#I’m so sorry Wally please forgive me
bananatheartist · 1 year
Looking at tumblr and see a funny yellow puppet, look closer and it’s just some bitch ass named Wally
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general-fanfiction · 4 months
Hopes And Fears - Part Two. (Wally Clark x Reader.)
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Summary: Y/N’s death is traumatic. So traumatic in fact, she can’t even look at Wally without reliving what happened to her.
Word Count: 3.1k
Gif Not Mine. Requests Are Open!
Warnings: Death
Part One.
A/N: It’s finally here!! I can’t even begin to express how sorry I am that has it has taken me over a year to get part two out. I’m sure most of you are probably over waiting for it anyway but if you do fancy giving it a read, I really appreciate it and hope it was worth the excessively long wait. I’ve tagged everybody that asked for a part two!! Once again, I am so deeply sorry! Please forgive me!!
“I would like to begin by thanking everybody that is here today and for those who have reached out to our family in this incredibly difficult time. Your thoughts and prayers have been so comforting and a reminder of the impact that our beautiful daughter had on so many people.
How would I even begin to describe Y/N? She was truly the most special girl and I am so thankful that I was able to bring her into this world, even if she did have to leave it early. The years I got to spend with her, were the best of my life and nothing will ever compare to the bond that her and I shared. She was so kind, so generous and so loving. Never declining the opportunity to spend time with her family, even if it may have been the embarrassing thing to do. I know what it’s like to be a teenager and for her to put us first consistently was just one of her many great qualities.
Y/N was an honour roll student, a successful gymnast and dancer, as well as being captain of the Split River Cheerleaders. As a child, she had so much energy, to the point where we didn’t know what to do with her. After enrolling her in dance classes for the first time, she fell in love with the sport, gymnastics and cheerleading followed and I remember being so nervous that she would injure herself. However, when she stared up at me with those gleaming eyes, I couldn’t bring it in myself to say no. These were just a few of her passions and it was evident that this was where she felt at home anytime we watched her at competitions or rehearsals. No longer the shy little girl that used to hide behind my legs before her first day of school.
Our daughter was also a keen activist and did a lot of charity work, though most of you probably wouldn’t know that. She volunteered at the animal shelter on our block every weekend, which led to her rescuing countless animals over the years. Leaving us with not only a dog but three cats, a ferret, five rabbits, countless chickens and four rats. She also ran at least one marathon a year in order to raise money for numerous charities, and often donated supplies and food to women’s shelters around the state.
Our daughter was the most selfless person I know, always putting other before herself. She taught us a lot and made us better people. For which I’ll be eternally grateful.
We wish we could’ve stopped this, and that we could’ve had more time with her. We wish we could’ve watched her grow and sent her off to college. We wish we could’ve moved her into her first apartment and seen her get married, maybe even had grandchildren.
The pain we are experiencing right now is unlike any other. To lose a child is the most gut wrenching thing, I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy. I would give anything to hold her in my arms one last time. To be able to tell her I love her one last time.
So please, if anybody has any information as to who did this to our precious girl, all I ask is that you share this with the police department. Please help us find the person responsible and allow us some closure and for Y/N to get justice. She didn’t deserve this. Thank you.”
My mother cries as she steps away from the podium, collapsing into the arms of my father. Tears silently roll down my face as I take in the scene, the heartbreak across their faces as they hold each other. Unable to contain the grief they’re feeling.
As the principal speaks, I watch the crowd. My friends trying their best to hide their sadness, teachers hold their heads down, struggling to understand how this could’ve happened, even some students I only knew in passing look as though they could burst into tears at any moment.
It’s a difficult thing to watch, your own memorial. I suppose I never thought about how other would react to my death before, it never crosses your mind as you assume you won’t be able to witness it. God, what I would give to be that naive again.
“Hi Split River, for those of you that don’t know me, I’m Abby. Y/N was, well is my best friend. We met when we were in kindergarten and from that day forward we’ve been inseparable.
Y/N was a very shy person, I’m sure most of you would describe her as an introvert. Fortunately, I was one of the few people she let into her life, breaking down the invisible barriers she built around herself and it was the greatest pleasure of my life.
We were total opposites and enjoyed different things but that didn’t matter. For example, Y/N hated theatre, she called it glorified pantomime, but she still attended every show I was in, she still helped me practice my lines and she still encouraged me to do what I loved even if she couldn’t stand it.
We had so many things we wanted to do together, we were going to share a dorm together at Parsons, she would major in fashion design and I would do photography. We’d take over the world as a duo, running our own magazine that I could star in, of course. All those dreams of ours have been ripped to shreds now and I don’t know what to do without her. My life was intertwined with her’s and there was never a future that she wasn’t apart of. I’m completely lost without her.
I hope whoever did this rots in hell. You deserve nothing but suffering for taking such a pure soul out of this world.”
Abby’s words leave a small smile on my face despite the tears that continue to fall. In all honesty, I’m surprised her entire speech wasn’t a rage fuelled rant directed at the perpetrator.
Despite my eyes being fixed on the service taking place in the gym below, I still feel the bench dip slightly. Alerting me of someone’s presence. My eyes reluctantly drag themselves away and I realise it’s the footballer, he sits towards the other end of the bench, keeping his distance. I’m quick to notice the lack of football jersey, wearing nothing but a white tank top that defines his arms nicely and his blue school assigned gym shorts.
His hands are clutching a bouquet of flowers, an array of sunflowers, dusty orange irises, blood red snapdragons and soft peach chrysanthemums. They’re arranged beautifully, held together by a small piece of string.
“They were beautiful speeches.” He comments, soft smile gracing his features.
I nod, offering a small smile in return. The lack of football attire puts me at ease and I’m appreciative of the distance between us. Guilt consumes me slightly at my judgement towards him, but I can’t control it. After what happened, I don’t want to put myself in that situation again. I’m not taking any chances.
“This is the hard part. My mom couldn’t even finish her eulogy she was crying that much.” He tells me, eyes fixed on the girls from my cheerleading squad who are now doing their own speech. “It’s good to know you have so many people who care about you though.”
He doesn’t look over at me once he’s finished speaking and I take my time to look at him properly. Soft brown eyes compliment his dark, almost black hair. Full lips and a youthful glow, it dawns on me that he’s been stuck in this state for decades, never aging, never changing.
“I feel bad.” I state, voice barely louder than a whisper as I allow myself to make eye contact with him when he turns to face me. “They shouldn’t have to go through this.”
“Hey, it’s not your fault.” He goes to move towards me before stopping himself, though never taking his eyes off mine. “You can’t blame yourself, trust me I spent years doing that and no good comes of it. You’ll just end up tormenting yourself.”
Nodding as I take in his words, I let out a long sigh. Gazing down at my parents once again, I can’t help but feel the tears welling up in my eyes once again and I’m quick to wipe them away. Not wanting Wally to see me cry. They’re still clinging on to each other, though they’ve moved to sit down now, neither of them look as though they’re paying much attention to those speaking. Focused solely on comforting one another.
It’s in that moment that I notice who the next speaker is and my entire body tenses. Why is Spencer getting up to speak? He’s dressed to the nines in a black suit, hands gripping a piece of paper that has evidently been crumpled up. If my heart still worked I’m almost positive it would’ve stopped beating right this second.
Is this some sort of sick joke? Parading around in front of my grieving loved ones, knowing full well that he’s potentially evaded justice. I feel sick to my stomach and can’t bare to watch. What could he even have to say?
“Walk with me.”
Before Wally can even figure out what is happening, I’m practically sprinting out of the gym. Hurrying down the hallway in an effort to get as far away from Spencer as physically possible. It’s completely irrational, I know he can’t see me. He can’t hurt me again. Yet, I can’t even bring myself to stay in the same room as him.
“How did you die?” I ask Wally once he has caught up to me, walking beside me while making sure to keep a few feet between us. I’m in need of a distraction and as long as he’s talking, I can keep my mind off the situation that just unfolded before me.
“Oh, I um was tackled during the homecoming game of my senior year in ‘83. Snapped my neck and died on the pitch.” He tells me, one hand scratching the back of his neck as he does so, eyes unable to meet mine. “I’d already been benched but my mom pushed me to get back in the game and I just wanted to make her proud.”
Stopping in my tracks, I turn to face him properly. His face is full of guilt, and perhaps a little bit of shame. Afraid that he didn’t do his best, that he didn’t make his mom proud.
“She still comes to every game. I mean they named the stadium after me so it’s nice that I get to see her once a year. I’m lucky in that sense.”
He’s rambling, trying to fill the silence with anything he can. It’s something I often found myself down when I was still alive. Wanting to aid the embarrassment and nervousness I often felt.
“Wally. Your mom will always be proud of you. A mom’s pride for her child is unconditional.” I speak confidently, allowing him to feel reassured, something I can sense he needs right now.
“You’re right. I just wish things ended differently, like if I’d won the game, all those years of training wouldn’t have gone to waste you know?”
The sadness in his voice is prevalent and I can tell he struggles with it even after all these years. He’s still not making eye contact with me and I feel that pang of guilt once again, for assuming he would be like all the other stupid footballers I know. He has a good heart, I see that now.
“You heard my mom’s speech right? If we’re gonna play that game then all those years of dance training were for nothing.” I joke, hoping it’ll ease his sullen mood slightly. “I danced because it was fun, besides, if all of those years were for nothing, would I still be able to do this?”
For the first time since we left the gym, Wally actually looks at me. Raising my arms, I judge the distance behind me before throwing myself into a back handspring. The boy laughs quietly, causing me to smile as he brings his hands together in a round of applause, muffled slightly due to the flowers he’s still holding. Bowing obnoxiously, I can’t help but allow myself to enjoy the moment. It’s the first bit of happiness I’ve felt this entire time and I intend to savour it.
“Wow. Yeah, you would not catch me doing that.” He comments, matching my pace as we continue to walk again. “Thank you, by the way.”
My eyebrows furrow in confusion, not entirely sure where his thanks are coming from. Staying silent as we sit opposite one another in the communal gardens towards the back of the school. It’s quiet, not many students know it’s here, and the ones that do have no interest in being back here. They’d much rather be on the quad where they actually get phone service.
“For cheering me up, I mean. The others can sometimes get a bit annoyed when I bring up what happened. They think I should’ve got over it by now with it being almost forty odd years ago.” He states, the sunlight reflecting on him at just the right angle, it makes him look angelic. Beautiful really.
“Can anybody get over their death?”
“Rhonda seems to think so, but I reckon she just doesn’t like talking about what happened to her.” He replies, a fondness in his eyes as he talks about her, almost as if he’s remembering a past conversation.
Leaning back to take in the sun, I close my eyes, absorbing the light that hits my face. Being dead is strange to say the least, I thought I wouldn’t feel anything. No emotions, no sensations, nothing. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Since death, I’ve mostly felt sadness and anger, but spending this short amount of time with Wally has made me aware of the happiness i’m able to feel as well. Not to mention the warmth of the sun on my skin, I can pretend I’m alive. Even if it is just for a second.
“These are for you by the way.” Wally’s voice bring me back to reality and I realise he’s holding the bouquet of flowers out to me. He’s sat a good distance away and so I have to lean forward to take them from his grasp. Fingers brushing as I do so and I’m quick to pull away, despite the warmth that rushed through my hand upon the momentary interaction. “I was going to give them to you earlier, but then it didn’t seem right because we were watching the eulogies and all. I didn’t wanna make it weird or awkward for you or anything. I also didn’t know what kind of flowers you liked so I just picked a bunch from the flower gardens, Charlie helped me arrange them, I hope they’re okay because my first attempt wasn’t the best. Apparently the colours didn’t match or something-“
“Wally they’re gorgeous.” I interrupt, unable to hide the grin that is beginning to spread across my face as I bring them to my nose to inhale the scent. “Snapdragons are my favourite.”
“Oh thank god. I was really worried you would hate them, or that maybe you weren’t a flower person.” He blurts out, following a quick sigh of relief. “Not that it’s a big deal or anything. I just wanted to make sure you knew that I mean no harm, and sort of welcome you the afterlife I guess.”
I must admit the nervous rambling is cute, I can feel the redness flushing my cheeks as I hide myself behind the flowers. Taking my time to admire the bouquet as much as I can. It’s a beautiful gesture, and I’m in disbelief that he spent the time to do this for me. A peace offering despite him doing nothing wrong.
“You’re sweet Wally.” I admit, delicately stroking the petals on a couple of the flowers. “I’m really sorry about before. You just remind me of someone.”
“A footballer ex perhaps?” He questions, unable to get Rhonda’s previous comment out of his head. Whether it be down to jealousy or curiosity he’s unsure.
“No, no ex.” I shake my head adamantly, eyes glued to the flowers as I try to come up with the words to describe why I acted the way I did. It’s still too soon for me to talk about, I know that. However, I also know that Wally does deserve some sort of explanation. “I don’t think I’m ready to talk about it just yet, but if I have another moment like before I promise it’s not your fault.”
Wally nods, understanding and accepting my boundaries. We stay sat in silence for a moment longer, he doesn’t push me to talk, nor does he change the subject. Instead, we just embrace the peace we’ve created in the garden. It’s the most relaxed I’ve felt for a while and I’m able to sit with my own thoughts without sending myself into a spiral or a panic. It’s nice.
The minutes pass as we listen to the gentle sounds of birds chirping and the occasional rustle of the trees in the wind. It feels as though we’re stuck in time, but I feel content. I wouldn’t mind being stuck right here, right now. At least, if it wasn’t for Charlie.
“Y/N, your memorial’s ending, just thought you’d want to see your parents again before they leave!”
Wally and I both look towards the boy who stands awkwardly in the doorway. He sounds out of breath and I imagine he’s been sprinting around the school in search of me.
My hands grip the flowers tighter, veins popping and knuckles flexed as I squeeze tightly. Wally’s the first to stand and when I finally look up at him, he offers me an encouraging nod. A reminder that I am strong enough to do this. To say my goodbyes.
While I walk besides the tall jock, with Charlie taking lead in front, I do feel strong. Wally’s supportive and comforting nature radiates through the hallway and I feel confident. Although, I know this is the last time I could potentially see my parents, there’s no sadness, just a readiness to take on this new stage of my life and it fills me with a sense of acceptance. Accepting death was difficult but finally, I feel ready to take on whatever comes next.
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djpartypon64 · 1 year
Me, jealous? I’m not jealous, Neighbor ( Wally Darling x Reader )
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” Neighbor? Oh Neighbor, please come out. I honestly didn’t mean to scare you like that. It’s just I love being around you and I just can’t help myself.” Wally said as he looked for his neighbor. “ I just don’t like the way Howdy looks at you….and how you look at him.” Wally continues as he looks for you. You were currently hiding in your room underneath the bed, you got super scared of Wally after said some mean things to both you and Howdy.
A couple hours ago…
“ Oh Y/N you are too sweet! I didn’t think you would make me some muffins.” Howdy said while eating the freshly baked muffins. “ Oh Howdy, you’re welcome.” You said. Little did you both know….Wally was listening to the whole conversation. Wally was watching you both from his house. Wally was angry that you weren’t spending time with him but rather with Howdy instead. “ Neighbor….Neighbor you should be with me NOT Howdy…..” Wally said.
“ Creeek! Creek!” Home said to Wally. Home thinks Wally is jealous of the two. “ Ha. Ha. Ha. Home, I am not jealous. I just want neighbor to spend more time with me than with Howdy. If I have to watch any more of this…..That’s it!” Wally said as he got up from his chair and made his way out the door. Wally was angry that you weren’t spending time with him. Wally decides to put on his smile and cut in between the two.
“ Why, hello Neighbor~. Hello Howdy, what are you two discussing?” Wally said. “ Oh, heya Wally. Y/n had made some delicious muffins for me. You want-.” “ No, thanks Howdy. Actually I was curious as you why you decided to suddenly hang out with my neighbor?” Wally said with a hint of anger. “ Wally, we were just hanging out while eating muffins.” You said to Wally. “ Oh really? Hmm, no neighbor that’s not what I saw. You are only supposed to be with me! Not Howdy!” Wally says.
“ Hey, Wally cut it out! Y/n is allowed to hang out with whoever she wants, why are you acting so jealous?” Howdy said. “ Jealous? I am not jealous. And Howdy stay away from my neighbor or else…” Howdy got a little worried with what Wally meant about that. So, Howdy waved goodbye to Y/n and headed back to the store. “ Wally, what is with you? Why are you being mean to Howdy?” You questioned Wally.
” Neighbor. You are not allowed to be around anyone but me. I don’t like you being around other people when I’m not around. Call me jealous I don’t care, you belong to me and that’s final.” Wally said as he gripped your wrist tightly. “ W-Wally let go! You’re hurting me!” You cried. Wally gripped even tighter. “ I don’t care, if I’m hurting you, you will learn neighbor. Now come on, we’re heading back to my house.” Wally said.
You managed to break free of Wally’s grip and ran away from him. You ran back home and hide underneath the bed. You were scared of Wally. He wasn’t acting like himself and seeing his face get so dark like that, the thought of what he wanted clouded your mind even more.
“ Neighbor? Neighbor, wait please I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to act that way. My anger got the better of me, neighbor please come out.”
Wally finally came into your room and pulled you from underneath your bed. Wally hugged you tightly and tried to reassure you that he didn’t mean to act the way he did. “ Wally…..” You honestly didn’t know what to make of this situation because of how he just suddenly went back to his soft side. “ Oh Neighbor, please forgive how rudely I acted towards you and Howdy….I don’t know what came over me. I just need to hug you right now….”
“ Wally, you were feeling jealous. And don’t say you aren’t because you were. Just….just don’t do that again, okay? You really scared me there.” You said as you hugged him back. Wally nods and says he won’t do it again…..
………He will, won’t he?
If anyone wants requests, I’ll take requests because this is super fun.
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strawberryxfieldz · 1 year
Welcome Home: Easy Math
Vampire Wally Darling x Reader!!!
The Count mentioned at the beginning is not the same Count from Sesame Street, it's just a silly reference to him (and I am not confident in my Sesame Street lore, forgive me-)
CW for blood and minor violence/injury
Welcome Home Masterlist
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How did you get into this mess anyway?
You supposed you shouldn’t have been too surprised. You were bound to deal with all sorts of insanities being the only human in a neighborhood full of puppets. Still, you never ceased to be amazed by their shenanigans, try as you might.
Your first mistake had been entertaining the idea from the very start.
Last week when a lone traveler had visited Home, a mysterious puppet with fangs and adorned in all black, the Count, you had your suspicions. The others insisted they were friendly but you couldn’t exactly trust those optimists’ judgment. Even when the Count aided them in a lesson in mathematics, you stayed your distance. You could learn all the math you wanted to from books you borrowed from Frank’s library very well, thank you.
By the time the puppet left, everyone was ogling about all the new things they’d learned and how cool the stranger was. It was almost enough to make you think you’d missed out. Almost.
Your doubts about the Count’s intentions were proven correct, though, when just a day later Wally had gotten sick. This was abnormal in itself (puppets didn’t usually get sick), but it didn’t seem to be a flu or cold of any sort. He’d gotten pretty pale through the course of the day and, for some reason, couldn’t stand being in the sun without his felt burning. Then the fangs appeared.
You didn’t really understand the logistics of a puppet being turned into a vampire. Why on Earth would something made of fabric and stuffing need blood to survive? You sure didn’t know but you had to stifle your questions and swallow your pride to focus on the situation at hand.
Wally needed blood. You were the only human. As the Count would say, it was pretty easy math.
You don’t know why you accepted. You were fairly certain giving in would just make his situation even more detrimental but… he needed help. And helping others was among some of the most important virtues shared by all of Home.
So, you told yourself it would be only one time. Just the once you’d made an exception for those pleading eyes and that cat-like smile.
Now here you were, standing on Home’s front doorstep, a basket of freshly picked apples threatening to drop from your hands as you stared at Wally.
“What?” you asked again, agape.
Wally repeated himself, unblinking. “Can I drink from you again, neighbor? Please?”
You readjusted the basket in your arms. The apples were supposed to be a get-well present, not you.
“Wally…” you started.
Wally ducked his head. “Ah, right. I’m sorry. I won’t ask again, I promise.”
Wally had made it very clear he didn’t like hurting you from his newfound hunger and would only drink your blood if you let him. This was what had convinced you to let him try the one time. You’d sworn to him there wouldn’t be a second.
But you didn’t have a strong resolve, not when it came to Wally it seemed. Just seeing a slightly sad look take over his usually cheery face made your heart drop and you sighed.
“Uh, fine, I guess.” You shrugged, speaking as coolly as you could manage. “Whatever.”
Wally’s face brightened instantly. “Really? Oh, thank you, neighbor! You’re so kind!”
You told him not to mention it (seriously, don’t, you didn’t need the other neighbors catching wind of what was happening) and stepped inside. You set the apples on a countertop before focusing your attention back on Wally.
“So,” you began, trying to make this interaction as least awkward as possible, “how do you know when you… um, need it? I guess.”
Wally sat on the couch and patted the spot beside him, motioning for you to join him. You obliged, though making sure to keep some distance between you.
“I start feeling weaker, I suppose,” he explained carefully. “And more sensitive.”
That made sense. Since figuring out his new aversion to sunlight, Howdy gifted Wally an umbrella to use when walking about the sunny outside. Even so, he hadn’t ventured outside Home today, which was unusual, to say the least.
He also looked disheveled, if that was possible for the perfectionist puppet. As someone who prided himself on his appearance, Wally wouldn’t have dared ever let you see him with his pompadour done, replaced by a mess of long curls cascading down his face and so pale and sickly looking under different circumstances. He really was getting desperate.
“…And I get this feeling,” he continued, keeping his voice even as he spoke. “Like I can’t live without it. It’s like... being thirsty but different. Stronger.”
'Bloodlust' was a word that came to mind but you didn’t say it out loud. You only nodded.
“Yeah, being a vampire will do that to you,” you joked.
Wally just looked at you blankly, his smile not leaving his face. While usually cute, it looked a bit more menacing with a pair of fangs attached to it, poking out of his mouth.
“There’s other stuff too like…” You paused, thinking about all the vampire-related media you’d consumed in your lifetime. “…you can’t eat garlic. Have you eaten any garlic lately?”
“Nope,” Wally replied.
“Hm. Have you touched silver? You can’t mess with that either.” Wally shook his head. “What about your reflection? Do you still have one?”
Wally gestured to his hair sadly. “No.”
You chuckled.
As interesting as learning the effects of vampirism on puppets was, you knew you were just prolonging the inevitable. Hesitant, you sat closer, hands fidgeting in your lap.
“Okay, you can do it,” you told him, “but please be careful.”
He was the first time. You had no reason to believe he wouldn’t be again. Still.
"Are you sure, neighbor?" Suddenly, Wally was the one who was tentative. "I don't want you to feel pressured."
You put on a confident smile, gazing into his eyes before nodding.
Wally said and did nothing at first, instead just returning your stare with an intense look of his own. You weren't quite sure why the short puppet loved eye contact. Once, he did say something about it being polite, but the amount that he did it was just unnerving. To others, at least. You sort of learned to enjoy it, over time, so much so that you were sure you had the exact look of those two, inky black voids called pupils memorized, often the subject of your daydreams.
As much as you hated to admit to yourself, there was of course another reason you were not so keen on the whole blood-drinking situation. You were fairly certain you had an infatuation with Wally, which was bothersome at least and downright embarrassing at most. This had been something you were made well aware of long before the Count came and you had been dealing with just fine until then. Impromptu staring contests and Wally's latest fixations with holding your hand and (incorrectly) blowing kisses at you whenever you were near were just some of the things you'd learned to handle. Drinking from your blood was something totally different! 
"Should I-?" You tried to keep your voice even as you nervously tugged at your collar.
Wally caught your hand with his, helping to tug it a bit lower and exposing your neck, causing you to flinch from the cold air that hit there. Wally leaned back with a monotonous laugh and you joined him. 
"Sorry," you said between quiet giggles. "I guess I'm just nervous."
Wally shook his head. "Don't be nervous, neighbor. I'm not going to hurt you."
"You're biting my neck." You sent him a playful glare. "It's going to hurt."
"Right." Wally seemed dismayed by this but continued. "Well, if it hurts too much, just tap me. I'll make sure to stop."
You agreed, nerves settling once more. After all, you were less worried about the small, stinging pain you were about to endure and more focused on the close proximity between you and him. Wally was now kneeling beside you to be level with your neck and you were leaning slightly to accommodate for his small stature. You sincerely hoped he didn't notice the reddening blush forming on your face, though you could feel his stare on your neck. A few seconds went by of just him staring and you waiting, and if the anticipation didn't kill you, you were sure the queasy feeling of butterflies fluttering in your stomach would. 
"Can you-?"
He interrupted your plea by hitting the lower half of his face against the side of your neck. That startled you slightly as you felt his fuzzy felt skin tickle you. You suppressed a laugh before you suddenly felt his mouth open and one of those pointy fangs scrape against your skin and you shivered.
"Can I what?" he asked, voice genuine. 
"Hurry up," you finished.
He chuckled against your throat and, in a desperate attempt to distract yourself from that sensation, you flicked your eyes down to look at him. His eyes were piercing into yours and you swear you saw a tint of red in them. Then, in a flash, he ducked his head lower and his fangs sunk into your skin. 
You held your breath as you felt the skin break, sharp teeth pricking you like two tiny pinpoints on your skin. Your first instinct was to lean away, so you put a hand on his shoulder to steady yourself, squeezing it gently. Wally shot back at the action and gave you a look of concern. 
"Sorry!" he was quick to exclaim. "I'm so sorry!"
You kept your hold on him, ignoring the way your heart pounded and rattled inside your chest. "No! It didn't hurt, I was just surprised."
Wally sighed with relief. "Well, the worst part is over."
He nodded to your neck, where you felt two small rivets of blood dribbling down. You waited patiently for him to drink it with his eyes, much like how he ate food with them too, turning the other way for him. Wally didn't appreciate being stared at while he ate or drank, you knew, and you figured even if it was your blood, this was no exception. In a matter of seconds, you felt the blood be cleaned up from your neck as the streams slowed and then Wally tapped your shoulder.
"All done!" he cheered with a smile.
You looked at him, faltering a bit when you noticed the red stains on his fangs, and smiled back, feeling your blush deepen.
"That wasn't so bad," you admitted. "But in any case, I'm glad that's it."
Wally said nothing. The scarlet light in his eyes seemed to shine a bit brighter and your gaze couldn't help but drop back to his bloody fangs before coming back to his eyes again.
"What?" You rubbed your sore neck with a timid smile. "Are you feeling any better?"
Wally's smile didn't match his eyes. They stared at yours intently as you got the growing sense that his hunger was far from satisfied. 
"Yes," he spoke carefully. "Thank you, neighbor."
You inwardly cursed at yourself. It was clear he was lying, likely to save you from feeling like you had to give him any more. He was still pale and there was the same tiredness in his limbs and expression. Even though you knew the effects of drinking your blood would take time to kick in, you knew it wasn't enough. Your mind reeled at the idea of having to do this again, yet, in a terrible act of betrayal, your heart thudded, reminding you also how nice it had felt. You ached for the closeness again and, even if it was far from any sort of romantic act, it was fun to imagine.
"You still need more," you stated matter-of-factly.
Wally seemed shocked by this, half-lidded eyes widening. "I don't want to be rude..."
You scooted closer to him (in a hopefully casual manner) and shook your head.
"No, go ahead. I'll be fine. Honest," you told him.
You calmed your buzzing nerves with a deep breath and smiled wider. Wally took a second to drink in your features, and, after deeming you were fit to continue, he leaned in again. 
"Okay, neighbor," he sighed against your neck, right over where the last bite had been. "This one might hurt a little more."
Before you had time to react, those fangs bit into you again and you swallowed down a cry of pain. Wally just moved a hand to the other side of your neck, holding you still in a comforting way, allowing you to leave his hold if you pleased. You did not, instead pulling closer to him as his teeth dug more into you. This time was far harsher than the last, now less of a stinging and more of a burning as you did everything in your power not to grab onto him too tightly as to scare him away. Interestingly enough, you felt yourself relax against him after just a few seconds, succumbing to the strange sensations.
It was over far too soon as Wally finally pulled back and you felt the fresh bite be met with empty air. Then, blood began coursing down your neck and you frowned at the feeling. You began to avert your eyes, ready for the puppet to begin drinking only to hear Wally's voice, sweet and gentle.
"Neighbor?" he hummed. You looked at him. The blood on his fangs was a much deeper shade now, coating more of it now. "You can look."
You said nothing, just watched as Wally's pupils dilated and the blood started to disappear from your skin. Your eyes didn't move from his and you found yourself unable to so much as blink at the sight. He was beautiful and all too alluring like this, hair down and your blood on his mouth while his eyes worked to drink from you. Your body trembled as your heart pounded inside you, reminding you why you'd been so reluctant to do this in the first place. It'd be a miracle if Wally hadn't noticed your flushed face at this point. 
Then, Wally blinked and his eyes met yours with a soft smile. Somehow, he already looked to be regaining some of his strength, glowing with a certain, healthy radiance he hadn't had before.
"Okay!" he said, signaling he was finished. 
You ripped your gaze away, sure your face was as red as one of his apples, and instinctively put a finger to where he'd bit you. You hissed sharply at the pain your touch sent down your neck and Wally gasped.
"Neighbor!" He moved your hand to examine your neck, once again his face pulling close to yours and you thought you might faint, and not just from all the blood loss. "You said you'd tell me if I needed to stop!"
"I'm fine," you insisted, lightly pushing him away with one hand. "Really."
Wally didn't look so convinced and he instantly got off the couch. Home, seemingly having read his mind, thumped its floorboards and swung open a cabinet in the kitchen for him. He walked over to it and rummaged through its contents for a while before pulling a box out. You watched as he stopped at the fridge too, taking a water bottle out. Puppets didn't need water, that was just a part of the stash he kept for you. You bit down on your tongue to stop giddy feelings from bubbling up inside you too much and he made his way back over to sit beside you again.
"Drink this." He handed you the water bottle. "Water always seems to make you humans feel better!"
You couldn't argue with that, twisting the lid off to drink the cold water. Then, he brought out the box, full of bandages and ointments and such. Again, not anything puppets are needed. Their form of first-aid was a sewing kit complete with a needle and stitches, usually provided by Poppy. Your face warmed at the thought that Wally kept this around just for you. 
"I have many different kinds." Wally plucked a few bandages out to show you as an example. "There's these with the hearts on them and these with the cute little butterflies and- oh! I forgot about these!" He laughed as he took out a bandage decorated with an apple pattern. "This one is scented!"
"Really?" you laughed too. You pointed at the apple one. "I guess that one, then."
Wally smiled. He had a wipe in his other hand, which he used to clean the blood stains before carefully placing the bandage over the bites. You continued drinking your water, completely content, until he did something that made you choke on it a little. Wally nuzzled his face against your neck, pressing his mouth to it, and leaned away with a "mwah!" At the sight of your shocked expression, though, his smile shrank.
"Oh no! Did I do something wrong?" he fretted. "I thought kisses made stuff like this feel better."
You swallowed the water, now more sure than ever that you must've done something to displease whatever deity watched over you and you were being punished severely for it. Despite your squirming and heated cheeks, you gave him a smile.
"No! N-no, you're right. It helps." The amount of overwhelming emotions you were feeling made your words feel all twisted, coming out in embarrassingly short stammers. "Thank you. I feel better already."
Wally brightened. He made no comment on your flustered state, simply cuddling close to you happily. His head fell easily between your neck and shoulder and you carefully wrapped an arm around him. Surely, he could hear your speedy heartbeat, possibly even feel it, and the realization only served to make you more nervous.
"Thank you, neighbor," he whispered. You felt him go adorably limp in your embrace. It was nice. "You're a good friend."
You hummed. Perhaps too good a friend, you thought, thinking about how much of your own dignity you'd sacrificed tonight. But you were an even bigger lovestruck fool because you knew you'd do anything for Wally, including let him drink from your blood if (rather, when) he asked again. 
You were still set on helping Wally figure out how to undo the transformation. Most of your days since the Count left had been spent in the mythology section of Frank's library, though it was limited. You were determined to figure out a solution to his problem that didn't involve giving him your blood every time he was hungry but, for now, this was alright, you supposed. If you allowed yourself to entertain the very selfish idea, you wouldn't entirely mind it if Wally was a vampire for a while longer either. 
You thought this as you held his still body closer, the minutes going by as neither of you made any effort to detangle yourself from the other. You were sure he'd fallen asleep when you felt your legs go numb beneath you. His face was more pressed against your neck now, buried in the spot where he'd put your bandage. You felt his head move and resigned to closing your eyes to sleep with him but, just as you had, they snapped open. Wally didn't sleep. You heard a small noise come from him and you shifted your head to stare at his eyes, which were already open and wide and drinking in your expression with a smile.
"Are you smelling the bandage?" you asked.
"Maybe," he quipped and then slowly laughed. 
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Hi about my ask for carer howdy and little villain reader it’s ok to add headcannons to it sorry I couldn’t respond sooner!
Howdy + little reader
TW- a little bit of cursing in the beginning but that's it
Angst but fluff at the end
Cg- Howdy
Little- Reader (2)
Mentioned - Poppy
“Y/n your jokes arent funny anymore ok, your getting on everyones nerves right now”. Howdy says in a very annoyed tone. You and Howdy where on the phone bickering for about 10 minutes all because you wouldn’t stop prank calling the neighbors all week.
You cursed, “Well I’m fucking sorry that i just wanted to have a laugh every once and a while”. “Well it not every once and i while, ITS EVERY FRICKING DAY”. Howdy was getting realy annoyed at this point, like, REALLY annoyed. He felt bad for yelling but he had to say something. “Listen y/n, im sorry for yelling but, you need to calm down for a bit”. Howdy stated trying to calm himself down. “Listen Y/n i gotta go, I’ve got “Wally” stealing apples again”.
(Howdy hangs up)
Tears prickled your eyes as you placed the phone back down. A small stream of tears came down as the hiccuped slightly. You got up off the chair you where sitting on and headed to your room. You then brought out a small F/c box, opened it and grabbed a F/c pacifier. You then slipped it into your mouth and grabbed a small bee stuffy and hugged it tight. You lay on the floor silently crying yourself to sleep.
(Time skip to a week ish)
“Hello Poppy”. ”Hello dear, say, have you heard from Y/n lately, they haven’t done there “daily” prank call for a week”. Poppy states sounding quite concerned. No matter what the person has done, she will alway be concerned if something is off. “I mean, I did kinda go off on them before about the pranks”. Howdy rubs his neck while putting some fruits away. “WHAT! You know how sensitive they are”. “Yeah but-”. “No buts. You better go over to Y/n’s house and apologize to Y/n”. Poppy demands. “I- yes ma'am”.
Howdy finishes closing the shop and heads to Y/n’s house. “Now to see if Y/n is still alive”. He walks up to your door and knocks. “Y/n? Hay uuu- sorry about earlier, but, I just wanted to check up on you since, you haven't done any pranks”. “Well I guess your busy right now, I'll come back later tomorrow”. *glass shatters from inside*. There's a slight cry coming from inside. ”Y/N”!! Howdy yells opening the door. “Everything ok-”? Howdy says with wide eyes. He sees you curled up on the kitchen floor crying and panicking while there seems to be a glass jar shattered. “Hay, hey, it's just an accident, you ok”. Howdy says in a very calm tone pushing the glass out of the way. “Y/n please look at me”. You look up at Howdy with tears streaming down your face hiccuping. Howdy is at shock by seeing you sucking on a (F/c) pacifier but then calms down when he realizes that you're a little. “Hay bud, can you tell me how old you are”. Just by hearing him realize that your little you kinda calmed down. *You hold up 2 fingers*. “Aww your so little”. Howdy picks you up and cradles you in his arms. He starts walking to your living room and sits down on the couch. The tears start to stop so all you guys are are small sniffles. “I'm sorry about last week, I was having a bad day and I really didn't mean to take it out on you, do you forgive me”. Howdy looks down to see filing with the paci clip. “Non-verbal”? *you shake your head yes as You slowly close your eyes*. “Awww, sleepy little one”. After a minute or two he hears small quiet snores coming from you. “good night little one, sleep well.”
I'm sooo sorry this took forever to do. I have SATs and finals going on.
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lovemanheim · 1 year
Please send requests in! I have no inspo currently!
Requests are open for the following people/characters
1. Wally Clark
2. Ben Plunkett
3. Nico Alexander
4. Zed Necrodopolis
5. Rafe Cameron
Things I will write
1. Fluff
2. Angst
Male X fem reader
Things I will not write
1. Smut
2. Anything dark
Fem X fem
Male X male
(I just can’t lol idk why)
Prompt list you can request from
1. “I love you, but please stop whatever it is you’re doing”
3. “You’re an idiot” “yeah but I’m your idiot”
4. “Make me”
5. “You make me so unbelievably happy”
6. “You didn’t call, you didn’t next, nothing”
7. “You know we’re meant to be”
8. “ you’re seriously like a man-child”
9. “It was a joke, baby. I swear”
10. “ mine”
11. “Are you even listening to me?”
12. “Is that my shirt?”
13. “ You’re kinda cute, you know… only kinda”
14. “Just marry me already”
15. “It’s too cold! Come back”
16. “Gimme a kiss, my love”
17. “Hold my hand” “what?” “ just hold it”
18. “Can we get a dog?” “We have a dog” “ I know. I want another”
19. “She did it!” “No he did!”
20. “Oh shut up and kiss me already”
21. “Wait a minute, are you jealous?”
22. I never thought I’d find a love like this”
23. Leave me alone, the only thing I’m embarrassed by is your lame attempt at being cute!”
24. “Baby, please let me in. Im sorry”
25. “Too bad, baby. You’re stuck with me”
26. “You’re honestly really freaking cute when you’re jealous”
27. “Can I Kiss you?”
28. “Wait, you’re leaving already?”
29. “Why am I always the one carrying you?”
30. “ okay, what are you doing in a Spider-Man onesie, in my bedroom?”
31. “You make me feel safe”
33. “God, you’re beautiful. My pretty girl”
34. “No, you can’t get up! You’re my prisoner for the day!”
35. “I had a rough day and all I want right now is to cuddle with my girl”
36. “God you’re cute” “you think I’m cute?”
37. “ you’re legally obligated to keep holding me”
38. “Sweet girl. Am I your lock screen?” “You werent supposed to see that”
39. “Do you like it?”
40. “I’ve never seen you so nervous”
41. “In our defense, we were left unsupervised”
42. “I can’t help it, you’re fun to mess with”
43. “ Don’t shut me out, please”
44. “Stay away from me”
45. “I saw that, you totally just checked me out”
46. “I literally cannot say no to you. It’s impossible”
47. “Forgive me, please. I need you”
48. “Hey— look at me. You can talk to me”
49. “Did you just flinch away from me?”
50. “Do it. I dare you”
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nerdyenby · 1 year
Lime time :D I’m watching Sniff
Their setup is suffering lmao
The extended discussion of if this team is family friendly or not and then Ollie’s “Okay FUCK” 😂😂😂
“Sometimes it’s hard for me to shoot people because I’m bad at the game” Sniff my beloved!!
Guqqie’s excitement over there not being fall damage is so real
Sniff kinda popping off!!!!
This team is so silly goofy, this is gonna be such a fun time :))
Sniff muting to gush about how nice their team is <333
“I’m gonna run to the bathroom real fast” “Go piss, girl” SNIFF /pos
She said that to Purpled lmao 😂😂😂
Ollie being offended at the implication that he doesn’t sound Spanish enough
“I will be deafening during ace race to sing the I’m Just Ken song” “That’s fine” “Yeah, for sure” “That’s so fair, that’s just morally correct” Guqqie BASED
Rocket Spleef
Purpled is such a tryhard, I love him
“Not the puzzle pieces […] If I do bad in this game, I’m calling up Autism Speaks and I’m having a word with them, I’m just saying” that’s my audhd icon!!
“I’ve never been drunk before” and I believe him because Purpled Bedwars would never lie
Ableist map!!!! /j
“I love how we all look like little flies hanging out” Sniff Snifferish is only correct all the time
On the fence, what a legend!!!!!!
Purpled is too powerful you guys
Hole in the Wall
This isn’t a great game for them rip, at least it’s out of the way tho
Sniff and Guqqie <333
Everyone getting their chance to pop off my beloved
Sniff’s Purpled appreciation speech :(( them <3
“We don’t want people, we don’t like people” so true Purpled
SNIFF SNIFFERISHHHHHHH!!!!!! my streamer won skybattle
*Ollie instantly dies, is still screaming* “It’s okay, we move on” this team is everything to me, their energy is so
Ok but Guqqie managing a team kill in skybattle is so iconic of them
Yellow is a strong team, Ollie is one of the only players expressing a healthy fear of their raw power and I love him for that
Purpled and Guqqie being so excited about the new routes my beloved <333
They’re killing it!!!!
Purpled is such a good igl I will not shut up about it
#1 pink supporters fr :))
That fight against red was so uncomfortably close quarters lol, they did great tho
Sniff sacrificing herself to save Purpled, team player of all time <33
Guqqie and Sniff digging into Purpled for calling them “chat” my beloved
Battle Box
They did that!!!!
They popped off!!!! Absolutely destroyed!!!!!
Ace Race
The mega chicken’s betrayal was brutal
“I’m just Ken” 😭😭😭
Xeir recovery though!!!!! He’s making back that time!!
Grid Runners
“I’m sorry if it sounds like I’m barking orders” “You can bark, you can bark” “Yeah, you can meow if you’re up for it” this team 😂
Purpled losing his mind at that one pig is so valid but it’s also very funny to me
They’re on a roll!!!! Golf and dunk tank were clean
Purpled is confident with redstone, didn’t know that lol
Sands of Time
Excited about this strat :))
Guqqie do not apologize omg /aff
They’re so low on time, it’s stressing me out
Love them appreciating how much yellow popped off, they did incredible and it might be the biggest lead in season 3 (am definitely going to look into that now whoops)
“I love my girlfriend!!” “Really? No way, I never would’ve guessed” sapphic on sapphic violence lmao
Purpled asking if Walli can join the call lmao
You could tell me Purpled and Walli were boyfriends and I would believe you tbh, only inkling of hesitation is Purpled’s intentional token straight energy
Sniff popping off!!!! You owe corporations nothing and transphobes can fuck off
Purpled’s sympathy for Fruit’s plight my beloved
Them manually translating, language barriers lose!!!!
“I have adhd, I’m off my meds, please forgive me” SAME, WHERES MY FREAKING ADDERALL REFILL @mypsychiatrist
Great team, great times, great vibes :))
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nemir · 1 year
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y’know when you’re drawing, and you just... engage goblin mode?? the kermit sipping picture is among my top used emotes in discord, but then i went “but what if Wally?” and this was ... born. I’m so sorry, @partycoffin, please forgive me, but I also hope you enjoy a little goblin energy from time to time!!
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brown-little-robin · 1 year
40: Patience
part one | previous | next | masterlist | ao3 version
“I felt your fear.”
Thad is still in a fighting stance, chest heaving. Joey needs to calm him down before they get into any details.
“Let’s sit down.”
Thad drops straight to the floor. Words tumble from him. “What do you mean? How did it happen?”
Joseph spreads his hands. Thad looks from his hands to his face and back again, anxious-fast. Joseph wishes that telling the boy to calm down would work, but it won’t. First, Thad needs to be told the truth.
Joseph signs, “It was like a dream. I felt scared, but I knew I wasn’t scared. It was your fear.”
“Are you sure?”
Joseph nods. He lowers himself to the floor and shivers at the cold metal. He’s starting to realize that taking care of Thad will involve a lot of sitting in strange places.
“Okay.” Thad looks at the dark ceiling for a second, frowning. “Okay. Okay. I think I know what happened.”
Joey puts his hands in his lap. 
“There’s two options. One: this was a fluke caused by whatever the spirit in the speed force did to me. And two: this is the way that our lightning rod connection will manifest. Either is possible. I know the speed force allows speedsters some level of access to each other’s emotions; it’s all in the history books. I just don’t know if this is permanent or not.”
“We have a lightning rod connection?”
“Oh!” Thad sounds flustered. If the light was brighter, Joseph guesses he'd see Thad blushing. “Yes. It worked. I can feel it. Can you?”
Hmm. Joseph wonders. He meets Thad’s eyes and concentrates—
—and feels himself sliding out of his corporeal form. No!
He stops, but the damage is done. Thad shudders.
“What was that?!”
Joseph raises his hands and smiles sheepishly. “I was trying to find the lightning rod and I accidentally started to possess you. Sorry.”
Don’t be scared. Please don’t be scared.
“I couldn’t move,” Thad says. “I could still see you, but I couldn’t move. How does that work?”
Joseph shrugs. “It takes a second. I’ve been told that people can see my eyes change color before I possess them.”
He waits for Thad to say what everyone does: some variation of an awestruck or terrified the whites of your eyes turned black!
“Sooo,” Thad says. The fear has left his voice; he sounds intrigued. “You paralyze people before you actually attack, like a parasitic insect.”
Joseph tries not to grimace, but his face has always been too expressive for his own good. Thad cringes.
“Sorry. I’m sorry—”
Joey flicks his fingers from his palm, forgiving him. He didn’t mean it cruelly.
Thad was raised as a weapon. He was dehumanized for so long that it must be normal to him, comparing himself and others to terrible things.
Thad is silent for a moment, but his manic energy is still coiled under his skin; Joseph can see it in the way his eyes move, darting around the dark room. ‘My old lair’, Thad called this place earlier. ‘CRAYDL’.
So this is where he grew up, this… birdcage of wires and tubes. Even though Thad told him some about his childhood, Joseph never imagined a place as bleak as this. And it shares a name with his CRAYDL? There are things here that Joseph doesn’t understand but that he doesn’t dare ask about. Not yet.
“We have a problem.”
Joseph’s focus sharpens. Thad licks his lips.
“I kidnapped you.”
Joseph laughs. He knows it’s the wrong response even as he does it, but honestly, the word kidnapped referring to Thad whisking Joseph away is funny.
“No, you don’t understand. I kidnapped you!”
Joseph’s fey amusement vanishes. Thad is in actual distress. He signs, “Yes. You weren’t in your right mind. No one is going to be angry at you.”
No one could be angry at Thad for acting on impulse for once in his life. After he announced that he’d never been happy before in front of everyone, too!
Thad is cringing, as he always does when Joseph says something gentle that he can’t immediately believe. But he leans toward Joseph, a flower toward the sun.
“Wally West was chasing me,” he points out.
Joseph gestures for Thad to go on.
“He…” Thad glances up and around again. “He’ll want to know why I ran away.”
“I’ll explain.” It’s the least Joseph can do. “Don’t worry.”
Thad searches Joseph’s face, searches like he’s looking for lies or “but”s or “just kidding”s. Joseph looks back. Finally, Thad relaxes a little.
Joseph watches him for more questions.
No questions come. Joseph gets up and stretches casually. Thad watches him with big, wary eyes shining like pools in the dim green light, and Joseph gets the impression of a cat trying to read human body language.
“Do you want to go home?” Joseph asks.
“What, to Max’s house? Uh… well, yes, I'll have to go back eventually, but first I have to explain to Wally West, and ask Zatanna about antidepressants—oh grife! What time is it?”
Antidepressants? More things Joey will have to figure out later. Thad sounds like a stressed-out businessman, and he's almost shaking with anxiety again. Joseph checks his phone for the time. There’s no signal, but the time is correct. He turns it around so Thad can see it.
“1:26?! Zatanna only has about half an hour left! Joseph, what do I do? I can’t run—”
Joseph snaps his fingers. Thad’s mouth snaps closed.
“Calm down.”
Thad takes an obedient, exaggerated breath, but he’s still awfully tense.
Joseph tells him, “We don’t have to do everything right now.”
“I need to talk to Zatanna, she said she had an hour to talk after—”
“We’ll contact her later.”
Joey puts his finger on his lips and hisses shhhh.
Thad falls silent immediately. Everyone always stops and stares at him when Joey makes a noise. There’s a moment where they feel like he’s about to start speaking. It’s effective, and Joseph tries not to use it.
Joseph finger-spells Thad’s name. “Thad. Remember we talked about how you don’t have to be in charge anymore?”
That makes the boy’s shoulders hunch.
“You don’t have to be in charge right now.”
Thad makes a low, growly sound.
Joseph makes a ‘come at me’ gesture.
As if he was just waiting for permission, Thad snarls, “Everyone’s been postponing everything for so long. I’m sick of it. I want to be done with all this stupid indecision!”
Joey nods.
“I hate this,” Thad hisses. “I just want to be finished. Is that too much to ask?”
Oh, now that’s suicidal thinking. Joseph will need to handle this carefully.
Joseph signs, “You just want the decisions to be over.”
Thad’s fingers squeeze his arm, tight, too tight.
“I just want to be settled,” he says, quieter. “I can’t go on like this, waiting and waiting for the other shoe to drop.”
“I understand,” Joseph signs, with a surge of pity for the boy. He remembers when he was a child and people made decisions about him that he couldn’t contribute to. “I’ll try to get you settled quickly. But some of it you’re going to have to wait on.”
“What parts? Why?”
“Medication,” Joseph signs. “Antidepressants. That’s a big decision. You can’t rush into that.”
“But I—” Thad huffs like he’s irritated beyond words. “I’m depressed! I need antidepressants! It’s not that hard of a puzzle!”
Joseph winces. “I wish it was that simple. There are some pros and cons you don’t know about… risks… Listen. We’re going to take that very slow.”
Thad grimaces at him for a moment. Then he collapses into a discouraged slump. Such a little teenager.
“Why does everything have to be so slooow,” he groans into his hands.
Joseph snaps his fingers. Thad peers at him through his fingers.
Joseph raises his eyebrows and signs, “You’re patient, right?”
Thad laughs. It’s a hysterical little laugh, but it’s genuine.
“You waited six hundred twelve years. You can do a little while longer.”
“As long as I’m with you,” Thad sighs. “I really can’t live with Max much longer. I’m on my last nerve.”
Joseph nods.
“You’ve done good. Not much longer now.”
“Yeah,” Thad says, and he bares his teeth in something similar to a smile. “Not much longer now.”
After a few companionable minutes, Joseph gets Thad to vibrate them both up to the surface of the earth. His phone has bad reception inside ‘the lair’, and he wants to contact Thad’s family. He lets Thad watch him text Wally and then Max, assuring them that everything is fine and they can come pick up Thad and Joseph in a minute. He signs the texts with a sunflower emoji because he’s fairly sure that Thad would never use an emoji, even if he was pretending to be Joseph. As a subtle way of assuring the family that Thad didn’t murder him and then steal his phone, Joseph is fairly proud of it.
Thad fidgets beside him, shoulders shifting and fingers digging into his own arm. Joseph puts away his phone and looks down into his face.
“Can…” Thad loses confidence, then visibly steels himself. “Can we go back down there for a while?”
Joseph nods. There’s no rush now that the family has been informed.
Thad takes Joseph down again. The vibration leaves Joseph briefly feeling like he’s knocked the head of an electric toothbrush against his tooth, but inside his entire body.
The sensation fades fast. His eyes adjust to the dim green lights again, and he finds Thad not spending a private moment looking at his former home, as Joseph had expected, but looking at Joseph.
It must be an eternity for Thad, sometimes, Joseph thinks. Staring at him while his mere human body adjusts to Thad’s lightning-quick actions. He’s grateful Thad is willing to wait… and that he shows no signs of impatience about it. Thad is just standing there, hands behind his back, serious yellow eyes staring at Joseph like he’ll never get tired of it.
After a moment, Joseph prompts, “Want anything?”
Thad bites his lip.
“Can I… touch you…?”
Aww. He’s slipped back into feeling awkward about asking for affection while he was gone. Joseph smiles at him and nods, opening his arms.
Thad takes a step forward and then stops inhumanly fast.
“Actually, I… was hoping that maybe…”
Joseph smiles encouragingly at him. “Yes?”
“Could you, be on the floor, and I could—”
Thad’s face is all scrunched up with the effort of asking. Joseph sits and opens his arms again. Thad stops talking with a relieved sigh and plops himself down in Joseph’s lap.
He’s heavy. Not as heavy as he should be, though, poor skinny boy. Joseph holds him tight, finds himself beginning to sway, and gives into the impulse. Thad sighs again and goes limp.
He’s had a long day, huh?
Joseph wishes he could whisper it to him. His hands are taken up by holding him. Oh well. The cuddles will have to do.
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huntinglove · 1 year
Hi Ghosty. I have a couple questions about your tags. I’m on the mobile version of tumblr. Do I have to add the heart or star on the tags in order to blacklist them? If so, how do I add the heart or star to the tag, are those emojis? Sorry if this is obvious 😅
No need to apologize at all nonny!! They're not emojis, they're text symbols! I understand it can be hard to type it because of that so I'll add the symbols I use right here I really hope this helps 💙💙💙
For fandoms -> ❧
For miscellaneous tags -> ✯
For selfships -> ❥
❧ ✯ ❥
Under the cut are all of my current tags, please copy anything you need to blacklist! (Also, when you do so, please remove the parenthesis () or square brackets []!)
❧ tawog
❧ toh
❧ welcome home
❧ animal crossing
❧ black butler
❧ demon slayer
✯ lovely asks (nice asks)
✯ how bothersome (anon hate)
✯ dreaming near the stars (imagines)
✯ homely ships (my ships)
✯ wonderful ships (friends/mutuals' ships)
✯ i hope you'll smile (memes/positivity)
✯ here's a question (polls)
✯ living and creating (art/edits)
✯ let me tell you a story (writing)
✯ let me know what i can do (ask memes)
✯ oh my (nsft, if you're a minor please blacklist this tag!)
✯ let's get serious (discourse)
✯ undead ramblings (random)
✯ speaking from the grave (vent)
✯ recovery break (queue)
✯ my heart sings (playlists)
✯ a ship has sailed (things I ship)
✯ a heart full of love (gushing)
✯ welcome to the turned mansion (turned mansion original universe)
✯ ghosty's mail (submissions)
✯ sweet little heart (age regression)
✯ reanimated dove (dark imagines) Selfships:
❥ golden heart (Hunter)
❥ my emperor (Belos)
❥ let's duet (Raine)
❥ i'm already cursed (Eda)
❥ playing together (Collector)
❥ cat lovers unite (Amity)
❥ two dorks against the world (Edric)
❥ devil eyes (Bump)
❥ when does a man become a monster (Viktor Arcane)
❥ stalking the stalker (Yoonbum)
❥ dreaming on the rails (Enmu)
❥ set my heart ablaze (Zuko)
❥ bunny on ice! (Yuuri)
❥ building our own world (Tadano)
❥ you make my heart bloop (Zucker)
❥ the puppet and their lover (Donna)
❥ two halves of the same coin (Tenebris)
❥ when does a man become a monster? (Viktor)
❥ guarding chaos (Nathan & Cleo)
❥ love with a dash of poison (Gyutaro)
❥ emotions greater than words (Kyogai)
❥ the ghoul and the reaper (Grell)
❥ ghastly knock out! (K.O)
❥ turbo hauntings (T.K.O)
❥ my one true ruler (White Diamond)
❥ the love virus (Ashton)
❥ the sun sets over the ocean (Tanjiro)
❥ death can't do us part (Emily)
❥ special lover's discount (Howdy)
❥ you make my heart smile (Barnaby)
❥ welcome home my love (Wally)
❥ you make hell feel divine (Stolas)
❥ the duality of love (Todoroki)
❥ snoozing together (Beau)
❥ naps and kisses (Sherb)
❥ a ghost and a half (Napstabot)
❥ a laugh for a kiss (Undertaker)
❥ cultist royalty (Douma)
❥ forgive me father (Muzan)
❥ us against all else (Alois)
❥ glistening on the battlefield (Bismuth)
❥ bonely hearts (Sans)
❥ at the center of the ring (Joker)
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twinhood-2dot0 · 2 years
A Shallow Dive Into: Justice League of America
Good morning Alex, and sorry, this must be getting boring. I usually have a topic ready days prior but this week was pretty hectic. I was gonna write code to analyze Spotify's top tracks and report my findings but sadly I don't have the time to write the code and write a blog post about it so I'm fishing my draft for the Justice League shallow dive I'd scrapped and finishing it up :P.
What's the Justice League?
DC had a team of superheros called the "Justice Society of America". After comic books fell out of popularity, the team was pretty much abandoned, and later reimagined in the form of the Justice League and also revived, but in a parallel universe. The Justice League at it's conception had the big shots Batman and Superman, Wonder Woman, A new Flash and Green Lantern (versions of whom who appeared in the Justice Society), Aquaman, Martian Manhunter but the roster has expanded exponentially since then and spawned sub-teams such as the magic based Justice League Dark, Justice League International consisting of superheroes from countries that are not America and Justice League Incarnate for the multiverse to name a few. The popularity of the Justice Society spawned other teams such as the Teen Titans, Young Justice, the Fantastic Four and the Avengers (Yes, DC did it first, just like everything else).
Meet The Cast
Superman - The (super)man, the myth, the legend. Kal-El is an alien from the planet Krypton (named so because the writer liked the element Krypton???). He landed on the farm of a couple, Jonathan and Martha Kent in Smallville, Kansas. His powers include: Flying, very durable body, super-strength, super-speed, frost breath, heat vision, super-vision (x-ray, telescopic yada yada). He can photosynthesis, but not under a red sun, they remove his powers, Krypton has a red sun, so Kryptonians are normal on Krypton, except I think Supergirl learnt to fly on Krypton in Injustice so idk, maybe just inconsistencies. Batman also has red sun in his possession to stop Superman if need be. Do not ask me how that works.
Batman - See: My last post
Wonder Woman - Princess Diana is the daughter of Hippolyta, the Greek mythology one. Although in DC, Amazons live on an island named Themyscira, where no men are allowed, and everyone is immortal I think so there is no need for reproduction. Wonder Woman is bisexual but her main love interest is a man, sadly. This origin story was concocted by a super-feminist and considered them the superior sex so he made an island without men cuz men suck I guess. I’m really sorry but I know very little about Wonder Woman.
The Flash(es) - The Flash is more of a mantle than a character. It has been carried by like 6 people at this point, those being:
Jay Garrick - The first Flash. Please forgive the origin story, it was 1940. He, in a lab, tipped over a beaker of HARD WATER, and the fumes of it gave him super-speed. He’s too old for me to know much about, sorry.
Barry Allen - Ah, the most iconic one of them all, FOR OLD PEOPLE!!! He was the Flash in the Justice League back in the Bronze and Silver ages, and was killed off in 1985, in Crisis. He returned in 2008. Just let Wally have some peace man, he’s been tortured because of Barry’s existence. Bartholomew Henry Allen’s (why is it legal to name people that) mother was killed by [SPOILER] when he was a kid and his father was wrongfully arrested because there was no evidence. Barry became a CSI to prove that his father did not commit the crime. He sadly died in prison before Barry could prove his innocence. Anyways, onto how he got his powers. This one is better tho. While working in the forensics lab one night, he was struck by lightning and doused in chemicals, giving him superspeed, because lightning, I guess.
Wally West - Nephew of Barry Allen’s girlfriend at the time Iris West, he was a huge fan of The Flash who just so happened to be his uncle. One day Iris took Wally to visit Barry’s crime lab, and guess what, lightning does strike twice. Barry revealed his identity and mentored him as he became Kid Flash. As Kid Flash he was a founding member of the Teen Titans. Again, I’m very salty that very few Teen Titans adaptations have him despite him being a founding member. Then, as he neared his 20s and still going by Kid Flash for some reason, Barry dies in his fight against Anti-Monitor. He is forced to step up as The Flash and struggles with carrying on the legacy. He has a psychological block on his speed because he was scared to outshine Barry, but with new threats forcing him to overcome the block, he becomes the fastest Flash ever and has the best connection to the Speed-Force, the force that gives the speedsters their powers.
I won’t go into details about the rest of the speedsters, there are far too many, but I will list some of them. Bart Allen, grandson of Barry Allen. Tornado Twins, twins of Barry and Iris. Johnny and Jesse Quick, Father and Daughter who get superspeed by speaking a formula, 3X2(9YZ)4A, don’t ask Wallace West, Barry’s nephew who got his powers the same way Wally did. Wait. Wallace? As in Wally? Wait what? Yeah, so remember how Wally was wiped from existence? Wallace was brought in to replace him. He’s Wally, but African-American, younger and just a less fun character.
Green Lantern - This is also a character with multiple characters having the same name. The Green Lantern Corps is basically an intergalactic police department. Each of them have a ring that lets them create anything, limited only by their imagination, and superspeed and breathe-in-space-thing. The first Green Lantern I know nothing about, Alan Scott, got an actual green glowing lantern and made a ring with it. The rest, however, were approached by a premade ring and selected for their indomitable will. Oh yeah, there’s also a whole rainbow of Lantern Corps. Yellow is their main enemy led by a former GL. I know too little about them too except Alan Scott is the Jay Garrick of GL, Hal Jordan the coolest the Barry, and Kyle Rayner the Wally. The others I don’t know much about, but they are John Stewart, Guy Gardner, Simon Baz, Jessica Cruz, idk why there’s only 2 female GLs and both took till the 2010s, and Sojourner Mullein.
Martian Manhunter - I know far too little about him too, but he’s a Green Martian, who was a criminal on Mars, his race was wiped out, I think, and is trying to reform on Earth. He has transformation powers, intangibility, and telepathy and a heck ton more, even wiki collapsed the list, even Superman doesn’t have a list that long.
Aquaman - Super-speed underwater, super-strength, super-durability, trident, talks to fish, weak telepathy, largest nation on Earth. Oh, right, origin story. Arthur Curry's mother was the Queen of Atlantis but his father is human, so he’s half Atlantean and half-Human so Atlantis people hate him but he gains their respect. I know too little, sorry again.
Those are the main members of the JL of America (There are a lot more). And there’s Cyborg too I guess but I consider him a Titan so he’ll be in part 2 if there’s ever one.
Alex, I'll see you on Thursday -Alia
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night-fallz · 3 years
We’re Tired of Him
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Ao3 // Wattpad
previous II next
We’re Tired of Him (part 4)
Damian and Dick were late and Tim was starting to get impatient. How long could it take to retrieve the stupid brat?
Distantly, he heard the elevator bell ring, signaling that someone was going up, and he couldn’t stop his eyes from widening with glee.
A few more minutes and Damian’s secrets would be theirs for the taking.
The doors opened and everyone went to their stations, discreetly watching as Damian sat on the only empty seat left.
They specifically left that seat open so that Damian would be in the middle of the room. That way everyone can keep an eye on him and Damian would be able to feel the pressure of everyone’s eyes on him.
The kid’s face was blank but Tim could see the confusion laying in his eyes.
He couldn’t help the small smirk that formed on his face. Of course Damian would be confused. He’s probably never been in Titans Tower when there hasn’t been a mission.
Hell, Tim bets that no one has ever willingly hung out with him before.
The heavy air of silence was interrupted with Damian’s question, "Don't you guys have a movie to watch?"
"It was closed." Crush said, not wanting to answer Damian’s stupid questions.
Damian’s eyebrows furrowed, "How would it be closed? It's barely 10 o'clock."
Tim rolled his eyes, interrupting whatever Jason was saying with a cold, "Don't I get a welcome, Demon?" When Damian didn’t answer, he continued. “Plus, last time I checked, you didn't know what cinema they were going to, so how would you know what time it would close."
Tim knew he won when Damian rolled his eyes right back. "Tt, whatever."
He stared at Tim with a bored expression for a few seconds before turning to Dick. "Can I go now?" When their oldest brother didn’t reply, Damian hesitantly continued. "I just remembered that I had to do something."
This time, Tim couldn’t stop himself from scoffing. It was such an obvious lie.
All the assassin training that Damian always bragged about and that was what came out of his mouth?
He was honestly disappointed.
Plus, even if Damian said that confidently. No one in the room would even believe that Damian had plans.
The brat’s life consisted off of training, school, and being Robin. There was also no way that anyone would want to hang out with Damian.
His dad might be Bruce Wayne, but the kid’s attitude was enough to turn everyone away.
After Damian finally realized that he wasn’t going to get an answer, Tim watched as he got up from his chair, walking towards the exit.
He notices Dick signaling for someone to block the door and he didn’t bother to try and stop the smug feeling from spreading across his body as he watched the brat’s face shrivel with uncertainty the moment he realized that he wouldn’t be able to leave.
Damian turned around, his eyes glaring at everyone who would meet his gaze. "What do you guys want?"
Though, the intensity of the glare faded away when Damian’s voice cracked, filled with insecurity.
The night has only just started and the entitled prince’s facade was already breaking.
Jason leaned forward, a mug in his hand as he spoke. "I don't know what they want, but can you try this? Alfred gave me the recipe."
Everyone watched as Damian narrowed his eyes at the drink. From the corner of his eye, he noticed some of the girls blush as Damian ran his hands through his damp hair.
It was a sign of nervousness, he realized. Tim made sure to file that information in his head for later exploration.
Knowing when the demon brat got jitters would make amazing blackmail material.
His thought process were cut off with Damian’s arrogant voice. “And I should care about that because…?"
Tim grit his teeth. He hated how Damian acted like he was holding the cards in this conversation.
He wasn’t!
Tim and the others were. That was the only reason that Tim hasn’t blown up and ripped the brat to pieces.
Crush continued to provoke Damian. "Please don't tell me that you're scared."
Damian scoffed before pausing, not answering the question.
It was the wrong move.
The fact that Damian didn't answer only boosted everyone's confidence.
After all, it wasn’t everyday that Damian Wayne had nothing to say.
Jason walked up to Damian, the mug in his hand. Damian’s gaze never even left the object.
The brat warily looked around. He wasn’t even trying to hide his confusion anymore. It was just becoming too obvious.
"You know," Emiko said. A blind man would be able to see just how much she enjoyed taunting Damian. And Tim couldn’t find it in himself to blame her. "What would happen if your father heard the fact that you declined a drink that your brother obviously worked hard on just for you?"
She let out a gasp that was so fake that even Damian would be able to tell that it was supposed to be mocking him. "Oh! What would the League do?"
It was the perfect opening and Tim couldn’t help but step in, his eyes desperately wanting to see Damian twitch uncomfortably. "If dad found out, you would probably be banned from patrol…” Damian clenched his fists and he couldn’t help but add an “again."
Tim’s face grew into a smirk as he relished in the laughter. This was payback for everything Damian did. And trust him when he says that this was only the beginning.
It didn’t even take a minute before Damian snatched the white mug, ironically covered with bats from Jason’s hand.
Tim’s smile widened, he knew that Damian would take the drink. Just like the other Robins before him, Damian was desperate for Batman’s approval as well. The kid didn’t want to let his dad down.
And to make this whole situation even better, if Damian ever finds out about this whole scheme, Tim knows that he can probably spin the story so that everyone but Damian won’t get in trouble.
It’s not like it would be hard.
Damian was the one stupid enough to give into the taunts and didn’t check if the drink was drugged or not.
Bruce would be disappointed.
Damian drank the drink in a few seconds. The kid opened his mouth but before a word could escape, he crumpled down.
Sadly, Jason was there to catch him before his head hit the ground, carefully laying Damian down on the couch.
Wally groaned, “You should’ve let the brat fall.” he complained, “It wouldn’t have hurt him.”
Jason's eyes glowed green as he glared at the speedster. “Watch your tone, West. As bratty as he might be, this kid is still my brother.”
Wally gulped before nodding so fast that Tim thought his head would fall off. Jason might not be killing anyone anymore, but it doesn’t change the fact that he was still frightening.
Tim paused, replaying Jason’s words in his head, before frowning, jealousy spreading all over his body.
Damian already had Dick backing him up, he didn’t need Jason too. It was an unspoken rule that Tim thought the bats all knew.
Dick was Damian’s older brother, while Jason was Tim’s. That was how it worked.
And it's worked pretty well so far. Ever since Dick replaced him with Damian, he and Jason were got closer.
They had movie nights and Jason taught Tim how to cook!
He was so sure that Jason didn’t even care about Damian. He ran the calculations through his head.
If Jason and Dick started to like Damian more than Tim, then they would get rid of him again. Tim would be alone.
He bit his lip to stop his mouth from talking, focusing on the camera Wally was setting up. That way, they’d have materialistic proof of Damian’s vulnerability and humiliation.
It was blackmail material that Tim knows he’d treasure like a lifeline.
Now that he thought about it, maybe Tim could use this video to sabotage whatever brotherly relationship Jason and Damian had.
He’d tell Damian to ignore Jason and to act every brattier towards their brother.
Jason’s patience for the brat would run out and he would Tim’s older brother again.
And this time, he would only be Tim’s.
When Wally was finished his lips formed a small smirk. He watched as a sadistic glint entered the speedster’s eyes. “So, who wants to go first?”
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I am so, so sorry that this chapter took forever to release. Balancing out school and volleyball was so much harder than I thought it would be.
I’m gonna spend the weekend to try and get my life together so that next everything will hopefully be easier on me.
This chapter was pretty short but it did give some insight into Tim’s thoughts about this whole situation.
If you couldn’t tell, they’re not very pretty.
Tim and Damian never made up in this universe. And trying to kill Tim multiple times makes it hard for Tim to try and forgive Damian.
I know that this chapter kinda sucked but I wanted to put something out before things get even busier. so hopefully you somewhat enjoyed it.
Like always, please leave a comment. i love reading them and they just motivate me so much! And they would help an extra ton these days.
And once again, if you have any fanfic requests, questions, or just suggestions for a specific fanfic I’m writing, just leave it in a comment down below or you can just message me here on tumblr.
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Alright. I just finished season 2 of young justice and I’m gonna talk about it. For those who have no clue what I’m talking about, it’s a cartoon on HBO Max about the DC superhereos “sidekicks”. I recommend it if there’s anyone who likes superhero stuff and cartoons. It’s amazing.
*Spoilers for season 1 and 2 of young justice ahead*
Okay, at first I was a bit jarred by the five year time jump. But I really started to love the new characters. Blue Beetle and Impulse are my entire life now and I would do anything for them. I was very pleased to find that I wasn’t the only one who shipped them. Really loved Wondergirl too. She was sure trying her best and I respect that as a fellow klutz. Beastboy was great too. Loved the brother-sister relationship between him and Miss Martian. Adorable. I could really live without La’gaan. He’s just irritating. Sorry if there are any La’gaan stans but I really don’t like him. Also, I ship Connor and Megan and La’gaan is taking that away from me.
One small issue I had with this season is the amount of subplots going on at the same time. We had the whole ‘Impulse is scared of Blue Beetle taking over the world’ and then ‘Aqualad is a spy’ and then ‘Reach nonsense’ and plenty more and sometimes I feel like they jumped between plots pretty quickly. They would introduce a conflict in one episode and then focus on a different one completely the next episode. Pretty much everything was wrapped up at the end though so I can’t complain too much. That’s just a small critique I had.
I love how much Connor has grown! My baby is so mature now! And the fact that Wolf is an actual part of the team! I love that. Connor is a legend and I can’t help but stan. Also I have mad respect for Kaldur. What an absolute legend. My man has the love of his life die and finds out his real father is manta and STILL decides to do the right thing. He’s amazing. Not to mention he just immediately forgives Megan for frying his brain and risking him and Artemis almost losing their cover? He’s too good for us. Also some respect to be shown for Dick who has to put up with the team’s shit all the time. He’s gets the break he deserves <3
Alright there’s no way they just killed off my favorite boy KF there in the LAST EPISODE. You CANNOT do that to me. He’s gotta come back. The scarab said that he would “Cease” and he didn’t seem to actually die? He just kinda vanished? So maybe there’s some kind of a loop hole there. I think I saw some kind of post saying that the speed force doesn’t exist in this universe? Correct me if I’m wrong please but I don’t think it has to do with him and the speed force. But yeah there’s no way that Wally is actually dead. It’s just occurred to me that I could be in denial but I will deny that. I don’t think they faked his death like they did with Artemis but I don’t think he’s dead and we better get him back in season 3.
In season 3 I hope we get more info on Kidflash cus there’s NO WAY he’s dead. I’m pretty sure we get more info on Jaime’s family which is nice. Hope we get to see little Lian grow up. She’s adorable and I hope Jade and Roy(the clone) are the good parents she deserves. Jade seems great but I’m a bit worried about Roy. I hope we get to see what Arsenal’s up to and the rest of the Meta-Human team. Asami is adorable and she deserves the best. Also Tye deserves better! Tye better get all of the love and happiness he deserves in season 3 or I will commit a crime(for legal reasons this is a joke). And I’m definitely not just saying this because I relate way too much to his character haha... :(. And I know bluepulse isn’t canon but we better at least get more friendship content that I can misinterpret as relationship content. Also petition for Vandal Savage and G. Gordon to stfu. No one likes you :(
Those are my jumbled thoughts after finishing season 2. Please don’t spoil season 3. It’ll probably be a little while until I finish it because I’m watching it with my dad and he doesn’t like binging entire seasons on shows in one night and I’m not going to be living with him most of the time as of this week. But I’m really looking forward to watching it and I love this show more than anything. I’m very excited to be able to look at Young Justice content without worrying about accidentally spoiling it for myself :(
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djpartypon64 · 1 year
Lovesick Wally x reader: You won’t get away
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Wally finally got in his arms after so many failed attempts. “ Hehe, now we can finally be together my dear neighbor.” How did this even happen? What went wrong for you to end up in the clutches of Wally? Well it all happened because you ignored Howdy’s warning…
A few hours early…
You had noticed that none of the others had gone to hang out with Wally anymore. It was becoming so concerned too. You had asked Howdy why was everyone avoiding him and he told you this, “ Well, Y/N it’s because he’s sick. Like really sick, when we tried to take him to the doctor he refused. He said he wanted “ you,” and nothing else.” After listening to what Howdy had said, you then told him thank you and left. But before exiting the store, Howdy yelled “ Don’t go to his house, Y/N! It’s not safe!”
And with the first warning given, you decided to visit Wally anyway. Well, at least you noticed that it wasn’t just everyone avoiding Wally but also Home was keeping everyone from coming in. Upon walking to Home, you heard some heavy breathing coming from the window…it was Wally. “…Neighbor? Neighbor! Oh my dearest love it’s you!” Wally said with excitement. …That’s not the Wally you knew. Something was clearly wrong with his eyes. They were like swirl of hearts, this dark aura around him, and this off putting vibe from him too.
“ Neighbor? What’s wrong? You’re not saying anything? Did I scare you? I hope I didn’t frighten you or anything. Oh it’s so great to see you again. I tried to call you but everything kept going to voicemail.” Wally said. “ I-I was at the store, talking to Howdy.” You said. Wally stopped in his tracks and looked at you with anger. “ H-Howdy? Why were you with him? What did he say to you that kept you from visiting me, Neighbor?” Wally said as he questioned you.
“ H-He told me not to come here, it’s not safe. At first, I didn’t want to believe it because of how everyone was acting around you. Barnaby, Julie, Frank, Howdy, Eddie, and Poppy are avoiding you. I didn’t understand why but now I do, Wally you need to see a doctor! You need help-“ “ NO! NOTHING IS WRONG WITH ME! I’M FINE! Ah! Neighbor, please forgive me for yelling at you like. I’m terribly sorry, I don’t know what came over me.” Wally says as he tried to calm himself down.
“ I-I need to go home, right now! Bye Wally!” You said. “ Neighbor? NEIGHBOR!? NO, DON’T LEAVE ME PLEASE! My love, please come back to me I’m sorry!” Wally yelled as he proceeded to pound on the glass window. He scared you away…no it wasn’t him. It was Howdy, Howdy’s the reason why his Neighbor ran away from him. “ Home? Please let me go, I need to go after my Neighbor. Look, I’m fine completely fine. Just let me go…Home?” There was no response.
Well since Home refused to let Wally free, Wally decided to break his way free. “ Home…I’m sorry for what I’m about to do.” Wally then proceeds to break the door open by force and out he goes. “ Ahh, Neighbor don’t worry we’ll be together soon.”
That’s how Wally managed to get you. Of course, how could you be so foolish. Howdy warned you and you didn’t listen. Now, you both were sick and neither one of you were leaving. “ My sweet, sweet Neighbor, I’m gonna love you and love you until you see that what I needed this entire time was you. Only you and nobody else.” Wally said as he rubbed your hair.
Right…if only you had listen to Howdy. If only…
Well this was fun but I gotta get some sleep. It’s literally 3:00AM too.
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artemislian2003 · 2 years
(After picking up Wally from the airport, the gang takes him to Mount Justice for their annual Christmas Eve party)
(Kaldur, Dick, and Conner then help Wally put his bags in his room at Mount Justice)
Kaldur: So Wally. How does it feel to be back?
Wally: Honestly. Really strange. But it is nice.
Dick: Yeah well, it felt weird having you gone for so long.
Wally: So you guys really missed me, hmm?
Dick: Just a little.
Wally: Hahaha! Sure! I’m not that easily forgotten.
Conner: You can say that again.
(M’gann knocks on the door)
M’gann: Time to start the party! Are you boys ready?
Wally: Totally!!
Dick: Let’s go!
(Wally, Kaldur, Dick, and Conner all make their way to the kitchen where they find Zatanna and Artemis helping M’gann set the table)
Wally: Holy Smokes! Look at all this yummy food!
Artemis: I see you haven’t changed
Wally: Artemis! Hey!
Artemis: Hi Wally. It’s great to see you!
Wally: Same here!
M’gann: Ok! Everyone grab a chair!
(As everyone begins sitting down, Wally and Dick decide to sit together with Artemis next to Dick)
Dick: Wally?
Wally: Yeah dude?
Dick: Do you think you could maybe switch seats with me?
Wally: Why?
Dick: Well, you know how much I love M’gann’s mashed potatoes. And, well, I want to be as close as I can to them.
Wally: Seriously Dude?
Dick: Please?
Wally: “Sigh” Fine!
(Immediately Wally finds himself next Artemis)
Artemis: Oh! Hi again.
Wally: Heh. Hi. Dick wanted to be close to the mashed potatoes, so he made me switch seats with him.
Artemis: Oh. Interesting.
Wally: Yeah.
(As everyone is talking and eating, Wally finds himself just listening to their conversations for a change)
Kaldur: I love the snow as well, Richard.
M’gann: Me too! I always enjoy making snow aliens! What about you Conner?
Conner: The snow’s ok, I guess. I prefer swimming.
Artemis: Haha! I can’t believe I just heard you say that!
Zatanna: Snow is great, but I agree with Conner. Swimmer is so much better. I can’t wait for the warmer weather to come back! We should all plan a trip to the beach when it warms up!
Artemis: That sounds fun! I’m not much of a swimmer, but a good book on a warm, sunny day is always great.
Dick: Uuuuh! A book?! No, no. A good volleyball tournament is my style!
(As Wally continues to listen to all his friends share their different opinions and laugh, he begins to miss life as a kid)
M’gann: Hahaha! Oh Conner! Hey? Wally? Are you ok? You seem down.
Wally: Huh? Oh! No. I’m fine. Just listening to the conversation.
Dick: Listening? Man! Harvard must be a good school if it can get you to actually start listening!
Wally: Haha! Very funny!
Kaldur: This meal was wonderful girls! Thank you!
M’gann: Of course! I’m so glad you enjoyed it!
Wally: Yeah! It was great! Just like old times!
(As the girls finish cleaning the dinner table, Wally decides to tour the Mountain. As he looks around, he begins reminiscing all the good times he had with the group)
(After Artemis finishes helping M’gann with the dishes, she decides to go change into her pajamas. While walking to her room, Artemis notices Wally looking at an old picture of the team)
Artemis: Hey? Are you alright?
Wally: Oh?! Artemis? I didn’t know you were there.
Artemis: Sorry. Did I scare you?
Wally: Scare me? Haha! No! Of course not!
Artemis: Wally?
Wally: I was just walking down memory lane.
Artemis: Those were some good times.
Wally: Makes you want to go back. Doesn’t it?
Artemis: Sometimes. Wally? You were so quiet during dinner. Are you sure you’re ok?
Wally: No Artemis. I’m not ok. Coming back to Mount Justice and seeing all of you guys, well, it makes me sad. I miss being here. I feel like I made so many mistakes. And now, I can’t go back.
Artemis: What mistakes Wally?
Wally: Like going to Harvard, leaving the Young Justice League, and…leaving you.
Artemis: Wally. I…
Wally: Artemis. I’m so sorry. I said so many horrible things to you! I hurt you. I never want to do that again. Please, Artemis. Please forgive me.
Artemis: Wally, everything you said, you were right about. I was so afraid that if you left, you would find someone else or we would grow apart. And because of that, I ended up destroying our relationship. I was selfish. I’m so sorry.
Wally: Artemis.
(Slowly Wally and Artemis come closer to each other and begin kissing. With emotions strong, tears start to fall from both their faces)
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chimtaesty · 4 years
broken souls (pjm!hybrid au)
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plot :Helping hybrids is your passion, as a local hybrid center calls you for help because of a abused and broken panther hybrid you pack your stuff and hurry to put him back together.
warnings: death, abuse | 4.9k words
a/n: hi there, it’s been a while huh? I’m finally back and better than ever. I released two stories lately which seemed like a fever dream so i won’t continue them but i hope you are ready to keep supporting my stuff :) I hope you like this story since i spent a lot of time and thoughts on it :)
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“Hello? Who is this?”
“Am i talking to Y/N?”
“Yes you are, who is this?” 
“Oh, i’m sorry for not introducing myself, my name is Helen Wallis and I'm the Head of the Hybrid Rehabilitation Center Crystal Snow. I’m calling because we take care of a very delicate case at the moment, the issue is that we don’t know how to take further care of this poor soul and I heard that you are an amazing psychologist student who even helped the Seong-girl out of her cruel thoughts. If you could maybe take your time to take a look at this broken boy we would all be really thankful.”
To be honest, this girl didn’t take a lot of work. She was spoiled and upset because a boy in her school rejected her. The only reason this became a big thing was because the parents are influential people. But you would love to help someone who needed your help so you didn’t have another choice.
“I would gladly take a look at him, if you could send me his file.”
“Oh yes, of course. Thank you a lot Y/N, your help means a lot”
You’ve looked at the same three sheets of paper for the last two hours and you can’t believe what’s printed on it. The sentences make you angry and give you the feeling of having to throw up. He was raised on a local farm which turned out to be an underground fighting ring. He had to take drugs. He was raped and had to watch his mum getting killed, the only person on this planet who he loved. He has lost someone just like you, you may be able to connect with him faster than with Seong Hye-Jin.
The speed of your heart beating decreases as you pack the papers back into your bag. The bus rumbles and your stop arrives faster as you expected it to. The building looks nice, it has  a big blue sign on top that says “Crystal Snow Rehabilitation Center”. It’s a short walk across the street to the entrance. As you walk towards the front desk a chubbier in white dressed older lady walks towards you. “You must be Y/N, it’s so nice to meet you. I called you earlier this week” you nod and shake her hand. “Yes, I tried to prepare myself as well as possible, but i’m not sure if he is going to welcome my help. I would say we just give it a try.”
The walk to Jimin’s room is long, there are a lot of doors, hallways and two elevators involved. Before Helen opens the door she turns around and clasps your hands in hers. “I need you to be careful. I couldn’t forgive myself if he hurt you. If something goes south please shout immediately, security is right outside this door. God may bless you” she whispers the last sentence as she turns the key and the door opens. You smile at Helen and take a step in. You never thought much about god or christianity, it’s all a hoax. Where was god when you needed him? 
“Please leave the door open until I say otherwise” you whisper towards Helen and she nods. As you take a look inside the tiny room you are reminded of your bedroom at your parents house. It was tiny but cozy, Jimin might feel the same.
There he is, laying on his bed facing the window. “Hi there, Jimin. My name is Y/N, I would like to talk to you. Is that fine with you?” He doesn’t say anything nor does he move. He’s not ignoring you though, he’s listening very well. “Should i leave the door open?” you ask silently and he doesn’t answer, he turns around to look at you. A thing catches your attention immediately, the big scar across his left eye.
He nods and you nod back not saying anything. “Can i sit myself down over there or should I stay here?” you ask again to tear his attention from the open door, this is no time to do something dumb. “Stay” he whispers and you comply, he wants to keep you at a distance. The spot you’re standing at is a great place to oversee everything you do. “Alright, i’ll just sit down right here” you smile, he doesn’t reply.
As you sit there on the floor he grows more comfortable. The door is open and there is no one who pushes him to speak. You lowered yourself to the ground where he is able to look down on you. “So, Jimin. We both know why I’m here. To be quite honest, these people here don’t really care about you. It sounds harsh but that’s the truth. The only thing they are interested in is rehabilitating you and getting you out of here. They want you to move on and live normally but let’s be real for a second, that’s impossible.” His head snaps upwards to look at you.
“Everyone tells you how great life is and how badly you need to move on. The problem is that after all life ever gave you, it’s hard for you to understand that optimism. Life is shit, isn’t it?” you chuckle and he nods. “I didn’t expect you to say that” his raspy voice fills the room.
You chuckle “What? That life’s shit? Well, it’s the truth.” he nods and suddenly his ears move from being stuck flat on his head to standing upwards, ready to listen to you. “You know, Jimin. I understand you. Life hasn’t been kind to me either. I might’ve not lived through something as terrific as you but it comes close. Do you want to hear it?” he nods but still keeps his head low. You know that sharing hurtful experiences can help you connect to each other. You knew almost everything about him. You know what those horrible people did to him and how he became who he is now but he knows nothing about you. He doesn’t know why you are willing to sit on his floor or why the hell the door was kept open
“I had to kill my father” That catches his attention. His eyebrows furrow as he stares at you.
“Two men broke into our house one night when I was thirteen. I didn’t know what was happening, I mean it was around three am and i was sleeping. My brother was dead when I arrived in the living room, they had almost decapitated him. My parents were restrained and sat up on our couch.” 
I have to breathe for a moment before I can continue. Right in that moment he locked his gaze with me for the first time. We share a quick glance.
“My mum was raped before they slit her throat and I couldn't do anything.I had to stab my dad 28 times. The only thing I remember was them telling me that everything’s my fault. I don’t know what I did nor do I know why my parents had to pay for it. But I moved on. I didn’t forget, not that I ever could forget this massacre but, I try to survive. Nothing can ever bring them back and I know that. I will never see them again and it hurts everytime i close my eyes because I see their lives leaving their bodies when I do but I try to move on. I try to live ” 
I wipe my tears and look at the floor as all the pictures come back. The blood, the bones being cracked and the lives being taken-”I’m sorry you had to go through that” he whispers and a small sniff leaves your body. “Thank you, Jimin.” you whisper back and for a moment there’s just silence. It’s comforting and scary at the same time. It’s almost as if he accepts you now, as if he knows what you feel.
“Do i have to tell you?” you shake your head with a small smile. You wouldn’t mind but every time you have to talk about it you literally relive what happened. You don’t want him to feel what you do now  “No, you don’t have to if you don’t want to” he nods and sighs, a big weight visually leaving his shoulders. “You can sit on the chair, the floor must be cold” you almost laugh. “I’ll gladly. Thank you, Jimin.” You sit down in front of him and he moves back slightly.
“Jimin” you whisper and his head snaps towards you “Yes?” he whispers back. His eyes softly gaze at yours “I need you to know that you’re not alone. What you had to go through is in no way forgettable and I know that you regret many things but you’re not alone. ” he just stares at you until his eyebrows furrow and his chest starts to move faster and faster. You triggered something, something bad.
“You’re lying” he whispers and his nostrils flare and his eyes stare at the floor. “You’re lying like everyone else.” He almost growls at you as you try to deny what he said. “I’m not, Jimin, listen to me!” you plead and you notice the shift. In front of you is no longer the quiet and understanding person he was two minutes ago . He shifted to what those people made him, a broken, hurt and traumatized boy who’s life is a living hell.
Now that they got him out of there he’s held captive in his mind. The horror he had to experience every day is now tormenting him inside his own head and no one seems to understand that.  His eyes grow dark and his body builds itself up and he flashes his teeth in a threatening way. He closes himself off. He’s gone, the soft understanding boy you were just talking to was somewhere crying in a corner of his mind scared of getting attached and being thrown away like garbage.
In a matter of seconds his hands find their way around your throat. He tightens his grip and you find it hard to breathe. Your pleads come out strangled as he lets out a low grunt. This situation reminds you of the night you killed your father. The men strangled you as well while you watched your mum being raped, the only difference here is that Jimin isn’t doing it out of pleasure, he’s terrified to the point where he’s alright with taking another person's life.
The two security men find their way into the room as your legs give in and you two fall to the floor, Jimin didn’t let go though. Your last attempt of staying alive needs to work so you clasp his face in between your hands. You stroke his cheek and give him a small smile. “It’s alright” His eyebrow twitches slightly and in a matter of seconds his grip around your throat loosens and your vision finds its way back to you. You cough violently after you push him behind yourself.
“Miss, please move. We need to move this farrell animal, he’s a threat” you shake your head as you move closer to Jimin “He’s not- cough -that’s why I-cough-I’m here. Pl-cough-Please move outside, thank you-cough.” They share a worried look but do as told and move to their spots outside. Your head hangs low as you try to steady your breathing.
Behind you, you can hear silent but repetitive sorry’s.
You turn around slightly, just to look at him. He now understood what he had done. You can’t blame him for what he did, he was terrified as you somehow triggered something in his brain with your reassurance. “Jimin” you breathe out and his rant of sorry’s stop. “Jimin,this isn’t your fault, okay? I’m not mad at you” You turn towards him and take his hand into yours.
“Do you hear me? I’m not mad at you” he doesn’t look at you as you talk to him. The atmosphere in his room is cold and uncomfortable. His demeanor changed, he feels sorry and you know that. He almost killed you and you’re not upset. It’s something that’s hard to understand, why would someone you hurt still like you? Simple, they are either unconditionally in love with you or know how you feel. They understand the things you went through, the pain you feel, they relate.
“How?” He whispers as his emotions get ahead of him. “I almost killed you, look at your throat” he sniffs and you can’t help but touch it. It’s sore and probably bright red but you don’t really care. “It’s fine” you answer him and he shakes his head “How can that be fine? You were nothing but nice to me and I struck you to the floor to strangle you. If that is fine to you, you’re dumb”
You nod your head “Maybe I am”. You stroke the hair out of your face and get up. “I’ll be leaving now-“It was nice meeting you Y/N, I’m sorry that I hurt you and I understand that you won’t come ba-“Oh, I’m coming back” his head snapped up to look at you. “What?” You chuckled slightly “You can’t get rid of me that easily, we are friends now, Jimin.” He just gives you a star struck expression as you’re almost outside of his room. “I’ll bring you some cake next time”
About a week later you again stand in front of the center. You thought a lot about how you could help Jimin and to be honest, you have no idea. The only thing that somehow connects you two is the trauma. There’s nothing that really connects you, you lived a great life until that night, you always had and always will have the privilege of being a human and not a hybrid. Jimin was born on a farm like an animal, raised like one and treated like one.
In your hands you hold the cake you promised him the last time. You open the door just to be greeted with Helen. She smiles at you and welcomes you with a warm handshake “Y/N, how nice to see. Jimin has been asking for you everyday. He told me what he has done and how you treated him. I’m glad that you didn’t run away, he really needs your help” you nod and smile at her “We had a great start actually, I’m positive that I’m able to help him.” she gives you a comforting smile before she answers you “He’s outside, by the pond” you nod and take your leave to the garden.
The garden is blooming beautifully, a lot of flowers and bushes decorate the garden in a welcoming and soft way. Other hybrids roam around the garden as well. Some play together, some stay alone just like Jimin. He’s sitting on a bench in front of the pond while he stares at the water. You clear your throat as you stand right behind him and he’s fast to turn around.
His face shifts to a soft smile as he sees you. “Y/N!” he exclaims happily. He puts his legs down and makes space for you. You thankfully take the spot next to him. The air is thick between you two and you can pinpoint exactly why. He still feels sorry for what he did and you don’t really know how to approach this matter.
“I brought you the cake I promised” you throw into the silence. He doesn’t look, he doesn’t move at all. “I thought you wouldn’t come again” he says sadly. Your head snaps towards his and your eyes lock. “Why would you think that? I told you i would come back” you give back. He shakes his head and finally glances at the cake “I thought you might’ve changed your mind.” you sigh and hit his shoulder lightly. “I would never break my promise, now try the cake” you give him a fork and let him taste it.
“I didn’t bake it though, I’m terrible in the kitchen” you chuckle and he smiles “That’s fine, it’s delicious” he silently eats the cake and thanks you another two times. “How’s your throat?” he asks quietly. You unconsciously touch your throat. “It’s fine, it’s a little bit red” he nods and shoves another fork of cake into his mouth. Just then you notice a red mark on his right hand. They didn’t hit him, did they?
“Jimin, you need to be completely honest with me right now” his eyes go wide as your face grows angry. “Did they hurt you for what you did to me?” he almost chokes on his cake as you ask him that. “Did they hit you?” you ask again and he hides his hand before he tries to explain himself. “It’s not like i didn’t deserve it.” he stammers. “They are not allowed to do that, Jimin. You should’ve told me right away, I will make sure something like that never happens ever again.” he shakes his head and takes your hand into his. “It’s alright, don’t worry about it.” You give him an angry look “It is not alright, no one should treat you like that” he smiles slightly and strokes the back of your hand.
“I’m fine” and for a moment you believe him. You forget the red mark on his hand and the scar across his eye. You forget what happened to you and what happened to him. You forget the handprints around your throat. The trees and flowers disappear as well as the pond which seems to drain into oblivion. Nothing else other than the beautiful boy in front of you seems to exist. The way his dark hair almost hides his beautiful eyes which are trying to reassure you. The way his bruised hand gently strokes yours and the way this feeling makes you want to cry. It makes your walls crumble.
“Y/N?” his voice tugs you out of your thoughts. His hand wipes a tear from your face “Why are you crying?” he asks quietly. You can’t talk, it’s like someone took your ability to speak.
“It’s alright, I sometimes cry as well.” He lets go of your hand and suddenly everything comes back. Everything is there again and it’s hard to comprehend. Why did it feel nice?
“I did horrible things, you know. You shouldn’t look at me like that” your eyebrows furrow. “Like what?” he looks up at the sky “Like you love me, my mum used to look at me like that” he gives back and you can’t move. “It’s a look that says that you would give me the universe and more if you could. It’s a look which says that you would love everything about me but you won’t, you can’t. I did things that not a single living creature should do. If you knew what i did, you wouldn’t speak to me ever again. You would look at me the same way as everyone else ever did! “ he almost shouted.
You are taken aback, what is he talking about. “Well, what did you do?” he whips around and stares at you in disbelief. “Did you just completely ignore what i said?” you shake your head and smile at him “Do you think I’m like everyone else? I stabbed my dad almost thirty times, how bad can it be?” his face grows angry and he pushes the cake to the side. “One time I was in the ring I had to kill my opponent. The bloodier it was the better, so I ripped his windpipe from his throat. Another time I broke someone's neck just to get fed. Do you even know what it feels to get praised for taking someone's life?”
Without thinking you get closer, your noses almost touched as you did. “Yes, I do know what it feels like to get praised for taking someone’s life. They praised me the whole night for killing my father and later made me bury his corpse while my raped mother had to watch all of it. After i complied with them they slit her throat and left me laying in my mother’s blood while i wanted to die. The last thing they said before leaving me was “That’s what good girls do”, so don’t tell me i don’t know what it feels like. I know how people look at someone who had to survive something like this, I know it damn well.”
For a few seconds you two just stare at each other with wide and teary eyes. The mood is tense. The only thing you can hear is Jimin’s heavy breathing and you trying to not breathe at all. A tear leaves his eye and all of a sudden his lips find their way onto yours. You can’t grasp what is happening, your lips move by themselves. Your hand finds its way onto his cheek and he grabs the back of your neck caressingly. Never has a kiss felt like this, like the whole earth could explode and you wouldn’t care as long as you were kissing him.
But the thought of you two getting caught struck your mind and you stopped.
“W-why, did you stop?” his voice was a faint whisper. He knows why but he still feels the need to ask. “It felt good,” he continues. “We can’t be seen, Jimin” his face falls and he shakes his head “I don’t care” he whispers as you get up. “But i do, if they get a whiff of what just happened i won’t be allowed to meet you anymore.” you gather your stuff as he suddenly grabs your hand to stop you “I want you to adopt me” he almost shouts. You halt in your actions while your eyes widen.
“I realised that there is no person other than you who really cares about me. There’s no one who understands what I’ve been through. Not a single person can relate to what my life has been like. When I’m with you it feels like the whole universe disappears and there’s only you, you pull me out of those cruel thoughts, you take the pain away Y/N. Please adopt me” you can’t move. That’s not how you expected this whole thing to go. Of course you like him, there’s a connection and even feelings you can’t name but, it’s wrong. The way he sees it is wrong.
He sees a saviour who might rescue him from the life he used to live. To be honest, you’re ready to be that, his saviour, but is it the right thing to do, or to be?  “Why aren’t you saying anything? Am i not good enough? Do you want me to change? I can-”No, Jimin. I-I don’t really know if that is how you really feel-”Of course that is what i really feel like, i need you Y/N” he shouts.
You step back with a small yelp escaping your mouth. His eyes soften “I’m sorry, i didn’t want to yell at you” All of sudden two men rush across the garden just to push you away from him “Stop! You’re hurting her” he shouts as you harshly fall on your butt. This is his mother’s death all over. He wasn’t able to get to her and now he’s being held back while they push you around. They grab Jimin and try to get him going but he’s too focused to get to you “Y/N!” he screams and you are fast to get up “Sir, please let go”you shout, much to your displeasure he just blows you off. They push him to the floor getting him ready to be sedated. Jimin doesn’t comply, the only thing he does is shout your name.
You throw yourself to the floor to look into his eyes. His eyes are wide and his face wet from crying “Please, Y/N don’t leave me. I can’t live without you, god please.” he pleads between broken cries. “Jimin, hey, listen to me. i’m right here! I won’t leave you” he cries and cries as he slowly drifts into a deep slumber “I need you” he whispers before he’s completely knocked out.
You once again look at the man in front of you. Is it wrong to love someone you just met? You are no psychiatrist, you have nothing to lose, do you? The only thing you desire more than helping him out of the dark space he’s in, is hold him in your arms. To wipe his tears and tell him that everything will be fine.
You thought a lot about him and his pleading about adoption. He would fit, no doubt. You two share one soul. The apartment you live in is hybrid friendly and there’s enough space. Yesterday you got a call from the center asking you to come in and meet Jimin again since his condition has worsened. He hasn’t eaten properly for almost a week, he doesn’t speak or move from his bed and refuses to look at anyone other than you. 
You once again stand in front of the center unsure why you are here. Are you here to end something that never happened or continue something that has potential? You don’t know. But deep down you already know the answer
Helen waits for you at the front desk. She eagerly drags you along the long way to Jimin’s room. You remember the corridors and the two elevators as if you’ve walked those corridors a million times just to get to him. She doesn’t speak since she told you everything on the phone, she just escorts you to his room.
The door opens with the jingle of the keys and your heart breaks as you look inside. He’s curled up on his bed holding the fork you brought with you last week. He looks at it as if it’s a picture, telling him a story.
“Jimin” you whisper. His head moves slightly, needing to reassure what he was hearing. “Jimin, it’s me” you say once again.
He puts himself up on his feet and looks at you. His face seems thinner and his face is puffy from crying. You don’t know how someone could hurt him, how someone could force him to do things he didn’t want to or how someone could kill the one person who loved him. How someone could take everything he had, he ever was. You can’t understand it. You would give him everything. You would give your life for him if you could.
“Y/N” he breathes out. His eyes close and a small smile forms on his face. “I thought I’ll never see you again,” he says. Your body moves on its own as you walk towards him. You almost throw yourself into his arms. “I thought you left me” he chokes out.
“I’ll stay by your side as long as you need me, I told you that before. Don’t you ever think that I’ll leave you” you whispered into his chest. The comforting smell of his sweater grazes your nose. His tail wrapping around your legs in a comforting manner.
“What makes you think that I’m worth your love?” he whispers back and you can’t help but hold him tighter as your eyebrows furrow. “I’ll love you because you can’t love yourself, that’s fine with me.” Tears form in your eyes as his soften.
He sighs and strokes your back “Then please never leave me” he mumbles and you nod your head. “You won’t ever have to be alone, Park Jimin” he smiles and strokes your back as you look at him. “I’ll never leave you. I thought about it and I think it’s the best to have you by my side, I would like to adopt you” you smile. His breath stops for a moment as you finish your sentence.
His legs give in and you both rush to the floor. The dark strands of hair fall into his face and his sobs fill the room and you hug him tight. “You’ll have a home, a place where no one can hurt you. A place for you and me” he nods and you smile back at him
“I never thought that I'd ever escape this. I thought I’ll have to live like this, locked away like a mad person. Alone with my thoughts and what happened to me. But the second you came into my room I knew. I knew that all of this is going to change. That I’ll escape” you nod at him. “The moment I read about what happened to you, I knew that I would do everything I could to save you. I’ll give you the peace you deserve, I’ll love you until death does us apart, Park Jimin”
a/n: i hope you liked it, stop by at my masterlist for more works of mine.
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