#I think strawberry ice cream is his favorite flavor
cowardlybean · 4 months
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normally I would post this in a doodle dump but I am actually so obsessed with this mob I doodled for a friend please look at him
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ozzgin · 2 months
What would the yokai gangs favorite ice cream flavors be!! I must know!!
Ha, I think their reaction to ice cream or modern food in general would be interesting. Imagine taking a bunch of ancient demons on a stroll in modern times and you spot an ice cream truck.
Murasaki would go for something very simple, like vanilla ice cream. He's also eating it with a very serious expression and in small, careful bites, facing away from everyone (too embarrassed to show his enjoyment).
Kiritsubo is excited to try everything out, but eventually he'll settle for those flavors usually popular with kids. A bright blue bubblegum scoop will get his tail wagging. He'll beam with delight for some rainbow twirl with popping candy.
Suma is not too picky, maybe he'd go for nutty flavors like pistachio or pecan. As long as it's something in a big tub (that, or he'll empty most of the options and the truck will have to close up early).
Yuugiri likes sweet, fruity flavors like cherry or strawberry. He might also go for something fancier like salted caramel or coffee. He'd probably use this as an opportunity to tease you by licking it in an intentionally clumsy way with his forked tongue, maintaining eye contact and smirking.
Sekiya probably likes some bizarre or not-so-popular flavor like mint chocolate chip. Which adds to his nervousness as he points to his desired choice and hears some kid behind him going "ewww, people actually go for that?"
Sakaki prefers neutral flavors, nothing too strong or too sweet. Vanilla, simple chocolate, matcha and the likes. When I read your ask, I also had this image of him kind of wandering away from the group and just observing you having fun with the others. He likes seeing your smile, so he idly begins sketching it; ever since meeting you he's started a sketchbook of 'happy memories' to look at when he's depressed (almost always).
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roosterforme · 1 month
A depraved Bradley story you say? Think we can get a little bit of a preview 👀
Just a tiny sample on a tiny spoon.
Two Scoops (Rooster x Reader)
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Bradley knew you too well by this point. He knew the sound of your heavy breathing after he warned you that you were getting loud. He knew the supple feel of your inner thigh against his fingers as he fucked you in the back of his Bronco. He knew that every inch of your skin tasted so much sweeter than any flavor of ice cream, and he loved licking you from his lips. But his friends didn't know that he knew any of those things, and he needed to keep it that way. Because he absolutely shouldn't be privy to any of it.
"Hello, sir. What can I get for you?"
There was an innocent smile on your face, and you were looking directly at Bradley even though he wasn't alone. Nat, Jake and Javy started to peruse the flavors in the freezer case while Bradley took in the sight of your body in that stupid shirt you had to wear. The double-o in the word SCOOPS was printed right across your tits, and it was almost impossible to look anywhere else. He wondered if you were even wearing a bra today. You weren't last night.
He made sure his friends were distracted by the rocky road at the far end of the case, and he leaned on the counter and cleared his throat softly. "Sir? Yeah, I'm going to need you to keep calling me that. And you already know what I want."
"Oops," you told him with a cute little pout. "We only serve that after we close for the night." 
Your words went right to his cock, just like you intended. When Nat shuffled closer, he cleared his throat again and said, "Uhhh... so what do you recommend?"
He inhaled the smell of hot fudge and strawberries while your pout turned into a little grin. If he was blushing right now, he knew he would hear about it later. You studied his face slowly, and not for the first time, he wondered if you were about to out whatever this was to his friends. But you simply pushed away from the counter and said, "I always find two scoops are better than one. And you're a big guy, so I bet you'll keep coming back for more."
Bradley nodded and kept his eyes on yours. "Two scoops then. And which flavor would you suggest I try?"
"Hmm... well you don't seem much like a vanilla guy, but the peach is very good." You turned your back to him and strutted along to get a tiny spoon from the massive jar on the counter, letting him get a good look at your rear end. "I could give you a sample," you told him, turning to look over your shoulder. "A small taste?"
Bradley was contemplating hopping over the counter to get to you when Nat asked, "Could I actually try a sample of the Cookie Monster?" 
You licked your lips before tearing your eyes away from Bradley, and you headed for the freezer case with one of the little spoons. "Of course. That's one of my favorites."
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lilmissnatcat24 · 3 months
for no other reason than i worked at an ice cream shop for eight years, here's what ice cream the mass effect characters would eat
shepard: neapolitan, strawberry for their paragon side, chocolate for their renegade, vanilla to balance
garrus: moose tracks, but will pick it apart just for the peanut butter cups and give shepard the leftovers
tali: literally any booze flavored ice cream
liara: mint chocolate chip because she secretly kind've fucks with the taste of toothpaste but will never admit it out loud
kaidan: butter pecan. it's not everyone's favorite, but it's his, and he's totally cool with it
ashley: whatever the 2183 equivalent to the tonight dough. cookie dough chunks, brownie chunks, butterscotch, chocolate chips, malt chunks, everything
wrex: this man is old as balls!!!!!! rum raisin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
joker: lemon sherbet. you cannot tell me that man is not lactose intolerant
miranda: cherries garcia, little bit sweet, little bit tart
jack: the most sickening sweet shit you can think of. cotton candy with marshmallow superman with a side of sugar
jacob: some sort of dark chocolate peanut butter ice cream that sounds good in theory but in reality you can only take like 3 bites of before you get a tummy ache
zaeed: banana splits that he likes to mash together with a spoon and eat like some deconstructed milkshake
kasumi: the weird avant gard shit you see in hipster vegan shops, like some bacon sweet potato rosebud ice cream
mordin: coffee ice cream, because he likes the taste of coffee but if he were to actually drink it he would spontaneously combust
grunt: those froyo shops that were everywhere in 2014 where you could make a bowl with like 5% froyo and 95% other toppings and it cost 14 dollars
thane: doesn't like ice cream because it reminds him of how he abandoned his child and how his wife is dead and he could never go back to the life he left behind, the life of stability, because his body is engineered for a deadly purpose and he can never atone for his sins rocky road
samara: this woman is old as balls!!!!!!!!!!!!! pistachio!!!!!!!!!!!
legion: tried vanilla ice cream. too sticky, got stuck in his wiring.
james: one of those brownie sundaes that weighs approximately 5 pounds and is majority whipped cream
steve: chocolate chip. classy, just like him ;)
traynor: something smooth and rich and velvety and inexplicably sexy, like raspberry chocolate chunk
edi: takes the idea of ice cream a little too literally and just has a bowl of heavy cream with ice cubes. is confused why everyone is disgusted.
javik: ice cream is for primitives (peaches and cream)
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r0-boat · 29 days
Headcanons for favorite ice cream flavor of your favorite whb characters?
I will do all of them
Ultimate whb ice cream headcannon! Please let me know how you think of them in the comments I love reading them :)
Cut for length.
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This man is an cookies and cream bastard. He crushes Oreos and puts them into his ice cream the more the merrier. He'll still eat his ice cream even though it's just a pile of cookies and little bits of ice cream. Genuinely gets mad that there's not enough cookies in his ice cream.
I think he would like a more uncommon flavor like pistachio or matcha. He understands not many people like his flavor but it's his.
Chocolate ice cream with chocolate chip. Drizzled with chocolate... He just really likes chocolate.
He likes those character popsicles with the eyeball gum. he always takes out the eyeballs first and then eats their heads.
He likes sherbert with gummy bears. I can see him really liking fruity flavors. Occasionally he does also have sprinkles.
Bubble gum flavor is a masterpiece and if you disagree you're wrong.
Rocky road. He likes the richness of chocolate paired with the nuttiness of the almonds and the softness of marshmallows delicious!
Chocolate chip! He's a simple man.
Anything with caramel has his heart, it's sweet and delicious and he likes watching it roll down. So butterscotch caramel. Don't forget the gold shavings
He'll have whatever Mammon is having having. extra gold shavings please... (a scoop of pineapple with coconut shavings)
Strawberry with sprinkles! He is a strawberry die hard. Constantly getting into fights with chocolate and vanilla fans.
Butter pecan with caramel as well. He'll also politely ask what ice cream flavor are you having and then politely asked for some of yours in exchange for some of his.
Neapolitan ice cream because it has three flavors and that's better than one. but then would rudely steal a spoonful of yours and wants to try everyone else's because he's jealous of what you're having because it looks good.
He also likes Neapolitan not because he wants to copy Levi He just genuinely likes the flavors.
He can't decide between Cherry or raspberry. He just really likes strong fruity flavors. He doesn't mind a little chocolate drizzle either.
Of course he would like red velvet And he likes mixing bits of brownies.
Cotton candy with sprinkles. Anything sweet enough to give you diabetes
His favorite changes every other day once you ask him It will take in about 10 minutes to think of an answer just to change it three times.
(funny headcanon one time visiting Leviathan He got into his ice cream stash to separate the three flavors and reorganize them as a prank. That's how he got banned from Hades for 100 years.)
Likes root beer float, He likes it because he can mix it in and then drink it while he's working.
My brain is telling me that he likes cookie dough. I don't know why I feel strongly about this.
Peanut butter. He's such a sucker for peanut butter ice cream. He'll be eating it with his tail wagging happily.
Strawberry cheesecake ice cream! And don't you dare tell him it's girly or be mean because he will cry!
Paradise Lost
Moose tracks is the most old man dad flavor I can think of.
He's more of a snow cone guy. But he likes Sorbet anything with citrus and he'll be there.
He's a plain guy He just likes vanilla. If he feels like something different than he'll add to it it's perfect.
He likes vanilla but he's more of a French vanilla person. He thinks of himself as the better vanilla fan. He's kind of prideful about it.
Not much of an ice cream fan but he'll have whatever you're having
Mint chocolate chip. We don't know much about him it's just a vibe.
Coffee flavor, no one saw this coming.
He likes flavors from different countries like Ube, moonmist or hokey pokey. Any flavor that's specifically unique to that place he'll try it.
Rainbow sherbert he likes tasting all the little flavors. He also likes the name because if he could see he wants to see all the pretty colors it has. Probably just as beautiful as he imagines it.
Man likes grape flavor He's just dying to get stabbed.
Banana split. He eats the banana whole ;)
Mango surprisingly normal...
Always orders the same ice cream as yours when he's alone he just orders vanilla topped with MnM's
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briardoll · 2 months
All of Obey Me! As ice-cream flavors!
Lucifer is of course coffee ice cream, he literally NEEDS caffeine to function, he’s bitter at first, but becomes sweeter the more you’re around him
Mammon is mango, he’s so sweet like mangoes and also yummy like them (I may be biased)
Levi is chocolate chip, pretty basic but a very safe choice, he’s liked it forever and we all know how much he hates getting out of his comfort zone
Satan is a caramel ice cream fan, and he may or may not think it makes him superior to other people who like more basic options, because he chooses a flavor you don’t think about everyday (as if his own isn’t also kinda basic)
Asmo is vanilla! Which is such a contradiction to his personality, but it’s sweet and elegant, always a popular choice too!
Beel likes ALL ice cream but if he had to choose only one, it would be birthday cake flavor! It’s so yummy and has such appetizing colors!
Belphie’s favorite flavor is cookie dough, but he always chooses mint chocolate chip instead because it was Lilith’s favorite.
Diavolo like rocky road! It’s the castle favorite actually! But he enjoys pudding more personally.
Barbatos likes butter pecan, occasionally he will eat rocky road with Dia but he tends to stick to what he’s particular to.
Simeon is old, he doesn’t know slang, he can’t use the internet, and he likes pistachio ice cream, end of story.
Luke likes strawberry! It’s a sweet and soft treat and fits him perfectly.
Solomon only eats coconut. Because he’s weird. Yeah.
Thirteen likes cotton candy better than any other flavor (her pronouns are diabetes and her diet is cavities)
Raphael likes the ice cream that Solomon makes homemade (coconut but worse)
Miphisto likes chocolate and chocolate only.
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thisblogisaboutabook · 2 months
Bad Idea Right? - Part 9
Eris x Reader/Azriel’s Daughter
What are friends for if not for meddling? A certain daughter of spring and her heir apparent lover scheme to bring a stubborn Shadowsinger and her Autumn High Lord mate back together.
A/n: remember when I said this would be the final part? I was wrong. Sorry! Don’t hate me. There will be at least one more chapter and an epilogue.
Part 8 Series Masterlist Part 10
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Warnings: language, sexual innuendos, alcohol
In hindsight, perhaps I was a bit dramatic. But in my defense, what the fuck??
The High Lord of the Autumn Court is my mate?
And he’s known since the moment he met me?
I am a fool, truly. There’s no other explanation. Perhaps I may not be as perceptive as my father or nosey little sister but I’m pretty damned adept in reading a room.
Yet I’d been fucking my mate for two years with zero clue. No wonder my damned shadows enjoy playing with him so much. But to be fair, who wouldn’t? I mean look at him. The muscles, graceful stature, those auburn locks of hair, that arrogant smirk that I want nothing more than to kiss right off his stupid, gorgeous face.
And in the face of the truth, I fled. Like a coward.
“Sissy?” Azalea’s concerned voice interrupts my spiral of self-loathing.
Her little hand squeezes mine. “Ice cream makes me feel better when I’m sad.”
“That sounds wonderful, Azzie.”
With that, my mother gave a soft smile and strode to the kitchen to retrieve my favorite strawberry flavor from the ice box.
I looked down to my sister to find her brows drawn together and lips pursed, wings sagging just a bit. “What’s going on, Azalea?”
“I told Eris that what he did was bad but sissy, I don’t think he’s bad. But you were so sad.”
“Oh Azalea, I’m sorry. I appreciate you and your loyalty. I’m lucky to have such a kind little sister and you know what? I bet Eris would prefer for you to stick up for me instead of ignoring my feelings. Because you’re right, he is not bad. He’s not a bad male at all.”
“Then why are you so sad?” question shone in her eyes as she waited for a response.
“I’m upset because I believed that he liked me for me - but now that I know he knew I was his mate from the moment we met, it makes me feel like he only likes me because of a bond that neither of us have control over.”
The winged little girl pondered before replying, “He can still love you for who you are even with a bond. I didn’t have control over being your sister, but I like you a lot. I wouldn’t want anyone else to be my sister.”
Her words stopped me in my tracks. Since when was my little sister so wise beyond her years? Yet still - it stings. It stings for there to have been so many secrets and perhaps he had good reason to hide it. Hell, maybe he didn’t even want me beyond the most base level of a mating bond. The sex was incredible. Yet, he was the one who took me on a date tonight. Still came around despite my father’s ominous presence. An ugly voice inside of me whispered that it was all to gain a political foothold, yet the more rational side of me could feel that it wasn’t truth.
A bang on the door interrupted my thoughts.
Azzie’s wings rustle, little legs bounding across the room in search of the unexpected intrusion, her hazel eyes peering out the foyer window. My heart fluttered briefly - could it be him? What would I say?
The racing sensation in my chest faltered as my shadows briefed me of the visitor’s identity.
“Azzie, can you go ask mom to scoop an extra bowl of ice cream?”
She didn’t miss a beat as her little feet took off into the kitchen where she animatedly informed our mother of the visitor at our doorstep.
Another knock and a shout of “Open up the door, bitch! I know you’re in there.” had me letting out a flustered breath and scurrying to allow the nuisance entry into my home, greeting her with “How do you even know where I live?”
“Well,” Layla let out an exasperated sigh, taking a step into the fae-light illuminated foyer. “For one, it’s nice to see you again too. Second, Daemati boyfriend, remember?” Pointing a finger to her head with an incredulous expression, she continued. “Third, you didn’t see me fleeing when my tits were out in front of your entire family. THANKS for that.”
Shame flooded my features but she cut off any attempt at an apology for leaving her in the uncomfortable predicament with Nyx. “Eh, I like to think of myself as a bit of an exhibitionist. I just never imagined my first foray into such endeavors would involve the High Lord and Lady of the Night Court. ANYWAY-“ the blonde gave me a pointed look, summoning two bottles of wine from a pocket realm. “I brought vino for our troubles.”
Twenty minutes later and we’d all soothed our wounds with ice cream and Azalea peppering Layla with questions about anything and everything she could think of.
I could have fallen through the floor when she gleefully informed Layla that she did indeed try to stop us before barging in upon her and Nyx’s more private affairs. Layla only laughed and flashed me a vulgar gesture when Azalea wasn’t looking.
Azalea eventually dozed off somewhere between Layla and I’s second and third bottle of wine when she jumped up with a shriek. “Oh my gods! What’s the name of that bar you lot love so much? Rose’s?”
I raised an eyebrow. “Rita’s?”
“Yes! That’s the one. Let’s go! Girls night out.”
“Layla, why don’t we go somewhere the Inner Circle doesn’t frequent? Somewhere a bit more youthful?”
With a dismissive wave she shush’d me. “No way. Let’s be tourists. Wouldn’t anyone visiting want to go to THE spot that the Court’s upper echelon frequent? Let’s go dazzle the citizens of Velaris with our sexy moves. I’ll let you grind against me if you’re good.”
I laughed at my friend’s peculiar method of cheering me up but honestly, a night out to let loose before facing the rocky road ahead sounded like just what I needed.
“Fine. Let’s go.”
Rita’s was more packed than usual as an attendant led Layla and I back to the Inner Circle’s standard table, we snaked through the crowded floor, brushing shoulders with the ocasional dancing patron when I overheard a voice muttering about the “sexy High Lord” she’d bumped into at the bar.
I reached to grab Layla’s attention but it was too late as I looked up to find her cozied up to Nyx with my uncles, my father, and my- “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
Looking past my friend with her shit-eating grin, I see the gorgeous face of my mate.
He stood dejected in the basement of the gallery, trying to process what had just gone down.
Never did he imagine this was how the night would turn out. Under normal circumstances, he would be traveling back to his court to look into the father of the Day Court female who’d tried holding him hostage but Helion would look further into it and send word. He was not in a place to fairly handle such a situation given that the thought of them laying a hand on his mate made him burn with rage.
So he stood there, taking steadying breaths about to leave when a low whistle rang out behind him and a large hand clapped his back. “Ouch. Not the ideal way to reveal a mating bond.”
Eris scoffed, readying an unbecoming retort when Cassian continued, “Been there. It’s not easy but you two will work it out. Beer helps. Care to grab a drink at Rita’s while Nyx and Rhys work their shit out? Probably not the best for you and Azriel to be alone together at the moment anyway.”
To his credit- Azriel only let out a semi-annoyed huff and rolled his eyes.
What the fuck was this evening becoming? Mating bond unveiled and now getting drinks with a male who had every right to loathe him.
But Eris didn’t have it in him to deny the offer. So with that, he found himself at Rita’s with the Night Court general.
“I’m just saying that these Archerons, they’re lovely and great but… they’re headstrong.” He put two palms up in the air. “Now before you jump to conclusions, it’s not a BAD thing. The gods know Nesta has handed my ass to me when I’ve needed it many times over the years but sometimes…. Sometimes you’ve just got to give them time to come around.”
Eris could have reminded Cassian that most females would need time to come around to such a reveal but… the male was making an effort and Eris had nobody else to talk to about such a situation.
He supposed he could have tracked down Lucien but the matter felt a bit too sensitive to address at the moment given the rejected bond between he and Elain and the very obvious fact that Eris’ mate was the result of that rejected bond.
“Hey- I’m here making an effort. At least try to appear like you’re not tuning me out.” Cassian waved a hand before him.
“Apologies.” Eris smirked, refusing to let the male see him too down and out. “Just processing everything.”
“Well, finish the rest of this beer and we can order some of that autumnal shit you all prefer in your court for the next round. Unless you’re too prissy and have some fancy shit you High Lord’s prefer.”
Eris recognized the bait for what it was, given that he knew Cassian would be the first to indulge in Rhysand’s top shelf liquors.
Eris lifted the foaming mug to his mouth and downed the entire beer before placing it back down on the counter. “Another Illyrian draft is just fine.”
The large male beside him let out a hum that almost seemed like approval. “Maybe you’re not such a cunt after all, High Lord.”
“Yeah, well keep that between us.”
Cassian held up two fingers as the bar keep gave him a nod and Cassian pointed to a table in the corner.
No sooner than they’d seated themselves did Rhysand and Nyx enter the establishment, a hesitant Azriel behind them.
“Sorry.” Cassian shrugged. “Rhys sent word a couple minutes ago. Figured we could all use a round after this evening.”
Rhys looking a bit disheveled in comparison to that usual air of arrogance he exuded, giving a cocky grin as eyes within the establishment fell upon him. His son on the other hand still appeared a bit out of sorts given the inconvenient revelation of he and the daughter of Spring to his entire family.
The Shadowsinger only gave a curt nod in greeting, expression remaining stony.
Through a boisterous laugh the general teased, “Welcome to the shit show.”
The tension at the table was palpable, Azriel glaring daggers through Eris, Nyx very clearly communicating mind to mind with someone, Rhys slowly losing his resolve in maintaining his collected facade. Cassian, ever the instigator, broke the silence. “So, mates, huh?”
Azriel’s cold gaze averted from the Autumn High Lord to the General, promising violence. “Hey-“ Cassian raised his palms again. “It’s not so bad. She could have been mated to Tamlin.”
Had it not been for the mating bond chafing his ass, Eris could have laughed but he only bristled at the thought of his mate with any other male.
“Ouch!” Cassian yelped as the violet-eyed High Lord kicked him under the table.
“Oh come on! None of us handled our mating bonds perfectly, and I know damn well that any of you would be enjoying this mess if roles were reversed. You’re just pissy, I remember very clearly the shit you gave me when this fucker,”pointing a calloused finger to Eris with a cheeky grin, “proposed to Nesta!”
Eris really wanted to fall through the floor at this point. “But she was my mate, and look at us now? Remember those days at the dining table, Az?”
Shadows whirled violently around the Spymaster. “You’re not obligated to speak every little thought that pops into your mind.”
Though it was clear the Shadowsinger was deathly serious, Cassian only waived him off and Nyx burst out laughing, egging his Uncle on.
“Mating bonds aren’t everything.” Azriel growled out, “You’re not entitled to her. She’s her own person and can choose what her heart wants.”
Eris raised an eyebrow at the implication. He was well aware that he played the bastard role well but he would never-
“Are you implying, Shadowsinger, that I would not let your precious daughter choose? And believe me, I’m well aware of the atrocities and the merits that can come from a rejected mating bind. I remember the physical and emotional pain inflicted upon my brother when his own bond was rejected, the uncontrollable waves of grief that still sometimes roll through him.” Azriel sat, stone faced at the reminder that his wife was not his mate. Eris didn’t give him time to react, continuing.
“But I’m also well aware that if not for that pain and that rejected bond, I would be without my beloved nephew, or my curious new friend who thinks of even the smallest of denizens of your court matter - who treats me like I’m just a person and not the arrogant prick the rest of the world views me as.”
Eris placed a broad palm to his own chest, clutching as if in physical pain as the next words left his lips. “And do you not think, Shadowsinger, that I don’t recognize the fucking treasure that came from that rejected bond? The irony that my brother’s rejected bond resulted in the greatest gift of my life? And while I’d love to covet that treasure, care for her, let her shine for all of those to see - to know that she’s mine - it’s not my choice. It’s hers. If she wants to shine with someone else? Gods, it will hurt like hel, but I’ll remember her with nothing but love in my heart. She wants to stay on her own, making her own way in the world? I’ll stand back and cheer for her. I think you’re well aware that NOBODY chooses for your daughter but her.”
Azriel remained stone faced, a hand resting to the handle of the foaming mug of mead before him. Cassian let out a huff. Nyx smirked and Rhysand only looked at Eris with something that almost appeared to be respect.
Azriel finally shook his head, raising the mug in Eris’ direction. “Then that’s all I can ask for.”
All eyes at the table darted to him in shock. The famed, merciless spymaster standing down.
Eris only lifted his own mug in return and that was that.
The next hour went by as smoothly as possible, the table ordering several rounds of drinks. Eris nearly pissed himself when the shock of a caress against his mental shields caught his attention, Nyxs’ amused voice only stating, “You can thank me later.”
Eris’ brows drew together, puzzled by what on earth he’d have to thank the heir for, as a blonde female fell into the seat beside the male. A familiar scent wafting into his nostrils.
His mate.
Gods, she looked fucking fantastic and Eris knew right away he’d have to glamour the involuntary scent of arousal wafting from him at the sight of her ethereal face, those fucking hips that he wanted to hug as tightly as that little dress did - his inhibited state not helping the situation whatsoever. She only glared at him, as she stood beside the table, sweet voice dripping with irritation,
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
She crossed her arms across her chest. Gods, she was trying to kill him. Her arms pushing up her immaculate breasts. Was he salivating? This had to be a dream. Or a nightmare if her father caught wind of just how the sight of her was affecting him.
But most of all, he only felt love and adoration as he stared at the prickly female glaring daggers through him. Truth-Teller would certainly feel less violent against his skin than the sharp gaze piercing into his heart.
“I didn’t know, I swear.” Eris pleaded.
“Right. I’m leaving.” She huffed.
“Oh no you fucking don’t” the blonde female interjected. “You’re not just going to ice him out. It’ll hurt you worse than any words ever could. You two need to TALK.”
Nyx looked to the female with pride.
“I’m not finished with YOU.” Y/N hissed with rage to her friend.
“Oh I have no doubt.” The female - Layla - fired back. “But first you’re going to work things out with your mate.”
With an irritated look to her friend, she grabbed Eris by the wrist with a reluctant “Come on, we’re LEAVING.”
Eris threw a grateful look to Nyx and Layla, standing with no resistance to the grasp his mate had on his wrist. Azriel grunted and began to stand, but Rhys threw an arm out, keeping him seated. And to Eris’ surprise, the Shadowsinger remained.
Cool air and the aroma of spices from the surrounding establishments greeted the pair, an otherwise perfect evening to drape his arm over her shoulder and whisper sweet nothings into her pointed ear as they passed the shops, but she only tapped her foot with impatience. “Well?? Winnow me to your apartment and let’s get this over with.”
Eris stepped forward, caressing her wrist in a lovers grasp, sensuous smirk forming on his lips. Fire in his blood or no, chill bumps rose up her olive skin, nipples pebbling beneath her dress.
“As you wish.” And winnowed her straight to the foot of his bed. He’d let her lead from there but if there was one thing he knew about his mate, she firmly believed all was fair in fucking and fighting. It was all in her hands how the night would go.
A/n: Thank you everyone for your patience with this chapter! Life has been hectic (seasonal illnesses, end of the fiscal quarter, traveling sports, mental health struggles, etc) and my brain was just not cooperating with this chapter. After writing a few one shots I was able to get back into the proper headspace but found I was still struggling to transfer this chapter from my brain into print. I eventually realized I wasn’t ready for the story to end quite yet so with that being said this is NOT the final chapter. I hope you all don’t hate me for saying it was before changing my mind but it’s important to give the story the satisfying ending that it deserves. 🥰
ACOTAR general: @lilah-asteria
Eris general: @angiedsv
Series tags: @b0xerdancer @myheartfollower @ang-taylorsversion @acotarobsessed @uniquecolorwizard @justasillylittlegoofyguy @thelov3lybookworm @starryhiraeth @5moremin @azrielsmate3 @coolepowersthings @isa1b2h3 @inloveallthetime @julesofvolterra @deeshag @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @courtofbatboydreams @yourmumsdumptruck @nebarious @glitterypirateduck @mybestfriendmademe @acourtof-wingspan @paleidiot @anae-naea-zacheria @fandomarchiveilyd @bloodicka @12358
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pleasingforharry · 2 years
A Very Important Assignment
college!harry x quiet!yn
SUMMARY: College Harry being obsessed with his quiet, study heavy girlfriend as she was supposed to be finishing an assignment, but he wouldn’t let her.
WARNINGS: Sexual content (this literally wasn’t supposed to have any, but I couldn’t help myself)
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It was around nine thirty at night and the simple couple was cooped up in the corner table at their favorite ice cream shop. Y/N knew she had to get home soon because she had a very important assignment to finish, and it stuck in the back of her mind like a 'kick me' sticker. She couldn't stop thinking about how she was going to balance her time so that she could give each part of her assignment equal attention and finish it by eleven and be asleep by midnight.
“Baby, did you hear me?” questioned her boyfriend, Harry, with a soft squeeze to her thigh. Her vision was floaty as she blinked her eyes and turned her head in his direction. A slight smirk sat on Harry’s lips as he reached to hold her chin between his fingers, bringing her close and connecting their lips. “What’s on your mind, lovie?”
“Homework,” She responded as if it were an unnecessary thought, despite the fact that it was all she could think about. "I’m sorry, I shouldn't be thinking about it while we're out, but—"
“Stop,” Harry swiped her bottom lip with his thumb.
“Okay,” She sighed in defeat, knowing how those conversations end up if they continued. “What were you saying before?”
Harry moved his fingers away from her chin to hold his ice cream cup. His spoon scooped up more cookies and cream and brought it up to Y/N’s mouth. She gladly accepted his flavor and hummed at the sweet taste.
“I was asking if you were going to make it to my game on Thursday. I know you said you were going to hang out at Amber’s dorm all day, but I didn’t know if you could squeeze in some time to come.” The green tint in Harry’s eyes bored into his girlfriend’s as he awaited a response. He knew it was a fifty fifty toss up, and he told himself to be okay with either answer. 
Y/N looked down at her bowl of strawberry ice cream to avoid his stare. “I’ll try. Amber and I wanted to finish our project that day and it might take forever,” She explained just over a whisper. Harry tilted his head to the side and smiled at his favorite person in the world. She was so simple but amazing in her own ways. He loved every moment he could spend with her. And Y/N hated that she couldn’t figure out why.
From the day he asked her to officially be his girlfriend, she’d give him odd stares, trying to use all the knowledge her professors were impressed the girl could inherit, to figure out what he saw in her. But she knew while she worked on an answer, she’d cherish the love he was desperate to give her.
“There’s going to be a party at the frat house afterwards. Do you want to come to that if you finish beforehand?” Harry tried for his next attempt to have time with his girlfriend. She immediately shook her head. “We can just hang in my room then. No partying, how’s that?”
“I want you to have fun with your friends, not babysit me like every other time I go to your parties,” She rolled her eyes and picked her head up at him, which brought a bubbly feeling in his stomach. She was so beautiful, and it hurt to think that could potentially fuck it up if he followed in the footsteps of the people he lived with at the frat house.
“It’s not babysitting, Y/N. I want to be around you all the fucking time, so it’s more so, you babysitting me.” The couple laughed over the faint 80s music in the themed ice cream parlor. “Like I said, we can stay in my room and watch some more house renovation videos. We never got to finish that one episode with the slide into the twins room. Remember that?”
“Oh yeah, that room looked sick. I know Damien would kill for a slide into his room,” Y/N spoke of her younger brother that Harry grew to become great friends with. He nodded and went for Y/N’s chin again, hungry for her lips. Y/N let her boyfriend lead and dominant the intimate moment, slightly moaning at his hot tongue exploring her mouth.
Their ice cream soon started to melt as they were left unattended for an increased amount of time. Y/N was now moved to sitting across Harry’s lap and her hands cradled the back of his neck, just like he loved because it made him feel safe in her arms.
Y/N pulled away first, resting her nose against Harry’s. His breathing had picked up, yearning for more. “Stay with me tonight?”
“I have work to do, dove,” She giggled, playing with his untamed curls. His lips immediately smiled at the sweet sound of her laugh. “But if you come to my dorm, you have to be on your best behavior, okay?” His eyes lit up at her compromise.
“Okay, definitely.”
“I mean it, Harry. I need this work done by eleven so I’m in bed by midnight,” Y/N kissed her boyfriend’s lips before brushing his cheek. 
“Anything to be with you, baby,” He cooed while his fingers found their way under his sweatshirt she wore and circled the skin of her stomach.
Harry had missed his girlfriend that day as she had her classes back to back. He wanted to spend lunch with her in the dining hall, but she stayed behind to speak with her professor. He didn’t think she’d have that many questions to ask her, but Y/N was a perfectionist and needed all the details to make sure her work was the best.
dove: baby im at the dining hall w the boys, join us when you’re done
my baby: can’t
dove: why?
my baby: need to talk to professor miles, sorry
dove: okay, correcting my last statement.
dove: baby im at the dining hall alone, join me when you’re done
my baby: can’t. and i don’t have a problem w your friends. im not scared of them, just not social :/
dove: never said you were scared, y/n
dove: ice cream tonight, i love you
my baby: see you later
Harry waited against his car, outside of Y/N’s dorm building, and when she came out, he grabbed her cheeks and enveloped her in a delicate kiss. If Y/N wasn’t used to her boyfriend’s love language, she’d be caught of guard by his sudden desperation for affection.
“Why didn’t you say it back?” Harry huffed as soon as their lips disconnected. Y/N rolled her eyes, already knowing what he was talking about.
“You pissed me off,” she shrugged, releasing herself from him grasp and walking to the passenger side of his car. Harry quickly grabbed her hips and pulled her back against his chest. His hand moved the hair that sat on her shoulder away and brought his lips to her ear. 
“You piss me off too. Say it back,” he warned. Y/N tried not to giggle at her sensitive nerves her boyfriend knew all too well. “Now Y/N or we aren’t leaving.”
“Were you thinking about that, all this time?” She laid her hands over his, sitting on her hips.
Harry nodded, “You never not say it back unless you’re mad.”
“For a guy that have girls on their knees just by being in their presence, you—”
“Don’t start with me, L/N. I wouldn’t be asking my girlfriend to fucking say ‘i love you’ back if I cared about them,” He growled, pushing away from her to walk to his side of the car. Y/N turned around to watch him with furrowed brows.
Anytime Y/N brought up how popular and wanted Harry was, he’d shut down. She just wouldn’t understand that he only ever wanted her. And if he could change the way he had let any girl that begged for him, suck him off like it meant something, he would. 
“Harry, there are girls at your frat house every day and you’re telling me none of them have caught your eye? You haven’t been the slightest seduced by them?” Y/N crossed her arms. Before Harry could reach his car door, his head whipped in her direction and the offense that spread across his face made Y/N want to shove her arrogant words back down her throat. But she was too stubborn to apologize.
“As soon as you get in my car, leave your attitude and accusations on the curb. This conversation is over with because you should know by now how fucking crazy I am about you,” Harry barked, pointing to her. “I already know how fucking stubborn you are, and you aren’t going to apologize and take back your words, so forget you even said it. Deal?”
Y/N eyes softened as she nodded. 
So, like he said, they were back to normal as she sat in his car with his hand rested in the inside of her thigh. Her shorts were a blessing from heaven as he had access to her gentle skin and beauty marks. 
Harry spoke nonchalantly about his day and how stupid Niall is like he didn’t just go off on her five minutes ago. She had her eyes straight on the road in front of her but her finger traces the veins on his hand. Harry glanced over at her and sighed.
“I love you, Y/N,” he said, earning her immediate attention. The heavy weight on her shoulders dropped as she smiled.
“Obviously, smartass,” he chuckled, flicking her thigh before going back to rubbing. “Anything you want to say back?”
“I love you,” she responded, biting her lip to contain the giddish feeling she felt inside. They were okay and she wasn’t going to lose him with her snarky comments. It surprised her by how much shit Harry accepted, and she promised herself that she’d change, but it wasn’t easy.
Everybody wanted Harry and she didn’t see herself good enough to be apart of the competition, but he saw something in her. She was grateful.
The couple drank their ice cream like soup, before throwing them away and walking hand in hand back to Harry’s car.
Y/N moved to her arms to hug them around Harry and snuggled her head into his chest. He was slight taken back by her gesture, but accepted it and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.
He kissed the top of her head and hummed.
“My dorm isn’t clean, by the way. I overslept and didn’t have time to compose my space,” Y/N giggled, glancing up at Harry.
“Good, I like when it feels like you.”
“Gross, that was so cliché.” Harry threw his head back to laugh and squeezed his girlfriend closer.
Harry and Y/N entered her dorm room and walked to her suite, messily scattered with books and clothes. Harry loved it.
He instantly pulled his shirt off and tossed it in her pile of clothes like her room was his. Y/N watched the muscles in his back flex as he stretched with a yawn.
“Don’t tell me you’re tired,” she placed a hand on her hip. Harry glanced over his shoulder and smirked at her.
Y/N sat down on her couch and grabbed the binder with her assignment stuffed inside. Harry went for her bed, hopping up instead of using the stool Y/N had set up for herself.
The first ten minutes were silent while Harry entertained himself on his phone, scrolling through social media. He got a lot of texts messages, left and right, so he used that time to also answer the people that yearned for his attention. Y/N had caught his fingers rapidly typing on his phone and frowned. She knew people were up late, waiting impatiently by their phone for Harry’s name to ping on their screen. She was the same way but would never tell him that.
Y/N tried to focus back on her work so she could go to bed, and maybe have some time with Harry all to herself. She wasn’t known to be the jealous type as that was Harry’s job, but the inevitable feeling still crept up her shoulder every now and then.
Becoming bored of the people on his phone, Harry threw it on his girlfriend’s nightstand and sighed. He looked at her still glued to the work she had gotten a good chunk done already and smiled. She was amazing, he thought. Not only was she smart as fuck, but crafty and creative. She knew how to stand out by putting her own twist on her work but still staying on task. It somehow turned him on. Just like now.
He needed her. Her warmth. Her touch. Anything.
Harry slid his sweats down to show the waistband of his boxers and began to run his fingers along the brand’s font, teasing his stomach nerves. Y/N knew not to look over at her boyfriend while she worked because he was a total distraction. Everything he did had her legs crossing discreetly—she didn’t want to boost his ego even more than it was.
“Baby,” Harry slurred out, watching his girlfriend deep in her notes with only twenty five minutes of them being in her room. Y/N hummed with her head turned to him but her eyes pointed at her papers. “Can you sit on my cock while you work?” He asked.
“What happened to you being on your best behavior, dove?” Y/N laughed, finally looking at her boyfriend. Her eyes slightly widened at the position she caught Harry in, looking like pure sex. His back was against the wall and his legs were hanging off the side of the bed but still manspread wide enough to show the dent in his sweatpants. One of his hands were playing with the hem of his boxers while the other ruthlessly rubbed his aching area.
“You happened,” He smirked. “I just need you warm around me, is all. I won’t bother you again.”
Y/N stared at him blankly, twiddling her pencil between her fingers. Harry bit his lip at her innocent look, knowing his girlfriend wasn’t as cute and inexperienced as she portrayed herself to seem. It’s what he loved so much about their sex life. No one knew Y/N and her dirty secrets like he did. 
“You aren’t going to sit still, we both know that, Harry,” Y/N shook her head, continuing to work on her assignment. Harry huffed with a frustrated moan. 
“Can you when you’re done?” He asked.
“I’m going to bed when I’m finished, you knew that.”
“So, let’s do it now before you go to bed.”
Y/N abruptly slammed her hand on her papers and darted her eyes at her boyfriend with furrowed brows. He knew she wanted to give him a silent warning, but that only had his cock growing and dripping. He couldn’t control how every single thing she did turned him on.
“Hurry up and stick it in so I can finish, please,” Y/N gave in, standing up from the couch but still dragging her finger over the words she wrote on her paper. A wide smile grew on Harry’s lips as he quickly jumped off her bed and ran behind his girlfriend to sit in her original spot. 
The view he already had with his girlfriend’s ass stood in front of him caused a slow, “Fuck, baby,” to leave his throat. Y/N rolled her eyes and slid both her shorts and panties down her legs so she was naked from the waist down, only snuggled in her boyfriend’s sweatshirt.
“Good?” She asked, looking over her shoulder at Harry staring mesmerizingly at her ass. 
“More than good,” He sighed, landing a hard slap on her right cheek. Y/N squealed, covering the newly red hand mark on her behind. 
Harry quickly reached into his boxers and pulled out his fully hard cock, giving it slow teasing strokes. A deep moan left his throat as he thrusted into his hand. Y/N watched intensely, biting her lip to contain the noises she risked of making.
“Come sit on my cock, baby. Warm me up, yeah?” Harry patted his thighs and let Y/N reached down to hold and position him to her opening. She bent down to sit on his lap slowly, sucking his cock inch my inch inside of her. 
“Oh fuck, Harry,” She gasped, squeezing her walls against him. Harry quickly grabbed her hips and held her body against him. “You’re so big, I can’t—“
“You’re doing so good, lovie. Taking me so well, you are. I’m so proud of my pretty girl, you know that?” Harry wrapped his large hand around her neck and pushed her body against his chest. His lips met her ear as he whispered praising words to her. “Now be good and finish your assignment so I can fuck you to sleep, can you do that for me, baby?” He asked, sliding his hand down her stomach.
Y/N moaned and arched her back before Harry roughly tucked her back against him. “I can feel you so deep in me, Harry,” She breathed out as a layer of sweat formed on her hairline. Maybe it wasn’t such a bright idea to sit on her very attractive boyfriend’s narcisstically large cock.
“Baby, keep saying things like that and I’ll have no choice but to fuck up into you while I hold your legs apart because we both know you can’t keep them open. You love closing them around my waist and my head, don’t you?” Harry chuckled. “Can’t control them when they start shaking and then you get that tight feeling in your tummy, right here?” Harry’s free hand pressed into her abdomen while the other tightened around her neck.
She knew he was awaiting an answer, so she nodded rapidly and squirmed in his hold. “I can’t.”
“I know, baby. That’s why I take care of you so well, don’t I? I keep those legs wide open so I can push my cock all the way into you and stretch those pretty walls so good.” Without meaning to, Harry bucked his hips into her, unable to control the sensation he felt. 
“Harry, don’t,” Y/N placed her hands on his thighs.
“I don’t think we’re getting out of this, Y/N,” Harry whispered, slowly thrusting himself into her, whining low ‘fucks’.
Y/N bit her lip, contemplating her decision to get off of her boyfriend and finish her work or let him have her like he knew she wanted.
She glanced at her assignment, a good amount done and waiting to be completed. Y/N felt another slow thrust into her walls and sighed. “Fine, but be quick,” she waved her papers off and leaned back into Harry. A wide smile took over his lips as he nodded at her words.
And with that, Y/N didn’t finish her assignment until 11:47 with only forty seven minutes to do it because Harry had many many rounds in him. Y/N couldn’t feel her legs nor anything between them as she laid spread out on her bed, whimpering incoherent words.
Harry on the other hand was sat on the end of the bed, stroking his red cock, making his girlfriend watch as he thrusted into his hand. His other was playing with her swollen and sensitive clit, making sure she was feeling just as euphoric as himself. Y/N was so numb that she could barely feel his fingers slap, rub, and pinch her aching area.
His mind replayed the many positions he had Y/N in and her body reacting to every sensitive touch on her body. Just the thought of the things he could do to her had his hips moving faster into his hand. His head was thrown back as another long moan left his lips.
Y/N closed her legs, still feeling his cock inside of her, even though she was watching it being beat in her boyfriend’s hand. “Why are your legs closed? Open them,” Harry demanded Y/N with his fingers still playing with her.
“I can’t,” She mumbled while a single tear left the corner of her eye. 
“Y/N, open your fucking legs so I can rub your clit.” She was weak and overstimulated, but still wanted more. That feeling right before she came was extraordinary and if only her legs would open again so she could get there. “Baby, what the fuck did I just say?”
“Open my legs,” She whispered, arching her back and squeezing her thighs together from the tone her boyfriend used on her. Like only Harry knew, Y/N wasn’t as quiet and innocent as she seemed.
“So, do it,” Harry growled, slowing his strokes on his cock to focus on Y/N. “Do you need me to do it for you? Either you open them and let me finish playing with your clit nicely or you make me do it myself and I eat you out until you’re coming three more times.”
Y/N whined loudly, “I don’t have three more in me.”
“Then do as I say. Open. Your. Legs.”
With all the leftover strength she had, Y/N moved her feet farther apart to spread her legs and reveal her dripping clit. Harry’s eyes darkened as his fingers went back to their original activity. 
“Good girl, Y/N. Such a good fucking girl,” Harry moaned, fastening his strokes on his cock and resting his head against the wall. “Watch me, baby. I’m so close just by looking at your pretty cunt.”
Y/N looked down between her legs at Harry playing with both himself and her area. “I’m close.” Her breath quickened. “Please, Harry.”
“It’s okay, baby. I’m always gonna take care of you,” He moaned with his eyes rolling back. His hand quickened and tightened around himself. Y/N whimpered and reached down to hold his wrist for some leverage. Her thighs began to shake as the overwhelming feeling of release crept back to her cunt.
“I’m coming, Harry,” Y/N moaned, digging her feet into her bed as her hips lifted. 
“Right on my fingers, baby. I’m going lick you right off of them,” Harry forced himself to watch Y/N reach her peak before he could focus on his own. That was the kind of person Harry was around Y/N. Her release was way more pleasurable to watch than to feel his own.
With another loud moan, Y/N coated Harry’s fingers like he said as she let go. She sighed in relief with her chest moving heavily.
And before she missed it, she quickly lifted her head up to watch Harry snap his hips into his hand sloppily before come shot out of his tip and all over his hand. A deep groan followed as he tried to catch his breath.
His eyes were rested shut before they fluttered open and stared at his spent girlfriend. A wicked smile grew on his lips as he brought his juiced covered fingers to his lips and sucked each clean.
He slipped them out with a satisfied hum, “Delicious.” Y/N rolled her eyes and turned to the wall, right on the edge of sleep. “I’m gonna get a towel to clean us up, okay?” Harry leaned over her body to whisper in her ear. Y/N nodded, patting his chest.
“Thank you.”
“No problem, we should do this again sometime,” He snorted before sliding off her bed into the bathroom.
Uhh heyyyy :)
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diasomnia ice-cream parlor au doodles
[Referencing this post!]
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Hello, yes, I’ve been thinking about the Diasomnia ice-cream parlor AU again 🍨🍦 I guess I must have been really hungry lately www
I see them as offering not just ice-cream, bur also variants like gelato, shaved ice, milkshakes, etc. (They can afford it with support from the Draconia royal family’s funds 😂) The focus here will be ice-cream though, just because that’s Malleus’s favorite.
Imagine walking in and not knowing what to order (there’s so much to choose from!), so you ask the staff to pick something for you… (Yes, I’ve thought about this way too much and now I’m going to shovel this at you—)
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Malleus strikes me as a very traditional and old-fashioned guy, so I’d see him falling back on ol’ reliable. You can’t go wrong with a classic sugar cone and a healthy scoop on top!
He recommends mint chocolate chip because it adds an additional pleasant cooling sensation to the actual coldness of ice-cream. Malleus is fond of the flavor himself; it’s great for cooling down a mouth that’s hot from breathing flames!
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You’re brave if you accept anything Lilia hands you… You ask him what this is (the ice-cream looks… discolored in some places, and there’s all this weird stuff jutting out from it; is that a piece of lettuce???). He just winks at you and calls it “Lilia-chan’s Super Cute ⭐️ Special”, featuring a bunch of “unique” flavors he created himself.
It comes served in a cup because it’s easier to eat it while walking that way. For Lilia, who is a well-seasoned traveler, foods that are able to be eaten on the go are a plus!
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Silver picks out a waffle bowl (it resembles a sturdy bird’s nest) and encourages you to try a lot of different things. It’ll help you to gain an appreciation for the new and unfamiliar! With how wide the waffle bowl is and how many flavors and toppings are in there, this can be good for sharing with friends from all over.
The particular version featured in the doodle has three kinds of ice-cream, each one representing one of the three Good Fairies. A pink flavor, a blue flavor, and a green flavor—maybe rose or strawberry, blueberry or cotton candy, and pistachio? It’s a very naturey palate.
His animal friends have helped with the ingredients; there’s honey drizzled on top, as well as crushed nuts. Freshly picked berries and edible flowers garnish the bowl too—oh, and we can’t forget a generous chunk of honeycomb!
… I don’t know much about Kingdom Hearts, but I’ve heard that Silver resembles Riku from KH?? So maybe Silver can offer some sea salt ice-cream too as a throwback 😂
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… Was anyone surprised by this? No? No.
Sebek chose a tall parfait glass for serving so that the dessert can be as tall as possible. It’s a matcha and ube soft serve, swirled high. The green is Diasomnia’s color, and the purple is meant to be the color of the underside of Malleus’s cape. (Sebek wanted to include black ice-cream to for the Draconia royal color, but couldn’t find a good flavor.)
Art isn’t his forte, but Sebek did his best to “recreate the imposing, elegant image of wakasama” in his dessert. The cherry on top, flanked by two conical chocolate pieces, are meant to be Malleus and his horns. The wafer poking out is supposed to “enhance the young master’s presence”. All the other things are extra details in an effort to make the ice-cream larger than life: candied fruit peels arranged in a line (to resemble the spines on a dragon’s tail), mochi balls (“magestones”) piled to one side, and a chocolate biscuit stick + wafer that, together, look like Malleus’s staff.
Sebek tried really hard! … He will aggressively try to sell you on this item.
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If you’re really hungry or with a large group, why not go for the Diasomnia Family Fundae? It’s their take on a sundae, served in a glass boat. There’s a whole banana, chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and three maraschino cherries! The bramble is made of dark chocolate.
Each student is represented by one scoop and a little candy or chocolate that helps to characterize the boy (horns, bat wings, lightning bolt, or sword). Sebek is a lemon-like sherbet, befitting of his loud, in-your-face personality. Lilia is a bright red berry flavor (strawberries, cherries, cranberries, etc.), like his favorite red juices, deep and complex. Silver is vanilla bean, pure, simple, and earnest. (He could also be a subtle lavender flavor, since that's a flower known to ease you into sleep.) And Malleus… well, that scoop is a pitch black, but the flavor is something you can’t quite place your tongue on. It’s a mystery, just like he is! (Maybe the shop changes the flavor every now and again. They can run a promo where if you guess the right flavor combo for that particular week’s Malleus scoop, they give you a discount or a free cone.)
A lot of chocolate sauce is dripping down from the Malleus scoop; this is because the sauce is supposed to be his “blot”. The bottom three scoops—Lilia, Sebek, and Silver—are blanketed by the chocolate thorns as a reference to how those three were sentenced to sleep.
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bunnycobie · 1 year
ice cream - choi seungcheol
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pairing: choi seungcheol x f!reader summary: cheol hates mint chocolate chip, unless he's eating it off of you. genre: smut word count: 694 content/tw: food play(?), breast sucking, oral sex, facial, not proofread a/n: i had seungcheol brainrot so i apologize for this bc it's purely self indulgent 😵‍💫
18+ minors dni (masterlist)
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“you’re joking, right?” cheol cringes above you, as you lay against his chest. “mint chocolate chip is not better than strawberry.”
“it is, and it’s better than that cherry crap you’re eating.” you tease, shoveling another spoonful of your ben & jerry’s into your mouth. “it beats all fruit flavors actually.”
cheol cringes, setting his pint on the table in front of you. “you’ve ruined ice cream for me.”
you smile. “that’s your loss.”
he adjusts his body under you so that your back lays flat on him. his arms wrap around your waist, thumb drawing circles on your stomach as you continue enjoying his least favorite flavor.
a few minutes into the movie you’re watching, cheol glances down and notices your ice cream melting. a drop falls off of the spoon and hits your chest, rolling down until you swipe it up with your finger and suck it clean. he shifts under you uncomfortably, trying to ignore how aroused he is by the visual.
until it happens a couple more times.
you had felt him get hard beneath you the first time, and at this point you were just teasing him. he’s never been one to initiate anything, so this was difficult for him. the ice cream was basically liquid at this point, and he should’ve caught on by now.
he moves under you again, abruptly this time, causing you to spill some down your tank top on accident.
“shit.” you flinch at the coldness of it running on your chest, sitting up.
seungcheol didn’t do it on purpose, but he also didn’t think to apologize. he eyes you for a second, lust written all over his face, before slowly pulling the stained top up just enough to reveal your breasts.
without thinking or asking for permission, he dives his face into you, licking up the melted ice cream. and despite him hating the flavor, he loves it on you.
something about his desperation and the way hes so greedy with you right now is driving you a little insane. you lift your top over your head, removing it completely as he continues sucking at your breasts. the mess is definitely gone by now, but hes still going. his mouth is cold from his ice cream, making your nipples harder and adding an extra sense of pleasure.
soft moans escape his throat, and at this point he’s so hard he might finish right this second. you lift his face up and away from your breasts. you kiss him, but he’s so whipped that he can barely kiss you back without getting sloppy. his hands are just all over you and he can’t get enough. it’s honestly adorable.
the least you could do is help him out.
his tongue is practically down your throat by the time you reach down to unbutton his jeans. he gets the memo and helps you out, pulling the waistband of his boxers down and revealing his cock that’s entirely swollen and dripping. thanks to you.
you kneel down on the floor in front of the sofa, letting him sit in front of you. you wrap your hand around him, the tip of your finger unable to reach your thumb because of his size. the second your tongue reaches his length, he lets out a whine.
he’s overwhelmed from the feeling of it all — your cold mouth wrapped around his girth, your watery eyes struggling to hold contact with his, and the soft noises you’re making as you try to fit all of him in your mouth.
you do a good job for him though, almost too good of a job. you feel him twitching against your tongue, realizing he’ll come soon. he thrusts himself into you lazily a few times before grabbing his length from you and attempting to finish in your mouth.
except he misses, and now his release is all over your face. he looks down at you adoringly, wondering how he’s lucky enough to be with someone as pretty as you. and he watches, eyes half-lidded, as you smile back at him, cleaning his mess off of you with your fingers and licking them clean.
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writerpetals · 21 days
thank you love! enjoy some small town, baker!karina ^^
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You can't help but notice how cute she is when she's concentrating. Nibbling on her bottom lip, her eyes are trained to the cupcakes she is currently frosting with a steady hand. The whipped, pink cream comes out in thick, fluffy swirls as she hums the latest song in her head softly. You become so distracted the moment you get a glimpse of her, the bowl of cookie dough you’re currently mixing coming to a stop because she’s just so adorable in her own little world. 
“You know, after so many years together, I thought you would get over the whole ‘stopping what you’re doing to stare at me’ thing, but I see you’re still going strong.” His devious smile forms on her lips as she speaks, not being able to take her eyes off her cupcakes. “Those poor cookies will never get baked.”
“It's not my fault you look so cute while decorating. And pretty, beautiful, gorgeous… a goddess honestly…” You pick back up on mixing the chocolate chip cookie dough, but you don’t look away from her shy grin at all your compliments. “Maybe it was a bad idea to ask for my help baking today.” 
Your girlfriend opened up her own little barkery not too long ago. It’s a dream she’s always had and you supported her a thousand percent until she got her business off the ground in your small town. Her treats quickly became everyone’s favorite, and until she can keep up with demand while hiring some help, you offered to assist her when you can. 
Even at the cost of wanting to flirt with her all day. She’s gorgeous, can she really blame you? Not to mention, you love more than anything to see her in her element. Baking makes her the happiest, which in turn makes you even happier. 
“Hm, you’re right,” she suddenly says, pulling away from bending over the cupcakes, a curious look on her face. “Maybe you should leave.” When you roll your eyes and smack your lips, it leaves her giggling.
“Not until I try one of these delicious cupcakes.” Without warning, you set the mixing bowl down on the counter and snatch up an expertly decorated vanilla cupcake with strawberry icing. Her jaw falls slack just as you take the biggest bite, moaning in complete satisfaction when the flavors hit your tongue. 
“Hey, those are the newest item on our summer menu!” She feigns anger at first, until you continue making noises while licking the sweet frosting. She can’t help it when a giggle spills out. “What do you think? Is it good?”
“It’s honestly the perfect amount of sweetness and fluffiness,” you exclaim without hesitation. “If I could eat these cupcakes for the rest of my life I’d die happy.”
“You can’t live off of cupcakes, love.” She laughs at the face you make, all before she steps toward you. Reaching her hand out, she swipes her thumb at the corner of your mouth, wiping off a bit of frosting from your skin before licking her finger clean. Then she nods, a grin on her lips. “That is sweet.” 
“Do you know what else is sweet?” you ask, hoping to at least get a kiss after all the work you’ve done today.
But she only shakes her head. “The chocolate chip cookies you’re supposed to be making?” With that, she slides the mixing bowl back to you, so you have no choice but to continue mixing. “No more distractions!” She gives you a stern look, though there’s a hint of a smile on her lips. 
“Yes, boss,” you pout, making her giggle all over again, deciding to try your best to multitask. You can mix cookie dough and stare at your adorable girlfriend at the same time, right?
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kentobb · 22 days
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Characters: Ushijima Wakatoshi x Female Reader
Warnings: Fluff? I think. A little bit of angst. Kissing. A little suggestive perhaps.
A/N: Sorry for the wait. Works has been HARD. But I’m here. Let me know what you guys think <3 your comments inspire me to write more :’) thank you for everyone’s support
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The sun had set, and the soft glow of streetlights bathed the streets in a warm, gentle light. Ushijima walked with purpose, his steps echoing the steady beat of his heart. He was heading to Sweet Delights, the ice cream place you had mentioned, and as he approached, he could see the familiar sign glowing in the distance.
As he drew nearer, he spotted you sitting on a bench outside, attention focused on the small figure beside you. Asahi was eating a strawberry ice cream cone, his favorite flavor, with the unselfconscious delight only children possess. Ushijima's heart clenched at the sight.
You looked up and saw him approaching. You nodded slightly, signaling that he could come over. Ushijima took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves, and walked towards you.
Asahi noticed him approaching and looked up, confusion flickering in his eyes. He shifted closer to you, seeking the comfort and protection of his mother. “Mommy, who is that?” he asked, his voice a mix of curiosity and apprehension.
You froze for a moment, uncertainty crossing your face. How do you break such monumental news to a five-year-old? You took a deep breath, trying to find the right words, but nothing came out.
Ushijima sensed your hesitation and decided to step in. He crouched down to Asahi’s level, his eyes soft and gentle. “Hi, Asahi. My name is Ushijima. Do you remember seeing me the other day?”
Asahi nodded slowly, his small face scrunched up in concentration. “Yeah, I saw you with Mommy.”
Ushijima glanced at you, giving him a tentative nod. Turning back to Asahi, he continued. “I’m here because I wanted to meet you properly. There’s something very important I need to tell you.”
Asahi looked up at his you, who gave him an encouraging smile. He then looked back at Ushijima, his curiosity piqued. “What is it?”
Ushijima took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the moment. He wanted to make this as gentle and as loving as possible. “Asahi, do you know what a father is?”
Asahi nodded, his small brow furrowing. “Yeah, like my friend Kenji’s dad. He plays soccer with him.”
Ushijima smiled softly, a mixture of joy and sadness filling his heart. “That’s right. A father is someone who loves you very much and wants to be there for you. Someone who cares about you and wants to help you grow up happy and strong.”
Asahi’s eyes widened slightly, as if sensing where this conversation was heading. He glanced at you again, who gave him a reassuring nod.
“Asahi,” Ushijima continued, his voice gentle but firm, “I am your father. I didn’t know you before, but I’ve always cared about you. And now, I want to be a part of your life. I want to get to know you and be there for you, just like Kenji’s dad is for him.”
Asahi stared at him, his small face a mix of confusion and wonder. “You’re my dad?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
Ushijima felt a lump form in his throat, tears welling up in his eyes. He nodded, his voice thick with emotion. “Yes, Asahi. I’m your dad. And I’m so sorry that I haven’t been here until now. But I want to be here for you, from now on. If you’ll let me.”
Asahi’s eyes filled with tears, and he looked up at you, his small body trembling. “Mommy, is it true? He’s my dad?”
You nodded, own eyes glistening with tears. “Yes, sweetheart. He’s your dad. And he loves you very much.”
Asahi turned back to Ushijima, his eyes searching his face. “Why didn’t you come before?”
Ushijima felt his heart break at the innocent question. He reached out, gently placing a hand on Asahi’s shoulder. “I made some mistakes, Asahi. But I’m here now, and I want to make up for all the time we lost. I want to get to know you, play with you, and be there for you. I want to be the best dad I can be.”
Asahi’s lip quivered, and he suddenly launched himself forward, wrapping his small arms around Ushijima’s neck. Ushijima held him tightly, feeling the warmth and love of his son for the first time. Tears streamed down his face as he whispered, “I love you, Asahi. So much.”
Asahi clung to him, his small body shaking with sobs. “I love you too, Dad.”
You watched them, tears streaming down your cheeks. You felt a mix of relief, hope, and a deep, abiding love for both your son and the man who was now holding him so tenderly.
After a few moments, Asahi pulled back slightly, looking up at Ushijima. “Can we get more ice cream, Dad?” he asked, his voice hopeful.
Ushijima laughed through his tears, nodding. “Of course we can. Anything you want, Asahi.”
They stood up together, You joining them as they walked towards the ice cream shop. Ushijima held Asahi’s hand in one of his, and you in the other, feeling a sense of completeness he had never known before.
As they ordered more ice cream, Asahi chattered excitedly about his favorite flavors and toppings, the joy in his voice making Ushijima’s heart swell with happiness. He glanced at you, who was smiling through your tears.
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As they finished their ice cream, you suggested taking a walk. Ushijima agreed, happy to prolong their time together. The three of you strolled through the quiet streets, with Asahi skipping ahead, occasionally running back to bombard his newfound father with questions.
"What's your favorite color, Dad?" Asahi asked, looking up at Ushijima with wide, curious eyes.
"Green," Ushijima replied simply.
"It reminds me of the grass on the volleyball court," he said, his face softening with the memory.
Asahi nodded thoughtfully before firing off another question. "What's your favorite food?"
"Chicken karaage," Ushijima answered.
"Me too!" Asahi exclaimed, grinning. "Mommy makes the best chicken karaage."
You smiled at that, feeling warmth spread through your chest. Watching Ushijima interact with his son, you couldn’t help but notice the similarities between the two. Asahi’s boldness and straightforwardness were mirrored in Ushijima, and it made your heart swell with a mixture of nostalgia.
Asahi’s questions continued without pause. "Where do you live, Daddy?"
"I live in a apartment in Tokyo," Ushijima said.
"What’s your job?"
"I’m a volleyball player," Ushijima replied.
Asahi’s eyes widened with surprise. "That’s a job? I didn’t know you could get paid to play volleyball!"
Ushijima nodded, his lips quirking in a rare smile. "It is. I play for a professional team."
Asahi looked up at him with awe. "Wow, that’s so cool! Can you teach me how to play?"
"Of course," Ushijima said, his heart swelling with pride and joy at the thought of playing volleyball with his son.
They continued their walk, Asahi occasionally running ahead and then returning to ask more questions. Eventually, he asked the question Ushijima had been hoping to hear. "Mommy, can I see Daddy more often?"
You looked down at Asahi, your heart full. You smiled and nodded. "Yes, sweetheart. You can see him more often."
Ushijima felt a wave of relief and happiness wash over him. He smiled, a genuine, heartfelt smile that reached his eyes. "I would love that, Asahi."
As the night grew darker, the three of you made your way back to your apartment. Ushijima walked with you, feeling a sense of belonging that he hadn’t felt in a long time. When you reached the door, you invited him inside.
"I need to give Asahi a bath and put him to bed," you said.
"I’ll wait," Ushijima replied. "I’d like to help, if that’s okay."
You nodded, eyes softening. "Of course."
Ushijima waited in the living room while you bathed Asahi and helped him into his pajamas. After a little while, you came out with Asahi, who was dressed in his favorite dinosaur pajamas, looking sleepy but happy.
"Time for bed, sweetheart," You said gently.
Asahi yawned and nodded. "Can Daddy tuck me in?”
Ushijima felt his heart swell with emotion. "I’d be honored."
You went into Asahi’s room together. Ushijima tucked Asahi into his small bed, pulling the covers up to his chin. He leaned down and kissed Asahi’s forehead, feeling a surge of love and protectiveness.
"Goodnight, Asahi," he whispered.
"Goodnight, Daddy," Asahi replied, his eyes already closing.
Ushijima turned off the light and quietly left the room, closing the door softly behind him. He returned to the living room where you were waiting. You looked at him, eyes glistening with unshed tears.
"Thank you," you said, voice trembling.
He walked over to you and sat down, his heart aching at the sight of your pain. "What’s wrong?" he asked gently.
You shook your head, the tears spilling over. "I don’t know, I just…is a lot to take in.”
Ushijima reached out and pulled you into his arms, holding you as you sobbed into his chest. "It’s okay," he murmured, stroking your hair. "I’m here now. You don’t have to do this alone anymore.
You cried for a long time, releasing years of pent-up stress and worry. Ushijima held you, his strong arms providing the comfort and support you had longed for. As your sobs subsided, you leaned into him, feeling a sense of peace you hadn’t felt in years.
Unnoticed by either of you, the exhaustion of the emotional day caught up with you. Falling asleep together on the sofa, you nestled in Ushijima’s arms.
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Your eyes fluttered open to the sound of soft, confused murmuring. The sunlight streamed through the gaps in the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room. You turned your head slightly and found herself staring into the wide, bewildered eyes of her son, Asahi. The young boy stood at the foot of the bed, clutching his favorite stuffed animal and staring at you and Ushijima.
"M-Mommy? Daddy?" Asahi's small voice quivered with confusion, his gaze darting between you.
You shot up, heart racing. "Asahi, sweetie! What are you doing up so early?" You scrambled, sitting on the couch, taking some distance between you and him, face flushing with a mix of embarrassment and surprise. Ushijima, lying beside you, blinked groggily, equally stunned by the sudden wake-up call.
"Mommy and Daddy were... sleeping?" Asahi asked, his innocent eyes filled with genuine curiosity. Ushijima, still half-asleep, stifled a yawn, realizing he hadn't slept this well in ages.
"Uh, yes, sweetie," You stammered, running a hand through your hair. "Daddy was just visiting and had a sleepover. How about we get some breakfast, okay?"
With a nod, Asahi followed you out of the bedroom, leaving Ushijima to gather his thoughts. You headed to the kitchen, trying to shake off the awkwardness. You began preparing breakfast, determined to create a sense of normalcy.
Ushijima appeared on your side, offering a hesitant smile. "Need any help?"
"Sure," You replied, grateful for the assistance. They worked together in silence, the smell of pancakes filling the air. Meanwhile, Asahi sat at the table, his little brow furrowed in contemplation.
As you flipped the last pancake onto a plate, Asahi suddenly piped up, "Is Daddy living with us now?"
You nearly dropped the plate. You glanced at Ushijima, who raised an eyebrow, clearly impressed by Asahi's straightforwardness. "Well, Asahi," You began, choosing your words carefully, "Daddy is just visiting. It was a special sleepover."
"Okay," Asahi said, accepting the explanation without further question. He dug into his pancakes, seemingly satisfied.
After breakfast, You helped Asahi get ready for school. You brushed his hair, helped him into his uniform, and ensured his backpack was packed. You were just finishing up when a knock came at the door.
It was Asami, as she stepped inside, her eyes widened at the sight of Ushijima, still present and helping clear the breakfast dishes.
"Ushijima?" Asami blurted out, her surprise evident. "What are you doing here?"
Before you could respond, Asahi chimed in brightly, "Mommy had a special sleepover with Daddy!"
You felt your face burn with embarrassment, a desperate urge to sink into the floor. "Asahi, that's not—"
"Sounds fun…” Asami said with doubt, glancing between you and Ushijima. The look on her face made it clear she found the situation highly amusing.
"Yes, well, it was just a sleepover," You reiterated, your voice strained. "Now, let's get you to school, Asahi."
Asami and Asahi walked down the path, Asami's curiosity getting the better of her. She leaned in, her voice a conspiratorial whisper, "You have to tell me everything later. Call me, okay?"
You nodded weakly, mind still reeling from the morning's events. You watched them go, then closed the door, turning to find Ushijima standing in the hallway, a mixture of confusion and amusement on his face.
"I'm so sorry, Ushijima," You began, voice trembling. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I didn't expect to fall asleep, and then Asahi—"
"Hey," Ushijima tried to interject, but you continued, words tumbling out in a panicked rush.
"I'm just so sorry for everything. This is so awkward, and I can't believe Asahi saw us together like that. I never wanted to confuse him, and now Asami's going to ask questions, and—"
Before you could finish, Ushijima stepped forward and kissed you. The suddenness of it made your breath catch, and for a brief moment, everything else faded away.
Then reality crashed back in, and you pushed him away, eyes wide with shock. "We can't do this," you said, voice firm despite the tremor in it. "This can't happen between us. It's all for Asahi's sake." You reminded him, “You are here for him, not for me, remember that.” You said as you avoided his gaze.
Ushijima stood there, his heart aching. He'd thought, for a moment, that maybe there was still a spark, something more than just co-parenting. But your words left him speechless, the hope he’d felt moments ago dissolving into confusion.
"But Y/N," he began, unsure how to put his feelings into words, "I—"
His phone rang, the insistent buzz breaking the tense silence. He glanced at the screen: his manager. He’d forgotten, in the whirlwind of the morning, that he was supposed to be on a virtual meeting.
"I have to take this," he muttered, stepping away to answer the call.
“Ushijima, it’s Yamamoto. We need you back in Tokyo by tomorrow. There are interviews lined up and the team needs you for the upcoming games,” his manager’s voice came through, brisk and businesslike as always.
Ushijima’s heart sank. He had hoped for more time, more chances to figure things out. “I understand,” he replied, his voice steady but lacking its usual confidence.
“There’s a press conference in the morning and a few sponsors want to meet with you. It’s important, Ushijima. You know how these things go.”
“I know,” Ushijima said, his mind racing. How could he balance this new responsibility with his career? “But...”
“But what?” Yamamoto’s voice had an edge of impatience. “Is there a problem?”
“No,” Ushijima said quickly. “It’s just... I have something important I need to deal with here.”
There was a pause on the other end of the line. “Something important? More important than the team and your commitments?”
Ushijima hesitated, the weight of his situation pressing down on him. “It’s personal.”
Yamamoto sighed. “Look, I understand if you have personal matters, but you need to be here. The team is counting on you. The fans are counting on you. Can you get things sorted quickly?”
“I’m not sure,” Ushijima admitted. “It’s complicated.”
“Complicated how? Can you give me a bit more to go on?”
Ushijima felt trapped. He couldn’t explain without revealing everything, and he wasn’t ready for that. “I just need a little more time.”
“How much time?”
Ushijima ran a hand through his hair, frustration mounting. “A few days, maybe.”
“A few days? Ushijima, we don’t have a few days. The schedule is tight and we need you. Is there no way you can handle whatever it is and be here by tomorrow?”
Ushijima closed his eyes, trying to steady his thoughts. “I’ll do my best.”
“Your best? We need more than your best. We need you here, physically. This isn’t just about you. It’s about the team, the sponsors, the fans. Everyone is relying on you.”
“I know,” Ushijima said quietly. “I just...”
Yamamoto’s voice softened slightly. “Look, if it’s really serious, we can try to work something out. But you need to communicate with me. We need to know what’s going on so we can manage it properly.”
Ushijima took a deep breath. “I understand. I’ll... I’ll figure it out.”
“Good. Call me if you need anything. But remember, we need you back here as soon as possible.”
“I will,” Ushijima promised. “Thank you, Yamamoto-san.”
“Alright. Take care, Ushijima.”
As he hung up the phone, Ushijima felt the full weight of his predicament settle on his shoulders. How could he choose between his career and his newfound responsibility as a father?
Finishing the call, he slipped his phone back into his pocket.
He stood up and walked around the table, stopping in front of you. You stiffened but didn’t move away. “Hey,” he said softly, his voice pleading. “Please, look at me.”
You didn’t respond, eyes still focused on the countertop. The sight of you like this—so distant, so hurt—was more than he could bear. He reached out and took your hand gently, feeling you flinch but not letting go. “I want to say that I’m sorry,” he said, his voice cracking. “I didn’t mean what I said the other day. I was frustrated and scared. But I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
You remained silent, gaze fixed somewhere far away. Ushijima felt a wave of desperation. He needed you to understand, to see how much he regretted his words. He squeezed your hand gently and brought it to his chest, pressing it against his heart where you could feel the steady, desperate pounding.
“Please, Y/N” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. “Look at me.”
Slowly, almost reluctantly, your eyes lifted to meet his. The pain in your gaze was like a knife to his heart, cutting deep and leaving him raw. “I’m sorry,” he repeated, his voice barely more than a whisper. “I didn’t mean what I said. I was frustrated and scared. But I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
Your eyes searched his, and for a moment, he thought he saw a flicker of understanding, a hint of the connection you once shared. But the hurt was still there, a deep well of pain that his words had caused. He felt a surge of guilt and sorrow, knowing that he had put it there.
Without thinking, driven by a need to bridge the gap between you, he leaned in and kissed you. It was a gentle, tentative kiss, a plea for forgiveness and a promise of his sincerity. You stiffened at first, but then, slowly, began to respond, lips softening against his.
The world seemed to narrow to just the two of you, standing in the small kitchen, hearts exposed and vulnerable. Each kiss was a silent apology, a tentative step toward healing. Ushijima felt you relax slightly, body leaning into his as he wrapped his arms around you, holding you close.
He pulled back slightly, just enough to look into your eyes. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered, his voice breaking. “I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just... I didn’t know how to deal with everything. But I want to be here. For you, for Asahi. Please, believe me.”
Your eyes were filled with tears, but you didn’t look away this time. You held his gaze, your own emotions swirling in a tumultuous mix of hurt and hope. Ushijima felt a glimmer of hope, a fragile thread of connection that he desperately wanted to hold on to.
He leaned in and kissed you again, more firmly this time, trying to convey all the emotions he couldn’t put into words. He felt you respond, your arms wrapping around him, and for a moment, the tension between you seemed to dissolve. You stood there, locked in a fragile, tentative embrace, both searching for a way to heal the wounds that had been inflicted…
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Any comments, notes or reblogs are appreciated <3 let me know what you thought about this chapter. Ik it was a LOT
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biancadjarin · 1 year
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Bully!Eddie visiting you during
your shift at scoops ahoy
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“So you and Munson looked pretty cozy at Tommy’s party the other night…” Steve Harrington says as he comes to lean against the counter next to you. You turn to face him with a confused look. He giggles at you, “Look, I know you just started working here but… I don’t know, I’d hate for someone like you to get mixed up with a freak like him.” You wince at Steve’s words. “Someone like me?” You ask innocently.
“Oh,” Steve starts, hands coming up to squeeze your upper arms before falling to his sides again. “I just mean you seem really nice. You could do better than him.” He says sincerely. You shrug, “Eddie and I aren’t dating. Far from it actually.” You shake your head. He nods, hand coming up to rub the back of his neck, a smile peeking through his lips.
“He’s just always messing with me.” You clarify, “He made me sit on his lap that night but it was nothing.” You say with a shrug and an easy smile. “Made you?” Steve asks as the bell on the counter gets smacked with a ding ding. “Speak of the devil.” Steve grumbles under his breath.
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“Hey Harrington. Nice hat.” Eddie says with a laugh. “Keeping my girl busy tonight?” He says, eyes flicking up and down your frame, then looking back at Steve with a wink.
“I’m not your girl Eddie. What are you doing here?” “Aww babe, you hurt my feelings.” He says with a mock pout on his perfect lips. “I just came by to say hi. And maybe get a scoop.” He says eyeing the case of flavors. Steve shakes his head and sighs, his gaze returning to you. “I’m gonna go to the back and do some inventory. Just yell if you need anything.” He says as his hand comes to rest on your lower back.
“I think she’ll be ok Steve, so why don’t you move your hand before I do it for you?” Eddie’s jaw tenses. Steve shoots him a glare and if he wasn’t at work, you think he might’ve punched him. But thankfully he doesn’t, just retreating to the back to work.
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You sigh. “So are you going to order something? Because I have better things to do.” You say with an edge to your voice. Eddie looks over each shoulder, scanning the empty shop. “Really? Cause it’s pretty dead in here babe.” He laughs. “Whatever, do you want a sample of anything?” “Ohh well if you’re offering, sure I’ll take a sample of a kiss.” He pouts at you. You scoff, “of the ice cream, genius.” You hold back the smile that so badly wants to creep onto your lips.
“Hmm everything looks so good.” He says. “Especially you.” You roll your eyes. His ringed knuckle taps on the glass loudly. “I’ll just take a scoop of pistachio. With extra sprinkles.” He draws out the sss sound on the last word and it makes you shiver, goosebumps erupting on your arms. You hope he doesn’t notice, or just chalks it up to the cold.
“Here.” You hand him his ice cream. He takes a big lick, rainbow bits of candy sticking to his mouth like they want to taste him as much as you do. “What’s your favorite flavor?” He asks you, chin jutting towards you, round chocolate colored eyes flickering with mischief.
You look down at your options. You’re not a huge fan of ice cream but there is one flavor that you order every time. “Strawberry.” You say sweetly. Eddie stares at you, your soft voice putting him in a trance.
You’re both quiet for a minute while he licks his cone, until he says “a scoop of that too.” suddenly. You look at him with pulled together eyebrows but do it anyway. “In a cup.” He demands.
“Ok,” you place the perfectly round pink sphere dotted with red in front of him. “Not sure how you’re going to eat so much ice cream but enjoy.”
“The strawberry’s for you.” He says lowly. “Eddie I’m working, I don’t-” “Not anymore. I think Harrington can handle this place the rest of the night.” He grabs your hand over the counter and starts to pull softly, giving you his best puppy dog eyes. Not that his eyes don’t always look like a puppy dog’s. You look at him like he’s crazy because, well, he is. “I’m not leaving Eddie, I still have two more hours on my shift.”
He sucks his teeth, chuckling to himself as he watches you start to panic. “C’mon y/n, when was the last time you did something bad?” “Not the point. I could lose my job.” “Oh please, Steve’s such a pussy, he won’t tell on you. And he obviously wants to fuck you so I’m sure you could get away with murder. But don’t do that.” He says with an angry edge to his voice. “Murder?” You ask. “No, fucking Steve. You could murder all you want.”
“The ice cream’s melting.” He says. You take a deep breath and grab the cup of strawberry, walking around the counter to his side. “I knew she was a bad girl.” He says as he grabs a fistful of your ass. “Now come on.” He says pulling your wrist. “Wait Eddie we have to pay for these!” You say as he pulls you out of the store. He laughs and takes another lick of his cone as he pulls you toward the mall movie theater.
“So what do we wanna see?” His eyes scan the posters surrounded by tiny lit bulbs. “Oh I know!” He says as you two approach the ticket booth. “Two for Aliens please good sir!” He says to the teen working behind the glass. “$10 Eddie. And no smoking in the theater this time.” He slides you the tickets as Eddie slides him the ten dollar bill.
“So you do pay for things.” You say as you two walk into the darkened hallway of the theaters. His fingers reach for your hand, tickling up your palm and weaving through yours.
“Well I wouldn’t want us to get kicked out of the theater on our first date.” He says with a wink. “And don’t worry, if you get too scared, you can grab onto me as tight as you need to.”
You look away, your cheeks blooming into a blush. You’re planning on it.
more bully!eddie here
masterlist here
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tr0ubledberry · 1 year
Hi friends. I’m 21F and have been struggling with my body image since 2009 which led me to develop anorexia around 2014. I’ve been struggling ever since and have tried every trick and diet out there but have finally settled on my own so I thought I’d share it. First of all, recovery is a lie. There was a point in my life where I fully recovered but made me fat… it was nice not to worry about calories and all that but the pros outweigh the cons of an ED if done correctly. So think of your ED as a lifelong friend. In order to have an ED successfully for a long period of time you must go about it healthily. I know this is somewhat contradictory. I’m gonna include just some general tips, advice, and food alternatives. In a separate post I’ll be listing my favorite low kcal recipes so stay tuned.
•Drink water before, during, and after meals. This is absolutely crucial.
•During this period it’s important to spend extra time and effort on maintaining your vaginal health, immune system, fertility, and skincare !! Really important not to neglect these things especially vaginal care >.<
•Calories matter but make sure to eat nutritious foods. Must have a good judgment on when to splurge on kcals or when to go for an alternative. For ex: splurging on healthy foods that are a lot of kcals vs unhealthy processed foods that are low kcal.
•It’s good to strive for 1200 kcals or less. If it’s a cheat day or you’re feeling lenient then aim for around 1600 kcals. Never ever go over 2000 kcals.
•if you’re a foodie like me then you *have* to find creative and unique ways to curb your cravings. Otherwise your mental health will plummet. If you’re not satisfied then you’re either gonna keep eating or be miserable
•Remember your brain needs at least 330 kcals to function properly so if you’re feeling slow or disoriented then definitely have a snack or meal.
•Best drinks to have are water, sparkling water, tea, and coffee.
•If you eat over your calorie limit don’t fret, it’s not the end of the world. Just either work out or purge. Keep purging to a limit and don’t do it more than once a day. Ideally less purging is better so keep it for emergencies.
•Using apps such as my fitness pal are great for seeing what nutrients you’re deficient in or going overboard in. However I’ve found I lose more weight when I’m not using the app because I’m thinking about food less. However everybody is different and I would recommend at least checking out the application if you haven’t already.
•Vitamins are your bestie too!! I take a couple supplements to make sure I’m getting the vitamins I need for longevity.
•Cut down on silly calories like sauces and drinks by using alternatives. Also you can pretty much find a low kcal version of anything these days if you look hard enough.
•If you love flavor then these simple things will help like ~ seasoning, low kcal hot sauce such as Tabasco or sriracha, soy sauce, etc.
•Juice or sugary drinks ~ low sugar Gatorade, fruit flavored teas iced with extra tea bags to give it extra flavor
•Soda ~ flavored sparkling water with powder or liquid drink mix such as crystal light strawberry lemonade drink mix
•Starbucks ~ just making my own mixed coffee drinks and sweet tea drinks saves so many calories
•Dessert ~ Gerber biscuits arrowroot (taste like shortbread), Gerber lil biscuits, cottage cheese, chocolate covered fruit or nuts
•Chips ~ Gerber’s Lil Crunchies Mild Chedder (basically cheese/ cheeto puffs), quest chips, or half a serving size of normal chips
•Ice cream ~ strawberry halo top
•Chocolate ~ alter eco or dark chocolate coconut fudge
•Mayo ~ miracle whip or vegan mayo
•Rice ~ cauliflower or broccoli rice
•Pasta ~ Chickpea pasta
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dailydemonspotlight · 2 months
Day 15
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Race: Oh god
Alignment: Oh fuck
April 9th, 2024
After a few hours of rigorous training, I think I’m ready. Day 15 is a special day, after all. Welcome to the all-for-one Jack Frost special! 
1. Lucifrost 
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Race: Herald
Alignment: Light-Law 
Lucifrost is a very strange Frost with a surprisingly intricate design, a demon that only appears in the Demikids and Devil Survivor games, typically as a mid-late game boss. Unlike what one might expect, he isn’t a frostified version of Lucifer- no, his backstory is far more fun. 
Lucifrost once was a Jack Frost, but he was exiled from the Frost family due to betraying them, much like Lucifer did to the Angels. Jealous, he wandered down to hell, eventually finding himself in the final layer, wherein he saw the frozen Lucifer in a lake of tears. Rather than feel pity, though, Lucifrost saw an opportunity… for profit. Frozen Lucifer was a perfect idol for the ice-obsessed fiend, who began to try and impersonate the fallen angel, eventually returning to hell after achieving a perfectly angelic form… only to see that Lucifer had long since departed. Likely despondent, he wandered aimlessly to find the king of demons for all of eternity, ending up crossing paths with the DemiKids and Devil Survivors protagonists along the way. 
While his backstory is silly, his design is fantastic, an interpretation of an angelic Jack Frost that makes him far more adorable than the Morning Star could ever be.
2. Frost Ace
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Race: Genma
Alignment: Light-Neutral
The legendary hero of the Frost Lineage, Frost Ace makes himself known as a mid-game demon who exists as a parody of superhero media and, more specifically, tokusatsu sentai shows like Super Sentai.
Frost Ace mostly works as a 'good side' equivalent to Black Frost, being a heroic transformation that any Jack Frost is implied to be able to take to grow in power. I personally like to see Frost Ace, on top of that, also serving as a general in King Frost's army, as it adds on a bit to the whole 'Frost Kingdom' theme.
You getting tired yet? I'm nowhere near done!
3. The Frost Five!
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Race: Frost
Alignment: Five
These bozos are each based on separate frozen deserts, save one, which is a cocktail. In order, Blue Hawaii Frost is based on the Blue Hawaii cocktail, Lemon Frost is based on lemon-flavored shaved ice, Melon Frost is based on melon-flavored shaved ice, Strawberry Frost is based on strawberry-flavored shaved ice, and lastly, Milky Frost is just ice cream.
4. Hee-ho-Kun
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Race: Student
Alignment: Broke due to Student Loans
Less of a specific demon and more of a recurring character, Hee-ho-Kun is a demon who originates from SMT if... serving a minor role as a friendly Jack Frost who can become an optional party member, apparently enjoying going to school.
Unfortunately, in order to pay his college bills, he had to open a shop! In SMT 3: Nocturne, Hee-ho-Kun makes his grand return as a shop owner in Shibuya, though later finds his calling as a Black Frost, becoming an optional boss of the Kabukicho Prison area after being cleared, then becoming a recruitable party member once defeated, appearing in the Labyrinth of Amala.
Lastly, Hee-ho-Kun manages to get a girlfriend! In Megami Ibunroku: Persona, aka Revelations Persona, he appears at St. Hermelin HS as a student after it is frozen over as a result of the Snow Queen quest. Let's hope he got the education he hoped for, especially given his acquisition of a girlfriend!
Finally. The Jack Protags.
Ah, they truly are great. Let us bask in their brilliance lest we forget the greatest frosts of them all. Raiho is a personal favorite of mine.
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Also, Jack Frost somehow got a Demonica? Enter Demon-hee-ho, a recurring boss in the Strange Journey games. Admittedly, I don't know much about SJ, but I find his inclusion to be really silly, so he gets a special shoutout among his protag contemporaries.
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...And that's that! I hope you enjoyed the Jack Frost miniseries. I'm missing a few Jack's, such as the Petite Frosts, but I'm honestly just tired of doing Jack Bros. stuff. Let me have this break. Either way, though, the Frost blockade has been cleared. We'll be back to our regularly scheduled programming once our snowplows come by.
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weird-an · 1 year
Max has been getting on Billy's nerves for a whole week now. She wants to get ice cream at that stupid new mall they can't afford to go to. Billy has been ignoring her bitching, turning the volume up in the car or just walking out of the room when she started moaning about it. .
But now, she got on Neil's nerves, too. "Buy your sister a sundae," he orders, face already red with anger - which always ends up being bad for Billy.
So, Billy ends up at Scoop's Ahoy right after work which seems safer than ending up with bruises at home. Max nearly drags him into the store, all shiny pristine tiles and the smell of artificial strawberries in the air.
There's nobody behind the counter. Max presses her nose against the glass. "They've got Butterscotch!"
The door opens and voice he knows way too well says: "Ahoy ladies! Would you guys like to set sail on this ocean of flavor with me, I'll be you captain, I'm Steve H-argrove."
Billy blinks. Steve Harrington stands in front of him. Wearing a fucking sailor's uniform that could be right out of a wet dream. He's turning red from his hairline down to his chest where a surprisingly huge amount of chest hair peeks out underneath the blue fabric.
"Harrington," he says weakly, not able to look away. "You don't look like a captain."
He wants to laugh. All his dad's efforts to get Billy away from any queer shit in California, just for him to end up in the gayest ice cream parlor in this dump that calls itself a town.
"Billy wants a sundae," Max just quips and basically runs out of the store. Wait. She wanted to come here, she has been getting on his nerves for day now, she - definitley planned this. What a bitch.
"Uh," Steve clears his throat. "You want a cherry on top?"
Billy shrugs. "I got promised an ocean of flavor."
It doesn't sound nearly as nonchalant as he wanted to. Harrington is wearing shorts. Way too tiny shorts. This might be his most favorite place in the world - or at least in Indiana.
Steve gives him a crooked smile. "I won't disappoint," he promises. In Billy's ears it sounds dirtier than probably intended.
Ice cream, Billy thinks, we're still talking about ice cream.
He watches Steve making him a sundae and decides to come back tomorrow. And probably jerk off thinking about Harrington in his sailor's uniform later.
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