#I’m PLENTY ashamed of the guy I used to be I wasn’t a good person back then
baconcolacan · 1 year
Okay but how would small RTord react if he woke up in older RTords body. How would he react, to his army, to his soldiers, to his friends (that he doesnt see no longer) Tom imprisoned, strapped down and all that. He seemed a bit more..decent back then
Aaaahhh, you want to know how he was like before he escalated.
Mmm, well, since we’re talking about a kid who thinks what he’s doing is all harmless fun, and hasnt been desensitized to more harmful things yet (that he actively justified as he pushed the boundaries even more), I would say….horrified, maybe.
This kind of thing doesn’t seem all that fun, and Tom is clearly really hurt, sure he used to get into little scraps with him, but it was nothing a quick bandage couldn’t fix.
This….isnt fun anymore.
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lara-eats-the-rich · 5 months
[CW: Mentions of violence, gore, sex? I guess?]
So uh, a friend of mine told me that I desperately needed to make an account here, so here I am. Name’s Lara, and I’m a shapeshifter. Been one for 6 or 7 years now. I won’t really go into how that all happened – kinda ashamed of it, made a pact with some demon or whatever and am now cursed with only being able to sate my hunger by eating human flesh – not particularly pleasant to most people, I imagine, but I make do.
There’s plenty of not-so-great people out there that won’t be missed, ya know? Corrupt people, I mean. I’m not some monster who goes and eats innocent people off the street. It’s more fun anyway to lure in some corrupt asshole only to tell them that their actions have consequences.
Fun. Yeah. It’s uh, really fun, actually. Like, really fun. Half the reason I became a shapeshifter in the first place was because of the fun of playing a character, if that makes sense. I could pretend to be literally anyone. The other half of the reason is because I hated who I had to be. Course, I didn’t expect the whole curse thing when I asked that “doctor” for the medicine. Only after starting the treatment did they tell me about the whole eating people thing. Wasn’t too pleased about that, as you can imagine – they only revealed themselves as a demon or something when I tried to kill them. Scared the shit out of me. Haven’t seen them since.
You’d think that whole situation doesn’t lend itself much to making friends, but there’s communities for everything, it turns out. I’m not even the only shapeshifter. Far from it, actually. I mean, the “hating who I had to be” thing isn’t uncommon either – I did label myself as trans for a while, but not anymore. I’m not limited to one look, one person, one form - so much for ‘basic biology’, eh?
Actually, I know a gal who’s got much stronger shapeshifting stuff than me. We’re really good friends, actually. She’s trans, too, but spends most of her time in her actual body, even if she could get to exactly where she wants to be with a snap of her fingers. It’s kinda remarkable, actually. She says it’s because she doesn’t know how she’ll end up looking anyway. That’s pretty brave of her, I think.
As far as I know, she got into the whole shapeshifting thing because of a demon, too. I mean, they call themselves a demon, or a goddess, or a demon-goddess, so it’s not strictly the same thing. Amy’s not even cursed by it or anything. Lucky bitch. The ‘goddess’, as she calls them, apparently granted her the shapeshifting stuff because – get this – she wants Amy to be her heir. Yeah. So now she and the goddess have the same abilities. Supposedly she’s the goddess of chaos and change or something, but I’ve never heard of her. Their abilities even extend to other people, too. They make these little symbols, or gestures, or something with their hands and then they can just… change anyone. Amy, because she’s a nice person, only does it with willing participants – I’ll get into those later – but the goddess just does in on whoever she feels like, and calls it divine retribution, funnily enough.
I think I used to know her in school, actually. Weird coincidence, I guess. Course, we were both different people, metaphorically and literally. That was long before any of the transform-y things. It’s not that we were even friends, particularly. Well, we are now, of course, but we just didn’t really talk. I guess it took both of us to become the ‘real’ us before we actually got close to each other.
I mean, we’re not like that with each other. Found out pretty quickly after trying to uhh… “lure” in some food that I’m not really into sex. Or romance, particularly, either. So I guess I’m aro-ace. I just use it to get closer to my food so I can… you know. It’s got me in some pretty funny scenarios, looking back. Like, several times I’ve lured in a guy who ends up wanting me to give him head, only for me to literally eat his dick. I mean, it’s not that simple, of course, I won’t just go straight in for it, but I’m not interested in pleasuring the other people aside from just tricking them. That’s the fun bit.
Stuff like that is kinda the worst part about the eating people thing, though. But I have figured out some nice little ways around the actually yucky bits. You know, like the stomach, and uhh… lower bits. I’ve found that I can make some sort of chemical that basically causes all of that to get expelled from the body before I actually eat the targets. I don’t wanna deal with all the yucky stuff.
The process of getting rid of it all is kinda gross unfortunately – I usually bump into them “accidentally” and give them a little prick of the chemicals, then over the course of a week they sorta… throw up all of the bits I won’t eat. Not pleasant for them, sure, but its all turned into sludge anyway so it’s not like its recognisable to anyone. After that they feel perfectly fine, as if nothing happened. Not really sure if they can actually live properly after that, not having a digestive system and all. At least, by the time I give them that little injection I’ve already decided that they’re the target anyway.
There’s also another chemical I have that clots a lot of their blood where I bite them – I guess it’s a venom of sorts, which is kinda cool. Stops a lot of the major bleeding. Makes it so I don’t have to clean up too much. I’ve kinda gotten used to it, as you can tell. I used to put a lot of time into not leaving a trace behind, especially before the chemical stuff, but Amy and the goddess gave me all sorts of ideas that really help out so much. Shame I can’t share a meal with them. I mean, I guess I can, but I don’t get any sustenance from regular food. Still tastes good, though.
Jeez, I’ve really typed a lot, haven’t I? Maybe I’ll wrap it up for now. I’ll probably write some of my experiences down with the whole hunting thing sometime if anyone wants to read it. I guess its sorta incriminating, but it’s not like I can be arrested or something. I can probably escape from anywhere. That’s an odd thought, isn’t it? Anyway yeah, bad-guy-eating stories coming soon, I suppose. Or maybe let me know if there’s something you want to ask me? I’m open to that.
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not-a-space-alien · 2 years
Savage Sunset Chapter 14S
In this chapter: Valen finally gets to EAT
Story masterpost
Complementary chapter
Content/Content warnings for this chapter: Aftermath of torture, starvation, heavy emotional distress. This chapter could probably also be considered "carewhumping," although I think everyone's actions are completely reasonable.
Valen’s boots clattered on the kitchen floor as Lex helped him step up and back into the kitchen.  Ari shut and locked the back door, then walked over to the kitchen window to shut the curtains as the sky started to streak pink with the sunrise.
"Okay," said Ari, giving a tentative thumbs up. "We're good? We're cool?"
Lex returned her thumbs up.  Valen let out a choked sob, but also gave a thumbs-up, the weakest and least convincing thumbs up in history.
"It's all right," said Lex. "Things are going to get better for you now.  We're going to help you. Things are only going to get better.  Ari.”
She took Valen’s wrist and drew him forward.  “Let me introduce you to Valen.  He was here in human territory because…he was gathering…mushrooms?”  She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye for any sign that her statement was incorrect.  When he gave none, she continued, “That he was using to try and make artificial blood.”
“Mushrooms are more closely related to animals than to plants,” Valen mumbled, eyes glued to the floor.
“Ah, right…” said Ari.  She rubbed the back of her head.  “Well, I…Well, if that’s true… I mean…I’m glad you weren’t here for anything nefarious.”  Lex could tell Ari still did not quite believe it, but she could see what obvious in front of her:  This creature was a person, not a monster, despite the blood painting him and the fangs, who just wanted to be safe, and who was capable of carrying out a conversation if treated fairly.  Ari was protective, but she was also clearly thinking that she didn’t want to hurt this poor guy any further, and they might be able to work it out safely.
And when they’d set up Lex and Valen in the backyard, the message from Ari had been clear:  I trust your judgment.  If you say he’s fine, I’ll believe he’s fine.
Lex could see Ari struggling to think up what to say now that they’d actually reached that point, though.  Lex herself was struggling to contain a slew of curious questions for her strange new friend, wanting to hear everything about who he was and how he’d gotten to this point, but there would be time for that later.  
“I-I’m sorry I locked you in a cage,” Valen blurted out.
“Hgn?”  Ari gave him a befuddled look.  Lex knew what she was thinking:  I would have done the same thing.  That was completely reasonable.  “I mean…” said Ari, averting her eyes.  “That was just kind of fair play.  Y’know.”  She cleared her throat.  “Well, I–Given what all happened, I would say…”
Just apologize, Ari, Lex thought, bemused.  It won’t kill you.  You’re still plenty macho. 
“Well, listen, dude, I…  Sorry about…all that.”  She looked ashamed.  “I owe you one, so–so if there’s anything you need, you just let me know.”  
Lex took a moment to look Valen up and down and take stock of what they actually had in their kitchen.
Okay, they had a vampire.  A person.   Who wanted to be a good person, and who hadn’t committed any crimes.  Except for biting them, which Lex thought wasn’t really his fault.  It was their fault.  Okay.  So this was sort of their responsibility.  He was starved and weakened, very very scared, in clothes that were several sizes too big for his skeletal frame, beat to shit and back with open wounds all over his body, very tired by the look of it, and covered in dried, tacky blood, down his chin and up to his sunken cheekbones, down his front, half of it months old and rotting.  One of his eyes was a charred, shriveled lump nestled among a burn across his face, he had cuts all up and down his limbs, burns in the shape of the muzzle, burns on his wrists, and probably plenty of broken bones they couldn’t see.
What would be the best thing to do?
“Let’s get you taken care of.  What would you like to do first?” said Lex.  Being in the enclosed space with him again drove home how bad he truly smelled, so a bath would probably be a good first step, then they could clean his wounds.  “We can get you cleaned up–”
“F-feed,” he said instantly.  “Pl-please allow me to feed.  I’m so–so, I’m so hungry, please.”  He shrank back instantly after the outburst, as if afraid of being reprimanded.
Oh, of course.  Lex should have guessed that’d be what he wanted first.  Luckily, when they’d been at the hospital, they’d convinced the hospital staff to let them have some donated blood from their stock, which they’d stowed in the fridge.  All they’d needed to do was prove they were vampire hunters, and make up some excuse about how they were trying to set up a trap for a vampire and needed bait, and they’d been given as much as they wanted.
“Eager, huh,” said Ari, turning back to the fridge.  She emerged with one of the bags of blood. “Well, it’s your lucky day, because…hello?”
Valen was frozen, knees quaking, as though he were deathly afraid asking had been a mistake, eyes glazed over.
“Hello?” said Ari, waving her hand in his face.  “Earth to Dracula.”
His eyes snapped to her hand, then fell onto the blood.
“Like I was trying to say,” said Ari with a grin.  “Today’s your lucky day, my man, cuz it turns out if you’re at a hospital to get stitches, all you need to do is flirt with the nurse a little bit, and tell her you’re vampire hunters, and fudge the explanation for what you’re going to use it for a little bit, and they’ll just give you some blood.”
“G-give it to me!” Valen snapped with uncharacteristic savageness, mouth screwing into a snarl.  He immediately drew back, hand over his mouth, fearful expression returning. 
“Hold on a second,” said Ari, drawing it back, and again Lex and Ari were in perfect synch with their thoughts.
Lex put a hand to his back.  “Didn’t you throw up…before?”  She’d been phasing in and out of consciousness, but she remembered a few things, which she’d recalled to Ari:  he’d thrown up, and he’d gotten off a phone call to someone. They'd have to ask about that second part later.
“So how much of this do you think your stomach can handle?” said Ari.  “Decide beforehand, so you don’t get carried away.”
“For a human who was breaking a fast, we would probably give them crackers or something,” said Lex.  “Something light, so they don’t get sick.  You know?”
“Do you want just a little bit, and we can wait a bit to give you more?” said Ari.  “Or, maybe, I don’t know, we can thin it out with water or something?”
He looked like they’d just asked him to do quadratic equations in his head.  His face was frozen in indecision, then: “If…if you dilute it with water…M-maybe half of that would be a good start.  Thank you.”
Ari smiled.  “There we go.  Let’s give it a try.”
She turned and put the bag on the sink.  Lex fetched her a drinking glass, then came back over to help Valen stand.
Ari lowered the bag into the sink to contain any spills, then cut it open with a pair of scissors.
The second the bag was open, something slammed into both of them from behind, claws and teeth thrashing violently, growling ripping through the air.
“Shit!” said Ari, regaining her balance.  “Fuck!”
“Stop!” said Lex.  “Valen, stop!”
His face twisted in anger, then dissolved into horror.  Ari swept his leg and jammed him into an arm bar against the counter.
“Easy, easy!”
“Woah, woah–”
“Stop, stop–”
“I’ve got him.”
“We’ve got you.”
“I’m sorry!” he sobbed instantly.  “I’m sorry!  I’m sorry! I–I didn’t mean to–I didn’t mean to!”
He shifted under Ari’s weight, and Ari grabbed a handful of hair, pressing him down into the counter.  He writhed, eyes locked on the blood now splashed in the sink, but Ari pulled him back.
“Please,” he wept.  “Please just let me lick the sink, I’ll do anything, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, please–please have mercy, please just let me–”
“Easy,” said Ari’s voice, and the legs behind him pressed into him even further, stifling his squirming.  “Easy.  Take it easy.  Breathe.  Sit still.”
It was the smell, they could both tell.  The smell was making it impossible for him to control himself.  He was that desperately hungry.  Especially with him pinned to the counter right next to the sink.  They needed to do something to bring him back down, so they could talk again.  They wanted to feed him, but it was dangerous for all of them if he couldn’t control himself.
“Lex, turn the water on.”  If the lingering blood was gone, maybe he could think more clearly.
“No,” Valen cried.  “Please, please, please just let me–”
Lex started to get concerned at his desperation. Was he going to use persuasion again? He must know that wouldn't end well, right? The sun was up. He couldn't pull a repeat of what he'd done earlier. Please just trust us.
Lex turned on the faucet, rinsing the bag and sending the remaining blood down the drain.  He tried to chase it, prompting Ari to pin his remaining wrist to the counter.
“This isn’t going to work if you can’t control yourself,” said Ari.  “We’re trusting you to behave in a civilized way.”
“I’m sorry,” Valen said pathetically.  “I–I–I–I didn’t mean to, I-I-I couldn’t control myself.”
“All right.  Just stay still.  Lex, are you hurt?”
“No, are you?”
Lex let out a shaky breath, then rubbed his back soothingly.  “It’s okay.  See?  You didn’t hurt us.  We’re okay.  You’re okay.”
“I’m–I’m–I’m sorry.”
Lex felt her heart breaking again.  He clearly wanted so badly to behave himself, but his eyes were wide with such desperate hunger.  “It’s all right.  Don’t worry.  We’re going to help you.”
Lex took stock again, with fresh eyes, of what they had in their kitchen.  A person.  A vampire.  A desperate, starving, dangerous wounded animal.  Of their own creation.  Who would hurt them despite his own best intentions.  They had to pull him back up out of the deep pit he’d been thrown into.  They had to grab his hand and haul him back up out of the muck, they had to put on gloves and armor to stop the panicked kicking and screaming and clawing as they did so, because he was starved and half-feral and had no way to help himself besides lashing out at things he thought would hurt him.  He could do nothing but lunge desperately, and he had no reason to believe anything would get better unless he was the one who made it happen.
They had to help him, and they had to take precautions to make sure all three of them stayed alive while that happened.  He needed to be restrained, even if he didn’t want it, if he couldn’t stop himself from lunging.
“We’re going to help you,” said Ari.  “But we’re going to do it in a way that doesn’t put me and Lex at risk.  Understand?”
“Yes, I understand, I understand, sir–m-ma’am.”
Ah, there it was, the dreaded sir-ma’am that Ari was subjected to so often.  She smiled wryly, then leaned over.  “Because Lex lost a lot of blood, and if she loses more, or reopens her stitches, you could hurt her really badly.”
“I–I know, I’m sorry, I d-didn’t mean to–”
“We know you’re hungry,” said Lex, “and we know you’re scared, and in pain, and we know people do things they wouldn’t otherwise do when they’re scared and in pain and hungry.”
Valen sobbed.
“But that doesn’t change the fact that you can hurt us even if you don’t mean to,” said Ari.  “This might have been too big of a leap.  We’ll do baby steps.”
“Th-thank you,” said Valen, body wracked with tremors.  “Thank you, ma’am, thank you.”
“Lex, go get the muzzle.”
“No!” Valen cried, and Lex had to fight to keep herself together at his expression, his squirming.  “Please, please, no!  Please don’t put the muzzle back on!  Please, please, I’ll do anything, anything, I’m begging you–”
“Relax,” said Ari.  “Hey, relax.  We’re not going to use the bit.  You’ll still be able to talk.  It’ll just be a barrier between you and lunging at us again.  We know you didn’t do it on purpose, but we still need to prevent it from happening again.”
“But, Ari,” said Lex, dismayed, “the muzzle we have burns him.”
“Go get some duct tape too.”
Good old Ari.  She always knew what to do right away.  Lex pattered into the closet, rummaging through it to find the duct tape.  She heard Ari and Valen talking softly to each other, his voice trembling and desperate, hers firm.
Lex put the duct tape and muzzle on the counter.  “Go get the chain from outside, too," said Ari.
Lex nodded.  She went out the back door, pulling the stake up from the yard and retrieving the chain.  
She came back into the kitchen and started wrapping duct tape around the part of the chain that would be closest to him, then took the muzzle and curled tape over all the parts that would be touching his skin.
“All right,” said Ari.  “Try not to panic.  You’re okay.  You’re safe.”
Valen was rigid, sobbing hopelessly.  It’s okay, it’s okay for real this time.  It’s just temporary.  It’s just temporary, sweetheart.  It’s not like before.
Ari's hands eased up, returning him to a standing position.  “There we go,” she cooed.  “Nice and easy, now.  Turn around, please.”
He did so, slowly.   “All right,” said Lex.  “You’re okay.”
“I’m going to attach the chain to this hook,” said Ari, gently running her finger along the metal collar still attached to his neck.  “We’re not going to bind your hands.  We’re just going to make it harder to bite and lunge, so you can stop yourself before you hurt us.  Your hands will be free, and you’ll still be able to talk.  Then you’ll get to eat.”
Shit, they didn’t have the key for the padlock on the metal collar around his neck.  And they couldn’t ask Nick for it…Maybe they could figure out some way to get it off later.  But for now…maybe they’d need to use it.
“Please,” said Valen tearfully.  “I–I–I–”  He choked, breaking off.
“Do you think you can handle that?” said Ari.  “It’s just as long as you can’t keep yourself from lunging when you smell it.  Okay?  We’re leaving your hands free, we’re trusting you to work with us here.  We know you want to feed without hurting us.  Think you can handle that?”
“If you can’t, it’s OK to say so,” said Lex.  “We’ll think of something else.”
“I can handle it,” he said.  “I can–I can handle it, thank you, thank you for trusting me.  I won’t bite you, I won’t use persuasion.”  His chest hitched.  “Thank you for trusting me.”
Lex put her hand on his shoulder.  “Thank you for trusting us.”
She’d been half-afraid he wouldn’t have, that he would just use persuasion again as soon as he could, even after the conversation in the backyard.  He didn’t have many options with it being daytime outside, not able to make another getaway like before, but he could have certainly tried.  She squeezed his shoulder.  Thank you, thank you.  Thank you for letting us help you.
He flinched as Ari clipped a carabiner onto the ring on the collar.  Lex handed her the silver chain.  “Just stay still,” said Ari as she clipped the carabiner through the chain.  “There we go.  Good boy.”
He flushed with humiliation.  Maybe Lex should ask Ari to stop doing that.
“Okay, let’s go into the living room,” said Ari.
Lex helped him walk as Ari led him out.  They had him kneel in front of the radiator, where Ari connected the chain to the radiator with the combination lock from earlier.  “There,” said Ari.  “Does that feel okay?”
“Y-yes,” said Valen, curling up on the floor.  “Th-thank you.”  He could at any time unclip the carabiner and free himself, of course.  That was the point.  They had trust, now, maybe just a little.  This was a tool to help all of them get him fed without anyone getting hurt, and he knew it.
“Okay,” said Lex, putting a few more loops of tape onto the parts of the muzzle that would touch his skin.  “Are you ready for this, now?”
“Y-yes…No!  Yes.  Yes, I’m ready.”
“O-okay,” said Lex.  “I’m going to put it on now.”  If you’re actually ready…
Lex made sure all the parts that would inhibit his ability to speak had been removed, then approached, prompting Valen’s trembling to start up again.  She gently slipped it on, then came behind him to do up the buckle.
He freaked out, pawing the muzzle off like a dog, sobbing and throwing it to the ground.  He immediately wrung his hand and started apologizing.  “I–I’m sorry, I tried not to–it was–it was a reflex–I’m sorry.”
“Okay, that’s okay,” said Lex.  She gave him a reassuring touch and reached down to pick it back up.  “Here, why don’t you take it, and put it on when you’re ready.”
He eyed the proffered device warily.
“You don’t have to put it on until you’re ready,” said Ari.  “But we’re not going to feed you until you have it on.  Okay?”
“O-okay,” said Valen.  He took the device from her, and she stepped back.  They both just watched him, giving him time.
He stared at the inside of the muzzle, clearly trying to control his breathing.  He lifted it to his face with trembling hands, holding it there, fumbling with the belt with uncoordinated hands.  “Can you–can you please–help me–”
Lex came over before he even finished asking, securing the buckle.  “There, is that okay–”
“Let me–” Valen said, panic rising again.  “Let me–j-j-j-just take it off again.”
Lex backed away.  Valen struggled to undo the buckle, then eventually got it to snap off.  The muzzle fell into his lap.
“All good?” said Ari, with a thumbs-up.
“Y-yes,” said Valen.  “J-just let me…Just let me put it on and take it off a few times.”
He did so, getting gradually better at doing and undoing the buckle.  Take your time, sweetheart.  We’ll go when you’re ready.  When you really believe the muzzle will come off when you want it to.
“O-okay,” he said, doing it up for the last time, and folding his hands in his lap.  “I think I’m ready now.  I think I’m ready.  P-please.”
“All right,” said Ari.  “You stay here.  Me and Lex will bring it to you.  Stay there, just like that.  If you take the chain off, our priority goes from feeding you to restraining you.  Got it?”
“Yes,” said Valen.  “Thank you.  Thank you.”
Lex and Ari went back into the kitchen, watching him out of the corner of their eyes.  Ari took another bag of blood out of the fridge and repeated what she’d done before, setting it in the sink and cutting it open with scissors.
Just the same as before, there was an instantaneous response, him slamming to the full length of the chain, hissing and spitting, eyes dull with base animal intelligence, strangling himself to try and reach them.  Maybe it was just their imagination, but it looked like his fangs had gotten longer, and his fingers sharper as he raked the floor.
“J-Jesus,” whispered Ari.  She poured blood into a drinking glass, then ran some water into it, swirling it to mix.
She stuck a straw into the glass, then turned to assess Valen.  He panted, still kneeling on the floor, his cheeks flushed, but he looked a little embarrassed, which meant he had the presence of mind to be embarrassed.  
“All right,” she said, bringing it in.  “Good job, you’re doing good.  Back up a little bit.”
He shuffled backwards.  Ari set the glass down on the floor next to his claw marks, within his reach, and then backed up.  “All right.  Go ahead.  All yours.  Drink it slowly, so you don’t get sick.”
Valen crawled forward, extending his hand to take the glass.  His unsteady hand knocked it over instead, spilling the blood all over the wood floor.  His face fell, looking like he was discovering new hopes he didn’t even know could be taken away.  “I-I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” said Lex.
“We still have the other h–No.”  This last part came as Valen knelt and tried to lick the blood off the floor, pressing the mesh muzzle into it.  After a second, he wet his hands with the diluted liquid and tried to push it through into his mouth.  “No, no, don’t do that.”
“Please–” said Valen as Ari came over and gently took the chain, hauling him back, sliding him across the wooden floor.  “Please–just let me–”
“You don’t have to eat off the floor,” said Lex.  “We'll get you a new glass.”
“Don’t lick the floor,” said Ari.  “We don’t do that here.  We’re all people.  We all get treated like people.  People don’t make other people eat off the floor.”
Part of Lex wanted to let him do it, he seemed to want it so badly.  But she knew Ari was right.  He’d already been humiliated enough as it was.  He didn’t need to eat blood off the floor, through a muzzle, on top of all that.
Lex got some towels to wipe the spill up.  No use making him look at it if they weren’t going to let him at it.  Ari went back to the kitchen and ran more water, making another glass.
They’d try as many times as it took to get food into him.  It was what he needed, and deserved, and it fell to them to make sure he got it.  Lex’s soft-hearted compassion, and Ari’s sense of duty and responsibility both made them arrive at that answer independently. 
Ari came back over, and both of them knelt in front of him.  “Come here, big guy,” said Ari.
He tentatively crawled over, staying at arm’s reach, not further.
“Give me your hands,” said Ari.
He extended them out.  Ari took one and used it to pull him closer, his thighs sliding across the wooden floor.  Then, she put the glass in his hand, using both of hers to fix both of his onto the glass.
“You got it?”
“Y-yes,” he said.  “B-but I’m not sure if I have the–hand strength to lift it to my mouth.”
Ari smiled gently.  “That’s what the straw is for.”
Valen lowered his head, and Lex poked the straw the muzzle so he could start sucking the blood up.
The blood moved up the straw and into his mouth, and he shuddered.  Tears welled in his eyes, and he let out small, overwhelmed sounds.
“There we go,” said Ari, as he continued to obediently sip.  She removed one hand and stroked his hair.  “Good boy.”
He shuddered and flushed.
“I’m not sure if he likes it when you do that,” said Lex.
Valen flushed even more deeply, averting his eyes.
“See, he’s embarrassed,” said Lex.
Ari huffed a laugh.  “Lex, that’s exactly what you look like when I play with your hair and call you a good girl.”
It was Lex’s turn to blush.  Oh god, really?  Leave it to Ari to embarrass her in front of a vampire.
But he didn’t seem to care much.  His eyes slid closed, enjoying the feeling of feeding straight from gentle hands touching him.
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forkingmyself · 1 year
#1: i’m afraid of myself and i hate it (it’s a lyric. sounds like something my musty emo teen ass would say but its a lyric.)
I wanted to come up with something original for my blog, but, well... can’t think of anything. And my main reason of starting this blog was because I want to vent and rant and go batshit insane. I’m not doing this to be creative and incredible and fabulous and a good writer.
I like to fork myself was the title of late Daul Kim’s blog. She was magnificent, I loved her work and I think she was veeeery pretty. I’ve always enjoyed reading her posts and I still do it up until now. I was going through her entries and thought, hm, maybe I should write something too. Maybe then when I finally killed myself for real someone would comment, damn, they were gone too soon. Then maybe some rando would comment lol glad she killed herself. Whatever. I don’t care. Perhaps I do want to be remembered in a way and I want to leave something in this world. 
Perhaps that’s because I just enjoy attention very much. Perhaps I just want everyone to know they’ve done me wrong and if I ever killed myself they’re responsible for it and I want them to feel guilty about it. But perhaps I’m just a silly little girl with silly little thoughts also <3
ANYWAAAAYY. About the title. I listened to plenty of Keshi back then when I was in junior high school. He wasn’t as big as he is right now (which is good for him and for everyone, of course. I’m the opposite of gatekeeper. I want people to give love to people who deserve lots of it) and I was like, “damn, would be great if I could see this guy live” and boom. He toured to Jakarta a while ago. I couldn’t afford the tickets, though, and I don’t really listen to his new releases so I ended up not going.
Well, I still listen to him from time to time. I used to love xoxosos, the reaper, and onoffonoff a lot. An awful lot. I KNOW. Girl you were barely sixteen you don’t need to be listening to all that BUT I had my first lesbian breakup and bitch it really was that bad. And, well, now that I had another one... I find myself completely fucked. That’s how I end up listening to songs-that-certainly-fucks-me-bad-in-the-head again.
I just wrote something romantic and tender. Hell. Who was I kidding? Age gap relationships don’t work.
They’ll eventually find people around their age. Even if with you things line up perfectly, there’s someone out there who can provide better. Better and easier. No need to wait for them to catch up with you. Or, well, to put it harshly: they’ll find someone they can fuck without feeling much guilt. Damn. I wish it’s that easy for me to find someone to fuck...
When I say I’m a Lana girl I don’t mean just the cigarettes for breakfast and the dainty outfits. I like old ass people LIKE I always fucking let myself get fucked by people way older than me I never fucking learn. At this point I think I’ve developed a kink for it and I wish I was kidding. I simply have no self respect. I genuinely think this will happen again because... yeah... perhaps I’m enjoying it. Because I’m a masochist a pervert a fuck up a everything bad and horrible.
I should go to therapy but I’m so ashamed of this. Of everything that ever happened to me. I have no difficulties writing it but saying it out loud with my mouth, while presenting myself as this wretched body and face, saying this as an ugly ass disgusting person and not just some stranger on the internet... would be embarrassing.
I’m just so embarrassed of myself. Really.
Aaaah. This is so naive but I actually can’t wait to grow up! I know it will be hard, I know, but let me be, okay. I want to have a job. I want to have money. I know it will be hard and I might want to take it back, but the idea of having something to look forward to is... great. I suppose. I don’t know what I want to be. I was never passionate in this field and I don’t have strong opinions about anything. People around me are so incredible and so passionate about making changes, while I just sorta... float. I’m barely getting by. I think my grades will drop this semester lol I don’t give a fuck about anything anymore. I wish I could be so incredible and amazing that people who left me will regret doing so but damn... I... don’t care. They were right for leaving me because I’m a good for nothing!
I think for now I’m setting my goal on a divorce lawyer. I want to help women escape hell.
Maybe I’ll kill myself but for now things in my life are going well! I had a breakdown over noodles yesterday. I made noodles and left some for my parents when they come back, but they didn’t eat it. I ended up eating it myself and cried. But earlier my Dad said he was saving it for this morning, and when he checked the dining table, the noodles are gone... I said I ate it. He said he wanted to eat it. I was happy.
I love him... I love my family. I feel bad for turning to this. I really want to make them proud. I want to get a nice job and pay for things and buy them nice stuff before I leave them forever because well religions are non negotiable I suppose. 
I WANT TO BE HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!
I really do like I’m not kidding
I don’t know what kind happy I was thinking of when I said that, but just... happy. Myself. Having a pink hair and wearing a tank top that shows my massive tits so I would stop being so embarrassed of myself. Not covering up. Not hiding.. not embarrassed of myself... and with a gf too. Aaaaaaahhhhh I want it so bad.
Anyway. So. Yeah. Let’s just stick around and see! :)
0 notes
pinkteapotwriting · 3 years
I’ve been thinking. I see a lot of dom!marauders or them being experienced. But what if it was the opposite? Like y/n is experienced and perhaps a dom, while the boys are virgins (or just had little experience)? it makes me all soft 🥺. Like Y/N could be their best friend/fifth marauder (whichever you choose), and they like ask her to be their first time and it’s all blushy for the boys (them being subs, a few tears of pain for them) go crazy! It’s been on my mind for weeks!
Marauders x Fem!reader
Warning : unprotected sex, cursing, Dom!reader, pretty chill I think, you know, for smut
Word count : 1830
Thanks for being so patient, I hope you like it cause it took me forever to do this. It's a bit heavy on the dialogue but oh well
Surprise, surprise.
It was raining at Hogwarts. The Scottish countryside is taking on its usual demeanor of moisture in this season. Not that you minded, that just meant you got to spend the day with all of your favourite boys. You Sirius and James were giggling away in the corner while Remus was trying his best to ignore you all and read, but you figured you could peak his interest.
“Okay Pads, what’s your body count?”
“I’ve never killed anybody, but trust me Snivelus has come close.”
“No you dork, how many people have you slept with?”
“I’m not answering that!”
“I’m not gonna slut shame you Sirius.”
“He’s definitely not worried about being slut shamed Y/N” James snorted.
“Like you’re any better off than I am you prick.”
“Cut it out, there’s no need to call each other names. Are you both virgins then?”
“Well, yeah I guess.”
James was much more embarrassed than he needed to be.
“What about you Remmy, have you done anything at all?”
“Ask Sirius.”
“I already did ask Sirius!”
“Ask Sirius.”
“Oh my god why are you all so embarrassed there’s nothing to be ashamed of. I’m just surprised is all. You guys are all really attractive and kind people so I never thought you’d be inexperienced and you’ve dated plenty of girls.”
Remus shut his book.
“Not that it’s any of your business Y/N but i’ve at least given or received a hand job or two before.”
“Why’d you tell me to ask Siri- ooooooooh.”
Sirius had his face in his palms.
“Can we change the subject please.”
James patted his shoulder comfortingly.
“It’s okay Pads. It’s not like the opportunity never arose, we were all just waiting for the right person.”
“Aw well I hope you find them soon, I care about you all so much and you deserve the world.”
Sirius was still groaning into his hands.
“She’s so fucking oblivious.”
Remus chuckled.
Quite what? Confused definitely.
“I don’t understand.”
The room’s silence was overwhelming, until James took a deep breath and all eyes were drawn to him.
“Sirius and Remus obviously like each other and I’m not going to deny my attraction to either of them.”
“Then why don’t you-”
“It doesn’t feel complete. See we already found that someone, it’s you Y/N.”
“Really? You guys want me that way?”
James shrugged meekly.
“If you’ll have us.”
“I’ve always felt that way about you. I just never wanted to risk our friendship, but if you feel the same then I’d love to.”
Sirius’s head popped out.
“Right now?”
“Ha ha, no we don’t have to right now.”
“Well what are we waiting for, to get to know each other. I know James too well actually.”
You rolled your eyes and turned to probably the most level headed one, but Remus was giving you puppy eyes. You were so drawn to him you walked across the room and cupped his face with your right hand.
“What’s wrong honey?”
“Waited so long already, love. Don’t wanna wait any longer.”
“Jamie, do you want this too?”
“Yes please.”
“Such good manners baby, so I have everyone’s consent then?”
“Very much so.”
“Enthusiastic consent.”
“If you don’t do something I’m going to combust.”
You smirked at Sirius’s comment.
“You don’t get to combust until I say you do, understand?”
“Ooo scary.”
“So be it.”
You took hold of Remus’s hands and placed them on your hips.
“I know you’ll be a good boy for me Remus, won’t you?”
He swallowed thickly and nodded.
“I’ll be good for you Y/N.”
“I know you will Jamie. It’s Siri I’m worried about. Why don’t we show him what he’s missing out on? Lie back against the pillows for me, both of you.”
“What about me?”
“You can watch for now, learn how to follow their example.”
He huffed.
“Suit yourself.”
You knew your usual roles in the bedroom, so you were trying your best not to be too stern. But still, you needed to teach Sirius his place.
You lifted up the bottom of James' shirt and kissed his hip bone delicately. He got more and more ansty as you drifted your direction to the middle and down, and down, and down.
You very happily undid his belt and pulled off his pants. The state of his arousal was much more noticeable now.
“Can I suck your cock Jamie? Would you like that?”
“Yes please.”
“Good boy, Remmy can you spit on my hand please?”
You held your palm up to his mouth expectantly, but he seemed hesitant.
“You don’t need to be embarrassed sweetie, never for doing what I ask.”
He nodded and did what he was told and immediately you felt your clit throb. Having control over these three boys was certainly a power trip. Knowing you were the first person to make James tremble like this as you engulfed his cock expertly was definitely a turn on. As you bobbed up and down on James’ impressive cock, you rubbed the bulge in Remus’s trousers. The whines the two boys were making was truly music to your ears. You lifted with a pop.
“Alright Siri, are you ready to be good now?”
“Yes ma’am”
“Did you like what you were seeing?”
“Yes, I did.”
“Do you wanna try and make Remmy feel good?”
“I’ve never sucked-”
“I know, but I’m here to help you baby.”
You’ve never seen Sirius so nervous, so quiet.
“What I’m gonna get you to do first is what you do when you jerk Remmy off, Okay? Just spit on his cock and move your hand up and down alright?”
Remus shuddered as he watched Sirius in his submissive state.
“Good job Siri, look how happy you’re making Remmy. Now you can start by sucking the head, like this.”
James whimpered, and soon Remus was making the same noises. You placed your palm on Remus’s stomach to keep him from bucking his hips. Much to James disappointment you pulled away from him again.
“Okay Sirius, don’t forget to breathe through your nose and make sure you keep your teeth tucked behind your lips, there we go that’s it. Hollow your cheeks now too. How does that feel Remus?”
“F-feels good.”
“Yeah? Sirius is being such a good boy now. Is Siri gonna make you cum?
You grabbed hold of Sirius’s curly locks and pushed him down farther, making him gag and tear up. The vibrations making Remus cum instantly. You pulled Sirius off once Remus started squirming at the uncomfortable feeling of overstimulation.
“Did you swallow? Show Remmy.”
Remus groaned when he saw Sirius stick out his tongue, and you did too.
James' voice was raspy.
“Yes baby?”
“Wanna make you feel good, wanna fuck you.”
“Want me to Ride you Jamie?”
“Okay, but since this is your first time you might not last that long alright?”
“That’s okay, Sirius can take over after me.”
“Alright well you lie back and I’ll take care of you. Sirius, you wait like a good boy and I’ll help you out in a second. If you want you can get Remus to suck you off while you wait. Teach him like I taught you.”
You were suddenly aware of how you were still wearing all of your clothes so you hopped off the bed to quickly strip them off and you found yourself smirking at the expression of pure need and desire on James’ face.
You straddled his waist and pressed a kiss to his cheek before aligning his cock with your entrance. Inch by inch you and down on him as he clutched the sheets below him.
“This alright Jamie?”
“Yeah, you?”
“Perfect, can I move now?”
“Yes please.”
You raised your hips up, but before you could bring them back down James snapped his hips up to yours.
“James, fuck.”
But he didn’t seem to care, with one hand resting on your hip and one fondling your breast he kept his steady rhythm that was taking your breath away. Sirius and Remus were no longer enjoying their own pleasure, but enjoying the sight of yours. You reached down to rub your clit, but Sirius pulled your hand away and replaced it with his own.
“Like this Y/N?”
“Just like that baby, doing so good for me.”
Remus squeezed in between James and Sirius to suck on the tit that James wasn’t occupying.
“Boys- I’m gonna cum fuck-”
It’s funny how in public James could be such a little shit, but now all you saw was this wide eyed trembling figure that you got to take care of and fuck it sure was enticing especially when he said things like this.
“Please cum, wanna make you feel good Mommy please please please.”
As soon as you clenched around him as you hit your high James was spurting white hot cum into the depths of your pussy. Thank god for wizard contraceptives.
You didn’t really get to bask in the moment however, since Sirius was pulling you from James out of his own desperation. He had you lying on your back.
“I need you”
“I know I’ve kept you waiting for quite some time, go ahead love.”
Not that Sirius was significantly smaller than James, but he had an easier time going inside after you had come already. Your legs found their home wrapped around his waist as soon as he found his pace.
“Y/N, I don’t think I’m going to last long.”
“That’s okay love, this is about you. Be a good boy for me and cum whenever you need.”
“It’s kinda embarrassing though.”
You cupped his cheeks and pulled his lips to meet yours.
“No need to be embarrassed- Doing such a good job Siri your cock feels so good inside of me.”
He falls down to hold his weight on his forearms, moving even faster than before.
“M’close Y/N”
“Go on and cum baby, feels so good.”
He whimpered into your neck and you soothed him by stroking his hair. Eventually he did roll off from you, unfortunately.
“You guys never told me you were subs.”
“When I’m with Remus I’m a dom.”
“Makes sense, I’d quite like to see that actually.”
Remus cleared his throat.
“Does that mean we get to do this again cause I never actually got to-”
“Of course Remmy, it just kind of makes sense doesn’t it.”
Sirius chuckled.
“Yeah, I mean it didn’t take long for James to be calling you Mommy.”
“It’s kinda sweet though, has Remus ever called you Daddy?”
“Not yet, but I feel like we’re on the brink of something big here.”
Now Remus and James were looking at each other like maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.
You personally did not have any complaints; Sirius however would probably have some when you reminded him he couldn’t dom you though.
He’d have to learn the hard way.
@sunny-bunnny @quindolyn @midnightgremlin @weasleyposts @bluemoonyblurbs @emmaev @agalandhermarvelobsession
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midgardianweasley · 3 years
ofc ofc bestie, i hope it’s okay <33
All of your bodies are absolutely beautiful guys <33 
All of you
George Weasley x Plus Size fem!Reader
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Summary: It’s summertime and Y/N is spending her weeks at the Burrow with the Weasley family, invited by Molly and her boyfriend of 5 months, George. The family all decide to go to the local lake to cool off from the sun, Y/N isn’t confident with her body/stretch marks and says she just wants to stay home to avoid anyone else seeing them. George notices and convinces her that her body is beautiful the way it is.
Warnings: Body insecurities, stretch marks, anxious thoughts
Word Count: 1769
Message/ask if you’d like to be added to the taglist lovelies <3
Over the past week at the Burrow, the sun had been blazing, heat becoming a common frustration in the home. They had all tried everything they could to try and cool down, extra ice in their drinks, standing in front of fans, they’d even played quidditch so that they could feel a slight breeze, the air proving to be unhelpful by being at a complete standstill, the humidity was unbearable. Everyone was gathered in the living room, scattered around the room to avoid any possible extra body heat. Even Y/N and George who were always sitting together at any given opportunity had sat themselves a good couple of feet away from the other, the thought of being cuddled up with George had made Y/N grow incredibly warm. Upon hearing Fred groan about how boiling he was for what felt like the millionth time in the last half an hour, Ginny had had enough.
“Fred, for the love of Merlin, will you shut up?”
“I can’t help it! It’s like a bloody fire in here” He argued, tilting his head back against the sofa, quickly regretting it when feeling the fabric against his neck.
“We’re all feeling it Fred! we’re all hot, we’re all bored, we’re all agitated, you repeating the same thing over and over, isn’t helping.” You could hear the frustration in her voice, quickly replaced by the sound of Arthur Weasley standing up and walking around frantically
“Right, we’re not sitting around here for any longer, everyone, pack some swimming gear, we’re going to the Lake!” He announced, everyone cheering, everyone except Y/N. The thought of showing more skin than normal, sent a bolt of anxiety through her. She hadn’t felt comfortable in her own skin for a long time, imagining herself in a swimsuit had made her internally cringe. She was so used to wearing jeans and at a push, a short sleeved t-shirt, knowing what lay beneath. Y/N had never been a fan of her stretch marks. Her parents had always told her that they were signs of her growing, that it wasn’t anything to be ashamed of. She had always viewed them differently. Over the years, she had seen plenty of girls show their stomachs, their legs, and she hadn’t seen them. Or if she had, they weren’t like hers, their ones were white or clear or smaller. She thought something was wrong with her body. Why were hers not white? Why were hers a mixture of red and purple? She was soon brought out of her thoughts by George standing in front of her, placing his hands on her hips gently before speaking.
“You alright Love? You look like you’ve just seen a ghost” He chuckled
Y/N and George had only been dating for about five months, being close friends for a previous two years. He wasn’t aware of Y/N’s insecurities about her body, she always appeared so confident, she hadn’t let it show so to not bring any attention to it. Y/N stepped away slightly when feeling his hands lie on her hips, feeling him touching where she knew the marks where. Trying her best to ignore the frown on his face at the sudden loss of contact, she spoke up quietly.
“Y’know George, I think i’m gonna sit this one out, I’m not feeling so good.” She lied, briefly meeting his eyes but not maintaining the contact for long. His eyebrows furrowed slightly at her comment.
“Oh. That's okay, I’ll just go and tell mum we’re stay-” He went to leave, but Y/N caught his wrist, gently tugging him back.
“No no, you go have fun Georgie, I’ll just see you when you get back”
“Are you sure you want to stay? Will you be alright on your own?” He questioned, not entirely convinced by her suggestion, she seemed okay when they were all sat down? She never gave up an opportunity to spend time with his family?
“Of course my love, you go and cool down. Tell everyone i’m sorry though, I was excited to go” She lied through the grit of her teeth, pulling a tight lipped smile. ‘There it was’ George thought. Over the years, Y/N had a tell for when she was lying. Her smile was always different when she was telling the truth. This one didn’t quite meet her eyes, why was she lying? He didn’t mention it, he didn’t want to cause a scene or embarrass her, so with a simple nod of his head, he kissed her cheek and waved her up the stairs, going over to Fred when he’d heard the door click shut.
“Hey mate, where’s Y/N gone?” Fred asked, looking around to see if he’d just missed her in the flurry of people gathering their things together.
“She’s just gone upstairs, you lot crack on, we’ll follow after you guys.”
“You sure? I can get mum to go up if she needs some, y’know, woman to woman discussion.” Fred spoke awkwardly, unsure of how to help.
“Nah mate, we’re good, i’ll head up. Honestly, you guys go ahead” George waved him off, watching him meet with the rest of his family, Harry and Hermione included as they were staying with Ron for a bit during the holidays. When he saw them all walking off on their way to the lake, he ran up the stairs, taking two stairs up at a time, coming face to face with his door, he raised his fist and knocked gently.
“Come in?” Y/N spoke with a hint of confusion, she was so sure she’d heard the downstairs door shut. George opened the door, popping his head round first before stepping in, briefly seeing Y/N pull down her top, hoping that he hadn’t seen her stomach before approaching her. Deciding to keep his hands to himself this time, he began to speak. “What’s the real reason you don’t want to go?” He spoke, with only concern and love in his voice.
“I told you, i’m not feeling well.”
“I know what you told me love, but I also know when you’re lying, I want to know what’s troubling you so I can help.”
“It’s nothing you can help with.” Y/N spoke, but quickly jumping backwards when she’d caught eye of George beginning to reach out again. He picked up on her reaction again.
“Have I done something princess?”
“No, you haven’t done anything Georgie.” She sighed, feeling defeated knowing that he could read her like a book but had come to the conclusion that it was something against him.
“You can talk to me you know, if it is something I’ve done, I-”
“It’s not aimed at you, I just, I don’t like it.” She spoke, causing George to tilt his head slightly, not entirely sure what she meant. Seeing this, she spoke again.
“I..I don’t like people touching my stomach, or my hips, or my legs.”
“Is there a reason why? If you don’t mind me asking, you don’t need to answer, but i’m here to help if you do”
Y/N thought about it for a few minutes, George standing silently, giving her time to think it over. Instead of speaking, she lifted her top slightly, not a lot, but enough for George to see what in his eyes looked to be like red and purple lightning bolts. He looked fascinated by them. Shying under his stare, but not pulling her top down yet, Y/N mumbled
“They’re called stretch marks, if that’s what you’re wondering.” George looked up at her
“And you don’t like them?”
“How come?” He spoke, being patient with her responses. She sighed again, taking a minute before answering
“They look weird, almost angry. They’re not faded and white like other girls. They just make me feel like my body is..wrong. I don’t know how else to explain it” She spoke, feeling vulnerable under his eyes, knowing he was looking at them, something she had always avoided. George’s gaze fluttered between her stretch marks and her eyes, feeling fully captivated by her. “May i?” He spoke, indicating that he’d wanted to touch them, she hesitated, but eventually nodded her head, trusting him to not judge her. He softly stroked them with his thumb, feeling slightly proud that she was letting him be this close to her, not just physically, but emotionally. He knew she felt vulnerable, she was trusting him with her insecurity. Because of this, he chose his next words carefully.
“I think they’re beautiful”
“George-” She went to reply, but he quickly cut her off
“No no, just listen to me for a minute, okay?” She stopped speaking, taking this as a sign to speak, he continued. “I think they’re beautiful. They’re a sign that you’ve grown. That your body is changing, a sign of something good. They don’t have to look like everyone else’s, your body, and every mark on it, is unique to you, just like your personality. All of it makes you the Y/N we all know and love. I know not everyone has seen them, but I can guarantee nothing would change if they were to see it. These are nothing to be ashamed of.” He spoke, still stroking the marks. Meeting her eyes again, he saw tears falling and heard quiet sniffles.
“Hey hey, what’s with the tears, Princess? did I say something wrong?” She smiled and chuckled softly
“Not a thing Georgie, I’ve just never heard of anyone speak of me so fondly before. Do you mean all of that?”
“Of course I do my love. Every word. I understand if you don’t want to go to the Lake, but, I think it would be a nice idea. You don’t need to wear anything you’re uncomfortable with, just having your company would be enough for us.” Wiping her tears while speaking. She shook her head.
“I think i’ll go, but I’ll just go with what i’m wearing, if that’s okay. I don’t want to wear a swimsuit.”
“That’s absolutely fine, princess. Whatever you like.” George smiled, about to turn to lead both of them out, before he was tugged back again. She leaned up to kiss him, just a peck, but it spoke a thousand words.
“Thank you for staying and helping me Georgie, it means the world to me.”
“Anything for you.” He spoke, kissing her again before the both of them walked out hand in hand, ready to go to the lake and meet the rest of the family, hopefully without Fred’s grumbles.
Taglist: @horrorxweasley @dracofknmalfoy @gaycatlord-stuff
303 notes · View notes
notbleachtea · 3 years
Favorite Shirt
Okay time to post again. Slight warnings, mention of death, toxic relationship, slight emotional abuse.
Word count ~2.9k
"Tch, I guess it’s about time I clean my desk. I can't work with all of this crap on it." Jotaro annoyedly says.
While cleaning off the countless stacks of paper he pauses. All desire to clean is quickly knocked out of him. He sits back down in his desk chair holding the group picture you all took in Egypt. He glances over each face in the image, some happy memories, some not so much. He would give anything to go back in time to change the way things played out. So many stupid mistakes. His eyes immediately halt when he gets to yours. His face expressed sorrow and longing.
His favorite memories of the two of you start to come rushing back to his head, and for a moment, he smiles. The constant flirting that always occured between the two of you. The silent stares you each felt from one another. No matter how much the others teased you two, you still weren't sure if admitting your feelings was the best idea. You each had your own reasons for keeping distant. The mission was much more important anyway, and so was your friendship.
He recalls one of his favorite memories with you.
It had been a long week of tiresome stand battles, the closer you got to Egypt, the more intense they became. He noticed this was taking quite the toll on you and made the gang find a hotel that night so you could get some much needed rest. In the meantime he suggested that you use him as a pillow in the car on the way there.
Honestly, you took him up on the offer. You took everything you could at the time knowing that it would never go any further no matter how bad you wanted it to. Your head rested on his large chest, which was surprisingly soft for how tough he was. Every now and then he'd tug on his hat to cover his face when in fact he was just trying to steal a few glances at your peaceful, resting figure.
"Alright, we're here, group up and we'll get going into our rooms," Joseph states.
"I ca-"
"She's staying with me. There's no discussing it." Jotaro then picks you up and carries you to your room.
You started to wake up from the movements and the background noise going on in the hotel, and the first thing you saw was Jotaro's face when you opened your
"Clearly I must be dreaming," you thought.
"Look who decided to wake up." he scoffed at you. "Really left it up to me to carry you all the way up here."
"I'm so sorry! I won't let it-"
"That's enough. I was just kidding anyway. You fought really hard today, it's the least I could do."
You smiled back at him as he set you down on the bed. That was honestly all the thanks he needed.
"Anyway, I'm going to go get something to eat, I'll bring something back for you if you want, but you should probably get some real rest soon."
You began to crawl up into the bed in your dirty and torn clothes from the day you just had.
"Good grief, what do you think you're doing? You're really going to sleep in a nice clean bed in your dirty clothes??"
"Well, I don't really have any clean clothes left right now, so, unless you have a better ide-"
You were quickly cut off with a soft hit to the face. Jotaro threw one of his clean shirts at you.
"Here. You can use this. It'll be more comfortable anyway."
Jotaro had left to go pick up some food and when he came back he was greeted with his favorite shirt filled with his favorite person. Wearing only that shirt made you look much smaller than you actually were, it practically went down to your knees.
"Thanks Jotaro! I promise I'll get it back to you as soon as I can."
"Keep it. It looks better on you anyway." He cooly tried to say as he pulled his hat down over his eyes.
After everything that had happened in Egypt, you just wanted to get away from it all for a while. Go out on your own to a new place with no reminder of the loved ones you lost and all the feelings you never acted on. As a thank you for your hard work, the SpeedWagon Foundation offered to pay for everything of whatever you decided to do. You thought maybe you'd try going to school in America for a while. It was great, you had all the experiences you grew up seeing in movies and on TV. You made plenty of new friends there and even dipped your toes in the dating pool.
Right after you finished school, you and your boyfriend got married. You thought that's what you ought to do, you've been with him for so long. Everyone thought you were the perfect couple. He always took you out on extravagant dates and bought you expensive jewelry. Every girl wanted to be you. But that was only because they didn't know what happened behind closed doors. He never physically hurt you, not many people could, I mean you could hold your
own in Egypt, you're pretty tough, but mentally, he knew you were weak. You would confide in him in the beginning of your relationship about all your friends back home that you missed. He never let you call home or talk to them either. The ones you could never see again. Everytime he wanted you to hurt he would just remind you that they were dead because you weren't there for them, you weren't strong enough to save them. Countless letters came in from your friends and family and he'd throw them away before you could see them. He would even tell you that no one was writing to you anymore.
Every now and then you manage to chat with Jotaro. He'd call you on your lunch break at work from time to time just to play catch up. Asking things like 'how's life?' and 'are you doing okay?' and the sort of thing. Everytime you told him you were doing great. You love your husband and you even try to brag about how well he treats you by describing all the luxurious gifts he's been buying you. Everytime Jotaro ended the call saying he was happy for you and then a
quick update on his life.
To be honest, Jotaro wasn't falling for your phone calls. He knew something was wrong, but he never knew how bad it really was. He thought it was strange that you never wrote to him or called him outside of your work hours. It was also strange how you never really went into depth about your personal life either.
One fateful day, you're having a routine call with Jotaro when your husband decided to stop by to take you out to lunch. He asked the secretary why your door was closed to which she simply responded, "Oh, she's talking to her childhood friend Jotaro! He usually calls about this time every week."
He walks into your office catching you off guard while you're still on the phone. The shock alone causes you to drop the phone with a quiet screech.
"Y/n, are you there?" Jotaro stays on the line worried about what he just heard.
Your husband shuts your office door leaving just the two of you in there and is yelling just loud enough to where your coworkers can't hear him.
"I thought I told you no one wanted to talk to you anymore? They're all fed up with you, can't believe you let your friends die back in Egypt. They'll never
forgive you for that."
"You're right I'm sorry just please don't do this here."
"What makes you think you can tell *me* what to do? That's not how this works. And who gave you permission to talk to other guys? There's going to be some serious consequences for this when you come home." He walks out of your office smiling at all of your coworkers like nothing had just happened, followed by a shut of your office door and your muffled cries.
"Y/n?? Are you still there? Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"
"Wh- what did you hear?" You managed to squeak out, choking back tears.
"I heard enough y/n, he's not a good guy. I knew something was wrong. We have to get you out of there."
"No. This is my life now. I don't need your help, I told you I'm perfectly fine."
"Y/n I'm not kidding, you have to get out of there *now* and I won't take no for an answer."
"I can't, okay! I have nowhere to go. No one would believe me if I said the things he's done to me. Anyone who I try to run to just rats me out to him and the situation gets worse."
"Y/n, go pack your most essential things while he's out of the house. I'm buying you a ticket home for tonight. You'll be safe here this time tomorrow."
The instant care Jotaro had just shown you only causes you to cry more. How could you let yourself get like this? You really weren't okay. You were just too headstrong to admit anything was wrong.
"Thank you." You were able to muster through even more tears.
After picking yourself up off the floor and drying your face, you left your office, no intention to come back. You rushed home to grab only your essential items while your husband was finishing his day at work. You grabbed a few sets of clothing, your toothbrush, hair and makeup accessories, a few pairs of shoes, and your folder of important documents. Everything else was replaceable and or retrievable at a later date.
You take a deep breath and get the courage to call a ride to the airport.
Free from your husband's control, you weren't scared to text or call Jotaro on your own phone now. You called him letting him know that you were on your way.
One short plane ride across the ocean later and Jotaro was waiting there for you to take you home. You're not sure how long he was there for but you're convinced he was waiting there since before you even took off.
"Y/n, over here." He waves you over.
You walk over shyly and ashamed of what he had witnessed just the day before. You couldn't even pick your head up enough to look him in the eyes.
"Y/n it's okay now. You're here with me, he can't get to you right now."
"Ye- yeah I guess you're right. So where do I go now?"
"C'mon, I'll take you back to my place."
"We're stopping there before the hotel?"
"I'm not letting you stay alone right now. You're staying with me at my house. The only reason I let you fly alone was because it got you out of there faster."
Jotaro takes your bag and you both head to the taxi.
"C'mon short stuff, get those legs movin' faster."
"Hey! Not everyone can be freakishly tall."
Jotaro raises one eyebrow, "So I'm a freak, aye?"
"Don't apologize, you're already more vocal when you're free around here. I like it."
The taxi drops you two off at his house. The drive felt like an eternity when in reality it was only a few short minutes. You stared out the car door window in awe.
*So this is what he's been up to this whole time*
"Well c'mon now, let's get inside."
You quickly follow after him like a lost puppy.
"There's a spare bedroom upstairs and down the hall, why don't you take this time to relax and freshen up while I make us something to eat?"
"You really don't have to do this for me Jotaro, but I appreciate it."
You head upstairs with your bag. It really was a long flight. You decide to take a quick shower and put on some clean clothes.
About an hour goes by when Jotaro comes by your room to collect you.
"Dinners ready y/n."
"Okay, I'll be right out, I just have to put some makeup on first."
"Uhh, what for? We're not going out anywhere."
"I don't know. I just always do. He always made me wear makeup, even at the house, I guess I'm just used to it."
Jotaro quickly turns around and starts heading towards the kitchen, but not without leaving a remark, "well don't. You look better without it anyway."
You follow soon after him with a fresh blank face. The table has already been set beautifully and you can already smell your favorite dish. He brings over two plates of food followed by a new bottle of wine.
"Why don't we catch up for real this time?" He asks.
Hours go by at the dinner table along with a few bottles of wine. The two of you bickering just like the old days. You missed this. You needed this.
You finally caught a glimpse of the time and stood up to help clean up the table.
"You don't need to help clean this up y/n. We can even clean it up tomorrow. Why don't we go talk in the living room for a bit longer?"
You move forward as an attempt to get to the couch, finally realizing how much you actually drank, you're quite tipsy in fact. Jotaro moves over to the couch to join you. Sitting side by side he grabs your hand with a guilty look on his face.
"Y/n, I'm so sorry this happened to you. It's all my fault."
Clearly he's a bit tipsy too if he's actually trying to admit being at fault right now.
"None of this is your fault Jotaro, what are you going on about?"
"If I was just straight with you when we were younger. If I actually had the courage to say something to you. Maybe you would have stayed. Maybe you would've ended up with me instead. Instead I thought you were too good for me."
Your eyes start to swell up. "Don't say that. Ever. I'm the one that's not good enough for you. Why would you ever want someone like me?"
"Well, you're you, that's why. You're strong, you held your own in the desert, you tried your hardest for us and you made it out. I've never met anyone as strong as you, and to know that someone took advantage of you? And I wasn't there to protect you? I'm so sorry for all of it."
Now full on ugly crying again, Jotaro wraps his arms around you and pulls you in for a hug.
"I'm so sorry Jotaro. Can you forgive me?"
He lifts up your crying head by your chin and brushes all your loose pieces of hair out of your face. He holds you here until you return the look into his deep aqua eyes. He moves forward, crashing his lips into yours. There was no hesitation on your end, you kissed him back just as hungrily. Neither of you needed words to figure out what the other one was thinking. You could feel the admittance of your love for each other from just that embrace. Jotaro pulls back and pushes your head into his chest so he can hold you once again. He pats your head.
"It's all okay now, I'm sorry it took this long," and he leaves a kiss on the top of your head.
The moment is only ended by your yawning since you've been up for lord knows how long. Jotaro picks you up and carries you in his arms to his room. He notices the slight confusion in your face.
"I was thinking maybe you sleep in here with me tonight, kinda like old times?"
"Okay, just let me go change into my pajamas. I don't want to get in the nice clean bed in my dirty clothes.".
You walk back into his room in just his old t-shirt you kept from the desert.
"You really kept that old thing?" He spouted.
"I really did. It's how I kept you close that whole time I was gone." You said with an embarrassed smile.
"It really does look better on you ya know?" He says through a full face of blush. Just seeing you again in that shirt made him think of all the things he wanted to do to you now and then.
You moved to go lay down alongside Jotaro in his massive bed. He always wanted to know what it'd be like to hold you in his arms in his own bed.
Jotaro pulls you into his chest to hold you tight, with no intention of letting you go. He places a delicate kiss on your cheek. You squeeze his hand as a subtle sign of acceptance and nuzzle into his broad figure.
“Goodnight y/n. Sleep tight.”
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xx-narcissa · 3 years
Can’t Wait Any Longer
warnings: kidnapping, poisoning, noncon
a/n: i wasn’t comfortable with full on smut right now, i’m still easing into it. but i hope that this was written to your liking!
pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Female!Avenger!Reader
request: “We can have dark! r x nat where r is an avenger and is in love with nat but nat never pays attention to her, so r decides to kidnap her maybe with some smut only if you feel comfortable.”
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(not my gif)
Your blood boiled as you watched the scene in front of you. Bruce kissing her hand in front of everybody with no shame. He should be ashamed. That was your hand to kiss and he was just all on it! And she let him. Giggling and blushing like a middle school girl getting a love note from her crush.
“Aw. Young love.” Tony chuckled and took a big sip of his beer. You wanted to smack the glass bottle out of his hands for that comment. “Better enjoy it while it lasts, Bruce.”
Yeah. He better enjoy it. Because you’re going to make it your mission to take her back. Although you never really had her in the first place. But she’s yours. Bruce doesn’t deserve her. Nobody deserves her. Because they could never give her what you can. They could never love her like you do. She just doesn’t see that. Always brushing you off to the side.
It was a mission in Canada, so naturally it was pretty cold. And seeing as it was the middle of January, it was very cold. You offered her your jacket. “No, you keep it. I’m fine.” Even when you insisted, she turned you down. Yet later you see her casually sporting Steve’s jacket. What’s up with that? You wanted to confront her. What did his jacket have that yours didn’t? But Wanda assured you it wasn’t a big deal. And that’s not even the only time she’s done something like that. You and her were in the kitchen after a mission, and she complained about her shoulders being sore. So you offered to massage them, claiming you know a really good way to relieve tension. You didn’t. But it was just an excuse to be able to feel her. She turned you down. Then later she’s bragging to Wanda about how good Tony is at massages. What was so special about him? Nothing! But it seemed like Natasha would stop at nothing to push you away.
You don’t even know what you did to deserve that kind of treatment. Sure, you flirt with her a lot. But it’s never to a creepy extent. Just casual compliments and offering to do her favors. If she wasn’t into you, she could just turn you down using her words and then maybe you’d back off. But instead she was playing hard to get.
And that only made you want her more.
There was a mission today. A two person mission. You and Natasha. This would be a perfect chance for the two of you to get closer. It’s a week long stakeout. Usually you don’t like stakeouts, since you feel it’s a waste of your powers. You can literally summon fire with your hands and not get burnt and they want you to watch a building? How boring. But since it’s with Natasha, you won’t complain. Alone time with her is a reward in its own. And it gives you a chance to finally execute the plan you’ve been working on for weeks.
“Guess this is where we’re staying for the next week.” You sighed as the two of you entered the little apartment. The wallpaper was moldy and peeling, there were roaches crawling around, and it smelled like 50 diseased rats died in there.
She gagged and put her bag on top of the counter. “Well let’s just try to get this done quickly, so that we don’t have to spend any extra time here. It’s disgusting.”
Nodding in agreement, you continued to explore the apartment. There was only one bedroom with only one bed, so you made a mental note to let her sleep there, since it looked cleaner than the couch. The shower was just as disgusting as the main room, but you brought shower shoes so you could live with it. After your quick tour, you met back up with Natasha in the main room, where she was going through her bag.
“I’ll take the couch. You can have the bed.” You offered and sat down on the counter.
“Are you sure? That’s nice but I don’t want to take it all for myself. We could alternate if you want.”
“No, it’s fine. And trust me, the bed is way cleaner so if I were you I’d just take it.” You snapped. She flinched, and you knew you took it a bit too far. It’s just annoying when she constantly declines your offers when you’re just trying to be nice and make her comfortable. “Sorry. Just…yeah. You take the bed, I’ll go check the perimeter and see if there’s anything to eat nearby.”
After your perimeter check you picked up some sandwiches at the small subway they had down the street and brought them back up to the apartment. “Thanks, I’m starving.” She sighed happily when you walked in with food. To be honest, being back in that nasty apartment killed your appetite a bit, but you hadn’t eaten all day so you sucked it up and ate.
The two of you ate and got to talk a bit, getting to know each other some more. Well, she got to know you. But you already knew plenty about her. You’re just a good listener like that. The most important thing was that she was starting to trust you more, which would be a key part in putting your plan into motion.
Once you guys finished your mission and got all the information you needed, you still had a day to spare. So you decided you’d stay and just not tell them you were done yet, so you can get a little vacation, even if it is in a dingy, dirty apartment. It was your last morning there, so you wanted to surprise Natasha with some homemade breakfast. Special recipe.
“Good morning! You want pancakes?” She thought for a second before nodding. Great, she took the offer with none of her usual resistance. You placed some pancakes on a plate and gave her a glass of orange juice. “Tell me if you like it.” You smiled and sat down next to her to watch her eat. She ate the first bite cautiously, then ate the rest rather quickly.
After drinking all the juice, she slammed the cup onto the table. “Those were the best pancakes I’ve ever had.”
“Well, you know, I could always make you more.” You smiled and ran your fingers up her arm. And she smiled back. That’s a win in your eyes.
“I think I’ll have to take you up on that offer. But I’m pretty full right now. So, if you don’t mind, I’m going to go take a quick nap.”
You waved her off and then put the dishes in the sink. Everything was falling into place and you couldn’t be happier.
When her eyes opened, she didn’t know what was going on or where she was. It seemed like some abandoned factory by the looks of it. Her clothes didn’t belong to her. And she couldn’t even get up to look around, seeing as she was tied up on the floor.
In the shadows, she saw something moving. Maybe it would be her captor. And she could kick their ass and escape.
“Oh, you’re up! Great.” Her heart and her mouth dropped at the voice. “Sorry about the location. Couldn’t find anywhere comfortable on such short notice.”
She looked up at you with tears forming in her eyes. “What’s going on, why are you doing this? Are you being brainwashed or something?”
You laughed at her stupid questions. “What ever do you mean? This is all me, Natasha. I’m sorry to have to do this, but you brought it onto yourself. You could’ve had this.” You motioned towards yourself and got closer to her. “But no. You wanted to toy with me. Play hard to get. Pretend you don’t want me and then flirt with everyone else right in front of my face. Well I’m done playing those games. So no more playful flirting. I’m taking what’s mine.”
“You’re sick. I swear, I’m not to get out of here and then I’m going to kill you! Slowly and painfully.” She screamed and squirmed around in her restraints.
All her struggling was amusing to you. It gave you a good laugh. “I know you’re a trained assassin, but it’s not like you have superpowers. Without a gun you really pose no threat to me. Hell, if I’m not careful I could kill you right now.” Your hands ignited, displaying your pyrokinesis, just in case she had forgotten that you could burn her to a crisp whenever you would like.
It worked, because she shut up. She looked down at the ground in silence, tears rolling down her cheeks. “Oh, cheer up. Once your spirit is broken down enough and I know you won’t try anything funny, I’ll untie you and we can leave and live a happy life together. I might hurt you, but it’s just because I love you. I love you so much and it hurts me when you flirt with other people. So once you’re as loyal as I am, then we’ll get out of this smelly place. Okay?”
She didn’t say anything. She didn’t do anything. That angered you. So you slapped her in her face. The force being enough to topple her over. And that wasn’t even the hardest you could’ve hit her. “Answer me, bitch!” You yelled and got close to her face, probably getting some spit on her but you didn’t care. “Do you understand me?”
She nodded frantically and tried to move away from you. So you let her squirm for a second before pulling her back. Seeing the Black Widow shaking in fear really turned you on. You needed to see her. To feel her.
“You know, you should thank me. I changed your clothes and I didn’t even touch you down there. I restrained myself.” You grabbed her hips and dug your nails into them, pulling her closer. “Mainly because I want to hear you when I fuck you. I want to see what your pretty little face looks like when you’re all filled up. But also because I’m decent. So, yeah, you’re welcome.”
You closed the gap between you two and your lips collided with hers. For you it was heaven. It was erotic and steamy and everything you’ve ever wished for. But for her it was a completely different story. It was hell. Sloppy, painful, and lacking any true feelings. Even if she wasn’t kissing you back, you still enjoyed yourself. Your hands went underneath the shirt you gave her, cupping her braless breasts. She involuntarily leaned into your touch, moaning softly, allowing you to slide your tongue into her. Your hand slid down, cupping her heat through her panties, feeling the wetness of her arousal. “See? You’re enjoying yourself,” You pulled away from the kiss to say. You kissed down her neck, biting and leaving marks. She hated how her body betrayed her and got turned on. But there wasn’t anything she could do about it. You were in control.
And she hated the feeling of emptiness she felt when you stopped and stood back up, leaving her still on the ground. “Yeah. We’re gonna have so much fun. Not yet, but soon. Until then, I’ll be back. I’m going to go get some food. You stay here.” You laughed at your own sentence, “Get it? It’s funny ‘cause you can’t go anywhere!” You continued to laugh until you had left the warehouse, leaving her alone and confused.
You were gone for probably two hours. But to Natasha it felt like days. The whole time she was looking for a way out, yet there was nothing. You were thorough with this place, making sure there wasn’t anything sharp she could reach to cut the rope, or anything she could climb on to get out through one of the windows.
When you came back, Natasha was curled into a ball silently crying. “Cheer up. I got you some food from this nice ramen place. Maybe I can take you there one day.” You put the food down on the floor in front of her and even gave her some water.
“You know, they’re going to wonder why I never came back. And then they’re going to find me and kill you! Pervert!” She spat. Instead of arguing back like she wanted you to, you laughed and walked away, leaving her alone to eat. The rest of the day she sat there thinking about how alone and scared she was. She didn’t know if she’d ever see her family again.
You won. This time.
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jimlingss · 4 years
hi!! for the requests, could I suggest hoseok, fluff, fake dating au, and the sentence 'I’ve been in love with you since we were kids.' thank you!
↳ Humdrum Amore
2.7k || 100% Fluff || Jung Hoseok
“I never thought I’d come back here one day.”
You stare at the brown building that you once dreaded. The same structure that you had to drag your feet into every morning five days a week after your dad dropped you off. But instead of feeling apprehension, there’s a sense of prickling nostalgia while you look at the building.
“Same.” The man beside you exhales, staring at the green field, the brown doors and small windows covered by blinds. “But it’s not all that bad, right?”
You turn to Hoseok who looks sharp in his simple suit and tie ensemble. You’ve seen him in the same clothes plenty of times, but while you’re wearing your red dress and you’re lingering in front of the school, it feels like the two of you have returned to being awkward eighteen year olds nervously going to prom together as friends.
But Hoseok eases you. “Come on.”
He takes your hand, a gesture you still aren’t used to, and tugs you inside.
The moment the doors are open, you follow the signs leading to the gymnasium and you’re met with a table of refreshments and goody bags. But more importantly, there are people already mingling in all corners. Some are wandering while most have gathered into groups to reminisce. There are those that you recognize and those whose faces have long faded in your memories. 
High school. A time of pubescent years, of growing up and trying to prove yourselves while figuring out your future. You have mixed feelings about that time. All you know is that you’re glad it’s over.
“Y/N?” There’s a higher pitched voice to the left and you turn to see Tiffany approaching with a wide smile. “Hoseok?! Oh my god, it’s been so long since I’ve seen you guys! How are you?”
You hug her for a second. “It’s good. You?”
“Yeah.” She exhales as if she can’t believe you’re together again and you admit, it is surreal. There was definitely a difference from glancing at someone’s post, status and updates on social media and seeing them in person. “It’s been great. I didn’t know if you were coming to this reunion or not.”
You smile, glancing at Hoseok. He was right about coming. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
Someone walks by with a tray of cheap champagne and all three of you take a glass, thanking the waiter. Tiffany sips her drink and gets down to the nitty-gritty. “So tell me, what do you do now?”
You brace yourself, knowing this was coming. “I’m working as an embryologist at a fertility lab.”
“That’s so cool!” Her eyes widen and she genuinely appears fascinated. “It sounds super fancy.”
You laugh, concealing the note of awkwardness in your voice. Tiffany doesn’t know that it sounds much better than it actually is. It’s an entire step down from being a family doctor, an occupation which you once said was your dream. And she has no clue that you’re struggling under your strict manager, that you just received a cut in pay and your hours are strenuous.
But you don’t dare show your exhaustion. Or your discontentment.
You keep flashing a bright smile.
Everyone in high school expected you to do great, that you would go somewhere, do something. You were the smart one. The hard-working one. There’s always been a certain burden of expectations on your shoulders from your parents to your teachers, and perhaps that’s where the need to prove yourself to your former peers stems. If they knew how mundane and regular and normal you turned out — instead of being the successful achiever — you’re sure their disappointment would have a bigger effect on you more than you’d ever admit. 
And maybe that’s why Hoseok offered to pretend to be your partner for the night after you grieved about not being with anyone, when you struggled to find a plus one. He knows you best after all.
“What are you doing?” you ask Tiffany, and she hesitates, looking down at her drink for a second.
“Actually, I’m in-between jobs at the moment.” She musters a smile. “The economy sucks right now.”
You sympathize. “Yeah, I know what you mean. It’s hard to find a job these days.”
Tiffany turns to Hoseok and when she asks what he’s been up to, he says, “Nothing much. I’m working in IT as a development manager for this company.”
“Oh, that’s super cool too!” She’s about to ask something, but then her eyes incidentally stray downwards. You follow her line of sight, realizing that she’s looking at the way you’re holding hands with Hoseok.
“We’re...actually dating now,” you explain.
Instantaneously, Tiffany brightens. “You guys started dating after high school? When?!”
You laugh awkwardly. “Two...three years ago?” It doesn’t sound terribly convincing, so you try a second time, standing your ground. “Two, I think.” It falls a bit short, but she doesn’t notice. 
No. Tiffany absolutely gushes. “That’s so cute! Oh my god! I always thought you’d both be good together!”
That has you taken aback. The relief of getting away with your lie and not being caught gets overtaken by surprise. “Really?”
“Well yeah. You were always close friends and everyone,” she emphasizes the word by drawing it out, “knew Hoseok had a huge crush on you.”
This was news to you.
But Hoseok outright ignores your stare in favour of smiling at your old friend and holding up your interlaced hands by your heads as if it’s a trophy. “Well, looks like I got the girl in the end.”
“Are you gonna propose any time soon then?”
There’s a glint of mischief in Hoseok’s eye. “Maybe.”
He’s way too good at lying. You’re starting to get convinced this is real.
“Aw, I wish I was at this honeymoon stage again. Everything’s so sweet and cute.”
Speaking of which. “Where’s Nick?” you ask.
Tiffany deflates slightly at the question and you wonder if you said something wrong. You don’t understand until she says, “Oh….yeah...we decided to split up a few months ago.”
“Really?” You would’ve never expected it. From what you remember, they were one of the few high school sweethearts that actually made it in the long run, a couple that you used to be jealous of at sixteen. They ended up getting married too and you saw pictures of them traveling together a year ago. Who knew what her life was actually like behind the scenes. “I’m...so sorry, Tiffany.”
“It’s alright. Life happens, I guess, but it all worked out in the end and we both have joined custody of Sunny. It gets messy sometimes but as long as she’s happy, I am too.” She smiles softly and then nods. “Well, it was really nice to catch up with you two. I’m happy to hear you’re going out. Better put a ring on this one before you lose her, Jung.”
“I will,” he promises.
Tiffany leaves to catch up with a girl she knew from choir, so you both bid your goodbyes. But somehow, the conversation leaves a bad taste in your mouth. 
After greeting a few more old friends and acquaintances, you leave to the hallway. 
The nostalgia slams into you, stronger than before. If you stare long enough, you can picture the hall crammed with your classmates, how you ran from class to class, sat in the desks, bored out of your mind and at times, stressed. The walls and rooms hold so many of your memories without them knowing. And that in itself makes you feel old and gray, even though you aren’t.
Not yet, at least. Hoseok always reassures you that you have another good thirty years before you’re allowed to call yourself old.
Said man glances at your expression and reads it like an open book. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” You sigh. “It’s just….I don’t know. I was trying to save face this entire time and I even went as far as to lie about our relationship.”
“You didn’t do it alone. I lied too.”
“Yeah, but I wanted this.” You shake your head, slowly rounding a corner and making your way down what you remember as the science corridor. “People probably have more going on with themselves than to care what I’m up to. I don’t know why I was so scared about what they would think about me.” 
The corner of his mouth curls, and he nudges you with his elbow. “It’s high school.”
You lightly scoff but a smile tickles at your lips. “I just feel bad. Tiffany was so honest about herself, and she wasn’t ashamed about how her life turned out, not like I am.”
“No one turned out how they expected themselves to,” he hums in a thoughtful tone while glancing at the bulletin board tacked with handmade flyers for clubs. “It’s okay if you didn’t end saving the planet or finding the cure to cancer.”
You snort and soften. “Yeah.”
Hoseok always knows what to say to make you feel better.
“Look!” The peaceful moment is interrupted by the sheer volume of his voice. He points down the hall. “Our old lockers!”
You laugh, quickening your steps with his. The lockers are not technically yours anymore, they haven’t been for a long time and have probably been through tens of students since. Even right now, there are unfamiliar locks that keep them closed. But you still remember which one was yours.
You stand in front of it and Hoseok stands in front of his which is only three lockers down from yours.
The pair of you look at one another, exchanging grins. “Remember when I kept your math textbook for you since you were too lazy to put it away and we had to toss it to each other every morning?”
“Yeah. I never missed once.” He laughs and it’s a bubbly sound that’s exactly the same as back then. “Remember that time Taehyung stuffed himself inside my locker and we locked him in?”
You burst out laughing. “We almost got into trouble by Mr. Min!”
“Yep. That old man was always trying to pick on kids.”
“Except for that time Jimin launched that cake across the hall and it landed on some poor girl. He was nowhere to be found.”
Hoseok grins and comes over to lean on the blue locker next to yours, crossing his arms like he’s waiting for you before you’re late for the bell.
A sentimental feeling that is both wistful and happy washes you over again. You can recall those years as if they were yesterday. Namely, Hoseok would always be there when you closed your locker door, in the exact same position, staring at you with that identical warm expression. You don’t know a lot of your old high school friends anymore, don’t know what they’re doing or if they’ll come. It’s a natural progression of life, of going different paths and naturally drifting apart. 
But Hoseok has always been your side. Since then till now.
“So.” You turn to him. “What’s this about everyone knowing you had a crush on me?”
Hoseok goes wide-eyed and says nothing for a moment. Then he scratches the back of his neck. “Just stupid kid stuff.”
You raise a brow and hum. “Didn’t sound like stupid kid stuff. How long did you even like me for?”
“I don’t know. Why?”
“I’m curious.” You shrug. “I never heard about this before.”
Hoseok is embarrassed, that much is obvious. You can tell by the way he’s brushing around the subject, not looking you in the eyes, how much he’s hesitating. It’s not like him and that makes you even more intrigued. “A while.”
Maybe you shouldn’t push him so much when he doesn’t want to talk about it. But for some reason, there’s a burning desire inside of you to know. After all, you thought you knew all of your best friend’s secrets.
“What’s a while?”
“Like sixth grade?”
Your jaw drops. “So when we met?”
“Yeah..?” Hoseok seems unsure and he’s staring at the other wall as if it’s the most interesting thing he’s ever seen. There’s nothing but a dirty shoe print on it. “Something like that.”
Now it’s your turn to be perplexed. Although, for an entirely different kind of reason. “But why?”
He turns his head, as if sensing you’re about to self-deprecate yourself. “You’re funny and smart and pretty, Y/N. Everyone liked you,” Hoseok explains it as if it’s factual and your cheeks grow warm.
You suck in your cheek, fiddling with the fabric of your dress. “Then why didn’t you ever tell me you liked me?”
“I was awkward and I was too scared you’d reject me,” he exhales and you glance at him to find an unreadable expression. Perhaps he’s uncomfortable at the idea now that he’s grown out of it and he knows you too well. Or maybe...just maybe...he’s filled with regret.
You shake off the thought before your imagination runs wild.
You’re about to drop the subject once and for all, but as you turn away, the quiet mutter slips from your mouth, “I wouldn’t have.”
Hoseok catches it. 
He freezes completely and when you realize he’s not following you back to the gymnasium, you turn around. “Earth to Hoseok. What’s wrong?” 
“What about now?”
His expression is blank aside from the slight furrow of his brow. It’s not often Hoseok’s entirely serious and you’re caught off guard by his demeanour. He closes the distance in three strides and asks, “If I asked you out now, if I said I wanted to date you for real, would you reject me?”
His gaze is dark. Intense. As if he’s mustered up the courage he’s built for years for this very moment. 
Your mouth opens, eyes unable to look away from him and your voice pipes out a timid— “no.”
In an instant, Hoseok’s mouth is on yours. Your back slams against the lockers as he cradles your cheeks in his palms, tilting his head to capture your lips carefully yet eagerly. You whine in his grasps and quickly reciprocate, moving your mouth against his. It’s soft, warm and comforting. Hoseok has always been comforting to you. A slow burn rather than a bursting firework that eventually fades away. A warm bonfire that’s built from the first spark rather than a forest wildfire that ultimately burns out after consuming everything. 
You’ve always loved him. But perhaps it wasn’t always purely platonic like you thought. At least not until tonight where that’s been challenged.
Hoseok's body is firm and warm against yours. His knee is placed between your thighs and you loop your arms around his neck to get him even closer. Your senses are filled with his cologne, the lingering scent of his shaving cream and shampoo. Hoseok tastes like the champagne he drank and you’re beginning to feel dizzy from it. That or you’re running out of breath.
You whimper rather pathetically, but he doesn’t let up. Not until you push at his shoulder and he has to gather his self-restraint to part from you. 
You’re left panting heavily against him, lips swollen and Hoseok exhales before laughing. “I’ve always wanted to do that.” 
You grin. “Always?”
“I’ve been in love with you since we were kids. Practically.”
Never would you have thought Hoseok would kiss you against your lockers. It’s another memory you’re making in these walls even after years of graduating. But you’d like a second time to make up for all the others, so you start to tug Hoseok’s tie to get him closer again—
There’s an ear-splitting shout and the two of you flinch, whirling around to the end of the hall.
“You’re supposed to be in the gymnasium!” Old man Mr. Min is bumbling towards you with a cane, his voice surprisingly still full of power even when he looks like a sack of bones.
“Sorry!” You duck your head and before he can catch you, your hand entwines with Hoseok’s. The two of you dash down the hall as if you were still trouble-making high-schoolers.
Hoseok mutters in complete shock, “He’s still alive?!”
And you laugh, squeezing his hand just a bit tighter.
You return to the reunion and your heart is a bit lighter knowing this time, you don’t have to lie.
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citydreamgrls · 4 years
a simple favour - part two
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fred weasley x fem!reader
summary: it was all in her best interests, fred never meant to catch feelings for her. it had started as a simple favour.
words: 4,785
warnings: swearing , tw: stalking / stalker , smut in later parts (18+)
find part three here
“You did WHAT!” Ron was the first to respond to Fred’s confession. The rest weren’t far behind. Harry burst into a fit of nervous giggles, unable to truly contemplate it all George just switched up his facial expressions from confused to shocked to horrified over and over again. Hermione’s reaction was similar to Ron’s, as she threw herself into a flurry of telling Fred how mental he was, and asking him questions without waiting for answers.
All the while I sat in disbelief, unsure if I’d heard him correctly. I held my head upright, just a blank expression stuck on my face as I watched the wall, hoping that something would come to mind.
“Poor girl, you should be ashamed Fred.”
“And to think I ever looked up to you.”Ron huffed, setting Hermione off again.
“IS THIS YOUR IDEA OF A SICK JOKE?” She screeched, stopping everyone in their spiralling tracks, even making me look over to see what the twin would say.
“It- it just slipped out okay, but wait-” He stopped his brother from ripping his head off, “I think it might have done something.”
“Does he believe you?” I asked into the following silence, making him look at me with more of an apology than he had ever spoken aloud. “I can’t say for sure.. But he was definitely bothered by it.”
“And what if this is all he needs to get back at her, just a reason to hurt y/n?” Hermione asked.
Fred’s face dropped and he sighed with genuine regret, if what he was saying was true then it could go either way. Mclaggen could either get bored of seeing me with someone else and move on, or he could come after fuelled with jealousy.
“I’m sorry,” He finally spoke, looking over to me and keeping his eyes on mine as he carried on,“I know it isn’t ideal, but it could at least mean he isn’t as interested.”
“There isn’t much else we can do, is there?” My best friend replied, tying her hair up and sitting down in defeat.
“I suppose we better make him believe then.” I nodded, the words feeling heavy and wrong as they came from my throat. Nothing felt right about this, I felt bad for Fred having to lie for me and act as if he loved me just because some guy was being a creep.
Fred smiled weakly, he must have sensed my nerves. Or maybe I just wasn’t as good at hiding what I felt as I’d always presumed I was. Either way, he knew something about where my head was at. He was also right. This situation wasn’t ideal, but equally it was the only idea any of us had come up with that seemed to actually work in some way. Fred wasn’t malicious, he would only ever do this to help.
Now we just needed to pull it off properly.
None of us talked over it for long, no one really wanted to go into much detail of how soppy Fred and I needed to act around one another. No one less than Ron, who had a permanent scowl aimed at his brother as we discussed the plan. It all came down to what people outside of mine and Hermione’s room thought. It wasn’t just Cormac who we would be lying to, but everyone else in the school. If just one person caught wind that this was a set up, then it would be a wasted effort and I’d be stuck with a stalker for the rest of my time at Hogwarts.
“What about Ginny?” Harry asked, “Do we tell her?”
“She needs to believe it like everyone else,” Fred said. “If she thinks we’re together, then she’ll tell mum and dad straight away. Saves them hearing from anyone else, that would be more suspicious.”
“We can still tell her the truth,” Ron was still angry, finding every reason to disagree with people. “Even if she knows she can tell mum and dad.”
“She’s still young Ron, we can’t trust that she won’t let slip.” He argued back.
“She’s family you git, it isn’t fair to lie to her too!”
“Fred’s right.” Hermione put a hand on Ron’s, all of us nodding in agreement. “All of this stays between us, that’s all. We can trust one another, and that’s it. No one else.”
Ron reluctantly gave in, not quite agreeing, but nevertheless refraining from arguing the point any further. It all seemed quite futile to him, and something deep down made him wonder what his brother was up to. George coaxed everyone out, leaving Hermione and I to talk things over once again.
“One of us can watch the tower from the common room, that way he can’t get to you.” He explained once the boys were going down the stairs. I thanked him as he smiled and left, always the one to keep smiling despite the circumstances.
My best friend hugged me once again, refusing to let go as we tried to chat about anything other than Fred, which lasted about 2 minutes.
“What was he thinking?” She scoffed and I shrugged.
“It’s our only chance Mione,”
“And if it doesn’t work?”
“Then I’ll kill him.” My face was blank, probably pale and sickly. I felt sickly so it seemed right that I look the part.
“Who? Fred or Mclaggen?”
“Both,” I laughed, the tiniest glimmer of happiness stabbing its way through the dark. My friend’s wrapped round me more, unwilling to let go until she absolutely had to, her hands squeezed my sides comfortably. “Thank you, for stopping Mclaggen last night… and for looking after me so much.”
“I know you would do the same,” She smiled, stroking my hair with one hand.
“Were you scared too?” I asked, breathing deeply as I tried to repress that feeling I’d had seeing him standing in the middle of the room only a few steps away from my bed.
“A little bit,”
“You’re braver than me… what do you think he would hav-”
“Don’t think about it y/n, it’s over. Just focus on you and Fred.”
I sat up, her arms slipping away as I did so. She mimicked me, crossing her legs as I did mine and watched my mind whir as I thought about Fred over and over.
“There must have been other things he could’ve said.” I sighed, Hermione nodding.
“Hell, he could’ve beaten him to the ground.” “So why didn’t he?” The girl asked, no answer coming to my mind but plenty inside hers. “I just think there’s a reason he lied to Mclaggen.”
“He said it slipped out,”
“Oh I believe that, but it’s what that means that’s confusing me.” She admitted, I frowned at her, not quite following.
“What do you mean?”
“Well,” She sat up onto her knees, looking me right in the eyes to make sure I understood what she was thinking. “For Fred, the guy who couldn't care less about girls, to suddenly pretend he has a girlfriend seems strange. But when he said it just slipped out to Cormac, I think he was thinking of you more than himself.”
She was right about Fred not being bothered with girls, he’d seen George mess around with enough of them that the aspect of a relationship probably seemed useless to him.
“Yeah I understand that, he was confronting him about me.”
“But… he could’ve said anything else. Why did Fred, think about you and his head immediately go to girlfriend?” She leant back now, satisfied with her theory. I hummed.
“Maybe you’re over-analysing it a bit?” Hermione did tend to after all.
“I have a gut feeling about this one.”
Harry came to check on me halfway through the day, telling us that Ron had been sulking all day despite Fred's attempts to apologise. Hermione went to spend some time in the library as I continued to hide away in our dorm, refusing to come out until dinner. Tomorrow would be a different day, I’d have classes all over again but luckily none with Mclaggen because he was in the year above. However, it meant I’d be matched with people asking questions, whether they knew about the night’s events or not. I now had a fake relationship to speak for, not to mention I needed to be somewhat happy about it too in order for things to go smoothly.
“Hi.” Fred said quietly, making Harry look up from his magazine. He got the idea and left us to it, shutting the door behind him.
“I’ll see you at dinner y/n.” He smiled sweetly, each step echoing down the stairs. The twin shuffled over to sit on Hermione’s bed to face me.
“How are you feeling?” He asked me, avoiding my empty eyes.
“Fine,” I smiled weakly, doing my best to lie. I didn’t want him to think I was nervous.
“I cannot apologise enough,” He started, hands moving slightly as if he wanted to reach out for mine. But they went back to his lap, fingers tightly crossed over one another, I watched him clench them until his knuckles went white.
I felt like a toddler that needed watching all the time, like he wasn’t sure what to do with me or how to talk.
“Fred don’t, just- it’s fine.” I stood up and walked across the room, desperately trying to find something to busy myself with. I folded some clean clothes, his eyes on my shaky form.
“You’re nervous?” He tried again, his voice scratching the air. I nodded, not daring to turn around and face him. I felt pathetic alone in his presence, vulnerable to his gaze as I clutched a jumper Ron had given me one Christmas between my fingers.
My thoughts were scrambled but they refused to come out to Fred. So we were alone in the silence.
“Everyone’s angry, aren’t they?” I said, at first to himself, but when I peered over he was waiting for me to tell him otherwise.
“I am grateful Fred,I know you were just looking out for me.” He smiled, having been given the reassurance he’d wanted.
“We all are.”
I swallowed once, feeling the spit slide down my throat with a disgusting taste. He meant that as a humbling comment, to show that everyone else cared as much as he did, but why was I disappointed. Had I really been holding out hope that he wanted this?
“Do you need any time before we go?” I nodded, suddenly realising how much of a state I must have been in from the night before.
“I should probably shower,” The words came out meekly, like I was too scared to speak any louder.
“Okay, you can use our bathroom.”
Hermione and I didn’t have a bathroom big enough for a shower in our dorm, subjected to walking halfway across the castle each morning before breakfast. Yet Fred and George had been lucky enough to bag a room with a bigger bathroom, giving them an annoyingly better deal than us.
He checked that the common room was empty before letting me walk through it to get to his dorm. I had never been inside, the twins rarely using their room for anything besides sleeping and washing. They did share it with another boy, Lee Jordan, but as Fred explained he was never really around either.
I showered quickly, enough time to enjoy the privacy of the warm water as I shivered beneath it. Fred was waiting outside, that I could tell from his light footsteps as he paced the room.
“Ready?” The boy stopped walking when I came out, fresh clothes on and my others in a small bundle in my arms. “I’ll put those in with my laundry if you want?” I smiled and dumped it in his little washing basket, taking a deep breath.
He gave me a sudden hug, making me jump slightly. Fred wasn’t one for complex emotions, generally sticking to the safety net that was happiness and anger. I certainly hadn’t seen him hug a single person before without being coerced. Maybe he saw me as such a basket case, that he didn't even know how to react.
“I’m fine Fred.” I laughed awkwardly, patting his back and letting him pull away. For a second I thought he hadn’t heard me, because he didn’t move away, but then he coughed himself back to normal and turned to leave. Me following behind, more confused than ever.
The noise of voices in the great hall boomed louder than ever before, even from down the hall. Fred had started holding my hand the second we’d left the common room, chatting casually to me as we walked through the castle, people giving us looks as we passed them. I too wouldn’t have understood his change in demeanor, he had never been overly affectionate to anyone. Yet here he was, acting as if I was the only person in this whole school. We didn’t stop to discuss anything, or reassure one another, before walking into the hall. I feared that if we had done so, then that slight slither of courage I had would’ve melted away quicker than wax.
Fred’s smile was so natural as I peered up to him, already looking over at George on the Gryffindor table. They were all at our usual spot, watching expectantly as I did my best to ignore the many turned heads and hushed murmurs of surprise. My eyes were fixated on Hermione, who seemed to express a great deal of pride. I hadn’t even noticed that we’d passed Mclaggen’s end of the table, Fred’s body blocking that side so I never even saw him.
When we sat down, I shuddered at the feeling of Fred’s arm around me, which I hope he hadn’t noticed. It was strange, having someone’s hands on me at all times, even worse when it was Fred's. I’d seen the boy fidget before, it was a normal occurrence, but to be the one on the receiving end of his restless fingers playing in my hand was weird.
It was as if he wasn’t necessarily paying attention to me, but yet he was letting me know I was still on his mind. All without a single word spoken. It was nice just to see a different side to the boy, but I needed to remember that all of this wasn’t real. None of these feelings were true to Fred.
Ron ate his food in silence, refraining from looking over at either me or his brother. I ate slowly, mostly speaking to Hermione and Harry and avoiding eye contact with anyone else in the hall, especially him. George and Fred were keeping themselves entertained, which made things much easier for me as I realised that I had no clue how to chat normally with Fred. A fact that became evident as we walked hand in hand through the halls.
Some people congratulated Fred as he took me to potions class, most just whispered about us as if they were invisible. I stayed quiet, the attention mostly on him thank god.
“You didn’t have to bring me,” I smiled as we stopped outside the classroom door “I’m sure people would still believe you.” I whispered.
“Y/n.” He frowned, like I was a naughty child.
“Sorry.” I became very aware of him flipping out. Not even one whole day, and he was already seemingly sick of pretending. The boy looked around, eyeing up a group of Ravenclaw’s hanging out at the other end of the hallway and sighed, turning back to me.
“I didn’t mean it like that, sorry.” He took my hand again, confusing me with a gentle smile.
It became apparent that Fred was a great liar, both to me and everyone else. He said goodbye, and I did my best to produce a fake smile, not that he would be able to tell the difference.
Fred watched her leave, noticing how uncomfortable her smile had been and wanting to punch himself in the face. Why was he acting like such an idiot around her? She was so easy to be happy around, but he repressed it, not enjoying the vulnerability she instilled in him.
He couldn’t deny himself the joy that came with the smiles, or when she held his hand so small inside his own. But he couldn’t let her know that, not ever. Because, when she looked up at him, those eyes so big and innocent, he wanted nothing more than to keep her safe from all the world’s evil. That was what made him weak to her.
She wasn’t ‘his’ in any sense of the word, not a possession like Cormac had described, but god why did he like showing her off to all the boys in her year. The same dirty guys that had confessed the things they wanted to do to her in the dark during a game of truth or dare. Thinking back on it made him mad, physically furious, he wanted to go back and kick them all in the mouths for ever defiling her that way.
It was wrong. Fred felt as though he was benefiting from something y/n had been so traumatised over, like he was her protector from Mclaggen and now she owed him the satisfaction of acting as his girlfriend. He had the nerve to revel in every fucking second of it too.
Fred felt as bad as her stalker. He felt as vulnerable to her as Cormac was, begging for her over and over until it drove him mad. He saw how easily love had turned his father obedient to his mother, and he’d watched Ron stumble over words whenever Hermione looked him straight in the eyes. Fred wasn’t like them, he didn’t need a relationship to belittle him as he’d watched it do to others. He needed to control himself, but it was so hard when he held her and felt what it was like to be under that trance.
She was most likely only being polite with him because he was just that little bit better than someone who broke into her dorm to do god knows what. He wished that she hated him, that she would scream and yell and tell him what a dick he was for making her do this. At least in that case, it would be easier to forget all that he wanted from her. It made him angry that she was so encaptivating, so furious that he felt the need to push her away.
That rage had gotten everyone into this mess to begin with, that anger had made him notice those desperate feelings for y/n that shouldn’t exist. Fred vowed to himself in that moment, he would do everything in his power to rid any attraction to the girl he merely owed a favour to.
Days went by, Fred and I agreeing that kissing one another on the cheek was far enough for people to still believe while not making things awkward between us. The boy, however, was becoming increasingly distant over the next few days. He seemed so calm and collected when we were around others, but the second we were alone he shut down.
His hands would drop mine as if I was the plague, no words exchanged. It hurt, knowing that it truly was all an act, contrary to Hermione’s theory. But nothing else had been hinted at from the start, he himself told all of us how much of a mistake it was. Now I had no choice but to believe him when he said that.
Each time he went silent, or grunted to me instead of talking, I was reminded of how many times he apologised. How quickly he regretted his actions, the second he’d told all of us that morning in my dorm. He never did it for me, I was just naive enough to think differently. Maybe it hurt because he was so convincing, he held me proudly and smiled as if I was the only person in the room. But I too was just someone else being fooled by a very good actor.
The only upside to it all was that Mcglaggen seemed to back off a bit, keeping the creepiness down to just stares across the great hall. It put me at ease again, knowing that I wouldn’t have to worry about walking into a room of flowers and gifts from someone I despised. At this point, he had to be yet another believer of mine and Fred’s fake relationship, thank god.
“I think he hates me,” I said into the darkness one night, unable to sleep and hoping my best friend would be the same.
“Who does?” She grumbled, drowsiness in her voice but not in her body.
“Why do you say that?”
“You must’ve seen it too, he just ignores everything I say. Like he can’t even stand to be around me.” I huffed.
“Maybe he feels bad for you, he kind of forced it upon you.”
“It doesn't feel like pity… more like disgust.”
Hermione fell silent, searching her mind for a good response.
“Maybe there’s something else on his mind?” She explained.
“Maybe,” I rolled over and looked at the room from my bed, sighing and closing my eyes in another futile attempt to sleep.
I soon realised it was so incredibly stupid of me to ever think that Cormac would have backed off when I snuck off to the black lake one evening to have some time to myself. All I’d done for weeks on end was in the company of others, and it had started to suffocate me slightly. Hermione hadn’t mentioned our conversation about Fred, and his attitudes had only worsened over time, so I just decided to keep it all to myself. I’d snuck off while everyone was busy and walked to the water’s edge, watching the sunset.
It was peaceful, and refreshing to be alone. Finally, I could enjoy my own thoughts without someone interrupting them or the need to fill the silence between Fred and I. He had barely spoken to me all day, only putting on a smile at breakfast before going off to quidditch. Then he disappeared, not even turning up to dinner later on, which seemed to make some people talk as I prodded the food around my plate.
My mood’s were at an all time low, Fred’s constant rejection only pushing them deeper. I’d never needed his approval before, so why was I longing for it now? I hated that I wanted him to come and tell me he was sorry for being off with me. In reality, he probably enjoyed the one day without me around to bother him.
“All alone y/n?” His voice made me want to cry, the once bubbling anger had been conditioned into fear every time I heard him speak. I turned around, ready to leap up and run at any moment. Cormac stood smugly, arms crossed, as if he had finally gotten what he wanted. He had. Now I was all on my own, as he’d asked me already, and he could do whatever he’d wanted to since he’d laid eyes on me.
“What do you want?” I forced the words out shakily, only making him smile more.
He stepped forward and I scrambled to my feet clumsily, stepping back as he came closer.
“I want you to myself y/n, you’re wasting your time with Weasley.” I cringed at his words, if only he knew. I moved around him, trying to leave. But he would never give up that easy, he followed me up the hill with ease.  
“Stop it.” I begged.
“We’re meant to be together y/n,” He smiled, reaching for my hand but I just sped up. Making him jog after me. He wasn’t quite chasing me, neither of us moving fast enough for that, but it felt like a wolf closing in on me. “You can’t deny your feelings, can you?”
I stopped, for a split second pondering over the idea that he was talking about Fred. Then he smirked, that ugly god awful, gut-wrenching smile and I remembered that when Cormac spoke it was only ever in his own interest. So I kept walking, finally reaching the bridge to the courtyard.
“I’d love you so much more than he could y/n,” I didn’t dare respond, the tears pricking at my eyes. “He barely pays attention to you, I see it, there’s no spark with you two.” I hated that he was so right.
His words were impossible to ignore, even as we got into the castle with noises everywhere, Cormac’s rang out above them all. “Does Weasley ever touch you?” He asked me, that sick feeling increasing by the second.
Just the stairs to go, then I’d be inside the common room. Someone had to be there, and if not then Hermione was bound to be in the dorm. I prayed I wouldn’t be alone, I had no chance against Mclaggen if I needed to defend myself. I was fearing for the worst, his words unrelenting as he demanded to know intimate details.
“I want to be all over your body,” He whispered as I spoke the password, the painting swinging open. I’d never run inside so quickly, just to whip round to the boy following me closely. He seemed caught off guard, stumbling a little in his step.
“You’re a sick fucker, what will it take for you to understand that no one is ever gonna love you if you threaten them!” I screamed in his face, not giving him a chance to respond.
“I’m not something you can play about with, I’m a fucking person. Do everyone a favour Cormac and leave!”
I hadn’t spotted the three boys peering over at us, getting up in defense the second they saw who had followed me. Ron, Fred and George waited until I was done before coming to my side.
“There he is, your precious boyfriend.” I rolled my eyes at him and turned away again, not in any mood to deal with any of them.
“Leave her alone Mclaggen, she’s had enough of your shit.” Fred pushed the boy to the ground, towering over him with a foot pressed to his neck. He nodded, wanting to be let free and got up to rush off. I scoffed, but not at the pervert.
“I bet you’re so proud of yourself aren’t you,” I huffed, making Fred frown. He’d yet to see me mad, but it had been growing over time.
“What’s wrong?” His tone was dull, as if he couldn’t be bothered.
“You, you’re so full of yourself” I scoffed again.
Ron and George sloped off, deciding this was between the two of us alone.
“What did he say to you?” Fred tried to change the subject with a sudden gentle tone.
“Jesus why do you do that?”
“Do what?”
My face was blank with annoyance. He was so thick sometimes. He must know what he was doing, no one was that ignorant.
“You spend all day acting as if you hate me, out of nowhere, and then you do this. Play all protective and caring as if it’s normal. None of this IS NORMAL!” I was getting closer to him, trying my best to get him to understand from nearly half a foot shorter.
“I’m doing what we agreed, what’s the problem.”
“Do you hate me? Is that what it is, because tell me now and we can end this.” I laughed, wanting nothing more than to be far away from him.
“Y/n you’re mad over nothing.” He lied.
“I actually thought you could be half decent... but jokes on me eh?” I ranted, getting more and more furious by the second. I could see he was hurt, but my words were still riling him up and pissing him off. Fred took a deep breath to compose himself.
“It’s complicated y/n,” He tried his best to explain calmly, but I was too far gone.
“I get that I’m just charity work to you Fred.”
I went back out of the common room, passing Ron and George leant against a painting on my way down. They called after me, confused, as I raced down the stairs, but I didn’t dare stop. I needed to be away from them all, somewhere safe where I could hide from it all for a little while.
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vs-redemption · 4 years
Ahhh I just discovered your blog and I love it so much! Sorry to be angsty right off the bat, but can I request an Aizawa x reader where he has to assure them that the reader's interests have value or something along the lines? I get shut down so often when I accidentally gush about stuff I find cool (ladybugs) so I'm unfortunately more reserved now but yeah :)
From Cindy: It is now two hours past my usual bedtime and I don’t think I’m going to make it much longer. Before I sleep though, I am posting this as promised. I did reread it a couple times, but my tired brain isn’t up to full capacity. I hope it’s okay. Also, please don’t let people make you feel bad about the things you enjoy. Seriously, I hate when people do that. There’s enough negativity in the word without the good stuff being taken away on top of that. As long as you aren’t hurting anyone else, like what you like and never be ashamed of it! ♥
Ladybugs Aizawa x Reader
Everyone has those certain things they avoid revealing about themselves at the beginning of a relationship, romantic or otherwise, for fear of scaring the other person away. In some extreme cases, people might want to keep those parts of themselves hidden forever. For you, it was a particular hobby of yours being revealed too soon that made you a little cautious when meeting new people. You had a ready list of suitable answers stored in your brain for the inevitable moment someone asked you about your interests. It wasn’t like you were into something taboo or anything like that. It’s just that you’d been on the receiving end of enough judgmental looks to know it was better to keep that particular information to yourself.
When you first started to get to know Aizawa, you’d stuck to topics you knew he’d be able to relate to like music, movies, and books. It was easy enough to find common ground that way and you wouldn’t have to worry about him thinking you were some kind of weirdo. This strategy worked well for you and it wasn’t long before the amazing man was asking to be your boyfriend. Things between the two of you were really great, and on the random day when he called you up and asked if you wanted to get some ice cream and take a walk in the park, your secret pastime was the furthest thing from your mind. You were just looking forward to having a fun date with the guy you were slowly falling in love with.
“The weather is so nice today!” You sigh happily, walking hand in hand with Aizawa through the park he’d taken you to.
“Yeah, it’s nice,” he tilts his head toward you with a content smile, “I got lucky having today off.”
“You really do work way too hard, Shota,” you tell him seriously. “Between your classes and hero work it’s a wonder you have any free time at all.” He lets out a laugh and nods his head in agreement as a planter full of flowers on the side of the path you were walking on catches your eye. Aizawa notices the shift in your attention and slows down a little so you both could admire them.
“They plant new flowers in this park every couple months,” He mentions offhandedly. “It’s one of the reasons I enjoy coming here. Do you know what kind they are?”
“Geraniums,” you answer automatically as your eyes scan over the plant, a smile growing across your face as you spot a ladybug crawling over one of the leaves. You let go of Aizawa’s hand so you could crouch down and reach out to invite the insect into your palm. “Ladybugs are attracted to plants like this because there are plenty of smaller pests for them to feed on.” You turn to look over your shoulder at him as the ladybug crawls over your fingers. “Did you know they can play dead like possums do?”
Aizawa raises his eyebrows and before he has a chance to respond you realize what you’d said. You place the ladybug back onto the plant and stand up quickly, taking his hand into yours again and offering to continue your walk. Your boyfriend eyes you curiously as you lead him forward. Embarrassment washes over you and you internally berate yourself for being awkward. You try to go back to eating your ice cream normally, hoping to move past the moment quickly.
“I actually didn’t know that,” he replies after a pause. “I’m guessing they do that as a way to avoid getting eaten by predators?”
“Yeah,” you simply nod, knowing you could probably give an entire lecture on the topic but the thought of boring him to death held you back.
“That’s interesting,” Aizawa continues to watch you for a moment. “Are you really into gardening or something? You looked pretty excited for a minute. We can go back over there if you want.”
“No, it’s fine,” You assure him with a smile. “I just… think ladybugs are kind of cool, but I know that’s a bit weird so…”
“I don’t think that’s weird,” Aizawa rubs his thumb over your knuckles.
“Maybe,” you say after a small glance up at him. “Still, I’ve been told that it’s annoying when I go off on tangents and I don’t want to bother you.”
“Hey,” Aizawa stops walking and gives you a serious look. “You’re allowed to talk about the things that make you happy, especially around me.” He lets out a laugh of embarrassment of his own while giving your hand a squeeze. “You’ve never met any of my students but you let me rant about them to you all the time. Is that annoying to you?”
“No! Of course not!” You assure him, a smile blooming on your face. “It’s nice that you’re so passionate about your job and I like seeing the joy on your face when you talk about them.” Aizawa returns your smile and nudges your arm playfully.
“I feel the same way about you,” he confesses. “I want to know all about the things you love. If something is important to you, it’s important to me. And if it brings a smile to your face, that’s even better.” You both continue on your walk as Aizawa hums thoughtfully. “And honestly, nobody should judge you or make you feel like you’re not allowed to talk about things that interest you anyway. Your hobbies make you who you are and if everyone liked the same stuff, life would be extremely boring.”
“Thanks Shota.” You could tell he was being genuine by the look on his face, and it felt nice to have a bit of validation. “It means a lot to hear you say that.”
“I’m not just saying it,” He assures you, “I truly mean it. And unfortunately, there are always going to be people who try to make you feel bad for being happy, but it’s usually because they’re unhappy themselves. It’s easier said than done, but we have to try not to let people like that get us down.” Aizawa leans in to press a chaste kiss to your cheek. “Just remember that you can always come to me to rant and rave about whatever you’d like.” The pep talk was short and sweet, but his words did give you a little more confidence. Perhaps it wouldn’t hurt to be a bit more open about your unique interests in the future.
“So,” Aizawa speaks up again a moment later, “when did you start getting into ladybugs?” You smile at his question, hesitating for just a second before launching into the full story.
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skinsharpenedteeth · 3 years
RNM After Dark - Friday - Down to Earth
Here's my submission for @rnmafterdark
Day 1 - Down to Earth.
It features... dom/sub behavior, discussions of kink and safewords, impact play, cock and ball torture (CBT), masochism, sadism, a little bit of humiliation, and a school bus converted into a sex dungeon...
it's 6400 words, rated E-AF for Explicit As Fuck.
Also posted on AO3 for your kudos-ing, commenting, and bookmarking pleasure!
"What You Need and What You Want"
Alex didn't know why he needed it. He'd thought he was past needing to be yelled at after basic and living with his father, but the drill sergeants could only yell at you about the most superficial weaknesses. He could be called soft, pretty, or a mama's boy all day and it wouldn't even tweak a nerve. But late at night in foreign cities stateside and abroad, in clubs he’d found for people like him, people who needed something more, he had found other men who got closer to making him feel the way he needed to feel. Their rough hands, their sharp words, and the way they weren’t moved by his tears unless he said a word to make them stop, had turned out to be exactly what he’d needed that was more.
Then Alex had come back home from combat and anonymity. He’d tried to move into his old life, tried to fit into the version of himself that was normal, and found out that so many things were not what they seemed. But he hadn’t been able to get what he needed in a small town. So he’d driven to Albuquerque, looking for someone to fill that part of himself that needed to wallow in punishment and pain. But Albuquerque wasn’t big enough, wasn’t dark enough, wasn’t learned enough to know the difference between dominance and cruelty. It was close enough though. Close enough for Alex to fill in the gaps with his mind of the things he was missing.
Michael had noticed his trips. Michael noticed everything. He’d noticed that Alex wasn’t coming home calm, but haunted. He'd come home with the edge taken off, but not the need taken care of. Not fully. Never fully. The itch was always there, just sometimes more manageable if he'd let someone slap him around for a bit. The trips had been to someone who would do just that. But they didn't know him. Not really. He’d been the one to point out to Alex that he really wasn’t getting what he needed. Then, after an out-of-town trip that had left Alex with one too many bruises and scratches and a significant limp, Michael had begged him to let him help instead of continuing to go to someone who wasn’t treating him right.
"Just come to me for it," Michael had said, half order and half offer. Alex had scoffed initially. He hadn't thought Michael had understood what Alex actually wanted. Michael had leveled him with a glare and continued. "I don't like the idea of you going somewhere else for this. I don't like the idea of you trusting a stranger. And it's obvious it's not enough. Next time you have to scratch the itch, just come to me."
"Sure," Alex had agreed. He'd said 'sure’ like he meant 'not a chance'. Then he'd had a week of nights filled with nightmares. Caulfield, explosions, death, dismemberment, and ghosts plagued him whenever his body lost the fight to unconsciousness. The guy he'd been seeing was too far away and busy and Alex was almost trembling with the need for someone to bleed the tension out of him. So he'd called Michael just to see. Maybe he could do it. Maybe he could be enough until Alex could find another person or another way.
He’d never expected it to work, but he’d underestimated how well Michael knew him. Michael saw the way he seemed to bend towards harsh criticisms against him or his family. He saw how he warred with letting go of those terrible pieces of himself and holding onto them as tightly as if they were his security blanket. Michael had seen inside his mind and had rooted around for the most shameful things to use against him. Once Michael had figured out what he'd been going out of town to get, he’d made Alex an offer he couldn't refuse.
Alex stepped up into the old yellow school bus apprehensively. It sat near the Airstream in the junkyard, electric cables running to it and making it glow through the cracks. Michael had blacked out the windows with paint, making it look vaguely ominous in the blue hours of dusk. He wasn't sure what he'd find inside. What he found was a work in progress.
The cavernous space had been stripped of the seats and given a new floor. Michael had installed a drop ceiling down the middle of the bus and lined it with invisible lights around the edges. It made the ceiling dark, but the rounded walls and windows glow with subdued light. The effect was modern and sophisticated, and not at all what Alex would normally expect from Michael. Michael was watching him take in the bus's interior from a dark modular sofa that had been pushed along the side of the bus. He was wearing a loose, distressed pair of jeans and his ever-present plaid-over-tank combo. Alex felt his apprehension tighten the muscles in his back, but he pushed forward until he was standing in front of Michael looking down at him. He shoved his hands into his pockets and made a show of looking around the bus.
"So, starting an escort service?" Alex asked, watching for Michael's reaction.
"Maybe. Nothing wrong with sex work. It wasn't what I had planned for this space, but maybe there's a niche market for a mobile brothel in Roswell," Michael answered, spreading his arms over the back of the sofa and leveling Alex with a look. "I assume you didn't call to insult my decorating."
Alex scoffed. He shook his head slowly and gave Michael a wry smile.
"No. I guess I didn't," Alex replied. "So are we going to do this?"
"Sure. But sit down. We need to do some quick housekeeping," Michael said, waving to the empty space next to him. Alex sat and tried not to fidget. He didn't want to talk right then. He wanted to hurt and have the demons inside him go silent and be sated. Michael watched him silently, gaze intense and laser-focused to the point that Alex stilled himself, suddenly self-conscious.
"Okay. So, first I need to know what you want out of this," Michael started. Alex rolled his eyes, but Michael just kept looking at him, even and steady.
"I want… release," Alex bit out. He could feel a flush starting to heat the skin of his neck. This wasn’t what he wanted to talk about.
"I'm assuming you don't mean orgasm...well, or not just orgasm. How do you want me to give that to you?" Michael asked. Alex's knee bounced and he scratched his thumbnail over the inside of his palm, letting the sting settle him enough to answer Michael's question.
"Yes, orgasm would be nice. But, what I need isn't just physical. I want to… I need you to… I need someone to make me make my physically feel as shitty as I need mentally. I need someone to strip me bare and then flay me alive. I need to hurt. I need to feel… empty at the end of it. Quiet, ya know?" Alex explained. His thumbnail scratched over and over, dragging across the same spot. Michael's hand closed gently over his wrist, startling Alex out of his thoughts. Alex looked up to catch Michael's eye and felt Michael pull his hand away and lay it on his thigh before taking the hand Alex had been scratching and holding it in his own.
"Do you need this to be verbal or just physical?" Michael asked, carefully. Alex tried not to let his shame overwhelm him. He wanted both. He needed both so badly and he hated how weak that need made him feel.
"Both," Alex replied just as quietly. Michael waited for a moment before speaking again. Alex watched the gears turn behind Michael's eyes, but he didn't see any pity in his expression… or disgust. A small part of him was surprised. He'd expected one or the other.
"So, hard limits?" Michael continued. He had started to rub his thumb sweetly over the red line Alex had made in his palm. It was at once painful and soothing.
"Nothing permanent. No choking, for obvious reasons. No broken skin. Don't call me ‘soldier.’ Don't call me ‘son.’ Don't make me…" Alex broke off, suddenly feeling ashamed. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Michael paused his thumb over the scratch and pressed down firmly. A bright flare of stinging pain gave Alex the resolution to continue. "Don't make me feel good about any of it til we're done. And I don't need aftercare."
"Aftercare isn't optional, Alex. Not for you, not for me. That's a hard limit of mine," Michael replied, voice low and serious. Alex stared at him before huffing out a little laugh.
"How would you know what your limits are? Have you done this before?" Alex asked, removing his hand from Michael's. Unconsciously, he'd started to turn his body more towards Michael's. One leg was folded in front of him on the couch seat, his prosthesis still resting on the floor of the bus.
"You're not the only person who's found themselves with a need that wasn't fulfilled by what was easily obtained. You're not the gatekeeper to kink. You were gone for ten years and I had plenty of time to experiment and learn on my own. Stop acting like just because I've never been off the continent, I'm a fucking narrow-minded moron." Michael's voice was sharp at the end, making Alex flinch internally. He couldn't imagine a world where Michael had explored BDSM or kink. He'd just assumed Michael was drinking and sleeping around like a college frat boy the entire time. It stung Alex that he hadn't even imagined Michael really living a full life without him. He always just thought of Michael biding his time, waiting on him, perpetually looking over his shoulder and waiting for Alex to appear on the horizon. What a selfish, egotistical dick he was to assume Michael had nothing better to do than cool his heels dreaming of an idolized version of Alex (the version of Alex that he wished he was in reality, that he tried to be and failed to be every single day).
"Sorry," Alex said after a quiet span of minutes where he manually adjusted his mental image of Michael Guerin.
"Try again, Alex. And look me in the face while you do it." Alex raised his head and looked at Michael. He looked older and calmer than he had a moment before. He looked like he was wearing all the years of his life on his shoulders and he was used to the weight of carrying them. Alex felt younger somehow. He felt chastened.
"I'm sorry, Michael," he repeated, keeping his eyes locked on Guerin’s. Michael nodded once before continuing.
"What's your safeword?"
"Finland," Alex replied without hesitation.
"Mine's ‘orbit.’ Are you okay with using the stoplight system?" Michael asked easily. Alex nodded.
"So, do you want a trial run tonight?" Michael asked.
Alex took a deep breath and nodded again before clearing his throat, knowing he had to speak it out loud. "Yeah, sure. Let's give it a go."
"So stand up and take off your clothes. I'll be right back," Michael said as he stood up off the couch. Alex stood also and waited for Michael to disappear behind a partition that presumably hid the way to the bathroom. Slowly, Alex undressed himself, feeling nerves and anticipation start to flutter behind his bellybutton. He folded his clothes and laid them on the couch. Before he had to figure out if Michael wanted him to be kneeling or not, Michael came back into the room. He'd stripped off his plaid shirt and was just in jeans and a tank. Alex watched him walk across the room and pick up a remote from one of the window ledges. He pointed it towards the ceiling and the lights turned from a warm golden light to an almost sinister red.
"Going to murder me?" Alex tried to joke. Michael gave him a quick grin.
"Want a different color? I've got the full range. We can disco through the whole pride flag if you want," Michael joked back.
"No. Red is fine," Alex assured him. While he spoke, Michael had discarded the remote back onto the window ledge and moved to stand in front of Alex. He reached up and brushed some of Alex's hair behind his ear, watching his own action contemplatively.
"So what brought this on tonight? What are you feeling?" Michael asked, eyes seeming to float back to meet Alex's while his hand rested on the side of Alex's neck, fingers gently playing with the too long curling pieces near the nape of his neck.
"Just… stuff. Nightmares," Alex mumbled, dropping his eyes and staring at the dark patch of chest hair that showed above the scoop collar of Michael's tank. He wanted to get started. He was doubting his decision to come. Why didn't Michael just do something already?!
"What would you tell your anonymous Dom in Albuquerque or Santa Fe if they asked?" Alex's eyes darted back up to meet Michael's and he scowled. Through tight lips, he managed to spit out an answer.
"They wouldn't have asked about why I needed it, they’d just give it to me."
"Well, you gotta give me something to work with here. What feeling is causing the nightmares?" Michael asked patiently. He let the knuckles of his left hand drag down the side of Alex's bare stomach, reminding him that he was standing naked in front of Michael while he stood there fully clothed. Maybe they should've just had sex. Maybe that would've been enough.
"Guilt. I feel… guilty about a lot of things," Alex finally confessed, shame filling his cheeks with heat and color. Michael nodded, almost to himself.
"Okay. I can work with that," he replied. Then his hands slid away from Alex's body and he stepped back. He let his eyes travel down every inch of Alex's skin and back up. "I thought I told you to get naked."
Alex furrowed his brow in confusion and looked down at himself. He wasn't wearing any clothes. Michael smiled and bent down slightly to tap at Alex's prosthesis. Alex looked at him, still confused.
"Take it off. I'm going to have you kneeling on a pillow when you're finished. Arms up and behind your head," Michael instructed. Alex sat back on the couch and began to remove the prosthesis. Michael produced a square floor cushion and sat it in the middle of the bus floor, then stood in front of it and waited on Alex to finish. The floor cushion was just far enough that Alex would have to crawl to get to it from the couch. Humiliation bloomed in his stomach, and his cock twitched with interest. Michael was testing him.
Lowering himself down from the couch, Alex crawled the short distance to the floor cushion and then began to arrange himself. He sat forward on his knees, widening them for easier balance, and then slowly he lifted his arms up and interlocked his fingers behind his head. He was bared for the cool gaze Michael was giving him, and it thrilled him how very vulnerable he was in the position he’d been asked to hold. He could and would hold the position easily, but Michael could also just as easily knock him to the ground if he chose to. Alex let his eyes lift only as far as Michael's best buckle, brain beginning to quiet and settle as he did so, and then he waited.
"Very good, Alex. You look good like this," Michael complimented with a slightly mocking edge to his tone. He made a slow half-circle to stand behind Alex so that Alex could see them. "So you're feeling guilty, huh? Think you need to earn your forgiveness? Want someone to take your penance out of your flesh?" Michael asked from behind him. Alex nodded briskly, not sure if he was allowed to speak. "What do you feel guilty for? Because I can't punish you for having dreams."
"Just… everything. I'm so angry at myself for not being over shit. For failing you, for failing my dad, for failing everyone," Alex choked out, feeling like fleeing but forcing himself to stay still.
"How did you fail me?" Michael asked, voice cool and impartial. Alex appreciated the lack of emotion. It helped him keep going. He wouldn't be able to continue if he could tell he was hurting Michael with his honesty.
"I always underestimate you. You’re better, smarter, and more capable than I think you are a lot of the time," Alex admitted. Michael hummed thoughtfully.
"How many hours of sleep do you think you've gotten this week, Manes? Sixteen? Twenty?" Michael asked. Alex did the rough mental math in his head. He cleared his throat before he spoke.
"Fifteen-ish," he answered. His lower back muscles were starting to quietly let themselves be felt as they were continually used to keep him upright, the muscles in his thighs and arms warming up from holding him still. He felt Michael step up close behind him, legs on the outside of his own and cool belt buckle pressing into the bottom of his interlocked hands. Michael's hands slid through the gaps between his arms and shoulders and smoothed down his chest before scratching back up, nails dragging red lines into his tanned skin. He shifted into the sting, wishing for Michael to scratch harder.
"Color?" Michael asked quietly as his hands once again smoothed down Alex's pecs.
"Green," Alex answered through a harsh breath as Michael scratched back up, but harder. The bite of pain had Alex gasping in surprise, and he felt his cock starting to plump up from the attention.
"How about I give you ten on your ass and give five to your balls? If you take your punishment good, I'll help you cum. Does that sound fair?" Michael asked, thumbs rubbing roughly over Alex's nipples. The low thrum of arousal was starting to build under Alex’s skin from Michael’s words. The low level sting from Michael’s nails was already starting to put him in the right headspace. He closed his eyes for a moment, just enjoying the rough push and pull of Michael’s fingers on him.
“Yes,” Alex agreed out loud. Michael brought his hands back up to rest on Alex’s shoulders. He bent close to his ear before speaking again. His breath was warm where it tickled over Alex’s skin.
“Then get on your elbows and knees. I want your ass higher than your head,” Michael instructed. Alex took a deep breath in and nodded before unclasping his hands from behind his head. Gingerly, he moved until his head was resting on top of his forearms against the floor. He tucked his knees under his hips and presented himself. He was keenly aware of how exposed he was. The cool air from the A/C unit fluttered over his backside. Michael hadn’t moved as Alex had gotten into position, so he could also feel the threat of someone lording over him. He could almost feel Michael’s eyes trailing over his naked skin, taking his time, mentally caressing every curve. After what felt like an eternity, Michael moved. He knelt down next to Alex’s side. When his fingertips started to skim down Alex’s side, it made him jump.
“None of that now,” Michael said, though his tone was soothing instead of harsh, like Alex was a spooked horse he was trying to calm. His hand continued stroking gently over Alex’s side and then down his back, around the curve of his ass and down his leg. The touch almost tickled and Alex had to fight not to flinch or shy away from the sensation.
“You always think you know better than me, don’t you, Alex?” Michael asked quietly. He shifted his body, moving further down Alex’s body and behind him. He started to use both hands to tickle over Alex’s back. When he got to his ass, though, Michael paused. Carefully, he spread Alex’s cheeks to look at his hole. A light touch of Michael’s thumb trailed down the center, barely glancing over Alex’s hole, and then down over his taint until Michael could cup Alex’s balls in his hand. He massaged them gently in his palm, pulling gently at the skin of his sack. Circling his thumb and forefinger around the base of Alex’s scrotum under his cock, he used the other three fingers to cup around the fleshy sack and began squeezing gently. Discomfort and heat prickled at Alex’s skin, making him whimper softly when Michael’s hand began to tighten and loosen in a slow rhythm. It wasn’t rough, wasn’t painful, but it was uncomfortable in the way that triggered his most primal instinct to escape. Alex stayed still and breathed deeply against his forearms. The feeling was mesmerizing, so it caught Alex off guard when Michael reached down with his free hand to stroke his cock.
“Fuck!” Alex burst out, shifting restlessly knee to knee. Michael held still as he settled. The electricity of that touch crackled along Alex’s nerve endings, pins and needles under his skin.
“Color?” Michael asked, not moving.
“Green,” Alex replied, feeling suddenly out of breath. Without warning, the hand that had touched Alex’s cock came down with a crack on one of his ass cheeks. This pain too was electric, but more like a quick strike of lighting, localized and bright. Alex swore, but tried to stay still.
“One,” Michael counted. His hand rubbed over the stinging skin before he removed it. A moment later, he was using it to loosely stroke over Alex’s cock. The hand around Alex’s balls tightened, again threatening the violence that Alex wanted. He moaned, wishing for more. “I was just never good enough for you, was I? But you kept coming back. Kept slumming it with the foster kid. Did you think I didn’t notice the way you kept me secret?”
Another slap against Alex’s ass, another sting, and another gentle caress by Michael’s hand over the heated skin. The next one came faster and harder than the first. Michael learned forward over one side of Alex’s back, the roughness of his jeans irritating and wonderful over Alex’s heated skin. He leaned close enough to be able to rest his chin on Alex’s shoulder.
“Two and Three. You’re an arrogant piece of shit sometimes, Alex. You’re wrapped up in classism, just like your father was. At least you can recognize that you’re a fucking asshole for it and that you deserve for someone to take you down a peg.”
He kept his voice calm and the words stung all the more for it. Alex held his breath against their effect until he couldn’t any longer and then let it out in a long, slow breath. Michael took his hand away from the base of Alex’s balls.
“Do you think you’re better than me, Alex? Smarter? Think you need to always be the white fucking knight for everyone?” Michael asked, fingers dragging up Alex’s perineum in a firm line.
“No,” Alex said, shaking his head. A hard crack sounded and fire lit up the previously untouched ass cheek. Alex felt a throb run through his body as the heat started to radiate. His cock hung heavy between his legs. He looked down the line of his body and could see it hanging, tip wet and threatening to drip onto the floor.
“Are you lying to me, Alex?” Michael asked, nails scratching over the abused spot on Alex’s ass. His voice was quiet, threatening, teasing and starting to make Alex feel unraveled. Alex shook his head weakly. Another lick of fire, another crack, and Alex was moaning into his forearms.
“I think you’re lying to me. You think I’m stupid, Alex? Your actions speak louder than words. You think you’re the only one in the room who's aware enough to notice other people. You think we don’t have you pegged? You think you’re better than your friends, your family and me and you always have, haven’t you?” Michael asked, right before pushing up off from Alex’s back to sit back on his heels. His hands came to rest on Alex’s waist, pulling him back to center Alex’s hips back over his knees and correct his position. A hand slid up Alex’s spine and then pressed between his shoulder blades. Alex followed the unspoken direction until his chest was resting on the floor. He laid his cheek against the cool flooring and closed his eyes, letting his mind sink into Michael’s words.
“We’re halfway through your ass punishment. Your skin is getting so pretty and pink for me. And your cock is making a fucking mess on my floor. You look so fucking shameless right now. It’s a good look for you, Alex. You just needed to be reminded of how good you look when you’re being put in your place,” Michael praised from behind him.
Michael’s hands slid back from Alex’s hips to grip his ass. Alex felt himself being spread wide, Michael’s thumbs pulling at the skin next to his hole gently. The feeling of something warm and wet hitting his pucker and starting to slide over his entrance confused Alex for only a moment until he realized Michael must’ve spit on him. Hot shame and arousal flushed through him at the mental image. One of Michael’s thumbs moved in and he massaged his spit over Alex’s hole, pressing firmly but not truly trying to penetrate. Alex groaned, pushing back against the pressure of Michael’s thumb, vainly wishing he’d open him up and fuck him. He wanted to feel pinned open under Michael’s cock.
“Maybe next time. If you’re good,” Michael assured him before he took his hands away. Alex shook with need. He needed pain or pleasure or words or something. He was rewarded with a quick series of slaps, two on each ass cheek, one right after the other, heavy enough to thud through his muscle. These weren’t the stinging, surface slaps of earlier. When Michael finished, his hands massaged roughly across the skin. Alex felt a dizzying rush of blood and emotion coursing through him a moment before he felt the warm wet of Michael’s mouth and the sharper sting of his stubble as Michael nipped and kissed over the abused cheeks. His final slap on one cheek was quickly followed by a sharp bite to the other. Alex cursed and his foot flexed against the floor, toes trying to dig against the hard surface as Michael used his jaw’s grip on Alex’s skin to coax a whine from Alex’s throat. Alex didn’t need to see the floor under his cock to know it was sticky with a pool of his arousal.
“Mmm,” Michael hummed, rubbing his stubbled cheek over his bite mark, sounding well-pleased. “So warm.”
“Michael, please,” Alex managed to choke out. Michael hummed again, but Alex felt subtle movement behind him. A moment later, Michael’s hand wrapped around Alex’s cock, wet and slick and tight. His hand slid up and down Alex’s shaft and it was all he could do not to hump forward into the pressure. It felt so fucking good. Michael was still rubbing his bristled chin and upper lip over Alex’s ass, mouthing at the inflamed flesh.
“You’re doing so good. I love hearing you beg, Alex,” Michael murmured against his skin. Alex almost didn’t hear him, his attention so wrapped up in the slick sounds and tight hole Michael’s fist was making for him. He was getting close, he could tell, but he knew he hadn’t finished his punishment. Abruptly, Michael let go of Alex’s cock and sat up. Alex wailed into his arms, eyes stinging at the loss. His cock ached where it swung, newly neglected and dripping between his legs.
“You still need to take the five to your balls. Then I’ll let you cum,” Michael reminded him, tone lazy. He said this while wrapping his hand around the base of Alex’s sack again and pulling back towards him. Alex whined at the stretch, his balls had been tightening close to his body in preparation for cumming and now Michael was stretching them away. He’d stretched them far enough that Alex could imagine they looked like two pink plums in Michael’s grip, skin tight over the swollen orbs, looking fit to burst. He felt Michael’s hot breath against them a moment before the blunt pressure of his teeth resting on either side of one of his balls. Some heady mix of fear and arousal shot through Alex’s body making him tremble, his stomach tightening and hips hitching forward. “So full. I bet you haven’t cum since your last trip to Albuquerque. Maybe I should make you wait longer, see how big of a load you’ll save up for me.”
“Please, Michael, I need…,” Alex started, only to yelp in surprise at the first three-fingered smack to his testicles.
“You need,” Michael started, voice harsh and admonishing; another smack, wringing out another, higher-pitched yelp from Alex, and then Michael continued, “to let me make the decisions here. I know what you need, Alex. I’ve got you all figured out. You need to stop,” SMACK! “Underestimating,” SMACK! “Me.” SMACK!
Alex's breath was heaving from his body. He didn’t even realize he was speaking until Michael was pulling him up to sit back onto his lap, hands around his waist to help support him and Alex’s back pressed against Michael’s chest.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Alex continued to mumble thickly. Michael was shushing him softly, arms tight and comforting around him, lips delivering soft kisses to Alex’s shoulder and neck. Alex’s cheeks were hot, his eyes tight, and he knew he was crying.
“I know you are, sweetheart. I know,” Michael murmured against his skin. Alex’s breath hitched under another sob. Michael gently maneuvered him to half turn so he could wipe at the tear tracks on Alex’s cheek and kiss the corner of his mouth softly. “You did so good. I know you’re sorry cause you followed all my directions and took your punishment. So good, baby.”
Alex found himself turning more until he could cling to Michael’s neck and hug his body close. Michael stroked one of his hands up and down Alex’s spine while the other combed through his hair. The new position trapped Alex’s aching balls and still-hard cock in between their bodies. The cotton of Michael’s shirt was irritating against Alex’s sensitive skin, but Alex couldn’t bear to pull back.
“Did you want me to help you cum, Alex?” Michael asked, nose gently bumping against Alex’s, lips a hair's breadth away. Alex took a deep breath in to steady himself before nodding. He moved forward, hoping to capture Michael’s mouth in a kiss. Michael let him, opening obligingly when Alex smoothed his inquisitive tongue along Michael’s lips. Michael let Alex kiss him and kiss him and kiss him. While they kissed, Michael’s hands wandered over Alex’s naked body until his hands came down onto Alex’s ass cheeks. Alex had almost forgotten about them until the flare of fire was reignited under Michael’s grip. The pain only served to excite Alex further.
“Michael, fuck me, please,” Alex begged, lips against Michael’s cheek as he pressed his body back into Michael’s strong grip.
“Not this time,” Michael responded gently. “But I’ll help get you off. You did so well, I can let you cum.”
“Please,” Alex said again, writhing softly in Michael’s lap to get some much-needed friction against his cock.
“So impatient,” Michael griped fondly. Removing one of his hands from Alex’s ass, Alex watched as he went to a previously unseen pump bottle of lube. He pumped twice and then brought his hand between their bodies and wrapped it around Alex’s cock. The lube was slick and sticky, and Alex immediately hitched his hips to push his cock through Michael’s grip.
“Oh, it’s like that?” Michael teased, tightening his grip to slow Alex’s quickening thrusts. Alex whined, hands flexing against Michael’s shoulders. Slowly, Michael started to move his tight-fisted hand over Alex’s cock. It was too tight for Alex to get off on it, but the edge of pain kept him hard and hoping. “If you keep acting greedy like this, I’m going to strap you down and edge you until you’ve learned some patience. Would you like that, Alex? Want me to keep you hard and begging for hours? Or do you want me to just make you cum until you’re dry and begging for me to stop?”
“Both, please,” Alex gasped out after a particularly cruel twist of Michael’s wrist. Michael loosened his grip then and paused, letting Alex catch his breath.
“You insatiable creature,” Michael praised. He kissed along Alex’s jaw to his shoulder where he bit harshly into the meat of Alex’s muscle. Alex groaned and tried not to writhe against the pain, but couldn’t seem to stop his body from rocking gently against Michael’s fist.
“That’s it. You can fuck my hand now.” He continued to kiss and bite Alex’s flesh after he said it, causing small fires everywhere his teeth touched. His mouth moved down from Alex’s shoulder to his chest, causing Alex to lean back. Alex held onto Michael’s shoulders tightly, but didn’t stop thrusting into Michael’s perfect, slick grip. Michael sucked Alex’s nipple into his mouth and let his teeth scrape over the sensitive flesh as he pulled his head back. Alex moaned and cursed at the feeling, throwing his head back. The tension in Alex was building quickly. He wanted so badly to cum, wanted to feel himself released from reality into oblivion if only for a few seconds.
“Please, Michael. Just a little tighter, please,” Alex managed to pant out. Michael kissed across his exposed throat.
“Show me, sweetheart,” he insisted. Alex pulled one of his hands from Michael’s shoulder and wrapped it over Michael’s. He squeezed until the pressure was perfect and then let go, replacing his hand on Michael’s shoulder. The hand that had been harshly kneading at Alex’s ass, encouraging his rolling hips and sloppy thrusts, came around to stack itself on top of the hand gripping him. Together they created a deep channel for Alex to thrust his cock into over and over again.
“Shit, shit, shit, Michael. I need to cum. Can I? Please?” Alex whined, even as he kept pushing his body towards the edge.
“Sure, darlin'. You can cum,” Michael said agreeably. Alex let go of any restraint, pressing close and letting his thrusts get quick and out of rhythm as he felt the pressure building behind his balls. When Alex was only a few thrusts away, Michael continued, “But I’m going to make you clean up the mess you make with your mouth.”
The last bit did it for Alex. With a strangled, silent yell, his cock swelled against Michael’s hands and then erupted white, sticky streams that dripped and smeared along the insides of his fingers and palms. When Alex was able to move, Michael let go of his slowly softening cock and Alex lowered himself onto his back on the floor. The coolness of it felt good against his overheated skin. Carefully, Michael crawled over him to straddle his stomach, careful of his oversensitive cock.
“Open up,” Michael demanded, tapping two sticky fingers against Alex’s lips. Obediently, Alex opened his mouth and felt Michael plunge his salty, spunk-covered digits in. Alex moaned at the taste of himself on Michael’s skin, using his tongue to trace every inch of skin to find more of his leftover pleasure. Michael made him lick and suck all of his fingers and then palms. When he was finished, he swooped down and took Alex’s mouth with his own, plunging his tongue in for any traces left for him to taste. When the taste dissolved into nothing they parted. Michael helped Alex up onto the couch, where he held Alex against his chest and ran his fingers through his hair.
“Want some water? Dinner?” Michael asked a little while later when Alex was practically dozing off against his chest where he was sprawled. Alex hummed noncommittally and nuzzled his head against Michael’s shirt, laying a kiss against his cotton-covered chest.
“How was it? Everything you expected?” Michael asked easily. Alex nodded, eyes still closed and mind still wrapped in a blanket of satiation.
“Anything you didn’t like or would like me to do differently next time?” Michael asked next. Alex thought about it. His hand drifted down to Michael’s crotch, completely covered, but still half hard from their scene.
“I want you to use this on me next time. Mouth, ass, hands, whatever. I want you to get off too,” Alex replied, voice drowsy but firm. He opened his eyes and locked eyes with Michael. His hand stayed resting over Michael’s crotch and he could feel it twitch against his palm. Alex raised an eyebrow in question. Michael smiled, bent his head down to kiss Alex’s mouth, and brushed his hand away.
“Next time. Promise,” Michael responded easily. Alex knew it wasn’t a real rejection, so he nodded and turned his head to lay it back down against Michael’s chest, his ear pressed to where he could hear the steady thumping rhythm of Michael’s heart. He drifted and with faint surprise, realized he was really falling asleep. He wondered how long Michael would let him lay like this if he fell asleep. Would he wake up to warm sunshine tomorrow morning? Would Michael only let him nap for a while and then wake him to get dressed so he could go home to his own bed? As if hearing his thoughts, Michael ran the back of a finger along Alex’s cheek bone.
“Do you want to sleep here, the Airstream, or your house?” Michael asked softly. Alex considered it.
“Let’s go to the Airstream. I don’t wanna sleep alone tonight,” Alex said through a yawn. Michael nodded and hugged his arms around Alex’s shoulders.
“Sure. Whatever you want,” Michael concluded. Alex only hummed a vague response before he was oblivious to anything else. He didn’t have nightmares that night.
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toomanyrobins · 4 years
a little bird told me pt. 5
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Summary: Y/N “Birdie” Parker left New York and her family three years ago in the middle of the night. Now, a call for help to her best friend brings her back into the fold of the Three Families and their “business”
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Parker!Reader
Content warning: physical abuse, miscarriage, allusions to fertility issues, cursing, mentions of forced marriage
Word Count: 2k
Notes: Surprise! It’s a boy!
Series masterlist // next part
The first day Y/N felt like herself and the injuries had mostly healed, Pepper insisted on them going into the city and shopping. With the holidays coming up, they had a lot of events they would be required to attend and Y/n didn’t think that her old style suited her very well. Before going to meet her mom, she stopped by the Ivory to drop off a coffee to Tony and Peter. The former had tried to convince her to bring some guards with her, but she rolled her eyes at his overprotectiveness. She was outside the office texting Pepper, when she heard squeaking. When she looked up there was nothing there. She heard the noises again and followed it into the hallway. Y/N knelt down and stared into the blue eyes of a diapered baby. “Well, hello. Who do you belong to?” she lifted him out and settled him on her hip. As she shook the toy, he babbled at her.
“Jamie? Jamie!” Frantic male voices were heard calling through halls.
“If Jamie is a baby, you’ll find him in here with me!” Steve came flying around the corner, a wild look in his eyes. He lifted Jamie from her arms and hugged him to his chest, kissing his forehead. 
Y/n was surprised to see so much open affection from the blond. She tilted her head and stared, “So… who’s is he?”
“Mine,” his eyes never left the baby.
“You have a kid?” Y/N felt a twinge in her heart. Another thing she had missed because of her selfishness.
“You’d know about all of this if you had stuck around.” she winced at the harsh comment and before Steve could apologize, Bucky and Sam came running around the corner, “JAMIE!” They both ran over and quickly checked on the baby as well. The diapered infant just babbled at the three men and shook his toy, basking in the attention.
“If you don’t mind my asking, how did he end up in the hallway in just a diaper?”
Steve glared at his two friends, “I made the mistake of leaving him in the care of these idiots. I have meetings for George all day.”
“He just got away from us while we were having a discussion about what outfit to put him in,” Bucky at least had the decency to look ashamed about losing his nephew.
Sam turned to him and pointed a finger, “You know the whales are much more stylish, Barnes.”
Y/N looked at the men and shook her head, “I can help watch him. We could call it part of my amends.”
“Birdie, you don’t---” She gave him a don’t mess with me look and Steve sighed, “Would you, really? That would be a huge help. He just started crawling and it’s been an adjustment. Obviously.”
“I was going to go shopping with Pepper. I’ll just bring him along.”
“You’re bringing some men with you, right?”
Y/N rolled her eyes, “No, I hadn’t planned on it. Tony tried the same thing.” A mischievous grin spread across her face, “But, since they already had their day cleared to watch Jamie, I’m sure Bucky and Sam will be up to the task.”
“I thought if you would take the kid, I could get some other stuff done.”
“You thought wrong, Buckaroo. Boys, pack your bags. We leave in an hour.” Steve and Y/N walked away, talking about Jamie’s routine. The other two men were left glaring at each other, still bitter about their argument earlier. The duo walked into Steve’s office and were greeted with a baby explosion. 
The blond cursed under his breath, “I swear this room was organized when I left an hour ago.”
“I believe you, big guy.” She patted his arm, before turning to Jamie and picking him up, “Okay, little man, let’s get you dressed.” Y/N made quick work and blew a raspberry on his stomach when she was done. A huge smile grew across her face when she heard the baby giggles. She looked up and saw a strange look on Steve’s face, “What? Is there something on my face?”
“It’s just so strange to see you again.”
“I’m not saying this to make you feel bad. I’m glad you’re back. I’d forgotten what life was like with you around.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean let’s face it, Birdie, you have the nickname for a reason. You never stayed in one place long enough and it was exhausting the amount of energy you had.”
“Am I still that same person in your eyes?”
“Some of it is the same. It was always hard to imagine you settling down. But, the minute you are around kids, it’s an entirely different story. If you ever decide to settle down, you will be an amazing parent.”
Y/N’s heart clenched at the thought of her secret. She felt herself starting to get emotional and busied herself by going through the diaper bag. Once she had herself back under control, she smiled up at him, “Well, you made a damn cute kid, Stevie.”
“Don’t I know it,” he smiled down at his son. Y/N couldn’t help but laugh to herself at the imagery of the large man holding such a small child. “Okay, Jamie, be good for Birdie. I’ll see you later. Oh, and here’s a key to my truck and the apartment in case you’re done before I am.” 
“I’ll text you plenty of photos.”
“Thank you for this,” Steve leaned down to kiss her cheek and whispered in her ear, “I missed you more than you know.” He had left her breathless with that last comment and she moved robotically as she put Jamie into the car and headed to meet Pepper. Her mother had raised her eyebrow at her showing up with the baby, Sam, and Bucky, but laughed when she heard the whole story. 
While her mother enjoyed shopping, the activity was the bane of Y/N’s existence. They moved quickly through the stores, grabbing what she needed and trying things on. Jamie was on his best behavior, even clapping a few times when Y/N had come out of the dressing room. Despite the fact that they all knew it didn’t mean anything, anything the baby reacted to was purchased. By the time they had finished, everyone was dead on their feet and the baby was knocked out in his stroller. 
Y/N decided to let Pepper take all of the clothes back to the house and she went back to Steve’s apartment to put Jamie down for a proper nap. Walking through the door was like entering a time capsule. The only difference was the addition of baby things. She walked through the hallway and looked at the pictures and framed sketches on the wall. Y/N stopped in front of a picture of them from Tony’s infamous Christmas party four years ago. Steve had been her guard for over a year at that point and the two of them had spent practically every day together. It was hard to believe how much the two people in that photo had changed. As she moved further down, the sketches she had stolen and framed for him still had pride of place. Her musings were interrupted by her phone chirping:
Steve: I’m sorry, but meetings are running longer than planned. Are you okay with Jamie? You can bring him to Becca if you have plans.
Y/N: No plans. I’m happy to stay. You focus on work. Little man and I got this.
She walked into the kitchen and found a drawer of takeaway menus and the cabinets only filled with food for Jamie. When he woke up from his nap, she pulled her shoes on, “This won’t do, little man. We are going to the grocery store." Y/N strapped Jamie to her chest and walked to the nearest store. They made quick work at the shop, filling the cart with essentials. Once she got back to the apartment, she put the baby in his high chair with a snack. Music filled the kitchen as she danced around. 
Steve came home and followed the delicious smells and music playing. He found Y/N in the kitchen, dancing with Jamie in her arms. He leaned on the door frame, watching her hips sway as she switched her focus between what was on the pan in front of her and his son. Birdie Stark was definitely not a teenager anymore. He walked into the kitchen and put his hand on her waist, making her jump. “Jesus!”
He chuckled and took Jamie from her, “Nope, just me, sweetheart.”
“You scared the crap out of me.”
He apologized, but didn’t sound that sorry. He stared down at her, thinking how the flush on her cheeks from the heat suited her. “Are you making dinner?”
Y/N suddenly looked nervous. “I’m not overstepping, am I? You said you’d be working late and I thought I’d help out,” she looked up at him and smirked, "Plus, I saw the takeaway drawer.”
“It’ll be a cold day in hell when I’m mad at a home cooked meal. But from what I remember, you once set fire to a pot of water.”
She threw her head back and laughed, “That was almost five years ago, I will have you know. My skills have vastly improved. Y/N realized how close she and Steve were standing. She pulled away and felt his hand slip away from where it had been resting comfortably on her waist. He cleared his throat and turned his attention to Jamie who was babbling at him. 
Y/N dished up two plates and got Jamie’s bottle ready. “Birdie, you don’t have to do that. I can feed him and eat after.”
“You’ve been at work all day, Steve, and I know for a fact you forget to eat. I don’t mind, really.” She settled herself on the couch with Jamie in her arms and her plate on the arm. . He held his own bottle and she ate a few bites while staring at the baby in her arms. She was entirely unaware of Steve watching her, 
He rubbed his eyes and took a pull from his beer, “I can’t believe it’s only 7. I feel like today will never end.”
“Did you say 7? Shit!” Y/N looked worried, “I need to go.” She had forgotten that she had made an appointment with a doctor to make sure that she wasn’t pregnant. Her paranoia had taken over and she had to be sure. 
“Why? Where are you going?”
“Birdie, you’ve been going all day. Just reschedule.”
“I can’t, Steve.”
“Why not?”
“I can’t tell you.” They sat in awkward silence, the only noise coming from Jamie and he hungrily sucked at the bottle. She kept her eyes on the baby and whispered, “Are you mad at me?”
Steve sighed and came to kneel down in front of her, “Why would I be mad at you, sweetheart?”
She ran a finger over Jamie’s cheek, biding her time, “Because I’m keeping secrets. That tends to make others angry.”
“God, Birdie, no. I’m not angry. I’m disappointed that you think you aren’t safe to share, but i never want you to be scared of me.” Y/N nodded sadly. Steve wanted herto tell him everything, “Want to help me put Jamie to bed? 
She shook her head and passed the baby to him, “I should go. It’s late.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I’ll just call for a driver. You haven’t seen Jamie all day, you should spend some time together.” Y/N grabbed her bag and jacket, and leaned over to kiss the wiggling child.
“I have tomorrow afternoon off, want to go for lunch?” Steve tilted her head up to meet her eyes, “We can go to Galletti’s.”
“Yeah, I’d like that.” Y/N got on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek, “Night, Stevie.”
He grinned, “What have I told you about calling me that?”
“Follow through on your threat and I might actually take you seriously.” 
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Drive By ~ Reggie (part 2)
A/n: This part’s Discord link! I want to clarify this time that the discord server is actually run by @httpnxtt ! So bless her for giving us a place to SCREAM (as we so often do!) Also I wrote this listening to “Lover Man” by Ricky Montgomery and this HEAVILY follows that song so feel free to listen to it to enhanse the experience!
Word Count: 7400+
Warnings: OKay so listen this part could potentially be super triggering so READ THIS PLEASE!!!! Grief (blaming yourself, anger, depression, etc), trauma reaction to arguing/yelling, trauma reaction to assumed physical abuse, implied minors having past sexual experiences, internalized homophobia, people discriminate against soulmates in this au, implied domestic disputes, rejection. I... think that’s it I’m so sorry if I’ve forgotten something.
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Reggie really hated soulmates.
He liked seeing other people and their soulmates, and he loved talking about soulmates with other people. It's just, if he'd had the choice, he wished more than anything that he could have just... not had one himself. He'd rather just be one of those odd people who never manifested a soulmate connection; that would be so, so much better if this is what having a soulmate meant for him.
Now, Reggie didn't always feel this way. When he was younger he used to listen to people talk about their soulmates all the time and dream of a future when he got his. His parents had been one of those people who strongly believed that soulmates were a bad thing, and had been open and proud that they weren't soulmates. Maybe seeing them argue all the time had been the basis of his love for soulmates, and his drive to find his.
If only he could tell his young self that life isn't that simple. There's no magical cure to loneliness, and soulmates aren't all they're cracked up to be. Not for him. Nothing ever was, for him.
The bassist looked over, eyes wide as his name was called. "Yeah?"
Alex was the one looking at him, concern creasing his features. "You seem really distracted today. You alright?"
In all honesty, he absolutely wasn't. Ever since they'd been forcefully brought back into the land of the living as ghosts, and now they were trying to make a band again and Alex had found his soulmate and the world was so crazy different and Luke was acting weird like he ALWAYS did when soulmates were involved and Reggie was really overwhelmed.
"Yeah," he answered anyway. Thinking about soulmates makes him finally make a decision he's been trying to avoid for a few days now. "I'm a little restless. I think I'm going to go on a walk. Take a page out of your book." He smiles and stands up, and Alex nods.
Luke looked over. Reggie should have known Luke would have known that Reggie didn't like walks like Alex did. "Do you want company?"
"No," Reggie answered immediately. It came off less as desperate and more insistent though, so he didn't stress about how fast he'd said it. Usually he'd love to have Luke around, but he couldn't for what he wanted to do. Especially because he knew the only reason Luke wanted to go along is because the last time one of them went on a walk they came back with a soulmate mark, and he didn't want Luke to be all over him and protective. He couldn't deal with that right now. Luke's face fell though and Reggie added, "I just need some space you know?" His voice was soft this time, and Luke nodded after a second, a small smile on his face.
With that, Reggie poofed out of the garage and was outside, turning away to begin walking down the road.
The sun was going down before he found what he'd been looking for. He'd had to sneak around and peak where he probably shouldn't of, but he had to know. Fine, it was creepy. He wasn't proud. But he... he HAD to know.
It was his snooping that had brought him to the graveyard.
Walking through the yard looking at every single head stone searching for the one name he was most afraid to see but knew he eventually would, Reggie realized that in all of the things that he had imagined when he'd thought about tracking down a certain someone from his past every single outcome possible made him just as sick as this did.
Finally he came across the grave he was looking for. At the top was a name. Y/n's name. Reggie sat on the dirt, legs crossed, hands in his lap. As he looked at the grave, he felt the top right corner of his chest itch. The spot just below his collar bone. His hand itched to touch it, but he wasn't like Luke. He didn't give into urges. He was too afraid if he touched it enough times people would realized the real reason he never wanted to change in front of anyone else.
His eyes closed and he sighed. He leaned forward, resting his forehead on the gravestone. "I remember the night you left. The hours Luke spent crying when his soulmate mark turned grey. I remember Alex holding him so tightly and calming him down. How I had to..." He swallowed. "I had to be quiet about how much it hurt me too." He sat back, his eyes opening again as he looked at the year on the tombstone. He reached out, his fingers grazing over the year Y/n had died. "You died the same year we did. I wonder how it happened. How many months were you around that we weren't? What-" His voice choked with emotion. "Did you hear about us? What happened? Did you even care?" His voice was soft and it faded, his hands raising to rub at his face. Finally, Reggie shook his head and moved to his feet. He bent down to touch the top of the stone. "I'm sorry for how things happened all those years ago." And then he turned away and he left, and he didn't look back.
"You should ask him out."
Reggie jumped and his eyes whipped around. When had Y/n gotten to the studio?  "Oh hey." He tried to smile and laugh the comment off, but his fear at being caught red handed made his stomach twist and both the sound and the expression he made were contorted with awkwardness.
Y/n rolled his eyes, leaning against the wall next to Reggie. "Listen I might be gay, but I'm not stupid." He grinned. "Luke. Talk to him."
Without meaning to, Reggie looked back at Luke. He was talking to Alex and Bobby about the newest song he'd written and how he wanted it to sound. Alex had asked about what the song was about and it had set Luke off for half an hour. Reggie hadn't taken his eyes off of the lead singer since the conversation had started. When talking about music and things he was passionate about in general, Luke was so... beautiful? That really was the word for it. He wouldn't have done it if he hadn't been sure no one was looking... he'd forgotten Y/n was coming over today. Even then, how did the dude just walk in without alerting a single other person in the room?
Reggie cleared his throat and looked away from Luke. At least it was Y/n. He didn't have to hide from Y/n. In the small time he'd been going out with Luke, Y/n had been the most amazing person Reggie had ever met. He was so warm and welcoming. He made Reggie feel safe, like every time he was around Reggie was coming home. It was a feeling he hadn't experienced since his parents had ruined the feeling of safety and belonging in his house, and since his feelings for Luke had made everything so weird for him in the studio. Both places had lots of good feelings and memories and got so very close, but it was Y/n that really drove it home, if you will. Because of this, when Reggie spoke, it was with defeat and not denial. "I can't."
"Why not?" Y/n asked.
Looking over at Y/n with an odd expression, Reggie felt himself  get really confused. Was this one of those times he had missed something that was obvious to most people, or was that as weird as it felt? "You just learned I have feelings for your boyfriend and you want me to act on them?"
A soft, low laugh rumbled and Reggie felt himself smile despite himself. "He's not my boyfriend." Something between a grimace and a bittersweet smile rested on Y/n's lips, and slowly the sweet part of it was fading away. "He made that very clear." Reggie went to defend Luke but Y/n just held up a hand. "I know. I understand, I really do. Soulmates are like a huge taboo, and it doesn't help that we're both dudes. Trust me, I know how bad it can ruin your life when people find out you're not straight."
Reggie thought about Alex. "Most of us do," he said without thinking.
Y/n just nodded, not pressing Reggie for more information. Y/n was really good about reading people like that. Knowing what to say and when to say it. It was as if he could feel the spike of panic that Reggie had felt a second after saying what he had. "And I understand that too. I don't BLAME him. I'm not MAD at him. It just sucks. I mean, your parents don't know we're friends. None of your fans know I even exist. I mean Bobby and Alex are IN the band and they only found out about us like a week ago. We've been seeing each other for a month and a half." He scoffed. "I hate feeling like a secret. Like... he's ashamed of me. Like I'm sort of dirty pleasure. The way people look at porn." He rolled his eyes. "Honestly he's lucky he's worth it." This was said with more humor, and Reggie was relieved to feel the dark mood begin to slip away. "I have plenty of people who'd be very public about being in love with me." Then he winked at Reggie.
Without knowing why, Reggie's face went warm and his heartbeat picked up. It was the exact same thing that had happened when Luke made eye contact with him while they were singing, or when they got too close while sharing the mic and their shoulders or legs brushed. That moment of intense adrenaline when it was suffocatingly hot and Reggie's blood was rushing and then the guy he'd been crushing on for years looked at him and made him feel like he was the only person in the room. Reggie had always been so relieved that Luke could only do that during performances, when Reggie had something else to focus on immediately. When he had to be professional, and not when they were alone and he couldn't hold himself back from kissing Luke if given the chance.
How could Y/n make him feel like that now? They were just sitting here!
"If you're sad he won't publically be with you, then-"
"Because you two can have a relationship in public. People have seen you perform and no one blinks at it. Not at the way you look at each other, or how fine you are with invading each others' space. It's just written off as bandmates stuff. You probably share a room, or have known each other very long. Unless you kissed on stage no one would even care. Only the other gays would know and what are they gonna do, judge you?" He snickered and Reggie had to admit it made him smile. "You both have good reputations. It's as fair for me to be hidden as it is for him to hide me. He hates it - I can tell. He wants to go on actual dates or just been seen in public together. He wants to tell the girls that flirt with him to back off because he's taken. But he can't." Y/n sighed.
"And you think I can give him that?" Reggie asked. Y/n looked over, obviously surprised by the tint of humor in Reggie's voice. The bassist found it hilarious that all these things seemed to be a continuation of why Y/n wanted Reggie to give asking Luke out a shot... but then something clicked in his head and his smile dropped dead in exchange for wide eyes that matched Y/n's. "You think he likes me back." It was deadpan, opposite to the torrent of emotion inside of him.
Y/n scoffed. "Well YES, but... Reggie between us, you're the closest he's ever gonna get to a real relationship. The kind he wants, at least."
Reggie wasn't having that though. "Y/n he's head over heels for you. I didn't even think there was any room in that head of his FOR romance until he and Alex went out, and even then... I mean they broke up for a reason. Sometimes I feel like the only reason he-" Reggie snapped his mouth shut, eyes darting away as he realized what he was about to say.
By the look on Y/n's face, he got the feeling eh didn't actually have to say it. Y/n just nodded. "He only wants to be with me because we're soulmates." Reggie shrunk. "It's fine, I think so too. That's why I don't think I would mind if he did date someone else, along with whatever we have. As long as the person he decides to be with is okay with it. I don't know, I really like Luke and I really like us. I just feel like he deserves better sometimes, you know?"
The thing was, Reggie didn't know. He had never seen Luke as happy as he was with Y/n. He had meant that he only thought they had started dating because of the whole soulmates thing - Luke wouldn't still be with Y/n if the boy wasn't important to him. Luke looked at Y/n the same way he looked when he talked about music. But Reggie didn't know how to say that, so what he said instead was, "You matter a lot to him." It was quiet for a second before he added, "I don't think there are many people who make him as happy as you do. Even if you're just... here."
Y/n looked at his hands. "He told me about when he was a kid, and he'd check his body for any mark or name or phrase or anything. He told me about his parents had been missing s color before they met, and how they'd only told him when he was older and could keep a secret, but how they didn't want Luke to run away from potential great love because he turned away from his soulmate like so many do. They filled his head with so many hopes and dreams and... the way he looked at me that night. Without knowing anything about me, he looked at me like I was the reason the stars were in the sky. Sometimes I think that's all it is. That we share this mark, and the universe looked at me and whispered to him, 'that one'. He wouldn't have chosen me otherwise."
"He wouldn't have," Reggie agreed honestly. "But he has now, and I think it would kill him to lose you." Y/n went to argue, but this time it was Reggie who shook his head, cutting off whatever was about to be said. "I'm serious. You two are special. Don't diminish that."
After a second, Y/n's body relaxed and he smiled, nodding. "Thanks Reg." Reggie nodded and then they both looked at Luke, who was wrapping up whatever he was talking about, as Bobby wanted to get back to practicing. "I still think you should ask him out."
Reggie shoved Y/n off the couch at that, and both of their laughter finally brought the attention of Luke, who immediately ended the conversation by coming over and being within ear shot. Which meant Y/n had the last word.
This time.
"You're touching it again." Alex's eyes shot up to see Reggie's amused smile. He had gotten into the same habit Luke did; whenever he was nervous, his thumb would reach out to brush over the inked on words on his wrist. "What's bugging you?"
Alex sighed. "I'm just ALWAYS thinking about him, you know? Like I-" His face suddenly went very red. "I don't know, this feel so different to any relationship I've ever had. And maybe that's because the only other person I really dated was Luke, but-" He shrugged.
Understanding completely, Reggie nodded. "I get it. It must be nice, to have that. Do you think he feels the same?"
The blush got worse. "I... yeah." He cleared his throat and Reggie tried not to laugh. "We've been hanging out a lot and he's been answering a lot of questions. It's still not like anything serious - we're still getting to know each other, and we're both letting this take us where we want to go. Like, it's slower than it was with Luke, but faster than Flynn and Julie explained the pace of their relationship."
That made Reggie snort. "To be fair, it took YEARS for those two to do anything about their soulmate stuff."
"Yeah but they met super young," Alex reminded. Reggie nodded - that was a fair point. "Once they talked about what the soulmate thing between them meant, they took like a few months to figure it out. It's been like a week for us and I already feel like I've known him for years." He rubbed the back of his neck. His eyes kept flickering around the studio, and Reggie felt his stomach twist painfully as he realized what Alex was doing.
He was looking for Luke.
The last time they'd discussed soulmates, Julie had asked Luke about Y/n and it had gotten... awkward.
Reggie interlaced his fingers together to stop himself from suddenly scratching the intense itch he felt over that stupid, stupid mark on his chest. He couldn't stop thinking about it, but he refused to give himself away. He'd managed to hide it from his closest friends for an entire year - he wasn't going to trip up now. "Man, I'm happy for you. You deserve this. Not just the soulmate thing, but the way you talk about Willie makes me so happy for you." Reggie grinned despite himself. "I wish I could see you two together more."
Alex loosened up, his own smile growing. "Don't you listen to me talk about him enough without having to see me be an idiot in person?"
Reggie laughed. "You know I would love to see you be HAPPY," he stressed, raising his eyebrows. He always corrected his friends when they dished on themselves. "What you guys have is special."
Alex tilted his head. "You know, I always wondered what it would be like for you to get a soulmate. I bet you'd be even more a disaster than me."
Reggie had to remind himself that he was dead and didn't have a heartbeat, because he was sure he'd had a heart attack when Alex had said that. Once again, the urge to touch that damn mark was strong and he clenched his hands into fists so tightly his knuckles went white. "Yeah I've always wondered too." He cleared his throat. "That won't get you out of talking to me about Willie though. Come on, I have questions!"
The distraction worked... For now. He hoped it would keep working just a little longer.
Luke had fallen asleep hours ago, curled up with Y/n on the couch in the studio. His breathing was even and low and soft and it was almost enough to help Reggie go to sleep too. Only almost though, because Reggie was REALLY distracted by the way he looked with his hair falling in his face and his cheeks squished as he lay his head on Y/n's chest. He was even more distracted by the thought of being like that with Luke and feeling guilty because the more he thought about it, the smugger Y/n got and the smugger Y/n got, the more Reggie thought about it. It was a cycle and he was slowly going absolutely insane - the entire time, Y/n wore a knowing smile and barely held back from busting up laughing at him.
It was no different now.
"You're ridiculous," Y/n sighed softly.
"Shut up," Reggie complained, his eyes closing. It wasn't so much an order as it was a whine, and Y/n had to force himself not to giggle. Laughing would move his chest and wake up Luke, and the boy desperately needed sleep.
Y/n sighed. "I don't know why you don't just ask him out." This time Reggie groaned, but still kept it soft as not to disturb Luke. Bobby and Alex had gone home hours ago, and the three of them had stayed to talk, but Luke had fallen asleep so that Y/n was pinned. The problem was he couldn't get comfortable  as he sat in the middle of the couch, leaving him nothing to lean against and fall asleep on. Y/n had invited Reggie to sit next to him and be Y/n's pillow, but the bassist didn't think he could handle that AND Luke without combusting.
Pulling his thoughts away from thinking about Y/n sleeping on him - because for some reason, that was so much harder to deal with than imagining Luke doing it, in the sense that it made his heart want to explode and his head feel fuzzy and his skin tingle and that terrified him in a way he could not explain - Reggie moved his gaze toward the roof before saying, "It wouldn't work out."
There was some shuffling and Reggie looked back to see Y/n very slowly, skillfully maneuvering Luke in a way that didn't wake the brunette as Y/n slipped out from underneath him. Luke complained in the form of sleepy, incoherent mumbles and scrunching up his face for a few seconds, but was otherwise undisturbed. Reggie was astounded. Luke was a light sleeper, so the feat alone was amazing... but also, if Y/n could do that the whole time why hadn't he done it much earlier instead of asking Reggie to join the sleep train?
While he was busy being surprised, Y/n settled in a new spot, next to Reggie. He reached out, his hand cupping Reggie's cheek to gently bring the boys' eyes to a meeting point. Reggie felt his throat clog up and swallowed to force down the lump attempting to choke him. "Reggie," Y/n asked in a soft voice, eyes earnest and wide. "Why don't you think you deserve love?"
Reggie was speechless. How could Y/n have POSSIBLY known that? "I didn't say-"
Y/n shook his head. "You didn't have to. But that's not important. Don't start lying to me now." Y/n was very close and Reggie could not summon a single helpful thought in all of the possible workings of his human mind. He HAD many thoughts, but not a SINGLE one of them included him thinking straight and it was immediately an intense struggle. "Reggie, you are so amazing," Y/n whispered, and the raspy touch in his voice made Reggie die a little bit inside. "You're so kind and warm and soft, like as a person. You feel so much and have so much compassion and care so much about people. I don't know what you think it is that has you so convinced you don't deserve EVERYTHING the world has to offer and more, but I promise you that everyone who matters? Alex, me and Bobby, and YES, even Luke - we all see how incredible you are. Please tell me you can see it too, even just a little bit.
A good swallow finally dislodged the lump in his throat, and Reggie found his voice. "Y/n..." He shook his head, and Y/n's hands fell to his shoulders. "I just feel... different than everyone else. I'm..." He couldn't find words. "It's not that I don't think I deserve happiness. I just feel like I'm not ever going to find it. Not like you and Luke. I don't think that's part of what's going to be in my future. I feel like I'm missing something important sometimes. Something other people just have, and are born with. Like a really key part of a puzzle?" He shrugged, turning his head away.
"Oh Reggie," Y/n whispered in that same soft tone that spoke volumes of softness and fondness. "How could you think you need anything other than what you already have, when what you have is so amazing and special?" Reggie looked over as Y/n's left hand shifted Reggie's collar to touch his skin at the top right of Reggie's chest with his palm. Y/n's fingertips grazed Reggie's neck. "Do you feel that, Reg? Your heart..." Reggie realized why Y/n had moved his shirt - to feel his heartbeat. "You bleed kindness. You have always, I think. From what I've seen, and what I've heard, you're surrounded by hardship and hate and struggle, and somehow you came out of all of it with a heart gushing with love. I don't care what you think you're missing. You have THIS, and that is ALL you need. YOU are enough, Reginald. You are all anyone ever needs."
Reggie felt an... odd sensation. A warmth that spread through his body, from where Y/n touched him. At first he thought it was just that the words had touched him so much, but as the warmth faded, there was something left behind. A tingly buzzing sensation, right where Y/n's palm touched Reggie's chest.
Eyes widening, Y/n moved his hand away. It was only then they both realized it was the same hand he had touched Luke with for the first time. The same hand that had the Rose tattoo. The one that matched the one on Luke's shoulder. The shape that  marked the two boys soulmates. The mark which before had been only one outline of a rose... but was now two roses, crossed over each other. Identical, but facing opposite directions. Their stems curled the same way, the tilt was the same, but they faced opposite directions, ending up crossing each other.
"Oh my god," Y/n whispered. His eyes moved to Reggie's chest, which was still slightly exposed. His eyes went wide, his face draining of color.
A sort of panic suddenly flooding him, Reggie shot to his feet and flew to the bathroom. He tugged down the color of his shirt, looking in the mirror. To his horror, where Y/n's hand had touched his skin was the detailed drawing of a rose without any color. The same mark that had been on Y/n's palm and Luke's shoulder since they had met. Their soulmate mark.
His eyes caught motion and he looked over to see a suddenly shy Y/n in the doorway. "So," the teen edged, tension in his shoulders and hesitation in his eyes. "I guess this means we're soulmates too. How fun is that?"
"I guess I failed on that whole not coming back thing." Reggie was sat on the dirt plot in front of Y/n's gravestone again, shaking his head at himself. "I promised last time was my last time. Did the same thing the time before that." Reggie could feel his heart ache and his stomach tie into knots so tight that they gave him a stomach ache. His eyes watered as he looked at the name on the stone, blurring the words as he felt his heart scream in his chest. He put his face in his hands, slowly moving his fingers so they wound into his hair. "I miss you so much." He was crying, his body shaking violently as he tried to hold it in and failed. "God I'm so sorry Y/n. I'm so sorry I ran from you back then. That I pushed you away and ignored you. You were the only person that knew. The only person I could talk to about this."
For a second he cut off, and he really cried. He cried and cried until his throat was sore and his body felt painful from how tight it was wound. He knew the pain wouldn't last. Physical pain never did now that he was a ghost. It didn't change the fact that his very soul ACHED. He felt like he was missing something important. Something irreplaceable. Something precious. And it was all his own fault.
When his voice returned, it was watery and weak. His words were torn and broken with hiccups and stuttering. He was absolutely miserable. "Y-you said- I tried to- and you just-" He pulled on his hair, suddenly ripping his hands away from the strands to angrily wipe at the stupid tears that wouldn't let him talk. He NEEDED to talk. He had to get out what he was feeling and make sense of all of the thoughts in his head.
He had gone through denial the first time he'd come here. He'd thought it was some sort of conclusion. A letting go of the past, to know that Y/n was gone. It was supposed to be an answer to a question. He was supposed to be relieved to know what happened. He was supposed to just find out where Y/n had ended up and then be fine with it. He had even visited the second time only to give a proper goodbye, and that was when it had hit him.
Y/n was gone. He hadn't grown up. He hadn't found happiness. He hadn't experienced a world accepting of him. He hadn't found someone else and been happy and safe like he deserved. The pain that thought brought him was more overwhelming than the realization that Reggie himself had suffered the same fate. More sharp than even Alex or Luke suffering the same fate, because at least the three of them had each other. They had Julie and the band, and they had skipped right to the good parts and missed all the bad parts where people fought tooth and nail for the world they had now. But Y/n had only ever had Sunset Curve. He didn't have anyone else that cared about him. He had died, probably alone and miserable, feeling rejected by the two people he felt for the most, and probably forgotten by the two friends he had. The only four people that had been kind to Y/n in a very long had all shut him out and in his last moments, he had no one to turn to.
The third time Reggie came to visit, the pain had been replaced by guilt. He had spent nights awake thinking about all the times Y/n had begged Reggie to tell Luke about the rose. About Reggie being their soulmate too. Y/n had spent weeks and weeks trying to get them all on the same level. Trying to work it out. But Reggie had rejected him. Had run from him, the same way Reggie had been run from. He hadn't helped when Y/n had needed it as things turned south with Luke. He hadn't helped when Luke had come to him looking for advice after the fight with Y/n. He had told Luke to forget about it, and now Luke hated soulmates and Y/n had died alone and it was all Reggie's fault. If he had just been braver. A better friend. A better soulmate...
His fourth time at the grave, all he felt was anger. Anger at himself. Anger at Luke and Y/n for fighting. Anger at these stupid soulmate marks. Anger at the world that had raised him for seventeen years to hate the best parts of himself. To fear the way he loved, and the people he loved. He was angry at the nightmares and the pain and the worry and the stress that had been so needless. Why couldn't men be in love with each other? Because it wasn't how people had loved each other in public? Because it was new? Because it was different? Why were soulmates so terrible? Well that one he knew. Soulmates had been such taboo then because it was one less thing people could control. One less part of peoples' lives that could be locked down and forced around. A power stronger than any law. An energy that fueled hope. Hope, an emotion stronger than even fear if grown and bolstered. And that's what soulmates did, right? Encouraged people to think differently. See more. Try something new. Soulmates could be two men, or two girls, or a man and a woman. It could be anyone. Soulmates didn't gender code like society wanted them too, so obviously they were evil. Julie had gone off about it one day and you know what she was right! It was bullshit!
It was the fifth time Reggie had come with pleading eyes and begging and pleading. He had sat in front of that stupid gravestone and tried not to cry as he prayed to whoever might be listening. As he talked to thin air. As he picked up fistfuls of dirt and chucked them at the gravestone and demanded a second chance. He had screamed and kicked it and almost fallen on his face when he went through the stone. The fifth time Reggie had lost his mind, and he had spent hours trying to just get the chance to say sorry. To tell Y/n all the things he'd been wanting to tell him for so long. All he wanted was five minutes. Didn't he at least deserve that?!
Now Reggie had no other emotions left. He didn't have denial to lean on, or anger or desperation or anything else. He had used up every emotion he could think of - even jealousy for a while, as he listened to stories about Julie and Flynn or Willie and Alex. He had used one after the other until he was left stripped bare and emptied out. And now as he sat there, he cried and cried until the sadness was gone too and the tears all ran out. And then he just sat there and stared at the grey stone that was always cold and always had Y/n's name on it and offered no help or love or reprieve or condolences or even a little mercy. He looked at the grey stone and he felt a sort of kinship with it. He felt his insides pulse with a dull ache, as if they were sore. It sat there, reminding him consistently that he just felt... hollow. Empty.
His fingertips grazed over the words carved to make Y/n's name, and he thought of the time that Y/n had tried to touch Reggie's soulmate mark; something Y/n did to Luke to remind both of them that they were soulmates. He remembered the day Y/n had begged Reggie to realize what they were. To really know it and really FEEL it and Reggie... he had pushed Y/n's hand away and said something he'd regret the rest of his life, and even after that.
How could one hotdog take so much from him in one go?
It wasn't fair.
Immediately, Reggie felt his body tense. "Where's Luke?" was his reply.
With a careful tone, Y/n answered, "That's what I came to talk to you about." Reggie's body only grew more rigid, but that didn't stop him moving away with ease and much speed when he felt Y/n's fingers graze his shoulder. He had been doing that every single time Y/n touched him since... since... His hand twitched and he almost touched the mark he had been ignoring for weeks, but managed yet again not to. "Reg," Y/n whispered. His voice sounded so frail and weak. So desperate. It was enough to break Reggie down enough that he slowly turned around.
And then immediately regret it.
Y/n looked like he'd been wrung out and hung to dry up in the sun. His skin was a different color than usual, like he felt queasy or was sick. There were bags under his eyes, and a expression on his face that made Reggie's heart burn with a pain he wasn't prepared for. He looked like he had been crying instead of sleeping. "Y/n... what happened to you."
Immediately, Y/n's shoulders sagged. he looked so small and defeated that Reggie drew back even more. The very air around Y/n simmered with pain and ache. "I'm... trying to make this work. This thing with Luke and- and with you-"
"Don't include me in that," Reggie snapped. He hadn't meant it to come out so harsh, but his panic had gotten the better of him and he had sounded angry. Like he was accusing Y/n of something.
Y/n's vulnerability was crushed to dust, and his face hardened and his body began to shake every so slightly. Reggie felt the yelling coming before he could hear it, and immediately his head was full of night spent curled in bed, trying to sleep as he crushed his ears with pillows and blankets and even his own hands to try and make himself stop hearing the shouts down the hall.
Y/n never yelled. He hadn't yelled once.
Hearing him yell now was so terrible that Reggie was stunned into silence for a solid minute.
"GODDAMNIT REGGIE!" He shoot his hate, his face twisted and his hands curled into fists and for a terrible second he thought Y/n was going to hit him. And then he immediately didn't understand why, because Y/n forced his hands opened and the earnest desperation was back and despite his anger he was pleading, and in that moment Reggie realized what he should have known by now: Y/n would never hurt him. Y/n would never hurt ANYBODY. Reggie was the one causing pain, and it was to the softest, kindest person he had ever met. The person who felt more pain than anyone else Reggie knew, and who still refused to let it destroy him. When Y/n spoke again, Reggie felt terrible to hear how raw the words sounded. "I'm trying to make you understand. I- I-" His eyes watered and Reggie felt a part of him shatter. "I lo-"
"Don't you dare say it." It came out as a plead, soft and wet and corrupted by a primal fear that made Reggie feel sick to his stomach to hear.
Whatever Y/n had heard in those words, it had taken something vital from him. His face went slack and tears fell down his face. Slowly, one at a time. He just looked at Reggie like he'd been slapped, and Reggie wanted to run away but he was frozen in place. "Do you just not like me back? Is it just about Luke? Do you only-?"
"I don't like Luke," Reggie demanded, finding strength in his voice again.
"Yes you do!" Y/n insisted. "I KNOW you do Reggie! I know you do because I see the way your hands twitch when Luke is near you, like you're dying to touch him. I see the way you look at him when you think no one is paying attention. I know he keeps you awake on the nights you can't sleep, and I know he's been as close to home as you could get for years because you go to him every single time you're upset or lonely or unsure. You seek comfort in him when you're hurting and you look to him for direction when you're lost."
"Stop it," Reggie whispered, his fingers curling into claws, nails digging at his skin even through his jeans.
Y/n just kept going. "And I know he feels the same about you because he says your name like it's the most beautiful word he's ever said, and he touches you like it brings him peace, and he talks about you like your his favorite song, and he's driven so intensely to be close to you like you're a fire and he's freezing. I see the way he looks at you and if I had a penny for every time he mentioned your name when the two of us were hanging out alone, I wouldn't be-"
"STOP IT!" His hands flew up to cover his ears... but for some reason Y/n cringed away from him. It felt like a punch to the gut to realize that Y/n had the same reaction as Reggie's had earlier. Y/n had, for some reason, thought Reggie was going to hit him. A look of guilt crossed Y/n's face and Reggie knew exactly what he was thinking. Reggie would never do something like that.
Whatever Reggie had, Y/n had it too, and that somehow made it so much worse.
For a second, they just sat there in silence. But then Reggie lowered his hands, very slowly, and Y/n spoke. "Is it because of me? What I was before you guys met me? What I did?"
Reggie didn't have to ask what Y/n meant. He knew full well how Luke and Y/n had met, and what it had meant. He knew that Y/n was touchy about this topic. He knew that  it was something that Y/n had stressed about for a long time until he'd learned that Luke didn't really care or think about that stuff. How much it had been a relief for Y/n to get away from a life full of people and relationships that only wanted one thing from him. How nice it had been for him to get a break from meaningless interactions and one night stands and phone numbers he never bothered to keep.
Reggie also knew this had NOTHING to do with that. Reggie didn't care about Y/n's past, or how other people saw him. He knew better. He knew Y/n had a person. However, upon being given any other reason than the truth, Reggie's instinct was to take it and run. However, he knew this was worth than the truth. And for a split second he had to switch gears from accepting the excuse to dismissing it. He had to take just a fraction of a second to shut that down in his head, despite what his first thought had been.
It created a moment of hesitation.
A moment Y/n took as an answer.
Even when Reggie finally stuttered out an, "Of course not!" Reggie knew it was too late. Y/n stepped away from him, his face crumbling. The air had been knocked out of Reggie's body as he scrambled for something to say. "It's not Y/n I swear."
Y/n looked him dead in the eye. "Then what is it?" Reggie's mouth snapped shut. "Please Reggie, give me one other reason that makes sense. Tell me that it's not that you see me the same way everyone else does. That you're not just a little bit disgusted with me, and that's why you HATE the idea that we're soulmates. Tell me why it makes you so angry to think of being with Luke, when you're so obviously into him, if it's not because not even a little part of you think he's tainted because he's been with me even if it's not... like THAT."
Reggie did the worst thing he could have ever done.
He stayed silent.
He was too petrified to give Y/n the answer that could fix all of this. The answer that could clear the air. Maybe Y/n could help. Maybe they could make everything better. Maybe...
Whatever he'd been thinking it didn't matter, because the words didn't come out of his mouth and then the door to the studio opened and Luke was standing there, looking between them with eyes full of concern and confusion as the poor boy watched the two most important people in his life argue. Y/n went to leave, grabbing his bag as he made his way out of the studio, and Reggie let him walk away thinking something so damaging and wrong. Something that would ruin everything - all because Reggie was a coward.
"Mommy! Mommy! The angel helped me!" Reggie didn't even process it properly. It wasn't important. It didn't pertain to him. Why would he make note of it?
How wrong he was thinking that.
His mind was so focused on Bobby who was now Trevor, who had stolen their music. Who had stolen everything closest to Luke and hurt the man Reggie would anything for. Reggie was on a war path. He couldn't think about anything else until he heard Luke distinctly whisper in the softest, shakiest voice, "Y/n?"
Reggie's head whipped around to look at Luke, only for the action to repeat again as he quickly followed Luke's gaze to see....
Unable to help himself, Reggie gasped.
There was Y/n, in the exact same condition he'd been in the night he'd stormed out after arguing for Luke. That night was branded in Reggie's mind - he was sure Y/n was even wearing the same outfit. No... Y/n had never worn white while he was alive. Why was he decked head to toe in white?
The angel helped me! That was what the little girl had said. Had she been talking about Y/n? He saw the little girl, being pulled along by her mother, and that was when Reggie realized the child could SEE Y/n. In surprise, Reggie looked back at Y/n, and as if feeling his eyes, Y/n looked back at the same time. His eyes shot a mile wide, filling with even more hurt than had already been there just looking at Luke, who Reggie realized had been the target of his sad gaze before it had landed on him. The second their eyes met, Y/n was gone, disappearing in the same flash that he had seen Alex and Luke disappear in when they disappeared.
Luke fell to the knees, and Reggie felt the world crumble down with him.
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dmc-tings · 3 years
DMC Gang Teaching their s/o how to drive
Uh, yeah he knows how to drive
But... he's not the best teacher
Usually ends up asleep in the back
Cause he trusts you to figure it out
One day though, damn near changed his life
You smashed into a newspaper stand
The impact woke him from his nap
You were holding on to the steering wheel for dear life
Tears welled up in your eyes and he immediately pulled you into his lap
Kicking the door open, hauling both of you out of Morrison's now wrecked car
Dante was more concerned about you
You still hadn't said anything, just letting tears fall down your face
He checked you over, he was silent as well
Pissed at himself for letting his negligence, almost get you killed
The cops showed up, after a kind soul called them
An ambulance got to the scene and checked the pair of you over
While the paramedics looked you over, Dante called Vergil and Nero
The pair made it to the scene in Nico's van
But it wasn't just the two of them, the whole crew came
Kyrie and Lady rushed to your side, Lady shoving the paramedics and cops away from you
Kyrie got you talking, letting you weep onto her shoulder
Dante got a scolding from Vergil and Trish
Something along the lines of, "How could you be so wreckless." And "You knew that was dangerous, Dante."
He wasn't listening tho, he watched you cry into Kyrie's arms, while Lady rubbed your back comfortingly
Once the scene cleared out, it was just you and the crew
Oh! And a confused and angry Morrison
"How the hell.... Dante, you know your paying for this."
Your half-devil finally made his way to you, for once (and during this whole thing) speechless
His head hung, he didn't need Vergil, Trish or Lady to scold him
He was beating himself up over this
You looked up from Kyrie and Lady, throwing yourself into his arms
Crying out "I'm sorry's" and "I should have been more careful's"
He shushed you, burying his face in your shoulder, "Im sorry. I should have been paying more attention."
He silently cried into your neck
After that day, Dante took more care in paying more attention to your driving
Once you got your license though, he still took naps
Or so you thought
The devil man would only be resting
Peeking at you every so often
You stood awkwardly in the archway of your shared bedroom
Vergil giving you a (visibly) shocked look
You wanted him to what?
"Verg? Did you hear me?" You shuffled your feet abit, again
He blinked at you
Dumbfounded, flabbergasted, and down right appalled
"You.. You want me to..."
You looked away, abit ashamed
But to your defense, you could and had always walked everywhere in Red Grave
You really didn't need to drive, unless you went to the beach or somewhere out of town
But.... Vergil didn't know how to drive either, he had spent the last 20 something years in hell
And the last thing he thought he would ever be asked to do or teach was FUCKING DRIVE
He shook his head, not saying anything to you
You bit your lip and looked away from him
You misunderstood his head shaking
Then his face flushed, letting out a grumble
"I dont know how to drive."
And in his defense, he just teleports or opens a portal to where he wants to go
You straightened up, "Wh-what?"
Great, you were back at square one
Vergil gave a small cough, "Why do you need to learn how to drive?"
You looked at your feet, "I just wanted to learn..."
In all honesty, Nero had teased you about being an adult, and not knowing how to drive
It made you feel low
Vergil gave a huff, noticing your hesitation
"Who." He stood up
You looked at him, "Ver-"
"Was it Dante? No... he barely knows how to drive..." his eyes flashed
You grabbed his arm, but it didn't stop him
He slashed open a portal, right into the shop
"Who teased (him/her)." It wasn't a question, a demand for the person who insulted his sweetheart
"Vergil. Please stop..."
Everyone in the shop looked at Nero, who had his headphones in
Vergil let out a growl and pushed you behind him
"Teach them how to drive!" He snarled, slicing the headphones off of his son's head
Nero shot up and got ready to fight back, but stopped when he realized what was happening
"Uh... sure... i-"
"Both of us."
Dante burst onto laughter, realizing what Vergil was getting at
Nero looked at Nico, "uh... can we-"
"Oh hell nah!"
At a loss Nero looked at you and his dad
"Well.... uh... i-"
Vergil scoffed, throwing a few summoned swords at his cackling brother
Then he pulled you close, "Tease them about not knowing how to drive again, and you'll feel my wrath."
He took you back home
After setting you on your feet and giving you a kiss on the forehead, he returned to his reading
"You have me. No need to drive."
And that was the end of that
Nero sat in the van in the driver's seat
You in his lap
You insisted that he sit in the passenger seat
But the part-devil placed you in his lap
Now he was scratching his head
"Nero?" You looked at him with big puppy dog eyes
He looked down at you, "Yeah?"
"Do you know what your do-"
Nero waved his gauntlet clad hand
"Of course, I got this."
He, poorly, started to explain the gears, buttons and switches in front of you
"Aight. So. You got the gear shift, I think it's a stick. And the... uh... windshield wipers. And the lights in front, and the brights..."
'Oof,' you thought, 'I could have just asked Dante... and got just about the same experience.'
You drummed your fingertips on the steering wheel
Finally, tired of your boyfriend droning on, you turned the key and started the van
Nero jumped, then patted you on the head, pointing at the 3 pedals at your guys feet
"Well since your in my lap, I'll work the pedals. Just tell me when to speed up and slow down. Ok?"
You nodded, "Alright! Nice and slow though."
From here, using team work, you and Nero made your way around the block
Slow and steady
Then Nero hit the breaks a bit too hard
You nailing your forehead on the steering wheel
"Shit! Nero!" You leaned back rubbing your sore head
"S-sorry! There was a old lady crossing the street..." he mumbled
Then leaned forward a bit, examining your forehead
He sucked his teeth, "Shiiiiit. That looks bad babe...."
"No shit." You barked
You felt your boyfriend flinch at your tone
After the pain passed you patted him on the arm, that was wrapped around you
"Its ok. Good thing you stopped though." You pointed at the old lady still trying to cross the street
Nero nodded, grunting with agreement
"I... I think thats enough driving for the day."
Nero gave another nod, letting you crawl into the passenger seat
He made way back to the garage/shop
Once parked he looked at you
And you gave him a smile
"Thanks. That was pretty fun!"
Nero gave a small laugh, "I suppose it was, save for you bashing your skull on the wheel."
You huffed, poking out your lip, "Not entirely my fault."
(Yes, I include him, cause some people like him. And personally I like his character as well)
You and V were cuddling in the living room of your apartment
You leaned into his chest, watching tv, as he read from his book and gently running a hand through your hair
"V." You spoke lifting your head
He gave an acknowledging hum, looking to you from his book
"Can you teach me how to drive?"
He looked at you, his mind drawing a blank
As Vergil, he never drove, hell they barely walked
"Love, I've never driven.... Ever." He told you gently
You looked forward at his chest, searching your mind, trying to figure out who you could ask to teach you how to drive
V cocked his head at you, wondering what was going through your mind
You looked up, eyes shining, "we could learn together! There's plenty of books on driving!"
V's eyes lit up as well, your excitement fueling his
"Oh? Where to we begin then?"
You both sat up, you grabbing your phone and V sitting up with you
"Well the DMV would be a good start. They can give us all the info to study."
"There's a written test?" V asked, he knew he could pass that
You nodded, not looking up from your phone"Yes. And there is a driving segment as well."
V froze and looked down at you, but seeing you so excited, he didn't want to ruin your fun
Later you both got everything from the DMV
And at V's insistence, the library as well
You both spent weeks reading and learning
Even convincing Nico to let you practice and take the driving part of the test, using her van
Eventually when it was time for the tests, you both where prepared
You passed them with flying colors
Ignoring the dangerous tips Nico gave you
When it was V's turn, he passed the written exam
But hesitated when it was time to get into the van
He stood at the driver's door, hand on it
You walked to his side, gently putting your hand in his
"V? You can do it. Just don't think too hard about it."
He looked at you to speak, but you cut him off, sealing his lips with a kiss
Happy, he climbed in
You sat alone in the DMV, anxious
He came back with the instructor minutes later, beaming proudly
"You were correct, my dear. I didn't overthink."
He pulled you into a hug, after you both got your licenses
41 notes · View notes
m. osamu | good enough
》 miya osamu x fem!reader
↠ warnings: smut, oral (male receiving), soft sex, mentions of insecurity, slight blood warning
↠ word count: 6,519
↠ a/n: Putting some of my works from Ao3 onto Tumblr so if you see this on Archive don’t be alarmed lmao.  This is one of my personal favorite things I’ve written so I really hope it gets some attention :)
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           “They’d make such a perfect couple.”
           “They’re both in love with volleyball and athletics, how could they not be in love?”
           “He’d be perfect for her.”
           “They’re like a match made in heaven.”
           Osamu almost agreed to every word the people around him spoke.  He listened with a forced smile as they babbled on about how perfect of a couple they’d make.  He wasn’t really a part of the conversation, but they spoke so loudly that he could hear every word.
           He wished he could suddenly go deaf the more and more they babbled on.
           “What about the other one?”
           “You mean his twin?  Oh, no, that’d never work out.”
           “Why not?”
           “Well. . . he just opened that restaurant and that’s just not the type of guy that would be good for her.”
           Osamu clenched his fists.  They must not know he’s here, or at least that he’s able to hear them.  Their families had always gossiped, even when they were three young children barely able to walk.
           Why wasn’t he good enough for you?  What made him any worse than Atsumu?
           He didn’t really want an answer, but he still got one.
           “You know. . . she needs to stay fit for volleyball. Besides, it’ll look better for her career if she’s with another volleyball player.”
           “Osamu is pretty fit.  He used to play volleyball.”
           “I know but he’s just. . . well, with that new restaurant opened it’s only a matter of time before he’ll start gaining weight.  Don’t you know how much that boy eats? He can’t keep all that weight away now that he’s out of volleyball.”
           “I guess that’s true. . .”
           Their words played on repeat in his head over and over every time he found himself in the gym, lifting weights.  He panted, arms trembling a bit as he worked on bench presses.  He was determined, and he refused to let himself gain the weight they said he would.
           Atsumu stared down at his counterpart, one brow raised.  He was spotting for him, but Osamu looked angry and he was paranoid it was his fault.
           “What’s with that look, ‘Samu?” he asked.
           “Nothin’.  I don’t have a look,” snapped Osamu.
           He knew it wasn’t fair to take it out on his brother. Atsumu never made any moves on you, not anything beyond the realm of being best friends.  Atsumu was an idiot, sure, but he knew when his brother was in love with someone.  He never mentioned it to Osamu, but they both knew.  You were off limits to ‘Tsumu, and neither of them were sure if ‘Samu was ever going to gather the courage to make a move on the girl he’d loved since childhood.
           Osamu’s biceps flexed as he pushed the weight up again. Atsumu was quick to recognize the signs of exhaustion.  Osamu had been at it for a while, pushing himself more than he usually did.
           Atsumu grabbed the weight from him and set it on the holder. Osamu’s grey eyes snapped up to him.
           “What the hell, ‘Tsumu?!” he sat up and glared at his twin.
           “One more press and you’d have dropped it on yer head,” Atsumu scoffed, “what the hell is yer problem?”
           Osamu clenched his fists.  He got up and grabbed his towel and water bottle.  To his annoyance, his brother followed him.  He completely disregarded his question and wiped some of the sweat from his face.  He took a glance down at his stomach, then flexed a little to check his arms.
           “Someone call ya fat or somethin’?” Atsumu questioned.
           “Shut up,” Osamu grumbled, “I’m not fat.”
           Atsumu didn’t like how quickly his brother defended himself. He crossed his arms over his chest, watching Osamu move to another machine.  He trailed after his twin and continued pushing.
           “Seriously, tell me what yer problem is—”
           “You’re my problem, Atsumu!” Osamu snapped.
           Instantly, Atsumu stopped pressing it.  They hardly ever called each other by their actual names unless it was something serious.  Clearly, his brother was really, genuinely upset.
           “Me?  What the hell did I do?”
           “Yer just so friggin’ perfect!  Mister fuckin’ perfect over here can get any girl he wants! What the hell to you got that I don’t?! We look exactly the same!  I exercise!  I ain’t fat and I don’t overeat jus’ cause I opened my own goddamn restaurant!  Why the hell am I the ‘other twin’?!  Why is it Atsumu an’ the other one?  Why ain’t it just Atsumu and Osamu?!  What the hell do I got that makes me inferior to ya?!”
           Osamu panted as he finished his rant, grey eyes glaring daggers into his shocked blond counterpart.  Atsumu didn’t know what to say.  Had people really been convincing his brother that he wasn’t good enough? That Atsumu was the better twin?
           Atsumu made plenty of jokes about being better, but he never actually believed them.  To him, Osamu was the better of the two.  Osamu knew it too.  He knew that if Atsumu had actually heard what people said, then he’d be the first one to stand up for him.  Atsumu would beat the hell outta someone talking shit about his twin brother, and Osamu knew it.
           And he still snapped it him. . .
           “Who told ya all that shit?” Atsumu muttered.
           “Doesn’t fuckin’ matter,” Osamu got up, shoving past his brother and heading to the locker room.  He could barely stand the sight of Atsumu.
           “You know that shit isn’t true!” Atsumu grabbed the back of Osamu’s black t-shirt.
           Osamu instantly recoiled.  He shoved Atsumu off him with as much strength as he could muster up, which, frankly, was a lot.  He glared at his twin and adjusted his shirt.  Atsumu glared back with the same amount of anger and his fists clenched.
           “Guys?  What happened?”
           Both boys whirled around to face you.  You stood not far from them, dressed in shorts and a tank top. Osamu couldn’t help but stare.  No matter how many times he saw you, even after all these years, you were still so beautiful to him.
           “’Samu’s being a fuckin’ prick is what happened,” Atsumu scoffed. “Said somethin’ about—”
           Osamu has never punched his brother so hard in his life. It was an impulse move, a bad one.  It wasn’t even the type of thing Atsumu would do, which made the dark-haired twin feel absolutely ashamed.
           He flicked his wrist, heaving as he stared at Atsumu who was on the ground covering his face.  You were kneeled beside him, panicking.  Other people in the gym noticed the commotion and came running over. Osamu clenched his fists, then stormed to the locker room without glancing back.
           He felt like the scum of the earth.
           He’d never changed so fast in his life.  He didn’t even bother to shower.  Osamu just grabbed his things and left.  He fumbled with his keys, grumbling under his breath.  He unlocked the door and pulled it open.
           Only for a hand to slam it closed.
           Osamu looked at you, who stood beside him looking furious. He gulped a little.
           “What the hell was that, Osamu!?”
           Uh oh.  No nickname. He really was in trouble, and he deserved it, he knows he does.  You didn’t wait for an answer before you were continuing.  He just watched you pace.
           “You almost broke ‘Tsumu’s nose!  What the hell was your fight about that you punched him out of the blue like that and in public!  You and him have an image to uphold, ‘Samu!  Not only that, but you’ve been acting so weird lately!  It’s like you’re distancing yourself!  You’re always at the gym working out, you barely eat anymore, and now you’re beating Atsumu up in the middle of a gym!  And I don’t want any excuses!  I want the truth, Osamu!  Did something happen when we went back to Hyogo last week to see our families?  Don’t lie to me!”
           You were breathless when you finished talking, and staring up at his face with narrowed eyes.
           You knew the Miya twins better than anyone.  You’d been with them since the three of you were kids. You were their next door neighbor, and when your mother and theirs had become friends, so did you and the two boys.
           You were by their side through it all.  From the day they fell in love with volleyball (thus dragging you into it), to when you three attended Inarizaki, up to now with you and Atsumu being pro volleyball players and Osamu owning his own restaurant.  
           You were so proud of them both, and it was obvious that Osamu wasn’t proud of himself.
           Now that you called him out on all his bullshit, Osamu was completely embarrassed.  Luckily for him, he was really good at hiding his embarrassment.  Still, he felt stupid.  He didn’t think you’d notice.  You were busy with volleyball, just like Atsumu, so he never expected you to see that part of him.
           “You noticed all that?” he asked, gulping.
           “Of course I did, you idiot!” you smacked him on the side of the head.
           Osamu rubbed the side of his head, sighing.  He leaned back against his car and crossed his arms over his chest.  You stared at him, waiting for an answer.  He had to hold himself back from laughing, both at himself and you.
           You were probably the only person who had the guts to yell at him and his brother.  It’s not like girls commonly yelled at two 6’3 and very muscular guys.
           “I just. . .” Osamu sighed. “Well. . . yer mom said some things.”
           “My mom?  What the hell did she say?”
           Osamu felt stupider with every word he said.  He was walking a fine line.  He was on a tightrope of whether or not to confess his long-time feelings for you.  It would be easier to lie and say your mom thought volleyball was better than the food business.  Besides, you’d see right through it.  He’s not a good liar, he knows it, and he especially can’t lie to you when all you’d asked for was his honesty.
           Osamu averted his eyes.  He rubbed the back of his neck.
           “Well, uh, she said I wasn’t good enough for ya.  She said you and ‘Tsumu would be better because ya both play volleyball,” he confessed.
           It pissed him off just to say it out loud.  It made that insecurity bubble up again in his chest.
           “’Tsumu and I would be. . . better?  For what?”
           Osamu sometimes hated how clueless you could be.
           “She’s been wantin’ you and him to get together fer a long time, (Y/n),” he sighed, “she doesn’t want a guy like me steppin’ between you and my brother getting in a relationship.”
           Before he knew it, he was babbling.
           “Can’t even blame her.  Who’d want to date a guy like me?  Yer a volleyball player, yer athletic, ya need to stay healthy.  I’m not even playin’ sports anymore.  All I do is cook food and stuff my mouth full. I just. . . I didn’t wanna get fat like she said.  I didn’t wanna embarrass ya just in case I—”
           He stopped and shut his mouth.  You stepped forward, placing your hand on his arm.
           “. . . in case you what, ‘Samu?”
           Osamu turned to look at you.  You were close to him now, looking like the prettiest damn thing he’s ever laid eyes on.  You have always been so pretty to him and he’s so in love with every aspect of you that it hurts.
           He mustered up his courage and swallowed the lump of nervousness that’d built up in his throat.  He reached up to cup your cheek.
           “In case I ever got the courage to tell ya I’m in love with ya. . .” he muttered.
           Osamu loved the way your breath hitched.  He wanted to kiss you, he wanted to pull you against his body and taste you.  He wanted to do all the things he’d been afraid of doing, the things he was still afraid of doing.
           “’Samu, I-“
           “HEY DIPSHIT!”
           Osamu lurched his whole body away from yours.  He looked up to see his twin brother running at him. He choked on air, turning to dodge but ‘Tsumu was faster.  His foot collided with the back of his head and sent Osamu down to the ground.  He groaned loudly, gripping his head.
           “That’s fer bein’ a fuckin’ asshole and almost breaking my nose!” Atsumu kicked him in the rib, and for once, Osamu took it because he knew he deserved it. “Next time I’ll break YOUR nose, ya fat prick!”
           “I am not fat!” Osamu snapped, glaring at Atsumu.
           No kidding about his nose.  It was bruised and he had two bloody wads of paper stuffed up in his nostrils.  His eyes were red and he was obviously in pain.  Osamu felt extremely guilty.  Atsumu gave him another solid kick to the ribs, before stubbornly holding out his hand for his twin.  He hesitantly accepted and let the blond pull him to his feet.
           You watched them, tiredly rubbing your temple.  It’s hard to believe that these two are actual adults.
           “Are you two done making each other ugly?” you asked, rubbing your temple.
           Atsumu scoffed.  He threw an arm around your neck and ruffled your hair.  You whined, punching his stomach to force him to let go.
           “Knock it off, ‘Tsumu!”
           “Not until a admit we’re not ugly.”
           “Admit it, brat!”
           Osamu ran a hand through his tangled, dark hair.  He watched you and Atsumu, jealousy tugging at him to the core.  Like he always did, he put on a fake smile and leaned on his car.
           “I should go,” he said.
           You and Atsumu turned to him.
           “Wait, ‘Samu—”
           “Don’t worry ‘bout it.  I’ll see ya later, (Y/n).  And uh. . . ‘Tsumu,” he rubbed the back of his neck, “I’m sorry.”
           Osamu didn’t wait for an answer before he got into his car and left.  You and Atsumu watched him go.  The blond released you with a long, annoyed sigh.  He ran a hand through his hair.
           “What’a scrub.  I can’t believe he thinks he’s not good enough. . .” he muttered.
           You looked down at your feet, fists clenched at your sides. Osamu looked sad, distant.  He looked like he wasn’t content with his life and now you knew why.  He felt like he was inferior to his twin.  You felt like you should have recognized it, but you always loved him for just being. . . Osamu.  You didn’t compare him to Atsumu, not ever.  To you they were separate.  They weren’t just the twins.  They were Atsumu and Osamu, separate.  Because of your own view on them, you didn’t even recognize Osamu’s insecurity.
           You wondered how long it’d been there.
           “Atsumu. . . he. . . Osamu said he loves me,” you muttered to your best friend, “and I love him back but he doesn’t think he’s good enough for me.”
           “Wait, he finally told ya?”
           You looked up at him. “W-What do you mean ‘finally’?  How long has he felt like that?”
           Like a vice, Atsumu zipped his trap.  He raised his hand in mock surrender and turned away to make his way back to the gym.  You went after him.  You grabbed the back of his t-shirt and tugged.
           “’Tsumu, tell me!”
           “Just go ask ‘im yerself!” he protested, dragging you along as he continued walking.
           “What if he won’t answer me!?”
           Atsumu stopped.  He turned around and looked you dead in the eyes.
           “He will.  He won’t lie to you.”
           Osamu sighed as he entered his apartment.  It was down the block from his restaurant and honestly, he was wishing he went there instead.  It felt more like home sometimes.  He tossed his keys lazily on the coffee table, then kicked off his shoes and made his way to the bathroom for a shower.
           He couldn’t believe he actually told you he loved you then left you there with the guy who’d been his competition for his whole life. What if you liked ‘Tsumu?  What if you were like your mom and you thought the same way?
           He grumbled, standing beneath the hot water of the shower as his thoughts ran rampant.  He felt like a lovesick idiot.  He was a grown ass adult and here he was acting like a lovesick teenager.
           Osamu got out of the shower and got dressed.  He didn’t even bother to dry his hair.  He just glanced at it in the mirror, remembering back to a time when he used to dye it grey.  Now it’d grown out to it’s natural dark brown color.
           With a sigh, he headed to the kitchen to get started on his dinner.  He’d barely pulled out the ingredients before he heard loud knocking at the door.
           “I swear, if it’s Tsumu. . .” he grumbled, wiping his hands on his pants, before going to answer.
           He was not expecting to see you standing on the other side of the door when he opened it.  You jumped forward, practically leaping onto him and wrapping your arms around his neck.  He quickly caught you in his arms, stumbling back a little.
           “W-What the hell are ya doin’ here?” he sputtered.
           You clung onto him like a koala, legs wrapping around his waist while your hands clung onto the back of his Onigiri Miya t-shirt.  He kicked the door shut and brought you to his couch.  You didn’t let go of him until he sat down with you planted right on his lap.
           Your arms released him in favor of cupping both his chubby, red cheeks.  He stared at you with confused grey eyes.
           “How long?” you asked.
           His face went blank. “Huh?”
           “How long have you been in love with me?  ‘Tsumu said you ‘finally confessed’ like you’ve known for a while.” you explained.
           Osamu decided that the next time he saw his twin, he really was going to break his nose.  That damn bastard can never keep his mouth shut. . . He cleared his throat and awkwardly averted his gaze.
           “Ya seriously came all the way to my place to ask me how long I’ve been in love with ya?”
           “Well. . . yes. . .”
           He sighed and chuckled a little. “Wow.”
           “Shut up and tell me.”
           Osamu knew there was no getting out of this one.  He laid his arms over the back of the couch and looked at you.  You looked. . . hopeful?  Excited? He wasn’t even sure what emotion could be used to describe the expression on your face.
           “Probably since middle school,” he confessed.
           He sounded a lot more relaxed than he really felt.  Finally saying it out loud made his heart hammer in his ears, but it also lifted a weight off his shoulders that he didn’t even realize was there.  He didn’t realize the impact of hiding his feelings for all these years and regretted not saying something sooner.
           “M-Middle school?” your eyes were wide. “’Samu, why didn’t you—”
           “Say something?” he sighed. “Because you and ‘Tsumu would have made a better couple.”
           Your eyes widened even more.  Osamu ran a hand through his hair.
           “Ya guys both love volleyball way more than me.  Plus yer both just. . . well, fuckin’ perfect.  I never fit in that equation so I kept my trap shut.”
           Osamu winced when your hands slapped both of his cheeks. He grabbed your wrists lightly.
           “Hey, would ya quit slappin’ me?”
           “No, because you’re an idiot!” you snapped.
           “. . . huh. . .?”
           “You’re perfect, Osamu!  You’re amazing and you’re perfect to me!” you stared him dead in the eyes as you ranted. “You’re not inferior to Atsumu.  Just because you didn’t stick with volleyball doesn’t make you less than us! You love making food, you love it! We would never blame you for doing what you love to do!”
           Osamu was stunned, watching tears pool in your eyes as you continued.  Your arms went slack in his hands where he was holding your wrists.  You hunched forward, laying your head on his chest.
           “I’m in love with you too, ‘Samu.  You’re amazing in every way and you’re so handsome. . . I love you—I’ve loved you for years. . .”
           You fell a silent, letting your words hang in the air for him to process.  He could barely breathe.  His heart was hammering and he felt like he was floating.  You. . . love him?  You’ve been in love with him for years?
           Osamu let go of your wrists and grabbed your jaw, making you look at him.  He was acting entirely on impulse as he leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours. You were stunned for a moment, before returning the kiss.  His lips were warm and made your head spin as they moved against yours with a passion.
           One arm wrapped around his neck to bring him closer against you.  He caught your other hand with his and entwined your fingers.  His hand was big in yours and you were reminded how much bigger and stronger Osamu was, and yet he still managed to be the softest person you knew.
           His tongue swept across your bottom lip, begging for entrance. He wanted to taste all of you.  He didn’t want this to end.
           You parted your lips.  His hand squeezed yours as your tongues danced in a fight for dominance. Naturally, he won, and took his prize by pulling you closer against him.  You could feel his growing bulge press against your crotch.  A small moan left your lips.  You grinded against him, throwing your head back and exposing your neck to his hungry eyes.  Instantly, he was on you, lips attacking the soft skin of your neck.  He was soft with each kiss he placed on your flesh.  He didn’t leave any marks, no matter how much he wanted to.
           “S-Samu,” you moaned, tangling your fingers in his dark hair and tugging lightly.
           He’d be lying if he said he never imagined hearing you moan his name.  Hearing it now sent his heart soaring.
           Osamu grabbed you, holding you under your thighs as he stood up and began making his way to his bedroom.  You clung to his broad shoulders, peppering kisses along his neck as he walked.
           He laid you back on his bed.  You reached to him to pull him back to you.  He slipped off his shirt, before joining you in bed.  You let your hands trail down his chest and stomach.  He was muscular, built from years of volleyball and now from constant exercise. You loved the way he looked, but you felt bad that he’d been pushing himself so far just because he was worried he wasn’t good enough for you. . .
           The pads of your fingers brushed over the dark patch of hair that trailed into his pants.  Your cheeks instantly flushed and you pulled your hand back like he’d burned you.
           Osamu just chuckled a little.  He crawled over you, pressing his lips against yours and holding his weight up on his arms.  You held his cheeks, savoring the taste of him while he all but stole the air from your lungs.
           His lips parted from yours and began peppering kisses down your neck.  You tangled your fingers in his dark hair.  It’s so soft compared to the dyed version back in high school.  He left soft kisses over your clothes chest all the way down to your waist where his hands slipped beneath the fabric of your shirt. You lifted your back off the bed as he began slipping it off your body.
           It’s funny. . . you can’t remember the last time you were embarrassed in front of Osamu.  But now, with him staring down at your body, you could feel embarrassment seeping in. It’s hard to believe someone as attractive as him, best friend or not, would ever be in love with you.  He didn’t even know how amazing he was.
           “Fuck. . .” he muttered, running his hands over your sides. “Yer so damn pretty.”
           You sat up, pressing your lips to his.  You didn’t let the embarrassment set in, and before you knew it, you were pulling off your bra.  Osamu watched your breasts spill from the undergarment, his eyes shining.
           He felt like a virgin all over again when his hands snapped up to cup them.  You were on another level, so perfect and pretty and all for him.  A possessive side he didn’t know he had kicked in and he imagined being the last man on earth to see this.  He wanted to be with you forever.
           Osamu groaned when he felt your hand brush over his bulge.  He was grateful when you unzipped his pants.  He helped you shimmy them off his long legs, kicking them aside somewhere with the rest of your clothing.  He wasn’t satisfied.  He wanted you naked.  He wanted to see all of you.  He wanted it all and for once he was content with being greedy like his brother.
           His hands fervently tugged the shorts off your legs and threw them aside with more strength than he intended.  He ran his hands along your soft legs, admiring them. He had plenty of chances to admire them when you were in shorts on the court, and he couldn’t help but get a little possessive.
           “Osamu,” you murmured, snapping him from his daze.
           You held his jaw and turned his head toward you.  It felt like a dream when your lips were against his again.  He savored the way your hands ran over his chest.  You pushed him down on his back and shifted yourself so you were straddling him.
           His big hands naturally found themselves on your hips. He gulped, watching you pepper kisses down his chest and abs.  You looked anxious as your fingers delicately hooked on the waistband of his boxers. He lifted his hips off the bed as you tugged them off his legs.  He squeezed your lips and let out a small sigh of relief, no longer feeling constricted.
           Still, he was embarrassed to have you seeing him so exposed.
           You cautiously wrapped your hand around the base of his cock. His fingers dug into your skin as you pumped his length.  He couldn’t help but smirk a little because he could tell you were nervous.  At least he wasn’t self-conscious about that department.
           “(Y/n),” he spoke. “Don’t feel pressured.”
           You could practically melt at the sound of his voice in that moment.  It was deepy, raspy.  It was beautiful, just like everything about him.  You wanted to do this.  You wanted to prove that he was good enough for you.  Too good for you, even.
           Instead of answering, you leaned down.  You peppered soft kisses along his shaft.  His breath hitched.  He watched your lips wrap around his tip.  You bobbed your head slowly, savoring the taste and weight of him in your mouth.  Osamu groaned with each pump, throwing his head back into the pillows.  Even so, he couldn’t tear his eyes away.  You were so goddamn pretty.  So fucking perfect and he was on top of the world.
           And, for the first time in almost his whole life, he felt worthy.
           You were so soft.  Everything about you was soft.  Your lips, your words, your skin, your mind.  He wanted to take it all for himself and never share it with anyone. He wanted to be the last guy in your life because he wanted you with him forever.
           He sucked in a breath as he watched you go down on him. Just watching you made it difficult for him to hold himself back.  He would come too soon if you kept on, and that was the last thing he wanted.
           Osamu sat up, wrapping an arm around you and tugging you off him.  You looked at him with flushed cheeks.  He swiped his thumb over your bottom lip, brushing away the saliva.  You were breathtaking, even now, and Osamu Miya was so entirely in love.
           He pushed you back on the bed, resisting the urge to kiss you so he could pull off your last article of clothing.  Even such a small piece made all the difference to him.  He couldn’t believe this was you.  This was the same girl he’d known since his childhood.  The same one who used to bathe with him and Atsumu when they were almost too young to remember.
           “Fuck,” he breathed, “yer the prettiest goddamn thing.”
           Warmth swelled in your chest.  You couldn’t resist reaching up to wrap your arms around him.  Your lips were against his in a haste, moving and tongues entwining.  His hands roamed the expanse of your thighs, pushing them apart enough for his hips to fit between them.
           He brushed his hand over your folds, swiping a finger through them to gather up your fluid.  You moaned into his open mouth, and he drank it in like you were the last drop of water in a desert.  The sounds you made were equally as pretty as you are.  He slipped a finger into you, pumping slowly.  Your back arched off the bed from the minor stretch. You threw your head back and bit your swollen bottom lip.
           “’Samu,” you moaned.
           Fuck, if he wasn’t in love with the sound of his name on your lips.
           “Say my name,” he mumbled, leaning down to press kisses into your jawline, “say it.”
           He needed to hear it.  He wanted to hear it.  If he had a choice, he’d want you to be the only person who ever got to say his name from this moment forward.
           “Osamu, please,” you begged. “I need you.”
           He pulled his hand away.  You breathed heavily, chest heaving as his hips fit easily between your open thighs.  He fit perfectly, like a puzzle piece you always needed.  He lined the tip of his cock with your soaked entrance, gathering up your essence, before beginning to press in.
           You back arched off the bed as he stretched you. He groaned deeply, lips crashing onto yours while his hands shot down to hold onto yours.  He pressed them into the mattress at either side of your head, fingers entwining with yours and you’ve never felt so safe.  Osamu was the definition of safe, you had no doubt.
           You kissed him sloppily as his hips finally pressed against yours and he was fully inside you.  He was warm, big.  He felt so perfect.  To him, you were perfect. You took him so well and he could feel the way his chest swelled with pride.
           “Osamu, more,” you begged, squeezing his hands.
           He pulled his hips back, before bringing them back to yours.  Every thrust was slow, but hard.  He loved the way you sang his name.  Normally, he was quiet during sex but for you he supposed he could sing a little.  It was hard not to.
           “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he groaned, “yer so fucking perfect.  I’m so in love with ya.  I want more, I want all of ya.”
           “Y-Yours, ‘Samu!  I’m yours!” you cried for him, clinging onto his every move.
           He wanted to kiss you so bad but he wanted to hear your sounds more.  He wanted to keep admiring the beautiful faces you made for him as you moaned his name and let him fuck you like a man driven wild by love.
           “Yer my pretty girl—fuck—I’m so fuckin’ lucky. How’d I get so goddamn lucky?” he panted.
           One of his hands released yours and moved to hold your jaw.  The temptation became too much.  His lips were pressed into yours while his hips snapped into yours.  He kept the same pace, wanting to drag this moment out for as long as possible because part of him was terrified it would never happen again.  Part of him still wasn’t sure if this was a dream or reality.
           He’d savor it no matter what.
           Osamu groaned at the feeling of your nails scraping down his back.  His hips snapped forward harshly, resulting in a squeak from you that he quickly swallowed as he pulled you into another kiss.  His other hand released yours to move down between your legs and rub your clit. You were screaming for him, begging for more and he wasn’t the type of man to ignore what you want.
           He picked up his pace, breathing heavily. You were close, he could feel it with the way your walls squeezed around his cock.  He was close too.
           “Shit, shit, shit!” he panted.
           “Fuck!  ‘Samu, I’m so close!” your fingers tangled in his hair, tugging rather harshly that resulted in another harsh snap of his hips.
           “Come on, fucking let go for me, baby girl,” he groaned.
           Your whole body trembled when he brought you over the edge.  He hissed a little, continuing to snap his hips at a faster pace than before.  He was chasing his own high as you screamed in euphoria for Osamu.
           The arms holding up his weight flexed and wobbled as he finally reached his high.  Your legs were tight around his hips, not letting him slip out as he came.  He breathed heavily, giving slow thrusts as he came down. You whimpered a little with oversensitivity.  He stopped, now just staring down at your face.
           You and him just stared at one another, breathing heavily.  A droplet of sweat slid down the bridge of his nose and dropped down onto your collarbone. You reached up, arms wobbly, and pushed his dark hair from his face.  You could feel his own arms wobbling as he struggled to hold up his weight.  He was exhausted, both from the gym and from this.
           “It’s okay, ‘Samu,” you murmured.
           He let out a long breath, before falling on top of you.  You giggled a little despite his weight crushing you a bit.  He rolled over before he could suffocate you.  You rolled over, resting your head on his bicep as his fingers played with your hair.  You ran your hands over his chest, still breathless but this time it was because of how totally in love with Osamu Miya you are.
           “I love you,” he spoke first.
           You smiled, looking at his face. “I love you too.”
           A soft silence settled in the room.  You shut your eyes, cuddling up against Osamu’s side.  No official question was asked, even though it was itching at the tip of his tongue, but you both knew who you belonged to.  He took pride in being yours, but had even more pride in the fact that you were his.
           “Are ya hungry?” he blurted suddenly, feeling a weird need to make sure you were fed and hydrated.
           You yawned a little. “Yeah, I’m pretty hungry and your cooking is always the best, Samu.”
           He chuckled a little.  He reluctantly dragged himself out of bed and made his way to the bathroom.  He came back with a washcloth and got you and himself cleaned up.  He lazily tossed it aside into the far corner of his room. You grumbled and got out of his bed. With wobbly legs, you slipped on your panties along with the Onigiri Miya shirt he’d been wearing earlier.  He threw on some sweats and a different t-shirt.
           Once dressed, the two of you walked to the kitchen hand-in-hand.
           “Hey.  Have fun?”
           You and Osamu froze in the doorway, staring at the obnoxious blond twink who was sitting on Osamu’s counter eating his cereal straight from the box.  Atsumu’s eyes narrowed.  He had bandages over his nose now and honestly looked like a whole mess.  His blond hair stuck up in every direction and he didn’t even bother to change out of his bloodied t-shirt from earlier.
           Osamu’s brow twitched.  Embarrassment and anger flowed through him.  He wanted nothing more than to punch Atsumu’s lights out but he’d already done that earlier so he decided against it—
           “I expected to come over and find ya guys wholesomely cooking food together,” Atsumu huffed. “Naturally, I had to come steal some but instead I hear ya dipshits goin’ at it like rabbits and now I have’ta eat ceral for dinner.”
           “WHY DON’T YOU EAT YER OWN DAMN FOOD, ‘TSUMU!?” Osamu threw the nearest object at his brother, which happened to be a magnet from the fridge.
           “Because ya owe me for breakin’ my fucking nose!”
           “Can I not have some fuckin’ privacy!?” Osamu hissed.
           You sighed, rubbing your temple tiredly.  You walked to Osamu’s fridge and dug through for something simple to make some food while the twins continued arguing. Eventually Osamu got Atsumu out of the kitchen by bribing him with a clean, non-bloodied shirt.  Now a shirtless Osamu was making you and him sandwiches.
           You leaned your front against his broad back, wrapping your arms around his middle and watching him make the sandwiches.
           Atsumu peeked his head around the doorway, eyes narrowing a little.
           “Ya dumbasses are finally official, right?” he asked.
           Osamu’s brow twitched.  You grabbed his hand to keep him from throwing the butter knife at his brother.
           “Yeah, we are,” you answered.
           “Fuckin’ about time.  I was getting real sick of watchin’ ya fawn over each other for years,” he waved his hand then left the apartment.
           You and Osamu stood there in silent embarrassment for a few minutes.  Atsumu’s words sank in.
           “This whole time. . .” you trailed off.
           “He knew it the whole time and didn’t say a word. . .” Osamu let out a long sigh. “I hate him.”
           You laughed.  You and Osamu sat at the dining table.  He tugged you onto his lap while the two of you happily enjoyed your sandwiches. He was content, more content than he’d ever been in his whole life.  He kept an arm wrapped loosely around your waist just to keep himself grounded because this wasn’t a dream.
           This wasn’t a dream.  You were here.  You were with him, his girlfriend, and you were just as in love with him as he was with you.  He was good enough all along and he felt stupid for never seeing it.
           . . .
           “What will yer mom say when she finds out?” he asked.
           “She can suck my dick,” you huffed, “I love you and that won’t change.”
           “Hm. . . Well, ya know, my mom will be happy that yer finally dating one of us.  She’s been begging us to marry ya since middle school.”
           “Seriously?” you turned to him with a stunned expression. “What did you say?”
           Even more surprising was the fact that Osamu was grinning.  He propped his elbow up on the table and rested his chin in his open palm.  He stared at you with all the love in the world.
           “I told ‘er I was gonna be the one to marry ya.”
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