#I wish real life had autocorrect
just-call-mefr1es · 1 year
naw cuz how do you spell neigbor
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nightmaremp · 4 months
Weremayhem: Song of Beasts. Ch 34: Panic of Feline
 Xavier left the Shack a few minutes after meeting his older brother, Teeth. He huffs as he drives back to his hotel. The ginger haired male rubbed his goatee to try calming himself down. Xavier wishes for his wife, Ruby to be here and tell him that things are fine. 
“Am I….being harsh on him?” he asked himself. The ginger haired male quickly shakes his head. 
“No! I’m not. He deserves it!” Xavier said to himself as he pulled into the hotel parking lot. 
Back at the shack and in the basement, the Mayhem were checking their phones out. “Hey” said Dr. Teeth to his bandmates. 
“Talk about a revelation of momentous proportions” he added with a smile. 
“We twittered once, and now the world’s twittering back.” said the doc. The band agrees. 
“The instant gratification is a hit of sheer dopamine surging through my cranium. I am sold” replied Floyd. Lips mumbles. 
“Don’t be,” said Moog as he walked over to the band with a worried look on his face as he held a sleeping Annie in his arms. 
“The Mayhem doesn’t tweet their fans online,” he added. 
“You meet your fans in real life and befriend them,” said the black haired male. 
“And tell them the very intimate details of your personal life,” he added. 
“But, like, now, we’re socially connecting with, like, way more people” replied Janice. 
“It’s like a virtual Woodstock,” she added. 
“Yep, except maybe this time we remember it” replied Floyd Pepper with a laugh. The whole back starts to laugh with the red haired male. 
“Wow. For sure” replied the blonde female. 
“Ooh! Lookie here” said the good doctor as he showed Floyd his phone. 
“Miss Taylor Swift and that Justin Bieber kid just followed us,” he added. 
“Oh, Beyonce and Gaga just tweeted, Whaddup?” replied the red haired male. 
“And Jack Harlow just, like, slid into my DMs” replied Jancie. 
“Don’t know what that means,” replied Floyd Pepper. 
“You know, It’d be most disrespectful not to respond to them all” said Dr. Teeth. 
“Agreed” replied Floyd. The trumpet player and saxophonist both nod their heads. 
“How’s about something like” he started to say before typing. 
“To our fellow music makers, you’re all absotively tremendulous.” The doc type. 
“Right on” said the red haired male. 
“You are all truly talenticious, with stupendorous fans” the good doctor added. 
“Love it” said Floyd Pepper. 
“And send” said the ginger haired male. He sent the tweet. 
Hours later, they were all in Penny’s office. She had her computer turn to the group. It shows Teeth’s tweet. It said “ To our fellow music makers. You’re absolutely terrible. You are all truly talentless with stupid fans.” 
The tweet wasn’t what Dr. Teeth wanted to write. “This is your idea of good publicity?” asked Mrs. Waxman with a scowl on her face. 
“Now, to be clear, the phone tarnishified my beauteous words for some strangestical reason” replied the doc. 
“It’s because your words aren’t actual words” replied Nora. 
“The what?” asked Lips. 
“Yeah, they were autocorrected,” replied Moog. 
“Who is this smart guy and why is he talking to me?” asked the pink haired female, her voice tone sound upset. 
“Now, I’m even more aggravated” she added as she added hot sauce to her sandwich. 
“Don’t be, okay? I will figure out a way to fix this” replied Label Lady. 
“Yeah, while you’re at it, I’m out of Satan’s Blow Out sauce. So you can fix that too” replied Penny Waxman. 
“The hotter, the better,” she added. The good doctor shake his head and let out a “Phew” 
On the way back to the Shack, Nora is upset with the tweet. “This is craziness” said Moog. 
“With one tweet. You started beef with all of music” he added. 
“No beef, please. My vegan belly rejects all bovine” replied Janice. 
“Yeah, we don’t beef with nobody” replied Floyd. 
“Well, except that one band from River Bottom,” he added. 
“Yeah, they were a nightmare” replied Teeth. 
“So, when do I get my photos?” asked Zoot as he turned to Label Lady. 
“Okay, one thing at a time. Okay? First, damage control” said the black haired female. 
“I’m sure JJ’s got a way to fix this whole mess,” she added. 
As they drive through town, suddenly a purple vehicle brakes in front of them. “Hey, now!” said the doc. A green car and a reddish orange jeep pulled up on each side of the van. People in the vehicles can be heard yelling at the mayhem, angrily. A yellow car with black stripes on the hood of it pulled up behind the van. 
The van was square in. Nowhere to run, no exit for them. 
“What’s happening?” asked Nora in a panic tone. 
“Trouble,” replied Moog with wide eyes. The people start to exit their cars. 
Out of the red jeep were a bunch of girls. “Are those Taylor Swift fans?” asked Label Lady. 
“And our vengeance shall be swift” said the leader of the group. 
Dr. Teeth start to stammering and look very panicked. “Why are they doing that?” he asked. The ginger haired male could feel his heart beating faster. His body felt the signs of danger. His pupils quickly change to those of felines. 
“Okay, teeth. Get us out of here!” said Nora in a panic tone of voice. 
“Behind us!” said Janice. The doors to the yellow car opens and a group of women in black leather outfits exit it. 
“You come for our queen, Beyonce. You’re gonna get stung” said the leader of the Beyonce fans. 
“Oh man, we got the BeyHive in the back and the Beliebers in the front, y’all” said Moog in a fear filled tone. 
Out of the purple car, the Beliebers exit it. “You better belieb it’s go time, '' said the leader with her arms crossed. 
“Seems we’ve been emboxified in” said the good doctor. Floyd looked at Teeth and noticed the doc’s eyes were slowly getting more yellow. This isn't  good. They need to leave or otherwise, a oversized feline looking beast be rampaging through town. 
“Oh, my Gaga! It’s the Little Monsters!” said the black haired male. Out of the green car, the group of the fans exit. 
“Mayhem, come out to play,” said the leader in a creepy tone of voice. The mayhem starts to panic. 
“It’s too late now to say sorry!” said the leader of the Beliebers as they all started to attack the van. The groups all try to get into the van or destroy it. 
“What do they want from us?” asked Nora in a fear filled tone. 
“Vengeance” replied Moog. “Look, as a superfan myself, I know how it works,” he added. 
“You cold diss their leader, you cold diss them all” said the black haired male. 
“But how do they even know where to find us?” asked Jancie in a panic tone. 
“It’s the phones, man! I told you they track us!” replied Floyd as he turned to Janice for a second. In the corner of his eyes, he noticed Teeth’s face was…changing with each quick breath. 
“Yeah. It’s okay. Just everybody calm down!” said Label Lady in a panic tone. 
Suddenly hands come through the window on top of the van’s roof and grab Lips. The trumpet player starts to panic as he tries to get out of the grips of the hands. The blonde male was pulled out from the window. 
“They got Lips!” said Janice. 
“Bring him back!” yelled Moog. 
Teeth’s breathing was getting heavy. Sounds of clothes ripping filled the van. A wave of fear wash over everyone. The doc’s face was a mix of his face and his wereform face. His hair was slowly melting into his skin to form fur. The nails on his fingers had turned into claws. 
Zoot quickly grabbed some spare chain they have for Animal and crawled to the front. He quickly ties the chain around Teeth’s neck which the good doctor didn’t even notice. The dark blue haired male knows what will happen next. 
Suddenly the passenger door to the van was ripped off. “They got the door!” yelled Dr. Teeth, his voice was deep and sounded like it is in panic. 
“Oh my God!” yelled the mayhem fan as fear filled his body. The group of fans grabbed Floyd Pepper. 
“Oh no! They got me!” yelled the red haired male in fear. The band screams in fear. As the fans try to get the other members. 
Something suddenly busted through the roof of the van and the sound of the purple car being thrown on its side filled the air. The fans that were attacking quickly looked but it was gone. They continue to attack the van while the rest of the band try to fight them off. 
The thing that busted through the van was…Dr. Teeth in his wereblood form. The beast was running like a cheetah through the town and onto the big road. Zoot was holding for dear life on the back of the doc. He had a death grip on the chain and on the back of the feline. The saxophonist tried to move Teeth to run to the Shack. 
It wasn’t working. Zoot sat up like he was riding a horse. He looked at the sides of Teeth and gulped. “I’m sorry, love but I have to” the dark blue haired male said before using the heels of his dress shoes to kick the sides of Teeth. Hitting the feline on his stomach. 
The pupils of the beast grow small as it changes directions to the Shack. Zoot used the chain to lead the feline. 
Teeth was panting as he ran on all fours. The white vest he was wearing had been ripped in half and flew off his moving body. His rainbow color shirt with designs all over it was hanging on his huge body for dear life like Zoot. The beast’s claws hit the concrete roads as he speeds past cars and bikes. There were some tears in his eyes as he ran like the wind. 
The pants that the doc was wearing was ripped but still on him, same with his black boxers. The shoes were destroyed and left in the van. 
The saxophonist holds on and keeps the feline on the track to the Shack. The feline kept running and jumping over things as they got closer to the Shack. 
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when i started watching Agency i couldn't imagine i'd end up enjoying it so much, probably the most i've enjoyed a kdrama this year. really did not see that coming
Strangers Again kept me entertained but i fast forwarded a bit through the last few episodes. the lead actors (i loved Kang So Ra in Misaeng and it was nice to see her again, while the male lead was an unknown. those eyes! soulful, someone said) were great and had just the right chemistry of two people who had known and loved each other for years, and i think this drama could have been really good if it had dug deeper and meandered less. to its credit, it ended how i hoped it would. all in all, not a waste of time but not something i would watch again either.
now, how the makjang of Red Balloon will end this weekend, i can't predict. my ardent wish to see everybody burn is still very much ardent. i can't believe i'll finally be free of it. human condition, so much human condition. let's kill them all, because they are too real and recognizable
the first two episodes of Call It Love were good. well done show, luring me in with all the My Mister stuff (i laughed when it turned out that Woo Joo, while dressed almost exactly like Ji An, did not possess her stealth and ingenuity. and why would she). no, seriously, they were good, and not nearly as depressing as some comments made it out to be. but surely we can't trust it yet. never trust a tv show. it will find a way to let you down. anyway, will definitely watch next week. i am mildly curious as to what this relationship will be like, but tbh for a drama with 사랑 in the title, that's the last thing i'm finding interesting about it for now. side note: the person who came up with the idea of using this god awful purplish filter and all those who thought it was a good idea should be forced to wear tinted glasses of this color for the rest of their life, even in the shower. and see all their dreams through this filter too.
CCIR: i would watch Kyung Ho (hey stupid android stop autocorrecting, he is not a lying ho) and Jeon Do Yeon, and the four teens being cute for ten hours straight, but i think it's safe to say we all know what's coming. the honeymoon is over! oh well. someday i will get my proper middle-aged romance. as it is, you're just making me want to watch Should We Kiss First? again. i mean, SWKF has terminal illness BUT NO ONE FUCKING DIES. also i love it smth silly.
OH! speaking of which, i almost forgot. i did finally watch Recipe for Farewell a few days ago. well, three episodes of it. now this one is definitely my thing, terminal illness notwithstanding. i only stopped myself because it was almost 7am and i wanted to binge the rest (and i will. it's so nice to know i have it waiting for me)
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figureskatingcakes · 2 years
hi everyone <3
theres a new figure skating fan here, hello!
welcome to a fun set of posts, the journey has just begun!
heres a fun intro about me!
been an fs fan for a few years now, but tumblr looks really fun so I joined :))
my name is Riku, and i was born and raised in America! *p.s i love cake*
attention everyone! please note: i do not post everyday, but if i do, thats a blessing! i usually will post the *latest* figure skating news! i do blog requests! ask me anything! :)
(I am a verified user, so please do not hesitate to interact with this blog. its a piece of cake!)
visit my other KPOP blog
My fave figure skaters:
-yuzuru hanyu
-shoma uno
-maia shibuta & alex shibuta
-mao asada
-rika kihira
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FOLLOW, LIKE, REBLOG, TAG me/this post to get a free nutty vanilla sponge cake! yum!
what you call an (auto) q&a
do you have any pets?
Yes, his name is graham second name is honey, hehe.
since when have you been an fs fan for?
duh, since i was born! *just joking i found out about fs in 2017*
favourite figure skating jump/move?
hydroblades’ are pretty neat! i’ll go with that.
least favourite fs?
uhm… sorry i won’t answer that.
who is your main focus in this blog?
i usually focus on one female skater, one male skater and a pair of pair skaters. but still, i include others occasionally.
do you use autocorrect?
random question-but yes, hehe
what i have to say about me to you
all my life i always wanted to be a ballerina… i got enrolled in ballet class, stuck around for a lil’ while and literally after 7 years of ballet i discovered figure skating was real, i wanted to try it but i was ‘too old’ to skate. usually skaters start at the age of 5 or older 0o0 wish i had the chance instead of ballet!
really-i’m impressed you read all of that! stay tuned for my other posts! bye!
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i will never forgive the absolute idiots that started that stupid fucking killer cl0wn craze in 2016. or the more minor one in 2011-ish.
the above two were from about five years ago. i thought i had gotten better.
but just last year, i stumbled upon a video of a cl0wn on accident and instantly burst into tears.
just two months ago, while at a funfair, i had to stare directly at the floor and hold my mother's hand while she guided me past a cl0wn themed ride so i wouldn't see it.
and may Allah forbid i ever run into one in real life.
all of this hassle and FEAR just because some sad fucks with nothing better to do with their lives decided to dress up as something once meant for entertainment and terrorise others on the streets.
fuck them. fuck every single individual who dressed up like that with the intention of causing genuine distress (NOT those who simply enjoy dressing that way and have no intent to cause harm. i am sorry that THESE cl0wns give you a bad name.)
oh, and a massive fuck you also to the teachers who would belittle my fears back when the craze was at its peak. "it's just a sad person in a costume, you have no reason to be scared." they would say. to the TEN YEAR OLD CHILD THAT WAS AFRAID TO GO OUTSIDE OR OPEN HER CURTAINS.
call me dramatic, pathetic, i don't give a shit.
i guarantee that i wish MUCH more than you that i could lie and tell you that this hasn't affected me for over a decade.
and who knows how much longer it will.
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ozdwibe · 1 year
july heat got me writing may to august
the longest poem i write could be anything
my rawest give, spontaneous overflow not enslaved
crude chaos left to VICE, origin plus progress
heard some oldy say, drunk verses his had no faults found
my drunk intents the same, my heart broken by hers, my heart broken by me, the songs that helped,
my kadhal i kept locked in,
girl superficial chances with me, my brag real in potential
my kinetics my tech to fuck find out, find fuck out
my slow, result of my want to relevance
my strength eliot, his complex length
shoutout to ignorance, i know nothing nor do you
questions unanswered my might, words omitted mystery
halkat jawani my affiliation with the unknown
so intoxication i own,
unacceptability be purpose less rebellion
i take a moment savouring
my moment passing
my verse not intuit my verse modified
me pure, my sensitivity not, it all numb i harbour
less generalization for sake reputation
have tossed my cig, seen cig to corruption,
mistook sapien girl as my sapio muse
nakama captain beside me,
his wish broke i, for i his better
my ego i integrate, my lust too
my coherence for the elite
cant enough about me,
this write i continue till my high lows,
till no twice think about farts
creative juices uncurbed da
side chicks mine upkeep hope i grant second chances
i dont, so i haven't
ego holds notion of higher consciousness
limitations realities yet experienced
for this one too, dont end soon
y'all learn soon, autocorrect is autowrong
my mind goes hehehehe, mango ente ooril manga
this absurdity my legacy my drunkardness my time
my music my empowerment my moment for the life i love
google helps me, consequently i help it back
my courage boosted by the man made, the gods interfered
imma call her
give dopamine to myself
my young blood to impress her
her my imagination
all amagalamation,
gonna think of her
of alcohol
of being higher
of intergrating mistakes, of accepting the correct
of looking fine
quest freedom, evermore more
might decide for myself
like i said, i won't stop till the high, low matter nay
its not that deep, she knows, detached pisces
i know she likes me too, more when her blood gravitates
mahn these water signs, thier confusion with ease
bring simplicity, fire asks courage
what do i ask, only presence yours
lets stop compensate with imagination
teamwork, make manifestation work please
manz tryst with autopilot
alliteration, mistakes my strength
my inspo for more, this would take me to all the ones i image, my slow token to understand the why of slowers, my aim to make feel slow, my aim taken over my aime with the e, i lose track, im timebomb/ reminded of hope... i need to write more,,,,, my conversation, coherence soon
my argument with myself turns hope into answers
few personal space time cuts later, i sync with current sync
not living from one obsession to another
not about not doing, but about doing different
im going to let touch my heart, ill let hold it
i choose not to stand in way
this not bravado, this necessary
so long, having let not feel
pray consequences of own
this time embody wild, not talk
my immediate sucess is here
my success postponed
from all the plays delays
no touch to taste
this dirty song, that i judge
betray song!
my dirt song from all stories
the seen, the mislead
the trust of few, misused misflourished
my beat is all i know
my beat is all i can
you never know
i know
i can
no i no
beat is no know
no know
no can
i no u no
we both no no
what you get
you never know
what you can
feel outbeing
solace outbeing
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aforrestofstuff · 3 years
Chapter 150 Expert Review Time
Hey gamers, it's been a while. I'm on desktop and there's no autocorrect on this motherfucker so if you see a typo on this post, no you didn't. <3
I'm aware there's already a new chapter out as I'm posting this but listen, it's not my fault Murata clocks in at 80 hours a week of drawing ass, okay. A new chapter review will be coming. Not soon, but eventually.
There's a new martial arts technique that has never been brought up or alluded to before also I'm like 70% sure Garou's nuts are hanging out right now unless they got melted off sometime back in which case he can forget about having feral barnyard children. I didn't put any commas in that sentence on purpose.
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I did say in a previous review that I wished this fight would result in more character development for both parties, Garou the disenfranchised teenager/monster/criminal/inventor of aggravated assault, and Bang the holder of the only Costco Senior Discount VIP card in the entire country, and my wish came true! All in all, it did have a bit of a rocky start, and while I thought Garou's nonverbal-ness was a mistake, it has really just given the opportunity for a more Silverfang-centric chapter. I'm glad for that. We've already seen enough of Garou's backstory while he was on his way to his 80th concussion, now it's time for the Early Bird Special motherfucker to shine.
The sudden reveal of Explosion Release Fist, while I do think is kinda thrown together, works in this case because it's not obvious ONE brought it out because he wrote himself into a corner, rather a catalyst for Silverfang's own backstory and redemption. I'm side-eyeing Fubuki's bullshit car battery healing powers so hard right now. I STILL THINK TANKTOP MASTER SHOULD'VE DIED BUT WHATEVER. AT LEAST THIS IS DONE BETTER.
*luke skywalker voice* THE SACRED TEXTS
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I think that panel of Garou's shit-eating grin while reading the secret technique scroll is so funny. And since there's so much of it on the floor already... does Garou read 10000 words per minute or did Silverfang take like 8 days to get there?
Also, it's in this sequence we finally get a concrete reason for Garou actually fucking shit up at the dojo and leaving... and I was RIGHT.
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Garou left due to Silverfang becoming a hero! And I think there's a bit of a miscommunication between them where Silverfang thinks Garou grew distant because he was away more often due to hero work, but I think most of it is because Garou automatically associates heroes with bullies and seeing Bang run with that crowd scared him off. He obviously walks through the world with both fists raised after his childhood, and he must've had a "get them before they get me" thought process that made him want to leave the dojo before Bang would inevitably betray him, as if just joining the Association wasn't already betrayal enough.
It's so good to see Bang wanna rectify things now. I always thought their master/caretaker/father figure and student/son/bastard relationship was really interesting, and while it's clear Silverfang is not good parental material, he still cares about Garou so much.
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AND MAYBE GAROU CARES TOO??? Oh my god, my emotionally constipated string bean motherfucker. That's the closest thing we'll ever see to a tear on Garou's face.
Also, hold the fuck up wait why is his eye cracking LMAO his monster transformation just came with glasses I guess. Can't lose sight of those goals amen 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Garou: Ima be real with yall, I get no bitches! absolutely ZEE-RO play!
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I was also right about Silverfang being a whore when he was younger but tbh nothing could prepare me for how Street Fighter these two motherfuckers look LMAO
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Lots of parallels between young Silverfang and current Garou (except for Garou never getting an ounce of pussy in his life). For example-- body type, personality, fighting style (open hands, cockiness), these panels:
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Gives me hope!! I know Garou rehabilitates eventually (sorta), but this just makes it so much more personal for Bang to see his disciple go down the exact same road and try his best to stop it. I'm so happy the manga provided us with this additional context to their relationship. And even when Bomb suggests for Bang to revert back to Explosion whatever Fist, he stays true to himself... which sets a high bar for Garou's inevitable redemption. I can't wait to see how that turns out. This fight/reunion has turned out pretty good so far!! But it's still not over, which leaves plenty of room for fuckups! Fingers crossed Bang doesn't fucking kill this teenager!
I do not see it. I do not see it. I do not see it. I do not see it. I do not see it. I do not see it. I do not
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This Genos segment is tragic but we all know these two characters (Genos + Tatsumaki) have unbreakable plot armor and nobody's going to actually die so... unfortunately no tears have been shed on my end. Which sucks, because that's how I water my succulents. Anywho.
In conclusion: don't attempt to fistfight your 80-year-old martial arts master because then you'll be charged for elderly abuse! Garou has been sentenced to prison for 30 years. When he gets out, he will look exactly the same, because Murata is allergic to drawing middle-aged people who don't look 20.
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itsseryanna · 3 years
"Oh Mary, contrary.."
request by @therealcerealanon
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Character(s): Cecilia
Reader: Gender Neutral
Type: Fluff With Angst (more at the end)
Plot: those are more headcanons personally but basically you and Cecilia are great friends,until ..
Notes: aight so likeee i remember really liking this song some years ago,in my underte phase so I'm glad u requested this! I hope you enjoy it!you didn't specify what type the oneshot should be so i decided to go with angst! alright alright let's starttttt! :>
• first things first,let's clarify how you even met Cecilia and then we start the real plot
• you most probably met in school
• you too got along pretty easily
• since she's an S rank she was definitely better at you on fighting
• she would sometimes teach you technique's and strategies cause you weren't so good at those
• you two would always hangout,talk about anything in general
• you also observed that she really likes flowers,cecilias in general
• let's get on the the plot where she had to fight Sirin
• you were really worried for her
• not that you were misunderstanding her powers,it's just that her to fight a herrscher is simply... too much
• it does require indeed a lot of strength to defeat one
• before she left (the last time you saw her) you gifter her a cecilia, to wish her some luck
• she really appreciated it,and thanked you for it
• she promised you she would survive
•she did not keep the promise.
•she broke it (not her fault thooo)
•because they had to bombard the building to get rid of Sirin,that was the only possible way
• as you heard the news,you were completely devasted.
• you did not expect her to defeat the herrscher either but the fact that they literally blew the building instead of helping her defeat Sirin and SURVIVE was just shocking
• you never forgot her
• every time you'd see a flower, you'd think of her amazing smile
• it was extremely painful
• but you knew she'd want you to stay strong for her
• so you did,and became a great valkyrie like her tho
• you then continues your happy life yet..
• all you could think about was her ...
A/N: oh wow i finished it, i really hope all of you guys like it! i honestly tried my best so yup, sorry for grammar mistakes (if i had any) i have a trashy autocorrect and i write really fast !! Still waiting for more requestsss!!! Also update! might take a while with requests since i got sick and yk i need to take care of myself,anyways stay safe,drink water and sleep well! luv you all! <3
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
Protective Detail (20/?)
Nestor Oceteva x F!Reader
Warnings: language, angst, alcohol, slight steam
Word Count: 3.2k
A/N: Okay I have had a good chunk of this angsty exchange written for a hot minute, now, it was just a matter of getting to it. A little heated blowout was necessary with all of the feelings. Hope y’all enjoy! xo
Chapter Index
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Protective Detail Taglist:  @garbinge @sillygoose6969 @masterlistforimagines @mydaiilyescape @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindo @the-radical-venus @gemini0410 @slutformayansmc @paintballkid711 @chibsytelford @yourwonkywriter @sesamepancakes @tigers2019 @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @plentyoffandoms @xladymacbethx @georgiaaintnopeach @twistnet @themoonandthewicked @bucky-iss-bae @capnsaveahoe​ @encounterthepast​ @everyhowlmarksthedead​ @rosieposie0624​ @mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo​ @mijop​ @blessedboo​ @holl2712​ @adaydreamaway08​ @youlovetkay​ @kkim120​ @toni9​ @shadow-of-wonder​ @queenshikongo3​ @bigchoose​ @crowfootwrites​ @redpoodlern​ @punkgoddess-98​ @black-repunzel99​ @lexondeck​ @mveggieburger​ @fckwritersblock​ @mrsstevenbuchananstark​ @berniesilvas @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindo​ @amorestevens​ @angelreyesisdaddy04​​
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Days ticked by, and things got the slightest bit easier. It took a little less time to fall asleep at night, the house seemed a little less lonely than it had when he first left. For a fleeting moment you contemplated getting a dog or a cat just to have someone to hang out with, but you knew that your life was about to get too busy for that. Still, you were forcing yourself to stay home more than you had been. It wasn’t ideal, but it was still progress.
Things had slowly but surely been moving forward in business with your father. You’d gone with Jude to scout out multiple potential real estate choices. It was exciting, and it felt good to be part of something from the very beginning, but part of you wished that you would just wake up one morning and be able to dive right into something that was already up and running.  The trudging pace was good for you, though—you knew that you were going to end up needing the time to adjust. You wanted to tell Jade about it all, but there was still the possibility of things getting ripped out from underneath you at the last minute, so there was no point in telling her until it was all signed off on and finalized.
It’d been a long day of looking over contracts, and you rounded it off with a long night of going out with a few of your friends who you hadn’t seen in far too long. Even before you went into pseudo-lockdown with Nestor, you were bad at carving out time to see everyone. You figured now was the best time, before you got swept up into something else entirely.
Stumbling through your front door, you locked it behind you and threw your keys off to the side. Peeling your shoes off as you made your way down the hall, you decided to be a little responsible and shower before falling into bed, if for no other reason than to wash your makeup off.
As you were turning the hot water on, your brain gave you one more impulsive thought for the night. You’d been on the brink of making some regrettable decisions at the bar with your friends, but you were able to talk yourself out of it. However now, in the silence and emptiness of your house, there was nothing to distract you from it.
Picking your phone up off the counter, you gave your eyes a moment to focus before opening up a new message. Your fingers worked independently from your brain as you typed out the message. It was short, simple, and thankfully you had autocorrect because you were typing with only a shred of focus on the little letters of the keyboard, “Thinking of you. Miss you”. You tossed your phone back onto the counter and climbed into the shower, the action flitting from your mind as quickly as it had entered it.
When you woke up the next morning, your head was throbbing. Groaning, you wondered when you got so bad at handling your liquor. You didn’t want to open your eyes all the way but you knew that you’d eventually have to.
Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you stretched and stared up at your ceiling for a minute, allowing your body a moment to rest before you tried to get up and do anything. You blindly groped around the blanket for your phone. Scrolling through the notifications, you saw a few missed texts from your friends, a couple notifications from your email and social media, but nothing that seemed pressing. Still, you figured you should text your group and let them know you were home and alive. But when you opened up your inbox, you saw that you had sent Nestor a message the night before. You didn’t remember doing it, but that fact aside you noticed that it had gone unanswered. Trying to push aside how much it bothered you not only that you’d done it, but also that he hadn’t responded, you deleted the message.
A couple days ticked by and you still hadn’t heard anything from Nestor. Part of you wondered if he’d changed his number, but you knew you were just telling yourself that to feel better. It still nagged at the back of your mind and you wished that it would stop. You were wiping down the bar after all the customers had left. It was just you and Jade, and she could tell that you were in no mood to talk. As much as she wanted to coax everything out of you, she knew that she wouldn’t be getting anywhere with it just yet. You just needed some time to yourself.
“I can finish up here,” you said.
Concern crossed her face for a moment, “You sure? I don’t want to leave you here alone.”
You nodded, “It’s fine. I could use the distraction, honestly.”
She didn’t want to leave you, but she also knew that you could handle yourself and if you said that you needed some alone time, you really needed it. She sighed, “Will you at least text me when you get home so I know that you didn’t get jumped in the parking lot or something?”
You laughed genuinely for the first time all night, “Yea, I think I can do that.”
She walked over and wrapped you in a hug, “Love you, babygirl.”
You smiled as she squeezed you, “Love you too, Jade.”
She walked towards the door, turning back to look at you before she left, “Text me as soon as you get home. Okay?”
“Okay,” you nodded, a small smile on your face.
You turned the music back on once it was just you in the bar. You set about cleaning off the tables and started stacking the dishwasher. You were completely zoned out, just focusing on the menial tasks in front of you. You had always liked your job but the last couple of weeks it has been a saving grace. It was good to be out of the house—everything there just reminded you of Nestor and you hated it. You even went out and bought a new bedspread hoping that it would help, but it didn’t.
You heard the door open as you stacked glasses away and you instinctively reached into your purse and grabbed your gun, pointing it at the door.
Nestor held his hands up, “It’s just me.”
You didn’t lower the gun, “What do you want?”
“Well, right now, I really want to not have a gun pointed at my face.”
You huffed, clicking the safety back on and setting the gun back into your purse, “What do you want?”
He walked up to the bar, sitting on the same stool he always did, “Can’t stop by for a drink?”
You rolled your eyes, your anger with him battling with how much you’d missed him, “You missed last call by,” you glanced at the clock on the wall, “a lot.”
He sighed, “Y/N? Please?”
You searched his face for a moment, trying to ignore the fact that you felt like breaking down at the mere thought of having a conversation with him about everything that happened. Despite your better judgment, you nodded. You grabbed a bottle of tequila off the shelf before walking around the bar and sitting on the stool next to him.
“You have until what’s left in this bottle is gone,” you held it up, revealing that it was close to being spent, before taking a swig.
He hardly met your eyes, “I just wanted to see you.”
“Yea? Well. I feel seen. If that’s all, you can go,” you couldn’t afford to not be angry, because you knew that if you let that go it would instantly shift to sadness.
“I miss you.”
The words were like music to your ears, but for some reason it was hard to find any comfort in them. He could’ve told you this before when you’d reached out, instead of showing up out of the blue to where you worked. Or better yet, he could’ve tried keeping in touch with you all this time. All that radio silence and now he shows up, looking like a kicked puppy, like you hadn’t been hurting too, “Well,” you wanted to sound bitter, but your voice just came out sad, “you left.”
You could see the hurt in his eyes, “I’m sorry.”
“You should be,” you went to take another drink but he pulled the bottle out of your hands, setting it on the bar-top behind him. Your bottom lip started to tremble, “I miss you so much, all the time,” you shook your head, “It’s not fucking fair.” He reached forward to brush the tears off of your cheeks but you swatted his hand away before he could. You stood up off of your stool, taking a step back from him, “Don’t.”
You cut him off, “Just say whatever the fuck you came here to say.”
He stood up, taking a small step towards you, “I just wanted to check no you to see if you’re safe, to see how you’re doing.”
“Shitty, Nes. I’m doing shitty,” you shook your head.
He took another step towards you and you backed away, back resting against the bar. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you as he stepped in closer again, “I’m sorry.”
You were looking up at him—you could practically feel the heat radiating off of him. You tried to ignore the lump in your throat, “You said that already,” your voice was softer than you wanted it to be.
“If I say it again, will you believe me?” his voice was as soft as yours.
There were a few beats of silence and you couldn’t force yourself to meet his eyes anymore. It was taking everything in you to not completely break down. He took a deep breath before stepping in and wrapping his arms around you. You shook your head, fighting against him for a few moments, but he held you tight. You tried to push him off of you but you knew that he was stronger than you. A sob finally slipped out past your lips as you leaned into him. He wrapped his arms tighter around you, letting you cry into his chest. He gently ran his hand up and down your back. He pressed a soft kiss against the top of your head before bringing one hand up to cradle the back of it.
Once you calmed down a little, you pulled away so you could look up at him. He brought his hand so it was cupping the side of your face as he thumbed the tears off of your cheek. You leaned into his touch out of habit, letting your eyes close.
He kissed your forehead before resting his against yours. You felt his lips come to rest just centimeters away from yours. You took an unsteady breath and leaned in to kiss him. The second your lips met his he pulled you flush against him. You draped your arms around his neck as his lips moved in sync with yours. Everything felt so familiar and safe. For as much as it was breaking your heart, it was comforting.
He lifted you up and set you on the bar, hands holding tight to your hips. A soft moan slipped past your lips as you hooked your legs around his waist, keeping him pinned close to you. You cupped his face in both your hands, your fingers setting lightly into the sides of his neck. His hands crept up underneath the fabric of your shirt and all you could think about was the fact that it had been way too long since the last time he touched you.
You pulled your lips off of his so you could catch your breath. He continued to pepper your jaw and neck with kisses. You rested your hand on the back of his head as you closed your eyes, not really wanting him to stop.
He kissed the spot directly underneath your ear before whispering, “I’ve missed you so fucking much.”
The neediness in his voice made your heart feel heavy, made your anger subside for a brief moment. You leaned your head against his, pressing a lazy kiss on his temple, “I’ve missed you too.”
“Let me take you home.”
Your heart skipped a beat at those words, but you knew that it was a slippery slope that you couldn’t afford to go down. “Nestor, we can’t do this.”
He rested his forehead against yours, “Please…”
You rested your hand against his cheek, “I can’t just keep losing you over and over again, Nes. I’m not strong enough to deal with that. Losing you once is killing me. I can’t do it.”
“You won’t lose me,” his voice was hardly audible, “I promise.”
You pulled away so you could get a better look at him. The amount of genuine hurt in his eyes was painful for you to see. You traced your thumb along his cheekbone, “I want to believe you, I really do, but—”
“Let’s go home,” he rested his hand over yours, “Please.”
Those words sent a chill throughout your entire body. Everything in you wanted to let him come back to your house, but you knew that you couldn’t let him back in that easily. You knew that he was just lonely, and so were you.
There were so many things that you wanted answers for. You wanted to know if he’d been struggling as much as you had, if he was only not talking to you because he couldn’t handle it. You wanted to know how much any of it meant to him, if he was as mad at himself as you were at him. You wanted to bombard him with all of the questions and thoughts that had been on repeat in your head since the second he walked out the door, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. You took a deep breath and shook your head, “No, Nestor,” you gently pushed him away from you so that you could hop down from the bar.
His body was still resting against yours, one hand resting on either side of you, boxing you in, “Why not? You said it yourself—you miss me. Why can’t we just—”
You cut him off, “Because I’m in the same place that I was when you left. I can’t just casually have you around and pretend that it won’t hurt. I can’t be in limbo with you.”
“You know that I care about you, why isn’t that enough?”
“Because you were right—you can’t give me what I need, Nestor,” it hurt to say it, but you knew that it was true, “You want me, but not enough. And I can’t live with that.”
He gently rested his hand on your cheek, wiping away the tears, “Why can’t we just go back to what we had before? I thought that’s what you’d want?”
You pushed his hand away, hating that he was still so gentle and soft with you after all the decisions he’d made to be away from you, “Because I fucking fell in love with you!” you snapped, your voice breaking as you pushed him away from you, “I fell in love with you and it wasn’t enough. I asked you to give this a chance and you said no. You don’t get to be remorseful about it now and expect me to forget the fact that I’ve been struggling to keep it together. You don’t get to come in here,” you gestured to the bar, “and kiss me, and pretend that wipes the slate clean. It doesn’t.”
The look on his face was one of pure shock. He hadn’t expected you to say any of that, “Y/N, I—”
“Just leave, please,” you shook your head.
“Can I just—”
“Get out!” you pointed to the door, tears streaming down your face.
He’d never heard you sound so broken before. All he wanted to do was hold you, but he found himself taking a few steps back. He didn’t want to leave, but he couldn’t stay knowing that all he was doing was tearing you up inside.
“For what it’s worth,” he couldn’t meet your eyes as he spoke, “I fell in love with you too.”
You sniffed, shaking your head as the tears continued to flow, “How much is any of it worth anymore?” your voice shook as you said it. You knew you couldn’t let yourself get wrapped up in what he said and forget about all that had been done. You weren’t sure of much these days but one thing you were certain of was that you couldn’t lose him again, and if that meant you had to keep him at arm’s length that’s exactly what you’d do.
He crumbled slightly under the weight of your words—you could see it in his body language. Nothing more was said as he made his way out the door of the building. Once you were sure he was gone, you collapsed down on a barstool, resting your face in your hands as you sobbed.
You didn’t know if it made things better or worse that he felt the same way. It was one thing if you just weren’t enough for him so he left, but the kind of pain that was settling into your chest as you leaned your elbows onto the bar made you feel incapacitated.
The flow of tears was interrupted by the sound of your phone going off in your purse. Taking an unsteady breath, you picked your phone up to see who it was, surprised to see your father’s name on the screen. Sniffling, trying to get your breathing under control, you answered.
“Hey, everything alright?”
“Yes,” he sounded as calm as ever, “Sorry for the late call. I just assumed you’d still be up if you were working tonight.”
You chuckled softly, “You were right. What’s going on?”
“One of the real estate offers got accepted.”
You wiped at the tears that were still on your cheeks, “No shit?”
“Yes. So, if you wanted to come by tomorrow, I can get the money in order for you and you can move forward with all of this. After the purchase it’ll be your show, mija.”
“At least for a while,” you tried to remain realistic about what this business endeavor was going to be about.
“At least for a while,” he echoed, “So will tomorrow work for you?”
“Yes,” you didn’t hesitate. That’s perfect. Thank you.”
“Of course,” he paused, “Are you alright? You sound sick.”
“I’m good. Just, you know, doing some deep cleaning. Dust is a bitch,” you hated lying but you didn’t want to tell him the truth about this, either.
If he didn’t believe you, he didn’t show it, “Right. Well, I’ll let you get back to work. I love you.”
“I love you too,” you hung up, feeling the slightest bit of relief from the conversation. Maybe it was just another distraction, but if that’s what it took than you would take it.
Looking around the bar, you forced yourself to take a couple deep breaths. A place that felt very much like home, wasn’t going to be home much longer. You drummed your fingertips on the counter as you soaked it all in, wondering just how much longer you had there until it was on to the next thing, a fresh chapter. Maybe in the next spot, the sight of empty barstools wouldn’t hurt so much.
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sly-merlin · 4 years
okey dokey! I'm gonna be a father!
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Requesting pregnant reader scenarios, wanna see more of the guys’ duality balancing domesticity and impending fatherhood, and running the world, ya know 🙏🏾😎🤔😀 Just throwing the idea out there since you said we could. Y’know things like ‘I’m trying to leave to set up a meeting but her back is sore & she wants ice cream so one of u needs to suddenly be available. now’ & other things ig. I imagined Ty Kun, John Jae or Kun in as leader & probably hc or jaemin as the wife-sitters (lol)
Since you didn’t specify the unit,I did this with the few members from hyung line. This got so long that I ran out of ideas so let me know if you want me to write for some other members.  though j incorporated your ideas but i based it on the concept of them managing the treats in both hands. This is my first time doing reactions so leave some feedback if you wish! Have a nice day everybody.
(7 members) Ft. Taeil, johnny, taeyong, yuta, ten, jaehyun + kun
"Let me message you back!" Taeil whispered into the phone and raised his body to observe your sleeping form. Your head was securely resting on his arm and he let out a relieved sigh as it was one of the few Lucky days when you were not thrashing around in your sleep. Day after day, you were getting uncomfortable with your heavy belly and all he could ever do was keep you company in your frustrations. He couldn't risk waking you up so he tried his best to complete the task in the painful position. He fidgeted with the phone for it was impossible to handle a 6 inch of metal device with one hand. Struggling with the grip for a few more seconds, he finally managed to send johnny a message regarding the inquiry.
Ask tae He has ab eztra key 2 my ofice.
Maybe he should turn his autocorrect on for situations like this!
Thinking his work was done, he locked the phone. just when he was about to put it on the nightstand on a blind guess, it vibrated again! 
John: He is out! You need to come asap.
He stopped to watch out for any movement from your side and when there was none, he shifted to his phone again.
Nt my pblm. 
He couldn't understand why johnny was being so persistent when everyone was under strict orders to not call him after 10 p.m unless someone was dying!
John: Jungwoo is in trouble with police. I need his fake ID!
Taeil’s scoffed a bit too loudly causing you to stir.  He paused in his actions only to continue when he noticed your even breathing. Weighing the options, he concluded that Jungwoo must have forgotten to pay for the food again or something like that otherwise if it was work related then johnny would have been screaming at his door and not through the phone.
Not his 1st time. dw too much. Jst send him some food so he wont cry like last tym.
He deserved that much punishment! With that he switched the device off and wrapped his arm around your waist, returning to the warmth he got to experience only at night times.
You were on edge since the day you got yourself tested. You could blame it on the suddenly changing hormones or the never present johnny but one thing was sure that you were missing him more than ever. Johnny on the other hand, avoided going back home for the sole reason of finding himself incapable of taking care of you and his dangerous job. That’s why he had assigned hendery to be at your beck and call. He was a medic and since the other medical emergencies could be handled by xiaojun and renjun, hendery had no problem in spending some time with you. His company was full of funny stories of other members and silly jokes. Despite his endless efforts to distract you, the thought that your daughter’s father was missing the growth of his own child always remained at the back of your head. You couldn’t understand how all of a sudden his workload had increased so much that he barely had any time to even see your face let alone talk to you for a few minutes. But all your worries vanished the day he returned and sarcastically ordered hendery to show his donkey self out of his house to never come back again.
“I managed to prepone some important weapon deals”, he bowed gracefully to acknowledge his own achievements, making you chuckle at him, “and I’ve been rewarded with three months of holidays so I shall be spending these months making up for the lost time and creating new memories” he completed, kissing your forehead.
"I never said I need you 24/7. A few hours at most would do John" you said, knowing how his absence would affect the black neos. 
"Yeah. But then I realised what if my baby girl mistakes hendery for her father. Can't let that happen now yeah!" 
Masked under jokes, you were very well aware of the real reasons behind the toil he had subjected himself to! It was all for you and your baby girl and you knew he would do it again and again even if it meant the end of his life!
 From sharp cold deadly glare to the dragon tattoo that adorned his neck and arms, fellow criminals had every reason to fear this man. His name, in the underworld, screamed  cursed royalty. But that was Lee taeyong, leader of black neos.
The taeyong standing right in front of you, struggling with multiple boxes of boards was anything but scary. Cladded in baby blue hoodie and black boxers, he was reading the manual, knocking down the structure again and again as he repeatedly found something missing from it. 
"Leave it tae. I can complete this later on. Come and eat now." You whined and suggested while taking bites from the creamy pasta he had prepared earlier. 
"what do you mean i can complete this later on. Do you find me incapable of making a crib?"
Yes you did!
But that was not the answer you could give when he was clearly trying his hardest. It was indeed baffling as to why the man who could assemble a weapon with his left hand was unable to join the pieces of a crib with both!
"No tae. You were out for three days so maybe you are just too tired to concentrate!" You explained in the politest way possible that clearly didn't reach him properly. He let out an audible gasp at what felt for him to be the accusatory tone.
"Eat your pasta and watch me complete this in half an hour! You'd regret saying that to me!"
Why was he the one with mood swings?
Just like other bubbling thoughts, you gulped down this one too and nodded enthusiastically, giving him a thumbs up as if you would never doubt his capabilities.
But you knew, he might have started the task but he was surely not going to be the one to complete it!
“How about sakura?” hyuck suggested. Looks of disapproval were exchanged across the room and sound of mark hitting hyuck’s arm resonated in the living room.
“Cliche!” jaehyun laughed.
“Yes. We aren't naming our daughter sakura and that is final. She’s one of a kind and her name should also be!” you announced your arrival in the room and sat on the floor, making yourself comfortable between yuta’s legs. He wrapped his arms around your belly before leaning his neck to greet you with a sweet cheek kiss.
“Yes. What y/n wants, y/n gets. No sakura!” he held his one hand up in the air, forbidding any further discussion on the name.
"That's not fair!" Hyuck whined only to be dismissed by a wave from you.
"Just because it's not hyuck's choice doesn't mean that you have got right to choose by yourself. The baby is a part of this family so we get to decide what's best for her!" Ten exclaimed loudly getting everyone’s attention.
“How about ayaka?” kun suggested, entering the room with a trolley full of snacks. As the recommendations poured in, the snacks were passed to everyone. Days like these were rare and from the past two months, these rare days were spent daydreaming about the very first child in the black neos house.
“Akira? It’s quite universal you know.” mark joined in, reading the meaning of the name in different cultures and languages.
“No kai!” 
Somewhere in the conversation, yuta’s hands had travelled from your tummy to your sides. He knew the little brushes of his fingers had started to work on you as you swatted his hand away with yours. It only encouraged him and he tickled you on your sides more and more, getting the desired reaction. Your body being more sensitive and responsive than usual, you wiggled in his arms and squealed loudly enough to get everyone’s attention. Suddenly his hands stopped as he heard a whiny shout.
“Why are you bugging her?” hyuck hollered, “can’t you sit still for once? Let her breathe for a freaking second. You wanna tickle! Tickle me. Come tickle me but Don’t bother her!” 
You were aware of hyuck’s sudden outbursts of protection for you but this was truly something new! And you new tickles were not the reasoning behind his irritation. Sakura was!
“Le-let’s play a game”, kun interrupted before haechan’s frustration would land him into some trouble with the elder, “we’ll write all the suggestions into paper and whichever y/n chooses would be final. How does it sound?” 
Everyone hummed along to the idea. Looking over at Hyuck, you noticed a sudden glint in his eyes that spoke trouble. He was clearly planning something evil and until it was all fun and games, you had no trouble for his intentions.
“Since when did you get a bodyguard hmm?” yuta whispered, planting another wet kiss on your right cheek. 
“Yua.” you said.
“We are naming her yua! When are you gonna tell them that i’ve already decided!” leaning backwards, you said in a hushed voice meant only for his ears.
“When they are tired enough to play any more games. Till then, let’s have fun. Look at hyuck, he’s surely gonna cheat and mark and renjun are going to strangle him.” yuta chuckled against your ear, making you laugh again. Life was good!
“Xiaojun! Xiaojun! Show yourself you good for nothing potato!” you winced at the volume of ten’s voice. Even though he was outside the room, his vocals were irritating. But you held your tongue from scolding him as he was the only one you could rely on at the moment. 
“Did bella bite you again? why are you shouting at-” xiaojun squinted at the wall clock and adjusted his glasses, “at 5:30a.m?”
“Half of the world is up you hibernating bear! y/n is craving ice-cream. You know better than to refuse her so go to her. Your service starts right now.” 
Xiaojun scoffed and remained glued to the stairs. Ten raised a brow questioning him but instead of answering him xiaojun came up with one of his own.
“And why aren’t you going?” 
“Switchblade prince is called so I gotta go. I don’t think you want her to wait!.”
Xiaojun groaned when ten shot him a wink and left the living room. Of course he had no trouble in tending to your demands which as a medic, he understood very well but ten’s cockiness wasn’t something he was ever ready to handle.
“y/n! What does our prince wanted to eat this early in the morning?” he smiled at you, plopping down on the edge of the bed.
“Apples and bananas.” 
“I meant what ice cream flavour do you want?”
“Ice cream? Who said ice cream? I want bananas.” you answered him, confused at his confusion!
It was only then that xiaojun realised that switchblade prince was never called in the first place. Ten had fled. Due to fruits! He was contemplating as to what extent he should be manipulating ten’s words while telling you about his betrayal when you spoke up.
“Umm. i guess we can eat mint chocolate as well. I’ll eat a banana chocolate sandwich first then we can both watch a movie and finish the ice cream. What do you say?”
Ok!  Maybe revenge could wait. Ice cream would be a priority here! 
If your husband was cocky, you were seriously too many steps ahead of him and it has taken only 10 days for jaemin to realise that you were just jae's cup of tea and no one else's, at least not as a 4 months pregnant woman. 
"Why are you sitting on the floor?" Jaehyun laughed at jaemin sprawled on the floor like a toddler. 
"Noona screamed at me" jaemin mumbled, hiding his face in his neck.
"Oh jaemin! Why did she do it? Were you teasing her again. You know that she doesn't take sarcasm too we-
"No. She threw up the food i made for her and that too thrice since yesterday. I got angry so i told her to eat up or else i won't be making anymore for her. She threw the pillow at me and ordered me to never talk to her again! I mean it's not like i was showing real anger! She's hungry since yesterday. If she won't eat up then she'd be sick. What did I do wrong! Now I made her favourite pasta and she won't open the door for me."
Jaehyun sighed and crouched down to jaemin's level. He knew your emotions weren't in your control anymore but jaemin wasn't wrong either. He was just doing what was right for you and unintentionally, you had ended up hurting the poor boy. Jaehyun patted jaemin's hair before he told him to inform taeyong about his possible absence from the upcoming meetings and activities.
"You can't do that." Jaemin said the obvious.
"Do you want her to eat or not!" Jaemin frantically nodded at him before running off to the main office.
Heating up the pasta, jaehyun made his way to your shared bedroom in black neos. 
"Baby open up it's me!" He knocked at the door and hearing his voice,you immediately opened it. 
"You are here!" You exclaimed, feeling beads of moisture in the corner of your eyes.
"Aww. Now is not the time to cry." He cooed, entering the room with the tray. Placing it on the coffee table, he turned around and hugged you just the way he missed you.
"I'm sorry for being occupied and only coming back at night. But I'm here for a few days so let's get you all happy like a seal!" He laughed, ruffling your hair.
"I-i yelled at jaemin for no reason." You confessed not being aware that he was already filled in by the younger boy. 
"You wanna apologize?" You nodded as he squished your cheeks in his hands and leaned in to kiss your pouty lips. 
"Later on! Now's the time for evening lunch and getting this food in your tummy without it backfiring!" 
You laughed at how smoothly he eased your worries. After eating properly, you apologised to jaemin which he accepted but not before crying like a little boy he was!
Bonus :
"Yangyang what the heck are you doing near y/n. I told you to keep your meaningless books away from her!" Kun felt like his blood pressure would shot up anytime soon.
"What are you talking about?"
"Oh really? What's the book that you are reading to her?"
"How to walk like a pro when you are only 2 months old! I want the baby to be high class like me."
Kun's hands found refuge in his hair as he groaned at the boy. Now he needed to read all the books that could possibly reverse yangyang's teachings.
"There is no such book available."
"Yeah that's why i wrote it by myself. Pulled an all nighter but when the baby would start walking at only 2 months of age, you'd thank me!"
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in-tua-deep · 4 years
Oooooo the red bock au sounds so interesting! Does Five caught himself thinking of his brothers just as numbers and weapons like Reginald talks in his book? Does he read Vanya book to remind himself that they are still human even though he reads it through lens of someone hurt by them all? And I feel like the handler would know either way about the books but o it's so much fun to see five being paranoid
I think having both books and both perspectives reminds Five that... he’s getting some very biased accounts of his own siblings. I think that when he’s still young, he writes down as many memories as he can remember because... he starts to forget, at some point. 
Vanya’s book talks about how volatile Diego and Luther’s relationship is, and so Five writes down the time Luther and Diego teamed up to toss Five off a balcony when Five kept switching the pens in their hands with pipe cleaners during a lesson (and he will maintain until his dying day that he was just practicing his control, c’mon guys!)
when Reginald’s notes call Allison an “insufferable, narcissistic creature,” Five remembers Allison bribing him to cause trouble and distract Reginald so that she could use the microwave unobserved to heat up some water bottles as makeshift heat packs for Luther’s sore muscles
when Vanya calls Ben “easily manipulated,” Five recalls Ben arguing theories with him at 2am after one of Ben’s training sessions where Ben almost flipped his bed when Five jokingly suggested that he could use the horror’s tentacles to bounce up and down like a pogo stick before Ben tackled him and tried to beat Five to death with an encyclopedia of sea creatures (affectionately)
I think having Reginald’s journal actually helps in a lot of ways, because Five automatically autocorrects literally all of Reginald’s thoughts to be like, mostly inaccurate and much harsher than they need to be. So when he reads Vanya’s journal he also autocorrects and is able to recognize that it is a very biased and somewhat harsh view of his siblings
(he doesn’t distrust them as much as he does in canon, with only Vanya’s harsh words to cling to with no reminder that they were all raised by a man capable of unfathomable cruelty, no reminder that authors can be oh so biased)
outside of his equations, there’s notes to himself written in the margins of Vanya’s book. Sometimes they’re just small, pointing out that Klaus had fought to include Vanya in trap week (Klaus then proceeded to team up with her and managed to catch Five in a snare - he actually still has a scar around his ankle from his upsidedown thrashing before he managed to steal one of Diego’s knives to cut himself down) or pointing out that Luther’s chilly attitude when they were ten was probably the result of Vanya outperforming him in every standardized test they took because of Luther’s ridiculous inferiority-superiority complex
at the very least he has comparison, because Reginald’s book calls Klaus an absolute failure while Vanya’s book called him “sweet, as a child at least”
As for the Handler... she’s aware that he has Vanya’s book and a red notebook, but I don’t think she actually knows what’s in the red notebook! Reginald was notoriously secretive, after all
So the Handler assumes that the red notebook is where Five keeps his time travel equations because aw, he hasn’t given up! how cute!
She makes an assumption that, logically, makes sense. Of course Five is still trying to figure out time travel, no matter how much he denies it! Of course he’s writing the equations down! What a silly boy, thinking that he could hide this from her, of course she knows about his little plans to save his siblings ;3c
And because she’s so powerful and knowledgeable and one step ahead all the time, she makes an assumption and assumes that it is fact. Because she’s so smart, of course she isn’t wrong! She’s had Five clocked from day one!
(The Handler thinks she has Five all figured out, a creature so based in sentiment. Why would he carry a book around that details the torture his siblings went through? He hates his father, why would he ever carry around his father’s notebook! The Handler has a fatal flaw, and it is that she doesn’t understand loyalty and sneers at sentiment and those are two of Five’s most powerful driving factors. Five lives for his siblings and would die for his siblings, almost his entire life has been dedicated to saving them. Not the world, just his family.) 
(She understands that Five considers his family to be exceptionally valuable, but doesn’t comprehend that Five is 100% willing to die for them should it come down to it. Why on earth would anyone value something like siblings over their own life? Absurd. I genuinely believe that the Handler thinks she could get Five to betray his siblings with the right leverage, and so she fundamentally does not understand Five as a person)
To be fair to the Handler, the whole academy’s morals and just. completely and utterly fucked. Luther condemns the murder of innocent civilians even if it would save the planet but doesn’t blink an eye at killing the ‘bad guy’ Commission agents. Diego stabs criminals as a pastime while still holding himself at a moral high ground for saving people, despite the fact that too many criminals are forced into crime by unfair circumstances. Allison used her powers to bolster her career without even blinking but now refuses to use her powers at all because of the manipulation of one (1) child, not even against ‘bad guys.’ 
I mean. Vanya wrote an entire salt book without consulting her siblings that had lasting impacts on at least one of her sibling’s career in the public eye and potentially impacting her siblings relationships with everyone who had every read the spark notes on her book, without the opportunity for reprisal. Publishing your entire family’s dirty laundry as personal emotional catharsis is... kind of a dick mood, lets be real. Especially when you were all abused children raised in an environment of excessive violence and rigid structure. 
Like yeah, of course Allison is good at manipulation and lying - she grew up with an abusive and over-controlling father. She probably lied as easily as breathing about where she’d been, who she was with, what she was doing, etc. The only privacy they got in that household was what they seized with their own hands and carved out for themselves! Is it fair to say that Allison’s superpower is dishonestly?
Is it fair to say that Klaus got crueler as he grew? He was tortured and turned to drugs as an unhealthy coping mechanism, and then he sat down at a table and looked at all the other little kiddies who did not get locked into a crypt overnight. In fact, there was one child who never got any extra training at all! Can you imagine the jealousy? The bitterness? Klaus might have been exceptionally cruel to Vanya as a teenager, she had everything he wanted and dared to complain about it. Can you imagine listening to someone wistfully wish they could join in on missions when you know that the cost for doing so has been carved out of your soul?
My point is, none of these little bitches have anything that resembles a sane moral compass. They’re unpredictable as fuck! It’s like herding cats! You never know what they’re going to do next! Oh? Are they going to investigate in any logical pattern? No, because Diego just remembered Patch exists and helping her print flyers for the annual police ball is more important than saving the world or whatever lol
Luther is over there investigating the moon! The moon! Meanwhile Allison is breaking and entering her sister’s student’s house because she got shady vibes off of him one time and she has never heard of a proportionate action in her life. 
Meanwhile Vanya is going through the phone book trying to call up psychiatrists who have any familiarity with whatever fucked up meds Dad put her on because like, she would like to Not Be On Them (fuck you dad) but also understands that danger of quitting cold turkey something you have been taking for years and would like a professional opinion on how to safely decrease and eventually eliminate her usage, thanks (Klaus is hanging over her shoulder pointing out the ones who will sell you non-prescription drugs for a price and Vanya mentally crosses those ones off of her list to call)
Five is probably joining on the breaking and entering because Allison promised she would sweet talk to eye dude if he did her this solid 
(Five complains at length about how investigating the apocalypse should not be a solid because she would 100% die as well if the apocalypse came to pass)
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blueishblue · 3 years
Chris and Ashley were on Couples Therapy Podcasts and there were some horrible stuff about PTS-Glee (their words not mine, I would say P-Glee-SD though) but also some awww moments and most of all I’m just grateful Chris is sharing tidbits about his life (even bad stuff).
You can listen to it here.
More details in the cut if you don’t have 1 hour to listen:
He talked about the crazy Klaine/CC stans and what they did to sabotage his relationship with Will. I was horrified at these because I knew Chris and Will were being harassed but I didn’t know how. Some of these things included:
Cyberbullying on Twitter
They got Will’s email and signed him to a bunch of stuff, illegal stuff even, including a cheating website for straight people and tweeted Chris about it
They shut down his blog
They emailed Will’s boss with lies about him, trying to get him fired
They sent boxes of hair to Will’s family with threatening notes
These things drove Chris nuts and that’s why he was (is) so protective of Will and their relationship. Will had to go private on all his accounts. I can’t imagine how horrified he must have been. I’m surprised Chris didn’t talk about his stalker(s) that allegedly made him move out of his first house.
Worse, the stans “never stopped” (I’m not surprised, I still see Klaine/CC stans commenting on his Insta pictures even now) but calmed down after Glee ended. Chris received lots of apology letters which surprised Ashley.
There were some cute moments between Ashley and Chris though. They talked about how they met and became fast friends on Glee set. Ashley was like a mama to baby Chris (she even joked a little about not letting him go to people’s houses and having a traumatic MeToo story and I was horrified again because Jesus is anyone safe??). And I’m just so grateful for Ashley’s existence because she made Chris’ life so much better and she gave us all the Colfer content when we were starving for them.
The host said Chris was a very guarded person and “had a hard time letting people in” and he was like Yep. Absolutely. That’s me. and I laughed because duh. He also said he didn’t talk about his struggles because he wanted to be a strong symbol for the kids. A woman tried to smack him at a movie theater (I think that’s what he said? I’m not a native speaker so please correct me if I heard things wrong) and he just said it was nothing, I received death threats and was called antichrist on the news. Like. Jesus.
There were some personal stuff about Ashley too, like how she grew up and her dating life. At one point Chris signed Ashley to Farmersonly.com and even paid for the first month’s subscription. The things rich people buy are weird.
Chris and Will get mistaken for each other all the time. Boyfriends twins is a real thing. They both stutter.
Chris is into home decoration and Ashley thinks he has great style. From what we’ve seen in his photos, I’d second that.
At the second part of the podcast they listened to the fans’ questions and gave them dating advices, and Chris told a woman who just got dumped to buy furniture. This boy and his nerdiness Is2g.
To a couple who suffered from a noisy neighbor, he suggested slipping complaint letters in different handwriting and stationaries under the neighbor’s door to make it look like lots of people complained. I swear I will fight the next person who thinks Chris/Kurt is a cinnamon roll who can do no wrong. Chris can be the pettiest person in the world, or did you forget he sent his classmate to walk in cow shit because he bullied him?
He got so confused by the last caller and what happened to the bedsheets. I couldn’t catch the full story because they spoke too fast all at once but I loved it.
Overall it was really nice to hear Chris share things about his life even though some of them were terrible. I still wish Chris would share more about his life with Will and they would be able to be all-over-your-face public about their relationship someday because we hear so little about Will (except for how crazy Chris is about him ;) ).
Oh and at the beginning he promptly forgot the word “exclude” exist and said “disclude” with his utmost confidence. Disclude. New York Times best-selling author guys. He should send like 50% of his royalties to the person who invented autocorrection because his entire writing career must rely on autocorrection and editors.
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fluffycannibal · 3 years
Sage Lesath Does Romance
So this morning my mind wandered to "what if Sage had to do something romantic for MC" and here we are.
It has to be cheap and simple because, y'know, it's Sage, so it'd be a picnic, right outside in the yard.
And by "picnic" it's a shared sandwich (there were two but he ate one while making the other) and some random foodstuffs he stole borrowed from the kitchen, on top of an old blanket, surrounded by a few candles that he stole liberated from Felix's office.
The foods he stole chose were stolen chosen because he knows that MC likes them: not because they ever told him but because he's noticed their reactions every time they eat. The real reason he watches intently whenever they put something in their mouth is because he wishes that he was what they were putting in their mouth, but still, he's noticed.
Many of the candles are enchanted and don't glow with a normal flame; instead they're surrounded by a rainbow of gently flickering and shimmering lights.
The blanket is one that Sage has owned since childhood. He only kept it because blankets are useful and being permabroke meant that he never "wasted" money replacing it - and so every time a hole appeared in it he'd just patch it up. Over time this blanket became more of a patchwork tapestry of Sage's life and thanks to his keen catboy senses, he remembers where and when every patch comes from, and spends the picnic telling MC about them all.
And so Sage's low-effort, one-step-up from "I have a Subway coupon" sandwich-on-a-blanket becomes the most beautiful, romantic evening MC could have dreamt of, cuddled up with their favourite cat-wolf-man amid rainbow candlelight, snacking on their favourite foods while Sage tells the story of his life.
Edit: Stories behind some of the patches:
Some of them are premade badges and patches made for tourists that he's swiped from market stalls during his travels. Please don't ask him what he was doing in that city or where the pink and orange cartoon fox came from.
Most have been made from whatever was on hand including:
The remains of Tulsi's favourite sweater. She yelled at him for 3 days gay straight afterwards.
What was left of Balsam's cloak after that night they got totally wasted and fed the glow cats.
An old sack he found discarded at the side of a path while walking through a forest. The purple stain is from a strange creature that attacked him moments later, but if you squint your eyes when you look at it, it looks kinda like a wolf.
A stolen pillowcase: He'd broken into a big house and looted one of the bedrooms, grabbing a pillow ass damn you autocorrect pillowcase to stuff his new treasures inside. On the way out he was noticed by the (hot) butler, so Sage being Sage he decided to distract them by seducing them. After they were done, he gleefully grabbed the pillowcase, delighted with his epic strategy, and got out of there...before realising that the butler had been on to him the whole time, and had replaced the contents with stale fruit and other random crap. Sage was too embarrassed to go back.
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immortal-enemies · 3 years
I took some of my own posts and made incorrect quotes outta them :')
So here.
Dru: My French teacher said 'bonjour' to me and my first thought was "hola" and I think that's a good representation of how my 9th grade experience is going.
Ty: I think when I was in third grade I said "arctic foxes are people just like us!" in front of the entire class and now I hate myself.
Jesse: Y'all I was all happy then my mom had to go and exist and now I'm pissed again.
Matthew and Cordelia: When u wanna talk about James Herondale, but you don't know what to talk about 🤔
James: mmmmmmmm yeah, we’re not gonna do this today 😗✌️
Alastair: >>>>>>"the bell doesn't dismiss you, I dismiss you."
Matthew: When you feel like shit but still look good as hell 😎
Cordelia: Do you ever have the sudden urge to smile, laugh and run as fast as you can through a field of flowers?
Alastair: Just found out I'm supposed to be "staying hydrated" or whatever the hell that means.
Alastair: Very disappointed in life and I want my money back.
Dru: Can someone pls tell my gym teacher that "getting turnt up" doesn't mean what he thinks it means thx
Cordelia: Okay, but why do all adult romance novels look the same? What is the purpose?
Simon: U know when ur listening to a song about killing Santa Claus, and then you remember something embarrassing you did in 4th grade 🙁
Kit: I choose to believe that if the Mona Lisa could talk, it would have John Mulaney's voice.
Mark: My soap smells like the word "cat"
Mark: No I will not elaborate.
Ash, after hanging with the TWP gang for too long: It's autocorrecting my keyboard smashes to different keyboard smashes.
Ash: What have I become.
Matthew: Can y'all confirm if I've ✨ officially ✨ become a James Herondale stan account?
Matthew: I wanna use this in a resume one day.
James: The big problem about being a reader is that you are always wishing your life away :/
Emma: I have decided I want to develop that personality now, please.
Ash: Whatever you do, do not compare Aang to Caillou to an atla fan.
Ash: Learned that one the hard way.
Lucie: Yes, I know I don't have to make the villain gay-
Janus: The amount I want Kit to die in TWP, like, for real, is concerning-
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f00tball-imagines · 3 years
Clandestine Meetings - James Rodríguez
Player: James Rodríguez
Word count: 1.280
Prompt: “Hello, can the next swap sunday projects be another part of Illciit Affairs (for you) and a sequel to Mirrorball (for Laura)? ✨” (Request by Anon)
A/N: Another Swap Sunday, another angsty James piece! ✨💗 This story is a sequel to @alltoolewin’s Mad Woman-inspired imagine 🥰 If you’re new here, you should read my Illicit Affairs fic first, though! 💖
His name lights up on my phone screen. Which lights up my pitch black bedroom. James pink heartlet-purple heartlet-sparkly heartlet. Because a single red one would have been inappropriate. I know damn well that my name in his phone isn't even a name. Just my first initial. Not even a full stop after it. A lonesome letter. Because apparently, that's much less suspicious. 
James pink heartlet-purple heartlet-sparkly heartlet wants to know whether I'm still awake at this ungodly hour. After not talking to me for two whole weeks. "Yes," I type into the message box. I'm a fucking fool for texting back. I hit send. I hit my head against the wall. I'm in love with a married man who's kicking a ball around for a living. Who possibly can't and won't love anything or anyone that isn't his daughter. I'm a fucking mess. Please, James, get a pair of glasses, another one, a better one. What do you even want from me? I can't drink from a can unless someone's asking the waiter for a straw. I can't ask waiters for straws because I'm goddamn shy. I can't. I just can't. So why can't James find himself someone better?
My phone vibrates twice. Three simple letters. A "W", a "Y" and a "D". And a lonely question mark. I don't know who's teaching him English slang, abbreviations, the cool stuff. I don't even know why he's pretending to be cool. As I said, the man kicks a ball around for a living. That's not cool. That's fucking weird, now that I'm thinking about it. 
"Nothing." What would I be doing at three in the morning? I spend my nights staring at my ceiling unless we're having sex. He knows that. "You?" Did I ask out of common courtesy or do I really want to know what's keeping him awake tonight? 
He replies right away. "I'm in bed, I just can't fall asleep."
"Try drinking some tea. That helps."
He sends me an emoji, the facepalming one. I have to laugh, I really cannot help it, but I do find it hilarious when grown-ass men unironically use anything more than just a normal smiley or the occasional thumbs up. James pink heartlet-purple heartlet-sparkly heartlet ups the ante then. "You're a pain in the ass, princesa."
"You're a pain in-" I stop in my tracks. In my fucking vagina. I delete what I've written so far, just to type it out again. "You're a pain in general, Jamesito." I find myself giggling into the darkness. "My aches are developing aches because of you." I add the one emoji with the bandaged head, then I hit send.
"Want me to kiss it better?" It should've been "you're a pain in my vagina". Definitely. 
"James, you're being silly. It's half past three. Go to sleep."
"Told you I'm fucking restless. Talk to me." Pouty puppy-eyed emoji. Dude, please!
I sigh, putting the phone down for a second. Yeah, sure. All of a sudden, I'm interesting again. Because there isn't anything else to entertain him. Of course. I should've known. "What about?" My text immediately is marked as read, homeboy isn't even closing our chat in-between messages it seems. I should be flattered, but instead, I just feel like there's something weird about this. Like, why don't you talk to your wife? Why aren't you on video call with your daughter? It's barely nine in Medellín, I know that. Of course I know that, I've pinned Colombia's local time to my home screen. 
"Can I call you?"
You have a fucking phone in your hand. You certainly can. "No. Come over." I hate myself for putting myself through that. I hope he's got somewhere to be in the morning. I can't help but wish for him to turn me down.
Now... Now it's my turn to send him a facepalming emoji. No. Next Christmas, dummy.
"Okay," he replies after a split second. Okay, I'm coming over? Okay, cool, a stupid little emoji? Okay, fuck off? Okay what? Another second passes. Buzz buzz. "I'll be there in ten."
"Drive safe," my fingers type out. Crash that fucking car. After running me over, of course. End our misery. Please and thank you. I roll out of bed to put on some pants. He can deal with my washed out tee, he's seen worse. My naked body, for example. I stumble into the bathroom to pile on mascara, to take the fluffy, pink scrunchie out of my hair, to wash the thin film of cold sweat off my forehead. I don't know nervousness when it comes to him. There's just... anxiety. Every time we have one of our little fall-outs, my amount of working braincells gets reduced by two.
I sit down on the toilet lid to catch my breath. I'm gonna get dicked down and then discarded. It's okay, I'm used to it. I'm a one-trick-pony. But I'm just so good at that one trick that James keeps on crawling back to me. The pinkish polish on my nails is starting to chip, so I decide to adorn my fingers with a few rings to distract from that. They look cheap, they were cheap, but I consider them cute, so it's alright. 
I don't like texting after my autocorrect has dubbed him Hummus not once, not twice, but several times. He doesn't like calling as his stutter tends to get worse on the phone. So this is nice. The real thing is always nice. "I missed you," he rasps with his arms still wrapped around my torso. "I missed you, too," I whisper back. Lies. I spent a long, long time cursing his name, relatively sure that I would never be moaning it again, that we were over and done. "I still haven't said Happy New Year," he states the obvious. We haven't spoken since Christmas. "No," I confirm, shaking my head. It was the worst New Year's Eve of my life. I've seen the pictures Daniela had posted on her Instagram. At least James has had a great time, apparently. 
"Sorry. I thought I should leave you alone." Yes. Because that's the easy way out. "But... Happy New Year. I guess."
"Thanks. To you, too." It truly feels like New Year's. Waiting for the big something, just to end up disappointed because the big something turns out to be some underwhelming bullshit. "Better late than never." There's still snow on the streets, so it's alright, I guess.
"You're fucking annoying, James."
"Oh. Why?" And fucking stupid as well.
"Did you really come over to stand around in my hallway and wish me a Happy New Year? What are you? A caroler?"
"You told me to come."
"I'm not used to you doing as you're told." I force a laugh. I'm not used to niceties and such. I'm used to... the bad stuff.
He just shrugs. He's so unbelievably apathetic, I hate it! "You have the place to yourself tonight?"
"No. You're here with me." I know quite well that he was referring to my roommate. Who, in fact, is staying with her boyfriend for the weekend. I know quite well that he only asked because he is the furthest thing from an exhibitionist I could imagine. 
"Ah. Yes. True." So damn stupid! I wish I could get up and leave. But I'm already standing and there's no way to escape my own apartment. "Well?" I ask in an awful attempt to make conversation. Well, he's gonna fuck me. He's gonna break my heart once again and I'm gonna like that. We've been there before. And we're gonna be there time and time again.
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melodyalanaroster · 3 years
To answer some Fanfic Questions...
So, this is my response to @broxklynn‘s post... I decided to make this its own post... So that It can be properly answered.
1. How and why did you start to write? Is there some kind of story behind it?
I started writing in general when I was in elementary school... Back when I just had a Platform 9 3/4 journal, not many friends, recess, and a desire to immerse myself in the world of Harry Potter. I enjoyed writing, and even joined the Writer’s Club in High School (but I eventually left to join Anime Club and Divergent Thinking Society). As for writing MCL fanfiction, I began writing Sam’s and Alana’s stories as early as when I first got into the fandom, back in 2013. Alana’s story started out as “A Fresh Start”, had a one shot called “When I Wake”, then turned into “Let The Dawn Be Broken”, and is now “The Melancholy Of Melody Alana Roster”. The final product barely has any hints of the first 3... In fact, Sam’s story, “Fighting Darkness”, has been completely debunked due to what I’ve decided to canonize in “The Melancholy Of Melody Alana Roster”. Writing MCL fanfiction has been a major help in distracting me from the depression that was caused by family issues, severe abuse, Stockholm Syndrome, my mom’s disease and her death, as well as working at several shitty jobs. Writing has helped me escape reality and keep myself sane enough to not be a black hole of hate, anger, and sadness to my friends and boyfriend.
2. What do you struggle the most with your writing?
There are 2 major things I struggle with... 1 is Timing. I often set deadlines for myself that I never meet and it makes me so frustrated that I miss them... There are currently things in my drafts that were meant to be “Holiday Specials” for Valentine’s Day and Halloween 2020 that are still unfinished... It makes me feel like I’m letting my readers down, when its more of me letting myself down... The other thing is Inspiration. Because I hate my job, I often think about Alana’s story in an effort to not be completely consumed by the fact that I do hate my work... Due to that, I often come up with ideas for my story that I think are FANTASTIC for my story... But, by the time I get home, I’m either in too much pain or too tired to write, or I’ve forgotten the ideas...
3. What is your favorite genre to write?
I love writing Romance with a bit of Slice of Life and a hint of Action/Adventure... 
4. Slowburn or “Flame”/PWP?
Slow burn any day.
5. How do you overcome writer’s block?
If I absolutely can’t write... I work on other stuff I need to do... Typically, something around the house, or something online I need to do... I also look for cool stuff to add to wish lists... I’ll occasionally play videogames or read comic books... In an effort to subvert writer’s block, I like having multiple chapters in my drafts at once. If I’m not in the mood to work on one chapter, I can work on a different one.
6. What kind of thing you dislike the most, when reading a fanfiction? (for example: particular plot, grammar mistakes)
One thing that makes me upset (and it makes me madder when I do this) is misspelling... Especially when it looks like its almost blatant... You have autocorrect, USE IT! Or when a fanfic is so awful, yet the author acts like their work is a gift from god... I don’t mind a “bad” fanfiction... Hell, the concept of “My Immortal” is so bad that its hilarious... But Fifty Shades did a lot of damage and E.L. James acts like she’s bigger than Jesus... Seriously, she wrote Twilight fanfiction, changed some minor details and names, people who have no knowledge of BDSM ate it up, and she acts like she’s a “Sex and Relationship Guru”...
7. What’s the biggest issue for you, when writing a Beemoov fanfiction?
The biggest issue for me is finding out when to allow for Beemoov’s writing and placement to take place in my story. I don’t like a lot of the events of UL and LL, so I’m often finding myself in a position where I have to watch video playthroughs and go “Okay, how can I omit this character, but keep this scene?”. I’ve had to do that A LOT with Alexy and Rosalaya.... Although, to a certain extent, I’ll often cut their scenes out altogether. I really hate what Beemoov did to them. They were great characters in HSL, but became utter shit in UL and stayed shit in LL. To make up for Beemoov’s writing style, I’ve created my own characters, added in old characters (like Kentin and Armin), added in bits from the manga (like Viktor, Severina and their fathers), and gone off on my own storyline. The Melancholy Of Melody Alana Roster is close to MCL at times, but often veers off onto its own road.
8. Have you ever created a character based on person in real life? (celebrity, someone that you know, etc)
YES!!! A LOT of characters in my story are based on real people! Alana’s step-father, Nate Films, is closely based on Nathan Fillion. A lot of her family members are based on members of my own family, just changed a bit to fit the story. Lynne Roster, Alana’s mom, is what I had always dreamed my own mom would be... Hell, Alana’s cat, Sylvester, is based on my own childhood cat, Luna.
9. How do you feel about your own characters? Do you think of them as your babies or have rather love-hate relationship with them? (And, do you have favorite one?)
I love most of my characters. I do hate 3 in particular... But, you’re supposed to hate, or at least not respect, them... That’s why I poured my hatred into them... Those 3 are Carol, Kai and Azrael. Carol has aspects of my abuser in her. You’ll see more of her when I finally post the HSL related chapters... And understand what I mean... Kai is based on one of my real life cousins that I’ve not been happy with for years (the one who my bf has deemed “the family failure”). You mainly see him in the Cousin Mels chapters, and in the Christmas Special... Azrael is the one who is seen the most in the UL chapters, and she is a main adversary for Alana. She is the one who broke her the most, the one who ended Alana’s relationship with Nathaniel, the one who truly traumatized her. As for ones I love... The one I love the most is Alana... I know, she’s a reflection of me, so that’s kind of vain... But, she’s a part of me. When I do finish her story and am at the point where I need to say “Goodbye”, it will hurt....
10. Enemies-to-lovers or friends/bestfriends-to lovers?
Definitely friends/best friends to lovers. I also like toying with what happens when best friends turn to lovers, but circumstance parts them and one moves on...
11. Is it easy for you to get inside your character’s head? Can you empathize with them? Is there’s some similarities between you and your main character?
It is VERY easy for me to get into Alana’s head... Like I said in #9, she is a reflection of me. She looks and acts like how I’d like to in a lot of situations... Her life is more interesting, traumatized, and more well off than mine... But, she is still me in major ways...
12. Who has been the biggest supporter of your writing?
Definitely my boyfriend. He doesn’t really understand the game itself... But, he likes how happy it makes me and he respects how much of my heart, soul, blood, sweat and tears that I’ve poured into writing my story. He loves listening to me read passages from it to him while I’m working. He gives me advice and his opinion is highly valued... My family knows I’m writing a large story, and have seen some of the images that I’ve gotten commissioned, but they don’t really know or care about the game. They do respect the fact that I am writing. They love the fact that I’m slightly following in my mom’s footsteps in that regard (she wrote 3 books and several poems). My online friends have been very supportive as well! I’m constantly updating them on what I’ve worked on each day in my Discord Server and the words of encouragement always help.
13. How do you handle criticism?
Not well. Due to the abuse and family issues mentioned in #1, for a good amount of my life, I’ve gotten nothing but harsh criticism... So, now that I’m away from all that, at 26 years old, I’m just now getting to a point where I’m starting to take it better... But, I’ve got a long way to go.
14. Do you like giving your characters trauma? Why/why not?
I hate sounding like a sadist... But, I’m going to anyway, so fuck it... Yes. I have done awful things to Alana over the years. In A Fresh Start, she got sexually assaulted and ostracized. In When I Wake, she gets into a car crash, put into a coma, and in her dream state murdered by Francis in front of Nathaniel. In Let The Dawn Be Broken, the plan was for her to end a war. In “The Melancholy of Melody Alana Roster”, her childhood cat dies, her mom gets sick, she gets abused by Carol, her best friends get ripped away from her for a bit, she gets sent to a country halfway around the world alone, she gets assaulted and ultimately turned into a weapon of mass destruction.... I’ve even thought of killing her mom off at one point... But decided against it...
Now, granted, A Fresh Start and Let The Dawn Be Broken never saw completion, but happy endings were planned for them...
I do this, all while giving Alana happy endings in each story because “If Alana can go through utter hell and make it through, then so can I.”... I know, I’m “god” in that regard and I can control how Alana’s life is.... But, the fact that in my writing, she ends up standing tall, happy, with everything she wants, after everything she goes through does make me feel better.... 
15. Are you proud of yourself? When you look at first piece you wrote and compare it to the latest one?
Yes. If you look at A Fresh Start, you can tell it was written by someone fresh out of High School. There’s no real depth to it. Let The Dawn Be Broken isn’t much better... But, The Melancholy of Melody Alana Roster has become my magnum opus. It is the largest piece I have EVER written, and will probably remain the largest piece I write. I am very proud of what I have created... And when its last word is written, and I am ready to get it made for it’s place on my shelf, I will feel very bittersweet about it... That being said, my original plan for a sequel involving Nathaniel’s and Alana’s daughter, Aurora, has been discarded. I don’t believe Aurora could ever have as much of my heart that her parents do...
And there you have it! Some insight into my world, writing, and history!
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