#I'd be ready to lay my life down for this guy too are you kidding me
teatitty · 7 months
"Why is Dandelion so loyal to Geralt, what is it about Geralt that attracts him so much" what a dumb question. If you were a neurotic mess in your late teens-early twenties who, as far as we know, had no close friendships for most of your life and a 6 foot something guy with beautiful white hair and the worst self-esteem you've ever seen saved your life and then let you travel with him FOR FREE because you're both broke as fuck and even got you food and put up with all your incessant word vomit and philosophised with you on the road wouldn't you be ride or die for him too
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lovrsm · 11 months
sum: in which your brother invites you to a party, and oh god, you're so glad you accepted.
word count: 2.4k
pairing: charles leclerc x singer!reader
warnings: drinking, curse words & insinuation of cheating.
Spotify - Apple Music
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"you should take it as a compliment that I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk"
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Monaco was such a lovely place, when my brother had told me about it I thought he was exaggerating. I mean, it wouldn't be that weird if he had, he's always excited about everything, he's the kind of guy who makes you see as if the world is made of bright rainbow colors, and I believe him.
I arrived from the airport about 2 hours ago, I was on my way to the hotel where Lando was staying, he told me he got another room for me. How could I say no?
He called me yesterday at about 3pm
"No, I'm telling you, IT WILL BE THE PARTY OF THE YEAR!" he screamed over the phone, making me laugh.
"Lando, I just came from signing with my sponsors, they expect me to write more songs in a 4 months period, you know how complicated that's going to be?" I exhaled, taking off my heels, tossing them across the room as I lay down on the couch. I was exhausted.
"C'mon, you'll have plenty of things to write songs about, look, I can already hear it!" he started to hum a catchy tone, making the corners of my mouth go up. "Lando... Jake won't be able to be there, god, I don't even know if he'll want me to be there, you know?"
I could already see him in the doorway telling me where am I.
Sure, he was on canada filming, but what if he finds out?
"I'm not even letting you say no, I'm already booking tickets, get all you need, you can even shop here if you want, I just want my sister with me tomorrow night with me"
"You better go get me at the airport Lando Norris."
"I wont let you down peanut" He chuckled and hung up on me.
Well he kinda let me down, he couldn't come get me due to some last minute meeting he had. I don't really mind, I know having a busy life is exhausting.
I thanked the taxi driver giving his a generous tip, my bodyguard helped me get out my suitcases, I had a hoodie and black sunglasses, he had a casual outfit so we wouldn't stand out.
For being a top artist in the whole world, I did not like having that much security. But it was an obligation, not an option, I had to stick to what my manager and team asks me to do.
After a busy day of shopping and walking around the streets, I could barely feel my feet. I had gotten a beautiful short red dress. Perfect fit for the occasion. It was just 7p.m. and Lando had texted me he was on his way to my dorm.
The door opened to reveal my very festive brother in the other side "You're here!" "I'm here!" I screamed back jumping into his arms.
We catched up, he was telling me about how he checked the track, for the next season, since we were in December. Although I never really understood racing, when we were kids our parents would take us out to the karts, and I'd always crash while he was beating all of us who tried to play.
He focused on sports and I focused on music, since I was 12 years old I learned to play the guitar. My mom used to tell me that I was a genius at writing songs, I guess many people think the same.
Time passed by too fast, with him I felt like an hour were just 5 minutes.
After hating each other all our childhood, we became closer than ever after my career and his took off. I think it was because we were twins, we hated it when people said we acted the same, because physically we are not alike at all. I am so much prettier, obviously.
it was already 8 o'clock "I'm leaving, I should get ready, do you wanna come with me?"
"I'd stopped talking to you if you let me get there alone, I know none of these guys Lando."
"I'm sure you'll know somebody miss famous." He bumped my shoulder and left my room, entering to his which was next door.
I took my time getting ready. God, I love being a woman. I took a bath, fixed my hair, put on my make-up and finally there was the dress, hanging on the bathroom door. I think it is one of the most beautiful dresses I have ever seen in my life.
How did I manage to put on the mini dress correctly by myself? I don't even know, but I couldn't stop looking at myself in the mirror. God if only someone could look at me.
Oh wait! There is someone, I grabbed my phone to click his name, my phone started to ring. I waited patiently, but he did not answer. So I called him once more, this time he did answer.
I heard loud music and singing in the back. "What do you need?" he asked, I could hear the irritation in his voice. "I wanted to hear from you, we haven't talked-"
"We talked last Monday, wasn't that enough? I'm busy." He interrupted me.
"Where are you?" I asked intrigued this time.
"Uhm... I'm in the bar with some friends"
"Oh and that's just more important than your girlfriend?" I raised my voice at him, I was now sitting the edge on the bed.
"Look, I don't want to fight, just call me later." He said, basically hanging the phone. "Jake..." I said before he could do so.
"What?" He sounded desperate. "Take care." I said.
"Ok" He hung. I felt disgusted, why? not idea, I just felt dirty, as if I was forcing him to talk to me. I took some deep breathes so I could calm my nerves down.
I don't even want to go out anymore.
I tried hard not to cry, I wasn't going to ruin my makeup over some small argument, I'm sure tomorrow we'll be alright, we always end up alright.
It felt as an eternity till I heard a knock on my door, I quickly grabbed my bag, looked in the mirror once more to fix my dark wavy hair, and rushed to the door. I opened it, in the side was Lando, his back on the wall while he was looking at his phone.
He turned it off and looked at me, I smiled "Ready to go Peanut?"
"Lets go"
We finally got to the club, electronic music was blasting off, people were already drunk, and boy they didn't even tried to hide it.
We had to basically run to the VIP area, I didn't said anything to my bodyguard about this, besides, he can use a break.
Lando was immediately greeted by everyone who was in the room. "LANDO!" A man screamed to him "Ayee, we're here!" He said hugging the man, and patting him in the back. "you're so late, you were the only ones missing!"
"we're here Pierre, I'd like to present to you all my sister!" He hugged me by the side and I waved with a smile on my face. It seemed that most of them recognized me, because some of them just stood there in shock "Hey everyone, ready to get wasted?" I laughed, that made them less tense and cheered, lifting their cups.
Lando gave a me a sweet kiss in my head, "see, you'll be fine, have some fun peanut!" I let go and we both went our own way.
I started to talk to a girl, her name is Kika, I learnt she was the girlfriend of a guy named Pierre Gasly. I've heard about him but no one ever told me how fun his girlfriend was!
"Girl, you should try this margarita, the most wholesome thing you'll have in your life!"
She was not kidding with that. In a few minutes, I had asked for... about 5 of them, or maybe just 13.
I had talked to everyone in the room by 10 pm, they were all so fun, and the energy was of another planet.
"Yeah, and then Max would make that grumpy face. I swear he looks like and old man!"
"very mature Lando, so mature." I bursted out laughing. "LECLERC HAS ARRIVED!" I heard someone scream in the entrance, and in seconds half of the group was there greeting the guy.
I decided I was going to take something else than a margarita. I walked up to the bartender, who definitely did not understood me. I don't know if I was speaking too softly or if I was just way too drunk to talk, but I decided to leave, I turned around and bumped into someone.
I was about to loose my balance till his arms were wrapped around my waist, I was able to stand straight. "are you alright?" he asked.
I looked into his eyes, green eyes "what?"was all I could manage. "Are you alright?" He asked again, I now noticed a thick accent, I bursted out laughing for that.
He looked so confused, he let go and chuckled with me. For a second it was as if the whole club was quiet. I looked again at him, and I immediately looked down at the floor. He grabbed my hand, the lights went out for a second and my world spun. My legs were about to give up.
His touch was... it was, god I can't even say it.
"I'm Charles, what's your name?"
I bit my lip, what went out of my mouth was definitely not what I wanted to say. "Do you always talk like that?" I asked a bit to seriously, I chuckled so that I wasn't that rude.
"Yeah, my first language isn't english."
"Huh." I said, I felt as if he had a goddamn magnetic field and it was pulling me towards him, I couldn't stand it.
I ran off to the other side of the room, leaving him standing alone next to the bar.
All night.
All night I couldn't stop thinking about him, his hand touching my hand in the darkened room...
and I made fun of the way he talked.
I'm never drinking again.
Yet there I was, in the bar once more, asking for whiskey. Mature, so mature.
I kept bouncing back and forth between the people there, once I saw Charles walking to my way, I would ran to the other side of the room.
I have a boyfriend for gods sake! I can't be thinking these unhealthy things about him.
But, I mean, can you blame me?
Look at him.
His first two buttons were unbottened which made him look so attractive. And you should see his dimples, he's so gorgeous it actually fucking hurts!
"So you're not going to talk to me?" I heard a voice behind my ear. His chest touching my back. I didn't move, but I did answer.
"Who said I wasn't going to?" I asked playfully, with a grin on my face, knowing he couldn’t see me.
He hummed in my ear, before he turned me to look him in the eye, he grabbed my neck, but he didn't kiss me. Instead, he brought his lips back to my ear.
"Then why do you keep running, huh?" His hot breath sent a shiver down my spine. I was dumbfolded by his actions, he took a step back to look at me.
I looked into his eyes, I was absolutely taking him in. I looked at his dimples because of the grin he had in his face. His eyebrows, his slightly sweaty hair, with pieces of it falling into his face.
I couldn't help myself, I noticed how he looked into my eyes, and then to my mouth.
What if..?
I asked to myself, I closed my eyes and got closer to him, waiting for a kiss. But he grabbed me by my hips pulling me back.
"You're far too drunk, ma chou" I heard and opened my eyes, he gave me a sympathetic smile. I felt dumb for a second, but after seeing his face... I think I might be falling.
"Why don't we leave, would you like that?" I hugged him, my head in his neck. I nodded as fast as I could. He grabbed me and in a second, we were in his car.
For sure the alcohol got to my head that night.
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mcflymemes · 11 months
AS SAID BY COMMANDER SHEPARD  *  assorted dialogue from the mass effect trilogy
it's a big stupid jellyfish.
i don't know what i'd do without you.
you're working too hard.
i'll let you get back to work.
i'm sorry, i'm getting a lot of bullshit on this line.
if i'm walking into hell, i want someone i trust at my side.
oh, now it's personal.
you think we're going to lose?
you'll never be alone.
no matter what happens here... you know i love you. i always will.
i haven't forgotten our time together.
i want you. i want someone i can trust.
i don't know what we're gonna find in there, but i'm not going to lie to you. it's not going to be easy.
i've had enough of your snide insinuations.
it's all just part of the job.
i'm getting a little worried about you, [name].
this shop discriminates against the poor!
consider me officially offended.
you know, [name], if you're not comfortable with this, it's okay. i'm not trying to pressure you.
when should i book the room?
can one of you clarify?
they want to know what we're made of? i say we show them, on our terms.
i should be going.
it's been a long journey, and no one is coming out without scars.
i guess i'm on my own. again.
you don't need to hurt him to get what you want.
you have got to be kidding me.
if i didn't have authorization, how did i get in? you see any other doors?
make me proud. make yourselves proud.
what's that you're drinking?
i just saved your ass.
be alive with me tonight.
sometimes things don't work out the way we'd like. that's just life.
i'm the only thing standing between you and a hole in the head.
i don't argue with plants.
[name], this doesn't have to be hard.
get the hell off my ship.
are you naturally this bitchy, or is it just me?
what are we going to tell them? i had a bad dream?
good times are over.
it's not too late. you don't have to go through with this.
one way or another, we're taking this bitch down.
i told them where to shove it.
you getting soft on me, [name]?
we could test your reach... and my flexibility.
this war has brought us pain, and suffering... and loss.
i assume everything's going well up here?
i don't know what drugs you're on, but stay back and i won't shoot you.
i thought you were a friend of mine. you've got the same suit.
sounds like he needs to get shot.
i've been getting that a lot.
look around you. you're not in this fight alone.
i don't have time to babysit you, [name]. find a way to deal with it.
have you got a minute to talk?
here i am. exactly where i want to be.
never hesitate when you've got the enemy in your sights.
give me what i want. now!
lay it on me, [name]. i love bad news.
i should go.
hell, [name], you were always ugly.
i hadn't heard that. is there anything i can do?
someone piss in your coffee today?
how do i shut this thing up?
i can't promise how things will work out... but i missed you, [name]. i thought about you a lot.
everything we've ever known... it's all hanging by a thread.
something on your mind?
maybe you're right. maybe we can't win this.
keep it up, tough guy. you'll leave in a bag.
you kill people because you think they're beneath you; they're in your way. i kill people because they leave me no choice.
i don't know if i'll be coming down here for these talks anymore.
can we ever be ready for a battle like this?
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bellastay99 · 8 months
You deny his kiss request
(fem!reader x SKZ)
He would probably apologize
It's ok for him, you may just not be on the mood
Sometimes he gets a little too sensitive
He knows that you would never be mean to him
*I'm a two kids room, he's telling the story when you rejected his kiss for the first time with Minho*
Minho- Oh! Is y/n, ok? I haven't seen her in at least a week.
Han- I think she's fine...*look at him*
Minho- ... You think she's fine? She's your girlfriend! *Laughs* Did you guys fight? Discussed?
Han- Nooo...*talking softly looking a little nervous but wanting to laugh* I think it is my fault...
Minho- Why?
Han- I was ready to invite her to the performance on Monday, but...she wasn't in the mood... *Holding laugh* I asked her for a kiss...she rejected it.
Minho- And...what did you do?
Han- I apologize...?*laughs*
Minho- Ok, but...what happened?
Han- I think I got too sensitive and didn't talk to her this week yet? *Laughing nervously*
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Minho- *serious face* Hannie... Are you dumb?
Han- No...maybe? I think she's angry with me, hyuung! What do I do?!
He would beg if he notices that you're playing with him
Or ask if you're ok if he notices that you're down
If you're playing, what you make it obvious
He would beg the whole day, steal and run after you begging for a little peck on his lips
*at the waiting room after he performed, waiting for you guys to go home. Felix was very clingy, a needy boy with you, so you decided to test him a little bit*
Felix- Baby...*You were laying on the couch watching videos* Baaaaby...*he approached*
You- Whaaat?
Felix- *stop in front of the couch looking down to you* I'm needy...
You- *laughs* I know that~
Felix- I need your attention...*make a sad puppy face*
You- What kind of attention? *Loom at him smiling*
Felix- I need a kiss ... Just one~
You- ... Naaah *go back to the phone smirking* I don't want.
Felix- ...*processing* Please!
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*he threw himself in you and hugged, you laughed out loud and you couldn't escape his kisses in your face. Not this time...you wouldn't run away easily*
He'll make sure that you'll regret that
Would tease you the rest of the day
Pretend being sad
Manipulates just for a kiss, yes
Silent treatment sometimes
He'll play your game too lol
*At the practice vocal room, you both were singing for fun and he was teaching one a little piano too*
*Suddenly he stopped and kept staring at you. You looked at him*
You- What...? I made something wrong?
Seungmin- I want to kiss you...just one *he showed it with his finger* Just once~
You- *blush and laugh* Aah Minnie, now?
Seungmin- I promise, is just one.
You- What triggered you?
Seungmin- Watching you playing piano is just too beautiful *blushes*
You- Later...I...want to finish this song. I'm gonna lose focus.
Seungmin: Alright...
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You- ...*worried* Are you really sad?
Seungmin- Noo...*lies* I'm fine, it's just a silly kiss anyway.
You- Is not silly! Oh come on! *Laughs*
Seungmin- I'm ok...
You- No, you're not.
Seungmin- What you wanna do about it?
You- Kiss.
Seungmin- *fastly recompense himself* Yes!~
He is in SHOCK
How could you not kiss him?!
Every time you do that, he'll hunt you for a kiss
Run, run for your life
*Having a good time with the boys*
*You're playing with Jisung Overwatch on Xbox*
Jisung- What are you doooing?! *Laughing* YOU'RE DYING!
You- I'm trying! *Laughing* Orisa don't die! IMMORTAL!
Jisung- Oh no! You gonna lose! No no no! THE CAR! THE CAR! *You lost the game* Holy moly, that support was shit!
Jeongin- Love? *Approached* You're done?
You- Yeah...come play together, baby *look at him*
Jeongin- Naah, I'd rather stay with you in the room...aren't we going to what the movie?
You- Yeah. Just one more.
Jeongin- Ok, at least, a kiss.
You- It found a match already, later.
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Jisung- You can't reject our Maknae! *Laughs*
You- He can deal with that~
Jeongin- Hyung...grab the console.
You- What? Why? *Look at him while Jisung takes it from you*
Jeongin- You better run...
You- Aw shit! *Laughs in desperate running away*
Jeongin- YOU OWN ME A KISS!! *run after*
Jisung- Oh my...love is... weird ~
Any suggestions? Comment it down below, I'll read it for sure 🦊🤍
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jokertrap-ran · 2 months
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(光与夜之恋 Light and Night) Main Story Chapter 4-3 : 爱德华之旅 The Journey of Edward Translation
“Him… Of course, how could I ever forget him?”
*Light and Night Master-list *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Join the Light & Night Discord (^▽^)~ ♪ *Main story tag will be #For Light and Night
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Making use of my lunch break, I headed back to Grandma’s store. I recall that she had penned down quite several useful shoe-making tips in one of her notebooks somewhere.
The afternoon breeze drifts in, lifting the sheer curtains in its wake and bathing the room with a warm ambiance.
MC: Found it!
I sat on the floorboards, gleefully ready to flip open the thick leather-bound book when I heard an exclamation from behind.
??: Why, if it isn't the lass from next door!
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I turned my head to see a sprightly old woman standing in front of the open door. She leaned onto her cane, beaming straight at me.
MC: Granny Zheng?
I stood up, unable to believe my eyes when my memories finally caught up to reality.
??: Oh! You still remember me!
MC: It really is you!
This unexpected reunion made me run towards her, enveloping her in a hug, just like how I did when I was little.
MC: Didn't you move overseas?
She used to live next door when I was little, but Grandma always invited her over for dinner with us because she was all alone as her kids had all gone abroad.
In the end, her son returned to help her move overseas too, and I recalled being upset about it for a period of time.
Granny Zheng: People always return to their roots when they get old. After thinking about it, I still ended up coming back here. This is where I feel the most comfortable.
Granny Zheng: You've become much prettier in the years you've been gone, lass.
MC: And I've missed you so much!
Granny Zheng: And where's the young lad that used to follow you around? I bet he's grown into a remarkable fella now.
MC: Who?
Granny Zheng: The little chubby boy that lived next door to you. You guys went to school together and were always attached at the waist.
Granny Zheng: Although, his family moved away in the end. And quite suddenly too… I think his name was called Jesse? Jesse Xia? 
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MC: Jesse…
This name, long buried in the depths of my memories, made me pause. Him… Of course, how could I ever forget him?
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Jesse: We'll be friends forever. Whoever breaks this promise will have to swallow a thousand needles.
If they hadn't moved away… perhaps we'd still be friends now.
But the apartment next door had remained empty ever since they left… It's been 7 whole years now.
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MC: We… lost contact with each other.
Granny Zheng: That's unfortunate. You two were so close… I remember seeing the boy cry his heart out with his face full of snot on the day they moved.
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Jesse: I'm not crying! Who's crying!? You're seeing things! Stop looking at me or I'll drink all your soda!
Suddenly, I could hear a voice in my  mind — vibrant, vivid, life-like. Almost as if someone was speaking to me across time and space.
Granny Zheng: But I trust that you'll reunite with each other again if it's something you both want, deep down. Just like how we met each other again, see? 
MC: Mmhm!
MC: I'm glad you're back here. I'll make sure to visit you often!
After sending her off, I headed towards the stairs while musing about the curious coincidence I'd just experienced. A small attic sits at the other end of the stairs — an attic that held a lot of my memories from childhood.
I hesitated for a moment before pushing the door open. Dust hit me square in the face.
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This place was still the same as I remembered — neat and cozy, almost as if nothing had changed since the last time I was here as a child.
MC: I remember it being hidden here…
I lay on the ground, reaching my hand out as far as I could until my fingers finally brushed against something hard and cold deep inside the closet. Using my strength, I tugged it towards me and out came an undeniably square biscuit tin.
MC: Bingo.
The edges of the box were already starting to darken with rust, and its originally vibrant red color had already faded into something in between pink and orange.
There was a sticky note pasted on the box with a childish scrawl that said “Do not open. Whoever opens it will have to swallow a thousand needles”, and emphasized with three exclamation marks.
MC: I don't have to swallow a thousand needles if I open something that belongs to myself, right?
The box was filled to the brim with a photo album, stars folded with cellophane, cartoon stickers, celebrity posters, and… a handful of spare change.
I felt my heart palpitate in nervousness as I picked up the photo album.
A small painted face greeted me as I flipped the album open. Little fourteen-year-old me had a blush on both cheeks that resembled a monkey's butt, an A-class pout, and an undeniably sad expression.
Almost as if she'd burst into tears and cry an Atlantic Ocean as soon as the camera moves away.
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MC: Not the skeleton in my closet!
I quickly turned the page, but my hand froze mid-air as a familiar face came into view.
The little boy in the photo had a sad look on his face as he stood beside my younger self. He was unbothered by the melting ice cream in his hand, tightly gripping the strap of his school bag.
He had a round face with dazzlingly bright pupils, yet his eyes were brimming with tears, and there was snot on his face.
Meanwhile, my younger self stood slightly away from him with both hands on my hips, pointedly looking away from him and refusing to meet his gaze.
Gently turning the yellowing photo over, I saw a line scrawled on the back.
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Jesse: “I'll treat you to ice cream, (Y/n). So don't be mad anymore, alright?”
The childish and rounded scrawl was signed off with a name — Tangyuan
MC: Tangyuan…
I remember giving him this nickname the first time we met.
Back then, I'd wielded a broom, angrily fending off the biggest bully at the time in defense of the little boy to the side, who resembled a glutinous rice ball.
Younger MC: Hey, stop crying. Didn't I already help you chase him away?
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Jesse: *Sniffle*… Mm, thank you… *sniff*
And that was how I made my first friend ever, despite how he was two years younger than me, and practically cried at every little thing.
We'd go home together every day after school, and whoever managed to scrounge up enough savings would buy the other an orange soda on the way home.
Younger MC: I challenge you! Let's see who can finish this drink the fastest!
Jesse: Huh? But didn't you just tell me that we have to savor it properly?
Younger MC: Don't know, don't care! The loser will have to buy bubblegum for the winner! Three, two, one, go!
Jesse: Ah, wait a minute!
The sound of fizzy soda, a forehead covered with a sheen of sweat, and Tangyuan, ever so round, beside me… My best Summer memory.
Until the third year of middle school.
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My heart was akin to a stone from years past, skipping across the surface of a lake. And every ripple that broke the surface invoked a sense of nostalgia.
Breaking out of my reverie, I carefully put the photo away.
Will we meet again, just like what Granny Zheng said?
No one answered my unspoken question, but I could feel a pleasant draft of wind gently surrounding me.
❖☆————— ⊹ For Light & Night⊹ —————★❖
Previous Part: (Chapter 4-1) | Next Part: (Chapter 4-5)
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nitannichionne · 2 years
Superman: Rise of Isis (Henry Cavill/Superman Fanfic) Chapter 26: To Sedona (FLASH POV)
Looking around the Flying Fox, Batman's aircraft, made me feel like a kid in a candy store. So much I wanted to look at and touch, but not really allowed to. I read the hell out of everything though.
I see smaller craft, too. There was a small jet, a few motorcycles that looked like they were on steroids and a small but equally jacked up race boat. I already knew none of this was for me. I'm fast on my own, right? Still, I'd like toys to play with sometime.
I stand in the cockpit, marveling the tech as the Fox rises over Grand Canyon. For some reason they almost look like they belong together in the mists and shadows. Cyborg is steering the ship from the co-pilot's chair as it slowly moves over the majesty and begins its journey to Sedona. Batman is doing some sort of check. I can see graphics of different craft on board coming up on his screen.
"It is too quiet." 
I look over to see Isis standing behind Batman's pilot seat, gently grasping the leather back of it. She stares ahead. "I can feel him...and others."
Cyborg and Batman share a glance and nod. 
"We're ready," Batman growls. "We will get you to your temple." 
The canyon and greenery suddenly turns into desert and tumbleweeds, completely flat land.  It looks like it stretches forever, but then I find relief in that. Away from the roads now there is barely life in sight. The next thing I see is a city and airport and Batman shoots past.
"Got to get away from people," he mutters, taking a decisive turn deeper into the desert. 
I got it. He was setting the battlefield.
It felt like the calm before the storm, my heart starts pumping, and then, it happens. A visual pops up on the screen.
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"Aircraft closing in fast," Cyborg reports from the co-pilot's seat.
"Is that Australian?"  I ask, looking at it.
"It's Lex Luthor's, according to my intel," Batman rises and Cyborg takes the chair. "called the Lexwing. Vince?"
"All craft are in bays and ready," Cyborg nods.
"Let's go." 
We get to the bays just in time to see a screen pop up and watch the Lexwing fall out of the sky and in pursuit. Shots are fired, but our forcefields absorb the blows without incident.
"Taking fire at the stern," Cyborg reports over the intercom. "Returning fire in five...." 
"To the transports!" Batman roars. 
I watch Isis, Superman and the Green Guy stand at the bay doors, ready to fly. Batman is on a mortorcycle, but he's got a pack on his back.
 Wonder Woman swings onto her motorcycle which also has a spot for her sword and shield, and Aquaman swings on one as well. I notice how different his is. 
It even has a holding mechanism for his staff. I want to see what that does.
"Come on, Kid, save your strength," Aquaman nods.
I speed to the cycle and get on. 
"Opening hatch. Good luck."
Isis and Superman take off first, then Green Lantern. All wheels are on the ground now, heading through unpopulated desert toward Sedona.  I look back to the Lexwing in pursuit and then its ramp opened.  Deathstroke hits the ground riding on a motorcycle in lead of some sort of army and I catch a glimpse of Batman slowing down to let him catch him. The two play the wildest game of chicken I ever saw, daring each other to come closer to collision with each other and anything else that lay in their path, including soldiers which came out of the Lexwing on wheels, each bike having two men. The back ones were dangerous, diving and firing at us. 
I get excited. This is when I get to see the old man work. 
Batman is trying to get to Deathstroke, but this small armada keeps getting in his way. The first cycle was simple; an actual lance shot out from the bike simply flipping it and its passengers. The second bike that engaged him he threw some sort of spikes in their path that exploded on contact, ripping the wheels to shreds no matter what they were made of.  Others try to tail, but he's going fast, even for him. 
"Hold this!" Aquaman yells, and joins the battle, positioned behind Batman. 
I give a cry of excitement. "I'm driving a Batcycle!" I breathe. I turn around to watch the mix up. Water might be Aquaman's thing, but he can fight, leaving Lex's soldiers to either face off against him or swerve around and avoid him. Batman keeps moving forward as he chases the metal guy. Where is he going?
Aquaman looks past me and frowns. He fights his way to me, and gets on the front of the cycle again. 
"Kal!" Isis cries.
I look up and see Superman and Sethos fighting, exchanging blows and rolling in the air. It looks like Deathstroke could try to join the fray. That looks like a jetpack he's got on his back!
Suddenly out of nowhere I see a woman appear. I swallow hard, realizing she teleported.
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"Circe!" Wonder Woman cries out angrily. Apparently they have a past.
"Yes, bring my weapons!" Circe smiles, goading her.
Wonder Woman gets ready to fly off her cycle when Cheetah knocks her off her bike. 
Super speed? That'd be me. I never fought before, but maybe a little shove. 
"Do it." 
I look at Aquaman. Evidently he saw me thinking about it.
"You got this." 
I jump off the bike and go into a full out run. I see Red Rock State Park ahead...but it's not the only thing red. That's fire! I give Cheetah a shove and she cries out in outrage. Wonder Woman gives a nod of thanks as Cheetah gets up to run, but now I am on her heels.
"Circe!"  Cheetah yells.  "A little help?!" 
Circe teleports into my path. "Rat, rabbit or snake?" She summons her magic.
Suddenly I am enveloped in green and moved quickly as Circe's power lands on one of their own soldiers, turning him into a....a rabbit?!
Circe lets out a scream of outrage and aims for Green Lantern, only to be thwarted by Isis.  She flies in the path of the magic, which has no effect on her. Floating just above the ground and off guard, she is attacked by Cheetah from behind. 
"Hey, watch where you're goin'!"  Cheetah tries to take the staff away from Isis but Wonder Woman uses her lasso like a whip and sends Cheetah packing.  "GO!"
Isis takes to the skies and starts heading for Sedona, but up ahead I see red, and not red rock. It's fire! She pushes forward, and we see Firefly, standing with her hand on her hip and admiring her own work.
"She's mine," Aquaman growls. "Vic, give me a lift!" 
The Flying Fox flies low and takes Aquaman, cycle and all over the flames. I close in on Cheetah, and grab her.
"I didn't-know-you cared!" Cheetah grunts, throwing me over her shoulder. I land quickly and turn, holding her from behind, and spin with her....really spin with her. I hear her scream but I hold on tight, and even though she is strong, the dizziness is messing with her senses. I hear her groan and smile. If she ate lunch this could be bad. Hearing the sound that tells me she may puke, I let her go and run circles around her. She collapses against the walls of the hole I made for her.
"Just sleep it off, okay? It's better this way." I take off, now with the idea of running a trench that stops what is left of the army from advancing.   Green Lantern comes and powers them toward the deep trench and they can't get away from the ship. After they fall in, I run to the Fox, which has returned from dropping  Aquaman up ahead. I see the hatch open and run inside to join Cyborg in the cockpit for the perfect view.
Circe and Wonder Woman are still fighting. Wonder Woman thwarts her magic with the shield, sword and her gauntlets.  Circe is teleporting around her to try to find a blind spot but Wonder Woman has great senses. Finally Wonder Woman hits her with a shield, drawing blood and sending her rolling. Wonder Woman unhooks her lasso and just as she gets within arm's reach, Circe disappears. 
The Flying Fox picks up another passenger. 
"Damn," Wonder Woman seethes. "I haven't seen the last of her. Victor, keep infrared and scanner open, please." 
Cyborg nods and we all stand looking at the window, mouths agape at the sight of a wall of water extinguishing the wall of flame with Aquaman on the bike turned jetski and returning from whence it came. Firefly stands completely drenched, and we watch Aquaman yank her fire weapon away from her and stride toward the cycle.
"Aquaman?" Cyborg says into the comm.
"All good, brother, gonna patrol the river, make sure there are no troublemakers that way."
"We'll sweep for anymore of Luthor's men," Wonder Woman says. "See you at the temple." 
I look ahead and see Deathstroke and Batman abandon their bikes and take to the air. Do they know each other that well? I wish I had the guts to ask.
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skiller0dani · 3 years
Old Prison Blues | Spencer Reid
M A S T E R L I S T Criminal Minds Masterlist
smut | dom!spencer x bau!reader requests info w.c | 7.2k summary | when your husband Spencer gets released from Prison, he's much different then you remember.
I have it so bad for this man, enjoy! Also guys this piece made butterflies squirm in my belly lmao this one is so HOT it made me blush. Guys, it made me B L U S H. I need to go dunk myself in holy water to atone for this SIN. (just kidding lmao I'm agnostic).
you can see his bulge in this gif and I can't stop admiring looking at it.
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When you were in college you'd been an undergraduate in Criminal Justice, so you were familiar with the effects Prison has on the psyche. In other words, you knew Spencer would come back different. No person could pass through Prison unscathed and frankly you'd be more concerned if he came back and nothing had changed at all. At home, he seemed to be relatively okay, and those 6 mandatory weeks of break had allowed him the rest he deserved. Nothing exciting had happened during those weeks, the only thing you did was curl up on the couch next to him and watch movies. You'd made up for all those weeks in Prison during the evenings when you would cling to him and cry out his name in ecstasy.
Spencer really did seem to be fine, until you returned to work. That's when you started to see all the ways Prison had hardened him.
At first, it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. If you were someone who knew Spencer well then you knew that he wasn't a man who was confident in his looks. When you and Spencer first got married he was insecure, and would be discouraged when you hung out with other guys. You wouldn't say he was jealous because jealously in itself requires a certain amount of anger. But when Spencer saw you around other men he wasn't angry, he was sad. Absolutely convinced you were going to leave him any second, despite you telling him you married him because you love him. Deep down, he always thought somebody would steal you from him even though you consistently reminded him how much you love him. That's just the kind of guy Spencer is.
Or, was.
The darkness that brews in Prison, the violent hatred, the anger seems to have followed Spencer to freedom. It has made a home in his chest, and while you're not worried about Spencer flying off the deep end and shooting an innocent, the anger reveals itself in much more subtle ways. It's in the way he clenches his jaw when he can't figure something out, or the blanching of his knuckles as he grips the steering wheel with a crushing force, it's the agitation in his eyes when he watches Alvez's knuckles brush against your lower back for the 3rd time since you two had arrived at the office this morning. The anger has adapted to civilian life like Spencer has, it's learned. It's subtle. Unfortunately you know Spencer almost better then he knows himself, you can tell when something is bothering him.
You slide your hands over his shoulders, and much to your surprise you feel him tense.
"You okay?" You know it's a stupid question, but you have to ask.
"Yeah, fine." Spencer's tone is clipped, shoulders rigid, back straight. Something is definitely bothering him. You squeeze his shoulders and begin to work at the tightened muscles, slowly easing them to relax. The tension flows out of him as he relaxes back in his desk chair, the frustration ebbing away slightly when his eyes catch your wedding ring. The object that binds you to him.
"Don't shut me out." You whisper, a soft plea in your voice. Spencer's heart wretches when he hears the fear in your tone, and one of his hands comes up to catch yours. He presses a chaste kiss to one of your knuckles before swiveling around to face you. You always find a way to soothe the violent, raging beast inside of him. Spencer's hands find your hips as he turns his gaze up to look at you.
"You're right I'm sorry. Just tense today." He says softly, and while there is a little lie to his words, his statement remains mostly the truth. He just leaves out the part where he pictures enacting varying forms of violence on Luke Alvez. The man who keeps unnecessarily touching his wife. You lean down to press a kiss to his forehead, your head snapping up when Garcia calls from the conference room.
"Got a case folks, and it's an ugly one." Her nose scrunches up into a frown before she turns into the room. You pull away from Spencer, yanking him to his feet by his hand. Luke sends you a playful wink as he trots up the stairs, and while you don't necessarily react to it, it still puts Spencer on edge. Deep down Spencer always knew you were way out of his league, but that never became clearer then when you came to visit him in Prison.
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You were trembling as you lowered yourself into the chair. Dried tears were on your cheeks, and you haven't even seen Spencer yet. The last time you saw him was a few weeks prior after he first got back from Mexico. Seeing his wrists bound in those metal handcuffs had broken your heart in a way you never anticipated. You wrung your hands together, luckily when Penelope had made the visitation Chart she scheduled you as the first person to come see him. The plastic chair was uncomfortable, but what was worse was the plastic guard separating you from Spencer. The clock ticked loudly, it was clearly mocking you. Reminding you of the seconds you were losing with Spencer, reminding you of all the seconds he was spending in Prison.
When you hear the buzzer scream loudly, you nearly come out of your seat you're so excited to see him. You and Spencer got married back in 2005, and you've never been separated from him for longer then a week. It's been over a month now, and each day he's not with you leaves a bigger hole in your chest. You watch him follow the other prisoners out, and the handcuffs around his wrists breaks your heart. His eyes light up the second he sees you, he nearly shoves the other guy over to get to you faster. There are tears in your eyes as Spencer's wrists are released from the cuffs from the guard standing nearby.
"Hey baby." Spencer says softly as he takes his seat across from you. All you want is to reach across the stupid barrier and touch him, hold his hand, anything. But you know the guards will punish him if he does, but being this close to him without being able to hold him is absolutely killing you. You try to blink the tears out of your eyes so that Spencer won't see, but it's all too much. Seeing him in a jumpsuit, with cuff bruises around his wrists, having to sleep in the same building as murderers. The first tear falls and you immediately look away from him.
"Please don't cry." Spencer begs softly. "I'm okay, really."
You wipe your tears before you look back up at him, digging around in your bag for a gift from Henry. You smile when you see the happiness cross onto his face as you pull the piece of paper out.
"Henry drew this for you, it's from when you guys went to the park." You hold it up for him to see and you try to fight another onslaught of tears when you see his eyes misting.
"You know, when I get out of here we should have one." Spencer says it so casually, you almost miss it. Your eyes nearly pop out of your head as you carefully lower the drawing.
"You want to try for a baby?" You can't hide the smile, and you see Spencer's eyes shine for the first time since he's been in here.
"Yeah, I want to have a baby with you." You and Spencer had a brief conversation about kids a few years ago, and you knew Spencer wasn't ready for it back then. His Father ran out on him and Diana when Spencer was just a kid, it made Spencer insecure about the type of Father he would end up being. In Spencer's mind, a fatherless man would never make a good Father. But it seems he's changed his mind. You had no issues agreeing to wait before you had kids until he was ready, you always knew Spencer would be a fantastic Father.
Suddenly from Spencer's right you hear a low wolf whistle. The tenderness that was on Spencer's face is instantly wiped away. His expression tenses, his jaw clenching as he turns his gaze to a large burly looking man covered in tattoos. The man sitting across from him, the one who was visiting, looked similar. Both of the biker looking men were eyeing me hungrily, it made my skin crawl.
"Something I can help you with?" Spencer asks, his voice tense. The tension in the room grows tenfold, and you fight the instinct to try and scoot closer to Spencer. The Biker looks Spencer in the eyes, a taunting smile on his face.
"That your sister?"
"Wife." Spencer snaps instantly.
"Your wife?" The Biker says incrediously, Spencer raises a brow, daring him to continue. "There's no way a woman with an ass that tight would marry a man as scrawny as you."
You expected to see insecurity flash in Spencer's eyes, instead all you saw was rage. Unbridled, violent rage.
"Choose your next words carefully." Spencer's voice was low, and as sharp as the edge of a blade. You almost didn't recognize him. The Biker leaned forward, fueled only by the knowledge that he was getting under Spencer's skin.
"She as tight as she looks? If I wasn't locked up, I'd fuck her so good she wouldn't even remember what your little pecker feels like."
Spencer's jaw clenches, and his fists curl tightly. The Biker is about 2 words away from a broken nose.
"Baby just let it go." You plead, and normally you don't really use pet names in public but right now you needed to show him that you're his.
"I'll tell you what Klein, I'll fuck her for you and tell you how it felt." The other man says, the man visiting. Upon hearing the words come out of his mouth, Spencer is shoving up from the chair but almost instantly a guard is tightly gripping Spencer's shirt and shoving him back into the chair. Spencer is fuming, and there's nothing you can do to calm him down.
"If you so much as lay a finger on her, your friend here will be dead before you can have another visit." Spencer hisses, and the two large men chuckle.
Spencer instantly took you off the visitors list, and while that felt like a blow to your heart you understood why. You didn't want to stress him out by visiting him.
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So, yeah, Spencer knew you were out of his league and when Luke pulled your chair out for you at the table before he had the chance to, it made his blood boil. Why is Luke trying to take care of you? Doesn't he know that Spencer has been released from Prison? You don't need anybody else to take care of you, your husband is more than capable of doing it himself. When Spencer sat down in the chair next to you, he rested one hand on your thigh. You're only slightly surprised, normally Spencer isn't this 'handsy' in public, but in recent weeks he's been more assertive around other men.
"The body of 23 year old Cassandra Richardson was found 2 weeks ago in Lincoln, Nebraska. Her body was mutilated and showed signs of sexual assault. Yesterday another body, 20 year old Francesca Williams was found around the same warehouse district with similar wounds to the first victim." Penelope rushes the words out, almost as though saying them pains her. Various images show on the screen of the two victims, both bloodied and battered.
"Other than similar injuries, what makes the local police think it's the same unsub?" Luke asks, his eyes flickering towards you for the briefest second. While Spencer was locked away, Luke became a shoulder to cry on. Normally when you were upset and Spencer wasn't around, you'd talk to Derek. But since he's been gone you've felt more isolated then you normally do. Luke had found you crying one morning before you had taken off, and ever since he's had an "older brother" protection over you.
"A tattoo on both of the victims thighs, the words 'temerata virginem' which is Latin for 'desecrated virgin'." With the click of a button on her remote, Penelope pulls up a photo of the tattoos. The lines are shaky, although they stay mostly straight.
"It almost looks professional, except the lines aren't perfectly straight. A professional would make the line work perfect." JJ says, examining the photo closer in the folder each of you received. You turn your gaze to Spencer when you feel his hand leave your thigh to examine the photo closer. You could practically see the gears turning in that beautiful mind of his.
"It's possible an outside source is causing a tremble in the unsubs hands, if he is a professional tattoo artist." Spencer mumbles, almost to himself. Sometimes when he's in deep concentration, he nearly forgets other people are in the room with him.
"Could be drugs-" Luke starts but is sharply cut off.
"Actually it's more likely to be alcohol, withdraw from other drugs would be too severe to operate the tattoo machine." Spencer snaps, causing a few heads to turn and look at him. Maybe under other circumstances someone would say something to him, but since Spencer got released from Prison only a few weeks ago, nobody says anything. Luke's eyebrows furrow together as he shoots Spencer a confused look, one Spencer chooses to ignore as his hand returns to your thigh. Spencer knows he's acting like a jerk but he can't help it, Luke needs to know who you belong to. Spencer had everything taken from him in Prison, he won't let anyone take you from him too.
"We've been personally asked by the local police to assist, so wheels up in 30." Emily concludes, shooting one more look at Spencer before everybody rises.
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The tension on the jet is thick, you're absolutely sure everybody can feel it. Hardly anyone has interacted with Spencer, except to ask him a question about the case. You sit back against the couch, Luke sitting in one of the chairs at the table, and Spencer sitting on the arm of the chair next to you. In your hand was a nearly empty cup of coffee, and just as you move to refill, Luke rises with his own empty cup.
"Need a refill?" He asks, offering you a friendly smile.
"Yeah actually-"
"I got it." Spencer says abruptly, standing from where he was sitting. His eyes meet Luke's, silently challenging him. You try to be understanding, but you can't help but feel annoyed at Spencer. If he was acting like this to some random guy then that's one thing, but this is Luke. He's your friend, he's Spencer's friend. Luke, and the rest of the team, put everything on the line to free Spencer from Prison.
"It's cool man, I can do it-" Luke offers again, but Spencer isn't having it.
"I said I got it." Spencer reaches his hand out for your mug, which you instantly give to him. His eyes don't leave Luke's until he turns around and heads to the back of the jet to refill your coffee. Luke pauses for a few seconds, his eyes meeting yours and mirroring the same look of concern before he heads for the coffee pot as well. Luke isn't even upset by how Spencer is treating him, he- like everyone else, is worried about Spencer's psyche.
"What is going on with Spencer?" JJ whispers once she's sure Spencer is out of earshot. You shrug, your worried eyes landing on your husband. His posture is tense, almost defensive.
"Well can you blame him? In Prison, everything that's yours can and will be stolen by the other male inmates. Now that he's free, Spencer is being protective of his wife, someone that is his and can be taken by other men." Rossi says, always naturally a tad protective of Spencer.
"There isn't a man on this planet that would make me leave Spencer." You say defensively, although you know Rossi didn't mean anything by what he said.
"That might be obvious to you, but not to Spencer." JJ says, eyeing Spencer standing back near the coffee machine.
"Doing okay man?" Luke asks hesitantly as he moves to stand next to Spencer.
"Yep." Spencer says shortly, waiting for the pot to brew. Luke feels the tension rolling off Spencer in waves, and it's all being directed at him and he's not sure why.
"Look, if I've done something to upset you, just talk to me about it Reid." Luke's voice is gentle, understanding. Spencer's jaw clenches again as the pot finishes brewing and he refreshes your cup before reaching for the creamer.
"I'm fine Alvez. Really." Spencer says again, but Luke isn't willing to let this go yet.
"No Reid, you're not-"
"Stop flirting with my wife." Spencer's tone is firm, and the look in his eyes tells Luke just how on edge Spencer is.
"You got it." Luke agrees instantly, even though he was never flirting with you. But he knows that right now arguing with Spencer will only make things worse. Seemingly satisfied with Luke's answer, Spencer carries your cup back you, slinging an arm around you.
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Spencer twists his wedding ring around his ring finger, something he does when he's stressed out or tense. You're currently sat in the interrogation room with the male suspect, a tattoo artist attending AA meetings, the tattoo on the first victim was the shakiest because he had just quit drinking. The other, more recent, victims tattoo's were more steady. The longer he stayed sober, the more his trembling faded. In Spencer's other palm is your wedding ring, you fit the physical preference of this killer perfectly, but he only went after single women. Emily thought sending somebody in fitting his victimology would throw him off enough to say something incriminating. In order for the rouse to work, you needed to appear single- meaning the wedding ring had to come off. The thought didn't settle well in Spencer's gut.
"You have to relax." JJ said suddenly from Spencer's right. He nearly ignored her but his frayed nerves were beginning to eat at him.
"I can't. Do you see the way he's looking at her?" Spencer was pacing back and forth in front of the one way glass like a caged animal, unable to take his eyes off of the train wreck happening in front of him.
"She can handle herself Spence." JJ insists gently, almost using a motherly tone to talk to him.
"She's mine!" And suddenly the crux of the issue comes to light, and Spencer pinches the bridge of his nose, releasing a heavy breath. JJ thinks about her words carefully, trying to find something to say that will calm him at least a little.
"Yeah, and nothing is going to change that Spencer. You need to relax, and you have to trust her. You're not in Prison anymore, nobody is going to take her from you." JJ says, looking him in the eyes. Suddenly the sound of metal screeching across a concrete floor sounds from behind Spencer and when he turns around, his blood boils hot in his veins. The suspect, Alan Baker, has shoved out of his chair and has started towards you.
"Spencer-" JJ's voice is distant, and comes too late. Spencer isn't listening to her anymore when his fist curls around the door handle and he nearly rips it off its hinges.
"You need to step back." Spencer snaps, reaching for his gun as Alan Baker backs you into the corner of the interrogation room. You weren't ever truly afraid, you could have handled Alan. Slowly, Alan backs away from you and Spencer instantly reaches for you. He leads you out of the room with a gentle but firm hand on your back. Once you're out of the interrogation room you turn to Spencer.
"What the hell? I could have dealt with him!" You insist, frustration laced in your tone. At this point JJ silently slips out of the room, giving you and Spencer some much needed privacy. Spencer crosses his arms as he leans back against the one way mirror.
"You didn't need to, I did." Spencer huffs and you seriously resist the urge to throw something at him.
"What is your problem today? You could have compromised my entire interrogation, he's never going to tell me anything now!" You snap, anger pinching at your features.
"Good! Now you have no reason to talk to him again." Spencer snaps back, can't you see that he's just protecting what's his?
"Spencer we're trying to save somebody! You're being selfish!" You say to him angrily, trying your best not to start yelling at him. Spencer's selfish possessiveness over you could have just ruined your entire investigation.
"This is why the Bureau was hesitant to reinstate you. They were scared you wouldn't be able to control yourself." You snap at him, crossing your arms.
"Are you saying they made a mistake?" Spencer asks incrediously, suddenly becoming defensive.
"Maybe they did. Because you're acting like an asshole right now. You've been a jerk to Luke the entire day when he busted his ass to help get you out of Prison and back to me! Since when have you not trusted me during an interrogation? What did you think was going to happen? That I was going to let him touch me? I thought you trusted me." You cry out, tears filling your eyes now. Spencer didn't say anything as you turned for the door, anger still laced in his features.
"This has nothing to do with me not trusting you-"
"If you don't trust me, then maybe you should just hold onto my wedding ring for a while. I don't want it." You snap quietly, and you regret the words the second they leave your lips. No matter how mad he makes you, you'd never leave Spencer. You watch Spencer's expression shift from anger to...hurt. He watches silently as you slam the door behind you. Prison has turned him into somebody he isn't, and Spencer doesn't know how to turn off this part of his brain. The part telling him that you belong to him, and that he needs to protect what's his.
Rossi catches the sight of your tear stained cheeks as you move back towards the kitchen in the precinct. You wipe your tears as he comes to stand beside you, and the look on his face tells you that he overheard your fight with Spencer. Rossi bumps you with his elbow gently, a small smile on his face.
"You don't look okay." He says softly and you let out a self-depreciating laugh.
"I'm not. I don't know how to help Spencer, he doesn't trust me." You say sadly, your heart breaking in your chest.
"It's not you he doesn't trust, it's other men." Rossi clarifies, although it does little to ease the pain. You reach up to brush your hair behind your ear when Rossi catches your hand, examining your ring finger.
"Where's your wedding ring?"
"Told Spencer I didn't want it." The words are laced with heavy regret, and when you remember the look on his face when you said it you almost start to cry again. Rossi wraps an arm around you, and you lean your head on his shoulder.
"Deep down, he knows you didn't mean it." He tries to reassure you.
"That's the problem, he probably thinks I meant it."
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Normally it only takes you and Spencer a few hours to smooth things over after a fight. But this time, it's been nearly 3 hours and you haven't spoken a word to each other. You're both working on searching through Alan Baker's financial records without speaking at all. Neither of you have said anything, and Spencer still has your wedding ring. You desperately want it back, but you don't know how to start that conversation. You're angry about how he's been treating everybody, and you feel like asking for your ring is accepting defeat. You're not ready to accept defeat. When Emily comes into the room, her eyes settle on the two of you.
"Okay, what's going on with you guys?" Her arms are crossed.
"Nothing." The word comes from both yours and Spencer's mouths at the same time, and you say it far too quickly. Emily raises one brow at the two of you before closing the door behind her.
"Alright I'm going to have to be a boss now. We are not going to lock this guy away if the two of you are fighting. We need everybody on their A-game. Fix it. Now, and I mean right now." She says, leaving the room but closing the door behind her. There's a suffocating silence that fills the room, both you and Spencer too stubborn to speak first. But you can't take it, you hate it when he's mad at you. You hate it when you guys fight, which isn't often but it does happen occasionally.
"I didn't mean it." You whisper, leaning on the table, facing away from him. Spencer doesn't say anything but you know he's listening.
"I didn't mean it Spencer, I want my ring." He'd be lying if he said he wasn't relieved to hear you say that, his entire world crashed down around him the second you told him to keep the ring. The irrational part of his brain told him you were going to divorce him.
"Can I please have it back?" You ask, barely turning your head to look at him. With a huff Spencer pushes away from the table to move in front of you. His eyes are focused on your hand, he has yet to look at you. Spencer fishes around in his pocket before he finds your ring and gently slides it onto your ring finger.
"You have to stop glaring at any man that gets to close to me, especially Luke." You tell him, but he continues to look away from you. Spencer pushes past you to stand near the windows, his back facing you. The thing about Spencer is that he's stubborn, really stubborn. You take a few steps towards him, nibbling on your lower lip.
"I love you Spencer, I'm sorry. I was an ass, but you acted like an ass too." You tell him, but Spencer only turns his head further away from you. You move to stand in front of him, but his eyes turn to the ground and his arms are crossed tightly. Seriously?
"Please talk to me Spencer, tell me what's going on." You can see the frustration laced in his features, there's something on the tip of his tongue that he needs to say.
"After you left from your visit, do you know why I didn't let you come back?" Spencer snaps, his hands finding your shoulders to yank your body against his. Your chest collides with his and suddenly you feel a dampness building between your legs. You instantly turn to putty in his hands.
"I didn't let you come back because that asshole told everybody about you. Told everybody what a tight little body you have. Soon the entire cell block was fantasizing about my 'sexy wife'. Do you have any idea what it's like to listen to men constantly talk about fucking your wife?" Spencer's voice is tense, but you can see it. The lust building behind his eyes, the frustration, and the fear of losing you simmering underneath it all.
"N-No." Your voice is breathy, and your eyes are lidded as Spencer's hands slide up your arms to your shoulders.
"It's fucking hell Y/N. Every time I see any man look at you I want to rip his eyes out, and I can't turn it off. I've tried, and the way that Alvez looks at you- it drives me fucking crazy." Spencer snaps, the anger building by the second. Your entire body begins to hum with an intense need, and Spencer can see it in your eyes. Spencer releases you then and he turns for the door, at first you're afraid he's going to leave but instead he locks the door. Luckily it's late, so the police station is more deserted then it is during the day. Turning back to you, Spencer reaches for the blinds next and you can't help but follow his every movement with your eyes.
"Get on your knees." Spencer says suddenly, and you freeze in shock. Did he just say...?
"Get. On. Your. Knees." Spencer says again through clenched teeth, leaning back against the table, heat simmering in his eyes. His hands grip the edge of the table and you feel a throb from between your legs. Quickly you scramble onto your knees in front of him, your hands reaching up to undo his belt. Once the belt is unfastened, you're quickly unbuttoning his dress slacks, your eagerness making your hands a bit clumsy. Spencer has never been this dominant during sex, but you have no complaints. He has your knees weak and he hasn't even touched you. You quickly dip your hand into his boxers to pull his hardening cock out. As soon as his cock is freed, your lips are wrapping around the head. Spencer's head tosses back in ecstasy.
"Your lips look so pretty stretched around my cock. Those bastards could only imagine having you on your knees for them." Spencer snaps, his hand weaving into the hair at the back of your head. You moan softly around him at his crude words, slowly sliding down his cock. Spencer groans when he feels your tongue laving the underside of his cock, along the vein that runs from base to tip. Apparently feeling impatient, Spencer pushes your head further down his cock. He feels his tip right at the entrance of your throat, and with one gentle thrust he breaches your throat and his cock slides all the way into your mouth.
"Fuck," Spencer hisses, and Spencer does not curse often. So the fact that you have been able to draw curses from his mouth is nothing short of a miracle. Spencer's chest heaves slightly as you gag lightly around him, drawing another deep groan from his chest. You feel nearly desperate to please him, you need to make him cum. You want him to fucking pound you, you want him to use your body for his pleasure. You want him to release all of his frustration out on you, you want to be sore when he's done.
"You're mine. This is my body to touch and admire, my tight pussy to stretch open, mine." Spencer growls, thrusting gently to meet your hasty movements. You whimper around his cock, gagging slightly again as spit dribbles down your chin. Your eyes are wide and watery as you look up at him, and the sight of you nearly causes him to blow his load. You just look so fucking beautiful on your knees in front of him, drool on your chin and your mouth full of cock. It's a sight he will never forget. You move your head faster, keeping your eyes locked on his. Spencer squeezes the edge of the table, his head tossing back when his orgasm hits him. You feel his cum shooting in spurts to the back of your throat and you swallow every drop. Once you pull off him, Spencer is grabbing your elbows to pull you to stand.
Spencer's hands are reaching for the button of your dress slacks as his mouth presses messily to yours. Spencer's tongue pushes into your mouth, his hands pushing your pants down and you kick them off. Instantly, Spencer's fingers are sliding into your panties and through your slick folds. You whine loudly against his mouth, your eyes fluttering shut as his palm roughly cradles the back of your head.
"Need to make sure you know who you belong to." Spencer snaps as he pulls away from you, quickly pushing two long fingers into your dripping hole. You cry out before Spencer is slapping a hand over your mouth, your back pressed against the wall. Spencer's slender frame is leaning against you, effectively trapping you against the wall and his body. Your eyes are rolling when Spencer's finger crook inside of you while roughly thrusting into you.
"Gotta be quiet, wouldn't want Luke to catch us now would we?" Spencer breathes in the shell of your ear, sending goosebumps spreading over your skin. You are completely at Spencer's mercy and you wouldn't have it any other way. The pleasure shooting through you goes rocketing up your spine when Spencer scissors his fingers inside of you. You're mumbling incoherently against his palm, desperate pleas not to stop, to please let you cum. Your entire body is flushed, and you feel sweat on your skin like a sheen layer over you. Spencer feels you begin to squeeze around his fingers and he replaces his palm with his mouth, swallowing all of your moans and desperate cries.
Your back is arching as your high approaches, and you climb higher and higher to meet it. Spencer never lets up, his fingers steadily pumping into you and his lips muffling all of your cries of pleasure. The sounds you make are music to his ears, they tell him that you will always be his, no matter what childish fears he has. Your hands come up to unbutton the buttons on Spencer's dress shirt, you need to feel more of him. Before you can finish undressing your husband, his fingers nudge your cervix and you instantly clamp around his fingers, your body convulsing.
"You look so beautiful when you cum." Spencer praises, his cock rock hard again. He needs to be inside of you as soon as humanely possible. Spencer pulls away from you to grasp the base of his cock, no need to bother with protection. The two of you already agreed that you want to try for a baby anyway.
"Please baby, please get inside me. How could you think I'd ever leave you? I love you, and nobody could make me cum like you can." You moan desperately, turning to bend over the table. Spencer's hand runs up your spine, enjoying the way you wriggle your hips in search of his cock. There are butterflies squirming in your stomach as you spread your legs apart wider for him, but he still doesn't bring his cock closer to you.
"Oh c'mon Spence don't do this please. Baby, fuck me." You plead, nearly sobbing as you shamlessly beg. He presses his tip against your soaked entrance and you whine. You hear fabric rustling around and you turn your head just in time to see him pull his tie from around his neck.
"I needed to hear you beg for me, and this is to keep you quiet. As much as I love the sounds you make when I'm inside you, I can't let anyone else hear you." Spencer says, his voice low and rumbling from his chest. You open your mouth to let him tie the silk fabric in your mouth. You try to whimper but you gag around the tie in your mouth, and you see a pleased smile cross onto Spencer's face. Your fingers grasp at the edge of the table as you impatiently wait for Spencer to push into you. You feel his glorious cock nestled at your entrance, the tip barely nudging in. You feel another wave of slick gush out of you and Spencer is running his tip through your already drenched folds. Such a tease.
You whine softly, trying to push back against him. Spencer chuckles darkly before his hands grasp your hips to hold you steady. With one firm thrust, Spencer is breaching your folds and sliding deep inside you. You feel heat searing through you, your head dropping to the table as you whimper through the burn. The stretch burns more then you anticipated, and you hear Spencer groaning softly, which sends another wave of liquid heat rushing through you.
"God you feel so good baby, you take my cock so fucking well." Spencer praises, gently pulling out to slowly thrust back in. His eyes are locked on the place where you two connect, watching with hooded eyes as his cock disappears inside you.
"I wish you could see this baby, I love watching you take my cock." He praises through a soft moan, and you drink up every sound he makes. Spencer needed this so bad and you love the fact that you can give him a type of relief nobody else on the planet can give him. Spencer steadily thrusts into you when you both hear footsteps slowly passing outside the room. You expect Spencer to stop, to pull out of you and start redressing but he doesn't. He slows his pace considerably, but he still slowly thrusts into you.
"Shh, I would hate for whoever that is to see my cock buried in your pretty pussy." Spencer whispers as he leans forward to whisper in your ear. You struggle to contain the whimpers, but somehow you remain completely silent as Spencer gently thrusts into you. Once whoever it is passes by, Spencer resumes his quicker thrusts. His pelvis hits your ass with enough force to send you lurching across the table and your fingers scramble to find purchase against the smooth surface.
"This is my pussy, you're my wife, you're mine. Not Luke's, not that dick from the Prison. Mine." Spencer says, punctuating the words with a sharp thrust into you. You wished you could answer him, that you could cry to the heavens that you belong to Spencer Reid- that you never want to belong to anybody else. You settle for squeezing his cock whenever it returns to your velvety warmth, chanting the same word in your head over and over.
Yours yours yours yours yours.
Your forehead presses against the table, muffled and strangled cries escaping your lips every time Spencer hits deep inside you. His cock stretches you perfectly, and always hits places deep inside you. Places you didn't know existed. Soon you feel your orgasm creeping up on you, and you feel lightheaded so you reach up to yank the tie away from your mouth.
"Please make me cum Spence, I'm so close baby please don't stop." You beg, muffling your moans with your palm as he drives his cock into you. You feel sweat covering your entire body and Spencer holds your hips with a bruising force. You feel that coil winding tighter and tighter, and you release a high pitched whine when Spencer's hand snakes around your body to thumb your clit.
"Oh Spencer your cock feels so good, soo good baby. Always feels so good, fuck baby I love you," You're not sure what you're saying at this point, an incoherent mess of praises for the man above you. Spencer loves when he reduces you to this, speaking in a jumble of words and disconnected statements because you can't think with his cock inside you.
"I, shit, I love you-" Spencer gasps, slamming his cock inside you and rolling your clit before you're squeezing around him tightly, your mouth falling open in a silent scream. You cum in hot gushes around him and Spencer can only offer a few more stuttering thrusts before he's cumming with a loud growl, coating your walls in his hot cum. Spencer keeps his cock inside you, ensuring his cum stays inside you. He wants to get you pregnant. His palms gently hold your hips, and all the frustration he's felt all day has completely disappeared. His chest is heaving from the exertion but he feels more relaxed then he has all day. There's a smile on your face and your eyes are closed as your legs finally give out and you collapse against the table.
"You okay?" You hear Spencer's voice, and you can't help but smile when you hear that he's panting slightly. You hum with a smile on your face.
"I'm amazing." You mumble back, feeling Spencer begin to gently massage your back. You love enjoying the afterglow with him, even if you're laying on a table. Slowly Spencer pulls out, but he groans softly when he sees his cum inside your pussy. He reaches to the floor to pull your panties and dress slacks back up your legs and he quickly tucks himself back into his pants. He buttons the 4 buttons you managed to open on his shirt before he's gently pulling you to stand.
"You sure you're alright?" Spencer asks, concern in his eyes. You nod with a smile, but when he releases his hold on your shoulders, you feel your legs tremble and give out underneath you. Spencer immediately catches you and sets you down on the table. You laugh softly.
"Guess you fucked me good."
"Sorry." Spencer says sheepishly, but you press a chaste kiss to his lips.
"Don't be, that had to have been the best sex we've had in a long time." You mumble against his lips and Spencer hums in agreement. Reaching for his tie, Spencer shoves it in his pocket before he pokes his head out of the room you guys just defiled.
"Spencer, I'm so sorry about what I said. I love you so much, I didn't mean what I said about my ring-" You blubber suddenly, drawing Spencer's attention to you. He cradles your head against his chest, pressing kisses to your forehead.
"I know baby, it's okay. I love you." Spencer answers quietly, holding you to him tightly.
"I'm sorry I was a jerk today. I'm just so protective of you. I can't let anything steal you from me." Spencer admits softly and you cup his cheeks to make him look at you. There is a sadness in his eyes that you want to obliterate, you can't stand it when he's sad. It breaks your heart.
"Nothing could steal me from you. I only want you Spencer." You say quietly and you see tears misting his eyes. He presses his lips desperately against yours, and you feel tears cascading down yours and his cheeks. The kiss is wet, but it's passionate and you throw every ounce of love you have for this man into it. When you and Spencer part, your foreheads are pressed together.
"Hey Spence? How am I gonna get to the hotel. I can't walk." You say softly with a giggle and Spencer smiles mischievously.
"I guess I'll have to carry you." He scoops you bridal style into his arms then and you blush deeply when he carries you out of the room and towards the front entrance.
"Spencer! Everybody is going to know!" You whisper into his ear and he chuckles.
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shellshockedgay · 3 years
Mikey Fluff w/ Shy M!S/O
A/N: I'm sticking with male reader since it wasn't specified and it works with Leo's. I used to be kinda quiet as a kid and I also have adhd, so please excuse the absolute bullshit this is, I'm sorry.
Leo's Outgoing S/O
Donnie's Sassy Crackhead S/O
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Wanna talk about DYNAMICS.
Like, he loves to lay on you. He's so tiny, let him do it. He's only 4'10 I-
Like the others, when he has a crush, he can not stop talking about you, but it's literally constant.
"(Y/n) really likes this movie, we should wait to see it." "Jeez, Mikey." "Look, if you like him so much, just marry the guy." "..... I CAN DO THAT?!"
Immediately runs off to plan your wedding.
Literally eats the paper after to keep it safe and to make sure you don't see it.
The guys let out a collective sigh of relief when you two start dating, but the sigh turns into a scream because he somehow talks about you MORE.
Makes up words to describe you in nice ways.
Yes, he is loud and fast and amazing and your soft and quiet and just as amazing and you guys balance each other out.
You somehow manage to bring his volume down?? No one knows how you do it, but they absically beg you to stay at the lair.
Oh my gosh, but sometimes he brings you up a few notches and then the true choas begins.
Dudes got ADHD, ok?
Some days he's a ball of actual energy, next few days he's just kinda like "meh, I was born into this life, I didn't choose this shit"
During those days, he lounges around more, so expect him to really cling to your side. Also, his head can get mean, so just kinda hold him.
His emotions range on the extreme side sometimes, too, so he might cry in your lap, be careful, but shell scratches always calm him down.
He won't tell you, but you just being next to him helps calm him down.
He also won't tell you he has bad nightmares and most of them involve you getting hurt in some shape or form.
If he asks for coffee? He had an especially rough night with nightmares and got maybe 20 minutes of sleep.
Anyway, if his brothers try to pick a fight with you, he's always going to defend you, especially because of your quiet nature.
Mikey will deck Raph if he has too. No one hurts his boo-bear.
Unless your quiet but have a RAGING temper, then he just sits on the side lines with popcorn and watches you verbally obliterate his bros.
Kinda just goes "OOH, GET BURNED" from the side lines and laughs. I love him. I'd die for him.
Dr. Prankenstein and his lovely assistant are here to brighten up moods so get ready to be whisked away from an angry older brother covered in orange paint.
But you guys are always doing different stuff together.
For example: you come over to hang out, but you spend the time reading a book or coloring and he's listening to music right next to you and then like 3 hours later you're like "Ok, I gotta go" and he's like "Ok, I'll walk you home" and they're like "???"
But it's so nice.
He's also really good at reading emotions so he can tell the difference between your content quietness and your sad quietness.
You guys color together and it's so cute and it's his favorite thing to do with you.
He'll go your pace tho if he begins to over whelm you.
He keeps your coloring book safe as fuck in his room, by the way. He wraps it in plastic and sets it ontop of his comic books. That's if you like to color.
If you're more of a gamer, he never plays your shared game without you. If he does, he feels terrible and apologizes like 20 times before quickly getting over it.
Is the kind of dude to clean his room to impress you and it lowkey scared his bros because they walk in and expect to trip but nah, it's really clean. New bed sheets and everything.
Is always asking for you to sleep over so he can see you in your cute pjs.
If you text him saying you had a nightmare, expect him to not respond because he's already coming over, give him 3 minutes. *taptap* he's here. Open the window.
That's probably when he confesses to be honest. Like he's holding you really tight and he's like "No one's gonna hurt you, not while I'm here" and it kinda spills out while he's comforting you or he whispers it against your forehead and leaves a soft kiss when you fall asleep.
Also, he either gets 2 hours of sleep or 12, but either way he's still a ball of energy. Please expect insomniac face times at 3:42 am.
Calls you because he loves your voice, even if it's soft and quiet.
Dumps compliments on you because it makes you blush and it only makes you cuter.
You guys come up with hand signals for if your social battery does or if your uncomfy, it's the cutest.
Has a habit of just... Holding your hand sometimes.
First kiss with you happens on accident. Mikey was dropping you off at your house and held your hands and gave you a kiss on the cheek and left like he didn't just make your entire night.
Brags about his first kiss being with you.
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This dude.
This absolute DUDE.
Oh my gosh.
Dude basically runs on solar power but it never stops.
He's always talking to you, even if you don't say alot back. He loves reading to you, talking to you- everything.
Flirty but in a cute, clumsy confident way.
Does not try to hide his crush but does get super embarrassed if he falls in front of you.
Like close to hiding in his shell kind of embarrassed.
So the guys take turns taking you home because if it was up to Mikey, he'd be gone for hours every time he went to drop you off. So when they get back, they're bombarded by Mikey asking if you mentioned him at all.
"Did he mention me?" "This garbage again?" "Raphie! It isn't garbage! I need to know!!" "*sigh*" "Did he mention my skin?? I worked extra hard to moisturize before he came over! My skin have never been this soft! Oh, what about my eyes??" "Mikey, baby bro, I love ya but please shuddup."
He's a chatter box, what can I say?
Anyway, he's good with reading people's emotions, he's just not focused on it very much.
Like he'll read the important ones: happy, sad, depressed, ect, ect. But he won't like notice if you have a crush on him.
He does, however, have a horribly written list of gifts you'd like for holidays/birthdays.
He's a huge gift giver.
Mikey'll hand you your gifts in private so you don't get all that unwanted attention on you.
He'd sweep you away from situations that end up making you uncomfortable. And I mean that. Like he'd literally sweep you away.
Like dudes got you over his shoulder and sprinting fast enough to bat Sonic the fuckin' Hedgehog.
But he sets you down gently enough to make your heart go budbudbudbudbud but quickly.
Oh my god, he's just always gentle with you.
Never, ever, ever raises his voice at you. Like he'd never yell at you. He goes struggle with volume control sometimes when he's excited, but if he's angry, he never yells at you.
And if he does want to scream he's like "excuse me, my dearest friend, for I am feeling strong amounts of rage. Let me go handle this, like a gentlemen, in the next room" and he leaves and you just hear him scream "fuCKINGFUCKWHOTHEFUCIAAAAAA"
And he comes back like nothing happened.
It's kinda scary, but ya know. Gotta get them feelings out somehow.
Superhero movie marathons 24/7.
You can tell his mood based on what he's watching!!
If he's having a slightly rough day, he watches marvel to brighten the mood (specifically Captain America or Thor Ragnorok because those are funny)
If he's having a great day, DC. Specifically the Dark Knight stuff. He loves the Joker in this and has definitely cosplayed him at least 2 times.
Mikey's the kind to keep spouting facts about what your walking all the time.
He cooks, obviously, (the others simply arne't allowed too) so he'd sit you down and make you a full fuckin' meal, right? And it's lowkey something he'd love to do. I can see him wanting to be a stay-at-home husband 🥺
His s/o works and he stays home and cleans, takes care of Klunk the sweet baby, waters the plants and makes them a hot meal and sets up their favorite things I-
I got off topic.
He's a great cook tho!!
Mikey's got so many talents: voice acting, cooking, hand-eye coordination. Dudes not the best at drawing tho. He can draw items better than people, so if he tries to draw you, please go easy on the criticism. He's trying.
He'd ask you out on a date, but it's like not that different than what you guys normally do, so he's in his apron and cooking but then he dims the lights and it's cute and he lite some candles.
He confesses to you when you guys are alone. And he's all awkward and cute and he's rubbing his hands together when they're not flailing as he talks.
And you're like "Ah yes. A cutie." because he is. Have you seen his face?
First kiss.
First kiss, oh my god.
Also on the first date. He's known you long enough at this point.
It's spontaneous as FUCK.
Like you're gushing about your favorite stuff and he's not even eating, just looking at you.
And you start apologizing for gushing but he's shaking his head and suddenly standing up, planting a hand firmly on the table.
And he just goes "Come'ere" and leans over, reaching out to cup the back if your neck and pulling you across the table and just kissing you. His hand moves down to your shoulder.
I got lost in thought, sorry.
Lowkey gets self-conscious of his green eyes sometimes. He feels like they blend in with his skin too much, but they're beautiful so.
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bemylord · 3 years
↠ toji with a virgin s/o ↞
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pairing: toji fushiguro x fem!reader.
warnings: nsfw, aged up, size kink [?], oral [fem!receiving], virgin reader, first time, lost of virginity, praising, toji calls himself daddy, grammar errors.
word counter: 3.2k
rq: I would like to request a oneshot? a hc would be appreciated too though. Toji with a virgin gf who can’t even make herself cum? Just how he would like to destroy her :)
butler's remark: (◕‿◕) hello lord, i'm back with an oneshot with toji being tremendously tender with his lover for the first time. in addition, reader is a citizen. sorry, i did it soft, bc i think toji will super-extra-super soft for the first time with his s/o, only for the first. i hope you'll like that, thanks for the request ;)
disclaimer: everything you read is purely my opinion - any detail, sketch, or event is a figment of my imagination.
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you've been an ordinary citizen and had never planned to date a sorcerer or someone close to this specialty. you ain't cowardly, merely as you were thinking you'll marry a simple man and will have kids with him, and die in one day like lovebirds.
you had never considered yourself being stuck in a relationship with a sorcerer killer.
you were overworked, virtually sleeping as were walking in the empty street, dreaming to get home as soon as possible, to feel the silk sheets against your back. the area where your office was located had little street lighting, although, you hadn't felt the anxiety of being robbed or something worse. the day went lingeringly and horrible due to the boss who declared you as a temporary deputy, piled you up with a stack of papers.
but, this is life, anything might happen. all of a sudden, you overheard something behind you but as you looked back - there was nobody, as soon as you turn your head to the starting position, you saw a young, skinny man who is holding a knife in his hand.
'hmm~ look who's here, a young, gorgeous lady..' he said with his disgusting, lewd voice, coming closer to you. 'would you mind playing with me? don't be shy or els-'
you have a perky personality, no doubt, but because of how hard the day was, you had one option - run for the hills. before you could do any movements as if hit the man or run away, something prompt hit him, like a swift meteorite that you couldn't see. a cloud of dust grew around you and the man, so you hide your face in the elbow curve, covering your mouth with another hand.
as soon as the dust had settled, in front of you opened up on the view of an adult man. he was high, had an athletic, broad-shouldered, pretty impressive figure. your savior held the blade in one hand, flopped on his back.
'he ran away like a coward. don't worry, girl, you saved, thanks to me' he laughed, he stroked himself on the shoulder, as were about to leave the dead body.
'no i'm not! i'd have protected myself on my own'
you refuted his smugness, watching as he slowly moves his torso in your way, flaunting his outlining muscles through the fabric of the black t-shirt. his complacent eyes and the sharp scar over the right side of the mouth on the edge of his lips. you took a deep breath, continuing on your path as he isn't standing there, not hadn't protected you.
'you're too weak to beat even him, if not me, you'd be-'
'i am stronger as i may look'
he giggled, in a flash stood in front of you, bending over to your face, by finger tugs your face up to look at him directly in eyes, smirked.
'are you sure, girl?'
those green, almost emerald, but cold eyes looked directly into yours as two faces were as closed as you could kiss his lips.
'i'll walk you home'
'i don't want to, and anyway, maybe you're his partner in crime, leave me alon-'
previous to you had finished your phrase, he threw your tiny body on his shoulder, leisurely walking, better say, carrying you home. you beat his back, softly reminiscent of a parody of the word 'let me go, moron, i can walk by myself'
'tch, fine, idiot,' he deliberately shrugged his shoulder to close your mouth as heard the name you had given him. 'by the way, what's your name or you prefer the name idiot?' you said sarcastically.
'for you it's toji'
as a result of your crawl and also being talkative when clearly you shouldn't be, you ended up being in a relationship with a man, who'd obviously fuck you on the first date, as it may count as a 'date', anywhere-anytime, by the way.
although you wouldn't ever say he isn't hot or sexy, conversely, you willingly allow him to breed, precisely you'd beg toji to breed you on the straightaway on the cervix, but for one thing.
you're a virgin.
hilariously - it's true. nothing bad to be in your age a virgin, but if you weren't dating toji it'd fine: his dirty jokes and lustful eyes which are maddening you insane, also his fucking athletic body which is outlining through the t-shirt or white cotton shirt [he wear it once] you thought he did it purposely: he knew your secret, undoubtedly could sniff your chaste nature as if you can emit fragrance.
on the second date, it had been nine days since you got acquainted with him, as you moved in with him. toji was exceedingly obsessed with every step of yours - he followed you from the work, in the mall or market, for your security and control every guy who'd be close to you.
although, you couldn't hide your addiction - he's a drug you should be careful with or you might be addicted as if you ain't. he isn't wearing pants in home, walking in front of you solely in underwear. he could walk from the shower in a terry towel wrapped around his torso as he buries his hands in his dark hair mess it up.
'what are you looking at, girl?'
you couldn't take your eyes off his bulging..
'you. just you. i'm gonna cook dinner, something.. special?'
'eggs, baby'
fushiguro put hands above the door frame, exhale and tensed every muscle, narrowing predatory eyes as you were the extraction he was target for. you're laying on his king size bed [lol i'm sorry i'm out], wondering is everything he has gotten measured in king size as he interupted your reflection by putting the knee on the edge of the bed.
'mine. in your pussy'
as if you're bewitched - you couldn't talk, just contemplate as he leisurely moves towards you. you couldn't contravene as he tugs your face to ogle in your absentminded eyes as you're avoiding his gaze, looking at the ceiling or door or even window. not. at. his. bulge.
your heart had stuck in your throat when toji ran his hand under his shirt, certainly, he has a kink of dominion, when he suddenly stopped. despite of your uncertainty and timid of subsequent play, you looked at his emerald eyes as he licks his lips with a tongue.
'are you sure, baby girl? i mean, it's your first time after all'
you quell your forthcoming question staring deeply into lascivious eyes, put hands on his massive shoulders. as you anticipated, his cock twitched as toji letting out a low groan in your ear, kissing your temple. you're absentmindedly running finger pads on his back, not knowing the proximity of bodies that are readiness wanted to intertwine together. not knowing how much it turns him on.
'stop me if i go crazy over your body, okay?'
as if. as if you dare would rip out his tongue off your crotch as he makes you his woman. toji left on your red cheeks quick kisses, took off the towel. you shut your eyes tight, still holding his shoulders barely squeeze them, letting out a hushed moan.
after you quelled your moan, toji touched your lips against his one, running fingers on your lower stomach to the cup of the breast without touching the hard nipple. light movements mixed with his muted groans. his pads deftly touched one areola as you emitted a sharp purr, arching your back a little as a dulcet sign for toji.
you dug your fingers into toji's back, as he put a finger on your hard nipple, holding himself as to grab your tits and clench it in his large hand.
you gasp for the air as if there was a catastrophic shortage of it due to the pressed body of toji. you responded at his deep kiss, wrapping hands around his neck, apparently begging for something more.
he pulled away from the kiss just to take off the shirt he has given you, baring your untouched by no one but him tits, leading palms onto breasts, skipping nipples between the gaps through fingers. he reached down to your lips to give a bit of warning kiss as he slightly bit your lip, kissing all the way down to your collarbone, finally leaving there manifestations of hickeys.
for how long toji has been stopped from leaving on your stunning skin his marks? it seems it has been absolutely not many days but toji, as you may see, clearly has to leave labels on your neck.
he dug his teeth into your neck, frantically wants your area to be dotted by him as a token for everyone meaning: she's taken, dude, don't mess up with her.
for how long toji has been stopped from touching your sensitive area as having been feel warmth and tenderness is emitted from your body?
toji squeezes your nipple imponderable, to make you feel some kind of power over you becoming submitted by toji fushiguro, a sorcerer killer, a man who owned you, spinning the pea between pads, making you let out whimpers.
'you drive me insane, little one,' he approached his face close to the breasts, touched your pea with his tongue cautiously, as not to frighten you away. 'i'm gonna make your pussy drool beneath me, completely own you as my little girl'
you feel yourself gush beneath him, burying hands in his messy hair as your breath has stuck in the throat as toji snuggles his lips on your tits, sucking your hard and probably swollen from teasing. fushiguro has made you became wet in your panties as he's moistening your breast, hearing your precipitous whimpers.
'toj-toji, i don't know-'
'tch, little girl, relax your body and let daddy do the rest'
as he pronounced, he moves down, leaving the trace of wet kisses on your stomach, massaging your hips, stopping his action to look at your red face. your chest heaves heavily every time you feel toji's silky lips on your belly as his finger pads caressing your thighs. as if something weighty is resting on your chest you take deep breathes, breathlessly exhaling.
'spread your legs'
you obediently did what he said, hesitating a bit as the only fabric holding him back to bury his mouth against your pussy, assembling all juices, tasting your cum as if it's his meal. he rested kisses on the fabric of panties, couldn't sate with tender kisses he spreads on your body.
deliberately run tongue on your labia through the thin fabric as you were about to push his hand from your crotch as toji grab you by the hips, pulling you closer. he slackens his teasing actions by kissing your inner thighs. as your cunt was lack of attention from toji, you let out a pliant whimper, approximately woefully have purred.
toji's self-restraint thinning as you're silently begging with your eyes and your hands immeasurably are burying in his dark hair. the tip of his tongue deftly sideline panties, flicked it, as he discovered a divine view on your drooling hole.
'stop me now, because i won't be able to hold back later'
teasufully kissing your labia and area around the place he should be playing with as anticipating for some pliant whimpers of you, deliberately showing you he'll lick that swollen clit, pressing a soft kiss on the skin instead. fushi's shattering your hopes of being eating every time he kissed literally everything and lick everywhere besides your hole and clit. he acts like an inexperienced teenager, notwithstanding, you know that toji'd ruin or demolish your holes like a monster.
'yes, my little girl' he pressed the tip of his tongue on your clit, hearing those moans he's willing to listen for the rest of his life, then take away as you were about to press his mouth back again, digging his tongue deep inside you, although he obviously couldn't reach to your cervix, barely permeate in your hole.
'you want me to eat your little pussy?'
as if you can't talk, you nodded. scarcely reached up to take off the last thing, leisurely pulling down the panties, staring at you as a predator. toji is standing on his knee on the bed, threw your ankles on his shoulders, smooching ankles watching as to how your cheeks are becoming pinky, as you try not to look at his dick. still, you're a timid one, despite your words.
he reached to your face to give you a voluptuous kiss, returning to the starting position.
'look at your pretty pussy'
he kissed your clit in a flash replace into the tongue, making a circles on swollen and needy spot, decisively giving you what've been begging for. running the tip of the tongue on your virgin hole, leaving it for the dessert, returning to your clit.
you'd swear to god you can see stars in the ceiling as toji squeezing your nipples while moistening you. the proximity of his face in your pussy is driving you insane, for the days of cohabitation you understood he isn't a tender one, vice versa, he'd fuck you whenever his dick gets erect. maybe it's a rush of tenderness, maybe it's the fear of hurting his girl. nevertheless, you not scared to give toji full control of your body and bring you to your first orgasm by ripping the hymen. if that's i may call the way he's licking you, it'd be make-out with your pussy, due to his relentless movements by flicking his tongue on the clit.
'baby,' he pulled away from it, as you squeeze a sheet, making your knuckles become whiten as you spread legs wider, watching his mocking grin appeared on the face. 'i'll be gentle' he pressed his lips on your forehead, taking from the bedside table lubrication to low the friction. although, the thought of his dick ripped the hymen, putting all his tenderness in your first time, make your knees get shaken.
he put a soft kiss on your lips, smearing lubrication on his dick, substitute cock on the entrance. abrupt and penetrating pain wavily covered your body as you feel soft lips covered your mouth, blunting the pain with one hand being dug in your hip, painting illegible traces. another hand he put on your cheek, drawing circles with his thumb, waiting till getting used to the pain.
toji will find lots of red stripes from your nails on his back, smirked, as reminiscing about that special night when he made you his woman. his broad back was made merely for you to leave thousand and thousand fingernail impressions every night. toji had let a low groan as he feels as you move fingertips to the neck, exhaling in his chest.
he entered all his dick inside you feeling as your walls compressing the base, getting used to being full with his thick cock. you're indulging at the new, mind-blowing feeling, give him sheepish kisses as you're scared to be rejected. he moves his palm from the cheek to the ear, running fingers through your tangled but soft to the touch. you nudged your hips up, intermittently letting your breath out.
'tch, if you're not feeling well, i can come-'
'more, toji, more'
without breaking up kiss, he pulled out cock to the tip as pulling it again slowly, stretching your walls, touching with the tip your cervix as his balls touching your ass, groaning in the kiss, softly caress your thigh. you moved your palms to the shoulder, touching the musculature, going down to the biceps wrapping his arm as another hand attempting to draw patterns on the back as if it a canvas for you.
you can feel every vein, curve, and the way his tip is expanding gummy walls, as toji diligently coming in, adjusting inside you then pulling out. you're focusing on how full you're with his cock inside, your clarity gradually getting mushed as the sharp pain turning into a pleasurable and delightful feeling. sating to the new feeling might get addiction, but you're far beyond to accept that, surrendering to your lover as he gets addicted to it. you grasp for his shoulders, as he nudged in you, leaving whimpers from your mouth.
'like that, huh?' he pulled his cock out to contemplate as your facial expression have changed: you furrowed eyebrows as felt your hole being empty without thick toji's cock, practically purring like a march cat. 'beg me for it, baby'
what an insatiable man you've got. he licked his lips, looking down on it. your hymen has left blood, as he glanced at you to see his future wife your reaction.
'i-i toji, it's..'
he hummed, returning to your lips, slowly giving back the missing part.
'you okay?' you nodded as a response; he's perceiving fullness as wants to fill you up, but desperately be tempered himself, blaming he didn't wear a condom to do it. a dozen of half-moons will be littering your hips as toji's digging nails, scrambled your mind with squelches pushes in your hole. 'relax, baby girl, i'm here' he thrusts inside the spongy spot, ripping another moan out of you, voluptuous to his ears. 'baby~ you tease me with those moans of yours'
his cock was aimed at a place inside your vagina, with a slow but deep thrust skillfully reaching your cervix, massaging with the tip of his cock that spot. toji's staring at your pleased, satisfied face as he found that needy place of yours.
holding on to the headboard in the bed as support, clutching the sheet with his other hand like the composure he was rapidly losing with each thrust into your hole, formerly virgin cunt, letting out a heavy sigh, tilting his head back.
wiggling the pelvis backward and forwards as heard beneath his body your whimpers, feeling replenishment on his skin to his previous strips, losing remains self-control as your walls have been clenching his cock, as your body gets shaking as his, preparing the body for the coming ecstasy.
'toji, mh~' you tilted the head back on the pillow, wrapping legs around his pelvis, quelling moans while arching back against his chest. you're milked [? correct if i'm wrong] his cock, shuddering. you felt his lips on your cheeks, as he's covering your wet face in kisses, pulling cock out.
'damn, baby, probably-' he stroke his hard cock a couple of times before releasing his cum onto your belly. fushiguro ran fingers from the hairline, wiping beads of sweat from the hairline through hair. 'are you good?'
as you're still catching your breath you rested on your face a slight smile, closing eyes. he giggled, getting out of bed.
'almost made a baby' it took him a second or two, to lift you up in my arms, leading into the bathroom. 'i'm gonna clean you up, my baby. but you could fall asleep in my arms, you did such a good job by taking my cock' he kissed your forehead, wiping your drops of sweat.
'i love you, toji'
he put you on the washing machine, turning away from you to fill the tub. what went unnoticed was his relaxed smile after your phrase.
'i love you more, little one'
↳ back to the main master list.
i feel i made lots of mistakes, like, idk. correct me if smth i did wrong.
i remember my promise to do one more work with toji, so lately i'll write hdc + drabble with him.
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visd3stele · 3 years
Remus image - angst & fluff
*mostly angst with a tinsy bit of fluff
*forced marriage trope
summary: you're a Slytherin pure blood dating Remus Lupin, but your family has other plans
TW: none
A/N: any thoughts and opinions are welcomed. I'd love your reviews. Requests are open, too, if any of you are interested in that
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You're staring at the high ceiling, wide awake and way past the middle of the night. In your hands, an envelope is twitching with every move of your fingers, twisting its corners anxiously. You received it at dinner that night, the letter from your family. And wisely waited until the privacy of your room to open it. Around you, pure bloods Slytherins were sound asleep. You made sure not to let any emotion show, on your face or voice. Something everyone in between the walls of the Slytherin residence could most likely do.
You read it once. Then again and again until each word, each letter carved its mark in your brain. Carefully, you folded it back, wrapping it in the thick layer of the envelope. Despite having stopped reading it, the news your family dropped on you kept on repeat in your mind. Over and over and over. Marriage. They found you a perfect, pure blood spouse to marry. No matter that you were still in school. And only sixteen. And already having a boyfriend.
But of course, that last part might be exactly why your blood supremacist family decided to take your love life in their hands at last. For you were dating Remus Lupin, head boy of Griffindor. Involuntarily your lips moved upward at the mere thought of him. The way his soft brown hair feels under your palms when he lays his head in your lap in the afternoon – that is when you convince him to take a break from learning for a change. Your smiled deepened. The way his scarred hands stroke your face right before he leans in to kiss you. You blushed in the dark. The way his eyes sparkle after one of the Marauders notorious pranks. The way he rolls his eyes and leave a snarky comments to any Slytherin who mock your relationship and how it only masks his own fears and self doubts.
Now you were crying. You'll have to break up with him. You'll have to break up with him without bringing the marriage up. You didn't want him to think back on what could have been years after. It's better if he thinks there is no chance anymore to be with you. And you had to do it quick. News spread in the pure blood community and risking lying about your parents intention only to fool yourself a bit longer with stolen happy times was as self destructive as it can get at this point.
You slipped your body on one side. And tossed. The envelope fell off your bed. You didn't bother to pick it up. But someone did. You felt it rather than hear it, someone picking it up and placing it on your nightstand.
" 'Morning," that sweet voice you loved so much whispered. And you snapped your head towards it in shock. Only to find a very uncomfortable Remus Lupin, switching from leg to leg, smiling awkwardly at you.
"It's five in the morning." He stated before you could find your words through the foggy veil of your thoughts. "And the sunrise is about to start..." Remus went on, looking anywhere but at you.
More tears sting your eyes, threatening to slide down your cheeks and getting completely out of your control. Here he was, your perfect boyfriend, sneaking in your bedroom to take you to see the sunrise. For you, this boy defined romance and no amount of scars, secret disappearances on the full moon and mysteries surrounding it could change that. You were more than willing to give him time, let him open up to you when he feels like it. After all, he has great friends to share secrets with and you wouldn't get in between them.
Biting your lips, you closed the distance and hugged him tight. After less than a second of hesitation, Remus put his hands around you as well. You needed it, the proximity, the safety, the warmth and love. When you were sure your voice won't break, you breathed a question to him. "And how are you planning to sneak me out?"
Remus saw right through your attempt. He pulled back a little, enough to brush his fingers over your swollen face. "Have you been crying?" Worry clouded those beautiful brown eyes. You shook your head, snatching yourself from him and desperately wiping your tears. You should do it now. Tell him it's over. Spare him – and yourself – for the pain and torture of stretching it longer. It was time to face it: your relationship was doomed from the start.
But you couldn't. Not yet. Just a little more time, you bargained with yourself. Just that sunrise together. One last date. You promised to no one. So you made yourself swallow and said instead "My family," dismissing any further remarks.
Remus pulled you back into his lean body, long arms the only thing holding you together. He needed no other explanation. Thanks to that friend of his, Sirius, Remus knew exactly what those two words meant coming from a pure blood kid. He pressed a kiss on top of your head, caressing your back in soothing large circles. Voice dipped with concern, he asked "Do you want to talk about it or do you want me to distract you?"
"What about taking me to see that sunrise you mentioned and we'll figure it out from there?"
He nodded, led you to the now slightly opened window and motioned for his broom flying within reach.
The sun beamed from between rare clouds, spread amongst a royal blue sky. Orange light crowned the ascending golden disc, fading into a soft purple and light pink at its edges. The curtain of morning mist broke the rays in matt bliss, wrapping around your entangled figures.
A wet coldness flew on with the tentative mist, but Remus planned everything ahead, it seemed. He had a wool blanket at ready, different bits and pieces of clothing, threads and patches sewed together.
"Don't tell me you picked up knotting, Moony." You didn't know when it happened, but you had taken on calling him by the silly nickname his friends did.
"No. My mother made it, actually." The scar on his lip pulled up as he patted the spot next to him. He had laid a blanket on the freshly cut grass near the Black Lake and held his mother's gift in a silent invitation.
You snuggled in, circling his waist with your arms and nuzzled your nose in the crook of his neck. "Y/n!" he exclaimed, a shiver running through him at the contact with your cold skin. You sent him a grin that had nothing to do with apologies and you both snickered before turning awe filled eyes to the sunrise.
Remus let his own head lean down on your own, brown hair slightly brushing your forehead. His hand found its way to yours and as your fingers laced together he rubbed his thumb on top of your palm.
Content silence settled in. Only birds dared sing a sharp note once in a while. Your boyfriend knew how to choose a date spot, you were more than happy to give him that. The marvelous sight the sky presented doubled in the lake's still waters. Calmness washed over you. Here and now, with Remus' hand in yours, your head resting on his shoulder, everything pieced into place.
You turned your face, meeting the warn off material of his shirt and placed a kiss there. Lifting your lips upward, you kissed his exposed neck as well. Then his cheek, lingering close to his lips before stopping to murmur "I love you, Remus Lupin! So, so much."
He met your lips with his own and you were thankful he said nothing about the pang in your voice. "And I you, my darling." His glittering eyes, filled with adoration and care, were too much for your heart to bear. It was all you could do to close your eyelids tight and press into his side even more.
"Is something wrong, y/n?" Remus asked, shifting his arm to welcome your new position.
"No. Nothing. Just overwhelmed by everything I feel for you." And in a way, it was true. Not the whole truth, but as you couldn't give him that...
An unsure smiled played on your lips. He brought your face to his again, laying a kiss on your nose. You scrunch it up and made a face at him. He tried to bit back his laugh, but failed as a bundle of it escaped in a soft breath, tingling your flushed cheeks.
Remus kissed you again, this time on the bridge of your nose. Which earned him a giggle and a wide smile. Bringing your hands to his face, you cupped his cheeks and touched your noses together.
"We're missing the sunrise. And you put so much effort in this."
"Hmmm," he mused, leaning in your touch. "The sun does much of the work, to be fair." You burst in laughing at that, shaking your forehead against his.
You two traded more kisses – and then some more, bathed in the dawn light of a new day.
"Where have you been?" You heard James Potter asked your boyfriend when you bumped in him and the rest of the Marauders in the hall.
Peter waved at you, while Sirius gave you a knowing smirk at which you rolled your eyes. Truth be told, their demand wasn't misplaced. You and Remus didn't show up at breakfast, and run late for the first class.
"Down at the lake, Prongs. I should know better than to ask for notes, right?"
"Not to worry, Moony, you didn't miss much."
You left Remus to his friends, brushing your lips to his as a form of good-bye. You headed to your room. Thoughts swirled in your mind, flying by so fast you barely registered them. You passed Narcissa and Lucius on your way. They have been married since year four, something you found very unsettling. At that time, you belittled Narcissa for not fighting off her families wishes, like her sister and cousin. But now, that you found yourself in her place? You started to understand. To understand that courage is not so easy to haul up from whatever pit it lays dormant in one's being.
So lost in thoughts, you haven't noticed the guy sitting on your bed until he spoke, voice laced with disgust. "You better kick that sorry excuse of a wizard away before we make our engagement public, honey."
You startled. "Who...?"
"Why, your new husband, of course."
"Future husband. And Remus is a fine wizard, greater than you could ever hope to be."
The stranger only rolled his eyes and huffed. "Whatever you say, honey. Just make him gone by noon. I have plans for us before the ceremony."
A ceremony that would take place in a few months, once summer blooms, you realized, dread chilling your blood in your veins. The tight line of your lips followed your betrothed until he left and swiped the door close.
Noon. Break up with Remus by noon. Make it look like it's over because there is no love anymore. Let him think you choose this smug, full of himself, brainless, boorish brute over him. It's the right course of action. So you told yourself. And so you did. Any hope for standing up against your family gone.
Wind howling outside, rain pouring, you thought the weather mocked you. It just happened to turn gloomy and morbid all of a sudden, when you were about to break the heart of the most precious boy in the whole school. And yours too in the progress.
"Remus, can we talk for a second?"
"Sure, what is it?" He turned his whole focus on you, dropping mid conversation with his mates about whatever prank they were up to next.
"Moony!" three offended sighs followed you as you dragged Remus to a more private spot. The way he no more than waved at his friends, giving all up for you, knowing you had a bad day, strung a painful chord in your soul. You did not deserve this boy. Maybe the wedding was a good thing after all.
"Hey, y/n, talk to me," Remus whispered when you came to a halt. His fingers searched for yours, trying to turn you around to face him. "Whatever it is, you can tell me. I'm here for you. We'll fix it."
"No." You said, and cursed your weak voice. You still didn't face him. "No we won't fix this." You spoke again, this time with more surety, allowing a sharp edge to it.
Bless his too kind soul, he didn't balk away. Instead, he took one stop forward, resting his head on your spine and bringing his long arms around you. "Everything's gonna be fine, y/n. I promise."
It took a superhuman effort to break free of his embrace. And you finally swirled to meet his soft brown eyes. Tears rolled down, dripping from your chin, but you didn't let him comfort you. Shacking your head, you took another step back, building distance between you, as if the following words would hurt less that way.
"Everything's not gonna be fine, Remus. Not with us. Not anymore."
For a couple seconds, he stared at you, confusion painting his beautiful features. Then, realization sunk in. And in that moment, you were sure nothing could ever hurt you as badly as his pain struck expression. His parted lips, moving in vain to form words that doesn't exist. His frenzy eyes, looking all over yourself, searching for any sign of a cruel joke. For a trace that you weren't being serious. Eyes that begin to water when he found none.
But he refuse to let the tears flow. Remus led his stare to a dark, far away corner of the empty hall. Heat colored his face, a light shade of pink that not even the cool from the open window couldn't beat down. "So that's why you were distant this morning?" Your boyfriend asked, bitterly even as his voice was small, lost. "That's why you avoided me all day and didn't look me in the eye once, more than a passing moment?"
You knew better than answer. You had nothing to say anyway. "I'm sorry, Remus. I've been meaning to tell you earlier..."
A razor sharp laugh bit your words off. "But you took pity on the poor half-blood."
No, no it wasn't like that, you wanted to say. Those remained only thoughts as you wiped your face and crossed your arms to keep them from reaching out. Reaching out to him, reassure him, hug him. Whatever he believed, you'd roll with it. If he thought you an evil pure blood, then fine! You'll be that.
An image of your mother's face, lips curled in disgust at the last Quidditch match when Slytherin lost again in favor of Gryffindor, served as model for the expression you forced your own face into.
"I didn't want it to be like this. Goodbye, Remus Lupin."
You turned. And left. Just left. You kept your back straight as you walked away from the boy who tickled your heart. Who placed feather light kissed on your cheeks, and nose and forehead for days into your relationship, too shy to initiate something more without your worded agreement. The wizard who helped you with assignments, not thinking anything less of you when you weren't perfect. Who let you fall asleep in his lap at Hogwarts' few parties that you couldn't stand due to your family. This guy who gave you everything you were too afraid to dream of. And you just walked away, as if couldn't be bothered to care.
His fist thrumming once on the hallway's wall filled your ears, a sound forever carved in your brain. The thud that followed, of him sliding down on the floor you guessed, printed an image in your mind you'll pray to forget. Remus' silent sobs, though, almost made you turn around and run towards him.
You didn't so much as cast a glance back, knowing what you'll see and too much of a coward to bear it. His body shaking with crying, knees cradled to up to his chest where his chin digged in, covered by lean arms with palms crossed over his head.
His friends would find him. They'd help him. Remus will move over and forget you. Each sentence was another step. Each step, another crack in your heart. By the time you reached your room, collapsed in your bed and twisted in a similar position to your boyfriend's – ex boyfriend. It made you understand, showed you far too clearly why he'd sit like that. The pure devastation and despair, the attempt to contain a hollowness within, to replace a part where a whole, happy heart used to beat.
You broke Remus Lupin's heart. And yours was just as shattered. And there was no going back from it now.
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
19 - This Castle's a Home
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Part 20
She's Human or Weapon
@tyrionsprincess30 @groovy-lady @bigbendyhorns @logolepsic-insomniac @the-big-bad-klaus
Walking through the hallways of the school small children not teenagers yet passed me playing tag. Carrying a notebook in my hands it was a checklist of all the things we needed to finish before the day was over. My hair is in a braid that goes down my back. When Charles spoke about making a school it sounded like a wonderful dream. Yet now it is a reality for the three of us. "Hope, there's a guy checking you out." I heard the voice of my daughters friend Charlie who stands behind a pillar in the hallway by the stairs. Stopping in my tracks I teased the two kids who try to hide like I didn't see them. The boy that walked by was named Nik he was two years older than my daughter. "Shouldn't you be in class. I'd hate to make your teachers dock points." Charlie ran off but Hope tried to leave until I raised my hand pulling her to a stop with my power. She groaned throwing her hair over her shoulder. She wasn't even a teenager yet, only a year away and was already checking out boys. Charles wouldn't be pleased with that.
"Now what makes you think you can skip class young lady." She crossed her arms over her chest pouting like she was still five years old. "It's just dad's class that I'm already passing. Besides I can control my power like he can unlike everyone younger than me here." Dropping on a knee I rest a hand on her shoulder knowing what she was getting at here. She was gifted with the same power as me the ability to move things with your mind in a golden energy. But she also has her father's power to control minds. "That may be true but your father and I think you need more practice before going out into the world...and growing up on us too quickly." She tugs my arm being able to hear what I mumbled under my breath accidentally. "Come on, mom. I can't keep living in this castle for my whole life."
Taking her hand in my freehand I pull her down the hallway back to her father's class hearing his voice fill the hall. Standing in the doorway a smile graced my face seeing him surrounded by students. I truly believe that he was always meant to be called Professor because it makes him truly happy. Just like Hope and I do even if he can't use his legs anymore. "Alright everyone that is your assignment for tomorrow. Class dismissed. Well, well, where did you run off to this time little miss?" Charles teased her closing the book he was reading from in his lap. He moves the joystick of the new wheelchair Hank had finally created perfectly for him so he could move around much easier. Hope bends her head whispering under her breath embarrassed. "By the main staircase with Charlie..." I nudged her with my arm making her finish her sentence. "Checking out a boy...the one named Nik with you know, the one who can do spells."
"Ah I see. Well go up to your room and go practice your powers alright." Hope nods slowly walking away never ignoring her father's wishes. Once she's out of the room he runs his fingers through his hair knotting it up a little where I reached up fixing it for him. "Huh I thought we wouldn't have to deal with boys for a few more years darling. I'm not ready to have the wait till marriage conversation." Climbing into his lap I shake my head chuckling at my husband's silliness. "You should feel sad for me because that means I have to have the your becoming a woman story." Charles flushed red covering my mouth with his right hand so I'd stop talking. "No let's change the subject, Rora." I grinned down to my husband leaning down and kissing him softly. He moves one arm around my waist kissing back. While his other cradles my face until we got too heated with the kiss.
Laying my head in the crook of his neck I closed my eyes enjoying the peaceful silence that he breaks. "Would it be wrong of me if I just told every boy interested in our to stop." I whined burying my face against the fabric of his shirt. "Charles...what happened to enjoying the moment?" He chuckled where I lift my head uo seeing a serious look still written on his face. "No lisen to me love. It would be really simple with my powers-" Covering his mouth with my hand I shake my head playfully rolling my eyes at him. "Charles baby, I thought we agreed on enjoying the little moments when we can. Meaning no talking about how you don't like her checking out boys for that time being." He removes my hand intertwining it with his giving it a kiss staring into my eyes. "You're right, Aurora. I suppose I'm just not ready for her to try and leave us." I boop noses with my husband getting him to smile until I felt someone behind us trying to sneak up the stairs. "Charlie, I thought I said to go to class..." The boy stopped in his tracks running off since he got caught trying to go play with Hope.
"Changing the subject then to you. How about we go practice by the tree hmm?" He suggested putting his right hand on the joystick moving it forward causing me to squeal wrapping my arms around his neck. "Charles let me get down first. I don't want to hurt you." He chuckled entering my mind with a smile rolling us outside. "You can't hurt me love. Remember I can't feel anything unless I take the serum." I blush lightly sometimes forgetting what his pain is like since he can't feel anything below his waist. "Sorry I forgot darling. Now why are we out here exactly?" I asked back through my head enjoying to be able to communicate between our minds like this. Typically when he wanted to train me we would do it our bedroom away from the noise of the dozen of students running through our house. Once we reached the tree I climbed off his lap where he holds both of his hands in mine. He looked up into my eyes pure hope returned to those bright baby blues. "Let your mind go free Aurora. You're powers will respond to your mind." Charles softly spoke so I closed my eyes where he saw his hands turn golden glow from you. The wind blew softly around us before I felt some leaves fall into my hair. "I must look ridiculous with leaves in my hair Professor." Charles chuckled knocking some leaves out of his hair resting his left hand to my cheek lovingly. "Never Mrs. Xavier. I love you still." Smiling down at my husband even if the house was gone I would be home so long as I could be in Charles arms for the rest of my life.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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theglitterypages · 3 years
Title: Secret Life of Levi Ackerman Part 2
Read Part 1 here👇🏻👇🏻
Pairings: Levi x fem! Reader
Summary: Levi revealed that he has a wife and they took his squad in his home so they could rest but as they prepared themselves to leave there's a news...is it a good one or a bad one?
Warning: A little bit of 18+
Word Count: 1000+
A/N: There will be errors ahead so bear with me guys, I will edit it soon once I have the time.
Ps: Photo not mine. Original Link for the photo👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
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It's already night and Levi already told the teens to sleep on the extra rooms, fortunately there are two extra rooms, the girls slept together and the boys are in one room. When Levi entered the room he immediately locked it, you were sat on the bed while a book is in your hands, you looked up at him with a small smile before closing the book and placing it on the table nearby.
“Let's sleep, love.” you whispered at him as you pat your lap, Levi immediately knew what to do then, he rested his head on your lap while you comb his hair gently using your fingers. “I miss you.” he whispered with his eyes closed, he stopped your hand from combing his hair, he kissed the back of it before he opened his eyes. “I love you, sorry if this marriage seems unfair to you.” he caressed your knuckles gently, his eyes still fixated on yours.
Levi can be an insecure man, and at this moment he's insecure that he couldn't stay with his wife but he knew he has duties that's why he's also doing his best to fight and eliminate the titans because once this war is finished he can finally rest with you, be a man who stays beside his wife.
“Levi can you please stop saying sorry? I wanted this marriage because I love you.”
“I love you more.”
He sat up and pressed his forehead on yours as he cupped your face, “No matter where I go, I would always come back to you. You will always be my home and my rest.” you melted in his touch, your eyes are closed as you feel his breath fanning on your face.
And in one swift movement his lips crashed against yours, it was a gentle kiss, Levi's arm went around you as he leaned you into the pillows, gently laying you down as he settled himself on top of you.
You moaned softly and he smiled against your lips, when it was time to pull away to breathe, he was smirking down at you. “You would have to stay quiet my love, we can't let the kids head what's going on.” he took off his clothes before he started removing yours.
And when he was done he attacked your lips once more as his hands traveled all over your body.
Two became one again on that night.
“Thank you for letting us stay, I just want to tell you that we loved your food.” Hanji complimented as she pulled you into a hug, “We really want to spend more time in here but we have to go, take care.” she whispered before pulling away from you, “Thanks Hanji, please watch Levi for me too. Make sure that there are no girls around.” you joked and Hanji laughed as she clutched onto her stomach.
“Don't worry, girls are too scared of him to flirt with him and it's obvious that he's so in love with you, no need to panic Mrs. Ackerman.” she smirked.
Your eyes settled then at the teens smiling at you, “Please come back here too if you guys have free time. I'd love to cook for you guys especially you, Armin.” Armin's eyes shot up and he blushed immediately, you don't have any idea why you're fond of the teen that fast but maybe it is because he looks like a baby, Levi suddenly cleared his throat as he snaked his arms around your waist. “You've been silently screaming my names last night and here you are acting all lovely in front of the kids, damn...I love you.” he whispered as he pressed a kiss on your temple.
“Thank you Miss YN.” the teens said in unison.
You faced Levi and combed his hair using your fingers, “No matter what happens, come home to me...alright?” He smiled and nodded as he held your hand tightly, “I would always come home, I promise.” that was all that you need to hear, you stood on your toes and kissed his cheek, wanting to keep it innocent in front of the kids.
“We'll be waiting for you. Take care, my love.”
Levi immediately frowned, confusion was evident in his face as he heard you, “We? W-what do you...what do you mean?” he whispered underneath his breath as he held your hand tighter, you looked down at your hands with a smile, you caress his rough hand before looking up back at him.
“I'm pregnant.”
It was loud enough for everyone to hear and Jean, Connie, Eren, Mikasa and Armin was in complete awe when Levi froze in his position before his knees slowly gave up, it was a good thing that you were holding Levi's hands or else it would've been a bad fall.
“I—I don't...damn y-you're pregnant? I—I will be a father...wait..wait..love is this...is this a joke?”
You laughed out loud and cupped his face before leaning in to kiss him on his lips quickly, “I'm pregnant and yes, you're a father now, Captain Levi.” Levi's heart rate sped up as realization hits him, he chuckled to himself before standing up, he wrapped his arms arouns you and lifted you off the ground.
“Thank you, you don't know what I'm feeling right now. I love you so much.”
You tapped his shoulder as you giggled, “Lev, there are kids and you guys should go.” Levi put you down and he gently kissed your forehead, he couldn't find the words to say how thankful he is right now, he's happy, actually, saying that he's happy is an understatement, before he met you he never thought that he could be a father but now, what seems impossible to him became possible because of you.
“I can't leave my pregnant wife alone.” he whispered.
“I'm sorry to tell you this but your wife is a skilled fighter too and I can handle myself Lev, these kids need you. You can come home this weekend, our baby and I can wait. But now, you gotta go. This is why I didn't tell you last night, I knew you so damn well that I could predict what's going on in that head.” Levi looked down before flicking his eyes towards the squad. Hanji just gave him a thumbs up, telling him that she's ready to accept whatever his decision would be.
And when his gaze landed back at you he smiled, “I will be home, I promise.” he knelt down and kissed your tummy before whispering, “Unborn brat, don't give your mother a hard time. I will be home by the weekend so wait patiently and don't stress my dear wife.” You giggled as you ran your hand through his hair.
“Lev, you gotta go.”
“Fine...I'll talk to Erwin and asked him if I can have more time to stay here.”
“No, it's fine. Save those day offs once my due is near that is when I would need you most but for now...you can go.” you kissed him again before hugging him tight, “When things get hard just think of me, I would always have your back, my love.” Levi wrapped his arms around you as he sighed in contentment, this is peace for him, having you in his arms is his peace.
A small smile made its way across Mikasa's lips as she stared at you and Levi, you two seemed to be an interesting pair, one is impatient while the other one is too serious but despite of all those obvious differences you and Levi looks so in love, she would want to find someone who can be with her like this.
Hanji smiled at the sight, this is a side of Levi that she never expected to witness yet it's refreshing to see, this scenario is breathe of fresh air and seeing you and Levi smile is somehow comforting because she can see that amidst of the war there's hope coming.
“I love you, wait for me.”
“I will, take care my love.”
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¦ Meeting your parents ¦ ns/fw(ish) at the end.
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So the Black Dragon top dog is absolutely smitten with you - for that's the only way he will bother meeting your family - and decided to make things right.
Your family had the habit of holding dinners once in a while as a mean to spend quality time together. It came quite as a surprise to you when kano approached, looking a bit nervous and then asking you if he could come along next time.
Your silence due to your surprise and stunned expression was quickly taken as rejection by him. Cheeks reddening and shoulders slumping a little, he turns away quickly, throwing a chuckle and a casual "Just kidding! Forget that I asked love. You wanna grab a drink?" to brush away his sudden question.
But you didn't miss the slight hurt on his dark eyes before he turned away. When the shock wears off, you ask Kano if he's serious about it and when he confirms, you extend the invitation to the next dinner.
To say that you were nervous wreck when the day arrived was an understatement. You sat at your parents' living room in silence save for the occasional answer to your relatives questions, mind racing a miles per second at the fact that Kano would pop at the door at any given moment.
It's not like you didn't love the man. You did, very much. But you were painfully aware that, putting simply, Kano was and acquired taste. Scenarios of him showing up on his usual clothes and - gods forbid - usual musk and flirting openly with you on his less than refined manner in front of your granny made you want to fake your own kidnapping and start a new life in the Bahamas.
Your heart nearly stopped at the way too familiar sound of his car' engine pulling in the front of your house. Getting up from the couch way too fast to get him at the door. If you had courage to date Kano, you damn better also have it to show him off. Straightening up and taking a deep breath you open the door.
As soon as your eyes lay upon what is on the other side, you almost choke on the breath you took.
Who is this guy?
Of course that's Kano, who else would have a metal plate covering half his face and a shining red eye, right?
Kano is dressed to the nines. His chest is for once covered up in a cream (and clean!!) dress shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his forearms and showing off a golden watch and a sliver of his tattoos. His lower half is covered in tight dark wash jeans and a pair of leather boots.
His hair. Oh gods he trimmed his beard to be presentable. And his hair is combed back. And there's gel on it. He chuckles at your shocked expression and pulls you closer, kissing you on the cheek. He is even wearing that cologne you bought him ages ago.
You step back, letting your eyes rake over his form. Gods he cleans up very well. You feel tempted to grab him by the hand and drag him back to your home, but instead drag him inside.
"So, what do you think? Am I suitable enough to woo your mom off her feet?" he asks with a smirk, lacing his fingers on yours as you guide him to where your parents are.
Your mother gets a rose bouquet. Your father is gifted a very fine bottle of whiskey. And he showers the table with charm and tasteful jokes the whole dinner. Your parents are swooning over him by the time the night ends.
- drabble -
"So, who are you and where in the my lover' body?" You jokingly ask him as soon as you are outside.
"What, can't you believe that I'm Kane, a charming fella that brings you mom flowers and is a successful entrepreneur?" Kano answers you with mock hurt on his voice, hand dramatically going to his forehead as he turns his face away "You wound me, love. Wound me."
You snort a ungraceful laugh at his antics, pulling him to you and loudly kissing his metallic cheek then burying your face on his chest you speak. "If I am being honest, I was afraid you were going to show up-"
"In my usual attire?" he chuckles when he feels you nodding 'yes' on his chest "No, love. Your family isn't ready to face me in all my greatness. Not yet." he tilts your chin up to peck your lips before taking your hand and tugging you to walk with him to the car "Besides, I have to leave a good impression on them if I wish them to give me your hand in marriage someday in the future."
You walk in silence to the car, and Kano squeezes your hand to get your attention, pulling your back to his chest in a soft embrace. He clears his throat softly before speaking up again.
"I mean... If you would like to get stuck to a guy like me. It is. I know I'd love to have you by my side." he starts to fidget with your fingers when you remain silent as you think about it. With a smile, you turn around and hold his face between your hands.
"You know what, I do not hate the idea. Sorry for being silent, it is just a lot to take in."
The smirk on his face sends raging warmth to rise on your cheeks. You couldn't have picked better words huh?
"Oy love, but you haven't taken anything in... Yet." Kano punctuates the last word pulling you to him and grinding against your leg, getting hands when you pull him closer.
"Ah, there's my Kano." you whisper between kisses "I'm ready to ditch my family if you are. The dinner was good but..." you purr, running a hand down his neck and undoing the top buttons of his shirt "You, my beloved dragon, looks good enough to eat. And I'm hungry." you say, dragging him inside the car.
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miawin6 · 3 years
Percy Jackson
And if it was an open-shut case
I never would've known from that look on your face
The more that you say, the less I know
Wherever you stray, I follow
Everybody wants you
Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you
When we were younger, down in the park
Honey, making a lark of the misery
And we live in peace, but if someone comes at us
This time, I'm ready
And when I was shipwrecked, I thought of you
In the cracks of light, I dreamed of you
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Annabeth Chase
You know that my train could take you home
Anywhere else is hollow
There is happiness
Past the blood and bruise, past the curses and cries
Beyond the terror in the nightfall
Haunted by the look in my eyes
That would've loved you for a lifetime
Leave it all behind
Tell me, when did your winning smile begin to look like a smirk?
When did all our lessons start to look like weapons pointed at my deepest hurt?
I can't make it go away by making you a villain
All you want from me now is the green light of forgiveness
Never be so kind, you forget to be clever
Never be so clever, you forget to be kind
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Piper Mclean
I'm like the water when your ship rolled in that night
Rough on the surface but you cut through like a knife
As if you were a mythical thing
Like you were a trophy or a champion ring
And there was one prize I'd cheat to win
If I can't relate to you anymore
Then who am I related to?
And the skeletons in both our closets
Plotted hard to mess this up
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Jason Grace
It's the kind of cold, fogs up windshield glass
But I felt it when I passed you
There's an ache in you put there by the ache in me
But if it's all the same to you
It's the same to me
You can run, but only so far
I escaped it too, remember how you watched me leave
But if it's okay with you, it's okay with me
I won't ask you to wait if you don't ask me to stay
Sorry for not making you my centerfold
Were you waiting at our old spot
In the tree line, by the gold clock?
Did I leave you hanging every single day?
Were you standing in the hallway with a big cake?
Happy birthday
Did I paint your bluest skies the darkest gray?
A universe away
Sometimes walking out is the one thing
That will find you the right thing
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Hazel Levesque
Show me the places where the others gave you scars
I sit and watch you and notice everything you do or don't do
You're so much older and wiser and I
I wait by the door like I'm just a kid
Use my best colors for your portrait
Lay the table with the fancy shit
And watch you tolerate it
Will you forgive my soul
When you're too wise to trust me and too old to care?
No more tug of war now, I just know there's more
I rewind the tape but all it does is pause
On the very moment all was lost
If our love died young, I can't bear witness
And it's been so long
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Frank Zhang
And in the disbelief, I can't face reinvention
I haven't met the new me yet
I tried to pick my battles 'til the battle picked me
If the shoe fits, walk in it everywhere you go
Never be so polite, you forget your power
Never wield such power, you forget to be polite
I should've asked you questions
I should've asked you how to be
Asked you to write it down for me
All your closets of backlogged dreams
And how you left them all to me
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Leo Valdez
"This dorm was once a madhouse"
I made a joke, "Well, it's made for me"
And the heart I know I'm breakin' is my own
To leave the warmest bed I've ever known
We could call it even
Even though I'm leavin'
There'll be happiness after me
But there was happiness because of me
Both of these things I believe
There is happiness
After giving you the best I had
Tell me what to give after that
I can't stop you putting roots in my dreamland
My house of stone, your ivy grows
And now I'm covered in you
I'd live and die for moments that we stole
On begged and borrowed time
And you know in your soul
When it's time to go
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Nico di Angelo
I'm begging for you to take my hand
Wreck my plans, that's my man
Life was a willow and it bent right to your wind
They count me out time and time again
Gleaming, twinkling
Eyes like sinking ships on waters
So inviting, I almost jump in
But I don't like a gold rush, gold rush
I don't like anticipating my face in a red flush
I don't like slow motion double vision in rose blush
I don't like that falling feels like flying 'til the bone crush
And then it fades into the gray of my day old tea
'Cause you know it could never be
My mind turns your life into folklore
There'll be happiness after you
But there was happiness because of you
Both of these things can be true
And you passed right by
I was in the alley, surrounded on all sides
Long story short, it was the wrong guy
Now I'm all about you
I always felt I must look better in the rear view
And he's passing by
Rare as the glimmer of a comet in the sky
And he feels like home
Long story short, it was a bad time
Long story short, I survived
And I couldn't be sure
I had a feeling so peculiar
This pain wouldn't be for evermore
When the words of a sister come back in whispers
That prove she was not in fact what she seemed
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Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano
You had a speech, you're speechless
Love slipped beyond your reaches
While you were out building other worlds, where was I?
Where's that man who'd throw blankets over my barbed wire?
I made you my temple, my mural, my sky
Now I'm begging for footnotes in the story of your life
But what would you do if I, I
Break free and leave us in ruins
Took this dagger in me and removed it
Gain the weight of you then lose it
Believe me, I could do it
This place is the same as it ever was
But you don't like it that way
It's never too late
To come back to my side
Yes, I got your letter
Yes, I'm doing better
I know that it's over
I don't need your closure
I know I'm just a wrinkle in your new life
Staying friends would iron it out so nice
Guilty, guilty reaching out across the sea
That you put between you and me
Right where you left me
You left me no, you left me no
You left me no choice but to stay here forever
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wastelandcth · 3 years
Baby Fever - cth
summary: The three times Calum realized him and Dovey wanted a baby and the one time they got one. 
author’s notes: i hope you guys enjoy prebaby doves and how they got Charlie!
warnings: mentions of pregnancy
masterlist || request || more doves
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The first time Calum realized that he wanted to be a dad, Dovey was making funny faces at a toddler in the grocery store. 
It had been a simple gesture. Dovey had scrunched up her nose and the baby in the shopping cart in front of them had giggled. It was a moment so small and he was pretty sure that Dovey hadn't even noticed him watching. But since that day and as they both went about running errands, Calum couldn't get the idea of having their own baby to be able to make funny faces for out of his head. He'd never tell Dovey that but he was more than willing to put his life of being on tour and living the rockstar life on hold if that meant he could watch Dovey be a mom and see himself as a dad. 
He hadn't been sure how to tell Dovey. The two of them had always put off the baby talk because they were more than happy being dog parents and with Calum's hectic work schedule, it had never seemed like the right time to bring up growing a family. HE wasn't even sure if Dovey wanted kids at this point. Some days she'd talk on and on about how she wouldn't know the first thing to do when it came to motherhood and then the next she was bragging over how she'd gotten Ashton's son to bed faster than Ash ever could when they were babysitting. But he'd seen the way Dovey offered more and more to babysit or to even just hold a baby when the opportunity arose. Calum wasn't sure if he was even ready for a child, but that was a problem for a different day. 
The second time Calum realized he wanted a baby, he and Dovey were at Target and had passed by the baby section, ending in both of them squealing over how tiny a baby Yoda onesie was. Calum had pointed out the onesie, knowing that Dovey had been obsessed with anything baby Yoda at the moment and he couldn't help but lead her over to the baby section when he saw her face soften. 
"Can you imagine how tiny a human has to be to fit into one of these?" she mumbled in awe as she held up the tiny piece of clothing, "Your bicep probably wouldn't even fit, Dovey."
"It's tiny, huh?" Calum had chuckled, his arms wrapping around his wife's waist as they kept walking through the store, Calum not missing when Dovey had pulled the onesie into the cart at checkout.
And when Dovey started dressing Duke in baby clothes, Calum hoped this meant more than just dressing up the poor dog for entertainment. The first time it had happened was a few days after their trip to Target, when Calum walked into the bedroom to find Dovey wrestling Duke to get the baby Yoda onesie on him. He'd watched her struggle as Duke wiggled away from her but once the last button was secured and Duke was laying in her arms, Dovey looked more than pleased. 
"You really should stop torturing the poor dog," Calum had teased as he walked over to kiss her forehead and pat the old dog on the head, "He's only just started liking you."
"He's liked me since day one, Dove, and besides, he looks so comfy and cute!" Dovey laughed and set the dog down, wrapping her arms around Calum's waist and pulling him in for a kiss. 
"Should just make a baby instead of torturing Duke," Calum mumbled, half-joking as he looked at Dovey's face for any sort of reaction. 
"Haha, so funny, Hood. Don't make promises you can't keep," she teased and nudged him with her elbow before chasing after Duke with her phone in her hand. 
The third time Calum realized he needed to be a dad was when he held Ashton's newborn. The little one was so tiny and warm and Calum felt an overwhelming sense of love for the child he'd met a few seconds ago. Ashton and his wife had come to visit for the first time since the arrival of their first child and the Hoods were absolutely head over heels with the newborn. Calum had bounced off the walls since Ashton had texted him that morning asking if they could stop by to get a change of scenery. 
"He's so tiny," Calum mumbled as he looked down at the tiny baby in his arms, rocking him slowly as he sat still on the couch, "I can't believe he's finally here after months of waiting."
"That's usually what happens, Dove," Dovey had teased, her eyes watching the little baby squirm in Calum's arms before settling down with a big yawn. 
"And when are you two going to pop one out?" Ashton asked and chuckled quietly, not missing the quick glances the Doves gave one another. 
"Oh, I don't know, maybe sooner than later." 
Dovey had been acting strange, she was restless and every time Calum questions her about it, she'd shut him down and said she was excited about dinner. She'd been more hesitant to go out and enjoy a night out, opting for mocktails instead of her usual order. Calum hadn't wanted to bring it up, fearing he was looking too into it, and instead waited for Dovey to say something to him about. 
Calum had noticed something was off with Dovey. She'd been clingier around him, always wanting to hold his hand when they were in public and when it was just the two of them alone at home, she was always on his lap. But the one thing that stood out the most to Calum was whenever Dovey saw a baby, she would stare. It wasn't a creepy stare, Calum hoped. It was just a fond look where Dovey would try her hardest to make a random baby giggle or even smile. It wasn't until Calum and her were at home one night that Dovey had finally said something. 
"How do you feel about kids?" she'd whispered as they laid on the couch facing one another, her thumb tracing a line from the top of his cheek to his jaw. 
"Used to think I didn't want any," Calum mumbled, "But recently...I don't know, I think I'd like to try," he whispered, leaning into Dovey's touch as his eyes closed.
 "Me too," Dovey whispered and smiled as she watched Calum's eyebrows furrow, "I think we should try." 
"Now?" he teased and chuckled. 
"I mean..."
"And let's turn this thing on, see if we can't hear baby, yeah?" the ultrasound technician said softly. 
Dovey's hand was held tightly in Calum's, both of them trying to take in the moment in the dim-lit office as the machine was turned on. Dovey's gasp was drowned out by the loud thumpthumpthump coming from the doppler, her hand squeezing Calum's tightly as they both listened to their baby's heartbeat. Calum felt like he was in a fever dream, like the past couple of months had flown by and that he was going to wake up any second to find himself on the couch alone. Dovey had taken a test two weeks before the appointment, Calum had been confused when he heard her footsteps rushing towards his office where he was met by a tear struck Dovey. 
"It's positive," she'd choked out, the tears finally falling down her cheeks as Calum pulled her into a tight hug, "I'm pregnant." 
"And here we see the little one." the technician pointed out the small bean shape on the screen, causing the two Doves to burst back into tears as the measurements were taken. 
"Oh my god, our little bean," Calum chuckled shakily through his tears, watching the screen as he pressed a kiss to Dovey's forehead. 
Later that day, when the tears had dried and many congratulations were given from everyone in the doctor's office, Dovey and Calum found themselves on their couch again. The sonogram pictures were sitting in Dovey's lap, both of them still in awe of the day to really process that their baby was real and that in a couple of months they would become parents. Calum had already begun to shop for baby essentials, their extra room already filled with nursery items even though neither of them had told anyone the news of the baby. But for now, their little secret would stay with them both, hidden in Calum's wallet, and only when the bump which had shown up a few days after Dovey had hit her second trimester, would Calum post a picture of him with the picture of their soon to be bundle of joy. 
taglist: @hoodhoran​​ @finelliine​​ @moonlightcriess​​ @dinosaursandsocks @mxgyver​ @calpops​ @karajaynetoday​ @notlukehemmo​ @calumrose​ @devilatmydoor​ @lyss-xo @lowkeyflop​  @notinthesameguey​ @hemmo1996-5sosvevo​ @myloverboyash​
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giorno-plays-piano · 4 years
Can’t Take My Eyes Off You
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Pairing: Dabi x villain!Reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, non-con, stalking, mentions of human experimentation, non-consensual drug use, lots of swearing.
Words: 1841.
Summary: Running away from the lab where you had been experimented on for years, you have no choice but to join the League of Villains to escape from the government. Of course, you don’t expect things to go smoothly, especially when one mutilated son of a bitch just can’t leave you alone.
P.S. I’ve suddenly remembered Rogue who had been my favorite character once; the heroine’s Quirk is partly based on her ability.
My dear @navegandoaciegas​, this is my first attempt at writing Dabi. Hope you’re going to enjoy reading it ❤
"Fuck, how much can you drink at once, birdie? Ain't you scared to pass out in a place full of men?"
Oh God, it was that smug bastard again. For the past couple of days Dabi couldn't get off your back for a full damn minute.
"Men? Here?" You opened your eyes and raised an eyebrow at the man whose face was right above yours as he leaned on the back of the couch where you laid. "I see just a couple of kids and one burnt corpse who can never fucking shut up."
"Oh? Wanna see how well can a burnt corpse fuck you up?"
Always up to a challenge. You rolled your eyes at his obvious display of hostility despite the fact he'd most definitely lose against you. Besides, Shigaraki would barely enjoy you two ruining the League's hideout, and upsetting that asshole ready to go berserk any moment certainly wasn't one of your priorities.
"Just go fuck yourself, would you? I'm not in the mood to bark at you."
"Well, then don't. I didn’t come here for that, actually."
This was something new. He suddenly became calm as you studied his grotesque mutilated face inches away from yours. Your expression didn’t betray any emotions either since you weren't shocked or disgusted by the way Dabi looked: you've seen worse in the laboratory, and repulsive things had long stopped looking repulsive to you.
"What are you here for, then?" You asked him, trying to remember if you finished that second bottle of sake or not. Since the time you accidentally got one of those useless Quirks, you couldn't get drunk anymore - now strong alcohol only made you sleepy.
"I've always wanted to ask why the fuck are you wearing these." Dabi pointed out to the black leather gloves laying on the coffee table in front of you, and you rolled your eyes again. One more useless question.
"In this team of no-brainers you're the last person I expected to ask me this question." Groaning, you moved up a little to take more comfortable position and stared at the man above you intensely.
"Don't you want to gather as many Quirks as possible? If so, why wearing gloves when you can only get a Quirk through touch?"
You were close to snapping at him, and it certainly made Dabi look even more smug.
"Who the fuck do you think I am, a garbage bin?" You barked wishing you could teleport the bastard somewhere to Hawaii. "I only take Quirks I need, and it isn't easy to find those in that damp of useless abilities regular citizens have. Besides, some Quirks are quite dangerous for their owners and I'd prefer them not existing at all. You, of all people, should already get that, Pretty Face."
He smiled at you, but you saw his hollow eyes sparkling dangerously at your last remark, and you felt his body emanating heat he could turn into his famous blue flames within a second. Nasty shit, that what's you thought of his Quirk. Who on Earth would want anything like that? You doubted anyone but a true psychopath could really appreciate something as fucked up as Dabi's ability to burn anything and anyone, himself including. You definitely didn't want to use his Quirk despite already taking it as almost all of those belonging to the League of Villains. It wasn't intentional, though.
"You'd better start watching your mouth, birdie. You ain't back in the lab." His smile grew wider as he saw your expression darkening at the mention of the lab.
Fucking son of a bitch. You bet he'd go insane during the first month being locked up there.
"Huh, calm down, dear. I think it's better we get along."
You sent him a glare wishing you could throw his overconfident ass out of the window. Dabi loved messing with fucking everyone, Shigaraki included, but he was still a valuable member of the team. Killing him would do you no good.
Showing him your middle finger, you put your head on the pillow and took the half-empty bottle of sake. Thank goodness you didn't finish it. You hoped Dabi would vanish by the time you were done.
You spent a few minutes in complete silence as the man kept leaning on the couch and watching you drinking while you did your best trying to relax. Why the Hell was Dabi stuck here with you? Didn't he have any other things he should be doing now? Was he here to get under your skin even more? Shit, you just wanted to be left alone. You wanted it since the time they brought you to the lab, but since then somebody had always been getting on your nerves one way or the other.
"Seriously, what do you want from me?" You grunted as you opened your eyes again and stared at Dabi's face. "You wanna take the couch or what? I ran out of sake if you're here for it."
There was that smug smile again. Saints, the guy had been creeping you out with his long intense stares for quite some time, but today he was even less bearable than usual. He definitely wanted something from you, and the feeling was making you uneasy.
"You wanna hook up, birdie?"
You thought you were gonna choke on air when you heard him saying that. What? Seriously? Did he hurt his head so bad last time heroes attacked? So, that was the meaning of those stares, then? He thought you were the one he could stick his dick in. Wincing from the thought like from a toothache, you squeezed your eyes shut. The guy was clearly mad.
"Are you out of your mind? Why would I want to hook up with anyone?" You huffed with irritation and realized Dabi was having way more fun than you.
"Don't tell me you're actually a virgin."
"You think I can be a virgin with the life I'm having?" You sounded more bitter than you thought you would, and the man above you chuckled. He was getting on your nerves more and more with each passing second.
"Then why not? Sex is a good way to relax. You certainly seem like you could let off some steam." You flinched when Dabi extended his hand to you, but he had only brushed of a lock of your hair out of your face. "I bet I can help you with that better than most of the team."
"Sex is painful, and I don't like pain. Go have fun with Toga, she seems more into that than me." You narrowed your eyes at him, your hand almost touching his neck if the villain decided he'd go further without your consent. His stupid grin going wider was making you more and more mad.
Of course, he wouldn't go to Himiko. That asshole had his own type, and she certainly didn't fall into that category. Why did you? You had no idea, but you doubted he would ever lay his hands on you. Yeah, you knew what sex was, and it had nothing to do with pleasure like in those stupid romantic novels you once bought. It was humiliating and painful. If you had a chance to get back to those who did it to you back in the lab, you'd rip their hearts out of their rib cages.
The expression on your face didn't seem to faze Dabi even the slightest bit, and you rolled your eyes in irritation. Apparently, he wouldn't give up unless you showed him you weren't some doll he could play with, and Shigaraki was probably going to get real mad at the both of you this evening.
All of a sudden you felt some strange tickling in your muscles you had never felt before. What was that? Confused, you quickly glanced over the room to see no one except Dabi still on his spot. What was that? Was it some hero's work? Had they found your hideout? No, it couldn’t be. You'd hear them, feel them before somebody even set their foot on your territory. It wasn't a hero.
Unwilling to wait for any surprises to happen, you used a regeneration Quirk, the one you were gifted on your 14th birthday so you could heal yourself after they ran the tests without troubling a healer too much. Strangely, the Quirk did nothing about the tickling, and you felt your legs getting weaker. What the fuck was that?
As you raised your head to ask Dabi for help, you suddenly realized he was eager to see what you were doing. He looked like he enjoyed watching you in such state, confused and even frightened, your knees slightly trembling as if you became weak within a couple of seconds.
It was him. He did something to you. The bastard had the nerve to do something to your body so it'd be easier to handle you.
"What have you done?" You hissed at him while he chuckled, pointing at the bottles of sake on the table. "Have you poisoned my drink?"
But the regeneration would work in that case. You knew for sure.
Running his finger around the shell of your ear, Dabi hummed with content, "Poisoned? Come on, who do you think I am, an Evil Queen? That's just a little handy potion that has a tendency to slowly accumulate in your body. Makes you a little softer, don't you think?"
Oh. Oh. That's why he was always watching you. He had no idea when the effects would start to show. Did he fucking realize it could happen in the heat of the battle when you needed your Quirks the most? Did Dabi have any idea what would happen if heroes managed to lock you away again?
"Seems like you planned to abandon me if heroes attacked, didn't you?" You gritted your teeth when Dabi got on top of you, his hands on your chest as he caressed your body like a lover would, his hot fingers getting under your clothes.
"Of course not. I'd play your personal hero and save your stubborn ass the trouble of murdering everyone."
While you desperately wanted to kick him off you came to realization you weren't able to even stand up, your arms and legs so weak you could barely move while Dabi had no problems stripping you out of your clothes, his hands on the your thighs as he took off your pants.
Shit, shit, shit. You couldn’t use any Quirks to hurt him, all of them barely responding to your call. What was that potion? Why nobody in the lab prepared you for this? How on Earth did that shithead obtain such a dangerous thing?
"If you hurt me, I'll rip your brain out of your skull and bring it to Shigaraki as a present."
His chapped, disfigured lips brushed against your neck almost gently when the man murmured, "It doesn't have to be painful, birdie. I'll show you how much fun we can have together."
Tags: @coolio-love @awesomerextyphoon​
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