#I used to eat these flowers like nobody’s business when I was a kid
valtsv · 2 years
you said you grew up by the sea!! can i ask what the sea means to you? i am so emotional about the ocean i've always been so unspeakably fascinated and enamored by it
it's hard to describe because the ocean was such a constant presence that it was just kind of a part of life for me growing up. i didn't really realize how fortunate i was to have it so easily accessible until i lost it when i moved to the city.
i guess the best word to describe it would be "powerful". like i said, you could never forget that the ocean was There, even if you weren't standing anywhere near it. on days when the wind blew strongly enough in the right direction, you could hear it, and smell it. the smell of brine and seaweed was the backdrop of daily life for me growing up, and the town i grew up in was so small that whenever i left the house i was almost guaranteed to pass the ocean on my way to wherever i was going.
the danger of it was simultaneously something you quickly became desensitized to and something you never really forgot. there was always a part of you that knew that the sea could just take you at any time, no matter how careful you were. it wasn't uncommon to see a pile of flowers on the promenade as you walked by marking where someone had been washed out and drowned. pretty much everyone knew someone who had died despite the sea walls and warning signs. there were days when the waves were so strong that even the grey concrete walls that were several feet thick in the most reinforced places couldn't keep them from crashing over onto the walkways.
the beach was sand and stone, and the water was full of clouds of silt too thick to see through even with protective eyewear. you never knew how deep the water was beneath you unless your feet could touch the bottom, or what was down there. it was something you quickly got used to, the knowledge that you'd never be totally safe but were willing to take the risk. most people who got hurt or killed were, predictably, teenagers and young adults who decided to push the boundaries of how much of a risk they could take. i was one of those kids. most of us were. despite being all too aware of the danger, we never really believed that it would happen to us. at the same time, we knew we weren't immune. that's why we did it - for the thrill. i still have scars from all the times i was thrown against rocks and barnacles, stepped wrong while scrambling over rocks and slipped, or was scraped over the ocean floor. i still remember staggering and collapsing onto the shore with my heart pounding so hard my chest hurt after almost being swept out to sea, realizing how close i had come to being drowned or smashed to pieces. i remember shrugging it all off and heading back in five minutes later, accepting that the sea would take me if she wanted me and that there was nothing i could do about it, so i might as well enjoy myself.
knowing how to swim was basically mandatory, even if you never got in the water. if you could learn how to swim and didn't, you were a fool. the local swimming pool offered free lessons, and safety campaigns were a regular feature of school and community event. i could still recite some of the slogans and warnings to you now, they're so ingrained into my head (not that i didn't choose to ignore them sometimes).
small businesses thrived on the waterfront. there were so many cheap food places to choose from when you wanted a snack, from ice cream vendors to hot fried food vans to cafes and corner stores. people didn't even bother to put their clothes and shoes on over their swimwear to cross the road and grab a bite to eat on warm summer days.
body and gender neutrality was extremely normalized. nobody cared who you were or what you looked like; once you were in the sea the clouds of silt hid your body from view, and the water made everyone look more or less the same - like a sopping wet beast.
the natural environment was incredible. there was so much life everywhere - sea plants, crabs and smaller crustaceans, seabirds and fish. you could buy fresh catches each morning from local fishermen. sharks and seals were a rare novelty, a community event of sorts.
community events often made use of the seaside. sailing was easily accessible; even if you couldn't afford your own boat, there was a sailing club with a surplus. the local horse rescue volunteer association i worked at took the horses down to ride by the beach and in the water in summertime, and it was some of the most fun i ever had galloping through the waves, soaking wet and shivering with excitement and cold. there were bonfires on the beach in the fall, and fireworks and hot drinks and stories around the fireside in the winter. it was an incredibly, terrifyingly free place to live, where the only real limits were your own. i honestly can't do it justice in words. i miss it every day.
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mister-mickey · 1 year
Hi, if possible do u think u could do outsiders hc, on the topic of little quirks they would all have? Like for example idk maybe someone has like lots of stuffed toys in their bed, or like someone who enjoy weird food combos ykwim? Love love love ur writing and ty!
Asks tumblr
- He used to eat glue 💔
- Like, he thought it tasted really good! His dad had to confiscate all the glue for a month because of him.
- If anyone ever mentions this he pummels them into the ground
- He likes to collect flowers and plants and tear them apart
- Not in a destructive way, in a “I need to keep my hands busy” way
- He especially likes tearing everything except for the spine off of a leaf, it’s his fave
- he walks in circles while listening to music
- He just paces around the kitchen for actual hours and honestly it worries darry a bit
- He’s having the time of his life though, even if he looks crazy doing it
- he refuses to drink things normally, he always chugs whatever he’s got
- His record is 20 seconds for a gallon of milk
- He feels awful afterwards but it’s worth it to him for some reason
- He still plays with the toy cars that Mr. Curtis got him as a kid
- Secretly of course, but soda knows and just doesn’t say anything
- But he’ll be in his bedroom going “vroom!” With them. He loves mimicking car crashes
- he LOVES those tiny glass animals!
- He steals a bunch of them every-time he sees them, just because they’re so TINY AND THEY FIT IN HIS FIST SO EASILY
- He doesn’t play with them or anything but he still likes looking at them. He’s got them shoved in his dresser with his underwear.
- he collects things from the schools lost and found lmao
- He’s not usually much of a thief, but he can’t help himself. He loves all the weird clothes especially
- Sometimes he wears the clothes he took to school to see if anyone recognizes them (so far nobody has. He would be scared shitless if someone realizes)
- he doesn’t wear pajamas, he straight up goes to sleep in the clothes he wore all day
- Like, jeans and leather jacket. He has woken up multiple times to see that his arms are both asleep
- He says it’s because he doesn’t care, but he actually outgrew all his pajamas and doesn’t want to get new ones
- she steals peoples pets
- Sometimes she returns them for money, but usually she keeps them until either they run away or Tim kicks them out
- She’s an animal girlie what can I say. She names them all variations of Angela too (Angel, Angie, lala, etc…)
- he still sleeps with the stuffed rabbit he had as a kid
- It’s got one ear completely gone because he chewed it off as a kid
- Tim and Angela tease him to no end but he knows they wouldn’t ever tell anyone. He hopes that at least.
- mf hates cats
- He’s not superstitious at all, but he’s convinced taht they’re bad luck
- Maybe they just remind him of Angela idk, but he will scowl and groan if he sees one (loser alert!)
- he loves worms so much man
- He picks them up and holds them in his hand until he eventually drops it. He goes digging for them sometimes
- he is a hero and saves them after it rains! He picks them all up and puts them back in the grass
- adores porcelain dolls. She isn’t really a materialistic person, but she used to have one and she still loves them
- The outfits? The hair? She wants one so bad but she doesn’t ever buy one because it’s “a waste” and she’s “too old for them”
- But she stares at them for so long when she’s in the store
- he gets cold so easily!!! Warm this boy up!
- He wears jacket after jacket but still gets cold, his bed has a million blankets on top, it’s like a mountain
- Ofc, this means winter is his least fave season, this kid turns straight up blue in winter
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saltydumples · 1 year
I'm rewatching AVPM and I just had to make some PR1 incorrect quotes:
(I'm putting it under the keep reading tab because the post ended up being kinda long, oop--)
Junk: *singing* Are you kids ready to fight a dragon?
Junk: Of course you aren't, you're just children! What the hell am I thinking?
Kara: Now, let's leave these big baby childish jerks alone.
Chilled: *entering* Did someone say ChilledChaos?
Ze: Hey, guys, chill. I'm busy.
Ze: *commences epic piano playing*
Kara: *takes his keyboard away*
Everyone else: *immediate panic*
Skadj: Woah. Woah! WOAH!
Shubble: No, no, no, NO--
Platy: Did you just hear something?
Jeremy: No. Only quiet. Maybe...one raindrop...
Skadj: ...and even if we do, Cheesy over there will probably tell on us.
Kara: Cheesy won't tell--
Cheesy: Oh yes I certainly will!
Chilled: I love you all...
Chilled: Except you Tay, I can't fucking stand you.
Shubble: When I rule the world, I'll plants flowers~
Kara: When I rule the world, I'll have SNAKES!
Skadj: No - NO! I'm miserable!
Skadj: *points dramatically at the massive chocolate bar he's eating*
Kara: Drop the attitude ZeRoyalViking!
Kara: You are acting like Garfield on a Monday...
Ze: >:0
Chilled: It's just like the Spiderman movie - haven't you seen that? MJ and Peter Parker can't be together.
Ze: But the whole point of Spiderman 2 was that MJ and Peter Parker could be together in the end.
Chilled: Yeah, I know, but the point of Spiderman 3 is everything sucks and that falls to shit!
Chilled: Ze, what I'm trying to say is...I don't want my life to be like Spiderman 3. I hated that movie.
Skadj: Do you want to kick your own ass or should we do it for you?
Greg: Yeah!
Cheesy: Oh, uh, well I guess if you're giving me the option I'll...I'll kick my own ass.
Chilled: Nobody help me! I've gotta do this by myself.
Courtilly: He doesn't mean that! It's not how he operates. Who are you going to use as a human shield this time?
Ze: *walks foward*
Kara: *pulls him back* Ze.
Ze: Oh.
Platy: Is 'okay' good?
Jeremy: Platy! Okay is wonderful!
*slowmo running and emotional, happy music commences*
Chilled: *crying* You think that killing people might make them like you but it doesn't...
Chilled: It just makes people dead!
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reneesbooks · 1 year
15 Question Character Interview
thank you to @winterandwords for putting this tag game on my radar :)
The following is a transcript of an interview conducted with Will Moore and Kat Barrick from the Shattered Star trilogy. This interview was conducted in an undisclosed location due to the interviewees' status as wanted fugitives.
Interviewer: Could you state your full names, for the record? Will: William Edward Moore. Kat: No. [Will nudges her] Fine. Katherine Jasmine Barrick. I: Are you named after anyone? Will: I'm named after my great-grandfather, I think. Maybe great-great-grandfather. My Hebrew name, Tzemach, means "shoot" or "sapling," which I think is why I'm a florist. [Kat snorts] And my dad had to stick his name in there somewhere, so it's my middle name. Kat: I'm named after Saint Catherine and my middle name is the national flower of the Philippines. I: When was the last time you cried? Kat: none of your fucking business. Will: [meditatively] I think last time Kat kicked me awake in the middle of the night for snoring. She got me right in the kidney. I: Do you have any kids? Will: we have six kids, actually--[Kat kicks him in the shin] We don't have human children. We have kittens. Kat: they're not our kids. stop implicating me in this. I: Do you use sarcasm? Will: only in service of a pun. Otherwise customers might think you're making fun of them. Kat: only when Will is speaking.
I: What's the first thing you notice about people? Will: uh...their face, I guess? Kat: whether or not they're armed. I: What's your eye color? Kat: do your eyes work. [I: no, like how would you describe your eye color] say it like that next time. brown. Will: grey. apparently sometimes they look like the moon--[Kat kicks him in the shin again] nobody has ever compared them to that. I: Scary movies or happy endings? Will: Happy endings, obviously! Kat: no comment. I: Any special talents? Will: Well I'm a florist--[Kat groans]--so I like to think I have an eye for color. [I: uh...what about the bow and arrows?] that's more like a hobby. Kat: I paint and I throw knives. I: Where were you born? Will: Trenton, New Jersey. Kat: why do you care? [Will nudges her] DC. I: What are your hobbies? Will: I've been doing archery since I was a kid, so there's that...other than that...botany, I guess? Kat: I paint. [I: ...the knives?] that's not a hobby. I: Any pets? Will: We have six cats: Maggie, Arachne, Harpo, Sleepy, Flop, and Runt. Kat: Sarah. Will: yeah, but she is the runt. Maggie's blind and likes to ride around on my shoulder or in my pocket. she tends to use her teeth to express her opinion. Kat: Arachne's my favorite. [Will gasps] she eats spiders. I: What sports do you play or have you played? Will: Archery. I've won a bunch of competitions at the local and state level, and last summer I went to nationals. I was going to try out for the Olympics but I missed the tryouts. [I: Why?] I was in prison. Kat: I was on the swim team in high school. I: How tall are you? Kat: WHY do you care? Will: 6 foot 1. I: Favorite subject in school? Will: P.E. Kat: art and social studies. I: dream job? Will: ex-Olympic archer-turned-florist. beyond that, I think I'd be happy as a park ranger. Kat: anything but politics.
let me know if you would like to be added to the taglist for this wip <3
I'll tag @writinglyra, @akindofmagictoo, and @sleepyowlwrites if you all want to participate!
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mightyflamethrower · 1 year
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They nearly killed everybody.
This is Jen again.  I figured that it was about time in this story to explain a little about how Lou and I ended up orphans, and we are certainly not the only ones. In fact, the world is mostly comprised of orphans now. Families are something we just remember or hear about. It seems like maybe ten or fifteen percent of the population around here survived what happened, what they did to us.
When I was just a little kid and Lou was still a toddler, we lived with our parents obviously.  Our mom stayed home with us; our dad managed a marina store down on the waterfront. We had a nice time being normal boring kids with our normal boring parents.  Our house was nothing special.  Mom had a nice garden and liked flowers.  Our dad was a boat nut!  He had a little fiberglass dinghy he was always messing with it out behind the house in a sort of garage with no car in it.  He never had a chance to finish it though.
Nobody ever admitted why or how, but there were theories. There were swarms of big insects like grasshoppers all of a sudden.  Some said that they originated in the Middle East. They were not just a mess.  They bit.  They were dangerous.  They didn't eat your garden, they wanted to eat you! They could strip a body down to the bones if there were enough of them.  These things began to be called Piranha bugs.  They were sort of gunmetal blue and very shiny.  They were about three inches long! Also, you could hear them.  They made a sort of thrumming noise like a huge crowd of people talking or arguing.
They bred like crazy, and there were more and more of them all the time.  People began to panic. There were all kinds of ideas about how to kill them.  People tried burning them.  They tried all kinds of bug sprays on them.  It was hard because they moved fast, too fast to stick around and get killed.  Sure, if you caught one, you could smash it.  But that was just one! The situation got so bad so fast that the old government in DC figured that they better do something.  It was a horrible bloody mess out here and the public began to blame Washington for not ending the invasion somehow. 
The business of the country and the world in fact, was not getting done.  People were hiding from the Piranha bugs inside their houses. Some giant brain in Washington figured out that there was an airborn bacteria that these things were vulnerable to.  So, they sent drones spraying this bacteria over all known areas of infestation.  It killed a lot of them, but not all of them.  Some were resistant.  Incredibly, it also destroyed people with type O positive blood. That's what happened.  Some people died quickly.  Some hung on longer.  The bacteria seemed to like to infect the heart and blood vessels.  It changed the whole world.  Lou and I lived; our parents died.  The bacteria and the bugs both vanished when their host organisms died. The country got divided into six big sections, they kind of got rid of the states.  That's how we ended up living in the PNW Section Authority, known as P-Sec to normal people. The re-organization was miserable, but worked with so few people, kind of.
We began to dream about our own re-organisation. We were so thin on the ground.
By pBird (aka kabukinoir@tumblr
From: How to Meow in Yiddish Blog
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mymoodwriting · 2 years
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2.8k, yandere, circus, manipulation, drugs, roleplaying, hypnosis
“When was the last time you were at the circus?”
“Uh… I don’t know when I was like eight?”
    You really hadn’t gone to a circus since you were a child. You had vague memories of a family outing, mostly able to recall that you had a lot of cotton candy and got to pet an elephant’s trunk and ride a pony. Now that you thought about it, you hadn’t been to a circus since, and you never considered going to one.
“See, we should totally go.”
“Are you sure though? Clowns and animals. We could go to a zoo to see some animals, or an aquarium. See some dolphins and penguins.”
“Yeah, but like…”
    Your friend handed over a flier they had taken from a wall or pole somewhere that talked about Stray Kids, a circus act coming into town. As you looked it over you could see why this was a suggestion at all. You’d expect circus clowns, and animals, and all kinds of acts on the poster, talking about how much fun the show would be. Instead you were staring down at eight really pretty boys dressed in black, clearly the main act, surrounded by fire and circus props.
“I don’t think they’re a normal circus.”
“I did some research. They got a fire breather, and this dude that can supposedly fly, a magician, a hypnotist! This is definitely some kind of modern circus, we have to go.”
“I already got some of the other girls to agree, come on, let’s go.”
“Alright. I’ll go.”
    You did have to admit you were intrigued about this circus. It definitely didn’t look like what you remembered or what you had seen in TV shows. Besides, a bunch of pretty boys, you had to see them for yourself. When the big day came you and your friends met up to eat before heading down to the circus tent. There were plenty of people around, and everyone was excited for the show. You couldn’t help yourself and bought some cotton candy, some childhood memories coming to light. This was a place to have fun, and you felt you really would.
    There were a few attractions outside the tent, something to keep busy until the big show. You and your girls eagerly went into the tent when it was time, a sweet smell of flowers filled the tent, already giving you good vibes. As the lights dimmed it got quiet. Then it all began. Music filled the tent and some of the minor acts appeared, and then in a puff of smoke the eight faces of the circus appeared in the center. The cheers began and they began greeting the audience, getting everyone riled up and excited for the night. In another flash everyone disappeared, leaving one boy alone in the center with the mic.
“May I have your attention ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Stray Kids, my name is Han Jisung, your showman for the night. We’re so glad to see you all came out here for us, and I promise you, you’ll enjoy the show. After all, ain’t nobody can do it like this.”
    The show didn’t need to warm up the crowd and jumped right into the big acts. Jisung was soon joined by another boy, big smile and face full of freckles. He was introduced as Felix, their resident fire breather, and my gosh was it something to see. He wasn’t just some human dragon, but actually manipulated fire into taking on certain shapes. You swear all the girls swooned when he made a heart of fire, you included. Felix heated things up, but he was only the beginning. When Felix made his exit, Jisung returned with another boy, and they were both practically walking on air. The crowd filled with amazement.
    The flying boy was Changbin, dancing around a bit with Jisung before he gently returned him to the ground, and continued his own show. Many circus props and other minor acts joined in, flying around the crowds and performing, leaving everyone in awe. You swear never touched the grown, and Jisung returned floating down from the sky, getting twirled around again before being set down. As he began to introduce the next act, everyone could see a third boy walking on air, although Changbin wasn’t as gentle putting him down.
    Chan was just dropped down a few feet, falling to his knees, getting laughter from the crowd. He dusted himself off and introduced himself by having doves appear out of his jacket. Any good circus should have a classic magician, and that was him. His sleight of hand was impressive, and you knew you’d be trying to figure out how he did some of his tricks for days to come. Especially when he made a huge beach ball appear out of thin air and started playing soccer with the performer on stilts. He was wonderful, but the show must go on as Jisung said, making his return to center stage.
    So far everyone had been enjoying the show, but Jisung felt some audience participation was needed to keep things exciting. From behind the crowds the next act appeared, a polite boy introducing himself as Jeongin, a psychic. The crowd was certainly intrigued. Jisung handed over the mic and things slowed down a bit, letting everyone relax. Jeongin picked some people out from the crowd, reading fortunes and speaking unspoken truths. Everyone who was chosen was amazed by his accuracy, albeit a few upset with the things he said, which made his talents all the more authentic. You were lucky neither of your friends, or you, participated in this act, cause who knew how it would end.
    Jeongin merely took a bow and gestured towards the entrance to the back just as Jisung returned, having predicted his entrance. Maybe that was staged, but the time was still good. Jisung asked for applause as Jeongin made his exit. Everyone had been having a good time, but a small intermission was necessary for the talent and for everyone else. He said it was a good time to get some fresh air and more snacks. They would return in a moment. Of course there was still some entertainment, minor acts like a juggler and some aerial acts with ropes.
    After the intermission Jisung returned to center stage welcoming everyone back. As he began to introduce the next act a small bucket of popcorn was thrown at him, interrupting. A spotlight suddenly lit up a boy in the crowd, everyone soon realized he was one of the Stray Kids, no one around him was sure when he got to his seat, and didn’t even notice he was one of the acts for the night. This boy introduced himself as Hyunjin, making his way to the center stage, although as Jisung tried to leave Hyunjin grabbed his arm.
    The two stared at each other as Hyunjin convinced him to stay and participate in his act. Jisung let out a nervous chuckle, but Hyunjin was clearly a bit of a sweet talker. He wrapped an arm around Jisung, putting his attention on the crowd, asking if they wanted to see his show. Everyone cheered excitedly, and he basked in it all. He asked Jisung if he was having fun, and if he had eaten. Jisung admitted he hadn’t, too busy making sure the show continued without issue. Hyunjin suggested a break, grabbing the bucket of popcorn on the floor and spilling out what was left before picking up some popcorn kernels and putting it back in.
“Here. A light snack.”
“You’re hungry, aren’t you?”
    Han reached into the bucket and took a handful of popcorn, shoving it into his mouth and chewing it up. Everyone watched on in shock, there was no way the showman had just eaten popcorn from the dirt floor. Jisung chewed with a smile as Hyunjin told him it was good, and the boy even opened his mouth to show he had swallowed every bit. Hyunjin smiled and kissed his cheek, Jisung seeming to shake a bit before asking what happened and why he tasted dirt. Hyunjin merely laughed.
“Hypnosis is very real Hannie, I’ve told you many times before.”
“You did not!”
    Jisung started spitting, trying to get the taste of dirt out of his mouth. He made his way to the back, a bottle of water poking out of the curtains for him to take as he disappeared. The crowd was still in disbelief over what had happened. It was gross, but mesmerizing as well.
“So, who wants to go next?” Hyunjin scanned the crowds. “How about the lovely lady right there.”
    You pointed at yourself as a spotlight hit you, seeing Hyunjin nod his head and walk over to you, holding his hand out. All your friends gave you looks and shoved you to move. You were still in shock but took Hyunjin’s hand, stepping down and following him to the stage.
“What’s your name love?”
“Beautiful. Tell me, do you believe in hypnosis?”
“Uh… I’m not sure… but I’m open to see.”
“Good, good. Makes my job a little easier. So, how do you want to do this?” Hyunjin asked. “Will you follow my sweet words, or shall we do this with a classic pocket watch?”
“Whatever works best for you.”
“Hm, I like that.”
    Hyunjin was so close to you, and you could not believe how beautiful he was. His smile was precious and his eyes just captivated you. As you stared at him you could feel yourself losing focus. You heard soft mumbles, perhaps words, but nothing was really registering. Your vision became glassy and you felt like you were floating. Only one thing was clear in that haze.
“Good girl.”
    You were moving, you could feel it, but you weren’t connecting anything else. It kinda felt like you were in this state for eternity, but eventually there was an end. As your vision began to clear up everything came into focus. You found yourself on your hands and knees, tongue sticking out and panting like a dog. You quickly stopped and got up, dusting yourself off. You felt embarrassed but Hyunjin assured you that you did well. The crowd clapped, Hyunjin taking your hand and having you join him in a bow. He thanked you for your participation and hugged you. The crowds applause was still loud, but you swear you heard a soft whisper.
“Come see us after the show.”
     Hyunjin escorted you back to your seat, Jisung returning, chugging some juice as he told Hyunjin to get off stage. He started talking loudly and trying to cover his ears as Hyunjin approached him before disappearing to the back stage. Your friends immediately swarmed you with questions, but you had some of your own. They did not hesitate to tell you that Hyunjin basically turned you into a dog and had you do tricks like sit and stay and speak, for everyone’s amusement. You felt even more embarrassed, but also in disbelief. It seemed hypnosis was real.
    The next act was introduced, a lovely boy that went by Seungmin. He thanked Jisung and asked the crowd how everyone was doing. One great show after another had kept everyone happy, and this one would certainly add to it. Seungmin had many join him on the stage, suggesting they join him in dance. He started off with simple movements, dancing along to the little live music provided, but as he went on things got more complicated. It seemed some of the volunteers were amazed their bodies were responding to Seungmin’s commands, following him to perfection as the danced along.
    He didn’t need sweet words to get you to do what he wanted, but this was definitely a lot more fun for many of those who had come tonight. A wonderful dance number to help wrap everything up, but of course Seungmin wasn’t the last act. As he had his dancers dance to return to their seats the final act appeared. He needed no verbal introduction as a small display of fireworks spelled out his name, Minho. It was a beautiful show to end things on. As he danced and more fireworks appeared out of thin air, seemingly under his control. It was a fireworks show like no other, ultimately bringing back all the cast members for a final bow. It had been an amazing night and your group was all chatter about the show.
“I’m glad we came, this was awesome.”
“Right, but I am so exhausted.”
“Me too.”
“I’m gonna get more cotton candy.” You said. “So you guys get going. I’ll see ya later.”
“See you.”
    You waved to your friends, seeing them off, and then going back to get some cotton candy. Just as sweet, and then you started wandering around. Somehow you wound up back in the tent, walking up to the center. With the place empty you could feel how enormous it really was. Even if you had been up there for the show the memory was pretty hazy. Then you started hearing voices.
“I cannot believe you made me eat dirt!”
“It was popcorn.”
“From the floor!”
“There wasn’t much dirt on it anyway.”
“You’re gross.”
“I wanted to have fun, and everyone enjoyed it.”
“I didn’t.”
“Well, I got something to make it up to you.”
“Uh… hello…”
    Without really meaning to you followed the voices and wound up in the back of the tent, seeing the main acts cleaning up. You probably shouldn’t have said anything either and left but you couldn’t really stop yourself. It went quiet when you spoke, all eyes on you, making you very nervous.
“There she is.” Hyunjin walked over and wrapped an arm around you. “This is y/n, our good girl from the show.”
“Ah, you chose her?”
“What? Not pretty enough?”
“Oh she’s very pretty.” Jisung walked up and took your hand, kissing it. “Hello.”
“Did you enjoy the show?”
“Yeah… it was incredible…”
“I know. We are. Would you like to join us for the after show?”
“After show?”
“Yup. Just for you.”
    You were surprised when Jisung’s lips moved up to yours, kissing you passionately. You didn’t kiss back, very shocked over that, and your mind running with the possibilities of what this meant. Although you never really got to speak your mind.
“Good girl.”
    A soft smile began to appear on your face, suddenly seeing the world through a rose tinted lens. Hyunjin nuzzled your neck before pushing you into Jisung’s arms.
“Shall we?”
    You vaguely noticed the other boys following you, even though you had no idea where you were going. It didn’t matter though, there was a warm feeling inside you, so you knew everything was going to be okay, and you were going to have a good time.
“How much did we make tonight?”
“A lot.” Jeongin said. “As always.”
    It was hours after the show at this point, and they were all gathered in the tent, just winding down and counting their profits for the night. Soon they would have to start packing everything up and getting back on the road. They had a show in a few days a couple towns over. Still, it was important to relax.
“And how’s the kitty?” Minho asked. 
“She’s in the back with Seungmin.” Chan said. “He’s teaching her some new tricks.”
“Shouldn’t we send her home already?” Felix wondered. 
“I think we should keep her.” Jisung suggested. “She’s a lot of fun.”
“A new act?”
“Who said anyone else gets to see her?”
“She wasn’t alone tonight.” Hyunjin reminded. “She had some girlfriends with her.”
“Easy enough to deal with.”
“Come here kitty.” Everyone suddenly heard Seungmin entering the tent. “The hyungs want to see you.”
    The boys looked over to see you wearing very little clothing, a pair of cat ears on your head and a tail swing behind you. Your eyes were still glassy, and you were happily meowing as you followed Seungmin.
“A beauty indeed.” Changbin commented. “I like our kitty.”
“Me too.”
    Seungmin had you climb up on the table, knocking some money to the floor. You tried to be careful, but any sense of caution flew out the window the second Chan pet your head. You whined and leaned towards him.
“Well, we do collect strays, don’t we?”
“Should we give her a new name?” Jeongin asked.
“Does it matter?” Hyunjin said. “We can just call her ours.”
    Jisung got up and went over to you, grabbing your chin so you would look up at him. You giggled and offered a big smile, meowing again. The others gathered around too.
“Welcome home, kitty.”
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luveline · 3 years
you know, I'm coming right back [Fred Weasley x Reader]
summary: you're a lonely artist and Fred is your adoring model
word count: 2.4k
tags: reader insert, lonely reader, artist reader, seventh year, kids in love, first kiss, getting together, pining, fluff, friends-to-lovers
It was easy for you, usually, to act fine. To feel fine. Any loneliness that clouded your life was pushed firmly into the depths of your thoughts. You tried to focus on the things that mattered, essays and charms and your art.
You loved to draw. You had sketchbooks filled to the brim with sketches, some half finished, others coloured and lined. You drew everything, though you struggled to bring anything from your memory. Everything you drew had to be done right there, right then, with unsuspecting models. You sketched students eating their dinner, scribbled side profiles when you managed a spare minute in class. But you're most impressive artwork was done in the library, where nothing moved. Everyone was silent. You had pages and pages of bored, tired looking students. When exams approached, you hurriedly copied down the expressions of people on the edge of depression and panic.
You had friends, ish. You knew people. You'd had intense friendships that somehow always ended in awkward drifting aparts. Well, you thought. There must be something wrong with me. They liked me before they didn't, so the fault must've been mine.
You huffed out a sigh, pressing your face deep into the textured page of your sketch book, breathing in the smell of charcoal. You were sketching the illusive Fred Weasley, who you'd never truly drawn before. Maybe you had scraps from your second or third year when you'd still attempted to draw moving objects before getting comfortable and accepting that still life was your forte.
He was maddeningly good lucking when his eyebrows puckered in concentration. He seemed to actually be studying for once, sat at a table with his brother, George, and housemates Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet.
You were sat by yourself, and couldn't help listening to his lilting voice as he bantered with his friends. They were talking about Umbridge (the current victim of the Hogwarts' student body hate train), and quidditch, and their recent ban from quidditch. You'd never played.
"Watch out, dolly fell asleep," said one of the girls.
You bit your lip. You'd been nicknamed dolly by the girls in your dorm because of your porcelain doll you'd had since childhood. Even though this year was your last, you still hadn't felt the need to hide her away. She made you feel much less anxious and alone.
The whole school knew, naturally.
"Don't get any funny ideas," said Angelina,  to the twins.
"Come on Angie, you think so little of us?" said George.
"Yesterday I watched you trick a group of forth years into taking puking pastilles." Angelina said.
"It was hardly a trick. We told them they were multi-faceted," said George.
You could hear your heartbeat if you focused. It was in your ears. It bump, bump, bumped.
Bump bump. You flinched, a hand settled on your shoulder quickly moved.
"Wake up, dolly. Library's closing."
You squinted up into Fred's face, head halo'd by candlelight. Lifting your head from the wooden table, you stretched your neck to the left. It clicked.
"Hmm?" You prompted him, smoothing your hair behind your ears.
"You have - dirt. On your face. Here-" He said, reaching forward. You closed your eyes as he gently wiped the skin above your eyebrow.
"It's charcoal."
"It's not dirt," you said, peaking at him through your eyelashes. "It's charcoal."
He looked mildly surprised. You shifted, hoping to cover your sketch before he caught sight of it.
It didn't matter.
"It's me. My gorgeous dolly, you've created quite the masterpiece right there, haven't you? I look vexingly handsome, of course. Thought if that's a consequence of your skill or my handsomeness is anyones guess."
You were lost for words. "Uh, quite."
"Yes, yes, quite. Say, could I keep it?"
"... You want the drawing?"
"I'd love it, if that's okay."
"I," you quickly dug your thumbnail into the paper, tearing carefully at the centre. The paper came away a little ragged and smudged. "Of course. It's yours."
He handled it with care.
The librarian jingled her little bell again.
"Thank you. So, see you?"
"Yep," you agreed.
He nodded his head and bowed out with his friends. You tried not to feel paranoid at their laughter.
You were curled up in a hidden alcove, though it was hardly hidden. Most students knew where to seek privacy in the castle. You just so happened to get there first that evening.
You were trying to sketch Fred again. It felt weird to be missing a page from your book, and weirder still that you couldn't remember his face when he wasn't right in front of you. You tried, but it kept going wrong.
When you finally managed one you liked well enough, you had accidentally ruined it with a heavy hand and the wrong shade of brown.
He looked much too brunette.
You carefully rolled your coloured pencils back up, securing the leather ties tightly so as to keep every pencil confined.
Sighing morosely, you flipped to a new page. Things got so complicated sometimes, it made you agitated. You doodled a little sad face in the corner of your page. When the one thing that you enjoyed in life started to go wrong, it set off your whole mood.
Your birthday was coming up. It had been on your mind a lot lately. You'd spend it alone. That's what you figured. Nobody would know it was your birthday, or if they did, you weren't friends now, so...
You began with an arching circle, bisecting the lines appropriately. Feeling out the familiar lines of your own face came easy, the slight upper tilt of your brows, your hair and your pursed mouth. You always looked sad in the mirror, and it showed, dotted here and there when the only thing to draw was your own face.
The rudimentary outline of a birthday cake took form. The candles were unlit.
In a fit of unhappiness, you scratched out your mouth. It was never smiling.
"What did that piece of paper ever do to you?" said a voice.
You jumped. Fred was peering down at you curiously, wringing his hands. You put your pencil between the soft cover and smashed it flat, closed.
"Hi, dolly."
"Oh, not even a first name?"
"You neglected mine first," you reasoned, rolling the words. He smiled at your joking tone.
"How rude of me. Hi, Y/N," he corrected himself.
"Hi, Weasley."
He smirked.
"Anymore of me in that blessed vessel?"
"Nah. You never stand still."
"If I pose for it?" He asked. You patted the ground in front of you.
He was a lovely model. He stayed infinitely still, more still than you imagined possible for him. He sat at a 3/4ths angle, chin up but not too far, mouth tilted and eyes open.
His eyes were the one thing he couldn't keep still. You tried not to flame in the cheeks everything you'd catch his gaze on you.
You sketched fast, choosing to hatch rather than render, big swooping lines to give the illusion of a depth that wasn't really there. You would've loved to do a full render, maybe even a colour portrait, but he was beginning to look a little antsy.
You set the book on the floor to face him and pushed it into his eyesight softlt. He turned. He looked nice like that, face bent, hair falling into his eyes.
After a moment, he began scrounging through his robe pockets. He set down a box, a lighter, a pair of gloves.
Finally, he set a galleon onto the floor close to your crossed legs.
"For you," he said, smiling at your inquisitive look. "For the drawing."
"Oh, I can't accept that. And I'd like to keep this one, if it's alright."
Fred thought for a moment. "Alright, you keep it. And the galleon, too, for the one you gave me the other day."
You bit back a smile. "I can't take your money, Fred."
"I can't keep having you draw me for free. It's as valuable a service as anything else. Plus, I'm not sure if you know, but I run a lucrative business these days."
You picked up the coin, rubbing your thumb against the engravings thoughtfully. "It's hardly a service."
"A talent, then. A skill. You're very good."
You're neck almost snapped as you looked into his face, wanting to assess his expression for genuineness. He looked earnest, and kind. You blinked away the gathering heat behind your eyes.
"Thank you."
He waved a hand at you. "Think nothing of it."
"Really-" you cleared your throat, "-you're doing me a favour. I'm not good at drawing things that move."
"I'm sure you're better than you think," he said.
You shook your head, smiling smiling smiling.
"What's in the box?"
"Oh, this old thing?" Fred weighed the box in his hands. It was soft at the corners, like a simple jewelry box that you had in your trunk. He offered it to you. You opened it carefully, the lid sliding free with a shhhhh sound. Inside was an evil looking fruit pastille, a match stick and a dried up flower petal.
It felt like a very private thing to see, suddenly. Such an eclectic collection of items couldn't be random.
"The first puking pastille George and I made. Or rather, the second - the first was forcibly fed to Lee Jordan in our third year. The match stick is from my Uncle's matchbox. I never met him. And the flower was from Ginny, when she was 9." He sounded nervous.
"It's a memory box."
"I- yes. It is. Things are sometimes so miserable now, with Umbridge and you-know-who. Scary, even. I look at them when I feel like it won't ever end."
You took them in for a little while longer and then placed the lid onto the box with nimble fingers. You scratched the lid with a fingernail.
"It's nice. You're right. Things are so awful right now, it's good to have reminders of why we keep going."
"Exaclty. Dolly, can I interest you in a fruit pastille?"
"Not on your life."
"They're perfectly edible!"
"Sure, Fred."
The honest conversation you'd shared with Fred was a catalyst between you. He often came to find you, each time whining and nagging you to just sit in the library like most people do.
"What, so your housemates can throw paper balls at me?"
"They thought you were sleeping!"
A likely story, you thought. He sometimes asked you to draw him, posing with the elegance of a natural born model. It was great for you personally, you felt that you were really getting a feel for his face. Eventually, you were able to draw his face from memory, the details of his nose coming to your fingers as easily as a first year spell.
It became about capturing emotion. You could capture his likeness now without a second thought, but his emotions were much more complicated. How would you show his veiled frustration the day Umbridge kicked him off the quidditch team? Through the clenching of his jaw? The shy veins in his forehead? How did you showcase the fear when he'd come back to Hogwarts after Christmas break, through his eyes, downturned and squinting just a little?
Today, it was poorly hidden elation. "How come you're so happy?" You asked, pencil between your teeth. He grinned. You measured his face with your thumb in the air, forming an L.
"Is it a prank?"
"You're thinking too small."
"A new product?"
"Still need to go bigger!"
"Hmmm," you hummed. Measure twice, cut once. Or in your case, sketch once.
"George and I, we're gonna open a shop."
"A section at Zonko's isn't enough for you?" You asked, casually, though you were very very happy for him.
"It's going to be amazing. We're going to run it, just the two of us, and you won't catch me in these scrappy long sleeves anymore. The next time you see me, I'll be in a full suit and tie."
"The next time? Is that not tomorrow?"
Fred closed his mouth, realising his mistake. He had revealed something he hadn't intended to. "We're leaving," he confessed. "We were going to wait for our NEWTs but... Well, we won't need them. This is going to work."
"So. You're leaving today?" You asked, crestfallen.
"Hey," Fred said, rubbing a placating hand over the curve of your shoulder. "Tomorrow. During the DADA OWL. We have a plan."
"This is goodbye?"
"No! No. Not if you don't want it to be. Actually, I've been meaning to ask you something, and maybe now isn't the best time, I had this whole letter planned and I didn't want to distract you from your exams and-"
"What do you want to ask me?"
Fred straightened. "I wanted to ask - will you go out with me? Not, you don't have to be my girlfriend if it's too soon, I'd love to take you for food someplace, I was going to ask you to Hogsmeade, but when the shop officially became ours, the plans changed so fast and I didn't know if you'd still want-" you cut off his rambling.
"I'll be your girlfriend," you said.
"You will?"
"Sure, if you'll be my boyfriend," you murmured.
Fred moved the arm that had been on your shoulder to the nape of your neck. "That's a dealbreaker," he said, leaning in.
He kissed you chastely on the lips first and then pulled back to look into your face. You chased him, a moment of bravery, and opened your mouth to taste him. He was sweet, like sugar. Your sketch pad crinkled beneath you both as he pressed forward. Your chests touched, heaving.
"You're not gonna be my boyfriend?" You asked against his mouth, breathing hard.
"I'm gonna be much more than that, dolly," he said heatedly.
Your mouth was tingling. "Kiss me again?"
You gasped at the force of him, laughing. He laughed too against your lips, and the sound tickled. He gave you a multitude of short and sweet kisses before pulling away again.
He wiped the wetness from your lip with his pinky finger. "Godric, you're cute. Look how flushed you are! You're insane."
Something churned in your stomach. The butterflies had acquired a trampoline. You felt happier than you had in a very long time. "You're not half-bad yourself, Weasley."
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pitaparka · 4 years
sex headcanons
note — NSFW. whelp. if anyone wanted proof of me being clinically insane, this is what you could show them. not only has all of my free time been devoted to watching anything with pedro pascal in it, this is also what i think about while watching these anythings. i know there are people out there who have loved him for longer and are even more obsessed than i, so i figured i would share my personal headcanons for the PPCU (pedro pascal cinematic universe, duh). big love for any fans of pedrito - nat
Tumblr media
- VIRGIN with a capital V
- did you see how he reacted when grogu touched his face? this man has not been touched since he was a child
- he grew up with the mandalorians but he was exposed to suggestive behaviors because, helloooo, bounty hunter
- you have to coax him into it, but it doesn't take much, since he plans on keeping you around long term
- plus, you're so good with the kid
- you provide him a safe space to explore both himself and also your body and he has no idea how lucky he is for it
- doesn't make very much noise, but loves to listen to you
- he won't last long, he’s so sensitive from years of going untouched, but this man's recovery time???
- unparalleled
- he also has the dick of a space porn star and doesn't know it
- but seriously, rice purity score is NOT lower than 90, and most of the boxes he checks are "running-from-the-police" related
- he really wants to be held and have someone run their hands through his hair and kiss his neck and hold his hands is that too much to ask???
- his words are where he gets you
- who knew dirty talk could sound so elegant??? and poetic??
- what a tease he is, too
- he pants so heavily right in your ear holy sweet lord
- and loves to laugh during sex
- he doesn't take himself super seriously unless he gets super into it, which has been known to happen from time to time
- safe words have been used between you two, which there's no shame in, but he's so good to you afterward
- he loves aftercare, and being gentle and sweet after a rough session
- asks you what you want and makes you beg for it
- makes you feel like you're in control but really, he's the one in control
- will make you cum before he does
- kinky kinky boy, almost always willing to try what you want him to
- loves to pin you down, but after he loses his arm it becomes a bit harder, so he settles for holding you flush against his chest as you squirm in his strong grip
- a little soft spoken, but will whisper in your ear in public because he knows it gets you riled up
- will stare you down from across the room with bedroom eyes
- he's got that pilot's precision if you know what i mean aha
- he's honest with you about what he likes and has no qualms about telling you up front
- gives off switch energy, but you're gonna have to really make it worth his while if you want to fuck him
- a very gentle touch, which he would love to be reciprocated
- he aches from years in the service, his back, his knees, his shoulders
- would probably drop dead if you gave him a massage as foreplay
- what an arrogant piece of shit
- "gorgeous, darlin', sweetheart, sugar"
- he will butter you up like a roll on thanksgiving goddamn
- so straightforward, and very up in your face, but it got you to sleep with him the first time you met him, so you can't say it doesn't work
- not the best with his fingers, but dear lord that tongue does wonders when he's not talking
- is a man on a mission to please you
- will spend an absurd amount of time between your thighs, and loves to feel you try to push him away when you get oversensitive
- loves it when you get feisty
- pull his hair, bite down a little harder than usual, push him down onto the bed or forcefully unbuckle his pants and this man will be putty in your hands
- is SO LOUD, and expects the same from you
- doesn't understand that because you're not screaming to the heavens doesn't mean he's doing a bad job
- associates volume with pleasure which isn't always the case
- that's something you'll have to work on with him, but he's a patient man
- keeps condoms and lube on hand at almost all times
- ohhhh boy is this man willing to go at it wherever, whenever, you name it
- will fuck you until he sweats, and keeps going afterward
- and will definitely do you right
- he fucks to feel in control, so good luck trying to take control with this one
- almost tries to distance himself from you at first, but really it scares him that he cares so much
- there's just something about orgasming at the same time as you that just makes his whole week, and your hole weak (ahaha)
- likes to fuck you from behind and fuck you roughly, hands both occupied at the same time, mouth on you, and dick inside you
- very hands on, but can be sweet afterward
- this man kisses like no other you've ever kissed before, he leaves you breathless
- leads by example wink wink
- will show you what he wants done to him, and is pretty vanilla, but in a good way
- is big on foreplay and also aftercare, probably one of the sweeter ones on the list
- he's almost methodical in his sex, very routine, but willing to deviate for you
- gentle, but deep, languid strokes
- thinks he's quieter than he actually is
- always has a lot on his mind, so he really appreciates it when you can ease some of his tension
- secretly was really experimental in college
- very attentive to your needs and likes to tease
- morning sex is his thing. when he gets home from a long day, he wants to eat and relax and sleep. but in the morning? before anyone is up and before breakfast is even being considered, he likes to wake you up with sweet bruises and roaming hands
- marcus is the type of man to respect your boundaries fully, keep copies of toys he knows you like at his house, and surprise you at work with flowers and a dirty quickie in the bathroom because you've wanted to try it so badly
- a more traditional way of thinking on sex, and semi-reluctant to do anything involving his ass, but will try it for you if you really want him to
- a very quick learner, this one, and incredibly intuitive
- what he lacks in skill he makes up for in enthusiasm
- it's almost like he can read your mind, when he uses just the right amount of pressure and uses just the right motion to make you cum for him
- you have no idea how anyone could give this up, let alone break his heart
- his favorite thing is having you ride him, your face buried in his neck as you grind your hips down as he whispers praise in your ear
- marcus isn't super kinky, but i'm sure you can convince him to try something new every once in a while
- "a private word with you in my office, please."
- so very seductive. the hand on the small of your back gets you going and he knows it, but he'll have to be more subtle if he wants to keep you
- another one who will butter you up to get you to sleep with him. he's very obvious about it, so it may or may not work first time. regardless he's up for a challenge
- pays so much attention to your neck. you will have to invest in many turtlenecks if you want to be with max
- big on eye contact, except for the exception of fucking you senseless over his desk
- obviously, a vampire, so he's absolutely magic between your thighs
- is very personable with everyone else, mainly because he's a business major, but he LOVES to make you jealous, this man LIVES off of it
- will one hundred percent expect you to be putty in his arms immediately, and treats it as a competition if you aren't
- he WILL take it personally and will make it a personal goal of his to get you to like him and want to fuck him without using his powers
- a game of cat and mouse
- does not care at all about being loud in the workplace, but he likes to see you struggle to keep quiet, even if everyone else can hear you anyway
- has suCH a praise kink wow
- his favorite thing is to hear you moan and tell him he’s doing a good job
- a little more vanilla than his counterparts but does like to take control and be a little rough
- a switch sometimes, falls into ruts where he just wants someone to take care of him
- but he WILL NOT ASK FOR IT. his pride won't let him
- at first, he’s not as mindful of you as you’d like him to be
- his sex is fast and unpleasant with hands everywhere and mouths and teeth and touch
- so you sit him down, and show him what you like. very slow and sensual
- you take your time with him, and he eventually starts to do the same with you
- remember din's rice purity score? yeah, oberyn's is maybe ten. which is pushing it
- when you meet him, he knows what he likes, and is very particular about it
- he's done his fair share of experimenting, but he's willing to try new things, if there's anything new to be tried
- takes control inside and outside the bedroom
- not afraid to show you your place
- he's the kinky one in the relationship, and he will let you explore his body all you want
- if he doesn't like it he will kindly redirect you, his hands on yours, stroking and tugging and redirecting pressure and placement so that you learn his body in and out
- loves to watch you with his girls and boys. what an exhibitionist this man is
- for most people, they have to choose between quantity or quality in their sex lives. oberyn martell is not most people
- he is a prince, and will not let you forget it, but likes it when you talk back and he has to punish you
- the roughest one on the list, but not the kinkiest
- sex to him when he's at his worst is just a way for him to feel good and relieve stress
- when he's at his best, it's a way for him to make you scream his name
- very possessive about what's his, and if he has to show it in front of everyone else for them to know that he will do it
- this man fucks like a rabbit. how does he find the time??? nobody knows
- his libido is so high. you have no idea how he isn't absolutely spent at the end of a long day of fighting and training and wandering, but he'll fuck you where you lay if you let him and you're too tired to move
- once you accidentally walked in on him stroking himself, and the AUDACITY OF HIM
- he smirked, groaned, and asked you to help him out
- who could resist a man like that
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incorrectbatfam · 3 years
I'm in a mood™ so i was wondering if you had any hcs of the batkids growing up together? (babydamibabydami)
I've done this before in this ask but I'm more than happy to add on!
(Also screw canon age gaps, I'm doing what feels right.)
Bruce, Talia, and Selina are all co-parents in a poly relationship
Duke likes to finger paint
Babs got a used accordion for fifteen bucks at a garage sale
Damian's first "real" food was Talia's rice pudding
Wayne Enterprises has an entire floor dedicated to looking after not just Bruce's, but all the employees' children. Carrie declared herself the "Queen of the Fourth Floor"
At one point Tim was getting bullied so Dick drove Cass, Jason, Harper, and Cullen to the bully's house in the middle of the night and the five of them stood outside their window with plague doctor masks chanting in Latin until the bully swore to lay off
Just like how Damian's first word was Jason's name, Damian's first steps were toward Jason after a bad day at school
Dick is lowkey jealous knowing he's not Damian's favorite sibling
Steph and Duke made a go-kart out of a red wagon, and that's how there's a Duke-shaped hole in the fence
Cass owns fifty water bottles but uses the same one every day
Bruce chaperoned Dick's junior prom
Selina gets each kid a cat on their birthday
Babs came to class late with coffee one time and the entire class now calls her the "Starbucks white girl"
There's an under-the-table vegetable swapping system at dinner, where the kids trade out the ones they don't like for the ones they do. The ones nobody wants are mashed up and given to Damian
Carrie is the champion nose-picker
Steph and Duke were born just a few hours apart at different hospitals, and are therefore known as the twins
Tim is not allowed to use chopsticks. Not even the little kiddie ones
Cullen once brought an entire head of lettuce to school as lunch
Bruce plays classical music around Damian, but Jason counteracts it with trashy punk rock
Bruce: "Studies say it helps babies grow intellectually"
Jason: "He's not supposed to grow, he's supposed to be our baby brother"
Duke likes cherry tomatoes over regular tomatoes because they're colorful
Harper got her motorcycle license before her driver's license (thanks to Kate)
Dick slices his string cheese. Wally bites into his. Babs is horrified by both
Nobody remembers the last time Bruce Wayne was seen not wearing a baby carrier
When Duke eats salads, he imagines he's a giant consuming an entire land (and the olives are people)
There's a five-year gap between Jason (age 12) and Tim (age 7). The reason is since Bruce adopted them in birth order when they were babies, he planned to stop at five kids, but then Jason got irrationally angry about being the youngest so Bruce got Tim and it all spiraled from there
Harper once melted an entire stick of butter and convinced Cullen to drink it
Dick once tried to sell Jason on eBay
Damian is very territorial. Nobody can touch his stuffed animals—even for washing—unless he gives them explicit permission
Tim once tried a cheese taste test with Damian, and that's how they learn Damian is lactose intolerant
Harper once bought thirty pounds of beef jerky online (she accidentally typed a 0 after the 3)
Talia helps Jason with Arabic homework
Damian produces the stinkiest farts
All WE employees get six months paid maternity/paternity leave
Tim and Kon got "married" on the playground with Jason as the officiant, Steph as the flower girl, and Duke as a ring bear (he dressed up as a bear and brought Ring Pops)
Steph and Duke are kept on child leashes when they go to the amusement park because they keep trying to get on rollercoasters they're too short for
Jason's also kept on a child leash, but that's because he tried to take the head off every costumed mascot at Disneyland
Even though the ingredients are the same, Dick inexplicably makes PB&Js better than everyone else
Kate can clear ten hot wings in sixty seconds
Bruce has appeared on the cover of more parenting and family magazines than celebrity and business ones combined
Instead of using her skills to hurt people, Talia uses them to protect her newfound family
Alfred secretly joined a senior citizens book club to brag about his grandchildren
Someone once said to Selina, "You know he's always gonna pay attention to kid kids first, right?" To which she replied, "I wouldn't have picked him if he didn't"
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digitalworldbound · 2 years
when we were young
day one of meiko and meicoomon week
characters: meiko and meicoomon
summary: when the kids at school aren’t nice and her parents are busy, meiko can’t help but to feel alone. 
song of the day: when we were young by adele
“I’m home!” Meiko called, kicking her shoes off at the entrance. Aside from the low hum of the refrigerator, the house was silent. 
At the tender age of eight, Meiko had learned that the sky would be dark before her parents got home. She had become proficient at using a microwave and could find her favorite television shows with relative ease. Despite being able to take care of herself, Meiko harbored a secret hope that one day she would return home to the smiling faces of her parents.
“Meiko!” Large, green eyes peered around the corner of a bedroom. 
The young girl dropped her book bag, opening her arms wide to welcome in the flurry of orange fur that darted towards her. Meicoomon’s ears tickled her chin, but Meiko breathed her in. 
Her partner smelled of fresh air, the scent of fresh flower blossoms in the spring. 
Tension eased from the young girl’s shoulders, a smile playing at the corners of her mouth. 
“I've missed you,” Meiko whispered, squeezing her partner closer. It was as if she were trying to commit Meicoomon’s smell to memory, to will her body to always feel this comfortable and relaxed. 
A low rumble from the girl’s stomach separated them, the Digimon laughing softly. “It’s time for a snack!” 
With any thoughts of homework forgotten, Meiko trailed into the kitchen. Carefully, she sat Meicoomon on the counter, her partner exercising her duty as the self-appointed taste-tester. 
Without her partner curled into her arms, Meiko could feel the same cold, empty feeling that welled inside her chest nearly every afternoon. 
She stood on the tips of her toes, arms stretching up to grab the loaf of bread from the cabinet. Methodically, Meiko went through the process, securing lunch meat and cheese from the refrigerator. It was all haphazardly tossed onto the kitchen table while her partner watched on with curious eyes, ears twitching atop her head. 
“What’s wrong? Your eyes look so sad today.” 
A sigh slipped through Meiko’s chapped lips, her bangs obscuring the forlorn look on her face. “Don’t worry. It’s nothing, I promise.” A knife smeared mustard onto one of the slices of bread. The clock in the hall ticked on, Meiko counting her breaths until she was ready to respond.
“It’s just,” she began, voice trailing off in uncertainty. Meicoomon hopped down from the counter, landing silently on the table just shy of Meiko’s sandwich. An orange tail flicked teasingly at Meiko’s cheeks, coaxing a tentative smile onto her face.
“You can tell me anything,” the Digimon reassured, resting on her hind legs. The young girl painstakingly organized the turkey slices onto her sandwich.
“At school today, my teacher wanted us to get into pairs for a project. And,” Meiko’s voice wavered, a slice of cheese trembling in her grasp. “Nobody wanted to be paired up with me.”
Tears dripped onto the tabletop, Meiko’s vision blurred. She tore her glasses off, rubbing her eyes furiously with the ends of her sleeves. 
“I want to be your partner!” Meicoomon cried, her ears pressed against her head. Sandwich long forgotten, Meiko let her tears trickle down her flushed cheeks, shirt now miserably damp. 
“It’s not the same.”
“What do you mean?”
Hurt saturated Meicoomon’s voice, a twinge of remorse ensnaring Meiko’s heart. “Mei-chan, you’re my partner; you have to like me. The kids at school are different. They like to push their desks together to eat lunch and tell each other secret jokes that I’ll never know. And it’s not fair that I have to eat all by myself. I know a lot of jokes; I could be a good friend.” 
The sandwich sat lonely on the plate in front of her, Meiko’s hunger suddenly disappearing.  Meicoomon’s tail flicked back and forth, words momentarily failing her. 
“Mei-chan, school is so lonely without you. And now, without Mama or Papa, home is lonely too.” Her eyes burned, lips swollen from crying. Inside, Meiko’s heart thrummed erratically, a sob crawling up her throat. The bread soaked up the remaining tears that fell, her sandwich becoming soggy.
Meicoomon cautiously pawed towards her partner, strands of dark hair veiling the young girl’s expression. “Meiko?” the Digimon tried, anxiety worsening at the sound of a sniffle. 
Silence stretched between them a while longer, Meiko’s tears eventually drying, her face dark with a flush. 
“I’m here.” Meicoomon offered, her voice small. “Meiko, I’m your friend. You can tell me your jokes.” 
A broken laugh fell from her lips, a smile spreading across her cheeks despite Meiko’s wishes.
“And one day,” Meicoomon continued, “You’ll be all grown up! You’ll have your own house all by yourself, and it will be just me and you together. Doesn’t that sound wonderful?” 
“Yeah, it does. I just wish that it could be better right now instead of having to wait, like, twenty years.” 
Meicoomon purred thoughtfully, her large, green eyes narrowing in focus. “Why can’t it be better now?” she wondered out loud.
Meiko’s fingers picked at the crust on her food, absentmindedly chewing on her bottom lip. No matter how long she sat, an answer never arose. Loneliness still ached in her chest.
“There’s nothing you can do, Mei-chan. Papa says you aren’t allowed to go school with me; he says that the other kids will 'come around'. He thinks that they’re probably too shy to ask me to be friends, and that I should be the one to make the first move. But I’ve tried that!” Meiko shoved the plate away, sandwich teetering off of the edge. “And I keep trying, but it never works. Even Mama and Papa don’t want to be with me. I try so hard and everyone keeps leaving.” 
Pushing away from the table, Meiko stomped into the living room. She sank, boneless, into the cushions of the couch, pulling a spare pillow into her arms. 
Her Digimon dutifully fled to her side, gracefully hopping beside Meiko’s trembling body. 
“I won’t leave you! Ever!” Meicoomon cried, nuzzling the underside of her partner’s arm. “You’re my best friend.”
The clock continued to tick away, Meiko counting the seconds until the tension eased from her shoulders.  “You won’t?” she asked, voice laced with uncertainty.
“I’ll be by your side, always.”
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greeneywa · 2 years
Heyyy lovely human this is a fanfiction on sasuke its an sasuke x oc fiction and i hope you'll enjoy it also english is not my first language so sorry for the fault (im french)
Have fun😁😁😁
Warnings: mention of suicide, cheating,betrayal,panic attack uchiha massacre boruto spoilers and hypotetical following of the current arc,boruto era
Wasted life chapter one
Sakura...Sakura Haruno..ready to do anything to get her precious uchiha boy to love her anything..even murder...or trying to murder...
It was a calm morning in konoha everyone was with their family and loved one..The nanadaime hokage Uzumaki Naruto was home with his loving wife and his beloved children spending a chill morning in their living room next to Neji's picture on the Tv stand was the picture of a 17 years old girl with dark skin, deep black hair style in a bun and rinnegan in both of her eyes smiling with one arm around naruto's shoulders while he had one around her waist in a friendly way his other arm was holding hinata's hand while she was smiling with them that girl..was the last living uchiha female..
Uchiha Ahmya
She was shisui's little sister born from a mistake shisui's father made by conceiving her with an uzumaki named himari,she was a janitor at the police station.Having your husband cheating on you is one thing but having the kid born from that mistake under your roof is another thing..so shisui's mother killed herself two month after ahmya's birth himari did not handle the situation and end up deserting konoha lefting her daugther behind...
So ahmya grow up with shisui's mom death on her mind and grow up with sasuke,they were really close and were always seen together since her father never get over his wife death he couldnt take care of ahmya and since shisui was really busy at that time being an anbu she would spend days at sasuke's place she even got her own toothbrush in their bathroom,her own seat at the kitchen table, have some of her chooses in their genkan.Mikoto and fugaku were aware of how she get into the world but they never blamed her for her father's mistake neither did shisui who was a loving big brother.
When shisui die ahmya move in sasuke's home and became a part of the family she even called fugaku and mikoto "mom and dad" at least even tho it was hard to get over her big bro's death she was happy to live with sasuke cause nobody was bullying her anymore cause nobody want to mess with the uchiha leader's daugther
People use to bully and avoid her because of she was born with rinnegan eyes the mix of uzumaki and uchiha made her have both of ashura's and indra's chakra so she obtain the rikudo's eyes:rinnegan but people were still scared even Danzo was aware of the birth of a child with rinnegan and it made him more eager to end the uchiha.
After itachi killed the whole clan sasuke and her were stuck together always together they even move in together...when sasuke leave the village to join orochimaru he kissed her on the side of her head..a promise that he will come back..
Years and years later during the 4th ninja war they were figthing together..ahmya was seriously injured and disapear from sasuke 's eyes for a while after kaguya got sealed sakura suddenly came out of nowhere and claim that ahmya was dead sasuke was shattered...completly shattered sakura was chill about it naruto and the others were also hurt especially kurenai who was her third mother,tsunade who made her the youngest doctor the awoke byakugou
Naruto, her brother from the heart, hinata and ino her besties for life,shikamaru her eternal shoji partner, temari her partner in crime, shino her dear friend she make him confident about himself and gain selflove,choji her best buddy to go eat with, kiba her playing mate, Neji her best partner to go on mission with,rock lee and Gai sensei who teach her how to be Youthful like a lotus flower, Tenten who teach many tricks about ninja weapons , Asuma sensei who gave her the habit of smoking and teach how to use her wind chakra nature,kakashi sensei who read with her and go buy the new edition of icha icha paradise ...All of them were missing her but no one saw her body and sakura been quiet about it and never want to answer..
Everyone know what happend after that..everyone try to get over it and get married but everyone knows that sakura have always hate ahmya and they dont believe her but they say nothing thinking that they will found out the truth one day Sai and the other men were still investigating about ahmya's "death"
Sakura is happy she marry the man of her dream and had a 13years-old chunin teen daugther but little she knows that karma is a bitch...
This chapter was an introduction the actual story will start in chapter 2 and ill go into details about her relationship with each of them in it thank you for reeading it .❤❤❤
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btxtreads · 3 years
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↳ Pairing: Kang Taehyun x Reader
↳ word count: 1.7k words
↳ rating: G
↳ genre: FLUFF
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The air was tense—the tension so thick you could almost cut through it with a butcher’s knife. Both teens in the car shook with nervousness as they waited, the blonde in the driver’s seat even more so. Taehyun’s eyes flickered from the road to the rear mirror then back. Y/N fidgeted in her seat.
“Hey, turn the radio up.” Taehyun suddenly spoke.
Y/N opened her mouth to retort, but immediately shut her mouth. This was papparazzi. She didn’t know papparazzi. Maybe there’s a reason why. The girl sighed, leaning forward and turning the dial, the sound of celebrity news blaring out from the speakers.
“Now,  a quick K-Pop scoop! Four out of five TXT members has been seen frolicking around with a mysterious girl at the beach today!” The cheery voice of the anchor reported. “We have yet to figure out where our favorite star Taehyun is, and who exactly the girl is—but sources say  they saw Taehyun’s car pull out of the beach along with Beomgyu’s. Better keep an eye out, ladies—our flower boys finally got a flower girl. Stay tuned for more updates.”
The corners of Taehyun’s lips tilted upwards as he leaned forward once more, pressing a button to turn the radio off. There was a moment of silence until his eyes flickered onto the girl.
“Well,” he started. “It worked. Gyuu’s plan.”
“So it did.”
Taehyun smiled again, easing down on the gas—turning his head over to the girl.
“Where do you want to go?”
“Beomgyu’s house.”
“I’m sure that’s not true.” Taehyun hummed.
“It is.”
Taehyun shook his head, pulling over to a curb. Once they were safe, he turned to the girl.
“Look, this is my first free day away from fame, papparazzi, TXT—and look, I love the boys, but sometimes we’re tired of being who we are.” Taehyun explained.
“I thought you liked being you, superstar.”
“I do.” Taehyun sighed. “Look, fame. It’s tricky. I love Solomons, and I love my fans—but fame can ruin a person. I just want to be a kid.”
“Well,” Y/N finally sighed, turning to face him with a confused face. “You’re not just a kid—you’re a superstar. One of the most famous in the country.”
“I want to be Taehyun.” Taehyun sighed. “Even just for today.”
“Then be Taehyun.” Y/N shrugged, tugging on the dashboard absentmindedly. “Be Taehyun today.”
Taehyun was silent, eyes following the cars flying past them in the highways. Y/N turned to him, raising an eyebrow at his silence.
“Have you been around Seoul during this trip?”
“Nope,” Y/N shooke her head. “Been busy following you around. Either I stalk you with Youra or hide you from the press.”
Taehyun furrowed his eyebrows, the name Youra foreign. He shook his head, turning back to the girl with a mischievous grin.
“So, you haven’t really been on a vacation, huh?”
“Nope, except maybe that time when I met Beomgyu in the cafe.” Y/N replied. “Then I met you and you slammed a door on me.”
Taehyun chuckled, stopping her hands from playing with the dashboard. There was mirth in his eyes as he grinned at her.
“How about I take you on a trip around Seoul today? Just you and me?”
“We told Gyuu we’re meeting them at his house.” Y/N furrowed her eyebrows.
Taehyun just smiles, pulling the dashboard open and taking two pairs of sunglasses out. He shoved the first pair on his face and handed the other one to the girl—a giddy smile on his face.
“We will—we’re just taking the long way.”
Y/N bit her lip, suppressing her smile as she took the sunglasses. Once she wore them on her face, she rolled the windows down and turned over to the boy with a defeated roll of the eyes.
“Make sure the tour’s worth my time, superstar.”
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Taehyun giggled as the frolicked around—reaching the first stop of the tour.
“So this is Lotte World?”
“Well, we’re not going to the park.” Taehyun snorted. “We don’t have the time, we’re just here to buy something.”
Taehyun pulled Y/N over to one of the shops, a kind smile on his face as he greeted the merchants. Y/N blinked in confusion as Taehyun pulled out his wallet from his pocket—having changed to his extra clothes from Beomgyu’s car. The boy pulled out a sleek black card, swiping it fast onto the machine before signing a receipt.
“What are we doing?” Y/N asked, peeking over his shoulder. “What’s that?”
“Memories.” Taehyun smiled as he received a bag and immediately passed it over to her. “Take them for me.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow as Taehyun pulled her out of the shop. She reached into the bag and pulled out a camera.
“I’ll have the box delivered to my house and everything, but I had them fix it up because we’re using it right now.” Taehyun explained as he gingerly took the camera and pointed it at the girl. “Smile.”
The girl awkwardly smiled, making the boy laugh.
“You’re cute.”
Immediately, she blushed as the boy glanced at the photo he took and positioned for one more.
“Okay, now a photo of the both of us.”
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Y/N never thought that Taehyun would walk around with her on a busy, crowded street—but here she was, one hand in his, the other clutching a large cup of coffee he got for her. The camera—for memories, he said—sat snugly in a bag slung over her body.
As they walked through the busy streets of Myeondong, Taehyun kept pointing out shops and corners of the streets he used to frequent as a trainee.
“Oh, Beomgyu and I used to eat here all the time.” Taehyun gasped, pushing up the sunglasses falling off the tip of his nose.
His grip tight on her wrist, Taehyun practically bounced in excitement as he walked over to a small tteokbokki stand hidden in a corner.
Y/N watched as Taehyun walked up to the old lady packing the rice cakes. His wide eyes shone with hope as the woman turned to him with kind, confused eyes.
“Grandma? Do you remember me?” Taehyun tilted his head slightly. “It’s Tyun.”
“Of course, honey! Why would I forget my favorite costumer!” Answered the woman. “Oh, come here! Come here. Let me see you. Always so handsome.”
Taehyun laughed as the woman pinched his cheeks and observed him.
“You’re too thin.”
“I’m on a diet, grandma.”
The woman only clicked her tongue and began to pack some tteokbokki.
“Anyway, who is this? Girlfriend?”
Y/N’s eyes widened as Taehyun shook his head.
“No! No! Just uh—“
“Acquaintance.” Y/N supplied, making Taehyun nod his head—grabbing a barbecue stick from a nearby tray and taking a huge bite.
“Right,” the woman smiled cheekily as he watched the two teens blush and avoid gazes. “Of course.”
As the woman turned back, Y/N gaze flickered up. A small smile appeared on her face as she raised the camera.
The boy blinked in surprise as the girl giggled, setting down the camera. She gestured to her lip and cheek.
“You have a little something.”
The boy only furrowed his brows, looking down at himself in confusion.
“What do you mean?”
Y/N snorted, walking forward.
“Let me get it for you, superstar.”
She reached her hand out, taking a napkin from the table and wiping off some stray sauce on his cheek. Taehyun was silent, eyes following hers as she concentrated on removing the stain from his face. She then moved to wipe off the sauce from his lip, stopping when he reached up and grasped her wrist.
Y/N looked up, shocked when she locked gazes with him. Her breath caught short, a small stutter in her heart as Taehyun’s eyes fell down to her lips. She felt him pull her closer ever so gently, his breath falling on her lips until—
The two teens jumped back, burning bright red as the woman placed a small bag on the table with a knowing smile.
“Acquaintances, huh?”
Taehyun diverted his gaze, a small smile on his lips as Y/N took the bag.
“I’ll meet you in the car.”
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“No way.”
“Come on, it doesn’t mean anything!”
“Couples do it! We’re not a couple!” Y/N crossed her arms, heat taking over her face as she tried to avoid Taehyun’s gaze.
Still, the blonde boy moved, pushing himself to her line of sight.
“Please?” He pleaded.
Y/N groaned, looking back at the boy who dangled a large blue lock on her face.
“Come on, it’ll be cute!” Taehyun smiled as the girl relented.
“You have a weird concept of fun, superstar.” Y/N rolled her eyes, making the boy grin.
“Yeah, well,” Taehyun shrugged. “I love the mundane tasks.”
He stuck his tongue out, scribbling on the lock as Y/N took a photo of him. Taehyun smiled, throwing a quick thumbs up as he presented his handiwork. The giant blue lock was now open, small letters on the lock.
Y/N and Taehyun’s Seoul Tour.
Thank you for letting me be me today.  -Tae.
“Come on, help me seal this in.”
Y/N grinned, taking one last photo of the boy before walking over and helping his close the lock. Taehyun turned over with a smile, presenting a small silver key and handing it over to the girl.
“Here you go.”
“Hm?” Y/N tilted her head, taking the key.
“What’s this?”
“The key to the lock.” Taehyun shrugged. “Thank you, really, for today. We went to so many places, I—I loved it. I haven’t had this much fun in a long time.”
“Glad you liked it, superstar.”
Taehyun laughed, taking a seat on the bench. He glanced around for anyone present. Seeing nobody, he pulled off the sunglasses and smiled.
“No, I’m serious though.” Taehyun smiled. “You showed me that I don’t always have to pretend. That there’s more to me than being the popstar everyone’s so crazy about.”
“Then I guess I should thank you too.” Y/N said, grinning as she sat next to him.
“What for?”
“Well, you showed me that the world isn’t so black and white—maybe there’s more to it.” Y/N said, looking up at the sky. “I mean people look at you like gods, follow your every move waiting for one small mistake to make you fall—maybe I don’t understand. Thank you for telling me that I don’t.”
Taehyun’s lips cracked a small smile as he tugged on her wrist. Y/N lowered her head, facing him with an inquisitive smile. She took a sharp breath as Taehyun leaned in, crashing his lips on hers. She froze in her spot as he reached up, gently running his hand through her hair and cupping her cheek.
Her eyes closed, leaning in to deepen the kiss. Before she could respond, Taehyun pulled away with a small smile—his forehead against hers.
“Come on,” Taehyun softly mumbled, tucking her hair behind her ear. “We promised the boys we’d meet them.”
Y/N smiled in response.
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goggles-mcgee · 4 years
Hello. I love the prompt " the commission " can we have the full story please ? How will the avengers react of the news about Hawkmoth?
The full story will come later I promise! I unleashed so many things onto myself but I have no regrets XD Though I shall share some headcanons with you guys about the AU in the mean time!
* Pepper has been a fan of MDC since she saw the designs for Penny and Jagged’s wedding attire. Her and Penny are friends and when she asked who made Penny’s dress and Jagged’s suit, Penny was all too happy to tell her and brag about Marinette and show her everything else Mari had designed for her and Jagged and others. 
* When Tony officially proposed, Pepper already knew who she wanted to make her dress. She could tell Tony was hesitant to ask MDC since she wasn’t that well known yet, but they both knew he couldn’t say no to her, so it was no surprise when she caught him looking at her website and commission prices. Later she pretended not to notice him calling Penny and asking for MDC’s email. Pepper liked to let him believe he could keep anything from her, it was the thought that counted. 
* Peter, Harley, MJ, and Ned are all excited for the wedding. Peter gets to be the flower boy which he is super happy about and Harley is the ring bearer. 
* MJ is also a fan of MDC
* The whole “Minion” squad are Jagged Stone fans. Peter’s favorite album may or may not be Rock Giant.  👀
*The Minion Squad are all off school for summer already, Marinette just started summer since it’s the beginning days of July. While the Minion Squad plans to help plan the wedding, invent, prank the Avengers, and just have some good summer fun, Marinette plans to work on her MDC commissions since she knew she would be getting a lot. Penny had given her a heads up. Besides, there wasn’t much friends she could hang out with since Luka had told her that him, his sister, and his mom planned to sail around for the summer. Anarka wantedd to get the kids out of Paris for a while. Chloe and Sabrina would be going on vacation with Chloe’s mom to Milan for two weeks and then to New York for a month so Chloe could see her mother’s business and get a feel of it and see if it is something she would want to take over. Kagami and her mother would also be leaving Paris to visit family in Japan. The only ones she would be able to hang out with would be Alix, Nathaniel, and Marc. 
* Then she gets the email from Tony. Freaking. Stark! She nearly faints! Okay. She faints. He actually wants Marinette to design and make his and Pepper Potts wedding attire!!! His email said that he would house her and her team for however long she needed for the consulting period and the beginning work of the outfits. Okay actually it said till the outfits were done but she would discuss that with him and Pepper when she got there because wedding dresses typically took 6-9 months to make. She figured she had time as he did specify they were planning a December wedding of next year, something about it being a Christmas present. 
* After she talks it over with her parents, she responds to Tony that she would love to design and make his and Pepper’s wedding attire but before the discuss anything further she would like for them to video chat. Tony agrees later that day, which is more than enough time for Marinette to set up at Jagged and Penny’s house, they officially bought a house in Paris yes, along with her mother and father so they could talk everything over with Mr. Stark. When the camera connects, Tony swears he must be rebooting because he did not think that MDC was a 16 year old girl, but he adapts quickly and understands now why she wanted to discuss the arrangement more.
* Tom and Sabine are even more delighted and on board on sending Marinette to New York when Tony offers to let her stay in Stark Tower/Avengers Tower with the heroes and his Minions. Marinette of course asks if she can bring some friends, they’re not officially her team but she would feel better having them there with her. Of course Tony agrees because he could practically hear Pepper scold him if he said no and they continue to set everything up while Marinette calls up Alix, Marc and Nathaniel and ask if they want to go with her to New York to go to the Avengers Tower. It takes too long in her opinion to convince them that no. she’s not joking, and yes she is serious. 
* Once they get their parents permission they plan to leave on Saturday which would be in two days. It’s a little hectic, especially because Marinette didn’t know if she should take the Miracle Box or not but in the end she decides to leave it with her mom and dad, aka the new Turtle and Fox heroes of Paris. They had found out she was Ladybug a little after she had become the Guardian because she had broken down. Everything had become too much for her and Tikki couldn’t stand to see her chosen like that so she told Tom and Sabine that their daughter was Ladybug. 
* Marinette was going to take the Horse, Mouse, and of course, Ladybug Miraculous, to New York though. Her mom promised that she would text her or call her as soon as she could if they spotted or heard an akuma, and that they would fight it off until she got there. 
* When Marinette and her friends get to New York and meet Tony, he can tell they’ve fought in a fight children shouldn’t have to, but he doesn’t know how to ask about it so he pushes it back till he can think of a way to approach the subject. He immediately takes a liking to Marinette, he can tell she’s smart for her age, and he just likes her energy. 
* Then Tony introduces them to his Minions and Peter, Ned, and Harley all have a collective freakout because they are meeting THE MDC. MJ is, of course, happy too but she can at least keep her cool when meeting the designer who made Jagged Stone’s iconic Eiffel Tower sunglasses, the one who designed his Rock Giant album art, and the one who made his Roaring Dragon Jacket! Peter asks Marinette if she can sign his copy of the album and Tony thinks it’s all down hill from there. He can see the kid’s blush from across the room. 
* The consultation happens and Pepper is just as surprised as Tony was when she learns MDC is only 16 but she hides it fairly well. Both are pleasantly surprised by Marinette’s professionalism and are pleased with the overall talk about what they want out of the design. Tony even manages to squeeze in another suit for Peter because he knows the kid and he is not letting him wear a rented tux to his wedding. 
* Tony and Pepper have dinner with the kids and the Minions and it’s decided that they can stay for the summer, and no Pepper don’t look at Tony like that it’s not because he’s trying to help Peter get a date for the wedding.
* Then Marinette meets the Avengers. Thor loves her, but like who doesn’t Thor love? And who doesn’t love Thor? She is super interested in learning about Asgard, especially its fashion and she even talks Thor into giving her some fabric samples to work with. He just loves her enthusiasm and he appreciates her letting him talk about his home and his people. Marc and Nathaniel get a great picture of the two of them sitting on Thor’s flexed arms. Marc also loves to hear about Thor’s home and people and Nathaniel loves to draw him and those he talks about. 
Natasha accidentally sneaks up on Marinette, she never means to do it, it is just how she is, so when this little girl turns around in a flash with a pencil held in her fist as a weapon her eyes narrowed looking for the danger, she is suprised and has to stop her own reflexes from sweeping the girls legs from under her. She respects Marinette’s reflexes and the two spar and Marinette tells her she used to do ballet when Natasha asks her why her turns and spins almost seem like she’s doing a dance and Natasha’s eyes light up. The two bond over ballet 
Bucky, Clint, and Steve meet her one morning when they go to the kitchen and find so many goodies to eat and see this tiny little girl singing to herself as she pulls muffins out of the oven. She turns to them and smiles and says good morning before introducing herself so they do as well. When Steve introduces himself her eyes narrow and she hisses out, “YOU.” He’s so confused until she starts tearing into him about him hero suit. Bucky and Clint of course love this moment and will cherish it forever. 
She meets Bruce and he’s heard of this little terror from Steve and he’s thinking she’s going to tear into Hulk about wearing only shorts but then she’s shaking his hand and saying it’s an honor to meet you Dr. Banner, apparently she’s read some of his papers. And Bruce can’t help but smile for the rest of the day. 
When Wanda meets her she just hugs the little girl for a while because she hadn’t meant to see how her ex friends had treated her back in Paris but she did and this child needed a hug. Marinette had just been asking what material her jacket was made out of so they had touched briefly, then she was being hugged, but she didn’t mind, she figured maybe Wanda was having an off day and needed a hug.
Vision had just looked at Marinette and said, “Miraculous.” nobody knew what he meant but Marinette did and she just put a finger to her lips with her eyes wide with panic. Thankfully he got what she was trying to say and gave her a nod and small smile. 
Tony said there was more people for her to meet but she would have the whole summer to do that so she was content. 
* Then the first akuma alert went off when they were there in New York. Marinette thought everyone was sleeping when she created the portal and leapt through...she didn’t know how wrong she was. 
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mrsgiovanna · 3 years
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A lesson in Recollection (Don Giorno x Wife! Reader)
An awesome request from a nonnie mouse, I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thanks so much for requesting my sweet 💕💜😘💭🐞
TW: brief descriptions of injuries, anxiety and hospitals
Word count: 1.7k
The beeps and hisses of the medical equipment were the only sounds that could be heard in your hospital room. Next to your bed sat your husband, jaw squared off, mouth clenched shut trying to contain his rage. His usually immaculate appearance was disheveled as he clutched your delicate hand against his lips.
He blamed himself for the position you were in by default, a husband was supposed to love and protect, the convention is built into the vows themselves. In reality though, the attack had happened so fast and so suddenly that nobody would have been able to preempt it. None of that mattered now… even though the offenders were severely dealt with, your condition was still the same. It had been a week, and you were still asleep. Your superficial injuries were taken care of by Giorno, but still you wouldn’t wake up. Numerous scans and brain activity tests revealed some swelling in your brain which was slowly subsiding, he simply had to be patient and wait for you to open your eyes again… and fortunately for him, it happened… unfortunately, you stared at him blankly, unable to put a name to his handsome, crestfallen face.
“Tesoro, it’s me… Giorno… your husband,”
“Tesoro? What’s that? I’m… married? I… I don’t feel so good,” you whispered, unable to find your voice after being unconscious for so long.
“Okay, okay amore, I’m getting your doctor, please hang on for me,”
You looked around at the unfamiliar surroundings, at the towering blond man scrambling around with all the white coats, you tried to push yourself up to join the conversation happening just above your head, but your physical strength was virtually nonexistent.
You were given a few days to physically recuperate, being subjected to test upon test to make sure that there was no other underlying cause for your loss of memory. The man who called himself your husband came to see you every day, bringing your favorite flowers, drinks, foods and scents with him in an attempt to help your memory recover. Even though you couldn’t remember him, you felt a sense of peace when you were around him, as if his soul was trying to connect on a subconscious level with your own. He was the only one who was able to talk you down from your bouts of anxiety, or the nightmares that sometimes plagued you. You figured he must have loved you immensely with all the effort he put into trying to get you to remember him.
“Your wife has retrograde amnesia, Mr. Giovanna. Fortunately, the swelling has subsided and her intracranial pressure has managed to consistently remain within normal levels, which is why I’m clearing her to go home. If there is any change in her condition or level of consciousness though, bring her back immediately. The road is a long one, Mr. Giovanna, there are no guarantees that her memories will return, but I have confidence that with the right care, she will be able to recover steadily.” Your doctor spoke honestly, not wanting to create unrealistic expectations, what he didn’t know was that Giorno was the type of person who always achieved whatever he had put his mind to- and right now, he was only concerned with making sure you would come out of this as unscathed as possible. Knowing that you would need all of his attention in the near future, he enlisted the help of his underboss and consigliere to help him run the organization remotely without having anyone privy to what he was actually doing. Both Mista and Fugo willingly obliged, wanting nothing than for you to make a full recovery.
“Thank you doctor, I’ll keep a close eye on her,” Giorno was relieved you were well enough to return home, the villa was painfully quiet and empty without you and he was certain that being in your sanctuary would help you remember your life with him. Looking at you sitting with your legs swinging off the side of your hospital bed and a faraway look in your eyes, you appeared so fragile and innocent.
“Good morning beautiful, how are you feeling today?” you turned to face him with a soft smile.
“Good morning Giorno, I’m okay thanks, and you?” the tender way in which you addressed him, being concerned for his well-being warmed his heart, whether you remembered him or not, you were still you… he was still yours as much as you were his.
“I’m much better now that I’m taking you home, shall we leave my love?”
“I’m ready, let’s go,”
Your doting husband helped you off the bed and took your things, you didn’t want to be wheeled out on the wheelchair, so you both walked out to the luxury car waiting for you. You didn’t expect there to be a driver, or a guard escorting you both… what does he do as job to be able to afford all this you mused. Come to think of it, you didn’t really know what your job was either… you decided to leave those questions for later. The entire drive home, you looked out of the window, the route home was unfamiliar, the imposing villa you were driven up to didn’t even feel real.
“Welcome home my love. Come, let’s get you settled in,”
“We live here? What exactly do we do?” your voice was imbued with curiosity.
“Well, I run a large, multidivisional organization, you are in charge of handing our philanthropic ventures, I’ll explain more later on… are you okay to walk up the stairs? In fact, never mind,” he said as he lifted you off the ground and carried you up the stairs despite your reassurances that you were fine. You looked at the beautifully decorated home, pictures of you both tastefully dotted throughout the hall way. Looking at his gorgeous angled face, you wondered how you both met and fell in love.
“This is our room bella, would you like to take a nap?”
“Gio, I’m fine… sorry, it just slipped out, do you mind if I call you Gio? It just sounds… right,”
“Of course bella, I’d prefer that. Ah! You must be hungry, all those days just eating hospital food… what would you like eat? Our chef will make anything you want, everyone has missed you here, so they’re all pretty excited you’re back home,”
“Really? I’d like to meet everyone later… if they’re not busy,”
“Okay my love,” said Giorno as he went into his closet to fetch something more casual to wear, choosing a simple V-neck t-shirt and jeans, shaking out his hair from its usual style, and leaving it unbound about his shoulders. He walked out to find you sitting at your vanity, looking at the products and the baubles, lifting up your favorite hairbrush and examining its engravings. He walked towards you, and took his place behind you, lifting your hair off your shoulders and bringing it to the back, he took the ornate brush from your grasp and began to gently brush your hair. Your injuries were well healed by now, but Giorno was still extremely careful.
“How does this feel? I’m not hurting you am I?
“No, it feels really nice actually… Gio… would you tell me how we met? Like, what’s our story? I see all the pictures around and we look so happy,”
“We were happy, bella, we still are, we’ll get back what was lost and create even better memories on the way… we met 10 years ago, we were just stupid ambitious kids back then, both 15 years old with heads full of dreams. I won’t go into detail, but we had very… unique occupations and abilities. We’ve been through a lot together, and rebuilt this organization from the ground up. We’ve been together as a couple for seven years and married for the past two,”
“Sounds like quite a journey for a pair as young as us… and now there’s this… I’m sorry, I’m sure you didn’t imagine something like this would happen,” the apologetic quality of your voice saddened Giorno, the last thing he wanted was for you to feel like this was your fault.
“We have fought against worse my love, and just like that we’ll handle this together… come, no sad faces now,” said Giorno as he braided some flowers into your hair.
“Wow, you’re good at this… where did you get the flowers from, you didn’t move an inch?” you asked, admiring his handiwork.
With a smile he replied that he’ll show you a bit later on, which you accepted. The rest of day was spent by talking about some of the interesting things that had happened to you both in the past. Being wary of overwhelming you, Giorno didn’t go into great detail about the more tragic experiences. When it came time for you to sleep, he suggested he sleep in one of the guest rooms if you felt uncomfortable, but you asked him to stay with you, feeling guilty that you were the reason he felt like he had to behave like a guest in his own home.
As you got more comfortable, and built up your strength with your recovery, Giorno slowly started reintegrating you back into your old routine, as difficult as it was, you had made great strides in re-learning key bits of information. Your mental fortitude had constantly reminded your husband exactly why he had fallen in love with you, the least he could do with your trying so hard, was to match your effort, working tirelessly with you on the exercises that your therapist suggested, recreating pivotal events so you could experience some semblance of what you would have when it initially occurred, and most importantly, being the support you needed when things became overwhelming.
Slowly you were reintroduced to Mista, Fugo and Trish, reestablishing the friendships almost immediately. You were grateful for the wonderful people who surrounded you, from the staff at the villa to Giorno’s closest associates who constantly sought to aid in your recovery. Most of all though, you were grateful for Giorno, you were aware of how much he had done and continues to do to aid you. While you were cognizant of everything you had been through together, having regained most of your memory through your combined efforts, what had remained altered though, was how you felt about Giorno, this whole experience solidifying your bond even more than you thought possible, it had just reaffirmed that you both would be able to overcome even the most dire of situations if you handled it together.
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everythingsinred · 3 years
Let's Talk About NatsuMikan: Natsume (pt. 13)
Oh no... 13 is an unlucky number! Oh, well.
Up to this point we've seen Natsume fall in love with Mikan. This next arc is all about discovering Natsume, however, and we've pretty much already talked about that so maybe my analysis for his perspective will leave some things to be desired, which is fine, because Mikan's will come in due time! That being said, there's plenty of stuff in this arc, especially at the start of it, to analyze for Natsume as well.
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Chapter Fifty-Three
Takahashi-san has dressed all the Elementary children in their New Year’s kimonos and they are now ready to celebrate the holiday together. They eat a New Year’s feast in the dorms lounge, a rare day where the children don’t have to eat according to their star rank.
It just so happens that New Year’s Day is also Mikan’s birthday. Everyone pretends like they don’t know, because Hotaru told them to leave it a surprise. Mikan is trying to let everyone know about the special day, but the New Year’s cards come in and everyone gets immediately and understandably distracted.
Of particular interest to everyone is Ruka’s card from his mother, who references Natsume and Aoi in her letter. Now everyone is in Ruka’s business and teasing him, so Natsume steps in to help, taking the card from Mikan, returning it to Ruka, and making a very good point that she shouldn’t go looking at other people’s cards without their permission. Mikan is uncomfortable, so she decides to change the subject by asking Natsume how many cards he got this year.
With that, Natsume goes cold and leaves the room, slamming the door behind him.
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He didn't want to sit around watching them all gush about their dumb cards anyway!
The truth is Natsume has never gotten any letters or cards, no matter what time of year or holiday it is, and he never will. We can think back to when he told Mikan that the academy would never send her letters to her grandpa. He’d said that the school would never, under any circumstances, allow them to contact the outside. Turns out, the only person who can 100% count on that is Natsume. Sure, he and Mikan are similarly targeted in strange and unfair ways, but he will always be just a little more targeted, because he’s strictly not allowed to have fun or be happy. It would make him happy to hear from his father, to know that he’s safe. The school can’t have anything like that, so they have Natsume sit in the same room as all the other kids, watching them excitedly gush about how many cards they get, while he knows very well he will receive zero each year without fail.
Natsume wants some time to himself, understandably upset about his situation. He’s thinking about Aoi and probably beating himself up because he tends to do that when it comes to his sister and his past. He genuinely has no idea where Aoi is, or if she’s safe, and the school likes to keep it that way, so they can hold it over his head. Aoi is always one of the people they threaten, somebody he works tirelessly to protect despite the fact that he hasn’t seen her in years, doesn’t know where she is, and probably won’t ever see her again.
Natsume looks out the window, sitting on his own, and sees Mikan crying to Narumi because of her guilt and because nobody remembered her birthday. We can see pretty immediately that he isn’t actually upset with Mikan, just with his own situation. He watches her, always lovelorn. Then we see him put his hand on a little bag with a holly decoration. Because of the holly, there’s an instant relation to Christmas. We can’t know what’s in the bag yet, but eventually we will discover that it’s an alice stone.
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He's just been carrying this around since Christmas at the latest. How embarrassing.
Natsume made this stone at some point. I would assume it was after his birthday party, before Christmas. Because of the bag, my guess is that he had wrapped it to be a Christmas present but had never given it. That’s understandable. He’s not supposed to woo her, after all, and giving a girl an alice stone would be pretty romantic, even if she has no idea what it means. We will see this stone time and time again, because he likes carrying it around in his pocket. Perhaps he likes imagining that he could give it to her, but never actually goes through with it. Just like today, on her birthday, he will not give the stone, but he’s still carrying it because he’d like to.
The alice stone is proof of at least one thing: Natsume is very much in love with Mikan and he knows it.
Chapter Fifty-Four
Mikan is happily celebrating her birthday. Natsume has returned to the lounge, but he hasn’t said anything, so she’s still feeling awkward about what happened.
The class decides to make mochi once Tsubasa and Misaki arrive. Tsubasa tries to greet Natsume but Natsume responds coldly, with a thumbs down. Now properly irritated, Tsubasa has decided to pull a prank.
Natsume does not make mochi. He sits on his own, napping with manga over his face like always. Once the class is finished, Permy quickly offers her mochi to him, but his attention is immediately on Mikan, who is giving her mochi for him to eat. She tries to apologize, but can’t get the words out, so she leaves the bowl on the table. Natsume can tell that she’s still feeling guilty, even though he isn’t really mad at her. She was thinking of him, so it’s no surprise that he ends up eating the soup, even if it is disgusting.
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It doesn't matter if it's disgusting. He's gonna eat it anyway. Because she made it. Zoe and I joke that Natsume would eat all her food (out of his unending love, of course) and eventually get used to the bizarre combinations she puts together. He might even start liking them, who can say.
Hotaru has been invited to the Hana Hime den to be a flower princess, a girl hand-picked by the middle school principal and who carries a heavy amount of prestige and status. Misaki mentions some rumors about the MSP, namely that she locks up her favorite girls in a dungeon, and that immediately gets Natsume’s attention. He’s struck, and to a first-time reader, this might seem odd. He’s strangely intrigued by a girly flower party where guys aren’t even allowed. But he’s not interested for himself. Natsume can guess based on this new information that if Aoi is anywhere on the Alice Academy campus, it’s in the Hana Hime den dungeon.
There’s always an extra invitation ball that is given to a random girl each year, so she can also attend the prestigious party, but the chances that it would land in the hands of an Elementary student are very low.
The Class B girls look for one anyway, but their search doesn’t get too far because suddenly the kids are flying across the room, sticking to each other, like Hotaru and Youichi to Ruka, Anna to Nonoko, Koko to Kitsu, and even Natsume to Mikan.
Turns out Tsubasa’s payback scheme for Natsume giving him the cold shoulder was to put sticky mochi flour into their mochi as a prank, which will keep all the children stuck to the people who ate the same mochi for a full hour.
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He was counting on her never finding out he ate it, but alas.
Mikan then realizes that since she’s stuck to Natsume, that he must have eaten her mochi. He can’t argue that he didn’t, but he turns quickly to insults to distract from how sweet of a moment that could potentially be. He says he choked it down, which might very well be true, but it leaves the question of why he’d put himself through the trouble of choking it down if it didn’t mean anything to him. Hmm. Check mate, Natsume.
Then, Mikan finds out that she’s the recipient of the prize jewel, and has thus been invited to the Hana Hime party. There’s something quite fishy about Mikan being the recipient. It’s too much of a coincidence, and it isn’t one. This is all an elaborate trick to trap Natsume in the dungeon forever, and it’s not by the MSP.
Most of the groups have become unstuck, except for Hotaru, Youichi, and Ruka. Tsubasa reads the packet and discovers that some people may be stuck for two or three days as a possible side effect. Mikan and Natsume can become unstuck, but Natsume grabs her hand and keeps her still.
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He's not going to miss this opportunity, even if it puts him on the spot and is kind of embarrassing. To be honest, this could possibly unravel all the work he's been doing to downplay how much he likes Mikan. What if she starts thinking he has feelings for her? It's all so risky, but he's willing to do anything for Aoi.
He’s going to do everything he can to go to that party and possibly find his sister. Getting stuck to Mikan and then her being invited to the Hana Hime den is all just too good of a chance to miss. If she can somehow still go while attached to him, it gives him an in to check out the palace and try to find the dungeon.
Chapter Fifty-Five
Natsume is adamant about keeping up the charade that he and Mikan are still stuck. It’s important to him and he’s desperate. He would do anything to save his sister, so if it means threatening Mikan a little, he’s willing to do it. It doesn’t matter that Mikan has no idea what’s going on, what matters is even the chance of going.
Narumi returns to say there’s not a good probability that Hotaru and Mikan would still be allowed to attend the party, because boys aren’t allowed and they are firmly attached to three of them. Mikan has more and more reason to not want to be stuck when she realizes that going to the bathroom and sleeping will be tricky business. Natsume is obviously not a huge fan of it either. He’s usually cold and snippy, even when bickering with Mikan, but this time he’s yelling just like she is. He’s uncomfortable too, but it’s something he’s willing to sacrifice for Aoi.
Mikan only gets more and more upset, screaming about how much she hates Natsume. He doesn’t seem to take it very seriously until Koko, who is reading her mind, asks Mikan if she likes Ruka better than Natsume, and she responds that she does.
Natsume is hurt, but sadly it’s not anything he can’t eventually come to terms with, like every other disappointment in his ceaselessly disappointing life. For now, he’s bitter, but this is great news for Ruka, isn’t it?
It’s time for sleep, and they’re standing in Natsume’s fancy special star room. At her discomfort, he offers that they can sleep in her tiny room if she’d prefer it, but the venue isn’t exactly her problem. He proceeds to be unpleasant, saying that he’s not interested in sleeping with her either, since she probably kicks a lot and talks in her sleep. But then he’s serious, still bitter when he tells her “Sorry for not being Ruka,” and promises that the whole charade would be over tomorrow.
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It's on rare occasions like this that Natsume can express even the tiniest fraction of what he's really feeling, in this case jealousy and hurt.
He really never would have done this to himself if Aoi’s safety wasn’t potentially at stake. Having Mikan be so angry at him, hearing her say she much prefers Ruka to him, having to share his bed with her--it’s all stuff he doesn’t want to do! Further, he’ll probably be in serious trouble tomorrow if he does manage to find and rescue Aoi. There’s nothing fun going on in Natsume’s brain, just worry and the skeleton of a desperately laid-out plan to save his sister.
Sleeping with Mikan is something he doesn’t want to do, no doubt, but not because she probably talks and kicks in her sleep. That wouldn’t actually bother him so much. Natsume usually waits until he’s alone in his room at night to let himself be sick. According to the chapter where Tsubasa found out about his condition, Natsume sometimes wakes up in a coughing fit until he coughs up blood. He suffers and struggles and is in pain when he sleeps, and Mikan will be there this time, up close to possibly see it.
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How soft his eyes get, just looking at her. It's interesting whenever he drops his facade, like now in a state of half-awakeness, and we can see just how affectionate he'd be if he wasn't always sacrificing his happiness.
But Natsume falls asleep first anyway, and pretty quickly starts having a nightmare. He’s breathing heavily and struggling, having a PTSD flashback nightmare about Aoi. But Mikan wakes him up, sitting up, concerned for him. Natsume is barely awake, but his eyes turn soft. She saves him from his nightmares in more ways than one, like walking-talking serotonin. He reaches for her, in a state of half-consciousness, because his nights are usually awful but the time he spends with Mikan usually isn’t. Maybe combining them is the way to sleep peacefully for a change. So he snuggles her. She starts freaking out, embarrassed, but Natsume tries to reason with her, and maybe with himself too, half-asleep as he is. No, no, it’s just for tonight, just for now. It’ll be like it never happened tomorrow, it’s fine. She can go right back to Ruka tomorrow, since she prefers him anyway, and it won’t be a big deal. He just wants this for now, just for a little bit. Just while he can.
It’s sad that Natsume always thinks of these moments with Mikan as aberrations. They’re little moments that he borrows or steals just to have them for now, thinking they’re meaningless to her, but carrying them like they’re precious to him. He doesn’t think they belong to him, or that he has the right to want anything from her. He holds her during the SA class’s RPG as a joke. He tells her he likes her hair down after fighting with her. He dances with her, knowing that she’s danced with lots of other people and it won’t matter as much to add him to the list. He kisses her after he assumes Ruka already has, just so he can have keep it in his memories. And he cuddles with her now, even though she’s freaking out, because he needs some comfort, even though it isn’t his place to be hugging her. He always has to reason himself into these situations, like he’s convincing himself that he’s allowed to do this one selfish thing, just as long as she doesn’t understand how much it means to him, just as long as it won’t mean anything to her, just as long as he can get away with it.
And because he’s borrowing, the next morning he acts as though her holding him is some kind of bother. He acts all irritated and pretends like nothing happened, because he was borrowing the moment to begin with. It wasn’t his right to take it, and she can’t know it meant something. It also could be that he genuinely can’t remember the last night that clearly. People do all sorts of crazy things in between sleep that they can’t remember. Maybe his lack of sense and restraint helped him get the courage to hug her in the first place, and now that he’s fully awake he can hardly remember. If this is the case, then he's probably scolding his sleepy self for being so ridiculous.
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It's up to you to decide if he really can't remember or if he's pretending. Both are possible and neither would really surprise me tbh.
It’s possible, but knowing Natsume, it’s also possible he’s pretending like he doesn’t remember. Either way, he has to do damage control, because she absolutely cannot get the wrong right idea and think that he has affection for her.
The morning brings good news as well, because Natsume, Ruka, and Youichi are allowed to accompany Mikan and Hotaru, as long as they’re dressed as girls.
It’s all working out a bit too conveniently. This is Persona’s scheme to trap Natsume, so of course it would all work out in order that he could make his way to the dungeon. Natsume might be relieved that his plan is working, but it won’t go so smoothly once they’re actually in the Hana Hime den.
The most interesting scenes to analyze from Natsume's perspective are the ones where he chooses to be selfish just once in a while. They're such silly things to call selfish, but they are to him. Being sweet or affectionate to the girl you love should be second-nature, not something to deny yourself, but it's what he's trying to accustom himself to. We also see just how desperate he can be in trying to protect people important to him, like Aoi. The lengths he goes to in order to find her are impressive and show just how determined he is. Going forward, we'll only see more of this kind of determination.
My sister (Zoe) and I made three playlists for NatsuMikan, just like I'm making three essays. One playlist for Natsume's POV, one for Mikan's, and one general playlist for their relationship. I've been listening to the Natsume one while writing these and it's been a lot of fun! This is my long-winded way of plugging Love Song Requiem. Good bye.
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oopskashish · 4 years
Sirius' Love Language
A/N: it's probably not my best headcanon because I wrote this in so many intervals as my exams are going on, *ignores the glare from my economics books*. It's for @with1love1anu 's headcanon challenge. Congratulations, lovely! I hope you like it.
Pairing: Sirius Black x reader
Warning: fluff. A lot of it.
Summary: how Sirius shows you his love.
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Sirius Orion Black
One of the most popular and handsome guys in Hogwarts was whipped for you
And lucky for him, you were also in love with him
I mean how can you resist those dusky grey eyes which appear like night sky
Or that lovely scent of cinnamon mixed with leather, lemons, and mint that dances in the air wherever he goes
Or that smile that makes even Greek gods jealous
Or those cheeky winks that he gave while you both were in potions, facing one another
In all
You were falling for him
And somehow you managed the courage to go to him to ask him out
And just as you approached him
He asked you out
But yes, you both started dating
And it wasn't easy dating him, yk.
No it wasn't because of those jealous glares you got
You could give more fucks about what a crocodile do in its free time than those stares.
It was difficult dating him because he seemed to recoil from any affection
Yet you were patient and let him get comfortable
And oh boy
It took a few months
But when he got comfortable with you
It was heaven
Sirius isn't good with words
Because obviously he grew up in the most loving house where cruciatus curse never was used as punishments and it never got too bad for him to runaway.
Obviously not.
So yeah
He turned to physical affection
He just had to be holding your hand
If not that
Then cuddling
There is nothing in between
"I am sorry, Minnie, but my healer has told me to hold her hand at all costs or I might just die!"
"And who is your healer, Black?"
"James Potter."
*James stands up and bows dramatically, giving a wink to Sirius before sitting down*
You only roll your eyes with a smile and just hold his hand tighter
After a point the teachers ignored you two
Because at least you made him focus in class
Or tried to.
He just had to press a kiss to your knuckles in every half an hour
And you did the same
Actually more than he did because seeing his smile
That melted your heart and soul and made you feel so warm
So you see the deal is
That Sirius is a legend when it comes to disappearing with James
At first you were like, "they're probably pranking someone."
But nuh-uh
That wasn't the case
They were doing their business
Of candies and snacks
It was completely anonymous and they both started it when they were in their second year
And now it's your seventh year and still nobody knows it
Not even moony or peter
But you caught them when they were sending an owl to deliver the snacks to one or their customers
So yeah
They told you about it
And they were mainly doing it because Sirius knew from the starting that he would runaway from his family so they were making money for him
And this boy was a brilliant businessman
They had earned thousands of galleons over the years and they were too good at this
So yeah
You started helping them too
And Sirius was so happy when you helped
He didn't know why
But he just knew that he had to smolder you in kisses
So that night when you slept with him
He had pressed so many tiny kisses on your beautiful face
Because he was just so happy that you're this supportive
"I love you so much."
And that was the first time he said I love you
And you had cried
You never mind him not saying those three exquisite words
Because his everyday actions were enough to scream that he loved you
But he said those words to you?????
And he sorta freaked out
But he stopped freaking out and hugged you
And you just sorta tackled him into a hug
And when you stopped crying he asked why did you cry
"because you said I love you to me." 👉🏼👈🏼🥺
And Sirius chuckled and kissed you
Because you're too adorable for your own good
He started saying how much he loved you just a lil
Like just
"love you" *pecks on cheek before giving a smile and sauntering away to his class*
"looking pretty, love."
Because as much as he had a good hold on his language
He just never found right words
But it's fine
His actions yelled out that he loved you
He would make tea for you when you were studying in the evening.
Would definitely make sure you eat as you tell him about a novel you read
Because boi do you get excited
He would take out small amounts of money from his savings from the business and would buy you gifts
And he was happy that you found joy in small things
He knew he is getting a gazillion kisses for getting you that novel you have been wanting to read for months
He would drag along his friends to find the prettiest of flowers for you from the forbidden forest
He would buy you those small rings that don't cost a lot of money but still look pretty
He would notice a lot of things about you over the years and he just knew what to give
A muggle Polaroid camera?
That sweater would look so pretty on you.
Got it.
You are running low on chocolates?
Lol impossible, he has a business of the very thing.
He would definitely make you sleep with him every night because he sleeps so much better with you
He would always kiss you when he sees you in the room that he walks in
No matter what, that's the law for him
He would cuddle with you every single day
But on Sundays
You guys just cuddled and did nothing else.
Which is also the reason why that you guys stay up on Friday and do all the work and on Saturday he is with his friends and you are with yours
Because on Sundays from the moment you wake up, you need to be in his arms or you might as well kill someone with a fork
I hope that someone is voldy or Peter or Bellatrix
Cause of death: angry girl with a fork 😂
So you guys had so many cuddle positions
The spoons, ofc
Him laying on your chest
Him laying on you
And vice versa for both the cases
Sitting on his lap and him wrapping you two in a blanket as you two would talk in front of the fire
He would tell you about his pranks
And you would just make them better
"so after Lucius bullied those first year kids, I wanna put a dungbomb in his goblet"
"charm it to explode with pink glitter."
He also expressed his love by singing to you
You would rest your head on his chest as he would sing to you while playing with your hair
He would pick up the songs that would express his unspoken feelings
And sometimes you will cry too
Obviously Marauders would tease you guys to be so lovey dovey
"Have you charmed my best friend to stick with you, y/n/n?"
*eyeroll* "no, I don't need to follow him around a lost puppy like you do to Evans, James."
Sirius would be wheezing at that one
And he knew you said the pun of the lost puppy delibrately
"I have the best girl in the world, sucks for you tossers."
Everyone eyerolls except for you
You just kiss your boyfriend on his lips
You guys bet that you are the most adorable in the history of Hogwarts
A/N: I just think that candy business makes sense because obviously Sirius comes from a Slytherin family and one quality that he has adopted is to be resourceful and so that's what he do to get him that gold in his Hogwarts days. And don't worry, he gave the share to James too.
Hope you enjoyed it!
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