#I want him to have the most glittery eyes possible
twistedcerulean · 2 years
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All eyes are on Luigi and Bowser, but oh how I WISH we could see King Boo instead (╥ ᴗ ╥)
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muwapsturniolo · 6 months
IN WHICH… Matt and Chris Sturniolo are just two inexperienced losers.
Lemme see you beat it, I'm feelin' just like Mike 
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Humming is heard within the dark room, followed by the sound of typing and the clicking of a mouse. Matt's eyes dart across the screen, his glasses perched upon his nose. He was currently in his room, dressed in grey sweatpants and a long-sleeved crewneck. He was attempting to finish his paper that was due in a week, always eager to stay on top and ahead of the game when it came to his studies. However, he was distracted, his eyes periodically darting to the top of his screen.
He quickly saves his paper and goes to the website he has logged on to so many times.
A pornographic website providing live webcam performances.
He found the site a couple of months ago by accident. He was on his computer, looking up websites to help him write his paper when one of the sites opened up a separate tab with the erotic webpage. He was shocked to see multiple freeze frames of girls in lingerie or having sex.
Even though he lived alone, he felt like he was going to get caught. He quickly slammed his laptop shut. Now he wasn’t a prude, he didn’t care if people had sex,
But he himself has never done it, he hasn’t even touched himself.
Out of curiosity, he slowly opened the laptop again. He hesitated when scrolling through the pages, his eyes analyzing the multiple streams. Even though he could feel his pants tightening, none of the girls called out to him,
Until he found her.
It was a freeze frame of her in a baby blue lingerie set, smiling as she held a phone. He didn’t know what it was about her that caught his attention, but he found himself clicking on her stream.
That was the first night he had ever touched himself.
Since then, he has made it a tradition to touch himself every Thursday night when she goes live.
He logs in with ease, his password and username already being saved. His heart skips a beat as he sees the pink dot next to her name, signaling she's on and live. He clicks on the stream and watches as his favorite girl's smile greets him.
"Hi everyone." she's sitting on her bed, her body covered in a lavender lingerie set. "I know you guys will be mad at me, but this will be a very short stream, only 20 minutes." Matt's smile visibly deflates.
20 minutes? She’s only going to be live for 20 minutes?
He debates on just closing out of the stream, but he can’t find it in himself to do so.
“Aww guys, I promise I will make up for it! Maybe I’ll pull out the fucking machine in my next stream.” He can feel his pants tightening at the thought of her using the machine.
“But, I wanted to tell you guys that I have a surprise for you! Any guesses?” He watches as her eyes dart across the screen, reading the comments flooding in. “These are good guesses, but no one has gotten it yet. 2 more minutes and then I’ll tell you.”
Usually, Matt never comments, always preferring to be a silent viewer but, he wants to change that tonight.
Megamattsturn: does it involve us possibly meeting you?
He watches as her eyes light up and she giggles.
“Megamattsturn seems to have the right idea. You’re a smart boy aren’t you?” He sucks in a sharp breath at the praise, his pants tightening even more.
“I’m hosting a competition for you all! Before I describe what the competition is, it is-“ Matt gets distracted by the way her glossed lips catch in the light, the particles of glitter shining off the pink LED lights in her room. He could only imagine the glittery residue on his dick after she sucks him off.
“-So finally the competition! I know most of you have begged to meet me, even though all you want to do is have sex with me, so I thought I would extend the offer.” Matt perks up, his interest peaked.
“One of you will have the opportunity to take me on a date, and if I feel comfortable enough, maybe one of you will get lucky.”
Matt watches as the chat blows up with men and women already begging to be picked.
“So after I end the stream, a link will be available on my account that will take you all to the form. As I stated previously, it is $50 to enter. The form asks basic questions. Name, age, height, what your interests are sexually, if you have any STDs, and where you are located. At the end of the form, you do have to submit a video of yourself explaining why you think you should be the one to take me out on a date. And because I refuse to take anything small, I would like a video of your-.” She trails off with a smirk.
“Does anyone have any questions?” She waits a few moments and sees that everything is good, before giving the stream one last smile and logging off.
The page reloads and it takes him back to her account page. Sure enough a pink link is in her bio.
He hovers his mouse over it, getting ready to click it when he backs out. He shakes his head and clicks out of the tab, standing up and walking out of his room.
“Be serious Matt, she wouldn’t pick you anyway.” He mumbles as he grabs a water bottle out of the fridge. He walks back into his room and decides to try and finish his essay.
He struggles to stay on topic, the idea of the competition still lingering in his mind. He groans and saves his essay before shutting down his computer. He figures he will work on it tomorrow and just go to bed for now. He turns his lights off and lays down in his bed, his mind racing.
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Matt sits in the campus library trying to do his homework, except his mind is clouded with the thoughts of the competition. It’s been a few days since the competition was announced and it’s all he could think about.
It’s pissing him off.
He wasn’t able to concentrate on his studies, he couldn’t pay attention in class, he couldn’t even listen to his music without thinking of this god-forsaken competition.
Deep down he wants to enter, he truly does.
He has the opportunity of a lifetime to take the girl in his dreams on a date, but there’s one problem,
He’s never been on a date, and he’s never even touched a girl.
He’s a virgin.
He just started masturbating a few months ago and now he might lose his virginity? There’s too much for him to think about.
He groans in aggravation and slams his book shut, snatching off his glasses and rubbing over his face. With a deep sigh, He leans back in his chair with crossed arms, staring down at the book in front of him.
He needs to get this sorted out before it really starts to affect his schoolwork.
Suddenly, a group of girls walk into the library and take a seat at a table next to him. He fights the urge to roll his eyes, the fact that they sat next to him when there were multiple empty seats all around pissing him off to no end.
He tries to shake off the frustration and opens his book again, grabbing his pencil and taking notes.
“Can you believe he sent me a picture of his dick?” This conversation took Matt by surprise, his note-taking stopping abruptly. “A picture?” One of the other girls responds. Matt tries to ignore them, but he can’t help but listen in.
“Yes! He sent the typical ugly-ass dick pic just holding it! Like bro, send a video from a good angle and let me hear you moan!” The girl exclaims rolling her eyes. The other girls laugh before switching to another topic, but Matt is still stuck on the previous one.
He knows he shouldn’t have listened in on the conversation, but they were telling him good information.
Girls don’t like awkward dick pics, they prefer videos of the guy jerking off and moaning. His cheeks begin to warm at the thought of sending a risqué video like that.
He’s pulled out of his thoughts by one of the girls turning to him, “hey you?”
Matt turns and look at them awkwardly, he can barley hold eye contact with them, his eyes looking everywhere but theirs. “Y-yeah?” His stutter makes one of the girls giggle. “You’re a guy right?”
“I-I would hope so…” He mumbles setting his pencil down.
She moves closer to him, her phone in hand. “Good, because maybe you could help me with this.” She unlocks the phone before shoving it in his face. Matt’s eyes widen seeing the picture of the dick, he quickly turns his head.
“Why do guys send pictures like this? Like it’s so ugly and does nothing to turn us on!”
Matt shrugs not really knowing what to say, “I-I don’t kn-Have you ever sent a picture of your dick? What angle did you take it from?” She cuts him off mid-sentence, taking a seat next to him.
Matt can’t belive how open this girl is asking him these questions. He couldn’t even sit through health class but she’s bold enough to ask him about his dick pic experience?
“I’ve n-never sent a picture like that…” He trails off, finally looking at the girl. She was pretty tall and had all the right curves in all the right places. “Really? You have never taken a dick pic?”
He shakes his head, nervously adjusting his glasses, “I have the opportunity to send one though….I-I just don’t know what to do.” He finds himself awkwardly admitting to his situation. All the girls stare at him with wide eyes.
He’s never sent a dick pic? He's a 21-year-old guy in college and he never took or sent a dick pic?
Their studies are quickly forgotten as they help educate Matt on taking the best picture and video. He thought the girls would judge him on his lack of experience, but they were all helpful and open-minded, claiming that if he is going to send one, he needs to make sure it’s actually pleasing.
Matt’s listening to everything they are saying, taking mental notes as well as real ones, so he won’t forget when it comes time. The girls find it adorable how actively he’s paying attention, asking questions that are questionable, but somehow still remaining polite.
"Aww, guys! We are like his older sisters teaching him how to get a girl!" One of the girls gushed. They all fall out into laughter, finding the statement true. They decide to pack up and leave since it's getting late out. They walk out of the library, holding arms with one another, Matt included.
The girls don’t care about him being a boy, they could tell in the short time frame they knew him, he was truly a nice guy. He was just shy and a bit awkward, but he was genuinely sweet.
They say their goodbyes and Matt begins to drive to his apartment. He catches a red light and leans back in the seat, a smile on his face. his phone buzzes making him look down.
Chaturbate message from lovely/n: Hey everyone! Just wanted to remind you that the link expires in one day! Make sure you enter! I’m excited to see the faces of my viewers!!
A new-found confidence surges through Matt,
He's going to enter the competition.
With his adrenaline pumping, he rushes through the door of his home, throwing his bag down on the counter and making his way to his bedroom. he plops down in front of his monitor and turns it on, quickly going to the taboo site and opening up her page.
Once again he hovers over the link, the little voice in his head telling him not to do it, telling him he wouldn't even get picked.
He shakes his head and clicks on the link. The screen reloads and a pink page pops up, a bright message is displayed, enticing everyone to submit their entry.
Matt scrolls down and clicks on the hot pink enter button.
Trying not to second guess himself, he begins to fill out the form
Name: Matt Sturniolo
Username on Chaturbate: megamattsturn
Age: 21
Height: 5'8
Location: LA
Matt sighs in frustration. He was never good at telling people what his hobbies are, his mind always drawing a blank at the question. He goes through the list of things he likes doing and chooses a few that seem more appealing.
Hobbies: I really love writing, I'm actually majoring in film because I love to journal and I would love to turn my thoughts and feelings into movies, or even music videos. I also like to play video games... I know it's a bit cringy but it brings me a sense of nostalgia since I would play with my brothers all the time. I also really love the Lego sets you can build and keep, my favorite was the bonsai tree.
Tell me about yourself: I'm a triplet, the middle one to be exact. One of my brothers goes to college in NYC, while my other brother goes to college in Chicago. I'm originally from Boston MA and I have a dog named Trevor back in Boston.
Sexual interests:
He hesitates, he's not sure what he's into sexually. He's never experimented but he believes he would be open to it.
Sexual interests: I'm not too sure. I do believe I would be open to almost anything within reason.
What would our date look like?:
This form has to be mocking him, constantly reminding him that he is the least experienced person there is. It might as well call him a loser. He wants to back out so bad, but he's almost done so he keeps going.
What would our date look like?: I'm not a fancy person, so I wouldn't take you to some fancy dinner unless that's what you would like. I would most likely take you to some type of fair or arcade so I could win you something. Then we would sit somewhere with food and just talk. it's not the greatest date but I think it would be fun.
Submit your video here:
He stares at the pink words, his heart beating in his ears.
"Ok, you can do this Matt! come on!" He hypes himself up. He quickly sets up his phone and presses record.
He smiles at the camera shyly, not making eye contact.
"Umm, hi Y/n... I'm going to try and keep this short because god knows I'll ramble due to me being nervous-" he takes a deep breath before continuing.
"The reason for this video is to answer the question 'why I should be the one to take you on a date.' And my answer is that I don't really know. If I'm being completely honest, none of us, the viewers, deserve to be in your presence. I mean we watch you take your clothes off and play-" he cuts himself off, looking away from the camera with flushed cheeks.
"Not that it's wrong that you do any of that, but in retrospect, we all seem like perverts for watching you do so... umm if I'm being completely honest I've never been on a date before and that's probably a huge turn-off but yeah." He trails off. He doesn't know what else to say so he ends the video. He watches it back and internally cringes at how awkward he looks.
He deletes the video and decides to try again
and again
and again
and again
"Take 5," he mumbles to himself, pushing his chair back.
"Ok, hi Y/n-" he runs a hand through his hair and fixes his glasses. "-this is like my fifth time making this video and honestly, I don't know. There's honestly no reason you should even be giving us a chance at all to go on a date with you. I've never deen on a date before, so I can't tell you why I should be the one to win. I just know you're really pretty, and I would love to treat you out to a fun night, even with no sexual favors involved." He finally looks back at the camera.
"And yeah, that's all I have to say." He ends the video, watching it over before deciding this is the one he wants to use. He sends it to his desktop and adds it to the form.
submit special video <3 :
"don't panic it's just a video... of you touching yourself." He slams his hand down on his desk in frustration. All his previous confidence whisked away as quick as it came.
"You're such a fucking loser Matt! Why can't you just send the fucking video?" He hits himself on the forehead a couple of times, attempting to knock some type of confidence into himself. he needs to calm down, if he keeps getting this worked up he's eventually going to back out completely.
He gets an idea.
He stands up and rushes out of his apartment, knocking on his neighbor's door. His neighbor was some older guy who always had some type of alcohol in his hand.
Now, Matt has never had a drink of alcohol, but he's heard of liquid courage and he needs any type of courage he can get at this point.
The neighbor answers, looking at Matt in confusion. "What's good bro?"
"I need alcohol," Matt states bluntly. The neighbor raises a brow and takes a sip from his beer. "Aren't you 21?"
"Y-yeah but I need some now and I-I know you always h-have some." The neighbor shrugs, not really caring.
All Matt remembers is stepping foot in the apartment and taking a shot. Next thing he knows, he's clumsily setting up his phone and crashing back onto his bed, pulling his laptop with one of her previous streams loaded closer to him.
He starts recording and presses play on the stream, his hand wrapping around the base of dick.
He whimpers softly as he begins to jerk himself off, the alcohol in his system making him even more sensitive than he already is.
“F-fuck Y/n”
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@bernardsgf @bernardsleftbootycheek @blahbel668 @mattfrfr @gdsvhtwa @sturniolo-aali @lily-loves-struniolos @kynda-avery @causeidontlikeagoldrush
@st7rnioioss @carolinalikesthings @mattslolita @suyqa @xxloveralways14 @pepsiimaxx @judespoision
@ivonchetooo1239 @imaslut4kehlani @that-general-simp @m4stermindd @itzdarling @gigisworldsstuff @adoreindie @braindead4l @pettydollie @chrissgirlsstuff @alexis007 @ratatioulle @yamamasjumpercables @luv4kozume @sturnioloslurps @kqyslyho3 @j3tblackt3ars @ilovestarz @lustfulslxt @soimightlikeoldmen69 @tastesousweet @slut4sebastiansallow @whicked-hazlatwhore @stasiesturn @loljackwasfat @nicksmainbitch @ninacutebee16 @mayhem-72 @sturniolosmind @breeloveschris @mattslolita @mattsivy @guccifrog @hysteria-things @mrssturnioloo @teenagetrash00 @koris_009 @patscorner @mayhem-72 @worldlxvlys @nickuniversity @luverboychris @thenickgirl
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fairlyang · 7 months
more husband!miguel x wife!reader headcanons! 🕷️
taglist: @safixiovi | part one
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miguel was an attentive listener so anytime he’d take you out shopping and you had an eye on something like a lipstick or dress, he would just make a mental note and come back for it the following weekend
but sometimes he’s go overboard and end up buying more things he thinks you’d enjoy
or even try to pair a cute dress with a lipstick and new heels/flats
would absolutely peel all your oranges or cuties, would even cut up your fruits if you liked them diced
could def see him as the gardening type! he’d take care of his lemon trees and all his veggies while you took care of your pretty flowers and plants in the backyard
going grocery shopping would consist of him putting any snack he’s been craving for the past two months tops
he simply might see some Canelitas or Barritas and how could he not get a box of each?
and when it came to remembering if you had queso fresco, beans, or cilantro his mind would go blank which resulted in you giving him a, “are you serious?”
when it was time to pay he’d playfully push you towards the cart so you didn’t have to pay a dime because that was his job
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best of all he is the the most romantic man imaginable but when valentines comes around his date plans, gifts, and flirtatious manner just skyrockets
and when he finally does the grand reveal of everything he got for you, you’re practically tear eyed, feeling an immense amount of appreciation for him
you just stared at him with a little pout (trying not to cry) while admiring how handsome he looked because he loved dressing up for special occasions
you went up to him holding his face in your hands and attack his face with kisses while he laughed and dropped the big stuffed bear he got you
he wrapped his arms around your waist while you were on your tiptoes, kissing his cheeks, nose, forehead, and lips as lovingly as you could
then you pulled away and ran off to the kitchen where you had your own gift for him that was in a pretty glittery red bag
it was a big bag with two little gifts and you were certain it’d be the best present you could possibly give him
returning back to him with the bag in hand and handing it to him before standing in front of him awaiting his reaction
he shook his head in disbelief because he never wants you spending money on him which is quite ironic
but he placed the bag on the coffee table and grabbed the gift paper, throwing it on the floor as your heart pounded in pure excitement
his hand reached down and grabbed the first item, bringing it back up with an instant gasp and tears already filling his eyes
the white baby booties were so tiny in his big hand but it only made the reality hit harder
he was going to be a dad
with a shaky hand he grabbed the final thing in the bag which was a positive pregnancy test in a ziploc baggie
without a word being said he walked over to you and wrapped his arms around you, hugging you gently with tears streaming down his cheeks
you hugged him back and finally your tears fell as well from having to hold this surprise for a little while now
(it was hard because you tell him literally everything)
he was about to speak when a sob instead came out making him laugh because he wasn’t expecting it
you sniffled and grinned so wide your cheeks began to hurt as he pulled away from you just to be able to look at you
his eyes were red and a single tear fell from his eye as he whispered, “I love you so much.”
“our family is growing.” you whispered back making more tears fall from both your faces
he kissed you softly before embracing you once again and making sure to be extra cautious for the little one in your tummy
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 months
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vanilla-cherry sweetheart | h. sakura
✮ tags ; gender neutral + afab!reader, dom top!reader, sub bottom!sakura, explicit feminization (referring to sakuras ass as a pussy, dick as a clit. the pet name good girl etc.), light dollification (reader dresses him up), rimming, anal fingering, pegging, cumming untouched, lots of gender fuckery, BRIEF breeding kink / pregnancy reference directed at sakura, excessive dirty talk, mirror sex 18+
✮ wc ; 5.1k (im crazy im crazy im crazy)
✮ a/n ; there's no way im not ovulating. this is insane. sorry. also sorry if there are any egregious typos i can only read this once over before i feel like exploding
✮ synopsis ; you think sakura makes the prettiest girl.
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The soft slip of silk and satin feel weird  against Haruka’s skin.  
You’ve put effort into this, more than he thought possible. Every detail of him has been preened and plucked. A soft scent rolls off of his freshly smooth skin,  cherry and vanilla. His hair is styled down against, bangs laid flat as opposed to push backwards, decorated with clips and accessories.  
He has a face full of makeup on which was a pain to apply and even more of a pain to not rub off. His lips are parted, polished with color and his eyes are lined with a soft brown. There’s some shadow underneath, some glittery dust but everything is generally subdued. He hasn’t seen what the hell he looks like and he thinks he’d prefer it that way.  
Like hell he’d wanna see what perverted things you’ve done to his face.  
His clothes feel the most unfamiliar to him. Boxers replaced with frilly boyshorts. Bra straps tugging against his shoulder. Expensive so the fabric doesn’t itch. The kind without cups, all loose and sliding against his nipples every time he shifts. He’s wearing clothes you’ve hand-picked. Dresses that girls usually wear. Skin-colored tights underneath a patterned slip dress with that he doesn’t have the full chest to fit into, accompanied by a sweater hanging off of his arms and shoulders.  
All of these details on Haruka’s musculature make no sense. It can’t look very good on him, he thinks. Haruka has a hard body. Sinewy muscles from manual labor and fighting, a square set of shoulders. He’s always been thin and languid but not…feminine. He has no idea how to posture himself. In what ways he should sit or stand, how to behave with these soft clothes and light scents on his skin. 
The delicacy of your hands as they paint more of a nude rouge onto his mouth, makes Haruka blush further. His stomach turns as he stares at you, searching for answers he doesn’t find in the calm express on your face. You cup his jaw, your other hand using a lip brush to slide it against his mouth as you finish up with last touches. Focused as you prep him to your standards, whatever the hell they are.  
Haruka won’t pretend to understand. He thinks most of the effort you’ve poured in priming him is wasted. He thinks that this whole affair has been stupid and he’s sure the minute he catches a glance at himself he’ll want to explode into a thousand little pieces. You’ve been so damn meticulous, Haruka can’t even bring himself to destroy your hard work. No stone left unturned, each and every element met with incredible focus and detail.  
More shamefully, the attention has felt good. It’s hard to pretend that it doesn’t when it’s the only thing that makes Haruka bend at your will. He’s never had a relationship before, but he’s not ditzy enough to think your sex life is particularly normal. Nothing about you really is. Maybe your unbridled affection for Haruka can be attributed to that. It was you who pursued Haruka, you who courted him and romanced him - cornered him even as he  ran away, with frustrating levels of discretion - until the option to fall for someone else had all but disappeared.  
And Haruka had tried to run away from you. Many times. Your persistence wore him down until eventually his mind would only fill with you and whatever you wanted to do to him. With him.  
(Haruka loves you to put it plainly. You’re clever and sardonic and interesting and he doesn’t totally get you but he loves you so madly it makes him crazy. Loves you for the ways you’re good and careful, and loves you for the ways you love him. You’re so good to Haruka, so good he can’t stand it. So good his head feels staticky trying to make sense of it 
That’s why he’ll do anything for you, no matter how horribly shameful.)  
It’s impossible, difficult, irrational  - the breadth and depth of Haruka’s feelings for you are completely and utterly distanced from his own understanding. Where Haruka is abrasive yet timid, you are soothing but straightforward. Sincere. You’ve been gently introducing him to the depths of your affection, putting yourself forward in expressing your desires and thoughts.  
You’ve always been this sort of person, you hope he won’t hate you etc.  
You always give Haruka a chance to run away from you.  
No expectations. A warm gaze from across a shared bed that turns Haruka pink, incoming dawn on his cheeks down to his shoulders and collarbones. He always has options, but he likes the option making you happiest. The words thank you sound like a hymn on your lips. 
He tells itself its for you, and it is mostly. Mostly. After all this time though, he’s  conditioned. His body is molded for your touch. The unwitting pleasure of submitting himself to you had shocked him the first time he really experienced it. How soothing you were, how easily you dragged him into abyss of pure pleasure. Pleasure and sex he couldn’t imagine existing.  
Your touch had conditioned his body to burn bright wherever it lingered.  
The shame is always there, pooling in his gut and lying in wait to swallow him. It overwhelms him whenever he’s alone.  
But you always pull him from it, out of it - cradle him in the palms of your skilled hands as you whisper sweet platitudes against his skin. Praise him, fuck him into something boneless and desperate. Being exposed to a type of want, the euphoria in humiliation, the reclamation of his shame. It turns Haruka’s doubts into noise slowly but surely. He falls so deep into that depth, becomes completely unrecognizable only because he’s so sure you’ll catch him.  
He hates it so much. 
(Read: He hates liking it. Hates liking the forbidden sexual things you’ve introduced him too that he can’t forget. Hates liking the fact you’ve imprinted so mercilessly on his body and mind. Haruka could never be with anyone else. Nothing would work.  
No one could make him feel like this. You’re the first and only in the world.)  
A few weeks ago, you had mentioned wanting to dress him up like this. Stared, long and hard before petting his hair and assessing he’d make a pretty girl. There’d been traces of it before then but...  
To have it brought up so deliberately made him hiss at you feral until you winded him back down. Asked if he would be fine with it, assured it’d be okay if not.  
He said no then, and you didn’t ask again.  
(He brought it up later and felt all melty seeing you beam.)  
He thought it’d be simple. He’s seen stuff like this before when he went to look up other things you wanted to try. He thought it’d just be panties or clothes, something basic and lacy. Still perverted but simple.  
But everything has been elaborately crafted to make him pretty. The soft drawls and whispered demands, the compliments, painting his nails and washing his hair and shaving him.  
These are ritual acts of beauty, made to accentuate feminine appeal he doesn’t see in himself but you so clearly do.  
After you’re finish up your last touches, you tell him to keep his eyes closed. You stand behind Haruka with a hand under his jaw once he turns in his seat, still blind to his new looks. Your voice is an appreciative murmur, so genuine and so raw it makes all the hair on his neck stand on end.  
“Open your eyes. You’re so pretty, Haru-chan,” Your thumb slides against his cheek lightly. “Look how pretty you are.”   
He doesn’t recognize himself. Adorned, dolled up. The sinew of his muscles and hard lines of his figures contrast against the shapely pulls of his dress. He’s smooth and smells nice, perfumed and stunning. The makeup on his face doesn’t overwhelm him. It’s him but he’s pretty. So pretty it freaks him the fuck out.  
Pretty like a girl. The hell.  
“What’s all this even for? Doesn’t make sense. I’m a guy and I’m not—,” He murmurs, trying not to shudder as he feels self conscious. You lean down, your chest pressed to his back as your arms circle around his neck. “You’re so weird.”  
You ignore his empty threats skillfully. “It’s for me to fuck you in,”  
He wants to be pissed at you but you look so pleased. Obvious satisfaction making your shoulders relax, eyes raking over him in the mirror again and again. He looks in the mirror and sees a version of himself so…cute it’s unfathomable it’s even him.  
He makes a noise of discontent, lip jutted in a pout. That’s met with an airy laugh. “Seems pointless.”  
You smile at him in the mirror and his skin shades a deeper pink, tucking his chin.  
“It’s fine if you think that,” You murmur. “Is it okay if I make you feel good now?”  
“Don’t say it in such an embarrassing way.” He grits. You laugh again as you bend down over him where he sits, kissing him once before the two of you stumble into shared bed.  
Haruka feels conscious of himself when he finally lays back into the sheets. His dress rides up near over his lmees and there’s nothing underneath to shield him from your hungry view. His tights are too sheer of any use. You amble on top of Haruka, sitting on him as he lays back.  
You admire him for a long while like that.  Palm settled on his waist, you trace his features with appreciation. “You’re a beautiful girl, aren’t you Haruka?”  
“I’m…” He deflects instinctively. A coy smile tugs at the corners of your lips as your fingers find the hem of Haruka’s dress. It’s a loose thing, a printed pattern decorated with a frilly hem meant for a more shapely frame. You toy with the material, rubbing it between your fingers. “Fuck off,”  
He can’t bring himself to say he’s not a girl. For some stupid reason. The words die on his lips when he stares up at you and sees you looking at him so reverently. So expectant without words. He squirms and looks away.  
“What word do you say when you want to stop, Haruka?”  
“Tomato. Or I can pinch you,” He repeats from memory. You smile lovingly.  
“Right. Is there anything you want to say to me?” Do you want me to stop? 
He looks away, frown deepening. Relieved when you take his silence as compliance as you often do so kindly.  
“Don’t worry about anything else,” You slide the spaghetti straps of his dress off his shoulder, pulling it down past his chest and revealing the soft patterned black lace underneath. His nipples peek through the material, the rosiness more noticeable through the paneling. It looks so lewd from the angle he sees it. “Just focus on being a good girl for me,”  
Haruka lets out a strangle protest before uttered soundless from your steely gaze, nodding  frustratedly as your hands slide up to his chest. You brush Haruka’s nipples lightly with the dull edge of your nail, his spine arching responsively to the pleasure. It’s a brief touch, a promise of what’s to come. You lean forward pressing your lips to his as you rub the hardened buds until they’re tender. His lipstick smears a little onto you, a dusty rose. Haruka moans into your mouth, entirely aware of the thing barrier between your touch and his chest. Your fingers are deft in rubbing his nipples as your tongue occupies Haruka’s. You lick against his lips and tongue, sucking on it lewdly. . 
Shameless in your pursuit of him, his ass throbs from prior prep and his cock stirs to all the sudden stimulation.  
The way arousal floods his brain scares him. He can’t fight it.  You’re so good with your hands. Good at everything, like knowing where and how and when exactly to touch him. His cock tents, strains against the suffocating nylon wrapped around his legs and waist. He shivers as he feels the leaky tip press against the silk and push desperately through the nylon - stretching it with it’s length. His whole body is throbbing urgently.  
You kiss down Haruka’s bare chest until your mouth finds one of his nipples. You suck them through the cups first before tugging them away slightly and giving Haruka what he wants which is the full heat of your mouth. You’ve made him so weird. Wired his body into feeling this unimaginable pleasure in places he hardly used to touch.  
His hips buck into anticipation, mouth open and panting as your incisors sink into the flesh of his pec.  
He cries out, shuddering as he grabs the nape of neck to anchor himself at the wet feeling. His blood is rushing south making him light-headed. He feels needy, sensitive. So much anticipation had built up while you spent time on him and all of it floods to his mind all at once. The attention you pay him and only him.  
The weight of your gaze clings to him.  
“Your clits getting all hard and sticky from having your nipples teased,” You point out.  Haruka groans reflexively at your tone of voice. “You’re a perverted girl, huh?”  
Haruka should protest your words. He wants too. The cognitive dissonance should cause him discomfort but he finds only euphoria in it’s wake. He can’t understand why. It’s all so weird, but you sound so sure of yourself. Falling deeper into those unfamiliar depths makes his anxiety curl up in his chest yet when he looks at you it all fades.  
He feels greedy. Feels so selfish when his mind chants for you to keep looking at him just like that. He falls deep into that familiar liminal space, warm and comfortable.  
Your eyes are softened and assured. Haruka makes a pathetic whine. It doesn’t feel like his voice. He protests the words right away. “I’m not,”  
“Not what, Haruka?”  
He blinks at you wetly, brows scrunched. He huffs. “I’m not a pervert, dammit.” 
It’s the right thing to say. He thought it’d be. You light up at the admission, sucking a mark into his neck as you grab his waist a little more and grope him all over. You can’t keep your hands off of him, your fingers searching for all of his skin as you kiss him again more feverishly. He wraps his arms around your neck, his sweater sleeves slipping awkwardly when he does, making you kiss him harder.  
“My Haruka. My Haru-chan,” You murmur against his lips in between kisses. Haruka opens his eyes to you looking utterly adoring. Lovesickness bleeds into your eyes, a drug to his system as you direct it his way. “So pretty and perfect.”  
“Shut up,” He goads, trying to get you to kiss him a little more. “You’re so annoying.”  
You kiss again, deeper and stronger before pulling back. “I’m gonna eat you out, Haru-chan.”   
The words make him gasp, shiver  - goosebumps covering every visible inch of your skin. “Gonna make use of your pretty pussy and split it open on my cock, make you cum from the inside like a good girl.”  
It melts him down to his core, spoken with such clarity - smooth leaving your lips and so genuine. Haruka has been fucked enough to know how it feels and to want it. He thinks of all times prior, and feels the plug inside of him more consciously at the mention. He squeezes his legs together from the arousal, like a girl he thinks and the whines somewhere deep in his chest. Preens for you.  
His consciousness feels like it’s fading with each step, each breath he heaves from his lungs labored.  
He forms his lips around words that never escape him. Before long you’re scooting yourself further back, down between his legs until you’re faced with his clothed erection.  
Arousal nips at him at the sight of your face near his cock underneath so many layers. You purposefully hold the skirt of his dress and rub all over - emphasizing the shape through it. Haruka flushes at the way his cock sticks up against them. Distorts that stupid floral pattern, stretches it. His ears grow hot at the lascivious image it paints. Your palm glides over his bulge once, twice, three times before sliding it up again.  
A wet patch stains his nude nylons visibly after all of the teasing, pre-cum dribbling between two thin layers that makes Haruka want to die. Your voice is gravelly, lacks it’s usual amusement. “You’re so wet, Haruka.”  
He shivers and huffs.  
His cock twitches and his ass is throbbing. Unspoken desire nips at him as your thumb presses against his slit through layers of fancy material. Praise falls from your lips crassly. He becomes more aware each second. His bra and panties, his dress and skirt, the feeling of make-up on his face and the sensation of clips keeping his bangs away from his eye. He looks like a girl and his dick is leaking, twitching, pitifully as you touch and caress him.  
His head rings heavy with the words wet.  
He wants you to touch him more. Nearly begs with his eyes for you get the memo. 
And you do. Of course you do, all wispy and pleased by his obvious desperation for your touch. “Haruka’s got such a needy little pussy, huh?”  
He hisses, swears, takes a sharp inhale of air as your fingers find the seam of his stockings and pull until they rip unceremoniously. You pull them until his cock and the insides of his thighs are open to air, and snagged nylon shrinks against his waist. His panties, black boyshort lace panties, make his milky skin look whiter and the tip of his cock redder. 
It’s so unbearably dirty to him. It’s so humiliating. Vanilla scented skin and the heady scent of his own cum, his painted, blunt nails digging into the palms of his hands  - bitten chest and misplaced bra,  all of it is so humiliating. Makes his dick even harder under everything as your fingers wrap delicately along his shaft with the fabric. “You have to cum from the inside first, Haruka,” 
You remind him and he aches, grits his teeth about it but you don’t budge.  
You don’t take Haruka’s panties off either. The panel of fabric barely covering his cock instead gets pushed aside. Haruka bends his legs up instinctively. Your thumb taps on the jewel end of a plug, one he’d mostly forgotten about until he’s forced to be reminded it of it. He swears loudly.  
You make an abrupt move suddenly, reaching over to bedside table and rifling along for things you’d both need. Lube, a harness, and something to fill Haruka with. You settle back between his legs when you’ve got them all before you carefully tug his plug away from him.  
The emptiness makes him whine  - hole pink and fluttery and open. Your thumbs pull him open until he gapes a little more, hands massaging his thigh. “Such a perfect pussy.” 
Haruka makes an aborted noise  - a pitchy whine cut off as you dip down further and further until your nose tucks against his perineum and your tongue slides over wet hole.  
He cries out at the sudden intrusion, muscles fluttering as you force your tongue as deep as it can go. It’s embarrassing, so shameful he could die and it feels incredible. 
“It’s fucking dirty,” He shouts, cries, prying himself away from you before it can feel even better. “Stop, it’s—“  
“Ish not dirty,” You mumble, words mumbled against his puckering hole. “I helpedth you clean, remember?,”  
You pull away and your face is wet with something, lube likely, but the visual mixed with everything else makes Haruka want to crawl into a hole. Your hands on his thighs are soft and your eyes gaze, turned on him is sparkling. “You’re a cute girl, Haruka. Saying things like it’s dirty. But this much is normal, okay? It’s only polite if I eat your pussy.”  
His stomach flips, heart racing at the ease of your words. A cute girl. Being praised in such a way… so genuinely. Enough to make him think it. Haruka likes being your boyfriend, your good boy but there’s something so much naughtier about all of this that makes him want to cry. His body is so chery red, down to his neck and shoulders.  
You’re going to fuck his pussy while he’s wearing these lacy, frilly, girly clothes and he wants it so bad he could die from the shame.  
“Do you want me to eat you out? Do you want me to make your pussy feel good?”  
The words come out like a sob, ripped out of his labored breaths. “Fuck, yes —“  
So you dive back again, pressing your tongue to Haruka’s hole with reckless abandon. It feels strange but it feels good when you tease and slurp. It’s sensitive and ticklish with each stroke, something about it feels dirty. All the hairs on the back of his neck stand - electricity shooting through his nerves and making him pulse hot all over. You’re doing it so passionately, eating him out like he really has a— 
He moans a little, shuddering, cock dribbling pr-espend. Tip ruddy and desperate, he want more. He grinds against your face searching for it, hips chasing for friction.  
He knows what he really wants even if it’s too shy to voice it. His body feels so empty, so uselessly empty. He casts his gaze on your harness, your cock—laying beside him and clenches without thinking. He wants it so bad he’s drooling, aching, hips pushing against air as he moans while you eat him out. Please, please,please.  
You make an appreciative noise into him as you pull away, his hole soaked from your saliva as you look up at him from between his legs. Noticing the state he’s in, faced reddened and chest heaving. He feels so ruined and so, so stupidly horny. He wants to cum any way he can, he thinks.  
He looks at your face, absolutely lovestruck, then shivers.  
That’s not true. He wants to cum from your cock, from being fucked. He wants to cum like a girl. 
“I want you to see yourself baby,” You say, all warm. Haruka pants. “Come here,”  
Haruka is dazed as you help him up to his feet and guide him back to your vanity. He can barely stand he’s so hard. His knees buckle further when he sees himself in the mirror. 
God. He looks ruined. His makeup smudged slightly at mouth despite himself, his bitten chest and skin and his clothes. His ripped tights. All of it is too overwhelming to process. He decides against thinking.  
You wrap your arm around his waist from behind. “My pretty girl.”  
Haruka covers his face instinctively, squirming. “Shut up.”  
“Mm,” You put a hand on the front of his thigh. “Put your knee on here and your hands on the vanity table, Haru-chan.” 
Haruka obliges only because he can barely keep himself upright other wise, propping one knee onto the vanitys bench. He’s close to himself in the mirror this way - the lights making him look at himself with more scrutiny than before. He has no idea what it is about this you like. Gold-silver eyes, short hair - everything about him, he doesn’t see what you admire.  
But you’ve put so much focus into accentuating each of his features. It’s skilled in the way Tsubaki is. Everything done with meaning.  
He looks at himself closely. The sweater around his arms, the shiny polish on his fingers, the jewelry. The ornery of it all messy and ruined. Mascara rings around his eyes and his lipstick is swiped messily. All of that effort to make him so beautiful only to fuck it all up. It’s fitting. To be made and completely ruined by you in the same breath.  
When you return to him, you’ve got your strap harnessed and lube in your hands. Pour  it onto his pussy and rub it in with rough touches, doing the same to your silicone cock before tossing the bottle back towards the bed. You finger Haruka open with a hand on his hips, squeezing appreciatively at his ass through tights before tearing them even more.  
He groans, gripping onto the sturdy vanity for his life as you work him back open soft enough to be fucked.  
“Haru-chan,” You murmur, leaning forward to press a kiss the small of his beck where his dress rides up. “I’m going to fuck your pretty pussy and make you watch,”  
Your crass words sent heat flaring through up his spine. His nerves fray at the end. He pushes his hips back on instinct as you slip a third finger in, curling against his prostate. Nearly slipping, Haruka lets the sensation bleed through him, tip weeping as his pussy aches for the perfect stretch.  
“Deep breath, Haruka.”  
He takes in a sharp inhale as the head of your cock swells inside of him. Pushes past the puffy, pink rim of his hole and stretches around the sticky, veined shaft. His mind goes numb, body limp. Your hand pushes down on the curve of his back until he’s arching properly, feeling it deeper. His body and mind disconnect, acting on instinct as his teeth grind making up for the emptiness. The tables edge digs into his palms hard and Haruka shakes. His mouth drop opens, drooling from the corners of his lip.  
“Deeper,” He groans, can’t think, can’t think of anything but the delicious and obvious intrusion of your cock inside of him. “Harder, fuck.”  
“I wanted to be gentle,” You tsk then thrust. Slam yourself into the welcoming tightness of Haruka’s pussy without second thought, knocking all the air from his lungs. “It’s good to be gentle with girls. Haruka likes it rough though, right? You like your cunt mistreated even though you’ve got such a cute face.” 
Your hips grind against the back of Haruka’s ass as you bottom out and his cock twitches. His vision goes white, body taut before trembling violently. You pause. “Did you cum, Haruka? Did you cum from having your pussy filled?”  
He’s shaking. He can’t stand up properly. He’s so full. His stomach is so full, he’s so happy to be so full. It feels so good everything in his vision is white, smatterings of starlight behind his lids when they flutter closed. His pussy feels so good. He feels good for you. He’s so contented nothing else makes sense.  
“Haruka,” Your voice is wrecked. Like you were the one being devastated, not him. “Oh, my perfect girl. Cumming from my cock, so good. You’re a good girl, you’re such a good fucking girl. Such a tight pussy.”  
You fuck Haru with reverence. Pure delirium. His eyes widen frantically when you pull out and blow wider when you slam back in - forcing him to hold onto the vanity for dear life. You angle yourself and fuck Haruka hard and hot without so much as another word of warning. Praising him endlessly as you look at him in the mirror.  
“Fuck, look.” Your hands go around to his chin, cupping his jaw upwards with free hand until he sees himself in the mirror in sheer bliss. He sees you in the reflection, too, besotted. Flushed all over, eyes glazed over in complete hunger. Haruka looks embarrassing, looks euphoric and messy and so filthy he can’t believe its him he’s looking at. “Look how fucking pretty you are.”  
You pull Haruka up back his arms until his back is against your chest when you fuck him, sinking your cock so deep he feels it in his throat. He cums again, dry, from the inside just like you want. The wet slam of your hips is making it hard to think.  
“So beautiful. Gorgeous, aren’t you? So stunning even without all this. My beautiful Haruka’s and his pretty, perfect cunt. You’re made for me to fuck you like this. Made for me to fuck you like a girl,”  You babble, voice hoarse as you fuck into him hard and precises over and over and over. “Made for my dick. Should fuck you pregnant, keep you all filled until you carry my kid , turn you into my housewife.”  
It’s nonsense. Useless, horny filth. And it makes his head spin, makes his body ache so hot when you say it. Hearing you praise his cunt so affectionately, being made to take your cock. All of it makes his blood rush and turns him stupid. Impossible but his body aches at the possibility as it gets filled. Haruka can’t keep his head on straight, can’t find his tact or pull away from you fucking him so ruthlessly.  
He moans your name with his voice shattered, hands at his sides as you pound away. Dick slapping against the soft plane of his stomach each time, dribbling cum onto satiny floral and dying it white.  
His body goes taut. He can feel it. He’s going to cum again, going to cum harder.  
His voice is shot as he begs.  
“Touch me,” He whines. “Touch me,”  
“Touch where, baby? Say it.”  
He nearly buckles. “Touch my c-clit. Make me cum, fuck.”  
“Good girl,” You praise, so sweetly. “Such a good girl for me,”  
Your wet hands wrap around Haruka’s shaft and everything he was keeping pent up inside him explodes all at once. You barely stroke twice before his cock starts to twitch so hard it hurts, an orgasm hurdling towards him full speed before he nearly gets knocked down. His spine arches against you as he finally, finally gets the relief he wants and he cums.  
Haruka cums hard. Thick, heavy, wet ropes of white semen splash onto your vanity and mirror, into your fingers as you fuck him through his orgasm, jerking him off hard until he’s howling from overstimulation. He’s overwhelmed when you bottom out, sticky hand holding his hips as you grind.  
“I’m close,” You pant. “Hold still.”  
Haruka feels as you grind yourself against the leather harness of the strap with your forehead pressing his back and feels aroused all over again. His brain is so clouded with lust he can’t stop the words from escaping his lips as he looks at your face in the mirror trying to cum.  
“Cum in me,” He begs helpless. “Want you to cum in me,”  
And you push yourself into him further, deeper, hips rutting until you drop down in a shudder and scream. “Fuck. Shit! Cumming in you, fuck,”  
You cum and still drunk from the endorphins Haruka thinks its a waste you didn’t cum inside  - too deep in his head space to think about the whine from his lips.  
You breathe slow and kiss his shoulders and all over his neck. “Love you, Haruka.”  
He shudders. “…Love you too,”  
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greeneyessmize · 4 months
So, about Marina.
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We need to talk this out. Let's go through her journey step by step.
Upon arrival, Marina thinks she may just be waiting on letters from George so they can run away together but she is losing hope. Then she realizes she is definitely pregnant. Then come the fake letters.
Desperation and survival instinct start to gnaw at her. She is looking out for not only herself. She does try to change that but fails, and accepts that the pregnancy is going forward.
So she decides to make the best of it and find a husband as soon as possible. Preferably a nice, naive, young man with decent enough money.
She has several, and I do mean several suitors, she could choose from. But she settles on Colin Bridgerton and his sweet puppy dog innocence.
She knows Pen is fond of him, but she blocks it out. She doesn't care. She focuses on Colin. The easy low, ripe hanging fruit. Who wouldn't?
Then she realizes Pen actually loves him. This will not stop her. She will stamp out this crush to ash if she has to. She's betting her life on this. Pen means nothing to her here.
She is not in this for love. Love betrayed her and put her in this mess. She wants an easy marriage with no uncomfortable questions. Right and wrong don't matter because she has already had wrong done to her.
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Now Colin.
He's a young man. Hopeful, bright eyed, romantic, inexperienced.
He participates in the marriage mart because some of it is fun. There is not too much pressure on him as a 3rd son. He gets to dance and flirt, and chat with Pen. How is that not delightful?
Then along comes Marina. She is a glittery new addition to the ladies he has mostly seen here or there all his life. And everyone is interested in the shiny new toy.
Then she shows interest in him. She flirts with him. When she could seemingly have almost anyone, she lets her eyes brighten for him.
He is easily charmed. Marina, for all he and the other boys of the ton can tell, is an attractive young woman. When she decides to show him singular attention he believes it is love and his easygoing heart wants to return that, being a genuine and open person.
He is easily manipulated into an engagement, thinking that this is natural and right. But his passion never really shows, does it? He pulls back from kissing her when she is scandalously forward with him. He does not seek extra excuses to meet her in the market or at tea or at the garden entrance to the Featherington estate for example.
No. He just insists he is a gentleman.
Then he drops her as soon as her manipulations are revealed. He is angry. He is hurt. But it's like a betrayal of a new friend, not a truly wounded heart. A passionately in love man would try to justify her actions or find a way to get past this. But he just lets it drop and goes traveling to soothe his bruised ego.
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Then, there is Penelope.
Sweet, shy Pen.
She is so happy to have a friend in her very own home who is kind to her. It seems like a dream come true at first. She says lovely things about Marina in LW.
Then she realizes Colin is truly interested in Marina. She hates it, but doesn't fight it at first. Penelope has already in many ways given up on Colin ever looking at her the way he looks at Marina. So she bites her tongue. She doesn't discourage the two from becoming closer, but she is not doing much to stop it either.
Then she finds out Marina's secret. She learns about George and cake and that Marina must marry in one way or another. Pen wants to help. She really does.
But she just can't stand that Marina would trick Colin. Her love for Marina is enough to ignore her tricking anyone else. Her love for Colin is so much that she wants him to be happy any way possible.
And she knows figuring out the first child is not his and then duplicity of Marina's affections would not make Colin Bridgerton happy. Unlike most men in the Ton, he knows what love is. His parents were a love match. He would understand eventually that Marina was just placating him whenever he engaged with her emotionally.
So. Having appealed to both Marina, who crushed her heart into bits efficiently, and Colin, who metaphorically ruffled her hair and told her to run along... what options were left to Pen?
Directly tell someone like her mother? She already knew and approved. Violet? Well isn't that terrifying to a shy young woman who still wants Colin's friendship? Eloise? Too mercurial, she might support the match or at least loudmouth that it was Pen who told her. Again potentially ending her friendship with Colin.
Remember, her friendship with Marina was already over, Marina just did not know it yet. You can't brutally crush someone's most treasured, secret desire (realistic or not) and have them continue to love you like nothing happened.
So, Pen uses her last resort when she learns of the pending elopement. The one thing she can do to save Colin from unhappiness and to keep her one small shred of her own happiness: being Colin's friend. She revealed Marina's secrets to the Ton.
Did this maximize damage to Marina? Yes. Did it also damage Colin? Fractionally, both compared to what was dealt to Marina and compared to the damage he would have suffered in a marriage where Marina came to merely tolerate him. (As evidenced by her entire unamusement at his olive oil joke in Season 2.)
Don't forget that Penelope also hurt herself in this. You don't sob in your best friend's arms in celebration. She broke a part of herself to do this to Marina and to Colin. She probably doubted every second of everything and a part of her always will. Her price was not public, it was not outwardly devastating, but she took damage too.
In conclusion, Marina and Penelope were both some level of wrong and Colin was the blind fool in the middle. The flavors of wrong were very different, and so were the levels of damningness.
In their own ways, I can forgive each of them. Admittedly, I forgive Pen more. But that has to do with my life experiences. Former wallflower here, married to a man who is now her best friend. I have never gotten pregnant and been abandoned (though being dead is hardly George's fault here). But I can understand how desperate, how calculating that could have made me, at least in that era. Especially with people like Portia Featherington as your primary caretaker and maternal figure.
I really hope that Pen and Marina both get a chance a chance to gain closure over this peacably before Marina dies. I don't think Pen deserves to feel guilt over Marina's death. Especially as book Marina seemed to have severe depression and well, Marina is likely to have depression too considering her loss of George.
Now, if part 2 of Season 3 could just be here already, that would be absolutely lovely!
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pauli-writes · 6 months
Could I request Aventurine with a jewelry maker s/o?
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warning: light 2.1 spoilers (just that aventurine shattered his cornerstone), references to gambling, aventurine is a little mean
pairing: aventurine x reader
author’s note: thank you anon! i had so much fun writing this! (it was a good distraction from thinking about my presentation for class) this is really short again and beware that i know nothing about jewels or the likes that part was all google, but i hope you enjoy it anyways!
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“so, you think it’s possible?” he was insane, out of his mind. he wanted you of all people to shatter the cornerstone the ipc has given him, something like that could probably be considered blasphemous by the ipc, you could be put on trial or worse for this.
However you didn’t say anything close to this to his face, instead only nodding along like a good little partner. “yeah, but we could get in trouble for it. i mean real trouble-“
“i know, i know,” he cut you off with a wave of his hand, starting to walk around you like a predator circling his prey. it would be unsettling for most, but you were already used to it. “but you’ll still help me right?”
you paused and looked at the beautiful aventurine stone lying on your worktable, before slowly looking back up at your blond partner in crime. “aventurine… can i be honest with you?”
“always, my sweet.” he mused with a charming smile, but you could tell inside he was not pleased about you making a fuss about this simple task he asked of you.
“this is a big gamble.”
“you’re saying that like i’m not aware of it.”
you shook your head apologetically, “i didn’t mean to insult you. it’s just- what if the risk isn’t worth the reward this time?”
his smile momentarily turned into a fake frown as he cupped your cheeks in his hands, before turning back into an amused smile. “my dear, have you not been listening to me? don’t you know? the house always wins.”
“and we are the house...“ you finished, turning aventurine’s smile into a smirk as he let go of your face.
“so, you do remember after all.“ he mused, wrapping an arm around your shoulders as you both gazed at the stone in the table. his grip on you tightened subtly, a small reminder that he was the one with a position in power and you only had a small little jewellery shop that you could barely keep afloat. “just don’t think too much about it. i have everything under control, so take this ugly cornerstone and turn it into something elegant, presentable and most importantly undetectable.”
you nodded and he let you get to work. you sat in front of the stone, inspecting it before even attempting to shatter it. after all this stone was said to have sealed the authority of an emanator of preservation within it, which basically meant it was dangerous as heck and you had to be careful about it.
you let out a sigh and picked up the stone, painfully aware of aventurine’s careful and scrutinising gaze on you.
“aventurine is such a pretty stone, you know?”you began, turning it in the light, letting light refract from it, “it’s a symbol of good luck, but you probably already knew that… it’s also very easily mistaken for jade for the untrained eye…”
his expression shifted slightly as you mentioned that, “oh, really?”
he stepped closer again, standing right behind you and examining his stone as well. you knew aventurine liked pretty and expensive things, he dressed up to the part he wanted to play, you remembered when he first stepped into your shop he had no clue about what was fine expensive jewellery and what was just something cheaply made and sold for an expensive price. it’s almost funny that his own stone was never a part of those conversations.
you nodded your head, presenting the aventurine in such a way it would sparkle a little. “yeah. you can’t really tell at a glance, but aventurine has a slight glittery shimmer to it. i can barely tell the difference half the time.”
“you’re so smart, reader.” he said, making you blush a little. you were very easily flustered by praise. “i think you just gave me an even better idea. i have to leave and make a call, i’ll be back later. love you.”
he gave you a kiss on the cheek before starting to walk out of your store with a hurried step. you could barely register what he had said, a new idea? how did your info dumping give him a new idea?
you shook your head, it was futile trying to figure out what he thought. quickly you stood up and shouted after him, “love you too! don’t come back too late!”
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silverzoomies · 1 month
quickie 22 please please please🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
Peter Maximoff/Reader drabble: ⚡"Shh, just a little more..."⚡ warnings: dilf!peter, wardrobe malfunctions, awkward boners. this one isn't as filthy as it could be. sorry! i'll try and make the next ones extra filthy as compensation 💗
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In one of the mansion’s guest bathrooms, Peter tugs the useless zipper of his dress pants.
Tonight’s the big night. Some millionaire humans are hosting another boring party. Big name politicians. Or business managers. Or whatever. Who the hell knows? Peter sure doesn’t. The last thing he wants is to attend another fancy affair. But Charles told the team it was mandatory. If only to make a positive impression on humans.
Eugh. Peter can’t stand that kinda shit. Playing kiss ass for a bunch of rich assholes. Elitist pricks who don’t care whether mutants live or die. On nights like this, Peter almost sympathizes with his absent father’s extremist mentality.
The team are all dressed up in expensive suits and glittery gowns. They wait together in the entrance hall. Five and half minutes passed since Peter insisted he’d be ready to go.
And, see, he didn’t mean to come back so late tonight.
He only wanted to spend as much time with his daughter as possible. Right down to the last second, Peter immersed himself completely in Luna’s little world. It’s not his fault he rarely gets to see her. His ex Crystal keeps him at such an arm’s length. Peter fears he won’t have a real relationship with the little peanut if he doesn't make the most of every moment.
Again. Running behind schedule? Not his fault.
And the fact that his zipper got stuck? That’s not his fault either. Peter wrestles with the godforsaken thing for another two minutes. He’s driving himself insane with it, since it took him only a half second to dress up in his newly tailored, uber expensive, rental suit.
Which, by the way, Peter won’t hesitate to admit; even though he hates dressing up, he looks ultra sharp. Like a suave, silver fox.
In a superspeed blur, he fumbles with the zipper to no avail. He alternates between squatting and standing. Peter tugs even harder, but the goddamn thing won’t budge. Even more frustrating, he can’t bend over enough to get a look at what’s causing his wardrobe malfunction. Another minute passes. And just when he thinks he’s gonna give up, go out, and give the world a peek at his undies; you come knocking at the door.
Peter’s saving grace. Like an angel from the heavens.
For a half second, the door flies open before Peter pulls you quickly inside by your arm. He drags you into the cramped, guest bathroom with him. With his back against the sink, he takes another half-second to check you out. Peter’s beady, lidded eyes zip all across, up and down your body, admiring your figure in a luxury dress. 
You whisper-shout at him, gesturing wildly with your hands, “What’s taking you so long? Scott’s about to freak out! Our ride’s here waiting and everything. Logan said we should just leave you here!” 
Oh. Right. The party. He almost forgot. Pulling his speedy gaze from your hips, Peter focuses on his cumbersome zipper again. “I’ll be there in a sec. Promise! Jeez. Can’t they all just slow their roll? Someone really needs to teach those guys some patience, amiright?” Peter snickers, grabbing a handful of his crotch, tugging his zipper hard with his opposite, “Motherfu-”
“You...uh...having some trouble?” 
You cross your arms, cocking a hip to the side as you watch his thick fingers fight his zipper. Peter rolls his eyes.
“Nope. I just felt like goin’ on a date with Pamela Handerson before our big night. What’s it look like??”
Cracking the briefest hint of a smile, you shake your head and wave your hands dismissively. “We don’t have time for this.” You note.
"You're tellin' me. I just can't get it to-" Peter stiffens as you step closer, pressing your curvy body against his, "Oh, hell-o."
With the stressful determination of a mother on school picture day; you double check the rest of his suit. Your gentle hands smooth the faint crinkles in his dress shirt, doing the same with his jacket, adjusting his tie - all before bringing your hand down to his crotch. Following a short apology, you blindly feel for that pesky zipper. On accident, you grab a firm handful of something else.
Peter jolts in place against the sink, canting his hips into your touch. In a flash, he latches a strong grip around your wrist. The corners of his eyes crinkle with fine lines as he playfully narrows his gaze.
“Whoaaa, there. Easy with the merchandise, baby.”
“Whoops! My bad. I'm just trying to help.” You raise a quizzical brow, challenging Peter with a look, "And who're you calling baby?"
"You is who I'm callin' baby, baby." He chimes in a playful tone, matching your teasing gaze.
He loosens his hold on your wrist, giving you free rein to continue.
After a beat or two, he adds, "And, hey, if you're still down for later..."
"Down? Down for what?"
"Y'know. Shopping for merchandise?"
He notices the way you suppress a riled laugh, ignoring his advances for the time being. You fight with his problematic zipper for a solid minute or two before ultimately sinking to your knees. Perching yourself on the floor in front of him, nose to crotch, you lean in as closely as you can. Peter feels blossoming heat flare up in his cheeks. Swallowing hard, he rests his hands on the edge of the sink behind him.
For a momentary instant, you lean back on with your ass resting on your heels. Peter gets a choice view of your flush cleavage. Pillowy and coaxing him to stare. He gnaws his lip and knits his mercury brows. His dusky gaze follows the motion of you leaning in, practically burying your face in his crotch to get a good look at the pesky pants culprit.
“Uhhh…hey…look, you really don’t gotta-” He chokes, his fingers clenching the countertop tighter.
“Aha! I found it! Just gimme a quick sec.”
A loose piece of fabric caught the zipper. You bring both hands up to try and tear it free, but it still won’t budge. Taking a more risky approach, you pull his fly open, ripping the piece of cloth with your teeth. Peter shudders as a sublime tingle races through his body. Warmth swarms in his groin. A more vulnerable expression overtakes his worn, rugged features.
“Oh my g-...uhm…babe…it’s cool. Seriously. You can stop now. I won’t hold it against you. Thanks for tryin'. I’ll just take one for the team and-”
You pull back again with a focused whisper, squinting your eyes.
“Shh, just a little more...”
“N-No. I’m not foolin’ around. I really think you should call it quits before-”
“SHHHH! Wait, I got it!”
It’s not until your teeth shred the fabric, freeing the zipper at last - that you realize he’s pitching a tent in his pants. Your hand rests over his crotch, and you can feel him pulsing hotly under your palm. Freezing in place, gaping at the (impressive) bulging sight before you, you steadily tilt your head up. Your pretty eyes peer at Peter with partial caution, and partial curiosity.
When you meet his sluggish, wide-eyed gaze; Peter has a hand covering his mouth. Staring down at you, his face burns blazing hot. He pauses, running his hand up from his mouth and through his silver hair, mussing the clean look he took so much time (a few microseconds) to style.
"Okay. In my defense-"
"Been a while?" You taunt him with a flirty chuckle.
Peter tips his head back, exhaling a throaty laugh, "Yeah. Been while."
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dmwrites · 1 year
It was said that the Decked Out dungeon was alive.
The hermits, gathered in the halls and cubbyholes of Decked Out, talked about this factually. The dungeon was laced tradition and superstition.
The hermits said it ate people, that it craved blood. Some hermits had lucky cards or items, others touched parts of the dungeon before going in. They all joked about the dungeon having a crush on Etho.
Hypno thought this was all bullshit.
And while he wasn’t one to diss other people’s superstitions (at least not in a hurtful way), the way some of the hermits talked about the dungeon was… weird.
Hypno could only shake his head and stay quiet. “It’s chance! Chance and RNG and skill! The dungeon is a machine, not some beast in need of hermit butts to keep it satisfied!” He wanted to say. But he didn’t say anything, just stuck to the sidelines, quiet and thinking about his own runs, what he could explore next.
Regardless of differences, the hermits could all agree on one thing: decked out was addictive. Hypno had spent more hours then he cared to admit in the dungeon, just so he could be near the place, hear strategies. And he liked to play, had a bit of a knack for the dungeon itself. Phases one through three had been tons of fun, tons of exploration and death and success. But Phase four…
“Damn it!”
Hypno wondered if there was a death speedrun record yet for Decked Out, and if he’d just done it. Killed by Skill Issue almost as soon as he’d cleared the first room. The whole week had been like this, he hadn’t succeeded once.
“Too bad, man.” Hypno could hear Cub saying from beyond the door when he respawned.
“Appreciate it, man. Ugh!” Hypno hit the button to open the door and went to sit on the floor next to where Cub was leaning against a wall. “I’ve had such bad luck this week!”
“That sucks. Maybe the dungeon is just mad at you.” Cub suggested, looking down at Hypno.
Hypno put his hands to his face. “Cub, what?”
“Well, you know, I mean, of everyone here, I think you and I have penetrated the dungeon the deepest.”
“Don’t say it like that, please.”
“It’s the truth, though.” Cub continued. “You play that dungeon rough, and maybe it’s tired of you. Wants the annoying bug named Hypno to get out as fast as possible. And how to you get rid of something that’s annoying you? You smack it.”
“The dungeon isn’t alive, Cub.” Hypno said, looking up at him. “You do know that, right? It’s just a game.”
“I dunno, man…” Cub looked down at him. “I pay my respects to the dungeon… maybe you should consider it too.”
It dawned on Hypno, in that moment, just how much the sculk had spread across Cub’s skin, curling into his eyes and staining his skin an inky blue. Hypno shivered, and wondered just how Cub was “paying respects” to the dungeon.
Hypno went again as soon as the dungeon was ready. He and Cub hadn’t said another word since their brief conversation, and Hypno could feel Cub’s eyes on his back, watching him in silence. Those glittery, dark eyes. The door closed in between them, and Hypno tried to shake off the kind of damp, uncomfortable feeling on his skin.
“Right, hard mode, let’s do this.” Hypno murmured, pressing the correct button from the list and placing his shulker box. A minecart appeared, and down into the dungeon he went.
The problem was, with the minecart ride, was that it was far too long, with too much silence for thoughts to creep in. Of all people, Hypno hasn’t expected Cub to be one of the hermits treating the dungeon like a living thing. But then again, Hypno reasoned, was Cub really all Cub right now? But regardless of who was in charge of Cub’s form right now, Cub ran the dungeon great most of the time.
But he’s just good at the game, a little voice inside Hypno argued.
But so are you… another voice argued back.
The minecart ride ended, and Hypno was facing the doors of the dungeon. He took a deep, centering breath, tightened his bandanna. The dungeon isn’t mad at you, the dungeon doesn’t have feelings, it’s a building, Hypno assured himself.
He grabbed the compass- a simple level one- and snuck his way thought the icy rooms and halls. He had an ear out for ravengers, but something was different. It smelled different. Rather then the kind of cold that blocked out everything, the air smelled stale, but slightly metallic. Hypno smelled his shirt- it wasn’t him, although he was sweating like crazy. A ravenger suddenly roared, barreling around the corner, even though Hypno was out of sight. Hypno ran, jumping over the river of souls and into the crypt. He had half a mind where this compass location may be, and pounded down the stairs. He wasn’t sure what it was, Cub or just a feeling, but he didn’t want to be here too long.
He found the compass location and threw it in, getting his own bandana artifact. The second he picked it up, the dungeon groaned, metal against metal, ice against ice. He could hear ravengers bellowing, running towards him. Hypno looked around, but there was nothing that suggested this was all some kind of prank.
“What is happening?” Hypno asked himself. He tightened his bandana, took a deep breath, and ran back up the stairs, only interested in leaving this place.
The coffins around him were rattling, someone was pounding against the stone. He could hear vex screeching, even though he was nowhere near max clank yet. He kept running, sure of his way.
Ravengers lunged at him.The walls were contracting, shuddering violently as the dungeon screamed in his ears-
He fell onto the pressure plates that marked the exit, scrambled to the short chute that would send him to the end of the dungeon, and maybe he could get out and touch some grass or something. He jumped down into the hole, taking deep, gasping breaths as he fell. And he kept falling. Before he could really process that this was a far longer drop then any other time he’d finished the dungeon, he hit a puddle of water with a splash.
“Yeah, dungeon isn’t happy with you, man.”
Cubfan stood before him, like he’d been there the whole time. The room Hypno had landed in was caked in sculk, all shimmering and almost bulging outwards towards him.
“Where are we, Cub?” Hypno asked hesitantly, trying to steady his breathing, slowly moving to stand on solid ground. Every instinct the dungeon, and life in general had taught him was that something was very, very wrong.
“The Burning Dark, of course. You’re a smart guy, I bet you knew that already. The dungeon thinks you’re smart. Hates that you’re smart. Hates that you don’t fear it like you should.” Cub paused, and in that silence was the heartbeat of the dungeon. “Are you scared now, Hypno?”
In a place so void of information, with only sculk and the creeping realization that Cub was not here to save him, Hypno’s mind raced, but came to no conclusion.
“No.” He lied.
“The dungeon is hungry, Hypno. You die a lot, but you haven’t died for the dungeon yet.”
A sword was in Cub’s hand, and suddenly it wasn’t Cub and a creepy room, but a ravenger named “nothing, they survived decked out!”. But there was no button and door here, no pretend savior. Hypno was going to die, sacrificed to the dungeon by this person who wasn’t all Cub. Hypno straightened his bandana. Well, if this was going to be how this went down, he wouldn’t let the dungeon have the satisfaction of his fear.
“Do you know how sculk works, Hypno?” Cub was advancing, in slow, meaningful steps.
“No.” Hypno looked him down, didn’t move.
“The more you kill, the more it spreads.” The room was covered in the stuff. How many hermits had come here to die, be sacrificed to keep the dungeon happy?
“We could just leave, my guy. Touch some grass, talk to other hermits. You don’t have to do this.” Hypno said, but he knew his words only absorbed into the sculk. Cub was in front of him now, sword between them.
“Run. Maybe you can escape again.” Cub rasped.
“No.” Hypno replied. He didn’t move. Not even when the blade pierced his heart. He fell in place, sinking to the floor that would take his sacrifice. He could feel Cub kneel beside him, take the bandana off his head.
“You’re so annoying, Hypno. Can’t even die like everyone else.” It wasn’t Cub speaking.
Hypno woke up in the Decked Out bed. He gathered his stuff, his deck, and flew away as fast as he could. It wasn’t until the citadel was out of sight that he realized that his bandana hadn’t respawned with him. He shivered, not knowing what that really meant.
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perseephoneee · 10 months
decorating the tree (kol mikaelson x f!reader) {ficmas day 5}
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꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ happy day 5 of ficmas!
warnings: kind of angsty, mostly fluffy, a little steamy. but most importantly, festive.
a/n: i got a little carried away with this one. kol is just my baby boy. also the formatting is horrendous because tumblr was being a little bitch.
↳ masterlist  ↳ ship exchange ↳ join my taglist ↳ ficmas 2023
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The holidays could be the most bittersweet time of the year. Observing everyone with their friends and families without having your own was lonely and often damaging. You usually could go home for the holidays, see your loved ones, or sleep in at your childhood home, but not this year. This year, because of all the shit happening in the French Quarter, you were forced to be alone.
You hated every second of it.
But, being the go-getter you were, you decided to make the most of it. And you involved the Mikaelsons in this scheme (they were part of the reason you were stuck in this mess anyway).
You had dragged Kol with you to get a Christmas tree. More like, Rebekah had convinced him to go with you. You harbored a massive crush on the original vampire, and Bex, your newest friend, was fully aware of it. It’s why she engineered him to spend more time with you. He helped drag the tree to your tiny apartment and lounged on your couch like a cat as you finished setting it up and dragging out your holiday ornaments.
“Should I go for a color scheme or just hang up whatever?” You asked Kol, holding up a box of white and gold ornaments. He was posed on your couch like a Greek statue, hand thrown over his eyes and legs sprawled out like he couldn’t give a damn. He opened one eye to look at your ornaments. You held up your box of random accouterments, including an abominable snowman and a glittery baguette ornament.
“I like the random ones,” Kol mumbled, laying his head back and letting out a sigh like the world was oh so cruel.
“Am I boring you?” You chastised, a frown marring your features.
“Darling, you could never bore me,” Kol coos. “I just find this to be obtuse.”
“What about it is obtuse?”
“When will you get to enjoy all of this?” Kol finally sat up, gesturing to your apartment. “With everything going on…you’d be lucky to have a Christmas.”
You deflated at his words, clutching your box of ornaments between your hands. Kol was right, but you loathed it. You wanted to just have a holiday, that was all.
He took notice of your somber mood and got off the couch to crouch in front of you.
“Don’t worry, Y/N,” he sighed, picking up an ornament and hanging it on the tree. “Maybe I’ll be wrong.”
He wasn’t entirely wrong; you wanted to hate him for that. But you never could, not really. You spent your whole life feeling like you were holding your breath, but it was like you could actually breathe with him. He made you smile and also frustrated you to no end. Kol saved your life once, and you wondered there and then if it was physically possible to give him your heart. You never figured that part out.Later that week, you were at the Mikaelson compound preparing for a war meeting slash holiday dinner. Dinner was your idea, and Elijah backed you up. Some poor soul they compelled was likely making you food as you sat on Rebekah’s bed, flipping through a book.
“Did you ever have any holiday traditions?” You asked the blond, not looking up as you spoke. You could hear her rifling around at her vanity when she turned to you.
“Bonfire,” Bex answered. “We’d write our wishes and throw them in the fire.”
“We should do that!” You exclaimed, looking up at her. She chuckled at your excitement, even as a melancholy look crossed her features.
“What would you wish for?”
Rebekah took a beat.
“My family, together, at peace,” she said softly, looking down. You repositioned yourself to sit at the end of the bed, looking at her sadly.
“I won’t leave you, you know,” you murmured. “Even if I should’ve hit the hills a while ago.”
“I know that, dove,” Rebekah sighed. “You’re as much a part of this family as I am. I’m…grateful for that.” She tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, and you were hit by the realization that she was just a girl in a woman’s body. “Because you’re my family, I know exactly what you’d wish for.”
“Oh?” You lifted a brow at that.
“For someone to meet you under the mistletoe,” Rebekah teased, getting up from her chair and tackling you down on the bed in a fit of giggles.
“I have no clue what you’re talking about,” you gasped between laughter.
“Oh dear, Y/N, if only you could acknowledge how much he cares,” Rebekah sighed, and you poked her on the nose before rolling out of her reach.
“Don’t tell lies, Bex, it’s cruel,” you chastised.
“Is my darling sister being a vixen again?” Kol called from the doorway, catching both you and Rebekah’s attention. He leaned up against the door, arms crossed and a smirk on his face. You felt your heart rate pick up as you took him in.
“What do you want?” Rebekah inquired, looking bored.
“Dinner is ready; I came to fetch you,” Kol smirked, giving you a wink that sent your heart spiraling from the stratosphere. Rebekah grumbled and got up, pushing past you and out the door. You moved to follow, but Kol grabbed your arm, pulling you back towards him.
“Kol,” you breathed, looking up at him in question.
“Do I scare you?” He asked, peering at you. “What?”
“Or is it nerves?” He traced his thumb over the vein on your inner arm, and you could swear he was listening to how your heart thumped. “What makes your heart jump every time I come around?”
“I get startled,” you stutter, ignoring the look in his eyes at your lie. Kol hummed, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as his fingers traced your face.
“You know what I loathe about you?” Kol whispered. “You smell too sweet to resist…”
You wondered what would happen if you dared to kiss him right then, but the timing was never your forte, and you were interrupted by Rebekah yelling at the two of you to hurry up. You pulled yourself away, holding your breath, hoping to calm down as you descended the stairs. You could feel Kol following behind you.
Dinner was extravagant, as most things in the household were. You gored on rotisserie chicken and baked brie, letting the flavors coat your tongue. Elijah and Klaus bickered back and forth about a course of action with fighting the witches (they wanted Hope, of course). You could have been more helpful in these discussions anyway. Frankly, you weren’t sure why they kept you around. Maybe one day you’ll find out.
Dinner was interrupted by an explosion.
You felt yourself fly back, hitting the floor in the dust. The enemies had effectively retaliated, and the Mikaelsons fought back perfectly with tooth and claw. You brought yourself to a standing position, coming eye to eye with a witch who looked at you like you were a pawn on a chessboard. You sucker-punched her before she could make a move.
The Mikaelsons dealt with the threat in record time, and when the dust on their battlefield had settled, the arguments started. First, Klaus ranted about how they should’ve been more prepared, and then Elijah tried to explain how they made logical choices up to this point. Rebekah would occasionally butt in.
You just stood there hearing the noise build up in your head. You had the vague sense that you were bleeding, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care. Someone came up next to you, and you turned to see it was Kol. He said something that you didn’t hear before biting his wrist and holding it up to you. You tentatively took it, letting his blood coat your throat before pulling away. The ringing stopped, and you felt your body stabilize.
The pressure from the family screaming match didn’t go away, though. Someone yelled, “Stop,” and everyone turned to look at you. You almost didn’t recognize your own voice breaking the chaos.
“Just stop,” you pleaded. You looked at each sibling, forcing them to really see you. “It’s the fucking holidays…why is there always fighting? Why are you always fighting?” Your voice broke. “You have each other, and you care so much even when you pretend you don’t, and you’re always fighting.”
“I would do anything to have my family right now, but I don’t, and it kills me,” you choked. “You guys have each other, and what do you do? Nothing. Nothing at all.”
You don’t know why you broke, but you did. Being alone during your favorite season hurt you way more than you let on. It felt like looking from outside your body as you walked out of the compound on the way home. You entered your apartment silently, flipping on the lights to absolute silence.
You took a shower and went out in pjs, bundling yourself up in front of your fireplace. It was one of the amenities that sold you on the apartment. You wrote out your wishes on a piece of paper, folding them into paper cranes (for the sake of being dramatic) and tossing them in the fire. You sniffled, hugging your knees to your chest and weeping. You missed home and your family. You felt terribly alone.
On your paper cranes, you wrote for your family, for being surrounded by loved ones during the holidays, and Kol liking you back. Simple, trivial wishes, but ones you had nonetheless. You debated calling it an early night when you heard a knock on your door.
You got up slowly to open it, recoiling in shock when Kol bounds in with Klaus following behind him. Both are wearing Santa hats.
“Mother of God—“ you curse, watching as Kol drops boxes of decorations on your couch and Klaus makes a beeline for your kitchen. “What are you doing here?”
“Celebrating Christmas,” Klaus says, pouring himself a drink (somehow finding your alcohol).
“Elijah and Bex will be here shortly,” Kol chimes, taking out some lights and struggling to detangle them. You walk over to help him. As Kol says, Elijah and Rebekah come with more decor than you can handle and even some presents. Elijah gives you the early gift of a record player, a sleek Audio-Technica he sets up in the corner. He puts on a Christmas record and lets Elvis Presley’s “Blue Christmas” sound fill the space. Rebekah decides your apartment should be rearranged and goes to work pushing the furniture into their new places, making Klaus help her. You join Kol in decorating the tree. This mainly includes you redoing what he’s done since he’s absolutely dreadful at it. He pretends like he doesn’t notice you do it.
“This one reminds me of you,” Kol says, holding up a bright red apple ornament. It’s lightly dusted in glitter.
“Why? Because I’m the apple of your eye?” You jest, earning a slight chuckle.
“In Jewish tradition, the apple symbolized strength and hope for prosperity,” Kol explains. “In Wicca, it’s a powerful tool for protection. Much like you.”
You don’t have anything to respond to that, as Kol places the apple in the perfect place. You don’t move to rearrange it, it’s already in its home. You blush under Kol’s gaze and go back to decorating.
Rebekah claps her hands to capture everyone’s attention.
“Family photo time!” She announces, brandishing a camera she must’ve found stashed in one of your drawers. Klaus groans, and she swats him. You all gather in front of the tree. Elijah holds the camera with Klaus behind him, Kol, you, and Rebekah. Rebekah wraps an arm around your middle and props her head on your shoulder as you lean into Kol to fit better in the frame. Kol puts an arm around your shoulders and rests his head against yours.
“Smile,” Elijah says, taking the photo. You all gather around the screen, and you can’t help but smile at how well it turned out.
“You have a future in photography,” you chuckle, nudging Elijah. He rolls his eyes.
“No, thank you.”
Klaus pours everyone some champagne (again, where he was finding your alcohol is a mystery). You see the star at your tree's top and struggle to fit it on. Grabbing a chair, you nervously climb atop it.
“Here, let me help,” Kol says, grabbing your waist for support as you get on your tip toes and fit on the star. He holds you as you step off the chair, finding yourself in his arms. “Can we go somewhere quiet?” He asks, a hint of a tremble in his voice.
You gesture towards the bathroom, a place that’s already too noisy because of your rocky heater. He walks ahead of you, and you close the door behind him. You watch as Kol takes in the checkered floors, blue wallpaper, and clawfoot bathtub.
“Darling, this place is horrendous,” Kol states, and you laugh. “It works.” “It’s terrible.” “Not all of us are made of money,” you cross your arms, leaning against the counter.
“I have to get you a new place purely so I don’t have to look at this one,” Kol runs a hand through his hair, another hand on his hip. He looks ridiculous, and it makes you love him even more.
“What did you need the privacy for?” You ask.
“I have a gift for you,” Kol rifles through his pocket, pulling out a small red box. Your breath catches as he hands it to you. You open the box with trembling fingers to find a necklace inside. It’s simple, with a pendant of a moon eclipsing the sun. Your fingers trace with the charm with a delicacy reserved for beautiful things. “I saw it and thought of you.”
“I don’t know what to say…” “Say you’ll let me take you on a date.”
Your head shoots up, and you look at Kol with wide eyes. For once, his expression isn’t one of a cocky vampire, but rather a nervous boy. “What?”
“I figured it out,” Kol starts, stepping closer to you and cornering you by the door. “Why your heart beat so fast around me…why Rebekah is always asking me to do things with you…why you look at me when you think I don’t notice.” Kol looks down at you, forcing you to look up to meet his gaze. “You like me.”
“I—“ “It’s alright, I like you too. A lot. More than anyone in the past centuries,” Kol whispers. You wonder if maybe that wish you threw in the fire possesses real magic as you see your dreams coming true.
“Okay.” “Okay?”
“You can take me on a date,” you answer, feeling your breath shaky as Kol steps closer.
“Can I call you my girlfriend?” He trails his fingers across your jaw, chin, and lips. Your body is on fire.
“You can call me your girlfriend,” you whimper as his nose brushes yours.
“Can I kiss you?” He lets his breath fan your face, and you can barely let out an affirmative before you grab him by the collar and drag his lips to yours. One of his hands boxes your head against the wall as the other holds your hip, pulling you closer. Your hands tangle in his hair, and you hear him let out a small groan at the action. You let him take control because you’re barely holding on with the way he kisses and touches you. You’re afraid you might break apart if he lets go, and you can barely hold in your gasp as his fingers brush under your shirt.
You would let him take you right there, and then if not for Rebekah knocking on the door.
“Stop snogging and finish the tree!” She yells, earning a growl from Kol as you hear her walk away cackling. He turns back to you, pressing a kiss to the corner of your lips as he looks at you with eyes the color of the night sky.
“How does 8pm tomorrow sound?” “Sounds like a date.”
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greenandsorrow · 1 year
salon!Barbie🪞/ ryangosling!Ken
@xmrsrogersx -> there lovely! Is there a possible chance I could make a request for a Ken x female reader where the reader is a barbie doll and is stereotypical barbies best friend and reader Barbie is like a salon barbie 💖 she is so in love with Ken but he is so infatuated by stereo barbie. An say stereo barbie wants to help the reader win Ken’s heart as she never liked him in that way anyways. Perhaps during their travels back from the real world when they find everything’s changed to the Kendom the only way for ken to see sense is if Salon barbie confronts him and expresses her feelings in hopes he will change everything back and finally see the Barbie he is meant to be with?
PS; I hope the sweet Barbie who requested this likes the way it came out and that it's not too far away from your vision!! This fic follows the events of the movie. Also, you'll probably gonna need a snuck🍿
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~Who is Salon Barbie?~ ✨aka you✨
You, salon Barbie -referred to as B by most- are the one responsible for all things beauty related in Barbieland. Haircuts and hairstyling being your speciality. And just like your profession is to make others pretty, you are so very pretty yourself. You're not full of it though, always humble and sweet, perhaps too humble at times.
Your best friend is stereo Barbie and you two are almost never seen without each other's company. Both of you blonde and always pampered up to perfection. However, while stereo Barbie's hair is almost white, your hair is a warm blonde, fluffed up like you belong in old Hollywood, golden era. The fashion you dress yourself in, also seems to reflect that time. White fur shawls and pink, satin, slip dresses, mary jane pumps, corsets, stockings, pearls and diamonds. Obviously, that has to do with the fact you were created as a Christmas, limited edition salon Barbie, in order to honor the glittery glamour of a far away era. That being said, you do have a salon, but you do NOT have a Ken. (and we all know that your bestie does, or that's what you all initially thought 🫢)
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You're in your best friend's car, sitting in the passenger seat, finally returning back home.
Gloria and her daughter, Sasha, have also joined you, since Mattel's CEO had decided to hunt the lot of you down.
You like these two, especially Sasha. Her hair is so pretty and you can't wait to style it once you get hold of your equipment.
While in the real world, stereo Barbie discovered it wasn't actually Sasha she had to find but her mother. Your friend's experience in the real world was so purposeful. She heard so many different opinions about the effects she has on young girls and society as a whole, she felt *real* emotions and gained the ability to empathize. Your bestie also told you about the beautiful older ladies she had come across.
On the other hand, you didn't have to see real humans to feel emotional. You were always very sensitive. That big city had scared you, the poisonous glances from other women and the suggestive comments from men about your clothing choices and appearance had made you feel small. But you had enjoyed some moments there as well. You had enjoyed the warmth of the sun on your skin, petting stray kittens, watching little kids have fun in the playground. You had also enjoyed visiting a real salon for the first time ever. Obviously, you didn't fix anyone's hair that time, but the vibes of the environment, with all these beautiful, hard working women, discussing their daily struggles while also dedicating some time to look after themselves, had warmed your plastic heart.
When it comes to the reasons you left Barbieland, the main one was in fact...Ken. Beach Ken is the one thought always clouding all others in your blonde head. It doesn't matter you tried to deny your feelings, suppressing them with all your might, you are infatuated by these too bright, blue pappy eyes, the slightly husky voice and.... Jeez girl! We get it, you're in love with Ken!
But it's not that simple, even though you wish it were. Stereotypical Barbie and beach Ken have been linked together since the very first day Barbieland came into existence. And just like a Ken is supposed to do, the Ken in question has no eyes for anyone but his "assigned Barbie", meaning...your best friend. The fact that she is uninterested in being ''girlfriend and boyfriend'' with him barely easies the pain in your chest. (You're not meant to feel heartbroken)
When Barbie announced her departure -to get rid of cellulite, bad breath, thoughts of death and flat feet- Ken had told you he just HAD to go with her. You just couldn't resist helping him sneak into your bestie's car and eventually coming with them to the real world.
As you stare at the sign that welcomes you to Barbieland, you can't help but think to yourself how much you miss your friends and your hot pink hair rollers.
So many drastic changes in your life had turned your perfect world upside down and you felt guilty knowing that, in the centre of them all was your longing for Ken to notice you, actually see you in the same light you've seen him since the moment you set foot in your plastic utopia.
°•°•°B's flashbacks°•°•°
°• It was the beginning of another perfect day.
You and Barbie, Barbie and of course Barbie were taking your daily stroll at the beach. You were trying to suppress the excitement that came with being in Ken's territory. If you were lucky, you'd even be able to greet him!
You weren't lucky.
He didn't even look in your direction, too focused to get your friend's attention.
"Hi Barbie!"
"Hi Ken."
Barbie knew you were attracted to Ken and she felt so so bad she was basically in the way between you and her oblivious friend. Because in her mind that's all Ken was to her. Sure, beach Ken was like an "add on" to her doll version in the real world, but she just couldn't see how that meant she and Ken had to be romantically involved.
"Barbie, watch what I can do!"
And with that Ken was off running towards the big plastic waves, surfing board at hand.
The discomfort your friend had felt was more than evident, maybe she was even embarrassed that Ken was going to such extents to gain her attention.
On the other hand, you had been simply standing next to her, feeling invisible regardless of the coral pink slip dress and diamond jewellery you were wearing that day. But that -familiar by then- numbness was soon replaced with worry.
Everyone gasped when Ken bounced back from the waves and landed on the beach.
You were the first to rush to him and kneel beside him, concern written on your features.
"Ken?! Oh sweet maker! Ken are you hurt?!"
He had looked at you with curiosity, for a moment forgetting he had to pout so that stereo Barbie would have to comfort him.
"Barbie...B... I'm-"
You had unconsciously placed a palm on his muscular chest, a gesture that didn't go unnoticed by him, but before his brain had time to make anything out of your reaction, doctor Barbie was on her way to her "patient", stereo following close behind.
You had reluctantly removed your hand from him, avoiding his still curious gaze as you stood up and went to join the rest of your friends.
For the rest of your time at the beach, you sat silent, discreetly watching Barbie (your friend) and Ken (your crush) interact, as Ken was healing from his fall.
°• "So... is Ken going to be at the party?", your tone had shown just how nervous you were.
"Of course! I invited him just for you."
Barbie had given you one of her perfect smiles through the reflection of your salon mirror.
Whenever an occasion asks for it, you are always the one to pamper your friends. One might think that as a chore, but to you it's not just super fun, it's your purpose.
So, for the last couple of hours, you'd been doing the make up looks and hair of each Barbie, while engaging in small talk with them, which mostly consisted of compliments.
Your bestie had been the last "client" in your salon and after you were done with her, she kept you company while you busied yourself with your own make up and hair.
Taking out the last hair roller in your perfectly blown out hairstyle, you noticed Barbie was too silent for her usual talkative self.
"Beautiful, is something wrong?"
Your first guess was that she wasn't satisfied with the volume of her hair.
"B, I might have made a little decision, without asking you first."
"Oh! Please tell me you didn't choose the confetti's colour without me!!"
"No, no, no. Of course not! I would never do that to you! We agreed on purple, blue and pink. It's something silly actually..."
"Barbie you can tell me, I won't cry. I so so promise."
Stereo Barbie was aware of the melodramatic way you reacted to things. But in Barbieland not hiding your uniqueness was a brave thing to do, so she never judged you but always admired your temperament.
"I might have invited Ken to YOUR place without YOUR permission."
You had frozen in place.
"I thought you'd like to, you know, do his hair or something."
She smiled at you for the second time that evening.
You weren't sure of what you had felt at that moment. You were shocked, but in a pleasant way. Butterflies were flying in your stomach and even though you couldn't physically blush, you had felt your face grow warmer.
Your reaction was a genuine one.
"Barbie, honey, that's so very nice of you!"
You had run and hugged your friend tightly, laughing your silly girly laugh you only shared with her.
"Oh! Barbie, please tell me is my hair in place?!
Barbie! Where do you think you're going?! Is that dress shiny enough?!"
All the while you were going crazy, Barbie had been slowly making her way to the back exit.
"B, Ken's going to be here any minute now, it's best if I go."
°• "Hmh... B?"
That was Ken, clearing his throat before calling you from the entrance of the salon/lounge/ dream house you owned. There wasn't an actual door, since the fronts of all houses had no walls, but the place you had been standing wasn't visible from where Ken was calling you from.
Stereo Barbie had just left when you made your way to Ken, with a smile so big plastered on your face that your cheeks hurt.
It was your moment to shine.
"Hi Ken!!"
"Hi B! Barbie told me that you were fixing everyone's hair for her giant blow out party with all the Barbies and a planned choreography."
That smug but also awkward smile was going to be the end of you.
"Indeed I am! Come in!"
Looking back, that had been one of the most nerve racking moments of your existence.
You of course were able to perform and fix Ken's super soft, smelling like heaven hair, but your communication skills had abandoned you.
Thanks to Ken's energetic person though, awkward silence was avoided.
"You were really brave at the beach today Ken."
"Just doing my job B"
"Especially when you told Ken to beach off, you are so brave and-"
You had stopped yourself, not daring to say anything remotely risky. But Ken's attention had been drawn elsewhere. He was inspecting his hair in the mirror. You were almost done with him but you had -obviously without him knowing- taken more time than what you actually needed to style his hair.
"Will she find me pretty?"
His voice sounded small, like he was talking to himself. You felt like exploding. How had he not noticed the way you were looking at him?! YOU found him "pretty".
"I think you're handsome"
But your own voice was merely above a whisper. You saw his shoulders' movement, which led you to believe he had heard your compliment. However, he just went closer to the mirror, making sure everything was in place and "Good enough for Barbie".
You had felt a weird sensation in your stomach, weighing you down, but it wasn't in your nature to act on envy. You always acted on support and understanding.
You had reluctantly put a hand on his shoulder, managing to keep eye contact with him in the mirror.
"I think Barbie will find you very attractive Ken"
"Thank you B! You're the best!"
And with that he was out of your place and on his way to the party. After making sure you were "good enough" for maker knows who, you had started for Barbie's dream house as well, not sure if you were in the mood for partying anymore.
°• The party went as expected. Perfect.
You were in awe of all your friends' beauty. You felt so proud of them for simply being who they are, being enough. But truth is, you didn't feel enough that evening.
You had hoped Ken would be on the dance floor for the choreography. Your bestie had promised you she'd try to get you close to him, giving you guys a chance to dance together. Nothing went according to plan. (Your life wasn't perfect anymore, something unacceptable for a doll.)
You danced and danced, having spotted Ken holding a cup and looking miserable. He never looked in your direction, not even once.
Instead, he only made a move to join the dance floor scene when he noticed another Ken was dancing with stereo Barbie.
He still hadn't noticed you till the end of the party. And after the party. And while you were standing in your friend's apartment, watching her bid him goodbye.
He hadn't left. He had insisted on staying.
You knew none of this was your friend's fault. You couldn't blame her for Ken's infatuation with her. She's the most loyal and dedicated friend you could have asked for... she's perfect. But so are you. (Turns out that night had gone very wrong for both of you. Broken hearts and thoughts of death don't belong in Barbieland)
You couldn't help wishing you were her. You had burst in tears when Ken had tried to kiss Barbie.
That night you didn't stay over for "girls' night". In fact, you decided to never have one again. You felt terrible. Like a piece of furniture in the background.
Still, you just couldn't hate Ken. You had instead decided to blame yourself for liking him in the first place. It wasn't something planned. It wasn't meant to happen. Something was wrong with you. Maybe it was your turn to join Weird Barbie (and maybe do something about her hair).
°•°•°•°back to present°•°•°•°
Barbie and you are shocked to find Barbieland is now in fact called "Kendom" and the roles have all been reversed.
It's like someone took a piece of the real world and tried to make it work in your pink paradise.
Everywhere you look there is a Barbie taking care of a Ken's every little desire. You even spot President Barbie cheering some Kens who are playing beach volley.
Barbie is driving straight to her Dream house, unsure of what all this means. You're both surprised to find Ken there. You sigh in relief to know he made it safely back to Barbieland. Your friend however looks offended to say the least as she gets out of her car and heads to her house.
You end up feeling invisible once again, staying with Gloria and Sasha as Barbie confronts Ken for taking over her Dream house that is now called "Ken's Dojo Mojo Casa House".
You suppress a smile as the name sounds so satisfying to you. No B, that is wrong!
Ken took over BARBIEland and just look at him! He's changed. What's with these clothes and the huge fur coat? How does his hair look so good with the bandana?! He is so annoying for being so full of himself all of a sudden! Why would anyone wear a fur coat so big anyway?! But then again, you do have an excessive collection of fur shawls. Confidence looks good on him, doesn't it now?
No! Teaching the Kens about that thing called "patriarchy" was a stupid decision. But you understand how he feels all too well. He said it. He felt respected and seen out there. You could have made him feel this way but he never gave you a chance.
Barbie snaps you out of your thoughts.
"Let's get out of here!"
The four of you end up in Weird Barbie's house, along with Allan and some discontinued dolls.
Your friend has been going through the motions, but you're not planning to leave her side. You are currently brushing her hair with your favourite brush you always have on you for such emergencies.
"I don't remember sending *you* to the real world Marilyn."
"Haha, never Marilyn, though Mattel took inspiration from her to design me..."
"You went for him, didn't you? The hot, six pack, sapphire eyes Ken, didn't ya?"
"I thought it wasn't that obvious"
"Honey please, it's my job to notice when something is off on your pretty faces."
"Is it that bad of a thing to do?"
"He's lucky that you're so in love with him. That's all."
"Like he knows", that's Allan. Allan has always been a friend of yours. His awkward sense of humour and honesty make him the nicest company you could have ever asked for. But right now, his comment only causes you pain.
Ken is even more handsome than before leaving Barbieland, but he never felt more far away from your reach.
He had already rejected Barbie's attempt to make peace with him by becoming his long distance -and a bunch of other things- girlfriend.
The situation feels so hopeless and you just can't accept that, sweet and kind Ken is now the reason Barbieland is decaying.
Thanks to Gloria's words your beloved friend is feeling much better. Gloria's words also affected you. You feel empowered and seen. You still don't hate Ken for his actions, but you know that this situation must quickly change.
Weird Barbie told you earlier today that there must be a deeper reason you went through the real world experience.
"B can I please talk to you?", that's Sasha.
"What is it honey?"
"I heard you talking with Weird Barbie before and I think I might have an idea about why you feel the way you do for... Ken."
"R- Really? You do?"
"It's a secret"
"Pinky promise"
To say the least, Sasha's secret made you see things in a much different way.
Sasha's childhood friend, Cloe, used to have a salon Barbie doll and when they were younger, they used to pair her with Sasha's Ken doll, so even though Ken had come as essentially an accessory to the standard Barbie doll, the girls had paired him with another Barbie, salon Barbie, by choice.
After thinking this over, you are determined that next time the opportunity shows itself, you'll shoot your shot with Ken.
After pondering on Gloria's words, Weird Barbie's creativity and the need to set things in order before it's too late, you guys came up with a plan.
A plan to make "Kendom" Barbieland once and for all.
With the help of stereo Barbie and Sasha, Weird Barbie, Alan and other discontinued dolls, Gloria snaps all the Barbies out of their "submissive trance".
The Barbies then begin to manipulate the Kens by feeding their egos. That's when you come in the plan.
You are the one to distract Ken. That's right. Not any Ken, but Ken. Your forever crush.
After making sure you look your best with your fluffed up, curly blow hairstyle, in your favourite, silky two-piece pyjama set with matching gown and slippers, it's time to act.
You pretend to look lost, like you haven't spent your whole life in this place.
Ken is quick to notice your "helplessness" and of course rushes to offer his assistance.
"B! Long time no see, sugar."
You know he's trying too hard, you know he's putting up an act just the way you are meant to act differently as well, but you do feel your heart flutter in the sound of him calling you "sugar".
"Oh! K- Ken! Hi... handsome. I'm so glad you're here."
You try your hardest to maintain your calm and stay collected. As much as you love the prospect of finally becoming closer to him, you can't let the Barbies down.
"That's right baby. You're lucky I'm here 'cause you do look kinda lost, is that right?"
"I do...I am! Haha. It's just, you know, now that everything's changed the Barbies don't visit the salon that often and I'm so lonely."
You bat your coquette lashes at him -just as Weird Barbie had instructed you to do- and you swear you see a glint in his eyes. Ken had never actually taken the time to take you in, to notice the exact shade of your hair, your kind smile, your shyness that he hates to admit matches his own and he catches himself wondering if you like horses. He has to find the right moment to ask you.
As he stares at you, rather shamelessly, you are breathtaken by...him basically. That light washed jeans outfit he has going on is almost too much to handle. You catch Allan in the background, lookin' at you with a look that screams "Girl, are you serious?"
Allan is right, you have a mission, but it's going to be harder than what you originally thought. The good thing is that you won't have to act, you actually are that smitten with Ken.
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And so a few days go by, spending a lot of time with Ken and then reporting back to the Barbies by night. You are not a spy Barbie, but you almost feel like one. As you describe everything in detail, you can see Gloria shaking her head and laugh.
"What is it this time!? I told you I'm not getting distracted! I can handle myself just fine!"
It's your bestie that answers to your complaints.
"I don't think she's laughing about your behavior B, I think it's about Ken's."
You do smile at that because it's true, Ken's attitude towards you has changed dramatically. He basically never leaves your side. He talks to you about the patriarchy and horses, especially the latter and he is always ready to offer his help, to show off his "manliness" and of course keep you away from other Kens.
You haven't kissed or declared that you're a couple with him, but when it comes to the way Ken sees you, he'd like to do both. He curses himself for never taking the extra step to talk to you before you helped him go to the real world. He won't admit it, but the adoration you look at him with, as he plays his silly songs on the guitar, makes his heart melt a little. And he also feels so great and proud when he makes you laugh. You make him feel important, more than you'll unfortunately ever know.
It's "unfortunately", because the next step of the plan is to turn the Kens against each other by hurting their egos.
And so it goes. You are at the beach with Ken and he's playing the same thing on his guitar, and so are all the other Kens to the rest of the Barbies. As you get your mobile out, you can already feel the guilt of using Ken.
You make a point of laughing while also staring at the phone.
"Who are texting?"
You ignore him and when he asks again you tell him "No one"
Next thing you know he's shouting at you, taking the phone from your hands.
Before you have time to see his next reaction, you make yourself stand up and exchange positions with stereo Barbie.
It's for the best you don't see the pure betrayal in his blue eyes, but your friend does and she can also feel the sadness radiating off him.
Chaos ensues faster than any of you Barbies thought it would and by morning you are regaining the positions of power you originally held. But along the way, you realize the mistakes of the previous system and decide to make some changes to Barbieland, including better treatment for the Kens and all the deformed dolls.
You feel genuinely happy that things can go back to normal. But, for a moment you had it all, Ken looked at you and actually saw you. Now, you know better than to believe he'll forgive you for treating him like means to an end.
It's not that simple. It's not, because you weren't acting when he told you every little thing he knew about horses and you answered him you'd love to meet a real one.
You go back to your salon, putting hair rollers on yours and Sasha's hair. It doesn't take much time before you break down in tears, curled up like a baby with plastic chocolate pieces all over you.
Allan, stereo Barbie, Gloria and Sasha, Weird Barbie and all your friends feel so bad for you. They had all come to realize your feelings for Ken were real and that tricking him had hurt you as much as it had hurt him.
You heard that right. After the Barbies had taken back Barbieland, Ken hadn't left from his Mojo Dojo Casa House. He was a mess of conflicting emotions. He cared for you, that was a given. You had been so nice to him, flooding him with kindness and affection beyond his imagination, but was any of it real? After all he's just Ken.
In addition to that, what about stereo Barbie? He's MEANT to be with her. To be her Ken. Isn't that his purpose?
While you two are crying your eyes out, stereo Barbie is determined to set things right. (She also wants her house back)
She goes and confronts Ken a second time, but this time ends up differently.
Barbie and Ken apologize to each other and acknowledge their failures.
Ken has come to the conclusion he has no identity or purpose without Barbie.
"But it's Barbie AND Ken, there is no just Ken!"
In that exact moment there you are at the door, gaze hopeful but face tear streaked.
"Ken, how could you always miss what's right in front of you?", you have no idea how you'll ever be able to thank your friend enough for this.
You can see Ken looking at you intensely. He is still crying but the realisation that overcomes him is unmistakable.
He's more than what he was made for. He can make his own choices that will define him.
One of them, is walking up at you and enveloping you in a bone crashing bear hug.
You let out a giggle before hugging him back with all your might.
This feels right, it feels like home.
When you say goodbye to your dearest friend, neither can hold back the tears. You stay hugged for a while, not caring about the Mattel CEO waiting for Barbie so that they can go to the real world.
After the Barbies and Kens bid Barbie goodbye, she decides to become human and return to the real world.
It's not that you won't see her again, but it's so weird to see how much you have both evolved. You are so proud of her and you can't wait to hear about her experiences as a real woman.
Ken is right next to you. He still has a lot of work to do with himself, but with your unrelenting support he will manage just fine.
He puts his fur around you, covering you almost entirely and presses a kiss to your cheek.
This is Barbieland and now it's finally perfect.
(You're of course visiting the real world to see real horses. Also, Ken did request an actual phone he uses to call Barbie for advice about his relationship with you.)
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The End
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✨The MHA Boys Go To The Eras Tour With You✨
Lol I just had to do this, please bear with me! I just watched The Eras Tour film and my MHA brain rot kicked in. Here's a few headcannons of how the MHA guys would react to being taken to the Eras Tour as your boyfriend. Spoilers: They're all weirdly into it. And some of them even plan out couples costumes! Gasp!
⚡️⚡️Denki Kamanari⚡️⚡️
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Ok there is no doubt in my mind here - Denki is absolutely a Swiftie. He read all of the blog posts detailing hacks and tips to get tickets for the show, and he preregistered for a sale code the minute he was able to. He has half of Class 1A sign up for presale codes so that he can have the most amount of chances possible to enter for a spot at the show.
He's absolutely over the moon when he scores you both tickets to the upcoming concert. He asks you to help him make a Pinterest board so that you can come up with the perfect Eras outfits (he wants to do Lover). Guess what? You go as Miss Americana and The Heartbreak Prince. He's decked out in a glittering blazer with a bejewled plastic crown and he's thrilled. He picks out a matching flashy dress for you to wear, and keeps complimenting how absolutely gorgeous you look in it the whole night.
He's all about taking photos of your 'fits in front of the stadium and blushes every time he gets a compliment from a fellow swiftie. When Taylor takes the stage, he nearly faints. As she starts playing Lover he holds you close and tells you that he's so glad you both get to share the special night together.
🖤🖤Hanta Sero🖤🖤
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Sero really doesn't get what all the hype about Taylor Swift is about, but of course he's willing to go to the concert with you. The man loves live shows - but you need to tell him to leave his vape pen behind for fear that you won't get let into the stadium if he's caught with it ("But babe, getting high at a concert is part of the experience!).
You get him a plain black t-shirt with a small snake icon on it. He doesn't get it, but he shrugs and promises to wear it. When you get to the stadium, he's really overwhelmed and intrigued by all of the glittery, feathery costumes. He spends a lot of time trying to figure out how his snake shirt fits into the mix since all he sees is hot pink and red regalia. He smiles and waves gamely at the other swiftie boyfriends in attendance and makes more than a few bro friends while in line for a beer.
When the show starts, he is immediately impressed by the production value of the whole thing. When Taylor steps out onto the stage in her glittering bodysuit, his jaw drops and he turns to you accusatorially "BABE! I never realized that she's hot!?" You both laugh as she sings her way through the Eras.
When Love Story comes on, he wraps his arms around you and says "I remember this one from when we were kids! Makes me think of you." He plants a kiss on your cheek and you grin.
Finally, the intro music for Reputation queues up and an animated snake curves it's way across the stage below you. Sero grabs your arm excitedly as he realizes the snake on his shirt matches the stage. When Taylor comes out and kills the choreography for "Are You Ready For It?" Sero turns to you with stars in his eyes and says "This is the coolest concert I've ever been to. Thank you so much for bringing me!" By the time Karma comes around, he is fully dancing in the aisles alongside the rest of the swifties, completely wrapped up in the moment as confetti rains down on the crowd. When you get home, he buys you matching Reputation era sweatshirts on Etsy to commemorate the night.
"Babe - maybe you can get one of those sparkly bodysuits like Taylor wore?"
"Sero - I have absolutely no place to wear something like that."
"I can think of somewhere you can wear it." He waggles his eyebrows suggestively as he pictures a bejeweled bodysuit tightly hugging your frame.
💚💚Izuku Midoriya💚💚
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Izuku has no idea who Taylor Swift is. Why would he? She's not a Pro Hero.
Once you excitedly show him your hard-won tickets stored in your Ticketmaster app, he realizes how important the concert is to you. We all know Izuku is great at hyper-focusing on a topic until he masters it - so for a month straight Taylor Swift is his obsession.
He starts an Eras Tour specific notebook and spends lunch breaks interviewing everyone at Lunch Rush about their favorite Taylor Swift songs and eras. He spends time online gathering data and drawing up little charts, guessing at what songs might make the set list. He's disappointed when he can't find any interviews online that feature her choosing the best Pro Hero, so he decides that her favorite is likely All Might (the only valid choice).
He listens to each album in full, starting with Debut and ending with Midnights. He's thorough, and learns the lyrics to the chart toppers off of each album. He's so excited to impress you with all of his Taylor Swift knowledge and fun facts at the show, that he forgets he needs to dress up for it. When you both arrive at the stadium, he whisks you off to one of the merch lines so that he can grab an official Eras Tour t-shirt. He needs to be appropriately dressed for this occasion in order to prove his dedication to you and, by extension, to Taylor. You tell him that it doesn't matter what he wears, you just want him to enjoy the show with you.
When the show starts, he is bouncing off the walls. From time to time, he'll bend down to whisper an obscure fact or data point about Taylor's meteoric rise to the top of the music charts. A few eras into the show, he stops sharing fun facts - that's how you know he's legitimately enjoying the show.
He tries his best to dance along, but even with the moves he's picked up from Mina he's a truly terrible dancer. He doesn't seem to care, though, as he throws back his head to belt out the bridge to "You Belong With Me" while shaking his hips. You smile at how much he's enjoying the concert - you haven't seen him let loose like this in a long time.
Finally, when the performance for Vigilante Shit starts to kickoff, you notice a deep blush settle across Izuku's cute freckled face. Without taking his eyes off the stage, he leans down to whisper in your ear: "I didn't realize that this song was so...sexy?" You crack up and he grins sheepishly, watching Taylor straddle a chair. He then boldly says: "Maybe you can do some of these moves when we get home?" Your loud cackle of a laugh is drowned out by thousands of swifties singing along around you. You tilt your head up to kiss your boyfriend hard on the lips. He threads his fingers into your hair and deepens the kiss.
You pull away, craning your neck to take in more of the killer choreography before turning back to face him. "I like concert Izuku. I'd like to see more of him." You say, and he blushes even more furiously.
💥💥Katsuki Bakugo💥💥
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Katsuki loves concerts. You know this because he's dragged you to countless shows across the past 6 months of dating. He loves all genres of music - pop, rock, sad boy emo, heavy metal. You name it - he's heard it. Even so, you're a little apprehensive to ask him to go to the Eras Tour with you. It just doesn't seem like his scene - glittery, screaming fans making heart eyes and painting "13s" on their hands just seems like something he would not enjoy.
"Hey dumbass! Why didn't you tell me you got Taylor Swift tickets!?" Katsuki angrily bursts into your dorm room one Friday night, looking pissed as usual.
"What? Who told you?" You look up from your laptop, surprised.
"Mina! She said you've had them for weeks! Why wouldn't you tell me?" He sounds more hurt than angry now.
"Kats...I didn't think you'd be interested to be honest!" You get up and cross the room, taking his face in one of your hands. "Do you want to go?"
"Not if I'm your second choice!" He's defensive, but his face has softened at the physical contact.
"Babe - you're always my first choice. I just didn't think you'd enjoy her music style and all of the girly vibes." You pull him into your room and shut the door to keep nosy dorm-mates at bay. You motion for him to sit down in your desk chair and you hop onto your bed.
"That's pretty sexist of you!" He has you there.
"Kats - do you want to go or not?"
It turns out Katsuki has been trying to get Eras Tour tickets for months but to no avail. He is dying to go to this show since it's being lauded as "the biggest stadium tour since The Beatles played Shea Stadium!" As a music lover, it would be a crime to miss such a spectacle.
A week leading up to the concert, you can tell he's getting pretty excited. He's made you read through the setlist with him at least twice. He's trying to guess what the surprise song might be - hoping you get to hear something exclusive so that he can brag about it online. You laugh at this - even with concerts he's so damn competitive.
You're most surprised when he shows up at your door one day with a big cardboard package from Etsy. "I got us some shirts for the concert." he says gruffly, pushing his way into your room. He pulls out two dark purple tees - one that says "Karma is My Boyfriend" and the other stating "I'm the Boyfriend" in bold font. He smiles sheepishly up at you, a rare moment of vulnerability as he waits for your approval. "Katsuki...these are so cute! Literally this is perfect." His mouth quirks up into a smile at the praise, he's clearly pleased with himself.
Before you know it, you're taking a couples pic in front of the stadium in your matching purple Karma shirts and jeans. You snap a few pictures and press your lips to the side of his jaw, leaving a ruby red lipstick stain. "Ugh - come on!" he groans, wiping the lipstick off his face with the back of his hand. He makes a show of being annoyed, but you know he secretly loves being doted on like this.
He goes crazy during the show - he's extra appreciative of the pyrotechnic display during Bad Blood. He gets especially quiet during the Folklore era, and you can see how much he loves watching the grace of the dancers as they swirl across the stage during The Last Great American Dynasty.
You notice that he loves watching you dance and belt out the lyrics to every. single. song. He has this adoring look on his face as he looks at you. You knew he loved going to concerts - but you quickly realize that he loves going to concerts to spend time with you.
At the end of the night, he pulls you into an Uber and plants a soft kiss on your mouth in an unexpected show of public affection (Katsuki is not huge on PDA, he prefers private moments of intimacy with you). "Thanks so much for bringing me, babe. I can't even describe how much I enjoyed that show. Did you see the flamethrowers during that one song!? Insane!" Katsuki has glitter in his hair, and a smile stuck on his face.
You spend the rest of the ride home recounting favorite moments from the show and grinning at each other.
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I'm in a very floyd mood so may i ask for a Floyd and Yuu being soft and adorable together, please?
Dumb Dumb Shrimpy
In where Yuu gets gravely injured and Floyd tried to take care of them. Gn as always
“You are so stupid, cleaner shrimp,” Floyd grumbles as he shuffled through a paper bag of sorts. You couldn't even tell through the pounding of your head in your skull. 
A simple trip to the mines to investigate a possible way home went to disaster when one of those strange blot monsters came out of nowhere. Pickaxes and axes swung at you and some hit their mark, reducing you to what you were now in the nurse's office bed. Judging by Floyd's reaction to your condition, he was pissed.
You pushed yourself up shakily to look at him. “Sorry…” You mumble quietly under your breath. Floyd’s annoyed expression softens slightly, then huffs. “You're lucky I’m here…” The mer sighs sitting on the edge of your bed as he sifts through the bag. “Eels gotta protect their shrimpys… Shrimpy can't take care of me otherwise…” He drifts off.
It feels strange seeing Floyd so serious, something that shouldn’t be witnessed, yet here you were. The eel pulls out some random supplies, before dumping the contents of the bag on the table next to you. Looking over you see cans of soup, bandaids, bandages, and a bunch of other snacks.
The next thing you know, you feel your bandages getting ripped off. “Floyd! What are you—!” You are silenced with a mix between a scowl and a pout. As the eel rips off the old, bloodied bandages, he pulls out some of the ones he bought. Blue, with little symbols of seaweed and bubbles on them. 
After the ghost of a kiss on your wrists, you feel the bandages wrap around you. They were ever so slightly too tight, but you can tell Floyd was trying his absolute best to be gentle while bandaging you quickly. He intertwines your fingers with you and brushes them on his lips for a second before letting go, unceremoniously.
“Dumb little shrimpy. Should have taken me next time.” “You would have gotten hurt too. “Idiots don't get hurt, stupid.” You snort, rolling your eyes at his sassy remarks. A few bandaids are pulled out from the bag, and Floyds even rips off a lid to a soup can, holding it to your lips.
You sputter, before taking a sip as Floyd feeds you a bit, putting the can to the side to resume his nurse duties. “Psst, Shrimpy, what kind do you want? I got a bunch.” You look to see all sorts of colorful bandaids. From taco and skull-shaped ones to glittery and patterned ones as well. “Why not all of them?” You smile as your lover squeals at the idea.
The feel bandaids being pressed to every inch of your body mskes you look down at what the eel is doing. Little stars, rainbow, and neon band-aids were pressed to your skin. “Turn over shrimpy. I have to take care of all of you.”
You whine and nod, turning over and pulling up your shirt ever so slightly. A wad of bandages falls out of Floyd's hands. Your most heavy bandages yet, stained deep red all across your back. Floyd reached out a hand and pulled the bandage down slightly revealing a deep gash from where an axe cut along your back.
Floyd pulled back his hand as if the sight burned him when he heard you let out a hiss. “Shrim— Yuu…” The name was silent on his lips. All the loudness and cheerful bravado from before fell. Rather than continue his decoration, he shoves them into his pockets and sits back with you.
With a kiss to the wound and a kicking off of his shoes, he scoots into the bed with you. The eel must protect the cleaner shrimp.
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strawbbzombwie · 2 months
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A day worth celebrating.
Eric x Bonnie
Summary: Bonnie wants her big brother to have an amazing birthday so with her stuffed rabbit and pocket full of coins, she sets out on an adventure!
Word count: 2.2k
Warnings:Pure fluff with a teensy bit of angst sprinkled in at points, reference to Bonnie’s leg pains, Eric being a worried father and also miserable😔
Notes: @ceriseheaven giving him the birthday he deserves thanks to Bonnie🥹
Eric doesn’t particularly like celebrating his birthday. He never got a proper birthday as a child and now with Bonnie, he celebrates his birthday when it’s her birthday.
They normally split a small cake between them, watch Bonnies favourite cartoons and play games. By the end of the day, Bonnie’s wrapped up in Eric’s bed fast asleep and he may go out for a little while to see his friends from law school.
This birthday was different.
Eric was born on March 19th while Bonnie was born on August 13th and she wanted Eric to have a birthday of his own for a change so he would finally be happy.
March 19th 2020.
Bonnie woke up, rubbing her eyes as she yawned. Eric still asleep beside her. He didn’t have the money to buy Bonnie her own bed so he had to share his bed with a wriggling 5 year old. Most nights he didn’t sleep, too worried about Bonnie getting hurt in her sleep but this was a time he was finally able to fall asleep, probably due to exhaustion.
She slowly crawled out of the warm bed, grabbing her stuffed rabbit and putting on her bunny slippers. The sound of rain pattering against the windows made Bonnie giggle. She always loved rain but hated thunder as the loud bangs overwhelmed her.
“Oki wabbit. We’re going to go on an adventure today to get dada a cake!” Bonnie whispered, waddling into the small kitchen and grabbing a small bowl to fill with her choice of sugary cereal.
After her breakfast, she grabbed her pink raincoat and boots and also put wabbit in a matching raincoat and boots. She grabbed all her coins and dollar bills and placed them in her pocket and quietly waddled to the door.
“Wabbit am I forgetting something??” She asked to her stuffed friend, looking at her outfit. She stayed in her fluffy pink pyjamas with her glittery leg braces on underneath. She had a struggle buckling them up herself as Eric normally does them for her. But she decided to be a big girl and do them herself!
Recently, Bonnie’s legs had been hurting more and more. No matter how many doctor appointments Eric took her too, they all said that her condition was the same and not declining but Eric knew to trust his instinct more. The doctors gave Bonnie a wheelchair and leg braces for when she was in pain and Eric did his best to decorate them and make them all sparkly for her. He took all of her stickers and added them to her wheelchair and when he showed her, she squealed and ran to hug Eric. It warmed his heart knowing that she loved him so much. Eric thought that he wasn’t capable of being loved but Bonnie proved him otherwise.
Bonnie decided that she was ready to go to the store to buy Eric a cake, ready to give him the best birthday she possibly could.
After taking the lift to the bottom floor, she stepped outside into the rain and the cold March air. It was still dark outside and quiet, people not waking up to go to work yet.
“Oki wabbit keep your raincoat on otherwise you’ll be soggy!!” Bonnie giggled, beginning to walk down the street. This was the first time Bonnie was ever out on her own. She was 5 after all. Eric taught her about stranger danger and the only time she needed to speak to someone was when she buys the cake so she knew not to talk to anyone else.
The rain was pouring by the time Bonnie made it to the small store. She waddled into the building, making her way to where all the cakes and treats were. The cashier glanced over and was visibly confused.
“Are you okay hun? Where’s your mommy?” They said, walking over to Bonnie. She looked up at the worker, smiling.
“I’m getting a cake for my dada! It’s his birthday today!!” Bonnie giggled. The worker smiled back.
“Ohh okay! Do you want any help??” They asked. Bonnie shook her head and went back to looking at the cakes. The worker smiled, beginning to walk back to the cash register.
Bonnie grabbed wabbit out of her pocket, who was a little soggy due to the rain. She hugged him tight and pointed to a cake.
“What about this one wabbit? It’s chocolate so it will be yummy!” She asked, making wabbit nod in return. She smiled, picking up the cake and waddling to the register and going on her tippy toes to place the cake on the counter.
“I want this please!!” Bonnie says, looking up at the worker, a smile spread across her face. The worker smiles back and scans the small cake.
“Okie dokie thats $10!” They say. Bonnie reaches into her pocket and pulls out a few dollar bills and a variety of different coins and drops them onto the counter. She steps back as the worker counts all the coins. They dont have the heart to tell Bonnie that she’s a little short on the money. She is a child after all and like she said, it’s for her dad’s birthday, why would they ruin that day.
“Here’s your cake!! I hope your dad has a great birthday!” They smile at her and hand her the small box. Bonnie squeals, grabbing the box and running out of the shop.
“Thank you!!” She yells as she runs out the door, placing wabbit back on her raincoat as she makes her way back home.
Bonnie quietly opens the door, looking around the apartment to find Eric nowhere to be seen. She smiles, placing the cake on their small coffee table as she throws her raincoat on the floor, grabbing wabbit and placing him on the small sofa.
She runs to Eric’s bedroom, grabbing all her toys and places them on the sofa and floor, leaving a space for Eric in the middle. She giggles, happy with her layout and hoping that Eric would like her effort.
Eric rushes through the apartment door, panicking. When he woke up to find Bonnie’s side of the bed empty, he thought bonnie went to the toilet but after a couple of minutes, the bathroom was still silent. This puzzled Eric as he would normally hear Bonnie humming as she washes her hands. But all he heard was silence. So when he opened the bathroom door to find no Bonnie, he started to panic and ran out of the apartment, frantically calling his friends asking them to keep a lookout for Bonnie if they see her. When his friend text him saying they saw her waddling home in the rain, he immediately ran back to the apartment.
“Bonnie!! Where have you been?! I’ve been worried sick!!” he yelled. He didn’t want to yell at her, but he’s trying so hard to raise her and give her the childhood she deserves. The childhood he never got. His heart dropped when he saw Bonnie’s smile fade and her chocolate button eyes fill up with tears.
“I’m sorry..wanted to get a cake for your birthday..” she sniffled, pointing to the coffee table. He glanced over and teared up at the sight. On the table was a chocolate cake. Eric’s favourite. All of Bonnie’s toys and teddys were sat on the couch and floor, wearing makeshift party hats Bonnie made. Next to the cake, was a card Bonnie made herself, a picture of Eric in a party hat drawn in crayons, which were still scattered on the floor. He bent down and picked up the card, opening it to read the message she wrote.
“To Dada,
Happy birthday to the best dada in the whole wide world!!
Love from your bestest friends Bonnie + Wabbit”
Eric didnt realise he was crying until he felt the tears roll down his cheeks and his vision begin to blur. He didn’t deserve this. He didn’t deserve a cake, a card, a party and he certainly didn’t deserve Bonnie. Not in his opinion anyway. He looked after bonnie when no one else would, even though he was technically her brother, he’s been her dad for as long as Bonnie could talk. He’s seen her first steps, her first words, her first everything. He’s been there when their parents weren’t bothered to be.
“Bee..hey sh sh..I’m sorry..I didn’t mean to yell..I was just worried because you were out all on your own..anything could’ve happened to you..” he said, kneeling down to face a sniffling Bonnie, wiping the tears away from her chubby cheeks. Bonnie looked at Eric, sniffling and trying her best to smile.
“I’m sorry..I just wanted you to have a birthday..” she sniffled. She didn’t understand why what she did was wrong and dangerous. Eric sighed, picking Bonnie up and embracing her in a hug.
“I can never stay mad at you bee. You mean too much to me. You know that right?” He says, ticking her side, causing her to squeal and giggle. He was happy that he finally got her to smile. He sat down on the couch, being surrounded by toys while Bonnie is sat on his lap.
“Should we have some cake??” Eric asked, Bonnie immediately nodding in response, also making wabbit nod.
The day went by quickly, being packed full of fun activities. Eric and Bonnie shared the small cake, Eric feeding Bonnie small pieces so she didn’t make a huge mess while eating it. He couldn’t remember the last time he had a birthday cake on his actual birthday. He usually shared his birthday with Bonnie in August seen as he couldn’t afford to celebrate his own but he wanted her to have the best birthdays. He didn’t care about treating himself but it warmed his heart knowing that Bonnie wanted Eric to have a day all about him.
After cake, they both sat watching cartoons, Eric having Bonnie sat on his lap, holding her close as she sang along to the songs on their small tv. Bonnie was making wabbit dance, making Eric laugh.
“You’re so silly!” He said, squeezing her as he kissed her cheek, making Bonnie laugh in response.
When it came to having dinner, Eric’s friends came around and brought takeout for the two of them. They also said at some point when Eric’s free, they would take him out for drinks to celebrate. When Eric moved to New York, he didn’t expect to make many friends as he never had any growing up, mainly being used to keeping things to himself and doing activities alone. But when he started classes at law school, he met a group of people he shared similar interests with. And when Eric introduced them to Bonnie, they immediately fell in love with her, offering to babysit her whenever Eric’s busy. That made Eric happy, finally finding people that cared about him and Bonnie.
By 7pm, Bonnie was fast asleep in Eric’s arms, holding wabbit within her own. After dinner, they had spent the evening drawing and playing games with the rest of her toys. Eric was always surprised by Bonnie and her big imagination. She was able to create games with what little toys she had. It made Eric upset that he wasn’t able to give her everything she wanted but she didn’t mind. She wasn’t ungrateful and she loved and cherished everything he gave her.
Eric got up from his seat, cradling Bonnie in his arms as he made his way to his bed, placing Bonnie down and tucking her in the covers. She mumbled slightly, stretching her arms out to try and grab Eric again.
“I’ll be back soon bee..sleep well okay?” He whispered, getting a soft murmur in response as Bonnie continued to sleep. He walked back into the living room and started to clear up the plates, quietly placing them in the sink. He went back to the couch, picking up all of Bonnie’s toys and putting them back in her toy box. He liked the apartment to be as clean as possible but with a 5 year old, that was tricky. He didn’t mind though, just as long as she has fun.
After cleaning up the apartment, he went into the bathroom to change into some pyjamas and brush his teeth. He already got Bonnie changed into her pyjamas after dinner so he was glad he didn’t have to worry about waking her up.
He quietly climbed into bed, making sure not to disturb Bonnie. He didn’t have the money to buy Bonnie her own bed but she didn’t mind as she got to give Eric cuddles all the time. Every morning he always woke up to Bonnie asleep on his chest, hugging him as she continued to sleep, snoring lightly.
As he began to fall asleep, he looked at Bonnie, who was asleep and snuggling into wabbit. He felt guilty that Bonnie did the best she could to try and make a great birthday for him, but he knows she’d do it a thousand times if it showed how much he meant to her. He didn’t know a child to love a person so much as Bonnie loved Eric.
“Thank you bee..you gave me a day to remember..I love you..” he mumbled, stroking her hair as he began to fall asleep, the light sound of rain still tapping against the glass.
I hope you enjoyed more Eric and Bonnie content!! Thank you for reading!!💖💖
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tangerinesgirl · 1 year
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AFAB!Reader x Marquis Vincent de Gramont
Word count: <1k
Rating: explicit, 18+, no minors
Warnings: smut, degradation, frottage, squirting, exhibitionism, Marquis being a dom asshole yet again but it's sexy so it's fine
Summary: you and the Marquis attend a party, he has business on the mind, you have other ideas
The whole room went silent as you both entered. This was the first time you've been to a public event with the Marquis. He made sure it was special and got you a stunning black glittery dress tailor made, matching the material used in his suit. You both shine brighter than the lights in the dimly lit ballroom, no wonder you caught the eyes of all the guests.
As you walked past, people started to whisper and gossip; "who does she think she is?", "why would the Marquis bring a nobody as his date?", "matching outfits? So cliché". Even though you blushed from embarrassment at the attention, you found it quite a turn on. You squeezed the Marquis' hand as he guided you to the host of the party. He introduced himself, you curtsied. This was a common theme throughout the party as he introduced you to everyone of importance.
Later, everyone, just under a hundred people you think, all sit down in the dining hall. You were taking in your surroundings the entire time, the place was covered in murals and paintings. A few people scoffed and muttered under their breath when they noticed you do this. You glared at them and they looked away, avoiding your gaze. You think they were more scared of the Marquis than you. You were also a little scared of the Marquis, but you found him fascinating. You had been seeing each other privately for a few weeks, mostly as a casual sex/sugar baby/daddy relationship.
After a quick toast, the guests all relaxed and started their own conversations. The Marquis was straight into business with the host of the party. Admittedly, you did tune out most of the conversation, but the Marquis had a wonderful way with words and you found the way he would negotiate with people a huge turn on. No one cared about making conversation with you so you were bored very quickly. Then you decided to have a bit of fun. Your hand left the table and drifted to the Marquis' thigh, you gave it a quick pinch. He was unaffected by this, deep in his business conversation, so you trailed up a bit higher...slowly... You reached his crotch and gave a gentle squeeze. The Marquis snapped around and glared at you, announcing to his host that he had to be excused to go to the bathroom.
You're pretty sure that was a cue to follow him, but you had to wait to be less suspicious. You played with the profiteroles on your plate a bit, and then announced to the table to be excused.
You found the Marquis quite quickly, and he dragged you into a bathroom, then into a stall. He reached above you to slam the door closed, and locked it with his other hand. His stance only making it possible to look directly into his eyes. "If you can't keep your thoughts to yourself, this will be the last time I take you anywhere. You're making a complete display of yourself. Everyone thinks you're a whore and you're proving them right", he spits at you. You are embarrassed by his words, and the fact that you have no idea if anyone else is in this bathroom. You're too taken aback to say anything so you just shrug and look down. He pulls on your hair and you let out a little yelp. "Don't shrug, it's impolite, use your words. Say "Sorry Marquis, it won't happen again"". You repeat it. "That's a good girl. Now... I want you to ride my shoes." You were too stunned to speak. "Think of it as a punishment. I also want to see just how horny you are without me even touching you". You narrow your eyes slightly but you're still oddly intrigued by the idea, since this is the only action you may be getting tonight since he is in a bad mood.
You kneel down in front of him, hiking your dress up. You start to grind on his shoes. The Marquis notices something, "you're not wearing any underwear?", he lets out a noise somewhere between a laugh and a scoff, "you're such a slut". His degradation sends tingles down your spine, you shouldn't be turned on by them but you can't help it. Your focus changes to his shoes, the laces rubbing against you as you try and angle yourself just right for it to hit your cli- AH! You find the spot and let out a moan louder than you thought.
The Marquis doesn't tell you to quieten down or covers your mouth, he likes seeing how desperate you are, and wants everyone to hear. "Dirty girl. Keep going." You moan at his words and the sensation of the laces rubbing against you, you're close already and the Marquis knows it. "I want you to come on my shoes, like the slut you are. You don't deserve an actual fuck", that sends you over the edge and you come instantly. As you arch your back, he pulls on your hair again, sending you into overdrive, as you squirt all over his shoes.
The Marquis looks impressed, but, also staying in character, disgusted at the same time. He lets go of you and you lean back on the stall door catching your breath. You look down at his shoe and the wet patch coming from it. He steps over you, unlocking the door, and leaves. He doesn't clean his shoe, he leaves it, so people can see the art you've left behind.
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valve3nthusiast · 10 months
Going off of your previous most of Cybertrionans with crystal Armour and ya know it kinda got me thinking
So Drift right? What if did had that kind of Armour?(100% it's to seduce Rodimus and Ratchet) along with some nice crystal lingerie
I'd like to think if he does use it 100% it's effective in getting Ratchet into berth, and Drift 100% gets his frame worshipped like a God
Drift in crystal plating... his thighs would sparkle like the most flawless of diamonds 💎✨️
Rodimus is pathetically easy. Drift asks to spar to "test his mobility" in the crystal, by the end of the first round Roddy has his head between glittery legs, swallowing Drift's spike. He spends the rest of the "training session" alternatively worshipping Drift's spike and valve, making extra certain to lick up all the lubricant and transfluid to keep Drift's panels nice and shiny
Drift getting a delicate new set that truly emphasizes his beautiful figure, and of course he should go to a medic to have it professionally installed. He wouldn't want to break anything by doing it himself, after all, so won't Ratchet help?
Of course Ratchet would do it, slowly stripping Drift of the set he's currently wearing, until he's completely bare under Ratchet's hands. Drift shivering as he strokes the thin, delicate wires that so rarely see open air. Just a normal medical procedure, making everything align so it's not pinched by the new armor, Ratchet says, vocalizer strained and fans choking
Ratchet doing his best to ignore the clarity of the crystal, how it leaves wires and energon lines and even Drift's sparkchamber clearly visible through the translucent plate. Very slowly affixing the last pieces, Drift's modesty panels, unable to tear his eyes away from the slits of Drift's valve and sheath, node gently glowing between them
Last plate installed, he looks up to see Drift watching him with a thrilling intensity in his optics. These panels are a bit thin for everyday wear, Ratchet says, words feeling heavy in his vocalizer. I was assured they could handle heavy use, Drift tells him, voice soft as velvet
Would you like to test that?
Aaand now for an abrupt tone shift, the hazards of wearing see-through armor around a medic:
*Ratchet, distracted* "Is that a looped wire?"
"Ahh... huh?"
*judgmentally* "That's going to lead to poor circulation, you know"
"Ah, a bit busy right now, Ratty-"
"No, really. You should get that looked at as soon as possible before it becomes a probl-"
"Ratchet. I am literally riding your spike right now" -_-
*sounds of Rodimus dying from laughter on the other side of the bed*
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sithbvcky · 10 months
Gimme Shelter: Part One
70s gangster bucky barnes x fem!reader au. Warnings: mature themes, drug use, alcohol, guns, blood, violence and nudity.
Synopsis: James "Bucky" Barnes, better known by his fearsome moniker, The Winter Soldier. It's Los Angeles in 1977 and only one man owns the city. Until someone decides to challenge the king for his throne.
Note: I do not give permission for my work to copied or translated anywhere else but this blog.
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For as long as you'd known him, Bucky was the man of Los Angeles. He knew everyone who was anyone and they all bowed to him like he was the second coming of Christ. Course if they didn't there would be consequences of varying degrees.
To you, Bucky was an angel. Sweet, gentle and caring. When you met you were dancing at The Rainbow and he stopped a particularly handsy man from trying to tear your glittery little number off your body. He knocked the man out cold with a single punch and within the same breath lent you his hand to help you out of the chaos.
Since then you've been on his arm. You knew he was a kingpin and he pushed all sorts of product around the city, he had the police in his pocket and always assured you everything would work out. But you weren't privy to all of his dealings, especially the more dangerous ones. He preferred to keep you as far away as possible when it came time to do dirty work. He'd sometimes disappear for days leaving you questioning if he was still alive only for him to show up at your shared penthouse apartment with a smile and a bouquet of flowers.
Despite it all, you loved him and he loved you and you knew he'd do anything for you and you felt the same. It was a wild kind of love but you wouldn't trade it for anything. You got to see the world with him and no longer needed to strip for money to eat. Some of the members of his crew even became like family to you too. You were especially friendly with Bucky's right hand man, Steve Rogers. They'd known each other since they were kids and Steve was as loyal as they come. He was always kind of enough to keep you updated on your lovers well being when he was off in some God forsaken place doing things you probably didn't want to know about. Then there was Natasha Romanoff, a beautiful red head who was as deadly as she looked. She was the brains behind most of the operation and often you two would go on shopping trips and became fast friends. As the only women in the circle you clung to each other like glue. She was insanely deft with a gun and knew how to hold her own in a fight. You'd only seen her skills up close once, and you felt bad for the man on the other end of her wrath.
Lately, everything was smooth sailing. Tonight you had a date to make an appearance at The Roxy. A big party was planned and having Bucky show his face would do good for business.
You sat at your vanity adjusting your hair and makeup. Bucky was in the bedroom, sprawled out on the cream colored silk sheets, a cigarette balancing in between his fingers as he watched you. You could see his smug face in the mirror as you continued prettying yourself for the evening.
"God Damn you're beautiful." He commented. You smirked as you put the final pin to hold your hair in place. You looked at him through the reflection in the mirror,
"Don't you forget it."
Bucky laughed and got up from the bed. Wearing nothing but his underwear, his hair disheveled from previous activities. He walked up behind you, his cigarette free hand guiding your face to look up at him so he could place a kiss on your freshly red lips. It was a fervent kiss, so much so when he pulled away his lips were stained with red. You reached up with your thumb and smeared the red from his mouth.
"Can't have you going out like that, darling." You cooed. His blue eyes burned holes into you as he smiled. He moved to kiss you again when there was a knock on the door, he stopped just before your lips.
"This better be important." He grumbled before striding to grab his robe to cover himself up.
You listened as Bucky opened the door,
"What is it, Steve?" His voice was laced with annoyance but you knew as much as it bothered him when business interrupted your time together, Steve would never show up without necessity.
"We got a problem." You heard Steve reply. It was a quiet for a moment then the door closed. Bucky must've let Steve in not wanting this conversation to be overheard by anyone in the hall.
You stopped what you were doing so you could listen closer.
"Word is a new pusher arrived in town and he's looking to take your place. I've had a few clients come up saying they've been visited by a Mr. Stark offering them more product and more protection." Steve said. Your blood went cold. For so long it had been peaceful. No one dared to challenge Bucky on his turf, everyone was too afraid to step to The Winter Soldier.
"He thinks he can just come into my city and start negotiating with my people and that I won't notice?" Bucky's voice was filling with rage, you could hear it simmering in him.
"I've been told he's gonna show at The Roxy tonight. Natasha says the intel is good so I'd say we gotta be careful." Steve continued.
There was a loud smash and you flinched. Bucky just broke something in his fit of anger and you hesitated as you stood up from your vanity.
"Get everyone who's in town, we're gonna make sure we're ready should this Stark decide to play games." Bucky growled.
You stepped into the living room where to the two men were standing, on the floor was a broken glass vase. You walked over to Bucky and placed a soothing hand on his back, the cigarette was now hanging from the corner of his mouth. Steve gave you a friendly nod and you returned it.
"Y/n, I'm not sure you should come tonight." Bucky turned to you, putting his cigarette out in the ash try on the coffee table.
"Baby, where you go I go. If this man is foolish enough to challenge you in public I wanna be there to support you." You said. Bucky shook his head,
"It might get dicey, babe. I can't have you getting hurt."
"I won't get hurt, I'll stay with Nat. Or have Steve protect me." You argued. Bucky sighed, Steve folded his hands in front of him.
"I need Steve with me, but I guess I can spare Nat to protect you."
You reached up on your toes, took his face in your hands and planted a kiss on his lips.
"I promise you I'll be fine."
He kissed you back,
"I'll make sure of it." He let go of you and turned back to Steve.
"Get Nat and Sam ready, tell them to be prepared for anything and that Nat's priority is Y/N's safety if anything starts to get hairy."
"You got it, boss." Steve turned on his heels and moved to leave when Bucky said
"And Steve." He ran a hand through his brown locks. "Tell em The Winter Soldier is coming."
Steve nodded and left. Bucky kissed your forehead and walked into the bedroom. You stood in the living room, the broken glass around your feet as you wrung your hands together. Hoping tonight wouldn't go the way you knew it would. It always ends in a fight.
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