#I’ve only started season 2 so give me time 😭
p4lm5prings · 6 months
help I’ve literally only started watching bbc ghosts and have already made a playlist for thomas thorne 😭
*ahem* it’s linked here btw might as well take a look at the other playlists I’ve made too 👀
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cjrights · 1 month
Ight then here we go. And dw I promise I’m not feral like aloras anons. (Btw I made this while eating Mac n cheese at like 10:30 at night).
This could be really bad so read at your own risk (I’ve never written x reader)
Paige Bueckers x Softball! Player reader! (Hcs)
Content: mentions of an injury/description of one happening, Overall just fluffy stuff.
This is my first time ever writing something like this (pls don’t make fun of me 😭 I’ll cry and probably never log back in)
Starting off with a little about yourself:
-You’ve played softball for quite a while (obviously your good if you’ve gotten to UConn) around 14 years
-You’re a catcher- and a damned good one at that. You catch for just about anyone if needed and play quite a bit.
-One thing your most renowned for are your speed and base running abilities. Very few times is someone better or faster than you on base.
-however you are on the smaller side, barely 5’4 (you give yourself an extra inch though). Many players thought your height would impede your abilities and that you were too small to be a catcher.
-but your basically the ballsiest player in the league and hate losing so you don’t go down without a fight.
Ok now that we know about you let’s get into Paige.
1. Prior to the season she likes helping you clean your bag and gear out.
“Babeeee look what I have.”
You look up briefly confused, only to burst into giggles at the sight of Paige in your catchers gear. It obviously didn’t fit- not surprising with you at 5’5 and her at 6’. The white shinguards barely reached 3/4s down her legs and the chest guard left half of her exposed.
“Paige, why are you trying on my gear?” You ask over your shoulder, turning back into your bag to grab your batting gloves and helmet out.
“I gotta make sure my girls safe!” She protested, desperately trying to put on the to small helmet. “Can’t have you getting hurt! And why’s this helmet so small?!”
“Probably cause you’ve got a big head.”
“Who wouldn’t have a big head dating someone as sexy and skilled as you,” she smirks, lightly kissing your neck as your crouched over the bat bag.
“Well I suppose I am quite skilled and sexy…” you agree lifting your head so she can kiss more easily.
“And all mine.”
“And all yours.” You agree happily. “And yours alone. Now back to work bucko!” You state lightly patting her on the chest and nudging her off kisses. “No time for that now.”
Paige resumes trying to put on the helmet, still struggling immensely, as you go through the pockets of your bag. You snicker at her troubles with the helmet, before grabbing it and sticking it on your own head. “I’ll be fine.”
“But what if-“ fine then Paige, you thought. Guess I’ve got no other choice…
She’s abruptly cut off by you smacking your helmeted head into a wall lightly then staring at her, entirely unmoved by the feel of it. The noise of it had been stronger than whatever pain it had caused. She stands there shocked for a moment, staring at you gobsmacked before reluculantly starting to take off the gear.
“Ok fine. You’re safe in this I suppose.”
You turned away from the blonde and resumed your sorting, now satisfied.
“Erm babe? could you help me out? I think I’m stuck.”
2. Her trying to carry your bag and failing miserably.
“Why the hell do you have a body bag?!” Had been her first reaction to it, which admittedly may have been justified.
But you couldn’t help it! All catchers needed a bag this big…even if it was almost your size. But with cleats, bats, gloves, your gear and everything else you needed a bag like this was a must. Even if it was probably twice your body weight.
You just shrugged and said catchers always had big bags, then started dragging it off to the UConn fields.
Now you were getting ready to board the bus for an away game in Ohio and you’d just unpacked the car. Azzi had came along to see you off alongside of Paige. You went to grab your bag, only to have Paige abruptly get in the way.
“Allow me m’lady,” she mimics, grabbing the bag handle before you can stop her.
“Baby, I love you, but you know damn well you’ll drop that.” It was true, she’d tried multiple times, and crushed multiple toes.
“No! I’m big and strong and perfectly capable of lifting my girlfriend’s bag!” She huffs and chuffs determinedly, as she drags it towards the bus, carefully lifting it up into the open back door.
Your teammates give her half weirded out-half amused look, not quite sure if they should intervene or let her learn the hard way.
Even Azzi rolls her eyes and sighs, “should we stop her before she tears another ACL?”
You sigh, Paige was one stubborn motherfucker, as much as you loved her. “Maybe that’s how she’ll finally learn not to lift a catchers bag without help.”
After a long time, filled with much painful wheezing and a red faced girlfriend she manages to get it on the bus. “See…” she wheezes, “I can so lift your bag!”
You laugh and walk over to her, stretching up on your tiptoes to kiss her lips, which she eagerly accepts gently cradling the back of your head.
“My hero,” you tease, resting your forehead against hers, relishing in the warmth of her ice blue gaze.
3. She sees you get trucked defending the plate for the first time and almost has a heart attack.
It started off as a simple play and should’ve remained simple. Then you blew it and missed the block on a wild pitch. The runner on third saw her opportunity and took it.
Thankfully you’d been quicker on your feet than the pitcher and grabbed the ball guarding the plate from the incoming runner. Normally a base runner would get tagged out on a run, or try to veer away at the last moment.
But not the Alabama girl. Nope, she’d already known you were on the smaller side- and that you never backed down. So she did the only sensible thing.
She lowered her shoulder and smashed into you at a full sprint. To your credit you got the tag and kept on your feet, just staggering slightly from the impact. What you weren’t expecting for the lights to go out a few seconds after she collided.
You didn’t remember what happened after that, next thing you knew, three coaches, the athletic trainer, and about nine concerned teammates had formed a protective barrier around you, as if they were animals guarding a hurt cub.
According to your pitcher, the Bama girls helmet had smacked with yours and with the combined effort from the rest of her body, knocked you out. Thankfully it was only for a half minute or so, and nothing was that badly hurt.
you were fine apart from having the wind knocked out of you and a thorough bit of bruising on your shoulders, chest, hips, and neck. The whole incident hadn’t even phased you that badly and after a quick test run, you were cleared to resume catching and hit a double the next inning, directly over the Bama players head, as though to say it would take more then that to bring you down.
Turns out the one more affected was your blonde girlfriend who was sitting in the bleachers
“What the fuck was that!” The blonde all but screamed at the top of her lungs, unaware of the looks fans from both sides were giving her.
A dad who was sitting next to her gave her a look before chuckling. “That’s called trucking the catcher. Don’t worry though, she’s a tough little thing, she’ll get back up fine in a few seconds.
Paige shot him a look before glaring at the back of the Bama girls helmet, about ready to go out and beat her up herself.
“It’s called downright bad sportsmanship and dangerous! I mean she could’ve been hurt!” Her anxiety fueled the anger she was feeling, especially after seeing you wobble before your body passed out. Had it not been so crowded she would’ve been on the field herself.
The dad glanced over at her. “Seems like you care quite a bit about this catcher.”
“M’course I do. She’s my girlfriend, my baby, and it’s my job to protect her.”
He nods in understanding, glad the blonde was a bit calmer. “Don’t worry about it, she’s tough as nails. Look she’s already up again.”
She looked down and true to his word you were standing on slightly wobbly legs and doing an experimental squat to see how badly the girl had damaged you.
A breathe she didn’t know she’d been holding escaped, “thank god…” she whispered, not taking her eyes off you.
Now with you alright and her new softball dad friend she could watch the game (albeit she still growled under her breathe when the Bama girl came out). She was ready to spoil you rotten by the end of the game.
“Baby, I appreciate the gesture but you don’t need to worry this much…that happens quite a lot.”
“Nope! My baby deserves all the spoiling tonight.” She stated walking in with a freshly microwaved heating pad, full bottle of water, ibuprofen, and some chocolate. “Now come on movie time.”
You couldn’t resist smiling as she climbed into bed beside you, gently draping you over her lap.
“I’m getting thrown out for starting a fist fight the next time you play Bama.” Paige mutteres suddenly.
“Paige Madison! You will not!”
“Yes I will, that stupid shortstop deserves it!”
You roll your eyes, your girlfriend was sweet, but overprotective like a damned pitbull.
“No Paigey, no fighting.”
You end up dozing off before her, but not before feeling her planting gentle “feel better kisses” over every one of your bruises. And that’s why you fall asleep smiling.
Enjoy! (Also I have many more of these if wanted)
hi this is SO cute???? i love????
you did this so well im gagged asf
more more more
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cocogum · 3 months
My honest reactions of episodes 5 and 6 (part 2)
Okay I just HAD to devote the full Alibert inn scene from episode 5 here CUZ WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT YUGO GOING BACK TO EMELKA!! I know I already mentioned Chibi and Grougal (as well as the tree Tofu tower) in part 1 but part 2 will basically be about all the rest of the inn scene cuz tumblr couldn’t let me have more than ten images per post (I know the site apparently lets u have more but I always use the phone for it so shush.)
But first, we finally get to see Alibert again after all those years 💕
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Alibert. Sweetie. Baby. You can take care of two (technically four) kids with the addition of a freaking INN, you COOK for the customers, AND, ON TOP OF ALL THAT, you’re the MAYOR of EMELKA, that same place where you run the inn and take care of your adopted sons.
You do much more than just “taking care of an inn”, you got three jobs AND you’re still sane. You’re three in one, a whole package, props to you king. He’s such a boss ass man I love him 💕💕
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Not these ppl trying to avoid the inflation 😭😭 I don’t blame them tho. I would’ve said the same thing lol.
(Also is the wine a call back to Gustavio? Plz it would be so funny if the reason why Alibert is angry is cuz these ppl are saying how “bad” it is just so the prices can stay the same but also because he’s mad that they’re calling Gustavio’s wine “disgusting” even if they were all just trying to make him not raise the prices!)
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Love how Yugo doesn’t say that same shit to Ruel after all those years of cooking for his ass and never getting anything from him.
Like even the whole Brotherhood calls Ruel a “cheapskate” but the only time where we see Yugo say that same shit is when he says that to his own CUSTOMERS?!?
Gurl bye Yugo’s such a silly little hypocrite!! 😭😭
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Adamaï get your stupid lizard ass over here.
It’s been so long since I’ve seen these two just laughing and hugging like this 💕💕💕
Also, Ankama tried being very slick with Az and his wife.
Nah cuz how can you not see these two and not think about Yugo and Amalia?? Does the thought never come to mind or what??
They literally give off the same energy, how did no one say anything before???!!?
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Okay now the next part of the Alibert inn scene is very important to me so listen.
Recently, I came scrolling on @moths-are-better’s recent posts about Yugo and I came up on the one where he drinks the “milk” that was in the cup in the scene below.
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But like-
Look at all the other people drinking in the inn before they left: they all had that same kind of cup, insinuating that they were drinking wine (and also cuz they confirmed it was wine while trying to avoid any possible future inflations with Alibert).
I just love how Ankama deliberately shows us small scenes like this to remind us that Yugo can do adult things even though he looks like a kid. Because THIS is one of those scenes! Just look at how Alibert quietly pulls the cup of wine away from Yugo as soon as the guy starts ranting about his problems.
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That’s clearly not milk lol I just love your delusions @moths-are-better 💕💕
But not only did this scene made me realize that nothing can stop Yugo from doing adult things despite how he looks, it also helped me realize that Yugo is the type to only drink when he’s having problems. We clearly see him about to drink more while ranting to Alibert before he carefully pulls the wine away from Yugo cuz he KNOWS Yugo would drink more just for that.
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That level of attention to detail is amazing and I’m so glad I managed to catch up to the hints early on.
Alibert be looking like Yugo’s bartender AND therapist in just that moment alone lol
Ngl I would’ve loved to see a drunk Yugo if he had been able to drink more before Alibert intervened.
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👏 BE👏 LIKE 👏 ALIBERT 👏 ❤️❤️
This is making me wanna have kids too man….
His caring and calming attitude towards Yugo and the way he just treats him, cares for him, and acts like a responsible parent during all these years really makes me wanna do the same thing someday. Alibert is so good at his job(s) that he’s even beating a freaking goddess. Let that sink in. (actually any good parent like Alibert would beat the Eliatrope goddess’ parenting easily lol)
Alibert is genuinely so sweet, patient, thoughtful, and understanding of Yugo. Like even though he just heard Yugo say he finally found his true family, Alibert doesn’t take his words as insults and would rather just let him spill out all of his words to him.
When I said I missed these two like this, I really meant it. This inn is not only where Yugo was raised in but it’s also Yugo’s comfort place.
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My ass knows this is foreshadowing.
It just knows.
Older Yugo where u at? We need to talk.
Ankama’s gonna ruin this family and laugh about it while eating some croissants.
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cxhleel108 · 4 months
LITG S8 Thots for this week: Here we go again…
(Sorry friends a bitch was getting crunk the last two days so I did not have time to do this until today❤️)
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• Ok before we even start why is he sitting like thiskdmsmsnsnd someone help me.
• So the customization…I told y’all I wasn’t trying to gag too hard when they first revealed MC and this is exactly why cuz once again why we only get braids for textured hair??? They’re not even free like y’all already pissing me off.
• So clearly this season is about zodiac because why else would we only be getting star sign tattoos?
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• Meet Jaylin y’all😝😝😝 You’ll be getting all her info soon.
• Everyone hating this swim suit but it actually being my favorite. The others were just ok to me Idk sue me.
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• Mind you it’s only been like 2 minutes and we already causing issues.
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• I think we’re already getting married tomorrow guys Idk.
• And he has a lion tattoo so that means he’s most likely a Leo and my girl is a Gemini oh look how I ate this pairing up!
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• Oh Theo stans I’m so sorry…
• I’m so glad I’ve never ended up getting the guy stuck in the “Day One” couple like I really would just end it all.
• The job options being the exact same…ok! I wanted her to be an athlete anyway😁
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• Him assuming that he had a high chance of being picked when Oakley and Jin are present…I just busted out laughing.
• Yeah all this talk about compatibility and these dudes talking about being “magnetized” and “drawn” to us is def giving let’s compare our charts to see if we should fuck each other or not.
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• Such a real bitch oh Claudia I love you already💯💯💯
• Sophie telling me to cool it around Jack like I want him…I just busted out laughing again.
• Our date with Theo just feeling like two people building a friendship and not a relationship was nice I would love for it to stay that way tbh (Him like 5 minutes later saying he was trying not to flirt with us can they not do this again like please).
• Jack’s date was a snooze fest who’s shocked? Also him having two moms just makes sense Idk why.
• I am gonna have so much fun replaying this season to do Jin’s route omg this man is too good.
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• Yeah I already don’t like Emel. Girl who is bringing yo ass a bouquet at 8 in the morning??? Don’t piss me off.
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• Uhhh cuz I’m badder than you, duh!
• Outfit time🥳🥳🥳
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• These are cute!
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• This is not!
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• Right…anyways so!
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• Yikes!
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• Hehehehe no y’all don’t understand like she is already my bestie fr. Love when one of the girls is here for the fuckshit.
• The drama that be happening sometimes be so stupid like girl. Claudia sitting here telling me everyone was mad at each other on DAY FUCKING ONE because nobody wanted to be with who they were with…do y’all just come on here and then forget how the show works.
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• Oh girl just stop like fuuuuck😭😭😭
• Outfit time again✨
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• The panties did not need the sheer added.
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• This literally being a swimsuit.
• Claudia’s outfit is so cute ugh werk!
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• He wanna compete with me so bad!
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• I’m cryinggggg why we really living the storybook romance that Emel keep begging for.
• Me & Oakley: “Cheats are the lowest of the low”
• Also Me & Oakley: *Eating each other’s faces off outside*
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• Yes please get Emel out of here before she takes Willow’s place and actually starts annoying the fuck outta me.
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astriddestelle · 8 months
The way I was obsessed with enemies to lovers/rivals to lovers as a kid 😭😭😭 my top pairings growing up ranked. Canon/Fanon included.
Can you tell I’ve been on a nostalgic rewatch.
1. Logan/Quinn from Zoey 101. The OG teenbop enemies to lovers omg I stan. When they pronounced their love for each other at the season finale at the prom, screaming crying throwing up. The way they get together is so random lmao he calls her hot and they kiss then Michael rides by on a horse like what? But the pay off and ending was so *chefs kiss*
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2. Courtney/Duncan from TDI. They were everything to me and Cartoon Network ruined it. First season the bantering, the flirting. When I tell you I was hooked. The scream I scrumpt when they finally kissed (also me didn’t she just throw up but whatever I guess) then she left and it was all downhill from there.
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3. Rose/Jake from ADJL. The Romeo and Juliet of this paring needs to be studied. They were so down bad for each other. When Jake found out she was huntsgirl then when she found out. Their first kiss being right before she had to ‘kill’ him for sport in an arena. Her giving up her life to keep him and his family safe, him giving up her to keep her safe. 😭😭😭 they don’t make em like they used too
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4. Draco/Harry from HP. The ship that started it all. Before this I’d never read a slash fic before is it even still called that. Anyways this right here is my longest going ship I’m still into only reason it’s not higher is that I love the other ones more. You get so many variations of this, from the super toxic fic, to the I’ve always secretly loved you, to the meet up after the war is over and so on and so forth. Ugh I love it. There’s like 50,000 fics of them on a03 and I know I’ve read like half at least 🤣
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5. Zuko/Katara from Avatar. My second non canon ship on here. When I tell you I was obsessed with them. Sigh then I discovered other fandoms and by the time I came back to them I was just done. Which I think comes fromm just not being as much of a Zuko fan anymore. This ship was gold, tho, I mean come on I’ll save you from the pirates how can I not. The way he jumped in front of her (obviously he’d do the same for everyone but like listen it ate down bad) the whole crystal caverns episode was fuel to the fire, the writers/creators knew what they were doing
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6. Jake/Miley from Hannah Montana. Another OG omg she hated him so much. The flirty the snark then they had to kiss and both of em were like oh hot damn. They were so cute together and I will forever hate Disney for making her choose Jake just for him to cheat on her like what was the reason. What was the reason 😭😭
7. Alejandro/Heather from TDI. Woo child buckle up. This is one of those slowburns cause it’s not until like a quarter in to the season you’re like hold up. Are they going where I think they’re going and then they did. I don’t like the ending cause seriously wtf was the point. But the lead up and bruh the stuck in a hole song I still sing that on a daily. They were literally made for each other.
8. Chad/Sonny from Sonny with a Chance: one thing about Disney they ate down when it comes to enemies to lovers, or annoyance to like, whatever you wanna call it. Chad Dylan Cooper and Sonny omg the drama was beautiful, they hated each other so much and when they started dating I bout passed out. Lol they were so hilarious together I miss it.
9. Raven/Beastboy from TT. This and next two aren’t super enemies to lovers, more live annoyances or belligerent sexual tension. But I really was obsessed with this, like I was the girl reading Terra bashing fics 😭😭 they were so cute, the Beast Within was ship gold, Nevermore, the fact that she holds onto to the penny he gives her when she ‘dies’ and oh he only turns into the Beast again to protect her from Slade and never again. Beautiful
10. Jimmy/Cindy from JN. They may have only been nine but sheesh the rivalry to lovers or in this case crushes was intense. Cindy was down bad since day one but she hid that shit so well. The Valentine’s Day episode still makes me giggle like a kid. And the last episode where they’re legit just straight up flirting with each other I can not. When she almost confesses when he’s the orange hulk. So cute.
Honarary mentions:
Jinx/Kid Flash from TT. They were cute but I hated it solely for the fact that it shoulda been me 😭😭🤧🤧
Sam/Freddie from icarly. Ok so I used to love this one and as I got older, Sam was just so fucking mean that I couldn’t ship like damn. At some point it’s not cute anymore, it’s just down right abusive, early seasons yes, later seasons where they’re actually together no.
Bakugo/Deku simply cause some days I think it’s cute other days I hate it
Mindy and Josh from Drake and Josh. Cute and amusing but didn’t care for em much.
Bailey and Code from Suite Life on Deck see above.
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zalrb · 7 months
I really love the Steferine fic bc it somehow never overshadows Stelena. Like, it’s clear that Stelena’s bond transcends everything, and it’s almost a given that Stefan’s thing with Katherine is temporary. I know that it makes Katherine SICK
(Also the fact that even in an Elena and Katherine fight that ELENA started, Stefan is more concerned with Elena’s well-being and completely unconcerned with Katherine. He even got mad at her for fighting back 😭. Like, it happens every time.)
And the only thing keeping Katherine from killing Elena is her knowing that Stefan would fucking hate her guts so much that he’d actually kill her. Like, Stefan repeatedly reminds her that Elena is the love of his life and the only one he gave everything to. It’s such fucked up dynamic and it almost makes me lose respect for Katherine bc she has NO pride, NO shame, no nothing when it comes to Stefan. Like girl stand up 💀
And Elena’s reaction is amazing and very true to her bc of course she’d be jealous and threatened by Katherine’s thing with Stefan, but it’s almost like…girl, chill out, bc at the end of the day, there is no competition, you know what I mean?
I do wonder what would happen if Elena decided to move away from Mystic Falls just to focus on herself for a while and get away from the chaos and let Stefan sort it out on his own. I’d imagine that she’d let Stefan know that her moving away isn’t her giving up, that she still has hope for him and that she’ll be waiting for him whenever he decides to get his shit together (bc she knows he will). But I’m not even sure if that’s would be in character for her since she has a tendency to NOT stay away from Stefan.
anyway, sorry for the long message. i had a lot of thoughts
(PS, Damon is Damon. Making things worse and about himself as always.)
No worries! Love long messages about fics lmao.
So my fic is basically predicated in how these two interactions between them go
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but messier and more toxic lmao where in the show she quasi-pleads with him to feel something for her and he won't/can't do it but when she walks away he still stops her to offer compassion and understanding whereas in the fic, she demands he express that they share something special, something he doesn't or has never shared with Elena or anyone else and he doesn't/can't do it because it's not true (bonus it drives her crazy) but when the suggestion of ending what they're doing arises, he stops it so it's this cycle.
Katherine bc she has NO pride, NO shame, no nothing when it comes to Stefan. Like girl stand up 💀
I was just thinking about the things she's done/said in the show
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and the things that she's threatened
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despite the fact that Stefan has always been like
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I was like, she really doesn't have pride when it comes to Stefan, which as I've spoken about before is also about conquering him rather than loving him
She is more in love with the idea of Stefan loving her than she actually is with Stefan. That’s why she hijacks Elena’s body in season 5 and attempts to seduce him because let’s think about that. Katherine hijacked the body of a woman she hates and tries to seduce Stefan as that woman, a woman whose break up with him was a trigger for his PTSD, a woman who was in a relationship with his brother and she doesn’t think or care about how seducing him as this woman would fuck with his head. It’s also why in season 2 she threatens to kill Elena while Stefan watches because it doesn’t matter if he’s scarred or hurt, what matters is owning him.
but because I think there's canon that indicates the lengths she'll go and that she has no problem looking desperate, it allows me to do that in the fic too.
I also wanted to show that when Elena is needling at Katherine, she finds an understanding in how addictive a toxic cycle with Katherine can be because even in this, she and Stefan can have an unparalleled understanding and connection because as I've said in the past
Like I’ve said before, SE reminds me of this Outlander quote, “Maybe the only way to save Jamie is for someone to step into the darkness with him” which essentially means, Elena is in it with Stefan. She is there with him.
So maybe, Elena will get a little dark herself.
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caitkaminski · 2 years
Modding your Litg2 app 101:
(If I made any typos, which is about 95% likely, pls accept my apologies) FOR ANYONE COMING HERE LOOKING TO MOD s6 PLEASE GO HERE FOR THE WORKAROUND
Strap yourselves in, this will be lengthy. You may cry, you may want to punch something, but trust me it’s worth it 😭 I’ve tried to dumb this down as much as I can so you don’t struggle as much as me, so here we go! Many thanks to @oliverslove for writing out exactly how to do the emulator method using Bluestacks, just answering my 50,000 questions and being patient with me 💛💛
First up, do you want your mod on:
- an Android - head to this post
- an Apple device BUT you also have an android device to move the game from eg an Android tablet to an iPhone - also head to this post
- an Apple device and ONLY have Apple portable devices but you do have a PC to move the game from (Start at Step 1 of this post)
- only Apple devices. No PC. No Android devices. I’m sorry, loves but this method won’t work for you at all!😭😭😭
1. Download Bluestacks onto your PC here
2. Give it a little setup. Fairly straight forward but here’s a guide for it too:
3. After it’s all set up, head here
4. Download the most recent version of the mod from ModYolo. It’s going to basically download a whole new app, that’s how it works on Android. You’re just copying an Android without having an Android, you get me? (ps take a shot for every time I just said Android). So, in case you haven’t guessed already, you will lose ALL progress on BOTH seasons and have to start from scratch.
5. Now you’ve downloaded that, it needs to be installed on Bluestacks. To install it you need to navigate to the toolbar on the right side of the screen and press the small icon saying .APK (this lil guy)⬇️⬇️⬇️
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6. That lil icon will make you select exactly what it is you want to Install from your computers files. So find the mod you just downloaded (in most cases this is just in the computer’s Downloads area)
7. This will start the mods download to Bluestacks. Once it’s done, open it up and if it’s been done correctly then you should see the ModYolo notification at the bottom of the loading screen
8. The app will go straight into Season 4 as that’s how the actual app is just hardcoded anyways. But once you create a character you can just go back to the Home Screen and go onto season 5 if you’d rather.
9. So TA-DAH! On the Home Screen you’ll see you have a lot of gems and a blank space for tickets. This is just simply because once the modded app is on your phone the tickets don’t transfer over 😭 So, if you want to abuse unlimited tickets, play any progress you want to on Bluestacks (the computer) first.
10. Time to kiss those LIs goodbye and don’t make Bruno cry on the way out. Save your Bluestacks game to the Cloud (try and keep it to the one on your IPhone to save some time) it might give the choice to keep a Local or Cloud save, just click the one with lots and lots of gems.
11. Next, head over to your Apple device (the one you want to play the game on). No need to get a fancy app or do anything with this one. You’ll just want to load a game save from the Cloud and pick whichever has more gems.
And that, my friends is how you mod your game on Apple. 🤗
I’m about 85% sure you might have to do this again for season 6 as will be a new version of the mod looking at previous versions but I will look into that more and update this post!
I really hope this post helps a lot of you but feel free to ask questions and I’ll help best I can! Please also send @oliverslove lots of love for helping me 💛
We are both pretty active on the discord server so if you want the link to join and ask questions, lemme know!
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bootyhoe-123123 · 10 months
Rizzy reo (reo x reader bllk fluff)
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(Hi guysssss this is my first work so im sorry if this is bad 😭 feel free to let me know how to improve 😋😋 -bootyhoe)
(warnings‼️‼️ no pronouns are used for Y/n in this story but it is said that they wear a skirt in their uniform you can of course just say pants if you feel comfortable with that instead anddd that’s it ENJOYY ❤️❤️)
Y/n’s POV———————————————————————
06:37 AM
I walk down a long sidewalk. I’m not the most familiar with it but i go this way when I need it. It’s an early Tuesday morning and it was just so difficult to get up this morning. I’m in dire need of a latte right now. I was up all night studying for an upcoming exam and kept on getting distracted thinking about a certain purple haired boy. Oh how I loved his purple hair, it suited him really well. Reo Mikage. I’ve had a crush on the guy for a few months now. I stop in front of a cafe I usually visit when I have a rough time in the morning, I swing the glass door open and walk inside the warmth hitting my face immediately making me feel cozy. I greet the girl behind the cash register, she looked a little older than me, somewhere in her early twenty’s. I give her my order and pay, after, I go sit at a small table with 2 chairs facing each other. I pull out one of the chairs and hang my beige messenger bag on the back of it, after I do I sit down and pull out my phone. It read 06:44 as the time. I didn’t have to be at my school till 07:10 and it was only a five minute walk from the cafe. I actually had time to enjoy my latte and it will be a lot more enjoyable considering the cold weather. “Y/n!” I hear one of the other girls shout out my name and I stand up to go get my drink. I thank her and take my drink off the counter and go back to where my bag was. I sit for a few minutes scrolling on my phone and taking sips of my drink here and there. I check the time again. “06:56.. I guess it’s time to start walkin’ towards that stupid ass school.” I Mutter lowly to myself.
I stand up and push the seat in. I open my bag and toss my phone into it. I sling it over my shoulder and take a final sip of my latte then walk over to throw it away. I brush off my uniform. I don’t mind the uniform we have to wear to school, the black skirt is cute and I like the checkers in my top but they’re hidden underneath my winter jacket right now. I wear basic new balances but I switch it up here and there, not like it matters to much anyway. The stockings I wear underneath my skirt are only for winter, I wear knee high socks any other season. I wave goodbye and say thank you to the women before walking out of the door. I pop my AirPods into my ears and play some music to keep me entertained on my short walk.
I take my time switching my shoes into my school ones and walk into my classroom. I see a few people here and there. I wave at a few of my friends. We’re all sadly separated me in the back and the two of them in the front. And don’t get me wrong it sucked i didn’t sit with them but my seat partner was good enough for me. It was my crush, Reo. He wasn’t here yet. I didn’t expect him to be. He always comes into the class with a minute or 2 to spare with his best friend Nagi. I slowly take out my books and a few pencils from my bag before placing them neatly in my desk. I pick up my mechanical pencil, pump out some led, and draw little hearts and stars on my desk. “Hey Y/n! How was your morning? Sure was cold out today huh.”
I hear the oh so familiar voice of my seat mate and feel the tips of my ears heating up. “Hey Reo, yeah it was really cold this morning I love winter but my hands were freezing my whole walk here! My morning wasn’t the best but I’ll manage.”
I let the answer roll off my tongue to the handsome boy who was now facing me in his seat, our knees touching. “Oh? Your hands, are they still cold?”
He raises an eyebrow at me, “Well..yeah, not as bad but they’re still kind cold.”
I mumble, as I place my hands on top of one another on my desk. “Here, I wore gloves to school, let me warm your hands up.” I hear what Reo says and my eyes dart from him to my hands that were now enclosed into his bigger ones.
I feel not only the tips of my ears this time, but my whole face heat up. Reo rubs his warm, calloused fingers against my softer ones. I stared at our hands for a few seconds and slowly bring my eyes up to his face again. He was also looking at our hands but he seems to notice me look up because he looked up into my eyes with his deep purple ones, a slime plastered on his face. He leans over to me our faces closer together as he places his mouth by my ear. “Are your hands alright now or do you want me to keep warming them up?” I can hear my heart beating loudly in my ears as I gulp not knowing how to answer.
I hear Reo start giggling next to my ear as he pulls away from my face still keeping my hands in his. “I’m just messing with you, Y/n. I wouldn’t mind though. If you wanted to keep our hands like this I mean .”
Am I hearing right? Did he just say he wouldn’t mind? Doesn’t matter now. This is a good opportunity for me to shot my shot with my crush and I’m not going to let it go to waste. I nod to Reo and say, “I wouldn’t mind either. If you wanted to hold hands a little longer I mean.” I mimic his words, a smile growing on my face.
He returns the gesture and mutters a little “Good” before facing the teacher in the front of the class.
Our hands were still together underneath our desks. I’m definitely not going to be wearing gloves to school if it means I get to hold hands with Reo again.
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fumifooms · 23 hours
was not expecting how head over heels i'd fall for marchil- i stg there's something they put in the sauce like goddamn! and i've loved seeing your posts analyzing their dynamic, really helped articulate what i was feeling. i was wondering if you had any fic recs, or any recommendations for ships with a similar vibe? i'm hungry for them...
I know right, marchil gripped me in a chokehold out of nowhere and still hasn’t let go… The sauce was designed by the demon for me to get addicted specifically. It’s been too long since I haven’t written fic for them. I’m still chipping away at my Marcille & Chil arc analysis I know I always mention it and I started the draft in January but I SWEARRR… Season 1 is ending next week :/ On the upside I’ll probably be more focused. After that analysis, which is only analyzing in depth like one aspect/half of their intertwined arc btw so who knows there might be a part 2 one day, I kept thinking it’d prob be my last marchil analysis but let’s be real, probably not. Every week I find something new to point out about them aah…… Dungeon food, ahh, dungeon food…
Fanfic rec wise, well first I have my own marchil fics, to which I mostly recommend Grind Me Down Sweetly, and then feel free to browse my marchil bookmarks for what seems good! I don’t know what your tastes are but Shroomyystar makes super good angst (and smut), my favorite being 'Til our fingers decompose, keep my hand in yours about Marcille getting deathly sick and the dilemma to confess or to not confess, incredibly haunting piece of bittersweet but soul-crushing angst AND character study. Like wow! Chilchuck I need to throw you in a river. I want you beside me is cute bedsharing banter. From me to you makes my head spin and makes me shake my screen. And- *gets dragged off before I can mention more* Meanwhile on the flipside, Anita_Amai (the first ao3 marchil writer, still going strong 👏👏) is especially great at offering short and sweet pieces, the tone is usually light and comedic and it always makes me smile and giggle, gives me fluff attacks, the fics always a strong good scene or theme idea too. Just browse and pick any, it’s a good time. There’s soo many more. Honestly I recommend just diving into the ao3 tag and start reading. You can start by kudos and read the highest ones first to dip your toes and get the community classics one out. Early on there was a recurring anon writer who did great bittersweet domestic confession stuff like this one, lifespan angst oughh... Wherever you are now thank you for all your work 😭💖 A lot of new marchil writers are starting to post too! A csm asaden fanfic writer legend just joined the tag so marchil will probably finally get some multi-chaptered fanfics haha~ But yess there’s unrequited angst, there’s self-sabotaging angst, there’s domestic fluff, there’s falling in love and bantery fluff, bunch of good stuff <3
As to ships with similar vibes: The closest I’ve seen so far is honestly weirdly close, it’s the protagonists from a romance comedy josei called Dame na watashi ni koishite kudasai or Please love useless me! I don’t want to spoil but there’s even the guy needing to move on from a doomed love + emotional distance issues and the gal slowly invading his personal life/social circle and my god… They were coworkers, he was rude, he’s a workaholic, he’s reliable, she’s sunshine and needs to get some reality checks... The banter. THE BANTER. He represses and she copes by simping for fictional characters. He made, like, a mutual aid community for ex-gangsters. They dress up in silly costumes sometimes. They’re weeeird about each other in an unlabelable way before dating in a way (in a fun marchil in canon way). It’s so funny she’s cracking open his convoluted personal drama like her morning newspapers. There’s more there’s so much more. Give up on your dreams, make money, love loses 🔥🔥 It’s honestly just a great fun read, it’s such a mood. Haven’t read the sequel yet but there’s one so really if it hooks you you’ll be fed well and for a while. The greatest bits are too spoilery but here, have the vibe.
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Howl’s Moving Castle, specifically the book, and there’s a ton of themes and narratives that are so fitting for them that I couldn’t possibly all list, I already made a post on it here if you’re interested in all the details and similarities and my AU thoughts haha.
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Teen Titans 2003 the show, Beast Boy x Starfire. THAT’S RIGHT I’M A BBSTAR, BAM! 💥🫶 Jokester that’s dependable x sweet and idealistic but strong and protective. Short gremlin and tall beauty. Friends-coworkers to lovers. Very soft fluffy slice of life ship I like it a lot, and I wrote a fic for it hehe. Might do more one day, I have a bunch of prompts written down and a series I really wanted to get to sob.
I almost forgot to mention Shrek. It’s SO FUNNY how well it goes sometimes… Chil Shrek, Laios Donkey, Marcille Fiona. I want to say Mickbell could be Farquaad but even Mick doesn’t deserve this slander… Shrek 2 fear that he’s not prince charming enough for her oughh. Laios getting to be a horse good for him good for him. Winged Lion singing I need a hero. Someone stop me.
There’s also zenmiyo from Touge Oni but no one reads that </3 I gotta get to my review/lore analysis about that manga it’s sooo good a fave read of mine from last year. Like it’s so fucking good. It keeps just ramping up and getting more crazily good. Scrolling through some pages rn and it’s a unique blend of comedy, philosophy and awe-inspiring visuals and creativity. Well, sort of like late Dunmeshi actually. If it had a fandom any bigger I’d be all over it constantly. And I’d also recommend Harahara Sensei / Timebomb Teacher if it had any english translation, one of my fave mangas also. It’s about mafia, and a goody two shoes willing to go through a corruption arc to save her sister x stern rude mafioso who’s there bc he’s poor and on a revenge mission, never had any other option growing up etc etc. Ok he’s not that Chilchuck but the dynamic does have that "grow up and see the world for what it is, a shithole. It’s been hell for me" vs "ok you have a point. But also have you considered not sacrificing your humanity and emotions in a self-destructive pursuit" (not that she’s in the position to talk lmaoo) like ohh my goood him throwing his popsicle stick in the fire that she lit over a corpse, it haunts me.
From the marchil Discord it’s also fun to notice ships some of us share… Csm asaden, some combination of LotR elf x short guy, fair amount of dunmeshi ships overlap too. Haven’t found the overall common thread quite yet and I’m forgetting many that have come up but lol some off the top of my head.
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jaegerbroshoe · 4 months
Omg this new season is off to a solid start!
1. The first scene was actually very hard to watch for me, I had to look away. This is the kind of shit my mom and her siblings experienced growing up in Egypt. I really hope we won’t get the whole “bad brother honour kills” storyline again though. Jawad seems really sweet so far.
2. I love how they handled the Layan issue, especially with Miss Abeer clearly being traumatized by whatever the outcome was (I don’t think they’ll confirm it 100% by the end of the season, but we’ll see).
3. The new principal being the creator of the show cracked me up.
4. I’m surprised by how much the topics being addressed are still relatable to me, seeing as how it’s been a minute since I’ve been a teenager. But it’s actually giving me so many throwbacks, even though social media was definitely not as crazy as it is now for me as an older Gen Z.
5. Lots of interesting characters. I like that the “it” girl (Tasneem) is actually just the fake nice type this time. Heba’s actress is sooo pretty (I am constantly distracted by her, I love that 80s look) but her character is so trashy. What she did to Sara during the bowling scene was so uncalled for, and I’m happy she was called out on it when Sara made that video. I also like that we’re getting more male characters being involved in this season. I think the show has the potential to explore a lot more issues than those that pertain to women exclusively and I’m glad it’s going there. Also, that Arab family moment with Sara’s dad 🤣.
6. I can’t stop thinking about how gorgeous and big everyone’s room and house is 😭. I miss how that is the norm in West Asia.
7. My only issue is that sometimes the acting came off as awkward or forced (like, you can tell it’s a script or something they have to act to be doing; the first season also suffered from that at times). Or it’s not the acting but the way the scenes are cut/transition.
All in all, so curious to see the direction in which this season will go!
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reyesstrand · 7 months
weekend wip game
thanks for the tag @welcometololaland (and thanks for thinking up this game lola!) @alrightbuckaroo @strandnreyes @theghostofashton <333
rules: list your wips below (if you only write one fic at a time, feel free to include future wips/ideas!) then answer the following questions. then, tag as many people as you have wips (or more).
1. wip list:
active wips: food fic
future wips: pottery au; aftermath of the solving of gabriel’s murder
2. which of your wips is currently the longest?
food fic, mainly because it’s all i’m working on ajdnskdn
3. which wip do you expect will end up the longest?
food fic will span from 1x05 to tarlos’ honeymoon, so likely this one
4. which wip is your favourite/the most enjoyable to write? why?
when it isn’t giving me a headache, definitely food fic. i love getting to look back at canon and extrapolate on moments we’ve seen (and include scenes we didn’t) focused on the idea of food as a love language. however the pottery au probably has the most little random snippets i’ve deposited into my notes app that bring some serious joy
5. which wip do you find the most intimidating to write? why?
pottery au, simply because full-on alternate universe fics are kind of out of my wheelhouse, even though i love reading them
6. which wip do you experience the most self-doubt about? why?
probably the gabriel murder aftermath fic, because i have a very clear idea of the sort of tone i want to develop through the story and worry about perfecting it
7. which of your wips will you seek out a beta/sensitivity reader for? why?
food fic will have a beta (if they still want to even though they offered truly six months ago 😭😭😭😭😭😭) and i’m grateful because this i’m pretty sure the fic will be 20k+ and having a pair of skilled eyes look it over will be so helpful.
8. have any of your wips been struck by the curse of writer’s block?
…….have i mentioned i started food fic six months ago 🧍‍♂️
9. which wip has your favourite oc? tell us about them?
i’m very boring and unfortunately don’t have any at the moment!! hopefully some will come to fruition with pottery au once i actually try tackling it
10. which wip is the sexiest?
food fic, because cooking is sexy and tk and carlos agree and also because it has the only real “explicit” sex i’ve written. HOWEVER….i would be amiss not to mention pottery au, where the moodboard centred around this photo:
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11. which wip is the angstiest?
probably will be the gabriel murder aftermath fic….shes gonna be moody!!! but also food fic has a lot of the boys and their unhealthy coping mechanisms. so both?
12. which wip has the best characterization (in your humble opinion)?
i’m going to say food fic only because i’m writing from a place of knowing the entirety of canon so far, and can use that to go back and write them as their baby season one selves. also, since it’s fairly introspective for both of them, i think this is my clear answer
13. which wip has the best scene setting (in your humble opinion)?
i’m….going to say all three, in their varying states of completion. it’s something i feel most comfortable with as a writer and i think it’s something i tap into easily, and i think each has examples of this
14. which wip have you worked the hardest on?
food fic. it’s kind of become my baby
15. which wip do you have the highest expectations for? why?
….food fic, only because i’ve been working on it for so long and it’ll be the first thing i post since may. so. i feel a lot of pressure to make it “right”
16. do you dream about any of your wips?
only if i’ve been writing/plotting right before bed
17. do any of your wips have particular complexities that your other fics don’t?
hm….i guess food fic only since it’s truly following the whole development of a relationship, and trying to capture where they’d be emotionally at a certain moment in the grand scheme of things is complex. pottery au also fits here, though, since i know it’ll need some planning that i don’t always think about, since i tend to write canon compliant as opposed to au fics
18. which wip is the funniest or has the most humour?
i don’t think i’m very good at humour 😭😭😭 but i think most light-hearted, maybe, would be pottery au? food fic has some bright spots too, though
19. do any of your wips contain outside povs or a deep dive on a character other than the main ship? how are you finding that process?
ooh okay, so there’s at least one instance of this in food fic where we see owen observing the boys, and it’s something i love tapping into because thinking about owen with his boys always makes me 🥺🥺🥺 like he’s just so happy for them and sees their love for what it is and i enjoy whenever i can explore that, even if only for a few paragraphs. i think gabriel aftermath will explore more of gabriel/his relationship with carlos in SOME capacity, though i truly haven’t even explored it yet. it makes me excited though!! introspection is my favourite <3
20. tell us one thing we don’t know about one or more of your wips.
hmmmmmm i’d say that food fic was originally a 5+1, then a 7+1, but i couldn’t figure out what the “+1” would be/how i would phrase it, and i decided i liked connected vignettes following the trajectory of their relationship better. also that seeing a singular photo of ceramics on pinterest inspired the pottery au….tarlos brainrot will always take over at the most random times!
((sorry for not following the rules here)) i’m no pressure tagging @carlos-in-glasses @birdclowns @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @paperstorm @heartstringsduet @rmd-writes @louis-ii-reyes-strand @carlos-tk @redshirt2 @tailoredshirt @beautifulhigh and open tagging whoever would like to play <333
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thecryptidbard · 10 days
Top 5....Gilmore Girls seasons >:) Rank them for me (You have permission to include whichever one is 6th, though that's also inferable from being left out I guess lol)
Ahdkahdkshfh PIGEON!!!! A thousand thanks for finally giving me a chance to put the ungodly amount of time I spend thinking about this show to use!! Gonna start with number one this time despite being anticlimactic simply because I have so much more to say about my very favorite ones lol:
#1: Season 1. It HAS to be first on the list. Admittedly, partly because I’ve watched this season more than any other. Partly also because season one is what sets up this whole crazy show—already we have Luke, we have Christopher, we have Rory-making-poor-romantic-choices, we have the absolute institution that is Paris Geller, and so on. But most of all, this season is number one for me because from the very beginning every single dynamic that will become so crucial to the show is all already in play here. The episode “Rory’s Birthdays”comes a mere six episodes into this show and it is a microcosm of the themes that are gonna be in play for all seven seasons to come with a beautiful and heartrending cyclicality. It sets up the premise that will become the trademark of this show at its best, of having 35-40 minutes or so of hilarity and the most over-the-top ridiculous family dynamics and unreasonable situations, followed by about 5 minutes that completely shatter your entire soul with how real and heartbreaking and horribly unsolvable they are. It is an absolute episode of television of all time for me and its just one of so many hits we got this season (the dynamics/parallels at play between Rory’s Dance and Christopher Returns are another favorite worthy of mention). Truly my only complaint with this season is that it took them so long to figure out what they were doing with Kirk’s character lmao.
#2: Season 4. It would have been so, SO easy for the show to go off the rails or completely change all its dynamics and lose what made it special when Rory went off to college BUT IT DIDN’T!!! “The Lorelais’ First Day at Yale” remains a favorite episode of mine, it’s so perfectly *them*, and I think it’s the kind of great writing we get all season that expands the realm of the show without losing its heart. That alone probably makes it deserving of the #2 slot lol, but it also earns it because of 1) some wonderful Richard and Emily moments and development 2) an episode filmed in my hometown and 3) Lane’s arc. Lane my beloved. This is HER SEASON, it’s such a good arc of her hitting a breaking point and then starting to build a life for herself that is actually *hers*, the scene where she and the band move into their own apartment and it’s gross and horrible and the guys are fighting about shelf space only to reveal so casually and matter of factly that the *reason* there’s no space is because they set a whole shelf aside so she can display her CDs is the single moment in all of television that I truly cannot watch without crying.
#3: Season 6. Admittedly, I’ve only seen some of the episodes in this season once or twice, so it’s possible I did have some issues with this season and have just forgotten them. I think this season had a *lot* of curveballs but they by and large worked really well? I think especially so much of the Rory and Lorelai fight was so well done and in character, as was a lot of the Luke and Lorelai angst; even when I was immensely frustrated with one or both of them for making terrible choices and fully yelling at the tv about it, it also felt like those terrible choices were…ones they would very likely make, for the most part. And this is the season that gave us the beautiful Paul Anka the dog!! I am also so nostalgic for this season simply because up until the revival this was the last Sherman-Palladino writing we got and oh man does it show in so many of the Season 7 plots 😭
#4: Season 2. This was by far the hardest one for me to rank. I considered making it #5 in this list, but I also had it as #3 for a LONG time, that’s how torn I was and how much I went back and forth on it. It is SO strong, it has so many really great episodes and perfect humor, and it’s one that I’ve rewatched many parts of just as much as I’ve rewatched season 1. There was a whole period of time where I genuinely styled my hair after Dean’s in this season, that’s how influential season 2 is to me. There really is just so, so much I love about this season.
However. In contrast to seemingly every other fan. I. Fucking. Hate. Jess. I HAAAATTTTTEE him, so much that his mere presence is enough to move this otherwise stellar season to fourth place (you will notice that season 3 does not appear on this list at all—that choice too is once again heavily influenced by Jess). If his character could exist in a vacuum, this season would for sure be ranked higher, but the fact is I don’t just dislike him, I dislike so much about the plotlines and arcs caused by his presence and interactions with the rest of the show. Absolutely no disrespect to his actor either, he is portrayed wonderfully he is just. So terrible to me. Jess my utterly beloathed.
#5: Season 5. I am quickly running out of steam on this lol so not as much to say for this choice, it’s just a truly solid season that I also struggled to place because it has so many strengths but ultimately not as many of the extremely memorable standout moments as some others (although it does have one of my very favorite cold opens, the one with the roomba), so it ended up being lower on the list despite still being one I really, really enjoy. It also, admittedly, might be the one I’ve watched least aside from 7 but we don’t talk about 7.
Much love to anyone who actually read all of this madness, and thanks again Pigeon for the ask!!! 💜💜
Ask me my top 5 anything
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dragonseeds · 28 days
what are you looking forward to the most in season 2? any hopes, expectations, etc.
i’m most excited for BLOOD & CHEESE and whatever psychological torture alys is putting daemon through at harrenhal <3 <3 also very curious about how they will handle rhaenyra’s reaction to b&c—i think that’s a key moment that will give insight into how exactly they plan to develop her character throughout the rest of the show.
also inexpressibly excited for the dragonseeds! i don’t think nettles will be in this season, but i can’t wait for her and sheepstealer. i know people theorize she’ll be cut from the show, but i can’t even fathom it????she’s too important. there’s no way to do it without gutting the themes of the story? if they do you’ll see me on the news though.
aside from that i’m really interested to see how they handle the classism inherent in the concept of dragonseeds. (though tbh i’ll cry laughing if it leads to people who are obsessed with presenting the hightowers as persecuted servants instead of an ancient house of powerful nobles saying shit like, “the hightowers and the dragonseeds have so much in common actually, both striving for upward mobility. it really adds context to the defection of ulf the white and hugh hammer!!” 😭😭)
with that, i’m sooo curious to see if we get a scene with corlys and rhaenys discussing addam and alyn. like i can’t imagine they would skip that—it’s too crucial and too messy. like is that man seriously going to try to tell her they are her dead gay son’s bastards. can’t wait. weirdly nervous to see how they’re going to handle addam claiming seasmoke when laenor is still alive? i’m a fantasy girlie at heart so dragon/rider bond is very interesting to me.
my main hope for the season though is that the tb kids get more development, particularly baela and rhaena. they were so underused last season and it’s inexplicable to me why so many small moments with them were cut when just a little bit more could’ve added so much. like with all the heavy handedness re: aemond and lucerys/aemond and daemon, they couldn’t have done more with baela and aegon? in theory i understand that it was the actions of the greens driving the plot at the end of s1, so it makes sense to spend more time learning their characters and motivations, but if the baela, rhaena, and jace don’t get that same level of investment in s2 then what’s the point.
the other thing i’m really hoping for is of course that we see daemon and rhaenyra being unhinged together in a fun sexy way this season before things start to really crack. i have no idea how their relationship will be handled, but my main hope is that they continue to show the complexity of it and of rhaenyra’s feelings in particular without infantilizing her. literally my only requirement and i can work with anything else.
other things i’m looking forward to: sunfyre the prettiest baby and whatever is going on with alicent and aegon—like we love a perpetuated cycle you know? also i guess i’ll admit to being excited to see the starks again. fine, i am. and jace with no wig! baela on moondancer! just seeing these characters again, i love them all so much. what are you excited about??
*i’ve never cared for criston
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luckyqueenreign · 11 months
Honest opinions on that volume? Personally i’m disappointed. This season started so well! And then casa happened..
First of all, being forced to go on the beach date (like we didn’t do that like 2-3 volumes ago?!)
Hamishes snarky comments are so annoying, literally what purpose does it serve?
Amelia and Marshall continuing to nag me even after I said I didn’t care about them as a couple and to literally leave me alone 😭
Being forced to go the the hideaway.. I have stayed so loyal in casa but it’s like they want us to slip up and get with someone (probably for drama on movie night i’m guessing)
Overall, get me the hell out of casa and into Ozzys bed fb TYSM
Bestie I’m beyond disappointed!! I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again FB needs to never give us casa amor. THEY ARE TERRIBLE AT IT!! They’re dragging it out so long and just regurgitating the same convos over and over again. How many times do we need to be asked if we’re gonna stick/twist?? Or if we have a connection with a casa boy?? And if you can’t even remember who we liked pre-casa what’s the point!? Because I pied off Elliot from our very first convo and continued to do so and he still picked me and these girls are still like… ARE YOU IN LOVE WITH ELLIOT?? BC HES PROB MAKING OUT WITH A CASA GIRL RN!!
And let’s pretend that everyone was clueless re: Ozzy (I mean I only made out with him in front of everyone before I left but anywho…) why aren’t they asking about how we feel about LJR?? We were coupled with them for wayyy longer and it seems like ppl completely forgot about that. And sure we’ve heard from some people that LJR cares so much and that they were devastated or whatever but it’s so weird to me that they mention Elliot at all. Especially bc tbh Elliot shouldn’t even be an option!!! He doesn’t even know we’re at casa!!! So why do we have to pick him when we know he won’t pick us??! Ugh it’s just so dumb and I hate how they clearly don’t know wtf they’re doing.
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carlos-tk · 8 months
nice ask week
hi D! it's nice ask week! What made you start watching LS and what was it about the show that made you spiral into fandom?
Hi Rae! Thanks for the question! 💗 Apologies for how long this took me to answer. Work took over my life this week 😢 Now buckle in for a stupidly long story 😅
Firstly, I had watched the original 911s first and half of its 2nd season whenever they aired (2018/19 thanks Wikipedia) and then totally forgot all about it because again #life 😅 I did hear about a spin off whenever they announced it but I guess the only info was that it was coming soon. Wikipedia is helping out and it seems it was May 2019. I didn’t really pay it much mind because by then I had already stopped watching the og.
So I move on with my life and don’t think about either series until September 2022. I saw a youtube clip of a scene: the throwing each other against the wall hookup from 1x02. I watched it and I was like.. OH?!👀🔥🥵 Saved it to my YouTube watch later and again forgot all about it because back then I was doing full time shift work and had no time to breathe let alone watch anything new 😂 (kicking myself because I could’ve been here a year ago) 😭
Cut to this year. I can give you an exact date i rediscovered 911 verse. May 17th 2023!! 🥳 All because of the Tarlos wedding.
Twitter is probably the platform I use the most cos it’s got all my sports content😅 Anyway I happened to be on the discover/trending tab and one of the top hashtags was #TarlosWedding which was airing that day. I clicked it to investigate and scrolled through. It was full of pics and fanvids of the wedding and again I was like OH 👁👁. I liked a bunch of the tweets to revisit and moved on with my day. A few days later because I had liked all that stuff, Twitter keeps recommending me more content. So I find myself back on YouTube and watched these:
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and then a series of random scenes and I was like... okay I need full context for all of this. Another month passes and it’s probably end of June/early July and I’m like let me see if this is available anywhere to watch in Australia. I find it on Disney+ and they have seasons 1-3. This is finally when I watched the show. And then I could not stop thinking about it. S4 is no where to be found though. So I google and see it’s halfway through airing on Channel 7 here which means it won’t be uploaded to Disney+ for a while. So then I’m like UGH 😒😩😤 I wanted to binge the whole season like I had for the others. I kept tabs on when it would finish airing on TV and eventually the finale airs August 14th. The next day I start it and binge the whole season on 7Plus over a few days.
Now that I had seen their entire story so far, I was full blown hyper fixating. Like they’re on my mind ALL the time. I’m reading a book or watching a movie/show and thinking about Tarlos in place of the characters. I’m listening to a song or reading a poem/lyric and being like oh that’s so Tarlos coded😂😂 At this point i’m like oh no 😅😅 The fandom life is coming for me.
Then the biggest surprise of all I start getting the urge to write fanfic again! Which is insane because I had not written anything in (redacted) years. Like nearly every time as I was about to sleep, I start having ideas and rambling it out in my notes app at stupid hours like 2am 😂😅
Next we have the writers/actors strike and I’m like 👀trust me to find a new obsession and everyone is on strike and I’m gonna get nothing new for ages. Then I remember AO3 is a thing that exists and find my way to the 911 Lone Star tag and start reading fic again. Any spare moment I had I was itching to read whatever I could get my eyeballs on. I said to you the other day that I read your gym!AU first and look I might’ve read a random 1k word one shot or two but nothing I can actually remember like yours 😂🥵 I think the added pictures and texts made it so memorable because 1. I did not know you could do that on AO3 2. Rafael is like the hottest guy I’ve ever seen 😅😅 and 3. It was just so damn good 🥵 Sm*t with feelings and I am there. You teased the feelings a little and if/when (no pressure btw) you decide to revisit this universe just know I’ll be first in line 🙋🏼‍♀️ and the reason I can recall it as the first is it’s the oldest AO3 tab saved to my safari reading list 😅
By this point I’m reading fic through the end of August and September constantly. A few I read had peoples Tumblr links in the end notes so then I remember that Tumblr also exists 😂 I come over and lurk, explore the tags, look at all the beautiful gifs, look at a few peoples blogs and make a mental note to maybe join Tumblr again. I had 2 blogs back in hs, 1 fandom specific blog that got abandoned during my last year of hs and a sports/tv-series one I used a little in the years after hs but then again #life and I didn’t touch it after like 2016.
Come September 2023. I made a new email, signed up to Tumblr again, and requested an AO3 invite. Learning how to use this site again was wild because so much had changed since I last used it. I saw something about getting mistaken for bots so I spent a little time making the blog look nice and like an actual person exists before I bothered to follow anyone or any tags. October rolls around and I finally start using it every day and now I’m here with all of y’all 💗
Sorry for the extremely long story and again sorry for how long it took 😅😅
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onlyswan · 6 months
Hi arttttt❤️🫶❤️🫶❤️🫶
How are youuuu??? I missed you sm😭❤️😭❤️
How have you been omg!!! I feel like I missed on a lot of stuff lol
I LOVED THE NEW DRABBLE😭 it’s so fucking cute ahh jungkook and oc are the cutest!!!
AND???? THE END ??!??!??!!!!! ART???
What the fuck is going on!!!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I am so excited for whatever that beautiful mind of yours will bring next!!
I’ve been busy with uni (when am I never busy with uni smh) and I finish this long ass term on the 28th of December ugh I’m so excited to just be done with these 6 courses that I am taking.
As for the year-end survey I’m going to answer the questions (even if they’re a bit hard😠)
what is your favorite/s from the drabbles i've put out this year (second in which collection)?
I’ll give you my top 5 drabbles from this collection:
1. in which jungkook wants you all to himself (and bam) and you buy him flowers
This one never fails to make me smile
2. in which jungkook is giving up on you but you have so much love left to give
This one^ killed me but I love it
3. in which you make jungkook’s world spin and you tend to… make him a little too dizzy.
I read this like 1000 times I love it so much
4. in which jungkook can’t sleep, and he can’t stop kissing you either.
This one made me giggle and kick my feet
5. in which a shameless ex-lover makes your bad day worse and jungkook can’t help but to go wherever you are.
me 🤝 oc
themes, lines, paragraphs, or scenes that stood out to you?
art i’m not gonna lie to you these type of questions are the ones that I get on my exams 😭
For the themes ? Idk I just like soft fluffy things 🫶 so soft it makes me wanna throw up
and I like angst (ONLY SOMETIMES PLEASE)
I think this line from in which a shameless ex-lover makes your bad day worse and jungkook can’t help but to go wherever you are. is cute
“aigoo, why are you so messy?“
for scenes I think this one is funny
“ow- ouch- baby! what the hell? what was that for?”
with doe eyes struck by headlights, he gapes at you in surprise as he rubs his poor shoulder that was slapped without warning.
and if it is not too much to ask- who is your favorite character, oc or jungkook?
Not answering because I love them both DONT TRY ME😠
which year/s would you like to see more of from 2017 to 2023?
I really dont mind anything! But I feel like 2019 jungkook is just ❤️‍🔥 and 2022 too oof.
and which season (spring/summer/autumn/winter)?
I’m a winter girlie so obvi winter
I think that’s all of the questions! I had fun answering them haha (even though they reminded me of my literary criticism course 🥲) I am so excited for what the new year is going to bring!! I love you art I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year!!!! I hope that 2024 will be an amazing year for you!
Love, 🥨
i’ve been doing much better since my break from school started !!! i really needed this for the sake of my sanity. hehe this is why i love the holiday season :P
as for the ending… no comment for now bcs it’s so fun seeing y’all freak out <3
goodluck with the rest of your term plssss don’t forget to take care and enjoy your well deserved break after 🥰
your top 5 i loveeeee 🥹 also you’re so real for the #5 i think this is the first answer it was mentioned. i’m blushing and giggling just thinking about it rn likejsjdhsjdf
i had to search for which drabble is the scene with the ouch and IM LAUGHINGDHDHFH I FORGOT ABT THE LIP PIERCING DRABBLE. oc’s humor >>>
Not answering because I love them both DONT TRY ME😠
i’m sorry for my fault 😞 i bow my head down again
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I had fun answering them haha (even though they reminded me of my literary criticism course 🥲)
this is so funny i’m sorrydhdhsjdhjshf 😭😭😭 i’m a literature girlie through and through i fear. but fr thank youuuu so much for answering i had fun reading your answers too :") hehe you made me smile a lot. i love you sm and i hope 2024 treats you well and brings you an abudance of everything nice in life 🩷 happy holidays!!!! please eat lots of yummy food too hehe :")
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