#I think the time jumps interfere with it maybe
lexithwrites · 4 hours
Pls pls pls write some jarrylus being domestic. Pet parents or coparenting harry with lily
i really love co-parenting lily and james but people will probably tell me im a misogynist again,,,,oh well xoxo
in terms of pet parents, they each have a pet that's 'theirs' yet they all look after them
barty has a snake, her name is fluffy and she's a lil baby western hognose, she is adorable and very loving and curls around barty's hand when he's chilling or just walking around the flat
regulus has a cat, her name is lady or duchess, something regal, and she's a bit of a bitch to new people but she LOVES her dads, she purrs and boops her head on their arm and she always cuddles up on regulus' chest
james has a bunny and i will die on this hill he loves fluffy little boys and his bunny is called bugs, im funny and hip and i remember cartoons in my old age, and he loves jumping really high and sitting on james' tummy when he's in bed, he stays in his cage most of the time but its a big cage and he does have a little harness and leash so james can safely walk him around outside
now in terms of co-parenting i think james was really nervous to talk to lily about his relationship but she was very supportive, just nervous about what harry will say/think about it because he's very young
they dont introduce barty and regulus as james' partners until harry is maybe five or six at the earliest, they're just 'dad's close friends'
lily works very well with james and the other boys never interfere with their parenting choices and never will unless one of them asks
harry loves barty and reg, barty is super tall and puts harry on his shoulders and plays airplane around the flat whilst regulus is really good at reading him stories and using his imagination to help harry play
james loves watching them together too, he tears up a lot
whenever lily comes over to pick harry up for her week he's often asleep in one of their arms and she just smiles softly when they hand him over, saying he was as lovely as always and that they'll miss him for the week
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trashbatistrash · 6 months
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fandomnerd9602 · 27 days
Nerdy!Natasha Romanoff x Geek!Reader
Avengers High
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Attraction has long been defined as when two opposite forces were brought together. In the case of Natasha Romanoff, a shy, introverted nerd at Avengers High, she was still looking for her opposite half.
No one really noticed her as she moved down the hallways of the high school campus. To most she was a face that blended in. She didn’t stand out to anyone. Well she did stand out to you.
She was your best friend. Calm, kind, and loving, you always saw the diamond that she always was. Her heart spoke volumes to yours. You were a geek, always obsessed with Star Wars or James Bond. There is a difference between geeks and nerds. But yet Natasha was always by your side for hangouts after school.
Natasha, despite all the logic, all the incalculable data that she had about chemistry with another person, found her heart fluttering each time you watched a Bond movie with her. Each time you smiled. Every time you cheered her up when the popular gals looked down on her or called her ugly duckling.
“It’s not calculable! The data doesn’t work!” Natasha bemoaned to her lab partner, Maria.
“What?” Maria groans, “is this about your love equation?”
“My equation of total compatibility.” Natasha answered back. “I ran simulations of Steve and I and then of Y/N and I.”
“And?” Maria looks with a bemused grin.
“It says Steve and I should be compatible but I don’t feel anything when I’m near him.”
“And (Y/N)?” Maria smirks.
“It says we have zero compatibility but yet…” Natasha huffs. “I-I think I’m in love with my best friend.”
“Oh Nattie,” Maria chuckles, “love isn’t something you quantify or try to put some equation to. Maybe what need is to test your hypothesis”
“Test? How?”
“Find out if you get sparks or butterflies when you kiss (Y/N)”
“But what if I screw up the only good friendship I have?!” Natasha nearly shouts in the middle of physics class.
“What if it becomes something amazing?” Maria asks, leaving the topic at that.
It was a dangerous game: testing such a hypothesis. On one hand, if her equation was accurate, she might lose your friendship. And if it was proven false, then she’d lose a bit of credibility, at least in her own eyes.
Such a hypothesis test came that night as you and her were watching an old James Bond movie on your couch.
“Geez how does James end up with all these girls?” Natasha asked jokingly.
“Maybe he’s secretly an alien with a powerful pheromone level?” You shrugged.
Natasha paused the movie and turned to you. “I need your help.”
“Sure! What’s up?” You flashed her a quick smile.
“I-I need to test something.” She bit her lip nervously. “Just close your eyes”
You happily obeyed. Natasha leaned in and kissed your lips. The mere touch sent sparks and shivers up and down her whole body.
Your eyes shot open. It was perfect.
Natasha pulled back a blushing, stuttering mess of a teenager. “I-I…umm…wow”
“Yeah. Wow.” You smiled, giggling a little too. “So how was your hypothesis?”
“I’m so happy to prove my equation of compatibility wrong.” She giggles.
“Maybe us being friends interferes with it somehow.” You smirked. “Maybe requires further testing.”
Hypothesis are usually proven or disproven thru various tests, Natasha thought.
“Further testing is required,” she giggles before jumping into your lap, kissing you repeatedly.
Natasha Romanoff. She was your best friend, your favorite nerd. And the love of your life. You and her still kept resting whether or not her equation was correct or not. The equation was put thru tests of dating, proposal, marriage, and eventually children.
Natasha was never more happy than to disprove her own hypothesis of compatibility. You and her, despite the data, were just perfect for each other.
Tags: @aloneodi @abimess @lifespectator @russianredassassin @revanshand @pinklawyerwinnerzonk @multi-fandom-enjoyer @jacenradio7 @scarletquake-n7 @supercorpdanbeau @iiconicsfan25 @iamnicodemus
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oh-no-its-bird · 2 months
Normal 'Izuna survives' au but he gets isekaid into canon founders era and doesn't notice for a week (everyone is convinced he's a ghost)
He literally lives in the same house as Madara but Madara acts like this is normal bc hes been hallucinating so this is clearly just another hallucination
He only realizes smthn is wrong with Tobirama sees him and immediatley goes "what the FUCK" and suddenly everyone is going "oh god you can see him too????"
Izuna is on a quest to convince people he's not a hallucination (it's a losing battle)
Realistically tho, in that era, wouldn't it be more believable that Izuna is a ghost / somehow came back to life than fucking dimension travel?
Cearly the ghost of Izuna just doesn't realize hes died (common enough in ghost lore)
Tobirama is the only one who believes Izuna bc he has the brain cells to think ab dimension travel / time and space jutsu
POV Madara starts to convince Izuna he's actually a ghost. Maybe... he did die? And he just doesn't remember?? Oh god is he a ghost??? Is he dead????
Tobirama is standing by watching this shit happen with a look of disgust on his face (I'm sorry Tobi the stupidity is genetic)
Madara really said gaslight gatekeep girlboss, starting with yourself first
@beatriceportinari :
hashirama is trying to be compassionate and get him to move on and izuna just. stays there (bc he's not a ghost)
hsrm so desolate abt it
tbrm he won't move on 😦 what if he's stuck forever 😦
Tobirama is standing nearby watching this shit happen fully aware Izuna isn't dead but no one will listen to him so !!! Might as well watch the show
@fashionredalert :
Izuna standing there like
Tweak it slightly to turn it into a happy ending where they get to keep him bc he eventually has to go back home: there was no dimension travel, for some reason he survived or was revived (zetsu interference gone wrong?? Or right ig, for Izuna)
@mengfm :
He fr came back to life/survived but everyone's convinced he's a ghost and are trying to lay him back to rest
The idea of people trying to re bury him is so funny. Left and right he’s trying to avoid having funeral rights just said to him
@beatriceportinari :
montage where they make him lay down in a coffin and he's just laying there fidgeting like "this feels weird is it working yet"
noooo asdfghjh he's letting them do it'
maybe i should be dead yeah' izuna!!!
@mengfm :
"No I saw you die"
"Ok convincing argument I guess" -Izuna, apparently
@fashionredalert :
I know there’s that trope about the Uchiha burning the bodies with funeral rites could you image…Bro having to run away from Madara trying to burn him alive to lay him to rest again
@mengfm :
@fashionredalert :
Izuna running through the village with rope ties around his hands as he runs
Madara is chasing Izuna through the streets with a lit torch as Izuna screams about wanting to try a different way and Madara screams about how it'll work if he just STAYS STILL
@instant-bull :
(Hashirama looks out his window and asks Tobirama if he just saw Izuna running through the streets and Tobirama tells him to stop making shit up to get out of work)
@mengfm :
That’s just a lack of sleep hallucination back to work!!!
@instant-bull :
Madara trying to burn his brother alive isn’t real!
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"You'll get used to them" Tobirama waved his hand, the years of insomnia experience making him sound particularly knowledgable
Hashirama’s already moukoton scrambled brain is going to feel even more insane. This is not helping his sanity
Hashirama starts to believe he sees into some alternate timeline or the past or whatever that shit was
The ending is literally just Tobirama hitting everyone over the head with a rolled up newspaper and yelling that they're all stupid, going "HES alive. YOURE not hallucinating. and YOU can not see into other dimensions!"
Only sane person in Konoha
(Then in the epilogue he goes home and has his own regular hallucinations of his dead brothers)
Parts of todays AU are brought to u with the help of @instant-bull @mengfm @fashionredalert and @beatriceportinari, everyone say thank you to them
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fluentmoviequoter · 9 months
Confessions of a SWAT Team
Pairing: David 'Deacon' Kay x fem!SWAT!reader
Summary: You and Deacon fell in love with each other, but didn't tell anyone. When officers closer to your age begin flirting with you, Deacon grows distant and won't tell you why.
Warnings: angst, fluff, age gap (not specific but I imagined ~15-20 years, so reader would be late 20s?), Deacon is protective, some arguing, mentions of insecurity, reader is somewhat shy, I used the term "suicide bomber" once in passing. Luca, Street, and Hondo meddle. I think that's all!
Word Count: 2.9k+ words
Requested Here!
Picture from Pinterest
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Falling in love with Deacon Kay was easy. Telling anyone, including the man himself, is not so easy.
Deacon Kay never considered the idea of skydiving to be scary… until he found himself falling head over heels for you, the newest recruit. When you walked in on your first day, confident of your skills yet willing to learn your place in the team and receive feedback, he felt something new. You were quiet and reserved, willing to learn, and each time he complimented your skills or offered an idea to make something easier or for improvement, you opened up a bit more. More than attraction, there was a deep need to get to know you, to protect you, to stay close to you, and, later, to hide his biggest secret from you and everyone else. Deacon Kay was falling in love but knew it was wrong.
At the end of your probationary period, you and Deacon have a deep connection, secrets and all. His need to stay close and protect you has only strengthened with time, but every time he looks at you, sees your youth, and pictures the bright future you could have, he tries to silence his heart and listen to his mind. You’re too young and could do so much better, he thinks.
Two months into working with 20 David, you were trapped face-to-face with a suicide bomber. With no protection and no escape route, you maintained a brave act while hoping, praying, that your gear would keep you alive. With three seconds left on the detonator countdown, you feel someone wrap their arms around you as their shoulder blocks your face. The force of the explosion knocks you backward, twisting in your savior’s arms to land on top of Deacon. You feel the pressure build in your eyes as you yell at him never to do that again. He can never know, but his protectiveness scares you because it puts him directly in harm’s way.
After the bombing incident, Deacon gets closer. He puts himself between you and gunfire, taking several shots to his Kevlar while leading you to safety. During a raid with narcotics, a cartel leader jumps on top of you, and you struggle for the upper hand until Deacon hauls him off of you, finishing the fight on your behalf. After Deacon protects you, he always takes you back to the station, placing a gentle hand on the small of your back as he leads you somewhere private. He tends to your wounds and reminds you that he’s always there if you need to talk.
You want to talk to him more than anything, but Deacon is a Sergeant II, and he’s older than you, and, most importantly, he likely frowns upon inter-team relationships. So, you bottle everything up. Forever.
“You think he’ll ever tell her?” Street asks as Deacon walks out, close enough to you that your hands brush with every step.
“He hasn’t even told us,” Luca points out.
“Maybe we should do something.”
“Their relationship is theirs, guys,” Hondo interjects. “We shouldn’t interfere. Yet.”
Street and Luca smile at the thought of intervening in the future and seeing their teammates happy. They know Deacon is single-handedly responsible for breaking you out of your shell, but they’d like to see it go one step further.
“She’s gorgeous,” someone says.
Deacon’s brow furrows as he hears voices grow louder. He tries to focus on the computer before him, looking for blueprints for an entry raid.
“Care for a friendly bet?” a second voice asks.
Several young officers dressed in street clothes stop beside the door where Deacon is working. He can see them, but they haven’t noticed him yet. His focus wavers when he thinks he hears your name.
“Of course, we’re still talking about her,” the first guy answers.
Deacon’s focus shifts completely, turning to face them. They’re close to your age and attractive, but what bothers him most is how easily they discuss their attraction to you.
“If you suggest a ‘first one to get a date with her’ bet, I’m out.”
“I was thinking more we see whose pickup line lands better, then we let her choose. She’s not a prize, she’s a person.”
Yet you’re planning to use her as an object in a bet, Deacon thinks.
“Were you at the range yesterday afternoon? She was there. I can’t believe how good she is. 20 David is lucky.”
“For more reasons than one.”
Deacon clenches his jaw as they walk away, still comparing what they've seen of your shooting and fighting skills. He watches you in awe, too, but they have a shot to get close to you.
“Focus,” he whispers to himself, facing the computer.
“Hey, Deac,” you call as you enter. “Hondo wanted to know if you found the property record? Although, I’m still arguing that this is a waste of your talents.”
You stop beside him, leaning against the desk and smiling at him.
“Uh, yeah,” Deacon answers, trying to look anywhere but at your beautiful eyes. “I got it.”
“Are you okay?”
“I’m great. Let’s go.”
You nod slowly before following him out. Two men call your name, and you look over, tilting your head as they beckon you over.
“I’ll be right there, Deac,” you tell him, tapping his shoulder twice.
He nods, watching silently as you walk to them. They smile as they say something quiet enough that he can’t hear. There’s a small smile on your face, and Deacon thinks you’re introducing yourself.
Pointless, he thinks, they know more about you than they should. Not as much as me, though.
The thought catches Deacon off guard, and when he looks back up, the taller officer is openly flirting with you. You laugh and push a stray piece of hair behind your ear. Deacon missed his chance. He walks away while you continue smiling at them, seemingly enjoying their flirtations.
You’re uncomfortable; these officers are 1) flirting with you while you’re still working and 2) way too young and immature for you. Forcing a laugh and moving your hand to your hair nervously, you glance over and only see Deacon’s back as he leaves.
“Well, I’ve got to go,” you blurt out, interrupting the worst pickup line you’ve ever heard, “but it was nice to meet you.”
“Oh, okay. We’ll see you around?” one asks.
“I’m sure we will, we work in the same building,” you answer before realizing that it sounds a little too much like an invitation to come talk to you again.
Rushing to follow Deacon, you enter an office behind him, and Hondo immediately starts talking. You stand by Deacon, but he doesn’t look over and roll his eyes at Hondo’s bad analogies like usual. Fiddling with your fingers, you try to focus but wonder what happened. He could have a lot on his mind, or maybe you did something wrong. You decide to give it some time and hope that it passes.
20 David spends the afternoon training, and when you get in the ring with Deacon, you expect it to go as usual. Typically, you throw a few punches and have to beg Deacon to fight back and make it fair. However, today, Deacon has no problem immediately giving you a full-force hit. You step back and catch yourself before returning the hit. You lose the sparring round, and Deacon climbs out without a glance in your direction.
When you see him later while preparing to go home for the night, you stay quiet. Part of you hopes he’ll yell at you or something - anything to acknowledge you, but nothing happens.
“Goodnight,” you say as Deacon leaves the locker room.
He nods without looking at you. Your heart feels like it’s in pieces on the locker room floor, and you take a deep breath before gathering your things to go home.
“Heading out?” Luca asks as he walks in. You nod, and he adds, “We’re going out for a little bit, want to come?”
“No thanks,” you say quietly, closing your locker gently. “See you tomorrow.”
Street opens the door from the other side and holds it, his smile falling as you duck your head and rush past him.
“What happened?” he asks Luca.
“Deacon,” he answers.
“Want to tell me why Deacon is slamming doors?” Hondo asks when Luca and Street exit.
“Is it just Deacon?” Luca asks knowingly.
“Should we do something now? That distance isn’t safe in the field and if she’s nervous around him…” Street trails off.
“We may have to. She’s not the only emotional one, though. Deac looked a little green on his way out,” Hondo responds.
“What now?”
“Let’s see how tomorrow goes. We have the gala tomorrow night, so something needs to happen. And soon.”
 Sitting on your couch, you replay every event of the day. Obviously, you did something wrong, which is why Deacon is so eager for space between you. The only ‘bad’ thing that happened before he changed was the officers flirting with you, but you were still on time, so you didn’t do anything wrong.
If Deacon wants space, you’ll give it to him. It’s the least you can do.
The garment bag in your bathroom catches your attention, and you cross your fingers that the gala is enjoyable and not an evening spent avoiding and being avoided by the one man you’d like to dance with.
“Hey, brother, you clean up nice,” Hondo taunts as Deacon approaches.
“You don’t look half bad yourself,” Deacon replies, a small smile tugging at his lips. He glances around but doesn’t find what, or who, he’s looking for.
“She’s not here yet,” Street says.
Hondo shakes his head, and Street takes his cue, excusing himself to let Hondo and Deacon talk.
“What happened between you two?” he inquires.
“Me and Street?”
Hondo rolls his eyes before looking pointedly at Deacon. “You’re jealous.”
Deacon’s eyes stray from Hondo, locking on something behind him. Turning his head, Hondo laughs when he sees what is more worthy of his friend’s attention.
Stepping into the large ballroom, you barely have time for a full breath before the officers from earlier sidle up to you and begin talking. You smile politely and nod, not listening to what they’re saying, as you scan the venue for Deacon. When you find him, he’s standing beside Hondo. Hondo steps away, and Deacon’s eyes lock on yours, his brown eyes wide as his jaw clenches. The eye contact doesn’t last long; Deacon turns his back to you and disappears into the crowd. Your heart and smile fall, so the men surrounding you switch tactics, openly complimenting you, though most of it doesn’t affect you in the slightest.
“Excuse me,” you mutter quietly, pushing between them to follow Deacon.
You deserve an explanation, and you’re going to get one. It takes a few minutes, but you find Deacon standing in front of a fireplace in what appears to be a private office off the back hallway.
“Deac?” you ask, wringing your fingers in front of your stomach.
Deacon doesn’t turn around, but he can see you in his mind (not that you ever leave), with your hair styled beautifully, an outfit that flatters you in every way, and glassy eyes and glossy lips. No matter what you’re wearing, street clothes, your uniform, or formal wear for a police gala, you always look perfect to Deacon. Tonight, though, you’re practically begging to be kissed breathless, to be adored, and if he looks at you, he won’t be able to restrain himself.
“What did I do?”
The question presents your insecurity and shyness, which take Deacon back to your first month when you could barely look him in the eye, and your answers had a five-word maximum. He rubs his hand down his face, hearing you shift behind him.
“Please tell me what I did to make you do this,” you plead.
“You didn’t do anything, I’m just working through some things,” he answers carefully, his back to you. “No big deal.”
“If it’s not a big deal then why am I losing you over it?” you snap, your growing anger overpowering your sadness and nervousness.
“You’re not losing me,” Deacon says, sighing.
“It sure feels like it, David.”
You never use his first name, and the moment Deacon hears it, he turns around. He sees you and loses some of his jealousy and anger but says what he needs to anyway.
“I just needed some space to think,” he replies. “Is that wrong?”
“Needing space to think and avoiding me are two different things.”
“I wasn’t ignoring you-“
“Then why did you leave? Why haven’t you said more than fifteen words to me in the last two days?”
“Why didn’t you talk to me at first?” he asks, his voice rising slightly. He regrets the question immediately but can’t apologize before you speak again.
“If this is what talking to you is going to be like from now on, maybe I never should have started,” you admit, dropping your head as tears gather at your waterline.
“You don’t mean that,” Deacon says quietly.
“Just tell me why. Tell me the truth.”
Deacon doesn’t say anything, and you bite your bottom lip as you think. Deacon wants nothing more than to grab your face, tug your lip free, and kiss you until you don’t talk to him, not because he created a rift between you but because he steals your breath. You’re all he’s ever wanted and more, but the idea still terrifies him. The rejection alone could kill him, but having to see you at work would be worse.
“If you want me to join another team or something, tell me,” you demand. “But I deserve to know why you decided I wasn’t worth the lack of space.”
Deacon’s eyes race to find yours. “This is not about your worth,” he answers, anger spilling through. Not at you, though; at himself, at the situation he put you in, and at those officers who have a chance at what he craves most.
“Then why are you acting like you hate being near me?”
“Because I cannot lose another person I love!” he yells.
You freeze, unable to form a reply. Deacon takes a deep breath when he realizes what he confessed. Your silence is worse than yelling at him.
“I’m sorry,” he begins.
“I love you too,” you whisper, a single tear breaking free when you smile. “I’m in love with you.”
Deacon steps forward, closing the physical and emotional gap. Taking your left hand, he raises his to wipe your tears. His hand lingers by your face as you smile up at him.
“I was jealous,” he explains. “Those cops were flirting with you yesterday and you looked happy. They’re closer to your age and you have more in common. It made sense for you to go for them, not me.”
“Deacon, I was uncomfortable, not happy. I turned around to find you and you were gone and then you just kept getting further away. I want you, Deacon Kay. No one else.”
“Care to dance with me?” he asks quietly.
“I’d love to. I’ve been wanting to all week,” you answer.
His smile grows, drawing your attention to his eyes as he leads you back to the ballroom. You don’t see any members of your team as you walk onto the dance floor. Deacon leads, letting you lean on him again, something you missed in the short time it was gone. The song ends, and you straighten, preparing to pull away.
“I want you too,” Deacon says. “But I don’t want to hide it anymore.”
“Then don’t,” you encourage, smiling as you tap his hand twice.
Deacon smiles and pulls his hands from yours, cupping your face and kissing you without hesitation. You slide your hands up his chest to rest under his lapel. Deacon feels your heart race, his thumb against the pulse point below your jaw, but his beats steadily below your hand. With each of Deacon’s movements, more of your breath, more of your life, more of you becomes his.
“Aye, Deac!” Luca yells from the crowd. “Way to go!”
“About time!” Street adds, leading a round of applause from the entire LAPD.
Deacon pulls back from you, smiling when you hide your face against his neck. He sees the flirty cops from earlier awkwardly clapping with the crowd. His hand rubs up and down your back, glad that everyone, you included, knows that you’re his and he is yours.
“Told you,” Hondo teases as he walks to Deacon’s side. “Green ain’t your color.”
“He only means figuratively, you look good in everything,” you mumble against his skin.
“Want to get out of here?” Deacon asks, his hands still on your back as he holds you against him.
“Please,” you reply, tapping his chest twice.
He leads you out, stopping you after you’re outside.
“Why do you tap me twice?” Deacon asks gently, his arm around your waist and his jacket over your shoulders.
“It’s the only way I could tell you without actually saying it,” you say with a shrug.
“Say what?”
“That I love you.”
Deacon smiles, tapping your waist twice as he moves you to stand closer to him.
His lips meet yours again, and when your hands reach his jaw, you’re not sure where you end or Deacon begins, and it’s perfect. Deacon Kay was easy to fall in love with, easy to be in love with, and he was absolutely worth the wait.
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penkura · 5 months
last forever [3/13]
Summary: Zoro only offered to marry you to keep you out of an arranged marriage with a man much older than you. You agreed with the caveat of ending it via annulment once you received word from your parents regarding the original engagement, despite your growing feelings for your close friend.
Pairing: Zoro x Fem!reader, mentioned Sanami later (like epilogue later so chill)
Warnings: Marriage of Convenience, Fake Marriage, referenced sex (waaaaaay later on), mutual pining, Zoro is bad at feelings but what's new there, eventual romance I promise, mention of past attempted assault (I'll warn in that chapter), creepy older dude later on
Note: At time of posting, this is the most recent chapter I have finished. Chapter four will be worked on and hopefully posted tomorrow (4/29), then I will update every Monday, hopefully.
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[Ch. 1] ● [Ch. 2]
Your stress is through the roof, watching Zoro fight against Dracule Mihawk. You're wringing your hands hearing Luffy tell Johnny and Yosaku not to interfere, and it makes you want to jump over and help. You knew this was his plan as soon as name left Johnny's mouth before you all arrived at Baratie, you hadn't gotten the chance to tell him he should wait, and seeing his swords break, the large attack from Mihawk that left him bloodied and Luffy screaming his name now makes you wish you could go back and do that.
"Sis, we need your sewing skills!!"
Johnny and Yosaku brought Zoro onto a small ship manned by Usopp, one you'd probably be taking to go after Nami and bring her and the Merry back.
You're about to jump in and go to them, before remembering the one thing keeping you from doing so.
Damn it, I can't swim!
"You have to bring him over here! You guys know I can't swim!"
"We can't get close enough," Usopp yells and looks between you and Zoro, "He's bleeding really bad!"
Biting your lip, you barely notice Luffy wrapping his arms around you three times before he says your name.
"You're gonna fly!!"
"Wait wha–"
Luffy lifts you up and stretches his arms all the way over, making sure you've touched down on the boat before he lets go, arms snapping back as he tells you to help Zoro. You start getting your supplies ready, your heart pounding in your ears and you barely notice Zoro awake, lifting up Wado Ichimonji and making a promise to Luffy with heavy breaths and tears you've never seen before.
Actually, you've never seen Zoro cry before this day.
"Until I become…the world's greatest swordsman, I swear…I'll never lose again! Got that, King of the Pirates?!"
Hearing Luffy's agreement makes you smile as you stare at Zoro, quickly remembering you have to start stitching him up or he'll bleed to death in this tiny boat. Usopp starts you all in the direction Nami took the Going Merry, while Johnny and Yosaku watch you with tear filled eyes as you stitch up the gash from Mihawk down Zoro's chest, he's nearly fast asleep by the time you finish and cut the thread.
A very quiet word of thanks leaves his mouth before he's asleep, you simply respond telling him not to mention it, rinsing your hands in the sea water. Johnny gives you praise for being able to stitch up such a large wound, Usopp saying you were one of the best he'd ever seen for a makeshift doctor. You hear them, but don't respond, watching Zoro sleep instead. Despite his loss to Mihawk he looks as if he's resting peacefully, and that makes you happy to think about for the time being.
You're quiet as you place a hand on his face, stroking his cheek slightly while telling the others that he'll be alright, before removing your hand from his face.
You'd love to tell him how amazed you are and that you have feelings for him, but now's not the time. Maybe another day, when you aren't chasing down your friend who's stolen your ship and is going off to who knows where, and maybe when Zoro isn't unconscious from nearly bleeding out after taking on a fight he couldn't win (but oh how badly you wanted him to win it).
Right now, you have to focus on Nami.
How you all have now liberated three towns from Pirates or the threat of Pirates, you aren't sure. Your crew isn't anything like the Pirates your parents had tried to teach you to fear as a child. Luffy was far too kind and really only wanted to be King of the Pirates, but helping Nami came first.
Freeing her home from Arlong and his Fishman Pirates was the main priority of the day, and you were glad to lend a hand. Nami had become your best friend in no time, you had to help her. Even when you were told (ordered really) to stay back by Zoro, you made sure you were ready to help if needed.
And you tried. Tried to pull Zoro away after he'd beaten Hachi and was on the verge of collapse from a fever and his wounds from Mihawk, but he tried to shove you away and tell you he was fine despite the dizzied look he had. Arlong ripping his stitches out caused you to try again, trying to help him, but you were stopped by Johnny and Yosaku pulling you back, telling you not to bother because you'd just die.
Even seeing Luffy swap places with Zoro terrified you that he was going to be even more badly injured, but you were still held back by your old friends through the end of Luffy's fight against Arlong, finally freeing Nami and her hometown.
Your biggest concern afterwards was Zoro, but when you saw him later that day with a drink in hand you knew he was fine. Most of your time at the party was spent with Nami and her sister Nojiko, listening to Usopp tell his stories to the kids, and sharing Sanji's food with Luffy. Every now and then you'd look for and find Zoro, a few times smiling brightly at him when you caught his eye, which made him look away from you immediately.
Sanji, still brand new to the crew, noticed the looks you and Zoro shared that night. You were strange, your relationship with him, whatever it was, was strange to him.
Even stranger, he notices you leave Nami and Nojiko at one point, hurrying over to Zoro and latching onto his arm, making him lean in to hear whatever you had to say. He rolls his eyes while you smile, but doesn't shake you off, letting you move his arm around your shoulders while he has another drink.
You're weird, both of you. The rest of the crew isn't phased at all by the two of you being so buddy-buddy, but Sanji wonders what you two have going on. Are you together? How long have you known each other? Surely you only met when you each joined Luffy, right?
When Zoro leaves you to go look for Luffy, food, or another drink, whatever it is, you seem content to be left alone, until Sanji sees your shoulders drop and you look almost like you're going to cry. Maybe his eyes were playing tricks on him, he's not sure.
But if Zoro said or did something to upset you, Sanji was going to make sure the swordsman paid for it.
The majority of your crew doesn't know of your struggles with nightmares. Normally they take the form of your parents, the man they were going to force you to marry, and being trapped in a loveless life in your home village where most treated their children like property to be sold. Your only solace there being your older brother who was protective over you. Being the one to help you run away, making you swear to never come back and to take his sword to protect yourself after he'd spent the last few years teaching you how to use it.
You were good at keeping those demons to yourself, to not worry anyone. The nightmares had been less lately anyway, you felt safe with everyone around. The six of you on your way to Loguetown, you and Nami snatching up the office area as your room, both turning in late in the night after long talks about numerous things.
Your bad dreams, however, took a new form that night. This time, the dream takes you back to Baratie, back to Zoro's fight against Mihawk, and instead of him waking long enough for his promise to Luffy, you're sitting beside him while he bleeds from the wound and you're unable to move. You can't bring yourself to start stitching him up, and before anything else happens, you've woken up.
While it wasn't as bad as the dreams about your parents, it was enough to shock you awake and into a seated position on your bed. Nami is still fast asleep in her own bed, apparently not having noticed or heard your heavy breathing from the nightmare. You don't know why your nightmares took this turn, you'd much rather deal with seeing your parents in your dreams than seeing your closest friend and ally dying in front of you, even though he was just down the hall and alive.
It's several minutes of tossing and turning before you decide to get up and sneak off to the boys' bunks, turning back to your habit you'd been determined to stop as more crewmates joined, but you can't help it.
The past nightmares have been enough to make you slip into bed with Zoro before, he never fought you over it and let you stay, let you continue when it was just the two of you, but with more friends you worried they'd all get the wrong idea.
And maybe they will, but if Zoro doesn't mind and it helps you sleep, they shouldn't complain or tease you. Hopefully.
Usopp and Luffy are both spread out on the floor, making you have to tiptoe around them to get to Zoro's hammock, not even registering that Sanji's is empty.
You're quiet while you slip in and under the blanket, wrapping your arms around Zoro and making yourself comfortable. You figured he was asleep when you walked in, but his hand moves to grab one of your own, thumb stroking the back of your hand while he waits to hear if you say anything.
You don't, Zoro doesn't mind, he knows you won't tell him the contents of your nightmares anymore, not after the first one. If you're unable to sleep, he's glad to let you join him and keep you safe. He promised he would do so, helping keep your demons away so you could rest.
Unfortunately, your peaceful sleep is interrupted early in the morning by Sanji shouting at Zoro to get off you, like he'd done something wrong when you were the one to climb into his hammock.
"What do you think you're doing to [Y/N]-chan, you moss head?! Get your hands off her!"
A pillow lands on your face, likely aimed for Zoro, but it misses him due to the fact his face is buried in your shoulder while one arm is around you. Normally your face would be red at this, but with Sanji still nearly screeching for Zoro to "unhand" you, all you can think about is crawling in a hole and dying.
Zoro gets fed up and eventually lets you go, taking the pillow that disturbed you both and throwing it back at Sanji with twice the force.
"Shut up already!! You're going to wake the whole damn East blue!"
"I will as soon as you stop violating sweet [Y/N]!"
Yeah you really want to just up and die right now.
"Who's violating her?!"
"You are, you savage!"
"How do I violate my own wife when she's the one that crawled into my bed?!"
Everything goes quiet, you don't want to know what look is on Sanji's face at the moment, but you're grateful for Nami coming in and telling everyone to shut up, even though she's a moment too late. Luffy and Usopp were awake and just watching the scene unfold, until Zoro's statement which makes Usopp's eyes go wide and Luffy laughs. He just knew you two wouldn't be able to keep this secret.
You're so embarrassed that you pull the blanket up over your now definitely bright red face, wishing Zoro and Sanji didn't feel the need to egg each other on and instigate all these petty fights.
When you finally decide to look and see what's going on, Luffy's still laughing, Nami is confused, Zoro's still got a glare set on Sanji, while your chef and Usopp are both looking at the two of you wide eyed, disbelief on their faces before there's one outburst from Sanji.
"Your WHAT?!"
It feels like an interrogation. You're in the kitchen still in your pajamas with Usopp and Sanji both questioning you and Zoro about your little marriage, Nami and Luffy enjoying breakfast to your side.
Zoro's completely unbothered by the whole thing, answering Sanji's questions with an annoyed look, while you answer Usopp's inquiries with your face still red from the way everyone was woken up that morning.
Eventually, they come to realize you two are only married to prevent the arranged one your parents set up, making Sanji sigh in relief and Usopp is slightly concerned but seems to understand.
“So, one more time,” you just can’t look at Usopp while he relays your situation once again, “You and Zoro got married to prevent you being forced into an arranged marriage, but you’re going to annul?”
You nod, taking glances at Zoro, who continues to glare at Sanji for waking you both too early. All of this was too much first thing in the morning, and you both had decided to keep this little marriage a secret from any new recruits, wanting only Luffy and Nami to know because you’d both slipped up with calling each other husband and wife without thinking about it in front of them.
"And you're just waiting for your parents to say something?"
You nod again at Sanji's question. "It's weird, I know but…I just can't go back there. My older brother told me never to go back, or I'd definitely be forced into that marriage."
"Your parents suck." Luffy nodded, still eating his breakfast when you look over at him with a smile. "But we'll keep you safe! We'll fight anyone that tries to take you from us!"
"No one's forcing you back home," Zoro doesn't look at you, instead moving to leave and start his training for the day despite not having breakfast yet, "I'll make sure of that."
There's something in the way he says it, as you thank everyone, that makes Sanji lean back in his seat and watch Zoro leave. Even with you both stating you were not in love and were going to annul the marriage as soon as you heard from your parents, Sanji swears there's something weird about the way Zoro treats you.
It might just be friendship, but it feels like something more that neither of you are saying. You absolutely could be hiding real feelings for each other, he knows that, the way you two speak to each other and work together seems to say so, but until either of you say anything, Sanji isn't willing to believe this is anything more than a sham marriage.
There's something else, he's noticed in his short time with you all, in the way you look at Zoro, the way you speak to him as well. Zoro's a tough guy, but you speak so gently and kindly to him, it's almost like you really are his wife and want to stay that way. Maybe it's just your dynamic since you two have known each other much longer than the other Straw Hats, but Sanji isn't convinced. You and Usopp break him out of his train of thought by asking for breakfast, which he proceeds to provide you both with a grin, deciding he'll have to ask you another time if you have feelings for the moss head swordsman. If your heart's already taken, he'll gladly leave you be, despite his rivalry with Zoro.
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shamachan · 1 month
hehe hii *eats writing*
can i request a step 1 jealous qiu x gn!mc that has an obvious crush on baxter and just follows him around?
I love your writing please don’t die 😔🙏🏼
Jealous Qiu × gn!MC with crush on Baxter.
step 1. enjoy!
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— Qiu was used to people liking him. It's just how it is - he had never really questioned it. Usually all people around him want to become his friends. who wouldn't want to hang out with Qiu Lin? That's right, no one!
— You made him feel a bit more interested in you than in anybody else, so he expected this feeling to be mutual. But you were different, so different that it was able to frustrate Qiu by you being not so interested in him, and imagine his surprise when you expressed even more disinterest in his company after meeting Baxter. it made him think about this.
— At first he was thinking it was temporary due to Baxter being a new acquaintance, then thought you were really just busy to hang out with him. When this continued further, Qiu began to not quite understand.
— He didn't even know why he was so fixated on this, but everytime he saw you forgetting about him when Baxter is around, he bites his inner cheek and looks kind of hurt at you for a couple of seconds. or when you constantly walk with Baxter, seeming to look at him with heart-shaped eyes, Qiu only sighs sadly and frowns, even if recovers quickly. Qiu does not really tolerate this feeling in his chest, which makes him seem to shrink inside that his stomach aches.
— He didn't understand where this feeling came from, and he might even talk to his parents about it. Qiu basically experienced this for the first time, and only with you.
— He won't interfere you much though, he still cares enough about you two, so if you enjoy each other's company then be it! But, nevertheless, from time to time he will offer other options for spending time together, those that include Qiu himself. You refuse? Oh, then he'll be kinda sulky. Qiu wants your attention too.
— He can't help but wonder, why did you like Baxter so much? Was it about his looks? Or the fact that he is rich? Qiu can't boast of the latter, but he thinks he looks good too. Or do you like his mystery behaviour? Oh come on, Qiu can be mysterious even better! Just prefer Qiu's company over Baxter, and he'll be the most mysterious person in the history.
— He will try to get your attention in different ways. He will be the very first in the bike races, he will be the best in your favorite subject, he will be just the coolest kid out here, believe me! And Qiu is so unlikely to give up. Maybe he'll learn a few tricks on his bike or how to jump off his "hideout" even more epically.
— He will also try to talk to you on the advice of his parents. Qiu would be worried, not knowing how you would take it and how to tell you properly. He even prepared the speech in his notepad in advance. After all of this, you will solve this misunderstanding, right?
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
TW for mild unreality
So in a lot of DP x DC crossovers I notice that everyone instantly makes the connection of infinite realms = ghosts. But what if they didn't? I mean, to most humans ghost equals dead person. Not everyone in the infinite realms is dead.
Instead, what if everyone thought it was a realm similar to the Fae Realms? A place where everything is only as real as you want it to be, where the land itself lives and breathes and changes it's form every which when. Perhaps that's why the Fentons think of ghosts as mischievous semi-sentient tricksters, they misread some older texts talking about them.
And they could be right in a way. What if dead ghosts are actually the souls of people who caught the attention of the realms/someone in them and so the realms grabbed their soul upon death to keep. If liminality means you're a guaranteed ghost then maybe that's the realms' way of keeping track of Interesting People so they know when they're up for grabs (they were patient and let you live out your life without interference, it's only polite).
But then, why are ghosts so quick to jump to fistfights now instead of battles of wit? Well that's because of Pariah Dark. The older kings were all the cleverest, the smartest, and perhaps Pariah was clever in a way (he turned a battle of wits he would surely lose into a battle of power after all, and that takes some wit in and of itself) but he valued power and physical might more and so the realms changed to reflect that. And then Danny came along. A small baby child who beat Pariah AT HIS OWN GAME. A child who employs both might and wit in equal measure because he knows the value of both. That small child, king of Ice and Snow, Little Prince, Boy King, a Strategist, a Warrior, that tiny kid is now the King. And the realms change once more to reflect that.
So when Danny is crowned King the ghost zone goes back to being similar to Faerie, only with more fights because Danny is not afraid to straight up punch someone (he's kinda feral like that).
So on the DC side of things maybe there's a summoning (accidental or cult induced), or Danny ends up in the watchtower/Gotham/important place, or maybe the League decide they have enough time to scout out Amity Park and figure out what's going on. They meet Danny, who calls himself a ghost, and are like "You're not like the other ghosts I've met but I don't know enough to refute that" and eventually it gets back to Constantine about this "ghost" boy, and he FREAKS OUT. This is an Infinite Realms denizen, a people similar to Unseelie Sidhe in all the legends, him being a ghost just means he was (or would be, time likes to wander in the realms. Sometimes the present is the future and that past has Not Yet Occurred) interesting enough to nab when he died! And they've been TALKING to him?? That's how you get their attention! You don't want their attention! It's bad enough that Red Hood has a guaranteed fast track there with the sheer amount of Realms Energy swirling around him ever since his resurrection he doesn't need any more people putting up massive I AM HERE signs willy nilly! Just because most denizens are willing to wait until you die to try and steal you away, that doesn't mean that all of them are. And now that Pariah Dark is gone, and the New King is perfectly willing to entertain wit and humor in his court once more, well. It's free real estate.
TLDR the Infinite Realms are Fae-Adjacent and Constantine is Terrified.
this is just incredible. I have no words. I am in awe.
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 7 months
for the ask post, I wish you'd write a fic for a part 2 for no longer yours to keep. I think it would be sweet if they did poly but maybe it takes Garrick a bit to warm up for the fact but still sees that Xaden cares for reader also
The second part to this piece
Warning: blood, nudity
You wouldn’t go back to the first month of rage ever. You wished it never happened in the first place. But then maybe it was inevitable. So many things were changing and as strong as both of them were, bonding a dragon had taken a toll on them too. You had managed to hide it for a couple of weeks. Fighting the urge to find comfort in Xaden. You had chosen to ignore him but that had only caused you more physical pain.
“What’s wrong?”, Garrick had pulled you aside after you practically got choked on the training mat because you were too sloppy. “It’s nothing”, you muttered as you had for days. By now looking in his eyes had gotten too much. “Quit that, love. We don’t hide shit from each other”, his tone was harsher, slicing bits of your heart off as guilt slammed into you.
You raised your teary eyes at him. Garrick’s face softened instantly, “What is it? What’s hurting?”, his hands gently reached for you as he looked you over. “Promise me you will not act on it”, you muttered. But there it was. That stoney, killer like wall, “Then don’t give me a reason to kill someone”, he said through gritted teeth, “Spill it out”.
“I bonded a mated dragon”, you whispered. Garrick simply looked at you with a shrug, “And?”. You swallowed thickly. Knowing that this might as well be the last time he’s looking at you. “Mated to Xaden’s dragon”, you muttered, “Meaning that we are also…”, “No”, Garrick hissed, “Bullshit”. You closed your eyes, trying to keep yourself calm. “It wasn’t my choice, I only felt it when I saw him after”, you heard Garrick inhaling sharply.
“That was two weeks ago”, it was a cold, calculated kind of answer, “You knew for two weeks and didn’t think of telling me?”. He hissed stepping closer to you. Towering over you. “I didn’t want to lose you”, you hiccuped. “Fuck that, have you been sneaking around too?”, his hand found your neck, making you look up at him. Even against his grip you managed to shake your head. “I couldn’t, I told him that I would not let him interfere”, you cried out, trying to reach out for him, but Garrick batted your hands off.
“You fucking…”, he called out right as the back room yanked open and the room went pitch black. “Careful how you speak to her”, a voice hissed. A voice so familiar. As if from the depths of your soul. And suddenly you were slumped against the wall. Glimpsing up to find Xaden pinning Garrick against the wall. “You selfish fuck, why do you always insert yourself in situations where you’re not needed”, Garrick hissed, shoving Xaden off. Both males growled, reaching for their daggers.
You jumped to your feet quickly. Pushing between them right as they lunged forward at one another. Both of their daggers nicking your arms, drawing blood. They both stilled at the same time. Metal clanked to the floor as they reached for it. Both assess the damage. “Look what you did”, Garrick hissed. “If you weren’t a selfish bastard”, Xaden bit back. You grasp both of their hands in yours, silently pleading with them for a heartbeat, before muttering a broken, “Please”.
The memory is still painful enough to jolt you up from your sleep. But as much as you want to move and get up, you can feel the weight of arms pressing down on you. Bringing ease and comfort into your bones. Chasing the anxiety away. “You should be sleeping”, a low voice muffles from the left side of you. Sending warmth soaring through your body. “So should you”, you mutter, suddenly not trusting your voice. “Garrick is snoring”, Xaden huffed, and even in the dark you could make out his sharp features. The strength that he possessed lay down for you to see. “Oh you poor baby”, you chirped at him, brushing your palm over his chest. Xaden wasted no time pulling you closer to him, “I would tickle the hell out of you if he was awake”, both of your eyes trailed towards the male sleeping on the right side of the bed. While they had grasped the hang of loving you loudly. Whatever kindled between them was mellow for a passing glance. But they made up with gestures of care.
“You’re thinking about us”, Xaden stated after a moment of silence. “How do you… Never mind”, you shook your head, reaching to pull the blanket over Garrick’s shoulders higher. Xaden’s fingers ran up and down your bare back. “You two are doing okay?”, his voice was much more gentle this time. After the loss of temper and the idea of an open relationship between you three was on the table you and Xaden had practically clawed at each other at any moment you two had. Your dragons had happily joined the frenzy. That had made Garrick pull back. You doubted that it was his ego that had been bruised considering the nights you two had shared. It was more the act of letting go fully that had frightened him. You two had been each other’s strength for years.
“We’re okay. Went on a date yesterday. It was nice”, you smiled slightly thinking back to the evening you two shared. “Reminded me of the old times and it was…”, you stopped yourself from regretting the words that were seconds away from slipping through your lips. “Just you two. I get it”, the gentle brush of his fingers stilled as he focused on the ceiling.
You shifted slightly, moving beneath the sheets to drape your leg over his hips as you moved to straddle him. You were able to open your mouth but Xaden beat you to it. “Do you think you both will forgive me for my poor choice of when I was younger and left you by?”, the old wounds cracking open. You sighed, leaning in to press a couple of loving kisses across his chest, “Have you forgiven yourself?”, and somehow your words had hit Xaden harder than a no could have ever hit. “Not to mention that you had time to come clean after”, Garrick’s groggy voice sounded through the room. “Ger…”, you breathed out, not wanting this night to turn into yet another fight. “He’s right I should have made it up to you both”, Xaden admitted.
“Make it up to me with kisses now”, you leaned it brushing your nose against his. And while Xaden let out a low chuckle, Garrick only grunted, “You’re letting him off the hook too easily”. You pulled back, exposing your bare body to the two males. Not that they haven’t seen every inch of you already. “Can I win you both over like this”, you smirked, biting your lip. Garrick reached for your hand pulling you towards him, “You’re playing dirty, vixen”, he mused as his lips brushed against yours. You felt Xaden’s palms tightening over your hips, “She sat on me first”, he mussed pulling you away from Garrick, seating your right back against his hips. “Suddenly, I’m not in the mood to share”, Garrick growled at Xaden, who only smirked, “Suddenly, I’m in the mood for a challenge”.
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littledovesnow · 9 months
young!coryo x fem!reader fluff
a/n: fluff fluff fluff i love fluff !!!!!! hoep u little snakes like it too <3
Staring at the clock on the wall, you wanted nothing more than to be back in your bed, tea in your hand.
You felt the headache start not long after you woke this morning but thought nothing of it as you gathered your Academy uniform, putting the blame on the new perfume your younger sister was trying.
A soft nudge on your right drew your attention away from the clock, your boyfriend looking over at you curiously.
“Are you feeling alright? You’re usually one of the few who willingly engages in this dreadful class.”
Coriolanus gestured to the literature class going on around you two, the professor going on about something or another.
Shrugging, you twirled the pen in your hand. “I’m fine, Coryo. Just a little tired.”
Narrowing his eyes, Coriolanus didn’t believe you one bit, but he also knew you well enough to realize that you weren’t going to budge.
“Grandma’am and Tigris went out for the day, you can come rest at my place after classes.” He was privy to your rambunctious home life- two younger siblings and parents who only knew how to fight with one another.
Smiling, you thanked your boyfriend before trying to focus on the rest of the lesson.
Staring at yourself in the bathroom mirror, you were half temped to bribe the Peacekeepers stationed at the back exit of the Citadel and skip the rest of your day. What you thought couldn’t get any worse had surprised you in the worst way possible.
Taking a deep breath, you made sure the slight wave of nausea was out of your system before joining your classmates in the bustling hallways, wanting to avoid a certain blonde’s eye.
“Hey, are you okay?”
You jumped as Clemensia came alongside of you, worry evident on her face.
Sighing, you felt you façade crumble just a bit, confiding in the black-haired girl. “I’m starting to think I’m getting a migraine.”
They were a rarity in your life, you could only count on one hand the number of migraines you could remember, but they gave you hell every time.
Clemensia’s worried frown deepened, unsure of how to help. “Do you want me to get Coriolanus or anything? See if Casca could spare a morphling bottle?”
Shaking your head, you softly groaned at the pain it caused. “No, no don’t get Coryo. He’s got enough on his plate already, he doesn’t need to worry about me, too.”
“You’re kidding if you think he doesn’t worry about you.” Clemensia replied, following you to an emptier hallway, taking your bag while you unscrewed the water bottle.
You gave the girl a look, dropping the now-empty bottle into your bag. “Do not tell Coriolanus. If I still feel like this in a little I’ll tell him.”
Clemensia could see it on your face, you had no intentions of telling your boyfriend, but she didn’t want to interfere, unsure of how Coriolanus would react if he head the news from someone else.
“Whatever you say. Now come on, Casca will probably put us in the Games if we’re late to class again.”
Coriolanus knew you weren’t telling him something when you didn’t respond to Arachne’s dig at your clothing, something you two were known to bicker about.
He scootched his chair over towards you, lacing your hands together. “You sure it’s just tiredness? Because I don’t think I’ve ever seen you not bite back at Arachne, even after our anniversary.”
You felt your cheeks flush at the comment, but you chose to otherwise ignore that part of his comment. “Maybe I have a headache, too.”
Frowning, Coriolanus chewed on his lip. He knew you’ve suffered from migraines and knew that sitting in a classroom wasn’t the best way to get rid of one. “A migraine?” He whispered, not wanting to aggravate the ache anymore.
“A small one. But it’s really nothing, I’ll be fine.” You admitted, still not letting him in on the full truth. “Now shush. I’m not in the mood for Dean Highbottom to unleash whatever punishment he’ll come up with if he catches us talking.”
Coriolanus remained quiet for the rest of class, thumb rubbing soothing circles on the pulse point on your wrist.
As soon as he dismissed the class, Coriolanus was on his feet, grabbing both his and your bags. “Come on, let’s go home.”
You rose after him, grabbing onto Coriolanus’ blazer as the world tilted for a moment. “Hold on.”
“What’s going on? Are you okay?” He asked, setting the bags down to hold your other elbow, keeping you steady.
“Just a little dizzy. Nothing I haven’t experienced before.”
Growing tired of your half-truths, Coriolanus let out an exasperated sigh. “You don’t have to lie to me about how you feel.”
You popped an eye open, seeing worry and anger written over your boyfriend’s face. “Fine, fine. I feel like I was hit by a train, okay? My head’s hurt all day and I nearly threw up after Festus showed us his lunch.”
Coriolanus swore under his breath, helping you to your feet. “You should’ve said something earlier. I’m sure you could’ve left and rested.”
“I’m sure all would have been fine if I suddenly disappeared, Snow. Remember what happened when I left a few months ago for my grandmother’s funeral?”
Coriolanus did indeed remember; he was nearly expelled for the reign of terror he caused after noticing your mysterious disappearance.
“That’s what I thought.” You mumbled, squinting as the bright clouds increased your headache tenfold. “Jesus, when did it get so bright out?”
“I have a few train tokens left, come on. It’ll be faster than walking, and it’s darker in there.” Coriolanus passed the two tokens over to a Peacekeeper, who in turn let you two onto the train heading to the Corso.
Collapsing on your boyfriend’s bed, you hummed in content when he drew the curtains closed. The walk up to his family’s penthouse nearly took you out, but a promise of hot tea and a nap gave you the strength to make it up.
“At least change before you sleep, don’t crease your uniform.” Coriolanus toed off his shoes, moving your own heels out of the way to avoid a potential tripping hazard.
You groaned, but sat up and shed the maroon blazer and coordinating button-up shirt. “What would I do without you, Coryo?”
Grinning, your boyfriend threw on a pair of more comfortable clothing, helping you into an outfit you kept in a drawer at his place. “Suffer through Arachne’s awful opinions and Festus’ crude remarks alone, I presume.”
You blindly threw a hand out, lightly slapping your boyfriend’s thigh. “Be nice, Coryo.”
 Coriolanus laughed quietly, joining you on the bed. “Life is more fun when being bad, you know that.” He quipped, right hand going to rub soothing circles on your back. “Go to sleep, the faster you get over this migraine, the faster we can practice for our next anniversary.”
You were already nearly asleep, Coriolanus guessed, otherwise you would have had a stronger reaction than a simple snort.
a/n: hey send requests that would be dope but i won't write smut it's not my vibe
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shanastoryteller · 1 year
Happy pride!!! I would die for a continuation of lady mo please!
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
Wei Wuxian is keeping himself upright through sheer force of will and his utter refusal to let Lan Zhan be right about anything.
He has been sort of exhausted lately, but he’s been training himself into the ground and keeping to ridiculous Lan morning routines and he has a curse mark slowly killing him, so he thinks he’s entitled. He would have made it to the Jin tower just fine if he hadn’t run into Song Lan and had to hunt down a town fierce corpses and fight Xue Yang. That alone would leave most people exhausted, so he has a perfectly good excuse for his vision to be going fuzzy on the edges.
Except he’d literally rather fall off his sword and snap his neck then admit that. He can’t even let that happen, because A-Qing is flying on his sword with him, and she’s not even a cultivator. Her bones will break a lot easier than his will.
He’s not even injured. Or, well, not any injuries that count. He once fought off fierce corpses right after having his core ripped out, being tortured, and dropped from a height high enough to kill. Some bruises and cuts are nothing, and they don’t feel like anything now. Maybe he should have let Xue Yang stab him a couple of times. It would have made everything more believable and also would have let him nap with his dignity intact.
They land back at the inn and the rest of the Lans look extremely relieved and then confused when they see their newest additions. Except for Jin Guangyao, who only shows that he’s noticed them by raising a single eyebrow and looking to him immediately.
Jin Guangyao is a stone cold bitch that’s too smart for anyone’s own good. Wei Wuxian sort of regrets that they’d never had any reason to really get to know one another during the war. Surely Jin Guangyao could have steered him away from some of his worse decisions.
“We’re bringing guests,” he announces to all of them, jumping to the ground and nudging A-Qing to do the same with a guiding hand on her hip. “Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen, who I assume you all already know. And A-Qing. They’ve had a rough time and we’re going to be very nice to them.” He looks over to Lan Xichen. “I guess it’s a good thing that you brought the carriage. They can ride in there the rest of the way.”
The awkward silence is broken by Jin Guangyao saying, “Madame Jin is not fond of accommodating extra guests.”
Madame Jin is going to make Jin Guangyao deal with it because she’s petty that way. Apparently Jin Zixuan plays interference as much as he can, but considering he’s no longer fighting fit and the perfect heir he once was, his ability to influence his mother has been similarly reduced.
A politician down to her core. Wei Wuxian might be able to admire it if it didn’t make him hate her so much.
“I’m not fond of Madame Jin, so I’m sure it even outs,” he says carelessly.
Some of the Lan go to the effort to pretend to be appalled but most of them seem to have no problem agreeing, regardless of all the rules of propriety and respecting one’s elders that he’s breaking. People take their cue from their leaders and Lan Xichen is straight up just pretending he didn’t say that, probably because he agrees.
He’s treated to the rare sight of Jin Guangyao’s dimples. “Can you at least pretend not to be a menace? I can only put out so many fires at once.”
“I can pretend,” he agrees and then A-Qing is faking a coughing fit to hide her giggles.
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tenderleavesbob · 3 months
Wild stiffened when he heard a footstep crunch the leaves behind him. He breathed shallowly through his teeth and hunched his shoulders. He stared at the Goddess statue in front of him and didn't look when Warriors knelt beside him.
They knelt in front of the statue together, their breaths puffing white in the air. Wild waited for Warriors's scorn. Maybe a dismissive statement or Warriors asking why he was praying to Hylia instead of doing something productive. He had heard it all so far.
"Did you know some eras are unfamiliar with Hylia?" Warriors asked.
Wild hadn't heard that one yet. He looked away from the Goddess statue. "What?"
Warriors studied the statue. The Rito loved adorning it with flowers. Dead flowers and leaves covered the ground at the statue's feet. "This is one of the few eras where only Hylia is known. In Time's era, only the Golden Three are known: Farore, Din, and Nayru."
Wild had heard several of the others reference those names. He always wondered if they were related to the dragons. He was pretty sure they were related, at least.
Warriors's face was expressionless as he looked at the Goddess statue. She was quiet right then. Could Warriors hear Her? Could the others? Was Hylia known in Warriors's era? Wild had never thought to ask before. He couldn't guess from Warriors's face now.
Wild was gathering the courage to ask when Warriors pushed himself to his feet and brushed invisible dirt off his legs. "I came to fetch you for help with dinner. Time and Hyrule were talking about making some sort of acorn dish."
That was worth a prayer or three to Hylia. Wild quickly bowed to her and murmured a thanks before jumping to his feet. "Is anything on fire yet?"
"Four was running interference. I think we're safe for a couple more minutes."
Wild nodded but didn't run toward the cooking area just yet. He lingered and watched Warriors stare at the statue, face still blank. Next time they were in Warriors's era, Wild promised to himself that he would pay more attention to certain details. Maybe he could offer Warriors a listening ear like Warriors offered him so many times.
Warriors turned and looked surprised that Wild was still there. Wild grinned at him and extended a hand. With a small smile of his own, Warriors grabbed it and let Wild drag him behind.
When Wild looked back, the Goddess statue glowed, subtly lighting their steps.
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thewertsearch · 1 month
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Oh, please tell me we're getting a SBaHJ-styled recap.
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Uh... no. That's not a question I'd thought to ask.
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Based on what Karkat said about the Fourth Wall, I've been assuming that the Hussie character was going to stay non-canonical - and for good reason, too.
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The author interludes only work because they're clearly not part of the story. If Hussie turns into a real character, then the nonsense above will bleed into the comic, and we'll just be watching Looney Tunes. Now, I like Looney Tunes, but Looney Tunes couldn't pull off a Descend or a Make Her Pay. It doesn't have the right tone.
In short: a Homestuck where Hussie starts interfering with canonical events is a Homestuck without dramatic stakes. How can it have stakes when the author's in the room, reminding us that this is all fake, actually?
The fact that this is being brought up at all is making me a little worried...
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When the time comes, I will interact directly with the events of this narrative. But this moment will be responsibly confined to a passive intervention. [...] My window of influence, end to end, will be exactly ONE YARD.
...and hearing the explicit statement 'I will interact directly with the events of this narrative' is doing nothing to reassure me.
Maybe I'm not giving Hussie enough credit. He is the one who wrote Karkat's Fourth Wall misgivings, so he's clearly aware of the thin ice he's standing on here. So far, Homestuck's meta shenanigans haven't interfered with the plot, and I'm just going to hope that this state of affairs continues.
I don't know what's up with this 'yard', either - but since it's coming directly from Hussie, I'd be a fool to take it too seriously. Hopefully, it's just some extended joke, and doesn't actually represent Hussie jumping into the story.
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So that’s the Tumor. It certainly appears organic, and the tendrils extending from its edges make it look like it's slowly spreading throughout Skaia. Maybe it just keeps growing forever, until it collapses into a star-destroying black hole.
There's also a clear yin-yang theming, which could represent multiple dichotomies - but since we're on the Battlefield, I think it's symbolic of the struggle between Prospit and Derse. This struggle has been 'corrupted' by Jack's interference, and can no longer conclude the way it's supposed to.
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The walls also bear the sigils of the Players, which makes me wonder what this chamber was originally for. It's located at the exact center of the session, which seems like it'd be important.
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I doubt it's solely intended to house the Tumor. Rose isn't sure whether theirs is unique, but both of her hypotheses imply that it wouldn't exist in a non-doomed session.
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Ten hours, eh? That’s significantly more time than I was expecting, especially since the Veil’s timeline is down to less than three.
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megantrancyfanfics · 2 years
Better than me? Kyojuro Rengoku x female reader smut
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Warning: public sex, jealous sex, overstimulation, fingering, teasing, pet names, creampie.
Tags: @animupiglett
Notes: once again, Rengoku is rotting my brain so you’re getting more content I’m sorry this rut might be over soon but who knows
Enjoy ❤️‍🔥
When Mitsuri suggested for all the hashira’s to go to a mixed bathhouse together, everyone was joyous about it. After all, it would be a relaxation trip; meaning no crows were to interfere unless it’s absolutely an emergency.
The thing that feared you, was it being mixed. You and the flame hashira have been flirting back and forth for a while, with no understanding of what he wants. Is it all just fun to him? Or is the flirting meaningful?
“Aww c’mon now y/n don’t be so shy!” Mitsuri exclaimed taking out her final braid.
“How are you so confident Mitsuri..?”
“It’s simple, I just don’t care what others think about my body, because at the end of the day it’s my body. I’m not here to please anyone but myself. Plus if anyone does dare to say something mean to me Obanai will kill them” she says with a giggle.
“Just flirt if it feels right.” Mitsuri continued with another giggle before grabbing your wrist and dragging you out of the changing room before you had the chance to grab a towel to cover yourself.
Rengoku, Giyuu, obanai, shinobu, And Tengen we’re already in the bath. The loud slaps of both yours and Mitsuri’s bare feet alerted the ones already in.
“This is gonna be so fun!” She giggles letting go of your wrist and jumping into the spring before going over to Obanai, Giyuu and shinobu.
You felt 2 pairs of eyes on you: both Rengoku and Tengen were staring at you like a predator laying eyes on its prey.
“My my y/n! Who knew you were hiding that Divine body under that baggy uniform!” Tengen said as you walked into the water, his eyes roaming your body.
‘Just flirt when the time feels right’ Mitsuri’s voice rang through your mind as you took a seat beside tengen.
“Oh? Divine enough to become a fourth wife?” You ask flirtily, making Tengen chuckle.
“Maybe, suma as been wanting an addition to the family.” He says with a wink. “If it does happen, I’ll make sure to treat you good.” He says huskily.
You playfully fanned your face and let out a quick “oh my~” before looking at Rengoku. His gaze and expression dark, only for it to snap back into its usual happy go lucky expression.
Rengoku let’s out a laugh. “My my! Tengen I do believe you’re allowing a problem to grow under the water!”
Both you and Tengen blank stared at the flame hashira, you being the first to catch on. Your body jolted as your face turned red. “Oh goodness! I did not mean for that to happen!” You exclaim moving over to sit beside Rengoku.
Tengen’s cheeks turned a shade of pink as he slid farther into the water. “ ‘s fine..I didn’t mean for that to happen either..I hope it doesn’t effect us.” You quickly shook your head no, before the three of you moved off of the subject at hand to talk about random missions and demons. Before long 2 hours had passed, merely all of the hashira had left to reside back in the hotel besides the 3 of you.
“Well, it’s been so flashy to talk to the two of you, but this hot water has me over cooked!” Tengen says with a laugh standing up, making you advert your gaze elsewhere.
“You two better not spend too much longer in here or else you’ll pass out.”
“Right! But it’s also good training to endure the heat!” Rengoku exclaims as Tengen leaves the spring to grab a towel. A quick “yeah yeah” leaving his mouth as he went to the changing rooms.
“So, you didn’t want to take a peek at tengen’s dick when he stood up?” Rengoku asked quietly and darkly, making you look at him.
“I mean come on you flirted with my best friend in front of me! I’m rather shocked you didn’t wanna sneak a peek. Didn’t he say he’d treat you good? You should have snuck a peek at what he was talking about.”
“Now where is this coming from? Don’t tell me the flame hashira is jealous of a silly little flirt!” You coo playfully making Rengoku huff.
“Is it just a mere silly flirt when you’re flirting with me?” He gets close to your face, your lips inches from touching as he lowers his voice. “Because it certainly isn’t when I’m flirting with you, my dear y/n.” He says so quietly if he wasn’t as close as he was you wouldn’t hear it. He captures your lips with his, the kiss slow, sensual, you were able to feel the love Rengoku was wanting you to feel from that kiss.
When you pulled away, you locked eyes with him. “It’s not silly flirting when I flirt with you, Rengoku. I have deep feelings for you.” That’s all Rengoku needed to hear. Before you knew it, you were pulled onto Rengoku’s lap, your legs resting against the sides of his thighs as he slid his hand down to your pussy. Two fingers instantly started to rub your clit.
“Mm. That’s what I’ve been wanting to hear.” He coos before kissing down your neck until his lips latch onto your nipple, his fingers quickly turning you on, so much so you couldn’t help but to roll your hips to gain more friction. When your release started to build up, Rengoku stopped toying with your nipples and leaving little love marks around your chest, and slowed down his pace.
When you were about to protest, a gasp left your mouth when 2 of his long fingers entered your cunt.
“Aww if you’re already looking this fucked out and satisfied maybe I don’t need to make you mine in another way than just asking you out.” He says darkly, slowly pumping his fingers in and out of your cunt, before finding your g-spot when you arched you back and let out a whine. Rengoku quickly slapped his hand over your mouth before quickening his pace, abusing your g-spot. He felt your legs starting to shake and your pussy tighten.
“Now we can’t be getting caught unless you don’t want to feel that sweet release I know you’re so desperately close to receiving. Be a good girl and be super quiet for me. Once we get back home I’ll have you screaming for me ok?” With that, you were sent overboard, your orgasm washed over you, legs shaking even after you were coming off your high. You were embarrassed though, as Rengoku pulled out his fingers, and removed his hand from your mouth to place them on your hips, you were still horny and craving something to be inside of you. You moved closer to rengoku’s cock, once on top you couldn’t help but to roll your hips, letting out a satisfied “mm” when having something rubbing against your clit.
“My, someone’s eager.” He coos, surprising you when he rolls his hips. “Even though you just finished you want more?”
“Yes please I want it so bad, I’ve been wanting this for so long, I’ve been craving you. I want you Rengoku.”
A small smirk was on his lips as you felt his cock slip into your cunt. A soft moan escaped while biting your bottom lip. His movements started off slow, experimenting with each thrust before tightening his grip on your hips, eyes locked with yours.
“Remember to keep quiet.” He says before ramming into you so hard you start to see stars. Your hands rest on his shoulders, nails digging into them.
Dirty praises were murmured into your ears, but to be quite honest you couldn’t make it out all of your attention was drawn to your limit that quickly approached.
“Oh my stars, you’re tightening down on me so much.” He groaned out. “Do you think Tengen would be able to treat you better than me? Better than how I’m making you feel right now?” He asks, his hot breath tickling your neck before closing his mouth around your sweet spot to abuse it.
“N-no way..you’re making me feel so good kyo. I wouldn’t want anyone to even try to make me feel like this.” You moaned out, earning a satisfied mm from the man.
The man pulled away from your neck, his head falling backwards as his thrusts became sloppy. “Y/n you feel so good.”
“I’m so close” you whined, making Rengoku lock eyes with you. “Me too.”
“I want you to cum inside me Rengoku.”
“A-are you sure?” He stuttered out, you could tell he was fighting back his orgasm. With a nod of your head, both of you reached your peak.
Rengoku helped both of you ride out your highs before helping you off his cock and out of the hot spring.
“My Rengoku, I didn’t see you as someone who would be down to do such a naughty thing in a public place.” You say with a wink before capturing his lips with yours before pulling away.
Rengoku chuckled. “This place is meant for relaxing after all, dear y/n. Now go clean up. I wouldn’t want you making a mess and leaving evidence of what we did. I’ll wait for you so we can walk to our rooms together.”
Sorry for disappearing and coming back with such a crappy fanfic I promise I’ll be writing a better one soon! I hope y’all are doing well
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senawashere · 3 months
Hi could I request something fluffy for Bradley? Maybe he comes home after a bit too many beers at the Hard Deck and is super needy just needs a bit of affection🤭 please take your time, and no rush! You can go wherever you want with this:)
We're on this together...(Chapter VII)
Summary: Cat is out of the bag.
A/n: It took a lot,sorry.. And thank you @promisingyounglady for thus request,i changed it a bit,hope you will like it!!!
Warnings: Infertility,mentions of miscarrige,mentions of hospital,mentions of getting pregnant,mentiones of ivf.Use of alcohol,arguing,use of bad languange. Not so angsty anymore🥹
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September 11 2022
If there was one thing Bradley wanted, it was to spend the rest of his life with you.
If there was one thing Bradley definitely wanted, it was to have a family with you.
You wished he was more creative, more romantic, but when your period was late and you started feeling queasy about food, you took a pregnancy test and burst into tears when you saw the result.
You had been trying for this for years and you were exhausted.
Mental breakdowns, crying sessions, crises, fights, negative tests, negative doctor visits and more, it hurt a lot for years.
But one day everything changed.
That test that you were used to seeing as negative came back positive that day.
You were pregnant.
You wished you could create something to share the news with Bradley, but he came running to your screams, his eyebrows pinched together in distress and he ran into the bathroom with a frantic "Baby?!"
You were jumping, holding the test with tears streaming down your face, "We're going to be parents! Bradley, we're going to be parents!"
"What?!" Bradley screamed, his vision instantly blurring as he gasped for air and gasped for air, and he stood up to ground himself from the overwhelming emotions and pulled you to his chest, giving you a bone-crushing hug.
Another thing you'll remember forever.
Of course you were smart enough to wait nine months, but you didn't expect Bradley to be so protective of you the moment he found out you were pregnant.
"Why are you using the kettle, baby? There's hot water in there."
"Oh no, honey, you're not taking Duke to the park by yourself."
"Don't sleep too close to the side, baby, come here, into my arms."
"What are you doing?! Hell no, you're not even going near the vacuum cleaner."
You could barely breathe as Bradley watched you, his body ready to interfere with you.
God forbid, because right now your baby is lying in your womb sipping on damn cocktails in your bladder.
“What happened? What happened?” Bradley woke up frantically, his sleepy eyes wide and his hair a mess as he leaned towards you.
“Baby, I’m just gonna pee.” you chuckled quietly.
He rubbed his eyes as he got out of bed, muttering, “Okay, let’s go.”
You sat down on the bed, looking at him in shock as he yawned and waited for you.
“Bradley, I’m seriously just gonna pee,” you said, before pointing to the bathroom, “Right there.”
Your husband’s arrogance made him look at you in confusion, “Yeah, I know. Come on then, let’s go and pee.”
You stood up, “I’m not gonna pee while you’re staring at me like a hawk.”
“Okay, I won’t look then.”
“Whaaaat?” He shrugged at you as he dragged you to the bathroom, looking at you, “I just want to protect you and our baby.”
“I think that’s great, but baby,” you sighed, “Go back to bed and let me pee on my own, okay?”
He wasn’t sure, his eyebrows furrowed as he crossed his arms over his chest in displeasure as he watched you step closer to him, wearing your fluffy slippers.
“Relax, cranky,” you teased, before pressing a kiss to his cheek and heading into the bathroom.
Brad, being Brad, sat on the bed, his eyes glued to the closed door, mentally prepared to rush you if you did so little as whimper.
But minutes later, you washed your hands, yawned, and rubbed your eyes before jumping on your waiting husband.
You shook your head and let out a laugh of disbelief, “I can’t believe you.”
Worse, Bradley wasn’t the only one constantly freaking out and protecting you from the world’s many terrible dangers, and more specifically, TV remotes, vacuum cleaners, and everything else that was going on around him.
But so was Duke.
The little—now big—pup was definitely his dad’s best friend, because Duke’s body had grown and he would be right next to you whenever a family member or friend got too close. If you were all sitting on the couch, Duke’s paw was always on your belly next to Bradley’s hand.
It was enough to make you wonder if Duke was even human.
Bradley shared the news with the squad when you were almost 3 months pregnant:
"She's over there!"
His voice was drowned out by the clinking of glasses and the heavy bass of the rock song playing through the crappy speakers in the corner of the room, but it was still unmistakable. His "greeting" was followed by shouts and howls from the rest of the group, many of whom raised their glasses in honor of your (late) arrival.
"My hot wife!"
Bradley, despite his drunkenness, smiled widely and greeted you protectively, as he had for the last few weeks – this time he removed your coat and purse, along with any bags or extra weight he had hanging on brass hooks underneath.
You scanned the bar table and his facial expression for any signs of displeasure or concern.
He couldn't pinpoint exactly when he started "dad mode," his tendencies to go into overdrive, but it definitely started that rainy and cold Tuesday night in your shared bathroom as you sat leaning against the wall of the tub with three positive pregnancy tests.
“I wish you would stop calling me that, Brad,” you sneered as he helped you free your arms from your jacket. "One day you'll make a scene."
The drunk man chuckled.
"What can i say,baby?."
You nodded and rolled your eyes at his antics as you turned your attention towards to your soon to be husband and the man of the hour, intending to pull him in for quick hug and a kiss.
Despite the loud noise of the bar, you heard a familiar voice. You turned back to see Jake coming towards you both. Approaching Bradley first.
"Hello, birthday boy," Jake's voice was soft against the drunken slur that was beginning to take over Bradley.
"It's not nice of you to be late for my party,"
“Well sometimes traffic can be a pain in the ass,you know that. But here are my two favorite people standing together. Come give me a hug” he slurred, pulling both in rather roughly for a bone-crushing hug.
You managed to squeeze out a giggle between Jake's bone-crushing hug.
You saw Bradley stiffen out of the corner of his eye, as if saying, "Jeez calm down, dude. She's pregnant, for God's sake," or letting the interaction continue.
He knew he wasn't allowed to do the first one because you both agreed to wait until all your friends and family gathered at the same time to tell them the great news, so Bradley let Jake hug you. You hugged extra tight despite his unrealistic, dramatic concerns that he would crush his fragile body or somehow harm the baby. When he released you from his grasp, he made sure to send Jake a reassuring smile.
Your greeting to Penny and Natasha was short and sweet, both opting to kiss you on the cheek.
“Let me see it one more time,” Natasha’s voice was quiet, almost a whisper, over the chatter of the bar.
You felt the heat creep up your cheeks as she took your hand in hers to examine the ring on your fourth finger.
The ring was thin and gold, studded with a single, elegant but large diamond in the center.
“It's beautiful,” she whispered, marveling at the way the jewel floated even in the dim, tungsten glow of the bar.
You mumbled a quiet “thank you” before leading back to the other side of the table. You turned to where Bradley was waiting for you with his arms outstretched, a shit-eating grin on his face.
You caught the wind of tequila on his breath as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders.
You tasted it too, kissing his lips quickly and - oh my god, had he gained weight too? Or was he getting more bulkier? But he looked like a whole damn meal like this too.
"So okay?You did worry me when you said you were going to be late,are you okay now?" Bradley's question was asked in a low voice so only he could hear.
Bradley had been celebrating all day with Jake, Natasha, Javy, Mickey,Bob,Maverick and Penny so this was the first time he saw you since you kissed him and sent him off to work this morning.
You nodded and smiled, but your face made Bradley believe otherwise.
"I felt nauseous when I got home from the office. It took me a little longer to get out the door," he shrugged, implying that it wasn't a big deal but that he didn't feel 100 percent ready to party either.
“Baby,” Bradley half-scolded you, feeling a good portion of his hum leave his body when Y/N said she wasn’t feeling well. Clinging on you like a koala because of the alcohol in his veins.
"Why didn't you tell me you were not feeling good? I would come home and sit with you."
“I wasn't going to ask you to interrupt your best friend's birthday dinner just because I was vomiting for the umpteenth time this week,” you said sternly, making it clear that you were fine.
"I'm fine. I promise."
Bradley's jaw softened at your sentence, the muscles in his torso relaxing from their tense positions.
"Oh! Will you two stop whispering and get drunk with me?!" Jake shouted across the table, bursting the bubble that had temporarily surrounded the couple as both whispered about their sweet little secret they were dying to tell everyone.
“You,” Jake pointed a finger at Y/N’s head. “Don’t be shy. Now,” he pointed at the bartender who was making drinks at the opposite end of their table.
Both you and Bradley chuckled nervously, not sure how to handle the fact that you couldn’t drink without airing dirty laundry.
“I think I need to eat some food before I do that. Why don’t you get some for Bradley,” You grabbed Bradley’s shoulder and pushed him forward, praying that it would be enough to entertain the drunk boy.
“Fine,” Jake glared.
“That’ll make it hard for you to keep up later, though!”
He grabbed Bradley by the bicep and pushed through the crowd to get him liquor, which he was so eager for.
Your conversations with Penny were light, mostly about what they had done today and the bet they had made that Bradley would need to have a ride for the night.
You successfully dodged Natasha’s questions about how the fertility and planning were going,how the doctor was and was it helping your sex life.
“We are trying hard,it is going good,” you replied with a nervous chuckle, the truth being that you were pregnant right now.
It felt like ages before the two of them – Jake and Bradley– returned.
You had chosen the fries and were sipping on the ginger ale Bradley had bought you before Jake came, but you were interrupted when Bradley and Jake returned to the table.
He was drunk.
Quite drunk.
More than tipsy.
Damn he wasn’t even seeing straight anymore.
And you knew it because his body was even warmer and his eyes looked even hazier than before he left.
You definitely imagined them having more than one shot at the bar, but you didn’t have much time to think about it before you felt his arms wrap around your waist and rest on your hips. You returned his touch, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and resting your head on his chest.
“I love you,” Bradley murmured into the soft spot between your jaw and ear, then his hands slid under your shirt to rest on your lower belly.
“I love you too,” you said again.
You could feel him smiling against your skin as he cradled the barely-there baby bump beneath your oversized sweater.
Bradley was the only one who saw you regularly enough to notice the small changes your body was going through. To everyone else, you still looked like plain old Y/N.
“We like you more but if you don’t stop fooling me in the middle of this bar,” You began, speaking light-heartedly and quietly into your ear, “Everyone will know and you won’t understand. You have to be quiet in order to have that announcement party you’ve been planning for weeks.”
Bradley sighed, knowing you were right, and loosened his grip on your stomach, choosing to at least throw an arm over your shoulder to keep you close.
“I know what you’re up to,” Jake and Natasha looked at the two from across the table.
This caught the attention of not only Jake and Natasha, but also Bob,Maverick and Penny. Everyone turned to look at Jake, anticipating what he was going to say next.
“So what’s going on here, Y/n?” Jake asked flirtatiously.
A frown formed on Btadley’s face, his arms quickly pulled up to his chest as he huffed.
“You’re trying to get out of here and leave us alone on your birthday.”
“I guess I’m not even here then. I guess I am just your fantasy then,” Bradley said, rolling his eyes.
“We’re not trying to leave you, man. I promise,” you stuck your pinky out on the table as a gesture of sincerity.
“Besides.” Jake’s drunken chatter was starting to sound rather childish now, and it was getting more and more entertaining by the second.
“We don’t do that, Bangman,” Bradley Replied.
“Liars. Both of you.”Jake threw a bunch of straw wrappers in Bradley’s direction, which bounced off Bradley’s chest and landed near his feet.
They were both heavily intoxicated now, and you didn’t want a fight between them.
“Where could we possibly go, hmm?” Bradley scoffed, resting his chin on the knuckles of his free hand that was resting on the table. "What better thing could we possibly plan than spending time with you on my birthday dinner?"
They watched as Jake fought his remaining sobriety for an answer, but he eventually gave in to his drunkenness and said, "I don't know. You're probably going to fuck each other or something.”
The table burst out laughing and you hid your face in Bradley’s chest because you were embarrassed.
“It wouldn’t surprise me,” Penny said before taking a long sip of her cocktail.
“Look. We’re in agreement.” Jake tried her best to sound serious in his drunken stupor.
“Prove to me that you won’t leave me at here and have another shot,” Jake said like a 5-year-old.
“Dude why the fuck they would leave you here at his own party dinner?” Bob asked but Bradley cut him off. “Fine,” Bradley shrugged. “Let’s go back to the bar then.”
Bradley started to pull Jake towards him but was stopped abruptly.
“No,” Jake said quickly.
“Y/n too. If you both drink, you can’t go home and leave me,” he said proudly, as if it was the smartest idea he could come up with.
“Hangman, maybe she doesn’t want to drink with y-” Bob was cut once again.
“Oh my god Bob stop, she loves drinking!” Jake absurdly said.
He couldn’t even form proper sentences and he wouldn’t listen to anything you said or Bradley or Bob.
You just knew that Jake was sloppy drunk and acting like an idiot like he always did, but you couldn’t help but feel your palms start to sweat.
You couldn’t tell Jake the real reason you couldn’t have drinks with the group tonight, so you quickly tried to come up with another excuse since you’d been stuffing your belly with fries since he’d given you your last one.
But there was no need to think any further when Bradley was helping you with his.
“She can’t do that, man. Now, come on. Let’s get some more tequila. Looks like Nat,Javy and Mickey needs some more too, hmm?”
You pinched your nose in annoyance. He was doing his best to keep this all under wraps, but Jake was making it extremely difficult.
“Who are you? Her guardian? Are you telling her what she can and can’t do?” he shouted.
“No, you fucking nun. She can’t drink because you can’t drink when you’re pregn-”
Damn it.
Bradley covered his mouth before he could finish his sentence, but it was too late. He wasn’t sure what he was thinking when he said it. To be completely honest, he wasn’t even sure if he was thinking.
He silently prayed that neither Jake nor the others would hear him, but when they all looked between him and you with wide eyes, he knew immediately that it wasn’t true.
“Y/N, are you pregnant?” Maverick was the first to speak.
You felt stuck in place, only able to stare at Bradley with a very fast beating heart and an open mouth.
“I, um, I – yeah?” It came out more as a question due to your state of shock.
“I’m so sorry baby,” Bradley cried, turning to you to comfort you.
He was writhing with fear that you were angry with him, but it was mostly the alcohol that made him think that way.
“You have a baby?” Jake’s voice was unusually low compared to how loud he had been shouting earlier.
“Yes. It will be.” You were laughing nervously as you spoke. “I’m sorry Bradley ruined the surprise. We wanted to throw a big party and tell everyone at the same time, but I think the cat’s out of the bag for you.”
You rubbed the palm of your hand over Bradley’s back, silently assuring him that you weren’t mad at him. But the others were in a completely different world.
Jake didn’t say anything, just moved from his position next to Bob to get between You and Brad.
He looked at you both with an expression that resembled both anger and confusion, which only increased your discomfort.
In a split second, he wrapped his arms around both of you and hugged both of you tightly.
“Wow! This is the best news i heard today. Uncle Jake…What the fuck?! This is amazing!!
Now he was wandering around, smiling from ear to ear as he ran to Mickey and Javy, who had lost their minds again, to pull them into a group hug on her own chairs instead of on yours and Bradleys.
Both your eyes locked on each other in the middle of the group of friends and they were forced to be a part of his sandwich.
A smile and a knowing look exchanged between you, and despite not coming out in the most fashionable way, you knew that your precious little nugget would be surrounded by people who loved them very much. Everybody took their time to hug both of you and congratulate you.
By the end of the night, Jake leaned over his knees and placed his icy hands on your belly.
"Hi, I'm Jake, I love you..." He began to kiss her belly in a drunken voice.
"Fuck off Jake, that's enough." You burst out laughing as Bradley shouted from behind you.
And that's how your pregnancy was revealed…
Few weeks later…
For a few days, it was Bradley and Duke’s normal protectiveness that you had gotten used to, but it wasn’t until Bradley’s mother invited you to a family gathering that Bradley reached a new level.
“Go join the others, okay?” You told him, “I’ll be fine here with your relatives,” and despite not being sure, he did as you asked, but looked at you often to make sure you were okay.
When someone is pregnant, that’s the talk of any sit-down.
“You’re glowing!” Many of Bradley’s family members fawned over your belly and your pregnancy, “Did you find out the sex of the baby?” one woman asked. You said you didn’t because you wanted to know when the baby was born.
All of this was fine.
A lot of hands were constantly touching your belly.
You knew it was good intentions, but you couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable with every hand touching your belly—hands from people you weren’t that familiar with.
Every time someone touched your belly, you tried to take a discreet step back, trying to put your hands on your belly before they did, but it was no use.
Bradley knew you like the back of his hand.
So, in a failed attempt to hide your discomfort, he immediately tried to save you as you stood with a forced smile on your face with 6 of his relatives.
“Hi,” he chuckled, wrapping his arm around your waist before placing a quick kiss on your cheek.
“What if you’re not the father!” A woman joked happily, “We were just giving Y/N tips for the first month when the baby came,” she said before leaning forward to caress your belly, “I think it’s a baby girl.”
You frowned at the touch, taking a slight step back as you also moved closer to Bradley. He understood, wrapping his other arm around your waist, his relative pulling his hand away reflexively,
“Anyway, I’ll be so happy. Can you give us one minute please?” He asked them with a gentle smile before taking your hand in his and letting you both go to a quieter place.
You sighed in relief, caressing your little belly.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He asked softly, his hands covering your face, “What’s wrong, honey?”
“I just-” You sighed again, feeling overwhelmed with emotions that would make you cry.
“Hey, hey,” Bradley’s mood changed instantly, his eyebrows furrowed as he hugged you, pulling you closer to his chest, “I’m right here, I’m right here.”
“I just,” your husky voice said before you pulled away slightly but still leaned into him, “Everyone keeps touching my belly. Like, all these hands and all these people and some of them are like, some of them are just rubbing it or something or holding it there for a long time so they can feel the baby kick and it just makes me so uncomfortable.”
Bradley nodded as you spoke, looking into your eyes as he began, “You have every right to be uncomfortable, baby, I’m so sorry,” he said softly, “How about we go home, yeah? We can just go.”
“But your mom-”
He shook his head, “My mom will understand, I promise. I care about your comfort more than anything else,” he said. “Let’s go, okay?”
“Okay,” you sniffled.
“Yeah?” He smiled softly and leaned down to press his lips to yours in a soft kiss. “I love you, I’m so sorry.”
“I love you too,” you replied, before sighing, wrapping your arms around him. “And my back really hurts.”
“We’ll go home,” he said as he began to rub your back. “And I’ll massage you until you fall asleep, how does that sound?”
He murmured, “How about I call my mom so you can say goodbye? You don’t have to say goodbye to everyone, I don’t want more people touching you.”
“You mean like I don’t know,” you shrugged, “Isn’t it a bit rude?”
“Fuck it,” Bradley replied instantly, “I can’t risk making you feel any more uncomfortable because someone might think it’s rude.”
And he kept his promise. Bradley called his mom so you could sneak off alone and say goodbye to the relatives.
And then he kept his promise once more because as soon as you got home he was buzzing around like a busy bee, making sure you were happy and comfortable before massaging your back.
“Mmh i love you so so so much,baby”
“Love you too honey.”
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Child jake vs dagger squad
I'm tagging people who might be interested: @ohtobeleah @sebsxphia @callsign-fox @greenorangevioletgrass @roosterforme @teacupsandtopgun @floydsglasses @lyn-js @its-dee-lovely @its-the-pilot @friedchips94 @hardballoonlove @topguncortez @bradshawsbaddie @shanimallina87 @djs8891 @themusingofagothicsoul @promisingyounglady @the-romanian-is-bae @mamachasesmayhem @jessicab1991 @iefitzgerald-blog @charcole-grey @waterriseslew @desert-fern @eternalsams @callsigns-haze @promisingyounglady @els-marvelvsp @cevansbaby-dove @atarmychick007 if you are not comfortable please tell me!!
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jadedvibes · 2 years
A Little Superstitious
Summary: The school's football team needs a win and a certain blue-eyed player could use a kiss for good luck to help make that happen.
Pairing: college athlete!Bucky x reader
Warnings: lots of sweet fluff and a little shy bucky!
Word Count: 1.1k
Like, comment, and/or reblog to put a giant smile on my face ♡
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College was a stressful time, but a few things made it more bearable. The freedom, living down the hall from your best friends, social mixers, and sports. More specifically, football. 
Nothing riled up the campus and brought everyone together as well as football games on the weekend. 
And you were there for all of it. Not long after the semester started, your roommate turned best friend got into a hot and heavy relationship with the captain of the football team, Steve Rogers. 
All too quickly, they became official and this led to you attending all the socials, tailgates, and games because you couldn’t fathom letting her go alone. And of course, you were begrudgingly pulled to all the events – you definitely didn’t want to go because of the captain’s dark-haired best friend and right hand man. Your appearance at every event had nothing to do with Bucky Barnes, and you made sure to tell Sharon and Steve that every time. 
They simply smiled and nodded along, claiming that they believed you. Even when Bucky gave you his jersey so that you could match with Sharon as she wore Steve’s, the pair didn’t bat an eye. 
Steve made no mention of the way Bucky lit up when he saw you. Sharon never pointed out how much extra time you spent getting dolled up when you knew you’d be seeing Bucky. 
They didn’t say anything because they didn’t want to jinx it. The couple knew how good you two would be together, and they also knew how stubborn you both could be if they tried to push things. Steve and Sharon decided to let things happen organically, however, they certainly ran interference and made sure that their respective best friends had a clear path to see one another. 
It was the last game of the playoffs and the team needed to clinch the win to qualify for finals. Steve texted Sharon to meet him near the locker room for a quick pep talk, because nobody could motivate him like her. But you knew he really just wanted a quick makeout session to calm his nerves. 
“Let’s go, you have to come with me!” she exclaimed, jumping out of her seat. 
“No way, I don’t wanna see you getting tongued by Rogers,” you grimaced. 
“But Steve said Bucky wanted to see you,” she grinned. 
You bit your lip to suppress a smile, “He did?” 
“Yes, look,” she held up her phone to show you Steve’s text that read just that. 
“Well, okay. Maybe he needs some moral support,” you shrugged nonchalantly as you got up. 
Sharon narrowed her eyes before smirking. “I’m sure that’s it.” 
Steve greeted Sharon with a big bear hug as soon as you stepped into the hallway by the locker room. She squealed in surprise as he lifted her off the ground. 
You let out a laugh as he pulled her away to talk, muttering something about needing a good luck kiss from his best girl; leaving you alone with Bucky leaning against the wall. 
His dazzling blue gaze met yours, an amused grin playing on his lips. “Hi,” he mumbled shyly. 
“Hi, you um wanted to see me?” 
He ambled closer to you. “I did,” he cautiously reached down and grabbed your hand. The touch was gentle but the jolt that felt like a jumpstart to his heart was not; if only you knew that. 
Clear blue eyes were on yours as he brought your hand to his lips – a soft featherlight kiss that sent shivers down your spine. Bucky couldn’t stop himself from touching you, or perhaps he didn’t want to fight the pull that had enchanted him any longer. 
You tried to distract yourself from the hammering in your heart, but you couldn’t think of anything to say to fill the silence. 
“Wanted to see my lucky charm before kickoff,” he stated casually, intertwining your fingers with his.
“Bucky,” you whispered with a smile. “What’s gotten into you?” He wasn’t normally so affectionate, but you sure knew you could get used to it. 
“This game is important, and I just needed to see you,” he stated as your gaze held for one long beat.
Standing there, looking at each other like love struck fools, you started to wonder why you were dancing around something more with him. Maybe, it was time you let him know that you were ready. 
“Well I’m here. Did you want some kinda motivational speech or a kiss for good luck?” you teased, hoping you weren’t overstepping. 
Bucky’s eyebrows raised, his eyes briefly dropping to your lips. “Is the latter on the table? Because we really do need a win today,” he smirked sheepishly.
You smiled before subtly nodding your head. “I think I can take one for the team.” 
His large warm hands cupped the sides of your face before he leaned in and pressed the most tender kiss to your lips. His embrace was so delicate and careful, your heart melted in your chest. 
Tilting your head in his hold, he deepened the kiss; his tongue tracing along your lips, begging for entrance. You wrapped your hands around his forearms as you let him in, savoring the taste of him, knowing sincerely that you were already addicted. 
You didn’t part until you heard footsteps approaching, finally separating to look over at Steve and Sharon beaming brightly at the two of you. 
“Finally,” Steve blurted out, looking at Sharon with a relieved look on his face. “Hate to say it, but we’ve gotta get ready, Buck,” he smiled apologetically.
Heat rushed to your cheeks as Sharon gave you an enthusiastic thumbs up. After a playful eye roll aimed at his friend, Bucky’s gaze returned to yours – and just like that you were in your own little world. Unconsciously stepping close to him again, you leaned up to kiss his lips once more. 
Incapable of hiding his blush, he rubbed the back of his neck as you parted, suddenly shy for no reason. He couldn’t believe what had happened, and he was elated by the fact that he’d likely get to kiss you again real soon. 
“Go get ‘em,” you nudged him. 
Nodding with a bright grin, he pulled you into a bear hug of your own, pressing a sweet kiss to your forehead before leaving with Steve. 
Sharon gleefully hooked her arm with yours as you walked back to your seats in the bleachers. “So did you have a good talk with Barnes?” she teased.
“The worst actually,” you deadpanned, bumping her with your hip playfully.
She let out a laugh, “I’m happy for you guys.” Everyone knew it was only a matter of time. 
You scrunched up your nose, a dopey grin etched on your face. It happened, it finally happened, and you couldn't feel luckier. “Yeah yeah me too, now let’s go cheer for our boys,” you beamed, not even trying to downplay your joy. 
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