#I was STRUGGLING with this one
Helloo there!
I see you're willing to take requests so i thought, why not. I'm so sorry if I'm bothering or if my request is not good enough.
I wanted to ask if you could write a fluff scenario with vox with an sweet tooth reader, which is insecure about their weight and when vox realises that (after hints like, staring too long in the mirror, changing clothes at the last moment or when he brings her a sweet once in a while they end up not eating it) he find reader crying and vox is determined to show her the way he sees them. And you can always add hugs and kisses while he explains. Or even cuddles at the end. Get as creative as you want! Your writing is always the best as it is!
I'm sorry if my request is not your liking. You don't have to write it, do as you love.
You're my fav writer have and awesome day!
You’re perfectly fine! Sorry it’s taken me a hot minute, but here you go!
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I stood before the mirror, my gaze fixated on every perceived flaw. The dress I had chosen lay discarded on the bed, replaced by another in a futile attempt to hide the parts of myself I despised. Every single time, I swore, I just… I sighed, wrapping my arms around myself. I glared at my reflection, and turned the mirror away from me. I didn’t want to see anymore.
Vox's footsteps echoed in the hallway, and I hastily wiped away the tears threatening to spill. He entered the room, his eyes soft with concern as he took in my troubled expression. I brushed it off and we didn’t touch on the subject again that night. I noticed his occasional worried glance in my direction, though.
Vox often returned from business trips with a box of chocolates or sweets in hand. This time, it was my favorite. “I got them just for you! I saw they were nearly sold out, and I knew you’d love them,” he said with a grin, holding them out for me to eat. Despite my longing for their sugary sweetness, I hesitated, my insecurities gnawing at my resolve. With a gentle smile, Vox took one out and offered me a piece. “Here, try it! Do you think it’s made different over there?” He asked, having a piece of his own.
I shook my head and laughed softly. “No, I don’t. And I think I’ll pass for now, I’m not really hungry,” I said, quieter than usual. I looked away, a bit embarrassed of myself.
“Oh. Okay, no worries,” he said. His smile fell for a moment, but returned a second later, more gentle. “You can try them another time, then.” I felt his disappointment was palpable, and guilt gnawed at me as I watched him place the box on the kitchen counter. Realistically, I knew he wasn’t upset. I still couldn’t shake the feeling, though.
As we prepared for a night out, I tried on outfit after outfit, each one failing to satisfy the image of perfection I held in my mind. my clothes lay strewn across the floor, an utter disaster. I looked at my reflection, clenching my fists. Why did this have to be so hard?
Vox patiently waited outside. I was nervous I was going to upset him if I couldn’t pick an outfit soon. I just didn’t look good in any of them. I had to look perfect for him. But with each passing minute, my frustration mounted, and tears threatened to spill once more. Vox walked in, then paused, seeing me. He sighed and came over, his touch gentle as he wiped away the tears that stained my cheeks.
One evening, as we sat together on the couch, Vox gently broached the subject that had been weighing heavily on his mind. “Hey, um. Sweetheart?” He asked tentatively.
“Yeah?” I said, looking up from my book.
“Is, um, is everything alright?”
“Yeah, of course. Why wouldn’t it be?”
“It’s just… you seem…” he struggled to find the words. “Lately you’ve been… and I just want to…”
I froze, understanding what he was trying to say. A whirlwind of emotions washed over me, my first thought being to deny. “It’s fine,” I said stiffly. “I’m fine, I just get a bit… frustrated sometimes. It’s not a big deal.”
“You say that, but…” he took my hands in his and clasped them together. “Look, I just want you to know that… that I love you. I think you look wonderful all the time, no matter what. You’re beautiful and stunning, and you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself, okay?”
“I said it’s fine,” I mumbled, looking away. Despite this, tears welled in my eyes as he kept talking about how much he loved me.
“Hey, hey, hey, don’t cry, it’s okay,” he said softly. Vox pulled me into his arms, his embrace a sanctuary of warmth and love. “It’s okay, darling. I just want you to know I love you, no matter what.”
I mumbled incoherently in response, gripping his shirt tightly as I buried my head in his chest.
“Look, you’re perfect the way you are,” he said, rubbing my back. He wasn’t quite sure what to say, but he wanted to help. “You don’t need to change a single thing about yourself.”
“Okay,” I mumbled, not really believing it. He laughed softly and shook his head. Clearly I couldn’t fool him so easily. He wrapped me up in a blanket with him and held me close,
“I’m going to tell you every single thing I love about you, and I won’t stop until you see yourself the way I see you,” he declared, giving me a kiss on the cheek. “You’re beautiful, and I’m not going to let you walk around thinking otherwise.”
I protested lightly but he continued, describing various aspects of myself and how he saw them. I gave in and listened, a small smile on my face, my insecurities melting away like snow beneath the warmth of his words. With each kiss he pressed to my forehead and each whispered word of love, I believed it a little more.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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Expertise can't help you here.
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gambitandrogues · 2 months
Connections Puzzle #309 🟨🟩🟨🟨 🟪🟨🟦🟦 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟦🟨🟦🟦 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟦🟦🟦🟦
y'all this was so stressful
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dannymans66 · 1 month
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He spends half his surgeon salary in merchandise
Little continuation to this post, kind of
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eatmyson · 3 months
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this one's inspired by @cringefailvox's time has changed the metaphor!
It was such a good read and I couldn't stop thinking about these three ever since.
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sealsdaily · 3 months
Today's Seal Is: On Its Smoke Break
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onesidedradiostatic · 3 months
stayed gone but you're the sinners watching/listening
(AKA I spend an unnecessary amount of time editing)
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wolfythewitch · 9 months
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bumbleboa · 5 months
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color sketches from yesterday's livestream (vod is over here for a couple of weeks)! I was in the mood to play around with some light scenarios
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panstarry · 2 months
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my final from last semester that i made into a zine. cooked this one up in a couple hours before the critique (the ink was still wet!), so it's very raw and kind of sloppy but the sentiment is there. i love you trans people of color. we are the backbone of this community 🌟
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fruit-sy · 5 months
Genius Society 🤓🤓
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Just the dudes by themselves below bc why not lol
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anuphim · 6 months
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narilamb save me....narilamb....save me narilamb....
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cherrytea556 · 3 months
Heteronormativity and Amatonormativity go hand in hand. You give the opposite sex one compliment then somehow people think you have a crush on them. Talk about complimentless ig.
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kindnessoverperfection · 11 months
Please, if you can, take a moment to read and share this because I feel like I'm screaming underwater.
NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) stigma is rampant right now, and seems to be getting progressively worse. Everyone is using it as a buzzword in the worst ways possible, spreading misinformation and hatred against a real disorder.
I could go on a long time about how this happened, why it's factually incorrect (and what the disorder actually IS), why it's harmful, and the changes I'd like to see. But to keep this concise, I'll simply link to a few posts under the cut for further reading.
The point of this post is a plea. Please help stop the spread of stigma. Even in mental health communities, even around others with personality disorders, in neurodivergent "safe" spaces, other communities I thought people would be supportive in (e.g. trans support groups, progressive spaces in general), it keeps coming up. So I'm willing to bet that a lot of people on this site need to see this.
Because it's so hard to exist in this world.
My disorder already makes me feel as if I'm worthless and unlovable, like there's something inherently wrong and damaged about me. And it's so much harder to fight that and heal when my daily life consists of:
Laughing and spending time with my friends, doing my utmost best to connect and stay present and focused on them, trying to let my guards down and be real and believe I'm lovable- when suddenly they throw out the word "narcissist" to describe horrible people or someone they hate, or the conversation turns to how evil "people with narcissistic personality disorder" are. (Seriously, you don't know which of your friends might have NPD and feels like shit when you say those things & now knows that you'd hate them if you knew.)
Trying to look up "mental health positivity for people with npd", "mental health positivity cluster bs", only to find a) none of that, and b) more of the same old vile shit that makes me feel terrible about myself.
Having a hard time (which is constant at this point) and trying to look up resources for myself, only to again, find the same stigma. And no resources.
Not having any clue how to help myself, because even the mental health field is spitting so much vitriol at people with DISORDERS (who they're supposed to be helping!) that there's no solid research or therapy programs for people like me.
Losing close friends when they find out, despite us having had a good relationship before, and them KNOWING me and knowing that I'm not like the trending image of pwNPD. Because now they only see me through the lens of stigma and misinformation.
Hearing the same stigma come up literally wherever I go. Clubs. Meetings. Any online space. At the bus stop. At the mall. At a restaurant. At work. Buzzword of the year that everyone loooves loudly throwing around with their friends or over the phone. Feels awesome for me, makes my day so much better/s
I could go on for a long time, but I'm scared no one will read/rb this if it gets too much longer.
So please. Stop using the word "narcissist" as a synonym for "abusive".
Stop bringing up people you hate who you believe to have NPD because of a stigmatizing article full of misinformation whenever someone with actual NPD opens their mouth. (Imagine if people did that with any other disorder! "Hey, I'm autistic." "Oh... my old roommate screamed at me whenever I made noise around him, and didn't understand my needs, which seems like sensory overload and difficulty with social cues. He was definitely autistic. But as long as you're self-aware and always restraining your innate desire to be an abusive asshole, you're okay I guess, maybe." ...See how offensive and ignorant that is?)
Stop preventing healthcare for people with a disorder just because it's trendy to use us as a scapegoat.
If you got this far, thank you for reading, and please share this if you can. Further reading is under the cut.
NPD Criteria, re-written by someone who actually has NPD
Stigma in the DSM
Common perception of the DSM criteria vs how someone may actually experience them (Keep in mind that this is the way I personally experience these symptoms, and that presentation can vary a lot between individuals)
"Idk, the stigma is right though, because I've known a lot of people with NPD who are jerks, so I'm going to continue to support the blockage of treatment for this condition."
(All of these were written by me, because I didn't want to link to other folks' posts without permission, but if you want to add your own links in reblogs or replies please feel free <3)
#actuallynpd#signal boost#actuallyautistic#mental health awareness#narcissistic personality disorder#people also need to realize that mental health professionals aren't immune from bias#(it really shouldn't come as a shock that the mental health field has a longstanding pattern of misunderstanding and mistreating ppl who ar#mentally ill or otherwise ND)#the first therapist i brought up NPD to like. literally pulled out the DSM bc she could barely remember the criteria. then said that there'#no way I have it because I have low self-esteem lmaoooooo#anyway throwback to being at work and chatting with a co-worker. and the conversation turning to mental health. and him saying that#he tries to stay informed and be aware and supportive of mental health conditions & that he doesn't want to be ignorant or spread harmful#misinformation. and then i mentioned that i do a lot of research into mental health stuff and i listed a bunch of things. which included#several personality disorders. one of which was NPD.#and after listening to my whole ass list he zeroed in on the NPD and immediately started talking about how narcissists are abusive and#he knew someone who had NPD and how the person who had it had an addiction and died from the addiction in a horrible way and he#was glad he did#fun times#or when i decided to be vulnerable and talk abt my self-criticism/self-hatred bc i knew my friends also struggled w that and i wanted to#support them by sharing my own coping methods. and they both(separately!) started picking and prodding at my npd through the lens of stigma#bc i'd recently opened up to them abt having it. they recognized self-hatred as a symptom and still jumped on me for it. despite me#trying to share hurt vulnerable parts of myself to help them and connect with them.#again..... fun times
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milesofstars · 3 days
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dont worry about it jason...
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I know a lot of people have drawn Astarion in the Fallen Angel pose but I think it suits Wyll just as nicely, especially considering his story arc & relationship with his father
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