#I’ll be ok/ I just need to get this out and calm myself down for a few minutes
galariangengar · 1 year
One of my former college professors that I was close with and had classes with for my last 2 years got back to me recently about my email updating on me trying to get into a nursing program & saying how I appreciated them for their continued support. He told me not to worry, that he still has letters he’s written the past couple years and to apply to more schools. I knew this specific professor would be understanding and supportive, he always was towards me and I’m glad to hear that from him.
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slayfics · 1 year
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Katsuki finds you eating alone.
Warnings: Katsuki aged up | NSFW themes
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You sat outside on the stairs trying to let the cool breeze calm you. It had been a long day and sitting inside for lunch with the rest of school proved to be too overwhelming. Sitting alone in the peace and quiet was already helping you to settle down.
Sometimes you found it extremely hard to be sociable all day, and the rest of your class didn’t seem to have that problem. They were also terrible at picking up on your cues that you needed some downtime to recharge.
“What’s the matter with you?” You heard a voice say from behind. You turned around to see Katsuki a few steps above you.
“Nothing I’m fine," you said, turning back around.
“You’re not gonna eat?” He pressed further.
“I’m not hungry,” you said, just as your stomach growled.
“You’re a shitty liar. I’m not going to ask again what’s up with you?” He asked sternly.
“It’s just loud in there. I needed some time to myself,” you answered honestly.
“Hm- alright, well I’ll bring you some food back. You’re going to be a useless sparring partner if you’re hungry. What do you want?” He asked.
“You don’t have to do that-,” you began to answer but he cut you off.
“Save it- I know miso soup and salmon sashimi right? I’ll be right back.” He said, and walked back inside leaving you alone on the steps stunned.
Did Katsuki really pay attention to what you ate? Or did he just notice everyone’s usual order? You found yourself feeling completely bewildered at his kind gesture. It seemed so contradictory to his usual behavior.
“Here-," he said, returning to the steps and shoving a tray of food at you. He had his own tray and sat next to you. “I don’t feel like walking back inside again so I’m gonna eat here, is that a problem?” He asked.
“No it’s not… thank you,” you said, beginning to eat.
He did not answer but began to eat himself.
“So you know everyone’s order or something?” You asked, curiously.
“No. I just look at your tits a lot and your miso soup and salmon are always in the way,” he answered roughly.
You felt your face flush, “Wow ok- any gentleman points you earned from getting my food is gone now.” You laughed nervously.
“At least I’m honest,” he said, finishing up his food and standing up. “Alright enjoy the rest of your alone time,” he said and began to walk back up the stairs.
“Bakugo wait-," you called out before even thinking about what you wanted to say.
“What?” He asked annoyed, turning back around.
“Uh-,” you stammered. What the hell did you even want to say to him? Thank you? You had already said that. No, what you really wanted to say was a bit more than that. However, you found it hard to be as honest as he was with you. His intimidating stare pierced through you making you freeze up.
“Come on, out with it- I don’t have all day,” he said, looking increasingly frustrated.
“I- uh-,” you stuttered again. Fuck it just say it. “I look at you too,” you mumbled, then quickly looked away to hide your increasing blush caused by your confession.
“Oh?” He exclaimed, a devilish grin speeding across his face. He sat back down next to you this time unusually close. “When?” He asked, leaning slightly forward to catch your gaze.
“What?” You answered back, turning to meet his eyes fully.
“When do you look at me?” He asked, and the roughness in his voice caused you to shiver.
You let out a nervous laugh, all the time you thought.
“In the dorms, in the common room. It’s pretty criminal for you to be hanging out in there with just your muscle T-shirt and sweats.” You said, trying to sound confident but the shakiness of your voice gave away how nervous you were.
Katsuki’s smirk grew even larger, “And what do you think about when you look at me?” He asked.
“What-," you exclaimed, feeling your whole body tense up. What exactly was he asking you?
“Do you ever want to touch me?” He asked.
You felt your whole mouth dry out, no words could come even if you knew what to say. Your mouth left slightly agape in shock at his bold questions.
“Do you ever want to fuck me? That’s what I think about when I look at you. The way you get so riled up during training and sparring matches. I bet you're really wild when you let loose, aren't you?" He spoke so low nearly a whisper, his husky voice making him almost inaudible. But you hung on to every word he said. Your thighs squished tighter together as he continued to speak, in this low volume meant just for you.
"You know it was criminal how you took down Uraraka, the way you straddled her. The boys talked about that for a while in the dorms.” He spoke, then paused watching how you trembled at his words. Your thighs clenched together as you bit at your bottom lip, still having nothing to say for yourself.
“I’m sorry, was that too honest? Too much information for you? Did I just destroy some of your innocence?” He said laughing. Damn, he thought to himself, he hadn't even laid a finger on you but you already looked so hot and bothered.
“Never mind, if you want to talk more you know where to find me,” he said with a cocky smirk knowing he already had you. He ran a finger under your chin as he got up to leave, leaving you alone on the stairs to process what the hell happened.
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athenamikaelson · 2 months
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Klaus Mikaelson x Soulmate!Reader x Elijah Mikaelson Pt. 11
Word Count- 3.8k
Warnings- Mentions of Suicide(Damon trying to die because of his wolf bite), swearing, death, blood, gun/gun-shot wounds, smaller chapter but big things happening cliffhanger ending
“Yes, Elena. Once again, I’m fine. I have to go run an errand and then I’ll see you guys at the square. OK? Toodles!”
I quickly hung up my phone, just in case Elena decided to ask what errand I was running. How the hell am I supposed to tell her I’m going to try to talk a dying Damon Salvatore off the ledge?
It’s been two days since Demon dropped the bomb that he was dying and then disappeared. He hasn’t answered my calls and whenever I ask Stefan about him he says “I’m working on it.” Not well enough, clearly, because the Bunny Eater called me 30 minutes ago telling me Damon just tried lighting himself on fire and he needs my help talking him down. I’m not sure why I’m the one he called for this since I’ve heard Damon on more than one occasion say he’d rather die than listen to me speak. 
Damon and Stefan have made me keep quiet about this, so no one else but us three knows. Which is why I fibbed a bit on my phone call with Elena. I’m not entirely on board with keeping this a secret. What do the Salvatores think is going to happen when the werewolf bite kills Damon? Just tell everyone Damon went upstate to a farm, just like what parents tell their children when their turtles or dogs die.
Although Damon and I have had our differences, I can admit the thought of him dying doesn’t sit well with me. Especially since he got bit trying to stop the ritual. Even though it didn’t stop it, it did save Tyler and Caroline. Who I guess was replaced by that bitch Jules and some random vampire Klaus had in his back pocket. 
I take a deep breath as I exit my car and walk up to the front door of the Salvatore house. I don’t bother knocking since everyone kind of just lets themselves in when it comes to this place. I’m about to call out for Stefan but within a moment he’s flashed in front of me. 
“Oh good lord,” I clutch my chest in surprise. At this Stefan’s eyes widen and he reaches out to me.
“I’m sorry, Y/n! Is it your heart again? Do you need anything? Here take some of my blood,” Stefan frantically says.
I put both of my hands up and shake them, “Stefan calm down dude, okay? I’m good, you just scared me. I’ve got to start getting you vamps little bells to wear around your necks.”
Stefan slightly laughs but I can still see the weariness in his eyes.
“Really Stefana, I’m good.”
Stefan sighs and nods, “Sorry, I just…with everything going on I’m just…,” Stefan rubs his hand over his face and now I can clearly see the exhaustion and sadness on it. 
I take a step closer and wrap my arms around him in a hug, “It’ll be ok, we’ll figure it out, alright?”
Stefan doesn’t say anything but I feel him nod as he wraps his arms around me tighter as if me hugging him is the only thing keeping him grounded. And after seeing his older brother trying to light himself on fire, it might just be. 
After another moment Stefan releases me and smiles at me but it doesn't reach up all the way. 
“He’s down here,” He says and I follow him down to where Elijah was when he was daggered. 
At the thought of the Original my heart sinks. It’s been three days since I’ve seen or heard from him. Each time I hear my phone ring a small part of me expects it to be him with his stupid posh accent telling me he’s sorry for ghosting me, but every time I answer it’s never him. I’ve tried to distract myself with hanging out with the girls, or Theo, and even the occasional phone call with Jenna who talks to me a lot now about the supernatural since we both learned about it recently. Bonnie and I have also been going through her deceased Gram’s grimoires and things to see if we can find anything on why my chest bled and then magically healed itself, but nothing comes up.  It’s disheartening but Bonnie says she won’t stop searching until she’s found the reason. Our time together has made me realize just how good of a friend Bonnie is. She’s loyal and kind and she’d fight for her friends until her dying breath. Which is sadly something she has already done once. I really like hanging out with her and her teaching me more about her world. I may not understand much about witches but it’s nice to see how excited she gets when she talks about it. 
“Are you going to be good down here by yourself,” Stefan leans down to whisper to me.
“What,” I question now realizing he’s been talking this entire time. 
“I have to go to the square to go speak to Elena but after I’ll be back. Just whatever he says, don’t let him out. Ric should be here soon too. He can take your place when he gets here.”
I do a soldier’s salute and he rolls his eyes as he walks back upstairs. Leaving me and Grumpy down here by ourselves. The door that separates us is big and wooden with a small window that has three metal bars. I look through and frown when I see Damon scrunched up, sitting on the far side of the room. 
“Are you going to eat me if I come in?”
“Drinking your blood would be a fate worse than death,” Damon’s scratchy voice speaks up after a moment. 
I roll my eyes as I unlock the door and push it open, I quickly make my way inside and close it. I lean against the door and cross my arms as I look at the dying vampire in front of me. 
“Stefan really thought you of all people would be the one to talk me off the ledge,” Damon grunts out as he puts his head up to look at me. 
“That’s exactly what I said. I told him you’d be more likely to do it again after hearing me speak,” I laugh out.
Damon’s upper lip twitches for a moment and he lets out a strangled laugh, “You’re not wrong. 
We’re both quiet for a moment before Damon speaks up again, “I’m going to die.”
I take a deep breath and sit down against the door mirroring Damon, “At the moment, yes you are.”
Damon raises an eyebrow at me, “So you’re not going to fill me with fairy tales about some special cure and that by tomorrow I’ll be fresh as a daisy?”
I shrug my shoulders, “Is that what you want me to do?”
Damon stares at me for a moment and then shakes his head, “No, I don’t.”
“Alright then. Works for me. You know, Stefan called me to try to talk you down because he thinks what you did was crazy. But… I understand why you did it.”
This captures Damon’s attention as he stares questioningly at me, “You do?”
I nod as I play with a loose thread on my shirt, “Ya. You’re scared. And in pain. You think this is the only way out, but it isn’t. And I’m not saying that because of some magical cure. I’m saying that because you still have time left to say your goodbyes and to be with those who actually care about you. Even though you’re an actual hellspawn. I know that this is scary, you’ve been alive for over a century and now you’re facing mortality for the first time in years. I would be scared too.”
Damon’s jaw clenches and for a moment I think he’s mad but when I see him turn his head to stare at the wall next to him I realize he’s trying to hide his emotions. 
“Damon you can stare at that wall all you’d like but I meant what I said.”
At the sound of footsteps, I stand up. 
“Ric’s here. Try not to be such an ass to him. You’re kind of like his only friend,” When he doesn’t make any noise about my joke I frown and start to unlatch the door, “I’m glad I met you, Damon. I don’t tell a lot of people that, but it’s true. Thanks for bringing out a fire in me I didn’t know I had.”
Damon says nothing and I quickly wipe a stray tear from my face as I open the door.
“I’m glad I met you too, Y/N. Even though you’re a pain in the ass,” I turn and make eye contact with Damon, and even though the room is dark, I swear I can see small tears building in his blue eyes, “I don’t believe in next lives or whatever…but if they somehow exist, I wouldn’t mind meeting you again in that one, Pukey.”
I let out a small sob as I run over to the seated man and throw my arms over him. He lets out a grunt of surprise and after a moment he wraps his arms around me and I can feel the dampness from his tears on my shirt.
“If you tell anyone about this I’ll kill you,” He tries to threaten but his voice comes out strained so it doesn’t hold much punch.
“Ya whatever, Demon.”
It’s night by the time I get to the square for whatever movie night the town’s having. Elena asked me to come earlier since she says everyone needs a break from all the chaos that has happened. I’m not excited to see how she’s going to react to the news about Damon. But for now, I’m grabbing my fluffy blanket and walking towards my friends and watching this stupid movie.
Jenna, Jeremy, Bonnie, and Caroline all sit together talking as I walk up behind them. 
“Hey guys,” I say and they all spin around to look at me. Bonnie and Jenna both send me warm smiles and waves, Caroline hops up and guides me over to the group talking my ear off already, and Jeremy tries to send me a smile but that dude looks like he would rather be anywhere else. 
“What errand took you so long,” Caroline questions.
“Oh, Theo just needed some help bringing back his football gear and stuff. I guess the coach has been bothering him to get it back for weeks since the season ended,” I say which isn’t a total lie since I did do that after leaving the Salvatores.
“How is Theo,” Jeremy asks. 
Ever since the funeral Jeremy and Theo have been gaming together. When I asked Theo about it,  he said he was doing it out of pity and that someone as cool as him wouldn’t hang out with an emo like Jeremy. But after passing by Theo’s room and hearing him and Jeremy laugh and make fun of each other over call, I don’t think Theo is really doing this out of pity anymore. After moving here and with everything that has happened with our parents it’s been hard for Theo to make friends. Even though he says otherwise. I know he has people to hang out with at school, but it’s all brainless jocks who probably don’t even care to know my brother’s favorite color. He needs a good friend like Jeremy in his life. 
“Theo’s good. Even though he was pissy this morning because he says you cheated last night,” I admit to him as I sit down next to Jenna and Caroline. 
Jeremy shoots me a look of disbelief, “I did not cheat! That jerk! He’s the one who cheated,” Jeremy lifts up his phone and starts angrily texting someone. A someone, who I’m guessing is my brother.
I look around noticing the absence of my best friend, “Where’s Elena?”
They all look at each other wearily before Bonnie grabs my hand, “You might want to prepare yourself for this.”
I look at her confused for a moment and whisper, “Is this about the Damon thing?”
“You knew?!’’
“Excuse me?”
They all yell out and I raise my hands in surrender, “Hey! Stefana and Demon made me keep quiet. They didn’t want to stress anyone else out more.”
“How long have you known,” Caroline asks me and I grimace, “Like… since John’s funeral.”
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! It just wasn’t my place to say.”
They think about this for a moment before nodding.
“Elena went to go talk to Damon and Stefan is off trying to find a cure,” Bonnie says.
“Let’s hope he finds one in time.”
We all quiet down after a moment and go back to watching the movie, but 5 minutes later I feel a tap on my right shoulder.
I shoot Jenna a questioning look as she leans down to whisper to me, “Anything from Elijah?”
I just send her a small shake of my head and she returns it with a comforting smile and a squeeze to my shoulder, “His loss then.”
Over the past few days of Jenna and I talking about the supernatural, we’ve also been chatting about other things like school and relationships. It took me a while to open up but after I did I brought up Elijah. Talking to Jenna about Elijah, and everything that’s happened with him has actually made me feel somewhat better. Jenna’s been more of a mother figure to me these past three days than my own mother has in almost 18 years. 
Out of the corner of my eye, Jeremy quickly stands up, capturing all of our attention. 
He hangs up the phone and turns back to us with a nervous look, “Damon escaped and Elena wasn’t there yet so Ric thinks he’s coming here to see her. Ric says the bite is making him hallucinate so he’s not himself right now.”
“Fantastic,” I mutter to myself and Jenna slightly elbows me and shoots me a disapproving look. 
“If Damon is off the rails, there is nothing you can do to stop him. Let us take care of it,” Bonnie gestures towards herself, and Caroline and I want to groan at this. It’s really starting to piss me off how the supernaturals keep pushing us humans away every time we want to help. Just because we don’t have super strength or heal within a split second doesn’t mean we’re useless.  
“You keep doing this! You left me behind before, and guess what, Elena was still killed,” Jeremy exclaims to his girlfriend, “I’m going to find my sister. You go ahead and try to stop me. Y/N, Jenna, you with me?” 
Jenna instantly nods and I shoot a look at Bonnie and Caroline before walking towards Jeremy, “Let’s go.”
“There he is!” 
I follow behind Jeremy as we see a wounded Damon staring off into space. Jenna left a while ago to go find Ric, leaving Little Gilbert and I to try to find Elena. “Damon,” Jeremy tries catching the attention of the delusional vamp and I watch with caution. 
“Where’s Elena? I need to see Elena now,” He frantically says and I send him a smile as Jeremy walks closer to him.
“Hey, let’s get you out of here first, alright,” Jeremy grabs Damon, who instantly falls into his arms. I go to the vampire’s other side and grab his arms trying to help Jeremy with the deadweight. 
After a bunch of odd stares and murmurs from passersby, we finally get Damon through the crowd and into the empty Grill.
Jeremy drops Damon off at a table and goes to tell Ric where we are. I’m still holding onto Damon's arm as I watch Jere, but turn around when I feel Damon do the same. And I freeze.
“Y/n, move I don’t want to hurt you,” Sheriff Forbes stands in front of us holding her gun and pointing at Damon. 
I go to try to reason to her but Damon flashes away, spooking Liz and all I hear is the sound of a gun and a piercing in my left arm. 
“Oh god,” Liz looks at me for a moment in shock but when she looks behind me her features go straight to fear. 
A strangled sob escapes my mouth as I watch Jeremy fall to the floor, his once-grey shirt turning red, as blood spills from his chest. 
“What the hell did you do,” I scream at Liz as I run over to Jeremy with tears in my eyes.
 I strip off my sweatshirt and place it over his bleeding chest.
“Come on Jeremy, you’re going to be alright,” I sob, “You’re going to be alright Jere,”
Another sob comes from my mouth as Jeremy’s shaking hand grabs mine for comfort. 
“I know this hurts but I have to keep pressure on it, okay. You’re going to be just fine.”
I can hear Liz call for paramedics as she tries to move my hands so she can hold down the sweatshirt.
“Don’t you dare,” I snarl at her and she sits back.
“Jeremy…Hey! Jere,” I shake my head as he closes his eyes. 
Bonnie and Caroline rush up to us and Caroline gently sets me back so she can try to help Jeremy. I sit there with silent sobs as I watch Bonnie tell Caroline that Jeremy’s ring won't bring him back since the sheriff is human. 
Caroline bites into her wrist and places it onto Jeremy’s mouth, “Go on, Jeremy. Drink.”
“What are you doing,” The sheriff questions her daughter even though she is not the one who should be speaking at all right now. 
“I’m helping him.”
I sit there with tears in my eyes as Jeremy doesn’t wake up and I know it’s because he’s dead. The others must realize this too because they all sit back with sobs of their own. The sound of a door opening captures my attention and I look up to see Ric and Jenna staring over at us.
“Bonnie what’s wrong,” Ric asks as he and Jenna run over to us. As soon as they see Jeremy though they halt. Jenna instantly falls to her knees crying and I crawl over to her ignoring the shooting pain in my arm. I grab her into my arms and she instantly latches to me and sobs into my shoulder. 
“I know what I need to do,” Bonnie says aloud as she stands, “I need you to grab him. T-Take him with us.”
“No, no, no, no. You can’t move him. This is a crime scene,” Liz tries denying which has me wanting to smack her. Jeremy’s dead all because of a prejudice she has.
“Mom, just let them go,” Caroline tells her mother and Liz stands up so Ric can grab Jeremy’s body.
“Okay. Alright, come here, buddy. I got you,” Ric says and I hug Jenna tighter.
Bonnie sits in front of us chanting over Jeremy’s body. Candles around us burn hotter as Bonnie shakes her head, “No.”
“What? What is it,” Ric asks.
“They’re angry at me for coming back here. They don’t wanna help.”
I shake my head in denial.
  “Well, they have to.”
Bonnie looks at Jeremy with tears in her eyes, “They said there’ll be consequences.”
“Well, he’s just a kid. Tell’em to shut up.”
Bonnie continues chanting and the witch house starts to shake.
“Emily! I know you’re there. Please help me. I love him.”
Jenna, Ric, and I watch in silent horror as everything stops and Jeremy is still lifeless. Bonnie cries holding him and Jenna crawls over to her dead nephew. 
I look down at Jeremy and let out a sob of relief as I see him flutter his eyes open. 
I sigh deeply as I watch Jenna and Bonnie hug Jeremy. 
I turn to Ric who is staring at my arm, I watch as he slowly lifts his fingers and touches my shirt. I fight the urge to groan in annoyance as I look at the fresh blood on his fingers. 
“Anyone want to take me to the hospital?”
“OK, so it appears you’ve lost quite a bit of blood,” The doctor tells me as he tapes gauze over the gunshot wound on my shoulder. I have a gunshot wound. I was shot. What the hell?! Somehow the bullet that killed Jeremy went right through the upper part of my shoulder. 
Ric and Jenna had dropped me off about an hour ago. They insisted on staying, but I told them my mother would be here soon and they should get back to Jeremy. 
“We’re going to have to give you some blood. Do you happen to know what you’re blood type is? It appears that on your medical records, your mother and father’s blood types are listed but yours isn’t.”
I shake my head, “I’ve never had to get blood drawn before so I don’t know.” 
The doctor nods, “That’s fine. We would give you the universal donor blood but for some reason, we’ve had a shortage in blood lately,” I nod along as if I don’t know exactly why that is, “But we’ll take some of your blood and do a test then find out what your type is.”
I nod and thank him.
“We called your mother but it seems she can’t get out of work and your father didn’t answer. Is there anyone else you’d like to call to be with you?”
My heart hurts as I think about how both my parents couldn’t bother to come to see their own daughter in the hospital, “Um...no thank you. I’m alright.”
The doctor sends me a smile, but he looks almost as hurt about my parents not being here as I am. Tell me about it man. I watch silently as he takes a vial of my blood, tells me he’ll have my results soon, and then leaves. 
Great who the hell is going to drive me home?
I’m awoken by a small shake to my uninjured shoulder. I squint my eyes to see the doctor from before looking down at me wearily. 
At this, I try to sit up but waves of pain stop me.
“Don’t move sweetheart it’ll just rip open your stitches,” The doctor gently pushes me back down. But the look on his face makes me nervous.
“Is everything ok,” I question. 
The doctor is silent before he shows me a blood bag, “I was able to find a match for you, but… your blood type is Type B,” His tone and words confuse me. Wouldn’t he be relieved he was able to find me blood?
“I don’t understand,” I shake my head in confusion.
“I don’t know if I should be telling you this without a parent present. I could be fired,” He says to himself as if he’s fighting some internal battle. 
“Please… what are you talking about?”
The doctor places a hand on my shoulder and frowns at me, “Your mother’s blood type is Type A, and your father’s is Type O,” At the confusion still clearly on my face he sighs, “Genetically those two blood types combinations can only produce Type A and O children. So…”
My entire world seems to come down crashing on top of me as he finishes his sentence.
“You can’t be related, biologically, to your father.”
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bueckers-babygirl · 25 days
I Need You pt.2 (paige bueckers x black!reader
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Part one <3
Summary: You and Paige finally unite
Warning: Just cursing
word count: 1757
Three months. It’s been three months since me and Paige went on our “break”. 
The first month was the hardest. Just a lot of crying, bargaining, rants, and Chipotle. I sat in my puddle of despair, wondering what Paige was doing.
What she was thinking, hoping the thoughts were about me.
My worst thought was thinking that she had moved on to someone new, or someone that has always been there.
The second month was the month that I told myself to stand the fuck up.
This month had its ups and downs. I moved in with my best friend who welcomed me with open arms. She’s been more than supportive since the very beginning. She comforted me, fed me when I didn’t feel like eating, and took the remote from my hands every time I felt like turning on a UConn game (I'm healing slowly but surely).
I even picked up a hobby! I started taking a ballet class to keep my mind off of things! My bleeding feet are a VERY good distraction.
The third month is when I felt like a new and healed me. My skin was clear, my curls were popping, my body was giving. I felt better.
However, no matter what I did or how much better I thought I was…I can’t get her out of my mind.
“Come on! You’ve been stuck in this house all day! It’s getting sad Mookie” my bestie, Quenlin, says while ripping the blanket from my body.
“My dance class got canceled today and new episodes of my show came out. I just thought I could lay here and wallow all day” I moan while pulling my hoodie over my face. I turn my head to see Quenlin shaking her head.
“Girl, you smell like ten cans of ass and your hair looks a mess. You cannot let this girl get to you like this” She turns to open the curtains.
The blinding light burns my eyes as I wince and pull a pillow over my face. She rolls her eyes as she lays next to me on the bed.
“Let’s go bar hopping tonight! You love that shit” she yells as she shakes my aching body! She wasn’t wrong, bar hopping was probably my favorite activity. I lay there and contemplate whether I should get cute and have fun or lay in the imprint I have made in the bed and cry.
“I’ll buy you Chipotle” and with those four words, I hopped in the shower, got dressed, and was ready to head out the door.
9:30 Pm
Me and I were on our second bar of the night and I felt alive again. I had flashes of images of Paige in my mind throughout the night but I decided I would deal with that issue when I went home. 
“Girl, can you go order us some drinks? I gotta piss real bad” Quenlin said, doing the potty dance at her grown age. 
“Go ahead, and stop doing that shit” I laugh as she waddles off to the bathroom. I make my way up to the bar and order me and my friend vodka cranberries. 
I twiddled my thumbs waiting for the drinks, when I finally heard it.
“Hey beautiful” My body froze when I heard the voice I had longed for so much but also dreaded hearing. I slowly turned my head to see the beautiful blonde that had been occupying my mind for months.
She looked so good, but also drained.
Words tried so hard to leave my mouth but nothing came out.
“You look good. Like, good. Guess the break up was good to you” She lets out an awkward laugh as I am still in shock but gain the ability to speak.
“Eh. It was ok for me. A lot of crying hehe” I mentally slap myself, who the fuck says that. 
“Yeah, same” She looks down at her feet trying to figure out what to say next.
“Listen, can we talk, please? I wanna fix this. I-”
“Unh Unh! What are you doing here” Quenlin appears from thin air as she jumps in front of me to confront Paige. This breaks me out of my trance as I jump to defend Paige. 
“No, Quen! It’s ok! Me and her are just going to talk outside” I put my hands on my best friend's shoulders to calm her down. She turns to look at me and then back at Paige.
“Fine, but if you try some manipulative shit, it’s me and you” she pokes piage with her finger before walking away. Paige looks back at me “I never liked her. I just want you to know that.”
I laughed as I walked to the door, Paige following close behind. When we get a good distance away from the bar we stop and just look at each other.
I can tell she’s trying to find words to say, I couldn’t find any either.
We stood in silence for a few more minutes before one of us finally spoke.
“I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I made you feel like shit for so many months. You should have been my priority and I didn’t do that” Paige let out a shaky breath before looking down at the ground. I waited for her to continue but….she just stopped.
“Paige…that's not the only reason why I wanted to take a break. Yes, you ignoring me was a big part of it but there was so much more” She finally raises her head to look me timidly in the eyes.
I take a shaky breath before continuing. “It was the petty comments, the constant arguing, and the insecure feeling I always felt” I started choking up on my words, and the memories of me and the girl I love screaming at each other came flooding back.
“I'm sorry! I was just so stressed with basketball, the interviews, and the constant attention that I guess I got stressed” She quickly tried to defend herself, flailing her arms in the air.
“I understand how stressful that could be but…I would've been there for you. I could've listened to your rants, helped you during solo practice, and helped you calm down when you were nervous about an interview…but you shut me out and started bullshit arguments for no reason. I love you so much. I just wanted to help you” I felt a tear roll down my face.
I saw Paige’s face change from defensive to vulnerable in the middle of the conversation.
I let out a sigh as Paige drops her head, tears falling down her pretty face. “Paige, I love you so much. You’re probably the best thing that has happened to me in a long time” I take her hands in mine “but when we have an issue, you can’t just shut me out or brush it off. We need to talk. We need to express ourselves or else it’s just gonna get worse.”
Paige raises her head once more, looking into my brown eyes with her bloodshot blue eyes. “I know…I wanna be better for you baby. I will do anything to make it up to you. I just want things to go back to the way they were” She brings my hand to her lips, placing a tender kiss upon them.
I felt my skin turn hot as her lips connected to my skin, it’s kind of funny how we were together for so long and she still managed to make me nervous.
“I know it seems like an empty promise but I swear I will do everything that I can to make it up to you. I’ll communicate better and I will make sure to do everything that I can to remind you that you're the love of my…I can’t fucking lose you again y/n” she wraps her arms around my body, leaving another kiss on the top of my head.
On instinct, I wrap my arms around her to as I close my eyes to breathe in her perfume.
I was still angry with her but somehow I knew deep down that she was serious about wanting to be better for me. 
She pulls back to look into my eyes before she places an unexpected but loving kiss on my lips. I felt like I was floating on air as my lips touched the ones that they have been craving for three months. With this simple act, she knew that I forgave her 
As we pull away she rests her forehead on mine. 
“Can we just start over please, I miss you so much” Paige giggles while also sniffling. 
I let out a snort as I placed my hand on her cheek “Well we got a long way to go until we are back to the same place but, I think we’ll be ok”.
2 days later
“Ok! I think that’s the last of my shit” I let out a sigh of relief placing the last bit of my clothes back into me and Paige’s shared closet. I fell back into our bed, missing the smell of our sheets. 
I let out a grunt as Paige ran into the room and jumped on top of me. “Jesus Paige! I think you broke one of my ribs” I try to push her off of me as I let out a laugh.
Paige keeps her position on top of me as she puts her face into the crook of my neck. “I'm sorry, baby. I'm just happy you're back” she sighs as she kisses my neck.
“Ew, can yall wait to fuck until after I leave,” Quenlin says as she brings me some more of my stuff in from the car. I laugh as Paige finally rolls off me with a dramatic groan.
I walk over to Quenlin take the box of stuff from her hands and place it on the floor. “Thank you for letting me stay with you,” I say as I hug her.
“Of course, anytime! However, if this shit happens another time me and Paige are gonna have to tussle. You hear me” she yells towards Paige.
“I love you too, Quen” Paige blew a kiss to her.
Quen rolls her eyes before giving me a kiss on the cheek and leaving. 
“Why must y’all fight over me”
“Because you’re the most important thing to us, baby” Paige leaves another kiss on my lips before hopping back onto the shared bed that I will never leave again.
Y'all I am so fuckin sorry this came out so late! But here yall go <3
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abbys-wifey · 11 months
penalty shot
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request linked here
pairing: jenna ortega x female reader
warnings: none
a/n: i think i’m also gonna start writing for arcane characters (mostly sevika) , lemme know what u guys want :)
Stress doesn’t even begin to cover the amount of anxiety I feel as I stand under the stadium lights readying myself to kick a penalty goal. My team may be up by one but missing this kick could ruin my chances at moving up the league ladder. Plus it doesn’t help that football fans are never lenient when it comes to penalty goals, miss it and your basically the worst player to ever walk the field.
Taking a deep breathe I glance toward the goalie who stands crouched in the middle of the goal side stepping from side to side ready to dive. With a clench of my jaw and a last glance at my team behind me I manage to calm myself as each member nods their head in encouragement. Finally I begin to run towards the ball, grass kicking up in my wake as I lift my right leg and make contact with the ball.
The stadium is silent, watching as the ball flies through the air looking as if it’s going for top bins. My hopes are quickly squashed however as the goalie manages to get a finger to the ball causing it to fly up and over the goal and straight into first row of the crowd.
An ooh echoes around the stadium as my ball smacks a brown haired woman dead in the middle of her face. Her hands immediately flying up to her nose as she winces in pain. “Shit.” I mumble under my breath seeing the woman on the big screen, my cheeks blushing red as I notice how beautiful she happens to be.
“Dude, you just hit Jenna Ortega in the face.” My teammate Sam whispers, her eyes not leaving the big screen either. “Of course I did. I’ll be right back.” I pat her on the back before heading over towards Jenna who dabs at her nose which runs red blood all down her chin.
“Hey, no you can’t leave the field.” The ref sprints in front of me, an arm extended out before me to prevent me from getting any further. “I just need to see if she’s ok.” I plead gently pushing the refs arm.
“Only time your leaving this field before time is up will be for a red card and if u keep behaving how you are it won’t be far away.” The refs eyes narrow before he picks up his whistle and blows it loudly in my ear.
“Get back on the field.” He seethes, a vein popping on his neck. Holding my hands up in surrender I head back to the field glancing over my shoulder to find Jenna already staring at me. I send her an apologetic smile to which she raises her eyebrows with a tiny smile she tried so hard to hide.
Throughout the rest of the match I can’t help but glance over at the brown haired woman who holds a cloth to her nose yet still cheers loudly. Even with the blood running down her chin and the large cloth covering half her face, her beauty still managed to force the blood to rush to my cheeks.
Finally only two minutes remain with the score now tied. The crowd fades into background noise as I slide across the ground successfully tackling a girl from the opposite team causing her to trip over my foot as it hits the ball from between her legs. Her arms extend as she gasps, glaring at the ref as if trying to force him to give me a yellow card.
Luckily the call never comes allowing me to take the ball that rolls down the field and dribble it towards the goals. Defenders come my way pausing my play as I somehow manage to manoeuvre the ball between their legs until it is just me and the goalie once again.
Kicking hard silence falls over the stadium as my ball flies through the air. Only this time the goalie dives the opposite way allowing the back of the net to catch my ball.
The stadium erupts into cheers and applause, my name echoing across the stadium as the buzzer finally sounds ending the match. I find myself surrounded by my team mates, each one wrapping their arms around me and slapping my back in celebration of our victory but I only have eyes for one person at this time.
“Guys, guys hang on I have to do something. One minute.” I force my way out the group and head towards the crowd once again, only this time no ref stops me as I lean against the barricade where Jenna sits.
“I’m so sorry for hitting you.” I apologise instantly, gently biting my lip as she sticks her tongue out to wet her lips. “You made up for it with that last goal.” She shrugs with a small smile. “Plus it’s not broken so.” Jenna pulls the cloth away from her nose for a second as if to show me her button nose is far from damaged. “Yeah still looks perfect to me.” I flirt holding eye contact with the girl who raises an eyebrow. “That doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt.” She fakes a pout and I let out a laugh before stepping backwards.
“Well then let me make it up to you.” I pull my jersey over my head leaving me in just a sports bra and shorts. “Got a pen? I can sign it for you too.” I chuckle as Jenna not so subtly eyes my stomach before reaching into her back pocket. “How do you even know I go for your team?” She teases watching me with a grin as I roll my eyes.
“Well the cheering and screaming of my name was a large sign.” I retort leaning my jersey against the barricade so I can write on it.
Signing my name and my number onto the jersey I place it in her hand, ignoring the tingling sensation as her finger graze mine. “Don’t sell it or I’ll have to change my number for the third time.” I playfully threaten. “Ooh I might just have to. Call it revenge.” Jenna chuckles before glancing over my shoulder.
“Looks like people are waiting on you. I’ll text you. Maybe.” She grins. I raise an eyebrow. “I’ll be waiting Miss Ortega. And I promise next time I see you there will be no blood noses involved.” I send her a wink before turning around and heading back to the field.
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star-girl69 · 2 months
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giving the people what they want 🙏
warnings: ofc swearing and yes we get VERY freaky yet AGAIN, y/n refers to herself as kk’s controversially young gf bc i think it’s funny, deal w it
you: babe we should do this trend
kk: yes come over
kk: don’t even have to film it i’ll do it for free
you: i know u wanna kiss me 💋
kk: i think that’s obvious
you: no it’s a tik tok sound
kk: ok great come over and kiss me
you: ok… calm down… i’m coming
kk: really???
you: what is wrong with u.
kk: i’m sorry plz forgive me ma’am
you: come over
kk: yes i’m omw
you: amazing response time btw
kk: is this taylor swift?
you: omg u got it right?? i’m so proud ❤️
kk: i learned from the best 💪
you: why do u have no food in ur apartment
kk: ?? we have food
you: literally here rn and u don’t
kk: me and laila went shopping yesterday babe
you: *laila and i
kk: same thing
kk: i’m sure u can find something
you: i cant and im starving
kk: baby there’s food
you: i’m never eating again bye
you: i hate u healthy freaks
you: buy potato chips like normal ppl
kk: okay baby
you: i was hangry im sorry
kk: i figured 😂 no worries babe
kk: did u eat?
you: yes i had to doordash tho
kk: 🙄
kk: i love u
kk: what????
you: i’m sorry it’s an automatic response
you: i love u too ❤️
kk: u confuse me sometimes
you: then i’m succeeding at being ur controversially young gf who’s references u don’t understand 🫡
you: do u hate me?
kk: no ofc not
you: are u sure?
kk: yes i’m sure where is this coming from babe?
you: u let go of my hand earlier ☹️
kk: babe are u fr rn?
you: bye u hate me ok i’ll just see myself out
kk: and i’ll just drag u right back in bc i don’t hate u
kk: when did i even let go of ur hand?
you: when u were adjusting the bags ☹️
kk: ok so
kk: i let go of ur hand for one second to adjust the shopping bags i was carrying for u and u think i hate u?
you: yes exactly
you: do u?
kk: i love u my very clingy girl 😂
kk: what is aura?
you: like aura points or the actual metaphysical thing
you: pls use it in a sentence
kk: “this dance is giving u negative aura points”
you: ok translation: doing this dance makes u look like a fucking loser
you: basically it’s like coolness
you: like if i tell someone “outfit gives u +1000 aura points” i’m basically saying like ur fit ate
kk: oh i see
kk: thank u baby
you: controversially young gf to the rescue 🫡
kk: u do realize ur not that much younger than me right
kk: like it’s not controversial
you: can u let me have this.
kk: okay baby ur my controversially young gf
you: thank u very much ❤️
you: stop cheating on me.
kk: excuse me?
kk: i’m literally standing across from u. we’re in the same room right now
you: tell that bitch to back off before i do
kk: are u jealous?
you: obviously not. come here now
you: please
kk: yes ma’am
kk: i don’t even know who ur talking about btw
you: the blonde?
kk: i was genuinely too busy looking at u to notice
you: omg this is so us.
kk: it’s a deer and a raccoon??
you: u just don’t get it…
kk: what is there to get
you: see the deer is me and u are the raccoon and the raccoon is hugging and kissing the deer
you: bc like ur so clingy
kk: unfortunately that makes sense
you: i miss you
kk: yeah baby?
you: please come over
kk: i cant rn babe
you: please baby i miss u so muchhhh
kk: i’m sorryyyy sweetheart
kk: i’ll see what i can do but probably in an hour yeah?
you: that’s too long
you: come over now
kk: i’m sorry babe i cant
you: please caroline
you: i need you
kk: 30 mins
you: i need u really badly though…
kk: 20 minutes i promise
you: caroline please i really really need u rn
you: u know where i need u
kk: be there in 5
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jellieland · 9 months
What would you do if you knew you were going to die?
“Oh,” says Lizzie sullenly, “you want to talk to me now?”
She shrugs one shoulder.
“I don’t know. Try some last-ditch attempt to survive? Kill someone else?”
She glares.
“Are you happy now?” she snaps. “Is that what you wanted to hear? Now go away.”
“Oh, come on,” says Jimmy, looking slightly offended. “Is this targeted? I bet I’m the only one you asked this. Am I the only one you asked this?”
Still, after a moment, he considers it.
“Well, he says. “As long as somebody else goes first, I don’t really care, to be honest. I’d just… do what I like, I guess! Yeah! I’d do what I like. That sounds good.”
“Ooh,” says Mumbo. “I would try and take as many people as possible down with me.”
He looks thoughtful.
“That is what this game’s about. Isn’t it?”
“You know,” says Tango, thoughtfully, and then immediately breaks into yelling, “I would love to not die in the dumbest way possible! That would be just great!”
He shakes his head.
He takes a breath, lets it out, and is calm again.
“But hey,” he says. “It’s gonna happen sooner or later anyway. Right?”
“Just gotta keep trying.”
“I’d stay vigilant!” says Skizz. “Hey, it’s not over til it’s over!
“I mean, maybe I’d try being a bit less nice? See how that works out? But, eh. No regrets.”
“That’s what’s important, you know?”
“I would make the most of it,” says Etho. “Do what I can.”
He shrugs, half-smiling.
“And then I would go home.”
“Fight it,” says Martyn, wearily. “I guess.”
“Die, presumably!” says Bigb, and grins. “Ooh, or would I?”
“Hey, and what about you? What would you do? Just ask people questions? That’s kinda sad, don’tcha think?”
“What are you talking about?” says Grian, narrowing his eyes. “You don’t know who’s going to win. Nobody knows that until it happens. You don’t know you’re going to die until it happens. Not really.”
Cleo laughs. “Really? You’re asking me?”
After a minute, they shake their head.
“I know what you mean, though,” they say, and shrug. “I would do what I always do. I would hold on. Until I can’t, anymore.”
“I mean, see if I could do anything about it!” says Impulse.
He looks away. Gives an almost sheepish smile.
“I- I don’t really want to die,” he says.
“Die?” says Bdubs. “I’m not gonna die! What are you talking about, I’m never gonna die! I’m the best! I’m super strong!”
He clears his throat awkwardly.
“And- even if I did. Even if I did, I wouldn’t just let it happen. I have stuff to do.”
He pauses.
“I- ok, maybe I would work on my fighting skills a bit, even though they’re already GREAT! Just, uh, just in case! Just in case I needed to really show off. For some reason.”
He glances over his shoulder.
“Don’t tell Gem I said that. Or Pearl.”
“…Or Cleo. In fact, maybe just keep this to yourself, ok, you little tattletales!”
“Kill whoever said that!” says Joel, posture ready to pounce. “Are you threatening me? Is that what this is?”
He squints suspiciously.
“You better not be. I’ll get you.”
“Make it count,” says Scott.
“I’d have fun!” says Gem. “I would enjoy myself!”
She looks curious.
“Wouldn’t everyone?” she asks.
“…Try and make it count,” says Pearl.
“What do you mean?” says Scar, confused. “What would I do if I knew I was going to die? Isn’t that everyone? Isn’t that just-”
He frowns. “That’s just living. Right? Am I wrong?”
He looks curiously up at the Secret Keeper, towering above him.
“Is that not just life?”
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kat651 · 3 months
I just reread your self harm elf posts again and was wondering if you would write something similar but with the reader being the one self harming?
Just thought I’d ask since I myself have struggled with this. If not that’s fine but I figured I’d ask
Love your writing so much btw
Elrond had spent the last hour searching for you. It was strange that you were able to do this to him, make him worried beyond what felt reasonable. Rivendell was a safe place. He knew that. But you always managed to make him panic. Always. 
Finally he decided to check your room. Occasionally you’d go in there during the day just to get some quiet. 
As he opened the door the sight before him caused him to gasp and tears to well up in his eyes. “Meleth, why?” He asked, briskly walking over to you and taking the knife before kneeling in front of you and gently taking your hands. “Why are you hurting yourself?” His eyes were brimmed with tears and his usual strong voice was wavering and choked. 
You didn’t answer and it felt like a punch to the gut for him. Elrond stood before lifting you out of the seat and seating you on your bed. “Don’t move I’ll be right back.” He whispered, kissing your cheek before running off. 
When Elrond returned he had everything he would need to take care of your wounds. He knelt before you and gently began to clean and wrap your wrists. When he finished he rose and sat next to you. “What’s wrong my love? Why are you doing this?”
You looked up at him for a moment before sighing and hiding your face in his chest. “It’s all too much right now. I can’t take it.” You sobbed. 
“I’m here…you don’t have to do this alone.”
You tried to hide it from him. but of course, being the observant person he was, he noticed. 
“Love, what happened to your wrist?” He asked, gently grabbing your hand. 
You looked away refusing to answer and it broke Lindir’s fraigile heart. He gently cupped your face and placed a kiss on your nose. 
You sighed and hugged yourself. 
“Hey… look at me…” he whispered, gently tilting your chin up. “I’m not mad. You know that… right?”
You nodded. 
Lindir put an arm around you and pulled you out of the room. “Do you want to talk about it?”
When he first saw the cuts on your wrists he panicked. “Y/n, what happened? Why would you- are you ok?!” 
For a regal elf lord he sure did panic when it came to you. 
Once he calmed down enough he looked at you with sad eyes. “How long? How long have you been doing this and not telling me?”
Of course you didn’t answer which caused him to worry again. “Is it me? Am I the reason?”
You shook your head and he visibly relaxed. “I- ok…I just… I worry. A lot.”
“I know” you said, leaning against him.
Legolas had caught you red handed. Quite literally. “Y/n!” He yelled in a panic. Which of course caused tears to well in your eyes. 
“I’m sorry!” You sobbed. 
Realizing he had caused you to panic, he slowly wrapped you in his arms. “Darling what’s wrong?” He whispered as he subconsciously inspected your wrists before sliding his bag off his shoulder and digging through it with one hand until he located some bandages. “Talk to me sweetheart.” He whispered as he gently wrapped your arms. 
When he noticed the scars on your wrists he hesitated to say anything at first. He knew all too well that kind of pain. 
After a few days he finally spoke up. “Don’t do it again.” He said, not even looking over. 
“Do what?” You asked confused. 
Haldir grabbed your hand and slid up your shirt sleeve. “This. Don’t do it.”
You pulled away and looked at your hands. 
Haldir sighed. Emotions were hard but he needed to try. He knelt in front of you and gently took your hands. “Look at me…”
You slowly met his gaze and to your surprise there was pain etched in his eyes. “Please don’t hurt yourself. If you want to hurt someone hurt me.”
“What? No!” 
Haldir gently took your face in his hands and placed a kiss on your forehead. “Please don’t do this to yourself. I…” he paused and took a breath. “I love you too much to watch you do this… please, if you’re struggling come talk to me. I’ll listen…”
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starieq · 6 months
“Lovin her seems tiring..” Part 2
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Taggies/ warnings; Pro!HeroKats, cheating, fingering, creampie, blowjob, ridding, cumming, squirting, swearing, mention of sex toys, dirty talk, titty fuck, drinking, drunk messaging, dry humping.
part 3!
After that crazy call with your boss, you went right into making reservations so you don’t get yelled at the next week of work. 
Wait. Is his girlfriend coming? Should you call and ask? Would he be mad? Do you reserve two rooms? One for you, and one for him? Of course you would! Why wouldn’t you? Don’t make this weird y/n.
You had a lot of what if’s. But, you wanted to be brave and call your hot headed hot boss. 
ring, ring, ring.
“The hell ya want now? Thought i made myself fuckin clear.” He grumbles into the phone.
“U-uh,” you stutter. “S-so, is uhm, Kira coming like she usually d-does, or..-“ 
“No. Just make two rooms. One for you and me.”
“Okay! Thank you for letting me know. B-but i do have a question Mr. Dynamight.” 
“Lay it on me.” He says calmly? Wow, you’ve never heard him so calm before. 
“So, why I’m I coming..?” You ask a little scared.
“Need ya to come with me cause you’re my damn assistant and you should do as I say. See ya next week y/n.”
He hangs up. God, his voice was so sexy. You couldn’t get enough of it. At least his bitch of a “girlfriend” isn’t coming. 
You go to work the next week after your short weekend. You get packed to go to Tokyo, and you plan to maybe go to Tokyo Disneyland since it’s not like your gonna be on patrol with him, right? 
You make your way to the bus station to get to the Dynamight agency. It was snowing and a horrible day to wear a white high waist mini skirt with a cute flower cardigan. At least you have a snow jacket and shoes in the office. 
You pay for your ticket and get on the bus. The bus station was pretty packed, you cant be late today. You decided to go on your phone to see the news, until you get a text from your boss.
:Dynamight🧡💥: I need ya to get to the fuckin office now. Go to my office when you’re here.
:y/n: sorry! Bus station is a little full today. I’ll get there as fast as I can! :D
You see the Dynamight agency and run out the bus as fast as you could. You knew Bakugo was a hot head and the last person you wanna piss off. It was kinda hard to run in the thick snow with uggs on, but you couldn’t care less. You NEEDED to get to your boss. 
You open the large doors and greeted the front lady that at gives you little candies. 
“Thank you Mrs. Hellen!” You wave goodbye and pop the candy in your mouth. You get to the elevator and press floor 8. As you get on, you notice you have a big whole in your tights. Fuck. Those were new too! Damnit. 
You gracefully walk to Bakugo’s office and hear grunting on the other side of the door.
You knock on the door and you hear Bakugo startle and race to get up. You’re not sure what he was doing, but your little dirty mind thinks something else. 
“What-“ he looks down at you. “Get in here,” He pulls your wrist inside his office. 
“Good morning to you too, Mr. Dynamight.” You give him a warm smile and he falls back on his chair. 
You notice his face is a little red and his cheeks are slightly puffed. You couldn’t help but also noticed a bulge in his hero cargo pants. 
“Ay, eyes up here sweetheart.” He says with a a smug smirk.
“O-oh sorry. I was just thinking about my uh, hole in my tights.” You said. Nice save, you think to yourself.
“Uh huh.” He says turning his chair so the back faces you.
“So Mr. Dynamight-“
“We’re leaving tonight, did ya pack your shit?” You noticed he clenched his jaw when he span his chair to face you again.
“Yeah.. uhm, are you going to pick me up or-“
“Yeah. Text me your address when I leave.” 
“Ok.. thank you for your time.” You spin on your heel to leave. You opened the door and took slow steps. 
Well, guess you should start working.
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dreamwritersworld · 11 months
On the run…
just a disclaimer that this has been the longest since I’ve posted and this isn’t a for sure series! I’ve been super busy lately and I took a break because writing felt more like a need then something I wanted to do, i’m kinda back now and I hope you enjoy it 💕
Neteyam and I grew up together, we were very close. I grew to love him and I believe he felt that way too…until we were told that we would be promised to each other…Neteyam didn’t liked the fact that he felt tied down without having a choice. He was perfect at everything but being a good promised mate to Y/n.
Y/n however was very good. She comforted Neteyam when he was stressed about his father and she’d give him calming oils and treatment to relax him..
There were nights where Neteyam was absent, one night Y/n decided to hug Neteyam even with him pushing her off…
“I can smell her. Her scent. Irya.”
“You’re crazy.”
“Stop it! I caught you. And you’re not going to talk your way out of this. How many Neteyam? How many are there? How many have there been?”
“What does it matter? Hmm? We still are promised to each other and have no choice but to be mated. But irya is willing to take in that void until then. And maybe…maybe that’s better for everybody.”
Y/n scoffed at his attitude towards the situation…the man she loved, the boy she grew up with, had become so heartless to her.
“You know what, it’s better for you! You have a pretty good deal don’t you? You go out! You fool around! I sit here, I take care of your home and the clan. Well no more! That’s it.”
“Calm down!”
“No! I’m not going to do this anymore! Ok? I’m not going to sit here and take it and take it! Sorry! I love you, yes! But I am not dirt! I am promised to you! And you will not do this to me anymore-“
“Enough! I’ll stop! It’s fine. But you will not raise your voice at me. We will not do anything until we are to be mated.”
Y/n watched as Neteyam turned his back to go lay on the hammock with a blanket that Y/n made and cleaned just for him. If this was how things were going to be…it pained her completely but he came home didn’t he? He came home to her..?
She slept that night right beside him…cold and crying. He didn’t ever hold her while she slept..not like how they did when they were younger.
Truth was Neteyam didn’t sleep with Irya, no he could never. He just laid with her…he knew her scent was enough to break Y/n’s heart further…
I stayed strong…I dealt with the pain and still claimed him proudly and openly…waiting on the day he called out my name.
I said I didn’t feel nothing but I lied, I almost cut a piece of myself for his love.
The passing Navi’s would smile at me and ask how Neteyam was…I would responded proudly.
“Ah yes Neteyam! He is doing well! Very good!”
Oh how I wished I didn’t get this treatment…I wish I could’ve been able to choose. In all honesty I would’ve still chosen Neteyam but it’d be on my terms..can’t say the same for him.
My days had an endless routine, I felt so trapped. I wanted Neteyam to stay even though he didn’t want me. Why can’t he wait till I fall out of love?
After everything going on…the war…the panic. It was decided that we’d have to give up our home and roles of the clan…everything. That meant every last tear, blood shed and sweat that Neteyam and I sacrificed to be the next leaders were wasted. Just because I was leaving didn’t mean I wasn’t no longer promised to Neteyam, he had all of me.
The move was so difficult and I didn’t know how else to comfort someone who didn’t want to be loved by me…but when he let me hold him, it gave me hope.
“We’ll be ok Ma’tyem”
The journey was long and tiring…it dragged and made our bodies sore…weak. Riding beside Neteyam made it worth it, all I could do was focus on him and how beautiful he truly was. Taking in his presence was my best bet at loving him from afar. Something about finding a new home and having a new adventure felt good despite leaving my entire life behind..
When we had arrived, nervousness ran through my veins…I allowed myself to be the last of the group to get off, watched how Neteyam protected his siblings and remained respectful just like his father.
I walked in cautiously repeating Neteyam’s same action and passing small smiles to those I had made eye contact with and then suddenly I made eye contact with someone who caught my attention …it was a boy who seemed about our age, instead of giving disgusted looks like he was before he froze. Soon enough the soften look in his eyes brought me into confusion, and I turned away. A warm unfamiliar arm wrapped around my waist, tuggin me forward and I couldn’t help but be more focused as to what was wrong.
Neteyam never held me, not anymore…not like when we were children. He pushed me to listen to the leader of the clan..that’s when I discovered the beautiful girl who Lo’ak shared a moment with was Tsireya and the boy I briefly noticed was Ao’nung..both children of the clans leaders. My ears went up and tail swayed at the new introduction, new people? New setting? Absolutely brought me bliss.
Unpacking was draining and having to now share a mauri with a full family was something I’d have to get used to, I didn’t mind though. I grew up with the Sully’s and remained very tight with all siblings…Neteyam included until our parents suggested we’d be mated. Of course I loved that idea…but Neteyam felt forced, it made him hate me.
It was another night of falling asleep beside Neteyam except this time he turned his body towards me and loosely had his arm around me. It was then that I realized I missed his touch so much and I’d settle with this even if it only meant he was doing it to prevent his family from questioning the separation.
I had butterflies take over me, placing my hand on top of his…only for him to pull his hand away and lay it on my hip, furthering any more affection..
Soon the sun rises and I woke up early to help prep meals for everyone with Neytiri, to her I was perfect. In my eyes I was far from it, not even able to satisfy her child.
I made my way sitting quietly next to Neteyam, my mind was still focused of last night’s interactions and our relationship…soon enough the loudness and spinning in my head only begged me to just take a moment for myself, I paused my eating and excused myself…but walking away I can hear my childhood best friends speak.
“What’s wrong with her?..she’s been quiet.”
“She’s always quiet Lo’ak-“
Kiri was one of the only people who noticed the great shift in Y/n. They grew up together, Y/n was open to Kiri about her crush on Neteyam and she never told any one although she enjoyed the idea of them together, it made her so happy when they were promised…but now after a couple of months with them together, Kiri could see something was weighing Y/n down.
“Not always! She only starts to get quiet when Neteyam’s around! You make her nervous bro! Y/n’s been in love with you since we were kids and now you guys are going to be all lovey, dovey once your Mated!!!”
Neteyam couldn’t even reply, it wasn’t that he didn’t love you…or maybe he didn’t? He himself, couldn’t understand his feelings towards you. Neteyam just wanted time to choose his mate and who he loved.
He was truly living his fathers dream, sacrificing his life to repay and honor his parents sacrifice. Would he had chosen Y/n, his once childhood crush as his mate? Would he have done it if he wasn’t forced? He didn’t know.
Y/n took in Lo’ak’s word..she did only get quiet around Neteyam, she knew how quickly and easily it was to annoy him.
It was the beginning of their relationship and he couldn’t be anymore closed off with her. All Y/n wanted to do was love him and be a perfect mate to him. So when he walked through the door…that’s exactly what she did.
“Neteyam, I’ve made you dinner! Your favorite!”
“Not hungry.”
His response was short but however, what made the two perfect was that no matter how calm and collected she was…she remain optimistic.
“Ok! That’s fine! I’ll prep it for you in the morning, when you’re ready to go back to training-“
“Y/n! How many times do I have to say it? I’m not hungry! I do not want your food! Just be quiet!…voice is annoying…relationship is business only..”
Y/n perfectly heard his last muttered words and it brought her to tears as she wrapped his food up, she had stayed up late waiting to eat with him once he arrived home…but now he laid in bed. Y/n blew the candles providing light and closed the tent enough just for a little moonlight to shed as she provided him a calm setting to fall asleep in while she struggle to eat in the dark.
Neteyam could see though, he saw her tears roll down her face and her hand quiver as her eyebrows furrowed and head shake as if telling her that it’ll all be ok. It took everything in him to not apologize for being so cold, but he couldn’t..not now when he was so frustrated.
Y/n lost her optimistic side…instead of being calm, she slowly was just pulling herself into a fiery state. After so much coldness could you blame her? She didn’t have any time for playing around or a moment for herself..but now with this new home, she did.
There it was Y/n sat outside taking in the sunrise and fresh breeze, she was just starting to relax when Kiri interrupted
“So…I’ve been meaning to ask but nothing feels like the right time but…are you ok? Like I mean really ok? I can feel your energy Y/n.”
It took Y/n by surprise and it only took Kiri to see her face for her to know whatever she was going to say next was a lie. That’s exactly how it all played out, Y/n had her mouth slightly open in shock and then she smiled, not a true one thought just a small one with closed lips.
“Of course Kiri!…it’s just the move.”
Silence stood between them, Kiri could see the little white lies Y/n told herself and it hurt her. Y/n was never one to be standoffish or guarded.
“Right..well soon enough we’ll start training to get used to this environment-“
“Hello! We’re here to start training”
Both girls looked at Tsireya in surprise and soon settled into a smile, excited to finally have a taste of something new. Y/n stood proud and tall before tsireya, she admired it truly. To tsireya if she would’ve stayed at the forest she would’ve been a perfect leader for the people…what could’ve been.
“I’ll go ahead and get the others! Excuse me.”
Ao’nung watched from a far…Y/n was captivating to him. Her voice and the way she walked presented herself with confidence.
His smile stayed until he saw her stand beside Neteyam, they walked together as one but in silence.
They all trailed after each other one by one. Ao’nung tried to slow down so that his speed would align with Y/n’s but it just didn’t happen.
Tsireya decided to start by swimming first and excitement erupted amongst Kiri and Y/n as they grabbed each others hands swimming down around the corals of the reef.
Ao’nung pushed the rest of the group forward and he allowed his sister to take over as he glanced over to Y/n doing flips around the ocean and viewing the fishes in amazement. Y/n put herself in tune with the ocean..if she was going to live here she had to act as one of the people.
Neteyam couldn’t help but notice Y/n staggering behind the group and he rolled his eyes at her childish behavior… when he went up to the surface with everyone else gasping for air, he looked back beneath the water..he saw Ao’nung swim over to Y/n, watch them exchange smiles while swimming up beside each other.
“You’re pretty good for a beginner! I can show you how to-“
neteyam was going to interrupt but he was quickly interrupted by his own little sister, gasping onto Y/n’s arms and his arms.
Y/n quickly passed a smile at Ao’nung as she now turned her attention to Tuk cradling her while Neteyam fixed Y/n’s hair from getting caught onto Tuk.
The sudden touch caught Y/n by surprise, she was quick to turn her head in confusion until Tysireya’s voice brought them back to focus
“It’s fine if your not the best right now…we should try getting you guys on ilu’s! I’m sure you’ll love it!”
Another tug to another direction, telling Y/n to swim with him. There was not a chance Neteyam was going to leave Y/n with Ao’nung when it was clear to him, he was trying to get close to her.
this interaction between the two didn’t fly past Y/n she didn’t understand what Neteyam was trying to do. Once practice ended she allowed the group to go past and speak amongst each other while she began tugging back at Neteyam’s arm to walk with her. They said their goodbyes respectfully and Y/n held onto Neteyam the entire time.
“What are you doing? You have a role to withhold still Neteyam. Be respectful. You must remember that this isn’t our home.”
“Me? What am I doing wrong? You must’ve forgot that you have to withhold your role with me. You are my future mate do not forget.”
“I haven’t done anything that can make you imply that I have, are you kidding?”
“So why are you getting friendly with-“
“This is not our land. Our relationship has been in shambles because of you-“
“How dare you blame me? What? Because i went out to get my needs done so I can keep pushing to Be with you. I did it for us.
Tears welled up in Y/n’s eyes as she realized he was now the one blaming her for their relationship.
“I’d rather go blind then to see you walk away from me, with another women. I never asked you to do that.”
“But it needed to be done Y/n, you can’t maintain me.”
“This isn’t my fault Neteyam please stop. I’m not doing anything wrong. I haven’t gotten overly friendly with anyone. Just stop.”
“Don’t talk to Ao’nung Y/n, I’m not asking you.”
“I don’t need you telling me it either. I have to remain mutual and respectful to everyone, even if it means speaking to them.”
“You will be disrespecting me-“
“Please, this is barley scratching the surface of what you’ve done to me. This relationship is business only. Isn’t that what you said? So then stick to your words. It stopped meaning anything to me the moment you started acting this way.”
She was lying, but she wanted to shoot a bullet at him just like he did to her. When she looked back at Neteyam she didn’t notice the pain flushing his eyes or that fact that his heart was beating rapidly, he truly hurt hearing her stand up to him. It hurt him to see that he can’t seem to keep her close and let her go. He knew though, he still had her…even if it meant she was speaking back.
Later on in the night when it was time to eat, Y/n made sure to start a conversation with Tuk to make sure she was settling in well. Tuk pulled her arm to sit with her and Y/n did. Kiri quickly sat next to Y/n sensing something was wrong with her. This left Neteyam to sit in front of her, though Y/n didn’t even bat an eye at him.
“Did you see all the fishes down there Y/n?!”
“Oh I did Tuk! They were beautiful!!”
Jake had interrupted their conversation discussing the clan and asking how the children were treating them.
“Ao’nung sucks and Tsireya is really nice.”
Lo’ak was clearly biased to Tsireya based on the way he was smiling so his opinion flew out the window in Jake’s eyes.
Everyone began speaking quickly and clashed their words together as Y/n watched trying to follow everyone’s words.
“Mmh I barley heard a thing anyone said…what about you Y/n how were they?”
Jake knew Y/n had a thing with words, she was descriptive and knew how to speak properly. She observed everything there was to a person.
“Tsireya was sweet, attentive while teaching and patient. Ao’nung was witty, quick to say something and less patient. Overall they are good people-“
“Please Y/n Ao’nung was the worst, maybe not to you!”
Lo’ak had spoken in a teasing voice, implying something he shouldn’t. Jake had shut down his youngest teasing seeing it as a learning lesson
“It’s about being respectful. The face that you had while learning their ways probably didn’t help Ao’nungs remarks. Your face tells everything, Y/n knew how to behave.”
Neteyam grew silent only looking at Y/n and his food, quietly pushing for her to say more.
“Yes correct, this isn’t our home yet..but we must learn their ways with a positive attitude.”
The tension felt visible to the couple sitting across from each other and it continued when Y/n looked up at Neteyam after saying the statement.
She got up attempting to remain calm, picking up her meal and placing it to the side. After cleaning up and paying her respects she resided off to the side not facing Neteyam if he were to sleep on her hammock…
There it is that dip of him crawling back to my bed, enraging me over and over again without a care in the world that he hurt me.
remember that this isn’t a for sure series, it’s definitely not perfect either I’m just trying to get into the groove of things again :))
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justmeinadaze · 5 months
Take It Out On Me Part 27 (Steddie X Plus Size Reader)
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Warning: Soft Doms Daddy Steve and Sir Eddie & Sub Fem Plus Size Y/N, SMUT, dirty talk, a bit softer than the norm with these two but she's preggo so lol FLUFF, they love her and the little one. We find out the gender and get a name for da baby.
ANGST, Steve's dad makes an asshole cameo, the three of them confront the other parents to tell them reader is pregnant. Those are the biggies. Not my normal level of angst :)
Word Count: 4696
Series here/ Donate to my Ko-Fi <3
“Hey guys. Thank you for coming and please have a seat.”, Steve instructs your parents as he gestures towards the couch where Wayne was already waiting. 
“Okay…is everything alright?”, your mother asks in a worried tone.
“Yeah, everything’s ok, Mrs. Y/L/N.”, Eddie answers as he sits in one of the chairs they placed on either side of yours. 
The three of you came up with a game plan since the last time all the parents were addressed it didn’t end well. You were going to do the bulk of the speaking when it came to your parents but if they addressed one of the boys or reacted as they had before, Eddie and Steve would take over to promptly end the conversation. They weren’t going to allow you to be hurt again especially after your hospital visit. 
Now they had two lives they needed to look after and protect.
Once your mom and dad were seated, you smiled as you handed your mom a little envelope and back away to take a seat near your protectors. 
No one says a word as she opens the paper and pulls out its contents. Your eyes close as you physically prepare for the fallout and you hear your mother heavily exhale.
“You’re pregnant?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“H-How? I don’t…I thought you were on the pill? At least…I mean…you told me you were.”
Your father cringes at your mom’s words as he continues to process what he’s hearing.
“I am…was…Before we went to Italy, we had an incident where they needed to switch the birth control. The nurse told us to wait a week but my doctor said that was wrong.”
“What?!”, your mother and Wayne exclaimed at the same time causing you to recoil a bit. 
Steve petted your head to calm you, assuring you everything was still alright.
“That’s more than just being wrong, sweetheart. Jesus, what is your doctor doing? Did she fire that nurse?”, Eddie’s uncle asked with what you could immediately tell was genuine concern.
“She said she was going to talk to her—”
“She needs to more than that! I’ll go down there and talk to them myself—”
As you folded more into yourself, Eddie glanced at Steve ready to jump in; the other boy agreeing.
“Mrs. Y/L/N, please, with all due respect we need everyone here to be calm—”
“And how do we do that, Steven?”, your father asked sharply. “This is a pretty big fucking deal.”
“Well, you better fucking figure it out because we’ve already had one scare that put her in the hospital and it won’t happen again!”, Eddie growled. 
“What?! I don’t…what happened…why didn’t anyone call us!? Edward, she’s our daughter!”
“And she’s our wife!” Everyone became silent at the metalhead’s outburst as he blinked realizing what he said. “Girlfriend…she’s our girlfriend…That we have never abandoned but you have. WE needed to make sure she was safe first.”
“Is the baby ok?”, Wayne asked, breathing a sigh of relief when you nodded. 
“She panicked and, again, for fear of how people would react tried to break up with us. She was so stressed…she was in pain…”, Steve relays as his jaw tightens hating the memory. 
“So, I’m assuming because this was an accident you don’t know who’s the father?”, your dad asked as he stood up and began pacing. 
“Please don’t call my baby an accident.”, you whimper. 
“He’s OURS and we love him.”, Eddie announced making you smile softly. 
“Could they get a sex?”
“Oh, no, Wayne, it’s still too early. I’d call that parent’s intuition.”, you mom responds flashing a grin his way. 
“Ok, Bev, I’m trying really hard but I need to be the reality check here. She just graduated college, Steve works at a video store, Eddie works at a record store. How are they going to take care of a child?”
“Mr. C offered to let me continue interning for him and then next school year I could teach if the principal still wants to hire me.”
“Robin and I have a plan together for the non-profit. We actually have meetings with investors within these next couple of months.”
“That’s amazing, Steve.”, Eddie’s uncle praises making the boy smile in appreciation. “And you, Ed? Last I spoke with you, you were working to get recording time.”
“Yeah, the guys and I have a lot of money saved. We’re hoping within the next month we can get something out. Funds have slowed a bit since I started putting money aside for Y/N.”
“What about the birth certificate? You both can’t put your names on there.”
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.”
“Oh, Steven? Have you already crossed the bridge of your feelings about how this child is going to have one of your genes? How it might cause animosity that this kid looks a bit more like one man than the other?  How it could drive you crazy to NOT know.”
Eddie steps forward squaring his shoulder as he comes toe to toe with your father. 
“That’s OUR kid. I don’t care if he’s biologically mine or Steve’s. As long as he’s happy and healthy…as long as he knows BOTH his father’s love him…no matter what. I don’t fucking care.”
The other man places his palm on his friend’s chest to calm him, pushing him back towards you. 
“Are you going to tell Bill?”, your mom inquires. “With the way he reacted about Y/N, I’m sure he’ll take this well.”, she says sarcastically. 
“I wasn’t going to say anything. They haven’t been in my life for over 4 years.”
“I know, baby, but you should give them the chance. At least your mom…”
“I’d go with you but your dad placed a restraining order on me.”, your father sighs as he places his hands on his hips. “Don’t laugh at me, Beverly.”
“I can’t help it, Robert.”
“Are you mad at me?” Your voice cuts through the room as both boys back up so you can see your parents. 
“No, honey. We aren’t mad. We’re just concerned but like Mr. Munson here we want our daughter to be happy and healthy.”, your mother coos as she gets up to hug you tightly to her. 
“Ok, so tell me again what else you need?”, Masie asks as you two browse the baby section of the store you two were walking around. 
“The most expensive thing we need is a crib. Besides that, um, a stroller, a car seat…my mom said we can’t have enough bottles.”, you giggle. “I was thinking for the baby’s room, maybe, we could do like a Wizard of Oz thing. Wayne told me a story about how that book always comforted Eddie.”
“I can do that. Did they have a preference or…”
“No, they said I should just do whatever I wanted.”, you giggle. 
It had been a couple of months since you guys talked to your parents and the reality of everything was beginning to set in. The first time you felt him move you cried for an hour scaring the boys to death. 
“Is…is this normal?”, Steve asked as he petted your head. 
“Yeah, I’m just so happy. We’re having a baby.”, you sob.
“Oh, sweetheart.”, Eddie chuckles as he pulls you to his chest. 
“What do you think, little dude? Do you want bottles with lions or elephants?”, Masie inquires as she leans down to speak directly to your tummy making you laugh harder. “Both? Sounds good.”
“Nope. I won’t hear it. I’m buying these for my new little best friend.”
“Your nephew.”, you correct. Your best friend pauses as she straightens up and her eyes meet your own. “Masie, you’ve been with me since kindergarten and through all of my chaos. You’re my sister and I love you.”
She wraps her arms around your neck, kissing your cheek when she finally pulls away. 
The sudden sound of glass breaking catches your attention as you both turn towards the noise coming face to face with Mrs. Harrington’s wide-eyed expression. Without addressing you, she abruptly swivels around, dropping everything in her hands as she powerwalks out of the store.
Steve was already pacing in the living room mentally preparing himself when the sound of loud banging on the front door echoed through the house. 
After kissing his lips, you and Eddie backed away to allow him to take control as he casually began opening the door to his home. Before he could do anything about it, his father burst through uninvited, huffing as his wild eyes landed on you.
“How dare you, you little whore!”
As he began charging your way, the metalhead pushed you behind him as Steve slid between him and his father to cut him off. 
“No. If you want to talk we can talk but you will NOT speak to her like that.”
“I’ll speak to her any way I see fit! I’ve put up with this farse long enough, Steven. This is not a relationship, you three aren’t married, and that bastard doesn’t belong to you both!”
Before anyone could do anything about it, the younger Harrington’s fist flew knocking his father to the floor. 
“Eddie…”, you whispered in fear, gripping his arm. 
He could feel the worry you had for them practically radiating from you and his protective mode instantly kicked in. 
“Don’t move.”, he commanded, stepping forward to place himself beside his friend. “Get out.”, Eddie growled as he yanked Mr. Harrington to his feet and shoved him towards the door. 
“You’re done, son. I’m cutting you off. No more installments into your account, no more inheritance from me or your mother. Nothing, do you hear me, NOTHING will go to that thing. I don’t care if it is biologically yours.”
“Fine. I don’t need anything from you, Bill. You both weren’t there for the worst moment in my life. What makes you think I’d want you there for the best? I can’t wait to be father so I can be nothing like you. Now…GET…OUT!”
As soon as his father left, you wrapped your arms around Steve’s waist and clung to him as his arms remained at his sides. 
“Are you alright, man?”, Eddie asked as he came up beside you both. 
You could feel it coming off his agitated frame as your cheek rose and fell with each heavy breath of his chest. He was furious. 
He was angry that his father was despicable and continued to hurt him even now. He was pissed that anyone, let alone his own blood called his baby that he already loved so much a ‘bastard’ and a ‘thing’. Steve felt betrayed by his mother who immediately ran to her husband knowing how he’d react without coming to speak with him herself. He wanted to kill him for disrespecting you and even THINKING he could charge at you to lay his hands on you. 
But more than anything, he was hurt that both his parents still didn’t seem to give a damn about him or his happiness. 
Tilting back, your palms cup his face as he continues to look past you into the void.
“Daddy, baby, look at me.”
It took him a few seconds and some more soft murmurs before his eyes glassy eyes met yours.
“I’m so sorry. You don’t deserve the bullshit he puts you through. I know you’re a good man and I have no doubt you’ll be an amazing father.” When his forehead presses against yours, you feel his breathing begin to calm. “It’s ok, honey. You can still use me.”
Glancing towards Eddie, he waits for his friend to give him a nod letting him know he thought it would be ok. You three were still intimate but it was much softer than before. They didn’t want to trigger another episode or hurt you too much even after getting the ok from your doctor. 
Since that point a lot had happened and all of you were just genuinely too exhausted to do anything more than cuddle. 
Lifting you into his arms, Steve carried you to the bedroom and laid you on your back horizontally across the mattress. After tearing away your clothes, he opened your legs wide and spit into your cunt before falling onto his side next to you and sliding his arm under your head for you to use as a pillow. On impulse you raised one of your legs in the air and his heavy breathing warmed your cheek as he guided his cock inside of you. 
As his fingers dug into your thigh, he set a rough pace as he absorbed the feeling of being inside you like this again. Glancing to your other side, you watched as Eddie came around the bed and knelt down by your head. Your fingers reached for him but he shook his head as he tenderly took hold of both sides of yours and turned it till you were facing the other man. 
“He needs you right now, sweetheart.”, he whispered in your ear as he gently played with your hair that hung over the end of the mattress. 
“Mmm—feels so good, Sir.”
“Yeah, baby? You’re going to cum already? It’s been a while since we’ve been able to take care of you, huh.”
Steve abruptly pulls out of you and shuffles around till you feel his tongue rapidly flick your clit as two of his fingers thrust in and out of your core.
“Fuck! Daddy, please.”
Placing your hand on the back of his head, you hold him to you as your back arches off the bed and you cum, groaning as he drank you in. 
“Color, baby?”
“Green, Sir…Fuck…”
After taping your pussy with his length and making you twitch at the feeling, he slides himself inside of you again, stretching your leg up his chest so he could cling to your thigh for leverage as he pounded into you. 
Eddie continued to gently kiss your forehead, cheek, or any other part of your skin he could reach with his lips. 
“Right there, Daddy. Just like that. Fuck, I love you so much.”
 Steve’s pace suddenly slowed and your eyes locked as he blinked as if coming back into the moment. Dropping your leg to the side, you promptly wrapped it around his waist as he leaned down till his head was by your ear. 
“I’m not…too heavy…am I?”, he panted.
“No, Daddy. You feel perfect against me.”
“I love you, Y/N. I’m so s-sorry for how my family treats you. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
Threading your fingers in his hair, you held him as tightly as you could as you rolled your hips underneath him encouraging him to continue. 
“It’s ok, Steve. All—All I care about is how they make you feel. I’m sorry—fuck—I’m sorry they can’t see what an amazing man you are.” Finding his rhythm again, the bed began to subtly shake as his cock abused your g-spot. “Oh my god. Just like that, Daddy.”
With Eddie having long moved out of the way, Steve’s palm clung to the sheets next to your head as he groans. 
“Fuck, baby. You wanna cum with Daddy?”
Nodding your head, your nails drag down his back as your pussy quivers around him and the coil snaps. Grunting at the feeling, he slowed his movements but not his intensity as he slammed his seed inside of your cunt. 
“Good girl. Shit, you feel so good. Do…Do you need anything?”
“10 steps ahead of you, sweetheart. Here, sit up and drink this.”, Eddie instructs as he hands you a glass that you knock back. “Whoa, whoa. Babe, you’re going to throw up. Slow down.”
“Jesus, Steven. Fucking fucked the vocabulary out of our girl here.”
You and Steve giggle as he takes your cup and leaves to get you more. 
“Can we take a bath? I’m a little sore.”
“Yeah, honey, of course.”
Carefully guiding you out of bed, the former jock fills the tub with warm water as the metalhead comes back with more for you to drink. 
“Slow, baby. Good girl.”
As soon as everything is ready and the bathroom is smelling like sand on a beach, Steve takes your hand and helps you in, placing himself behind you as he cleans you and gently massages your lower back. 
When he abruptly pauses you can’t help but giggle when you take hold of his palm and move it back over your tummy. 
“He loves you both. Every time you talk or touch me, he does a little dance.” Eddie sits on the floor outside the tub and places his hand beside Steve’s. “Say something.”
“Listen, little rockstar, I know you’ve heard a lot of craziness out here but I promise it won’t be that chaotic. Whoa.”, he breathes when something pushes up towards them. “We love you, dude.”
“Ok, are we all ready to find out what this baby is?!”, Masie shouts from her spot at the end of the table in your backyard. 
Today was the afternoon of the baby shower and you were so grateful for everyone that came. You half expected people to treat you differently but just like your reception you threw for the boys so many people came to celebrate this new milestone with you.
Your family from New York surprised you by coming down to see you, the family, and what the new edition would be. Your uncle loved Masie, helping her get things together for the party and decorating. Your parents and Eddie’s mother came as well with her little ones which the metalhead loved watching you interact with. 
As Wayne held the string to lift the pinata that read “The Baby Is…” off the ground, you gave the large bat to one of his half-sisters and spun her around making her giggle. Robin and Mr. C stood as far out of the way as possible enjoying the view but trying not to get whacked in the process. 
“Op! You have to swing harder than that!”
With one final hard hit your mouth fell open in shock as pink confetti and candy hit the ground. 
While everyone cheered, your eyes met theirs as they smiled and shrugged.
“I guess we’re having a girl!”, Steve beams as he comes around to give you a hug. 
You giggle from your spot at the sink as you continue to wash some of the dishes from that evening. Steve said he just needed a minute to rest and the next thing you knew, you heard him snoring on the couch with his arm slung over his eyes. 
“I’m telling you. Kid sleeps like a rock.”, Eddie grins as he enters the room and tosses some trash into the bag nearby. “Did you have a good day, sweetheart?”
“I did. It was nice to have some fun without all the drama we’ve been dealing with. What about you?”
“Yeah, I had a good day to. My favorite part was watching you with my siblings. You’re going to be an amazing mom.” The way he said that gave you pause as you turned off the facet and dried your hands. “I know we always talk about how Steve and I aren’t going to be like our dads but I hope you know that even though you love your family very much there are some things that will be different and that’s ok, baby.”
Blinking back your emotions, you wrap your arms around him as he lifts you off your feet. 
“I don’t want her to ever feel unloved.”, you murmur into his chest making him smile as he tilts back your head to kiss your lips. 
“She won’t because her mom and dads already love her so much. I can’t wait to meet her. I’m going to show her Dio and Judas and—ow!”, he teases when you lightly smack his chest. As you turn to head back to the sink, he tugs on your wrist bringing you back in front of him. “We, um, we haven’t talked about it yet but… I know…the titles…you don’t have to use them anymore…”
Taking a hold of his chin, you lift his face till his eyes meet your own and he doesn’t know if you can tell but he appreciates the softness behind them. 
“Do you want me to stop using them?”
“I mean…NO but…”, Eddie chuckles nervously. “It’s not like you can call me and him that stuff in front of a kid.”
“Yeah… but I can do it when we’re alone.” Pressing your lips to his, he groans against your kiss as your palm slides down his chest, past his stomach, to the bulge in his jeans. “You’re always going to be my Master and Steve will always be my Daddy. Even when I use your names those titles don’t fade. I’m yours, baby.”
“You are, pretty girl. Fuck.”
“You can use me to, Sir, if you need me. It’s been so long since I felt you inside me.”
“I—mmm—are you sure? You’ve been on your f-feet all day.”
Grinning, you lean forward to trail soft kisses along his chin, jaw, and up to his ear. 
“Then sweep me off them.”
That’s all the confirmation he needs as he takes ahold of your head in both hands and crashes his lips back to yours. You have no clue where he’s taking you as he starts walking you backwards till you bump into the table. Hastily, he unbuttons your pants, sliding them down your legs with your panties and kicking them aside. 
Eddie effortlessly lifts you onto the flat surface and as he fumbles with his belt you suck that sweet spot on his neck that you know drives him crazy. Giggling as he stumbles out of his jeans, he smiles as he licks his palm and strokes his cock a few times before effortlessly sheathing himself inside you. 
Resting his forehead against the nook between your neck and shoulder, you mewled as you felt his jaw fall open and his breathy moans warm your skin. Your hands cupped one of his cheeks just below his ear, pressing him to you while the other clung to his own shoulder as your arm rested behind his neck. 
“Just like that. Oh my god.”
“I know, baby. Fuck me. I know exactly where that spot is inside you. Right…here…”
At his last couple of words, Eddie slammed his hips into your own making you cry out as his cock perfectly hit that sensitive spot inside you. 
“You’re going to have to learn to be a lot quieter, princess.”, he chuckles as you smirk. 
After giving you a quick kiss, he guides you till your back is flat against the table and he takes hold of your legs, pulling you closer to the edge as he holds both limbs up with his strong arms under your knees. When his eyes meet yours, you already know what he wants, even giving you a helping hand as a long line of spit falls from his mouth onto your clit. 
As your fingers come down to rub his saliva into your bundle of nerves, Eddie bites his bottom lip to stifle a loud groan of his own as his pace hastens. 
“Fuck, Y/N. You look so fucking beautiful like this.”
A string of repetitive uhs fall from your mouth as the surface shakes underneath you. 
“Shit. Talk to me, sweetheart. I wanna hear you.”
“God…I’m…you’re gonna make me cum. Please…Please, Sir, cum with me.”
Chasing both your highs, the metalhead pounded into you till he felt you tremble and your pussy squeeze his cock like a vice. 
“That’s it, baby! Good girl. F-Fucking good girl.”, he praised as his rhythm faltered and he coated your insides with his release. “Fuck…are you ok, babe?”
Still trying to catch your breath, you nod and give him a thumbs up that makes him laugh through his teeth. Taking hold of your arms, he playfully lifts you up to a sitting position and pulls you into him for a hug. 
“What about you, Daddy? You ok?”
Steve chuckles as he sits up and peaks his head over the back of the couch.
“Jesus, woman. I swear you have superhero levels of hearing. Yeah, I’m alright, honey.”
After helping you to the floor, Eddie took off your shirt and started walking you down the hall to the bathroom as Steve followed leaving his pants unbuttoned, holding them up with his hands. 
“I heard you trying to hide your moans. I know what you touching yourself sounds like.”
“I’m not a witch, I’m your wife!”, you laugh as you stick out your tongue. “We should show her that movie all the time…The Princess Bride. It’s so good.”
Something flashes across Eddie’s face only for a moment before he grins at you both and steps into the shower bringing you with him.
“Hey. What was that? What passed through you mind?”
“Nothing, princess. It’s silly.”
After brushing some of his damp hair away from his eyes, you cup his face in your hands. 
“Tell me.”
His chocolate eyes flicked to Steve behind you as he stepped into the tub before sighing and shrugging his shoulders. 
“I want to refer to you as my wife. OUR wife. Obviously I already feel that way…fucking saying it without even thinking. Add in the fact that you’ve been with us for 5 years, through fucking everything and now you’re about to the mother of our child. I just… I don’t know. Maybe I’m being too sappy or cliché.”
“Eddie, baby. It’s a piece of paper we don’t need—”
“I know. I was just saying.”
“Can I talk?”, you giggle.
“I don’t know. Give it a try.”, he teases making your grin grow.
“I was going to SAY…It’s a piece of paper we don’t need because like you said we’ve been together through everything and we’re adding to our family. Eddie, if you want to tell people I’m your wife…tell them. Fuck what the assholes of this town think.”
Steve’s arms wrap around you from behind as he kisses your shoulder while the metalhead trails small pecks from your forehead down to your lips. 
After cleaning you up and drying you off, Eddie curls up against the headboard and fiddles with your hair while the other boy lays on his back in front of you both browsing through a book someone had given as a gift filled with baby names.
“We should name her after one of the elves in Lord of the Rings.”
“No, no. You are not giving our baby a nerdy name like Frido or something.”
At Eddie’s exasperated sigh and Steve’s mispronunciation you spit the water you had been drinking back into your glass as you laugh hard. 
“Look what you’ve done now, Steven. You’re killing the woman we love.”
“Shut up. What about you, honey? Any suggestions?”
“Um…”, you hum as you think for a moment before something pops into your head. “What about Molly?”
The pretty boy pouts out his lips in amusement as he and the metalhead nod. 
“How’d you come up with that?”
“The Breakfast Club.”, you whine as your voice cracks in embarrassment and you cover your face with your hands. 
“No! No, baby, don’t hide. You definitely have to break that down a bit.”, Eddie jests as he pulls at your wrists so they can see you.
“We met in detention… The first time I saw it with Maze it made me think of us. Steve is the jock Emilio Estevez who had problems with his father and being popular. Eddie would be Judd Nelson’s bad boy with an asshole family and a school system that didn’t seem to care. I’d be Ally Sheedy’s weirdo feeling ignored by her family… Molly Ringwald is the princess and since Ed already calls her that…just made me think…Molly.”
Crawling up the length of your body, Steve kisses your lips and then your stomach before falling beside you as Eddie did the same. 
“I like that name. Molly.”
“Molly Munson-Harrington.”
@manda-panda-monium @sherrylyn628 @eddiesguitarskills
@needylilgal022 @local-stoner-bitch @katethetank @nailbatanddungeon
@sidthedollface2 @justanotheryn @pedropascalslilbaby
@marsupiooo @mandyjo8719 @bexreadstoomuch
@chelebelletx @perdopascalslilbaby @shayeddie @anaibis
@wroteclassicaly @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes
@siriuslysmoking @raptorbait529 @miarosso @micheledawn1975
@paleidiot @mrsjellymunson @dashingdeb16
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honeylations · 1 year
- Angry Pupu -
Prompt: Chaewon is known for her anger issues, always yelling at the smallest things whereas you’re her calm and collected girlfriend, always so soft spoken and doing everything with a cute smile. Your members wonder how you two ended up dating despite the obvious opposite personalities.
Warnings/Notes: cute pupu, angry pupu, reader is adorable tooooo, soft and fluffy, a mix of comedy
The members lost count at the amount of times their leader had screamed today and you seemed to be the only person unbothered by it. Sakura had just finished taking pills for the headache she received from hearing the short girl’s anger.
“I swear this is her new record. How is her throat not hurting?” Sakura whined, rubbing her temple and flopping down on the couch next to you.
“How are you even dating her, Y/n?” Yunjin groans as she joins you two with a bowl of popcorn in her hand.
“Y/n is like the off switch for Chaewon’s tantrums” Kazuha appeared shortly after with a whisper, tensing when she heard Chaewon’s little feet stomp downstairs.
The youngest Japanese girl ran to you as a shield, angering the leader even more. “BACK OFF MY GIRLFRIEND, NAKAMURA!”
Kazuha squeaked and ran to Yunjin instead, not daring to say another word. Eunchae comes in with a bowl of strawberries and feeds you one before going upstairs to finish her Lilo and Stitch marathon. You hummed at the delicious taste of the fruit and turned to your girlfriend who got jealous of the hand feeding gesture between you and the maknae.
“We should buy more strawberries, love. They taste amazing” You spoke with a smile, Chaewon’s anger disappearing almost immediately.
She cupped your face and pecked your lips. “You’re so fricking cute. ISNT SHE GIRLS? SAY IT TO HER!”
The 3 girls sitting on the couch flinched and started complimenting you chaotically, voices going over each other, not wanting an ass beating from their short tempered leader.
“Love, calm down please” You said, caressing her arm and Chaewon obeyed, sitting in your lap.
“Ok, babe”
“Whipped” Yunjin commented, earning a couch cushion to the face. “OW! God Y/n, I want you to answer my question for real this time. How the hell are you dating this monster?”
“She’s not a monster. She’s my hero~” You cooed, hugging your short girlfriend tighter.
“I’ll be needing a hero if I get screamed at one more time” Kazuha muttered, seeing Chaewon glare at her.
“Chaewon? A hero? You’re saying this girl who’s scared of a mouse toy is your hero?” Sakura scoffed as the leader flipped her off.
“You’re just jealous” Chaewon hisses.
“And you’re a comedian.”
You held your girlfriend back down on your lap before she drop kicked the eldest member.
“Chae saved me from so many people before we debuted. Her yelling may be annoying to you girls but it always reminded me of why I love her! She’s so tough~ Without her anger, she wouldn’t have saved me from the bullies back in high school. She does the same now with anyone who shares hate comments about me. I’m too shy to stand up for myself like that” You explained, your heart swelling at the memories.
“Yeahhhh. Y/n was this cute little chubby nerd in high school” Chaewon grinned, pinching your cheeks again.
“Woah wait what, okay, this was something we haven’t been told before” Yunjin said, adjusting her sitting position and looking at you, Chaewon growling.
“Oh please, pull your head out of your tiny ass Kim, I’m not gonna take your girl. I just wanna know more about this cute little chubby nerd you were just talking about” The American added.
Chaewon got off your lap and sat next to you instead, pushing Sakura further into Kazuha who was already getting squished. The younger Japanese member gave up and sat on the ground instead, snatching Yunjin’s popcorn bowl.
“Yeah it’s true. I wasn’t that good looking in high school” You shyly smiled.
“Hey don’t say that. Nobody starts off as a hottie, like, me in high school with the dark ass eyebrows that didn’t match my hair colour? Goddamn” Yunjin joked, making you all laugh. (A/N: I’m not actually talking about Yunjin like that guyssss! The whole dark eyebrow thing is something I added based on my experience in high school💀💀)
“I’m being honest, I swear! I was super chubby, wore these thick purple glasses and always got bullied for reading books all the time. See?” You pulled out a photo of you in high school and all the girls (besides Chaewon) gasped.
In the photo was 14 year old Y/n with a bob cut and thick fringe, using one hand to hold a thick novel to her chest while the other put up a peace sign. Your purple glasses were indeed huge and you smiled widely, presenting the braces you had at the time.
“Oh and here’s Chae” You zoomed out of the photo and 14 year old Chaewon was exposed. She looked the same, only difference was the long hair in the photo. Sakura squinted her eyes and noticed how Chaewon’s hand was around your waist in the picture.
“Awwww! Chae did you have a crush on Y/n at this time?” The eldest asked as you closed your phone and returned it to your pocket.
“Yeah I did. Couldn’t tell if she liked me back though”
You blushed and slapped your girlfriend’s arm. “I did! I told you before, I just thought you were too good for a nerd like me”
“Nerdy y/n is cute, don’t get me wrong, but you’re absolutely stunning right now. Hellooooo? Your body? Your abs? Your facial structure? It’s so hard to believe that was you in the picture” Kazuha complimented.
“I just finally took the initiative in eating healthier and working out” You shrugged, letting Chaewon play with your fingers.
“Was Chaewon this loud back in highschool too?” Yunjin asked with a blunt tone.
“YAH IM GONNA KILL YOU, HUH YUNJIN!” The shortest member screamed and jumped onto the tallest member, shoving the couch pillow into her face.
You rolled your eyes with a smile and looked at Sakura. “You grab her legs, I’ll grab her arms”
“Absolutely not, she kicked my face last time we did that. Get Kazuha”
The said member stood up. “Sorry I don’t speak nor understand Korean very well so imma just go” Kazuha quickly says and runs upstairs to join Eunchae.
“Stop pretending you loser!” You screamed out to Kazuha in Japanese, knowing damn well this wasn’t the first time she’s done that. (A/N: Fun fact for everyone, Kazuha sometimes pretends that she doesn’t understand what the members are saying to her in Korean😭)
You sighed and stood up, patting down your pants. “Come on, babe, let’s go to bed”
“WHY DO YOU ALWAYS PISS ME OFF WITH EVERYTHING YOU SAY!” Chaewon continued to scream while violating Yunjin with the pillow.
This was gonna be a long night.
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ju1cyfru1t · 1 year
i wish you would (Rise! Donnie x Reader) pt.1
Donnie snaps at reader after they put themself in danger.
angst?, fighting and yelling D:, gn reader, hehehehehe Donnie has a crush on reader 🤌, platonic or romantic
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You think I'm gonna hate you now
'Cause you still don't know what I never said
You hit the ground, the sword you’d swiped from a foot clan soldier landing beside you with a clink. The origami soldiers turning to confetti in front of your eyes.
You just sat there for a moment as your heart raced, and yours wasn’t the only one.
“Y/N!” A familiar voice called from you behind you and you felt a three-fingered hand grab your arm to help you up. “Are you ok? Are you hurt?”
You stood, turning to face Donatello while you brushed yourself off. “Yeah…yeah, I’m fine. Just a little shaken.”
Donnie looked all over you, checking for any injuries no matter how minor. A sigh of relief escaped him as he let go of your arm.
“What could you have possibly been thinking?! That was totally irresponsible, Y/N!”
You blinked at him, visibly confused. “What? Donnie, those soldiers were headed straight for you guys. You didn’t even see them, I had to do something!”
“That is not an excuse, you idiot!” He yelled. He actually raised his voice at you. “I mean, seriously! Do you have any idea how much danger you put yourself in?”
Raph, Leo, and Mikey couldn’t do anything but watch the scene in front of them stunned. Sure, they’d heard their brother get angry and yell before, but never at you.
“I don’t understand why you’re yelling at me right now. I didn’t do anything wrong, and I’m perfectly fine! I think I can handle myself against some paper.” You defended yourself, your own anger building. Why was he talking to you like this?
“Woah, woah, woah- Let’s just all calm down, ok? To be honest, Y/N, I thought that was pretty badass-“ Leo spoke up in your defense. I mean, why wouldn’t he? You didn’t even have a scratch on you!
“Shut up, Leo!” Donnie glared at his twin.
“Donnie, you need to chill.” Raph placed a hand on his brothers shoulder.
“Yeah, Y/N is fine, aren’t you?” Mikey responded. All but Donnie were on your side.
“Yes! Thank you!” You groaned. You just couldn’t understand why he was being like this.
“Fine.” Donnie’s eyes narrowed at you and he crossed his arms. He spoke to you through his clenched jaw, “but we’re not speaking until you can admit that you were wrong.”
Wrong about what?
“Fine.” You glared back, crossing your own arms.
Mikey, Raph, and Leo all shared a nervous, unsure look.
“Leo, portal Y/N home.” Raph ordered, motioning towards you.
“Alright, but if they end up in Jersey it’s on your conscience.” Leo shrugged, slinging his sword until a large, blue portal opened in front of you.
“I’ll try to talk to him, ok?” Mikey whispered and gave you a reassuring smile, patting you on the back. You just nodded, stepping into the portal.
You landed on your bed at home, watching the blue light fade. You curled up on your side, hugging your knees to your chest.
Donnie had never yelled at you before. Annoyed with you? Yes, but not angry.
You didn’t do anything wrong, right? You just wanted to protect them like they would do for you. You wanted to protect him. Why couldn’t he just understand that? Did he really mean what he said, or was it just in the heat of the argument?
You took a deep, shaky breath. Pulling out your phone from your pocket and clicking on April’s contact, listening to it ring.
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sturniolo-simp4life · 6 months
can you do dom reader and dom chris so like they both fight to take control and it’s just really smutty
Dominant- Chris Sturniolo 
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Paring- y/n and Chris Sturniolo 
Warnings- Smut, dom!Chris, dom!reader, fingering, hand job, p in v, oral (fem! receiving), swearing, a little degrading, orgasm denial, overstimulation, roughhh, pet names,(literally just mommy), unprotected (please don’t, imagine you're on the pill.) switch!chris and reader. This is lowkey so wild lmao. 
Description- You and Chris fight for dominance while in a heated moment. (getting straight into it!) 
@jakevwebber here you are! 🫶
Chris slammed the door shut and pinned you against the wall, his hand slightly clasping your neck.
“You think you can act like a slut in that mini skirt, and not be treated like one, hmm?” He began to rub your clit through your panties, making you moan. 
“If you want to act like a fucking slut, then I’ll treat you like one.” He pushed you onto bed, and practically ripped your skirt and panties off, along with your top. “Look at you, already so wet for me.” 
He sunk down to level with your pussy, blowing cool air on your clit, making you clench around nothing.
“Chris, are you going to put your fingers in me, or do I need to get off myself?” You asked him, impatiently.
He just chuckled in response. “Ok, someone's needy.”  
He inserted a finger, then two, making you gasp. He quickly started pumping them in and out of you, making you moan.
“Oh my god, C-Chris,” you moaned, your hand reaching to grasp his hair.
Still moving his fingers, he went to put his mouth on your clit, making you moan again and clutch his hair tighter. 
His tongue slid through your wet folds, his fingers still pumping in and out of you, abusing your swollen clit.  
“Chris, I’m gonna cum.”  
Chris loved the fact that he could make you cum with just his fingers and his mouth. “Shit Chris, I'm gonna- oh fuck!” you were cut off as you rode out your orgasm.
You shakily caught your breath. As you sat up, you could see the obvious bulge in Chris’s pants. 
When you and Chris rose, you somehow pushed him onto the bed. “What the-” he said in a confused and surprised tone.
You smirk as you use your arms to straddle him. “How does it feel to be bottom now?” you asked in a cocky tone. He let a low growl.  
You pulled down his shorts and his boxers, revealing his hard cock, that was already leaking pre-cum.
You rubbed your thumb over his flushed tip, and he let out a small grunt.
You then wrapped your entire hand around his length, making his hips jerk up slightly. 
You moved your hand painfully slow, irking Chris. “Faster, y/n.” Unfortunately for him, you didn’t go faster.
“I said go faster, y/n.” You look at him, mischief in your eyes. “I want to hear you beg for it,” you said. 
“I said, I want to hear you beg for it.” 
Chris didn’t know where your sudden surge of confidence came from, but fuck, it turned him on. “Please y/n. Go faster. Please.” You still didn’t seem convinced. “Please mommy, go faster.” 
You smirked at him. “Since you asked so nicely.” You started jerking his cock faster, purposely grazing your finger over his tip so often.
Chris let out frequent moans, half thrusting himself into your hand.  
“Oh my god y/n,” he moaned. “I’m gonna cum.” You let out an evil chuckle. “No, you're not.” Chris’s eyes shot open. “W-What?”  
“I said you're not going to cum.” 
You put your free hand above his tip while your other hand was still pumping his dick. “I need to cum y/n,” he said in breathy whines. 
“You know the drill, Chris,” you said. “Beg for it.” 
His eyes widened again, but he obeyed. “Please, let cum. Please, please, please.” You’d never seen Chris so vulnerable.
His whole body was shaking as tears brimmed his waterline. “Please mommy, let me cum please!” 
You removed your hand, and thick white lines of cum spurt on your hands and chest. Chris was breathing raggedly, but he had calmed down a bit. 
And suddenly... your back was on the bed. Again. “That was a nice little show you put on there,” Chris said, his eyes full of lust.  
“But don’t forget, I’ll always be the dominant one.” 
Something about his voice turned you on, and you could already feel yourself getting wet.  
He pulled your legs closer to his torso, and spread them wide open, exposing you. “You're such a little slut, already so wet.
I haven’t even touch you yet.” He rubbed your clit for a second, before slamming himself inside your needy cunt. 
“Fuck- Chris,” you gasped as he started thrusting in and out of you, not giving you enough time to adjust.
“O-Oh my god.” Now with the pain gone, the pleasure started kicking in.  
“Shit y/n, you're so tight,” Chris said, grunting. He pulled your legs up to rest on his shoulders, making him thrust deeper into you.
Your mouth was letting out so many sinful sounds, tears from the pleasure streaming down your face. 
Chris suddenly hit your g-spot, repeatedly, making stars burst into your vision. For the second time tonight, you were going to cum.  
“Chris, I-I'm going to cum,” you said, your eyes half lidded. “Fuck-” you threw your head back as you orgasmed on Chris’s cock.
But he didn’t stop. “C-Chris stop, it's too much.” You were extra sensitive since this was your second orgasm. 
“We aren’t stopping until I cum,” he said. “Consider this as your punishment from earlier.”
New tears formed in your eyes, because the overstimulation was too much.
You were now whining, and every kiss on your neck was sensitive. 
“Fuck, I think I’m going to cum,” Chris groaned, throwing his head back a little.
You couldn’t even bring yourself to answer, so you let out a whimper and a nod in response. 
After another thrust and a groan leaving Chris’s mouth, you felt his seed covering and coating your walls. He pulled out of you a flopped down next to you shortly after, kissing forehead and caressing your head.  
“Are you alright baby?” he asked, nearly a whisper. “Mhm,” you hummed, nodding your head.
“I don’t think I’ll be able to walk tomorrow,” you admitted, earning a chuckle from Chris. 
“You were lucky this time,” he said.
Next time, if you try to take control again, I’ll teach you a real lesson.” 
Wow okay that was a lot. My hands literally hurt. 😃
Tags- @alorsxsturn @maya555sblog @tillies33ssss
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its-time-to-write · 1 year
Hi!! I hope you’re doing well and that you had a wonderful weekend:) My request (if you can) is short and sweet: the first time meeting Jamie’s mum! Maybe a heart to heart between the two women (you loved him first and because of that it is my honor to love him for the rest of my life typa deal) IDK anyway have fun with it and thank you!!!
Done! I love Georgie so much. Like, she gives off total mom vibes in the way where she seems like she’d try to be the sunlight in everyone’s day, you know?
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there is happiness
You’re not taking a bus to fucking Manchester. Shit, you’ll take the train or a cab or maybe even walk before you get on a bus for upward of four hours with the Richmond Greyhounds. 
So why are you packing things into a duffel bag to do just that? It probably has something to do with the man sitting on the floor, debating which pants to pack. 
“Do you think I should take the Calvins?” he asks, pretending not to notice the murderous glare you shoot at him. 
“Don’t know why it matters,” you reply carelessly. “No one’s going to be seeing them anyway.”
Jamie gets up and slides his arms around you from behind, pressing a kiss to the crook of your neck. 
“Aw, don’t be so hard yourself babe,” he says. “You’re not no one.”
“You know what I mean,” you say, hugging his arms closer. “I’ll have you know I am very, very upset at you.”
You can feel his smirk against your neck. “Right, yeah, if upset is a new aneurism.”
“Euphemism,” you correct. “Wait. Shit. Or is it aneurism? Hey Siri, what’s the difference between a euphemism and an aneurism?”
Siri responds from your phone. 
You say, “Ah yes, an aneurism is what I’m going to have on that fucking bus ride on the way to meet your mum for the first time.”
Jamie flops backward onto the pile of clothes on the bed. “Babe, I don’t know why you’re so stressed out. It’s just my mum. She don’t bite.”
“Ok, sure. Yeah. I’ll calm down if you tell me exactly how many people you’ve brought home to meet her since making it to the Premier League. Actually, you know what? I’ll make it easier for you. You can even include platonic relationships.”
Jamie’s silent. 
“E-fucking-xactly. It’s just been Roy and Keeley. I wasn’t even this stressed when I met Ted because he likes everyone, but this is your mum. What if she hates me? It’s scary.”
“It’s not scary,” Jamie laughs. “She’s gonna love you.” You’re standing in between his legs now and he pulls you on top of him. “You’ll be fine, love, I promise.”
The bus ride was as expected. Smelly, loud, and filled with laughter. The team is still getting in the swing of things without Ted, but they seem to be picking up where he left off. 
You’re not really tired, especially since it’s mid-morning, but you’re pressed against Jamie’s side and he’s warm as always, so you find yourself drifting off.
The boys check into their hotel. You’re not staying with Jamie because the boys have all sorts of team-building things going on and Jamie’s mum insisted that she needs girl time.
You squeeze Jamie’s hand the entire way over to his mum and Simon’s place and he doesn’t even make any jokes about it, just squeezes back. 
Your heart rate shoots up a million times when Jamie knocks, then slows down about 10% when Georgie swings open the door and grabs you in a hug, barely giving Jamie any notice. 
“What the fuck?” he asks, amused. “Hey Simon, how’re you doing?"
“Oh lord, I told myself I wasn’t going to cry,” says Georgie, wiping away a tear. “Never thought he’d come home with a real, actual girl.”
Jamie makes an offended noise. “The fuck do you call all the girls I’ve been with?”
Georgie swats his arm playfully. “You know what I mean, love. None of them were built to last. Only one I sort of liked was that Keeley Jones, but I was never quite convinced you were right for her. But this one- well, must be the first girl you’ve brought home since primary school.”
“Come inside, come inside,” says Simon. “No sense standing in the doorway with the food getting cold.”
He ushers everyone inside and to the couches, and Georgie is latched onto Jamie’s arm now. He’s chattering away about the upcoming match and Roy as the manager, leaving you to take in your surroundings. There are photo prints on the walls and soft lighting and a table with photos of Jamie at every age. 
You smile at him as a baby, same giggly face as ever. 
It’s a nice evening. Simon’s made dinner and Georgie can’t stop beaming or ruffling Jamie’s hair. You’re the only other person on the planet allowed to touch his hair without warning.
He has to leave all too soon (“It’s a pillow fight, babe, and Sam’s fucking asking to get decked in the face,”) so you kiss him goodbye then head inside. It’s just Jamie’s family minus Jamie, and you have no idea how it’s going to go. Is this the moment Georgie tells you she actually hates you and you need to leave her baby boy alone? 
No. What happens instead is she takes your arm and leads you up the stairs to Jamie’s old room.
“Hasn’t changed since he left,” she beams. “Now come on, let’s chat just us girls! I feel like I already know you, what with the way Jamie talks about you all the time. Hardly a word out of his mouth that isn’t about you or footie.”
You grin. “He’s a man of singular tastes, that’s for sure.”
Georgie laughs. “Oh, I bet you’re good for him! Don’t let his head get too big, that’s for sure. My wee sexy baby always did need someone to take him down a few pegs here and there. But don’t let him fool you. He’s fragile as the next person, that one.”
You smile and say, “You two are so similar. He calls himself a ‘sexy baby,’ or a ‘wee sexy lad,’ all the time. And he can’t fool me. I know exactly who he is.”
Georgie’s eyes twinkle as she squeezes your hand. Not quite as strong as Jamie, but still the same type of grip. “Oh I’m sure of that, darling. I’m glad he’s got you all the way out there in Richmond. He’s been alone for a good while.”
You’re well aware of Jamie’s history since leaving Manchester. 
“You know, Keeley’s actually the one who kind of kickstarted all of this,” you say. “We’ve been friends for ages, and she- well, she sort of helped Jamie become a better version of himself.”
Georgie laughs. “Oh, you don’t have to sugarcoat it for me, love. I raised that lad, remember.”
“Ok, fine,” you say smiling, “She broke up with him because he was a massive prick, which started this whole redemption arc and she kind of forced us together at this event and, well, you know the rest. I just feel really, really lucky to be with him. Like if I were anywhere else at any other time, we could have missed each other. I could have missed him so easily.”
You shake your head. It’s hard to imagine a life without Jamie, and you wonder where you’d be at this exact moment if things had gone differently. What would be happening if you’d fought Keeley just a little more?
It doesn’t matter because Georgie’s squeezing your arm and saying, “But you’re here, darling. And it’s so wonderful that you two found each other, because I haven’t seen my baby smile like that in ages. I’ve got no worries about either of you.”
She pulls you into a hug, and it’s all you can do to keep from tearing up. 
God, who knew Jamie’s family would be so quick to accept you?
It’s late now, but you’re positive Keeley is still awake so you open your phone to send her a message.
You could have warned me, you text.
Three bubbles appear, then: what do you mean babe?
You roll your eyes. Fucker. You know exactly what I’m talking about. Your crazy football knockers are staring at me while I’m trying to sleep.
Keeley instantly responds with three angel emojis. I’m watching over you like a fucking guardian angel!
There’s a pause, then she texts, don’t know what Roy is. maybe the devil.
You snort at that. Roy Kent? Grump with a heart of gold? You don’t think so.
You close your text thread with Keeley and open the one with Jamie.
Nice football sheets, you write. Maybe we should get some for our room.
Jamie responds way too fast with an Amazon link and and an x. You smile then flip your phone over on the nightstand so you can get some good sleep, with Jamie’s guardian angels staring down at you.
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wilbursprincess · 8 months
“It Was So Lonely Sleeping Alone”
Superstarbur x Female Reader
Warnings: Just a whole lot of soft, fluffy reunion sex. Enjoy :)
This was one of the blurbs I wrote for my personal fictober this year, with the prompt “Reunion Sex”. First of 5 blurbs from my fictober I like enough to post, haha! This one is inspired by my own Bursona invention, whom I call “Superstarbur” after my favorite Taylor Swift song Superstar! I know, I know, quite the mouthful lol.
Smut under the cut!!!
I sigh, stretching out my legs on the empty, empty sofa. Wilbur’s been gone for just over two weeks, playing multiple sold out shows all over the country, and I was happy for him. No matter how many cute little videos of him slipping my name into songs during soundchecks, half-asleep selfies in his bunk on the bus, or dirty texts detailing every little thing he wanted to do to me, I still missed him. A lot. I missed Wilbur so much I could almost feel his absence, like an aching hole in my chest.
In the absence of him in our house, I’d taken to wearing his clothes. Obviously, they didn’t fit me at all, hoodie sleeves draping far over my hands and almost tripping on the hems of his sweatpants. But I didn’t care. They smelled like him, a familiar mix of his aftershave, deodorant, and shampoo, which was the closest I had to Wilbur himself.
A car door slams outside, making me jump, phone plopping screen-down onto the rug. I shake my head, silently chatising myself for being so jumpy at such a small sound. Retriviving my phone from the floor, I get up the sofa, heading into the kitchen. Maybe tea would calm my nerves.
Setting the kettle on to boil, I rummage through the cupboards, setting Wilbur’s favorite mug down and dropping a chamomile tea bag inside, adding a generous squirt of honey before topping off the mug with the freshly-boiled water.
I hear a key slide into the door, snapping up my head.
It’s just Tommy checking in on me.
The door flings wide open, bringing with it the chill of night air and a spray of rainwater, and the thunk of a suitcase.
A suitcase?
Socks sliding on the wooden floor, I run into the front hallway, just as an achingly familiar voice speaks from the doorway.
“Will?” My breath catches in my throat as Wilbur steps into the light. “You’re home?”
He smiles, looking absolutely exhausted. “I am. I decided to surprise you by coming home a day early-”
Without waiting for him to finish his sentence, I run into his waiting arms, not caring how the water from his raincoat soaks into my clothes. “I missed you so much, Will,” I murmur into him, and he nods, hugging me tighter.
“Fuck, I missed you so much too,” he replies, tipping my chin up and kissing me. It’s deep, slow, and soft; making my heart swell with love.
“Do you need anything?” I ask when we pull back some time later. “You look exhausted.”
Wilbur smiles, somewhat-wearily. “That’s quite an understatement. I feel like I haven’t slept the entire tour.”
I press my mug of tea into his hands. “Have this, Will, you’re freezing, and go change,” I tell him, ushering him into our room. “I’ll make you some food, ok?”
While he changes, I get to work in the kitchen, frying eggs, popping toast into the toaster, and mashing up the remnants of an avocado I found in the fridge.
“That smells amazing.” Wilbur’s voice makes me jump, looking up from where I’m flipping the eggs. He’s changed into flannel pajama pants and an oversized hoodie, the silly matching cow slippers I bought us last Christmas on his feet. “Fuck, I haven’t had a proper cooked meal in ages.”
I slide the eggs onto the avocado-laden toast, topping it with a sprinkle of red pepper flakes and my favorite bagel seasoning. “Here you go. It’s not much, but-”
Before I’ve even finished my sentence, Wilbur’s shoved a bite of toast in his mouth.
“You could maybe try not to choke on your first night home in over two weeks,” I tease, and he swallows the mouthful with a smirk.
“That’s the best meal I’ve had all tour,” he says, smiling. “I’m so glad to be home.”
I perch on the counter while he finishes his toast and tea in record time, entertaining him with stories from when he’s been gone.
“Do you want to sleep now, Will?” I ask, rinsing off the plate and putting it in the dishwasher.
Sleepily, he nods. “I didn’t sleep great on the bus,” he murmurs, looking like he’s about to fall asleep at the table. “I have a lot of sleep to catch up on.”
“You go get ready for bed, I’ll finish cleaning up,” I tell him, leaning up to plant a kiss on his forehead.
Wilbur’s already in bed when I get into our room, dozing while I turn off the light and snuggle up to his side.
I close my eyes, expecting him to be asleep already, and I’m not expecting him to stir, groaning and pulling me closer into his chest. “I missed you so much,” he whispers, lightly planting kisses all over my face. “It was so lonely sleeping alone on the tour bus.”
“It was so lonely sleeping here alone too,” I murmur my reply, playing with his hair. “I’m so glad you’re home.”
Groaning, Wilbur rolls on top of me, slipping his hands up my shirt and kissing me so hard it shocks me for a second. “I need you,” he breathes, squeezing my hips as his teeth sink in my lower lip. “I’m so horny.”
Giggling, I trail a hand down his bare back. “Are you, now?”
He nods. “Haven’t had any privacy all tour,” he gasps, rubbing over my nipples. “Walls are too thin on the bus.”
“Well, I’m all yours,” I coo, reaching down to palm at him over his boxers. Wilbur whines and tries to push up into my touch. “You wanna fuck me?”
“Yes, fuck yes,” he groans, fumbling to get out of his boxers as I tug my shirt off over my head. “I might not last very long. Haven’t cum for two weeks.”
I laugh. “No problem.”
His fingers trail south, thumb flicking my clit as his fingers pump in and out of me as he grinds on my thigh.
“Oh, fuck, right there,” I moan out, eyes rolling back into my head. I’ve had plenty of time alone in our house with my toys when I missed Wilbur, but even just his fingers felt so much better than anything I could do myself.
Wilbur pulls his fingers out of me, sucking them into his mouth and sighing in pleasure.. “You always taste so good,” he whispers, sinking his rock-hard length into me. “But you feel even better wrapped around my cock.”
His first thrust makes us both groan, my back arching as I feel myself stretch around him. “You fill me up so well,” I pant. “You’re so big.”
I wrap my legs around his waist, letting him get a better angle and thrust into me deeper, his soft moans in my ear making everything between my thighs drip.
“Fuck, you’re so wet,” Wilbur whines.
“I love how vocal you’re being, it’s so hot,” I moan, tugging at his curls. He responds with another loud moan, tugging me up so my clit grinds into his lower stomach.
The urgency of his hips snapping up to thrust deeper and deeper, all the beautiful noises he’s making, and the fact he’s panting like a dog tells me he’s close to his own climax, and if we hadn’t been apart for over two weeks, I’d be making fun of him right about now for not even lasting five minutes.
My own orgasm hits me like a train, and I press my face into his shoulder as I ride it out. When I manage to come back to earth, the sight of WIlbur’s face as he’s right on the edge of finishing almost makes me cum again.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he cries out, and I feel him twitch inside me, spilling himself inside me before pulling out and releasing the rest on my stomach.
Before I can remind him that he’s just cum all over my stomach, he flops back down, all ready to cuddle. “I just came so hard and so much,” he murmurs happily. “I think my balls may be completely deflated.”
I burst out laughing. “You know you’re laying in some of it, right?”
He pushes himself off my chest to see I’m right. “Oh shit,” he laughs.
“You wait here, I’ll get us cleaned up,” I tell him. “I know you normally handle this, but you look like you’ve collapsed.”
After running some warm water over a towel and cleaning up the mess dripping down my thighs, I head back into our bedroom, kneeling on our bed next to Wilbur and gently cleaning him up.
“I love you so much, darling,” he murmurs, looking at me with soft admiration in his deep brown eyes. “You’re coming on the next tour. I can’t be apart for you for so long ever again.”
I lean in, hair brushing his bare chest as I plant a kiss on his forehead. “Even though we won’t be able to do this?”
“I’ll bribe everyone to leave us alone on the bus for a few hours whenever we’re in the mood,” he promises. “I’ll bring you out on stage every show and ask the fans to bring you gifts.”
“What kind of gifts?”
I smile down at my now-fast asleep boyfriend. “Goodnight to you too, I suppose.l
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