#I’ve got no clue what I’m doing
the-abyssal-system · 9 months
Stuck in a constant loop of ‘wants to be more open about being a system and maybe make system friends’ and ‘no one needs to know anything about us and if we start talking about ourselves we will shake like a dog who’s existence is an affront to god’
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danielnelsen · 18 days
suffered through that whole fight with the forge monster thing and then got an achievement for killing it without using the forge 😭😭😭 i wasn’t trying to make the fight harder, i just forget you can do interesting things in this game
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hypaalicious · 7 months
It’s going swell.
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pebblezone · 2 years
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Thinking so hard about sertegra dancing fic that has not yet been created
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why-the-heck-not · 1 year
hate hate hate the feeling of turning in a part of an assignment and being hella embarrased abt how it is :3 like, feeling someone’s just gonna email me like ”hey?? what the fuck ??? what are u doing here this is garbage” like yeah dude i dont know what to tell you, things did not go well this week
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skyward-floored · 6 months
Five of my younger siblings are out of the house it’s so quiet eeeeehehehe
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dragonanon · 7 months
Me at 13: Ew! I HATE girly shit! Who cares about smelling nice and looking like a model??
Me now at 24: Holy shit this body butter makes me smell like a key lime pie, and this magic stick can HIDE my acne?? Sign me tf up!!
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polyamoryprincess · 6 months
fuck it’s 3am and I can’t get my wheezing under control and I’m tempted to use my nebulizer but it’s loud af 🙃 I’m tempted to wait until my mom leaves for work but that’s in like 3 and a half hours
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getosugurusbangs · 10 months
someone send help- my mom’s birthday is in about a week and i have no idea what to draw for her as a gift 😭
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appreciatingtokrev · 1 year
the thing abt the pain my scoliosis/kyphosis causes me (mostly left side of my ribcage, then left side of my back, then left shoulder, then it slowly starts spreading to the right side + my hip, the more physical anything apart from lying i do the worse it gets) is that it started and worsened so slowly that i just. didn’t realise it. now it’s been a normal part of my life for a few years and. i hardly notice it. i hardly notice that half of my body aches. it’s normal. now that my knees hurt i’m truly aware of it for the first time in months, and— that’s not normal. it shouldn’t be normal that my ribcage & back hurt every day just because i go to school. what the hell. what the fucking hell.
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rosicheeks · 6 months
i have been following you for a couple of years now, mostly silently. you are so beautiful, inside and out! the few times i have seen your face uncensored have made me swooon! the even fewer times i have heard you sing, my heart overfilled with such joy!
your honesty about your struggles and how you keep going are simply inspiring. thank you for sharing.
i am manifesting love and joy for you! 💕
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spittyfishy · 2 years
Tell me about the au
So the very basic synopsis is that one day while out on a mission, Peko finds a baby abandoned in the trash and rubble. Seeing too much of her own history in the situation, she makes the split second decision to keep the baby as her own. She knows she can’t bring it back to the remnants (bc Despair) and she can’t bring it to the Future Foundation (bc Yukizome and her track record with kids), so in a very un-Peko-like move, she takes the baby and runs.
She’s found after about six to nine months and brought back to the other remnants. They end up voting on if she can keep the baby, and Peko wins by one vote.
I think it’s a very fun au lol, since it’s built on the delightful basis of shenanigans, but the more the other remnants got added to it and the more kids that came along, the more despair related fun times took center stage.
There’s a couple different arcs that so far make up the majority of the plot.
First of course is Peko finding Koko, and then the two of them making their way through despair era Japan and as far across the world as they can get before finally setting up a home in Tasmania. It’s a period of acclimatization as Peko replaces caring for Fuyuhiko with caring for Koko, and having to unlearn everything the last two years of Despair have drilled into her. (Koko is a few months old when Peko first finds her)
Next would be once they both get taken back to the remnants. Everyone else having to figure out how to be around Koko and all the very strict rules Peko put in place. Peko and Fuyuhiko have to interact again and clash over Koko, and Nekomaru and Akane get very attached to Koko. This arc culminates in the Future Foundation finding Koko during a raid on the Remnants base, and their agents take her back to HQ. The Future Foundation assumes Koko must somehow be Junko’s child, since why else would the Remnants be caring for her. It’s an all hands on deck attack on the Future Foundation to get her back, which they ultimately end up doing. (Koko is 1-2 during this time)
Shortly after that the next kid comes into the picture, and that’s Mikan and Kazuichi’s (and technically Junko’s sort of) daughter Mimi. I got a separate ask about the mechanics of how that whole clusterfuck works lol, so they’ll be more on Mimi there. You’d think more kids coming onto the scene would make Koko more accepted by the group at large, and you’d be wrong lol. Fuyuhiko is enraged by what’s happening, especially with things like Kazuichi fixing the atmosphere for the kids sake. With the help of Hiyoko, Gundham, and Imposter (pretending to be Peko), he tries to take Koko to Hope's Peak to show her the trial room and hopefully get her into despair.
Once Peko realizes Koko’s been taken somewhere she gets Nekomaru, Akane, and Soda’s help to try and track her down. When Koko ends up refusing to go into the building (it is Big and Scary) Fuyuhiko loses his temper on her and pulls out his gun. Peko arrives just in time to see this and jumps in the way as Fuyuhiko pulls the trigger, and he ends up shooting Peko. She’s ultimately fine, but the whole situation ends up resulting in Fuyuhiko being all but kicked out of the remnants (or at least, he’s banished from their bases and forced to be on his own) (Koko is 3 when Mimi is born and 4 by the times Fuyuhiko has to leave.)
There’s a period of relative ease after that, before the announcement of an upcoming child number three. Sonia has decided she needs an heir who’ll be able to carry on Novoselic’s glorious conquest once she’s long gone. For this she needs a male. Any other royalty would have been long dead by her hand at this point, so her first choice is actually Izuru, since he’s technically also the Ultimate Princess. He’s not interested at all, and she ends up turning to Nekomaru. He's strong, he’s dependable, he’s great with Koko and Mimi, and she knows he’ll do everything in his power to keep their child safe. Both Gundham and Akane are very hurt by this, and each respond with varying levels of insanity. (Koko is 6 during this and Mimi is 3)
That’s basically it all so far, at least until the Neo World Project rolls around…
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18-toe-beans · 8 months
perhaps Consider that i am not doing well and will not be doing well for a while— Sorry y’all.
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yellobb · 1 year
I’m literally going to puke
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pathlit · 8 months
watching ncis is a constant game of ‘which of my other muses is gibbs going to remind me of today?’
and today… today, we are back to lorca. so I guess I have muse now… if anyone wants to start things with him.
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fakegingerrights · 1 year
Hey remember when I ask about the cyberpunk gladiator story?
I got distracted. What would yall think of a hockey x figureskater where the hockey player is a girl?
This was originally a katchako fic idea but a friend pointed out that it would work as an original too so. And yes I’m aware I don’t really post MHA stuff so. Anyways.
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