#I’m gonna run away now and pretend I don’t exist
shushiyuii · 2 years
Atlantic Runaways [Part 8]
Notes: Hey! It’s been quite a while, hasn’t it? Maybe you’ve forgotten about me, never know but I’ve reappeared from the void for a short while to deliver this!
I’m too sure if I’m going to be returning any time soon, I’m still thinking about a lot of things and I have a lot of things going on personally
Originally the finale was supposed to include all of what was written in this fic and including what else I have planned but I think it’ll be better to drag it out a bit first.
Edit: realised this was part 8- oops-
Warnings: Mentions of soft vore, past traumas of drowning, actual drowning, sobbing, nightmares, neglect, mistreatment, potential mentions of death and one very unreliable narrator. If I’ve missed any please let me know!
Words: 5.4K+
“Tommy…”, Wilbur looked down upon him with a solemn expression, his features dull despite the difference in height. He looked ominous, dangerous like how they had first met all those months ago.
After the incident of him nearly dying, Tommy had these recurring nightmares that always plagued his mind. It was quite frightening the first couple of times it had happened, though he grew accustomed to them, always preparing for his demise at the end of the road.
Tommy looked indifferent, neither bothered by Wilbur’s words to attempt to burade him. Though it was different this time around, Wilbur did not seek to intimidate him or scare him. He only stared at him.
“I think you understand what is yet to come.”, the copy looked off to the side as if he seemed saddened, yet no emotions displayed on his face. Tommy let out a breath that had been caught in his throat.
“What do you mean?”, Tommy stood anxiously on his toes, fearful of what could come of this dream, he didn’t want any surprises at the moment. Yet for some reason, guilt rose to his subconscious.
“I believe you know what I am referring to, lower your guard. I will not harm you despite what you believe.”, though he didn’t stand down. But what could he be talking about? He wasn’t entirely sure.
“No, I don’t. Want to explain, bitch?”, he teased. Yet the vision remained in place, no movement or expression shown. Typically, Wilbur would respond with his own remark or call him a child. Nothing.
“You understand that you must confront your emotions, do you not? If not now then your emotions might get the better of you by the time you manage to set foot in the place your dream takes place within.”.
So that was what the vision entailed, so it wasn’t a nightmare. It was another one of the weirder ones.
Tommy looked away from the vision to his bare hands, his vision blurred as his eyes unfocused and his mind corroded his thoughts. As if the sun had just dawned upon him. It was today, and soon everything could change for the better or worse.
The vision moved, its claw-like finger placed under Tommy’s chin, bringing him out of his thoughts. It showed more expression, showing a mask of the Wilbur he knew, copying him with a mask of concern.
He leaned slightly into the claw as it moved to his cheek, he appreciated the comfort despite everything. He wanted to be calm, yet despite being asleep he could feel the adrenaline pumping through his very veins. Already anxious about what was to come.
“I-”, he took a moment to pause. “I know, but- What if big dubs just leaves me? I don’t want to believe he would but-”, he sobbed. “I’m just scared, I guess- What am I supposed to do? I promised to get him out, escape and-”,
He took a moment to pause.
“For some reason, I just want things to stay the way they are. I’m happy, I can see Wilbur whenever and spend time with him, I got a job to support my dad, and I got my best friend. Everything I need-”,
“But that is simply selfish.”, the vision interrupted. Tommy only looked away with a guilty expression, he knew that he was being selfish. He’d never act upon those emotions. After all, Wilbur had been in captivity for so long, day by day he got weaker.
Tommy could tell the mer wasn’t happy just staying there, always putting on a show just to make him smile. He shouldn’t doubt Wilbur, having gone so far as to save his life and continue to care for him.
“I just want him to stay…”, he turned back and hugged the finger. Though it only felt hollow of what wasn’t there, he just wanted touch or comfort yet whatever the vision did had no effect to comfort him. He was alone.
“You allow these intrusive thoughts to plague your mind and judgment, and you contort to them as though they are correct.”, Tommy only nodded. He was letting his worries get the better of him.
“Tommy, understand this. You will be just fine, you know it. And if you’re still worried. Simply speak to Wilbur, he will understand”.
And the dream faded away.
“Boo! Stop hitting me with the fucking shell!”, Tommy let out a groan at the two of them arguing, placing a pillow on top of his head in frustration. Rather than waking up to his best friend cuddled to his side, he woke up to nothing but yelling as the two argued over a game.
The game was Mario kart of all things.
It wasn’t long until their race had concluded, Tubbo celebrated his win with a loud victory screech as Ranboo let out a sigh, third place. He was surprised that Ranboo was good at the game considering he had only been a mer for what he believed was a couple of months.
After celebrating his victory, Tubbo had come to annoy Tommy with his clingy side. Throwing himself onto Tommy’s side as he let out an ‘oomph’ sound before glaring down at his best friend, not entirely thrilled to see him active so early.
“G’morning Big man! You excited for today?”, Tubbo smiled. Tommy nodded with a small smile, indeed excited for the day. As much as he’d appreciate more sleep after recent events, it was better now than never.
He didn’t want Wilbur to suffer any longer than he had to. Picking up his confidence, he sat up and gripped the pillow that had fallen off of his face before plunging it into Tubbo’s face as revenge.
Tubbo was quick to try and repel the attack, only to fail and grasping for aid from Ranboo. Yet Ranboo did not aid him in his time of need, looking with a sick grin as he watched his best friend get attacked, it was revenge for not only Tommy but himself.
His laughed pleas were no use and eventually tuckered out in surrender, taking a moment to get back his breath. Tommy smirked in victory that he shared with Ranboo. Then standing up for the first time, excitement flooded through his head as he turned to his closet to gather some clothing.
His room was still a mess after his expansive research of crumbled notes that filled the room, along with discarded coffee cups and mess across his desk. Though the other two didn’t appear to mind the mess.
It was bright and early, roughly 5 am to be exact. Tommy didn’t quite appreciate being awake at such an early time but it was necessary for the plan. After all, Ranboo couldn’t exactly shift into a giant mer inside of his house.
He picked up his usual shirt, a pair of denim shorts that had a pair of pockets and a pair of bright red sandals. He went to change into the bathroom as the other two went downstairs to join his dad and friends for breakfast.
After changing, he could taste the air that smelt of waffles. He smiled, rushing downstairs to grab a bite as he was quite frankly starving. He was greeted by his dad’s beaming bright smile, who held a plate of waffles topped with whipped cream and strawberries.
Tommy was quick to join at the breakfast table, taking his dish before almost scoffing it down like a wolf. His father let out a hearty laugh as he sipped his cup of coffee, he had told his father of the half-baked plan in the middle of the night and was happy to help.
Yet, his father looked a little tired from the lack of sleep, the coffee to help prepare him for the drive to the beach and work. He felt sorry for his dad, but thankful nonetheless. His father was indeed the best after all.
Their car was a decent couple of years old, having been around as far as Tommy could remember. It was a comfy car, a dark green one. Tommy listened to the purr of the engine as he leaned against the window.
His father’s gaze focused on the road ahead, in the back Tubbo talked away with Ranboo about the bright weather and potential waves. It was surprisingly sunny out despite it being the early hours of the morning.
They were headed towards a more isolated beach that wasn’t too far from Tommy’s home and the waterpark. And plus, it was a beach that had a lovely view and Tommy spent a lot of time there as a child.
It was rather calming, Tommy could almost sleep if it weren’t for the excitement of what was to come, he was really looking forward to it all. He imagined how Wilbur would react to seeing the outside world, wait-
What would Wilbur even look like as a human? How would he even react to a pair of legs? Would he be able to swim or walk? He’d have to ask Ranboo about it when he retrieved the necklace as Ranboo really only knew the effect of it.
Phil began to slowly ease into the breaks, parking the car to the side as he pulled up the handbrake, he didn’t want to lose the car to slipping down the car after all. The purr of the engine came to a sudden halt.
Tubbo was the first to exit the car, slamming the car door and rushing to the trunk to grab Tommy’s surfboard that was being borrowed. Tommy was the second to exit, taking in a deep breath as he closed his air, taking in the taste of the salty sea.
Though, his moment was interrupted as he could hear something banging from the car door. Turning back to see Ranboo struggling to open the door, pushing his body against it in an attempt to get it open.
Tommy tried to hold back a laugh but a snort escaped him, shaking his head in an almost humiliated way but meant no harm by it. He opened the door for his new friend, only to send him flying to the floor as he fell out the door.
It caused Tommy to burst out laughing, holding his stomach as he laughed his head off. Ranboo was quick to scramble back onto his legs, his cheeks flushed in embarrassment without the protection of his mask.
Tubbo was quick to inspect on the moment, letting out a few giggles in the process. He then gripped Ranboo’s wrist and dragged him towards the shore, Tommy looked back to check on his dad who was smiling and waving at him.
He smiled back and turned back towards the beach, it’d been a while since he’d been here. It hadn’t changed at all during the years, almost as if it were never changing. He reminisced of the memories he held on the very sand he stood on, many memories were made here.
Despite wearing sandals, he could still feel the sand between his toes. The Sun shone brightly as it always had, his bright blonde hair reflecting in the sunlight, making it seem as though it were glowing.
His thoughts went back to Wilbur as he took a step forward, with each step would be a literal step forward in the plan, every step would lead closer to Wilbur’s escape. His slow steady steps on the boiling sand soon turned into a sudden sprint.
Tubbo was always swimming into the ocean with the board, his friend always was the type to be pulled into the sea, sometimes he questioned if Tubbo had more of a connection to the ocean than he did with his mer heritage and all.
Ranboo awaited by the shoreline, the waves flowing under his feet. He swore he could see more mer-like features on Ranboo as he drew closer. His legs were adorned with scales as though they could turn to a tale. He was preparing to shift back.
Ranboo went to reach the back of his neck, but he halted as he saw Tommy continue to run towards him. He was tackled into a hug, Tommy embraced the mer tightly. He was really thankful to Ranboo for all he was doing.
Despite barely knowing Tommy, he was willing to help him and Wilbur with the escape. And he owed a lot to Tubbo too, if it weren’t for him then he and Ranboo would’ve never met. Ranboo wasn’t quite the wrongun’ he assumed him to be.
He would have to repay them for their kindness soon, what would Ranboo and Tubbo even want though? He’d work it out eventually. Tommy then pulled away from the hug with a huge smile on his face.
Ranboo returned the smile, then again reached to unclip the necklace, falling into his palm. He looked back to Tommy as his face went into panic, Tommy was quick to reach out as he went to reassure him but Ranboo quickly retreated into the ocean.
It took Tommy a second to realise that Ranboo did not want to crush Tommy as he turned into a giant, rather stupid of him to attempt to go after him. Soon, Ranboo stood before him or well, gazed down upon him.
He now had the opportunity to see Ranboo closer than he did the other day, he was an orca mer that wasn’t as big as Wilbur but still fairly gigantic. Ranboo’s hair colour had changed to match his tale, though his eyes remained the same.
His cheeks looked as though they were covered by freckles, one side with darker freckles and the other looked white. Ranboo’s gaze looked unfocused as one of his claws laid on his forehead, though he shook his head and turned back to Tommy.
Shifting must’ve had its side effects, he couldn’t imagine changing from a smaller size to a gigantic one, mustn't have been easy. Ranboo looked a bit uneasy, his movements cautious as his claw reached out towards Tommy.
Tommy reached out his hand as the necklace was dropped into his palm. The necklace had a black and white spotted shell, surrounded by pearls. It was quite beautiful. He grasped it gently yet tightly in his hand, this was the very thing that would grant Wilbur his escape.
He placed the necklace in his shorts pocket, smiling at Ranboo as he turned to leave. He was ready, ready to get Wilbur out, the day was finally upon the two of them. Wilbur would finally get his-
“Tommy!- Wait!”, a giant claw gently grasped his waist, halting him in his run back to the car. He turned back to Ranboo who held a worried look on his face as the claw gently let go, letting out a shaky breath Tommy walked back to the same position as he was.
“Sorry about that, but I still got to explain a couple of things. Right?”, Tommy had been so excited that he didn’t even know how the artefact worked in the first place. It was rather stupid of him to wander off like that.
“Okay first things of all, how to use the amulet; The mer in question must be underwater, the shift will happen there. The mer must put on the amulet like they normally would. Also, word of advice, shifting for the first time can be kinda- funky. So be prepared in case Wilbur needs help.”.
“Your friend won’t be adjusted to the change right away, he won’t know how to walk properly with a new set of legs. Also, in case you’re worried. Mer forms come with their own sets of clothing. Anything else you want to ask?”.
Tommy paused to see if he had any questions, but couldn’t seem to think of any as Ranboo had explained clearly enough. It appeared that everything was prepared, he could only hope the plan would go just as smoothly.
“Nah, I’m good. Thank you, Boo. Really, I fucking owe you one. A big one. See you soon Big man! I’ll make sure to bring back the necklace soon!”. Tommy then turned back to the car, rushing to make his way to the car.
Tommy had prepared everything he could think he’d need for the escape plan, he brought a spare towel to help Wilbur dry off, the amulet, and his phone in case of emergencies, and was really all he needed.
A sigh escaped from his lips, with each minute that passed, he couldn’t help but feel more anxious. Closing his eyes as he leaned back into the car seat, he had no idea as to why he was panicking so much, it was simple enough.
Thinking back to his dream though, would his emotions really get the better of him? He knew that he’d been acting strange but he didn’t believe that it would have such an impact. He concluded it was better to bury the coffin until it was dug up again.
Phil had stopped the car, looking at his son with worried yet tired eyes. His father was also quite nervous as most likely, his son could get caught and endangered. Not only that but he was involved with the entire thing, the literal escape cab.
“Are you alright, mate?”, his father gently placed his hand on Tommy’s shoulder, squeezing it in reassurance. Tommy bit down on his tongue anxiously, not enough pressure to hurt but enough to make himself aware of how anxious he must’ve looked.
“I’m fine Dad, Just a bit nervous y’know?”, his father gave him a soft smile as he pulled Tommy into a hug. It was a bit awkward due to the car seats but Tommy appreciated it nonetheless. After separating, Tommy grabbed onto the car handle and opened the door.
Grabbing his stuff from the trunk. Step by step, he walked into his workplace.
Tommy got ready as he usually would, but in the pocket of his wet suit was the necklace.
He was ready. Though, as much as he’d love to tell Wilbur of the plan as soon as possible. It’d definitely be better as a surprise, he thought.
His sports bag in hand, scanning his keycard to allow him entry to Wilbur’s enclosure. He hesitated for a moment, standing in the doorway as he took a deep breath. Giving himself a moment to get his acting game ready.
“Wilbur! I’m here!”, Tommy called as loud as he could to the mer. Tommy planned to be a little more annoying to the mer than usual. Maybe then Wilbur would catch onto his plans, he’d reveal them either way.
Tommy stood still beside the tiny pool, at least tiny for Wilbur. He waited for about a minute or two yet he got no response from him. He bit his lip as he sat down, looking down into the water for any indication of movement, he didn’t want Wilbur to scare him again.
He waited another couple of minutes, but still nothing. So, he called out again. “Wilbur! Are you there?”, he grew increasingly worried. Was Wilbur okay?
Normally, he would’ve been here by now.
He waited again, but still nothing. His breathing began to grow heavy as his heart rate increased. Worried for the mer. Instead of calling with his voice, he splashed the water as he did in his training, hoping to get a response.
He waited again.
Tommy looked down at the water, gulping down nervously. Then, the still water began to sway, and soon Wilbur emerged from the water. There were no splashes of surprise, just the water that dripped from Wilbur resurfacing.
He let down a breath of relief as he stared up at Wilbur. The mer had a soft smile, though his eyes looked groggy as though he had just woken up. “Good morning, Toms- You’re here early, aren’t you?”.
Tommy was quick to reach into his bag and search for his phone, pulling it out to see that it was 8:12 am. His shift had started about 10 minutes ago. “Yeah, it’s one of the early shifts.”, he smirked. Wilbur only nodded his head, letting out a yawn as he barred his sharp teeth.
Tommy rolled his eyes and got up, he made his way to the freezer that held Wilbur’s food supply. Grabbing as much as he could carry and brought it to the mer. “Here’s breakfast, you prick.”, Tommy placed the fish beside him as he sat on the edge of the pool, his feet submerged in the water.
Wilbur leaned himself beside Tommy, looking tired as he laid his head on his scaly arms. He still faced Tommy with the same smile, eyes soft and tired yet they looked happy to see Tommy. He felt comforted, unlike how he did in his dream.
With Wilbur nearby, he leaned onto Wilbur’s arm. Nuzzling it softly as he took in a tired breath. Despite being so excited, he was still tired from waking up very early. He appreciated the warmth that radiated, some comfort after everything.
The two sat still for a moment before Tommy stood up, grabbing the fish and feeding Wilbur like he normally would during his routine, though he made sure to grab more fish than he normally would. He didn’t know what would happen if Wilbur turned human.
During that time, Wilbur had woken up fully and began to speak to Tommy like they normally would, falling into their usual banter. “I really don’t believe you’re 6’3. You’re tiny, one of the smallest humans I’ve ever seen!”.
“Dickhead! Of course, I’m 6’3! You don’t even know how tall that is for humans! You barely see any other humans besides me!”, Tommy stomped his foot in the water, causing a splash like a child would’ve done.
“I’ll have you know I’m-”, he paused. “I think I remember the humans saying I was over 40 feet? Maybe even larger, not too sure though.”, he let out a laugh. Tommy didn’t underestimate that, Wilbur was gigantic after all. He let out a playful scoff.
After the scruffle, Wilbur looked as though he wanted to say something yet seemed to hesitate. His eyes weren’t staring at Tommy directly, too caught up in his own mind. So, Tommy took it upon himself to speak first.
“Wilbur, you okay? You look like you got something to say. Big man.”, Wilbur’s gaze turned back to Tommy as Wilbur licked his lips. For a moment Tommy thought that Wilbur was thinking about storing him, although he wouldn’t mind the idea. But there the plan was still in effect.
“Yeah, yeah- I’m fine. Just, are you okay? You’re acting a little… off? I don’t know just something is telling me somethings wrong and-”, he cut himself off with a shake of his head. His gaze turned to one of concern, “You know, you can talk to me. Right?”.
Tommy’s eyes were soft as his hand went to the pocket of his wet suit. He stood up, amulet in his grip as he met Wilbur’s gaze. The mer looked worried, concern gracing his features. He leaned in closer and looked ready to listen for whatever Tommy had to say.
His lips couldn’t help but go upwards into a cheeky smile, as he spoke the words he’d been preparing to say all morning. “Wilbur… How would you like to finally get out of this hell hole?”. Wilbur’s gaze turned to a shocked expression.
“Tommy, wait- Toms, you don’t mean?”, Wilbur looked dazzled with many different emotions; Shock, relief, happiness, all sorts of things. Tommy could only nod with a smile.
He’d finally be free.
Wilbur stared down at the tiny amulet in his palm, such a small piece of jewellery would allow him his escape, his freedom. He’d waited over a decade for this moment. And finally, his moment had come.
And he had nobody else to thank besides the small human boy who stood beside him. Words couldn’t express how thankful he was, he’d only known Tommy for such a short time, a couple of months at best.
At first, when he met Tommy. There was only distaste as Tommy was simply just another human. He thought that Tommy would be like every other human he had met, some of them weren’t bad per se in Wilbur’s time but some never showed sympathy or just treated him as an animal.
Tommy was the first to treat him like an equal. It took time and Wilbur saving the boy’s life in order to communicate with each other but it worked out in the end. And now, the two of them had grown close.
The young boy had also gone through quite a bit just to get Wilbur his freedom. And now everything was falling into place, access to his freedom was now literally within the palm of his hand. If he could cry, he’d be sobbing with tears of joy.
“Just like that- Wait- Wil? Were you even listening?”, Wilbur snapped out of his daze. His cheeks flushed in embarrassment, he should be paying attention. Though in all honesty, he wanted to chirp happily out loud and reach out for the tiny boy in front of him. He was just really happy.
Tommy didn’t seem to mind though, despite his attempt at an angry glare; The boy let out a cough as he continued. “As I was saying, you basically just put the necklace around your neck and you just shrink and be human, I guess.”, he explained though he sounded uncertain.
His fins flared ever so slightly at the uncertainty. Despite his excitement, he was still a bit fearful of everything. He was nearly grown up by the time he got captured so after a bit of work, he knew he’d handle himself in the ocean just fine.
He remembered how to hunt, he tried to practice it in his small enclosure on occasion. He wondered how different the waters would be in the ocean, what it will feel like to be free in the ocean waves again.
Just, what bothered him was he wouldn’t see his pod ever again. And despite freedom being was he wanted, there was a certain anxiousness that came with the escape. Which couldn’t really be blamed, it was only natural.
Not only that but he was nervous about becoming a human, well he wouldn’t necessarily become a human. But it would be close enough.
Taking a breath of air, he nodded his head to Tommy. He wondered what it’d feel like to be human. To be around the same size as Tommy, would he be taller? Or shorter? What would it feel like to have a pair of legs?
It’d certainly be different nonetheless.
Despite his nervousness, It flooded him with a new kind of excitement. What would it be like to walk around, run with his legs? He’d be able to see Tommy much closer than he used to, they’d be the same size rather than Wilbur being a gigantic predator.
He grasped the necklace in his palm, determined to get the whole transformation progress over with and escape. A part of him was also excited to see Tommy roughly the same size as him, being able to hug him as tight as he wished without worrying about crushing him.
He took a deep breath of the air, despite not needing to do. Submerged in the water, his dry hair was now soaked in the water. He swayed his tail to the side, only for it to collide with the wall. He was really looking forward to escaping from the cramped place.
The amulet in his grip began to glow a dim light, magic sparkling from it. He began to do as Tommy instructed, bringing the amulet towards his neck.
As he did so, bubbles began to surround him. He felt strange, dizzy and tired despite being filled with energy moments ago. The amulet that would’ve never fitted around his neck, was now secured around his neck.
He looked down, no longer his scaly brown tail with white spots. It was replaced by a pair of human legs, he was now human instead of his gigantic mer self. He let out his breath that had been held the entire time.
Only to realise that he couldn’t inhale the surrounding water without his gills. He panicked, flailing his arms and new pair of legs in an attempt to swim, only for the pool to drag him down further.
The water that he once inhaled was now burning at his lungs, he couldn’t breathe despite his lungs begging for him to do so. He was drowning as his vision blurred. His mind wandered to Tommy, is this what the boy felt when he had saved him?
He was in agony.
It felt horrible, the water dragging him into its depths. It was once home, now it sought only to kill him. It was terrifying, and to imagine a gigantic predator in the water. That day he saved Tommy, after all that torment. The boy must’ve been terrified.
He was terrified.
As black spots began to fill his vision, something in the water changed. Despite being “human”, he could still feel the changes in the water. Using some energy to look upwards, he could see the blurry figure of something coming toward him.
He reached out towards it, the figure struggled but eventually, it grabbed his wrist and pulled him upwards. Soon, he emerged to the surface, clinging to the figure that had saved him from the water. He coughed out the water, his throat sore.
The grip on him was a bit weak, yet secure. Wilbur was safe, he let out a sigh of relief. When he opened his eyes, he was met with a soaked Tommy. His eyes widened as he realised that Tommy had been the one to save him as he had done long before.
A smile was brought to his face. Tommy swam with a bit of struggle towards the edge of the pool, Wilbur attempted to help but he was still flimsy with his legs.
Eventually, the two of them managed to pull each other onto the tiled floor of the area rather than the pool.
Wilbur let out a series of coughs as he adjusted, despite having inhaled air before. It felt different, more potent or something along those lines, unusual but not unnatural. His arms attempted to hold him upwards yet felt weak. He assumed it was because of the transformation.
Beside him was Tommy, panting heavily and leaning over the pool. Wilbur felt shaky and nervous, he turned himself so he wasn’t pressuring his arms and sat down as Tommy did and finally looked at his pair of legs.
His legs felt unnatural compared to everything else, he no longer had a tail instead it was like he had two tails (It was the closest comparison he could make). The new joints were unusual to move, and wiggling his toes was also a weird sensation.
He was mesmerised by his new limps, using his arms to lift his leg towards his face to observe it curiously. He attempted to bend his knee with success, letting out a yelp as he did so. It was hard to believe the pair of legs were his, that he was human.
He turned quickly at the sound of laughter, beside him Tommy was staring at him. His mouth was covered by his hand as he attempted to muffle it. Wilbur’s ears felt less sensitive than before, yet now with his new size, he was able to hear Tommy perfectly fine, maybe even louder.
Wilbur’s eyes widened at the realisation, that it was indeed a reality. That he was roughly Tommy’s size which meant… Wilbur pushed himself towards Tommy, clumsily embracing him into a hug.
Tommy let out a yelp as he collided with Wilbur, unable to support his weight as his back fell to the floor. Wilbur was on top of him, embracing him as tightly as possible. Despite laying on the cold wet floor of the facility, the hug wasn’t unbearably uncomfortable.
Tommy smiled, adjusting the hug so the two of them sat up. Tommy hugged back as tightly as he could, it felt strange to be able to hug Wilbur like any other human. But he was happy, happy that Wilbur could escape.
Wilbur readjusted the hug for Tommy to lean on his lap, his hands moving from his back to his soaked hair. Wilbur began to play with the wet blonde curls, it felt nice as Tommy leaned more of his weight onto Wilbur, relaxing.
Soon they’d leave, but for now. They just wanted each other’s company.
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stwrkeys · 1 year
Smut on Rafe's dirt bike (motorcycle)
Something about him and the bike just makes me feral 🫠
its something about these guys and their bikes that just makes me go brrrhshshdhh😵‍💫
you and your boyfriend had been at each other’s throats all day. well, he had been at yours. he swore to everything that he had seen you flirting with topper last night when you were all out on a friend’s boat. granted, you had been flirting with topper, but you were tipsy and just wanted to get a reaction out of rafe. you just didn’t expect it to arrive this late. you’re at rafe’s house, following him as he storms out. “you don’t go out with your boyfriend and flirt with his best friend! its common fucking sense, jesus!” his hands fly up and he runs them through his hair anxiously before striding over to his dirt bike. you know he’s trying to run away from you, just like he does whenever he can’t face his own problems, but you won’t let him. “rafe, i never flirted with topper! i was drunk! you know i only want you.” you step closer to him and attempt to grab his hand but he pulls it away and looks at you like you’ve just asked him the stupidest question ever. “are you seriously going to look me in my eyes and act like im wrong?” you know he’s angry. there’s no changing that. no point in trying to play dumb anymore. you reach for his arm again. this time he doesn’t pull away and you hold his hand up to rest on your cheek. “im sorry. you know i didn’t mean it, babe.” he glares at you before removing his hand from your cheek. “bend over. on the bike.” you can only stare, not processing his words correctly. you weren’t sure you had heard him right. “do i need to repeat myself?” his tone was stern and demanding. you complied hesitantly, worried about making him more upset. standing next to the bike, you turn to him. “what if someone sees?” in reply, he bends you over the bike himself and pulls your shorts and panties down to your knees in a swift manner. the sudden movements cause you to gasp and grip onto the bike. rafe pulls his cock out of his pants and starts stroking himself before pushing into you without warning. you scream his name, making him shake his head at your neediness. his hips are slamming against your ass, causing your whole body to shake. sometimes it feels like rafe reaches spots in you that you would never even know existed if it wasn’t for him. even when he was angry-fucking you, it felt so damn good, you don’t get it. “rafe, please. what if someone sees us?” you whine. “let them. too bad topper isn’t here for you now, huh?” his words elicit a moan from your throat. you don’t even realize rafe is close until he’s twitching inside of you, a groan spilling out of him. “i’m gonna have you so full, so topper knows who you belong to.” you cry out at the loss of pleasure, and the warm sensation inside of you. rafe crouches down and pushes his thumb into your hole to savor all of the liquid threatening to spill out and onto your legs. you don’t even notice him zipping up his pants and getting up until he’s walking back in the direction of the house. “rafe! what about me?! need to cum so bad!” you pout and protest. he stops and pretends to think. “hm, the last time i checked, bad girls weren’t allowed to cum. maybe later.” he sends you an unauthentic smile before walking away, leaving you alone. when he gets closer to the house, he shouts without turning around, but you can hear the smirk on his face, “hey, who knows? maybe top’ll come get you.”
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peoniesnro · 27 days
In Another Universe
#5. A beautiful memory
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Synopsis - When you are just another iteration of Park Jimin’s girlfriend in a different universe.
Park Jimin × Reader
Genre- parallel universe (duh)/ kind of fantasy/ strangers to ??/ SMUT/ maybe romance/ angst/ fluff /Infidelity
Warnings - Language/dirty thoughts
Word Count - 11k
a/n- This is a bit early and serves as a bridge between the previous and upcoming chapters. I hope you enjoy it. Thank you for reading! ♥️
Chapter Index
Previous - Next
“You want me to do what?” You shout, placing your palms on the kitchen island. A little bit harshly that a soft bang echoes. Jimin just seriously stares at you. Not even flinching at the sound.
“Park Jimin. Tell me you’re not serious.” You say again as he doesn’t reply. Jimin gives you a tight-lipped smile. “I am spring roll. I am very serious.” Says finally, expression still very serious.
He must be losing his damn mind.
You sigh, exasperated. “But I know shit about business Park. What do you expect me to do there?” You throw your hands in the air. Jimin sighs too. Leans forward a bit over the kitchen island. Interlaces his fingers together.
“Listen Lil, just because Liya doesn’t remember this day, that doesn’t mean that other people too. They are gonna wonder what happened to Kim Liya. She has a business to run, and I don’t want everyone she knows on my doorstep asking where she is. You need to cover her life on her behalf while you are here Lil. I’m sorry, but you’ll have to.” He looks directly at your eyes.
You groan as you look away from his face. Eyes landing on the document on the island. Your ticket to disappear every other day without getting into any trouble. Written proof that you have CFS. You don’t even know what that means. As Jimin explained that means you are experiencing profound fatigue. Which means you’ll need special consideration. The letter is from a non- existent GP. But the hospital he works exists. In your world. Everybody knows it and as long as no one decides to contact this doctor and check for themselves, you are safe. And you know that nobody would walk that length for you. Except for Key. Oh, she is going to be thrilled when she sees this.
Jimin, in that case, did a god damn good job. This letter seems astonishingly legit. He did all that with the details you provided about the hospital. And he did that within a day. Impressive. Scary. Makes you realise he is a fucking CEO. Owns a damn business. Has connections. Still, sits here with a pout on his lips when you call him an asshole. Fuck! He is adorable.
Funny how you don’t see him as the powerful businessman he is. But rather just a man who is couple years older than you. A friendly one. Hot one. Caring one. Looks intimidating sometimes but makes you quite comfortable. See, he is a funny thing. Makes you wonder how he is when he is at work. Is he like this with everyone? Probably not. Maybe he is a very serious boss. You may not know very much about him yet, but you know he must be a successful businessman. He needs to be a responsible and serious leader to accomplish that.
Still, you can’t believe it. Can’t imagine him being, this impressive, grumpy, wise boss when he sits here with you in his sweatpants. His hair all messy and tousled. His plump lips still in a pout. You can’t believe him being a CEO of a company when he always comes up with stupid ideas whenever he is with you. Exactly like now, when he wants you to attend a damn board meeting in place of Liya. As the CEO of The SE, which is apparently the biggest publishing group in this Seoul, South Korea. A part of the Kim Group. You didn’t know what that is until Jimin explained. According to that explanation, Liya’s father owns the half of this country. And he wants you to pretend be his daughter and attend this broad meeting. When you barely understand the basics of business.
You turn back to Jimin. Ready to tell him to fuck off, and you can’t do it at all, but he beats you to it.
“Oh, c’mon. You said we’re friends Rollito. Friends help each other.” Whines. Looks like he might stomp his foot under the island. He doesn’t. Instead, gives you puppy eyes.
That friends part does something weird to your heart. Why did you ever tell you are friends now? Is a good idea though. You’re back to arguing over silly matters. Nobody avoids anyone. No guilty conscience. Just friends.
It was a close call. You were on the verge of spreading your legs for Park Jimin. Getting fucked and become the other woman. Woman who he cheated on his girlfriend with. If that ever happened that would have made you want to drown yourself. Can’t imagine living with such a burden on your shoulders. Even the things that happened made you want to go through a purification to get rid of your sins. Made you think how much of a bitch you are for wanting to kill Kim Taehyung for cheating and doing the same thing with his best friend.
The way thing turns out is good. Very good in fact. Even though you feel heavy whenever he or you mentioned you are friends. It will go away someday. This heavy feeling. It will.
You watch the way Jimin is still giving you puppy eyes. Makes you roll yours as a reply. “Oh, fuck Park Jimin. You’re so annoying. Can we go back to being strangers. I don’t want to be your friend anymore. You’re opportunistic.” You huff when he gasps in disbelief. “An opportunistic?” Clutches his heart and winces. “Can’t believe you’re saying such horrible things to me after I helped you.” Reaches for the document on the table. Takes it in his hand before continuing. Brandishes it in front of your eyes.
“See, I helped you. Don’t be a selfish ass and do this for me in return.” Puts the paper back. You are the one gasping in disbelief now.
“Yah! I didn’t ask you to do that.”
“So what? You could have solved the problem by yourself?” He looks way too smug for his own good. “Yes of course, Park. I’m fully capable of solving my own problems.” You tilt your chin up. His smug look gets worse. “Oh yeah? Do you need rem—”
“No thanks. I’ll do it.” You stand up. Take the letter. “Because we are friends and friends help each other.” Say as you push the chair back. With a screeching sound. “But I want you to know Park, that I can solve my problems most of the times. I’ve been doing that all my life. You’re the one who butts in to everything.” You’re saying the absolute truth. You could have solved this problem by your own. It would be hard. Jimin made it way easier. Still, you would’ve found a solution in the end. You’re grateful for him helping though. Just don’t want to feed his ego.
Jimin opens his mouth to retort when you interrupt him. Point your finger at him. “And just remember if your girlfriend’s damn business went to bankrupt, it’s all on you Park. All on you.” Look him in the eye when they disappear in his cheeks. Like always. You like that a little too much. How mesmerizing.
Jimin is grinning. And then chuckling.
“Fine.” Says through his chuckle. “Trust me, you don’t have to do anything. Just sit at the executive chair.” Stands up too. Rounds the kitchen island to walks towards you. Stops. Smiles again. Ruffles your already messy hair. Only for a second. And then he is going away.
Your heart stops for that second.
Oh fuck! You need to get laid.
You bite your thumbnail while gaping at the pristine glass building through the window. The building itself is enormous. Shines under the cold winter sun. Majestically. A modern architectural masterpiece. And you are to pretend the owner of that building.
Holy fuck!
This is The SE group. Liya’s father owns this. Liya manages it. She is amazing. The thing is, you don’t think you’re that amazing. Even looking at the building makes your stomach turns and churns awfully. Cold beads of sweat appearing on your forehead. You can think about twelve million things that can possibly go wrong. Oh, shit this is a bad idea. A terrible idea. You start chewing your thumb nail even faster. Habitual flaws that you were unable of letting go. That’s why you have perfectly manicured nails on your other fingers but the right thumbnail looks like it survived seven wars. Can’t help it.
You keep gaping at the building and chomp your own finger when Jimin’s hand reaches for you. After he sighs heavily. It makes you slightly startle and jump in your seat. He grabs your wrist. Makes you stop chewing your nail off.
“Fucking stop it Lil. You gonna hurt yourself.” Says as he yanks your hand down. You turn to look at him. He has a scowl on his face. Is starting at your hand. You follow his gaze. Look at your poor finger. Are about to say that you can’t help it when he cut you down by wiping your finger clean. With his hand. A simple and innocent act. Yet, your nervously beating heart stops again. Just like how it did when he stroked your hair. You shift your gaze back to his face with your eyes wide.
Did he just wipe your finger? Isn’t that gross?
Apparently, it’s not. Not when he is completely unaware and unfazed. Is stroking your finger gently. As if he wants to soothe it. Oh, you and him trying to sooth things are not good. Especially, when you feel these strange sensations in your tummy and your heart is squeezing. In a very bittersweet manner. That’s why you clear your throat and retrieve your hand from his soft grip. Look back at the building.
“I can’t help it.” Say finally. Avoid looking at him. Still, can feel his burning gaze on your face. “Yeah, but it’s bad.” He mutters and shifts in his seat. You just nod. Want to change the subject and the sudden heavy atmosphere.
“This is really bad Jimin. How am I going to pretend like a fucking CEO when I don’t even know which floor my office is. What if I ended up in the bathroom instead?” You question wearily. Finally finding the courage to look back at him. Meet his gaze. He chuckles.
“Office is on the top floor. And you are not gonna miss it Spring Roll. Your secretary, I mean, Liya’s secretary will meet you when you enter the building. She is expecting you. All you have to do is act like you own the place.” He sounds like it’s all easy. Well, it’s easier when it’s said. You’re the one who have to do it for real. You whine pathetically as you slump down. Drowning yourself in the comfy leather seat. You absolutely don’t want to leave Jimin’s car.
Jimin gives you a soft look. Unbuckle his seatbelt so he can lean toward you. You don’t like this. He is way too comfortable with you. How can he be like that? Isn’t he afraid, you’ll mess things up again? Maybe he doesn’t feel like how you feel. You shouldn’t feel this way either. But you do and he makes it worse. You wonder if he solved his horny ass problem. Finally fucked his girlfriend that he will be not horny for a year.
Well, you haven’t solved yours. You still have your horny ass, and he should keep his distance. You wish he would but of course he doesn’t. Brings his face inches closer to you. Breath fanning your face. It makes your nipples ache and panties soak. How pathetic? Suddenly, you want to leave his car.
“You don’t have to do anything Lil. Trust me it’s going to be all okay. Just sit at the meeting and then call your driver when it’s finished. He’ll take you home and all done. Everyone’s happy.” Squeezes your thigh. Makes your skin burn and tummy flutter. You’re crying internally. It’s a painful and deep desire that he ignites within you. You want him to stop and not, at the same time.
Jimin keeps his hand on your thigh for a long minute before reclines from your personal space. How you are glad. It’s not wise to be here with him. Better if you get away even though you’ll have to manage a business. Besides he says it’ll be okay. You’ll trust him with this. So, you nod at last. That makes him grin.
“Yeah? That’s my girl.” Says proudly. You on other hand, are back to stare at him with wide eyes.
Who’s who now?
What the fuck does he think he’s doing. You want to get away from here. Fast as you can. You hand is already on the door handle when he speaks again. “You’re a damn good friend Spring Roll.” Says happily. And you feel that disappointed ache. Fuck it. What’s wrong with you? You need to be on this just like him. That’s how you are going to survive this until you find your answers. Yes. You need to be his friend. So, you take a sneaky breath. Turn to him and scowl.
“Fucking opportunistic.” Mumble and exit the car. Take one final look at him when he wishes you luck. Wait there until he drives away.
How beautiful his little smile is.
You didn’t mess up. Surprisingly so. Yes, you sat there at an opulent conference room with an ashen face and clammy palms. Yes, you stupidly gape at all professional looking fellas there, whenever they asked something from you. Still, you managed to get through that with yes and nos. Even got the false impression that running a business isn’t that hard when all you have to do is say yes or no. In the end, you managed. Better than you thought, and you could pat yourself on the back for being that good. Being good at acting like you own the place.
Only minor issue you caused was calling Liya’s secretary Mrs. Seong. She appeared stunned. As if you had called her by a insulting name instead her real one. Turned out that apparently Liya just calls her by her first name. She herself told you that. Asked you what is the matter with you. And then of course she nearly had a heart attack when you refused to let her go to bring you a coffee. She is older. Probably good ten years older than you. Doesn’t sit right with you to call her by her first name. And then send her to bring you coffee? You were horrified.
You are extremely relieved now when you finally exited the pristine building after you called your (Liya’s) driver. Jimin had given you Liya’s phone despite your protests. Said it was okay. You are Liya while being at the office. That’s how he managed to get you inside this navy-blue Cashmere knee length skirt and the white turtleneck sweater. A winter coat to keep you warm. Knee high boots on your feet and very expensive looking bag on your hand. You and Jimin made sure that you emulate Liya in every possible way. From your clothes to hair. You thought you did a good job. Jimin thought you did a very poor job.
You smile to yourself when you notice the sleek, white car parked in front of the building. Even though everything went impressively well, you still don’t wish to linger here anymore. Especially, with Mrs. Seong bombarding with you hundred different questions. She just won’t accept your excuse of wanting to meet your boyfriend as a good excuse to cancel lunch plans with a client. An important one in that case.
“It’s a good excuse Mrs. Seong. I need to have a private life as well. You get me?” You sternly say as walking briskly towards the vehicle. The woman in the bob cut following close behind you. “But this is a very rare chance, Miss Liya. Didn’t you want to have another chance with Owen Scott?” Her high heels clatter against the cobblestone floor. She doesn’t let you just disappear. Makes you annoyed. You don’t know what this deal is or how important that is. No that you care anyway. Jimin wanted you to be here. At this one meeting. You have no intention of going through another painful business meeting. Lunch or not. You sigh as you reach the car. The driver gets out to hold the door open for you.
How uncomfortable?
“Please can you reschedule this lunch for me Mrs. Seong. I can’t ditch Jimin today. This is important. Trust me hm? Please give Mr. Scott a good reason.” You finalize and turn to get into the car. Rudely ignoring her protests. You’ll let Jimin deal with this later.
You mutter a soft ‘thank you’ to the driver as you almost get into the car when a voice, which does not belong to the woman, interrupts you. You take the foot you place inside the car back. Turn around. Eyes going wide and then a huge grin breaking out on your face as you recognize the man in front of you.
“Jungkook?” You nearly squeak in excitement but catch yourself right at the time. Eyes raking on his broad figure and then landing on the person next to him. The girl with the purple hair. “J!” You exclaim again. Happily. Jungkook looks the same as you remember. J has cut her hair a little bit shorter. Daring. You like her.
“Noona.” Jungkook squeak loud enough for all of you. Takes a step forward. Nearly touches you when J yank him back. He frowns at her first. Then smiles at you again. “What are you doing here?” Asks excitedly. Both him and J have two banana milks in their hands. You hide your amused grin while shrugging. It feels extremely wrong and weird to lie all over again. “Work, I guess.” You look at The SE building. Their eyes follow you. “Oh, you work here?” J wonders. Her eyes squinted and takin a good look at the glass establishment. Jungkook does the same.
You don’t want to take credit on someone else’s behalf after all. Hence, why you are about to tell yes and let it go. But then J suddenly gasps. “Wait? Aren’t you own this?” She gestures to the building. Well, you don’t at all. You don’t even own a doll house to be precise. And then regarding this building, Liya doesn’t own it either. Technically, it’s her father’s. Yet, you just nod anyway. Easier that way.
Jungkook lets out a low whistle. His eyes in a faraway land. “Can you fuckin believe we clubbed with a bunch of freaking CEOs” Asks from J when she shakes her head. Almost in a pure disbelief. “All thanks to Joonie. I love him. Too bad the bugger is already in love.” J sighs dreamily. You guess they are referring to Kim Namjoon. The acquaintance of Hoseok. Jungkook nods in assent. “Too fucking bad. Even if he isn’t J, J, you still have no chance against me.” Mutters. He looks dreamy just like J. “Wanna bet?” J breaks the stupor and snaps her head to him. Now she looks very serious. Jungkook scoffs. “Fuck yeah, how much?” Challenges.
You think you can watch their bantering for a whole day. There’s a low laughter emitting from inside your cheat. Unfortunate, how a throat clearing interrupts you. You turn around, suddenly remembering the bob cut woman. She is scowling. Displeasure evident on her face. “Your ride Miss. Liya.” She turns toward the car. Driver still holding the door open for you.
Ah yes! The ride.
“Ah yes. I better get going now guys. See you sometime later? Huh?” You grab the door and say to the two people. They are both watching you intently now. You give them a soft yet polite smile. Bow. J reciprocates your actions. Jungkook doesn’t. Takes a moment. Then suddenly, completely out of blue, thrusts his banana milk to you. Surprises you more than a little. Even makes you stumble backward at the intensity of how he jolted his hand out. A soft oh leaves your mouth when Mrs. Seong clears her throat again. This time in warning. You take a look at her disgusted face. And then back at Jungkook.
He is looking at you expectantly. Eyes big and mouth forming a cute ‘o’. You don’t think it’s normal to offer drinks to people like this. So, you don’t think it’s normal to accept them. Yet, he has this eyes that makes it difficult to say no. So, you take it. Chuckle. Ignore the sounds Liya’s secretary is making. “Thank You Jungkook. It’s very nice of you.” Smile awkwardly. Raise the drink hesitantly. J is giving Jungkook a murderous look. “I’ll... go then. See you.” You mumble again. Are about to get into the car. And Jungkook interrupts you again for the hundredth time for these past few minutes.
“Noona wait! Do you like... want to hang out with us?” He blurts that out that all three of you including J and Mrs. Seong, echoes a ‘what?’ in unison. He grins. Why is he so random? “Well, uh… are you heading home now?” Scratches the back of his head. “Yeeeaaah….” You drag that one word hesitantly. Yet, answer before your brain can evaluate it properly and comes up with the best answer. Fuck, you gave the wrong answer. Jungkook is beaming. “Then join us. We can have fun.” Nods to himself. J grabs from his oversized black t-shirt. Hisses.
“What the fuck Jungkook? You can’t ask a fucking CEO to hang out with us like that. Woman probably has tones of works to do.” She looks at you. Then back at Jungkook. Well, you have no work, but you nod. Jungkook visibly deflates. A pout on his lips. “Who cares if she owns a business or not. If she wants to she can.” Mumbles through his pout. “You really have work Noona?” Asks again. You are about to say yes and disappear when he bridges the distance between you two. Startles you and Mrs. Seong. So do to the two men stand guard at the entrance of the building. Ridiculous, how you have to hold a hand up to stop them from coming to you.
“It’s going to be fun. And you owe me a banana milk.” Jungkook peers at your face. You open your mouth in disbelief. Did he just fucking give it to you and asks you for a new one. “You can have it back.” You hold the drink back up to him. He whines. “Oh, c’mon.”
J hisses again. “Fucking hell Jeon.” Almost succeeds dragging him away from your space. Almost though. He shrugs her off. “Isn’t it boring to work all the time?” Doesn’t give up on bugging you. The thing is it’s almost working. Hence, your partially defeated sigh. He knows he is wining. Comes up with some more funny reasons why you should go with them. In the end you give up. He has eyes you can’t say no to.
“Okay Fuck. Let’s go. Not like I’m gonna die.” You try to appear annoyed. Fail when Jungkook is grinning from one ear to other. Step away from the vehicle when Mrs. Seong stutters on her word.
“But Miss Liya... Did…didn’t... you say… what about Mr. Park.” She takes few steps with you when you start to walk away with the intruders.
“I’ll call him Mrs. Seong. Don’t worry. You can go back to work.”
You are not going to call Jimin since he will not expect that. He has works to do. No time to worry about a pretend girlfriend. Not like you really have plans. That was a lie. Besides, it’s okay to have a little fun. Jungkook and J are nice people. You like them. You chuckle excitedly. You’re buzzing with excitement. Jungkook mirrors you. J shakes her head in mock disbelief. Finally joining you to walk side by side.
“What are you doing wandering around the city?” You slurp the last bit of Jungkook’s banana milk from the straw.
“Eh...” J responds noncommittally. That’s not really an answer. You gape at her face. “Eh?” Repeat what she said. “We are just wandering around. No purpose.” She says. Shrugs. “So, like what? You have nothing to do?” You are curious to know. Look between J and Jungkook. They walk with you in the middle. “We have, normally.” Jungkook answers in place of J. Grabs your full attention.
“What do you mean normally?” You question further.
“Well, normally means if we are at our part time jobs or classes.” J states. You are now annoyed you have to turn your head every time. Yet are happy to know they both can relate to you. Only if you could tell them. “Yeah? Then is this mean you don’t have lectures or work?” You turn to Jungkook even before he answers. Know he is the one who is going to answer your question.
“Oh, we do. We have a class.” He says casually.
“So?” You turn to J.
“We skipped.” She states and points toward a Tteokbokki stall. You gape at her when she starts to rush toward the stall. “Kookie, you want some don’t you?” Asks from Jungkook yet yanks from your hand. Dragging you to the food stall. You are shocked. Do they just happily skip lectures. Like that? Aren’t they worried? You and Key are always worried. So, you voice your concerns. “Aren’t you worried about failing?” Jungkook is the closest to you. “We manage.” He replies before taking your other hand in his. Now they both are dragging you toward the stall.
They manage?
How unfair that there are people who can manage everything. When you are struggling with everything. They seem happy. Jungkook and J. Extremely so. Makes you feel happy too. You watch as J places three orders. Old lady in the stall hustling to give you your food. The smell makes your stomach growl despite not being hungry a second ago. You’re suddenly very hungry. But then that hunger vanishes in a finger snap at J’s next words.
“You gonna pay for us? Won’t you Miss Liya. You won’t make two broken college students pay for you?” She takes the first bowl of Tteokbokki with both of her hands. Bows deeply to the old lady. Looks at you expectantly. Oh, fuck. You have no money. You refused Jimin’s money when he tried to give some to you. The plan was to head home straight after the meeting. God, this is a stupid idea. Why did you ever agree to come here. You feel your throat goes dry as you scramble for a practical excuse.
“Yah! Don’t do that. We invited her.” Jungkook bellows. You absolutely love him.
“You did! Not me. Then pay for us idiot.” J screeches at Jungkook. Click her tongue. You are starting to feel worried that she is starting to be annoyed. For real. But then Jungkook is looking unfazed.
“I will. For her. You can pay for your annoying ass.” He shoots you an affectionate glance. You feel uneasy. Very uneasy. Don’t want to be cause for a fight between two best friends. How humiliating? You can’t figure if they are fighting for real or not. You shouldn’t have come. J clicks her tongue again. Harder than before.
“Then you should write that damn essay by your own annoying ass.” States with her head held high. You look away from her when the vendor gives you another bowl. You take it with a slight bow. There’s an eerie silence. They both glaring at each other. Until Jungkook sighs. “Fuck okay.” He mumbles. Apologetically smiles at the old lady for his vulgar language. Pays for all three of you. You feel extremely bad.
“Gosh, I hate your annoying ass J, J.” He pouts so hard again, poking at his food. J laughs wickedly. “But you love me.” Is excited of the taste. You take a bite too. Very awkwardly and hesitantly. It actually tastes pretty good. That’s why you think Jungkook is really mad. He looks angry. Brows furrowed. Scowling. You open your mouth to apologize even though you have no other options when J beats you to it.
“He isn’t angry don’t worry. Just loves his food little too much.” She snorts after say that. You snap your head to Jungkook. Eyes meeting his when he peers at you from over his bowl. Does he really look angry because food is good? Apparently, he is. The smile he gives you confirms that.
You and J stare at the soft plushies inside the UFO catcher through its hard glass. Noses nearly press against the cold material as you cheer for Jungkook. His goal is to win the blue penguin. It’s so fucking adorable that your gums ache. Jungkook is weirdly competitive, having already lost around 5000 won for nothing. He doesn’t listen to you or J. Is adamant about wining the price. He is going to pay ten times more for the plushie at this rate. Still, he doesn’t listen. Stubborn.
“To the left. Left, left, left…”
“Fuck Yeah.” You and J both roar when the claw catches the plushie for the sixth time now. You have to fight off the urge to hit his back in excitement. Jungkook lets out his own noise of triumph.
“Now ladies, I’m gonna win this fucking stupid penguin for real this time. If I don’t J, then you can call me cutie pie all you want.” He declares. Tip of his tongue poking out from between his pink lips. Eyebrows turning into a straight line at how hard he concentrates. You take a deep breath and hold it. As if you need to stay stony for him to win. J does the same. Watching intently the way claw moves upward with the blue plushie barely within it’s grasp. Jungkook very slowly moves the claw to the left.
“Slow. Take it slow.” J whispers in his right ear. He nods. Looks like he is defusing a bomb.
“A little bit more. Move it a little more.” You whisper in his left ear. He nods. Again. Beads of sweat appearing on his forehead.
“NOW.... NOW.....”
The way you and J shout makes a woman next to you lose her balance. She catches herself and grimaces at you. You bow to her in apology at the same time the plushie drops into the hole at the bottom. J yells through the top of her lungs as she throws her arms around Jungkook’s neck. Grabbing him to her and nearly choking him to death in the process. He doesn’t mind dying, however. It seems. Not after he won a stupid plushie. He hugs J back in elation. You don’t mind either. Until this very moment, despite all the exciting things you’ve experienced. You tried your best to stay in the Liya’s character. Now, though at the bubbling sensation of triumph. Even though it’s Jungkook’s and is stupid, you break the character happily.
You don’t even realize that you are jumping up and down, hollering. Laughing heartily. You don’t mind at all when Jungkook lets J go and hugs you instead. Picks you up from the floor easily. Making you squeak. Squeezes the life out of you before putting you down. Takes the plushie from the prize bin. Still, grinning happily. Holds the toy to you. His eyes are back to those shiny doe, Onyxes. The eyes no body can say no to. You look at his face and then at the plushie. Dumbfounded. It takes you a moment to understand that he is giving the prize to you. Realization makes your eyes wide. You gape at his face for a second before averting your gaze to J. She is grinning yet rolls her eyes.
“Yah! Are you fucking serious Joen? You give that to her when your best friend is right next to you?” Punches his arm. Playfully. Still, it makes you shake your head furiously. With your hands waving in front of your face. “No, no, I don’t want it Jungkook. You won it. You should keep it or give it to J.” You say embarrassingly when J snorts. Jungkook does the same. “Trust me, Noona, she doesn’t want it. Just being a pain in the ass.” He assures you while pushing the plushie into your chest. “Yah!” J hits Jungkook again. Protesting being called a pain. Especially, in the ass. You are not ready to accept a gift like that. Feels wrong for some reason. Then again, Jungkook made you come here to hang out with them in the first place. That’s why you shouldn’t be surprised when he pushes the toy into your hand forcefully. And tells you to shut it rudely when you try to reason.
“You don’t look like a CEO.” J asks offhandedly. You are sitting on a bench under a Gingko tree. Cold air playing with your hairs. Once again, slurping on three banana milks. Jungkook sits next to you. J sits next to Jungkook. So, you have to lean forward to look at her.
“That’s fucking rude J.” Jungkook gives her an annoyed look. She dismisses it. “What? I’m curious. Just look at her. No offense Miss. Liya, but you look nothing like a business owner.” She leans forward as well. Says to your face bravely. Well, of course, you don’t look like a CEO because you are not. Hell, you probably are younger than both of them. Still in your second year at college. And you forgot to be Liya since some time ago. Character was broken.
You feel horrible for eating on Jungkook’s dime, receiving a gift and now to have this drink on him again. He insisted though. But you feel humiliated. Should have taken that money from Jimin. Well, this is your sign to find a job here.
It's fair, in the end, that J thinks you don’t look like an owner of a leading business. All you can do, however, is give pathetic excuses. “Well, I’m a human J. And I know how to keep things separated you know?” You say calmly. Smiling at her. Jungkook nods in assent. As if he knows you. “I am a business owner when I work. Now? I’m a person like you guys. A stupid human who forgot her fucking wallet.” You shamefully mumble the last part. Why do you feel like you are scamming two innocent old people. Jungkook hums disapprovingly around his straw. Takes a good gulp. Then turns to you.
“Don’t say that Noona. We invited you.” He looks pure. Makes you guilty.
“You did.” J corrects him again.
“All right! I fucking remember.” Jungkook harps on.
“I did, Noona. So, it’s okay.” He pats your back, causing you to snort. “Okay but I’ll make sure to buy you something nice soon.” You pat his thigh in return. J peers at your over Jungkook’s large frame. Pouting. “What about me then?” Gesturers to herself. Jungkook mumble something about her being undeserving of anything when she smacks his head. “Ouch you little gremlin, don’t… buy her anything Noona... Not even… Yah!” Rest of his words die on his tongue as J starts to pinch him. They start fighting like two angry cats. Leaving you with no choice but to hold onto Jungkook so he won’t accidentally break J’s neck. Or yours. Your laughter disturbs the peaceful melody of wind.
“Okay shit. Stop it now.” You grab Jungkook’s arm. Trying to control your laughter.
“Oi! Spring Roll!” Your words and their silly fight all stop at the same time. All three of you turning your heads around to where the sound came. In unison. A livid and exasperated Park Jimin seeps into your view. He is scowling deep. Hands in his pant pockets.
“Mr. Park?” All three of you exclaim again. In unison. Jimin briefly looks away. Tongue poking the inside of his cheek. Lets out a humourless chuckle. Then his eyes are back on you. Oh, they are dark. Closes the distance between you like he is the wind and stands before you tall. A beat of silence pass. Everyone keeps gaping at Jimin. But he is piercing his gaze through you. There goes your heart beating fast. There goes your mind spinning fast.
Why the fuck is he here? How does he know where you are? Is this a coincidence?
You almost start to believe he is gone mute when he leans down. Takes your hand. Your heart stops again. Breath tangles in your throat.
“Let’s go.” He says with a certain authority. You would have liked it in a different context. Inside a private space. In this context, however, it makes your beating heart calm down instantly. Your breathing turns normal. A scowl, which is similar to Jimin, plastering on your features. He can’t just barge in and tell you ‘Let’s go’. Who does he think he is?
“Baby let’s go.” Jimin mutters again. And just like that your heart is back to racing. Lungs are protesting to breath properly. He thinks he is your boyfriend. Because, you are Liya. He probably is worried about you running the things. You inhale a shaky but sneaky breath. Nod. Get to your feet before turning to Jungkook and J. Both are still gaping at Jimin. You bow to them. Grab your things with the plushie and your banana milk.
“Thanks for these Kookie.” You shake them in your hand. “Let’s hang out sometime later.” Say again and mutter a goodbye to both of them. Bowing again and they do the same after getting up. You miss the death glare a pair of eyes send toward Jungkook. So do they. All busy while waving good-byes.
“Bye Noona!”
“Bye Miss. Liya!”
“What the actual fuck do you think you are doing?” Jimin practically yells in your ear. At the very moment Jungkook and J are out of your sight. You wince visibly. “The fuck Jimin. Why are you yelling?” Take a step away from him. Frowning. Jimin opens his mouth to say something. Then decides against it and takes you in for a moment. Takes in your expression which is torn between annoyance and fear. Blows a breath out. Groans. Mumbles an apology. You’re still frowning, however. And pouting.
“Hey Lil, I’m sorry.” He apologizes again as he takes a step toward you. You take a step back.
“Fuck, Lil, I didn’t mean to yell. But you can’t just ditch your secretary and go off with random passersby.” This time he doesn’t take any steps. So, you stand your ground. “They are not some random people. You know them.” You point it out. Watch carefully to see if he remembers. He has a poker face on. “Oh, c’mon that’s J and Jungkook. We met them at the club. Hoseok knows them.” You tries again.
“I don’t care who they are Lil. Hoseok knows them, not you. Not me. You can’t just walk away with fucking strangers…” Jimin hisses through his gritted teeth. Takes a deep breath in. Places his hands in his hips. “And how the fuck you know them just because you met them at a club? You met them this one-time Lil, and you think you know them? How old are you to act like a toddler who gets lured by a candy?” His eyes land on your drink and gift. Gives you the urge to hide them behind you. You badly want to argue. That’s how people meet new people. There’s a first time for everything. Everyone is a stranger once, just like Jimin and you were. Still, you think he has a valid point. Makes sense to say that you don’t know them. It is reckless.
So, you sigh in defeat. Speaks with defiance. “All right, I got it okay?” Just don’t want to accept he is right. “But I’m not a fucking kid Jimin. I know what I’m doing. I’m an adult who can manage herself very fucking well. And fully capable of making my own decisions. And… and… they are good. I had a great fucking day.” Your actions speak the opposite of your words. Especially, when you stomp your foot on the turf. Hug your blue penguin. Jimin huffs at that. “And is very irresponsible.” Mutters.
You click your tongue. Need to turn the winning hand of this argument towards you. “Well, as you can see, I’m perfectly fine. So, tell me Park, did you just run here looking for me? How did you even know where I am?” You feel this satisfactory bubble in your tummy to see Jimin’s annoyance instantly replaces with something akin to embarrassment. “Huh?” You push him more.
“Run here? Looking for you? What do you think? That I have nothing to do? That I have time to run after your stupid ass?” He scoffs while tilting his head to the side. “I was just passing by and saw you.” Says. Looks away from you. Then again, even when you don’t know him, you can read him well. You know he is lying. It’s very scary how you know it. No time to be scared, however. There’s a battle you’re winning. You quirk your brow. “Oh, like that? What a coincidence Park. And then you abandon your work to come here and drag my stupid ass away? How considerate of you.” You say wryly. “Were you driving through this park?” Add that question to your list. Take a good look around. “Where’s your car?” You know you’re winning.
It's very obvious that there’s no way he could just spot you while passing by. Didn’t he tell something about ditching the secretary? He needs better preparations if he plan to tell blatant lies. You keep staring at his face. With a quirky eyebrow. You can taste the win now.
And you do win when Jimin sighs heavily. “Okay, fuck, Seong called me.” Admits it finally. Shifts his eyes to yours again. Looks ashamed. Recovers quickly, however. “Are you saying I shouldn’t be worried when she told me some two passersby dragged you away. And they looked like straight out from hell.” Takes the winning side to him again. You open your mouth in annoyance. “Don’t say that. Jungkook is fucking hot. So is J-” Don’t get to finish that line when he chuckles.
“Yeah whatever.” Mutters and turns around. Starts to walk away while you stand there stupidly. Oh, the nerve of him to be like that. You catch up to him with quick steps. “So, you did run looking for me Park. Why? How did you find me?” Your trails of inquiries makes him stop. He drops his head low. Closes his eyes shut and opens them again. “I was just, worried...” His voice finally changes to soft.
“You are supposed to be Liya Lil. Don’t you think it is weird for someone so busy like her to just run away with two kids? And you had Seong cancel a very important lunch because you and I have plans, and then you toss them away and go with a random man? How does that might seem to people?” He is making sense again. You hate it when he makes sense. And there’s part of you, feel that twisted ache to know he was worried about your pretense ruining. Not about you. Just like you thought. You guessed that might be the reason, yes. Yet it doesn’t hurt any less. “And you didn’t even bother to give me a fucking call?” Asks again at your silence. You force yourself to push that ache away.
“Sorry I was irresponsible. But I already told you I’m not gonna use Liya’s phone for anything else than calling the driver.” You did say that when he gave you the phone. A good thing since it aids you in winning. You don’t want to win anymore though.
“Why are you so stubborn? Then you should have answered my calls.” Jimin turns completely to face you.
He called you?
“I put the phone on silent. Sorry.” You mumble. This time it’s you who walks away, leaving him to stand there stupidly.
You look around the high-end store filled with various electronic devices. The shop is in the same mall you once visited with Taehyung and his poor girlfriend. You and Jimin stepped onto friendly ground back again, while you were on your way. It was him doing most of the talking until you cracked up to one of his silly jokes, however. Still, you are not that friendly. There’s a residue of an unpleasant argument lingering between you. A residue that can easily ignite the fire again in any moment. That’s why you wish he had brought you home instead of here.
A boy in a white cap, who had disappeared somewhere inside the store, emerges in front of you again. A white box in his hand. He hands that box to Jimin over the counter with a pleasant smile on his lips. Jimin takes it. You look at the huge QS printed on the box lid. Nobody has to be a genius to know that it’s a phone. And definitely you don’t have to be a prophet to see what he is about to do.
“Why do you need a phone?” You very suspiciously and annoyingly lean toward his ear. At the same time, he unboxes the box and a sleek mobile comes to your sight. Jimin ignores you completely. Instead, talks with the cute boy in the white cap like you don’t exist. So, you wait patiently until the boy fumbles with the phone. Setting it up. And finally, slip the phone toward you this time. You’re not surprised at all. You knew Jimin was doing this all along. From the very moment you enter this shop. Stayed silent because you didn’t want to jump into conclusions. And make a fool out of yourself. That doesn’t mean; however, that you’re not allowed to fume with sudden rage.
You push the phone back toward the boy before you turn to Jimin. “You’re not buying me a damn phone Park. I don’t want it. I’ll buy my own after I find a job.” You state as sternly as you could. Jimin gives you a very unimpressed glance.
“What job?” Asks cockily.
“The job I’ll find soon.”
“Well, pay me back when you find that job then.” Says causally. Pulls his wallet out. “She is buying that.” This time says to the boy. It’s a very sudden reaction how you grab on to Jimin’s hand quickly. “No, I am not. I’ll buy my own. I mean it.” Hiss through your teeth. Trying so bad not to cause a seen here.
Jimin’s unimpressed look changes into a pissed off one. “Jesus Lil. Why do you always have to be so fucking stubborn? Just take it and pay me back.” He shrugs his hand free from your vice grip. Takes that same golden card out. Pushes it to the boy, who looks like he is currently watching a cringy comedy movie. The last of your concerns right now though. So, you nudge Jimin out of the way. “No, don’t make the payment. I’m not buying it.” Say to the boy. Practically leaning toward him over the counter. Ready to snatch the card away. “She fucking is.” Jimin grunts that out. Behind you. Just before his hands slips around your chest. Under your breasts and around your rib cage. And lifts you up like you weigh nothing. A yelp escapes your mouth as he turns you away from the counter.
Did he fucking lift you up like that?
You go through a split second of shock. Mouth agape and eyes wide. Only for a half second though. When that half second passes you are seeing red. “What the fucking hell Park Jimin. Put me the fuck down.” You are hissing like an angry old cat.
“Stop being stubborn like a goat then.” Jimin hisses. His grip tightening.
You can fight his grip. Of course, you can. At least try to do so. The thing is you can see two women gaping at you with disgust, from your reddened peripherals. It’s shameless to act this way in public. You think it’ll be worse for Jimin. So, you just take a deep breath in. Ask him to put you down again, in a much calmer voice. He relents. Keeps his hands around you anyway. You give up.
“I’m gonna fucking kill you, Park.” Mutter under your breath. Yet you know he heard that.
He chuckles.
The sky was already dark when you exited the lavish shopping mall. Not uncommon to face sudden rainfall during the last month of the year. At least not uncommon in your world. You guess it applies in this world as well. That’s how you find yourself, sitting on a bench in front of a convenience store. Savoring an ice cream bar. Staring into the water drops kissing the earth graciously. Your anger evaporates due to the coldness in your tongue. Blending with the cold rain drops. And washing away. You feel calm now. Much calmer than before Jimin bribed you with the idea of sweet treats. How weird that he knows how to handle your moods. Is it because of Liya?
It's not that you’re completely on good terms with him now. Still, it feels relaxing to be here. With Jimin’s warmth next to you. The warmth that fight against the coldness of your ice cream and winter air. And rain. The warmth that is enough to melt you down. The warmth that is like an invitation to lean against him. You don’t. Think it’ll be too much. Him just sitting next to you is enough. As weird as it sounds. You like this feeling. Like the way cold breaths swirls inside your lungs. Like the smell of the rain. It’s better when you can smell Jimin’s earthy cologne. What a combination. Jimin and rain. You like the way his knee is touching yours. Like the small electrocutions it sends through your body. You like being next to him. How scary?
You take a look at him. Apparently, he didn’t want any ice cream. But it’s very odd and wrong to eat by yourself.
“Are you sure you don’t want some?”
“Why are you taking that stupid toy with you everywhere?”
You both ask at the same time. Fall into silence. His eyes land on your ice cream, which you’re holding in front of his mouth. Yours land on the blue plushie, which is clutched by your other hand. You are about to answer that when Jimin takes a bite from the ice cream. Makes you grin. Puts you in a good mood. You take your hand and the ice cream back. Inspect the plushie.
“It’s cute, isn’t it?” Show it to him.
“Cute my foot.” Jimin looks away. Your good mood sours. Grin disappears. “Yah! Don’t be fucking mean. It’s cute. Besides, it’s a gift.” You clutch the plushie tight again. Jimin doesn’t look at you. “From who? Jungkook?” Asks in a very passive-aggressive tone. You hum in reply to that question. So, he looks at you. Scoffs. “It’s fine when he buys you something but it’s not when I do?” Gestures to his chest with his finger.
“Oh, c’mon. We both know that’s not the same. This is a fucking… I mean a fucking adorable plushie. Not an expensive phone.” You hold the toy higher. Brandishes it.
“So what? You want me to buy you a toy?” Jimin’s expression morphs into something aggressively endearing.
“No… I don’t… Let’s not talk about you buying me things, Jimin.” You ignore the way Jimin is at wit’s end. “He didn’t buy me this. He won me this.” Say before going back to taste your ice cream. Jimin snaps his head toward you at that.
“Oh yeah? Like it must have been fucking hard.”
“Of course, it’s hard. You know these claw machine shits are rigged right? So, it’s hard to get a price.” You don’t know why you are defending Jungkook. Maybe, you’re enjoying the adorable bewilderment in Jimin’s face. A little too much. Like always.
“I can win something for you too then.” Jimin blurts that out. It’s you who snap your head to him now. His wide eyes tell you that he didn’t mean to say that aloud. It’s out in the air anyway now. Not that he can turn the time around. You gape at him in pure disbelief for a minute.
Why on the earth does he wants to win something for you? Is he jealous? Can’t be. Probably Jungkook is pinching his man ego. Yeah, that must be it. You’re certain. Hence, your loud snort and the head shake. Just because you find it hilarious that Jimin is getting riled up and competitive with a man who he doesn’t even know properly. Jimin, on the other hand, gasps loudly at your reaction. Apparently, reads you wrong.
“What? You think I can’t?”
“No, I didn’t say that, Park.” You give him a horrified look. Your playful mood vanishing to the cold air.
“You don’t need to use words all the time Lil.” He mutters irritated. That makes you feel really bad. Wasn’t your intention to belittle him at all. Are about to explain when he stops you. “Don’t say a word. C’mon we are going, and I’ll show you what I can.” He is already in his feet. Your horrified and saddened expression turns into a judgmental one. Is he serious? He calls you a toddler then acts like this. His irritation spreads to you.
“Are you serious Jimin? Can’t you see it’s fucking raining?” You point out the obvious. Don’t make an effort to stand up. He says nothing but gapes at you. Pushes you to snap. He annoys you to no end. But in a good way.
You don’t want him to do anything to be honest. It’s just he is getting on your nerves by acting childishly. Maybe, you match his energy just fine. You both are childish.
“Okay, fine. You’re fucking ridiculous.” You stand up. Go closer to him. Brain searching for a good idea to challenge him. That’s when your eyes lands on the plum tree behind him. A winter-blooming plum tree. There’s not many blooms. Just one. Out of reach of the hand. Will need little more than jumping to pluck it.
There you go!
A wicked grin breaks out on your face. See, childish. Point your finger toward it. Jimin turns around to see what you’re gesturing at. There’s no need to use words all the time. Indeed. He knows what you’re asking for. Gives you a bewildered look again. “You want me to fuckin pick a plum bloom for you? How’s that similar to winning anything?” Pulls his brows together. Squints his eyes to assess the tree.
“Well, it’s too high. You think you can pick it? That’s the challenge Park. The flower is the price.” You explain smugly.
It's weirdly stupid. Your challenge. Yet is better than watching Jimin lose his entire wealth on a claw machine. Just because some random kid hurt his ego. How pathetic. He sighs heavily. Takes his time and just when you are about thinking he just got his brain power back, he disappoints you.
“Fine, stay here.” Now his look is torn between stubbornness and reluctance. You watch him carefully when he shed his jacket off. Loosens the buttons of the dress shirt. Rolls the sleeves up. You two can be a dangerous duo together, can’t you? Is he really going to get drenched just because of a stupid challenge? Maybe you should cut him some slack. Convince him not to get drenched in the rain. Don’t want him to suffer after all.
He has already stepped into the rain, however. Stubborn. Childish. Adorable. Impish. The cold rain drops start kissing his figure graciously now. Slowly but surely soaking his warm body in coldness. He bridges the distance between the store and the tree in just five steps. Stands under the tree. Turns to look at you. His soft hair staring to fall into his face under the stream of rain. His white shirt becoming see through.
Fuck isn’t he beautiful.
There comes that tug at your heart. A painful tug. You blame it on the guilt of letting him go into the rain. That is the only thing. There’s no longing at all. No there’s none. Still, the tug is too powerful to ignore. You can’t ignore it. Makes you tremble. Makes your heart shatter. Again, in a bittersweet manner.
You find yourself being bewitched by a certain blonde man under a plum tree. He is utterly bewitching. Enchanting when he stands there in the rain. You shed your own jacket and place all your belongings on the bench. Next to Jimin’s jacket. Willingly, follow Jimin’s steps. Let the rain drops freeze your bones. Walk toward him. Never leaving his gaze. As if his eyes are the compass. Don’t take your eyes away until you’re in front of him. Can feel his warmth again. Oh, you missed that. Even for few seconds. You missed him. Turn your head up. Look at the bloom.
“Why are you here?” Jimin mumbles softly. “It’s my challenge.” Adds that too. You smile.
“It’s okay to ask for help sometime, remember? A win is a win, Park. Hoist me up. I’ll pick it, this is teamwork. Friends helping each other. What kind of a friend am I, if I don’t help you?” Takes your eyes away from the bloom. Stare into his soft brown orbs when you say it. Yes. You’re here because you’re friends. You should say the word more. That way you’ll get used to it sooner. The ache will go away soon.
Jimin just stares back into your eyes. You think you can see the stormy clouds in his eyes. Gloomy. Raise questions but he doesn’t let you ask them. “But that’s cheating.” Comes closer to you. You have to battle the urge to close your eyes at the sensation of his hot breath in your face. Battle the urge to look at his plump lips. You can feel your head start to buzz in an addictive way.
“No... It’s not.” You match his soft mumble.
“I don’t know. Just let me help you. Hm?” Why are you whispering? You honestly don’t know how to answer his question. Or what he meant by the question. So, you allow yourself to get lost in his enchanting gaze.
Until, he distracts you by nodding. And then bending down to grab you from your hips. Lifts you up without a word. For a second time this day. Higher this time, however. Higher and higher. You stretch your hand to touch the flower. Request him to hold you little bit more high. It is a bit of a struggle. A struggle that needs to bite your bottom lip and merge your brows. In the end, still, you pluck the bloom with your fingertips. Triumphal noises leaving you.
“Got it.” You shout. Excited. Flower secure in your hand. Look down to find Jimin looking up at you. Amused glint in his eyes. Amused grin on his lips. Where are those gloomy clouds? Why do his eyes shine like that? He doesn’t put you down until you ask. But when he does, you think you shouldn’t have asked. Every minute you spend in this world, probably, is becoming the destruction of your sanity. Why do you crave his presence so much? His touches so much? Even when they are just innocent. It’s so damn hard to tear your gaze away from his glinting eyes. From his stretched lips. You do. Somehow. Hold the bloom for him. He takes it. Rolls the stem in his fingers. Now stretches his lips into a full grin. And you find yourself bewitched again. Unable to look anywhere but him. Unable to contain your own grin. So, you grin when he does. Chuckle when he does. Laugh when he does.
There’s nothing funny to laugh about. The thing is you feel content enough to laugh. Guess he feels the same. This is not normal, is it? Well, you don’t care about normalcy. Not when Jimin gives the flower back to you. Holds it out to you.
“You won that.” You never thought you could speak that softly.
“It’s a gift Spring Roll.” He places the flower behind your ear. Steals your breath away. Makes you want to cry for no reason.
Why would you cry over a stupid gift. See, it’s a stupid gift but you already know you’re going to preserve it for so long. So, so, long.
Jimin walks silently behind you. Just a few steps away from you. Hands in his pockets. He and you both are drenched to the core now. Initial plan was to wait until the rain eased. But your challenge changes it. Hence, your decision to walk back to the car in the rain. Jimin can’t believe he was so adamant about winning you something. Wasn’t that immature of him. It is and he knows it. He knew it. Simply was too annoyed to think things through. Or jealous.
No. Nope.
He wasn’t jealous at all. Why would he be jealous for you? Ridiculous. Nah, it was something else definitely. And he doesn’t wish to find out. It’s all fine this way. Just like it’s fine till he never tell you that he knew it was Jungkook who took you away all along. A man with muscles, tats and piercings is engraved in his mind. Fine till you never know that it wasn’t simply because he was worried that he ran looking for you. Will never tell you about the unpleasant twists in his guts he felt. About how restless he had been since the moment Liya’s secretary contacted him. You’ll never know how badly he wanted to reshape Jungkook’s sharp features when you called him ‘Kookie’.
You barely know the man and already call him by a nickname. And then you call Jimin, ‘Park’? Don’t you know him better than Jungkook. Oh, how he wants to punch something when that comes to his mind. He takes a deep breath in. Allowing the cold air to soothe the rage which started to bubble up inside him again.
Well, whatever happened, you’re here now aren’t you. That’s a good thing. He is the one who walks behind you. Eyes gracing over your every curve. Devouring you with his eyes. This is good and bad at the same time. He shouldn’t ogle at your figure like this. Especially, not with the thoughts whirling inside his head.
Then, how can he not? How can he look away from the way that blue skirt hugs your ass like a second skin. It’s drench material clings to your curves. It’s impossible to look away. The way your hips sway when you walk.
How fucking beautiful you are.
How fucking hot, you are. Hot in a criminal way. God, he wants to grab your ass. Knead the plump flesh in his hands. Maybe, spank. Will you like that? Will you drip down if he does that? Or to make you straddle him, and then grind on his hard dick. He wants to mold your ass cheeks when you do so. Control your movements. Have you pliant and whiney. Wants to hear his name chants through your mouth desperately. He can’t tear his gaze away now. It’s plastered into your drenched figure. His brain is malfunctioning. All the blood rushing down to his dick. Making him hard painfully.
Shit, what’s wrong with him?
The thing is, he just knows how your soft skin feels. Knows how it feels to press his hard onto your ass. Has done that before. So, it’s not possible, not to think about it. He badly wants to do it again. Grind against you. Press his hard body against your soft one. Smell your sweet scent. Fuck his dick throbs when he thinks about how you ground back on him.
Fuck, fuck this is where he should stop.
Jimin closes his eyes shut. Begging his improper sinful thoughts to go away. When he opens them back again, it slightly makes him jump to see you looking at him. With furrowed brows and pouting. Eyes narrowed. Fuck, now he doesn’t know what is worse. Is it that he wants to grind his dick against your ass. Or is it that he wants to kiss that pout away from your lips.
Holy shit! He wants to kiss you.
That urge is almost uncontrollable. Uncontrollable, when he finds you to be angelic with your stray wet hair strands framing your face. He likes how drops of water run down your beautiful features. How they gather on the tip of your nose and then fall down. It’s ethereal the way how rain kiss your lips. Unfair. He should be the one to do that. To taste it.
“What are you doing, Park? You’re not staring at my ass, are you?” You turn around. Break Jimin’s beautiful day dreams. Start walking backward. Facing him. He is grateful for the rain that you’ll not see the flush in his face. You have the flower in your hand now. Everything’s drenched. Is so glad that plushie is drenched, however.
“As if you have one to look at.” He retorts. Finding his voice hoarse. He blame it on the rain. That makes you scowl at him. And flip him off. Makes him chuckle. “Look at the road while you’re walking lady.” It isn’t that he simply worried about you tripping over something. Part of him is worried now he can see your plump lips and breasts. Good thing your sweater isn’t see through. He will definitely cross the line again. Isn’t he like a horny teenager? You should put back your coat on. Just for the sake of his sanity. You don’t. Just talk back. Say something about having a perfectly pretty ass before you turn around. He can’t argue on that. It’s pretty. Your ass. You’re pretty. Pretty it hurts. He sighs softly. Needs to stop this. You’re friends now. He has a girlfriend.
He can’t mess things up again.
He can see the car in the near distance now. You’ll reach it in probable twenty steps. There was something in his mind he wanted to ask from you all throughout the day. Couldn’t do it because of Liya’s meeting. Still, he needs to ask you to join the party. Convince you to come if you refuse. This isn’t a good time though. He calls your name anyway. Makes you turn around and stop again.
“What?” You inquire.
Jimin grabs the back of his neck with both of his hands. Watches how you carefully and suspiciously rakes your eyes on him. See, no need to use words at all. You know he is about to pull the friends card again.
“Fuck no Jimin.” You groan. Even before he opens his mouth. Nearly turn around when he grabs from your wrist.
“Oh, c’mon Spring Roll. What kind of friends are we if we don’t help each other.” Whines, ignoring your burning glare. Uses your own words against you. “Okay, if you do this me favor. I’ll help you land a job here.” Bribing you always work. Doesn’t know where that came from.
“I don’t want a job through nepotism.”
“Who said anything about nepotism. I’ll just help you to find a one. Like a good friend.” Bargains. Sees the way your mind whirls around through your eyes. “Please Lil?” One more push and you accept the defeat. Sighing heavily. Pouting. Fuck, he wants to press his lips into that pout. Wans to make you lose your breath. Taste you. Make you moan into his mouth.
“Fucking opportunistic. What is it?” You frees your hand away from his grip. Give him a moment to pull himself together. It’s not like you freed your hand. It’s he allowed you to do that. Jimin pushes himself to give you an answer. To stay focused.
“Well, you know Hoseok is throwing this new year party and-” He starts finally. Only to get disrupts by your annoyance laced honey voice.
Despite your loud and angry screech, he finds himself laughing. You’ll come. He knows that.
You stare into your new phone and the plum blossom next to it. Placed on your rusty coffee table in front of your old couch. You made sure you bring them with you to your world. And were very careful not to crush the petals in your sleep. Are glad you didn’t. You pick the bloom up. Smell it. Even now, your heart is picking up the speed. You recall how Jimin looked at you under the plum tree. Standing in the rain. The glint in his eyes. His breaths. Touches.
This is so wrong. You may not do physical touches anymore. Yet it is still wrong to find your heart swoon at the sight of him. To feel so warm with him.
You sigh. Put the flower back. Maybe you should throw it away. Can you? Fuck, you can’t. It’s precious. Too precious. In the end, it’s a memory. Memory to preserve. Good or bad. Moral or immoral. It’s still precious to throw away. Like the memory of Park Jimin. Like every small moment you spent together. And the ones you’ll spend in the future. Like this party he made you agree to go.
Memories are not that easy to toss in a garbage can. Gosh, how will you ever be able to throw the memories away with Park Jimin? When this thing ends? How will you do that? The pathway you’re walking is not going to lead you to a pretty place. It’s better if you can throw the memories away from the beginning. So, it’ll be easy in the end. So, it will not hurt.
You pick the flower again.
Throw it away. No beautiful memories to preserve. No memories to hurt you in the end.
But it’s a beautiful one. It’s the memory of Jimin under the rain. It’s the beautiful memory of feeling him walking behind you. Slowly. It’s the memory of his glinting eyes and sinful smile. Park Jimin isn’t just a memory. He is a beautiful memory. A beautiful memory you can’t throw away. It hurts more to throw it away.
You get up from the couch. You can’t throw it away. Even though it’ll hurt you to look at it one day. If that’s the price, you’ll pay it. You place the bloom inside a little jewelry box. The flower will wilt away. But your memories will not. They will hurt you, but it’ll never wilt away. Will never turn ugly. Will reamin painfully beautiful.
Park Jimin will never turn ugly in your memories. He will forever remain beautiful. As a memory to preserve.
A beautiful memory.
Chapter Index
Taglist - @chimmy-licious @smoljimjim @graydolan12 @sugas-baby-girl @likemeforme
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snwycde · 8 months
Connected (Bang Chan) part 4
Pairing: BangChan x fem reader
wc: 2.3k
warnings‼️: smut‼️, minors do not interact‼️‼️*warning placed before scene*
summary: slow burn of Chan and fem reader. Chan runs into his past, how will it affect the present and his future?
This is part 3!!!
part 1
part 2
part 3
“Where have you been?” Hyunjin is sitting on the kitchen island eating snacks, “It’s 11pm on a Monday. And Han and Changbin got home like 4 hours ago.”
“I was working.” Chan taking off his shoes, throwing them to the side.
“They said you left before them.” Hyunjin takes a bite of his apple, “So where were you actually?”
Chan takes off his jacket, placing it on the chair beside Hyunjin, “Why are you acting like a mom Hyun?” He opens the refrigerator to grab some leftovers.
“You went to see her, didn't you?” Hyunjin takes another bite, looking at Chan who freezes in his spot, “By your reaction, I’m taking that as a yes.”
Chan scratches his head and sits down “Look Hyunjin, this isn’t some romance story. I just went to see her, that's all.” He’s about to take a bite of his food before, “Wait, how did you know?”
Hyunjin leans back into his chair, “Felix and I were betting on it. Ever since you last saw her you look even more out of it.”
Chan shrugs and takes a bite of his food.
“So what did you do? Did you take her on a date? Surprise her at work with flowers?” Hyunjin finishes up his apple, “I wanna see what she looks like again. The girl who swooned Chan hyung.”
“I think she hates me.” Chan stares at his food, “Y/n, that’s her name. I think she hates me…and I kind of deserve it.”
This makes Hyunjin slowly sit back up, looking at his hyung, “Why would she hate you?” Genuinely curious at who could hate his hyung who’s nothing but kind.
“I treated her really badly.” Chan says before taking another bite, “I treated her so badly and pretended nothing was wrong. I pretended she didn’t exist.”
Hyunjin knew there was more to the story, but hearing this made his hopeless romantic heart ache. He wanted to know more, but he didn’t know where to start. And he especially didn’t want to pry. 
“Yeah, you did.” 
Hyunjin and Chan turn to look up at Minho leaning on the counter.
“Eavesdropping much.” Chan shakes his head, “I mean you’re not wrong but when did you even get here.”
“Felix is being too loud on his video games and I needed water.” Minho pours some water into a cup, then heads over to the table they were sitting at, “Don’t mind if I come and join this little therapy session for Channie, huh?”
Chan lightly laughs, “What are you gonna do rat me out to Hyunjin-ah? He loves me too much to think of me badly.”
Chan’s remark makes Hyunjin’s head tilt, “Okay well now I want to know, because I feel left out now. Who else knows besides Han and Lino hyung?”
“Just them two, and my family.” Chan continues eating his food.
“So am I allowed to ask questions or…” Hyunjin throws his apple away into the trash.
“Shoot.” Chan makes a gun with his fingers, inferring to go ahead.
“Who is she? How’d you meet? How long did you date?”
“I thought you were gonna ask about the breakup. Not the whole plot story.” Minho laughs. But the face of Hyunjin tells Minho and Chan that he really wanted to know.
Chan clears his throat, “Um well her name is Y/n L/n. I met her at this cafe her parents own, she was the first friend I made when I moved to Korea. I started dating her 3 years after I met her…we’re the same age…so when we were like 16…? I think we started dating in 2014.”
“That’s actually so cute. First love.”
“That’s so young. Young love.”
Minho and Hyunjin speak at the same time (I’ll let you guess who said what). They look at eachother rolling their eyes. Chan continues eating, looking unbothered.
“So why did you break up with her?” Hyunjin asks next.
“Chan hyung, didn’t break up with her. She broke up with him.” Minho reaches and takes some of the snacks in the middle.
“What? Really??” Hyunjin holds his mouth in shock, “So why do you portray yourself as a bad guy if she’s the one that broke your heart.”
“Um… maybe because I broke hers first.” Chan finishes his food and starts to get up, “I think that’s enough storytelling for tonight, it’s almost 12 and we have a pretty busy day tomorrow.”
“You can’t leave me with only that. That’s basically nothing! You’re leaving me on a cliffhanger!” Hyunjin pouts.
Chan waves his hand walking out of the kitchen, “Ask me another time.”
“Lino hyung, what did Chan hyung do?” Chan hears Hyunjin ask Minho before he enters his room.
“Jihyoooooooo, I hate him so much.” Here you are in your room, with Jihyo, who brought soju with food after she came home from work. You fall from where you stood, laying on the couch where Jihyo watched you, “I don’t hate him. I just…he’s so mean to me.”
“I can’t believe you got into the car with him. Actually I can’t believe you went to Jaebum when he’s at a bar drunk calling you. Like girl. What the hell.”
“I just wanted to make sure he didn’t get hurt or something. And he was alone –”
“Babe, do you not understand what no contact is?” Jihyo plays with your hair while you place your head onto her lap, “You barely even liked Jaebum. Like look at you, you're here whining over Chan, more than him. You’re a mess.”
“I didn’t know I’d see Chan at such a vulnerable moment. I literally was answering his stupid questions so mindlessly, when he doesn’t even deserve to know anything.” you pull a blanket over you while rambling, “Ugh, Jihyo if only you heard how he spoke to me like…like I was nothing. As if I was just a friend or worse, a stranger. It felt like how it was on the day after Christmas.”
Jihyo didn’t need her to explain what she meant, she knew what she was talking about. That day, after Christmas, is why Jihyo holds no resentment or empathy for Chan. She doesn’t care about how many times you tried to defend him, or brush it off that it was okay and it didn’t hurt you. Because Jihyo knew it hurt you, and once you’ve had too much to drink, if Chan was mentioned or something that reminded you of him, you break down pouring your heart and soul into every single word.
“I remember because I was there, Y/n.” She takes the soju from your hand, “that’s enough for tonight.”
Jihyo walks you to your bed before saying bye for the night. 
--- *MDNI* smut below‼️‼️‼️‼️
His hands roam against your body, touching it as if it’s his last. He follows you as you crawl backwards onto his bed, chasing your lips as if it's the sweetest thing he’s ever tasted. He softly pushes you onto your back as he cages you in, allowing you to trail your fingers up his arms to his shoulders, wrapping your arms around his neck - pulling him closer. The action causes his lower half to brush against yours, a moan spilling into his mouth. 
Hearing you, makes his mind grow darker, craving you more. He starts pressing into you, attacking your neck, “Taste so good.” You run your hands through his hair and give a light tug, just how he likes it, you pull him off your neck, making him whine at the loss of you. You tug at his shirt, “Off, please.”
He smirks at this, placing a kiss on your forehead, “only because you asked so nicely.” You watch him, knees on either side of you, kneeling as he unbuttons his dress shirt in front of you. He sees you bite your lip, “Like what you see?” You turn your head away from him, suddenly shy. 
“No, no, baby.” he softly takes you by the chin, turning your face towards him, “Watch me. Don’t take your eyes off me.” He takes off his shirt and your hands rush to place them on his chest. “Needy aren’t you,” he jokes before taking one of your hands and kissing it, then trailing kisses down back to your neck. He finds your sweet spot, making you bite your lip, to hide your moan.
“Don’t.” his hand comes up to your face, brushing his thumb against your lips. “I want to hear everything.” he whispers into your ear, as he dips two of his fingers into your mouth. You start tasting him, moaning around his fingers. 
“Baby, please.” You whine out as you feel him grind himself onto you, “Want more. Want you.”
“You’re so cute, always asking so politely.” His lips reattach to yours as his fingers find the bottom of your dress - the reason why you’re both in this situation now. He starts to take it off of you, disconnecting his lips just so you can throw it over your head, then he quickly reattaches to you. “God, you’re so perfect.” He says while undoing your bra with practiced movements, “It makes me just want to ruin you.”
You moan at his words, your hand trails to his pants to make him slide them off. As he kicks off his pants, you play with the hem of his boxers, hearing his breath get heavier as he kisses you more desperately. “Are you needy baby?” It’s your turn to tease.
“Stop teasing.” He plays with the thin lace on your hips, returning the favor.
“Me tease?” You immediately grab his dick and give it a squeeze, making his head fall to yours, breath hitches, continuing your movements, “I’d never tease my baby.” Your thumb runs over his tip that’s starting to leak, “So needy, baby.” He moans loudly before placing his hand on your clit, slowly moving at the pace you're stroking him. Your eyelids flutter shut, overwhelmed with the pleasure.
“So weak,” He teases.
Your eyes open as you speed up your movements, feeling chan twitch at the sudden change in pace. You quickly reach into his boxers and take him into your hand, and pump him. 
“Fuck.” He says as you spit into your hand just to reach back down. He hasn’t moved his hands too focused on not finishing. 
“Who’s weak baby?” You use this moment to push him against the headboard, crawling onto him as he sits looking at you. You look at him as you drip your spit from your mouth to his dick lathering it around him making him look up moaning. You stop your movements, your other hand takes his chin, “nuh uh baby, eyes on me.”
You continue your movements and start kissing him intensely. He’s moaning into your mouth and by the grip on your hips, you know he’s close. You usually take the pillow princess role, but by the way he’s been so stressed, you decide to take care of him really quick. You know he’ll make it up to you later.
He pulls away from your lips, “Close.”
You smile at this, “So cute.”
He’s so fast that you’re unsure of what even happened. He pushes you onto your back roughly taking off your panties, “I need to finish in you.” It sounds like a demand, but you know that this is his way of asking for your consent. You open your legs wider and he takes it as a sign to continue. He fully takes off his boxers and lines himself up with you, “You’re so wet.”
“Put it in please, don’t tease,” You whine.
“Not fair when you’ve been teasing me all night.”
“I want you to come in me, baby.” you wrap your legs around his waist pulling him closer, “Fuck me.”
His eyes darken wasting no time, he pushes into you, moaning as he feels you swallow him whole, “Fuck, I missed you so much. ”
He lets you adjust for a second until you push him closer, “Move.”
He starts thrusting deeper into you before pulling out to the tip. Roughly pushing all the way in, he does this slowly yet hard, making both of you moan out loudly gripping onto each other. 
“Faster.” One word is all you say and he’s quick to listen, thrusting faster with less force yet still deep enough to hit your spot. 
“I’m gonna come,” you cry out, it feels so good. He feels so good. Your hands entangle with his hair moving to his back, unable to stay still. So high off of him you don't know where to put your hands. You just want to show him - no, you want to let him feel how good he's making you feel.
“Come on baby, show me how good I make you feel.” He keeps the same strong pace just how you like it, “Let me feel you dripping around me.” And that is what tips you over, you release around him, scratching so hard on his back that it’ll sure leave marks. Screams caught from your throat, as he grips your throat just how you like it.
“Come inside me baby please.” You urge him on, still experiencing your high, you're so drunk on pleasure you don’t know what you’re saying, “Please give it to me. Put it in me deep. I-I need your come.”
He’s now fucking you harder chasing his own release, he grabs your face kissing you. 
“Come in me, Chan.” You moan as you look into his eyes.
You saying his name and the eye contact does it for him, and he's grabbing onto you so tightly as he yells out, “Fuck y/n. I-I’m coming.”
Both of you moaning as you feel his fluid leak into you, filling you up with his warm seed. He still continues moving as he attaches his lips onto you. You kiss each other until you fall asleep with him in you, holding you close.
You open your eyes, Chan’s not there. You sit up, looking down. 
Chan opens his eyes, Y/n’s not there. Chan sits up, looking down.
this is my first time writing a smut idk whether i hate it or not 😭
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yeehawbvby · 8 months
Falling Away With You | Ch. 48
Sebastian x F!Reader and M. Rasmodius x F!Reader
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Chapter Summary: Y/n goes a little apeshit at JojaMart lmao
Author’s Note: *Crawls out of a pit covered in dirt and blood. Slaps this chapter down in front of you, on a SUNDAY no less!*
My health situation hasn’t improved whatsoever, but I will prevail, damnit!!
I wrote most of this and posted to ao3 early this morning, and haven't had a chance to proofread really. I'll do my best to get that done soon ^.^ Sorry if there are any weird wordings. Also sorry for the complete lack of Seb and Magnus in this one, I hope the shenanigans make up for it <3
Table of Contents + Work Summary
Check it out on ao3!
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I hate that stupid, cryptic, blue note I got.
Ever since it came, I think about it every time I check the mailbox, without fail. I don’t want to, I kinda just want to forget it exists, but I just… I dunno. I have a bad feeling about it. A gut feeling. Like, something’s totally up with it. It’s just been sitting in my closet for safekeeping until I decide what to do, though.
For some reason, I’ve been too nervous to bring it back up to Magnus. He’s forgotten it exists, from what I can tell. I think I’ll do my best to keep it that way for now. It feels more like my burden to bear than his, and besides, he’s already got the whole region to take care of.
After today’s confirmation that I don’t have bills or anything important like that, I head inside to get ready to leave the farm. Reeeally hoping my routine will shake out my heebiejeebies.
I got the OK from Magnus to use his fancy shrine for Spirit’s Eve. Got an idea of what I think I want to make myself look like, too. Maybe a tiefling or something. If tieflings don’t really exist, I’m sure some sort of succubi, or imps, or some sort of creature that looks like one’s gotta, no? I suppose I could always fall back on just pretending I’m an elf… man, a tail and horns would be so fun though. 
Either way, tomorrow is the big day and I am so ready for it.
I mean, like, almost ready. Whatever.
Today I’m going to Magnus’ place to get some practice in. Just a precautionary measure to try not to, like, blow myself up or something.
I’m gonna keep my outfit cozy and easy to move around in, but I have half a mind to make sure I wouldn’t mind losing these clothes in particular if something goes wrong with the transformation. Just some leggings, some crew-cut socks, an old hoodie, and my favorite boots, since I won’t have my shoes on in the shrine anyway. All of it is in black. Sebastian cosplay. 
I’ll pop my red studs in too, gotta commit to the bit. I haven’t had time to talk to The Emo and see if he actually did get his shit pierced last night, but assuming he did, and assuming he was able to use these for it, I wanna go all out, baby.
Now, before I head to the tower, I’ve got some errands to run around town. I woke up a bit late so there’s gonna be more people out than I’m looking forward to, but hopefully I have no creepy Alex encounters or awkward conversations with Shane again.
I promised Sam I’d visit him at work sometime soon, so I might as well head there first. He hates it there, and it’s been a while since we’ve caught up, so I’ll hopefully be a welcome distraction. I’ll bring him a coffee too to keep his spirits high.
After it’s done brewing, I grab two foam cups and pour the coffee in. Knowing Sam, he probably needs this stuff sweet, and I’m in the mood for sweet too, so I pour in a bunch of vanilla-flavored creamer. To make the beverages ~gourmet,~ I add a little whipped cream to each, as well as a light drizzle of chocolate syrup. After securing the plastic lids and giving Cannoli some well-deserved love, I head out.
While I pass by the bus stop, I make eye contact with Pam. I’ve never spoken to her, but… I dunno. I can’t tell if I like her or not. She gives me a nasty stink eye and I can only further assume she’s as mean as she outwardly appears. Unless she was just cursed with an intense resting bitch face...
I smile Pam’s way anyway. She doesn’t smile back, but that’s okay. It doesn’t benefit anyone to be so judgemental of her.
I pass a few local moms once I make it to the town square. None really mind me, which could mean they either didn’t notice, or they don’t care. Either is fine by me. I don’t hear what they’re saying, but Caroline talks very animatedly just before the rest of the group bursts into laughter.
I turn my attention back ahead as I pass by Pierre’s and nearly bump into Marnie as she’s leaving the shop.
We both squeak out a little “Oh!” before apologizing in unison.
“I wasn’t really paying attention,” I double down. 
“Oh, that’s fine. I rarely ever am!” She then motions to the two cups in my hands and adds, laughing, “At least the coffee’s safe!”
I awkwardly nod in agreement. Then, a brief flash of myself actually spilling coffee somewhere down the road raids my mind, my necklace tingling against my skin and my fingers practically buzzing.
“Everything alright, sweetie?”
That probably looked weird. “Yeah, sorry,” I try to recover, “just sleepy today!”
I take a sip of coffee to emphasize my point. Plus, I might as well drink what I can before these puppies go down. Hopefully I’ll be able to save at least one of them when the time comes.
“Aw, I’m sorry to hear that!” She puts a gentle hand on my shoulder. “I need to get back to the shop, but take it easy and don’t overwork yourself, you hear?” 
I nod, thanking her and waving her off with a shy grin before I continue moving. Once I get closer to the spot I’m supposed to be spilling these drinks — just before that little bridge over the river by JojaMart — I begin to walk more cautiously. If I can just keep these steady and focus on the ground… 
A sneeze creeps up on me. Oh god. Oh god oh fuck oh no.
Just as I’m beginning to carefully place one of the cups on the side of the bridge for safe keeping, the sneeze forces its way out of me. Luckily, one beverage — the one I hadn’t drank from yet — stays safely in my hand. Unluckily, the one I was working on trying to keep safe fell to the stones at my feet, opening up and dispersing its contents fucking everywhere.
God damnit. 
“Nice one.”
God fucking damnit.
I look up to the voice. It turns out Shane’s outside having a smoke. He’s at the opposite end of the bridge watching my clumsiness unfold with an aloof look about him. He’s bent over to lean on the stone wall, his right elbow propped up and his corresponding cheek in his palm. His left forearm is flat against the structure while his left hand lazily dangles his cigarette between two fingers.
Is that pink nail polish on one of them? I wonder if that’s Jas’ doing. 
I merely groan back my response, picking up the now-empty cup to discard in the trash bin near the store. As I proceed on my walk of shame past Shane, I point out, “At least my clothes stayed safe.”
Shane follows and asks, “How many ants do you think you murdered with that accident?” 
I grin a little at his dry humor. “Oh it was a massacre,” I bounce back. “The war in Gotoro pales in comparison.”
“Ha!” Oh my god, I made Shane — the grumpiest fuck I’ve ever met — laugh?! “Right on. Seems like pointless violence anyway.” 
I turn to see if I can catch him smiling for the first time, like, ever. It’s not there anymore, but there’s a residual brightness in his features.
Shane snuffs out his cig on the ashtray built into the garbage’s lid, abandoning it there before shoving his hands in the pockets of his bright blue shorts.
“Those sons’a bitches,” he nods in the direction of my carnage, “they had it coming.”
My nose scrunches as I laugh a little, giving him a funny look. “Damn, what’d they do to you?”
There’s a playful glint in his eye, as he deadpans me. “Exist.”
I shrug and nod — I get it, they can be pretty annoying! — and follow the man as he makes his way through the white-rimmed, glass-centered automatic doors. I try not to cringe outwardly at how many self-righteous pro-Joja fliers are on them.
Shane stops a few steps into the store. Turns around. I stop too and look up, tilting my head. What’re you looking at, punk? I think to myself. Dunno if I’d be pushing my limits by trying to say it out loud. Better not.
Shane gives me a weird look too, but I can barely see it. My senses are taking their damn time getting used to the obnoxiously fluorescent lighting.
“Don’t you shop at Pierre’s?” Shane wonders out loud.
I blink a few times as I adjust to the environment and then nod. “Visiting Sam,” I explain.
“Ah.” He nods too, in understanding, and then looking the other way he continues, “Enjoy.”
Shane makes his way towards a door to the right of the manager’s office. Says “Employee’s only,” so I’m assuming it’s a break room or something. I don’t miss the incorrect apostrophe, but choose not to linger on it either.
“You too.” He looks back over his shoulder, so I pair my well wishes with a lazy salute.
I smile. I think he’s warming up to me!
Feeling a tad lost now that I’m alone, I look around before making any advances. Should’ve asked Shane if he knew where Sam would be around now. I dunno how the shifts work around here.
The cashiers to my left — a visibly exhausted red headed woman, probably in her late 30s or early 40s; and a scrawny, scruffy looking teenager, with thick-framed glasses sitting atop his freckled nose — both look miserable.
The boy is boredly leaning against the counter, zoned out on the ground in front of it. The woman looks totally spaced out on nothing in particular. It almost seems like she’s fighting off sleep, too. Poor lady. 
The woman and I lock onto each other. She looks away from my face before I can even register it, but I notice her eyes flicker longingly to the coffee cup in my hand a few times after the fact. I peer between her and the beverage twice before I all but scurry away into the aisles. I’m too awkward for this. My only option is to retreat. Never said I wasn’t a coward.
While I venture past the boatloads of boxed, bagged and canned foods in search of the resident dog boy, I observe some of the products. Some don’t look safe for consumption, while others seem like they’d be fun to try as a one-off sort of deal. It overlaps a few times as well. I mean, why wouldn’t I want to try this cereal which very explicitly states on the box that it’s more sugar than grains? It makes me stifle a giggle. I like the brutal honesty. 
I stop and stare at it for a sec. Gnawing my lip. Wondering if I should just…
No. I shan’t.
I break away from temptation and trek on. As I reach the end of the aisle, I pan across the back of the store. More shelf-stable products, a small produce section… ah!
Sam looks like he’s supposed to be mopping the floor near the freezers. To be fair, he is holding a mop, and it is touching the floor! But instead of cleaning, he uses the tool as a microphone; singing against the end of the brown wooden handle, both hands passionately gripping it as he bends his torso to quietly belt one part in particular. Sam’s eyes are shut, his bulky black headphones are secured over his ears, and he has not a single worry in the world. 
Holding his coffee in both hands now, I stop walking and lean against a nearby shelf. Observing. Waiting. Eventually he’ll have to see me.
He does a little spin move and carelessly bumps into the bucket of soapy water he’s working with, causing it to slosh around a little. Some of it lands on the floor, and some on the pants of Sam’s jumpsuit. Doesn’t faze him in the slightest. 
He does another spin the opposite way and nearly knocks over the conveniently placed display of sprinkles that are situated right in front of the ice cream freezer.
I feel like I should probably stop him before something bad happens, but he looks so damn content and so stinkin’ cute that I can’t be assed. 
Just as I’m thinking this, he opens his eyes, completely avoiding my direction while he immediately peers over his shoulder. Sam scans around, getting a full view of the proximate areas. It seems like he’s just making sure he’s not about to get caught by his boss or something, if I had to guess.
Eventually he lands on me. We both smile wide, and I triumphantly hold up his (unspilled!!) coffee in one hand, presenting it with a small flourish of the other and a bow of my head.
“For you, my good sir.” I make sure to sound extra fancy, dropping my voice an octave and annunciating my words a bit too much.
He looks around again before meeting me in the middle with a fist bump, completely ignoring my bit. Aw man.
“Hell yeah, thanks dude!” 
I shoot some awkward finger guns at him, “You got it, bud.”
“You didn’t make yourself one?”
I sigh, lamenting, “I did…”
Sam scans my face as we share a short silence. Then, the lightbulb almost visibly goes off in his noggin. “You spilled it, didn’t you?”
Pursing my lips, I nod. “I spilled it, yeah.” 
“Buuummer, dude.” He pats my head and I sigh, leaning into his touch. I’ll be damned if I don’t still love head-pats, even if it’s been a while since I’ve gotten one. “Wanna split this one then?” he offers, palm still on my crown. At this point he’s just trying to messy me up.
“No thanks, I’ll just grab another later if I’m really craving it.” Not having noticed the trance I’ve been in as my hair gets slowly and steadily ruined — it feels nice, okay? — I finally look up at him, cheekily glaring as I manually remove his large hand from me. I add on as I try to repair the frizzy aftermath, “Sick performance, by the way!” 
“You think so?” he beams. Makes me laugh.
“Of course! It looked like you were having a lot of fun.”
Sam’s face is a bit flushed as he takes the compliment, not even trying to hide it; he has a big goofy grin on his face, too.
It drops and Sam looks behind him as a deep voice with a bit of a southern twang booms from one of the aisles nearby. “Samson?”
“Shit, here.”
Sam hurriedly places his coffee into my hand and rushes back near his water bucket, looking around for his manager as he moves. I try to make things less suspicious by pretending to look at some nearby end caps. 
I take a peek over when I hear Sam greet the man, “Hiya! What’s up, Morris?”
Crossing his arms and puffing out his chest to try and make himself look mighty, a man in a navy blue suit, a bright red bow tie, and a poorly-applied black toupee corrects him. “That’s Mr. Saxton, son.” 
I roll my eyes. Awesome to know the guy running this Joja is just as insufferable as the dudes who work on the corporate side.
Sam puts an anxious hand on the back of his neck, and halfheartedly smiles as he apologizes, his speaking patterns much more formal than before. Poor guy… it hurts to see him having to tone it down so much for this dipshit.
I turn my attention back in front of me so as to give him some privacy. Not sure he’d want me to hear him getting his ear talked off.
This display is full of holiday cards... I might as well waste some time with these bad boys. I pick up one with a cartoon beagle wearing a birthday hat on it, stealing a sip of Sam’s coffee as I read the pun on the front: “Have a doggone good birthday!” Alright, nice and cheesy start…
I flip the card open. It starts blaring Baha Men’s “Who Let The Dogs Out.” Fucking hell. Jumpscare me, why doncha! I shudder at how tinny the music sounds — likely made worse by its volume — then close the card and place it back in its spot, not bothering to read more.
“Excuse me, miss?”
I peer over my left shoulder, and see that Mr. Saxton is making his way towards me. A vein is popping in his forehead, but he has a toothy smile on his face that screams customer service. Not sure what’s going on and feeling a little anxious about the situation, I don’t answer with words — I just turn my body to him and watch him expectantly. 
My eyes flicker to Sam real quick, who’s closer to the opposite end of the freezers now. He’s looking over here though, and when his eyes catch mine, he mouths “Go!” and motions his arm towards the front end of the store. Maybe he got caught socializing or something… wouldn’t doubt that there’s probably heavy surveillance in here. Man.
I look back at Sam’s boss as he says, “I’m going to need you to discard your beverage.”
My brows furrow and I tilt my head. “Why?”
Ah, he’s the asking-questions-is-talking-back type: He huffs a deep breath and tilts his head as if to mimic me, clasping his fingers together in front of his ribs. The smile and vein are both still on his face.
“It is not only unacceptable to bring your own food into a grocery store,” he strains, “but I cannot have you spilling your drink all over our products.”
…I haven’t spilled anything. What does he think I am, some crusty little kid? 
Damn, this is bringing out a rage that I haven’t experienced since working behind a Joja desk. I didn’t know I was even capable of it anymore. Must be something about the overstimulatingly bright blues, or the blindingly white strips of lights. Same ones we had above each cubicle in the office.
My anxiety is rapidly replaced with a petty yearn to cause a ruckus as I realize that I don’t work for Joja anymore. I never have to even come here again, actually.
I don’t answer to this fucko! I don’t answer to anyone!
Screw this guy!
Feeling courageous, I put on my own customer service mask as I inquire, “Do you want me to spill this on your products?”
“E-excuse me?!”
I hover the cup near the cards, tilting it a little. Doing a little eyebrow wiggle too for good measure. “It feels like you dooo.”
“I— w-what are you doing?”
Seb would be so proud if he were here. Not sure how Magnus would react, but I’d like to imagine he’d support me too.
Completely on impulse, I bring the cup in front of me and splash a little coffee in the man’s direction instead of the cards’. The now-lukewarm liquid splatters onto the white button-down beneath his jacket and rapidly seeps into the fabric, leaving a light brown, unsightly splotch.
Sick, got him where it hurts and none got on the floor! Less work for Sam!
Making sure my voice is just as cheery as Morris was trying to keep his, I cap this off, “Stop treating your employees like crap and stop treating complete strangers like children, asshole.”
This feels so good. My heart is racing and my pits feel a little moist and I might just end up an anxious mess the second I walk away, but I’ll be damned if this isn’t cool as fuck in the moment. When Leah asked me last week if Magnus ever wanted to go apeshit, it didn’t even occur to me how badly I wanted to go apeshit.
I walk down the nearest aisle as Morris continues sputtering something about me leaving, paying for this, whatever.
Shane’s kneeled down in the middle of the aisle stocking shelves. He faces me for a moment and grins slyly. “That was cool as hell.” Why does this feel so validating? “A woman after my own heart.” 
I blink that fucking flashbang away — seriously, the last time I saw him he was still being a dick, and today he’s treating every interaction like we’re fully acquainted, if not more, what the heck — as he turns away to scan items onto the shelf again.
“I really didn’t do much…” I really didn’t. Just kinda caused a minor inconvenience for the guy. 
My hands are shaking though, so it must be catching up to me.
“That still took some balls.” He glimpses at me briefly and adds, “Y’look like you might cry, though. Get outta here before I change my mind about you.”
I huff out a quiet laugh and steady Sam’s — well, my, now — coffee in both hands. “On it, boss.”
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itssmean · 6 months
𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 (𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒂) 𝒕𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓
track 18 ; does the plan goes well? (750 words)
SYNOPSIS new upcoming app called ‘love alarm’ will be launched ! but it need to be tested before the official launching date, so what ifs the well known enemies— lee chanyoung and park y/n are the one that gonna be the app beta users? does the love between them gonna ring?
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“Hanni asked us to go to her practice room later. She said she wants to show us something. Do you actually have any plans later on?” Yuna beamed while interlinking her arms with Y/N’s.
Both of them wander around the campus to unwind themselves after the 3-hours lectures which obviously no one actually pays attention to— well, it’s also almost the time for Yuna to take action according to their plan! All of them are also betting on what kind of scenario will happen after the victims (Anton and Y/N) meet each other in the clubroom—which almost costs 60 bucks each. (definitely not sunoo’s idea!)
Without Y/N knowing, Yuna leads her to the campus community club building without making it obvious. On the other hand, Y/N hummed for a while before answering, “Well Taesan asked me to meet him for a bit after this. I think I can go there later on after meeting him.”
Yuna pouted at the answer and swayed her arms, “You can go to meet him after we go to Hanni first. Can you ask him to meet you later then? Please,,” Y/N contemplated for a while but then just nodded. “I will text him later then. Well, I don’t think I am ready to meet him after I kinda figured out that he likes me.”
“Hmm, are you afraid that he will confess to you? Well you can just straight up say you like someone else.” suggests Yuna and the other girl seems disgruntled. “I am also afraid of getting rejected. How can I reject someone? What if he also has the same disease as me?”
Yuna hummed and suddenly she frowned while clutching into her stomach. “Wait Y/N, nature is calling me. Wait for me a bit will you? I need to go! IT’S FUCKING EMERGENCY.” Without further explanation, Yuna went into the bathroom to do her.. deeds!
Y/N stared for a while at the wall where Yuna was leaning at that moment before THE nature called her— and she’d shrugged while unlocking her phone to send a message to Taesan to acknowledge him about her delayed arrival. Suddenly, her phone rang which made her frowned— who’s here?
“Oh, Y/N what are you doing there?”
“Taesan..? I’m just about to text you that I will be late.” She looked up to the tall boy who’s smiling while running towards her. “Oh, then how about I’ll settle down right now?” He suggests. Nah, this is the thing she’s scared of the most. She contemplated for a while before responding to the boy. Shortly after that, her phone suddenly rang again.
Then there’s Seunghan and the boy that she also did not expect the most to be there— Lee Chanyoung. The latter boy looked confused as ever while looking through his phone which also rang— the same as her. The girl who figured out that the boy’s phone rang because of her cursed internally at the sight of her sister’s boyfriend wiggling his eyebrows watching both of them.
Taesan, who's also there watching both Y/N and Chanyoung look at each other without saying anything, makes him connect the dots— he smiles bitterly at the sight. “Well Y/N, I think—“
“Uhm, Taesan! Before you say anything, I want to say that— my heart rang towards someone. Which I think you can kinda figure out since we are the beta users of the app? I really adore you as a good friend and I hope you will find your match later on. The red strings of fate exist, you know? See you tomorrow in the class then.” she cuts him off with her heaving heart watching Taesan just fake smiling and nodded. “I kinda figured it out. See you tomorrow Y/N.”
She sighed after seeing Taesan walked away pretended nothing happened there. Anton who’s just processed what actually happened blushing at the thought that Y/N actually likes him. the love alarm rang? she said her heart rang towards someone? is it actually me? oh my—
Without them knowing, Yuna who’s just finished her business gagged after seeing the drama that just happened— how many chapters that she missed? On the other hand, Seunghan squealed internally when Y/N came towards him and Anton. Anton’s eyes widened as the girl kept motioning forwards to him until both of them are eye to eye.
“Now let’s be a man, shall you Lee Chanyoung? Do you have anything to say after everything that just happened?”
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track 17 / track 18 / track 19
an | most likely this series will be finished by next week (hope so..?)
taglist is open!
@kyusqult @babigriin @brachioswrld @dinosluver @rksbae @ilovejungwonandhaechan @bunni @kcharlyy @planethyuka @leehanascent @dodot04lover
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Anything But Love Part 2
AN: Hello my loves! First, I’m gonna apologize for disrespecting the sanctity of democracy, I hope you all can forgive me maybe. Love for Duties Sake Part 5 is still 150% coming, I’m just trying to be a good person, and A. Not make it a book. And B. Actually give them some peace for once in their lives (spoiler alert it’s not going well)  SO yeah here's this gem of a story while I work on that, Shuri is once again a brat but maybe just maybe she doesn't actually mean to be a brat? Idk crazy idea. Y’all asked for Y/N to have a little bit of bite to her, I hope I did that lol. Blame two of your favorites on here for this coming out this morning instead of last night-
As always this is dedicated to the lovely @pinkwright, I simply exist to write fake dating for them.
Summary: Being the head of PR for the Udaku family came with its challenges. But staying on top of public perception and answering to elders paled in comparison to your most formidable challenge, dealing with the princess.
Pairing: Shuri x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Cussing, like BREIF mentions of sexual elements. that’s it I think.
Word count: 4,658
Masterlist.  Taglist.  Part 1.
Suggested listening: Bitches Broken Hearts - Billie Ellish 
“You can pretend you don't miss me (me) You can pretend you don't care All you wanna do is kiss me (me) Oh, what a shame I'm not there.”
“And again! One, two, three, four dip! One, two, three, four, turn!”
The feeling of Shuri’s foot coming down on yours had you pulling your hand from hers, a loud “Ow!” spewing from your lips. 
“I wouldn’t have stepped on your foot if you had it in the right place.” Shuri looked down at you smugly as you rubbed your foot. 
“Well maybe if you hadn’t skipped the first step, I wouldn’t be confused as to where we were at.” You glared up at her, wanting nothing more than to shoot up from your position on the floor and wipe that smug look off her face.
“Are you two really not over your issues, seriously? Mama gave you both a week, I thought you would have settled this by now.” T’Challa’s voice, while slightly annoying at this exact moment, was still right. 
Queen Ramonda had given both you and Shuri a week to come to some sort of acceptance of the deal you both agreed to. Banning Shuri from entering her lab and you from your office, she hoped the time away from work would give you both some clarity about the situation, leading to you putting your childish bickering to the side and finally working together again.
While this all sounded good on paper, the time away from your safe spaces seemed to leave the two of you more irritable than before. Shuri’s attitude is on full display and your patience running dangerously low. Luckily, once she noticed this the Queen called in the one favor she had left, hoping maybe she could talk sense into the two of you before it was too late. But until she showed up under the Queen’s strict orders T’Challa was to teach you and Shuri the waltz. 
“The only issue I have is that she cannot follow directions! I am supposed to be leading her in this dance yet every move she makes is contradictory to the one I have made. I step left, and she goes right. I take two steps forward, and she takes two backward. How am I to lead someone as stubborn as Y/N?” Shuri folded her arms over her chest, no longer giving you the satisfaction of looking in your direction once she finished her array of insults. Classy. 
You rose from where you had been sitting checking your foot. Where Shuri may have beaten you in height, you had her in pure intimidation. Shuri was all bark and no bite and the minute you really mouthed off back to her, she faltered. “Maybe if I had a good leader, someone who I trust to lead, maybe then I’d have no problem following them. But when she can’t even remember the order of simple steps to a waltz, how am I supposed to want to follow her mkhuluwe? (brother)” 
T’Challa tried to answer and de-escalate the situation but his sister's fiery attitude stopped him. 
“I find your continual suggesting that I am an unfit leader to be disrespectful Y/N.” Shuri took a step closer to you, looking down at you through the curls that had fallen into her face. “Some would even say what you’re suggesting is treason. Are you committing treason against the Princess?” The tone in her voice was cocky, like a cat playing with her food. What you said was not treason, you knew it, she knew it, T’Challa knew it, and everyone else in the room knew it. But still, she chose to pull rank on you, a subtle reminder that you two were not acting off of an even playing field. Another low blow. 
“You know I almost wish what I said was treason worthy Shuri, I’d gladly take whatever punishment that brings over having to continue this charade with you.” You chuckled softly. “Fifty years of solitary confinement, I think I’ll take my chances.” 
The young Princess’s fists balled and the next smart remark was just about to leave her lips when another voice cut in. One that wasn’t yours, hers, or T’Challa’s. 
“Bast! You both still fight like children!” You and Shuri both whipped around to see Nakia leaning up against the ballroom wall behind you. The sight of her had your feet moving faster than your brain could process, leading you right into Nakia’s arms. She let out a groan when your body connected with hers, squeezing you tightly. “Well hello to you too, usisi omncinci (little sister).” 
“I didn’t know you’d be here so early.” You still hadn’t removed yourself from Nakia’s body as you spoke. 
“Well, clearly she is,” Shuri’s slick remark rang out before Nakia could speak. “Now move, you’re not the only one who has missed her.” 
With reluctance, you peeled your body off of Nakia’s to allow Shuri to hug her. As you watched the two embrace you were brought back to your childhood, Nakia’s family being the other one that you lived with when you weren't in the palace. She had taught you everything you knew about being an adult and your eagerness at her return was no different now than it was when you were younger. 
When Shuri finally finished she stepped back next to you, leaving T’Challa as the only one who hadn’t greeted Nakia yet. 
“Hi.” He said sheepishly as he stepped up into his girlfriend's space. Nakia smiled fondly at him, holding her hands out for T’Challa to take. 
“You did not tell me you were coming back.” T’Challa’s hands rubbed idly at Nakia’s knuckles, memorizing the feeling of her skin under his. These moments between the two of them were rare, Nakia busy with her war dog duties and T’Challa with his kingly responsibilities. 
“Mm, I wasn’t supposed to be back this early but, Queen Mother called.” Nakia took her hand and cupped T’Challa’s cheek, rubbing gently on his soft skin before placing a sweet kiss on his lips. “And, I missed you mtuwam (my person).”  
The sight of the two lovers made you smile and that same smile stayed on your face as you backed away to give them some privacy. Of course however when in the presence of the Princess such a smile can only last for so long. The sight of her staring at you in disgust had you rolling your eyes at her. “What is your problem? Is your heart so cold that you can’t appreciate a couple in love?” 
Shuri let out a dry laugh. “No, I adore my brother and Nakia, she makes him significantly less lame. It is your reaction that I don’t believe.” 
“What? I am a lover of love. A certified lover girl like Drake said. Especially true love like that.” 
“Mhm if that’s what you need to tell yourself to sleep at night, but that’s not what I have heard.” Shuri dismissed herself from the ballroom, seeing no need to continue the dance lesson now that T’Challa was occupied.
You followed hot on her trail, what the hell had she “heard” about you that could make her of the opinion that you weren't a lover of love. It was blasphemy honestly, defamation of character. 
“Shuri!” You grabbed her arm, forcing her to stop in her tracks. She tried to pull out of your grasp, expecting to overpower you easily. What she didn’t account for though was your newfound muscle from training with Ayo, rendering her attempts unsuccessful. 
“Let me go.” She still hadn’t turned to face you, to you this seemed like disrespect, another time Shuri couldn’t even give you the decency to look at you. But internally, Shuri’s heart was beating a mile a minute. She hadn’t even realized how much she missed the feeling of you touching her skin. Holding hands to dance was one thing but the way you held tightly onto her now felt like a security blanket, holding her down to earth. 
“What are you talking about? What did you hear?” 
Shuri tried to pull her arm again to no avail, taking a deep breath, she turned and faced you. “When I tell you, you’ll remove your grabby hands from my wrist, yes?” 
You roll your eyes at her use of the word grabby, this was a tactic you two would use often as kids and she never had a problem with it then. “Yes, if you tell me what you’re talking about, I’ll let you go.” 
The Princess looked you up and down as she debated how to spill this information. “All I’m saying is I find it hard to believe that you are a lover girl when you so clearly have shown that you’re the opposite.” 
That got you to loosen your hold on Shuri’s wrist just enough for her to pull away, her heart finally steadying. But to your surprise, she didn’t leave, rather staying and standing in front of you almost waiting for your questions. 
“Explain what you’re talking about right now!” You demanded, your voice cracking slightly under your urgency.
“Adah.” That name was all Shuri gave you as you two stood staring at each other. “Oh don’t play dumb now, you two have been doing this thing since we were teenagers.” 
You gritted your teeth, for a second time today, an Udaku child was right about something. Adah was a year younger than you and Shuri, her grandparents sat on the council so she was frequently in the palace growing up. Shuri never cared too much for Adah, saying that she was too whiny and took up too much of your time. This dislike only increased when you and Adah started casually dating as teenagers. 
While you put the emphasis on casualness, Adah could never do the same; always trying to cling to your side and attach herself to your and Shuri’s plans. This only led to the Princess feeling more confident in her ability to voice her disdain for the young girl, consistently pointing out her shortcomings. When you finally did end things with Adah, she still seemed to pine after you, even going as far as to join the Dora Milaje to maintain proximity. 
“Adah is just a friend Shuri, the same as she was back then.” This earned you a laugh from the Princess. 
“Oh I’m sure she’s just a friend to you, but she doesn't see you the same way and she makes it abundantly clear.” Shuri looked you up and down. “And you don’t seem to have a problem with that, do you?” 
You chose to ignore the second part of Shuri’s statement, instead attacking the first part. “Why does it matter who I’m friends with Shuri?” 
She scoffed at you and attempted to walk away, done with this conversation. But you had grown tired of things always ending on her word, by her command. So you stepped in front of her, blocking her path with your body. When she stepped in another direction you followed suit, leaving her nowhere to go. “Why does it matter who I’m friends with?” 
“Get out of my way.”
“Answer my question.” 
The Princess was left with a decision, attempt to worm her way around you, success rate: twenty-five percent, or answer your question. Reluctantly she chose the ladder. 
“I do not care who you’re friends with Y/N. Truly, I don’t.” She used the closeness of your bodies that you had created to her advantage, leaning over you. “But Adah, she’s not just a friend, is she? Because I remember what it was like to be your friend and I don’t recall it involving sneaking out of your bedroom at three AM every other night.” 
Your eyes widened at her words and your breath caught in your chest. How did she know about that? Those were isolated incidents. The few times when you had permitted Adah into your bedroom late at night it was just long enough to make you feel something again, before swiftly kicking her out. 
“Oh don’t get quiet on me now Y/N, where's all that energy you just had?” Shuri teased you, cocking her head to the side with a chuckle.
Two options played out in your head at that moment. The first was to stick to what you knew worked with Shuri, logic, and reason. Walk away from the conversation and wait until you were both cooler-headed. The second option was to really give it to Shuri, and remind her why your attitude was just as feared as hers, with the hopes that she’d step off afterward. Two shit options but beggars can’t be choosers. 
“You know what Shuri, first off fuck you. We’re not friends, right? So, who I decide to spend my time with is none of your business.” Your words had Shuri straightening up, no longer towering over you. 
“Second, fuck you again. You ended this, you didn’t wanna be my friend anymore, so yeah maybe I decided to be friends with Adah again. But guess who no longer gets an opinion on it? You.” You had effectively backed the Princess into a wall, her having nowhere to go but to press her back up against it and wait for you to finish. 
“Third and finally fuck you. Fuck your bullshit ass entitled attitude that pushes everyone away that tries to help you. Fuck your inability to not be an asshole for once in your life. Fuck you for not even being able to be a decent non-friend to me Shuri. I mean shit, we didn’t have to be best friends but you don’t have to be such a dick.” 
By the time you finished speaking, you realized you had said way more than you’d originally intended to. Letting some of the anger that you’d held onto from your adolescence spew out on the princess now. You two stared at each other for a moment, not sure what to say after your honest words.
Shuri tried to speak but you stopped her with a raise of your hand. There was nothing left to say here. Backing away from the Princess you ignored her calls and made your way away from her as quickly as you could. 
Once you were clear out of sight Shuri sunk down to the floor, burying her head in her knees. How did she keep doing this? Insulting and pushing you away when all she wanted to do was recreate the relationship you guys used to have. But how could she when clearly she had hurt you so badly? 
Two shadows appeared over Shuri and she looked up to see Nakia and T’Challa, locked arm and arm, staring down at her. The last thing she wanted right now was some lecture from her brother. “What do you want?” 
“We heard everything.” T’Challa rocked on his heels slightly, his nervousness apparent. He wasn’t sure how to go about a situation like this. Being king, that was easy. But being an ubhuti omdalana? (older brother) This was much harder. 
“Okay…” Shuri buried her head back into her knees, her braids shielding her face from view.  
The King looked to Nakia, hoping his girlfriend might have something to say here to help the situation. Instead, the war dog just smiled and squeezed T’Challa’s arm. “I am going to check on Y/N.” She whispered to him quietly. “You got this.” 
T’Challa held tightly to Nakia as she tried to pull away, shooting her a “Do not leave me here.” look, which only made Nakia smile. After a few tugs, she finally got her arm out of T’Challa’s hold and she bent down to speak to Shuri. “Sisi (sister), try to at least listen to what he says hmm?” She rubbed the princess’s shoulder gently, satisfied that she could go when Shuri gave her a small nod. 
When Nakia left T’Challa sat down next to his sister, pulling his knees to his chest to mimic her. “Do you want to talk about it?” 
“Okay…” The siblings sat in silence for a little bit, T’Challa unsure of what to say. He tried to think what his Baba would do if he were still here or what kind words his mother would offer but he drew blanks. Just as he went to speak Shuri’s head popped up. 
“It is like she wants me to hate her or something.”
“Ingaba uthetha ukuthini? (What do you mean?)” T’Challa turned to look at his little sister confused by her words. 
“Y/N, it’s like she wants me to hate her. Everything she does I’m convinced she only does it to infuriate me.” T’Challa recognized the tone of his sister's voice, it was the same one that developed when she had solved a math problem or fixed a mechanical issue by herself. A tone of finality. 
“And what has she done thus far to make you hate her?” Now that he understood where Shuri’s problem lay, her brother felt much more confident helping her work through it. 
Shuri looked up at her brother as if he was crazy. “What do you mean what has she done to make me hate her? You heard the whole argument right?” 
T’Challa nodded. 
“Then you have heard just the most recent thing she’s done to infuriate me, becoming friends with Adah.” 
“And why can she not be friends with Adah?” T’Challa posed the question simply, raising his eyebrows at the Princess. 
“Because she knows I dislike Adah, she could have chosen any girl in the palace to be friends with and yet she chooses the one she knows I do not like? What kind of a friend does that?” Shuri let out a puff of air as she spoke about your behavior, but she didn’t stop there. 
“I mean really mkhuluwe (brother), do your friends treat you like that?” 
“Shuri,” T’Challa tried to stop his sister from continuing. 
“One moment, I am just saying who gave her the right to be so annoying! Friends are not supposed to be annoying-” 
“Shuri,” T’Challa tried again to interject but was shut down. 
“You came to listen to me talk, yet you keep cutting me off. Like I was saying friends are not supposed to be annoying, petulant, life-sucking-”
T’Challa couldn’t stand it any longer and finally, he fully interrupted her. “Shuri! For Bast's sake listen to me for a moment.” 
Shuri cocked her head back in disbelief, cutting her eyes at him in the process. “Did you just yell at me?” 
The King swallowed, “Yes.” 
Shuri looked him up and down before nodding, impressed at his ability to finally stand up to her. “Go on.” 
“All of this,” He gestured around her body. “Is because you’re upset with Y/N, yes?” 
Shuri faltered for a second, “Not just because of Y/N-”
“Your heart rate increases when you are lying, try again.” 
The Princess gasped, shoving her older brother. “I told you about using your black panther powers on me, it’s weird!” 
T’Challa only laughed. “But I am right, yes? All of this is because you’re mad that Y/N has made friends with someone you do not like.” 
“Yes.” Shuri’s response was quick, almost as if she didn’t wanna agree to what T’Challa had said. 
“But sisi, were you not the one to end the friendship with Y/N in the first place? How can you be mad at the way she has chosen to move on?” T’Challa’s words struck a chord with his sister. “Even if she did deliberately choose Adah to upset you, which we both know our Y/N, and I do not think that is something she would do. Why do you get to treat her poorly because of it?” 
Shuri let out a groan and turned away from her brother, but T’Challa continued. 
“What it sounds like to me, little sister is that you are jealous that Y/N has moved on and has found someone else to spend her time with.”
Shuri sat there processing her brother's words. Jealous? She wasn’t jealous… Right? 
On the other side of the palace, Nakia had finally located you. 
“How did I know I would find you here?” The older woman looked up at you in the trees. Nakia guessed that this tree, the same one you would climb up as a child, is where you would be.
“Not too much has changed hmm.” You offered. 
“Oh but so much has.” Nakia mused with a smile as she started her ascent into the trees. 
“Be careful, your body is not as young as it used to be.” You warned her with a laugh, earning a gentle shove from her once she finally got herself situated. 
“Are you calling me old sisi (sister)?” 
“I am not calling you young.” Your laughter only increased at her shocked expression. 
“I leave for a few months and you start insulting your elders? You really are just like Shuri.” Nakia meant the comment to be funny, and a few years prior it would have been. But now the mention of the princess made the smile slowly fade from your face. 
This of course did not go unnoticed by Nakia, she brushed your shoulder with hers gently. “Talk to me about her.” 
You shook your head, “Nakia, there's nothing to say about her that I haven't already said. You heard it all.” 
“Then tell it to me again. Explain to me how two girls who I watched grow up like sisters, now cannot spend a minute together without fighting.” Nakia’s brown eyes bore into your own. She always had a way about her, this energy that encouraged you to spill what had been weighing on you. And especially up here, high above the palace looking out onto the rest of the Golden City, you felt the urge to open up for once. 
“I don’t know what I did to make her so upset with me.” The words came out of your mouth quietly. “It was like one minute she was my best friend and now she can hardly stand the sight of me. Everything I do is somehow wrong in her eyes.”
“You know that’s not how she really feels Y/N.” Nakia tried to reason with you. 
“As much as you and Mama keep saying that Nakia, I think you’re wrong.” You finally pulled your eyes away from her. “She is all upset that I’ve chosen to spend time with someone else but she was the one who decided she didn’t want to spend any time with me.” 
Nakia tucked a few stray curls behind your ear. “Do you want to know what I think sisi?” 
You made a sound of inquiry, encouraging Nakia to continue. 
“I think she regrets her decision.” 
You whipped your head to face Nakia. “Intoni (What)?” 
“I am being serious, I think Shuri regrets her decision about ending the friendship,” Nakia spoke matter of factly as if she had weighed out all the options in front of her and settled on that one. 
“Yeah, and what about her behavior is saying ‘I want Y/N back as a friend.’ to you?” The question came out more comical than you intended but you couldn’t help it, the idea Nakia was pushing was laughable. 
“You and I both know Shuri, so you and I both know the last thing she can do is admit when she’s wrong. Think back to when we were kids and she didn’t want to admit that it was her miscalculations that made the hair dye ‘semi permanent’ not ‘washable’ like she insisted it was.” The memory Nakia brought up had you laughing. 
You and Shuri couldn’t have been but thirteen when she insisted that her new project was a hundred percent safe and a hundred percent NOT permanent. That of course led to you both having matching bright purple streaks in your hair for two months. 
Seeing your smile again brought Nakia some peace, she hadn’t lost you to your mind's overthinking yet. “Shuri is just hard-headed. She does not know how to say she wants you back in her life, so she doubles down on her stance.” 
You pondered Nakia’s words, it was true that Shuri did seem to double down on her dislike of you in the past three weeks. Almost as if being in increased proximity to you was making her miss you and lash out in response. 
“Promise me something?” Nakia wrapped her arm around your shoulder bringing you into her. 
“I can’t promise something if I do not know what it is Nakia. What if you wanted me to promise that I’ll jump from this spot right now? That’s not a promise I would make.” You were only rambling to annoy Nakia at this point and she knew it. She brought her other hand to flick your forehead. 
“Hush. Just promise me that you won’t shut Shuri out completely?” The older woman looked down at you awaiting your answer. “I know this is hard for you, having to be with her constantly when she isn’t the Shuri we know. But, there will come a time when she is again and I want you two to be able to rebuild when that comes.” 
You inhaled deeply debating if this was something you could promise to. 
“I’m not asking for you to lay down and let her insult you, Shuri needs someone to keep her in check too.” That got a chuckle out of you. The Princess needed more than just someone to keep her in check, she needed a full attitude adjustment. “But I am just saying, I think the more time you two spend together the more she’ll come back around.” There was a glint in Nakia’s eyes when she spoke that you didn’t recognize. 
“Okay.” You agreed quietly. 
“Okay?” Nakia squeezed you tight. “I will take an okay, I was not even sure if you were going to let me get this far!” 
The two of you both laughed in unison, knowing that it was a rare occasion when you actually took someone's advice. Your laughter was interrupted by the chirp of Nakia’s kimoyo beads alerting her that she had an incoming call. 
“Oh it's Challa, let us see what he wants.” The call went through and a holographic picture of the prince popped out of the beads. “Molo (Hello), sthandwa sami (my love). Everything is well I assume?” 
T’Challa grinned back at Nakia. “Ewe, just like you said it would.” The two just gazed at each other through the phone for a moment before the King cleared his throat. “I was um calling to see if you’d be joining us for dinner tonight?” 
“Of course, I would not miss it for the world.” Nakia’s reply came quick and you could have sworn T’Challa’s smile doubled in size. 
The soft sound of Shuri’s voice interrupted the moment. “Is Y/N with you?” 
Nakia hesitated a moment, “Yes, she is.” 
“Is she uh- coming with us to dinner?” Shuri herself seemed unsure if she actually wanted to ask the question. Peeking out from behind her brother's shoulder, showing that they were both still sitting on the floor. 
Nakia looked over at you, trying to judge your body language. When she didn’t sense anything that seemed like you were against the idea she finally spoke. “Ewe, she will be joining us for dinner.” 
Shuri sat up from her slouched position, her tone sounding more joyus. “Really? So it will be me, you, T’Challa, Mother, and Y/N. Good.” When she finished speaking she felt the eyes of T’Challa and Nakia on her, now both bearing sickeningly wide smiles. Why were they looking at her like that? As if her response was something they could have predicted. It made the princess check her attitude, returning back to her unbothered demeanor. “It is good Y/N will be joining us, for work and everything.”
“Mhm, I think so too.” T’Challa followed up his sister, alleviating some of the attention from her to himself. “Just like old times.”
Taglist:  @shuriszn @sokkasbae25 @verachii @cuddl3s4shur1 @takeyaki @jinnie10101 @letitias-fav @sweetalittleselfish-honey @beautybyfire @6-noir @mocha-aya @yvxmpire @mysticalmarss @ziayamikaelson @youralphawolf72 @n7cje @inmyheadimobsessed @shurisjournal @shurisbigtoe @saintwrld @pinkwright @chatitajens @playhousedistee @motheroffae @injeolmiee @tchhairbandhere @._mrqs @msudaku @lppriceisright @bratydoll @blackqueengold @iheartsolo @cafehyunji @abenomeiiii @naomis-daydream @ilroachsworld @locoforshuri
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outerrimhours · 2 years
Brahms Heelshire X Fem!Reader
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{Part One} / {Part Two} / {Part Three} / {Masterlist}
Note: Let’s pretend two things don’t exist : Brahms' beard and Malcolm. I deserve jail for the chokehold this man has on me. This is purely self indulgent, I am suddenly so obsessed.
Warnings: Murder?? Blood, gore, being chased by a very attractive psychopath?? Would you consider this stockholm or just stupid, Brahms apologist, fluff, kissing. Gonna make a part 2 for absolute smut, but let’s be real here, he hasn't been touched in years. This is so toxic and not at all a reflection of reality yall, but common, the minute he said he would be good I would have folded like a lawn chair. 
Song: I’m Yours- Isabella Rosa
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I want your quiet, your screaming and thrashing
The salt on your lips and the hands that God gave you
And I want your violence, your silent sedation
Your moon eyes, your telescope, morbid fixation
"Help me Brahms", you had whispered to the doll, voice entering the ears of a ghost.
Your body shook. The shattering fear of the person you escaped from suddenly being so close. The fear that lingered when you left his abuse was suddenly so tangible now. A living force that crept over you and wrapped its overbearing hands around the muscles of your throat. You were immobilized, brain unable to form coherent thought, looking on at the shattered doll against the wood grain.  Blood rushing, pulse beating in your ears; enough to block all sound. All you could think of was the doll. Brahms. Even through the eccentricity of the situation, you grew to love the doll.. and it was all gone. Shattered into unrecognizable pieces, just like the life you left behind. 
 The moment a haze crept over your half lidded eyes, the sound of broken glass brought back some alertness, and without notice your knees hit the ground. Your ex propelled  against the ground in an inconceivable force. 
Through hazy vision, throat burning as you desperately inhaled as much air as your lungs could take, you saw a figure straddling your attacker. A ferocity of physical blows to the man, the sound of his guttural choking on what could only be blood. You were paralyzed to the floor, the minacious aura hanging in the air. You saw flashes of color, forest green, the white of a shirt, the dark low hanging hair swinging as the stranger furthered his attack. The hauntingly familiar porcelain of a mask covering his face. 
Bile rose to meet your esophagus at the sight. Cutting eyes rising to meet yours through the  bloodied white mask. Everything was still suddenly, except the beating of your heart. Brown, almost blackend hair fell over his eyes. An almost exact replica of the doll staring back at you, straddling the broken body of the man you feared most. Yet you were not relieved. 
“Brahms”, you choked out. Confused, frightened. Were you next? 
You scrambled to your feet, legs clumsy and unsure as you back away from the stranger who had crept from the wall. Walls you thought were haunted by the spirit of a young boy. An ignorance shattered as the boy, or man, stood up from his position. 
You sprint for the door, only to be grabbed from behind, held against his chest in an attempt to keep you from running. The fabric of his cardigan prickling the goosebumps on your skin. Only, his loose grip allowed you to slip through, breaking for the stairs. 
Fear keeps you moving, hiding. The man on your heel at every turn. Until you found the secrets behind the wall. The bed, the sink, the letters. It hit you like a wall, the sickening, paralyzing realization. You found your face contorting, tears breaching the rims of your eyes. The ghost was a person. Suffering and alone. And when you reached your exit, you found yourself hesitating. 
Why were you hesitating? Run, leave. Your brain screamed. 
And then there he was, peering at you through the pipes.
“Please”, the boyish voice begged. A sound so startling coming from the bloodied man before you. 
“I’ll be good. I promise.” 
You were so close to freedom, halfway out of the small door. The smell of rain soaking into the grass between your fingertips. The English air washing over your face, blistering your cheeks with the chill. 
You wanted to live. You truly did. You were frightened by his petulant temper when your body found freedom.
“Don’t you leave me!”
Agonizing, betrayed screams. 
And when he screamed your name you couldn’t run anymore. 
He had saved you. Saved your life. It made you sick, the realization that you were all he had. Will ever have. Every foot step taken was made in the opposite direction, retreating back to the overwhelming mansion standing ominous and threatening in the mist. There you were, turning the knob, allowing yourself back in. 
“Brahms”, you choked, a whisper that hung in the air as he met you halfway in the dim lighting. Creeping toward you with slow, deliberate steps.
“I didn’t leave you.” 
Brahms towers over you, vehemently staring you down with piercing blood shot eyes. His chest is heaving, sweat ghosting over his skin. You’re sick at the intensity. He could kill you, snap your neck between hands twice the size of yours, but you’re suddenly shaking at how close he gets. The nose of his mask pressing against your forehead, your eyes flicker to where his lips should be, the definition of his chest. 
He’s breathing you in, electricity hanging in the air. Sweat and blood mingling in the space between you. Your breath is rapid, fingertips twitching, almost wanting to reach out and touch him. 
How could someone be so trapped away?
You’re still so afraid, desperate to keep routine, give yourself a chance to figure this out. 
“Brahms”, you exclaimed sternly, “It’s time for bed.” 
The masked man jumped back slightly, startled by the sudden change in tone. As if being scolded by his mother. There it was, the childlike demeanor. His head tilted curiously, eyes softening. 
You swallowed, holding on to any ounce of authority. Brahms craved routine, afraid of the consequences of unfollowed orders. 
“I said it’s time for bed”, you reminded, guiding him to the room you tucked the doll into every night. A replica of him. 
Brahms followed obediently, shrinking into himself like a child past his bedtime. His overbearing, 6 foot frame, lingered in the doorway patiently.  You folded the quilted, multicolored comforter back like you did every night and watched as he placed the fire iron used to murder your ex against the wooden chest against the edge of the bed. 
 You didn’t forget that part. The way his face was unrecognizable, bones broken and mutilated. The body lying coldly against the mahogany in the living room. You felt disgusted at the sight, and yet relieved that that chapter was over. Although, you were too tired tonight, too traumatized to know what to do next. No rational thought existed.
So you followed routine. 
“Ready for bed”, you asked.
His hands were behind his back, polite and respectful, like his parents taught, nodding his head to your question.
“Under the covers.” 
Brahms sat, feet bare and touching the chill of the floor before lying back against the pillow. It had been years since he slept in this bed. Since someone tucked him in underneath. For years he watched the doll get the love he craved so desperately. Watching his parents cold and scandalized to his existence. Then there was you. Loving and caring for the idea of him, in the form of a porcelain recreation. Dutiful, loyal, beautiful. He craved you in every way imaginable. The shattering fear of abandonment made him feel irrational, but he could see it in your eyes when you pulled the covers over his chest. The uncertainty. Yet you had to know, you had to know the way he knew you so intimately. The way he loved you, craved you, would do anything for you. Proving his loyalty to your safety tonight when he killed your ex. Brahms watched every movement, every minute facial change, studying you so closely. This was the closest he had ever been able to get to you.  
You brushed uncertain fingers through the fallen strands of hair over his mask, feeling the way his eyes roamed your face. You couldn’t look, afraid of what you would find in them. 
“Goodnight”, you whispered, standing up and turning to leave before feeling the grip of his fingers wrap around your exposed wrist. 
“Wait”, Brahms whispered back, sitting up slightly. Choked and barely audible, like a scared child asking for more than he should. The feel of his fingers touching your flesh sent him into an overdrive. The first physical contact he had had in a decade, and it was yours. Skin he had watched and studied for months, desperate to feel it. 
When you turned back to him, you met his eyes. Your biggest, regrettable downfall. Pupils blown out and needy. Blue eyes searching and studying.
Something hung in the air, an unspoken acknowledgment as he guided you closer, your hand pressing against the arm draped over his stomach.  You leaned forward tentatively, your own eyes wild and searching. The way he looked at you with such innocent reverence made you lose your breath, like a child laying their eyes on a fire for the first time. Dangerous and captivating. 
Brahms gripped the sides of your biceps with a gentleness you had never felt. Such a stark contrast to the murderous display previously. Fingers tender, yet possessive, a guiding force to meet you halfway with waiting lips. Cold, porcelain lips and you allowed it and all its esotericism, somehow heady and riveting. 
And you melted at the small whimper that escaped through the mask and hung in the air. This was wrong, your brain screamed in retaliation, and yet your heart, the knot in your stomach disagreed. 
Your fingers waivered, reaching to touch the edge of the mask, before a hand shot up and gripped your arm roughly. Afraid, you pulled back to search his eyes for an explanation. 
He was tense, not out of anger, but obvious fear. Heart racing wildly under the hand resting between his pecs. Your heart ached. The fire, you remembered.
“You’re safe”, you assured, so quietly you wondered if Brahms even heard it slip past your lips. His eyes darted over your face, what if you were repulsed by what you saw? Hated him like his parents always did. Disgusting and disfigured. Surely, then you would leave. Yet, he yearned to feel the pinkish flesh of your lips against his own. Brahms wanted to know what you tasted like, what sounds you would make. He had never kissed anyone but his parents, desperate to fill the need aching in his chest. 
When his fingers formed around the crest of your hand, he brought it back to the mask, guiding you to remove it for him. And you did, revealing the face of the same boy in all of the paintings.., but much older. The left side is scarred with aged burns. 
You should have been startled. Truely, a rational person would be perturbed. Yet, you obviously were not rational. Your heart ached for him, reaching out to place an open palm against his skin and watching as he sunk into it. 
In a brave attempt at comfort, you leaned down, lips ghosting over the flesh. 
Brahms settled his oversized hand against your face, fingers entangled in the silk of your hair, thumb gripping close to your ear. He moved your face to gain full access to your lips, crashing his own in an inexperienced kiss. It was awkward and forceful until yours parted slightly, allowing his own lips to fit perfectly against your own. You breathed in, a moment of rest before he gripped you passionately, lips hungry and desperate. 
You settled fully on the bed, allowing Brahms to meet you halfway with his kiss, fingers gripping tightly against your head as if he would open his eyes and the moment would be gone. He would be back in his prison and you would be holding the doll like he wished you would him. 
When you reached an arm over him to stable yourself, you brushed slightly over his arousal. Obviously hard and throbbing in the confined space between his trousers. It made you pull back, stopping the kiss altogether. 
“I..”, you breathed out, unsure of what you could even say. So many thoughts swimming around in a frenzy. In the heat of the kiss you almost forgot the body lying in the living room, rotting away into the night. 
“I’m tired”, you admitted, realization hitting the confines of your chest at the gravity of the situation. 
When you looked up at him, Brahms was eyeing you in obvious frustration. 
“No”, he protested. Annoyed, frustrated that he wasn’t getting what he wanted. He wanted more, to feel you, for you to touch him. 
“Yes”, you replied sternly, a scolding look on your face, and you rose from the bed. Brahms hated not getting what he wanted, but he also realized he couldn’t push you further. 
“Stay”, he begged, grabbing your arm once again in an attempt to still you. “Please”, he added. 
When you turned back around without another word, sliding underneath the aged quilt next to the man that haunted you for months, you realized how truly mad you had gone. Surely, the house had caused you to go insane. 
He turned to face you, sliding his body down until he could meet your chest due to his height, resting his head against your breasts like a child to his mother. Brahms could feel the way your heart raced, draping his arm over your stomach. He could hardly keep his eyes open when you placed your hand against his hair, fingers scratching and smoothing over his scalp, the rise and fall of your chest.
He would keep you forever, he thought. For you, he would clean up the body and the mess he left when you would fall asleep. It was the least you deserved, and Brahms was a good, dutiful boy.
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ohbo-ohno · 1 year
Okay, so I’m not sure what AU exactly this would before because the Serial Killer Reader is definitely feels more Puppy in my eyes and not sure if the boys in the dlmliyh Au would vibe with this, but I have been thinking about them training the reader to be a kitten. Specifically where the reader is fighting against it and the boys have to get creative to get them to calm down and slip into the head space.
Now I’m sure your thoughts on drug use so ignore if your not comfortable 💕 , but them using weed to get them to slip. Them figuring it out on accident, soap smoking and making them take a pull and discovering how sensitive, cuddly and subby they get when they are high. Then maybe one day the reader is like hell no i’m not wearing a tail plug and ears. Them looking at eachother and one leaving the room to make a “special” cup of tea for the reader not telling them that it has flower in it. Chuckling to themselves as they notice it starting to have an effect, the readers brain getting fuzzy, relaxed and maybe going a bit nonverbal. All this making the little cozy cat bed the boys made for them look really welcoming. But then they feel a nice warm hand running through their hair and they are so sensitive it just feels so good. Whimpering and leaning into their touch becoming a little puddle nuzzling closer to their warmth. Relaxing deeper as their hands stroke your body, them mumbling praises “oh such a good kitten” “purr for us love”. Relaxed sighs turning into soft moans as they feel rough fingers rubbing their clit. A hand gently tilting their chin up making them look into Soaps eyes as he places the cute little ears on the readers head. So distracted by the look in his eyes and the feeling of him playing with their hair that they don’t really notice ghost shifting behind them, until he pops their tail in.
Might have gotten a bit carried away here but…
Also after this event they start referring to weed as catnip 😅
p.s. thank you for that story rec 👀
i've recommended like three stories but i hope you mean the puppyplay sugar daddy one because it's so fucked up and i need more people to know it exists lol
i am. obsessed with this ask. im also totally gonna reveal how inexperienced with weed i am so we're just gonna pretend weed functions in the exact ways we need it to for kinky story's sake :)
johnny giving you a puff of his blunt and you take it because you're so eager to calm down, only for just that little bit to hit you like a train and make you the neediest calm little thing ever
also. oh my god. weed being used as "cat-nip" to force you into kittyplay. wowza!
yknow im usually not as into kittyplay as i am puppyplay (i like it a little meaner lol) but this ask is like a really fun brand of kittyplay. literally them drugging you (just a little!) so you behave for them? they're really just helping you, when you get all worked up you always end up needing a punishment :/ this is better, this just helps you behave
also ughhh you just being so soft and malleable, leaning into them for affection, looking up at them with big round eyes and begging for more. slow and easy sex, a nice little treat for you since you're behaving so well. taking your tail so well for them :( simon stroking from the crown of your head allll the way down to your tail, smiling at your little purrs
johnny would love it too obviously but he doesn't really get to play with you as much when you're high :/ he wants to play puppy-kitty when you're actually... y'know... willing to do more than be pampered. he wants to play wrestle, to yank your tail when you bite his hand, to make you lick his dick clean of your slick with little kitten licks
simon just reassures him that someday you won't need their help to be a kitten, they're just showing you how for now <3
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angelsmist · 2 years
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prompt: fall break is coming up, and you’re dreading getting shamed about your love life once again by your family. but an opportunity soon opens up when shuri offers to be your fake girlfriend for the week.
contains: fluff, cursing
disclaimers - this is not my idea!! all credits to @/ vargskelegore for hbcu shuri. it is an amazing idea. however, the storyline is mine. also, i would prefer if only black people read this story, simply because it is a reader insert specifically for us. thank you <3
was gonna make this one part but it got too long 💔
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“I’m racking up a tab here,” You joked, poking Shuri’s shoulder.
Fall break was coming up soon, meaning that you’d be traveling back to Tennessee to visit your family.
Of course, you loved seeing them and telling them all about your experience but there was one thing, just one little thing that could ruin your entire stay.
Your love life.
For some reason, everyone in your family felt the need to push the idea of a relationship down your throat everytime you saw them. Literally everyone.
You didn’t want to rush a relationship. You preferred to wait for one to find you, as corny as it sounds. But that didn’t stop your relatives from nagging you about whether or not you were still single.
It was exhausting and annoying.
Plus, you knew this one was going to be a handful because your sister blabbed that you were friends with the princess of Wakanda. Not only would they bombard you with questions, they’d also beg you to get into a relationship with her for royal purposes.
It’s not that you didn’t wanna date Shuri. Of course you did. You had finally become aware of your feelings with her that week you spent sharing a dorm with her last month. You had grown to like her, a lot. But you didn’t want her to find out your true feelings by the terms of your family.
And somehow while studying with Shuri, you two found a way to get onto that subject. You figured she was going to Wakanda for the break, so her offer to come with you definitely caught you off guard.
“I’ve already made arrangements to spend all of Winter break in Wakanda,” Shuri informed you. “It would be amazing to get to meet your family.”
“Oh, girl. You don’t know my family, they will have you begging to go back within a day,” You replied, dropping your entire body on Shuri’s pillow. “And when I say I have a big family turnout, I mean big. For most of it, everyone’s doing their own thing with their age group, but at some point during the night my mom somehow fits everyone in the living room for the Cupid Shuffle. You don’t wanna see that.”
She mimicked your action, turning to face you on the bed once she did so. “It’s starting to sound like you don’t want me coming.”
You didn’t want to tell her the true reason why you were skeptical about it, scared that you’d make her uncomfortable. “No! It’s not that. I do want you to come. It’s just…my family has no shame. They’ll try and play cupid the whole time you’re there and just push us together. They might even try and make us share a plate. I don’t bring nobody around my family like that, so you know how that’ll end.”
“Then let’s act like we are already together,” She proposed, calmer than one should be when saying that type of thing.
You tilted your head in confusion. “What?”
“Let’s pretend we’re dating for the week. They can’t make us uncomfortable if we say we’re together,” She explained further. “Problem solved. Now you can’t find any other reasons to stop me from coming.”
“You really not gon’ give up, are you?” You questioned, a smile tugging at your lips. When Shuri shook her head, you finally caved in. “Ight, fine. But you better be the best fake girlfriend to ever exist.”
“It would be my honor.”
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“Hey, Jada. We’re like three minutes away,” You updated your older sister, entering your neighborhood that was oh-so-familiar. “How big is the turnout so far this year?”
You and Shuri were running about two hours late from when you initially said you were getting there. But, knowing your family, they’d all be late as hell too.
“Almost everyone is here,” She answered, earning a gasp from you.
Shuri looked away from the road momentarily out of curiousness. You didn’t notice.
“Almost everyone? Last thanksgiving it took a whole five hours for at least half of us to be there.”
“Yeah, well, everybody’s eager to see this princess of Wakanda you’re bringing. I still think your ass is playing, but I guess I’ll see in a minute. Wait, do I gotta bow or some shit?”
“No! Don’t do that,” You rushed to answer, still trying to remain vague so Shuri wouldn’t know what you were talking about. “Just be normal.”
“Ohh, got it.” With that, she hung up just as you and Shuri pulled into the driveway of your home. You missed it. As annoying as your family could be, seeing them brought you a tremendous amount of comfort. You turned to Shuri when she finally parked.
“I wanna warn you to be careful. My family is a safety hazard, and I’m being deadass. So, I can’t confirm that you’ll survive an entire week,” You warned, only half-joking.
Shuri let out a laugh that radiated comfort and warmth, which helped you loosen up a little. “I’m sure I can handle what they throw at me.”
By the time you two exited the vehicle, your sister was already waiting outside of the door, looking to see if it truly was princess Shuri that came with you. Once she registered that it was, her jaw dropped. Quickly.
She rushed over to the two of you who were getting your suitcases out of the trunk. Instead of assisting you with yours, like a normal, good sister would do, she helped Shuri, a polite smile on her face.
“It’s so nice to meet you, princess Shuri!” She greeted, a smile on her face you could see right through.
Shuri, however, could not and returned the smile. “Thank you, it’s nice to meet you too, Jada. But please, just call me Shuri.”
“Alright, Shuri. Both of you come on. They’re all inside waiting for you guys.”
Your sister jogged ahead of you and Shuri to lead the way, and the princess used that as the opportunity to turn to you. “I’m beginning to think you were just being a little dramatic when describing your family.”
You held a hand to your heart, fake gasping. “Don’t start. You’ve only met my sister. It gets worse.”
Shuri laughed once again as your sister opened the door to your home. During the long car ride, you taught Shuri the name of as many people as possible that were coming as far as you knew, and supplied her with pictures. You just hoped she had good memory.
Upon entering your home, your little brother and younger cousins swarmed Shuri like moths to a flame. She began to get ambushed with inquiries.
“Is it true you’re dating my sister?”
“If you two get married will that make us royalty?”
“My mama told me I’m supposed to bow to royalty. Is that true?”
“You’re a lot taller than in the pictures.”
“Can you take me back to Wakanda with you?”
You sent Shuri an apologetic look before grabbing her luggage along with yours and making a pathway for the kitchen.
You were greeted with the sight of your mom, two of your aunts, and one of your uncles.
They immediately paused their cooking to embrace you at once, practically strangling you.
“(Name), finally! It feels like years since I’ve last seen you,” Your mom spoke excitedly.
“Ma, it’s literally been, like, two months.”
Your aunt took the suitcases from your hands. “I’ll get these to your room. When I get back, you better introduce me to this princess you’re dating.”
“Speaking of, where is she?” Your other aunt tapped her foot. “Nah, don’t worry, I’ll find her myself. You don’t mind watching the chicken, right?”
Before you could reply, she was already out of the kitchen, along with your mom, leaving you with just your uncle who couldn’t stop laughing.
You walked over to him and noticed he was preparing the mac n cheese. “The hell just happened?”
“You brought royalty inside the house,” He began, pulling you into his side for a hug. Kissing the top of your head, he continued. “What did you expect?”
He was right. You brought a princess from the richest nation in the entire world, so it made sense that they’d be more excited to see her than you. Still kinda stung, though.
“I can watch the food while you say hi to everyone else,” He offered, taking notice of your lowered spirit.
You sent him an incredulous look. “All this food?”
“Don’t make me change my mind.”
Without another word, you made your way out of the kitchen and into the living room where your dad and the rest of your uncles were, as per usual.
Your dad momentarily looked away from the sports game he was watching to smile at you. “Hey, babygirl. Come here.”
Your uncles muttered greetings as well, still focused on the game like they always do. You walked over to your dad, smiling widely as he pulled you into his chest. Just like everyone else, though, he had questions.
“So, who’s this princess you brought into my house?” He questioned, furrowing his eyebrows. “I hope she’s treating you right.”
“She is,” You confirmed.
“Good,” He said. “When she comes over here, we’ll have to question her just to make sure.”
“Dad!” You raised your voice an octave. Tilting your head with irritation dripping in your town. With a sigh, you brushed your hands off. “Imma be in my room, kay?”
You hoped your room would be the same as you made your way upstairs. It usually was, but your mom liked to switch up things every once in a while when she felt like it, so you never did know what to expect when you visited your home.
Thankfully, it looked the same when you entered. Before leaving for college, you had given it a makeover so it would be something you liked whenever you visited.
Your walls were a shade of gray that looked purple depending on how close you were to it, and your desk was still a mess, with scattered records that went with your record player.
You had a few posters up that consisted of artists like SZA, H.E.R, Brent Faiyaz, The Weeknd, pretty much all the good stuff.
Above your desk, there were those polaroid things of celebrities, shows, characters, and movies like you liked. You never did figure out what they were actually called, so you stuck to “polaroid things”.
Your LEDs kept attracting bugs for some reason, so you started using fairy lights. They were on when you entered your room, so you figured that your mom turned them on before you arrived.
You took a vinyl from your stack, placing it gingerly onto your record player. It was so loud downstairs, you couldn’t even hear the music they were playing. As soon as you shut your bedroom door, it felt peaceful. The loudness became muffled and soon began to drown out when Brent Faiyaz began to flood your ears.
You closed your eyes as your head dropped onto your pillow. You missed this feeling. Of course, you loved college. But you got homesick every once in a while, and times like these made you miss your high school days.
Then, your mind drifted to Shuri. You felt sort of bad for leaving her by herself with your family, but she was the one who said she could handle it.
God, you were lucky to have her. You hadn’t taken anybody back home with you whenever there were breaks, and Shuri offered to come with you almost immediately when you didn’t even ask her to. Not to mention, she agreed to be your fake girlfriend for the time being. Although, you did hope that eventually you could take her as your real girlfriend.
It was silent for maybe a minute when you heard knocking on your door. You hoped that ignoring it would make whoever it was go away, but they remained persistent.
“Man, what the fuck do you want?” You snapped by the third knock, expecting it to be your brother or sister behind the door. You continued to curse as you made your way to the door. “If I ignore your ass twice after you knock, why the hell do you think it’s smart to knock again? Y’all are-oh!”
You were greeted by a guilty Shuri who sent an awkward smile your way. “Sorry…”
Your eyes went wide. “No, I’m sorry! I thought you were one of my siblings. That’s my bad, come on in.”
With a chuckle, she entered your room and plopped down onto your bed, waiting for you to do the same. Just as expected, you sat next to her.
“So, how were they?” You spoke first.
“Well, they were…interesting. But, they are very entertaining. Especially the teenage ones. They are bold.”
“Did one of them try to flirt with you?” You had expectancy in your eyes. Shuri nodded. “That was probably Serenity. That girl certainly knows what she wants.”
“And the men in your house are…protective. I felt like I was being interrogated,” She explained. “I think I passed their test.”
“That’s good!” You encouraged, another giggle threatening to leak through your words.
“My personal favorite were the ladies. They were funny. They kept trying to get pictures, though.”
You gave Shuri a smile in response. “They like you. That’s a big thing, actually. My family has never really liked any of my exes, so you’re doing real good for a fake girlfriend.”
“That is good to hear.”
You brushed a curl out of your face, placing your hand in your lap. “Thank you for this, by the way. I never really bring anyone with me since my family can be a handful, but the fact that you haven’t ran out of the house hysterically screaming yet definitely makes me feel better.”
Shuri scratched the back of her neck, bringing it back down to your bed. However, you had moved your hand from your lap to your bed as well. When your hands touched, you noticed immediately, but it seemed like Shuri didn’t, so you didn’t move an inch. “Let’s call it even. You know, for all your help with adjusting to college. I don’t thank you enough. It did a lot for me.”
The distance between you two seemed to be getting smaller and smaller, but you were sure it was all in your head. It wasn’t though, and that soon became clear when her eyes flickered down to your lips.
“Hey, ma wants us for pict-” Your sister paused when she realized it was both of you in there. The two of you jumped apart as soon “Shit, was y’all about have sex?”
“Gir- no. We was not about to have sex,” You denied. “Go away. We’ll be downstairs in a sec.”
“You sure? You got the lights off and the music playing…is that Brent Faiyaz?”
You chucked a pillow at her head that she dodged with ease. You picked up another. “Get out, or I swear I won’t miss your annoying ass this time.”
Your sister listened this time, exiting the room and closing the door behind her.
You stood up from the bed, turning to Shuri and holding a hand out. “Pictures are the worst part. But all you gotta do is smile and nod, and you’ll be okay.”
Shuri pinched the bridge of her nose before taking your hand. “Bast…”
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cheemscakecat · 8 months
Missing in Action 3
Chapter 3: New Guy
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The search for Spy continues, and the team discovers something very odd.
Contains angst, but not as much as the last chapters .
Sniper talked to Scout the next morning at breakfast. He had that numbness about him. The kind where you try not to care. He could tell Jeremy was miserable, but he also knew that Spy wasn’t being malicious.
In New Zealand, Spy watched Mundy’s biological father explain how he killed off the nation with his stupidity, ask him for money, and leave him to drown at the bottom of the ocean. And then, he got gunned down by Team Classic thinking his so-called dad was coming back. Yeah, it didn’t much surprise him that Spy’d pretended to be Tom Jones. He wanted to save Scout the disappointment of knowing his least favorite teammate was his father.
He was grateful that Spy didn’t name who knew the truth. Though, if Jeremy had put two and two together, he wasn’t lashing out. He’d heard about New Zealand. Sniper could tell he was trying not to talk about Spy around him.
“We’re gonna go on another search. Me and Engineer this time.” “Hmm.” Scout chewed his cereal with a dull look in his eyes. That was a bad sign. “You got good eyes pal. But I don’t think you’re gonna find him… He’s left us to go retire, I bet.” Mundy cut into his steak, gave himself time to choose the right words. “Maybe not, mate. We helped Pauling take ovah. Some people might not like that.” Scout blinked, not getting what he was tryin to say, so he continued.
”Spy isn’t the type to leave a trail when he disappears. He’dah taken his books and things if he was gonna leave for good.” Jeremy seemed to stop and think about that, which meant he was wording it right. He’d never been real great with words. Scout set down his spoon.
“I dunno. Ya think somethin happened?” “Well, those Teufort fools locked ya both up for 6 months. We checked theah the first time we searched.” Scout frowned and sighed. “Yeah, but I went there to get my stuff, and they were playing nice. Plus the road to Harvest Base is the other way, so he shouldn’t’a seen any of those goons.” That was true. But the lead-poisoned idiots in Teufort were occasionally smart enough to catch someone off guard. Just like they’d done to catch Scout and Spy in the first place. How long’d they know Jeremy was a mercenary, playin harmless until their trap was set?
It was worth a look, even if the chances were slim.
“Yer right. But there’s other mercenaries and bosses out theah that might wanna get Pauling n us. And truth be told, we don’t know a whole lot about Spy outside work. Like if he’s got old enemies.”
Didn’t know his name. His address. His real face. Honest to God, they had no idea how to track Spy right now. They knew he was on another RED team before he was moved to Fortress, and anyone who didn’t know his relation to Scout knew now. That, and he had a lady friend wearin blue. Civilian though, not enemy team. Them being seen together was the whole reason why Spy’s bedroom and other private spaces were hidden somewheah at each base. And none’a them had been told how to get in.
Spy might have left a clue somewheah in his rooms, but as long as they didn’t have access, those clues may as well not exist.
“Mmm. I’m hopin that’s not it. Pauling’s gotta be careful out there, too. But Spy’s a coward, Sniper. He runs away from problems like me. And he might just be the type to leave good stuff layin around to rot, with all that money he’s got. I still think he deserted.” It didn’t work. Jeremy still didn’t want to think that Spy could be kidnapped or dead. And calling himself a problem was no good either.
Mundy wished he was better at talking things out. He didn’t like to talk much if he could avoid it, so times like this were hard. Hopefully, someone else’d figure out how to reason with Scout.
Engineer drove the van. Normally Sniper would want to drive, but they needed his eyes focused on the land. There were old rock formations in the desert, and a whole lotta caves. Heck, Pauling hid her stash of corpses in one of them. If Spy somehow wasn’t kidnapped or dead, he’d be out heah. And if not, they might get a good clue.
Spy had a fancy red sports car. Bright red. If they were lucky, the kidnappers mighta stashed it in a cave on the way to Harvest. But it was expensive, and they were more likely to keep it for themselves or pawn it off. Mundy hoped he knew they were lookin. He’d been colder to everyone since that teleporter incident with the bread, n sometimes it was impossible to read him.
They’d got around halfway to Harvest when he asked Dell to stop the van. He’d spotted something. The cactuses. Someone’s been cutting into them for watah. And they were the kind where you could do it without gettin sick. They pulled up, him carrying his rifle and Dell carrying a building kit. Sniper examined the cactuses. They shore looked well cut, like Spy woulda done.
He followed the pattern of least to most cut up and looked for the nearest cave. Holding up a hand, Mundy called into the cave with his best “lost American tourist” voice while Dell set up a sentry gun. If it was some varmit kidnapper from BLU or an outside group, they’d be gunned down. And if it was Spy, he’d be unharmed.
Somewheah deep inside the cave, the black silhouette of a person poked their head out. “*****! Is that a gun?!” The guy sounded… kinda like Spy. But some voices tended to run together after fighting so many BLU mercs. “Come on out, Mate. We’re lookin for somebody. A friend. Ya seen a RED spy?” The shadowy figure eventually stuck out his non-dominant hand, which wasn’t gunned into mincemeat; then hugged the wall of the cave and inched closer. After what felt like forever, he stepped out into the light.
Mundy blinked in surprise.
“Bloody Hell…”
Sniper and Engineer came back early from their trip, claimin they found something. Well, someone. But it wasn’t Spy. At least not theirs.
We found a RED whippersnapper in the caves.” Dell explained. “Nother spy, but he’s way too young to be ours.” “Yeh can come out now, mate.” Sniper was calling someone from deeper inside his van. Scout watched closely. All of the team did.
Someone -around Jeremy’s age maybe- stepped out of the van and adjusted his eyes to the light. He was the same height as Spy, but wearin very different clothes. He had a dark grey dress shirt rolled up to the elbows, with red buttons. He wore near black leather gloves with real vis-able red stitch lines. His pants were a darker red and his shoes matched his gloves. But most importantly, he wore no mask. They could actually see his face.
New Spy had long, near black hair that made Soldier mutter some crap about hippies. He had the same nose as their old spy, as far as anyone could tell. No one had ever seen him maskless. Scout couldn’t help but like this new guy. He didn’t have that ugly 5-o’clock shadow or stuck up look in his eyes. And he got the feelin he was a lot more fun. Most spies on RED and BLU stayed all covered up in the desert heat; suits, trench-coats, sweaters. Not to mention those ugly, smelly masks!
Everyone took in the new guy’s looks without commentin. Jeremy sure didn’t know what to say. The stranger awkwardly shuffled his weight from his toes to his heels like he didn’t know either. Heavy lumbered forward and they all decided to watch n follow his lead. To an outsider, Heavy was a scary brute; fat, but the muscular kind’a fat where he could clobber you in one punch. He was also the tallest on the team.
“So.” He said in his usual gruff voice. “You have found new spy?” Engineer and Sniper nodded at him. But he looked like he was still thinking it over. “Did you check him for disguise? Is not BLU sneaking in?” Sniper shuffled and pushed his hat up, so Heavy could see his face better. “The sentry gun didn’t get him, and we poked him since then. We think he’s telling the truth.” Heavy turned back towards the new guy, who was looking more shy than scared.
“Vhy vere you in desert alone? Vhere is your team?” The spy frowned. “I was getting relocated to a new team. I’d been on Team Malum, and was on my way to Team Frigidus.” The new guy was also French! But his accent was way thicker than that stuck up deadbeat. It was kinda hard to understand him, so Scout put more effort into listening. Heavy looked at Engineer.
“I recognize this Frigidus name. But who is Malum Team?” Engie shrugged and looked at the others. “Any of y’all heard’ a Team Malum?”
Everyone stayed still, shook their head, or shrugged. Jeremy didn’t know all the other RED team names in the United States, much less the rest’a the world. He didn’t know how Pauling was gonna manage them all, plus BLU. Had to be exhaustin. The new guy did not E-lab-or-ate. Hold on, was he.. biting his lip? “Hmm. How vere you to get to Frigidus Team?” Heavy asked.
Spy frowned real hard, like he was thinking. Maybe he was a liar, worried cause they didn’t know Malum. “I was riding in.. in a hell-something. I do not remember the name.” “Hell-E-cop-ter?” Scout asked. The Spy’s eyes lit up and he snap-pointed in excitement. “Yes! Zhey called it helicopter.” He paused, the excitement dulling down quick. “I was ze only mercenary being moved, so zhey wanted smaller transport.”
“So you hadn’t been’n’a helicopter b’fore? Demoman asked. “No. I have ridden airplanes though! Helicopter is noisier and shakes often…” Heavy and Demoman were lookin at each other like they were discussin it all. “How did you go from helicopter to desert land?” Spy shrugged. “Something bright hit us. Like a lightening bolt. One minute I was in my chair, and then I woke up alone in ze desert.” “And ya didn’t see any wreckage? No pieces of the helicopter?” Engineer asked. “Well, I am not certain. On one of ze… ze high parts of the desert, I could see a shine. But it was too high, so I could not see for sure.”
A bunch’a people looked at each other and had a real long con-verse- A-tion with their eyes. Scout was disappointed that he wasn’t speaking their language. Heavy leaned back and nodded once. “The Administrator is very busy now. It vill take time to look up Frigidus and send you there.” Medic jabbed Jeremy in the back, which just confused him. Then he jerked his head towards the spy, tellin him to get over there. “Our team Spy is missing. Ve do not know yet vhat vill happen, but his room is free. Scout? Take stranger to Smoking Room.”
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emeraldstorms · 4 months
I'm really scared for Karen and Foggy in Born Again. :(
There was so much hate against them for some time and I fear the creators of Born Again might have picked up on that. Supportive comments now probably come too late.
Okay, everything I am gonna say now is built on the premise that the people at Marvel aren’t stupid. Which might be a fatal flaw lol
You are right. Karen and Foggy have their fair share of haters just as they have fans. I couldn’t tell you which group is bigger but I’m not sure it matters.
The difference between Foggy/Karen fans and their haters is simple:
Their fans already announced they will boycott DDBA if their fave dies.
But if they live, their haters won’t stop watching. They didn’t during the Netflix run and they won’t for BA. They will whine and bitch and complain how annoying Foggy and Karen are and how dare they have feelings and opinions about their friend Matt endangering his life regularly and how dare they take away screentime from Matt punching things. But they will watch.
So simply from the perspective of someone who wants viewers, a smart person would let them live. Foggy and Karen haters will still watch it. If they kill one or both of them off, they lose members of their audience then and there.
That doesn’t mean they will live for sure. I literally don’t know what is going on with DD:BA anymore. I don’t want to give Marvel too much credit. After all, some moron approved the first version that killed Foggy offscreen and pretended Karen didn’t even exist. And I dare say that wasn’t Bob the Janitor but one of the higher-ups.
BUT: Apparently, they found one or two braincells in a drawer somewhere and realised the show needed an overhaul. Maybe the new gained wits were enough to see how important Karen and Foggy were for the successful formula of the Netflix show.
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latenightsleeper · 1 year
Okay I’m back in my bullshit and I’m gonna make all of you see it!
Dose anyone think about how traumatic getting your powers are if you aren’t born into the empowered society? Like seriously messed up it is?
Lasko ran away-like not even counting in that laskos parents were bad, he still was miserable! He knew something was wrong, that something was up with him. He hid himself away and was isolated. And for other people, getting their powers is amazing! A cause for celebration, a party!! Pats on the shoulders and hugs!
People who don’t have that privilege? It’s a coin toss of what’s going to happen to them. Some run away, others are forced to play pretend before they snap and run, some can be hurt, others exploited, called crazy or insane. And that’s just a few things I can think of :(
Just the inherent lack of information out there leads to extremely high risks of people being hurt or worse and I get why they hide. It’s magic, it’s powerful and it’s dangerous but holy shit. What’s worse, a few people taking advantage of magic or letting hundreds if not thousands of uninformed people get hurt and risk covert anyway—I mean holy shit closeknit exist anyway and taking advantage of humanborns/people who don’t know SHIT
I’m not saying that the empowered world should go public, now or never who’s to say. But I AM saying is to put some things in place so it’s easier for those not born in the know to get help and be properly educated about what’s happening to them or a loved one. Especially in big cities, like dahlia.
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missjanjie · 2 years
100 Prompts #3
the first prompt list of the new year! yall know the drill, send a number + ship (and au/trope if applicable)
“I’m happier than ever, honest.” 
“Do you ever think about me? About us?”
“Just be cool, act natural.” 
“You’re lying. Tell me you’re lying.” 
“No, I’m not okay.”
“Please? I’ll make it up to you.” 
“I wish I’d never laid eyes on you.”
“You have to admit, we’d be hot together.”
“I said I’m in love with you!”
“You are… really something else.” 
“I didn’t know you could do that.”
“Make me.”
“We’re gonna get caught.”
“I can’t do this anymore, I have to go.”
“You started without me?”
“I had nowhere else to go.”
“Please, just hold me.” 
“Explain it to me like I’m five.” 
“I never meant for any of this to happen.” 
“You broke me.”
“I have to go after them.”
“They say you’re trouble.”
“I don’t need your pity.”
“You have to promise not to fall in love with me.”
“You’re leaving? Now?” 
“I don’t think you even know what you want.”
“They’re the one that got away.” 
“I’m not trying to be your friend, I’m trying to fuck you.”
“How long have you been standing there?”
“They’d kill me if they knew.”
“You’re not dying, you have a crush.”
“Are you always this oblivious?”
“When I’m with them I’m thinking of you.” 
“Fuck, it’s locked!” 
“Don’t start singing. For the love of god, don’t start singing.”
“What do you want me to do, get on my knees and beg?”
“Heard you were looking for me.” 
“Ignore me all you want, you can’t un-fuck me.”
“I can’t give you anything but time.”
“Why are you naked?” 
“Oh my god, you’re in love.”
“I swore I’d never fall in love again… then I found you.”
“Jealous? I’m not jealous, I just think they can do better.”
“Do you have any idea how much self control it takes just to exist in the same space as you?”
“Just listen to me for once in your life.”
“Come on, you said you’d behave today.” 
“I think I misunderstood the assignment.” 
“Whose baby is that?”
“Call me tomorrow if you’re still alive.”
“You’re the love of my life… just maybe not this life.”
“That’s not what you said last night.” 
“I’m on my fifth White Claw, that’s the kind of night this is.” 
“Why are you bleeding?” 
“Damn, you look like shit.” 
“You weren’t supposed to see that.” 
“I know it’s three am but I couldn’t let you be sad by yourself.”
“Can I touch you?” 
“Run away, run and find something better.”
“All I wanted was you.”
“I think I just met my soulmate.” 
“There’s nothing more to say.” 
“What happens next?”
“Stop, you’re wasting your time.”
“I don’t know how to be fine without pretending.” 
“Oh. I didn’t realize you moved on.”
“I thought you were dead!”
“You can’t keep kissing strangers and pretending it’s me.”
“Uh oh, you’re listening to your extra-angsty playlist, I see.”
“Aren’t you a little old to be playing hard to get?”
“Don’t settle for me.” 
“Ugh, just kill me now.” 
“I haven’t seen you smile like that in a long time.”
“We can learn to love again.” 
“All you needed to do was ask me to stay.”
“You… You just kissed me.” 
“What’s a pretty thing like you doing in a place like this?”
“Stop being so stubborn and let me help you.” 
“I’ll believe that when I see it.”
“That… is an interesting choice.”
“Well, let’s make another bad decision while we’re here.” 
“I’m bored. Wanna make out?”
“Okay, I guess we’re doing this.” 
“Wow… I’m speechless.” 
“Let’s see what you’re made of.”
“I just need some air.” 
“I’m tired of you treating everything like a joke.”
“Holy shit, do you ever stop talking?”
“It finally feels like my life has meaning.” 
“I never stopped loving you. Not for a second.” 
“I’m happy as long as you’re mine.” 
“It’s my first time.” 
“Believe me, I didn’t want to fall in love with you.”
“One of these days, you’ll have to stop lying to yourself.”
“It’s now or never, baby.”
“The fact that I can’t have you makes me want you more.”
“You have a choice to make, better get it right.” 
“Oh, honey, I was born for this.”
“How high did you have to get to come up with that one?”
“I feel like I’m too old to be dealing with a crush.”
“I hate that your smug attitude is turning me on.”
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quick rant
but today in my social studies class
keep in mind i go to a very conservative catholic school
we were debating like religion in government
cuz our end of the year project is to create a utopia
and the queer community came up
like it started when this one guy was like
“ya the lgbt people kinda just push their agenda down people throats”
like ya cuz our rights r being taken away as we speak
like no shit dude
if a group is being discriminated against
their gonna talk abt it
also when our “agenda” is simply just
don’t be a dick to us
and treat us as ur equals
cuz we r
it’s not super hard
and my teacher pulled out an article he printed out
it was abt a public grade school by us adding a rainbow heart to their email abt diversity, inclusion, and equality letter
(like there were some border changes for the public schools and it was just like an fyi that that’s what the school stands for)
the main part of the article was abt these parents who stood up and were like
“but what abt our religion what if what we think goes against that”
like i hope ur religion doesn’t do against the existence of existing people…
like how r u just gonna say that ur religion goes against someone existing
like bitch i’m right here
want me to kiss a girl to prove that i exist or some shit
or is that just gonna make u more mad
and this girl was like
“it’s just cuz the lgbt people just say be urself and hv no rules but catholicism has rules for how to live a good life”
like no the reason it’s there is to acknowledge the fact that we exist
and deserve to be treated like people
the school ended up sending out another email removing the pride heart but like dude
then these same people who were complaining abt religious discrimination and how they can’t even hv a cross in public schools
went and made fun of queer people
saying the classic
“i identify as a pencil acc”
like dude no one thinks ur funny
ur just being a dick
how can u go and say
“eww don’t be a dick to people over their religion”
then be a dick to people just for existing
like no one is pushing u to like kill someone
we’re just saying to not be a dick
cuz guess what
u being a dick can kill someone
and i couldn’t say anything abt ut cuz of how passionate i am abt this subject
if i did. say smth i knew i would get too emotional abt it and prob slip up and use first person
and what would happen then
someone tell their parents
then the principal
then my parents
then oh no someone’s dead now
like why would someone be so scared to just exist
maybe cuz if this shit
maybe just maybe we wouldn’t need to talk abt it so much if people didn’t say shit like that
people don’t realize the power of their words
that shit shook me up so bad
it’s not uncommon for me to face homophobia or hear people being homophobic at my school
and every time is shakes me up so bad
it puts me so off my rhythm like omg
like i was acc not even there
i disassociate so bad
like i was not even listening to most of that
just making sure my body language didn’t show how bad it hit me
i was so scared for my safety i became a puppet
i was running purely off habit
if ur gonna pretend i don’t deserve the same things as u
if ur gonna pretend i don’t exist
i’m gonna wanna say smth abt it
when this is what i hv to deal with while still being partially in the closet as a minor
it is terrifying to exist in this world
when it’s terrifying to just exist
i’m gonna wanna say smth
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aita-blorbos · 10 months
AITA for not believing in my friend?
If the title sounds bad, it gets worse. Basically, my friend has… issues about self-worth. He has really high ambitions that honestly aren’t achievable, and he’s been rightfully frustrated lately with how our life is going. Not gonna fudge it, it’s been rough, but I wish he’d see we’ve got a decent thing going. That’s the big issue—he wants to save the world, but I’m just glad we’re alive.
This morning he was venting about it and I snapped and told him he was gunning for something that didn’t exist. It’s frustrating for me to see him always so dissatisfied and I really meant what I said. Plus, he’d been a bit of a jerk to me when I was trying to help, so. Anyway, I might’ve been too harsh considering he sulked away, but this isn’t even where I’m the AH. It’s necessary background.
Well, my friend came back right after telling me he’d witnessed an alien abduction! Can you believe that? I mean, most of the aliens we’ve seen are harmless, and the agency says it’s got the rest under control. Still, I believe that my partner believes he saw it, and I wanted to support him, especially since it’s been a while since he acted so motivated, but this whole day went downhill from there.
Basically, I spent the whole day running after my friend as he searched for evidence of this abduction while barely telling me what was going on in his head. He got super fixated on it, but I was still going along with it, and then he started taking bad risks. Putting our jobs at risk when we can barely afford our shitty non-apartment’s rent.
At that point I started trying to convince him to let it go and follow the rules, to which he brought up how I used to be more casual about that kind of thing, much more than he usually is, and I get why he’d say that. I probably sound like a huge hypocrite. We literally met from me breaking rules! But things have changed since then, and right now things are too tense to do anything so risky. But I guess I didn’t tell him that very well, because he realized I didn’t actually believe that there was an abduction and he got really upset. Stormed out and left me there. And then I had to cover for him to our superiors and explain why I was carrying a bag of stolen weapons—not fun, by the way.
Okay, that’s not the point. The point is that because I didn’t believe him, I think he must have been even madder than I realized. Because talking my way out of trouble? That’s the last thing I remember before waking up somewhere else. When I went home, he was gone and a lot of our stuff was missing. I think he erased my memory and left. This is bad. I can’t understate how bad this is. I called him like ten times and he didn’t answer. He’s going to go off and get himself killed and I’ll never see him again. All because I couldn’t fucking pretend to believe him. I know how he gets about this kind of thing! I know how insecure he is about people trusting his abilities! And I do trust him, I really do, so even if I don’t technically believe he saw the abduction, I coulda gone along with it! At least then he would have brought me with him. Sure, we’d lose our jobs and be in danger, but at least then I could try and protect him!
I don’t know why I’m making this when clearly I’ve ruined both our lives and probably ended his. I don’t think he has an account here, but man, if you’re somehow reading this… I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Please come back. We can do this together, all right? I’m sorry I was scared. I just can’t lose you. Not this time.
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