#I wonder if Pyrrha was/will be hurt by that at all
AU where almost everything is exactly the same but Wake's revenant screamed out Pyrrha's name
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howi99 · 5 months
Project ARC remake 1
Jaune: *trying to find his locker* This place is really weird... *See two girls speaking to one another* Can't hurt to ask for directions.
Weiss: We could be the greatest team in all of -
Jaune: *poke her shoulder* Excuse me, i need directions to my locker and-
Weiss: *turning around* Couldn't you see i was talking to someone else?
Jaune: ... *Looking at Pyrrha then back at Weiss* You couldn't tell she wasn't really listening?
Pyrrha: *surprised* W-what?
Weiss: *angry* Hey, why are you being rude? I don't come barging in your conversation! Whoever you are.
Jaune: *shrug* I just saw that she was looking at your forehead, a technique to simulate looking someone in the eyes to feign interest. I could always have misinterpreted.
Weiss: *really angry* Don't you know who i am?
Jaune: No idea. I lost most of my memory outside of my fighting experience.
Weiss: *wince* Ah... Uh... W-well, my name is Weiss Schnee, heir to the SDC. And this is Pyrrha Niko, the best fighter in our year. B-but what are you doing here!? Shouldn't you be with your family or something!?
Jaune: *shrug* All i had was my name and something that looks like a last name. The headmaster took me in after i dispatched a bunch of grimms just after he found me in mistral.
Pyrrha: And what's your name?
Jaune: Jaune Arc. But that's not really important now. *Showing them his notes* The few belonging i had are in a locker i can't seem to find. Could you give me direction?
Weiss: *looking at the notes* No wonder you couldn't find it, you aren't searching in the right place. This is section B, your belongings are in section F.
Pyrrha: *also looking at the notes* Are you sure? Doesn't that F look like a E?
Weiss: Hm....
Jaune: *taking back his notes* It should be fine now, thank you. *Goes to leave*
Pyrrha: *curious* Just to know, what was the grimm you killed by yourself? Must have been a strong one for the headmaster to take you in.
Jaune: *shrug* Looked like a bunch of skeletons. Humanoid.
Weiss: Probably imps.
Jaune: Maybe. They did scream a lot though. *Leave*
Pyrrha: Imp that scream... Wouldn't that be-
Weiss: Impossible. In a bunch, they would have put him to sleep before he could do anything.
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arc-misadventures · 6 months
How Are You Still Single?
Consider this a sequel of sorts to, ‘The Illusion.’
Neptune: Hey, Jaune can I ask you something?
Jaune: Sure, what’s up?
Neptune: You’re a pretty nice catch, how come you’re still single?
Jaune: Oh there’s a number of reasons why.
Sun: And, those reasons are?
Jaune: Well for starters, I can’t tell the difference between flirting, and being nice.
Neptune: That makes sense.
Ren: Yeah, it’s hard for me to tell the difference between the two when, Nora flirts with me.
Sun: You can when tell she’s flirting with you?!
Jaune: I actually have no idea how to flirt with someone.
Neptune: If you want, I can…?!
Ren: No. No, no, no… Just stop.
Jaune: I don’t like people.
Sun: You do?
Ren: But, you get along with people really well?
Neptune: A fake it till you make it kind of situation!
Jaune: I am really, really stupid.
SNR: …
Jaune: I can’t actually afford to date; I am poor.
Sun: Yeah, girls want the moon when it comes to the amount of money their ‘man’ has to make.
Neptune: The amounts they want are so unrealistic at times.
Ren: I would need to be rich to keep up with, Nora’s pancake addiction.
Jaune: It’s really not that I don’t care, it’s the fact that I care too much, and if I get too invested, and then the other person winds up not caring at all then I get hurt, and it just goes into this downward spiral, and I just prefer not to be in that place again.
Sun: That hurts man.
Neptune: Again? W-What happened before?
Jaune: It’s because I’m ugly.
Sun: What? You’re not ugly, you’re…
Neptune: Average.
Ren: Yeah, you’re pretty average.
Sun: Guys?! I’m trying to boost his confidence you idiots!
Neptune: Whoops…
Ren: Sorry.
Jaune: I’m too busy, I don’t have the time for dating.
Ren: His job does keep him busy.
Sun: We haven’t hung out like this for over a week because of his job.
Jaune: Am I the ugliest guy in the world? No. But, compared to all my other friends, and every other dude in the room?
Jaune: I got nothing.
Ren: Sun is quite often referred to as the sexy one in the group.
Sun: Really? Well, I often hear, Neptune being called the handsome one of the group.
Neptune: Thanks man! Well, I hear people calling, Ren beautiful all the time.
Ren: Thank you. But, what about, Jaune?
SN: Uhhh…?
Jaune: Mostly it’s about finding someone who can tolerate all of me. Like the real me, and not the version I present in front of people so I can be accepted for more than five minutes.
Ren: The real you?
Sun: T-This isn’t the real you?
Neptune: I’m scared now.
Jaune: I’m not my type’s type.
Neptune: What is your type?
Sun: Definitely not, Weiss’s type.
Jaune: Dating is like fishing: It’s boring, and I hate it.
Neptune: Well who likes fishing?
Ren: Where are you going fishing then, that it’s like that?
Jaune: I hate myself more than someone can love me.
Ren: Ahh… that explains why she’s having a hard time getting through to you.
Neptune: She? Who’s she?
Sun: Pyrrha?
Jaune: I genuinely don’t think I’m dateable.
Sun: So long as you have that mindset you’re not!
Ren: Yeah! Get your head out of the gutter!
Neptune: Come on man, you’ve got this!
Jaune: I dispise, Taylor Swift.
Ren: WHAT?!
Neptune: You’re kidding me?!
Sun: Well it’s no wonder you can’t get a girlfriend, you monster!
Jaune: Yeah…
Jaune: Pretty much…
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superiorsturgeon · 7 months
Jaune: Here you go! One strategy guide for Ninja Combat X2!
Weiss: Perfect! Yang is in for a surprise the next time she challenges me to her childish video game!
Weiss: And here is your payment…! *hands Jaune a lien card* That should be enough for dinner at Vacuo’s best Mistrali restaurant, plus tip!
Jaune: *covered in scratches and bite marks* Okay…Zwei has been taken to the vet and bathed…
Ruby: Wow, and you did it seven minutes faster than Yang’s first time! Letting Zwei chew on you as a distraction was a good idea!
Ruby: *presents a cake box containing a decadent red velvet cake personalized with a spear in the icing and two yellow arches surrounding the edges* A deal’s a deal! Hope you like it!
Jaune: *frantically steering getaway van as bullets ricochet around him* You told me it would be a simple job! In and out and nobody gets hurt! Nobody said anything about robbing a jewelry store owned by the Vacuan syndicates!
Neo: *finishes binding a gunshot wound and shoves a gift-wrapped box into Jaune’s hand*
Jaune: *peeks inside* HOLY…!
Jaune: *whips around a sharp turn* Okay, but this is the last job I do for you!
Neo: 🙄
Yang: Phew! That was a good sparring session! You make a good punching bag, Jaune!
Jaune: …ow…thanks, I think…🤕
Yang: *hands Jaune a white dress in a garment bag* Here ya go, vomit boy! Just like your first dance with P-money back at Beacon! Don’t spend it all in one place!
Jaune: *going over clipboard* Let’s see…I’ve got the restaurant, the dessert, the gift, and my outfit, just like our first dance…!
Ren: *planning his valentines date with Nora on a white erase board* Don’t forget the cab fare.
Jaune: *pulls up his dress and hurries out the door carrying the cake and Pyrrha’s gift* Right! Thanks Ren!
Pyrrha: *holding a box of store-bought chocolates* ☹️
Nora: For gods’ sake, Pyrrha, just give him the chocolates and stop worrying! Jaune-Jaune’s going to love them!
Pyrrha: But chocolate is so…cliché…! Every year Jaune puts so much effort into personalizing our Valentines date and I can’t compete! I know he’s out there somewhere, plotting something sweet and wonderful that took him all month to set up! He’s too good to me! 😫
Nora: You! Are! Pyrrha! Freaking! Nikos! Jaune worships you and he does this gooey romantic stuff because he thinks you’re a goddess! Just go spend time with your boyfriend and stop overthinking it!
Pyrrha: I can’t! 😖
Pyrrha: …what do you do for Ren on Valentine’s Day?
Nora: I let him ****** ******* ******, and then **** ***** ******* ***** from the back!
Nora: …what? Is this suddenly not a safe space?
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rocknroll7575 · 2 months
Rising Dawn au
Pyrrha: Ren. Nora what do I do Gillian has her hooks so deep in Jaune but if we work at it together we can save him from her evil graph Grasp
Ren: You can do what you want but I'm not helping and he is genuinely happy with her and everyone needs a lot of that right now and with all the information she's given I highly doubt this is all an act
Nora: Plus what he will immediately want everything to go bad to normal you can pick up after that kiss? Not gonna happen now could you leave our dorm room I believe Rwpby is down the hall
Pyrrha: But we're a t
Ren: Pyrrha go I'm barely containing the urge to punch you
Ok, how this would actually go down:
Pyrrha: Ren, I need your help...
Ren: *genuine* With what?
Pyrrha: Jaune and Gillian... I... I need to separate them, get Jaune away from her and hopefully get him to see reason,
Ren: Pyrrha... I... I want to help, believe me, I do, I think Gillian may be using Jaune just like you but...
Pyrrha: But what?
Ren: ... Have you seen how they look at each other? They look at each other like a married couple
Pyrrha: *Feeling sad* Ren-
Ren: Pyrrha... I want to help, but if I help you... I think I'll be hurting Jaune, and I... I just can't do that, not again...
Pyrrha: But don't you see what she's had him do!? He's killed because of her! Turned his back on us for her! If we can get him away from Gillian, then-!
?: Then what?
*Both Ren and Pyrrha turn to see Nora standing in the doorway with a glare*
Pyrrha: Nora-
Nora: No! You...! You don't get to speak! *Walks toward Pyrrha* You think you can come back, think everything's normal!? No! You don't get that! No now! Not ever! You left us! You left Jaune!
Pyrrha: *glares* I didn't have a choice!
Nora: You always had a choice! You could've come with us! Stayed by outside or got us involved! But no! You left us behind! Abandoned us!
Pyrrha: I-I didn't abandon you...!
Nora: YES! YES YOU DID! Do you have any idea what that felt like!? How it hurt!? You almost died! We were worried sick about you and what do we get!? Nothing! No text! No phone call! Not even a goodbye! We had to learn from Sun that you were alright after half a year! So you have no right coming in here and getting a say!
Pyrrha: But... we're a team...
Nora: We were a team! But that's gone! JNPR... JNPR died a long time ago...
Ren: Nora...
Nora: I've said enough... You don't come near me, you don't come near Jaune or Gillian... understand?
Pyrrha: No! I can't let this go! We can't just let Jaune go on with her like this is alright!
Nora: Why not!? It is because it's her and not you!?
Pyrrha: No! This-
Nora: Bullshit! You're mad because Jaune's happy! Happy with someone that isn't you! And the only reason you think you've got a chance is because you think he's be used! Do you have any faith in him at all!?
Pyrrha: Of course I do!
Nora: Then why are you acting like he's some puppy that needs protection!? Why are you acting like he's not like us!?
Pyrrha: Because he isn't!!! You saw how terrible he was back at Beacon! You saw how much help he needed! Jaune's smart, but he's not like us... he's not as strong or as skilled... he can't do things alone...
Nora: ... You un-fucking-believable... *Walks away*
Ren: *Chases after Nora* Nora! Wait! She didn't mean it!
*Pyrrha stood alone in the empty room, looking down at the floor, wonder just what had happened to her team*
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pilot-boi · 3 months
Pilot AUs Masterlist
Ever wondered what the fuck all my AUs are about? Well wonder no longer!
This is a list of all of my AUs (so far), or at least all of the ones I could find. They all have summaries and most have links to where fics have been posted, or to the tag on Tumblr where all the posts are about it
I will keep updating this as more AUs happen, because I am sure more AUs will happen. Also, I can’t tag all of the AUs in this post, there are literally too many
(List under the cut)
The Original AU
Jaune gets kidnapped and beat the fuck up for information
Literally just whump the entire time
What’s on the tin
The kids but if they were in the place of BNHA characters
What’s on the tin
The kids but if they were in the place of FMAB characters
Tour Group
RNJR + Qrow get lost on their way to Mistral and basically just fuck around on vaction
Very bad fashion from Jaune
VERY cracky
Sun, Neptune, and Ilia end up coming along with the plot when RNJR don’t show up
The whole plot still happens, it’s just treated VERY much for comedy
If Roman was told to go to hell he simply wouldn’t
After the boy dies he goes to heaven because nobody was paying attention and he snuck through the door with all the other fucking million people who died the night of the Fall
Hangs out with Summer, Pyrrha, and sometimes Penny and they watch the plot through the clouds
Stranger Things
What’s on the tin
The kids but if they were in Stranger Things
Not a straight up character replacement, actual different plots because of the different personalities
Everyone gets to Mistral, fights at Haven, and they go no further
Buy a house and all live together while doing missions and being domestic
Jaune gets his ass kicked every other week
That’s it, that’s the plot
Army Birds
Have you ever wished Qrow Branwen could date Maes Hughes from FMAB?
Mistral AU offshoot
After the phone booth Maes is isekai’d into RWBY and is found by Qrow and Jaune
Qrow because ship, Jaune because holy shit gunshot wounds
It’s like Fairgame but if Clover wasn’t a fucking narc
Coffee Shop/College
Your classic coffee shop AU combined with a classic college AU
All the kiddos are sophomores/juniors at Beacon University
Shipping and shenanigans ensue
Seamonkeys are the coffee shop ship, but Jaune also works there
An AU based on a ship that HarmonyLight and I came up with between JNR+Marrow
Diverges about halfway through Volume 8 as it hadn’t finished when we came up with it
Whale dies, but who knows after that
They ride a boat to Vacuo
What it says on the tin
They’ve all got daemons but the plot is the same
Twice the characters, twice the pain
Percy Jackson
What it says on the tin
The kids but if they were in Percy Jackson
Not a straight up character replacement
Different characters take different places as necessary for the plot
Godly parents are all different
Pyrrha is really pining in this one y’all
Oof oof ouch angst she’s choking on roses for the boy
Very Firefly inspired space AU with JNPR as a crew of a ship
RWBY are crew of another ship
Political nonsense and spaceship fights galore
Platonic and romantic and all those in between
When you get hurt, your soulmate blooms flowers in the same place
Vibrancy and size of the flowers depends on the severity of the injury
Canon events are the same
Time Travel
Oscar gets sent back in time for fix-it purposes, but not as far as you’d think
Timeline diverges during the finale of V7, when ALPN end up in the vault during the Maiden nonsense
Some doomed timeline shit happens and literally EVERYONE dies before Oscar and Jaune’s eyes
Oscar unlocks his semblance (time travel whoopee) and Jaune boosts him so he can go back and F1X TH1S
AKA, Pyrrha lives because I miss her
Through the power of Arkos and Jaune being a soft boy who keeps giving his maybe girlfriend flowers, the girl lives and the world is saved
90% Beacon era with a VERY short epilogue
5+1 Style
Baby’s first RWBY fic courtesy of inspiration from the OG Jaune server
Arkos are both models and both idiots
Pining, fake dating, and lots of fluff ensue
ALMOST everyone except Weiss, Jaune, Pyrrha, and Ilia are 8-years-old or younger
Modern/realistic AU
Weiss owns a daycare center that watches all these kids, Arkos are her employees
90% fluff
10% the inevitable angst of some of the characters being orphans
Les Miserables
What it says on the tin
I wrote down like seven pages of notes without stopping to drink water
Sort of character replacement AU but with subtle things changed for to make sense
Major Character Death
Qrow Fucks Up
Least thought through honestly
Canon but if everything boiled down to being somehow because of Qrow’s bad luck
VERY cracky
What it says on the tin
Character replacement AU but with some MAJOR things changed for to make sense
Plot is the same, but how they get there might not always be
Flying Monkeys
Sun gets kidnapped by Salem for Grimm body part experiments and all he gets are wings and a boat load of trauma
Finally one not about Jaune
Oops looks like Sun got fuckin tortured for months all so I could make a dumb pun oops
The only one of these with a whole comic done about it
WAY more stuff in my head than necessary
Fallen Angel
Jaune and MOST of the baddies are kidnapped as children and experimented on by Salem as she tries to make them into angels and become a god
Less complicated than it sounds
User/Reader influenced
Modern AU of Remnant, timeline diverges after the gods leave
Magic is taken away and EVERYONE is made into part animal part humans
Nobody is bird though, and they’re more animal than Faunus
The gang literally fistfights “god”
Canon but if everyone had bird wings
Way more lore than necessary
The plot is the same, HarmonyLight and I just did a hell of worldbuilding
V9 AU where Jaune and the Curious Cat get into a relationship during his time trapped and it’s all downhill from there
CC is hella abusive, Jaune gets hella traumatized, it’s a bad time
Jaune’s shadow is sorta sentient
CC is a twinky tumblr sexyman catboy
Jaune gets possessed by CC instead of Neo, but he gets better
After the Fall Jaune starts being able to hear voices of dead people
Mostly can hear Huntsmen because they’re Auras are stronger
Mostly thinks he’s going crazy because Ren, Nora, and Ruby can’t hear the voices
Boy is stressed, and tired, and at the end of his rope
Werewolf AU I made because it was Spooky Season
Jaune gets mauled by a Beowolf as a child and will turn into one when he gets too emotional
He can’t control it though
Runs away after blowing up at Pyrrha and saves Cardin in wolf form at Forever Fall
The one where Jaune glows when he’s happy because he’s LITERALLY sunshine boy
Everyone has nature related powers that slowly awaken to show that the gods are coming back
Wrote most of it in 2021 to HarmonyLight and then forgot about it for two years
Started as the gang playing DND, turned into the gang LIVING in DND
Not in Feyrun, set in a DND-ified version of Remnant
Characters are not the classes/races you’d think
Way too much thought put into it
The Arcs are similar to the Mandalorians, but that’s where the Star Wars ends
Jaune adopts Oscar and eventually Nora
Fluff ensues
“Hey, Yang and Jaune look kind of alike” taken to the extreme
Jaune is abandoned by Raven and raised by the Arcs
Parent Trap realization/angst ensues
Twins have a psychic bond
Mirror Man
Jaune retreats WAY far into the RK persona
RK “kills” Jaune to protect everyone from “a horrible killer”
Very angst much ouch
Not actually DID, just mentally protecting himself from V8 trauma
Modern Magic
That’s it, that’s the AU
Inspired by all those modern witch AUs I used to read back in 2014 MCYT
Set in “real world” and they’re all in college
Man out of Time
Jaune is a timelord, but he isn’t the Doctor, I literally can’t stress this enough
His TARDIS crashed and he was adopted by the Arcs
Regenerates way too often for how long he’s been alive
Healing Rust
Yo that boy’s got hella trauma, let’s speak on that
Set after V9 and written as a MAJOR healing fic
Oneshots inspired by asks sent in
Obligatory royalty AU
Jaune and Weiss are the royals, Pyrrha is Jaune’s guard
Everyone is involved somehow
There’s angst in The Plot, but mostly it’s just Armoured Angel
Jaune’s Semblance manifests as a way to fuse the souls of two people, combing their bodies
Two people can fuse, but Jaune has to have fused with both of them first
LOTS of art of different character fusions
Angst and identity issues galore
Burning Knight
When Penny is killed, Jaune inherits the powers
“Woohoo, time to repress this”
Egg cracking is pushed off until RWBY fall into the Ever After
Jaune is a girl who feels like a guy, still uses he/him pronouns
Hare’s Breadth
Jaune dies on the tower during the Fall, Pyrrha survives
Blacksmith repairs him to prevent a paradox
Juniper is used to repair since his body was dissolved by Cinder
Angst and fluff and being confused about why the hell he’s alive and a jackalope-taur
Knights in Time
Jaune and Weiss are sent back to Volume 1 by the Blacksmith
Time travel fix-it ensues
Starts with White Knight, eventual Armored Angels
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juanarc-thethird · 1 year
I’m pretty sure Pyrrha should be promoting the a03 in fact she should’ve been the first one
Nora: Nah, she's busy with her champion stuff.
In a second the wall behind her explodes into pieces, revealing a very angry Pyrrha.
Pyrrha: NORA!
Nora: *Scared* Please don't hurt me!
Pyrrha: *Grabs her by the collar and picks her up* Can you explain to me why there are commercials of women promoting your AO3 page in exchange for sleeping with my Jauney?!
Nora: F-First of all, he's not yours.
Pyrrha: *Growls*
Nora: B-But maybe I'm wrong, hehehe…
Pyrrha: *Serious*
Nora: *Ahem* I-If you want I can leave you alone with him, but if you promote my page?
Pyrrha: All day? No interruptions?
Nora: Y-Yes?
Pyrrha: What do I have to say?
Nora: J-Just what it says on the teleprompter.
Pyrrha: *Thinks for a momento*
Pyrrha: Fine *Lets go of her*
Nora: *On de ground* Oug!
Pyrrha takes a breath, looks at the camera, and her expression changes to a relaxed and happy one.
Pyrrha: Hi, I'm Pyrrha Nikos and I'm excited to announce that we have new stories added to our AO3 page. Come and check them out!
Nora: Wow, so that's how a professional works.
Pyrrha: *serious* It's done. Where is Jaune?
Nora: Down the hall.
Pyrrha: Great.
Wasting no time, Pyrrha runs into the room. She opens the door and start to kick people out.
Weiss: Hey!
Vernal: What your problem bitch?!
Neo: "I haven't finished eating my "Banana" split!🤬"
Without explanation Pyrrha shuts the door in their face.
Inside the room
Jaune: P-Pyrrha? Are you okay?
Pyrrha: *Yandere mode active* Don't worry Jaune. I feel wonderful.
Jaune: *Scaroused* I want my mommy.
Pyrrha: Oh Jaune, when I'm done with you. I'll be your mommy~💕
Thank you for checking our AO3 account
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howlingday · 29 days
"Leader, your arms are so skinny~!"
Nora: No wonder a dainty girl like me can overpower you, Leader~.
Jaune: Sh-Shut up! (Sighs) This is why I hate wearing short sleeves.
Nora: You're so timid and creepy, Leader!
Jaune: (Scoffs)
Nora: But don't you worry! I've got just the thing to fix that!
Nora: Give me a few months, and I'll turn you from a spaghetti noodle into a ravioli!
Jaune: No way.
Nora: Huh?
Jaune: Pushups? Sit-ups? And doing that over and over even when it hurts? Sounds like more trouble than it's worth.
Nora: Geez, Leader, you sure are hopeless.
Jaune: Now, if there was a way for me to build muscle without moving around, I'd totally do it.
Nora: Oh, but there is!
Jaune: There is?
Nora: Yup! But first, you need to get on your hands and knees!
Jaune: ...
Nora: Get on your hand and knees, please~!
Jaune: ...
Jaune: ...Okay, fine. (On hands and knees) Now what? What do I...
Nora: (Sits on his back)
Jaune: W-W-What the hell are you doing?!
Nora: It's your exercise while not moving! There's only one thing you need to do, and that's to stay like this while I'm sitting on your back~!
Jaune: This isn't exercise at all!
Nora: Sure it is! I just came up with it! It's good for your triceps... probably. Now, hold this position for 10 minutes~!
Jaune: (Gulps)
Nora: Are your arms trembling already? Can't you last even five minutes?
Jaune: C-Can't... G-Gonna... fall...
Nora: You're so pathetic, Leader. Here, let me help you stay up~. (Grabs collar, Riding back) WHEE~! THAT'S IT, LEADER~! YOU CAN DO IT, LEADER~! KEEP GOING LEEEEEEEEEA-
Pyrrha/Ren: (Walk in)
Nora: DEEEeeer...
Pyrrha/Ren: (Walk out)
Nora: (Blushing red)
Jaune: (Blushing red)
Nora: (Hops off)
Jaune: (Collapses)
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novankenn · 9 months
Jaune stood on the top of Shade's exterior wall looking up into the star filled night sky. It was closing in on midnight. A New Year was just minutes away, yet he was unable to look forward towards possibilities. His mind was stuck in the past... regrets, and failures weighing heavily upon his soul.
Jaune: It's another year gone, and so much has happened... but it still hurts.
His hand drifted to the red sash about his waist, and he idly rubbed it between his fingers, as he bit his lip.
Jaune: I think you already know, but I have to say it anyway... I lost my chance with you... and then I had to take Penny away from Ruby...
Jaune lifted his hands and stared at his calloused palms. He swallowed, his throat dry, as his eyes grew wet.
Jaune: I've tried so hard... yet I keep failing... I failed you... I failed Penny... I failed everyone. My hands are stained, by the blood of someone I cared about.
Jaune clenched his hands into tight fists, grit his teeth and screwed his eyes shut. Tears rolling slowly down his cheeks. His breath hitched as he tried to force his pain down.
Jaune: I've failed and I've killed. I'm no hero, I'm not worthy or worth being around... I can't... do this anymore...
So lost in his own mind, Jaune never heard her approach. He wasn't even aware that she was beside him until he felt the soft caress of her hand against his cheek. Jaune flinched away from the offered comfort as if he had been struck. His eyes snapping open.
Jaune: Weiss?
Weiss: Jaune... are you okay? Everyone is wondering where you had taken off to?
Jaune: I... I... I just need to be alone.
Weiss: I don't think so.
Jaune: Please...
Weiss: Jaune, talk to me, and if you can't talk with me, then try Ruby, or Ren. Open up to any of us.
Jaune: I can't...
Weiss: Jaune?
Jaune: I keep failing... I feel like I'm still falling...
Weiss: You haven't failed Jaune. You're too hard headed to fail.
Jaune: Pyrrha and Penny would say...
Weiss: Pyrrha took your choice away from you, and while I understand why Penny did what she did... I don't agree with her decision... again the choice was taken from you... you haven't failed, Jaune.
Jaune: Then what would you call it? If I hadn't been so weak...
Weiss: You're not weak, Jaune. Untrained yes, but never weak. As for what I would call what has been happening to you... is others taking away you chance to succeed.
Jaune: Don't humor me... I'm no hero...
Weiss said nothing as she reached up and despite Jaune's flinch placed her hands on either side of his face and gently guided him to look at her. Without saying a word, she rose on her tip toes while pulling softly to bring Jaune's head downward towards her.
Jaune gasped at the soft, loving touch of her lips upon his. As Weiss withdrew from the short kiss, she held him still, her ice blue eyes looking directly into his deep blues.
Weiss: I never said you were a hero, Jaune. You so much more than a storybook hero.
Jaune: I'm nothing...
Weiss: No, right now you are a warrior... who will be a hero. You are not, will you ever be nothing... especially to me.
Jaune: I...
Weiss: I need you at my side Jaune. I WANT you at my side.
Jaune: I...
Weiss: Let the past live in the past. Look to a future with me? Please?
Jaune: But... Pyrrha... Penny...
Weiss: Remember them, cherish them, think of not of those last moments, or that pain. Think on who they were and what they meant to you.
Weiss released his hold on Jaune, and stood demurely before him. Her hands clasped together before her. her eyes never straying from his.
Weiss: We are all here for you Jaune. I am here for you, and I hope you can be there for me... but I can wait if I must. But I need you to promise me, on your name.
Jaune: A promise?
Weiss: Swear to me... promise me... you'll keep moving forward. That you won't ever stopping giving it your all... for you and us.
Jaune: I... promise.
Weiss: Thank you.
Jaune: Weiss?
Weiss: Yes, Jaune?
Jaune: Can you stay here with me... for a little longer? I'm not ready...
Weiss: I can.
Jaune gave Weiss a weak smile and reached out with one of his hands. Weiss didn't even hesitate to take it. To allow his strong fingers to enclose about hers. Jaune looked up into the night sky as he gently pulled Weiss closer, eventually enveloping her in a strong but needy embrace.
Jaune: Do you think... that they... are proud of me?
Weiss: Yes Jaune. They are... we all are.
Jaune: Thank you...
Jaune felt Weiss' slim arms wrap around his waist, as she pressed her head into his broad chest. Just being embraced so softly, so warmly eased his burdened mind... allowing more pleasant memories to push back the regrets he had been holding onto for so long.
Weiss: Your Welcome Jaune, and thank you.
Jaune: What for?
Weiss: Being you.
Jaune looked down at Weiss' shining eyes, a smile smile curled his lips, and unbidden he leaned down and returned Weiss' earlier kiss. When he broke the embrace, Weiss returned his smile.
Weiss: What was that for?
Jaune: It was my promise to you. For the future to come.
Weiss eyes grew moist and she snuggled into Jaune.
Weiss: To the future.
/=====/ A/N - I know not a really joyful "Happy New Year" post. No this one is more to the future in general. To the future and all that it holds.
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lemon-natalia · 3 months
Nona the Ninth Reaction - Chapter 10
Camilla’s comment that one of the people Nona might be (either Gid or Harrow, presumably?) would feel responsibility towards Hot Sauce and Honesty, and the other only might … i’m interested in which Camilla thinks that about, i’m assuming the first is Gideon given the way her relationship with Jeannemary and Isaac developed
also, it has to be hard for Nona, knowing that Camilla & Palamedes & Pyrrha all do seem to have pre-existing expectations for her, thinking she’s either Harrow or Gideon, when Nona seems to have no idea who those people are
and some more information about the mysterious barracks situation, it’s a siege apparently
also Nona doesn’t like eating food, but she has been eating sand, which is curious. once again that can’t be good for poor Harrow’s digestive system. 
Palamedes response to Pyrrha asking him to alter her body is strange: ‘No thanks, I had the joy of working on a … on a body like yours, the once’ when was that exactly. i guess he’s referring to a Lyctor here, potentially healing Nona at some point 
where did Pyrrha get the chance to help out with a birth? unless she’s referring in the most opaque terms to Gideon’s birth, or its just one of those incidents that comes from being 10,000 years old i suppose. 
also wow Pyrrha is … stone cold about leaving people to get killed in those cages, but also there’s not anything meaningful they can do about it without getting Camilla killed, really 
also Camilla has a half-sister. huh. hopefully she’s not dead, but with these books track record i’m not optimistic
‘I’m not moved by sentiment’ says Pyrrha Dve, seemingly very much being moved by sentiment in her wanting to not get Camilla hurt 
oh shit, I had totally forgotten that RB’s can cause fear - no wonder everything’s in such a state, all of the existing political and warfare tensions are exacerbated by the RB, which then causes more violence and fear, which is exacerbated by the RB, and on and on i suppose. and Nona can hear the RB sing, that’s very interesting. it definitely makes me think that there’s a connection between Nona and Alecto then, since she could clearly sense the RB coming in HtN  
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wifegideonnav · 8 months
do you think Pyrrha gets gender dysphoria from being in G1deon's body
What would that feel like when G1deon was someone she loved and who loved her, but she's inside him now and it's Wrong and Not Her
oh yeah i mean what a question. personally i feel like it's probably very complicated bc as you said its not just gender – its the fact that she's in a body that is Literally not hers, and in fact used to belong to the most important person in the world to her. the most straightforward answer i've got is yeah, i'm sure she hates being in her/g1deon's body at least some of the time, and i'm sure that there's a pervasive sense of wrongness based on both the sex and the pre-used condition of the body she's in.
on the other hand, there's the fact that she's had 10,000 years (not that she was conscious the whole time, but still, we literally have no idea what was going on when she wasn't awake in g1deons body) to adjust. if you think about it, she's been in g1deon's body far far longer than she was ever in her own. certainly in nona she seemed very comfortable in g1deon's/her body. and finally, even though pyrrha never properly lived in nine houses society, the current iteration of her never went through growing up on earth either. personally, i think she probably has very different ideas about gender and bodies than her pre-resurrection self or any of us. we have no idea how she would think about or define dysphoria, or whether that's even really a consideration for her.
and then, in a way, i wonder if it was almost a comfort at times. i'm thinking about my best friend, and if i couldn't be in my own body any more, i'd definitely rather be in theirs than anyone else's. there's definitely something to the idea of knowing that body's history – not like you know your own, sure, but more than you know other people's. g1deon and pyrrha were necro and cav, they spent their entire post-resurrection lives together until g1deon's ascension. so pyrrha would know what this scar was from, why that finger is crooked, the fact that these joints hurt when it rains. and now that g1deon's gone as far as we know and pyrrha is just left with his body, despite the immense grief that must cause, she can also hold up a mirror and see his smile again, hear him laugh.
so in conclusion, and i mean this is kinda a non-answer but, i think that we can never really understand the way that pyrrha feels about being in g1deon's body, especially when she's not the pov/we're not seeing inside her head. the most fascinating aspect of the og squad to me by far is the concept of how normal human trauma responses and grief processes get warped by the fact that the lyctors are living on a time scale that we cannot begin to fathom. and i think that's very much part of their identity as saints, as religious figures – they look like us, maybe they once were like us, but the things they've seen and done and been through have made them so alien that all we can do is theorize about what it might like to be them.
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darksaiyangoku · 10 months
RWBY Christmas Tales
Baby, it's Cold Outside
[Arc Manor - Charlemagne]
It was late in the evening and Teams RWBY, JNPR, Oscar, Sun and Neptune were having a wonderful time. They all crowded around the table as Weiss and Blake were head to head in a chess match. Both of them glared at each other fiercely. It was sudden death. Weiss grabbed her piece and made her move. Blake's eyes shrank as she sat there helpless. It was all over.
Weiss: *smirks* Checkmate.
Blake: *sighs and smiles* You win again, Weiss. Good game.
Ruby, Pyrrha, Nora, Whitley and Neptune all cheered while Jaune, Ren, Sun, Yang and Oscar all groaned.
Yang: *looks at her watch* Aw man. Girls, we gotta get going. Ozpin has a new mission for us tomorrow.
Ruby: Oh right! I almost forgot about that. Let's get going.
Jaune: Huh? But it's a blizzars out there! You're not gonna make it all the way back to Vale.
Weiss: Psssh, I've been through worse. This is a mild inconvenience in Atlas.
Whitley: She's right, you know.
Sun: Come on, don't be reckless.
Blake: Sorry, Sun. But if we don't do this, the headmaster will give us one of his creative punishments again.
Yang tries to open the door, but Ren tugs on her jacket.
Yang: *chuckles* Jaune, stop it.
Jaune: Come on, sweetie. Stay. For me?
Yang: *shakes her head* 🎶I really can't stay🎶
Jaune: *points to the sofa* 🎶Baby, it's cold outside🎶
Blake: 🎶I've got to go away🎶
Ren: 🎶Baby, it's cold outside🎶 *takes her scarf*
Weiss: 🎶This evening has been-🎶
Neptune: 🎶Hoping that you'd drop in🎶
Ruby: 🎶So, very nice🎶
Oscar: 🎶I'll hold your hands, they're just like ice🎶
Blake: 🎶My mother will start to worry🎶
Ren: *holds her gently* 🎶Beautiful, what's your hurry?🎶
Yang: 🎶My father will be pacing the floor🎶
Jaune: 🎶Listen to that fireplace roar🎶
Ruby: 🎶So, really I'd better scurry🎶
Oscar: 🎶Beautiful, please don't hurry🎶
Weiss: 🎶But maybe just a hald a drink more?🎶 *takes coat off*
Neptune: 🎶I'll put some records on while I pour🎶 *grabs bottle*
Blake: 🎶The neighbors might think🎶 *holds Ren's hand*
Ren: *twirls Blake* 🎶Baby, it's bad out there🎶
Yang: *smiles and sips glass* 🎶Say, what's in this drink?🎶
Jaune: 🎶No cabs to be had out there🎶
Ruby: 🎶I wish I knew how-🎶
Oscar: 🎶Your eyes are like starlight now🎶
Ruby: 🎶To break this spell🎶
Oscar: *grabs beanie* 🎶I'll take your hat, your hair looks swell🎶 *ruffles Ruby's hair*
Weiss: 🎶I ought to say, "No, no, no sir"🎶
Neptune: 🎶Mind if I move in closer?🎶
Weiss: 🎶At least I'm gonna say that I tried🎶
Neptune: 🎶What's the sense in hurting my pride?🎶
Yang: 🎶I really can't stay🎶
Jaune: 🎶Baby, don't hold out🎶
Jaune/Yang: *lean on each other* 🎶Baby, it's cold outside🎶
Whitley: ...are they always like this?
Sun/Nora: *nods head* Yep.
Pyrrha: Last year, they sang Holly Jolly Christmas.
Blake: *stands up* 🎶I simply must go🎶
Ren: 🎶Baby, it's cold outside🎶
Blake: 🎶The answer is, "No"🎶 *chuckles*
Ren: 🎶But, baby, it's cold outside🎶
Weiss: 🎶The welcome has been-🎶
Neptune: 🎶How lucky that you dropped in🎶
Weiss: 🎶So nice and warm🎶
Neptune: *points outside* 🎶Look out the window at that storm🎶
Yang: *drapes arms over Jaune's shoulders* 🎶My uncle will be suspicious🎶
Jaune: *holds Yang's waist* 🎶Gosh, your lips look delicious🎶
Yang: 🎶My puppy will be there at the door🎶
Jaune: 🎶Waves upon a tropical shore🎶
Ruby: 🎶My Maiden aunt's mind is vicious🎶
Oscar: 🎶Gosh, your lips are delicious🎶
Ruby: 🎶But maybe just another dance more🎶
Oscar: 🎶Never such a blizzard before🎶
Blake/Weiss: 🎶I've got to get home🎶
Ren/Neptune: 🎶Baby, you'll freeze out there🎶
Blake/Weiss: 🎶Say, lend me your comb?🎶
Ren/Neptune: 🎶It's up to your knees out there🎶
Ruby/Yang: 🎶You've really been grand🎶
Oscar/Jaune: 🎶I thrill when I touch your hand🎶
Ruby/Yang: 🎶But don't you see?🎶
Oscar/Jaune: 🎶How can you do this thing to me?🎶
Ruby/Yang: 🎶There's bound to be talk tomorrow🎶
Oscar/Jaune: 🎶Think of my life-long sorrow🎶
Ruby/Yang: 🎶At least there will be plenty implied🎶
Oscar/Jaune: 🎶If you got pneumonia and died🎶
RWBY: 🎶I really can't stay🎶
ONRJ: 🎶Get over that hold out🎶
RWBY/ONRJ: 🎶Baby, it's cold Baby, it's cold outside!!!🎶
Yang: *chuckles and takes off her coat* Well I'm convinced. We're staying. Mr Arc, please join me on the sofa. *kisses his cheek*
Jaune: Certainly, Miss Xiao Long. *kisses her hand*
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superiorsturgeon · 9 months
Are You Sure About Her?
Pyrrha: *meeting Arc family for the first time, happily chatting away*
Mama Arc: Jaune, dear, can you come help me with something please?
Jaune: Hm? Sure, mom!
Jaune: *follows his mother to the kitchen* What do you need?
Mama Arc: …
Mama Arc: …Jaune, dear, are you really sure about this girl?
Jaune: …what? Of course I am! Pyrrha’s awesome! Why would you even ask?
Mama Arc: She seems nice, but…well…she’s a celebrity.
Jaune: Uh…yeah? Basically everyone but me already knew her when we started at school.
Mama Arc: *folds her arms* You don’t understand, sweetie. A few years back, a star athlete and a boy at her school hooked up, and because of her celebrity status they kept their relationship secret to protect him.
Mama Arc: Things went on like that until she unexpectedly got pregnant. They kept the child secret too, again, to protect them.
Mama Arc: But as time went on and the press celebrated her return to sports, she spent less and less time visiting that boy and her child. She was always out drinking, competing, and socializing, and eventually, things completely fell apart. That poor boy gave up his dreams for someone who left when she got tired of him.
Mama Arc: …And I don’t want to see that happen to my son!
Jaune: …
Jaune: …mom, I’m sorry you’re worried, but you’re wrong about Pyrrha.
Mama Arc: But how can you be sure? You’re both so young!
Jaune: Well…For one thing, everyone already knows that me and Pyrrha are dating! When she came to Beacon she told me she wanted to make real friends, and now we’ve both got lots of awesome people who know us both. We even go on double dates with our teammates!
Jaune: And…I guess the most important thing is that it’s Pyrrha, and I trust her.
Mama Arc: 🤨
Jaune: *quailing under the “Mom Stare.”* I-I mean it! When I first went to Beacon, nobody believed in me! Even you and dad talked like you expected me to fail and come back home any day and become a farmer!
Jaune: But not Pyrrha!
Jaune: *awkwardly rubs the back of his neck, trying to form the words* She…she came and pulled my sorry butt out of a tree during the initiation, when she could’ve left me behind and done the actual test! A-and then when trained fighters were teaming up all around us, she came and picked ME to be her partner!
Mama Arc: Well, that’s-
Jaune: *interrupting, Defend Partner™️ mode engaged* And after I made it through by the skin of my teeth and started acting like a cringy tough-guy jerk, she stuck by me! And once I realized what an idiot I was being, she offered to train me.
Jaune: Do you understand? Pyrrha Nikos, Mistral’s invincible gladiator, after everything I did wrong and how crappy I acted, believed I could be better! She believed in me when nobody else did!
Jaune: Pyrrha’s an absolute angel, mom. She’s the strongest and smartest person in the whole school! I watched her take on an entire team by herself and win without breaking a sweat!
Jaune: She could’ve done anything she wanted. She still CAN do anything she wants! And she-she believes in ME!
Jaune: And I believe in her! She’s the most caring, kind, and wonderful person I’ve ever met, mom. I know she would NEVER hurt me, and I trust her with my whole heart!
Mama Arc: …
Jaune: *leans against the counter, panting a bit*
Mama Arc: …it sounds like you really love this girl, Jaune.
Jaune: *drained from his passionate speech* I think so, mom. I know it sounds kinda dumb, but everything I do is more awesome when she’s around!
Mama Arc:
Mama Arc: *smiles and ruffles Jaune’s hair* My little boy has sure grown up a lot since he ran off to become a hero.
Jaune: *squirms* I guess, but it’s all because of the friends I made…but mostly Pyrrha!
Mama Arc: *smiles over Jaune’s shoulder*
Jaune: …what? *turns around*
Pyrrha: *standing in the doorway, sniffling and covering her mouth* 🥹
Arc Family: *crowded in behind Pyrrha* 😁
Jaune: …
Jaune: …how long-?
Youngest Arc Sister: Since the first word you big sappy dork!
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
Coco Addiction
Coco: Hey, Arc!
Jaune: Coco?
Coco: I’ve noticed you been getting pretty close to my bunny again; Didn’t I tell you to back off?
Jaune: Can’t you tell, Velvet to leave me alone? You know she’s been hounding after me ever since she found out I was a dragon faunas. I’ve been keeping my distance from her, she’s gotten… Weird.
Coco: Quit playing around, Arc! I’ve got my eyes on you; hands off my bunny, or else!
Jaune: …
Jaune: What’s your game, Coco?
Coco: My game? What are you talking about?
Jaune: This isn’t like you, Coco; The only time you’ve ever hounded a person like this before is when some racist bigot was actually hurting, Velvet. And, since you’re so protective of your, Bun-Bun you watch her like a hawk. So you’ve seen how she’s behaving around me, you know that I have done nothing, but keep her away from me. So, what’s your game, Coco?
Coco: There is no game, I just want you to stay away from her.
Jaune: Ahhh~! You’re not trying to stop, Velvet from getting together with me are you.
Coco: What are you talking about?
Jaune: You’re trying to get my attention, you’re trying to get me to notice you, aren’t you?
Coco: Pff, why would I do that?
Jaune: Because you’re interested in me. Romantically I might say.
Coco: Pff! Why would I be interested in you?
Jaune: Then why aren’t you looking at me?
Coco: I am looking at you.
Jaune: With your face, yes, but not your eyes. I can see you’re eyes through your glasses, Coco.
Coco: Pff! No you can’t!
Jaune: I can see the smug of your eye shadow on your left eye.
Coco: Wait, really?!
As, Coco removed her sunglasses, she pulled out a pocket mirror, and inspected her eye, and she did in fact, have a smug around her left eye.
Coco: Holy shit! How the hell did you even… AHH?!
As, Coco’s attention was drawn away, Jaune pounced. He gently grasped her chin in his hands forcing her to look deep into his eyes. If this was any other person she would have decked him with the force of a train. But, all, Coco could do was freeze up as a deep blush spread across her face.
Jaune: Well, well, well~! If anyone dared to grab you, much less like this you would have crushed them harder than a car compactor. And, yet… You’re blushing. Why is that? Hmm?
Coco: I-I-I… Uhh…?!
Jaune: Such beautiful chocolate eyes… Why do you hide them behind such thick shades?
Coco: B-Bright lights h-h-hurt my eyes!
Jaune: Is it also to hide how adorable you are when you blush?
Coco: The hell did you become so smooth! Where’s the blushing virgin?!
Jaune: First off: I haven’t been a virgin in years.
Coco: You’re not?!
Jaune: Second: I’ve been dealing with all this faunas crap, so I’ve had to… Grow a spine as it were. Show people whose the king. So tell me, why are you doing this? Why are you trying to pick a fight when there is no fight to win. At least with me.
Coco: W-Well… I-I’m not sure… Honest! Just seeing how, Velvet acts around you I’ve been keeping an eye on you. And… I’ve just gotten…intrigued.
Jaune: Hmmm… I’ll buy that. So what shall we do then… No. what will you do?
Coco: I… I don’t know…
Jaune: Hmm… Well, there’s no rush. Take your time, Coco. Just be careful, you may miss your chance.
Jaune gave her a devilish smile as he walked away.
Jaune: Till later then~!
Coco: T-Till later…
As soon as, Jaune left, Coco slide down to the ground with her hand over heart as she fanned herself with her hand. She gave a low whistle as finally managed to collect herself.
Coco: Damn… No wonder he’s got so many girls wrapped around his finger…
Pyrrha: In more than one way at that.
Coco: Ahh! Pyrrha? When did you get here.
Pyrrha: As soon as, Jaune grabbed your chin. So, you interested in becoming a part of the harem?
Coco: …
Coco: If I did… Would I be able to play with you as well as, Jaune?
Pyrrha: Hmmm…
Pyrrha: How roomy is that supply closet over there?
Coco: Roomy enough.
Pyrrha: Okay, let’s go have some fun then, shall we~?
This feels like a logical out come the two may embrace.
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epic-arc · 1 year
Spider Knight 9:  New Suit New Me.
Jaune and Nora were sitting on a rooftop eating donuts and looking at the city there, Nora would notice that Jaune seemed a bit stressed and anxious about something and would put her hand on his shoulder worried.
Nora: Hey jauny is everything ok? is there something bothering you?
Jaune: Oh and just this tournament thing that's coming up like we train and I notice that you ren and pyrrha manage to improve and get stronger but I seem to be just slowing you all down…
Nora would hear this and would get an irritated expression and put her hand on jaune's shoulder and he could feel nora's murderous intent.
Nora: By the way, was it Cardin who said that to you, Jauny? You know it's just a doubt of mine I promise not to do anything with this information!
Jaune: C-calm down n-nora I didn't talk to him or him talk something to me it's just something I wondered about you know?
Nora heard this and hugged Jaune who would be a bit confused but hugged her back
Nora: Jauny I know I make those little jokes but you are a great leader don't let thoughts like that shake you just remember jauny that me ren and pyrrha believe in your potential!
Jaune would be with some light tears on his face but soon after wiped and would be with a smile on his face and nora would notice this and smile along with him. The two would hear sounds of police sirens and see a pursuit happening jaune get up and put his mask and nora would do the same.
Spider Knight: If you don't blow up the bandits' cars, I promise to buy you a box of donuts when we're done!
Pink Lightning: Deal done!
Spider knight jumped off the building and swung his webs in the direction of the stolen car. Pink ray was using the thrusters of his hammer to follow spider knight's pace. Pink lightning would catch the bandit that was thrown and pin him against a building wall and continue the chase.
Pink Lightning: Hey spidey, how about we use that new toy you gave me?
Spider Knight: Ok let's use it, but remember that it is not yet complete and needs to fix some errors.
Pink lightning would get a smile on his face and get in his belt a little ball that had some details of web and press a button what would make the ball starts flashing seeing this she threw the ball in the direction of the car. Spider knight saw that ball going towards the car and jump on top of it and when the ball hit the car it would explode in several strands of webs that held the car but would make the vehicle overturn but to avoid any civilian getting hurt spider knight would use his webs to hold the vehicle.
Pink Lightning: I told you that a web grenade is a great idea!
Pink lightning would get close to Spider Knight and give him a thumbs up and the cops would come and arrest the bandits and Police Captain Yuri would approach the two vigilantes.
Yuri Watanabe: You both did a great job in this chase.
Pink Lightning: Hehe thanks madam captain yuri!
Yuri Watanabe: Just call me captain ok?
Spider Knight: Hey yuri, if it's not a bother, but were you able to find the reason why doctor otto got that way?
Yuri Watanabe: Well from what my men told me it was some kind of hack or vírus that was installed on it we still don't know how or who it was but you can be sure that when we find the culprit he will be judged.
Spider Knight: Thanks yuri that's really good to hear it's always good to hear good news.
Spider knight and Pink Lightning left the place but before spider knight would buy a box of donuts and go to beacon and enter they dorm seeing that it was empty they would put on their normal clothes.
Nora: Hehe once again pink lightning and spider knight save the vale city from bandits hehe!
Jaune: Well let's rest while we can remember that pyrrha and ren were preparing a training session for the two of us.
Nora: Hehe now you know why I asked you to buy a box of donuts hehe.
The two would laugh and go resting. Time passes and it would be night spider knight was doing one of his night watches and would take his scroll and enter his conversation with pyrrha.
Jaune: Hey pyrrha are you busy?
Pyrrha: Well now I'm not. Is everything ok jaune?
Jaune: I just wanted to thank you and the team for believing in me…
Pyrrha: Hehe you are being cute jaune but of course we will believe you are our leader and friend.
Jaune blushed a little because of pyrrha's comment but stopped looking at her scroll and saw blaze cat jumping from building to building landing on top of connors lab.
Jaune: Hey pyrrha I'm going to make a deal now but thanks for the chat you're amazing!
Jaune put on his mask and followed blaze cat that was inside the laboratory near the containment cell of ''V-635''.
Spider Knight: Aw I thought our next date would be at a fancier location
Blaze cat: Ah, I'm sorry my knight and that all the restaurants I know didn't have reservations for us.
Blaze cat would leave a device on the containment cell door that would hack the door open and release ''V-635''. Spider knight approached blaze cat who would start trying to scratch spider knight.
Blaze cat: Oh stop dodging spider I just want to talk~.
Spider Knight: Well if you stop trying to scratch me and get those claws off I guess we can talk!
Blaze cat would give a kick that would hit spider knight which would make him move away little seeing the opportunity she would release a smoke bomb and open the containment saddle. The strange goo falls to the ground and blaze cat reaches out her hand for the goo but the goo ignores it and goes towards spider knight who was trying to see in that smoke.
Blaze Cat (Mind): From what salem told me this grimm and attracted by aura and spider seems to have a high amount..
Blazer with skirt of the place and spider knight saw her leaving and he followed her barely noticing that the goo that was inside the cell was on her leg joined to her suit. Spider knight was in the building trying to see where blaze cat went until he looked in a window and saw his reflection and the new costume he was wearing.
Spider Knight: This is weird… why is my costume like this?
Spider knight heard siren noises and saw a armored car being chased by police so he jumped from the building and launched his webs on buildings and followed the police. He noticed that he was faster and more active in his movements.
Spider Knight (Mind):I have no idea what that goo was but it did something amazing with my costume!
Spider knight swings and falls a little in front of the armored car and the bandits who were driving saw spider knight stopping in the street, they accelerated and tried to run him over but to their surprise spider knight managed to stop the armored car with his hands lifting the vehicle.
Spider Knight (Mind): Yep I'm loving this upgrade!
The police approached and spider knight released the truck leaving the police to arrest the bandits. A few minutes would pass and spider knight were upside down looking at themselves in the reflection of a building.
Spider Knight: Wow, this upgrade is amazing, I hope it doesn't have side effects…
Blaze cat was on top of the place where spider knight had attached his web and she attached her rope and went down to face spider knight.
Blaze Cat: I must say black and white looks really nice on you and I love the red details.~
Spider Knight: T-thanks for the compliment but why were you stealing that thing?
Blaze Cat: Aww it was supposed to be a surprise. It was my present for our first date~
Spider Knight: You are telling the truth?
Blaze Cat: No silly one, this one is my gift~
Blaze cat approaches and lowers the spider knight mask leaving his lips open and pulls him a kiss which makes spider blush and enjoys the kiss and prologs it
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howlingday · 1 year
I did some quick research and found that orcas and these shark species prey on dolphins. I gave you the materials, make your art my incredible artist! (great whites, tiger sharks, and bull sharks)
Pyrrha: Is he okay?
Weiss: He's... He's still sleeping right now. What happened to him would put anyone down like this.
Yang: Yeah, and when do we go after the guys who did this?
Weiss: Never.
Yang: Weiss-
Weiss: No. We are not "rounding up a posse" just to get even with my brother. And it's not like it would solve anything if we did.
Blake: What do we do then?
Ruby: ...We wait.
Yang: Ruby?
Ruby: Jaune's getting his sleep, right? So I say we just let him sleep and wait for his plan.
Blake: That's assuming he has any.
Pyrrha : He does. Jaune always has a plan.
Weiss: ...
Nora: Who wants snaaaaacks~?
Yang: Whoa! That's a lot of chips and drinks!
Nora: Mhm! And it's all thanks to our fearless leader~!
Yang: What do you m-
Ren: Nora stole his wallet.
Nora: Ren! That is so not true!
Nora: I borrowed his wallet. I stole his lien~!
Mama Arc: (Humming happily) Oh! (Winces) Cut myself again. I better wash it before it gets infected. (Blood pools on her finger, Drips into sink water)
Papa Arc: (Wakes up from the couch) Huh... Musta dozed off.
Elsewhere, elsewhere...
Saphron: (Flinches) What was that? (Shivers) I'm probably working too hard. I wonder if that cute tech support girl is working as hard as me right now~?
Elsewhere, elsewhere, elsewhere...
Whitley: I have delivered the message, father.
Jacques: Mm, very well.
Whitley: ...
Jacques: That will be all.
Whitley: Er, father, perhaps I deserve some... praise for my efforts?
Jacques: For doing what is expected of you? Because you did what I asked? Come now, Whitley; praise that is asked is seldom praise that is earned.
Whitley: Yes, father.
Jacques: And don't think I didn't notice how much your funds have dipped within the last hour. You had better hope it was a worthy investment.
Whitley: I believe it was, father.
Jacques: You had better prove it then.
Else- Where?
Where am I? I can't see. It's too dark. But... Why don't I feel worried? Why aren't I scared? Am I supposed to be here? Everything feels heavy, like I'm stuck in the mud. And still, I'm not scared. I'm not...
Tumblr media
I'm not alone.
Where else?
Jaune: (Stirs)
Yang: Look! He's waking up!
Weiss: Jaune!
Nora: Jaune did it, I swear!
Jaune: Wh-What... Mngh...
Pyrrha: Take it easy, Jaune. You lost a lot of aura. Something that should take at least three days of rest.
Ren: And yet he made it in just six hours.
Nora: Jaune did it!
Jaune: I got jumped by some kid with pointy teeth. Who was he?
Weiss: He's... He's not important. What is important is that you're okay.
Jaune: (Chuckles) You make it sound like you really care about-
Weiss: ...
Jaune: Have you been crying?
Weiss: (Looks away) No, I haven't.
Ruby: She has, Jaune. And she didn't leave your side for a minute!
Weiss: R-Ruby?!
Ruby: What? It's true?
Jaune: (Smiles) Thanks, Weiss. I appreciate it.
Weiss: (Blushes) Excuse me! (Storms off)
Yang: Alright, alright, so what's the plan, Vomit Boy?
Jaune: Plan?
Ruby: Yeah! The plan to get back at the kid who beat you up!
Jaune: Uh...
Nora: I say we hire an octopus, a squid, and a bunch of mackerel to gang up on him! Show him how it feels!
Jaune: How it feels..?
Blake: School.
Nora: What the school doesn't know won't hurt 'em.
Ren: Nora, there's a camera right there.
Nora: ...Uh-huh. (Hides lips, Whispers) Maybe it's only the watching kind, and not the listening kind?
Blake: A group of fish is called a school.
Jaune: I don't know what you guys are talking about. I'm not going after him.
Yang: What?! You just got pounded into the dirt by a gang, and you don't want to get even?! Where's your shark pride, man?!
Jaune: I'm not a shark, though. I'm just a person with shark-traits. And even if I wasn't, I'm not going to go looking for trouble where I don't need to.
Nora: Aw... No posse?
Jaune: (Chuckles) No posse, Nora. Besides, I thought you guys knew by now. I'm a lover, not a fighter!
Ruby: ...Okay, but if you did run into him?
Jaune: Well, maybe, but I'm not going out of my way for it. Him and his guys got me good once, and so long as you guys are safe and sound, I don't have a reason to start another fight.
Yang: I swear, it's like you don't have a mean bone in your body.
Ruby: He doesn't. Just ask Cardin.
Yang: Huh? What do you mean?
Jaune: Yeah, and how do you know about what happened with Cardin?
Ruby: Uh... W-Well...?
Blake: (Walks out, Turns from door, Stops) You know, you could probably hear him better from inside.
Weiss: ...
Blake: You never told us why your brother attacked Jaune. In fact, I don't think he even knows you're related. Is there something you aren't telling us?
Weiss: I told all of you everything you needed to know.
Blake: And what if we need to know more?
Weiss: ...
Blake: I won't push you, but you know that if you're in trouble, you can count on us, right?
Weiss: ...I'll tell you, but... not right now.
Blake: Mm. I'll leave you to it, then.
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