#His older version is just the result of not enough people telling him No
baconcolacan · 1 year
Okay but how would small RTord react if he woke up in older RTords body. How would he react, to his army, to his soldiers, to his friends (that he doesnt see no longer) Tom imprisoned, strapped down and all that. He seemed a bit more..decent back then
Aaaahhh, you want to know how he was like before he escalated.
Mmm, well, since we’re talking about a kid who thinks what he’s doing is all harmless fun, and hasnt been desensitized to more harmful things yet (that he actively justified as he pushed the boundaries even more), I would say….horrified, maybe.
This kind of thing doesn’t seem all that fun, and Tom is clearly really hurt, sure he used to get into little scraps with him, but it was nothing a quick bandage couldn’t fix.
This….isnt fun anymore.
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genshinarchives · 2 years
I really enjoy those meeting their future child headcanons you did with Xiao, Chongyun, and Thoma. Could you please write a part 2 with Heizou, Gorou, and Cyno?
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Gorou, Shikanoin Heizou, Cyno / female reader.
Synopsis: He meets his future child(ren).
Xiao, Chongyun & Thoma ver.
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Gorou is in the middle of training his soldiers when he suddenly feels five pairs of small arms wrap around his legs from behind. He yelps, surprised that he didn’t sense the additional presences sneaking up on him; he didn’t even hear them approaching! Are they ninjas? When he looks down, he’s even more surprised to find... miniature versions of his siblings and himself latched onto his legs.
“I finally found him! This is him!” the oldest-looking one exclaims, beaming up at Gorou with a smile that reminds the latter of you. The other children’s excited reactions only puzzle him; is he supposed to know them...? By now, the soldiers have abandoned their training to crowd around their general and the young hybrids, whilst cooing over how adorable they are and how alike they look to Gorou.
Embarrassed, Gorou would usher his subordinates away by assigning every soldier present guard or patrol duty. Once he’s alone with the children who had seemingly appeared out of nowhere, he would ask them where their parents are. Shock would be written all over his face when all five shiba inu hybrids point at him with their little bushy tails wagging, prompting him to point at himself as well as his ears stood upright. “M-me? You all must be mistaken! I don’t remember being the father of five pups!”
“But you are our tou-chan in the future!” the youngest-looking pup cheers as she climbs up to his shoulder, “Where’s kaa-chan? Is she healing people?” Even if Gorou isn’t exactly the brightest when it comes to matters outside of the battlefield, it doesn’t take him long to figure out that she’s referring to a certain military physician - you. The moment he connects the dots, his face would light up as his tail swishes energetically behind him.
The ridiculous idea of his children travelling to the past to meet their parents’ younger selves is buried under the thought of being your husband in the future. You and Gorou are already dating each other, so it’s only a matter of finding the right time to finally settle down with you as a civilian. He would ask them questions about what their life is like as a big family, and if his and your older selves are planning to have more children - because just five is not enough for him.
With a beam, Gorou would then scoop his future children into his arms as they all laugh at his obvious enthusiasm, before rushing off to find you. He has decided that you have to meet them and see that they’re as cute as you! “Don’t worry. It’s only five of you right now, but soon, you’ll get more siblings! I just have to convince your mother-”
Heizou raises an eyebrow when he comes across a young girl who doesn’t look like a resident of Watatsumi during one of his sight-seeing trips to the island. Stopping in his tracks, he slightly tilts his head to one side as he observes her closely. He’s not exactly sure why yet, but his intuition is telling him that interacting with her will yield interesting results.
With an amiable curve of his lips, he would approach the girl in question and call out to her whilst waving to draw her attention. The moment she turns her head, his eyebrows shot up as he finally gets a good look at her. She... has a strong resemblance to him. It could just be a coincidence and while he’d like to believe so, his intuition is telling him that she’s not just any other person he’d happen upon in his day-to-day life.
“Are you done staring and making deductions in your head?” she inquires, pulling him out of his thoughts. She spoke to him with a tone of familiarity, and this would prompt Heizou to ask her if they’re supposed to know each other. The young girl simply rolls her eyes before answering that she knows him because she’s his daughter, Shikanoin Maeko, from the future.
“Alright, I believe you,” he interrupts with a forced chuckle, “If I’m your father... then who’s your mother?” Maeko doesn’t hesitate in saying your name, and Heizou’s eyes widen as his jaw goes slack. He didn’t expect you, Kujou Sara’s most trusted aide, to be the woman he’ll marry in the future. It’s certainly a surprise, but it’s not an unpleasant one. Imagining Sara’s expression upon receiving the news of your engagement to him elicits stifled laughter from him; it must truly be a sight to witness in the future.
Unsurprisingly, Maeko’s response doesn’t throw him off. The detective has heard every excuse and story during his investigations, and as someone who seeks the truth, he’s willing to believe a claim as long as credible evidence is provided with it. “You say you’re my future daughter? Then tell me something only my family would know,” he says, grinning. That grin is soon wiped off his face when Maeko starts telling him about the thief he befriended as a child, who kept thinking of him until his dying breath. That... was something only he was privy to, and he assumed that his older self must have divulged his past to her for a good reason.
Heizou is aware that asking his daughter about the details of his proposal to you would ruin the surprises fate has in store for him - but he can’t help being curious. “So... how did I-” “I’m not telling you how your future self proposed to okaa-san. Solve that mystery yourself, Tenryou detective.” “... You may have my looks, but you have your mother’s personality.”
Cyno and Dehya are bewildered to see Candace walking into Aaru Village with a young boy. Cyno looks her straight in the eye for an explanation, and with a hesitant smile, she divulges what the boy had told her. “He says that he’s from the future, and that he’s come to see his parents,” she utters, earning incredulous looks from her friends.
Cyno, ever the straightforward man who wants to get things done right away, would approach the quivering boy who’s been hugging Candace’s leg. “Who are your parents?” asks Cyno. The boy doesn’t respond (most likely out of fear, he notes), and when he’s about to rephrase his question, Dehya comes up behind him and hits the back of his head. He frowns at her, clearly displeased.
“That’s not how you speak to children,” she claims before crouching down to the child’s level with a smile, “Hey there, I’m Dehya. What’s your name, and do you know the names of your parents?” Behind her, Cyno folds his arms over his chest as he drank in the boy’s familiar appearance from head to toe. White hair, (e/c) eyes, and a tanned complexion...
The boy seems to relax at Dehya’s friendliness and introduces himself as Zafir. He then eyes Cyno timidly, making the latter arch an eyebrow, before lowering his gaze to his feet as he says, “Papa’s name is Cyno... and mama’s name is (y/n).” Cyno, Candance and Dehya blink at Zafir’s answer, and there is a moment of silence as the women slowly turn their heads to the bewildered General Mahamatra, who is too stunned to speak for once.
He didn’t know how to react to Zafir claiming him as his father and you, Cyno’s close friend, as his mother. You’re a dancer who’s part of Nilou’s troupe, and he’s a matra who enforces the Akademiya’s academic integrity; although Cyno does nurture romantic feelings for you in secret, having a place in your future seemed only possible in his imagination. Not to mention, time travel? Despite his doubts, he could tell that his “son” is stating the truth - that he came from the future in which Cyno is married to you. Zafir’s eyes, which remind Cyno of your own, also testifies to the boy’s claims.
After getting over his initial shock, he would crouch down to Zafir’s level and say, “I see. It seems that I have other things to protect with my life.” A gentle pat on the head and a small smile from Cyno are all that Zafir needs to be reassured that the man in front of him is the same father who would fiercely protect his wife and son from harm.
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bairdthereader · 4 months
Time to pay homage to the Spring Queen, Tori.
[This is a long one, folks. I have lots of feelings. Sorry, not sorry! TLDR can just look at the gifs for the gist of the story.]
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Having read Solitaire, This Winter, and Nick and Charlie in addition to Heartstopper, my thoughts on Tori and how she's portrayed in the show are a bit difficult to organize and express. Since we don't get her backstory in the show (yet), we see her exclusively engaging with Charlie's story; this leaves out a lot of her depth and complexity, or at least leaves it to the viewer to piece together. BUT . . .
The specific ways she goes about protecting Charlie say so much about her.
It's established from their first on-screen interaction that Charlie feels safe with Tori, both to be himself and to confide in her that he's ended his pseudo relationship with Ben, a relationship no one else knows about at this point. Tori automatically assumes the fault was with Ben, which is not only peak awesome older sister behavior, but a cue to Charlie that she knows him well enough to trust that he was not only not the offending party, but that the breakup was a very positive move for him. She's affirming and bolstering Charlie without any platitudes or unsolicited advice, a sign of her care and respect for him, as well as her understanding of him and his needs.
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In Solitaire, Tori explains that she rides the bus with Charlie when he's dealing with particularly bad mental health struggles, which puts the scene toward the end of S1E7 in a slightly different perspective. She knows that something is deeply wrong, but also that Charlie isn't ready to talk about it. She keeps an earbud out just in case, but doesn't pressure him in any way, another sign of respect and silent support.
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And of course the moment when Charlie is desperately vulnerable, scared, admitting his darkest thoughts to her, when she realizes for the first time (in the show timeline) just how deep the pain goes, she takes it seriously. She knows what it could mean. Though we as viewers haven't seen it yet, Tori knows her own version of this particular darkness and recognizes it in Charlie. She grounds him with firm, safe, physical touch and a truth that only she can give--which makes it the truest kind of truth, a bedrock truth for Charlie to stand on--that he is valuable to her and vital to her life.
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After Charlie tells his parents about his relationship with Nick (with fairly negative results, but that's a whole other post), Tori's concern for Charlie is immediate. Not only does she remember how terrible the bullying Charlie experienced was, but she also knows how fragile his newfound happiness really is. Charlie misinterprets her question--whether intentionally or not I think might be up for debate--and assumes that her concern is mainly for Nick, asserting that he can protect Nick. Tori knows that Charlie will need that protection as well, maybe more, but also respects his choice to view the situation in this way. [Side note: respect is like Tori's secret love language; she doesn't give it very willingly.]
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"Look after him or you die" seems funny, but Tori is dead serious. Her later accusation that Nick doesn't keep his promises feels harsh at first, and he doesn't really deserve it, but we have to see it for what it is. Tori is trusting Nick with a responsibility that she usually puts on herself, and she doesn't take it lightly; very few people can care for Charlie the way Tori does, and to her, failure to do so is indefensible. Nick's failing her test in this moment, though she's a complete enough person to recognize that it's a momentary lapse and trusts Nick with Charlie later in the story.
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And of course there's the infamous Nelson dinner party, where Tori does in reality what we ALL want to do in spirit and knocks David down several pegs. She sees in him exactly the kind of person who bullied Charlie and made his life miserable, and she's not about to let it happen right in front of her. No real commentary here, just a deep appreciation for Tori's sisterly rage and complete disgust with David.
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And then there's this:
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Oh, season 3 Tori is going to be something to behold. I absolutely cannot wait. All hail the queen.
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enavstars · 11 months
Cyberpunk au characters (Part 2)
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He lives in the city junkyard with his parents Ed and Edna, who work as tinkers and scrap sellers; he got his passion for engineering from them.
When he was a kid, he got extremely sick with a deadly disease that was very difficult to treat. In the shitty society that is the city, his parents could not afford the safest medicines to cure him, so they were forced to risk it and buy a cheaper version from a not so reliable seller.
Unfortunately, even though he did survive and recovered, the medicine was mixed with a drug that had an unexpected side effect: he began to lose feeling on one of his legs until eventually he lost control over it entirely.
Rather than having him to deal with an unresponsive leg, to help their son deal with his disability Ed and Edna decided to spend all the resources they could spare to build him a prosthesis and amputate the flesh, and, after a few months of tireless work, the family’s joint efforts were able to get him walking again.
As a silver lining to this traumatic incident, though, he discovered his passion for technology and realized his aspiration: he wanted to make bionic prosthesis to help other people forced to go through the same kind of situation as his. But his family did not have the proper technique nor the resources to teach him (it had been hard enough just to make a single rudimentary leg), so it was after meeting Nya and eventually telling her about his goal that he finally got the opportunity to learn from an expert. Although he was intimidated by Ronin at first, the two of them grew fond of each other almost like an uncle and his nephew (yes he's become a literal wine uncle).
To this day, the man is (secretly) very proud of his boy and thankful he got him doing something useful again after his retirement.
The anecdotes with these gangs happen when they are older:
He’s the leader (alive and in flesh) of one of the many, many city gangs; particularly one known for their violent tendencies. For the area’s criminal standards, they are in fact relatively tame, because at least they do not ever mess with other arguably more serious criminal activities like drug dealing or pimping. They do like, however, beating the shit out of people for barely any reason at all (most of the time, just to “assert dominance” lmao).
One time, this habit came back to bite them in the ass when Morro decided it would be a good idea to mess with Lloyd. Obviously, underestimating him and the RGB as a whole just for being weird Outsiders was a terrible mistake, because as soon his brother caught wind of the situation, the fool got to taste Kai’s vengeful fury :).
As a result of that encounter, both Morro and Kai got VERY badly beaten, but finally the RGB got famous for being Those People You Don’t Mess With.
The leader of THE most dangerous of the city gangs, known as the Sons of Garmadon (le wink), a cult-like criminal organization whose ideology is basically “survival of the fittest”. In fact, she is so obsessed about demons that she even wears pointy ear accessories to mimic their ears.
The organization itself is almost like a mafia, being at the center of most of the worst shit that goes on in the city. Of course, she loves being the head of all this attention, and she prides herself in being the deadliest and most cunning gang leader of them all.
On one occasion, after learning about the RGB’s (aka the outsiders) reputation of being tough as shit and hard to get advantage of, she figured it would be best to form an alliance with them to expand her contacts and (secretly) keep them in check. However, upon arranging a meeting with their leader, Kai, he is able to discern her true intentions. For this reason, when she eventually oversteps their agreement to try to manipulate the group, he is ready to confront her, and the siblings end up beating the shit out of her, marking the first time the great boss Harumi has ever been beaten up badly (by our queen Nya) and defeated in her scheming :).
Brad (le Greenflawa cuz why not)
Since back when he was a kid, he's been part of a little group of orphans named the Darklys, who like to pull pranks and cause trouble in general.
However, back then it used to be a lot more harmful than it is today, as the children were not completely aware of the damage they were causing. In fact, Brad himself was still an entitled brat, so much so that the first time he met little Lloyd ("Green"), the first thing that came out of his mouth was "Outsider, bow before me!". But it was due to Lloyd's deadpan response (he's used to his brothers being crazy stupid) and the awkward relationship that grew from it that Brad eventually realized that his bratty attitude was not getting him anywhere, and that little gangs' pranks were actually harmful.
So by the time he gets older, his gang is reformed to a more tame biker gang who only really pull harmless pranks from time to time. Brad himself is a far calmer person, but he still holds on to some problematic aspirations:
At one point he became fixated on the idea of him and his gang to join the Sons of Garmadon out of oblivious admiration. It was so bad that only Green was able to convince him, and only after having a pretty serious argument with him about how vicious and deadly they could be and how wild their insane leader's influence had become. But the stubborn Brad was not completely convinced, until in the end, Green managed to get through to him by emphasizing how his life would be in constant danger if he joined the literal most dangerous criminals in town. Most importantly, he confessed just how important of a friend he was to him, to which Brad, insecure and doubting his words, quietly replied that he didn't even know his true name. Right before leaving, though, Green offhandedly revealed his name to him, and Brad, left speechless, became the first person in years to learn his real name.
Long story short, he realized he was being stupid and was rewarded with massive gay panic :)
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
actually ey fuck it. list of personal headcanons for the main six iterators some of which i might illustrate properly at some point:
Moon: • one of the first 10 iterators ever built. she is grandma as HELL and totally forgot she is that old • Pebbles sometimes asks her to tell him about the older times, because history nerd. he writes everything she says onto a pearl • in the post i've made talkin bout her and pebs' voice, saying that she sounded like Miku, somebody said that they like to think the ancients made Moon a vocaloid. to that i absolutely agree: she has NO fucking clue what do when it comes to putting a certain emotion into a song but god DAMMIT shes so good at singing • she can add effects to her voice, including a glitch effect. she likes that one the least • -HITS DESK- THE DISAPPEARANCE OF HATSUNE MOON. • she doesn't particularly like to sing, especially not to herself. but she does know that pebbles likes music- the first week after the mass ascension was rough and he was working mostly on autopilot, not answering DMs or anything. she called him up and told him they could sing together, if he wants to. he felt much better afterwards • MOON'S SECRET RAP CAREER • i'll put it here too so it's all in one place: her AI isn't developed enough to understand the emotional quality of any form of art • Moon was upgraded a few times in her function. most of the time it was because her citizens loved her too much to let her go too out of date (specifically in the physical sense. they made sure she wouldn't fall too easily) • one of the first memories she designated as a "core memory" was her first upgrade that was a result of her citizens' riot against the Houses- to keep her safe. she noted it down as "Kindness is effortlessly repaid" • she remembers when iterator comms were connected by a cable rather than radio waves • she also remembers when two of the first 10 collapsed and went into coma, with their citizens of course perishing in the fall and crash. she's still terrified of those days and doesn't like recalling them even for Pebbles • Nish was her first little sib and she feels like she can talk with him about anything. she hates it, but she's distant with Suns- they are always so damn polite and skittish around her... and she absolutely adores the other three. her tiny little wonderful siblings • she didn't like to admit that maybe her hardwave wasn't keeping up with her citizens anymore. at that point she did start to emotionally care less for them, but she still didn't want to admit she wasn't able to provide and protect those she was responsible for • i can't get the image of her being the one to actually ensure the family is gonna financially survive in a more chill au where the iterators r just sorta kinda people. Miss Moon From Accounting... • her overseers were originally blue. she swapped colors with Pebbles all on her own accord. having yellow overseers, seeing them, made her feel even more connected to Pebs • this is basically canon but she fuckin Loves animals. she's the iterator version of Steve Irwin. she also don't kno jack shit about the vegetation • city's representative instrument Evolved- first it was a harp, then it went to a nyckelharpa and then to a violin
Nish: • he is built over marshes to the south-west from Moon and she helped with his blueprints! the Gen 1s had their blueprints checked over by the already built iterators to make sure something wouldn't go wrong. she was so so excited to have a neighbour • the scarf is from his main programmer. the Ancient wrapped it around his puppet's neck before he was even turned online so for the longest time he had no idea that the thing wasn't originally in his design. Moon had to tell him • he became a jokester Entirely because the first time he made Moon laugh he absolutely fell in love with it. he told her and she recommended him looking into jokes. baby boy had no idea what the fuck a joke was so Moon had to explain • when the middle gen started being created, the Ancients noticed that these new iterators didn't have... much of emotional skills. so they turned to the older gens to look for the most emotional and empathetic ones. Nish scored Really High on that survey- his empathy and emotion modules were studied and each time they found something new and better, they upgraded him in that one aspect. so now Sig is one of the biggest crybabies ever. you show him a sad movie and this supercomputer will be lyin on the ground wailing like a newborn. oh and also he makes for a great therapist because he can now just Get It • as the most emotionally... mature? capable? he decided he will be the one to keep a real close eye on everyone in the Local Group after the mass ascension • thanks to all that emotion business he gets along with Suns swimmingly. when Suns needs assistence with figuring out their own emotions or what would be appropriate and not too cold towards someone, they go to him • if he could he'd give everyone younger than him a noogie and you cannot convince me otherwise • the Hunter was a sickly pup that was left behind on his roof by a family that came to him which he directed towards the void sea. they were far too weak for the family to keep them, basically on the death's door. Nish took them in, operated on them, enhanced genes and raised them from there • Is half a medical facility. mister veterinarian, baybeee • since he's a sap, he started to view the Hunter like his own kid at some point. he was also the one who pitched to Suns the idea of sending Spearmaster over to him for visits. Spear tried its best to help raise and train Hunter • the whole rot thing happened because Nish did a stupid and forgot that neurons are quite the fuckin reactive things and continual exposure to what is essentially extra macho giga neuron Can and Will fuck up cells. his and Moon's cans have a long distance between them. it was enough time for Hunter to develop the big owie cancer. he noticed it only when they were too far away and it was already too bad • he felt absolutely Terrible about it. again he loses someone so so very close to him. but this time around? there is no one to be angry at for this but himself • Hunter manages to ascend. Nish watched them leave, silently, in subterranean • he used to do his best to play with his citizens. when a kid came to his chamber, he gave them rides on his puppet's shoulders or the umbilical arm. same went for Hunter • his city is called Risio • city's representative instrument was EITHER a PVC instrument or suona i can't decide for the life of me
Suns: • they were built much further away from the planet's equator than most of the Local Group, meaning they experience polar days and nights • the "Seven" in their name refers to the amount of months the unusually timed sunsets and sunrises last for. for seven whole months, the locality gets only about four hours of Somewhat darkness • in return, they have three full months of relatively strong darkness. their city used to shine bright, during this time. post mass ascension those months are terribly lonely and depressing • because of the warmth they produce, there's an oasis for wildlife underneath them • the warmth was also sung about a lot by their citizens. they've seen it as an incredible blessing- Suns used to run hotter than other iterators just for them. nowadays they are mostly normal though • the outside of their can is tinted blue- frostbitten. that much warmer their yellow, orange and red city feels • their and Moon's personalities clash so hard that they sometimes go out of their way to avoid her. they do appreciate her but talking with her is exhausting. she's a stranger to them, almost • the iterators can project/send their emotions through messages/broadcasts. Suns' messages always sound flat, unless they use the ~ • one of their biggest dreams is to sit with Pebbles leaning against their side, all the while listening to old music of their cities • once Spearmaster returns, the walls of their puppet chamber become completely covered in doodles and masterpieces • they end up standing the longest out of the whole Local Group. bright and warm even after everyone else dies • their city is called Solis • city's representative instrument was an armonica (look that shit up its sick)
Wind: • Wind's can stands in this giant plain. there's like nothing as far as the eye can see and even further Except her. she just stands there like fucking Slanderman XXL version • the plains are absolutely prime location for a spawning grounds of tornadoes and shit like that. the wind is Constantly strong so most of the rain clouds they exhale are immediately blown away • instead of rain they deal with ginormous tornadoes at the end of each cycle. while their superstructure can take it, the comms can't. so Wind is often absent from iterator chats as a result. after the mass ascension these connection knock-outs become a great source of stress and worry for the others cuz they never know if Wind will come back or not this time • because of these comm blackouts, Innocence took it upon herself to catch Wind up on everything they've missed when they come back online. Innocence started doing this all by herself out of seemingly nowhere. she just cares. silently. • the strangest thing about her is that her city is half built within her structure instead of on top of her. the winds can get sometimes so bad that they manage to affect even the top of her can. so the solution was to put half of the city under her skin as a sort of giant bunker • the ancients, not being ones to waste much space, made sure the city can still be used by Wind's processes, in a way. their neurons fly through the streets, completely unbothered, working as makeshift streetlights. the kids used to love chasing after them- never catching any though • sometimes when the wind storms outside got real bad, the kids that were scared of them were sent to Wind's puppet chamber. she used to tell them all kinds of stories or about what she was currently working on • it was often that their puppet chamber would be full of pillows, blankets and sleeping children. they loved their citizens so so much • nicknamed themself "Chasing" Wind in chats because, just like Moon, they are also quite the dreamer • closest with Moon, too. Wind looks up to Moon Immensely. they really wanna be like her one day • Wind is what some people think of Moon- a too kind pushover that doesn't know how to get angry and defend herself. Wind is the kindest, most sensitive and softest person they have in The Local Group. Nish takes care to keep his jabs and jokes about Wind very mild • has a really beautiful voice • likes flowers :) • her city is called Procella • city's representative instrument was a fujara cuz god DAMMIT i love that instrument i Have to slap it on Someone in here. it fits their vibe in my heart either way
Innocence: • she really wishes her surrounding circumstances were in some kind of way special but actually she's built at the least unique place with basically nothing neat happening nearby. there are strange giant cherry trees nearby, but that's about it • fuckin LOVES lizards. she's the one who made the Cyans and sent some over to Pebbles to fuck him up. thankfully, as we all know, Cyans are kinda stupid and since they launch themselves over edges of cliffs they haven't managed to destroy the local ecosystem • her citizens used to keep lizards as pets. most of the time just for the joy of having 0 braincells creature follow you around but some had 'em as sort of hunting dogs • was the one who created The Rivulet. she was mumbling to herself and a friend smth about how boys only screw things up while engineering Riv's genome • she BASICALLY packed Riv into a cannon and shot them over right into the middle of a scav toll cuz "come on, it's not that far away. this will make your journey shorter and shit". i don't care how goofy it sounds, this is how it went in my heart • in possession of probably the most durable comms ever made • claims she's purple! she's actually fake out purple which means homegirl is Deceptive Blue. she CONSTANTLY fights over this with Pebbles • despite their squabbles she did care for Pebbles. she was very excited to not be the youngest anymore and getting to baby someone • her and Nish always start verbal sparring matches, often consisting of threats that more often than not range on impossible to actually commit. they constantly lead their mock wars in #general. Moon's gonna kill 'em one of these days • trusts Moon the most- which is why she outed Pebbles' rot and sent Rivulet with the instructions to extract the rarefaction cell • her city is called Sermo • city's representative instrument was a shamisen. she absolutely knows how to play it and loves to threaten people with the bachi
Pebbles: • the only people he enjoyed doing group projects with were Suns and Wind. he Could do group projects with Moon and Nish but Only if he could race them. rascal found it fun to challenge the nokias 😔 • now with Innocence though? Never. if they were forced to, they could do a great job with minimal communication but they were not going to be happy about it • latched onto Suns exactly because Moon was overbearingly protective and Suns always seems like they couldn't give less of a shit about anyone. sometimes they'd have a videochat open and not say anything for hours as they worked • with Nish he used to like inventing new things. a lot of times the things turned out to be silly or kind of useless which would normally frustrate him, but surprisingly enough Nish made the time spent worth it • Wind's favorite activity was comparing notes with him and then talking about the differences in their research. they'd hum to him happily while the both of them would be sorting through their stuff • i sometimes imagine him having a slight chinese accent and i blame Steven He for this so hard • second most emotional fuck in the group. his emotions mostly rotate around anger, though • he won't admit this to anyone but he really liked it when his and Moon's cans were connected by bridges. it felt like holding hands. he felt more stable. now all he can do is just miss it quietly • was legit surprised when he found out not every iterator has a build in older sister right at their side • his city is called Literally just Metropolis cuz the ancients didn't bother with properly naming it. depeshioumn. • city's representative instrument was adopted straight from Moon since Pebs' citizens were honestly just hers, so- violin it is • Pebbles HAS attempted to learn how to play a violin himself. certainly was a test of patience and puppet dexterity/camera-to-digits control. almost broke the poor thing a few times from nerves
either way, Wind, at the end of each fucking cycle from day 1 of their life:
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bitzandbotz · 1 year
Rolfe Dewolfe Headcanons!
He is my current microwave blorbo (he is rotating around in my brain rn) and I have many thoughts about him!
This post is sfw of course!
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He has a huge inferiority complex and some major ego issues. Bro is a little delulu but we love that.
I headcanon that Wolfman (lead singer of The Wolf Pack 5) is his older brother. This is where a large majority of his insecurities stem from, as his brother is far more well-liked and successful than he is.
He struggles to emulate Wolfman’s natural charm and charisma, so his attempts come off as forced and disingenuous as a result… Just ✨neurodivergent things✨
Not a headcanon but he forged prescriptions for pain medication???? Back pain allegedly, according to the Smitty’s introduction tape at least. Perhaps he’s a chronic pain king who couldn’t afford them!
I know it’s heavily implied that Earle is his own entity and whatnot, but I personally prefer the idea that Rolfe is just using his puppet to vent his frustrations with… Well, himself! It’s his own way of trying to tell people he’s self aware, but everyone seems to take his outlandish persona seriously…
Going based on that headcanon, he’d have to have some good vocal range too. His singing voice might not be the best but he’s definitely got some good impressions up his sleeve.
He’s funnier when he’s being authentic and not trying to be funny, if that makes sense. His jokes on stage are all very corny but behind the scenes I think he has his own unique sense of humor that the others often miss out on.
He loves disco. Canon technically, but it’s cute enough to mention. He was probably going to a lot of discotechs back when he was younger, since he was likely a young man during the time period in which disco would be relevant.
Age wise I feel like he’d be somewhere in his 30s-40s. Gray is a common color for wolves but he gives washed up celebrity vibes, yk?
He could wear shoes but he chooses not to wear them, it’s a sensory thing. He doesn’t like how constricting they feel, and I’d imagine it’d be hard finding shoes in his size anyway.
He’s the typa fella to go to sleep with that old ahh nightgown and the long droopy hat and comically flap his jowls when he snores.
Him and Fats bicker a lot but I think it’s mostly playful banter, they’re the kind of friends who start fake beef with each other just for fun. Fats is probably the one he’s closest to out of the band members, since they have a mutual understanding of one another and what makes each other tick.
Absolutely a terrible shopper. Do not send him to the store (even with a list), he will buy the most expensive versions of everything and a bunch of stuff you didn’t ask for (he only wants the best for you but he can’t keep paying 50$ for orange juice 😭).
In denial about his wrinkles. He’s still fresh as a daisy, or at least that’s what he tells you. His rosy cheeks are real though, no makeup needed for those.
If he gets frustrated enough he’ll do that dog thing that’s not a growl but a little bit of a low rumble.
In high school, he was the “weird puppet guy.” It was like every social interaction with him was a dry run for his future standup routines, he’d never talk to anyone without Earle also being involved in the conversation. It was a comfort thing for him, and it made interacting with others easier, but most people thought he was just weird for it. Once again I say ✨neurodivergent things✨
Avid vest and bowtie collector of course. He’s like Saul Goodman if he didn’t wear pants.
He knows how to play some weirdly specific instrument that sadly wouldn’t fit in with the rest of the bands lineup, but it’s something you’d never know until you’re like shopping for a replacement for your instrument and you see him trot over to a fucking theremin and start making some alien invasion ahh music
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hehe-hoho-ohno · 1 year
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What if the Muppet guys... were Muppeteers? 🤔
Dialogue taken from the Who's On First skit.
Archeops is a live-hand puppet. Emmet operates the head and right hand, while Ingo controls the left hand. Normally it's the right hand that is controlled by a different puppeteer but Emmet is left-handed so they are doing it this way round.
Archeops is a himbo type character. He is gullible, eager to help and frequently comedically misunderstands what other characters want from him.
Emolga is a Fozzie bear-esqe character who tells bad puns. She often has grand plans that are poorly thought out and never work. She is frequently paired up with Archeops in B plots, where she fails her way through her latest idea while Archeops helpfully makes things worse.
Emolga is a rod puppet. There have been two versions of the Emolga puppet made. The second version has movable eyelids and is generally better quality. The old one still occasionally appears in skits as her slightly lopsided twin sister.
Elesa voices both of them, but Skyla or one of the twins has to puppet the "ugly twin" whenever both are in the same shot.
This has led to many jokes and light-hearted arguments as to whether Ingo or Emmet is the ugly twin. ("Ingo must be the ugly twin. He does not blink."/"Still salty about losing the staring contest, I see.") Skyla takes over just so they will stop.
Skyla mostly works backstage, running the lights. She occasionally helps out in other ways, but mostly she does the lights.
Skyla does have some characters, most notably Swanna, whose reoccurring gag is that she looks elegant and sophisticated but then she does something stupid like eating a tire to the tune of Flight Of The Bumblebee.
Elesa still does model work alongside puppeting. This comes as a suprise to her model fans and vice versa.
However, Elesa has started to lean more towards puppeteering as she gets older. She started out just popping into the workshop during her free time to lend her friends a hand, but these days it's her main job, with modeling becoming more of a side gig.
Ingo and Emmet are more behind the scenes guys than performers. They make the puppets. They really like anamatronics, but the show normally doesn't have the budget for that.
Emmet keeps building Joltik puppets. Everyone keeps telling him to please stop because they already have more than enough. But they are small, cheap, easy to make, and most importantly Emmet finds them delightful. So he keeps making more. He likes to hide them around the set.
The joltiks' appearance has changed over the years as Emmet has gotten better at making puppets. The earliest versions were just pom-poms with googly eyes stuck on.
The twins have gotten more involved with performing as time goes by. Ingo is more camera shy than Emmet is, and he usually sticks to "left handing" for Emmet.
Ingo also plays similar support roles for other performers. He puppets Chandlure, while Shauntal (script writer) voices her. He is the right claw of Clay's Excadrill. He also helps with Drayden's dragon puppets, many of which are huge and require 2 or more people to operate.
Haxorus was initially Drayden's character. But after an injury he was unable to operate Haxorus (a full-body walk around suit). The initial plan was for Ingo to wear the suit and have Drayden dub him in post. However, everyone thought Ingo did such a good job (including Drayden) that they kept his voice lines in and had Ingo keep playing Haxorus even after Drayden got better.
Part of the reason Drayden was okay with this is becuse Haxorus was too similar to his other characters and didn't really stand out: a serious and sarcastic 'straight man' for the other characters to bounce off of, generally fed-up with the rest of the cast's nonsense. Ingo brought some much needed bombasity to the role. Now Haxorus comedicly overreacts to being bothered by the other characters, often in violent ways that result in an earthquake (camera shakes and performers toss their puppets up in the air, higgledy-piggledy).
The other reason was that Drayden liked seeing his nephew being more confident on camera.
Ingo does not get a mic. He shouts through the suit. He's just that powerful. Also he broke the last one.
Ingo also voices and puppets Gliscor. Gliscor was a henchman to a minor antagonist, but he wasn't very good at it - cheering on the heros that came to stop him (he didn't want to be rude). Gliscor was a break out character - becoming a reoccurring presence becuse the fans liked him.
Emmet controls Gliscor's right claw.
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bbymunsonx · 3 months
The Last Time (Ted's Version)
Chapter Four
chapter warnings: language, implied sexual content, sexual tension hehe
word count: 2.4k
After embarrassingly crying to Ted about my sex life, I quickly had to run back to my flat before I embarrassed myself even more. 
When I get back to my flat, I took out my laptop and started to Google all the players on the team. Jamie Tartt, Roy Kent, Sam Obisanya. I even decided to Google Ted, purely out of curiosity. I thought I'd get a bit more caught up before our first official day of work. 
Jamie's results were what I expected. I'm definitely gonna have to work on his branding, I thought to myself.
Roy's results were pretty clean. Most of the articles just talked about how he should start to think about retiring because of his age and his supposed knee problem. 
Sam's results were about how he came to England from Nigeria to play for AFC Richmond. In every interview he does, he mostly just talks about how much he misses home. 
Ted's results made my heart drop. There were some positive things about him, but most of the things that people were saying about him online were sickening. 
Ted Lasso: Richmond's New Hillbilly Coach. 
One of the links had a video of Ted with the Wichita State Football Team. It looked like the team was in the locker room after winning a game, where they were all dancing with Ted. The football players all honestly looked like they adored that man. One of the football players in question, Julian Silva, my lovely ex-boyfriend. 
After getting to know Ted better, seeing footage of him and Julian together is enough to make my stomach churn. They are complete polar opposites. Knowing Ted, he was probably way too kind to him. A lot kinder than he deserved. 
The next day was our first "official" day at AFC Richmond. Naturally, Ted welcomed me at my front door with a coffee in one hand and a box of fresh made biscuits in the other. 
"What's this?" I asked while taking the box. 
"Just a little something. You gotta let me know how they are before I give 'em to the boss. Just take a little nibble." Ted eagerly waited for me to take a bite. 
"Holy shit-" I said with a mouth full of biscuits, "This is delightful. How the hell do you know how  to make this shit?"
"Google... and baking shows, of course." Ted answered. 
"The Great British Bake Off baby," Coach Beard chipped in. 
"I'm telling you, you two become more and more interesting by the day." 
When we arrived at the stadium, we all went our separate ways. Ted went to find Rebecca to give her his homemade biscuits, Coach Beard went out on the pitch, and I found my way down to my office. 
Being logged onto Richmond's socials and keeping an eye on all the comments, especially the comments revolving around Ted, was quite exhausting already. People on the internet could be so cruel. After moderating their socials for a bit, I found a livestream from Richmond's official page that they were doing a press conference, right now.
Shit, Ted probably had no idea they were dong this, I thought to myself. After reading the comments, it seemed like probably one out of ten people had something nice to say. Then it went down to zero after Ted had accidentally spit on the entire audience of journalists. Today was going to be a long day. 
After closing my laptop for a quick breather, someone knocked on my door. "Anyone in here?"
"Yeah, come on in." I responded. In came a girl that I thought looked vaguely familiar. She looked around my age, maybe a little bit older than me. Where have I seen her before?
"Hello! I just wanted to come and meet you in person! I'm Keeley Jones!" She came running up to me and giving me a hug. 
"Hi! I'm Lacy." I hugged her back, why not?
"I know! God, you're fucking fit." She took a step back and really stared at me for a second. 
"I'm not really sure what that means, but thanks!" I awkwardly laughed. "So what do you do around here?"
"I'm kinda famous for being almost famous, if that makes sense. I was with Jamie Tartt for a little, but we actually broke up a few days ago. I do a lot of PR work for the team, too, yeah?"
"Oh shit," I exhaled. Now I know where I know her. She came up when I was looking up Jamie earlier. Thank God I'm not a homewrecker. 
"But I'm not taking your job or anything. You're actually way more qualified than me." Keeley laughed. "We'll be working together, if that's alright. I do more of the 'getting them sponsorships' and shit and you're more of their public image of the players and the overall club. I have a feeling we're gonna be great friends, Lace." Keeley smiled.
"Me too, Keeley." I smiled back. 
"Lacy, come in here a second, would ya?" Ted called from his desk to mine. I'd been splitting my time evenly between being on the pitch with the coaches and the players and being in my office. I wanted to make sure I knew what they were doing, but I also wanted to make sure I was doing my job and moderating their socials. 
"Yes, Coach?" I said with my voice slightly raised and my lashes fluttered, obviously being facetious. Why not have some fun and spice up the day?  I decided to get comfortable and sit atop of his desk. 
After clearing his throat, visibly affected by my comment, Ted managed to say, "I wanna throw a birthday party for Sam. He's just feeling a bit homesick at the moment and he needs to know that we're on his side. So are you free tonight?"
"What makes you think I'd literally be doing anything else?" I raised an eyebrow. 
"Well, I didn't know if you had plans with a certain Mr. Ja-," Ted laughed as I cut him off. 
"No, Ted. I will be there."
"Great, see you later," Ted got up and touched my arm before leaving the office, causing my heart to almost fall out of ass as I looked over at Coach Beard, who of course, had his head in a book and didn't witness any of what happened. Ted always touches people in their arms when he talks to them. That's just his thing. 
"Are you gonna go to the party tonight, Beardo?" I asked. 
"Beardo?" I finally got him to put the book down.
"Is that alright?" I questioned. Maybe Ted touching my arm is causing me to act all weird. 
Beard took a second to think before responding with, "I'll allow it." He then got up and left the office, leaving me just sitting there on Ted's desk, all alone.
 After going back to my flat and getting ready for the party, I settled on a little cocktail dress that Rebecca put in my closet. 
Ted Lasso: You ready, spaghetti?
Lacy Watson: As ready as I'm gonna be.
Coach Beard: Can I bring a girl I met today?
Lacy Watson: When did you meet a girl? You were at work all day?
Ted Lasso: We're just gonna keep tonight a work casual thing. If she's like any of your other gals, we don't wanna scare Sam. Maybe next time, Bud. 
Coach Beard disliked " We're just gonna keep tonight a work casual thing. If she's like any of your other gals, we don't wanna scare Sam. Maybe next time, Bud."
Rhythmic knocks rapped against my door. "Come in!" I yelled down. A few sets of footsteps came up my stairs when suddenly Ted and Coach Beard rounded the corner into my living room. A part of me panicked realizing this was their first time in my flat. 
"Look at you!" Ted called out to me, causing me to roll my eyes. 
"Let's just go." I groaned. 
I wore my sneakers during the walk so I wasn't suffering in my heals. When we arrived at the stadium, Ted had sent Coach Beard in while he helped me change into my heals that I brought in my bag. Ted, being the gentleman he is, knelt to the ground to help give me some balance. 
"Are you nervous about seeing Jamie? You didn't really see him today at training." Ted questioned, while letting me hold onto his shoulders while putting on my heals. 
"I'm not that bothered by it. Either way, tonight is all about making Sam feel at home. I have to put my stupid boy drama aside for the night."
"Panda?" Ted looked up at me. There was just something about this man knelt before me, looking up at me, that made my stomach do acrobatics. 
"I think we should choose a different word. There's just something about a grown man saying the word panda that's just a little funny," I joked to change the subject. 
"Whatever you want." Ted looked down and smirked. Just as he was about to say something else, Coach Beard came running outside, huffing all out of breath. 
"There you guys are! I thought you got lost!" He exclaimed. 
"You're such a smart-ass." I laughed. Ted got off his knees and escorted Coach Beard and I into the stadium. 
Football players were standing all throughout the locker room with drinks in their hand, deep in conversation. The locker room was filled with balloons, streamers, and miscellaneous birthday decorations. "Who did this?" I questioned. 
"Oh, that would be me." Nate came out of nowhere. 
 "You did an awesome job, Nate-dawg. It looks great." Ted slapped Nate on the back, to which he smiled. 
"Yeah, this looks awesome, Nate." I smiled at him. "If you'll excuse me, real quick. I'm gonna go find Sam."
After looking around the locker room, I found Sam deep in conversation with Colin Hughes. "Hi, Sam! Happy birthday!" I went to shake his hand since I didn't formally meet him yet. He pushed my hand away and gave me a hug. 
"Thank you, Ms. Watson! This is such an amazing surprise. It's been really hard being away from my family, so thank you for helping me feel less alone."
"Of course, Sam. And please, I'm only four years older than you. Please just call me Lacy."
"Yes, Lacy." Sam smiled back. 
"Enjoy the party." I gave Sam a side hug as he continued his conversation with Colin. As I went throughout the locker room, looking to see if Keeley had showed up, I saw the last person I wanted to see, Jamie Tartt. 
"Hi, Jamie." I decided to be civil, especially if I have to work with him. 
"Hiya, Lacy. Nice party." He took a sip of his drink, probably his second or third drink of the night. 
"Hm." I just nodded in response, not really knowing what to say. 
"Let's get you a drink." Jamie took my hand to get me a drink. I didn't really feel like a drink tonight, especially because I wanted to get some work done when I got back to my flat. 
"That's alright, Jamie. I don't really want to." I looked to my left and saw Ted staring daggers at Jamie. He was on the complete other side of the locker room, so he couldn't even possibly hear what we were saying. 
"Cmon, just one drink. For old times sake," Jamie winked at me. 
"How can that possibly be for old times sake, that was three days ago." Sometimes Jamie genuinely confused the fuck out of me. 
"Just have one drink with me and I'll leave ya alone, yeah? Let's just be civil." Jamie continued to persuade. 
As soon as I saw Ted start to walk over to us, I heard a deep voice come from behind me, "She's not having the fucking drink, so get the fuck out of here." Roy Kent. 
"No one's talking to you, Grandpa." Jamie looked behind me and stared down Roy. 
"Is there an issue going on here, fellas?" Ted finally made his way over, standing directly next to me. 
"No one's talking to you, wanker. I'm trying to give Lacy an opportunity with a real man, yeah?" Jamie laughed to himself. 
"I think you've had too much to drink tonight, Jamie. How about you just go home before we all do something we regret." Ted sternly said to him. If looks could kill, Jamie would be dead on the floor. 
"This party fucking blows anyway." Jamie threw his drink on the floor and walked out. Tears started to form in my eyes. I really wanted to be civil with Jamie, but he may be making that impossible. 
"Come here," Ted took my arm and I went with him but stopping him before we got too far. 
"Wait a second," I pulled away for a moment to turn around to Roy, "Thank you, Roy." I gave him a tiny hug, to which he grunted and walked away. I was gonna break through him. I could feel it. 
I ran back up to Ted as he was talking to Beard, "I'm just gonna take her home. You've got it from here?" 
Coach Beard nodded. 
It was a very silent walk back home with neither one of us knowing exactly what to say. 
Ted broke the silence first, "Do you want me to say something to him tomorrow?"
"No, Ted. It's alright. He was drunk. I don't think he's a bad guy, just stupid." I laughed a little, to which Ted nodded. 
"Alright, then. Just give me the word and he'll be off my team." Ted responded sternly. No hint of a joke behind his tone. I just nodded. 
When we made it back to the flats, Ted stopped at the foyer and as always, asked if I wanted to join him inside for a drink. 
"I think I'm gonna call it a night. I gotta catch up on all our socials and I don't even think I have the energy to do that." 
"Well, don't work too hard," Ted pointed a finger at me. 
"I make no promises. I gotta prove to the boss lady that I'm worth keeping around."
"Touche. Well, have a good night, Lacy Loo."
"Goodnight, Teddy."
He walked into his flat the same time I walked into mine. After the door shut, my back pressed against the door as I felt it difficult to catch my breath. All I could feel were the butterflies in my stomach, trying to pull me into his flat. Though it's only been three days, I had to stop lying to myself. I wasn't just being flirty for the hell of it. I didn't reject Jamie Tartt because he's not a good looking guy. 
No. I was falling for Ted Lasso. 
authors note: these next few chapters are gonna get sooooo good I love writing jealous Ted and I wanna keep writing more of him hehe I cannot wait to write the gala ep I'll leave it up to your imagination for now. also!! lacy and roy's friendship is gonna be the end of me I swear <3 im gonna try to have a chapter out every other day :)
taglist: @nerdgirljen
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vidavalor · 1 year
Ineffable Divorce... but it's the OFMD S2 teaser
I was joking with a friend earlier that Crowley would go the opposite route of Ed and the result is this bit of un-beta'd, not-quite-fic crack here.
Aziraphale, in Heaven, has just drafted his 568th handwritten-on-cream-stationary-with-a-quill-pen unsent letter to his dearest Anthony and how much he misses him... everything about him. Being around him. Breathing the same air-- if they really needed to breathe, that is. He winces at his awkward phrasing and magics the letter into non-existence with a sigh. He thinks of him often-- constantly. Does Crowley ever think of him? Aziraphale glances around. No one looking, no one around. He pulls up the Earth Observation Device and whispers nervously:
Ah... hello. I need you to show me Crowley. In the present, please.
Filling the screen is not The Bentley or the bookshop or the pub and Aziraphale blinks, not sure what he expected. He sees a crowded hotel ballroom full of people--humans-- Aziraphale has never seen before... all of whom are having a *suspiciously* great time-- time of their lives, really-- at this wedding reception. The D.J. is currently blasting out some Earth, Wind & Fire and on the dance floor is... Crowley. Formal-wear version of his signature look-- tuxedo version of his vest and his glasses on, jacket off. Snake-patterned bow tie open at his neck-- along with his shirt, almost to his snake belt. Champagne flute dangling out of one hand. Getting down with half the bridal party and guests and... Mrs. Sandwich?!... in the center of the dance floor.
They are surrounded by a throng of humans spanning ages and genders-- ranging from a young groomsman that Aziraphale very much *does not* enjoy observing who seems perpetually stuck in a repeated motion of attempting to get closer to Crowley but not quite getting there... to an elderly woman Aziraphale observes is the groom's mother whose hand Crowley occasionally takes to turn her in a careful twirl... to three elementary-school age children trying to teach each other their made-up dance moves. The kids are the ones who manage to get the occasional slight, genuine smile out from around the perpetual smirk of the demon. Aziraphale can tell the difference between the real smiles and the false cheer covering up pain but still this is at least better than he might have thought and he's grateful to Marla (Mrs. Sandwich) for keeping Crowley company in this... whatever he is doing.
"Oh no!" laughs the maid of honor, audible over the very loud, thumping bebop. She is trying to show alarm with her voice but the crisis turns into amusement in her tone because of the certain... spell... that hangs in the air over this wedding.
"We're almost out of champagne!"
"Yeah, alright," Aziraphale observes Crowley mutter as he stretches his fingers out lazily around his champagne flute and flickers them in the direction of the bar before briefly catching Mrs. Sandwich's hand and dramatically spinning and dipping her, both laughing, before they separate again and continue dancing with one another and everyone else around them in turn. Aziraphale recalls this song as "Let's Groove" from when The Bentley used to play it and Crowley's moves somewhat inspired by those of American cinemagraphic actor John Travolta. (He is not completely clueless, he will have you know.)
"This really is completely mad" is what Nina is saying as Aziraphale manages to drag his eyes off of Crowley long enough to notice her and Maggie. They are not under the spell. The slight smile on Nina's face belays that it might be completely mad, but she is having a bit of fun.
"I know," Maggie grins, her eyes lighting up with a little mischief... and a lot of love as she dances with Nina. "Definitely better than my brother's wedding-- I'll say that."
Nina subtly dances them a little more to the right as Aziraphale frowns, observing her looking nervous as an older man with a dark look on his face approaches them.
"N'uh uh! Love is love, Grandpa," Crowley, still dancing, calls over the music from where he has also observed it. He kisses two of his free fingertips and bats them in the air towards his friends. The older man's angry stalking towards Maggie and Nina suddenly slows to a relaxed gait. Aziraphale watches his expression change from bigoted rage to benevolence.
"Not that we can't fight our own battles but he *can* be kinda useful," Nina whispers with a small smile to Maggie.
"A most pleasant evening, isn't it, Ladies?" the older man smiles as he moves past them to lure someone's elderly aunt who had stopped for more to drink back to the dance floor. To her, the old man says with saucy cheer:
"Come on, Marilyn, let's show these kids how you dance to this bebop!"
Aziraphale observes Crowley toss his head back with a laugh, having heard that supernaturally over the music. Aziraphale knows Crowley might have influenced the older man's choice of words just a smidge. The angel hears what Crowley mutters that no one else quite catches:
"Yeah, fuck you, Aziraphale..." Crowley's voice is less sure and his swallow is thick.
Aziraphale's heart aches. He doesn't see anything in front of him for a minute, lost in pain and the image of Crowley, drunk and dancing, losing himself surrounded by the humans they both love.
When he tunes back in, one of the bridesmaids has managed to get in front of Crowley for a dance and as she laughs, full of a joy that Aziraphale cannot tell is genuine or the product of Crowley or champagne-- or Crowley *and* champagne, Aziraphale thinks, envious-- she asks him over the music:
"How do we know you guys again?"
"You tell me!" shouts Crowley, twisting his fingers in a circle in front of him in a way that looks like a dance move but holds her attention to his eyes long enough for the brief temptation to work.
"Cousin Bildad!" she suddenly cries, as if seeing him for the first time and the dance has just begun, even if neither she nor Crowley have stopped.
Crowley says "sure!" brightly and then growls at the ceiling as she turns away from him. The bridesmaid throws her arms around Mrs. Sandwich, exclaiming her delight in seeing her presumed cousin 'Jemimah' again.
"Hi, hon! Yeah, you look so great! That's your color, girl, looking fantastic," gushes Mrs. Sandwich, ever game. When the bridesmaid isn't looking, she mouths at Crowley: "Jemimah?", as if to say, 'what do you think prompted that one?'
Aziraphale realizes this is not the first wedding that Crowley and Mrs. Sandwich have crashed since he has been gone.
"Long story." Crowley shrugs at Marla. "Might be getting a little loose, Mrs. S," he confesses, still sloppy-dancing.
"A little, hun?"
Aziraphale is relieved to see her toss her dry look also towards Nina and Maggie. Maggie looks concerned. Nina looks at her watch. They make their way over, Nina helping herself to a piece of cake to eat while she watches the other two try to wrangle Crowley into leaving.
"Designated human!" Crowley grins in greeting at Maggie, pointing the finger of his perpetually-full-somehow champagne flute at her.
"You are not driving The Bentley. Not happening."
Aziraphale has the feeling it has happened more than once already.
"Crowley--" she starts.
"Cousin Bildad," corrects Mrs. Sandwich, her eyes flicking to the human wedding party. ("*Bildad*?" squints Nina and she and Mrs. Sandwich exchange 'whatever, it's all weird' looks.) Crowley continues to dance in front of Maggie, trying to get her to join him and everyone else. The spell holds with the wedding guests, who all continue to have the time of their lives.
"It might be time to go before you run out of... your... demonic energy? Is that what we decided to call it?" Aziraphale understands that Maggie means that if Crowley gets drunk enough to pass out, the spell over the humans will break and the four of them will be in trouble for crashing the wedding.
Crowley shrugs while dancing. "Aw, five more minutessss, Mom..."
"Crowley," she gives him a look that feels familiar to Aziraphale and he cannot place why until he realizes that it looks similar to one of his own. She smiles a little, giving in, and dances a little with him, causing him to hiss a victory "yesssss" and for Nina to roll her eyes.
"*Fine*," Crowley spits. "Two more songsss," he hiss-slurs.
"You're a soft touch, ang--," Nina inform Maggie, affectionately.
"NINA!", cry Maggie and Mrs. Sandwich at the same time as Crowley points a finger at her.
"Careful, Coffee Woman," Crowley tries to make it sound like a threat but it comes out like a plea.
"One more song," Maggie tells Crowley softly, in her final negotiation, her look tender, if determined.
Crowley's glare can be felt through his sunglasses but he likes Maggie and Aziraphale knows him. He knows that Crowley--no matter how broken-hearted Aziraphale has made him and Aziraphale can barely breathe with pain over the knowledge of how much he has-- is no threat to humans.
A smirk slips across Crowley's face.
"Alright," he hums, still dancing. "You're in charge, Coussssin Margaret. One more."
Aziraphale watches as Crowley takes petty revenge for his fun ending by choosing the last song. He raises his arms up and points both of his index fingers at the sky.
The D.J.'s music flips mid-song, the sudden change unobserved as strange by the D.J. and the other spell-cast humans, as quickly as if someone has set the needle down on the start of a new record. Suddenly, the humans all cheer and laugh and begin the moves of the dance that goes along with the song that Aziraphale vaguely remembers caused quite an unnecessary stir with some particularly stuffy parents a few decades ago....
When I dance, the woman in the song declares. They call me 'Macarena'...
Nina's eyeroll is slow and as pained as her groan but Maggie's smile turns bemused, her gentleness something Aziraphale is happy Crowley has around him, even if the angel shares Nina's pain. This bebop is especially atrocious. Still, she puts in half-effort and lets Maggie drag her into putting down her cake and half-assing the steps while Maggie enthusiastically Macarenas with Mrs. S and Crowley.
Aziraphale will admit that he can see the allure of this particular dance and his blush is entirely about Heaven's defaulting central air conditioning and has nothing to do with Crowley's hips moving like that.
Aziraphale really has to get Michael on fixing the temperature in here. He blinks away his tears and flips off the device to go get right on that...
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sinclair-enterprises · 10 months
Furiosa PSA 1/?
Been seeing a lot of misinterpretation and misinformation with regards to Furiosa, so I wanted to address just a few things I've seen going around in one place that people on here can easily refer to.
Is Furiosa replacing Max as the focus of the franchise going forward?
No. Furiosa is a prequel that's been in the works since it was originally conceived of as an anime in the 2000s until that eventually fell through. There will be no shift towards her character being the singular focus of the franchise.
Why didn't we just get a sequel with Max?
There is at least one Max story, The Wasteland, that is planned to be turned into a future project after Furiosa. It will take place between Furiosa and Fury Road. Miller just wanted to tell Furiosa's story first.
Why aren't we seeing any sign of Tom Hardy?
Despite the fact that Max may be showing up in Furiosa in some capacity, not to mention the fact that the character will obviously be the focus of the The Wasteland, Tom Hardy is likely not returning to play Max. This is in part due to his behavior on the set of Fury Road which has left Miller and co. unlikely to work with him again. He did sign on for two other projects, but at this point his reappearance is incredibly doubtful.
Who will play Max going forward?
At this point we don't know who will be carrying on the mantle of Max Rockatansky, but once we get to production on The Wasteland we'll undoubtedly get some answers. Miller is an unconventional storyteller, and so a James Bond approach to Max himself seems probable, with different actors portraying the same individual across various media.
Given that Furiosa takes place 45 years after The Fall, is Max the Feral Kid?
No. Max is the same person from the original trilogy.
Is George Miller riding the modern wave of doing prequels, reboots, etc. in order to cash in on a character that people loved in Fury Road?
Fury Road was the result of two decades of development from George Miller's initial idea of the story while standing on a sidewalk in 1996. After the initial version of the film which was supposed to star Mel Gibson as an older version of Max (to tie more directly into the period of time after Beyond Thunderdome) fell through due to the Iraq War and financial struggles, the surrounding lore of Fury Road was expanded significantly. This resulted in the creation of two other scripts which became the basis for Furiosa and The Wasteland, respectively. Taken together, Furiosa, The Wasteland, and Fury Road represent one singular trilogy tying Miller's modern iteration of Mad Max together. As a result, Furiosa is hardly some unrelated prequel banking on modern perceptions of how much people liked Furiosa-it was simply a story that was always meant to be told. The same goes for The Wasteland, which is the second chapter in what can be considered the "Fury Road Trilogy." The Wasteland itself was meant to be a video game developed as a collaboration between George Miller and Cory Barlog (the man behind the modern God Of War games), but this was something that never happened. Instead, Avalanche Studios released a game in 2015 which liberally borrowed from Miller's mythos in ways that he expressly did not want them to. As a result he distanced himself from the project and has disavowed his connection to it. It appears that there is now talk of turning The Wasteland into a TV show, but we'll have to wait and see for more confirmation on this.
Why aren't we getting Charlize Theron in Furiosa?
George Miller didn't want to use de-aging tech on this film because he thought it wasn't convincing enough.
Immortan Joe and co.?
We will be getting a good bit of a younger Immortan Joe, although to my knowledge it's still uncertain as to who's playing him. His conflict with Dementus is going to play a key role in the story of the film. Nathan Jones will be returning as Rictus Erectus, along with Angus Sampson as the Organic Mechanic. Quentin Kenihan obviously couldn't reprise his role as Corpus Colossus due to the fact that he unfortunately passed away in 2018.
Is the pacing/storytelling going to be similar to Fury Road?
Furiosa is a movie that takes place over the course of 15 years and involving multiple road wars and various other events which is going to make its storytelling significantly different to Fury Road. Whereas that narrative had one large chase stringing together all of its components, Furiosa will be vastly larger in scale and scope.
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katyspersonal · 4 months
Can you make headcanons you have about Gundyr aka belated champion 🥺
Mine has always been how yknow, his prisoner chain is the ring of the embedded, and it says how the people wearing it become slaves of their own pleasure
So i think damn that man is freaky
Also the theory that ocelot= gundyr (ocelot was bred into being a champion, and gundyr's pus of man is also different from the others we see in game) just implies that gundyr is so ugly without his helm it made Gwynevere leave 🚬
Hey! Yeah I must admit that my Dark Souls loredigging is still a work in progress, especially considering in how many ways to connect the dots it offers! With ER and BB I always found a "more apparent" way to answer a lore question quickly, but as for DS trilogy I am soooo lost in opportunities fhhddffd So take most DS things I suggest as a 'draft'!
As for the chain detail: really good eye! It IS the same item!!!
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You can certainly tell that it had some context change by the DS3 time! But I really think that using basically the same item is not coincidental! So think of this: why would those weak ass pathetic chains, with the links apparently small enough to be used as rings, hold back THIS guy? He is so huge and strong, so would not he be able to break them easily?
So the thing is.. he did. But it was a bit too late. In DS2 version this kind of chain did have connotation with "pleasure", or "temptations of flesh" like it was put in Key to the Embedded description, but it can mean variety of things. In the end, holding Gundyr back with this kind of chains likely made him not want to proceed with his duty (or what he believed it was, but I'll get to that later)! It was mental restrain more than physical making him limp, like being drunk, or a dream so comfortable and happy that you don't want to wake up from it. He broke them when he was able to overcome whatever brain fog and "temptation to stay" they inflicted on him. It was a willpower effort that he was eventually able to recollect, because from physical standpoint, again, these chains were nothing. Still very commendable that he broke through their effect; I think it is rare that anyone is able to do this!
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Japanese original also says 古い王, so, ancient or old king more specifically! This is to nitpick that the emphasis here should be placed on how the mentioned king was relevant long time ago, rather than 'he was a king but not anymore'! It is about time passage. As for the helmet itself, I think it is the same as Marais Mask in ER: it depicts Gundyr's royal ancestor, not himself! As for why Gundyr was not included in my and @val-of-the-north's draft of the royal family across the games then....
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BEFORE I CONTINUE My current idea is that he is not Ocelotte, but in fact, likely older than the twin princes! He might have been a generation older, or a collateral relative to the three children of Queen of Lothric! Also, without going on a tangent I want to specify that for now I do not think that Queen of Lothric IS Gwynevere! Gwynevere is mentioned in description in DS3 and mentioned by Yorshka, so refusal to namedrop her would be odd since her name is certainly not obscured! As for Queen of Lothric being connected with Gwynevere's item, same can be told about Rosaria who is not Gwynevere being connected with Gwynevere's miracles! Basically, I think Rosaria and Queen of Lothric are just descendants of Gwynevere! I am yet to decide the exact specifics but yeah.. Guess I have to write a whole character my darn self, but I don't mind fsdhfdh
That being said, I am not opposed to the idea that Gundyr might be 'hideous' under his helmet xD Whether it is result of corruption or just how he is! All appearances are valid! Just that it would be something special for him, not connection to Ocelotte 🤔
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I am trying to double-check through Japanese script, and it seems to be more directly stated as 'the lenght/eternity of his mission was probably decided on from the beginning'! () (Tbh Japanese script being less vague IS the reason I can't loredig without these anymore) But regardless, yeah, I think whoever sent Gundyr to link the flame was setting him for the failure and a role of the judge! My current idea about it is that it was his own family that done him so dirty!
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I think them being the variants of one another is not coincidental! Before Lords of Cinder, the method to link the fire was to nurture some randos into becoming strong champions, but it probably proven being ineffective! Heck, the Unkindled are those who failed to link the fire! They switched to "find some really powerful guys and burn them", but as they started to shy away from their duties (Melina shames Lothric for skill issue in the distance fdhfhds), the old practice with firekeepers and leveling-up randos became relevant again!
It was someone from the royal family. I consider maybe Queen of Lothric herself! She was like, 'hey Gundyr good news, Lothric refused to link the fire so now YOU can save the world :))))) HAHA TROLLED YOU LOOSER YOU ARE ACTUALLY NOW THE STEPPING STONE TO RESTARTING CHOSEN UNDEADS THING LMAO' ....okay I am trivializing hhfdsd But basically deceiving him, chaining him, letting him see the result of "his" failure and being stuck in the timeless dark until he is defeated for the first time was the plan to shape him into everything any "worthy" Unkindled would face and have to overcome! I have not decided if they really hated Gundyr so much they decided to throw him away like that or they saw his outstanding personality qualities and believed only he could do something so important out of twisted 'love'. That they chose him BECAUSE only he was in their eyes good enough to overcome all those traumas and become a perfect test. Leaning more towards the latter...
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Okay, and I think not only he was deceived in this shit machiavellian way, but also someone else! Someone likely from within their walls too!
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Not only Shrine Handmaid is strangely the only NPC still present in the 'dark' Firelink Shrine instead of being replaced by like, corresponding item, and not only she weirdly looks same as retired Firekeepers from Dark Souls 2 (!!!).. but ALSO she is notably blinded, whereas blinding the Firekeepers specifically became a thing in Dark Souls 3 time (!!!!!)
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AND she strangely drops this item:
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I think it is safe to assume that she is the person tasked to be a Firekeeper that never met her champion! Needless to mention that it is, after all, FROM Lothric Castle HOW you access the Untended Graves! Yes, what they promised to Gundyr was being a Lord of Cinder, not the leveled-up "chosen undead", so her own tragedy is connected with the state of 'dark' Firelink Shrine. And maybe with us the player. Gundyr went from Champion to Iudex after being bested "by an unknown warrior" and since WE fight him outside of time as a Champion, it is probably us who set him on this path. Same as how in Dark Souls 1's DLC area WE are the one who sealed the Abyss in the past. When it is not us, metanarratively, it is any other player xd
So yeah, the two characters are not connected as Firekeeper and the "chosen" warrior because it was simply not what was promised to Gundyr, but they are connected as part of the same plan to restart the old practice after the authorities took collective L with Lords of Cinder idea! (Though if Gundyr himself is of royal blood, it is a cute idea that maybe Handmaid was Gundyr's wet nurse in the past.. ;-; )
So yeah, it is less headcanons post and more pinning down my interpretation post! I am very bad with headcanons actually as I don't have imagination hshdsd If I forgot something I want to hear it, like I said there is too much Soulsborne information and my brain is starting to fall apart from it! But yeah, I think Gundyr was a person of many virtues from the beginning, and unfortunately he was just good enough to be used like this. (also cunning Queen of Lothric character ftw lol)
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aceredshirt13 · 3 months
So my buddy @oshawolt and I have watched the first two episodes of The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, and by far the funniest part about the show is that its complete inability to give teenaged Indy anything like a concrete logical reason to enlist in WWI results in it reading like Indy is willing to go against his friends, his family, his loved ones, all logic, and a significant number of his moral codes, solely because his bestie T. E. Lawrence signed up for the war, and he apparently values that above literally all other aspects of his life.
Like. Listen. In the first episode, Indy joins Pancho Villa and the Mexican Revolution because he wants to help people, but when a poor villager tells him how even the most just of wars inflict untold suffering on the innocents the soldiers claim to be fighting for, Indy becomes disillusioned with the war effort... only to read a letter + photograph he keeps with him from Lawrence, who says he's joining the war effort in Arabia because he believes it is a cause worth fighting for. And Indy proceeds to immediately forget literally everything he just heard that Mexican villager say and go "fuck it, we ball. and by ball I mean go to the trenches." Indy has decided that the Mexican Revolution "isn't his war", but he's American - WWI in 1916 isn't his war any more than the Mexican Revolution is. So that obviously can't be his justification??
Now, ostensibly he goes because his friend Remy, a Belgian guy he met in Mexico who was fighting for the revolution after his family was killed, decides to go back to Belgium and fight in his own homeland's war instead of the Mexican one. In fact, in the upcoming episodes, he and Remy are together quite a lot. But during the first episode set in Mexico, we are never given to believe that he and Indy are particularly close - they seem like acquaintances at best. Not much time is shown of them together, and we hoped that in the second episode, when the two of them disembark in London and enlist in the Belgian Army, we'd get some of that good old intergenerational friendship energy and really see why Indy, despite not necessarily believing in this war, might want to go to support his friend in Belgium, and his more distant friend in the Middle East.
Nah. Remy ditches Indy for a hot widow almost immediately, and for the entire rest of the episode his ass is GONE. He literally doesn't show up again except to give Indy the papers saying it's time to go to the army, and to be like "oh by the way I'm married now!" at the train station. Bro apparently does not hang out with Indy or tell him anything. Which would be understandable if they were acquaintances, but like??? Aren't they meant to be so close as friends that Indy would up and fight a war with this guy???
Meanwhile, Indy follows a cute girl to a suffragette meeting, they become best friends on the virtue of "speaking an unbelievably unrealistic number of languages" and "having literally identical backstories" (to the point where we found ourselves wishing she'd been Indiana Jones in this show instead, given that she's apparently just his cooler genderbent version played by someone who can act better), meet and get along with his tutor since childhood (who apparently is close enough with Indy now not to want him to enlist in the Army and endanger himself, despite the fact that she disliked Indy so much as a child and allowed him in so many absurdly dangerous situations that we became convinced she was deliberately trying to get him killed in a way that looked like an accident), and eventually fall in love. All through this, Indy helps with the women's suffrage movement, lends money to a poor woman and her children, watches his friend/girlfriend throw a dessert at Winston Churchill (who is in this episode for five minutes because Why The Hell Not I Guess), meets multiple people whose loved ones have been killed in the war, and is told by an older suffragette that one day of the good work he's put in today is worth one year of time in the trenches. At one point, while visiting the girl's family, he is asked why he joined the war effort, and gives an unbelievably vague and evasive answer that all but proves he doesn't even know why. And in the end, he wants to ask the girl to marry him, but she says no - partially because of the implication that she doesn't know him quite well enough to be willing to sign her rights away, and partially because she doesn't know if after the war they'll be two different people.
So let's look at the facts. Here in London, he has friends, family, someone he loves who he could spend a life with and eventually marry after they've established themselves, and a purpose he enjoys with clear, positive results. Sure, he's already signed up for the Belgian Army, but he enlisted under a half-assed fake name that couldn't possibly be traced. He scarcely ever sees Remy - he seems to owe him nothing, and owe his country no allegiance. Why not just... not go when his number is up? What reason on Earth could he have to do anything but stay?
So naturally, he just. He just fucking goes! For no conceivable reason - no conceivable reason other than that Lawrence is also in the war!
Indy's been friends with Lawrence since they met when Lawrence was 20 and Indy was a nine-year-old kid who couldn't act very well - Lawrence asked him to call him "Ned", and he still does (which, for the record, Indy's tutor, who has literally known Lawrence longer than Indy has and is on good terms with him, does not. Apparently she didn't get the nicknaming permission. Rip). Still does, because the only time Indy is able to give a concrete answer about anything in the war is when said tutor angrily asks him why he's enlisted, and he says that "Ned" is in the war! He knows this because apparently Lawrence actually kept his promise to write to him, and they've been writing letters and sending stuff to each other since Indy was a child! And - judging by every other thing in his life suggesting otherwise - Indy values the actions of his pen pal more than anyone else's opinions, his friends and love life, and his own safety and happiness! That doesn't seem like a normal way to react to the actions of a guy you only knew in-person for a few days as a child!
...In conclusion, world-famous fictional film character Indiana Jones would not have become the person he is if it hadn't been for his gay little crush on real human man T. E. Lawrence.
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Do you have any headcanon about Kai?
I'm assuming you mean the show version of Kai and not Permanent Anacondrai Kai. And honestly not a whole lot of solid ones rn, but I do have enough to share here;
He definitely likes spice. That boy loves it when his food is spicy.
A little bit of projection; Kai is not good at emotional regulation when he's younger. Idk if I HC him with ADHD (which is what I have and is the biggest cause of my emotional disregulation) but the stuff he went through when he was young and the fact he wasn't really taught how to regulate his emotions would've resulted in that.
Wu giving him the opportunity to express his anger and other feelings in physical training was the healthiest outlet Kai had really ever been shown by someone else when he was young. Living with Zane and Cole also definitely helped.
I like the idea that Kai and Nya were supported by the village they grew up in. A lot of people like the headcanons that Kai had to work really hard to keep him and Nya housed and fed. While I do like those HCs, I personally like the idea that the village kind of collectively helped out, bringing the children meals or babysitting/teaching the kids. They probably didn't worry too hard about Kai and Nya covering the costs to keep their parents' shop or house around.
In my HC, Maya and Ray were important members of the community and their disappearance was concerning and upsetting. They were elemental masters and war heroes. They provided the village a sense of security just by being there along with providing weaponry. With them gone so suddenly and without explanation, that sense of security was gone.
There was a period where the entire village was waiting for them to come back somehow. None of them wanted to tell Kai and Nya their parents were never coming back. But Kai figured that out on his own as he grew older. Once Kai was old enough to do chore work but not man his dad's shop, the villagers would've offered to pay him for that, because Kai would've begun to feel like he needed to 'grow up' and be responsible. I personally follow my friend's HC that Kai was around 14 or 15 (Nya being around 12-13 and Jay being about 13; youngest of the Ninja before Lloyd) at the time of the pilots. He definitely worked really hard before becoming a ninja but I don't think he had, like, five jobs at the time to support them both. He likely did odd jobs around the village and then the blacksmith shop once he was tall enough to use the forge.
Kai didn't make as many friends in the village as he probably would have otherwise, because between the abandonment anxiety and grief that came from losing his parents so suddenly, taking care of his sister, and also being just generally more stand-offish because everyone treats him differently (not cruelly; just differently, and kids are very good at noticing those things), he just had a hard time developing new relationships on his own. Especially in the shadow left behind by his parents' disappearance.
He wanted Nya to enjoy being a kid and that meant he wasn't super willing to let her help him in the more dangerous part of the shop, which definitely annoyed her. Kai was well-meaning there, but he didn't exactly convey that super well to Nya all the time cause he was a young teenager and she was a 12 year old who wanted to be seen as just as capable as her older brother.
The above bit is definitely inspired by that one exchange in the pilot; "I can handle this myself!" "No, you can't, stupid!"
I have a little brother who's 14, but in my brain he's still 12, and I definitely HC that Kai sorta sees Nya the same way. Not that she's incapable, just that she's also baby and it's his responsibility to provide helpful life advice to her, which is kinda funny when she has shit more figured out than he does.
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wooahaes · 4 months
skz versions PLEASE
while im waiting for pasta sauce to thicken up a lil...
my immediate thought for 'older brothers best friend' is aussie bros being actual (adopted) aussie bros. reader is chris's best friend and felix is in love with them but has 0 idea how to talk abt it. where like... the seokmin-chan dynamic was "i'm worried abt how seokmin will respond :(", the chris-felix dynamic is "chris can never find out because he has so much dirt on me and i'll never live"
i like the idea that reader n chris meet in high school and just click together rly well lol and felix starts crushing on them after reader shows up to a swim meet a few years later while felix is a freshman. reader's cheering on chris and felix because they wanna be supportive and reader hugs felix afterward and he's like omg (flustered). he doesn't act on it for a while because he thinks the crush will go away, esp after reader goes abroad for school, and then they come back and felix's crush comes back in full force. all of his friends (the rest of the 00z + jeongin) know the lore by now and have been sworn to silence. there's just some sort of rekindling of things, both have matured a bit, and its kind of a "im getting to know you again and oops we're falling in love" while reader and felix scramble to keep their relationship hidden from chris (bc reader, like felix, also knows how much dirt chris has on them. neither part of this relationship will get to live with chris around)
i like to imagine that eventually it leads to a big fight because i live for the drama in fiction lol where chris finds out and he's hurt because two of the people he loves most have been hiding this from him and he feels horrible because why wouldnt they trust him??? reader calls things off with felix because they feel guilty for hurting him, felix is upset and feels guilty for hurting chris as well, and the three start to avoid one another fully after the fallout. it 100% takes the rest of their friends to trick them all into the same room and being like 'ok work this shit out because ur depressing us.' they work things out, probs w chris admitting he never wanted them to hide their relationship and he def didn't want them to break up as a result, he just wishes they had talked to him, etc. and they work things out and happy ever after :)
sorry u can tell i was thinking abt this while i was cooking sdkfhdsf
fake dating but the guy needs it instead of the reader... hmm..... god, who is the funniest option for fake dating.... my heart says seungmin if im honest because like. he feels like the type who's like "i would never get myself into that situation"
and then he turns around to reader and hes like "i need you to pretend to date me. don't ask questions." and reader (his friend and coworker) is like. uh. my guy, i kind of have to ask questions rn. and seungmin starts telling this long story about how he saw his ex out in public and they're dating someone new and they were kind of a shitty person when they dated and turns out they're still shitty bc they saw the chance to put seungmin down because ohh ur not dating anyone? of course ur not :) and hes like ACTUALLY I AM (pulls up picture of him and reader when they were hanging out) they're hotter than you :) and now he's invited to some party that he knows his ex will be at and he needs reader to go with him. readers like whats in it for me tho other than showing up ur bitchy ex. and seungmins like idk ill cover one of ur shifts.
thats not enough and he ends up promising to take u out for whatever food afterward and covering one of ur shifts as soon as u need it (barring him having any personal emergencies/being physically unable to cover it). reader is 100% the one who kisses seungmin's cheek while at the party...
and probably also the one who yanks seungmin in to make out with him in a bedroom when they hear seungmin's ex wandering around for him. they absolutely pull away and are fine right after its all over. the two probs keep up the fake dating for a while w the PDA becoming more and more common until seungmin just looks up one day and hes like
holy fuck. we're just like... actually dating now arent we.
they r idiots together <3 mwah mwah
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
Alright. Let's get back to fun and horny stuff. What are your headcanons for Leon's kinks and sexual preferences? Do OG Leon and Remake Leon have similar tastes? Does Leon prefer certain things with women and certain things with men? Let me have it!
THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT, ANON 👀 we have been suffering from a lack of thirst over here, and I've been dying to talk about this/slut this man up lately.
I think that Remake Leon and OG Leon are more or less into the same things, but with differing levels of enthusiasm for them.
● OG Leon has control issues and usually can't get off unless he's on top -- but when he's actually with someone that he trusts enough to take that control away (and the number of people he trusts to do that can be counted on one hand), while he can be a brat sometimes, he's usually very obedient. He knows how rare this is for him and understands the concept of gratitude, so he gets very vocal and is known to dispense with the "Yes sir/ma'am"s and even says "please."
● OG Leon is far more of an exhibitionist. Remake Leon will still put on a show if he's asked to, but OG Leon doesn't always need to be asked -- and OG Leon is also far more willing to take risks in terms of doing it in public/getting caught. OG Leon is the kind of guy who will fuck you in your mom's house while your parents are watching TV in literally the next room over. Especially later in life, he becomes that guy who will gladly fuck you in the bathroom stall at a nightclub. Not to say that Remake Leon wouldn't -- just that OG Leon does it for sport.
● Remake Leon has far more of a praise kink. OG Leon definitely appreciates a compliment, but he doesn't necessarily want/need to be told he's doing a good job -- all of the other sounds that his partner is making are affirmation enough. But Remake Leon just loves to hear the words "Good boy" ; "That feels so good" ; "Right there/Just like that" ; "Please don't stop" ; "I love it."
● Leon in general is a very gracious receiver. He's very vocal when getting head -- generous with quiet hums and sighs and grateful little moans. He'll whisper sweet little nothing words of praise and encouragement while running his fingers through his partner's hair. On the rare occasion that he does make the move to fuck someone's face, he's very slow and gentle and holds eye contact the entire time -- not just to assert his dominance, but also to keep a constant gauge on his partner's comfort levels.
● On the whole, though, Leon prefers to give rather than to receive. There are few things in this world that he enjoys more than going down on someone, and he'll keep going until he brings his partner to orgasm or he's told explicitly to stop.
● While we're on the subject, Leon definitely eats ass. Don't try to tell me he doesn't. Everybody shut up.
● Both versions of Leon enjoy being called "Daddy" but OG Leon leans into it way more -- which is interesting because Remake Leon gets off on it way harder. OG Leon has kind of just come to terms with the fact that that's the niche that he fills for a lot of women especially -- and especially as he gets older -- and he is into it, so he's more than willing to roleplay out whatever depraved shit is asked of him. (And once he hits his late 30s/early 40s, he definitely becomes that guy who wants nothing more than a little princess he can spoil~) But there's some part of Remake Leon that feels some sort of weird sense of shame in that -- so he'll never be the one to instigate it, but dear god does it make him hard. So when he does get to do it, he really gets into it -- and you had no idea that this man was secretly an actor. Don't make him take off his belt. Or, do. Whatever. His safe word is "Umbrella"
● OG Leon is far more willing to talk dirty (see here for reference), and he's way more into things like phone sex as a result. But, of course, he's Leon, so like. He actually will ask "What are you wearing?" as though that question doesn't make people want to reach through the phone and punch him in the throat. (What, you didn't think all of these headcanons were going to make him look good, did you?)
● Remake Leon suffers way more from being touch-starved, so he's far more likely/willing to just sit there or lie there and make out with someone for a good, long while without really doing anything else. He also has a lot more patience, so he'll more often take things slow if he can get away with it. The more time that he can spend hands-on exploring his partner's body and having his own explored in return, the better. Remake Leon is the kind of guy who will hold someone from behind and slowly kiss a line all the way down the side of their neck and along the span of their shoulder before switching sides, all the while keeping his hands on their hips and going nowhere else. OG Leon would 100% already have his hands in someone's shirt or up their skirt, though, too.
● Both versions of Leon have a breeding kink, and both versions are embarrassed as fuck about it. For as shameless as OG Leon is, this is like his big dirty secret. He keeps that shit to himself and only tells people who he not only trusts with his life but who also give him some sort of feeling that they might also be into it. He can count on one hand the number of times he's had sex with a woman without a condom (because that's the number of times he was with someone who he actually trusted to be honest about her birth control), but nothing makes him come harder. The reason why he's so secretive/embarrassed about it is because it's one of the few things he's actually self-aware about in the sense that he knows, on some level, that this is a weird manifestation of his trauma with regards to having his life ruined and his autonomy stolen (especially his bodily autonomy). He knows that he'll never get a chance to be a normal guy with a normal life who settles down and gets married and starts a family, so his brain is just kind of going "I just wanna knock someone up, man. The hottest thing a woman can be is the mother of my child."
● When things get rough, Remake Leon is willing to go way harder on it than OG Leon. Basically, I think of Remake Leon as more comfortable going to extremes (either extremely soft/slow/sensual or extremely hard/rough/fast), whereas OG Leon tries to stay in a comfortable middle ground. Remake Leon will actually raise his voice and bark orders at someone and restrain them by the wrists and pin them down hard against the floor/wall/mattress. Not to say that OG Leon won't if he's asked to -- but that Remake Leon is eager to, and he commits to it way harder.
● Deep down, Leon just wants someone to take care of him. I've listed a lot of headcanons about him being on top/in control/dominant, but that's just because that's what he defaults to because that's what he's comfortable with because of how fucked his life is and how he views his place in the world and his role in other people's lives. But the truth is, he spends a lot of time longing to be with someone who can strip him down to the rawest, most vulnerable parts of who he is, look him in the eyes, kiss him softly, and say, "I've got you."
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psychologeek · 1 year
So I have a new fic. Shocking, I know.
(Yes, I'm still late with 2 assignments. Any help with writing the letter to the professor is welcome. explaining I can't stay awake more than an hour for the last weeks is hard.)
It's inspired by @byrambles fic "another mirror".
Explanations+thoughts+side notes under "read more"
Damian is sitting on the cot in the containment cell when the world ends.
"You will be facing charges in twelve hours," says the older version of his brother. "By the Justice League court.”
Of legacy, family, and Learned Helplessness.
(How do you push forward when your reasons are gone?)
It's kinda dark. Which is very understandable, as I wrote it when I was very hurt and suicidal. (I'm better now. But I now it happens).
Thoughts and notes from the writing process below-v
Tevya: wait, I just realized Dami thinks THE OTHERS ARE DEAD.
Me: I don't know if he thinks they are dead, but they are surely lost for him - so might as well be dead. (For extra angst: Something about Object Permanence, and knowing things doesn't disappear just bc u can't see it. Another thing about separation anxiety and how, for Dami, it's a well learned lesson that if he doesn't see someone, if he doesn't keep an eye on them, they are probably dead)
About Trauma, PTSD and cPTSD (as I see it). About Dami's inner monologue/broken sentences.
Some things just doesn't have words. PTSD is The unspoken break, the fractured paragraph in one's story. cPTSD is a swollen book, one that fell into the sink and only some of the words can be recognised. You may have a full chapter, or a several words, or some pages are so badly destroyed you fear even looking at them. And even after, even after you dried that book and put it in a safe place - Those pages will always be heavy, and broken, and wounded. This book will always be different than the others.
(But it's still worth it)
About the scene with Dami prepare for his death:
So, I'm not Muslim - I'm Jewish.
But this scene is heavily inspired by the many, many people we lost during the holocaust. Not just for death, but also from the group. They were lost to our people, our nation, for ever, and so are their descendants.
One of the most told stories I remember being told as a kid, is one of a Rabbi who went looking in every orphanage and Monastery, And whnever he was told "we don't have any Jewish kids here" he asked them to bring in all the kids. Then he said "Shma Israel" (a prayer, one of the simplest, many people use to say it also at bed before going to sleep). Every kid who put a hand on their eyes, he was like - yes, they are Jewish.
And it's small. But I also think of all those who WEREN'T found .
I have a lot of feelings about culture and groups.
About Tim& Dami's escape+Alfred's death:
In my head, Dami tried to die once when he was about 9-10, and Alfred found him. They made sort of agreement, so Dami promised he'll take care of himself, and Alf promise they'll escape. In my head, a short while after Tim was taken they were meant to escape. Was it only enough for two people? Or did Alfred stayed back to cover them? Idk. But the results is this: Dami and Tim escaped and caught up after about a week. (Did B killed Alfie? Did he make Dami do that as part of his punishment? Did Alfie killed himself, so he won't tell where they are? Trader's choice.)
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