#I think it’s interesting and I like forcing someone to low key hate a talent that their life revolved around
laundrypause · 4 months
In the name of getting back into K-pop, here's what I think the drivers' positions and audition stories would be like:
Charles Leclerc: Visual, Lead vocalist
Went to audition when he was 15-ish and was pretty confident on what he had prepared. He planned to play the piano and sing but when he got there the judges didn't even LET him sing or even touch the piano. Made him pose a few times and he was through to the next audition. Definitely messed with his confidence a bit because he doesn't want to be an idol just for his looks but also for his talent. Stayed a trainee for about 3 years before debuting with a dark, suit and tie concept. (Probably like movie star by CIX or dare I say BST)
Yuki Tsunoda: Main dancer, sub rapper
Was minding his own business, walking around the streets when he was casted. Wasn't interested and went to walk off but was bribed with promises of food. Low-key regrets it now cause he's forced to do the MOST AEGYO out of all the other members just because he has a baby face and is on the shorter side. Be so fr rn, his members are the anomalies, he's just an average height Asian. Was a trainee for about 2 years before debuting with a refreshing, summer concept. (Like Wave by ATEEZ or NCT Chewing Gum) The concept will definitely change as the group grows up though. Notorious for using the fact he's a foreigner to pretend he doesn't understand game rules just so he doesn't lose. Has purposely accidentally told fans to be ready to get 'Fucking lit' in a concert
Alex Albon: Face of the group, Lead rapper, Sub vocalist
Decided to audition because a family member was really into K-pop when he was younger and he thought the idols looked cool so why not. Worked really hard for his place and managed to pass auditions and become a trainee. A few months later, the company decided to send him to a survival show and he ended up finishing rank 39. Was a victim of evil editing and was slammed by K-Netizens. After that he trained for about 4 years before making his debut and proving everyone wrong about their assumptions of him. Debuted with a cool school concept. (Was honestly envisioning Run Away by TXT or Tamed Dashed by Enhypen) Adding on, for someone who hates media commitments, putting Alex as face of the group just feels right. As much as he hates it, the company LOVESSSS putting him into random variety shows. After debut, they plopped him onto Hello Counsellor and he managed to garner loads of attention with how forward he was in his suggestions and questions.
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sokkas-first-fangirl · 4 months
QPR zelink kids timey wimey fuckery
Pretty please??
I have no snippets but I have a lot to ramble about!
The whole story idea started because I imagined some Zelink kids referring to Dorephan as "Grandfather" and looking at Rhoam and Roland like "Who's this loser?"
Of course, in order for these kids to snub Rhoam and Roland, there needs to be time travel shenanigans.
So our lovely troublemakers are: Princess Nelle Hyrule-Hallow (16, she/they). Has inherited the sacred sealing/light powers. Has had prophetic dreams in the past, but not as often as her brother has. Talented archer, she prefers long-ranged attacks. Loud, sarcastic, kind of obnoxious. Very blunt, especially when she doesn't like someone. Hair is golden and messy like Link's, but she has Zelda's eyes and height. Really good on the piano. Prince Ezra Hyrule-Hallow (10, he/him) "Autism be damned, my boy can time travel." Has the Recall ability and prophetic dreams. Even quieter than Link. Hates eye contact and people in his personal space. Has just enough Sheikah traits to raise questions with Impa, Purah and Robbie. Reddish-brown eyes, very pale blonde hair, also pretty tall for his age (sorry Link, you're forever the short one). Loves to collect insects.
Ezra, newly come into his Recall ability, accidentally sends himself and Nelle back in time after getting his hands on a secret stone. Does this take place in the Luminous universe? Hm...Not sure. But these kids essentially make their own Age of Calamity story by helping to avert the Calamity via time travel and stubbornness, while also forcing Rhoam and Roland to confront the fact that they are Certifiably Awful.
Link and Zelda are, of course, not in a romantic relationship and it low-key drives Rhoam absolutely insane to know that they're not. If future Link and Zelda were asked, they'd still describe each other as "best friends" and "family."
Rhoam: "So...Zelda and Link are not married?" Nelle: "No?? Don't be weird, they're best friends" Rhoam: "But then how are you...?" Nelle: "Mama wanted a baby. Papa wanted a baby. They saw that they achieved perfection on the first try and decided to have a second. Obviously Ezra isn't as cool as me." Ezra: "I'm cool!" Nelle: "Sure, buddy"
Ezra refers to Mipha as "Second Mama" and accidentally triggers all of Mipha's maternal instincts. She nearly bites Sooga's hand clean off when he tries to attack the kids. Yes, she's still reeling and pretty uncomfortable, but these kids are also hers now too and if no one wants to face Mipha's wrath, they'd better leave those kids alone
Meanwhile, poor Zelda is so confused because she and Link only became official friends a few months ago. This whole thing really kickstarts her "What am I???" journey. She didn't realise that not being interested in romance and building her own little family was even an option. Mortifying as it is to know another version of her slept with her best friend (who's currently dating Mipha no less!), it really gets her thinking. This future version of her sounds so happy, confident and free. It sounds amazing, if a little scary. She can't wrap her head around it
Link's kinda wishing the Yiga killed him after all, because as fun as the chaos is, everyone is looking at him and asking uncomfortable questions and he'd like that to stop right now, before he starts screaming, please and thanks. Aryll asks him if this means he's got two girlfriends now and he just about dies on the spot
Irma 🤝 Urbosa: instantly willing to die for these time travelling chaos gremlins
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sailorkamino · 2 years
dating steven/marc/jake headcannons
relationships: steven grant x gn!reader, marc spector x gn!reader, jake lockley x gn!reader
warnings: very brief mentions of ptsd
translations: príncipe/princesa- prince/princess, cariño- dear, muñeca- doll, mi vida- my life
a/n: i make marvel playlists on spotify if you're interested <3 steven, marc, jake
steven grant
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• his favorite pet names for you: love, darling, pet, babe
• so we all know steven is a big cinnamon roll
• but he won't hesitate to stand up for you
• "oi, don't talk to them like that. learn some bloody manners, yeah?"
• he has a very sassy/petty side
• he doesn't like violence but will throw a punch if he has to (although marc of jake usually fronts when he gets too mad)
• so affectionate and clingy in the best way
• won't let u feel insecure for 1 second because his compliments are so sincere
• instead of calling you 'hot' he calls you ~divine~ or ~breathtaking~
• but he doesn't just compliment your looks
• he constantly praises your intelligence and talents
• reading to you whenever he finds something interesting
• home dates that consist of puzzles, legos, drawing/coloring, and board games
• (you hit jake when he compares the flat to a daycare center)
• he may not be as confident as his alters but he's the most romantic
• will sing you to sleep if you ask nicely but he’s shy about it
• just imagine him crooning 50s/60s love songs to you, i can’t-
• probably has separation anxiety
• slow dancing in his flat
marc spector
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• his favorite pet names for you: baby, sweetheart, angel, sugar
• prefers actions/gestures over words
• a bit of a commitment-phobe at first because he's afraid of getting hurt
• but once he realizes you're not walking out on them, he falls for you hard
• doesn't get jealous super easily cuz he trusts you
• but is very protective
• if someone is making you uncomfortable or is being creepy he will not hesitate, bitch
• won't let you walk or take the bus alone at night
• marc: i think i should teach you some self defense
• you: i know self defense
• marc: oh really? show me
• you: (unexpectedly kicks him in the dick)
• marc: (on the ground, struggling to breathe) that was good baby
• distances himself or acts angry when he's upset
• he's not great at communication/opening up but he's working on it
• even when's mad he doesn't raise his voice at you (he hates yelling cuz of his mother)
• storms off when you fight so he doesn't say something he'll regret
• always apologizes w/ gifts or a homemade dinner
• needs alone time every once in a while
• but makes sure to text you so you don't worry
• low key loves action/sci-fi movies as much as steven but won't admit it
jake lockley
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• his favorite pet names for you: príncipe/princesa, cariño, muñeca, mi vida
• like marc, he has deep rooted trust issues
• that's why he prefers actions over words
• thinks everything you do is super attractive
• you: (doing taxes)
• jake: you're so fucking sexy
• overprotective part 2
• jake: okay let's try self defense again, but no real kicking, okay? this is just practice
• you: ok!
• jake: alright, so what if i'm attacking you and i use my hand to cover your mouth?
• you: (chomp)
• like steven he prefers stay at home dates just so he doesn't have to share you with anyone
• very charming but also has a temper w/ anyone that's not you
• if you had a nickel for every time you forced this man to apologize to a stranger
• random guy: (accidentally brushes against your ass on the bus)
• jake: (rapid fire spanish threats)
• spoiler alert- he gets jealous the easiest
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I can't sleep, so here's some headcanons for fun!
Jacob Portman
-While he claims to have never done any "teenager things" (sneak out, drink, etc), he actually has. Him and Ricky once drank cheap beer on the dock at night. It wasn't all that great, so he didn't wanna do it much again.
-He's the type to cuddle in his sleep, and he is like a space heater! This isn't even just limited to romantic partners.
-Have I said his special interest as a kid was his grandfathers stories? Well guess what his other one was! Pokemon. And he had everyone memorized, and told his grandpa about all of them.
Emma Bloom
-Can't sing to save her life. It's almost sad to watch her try.
-Has told Bronwyn every single detail about her romantic issues. Be it complaining about Abe not writing enough, or Jacob being...strange at times.
-Once punched a guy trying to hit on her at the pub. It was amazing.
Hugh Apiston
-We all know he's in a relationship with Fiona, but did you know he's also in a relationship with Millard? They keep it low key in front of others, but it's not hard to pick up on. Especially with how much the two touch and hang off of each other as friends.
-He avoids his chores that are inside, specifically so he can be outside with Fiona while she does her choirs. He's clingy to her, but she finds it cute.
-He has three freckles on his forehead that just so happen to look like the three eyes a bee has on the top of their heads.
Fiona Frauenfeld
-She is quiet, but she's not shy in any way. She's playful and funny, actually. Especially with Hugh. Actually, of the two of them, she's the more dominant in the relationship, calling the shots and planning the dates.
-She hates brushing her hair, that's why it's so wild. Later, she gets it fixed, but Hugh has to be the one to force her to sit down so HE can brush her hair. She pouts about it.
-More than anything, she wants to have a big family with Hugh. Ever since they met, before the loop, she wanted to marry him and have a ridiculous amount of kids. Hugh however, has a hard limit of three at the most. She'll convince him otherwise someday.
Enoch O'Conner
-He's an AMAZING artist. He spends his whole day carving figures and drawing. He's very talented.
-He was jealous of Jacob coming to the loop, not because of any crush on Emma or anything like that. He was jealous because Jacob showed up and was automatically liked. Enoch gets kind of singled out at times. He's at an awkward age between being one of the little ones and one of the older boys. He doesn't fit in, and seeing someone do that so easy kind of hurt his feelings.
-Once called Miss Peregrine mum and has not lived it down sense. He'll randomly remember while he's trying to sleep and just cringe to himself for hours.
Horace Somnusson
-Is the best singer out of all the boys. Though, that's not too surprising there.
-Anytime anyone rips their clothes or pokes a hole in them, he'll fix it. He won't even wait to be asked, he WILL find out and he WILL fix it. Fiona is the most inconvenienced by this.
-He's also in an awkward stage of being between the little ones and the older ones. This just makes him frustrated since he wants to be grouped in with all the older boys.
Claire Densmore
-By far the most spoiled acting out of everyone in the entire loop. Not for any particular reason, she just does. She's a princess and she knows it.
-She can get kind of bratty when she's playing with Olive, but nothing too bad. Just a lot of wanting to do things her way. Mostly changing game rules randomly to benefit her.
-She hates eating her vegetables. She'll pout about it the whole time before she gives in and eats them.
Olive Elephanta
-This little girl is a firecracker. She's loud. She's rowdy. She'll scrape her knee and think nothing of it. Just a ball of pure sunshine.
-One time she forgot to fully belt herself to her bed, and got woken up when she bonked her head on the ceiling. She managed to laugh it off though.
-She is the master of cheering people up when they're sad. Enoch is grumpy about something? She gets a chuckle out of him. Fiona is having a bad PTSD day? She's helping her in the garden. Jacob is anxious again? She's telling him really bad jokes.
Bronwyn Bruntley
-In a modern setting, you cannot explain memes to her. You can try all you want, but she just won't get it. She tries, but it just won't click.
-We stan an aroace icon. She does not get it when Emma and Fiona talk about their relationships. She especially didn't understand when her brother would talk about his crushes to her.
-Every week or so, she likes to take a relaxing bath in very hot water. Her muscles tend to get tense, and it helps her relax them. When she discovers lush stores in modern day, she nearly cried with joy.
Victor Bruntley
-This boy is as gay as you could possibly be. He's listened to the boys talk about finding women attractive, he was in the closet at the time, he tried to play along. He convinced no one at all.
-He breaks things way too often. Half the time it isn't even from his strength, he just can't keep his shit together. Though, he does break Enochs jars on accident a lot when he's helping opening them up. A lot of cuts from that.
-He speaks Welsh to his sister often and because no one else in the loop understands? They kind of gossip to each other about things.
And last but not least, my lovely boyfriend UwU
Millard Nullings
-He's got some great shoulders He's a lot stronger than most people expect him to be. Sure he's the nerdy one of the group, but that doesn't mean he's weak in any way.
-He and Hugh tend to get a bit rough when they play football together. Usually ending in a few kicked shins, mild bruising, and grass stained clothes.
-He actually likes wearing his clothes, he just doesn't like being stuck up in the house all the time. He likes to go out, but he can never dress up for it.
-Did I mention he has some great shoulders?
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serpenteve · 3 years
Lmfao paste magazine did their best shows of 2021 so far and shadow and bone is number 5, I agree with a lot of their opinions usually and frankly the show was pretty decent if you don't think about its logic for more than 20 seconds and it was quite entertaining but top 5 of 2021 material? I highly disagree, the fantasy world which is a big draw and it's political landscape is just window dressing without any actual depth, the plot contrivances are too many to count, the illogical character decisions, the half baked main character ( how is it that she gets the most screentime but is the least developed out of the main characters, why do the crows feel more real and complex than her), the fact that your main female character in your show that revolves around her is so devoid of any depth or growth is a crime in itself. The show has so many problems but I feel like since we barely get any decent high fantasy shows, there were none before GOT and there still aren't more than 5 that have already come out, so people tend to overlook a lot of flaws, also they hilariously did an article about things to improve in S2 and one of them was the villain... Um, that dude was literally the most complex character in S1, the one who's backstory we got, the one whose decisions made sense for the actual goal he's trying to accomplish. I am a simp for female characters and it is so rare for me to latch onto a male one in my shows and I really wanted to love Alina but I felt like they put zero thought into who she is a person and she is instead defined by her relationships and what she represents to the male characters and the world as a whole, I feel like it she was a really strong lamp that was thought to be lost and then found and then someone stole her nothing would change? Like who is this woman? What are her dreams and motives and wants and needs and dislikes, what drives her, what scares her, how does she feel as a part of an oppressed group etc. Having your female character say a generic fake feminist line that makes no sense does not make a well written female character, they should honestly take a look at some other shows although there is still a severe lack in female rep especially poc and LGBTQIA women, there are some shows that are doing it so well and so effortlessly it makes everything else look tragic not just with one female character but with multiple, my favorite example is the expanse which has by s3, 4 main female characters all of them women of color, all of them interesting and vital to the story, one is a savvy political leader that does whatever is necessary but is also a grandmother who says fuck 50 Times a day, one is an extremely talented soldier that goes through an amazing character arc, one is a genius engineer that's part of the oppressed class in this world and she wants better for her people, another one from the same class is a badass second in command that also goes through amazing character development and she's queer, and almost every other important woman in this universe is a poc, mechanics, political rivals, leaders of social unrest, the only important white woman that was there for a season was a gay spiritual leader, like..... Not everything is perfect but I have never seen this level of diversity in a show and it's done so so well, like these women are almost all in my top list of favorite characters every one of them could lead a show on her own and then some. Here are a couple of articles about them if you're interested https://filmschoolrejects(dot)com/the-women-of-the-expanse/?amp and https://marvelousgeeksmedia(dot)com/2021/03/06/womens-history-month-celebrating-the-women-of-the-expanse/?amp. I'm so sorry idk how this turned into an expanse recommendation post 😂, I just see all of us desperate for some well written female characters as I watch sab butcher their most important one and I'm like... Eric and leigh should be forced to watch this before they write another word.
I really wanted to love Alina but I felt like they put zero thought into who she is a person and she is instead defined by her relationships and what she represents to the male characters and the world as a whole
It still surprises me when people watching the show say that Alina is a generic and ill-defined protagonist because she was about 100 times worse in the book 😂Like, it was only watching Jessie's performance that finally breathed some life into that character for me, to be honest. But everything else you've mentioned here 100% tracks with the source material.
Like, arguably the reason Alina gets shipped with literally everyone and gets accused to being a self-insert for fans is because she is so generically written. If I didn't know any better, I would have assumed Bardugo intentionally wrote her this way to let fans step into her shoes and give her the largest appeal. Instead, we are left with a character that is incredibly passive. If you thought show!Alina was passive, hoooo boy, book!Alina is barely even a character, especially in the first book. The only thing Alina wants out of life is for Mal to love her and for them both to disappear from the plot---which, considering the conflict Bardugo has put her in, makes her highly unsympathetic and a frustrating protagonist to watch.
I saw the first season of the Expanse which is saying a lot because I pretty much *always* ditch TV shows ☠️I low-key hated Holden because he was such a generic White Man Protagonist™ but the other characters were infinitely more compelling (Chrisjen my beloved)!
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sepublic · 4 years
Wing it like Witches!
           Let me tell you- I was WORRIED this episode would make me sad and angsty, but instead it just made me happy and all warm inside! I know that sounds super-corny but like…
           I LOVED this episode! I was worried from the promo pic that Boscha’s bullying would really get to Luz, Gus, and Willow, but… It didn’t! I mean, it still got to WILLOW hence the entire episode, but otherwise Luz and Gus were less “Wow I’m really being reminded of my insecurities from bullying” and more “I can’t believe she ACTUALLY did that. She wasted her entire school day doing that. This girl is NUTS, is she okay back home?”
           (The more I see of Boscha, the more I have to wonder if she IS okay back home… Obviously not crippled with self-loathing to the extent that Amity is, but never mind.)
           What’s really surprise to see though; LILITH IS A RED-HEAD!?!? I remember seeing that first pic of young Eda with two other classmates, one of whom was obscured and the other had glasses; And I thought, is THAT girl Lilith, could it be? Is the girl with the obscured face the one who stole Lilith’s lunch money, potentially that favorite character from Season 2 that Dana alluded to? My mind is racing, but either way young Eda and Lilith are utterly adorable! I do have to wonder if what Lilith had to say about Eda’s bad memory was just a jab, or something more… Given that the show has alluded to Eda possibly having amnesia with MORE than just her curse…!
           Speaking of which; LILITH AND EDA GETTING ALONG! Well, sort of- I mean they’re technically adversarial by the end of this episode, but only technically. Lilith knows where the Owl House is, finally; And we get to see in this episode just how capable Hooty really IS as a security system, surprisingly enough! He even manages to capture LILITH; Though to be fair, she may not have been super-invested in the mission given this was her sister we’re talking about, but still! Coupled with Hooty mercilessly tearing apart those toys in Adventures in the Elements, and I have to wonder if he’s ever, like… KILLED people before, y’know?
           …Maybe I don’t want that answer. Regardless, I love Luz’s little cheeky interference with Eda’s game, but Eda still manages to win by her last trick; Just pure, genuine skill and talent! That was a twist, I was expecting Eda to have another cheat or to be caught by Lilith, but as I said before… Eda isn’t humble, and for a GOOD reason! Lilith ain’t no slouch either, and I love that King willingly donned a cheerleader outfit just to offer support! I mean, maybe Eda MADE him, but otherwise he didn’t seem to have much of an issue so long as it was just at home!
           And… I LOVE the little small moments between Eda and Lilith, where… Lilith KNOWS she has to turn her sister in, she’s getting desperate, but it’s also low-key breaking her heart to do this! And when she loses the match and just… FALLS on her knees in despair, questioning herself, and Eda picking her up? Giving her that signature ring, just to make Lilith look better? I… I LOVE these sisters, why can’t they make up?! Lilith isn’t even aiming to imprison Eda, she just wants her to join the Emperor’s Coven and continue doing stuff alongside her, like old times!
           And Eda… Eda still needs her autonomy, but she knows that Lilith isn’t some cruel person. She knows that Lilith loves her sister and wants the best, that she’s in a terrible position; Eda knows how stifling the Coven System is, and while being beneath Belos provides a lot of power… It also provides a lot of PRESSURE as well! Sure, Lilith chose this… But Eda still believes that Lilith is deserving of kindness and compassion!
           (Let me tell you, considering I don’t think we’ve seen any Eda clips past this episode, I was LEGIT afraid she’d get captured by the end… thank goodness!)
           What’s also fascinating to note is that Emperor Belos was in charge since fiftyyears ago; Given the speculation that Eda isn’t as old as she looks, this indicates Belos is PRETTY old himself, by a large margin; Especially when one considers how long-lived Bump is! It’s a small moment telling us how he established the Coven Heads five decades ago, but I really appreciated it; And in general, this episode seems to be our final, light-hearted breather before we get into the REALLY heavy stuff… Keep in mind, our last two episodes were originally planned to air side-by-side, like a two-part season finale! On a lesser note, we see the Heximal System teacher giving a History lesson, confirming what I suspected earlier; That some subjects include students from all tracks, simply because the subject-matter applies across any and all covens, and History is one of them! Love the small world-building here!
           Given how we don’t see anything else of Willow and Gus past that scene in Belos’ treasury, I have to wonder… What if those two get captured, and only Luz can escape? Amidst King –and possibly Eda- being taken as well, Luz might be looking at a one-man operation here! Which just makes her all the more impressive… Like looking at her now, even if she DOES lose against Lilith; She’d still have been going toe-to-toe with the Head of the Emperor’s Coven, even if only briefly! Luz has come a far way away from where she started as just a powerless human, and has amassed FOUR glyphs; Light, Ice, Plant, and Fire!
           And BOY HOWDY is she good at them! Seriously, I bet she could’ve easily beaten Boscha in a Witch’s Duel if she wanted; Though it’s worth noting that according to Willow, Grudgby is apparently the only language she speaks… Given that shot of her room at the beginning, I have to wonder if that’s where her MAIN self-worth lies in! In the beginning Boscha acknowledges to herself that she’s hated, ‘so long as she is feared’; And her monologue low-key gives me, “Doesn’t know how to make friends so copes by putting herself above everybody else and overinflating her own self-importance under the impression that people are just secretly jealous!” vibes. (In some ways she’s like Grace from Infinity Train…)
That aside, I just get a sensation of pride from seeing how adept and adaptable Luz is, and the way she learned Fire from Boscha of all people –Which I called!- is both hilarious but goes to show what kind of a learner she is… I feel like Eda, like we’ve watched our kid grow and get stronger and I can’t WAIT to see what she pulls off next! Amidst her learning Magic and then defying the Coven System… you go Luz, YOU GO!
           And, it seems I’m not the only person who shares this sentiment! Even after Boscha’s bullying, we don’t see anybody beyond her gang make fun of Luz and co.! When Willow gets trashed poured on her, some students are watching, but… They seem kind of disturbed by it all? They’re not outright vouching on her behalf like Luz, possibly because Boscha is watching; But still! It is SO cathartic to see Willow being beloved by the entire school like that, even if she’s keeping her friend-circle to a select few; People LIKE her, and it’s what she deserves! Like Luz, I’m SO proud…!
           I’m still disappointed we didn’t get the names of Boscha’s other friends, but I really like their inclusion here! I liked how they all seemed rather uncomfortable with seeing Luz forfeit, only to be made Boscha’s target practice; And how Luz is so bright, bubbly, and infectiously-cheerful, spreading her good will to others! Like, this girl is TOO kind, and so loving… She has no bounds and I love how those other girls are even affected by Luz, genuinely enjoying her and wanting to be friends, alongside having Willow as a teammate! I have to wonder if they’ll ditch Boscha after this… Or at the very least, try to talk her down as friends of Boscha that she actually cares about and vice-versa (compared to Amity, who has always been cold towards Boscha, hence why her talking wouldn’t have made a difference)!
           Speaking of Amity… C’mon, girl. Your CRUSH is showing, the way you’re getting flustered, imagining seeing Luz in a ‘cute’ uniform and everything… Gus being utterly confused, but you can tell that the gears in Willow’s head are turning and honestly; She’s all for it, likely! I think this is the first time Amity has had an ACTUAL crush on someone she can talk to, instead of some distant figure or a fictional character! It’s so heartwarming seeing her navigate it, getting to actually deal with feelings like a kid is supposed to be allowed to do! And Luz being clueless… That, or she thinks Amity is into WILLOW, which makes a lot of sense too!
           (After all, Luz knows that her parents wouldn’t approve of her being Amity’s girlfriend… But Luz, you have NO idea how much she cares, she literally loves you more than she fears them! And Amity, knowing that her parents wouldn’t approve and struggling with this no doubt, but her love for Luz is really shining through over all of that!)
           To put it simply; Luz is FRIEND-shaped, she’s lovable, there’s no escaping liking her! Maybe Boscha will always be a bully, and I know one might call it ‘cliché’… But honestly I’d love to see Boscha eventually warm up to Luz and HER infectious positivity as well! Also, I saw that twist with the Rusty Smidge coming from a mile away, and I love how Luz low-key gets into a genuine rant over it! Although the loss doesn’t matter, as Luz’s team was clearly more adept and Boscha’s friends don’t seem interested in forcing Luz and her friends to do all of that other stuff…
           Anyhow, I love seeing Amity stand up for her friends, and when she says that her social life has improved because she’s with Luz, in spite of Boscha’s claims… I really CAN see her standing up to her parents, sometime later! I speculated a while back that depending on how her and Luz’s relationship in Enchanting Grom Fright goes, it’d really impact what Amity does later down the line, and I was right! But it IS worth noting that Amity may not yet know that Luz has to leave… King and Eda know, and the former mentioned this in front of Willow and Gus! It’s possible that Luz has laid out her plans to return every summer (and during winter break and whatnot), which would definitely lessen Amity’s angst by an infinite amount! And seeing as how she has instantaneous access to the Demon Realm, who’s to say she can’t pop in every day, after school! Sure she might not be actively living in the Owl House anymore, but otherwise…!
           On another note with Amity, I love her and Luz getting to geek out over The Good Witch Azura, and it’s funny to see the show confirm what I wondered about earlier; About Amity secretly making Azura references in public, under the knowledge that nobody would recognize them and realize she’s a nerd… But LUZ does now, and the two can bond! Also, Amity getting to have fun with Luz and co. at the end, being CARRIED by Luz, fully accepted into the home… I know you also have the library as a safe space Amity, but you’ve also got the Owl House as well! And it seems Hooty bears no grudges, either!
           Also, someone speculated recently that Amity has her goth-sense from Lilith… and given the implication that Lilith dyed her hair, I can REALLY SEE IT! I’m disappointed we didn’t get any interactions between the two… But the way it was set up, I feel like if Eda and Lilith were there they’d be too busy cheering on their kids respectively! Or not, we’ve seen them prioritize their feud in Covention… But back then Luz and Amity weren’t on the same team!
           Back to Amity, it’s interesting that she used to be on the Grudgby team, and was good at it, even being CAPTAIN when Boscha wasn’t; But then explicitly quit when she accidentally hurt some of her ‘friends’ merely once. Even if she never cared for them in the past, even if this was before she met Luz and learned to be kind and open again… She was ALWAYS someone who was self-conscious of her actions! And sure, the issue is that Amity is a LITTLE too self-conscious, constantly berating herself, holding herself accountable for every mistake… But regardless, it says a lot how guilty she feels to have hurt her teammates, even if it was an accident and a one-time incident that resulted in victory!
           I’ll probably do ANOTHER post about it later, but it says a lot; How Amity feels like she should step up as a Blight, and she DOES outshine the others… But because of that inherent guilt but also compassion, she actually quits Grudgby out of guilt! Which leads me to the idea that even if she tolerated Boscha and co., she wouldn’t have wanted to hurt them; Again, because she’s critical of herself, but also because Amity isn’t cruel and it may have reminded her of how she treated Willow! I have to respect and fear for Amity on quitting Grudgby after that…
           Again, I think she has the issue of being too overtly-critical of herself, and that it’s honestly THE issue that defines her problems; But on the other hand, I feel like Amity’s parents would’ve been displeased to see their star child quit the team, just for hurting some ‘lesser’ witches? I’m scared for what may have happened to Amity, but it also says a lot that she made a potentially defiant move simply because she didn’t want to hurt yet another friend…
           (That, or her parents wanted Amity to focus on Abominations and other studies, and coupled with Amity’s guilt, it was the perfect opportunity to get her off the team. Which would be sad, but not surprising.)
           Anyhow, I just think it’s interesting that Boscha and co. don’t ever seem to have any resentment towards Amity until recently. It’s possible Boscha DID dislike Amity up until she stepped down… But it makes me wonder if Boscha, like, looked up to Amity and wanted her approval and attention? Given how she’s always framed as following Amity… Perhaps Amity stepping down led to Boscha taking the spotlight, and so Boscha feels indebted towards Amity for her fame (and potential source of self-worth)?
           Last but DEFINITELY not least; Somebody else (I’m sorry I keep forgetting) alluded to how in Understanding Willow, there was the issue set up of Luz meaning the best for friends… But also sometimes invading their privacy, or overriding what they want, so she can live out her fantasies at the same time! And, like- A big part of her IS doing this for her friends, that much is clear… But Luz does have an issue sometimes with clearing fantasy from reality! It’s a more advanced lesson from the one she learned in Episode 2, continuing off of that, and I LOVE it!
           Like, I really do LOVE how Luz recognizes in this episode that even if a part of her is motivated in helping Willow, she’s also using this as a chance to live out her underdog Azura fantasies, and how Willow points this out to her… and Luz realizes that she’s right! She actively MAKES a change to her behavior, and makes up for it by fixing Willow’s hairclip and even forfeiting on Willow’s behalf and taking all the punishment… All because she doesn’t want her friend to be uncomfortable! Man, Luz is SO ridiculously kind, I keep saying she’s my favorite but she REALLY IS! What a lovable dork, no wonder Boscha and her friends are falling for her!
           (Also RIP Skara, you were the fourth one in a team of three. Although given how she helped carry Luz and Amity in the previous episode, amidst already having more screen time… I can see this as a way for the writers to give more of a spotlight to Boscha’s other friends, while subtly acknowledging that Skara likely has gotten over her bias towards Luz and the others. I wonder if Boscha also noticed and that’s why she was left out; That, or she’s the least-skilled? I dunno, but it was neat to see and I’ll overanalyze the moment regardless!)
           On a lesser note; Willow’s last name is Park, which is a Korean surname! Coupled with her VA’s ethnicity and Willow/Tati Gabrielle being listed amongst other Asian rep characters and VAs, and I think it’s safe to say that she’s the Boiling Isles equivalent to Asian; Which let me tell you, is VERY nice to see!
           Overall, this was an AMAZING episode! It was a heartwarming, feel-good episode that reaffirmed character relationships and love while still expanding on them, adding in more friends to the group… It was pretty much nothing but happy moments and revelations! Obviously things are setting up in the next two episodes to go REALLY crazy, especially with Luz potentially getting banned from Hexside for defying Lilith and Belos… But it’s clear to say that she’s left QUITE the good impression on the administration and students! And I can see some even vibing with Luz’s ideas even after she gets kicked out… Perhaps Luz will unknowingly start a rebellion of sorts?
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astrognossienne · 4 years
birthdays: 4 - the unabashed social climber
My dabbling in birthday numerology has resulted in a ridiculously viral and classic post on my tumblr that goes through all the birthdays. The total sum of all birthdays essentially adds up to a range of numbers 1-9. In that post, I provided snapshots of the personalities of these birthdays. Now, here, on my website, I shall expound further as to why I came to these conclusions. To continue this series, we'll get into my other least favourite birthday number: 4.
4, 13, 22, 31: humanitarians, romantic, penetrating, provocative, faithful, pragmatic, reserved, immature, nakedly ambitious, tries too hard to be omnipotent, controversy always seems to surround them, savage for no reason, prides themselves on being infallible but are utterly fallible, know-it-alls, critical, anxious, smart-mouthed yet very sensitive (almost too much so), proud, tries hard to be individualistic but in reality is just like everyone else, very shady, can be and is often very disrespectful, patronizing and egotistical, needs their ass kissed, due to their vast insecurity and inherent inadequacy they have a need to conquer others and if they can’t do so then they will try very hard to destroy them, wayyy too sensitive and resorts to being caustic and abusive when they’re hurt (which is all the time), tries too hard to act/look/talk hard, can be tough but sweet, can be quite judgmental, always working, likes to one-up people, needs control and is often very self-controlled, often fake, passive-aggressive, very opportunistic and savvy, great at making friends, very contradictory and hypocritical, often very talented and hardworking, competitive, inspires others, wants to be known as kind and great in everyone’s eyes, almost always supremely unlikable individuals, often downright repulsive, has low self-esteem and projects it on others, often has hidden motives, adroit in using people’s emotions for their own ends
I think I pretty much summed them up there. Those who have these birthdays (especially those born on the 4th and 22nd) are the ones who I'm the most indifferent towards and amused by, but in the interest of fairness, let's dive into the psyche of these people, because if nothing else, they're moderately interesting psychological case studies.
When I think of 4's, I think of the character Eve Harrington in the classic film All About Eve. They're hurt, bitter, broken, miserable insecure bitches and often have low self-esteem and inadequacies within themselves, but they cover it up with false "self-love" and "assertiveness" which is actually condescension, aggressiveness, cockiness, and arrogance. This is evidenced in their unabashed social climbing they do. All social climbing have one thing in common: they seek to increase the social climber status by attacking and taking status away from others. They revel in this, since in their mind it secures their power over others, which is very important to them. They're often sad cases with attitude problems. They can’t, or don’t know how to reconcile their pain in a healthy way, so they direct it back out in mean, cruel, and insensitive ways - hurting others just because they were hurt. This process works only briefly, and usually generates extreme guilt in the person, making them stop for awhile. But, the pain of their past hasn’t been healed, so once again they try to bleed off the pain by hurting someone by being mean or rude. It’s like draining the pressure in a boiler. They know they’re inferior and broken, so they take it out full force on the people they envy and those whose true authentic power that they want. They often say what they don't mean. They're also forces of nature, and they somehow always seem to draw deep emotions out of people, and a lot for people seem to be deeply drawn to them. Fours, in turn, are often drawn by those who know how to control their emotions and make them work for them as well as those who have a deeper well of emotion than they and aren't scared of displaying it.
They have the amusing paradox of being mean AND hypersensitive at the same time, but the key is if one feels that these people are actually worth the time you have to take to get to know them, ignore their natural walls, abnormal need for control, rudeness and meanness, and love them anyway. If one can get through to that hurting part and heal and love it, these individuals can be loyal and even amazing friends for life. (incidentally, it's for this reason that I always seem to see these individuals deeply connected to 2's, 5's and 9's because I think 4's sense in them a kindred spirit, or someone they can use this strange type of "love" on and still feel accepted. But I'll cover those numbers at a later date). It might seem crazy, but a common way these people try and pull their partner/friends close is by expressing anger (of which there is a lot of) and unneeded childish aggression, often ruthlessly attacking perceived weaknesses.  It usually works in the opposite way (unfortunately), but often underneath the anger is a strong plea for connection and love. The anger is a mask of protest about not getting that love. They like to create conflict and are very restless. They’re whiny and their edginess is based on their M.O. that "people want to hurt me; I must hurt them first to be safe". They’re often very petty and very small and are too selfish to show any real compassion for those going through a tough time or a tragedy, often pouring salt on the wound (although strangely enough, they're often touted as paragons of compassion and virtue).
They're not satisfied with the ordinary, and more often than not they do tend to lead extraordinary lives. They have an accessibility and a mystery at the same time. They can be calm and insanely disciplined. But they are also very fiery and passionate, and often make rash and headstrong decisions and can be very immature and insecure about themselves because of the need for balance that the number 4 suggests. They can also (only when seriously evolved) be inspirational, using their talents to move masses of people in a way very few can, such as Barack Obama (August 4), and obnoxious personalities like Beyoncé (September 4), her husband Jay-Z (December 4), and their friend Justin Timberlake (January 31 [another classic case of the low-level 4]). They are victims masquerading as warriors and use their victimhood as a weapon and other opportunistic tactics to cement their power. However, there is a lot of fixed-sign-esque (especially that of a Leonine/Scorpionic nature) ego associated with the number 4, and this requires everyone to bow down and kiss their ass. If the 4 doesn't get this type of treatment, then they'll destroy everything and everyone in their wake to assuage their hurt feelings and damaged ego, such as it is in the case of Meghan Markle (also born on August 4) and what she and her husband Harry are currently doing to the Royal Family.
Meghan tried to gain unconditional and total acceptance from them/England/the world. Since she didn't get it, she and Harry took their ball and went home" by backing out of the Royal Family and the duties associated with it and moving with their children to America, effectively cutting themselves off from Harry's grandmother, brother, and ailing grandfather. Which brings me to another point about 4's: they like to do things on their own terms, often alienating others along the way to satisfy themselves. Now that Meghan has had time to think about the "abuse" that she feels that she has received, she's going to get her ultimate revenge by trying to destroy the Royal Family with allegations of racism and mental/emotional abuse. Note: it wasn't a problem when they were courting, and it wasn't a problem when they got married, but since she didn't get the "kid glove" treatment she wanted, now they're a "racist family". I often wonder, if the firm/tabloids/press went after Princess Diana so brutally, as blonde-haired, blue-eyed and pretty as she was, what did Markle honestly expect? This speaks to the 4s often shocking naivety. Also, Markle kept referring to Kate Middleton in her interview, so that means that she's fixated on Kate as a point of envy. This is how hate and negative emotions will cause things to change and often unnecessarily so.
On the positive side (only when evolved), 4's can be active, hard-working, systematic, diligent, careful, objective, firm, introverted, serious, patient, reserved, thoughtful, sensible, analytic, calm, orderly and loyal. For those born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, and 31st, this describes them in a nutshell.
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megabees · 4 years
no need for proclamation | a beauyasha fic
a what-if look at what would have happened if Beau and Yasha began dating during the harp scene in episode 98
alternate title: 5 times the Mighty Nein didn't know Beau and Yasha were dating, and one time it was literally spelled out for them
find it on ao3 or read below
They have a conversation, out there on the beach. 
Yasha with her harp, and Beau, muscles unfurled, feeling at peace for the first time in a while. 
The ocean brings clarity for them. They who were not raised by the sea find their anxieties pulled out and caught in a riptide, their bodies returned to them smoothed and polished like a piece of glass swept out into the waves. In the dry plains of Kamordah, Beau had never seen the ocean. Its vast blue stares back at her, forcing her to appreciate how big it is, how she is miniscule in comparison. Beau: big and brash, loud and bold, a born leader, finds herself taking peace in the vastness. In the grand scheme of things, the ocean remains the same. She means nothing to the waves. There is peace in this. If nothing matters, she can do what she wants. 
 Similarly, Yasha grows up in the Moorlands, surrounded by hills and grasses, but the rocks don’t best the constance of the waves, crashing and settling on the shore. For her, someone who struggles so much with desire, with understanding that her mind is her own, the waves show an unstoppable force. A small child can try to stop the waves from their end, but they always come to the shore anyway. Her path may deviate, like the waves occasionally fade, but she comes back to the same place. Her harp, calming. The waves, swelling and settling. Her mind is her own, she takes fate by the hand. 
In front of the ocean, two women come to similar conclusions, and they have a conversation. 
They leave the beach holding hands, a new relationship formed. 
The Nein catch on far slower than they realistically should. Yasha and Beau aren’t hiding it, per say. They’re just not making a grand announcement. 
That’s how the Nein does things. You keep a secret until someone weasels it out of you, and then it’s known. There’s no need for a proclamation.
Or so Beau and Yasha thought. After the past three weeks, full of longing glances and not hiding the way they act around each other, they’re beginning to doubt the obviousness of their actions. 
They tried to hint to Jester, that day on the boat making statues for the Traveler, through subtle flirting and glances, but she never noticed.
“You have really good legs, Yasha”, Jester remarked. 
Beau catches Yasha’s eye as she says it, gives her a little up and down look. Calculating, as if she wants to know each and every inch of Yasha’s legs. 
Heat flashes up Yasha’s face. 
“Yeah, the slit was very, uh, high. Helped with moving around.” 
Another knowing glance from Beau to Yasha. When Beau thinks of that night, she thinks of two things. Firstly, the Ruby’s singing and the hypnotic way the fish moved around her. Secondly, she thinks of the way Yasha looked in that dress, shades of grey, black and white illuminating her eyes and her lips. 
As the conversation gets more intense, Beau can’t help her hand from drifting behind Yasha, using it partly to steady herself on the slow rocking of the boat and partly to just get closer. 
Yasha makes a similar move, placing her hand on Beau’s lower thigh, as she once again apologizes for running Beau through with Skingorger. 
“It just adds to my aesthetic. Makes me look more interesting.” Beau is so focused on the hand, slowly and comfortingly rubbing her thigh that she almost misses Yasha’s flustered compliment towards. 
“You’re already very interesting….You’re both very interesting.” 
It’s Beau’s turn to flush. Don’t think she hasn’t noticed Yasha’s propensity to hide a compliment to her within a compliment to everyone. It’s cute. 
It’s fun to be in those stages of a relationship, learning those new things about each other. 
Jester’s probably too busy thinking of Travelercon, they can keep it lowkey for a little longer. 
It turns out though, that neither of them is *great* at keeping things low key. 
If you ask Beau, it’s Yasha’s fault. Yasha’s too beautiful and talented, and she keeps showing it off. That harp haunts a few of Beau’s dreams. 
(Harps require some deft finger skills, if you catch the drift.) 
Yasha gets up to perform for the village of Vo, and she’s surrounded by all these people. Beau watches the way her hands shake, how she searches the crowd for a familiar face, and yells out “Freebird!” so that Yasha can find her. 
For Yasha, Beau’s a grounding face in the crowd of people. Someone who doesn’t care how she does, who just is there to support her. All of the Nein is, but this song is for Beau. 
Caleb lights Yasha up with silent bolts of lightning, mesmerizing the entire village of Vo, illuminating Yasha with her own personal spotlight.
It’s funny, you know. Prior to meeting Yasha, Beau had always hated storms. In the winery, grapes that got too much rain produced thin and watery wine, and when there was a thunderstorm, the workers couldn’t harvest the grapes. It meant her dad was always angry when there was a storm. Loss of profit, and all that. 
Once she met Yasha though, a storm signified Yasha for her. Thunder became part of the comforting rumble of sleeping with the Nein, and lightning illuminated how different her life looked from five years ago. 
Even when Yasha was gone, Beau hoped every night to hear a storm. Maybe it meant Yasha was returning to them. 
So it’s not her fault she’s put in a stupor by Yasha’s performance. That’s her girl. 
It unlocks a deluge of feelings in her chest. Beau’s shell-shocked, as the Nein discusses the performance absent of Yasha. 
She can’t help but allow herself to chime in. 
“That was amazing.” 
She makes sure to tell Yasha how amazing it is later that night, in hushed tones wrapped up together. 
After that, they begin to find their stride in how they act around their friends. 
In battle, Yasha has a free pass to be as protective as she wants. Beau’s more fragile than she, and is somehow easily swallowed? Yasha’s confused on how the beasts they keep fighting manage to find Beau in their mouths more than anyone else. 
Either way, Beau usually ends up taking more damage than anyone else notices. 
Nothing against Jester or Cad as healers, but they tend to focus on the group’s overall health levels, and Beau likes to play off her injuries. 
Vulnerability isn’t easy for Beau, so Yasha keeps a watchful eye. 
She’s already lost one partner, she doesn’t need to lose another. 
They’re traipsing through the forest, and Yasha looks away for one moment, and suddenly Beau is on the ground unconscious. 
Nosy Expositor can’t keep her hands to herself, Yasha supposes.
She gets Beau back up, taking lightning damage and healing her.
For Yasha, her healing hands are a way of showing Beau her affection. They symbolize forgiveness, and they symbolize hope. It’s just a way of showing how she cares. Yasha’s not great with words, she speaks through her actions, and she hopes Beau understands. 
That being said, as if she’s gonna let her girlfriend get healed by just Fjord. 
“It’s not a competition, okay!” 
“It’s a competition.” 
Fjord’s got nothing on her. She’s there for Beau. 
This is re-enforced, of course, when Beau asks Yasha to carry her following the fight. There was a time, when Yasha was just regaining her mind, where Beau asked Caleb to carry her following the fight with Obann instead of Yasha, and while Yasha would never admit it to Beau, it hurt a little. 
Carrying Beau is Yasha’s thing. They’ve had this joke running through the time they’ve spent together, and Yasha isn’t a fan of other people trying to butt in on that. 
Perhaps she’s a bit protective, a bit jealous of Beau. How is she to not be, though, when she was gone for so long and Beau got so much closer with everyone else. For Yasha, post-Obann was a new fear. The Nein had pursued her for so long, but they also made new friends, and what if the Nein had liked them more than they liked Yasha? It’s hard to feel like part of a group when you’re never there. Plus, she was helping someone raise a terrible god, and killing Beau’s co-workers, and while none of it was in her control, she did it. 
The fact that the Nein forgave her? That Beau forgave her and still wants to be with her? 
Yasha’s still not sure how she got so lucky. 
This thought is reinforced with Beau in her arms as they walk through the forest to face a false god. Yasha loves to be able to help. Jester and Cad might be the healers, but Yasha loves the feeling of Beau’s small, lithe body in her arms. 
She just wants to hold Beau forever, shelter her from any oncoming attacks. 
It’s with this thought that she misses Beau giving Jester a thumbs up as they venture further into the forest. 
Who needs subtlety? 
When Yasha catches Beau in the air with her new wings, part of her is sure it’s gonna tip off the rest of the group. 
It’s so romantic. It was probably a beautiful visual. 
Unfortunately, it seems like the rest of the Nein is either being incredibly dense or incredibly respectful, and Yasha’s too held up in her brand new wings to decide which they are. 
She flies up and over the mountain with Beau swooning in her arms, and it’s perfect. The sun casts a beautiful golden haze over the island, and Beau’s skin shines in the sunlight. 
Yasha might have the wings, but Beau is her angel. 
Then the wings disappear and they plummet into a shallow pond. 
Yasha’s not thrilled the wings last for such little time, but at least she gets to see Beau soaking wet from the pond, giggly and delighted at the flight. 
In that moment, Yasha is overwhelmed with love. It’s too early to say, but she’s been in love before. She knows what that rush feels like, that off balance feeling of “oh shit I’m in deep”. 
A small secret, then. Something to unpack on her own time. There’s no need to speed it up, to burden Beau with this until she’s ready. 
This love, it can be just hers to have for a bit. She’s allowed to want that. 
Beau brings her back to herself, pulling her out of the pond and her own thoughts in one fell swoop. 
Holding hands and giggling, they make their way to the edge of the cliffside, overlooking the mountain awash in sunlight. Looking out, Yasha is overcome and she leans over to give Beau a quick peck on the lips. 
“I’m happy to have you here with me.” 
“Oh? That true, sap?” 
Yasha laughs, nodding her head and breaking eye contact, and leads Beau to the edge to point the way down back to their friends. 
“We should probably head back, they’re gonna think we’re dead.”
They take a little extra time on the way down though since the Nein hasn’t noticed their other hints. It’s put to good use. 
The day they visit Molly’s grave is when they give up any attempt to be subtle at all. Throughout Rumblecusp and the days after, their relationship has switched from being a complete secret to being something that they could easily explain if asked, but no one has outright asked them if they’re dating, so it just hasn’t happened. 
Either the Mighty Nein is very dense or very respectful. Yasha’s sensing it might be half and half, because Caduceus had a very meaningful conversation with her about wanting things and patience, but Jester and Veth keep giving Beau looks when they think she should make a move. 
Yasha and Beau talk about it at night. It’s funny to them that everyone keeps dancing around the topic. Neither of them is sure about where they got the idea that they can’t just ask, but it’s fun to just have this to themselves. 
Until they go to visit Molly’s...no..Lucien’s? grave. 
Yasha has a lot of feelings around Molly and his grave, and she’s not exactly thrilled by Caleb’s suggestion that they dig him up to get some answers to questions they don’t even know yet. Feels almost rude, to take a friend out of the ground to inquire about his personal life. 
She mentions it to Beau, in a hushed whisper, and Beau attempts to stop Caleb’s focused energy by hinting heavily at it, but his focus is so intense that he brushes her, and Jester, who picks up on both Beau and Yasha’s discomfort, off. 
He gets like that sometimes. 
They teleport there, and Yasha is struck by how normal it looks. His coat is still there, though it’s blown off the stake they put in to mark his grave, and for a moment, she lets herself hope that he’s still there. 
Beau’s hand finds its way into hers as they watch Veth and Cad dig up the grave, a thread of reality keeping Yasha tethered there, eyes locked onto the now empty grave. 
She removes her hand from Beau’s, and instead moves it to the small of Beau’s back, pulling Beau closer to her for comfort. Beau’s body is tiny, but it’s something to grasp as they both figure out what this means for their future. 
At  one of the lowest moments since she regained her mind, Beau is there with her. 
She squeezes Beau’s hand once. Beau squeezes back. They’re ready to tell everyone now. 
They tell everyone in Caleb’s fancy tower, after Yasha decides to throw caution to the wind and make a joke about Beau’s fancy sex mirror above her bed. 
Jester and Veth are overjoyed, Fjord and Caleb both want to make sure they’re taking care of each other and won’t mess up the group, and Caduceus just nods happily, though they’re sure he knew all along. 
As they sit around the fire, Yasha and Beau link pinkies and bask in the laughter and joy of their family. 
Things will be okay. 
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raleighcarrera · 4 years
29. Best Drunken Night vs Worst Drunken Night for Raleigh x MC perhaps? 🥺
best vs. worst prompts / 29. best drunken night vs. worst drunken night
the worst time 
“oh my god.” her voice is hushed -- awed, really, as she glances around the space they’ve closed themselves in with eyes so wide they feel likely to bug out of her head at any moment. “this is -- we’re in -- is this ariana spielman’s closet?”
cadence’s head whips around just in time to catch the disinterested, almost bored shrug of raleigh’s shoulders. “guess so.”
the door he’s leaning against is vibrating with the bass from the music blasting from downstairs. one of the silver buttons on raleigh’s jacket clanks against the wood loudly. 
“she has, like -- seventy birkin bags,” she breathes, slowly shaking her head as she takes in the expansive wall of purses to her right. “i can’t believe i’m in here. i can’t believe we’re even in her house.”
“i hate los angeles,” raleigh mumbles, pushing off from the wall and strolling over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind. “this party sucks.”
admittedly, the party did sort of suck, but they’d had enough free drinks and free food to make the evening tolerable, even if the crowd at ariana’s house was mostly made up of the sort of c-list celebrities who were desperate to document everything on social media and tried to shove their cellphones in raleigh’s face every time he started mixing a drink.
it was never like this, at home in new york. most of their friends were cool and normal and while their parties were always the sort of events that kept them up until dawn they’d tended to be more low-key, lately, minimizing the amount of attention they got during what was supposed to be their down time.
out in LA everyone was looking for their fifteen minutes. so drinking downstairs with the rest of the crowd wasn’t just hanging out like it was in new york; it was a performance in and of itself. people were watching them, their thumbs already poised over a blank tweet.
she didn’t blame raleigh for disliking it. she disliked it, too. that was why she’d suggested finding some place they could be alone and let him drag her up here -- into ariana spielman’s beautiful, enormous closet.
cadence squeezes her hands affectionately on raleigh’s arms where they’re looped around her. “we can’t hook up in here.”
the sigh he expels into her ear is loud and exasperated. “why not?”
cadence lifts a hand to point up at the ceiling. “she has cameras.”
the pointed silence from behind her leads her to believe that raleigh doesn’t take issue with that as much as she does. “raleigh.”
“okay, okay. i’ll save it for the hotel. just -- i need a few minutes before we go back down there.”
she spins in his arms to look at his face. raleigh looks tired, in the awful in-between of drunk but not drunk enough. her expression softens.
ever-so-delicately, she leans in and presses her lips to the tip of his nose. raleigh sighs, tightening his grip on her. 
“you know,” cadence murmurs, “there was probably once a time where i wouldn’t have been able to drag you out of there even if i did want to have sex in ariana spielman’s closet.”
raleigh rolls his eyes. “untrue,” he argues, “i’d leave any party, anywhere, any time... for even five minutes alone with you.” there’s a beat where she tries to stifle her smile and he rolls his shoulders, pursing his lips before continuing, “but i know what you mean. i guess i just -- don’t see the appeal in playing along with all this fake shit.” his eyes focus on her face slowly, some of the cloud brought on by all the tequila they’d had downstairs lifting. “not anymore.”
she bounces up onto her tip-toes to kiss him, swallowing the drunk giggles that are threatening. if they weren’t going to commit, they probably should have drank a little bit less -- she’s wobbly and unsteady on her feet in a way that’s going to make their flight home tomorrow miserable, but not drunk enough to actually be having any fun at this party that is, admittedly, incredibly fucking lame.
raleigh’s hands squeeze her hips one last time before he pulls away. “we should probably go be seen for a little while longer, huh?”
her mouth twists sympathetically. “yeah. but we can leave in an hour.”
“here’s hoping.”
they shuffle back to the closed door together, though when raleigh reaches out for the handle it doesn’t budge, holding firmly in place. he frowns, jiggling the knob.
“what’s wrong?” she asks, blinking slowly, her brain struggling to process what’s happening.
raleigh’s frown deepens into a scowl. “i think it’s locked.”
“from the outside? no.” pushing his hand away, she tries the door, too, eyes widening when it holds resolutely still. “oh my god.”
“you’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” he says, stepping away with a groan. “can we call someone?”
“i don’t have her number. do you?”
she squeezes his shoulder as he pulls out his phone, mumbling to himself. her head is still swimming, but even she can understand that lately it feels like neither of them can quite catch a break -- there’s always something.
and she definitely had higher hopes for their weekend in LA, and even tonight. she’d expected this party to be a chance to get away from it all and let loose, not be some place where they had to constantly keep looking over their shoulders for cameras.
“maybe it’s a sign we should just stay up here,” she suggests, nuzzling her face into raleigh’s jacket. 
the hum he gives in response is equal parts interested and annoyed. “don’t tempt me.”
the best time
they’re definitely past capacity on their penthouse.
everywhere she looks there’s wall-to-wall people dancing and drinking, laughing and shouting. the floor beneath her feet feels like it’s shaking from how loud the music is.
raleigh’s standing on the countertop in their kitchen. his eyes light up when he sees her.
raising his voice to be heard above all the excitement, he screams, “cadence! come up here!”
the crowd parts to clear a path for her, cheering as she makes her way over. climbing up onto the counter in her miniskirt is far from the most graceful thing she’s ever done, especially after the bottle of wine she’d had at dinner and the four or five or forty-five martinis raleigh had poured her, but she manages, and soon she’s squeezed into the space beside their cabinets with her boyfriend and he’s got one strong arm slung warmly across her shoulders while the other lifts the bottle of dom in his left hand high enough that the top smacks into their kitchen ceiling.
“a toast!” raleigh declares, to the delight of the crowd below them. she tilts her head to grin at him and laughs loudly when raleigh glances at her out of the corners of his eyes and then grins back, wide and goofy like the both of them are in on the same private joke. “to the beautiful, phenomenal, exceptional, fantastic, talented --”
“jesus christ, raleigh.”
“ -- brilliant,” he continues, even more loudly, “can i get a drum roll please? thank you, visionary, otherworldly, and of course, devastatingly sexy vinyl award winning cadence dorian!”
he doesn’t give her a chance to bury her face in her hands like she so badly wants to. as soon as people start to cheer, he leans down and presses his lips forcefully against hers, smacking a loud, almost aggressive kiss onto her lips. 
then he shoves the bottle of champagne in her face and forces her to tilt her head back to accept the drink he’s quite literally pouring down her throat, her laughter giving way to coughs that make him laugh, too, the broad palm he’d had settled on her shoulder slowly making its way down her back to rest on the curve of her ass.
“to cadence!” roars someone again from the floor, and as everyone pounds their feet harder, she looks back to raleigh, flushed and grinning while he drains what’s left in the bottle and immediately switches it out for another. 
“speech!” raleigh crows into her ear, “speech, speech, speech --”
“oh my god, thank you everyone!” her palm claps over his mouth and doesn’t move even when his tongue licks across her hand slowly, back and forth and back again. “it means so much to celebrate with all of you tonight. thanks so much for coming and for all your support and -- remember that anything that happens here tonight was all raleigh’s fault, okay?”
the volume on the music increases as the crowd turns their attention back to dancing. raleigh slips both his arms around her waist from behind and presses up against her, somehow managing to stay on-beat with the swing of his hips despite the fact that he’s so drunk he can barely stand. she laughs as she rocks back against him, then laughs louder when he groans lowly into her ear.
“don’t think that you can get away with murder just ‘cause this party is for you, okay?” 
the words are said so quietly she almost misses them, each consonant soft and slurred. “i don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“yeah, right,” raleigh counters, the sharp bark of his laugh punctuated by the way he presses forward firmly, the hard line of his body shiver-inducing even through the layers of fabric between them. “you think i’m just gonna let you get away with that? i’m --”
“you should at least get down, if you’re going to do that.” cadence blinks, glancing down to see zadie screaming up at the both of them. “we don’t all need to see you dry hump each other.”
raleigh’s arms tighten around her before she can even think about moving, though her face feels hot beyond just what the alcohol should’ve done to her. “hey,” he calls back, “it’s her party.”
she wiggles down to her knees, plucking the mostly full bottle of dom from raleigh’s hand and holding it out to zadie with her eyebrows arched. “call it even?”
“totally,” she agrees, taking the bottle from cadence and departing back into the living room with barely a wave over her shoulder. 
cadence moves the rest of the way down and slides to the edge, letting her legs dangle off the counter. within moments raleigh is beside her, gangly limbs tangled around her again near-immediately. “are you having fun?”
“best time of my life,” she answers honestly, though that was how parties with raleigh always felt -- like he was in constant competition with himself to outdo their last evening out together. “thanks for making this so special for me.”
“i’d do anything for you.” his voice is suddenly oddly serious, out of sorts with the playful mood he’s been in. she blinks at him, then laughs when he shatters the stillness as quickly as it’d come by ducking back in to steal another kiss. 
raleigh jumps off the counter abruptly, before she can deepen the kiss to something more extreme, and hooks her legs around his waist from behind. “c’mon, popstar,” he directs, before she can question what he’s doing, and as if on autopilot, her body swings onto his back so he can carry her, her hands finding his hair and her lips spreading into a delighted smile. “let’s go get you the kudos you deserve, eh?”
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modern reincarnated song lan/xiao xingchen first meeting with both their memories back 👀
KIDS IT’S BEEN A WHILE SINCE I WROTE A FIC TO PROVE IT (I’mso sorry Les Mis fandom) BUT REINCARNATION FICS ARE STILL MY JAM and oh boy amI ever going to make it the Songxiao fandom’s problem.  It’s also been a while since I postedsomething for that five headcanons meme, but I’m on lockdown and except for goingto the grocery store a week ago I literally haven’t left my apartment in goingon five weeks, so like, I’m officially still doing that meme.  Not QUITE the prompt, but a cousin of theprompt, and it’s 3:18 AM so you’re not my boss.
Song Lan remembers the very first time he sees XiaoXingchen.  Xingchen is eighteen, a yearolder than he was when they met before, wearing a white shirt and a messy bun, andSong Lan takes one look at him in a grocery store and almost knocks over adisplay of oranges.  It’s—a lot to takein.  Xingchen looks exactly like himself,like Song Lan remembers him from—from before. He’s talking with a store employee, a basket in one hand and the otherholding up an apple.  He looks apologetic,with the mild smile that he always wore when he felt like he was imposing onsomeone’s time, and he’s saying something about being sorry, but please couldhe have some help choosing.
Song Lan’s ears are still ringing and his chest is still aching andhis hands are still shaking, but his voice is clear and steady when he hearshimself say, “I can give you a hand.”
Xingchen turns toward him, a startled look on his beautifulface, and Song Lan’s throat threatens to close up on him, because Xingchen’seyes are a clear light brown more familiar than anything in the world, and theydo not focus on him.  He has a white canetucked into the corner of his arm—blind, still.
“I couldn’t impose,” Xingchen demurs immediately, and Song Lanshakes his head.
“It’s no imposition.  I—I don’thave anywhere else to be.”  Song Lan castsaround a little desperately for an excuse, a good reason for Xingchen to lethim help, let him stay under the light of that smile, and says, “I’m supposedto be studying for an exam and if I didn’t get out of the apartment I was goingto tear up my textbook.  You’d be savingme three hundred and fifty dollars.”
Xingchen laughs, then, and Song Lan doesn’t know what hisface does, but the employee gives him a mildly pitying glance.
“Well, I suppose I had better, then,” Xingchen says, warm andamused.  “I normally come with one of myroommates, but one of them is sick.”  Heholds up the apple to Song Lan and says, “I’m Xiao Xingchen.”
I know,Song Lan almost says.  He doesn’t.  He takes the apple and says, “This one isbruised.  I’m Song Lan.”
Xiao Xingchen, for his part, doesn’t remember for three weeks.  It’s a piling up of little things that weardown the wall hiding the past, for him, but the last straw, the crack that bringsthe dam down, is nothing at all: his roommates are usually good about makingsure to keep all the silverware in their assigned places, so that Xingchen canfind them, but that day, one of them, a study-abroad student named Morgan,forgets, and he slices open his palm on a knife.  She’s horrified and sorry and he has to talkher down from calling an ambulance, and she still insists on bandaging his handfor him, which he appreciates.  It hurtsand pulls all evening, and when he goes to sleep, he has a terrible nightmare.
This is nothing new.  XiaoXingchen has had terrible nightmares all his life.  Sometimes he even sees in them, which hewould find academically interesting if it were happening to anyone else—all thecolors are right, every line detailed and familiar.  He can’t read characters, but he knows theengravings on the swords.
It’s not a seeing dream that night.  It’s a dream about darkness and lies anddying, and there’s blood drying sticky and hot on his hand and sleeve when he sobshimself awake, from where his hand is clenched into such a tight fist that itseeped through the bandages.  His handfeels like someone’s laid a match to the cut, and he has a headache likenothing he’s ever felt, a bone-deep spike of pain behind his eyes, and he needs—
His hands shake as he grabs his phone and manages to pull upSong Lan’s number.
Song Lan has the gift of waking up to a vibrating phone—which isto say, he worked in retail for three years before he got into teaching school,and still has anxiety about it.  Thephone is already at his ear and he’s saying “This is Song Lan” before he’s evenawake.
“Xingchen?”  Song Lan issitting up and doesn’t really remember how that happened, and he’s staringwide-eyed at his desk through the dim city-twilight creeping around his darkcurtains, and Xingchen’s voice sounds ravaged on the other end of theline.  “What’s wrong?”
“I—please, Zichen, I—”
“Are you hurt?” Song Lan demands, and he’s already on his feet,the phone pinned between his cheek and his shoulder as he grabs whateverclothes are near at hand.  
“No,” Xingchen says faintly. “Wait—yes.  My hands—no.  Just my right hand.”  He makes a noise that sounds like it might,theoretically, be a laugh, if he stopped crying.  “I cut it on a knife, Zichen.”
Song Lan thinks about the world-ending feeling of remembering XiaoXingchen, and tries not to love the sound of Xingchen’s voice saying Zichenagain, and that moment, when he’s already dragging on socks with his keys inhis hand, is when he finally, finally catches up.
He stops cold, one shoe on. “Xingchen—do you remember me?”
“Yes,” Xingchen whispers. “I remember everything.”
Song Lan shuts his eyes for a moment and really, really hatesXue Yang.  “I’m coming over.”
Xingchen’s roommates are not going to appreciate him having his “weirdfriend with the scary face” show up at three in the morning and waking them upby knocking on the door, but on the other hand, Xingchen knows he probablylooks…bad.  He knows he has blood leakingfrom his hand, and he can feel that the cut is probably worse than he thought,and he can hear one of them make an alarmed sound as he wavers on his feet inhis bedroom door, but then Song Lan stops knocking politely and startshammering on the door with the side of his fist.  Xingchen makes a helpless gesture with his bleedinghand, and hears someone fumble the lock open and immediately scramble back toget out of the way.  They’re scared ofSong Lan for some reason.  
Xingchen can’t imagine being scared of Song Lan.
“Xingchen,” Song Lan says, Zichen says, and Xiao Xingchenknows, like he knows his own name, that Song Lan doesn’t like to be touched,but he can’t stop himself from reaching out. He stops when he can feel the warmth of a body beyond his fingertips anddoesn’t go any further.
Song Lan’s hand closes around his bare wrist without hesitation,and he forces Xingchen’s hand palm up, and says, “You’re bleeding.”
“Yes,” Xingchen says, starting to laugh.  He’s not sure why he’s laughing.  He thinks he might still be crying.  But Song Lan is here, touching Xingchen inthe measured, intentional way he always did, and it seems obscurely hilariousthat he expects Xingchen to care about something as petty as bleeding.  “Yes, I am.”
“All right,” Song Lan says softly, like he’s answering aquestion that hasn’t been asked.  “Comeon, Xingchen.  Let’s get a look at yourhand.”
Xingchen hates to be led around by the hand, like a child, buthe goes easily when Song Lan pulls him toward the bathroom.  Song Lan lets him rest his head against SongLan’s hip, while those familiar hands dab blood from his skin and peel away thesoaked bandages, and Xingchen listens to Zichen’s low voice, and tries tobreathe.
So, Song Lan isn’t going to class tomorrow.  He send the emails from the emergency roomwaiting area, on his phone, with Xingchen sitting beside him and holding asmall pile of gauze to his palm.  Xingchenhas been quiet since Song Lan announced that they were going to the hospital,but he went without a fight, admitted that the laceration was worse than it hadbeen before—from the clench of his fist in his nightmare, apparently.  His hair is tied back into a braid that curlsover his shoulder, and he forgot his cane, and Song Lan washed the smearedblood from his face and didn’t throw up at the memory of watching Xue Yang dothe same, and—
“I missed you,” Song Lan says quietly, and Xingchen turns towardhim.  All at once, all the things thatSong Lan planned and imagined and dreamed of saying are piled up behind histeeth, trying to force their way out in a rush. “I’m—so sorry, Xingchen. Everything—it was all my fault, I was so cruel to you.”
“Zichen,” Xingchen says, and he sounds so tired.  His head tips toward Song Lan’s shoulder, buthe stops, just like he did before, just like he always has, a little distancefrom touching.  Xingchen always lets SongLan be the one to close that last gap, always lets him choose how and when andwhere he’s willing to be touched.  Hedidn’t need it explained to him when they first met and doesn’t need it thistime.  Song Lan has missed him so much.
“I’m not—I never had your gift with words,” Song Lan goes on, somefeeling rising in his chest that he can’t name, something nearly frantic,because he’s not Xingchen, has never been Xingchen, has never had the rightwords at the right time even when he needed them most desperately.  He wrote so many versions of thisconversation in his head, before, that he can’t pick one now.  “But I—I am so sorry, Xingchen.  I should have done better by you, I was—I wasthoughtless, and you suffered for it--”
“Zichen,” Xingchen says again, weary, and Song Lan shuts up.  “I only regretted being blind when it killedyou,” he says, in a low murmur.  “When itkilled all those—and that—that was not your fault.”
“Enough,” Xingchen says.  “You’reforgiven.  You were always forgiven,Zichen.”  He smiles a little.  “Besides, I should be the one apologizing.”
“I won’t listen,” Song Lan says, trying for humor.  He never did have the talent for being funnywhen he meant to be, but Xingchen smiles a little more.
“I missed you too.  Allthe time.”
Song Lan thinks briefly about kissing him.  Maybe later. Instead he reaches up and tips Xingchen’s head onto his shoulder, andsays, “Keep pressure on your hand.”
“It’s not bleeding anymore.”
“Good.  Keep pressure onit.”
AndXingchen laughs, with his cheek resting on Song Lan’s shoulder, and Song Lansmiles a little himself.
#the untamed#mdzs#mo dao zu shi#songxiao#xiao xingchen#song lan#starlight writes stuff#headcanon meme#ask meme#i should apparently start doing what sarah yyy does and tag for sadness level according to the girlfriend#mild to medium angst#I THINK YOU MEANT THIS TO BE...KIND AND SWEET#IT'S STILL KIND! but like mild to medium angst without a doubt#this is also verging on being a whole fic rather than headcanons but are any of us really surprised#sl is a few years older than xxc again and he's in grad school for a degree in education#xxc is in his first year of post-secondary something#he has kind of a whole existential crisis about it after getting his memories back#but it turns out okay all things considered#a qing is one of the students song lan teaches the next year and she sees him the first day and shrieks 'daozhang' and throws herself at hi#song lan heroically doesn't drop her in a panic but he does later ask her not to grab him because he doesn't like to be touched#xxc on the other hand loves a hug! and by god a qing wants to give him one!#i have no idea how xue yang figures into this if at all#i just wanted sl and xxc to sit quietly in an er waiting room and talk about missing each other#xiao xingchen kisses him the next day by the way#he reaches out and stops with his hand three inches from song lan's face and says 'may i'#and song lan forces his hand down and brings his left (uninjured) hand up instead and puts xxc's palm to his cheek#and xxc is laughing when he kisses him#a queue we will keep and our honor someday avenge#insert-cleverurl#asked and answered
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badlydrawndrawnings · 4 years
Thoughts on These Families
Haines Family Basic Pre-Canon-Widdershins Family Basic Pre-Canon
Three family members: Parent, Eldest Child, Youngest Child (the other parent is absent/dead)
Haines are family by Blood (Sharon is the biological mother of Lizzie and Kellar); Widdershins are family from by Marriage/Adoption (Widdershins is the stepfather to Fernald and Fiona, and given Fernald and Fiona’s bio-dad elected to not come back to their lives to claim custody or visitation rights, there’s a possibility Widdershins adopted his stepchildren)
Once a very happy family, even if not a traditional one
Sharon is a single mother raising her two children for an unknown period of time; Fernald was a teenager when Fiona was born, and with Widdershins being a young man at the time he’s a young stepfather early on in the marriage
Everyone got along well
Until an Incident(TM) came and torn the family apart
It got other people involved
Parent and Youngest Child are together; Eldest Child isn’t there anymore
Sharon Haines-Captain Widdershins (Unknown First Name)
Decent Person(TM) (and Decent Parent(TM) by extension) in the past given parts of the text, by their proper appearance in each respective series, they’re now actually at their Worst(TM)
Part of a Secret Organization
Sharon was recruited as an adult due to the Incident (TM) created by the Inhumane Society (Lizzie’s kidnapping) and goes along with Hangfire’s plans without a second thought to get her daughter back. Widdershins was recruited into VFD, most likely as a child given canon facts of other VFD members/supplementary material, and help created the Incident(TM) (Anwhistle Aquatic Fire), which is theorized to be orders from someone in VFD to stop another potential Schism since there is canon evidence of said someone not happy with something that predates the Incident(TM) (the creation of the Medusoid Mycelium)
Sharon lied about being part of VFD before the reveal of her being part of the Inhumane Society; Teen!Widdershins was part of some coup the SBG in VFD had planned, but it seemed to have failed
The need to accomplish their goals first most means they’re willing to not care about themselves and others well being; frankly speaking, they’re driving their metaphorical chariot off a cliff
Absolute Desperation Vs Never Hesitating
Limes Vs Manatees
Lizzie Haines-Fernald (Unknown Surname; Canonically states it’s not Widdershins)
Oldest Sibling of Two (with their exact ages unknown but there’s a sense of age range due to their heights and their younger sibling’s age)
Talented Actress and Smart Kidnapped Victim Who Saved Herself with Help vs Talented Actor and ‘I Hated You as a Child’ Criminal Of a Chef Salad
Lizzie got into Theater due to her own interest and natural talent and has the Legendary Sally Murphy to be her teacher; Fernald got into Theater after leaving home and has Count Olaf as his teacher, and honestly it seems acting was a second career choice?
Lizzie’s disguises are notice by Lemony, but works enough to not reveal her identity until she slips up; Fernald’s disguises are never notice by the Baudelaire Orphans and he never slips up
Fake Facial Hair Vs. Fake Hands
No doubt they just want to reunite with their sibling again and gets that chance when they least expected
Meta - Lizzie is mention in the 3rd book, but only properly introduced in the final book as ‘Porter’ and ‘Nephew’, with her connection to Kellar isn’t reveal until a Low-Key Important Moment. Fernald is introduced in the first book as ‘Hook-Handed Man’, but only gets a proper backstory and name in 11th book connecting him to Fiona in a Big Reveal
Kellar Haines-Fiona (Unknown, but due to the Missing Bio-Dad Dilemma the assumed surname is in fact, Widdershins)
Youngest Sibling of Two
Has to deal with their parent at their Worst(TM) for an unknown period of time until their proper appearance in each respective series
Kellar given what he says about his family pre-canon implies Sharon’s change behavior is recent due to Lizzie’s kidnapping, meaning Kellar’s situation has him alone for a few/several months with his mother until they get into action that is Hangfire’s new plan
Fiona’s situation is hard to grasp; there are canonical periods where Widdershins has a second member in the crew of two (Jacques, Lemony, The Woman Who Turned Out to Be a Spy, Phil) and possible canonical period of no second member, so chances are Fiona was alone with her stepfather post Spy leaving at an unknown time and pre-Phil joining between TAA and TVV (given THH through TSS take place over shorter periods of time, Phil most likely join the Queequeg between TAA and TVV)
Double Agent/Codemaker vs Mycologist 
Tintin Quiff Vs Triangle Glasses
Part of a Secret Organization
Kellar was force into joining the Inhumane Society due to Lizzie’s kidnapping and is not happy with it and tried reveal his involvement and Hangfire’s plan to Lemony and associates without letting his mother know what he’s doing; Fiona is either a new volunteer in VFD or close to gaining volunteer status by TGG given how if she knows Quigley by reputation, there’s a chance Fiona has one as well, so she accepts being part of VFD, but it should be noted Fiona doesn’t follow the MO that is given in supplementary material of VFD kidnapping recruiting members by the ankle and tearing them away from their family, as she was apparently raised by her stepfather all of her life (maybe the second member of the crew of two had a hand in it?) so acceptance could be affected by being an exception to VFD normal MO (???)
Kellar ditches the Inhumane Society and joins VFD (but not really this is due to associating with Lemony who is part of VFD) after trying and failing to get his mother to see the truth and hopes the family could stay together; Fiona switches sides in VFD after her stepfather abandons her because Fiona above all else, just wants to be with family, and is sticking to the one family member currently left
Kellar doesn’t double cross anyone in his new group; Fiona eventually double cross her new side
Got friends and boy do they need it
Haines Family in Final Book-Widdershins Family in Final Book
The Haines Family and Widdershins Family are reunited in the worst possible moment in the history of worst possible moments
Lizzie and Kellar reunited first and then met up with their mother during/after the (Most likely Copy) Bombinating Beast attack on The Thistle of the Valley
Sharon, Lizzie, and Kellar are all alive and together again
Lizzie and Kellar are starting to make up for lost time and Sharon is just watching them
Sally Murphy is watching over the family awkwardly but happy Lizzie is with her family again and wanting to give autographs
Fernald and Fiona reunited first and then met up with their stepfather (and Kit) during the Great Unknown (Original Bombinating Beast?) attack on the Queequeg and remains of Hector’s Self Sustaining Hot Air Mobile Home
Fernald and Fiona are making up for lost time; stealing a submarine is just one event
The Quagmire Triplets + Hector are probably not happy given the crap Fernald and his associates put them through (this isn’t even including a theory regarding Hector but including that it’s even messier), they’re cursing their mouths off and probably attacking Fernald due to all the things he did
Widdershins, Fernald, and Fiona’s fates are unknown, but they were together again, with the Quagmire Triplets and Hector, who fates are also unknown
This more of a tangent regarding my first time reading The End as kid, but slightly related to them: since Kit didn’t know if they survived the Great Unknown, and with Ishmael and the rest of the Islanders leaving while infected with the Mycelium, I came to believed almost everyone on Earth died because Ishmael and the Islander arrived back to the Mainland on time but fail to get the cure. The Baudelaire Orphans and Beatrice II were alive due to their isolation, and Lemony and others who survived somehow avoided the Mycelium
I don’t think any of that now because on a second re-read and onward, it just didn’t make sense, but it’s fun to bring up one of the earliest headcanons of sorts I had for the series. In regards to other headcanons, I headcanon everyone survived the Great Unknown and got out in a similar fashion a la Pinocchio
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musette22 · 4 years
Hi Minnie! First of all, thank you for being so sweet, reasonable and respectful, I can't even describe how much joy your blog gives me! You are a true pro in emotional support for Evanstan fandom, so I guess I kinda need some reassurance. [1]
The thing is, as you probably know, some Seb stans on Twitter take the whole Chris insta situation and turn it into smth embarassing, like making fun of Seb and Mackie ignoring Chris and calling the idea of the challenge stupid (even though Chris did donate, not just "asked fans for money", as they say). It's like they feel the need to attack the first before smb calls they fav out. [2]
I know there ARE good people in Seb fandom, it's just that the aggressive ones are so loud and spread their bs so fast, I end up seeing it on my TL. No matter how stupid it sounds, it keeps making me sad to see so much hate towards Chris and his fans not from some random locals but from Seb stans. It's like two halves of my heart are torn apart. Not even ship-wise, it just seems so hard to love them both and be present on twitter these days. [3]
And, since I'm whiney af today, one more twitter thing: the CW promo era was some kind of honeymoon for us, sure, but I've recently seen some opinions on how Chris was all lovey-dovey and Seb was stiff and bored and uncomfortable, how their interviews were unnatural and boring. I mean, in my part of fandom (non-English speaking country) there has always been a popular perception of boys' dynamic as these "over-excited puppy playing around a confused cat" vids, if you know what I mean. [4]
But it kinda seemed ok for me, and the way they acted a little awkward around each other etc. Well, you can tell I'm easily affected cause now it does feel more negative to me. Stuuupid, I know. Maybe it's my "let's feel sorry for Chris and his fans" phase, idk. Sorry for bringing it here, you just seem to reassure people so well. [5 and last, it was long lol]
Hello my lovely!! This was indeed long hahaha but that’s totally fine, I myself am also someone who also has trouble keeping things short to I feel you 😘 
This is a very long reply so I’m putting it under the cut so I don’t clog up people’s dashes!
Okay so first of all, let me say I was never a fan of Twitter, but everything I’ve heard lately has just lowered my opinion of it even further. I know there’s a lot of amazing stuff and brilliant folks on there as well, but it also seems to be where all the bitchy, hateful, entitled and inappropriate people congregate. So personally, I’m very happy with my little community on Tumblr when it comes to fandom, and for news and social media I prefer actual news outlets and instagram. The sad truth is that there are a lot of harmful and hateful opinions in the world, and as someone who struggles with anxiety, I try to find ways to avoid a lot of it. Especially the stuff I can’t do anything about (you can try to reason with most haters until you’re blue in the face, and 90% of the time it’s not going to make an ounce of difference). It’s much easier to curate your own experiences on platforms like Tumblr and even Instagram than it is on Twitter, or so I’ve gathered. So I’m afraid I don’t have a lot of helpful advice for you there apart from ‘maybe try and stay away from Twitter if you can’ which you probably don’t really want either...
As for the whole Seb vs Chris issue: it’s clearly completely ridiculous. There is no ground whatsoever to believe they’re at odds. At worst, they’re now just casual work friends, but there is no reason to believe there’s any bad blood. It’s interesting to consider that initially, the argument seemed to be they had fallen out and both disliked each other (no idea where that came from but sure), then it was that Chris didn’t like Sebastian (because he allegedly shaded him when he joked that Scarjo was the only one of his friends who came to see Lobby Hero), and then Chris got Instagram and tagged and followed Seb, but because Seb hasn’t responded to the challenge yet, he now apparently hates Chris. For what reason, god only knows, because only last year at MCM London (where I was present myself) Sebastian gushed about Chris and his experiences with him while filming the Cap movies, and lets not forget it was him who initiated the hug at the Endgame premiere. Long story short: they don’t dislike each other. They’re completely fine, people just like to make up drama for whatever reason.   
As for the Sebastian stans who hate Chris and vice vera: to be honest, I wasn’t even really aware it was an issue until recently, because I was under the naive impression that it was kind of impossible to love one but hate the other. Both of them are such amiable, sweet, thoughtful, funny, talented guys, and everyone who actually knows them adores them, so why on earth anyone could hate either of them is beyond me. But even if you do, I genuinely don’t understand this need to pit them against each other? Why? I think a lot of it is down to people just liking drama, or being actual 12 year-olds who still see the world in a kind of high school dynamic-way. I’m not saying Chris and Sebastian have never done anything wrong, but in my opinion, none of it warrants outright hate or being cancelled over. It’s such an immature and unreasonable take. I’m just sorry for the people who can’t love both of them, because man, are they missing out! I understand that it’s painful for you to see all those opinions when you love both of them so much, but that’s why I try to just avoid them. I know they exist, but not seeing them makes dealing with it a whole lot easier, I promise! ❤️
With regard to the challenge itself: if the celebrities who are taking part in it are not donating themselves, then yeah, that would be problematic. However, we know that Chris donates to a ton of different charities, so there’s no doubt in my mind that he’s donated to this cause as well. Asking people to buy tickets to try and win this “prize” is not in itself an issue, if you ask me. People can think for themselves, can’t they? If they think it’s worth it, they think it’s worth it. They’re not being forced to part with their money, and moreover said money is being used to help people in need. Of course fake and problematic charities exist, but there are still good ones out there as well, so let’s assume for the moment this one is actually doing all of this from a genuine desire to help people and it’s not some money grabbing scheme.
Furthermore, as I’ve said so many times before, I really don’t believe Sebastian and Mackie are “ignoring” Chris. If they’re choosing not to do the challenge (they still might do it at some point) then I’m sure they have a good reason for that and it isn’t that they’re holding a grudge and are thinking “screw this charity and that Chris Evans, I’m going to ghost him to get my revenge!” I mean, do these people even realize how ridiculous that sounds 🙄 I also believe they would have let Chris know about their decision privately. They do have each other’s phone numbers, you know... 
And lastly, about the CW press tour... I don’t know what footage these people have been watching to come to such conclusions, or what’s wrong with their eyes and ears, but that makes NO sense to me. I’ll tell you what; it was mostly the footage from the CW press tour that got me convinced there was something going in between the two of them! Both Chris and Sebastian acted in a way that screamed “smitten kittens” to me, and if there was ever any “stiffness” from Sebastian’s side, then that was no doubt just his slightly more reserved personality compared to Chris and Mackie’s. Chris and Sebastian’s videos together give me LIFE, so for anyone to call them boring is actually kind of insulting lol. To me, almost every interaction Chris and Seb had during that press tour showed that they were either low-key (in a friendship way) or high-key (in a romantic way) crushing on each other, and they clearly admire each other very much. Any awkwardness I’ve ever seen between them for me seemed to stem from that crush (is anyone not at least a little awkward around their crush sometimes?) and not from any dislike from either side. That’s actually such a ridiculous idea to me that it doesn’t even make me worried, it just makes me laugh. Some people really don’t have eyes, it seems. 
Anyway, that was a reeeeeeaaaaaallllyyyyy long reply lmao, I’m sorry! I hope this helps a little though, because I do know how shitty it is to feel like you do about things that are supposed to make you happy!! Tuning out the haters and focusing on people who feel the same way you do in my experience is the best way to get to feeling good again 🥰 Big hug, and hopefully you’ll feel better soon!
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It’ll Be Okay
A Criminal Minds One Shot
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Requests and Tagslist open!
[I’m super willing to write more parts with London or to continue this part let me know in the requests!]
Original Focus Character: London Emma Schmidt, 17
Team Status: First few episodes of season 3 before Rossi→ Hotch, Reid, Morgan, Prentiss, JJ, Garcia
Potential Triggers: Sexual abuse and assault → 2 potentially triggering scenes. One depicting the after thoughts and another briefly detailing what it looks like on the outside from a distance.
National Sexual Assault Hotline: Call 1-800-656-4673
London loved her job.
Sure, the pay sucked, but the hours were relatively constant, the people were amazing, and even though the team could function without her, they all pretend it couldn’t.
Working as a (low pay) intern at the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit was a dream come true for her. She had landed the gig through her councilor, who had handed her the pamphlet and application.
Mrs. VerHagen knew about her passion for going into some form of law enforcement or government, and how badly she wanted to join the bureau. With that knowledge, as soon as she saw the new intern program that would match one student to each unit in the building, she knew London would be interested.
As soon as the deadline had occurred, she received the letter she was accepted and would need to submit a skills profile so that each unit could choose which intern they felt would fit their team best. It all seemed very pet adoption style, but if it meant she had a better chance of making it into the FBI after high school, she would take it.
Once she submitted that, she waited another very anxious several months before getting word that the Behavior Analysis Unit had chosen her from all the survey talented individuals.
Since she was only a high school junior, seventeen years old, she couldn’t go on trips with the team’s and parent’s approval- which she knew would never happen- so she just stayed in the office, helping Garcia from her cave, or tidying things and filing old cases.
Today, however, was one of the days that she would go straight from her public high school to the bureau’s headquarter. She smiled at the main guard at the main entrance, letting them search her school bag and scan her employee badge clipped to the front pocket of her jean jacket.
As she stepped out of the elevator, she was greeted by JJ waving to her while walking from her office, “hey London, I have a few things for you to do today while you’re in, the list is sitting on your desk!”
“Sounds great, JJ! I’ll get right on it,” London called as they passed and she entered the bullpen and set her bag down onto her desk.
“Hey, Schmidt, did you make a coffee run?”
Moving her head to follow the voice she rolled her eyes at Special Agent Derek Morgan, one of the people she loved the most at the BAU, sitting at his desk, relaxing as he leaned against the desk of the person in the office she was closest with, Doctor Spencer Reid. “I didn’t know I was supposed to, I can see what the break room has, but I know you’ll still complain.”
Morgan laughed and outstretched his hand, an almost empty coffee mug hanging for her to grasp, “You know my order?”
London laughed and took the mug, “splash of milk one spoon of sugar, yeah, I know,” she laughed. Looking over to Spencer she raised her eyebrows, “want any Reid? I know your order, don’t worry.”
Spencer nodded and smiled at her, “Yeah, sure. Thanks, London. How was school?”
Shrugging, she leaned back against her desk with the mugs held in her hands. “As good as school can be, but hey, I don’t have to go back until 8am tomorrow.”
The two men laughed as she shrugged and moved to fill up the coffee mugs, “I’ll be back!”
After London filled and returned the mugs to her coworkers and a mug for herself, she started on the list that JJ had given her.
It was a simple list, just filling out some basic forms and organizing records. Sometimes spending so much time with the agents. She made small talk with the people around her.
Tricking Reid into doing her homework for her, throwing small things at Morgan while he wasn’t looking, and sending cat videos to the group chat she was in with JJ, Prentiss, and Garcia were just a few.
It wasn’t until Morgan spoke again that she remembered the time, and what waited for her at home, “Hey, Lon, it’s Tuesday, don’t you gotta be back home by 10?”
Looking up from her AP Chemistry homework, she nodded, “Yeah, why?”
Prentiss looked at the clock sitting on his desk before chiming in, “It’s 9:30 right now.”
Her heat dropped. She was already dreading going home for the fact it was the night of the week she hated wholeheartedly, but being late would make everything that much worse, “Shit, the bus leaves at 9:45, do you think I could make it?”
Reid looked at her, “Hey, I can drive you home, no problem.”
She shook her head, scrambling to shove her books in her bag, log out of the computer, and chug whatever was left at the bottom of her coffee mug, “Yeah, but that’ll only save a few minutes, I’ll still be late.”
At that point, London didn’t have time to allow herself to remember that not only did Reid hate people in his personal space but he also hated driving.
Morgan looked at Prentiss, they made eye contact with a mutual concern.
London was always punctual, that’s just how she was, but on Tuesdays towards the end of the night she was always that much more on edge, only for her to return on Thursday fine.
Once she had gotten ready at her desk at a seemingly superhuman speed, she looked at Spencer expectantly. “Chop chop, we gotta go, come on.”
With keys in hand, he was still grabbing his side bag while she all but dragged him out the office, neglecting the elevator after deeming it, “too time consuming and slow”.
Once they had gotten into the car, London’s leg wouldn’t stay still, it was bouncing and she was picking at her nails, something the team had quickly identified as her “tells”.
“So, are you going to explain why you’re in such a rush?” Spencer asked, seeing it as appropriate to have an explanation.
London shrugged before pointing the corner to turn leading him into a neighborhood that could not be easily classified into lower or middle class. It was the first time any of the team members had brought her home after her shift.
Once he pulled into the driveway, he moved to get out, but was interrupted by London stopping him with a forceful, “what are you doing?”
Spencer looked at her front door, which had the porch light on, and the man standing in the window before clarifying, “I was going to meet your dad and siblings, you talk about them all the time. More your siblings than dad, but still.”
It was a terrible idea. Bruce would be mad enough at London for being late, let alone if she brought someone home, let alone on a Tuesday night.
It wasn’t a secret to the team that her mother was dead, she was open about the ordeal. A drunk driving accident, something that was all too common. It was also true she talked about her younger siblings, little Lance and Jessica, all the time, she loved them and proved every Tuesday she would do anything for them. But the threat of her father, Bruce, out weighed the desire to introduce her family with her friends from the BAU.
Frantically shaking her head at him, her eyes darting from her father, to the clock on the dashboard reading that she was at least fifteen minutes late to curfew, and then Spencer. “No, no no no no, I’m sure you’ll get to meet them sometime but tonight won’t be it. I promise I’ll pick them up from school one day and take them to the office even. But right now I need to go.”
Before Reid could even argue, she was already out of the car and standing outside the front door. “I’ll see you and the rest of the team on Thursday! Have a good night and get some sleep!”
After the kind words she yelled at him she quickly entered her home, shut the door, and turned off the light.
Spencer knew that something was wrong, but nonetheless he drove away from the house and discussed the peculiarities of the situation with the team once he arrived back at the office.
While Reid drove back to the office, London was dealing with the rage of her father inside the home.
“You’re late.” The empty cans laid on the coffee table and refused to let her forget the impending doom that polluted the air around her.
“I know, I got wrapped up, it won’t happen again, I promise.” She looked to the kitchen table, “where are the kids? You know the deal, you do whatever you want to me but you don’t lay a hand on them.”
Downing the rest of the can he was holding, London’s father moved towards her, “I don’t care about what the brats do. What I do care about, is what we’re about to do, and I’m going to take my sweet time tonight,” the way he caressed the side of her face made her almost as sick as what was about to happen would, “sweetheart.”
Laying in her fathers bed, naked with tears streaming down her face and under the covers with him, all London could remember was when she hadn’t grown so numb to her father raping her.
She used to resist. Sometimes she wouldn’t go home on Tuesdays, as that was always the night he got so wasted he could barely remember who his own children were and would beat them senseless.
London learned the hard way that if she wasn’t there to take the brunt of it, it would go to her ten year old brother, or six year old sister, and she couldn’t let that happen. It wasn’t like her older brother, Bryan, knew about it. Once mom died, dad spiraled, and Bryan left for college never to look back at just the right time.
So her father had his way with her every Tuesday night so long as she kept her grades up, he didn’t get black out wasted, and she met her 10 o’clock curfew every Tuesday night, and 11 o’clock curfew the rest of the week, or until her father decided to add an extra day to the schedule.
She knew that she would find herself back where she was tomorrow night, she was late, what should she have expected?
She was tired, she was so tired, more tired than she usually was on a night after. It was a Wednesday, the conveniently planned off-day unless she was called in to help JJ brief the team on a new case, something she had only been allowed to help with two or three times before.
She had drifted through the day ready to go home and get the torture and punishment of being late by her father, until her phone rang as the last bell rang.
Answering it she heard JJ’s lovely voice through the speakers asking for her to go into the office and help with a couple house/office keeping things, help out the team a bit overall.
London agreed, only asking if she could go in a bit later to set up Lance and Jessica’s dinner and evening situations. She felt bad for leaving them alone as often as she did, but on days she regularly had to go into her internship, she had arrangements with her kind neighbors established.
JJ, obviously, agreed.
It was around five thirty in the evening when London made her way into the office. She still smiled at the people she passed, and greeted the security guards who, although were confused about her break in schedule, were still happy to see her.
As soon as she got to her desk she dropped her bag, half heartedly waved at Prentiss who smiled brightly at her, and went to get the most needed mug of coffee probably ever.
Reid had approached her shortly after she sat down, “hey, are you alright? You seemed really upset last night.”
Glancing up from her laptop, London gave him a faint smile, “yeah, sorry about that. My dad’s just strict about curfew.”
Morgan chimed in from his desk, “only on Tuesday?”
London looked between Morgan and Reid before squinting her eyes and looking between them, “Yeah, my siblings get home earlier those days. Why? You guys better not be profiling me, there’s a rule against it for a reason.”
Reid shook his head and shrugged as he sipped his coffee, and Morgan leaned into watching as she stared into space after the three remaining in the situation for what felt like lifespans.
Nodding to Spencer, Morgan, and Prentiss, who didn’t want to be directly a part of the investigation but was still invested in the girls wellbeing, watched as he placed his land on her arm.
Against their hopes, she flinched away and panicked, darting her eyes around the office and her breathing escalated. “What?”
Spencer just looked at her for a moment before asking, “I’m going to be done with paperwork early tonight, I can give you a ride home again tonight if you’d like.”
She looked at him before slowly agreeing, rubbing her forehead in her hand, “yeah, sure, sounds great. Curfew’s 10 again tonight, though.”
Spencer looked back to Morgan and subtly nodded before replying to the girl, “sounds good.”
After an odd car ride to London’s house filled with weirdly general but specific questions from Reid, she once again found herself standing inside the front door of her house, ready to let her father take advantage of her so long as it meant her siblings were safe.
Reid sat in his car parked outside of London’s house with his binoculars in one hand, and his phone in the other. It felt wrong that he was there, spying on his department’s intern that he had grown to become friends with.
Friends care about and help friends. London needed help. That much was clear and had been subtly obvious since day one, the only part left unclear was from what.
He sat watching through the large front bay window as she stood to her father, which Garcia and other research found to be Bruce, until he pressed her against a wall and moved his face close to hers.
There was a look of resistance on London’s face before he said something that made it drop into defeat and she let her father push her down the hallway.
Spencer had a sick feeling in her stomach. So far, everything that was happening had matched with him, Morgan’s, and Prentiss’s theories. Someone was molesting their intern, they just weren’t sure who.
Watching through the window, Reid watched as London was pushed into the middle of the room. It looked like it was hers, the light blue walls seemed to fit the girl so well he wasn’t sure whose else room it could be.
Spencer hated watching, but he knew that if there was another witness it would make it that much easier to put the bastard away once this was over.
With that in mind, he watched as the girl shook her head at her father before he slapped her face, and moved to close the blinds.
He could still see her silouette as she removed her shirt.
It was all he had to see to call Derek Morgan on his phone and say the only words he needed to, “Hey, we were right. It’s her dad.”
One week and one day later, London works at the BAU, and she loves her job and couldn’t think of a time she genuinely disliked it.
That particular Thursday, however, doing anything else was more appealing to London than going to work.
Maybe it was the sinking feeling that someone had figured out her secret with all the questions they had been asking for a week. Maybe it was the day after feeling she had grown used to when she missed curfew for the second week in a row. Maybe it was just because she forgot her lunch money and was even more tired than Wednesday.
She followed her regular routine through the hallways and elevator to the BAU office floor where the desks of the agents were empty, something that wasn’t uncommon when they were out of town on missions and JJ would have Penelope give her tasks or email her a list.
The uncommon part about the desks being empty was that Doctor Reid was standing next to her desk.
She could tell something was wrong. It was established early that Spencer had the worst poker face, and she had gotten significantly better at profiling since the internship had started.
She was determined to find out what was happening. Did something happen to her siblings? Did something happen to her? Was she being fired?
“What’s up, Spence? Why the long face?”
First, he nodded at her desk and then to the conference room, then he spoke to her, “why don’t you set your stuff down and come join the team in the conference room. We have a case we’d like you to see.”
“A case?” She had been allowed to sit in on several briefings, even help JJ give the briefings, and she often helped Penelope when she was incharge of her interning, but they never waited for her so that she could see.
Nodding, Spencer walked next to the girl around the bullpen and up the staircase. “How was school? Did that boy ask you out yet? Did you know that Morgan had Garcia dig into him for you?”
Laughing she shook her head, “You guys are ridiculous.”
There was a shift in the atmosphere when she walked into the conference room. The entire team was sitting there, and it seemed they were waiting for her and Spencer. “What’s going on? Am I getting fired because I swear Morgan was the one who broke the mug on Tuesday.”
“Hey!” Morgan exclaimed as the girl shrugged at him. What she was saying wasn’t entirely true, but she wasn’t about to get fired over dropping a mug because a boy texted her.
Hotch smiled softly at her before calming her, “no, you’re not getting fired, London. Reid, can you close the door?”
“Okay, cool. What’s this about then?”
It got quiet again as the tension in the room was insufferable.
Looking around the room, London watched as every member of the team avoided her eye contact. “What’s going on? I’m not a fan of the whole-everyone-knows-something-London-doesn’t thing.”
Emily looked up to meet her eyes before speaking in a calm and comforting manner, “London, we know what’s happening at home.”
What’s happening at home. Which part? It might not be as bad as London was thinking. Maybe they don’t know about Tuesdays, they only know about Bruce’s drinking problem.
“What? What do you mean, what’s going on at home?” The change in London’s voice was palpable. It was strained, like she was about to cry if it was what she thought it was, which was absolutely true.
JJ cleared her throat softly, “we know what your dad does to you on Tuesdays. And every night you miss curfew.”
London was glad she didn’t move her head to make eye contact with JJ, she kept her eyes unmoving, staring straight in front of her. Her jaw was clenched, her breathing was heavy but steady, and her fingers clenched in and out of fists.
After a few beats of silence, Derek spoke to her, “Lon, it’s okay. We just want to help you.”
London blinked before looking up and diluting her face to a neutral position before asking, “Alright. Are we done here?”
The team wasn’t sure what was worse, how natural ignoring trauma was to a seventeen year old, or the fact she was so calmly numb to the fact that there were tears rapidly falling down her face without notice from her.
Spencer then did one of the most unexpected things that he could have done, he walked up to the girl and pulled her into his arms. It was then the dam broke and London started sobbing uncontrollably, moving to clutch the man in a hug.
“It’s okay, London. It’ll be okay, I promise.”
concepts for a part 2/series
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thevagueambition · 4 years
Atla, Zukka and Sokka :)
Favorite character: Zuko, 100%. He’s a character I relate to a lot, eg the whole “hard work vs natural talent” thing... I even have a costume, although I didn’t get a chance to use it when I meant to so I haven’t really done so yet OTL
Least Favorite character: Hmm, god, I don’t know.... Bumi, maybe? As a comedic character he feels a bit too “haha crazy” and he doesn’t really (imo) work well as a dramatic one... 
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
Character I find most attractive: Zuko. Particularly s3 ofc lol
putting the rest under a cut for length
Character I would marry: idk. not big on marriage really
Character I would be best friends with: Sokka
a random thought: The true hero of ATLA is Iroh and I feel ashamed of not having mentioned his name yet in this
An unpopular opinion: The age difference between Kataang is 2 years which is the exact same age difference between Zutara and neither are particularly weird regardless of the fact that I don’t care about either ship
My Canon OTP: Don’t have one. Sokka/Suki is cute I guess is the closest I come to having strong feelings on a canon ship
My Non-canon OTP: Zukka
Most Badass Character: Toph but also low key Sokka bc he’s a non-bender
Most Epic Villain: That old blood bending woman who gave us all nightmares
Pairing I am not a fan of: Zutara, but that’as as much about fandom behavior back in the day as anything else
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Korra, all of LoK 
They gave Toph too little to do in s3 and she SHOULD have had her Zuko outing like all the others >:( Actually Zuko and Toph have a lot in common in certain ways and that was never fully explored
Also obviously SOOOO many characters in this series who were written as straight when they shouldn’t be lol. We get it, it was a kid’s cartoon in the 00s, but they didn’t have to agressively pair off everyone in neat m/f couples by the end of the series
Favourite Friendship: Aang & Zuko
Character I most identify with: Zuko, as mentioned above. He’s also the same MBTI type as me haha (INFP). Also, Sokka mix of being simoultaneously really clever and extremely stupid is a gigantic mood.
Character I wish I could be: Idk... Iroh, in some ways, certainly. Honestly, by the end of the series all the main kids are pretty admirable people. Who wouldn’t want Aang’s kindness, Katara’s righteousness, Zuko’s determination, Sokka’s cleverness, Toph’s independence, Suki’s leadership, etc? Hell, Mai’s bravery and Ty Lee’s loyalty? I love all the main kids.
When I started shipping them: Only a year or two ago, actually! I think last time I rewatched The Boiling Rock I was like 👀
Originally when I was an ATLA fan I was still in the “we must adheer to canon” phase of my existence in fandom and then for a good while I was still affected by my... hesitance to look like a, idk, stereotypical slash fan, in the sense that back in the day people were REALLY hostile to slash ships that seemed, idk, contrived. Zukka also just wasn’t a big ship back in the day I don’t think, Jetko has always been more popular. 
My thoughts: The cammaraderie that developes between them over their stay at The Boiling Rock is incredibly compelling to me and I think that... the ways in which Sokka holds Zuko accountable through “jokes” but still allows him the space to prove himself is really interesting and probably... something that is actually better for Zuko than either Katara’s rage or Aang’s kindness? Idk. 
Also they both have pretty complicated relationships to masculinity and what it means to be a man in their respective cultures and their sort of struggles with that and how those struggles look different due to circumstances like their parental situations and different cultural expectations... Zuko’s is less directly about masculinity per se because the Fire Nation has less strict gender roles, or at least ones that don’t code certain activities as purely masculine endeavours (eg warfare) but certainly there are shades of Ozai’s treatment of Zuko and Azula that are gendered as well as about birth order and it’s interesting how Zuko and Sokka both impose restrictions on themselves about how they should behave and what they should live up to culturally.
What makes me happy about them: I think they complement each other really well. They have a lot in common but are pretty different about their approach to things... I also just really like battle couples lol 
What makes me sad about them: Their respective trauma is part of what makes them compelling but it’s certainly also sad, so in that sense...
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: So much of it is modern AU and i don’t care for it lol. Completely ignoring any sense that the Avatar world must have some elements of homophobia bothers me to exist in the ways it does, but as does completely overplaying it, idk. It’s a balance not everyone strikes well. Also obviously when people demonise Suki or Mai to account for them not being in the picture that’s bad.
Things I look for in fanfic: Honestly, more than anything? Good characterisation. This is a ship that lives and dies by good characterisation. I also really like when they’re set during the time at the Western Air Temple.  
My wishlist:
Swordfighting duels!! Practicing swordfighting together!! Bonding over swords like the dumb teenage boys they are!! Yes I know about the innuendo that only makes it better!! 
Hakoda not just being cool with it but realising about Zuko’s abuse and being like Actually I Am Your Dad Now
I always want fic where the gaang find out about how Zuko got his scar and that with Zukka is even more *chef’s kiss*
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Hmm ending up with, huh? I like Jetko for the drama but not necessarily as endgame. Sukka is pretty cute so I’m down for that but Maiko is.... look, it made sense for the time that Zuko was back in the Fire Nation because but I 100% don’t think it’s something either of them benefits from afterwards. They’re better off as friends imo also Zuko’s gay
My happily ever after for them: I want them to travel the world together tbh? I never quite know how to account for Zuko becoming Fire Lord in my thoughts about him post-canon because... well obviously I hate monarchy and I don’t actually think Zuko would be particularly comfortable being the leader of a nation, so... I don’t know. Maybe after some years, maybe a decade, of guiding the nation back towards stability Zuko starts reforming the country towards something more democratic and becomes less personally involved in the affairs of running the country? I don’t see them as people who would or really could be tied down by each other because they each have responsibilities to their respective communities and I don’t necessarily find “and then they lived in the Fire Nation palace together for the rest of their lives” compelling... 
How I feel about this character: I love him so much. His character developement is so compelling and as one of the very few prominent non-bending characters he is also compelling in the ways that situate him within the world and forces him to look for other things to contribute with. Again, the ways in which he is undeniably very clever but simoultaneously kind of dumb is also just... Very Good and Relatable lol. He was someone I overlooked a bit for a while but I think Sokka’s Master really awakened me to how great he is and on rewatches he became one of my faves. Also, you just gotta love any character that uses sarcasm as a shield lol. 
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Zuko, primarily, as discussed above. I’m fine with both Yue and Suki as canon ships but I’m not really invested in it. When I was younger I liked Sokka/Toph somewhat but actually Toph is a lesbian so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ You could always do Suki/Toph, kill two birds with one stone you know
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Gotta love a good father-son relationship <3
My unpopular opinion about this character: I don’t know what the popular opinions about him are tbh. I’ll use this to say I think ADHD!Sokka makes sense though
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Hmm, idk... the episodes he had that were focused on him were very good and did a good job of exploring his inner life in the face of how often he’s a comedic character, so it would have to be more in terms of his relationships with other characters. More interactions with Zuko would have been good ofc ! :3c
Favorite friendship for this character: Hm, probably Aang. Protective Older Brother Mode for a character that isn’t even technically his sibling is Very Good.
My crossover ship: I don’t really have crossover ships
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leiareyna13-blog · 5 years
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Taylor, happy 13 years to us! One of the most beautiful things I’m really thankful for is that I’ve found your music.
It really started when my eldest sister, Ate Bey, told me about this cool music video titled, “Teardrops on my Guitar” that we watched together. I was just in fourth grade then and I loved it! It made me feel something I wasn’t quite certain about. I was sure of one thing, though—I loved the plot twist in the end. Since then, I listened to your songs from the debut album and I truly loved “Our Song” and “Tim Mcgraw.”
And then you became a hit after “Love Story.” I was in fifth grade. Only then, did I realize that I’ve found a connection in you because you’re a GREAT storyteller in your music while I so love storytelling! I started to adore you up to the point where I’d annoy everyone because I talk about you every time. I’d introduce you to them even if we have never actually met. I’d force them to like you, I’d force them to listen to you. It even became easy for them to think of a gift for me during occasions because all I ever wanted was anything related to you. From posters, guitar, boots, anything sparkly, Taylor Swift merchandise like shirts, Keds, perfumes, concert tickets, and albums!
For 13 years I’ve filled my wall with posters of you and sometimes my sister, ate Chammy, would get mad because she’d wake up in the middle of the night with someone staring at her only to realize it was just a poster from my wall. Now, she still hates it but we already have different rooms so we win Ate Chams is my low-key supporter because whenever I’m down, she’d play your songs on speaker and she’d make sure it’s blasting so I’d hear. She supported me in a lot of ways but she doesn’t want to show it often.
For 13 years, my dad would watch your tour videos with me even if he doesn’t want to. He loves me so much he’s letting me watch it for hours. Next thing I know, he’s already snoring. But sometimes, when I’m lucky, he would really watch it and even ask questions as if he’s really interested. He doesn’t want to show it, too. But one day, he secretly told my mom (which my mom told me later on) that you’re very talented and your tour videos are exciting to watch.
My brother, kuya Pandoy, BLOCKED ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA years ago because he said all my posts are about you and his timeline is filled with your photos. Now he’s supporting me by sending me Taylor Swift-related videos, buying me concert tickets and albums. He even went with me to the mall as soon as your 1989 album was up on stores just so I can already have a copy.
My eldest sister, who introduced you to me, has been the most supportive sibling in my whole journey with you. She accompanied me during my first concert experience. It was year 2011 and I thought I won’t be able to watch the Speak Now World Tour but on the day of the concert, we waited in line for 10 hours just to watch you. After the show, she told me you’re incredible and because of your whole production, even non-swifties would gladly jump and scream at the top of their lungs for you. She was also with me during your second concert here in the Philippines. It was year 2014. I wasn’t able to buy my own ticket and it’s already the day of the concert. I was crying. I saw a ticket on sale online and I asked my sister and brother if they can buy me one and they did! They bought me an expensive concert ticket so that I can watch you perform live again. She also bought my RED Album in New Zealand because after the release of your album, it’s not yet available here in PH and she wanted me to have a copy already.
My mom, she’s a swiftie, too. She buys me EVERYTHING RELATED TO YOU– FROM THE SIMPLEST MERCH TO THE MOST EXPENSIVE ONES. She supported me aaaaaall the way. She’s the one who truly appreciates you, as a musician and as a person. She loves you because I love you and she sees what I see in you. She never once stopped supporting my love for you because she knows you are worth it.
For 13 years, I was never alone in this journey. I have my family and relatives who supported me in the genuine love and support I have for you. It was quite a journey and truly, my family loves me so much that they were able to keep up with that for 13 years. And I might have outgrown a lot of things and people in the past 13 years but I’m certain my love for you is not one of those. I loved you then and I still love you now. I was with you from the very start and you can bet I will still be with you until the end. I will be a swiftie forever and always.
I love you, Taylor. I’ve seen you twice from afar. But soon, I’ll meet you up close. Wait for me.
Love, Leia.
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ryouverua · 5 years
Maki Harukawa FTE - (Kaede #1)
It’s chapter 1. The deadline is approaching. Everyone is in a panic. Cue us, Kaede, going to talk to a girl who seems withdrawn but competent. For what? Comfort? Ideas? Just some general companionship perhaps -
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.... Oh. Um. Th... thanks?
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Kaede is a glutton for punishment.
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“Damn my weakness for purple pushy people.”
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It’s going to be interesting reading this one, because technically Maki is just one big walking spoiler. I guess the question is, what could you figure out this early on? I think I actually speculated based on something she said in chapter 1 that everyone had swapped talents and memories, so that’s probably pretty indicative of how terrible she is at hiding the fact that her ‘talent’ wasn’t actually hers lmao.
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“Unwillingly.” - Maki, probably.
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“Yup. Definitely. Definitely me. Definitely not the first talent I could come up with off the top of my head when people started bugging me to ‘talk’ to them and ‘get to know each other’.”
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- oh right yeah my cover story -
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Does it really not bother Kaede how long it took for Maki to remember what kids she could possibly be referring to lmao 
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I guess??? You could see that as her trusting that her ‘talent’ was good enough to make them all self-sufficient???
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Survival of the fittest, the most viable of caregiving strategies.
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Which would then, you know, make it super remarkable that you were chosen to be designated the ‘Ultimate Child Caregiver’ unless that was actually a bunch of BS but ha ha that surely isn’t the case...
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.... Okay is it weird that I got a low-key Kokichi vibe, ala his ‘No one would miss me if I died anyway’ line? She thinks she’s expendable, huh...
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‘They’ll just find a new leader’. ... Interesting. I mean, she really was an older child helping to take care of the younger ones - that wasn’t a lie - and she ended up going off to take care of them from a distance in the end, but as a weapon... and ultimately had to have gotten replaced by another older child. She’s probably speaking in the past tense, as if she knows this is already the case. It’s necessity that she was replaced after all - they probably do miss her terribly, but life has to go on.... while she goes and ends others.
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Chances are Kaede is reacting to how matter-of-fact she’s saying these things too. For Kaede, it’s just negative speculation. For Maki, it’s the reality of the situation. And honestly, she doesn’t have to worry about the kids in return if she knows someone else is taking care of them, so that may be easier for her in the long run.
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That’s actually not a bad guess? And honestly, good on Kaede for trying to step in Maki’s shoes (even if it’s unsuccessful). Obviously it’s not nearly as bad for her as it is for Shuichi, but she does seem to have trouble sometimes looking at it from other people’s POV - ‘forcing’ her positivity on other people (aka what happened in the escape tunnel) - but my god does she care. It all comes from a good place. 
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Aaaaw, she’s really trying to connect with her! And again, that small flaw is coming out - Kaede is assuming that the best way to connect with her is talking to her about her talent, because of course Kaede would love to go off about her talent given the chance. It’s her life. Of course, she has no way of knowing right off the bat that Maki is almost her complete opposite in this matter so she’s basically trying to feel her way to a door on a giant stone wall, in the dark, with a hand tied behind her back.
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Maki definitely chose this talent, not just based on her own experience with it, but also based on the idea that she didn’t think anyone would quiz her about it too much lmao.
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“I thought that emo string-bean was the Ultimate Detective, not you. Is this an interrogation? Are you a cop or something? You have to tell me if you’re actually a cop.”
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“Tell me your secrets!!!! Let me love you!!!”
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Shipping phasers set, ready, aim -
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That was some amazing evasive maneuvering on Maki’s part, damn.
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“You’re a very loving person, right? Right? You actually love people, right? People who wear a lot of purple colours and are really positive and enthusiastic? I’m just asking because my emo detective flame might accidentally get me killed for character development, the girl in blue that I think is super sexy seems to be getting really agitated more than everyone else about the deadline, hot meido won’t stop talking to me like a client and the hot mysterious guy seems to know too much to stick around for long. You feeling me?”
Kaede ‘don’t hate me because everyone wants to date me’ Akamatsu, everyone
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“If she was just being shy, I still have a chance!!!”
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