carnabybeat · 3 months
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Do you think they've got a video?
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abd-illustrates · 9 months
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🔥Zahra 🔥
Some more of the finished art from this week’s video, where I designed a couple of Genshin Impact OCs! (And finally got to reveal one of the secret projects I’ve been working on…! 👀) I’ve been posting the finished pieces here throughout the week; and last but not least is Zahra; a fiery firefighter from Sumeru!
[DO NOT EDIT OR REPOST TO OTHER SITES / ACCOUNTS]   ♻️reblogs are lovely tho!♻️
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komaneko-kun · 1 year
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white lotus // black lotus
Commission info | Instagram | Ko-fi
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red-naiver · 1 year
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A moment of Solace
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hooned · 1 year
just saw your seeing enha on sunday and ik you're going to have the best time ever !! i saw them in oct when they were here and it was one of my favorite concerts of the year <33
hi hi, emmy dear !! 💙 i am so sorry this is sooo late, tumblr didn't notify me of your ask 😭 (let me attack the office at dawn). but YEAH I DID 🥹 it was sooo fun and it was the last stop for the entire manifesto tour so they went all out and sang a whole lot of encores (i was crying the entire time). they were so so so dear and them onstage just felt so so right.
i say this to almost everyone who i talked about the concert with, but im really so so so happy that my first concert and my first pcd was with enhypen. 💙 BEST BOIS, REALLY. I HAVE NO WORDS ‼️
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plum-bug · 5 months
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🪨 Desert Rocks 🌵
Hey, y'all! I was decorating Strangetown and felt bothered by the flatness and lack of scenery. I decided to take a shot at editing the colors on some of my favorite 4t2 rocks by @leoz94, and since they turned out good, I thought I'd share them with you today!
more information and preview under the cut
⚠️ You can't have both mine and leoz's in your game, so you must choose one (I'm sorry). I'd ideally like to have both, but I don't know how to do that at the moment.
These were made to match lordcrump's default desert terrain because that's what I use. I'm not sure how these would look with other ones. I'd be happy to make ones that match other defaults if it's requested/wanted. 💛
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⚬ You can find them under stone 🪨 ⚬ Their names have been changed to the above ⚬ Files are compressed and you can pick and choose what you'd like to keep 💛
⚠️ UPDATE: I just realized after uploading that my previews aren't very accurate, aaa! I use reshade 4.6.1 (falkii's turniphead preset) and genuinely forgot that I had it on (because I never have it off)! 😅 I highly recommend it, but regardless, I'm sorry! Below are accurate previews. 🙏💛
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merakiui · 4 months
AAAAA ok so. You're one of my favorite authors here on Tumblr and slkssnlssksn I'm so nervous waaaa thanks for taking your time to brainrot with us <3 I'm in love with your writing and your delicious concepts and how you execute them oh god and when you write about stinky greasy incel Idia OK I'm gonna stop and actually order aaa
Can I please get assorted macaroons with a lacy lingerie along with a hint of sea salt caramels and a finishing touch of a pineapple parfait with Floyd and Jade, together? Something sweet and cute but with a lingering feeling of uneasiness <3 Hope it's well-ordered! Please and thank you very much!! 🥹
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yandere!jade leech x (gender neutral) reader x yandere!floyd leech cw: yandere, unhealthy relationship/behaviors, drugging, implied captivity, brief mentions of implied nsfw, obsession note - thank you for checking in, dearest guest! enjoy your order! [lunar love hotel]
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ ᴊᴀᴅᴇ ʟᴇᴇᴄʜ & ꜰʟᴏʏᴅ ʟᴇᴇᴄʜ
☆ Your “wedding” was unofficial, a quiet ceremony without an audience. Jade dressed you for the occasion, prettying you up as if you were a doll. You certainly felt so as you watched your reflection in the mirror, drifting in and out of a daze. Floyd poked at your shoulder to rouse you, giggling about his “sweet, sleepy Shrimpy.” When the wedding bands were slid on your ring fingers—the left for Floyd and the right for Jade—it became official. They kissed you on both cheeks and promised you a future filled with love and happiness. You couldn’t protest; there was no room for such a thing, not when Floyd’s mouth was already closing over yours.
☆ The first five days are for Floyd, and the next five will be Jade’s. They planned it together, all with your and their shared interests in mind. The first five days of your honeymoon are spent at a tropical resort. You delight in local cuisine and beautiful sights, allowing the twins to hold your hands while you walk between them. They spoil you rotten, buying all sorts of clothes and jewelry to add to your wardrobe, trinkets that catch your eye, sweets you seem to fancy. Money has never been an issue, which is why everything feels so grand and lavish. You’re taken to the beach, to a quiet, desolate strip that few tourists know of. Towels are laid out; an umbrella is propped. Floyd drags you towards the sea, eager to shed his human form and swim with you. Jade reads in the shade, occasionally glancing up from his book to watch you.
☆ As the sun shifts through the sky, you tire yourself out. Between swimming with Floyd, sunbathing alongside Jade, and indulging in a picnic with both, you’re plenty sluggish by the day’s end. They snap your picture just as you feel yourself falling, giggling to each other about how cute you look. The twins intend to capture many of your best (and possibly worst) moments during the entirety of this honeymoon. When the secret contents of your lunch catch up to you and render you sleepy, you assume it’s just the result of a long day sapping your energy. It makes you pliable, has you dragging them into bed when you’re oscillating between slumber and wakefulness. The camera shutters, capturing you curled up against Floyd in bed—perfectly, peacefully asleep.
☆ The twins take turns cooking for you. Mornings are for Floyd. He prepares all types of breakfasts, all with your favorites. You think he has too much fun in the kitchen because some meals are decorated cutely—pancakes looking like cats and bears and fruit cut into stars and hearts. Jade takes care of lunch and snacks throughout the day. They work together on dinner. It’s a guarantee that you’ll always feast on delicious meals regardless of which twin cooks. Strangely, the meals are so delicious that they leave you sleepy or, in some cases, achingly hot. The twins take good care of you whenever this happens. Maybe something just didn’t agree with your stomach… It’s nothing to worry about. They’re here for you.
☆ As the days wear on, you find yourself swamped in love. Whether you’re enjoying mornings down at the beach, exploring and shopping in town, touring popular destinations, or enjoying drinks on the balcony at sunset, the twins are always by your side. Floyd clings, his arm perpetually wrapped around your waist. Jade likes to slide his hand into yours, holding it with such a gentle fondness. He kisses your knuckles softly, eyeing the rings on your fingers with a pleased smile.
☆ Jade booked quite the quaint cabin for his half of the honeymoon. For the next five days, the three of you will see endless, sprawling pines from your spot in the mountains. He’s got a vague itinerary in mind, but it’s subject to change as you get through these five days. Surprises are more than welcome. The cabin is so cozy, equipped with all the necessities for a trip such as this one. It even has a fireplace. Jade is much too eager to gather and chop firewood even though it’s already supplied.
☆ He takes you out on hikes through the woods, pointing out flora and fauna as you encounter them. His eyes are sparkling the entire time. Floyd’s not as into it as Jade is, but he does enjoy walking alongside you and taking pictures of your most candid moments. You’ve been feeling groggy ever since breakfast, so you’re not nearly as alert as you usually are. Floyd takes this as his opportunity to snap your photo when you least expect it and to steal quick kisses. Jade thinks it’s so cute that you can hardly keep your eyes open. He promises the lot of you will turn around and head back after he gathers just a few more mushrooms for tonight’s dinner. You’re lying down for a nap by the time you make it back, the sun dipping below the horizon. You think you feel the bed depressing under Jade’s weight, his hands ghosting over your clothes to help change you into something comfortable. You let it happen.
☆ This place is oddly isolated. The locals are sweet, though. When Jade tells them you’re here on honeymoon, they all smile and tell you to have fun, to enjoy these special moments, to feel lucky that you have two husbands who adore you so very much. You thank them with a pleasant smile. Jade and Floyd keep their hands on you beneath the table during lunch. Even if you wanted to say something, you couldn’t. They make sure of that. And if you seem paranoid, they wave it off casually. Jade tells anyone who asks that you just love the variety of mushrooms here, especially the fun kinds. You’re not sure what he means until much later when you’ve digested your meal and your vision blurs. Jade’s there to steady you before you can fall over, petting your head in that affectionate way and cooing at you to calm down. It’s your honeymoon. You deserve to relax. His sharp, overly sweet smile is all you see in your dreams.
☆ Honeymoons are especially exciting because they come with amenities fitting for the occasion. A complimentary bottle of wine, luxury chocolates, condoms… Floyd tosses that last one aside. You won’t need them. If you insist on using protection for whatever reason, Jade will ease your worries with a placid smile. He’ll indulge your request. He wears one, yes, but then it’s not a guarantee that this one hasn’t been tampered with in some way. You’ll never know. Floyd’s a bit more difficult to convince. He adores cumming inside and then felching it out of your slick hole. You shiver through it all, clawing at the sheets as you melt beneath them. Your husbands pamper you excessively, so don’t think about anything and just enjoy yourself.
☆ The mountains are peaceful. Unlike the tropical paradise you previously came from, things are slower here. You enjoy watching the sunrise cut through the trees in the mornings, sitting at the window with Jade and Floyd. You sleep late into the afternoon, sandwiched between both of them. Floyd’s an early riser, so breakfast is always waiting for you when you and Jade eventually wake. It’s quiet bliss. You sit and sketch nature alongside Jade in the afternoon, who adores every little line you make with your pencil. He tells you so, leaning in to kiss the corner of your mouth when you pout and insist his is better. There’s no competition here, and even if there was he will always love yours more. When night falls Floyd prepares a campfire. You roast marshmallows for s’mores. Floyd dances around the firepit, singing gleefully and pulling you up from the log to dance alongside him. Firelight reflects off of your rings. It’s a wonderful honeymoon.
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Insurance companies are making climate risk worse
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Tomorrow (November 29), I'm at NYC's Strand Books with my novel The Lost Cause, a solarpunk tale of hope and danger that Rebecca Solnit called "completely delightful."
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Conservatives may deride the "reality-based community" as a drag on progress and commercial expansion, but even the most noxious pump-and-dump capitalism is supposed to remain tethered to reality by two unbreakable fetters: auditing and insurance:
No matter how much you value profit over ethics or human thriving, you still need honest books – even if you never show those books to the taxman or the marks. Even an outright scammer needs to know what's coming in and what's going out so they don't get caught in a liquidity trap (that is, "broke"), or overleveraged ("broke," again) exposed to market changes (you guessed it: "broke").
Unfortunately for capitalism, auditing is on its deathbed. The market is sewn up by the wildly corrupt and conflicted Big Four accounting firms that are the very definition of too big to fail/too big to jail. They keep cooking books on behalf of management to the detriment of investors. These double-entry fabrications conceal rot in giant, structurally important firms until they implode spectacularly and suddenly, leaving workers, suppliers, customers and investors in a state of utter higgeldy-piggeldy:
In helping corporations defraud institutional investors, auditors are facilitating mass scale millionaire-on-billionaire violence, and while that may seem like the kind of fight where you're happy to see either party lose, there are inevitably a lot of noncombatants in the blast radius. Since the Enron collapse, the entire accounting sector has turned to quicksand, which is a big deal, given that it's what industrial capitalism's foundations are anchored to. There's a reason my last novel was a thriller about forensic accounting and Big Tech:
But accounting isn't the only bedrock that's been reduced to slurry here in capitalism's end-times. The insurance sector is meant to be an unshakably rational enterprise, imposing discipline on the rest of the economy. Sure, your company can do something stupid and reckless, but the insurance bill will be stonking, sufficient to consume the expected additional profits.
But the crash of 2008 made it clear that the largest insurance companies in the world were capable of the same wishful thinking, motivated reasoning, and short-termism that they were supposed to prevent in every other business. Without AIG – one of the largest insurers in the world – there would have been no Great Financial Crisis. The company knowingly underwrote hundreds of billions of dollars in junk bonds dressed up as AAA debt, and required a $180b bailout.
Still, many of us have nursed an ember of hope that the insurance sector would spur Big Finance and its pocket governments into taking the climate emergency seriously. When rising seas and wildfires and zoonotic plagues and famines and rolling refugee crises make cities, businesses, and homes uninsurable risks, then insurers will stop writing policies and the doom will become undeniable. Money talks, bullshit walks.
But while insurers have begun to withdraw from the most climate-endangered places (or crank up premiums), the net effect is to decrease climate resilience and increase risk, creating a "climate risk doom loop" that Advait Arun lays out brilliantly for Phenomenal World:
Part of the problem is political: as people move into high-risk areas (flood-prone coastal cities, fire-threatened urban-wildlife interfaces), politicians are pulling out all the stops to keep insurers from disinvesting in these high-risk zones. They're loosening insurance regs, subsidizing policies, and imposing "disaster risk fees" on everyone in the region.
But the insurance companies themselves are simply not responding aggressively enough to the rising risk. Climate risk is correlated, after all: when everyone in a region is at flood risk, then everyone will be making a claim on the insurance company when the waters come. The insurance trick of spreading risk only works if the risks to everyone in that spread aren't correlated.
Perversely, insurance companies are heavily invested in fossil fuel companies, these being reliable money-spinners where an insurer can park and grow your premiums, on the assumption that most of the people in the risk pool won't file claims at the same time. But those same fossil-fuel assets produce the very correlated risk that could bring down the whole system.
The system is in trouble. US claims from "natural disasters" are topping $100b/year – up from $4.6b in 2000. Home insurance premiums are up (21%!), but it's not enough, especially in drowning Florida and Texas (which is also both roasting and freezing):
Insurers who put premiums up to cover this new risk run into a paradox: the higher premiums get, the more risk-tolerant customers get. When flood insurance is cheap, lots of homeowners will stump up for it and create a big, uncorrelated risk-pool. When premiums skyrocket, the only people who buy flood policies are homeowners who are dead certain their house is gonna get flooded out and soon. Now you have a risk pool consisting solely of highly correlated, high risk homes. The technical term for this in the insurance trade is: "bad."
But it gets worse: people who decide not to buy policies as prices go up may be doing their own "motivated reasoning" and "mispricing their risk." That is, they may decide, "If I can't afford to move, and I can't afford to sell my house because it's in a flood-zone, and I can't afford insurance, I guess that means I'm going to live here and be uninsured and hope for the best."
This is also bad. The amount of uninsured losses from US climate disaster "dwarfs" insured losses:
Here's the doom-loop in a nutshell:
As carbon emissions continue to accumulate, more people are put at risk of climate disaster, while the damages from those disasters intensifies. Vulnerability will drive disinvestment, which in turn exacerbates vulnerability.
Also: the browner and poorer you are, the worse you have it: you are impacted "first and worst":
As Arun writes, "Tinkering with insurance markets will not solve their real issues—we must patch the gaping holes in the financial system itself." We have to end the loop that sees the poorest places least insured, and the loss of insurance leading to abandonment by people with money and agency, which zeroes out the budget for climate remediation and resiliency where it is most needed.
The insurance sector is part of the finance industry, and it is disinvesting in climate-endagered places and instead doubling down on its bets on fossil fuels. We can't rely on the insurance sector to discipline other industries by generating "price signals" about the true underlying climate risk. And insurance doesn't just invest in fossil fuels – they're also a major buyer of municipal and state bonds, which means they're part of the "bond vigilante" investors whose decisions constrain the ability of cities to raise and spend money for climate remediation.
When American cities, territories and regions can't float bonds, they historically get taken over and handed to an unelected "control board" who represents distant creditors, not citizens. This is especially true when the people who live in those places are Black or brown – think Puerto Rico or Detroit or Flint. These control board administrators make creditors whole by tearing the people apart.
This is the real doom loop: insurers pull out of poor places threatened by climate disasters. They invest in the fossil fuels that worsen those disasters. They join with bond vigilantes to force disinvestment from infrastructure maintenance and resiliency in those places. Then, the next climate disaster creates more uninsured losses. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Finance and insurance are betting heavily on climate risk modeling – not to avert this crisis, but to ensure that their finances remain intact though it. What's more, it won't work. As climate effects get bigger, they get less predictable – and harder to avoid. The point of insurance is spreading risk, not reducing it. We shouldn't and can't rely on insurance creating price-signals to reduce our climate risk.
But the climate doom-loop can be put in reverse – not by market spending, but by public spending. As Arun writes, we need to create "a global investment architecture that is safe for spending":
Public investment in emissions reduction and resiliency can offset climate risk, by reducing future global warming and by making places better prepared to endure the weather and other events that are locked in by past emissions. A just transition will "loosen liquidity constraints on investment in communities made vulnerable by the financial system."
Austerity is a bad investment strategy. Failure to maintain and improve infrastructure doesn't just shift costs into the future, it increases those costs far in excess of any rational discount based on the time value of money. Public institutions should discipline markets, not the other way around. Don't give Wall Street a veto over our climate spending. A National Investment Authority could subordinate markets to human thriving:
Insurance need not be pitted against human survival. Saving the cities and regions whose bonds are held by insurance companies is good for those companies: "Breaking the climate risk doom loop is the best disaster insurance policy money can buy."
I found Arun's work to be especially bracing because of the book I'm touring now, The Lost Cause, a solarpunk novel set in a world in which vast public investment is being made to address the climate emergency that is everywhere and all at once:
There is something profoundly hopeful about the belief that we can do something about these foreseeable disasters – rather than remaining frozen in place until the disaster is upon us and it's too late. As Rebecca Solnit says, inhabiting this place in your imagination is "Completely delightful. Neither utopian nor dystopian, it portrays life in SoCal in a future woven from our successes (Green New Deal!), failures (climate chaos anyway), and unresolved conflicts (old MAGA dudes). I loved it."
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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claudemblems · 1 year
Cloud + Reno Flirting Headcanons | FFVII
Summary: How they flirt with you at the beginning vs. a long time into your relationship. Fem!Reader.
Notes: I've been in a huge Cloud Strife loving mood (probably because I recently finished CCR) and I'm also just coping with the fact that I don't have a PS5 to play Rebirth AAA
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Cloud Strife
Beginning of the Relationship
Honestly, he's not even sure how he managed to win your heart in the first place. Poor boy is confused
He has absolutely no experience when it comes to romance, much less flirting but that's what happens when your life is full of unresolved trauma + Sephiroth
And, in his own words, he has "no good qualities" besides knowing how to swing a sword
A lot of time is spent in his room practicing pick-up lines in the mirror and then cringing at himself because oh gosh he's just so AWKWARD has he always been like this???
He only tried learning how to flirt in the first place in order to impress you and because that's what "normal couples do" but he soon realized he's not normal and it's best to just leave it at that
Eventually he just gives up and treats you like he normally does. Soft glances, lingering touches, and the occasional smile when he's feeling especially fond
Thankfully you don't seem to mind his, but part of him still feels guilty that he's not as romantic with you as he could be
Established Relationship
Over time Cloud's figured out how to flirt with you in his own way
His quiet observations have led him to figure out what sorts of things you like and what specifically makes you all flustered
On that note, one of Cloud's favorite things now is making you turn into a blushing mess
He's not usually so bold, but the sight of you hiding your face in your hands and stumbling on your words makes his heart do backflips
He's not saying it out loud, but internally he's crying over how cute you are
And he's not even doing anything super flirty. He just does his usual thing but turns it up a notch, and it works like a charm
Soft glances turn into unabashed stares. Lingering touches turn into hands trailing down your waist or jawline. Smiles turn into lips pressed against your cheek, already over and done with before you can register what happened 
Without fail, you're left wearing a flustered expression, unable to form the right words in response. And it inflates Cloud's ego. Just a little bit
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Beginning of the Relationship
It's no secret that Reno's universally known as a shameless flirt, but now that he's involved with you, he becomes even more shameless than before
He pulls out all the stops to elicit a reaction from you. Not only does it fill him with pride knowing he has such effect on you, but he also just finds your facial expressions to be incredibly adorable. And he WILL tell you that
Whether it's a hand on your thigh during meetings or whispered words against your ear in the hallways, he never passes up an opportunity to make you flustered
However, you should know that none of his words are shallow or spoken half-heartedly. When he calls you lovely or breathtaking, he means every word he says
He would never tell you something he doesn't mean, so no rejecting his compliments, okay? You deserve to have nice things said about you
And he always makes sure to say something sweet to you every single morning
Just seeing that gorgeous smile appear on your face lifts his spirits. He wouldn't trade your happiness for anything
Established Relationship
After a while, Reno tones down on the flirting, but he's still the same suave romancer you know him to be
Now that he's with you, he just feels like he doesn't have to try so hard, you know?
It's not that he didn't enjoy flirting with you at every given moment in the beginning. It just sunk in one day that you're his, and no one is ever going to take you away from him
Now he knows that all it takes to make you flustered is a sincere "I love you" falling from his lips. What you want is something real and genuine, and the same goes for him
He still pulls tricks on you if only to see you glaring at him all red in the face, but his romantic gestures have become much more natural
It's a quick kiss on the cheek when he has to go off on a mission, a hand on your waist as you sit on his lap, or a gentle ruffling of your hair when you're playing coy with him
At the end of the day, he knows he doesn't have to prove how much he loves you. You already know you have a place in his heart
And, without question, he knows that he has a place in yours, too
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freedomfireflies · 10 months
It’s been a while since we checked in on Mr & Mrs Hey soul sister and their baby girl.
🥹🥹🥹 you're so right!!! THIS IS SUPER QUICK BUT THIS IS HOW THEY ARE!!! 😭💞
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“Oh? Where’d she go? Where’d Layla go? Aaa! There she is!”
Layla laughs – a rather wet laugh – as her daddy disappears behind his hands only to pop back out with glee.
You smile from your spot on the sofa, watching your two favorite people in the entire world make each other giggle.
“I can’t believe she’s getting so big,” he muses, grinning wildly when she takes hold of his finger and refuses to let go.
“I know,” you agree, a melancholy ripple in your chest. “She’s already turning into a Mr. Hey Soul Sister 2.0.”
He smirks, glancing over her face. “Damn right she is. I knew she’d be a Daddy’s girl.”
“Well, she’s not the first,” you retort teasingly, to which he chuckles.
“Is that right?”
“Aw, now you’re gonna make me feel bad. Have I been neglecting my best girl?”
Your eyes roll but you can't help feeling slightly enamored. “Ha, ha. Very funny. All right, can you please take your daughter to bed now? I let her stay up an extra five minutes, but she’s gotta go down.”
Harry begins to pout, instantly pulling her from her mat to clutch her against his chest protectively. “Five more minutes.”
Laughing, you say, “Harry, come on—”
“Please,” he nearly whines, pressing his cheek to her forehead. “We’ll both be so good. Won’t make a peep and then we’ll go down.”
Your glare is playful. “You said that five minutes ago.”
“…yeah, well, now I mean it.”
Your head shakes. “Come on, we both know how grumpy she gets if she doesn’t get enough sleep.”
Feigning a wounded gasp, he holds her closer. “You take that back. She is a perfect angel, and she would never throw a hissy fit or chuck things at my head.”
“Be that as it may," you retort, although you can't help giggling at the memory, "she’s sleepy, and she needs to go down, all right? I know it hurts, but you can play with her tomorrow.”
Harry glances over to see Layla mid-yawn, and he smiles gleefully at the way her one bottom tooth shimmers from behind her lip. “All right, fine. What Mommy wants, Mommy gets.”
You smirk again at the nickname before he’s taking the small child toward her bedroom, disappearing into the darkness to tuck her into her crib.
And it's then that it hits you. This moment, this relationship. How happy you are to be in your home, with your husband, and your precious child. How a night of drunken mistakes has led you into the best chapter of your entire life.
How grateful you are to him for everything he's given you.
When Harry returns to the living room, this is how he finds you. With tears in your eyes that are mercilessly beginning to slip down your cheeks.
Instantly his expression drops, and he rushes forward, hand pressing to your jaw lovingly. “Hey, hey. What’s wrong? What happened?”
Sniffling, you press yourself into his palm. “I just…I love you. So much. And I love her. She’s so beautiful. And so are you. And I just...I feel so lucky. I'm so happy, H—”
He takes a seat beside you and quickly pulls you into his embrace, burying your face in his chest as he whispers, “I know. I know, baby. Me, too. M’so goddamn lucky to have you two in my life.”
You fist his shirt in the same way Layla does. “I love you, Har. So much.”
He presses his lips to the crown of your head. “I love you, darling. More than anything in the world.”
You smile softly, allowing your eyes to flutter shut as you indulge in his touch. And it's perfect, this moment.
“...even though you gave our daughter shit taste in music,” he adds, and you laugh as you lightly swat at him, now feeling much better.
“She has excellent taste," you argue. "She knows the difference between a good song and whatever the hell the music you listen to is.”
“Oh, is that right?”
“It is.”
“Sure, okay,” he snorts before taking a beat. “At least we know she likes Fleetwood Mac. Otherwise, that could have been a disaster.”
“Oh, we would have had to disown her.”
You both smile at the thought before he gently tilts your head back to meet your eye.
“Can I tell you a secret?” he whispers.
“…I’m starting to think Gimme, Gimme, Gimme is better than Dancing Queen.”
Gasping, you sit up. “Oh, yes. I knew it, I fucking knew it. See? Do you see?”
Harry laughs. "I already regret this—”
“You regret having good taste? Well, I guess that checks out.” You place yourself on his lap, knees on either side of his hips while he holds you steady. “You have made some questionable choices in your career.”
“Oh, have I?” His smile is smug as he looks up at you. 
“You have. And then you met me. You’re welcome.”
He laughs, and it’s so beautifully full of life. “I guess I never thanked you properly.”
“No. No you did not.”
He leans forward, lips just barely ghosting across yours until your breath hitches. “Then by all means...allow me to fix that.”
You can’t help the excitable tremor in your chest as you kiss your husband. The love of your life and the father of your beautiful baby girl. “Yeah?”
He smirks, arm looping around your back.
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~ Mr. & Mrs. Hey Soul Sister pt. 1
~ Other Harry Blurbs
~ Full Masterlist
Taglist: @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @keepdrivingkisses @swiftmendeshoran @tiredinwinter @straightontilmornin @justlemmeadoreyou @harrysdaydreams @tiaamberxx @peterparker1sgf @myfavfanficsever @littlenatilda @vamprry @fdl305 @tchalametishot @ssaama @indierockgirrl @likeapplejuicenpeach @vane28282 @lukesaprince @closureesny
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silly-writes · 11 months
Hi! I love your work! Can you do a Mike + alters, Scott, Alejandro (seperate) x reader where the reader has really bad sensory issues, especially with loud noises, and can have panic attacks from them? if your not okay with writing this then that’s totally fine /gen. it’s important to take care of yourself.
Contestants with reader who gets overstimulated.
Aaa thank u for this request anon! Yes i'm totally comfortable writing this kind of stuff! Thanks for being so kind about it! As an autistic person with really bad sensory issues myself I actually find it a thearputic, lol. Okay enough about me, enjoy!
dealing with a traumagenic disorder (DID) I would imagine he's honestly kind of in the same boat.
He's no stranger to panic attacks, and is pretty well versed by now in how to deal with them.
The first time it happens though he's sort of an anxious wreck, he's just nervous that trying to help might make it worse, but he doesn't want to leave your side.
He gives you lot's of words of encouragement, and helps you through breathing exercises, and gets you plenty of water.
"It's okay, breathe with me, I'm right here," he assures you gently.
If you require pressure/physical contact during your panic attacks, he's more than happy to give you that.
He gets good at catching them too, he'll always be able to identify when you're about to spiral because of too much noise or too bright lights, and he'll find a quiet secluded room so he can work through it with you.
"Sorry you have to deal with this too," you said, after a particularly bad one, you still felt dizzy, and tears still stained your face, but you had come out of it now, and felt a little guilty.
"Hey don't apologize, I don't mind. Not at all."
He's just very caring with this kind of stuff in general.
Maintoba is similar to Mike, and I would think he likes to carry around a backpack whenever he is fronting (you never know when you're going to run into treasure). So he always keeps noise canceling headphones and a pair of sunglasses in there just for you.
Honestly I headcanon him as the caretaker of the system, so I imagine he's used to caring for people during panic attacks.
He's very observant, probably even more so than Mike, so he's better at avoiding them all together by identifying what situations you can handle and what you can't.
He always does a little research before the two of you go out in the environment to ensure that it doesn't seem loud/bright/overstimulating.
However sometimes these things are just unavoidable, and inevitable.
He'll provide you with whatever physical comfort you require, if any at all.
Anything you need, he's there to get for you.
"Take all the time in the world treasure, I'll still be here," he said.
He's all around good at keeping you grounded, and just good at being there with you.
I would think Svetlana is probably the protector/gatekeeper, most of her comfort comes from her just being fiercely loyal.
She'll be there no matter what, and you take great comfort in that fact.
She's not as good with being traditionally comforting, since it's a little out of her element.
Not that she doesn't try of course, she really cares about you, and she wants that to come across.
(I would think she would panic a little and ask Manitoba and Mike for help from the inner world).
But she would absolutely stay with you, coaching you through breathing exercises, talking to try and distract you.
Eventually if you let her know what you need (be it space, a distracting, physical comfort, quiet, dark) you name it, she will get it for you.
She's much better at caring for you after the panic attack honestly, when you feel really tired and put out, disoriented and just overwhelmed.
"Svetlana's here now to melt all your worries away," she smiled at you once.
She'll almost always bring you home, or take you to a secluded room, and just hangout with you. She'll turn all the lights off and sit in silence with you so you can have basically zero sensory input for a little while.
She'll absolutely stay with you until you feel yourself again.
Okay things with Mal are a little tricky.
He's for sure a former prosecutor and after a bit of system healing, definitely prosecutor turned protector.
Don't get me wrong though, he can still be a little nasty and snarky sometimes, but he's working on getting better.
Which is why he feels sort of out of his element when he's with you when you're having a panic attack.
He's not good at being comforting, and he barely knows what to do when he has a panic attack, so the first time it happens he completely freezes up.
He might even let someone else front to help you out instead of him.
After a while he gets better at keeping up with your triggers, and while he remains pretty awful at being comforting, he's good at grounding you.
He's glad sometimes that being there is enough sometimes, he doesn't know what he'd do if it wasn't.
"Sorry I can't do more..." he said one day.
You smile at him "You being here is enough sometimes."
Scott is also somewhat of a wreck I would imagine.
Growing up fairly isolated on a farm he's understandably really rough with being intune with people's emotions, he's not really all that good at reading you. Or anyone for that matter.
The first few times, he's shocked everytime.
What could be making you feel like this? He had no idea.
He would definitely need a list of all of your triggers, you have to tell him what helps you and what doesn't outright. Scott doesn't really like playing guessing games, especially when it comes to your safety and comfort.
Clear communication becomes pretty important for the two of you in all honesty, and the two of you work at it all the time.
Eventually he gets better at serving you during panic attacks, or meltdowns, he knows what to do after a little while.
Again I would think he's really good at protecting, so I think he's super good at keeping people away when he sees you're overstimulated.
"Don't touch them!" he huffed when someone was trying to tap you to get your attention.
Overall, he's really really trying for you, and knowing that is comfort enough.
It's no secret that Alejandro is very intune with people, just one of his many skills.
So he can tell right away from his very first meeting you, any loud noises, bright lights, things like that just don't mix well with you.
He steers clear of them when around you, always guiding you more towards quieter, much calmer and secluded dates.
When driving he turns the music down, and makes sure that all audio input looks like its helping you and not harming you.
Plus I feel like (and this is totally me projecting btw) he would carry around stim toys for you to distract yourself with, and headphones for when things are a lot.
But again, sometimes things just happen, and try as he might to protect you, it's not always possible.
He can always tell when things are getting to be a lot for you, he's good at reading everyone but you in specific.
He's really good at covering for you, if someone is asking where you are, or needs/wants to talk to you when you need to be alone he'll keep them away from you.
He'll spend as much time as you need helping you.
"Are you feeling better mi amor?" He would ask.
"Almost-" you said, voice a little course and shaky "-sorry," you said softly.
"Don't apologize, I don't mind at all."
Alejandro can be really nurturing when he wants to be.
He might deny it, deny it to the ends of the earth but he's very good at taking care of you.
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jaylaxies · 2 years
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PAIRING: heeseung x fem!reader (ft. mingyu from svt)
GENRE/CW: smut, the reader is three years older than heeseung, protected sex, slight cunnilingus and fingering, childhood friends to lovers, angst, fluff, mentions of cheating, mentions of nicknames, mentions of food/eating, mentions of jake, i'm sorry mingyu </3 lmk if i missed something!
WC: 11k words
SYNOPSIS: lee heeseung first met you when he was four. to him, you were the epitome of an angel, the one who was selflessly available for the bambi eyed boy. at the age of ten, he learned that he liked you, wanting you to be his babysitter and no one else. he knew what he felt for you was love by the time you were in your third year of college, him being determined to confess soon, also entering the college as a freshman. but will he be able to win your heart with the entry of your newfound boyfriend?
WARNING: 18+ content, minors dni.
A/N: hihi, sweethearts <33 this one is for all the hee noonas out there! it turned out longer than intended aaa i really hope you enjoy reading it! all likes, comments, reblogs and feedbacks are highly appreciated, it keeps me motivated! :3 iloveyou guys, happy reading~ <33
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As a seven-year-old, going to school was the most fascinating part of your day, even more so when you got to observe and take in the scenery outside, your curious mind trying to record the weather patterns and asking your teacher about why it changed as per the course of time.
It was a given at how proud your parents were to see your zeal to understand and learn whatever intrigued your mind, their wide smiles while you asked them questions was enough to prove that. Albeit, they did find themselves speechless at certain times, not having the answer with them.
Although, you were genuinely confused to see a big truck parked near the premises of your house as your school bus dropped you back home. The surroundings were scattered with different boxes of all sizes scattered around the front lawn of your neighbouring house, a few strangers carrying those boxes inside.
Your eyes skimmed to your mother, who was gracefully laughing at something another woman had said, you had never seen her before though. At that very moment, you decided you liked that woman for making your mom smile carelessly and you greeted her by bowing down, introducing yourself with a smile that reached your eyes.
“Aren't you a little angel?” the lady smiled at you, taking your small hands and shaking them.
While most adults didn't bother with kids, you were more than ecstatic to have met someone who was keen to know about your hobbies, your mother watching fondly as you replied to her questions with enthusiasm.
Your lips soon turned into a frown as you saw a little figure standing behind Lee, and you gasped when he let out a whine to get her attention, not expecting any noise of such sort. Your mother cooed gently, striking up a conversation with Mrs. Lee again as you observed the boy in front of you.
You weren't sure what intrigued you about him so much. Maybe it was the fact that he had pretty big eyes and a small face with puffed-up cheeks. Adding to that, he held a bambie plushie in his hands — surprisingly resembling his face.
“Won't you introduce yourself, sweetie?” Mrs. Lee asked the little boy, who finally broke eye contact with you to nod at his mother with a gulp.
With his hands outstretched, he spoke up in a sweet voice, “I am Lee Heeseung and I am four.”
At that very instant, the wind blew softly, messing his hair up, which he patted hurriedly before stretching his hand again. His curious eyes fixated on you once more. He looked like a porcelain doll to you with his delicate frame.
You gently held his hand, telling him your name, which he repeated after you in an experimental manner, getting the pronunciation right on the second time with a nod, causing you to clap in delight at the little ball of sunshine.
“Mom look! He looks like Bambi!” you squealed and he looked around, confused at your sudden comment and his lip quivered, thinking that you called him the name of an animal in a funny manner.
Soon, his big eyes were filled with tears as he held on to his mother's leg, complaining that you called him a Bambi.
Never in your life had you been in a situation like this, leaving you clueless as the little boy sniffled in front of you, his mother bending down to wipe his cheeks, which were stained red with his crying.
“I'm sorry—” you softly fiddled with your fingers, feeling guilty for making him cry.
“Oh no, sweetheart! You were just complimenting his eyes, right?” his mother spoke up and you nodded. She gave you a reassuring smile and you noticed how her eyes looked exactly like Heeseung's.
She turned towards the crying boy again, “Did you hear that, Heeseung? She called your eyes pretty! Won't you say thank you to her?”
“She d—didn't make fun of me?” he softly inquired, clutching his plushie tighter.
“Of course not! She said that you have beautiful eyes!” her words made him turn to you.
“I—Thank you,” he softly whispered, tugging on your dress which made you bend down with caution.
He softly pressed his lips on your cheek in a feather-light kiss.
His ministrations made you giggle, and he learned that the situation was back to okay, so he followed your actions and showed you his adorable smile, eyelashes still wet from his crying session earlier.
That concluded your first meeting with Lee Heeseung, an angelic boy who was too sensitive around new people, however, he opened up to you in record time and wished to show you all his toys. Your name was his favourite word to say out loud and he sweetly waited for you to come back from school each day in hopes of playing with you.
To say you were his favourite person to play with would be an understatement, he went as far as giving you the Bambi plushie when he saw your face sporting a sad frown once you had come back from school.
Little Heeseung adored your existence.
You saw him grow up from a four-year-old to a ten-year-old. He was taller and talked a lot more, he didn't carry his plushies around anymore and most importantly, he loved causing trouble.
He had always gotten what he had asked for, kept like a spoiled Bambi prince. And the prince wanted no one else but you to babysit him. Mr and Mrs Lee were both busy in their own fields, business trips being a common venture for them.
However, leaving Heeseung alone was never an option for them. Taking him along wasn't one either with his constant demands and the need for attention, that wasn't something his parents could afford to take care of in the middle of their meetings. Neither was he too keen on the idea of having a complete stranger as his babysitter.
Which left them with his last resort — you.
Ten-year-old Heeseung was the epitome of a good boy when it concerned you, and that made your job of babysitting myriads easier, especially when you got a good amount of cash for it, which you tucked away in your savings safely.
“He's a spawn of satan!” the other babysitter had said, the one who gave up trying to feed him.
“He is?” you asked slowly, “But he's always been so quiet and understanding.”
Which was partially correct since he was on his best behaviour around you.
The babysitter just shook her head, “He threatened to not eat at first and when he got hungry, he took the matter into his own hands and proceeded to open the fridge. In conclusion, it was a disaster.” the sixteen-year-old explained and you wondered if Heeseung was capable of doing so.
Nevertheless, you nodded with a smile and took house keys from her, making your way to his house with your backpack to do homework in the meantime. You didn't understand what the babysitter had said, for, Heeseung happily sat at the dining table and ate his food without a spot of mess around him.
“Hey, Bambi!” you happily spoke up and he smiled when he saw you at his place, patting his hair once you ruffled it before sitting with him.
He told you all about his school stories and secrets, you heard it all attentively and helped him with his homework whilst you were doing your own alongside.
“You know Jake?” he asked, and you nodded with the memory of him mentioning his classmate.
“He likes a girl! Isn't that gross?” he scrunched his nose while solving the math problem in front of him.
“Why is that gross?” you inquired, a small smile on your face as you heard him talk.
“Is it not?” he questioned, tilting his head.
His family loved him, they really did. They were busy individuals still and hence, Heeseung was usually left alone, which is also why he didn't like meeting new people since either. He was curious about everything and somehow believed that you'll be the answer to all his questions.
“It is cute, don't you think? If you like someone then you share all your happiness and sadness with them! It's a happy feeling!” that's all you could tell the ten-year-old, not having faced such a situation before but that's what you had gathered from movies and books to date.
“Oh, it's fine if Jake is happy then,” he muttered, eliciting a laugh out of you.
“Can we have ice cream before mom comes back? Please?” his eyes shone and you pinched his cheek.
You were never the one to go out of your way and break the rules, especially when his mom had strict rules for him, including the one which stated that he will get his share of ice cream only once a week.
His big eyes pleaded in silence and you gave up, it was almost like taking care of your younger sibling as you didn't have any. You swore his eyes lit up at the seraphic treat, jumping with joy when he tasted it for the first time, kissing your knuckles right after as a gesture to say thank you.
Heeseung was perfectly fine to be around which further made you question if the babysitter just wanted a way to get an off for the day. He held your hand the entire walk, it was habitual since he always held his mom's hand, he finished his ice cream while explaining how to play the newest video game his parents got him last week, stating it was the coolest thing ever.
His mother was elated to see him silently reading his course book, sitting alongside you in harmony. She called you her lifesaver and you only shook your head, embarrassed at her usual sense of politeness as she gave you a little box of cookies which she picked up while coming back home, saying good night to you but was stopped.
Heeseung ran towards the door and hugged your taller frame, whining about you having to leave just when he was going to show you his video game and you promised that you'll give him your undivided attention the next time you come over.
“You can stay here for the night! Your house is next to ours anyways!” he proposed.
“I'll be back, yeah?” you sadly said, not having it in you to reject his offer, however, you did have to go back. His whine was loud as you closed the door behind him, chuckling at his usual antics.
That was the day Lee Heeseung had confirmed that you made him happy.
Even his diary was aware of the fact that at the ripe or age of fifteen, both your families had made a plan to go for a day out, the location being an amusement park. It was hard for him to not see you each day since you did spend the majority of your childhood with him. Being eighteen, you were devoted to entrances and college hunting, trying to stay close to your family by opting for the university nearby.
He had been so used to being near you, for, you were always there for him when his parents weren't, as a babysitter, as a friend, and as someone who made him happy.
You always accompanied him while walking back home from school, he treated you with dinners when you were asked to keep a watch on him. Nothing ever changed, he was still that kid who craved your attention.
Seeing you dressed up all pretty was enough to capture his attention for the day, following you around for every ride and activity you had wanted to do for the day as your parents sat down at a restaurant after a few rides themselves, leaving you alone with him.
“So,” he spoke up, voice deeper with the onset of puberty.
You had to look up at how tall he had gotten and you still remember the four-year-old Hee who cried in front of you, the fond memory tugging your lips up.
“So?” you repeated, getting your boba from the stall nearby and getting him his favourite ice cream, who you had memorized by now.
“College soon, huh?
Your eyes gleam and you nod, “I can't wait!”
“Why? Don't you like it here?” he asked with a tinge of hope that you'll stay.
You bit your lip, taking a sip of your boba before laughing softly, “I'm not going anywhere, I got into the HYBE University—”
You weren't even finished with your confession yet and were tackled into a hug, almost making your drink fall off with how close Heeseung held you, “Fuck, I thought you were going to leave!” he spoke up and you smacked his arm.
His actions might have been perceived as goofy for you. However, deep down, he was scared to lose you, the three-year age gap only added to his list of concerns. He knew that whatever he felt for you was something only restricted to you, a giddy feeling he didn't feel around anyone else but you.
An additional aspect that he had been afraid of would be your perception of him. He wondered if you had always ever seen him as a sibling figure, he had wished for it to be something more. Unlike the stupid protagonists in the romance novels — that's what he called them, he was aware of the feelings he harboured for you.
You ruffled his hair, an action which had become your habit now, his hugs always gave you a sense of comfort, something that you happily accepted.
“You look happy,” you pointed it out.
“Well, I wouldn't exactly be happy if my best friend leaves me alone here,” he explained, calling you a friend was the farthest he could go, but he would never refer to you as a sister, ever.
You raised your brow at that statement, “Best friend? What happened to Jake?” you teased lowly.
“You know what I mean!” he rolled his eyes, smiling at the laugh that bloomed out of you. “What are you looking forward to then?” his inquiry made you think for a second, sitting down on the closest bench before you proceed to answer.
“It's going to be a wholly new experience, a refreshing setting maybe? And I'm looking forward to new friendships, and a chance at more, I guess?” you shyly spoke up.
“A boyfriend you mean?” he deadpanned.
He wasn't very keen on knowing your desires anymore, you were never the one to talk about your love life, catching him off guard with your sudden revelation. You craned your head towards him, not noticing the switch in his tone despite the irritation being clear on his face.
“If I get the chance to have one then, yeah?” you smiled and he returned it, but it didn't reach his eyes.
His mood was sour till you got back home, the further plans included your dinner together. It wasn't silent, your parents had a lot to talk about the current political issues, which left you to stay mum and consume your food quietly. Heeseung didn't utter a word throughout the meal, he was deep in thought about something and you furrowed your brows when you saw him mindlessly playing with food.
“A penny for your thoughts?” you broke his session of overthinking ways to not let you get into a relationship, he didn't have any ideas still.
With the conclusion of dinner, your parents had left to sit in the living room, continuing with their discussions from before, leaving you with Heeseung to clear up the table.
“It's nothing.” He dismissed you in a beat.
“Are you sure?” you slowly asked, he was never the one to keep stuff to himself.
You weren't ready for his next action, he wasn't sure how he got enough courage to do so either.
His smirk was cocky as he bent down to your height, his face in close proximity to yours.
“Aw, are you worried about me?” his works were filled with sarcasm.
“Of course! I care for you.” your words were genuine, fingers wrapping around his arm while your eyes bored into his deep brown ones, heart beating faster at the propinquity.
His strong persona faltered at your sincerity, his body automatically engulfing you in a warm hug where he held you with utmost softness. You held him for as long as it took for him to feel okay again without any question, that being the reason why that particular day was counted as one of his favourite days — because your words paired with the look in your eyes told him that deep inside, maybe, just maybe, you held at least a tinge of love for him as he did for you.
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Spending time with you was a luxury for him, considering your ever-so-busy schedule, since you had started college. Nevertheless, making time for him was something you were bound to do, the usual movie nights helping you take your mind off the undulated stress you had been harbouring.
One thing Heeseung learned while growing up was that he was more creatively inclined than anything else, studies didn't intrigue him, it was something he was obliged to do, which was great since the guitar was his newfound obsession. Another activity he started to impress you but fell in love with it gradually.
Heeseung took care of you the entirety of your first year in university. Whether it consisted of taking you out for your favourite food or simply accompanying you to the park for a breather, he was present with you at all times.
“You must be cold,” he whispered, fog leaving his mouth as you both wandered around the streets on a winter day.
You turned your head to get a clear sight of him, hair messy and eyes filled with worry, you couldn't believe he was seventeen already, cursing time for passing by this quickly. His nose had turned red with the chilly wind blowing outside and—
“Hey, are you okay?” he snapped you out of your daydream. Blinking twice, you looked down, embarrassed to realize that you were staring at him unconsciously.
“Yeah, I'm fine.” your smile wasn't convincing when you were, indeed, freezing.
Soon, you were wrapped in the warmth of his coat, his scent invading your senses, but you couldn't let him freeze out there.
Instead, you held his hand while dragging him towards the nearest convenience store. He followed you wordlessly, eyes focused on your figure covered with his coat and the sight of his hands in yours, even the cold couldn't stop how warm his heart felt with this setting, even more so when you asked him to sit down, getting his favourite ramen noodles ready and passing it to him.
“You know me so well,” he fondly stated, eyeing the drink you got for him alongside.
“Of course I do! I've been your babysitter for so long!” you spoke up, teasing him, knowing well enough how he doesn't like to be babied anymore.
“God, I'm not a baby anymore!”
The shy blush on the apple of his cheeks said otherwise, which you pinched and he swore even the minute gesture gave him butterflies, especially when you laughed at his flustered state, genuinely content while spending time with him.
“How's college?” he asked.
In all honesty, he wanted to know if you were romantically interested in someone at the college, with your other experiences too, of course.
You fiddled with your fingers for a second, biting your lip before turning to answer, “The usual, assignments are a bother. But yeah! We found this cute cafe nearby and the food was to die for! I'll take you there someday.”
His heartbeat fastened as you initiated the plan to take him out someday. He was definitely getting ahead of himself but he didn't mind it a bit. You could pay him a sliver of attention and that would be enough to send him into a state of frenzy.
And over the span of a year, he noticed you being happier each time you met, which only fuelled his desire to do more, anything to make your happiness tenfold.
Eventually, your daily meet-ups were reduced to weekly and soon, even less. You last properly spent time together on his eighteenth birthday, mostly reminiscing about everything you've done together, all his childhood albums had your pictures, at least one if not more. He was overjoyed to hear that you took a day off just to spend his special day with him, and you knew that you'd do it again in a heartbeat.
But, since then, he'd been indulging himself in studies, “I need to get into a good college as well,” he had stated. You admired how hard he worked. You frowned when he kept ignoring your pleas to know what college he had selected. It only made you wonder if the said boy wanted to travel overseas and study abroad, he would get into a good college with how diligently he worked throughout his last year at school.
However, it didn't stay on your mind for long when you finally caught the attention of the guy who you had been eyeing the first year. Kim Mingyu, the heartthrob, girls (and guys) swooned over him, and you were one of them, you couldn't blame them because Kim Mingyu was an eye candy with a smile that could make anyone crane their necks just to have a glimpse of him.
You were no exception. The expected part in this ordeal would be that he noticed you, and not just in a friendly advancing manner. It was last year when he first learned your name, attention on you when you wore your little skirt to a party where your friend dragged you along. You hated every bit of it, feeling as if it was a mistake that you even agreed to this, until Mingyu came along.
It was a pleasant night, you both sat on the balcony and talked for a few hours. Soon, he found himself around you more, until he finally kissed you very recently, approaching you with a proposal to be his girlfriend. As a twenty-one-year-old who had never been kissed, it felt like something straight out of a fairytale. And he kept you occupied for a good time, not letting intrusive thoughts bother you further.
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“So you applied for the same college as her?” Jake asked with an amused smirk.
“Yeah, it's a great college and I had to work my ass off for it, but yes,” Heeseung spoke up, acting nonchalant.
It was a surprise for you, the sole reason why he didn't tell you before even when you asked him with the most adorable pout he had ever seen.
“Dude, you are so whipped!” he laughed at his best friend.
“What do you mean?” Heeseung furrowed his brows, however, his pink ear tips did nothing to hide his feelings.
“What I mean is that, you've been in love with her since forever,” he stated proudly, “And you are not good at hiding it, mate.”
“Since when do you know?” he sighed, hiding his blushing face behind his palm.
“Since you came to me telling me that it's not gross to like a girl, because your babysitter said so.”
Heeseung freely laughed at that. But Jake was right, he had always admired you ever since he was a child, it only bloomed and he only realized that he was in love with you at the age of sixteen.
He swore you grew prettier each time he saw you, as if he was in a trance and he couldn't stop his eyes from fixating on your lips when you talked. He wanted to kiss you.
“Will you tell her you got in?” Jake asked.
“I—yeah, I'm going to her place right after this to show her my acceptance letter,” he smiled softly, knowing that you'd jump and engulf him in a hug right after he breaks the news to you.
Although, what he didn't expect to see was you opening the door with your lipstick smudged and breathing rigged, “Hey, Hee! Did you want something?” you sweetly asked.
A deep voice resounded from inside before Heeseung even got the chance to reply, “Baby, who's there?”
Heeseung felt his heart breaking as a stranger came into view, opening the door fully to reveal a tall guy right behind you, his arms wrapping around your waist as you softly giggled.
“Mingyu, meet Heeseung!” you introduced him and he extended his arm out, Hee couldn't help but notice how his muscles flexed with each movement, veins protruding from his arm.
“Hee, this is my boyfriend.” your words were shy, however, you felt something unsettling in the air.
He gulped while introducing himself with a shakey breath, it was like it whole world came crumbling down with how fondly you looked at the guy, he was everything Heeseung wasn't. Naturally, he couldn't stop the tears brimming up his eyes.
“I—I'll come back some o—other time, I'm sorry if I disturbed you—” he swiftly said, leaving your place and sprinting towards his home.
“Heeseung—” you called out his name, concerned and ready to follow him but were stopped.
“Let the kid go, you can meet him later,” Mingyu whispered, kissing your neck again.
You nodded half-heartedly, noticing an envelope on the ground which you picked up before closing the door.
Heeseung knew you weren't his, but that didn't stop him from loving you all this time, he was so sure that it could have worked out after his constant efforts, he couldn't fathom you had a boyfriend and you didn't even bother telling him, did he mean so little to you?
“Fuck,” he cursed the timing, angry tears streaming down his cheeks, his knees giving up as he struggled to hold himself up, curling into a ball and crying into his arms.
“Why can't you see me, y/n?” he whispered, yearning.
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Your mind was in a state of anguish after Mingyu left. Opening the letter was the first thing you did in his absence, slightly tearing up at the acceptance letter which Heeseung left on the ground. That's why he was working so hard. That's why he had been keeping his college from you. He wanted to surprise you.
He had come to you with that very motive, and you successfully drove him away.
“Oh Hee,” you softly whispered, making your way to his place, the wind slightly cold as it hit your bare arms which caused you to shiver. You rang the doorbell, hugging yourself while waiting.
You didn't get any reply.
With a sigh, you rang the bell again in hopes of getting an answer, your hand clutching the letter tighter.
After a few minutes of silence, you felt like giving up would be the best option for the night, wondering if he went to bed already, or maybe he went out to meet a friend.
Heeseung stood by his window, watching your drooped figure walking back to your place, eyes teary and he refrained himself to call out your name — he needed time to let this settle in.
You weren't his.
Another doorbell snapped him out of his trance. It wasn't you, but some delivery guy. Heeseung was sure that he had not ordered anything, he took the parcel with a questioning gaze. The delivery man was kind enough to tell him that the order was prepaid and he disappeared soon after handing it over.
The delicious scent of his favourite dish filled his nostrils as soon as he opened up the package, paired with his favourite drink. The sight made him choke up a sob.
No one knew about this except for you.
“Why do you give me hope, y/n?” he whispered to himself, chewing the food softly, cheeks red with how much he had cried in the past few hours.
Nevertheless, he was thankful for your gesture, at least for the night.
He knew that letting his feelings go would be the best idea. However, the idea of leaving you in the hands of a complete stranger, the one he didn't trust a bit was something he couldn't do.
With his thoughts running wild and his head bursting from the headache, he drifted off to the dreamland with the image of you in his mind.
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Lee Heeseung was good at maintaining his distance, staying over at Jake's place to prevent running into you at times. You hadn't talked to him ever since that night, and it was killing you inside. You tried to tell Mingyu about this and he brushed it off saying how he's going through puberty right now.
With that being said, you never mentioned Heeseung in front of him, the sentence pissed you off but you stayed mum, not wanting to start an argument.
You did see Heeseung once, calling out his name. His speed was faster though, he got into the car and drove away even before you fully came out in the verandah.
That made you upset beyond words. You were clueless, unable to understand the sudden change in his behaviour, a frown plastered on your face for the rest of the day.
The only place he couldn't avoid you at was the college. It had been three days since Heeseung's semester had started and you failed to see him in all those days. Day four was definitely on your side as you watched the tall boy giggling and talking to some girl, who you assumed was also a fresher.
It seemed like you were the only one he was ignoring. With a gulp and shake of your head, you strided towards him, holding your tote bag tighter before you tapped on his shoulder.
He turned around, his smile dropping in an instant, turning into a frown as he told the girl to go on and that he'll join her in the classroom. You flinched unconsciously when he raised his brows at you.
“Uhm you have a girlfriend already?” you cringed at your choice of words. Way to start the conversation.
He rolled his eyes, taking a step back but you were quick to hold on to his arm, “I'm sorry, please just give me a second.”
You felt small under his gaze, he looked angry. Or disappointed. You weren't sure.
On the other hand, Heeseung was doing his best to not give in, his heart beating erratically when he saw you, your scent filling up his nose, which made him want to hold you.
“Congratulations for getting into the college, Hee! I knew you could do it.” you smiled softly.
“Ah, thanks.” his reply was short, so you proceeded to ask him what you had initially came to inquire.
“Why—” you stopped, taking in a shaky breath, “Why are you ignoring me? Did I do something wrong?”
He looked down, not being able to bear the look of hurt on your face. Thankfully, he got an excuse to escape.
“Oh look, your boyfriend is coming over,” he said, rolling his eyes and leaving.
Mingyu caught up to you soon, pecking your lips in an instant. Heeseung saw that, and what he felt was a lot worse than what he had expected.
He knew that Mingyu wasn't the one to be trusted. Heeseung was never the kind to judge someone on the basis of their looks. Mingyu was an exception — his fuckboy persona was too strong to ignore, and you were blinded by his charms. It was a hunch at first until he witnessed it with his own eyes.
Heeseung was leaving after his last class for the day, making his way towards the parking lot only to see Mingyu with a girl that wasn't you. They were close, too close and the faint sound of giggling made him see red. He sat down in the car, hitting the wheel.
“Can't you see, y/n? He's just gonna hurt you.” he hoped that somehow you could have seen him, heard him.
Going to Jake was the best option for him at given moment.
“Dude, you have to tell her,” he spoke softly, seeing his friend in distress.
“How? I can't even talk to her without wanting to kiss her, I feel like crying whenever I see her.” his voice came out strained.
“So you're gonna let that asshole hurt her?” Jake's question was blunt as he blinked impassively and he could only shake his head as a no.
He sat unmoving, letting his friend knock some sense into his brain, “Okay, I need a day or two to actually talk to her. I don't think she'll even want to talk to me after how I treated her today.”
“You have to be fast with your apology then. Quit being a kid and get your girl.”
Heeseung groaned, ear tips getting red at the mention of you being his girl, “Not mine—” he started and Jake raised his brows, “—yet.”
With a newfound motivation, he got back home. Not expecting anyone to be standing in front of his place, especially since his parents were out on their business trips, again.
All his confidence went down the drain when he squinted his eyes, getting out of his car to your shivering figure.
You went over to him as quick as you could muster, not giving him a chance to escape. This was too much, you had never felt this alone in your entirety of life. You tried to remind yourself that you had a boyfriend you can go to whenever you wish to seek comfort, but that wasn't the case either since Mingyu informed you about his plans with someone else.
It should have been fine, normal even. It wasn't the case — you cried, holding yourself in hopes of feeling better. You wished you had Heeseung with you then.
You hugged him, voice coming out muffled, “Please don't ignore me, I'll do everything to make it right again, Hee. Please—please just tell me what I did?” you looked at him.
His eyes widened slightly when he noticed that yours were slightly puffed up and red. He couldn't tell you, not right now.
“Why do you care?” he regretted his words as soon as they came out of his mouth. He wasn't supposed to say that.
“What do you mean?” you asked weakly.
“You have a boyfriend to go to,” he hated where this conversation was heading.
“Why do you keep bringing him up, what did he even do?” you were frustrated.
“You say you care about me and don't even bother telling me about getting a boyfriend? Trust me, y/n, he will hurt you.”
You stepped back, the feeling of anger coursing down your veins, “You don't even know him.”
“I know enough.” he replied in a beat, leaving you alone outside to cry.
His own tears slip out once he gets into the comfort of his home, confused about why he made it even harder for you both.
You tried to conceal your disappointment when Mingyu cancelled your date plans the very next day, you didn't bother asking him for a reason, simply saying that you understand. Which left you alone with your intrusive thoughts all over your mind.
You rushed to open the door as the doorbell rang, followed by the shout of your name and you knew it was Heeseung, you'd recognise his voice anywhere.
“Hee,” you whispered, seeing the boy in front of you, his hair was messed up and it clearly showed that he brushed them with just his fingers, eyes going down to his hands which held a small packet of your favourite chips.
“I'm—” he gulped, looking anywhere but at you, “—I've been an ass to you, I'm so fucking sorry, please don't be angry—” he stopped as soon as you threw your hands around his neck, pulling him in a hug, a year escaping your eye which you wiped without him noticing.
“How can I ever be mad at you?” your question made him melt, he felt safe in your arms, hold tightening as he whispered another sorry.
“Are we okay?” he asked cautiously, you hummed softly, his touch bringing a sense of comfort to your mind and body.
“Is everything alright?” you asked after a moment of silence as you both sat down on your bed.
“Y—yeah, I had some personal problems,” he confessed.
“Do you want to talk about it?” your hand itched to hold his.
“I think I'll be fine in a few days,” you nodded, understanding that he didn't wish to talk about it.
“But, what did you mean when you said that Mingyu will hurt me?” you asked, playing with your fingers.
He wasn't sure if it was the right time to tell you, especially when you looked so small and vulnerable in front of him. He called out your name slowly.
“I—I saw him with another girl yesterday.”
You looked at him with a confused face, “Was she tall with long hair?” you asked.
“Yeah, you know her?” he asked, eyes widening.
“She's a close friend of Mingyu. I was bothered at first, but Gyu assured me that it's nothing of that sort, just friendship,” you explained.
Heeseung rolled his eyes, flabbergasted at your native behaviour, at how easily you trusted your said boyfriend. The action luckily went unnoticed by you.
“Hey! You wanna go out?” he asked, switching the conversation and you let out a genuine laugh after god knows how long, his smile mirroring yours.
“Where do we go?” you asked, reaching to stroke his hair as a habit.
The answer, however, was just his smile.
It was as if you had enabled his sudden desire to explore every part of the city — which he had wanted to do from long, he just needed a bit of company for his rendezvous.
And you were here to provide him with just that. Heeseung wasn't accustomed to you having a boyfriend, but he did all he could to spend time with you, it was easy considering how Mingyu was always busy, cancelling the plans with you.
It wasn't a thing to be happy about, seeing the look on your face angered him, but that gave him the opportunity to be the one you'd spend your time with, and maybe, just maybe, you'd realize that he is the one you should be with and not some guy who doesn't bother taking out a few hours of his day to spend them with his girlfriend.
Safe to say, Heeseung never brought up Mingyu's name in front of you, not when he wanted your undivided attention all for himself.
He didn't do anything fancy at first, calling you over his place, letting you sit in between his legs while he went over the controls of the new game he had just purchased, teaching you how to play it. What he didn't know was that your heartbeat was just as fast as his own, the skin touching as he held your hand with the controller, and each move of his sent tingles down your spine.
You knew it wasn't normal for you to be feeling this way, ignorance was the key for you. However, you weren't sure how long it would work, especially when you got into a little argument with Mingyu.
“So you're on talking terms with the kid again?” he was amused, drinking his can of beer when you told him about what you've been up to, since he had been too busy this whole time.
“He's not a kid.” you huffed, “Where were you, it's been a week since I last saw you?” your voice held some sort of sadness.
“Honestly, I wanted to come over but Hoshi came over and dragged me to parties since he was in the town for a week. Sorry, baby.” he came closer, wrapping his arms around you and you couldn't help but notice that they didn't even give you a sliver of comfort that Heeseung provided you with just his existence.
You didn't let him kiss you, excusing yourself as your mom called you right on time, letting you know that she'll be extending her stay at your grandmother's place for a few more weeks. With that, you felt sulky for the whole day. It was crystal clear that Mingyu wasn't as invested in the relationship as he claimed he'd be when he first asked you out.
Walking home was easier while you contemplated your decisions, it was even effortless when you saw the bambi-eyed boy waiting for you outside, you knew you had to come to a conclusion soon.
So simply, you called Mingyu while waving at the smiling boy, he picked up the call after three rings. You inquired if he was sure about your date tomorrow, and he paused for a few seconds, seemingly to come up with an excuse.
“Y/n, I'm so sorry but can we shift it to—”
You scoffed, cutting the call short to save his excuses. Mingyu was never an option, it had always been someone else and you admit that you'd been too blind to see it. With a smile, you approached Hee, pulling him in a hug.
“You look happy,” he smiled, tucking your head under his chin.
“I am happy,” you truthfully admitted out loud and somehow, he could feel that your statement was related to him, making his heart flutter.
“Well, that's a great thing because we're going out,” he announced, ruffling your hair the exact way you did to him out of habit.
“Wait, right now? Where?” you asked, taking a look at your watch which displayed exact nine.
“You'll see, c'mon.” he took your hand as of it was the most natural thing to do, guiding you to his car and your eyes widened, you had never sat with him driving and he sensed your hesitance, pouting a bit, “What is that look for? I'm a great driver!” he huffed out.
“I trust you on that, Hee,” you spoke, your mind trying to comprehend how fast you both grew up, seeing Hee in the driver's seat was mesmerizing, his eyes fixated on the road, lip slightly bitten with concentration and fingers gripping the steering wheel in an attractive manner.
You hoped he didn't pay attention to your eyes practically analyzing his every movement, although he knew exactly what you were up to.
One thought gave rise to the other and soon, you were playing with your rings while looking outside mindlessly, thinking about the things you had to take care of in the upcoming days.
“Your thoughts are loud,” he spoke gently, hand coming down to rest on your thigh in a soft caress, almost like an urge to ask you what you had been thinking about.
“I—I'm sorry,” your face contorting into a wince mixed with a hint of awe.
Heeseung had been good at reading you ever since he was a child, he used to watch you come home from school while he was just four, waiting for you to come home. He'd simply get chocolates for you on the days you looked tired — getting them from his personal goodies stash which he shared with no one else but you.
He had been a darling from the very first day you met him.
“Let's get your mind off things,” he spoke up, parking the car and rushed to your side, opening the door for you.
He sure knew how to lift your spirits up, your lips curling up at the sight of a clean, empty beach wrapped around a blanket of the starry night sky. You walked forward, hair swaying with the light breeze, the rich scent of sand and water filling up your senses.
While you absorbed the view in front of you, Heeseung took this opportunity to get a good look at you. It was hard for him to look elsewhere when you were the prettiest person he had ever laid eyes on, he saw your smile and he but his own. It wasn't a foreign feeling for him, but it still scared him to know that you weren't his.
His train of thoughts broke as you held on to his wrist, dragging him closer to the water, feeling the sand on your feet with each step you took and before you knew it, he was chasing you while you ran with the softest giggle.
The old couple passing by the scene smiled fondly when Heeseung caught you in his arms, “Young love,” they spoke with shiny eyes, happy to be witnessing something so pure.
You weren't sad you got caught, in fact, you'll always wish for Heeseung to be the one who catches you.
To Heeseung, you were nothing less than a dream, a happy bundle of joy as you comfortably laid down next to him on the sand, courtesy of the picnic blanket he had kept in the back of his car.
“You see that?” he points at the star which shines the brightest in the sky.
You nod, turning your head to see his face right after.
“That's you.” his hand then shifted to point at the star right next to it, “And next to your star, that's me.”
He turned his head to see you already looking at him. His eyes held all the stars this universe had to offer, skin shining under the moonlight.
You wanted to kiss him.
Your eyes flicked back to see a shooting star, immediately sitting up at the sight.
“Hee! Look, a shooting star!” you cried in delight, never having seen it in real life.
“Quick! Make a wish.” you closed your eyes, joining your hands.
Heeseung followed your actions, making a wish of his own.
“What did you wish for, Bambi?” you asked him softly.
“Well, that's a secret,” he grinned sheepishly, “What did you wish for, y/n?”
You scoffed, “That's a secret.” he pouted again.
You continue to stare at him, eyebrows cocked up until he burst into giggles.
And just like that, the night ended with you both wishing to have each other.
You wasted no time in getting to Mingyu's place the next morning, it was the fastest you had ever driven, the talk being important this time.
“Mingyu, we need to talk.”
He said your name out loud, confusion lacing his voice.
“I—I don't think it's gonna work between us.” your words were clear.
“So you want to break up?” he rolled his eyes with an accusatory tone, continuing further, “Why? Finally running back to that kid?”
“Excuse me?”
“Yeah, you spend all your time with him. Does he fuck you that good?”
“Mingyu, you're crossing the line,” you warned him.
He laughed, “Why? Did I lie? You spend all your time with him anyways, and that kid never once called you noona, always acts like he's the one who's your boyfriend.”
“You're not my boyfriend anymore.” you stepped back, the place too suffocating for you.
“This is exactly why I cheated on you,” he admitted smugly, seeing you pause and stare at him with disbelief. You walked back, grabbing his collar.
“You know what? You're right, he's a million times better than you'll ever be.” your tone was low.
Before he could react, you punched him straight on the jaw, and a slight cut appeared on his cheek as he stumbled back with pain, “And you deserve that.”
You had never been this strongly disgusted with anyone else, tears welling up in your eyes as you sat down and drove back to your place, vision blurry and hands shaky.
It didn't feel real.
You'd admit that Mingyu wasn't that close to you, it was a fairy new relationship of three months but you'd never condone cheating. Adding to it, the false accusations regarding you and Heeseung, that was your breaking point, your blood boiling as you recalled the whole scene from a few minutes back.
With a teary face, you locked the car, getting into the comfort of your home at once, letting out a loud sob as you leaned against the door. You weren't sure if the reason for your crying was because you wasted your time on an asshole or the fact that you could have potentially spent that time with Heeseung instead.
He had warned you.
“Y/n! Open up!” the doorbell rang, Heeseung's voice following the sound.
Weakly standing up, you opened the door for him, his face falling at the sight of you. Red eyes and shaking figure. He wordlessly got in, closing the door and wrapping his arms around you, carrying you towards the couch as you sobbed into his shoulder, his hand caressing your back.
He sat down with you on his lap, “Hey, tell me what's wrong,” his worried voice made you frown, lip quivering as he put his finger under your chin, his Bambi eyes meeting yours.
“Hee—” you took a shaky breath, “I broke up with him.”
His eyes widened, a mini celebration happening inside him but that wasn't the thing that worried him, your crying state was something he had never witnessed before, especially when you were gasping for air so much.
“Shh, it's okay. I came as soon as I saw you from the window. Would you tell me what happened, angel?” the nickname would have made you smile had the situation been different.
“I went to his place, I couldn't be with him anymore, n—not when I liked someone else.” your words made him wonder if you were talking about him, that statement got his hopes up.
“And then he accused me of cheating. It would have been fine, but then he dragged you into this mess and admitted that he cheated just because he fucking thought that I did it,” you ranted, angry tears leaving your eyes.
Heeseung tightened his grip on your waist, “He what?” his voice was awfully low, giving you shivers.
His eyes weren't the usual soft ones, you could see how he was holding back a lot of words but you managed to hear a few faint sentences saying, “Fuck, I'll kill that asshole.”
You held on to him tighter, grabbing his attention, “He's the most stupid man to have ever let go of you I swear,” he whispered, kissing your temple, “Baby,” he made you look at him, your heart fluttering now that you had stopped crying, “You're safe here, I won't let anyone hurt you, yeah?” you nodded slowly, his words wrapping you in a protective blanket of comfort, the kind that only Lee Heeseung could provide.
He didn't leave your side for the whole day, ordered your favourite food and made sure you ate well, you noticed how he was a lot more affectionate, kissing your cheek, similar to how he used to do as kids. You felt shy around him.
The only thing that kept bugging the said boy was that he wanted to know what you meant when you said you liked someone else. He had your favourite food memorized, he made sure to place the order for your favourite chocolates and everything else you would need for your comfort.
You were beyond grateful, although you also wished to tell him that he was the only person you needed, and nothing more. You stare at him as he helps you with your night routine, insisting on applying moisturizer on your face. It's hard to focus on anything else but his breath fanning your face, summoning all the willpower you have to not kiss his pouty lips.
“You're taking care of me as if I'm the baby here,” you teased lightly.
“You've taken care of me your whole life, it's about time you rest and let me take care of you, y/n.” his tone was authoritative, a hint of teasing laced it.
“I see you're a big boy now,” you laughed softly and he came closer.
“Bigger than you think,” he spoke near the shell of your ear, your eyes widening at the sexual undertone, which left as soon as you saw a goofy smile adorning his face. Maybe he didn't mean it that way. You gulped, cheeks heating up as he cupped your cheeks.
“Feel better?”
“Hm, sorry you had to see me like this, Hee,” you smiled sadly.
“Hey, I'm here for you. Always.”
“Will you—” you licked your lips, looking away, “—stay the night? I mean, of course, you don't have to do it but yeah I still wanted to ask for the sake of—” he found your rambling cute, praying that you don't see how blush crept up his neck.
“I will.” he caressed your cheek, “You deserve the whole world,” he cooed at your smiley face, taking in your drowsy appearance.
“Come, let's get you to bed.”
He too settled in, getting his sweatpants and a loose white t-shirt for the night. He was staying with you after all.
“Hee?” you called out his name, the room dark and perfect for you to sleep in, his hand holding yours as your bodies maintained a fair distance for the sake of your sanity.
He hummed at the sound of his name.
“Why don't you call me noona?” your question threw him off guard as you remembered what Mingyu had said. It was true that Heeseung had never addressed you as noona before despite having a solid three years of age gap.
He turned towards you, watching your figure as his eyes adjusted to the dim environment of your room, his body still processing your scent on the pillows and the warmth of your body radiating close to him.
“I don't see you as a noona.” your eyebrows cocked up at that.
“What do you see me as then?” you whispered, asking him the question slowly so as to not disturb the peace in your room.
“Can't tell you just yet,” he mumbled. He wanted to tell you, he just didn't want to pressure you with his feelings right when you got out of a relationship, a relationship which didn't end well. “Why, do you wanna be called noona?”
“No!” you said in a beat.
“Are you sure?” you were sure his eyebrows were wiggling with this question.
“Heeseung—” you started but were pulled into his chest, your back against his chest as you let out a strangled gasp. His grip only got stronger as he whispered near your neck, tickling you in the process, “Sleep, noona.”
Only you knew how grateful you were for the lights being off, preventing the Bambi boy from seeing you smile like a maniac at the name. It wasn't a strange feeling anymore, it being pretty evident that you were crushing on a guy who was younger than you.
And you didn't regret it for a second.
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It was afternoon when you woke up, the bed being empty and you wondered where Heeseung had gone, a tiny frown settling on your face.
You wanted to see his face the first thing in the morning.
Regardless, you got up and got yourself cleaned, getting into the shower to get rid of the bitter memories from yesterday. The shower was one of the places where you let your imagination run wild, pondering about a certain Lee Heeseung as you applied your favourite lychee body wash on your loofah, scrubbing your body gently — which again reminded you of how gentle he was while touching your face yesterday, how possessively he held you the whole night, as if you were his favourite soft toy to cuddle.
You wondered if that's what being with him would feel like, that if he'd accept you despite the age gap.
With a sigh, you got out of the shower, opting to wear your comfiest pair of shorts and a t-shirt, striding towards the kitchen to fend for your hungry self, only to find the tall boy making his way into your home, your eyes sparkling at the sight of him.
“Where did you go?” you lamented, and he held up a box of your favourite assorted doughnuts, making you gasp. Although it was the least of your worries when you noticed his bruising knuckles.
“How—” you asked, holding his hand and inspecting the wound, eyes widening at the blood.
He bit his lip, looking elsewhere before replying, “I might have paid a little visit to Mingyu,” you blinked one, and twice, making him sit on the couch and grabbing your first-aid kid from the kitchen, softly cleaning it with cotton and alcohol.
He hissed with pain, “Shh. Relax, baby.” he stilled at the name, gulping down the urge to pull you in his lap and smash his lips onto yours, confessing right after. He successfully refrained from doing so.
You cradled his face in your hands, “You don't need to hurt yourself for me, Hee,” you whispered.
“I'd do it a million times if it means that you'll be okay.” he pulled you in his lap, your hand holding on to his shoulder for support.
“Don't say that,” your voice came out breathy, heart beating out of your chest with how earnest his stare was.
“Why not?” his voice came out equally low, head tilting at the question.
“Because, then I won't be able to stop myself anymore.” your eyes settle on his lips, which were slightly parted.
“Stop yourself—from what?” he asked with a pensive expression, his body being hyper-aware of everything. The scent of your perfume took over his mind, a damn smile curling up his lips as if he had figured out what your answer was.
“From—” you averted your eyes, his finger under your chin making you look into his eyes again, closer than before, the tip of your noses almost brushing.
“From?” he urged softly.
“From kissing you,” you admitted with equal gentleness, cheeks on fire while you waited for him to speak something, anxiety bubbling up in your stomach.
“You don't have to stop.” he spoke after a second of silence.
“What—” your question is answered by his lips being pressed against yours in a feather-light kiss.
You had never been kissed like this before, soft, tender and full of what you'd call ‘love’, his big hand cupping your cheek, caressing it with the pad of his thumb, tilting his head to kiss you deeper, while you held on to his shoulder, pulling him impossibly closer to you.
Your foreheads touch when you finally break apart from your kiss, your eyes boring into his, “So when you talked about liking another guy yesterday—”
“—that was you.” you confirmed, and his smile grew wider, a soft laugh escaping him before he pulled you into his embrace and yet another kiss.
“Fuck, I've wanted you for so long,” he confessed, giggling at your widened eyes.
“How long?” you genuinely asked.
“Ever since you called me Bambi when I was four,” he admitted sheepishly.
“Did you ever think about me being older than you then?” you snuggled deeper into his hold, asking him the question that had bothering you from long.
“It doesn't matter, it never mattered. I just want you, y/n. I tried to get over you when you got a boyfriend but I couldn't, I didn't want to.”
And that's when you knew you wanted him for life.
“I'm sorry you had to wait for so long, baby.”
“You're worth the wait,” he smiled and hid your face in his neck.
He grunts in surprise, feeling your soft brush against his neck, your name leaving his mouth in a manner which sent a shiver down your spine. “Fuck, sorry,” you panicked, not wanting him to feel uncomfortable around you.
“No, oh god no, I want you, y/n.” he spoke, placing a kiss on your temple, “I just, am trying to refrain myself from doing something cause you just came out of a relationship.”
“Hee, you don't have to stop, I'm yours.”
“Yeah? All mine?”
“All yours, baby.” you giggled, shifting to get comfortable as you two lie down, exchanging kisses with giggles and soft smiles.
“This feels like a dream,” he breathed out.
“Does that mean you see me in your dreams often?” you teased.
He huffed, “Of course I do!”
You tilted your head with curiosity, “Oh? What do you dream about?”
He pulled you flesh against his chest, whispering in your ear, “Making love to you.”
With one smile, he ran away with you chasing him, flustered with the sudden revelation. He pinned you against the wall as soon as you entered your bedroom.
“Hey,” he smiled.
“Hey,” you bit your lower lip.
His arm winded around your waist tighter as he softly helped you lie down on your bed, kissing the shell of your ear, “Let me make love to you, noona.”
Oh, you were fucked.
How could you say no to him, especially when he requests for it ever so softy, doe eyes staring into your own eyes, searching for any hint of discomfort or hesitance.
You blink out of your reverie, whispering out a soft yes, gasping when he places the softest kisses on your clavicle, fingers intertwined with yours as he whispers your name, “Tell me if it gets too much for you,” he whispered in the expanse of your skin.
The gentle kisses down your throat to your chest do nothing to stop soft sighs from leaving your mouth. “So pretty,” he had called you pretty a lot of times, but it never once felt like this.
He made you feel pretty.
Each touch felt like a sensation of appreciation towards your body, each kiss delivering unsaid confessions out loud.
His name rolled off your tongue effortlessly, tightening your hold on his fingers, never wanting to let go of him. He gently tugged at the corner of your t-shirt, glancing at you, asking wordlessly and you nod as he helped you up slightly to remove the piece of clothing. He gulped, seeing you bare in front of him, you helpfully removing your bra for him.
“I could stare at you the whole day.”
He worshipped every inch of you, caressing your waist as he started sucking on your tits, back arching with ecstasy, “you sound so pretty, noona,” he rubs his nose against yours, your heartbeat rising as he rubbed your thighs in a gentle caress, squeezing it right after.
You whine, tugging on his t-shirt, and he immediately got rid of it as you pulled him in, lips on his neck while he continued to touch every inch of you.
“Please, Hee—” you whispered, fingers holding on to his nape as you felt wetness pooling in your panties.
He didn't wait for a second to undress you fully, him doing the same as he followed your gaze, your eyes fixated on his torso, wanting to kiss him all over. You rubbed your hands on his faint abs, his hard-on pressing on your inner thighs, “Wanna taste you,” he whispered and you closed your eyes, overwhelmed when his lips touched your wet core, licking your slit while the tip of his nose brushed against your clit, making you squirm around.
He hummed at the taste of you, head spiralling at the sight of you being so vulnerable in front of him, heart full at the sight of your trust in him, he only licked more, pecking your inner thighs and inserting a finger to prep you for him.
“Such sweet noises. You're doing so good, baby.”
His words calmed you, your eyes never leaving his as he looked at you, lips coated with your juices.
“Can't wait more,” you gasped out his name.
“Fuck, I won't last long if you keep calling my name like that,” he got up, and you whined at the loss of contact.
You told him where you kept the condom, him hurriedly getting one and putting it on as you watched the boy fondly despite the heated feeling you had down your core.
He pumped his cock a few times before, he positioned himself in front of you, tip prodding your entrance, coming in contact with your wetness.
“Tell me you want it.” his forehead rested against yours.
“Want you, so much.”
He pulled you in a deep kiss, pushing himself inside, groaning into your mouth at the feeling of your warm walls wrapping around him so well.
You squirm with the stretch, toes curled with how thick he was, adjusting to his size as you wrapped your legs around his torso, asking him to continue.
His thrusts were languid and deep, successful in eliciting breathy moans out of you, swearing that it was the prettiest sound he had ever heard.
“So perfect,” you spoke, nibbling on his lower lip.
The feeling was intimate and something along the lines of what you'd consider as perfect. Soft giggles leaving your mouth as you got lost in the essence of each other, faint touches everywhere, lips red and slightly swollen with your kissing sessions, heart full and warm.
He made you weak in the knees.
His hair bounced as he continued to thrust into you, sloppier than before as he felt his orgasm building up, he knew you were close with how your legs shook slightly, his soft pad of thumb rubbing circles on your clit.
“Hee, I'm close,” you sighed and he kissed your cheek.
“I know, baby. You did so well, cum for me now.” he urged gently, pressing his lips to take in all your moans as you reached your state of euphoria, him twitching a couple of times before he filled up the condom too, embracing you as he stayed inside for a while. Both of you breathing deeply, holding on to each other.
“I love you.”
You opened your eyes, only to see him smiling at you, staring at you with nothing but adoration.
Instead of answering, you asked him a question.
“What did you wish for on the shooting star?” your voice was low.
“You.” his cheeks were red, and you smiled.
You had never been so sure of anything else in life and you had to voice it out. His eyes tearing up at your confession when you said—
“I'm in love with you, Heeseung.”
And you knew you would love him for the entirety of your life.
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TAGLIST : @en-cityzen @sunghoonsworld @softforqiankun @eunoia-kth @lix-freckle3 @woniebae @baekhyunstruly @heenotes @sungniverse @criceofpain @starryjakey @wntrsgf @heelariously @liliansun @hoonstrology @abdiitcryy @w3bqrl @9900z @so-jays @cha-raena @faethefairy @seo-thicc-bin @lilacboba @fallinforgyu @irockgyu @jayegalaxy @violevantae @ivyvesisi @sunshine-skz @nicksszzz @candidupped @celestialsjy @enhydiaries
@woniecf @ultenha @dreamyenskz @keixeds @j5aker @donghoonie-3 @jkmonica @neocityhoe @zhaixiaowen @seuomo @heecare @hwhjsthetic @shreyerii @jngsngie @jjhmk @jongseongsmirk @iqeot @duolingofanaccount @bunhoons @yunskies @aminatalks @nyfwyeonjun @goodforgyu @enhacolor @cyuuupid @luvyun @sunghoonight @bambisgirl @taekbokki @3ggieyolk
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celluceta · 3 months
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I'm so happy aaa,,, I love how they turned out!😭🩷
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zoeykallus · 10 months
heya! I'm not sure if your requests are closed, and by no means do I hope to overwhelm you further with more requests :'D feel free to ignore this especially bc it's more of a negative request aaa
so as context: sometimes I zone out and due to my childhood I will flinch if I see a movement coming at me which at the time I thought was understandable/normal but my bf has already expressed his disappointment every time I flinched or denied physical affection and left me being the one who apologizes for a reflex and I was wondering how the batch (platonically) would react to the reader (preferably female) telling them that story if the reader was the batch's bffs or smth? :'D (plus Cody if that's okay!) I'd be curious to know if they would just try to calm me down or if they would try to encourage me to get that specific thing fixed maybe?
argh I'm so sorry for the long ass text cRIES
again no pressure whatsoever with this waaah
Aloha! 😊
Interesting question. Personally, I think personal space should always be respected, no matter how close we are with someone. In a relationship, most people tend to loving physical contact in many different forms, and I see how this reaction can be surprising or off-putting for some. But with a little empathy and patience, that really shouldn't be a problem for a partner to get used to and accept. If my partner is jumpy with such reflex reactions, I should be able to adjust. There is a reason for this reaction and I think you shouldn't be, or feel pressured to apologize for it. All in all, communication (and an understanding, open mind) is key, as it almost always is. Then there is also the option to try and get that out of your system, so to speak. Therapy might help, it's worth a try or two. After all, it would possibly make things easier for you as well, giving you more comfort in everyday life. Easier said than done, I know. But that's just my two cents. Either way, I'm wishing you all the best 😊 Let's see...
The Bad Batch/Cody x Reader HCs - The Flinch
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Warnings: Implied Trauma / Traumatic Reflex Reaction
Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
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It can happen casually, maybe he doesn't really think about it, just wants your attention for a moment, but you are busy, and your mind is elsewhere. A brief touch on the shoulder, innocent, gentle, without ulterior motives. Still, you flinch and turn around so quickly, startled, that he flinches briefly himself.
Hunter in no way intended to scare you or offend you, he would never do that consciously. Of course, he apologizes, you are close friends, he knows your past that you confided in him.
"I should have known better, I'm sorry. Are you okay?"
He is patient, gentle and forgiving. Hunter tries his best to be sensitive to you and respect your boundaries. He is careful in his interactions with you, considerate.
The first time it happens, he is so startled by your reaction that he backs away and looks at his hand as if he expects to see it red-hot, or spiked. He blinks a few times, then says, "Sorry, did I scare you?"
Whether you confide in him or not, Echo will never hold it against you. He can understand that your reaction has a background, and he can respect that you don't want to share it with him. This does not change the fact that he will take it into consideration.
He sometimes seems strict and so serious, but he has an antenna for the sensitivities of others. It is in his nature to be considerate.
He is a bit impetuous and very affectionate. Scaring you or triggering a reaction is never his intention, but it can still happen quite a few times. You can speak openly with Wrecker, he is happy to listen to you, he is understanding even if you don't tell him everything.
He will always apologize if it still happens accidentally, and he will never blame you for these reactions. He will rather make sure that others around you respect your personal space as well.
He is not a particularly physical guy. On the contrary, Tech values his personal space and usually respects that of others around him. In combat, this may not be possible at times, but in general everyday life, Tech tends to keep a polite distance.
If he does trigger that automatic flight or defensive reaction, he apologizes immediately, and you can assume it won't happen again. He himself is not a fan of surprising touches, which is why he doesn't like Wreckers' little nudges at all and usually lets them pass with rolling eyes or critically furrowed brows.
As almost always, his first reaction is a bit grumpy. He doesn't immediately understand what's going on, but he's a good observer and a bright guy. Of course, he notices that you have these reactions more often, even with other people.
Crosshair reads your body language and realizes that this is a learned, habitual reflex reaction. He understands that there is a real, possibly deep-seated reason behind it. Of course, he adapts, even if he doesn't like to admit it, he can be considerate and very understanding.
So you don't have to worry about him. He certainly doesn't respect or appreciate you less than before because of that. In fact, it awakens a certain protective instinct in him.
At first, he is surprised, but he is neither offended nor annoyed. But he is attentive. As a soldier, he's learned to read body language, to interpret reactions, and even though you might not say anything about it, Cody understands pretty quickly what makes you tick.
You can count on him to pay attention to that in the future. You don't have to apologize to him, you can just be yourself and relax. Cody is always a safe haven.
He also won't let other people maybe cause you problems because of it. Anyone who teases you about it or makes fun of you should be prepared to get in trouble.
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strwberri-milk · 8 months
kaeya with crush! co-captain! reader who’s constantly in his vicinity so the slow burn is just FULL ON YEARNING AND AAA??
He’s constantly trying to just tell her already while she keeps brushing it off as a joke until he finally gets pissed one day and just lets all of his love and yearning out to her?? GIVE THIS EMOTIONALLY REPRESSED BOY SOME LOVE ALREADY😭😭
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Kaeya thought that it'd be a lot easier for him to ignore his feelings for you. Normally, he has absolutely no issues with pretending that everything is fine and that he's happy with things being the way that they are no matter how bad it might be. However, his feelings for you keep him spiraling and he struggles to keep them all inside which is why he decided not to.
Cue him spending the next while just flirting and trying to ask you out. The first few times he understands why you think he's just joking with you. He wasn't taking things too seriously and was just asking you out casually in conversation so of course you wouldn't make a big deal out of it.
When he steps up the ante for the first time you don't know what to say. You just laugh awkwardly and pat him on the back before running off, making him a little confused. He thought he could at least fluster you but clearly not, blinking at the path you've left behind.
Now he becomes more insistent, finding other creative ways to try and ask you out. As he gets rejected more and more he can't help but start feeling the sting of it. He still doesn't let that stop him, continuing to ask him out. It's not until a really heartfelt confession that he gives you (a letter and some flowers delivered to your house) that he just feels himself give up. You tell him you accidentally spilled water on it when you went to get the package and he just sighs before falling into his chair, shaking his head.
You don't know what to make of the sight in front of you. Kaeya is struggling to speak for once, looking at you before just sighing again and trying to figure out how to formulate his words.
"Kaeya, I'm really sorry. Do you want to just tell me what you wrote?" you offer, wishing that you weren't as clumsy as you were with the way he's behaving.
"It's not that. I just - I put a lot of time and effort into planning what to write down and I don't know how to replicate the fact that I'm so madly in love with you I'd do anything if meant you'd look at me seriously for even a second."
He sounds so earnest that for once it makes you double-take, trying to figure out what that could mean for him, and you apparently.
"I just want to tell you how much I love you in a way that matters. But clearly none of that matters. I don't want to force you into a decision - I just want to make you understand how I feel and that I've been serious each and every time I've asked you out."
He stands, heading towards his door before you stop him.
"Kaeya, you really feel that way? About me?" you ask softly. He turns to face you, nodding.
"I do. I just wanted you to know."
You ponder everything over, the weight of all the things he's said suddenly pouring down on top of you. You feel yourself flush, warming under his intense gaze.
He comes back to stand with you, putting his arms around your shoulder. You're stunned into silence, leaning into him subconsciously.
"Perhaps I should just try again?" he purrs, you nodding dumbly as he starts to profess his love for you over and over again.
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thatfuckinjester · 5 months
Omg why so you hurt me with phantom feeling he's gonna be sent back 😢
AAA i'm sorry!! have some tiny bit of fluff!! actually @ghostygirl96 asked for ant with more ghouls and since then i've been thinking about raintom sooo.
it's been two weeks since phantom asked papa that question, and they had no way of really knowing what was going in, omega and aether gave them all the silence treatment and papa would look at them with sad eyes.
their only way of knowing how phantom is is from aurora and she wouldn't leave him unless omega and aether were with him, and when it happened she would just stare at them, not in a mean way necessarily, but more like they hurt her. and rain knows that they had.
he remembers when he said it to phantom's face. phantom was wearing aether's helmet and something just snapped in rain.
he remembers how he ripped it off of phantom's head, how he just yelled at him, he doesn't remember what he said specifically but he knows that the pain in phantom's eyes made him happy in some way.
he remembers how far away and calm phantom's eyes looked when he just started at the already gone stars. he remembers them focusing, just for a second, on his own eyes when he kneeled in front of phantom, trying to get him to snap out of it, and how the hurt in them was so strong, so much, too much.
and he remembers how he saw that pain in aether's eyes when he asked then why would they do that to phantom.
he wanted to yell.
he really don't know what gave them that idea, what made them think it was even okay to say out loud.
it felt like he let everyone down.
there's not much he can do about it, what's done is done, he isn't going to try and make time turn back like mountain's doing. he isn't going to long around and hope for the best like dew and swiss. he isn't going to make it seem like nothing ever happened and they accepted the new ghoul from the start like cumulus and cirrus.
if anything, he might take notes from aurora. who he knows is doing laundry right now.
or maybe even from aether and omega. who he knows are in the infirmary right now.
and he's definitely not doubting himself in front of phantom's door right now. and just because he's so not doubting himself, he twists the knob and opens the door.
phantom's room is dark and cold, he can smell aurora, aether and omega, and he smiles at that.
there's little stars and hearts shaped stickers decorating the walls and he knows that aurora put them there.
phantom isn't really asleep, his eyes are open, but he doesn't acknowledge rain, or moves, and for a split second rain is sure that phantom is zoned out the same way he was that morning. but just as he's about to panic phantom opened his mouth.
"i'm sorry."
and that all it took for rain to cry.
the door closed behind him as he walked over to phantom's bed, sitting on the edge even though he knows he don't deserve even that. "please, don't," rain stops to wipe his tears away, "you did nothing wrong phant." to which phantom just shrugged, his mouth opening and closing, as if he wants to say something but regrets it.
"i'm sorry," rain said, echoing phantom's words from just a few seconds ago, "i wish i could take it all back, i swear to satan, if i could go back and yell at us i would. with no hesitation."
"it's okay, i'm sorry that aether is mad at you." and phantom's eyes were still so filled with pain rain almost stopped breathing.
"i'm not here for aether, or for anyone else, i'm just here for you, we all miss you, so much, we-" he took a breath "i'm so sorry. you are important, to everyone."
and as phantom smiled at him, rain couldn't stop himself from thinking about how much he likes his smile. much more than the pain in his eyes.
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