#I’ve been very gloomy the past few days
Love is communication and love is a language and love is understanding so of course it freaking stings when someone misunderstands you even lightly because it’s like oh just… a little bit less of being known because if you knew you would understand what I’m saying to you but this is also complicated because sometimes it’s not a lack of love it’s a lack of resources to communicate or comprehend healthily and it’s tricky because when is it either how do you identify it and how can you tell when you should keep talking your language and they’ll work on their skills at understanding or when they don’t want to understand and how much is there an overlap between the two
Something something…. Why are people always misunderstanding/misreading my language and when I try to break it down for them or translate it and try to learn theirs it’s like I stop speaking my mother tongue it’s like it’s lost and alien and why can’t… anyone read it and listen to it and listen to me for once?
Love is putting effort into finding the translation but what happens when only one is translated and the other is lost?
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ponyosmom35 · 9 months
he's gone
Simon Ghost Riley x reader
synopsis: reader finds out that Simon passed when Price, Johnny, and Gaz show up at her house.
warnings: angst, death, PTSD, panic attack, crying, I'm so sorry
Link to master list:
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She holds her hose tightly in her hand as she sprays her blooming flowers with water. The sun was beginning to set and she felt at peace. Allowing her mind to wash away the stress of the day. The sunlight hits her face and she sighs, imaging that somewhere in the world, Simon was looking at the same beautiful sky. She recalled their conversation earlier that day, a small smile coming to her lips as she remembered his voice. 
She stood in the kitchen, intensely focused on her measuring cup as she attempted to fill it with the correct amount of water. She turns off the water after allowing it to reach ⅓ and carefully moves over to her mixing bowl. She dumps the water in and moves the mixer down, flipping the switch and watching as her kitchen aid whips the cake mix together. The loud noise drowns out the sound of her phone ringing and she carries on. A few minutes later she finishes putting the batter into a pan and throws it into the oven, hoping that a lemon cake would distract her from how much she missed Simon. She looks down at her small ragdoll kitten who plays with her feet and laughs, she picks him up and kisses his little face gently. Still deciding how she was gonna come clean about adopting a pet without permission. 
It had been two weeks since he’d gone. So far she’d been doing better than she expected, managing to keep herself quite busy all day. It was the nights that were the hardest. She struggled to sleep without him. She tried to pretend like her body pillow was the same, but nothing could beat the feeling of his arms wrapped around her. When she came across a post about the little guy needing a home, she volunteered without a second thought. 
He was quite good about calling, he would try to call every other day when in between missions. But as they got new intel he wouldn’t be able to reach out for several days at a time. This week she had not heard from him once. She knew he was going on their first mission.  She worried about him, she knew that he could handle himself, better than anyone in the world. 
She picks up her phone to set a timer when she realizes she’d missed his call. Her heart drops and she calls him back instantly. 
“Si?” she asks anxiously 
“Hi my love” 
“Oh thank god, I thought something may have happened. I’m so sorry I didn’t hear my phone I was baking and it was on silent” 
“Don’t worry about it, I don’t expect you to pick up every time I call”
“Of course I will” she says 
“How are you doing darling?”
“I’m doing good, I decided to bake a cake for whatever reason” she says staring at the mess of flower and egg shells on the counter.
Simon chuckles and leans back in his chair as he imagines her in the kitchen trying to bake. Tears fill his eyes and he attempts to keep his voice steady.
“Is my kitchen still standing?” he asks
“The kitchen smells wonderful thank you very much” she responds 
“What have you been up to this week? Catch me up” 
“I wanna talk about you, where have you been the past week? Are you any closer to coming home? How are you doing? How are the boys?” she says rapid firing her questions 
“We’re all good. But I don’t wanna talk about work, tell me about you distract me” 
She nods to herself, understanding that he didn’t want to talk about it, meaning that their mission didn’t go as planned. “What do you want me to talk about?”
“just talk to me baby, anything” 
“Well it’s been pretty gloomy today so I started reading a new book, it’s about grief. I’ve only read a few chapters but so far it’s been very reassuring and comforting to know that grief isn’t linear, you go through ups and downs just like anything else”
“That sounds wonderful love” 
“Yeah, so I’m gonna try and read for a few minutes everyday. Kylie and I have started a jazzercise class, you should see how awful I am. I can’t look at myself in the mirror because in my mind I’m absolutely killing it, but then I look at the mirror and it looks like i’m half dead” she laughs 
“I’d pay anything to see it” 
“Don’t worry, when you come home you’re gonna get a full performance” she promises, causing him to laugh. The lump in his throat is tightening as the tears fall down his cheeks. He runs his hands through his hair and covers the speaker as he sniffles. 
“I’m counting down the minutes” 
“Me too” she muses “so I think we should get a cat” 
“What?” he asks
“Let me rephrase that, I brought home a kitten last week”
“Did you now?” he chuckles 
“Before you freak out, he’s so cute and cuddly, he was abandoned and my friend found him but she couldn't take care of him, I just had to bring him home!” she defends herself 
“I’m not mad love, I’m glad you’ve got someone to keep you company. What's his name?”
“Why Junie?” 
“Because june is the month we met” she admits 
Simon puts the phone down and covers his face. His heart was crushing at her words. He receives a knock on the door, he wipes his eyes and picks the phone back up. “I love it”
“We’re about an hour out from departure, so I’m gonna have to let you go” he says slipping his mask over his face.
“Okay, please be safe”
“I love you more than anything in this world, take care of yourself okay?” 
“Of course Si, I love you too, call me as soon as you can”
“goodbye love” he says before hanging up the phone. 
She noticed his odd behavior that morning, but decided to let it go to prevent any unnecessary anxiety. She finishes watering the plants and turns off the hose. She walks to the steps and heads inside. She shuts the door, making sure to lock the door as well as placing the wood down to prevent it from being opened easily. She slips off her shoes and smiles at the sight of Junie sitting on the counter. She picks him up and holds him close. The sound of a knock at the door catches her attention. She wasn’t aware of any company. She walks over to the door and opens it to see John, Kyle, and Johnny. Her eyes travel to the British flag held in John’s hands and her smile falls.  
“John?” she asks as her brain struggles to process the situation. 
“Don’t you dare” she warns holding her hand up to stop him “don’t” 
“He’s gone lass” Johnny says, his teary eyes meeting her own. She shakes her head and glares at him. 
“I just talked to him this morning” she refuses 
“Mission was local, went south and we barely got out. We came here as soon as we could” 
“What happened to him?” she asks, crossing her arms, clearly still in shock from the news.
“Can we come in?” John asks, she nods and leads them into the living room where they sit and she remains standing. 
“Tell me john” 
“Why don’t you sit down” he responds 
“I want to know what happened!” she demands 
“He was hit” Kyle says 
“Where?” she asks, Price shakes his head and stands up, moving over to her and placing the flag in her hands. She notices the tags placed neatly in the center of it and she reads his printed name. She looks up at him as tears fill her eyes. 
“He’s not gone, I just talked to him today! He was telling me not to burn the kitchen down -” she cuts herself off with a sob, and holds her hand to her mouth. “We’re getting married in four months”
“I’m so sorry for your loss, I-I wish I could’ve saved him” Price says gently
“Please don’t say that” she begs
“Is there anyone we can call for you?” he asks gently 
“Stop this john I can’t - I can’t” she says setting his things down on the table as she looks out of the window. Tears stream down her face as she attempts to control her breathing. 
“These are for you” Johnny says, handing her a bundle of letters, each of them addressed to her. There is a small box on the top of the pile. 
Her vision blurs at the sight of his handwriting. Her body becomes weak as two words loop in her mind. Her body falls to the floor as the voices of the three men fade away. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. The man she loved with every fiber of her being. Her Simon. Simon who nearly killed the person who disrespected her. Simon who held her when her sister died. Simon who saved her life. Simon, who built her a bookshelf, redid her entire deck and porch. Never again would he give her one of his bear hugs. She wouldn’t hear his beautiful laugh, or watch the way he separated his food to keep it from touching. No more early morning cuddles, kisses, silly arguments. How would she live without him? What she wouldn’t have given to hear his deep voice in that moment, telling her that it was going to be okay. He couldn't. He was gone. 
She was inconsolable, her heart wrenching sobs echoed through the house. Bringing tears to the eyes of the soldiers surrounding her. Johnny was at her side, holding her shaking body, trying his best to bring her even the smallest bit of comfort. He felt sick to his stomach watching her writhe in pain. 
John had called her parents and the trio waitied with her until they arrived. As soon as John opened the door, they recognized him from the day he brought the news about Emma. Her mother gasps and hurries into the house, seeing her daughter crumpled on the ground, agonizing sobs erupting from her lungs. She drops beside her and rubs her back. Her father shakes Johns hand and walks the soldiers to the door. John pulls him outside and informs him the the truth. 
“Sir, we need you to understand that the work we do is classified, in the eyes of the Government we do not exist unless we’re needed. With a job like this, comes sacrifices we have to make to protect the people we love”
“I’m not following? What sacrifices?” her father says, crossing his arms 
“If one of the people we’re investigating finds any bit of information about out lives or our loved ones then they’d be in danger”
“Are you telling me that my family isn’t safe?” 
“Officially I can’t tell you anything, but you need to know that we’re taking care of the situation, you’re family will be under 24/7 surveillance. You won’t even know they’re around” 
“Is it true then? Is Simon really gone? Man to man, is he gone?” her father asks, staring at Price. 
“For now” he responds “it’s imperative that y/n believes this”
“You’re asking me to lie to my daughter? Do you hear her in there? How can I-”
“Sacrifices, we all have to make them in order to keep our family safe. That’s all we’re doing here” Price shakes his hand and walks down the steps “take care of her, we’ll be checking in”
After hours of tossing and turning, crying until her lungs and throat burned she finally decides to get out of the warmth of her bed. A place she used to feel the most comfortable, now was empty. She rubs her hands over her face as her headache grows more intense, the lack of sleep already affecting her. Having woken up multiple times from nightmares, she willed herself to stay awake, to protect her fragile heart from the horror of her dreams. Everyday for the past week she’d been reminding herself that dreams are simply just a reflection of the mind, a way for her worries and fears to be shown. It wasn’t real. He wasn’t gone. This couldn’t be true. Simon wouldn't leave her. 
She moves into the bathroom and stares at herself in the mirror, she looks exhausted. The weight of Simon’s absence is evident on her face. Her face was puffy and her hair was tangled. A mixture of tears, saliva, and mucus coated her face. She wipes it off and sighs. Her lips trembling once more as her eyes fill with tears. She grips onto her hair as she tries to breath through her fourth panic attack in 24 hours. Memories of his hands running through her hair flash through her mind. A wave of nausea runs through her and she stares at it in disgust. He always loved her hair, he’d play with it absentmindedly. She was angry. How as she supposed to live with the hair he would kiss every morning, the hair he gripped when he kissed her passionately. She notices the scissors on the counter and grabs them, without hesitation she begins to cut strips of her hair off. She watches as her gorgeous strands fall, some in the sink, others landing on the ground. She sobs as she ruins her hair, unable to stop herself. After several minutes, she drops the scissors and stares at herself, the jagged strands unbalanced. She rushes to the toilet in a split second and empties her stomach violently. 
The sound causes her mother to rush into her room, she bursts through the door and spots her daughter laying against the toilet surrounded by her precious locks. “Oh honey”
please forgive me for this! omg I made myself cry. below is the link to when they reunite, I posted this a few months ago. If you wanna read that now, you are more than welcome I'll link it below, however there will be a few filler chapters in-between that I'll be posting!!!
You’re alive? (middle of MW3)
love you all <3
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s-4pphics · 1 year
scent of the pine. 5 (e.w)
*takes off grad cap* alright . here we go. 
wc;cw: 17.1k everybody died, sistersbestfriend!ellie, guitarist/producer!ellie, violinist!oc, age gap(three years), all ocs r blackcoded, SMUT!! MDNI!!!, phone sex, masturbation, mean ellie, weed alcohol nics yall know wassup, dubcon, virginity loss, masochism LOL, light bondage, dirty talk, ASSSPLAAAYYY😝, dp, mult. orgasms, subspace and drop, squirting, slapping(face ass tits pussy lol), toys, slight angst but also fluff, just lots of spit n cum
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You’ve been very gloomy these past couple of months. 
You hadn’t stopped thinking about Ellie since you left her home that morning, up until you and Arya jumped on the train to return to campus. 
You’d never be able to express to Arya how much you appreciated her presence: she allowed you to cry, whine, pout, and sniffle about how much you missed Ellie, and she comforted you through all of it with gentle whispers of you’re gonna be fine, bitch! you’re gonna get piped down soon! I promise! Although you felt a bit selfish dumping your girl problems on her, she never made you feel guilty and justified that you always listened to her ramble about her hook-ups and high rambles. The only time she’d ever complained about anything related to your sorrowful monologues about missing Ellie’s laugh and smile and tongue was when you two had to work on your Music & Production Theory assignment (I’m gonna kill you if we fail and you’ll die dickless! Don’t play with me!). 
…But other than that, she’s been so sweet!
Ellie has also been keeping in touch ever since you left. She sent you snaps of Duchess zooming around the house, her meals for the day, and three-second voice memos of her new project she was working on. You knew that she’d been flying back and forth to California and had a packed schedule with her producer friends whenever she was there, but your heart couldn’t help but turn gray when you wouldn’t hear from her for a few days. 
Now it's March, and you and Arya are sitting on the floor as you glared searing holes into your phone. Ellie sent you a text when you were in class earlier saying that she missed your voice and was going to call you the second she had the opportunity. And you weren’t going to miss it. Ellie was worth wasting your Saturday night on! 
“I’m not gonna lie girl,” Arya's voice cut through your intense phone-staring. “I’ve definitely had my dickmatized moments but you’re kinda crazy.” 
You looked up at Arya as she carefully packed her blunt to get ready for her smoke sesh with her friends, concerned look on her face. It made you frown. 
“What, why? What’d I do?” You asked with your brows pulled down. 
And before you could hear her answer, you got a notification. You nearly snapped your wrists at the speed your hands flew to grab your phone to see if it was Ellie, your eyes bulging at your screen, only to see that your sister snapped you. You sighed in slight disappointment before opening it. 
You ignored Arya’s snickering. 
Your sister sent you a picture of her with hairspray and a lighter in her hand with a caption IM MOVING TF OUT I CANT TAKE THIS SHIT NO MORE BUGS R EVERYWHERE WHAT IN THE FUCK.
You couldn’t hold in your laugh as you snapped her back before Arya stood and went to the bathroom with a change of clothes in hand. 
You heard the shower turn on as you got up and onto your bed to mindlessly scroll through Twitter. 
After ten minutes of scrolling through a Best Euphoria Character breakdown thread, you got a text from Ellie, and you nearly squealed in excitement. 
hiiii im sorry i havent been able to b on my phone like that :( been super busy with this sample
i just wanted 2 let u know that i might have 2 call u another time we still have a bunch of layering to do for this track n we’re on a timer. i miss u so fucking bad 
You couldn’t ignore the sadness in your chest, but you texted back understandingly anyway. 
it’s ok :( i miss u too. miss ur voice :( 
Her reply bubble immediately popped up. 
i know baby fuckkkk i miss ur voice so fucking bad im ab to start asking 4 daily voice memos 🤨
You smiled at your screen so wide. 
LOOOOOOOL ur annoying 
You typed and sent a follow up before she could. 
go back 2 work 🥰🥰
kiss :( 
mwah mwah mwah
You put your phone on your chest, and you couldn’t stop the smile that grew on your face. She made you so, so happy. 
The bathroom door opened, steam from the warm water exiting the room along with a towel-clad Arya. 
“What you cheesin’ so hard for, girl?” She said as she grabbed her edge control off her desk. 
“Nothin’,” you said with a dreamy sigh as you stared off past her. 
“…Uh huh, I’m heading out soon, I’ll be back late tonight, so don’t wait up.” She said with a smirk. 
“Don’t forget to send me your location,” you reminded her. 
She let out a quick course, baby before she went back into the bathroom. 
You went back to scrolling through Twitter until your eyelids got heavy. A comfortably dressed Arya—she’s definitely getting some— kissed your forehead and dimmed your dorm lights before she left, and you dozed off. 
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You jolted awake as Rotation blasted in your ears. You drowsily picked your phone up and saw a el:3🌲 and 2:34AM across your home screen. 
You perked up immediately to answer, sitting up so fast that you went lightheaded for a second. 
“Hi, you,” Ellie’s light voice rang through the phone. “Were you sleep? M’sorry, we can talk la— “
“No! No, I’m up, I was just napping, hi,” you said as you grinned softly at her laugh, laying on your back. “You’re up late. Did you guys finish?” 
“No, but we were exhausted, so we called off for the night. And one of my partners kept rambling about this girl he needed to call, so,” Her voice was already making you squirm. Thank god she couldn’t see you. “But I wanted to talk to you, couldn’t help myself.” 
“Oh my god, you’re so obsessed, damn,” you said with a giggle. 
“Fuuuuck yeah, sooo obsessed, need to drink your bath water, shit, I think I’m dying!” she said in an overly desperate, dried out tone, making you laugh harder. 
Both of your laughs calmed down before she started talking, “I’ve been meaning to ask you something.” 
“Umm…” She sounded a bit nervous, and it instantly made you antsy. “I know you’re not gonna be back for a couple weeks or whatever, but I just… like I was gonna ask if you wanted to do something, like just the two of us…” 
And a sly grin grew on your face. “Ellie… are you asking me out, right now?” 
The other line was silent as you heard her move around and sigh before she spoke. “…This was literally the worst way to ask a girl out, fuck, m’sorry— “
You cut through her jittery rambles. “Ellie, stop apologizing! That’s so cute! Of course, I’ll go out with you!” 
You heard her release a deep breath as she said, “Fuck, thank god, holy shit, I was so nervous. It’s been so long since I’ve done that. Almost shoved my vape down my throat.” 
You laughed as your heart beat quickened. “You really gonna wine and dine me when I come home? We’re that serious?” 
“Ohhh, we're that serious, you're eating nothing but lobster and pasta when I see you, swear to god.” 
You snorted at her, “Okay, sugar daddy, get me a new car while you're at it. With insurance.” 
“Anything you want, baby.” She said with a sleazy laugh. 
You hummed at her offer in attempts to mask the pounding of your heart, but she mocked you, humming back at you in a higher tone. 
“Shut up! I’m just thinking!” 
“Oh, yeah? About what?” 
You suddenly felt shy as her voice lowered. It was so much deeper. “Just… just you, I guess, I dunno, miss you.” 
You heard her shuffle again before she asked softly, a smirk evident in her tone, “You miss me?”
You let out a quiet, but eager mhm! as your tummy swirled with want. 
You listened to her gentle breathing before she asked, “Your roomie home?” 
And your heartbeat picked up, your eyes fluttering as your blinking slowed. 
“N-no, she’s gone.” 
“Then lay down for me, baby.” 
You instantly fell on your back, your scarfed head hitting your silk pillows. Your face was boiling hot, “I am.” 
“You sound nervous, you good?” she asked you gently. 
“M’great, just… yeah, I’m okay, want you to keep talking.” 
“Stop me whenever, you understand?” Her tone was much more serious, and it made your thighs clench, your boyshorts growing wetter. 
You whined out a uhhuh!, but she corrected you immediately, “Say you understand.” 
“I understand! I get it, El!” Fuck, you wished she were here to touch you. To scold you in person. 
You heard giggling and more shuffling around through the speaker, “You gotta shirt on?” 
She chuckled lightly, “Take it off, take off everything while you're at it.” 
Your heartbeat spiked, “But Arya might come back.” 
“That’s why you have a blanket, honey.” 
You quickly set your phone on your pillow, reaching for the hem of your shirt, lifting it up to pull it over your head, tossing it to the floor. You arched your ass up to pull your boyshorts off and kicked them to the foot of your bed. You reached for your phone again. 
“Okay, m’ready now.” 
“Such a cutie,” she cooed at you. You could hear the grin through her words. “Gonna make you cum so hard the second I get my hands on you.” 
You whimpered into the speaker as your walls squeezed. Fuck, fuckfuck. 
“You make me go fuckin’ crazy, can’t stop thinking about you.” 
“M-me, too.” 
“Yeah? What d’you think about?” 
Say it! your brain yelled at you. She already knows you’re a slut, just say what you want! 
“Talk to me, baby, about anything you want.” 
You gulped, heart pounding in your ears, “Your… your hands? They’re… really nice.” 
“Yeah? What about ‘em is nice?” 
“Like when they touch you all over, when they hold you down?” 
“Yes,” you barely whispered as your free hand traveled down your body. Not touching anywhere specifically, just roaming. 
“Know you do, they get you so fuckin’ hot,” She breathed through the line. “Wanna touch yourself?” 
“Yeah, w’na so bad.” 
“Say please.” 
“Ellieee— “ 
She cut off your embarrassed whines with a nastily casual tone, “I'll hang up right now. Ask nicely.” 
You balled your traveling hand up in a fist as you pleaded with an upset pout, “Please, Ellie.” 
“Please what.” 
“… Please help me?” 
“C’mon Ellie! Please make me cum! I wanna cum!” 
Her condescending laugh pierced through your ears, “Touch those pretty fuckin’ tits since I didn’t get to before you left.” 
You moaned out as your pointer finger and thumb rolled your stiffened nipple as you squirmed. 
“They’re so fucking sensitive, got my sheets so wet when I played with ‘em. Wan’em in my mouth again, shit.” 
You pulled at your other nipple, and you let out a moan into the speaker. 
“You’re so fucking beautiful, miss you so fucking bad.” 
“Miss you so much, Ellie, can’t wait t’see you.” You cried out quietly. Your pussy was clenching with need. 
“Touch your pussy, babygirl, rub your clit. Get it nice and wet f’me.” 
You followed her instructions at a lightning speed, spreading your legs wider and reaching your hand all the way down to bring your slick to your clit. Your breathing picked up as you slowly rubbed it into your bud, hips jerking. 
“Tell me how wet it is,” you could hear how shaky her voice was getting, breathing labored. She was touching herself to you touching yourself, and it was making you wetter. It made you burn. It made you want to get her there. 
“M’really wet, El,” you mewled out to her, trying to ignore your bashfulness. 
“Yeah? S’dripping on your bed like it did on mine?” 
“Shit, yes, I feel it.” 
“Fuuuck, bet it’s so fucking tight, gonna break that pretty pussy in so good.” 
“Want you to. Want you inside me s’bad, please.” 
“Gonna give you whatever you want, promise, shit.”
You felt that feeling coming over you before you could think, “Think m’gonna cum, baby—“
“Already? Always cum so fucking quick—“
“I-I just miss you!” 
“Then cum for me, love.” 
“G’na, daddy!” You heard her groan at the name. 
“Fuuuuck!” You heard the wet sounds from her pussy over her groans and whines of your name, and that swelling feeling in your gut exploded.
All you could get out was a garbled cumming! as your thighs shook in your pleasure, your fingers quickly rubbing your clit as your hips bucked towards the friction. It felt so much better because you knew she was listening. 
“Don’t fucking stop, you’re gonna cum again.” She scolded when your fingers slowed and your breathing slowed.
“You wanted to cum so bad, right? Then fucking cum, fuck that pussy,” she must’ve been close: her breathing was heavier and shaky, the wet sounds from her side increasing. 
You put your phone on speaker and set it on your pillow, propping yourself up on your elbow so you could fuck yourself easier. You’ve never successfully made yourself cum like this, but you slid your middle finger in experimentally anyway. You released a light gasp at the stretch. You were so soft and slippery on the inside, your clit twitching as you wiggled around in search for that spot that Ellie found so easily. 
“D-Do me a favor?” she gasped out to you. 
“U-Uh huh?” 
She let out a breathy laugh, “Put your pussy on the phone so I can nut?” 
You laughed with her, shaking your head as you grabbed it with your free hand. You placed it between your legs, thrusting your finger in and out, “Can you hear it?” 
“Yeah, babe, fuck.” 
You let out a moan with her, slowly fucking yourself and bringing your other hand over to rub your clit, hips jolting at the sensitivity. You both were moaning each other's name as you chased your pleasure in unison. You let out a loud moan when you prodded that squishy spot that made you black out the last time you saw Ellie. You hit it as hard as you could, pussy squelching around your fingers and belly swirling. 
“Gonna make me cum, shit, sounds so fucking hot,” she whined out in between heavy pants. 
“Cum with me, El? Please?” You rubbed your clit faster.
“Gonnagonna, fuck, m’so close—!”
You let out a shout of her name as it hit you, your fingers trapped between the tight grip of your walls. You rubbed your clit as you grinded into your pussy, your head falling back as your hips rocked back and forth to ride it out. You tried to quiet your wails as Ellie came with you, letting out obscenities while she talked you through it. You could hear how fast her fingers were moving and it made another wave wash over you, your cunt giving one last bone-crushing squeeze as its twitching calmed. 
You pulled your drenched fingers out and slowly rubbed your clit as you came down, listening to Ellie’s quieting gasps of pleasure. You reached to grab a couple tissues from your work desk, wiping your fingers and pussy before grabbing your phone to set on your pillow. You heard her shuffle before she spoke. 
“You okay, babe?”
“Yeah… wish you were here,” you answered with a pout. 
“I know, a couple more weeks’n I’m all yours.” 
“S’all I’m thinking about,” you said gently. “Go get some rest.” 
“Don’t want you to gooooo,” you heard her pouting. It made your heart skip. “Stay on the phone with me?
“Don’t you have to get up early tomorrow?” 
“Right. You had a long day, go to bed.” Even though the sound of her breathing would lull you to sleep faster, you could only imagine how drained she must’ve been. 
“Fine,” you heard her sigh in resignation. 
“Sleep well,” you cheesed widely. 
“I’ll try, promise. Mmmmwaaah!” she sent a goofy kiss through the speaker. You sent one back. 
“Night, El.” 
“Night, baby.” 
You hung up your line, throwing your phone on your pillow as you sat up to go to the bathroom. 
You missed her scent so much. 
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Your sister was very in love. And lonely. 
It’s been almost three weeks since she’s seen Isaiah. 
She was typically good at keeping her sneaky links on the low, only calling them to fulfill her needs in the middle of the night, buy her drinks, smoke her the fuck out whenever she wanted, but she never expected to miss one of them or wait for their calls. Fuck time zones!
When Isaiah and your sister first started hooking up, it started off normal. Quick, but nastily satisfying fucks in hotel rooms (that he paid for, city girl shit), smashing in his rental car before his studio session, in her car before she went to work; it was strictly sexual for months, and she was fine with him constantly flying back and forth! 
Until he returned from California with a new strain that he said reminded him of her. She damn near bought a ring to propose to him herself. He smoked her out, she had one of the best highs of her life, and he gave her the craziest head on her couch, how could she not want him?! 
And now he’s gone, making beats in California again as she sat and thought about his voice. His scent.
Why did California always keep the most important people away from her?! 
Thinking about that city always gives her a headache. She ignited the packed bowl of her pipe, staring holes into the black screen of her phone as she waited for his call. 
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You were editing another compilation of you playing all four seasons of Vivaldi as Arya snored on your shoulder. Your subs were going to eat this one up! 
The train Wi-Fi was kicking your ass and was this close to fucking up your render, but you were managing. 
You stretched your wrists, and you leaned back from your small tray table, resting against your head against the rest and grabbing your phone. 
You got a text from Ellie! 
hiiiii baby can’t wait 2 c u 
got smth cute planned :)
You didn’t notice the smile that spread on your face as you typed. 
so excited :( wanna smell u so bad 
You were about to set your phone down, but a text bubble popped up. 
yeah? wna smell u too 
gonna shove my nose in that pussy and inhale 😛
Your entire body flushed hot as you shook your head. 
kissie b4 i go? :(
You set your phone down as you cheesed dumbly. 
You wished this train would hurry the fuck up! 
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Your mom had come to pick you and Arya up from the station with slices of her freshly baked pineapple upside-down cake, kisses, and strong hugs. You never got used to being away from her months at a time; You'd missed her warm embrace so much. 
You had a couple of days to yourself before you and Ellie's first date and… just thinking about it made your heart beat faster. 
She’d texted you when you got home, telling you to dress up in something fancy. Would she buy you a fancy dinner? Take you to an art gallery? A night on the town in the city? The possibilities were endless with her! 
Arya had been telling you that you needed to buy some… things for when the two of you get “freak nasty”, so she offered to drive you to the mall (no more fruit panties, you're an adult now!, she’d scolded you). While you were excited for what happened after your date, you didn’t want it to be narrowed down to that; You loved spending time with Ellie. You just got her back in your life, and you wanted to appreciate every moment that you could get with her when she wasn't working. You felt so happy when she was around. 
… But of course, Arya wasn’t hearing that. 
“Girl, you can save all that sappy shit for the wedding, do you want crotchless panties under your—“ She paused her waving of the… very exposed pair of pink underwear as she remembered something. “Oh fuck, you don’t have a dress!” 
“…I was thinking about just wearing my prom dr— “
“Don’t even finish that fuckin’ sentence, are you serious?! Your prom dress? On your first date? You needa be slapped for that!” She said, irritated as she glared at you. You glared back at her attitude, now just as annoyed. 
“What do you expect me to do?! I’m not… I’m not like you guys, okay? This typa shit is easy for y’all. You know how hard it is for me to… do things like this. Why do you think I’ve been single this whole time?!” You said with a hurt frown. 
You knew she never meant any harm whenever she scolded you about your romantic situations, —or lack thereof—but that didn’t mean it hurt your feelings any less. You’re just starting to come into yourself and your appearance, and you need her, and everyone else, to be patient with you. 
Arya must’ve sensed the pain and discomfort in your voice because her glare slowly fell, a gentle replacement immediately overtaking her expression. She set the panties back down onto the display table and grabbed your shoulders. 
“M’sorry babe, okay?” She said softly, and you nodded as you looked off into the distance in rigid forgiveness; You knew she didn’t like that. “Look at me.” 
Your eyes slowly met hers before she quietly spoke. “I’m sorry, I want the best for you, that’s all.” 
She continued as your eyes watered. Just a little glisten! “You’re such a beautiful person—inside’n out and I want you to feel that way, even more so now because of that dick-slangin’ girlfriend of yours!” 
“You’re annoying,” you joked as you laughed quietly, making her smile. 
“It’s true! You’re my baby’n I love you.” 
“Love you,” you mumbled into her shoulder as she pulled you into a tight hug, pressing a light kiss to the side of your head before pulling back. 
She spun around and pointed towards the 30% off on all thongs! sign at the front of the store. 
“Can you buy one, at least?” she said in half-joking exasperation, pout on her face. 
“…Sure,” You relented with a sigh. “I might not wear it for the date, though!” 
“That’s fine, mama! Just wanna make sure you got one for safe keeping!” She said slyly as she stuck her tongue out. 
You shook your head as you made your way over to the rack, eyeing the pine green thong on the mannequin. 
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Two days passed and you were getting ready for your first date! You couldn’t believe it! 
After Arya drove the two of you to the airport to pick up Kris and Starr, they’d spent the night at your place so they could see you off before Ellie came to pick you up. 
Starr helped you wax your eyebrows and legs: she offered to wax your cooch, but you were scared and a little embarrassed at the thought of your friends seeing you so… exposed. You knew your friends didn’t care about seeing you naked, but you were still a bit sheltered with them. I’ll stick to my razor! you'd said. 
Kris was pressing your hair while Arya helped you glue your lashes on as you frantically checked the time with a bouncy knee. 6:33… 6:34… 6:36!
Even though Ellie said that your reservation was at seven-thirty, you still needed to get dressed, had to count for the drive, potential stops for gas… and what if there was an accident on the road and it made you both late… oh, god what if you both caused the accident—!
“Bro, can you calm the hell down— “ 
“Y’know, I’m getting really sick of y’all asking the girl with anxiety to calm down—!”
“Stop moving and hold your ear down!” 
You thanked god your mom was out on a wine night; She didn’t need her night ruined with you and your friends bickering. 
You grabbed your ear in a tight downward pinch with a harsh sigh, moving it so Kris could straighten your baby hairs. Even with all this frantic movement from everyone in the room, they made it clear that they didn’t want you to see your final look until the very end, blocking all mirrors available with their bodies. 
After fifteen minutes of… pure chaos, your hair laid flat, and your face was beat. You pressed kisses all over your friends’ faces with breathy iloveyouthankyou’s before grabbing your dress and undergarments to sprint to your bathroom, making sure not to look at yourself even though you desperately wanted to. 
You shut the door with a deep and heavy exhale. You looked at your dress with pounding in your ears: it was a floor length, black velvet maxi dress with lace detailed sleeves. It accentuated your bust so a little cleavage was showing (I, personally, would have my nipples out, but this is cute, too! you recalled Arya saying in the dressing room); It was so… classy. You felt like an adult when you tried it on. You hope Ellie likes it. 
You shook off your insecurities before they could terrorize you and removed your tee, underwear, and sweatpants. You put your pine green, lacy strapless bra on with the thong to match, adjusting it so… your pussy could fucking breathe how do people wear this shit everywhere they go! 
You grabbed your dress and stepped into it, carefully pulling it up and over your shoulders. You straightened it out with your hand, making sure no wrinkles were in it before you took a breath, opened the door, and walked out to your bedroom.
Starr was the first one you made eye-contact with and she damn near fell out of your desk chair and onto the floor. Your eyes widened as the other two turned with excited gasps and shrieks. 
“You’re so fucking fine, holy shit—!”
“If it don’t work out with ol’ girl, you know where to find me—!”
You shook your head at them before dropping your gaze to your floor so that they couldn’t see your small smile, your face flushed, “Okay, okay, can I look now?” 
“Yeah baby, turn around!” Kris said excitedly as she grabbed your shoulders with an encouraging squeeze. 
You spun around and was immediately met with someone who… did not look like you. At all. Even your brain was too stunned to speak. What the fuck? 
The girls' excited expressions slowly dropped when they witnessed your shocked reaction, but you weren’t upset at all. Just… surprised. In a good way. 
“What’s the matter, honey?” Kris asked you gently from behind with concerned eyes, meeting yours in the mirror. 
“…I’m just really— “ 
You jumped towards your phone on your dresser, nearly knocking your lamp off it. You answered immediately when you saw who it was. 
“Hiiiii, m’downstairs!” Ellie said giddily, and your spirit brightened. You smiled widely, and the girls followed. 
“I’m coming down right now, just needa put my shoes on!” 
“Ok, is it fine if I come in for a sec or?” 
“Yeah, it’s fine. The girls wanna meet you!” And they nodded eagerly in agreement. 
“… Fuck, now I’m scared.” 
“Don’t be! They’re so sweet, c’mon.” 
“K, gimme a sec, mmmmmwah!” she said goofily, you sending one back just as dopily before you ended the call. 
“Y’all gay as shit,” Starr said with a headshake, making the other girls snicker and jump in excitement. 
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You, heels in hand, and your friends nearly jumped down the staircase to rip the front door off the hinges. 
The minute your eyes connected with Ellie’s, you had to stop yourself from dropping to your knees and doing something crazy. Fuck.
She was dressed in an all-black suit with a… fucking turtleneck underneath her jacket. Her sleeves were rolled up so her forearm tattoo was exposed. She had…Cuban links around her neck and wrists. Her hair was cut into a mullet—when the fuck did that happen, holy shit?!— and the two slits in her brow were more prominent. You noticed one of her hands was behind her back, but you couldn’t even bring yourself to care about what she was hiding. You were, by all means, ready to fuck right now. You nearly said fuck the date. 
And by the darkening of her eyes as she took you in from head to toe, you could tell she was ready, too. 
“…Hey,” she said to all of you, but she kept eye contact with you. You stared back. 
“Hi! Nice to finally meet you, I’m Arya,” your best friend interrupted as she stuck her hand out towards your date. Her eyes left yours to politely greet your friends with cute smiles and handshakes. 
And then she turned to you, bringing her hidden arm around to hand you a burgundy sunflower wrapped in gold and pink ribbons and plastic. Evening sun! 
She stepped inside and into your space—she always smelled so fucking good! — as you took it from her hand with a gentle thank you. Her cheeks were so red as she whispered back of course before planting a soft kiss to your lips. You heard your friends squeal quietly. Neither of you cared, sucked into your own little universe. 
“Ready?” she whispered. You nodded excitedly with a toothy grin, stepping into your heels. She smiled back before taking your hand in hers. 
“Oh fuck, wait a second!” Kris said loudly before running upstairs. You looked at your two friends, confused. Starr smirked as Arya shrugged. 
Kris came running back down the stairs with a small backpack in her hand, giving it to you. 
“Packed you some… things. Might not see you for a few days,” she said slyly as she winked, causing Starr to snicker. What the hell was in this bag? 
“Be careful with our little baby, now! She’s fragile!” Starr called out. 
“Will do, don’t worry,” Ellie replied with a light laugh before turning to you to whisper, “C’mon, baby.” 
“Don’t forget to lock the door before you guys head out, keys under the mat,” you turned to say to your friends as you slowly walked out. “I love y’all!” 
Shouts of love you! and be safe! rung through your ears before you gently shut the door. Your back was immediately pressed up against it before you could think, Ellie craning her neck to connect your lips in a hot kiss. Your knees went weak. 
She pulled away before you could protest, looking you up and down, “Had to do that, fuck, you look gorgeous.” Your cheeks were so hot as you mumbled a quiet you, too!
“Think I’m gorgeous?” She hummed out with a small smile. You saw her cheeks shine a darker shade of pink.
You nodded with an mhm!, wrapping your arms around her neck to pull her in for another kiss. She grabbed your forearms and moved back with a shake of her head.
“Okay. No more bullshit, we’re classy tonight!” She said with a clap of her hands. 
“Just one more,” you shook your head with a pout as you attempted to move her closer. 
You shut your eyes when you saw her face move closer to yours before you heard her whisper a no against your lips. 
“C’mon, we’re gonna be late,” She said with a foxy grin. She took your hand in hers to lead you to her… sleek ass car, fucking shit! 
The heartbeat in your ears nearly deafened you. 
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The restaurant was… impeccable. You thought Cheesecake Factory was fancy; They were nothing compared to this spot. It was dimly lit, crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, tables draped in a black cloth, marble plates, candles, bottles of champagne… This is wealth!
Ellie hadn’t let your hand go the entire car ride, all the way up until you reached the front desk to confirm your reservation. You both were led to an exclusive spot on the second-floor outdoor balcony so that the two of you were alone. You teared up at the sight in front of you.
Your small section was filled with lit lanterns, the decorative trees around your table wrapped in fairy lights, and your table was surrounded with rose petals. There was even a small flowerpot with an evening sun sticking out of it. The gesture was so simple, but your eyes watered with gratitude. You couldn’t believe she organized this for you.
“Like it?” She sounded so nervous next to you. You turned to face her and nodded with a sniffle.
“Such a crybaby, jesus,” she mumbled with a shaky laugh, reaching towards a napkin on the table to hand to you. You dabbed your eyes, minding your liner.
“This is so sweet, Ellie, oh my god,” you watched her expression fill with affection and doting before she pulled you in to kiss your forehead as she led you over to the table.
She grabbed the back of your chair to pull it out for you with an over-exaggerated call of m’lady!, ushering you to sit down. You laughed wetly before you sat with a thank you!
“I wasn’t joking when I said you can get whatever you want,” She stated as she circled the small table to get to her seat. “I’ll buy this place out if you ask, don’t give a fuck.” 
“Ellie, this is prettiest place I’ve ever fucking been in, oh my god!” You said as you glanced around the room. 
“Ehhh, it’s alright,” she said with a cocky smirk, shrugging as she shook her jacket off her shoulders. You tried not to look at her toned arms too closely as you rolled your eyes. “Want some wine?” 
“Is… is that allowed?” 
“… It is tonight, shit— “
A man dressed in a black shirt, slacks, and apron cut her off with an introduction as your server, bowing his head in greeting. You noticed how he kept returning his gaze to you as he described the specials, but you paid it no extra mind.
After Ellie asked for the most expensive wine, the server departed with a stiff nod in her direction. You noticed her intense gaze as she watched him leave. 
“You okay?” you asked gently. She silently shook her head yes before reaching out to you to grab your hand, playing with your fingers. 
Hm. That was weird. 
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Dinner was fucking incredible. Shrimps should’ve never been called the “roaches of the sea”, they tasted too good! 
You were two glasses of wine in, —nursing your third—and you were starting to feel warm and fuzzy, a smile permanently painted on your face as Ellie went on about astrology; You didn’t know what the fuck a mercury retrograde was, but you supported anything that kept that impassioned look in her eyes! She looked so excited! 
“—that fucker thought that because I’m a fucking Libra I wasn’t gonna say anything. Like, I literally have an Aquarius rising, you cunt! I’ll fuckin’ run you ov— “
“How’s everything?” 
You looked to your side and made eye contact with your server, you sipped from your glass as you eagerly nodded, “Oh my god, it was fucking incredible. Who knew shrimps could be that goddamn huge! Are we allowed to say bad words in here?!” 
He laughed while nodding, “Yes ma’am, you’re allowed to do whatever you want in here. Would you like any dessert with the rest of your wine?” 
“Yes, please!” You got giddy at the mention of sweets, “I saw this chocolate molten lava cake lookin’ thing on the menu, but there was no ice cream on top. Can y’all… à la mode it?” 
“Course we can, the Chocolate Fondant with ice cream!” He said as he pulled out his notepad from his apron pocket, scribbling before turning to Ellie. You noticed how tense she looked: she was sitting back in her chair with her legs crossed, her finger tapping on the arm rest, and her shoulders were stiff. You didn’t comment on it, but something was off. “And for you?” 
She didn’t answer, and her lack of response concerned you. You reached over to gently place your hand on top of her… clenched fist on the table, “El? You don’t have to get a whole one. You wanna share with me?” 
She hadn’t looked at you since he arrived, though: she continued to glare at the waiter, and when you turned to look at him, you saw him glare at her. What the hell? 
“We’re gonna get that to go, actually.” She demanded, her gaze sharp like knives. You recognized that tone of hers instantly. She was this close to swinging. Oh no. 
“I think that would be best. Cash or card?” He snarked. You whipped your head to glare at his tone. 
You felt the table shake as Ellie moved to stand. You jumped up and stood in front of her—almost breaking your damn ankle in these heels— before she could lunge at the waiter, letting out soft warnings of nononono as you blocked her off. This was an elitist establishment; you’re not trying to get arrested! The waiter scoffed and stomped off. 
You watched Ellie seethe in her chair as she pulled her wallet out of her slack pocket, throwing a stack of hundreds on the table before grabbing her jacket. She wrapped her hand around yours before pulling you towards the restaurant's staircase. 
She harshly pushed the doors of the restaurant open to lead you to the parking garage. You weren’t having it, though. 
“Ellie! Ellie, wait! What the hell just happened?” You asked, grabbing her wrist with your free hand to stop her pacing. 
“Doesn’t matter— “
“Yes, it does!” You said louder as you yanked your hand from hers. You grabbed her flushed face in your hands, but she wasn’t looking at you. She just continued to whisper obscenities under her breath. 
“Baby, look at me please, talk to me,” you said gently, rubbing her cheeks with your thumbs in an attempt to soothe her. 
She finally looked down at you, before looking around again, “Let’s get in the car first, c’mon.” 
You released her face from your grasp with a nod, letting her guide you. 
She let out a deep sigh when she shut her door. You leaned over to rub her knee comfortingly. 
She looked down at your hand as her expression softened, “M’sorry, I— “
You shook your head, “It’s okay, just, what was that? I’m so confused right now—” 
“Motherfucker wouldn’t stop glaring at me, pissed me the fuck off,” She said between grit teeth. “Kept lookin’ at you, the fuck was he smiling so hard for anyway—“
“A-at me?” 
“Yes, at you,” She said like it was obvious. Your brows furrowed in confusion. “The bastard almost broke his neck trying to show you the menu, ohhh of course I'll put ice cream on the chocolate fountain, sexy, I'll make sure the chocolate’s extra hot for you, like what the fuck— “
You couldn’t hold in your laughter at her exaggerated impressions, and you felt her relax as she scoffed a laugh out. You watched as she reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out her mint vape, pulling from it. She turned her head to blow the smoke away from your face. You leaned over the center console, grabbing the side of her face to turn towards you. You planted soft kisses to her cheek in between your chuckles as she shook her head, licking her chapped lips. 
“Dinner was really good,” you said in between kisses. 
She hummed before she sighed, “Sorry I ruined it, you didn’t even get your chocolate fountain.” 
You giggled, “Fondant, baby.” 
She grumbled out a whatever, making you laugh harder, “I had so much fun, El, love spending time with you.” 
She turned her face towards yours to whisper, “Me too babe. Missed you so much.” 
“You smell so fucking good,” you whispered against her mouth before you could think.
“Yeah?” You felt her smirk. 
You hummed in agreement before pressing your mouth to hers. She instantly reciprocated, turning her body so she could place a hand on the back of your neck to pull you closer. The kiss deepened, her tongue swiping against your bottom lip before she sucked on it. You let out a whine when her tongue licked into your mouth. Tongueringtongueringtongueri—
But then she pulled away. You followed her mouth with yours, making her smile. 
“Let’s go home.” 
You nodded so hard, you almost snapped your neck. 
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The minute you stepped foot into Ellie’s place, her mouth was on yours. 
Her strong hands were gripping your hips, your arms around her neck as you moaned in her mouth. 
You pulled away from her and turned the second you heard Duchess coming, her small, fluffy body descending the stairs. You pushed Ellie’s grabby, traveling hands away. 
“Baby! Oh my god! I missed you so much!” You squealed in excitement as you rushed over to her as quickly as your heeled feet would allow. She started purring and rubbing against your leg. You bent over to pet her little head as she nuzzled into your hand. 
“You really chose her over me, wow, okay,” Ellie called out from behind you as you heard the fridge open along with some clinking glass. 
Of course, Duchess’s demons took over as she whipped her head off into the distance, seemingly shocked by something, before sprinting back upstairs. There had to be a ghost or something in this bitch!
You shook your head before standing straight to turn towards the kitchen. You noticed Ellie shamelessly staring at your ass before she slowly dragged her eyes up connected with yours. And she just took a shot of pure vodka. No chaser. Fuck.
“You always talk about me staring, look at you!” 
“You’re lucky that’s all I did,” She said as she poured another shot for herself. “Was thiiis close to doing something outta pocket.” 
“Oh yeah? Like what?” you challenged. Yup, that wine was still kicking.
“Shoving my tongue in your ass,” she said casually with a shrug before leaning over the counter, taking sips from her shot glass. 
That familiar swirl in your gut quickly turned into a tornado. Your pussy clenched tight with want. Oh. Oh, wow. 
“Uh huh.” 
Do something! Say something sexy, you’re boring her! your brain shouted. 
“T-that guy was trash, huh?” you said with a sheepish laugh. 
“…Yup,” she said deeply as she watched you. Every breath you took, every nervous twitch of your body with that nasty little glint in her eyes. The one you recognized from New Year’s. You stepped out of your heels and took a stumbly step towards the counter. 
Confidence! Confidence, dammit! 
“Can I have some?” You said as you pointed towards the bottle of Absolut. 
She snorted a laugh before shrugging, “I dunno. Can you?” 
“Shut up, gimme some,” you said as you folded your arms over your chest. Her eyes dropped to your tits as she licked her lips; She wasn’t moving to get your drink, she just stared at your pushed up breasts. Your manicured nails dug into your lacy sleeve, but you stood your ground. “Right now.” 
She smirked at your tone before returning her gaze to yours, shaking her head no. She tilted her head condescendingly, lifting her brow at you. She was… fucking testing you! The goddamn nerve! 
“Pour me a shot!” 
“Or what?” Her tone was so low, so relaxed. You could feel yourself getting so wet.
“Or m’gonna…” Come up with something, what the fuck! “M’gonna…uh… fight you!” 
“…You’re gonna fight me?” She squinted her eyes at you, setting the small glass down on the counter before folding her hands. 
“…Yeah! Y’know what?! I’m actually mad, you ruined our first date because you thought some guy was staring at me!” There was a shakiness in your voice, but you waved your arms in anger as you started pacing, your bare feet stomping on the dark tile. Along with soft jingles. Duchess was back! “I’ve never been stared at by a stranger in my life!” 
Ellie wasn’t retaliating, but you noticed her jaw clenching. It made you clench, but you pressed anyway. 
“And you didn’t even get me my dessert! Maybe I wanted him to stare at me! Maybe I wanted the attention, for once! For fucking on—!” 
You hadn’t noticed Ellie circle the counter during your toothless rampage, but you felt a sharp tug of hair at the back of your head. Your neck forcibly craned up at her as you let out a wet gasp and pained whined, your fist clenching in your shock and… arousal. Your eyes met her dark, fiery ones, her lips slightly parted as her breath hit your face. You couldn’t stop fucking squirming, your thighs rubbing together to ease the sudden tightness of your core. 
“Don’t start acting like a fuckin’ brat,” She said lowly between grit teeth. “You’re cute, keep it that way.” 
Despite your eagerness for… her everything, you spat back, “S-Screw you, Ellie! You’re mean!” 
“Know I am. Seems like you don’t, though.” 
Your body involuntarily shuddered against her, and you mentally cursed yourself for being your biggest enemy! Your tough act faltered the second you put it on, and she smirked. “So fuckin’ easy, you wanna screw me, baby?”
You were easy. You were, you were, all for her! Fuck, you’d do anything she asked of you. You hadn’t even realized that your hands were slowly lifting your dress up on their own accord, bunching the fabric around your hips. She looked down and scoffed out a laugh, her grip in your hair tightening. You were moaning aloud already, what the fuck! 
“Givin’ it up like that? Like a filthy slut?” 
You nodded, your head filled with nothing but desire. Need. Instinct. You needed her to fuck you right now! 
“Get up those fucking stairs, gonna put the baby in the guest room.” You could hear her jingling on the couch. 
Her grip on you loosened as she backed away to walk towards Duchess with a soft hi, baby! missed you! 
That was a fast switch up! 
You turned towards the counter and downed the rest of Ellie’s discarded shot before you bolted up the steps. You never ran so fast in your life. 
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After Ellie took care of Duchess, you heard her tread up the stairs. You were sitting on the edge of her made bed with your hands folded in your lap and slick pooling your thong. She met your eyes from where she stood by the top of the steps.
“Look at you, already so well behaved,” she cooed at you. She sounded so demeaning, and you loved it. You were so embarrassed that you did. 
You didn’t reply but watched her slowly walk towards you. Your breathing picked up and your heart pounded in your ears and head and clit—
“You used to be so fuckin’ sweet,” she said down at you, her lustful eyes twinkling under the green and blue hues in her room. She shook her head at you. “You get some alcohol in you’n start acting out? That’s what you wanna do?” 
You slowly shook your head no, jutting your bottom lip out. 
“No, Ellie,” you could barely whisper. 
“Take this off,” she ordered abruptly, her pointer finger pulling at the bust of your dress. 
You stood at her command, pulling your arms out of your sleeves to pull the dress down your body. Was it always this tight?! 
After wrestling with your garb, it pooled at your feet. You stepped out of it clumsily as Ellie took in your appearance. You watched her rake her eyes over your body, chuckling softly at your undergarments. 
“These are cute,” she said as she snapped the band of your thong against your skin. It made you flinch… and wetter! “Give’em to me.” 
Your breath hitched, curling in on yourself slightly. 
She gently cut through your thoughts before you could gather them, “Don’t think about it, just do what I ask.” 
You hesitantly hooked your thumbs into your underwear and pulled them down on autopilot, cringing slightly at the large wet spot on the little triangle. You pressed your thighs together to help alleviate some tension. It didn’t help. 
“Get up there,” she nodded her head towards her bed frame. You sat on the bed to scoot up the mattress, but she stopped you, tightly gripping your ankle.
“Nuh uh, hands’n knees’ c’mon,” she scolded, “Wanna see that wet fuckin’ pussy.” 
You clumsily got up onto your knees, hands sinking into her pine-scented blankets. Your erratic breaths picked up as you nervously looked back at her over your shoulder. Her expression softened slightly, whispering okay, baby? and you nodded enthusiastically. You never would’ve thought that you would enjoy Ellie being mean to you, but it was making you drip. She smirked and her gaze dropped to stare at your wet cunt, and it squeezed in excitement. 
Be sexy! you thought. Make her want you! 
You deepened the arch in your back slightly before you slowly crawled up her bed like a cat until you were faced with her black, detailed bed frame. You boldly shoved your face into her pillows, —you sniffed them very deeply— making sure to keep your ass up as far as you could. 
“It’s like that?” You heard her scoff out. Your pussy twitched at her voice; You hoped she noticed.
You took a deep breath, “Is it?” 
“Fucking smartass. Show me your pussy.” 
Your body burned at her vulgarity; she had no shame! You whimpered before you reached your arms behind you to spread your asscheeks, both holes pulsing in excitement. 
You felt her move onto the bed before you heard the ripping of fabric. She grabbed both your wrists in one hand, knotting your soaking wet panties around them before dropping your bound hands onto your back. 
“ELL— “
You were going to scold her for ripping your new pair, but you were cut off by a stinging slap on your ass. You let out a pained groan in the pillow as your nails dug into your palms. Oh, you liked that. A lot. You wanted more. Fuck, you want her to hurt you. 
“Gotta beat it into you, huh? That’s the type of shit you like?” Ellie said in a nasty timbre. “The only way t’get you to behave?” 
You didn’t even get to lift your head to say yes! before another harsh slap landed on your other cheek and you let out a muffled squeal again. You knew your pussy was dripping onto her duvet in a puddle! 
“You’re lucky you’re only getting my fucking hand. Fuckin’ slut.” 
Why was the disgusting part of you wishing that she were using something more? Something that she could etch into your skin forever?
“E-Ell— “
“Be quiet.” 
You shut up. You shut up so quickly. 
“Fuuck, look at this fucking ass.” You felt her calloused hands massage both cheeks. She spread them, made them jiggle. Hit you again. 
“Gonna let me play with it, babygirl? Hm? Gonna let me touch you how I want to?” She cooed out at you. You knew she knew your answer, but you nodded your sweaty head into her pillow anyway. 
You felt her place a light kiss on the back of your thigh, right under your asscheek, before she got up. You heard a drawer slide open. Her… special drawer. Fuck, she was going to destroy you. 
You craned your neck as best as you could
to watch as she pulled out some items. She set them on the dresser before she undid her chains, bracelets, and earrings. She took her turtleneck and slacks off, leaving her with mussed hair and a black sports bra with matching boyshorts. Her back, her fucking back, holy fuck—
Your thoughts were halted by a thud near the edge of the bed: you couldn’t see anything that she chose, but you saw that familiar shade of purple in the middle of the small pile.
“You comfortable in that position?” She questioned you suddenly, her softness returning. 
“Umm… I like it, but my arms hurt a little, not gonna lie.” 
She tsked at you, “Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“M’sorry! I was really into the “don’t talk” thing— “
“If the don't talk thing makes you not tell me when you're uncomfortable, I’m not doing it. You gotta tell me when you feel off, I don’t care why or when it is,” She crawled up to you and undid the knot from your wrists before grabbing your hip to help move you onto your back. “Here, stretch out.” 
You laid your head on her pillow as you extended your arms and legs, sighing in relief before you rested, limbs spread out on the mattress, “M’okay now.” 
She hummed in acknowledgement, but she wasn’t looking at your face. She was staring at your wet cunt, and it made you squeeze hard. She licked her lips as more slick pooled at your hole before meeting your eyes. “I like you better like this actually.” 
You nodded as you offered her your wrists, signaling her to tie them again with a wide grin. 
She laughed at you before crawling up to pull at your bra wire, “Wait, take this off first.” 
“Want you to do it,” you sighed out dreamily.
She hummed at you, moving up to straddle your waist, “I meant it when I said this was cute, by the way.” 
“Exactly, was cute! You saw my panties for three seconds and ripped them to shreds,” you cackled out. 
“I was excited, felt a little frisky!” She laughed with you. 
You both slowed your giggles when she started rubbing them through the fabric, both hands massaging you through the cups. 
Your eyes fluttered when your nipples brushed up against the lace, your back arching into her touch. She slowly bent down to take one of them into her mouth, the bulb in her mouth circling the peak. You gasped sharply, arching deeper as your hand flew to the back of her head. You gently scratched her scalp with your nails, and she sucked on it. 
You jerked and your grip on her hair tightened, and she moaned around you. You moaned at the vibrations on your sensitive skin. 
You hadn’t noticed her hands snuck under you to undo the clasp of your bra as she pulled away from you, discarding the flimsy cloth and tossing it somewhere. 
“So much for a surprise,” you playfully rolled your eyes at her. Calloused fingers dug into your cheeks. Your smile dropped and your eyes fluttered as hers burned into yours.
“You’re not off the fuckin’ hook. Watch your mouth, you understand?” She said lowly, breath hitting your face. You nodded quickly.
“I understand,” you whimpered out. 
“Atta girl, you're learning,” she patronized with a satisfied grin, patting your cheek a couple times. You blushed harder. “Gimme those hands.” 
She sat up to reach for your destroyed panties, your wrists connected at the veins as she bound them together, much tighter than the first time. 
You rested your arms on the pillow behind you. She adjusted them so that your head was propped up and your neck was supported. You poked your chest out more as your tits jiggled with your movements. 
“I do anything you don’t like, you tell me.” She said in a hushed, but stern tone. 
“I will, El, promise.” 
“Okay,” she bent down to press a soft kiss to your mouth before moving off you and towards the pile of toys. 
She grabbed one of… what is that? 
It was a teal circle with a small hole at the top of it. Technology is so interesting—
“It’s clean, promise,” she must’ve noticed your furrowed brows and stare. You shook your head.
“S’not that, what… what is it?” 
“A vibrator, babe,” she said simply. 
“…Hm, never seen one like that before.” 
“I hadn’t either. It was a gift,” she snorted before she clicked a button on the top of it. A low vibration filled the room, “It feels good, though.” 
“What’s it feel like?” 
“It’s supposed to feel like you’re getting head… sorta,” She said in thought, “It kinda does, like a little bit… wanna see if you like it?” 
“Yeah, p-please?” 
“That’s cute.” 
She brought her free hand up to roll your nipples between her thumb and pointer finger, making you whine out and squirm and arch your back. Your eyes fluttered closed.
You felt the gentle vibrations on your inner thigh before they slowly trailed up with every twist and pinch Ellie gave your nipples. Your hips started bucking up before she brought her hand down to slap your pussy. You let out a loud moan as your eyes shot open to meet her dark ones.
“Stop moving.” 
“C-can't help it,” you said with pout. 
“Yeah, you can.” 
You let out a huff, and she gave your cunt another wet slap, much harder. You squealed loudly as your legs squeezed shut.  
“Don’t get a fuckin’ attitude.” 
You whimpered a sloppy slew of apologies, but you knew she wasn’t hearing it as she pried your legs apart with one strong hand to slap it one more time before slowly rubbing your clit. Your hips jerked, but you forced them not to lift.
“You get so fuckin’ wet,” she whispered in awe, the sticky noises of your pussy filling the room as she played with it. “Hear that? Shit.”
“Missed you s-so much— “ 
“Know you did.” 
You moaned her name, and she mockingly moaned yours back. It made you leak more. 
You felt her spread your lips open so she could watch your clit throb and jerk in need. You looked down and saw her eyes glued to your cunt, her freckled cheeks tinted red and her wet, pink lips parted. She looked up at you, smirking when she met your intrigued, needy eyes as she placed the vacant part of the vibrator over your clit.
“Like watching?” 
“Think so,” you shyly mumbled out. 
And then you felt the vibrations on your soaked bud. You gasped as your eyes closed. 
You felt her pull the toy away before she slapped your clit. You cried out as your eyes shot open to meet hers again.
“Watch me. Don’t close your eyes.” 
You jerkily nodded; You watched her so closely. She kissed your clit before spreading them with her fingers to bring the open part of the toy to your clit, trapping it inside once more. 
Your bud was surrounded by the pulsing sensations of the soft silicone and your eyes almost rolled back into your head, but you craved Ellie’s praise, her reassurance. You wanted to be good for her.
All you could do was moan and shudder and watch her.
“Feels good?” 
“Feels s’good, baby—” 
“Yeah? Want some more?” she said fondly with a filthy glare. 
You mumbled out a quiet yeah, wa’more! in between your pleas. 
She pressed another button on the toy, and the vibrations got stronger. Your cries got louder.
“Sloppy fucking pussy.” 
The tight pull in your gut was building, but you needed more. You wanted to pull on your nipples so bad but you fucking couldn’t! Why did you want your hands tied so badly? 
“El,” you barely got out between your heavy pants, “can you—mmh!” 
“T-ouch my tits? Please, m’right there!” 
She snickered at you before reaching up to slap one of them, leaving remnants of your slick on the soft skin. That wasn’t what you were expecting, but you want more of that! 
“Hit me more?” you keened, your eyes glossy.
“You asking?” she snickered, and you nodded so fast. 
She shook her head at you, “You’re gross.” 
For her! You’re so nasty for her her her—
You received another slap. And another. Then she reached up to dig her nails into your brown bud. You couldn’t stop your eyes from rolling back, it hurt so good.
“Shit, m’gonna cum!” 
“Uh huh.” 
All you could do was moan out warnings of s’coming! and I feel it! and yes! It built and built until you could taste it and—
 … Everything you felt stopped. And Ellie was laughing. You were going to cry. 
No… nonono—
“Told you to keep your eyes open.” 
“E-Ellie, please no, I can’t— “
“Y’know, I was hoping you could follow simple instructions,” she cut you off as she moved towards the pile again, grabbing her… fat fucking dick, yes finally yesyesyes—
And lube… and an emerald green buttplug with a matching… remote? Oh, fuck—
“You don’t know how to fucking listen, do you?” She tossed the items next to you before grabbing your shaky thighs to pull you closer to her, your head dropping onto the soft mattress. You laid flat on your back as she loomed over you, your legs on either side of her. 
She watched your twitchy hole produce more slick, “Don’t even need to get you ready, could just slip right in and fuck you how I want.” 
“Wan’you to! Wann’it so bad— “ 
“Yeah? Want me t’use you?” 
“Fuck yes! Yeah!” 
“Keep these fuckin’ legs open, then,” she grabbed her dick and stood to step into it, adjusting the straps securing them around her hips. She climbed back between your legs as she intensely stared at your tits. She looked so deep in thought, brows furrowed with her bottom lip between her teeth; What the hell was her evil brain conjuring up?!
She gave your breast one last burning slap that made you cry out before grabbing the lube off the bed. You watched as she ripped the cap off, pouring some into the palm of her hand to bring down to her dick to massage it into the ridges. Your walls were squeezing so tight, your pussy begging for whatever she was about to do.
You almost flatlined on her bed when she straddled you, climbing up your body until her dick rested between your tits, the lube she smeared all over it transferring to your skin. Her thick, wet tip was almost touching your chin, and all you could do was gape at it before slowly blinking up at her, meeting her burning gaze. She bit her lip as she slowly tipped the bottle of lube, letting the thick consistency land your chest before she rubbed it into your skin with her cock. You felt so fucking dirty! 
“Stick that tongue out,” she ordered deeply as she closed and tossed the lube bottle. 
Your lips parted on command, your tongue slowly sliding between the two of them. She grabbed your face in a tight grip before letting a line of spit slip out of her mouth and onto your tongue. You felt it slide down your tongue before you happily swallowed
it. You lolled your tongue out, silently asking for more with pleading eyes. 
She sneered at you before she did it again, getting it all over your chin and cheeks. You couldn’t stop the whimper that left your mouth. She let a blob out onto your tits, mixing with the lube. 
But then you felt a fiery hand come down on your cheek, your head flying to the side as you let out a choked gasp. Your thighs clamped together on instinct as your walls quivered at the sting. You felt her place a hand on the side of your head, keeping it still as her nails dug into your scalp. 
“G’na fuck these tits s’good,” you heard her groan out. Your cunt throbbed in desperation. 
“Wan’ you to!” 
“Beg me to,” she hissed at you. 
“Please, baby, pleasefuck’em!—“
You felt her squeeze both your wet tits in one tight hand before she forced her dick between them, both of you letting out moans in between the squelchy noises from your bodies.
Her grip in your hair tightened as you heard her pleased sighs, her slurred curses, her whines of your name, why were you getting so tight, why did it feel like you were about to cum—
“Fuuuck, babygirl, feels s’fuckin’ good—!”
“E-El, please— “
“Yeah? What does my girl need? Wan’ some fuckin’ attention?” You hated how hard your core squeezed at her belittling tone. You nodded as fast as you could in her tight grasp. 
“Not g’na til I cum, you’re gonna fuckin’ lay there’n let me do what I want, tha’s what you wanted right? Huh?” 
More hot tears were falling to your hairline as you quietly sobbed and pleaded for her to touch your pussy, but she wasn’t hearing any of it. She released the grip she had on your head, but she just shoved her drenched, lubricated fingers into your mouth. Your eyes fluttered shut as you hummed around them, sucking them deeper.
“Gonna fuck that throat so hard one day, swear to god.” 
You hummed and garbled pleas around them in excitement. 
“Shit! Need that? Just wan’ something in that pretty mouth?”  
You nodded, you kept nodding, you want anything she’ll give you. 
“G’na fucking cum, all over that gorgeous face,” she gritted out as she snatched her fingers from your mouth. Her wet hand flew to your tits, pushing them closer together so that she could fuck her dick into the little hole she tightened. 
“W-Wan’ your cum, daddy!” you encouraged her as you watched, you needed her to cum!
“Shit, baby, stick your tongue out,” she whined out as she grinded her dick between your tits. Your eyes opened and your tongue immediately started swiping across her tip whenever it came up to your mouth. Her hips jolted and stuttered on top of you as she watched you, and you watched her. You hurriedly sucked her rubber tip into your mouth and sucked sloppily like you were trying to milk her. You knew she couldn’t feel the suctions, but you saw her eyes roll back into her skull as she let out a loud moan. She was bucking her hips into her strap as her nails dug into your tits. You kept the tip in your mouth as she rode out her pleasure. 
She looked so pretty and soft: fluttery lids, swollen lips, and her dotted cheeks flushed as quiet whines left her mouth. So pretty, she’s so fucking pretty—
Her tip suddenly slipped from your mouth as she scooted down your body. 
“K-Kiss?” you asked softly, voice unsteady.
She didn’t say anything as she leaned down to connect your lips. It was light and careful, both of you breathing into each other's whines. She made sure to check on you, mumbling an okay? against your mouth. You whined out a yesyeah m’okay before you reconnected your lips. 
You kissed for what felt like hours before she sat up to move off you. 
“W-Wan’more,” you mumbled with pleading expression. 
“Okay, babe.” 
You watched as she scooted down, shuffling until she was between your legs. She held one of them up with a hand under your knee to press it to your chest, playing with your entrance with her free hand. You felt her slide a finger in and your mouth fell open, your walls clinging to her the deeper she prodded. You were stunned at how fast she found that spongy spot inside you, and you squeezed her tighter. 
“Loosen up, can barely fucking move.”
You couldn’t do anything except wail out incoherencies about how fast you were going to cum, and you felt her slide another finger in. 
“Nuh uh, hold it.” 
“Can’t, Ellie, fuck— “
“Yeah you can, hold that shit.” 
You tried you tried, but you couldn’t. All you could get out was a cry of stop, baby! stopstopstop before your peak washed over you. 
But the pleasure left as fast as it came as she pulled out with a tsk, another slap landing on your pulsing clit. You sobbed her name, tears running down your temples.
“Couldn’t even hold it for a few seconds?” She scolded, and it made you and your pussy cry harder. 
“Stop crying,” you felt her releasing the tight grip from under your knee to softly wipe your tears off your face. “Look at me.” 
Your glossy eyes slowly peeled open, taking in the sight above you.
“Good?” she asked softly, and you nodded with a whimper of m’okay, El, I like it so much! please fuck me!
“Yeah? Babygirl wants some dick?” 
“Yes! Pleasefuckmee—!”
You let out a groan when you felt her dick slap on your pulsing bud. You were spewing pleas and curses and cries of her name; you wanted her inside! Wanted to feel her so deep in your stomach! 
You couldn’t help but lift your head to look down at her cock sliding between your folds, her thick tip nudging your clit with every thrust.
How were you about to cum from that alone? Your eyes were fluttering from the pleasure. You whimpered out a warning of your impending orgasm.
“You gonna cum from this? M’barely doing anything.” 
You couldn’t speak, you just nodded. Your mind was hazy and racing with thoughts of her at the same time, your core clenching tight. Yeah, you were going to cum! 
“Fuuuck yeah, need me, baby?” 
Your eyes rolled back so far back you swore you could see your brain shaking its head at you in disappointment, and you came so fucking hard. You felt her tip push past your spasming entrance as she quickly rubbed your clit with her thumb as it hit you. That stretch made you scream, and your head fell back. 
“S’so big!” You couldn’t even register what you were saying, your burning orgasm taking over your mouth. 
“Gonna be my good girl’n take it? Gonna make me proud?” Her voice sent another wave through your body as it shook in painful pleasure. 
“Yeah, daddy, m’your good girl!” 
“Then lemme in, love, c’mon,” she whispered out over your moans and groans and squeals. Your orgasm was still ripping through your body, your wetness dripping down your ass and onto the new puddle on the blanket. She was tearing you open with every shallow thrust, but you took every ridged, veiny inch like you were meant to. 
“Good, baby? Talk t’me,” she said gently, halting her thrusts as she caressed your thigh.
“M’sti—m’stillcummimg—! “
She scoffed a wet laugh at you and went even deeper, “I feel it, squeezing the fuck outta me. Dirty fucking whore.” 
You felt the balls of the strap resting against your ass as you slowly came down. She was all the way in, slowly pulling out only to push back in. Her tits were slightly jiggling in her bra every time she bottomed out. Your hands wriggled in the fabric; you wanted them in your mouth so bad. 
“Wan’touch you, daddy, please?” you moaned out in a gasp as she fucked back into you, stretching you out. 
“Touch me where?” She asked, thrusting deeper. 
“Mmh! Your tits, please!”
She huffed smugly before fucking into you faster. She brought her hand up to her chest, squeezing one of them through her bra, “These tits?” 
“Yeaah, fuck!” You could already feel another orgasm twisting in your gut at the painful stretch. 
She mumbled out an uh huh as she slowly pulled the elastic up, her breasts slowly dropping out. She slowed her thrusts and brought her other hand to pull the cotton over her head, throwing her head back as both hands played with her nipples. Her moaning made you moan and fuck, you were in love! 
“Lemme go, El, fuck!” you pleaded, your hands pulling at the restraints. How was such fragile cloth so resistant!
“Shit, baby, feels s’fucking good,” you watched her pull and twist them as she whimpered your name as she ignored you. She’d stopped thrusting to play with herself, only slowly grinding her hips into you, so you planted your feet on the bed to thrust your hips downward, clumsily bouncing up and down on her dick as you watched her. 
She looked down at you and sneered, “Yeah? Wanna fuck me?” 
“Yes, w’na make you cum, daddy.” 
“Here, baby, gimme your hands,” you halted your movements bringing your arms to hers. She tore the knot in your panties and tossed them before slowly pulling out fully, a nasty shhlck! filling the room. You were so wet. 
She leaned above you, reaching over your head to grab some pillows, setting them beside you. Her tits were in your face, so you slowly brought an inexperienced hand up to touch one softly. You gave it a gentle squeeze, bringing your other hand up to rub into the other. She let out a satisfied sigh of your name. You leaned up, boldly taking a soft nipple into your mouth. You sucked at it softly as your eyes fluttered shut, swirling your tongue around the sensitive skin. 
“Shit, tha’s so good,” she moaned out before pulling at your now sweated out hair. You gave her one last hard suck before your head fell back on the bed, her mouth instantly connecting with yours in a spit-filled, smacking kiss. Her tongue was sliding all over yours before you sucked it into your mouth, making her moan into your mouth. She brought her hand up to wrap around your throat, gently squeezing the sides. She pulled back with a look of concern on her face, grip immediately loosening at your whimper, but you brought a hand up to cover hers on your throat, squeezing tighter. Your eyes nearly crossed when she hummed with a knowing smirk, pressing her middle finger and thumb into the sides again. She pulled away, licking your bottom lip before bending down to whisper in your ear. 
“Turn over.” 
You stumblingly flipped onto your stomach as she shoved two plush pillows under your hips to support them, even though you were poking your ass out towards her anyway. You felt her slap it playfully before kissing it. 
You felt her hands pulling your cheeks apart like she told you to do to yourself earlier. You felt her staring and it made your heart beat faster. 
“Okay, El?” 
“Mhm, just looking.” 
You looked at her over your shoulder, “You can… um… y’know?” 
“No, I don’t know,” she snickered. 
“What… what you said earlier?” 
“What’d I say?” 
“About me! The thing you said!” 
“Want me t’eat your ass?” She said in between kisses on your cheek. She was grinning so hard. 
“Then ask me.” 
You looked forward with a harsh sigh, “You’re so annoyi— “
A tight hand grabbed your hair to pull your head back roughly. You let out a pained moan at the ceiling before you felt her lips at your ear, “What’d I tell you about that fuckin’ mouth?” 
You instinctively pushed back on her with a whine of m’sorry daddy!
“No, you’re not, you keep talking shit’n it’s pissing me off. I’ve been trying to be nice t’you.” 
Nice?! She almost made you black out with one orgasm! 
You didn’t have a response, but your eyes actually did cross when you felt a thumb prod your ass. 
“Should just shove m’dick in here, huh? I bet that’d get you to shut the fuck up,” she spat out and your back arched deeper at her proposal.
You felt another glob of spit land on your other hole, her thumb immediately circling it before popping the tip of it in. You let out a loud moan at the intrusive sting. 
“Been wanting me to fuck this ass since I said it, haven’t you?” She rasped at you. 
“Yeah!” She mocked you in a squeaky tone. “You’re disgusting, who woulda thought you would like this type of shit.” 
Her thumb was fucking in and out of your hole as fast as she could manage. You shouldn’t like how much it hurts, that burn shouldn’t be making your orgasm build up again. 
She let your hair go and your head flopped onto the pillow in front of you. Your nails dug into it when you felt her dick line up at the entrance of your pussy before she shoved it in. You let out a muffled shout.
You didn’t have a chance to adjust before she started fucking into you hard. Squelchy noises, slaps of skin, and your screams of pleasure immediately filled the room, her headboard knocking against the black walls. It was so fast and hot and made you feel cheap, and you fucking loved it. It made you feel desired. 
“This is what you wanted me to do in that fuckin’ closet?” 
“Yeah, daddy, fuck!” 
“Wanted me t’fuck you up? Make you m’fucking bitch?” 
“Uggh! El—!”
“Shouldn’t even be fucking you in this bed,” She groaned out, grinding her thumb deep into your ass.
“Should’ve bent you over that dinner table, right in front of that fucker.” 
The imagery of Ellie fucking into you in front of your asshole of a waiter, making you scream out in front of everyone eating and drinking, claiming you as hers so that they know who you belong to made you see white. You bit down on the pillow in front of you as bursts of wetness left your cunt and splattered onto your thighs, the pillows, and Ellie’s dick. But she didn’t stop, you felt her go faster. Hit deeper.
“M’cu-mming!” you screamed, shouts of prickling pleasure muffled by the material in your mouth.
“Yeah? Tha’s making you cum? Wanna get fucked in public like a whore?” 
“D-ahh! Fuckme!”
“Baby’s so stupid for this dick,” Her tip was hitting your fucking cervix and it hurt so good. You were about to cum again! “Who’s pussy is this?” 
“S’your pussy! S’daddy’s pussy!” 
“Keep sayin’ that, s’gonna make me cum so hard,” she groaned out, her thumb leaving your ass and ripping the pillows from underneath you, your hips dropping onto the bed. You felt her push back into you, her chest on your back as she grinded deep into you. Her arm came around your neck, your throat right in the crevice of her elbow as you let the pillow fall from your mouth. Your nails were digging into the covers as your cunt gushed on her.
“You’re getting so fucking wet. Like when I fuck you up? Treat you like shit?” 
“Yeah yeahyeah—!” 
“Make me cum, babygirl,” she whispered in your ear. “Fuck me back, c’mon.” 
You pushed back onto her as best as you could as she grinded forward, even though it was quick and sloppy and desperate. She started moaning out fucks and like thats and all you could mumble out was slurry s’yours, daddy! because you knew she liked it. Her voice on its own was getting you there.
“Fuck, m’gonna fucking cum— “
“Uh huh! Cum in me, daddy pleasepleaseplease!” you squealed out in dazed excitement. You want her cum you want her cum! 
“Fuuuck, babygirl, s’coming—!”
“Please make my p-pussy sloppy?” you could barely get your pleas out as your mind fogged. You couldn’t even bring yourself to feel embarrassed at your eagerness for her cum, and by the way Ellie shouted your name in your ear as her body shook on top of yours, she must’ve somewhat liked it? Right? 
Your second thoughts quickly died as you fucked back onto her, helping her ride out her orgasm. She was crying out as her nails dug into your shoulder, and the sharp pierce made you cum again! You let out babbles of her name in your pleasure. You were both messes in each other's arms, you pushing back while she pushed forward, trying to make it last as long as you could before it died down.
You let out wet groans as she grinded you both to the ends of your orgasms, and you collapsed. 
You felt a light kiss on your shoulder before Ellie gently pulled out of you, falling onto the bed so that you were side by side. You both tried to catch your breath in your exhaustion. 
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After minutes of heavy breathing and light caresses from Ellie, you reached under to grab the object that was digging into your side. When you saw what it was, your eyes widened, and stomach twisted. 
You heard Ellie laugh softly next to you, “We didn’t get to use it.” 
You paused as you stared at the buttplug that she’d thrown on the bed, the faux emerald at the end of it shining under the green fairy lights. 
“It’s pretty,” you said in a hoarse whisper. 
“Mhm,” she nodded. “Feels good, too.” 
Your toes curled.
“What’s it feel like?” 
She smiled, “You sound cute when you ask that.” 
You shook your head and grinned shyly, “I’m just curious, I assume it’s… nice, or whatever! People on Twitter always talk about it.” 
“Yeah, it’s really fucking nice.” 
“Have you used it?” She nodded. 
“Course I have, used all of ‘em.” 
“Tell me what happened!” you said, dropping the toy on the bed before giddily flipping onto your side to face her. It made her giggle; You loved that sound. 
“I was… like in this sex shop in Cali, and the cashier was like ‘heyyy, your orders over a hundred dollars, you can get a free item, blah blah blah’— “ 
“Not that, you bonehead! I mean when you use it!” You both let out loud laughs. 
Her smile dropped slowly before she whispered, “Came really fuckin’ hard the first time I tried it, like… really hard. Swore I saw god.” 
Your core squeezed in intrigue. You listened closely as she continued, “Like, I was still cumming even after I switched it off. There was a giant puddle on the floor when I finally stopp—.” 
“Ellie?” you softly cut her off.
“Yeah, honey?” 
“Can you… will you… I wanna try?” you said as your face burned, hoping she would accept your poor proposal to take your… other virginity. 
You watched a sly grin slowly grow on her face.
“Lemme go check on Duchess’n smoke.” 
You nodded slowly with a fluttery blink. 
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It was almost midnight, and you were laying next to Ellie on her couch in her Lauryn Hill shirt as you nursed a bottle of water. You watched as she exhaled the smoke from her pre-roll. 
After chasing Duchess around the kitchen and living room, you both covered her in kisses before filling her food bowl and shutting the guest door as she ate. 
“Such a nice view,” you mumbled as you gazed out the large window. You’d never been fond of the city: you always appreciated the stillness of your town, the close community where everyone knew each other, but the scenery in front of you almost makes you want to change your mind. It was always so lively and bright, even in the darkness. 
“Right? When I first moved in, I slept in front of the window for weeks. The noise helped me sleep a bit better and the lights are pretty,” She said quietly before taking a puff. You listened and watched as she exhaled the smoke. You sat your bottle on the floor before speaking.
“Can I try?” 
“You know how?” She asked impishly with a raise of her brow as the remnants of her puff left her mouth and nose. 
“Fuck you! I know how to smoke, I just choose not to!” 
“Right,” she said with an eye roll, gently tapping the ashes off on the ashtray in front of her before passing the joint to you. 
You propped yourself up on your elbows before taking it between your thumb and pointer finger, watching the smoke leave the lit end before sticking it between your lips. You only inhaled for a couple seconds before pulling it from your mouth, softly coughing. 
You slowly turned your head to look at her for approval, finding that she was already watching you. Her hair was still damp from earlier, her lips were swollen, and she was still in her boyshorts. 
“Meh. Still a fucking rookie,” she said in a light tone as she wet her lips. You shoved her shoulder with yours, making her laugh. 
“That strain’s supposed to make you horny,” she whispered, attempting to grab the joint from you. Something nasty curled in your gut at her tone, mindlessly bringing the joint back to your lips and inhaled some more before she could snatch it. You held it much longer than the first puff before choking on the carbon, making her laugh at you. You felt her pat your back gently through your coughs. You passed it back to her and she took it with a shake of her head. 
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After she smoked her joint down, she bolted upstairs, swiftly returning to the couch with full hands. 
You flipped onto your back as she pressed the button on the buttplug remote, and it immediately started pulsing. She smirked down at you. 
“There’s a couple settings, we can try ‘em all and see which one you like the most, ‘kay?” 
You nodded eagerly as she switched it off and threw the toy on the couch next to her dick and flavored lube. She straddled you, grabbing your face in both hands to connect your lips in a soft kiss. You hummed into her mouth before she pulled away. 
“Lemme give you head first, though.” 
She hummed before smacking her wet lips onto yours. She planted wet, sucking kisses on your jaw, neck, and shoulder before she moved down your body. She lifted the shirt you had on just under your tits before she went crazy on your clit. She was flicking and licking and sucking between your legs as your fingers ran through her soft hair to pull her closer. Your moans and noises of your pussy as she fucked you with her tongue and fingers filled the entire first floor of her home. You came so quickly on her tongue, squeezing the muscle and fingers in a bone-crushing grip. You could tell she liked it as much as you did by how she moaned into your cunt. 
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After you came down, Ellie instructed you to hold your legs up so she could see your ass. They were pressed to your chest, both your arms tucked into the crevice of your knees as Ellie prepped you for the toy. 
She’d rubbed some of your cum in before she spat on it, and now she was drenching her fingers and opening in the lubricant as you watched. 
“Just relax, ‘kay?” 
“Yeah,” you nodded. You were a bit nervous, but your walls were clenching with want. 
She nodded before gently rubbing your drenched hole with her pointer and middle finger, making you sigh. You felt her slowly push a finger in and you immediately started to squirm. Your body was so hot already. 
“Okay?” She asked you gently. 
“Yeah m’good,” you said in a wanton sigh. 
She grinned before kissing the back of your thigh. You felt another finger at your entrance before a burning sensation took over when she slowly pressed it in, and your head dropped onto the cushion in a choked gasp. 
“Yeah? You like this shit?” She asked snarkily, but shock was evident in her voice. 
“Y-yeah, El, like it!”
“So fucking cute, gonna fuck this ass so hard,” she whispered out, grinding her fingers deeper before pulling them out to squirt more lube on them. 
She slowly pushed them back in and the lack of resistance made your toes curl. 
“Do me a favor?” 
“Get that nice’n wet for me,” she said, shoving the emerald plug in between your twitchy fingers. You gripped it tight, releasing the hold you had on your legs so you could spread them. You brought your free hand down to your drippy cunt to spread the lips, exposing your clit. You slowly dragged the toy up and down your folds, a quiet, squishy sound joining the already sloppy noises in the room from Ellie’s fingers in your ass. 
You could see her watching with a blush on her face, licking her lips as she prodded another finger at your clenching opening. You could feel the stretch more as she slowly popped the tip of it in, so you distracted yourself. You propped yourself on one elbow to bring the plug down to the entrance of your cunt, slowly fucking it into you. The silicone ridges dragged on your walls, and it made your eyes roll as you moaned softly. Ellie let out a shocked moan as she watched you fuck the plug in and out of your pussy. She leaned forward to spit on your clit, and you brought your shaky hand down to rub it. She mumbled curses out. 
“Thinking about me fucking this pretty pussy? Wan’me t’split you open again?” She hummed out messily. She was just as fucked up as you were, and it made you squeeze. 
“Yeah, daddy,” you moaned out softly, fucking the toy into yourself faster as Ellie fucked three fingers into your ass. “Shit!” 
“Uh huh, nasty slut, look at you milking that fuckin’ toy.” 
You picked up the pace of your shallow thrusts and she matched you, fucking even harder into your ass. You brainlessly brought your wet fingers up to your tits, roughly grabbing at both your nipples in attempts to mimic Ellie’s hands on you. You felt the familiar pull in your gut, but it was so much stronger, and you knew it was going to hit you hard. You were going to cum so quick! 
“Ellie,” you could barely get your squeaky warning out, “Thi-think m’gonna, g’na make a m-ess!” 
“Yeah, wan‘it baby, make me wet— “
You cut yourself off with a sharp gasp as colors exploded behind your eyelids, the hand at your tits slamming onto the cushion to dig your nails into it. Your shouts of pleasure overtook the sputtering sounds of wetness that shot out of you. You pulled the toy out and rubbed quick circles on your clit with it, making you release more juices all over Ellie’s expensive couch. She didn’t even seem to care with how hard she was still fucking your ass, whispering nasty curses at you, talking you through it, calling you sloppy, calling you hers. Your legs were trembling as both holes quivered in release. 
Your sprays were starting to die down with the circles on your clit, Ellie’s fingers slowing. 
Your eyes slowly peeled open, and you were met with her… high ass ceiling! You smiled as you felt her place kisses all over your thighs. 
“Tired?” she mumbled out against your knee. 
You slowly shook your head when you regained your ability to move.
And she smirked. 
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Ellie moved you onto your stomach, —if she kept fucking you like this, you were going to die! — your face shoved into her cushion so you were surrounded by her scent. Your ass was, once again, propped up on Ellie’s expensive fucking pillows that you were about to stain with your sopping cunt, but neither of you cared. She was lubricating the plug from behind you, the gooey noises from the slippery liquid filling your ears. 
You should’ve never hit that fucking aphrodisiac of a joint when she passed it to you: you never wanted to have sex so fucking bad in your life. You just lost your virginity a few hours ago; What’s happening to you?!
You couldn’t think of anything except Ellie and cumming and Ellie’s cum! You wanted her cum inside you so bad, you want to drown in her with every chance she’d give you—
“Ready, baby?” 
“Yes, daddy, m’ready, need it s’bad,” you muffled into the cushion, your cheek squished against it. You sounded so… far away. 
“Listen t’you, all floaty,” she murmured. You could hear her grin through it, it made your toes curl, “Feelin’ good?” 
“S’good, daddy, fuck me please?” 
“…Look at me, babe.” 
You used all your energy to lift yourself up onto your elbows turning your sweaty, thoughtless head towards her, gazing over your shoulder and into her gentle, concerned eyes. She’s so beautiful—
“Why're you smilin’?” 
“M’happy,” you felt yourself grin harder. 
“Mhm,” you nodded lightly. “W’na fuck.” 
“‘Kay,” she nodded, her searching gaze still lingering on your face. “Tap my thigh twice.” 
You reached a limp hand behind you, immediately following her instructions. 
“You do that when you wanna stop, okay?” You nodded, you felt like a bobble head. You want her in your guts now. 
“What're you gonna do when you wanna stop?” 
You paused.
Then tapped her thigh twice. You dropped your head on the cushion again. 
You felt her kiss down your back. You sighed happily. 
She slowly rubbed your clit and you jolted, before pushing your hips back onto her fingers. She was planting gentle kisses all over your back and shoulders to relax you. You let out a whine at the feel of her lips on you. 
Then you felt the silicone on your hole. You moaned into the cushion in excitement and anticipation, you needed it to pulse inside you so badly. 
“What’re gonna do when you wanna stop?” She repeated, her breathing heavy. 
You slapped her thigh a bunch of times. You needed her to know you wanted it. You needed this so badly! You needed to know she wanted you!
Then you felt her pop the tip of it inside you. You cried out in appreciation as your holes clenched tight, trying to suck the toy deeper into you. She was pressing soft kisses all over your spine as she slowly pushed it in. You hadn’t realized that you were grinding your clit into the soft fabric of the pillow under you.  
“Such a good girl, taking it so easy,” You felt her push the last little part of it inside your ass before the little jewel at the end of it was poking out of you. It was so foreign, but you couldn’t help the satisfied sighs and soft cries as you pussy dripped all over her pillows and couch. 
You felt her plant one more kiss at the end of your spine before you felt the vibrations stir in your ass. 
“Fuck, oh god! M’—aah!”
“Yeah? Feels fucking good, doesn’t it?” 
You didn’t even have the ability to think of an answer before you felt her dick poke at the entrance of your cunt, slowly sliding in. Every wire in your brain went into overdrive as the pulsing of the toy and her cock rattled your insides in unison. She was slowly fucking her dick into you, sliding in deep so her tip bumped into your cervix, making you let out a muffled shout into the couch cushion. 
Your quick babbles were cut off as she sped up her thrusts, both her hands planted at the end of your back so she could rock you back and forth on her dick. She was drilling you, your slick coating the balls of her strap. You felt yourself slowly drifting away, your eyes crossed in your head and drool spilling down your cheek. All you could think about was Ellie. EllieEllieEllie—!
“M’right here, babygirl, I gotchu,” she cooed at you as she dug you out and you went limp. You heard the gushy sounds of your pussy and fuck, you were going to squirt so hard you felt it in your toes—
You felt the vibrations in your ass increase and you let out shouts of bliss, her tip beating your cervix just how you needed with every thrust. For the first time in your life, your brain was silent: no doubt, no loathing, no anxiety. Just pure ecstasy. You felt so fucking full. Full of her and joy and love! You love her and you never wanted her to leave you again. You love her you love her—
“M’yours, daddy, promise!” Tears pricked at your eyes as that hot feeling grew in your stomach. Your heart was pounding, and you couldn’t think, you just rambled as pleasure and happiness and love rushed through you. You were about to cum, all over her, all for her—!
“Shhh, I know, baby, it’s okay— “
“Don’t wan’anyone else! M’yours, always yours!”
You don’t remember when, but Ellie had pulled out of you. And the vibrations stopped. But you were still riding that edge, this close to your peak. Your fists clenched tight, and your hips bucked back to meet hers even though she wasn’t there to catch them. You heard Ellie gently call out your name from your side as she rubbed your back in attempts to slow your fuzzy babbling, “Look at m— “
“Always loved you, daddy, always been you, m’yours, m’all you— “
You cut yourself off with moans of her name and incoherent shouts and sobs of love you so much! I love you! as your orgasm ripped through you. Your thighs trembled as colorful specs of glitter exploded in your vision. You heard yourself screaming out as wetness splattered all over you and the couch and everywhere, and it didn’t stop. Your euphoria was so strong, your clenching cunt spraying as your ass squeezed around the plug shoved deep inside you. You were just shaking and crying and cumming and cumming and cumming—
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You don’t know how much time passed, but you were still shaking as tears rolled down your cheeks. You couldn’t feel the plug inside you and Ellie’s strap was gone: you were pressed against her bare chest, your tits pressed together as she held you close. She was rubbing your back as she pressed gentle kisses to the side of your sweaty head, gently humming in your ear. You slowly brought your arm up to limply throw around her waist. You couldn’t say anything.
“Hi, honey,” She barely whispered in your ear. “Can you look at me?” 
You slowly shook your head. You felt her kiss your head again. 
“S’fine, just breath, okay?” 
You nodded again. And your eyes welled up some more. 
She must’ve heard your sniffling because she immediately pulled back to gently caress your cheek. You tried to turn your head to hide in the cushion, but she wasn’t having it. 
“C’mon angel, it’s just me, okay?”
You slowly redirected your gaze to hers, your vision blurry as you studied her features. You cried harder, sobbing as you nestled into her shoulder. 
She didn’t press you after that, she only held you tighter. She whispered gentle shhhs and s’okay, baby, m’heres as you wept into her sweaty skin. 
You know she heard your confession of your long-lasting feelings for her, and even though she didn’t seem upset with you, you couldn’t shake the embarrassment, confusion, and despair that overtook you. 
But she held you. She held you so tight. 
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After your gasped sobs eased into soft whimpers and shaky exhales, Ellie guided you upstairs and into her bathroom, strong arms wrapped around your waist to steady your uncoordinated movements. 
She lifted you onto the counter and pressed a soft kiss to your forehead before moving to the shower to turn it on. All you did was stare at her black towel hanging from the wall rack. You still couldn’t think. 
You heard her shuffling around before she moved back to you, easily easing you off the counter and into the shower, making sure to place you under the warm water first. 
You gaped at the droplets sliding down the shower wall and she rubbed the lathered sponge into your skin softly. She littered you with kisses the entire time: on your face, shoulder, fingers, anywhere she could reach. But you couldn’t move, and neither of you said anything. 
After Ellie rinsed you off, she gently dried your coils and face while kissing your nose. You allowed her to wrap you in a towel, gently drying off the rest of your body as you looked off into nothing. 
“C’mon, honey,” she whispered into your ear as she moved behind you, holding onto your waist and walking you to her bed to sit you down, her soiled blanket already discarded on the floor. 
It seemed like everything was moving in slow motion as you gazed around her room: the lights were twinkling like fireflies, her fan in the corner of the room whirring like gusts of wind in your ears, the strings of the rug under your feet reminding you of clouds. 
She softly called your name as she walked in front of you. Your legs fell open so she could stand between them, “Look at me.” 
You took a deep breath before meeting her tender gaze. She cupped your cheeks, softly rubbing her thumbs into them, “You needa eat and drink something, okay? Want some water?” 
You nodded.
“Is it okay if I leave for a sec— “
You shook your head quickly as tears filled your eyes at the thought of her leaving. You need her close, you need her here with you—
“Shhh, not gonna go, not leaving, I’m right here,” she comforted immediately, planting more kisses all over your face. 
“Want some clothes?” You shook your head, and she nodded gently. She gave your lips one more kiss before ushering you to stand. She walked over to her dresser and grabbed her pine-scented lotion and ointment. She moved behind you, rubbing the soothing cream on your ass before moisturizing your skin, the pine surrounding you. You calmed down at the smell.
“Okay, baby, come lay down.” 
She grabbed your wrist gently as she moved you to your side, telling you to lay on your stomach as she pulled a new blanket from her linen cabinet. You obeyed silently. 
You were instantly surrounded by warmth as she tucked you into her forest-scented covers. You heard her shuffling behind you before she walked around to her side in a new pair of boxers. 
She laid next to you, pulling you into her chest as you breathed her in, sighing contently into her skin. She smelled so fucking good! You grinned.
She must’ve felt it as she pressed kisses to your head, “What’re you cheesing for?” 
You shook your head and grinned harder, nestling deeper into her neck. She laughed lightly. 
“We’ll talk in the morning, okay?” She whispered out to you.
You nodded, eyes shut. 
You dreamt of pine-filled meadows. 
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OOOOOOWEEEE alright bookies that’s it :p i already got ideas 4 the next part LOOOOOL so yeah gonna start writing that soon. hope y’all liked it and the wait 4 the real smut was worth it. lots to comeeee 
hope its proofread enough lol i always think that it is n then i go back and see a bunch of errors
pt. 6
shoutout to my wittle taglist🥺 love yall so bad n thank u for being interested in this little project i created :D @fandomshitpostingqueen, @nymphetkoo, @sawaagyapong , @gold-dustwomxn , @amitycat , @nil-eena , @elsivy , @constellieationn , @letsreadsomesins-shallwe :3
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ser-rctslcyer · 8 months
Pairing: Steven Grant x GN! Reader  Word Count: 1.1k Synopsis: It’s snowing and as usual Steven somehow ends up covered in it. However, this time he doesn’t have to deal with it alone.  Warnings: Established Relationship, Domestic Fluff, Humor, Idiots in Love A/N: I’ve deeply missed writing about this show so here we go!
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Snow poured softly down from the dark sky, piling up on the fluffy layer stuck to the ground. 
From the window you could see people rushing, trying to return home to their warm beds and hot food. You were glad to have left at your normal time, making it home before the weather had begun to get worse. Though you had worried for when your partners would get home as it was getting later and later; you wished his boss would’ve let him off early like he asked. 
After putting your stuff up and switching out of your day clothes; you fixed yourself some dinner as you turned the TV. on. Eyes stuck on the screen in front of you as your ears waited for the familiar sound of the door. The later it got, the more tempted to pick up your phone when the lock clicked. 
“Gods, it's fucking cold,” Steven whined; the shuts with an echoing force. You set your empty bowl down quickly, and you skyrocket out of your chair to embrace your partner.
“Hey Steven,” you pause your greeting; catching the upset look on his face and the silky white bits that covered his hair and shoulders. “Oh, what happened to you?”
“I was about to walk into the building, but of course, I was fumbling to get keys and didn’t notice how low the snow was dripping,” he grumbled, tugging at the remaining bits of snow from his hair and the scarf Layla had made them.  
“By the time I opened it, I already caught a bucket’s worth of snow,” he pouted, rubbing his hands together; desperate to generate any heat from them. 
“Aw, I’m sorry hon.,” you walked closer, clasping your hands around his to help warm them up.
“I was doing so well too,” his frown grew a little larger; his tired eyes looked more and more miserable. 
“I know, it happens to the best of us, sweetheart. Mother nature can be quite a fierce one.”
“I wish she wouldn’t.”
“Y’know, you kind of look like a little snow fairy, if that helps,” you add; earning a small snort for Steven. 
“I don't like being a snow fairy if it’s like this,” he answered, a little less gloomy than before. 
“C’mon, you guys practically dress like one to fight crime,” you jab, earning a hearty chuckle from him. 
“Marc says it’s not our choice,” he gently squeezes your hands.
“So then he agrees?” you raise you eyebrow and he shakes his head/
“He argues more like a ‘snow devil’ to our enemies.”
“Probably, but to me, you guys are my snow fairies,” you tease again, happy to see a genuine smile on his face. He only hums in response, swaying a small bit, a little flustered by the nickname. You take this moment to pull him closer, hugging him for the first time since he’s been home. Steven is quick to reciprocate, hugging you tight as you both stand there for a second. 
“Would you like a nice warm shower to feel better? I’ll make sure it stays warm in here so you don’t freeze to death for a second time,” you suggested, rubbing the lower middle part of his back soothingly. 
“Thank you, love,” he steals a cold kiss before properly putting away his bag and hanging his jacket. You take the time to turn up the heat, grabbing one of the few fluffy towels, and setting it in the bathroom. While there, you turned on the hot water, letting it heat to the temperature it was supposed to be. 
“All yours,” you move, to shift past him but he cups your face and kisses you. His lips are warmer than they were before 
“Thank you, again,” his eyes beam as Steven gives his signature goofy grin, before slinking into the bathroom. 
You bite your lip, your heart fluttering as you set yourself on the bed; a delighted grin on your face. The shower turns on and you can hear albeit very muffled the sigh of relief that leaves Steven. He sings a little cheer, at which you giggle before he continues the rest of his shower. The bed feels even softer than ever during this season, and you waste no time getting under the covers to finish off the rest of your wait. 
“Alright, I’m all set,” he glowed, much happier being able to feel fingers and the warmth from his clothes. 
“Hurry up and get under here before I take all the covers,” you jokingly tug them over your shoulders; watching Steven scramble to get into bed with you. He grabbed the covers and you let him take some of them until you were both comfortable enough. Steven reached over to the nightstand to grab his book, the one he’s been studying up on since the beginning of this week. You dropped your head to his shoulder so you could read as well, even though you’ve only picked up on parts he’s read to you. 
“Come closer,” Steven lifted up his arm, his hand beckoning you closer. You obliged him, of course, tucking yourself underneath his arm, and his hand resting on your hip.
“This better?”
“Absolutely,” he answered, kissing the top of your head. “So, much better than the cold,” he hummed as you grinned at him. 
“Glad I could help, sweetheart,” you kissed the underside of his jaw, catching his quiet sigh as he turned the page. 
As much as you wanted to enjoy the read with him, your body began to settle. The fight to keep your eyes open was useless, as they shut after the third long blink. The heat from him engulfed you; the darkness felt like a soft blanket, keeping you content and safe. The normal hum of the a.c. blurred into the background as you found yourself drifting away until you felt a small nudge. 
“Sleepy?” his voice was soft, enough so that if you had been any closer to sleep you probably wouldn’t have heard him. 
“You’re warm,” you mumbled surly, with your eyes still closed, “feels nice.” He chuckles, gently rubbing your shoulder before placing his book on top of the nightstand. He pulls you closer as he lays down fully, letting you rest on top of him. Tender hands rub your back, fingers sweetly tracing, luring you to sleep. His soothing was the added cherry on top, as you yawned, finally giving into the night. 
“Goodnight, snow fairy,” you manage to mumble out, as your mind floats away; your thoughts fading into the delicate embrace. Steven quietly beams at the name, delicately sketching a little heart over your back and rubbing over that area until you were fast asleep. 
“Goodnight, my love,” he grins, kissing the top of your head, closing his eyes, and dreaming of you both in the fluffy white snow.
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lavendertales · 1 year
SEÑORITA: Chapter 2
pairing: Javier Peña x Murphy!f!reader
summary: Steve offers to show you around the precinct, but he's not expecting all the teasing words and the tension between you and Javier; and neither does Javier himself.
word count: 3k
series warnings: reluctant friends to lovers, lots of playful banter, mutual pining, slow burn, secret relationship, filthy smut.
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series masterlist | AO3
As it turns out, a baby living in the same space as you isn’t your biggest inconvenience.
Okay, perhaps “inconvenience” is taking things too far. Olivia has been a treat these past few days; she’s just started walking and mumbling a few words, so watching her be curious about everything and reach for things and people with her little hands has been one of your weekly highlights.
But you and Steve remain far from the good buddies you were as children, and the awkwardness that floats in the air whenever you interact is very much palpable and thick, weighing down on both of you.
Even so, you at least remain polite towards each other, and you both try your hardest to become friendly again.
Steve tells you about his time in Colombia; he tells you how he caught Pablo Escobar in his final moments and how he wished Javier was there to share the sweet victory since “it would’ve been only fair”. He mentions Javier quite a lot, actually, just like he did in his letters to you. You deduce that they are good friends, bonded by a mutual goal and plenty of tragedy, and that Javier is, despite some flaws and choices, a focused and hardworking man. Trustworthy and loyal.
In other words, a good man.
“I still have them, by the way,” you tell your brother as you take another sip of coffee.
Steve blinks in surprise. “You kept the letters I sent you?”
“Well, yeah. You’re still my brother, and the fact that you took the time to write to me when you were basically in a living hell, it means a lot to me. I was worried about you.”
The warmth that fills Steve’s body is not unknown, and yet it feels like it’s the very first time he’s ever felt it such a big wave of affection towards his baby sister.
“I figured if something were to happen, you’d be… eased,” he tries to joke.
“You’re not my favorite person in the world but I don’t want you to die. Besides, do you have any idea how expensive it is to have a funeral? Not to mention the cost of retrieving your body from there… way too much work.”
You both giggle, finding odd comfort in the rather morbid way you’re making jokes, and you finish your coffees in silence. Connie is at the park with Olivia—which you suspect was done intentionally on her part—and it’s almost time for both of you to head off to work. You actually crave the library’s welcoming silence today.
“I’ve got an idea,” Steve says, washing both cups. “The precinct isn’t that far from the library.”
“Probably ten minutes by car or so.”
“Exactly. How about you stop by at lunch? I can show you around, give you a tour.”
He’s trying, you smile to yourself. He’s trying to make things great again. You want that too, so it’s not hard to meet him halfway.
“That sounds pretty good actually,” you reply and smile when Steve does.
“Can you give me a ride to work?”
“Sure thing, c’mon.”
On your way, you talk more and it becomes easier, more lighthearted. You find out that Steve wrote to your parent as well, and he also called them once a week. He talked to your mother daily during the brief time he and Connie were apart, and as you hear that, your heart sinks a little. You figure how difficult it must’ve been for both of them.
And even if you don’t say it aloud, you’re very impressed by Steve’s work in Colombia. But most of all, you’re proud of him.
“What’s Javier like?”
The question replaces the brightness on Steve’s face with a gloomy and curious expression. Much as he tries to hide it, it’s there.
“Why?” he asks flatly.
You roll your eyes, chuckling. “He’s your best friend, isn’t he?”
“Yeah, so?”
“Steven, I’m given to understand that Colombia was very dark. The two of you are bonded together by things that the rest of us can’t comprehend. I’m just asking out of curiosity, nothing more.”
Steve’s grip tightens over the wheel, recalling some of the events in Colombia. It was very dark indeed, but most of the time he had Connie there. Javier, on the other hand… there were times Steve feared he was drowning the more vehemently he refused any external help. All he had were his brothel girls, alcohol and cigarettes.
And Steve fears he still hasn’t recovered, even a year later.
“He’s a great guy overall,” Steve replies after a while. “Tough nut to crack and stubborn, but you can rely on him when it comes down to it.”
“He does look like he’s stubborn.”
“Have you seen much of him?”
“You mean since he introduced himself last week, then you shadily pulled him over after which he fled like the plague? Hmm, no, I can’t say I have.”
Steve coos your name, almost apologetically so, but you cut him off instantly. “Even if I were interested in him, which I’m not, what’s it to you? I get that I’m your sister and he’s your best friend and that puts you in the middle, but we’re adults. It would be none of your business.”
“True, but…” Steve huffs, struggling to find his words. “Look, I’m just trying to keep you both safe and sane.”
You frown. “What do you mean?”
“Whenever you were dating one of your bad boys, it never ended well. Remember Hyde, who spray painted dad’s car when you broke up with him?”
“Ugh. Yikes.”
“Or Mike?”
You try your hardest not to laugh. “I still can’t believe he found a skunk and sprayed it all over you.”
You suppress a giggle, much to Steve’s dismay.
“I had to sleep in the basement for a week,” he reminds you bitterly. “Wasn’t funny then, and it’s not funny now.”
“I know, I’m s—I’m sorry.”
“Ever notice how your breakups affected the rest of us, but never you?”
You shrug. “What can I say? I have a long lasting impact on these boys.”
“That’s what I’m afraid of.”
“Javier’s a grown man. Those were little insecure boys. I doubt—“
“Javier isn’t fully okay after Colombia. Neither am I, really, but I’ve got a beautiful wife, an amazing daughter, and life goes on. He took it all by himself and bottled it up. Which is exactly like the kind of guy you’d fall for.”
“I thought he’s a reformed bad boy.”
Steve huffs, parking the car in front of the library and looking at you with a care he hadn’t possessed in years.
“I’m not trying to tell you what to do,” he says softly. “Not gonna do things like I did when we were teenagers. You’re a grown woman, Javier is a grown man as you said. He’s a little broken though, and you can be a lot to deal with… and I’m just afraid you’ll both end up getting hurt.”
“I appreciate your concern, Steven. But I promise you, I’m not interested in Javier like that.”
“All the women are at some point.”
“It’s a regular occurrence?”
When Steve hesitates, you get your answer. “Oh come on, it’s not like he’s some Adonis.”
“I don’t know, for a guy he’s pretty good looking.”
Devilishly handsome is more like it, you think.
“He is,” you agree indifferently, “but I’m not into it.”
“I’ll pick you up at 12-ish?”
You notice the topic change, but you don’t fight against it. “Sounds good,” you concede. Thanks for the ride.”
“You got it.”
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Time flew by in the blink of an eye. Before you knew it, you were back in Steve’s car and on your way to the precinct. There’s a tingle in your body that you cannot explain, but you don’t fight against it either.
“So what exactly does a consultant do at a police precinct?” you ask.
“I help with cases but I don’t actually get involved. It’s a pretty sweet deal actually.”
“So it’s basically like giving advice and adding at the end, ‘if it ruins your life, it’s not my fault’?”
A hearty laugh leaves Steve’s chest, booming throughout the car. “Basically, yeah.”
“That’s a pretty sweet deal. How are you adjusting to it after all you did… in your previous job?”
“It’s a bit boring if you compare them, but it’s a nice change of pace.”
“I’ll bet. You are, after all, America’s hero.”
“Oh, stop it.”
“Come on! You know what people are saying about you! Steve Murphy, American’s fine hero, saved the world!”
You keep teasing him till you both end up laughing wholeheartedly. It’s a sentiment you haven’t had in years, and suddenly you feel grateful and lucky to have your big brother back in your life.
Steve holds the door for you, thus allowing you to get a first glimpse into his work environment. It’s as busy as any precinct, people buzzing and moving at a fast pace without paying much attention to their surroundings.
“Here,” Steve catches your attention. “This is my office.”
You scan the cubicle, noticing the picture of him, Connie and Olivia on his desk. “Pretty cozy.”
“That one over there is Javier’s.”
The difference between the two desks is quite stunning: while Steve’s is cozy and personalized with reminders of the life he has outside these walls, Javier’s is pretty empty except a few folders neatly stacked on top of each other, a pen and a stapler. His desk seems pretty empty, and you fleetingly wonder if that reflects how he’s feeling on a daily basis.
Impossible, you think to yourself. Surely he’s a ladies’ man, and surely he’s got someone to hook up with at least, if nothing more.
“Hey Jav,” your brother’s voice changes. “You remember my sister.”
Your eyes met Javier’s for a single second, frozen-like in time, and you’re quick to notice how he shifts his gaze as farther away from you as possible. As a response, you lower your head, stiffening a chuckle.
“Hola señorita,” he tells you, even his voice distant.
There’s no verbal reply leaving your mouth. You want to say something clever and witty, maybe even sarcastic, but there is a small fraction of your slightly twisted being, deep down, which considers his greeting to be an awakening of some sort. You like how the words roll so easily down his tongue. A presumably filthy and skilled tongue.
Whoa. Where the fuck did that come from?
Okay, so you might think he’s attractive. He might be sin personified with golden skin and cold attitude, which means he can be trouble.
And you’re not looking for trouble. Not anymore.
“What brings you here?”
It takes you a bit to realize that Javier’s addressing you because he’s not even looking at you; he’s looking through a folder in his hands, seemingly doing everything in his power to ignore you.
“Steve wanted to show me around the precinct while we grab some lunch,” you say.
“Oh, right, lunch!” Steve exclaims. “I got us turkey sandwiches from a nice place down the street, hope that’s okay.”
“Yeah, love those.”
“I’ll be right back.”
With Steve gone temporarily, you take the opportunity to squeeze some answers out of Javier.
“Let me guess,” you start, crossing your arms at your chest and teasingly sitting on the edge of Javier’s desk. “Steven put on the big bro talk with you.”
Javier finally looks at you, somewhat surprised. “Is that a regular occurrence?”
“Oh yes. He used to do it a lot when we were teenagers. But please don’t hold my being related to him against me.”
“Wasn’t going to.”
“Thanks. He claims that I made his life miserable by bullying him when we were younger but if you’re asking me, he’s a bit of a wimp. When it comes to me, at least.”
“You do sound like a bully.”
This time you do chuckle. And if you wouldn’t have such great observation skills, you might’ve thought that Javier chuckled too.
“Did you bully him though?” he asks, voice less distant.
“Well… depends from which side you’re viewing things. I say I gave him reality checks. But this might explain why he’s trying so damn hard to overcompensate now by being ridiculously protective. He knows I didn’t like it then and it’s why we’re awkward around each other now, and yet here he is, going out of his way to keep you at bay.”
“He only asked me nicely to not hit on you.”
You raise your eyebrows. “Were you going to?”
“No. You’re not really… my type. No offense or anything.”
“None taken. But the question remains, why does my brother want to keep you at bay? Are you really that big of an asshole, Javier?”
He turns to you, studying your face properly for the very first time. You seem much sharper than any of the women he previously encountered, and for this reason he decides to be as blunt as possible with you.
“That seems to be the consensus,” he agrees.
“Cause I heard some storied from my brother’s time in Colombia. I heard about the infamous Javier Peña. Heard you were quite the hit with the ladies, but nothing short of ‘hero’ and ‘great friend’.”
Gradually, Javier becomes irritated. Reminders of his past life in Colombia and how much it took from him become a trigger, and he doesn’t want to relive any part of that.
“Are you gonna do this the whole time you’re here?” he asks you instead.
“I could,” you shrug. “I can see it gets a rise out of you.”
“And I can see why Steve said you can be a pain in the ass.”
But you smile, and paired with the way you said his full name, rolling the R perfectly at the end, it does get a rise out of him.
Frustration. The inability to act upon it. Curiosity. Forbidden fruit.
Too much contradiction for Javier’s personal taste.
“Listen,” he moves closer to you to whisper in dangerous proximity, “Steve asked me to not get involved with you, friend to friend. So that’s what I intend to do. More like not do.”
“Okay, that’s honorable, I respect that. But how much fun would it be to mess with him?”
Javier cocks an eyebrow in your direction, the faint scent of something floral suddenly invading his nostrils.
“Why would we mess with him?”
“Come on! Haven’t you ever wanted to just mess with him? Prank him in any way?”
“Not out of instinct.”
“You’re missing out.”
“And how exactly would we mess with him?”
“Do I detect interest in your voice?”
The playfulness in your voice, along with a hint of mischief, is causing Javier’s head to spin. You’re still not his type, but you sure seem like fun.
And he likes to have fun once in a while.
Forbidden fruit, he reminds himself.
“I figure if he sees me around you a lot, he’ll think we’re fucking, and based on your reputation, sounds plausible,” you ponder. “One of those veins in his head is bound to pop.”
“Shit, you’re a mean one. But I still want to respect Murphy’s wish.”
As if on command, Steve rushes back, handing you a sandwich and pulling Javier closer.
“I found this on Lieutenant Dan’s desk,” he mutters, but not hushed enough to not reach your ears.
Steve reveals a folder that you try to peak at while Javier rummages through it. Seconds later, his face brightens.
“New intel on the case,” Steve adds. “These sure would come in handy for closing the case.”
“So take ‘em.”
Both men stare at you like you just said the most outrageous thing in the world. “They’re classified, smarty pants,” Steve practically scolds you.
“So? You’re not taking them outside the precinct. You’re just… borrowing them, looking at words on a page.”
“If I close my eyes, you’re like the female version of Javier.”
“Gee, thanks.”
“Why are you here, again?”
Javier’s sharp eyes cut through you like glass, but they don’t intimidate you.
“Apparently I’m the only one thinking rationally,” you retort.
With a loud grunt and a quick glance around, Javier turns to Steve. “Look, just—just stuff it down your pants.”
“Do you wanna close the case or not?”
“Yeah, obviously, but—“
“Stuff ‘em down your pants.”
“Say that a lot to your lady friends?”
The glare Javier throws you doesn’t intimidate either. If anything, it only makes you bolder.
“If your brother wasn’t here, I would’ve told you where you can stuff that,” he grunts.
“Yeah, you’d wish you’d stuff something in this.”
“Both of you, cut it out, now,” Steve shushes you. “And ew. Why me, anyway? You pulled the same stunt back in Medellin.”
“They’ll suspect me.”
“You can’t play that card here too!”
“Spanish-speaking guy with a foreign family name? Trust me, they’ll fucking suspect me, Murphy.”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake!”
Within a split second, you snatch the folder from Steve’s hands and, ensuring no one’s around, you tug at Javier’s belt, making enough room for the folder to slide between his shirt and his pants. Breathless, Javier can only watch in shock as you smile, so as to not raise any suspicions, and button his blazer so that the foreign element in his suit isn’t visible.
“There,” you say, “problem solved.”
“What the fuck,” Steve mutters under his breath.
“I wasn’t gonna shove a folder down your pants.”
Javier can’t think of a single thing to say. He can only watch you as you sit down, finally munching on your sandwich, and feel a concoction of feelings.
She’s not my type, he remembers.
But shit, that was hot.
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tags: @pedrostories @milkymoon2483 @ifall4dilfs @psychedelic-ink @casa-boiardi
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absolutelyhugh3s · 11 months
jersey giant | jh86
y’all i am so so sorry this took so long to get out!! i’ll try my best to start getting things out quicker and more often!!
but we’re back with the song blurbs!! i’ve recently been obsessed with jersey giant by elle king and for some reason it makes me think of the devils
pairing -> graves!sister!oc x jack hughes warnings -> mentions of blood, mentions of injury, slight cursing, mentions of death not my gif!!
word count -> 2.12k
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7 months ago
since i was a little girl, I believed everything happens for a reason.
no matter how hard i search, there was no reason for this.
i remember that day like no other. i sat in the living room of my hoboken apartment, which i shared with my older brother, of course.
today my anxiety had been like no other. with ryan at hockey practice, i feared something happened to him. i texted him an upwards of 30 times, to be graced with a response of “dw cupcake i’m doing fine :)”
however, that did not calm my rambunctious mind. so i turned to my music. i’ve been writing music since i was in high school, not for the people, just for me. music was my escape, an outlet for me to express my emotions.
i don’t remember much from those few hours, the only thing i remember was my raw and bleeding fingertips after playing for so long.
it was about 3 o’clock when the front door opened. “i’m home cupcake!” ryan called, though it wasn’t his usual tone. it seemed gloomy and sad.
my brother seemed to drag himself into our shared living room, shoulders hunched, a solemn look on his face.
“how was practice?” i ask cheerfully, trying to lighten his mood. “i’m so sorry darcie” ryan croaks out, tears pooling in his eyes.
“for what ry? what’s the matter?” i ask, cupping his face and wiping the few tears that had fallen.
“they’re trading me.”
his words cut me like a freshly sharpened knife. he opens his mouth to speak once again and i brace for the impact.
“to pittsburgh”
the knife was twisted. for the past two years, i was blessed to call the garden state my home, and blessed to call the devils my family.
i was struggling with my schooling a lot a few years ago, trying to cope with the loss of my brother at home. so my parents thought it would be a good idea to send me to live with him.
so to new jersey he went, with me in toe.
i’ve made great friends while being here, johnny, dawson, nico, jesper, timo, they were all such great company.
but no one’s company could compare to that of the devils prodigy, jack hughes.
being very close in age, we became best friends immediately. we spent almost every day together except when he had morning skate or roadies.
jack was my person. at first i thought it was just platonically, but after a few months of our friendship, i developed feelings.
and after a hard loss, denying them a spot in the 2022 stanley cup playoffs, i discovered he reciprocated those same feelings.
so we started dating in secret. it wasn’t easy, but we made it work. and about 6 months in, we told our siblings. 
luke was accidentally first to know, after an awkward walk in that lacked clothes. quinn followed soon after, because jack felt guilty that the younger hughes knew but not the older hughes.
ryan was the last to know. it took a while for him to warm up to our relationship, but he eventually came around. plus, the boys became even closer than they already were. everything was perfect, until it wasn’t.
“so what does this mean” i ask, looking down at the dried blood on my fingers, my voice cracking as i try to conceal my true feelings.
“we have to leave jersey. and move to pittsburgh” he said, clearly just upset as i was. “trust me darcie i don’t want to leave” he sighs
“so don’t!” i exclaim jumping up from my place on the couch. ryan looks up at me with tears in his eyes. “darcie you know it’s not possible. if it was i wouldn’t be leaving”
“but ryan my whole life is here” i cry “my friends are here, my job is here, for fucks sake my boyfriend is here!” tears begin to stream down my face. “i cant just uproot my life because you got traded!” 
“darcie lynn graves you know we have no choice.” he says sternly. brushing his long hair out of his eyes. “better get packing” he says, looking around at the decor. “our flight leaves tomorrow night.” and with that, he walked through the apartment to his bedroom.
just as i’m about to pick up the phone and call jack, there’s a knock on the door. i look out the peephole to see non other than my boyfriend, with tear stained cheeks on the other side.
i immediately open the door to see jack still in his practice clothes. “nico was the first player to know. he told the rest of us and i came as soon as i could” his voice cracks.
i wrap my arms around his shoulders while his encircle my waist. “i don’t want you to leave me” he mumbles, placing his head in the crook of my neck. “i have no choice baby” i sigh “this is the absolute last thing i want to do”
“how long do i have?” he asks me, tears falling down his cheeks. “what?” i ask, caught off guard by the question. “until you have to leave. how long”
“my flight leaves tomorrow night” i brush the strands of his messy hair out of his face.
it looked as though that statement broke his heart. it’s scary, being young and in love, not knowing if this could possibly be the last time they ever meet face to face.
“then let’s make these next 24 hours, the best we possibly can” he says feigning confidence.
we did everything together for the next 24 hours, just as he had promised. we had the time of our lives. we went skating together, a late night 7/11 run, movies, the whole nines.
all knowing it could possibly be the last time.
then came the part i dreaded the most, leaving. ryan insisted on taking my ginormous suitcase, as jack and i walked through the airport hand in hand.
we stopped before we got to tsa. i bit my bottom lip, knowing this is what had to happen. knowing that i was leaving and he wasn’t coming with me.
jack turns to me with a sad smile on his face. “i’m gonna miss you so much baby” he says, trying to hold back tears as well.
“i’m gonna miss you too jacky” i said, my tears finally falling. he wipes them away, the sad smile remaining on his face. “i love you to the moon and saturn” he says cupping my face in his hands.
“i love you forever and always” i smile “no matter how far away i am” jack dips his head down placing a passionate and loving kiss on my lips. “dars let’s go!” ryan calls out.
“promise me you’ll call me if you need anything ok?” a big goofy smile appears on the brunette boys face. “only if you promise me the same” we laugh and share our last goodbyes as ryan and i headed towards tsa.
present time
i left jersey almost seven months ago now, but i miss jack like crazy. being without him has been really tough for me, and everyone can tell. however, i was able to spend a few weeks with him over the summer at his lake house. i met trevor, alex, cole, and ellen and jim officially, and i loved every second of it
believe it or not i’ve made some great friends in pittsburgh. if you told twelve year old me that i was friends with sidney crosby she would laugh at you and tell you you’re crazy.
“whatcha doing kid?” sid asks as he sits next to me on the couch. ryan had invited the guys and their partners to our house for a team get together. he says it’s to “celebrate the start of the new season” but i think it’s to get on their good sides.
i point to the large flat screen tv currently playing the devils game against the st. louis blues. “ohh i see” sidney chuckles “ditching the boys to watch the boyfriend”
i laugh “don’t get too pissy sid” “no no i see where i lie on your rankings of favorites” he jokes, taking a sip of his beer.
“jack hughes goes down and he’s hurt!” the broadcaster says. sid and i freeze.
“no no no”
“cmon kid get up”
“god jack get up!”
“cmon kid cmon!”
we begin to panic, yelling everything we can at the tv, as though it could be heard all the way in st. louis.
i try to hold back my tears, as i pick up my phone. as my shaky hands attempted to open my phone, jacks contact photo appears.
i look to the tv to see he’s already in the locker room. “hello?” i ask, voice shaky and palms sweaty. “hello is this darcie graves?” the man asks, clearly not jack.
“yes how can i help you?” i ask “im michael coyne, the head physical therapist for the new jersey devils. now, i’m not sure if your aware but jack sustained a significant injury to his shoulder tonight, and he keeps asking for you. and if possible we would fly you into jersey and we can meet you there. now he has informed us of your current situation, we will cover all fees needed, we just want to make sure he is ok.”
“absolutely, um- i- yeah i’ll- i’ll go” i stutter. “perfect. the flight leaves in an hour, is that alright?” he asks. “yeah that’s perfect” i sadly smile. 
“any questions?” he asks sincerely. “yes there is. can i talk to jack?” micheal almost cuts me off, “absolutely here he is now” 
“hello?” i hear my boyfriend hiss in pain. “hi jacky. i’m coming ok? they’re flying you home and i’ll meet you there. it takes to hours to get there babe, but i’ll make it to the airport in about an hour or so” i ramble.
“ok.” he hisses again “i never expected you to come back” he says. i can tell he’s frustrated by the situation, he hates being away from hockey.
“i’ll come back if you just call” i say sweetly “now i have to get packing and head down to the airport. i’ll call you as soon as i can alright?” i begin to throw my clothes into my suitcase.
“ok i love you”
“i love you more jack, i’ll be there soon.”
3.5 hours later
i landed in newark just before jack and the trainers did. although it was around 10 pm the city was still alive. so to take my mind off of the stress, i walked to the prudential center. once i arrived the trainers were already there and assessing jack.
as soon as i walked through the doors i was met by devils personnel, who ushered me into the training room. 
it was there that i saw jack sitting near a pt table with ice wrapped around his shoulder.
“you gave me the worst scare of my life” i said making my presence known to the older boy. “oh thank god your here” jack goes to get up “god fucking damn it” he hisses, sitting back in the chair.
i run to his side “can i get you anything? water, ice, a heating pad? i can order chipotle if you want? have you eaten? oh god your probably starving” i ramble.
“hey, i’m alright darcie. i’m not going anywhere” he says cupping my jaw with his healthy hand. “but what if you weren’t? something serious could have happened, you could’ve gotten a concussion, snapped your neck, jack rowden you could’ve died!”
he doesn’t respond, only chuckling under his breath at my rambling. “stop looking at me like that! it’s not funny! this is serious!” i giggle, trying my best to stay mad at him. i failed miserably.
“come sit” jack says, patting the seat next to him. as i sit down he places his good arm around my shoulders, carefully pulling me into his chest. “thank you for being here. it means a lot to me” jack says, placing a kiss on my temple.
“i’ll always be here for you baby” i smile up at him. he leans down and places a slow and sweet kiss on my lips. 
i plan to stay in newark for the next few weeks, since luke and jack have an extra room in their house. “are you gonna play doctor?” jack asks as i help him into the car. “i guess so yeah” i giggle.
“can you wear one of those sexy nurse costumes?”
“jack rowden hughes!”
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mephinomaly · 10 months
[ This post uses Ois~su ♪ ]
Time: One week later. The day before the “vampires'” subjugation battle, tentatively named Flashback. The day UNDEAD first met
Location: In Hasumi Keito’s family temple's graveyard
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Rei: Bein’ a ghost must be fun ♪ Bein’ a ghost must be great ♪
Don’t have to work , don’t have to study, you can just have a concert from noon 'til midnight~♪
Adonis: What’s wrong, Sakuma-senpai? Have you been drinking?
Rei: I’m not old enough to drink. But if I was, it would probably be a lot of fun~♪
Adonis: I don’t understand why, but you are in strangely high spirits…. Recently you have had a gloomy aura about you, so I am glad to see you feeling better.
Rei: Fuwah. That’s amazin’, you really noticed I was depressed?
No matter how much you say you like ‘n respect them, humans will never bother to understand or even look at other people.
Adonis: I only noticed due to the fact that I have known you the longest, Sakuma-senpai, therefore I noticed your change in behaviour early on.
Rei: So much for humility. Even my little brother, who I’ve been with since the very day he was born, has no idea what I’m goin’ through.
I want him to know so like an attention seeker I say “hey hey, let’s play a game! What is your oniichan thinking about?”
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Adonis: Is that why he thinks you're annoying and hates you?
Rei: H-he doesn’t hate me! The Bible says that a younger brother loves his older brother as much as his older brother loves his younger brother!
Adonis: I see. As my view was incorrect, I apologise.
Rei: Adonis-kun, anyone ever told you you’re a joke killer?
Adonis: Killer…? I’ve been trying to keep a low profile so I do not earn a shameful nickname such as that.
I am a foreigner. Even if you don’t want to, you stand out in this country. It’s sad, but that is often how things go. Especially mothers with children tend to be strangely wary of me.
That’s why I believe it is better for me to be a good child, who is quieter than needed, serious, and harmless.
Rei: Hm. Since you have a different point of view, you see things most people wouldn’t see.
How could I think you of all people, was the person behind those “vampires”?
It’s been worse than usual, but it feels like my thoughts are bein’ influenced by someone. Feels pretty bad.
It’s like I’m bein’ forced to be a character in some story told by someone I know nothin’ about.
Is it just a puberty thing? Whaddya think, Adonis-kun?
Adonis: I don’t know. But I do think that accusing me of being the culprit and denouncing me was out of character for you.
Fortunately, everything seems to have been cleared up but to be honest, it hurt me a little.
Even you misunderstood me.
Rei: Ah, yeah, I’m sorry. I really love you though, you know?
Adonis: It’s not a matter of liking or disliking me. It’s about recognition and understanding.
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Koga: …What are you two talkin’ ‘bout?
You said we was practicin’ for the battle against the “vampires” today… Yet Hakaze ain’t even here.
Thought you’d bring him with you Sakuma-senpai, and uh, who’s this?
Adonis: I am Otogari Adonis. I have told you my name numerous times.
Koga: Adonisu… What’s this got to do with him?
Is this really okay? Can we even beat these “vampires”? Of course, if Sakuma-senpai is here we won’t have a problem but—
Rei: Realllyyy now. Maybe I’ll betray you again like I did at the Deadmanz live, hm?
I don’t really like it when people depend on me. Doesn’t really do it for me ya know.
C’mon, Wan-chan, tell me somethin’ inspirational ♪
Koga: I dunno how to do that…
I wrote a song for the Drefes, incase we hadta perform somethin’. I was jus’ tryin’ my hand at writin’ a song myself.
Rei: Really now? Impressive, you’re lookin’ like a real band member ♪ Go on then, show me ♪
Koga: I-its not very good so don’t have too high of expectations please![1]
I only picked this up as a hobby in the past few years, and since I’m self-taught, I’m still not perfect so—
Rei: What’s with the sudden keigo? Stop it, it’s not you.
Durin’ the Deadmanz live you was bitin’ ‘n snappin’ at me, weren’t ya?
Koga: I was excited then… But now we’re in a band together, and we’re closer, you somehow seem more impressive to me.
I-I’m nervous… I apologise if I made you uncomfortable, I don’t want to upset you again so quickly.
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Rei: Upset me? Interestin’ wordin’... Hah, hahaha?
Ah, yeah. Wanna try playin’ that song of yours?
[ ☆ ]
koga starts using polite speech, which as you may know, is not something he does often lol
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
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nehswritesstuffs · 6 months
HEART PIRATES WEEK 2024 - Day 2 of 9
I told myself last year that I was going to participate in Heart Pirates Week this year, and by thunder I'm going to participate in Heart Pirates Week!
Day Two: Shachi - Celebration
472 words; this prompt’s potential sfw disqualifier is swearing, but it’s no different from what you’d hear in middle/high school, so there’s that; this came so late bc I was very cocky and did not finish the draft in time for the whirlwind of the past few days I’ve had so my apologies; still very, very not beta’d, so don’t be surprised if this tweaks slightly later
He did it. The bastard actually fucking did it.
Okay, sure, he’d had his doubts about the plan from the get-go, something that had seemingly been cobbled together on a whim but Shachi knew was much older than that. It made sense that people who became Warlords did so for their own reasons, and not all of them pleasant, but after what Blackbeard had pulled in Impel Down and Marineford, one would think that the military was about to vet their candidates a bit better…
…and as it turned out, the bullying that Law did was barely even necessary. They were getting so strapped for bodies in the seats that they were more than willing to negotiate.
“Way to go, Captain!” Shachi cheered, knocking his tankard into his crewmates’ as they finished another toast. “Now we’ve got a universal pass to do whatever we want!”
“No, we don’t,” Law reminded him, the man sourly bunched up at the end of the table. Most of the crew was there and it was clearly making the room feel way too small. “As long as we don’t piss off the Government while doing shit for them, we’ve got a conditional pass. I still need to build the clout to get to where we need to go.”
“Always such a grump,” Shachi huffed. “Why are you like this?”
“Like what?” Law scowled.
“Always being gloomy before you know what the weather is—you haven’t changed since we were kids.”
“Can you blame me?”
“Yes.” Shachi stood and, after finding his balance, caught Penguin’s eye on the other side of the mess hall. “Oi! Peng! Cap’s got a lot to celebrate, doesn’t he?!”
“What… you mean more than strong-arming himself into the Shichibukai…?”
“Duh… like… literally everything!”
“Alright,” Law sighed, “you’ve had too much to drink.”
“Pshaw—as if,” Shachi scoffed. He threw an arm around Law’s shoulders and leaned into him. “I’m only four drinks in. I can go all night.”
“Can you not go while hanging all over me?”
“…and miss embarrassing you? No fucking way.” He gave his captain—who by all accounts was basically his younger brother at this point—a shit-eating grin. It was easy to imagine they were teenagers again, fresh off their first “fundraising” raid and so high on adrenaline they were all practically vibrating out of their skin.
…but now? While they had a Warlord to celebrate? The crew was going to fucking party until they couldn’t anymore and nothing was going to stop them, Shachi was going to make sure of it. He downed the rest of his beer and took his weight off Law. “Who’s up for another round?!”
Everyone in the mess hall, aside from Law, cheered. Shachi could see his captain’s face grow a little darker in blush and he knew he fucking nailed it.
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alorhna · 11 months
Forbidden Fruit
It was a normal day, or night. Maybe.
I couldn’t tell anymore, the hours began to blur together.
Atleast when I was in the tower, I could see the dawn shine in, and the stars when the sun went to bed. But in this gloomy basement, (or what I at-least think is the basement) I couldn’t tell what time it was, or how long I’d been here to begin with.
The only way I knew days were passing was when Kylar brought me that tray of food, and asked his dull questions.
‘How are you?’
‘Are you hunrgy?’
It was amusing how he seemed to hang on to every word I said, no matter how small or insignificant.
He reminded me of the baby foxes that dwelled in the moors.
Kylar must have felt so proud to take me down and keep me in this gloomy place. But his binding is poor, I could have freed myself at any moment and run for the hills if I wanted.
‘So why didn’t I…’
It’s a question that’s been eating at me for weeks.. days?.. hours. Eh.
There’s something familiar about Kylar, about this place. I just can’t put my finger on it.
The scraping of steel on stone floor caught my attention. My little green eyed fox had come to feed me. Adorable.
Kylar looked off however, more fidgety. Well, more than normal anyway.
“What’s wrong” I ask, my voice felt raspy, I hadn’t spoken in hours.
“I-I’m sorry” Kylar stutters and fidgets. Hopping From one foot to another. “I shouldn’t have done this to you- your my girlfriend.” His voice is full of grief as he quickly begins to unfasten my binds.
“I just.. I.. I don’t know what came over me.” He says, looking down onto the floor.
I shrug and stretch my tired limbs, it’s been forever since I could move. I moan softly as my aching muscules stretch and pop.
When I look at Kylar he still has that saddened expression. I sigh and give him a wry smile. “It’s in the past..alright?” I say calmly. “Just don’t do it again.”
At that he nods, quite quickly.
Kylar then proceeds to lead me out of where I assume is the basement and into another room on a higher floor. He has a few clothes laid out in front of me. Their gothic. Quite fitting for the ambience of his home, I suppose.
Once I’ve finished dressing, I twirled in my black dress. It was quite comfortable, surprisingly so. the clothes were strangely my exact size.. but then again this was Kylar, if anyone would have my measurements memorized it would most likely be him.
After we finish dressing Kylar urges me to hurry as he leads me out of that room and back into the hallway; he’s very excited and anxious. He kept mumbling about introducing me to some people close to him.
Family maybe? I wasn’t fully aware, I was slightly distracted by the grandeur of the halls. Kylars home wasn’t the cleanest by far but it was definitely spacious, the inside reminded me of some of the larger houses I had visited on Danube street when I ran errands or did odd jobs from time to time.
As we passed a corner in the hall, my sharp eyes are drawn to a large portrait; a painted one, must have been expensive by how exquisite and well-kept it looked.
It was a depiction of a tall, lanky man with green eyes, and grey beard he had pale skin with stylishly slicked hair. In a chair next to him, was a beautifully voluptuous woman, with brown skin, jet-black hair soft pink eyes. And seated on her lap was a hyper child with a bright smile who seemed to be the perfect combination of his parents traits: With his brown skin, bright green eyes and black hair, it was..Kylar.
With how young Kylar looked the painting, it must have been done years ago. Though Kylar didn’t look as if he’d grown much. Sure he was endowed in.. certain places and his features were sharper, but when it came to his height he’d barely grown more than a few feet and he was quite lean, almost unhealthy. It made me wonder at times if he ate healthy portions of food.
In honest comparison when I first met Kylar I thought he must’ve been from a different year, due to this. but no, he was in the same classes as the rest of us.
He was just small.
My eyes kept drifting back to the painting, and how Kylar changed from such a bright smiling child to the timid boy I know today. What could have happened..?
I found myself staring once again at Kylar’s mother and I scowled slightly as I tried to force my eyes away. But no matter how much I tried to keep my eyes and thoughts focused, I kept finding myself staring at the woman in the portrait.
She…-she looked just like me. Or perhaps, I looked like her.
The feeling that spread through me at that moment was unsettling.
And as Kylar finally managed to pull my attention away from the portrait I noticed something else. his brown complexion, dark-black hair…
If I hadn’t known better, I’d say we could pass off as siblings. But that couldn’t be. I was an orphan.
I had to be…
But then winters ramblings drifted into my mind.
Rambling of history and artifacts.
Of the temples background and of the tragedy that became of the previous ‘believers’ of the faith along with their disappearance.
Of a fallen aristocrat family and the sacrilegious sin they committed decades ago.
Of the broken visions in the hookah parkour; of mayor Quinn and his dealings with Bailey and the mysterious entity keeping him hostage in that strange forest.
Of ivory and the way they stalk the streets for their missing children stolen by Quinn each time the rain passes through elk street.
Of sweet, kind, Sydney, of our holy promise. And of the dark demeanor he keeps hidden lest someone tempt his wrath.
There were dozens of mysteries in this strange town. But right now, beyond all of them; there was two things I was 100% sure of.
Firstly, The numerous incidents in this town were connected. And somehow I was at their epicenter.
And secondly…
This has all happened before.
That was part two, of forbidden fruit.
These writing scenes are part of the backstory between Kylar and Alorhna and their relationship. As well as hints of the future mysteries Alorhna will begin to dive into the more she explores the town and its residents.
And if it wasn’t already obvious by the hints, and my previous posts: in my AU Kylar and Alorhna are Half-siblings.
I also have some more mature scenes planned for Alorhna and Kylar ||aka their gonna fuck- (and have kids eventually) it is what it is|| in the future despite this.
if that makes you as a reader uncomfortable your free to go at any time, my content is about DOL (and that game isn’t for everyone and if you don’t like it that’s fine!) as well as my own personal ideas and writing which I will admit are weird AF, but I’m here to post art and writing and to just have fun, so if you don’t like it your free to go.
But for those who are curious and like what I post stick around cuz I got more planned for Alorhna and the rest of the LI’s >:D
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calzone-d · 1 year
Could you write a Ted Lasso story about the reader not feeling good enough and anxious? I love your writing!
of course, anon! i made this into a little blurb for ya. i’ve been feeling pretty anxious lately myself, and opening up about it to my partner has been scary, but i’m glad i did! find a good partner who listens to you and validates your feelings!! ❤️
warnings: anxiety, reader feeling a teensy bit depressed maybe
A pang hit your chest as soon as you saw the picture. They all looked so happy. Ted, with his arm around Michelle, who had a beaming Henry in her lap. The sounds of the world went quiet as your thoughts took over.
It’s not like this was a normal occurrence. Lately, the weather had just been so cold and gloomy. Getting out of bed the past few days just seemed harder. Deep down, you knew it would pass, just as it always did. That didn’t make it any easier right now, though.
“Y’ready, sweetheart?”, Ted’s soft voice broke you out of your trance.
The two of you flew to Kansas to bring Henry back to Richmond for the next two weeks. He had a break from school and always loved coming to visit when he could. Every single time, he pulled out all the stops to try and stay later than originally planned.
“Yeah I’m.. I’m good, Ted.”, you knew you didn’t sound convincing.
Ted’s mouth opened, and you knew he wasn’t sold on your response. Before he could speak Henry’s excited voice echoed through the hall.
“I’m ready! Can we go now, please?”, he bounced on the balls of his feet as you and Ted each grabbed one of his bags.
“Yeah, Henry Bug. Let’s go get you in the car. I’ll uh.. You can say your goodbyes and then come join us, Ted.”
You knew if you gave him time he’d tell you once more that he felt nothing for her anymore. Nothing that went past respecting her as a co-parent, and sometimes that took everything in him.
Henry talked your ear off as you helped him get settled in your rental car, but you wouldn’t trade it for the world. He had become like your own son, coming to you with his feelings and problems, calling when something new happened. The boy had stolen your heart just as quickly as his father did.
Ted took more time lingering in the house than you loved to think about. You didn’t say anything as he got in the drivers seat.
It wasn’t until you were in the airport until he mentioned it, which you were thankful for. You didn’t want him bringing it up in front of Henry, as Michelle was a topic you three generally avoided talking about.
“What’s goin’ on?”
Your words seemed stuck in your throat as you tried to speak. You knew there was no point in lying to him.
With a shaky voice you replied, “Do you ever want your old family dynamic back? O-or wish that we had something more similar?”.
“Sweetheart, where on earth is that com in’ from? Did I say somethin’?”, his eyebrows furrowed. His bags dropped to his sides as he stepped forward to bring you into his arms.
“No I just.. I was looking at the picture of you guys in the hallway..”, you noticed the way your hands began to shake and your throat grew tight. “And then when it took you a second to come to the car I just- I don’t know.”
Your eyes began to grow misty as he pulled your head to his chest. “I’ve just been feeling anxious lately. I know it’s stupid for me to even ask you that, I just-“
“It’s not stupid, not one bit. Look, hun. That picture was a very, very long time ago, you know that. So much has changed, and shoot, I’m glad it has. Things are completely different now and that’s somethin’ I wouldn’t trade for anything in the world.”
You nodded as you quickly dabbed at your eyes, hoping you could look somewhat decent before Henry came back.
“And I stayed in so long to ask Michelle about lettin’ Henry stay an extra weekend. I know y’all wanted to go to that Lego store you told him about.”, his eyes were full of love as he looked down at you. While you took a few deep breaths, he softly smoothed a hand over the back of your head. A breathy chuckle left your lips at the thought of taking Henry to the lego store.
“Y/n, M’all yours. Every bit of me, darlin’. There’s not one person or thing on this earth that’s gon’ change that, you hear me?”
Ted’s eyes were locked on yours the whole time. You nodded at him with rosy cheeks. After a second, you saw Henry make his way back to you, and pulled Ted in for a brief hug.
“I love you, Ted. Thank you.”, you whispered in his ear. Before he pulled away you pressed a quick kiss to his cheek.
The smile it brought to your face was enough to melt your heart.
“What about me?”, Henry’s voice came from behind you.
“What about you, hun?”, you turned to look at him.
“Well I want a hug too, please.”, this time you laughed louder as you crouched down to bring him in for a big hug. His small arms wrapped around your neck as you squeezed him tight.
Behind his back you locked eyes with Ted as he stared down at you two.
“Come on you two, let’s get on that plane and finally go home, how ‘bout that?”
Thanks for reading! Requests are open!
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sunshinereddie · 2 years
i’ve been so busy with school these past few days and i haven’t wanted to come on tumblr because i know that it would just distract me but i have been thinking about this for DAYS and i am so excited to finally write it
so!!!!! expanding on this amazing hc that @gloomy-prince sent me, imagine it’s a few years later, and richie and eddie have just started dating. except richie is freaking out, because it’s almost eddie’s birthday and he doesn’t know what to get, and he’s talking to ben about it.
“it has to be perfect, you know?” richie says. “and everything i’ve though of so far, they’re good, but not perfect!”
ben thinks for a moment, thinking about the things that eddie likes. “why don’t you make him a mixtape?”
“a mixtape?”
“yeah, like, you could put together a a mix of his favourite songs, and songs that remind you of him, or something like that. i think he’d really like that.”
“hey, that’s not a half-bad idea!” richie says, his face lighting up. “i’ve already got a few songs in mind… plus, i could put on a bunch of those ABBA songs i know he loves.”
ben’s eyes widen at that. “you know that he likes ABBA?”
richie laughs. “ ‘course i do. he thinks i don’t, but i do. he’s got pretty shit-quality headphones, so i can hear the music through ‘em if he’s close enough. plus, i found the box of cd’s under his bed once when we were looking an extra bike helmet to loan georgie.”
ben smiles at that. he knows that eddie has always been so worried about what people would think if they knew he listened to bands like ABBA and bananarama, but to see richie act like this about it made ben believe that they were even more perfect for each other.
ben helps richie make the mixtape, telling richie all of eddie’s favourite songs, and having his heart feel very full after seeing some of the romantic songs that richie added because they remind him of eds.
and in the end, ben was right- eddie loved the mixtape. it was practically all he listened to after receiving it, and every time he did, he listened with a huge smile on his face, and feeling so very in love with richie.
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karatekels · 1 year
KK3 Terry please!! :))
Original Prompt: (by anonymous)
In just about every [KK3] TerryxReader fic/hc I’ve read, I always feel that deep down he doesn’t actually care about the reader (which I figure would be cannon tbh) Anyway, could you please do anything pertaining a Terry that is genuinely in love with us to heal my heart pls 😫🤚
Here you go! It’s full of cliches, but I couldn’t help myself. Enjoy!
You look at the clock again, but only four minutes have passed since the last time you checked the time. Today had been crawling along impossibly slowly at work, and you were frustrated and exhausted. It’s Valentine’s Day, and it’s the first one in awhile where you’ve actually in a relationship with someone. You and Terry had been together for a few months now, and this would be the first real celebration of the two of you as a couple. He was also busy with work today, but that was fine; he tended to spoil you at every opportunity, so you both had happily agreed on having a nice dinner at his home after work and keeping things simple.
Good thing, too, you think to yourself. You were exhausted. You had tossed a nice outfit in your car this morning on your way to work, and hoped that Terry would be amenable to you having a quick shower and change before dinner. You still wanted there to be something special about tonight; you two hadn’t really had time for anything more than a casual meal since New Year’s Eve.
You had told Terry that you loved him that night, and while you knew he hadn’t been ready to say it back, you hadn’t let that stop you. Terry had been through so much in his life, and he had so few reliable people that had stood by him, cared for him. You really only knew about Johnny, and even that relationship was built on the horrific traumas of war. Of course it would be difficult for him to open up enough to care for you that deeply, especially as you had only been together for a few months. But you hadn’t been able to hold it in anymore; you knew the depth of your feelings for him, and part of you hoped that by telling him, he would be able to open up a bit more. Were you taking a risk with your own heart? Sure, but it was worth it. He was worth it.
Bringing yourself out of your musings, you check the clock to see that it’s now past 5. You could finally pack up and go home! As you pack up for the day, you look out the window and see that the torrential rain – very uncommon for California, even in February – that had started around mid-morning was still persisting, the sky a dark and gloomy grey. Perhaps you and Terry would have a romantic night snuggled by the fire? Smiling at the thought, you run to your car to avoid getting too wet, trying to focus on getting to your love.
You really hated driving in the rain, but you were almost there, just approaching the turn off the highway to Terry’s neighbourhood of opulent estates. You needed to push past your fatigue and stress before he saw you; he could read your face like a book. He had spent months trying to convince you to let him hire a driver for you, or even just to pick you up on occasion, but you had put your foot down. You know that Terry had meant well, but you needed to maintain your independence, and relying on somebody else and their money that much would have made you go mad.
Chuckling at the memory of the last time he had tried to persuade you – ending in a bit of a tantrum on his part that you had found both adorable and hilarious, you take the next exit.
Something in the car makes a horrible noise, and you feel the car shudder underneath you. Panicking, you manage to pull over to the shoulder before the car completely stops moving, smoke emitting from under the hood.
Terry was never going to let you drive yourself again.
Groaning, you throw your hazards on and try to keep calm. Surely someone would drive by and give you a hand, right?
Two hours later, you admit to yourself that you had, in fact, been wrong. So many cars had passed you without even pausing that you had long stopped getting excited at the sight of approaching headlights. After the first hour or so, you had forced yourself out of the vehicle and popped the hood, wondering if somehow, miraculously, you could figure out what was wrong despite your complete lack of mechanical skills. Or, at the very least, maybe someone would see you and take pity on a young woman stranded on the highway in the rain. All that that had accomplished was getting you completely drenched, your tears of frustration mixing in with the rain running down your face. You were shivering, upset, and scared. It was almost completely dark now, and you were out of ideas.
It takes you a minute to realize that the latest pair of headlights to drive past hasn’t turned the corner yet and that the glow of red taillights was behind you; had someone finally stopped for you?
Turning, you’re briefly blinded by the lights coming from the other car, but as your eyes adjust you see an unmistakable silhouette step into the light, walking towards you. Terry.
Letting out a cry of relief that can barely be heard over the rain, you sprint at him as he comes towards you, scooping you up into his arms, burying one hand in your hair to press you closer into him. You feel yourself leeching off his heat immediately, teeth chattering, and hope he doesn’t mind.
He finally sets you down on the ground, holding your face in his large hands, trying to brush your tears away with his thumbs.
“Oh G-God, Terry! I can’t believe it’s you,” you sob, as he checks you over for injuries. “How did you find me?”
“When you didn’t show up I started getting worried. I called your work, but they said you’d left, I called your house, but got the machine. I drove to your place, but your car wasn’t there, so I just started driving around. I’ve got people looking for you everywhere, baby.”
He can’t seem to keep his eyes off your face, his blue eyes shining with a light you’ve never seen before, his expression stricken.
“I’m sorry,” you apologize, hiccupping as your tears constrict your breathing. You don’t even know what you’re apologizing for, but seeing him in this kind of panic makes your heart ache.
“Baby girl, you have nothing to apologize for. I’m so sorry that I took so long to find you. But now I’ve got you, Y/N, I promise. I love you, baby.”
Your body seems to stop functioning for a moment. You don’t feel the rain, or the cold; all that you’re aware of is the sound of your heart beating, loud and steady, and his words echoing in your head over and over. For him to say those words was such a huge step, not just for your relationship but for himself, and it meant more to you than anything.
Launching yourself at him, a smile of pure joy on your face, you leap into his arms, wrapping yourself around him and kissing him, pouring as much passion and happiness and love into the kiss as you could, and to feel him return it completely uninhibited was indescribable. Kissing Terry before had always been pure magic, but now every touch of his lips against yours sang with sincerity, devotion, adoration. You completely lose yourself to the kiss until Terry eventually lowers you to the ground, having carried you over to his car at some point. The smile he gives you is utterly breathtaking, but concern flashes over his features as he takes in your shaking.
“Oh doll, what am I thinking? You’re completely drenched; you must be freezing. Get in the car, I’ll go grab your stuff.”
In true gentlemanly Terry fashion, he opens your car door for you, settling you in before reaching across and turning the keys in the ignition, setting the heat to full blast before closing the door and running over to your vehicle. He returns a minute later, tossing your stuff into the backseat before hopping into the front and driving off for his house.
You’re exhausted now, your whole body trembling slightly, but you feel relatively relaxed, knowing that you’re safe with him. You feel Terry reach over and brush your wet hair out of your face, stroking your cheek with a warm hand, and nuzzle into it, fighting to keep your eyes open just to look at him.
“I know you’re cold, baby, we’re almost there. You’re gonna be fine,” he says soothingly, glancing over at you. You see his grip on the steering wheel tighten, the only sign of his stress that you can make out.
“I know, Terry,” you breathe, smiling sleepily, your eyes fluttering closed again against your will. “I’m with you.”
He doesn’t say anything to that, but you feel the purr of the engine get louder as he rushes to get you home. He drives right up to the front door, throwing the car in park and running to your side of the car, lifting you up in his arms once more and carrying you bridal style.
“Hey, there’s nothing wrong with me – I can walk!” you protest weakly, snuggling into his chest despite yourself. He shushes you, and you don’t push him on the matter, content to close your eyes and take comfort in his arms around you. Nothing could hurt you now.
The front door is open and Terry strides into the foyer with you, barking out orders in a calm but intense voice.
“Milos, her car is just off the highway on the shoulder of the exit at the bottom of the hill. Get someone to find it, retrieve it, and bring it back here, repaired by the morning. Contact the head of security and get him to call off the search; send them all home.”
Milos’s only response is the sound of his shoes on the marble floor as he walks briskly away from you two. You hear the sounds of other members of the staff gathered around, not speaking but clearly curious and concerned, and decide to feign sleep rather than face them, humiliated at the idea of everyone staring at you while you looked like a drowned rat.
“Margaret, you are to call into her work and tell them that she needs the week off; I don’t care what you have to offer, just make it happen. And find her some clothes, please, anything that can be ordered to get here tomorrow. Do you still have the measurements for her dress from New Year’s Eve?”
“Yes, Mr. Silver,” the woman replies, quick and to the point as always. You’ve always adored Margaret; her unwavering loyalty for the man you loved meant a lot to you, and you knew that she had become sort of a surrogate mother to Terry in some ways over time, though you suspected neither would ever admit to it. You’re pretty sure you only hear hers and Terry’s footsteps moving through the hall now, and you’re grateful for it.
“Good, I trust you’ll take care of it. Get the chef to make some soup; tell him to throw in anything and everything that can help fight off an illness; she’s been out in the rain for hours. And find me the number of the best doctor in the city to have on standby, just in case.”
“Yes, Mr. Silver. Is there anything else that either of you need?”
“Tell everyone to get out as soon as possible. Everyone stays out for the next few days unless I specifically request them. That includes you, Margaret. You’re going on vacation; anywhere you wish. Take your sister, put it on the company card, I don’t care.”
“Yes, Mr. Silver, I’ll take care of all this right away.”
“I know you will, Margaret. Thank you,” he says sincerely. He uses that tone for so few people in his life, and you never get tired of hearing it.
You hear the older woman’s heels clacking away down the hall, and feel Terry press you closer to him as he moves more quickly in his haste to get you upstairs.
“Try to stay awake for me, love, just a little longer,” he says, kicking open the door to his bedroom and walking right into the ensuite bathroom with you. Your heart skips a beat at his new pet name for you; you don’t think you’ll ever get tired of hearing him say that word.
He sets you on your feet and starts undressing you, and you move to help the best you can, but your body is largely numb from the cold. He pulls your shirt over your head and peels your pants off of you, leaving you in your underwear to go start the shower, and you’re still struggling to remove your bra when he returns, now completely naked himself. He pulls you close, and you feel his muscles tighten briefly as your cold, wet hair makes contact with his warm skin, but he makes no complaint, taking the rest of your clothes off and guiding you into the shower.
“Let me take care of you, sweetheart,” he murmurs, leaning down to kiss you briefly as you step into the jet of hot water. It scorches you at first, and you make a whimpering noise, pressing close to him, but you quickly adjust to the new temperature, feeling your body relax and thaw under the spray.
Terry gathers your hair up, getting it off your neck and wet before grabbing your favourite bottle of shampoo. He massages it into your scalp, taking all of your tension away, and you moan at the feeling. Of course he would be good at this too.
You smile up at him as he rinses your hair, pausing to appreciate how wonderful it looks down, the dark curls brushing his shoulders, and looks down at you, pausing to give you a quick kiss on the lips. He continues washing you, lathering your body with soap, the water and his hands working to relax your muscles and wash away all traces of the evening until you’re putty in his hands.
Feeling more in control of your limbs, you turn on the spot to face him, wrapping your arms snugly around his waist, kissing his chest right over where his heart is. He looks down at you, smiling softly, his hands running up and down your body slowly, almost absentmindedly. This moment isn’t sexual; it’s a moment of pure intimacy between you both.
“You seem to be feeling better, smiling like that,” he says, cupping the side of your cheek fondly.
“You love me,” is all you say in response, your awe evident in your tone as you nuzzle into his chest, perfectly content. You feel his chest rumble, and he turns the water off.
“I do, Y/N. I really do.”
His eyes are shining with that new light again, making you feel tingly all over, and reaches outside of the shower stall to grab a big, fluffy towel and wrap it around you. All bundled up, he tugs you to him, tilting your face up to kiss him. You hum happily against his lips, and he gives your bottom lip a playful nibble as he breaks the kiss.
“I love you too, Terry.”
You pull him back down, trying to initiate a kiss, but interrupt yourself with a yawn. Not now! Terry chuckles, pulling away from you, and you let out a noise of protest as you try to keep him in place.
“Come on, my Sleeping Beauty,” he cajoles, tugging you out of the shower. He wraps a towel around his waist, to your slight disappointment, then helps you towel dry your hair. He disappears into the bedroom briefly, returning in nothing but a pair of briefs by the time you’ve finished drying off, and holds out a shirt of his for you to put on.
You don’t take it, too focused on below his waist, staring at him with hooded eyes. He smirks slightly, shaking his head.
“Don’t even think about it, doll. You’re practically dead on your feet! It’s straight to bed with you,” he says sternly, forcing the shirt over your head despite your reluctance.
“But I want you,” you whine, sounding like the brat you were definitely starting to become. “It’s Valentine’s Day!”
“Isn’t it traditionally the man that tries to seduce his partner into bed with lines like that?” he jokes, trying to deter you.
“Sleep first, love, I don’t want you getting sick. We’ll have time for Valentine’s later.”
“You promise?” you ask, fighting back another yawn. He helps you to the bed, trying not to laugh.
“I promise, Y/N. We’ve got all the time in the world,” he says sincerely, tucking you under the covers.
“Mkay,” you murmur sleepily, your eyes already falling shut. You feel him move away from the bed, and reach out blindly for him. “Wait, stay!”
“I was going to go see about your soup.”
“No soup!” you grumble. “You, please.”
You hear him sigh from across the room, and feel the weight of the bed shift after a moment. Smiling victoriously, you let him pull you against him, twining your legs around one of his and nestling into him, kissing his chest.
“You’re planning on getting your way a lot with me now, aren’t you?” he asks in mock exasperation, but kisses your forehead affectionately, and you feel him smile. You hum in assent, your body relaxing against his, feeling very drowsy.
“It’ll go both ways, I promise,” you mumble fondly.
“Sleep now, sweetheart. I’ll be right here,” he whispers against your hair, rubbing you soothingly until you drift off in his arms.
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Hope you all liked this! I do have a Part 2 in my head (featuring smut, duh) if people are interested, but I thought I’d just do a sweet one for now!
(Also I don't know what movie the gif is from but it seemed fitting for wet from the shower Terry)
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darlingpoppet · 8 months
WIP — Where The Dead Forget Chapter 7 excerpt
Either a few days late or a few days early for WIP Wednesday :) Here are the first 600 words or so of the chapter as of right now, though it might still need some tweaking. Contrary to this initial scene, this in fact a very Patroclus-centric chapter and he’s the POV character most of the time and I’m very excited about it!
I’m hoping to finish this chapter sometime in February, though admittedly I’ve feeling a bit of fatigue the past couple weeks after writing and/or editing so much every single day since November, lol. So it’s been going a bit more slowly while I allow myself a break & some time away from the draft. I know this comes as no surprise but the writing process can be pretty lonely sometimes. I suppose any encouragement and feedback is welcome! <3
Patroclus looks up at the sound of Achilles’ approach.
Achilles stops short, a few paces away from him at the top of the stone staircase, uncertain if he ought to come any closer. He assesses Patroclus’ mood carefully.
There is recognition in his face this time, but it is impassive—whether Patroclus feels joy, annoyance, or nothing at all at the sight of him, Achilles cannot say. He is unsure whether or not this is what their reunion would have been like, if none of this had happened. If only he had ever tried to imagine it.
“So, you’re back,” Patroclus says.
“Yes,” says Achilles. “I said that I would come again, did I not?”
“You did.”
“Are you displeased?”
Patroclus lifts his chin and regards him for a moment, considering.
“You are free to do as you wish,” he says, finally.
Achilles decides this is as close to assent as he is going to receive at this point. He gently lays down his spear by the riverbank, and then sits himself on the grass beside Patroclus, neatly folding his legs. He sets his clasped hands into his lap, trying not to fidget.
Patroclus’ manner had always been soft-spoken and unassuming in life, but there was always an underlying mischief to it, a dryness and sardonic, vicious wit. Now however, there is a monotonous lilt in his gentle voice, a listless look in his eyes. Is it the fault of the Lethe? Or had Patroclus always been this way in death? Even with the apparent blank spots in his memory, he still seems to have kept his wits. In many ways, he has become much the same as Achilles in death: an incomplete soul, quiet and contemplative. However, Achilles is unaccustomed to being on the receiving end of Patroclus’ coldness, reserved usually only for those he truly disliked or otherwise did not trust. Even from the beginning, he had been more shy rather than abrasive towards him (even if Achilles had once mistaken it for the latter).
“I wanted to come see you again, because I’m not sure that we started off on the right foot last time,” he says. “I was too forward. I did not respect your feelings or your privacy. I did not mean to pry. I am sorry.”
Achilles’ thoughts lingered once more on their adolescence. Back then, in the days and weeks since learning the extent of Patroclus’ past—of his crime and all the rest, the reasons for his behaviors over the previous years began to make sense. Patroclus had been a person who guarded his wounded heart carefully, wary of anyone who might try to gut him completely. And yet, it seemed as if he had opened it to Achilles so easily back then, their relationship so full of intimacy and closeness and touch since that very first day of their friendship. It was the privilege of children perhaps—still innocent, and brazenly eager to love and be loved in return, in spite of everything.
It is a privilege that both of them no longer have. Achilles is doubtful that Patroclus could grow to love anew what he has become now—a wretched and gloomy shade with only his sorrows and too many regrets. And though his hands practically twitch with his ache for it, he does not dare to try to touch him now.
Perhaps unexpectedly, Patroclus’ expression softens.
“To be honest, I am a bit relieved that you came back,” he says. “On the contrary, I was unkind last time. I too, had wished to make it up to you.”
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lake-archive · 10 months
Track 4
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Fandom: Hypnosis Mic
Series: Rap God O
Characters: Rosho Tsutsujimori, Sasara Nurude, Original Character
AO3 Link
Track 3 - Track List - Track 5
The plan had been more than obvious and was a simple one — “Sniff out O like a pair of watch dogs!” Just kidding, it was nothing like that, not exactly at least. But the mission was very clear, find O. It would either prove very difficult, or at least time consuming, or one of the easiest tasks one could ever receive. There was nothing in between! So, was Lady Luck on the side of Dotsuitare Hompo or was she going to be upset today? Well, the answer was very simple, especially shortly after the duo had stepped outside and wandered the streets for a short moment… 
It had not been a long walk, really, only a few minutes at most. Rosho had been asked to return home, even being so gloomy that he claimed that O would not be found so easily. They should just give up. But where was the excitement in that? If they didn’t take their chance now, who knows when O might appear again! Unless he was out of town, Sasara was certain that this guy would not disappear so suddenly for days on end. Especially not after such a commotion in town. Then again, you never know. And yet… Considering the odds… 
“The youngsters have arrived I see
And of course full of energy.
Oh no I’ve lost…
I’ve been tossed!
Of course not, just kidding.
You still gotta do some ridding.
This old man’s got you on the chopping block
The same one you’ve tried to mock
Tragic? Sad?
Fine, just don’t be mad.
Now scram!
Before I kill you with my jam!”
This had been followed by loud groans of pain, the next audible thing was quick heavy thuds hitting the ground. A bit of silence until one of the voices spoke up and screamed: “What the hell!? This guy’s a monster! I’m outta here!”
“Fuck this shit! I ain’t gonna risk my ass!” Another responded. As for the third… 
“Old man? The fuck’s shit is this guy on!?”
When turning around the duo only saw three young boys running for their lives, in an obvious rush as their legs carried them as quickly as possible. They even ran past Sasara and Rosho, no regard for their surroundings whatsoever. It was an odd sight, to say the least, and the three may as well be at the brink of pissing their pants… Literally, they may as well be running to a nearby bathroom! And maybe they were. But that would not answer anything.
Soon enough the two men turned their attention to someone else however, the voice they had just heard delivering their rap in an uninterrupted and rather confident manner, even if slightly grumpy sounding. A deep voice, one what could be classified as an ‘old man’, contradicting the figure altogether.
He was surrounded by a crowd which whispered several things. 
‘This is the legendary O?’ 
‘This guy knows no mercy.’ 
‘Talk about a hard hitter.’
‘Say, how old is O? For… Curiosity sake!’
‘Hey, what if we convince this guy to join our crew? We’d be invincible!’
‘Bet even Dotsuitare Hompo would run from that old geezer!’
And so on and so forth. It was quite a commotion which only left him to sigh and rub the back of his head. “Noisy…” He mumbled loud enough, even his ears wagging in a rather annoyed fashion… Wait, ears?
Yeah, ears. As Sasara had heard this guy had a pair of cat ears on each side of his head, matching with his black hair on the outside. From the bit he saw the inside was white for some reason, a contrast. Regardless, they were moving naturally on their own, wagging a few times, as if they were… Grown into him? How odd… Mythical creatures do exist, don’t they!? Unless this was part of some bad show setup. Television was famous for something like that those days. Well, not just television but also some of the younger generation, recording all of these things. If it was some kind of joke, they pulled it off more than fine. Even this veteran comedian would be impressed, the effort one has to go through for such a joke after all! But the thought had to be put on hold when… 
“Alright. Was that all or—” O had scanned the area with his green eyes, observing it similar to a cat before turning around and stopping, suddenly going silent. Honestly, his outfit was… Something else for the massive black coat alone. Despite his rather huge size it still looked a little too big on him. The outfit below may as well be the regular salaryman of Japan, how fitting with his tired looking face and annoyed voice. Black tie, white shirt, black jeans and the appropriate shoes. Honestly, if it was not for that he may as well pass off as a regular guy with nothing outstanding… Or perhaps the type of salary man who has given up on his life. But those cat ears… They kept moving, as if having heard and sensed something rather interesting, to say the least. He was eyeing the duo in question, the two had sought O out to begin with. 
Sasara turned his gaze slightly to the side, spotting Rosho flinch on the spot like a statue. If it wasn’t for the color, one may as well mistake him as one. No, one of the birds did, landing right on his head for a second before flying away after a sudden hissing sound echoed close by, making the bird flee for its own, poor life. It also made Sasara turn back and eye the male who was now very close to them. 
“Dotsuitare Hompo… Finally…” He said though looking between the two for a moment, as if scanning them. “Though one is missing… Whatever, I take what I can get.”
“Haha, our dear solO artist has heard of us. What an honor.” The comedian laughed, not even hesitating when coming face–to–face with the super mysterious O! However, there was something… Odd about him, to say the least. Yet he couldn't know exactly what, at least not at the time. Except the obvious cat ears that is. 
O only rolled his eyes however, then scoffing. “Should’ve seen that coming.” He sighed, shaking his head and then continuing. “I’m sure you got something up your sleeve. Anyway, I’m bored. Give this old man a challenge, will you?”
He did not even hesitate, putting his mic out and pointed it right at them, a sharp glare only a predator would have. There was something animalistic about it… Haha, oh the irony. The joke writes itself the further this goes on!
“Bored out of your mind? Why not try a board game then~”
“Hmph… I’ll keep it in mind for next time.” He said this so seriously, it was hard to say if he was joking along or if he was dead serious here. “But now I’m more in the mood to battle.”
“B… Battle!? In this… Crowd? But–” Rosho finally managed to stutter out of himself yet O would not listen to that, let alone let him finish.
“You had worse crowds. Now come at me! First strike goes to you. Give me all you got. Maybe you’ll be the ones figuring it out…”
Track 3 - Track List - Track 5
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I can do all things
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I feel like I got a message from God today and I wanted to share.
First, let me say that there are benefits to reading your Bible. The Holy Spirit can bring certain verses to mind in certain contexts, and I believe that’s one way God speaks to us. And that is a precious experience I wouldn’t trade for anything. Read your Bible.
Second, I have been living in paradise for the past few days.
My family and I traveled to Key West, Florida, for my sister’s graduation. My mom was born here, and we have tons of family history here.
We stayed with one of our dear friends, who also happens to be very wealthy and has a magnificent home where he lets us (actually, insists that we) stay for free.
Everything here is perfect. The weather is impeccable. The food is impeccable. The places to visit are fascinating. The stories our friend has for us and our family history are fascinating.
I haven’t had an ounce of anxiety or depression since arriving.
I have been seriously dreading going home, knowing that I will inevitably slip back into depression because of my job and the weather and the monotony. Our weather at home will be dreary and gray for months. My job is monotonous and stressful. I’m tired all the time. I spend practically all my time at home, in my room, trying to find something to divert my attention away so my depression doesn’t drown me.
I’ve even been considering if there was any way I could take another trip here this year or even stay here for an extended period of time for the sake of my mental health.
Today, standing out on our friend’s dock in the sun and surrounded by nature, I was thinking about how much I dread going back to depression and anxiety, and I remembered this passage:
Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:11-13
And I realized that I have been “abounding” and “facing plenty” and “facing abundance.” I have been facing abundance both in the lavish conditions I’ve been living in and the happy and relaxed emotions I’ve been experiencing. I’ve been spoiled materially, and though that’s been fun and great and a blessing, over everything and above all, I’ve been happy. Because of the sun and the sea and the history and the friendship and the recreation and the relaxation.
I will be returning not to poverty, not to lack in the material sense, by the grace and providence of God. But I will be returning to lack and poverty in the sense of my emotions and mental health. I will be returning to depression.
But in all these things, God tells me He will give me strength and will provide for me.
This passage is so often misused and misquoted to say that we can do whatever we set our minds to. But that’s not what it means.
It means that no matter what we have or the conditions we face, God will sustain us.
And that’s a much more precious truth. And it’s how I will find the strength to get on a plane home tomorrow.
I will be ok returning to the life back home that’s a breeding ground for my depression, with my job and the gloomy weather and the monotony, because
I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
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rielzero · 2 years
Finally a good day
I’ve been feeling gloomy, dealing with seasonal affective disorder and other stuff. Been so tired, sick, and emotionally drained past few weeks, with some ups and downs. I feel like everything’s going to be alright.
Had a haircut, exercised, showered. My windows are open, fresh air’s coming in.
I’m watching my newly adopted guinea pig settle in (Her name is Charlie!) and I just feel.. Peaceful. Like byebye all tension and stress.
I finally can genuinely relax. I’m not gonna stress myself over anything right now. I’m just gonna focus on this feeling, then everything will be okay :)
Self care is important for guys too. And I’m feeling that so much today.
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Charlie! I believe she’s an agouti mixed with some blonde/beige coloration patches. So rather than typical agoutis, she’s not very cold grey. More warm grey in color.
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