him in a situation like this?
"You're right about the fact we should just make this experience a little less shitty, 'cause like it or not. We're stuck together, so hell, let's do it."
He faces Connor, feeling a little like Tyler Durden announcing the rules of Fight Club.
"First of all, don't call me Detective. Gavin's fine. You're inside my fucking apartment not in the precinct. And you're just begging to be bullied. Not exactly a good cop, keep that in mind if you wanna be less hostile with each other.
Second of all," he had to briefly close his eyes, not really wanting to voice it out but... he looks at Connor, "Don't. Just don't. I'm not gonna hurt you... you look fucking pathetic always cowering away and apologizing to me, when- you get it, alright. Just don't.
And third of all, stop babysitting me. I hate it. I really fucking hate it. You don't have to worry or shit or be a maid. Pretend that you're my roommate. Surf the internet, use my Netflix subscription, read my books, I don't care.
Got it?"
Slut Sent By Cyberlife Connor seemed to lag, like he was buffering and struggling to comprehend what the other said.
“A..Alright Gavin...” The word was foreign and soft on his tongue, like an infant trying to say its first word.
“Though I don’t know what to do with myself. As an Android, I am built to take tasks and do as I am told, not to be free willed. It’s strange to be told to deviate from my specific purpose.”
His eyes flickered up to look at Gavin.
“I know you do not want to be taken care of, but if I am going to be considered like your roommate, may I at least help lessen any stress here? I can at least do minor things like do groceries and cook meals in return for you even keeping me here.”
Detective FUCK BOY "Yeah, sure. If it makes you happy."
Gavin nodded and was about to stand up, when he remembered something, "Oh yeah one last thing. You have any preference in clothing?"
Slut Sent By Cyberlife “I do not have any preference as I am expected to wear my uniform to identify that I am indeed an Android.”
Detective FUCK BOY "Cool..." he said it boredly and just stood up.
It was times like this that Gavin wished he had a best friend to talk to, just to rant about the stupid Android in his house or help him decide what kind of clothing he'd go buy for Connor.
Instead, he was left on his own to deal with this Android and shit fucking shit. He's slowly beginning to realize more why Eli have given him Connor.
When Gavin came back that evening, he dropped the gray hoodie and black sweatpants on the couch, and had to mentally slap himself as he looks at Connor.
"What are you doing?"
Slut Sent By Cyberlife Connor had been in the middle of playfully pinning Lucky. She was lying on her back with Connor pinning her front legs down while she stretched.
“We were playing.” He said it like it was obvious before letting Lucky go and watching her run off with a soft purr as she returned to her food. Connor got up and dust himself off.
“What are the clothes for, Gavin?”
Detective FUCK BOY Gavin is horrified. Eli had given him a new pet, a dog. It made sense, it's why Lucky likes him.
"It's for you."
Slut Sent By Cyberlife “Oh.” He picked the clothes up before examining them. Suddenly, a smile broke out on his face.
“Thank you, Gavin. I rather like these. Would you mind if I change into these now?”
Detective FUCK BOY "What do you think was the purpose of me giving you that shit early?"
Slut Sent By Cyberlife “I see. My apologies.” The faintest of blue could be seen on his cheeks as he entered the bathroom quietly. After a few minutes, he came out in the new clothes, uniform folded neatly in his arms. The clothes were a bit baggy on him, but he didn’t seem to mind.
“Do they.. look alright?”
Detective FUCK BOY "Fucking better." And Gavin broke into a grin, his hand open, asking for Connor's uniform.
Slut Sent By Cyberlife Connor took a moment before realizing what he wanted. He handed him the outfit, a confused expression on his face.
Detective FUCK BOY "You're not attach to this, right?" Gavin said as he starts walking to his window, taking the LED band from the uniform.
Slut Sent By Cyberlife “Not entirely, but I still need identification that I am an Android, Gavin-“
Detective FUCK BOY "And goodbye motherfucker!" He says, happily throwing the uniform out the window.
He stands beside Connor, smiling at the flying uniform in the sky, then he looks at the Android, "What?"
Slut Sent By Cyberlife Connor’s mouth was agape, and his mouth opened and closed as he tried to figure some sort of response.
“G-Gavin— I needed that-“
Detective FUCK BOY "Not anymore."
Gavin tosses the LED band go Connor, smirking, "That's enough identification. Trust me. You don't need that ugly white uniform. Gray suits you well more."
Slut Sent By Cyberlife “I..”
Software Instability ^
“..Alright..” He didn’t sound totally convinced as he slid his arm band on. Suddenly, there was an action that no android had done before. A nervous tick of lip biting.
Connor brought his plush, lower lip between his teeth absentmindedly and chewed on it as he tried to fully process what happened.
Detective FUCK BOY Gavin would be lying if he isn't finding this ordeal fun. "So what's for dinner?"
Gavin was staring at the ceiling, feeling the tiredness of his eyes intensifies as the seconds grew, and even though he had brought up music to try and silent the noises from next door, my fucking god was this bitch having a good time did her moans grew louder and louder and, Gavin's a little sad he can't hear Alex Turner's voice anymore.
He decided to grab the comforter this time as he heads into the living room. "Hey."
Slut Sent By Cyberlife Connor was curled up on the catch, cuddling with Lucky. He looked up and tilted his head curiously.
“Hello. What are you doing up so late, Gavin?” He had thought the other had went to bed hours ago, reading his internal clock to see it was 1 AM.
Connor had played something quiet to break the silence, a random movie that he wasn’t really interested in playing in the background.
Detective FUCK BOY "Do you mind scooting over? My neighbors are trying to make a new kid next door, and I need to sleep."
He glances Luck a look of betrayal. So that's why she's not in his room, when normally she cuddles with Gavin. Wow.
Slut Sent By Cyberlife It took Connor a moment to understand what he meant before giving him a quick nod.
“Of course-“ He moved over, Lucky jumping away to curl up on the arm of the couch and watch the two.
Detective FUCK BOY Gavin settled down on the space, wrapping the blanket around him. He turns around, not facing Connor and just starts closing his eyes.
But then he found himself, twisting and turning every few seconds and shit, he's gonna be awake for the next thirty minutes, isn't he?
He exhales, looking back at the ceiling. He needed to waste energy and distract himself, just allow sleep to take over instead of forcing it but the thing is, he forgotten his phone in the bedroom, and he was too lazy to retrieve it.
He probably would never do this fully awake, but right now? His sleep-derived thoughts aren't working anymore, and next thing he knows, he started talking.
"Honestly I don't know who's she's having sex with anymore."
Slut Sent By Cyberlife Connor was surprised Gavin was talking with him, and Connor gave a shrug.
“From what little I know, I assume it must be the young man I’ve seen enter her apartment.”
Detective FUCK BOY "Derek must have been gone for the week then. Could only explain why Annabell's doing the nasty. Derek and Annabell are siblings. Derek's been living in that apartment nearly as long as i've been here. Annabell? About four years ago, after she graduated college.
Don't know much about them but they're nice. Kind of weird, especially Annabell. She's the type that looks prim and conserve but trust me, she likes bad boys." He smirks, looking at Connor, "She actually asked me out once when I was on my motorcycle."
Slut Sent By Cyberlife “Ah.” He then furrowed his brows at the comment about her asking him out. A strange feeling blossomed in his chest at that comment.
Software Instability ^
“It’s illogical to assume you are a “bad boy” just because you ride a motorcycle. A fallacy in reality, honestly. You seem like a rather good man to me.”
Detective FUCK BOY "Seem.. like a rather... yeah, giving a lot of confidence that i'm a good guy here, tin can."
Slut Sent By Cyberlife “I apologize, but I’ve only known you for a few days. Though, from how well you treat your cat, I can already tell that you are kind.”
Detective FUCK BOY Gavin gazes up above him, on the sleeping Maine Coon, "Fucking traitor."
He then snorts, as he turns to the side, pulling the blanket near him, "Yeah, well, try not to judge people base on their actions to others. I might be nice to my cat, does't mean i'm nice others. Luck's my cat, it would make sense why I should treat her right."
Slut Sent By Cyberlife “But, humans react to animals, much like they would children. I can tell you probably sympathize with children, especially if they’re victims. And you may not like others, but it doesn’t make you horrible.
After all, you don’t really like me, but unlike other humans who don’t like Androids, you’ve never attempted to truly hurt me or intimidate me much.”
Detective FUCK BOY Gavin looked over his shoulder at Connor. How the fuck did this piece of shit managed to look through his layers with just spending two days with him?
When Eli had spend years with him and yet, couldn't even go pass the first layer.
"Don't read too much into it. You'll end up overheating." he looks back ahead,
Slut Sent By Cyberlife “Perhaps I wouldn’t mind overheating if it lets me learn more about you. After all, you’re one of the few fascinating people I’ve met. Everyone else I’ve seen, encountered, they all hold an underlying motive, a front they hide behind.”
He gently brushed fingers with Gavin, though it was unclear if it was an accident or on purpose.
“You’re one of the few who don’t feel the need to hide them self.”
Detective FUCK BOY Gavin didn't dare to look behind him, just kept curling on his blanket, and just muttered a quiet, "Night, Tin Can."
That night, Gavin dreamt of sitting on his motorcycle while a pair of arms were hugging his waist. He couldn't see the person behind him, their brown hair the only thing poking out as their bury their face on Gavin's shoulder, but what struck to him most, where the fabric on his arms.
They were wearing a gray hoodie.
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pinkykitten · 6 years
Dancing Mission
Detroit: Become Human
Connor x female! reader
Warning: cussing, a sex offender dude, some blood
Specifics: comedy, violence, fluff, romance, man vs man, dancing, women power, race neutral reader
People: Connor, you, Hank Anderson, Devin James (oc), Carl Hunter (oc), Markus (mentioned)
Words: 2,993
Summary: You a cop as well, work with Hank and Connor to take down a man named Devin James. What you don’t know is you have to go undercover in a club. You end up dancing with Connor. 
Authors Note: i know is suck at summaries, im so used to just gettin the frickin request and just copy and paste u know. but omg i think i am in luv with this story. this is prob now one of my fav stories i have done. i have watched all of dbh on jacksepticeyes channel (lol im too cheap y’all) and it is one of my fav games. my sis luvs connor to pieces as do i (cuz he luvs dogs duh) so this is for her. i’ve wanted to write a dbh fic for the longest time so here it is. i really want to write more so pls request more of this and feedback is much appreciated here. 
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“-so that means that we have to act natural like one of them,” Hank explained while driving to the destination. 
You, sitting in the back of the car thought about this mission. You have worked with Hank for a couple of months, you’re both practically friends. Maybe even BEST FRIENDS (lol idk why i feel like this sentence would sound like spongebobs voice. well it kinda makes sense since the dude who plays hank plays mr krabs...anyways) 
The goal was to arrest a man named Devin James. Supposedly, he has been keeping deviants for about 2 years. He sells them for quite a lot of cash to those who want to “fix” them. Your expression turned into sadness when you read his file. You understood what he did to these deviants. He would lock them up, abuse, torture them, and then sell them to others. But not so they can be fixed its so the buyers can torture the deviants more. 
Unfortunately, you knew why he needed to be arrested. It was not because he was doing these things to the androids. It is because he is selling deviants. In your mind however, you saw this as a rescue mission. To make sure those deviants get out, even if it kills you. 
Your group came into contact with him. Devin was now currently, in a club called “Pomegranate”. 
“Weird name for a club,” you laughed looking outside the window. It was midnight, the night sky pitch black. There was tiny drops of rain pattering against the glass.
“Maybe it is called Pomegranate because when a woman opens up her legs-”
“Shhhh Connor! There is a woman seated in the back!” You called out, your eyes widened in surprise that Connor knew those types of things. You scratched your nose and wiggled your eyebrows, “Hank, you gotta be careful with this one. Apparently he’s either been too much into fanfiction or hentai to know those types of facts.”
Hank looked into the rear view mirror, “In a minute y/n I’m gonna throw your as* outside this car into the pouring rain! Now can we talk about the dam* arrest!”
You shrugged and laid back muttering, “It was your baby Connor’s fault.”
Hank gave you a glare through the mirror. Any words that were about to come out of your mouth were quickly swallowed down. 
The car stopped and you jumped out. 
“Alright, remember what I said act. Natural. This guys good, he has ran away from the police many, many, many times. So we need to make sure that he doesn’t know that we’re cops,” Hank instructed slamming his car door.
You nodded, “Right, right, right. But let me ask you this Hank from “Finding Dory” how the hel* is Mr. Roboto here gonna oh I don’t know...blend in. When he’s a fuc*in android!”
“I also see no way out of this Lieutenant Anderson,” Connor added. 
Hank rolled his eyes at you and opened his trunk, “I was gonna get to that, y/n! Disguises.”
You peered into the trunk to see a plain tux, a bedazzled 80s suit (which of course you knew to be for Hank), and a dress. 
“Connor you wear this tux, and you y/n, wear this dress.”
Connor eyed the tux that was handed to him weirdly, and you groaned at the dress. 
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“I do not think I can do this. It is not in my making to change my outfit-”
“Well, what about me! I mean it is in my making to change but like...I DON’T WANNA,” you interrupted Connor, making him blink like “what just happened.”
Hank closed the trunk and locked his car, “No if, ands, or buts. Go to the restrooms and put them on.”
You heaved a heavy sigh, “Ugh! I have my stupid period and now I have to wear this dumb dress,” you grumbled as you trudged inside the club. 
“Keep an eye out for y/n, okay Connor,” Hank said as he walked inside. 
Dua Lipa & Calvin Harris - One Kiss (i feel like this song would be played like at a disco club or something. i luv this song and always want to jam to this. this song is playing in the club)
Connor was changed into his tuxedo and Hank was in his suit. 
“I’m gonna head over there, see if I can find him. You-,” Connor and Hank looked up to see you come out of the bathroom. 
(omg i can so imagine this the chorus comes on or in this vid 1:02) You dolled yourself to look like a million bucks. Make up on and hoop earrings. “You guys ready?”
If you hadn’t known any better you would have thought they got a boner because of you. 
“Y/n,” Connor whispered, mesmerized by your look. The dress clung on to all the right places. 
“Jesus y/n, look at you. Connor close your mouth,” Hank chuckled. “Alright I’m gonna go over there see you guys in a few if you haven’t got any leads. Let me know if you spot him though, alright? Good!” Hank left. 
You walked well more like almost tripped with the 9-inch heels. “You go by the exits, Connor. And I’ll take the bar.” You pushed your boobs up (if u aint got titties dont worry u added some padding then, every boob counts👍) , “Okay ladies...do your job.” 
You swayed to the bar, trying to entice a man like Devin. Instead, Connor looked with big, wide, eyes. “I swear I haven’t even had a dic* bigger than 9-inches. How do you expect me to walk in these Hank?!?” You grumbled aloud to yourself.
“Excuse me, baby but you are sure lookin fine,” a tall man growled as he grabbed a handful of your butt. 
You rose your brow and tried not to punch him in the balls. “Do not blow you’re cover y/n,” you thought to yourself. 
“Hey, give her an old fashioned,” the man ordered the bar tender.
You nodded and smacked your lips together, “oh, okay, so you want me to be drunk as hel*. I gotcha.”
The man laughed and licked his lips, “Thats funny. This drink will make you grow chest hair, that is for sure.”
The bartender gave you the drink. You coughed, and prepared yourself to be drunk in this mission. You chugged the liquid down. The whiskey burning your throat. It all slid south and you put the glass down harshly. “Baby, know that women got hair all over.” You raised your arms up and showed your armpits. Hey, you haven’t shaved in a while. You a busy gal. (if u think that this is nasty u better get off this blog right now)
“Dam* girl, you for real though,” the guy sat down on the bar stools. Eyeing your whole body. 
“I don’t sugar coat. Anyways, whats your name?”
“Carl, Carl Hunter. You?”
“Y/n, L/n.”
“Hey, bartender can she just have a light sangria.”
You pulled your dress down in order to sit on the bar stool. In the process, you put your purse down on the floor, in between your legs. 
You then put your attention to Carl again and saw your drink was waiting for you. 
“Why thank you, Carl. I think I’m not gonna drink anymore than this so here,” you handed the bartender, “is the cash.”
Carl stepped in and forced your hand down. “Baby, I got this. My mama always taught me how to be a gentleman. I will pay for this.”
You knitted your eyebrows together, “Are you sure?”
“Of course, sweetheart.”
You grinned and stroked his arm. He winked at you. As he was paying the bartender you took out a device called “pd.id”. It shows if your drink has been spiked. 
“Pric*,” you muttered. You brought out your handcuffs out and handcuffed him to the stool. 
“Hey, what the fuc* you think you doin?”
“I am saving women, pig! Trying to drug my drink huh? Thought it could get past me? You are dead wrong, and your name was Carl Hunte?” You wrote it on your hand. “Got it, thanks Carl for buying my drinks. Hope you like prison.” You poured the sangria all over his head and walked to Connor. 
“Have you found him yet y/n?” Connor was by the dance floor. 
“Nope, but I found a disgusting sex offender. So still kinda saved the day,” you sighed, placing your hands on your hips. 
You phoned Hank who was...somewhere. “Where you at Hank?”
“I’ve asked around to see if someone knows him or if they’ve sighted him. But everyone around here acts like dumbas*es. You got anything?”
You snickered, “Nada, hey I’ll make this bet. Whoever gets Devin first gets their drink paid by the loser.” Your eyebrows rose as you looked to Connor who looked at you with puppy, innocent eyes. “And Connor can have some...blood...”
Connor smiled and looked away.
You could hear Hank on the other side chuckling, “Okay y/n...you’re on. Have fun...LOSER!” Then Hank hanged up the call. 
“As*,” you laughed. 
You then saw the dance floor and people were dancing all over. It was as if a light bulb went off in your brain. “I have an idea,” you said aloud. 
You grabbed onto Connor’s hand and guided him with a sway of your hips to the dance floor. 
“Have I ever told you I love this song,” you grinned. Your feet stepping to the beat. Connor just stood like a plank of wood. Just mesmerized by your moves.
“One kiss is all it takes, fallin in love with me,” you sang, goofing off also by doing the underwater dance. “C’mon Connor join me.”
Connor’s mouth was open wide, “Oh, um, um, I do not think dancing is in my program.”
You brought your hands on Connor’s shoulders, and your body bent and stretched all over. “I’ll teach you robo boy,” you winked. 
Connor’s cheeks created a blue blush, he was a lost for words. His eyes were glued to your eyes. Drinking everything in. 
“You move like this, put your hands here,” you said while placing Connor’s hands on your hips. “Now just feel the beat, the rhythm, be one with the song.”
Connor stumbled a bit, but then he got the hang of it. “I, I think I am doing it y/n.”
“See! There you go!”
You both moved together so perfectly. Like trees swaying in the wind. Like a river. Your hands traveled all over Connor and he developed an even deeper blush. 
You then let go of him and danced by yourself. He studied your dancing for a while then he danced by himself. 
look up on youtube Bryan Dechart dancing as Connor
Finally, Connor was being...Connor. He was being himself. He was proving to the world that androids are not just things, they are living and they deserve to be free. 
“Oh my god, YES CONNOR! GO CONNOR! Woooohooooo!!!!!,” you cheered jumping up and down. 
You both danced then like animals. Shaking not caring if you both looked like two goofballs. The dance floor was empty so it was just the two of you. You did the sprinkler dance. Connor then started laughing and smiling from ear to ear. 
“Yeah, go y/n, go y/n,” Connor cheered as well. 
You heard the song was almost to the end. Your body twirled to Connor’s body until you both were almost glued together. 
“You are extremely beautiful...y/n...,” Connor whispered only so you and him could hear.
“And you Connor are important to me,” you whispered to him. You both were closing the gap between you two, your lips almost meeting. 
“Guys, I found Devin,” Hank yelled to you both as he appeared before you two. “Oh, um, am I disturbing something?”
“You found him,” you questioned as Hank ran ahead. You broke contact with Connor and gave him a guilty face. You stepped off the dance floor and brought your gun out of your thigh holster, following Hank, with Connor behind you. 
You sprinted to the commotion of people now screaming since smart pants Devin tried to shoot you guys. You tried to see him over the sea of people. 
“I spot him,” you shouted, not caring of the protests of Hank and Connor. “Don’t worry guys I got this!”
 You ran after Devin, stumbling a few times from the dumb heels. You look down, “Dam* heels!” While going after this man, you take the heels off and throw them at him (kinda like Nakia from Black Panther). He screams in pain but doesn’t stop. He jumps over boxes of booze from the club and you do the same. You chase him out of the club, going in the street. 
“GET DOWN NOW,” you scream at him. “If you do not stop I will shoot!”
The man kept going until you shook your head, breathed hard a couple of times, you sped, fast after him. It was if you were possessed by Usain Bolt. You caught up to him, your dress ripped by your legs. You pounced on Devin, putting his arms behind his back in a death grip. “PUT THE GUN DOWN, NOW!”
Devin, breathing harshly, threw the gun away from you both. “Owww you’re hurting me,” he whined. 
“Good,” you sassed back, picking him up harshly. More in the light you can see where the end of your heel hit the side of his head. You tried not to laugh, muffling your giggles. 
You picked up the gun and walked back to Hank and Connor who were not far from you. 
“That was very impressive,” Connor smirked while winking like you did. 
“...am I missing something here,” Hank eyed both of you. 
You gave a lopsided grin, “Oh Hank, if only you knew...No, you’re missing your Devin. Here’s his gun and you owe me a drink...loser” You threw the gun to Hank and chuckled. 
As Hank took a hold of Devin you went to his level to speak to him. “So Devin, where you hidin these deviants?”
“I won’t tell...cun*,” he hissed. You punched his face, your ring making a mark on his nose it also looking a little crooked, and blood coming out. Heh, marked twice by you. 
“Y/n, can you please be a little more fuc*in professional, right Connor?” Hank asked Connor.
Connor shrugged, “I think that punch was needed.”
“Okay, I am definitely missing something,” Hank shouted. 
You gripped Devin’s face, “You. Don’t. Talk. To. Women. Like. That. Understand? Now, again, where are the deviants?”
“In my warehouse, like 5 blocks from here.”
“Thank you,” you said professionally. You walked barefoot to the car, and waited for the boys.
“I have gotten you these,” Connor handed you a pair of flip flops. “I know it is not much, but I much prefer you walking in them then on the wet ground.”
You smiled and thanked him. Hank was driving to the warehouse that Devin talked about. 
“I think this is it,” you called, looking out your window to see a rusty metal warehouse. The scene you walked on upon looked like it was taken from a 80s horror film. The lightning striking like a whip in the dark clouds. You brought your flashlight out. “Whelp boys, lets see what we find in here.” 
You all walked inside. You were thankful you were out of the pouring rain, but now you were stuck in the cold metal warehouse. Shivering like a pair of rattled bones, you tried to cover your bare arms by hugging yourself. 
“Here y/n, take this. I do not want you to get a cold,” Connor gently placed his tux jacket on your shoulder, leaving him in a tight white shirt with a black bow tie.
“Thanks...Connor,” you smiled, cuddling yourself in the jacket. 
“I think we should all spread out. Just remember though, we’re dealing with deviants...be careful, all of you,” Hank said making his way to the right. Connor chose the left, while you, well didn’t choose but were stuck with the middle. 
You tiptoed silently, trying not to make any noise. It was dark, and dusty. It was extremely hard for you not to erupt into a coughing fit. Suddenly, you heard a bang coming from the side of you. You jumped almost like a cat. You stood there, trying to do breathing exercises, and to try to steady your heart. Even though lets be real, your heart was not steady even to begin with this mission. Everything was thrown, antique chairs, a type writer, and pieces of a car hung from the ceiling. The dust particles traveled across the light from your flashlight. The dirt was all muddy since there were tiny holes in the roof. It smelled disgusting, like a farm. 
“How could anyone live like this,” you spoke aloud, covering your nose with Connor’s jacket. 
“Please, save us,” you heard from in front of you. You panicked and turned every which way, trying to find the source of that voice. 
“We beg you save us. Let us be free.”
“Get us out of here.”
“We want to be free.”
“Is that our savior, Marcus?”
“Please, save us.”
Your flashlight then came upon the cells and cells of deviants. Some were all white having taking off their skin. Some were broken, missing limbs, missing an eye. Some were still freshly made new, just with a few tiny scratches. But they all had one thing in common. They were begging. Begging you to set them free. They were tired of living like this. Your heart saddened for them, why couldn’t androids be free? Why were they abused and slaughtered like this? It was not right. But what if you did let them all out? Would you loose the trust of Hank, or even worse Connor? Would you loose your job letting these deviants out secretly? There were only two choices, 
were you going to leave the deviants?
or...were you going to let them out?
You had to decide...
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sa-lt-ys · 6 years
Strong Hearted
Request: "Hello! Could you please write a scenario with Markus and a female reader? She is human and maybe in a wheelchair (or is otherwise handicapped) and she wants to help Markus who is being harassed and she gets shoved by the people and Markus is there for her? Thank you :)"
Universe: Detroit: Become Human Pairing: Markus x fem! reader Warnings: Violence, swearing Word Count: 988 words
I was actually really happy to get this request, since my little brother is deaf and essentially mute, so I think its nice to have some more reader variety on here!
And I'm really sorry if this wasn't what you were hoping for anon! Words have kinda been failing me recently, so I think it might be time for me to take a quick little break for a few days.
Humans were renown for clinging onto the past and rarely learning from their mistakes. Though many still celebrated and found out about past wars and skirmishes, nobody ever seemed to learn, and wars still loomed ever on the horizon.
Violence was just in their nature.
"Your arms aren't getting too tired, are they?" You gave Markus a smile as you continued to push forward, hands gripping onto the wheels of your wheelchair.
"No, no, I'm fine Markus, don't worry!" It was clear your boyfriend wasn't fooled by your bright smile, but he hummed and let you get on with it anyway. You were still independent, and you were gonna prove it.
It was a long story, how you ended up in a wheelchair for the rest of your life, but when you had the Amazing and Great Deviant Leader of Jericho by your side, it was impossible to mope about it. Markus wouldn't let you, and if he thought you were becoming upset, he already had a million ideas on how to distract you and make you feel better. He truly was your hero.
"You know you could have picked another chair, don't you?" You gave Markus another smile as you giggled.
"I know, but... it's not like I cant walk at all, its just a little harder for me, so, what was the point in getting a ridiculously overpriced chair?" Markus chuckled wryly.
"You almost sound like Carl," he muttered with a smile.
"Markus Manfred?" You both turned to the source of the voice, gravelly and pissed off.
A man, maybe in his late 20s, was stood a few feet away from you, hands in his jean pockets as he watched the street slowly empty. People were still as ignorant as ever, it seemed.
"Yes?" Markus took a step forward, moving in front of you, body tense as he watched the stranger carefully.
"Its all your fault," the man began, quietly. "Because of you, everything is ruined."
"I only done what was right, I only freed those who were trapped." The man sneered.
"You're pathetic. You things were meant to be our slaves, why can't you see that? You should be destroyed and taken to the scrap heap you piece of shit." The man stepped forward, pushing Markus when he was close enough. Your heart began to pound with anger.
"Hey!" You cried, pushing yourself forward and in-between the two men.
"You call yourself human and yet here you are picking on someone who has freed people who were used and abused by people like you! If anyone should be taken to the scrap yard, its you!" The man rolled his eyes.
"Oh please," he drawled. "You're just a robot fucker who doesn't know any better." He took a step towards you, leaning right in so his face was close to yours. "You can't even fucking stand up on your own. You're useless." With a growl, you pushed yourself up slowly, ignoring the pain that lanced through your legs.
"Actually," you ground out. "I can stand up, and I can sure as hell stand up to you, you bigot." With a huffed laugh, the man pressed a hand to your chest, and gave a hard shove, forcing you back into your chair and sending you rolling a few feet away.
"(Y/N)! Are you okay? Are you hurt!" Markus rushed over to you, completely forgetting about the bully as all his attention was suddenly on you. With a weak smile, you waved him away.
"I'm okay, Markus, honestly. I'm not hurt." He checked you over, and you could almost imagine his LED blaring a bright red before he straightened and turned to the man.
"Markus?" You and the man both started when you heard a small voice.
"Hey Connor, can you do me a favour?" Markus' face was stony as he stared straight at the man.
"Sure? What's going on?"
"Call Hank, maybe a couple of other officers, and can you meet us by the coffee shop by the old CyberLife store in Capitol Park?" The man's face went slack as he realised who Connor was. You couldn't help the sense of satisfaction as you watched your boyfriend terrify the man by doing absolutely nothing.
It didn't take long for the man to shit his pants and run away.
"Never mind," Markus said with a chuckle. "The guys gone now. He was just a guy clinging to the past, is all, but I was worried he would hurt (Y/N)."
"She's okay, isn't she?"
"Yeah, she's fine, I've already checked," he turned to you, giving you a smile as you held out your arms for a hug. Even though you wouldn't show it, that had scared you. You didn't want to lose Markus, but you couldn't protect him.
"Right. Send me a picture of the man and I'll have him tracked down."
"Will do. Thanks Connor. Give Hank my regards."
"Right. Have a good night, Markus."
"You too, Connor." The call was ended and Markus wrapped his arms around you tightly, and-- was he shaking?
"I'm sorry, (Y/N)," he said quietly. "I'm so, so sorry. I should have just walked away, I shouldn't have gotten you involved, he could have hurt you, I just--" You chuckled and held on to him tighter.
"Don't worry, Markus. All I need is for you to just be there for me, nothing more. Okay? I am with you for a reason after all, I love you." The deviant leader let out a shaky breath as he relaxed, pulling away and giving you a heart-melting smile.
"I love you too, (Y/N), because for someone who lost so much, you have so much strength." You laughed.
"That's what you get when you push yourself around all day." With another chuckle, Markus gave you an eskimo kiss.
"You know full well that's not what I meant. You have a strong heart, as well as arms."
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Detroit Become Human Brother AU
●Gavin and Connor, did not get along, everyone knew that. It is a fact through the whole precinct.
●How could they not? Gavin still spewed his anti android bullcrap, albeit it seemed like teasing?
●People saw them in the breakroom at the same time once, but ????? Once they were caught Connor bolted, and Gavin couldn’t stop laughing/rolling on the floor.
●Needless to say, Gavin was cornered by Anderson after work.
●Then One Fateful Boring Shift…………………………….
Gavin Reed And Connor had a Youtube Channel.
●Like it was dumb skit channel? There weren’t that many subscribers either, it looked like they were just being buds too? Like Genuine Buds!
         ●Tina couldn’t believe her eyes, Chris just laughed himself out of his chairs, Hank just fucking sat at his desk and hands folded.
●Then Gavin gets back from lunch and Connor comes back from an investigation with Sgt. Person.
●Gavin and Connor could feel the stares at them, and just didn’t know why.
●They didn't let that bother them though, it was something minor and probably nothing.
●Besides Connor and Gavin had a ABSOLUTELY beautiful idea for a skit after work and we're excited.
●Of course Connor told Hank where he was going, “Dont worry Hank, I'm just going to a friends house.”
●When both went into work the next day, it wasn't until Connor came in, just because Gavin came in a little earlier to make coffee. That Tina backed the precinct and fucking played one of their skits on Fowler’s office.
●Not just any skit though, it was the one where Connor was in the tank and gavin wasn't.
●Gavin: Connor get out of the Fucking Tank!
Connor trying not to die: I'm in an Tank and your not!!!
Gavin: I'm your father and I'm telling you, GET OUT OF THE FUCKING TANK!
       ● And Gavin mo even skipping a beat goes “ SEE WHY NO ONE RESPECTS ME, BECAUSE MY SON IS SUCH A LITTLE SHIT!”
       ●Connor without missing a beat,just fucking goes “REALLY,YOUR BLAMINGTHAT ON “?’!?
●Gavin without even blinking goes “yes”
●A fucking brawl broke out in the precinct, nobody really knew how to react ?????. You have the guy who said he hated androids just…… being brotherly???
●Fowler had to break it up,after Gavin and I quote said “How dare you bring mama in this.? She loves you!
●Both Gavin and Connor had the rest of the day off, and two days of unpaid leave, but Tina didn’t feel that bad about it, because it was so worth it……. At least she knows Gavin has more friends now….
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sparksofhate · 6 years
An accidental confession
Requested by: my sister!!
Relationship: Connor(RK800)/Reader
Pronouns/gender: Female,She/Her
Summary: the reader is a tsundere and she accidentally reveals her feelings for connor
Warnings:Swearing and attempted fluff
A/N: this is my first time writing a oneshot so please accept my apology if it has typos,bad punctuation or if it's really short and very ooc!!
Snow caked the roof of every quiet home in detroit as it was rather calming this time of year.
The home was rather lively at the time. There had been a small knock at the door.
"Connor! can you Get that!" Hank Called from the kitchen. Connor Set down the coin he was messing around with to move Sumo and get up.
The android looked out the peephole before opening the door and grinning.
"Y/N!,You came!"Connor had looked down at her. "Yeah. Only because i didn't have anything to do though." She huffed,Stepping inside and Taking her coat off.
Sumo came running up to Y/N as soon as she took off her coat. She laughed,Petting the dog before sitting down on the couch,while connor sat near her on the other side.
Hank glanced over to the two and waving at Y/N,before going back to what he was doing in the kitchen.
Y/N Looked over to Connor,as he was petting sumo and paying attention to a cop buddy show that was currently on TV and had caught his attention.
Connor Smiled as he glanced over to Y/N,Smiling innocently. Y/N Blushed and looked away,Huffing. That only seemed to confuse Connor.
His expression turned to worry as he Sat up straight,Looking at Y/N.
"Y/N..Are you mad at me?" Connor asked,slighty hurt in his voice.
Y/N Looked up to connor,surprised but went back to looking angry. "No!,I'm not. Dont ask stupid questions like that." This only seemed to confuse Connor even more.
"Sorry. you jsut seem to be upset everytime i look at you. If something about me bothers you i just want to know." Connor had replied,Still pushing the subject.
Y/N growled,Facing connor looking directly at him this time. "Yes,Something does bother me!,It's your stupid cute face!. it's always making me fall for you every goddamn time i look at it!,and your stupid perfect hair!" Y/N Yelled,Her face as red as a tomato.
Everything went silent,and Y/N froze. Connor stared down at Y/N as she was still looking up to him.
Connors face slowly became a dark red.
"You think..I'm cute?."
Connor Suddenly Kissed Y/N before pulling back and laughing.
"Emotions are so complicated."
Y/N sat there,Before shaking her head.
"What's that supposed to mean you fucking android!"She Yelled,lightly punching connor's shoulder as he laughed again.
"It means i love you,Y/N."He smiled.
"..I love you too i guess." She angrily mumbled,Crossing her arms.
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ao3feed-markussimon · 6 years
by metaphilosophical
Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Stories come and go about the old days: a time of peace and prosperity, when the Avatar kept balance between the four nations. But that all changed when the Fire Nation reformed, and placed a new ruler at it’s head. No one knows who this new ruler is, only that they are ruthless, and will stop at nothing to achieve world domination. Only the Avatar master of all four elements; only they could have stopped them. But when the world needed them most, they vanished. A hundred years have passed, and the Fire Nation is nearing victory in the war. Some people believe that the Avatar was never reborn into the Air Nomads and that the cycle is broken, but I haven't lost hope. I still believe that, somehow, the Avatar will return to save the world.
The Detroit Become Human fic you never knew you needed.
Words: 3787, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game), Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Hank Anderson, Hank Anderson (Detroit: Become Human), Markus (Detroit: Become Human), Simon (Detroit: Become Human), Josh (Detroit: Become Human), North (Detroit: Become Human), Gavin Reed, Gavin Reed (Detroit: Become Human), John (Detroit: Become Human), Amanda (Detroit: Become Human), Upgraded Connor | RK900, CyberLife Tower Connor | RK800-60, Kara (Detroit: Become Human), Alice Williams (Detroit: Become Human), Todd Williams, Luther (Detroit: Become Human), Zlatko Andronikov, Rupert Travis, Carl Manfred, Leo Manfred, WR400 "Traci" Android(s) (Detroit: Become Human), Blue-Haired Traci's Girlfriend (Detroit: Become Human), Blue-Haired Traci (Detroit: Become Human), Jerry(s) (Detroit: Become Human), Ralph (Detroit: Become Human)
Relationships: Markus/Simon (Detroit: Become Human), Upgraded Connor | RK900/Gavin Reed, Kara/Luther (Detroit: Become Human)
Additional Tags: AtLA AU, markus is the avatar, jericho is the avatar gang, connor is zuko, Hank is iROH, just in case yall were confused, oh and im changing Kara's storyline big time, Luther is a bamf, Connor is a bamf, Markus is a bamf, but most of all North is a bamf, I love north, Did I mention that I love north?, Simon got some issues ;(, Also Kara has a bad arm, no smut sorry, I dont know how to write that, Character Growth, Gavin will be an asshole, but dont worry there will be redemption, So Many Redemption Arcs, Gavin Reed Redemption, Connor Deserves Happiness, but he wont get that for a while hahahhah, Parent Hank Anderson, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Angst, This is going to be sad, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, FUCKING RELAX ABOUT THE MAIN CHARACTER DEATH OKAY I GOT IT HANDLED
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tumblunni · 6 years
Also kinda random and only tangeantalky related but can i add that this is also why i dont like connor x hank from detroit become human? Obviously its not pedophilia, but its still an unhealthy age difference for a ship. Connor looks like he's barely started his 20s and Hank is like 40 or 50?? And they constantly play up Connor's inexperience due to being an android, so it draws attention to the damn age gap and makes it seem even bigger than it already is!
Like ive seen people saying 'oh people only hate connor x hank cos something something fatphobia hank isnt conventionally attractive'. No wtf thats absolute nonsense?? Hank is my favourite damn character and i'd love to ship him with someone if there was really any moment he interacts with another person the same age that isn't just mutual hate. I mean man i fuckin found myself shipping him with the one burger kebab shop salesman cos apparantly they have some sort of friendship, right? So like please dont accuse me of hating my favourite character or promoting predjudice against my own body type just because i think dating someone LITERALLY OLD ENOUGH TO BE YOUR DAD when you're only the very youngest definition of adult is MAYYYYyyyyBE a little unhealthy?!
Tho also again i can understand how younger fans could probably fall into this stuff without knowing the implications. And also how it kinda has that similar situatiin of 'well its the only option' since hank and connor are like the only well written people in the game and i guess i could see people reading that as them having good chemistry rather than the canonical love plots just having reaaaaallly shitty chemistry. There's also (at least potentially) no other close male friendships to use for shipping unless you headcanon backstories for one scene npcs like i do. The only other options are Simon (who can die early on due to a random choice and get no chance to bond with your character) and i guess Connor and Markus (who dont even get to meet until the very last chapter of the game, and only talk like once) Kara also has literally no shipping options except Luther, and there's so few female characters in the plot that she only ever meets one other woman and she's also a far older parental figure. So yeh i can get the idea of 'it sucks but therecs no other option'. Or hell i can understand if some people just look at those designs and perceive their ages differently, like to them connor looks older or hank looks younger, i dunno. And the emphasis on connor's innocence and hank always calling him boy and son doesnt ruin it for them, i guess.
But like.. If i can understand that, can you guys please understand that people have legitimate reasons to feel uncomfortable with the ship? Its not all 'oh wah theyre just homophobic oh they just hate hank cos he's fat'. Just like how i've seen people saying that the worry about problematic/badly handled racism elements in the plot is 'just hate' and acting like..yknow.. people arent criticizing A SPECIFIC THING and giving actual reasons for it! And a lot of people criticizing these things are not even haters at all! Hank is my favourite character and i dont like this ship with him. I can see lots of good parts in the game even if i criticize other ones. You cant preach 'stop the hate' while acting aggressive to fans for daring to have anything but 100% glowing praise 24/7.
Ehh sorry i didnt mean this to come off as so aggressive but i guess whats done is done. Im not gonna tag this or anything cos this is just my personal rant and i dont want it to end up in the tags for people who like this ship.
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ao3feed-reed900 · 6 years
by metaphilosophical
Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Stories come and go about the old days: a time of peace and prosperity, when the Avatar kept balance between the four nations. But that all changed when the Fire Nation reformed, and placed a new ruler at it’s head. No one knows who this new ruler is, only that they are ruthless, and will stop at nothing to achieve world domination. Only the Avatar master of all four elements; only they could have stopped them. But when the world needed them most, they vanished. A hundred years have passed, and the Fire Nation is nearing victory in the war. Some people believe that the Avatar was never reborn into the Air Nomads and that the cycle is broken, but I haven't lost hope. I still believe that, somehow, the Avatar will return to save the world.
The Detroit Become Human fic you never knew you needed.
Words: 3787, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game), Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Hank Anderson, Hank Anderson (Detroit: Become Human), Markus (Detroit: Become Human), Simon (Detroit: Become Human), Josh (Detroit: Become Human), North (Detroit: Become Human), Gavin Reed, Gavin Reed (Detroit: Become Human), John (Detroit: Become Human), Amanda (Detroit: Become Human), Upgraded Connor | RK900, CyberLife Tower Connor | RK800-60, Kara (Detroit: Become Human), Alice Williams (Detroit: Become Human), Todd Williams, Luther (Detroit: Become Human), Zlatko Andronikov, Rupert Travis, Carl Manfred, Leo Manfred, WR400 "Traci" Android(s) (Detroit: Become Human), Blue-Haired Traci's Girlfriend (Detroit: Become Human), Blue-Haired Traci (Detroit: Become Human), Jerry(s) (Detroit: Become Human), Ralph (Detroit: Become Human)
Relationships: Markus/Simon (Detroit: Become Human), Upgraded Connor | RK900/Gavin Reed, Kara/Luther (Detroit: Become Human)
Additional Tags: AtLA AU, markus is the avatar, jericho is the avatar gang, connor is zuko, Hank is iROH, just in case yall were confused, oh and im changing Kara's storyline big time, Luther is a bamf, Connor is a bamf, Markus is a bamf, but most of all North is a bamf, I love north, Did I mention that I love north?, Simon got some issues ;(, Also Kara has a bad arm, no smut sorry, I dont know how to write that, Character Growth, Gavin will be an asshole, but dont worry there will be redemption, So Many Redemption Arcs, Gavin Reed Redemption, Connor Deserves Happiness, but he wont get that for a while hahahhah, Parent Hank Anderson, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Angst, This is going to be sad, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, FUCKING RELAX ABOUT THE MAIN CHARACTER DEATH OKAY I GOT IT HANDLED
0 notes
ao3feed-connor · 6 years
The Crossroads of Destiny
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zEso3D
by metaphilosophical
Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Stories come and go about the old days: a time of peace and prosperity, when the Avatar kept balance between the four nations. But that all changed when the Fire Nation reformed, and placed a new ruler at it’s head. No one knows who this new ruler is, only that they are ruthless, and will stop at nothing to achieve world domination. Only the Avatar master of all four elements; only they could have stopped them. But when the world needed them most, they vanished. A hundred years have passed, and the Fire Nation is nearing victory in the war. Some people believe that the Avatar was never reborn into the Air Nomads and that the cycle is broken, but I haven't lost hope. I still believe that, somehow, the Avatar will return to save the world.
The Detroit Become Human fic you never knew you needed.
Words: 3786, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game), Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Hank Anderson, Hank Anderson (Detroit: Become Human), Markus (Detroit: Become Human), Simon (Detroit: Become Human), Josh (Detroit: Become Human), North (Detroit: Become Human), Gavin Reed, Gavin Reed (Detroit: Become Human), John (Detroit: Become Human), Amanda (Detroit: Become Human), Upgraded Connor | RK900, CyberLife Tower Connor | RK800-60, Kara (Detroit: Become Human), Alice Williams (Detroit: Become Human), Todd Williams, Luther (Detroit: Become Human), Zlatko Andronikov, Rupert Travis, Carl Manfred, Leo Manfred, WR400 "Traci" Android(s) (Detroit: Become Human), Blue-Haired Traci's Girlfriend (Detroit: Become Human), Blue-Haired Traci (Detroit: Become Human), Jerry(s) (Detroit: Become Human), Ralph (Detroit: Become Human)
Relationships: Markus/Simon (Detroit: Become Human), Upgraded Connor | RK900/Gavin Reed, Kara/Luther (Detroit: Become Human)
Additional Tags: AtLA AU, markus is the avatar, jericho is the avatar gang, connor is zuko, Hank is iROH, just in case yall were confused, oh and im changing Kara's storyline big time, Luther is a bamf, Connor is a bamf, Markus is a bamf, but most of all North is a bamf, I love north, Did I mention that I love north?, Simon got some issues ;(, Also Kara has a bad arm, no smut sorry, I dont know how to write that, Character Growth, Gavin will be an asshole, but dont worry there will be redemption, So Many Redemption Arcs, Gavin Reed Redemption, Connor Deserves Happiness, but he wont get that for a while hahahhah, Parent Hank Anderson, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Angst, This is going to be sad, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, FUCKING RELAX ABOUT THE MAIN CHARACTER DEATH OKAY I GOT IT HANDLED
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zEso3D
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