#I want some of the sorbet of this so bad
baby-prophet · 1 year
FUCK/ god my night has sucked. god is like oh you finally have the energy and wherewithal to finally go buy groceries for the first time in over a month??? well plague on your house, your favorite cup will SHATTER right before you leave AND your card will get declined for unknown reasons at the crocery store ok byeee have a nice night love you,.
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inkskinned · 1 year
i'm used to it, and how bad it is, and how often it's so bad that it rings like a bell inside of me, drowning out everything around me. and the truth is that i get frustrated with myself about it - again? we're like this still? again? it's not that i feel weak, precisely. it's just this sense almost like - i've already been pushing against this thing for years now, shouldn't i have gained more ground?
i get frustrated because i'm sick of picking up the loose ends every six months. i get frustrated because it's always this same shit, same problem - i lose myself in a matter of months; spiral out of control, lose touch with friends and loved ones. i stop taking care of myself and therapy gets hard and i let everything around me wilt and shrivel and fall off; start somehow both sleeping too much and not-enough. i panic-attack and cry in my car in a target parking lot, pulling my hair out and hurting my ribs from sobbing so hard - and later, when i'm better, i'm embarrassed because how could i let it get that far?
it feels like - i already have done this so many times. isn't there a way out of it? isn't there a point where i've just... won? that it never happens again, that i just get to be done? maybe this is weakness, i guess - that i still (so often!) succumb.
i am used to it, so i forget exactly how hard it gets. do you even know how many times i've laid in bed, exhausted, blank and numb and listless and said - i can't anymore. i just can't. i'm not even really upset. it's okay. i've been here long enough. so much of my life was beautiful.... i'm just... done.
do you know how many times i woke up and i said - i can't and put my feet on the floor and said i can't, i don't want to and took a shower and walked the dog and bought myself fresh bread and put a nice playlist on and said i really can't, there's no end to this and i went to work and i called a friend and i made myself cookies even if food tasted like ashes and decided that i really should wait for the new album from that artist i love and i thought i can't, it's not worth it and then i washed my hands and cut my hair and drank more water and wrote a poem and signed up for an art class at the local community college and said i can't, i can't, i won't do this again, and i paid my rent and let the dishes rot in the sink but still made myself eat anything fresh even if it meant overdrawing my account on a stupid bag of plums just because they looked delicious and do you know how often i closed my eyes and thought this is it i really fucking can't, something has to give and i have nothing left that it can take and then i went to bed and i got up and i fucking survived anyway
yesterday the local ice cream place opened up for the first time this season and they were giving out tiny samples of their new dairy-free options and i tried a mango sorbet. three months ago i was positive that februrary was going to be my last month on the planet. i am teaching my dog a new trick and i just discovered a new band i love. i got a plant from the clearance aisle and repotted her and she's been perking up. i made salmon for alison and we ate it in her new house with her new beautiful baby girl. my manager told me he keeps recommending my work to others just because i always include a stupid number of puns. tomorrow i'm trying a new dance class. tomorrow i'm maybe going to buy more plums.
i forget, you know? it's not some bone-deep strength or some magical power. it's that some part of me knows - i need to stay. in all of this; out of all of this - i just want to choose love.
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wrightingdungeon · 4 months
Dear Diary
Evelyn and George, I love them so much.
POV Evelyn’s Diary - shes 19/20 RN - WILL HAVE TIME SKIPS - None of this is cannon beside pop pop blowing up - BTW George still blows himself up oop - Imagine getting snips of her Diary not the whole book - Im not sorry for how I end this - fight me
I did make a kinda sequel right here featuring Alex a lot more angst over here "The Past Reborn"
"Happy ends"
Today is Spring, 8, 1965.
While working in the clinic today, a miner came in, but he wasn't like the other miners. He almost dropped his cap taking it off while trying to introduce himself. His name is George, and he came in for an injury on his hand. The rope he was holding had slipped from his grip, causing a severe rope burn across his palm.
He apologized for tracking coal dust into the clinic, which no miner has ever apologized for before. I don't think their mothers explained how hard it is to get coal dust out of the bed sheets, but it's my job, so I shouldn't complain much. I just hope George will be okay. I told him he should inform his foreman that it's doctor's orders he not work until his hand heals completely.
Today is Spring, 12, 1965
The doctor was out of town today, having a call outside of town. The clinic ran as usual, although I had to tell some people to return tomorrow to see the doctor. Despite a few cases, today was a good day. Mr. George came back, and his hand has healed phenomenally. It still has a bit more healing to do, but it doesn't look like it will leave a bad scar.
I must admit, when I was holding his hand and inspecting his burn, I couldn't help but feel light-headed. George is not a bad-looking man, and his smile is so kind, His miner's cap always tosses his brown hair, and his eyes always have a twinkle in them. I’m afraid I’m a horrid nurse, feeling these things for someone in my care.
Today is Spring, 20, 1965.
George came by the clinic today. His hand looked better, but that wasn't the reason he came. He brought me a bundle of tulips, thanking me for all the care I had given him. I'm looking at them in my window right now, and I can't help but smile. He is such a kind man. I can't quite figure out how he knew what flowers I fancy, but does that matter? They are so beautiful.
I am sad, though, because George's hand has healed fully, and now he has no reason to come to the clinic. I should be happy—he's healed, and I did my job—but my heart aches knowing I won't see his smile or his twinkling eyes again. Like I said, I must be a horrid nurse.
Today is Summer, 4, 1965
I saw George again today. I was at the market shopping for dinner when I reached for a leek, and my hand touched his. His laughter is much more boisterous than his voice, which was a pleasant surprise. It's nice discovering things about him—he is like a book I don't want to put down.
He offered to cook me dinner as a proper thank you for helping him. I should have said no, but I said yes. Now, I'm sitting here, terrified to go to his home. I've never had anyone other than my mother cook for me. My heart is fluttering.
Today is Summer, 13, 1965
I have heard the number thirteen is unlucky, but I believe it to be lucky. This evening, I heard a knock at my door. It was George, dressed nicely with his hair neatly fixed. He handed me flowers and asked me out to a gridball game.
What do I wear? I want to impress George. I haven't been on a date before.
The date went so well! George's team won, and he was so happy. We got sorbet afterward to celebrate, and George took my hand in his as we walked. I really do believe the number thirteen is lucky.
Today is Summer, 28, 1965
It has been two weeks of me and George going steady, and it feels like a dream. When George finishes his shift in the mines, he comes to the clinic and walks me home. He is such a gentleman, nothing like the other miners I have met. Tonight was just magical. As George walked me to the door, I could tell something was off. His hands sweat when he is nervous, and I swear they were dripping.
He looked at me, his face as red as a beet, and asked if he could kiss me. His lips are soft and warm. It's embarrassing to admit, but his mouth does taste like cigarettes. Oh, I think I am in love, and I don't know what to do.
Today is Winter, 20, 1965
I can't believe it… George asked me out again today. He took me to the cliff to watch the sunset. He was sweating again and refused to look at me. When I asked him what was wrong, he just caged up further. I thought he was breaking up with me, but then he grabbed me as I got up to leave. His words fumbled over each other, and he almost fell over as he rushed to his knee.
George proposed to me. He told me I was the most beautiful woman he had ever met and that he couldn't stop thinking about me since he burned his hand with that rope. I'm so excited—I'm going to be George's wife soon. I just wish Mother was still with me so she could see this.
Today is Fall, 14, 1970
I can't sleep. George had an accident today at the mines. It was terrible; they had to rush him to the city. The doctor sent me home, saying I was a wreck. I can't stop crying, picturing him covered in blood and bruises on the operating table. Someone said he dropped dynamite.
Please, Yoba, don't take my George. After losing my parents, he's all I have. I can't bear to be alone again. He's my everything—the love of my life. The house feels empty without him. Every corner holds memories of him, and I can't imagine life without him.
Yoba, you've always answered my prayers. Please, I was so alone after Mother and Father passed, please don't take him from me as well.
Today is Spring, 2, 1971
They finally allowed George to come home from the hospital, albeit in a wheelchair. But that doesn't matter to me. What matters is that he's home and on the mend. It's a new chapter for both of us, one filled with challenges and uncertainties. Sometimes, George can be a bit rude, but I can see the fear in his eyes.
I made a promise to stand by him no matter what: for better or worse, in sickness and in health, till death do us part. And I intend to keep that promise. I'll be there for George, caring for him and cherishing our time together, no matter what lies ahead.
Today is Winter, 2, 1976
This is a happy day! Me and George weren't sure I could become pregnant, but I am! We are so excited to see our child. George has been working in the nursery non-stop, making sure he can care for our baby, not allowing that wheelchair to stop him.
I have decided on two names: Clara for a daughter and Coy for a son. I don't care what we have; I know they will be perfect.
Today is Summer, 10, 1977
Clara is perfect. With George's rich brown hair and my green eyes, she's a sight to behold. Despite her small stature, her eyes hold the same glimmer of curiosity as her father's. I know she will cause all kinds of trouble as she grows up just like her father.
As I watch George cradle her with such gentleness, his protective gaze never leaving her, and the tears of love that well up in his eyes as he whispers soothing words to her, I'm reminded once again of how blessed I am to have him by my side. In moments like these, it's crystal clear that I've married the most wonderful man.
Today is Summer, 13, 2000
I knew the number thirteen was lucky. Today, our grandson Alex was born. As I held him in my arms, I couldn't help but notice how much he resembled his mother, right down to the tiny button nose that mirrored hers when she was born. George was worried about Clara, complaining that everyone was here to see just Alex and not his baby girl. He has always been such a good father; he will be the best grandfather as well.
Looking at my family as it has grown, I’ve gone from an empty home after my parents passed, to a husband, a daughter, and now a son-in-law and a beautiful grandson. I love my family dearly and can't wait for the years ahead of us.
Fall, 16, 2004 This page is heavily tear stained
We took Alex for the day taking him to the fair as Clara wanted him to experience it. I can't believe we got lucky enough to have Alex… George's scream echoes in my mind… Did he scream with that pain when he was blown up?
We thought the phone call was Clara telling us that they would be late picking up Alex. The phone call shattered our hopes—it was the Zuzu Highway Patrol delivering the tragic news. Clara and her husband are gone… Victims of a drunk driver on the wrong side of the road. They didn't survive.
But we have Alex…. We have to tell our four-year-old grandson he can't go home anymore… He can't see his Mother or Father ever again
Yoba, why didn't you shield them?
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berylcups · 4 months
PT 1-How La Squadra react to you calling them their nickname/term of endearment:
CW: suggestive content
Notes: Here's something small to help with my writers block. If any of you all have any small asks like these send them to me so I can fight this block! I really wanna continue my perv series! Also pt 2 of this HC will be done soon. I want to add a lil something but don’t want to rush the rest of the guy’s entries. Next part will have risotto, prosciutto, and…. Sorbet & Gelato! 🤗 I’m going to try writing for the 2 lovebirds in my HCs now. Well it’s not much but I hope you enjoy regardless! 💜 Beryl
Formaggio: “Maggie moo, you ding dong! You bought the wrong cat food again!” you huffed.
“I did? I’m sorry sugarbunches, which one did I buy?” he asked, trying to think of what food he bought.
“You bought the regular seafood flavored cat food. Miss Priss likes the seafood flavor but has a sensitive tummy and needs the sensitive stomach formula. Now she’s gonna get diarrhea!” you explained.
“Oooooh, I see where I went wrong. My bad, babycakes. Also can you call me the other nickname? I think it sounds cuter.”He requested.
“Oh ok, which one?” you asked. “Maggio-o’s, Maggie May, Cheese Nips, Lil Peets, Cat Daddy, Big D Mcgee, M-”
“Ahem.”a voice stopped the nauseating chain of names.
“........Can we get back to the meeting please?” Risotto asked, trying to hold back a gag.
Formaggio loves pet names and doesn't give a shit who hears them. It just shows how much you love him! He will give them back with just as much enthusiasm.
He’ll ham it up with the PDA to make you feel good and to gross others out, he thinks their disgust and jealousy is funny.
He calls you the most diabetic inducing nicknames like Sweetie baby, sugarpie, honeybuns, sugartits(yes,even if you don’t have them, you’ll have to correct him on that!)
Illuso: “Rubin.(Ruby) did yo-”you got cut off rudely “EUGH” he gags.
“Really mature.” you growled. You were trying to show him a little affection and he’s being an ass. “As I was saying, Rubin did you tak-”
“Disgusting! Ew. you’re calling ME, Illuso of the Mirror THAT Filthy name?” he asked, feigning disgust.
“Sigh…Hey ASSWIPE! Did you take my shampoo?! It feels a shit ton lighter than it did the last time I used it!!!” you hissed.
“Oh, why yes of course. I did. You have good taste, you know. Look at how shiny and silky my hair looks.” he said smugly.
“You owe me 34 Euros then…”You said coolly as you walked off irritated by his behavior.
“Way to go, dumbass. They were trying to be affectionate towards you for once and you blew it.” Gelato said while snuggling into Sorbets lap.
“How do you know? When hasY/N EVER been affectionate?” Illuso brushed him off.
“Uh, that’s exactly my point. They’re so shy it probably it took everything out of them to call you that. They called you “Rubin” aka-RUBY, because your eyes are red. THEY LIKE YOUR EYES. Do I need to get some crayons and draw it out for you?” Gelato said snarkily.
“...Oh. “ he realized his own stupidity for once.
He follows you to your room to beg for forgiveness. Illuso has pride but he’ll put it aside when it comes to you.
“C’mon bambina/o, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were trying to be sweet on me. Really! Please forgive me.” he said looking at you with his big pleading red eyes.
“Oh…ok fine. But don’t do it again. That was embarrassing.” you said letting him hug you.
Depending on how you are he’s either going to pretend to be disgusted and be grossed out when you call him super mushy pet names. But the super romance-y ones he’ll tolerate in public…if he understands them(let him know in advance to prevent the situation above).
He doesn’t really give out pet names in public but he gives them out generously in private.
He’ll call you flashy names like Diamond, Stella, and Luna.
Pesci: “Lil’ Guppy! Check out this Cruise! We HAVE to save up for this so we can go on vacation!” you jumped up and down excitedly showing him the page in the magazine.
“O-oh uh ok.” He stuttered. He was embarrassed by the nickname being used in front of the guys but didn’t have the heart to tell you not to say it in fear of being mean.
“Lil’ guppy??? How cute.” Illuso snickered.
“Uh…Y/N? Can I speak to you…alone?” he asked nervously.
“Yeah! Hmm? Whats wrong?” you looked concerned.
“Um uh I-....Uh could you..? Could you not call me that in front…of the guys?” he asked, fidgeting with his fingers.
You looked hurt, you could feel the tears form but fought them back. You understood, he was an easy target to be made fun of.
“Oh uh…Ok. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to embarrass you.” You whimpered.
“No no! Please don’t cry! Im sorry!” he hugged you tightly. “Don’t cry my precious little pearl!’
“No its okay! Honestly! I understand. The guys are kinda mean, and like to pick on you. You’re trying your best to not be seen as a mammoni and I need to help with that so I’m not gonna call you that-in public.” You said hugging back.
“Thank you Y/N. You’re so nice and understanding. I’m glad I have you as my partner.” he beamed.
He can’t be seen as a mammoni. As much as he loves to be loved, he has to keep away from the PDA!
He’ll love and cuddle you in private and do whatever you need when you two are alone.
He loves to call you names related to the sea. He likes to call you his pearl, Mermaid, Angelfish
Melone: Melone was busy on his laptop completely unaware of your presence. “Melone.” no answer…”melone.” nothing. “Mel.” nope. “MELONE.” Is he ignoring you??? “Honeydew~!”
“Yes Amore~?” he purred looking up at you.
You scowled and folded your arms. “Where's my underwear?”
“Which ones?” he asked, trying not to smirk.
“The _______ ones. They have the ____ on them. They were very EXPENSIVE.” you said firmly.
“Oh those…I’m wearing them,” he said casually.
“Bad Honeydew.”You took out the spray bottle of air freshener and sprayed him twice.
“Not in the eyes!” he coughed.
“This is getting weird...I’m gonna leave now.” Pesci slowly got up and cautiously snuck off.
Melone LOVES terms of endearment and nicknames. He actively encourages it and won’t answer you sometimes like above until you say it.
As a PDA lover he’ll call you lots of pets names with much praise.
“You look handsome/beautiful today Mama/Papa!”
He likes to call you parental related names (not in a sexual way) because he dreams of having children with you someday! Or if you’re not interested in children, maybe some cats and dogs. Or reptiles and his Juniors(He’ll make sure they won’t harm their 2nd parent he promises on his own life!) He calls you Mama/Mommy or Papa/Daddy, or Zommy/Zaddy. He’ll respect your gender of course.
Ghiaccio: “Kě’ài Bǎobèi~!(cutie baby) Welcome back! How was your mission? You’re unharmed and in one piece, I assume it went very well.” you jumped off the sofa and gave him a death gripping hug. The guys snickered, watching you nuzzle your face in his chest. “ I miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss missed you!”
Ghiaccio’s face was as red as his glasses. “ Goddamnit Y/N! They know that means something mushy! you can’t call me that in front of everyone!” he yelled not in his usual angry tone but in an embarrassed and annoyed tone as he tried to gently but firmly nudge you off.
The guys would tease him and call him the same name you call him.
No worries, he can handle his own. He would threaten to beat them with an inch of their lives...and they know he would.
He won’t admit it but he likes the cute nicknames you give him, especially if they are other languages since he has a fixation on language.
In private he’d blush and try not to smile…but he fails at that.
He’ll call you his own favorite pet names and give you a hug and a kiss on the forehead.🥺
He doesn’t look like the type but hes got a few cutesy names too like snow angel, powder puff, and snowflake.❄️
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Lilia Vanrouge - Beach Wear Vignette
"Lilia's Super Deluxe Uninhabited Island Special"
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[Uninhabited Island – Cottage]
Lilia: Here we go, Stitch. Time to start prepping "that" thing.
Stitch: Got it, okay!
Lilia: First, we need a large pot…
Lilia: Then we take all the fresh fruit we gathered, and… GO LIKE THIS!!
[squeezes fruit]
Stitch: Weehoo ♪
Lilia: Kufufu, doesn't it look delicious? Fresh fruit always tastes best raw or juiced like this.
Lilia: We'll just squeeze the mango and pineapple with magic, just like this…
Stitch: Yeehaw!
Lilia: Ohh…? You've got a tight grip on that pineapple there…
Lilia: Nice going, Stitch! You got some nice 100% Juice flowing almost instantly.
Lilia: Kufufu, then I'll leave the squeezing of all the fruit to you.
Lilia: But I can't let you show me up. Let's see, here's the clear water we pulled from the waterfall…
[turns water to ice]
Stitch: !!
Lilia: Surprised? If I use magic like this, I can freeze water no problem.
Lilia: But I have to make sure I don't get carried away and use too much. We don't know when Gantu might attack us next.
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Stitch: Yay!
Lilia: Have you finished squeezing the fruits already? Kufufu, you sure are a strong one, Stitch.
Lilia: …You are just like him.
Stitch: ?
Lilia: There's this guy named Malleus. He's descended from dragons, and his power is overwhelming.
Lilia: Even the hardest coconut shell is nothing more than a fragile eggshell in his hands.
Lilia: And he would also throw tantrums left and right if something didn't suit him.
Lilia: Like punching holes in the walls, or encasing the castle in ice, or raining down thunderbolts… To put simply, he was a pretty rambunctious kid.
Stitch: Bad boy appeared… Grr.
Lilia: I suppose so. There definitely are those who think he is a bad boy.
Stitch: Aw...
Lilia: If the people around him are frightened and try to avoid him, of course he'll turn out to be a rowdy kid.
Lilia: But, you know, Stitch. I think that it's okay for a bad kid to stay as they are.
Stitch: ?
Lilia: You may be hunted by Gantu just because you're a bad boy who likes to destroy things...
Lilia: But you've helped us so much with your amazing strength. The most important thing is how you use that power of yours.
Stitch: Ye-huh ♪
Lilia: …Well, I guess you could also say it also depends on the circumstances, too.
Stitch: ?
Lilia: Aw, but, I think that your aggressive and cute little self is just the most charming little thing!
Stitch: Oooh!
Lilia: Mhm, that's a good smile. Okay then, let's get back to the task at hand, Stitch.
Lilia: I say that, but all that's left for us to do is to add some more fruit juice.
Lilia: Oh yeah, we'll need a bowl to serve what we made. The shells are a little too small, so maybe we can make something out of the branches and leaves?
Stitch: Hah-ha!
[thock, thock, thock…]
Lilia: Oho, that's…
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[Uninhabited Island – Cottage]
Jack: Lilia-senpai, did something happen? Why'd you call us all to the cottage like this suddenly?
Grim: Sniff, sniff, sniff… Funyaa~ I smell something sweet.
Ace: Eh! Oh, is this some kind reward for all our hard work gathering fruits and drawing water every day?
Floyd: A reward? Well, obviously we should be getting' something, I've been working sooo hard~
Lilia: Very perceptive. You're right, it's a reward! Something I've prepared for each and every one of you. And it's…
Everyone: It's?
Grim: A frozen dessert!! …Like what?
Azul: He must be talking about a type of sweet made from freezing fruit juice and the like.
Azul: Since it's made of the ingredients found on this island, it could possibly be a sorbet… or perhaps a frappe?
Lilia: Correct. I'm treating you all to some cooooold shaved ice.
Grim: Shaved ice! Yuuuum, hurry and give me some!
Ace: Me too, me too! Every day's so hot, I'd been wanting to have something like ice cream.
Lilia: Kufufu, no need to fret.
Lilia: Now then, I'll take this bucket full of ice, and… DO THIS!
Ace: All the ice just shattered from that hand chop!?
Riddle: Lilia-senpai can even fell a large tree almost instantly. …Honestly, nothing surprises me anymore.
Lilia: Once you get a mound of shaved ice into one of the bowls that Stitch made for us…
Lilia: Drizzle some of the syrup we made from the fruits, and… IT'S READY TO EAT!
Lilia: Okay, let's start with you, Grim. Make sure you savor the flavor.
Grim: Nom, slurp, crunch, nom! Oooowee, it's so cold and tast…
Grim: URK!?
Ace: Grim!? Lilia-senpai, don't tell me you made the syrup out of that terrible tasting fruit…!?
Grim: Urgh, my head is numb… But it's so sweet and cold, it's crazy good!
Ace: Oh, you just ate it all tooo fast and got a headache. Sheesh, you scared me.
Lilia: Alright, everyone! I'll make one for all of you. [Yuu], what kind of syrup do you want?
1. Mango flavored! 2. Pineapple flavored!
Azul: I would like to have pineapple flavored syrup. It should have a nice tartness to it for a crisp taste.
Jack: I'll… try the mango. If I'm going to eat it with ice, I'd rather have a richer flavor.
Ace: Lilia-senpai, can I have both?
Floyd: Oh, is that allowed? Then I want both too~
Lilia: Here's the mango flavored one. And this one's the pineapple. And a combo for Ace and Floyd.
Jack: It's so cold and delicious. It's refreshing and I feel like this is a nice way to cool down.
Floyd: Yup. I thought it'd be nothing special 'cause it's just fruit juice over ice, but this syrup is pretty bangin'.
Ace: This syrup rocks! The parts where the mango and pineapple mix together is the best part.
Azul: What, really? Urk, I should have also chosen to have both…
Lilia: Kufufu, there's still a lot of syrup, you can have seconds. And it's all because Stitch helped me so much.
Stitch: Yahahahaha ♪
Lilia: But we have to make sure everyone gets their first helping first.
Lilia: Riddle, have you made a decision? If you're still having trouble choosing, you can also get both syrups.
Riddle: No, thank you, that's unnecessary.
Riddle: My mother always would say, "You cannot eat food made of ice, for they will chill your stomach."
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[Uninhabited Island – Cottage]
Lilia: Riddle, have you made a decision? If you're still having trouble choosing, you can also get both syrups.
Riddle: No, thank you, that's unnecessary.
Riddle: My mother always would say, "You cannot eat food made of ice, for they will chill your stomach."
Ace: Ehh! You gonna worry about that now!? There's no way she'd find out even if you had some now.
Floyd: You don't get it at all, huh, Goldfish-chan. It'll be even more delicious when you snag a bite to eat even after your mom says no.
Lilia: Now, now. It's impolite to comment on the customs of other families.
Riddle: Indeed. Therefore, please don't worry about me…
Lilia: Then, I'll make a special dish just for you, Riddle.
Lilia: I'll freeze the mango with my magic, and… DO THIS AND THEN THIS!
Azul: Oho, you've sliced the frozen mangos thin, almost replicating the shaved ice.
Floyd: And you served it in a coconut half shell as a bow. It's all decorated with frozen bananas, pineapples, and even flowers, too.
Lilia: Here you go, Riddle. It's a "Chilled Fruit Dish." There's not a single piece of ice on it.
Riddle: …Heh. This certainly is a dish "made out of fruit" and not "made out of ice."
Riddle: Thank you, Lilia-senpai. Then, I shall dig in…
Riddle: !!
Riddle: Delicious! The fruit just dissolves instantly as soon as it touches my tongue… This is the first I've ever had such a thing.
Grim: Funyaa~~! No fair that just Riddle gets some! Lilia, me too! Me toooo~!
Floyd: Ehh, I wanna eat some too. Goldfish-chan, give me a bite!
Lilia: Okay, okay, I got it. I'll make some for everyone, so just wait a moment.
Azul: But really… Who would even think of freezing fruit only to shave them? Lilia-san, that was a brilliant idea.
Lilia: I just tried copying this one snack I tasted during one of my trips to a tropical country.
Lilia: In the past, there was many a time that I had to make this sort of thing. When it comes to frozen desserts, I'm really quite particular.
Lilia: At first, I was only able to make simple dishes, like shaved ice with drizzled nectar or fruit juice…
Lilia: But there was this one guy who would just revel at eating the shaved ice I'd make him.
Lilia: I thought he'd get bored of continuously eating the same thing, so I tried to make it look more and more gorgeous, adding condensed milk or honey-soaked fruit to them.
Lilia: Back then, I wasn't very used to cooking, but I bet if I tried again now, I could probably make something much fancier.
Lilia: Alright, Lilia's Super Deluxe Uninhabited Island Special is ready! Come, eat it before it melts.
1. Let's dig in! 2. Thank you very much!
Grim: Nom, nom nom!! That rich, sweet flavor just completely melts in my mouth~!
Jack: It's more flavorful than just drizzling the syrup on the ice. This is the first time I've ever eaten fruit like this.
Ace: This frozen banana is also crazy good. It's got a way different texture than the raw stuff. You should try this too, [Yuu].
Lilia: What do you think, Stitch? Is it good?
Stitch: …
Riddle: He's looking very forlornly at his empty shaved ice bowl. Perhaps he would like seconds.
Lilia: Or maybe… Did looking at the cup remind you of someone?
Stitch: …
Riddle: Now that you mention it, the bowls that Stitch made for our shaved ice does have an interesting shape to it.
Riddle: It has a conical shape, as if for ice cream, or gelato…
Lilia: Hm. Well, that reminds me that I once saw shaved ice being sold at a food stand in this one tropical country in a similar conical shape.
Lilia: A tricycle carrying a silver box was parked on the side of the road. They were selling shaved ice to those walking by.
Lilia: Eating shaved ice with a ton of syrup on a hot day is the absolute best. You should try it sometime.
Riddle: Eating while walking is… Ah, never mind. Yes, alright. Perhaps if the occasion arises.
Riddle: Based on your anecdote just now, it may be that Stitch here is from a more tropical region.
Stitch: …
Stitch: …Ohana.
Lilia: I get it. There's a certain "someone" you want to share this delicious shaved ice with.
Stitch: Ye.
Lilia: Mhm, I understand that feeling well.
Lilia: The guy who would always ask me to make him frozen desserts was always the same way.
Lilia: It's not that he wanted to eat it because it was delicious. It's more like he wanted to eat it with someone he cared for.
Lilia: I'm the same way. I used to think that whatever I ate didn't matter, so long as it sated my hunger. However…
Lilia: Even those frozen desserts that I never thought would satisfy me would always be the most delicious when I could eat it with him.
Stitch: Yeah.
Lilia: Now that he's more or less stopped throwing his tantrums, I haven't really made him any shaved ice anymore.
Lilia: Maybe once we escape from this island, it may be a good chance to try my hand at it again.
Lilia: Oh, right. You should make this shaved ice for your loved ones as well. I'll give you the recipe.
Stitch: Great!
Riddle: Eating it with people is what makes it delicious, hm.
Riddle: Lilia-senpai, please teach me the recipe as well.
Riddle: I would like to make it for my dormmates who no doubt are fulfilling my duties while I am gone.
Lilia: Well, of course, I'd be happy to. I'll give you a proper lesson on how to make it, too.
Lilia: I'll have to tell them all about my adventures on this island. Kufufu, that's just another thing to look forward to this summer.
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Requested by Anonymous.
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inlovewithregencyera · 3 months
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transcript under cut : )
Paelford House
July 8th, 1818
*Aurelia sniffling and starts softly crying*
*Aurelia starts violently sobbing*
July 8th, 1808
Auglire Castle
Robert: Sugarplum?
Robert: Sugarplum, where are you?
Robert: And why is it so damn dark in here?
Robert: Sugar?
Robert: Aurelia, please come out. It's your birthday and I have a surprise since nobody else in this damn castle seems to care.
Robert: Aurelia..?
*Aurelia sniffles*
Robert: There you are my dear. Whatever is the matter?
Aurelia: Leave me be Uncle Bertie. I wish to be alone today.
Robert: No, no I won't do that. It's your birthday and your foolish da-forgive me, your foolish parents can't seem to remember. Your mother is still in her bed and not dressed and your fool of a father has been off riding since the crack of dawn, which is never good, he always does that when something is troubling him.
Aurelia: He's been going off riding for long periods every morning since....you know.
Robert: Yes, I know how he reacts to death but he has other children to attend to as well. Mama says he's worse than when our Father died. Had I known it was this bad here I wouldn't have been in the city so long...
Aurelia: *wiping eyes* Well, if you should know, I asked that for my birthday nobody did anything or mentioned it, so it's not their fault. All I asked for was to be alone.
Robert: Well, I'm not respecting that wish. You don't need to be alone, especially on your birthday. None of them have any sense to realize that.
Aurelia: *sniffles* But I WANT to be alone. No birthday will ever be the same again without her. I hate my birthday.
Robert: Well I love your birthday and would like to celebrate it with you and that's why I've came all the way from Winshire. Since those fools haven't prepared you a cake, you and I will go to the sweet shop and get sorbet.
Aurelia: Why should I enjoy any sweets if she never will again? It's my fault, I-
Robert: No, sugar, quit saying that. If you'd like to blame anyone then let it be me, I can bear it. I can't bear you thinking it's your fault though.
Aurelia: But it is…
Robert: *sitting down* No, no its n-*back cracks* NOT!
Aurelia: *softly giggling*
Robert: I'm glad my pain amuses you. If I could break every bone in my body a million times just for you to be happy, I would.
Aurelia: You don't mean that.
Robert: I mean it with my whole heart.
I love you, and I do hate seeing you sad. I too, know how it feels to lose a sister, you know?
Aurelia: *sniffles* Yes, yes I know.
Granny doesn't speak about her that much, neither does Papa.
Robert: They do that because it's easier for them. It's been nearly forty years, and I assure you not a day goes by where they don't think of her. I think of her everyday, and was only eight when she passed.
Aurelia: *softly* What was she like?
Robert: *smiling* Georgiana was a lot like you, believe it or not. She was kind, compassionate, and a little shy. But she didn't really prefer naturally feminine hobbies such as embroidery, cross stitching, or anything to deal with music and that upset our Mama a lot. My Father adored her, because she shared his interests. Before bed, she would often scare your Papa and I with silly ghost stories and don't tell him I told you this, but he once got so scared he wet himself in his nightgown.
Aurelia: *hysterically laughing* Really?
Robert: Yes sugarplum, really. He was around your age when this happened.
Aurelia: *sitting on lap* Uncle Bertie?
Robert: Yes sugarplum?
Aurelia: Does it get any better?
Robert: What do you mean?
Aurelia: Will I ever stop feeling so…sad?
Robert: The pain won't go away, but in time, you'll learn how to manage it better. You won't feel so sad everyday when you're older, it'll just be some days.
Aurelia: But will I ever feel happy again?
Robert: Of course you will sugarplum! You will have many happy memories in your lifetime, trust me. The happy ones outweigh the bad ones, I know it's hard right now, but I promise you eventually it'll get better, *kisses cheek* alright?
Aurelia: Alright. Can we still maybe get sorbet..?
Robert: We will go right now. *picking up* I'll even buy you a whole cake for yourself, how does that sound?
Aurelia: *gasp* Really? But what will Papa say?
Robert: He won't know. Perhaps we will buy him one too, he might need it.
Aurelia: I think Papa needs more than a cake!
Robert: At this rate...I think he does too. We will worry about him tomorrow though, today is your birthday, not his.
Bridget: Aurelia…?
Bridget: *grabbing face* Aurelia.?
Aurelia: *pushing away* Why are you in here..?
Bridget: I couldn't sleep well, my room is too hot. Yours is always cooler...
Aurelia: *sniffling* You always say this when you want to sleep with me.
Bridget: Well, perhaps I do, but I can't because you're upset! What's wrong?
Aurelia: Why does everyone have to die?
Bridget: Is this about Harriet?
Aurelia: Uncle Bertie.
Bridget: Oh, I miss him too Aurelia. What made you think of him today?
Aurelia: I remembered how he took me for sorbet on my birthday ten years ago.
Bridget: Aurelia, it's alright. *caressing cheek* You know he wouldn't want you to be like this, you can't say he would.
Aurelia: No, *wiping eyes* no he wouldn't.
Bridget: It'll be alright Aurelia. Tonight will be the best birthday of your life and I'll make sure of it!
Aurelia: *sniffles* Oh please don't say this will be the best one. I'm already sad today, I would like to at least hope for one birthday in the future where I wake up happy and not cry.
Bridget: Fine. It will be ONE of the best birthdays of your life. *grinning* Is that better?
Aurelia: A little.
Bridget: You shall dance with your future husband, and all is well!
Aurelia: *smirking* I do hope you’re right.
Bridget: When am I not?
Aurelia: Well..
Bridget: *giggling* No do not answer that.
Now, let us both go back to sleep!
Aurelia: I suppose you mean not to sleep in your own bed?
Bridget: Yes! *climbing in bed* It's too much trouble to walk back.
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sofasoap · 1 year
Under the lemon tree
Pairing : Kyle “Gaz” Garrick x F!reader
Summary: Memories of childhood love. First kiss.
Part of the Memory in a Fragrance series
Warning : T rating. Fluff.
Series masterlist
Master list
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“Who are you?”
Gaz looked down, noticing a little girl, not much older than five, looking up at him with curious eyes.
He raised his eyebrow. Hands on his waist, puffing up his chest, he proudly introduced himself.
“I am Kyle. Who are you??”
The little girl introduced herself.
“Play with me Kyle.”
“Because my brother and his friends don't want to play with me.” The girl pouted. “They think I am too young and I will hurt myself.”
“Well you are very young…” Kyle pointed out.
“ I am old enough! I am FIVE!” As if to emphasis on the point, she raised her hand, all fingers splayed out.
“Well I am eight, you ARE too young to play with me too.”
Little girl’s face crumbled as Kyle made the announcement.
Kyle felt bad as he looked at the girl, mouth wobbling and trying her hardest to hold back the tears.
He sighed. “Alright. What do you want to do?”
The girl’s eyes instantly lit up. Pointing up at the lemon tree, she jumped up and down, “I want to pick some lemon!!! Can you boost me up??”
Kyle looked up the lemon tree, full of fruits, with sunshine peeking through the leaves.
Gaz slowly opened his eyes. Not even seven o’clock in the morning and the sun is shining straight into his eyes.
Trying to stretch out, but he stopped as he noticed you clinging onto him, arms and legs wrapped around his torso, head buried into his chest, lightly snoring away.
He smiled. Lowering his head to give you a light kiss on your head, inhaling your scent.
“Morning..” you mumbled as you stirred awake.
“Morning love. Had a good sleep?”
“ mmmm Hmmmmm.” Yawning away, “You are up early. I thought you would have slept in.”
Shaking his head, “Woken up in the middle of the dream with that sun shining into my eyes. Couldn’t go back to it afterwards.”
“What were you dreaming about?” Unlatching your legs as both of you shift around, Gaz lying on his back while you tuck to his side, with his arm wrapped around you.
“Someone I used to see every summer when my parents took us camping.” Gaz closed his eyes again as he recalled the memories.
Kyle looked down at the girl, as she scoop another spoonful of sorbet into her mouth, sighing with content.
“You really like the lemon sorbet here, don’t you?” Kyle chuckled.
Licking her lip, she nodded. “They make the best lemon sorbet here.” She kicks her feet.”Ma said they use the lemon from this tree.” She pointed up. “Summer isn’t complete if I don’t get this sorbet.”
He laughed. “You sound like an old adult with that statement.”
“I am ten. I am old enough.”
“You ever kissed anyone before?”
“Of… of course!!” Kyle choked on his lemonade and stuttered. He hasn’t. But being the older one, he has to pretend he is more experienced than her.
She looked down. “I haven’t.” Tilting her thinking for a few seconds, as if she came up with the most brilliant idea in the world. “ Can I kiss you Kyle??”
Kyle’s mouth opened and closed a few times. Should he refuse? But he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings. But he likes you too… but……
“… and the girl gave you a peck on the cheek, and proceeded to run around the field singing the sound of music with excitement. Few seconds later she fell on her face after she tripped over a rock??”
“How do you?!!!” Gaz sat up, looking down at you with disbelief.
You smiled. Pointing at the faint little scar on your forehead.
Why hasn’t he noticed before? The eyes, that smile…
“Do you know how hard I cried when your family didn’t turn up again after that year??” You look down, poking lightly at the side of his muscular thigh. “I was so heartbroken. I thought that was it, I will never like another boy again.”
“Well, you can always like girls…”
Laughing as you slap his thigh, “I was shocked when my friend introduced me to you. I wasn’t sure at first, but…” looking up at him, a bit of tears in your eyes, “The way you smile, your eyes.. the way you talk…” leaning into the side of his abs, “When we finally kissed, that feeling, I was a hundred percent it was you, the Kyle I have missed from all those years ago.”
Gaz remembered the slight hesitation and the flash of surprise he saw in your eyes when your common friend introduced each other for the first time. That familiarity, that slight citrus perfume scent you always wear. It reminds me of a pleasant childhood memory. You mentioned once when he asked you about your obsession with citrus fruit.
Sliding back down in the bed again, gently pulling you into his embrace. “ We found each other again.”
My first kiss.
My first love.
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Tag list ( I don’t know who to tag, I’m just tagging people that showed interest in my Gaz fics from last time also the fragrance list. )
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goldenempyrean · 3 months
Silent Suffering
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〚 Notes - Just something I threw together whilst absolutely devouring a pint of raspberry sorbet (the whole thing...) 〛
〚 Pairing - Carina Deluca x Maya Bishop 〛
〚 Summary - Carina isn't one to cause a fuss, not when she isn't feeling well. Luckily she's got a very loving wife to take care of her. 〛
〚 Wordcount - 2,900 〛
〘 Check Out My Masterlist! 〙
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It had been a relatively quiet morning, until Maya’s alarm blared through the room, pulling a very groggy Carina from a restless sleep beside her. 
The brunette hadn’t gotten much rest that night. She’d been tossing and turning for most of the evening, unable to get comfy and as she blinked awake, the distinct feeling of a headache sat behind her temples making them throb ever so slightly. 
Carina swallowed against a scratchy throat and winced at the dull ache. She could already tell this wasn’t just a bad night’s sleep; she was definitely coming down with something. Her nose felt stuffy, and she could feel the beginnings of congestion settling in. 
Despite how miserable she felt, the Italian plastered a smile on her face as Maya stretched and yawned beside her. “Good morning bambina,” She murmured, trying to sound chipper, though her voice came out slightly hoarser than usual. 
“Morning, love,” Maya replied, her voice still thick with sleep. She turned to her girlfriend, her eyes crinkling in a smile. “Did you sleep well?” 
“Yeah, just a bit restless,” Carina lied, hoping Maya wouldn’t notice the redness around her eyes or the slight puffiness of her face. 
The blonde nodded sympathetically and rolled out of bed. “I’ll go start the coffee,” She replied, already heading toward the kitchen. 
Carina sighed with relief as she watched her wife leave the room, allowing herself a moment to rub her aching temples. She sniffled quietly, wincing at how congested she already felt. There was no way she was going to let Maya know she was sick. She knew her wife could get over-anxious at the best of times, the last thing she needed was for her to be worried about her when she was meant to be working. Especially in Maya’s line of work, the slightest break in concentration could have disastrous consequences. 
She pulled herself out of bed and stretched, hiding a grimace at the ache in her muscles before beginning to get herself changed. 
In all honesty if Carina could’ve bundled up in a one of Maya’s hoodies and some sweatpants she would’ve. The last thing wanted to be wearing was her tight fitting slacks and open front shirt but she was Carina Deluca. She had to keep up appearances. Even if she was just dropping her girlfriend at work.  
By the time she’d gotten herself changed, there were small droplets of swear beading along her forehead. Carina could feel them trailing down her back as well. She was definitely running a fever. God this was a nightmare. 
The brunette hid a raspy cough against her shoulder before shuffling to the bathroom. Standing in front of the mirror Carina cringed at her appearance though her self-disgust didn’t last for long. A tickle creeping down the bridge of her nose caught her attention and she quickly swiped a tissue just in time to muffle two harsh sneezes into it.  
“Great.” She rolled her eyes in displeasure as she swiped another few tissues to blow her nose, “Come on, get it together.” 
The Italian sighed before splashing a handful of cold water onto her face before beginning apply her makeup in an attempt to mask her reddening nose and the half-dead look she’d had going on. 
The brunette cleared her throat a final step before straightening her posture and headed out to the kitchen. Despite feeling crappy, she couldn’t hold back a smirk at the site of her wife in pyjama shorts, swaying her hips to the rhythm of a Chappel Roan song on the radio as she made her lunch for the day, two steaming cups of coffee already sitting on the counter. 
“Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” She mused lovingly, coming behind Maya to wrap her arms around her waist, “I’m presuming one of those are for me?” She pointed towards the two cups. 
“Yeah, I know you usually take it black but I know you didn’t slept great so thought you could do with something less harsh.” Maya smiled, turning to press a kiss to her wife’s cheek, “It has some of that vanilla syrup you pretend not to like too.” 
Carina shook her head but couldn’t bite back the smile pulling at her lips, “Aren’t you a sweetheart?” She thanked her before taking the cup and sipping it softly, “Thank you bambina.” The hot liquid felt amazing against her sore throat. 
“Of course.” Maya smiled, carefully slid out of Carina’s hold as she finished packing up her lunch before taking a sip of her own coffee, “I should go get dressed, I’m only in for a few hours today, just covering for a member of B shift with Andy but she’s not going to be impressed if I’m late.” 
Carina chuckled softly, nodding as she tried to ignore the pounding in her head. "Yeah, don't want to keep Andy waiting," she agreed, giving Mai’ a gentle nudge towards the bedroom. "I'll be ready to go by the time you're dressed." 
Maya disappeared into the bedroom, leaving her wife alone in the kitchen. She leaned heavily against the counter, closing her eyes briefly to stop the room swaying around her. 
By the time the blonde returned, fully dressed and looking effortlessly professional, Carina had managed to pull herself together enough to look presentable. “Ready to go?” she asked, forcing a smile. 
“Ready,” Maya replied, leaning in for a quick kiss before grabbing her bag. “Thanks for dropping me off today. You’re the best.” 
Carina smile softened, becoming genuine, “No problem darling, let’s get you to work.” 
The drive to the station was a blur. The brunette focused intently on the road, forcing herself to ignore the pounding in her head and the chills running down her spine. The last thing she wanted was for Maya to notice her lack of enthusiasm so she made sure to keep nodding along as the blonde talked happily about how she was going to finally get B shift to clean up their side of the fridge.  
When they finally arrived, Carina pulled up alongside the curb and leaned over and to give Maya a lingering kiss. “See you at five?” The blonde asked as she reached down to grab her backpack. 
Carina nodded, managing a weak smile, “Of course, I’ll be here. Have a great day, love.” She cleared her throat a little too sharply, bringing her hand to touch the front of her neck as she winced. 
Maya gave her a quick wave before hurrying into the building. Carina watched her go, her smile fading as soon as her wife was out of sight. She let out a shuddering breath, finally letting out several sneezes she’d only just managed to hold back before sniffling miserably and resting her head against the steering wheel. This sucked. 
Carina sniffled for another few minutes before taking a deep breath. She couldn’t stay here, god forbid any of the other firefighters see her. She hated people knowing when she was ill. After muffling a painful sounding cough into her elbow, she straightened herself up before pulling out of the parking lot. 
Originally, she had planned to be productive today. Handle a few bits of paperwork for the station’s clinic, run some errands, maybe grab a greek salad from that place she liked a few blocks away. But now, all Carina wanted to do now was go home, to change out of these uncomfortably clothes and crawl back under a blanket. She hated this. She hardly got ill to begin with, but when she did it always seemed to hit her hard. 
By the time she pulled into the driveway, the poor brunette could hardly keep her eyes open. It was some miracle that she managed to stumble to the door in one piece. Finally inside and away from prying eyes and the pressure to maintain standards, Carina let herself relax. 
The first thing she did was head straight back to the bedroom, stripping off her clothes as she did so. She knew she was wasting energy but staying in her current outfit just wasn’t an option. Instead she dug around in Maya’s side of the wardrobe and pulled out one of her old t-shirts, pulling the cool fabric over her head. Accompanying the shirt, she picked out a pair of shorts and slid her legs into them, shivering slightly as chills ran over her exposed skin. 
Maybe these clothes were a little too light, she thought and grabbed Maya’s thick hoodie and pulled it around her arms. That was better. She looked at herself in the mirror for a moment, debating on whether to take her make up off by a wave of dizziness had her gripping their wooden dressing table for support. Make-up could wait, she needed to lay down for a bit. 
Coughing miserably into the sleeve of her borrowed sweater, Carina grabbed the fluffy throw blanket which sat neatly across their bed before stealing the box of tissues from the bathroom. Making her way out to the living room, she led down and curled up on the sofa, her knees up to her chest and she closed her eyes. 
Maya glanced at her watch for what felt like the hundredth time. It was already five fifteen, and there was still no sign of Carina. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other as she pulled out her phone. She called her but the line went straight to voicemail, not even ringing so she presumed it was out of battery…or switched off. 
It wasn’t like her girlfriend to be late. She was a very punctual person… well, when it came down to her anyway. Sure Carina could sometimes get caught up in things but she’d never been late when it came to her. 
The sound of footsteps behind her caught the blonde’s attention and looked over her shoulder to see Andy walking out of the building, pulling on her coat. 
“Hey Mai, what you doing waiting out here, it’s bloody freezing out here.” Her friendly voice called out as she dug her hands into the pockets of her coat. 
“I was just waiting for Carina,” Maya voice trailed off as she replied, “I don’t quite know where she is.” 
Andy frowned a little, “That’s not like her. She’s always early to collect you.” 
The blonde nodded in agreement, “I know, I’m a little worried about her now.” She fidgeted with her hands again before she felt Andy rest her hands on top of them before bringing an arm around her shoulder to ground her. 
“How about I drop you back home, it’s too cold to be loitering about and I’m headed that way anyway.” She offered warmly, not taking no for an answer as she guided her friend towards her car. 
“Are you sure- I’m really grateful, thank you.” Maya sighed with relief. 
The drive home was filled with Andy’s rant about the nerve of B shift, they hadn’t been exactly welcoming. Meanwhile Maya could barely concentrate. Her mind was racing with scenarios, each more worrying than the last. By the time they pulled into their neighbourhood, she was practically vibrating with anxiety. 
The two parked up and Andy walked her up the door. Maya searched around in her bag for a moment before realising she’d left her key on the hook inside - Carina always had a key on her usually. Instead, she gritted her teeth and knocked on the door loudly, hoping that her wife was home. Sure the car was there but she knew Carina was meant to be getting groceries today and she often liked to walk there and cut through the park. 
Inside, the loud echo of the knock fulled a tired brunette out of her feverish sleep. She sat up groggily, a little confused before remembering where she was. 
She tried to call out to let whoever was at the door know she was coming but her throat was too dry to produce a sound. Woozily standing up, the blanket she’d been cuddled in trailing behind her before falling to the floor in a heap as she made her way to the door. 
“If she’s not in then you’re welcome to wait at mine for a little bit. She’s probably just got caught up in things.“ Andy began to think of solutions but a clatter of keys falling to the ground inside stopped her, “Oh, she is in! There we go.” 
Maya shrugged, “I’m sure she just forgot where she left the keys and had to look for them.” 
But nothing could have prepared either of them for what came next. After some fumbling with the lock and what she’d presumed was a muttered curse between a few coughs, the door swung open. Slowly revealing a pale Carina leaning on the frame for support.  
Her hair was a mess from having been slept on, but what surprised Maya most was her outfit, in the whole team of dating Carina, she’d never known her to wear her clothes. Sure she’d occasionally steal a sweater or two but this was on another level and quiet frankly she was adorable even with the red, running nose and glassy eyes. 
Over the hours she’d sweated most of her makeup off in her sleep apparently, leaving the brunette with smudged eyeliner, dark circles beneath her eyes and her forehead sheened with a sweaty glow. Carina coughed again, the sound deeper and more painful this time.  
It took Carina a moment to realise what had happened. Shit! She had been meant to pick Maya up! Damn it!  
Her eyes widened with the realisation, she tried to speak but her words cracked and caught in her throat, coming out as a quiet, sore rasp, “Mai’! I’m so sorry-“  
“Carina? Oh my god, sweetheart! Look at you!”Maya cut off her ramblings as she worriedly eyed over her wife’s sickly appearance, “My poor baby, you sound awful, shh, don’t start apologising, you have nothing to be sorry for.”  
“I forgot-“ Carina tried again but Maya was quick to interrupt again. 
“No, no, none of that,” She murmured reassuringly, mumbling a pitiful blessing when her girlfriend turned away to sneeze unexpectedly loudly into a crumpled tissue, “Come here love,” Maya held her hand up to Carina’s forehead, hovering in front of it for a moment before the brunette subtly nodded her approval.  
She pressed her cool hand against her forehead, it was obvious from the heat radiating from her that was she running a temperature, “Sweetie, you’re burning up. Let’s get you back inside.” The blonde gently ushered her to go and sit back down before turning to Andy - she’d taken a few steps back from the door to give them some privacy. 
“Thank you so much for dropping me off.” She smiled gratefully. 
Andy nodded, reaching over to squeeze her shoulder reassuringly, “It’s not a problem at all, you go take care of your girl.” 
“I will do, thank you again.” Maya waved, watching her manager begin to walk away before closing the door behind herself. 
Making her way to the living room, she picked up the blanket which had still been strewn on the floor and pulled it around Carina’s shoulders as she came to her side, “You’re not feeling very well.” She stated, less of an accusation and more of a sympathetic statement. 
Carina simply nodded, sniffling as she reached for a tissue to muffle another damp sneeze into before uttering a croaky, “Excuse me.” 
Maya felt her heart melt a little at the sight of her wife so miserable and ill, “Bless you darling.” She cupped her flushed cheeks gently, “Have you been like this all day?” 
Carina nodded weakly, her eyes heavy with fatigue. "I didn't want to worry you," She whispered, her voice barely audible, “Or be a burden.” 
"Shh, love, you know could never, ever be a bother to me,” Maya murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to Carina’s forehead. She could feel the feverish heat against her lips, “Have you taken any medicine or anything?” She looked around at the stray tissues which lay about around the sofa. 
Carina shook her head, “I fell asleep before I took any.” She mumbled, looking up in a feverish confusion as she watched Maya wander away before returning a few moments later with some cotton pads and micellar water. 
“May I?” Maya crouched down to be at her level before gently beginning to wipe away the remnants of her makeup. She also carefully untangled her hair the best she could, gently doing it up into a more manageable bun with one of her scrunchie bobbles, “That must feel a little better, hm?” 
“You’re amazing.” Carina croaked, a small smile appearing on her face as Maya continued to dote over her. She hadn’t ever experienced anything like this nothing, she’d never felt so loved, so cared for. Feverish tears threatened to well up in her eyes but she sniffled and fought them back. 
The blondes’ eyebrows crinkled a little at Maya’s slightly teary eyes, “You okay baby?” 
“Never better.” Carina sniffled again, giving her a tired but clearly appreciative look. 
“Good, let’s get you to bed and then we’ll find you some medicine.” Maya returned the smile and wrapped an arm around her wife’s waist to support her as she stood, “We’ll have you feeling better in no time.” 
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britt-kageryuu · 2 months
Donnie and Mikey are in the kitchen set, they're both in chef's uniform. Though Donnie has his AR glasses on, they offered Mikey a pair, but he declined because 'it would distract him from cooking'.
They're making 'Summer Snacks with some science'.
Donnie grabs an odd looking device and sets it up while the audience is questioning what it is. Mikey has returned with salt, cream, a few random labeled canisters, and a cooler.
"Okay, so now we're going to show you some easy ways to make your own icecream. Though results may vary, this is how we make it." Donnie explains while pulling a few pint sized tubes from inside the machine.
"Oooohh, there's so many possible flavors to make!" Mikey gushes while placing down ingredients, "I want to try mixing up this one flavor I saw pop up in my feed. What was the mixture again?" Mikey pulls out his phone to look up the recipe.
"While you do that, I will start with a sorbet recipe, and see how if it sets properly. We haven't messed with sorbet as much, I don't think it's too different, but it's for food science!" Donnie exclaimed as he grabs a food processor type gadget. He has a projection of a recipe floating next to him. "Okay, so depending on which recipe, this either needs sugar, or syrup, fruit puree or juice... it's almost just a more complex juice pop than something like icecream."
"I think I found the one I saw earlier!" Mikey announces while holding his phone in the air. "Alright, so we just need to make a vanilla base, and add a few extra things. Though we need to substitute a couple ingredients in this one."
"It has nuts in it?" Donnie questions while tossing some cut up fruit into the food processor.
"It has nuts in it." Mikey confirmed, "I wonder if I could switch it for sunflower seeds, or would it mess up the taste?" He asked out loud while looking over the ingredients they have prepared.
"Well these will just be small batches, so just test it out. If it doesn't work, Red will still eat it. Since it shouldn't trigger his nut allergies." Donnie replies back while measuring out the sugar to add to the sorbet mixture.
Mikey nods his head, then starts grabbing what he needs to make the vanilla ice cream base for his mix.
Donnie then cleared his throat, "Now for those who have been asking, this device is a custom built Ice Cream Maker, that makes multiple small batches at once. You put the mixture into these tubes, and they go inside the machine where it gets a bit tumbled and mixes while being super chilled." Donnie has some videos demonstrating how the machine works pop up while he explains this.
"It's very handy for when we all can't agree on which flavor we want to make. Or we want to mess around with multiple flavors." Mikey adds while mixing together the cream, milk, sugar, some salt, and some fresh-ish vanilla bean.
The audience watched as the two mix together several ice cream mixtures that get put into the Ice Cream maker, and a few Sorbet mixes get put into the freezer.
"While those get mixed and set, let's use the rest of this fruit to make some refreshing drink mixes!" Mikey shouts while Donnie cleans up some of the work area.
"Let's hope we still have some of that delicious melon left. Because you're still banned from that farmers market right?" Donnie asks nonchalantly with a small smug look.
Mikey freezes before turning towards Donnie with a harsh glare, "You know good and well, that it was not my fault! He wanted $50 for a small bag of citrus fruits, that were $10 at most at a different stall." He says with a slight growl.
"Well you didn't need to beat him up over it."
"He said my culinary skills were worse than prison quality! Prison Quality! He deserved to be sent to the worst prison in the world for that!!!" Mikey yells, shocking the audience.
The audience are spamming the chat with lots of confused messages and emojis combinations.
"I would question why he insulted your cooking, but I don't want to get on Dr. Delicate Touch's bad side." Donnie says, "Do we have any club soda left, of do we need to send Blue to get more?" They add to try redirect the subject, and not get something thrown at him for bringing up the topic in the first place.
The continue on with testing out drinks, until the timer went off to check on the ice cream. The audience split on wanting to know more about Mikey getting banned from a farmers market, and wanting to talk about what the duo was making during the stream.
I had at least part of this story as a prompt planned for a while. The rest was just 'I want to write Smarts and Crafts doing something together'.
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writtenicarus · 1 year
AFTG Headcanon Series [2] Neil
part 1, part 2, part 3
So we all know that Neil and Mary would sleep with their backs to one another, right? Well from this I like to interpret as one of the main ways Neil likes to feel safe is by being held
Not because Mary held Neil, because she didn't, but because he was always so close to her every night and after years of pain not once did she turn to face him and hold him, and now he was in a safe environment, he ached to be held
Of course, when Andrew finds out about this, he is more than happy to hold him when he can and feels comfortable to do so
Neil doesn't share Andrew's love for ice cream. However, it's Kevin who introduced him to the world of sorbet. His favourite is raspberry.
Neil likes to play with fashion. Growing up clothes never had any gender, they wore what they found. Imagine Neil in neon tops and long, flowy skirts
Him and Allison go on weekly lunch dates every Saturday to catch up and gossip with one another, at first Neil is reluctant but he eventually loves them
Kevin comes to him whenever he's feeling anxious or upset
Has a really strong relationship with Jean after the Nest, they often call and text each other and love seeing each other at games, banquets etc
I'm sorry but I have always seen his hair as GINGER as in ORANGE not Auburn, he has ORANGE HAIR YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND ITS JUST BRIGHT AND COLOURFUL LIKE HIS EYES
Cannot drink any form of soda/fizzy drinks or juice unless it's HEAVILY DILUTED. He actually recoils and squints. He hates it.
Uses he/him pronouns but doesn't really know what's going on with his gender. He only started thinking about it when he discovered people can identify however they want to. But when he's asked what people should refer to him as, he just says he doesn't care (he would prefer if you didn't refer to him at all)
You may think Neil is the one doing all the rambling? You're wrong. Apart from exy, Neil is a listener. He grew up being quiet all the time and sometimes going days without uttering a word. It's Andrew who rambles to him about his day, his hobbies, a bird he saw on the way home etc. Neil smiles, nods, and tries to remember every word
Ends up having loads of fidgets and little things to play with on a lanyard he uses in class because he just has to be doing something. Whenever he's in an open environment he has to be moving constantly
Jumps when the toaster goes off every fucking time lmao
Does maths for fun?! What a weirdo but he definitely likes how organised and calm writing out all the steps makes him feel
Can do that weird thing where you make your tongue into like a flower shape
Wherever he is his laptop is not far behind. That kid always has it on him and is almost always using it for something whether it be studying or watching exy reruns
Gets lots of piercings!! It's how he starts reclaiming his body whilst also playing it safe with the FBI
Had the softest most beautiful most gorgeous most oh my god did you hear that? Laugh ever.
I'm telling you his laugh is just genuinely so elating that it makes everyone around him feel at ease
Just generally the type of person you can be around and never feel uncomfortable, Neil always likes to make sure people feel safe around him. Not that he tries really hard to find out what people do and don't like, but he's so calm and passive he never does anything to push anyone anyways
ABSOLUTE BADASS some of the things he mutters under his breath are so fucking funny it's shocking sometimes
Overall, just an amazing human.
But he could kill you. Remember that.
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margarine-archives · 1 year
Can I’m have stardust cookie x male reader who is overprotective over sorbet shark cookie and ask him if he can adopt them please sorbet they have being alone in ocean for years I’m want them to be happy headcanons
Taking Care of Sorbet Shark Cookie with: Stardust Cookie ! (M!Reader)
notes: I am finished with exams ! I will try and complete requests one by one !
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- stardust doesn't question where or how you found such a unique cookie, but doesn't hesitate to agree when you ask if both of you can keep them
- his heart melts at sorbet shark's happy yet sweet demeanor, which is why he was instantly attached the moment he saw them in your arms ! Having a cookie like them in his life was also a big change for stardust, being used to loneliness and violence, and he felt truly happy
- due to meeting space doughnut before sorbet shark's arrival, he's already used to the foreign language he cannot understand, but somehow you understand them quite easily. Though he's not really surprised at this because of how he's the only one to understand space doughnut (he believes its because he met them first, same goes for you !)
- though in his mind, he's hesitant, he wonders if he'll be able to present himself as a good 'father' to sorbet shark cookie. He's still adjusting to earthbread, someone such as him who is from space were never taught things like this, much so how to take care of a kid.
- he mostly relies on you, his boyfriend. He constantly asks questions about the child, what do they eat, what requirements they need to keep them happy and alive, etc. etc.
- though he is not skilled parent wise, he, too, will become a very overprotective dad to whoever he thinks may harm them. He's not up to taking that sort of risk and honestly, it's his nightmare sometimes (before sorbet came into his life, its always about your safety, despite knowing you can protect yourself). He's grown so attached to the cute cookie
- stardust doesn't blame you for your protective tendencies towards the cookie, because he, too, feels the same way ! He felt quite the same when he felt the urge to protect space doughnut from harm's way (ehem.. dr. evilgaze..) and he felt the same for you ! so the feeling, or urge, to protect isn't foreign to him anymore
- would bring them along in the space train, sorbet shark cookie will be happily introduced to space doughnut, and they happily get along really well ! (seem to understand eachother quite easily aswell, probably because they both speak their own language).
- would teach them how to eat starflour crisps correctly because he doesn't want them eating it with the wrapper on (sorbet probably follows how space doughnut eats it anyways)
- found out sorbet shark could actually talk after taking you both (following an excited space doughnut) to the space beach. Once sorbet dived into the water, the cookie he was taking care of became.. an actual shark ?
- it was certainly a surprise, but he got used to it quickly ! It's like him in some degree and he finds that amusing. He's also glad he can finally have an understandable conversation with the cookie, he imagines it could get quite tiring having to translate for him all the time.
- he's quite happy, and he never thought that there would be a time where he can feel happiness, he thought that he would simply return to space, endlessly wandering through the cosmos, he'd never think that two cookies (and a doughnut) could change his perspective of a normal life
- he's thinking of what cookies call 'marriage'. He'd say it's meaningless back then, but the thought of strengthening your relationship with the title of being his 'husband' makes him quite happier. And moreso, he's quite bad at hiding it..
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allaboardthevespa · 7 months
60 Ways Ellie and Gabby Express Their Love for Each Other
Had a nap, and cooked up this idea in my head
Ellie towards Gabby:
Adjusting her hairbow if it’s out of place
Giving her hugs for no reason
Surprising her with bouquets of flowers
Ellie stopping whatever she’s in the middle of doing to run up to Gabby and give her a kiss on her cheek or nose
Putting an arm around her when they’re sat together
Petting her hair
Gently stroking her cheeks with a finger
Tilting her head up towards her so they make eye contact
Interlacing their fingers while they’re holding hands
Peppering her face with kisses with cute lil “mwah” sounds to get her giggling
Gently kissing her hand while they’re dancing together
Completely and totally accomodating and respecting her vegan diet
Singing to her to calm her down when she’s in full freakout mode
Gently wiping away her tears when she’s crying
Constantly. CONSTANTLY telling her she’s adorable
Kissing her cheeks when she blushes afterwards
Making her chai lattes for no reason other than to brighten her day
Cuddling with her DEEPLY when she’s sad or sick
Drawing her pictures of cute animals in her notebook
“Hey…remember that I love you, okay?”
Telling her about the amazing future they want her to have – and accomodating Gabby’s needs and desires perfectly (“We’ll have a cozy cottage in the forest, and all your animals will be given a comfy home, and we’ll fill the window boxes with hyacinths…”)
Booping her nose
Lighting her favorite scented candles, ready for her whenever she comes to their bedroom
Reading while Gabby rests her head on her shoulder, taking a pause and giving her gentle kisses on her face
Giving her big, warm, twirly hugs
Sharing her food with her and feeding her
Keeping her relaxed and happy when she’s scared during a thunderstorm
Letting her cry on her shoulder and whispering gentle “I love you”s to her
Tickling her once she’s done crying to get her laughing again
Writing her romantic poems
Gabby towards Ellie:
Playing with her hair
Counting her freckles while they’re cuddling
Telling her incredibly lame but adorable jokes
Listening to her vent out her frustrations with her job(s)
Taking her out for sorbet afterwards
Filling their bedroom with lilacs or lavender to soothe her every day
Always washing her sheets and blanket when she’s away
Baking some delicious desserts for her and bringing them to her while she’s busy drawing in her notebook
Giving her a back massage when she’s tense
Making coffee for her after she’s had a long night
Letting her rest when she used to have sleepless nights (and telling her job people who complain at her to fuck off)
Calling her increasingly sugary pet names to make her laugh (“Cuppy-cake! Smoochy-bear! Sweetie-weetie-heart!”)
Gushing over the smallest things she does
Initiating cuddle fights to cheer her up after a bad day (Ellie always wins)
Giving her lots of romantic “I love and miss you sweetie!!!” texts when one of them is busy at work
Telling her about all the amazing trips she’d like to take with her
Letting her play with her pets
Picking a pretty flower she sees and putting it in Ellie’s hair
Giving her kisses every few steps when they’re walking together
Giving her the warmest hugs whenever she’s cold
Taking photos of flowers she sees at her flower shop job, or cute animals at her animal shelter job, and texting them to Ellie to brighten her day
Carrying her to bed whenever she falls asleep on the couch or on her shoulder while they’re outside
Letting her hug some of her stuffed animals when she’s sad
Leaving her notes with messages of love every morning when she wakes up
Inviting her to lie under the sun with her on a warm day where they just simply talk
Gently tracing her finger along her back while they’re cuddling
Saying “you’re the best!” out of the blue with no reason for it, just to remind her how much she loves her
Asking “you want a hug?”. A LOT
Gently grasping her hand if she’s worried about something
Just finding any little opportunity she can to tell her, “I love you”
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eating-guts · 7 months
la squadra - headcanons
on my old account i had written a thousand and one headcanons on la squadra, here’s some more, but this is more of how i view their team dynamics
More than a team, they are family. They are there for each other through thick and thin, they have grown to deeply understand each other, and even hangout after missions or regularly invite each other to events or homes with full trust.
There are times where Pesci attempts to bake treats for the rest of the team, many times they are overdone, seeing as he is just slightly afraid of undercooking pastries, but they will still take them home regardless, even if some of them admittedly feel bad for throwing them away.
Their favorite activity off-work is sitting in a room, each of them doing their own thing while still spending time together. If Risotto is reading a book, Prosciutto shows interest, Melone and Formaggio will share cute pictures with each other, Ghiaccio, Pesci, and Illuso will be playing a board game, and Sorbet and Gelato would more so enjoy each other’s company.
Even if each of them lean into more solo missions, and they are all more than proficient in their job, they will try to include others in their missions, it spices up their dynamics, as well as gives them interesting ways to work.
Risotto, being as solitary as he is, stays at home on his days off, he feels his appearance is far too intimidating when he goes out in public, and due to this, the rest of La Squadra visits him regularly.
Ghiaccio has tried to be more chill (pun intended) around his teammates, seeing as he sees them everyday, and he just wants them to feel a bit more comfortable around him.
Even if they are part of the team, Sorbet and Gelato still consider themselves a duet, this is simply their job, at least that is how they initially viewed it as.
Prosciutto will occasionally open one of his expensive bottles of wine along the rest of the team so they can all have a drink together after a successful mission.
Illuso tries not being that much of an ass around his team, even if he can come off as petty or narcissistic, he does try to tone it down for them from time to time (like 1 out of 10 interactions)
Formaggio will gladly pet-sit for any of them, he decently likes animals, so if any of them have pets, he will take care of them while they others are away at missions.
The only one who will openly state how deeply they care about the team is Melone. He will tell them how much each of them mean to him, in private of course.
me when the only thing i can write is la squadra
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berylcups · 4 months
Pervert Alert! Perv! Illuso x Reader
CW: Slight body shame, food fetish, disordered eating, creepy behavior, pervert behavior, masturbation, slight degradation, toys, alcohol, drugs, porn, somnophilia, MINORS DNI
Notes: FINALLY!!! It’s done 😩 it sure took FOREVER! I hope everyone likes this one . I took a lot of time on it. It’s not perfect but I did my best and that’s all I can really ask for right? Please enjoy and I apologize for the very long wait! IRL work and IRL obligations had my hands full for a bit! I finally added in some sorbet and gelato too, I hope they don’t seem like 🌈gay stereotypes 🌈 since I’m trying to develop their personalities out still. All I know is Gel is slightly fem but very unstable! Sorbet…he’s a wildcard atm. Well enough rambling! Please enjoy my drabbles!
Everyone is treated equally in the hitman team at least that’s what Risotto does. Yet he did warn you due to your appearance you may be subjected to some unwanted attention and that you need to be prepared to handle it. If it got too out of hand you could always come to him to get it straightened out but you were too stubborn to ask for help and…too shy.
Let’s address the elephant in the room, out of all of the 10 people, you were the only one who had a massive chest, curves, and some chubbiness. So due to the fact, you were self conscious.
You never liked eating in front of the men, but when the entire group was together Risotto wanted everyone around to share meals with. The comradery amongst the men was strong.
You just sat there at the table picking at your salad. You were avoiding your favorite bits- the cheese and the croutons and scooting them to the side of your plate with your fork.
“Y/N. Why are you picking at your food like that?” Prosciutto asked but it sounded more like a demand.
“Oh uh… I’m just not that hungry. “ you lied. You were self conscious about your weight as you gained another pound.
“Another diet???” Formaggio butted in. “You take the media way too seriously. Nobody here gives a shit how much you eat. Eating that rabbit food though… that ain’t gonna fill you up at all.” He pointed with his fork at your salad grimacing at the excessive greenery.
“For people who don’t seem to care, you guys are paying an awful lot of attention to what I’m eating…” you grumbled while stabbing at your food.
“You can’t avoid eating all carbs and fat or else you’ll become emaciated. It’s all important in a diet as long as it’s done within reason. Now eat some gnocchi.” Prosciutto said while putting a small portion on your plate.
“Eating instant noodles and fast food in your room is what the real issue is. You need real homemade nutritious food. You’re lucky my nonna is not still alive or else she’d strap you to the chair until you ate at least thirds or fourths.” He gently chastised.
“Ugh fine… geez.” You sighed as you took a forkful of gnocchi into your mouth. For some reason you still felt self conscious…like you were being watched.
For dinner it was a little quieter tonight. Normally there’s usually 1 or 2 arguments going on at once but the usual aggressor is awfully quiet. Illuso hasn’t said a word at all tonight. He was eating quietly for once in his life but he was watching you intently. You two locked eyes and he just smirks. You quickly averted your gaze, he’s pretty unpleasant most of the time and he’s making you uncomfortable. He whispered something to Formaggio and he chuckled.
“That’s just dirty man.” He said, sneaking a look over at you.
“I’m done.” You pushed your plate to the side feeling the anxiety in your gut taking away the rest of your appetite.
“You better have room for my strawberry cake!” Gelato chirped.
“He didn’t slave over a hot oven for nothing and I know it’s your favorite!” Sorbet added.
“For fuck sakes guys… stop making me fatter.” You sighed.
“Oh hush. Quit acting like being chubby is a bad thing.” Gelato brushed off your complaint and cut you a slice.
“But you know for AFABs it’s hard to —“ you whined.
“Uh uh uh~” he cut you off by waving the cake knife at you threateningly.
“Ok ok! Jesus! You’re right! Just put the knife down please!” You panicked.
You knew better than to argue further with the most mentally unstable couple in the group and took the piece. You took a good forkful of cake and it basically melted in your mouth.
“Oh my god.” You moaned. “This tastes even better than last time. What did you do?” You eagerly asked, you completely forgot about why you were so self conscious in the first place.
“A shit ton of butter.” Gelato says proudly. “Everything's better when you put extra butter in it.”
Illuso was getting a good show tonight. Watching you lick the whipped cream off your lips was making him hard. Thank god he wore plush baggy clothing or else it would give his arousal away. He loved seeing you pick the strawberry off the top of the piece of cake and let your soft lips wrap around the plump juicy berry as you bit into it. He really wanted to feed you himself and feel you lick the juices and cream off of his fingers. You had no clue that he wanted to blow your back out, you just assumed he was being his usual dickish self.
It was about 3 am and all was quiet in the base.
You usually stay up at night working on the computer researching targets for clues. Tonight though you had some free time to play some Nintendo 64. You reached for your soda can to take a sip but empty… and your stomach? It was growling for its midnight snack.
Sigh…you hated leaving the safety of your room. You never knew who you would bump into. Everyone had weird hours when they were awake asleep or just out and about. But you needed to obey your nagging belly. You really should have eaten more at dinner.
You silently as possible walked down the creaky wooden steps to the kitchen to see a figure bent down being illuminated by the fridge light. Great… you weren’t alone. You tried to turn around to go back upstairs until you heard a familiar unpleasant voice.
“Where do you think you are going, Y/N?” It was Illuso. You could hear the smugness in his voice.
“ You clearly came down here for something so come over and get it.”
You just knew that he wanted to tease you and make you feel uncomfortable like he always does. You swallowed out of nerves and walked towards the fridge as he stepped aside.
“Oh… it’s time for your midnight snack isn’t it?” He chuckled.
“Gelato knew that you had a big sweet tooth so he saved you an extra piece of cake that has your name on it . It’s alllll the way back in the fridge though if you want to get it.”
“Oh… uh, thanks. That’s exactly what I’m in the mood for.” You said shyly.
You bent over and took a long look to find your piece of cake amongst all the clutter in the fridge. There was half eaten leftovers, a milk jug, condiments, lots of beer, and rotten old food that needed to be thrown out. While you were looking you felt something hard press up against your ass.
“Illuso… some personal space would be nice.” You said trying to not get irritated. That only adds fuel to fire when you get mad at him.
“Relax… I’m just looking for the whiskey above this clusterfuck of a fridge.” dismisses your comment.
You push the milk jug to the side and you finally find your coveted cake. You move back but your ass just presses up against his crotch. Your ass was as soft as he anticipated, regardless of the size he knew it feel like heaven up against his cock. Out of reflex he slightly grinds up against you, you can definitely feel him getting hard.
“Ugh! Illuso get out from behind me you pervert!” You hiss.
“Pervert?! I’m not the one who grinded their ass on me!” He defensively.
“You’re not fooling me asshole.” You spat. “ I was trying to move out but you were still BEHIND me.”
“Geez you need to go to bed because you are acting crazy. I may be a dick but I’d never sexually harass you!” He continued gaslighting you.
You just glared at him and took your cake with you back upstairs. You hid your red face, you had a heat growing in your lower belly from that brush up. “No! That was gross! Why is my body acting up like this?! I hate him!” You thought clearly in denial.
He watched as you stormed off and smirked. He had fun touching you inappropriately like that. He only wished it lasted longer so you could feel the full extent of his hardness inside the thin material of his lounge pants.
It’s rare you get any alone time. When you do you take advantage of it. You haven’t had a partner since you put your abusive ex six feet under about 2 years ago. So when you’re feeling needy you have to rely on your favorite vibrator. You locked the door and closed the blinds just in case but you forgot not everyone needs a door or a window to come in and see what you’re doing. You completely forgot about the massive vanity mirror on top of your dresser that faces directly towards your bed. If only you were able to think clearly through your lust clouded mind to know about the mirror. Who knows what else he saw? But you didn’t think about that at the time when you pulled your panties to the side and pushed the vibrator in between your slick folds and into your eager hole.
“Too impatient to take your panties off? What an eager whore you are, Y/N. I wish you’d act like that around me.” He thought as he watched from the other side. He pulled his hard cock out and stroked it to you pleasuring yourself.
He timed his strokes with how you were thrusting the toy in and out. Every time you pulled it out it made a lewd squelching noise. Your cunt was drooling for more as you thrusted it faster and turned up the speed of the vibration. A generous wet spot was forming from where your needy cunt was weeping.
“Shit… that’s perfect. Keep fucking your greedy little pussy just like that.” He panted out as rubbed the precum leaking from his tip over his cock as makeshift lube.
Your mind wanders from fantasy to fantasy , slowly getting you closer to your goal of cumming. First it started off with your crush Prosciutto doing the filthiest things to you but you were starting to have intrusive thoughts about that night you bumped into illuso…with your ass.
“Why am I thinking about that?!” You thought with frustration. “I’m trying to cum, not gross myself out!” But the thoughts continued in vivid detail.
You were trying to steer yourself back to Prosciutto but he wasn’t cutting it. Your mind went to Illuso and that night but he was fucking you in front of the fridge. This turned you on more and you thrusted the toy in and out so fast your wrist began to cramp.
“That’s a good Y/N. Fuck that pussy hard and fast for me.” He growled as he furiously stroked his leaking cock.
“Ugh…fuck. I can’t believe this is going to make me cum. Damn you Illuso…” you moaned as you chased your orgasm. “Illuso! Fuck!” You felt the shockwaves of heat intensifying from the core of your body as you came.
“?!” Y/N was masturbating to him. He couldn’t believe it.
“Y/N! Y/N!” This drove him over the edge and came thick ropes all over his hand and on the mirror.
“Just you wait till I get my hands on you Y/N. I’m going to fuck you so hard you won’t walk straight for a month.” He thought watching your exhausted panting figure sprawled out on the bed.
You pulled out your vibrator and examined it. It was soaking wet and dripping in your own juices. You knew it definitely needed to be cleaned after that mess but you were too exhausted to move.
“I’ll clean it when I wake up…” you thought as you drifted off into deep sleep.
Things after that eye opening masturbation session got a lot worse with Illusos behavior. He was always staring you down with a cocky grin and licking his lips.
He barely gave you any personal space. At meetings he would manspread on the sofa and pat on his lap.
“Need somewhere to sit? You can always come sit in my lap, you know. I won’t bite~.” He chuckled.
You couldn’t hide the blush tinting your cheeks.
“Ugh, Illuso quit being nasty and spreading your legs. Then I’d actually have room to sit but if you’re going to be gross about it then I’d rather just stand.” You spat while grimacing. You fought back a blush.
You leaned on the back of the chair Sorbet and Gelato were sitting on. They were the only two that you knew weren’t going to bother you…at least not in the way Illuso would.
Risotto was giving out missions from the boss and if he didn’t know better you couldn’t believe he’d have the audacity to pair you up with Illuso on a mission to Milano.
“Y/N… I think it’s best if Illuso accompanies you for this mission. This target is pretty unpredictable and you’ll need some back up.” He said.
“…” you said nothing, your eye twitched. The both of them noticed this, illuso smirked trying not to laugh and Risotto raised an eyebrow.
“Did you hear me Y/N?” He regained your attention.
“Uh… yeah! Sorry.” You were startled.
“Ok good. Well this should be no longer than 3 days.” He continued. He gave more details about what you would be doing but it went one ear and out the other. You were internally panicking due to the fact you were going to be stuck with a pervert for 3 days straight…a pervert you refused to admit that you liked-by yourself.
The mission was grueling but you managed to kill the target. The only downside was you couldn’t have done it without Illuso so he was feeling pretty cocky that day. Now you’re back at the hotel but it was pretty much booked. The only room left was a honeymoon suite. Fuck.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” You were dumbfounded. “ There's literally no OTHER rooms?!”
“Don’t get pissy at me Y/N. Just be thankful we even got a room. All the other hotels nearby are booked too for some stupid ass event.” He grumbled.
Hopefully the room had a couch or something that you could sleep separately on…
When you get to the room it was very lavish and had a small kitchenette with a fully loaded mini bar when you first walked in and in the room was a massive king sized bed. The bathroom had a waterfall shower and jacuzzi tub. The place spared no expense for the honeymoon suites.
“Wow…” was all you could say. This was a stark contrast to what you two were used to back at base.
“You’re welcome.” Illuso said with a prideful grin as he made a beeline for the mini bar and grabbed the most expensive liquor available.
“Yeah yeah…” you brushed him off as you organized the pillows equally down the middle of the bed.
“What the hell are you doing?” He crinkled his eyebrows in confusion.
“Dividing the bed space duh. This is YOUR side and this is MINE. Go across the pillow barrier and I’m kicking you out and you’re sleeping on the floor.” You said while fluffing the pillows.
“Oh come on! That’s nowhere near enough room for me! I’m 3 times your size.” He bitched.
“Come near me in the bed and I’ll circumcise you.” You threatened making a scissoring sign with your fingers. “Now if you don’t mind I’m getting a shower. I smell like blood and sweat and it’s fucking disgusting.”
He held in crotch with an uneasy look. “Fine. Calm your tits. No need to bring my dick into this. Just don’t steal all the hot water.”
You knelt down in front of your suitcase and pulled out some pajamas, a fresh pair of underwear, and your shampoo, conditioner and body wash. “I’ll think about it… don’t drink all the booze. I want some too.”
“I’ll think about it~.”he teased, copying what you just said.
You narrowed your eyes and gave him the finger and stepped into the bathroom with your things.
He looked at the bed divided and scoffed as he sat on his side. “Like hell that’s gonna stop me.” He thought bitterly.
“I watch them all the time and they don’t even know it. Hell I could watch them right now…” he pondered as he turned on the TV. “They don’t do anything fun in the shower though and they definitely aren’t now that I’m here…” he clicked through the channels and found the premium channels.
“Oh what’s this?” He clicked through and found the cheesy ass porn channel. “Heheh. This is really bad but it’s better than nothing.”
The acting was super bad and the boobjob on the actress was faker than beachballs. Not that there’s anything wrong with fake tits…but they looked completely botched.
You finished up your shower. This was the best shower you ever had in your life! The water was nice and hot and had the right amp of pressure. It made you 100 times less grumpy than when you were coming in.
You came out to your suitcase and put your dirty clothes away.
“What are you watching?” You asked and looked up at the tv and grimaced.
“Eugh. Porn??? Really???.” You made fake gagging noises to exaggerate your disgust.
“Nothing good is on.” He shrugged his shoulders. “Besides it’s so bad it’s funny. You’re gagging sounded more realistic than that chick's gagging.”
You took a mini bottle of wine and your meds and took them in one swig. You unfolded the covers and went on to your side of the bed.
“Well I’m exhausted so I’m going to sleep now. So don’t wake me up unless our lives are in danger.” You warned him.
“Yeah yeah. Go to bed sleeping beauty. I’m staying up.” He said still watching the lewd show.
The mixture of the alcohol and medication put you into a deep sleep. He watched the rest of the porn but he was getting pretty bored with unrealistic effects. It kept his attention until he heard you softly snoring.
“Y/N?” He called out to you to gauge how deep in you were…no response.
He watched your chest rise and fall as you slept deeply. Dark thoughts were beginning to cloud his mind. It was you and him all by yourselves, with no one to interfere. He could finally bring his filthiest fantasy to life. He turned off the lights and removed his clothes.
He removed the annoying pillow barrier you put up and laid down beside you under the layers of blankets. He silently watched your peaceful expression as you slept. You looked so angelic, he couldn’t wait to corrupt you.
He lifted up your shirt to gain access to your breast. They were one of his favorite things about your body. He didn’t give 2 shits about the size, he just liked them because they were yours. He gently squeezed the soft flesh and then took a nipple into his mouth and sucked hard. As the soft peak became hard he gently grazed his teeth on it. This got a soft moan out of you only egging him on.
As he nipped and sucked on the sensitive bud his hand snaked down inside your pajama pants and petted your panty covered cunt. He rubbed between the folds and put extra pressure on the clit as he switched to the other tit and licked on it feverishly. He could feel a wet spot beginning to soak through your panties as you lightly panted.
“For someone who’s so uptight you’re pretty slutty letting me touch you like this.” He thought as he studied your changing facial features as you slept.
“You knew this was going to make you pass out. You want this don't you?” He whispered. “You wouldn’t of drank all that wine and take that medicine if you didn’t want this.” He pulled your pajama pants off and rubbed harder on your moist panty covered cunt.
“Look at how bad you want it. Your panties are getting soaked, lying whore. That’s okay because I love it when you’re a whore.” He kissed up your neck as he put his hand inside your panties and slid a finger through your slick folds.
“Mmmpth…lu…s…o..” you mumbled in your sleep.
The fact that you were thinking of him as you slept encouraged him to keep going and to escalate his behavior.
“That’s right sweetheart. I’m right here…” he purred as he nibbled on your soft earlobe. He teased your entrance with his finger. Your hips moved instinctively in response to the feeling. He chuckled and finally slipped a finger inside you.
“You’re not even awake and you’re still so demanding.” He snickered as he slowly fingered your unsatisfied cunt.
“Mmmpth…” you furrowed your brows and softly grunted out of frustration.
“Oh? 1 finger isn’t good enough for this slut? Are you really in any position to be demanding 2?” He asked with an amused tone. He gave in to your sleepy tantrum and inserted a 2nd finger into your greedy cunt.
He fingered you at a slow rough pace. Your body reacted dripping on to his hand and your face became fully flushed, as you panted harder.
“Mmmm~” you whined and turned your head to the side. You were slowly starting to wake up. You really didn’t want to, you were having the most pleasant wet dream.
“Il…lu..mmm” you whined again you slowly became aware of your surroundings as your eyes fluttered.
“Illuso..? W-what…what are you doing???” You tried to jump up but his weight kept you down on the bed.
“What do you think I’m doing Y/N? I know you want this.” He growled possessively as he brushed his fingers against your g-spot.
“Aaa~…I don’t want this!” You lied. “I hate you! You’re a selfish asshole!”
“You’re lying. Why were you saying my name in your sleep? Why were you saying my name when you were pleasuring yourself? Hmm?” He pulled his fingers out of your soaking wet cunt.
You pushed your thighs together for friction and whined from the loss of fullness. “I…I don’t know!” You lied again.
He held your thighs apart so you couldn’t get any stimulation. “You're not getting off until you're honest with me. And look me in the eyes Y/N while you tell me.” He said with a devilish smile.
Tears of frustration rolled down your cheeks. “Ok! Fine! I like you okay?! I pretend to hate you because I thought you’d never like me in the way I’d like you! Happy???” You cried out of frustration.
“See? That wasn’t so hard!” He pulled your panties down and you covered your face out of embarrassment.
“Hey now… don’t hide from me.” He chuckled, he thought your sudden shyness was cute. “I like you too, don't you know? Why do you think I tease you all the time?” He gently pulled your hands out of your face.
He leaned in and kissed and nibbled on your neck while he rubbed his cock in between your wet folds.
“Wait… I haven’t done this in a long time. Please be gentle?” You requested.
“Don’t worry I’m not going just yet… let’s just take our time.” He continued to slide his cock between your drooling cunt as he leaned down to give you a series of open mouth kisses. You reciprocated by grinding your cunt against his hard cock in time with his thrusts.
Feeling his cock brush up against your clit made you feel lightheaded from the pleasure. You wrapped your legs around his waist and slipped your tongue in his mouth. He gently sucked on it and kept rubbing his leaking cock up against your clit.
“Hah…I think I’m getting close…” you panted, drool was dribbling down the corner of your chin.
“Your body is just as impatient as you are.” He chuckled. “Hold on, I still got to fuck you first.” He kissed you once more and took a finger to wipe away the drool from your chin.
You closed your eyes and hid your face in your hands as he lined his cock up with your entrance.
“Hey now, no getting shy on me. I want you to see me split you open.” He moved your hands away and made you look down.
“Oh god…” you whined nervously, his cock was going to split you open. He was bigger than your ex and your toys. He was 8 inches uncut and very thick, very well groomed too. “Come on… there’s no way it’s gonna fit.” You panicked.
“Calm down, of course it’s gonna fit. You’re dripping wet! I’ll take it slow ok?” He rubbed your thighs in an attempt to comfort you.
“O-ok…go ahead then.”
He took his time and slowly penetrated you. There was a moderate sting but not unbearable. You watched as your fat cunt lips swallowed his massive cock.
“Ahhh…”you hissed in pain and bit your lip. He couldn’t help but groan from the tightness of your hole. “Shit…” he pushed himself all the way in. “You good?” He asked.
“Yeah…just kinda stings.” You whimpered. He settled for a minute letting you get used to the intrusion and then he pulled nearly out and thrusted back in.
“Hnng…” you groaned. You let him keep going and breathed deeply as you tried to relax your body as much as possible to ride out the pain. He kissed and nipped on your earlobe to help distract you from the pain as he thrusted slowly.
The pain stayed longer than you liked but it was fading quickly. You relaxed your muscles and felt him bury his length deeper into your sensitive cunt.
“Faster…please…”you panted.
He would have teased you about it but he was lost in your tightness and picked up the pace. You whined and panted and clinged to him digging your nails into his skin.
“Lulu~” you mewled as tears ran down your cheeks.
“That’s right sweetheart. Say my name.” He purred as he grabbed on to your waist and bounced you on his cock, thrusting as deep as he could.
“Too deep!” You whined as he brutalized your cunt.
“You can take it!” He groaned as he lifted your legs into the breeding position.
You whined as he fucked you like a rabid animal. You dragged your fingernails down his back and knew it was going to leave a nasty mark.
Your hips grinded up against his as he fucked you and he kissed you deeply and slipped his tongue into your mouth.
You sucked on his tongue and your mouths fought for dominance as you made out as you chased your climaxes.
You felt the heat in your cunt expand to the rest of your body and intensity. The knot in your belly was tightening and ready to snap.
“Fuck lulu~! I’m cumming!” You cried.
“That’s right-cum for me sweetheart!” He panted and rubbed on your clit to bring your orgasm closer.
“Illuso~!” You mewled as you clinged to him and arched your back. “Fuck!” You cried as you orgasmed.
“Y/N!” He groaned as he pulled out and came all over your chest and belly.
He rolled off of you and laid next to you holding you close.
“You know I’m covered in cum right?” You snickered.
“As long as it’s mine I don’t give a shit.” He chuckled as he reached over for a tissue off the nightstand as wiped you clean. “There. Better?”
“Much better.” You sighed contentedly as you nuzzled into his embrace. “So…now what?”
“What do you mean now what? You’re mine now. That means no more fawning over that tight ass Prosciutto.” He said rubbing on your side.
“Yeah…I know… but how are we gonna deal with the others?” You look up at him with concern.
“Heh… let’s keep the relationship between us and see how long it takes for one of us to slip up in front of the team or see if they are smart enough to catch on by themselves. I think it will be kinda funny.” He chuckled.
“Sounds like fun.” You snickered.
The team didn’t know for about 2 months… Illuso conveniently forgot that he can be seen in the mirror… All poor Ghiaccio wanted to do was to brush his teeth and in the mirror he gets a full hardcore pornographic scene of Illuso blowing your back out over the bathroom sink. Now the entire bathroom is in disarray…and frozen.
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sualne · 1 year
Is there any dad crocodile stuff you've been really itching to talk about or draw?
there’s a bunch of things ive really been wanting to draw! for starters the betrayal comic, nothing epic about it but it’ll be a lot of fun (for me only probably) because i haven’t drawn anything like this in a long long while! also two comics with croc i can’t wait to draw, funnily enough, both takes place in a bathroom. another one is about luffy being overstimulated during a party, there’s many more but i won’t say!
for things to talk about im not sure, that’s a bit vague, so some trivia:
-luffy has a pet bananawani that’s only a few years younger than him, as babies he would drag her around like a plushy (he still do it even as a young adult tbh), her name is Miss Mini Sorbet (crocodile picked it), she’s unusually small for a bananawani (the size of a regular irl croc) and albino (white-yellowish with pink eyes(wanted her to remind of gear 5 luffy, no reasons in particular tho)). she’s actually meant to debut in the next comic!
-croc has stretch marks!!
-both mihawk and luffy are canonically autistic in this au, ive drawn them as the autism creatures but writing it just in case.
-robin and bonclay becomes friends! sharing drinks and clothes and spends time together even when luffy isn’t there.
-luffy has helped croc cut his hair a few time and croc usually takes cares of luffy’s.
-luffy, croc and mihawk once played poker together, surprisingly enough it’s croc who had the most trouble, between mihawk’s impassible expression and luffy going ‘ooh’ ‘woah’ at his own cards despite having bad hands and having so many things that could’ve been tells but weren’t, it was a nightmare for croc.
-mishanks divorce canon btw.
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bliss-wily · 7 months
More hcs from my silly little head - seems to be the direction this is going in and I’m going to run with it. Using this as my space to let me thoughts run wild as I deal with lovely headaches~
This time? Frieza and maybe his family! Read below to find out~
Note: In my mind Cooler and Kuriza are canon. I know they aren’t but this is my version so meh.
•Smooth yet scaly skin.
•Don’t talk to him until he’s had his grape juice.
•And yes, grape juice.
•No wine for the space lizard - his father wants all the wine for himself.
•King Cold is a wine mom. And maybe a soccer mom, Freezy Pop is his little boy.
•Also, definitely still calls King Cold ‘daddy’.
•A daddy’s boy.
•Frieza had Kuriza simply to have an heir.
•Ends up loving the little brat but won’t admit it.
•Zarbon is designated babysitter.
•King Cold definitely had Zarb babysitting his two boys as well.
•And yes, every elite is older than Frieza~
•My proof? Broly! I took plenty of screenshots of one part of that movie because…Frieza Force! Can’t find the rest of my screenshots but just some cans several of the elites are present.
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(Also for some reason Jeice’s arm is not covered in his spandex? Oh well, think it’s an error as he is covered in other parts of his cameo. Also Zarb has white shoes instead of brown. Ah excuse my rambling!)
•Anywayyy…Berryblue was basically the nanny for the two boys (Frieza and Cooler).
•Also, Freezy Pop is very insecure of his height - hence why his aides are shorter than him.
•Zarbon and Dodoria are his right hand men, they are allowed to be taller.
•Despite being expendable, I think Zarbon was Frieza’s closest confidant.
•And by god - no one insults his two right hand men. Sorbet got an earful for comparing Tagoma to them after all, only he gets to speak bad about them!
•If you’re good to him, he will be good to you. Unless you become a threat and stand in his way of course! Can’t have that!
•Heavily relies on Zarbon and Berryblue respectively. I think Zarbon is tasked with anything and everything, whether that’s changing the emperor’s bed or helping him with his sense of style.
•The two are friendly BUT IT IS VERY CONDITIONAL.
•Keeps Zarbon close as I feel the two would agree on certain things: skincare, presentation, aesthetics…plus both nepo babies in my opinion. They’d have plenty to talk about.
•Dodoria can be Karen, it’s like space Mean Girls.
•Future Warrior from Xenoverse can be Cady.
Now I’m getting off track…I’m sorry these are always rambly, I’m very unprofessional.
•Frieza still acts like a child and the universe to him is his toy box.
•His favourite toys are closest to him though.
•Blinded by his obsession to beat Goku.
•And due to this blindness I think Cooler has the potential to be stronger.
•Cooler I imagine is the more mature and less sadistic of the two.
•Cooler is more well rounded; better to his men, and despite the fact he would and could kill Frieza - anyone else touches his little brother? Oh there’s hell to pay! Only he’s allowed.
•Highly unbothered that Frieza is the favourite - if anything, to Cooler, that just means more freedom to an extent.
•Actually takes his role seriously.
•Salza is his Zarbon in this scenario - he doesn’t need a Berryblue though as Cooler is mature enough to lack a babysitter.
•I think Cooler would be a good uncle to Kuriza, I don’t think he would hold a grudge towards the little one.
•Speaking of Kuriza…this boy I imagine to be a ray of sunshine!
•Just to totally go against Frieza’s personality - Kuriza loves sports, art, games, playing with toys, etc.
•Just a sweet kid but has combat prowess.
•And his cuteness means the members of the Force let the little Lord get his way.
•Zarbon especially, he wouldn’t let anything happen to that boy.
•Nor would Ginyu, I think he would be the honorary sixth member.
•Although I think Zarbon, Frieza, and Bonyu would discourage the posing aspect.
•Kuriza will be the only ‘sane’ member of the family.
•Loves his daddy, uncle and gramps - and his other uncles and aunties in the form of the elite force members.
•Well mannered and behaved.
•I will assume much like the Namekians, Frieza’s race/Icejins/Frost Demons reproduce asexually. Sure Cold and his two sons are highly attractive but I doubt they have the time.
•Now for Cold! Wine mom as I said. Loves wine, loves retirement.
•Calls Cooler by his name, Frieza gets all the nicknames from ‘Princess’, ‘Freezy Pop’, ‘Prince’, ‘Free’, ‘Freezy Baby’, etc. super embarrassing dad vibes.
•At all royal/political/whatever events the PTO are involved in just know this man is coming with all the most embarrassing pictures of his two boys. Frieza especially.
•A very proud daddy, doubt he ever let Frieza out of his sight when the tyrant was young.
•Also, raising Kuriza most of the time. I don’t think he wants to see his grandson getting hurt.
•Rarely sober, always at least a little tipsy.
•Very refined, expensive taste, probably had Zarbie as his favourite minion as well.
•His private residence is family photos, definitely had to bribe Frieza into behaving.
•Also…loaded but in an old money sense.
•Could be stronger than his two boys, but who’s got time for that? Or need? Nah…wine, luxuries; and his boys. That’s what matters most.
•Wine snob - whole family are. Well apart from Frieza and Kuriza - expensive grape juice!
•Sees Cooler as an adult, sees Frieza as his precious little baby.
It’s like nearly 3am here; these are all over the place and I should probably sleep, but that’s my contribution for this early morning~
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