#I'd grab and squeeze his face with one hand and call it affection
out0fshell · 4 months
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Oh wait I forgot to post this lol
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favoniuscodex · 1 year
guardian angel [ genshin scenarios ]
summary: overprotectiveness isn't the cutest, but it's endearing to know that your boyfriend has your best interests in mind (aka instances where the boys are (healthily) protective of you).
characters: alhaitham, childe, cyno, diluc, xiao w/ a gn!reader
warnings: implied catcalling/harassment (alhaitham), intimidation (childe), exhaustion (cyno), minor injuries (diluc), threat of hilichurl attack (xiao). no angst endings.
word count: 3.4k
a/n: this one won the poll, so it's first up! hope u enjoy! thanks to @/spiriteddreams reading over alhaitham's part for me beforehand!!!
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-- alhaitham --
Alhaitham enjoys sticking to routines. Thus, when you disrupt his routine of meeting him after work in order to walk home together, he is annoyed, but his brain is quick to rationalize it. They are probably just busy with work or they left work early, Alhaitham justifies. However, there is a less rational part of him that gnaws at his sanity, telling him that something is wrong.
He takes his usual path home, making it only a short distance before he feels arms wrap around his waist. Alhaitham stiffens in response to the sudden touch. But, as he looks down and realizes its just you, mouthing words that he can't hear due to the music playing through his headphones, Alhaitham pauses his music. He pushes one of his earpieces off his ear in order to hear you properly and parts his lips to speak, but an unfamiliar voice cuts through your reunion with Alhaitham.
"Look, he didn't even respond to your greeting," a man proclaims far too haughtily and assuming for Alhaitham's liking. "That's not your boyfriend. But it's okay, sweetheart, I can make sure you're not singl-"
Alhaitham doesn't have time for this nonsense. Don't get him wrong -- he has all the time in the world for you and anything you're excited about, but your distressed expression at the man's words has Alhaitham protectively wrapping an arm around you before turning around to face the mystery man obviously provoking you.
"Are you calling my partner a liar?" Alhaitham immediately challenges, narrowed eyes sharpening the intensity of his multicolored glare. Your harasser blinks a few times, slowly coming to a fearful recognition of who Alhaitham is.
"My apologies, Acting Grand Sag-" the man begins.
"Don't apologize to me. Apologize to them."
"I am sorry!" the man cries, but Alhaitham can't quite be bothered to hear the man grovel for forgiveness. Alhaitham looks down at you, deciding to let you make the call.
"Would you prefer for me to handle this or would you rather just go home?" Alhaitham asks you softly, looking at you over his shoulder. "I am content with either option."
"Um," you begin, peering around Alhaitham to glance at the man once more, who seems to be trying not to collapse in fear. "Just... Let's just go home. He won't mess with me again, and I'm hungry."
An affectionate, soft smile appears on Alhaitham's face at your words as he realizes you're just as attached to your little routines with him as he is. Thus, with all the venom he can muster in his expression, he turns back to the nervous man.
"If I see you anywhere around here again, I will ensure that you will be dealt with swiftly," Alhaitham promises, and the man nods before scampering off like a coward. As soon as the man is out of sight, Alhaitham sighs and grabs your hand. The action sends your heart aflutter, due to Alhaitham not frequently initiating public displays of affection.
"Are you alright?" He asks, using a gentle voice you don't hear all too often from him. You nod, and he smiles softly once more before giving your hand a gentle squeeze. "Very well then. If anyone else tries to make trouble for you, let me know and I'll handle it."
"Wow," you breathe teasingly. "Alhaitham willingly taking on extra work?"
Alhaitham sighs, but you notice the way a smirk threatens to flash across his features at your playful words.
"I'd work forever if it meant you'd be happy," Alhaitham says, and you playfully place your free hand over your heart, pretending to swoon.
"I think that's the most romantic thing you've ever said," you say with a giggle, relishing in the way Alhaitham rolls his eyes at your words.
"Let's go home. I have biryani planned for dinner."
"Biryani? I changed my mind -- that's the most romantic thing you've ever said."
You get a rare chuckle out of Alhaitham as he guides you home, walking close to you and protectively holding onto your hand tightly in case any more trouble comes along for the two of you.
-- childe --
"Pardon me for interrupting," a silky voice croons from behind where you and Childe stand. "I was hoping to have a word with our dearest Tartaglia."
Childe's grip on your hand tightens as his playful expression turns steely at the sound of the voice. He gives you a cautious glare, before plastering the fakest smile you've ever seen on his face.
"Give me a moment, babe," he murmurs lowly to you, practically speaking through gritted teeth, before turning to face a man you've never seen before. Of course, arriving at Zapolyarny Palace on the Tsaritsa's request practically demanded that you would meet new people, but few were able to evoke such a strong reaction from Childe like this man was.
The stranger adjusts his silver-framed glasses and smiles sweetly at you.
"Apologies for my rudeness, I do not believe we have met," he says, eerily reminding you of a viper waiting to strike. "I am Pantalone, ninth of the Fatui Harbingers. And you are..?"
You look over at Childe, who glances at you out of the side of his eye. You respond curtly, giving the man just your first name, and he laughs.
"I understand your hesitation to divulge answers, but your relationship with Tartaglia is quite evident already. Any other information I wish to find out about you I can do so with ea-"
"Spit it out, Pantalone. What do you want?" Childe asks, and you wonder if your boyfriend has lost his mind at how rudely he is speaking to his superior. However, Pantalone seems to pay it no mind, finding the conversation all the more amusing.
"My my, you're much more friendly Pulcinella and Capitano than you are with me. How tragic. I simply wished to discuss finances with you. Is that such a crime?"
Tartaglia blinks at him, taking a slight step forward and sheltering part of your frame behind him.
"We can discuss it at the Fatui meeting tomorrow. Considering you're a higher rank than me, you shouldn't require my input," Childe says, and Pantalone laughs once more. It is a dry type of laugh, as if he's never really found anything funny in his life. A conniving smile spreads across Pantalone's face once more.
"I see that you are on the defensive because of the company you currently keep. No worries. We can discuss our matters tomorrow," Pantalone says. He turns around and takes a few steps, before looking over his shoulder at the two of you. Tartaglia's hand moves from holding your own to wrapping protectively around your waist. Your lover straightens his posture, ready for a challenge, but Pantalone simply smiles eerily once more.
"I would be careful about who you show affection with in the Palace," Pantalone warns.
This time, it is your lover's turn to grin widely at his opponent across the hall.
"That's alright. I can fight," Tartaglia promises with an edge to his voice that you rarely hear. Pantalone's expression warps indecipherably at Childe's words. The ninth Harbinger shakes his head before turning and walking away, leaving you and Childe alone in the hall once more.
With his arm still on your waist, Childe leans over and presses a quick kiss to your forehead and smiles down at you.
"If any other Harbingers try to intimidate you, let me know and I'll handle it."
You stare at your lover, narrowing your eyes. "How would you handle it?"
Childe laughs softly. "I wouldn't want to ruin your stellar image of me, would I? Now, c'mon, let's go. This place is eerie."
-- cyno --
"You need to rest."
Your boyfriend's figure looms over your own tired one, multiplying the amount of relieving shade that covers your body. Despite Cyno's order for rest, your pride gets the best of you as you dismissively swat a hand through the air.
"I'm fine," you insist.
"You can barely walk. When was the last time you were even in the desert?"
"Is this a setup for a punchline?" You ask. Your voice almost sounds like a croak, straining from a lack of water. Cyno is quick to respond, pulling his own canteen off his belt and handing it over to you.
"No. It's me caring about you, that's what it is," Cyno crouches down to meet you at eye level. "Drink."
"This is your water. You need it. I'm not drinking it," you say stubbornly and Cyno sighs before pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance.
"I know the desert well enough to know how to ration my water. I also know it well enough to tell you when to rest and when to drink. Go ahead. I'll be fine."
You narrow your eyes at him, not moving the canteen to your lips. Cyno sighs before plopping down in the shade-cooled sand next to you. In the distance, you watch waves of heat warp the sand dunes on the horizon, and you wonder if you're in over your head. You'll never admit that though. The last thing you wanted was to slow down Cyno on your trip to the desert, but here you are, struggling to bear the heat.
Cyno sits with you in silence for a moment, before splitting the quiet with another question.
"People often say my humor is dry," Cyno says plainly. "But I think it's only dry when it's in the desert."
A small giggle escapes your lips at the awful pun, and Cyno smiles slightly. Cyno looks over at you. He pointedly looks at the canteen in your hands before flickering his piercing gaze up to you. Despite his best attempt, Cyno can't bring himself to stare at you with the same intimidating gaze he uses for criminals. When he clears his throat to speak once more, you interrupt him by lifting the water to your lips, taking a few sips before handing it back to him.
"I can carry you until we reach an oasis. There should be one not too far away, if we're lucky," Cyno offers, and you giggle at his offer. At your laughter, Cyno raises an eyebrow questioningly. You lean forward, hugging your knees close to your chest and smiling at him.
"What's so funny?" Cyno says, and you beam at him.
"Nothing. You're just cute when you're worried about me."
Cyno's eyes widen, before he decides to study the sand instead of your eyes. You watch as his fingers twitch slightly in the sand as he thinks of the words to say.
"'Cute' isn't exactly how most people describe me," Cyno mutters. In your heat-addled haze, you only grin wider at him before closing his canteen and handing it back to him, drawing his attention once more.
"Well, you're cute to me, even if others can't see it," you say. Despite the warmth of your body, you still reach out to grab his hand, lacing your fingers through his.
"Can we rest for a bit here?" You ask sheepishly. "I'm a bit worried I won't be able to walk far if we get up now."
Cyno nods at your words. "Of course. The last thing I want is to overwork yourself. It's okay if we work at different paces - I'll wait for you as long as you need."
Your heart melts at his honest words, so you scoot over to him before laying down in the sand, holding out your arm for him to rest with you. However, he shakes his head, electing to hold your hand instead.
"I'll watch over you while you sleep. Right now, it's my duty to keep you safe."
-- diluc --
"It's just a scratch, 'Luc," you say to the broad-shouldered man currently fretting over your injuries. "I'll be fine, I just need a bandage."
Diluc glares at you with as much vitriol as he can muster towards you -- which isn't much. You're unsure if this type of glare from him would even scare one of the bunnies on the Dawn Winery grasses outside. It certainly isn't the same glare he uses for handling criminals and members of the Abyss. Despite Diluc's efforts to seem intimidating, he's never been able to be mean or intimidating towards you. Thus, you giggle at his expression and his brows furrow.
"This is serious, love. You can't keep going out there and getting injured," Diluc grumbles. "Come on, sit on the bathroom counter."
"One of the maids could've helped me, y'know," you say teasingly before hopping up and resting on the cool marble basin, watching as Diluc's cheeks flush with a faint shade of red. "But you're way cuter."
"Stop trying to distract me," Diluc mutters, voice plagued by his easily flustered state.
"Is it working?" You ask, and your lover falls silent. The color of his cheeks synchronizes with his hair as he furrows his brow, focusing on cleaning up the scraped skin on your arm with a clean cloth. You smile softly at him as he works, unaware of your affectionate gaze towards him.
"How did this happen?" Diluc asks after a few moments of silence. His voice warbles slightly, and it takes everything in you not to pull him in for a hug -- it would only upset your injury, which would upset Diluc further in turn. Guilt washes over you at the sadness in his voice, and you use your uninjured arm to lean forward and ruffle his hair affectionately.
"I just tripped on a branch while out trying to collect some berries. Don't worry, it wasn't anything bad, sweetheart. I promise."
Diluc swallows heavily before nodding. Both of you know why seeing you injured affects him so much, but neither of you dare speak of the causation. Instead, you move your free hand from his hair to his cheek, heart melting at the way his face instinctively leans into it. Diluc reaches behind you to pick up the roll of bandages that one of the maids provided.
"Tell me if this hurts, alright? It should be taut, but it should not hurt," Diluc murmurs, voice deep as he begins to wrap the bandages starting at your wrist. You hum in acknowledgement, but Diluc is far too gentle to cause you any pain. He wraps the bandage up perfectly, staring at his handiwork with narrowed eyes before looking up at you.
"It's perfect," you applaud him and, for the first time since you've shown up injured, Diluc smiles softly at you. "You did wonderful. I feel better already."
"If it causes you any issues, please let me know." He says hurriedly, and you sigh, causing him to look at confusion. You smile wearily at him.
"C'mere," you urge, moving your hand from his cheek towards his tie. Loosely, you grip the knot of the fabric, urging his face towards yours. Your lips meet Diluc's in a loving kiss. You can tell he's caught off guard by it as you hear the hasty slap of his hand against the marble counter behind you as he regains his balance, leaning further into the kiss. Diluc's other hand reaches forward to curl around your cheek and jaw, calloused fingertips delicately gliding against your skin like a restorationist carefully brushing a piece of fine art.
Diluc is a man of quiet intensity, preferring to show his devotion to you through actions rather than words. As he kisses you in this moment, the reverent movement of his lips tells you over and over how much he adores you. The worried tension eases out of his shoulders as he melts into you, parting only when the two of you need to catch your breath. You use this opportunity to press your forehead to Diluc's, staring at him in the eyes.
"'Luc, I'm not going anywhere." You reach up and cradle his hand closer to your face. "I promise."
Diluc's thumb brushes gently back and forth on your cheekbone as he mulls over words to say.
"I know," he sighs, before sounding more firm in his words. "I know. I trust you. I love you."
-- xiao --
You've never been happier to have your boyfriend accompany you on an expedition. Adventurer's Guild commissions were at an all-time high, but danger was also at an unprecedented level. For reasons still unknown to the Guild, Treasurer Hoarder activity was at an unusual high, which made transporting goods and completing commissions that much more difficult.
Plus, it wasn't that often that you got to see Xiao. Warmer months are approaching, which means monster activity will increase, along with the need for commissions. Sure, the two of you would still meet at Wangshu Inn, but your relationship with the adeptus is still rather unconventional. After all, you knew from the start that Xiao wasn't the type of guy who would take you to fancy dinners at Xinyue Kiosk.
Rather, the two of you were perfectly content with eating dinner together on the Wangshu Inn balcony whenever the weather was nice and your schedules coincided. 'Dates' were a foreign concept to Xiao, and you didn't want to urge him out of his comfort zone by surrounding him with other humans. Thus, you found enjoyment in the fact that Xiao was willing to help you with this commission -- it was a more unique date for the two of you.
Yet, as the two of you head north to Qingce Village on a trodden dirt path, Xiao is quick to wrap his arms around you, pinning your hands to your sides and clutching you close.
"Xi-" you begin, but you're cut off by the stomach-whirling sensation of teleporting away. The two of you touch the ground almost instantaneously, but you're left reeling and dazed, not used to the feeling of teleportation. The two of you are now stationed in a cave, and you have no clue how far you've gone.
"What? Aren't you not supposed to teleport me like that?" You breathe, mind still spinning with confusion and disorientation, but Xiao silences you with a finger to his lips. With a single swipe of his hand, his mask reappears on his face, and he's quick to summon his spear.
"Wait here."
You watch, dumbfounded, as your lover teleports away, leaving you alone. Xiao wasn't the type to leave you stranded without good reason, so you sigh and make yourself comfortable on the stone ground of the cave, waiting for him to return.
Minutes later, the yaksha returns. The tip of his spear is stained with something, but you figure it's probably better if you don't pay too much attention to that.
"You are bad at watching the surroundings," Xiao says, looking down at you before wiping his mask away. You look up at him, blinking slowly.
"Wow, thanks," you say sardonically, and Xiao tilts his head, not fully used to human sarcasm.
"There were hilichurls following us," Xiao says, sitting down besides you on the cave floor. "They unsheathed an arrow, so I teleported us away."
"Oh," you say as a devious thought pops into your mind. "Thanks, sweetheart."
At the usage of a pet name, Xiao's face turns scarlet and he looks away from you, flustered. Deciding to make it even worse, you wrap your arms around his shoulders, leaning into him and resting your head on his shoulder.
"What would I ever do without my dashing protector to save me? How may I ever repay my loyal knight?" You giggle while Xiao's eyes widen at your playfully romantic words. "You swept me and my heart off my feet with your heroic ac-"
"Enough." Xiao says, but it comes out less as a firm demand and rather as a sheepish choke of words. "Please."
You giggle once more, memorizing the way the red on his face complements the green in his hair, before leaning in to place a quick kiss on his cheek.
"Thanks for looking out for me, Xiao," you say, teasing tone leaving your voice. Xiao raises his hand to rest on one of the arms you have wrapped around his shoulder, and you feel your heart swell at the rare initiation of physical contact.
"I will always be there when you need me," Xiao vows, and you realize just how far your relationship with the adeptus has come. While he still blushes at your words, he no longer admonishes you for playful romantics and flirty remarks. Instead, he embarrassedly embraces them, while holding you close.
"Good thing I always need you then, huh?" you murmur softly, as if whispering a secret amidst a crowd. The two of you sit alone in the cave for a while longer, and you realize you wouldn't mind spending forever like this, as long as Xiao was by your side, with his eyes fluttered closed in contentment.
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fandoms-writings · 9 months
hi! omg i am OBSESSED with your writing! may i request #4 angst and #3 fluff for knight!bucky <3 i think it'd go well with them
ahhh thank you for requesting one of my favorite aus <3 i hope you enjoy this one <3
If Only for a Moment
Pairing: knight!Bucky x queen!Reader
Word Count: 1041
Warnings: stress, anxiety, mentions of marriage and potential kingdom conflicts, bucky being the perfect knight he is &lt;3 angst with a fluffy ending
A/N: This is unbeta'd and unedited lol so take that as you will
Series Masterlist
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You liked to think you were a graceful queen. One who kept her composure when faced with dangers most didn't know existed. Not known for losing your temper. 
But sometimes, the weight of the world was a lot for your shoulders. 
You sniffled as you pulled the pins out of your hair and ripped off your corset, the tears free flowing now that you didn't have an audience. 
There was a knock at your door and you took a deep breath before asking who was there. 
"Just me, Your Grace," James's voice responded and you sighed. He was here to take you to the stables - you were supposed to go on a night ride through the city. 
"Give me a second," you called, wiping your face free of your tears and grabbing your cloak, pulling it tight around you. Walking up to the door, you took a deep breath, pulling your emotions in check, relaxing your tense face and throwing on a soft smile. 
You pulled the door open to find him with his back turned to you before he looked at you over his shoulder with a smile.
"Good afternoon, Your Grace," His voice was soft as he looked at you, but his lips faltered and his eyes filled with concern, "Forgive me, but. . ."
Your brows pulled together in confusion, "What is it, Jamie?" 
He lowered his voice, "Do not take offense to this, but. . . Your Grace, you're a mess." 
Your eyes widened as you scoffed with a smile, "I am not a mess. What are you talking about?" 
He softly called your name, something he never did. It was alway 'your grace' or 'my love' - when in your quarters and out of earshot of anyone else. Your name sounded foreign on his tongue, but it was a welcome change. 
You looked at him, seeing the sincerity in his face, the worry prevalent in his frown, and you sighed, the tears beginning to push at the dam again. 
"I want to love you openly, Jamie," You muttered, watching his gaze soften, "I don't like having to hide you. But I also don't know what sort of consequences announcing our affections would bring." 
"Your Grace," he cupped your cheeks, pulling you so your foreheads were touching, "I do not need our relationship to be in the spotlight to feel like it's important. I don't mind hiding, it allows us to revel in those secret moments. Makes them more special in a way." 
You let out a sad, wet chuckle, "But, I want people to know. I want them to know you hold my heart, that there is no more competition for it, that there never was. I do not want to hide you anymore," You reached up, grabbing each of his wrists, squeezing them, "I want everyone to know that you're mine, and I'm yours." 
"Alright," He smiled, his lips wavering, "Then we tell them. Almost everyone within the castle walls already knows, and the people of the kingdom love you. You've done so much for them, they'd support you in anything you decided." 
"What about the other kingdoms, the ones who wouldn't appreciate that I'm not courting someone of noble blood?" You asked, your voice small as you gnawed at the edge of your lips. 
He placed a kiss on your forehead, "They'll have me to answer to then. You know I'd protect you with my life don't you?" 
You scoffed, pulling your face out of his hands, "Of course I know that, but I don't want you getting hurt and I don't want to start a possible war." 
"My love," He reached for you again, gently grabbing your hand, stopping you from pacing again, "I would never allow myself to be hurt, to risk not coming home to you. But if you want to love openly, I will protect you against any retaliation. You and your kingdom. I swear it." 
You watched as he closed the distance between the two of you, reaching up to swipe at the tears that had started to fall down your cheeks. Your heart beat hard in your chest as his gaze warmed your skin, his touch bringing chills as his fingers brushed over your skin. 
You couldn't help but fall even harder for him as he stood in front of you, declaring his intentions, prepared to protect you and the kingdom should the need arise. 
"You know," You started, "if we were to marry, it'd be your kingdom too - legally." His eyes widened at the mention of you marrying him. You'd never talked about it, but it's something you always wanted. Someone to sit at your side on the throne and rule with you. A marriage that wasn't born from duty or treaties. A partner who thought of you as an equal and actually loved you, not just saying they did for the power that came with it. 
"You would marry me?" He whispered. 
You swallowed the lump in your throat before whispering back, "If you'd have me, yes." 
His lips twitched upwards, "I know nothing of being king," he chuckled. You couldn't help the smile that burst from your lips as you giggled. 
"I'll teach you. Anything you need to know, I'll show you," you reached up, wrapping your arms around his neck. "I'll even hire the nation's best scholar if you ask me to." 
He let out a loud laugh before smiling down at you. "Are you still stressed?" He asked, his smile dropping just a bit in worry. 
"Of course I am," You laughed, "I'll always be stressed about this until we do something about it." 
He sighed, looking at you for a moment before smirking at you, "Let me kiss it better, then." 
"Oh," You laughed, "Is that going to fix it?" 
"For a moment," He smiled, "But isn't a moment enough?" 
You smiled up at him before leaning up on the tips of your toes and gently pressing your lips to his. He smirked into your lips, but you pulled back before he could deepen it. Your lips brushed against his as you asked, "Can you make it more than a moment?" 
His eyes flicked between yours and your lips as he nodded, "Anything for you, my love."
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As always, thank you for reading! Comments, reblogs, and likes are all very much appreciated.
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scaras-silly-girl · 10 months
hi!! may i request sfw and maybe some nsfw headcanons of polyamorous 5wirl (venti, xiao, kazuha, heizou and scara) x fem!reader?
oml anon ily and ur big brain, sorry this took so long but poly anemo boys are here🙏💕 hope this is up to ur expectations!
your relationship definitely gets a little messy at times, your boyfriends do tend to butt heads when it comes to you
i'd say scara and xiao are definitely the more possessive of your lovers, tossing scowls at each other from time to time but staying respectful for your sake. the bonus about these two is scary dog privileges, of course any of your boyfriends would get someone making unwanted advances to fuck off, but a glare from the vigilant yaksha or ex harbinger is sure to make them shiver.
you'll often find heizou and kazuha hanging out and more than willing to let you into their conversation. kazuhas fingers toying with your hair, soft voice lulling you into a state of bliss, only broken from your trance to giggle with heizou and squeeze his hand. times like these are definitely some of the most peaceful, but all that is changed when venti is added to the mix
the eccentric bard always adds a layer of chaos to your predicaments, tossing his head into your lap and inserting himself into the conversation. every few minutes or so venti will lean up to give you a kiss, catching you off guard every time and leaving you in a flurry of giggles. heizou will play onto venti's antics, teasing you and demanding kisses of his own.
you always end up covered in their love, kazuha's arms wrapped around you from behind, pressing kisses to your cheek or neck. venti's lips suction against your own, switching places with heizou from time to time. sometimes you'll vaguely hear xiao or scara breathing softly as they watch, akward and unsure of how to join in.
affection with scara and xiao always ends up a little more private, both men are rather akward about showing their love, but you make it work. spending your evenings with xiao on the roof of wangshu inn, fingers interlocked and the tiniest smile on his face.
yet again, venti is the one most comfortable with your other boyfriends. he usually tags along when you're watching the lantern rite with xiao. xiao is definitely the most anxious about showing affection, worried about overstepping or his karmic debt harming you. he's the type to let you randomly sit down on his lap, loosely holding you while you're rambling about something to him or another one of your lovers.
you do your best to communicate with all parties involved in your relationship, and for the most part, it works out well, except for scara... he closes himself off more often than not, too prideful to simply ask you for anything or talk to you. he'll drag you away from whatever you're doing if he wants you to spend time with him, something that always makes heizou roll his eyes. you're definitely gonna have to work on that with scara...
the best part of your days are often night, when you plan to curl up with one of your boys. laying back to back with kazuha or letting venti practically tackle you to the bed, sometimes you can even get scara to cuddle with you whereas heizou happily will. xiao doesn't need sleep, he hasn't slept in so long that he couldn't if he wanted to, but he doesn't mind when you grab his arm, drifting off at his side.
my biggest thought is cuddle pile of the century, fitting all 5 of your lovers onto your bed. heart beat quickening as the squabble over being the one to hold you. you always drift off surrounded by the people you love and wake up nearly upsidedown, surrounded by them still.
despite kazuha's willingness to share you with the other boys, this is where he especially, along with the others, get more possessive
there have been nights where you're just passed around, being used for who knows how long at this point. the boys take turns with your mouth and pussy, words ranging from praises, being called a good girl and a cute slut, to teasing and degrading, being told how much more you can take and how needy you must be
fucking you is a competition, who can make you feel the best? who can make you cum the most? if you're into over stimulation, this is the life for you. even though all five boys want you for themselves, they do all agree that you're beautiful tearing up as your pussy is devoured.
now in terms of how all the boys are in bed, xiao is definitely the roughest. he doesn't mean to slam into you so hard, but you feel so warm and snug, he can't help it. when he isn't being a bratty bottom, scara is the only one who comes close to xiao's harshness, degrading you whenever his lips aren't latched onto yours. kazuha's a direct contrast, treating you like a princess. he enjoys softer sex and lives to pleasure you.
venti is definitely one to tease you, taking pleasure in your whines as he slows his pace right before you cum. he's definitely the type to tease you in public, hand resting a little too close to your inner thigh... heizou is like this is well, he's the kinkiest of the group, liking to tie you up or even use hand cuffs. he'll restrain you and rub your clit for what feels like an eternity, finally letting you cum when your eyes are puffy from tears.
all five are great on their own, but toying with a couple or all of them will be your end. even when you're a horny mess, no matter who's dick you've sank onto, they all love you so much♡
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Pure Comedy
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A/N: I think its about time I wrote this one.
Warnings: nuance. If thinking triggers you, skip this one.
Matty lit the extra joint that he had left for her, taking a first drag, like a quality assessor, before passing it over to her.
"Do you ever wish that I wasn't so...infamous?" he asked sinking back into the couch, resting his head on her shoulder, with his own joint in hand.
She glanced at him briefly, smiling, "Nah. I love having a rockstar boyfriend."
"I know you do." he giggled. "I said 'infamous,' though. Like....known for being a- 'walking intrusive thought.'" a faint smile flashed, fleetingly, across his face.
She hummed, thoughtfully, considering his question. Matty brought the blunt over to his lips.
"No, you know what? I really don't." she shook her head, the motion prompting him to move his head off her shoulder and sit back.
"that's good."
She turned to look into his eyes, "I know you. Knew what I was in for when I went out with you. The information was disclosed in the girlfriend contract."
He chuckled. "Was it?"
"Hmm." He hummed in satisfaction, his foggy eyes zoning out as hr looked in front of him.
A moment of comfortable silence pass them by before Matty spoke again. "Good...that's good." he affirmed, reaching over and pulling her into his arms. "Would hate for you to be affected by it, or like, have people in your life give you shit or something." he kissed the top of her head as his arms squeezed her tight.
"Oh, that doesn't really happen anymore."
"It doesn't happen anymore?!! as in...it's happened in the past?"
she exhaled a puff, "mhm, a while ago, though."
Matty pulled himself away from her, looking aghast, "When?! Why have you never told me?"
"It's- yooo don't just un-hug me like that" she whined, grabbing him by his t shirt to pull him back in. "It's not that important. I can't remember when– maybe after a podcast, or a twitter thing, or something..."
"That's not very specific."
she laughed, accidentally inhaling the smoke and going into a coughing fit. "Does it - uhmm- really matter when it happened? it was like....a few months after we got together. a couple people I knew from college." She cleared her throat, watching as Matty got off the couch and walked across the living room to bring her her water bottle."
"thanks," she took a big gulp. 'Anyway, yeah, I wasn't, like, close with these people or anything. They sent me an article that the Sun had written about you -- i mean, if they're stupid enough to take that bullshit disgrace to journalism seriously then I don't really want them as my friends anyway-- and asked how I associate with you, and I told them where to shove it."
Matty held back a smile, "And...that didn't bother you? or cause you doubt?"
"Cause me doubt? no, not really. Bother me? maybe a bit, but, like, who cares what they think, you know?"
His tense shoulders relaxing as he sat with her words for a moment, Matty sighed loudly. "And your, like, real friends? never said anything to you?"
She smiled, "they have."
"What?! Why hav-"
"You wanna see the texts? I'll show you..." She pulled the phone out of her pocket, scrolling through a group chat exchange for a long minute, "Ah, here it is!"
"This one says, Matty getting banned from Dubai, with a bunch of like emojis and stuff. Is he alright? have you spoken to him?, and I told them that, yeah, I'd called you and you're alright and that you'd already been in Japan by that point."
Matty nodded, recalling the incident.
"So, Francis was like Oh, good! So I can fangirl without feeling bad about it cuz WHAT A FUCKIN BALLSY MOVE!!! And blasting the pride flag?? respecttttt. Ellie replies with Wait, when did that happen? I'm about to get off work. Have I missed something? I explained it to her and she said 'bout to blast 'Loving Someone' with the windows down omw homeeee. with a bunch of hearts and pride flags and stuff."
She handed Matty her phone to look at for himself. Smiling, he nodded and gave it back.
"You've been googling your name again, haven't you?"
"to be fair, when am I not googling myself?"
She giggled, shaking her head. "it's a toxic habit. you really gotta quit it, you know?"
She could tell, from the look in his eyes, that his mind was elsewhere, and she knew why.
"The way I see it is, like, the people who try an cancel you once evry fortnight fall into one of two categories: first, the people whose identity is so intertwined with performative call-out culture that your disruption threatens their sense of who they are; and, second, the people who are like 'oh its repetitive, its immature, i wish he'd just stop and be himself this is bad for him."
"the first group...well, its not really even about you. It's just that their thinking is 'either you're down with woke culture and you must examine and call out every little thing, or you're a vile, selfish person who needs to be treated like the villain that you are.' You, my love, don't fit into either one of those options. But there is no room for that in their black and white thinking....like, it scares them to think that....they have to abandon their fundamental beliefs about what it means to be a progressive, or like, an advocate for change. And if they can't think of themselves as that, then that means that they don't know what to think or believe anymore."
Matty had been listening, impatiently, waiting to interject. "and you've never wondered if maybe they're right? that you're just blinded by my life changing dick and angelic voice?"
She laughed, hitting his chest playfully. "sure, I have. before I agreed to commit to you. And, look, i'm not unsympathetic to these people. it's scary, the state of the world that we live in. we all wanna be part of the solution. you're suggesting that maybe this solution isn't really effective, and that persisting with it is a waste of time. You're existing in this third alternative where you say 'there are better ways maybe. have we tried something new?' and thats uncomfortable. like, they do genuinely believe in their way of things. of course they're gonna be upset when someone shakes things up."
"That....is true." Matty shifted in his seat, crossing his legs.
"The second group- well, I guess I get where they're coming from even if I don't think the same way. When they tell you to shut up and sing, or when they wish you would 'just be yourself,' they're not actually asking for authenticity. They're asking for mindlessness. They don't want to have to think. To doubt or double-check or dig deeper into what they see you doing and saying. They just want total entertainment forever. Straight from the court jester to that sweet, sweet dopamine center in the brain."
Matty hummed in agreement. "I get that way sometimes. Its why I watch-"
"Porn?" She grinned at him, slyly.
"I was going with 'trash tv' but...sure, porn too. It's escapism, it's turning off your brain....relaxing."
"Right, and there's nothing wrong with that. But that's not who you are, Matty. You don't make escapism. You couldn't even if you wanted to. It's not in your nature. Fuck, if it were, you wouldn't get into these bi-weekly cancelation cycles. I think you'd be miserable if you tried to shut the fuck up."
"I know, I know. And I don't usually bother- I just-" "You're human. you make mistakes. That's authenticity. not...easy jokes and purity."
"Purity?" Matty's eyebrow quirked.
"Mhm. Purity is for suckers. Art doesn't exist without ambiguity."
" expensive price to pay as an artist."
"yeah, but like you are an artist. You're incapable of being happy doing anything else."
Matty's chest welled up, tears in the corners of his eyes. It was beautiful, being known so intimately by her.
"God, I'm pretentious." He quipped,
"Your heart is in it. That's what matters. Makes it not pretentious."
"Right, yeah. If only we weren't literally getting high and having this deep conversation right now."
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cherry-cola-on-ice · 2 years
Dirty Laundry
Vincent never saw this coming
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"Oh, hey Vincent! "
The masked man in lurched foreword, hitting his abdomen on the washing machine in front of him. You clicked your tongue at him "Wow, Vincent. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you might have a guilty conscience. "
You leaned back onto the washer next to him, smiling innocently "Do you have a guilty conscience, Vincent? "
Vincent looked away from you, refusing to meet your eyes. His hands were shaking as he attacked to pour the detergent into the machine. He was nervous, you could see that much.
You huffed, turning to face him completely "There's no reason to be shy now, Vincent. I already know the answer."
The small cup full of liquid fell to the floor, spilling. Vincent stood deathly still, his breath heavy. You almost felt bad "Do your brothers know how much of a degenerate you are? "
You pushed back a piece of his dark hair, grazing your fingers against his neck "Do they know that you fuck yourself silly to my dirty laundry? That you cum in my panties? "
You were delighted to feel the tiny shiver that run down his body. You took a step back, bending down to pick up the cap. Vincent's eye flicked down, and he about came in his pants.
You weren't wearing a bra, not even one of those thin cotton ones he's seen in the baskets. And your nipples, those beautiful peaks that he was obsessed with, they were hard.
You grinned, knowing full well of the affect you had on him. After all, you were facing his crotch. As you wiped up the mess he made, you sneakily stole a glance at his hardening cock hidden away in his pants.
Throwing the washcloth you had grabbed over your shoulder, you leaned back on your legs, kneeling in front of him "Who would have guessed that there was such a nasty mind in the that beautiful head of yours."
Vincent was taken off guard by your statement. Beautiful? Did you just call him Beautiful? Surely, this was some cruel joke, but you had never been a cruel woman.
He jumped when your hands brushed his legs "You aren't the only one who knows about the holes in the walls. "
He shuddered when you lightly touched his aching cock "I like watching you fuck yourself. And I like that you watch me fuck myself. And do you know whose cock I imagine is fucking me?"
All was Vincent could do was watch as you unbuttoned his pants "It was always you, Vincent. "
You nearly came just from the sight of his cock bobbing against your cheek when you finally pulled it free “I love how your body loses control when you cum. Your back arching, cum just exploding out of your head. "
Vincent's hands shakily signed “Please. I need you. Now.”
You rubbed your face against his tip, smiling at the whimper he made. Gently you began stroking his cock "Vincent~ Fuck you feel amazing in my hand."
You kissed the tip of his now weeping cock, your hand increasing speed "Do you like the feeling of my hands on it? Is this what you thought about when you jerked off? "
The both of you froze, hoping whoever was at the door would move on. But it proved to be all in vain as Bo's loud voice rang out "Hey, Y/n? You've seen Vincent anywhere? "
Your flicked up to meet Vincent's, before a grin formed on your lips "No, I haven't. What'd ya need him for? "
You collected some pre-cum and started pistoning your hand faster, making Vincent's hips buck.. Bo scoffed "Not that it's any of your fucking business, but I got a job for him!"
"Oh, really? What kind of job?" Your licked a stripe against the underside of his shaft "Anything I can help with? "
You moved your mouth down on the cock, following the veins along the shaft. Vincent's hands gripped the washing hard, so hard his hands turned red. Bo scoffed again "Not likely. Ya barely do laundry right. "
You rolled your eyes, hand squeezing Vincent's base "Shut up, Bo. Maybe Vincent went outside with Lester, go ask him!"
Bo sneered, you just knew he did "Fine! Stupid...Don't see why Vincent likes you. "
You could hear his heavy footsteps getting quieter, until it was silent. You looked back up at Vincent, leaning to nibble on his thigh "Good boy, being nice and quiet. I bet your brother would be grossed out if he knew. "
Vincent signed more confidently “This cock isn’t gonna suck itself.”
His boldness sent a shock of pleasure straight to your aching clit "O-oh, fuck Vincent!"
You didn't have it in your body to tease him anymore. You had to have his cock in his mouth. You lowered head on his cock, until your nose was smashed against his belly.
Vincent let out a broken sob, hands darting down to your head. He kept your head in place and you didn't fight him. This was all you wanted, Vincent to fuck your throat like a fleshlight.
You squeezed your throat around his dick, feeling the tears threatening to spill. But you weren't giving up. Bobbing your head as much as Vincent's death grip would let you, you stared up him through your eyelashes.
Vincent couldn't believe the pleasure that he was experiencing. He didn't believe it existed. That he was worthy of it. But he was in fucking heaven right now, and he knew nothing was going to ever be better than this.
Vincent could feel the need to cum already. The pressure was building and the coil threatened to snap. He wished he could talk right now. He'd praise you, worship you and the gift you had given him.
He wanted to call you his fucktoy. His lover.bHis slut. His muse. His own personal whore.
Knowing that he was finishing down your throat made him cum even harder. You felt hot spurts of his cum erupting from the hard cock. Like a good girl, you swallowed every tiny drop of precious cum Vincent was giving you.
There was so much of it. Like he'd been saving it all for you. All of it, every single last drop.
You stayed there for a moment longer, tongue swirling around the head. Vincent hands brushed against your cheek, his fingers shaking. He let out garbled sounds, you interpreted them as praise.
You pulled of his softening cock, placing kisses against the tip. Standing up, you placed your hands on his mask "Vincent, can I please kiss you? "
Vincent looked unsure for a moment. Why? Why did you want to kiss him? Why did you just give him a life altering blow job? The more Vincent thought about this whole situation, the more he became frantic.
What if this was just a ploy? A way to win more favor within the house? To plot your escape? Were you just using him, his attraction to you, his love for you?
Your fingers against his neck shook him out of his thoughts "Vincent? You want to share with the class? "
Vincent pushed you away, as gently as he could, pulling his pants up. He walked towards the door, stopping to look at your face. He tried to ignore the hurt in your eyes and in his heart. Momentarily, his hand reached out to touch you, but he pulled away.
As the laundry room door swung close, the tears fell from your eyes. You thought everything was okay, you thought he understood how much you craved him.
Where did you go wrong?
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chemical-killjoy · 8 months
Can you do Roommates AU with Gerard and Female!Reader?
OK so this is suuuuuper fluffy and kind of got away from me... anyway, let me know if you want a more *intimate* and fluffy part 2
Pancake Prince
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“Uuuuuugh,” you grumbled, leaving the safety of your bedroom and flopping face down on the lounge in the living room to your apartment. It was a hot night, and you were in your favourite pyjama shorts and singlet, but that was the great thing about sharing an apartment with your bestie: you could do what you want, wear what you want... Even if it was pyjamas at 4 in the afternoon.
Gerard laughed, pausing the TV.
“What's up, sugar? Rough night?” Gerard asked with a smirk.
“Nugh-uh,” you agreed into the fabric of the seat. You sat up.
“I remember it all,” you said, in a dramatic voice, sweeping your arms out wide. “Actually, come to think of it, I can't remember past Daisy dropping me off outside our building.”
Gerard laughed. “Yeah, figures. Care for a refresher?”
“Do I really wanna know?”
“Good question,” Gerard said with a devilish smirk. “Let's see. You called me, forgot we were on the phone, complained about not being able to find a way inside our own fuckin' house, and then I had to hauled you inside after you passed out.” Gerard left off the part about helping you change into your pyjamas, tucking you in, and making sure you were OK until he fell asleep himself. He didn't want to creep you out or anything.
“Of course I did.” You said, face-palming. “Well, thank you, my hero.”
“Prince.” Gerard replied seriously, without missing a beat.
“I prefer prince, actually.”
“Wha- Why? What are you the prince of Gee?” You indulged him, cackling at the unexpected joke.
“Pancakes,” He replied, face and tone serious, humour displayed only in his eyes.
“And why is that?”
“Step into my office!” Gerard declared, dramatically strutting to the kitchen.
You hummed as you smelt the pancakes and freshly cut fruit the second you walked into the kitchen.
“Damn, you're not the prince, you're the king!” You said, squeezing Gerard in a quick hug and grabbing a plate.
“Yeah but Pancake King doesn't have the same ring, does it?” Gerard asked.
“True, true. So what's the occasion?” You asked.
“Well, I thought you might need a pick-me-up after yesterday,” Gerard spoke gently, rubbing the back of his neck.
And then you remembered why you went out drinking last night.
“Aah, fuck me!” You whined, and flopped to the kitchen floor. Yesterday was a spectacular level of shit, in which you lost both your job and found out the guy you'd been hoping to ask out (finally gaining the courage after a few months) was, in fact, taken.
“Well, at least let me take you to dinner first!” Gerard said, joining you on the floor.
“I mean, at this point, I'd be happy to just slut it out. Like, show interest in me and fine. I'm just sick of this shit. Maybe I'm just unlovable? I'm like...” you looked around. “I'm like that tissue over there. Beside the bin. I couldn't even make it to the bin.”
Gerard knew you too well to let you succumb to your own stupid, dramatic sad spiral.
“Baby, please, you're more than the tissue. You're the whole bin!” You gasped and slapped his arm, both of you laughing. You couldn't help but blush a little at the nickname.
“C'mon, you know you're too good for him anyway. And who needs a guy when you have me? And pancakes?” Gerard pointed up at the pancakes. “And jobs are just conforming to the man. We don't endorse that.”
You smirked at your best friend. “I mean you're right. I may be desperate for touch and affection but who needs a boyfriend when I have you? A boyfriend without the perks?”
“I am the perks, I made pancakes!” Gerard gasped, hand on chest in fake shock.
“Yeah, you're pretty perky.”
“Fuck you, you know I'm prickly, you're the one who's perky.” Gerard's eyes went to your chest and back up, teasing in more ways than one.
“Don't bring your prick or my tits into this, Pancake Prince.”
“That's King Pancake to you.”
“What does that make me?”
Gerard snorted before he could get his own joke out.
“What?!” you demanded, all smiles as you playfully slapped his arm again.
“Hungry!” Gerard declared, falling over laughing. You continued your gentle assault on his arm as he playfully fought back, until the two of you were side by side on the floor, stomachs sore with laughter. When you caught your breath, you looked over at your friend and smiled.
“I am pretty hungry, actually.” you said, with a soft smile.
“Mmm?” Gerard asked. “Hungry, or thirsty?” he said with a wink.
“Little of both,” you said with a shrug, leaning into Gerard... Then putting your hand on his chest and pushing yourself to your feet. You offered Gerard your hand to help him up, but once you were both up, he didn't let go of your hand.
“What?” you asked, head tilted to the side.
“You really don't remember any of last night, huh?” Gerard said, softly, the playful glint in his eyes turning a little... anxious?
You furrowed your brows. “No, why? Did I do something? I'm really sorry if I did.”
When Gerard didn't say anything, you spoke again.
“Gee, what happened?”
“Look, I don't wanna make you uncomfortable with this, but you kind of said something that maybe made it sound a little bit like you possibly-”
“Fuck, just tell me!” You interrupted.
But Gerard continued as though you hadn't, “-love me. As more than a friend.”
You stared at him blankly. He stared at you, hand still in yours.
“I didn't want to freak you out so I was gonna tell you over pancakes, cause I know my best friend's favourite breakfast. I dunno, I'm sorry, maybe I heard wrong or you were just drunk or something, but I thought lately about how we've both been super flirty and I kinda thought that maybe...” Gerard trailed off, looking at you.
“I wasn't just drunk.” You said, tucking your hair behind your ear. “I, um. I realised I've been pushing aside my feelings for you, I guess I must've just babbled it out.”
“You did seem pretty adamant for a girl who was struggling to take your shoes off.”
You snorted at that and a thought crossed your head. “Did you dress me in my jammies?”
“That's what's most important to you right now?”
“I don't know, I just think it was just super sweet of you. We both know I would've destroyed that dress if I tried to sleep in it.” You thought of the skin tight faux-leather and how it'd tear, or strangle you in your sleep... not fun.
“You know I feel the same, right?” Gerard said, pulling you a little closer and disrupting your thoughts. “I don't make just anyone pancakes, y'know.”
You scrunched up your nose. “We're those idiots, aren't we?”
You and Gerard would spend many nights, coming home from work half-dead, and become immovable couch potatoes, eating Chinese take-away and watching cheesy movies. And of those movies, half were horror (Gerard's pick) and half were rom-coms (your pick). You were always screaming at the TV about how the characters should just know they're in love with each other and talk it out. Gerard always agreed with you but was too busy watching you get invested to really see what was happening in the movie.
Gerard just nodded.
“Oh, fuck that,” you said, pulling Gerard toward you and kissing him. Gerard pulled you closer then rested his forehead against yours.
“Y/N... I have something to tell you...” Gerard looked deeply into your eyes. “If we're gonna do this...,” he turned his head, and you felt anxiety grow in your stomach. “You're gonna need to brush your teeth.”
“Get fucked!” You screeched as Gerard laughed. “Fine, fine! But you have to decorate some pancakes for me while I do, OK, King Pancake?”
Gerard bowed deeply, waving a hand. “As you wish, my queen.” Then he kissed you on the forehead and pushed you towards the bathroom. You smiled as you brushed your teeth, excited for this new beginning.
Taglist: @fandomfoodiedancer @niche-bitch @fedorable-killjoys @smiling-girl
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apalkenndream1 · 9 months
I'll Follow You Into The Dark || !Tav/!Reader x Astarion
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(The brain worms demand this be posted)
Tags: fluff, soft, full squad, end-game spoilers
Word Count: 3,664
With the Netherbrain defeated and everyone cured of the tadpoles, Astarion has to flee from the sun once again. You follow him, of course, so he doesn't have to face the darkness alone. You head to the Underdark to help the vampire spawns find their way in this new world. Watching Astarion help his brothers and sisters warms your heart, reminding you of their freedom and how far he has come. He was once a man who only knew to live one way: deceive others and fight his way through everything. Now, he accepts the role of being a hero and helps out his siblings when he could've left them behind. Of course, his personality stays the same, including his sass and silly jokes in every interaction with them.
The two of you have found a home to call your own, making it comfortable for the time you can spend alone. While there may not be any sun to bask in, you make it comfortable with lanterns and a fireplace to keep you both warm. However, it never seems like quite enough.
Lately, it seems Astarion has been less of himself, diving into readings and drawings instead of keeping up in conversation. Similar to humans having seasonal depression, it seems this vampire has a similar affliction. He has become a recluse, only coming alive when he's helping out the vampire spawns. You decide to bring it up to him, hoping to find a way to help him out.
"Hey," you say softly, hoping not to disturb him.
"Hello, beautiful." He smiles softly, finally looking away from his book.
"Whatcha drawin'?" You say casually, ensuring he doesn't know what's happening.
"My muse, darling. You." He uses his wicked grin, the one that always knocks the wind out of you. You softly giggle, eyeing his drawings of you.
His attention to detail, including your wrinkles around your mouth and by your eyes. He shades every detail exactly, capturing your essence in picture-perfect form. It's like you're looking into a grayscale mirror.
"Wow, you're incredibly talented. That looks incredible." You're taken aback by his abilities, speechless.
He blushes slightly, as much as a vampire can, "Oh, you're too kind. Now, what did you actually want to talk about?" He says, a little more sternly, as he can see you're holding back.
You sigh, let out a large breath, and look into his striking red eyes, "You seem a little...off. I'm worried about you, is everything okay?"
His eyes drop, and he sets down his book, looking at his hands, "I miss our adventures, our team, and the sun. A part of me wishes we had never gotten rid of those tadpoles. A part of me wishes it had never ended so that we could still be out exploring the world, exploring my home. I guess I didn't realize how much it affected me."
Your eyes well slightly; he has never been able to be this open to anyone before. You know how important it is to take this lightly, and you must comfort him. You wrap your arm around his shoulders and smile softly at him, "I miss it too, but we also got to save a lot of good people. I'd rather be down here, safe, with you than, ya know...growing tentacles and eating brains."
He laughs softly at you, grabbing your hand and squeezing it. "I know you're right; it's just a hard thing to move past...Thank you for talking to me; I love you." He stands up, giving you a peck on the forehead, "I'm going to go gather some things for dinner; I'll be back shortly."
You both smile softly at each other and say, "I love you too." before he heads out. While it helped slightly, you can tell that he is still not 100% back to himself. Then, a lightbulb goes off, and you know exactly what you must do.
You leave him a note so he knows you haven't disappeared forever:
Dearest Astarion,
I will be gone for a short while, but I will be back shortly. I've gone into the city, as someone needed some help retrieving an important item for them. Continue with dinner; this shouldn't take me long. I love you, see you soon.
Yours always,
You gather some supplies for your trek back to Baldur's Gate, made simple by the Ancient Sigels, and get ready to assemble some people as well.
Your first stop is the Sorcerous Sundries, assuming that's where he might be staking out. Since the end of Lorrokan, the tower has been home to Rolan, but he also wanted to learn more about the weave. What better person to do that with than Gale? He also took over the entire running of the Sundries, ensuring knowledge was accessible to all wizards. As you walk in, a familiar face lights up and runs to you with arms wide open.
As you embrace him, he laughs, "I wasn't sure you'd ever come out of the Underdark without your trusty lover!"
You chuckle, "It's good to see you too, Gale." You back up from him, looking him over in his newest and finest robes.
"You're on a mission, I see. What can I do for you?" Gale says, his voice more matter-of-fact.
You sigh, hoping he will understand what you're getting at, "Astarion hasn't been himself lately. He seems down like he needs a pick-me-up. I hoped to gather everyone to get together and see if that helps. Would you be willing to come to our home for a small party?"
Gale looks inquisitively at you like he's trying to read your mind. Then, he lets out a laugh as he grabs your shoulders, "Of course I'll come! Anything to help an old chum out of a rut. I'll also let Rolan and the tieflings know; it would be great for them to take a break!"
You smile, giving him a firm hug with a bit of a squeeze, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" You don't know what else to do, as thanks would never be enough.
You head off to your next destination with a large smile on your face.
One of the few places with a lot of greenery is where two of your Druid friends spend their time: Halsin and Jaheira. When you find them in Bloomridge Park, you see them and Arabella assisting other Druids to become one with nature. They are so focused on the task at hand that they almost don't see you walking up.
"Y/N!!" Arabella shrieks, running to give you a hug around your legs. You bend down to return the favor.
Halsin smiles in your direction, crossing his arm across his chest and smiling towards you. "It is great to see you, friend. It's been a while; glad to see you getting some sun."
"Welcome back," Jaheira says softly, giving you a nod.
"Hello to you all. It's great to see you helping out the younglings," You grin, wondering if you'll be asking too much of them. Taking them away from the younglings seems like a large ask, considering the kids are new to this side of nature. You start to second-guess yourself, wondering what aspects this might have against them.
"You are concerned; let us know what you are thinking," says Jaheira, a fellow look of concern on her face.
"I don't want to take you away from these children; it seems like a bad time to ask something of you." You kick the ground lightly, feeling nervous.
Halsin smiles, looking at you caringly, "Whatever you have to ask, I'm sure it is necessary."
You look up at them all; they have warming smiles on their faces, making you feel better. "Okay, well, Astarion has been feeling a little down lately. I was thinking of ways to make him feel better, so I thought about getting everyone together in the Underdark. It's a lot safer, and Astarion has been working with the vampire spawn to teach them how to take care of themselves properly. Only if you're able to; not a big deal if not." You realize you have rambled on to them and get nervous awaiting their answer.
"YES! Let's go, please, please, please!" Arabella shouts, vibrating with excitement.
Halsin and Jaheira laugh, holding onto her shoulders to try to calm her down. "Of course, we'll be there, Y/N. That is never too much to ask of us." Halsin exclaims, smiling to try to comfort you. Jaheira nods in agreement, a similar smile across her face.
You grab them in a group hug, feeling fulfillment all throughout your body. "Thank you. I appreciate this more than you will ever know." With a final squeeze, you allow them to get back to their hard work.
Your idea is finally coming into fulfillment, adding a skip to your step as you head to Wyrm's Rock Fortress. There are quite a few people you can talk to here, but the chances of them being able to step away is very slim. The first stop is the barracks to chat with the two behind getting the military ready to protect the people. You walk in to see them hard at work, helping the beef up the crew.
"A'right, soldiers, take a moment to recoup before we get back into the training," Karlach states in a stern tone, one you've never heard.
"T'saik, I never rested in my training; you are too soft, Karlach," Lae'zal exclaimed, rolling her eyes at this obviously tense partnership. Karlach gives her a soft punch on the shoulder when she sees you out of the corner.
"No fucking way," she states, running towards you and tackle hugging you. Lae'zal sanders over with the slightest smile on her lips.
"Why are you here?" she asks, some confusion in her voice. It's only suitable; it's been a month since you've seen the surface.
You let out a sigh, feeling their confusion, happiness, and slight sadness. You've been so concerned with helping Astarion that you never thought about how it could affect the others.
"I'm sorry I've been gone so long and that I've come to ask a favor. I should've come and visited earlier; I apologize." You say sheepishly.
"Oh, soldier, don't worry about it. I'm sure you've been just as busy as us." Karlach states, flinging their arm around your shoulders. Lae'zal crosses her arms, looking into your eyes with dismay.
"I still came to visit." She seems a little more cranky than usual, probably since she's here helping people who aren't even Githyanki. Perhaps it's disappointment in her high expectations, or maybe she's worn out from defeating Vlaaketh and rebuilding her home.
"Lae'zal, ease up, will ya?" Karlach says, her eyes a little more piercing than usual. "What do ya need?" She smiles towards you, her arm still on your shoulders.
"I wanted to see if you could come and do a bit of a house party for Astarion. He's been feeling quite depressed since we went to the Underdark, and I think it would cheer him up." You try to sound enthusiastic, but it comes out a bit more pleading than you want.
"Always aiding him when you should be here with us," Lae'zal says through gritted teeth. This statement grants her another intense stare from Karlach, to which she just bears her teeth at her.
Karlach looks back towards you and grins, "We will be there after we finish training. I'm sure they won't mind a night's rest from this one." She points over at Lae'zal, who just rolls her eyes at the gesture. You smile and give Karlach a big hug, which no longer burns since fixing her engine. You glance at Lae'zal, who finally uncrosses her arms and relaxes as much as she can.
"I will be there by no choice of my own." Lae'zal scoffs, a sign that she isn't as upset as she gives off.
"Alright, where's Wyll? He's next on my list." You say, looking around and expecting him to be there. Usually, he is around to help the Blades of Avernus grow and learn how to protect the city.
"Oh, he's downstairs. That's where the Blades practice after he rebuilt the old prison as a training ground." Karlach says before turning back to the trainees. "Break over! Let's get back to it."
As they line up, you head down to what used to be Wyrm's Rock prison. Once you get down the stairs, you take in the new training area. It's fitted with all the best weapons, shields, and armor that Baldur's Gate has to offer. As you look around in awe, you hear Wyll helping the Blades of Avernus gain in ranks.
"Blades, we have a special guest; please give them your respect," Wyll states before you can even process it. All the Blades stand up and give you a sign of respect. You nod towards the soldiers, and Wyll says, "At ease, back to your training."
He turns to you and smiles, "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
You smile back at him with the same twinge in your stomach that you had when talking to Karlach and Lae'zal. "I'm getting everyone together for a get-together at my home. I was hoping you might be able to come. Astarion is having a hard time, and I think it could cheer him up." You look up at him softly with the same break in your voice.
"You can count on me." He says, saluting you with a grin. "I should be done shortly; I'll head there as soon as possible."
"Thank you, Wyll. I'll see you tonight!" You bounce off, successfully recruiting all your friends for a fun night.
Before heading home, you head to Behive General Goods to gather some goods for tonight. You realize that it's going to be hard to surprise Astarion with all of these people and groceries. It's time for you to add a step to your plan.
You head back to the Underdark, hiding your groceries somewhere Astarion couldn't see them. You then head to Dalyria's home, heading to ask her for help with distracting her 'brother.' You knock on the door, waiting for a response before walking in.
Dalyria opens the door and smiles once she sees your face. "Y/N! Come on in." You walk through the door, returning her smile.
"Hi, Dalyria, I have a favor to ask. Could you possibly distract Astarion for an hour or two? I have a surprise for him." You smile brightly towards her.
"Easily. I'll go over there now! Do you need him to leave the house?" She says kindly, happy to assist obliviously.
"Yes, please! There will be quite a few people. Can you also ask your other siblings to come over a little earlier? You and Petra can come with him when the time comes."
"Yes, I absolutely can do that. Oh, I am so excited. It's been a while since I've had to keep a secret." You instantly know what she means, but try not to let the thought hold you too long.
Once you see Astarion leave with Dalyria, you grab your hidden groceries and get the party set up. While you don't have to make food for him, you start cooking for your food-eating friends. Along with that, you set up some carafes of wine out on the table. Once you have things finished, you hear familiar voices outside your home. You run up to the door and open it to a crowd of faces that light up your heart. They start pouring in, each with something in their hand. This went from a small party to a much larger gathering than you expected. Thankfully, they brought enough to cover everyone.
You look around as your longest friends mingle with each other, laughing and filling your home with warmth and joy. You can't wait to see how Astarion reacts when he shows up with Dalyria. The vampires come in shortly after everyone arrives and begin mingling with the crowd. Your plan has finally come together and ended up even better than you imagined.
When you see Astarion approaching the house, you shush everyone for his entrance. As he opens the front door, everyone simultaneously shouts, "SURPRISE!" Astarion looks around in absolute shock, taken back by all the kind and familiar faces. He lets out a loud laugh as everyone joins in, surrounding him to say hello. You allow him to mingle around with his long-missed friends to allow him to glow up.
You watch him at a distance, smiling as you see him joking and laughing with everyone. Seeing him return to himself brings you a joy unmatched by anything you've felt since you first met. He looks around, locks eyes with you, mouthing 'I love you' and grinning. You mouth 'I love you more' back to him, winking as you move to mingle with the others. You walk over to the group to listen to the conversations being had.
You listen to adventures retold, new experiences from the point you all split ways, and everything in between. From Gale's tales with Tressym and Rolan to Wyll's expertise with the Blades of Avernus, everything seems to feel back to normal with everyone except Lae'zal. She is recluse, not talking with everyone and keeping to herself. You decide to speak to her privately to see what you can get out of her.
"Lae'zal, can we speak, please?" You say softly so the others don't hear.
"Tsk'va, why would I want to talk to you? I am only here because of Karlach." She scoffs, crossing her arms like she did at Wyrm's Rock. You sigh softly at her, grabbing her arm to drag her outside. She yelps, but you get her outside before she can throw a fit.
"Let me go, istik." She hisses, yanking her arm away from you. "What do you think you are doing?"
"I'm here to ask you what is going on. Why are you so angry at me?" You say, crossing your arms to meet her energy.
She rolls her eyes, annoyed at you. "Is it not obvious? You left us for SO long, not even a word or a letter. You could've been dead for all we knew. Then, you come back and ask us to do you this favor when we know you'll just leave again. This will be the last time you see me." She glares at you, keeping the energy she's had the whole time.
You sigh, understanding her frustration and taking it in. She's completely valid in her concerns, but you aren't sure what to say to make her feel better. "You are completely valid in your feelings. I got so encompassed down here that I didn't think about the effects it would have on everyone else. I'm sorry; I truly am. I promise going forward that, I will come up with more. We can plan night events as well to bring Astarion around. I should've done this from the beginning, but I will correct my actions going forth."
Lae'zal takes a deep breath and relaxes her stance more. "If you break this promise, I will never forgive you. I will leave you behind like I have done to many before you. I will accept it...for now." She glances at you and then back inside. You take the hint and follow her back into the party.
When you return, it seems that no one noticed your little skiff outside, and they're still mingling together. You go and grab yourself a drink from the table when a hand all too familiar to yourself rests on your shoulder.
"Thank you, darling," Astarion whispers, kissing you on the cheek gently. You smile at the kiss and turn to him to see his soft smile. "This means so much to me; how did you know I needed it?"
"I know you better than you know yourself. I needed it as well, ya know?" You smile as you rest your hand on his cheek. He rests his face against your hand, closing his eyes to your soft touch. This moment makes you both forget you're in a room full of people. You softly rub his cheek, but your moment is quickly dispelled by hooting and hollering by your friends in the room. Astarion whips back at them, and they immediately silence themselves, sipping their drinks. He bursts into laughter and heads back to the group, winking back at you. You join them, telling stories and gaggling about everything. The night flows into the morning, wrapped in love and friendship for the whole time.
Everyone has left, most helping to clean up and leaving you and Astarion to relax after the long party. He sits on the couch, and you lay next to him, resting your head on his lap. He plays with your hair as you sit in silence, closing your eyes to his touch. You sit in silence for a while, the first in the last few hours. After a while, he breaks the silence in a hushed voice.
"This night is one I won't forget for a while. I didn't realize how long it had been since we had seen everyone. I missed the laughter, the stories, and their presence. Thank you, dear. I will never be able to stop thanking you." He smiles at your calm face, looking at every crevice that he adores.
You open your eyes and smile back at him, looking lovingly in his eyes. "I would do it again, a thousand times over, just to see that lovely smile of yours." You sit up, bringing him into a soft kiss, feeling him smile throughout. Your kiss deepens, filled with passion, love, and thrill. You pull back, resting your forehead against his, both grinning from ear to ear.
"It's nice to have you back."
"It's good to be back, my sweet."
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Warning: lactation kink, babies! Not literal babies. In fact, babies don't interact, this isn't for you *3* googoogaga somewhere else.
Intrusive thoughts of Kishibe having a lactation kink and that he founds out there's actually a service that performs that kind of kink. Of course he went, picked a gal with a nice pair of tits to squeeze at with nipples that looks like it would fit nicely between his fingers.
Obviously, that gal is you.
One thing to note with the service is that the women are prepared for mommy and wife roleplays and Kishibe picked the latter.
So, for an indefinite amount of time, you were Mrs. Kishibe whose baby is almost three years old. You have weaned them off from breastmilk successfully for two months now but alas you still produce the same amount of milk such as before.
Enter Kishibe - husband, father, and lactation connoisseur.
"So you have been dumping your milk on the sink behind my back, huh?" You stiffened from the whisper near your ear and felt a hand on top of yours. The other rests on your breast, its fingers pinching your nipple gently but even such attempt have caused a mess.
"Honey!" You feigned your suprise, skimming through the story your customer have requested and expressed shame just like you were supposed to do. "I-I didn't think you'd be home so early."
The cup you filled your milk with have been grabbed out of your grasp. And watched the man drank the entire thing with large and loud gulps.
You observed his Adam's apple bob for each gulp while feeling his fingers tighten around your nipple. His gaze darkens as he looked at you and once his thirst have been temporarily quenched. He opens his mouth, complete with his tongue sticking out and notices white streak of milk that stains it.
Somehow that affected you.
You're not exactly a newbie but it's been a year and a half since you began working at this establishment. You've met a wide range of men and women who all have their spin towards the kink so you don't have a lot of expectations for each customer that chose you as their lady of the night.
And, him, or Honey as he preferred to be called, was a fellow with a demeanor you have met before. Men who are at the top of the foodchain, all intimidating, assertive, and suave.
However, Honey has manage to break you out of your professionalism, bit by bit, and let this kink consume you just like he is with your leaking breasts.
"Thought I'd come home and be with my wife," Honey answers before putting down the cup on the counter. His fingers were still working with your nipple; twirling it, pressing it down to your areola before flicking it all around.
All the while milk spills and rain all over his dark suit.
The pain mixed with pleasure and you buckled your thighs together, while you continue on with the charade. "A-ah, you should've call so I would have started dinner earlier."
"Why cook something else when your body already prepared a feast for me to eat," Honey replies back before turning you around and grabs your other breast; kneading them together.
"Ah!" You moan from the pressure of his rough, calloused palms and felt it massage down to your nipples, tugging them to his direction.
Sprays of milks was becoming more apparent than mere tiny drops that paints his clothes. The same could be said with your skin and felt each droplet rolled down to your panties, wetting its fabric.
Yes, Honey requested that you were bare as possible. So you were left to be modest with just your underwear. But even Madam made sure that its fabric was made of the thinnest of silk.
Such underwear puts you with a disadvantage. Even a tiny spill of your wetness underneath could stick the fabric close to your skin, darkening your underwear entirely with your essence and it seems Honey took notice of it too.
Instead of pursuing your pleasure from your cunt though. Honey cups your breasts, jiggling them in his hands and you watched as he crouch down to face them.
"Those are for the baby," you argue with a meek tone, with a hand to push his face away from your nipple but you succumb to his hot breath breezing to your skin.
It was also a part of your script.
But, fuck, he's hot!
This shit's hot. You're getting heated by the tension throbbing within you, clenching for something to hold onto while your nipples began to feel cold and wet and...
Honey merely smirk before opening his mouth, his tongue sticking out to collect the drizzle of milk that were squeeze out of you. And gulps them all up with a daring look on his face.
"Not like the brat needs it anyways. Besides, I am busting my ass in the company to make sure you two got everything you need. Don't you think I deserve a reward?"
You open your mouth, memorizing what little dialogue you already have but moans and pants have left you breathless. You attempt, of course, and Honey waited for the consent he needed to continue.
So you persist with a nod.
You twitched by the immediate soft lick of his tongue against the tip of your nipple and felt his arm tighten around you, pulling you closer to his embrace. From the corner of your eye, Honey sat down on a chair, probably to nurse from your nipple with ease.
"A-ah! Hng," you moan as he sucks your nipple with vigor while your other breast wasn't left unattended either. You watch his cheeks hollowed, his eyes closed and felt the vibration of his hum against your nipple.
His lashes drip with milk, his lips pursed with his tongue occasionally peeking through to lick each drop that rolls down to his lips. His other hand have soften its sadism, opting to just hold your nipple with loose fingers.
Honey, for the time being, was quiet, only his suckle penetrated through the room while you leaned against the sink, contemplating beyond the pleasure that simmers in you.
The dark bags under his eyes, the wrinkles that sag and accentuate his age. Fatigue was a feature that have sunk deep into his skin.
With a hand raised on top of his head, you just followed what was asked of you. To caress him; to brush off the strands of hair on his forehead and move away the milk that spilled near his eyes. You wouldn't want Honey to get his eye stung from milk, would you?
"Is it tasty?" You whisper.
And Honey responds with a nod, never letting go of your nipple within him. You felt his tongue roll around it, tracing through the creases of your areola.
You even hiss in pleasure by the soft nibble of his teeth, just enough to feel it against you.
Eventually, you rest his head on your forearm with half of his face pressed against your breast and let the minutes waste away as Honey has his fill. While you, on the other hand, waited - excited, pleasured, and terribly enticed by the sensation.
You anticipate for the second half of the script.
The song that inspired this fic *3*
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yxurstrulyy · 4 months
: ̗̀➛ The sky and you
synopsis :: Soft moments with Rafayel. A story from his childhood.
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The sound of the waves are both tantalizing and serene. The sand grazes gently upon your skin, with the occasional waves that brush your feet. Cold air kisses your skin, and you feel it come down to the thin fabric of your clothes, releasing a slow shudder of your shoulders.
Rafayel, you noticed - is still where you both once were before you had ran towards the spot which captures the picturesque beauty of the sunset. His eyes hold a quiet, unreadable glint, a soft smile slightly lifting the corners of his lips. You are almost forced to look away from how intensely he stares at you, as if you are a memory he wishes not to forget.
Already embarrassed and undoubtedly shy, you cower from his gaze and move your legs to approach him. If he won't move, you certainly will. You stop just a few inches away from him, his hand automatically being held against yours, a practiced gesture. Just as he had been staring earlier, he is looking away now. Quite the mystery he is - who shies away from affection yet yearns for it just as much as you do. “You're acting unusual,” you point out, eyes scanning his face to catch a glimpse of how his ears redden for every syllable out of your lips.
“Not coming?” you called out, too in the moment to comment on his decreased momentum or the uncharacteristic change to his demeanor. “Soon. Let me look at you for a while longer.” he huffs out a laugh, eyes crinkling with a tilt of his head. He looks awestrucked, like a boy caught in love at first sight. If he had a polaroid with him, he would have already captured the unexplainable beauty that is you.
“It's just the breeze. You know how cold it is.” he reasons, eyes closing to let out the huff he's been holding in his throat. You blink up at him in confusion, and maybe a bit in concern, but do not push any further. Rafayel had mentioned this specific part of the beach in the past, and the memories he had made here from a long, long time ago. Could it be nostalgia that is acting upon him? Or the passionate moment getting caught in his heart, holding him tightly in place? Nonetheless, you take the initiative to pull on his hand and guide the both of you through the cool night.
Finally, Rafayel opened his mouth to let out his thoughts. "When I was young, I went here often.” Rafayel had never been one to keep quiet, especially around you. His words just come out naturally, as if he never runs out of things to say. It is an endearing part of him, a trait that just makes him, him. You don't stop your deliberate pace on the sand, and only look back when you feel him tug at your wrist. You follow the direction of his eyes to see the splashes of colors laid over the clouds to present the twinkle of the stars. For once, you wish you could stop time and let Rafayel admire the scenery for much longer.
"The sea didn't have a sky, so I was foreseeably drawn into the dark hues that appear in the horizon.” with his left hand clasped around yours, he reaches his right one out onto the sky, as if to grab the clouds that got overlapped by his palm. “I had wondered if the sky, too, had inhabitants of its own. At one point, I dreamt of touching the sky and stealing its color for a drawing, because nothing from the sea could replicate the shades I want.”
The thought of seeing Rafayel on the shore as a child, alone and at peace, graces a smile to your lips. You imagine his neck hurting from how long he would tilt his head to admire the scenery, and a soft laugh escapes through you. “There you are, laughing for no reason again.” Rafayel grunts, but not without an affectionate squeeze to your hand. He rests his head against yours, his eyes gazing at you with his signature smile back on his face.
“You once told me that you saw an otter hug a fish and spun it around. I'd like to see a similar scenario one day.” you blurt out, and immediately hear Rafayel laughing not a few seconds after. Although he is most likely going to start teasing you again, you can't help but smile along. He coughs out something along the lines of ‘you actually remembered!’ but you can barely make out the pronunciation from how much he's been laughing.
“There aren't many sea creatures that come here anymore,” Rafayel says once he calms, his head turning to look around the desolate beach that silences the cries of faraway seagulls. The sound of the waves accompany you in your thoughts, and you can almost feel the breeze pushing you towards him. “Buuuut,” he grins, surprising you by placing his hands on your waist and lifting you off of your feet. “R-Rafayel!” you scream loudly, your eyes widening once he commits the tomfoolery of spinning you around in his arms.
“You can't see it in person, so how about we recreate it!” you can't begin to explain how crazy he sounded, yet you swallowed down your pride to indulge in this moment's happiness, your screaming deliberately turning into shared laughter with the man you love. He glides the both of you on the sand, like a dancer on stage. His final twirl causes him to lose balance, yet thankfully catches both you just in time. He is inches away from your face, a comfortable distance for a passionate kiss.
"Originally, I wanted to experience that same feeling of awe when I saw the sky for the first time,” his breath tickles your skin, his head now buried in the crook of your neck. "But instead of the sky, I see myself looking at you."
He is just a man in love, and as any man in love would, he seals his words with a kiss.
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princessconsuela120 · 9 months
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Series masterlist
Chapter Warnings: pregnancy, cursing, vomit
Author’s Note: Sorry this one took to long, but I hope you guys enjoy. Go check out my pal on Instagram I love their post covid art to death!! Enjoy the chapter, don’t forget to comment repost and like!!!!
Chapter art by samma on Instagram
Find here vvv
IT WAS SAFE TO SAY THE KYLE AND I HAD SPENT ALMOST THE REST OF THE DAY DECIDING HOW TO BREAK THE NEWS. It wasn’t even just our parents we’d have to tell, it was everyone. We had seriously considered bribing Ike with candy to have him break the news to the Broflovski’s, but he simply flipped Kyle and I off before retreating to his room. Now telling Kenny was probably the easiest part of it all. The squeal he let out, and immediately enveloped me in a hug proved to me that he would have probably been angry if we had given the baby up in the first place. But now came our families, so of course Kenny had to be there for moral support.
“Okay, listen..we’ve gathered you guys today because we have something to announce.” Kyle said, the two of us standing infront of the couch in the living room of the Broflovski residence as we spoke. It was actually quite a terrifying intervention. Both pairs of parents sitting on the couch, Ike on the chair with his iPad and my brother sitting leisurely on the arm of the couch.
“Are you guys dating?” My mom asked, but I was interrupted before I could answer.
“Aw gross dude, just don’t suck face in front of me alright?” Stan said, scrunching his face up with disgust. “I’m already trying to bleach my eyes from that disgusting iray on the basketball court yesterday.” He continued to whine, earning a look of warning from me as Kyle shook his head.
“No, well, kinda, but that’s not what we wanted to announce.” He explained, Kenny looking between us both with furrowed eyebrows.
“Kinda? How are you kinda dating?” He asked, not feeling the anticipation the way the rest of our family was, having already known what the announcement was, of course Kenny’s very very small attention span was in full range.
“You know like, we’re together but it’s not like, truly together together but like…” I began to explain, and Kyle nodded along.
“I like her she like likes me, it’s really not that hard to..” Kyle continued, before Sheila shook a hand in between us, bringing us back to reality.
“What did you call us here to tell us?” She asked, making me nod at her.
“In leiu of recent eventss…” Kyle began explaining, causing a rise of anxiety to form in my stomach.
“Mark and Vanessa’s divorcee…” I continued, grabbing onto Kyle’s hand to help calm my nerves.
“The baby has been left homeless. And I’m, well, we decided that..” Kyle stopped talking when he made eye contact with his mom for the first time since we got here. I think something seemed to connect in my mind that I wasn’t alone in this. Kyle was right there beside me, holding my hand. And that I wasn’t the only person this was affecting. Kyle was just as scared to tell his parents. I squeezed his hand.
“That what?” Stan asked, making me sigh.
“That we’re gonna keep it.”
“Juno, honey, are you sure you’ve thought this through?” My mom asked, ignoring the confused looks from the Broflovski’s.
“Yes, I have. I’m gonna pick up a job at Mr Garrison’s convenient store until the baby arrives..” I explained, a protective hand over my stomach as my mom rubbed a hand over her face with stress.
“And I’ve already worked out a job with both Jimbo and the ice cream shop with Butters.” Kyle explained, but Sheila shook her head with confusion.
“Kyle honey, I don’t see what this has to do with you, with us.” Sheila said, her calming voice and kind demeanor making me feel even more nervous to tell her this. Somehow, everything felt even worse due to her kindness. Sheila was like a mother to me, even when we were kids. It just made me feel worse, knowing I'd disappoint her.
“Well, mom, dad.” Kyle began, before sighing again and squeezing his eyes closed momentarily. “Listen, I know it’s not ideal, and I know it’s been a long time coming, and I should’ve just told you from the start, but well, umm…” he tried to find the words, sharing a look at me when he noticed how difficult this truly was.
“Kyle is the father.” Kenny said with a low intimidating voice, earning looks of anger from Kyle and i.
“Dude, totally stole their moment.” Stan said, shaking his head in disappointment as Kenny frowned.
“I'm sorry I’ve always wanted to say that, like those reality tv shows.” He said back, both boys continuing to bicker, but all our attention was on Sheila.
“What what WHAT!?!” She shouted, causing Kyle to flinch slightly as he retreated closer into my body.
“Kyle Matthew Broflovski, you got a girl pregnant and you didn’t tell us!?!” Gerald shouted, and Kyle sighed, looking up at his dad.
“It wasn’t even gonna matter, she was giving the baby away, it would’ve been useless to tell you.” He said quietly, and Gerald’s expression grew angrier.
“Useless to tell! What so you can go and get another girl pregnant instead?!” He shouted again, making Sheila shake her head with disappointment.
“I can’t believe this, I thought we raised you right!?”
“In all fairness Mr and Mrs Broflovski, you have.” I interrupted, letting go of Kyle’s hand for a second to step forward more. “Listen I’m not gonna say he’s totally innocent, it takes two to tango, but Kyle’s been nothing but kind to me throughout this whole thing. I mean, he respected me, he took responsibility…”
“I mean have you met your son? There’s no way he initiated the sex.” Kenny interrupted, causing me to widen my eyes at him.
“Kenny.” I whispered, and he raised his hands in defense.
“I know it’s not the perfect situation, and we don’t make the picture perfect family, but I don’t think I would have survived this long without your son.” I explained, causing both Sheila and Gerald’s expressions to soften.
“Jo?” Kyle said, but I ignored him and kept talking.
“And if it’s any consolation, I was the one who told him to keep it from you. I didn’t see the point in causing more trouble than I already had.” I said, picking anxiously at my nails as I avoided any eye contact with anyone else in the room. Kyle stepped close to me again, grabbing my hands to stop me from picking at them, lifting my chin slightly so his eyes would meet with mine.
“Juno, you didn’t cause any trouble. This isn’t your fault.” He said softly, tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear. I smiled at him, pouting slightly when I cupped his cheeks sweetly:
“But it is.” I sighed, placing a soft kiss on his forehead before letting my hands drift off his body. “You’re just so sweet you choose to block that part out.” He sighed, shaking his head, about to say something in response, but deciding to stay quiet. I wasn’t exactly sure why, but based off the look he gave me I could tell he was too nervous already to try and reassure me further. And he knew no matter how hard he’d try to reassure me, I wouldn’t listen. Instead I could feel him wrap his arms around me from behind, his large hands resting on my stomach as his chin laid on my shoulder. I smiled softly, feeling a soft peck be given to my cheek, somehow managing to soothe my whole body.
“Well, Kyle I am still very angry with you.” Sheila said speaking up, causing Kyle to step away, nodding at his mom. “And though I’m angry you didn’t tell us, I admire your maturity with this whole thing.” She said softly, letting out a long sigh, as if she hadn’t been able to breathe this whole time.
“Thanks mom.”
“You’re still grounded young man!” She shouted, pointing a finger at him. He was nodding quicker now, still scared of his mothers raised voice.
“Of course.”
“3 weeks!”
“And no electronics.”
“I get it.”
“And no basketball either, at least while you’re grounded.”
“Yes ma’am.” Kyle said, saluting his mom, a small smile on his face, reciprocating in hers.
“Now are you two sure this is what you want to do?” Gerald asked, looking between both Kyle and I. We both smiled, grabbing each others hand.
“I’ve never been more sure about anything in my life.” I said softly, earning a hand squeeze from Kyle.
“A baby is a lot of work.” My mom explained, earning nods of agreement from my dad.
“It takes time, and money…” my dad continued, all the parents about to continue before Kenny shot up from his seat.
“I call God father!” He shouted, jumping with excitement as Stan cursed to himself.
“Damn you McCormick! I call the next one!” Stan shouted, also jumping up as he glared angrily at Kenny.
“Boys!” Sheila shouted, as Kyle and I looked at each other, laughing lightly as the two began to argue once again.
AFTER THE STRESS OF THE EVENING DISSIPATED, we came to realize that Kyle being grounded didn’t count coming over to my house. Sheila was practically giddy at the fact to let him be closer to me, which if that doesn’t just warm your heart I don’t know what does. We were currently snuggled together on the couch, Butterssitting beside us, Cartman carefully watching the tv as Stan and Kenny attempted to make dinner in the kitchen. My parents were out to dinner so we were on our own, and of course Stan being the “man” he is he needed to prove his cooking skills.
“What did you mean earlier when you said we weren’t technically together?” Kyle asked, causing me to sit up a bit, moving my legs from their spot on Butters lap to sit up next to Kyle.
“Oh, well, just you haven’t officially asked yet.” I said, shrugging my shoulders as he raised an eyebrow at me.
“That was my job? I thought the thousands of tic-tac’s in my mailbox sealed the deal?” He said, chuckling lightly. I smiled up at him.
“No silly that was just my love confession.” I explained, making him smirk. He sat up, pretending to straighten a tie that wasn’t there.
“Well then, Juno Marsh, will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?” He said, smiling cheekily as a smiled back. I kissed him, holding his chin and squeezing slightly, smiling from ear to ear at his cuteness.
“Well of course, I mean we’re already married aren’t we?” Kyle smiled wider at my words, remembering our “wedding” we had with ring pops as children.
“Fair point.”
“So, do you guys know if it’s a boy or a girl?” Butters asked, his hands practically glued to my stomach since I sat down. I swear sometimes I think Butters was more excited than me. More excited then Kenny even. I think every time he’s around his hands never leave my stomach.
“No, we’re staying surprised.”
“That’s crazy, so there’s like, a baby in there?” Butters said, holding his cheek against my stomach, surprising both Kyle and I as Cartman looked over with disgust.
“A little demon spawn of ginger Jew genes.” He grumbled, rolling his eyes as he glared at Butters.
“Shut up Cartman.” Kyle threatened, causing Cartman to stick his tongue out at him before looking back at the tv.
“You’re like God!” Butters shouted, moving his head up to smile at Kyle and I.
“Butters, what?” I asked, laughing at his response.
“You’re right, God didn’t grow people, he just pressed a button and they sprouted from the ground.” He explained, placing his head back against my stomach.
“Is that accurate?” Kyle asked, causing me to shrug.
“You’re like, better than god.” He whispered in awe, making me nod in agreement.
“You hear that Stan?” I shouted, hearing Stan scoff all the way from the kitchen. “I'm better than God.”
“Yeah and I'm Jesus.” He shouted back, making my face scrunch up.
“Ew gross, that would mean you’re my son!”
“This is so beautiful, you’re so beautiful it’s crazy.” Kyle whispered, kissing the top of my head softly. “How are you even doing that?” He asked, his hand around my shoulder moving to rest below my stomach, holding it protectively as Butters continued to cling onto me.
“You didn’t hear? I'm god.” I said smugly, smirking at him as he playfully rolled his eyes.
“AH!” Tweek shouted, causing Craig and I to jump slightly as we both looked over at him. “What if you bruise the baby’s head?” He asked anxiously, referring to the bowl of popcorn that was resting on top of my baby bump. Craig grabbed his arm, rubbing it soothingly to calm him down.
“Relax honey, I’m sure Juno knows what she’s doing.” He reassured, making me raise an eyebrow at him questioningly.
“Oh I have no idea what I’m doing, but I doubt this bowl will bruise the baby’s head.” I said, earning a light shove from Craig.
“Ah! That’s so scary!” He said, grabbing a fistful of his hair nervously. I smiled, feeling a light kicking at the bottom of my stomach. I grabbed Tweeks wrist from his hair and placing it where the baby was kicking. It seemed to calm him down, smiling at the sensation against his hand before his body soothed. Craig placed his hand above Tweeks, smiling.
“I can’t believe you’re gonna be a mom.” He said, shaking his head with disbelief as my face scrunched up.
“Ew, don’t even say that to me.” I said, adjusting slightly as the kicking started to become painful.
“What? It’s true.”
“Yeah but I like to be blissfully unaware for as long as I can.”
“I thought you hated being pregnant.” Craig said, making me nod at him with widened eyes.
“I hate it so much.” That wasn’t necessarily true, I did love it. It made me feel less lonely, important. Like I did have a purpose in this world.
“Yeah, you’ve been so sick lately.” Tweek said, making me shutter.
“Don’t even remind me, just hearing the word sick makes me gag. I just, I wanna have a chill night, with my boys, with no interruptions to worry me.” I explained, earning a pout from Craig. I sighed, laying my head on Tweeks shoulder as I rested my legs onto Craig’s lap. He sighs in response, rubbing soothing patterns against my leg as I closed my eyes, Tweeks head resting against mine.
“Juno!” Kenny yelled, sprinting in through the front door with Stan, causing both Tweek and I to shoot up.
“Ahh!” Tweek shouted, making me hold onto my ear.
“Good lord I think you bruised my eardrum.” I said, as Tweek shook nervously in his spot.
“Why would you do that!?” He shouted at Kenny, causing both boys to shrug.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t think you’d be startled.” Kenny said innocently, making Craig roll his eyes.
“Yeah, just run into the room screaming out of nowhere and expect it NOT to scare tweek.” Craig said, making Tweek flip him off.
“You guys are assholes!” He shouted in response, as Stan shook his hands, trying to get my attention back to him.
“Anyway, look June, Kenny can hold this spoon on his nose for 3 minutes.” Stan said excitedly, both boys practically jumping up and down with joy.
“Unimpressed.” I said, making Stan roll his eyes.
“Okay, fine. Well watch this, he can catch popcorn in his mouth from all the way across the room.” Stan said, coming to stand beside me as Kenny braced himself from across that room.
“Uh, Stan..” I said, feeling a churning inside my stomach at the smell from the bowl Stan had.
“What kind of popcorn is this?” I asked, holding my chest to try and steady myself.
“White cheddar, why?”
“Oh god.”
I quickly ran to the bathroom, throwing up all of my food from the day into the toilet, resting my head in my arms as I let out small whines of discomfort. I closed the door behind me, not wanting to stress out any of the boys.
“Juno?” Stan called, knocking on the door as he heard my light sobs.
“Go away Stan!”
I could hear him sigh from the other side of the door, before ultimately retreating, saying something to the other guys as they walked away.
“Hey, Stan called I came home as fast as I can, what’s up?” Kyle asked, carefully peaking his head through the door when he saw my form hunched over the toilet seat. His gaze softened slightly as he tied my hair back into a ponytail, rubbing soft circles into my back.
“You left basketball?” I asked, my voice softening when his hand met my cheek. I frowned at him, which he reciprocated.
“Yeah, it’s no big deal it’s just..”
“Kyle, honey it’s a big game..” I interrupted him, running my hands through his curls, maybe him sigh.
“It’s okay, you’re more important to me.” He said reassuringly, frowning when he noticed the few tears that started dripping down my cheeks.
“Now, what’s wrong?” He asked softly, rubbing his thumb gently across my cheek bone.
“I don’t think the baby likes cheese all too well.” I laid my head against his chest, making him sigh as he tried to soothe my nerves.
“Sick again?”
“I thought this was supposed to end after the first trimester.” I whined into his chest, as Kyle kissed the top of my head.
“I know love, I’m sorry. Want me to get you some water?” He asked, making tears begin to drip down my cheeks. He pulled away when he felt wetness on his shirt, pouting at me when he did.
“Oh, oh please no, don’t cry honey.” He reassured, and I just shook my head, wiping my face haphazardly on my sleeve.
“You’re just so sweet to me. I love you so much Kyle I just, I’ll never love anyone else again.” I cried, hiding my face in my hands. He chuckled slightly at my dramatics, placing his hand on my stomach.
“If I’m being sweet then why are you crying?” He asked, smiling when he felt a few light kicks against his hand.
“Shut up asshole! I’m emotional.” I yelled, pulling away. He raised his hands in defense, causing me to cling onto him and once again hide my face in his chest.
“Yes you are.” Stan said from the door, causing me to turn around. Once I did I noticed that all of the boys were standing at the door. The once cracked slightly open door was now wide open as Stan, Tweek, Kenny and Craig were watching with concern. I threw my middle finger out at Stan.
“Shut up Stan! I swear to god I will shove your phone so far up your ass you’ll be tasting it for a week!” I shouted, Kyle holding me back as I tried to lunge at him.
It barely came out as a whisper, but I still heard him. I didn’t know why, I knew he was kidding, Stan and I called each other names all the time. But for some reason, I couldn’t control the tears that streamed down my cheeks.
“Oh why are you crying now?” Craig asked, a look of concern on his face as I hurrying my head once again into Kyle’s already soaked short.
“Stan called me a bitch!” I mumbled against Kyle’s shirt. He shushed me carefully, running his fingers through my hair to try me calm me down.
“I know love, you’re just going through a lot of big emotions right now, it’s okay. He’s sorry, aren’t you Stan?” Kyle said, turning to look at Stan who stood with his arms folded, shaking his head.
“No dude.”
“Say you’re sorry!” Kyle shouted, making Stan flinch slightly.
“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I love you.”
I smiled up at Stan, seeing a playful smile reciprocated on his face.
“I love you too.” I said, going back to letting Kyle hold me.
“See? All better.”
“Your chest smells pretty.” I mumbled, making Kyle laugh as I let myself relax to the sound of his heartbeat.
“How many more months of this?” Craig whispered to Kenny, making him shake his head as all the boys watched in fear.
“Oh god I hope not too many.” He replied, Stan shaking his head as well.
She gave me a wet Willy two days ago cause I ate her grapes. I still have a bruise.” Stan explained, earning looks of confusion from everyone.
“You don’t get bruises from a wet Willy idiot.” Craig teased, rolling his eyes. Stan stared straight ahead, a scared look on his face.
“From Juno you do…from Juno you do.”
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Fell in Love with the Fire Long Ago
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The epilogue of A Gentle Kind of Love
Contains: Fluff, smut (oral sex F receiving, fingering, P in V,) discussions of pregnancy.
5.8K words
Comment if you want to be tagged/removed or follow #a gentle kind of love.
“Happily ever after, or even just together ever after, is not cheesy,” Wren said. “It’s the noblest, like, the most courageous thing two people can shoot for.” ― Rainbow Rowell.
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Manny's hands were too bruised and swollen to take his bike home so you waved him into the passenger seat of your car and drove off, "you really didn't need to do that, I've heard far worse before."
Manny huffed, "yes, I did. Canche doesn't get to say what he wants because of his hook ups. I didn't mean to scare you."
You shook your head, "I wasn't scared, I just don't want you to get hurt."
Manny smiled and reached over to place his hand on your thigh, "I'm not going to get hurt."
You smiled, "I love you Manny, so much and I think it's very sweet that you want to defend my honour."
Manny chuckled, "you're my girl, I got to make sure everyone knows that."
You thought for a moment before responding, "move in with me. Your lease is up in two months and I own my place outright. The cats won't ever feel like you've abandoned them and we don't have to go back and forth.."
Manny squeezed your leg to quiet you, "there's no need to sell it, I'll call the guys to help me pack my stuff tomorrow."
You snorted, "that's if you're not on probation in the morning."
Manny sucked on his tongue, "nah, old ladies are off limits, anyone would have done the same thing."
You nodded, relaxing as you pulled into your driveway "are you sure? I would never forgive myself if you got into trouble over me."
He leaned across the car and kissed your soft, "I'm sure."
You brushed your hand over his cheek and bumped his nose with yours, "we better go inside, I really need to look at your hands."
Manny chuckled, "lead the way gorgeous."
You got him inside and went to the bathroom to get the first aid kit before stopping by the freezer and grabbing some ice packs. Manny sat down with a sigh as you started to clean his hands, "I don't think anything is broken but you're going to need to give your hands a rest for a few days. I'll take you to and from work until the swelling goes down."
Manny smiled, "I am one lucky man, you know that."
You felt your chest get warm, "I'm the one who's lucky, I never thought I'd find someone as wonderful as you."
Manny pulled his hand from yours and reached up to cup your cheek, "then I guess we're both lucky and I know moving in so soon might seem really fast but I don't think there's anyone else I'd rather be with."
It hit you that it was a bit fast, "maybe we should talk about things before we take that step, what if we have fundamental differences. I mean, do you want kids? Are you an organ donor? How do you feel about…"
Manny cut you off with a kiss, "yes to both. Is that alright with you?"
You smiled, "yes, yes, that's alright with me. I'm sorry."
He chuckled, "it's alright, this is new to me too but we'll work it out."
You pulled back and returned to cleaning his hands, "I love you so much."
The smile on Manny's face was gentle and filled with affection, "I love you too."
You finished his hands and Manny regarded you, "what?"
You smiled and he pulled you into his arms, pressing his face into your hair, "do you want to get married?"
You blinked, you thought you had heard him right, "pardon?"
You felt him inhale, "do you want to get married. There's no one else I can see myself spending my life you, you are the cats and however many children you want to give me feels about as close to a happy ever after a man can ask for. I know it's really sudden and you can take some time…"
You cut him off with a kiss, "yes, yes I'll marry you. But I want a proper wedding, the big white dress, the stupid cake that doesn't taste like anything, the whole nine."
Manny chuckled, "you can have whatever you want, what about a ring?"
You thought for a moment, "I've done enough aid work to know the damage that gemstones can do, I am however, very partial to lab grown sapphires, the bonus is that if you get the gem and design the ring yourself, it's like a third of the price of buy it at the jeweller."
Manny chuckled, "alright, I'm sure someone knows a guy. Hell, Angel's probably going to shove a catalogue in my face when I get there in the morning."
You sighed, "do you want to tell them tomorrow?"
Manny smiled, "I mean, why not. We wouldn't be the first spur of the moment wedding."
You kissed him softly, "no, we wouldn't. I can't believe we're getting married. I have to go dress shopping."
Manny smiled, "take Hope and Lettie, hell Coco and Angel will go along too."
You giggled, "why don't we invite the whole crew and have a say yes to the dress SP addition. I'm sure Marcus will tag along."
Manny grinned, "I love you."
You smiled back, "I love you too."
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You dropped Manny off the next day, Manny taking your hand and walking you inside. Angel greeted you with a smile but Bishop was more serious, "what's going on?" 
Bishop managed a smile, "it looks like we'll be heading to Arizona, last night a brick went through the window of the Yuma Clubhouse with a note attached. I was hoping Manny would bring you by so you could tell me your professional opinion." 
He pulled out his phone and showed you the photo, the note was pretty clear.
"Poison begets poison." 
"Thoughts?" Bishop didn't sound worried, he sounded pissed. 
"My guess is that it is what it says. Someone is planning to poison Yuma, I imagine with Fentanyl. The use of language is telling, the person is either well read or trying to be dramatic. The handwriting reflects that, it's simple but cursive so you're looking at someone who learned it in school and the brick through the window is pretty old fashioned. If I was the one doing it, I'd booby trap a car, create a contraption that slips the power everywhere when someone opens the car hood." 
Bishop nodded, "thank you y/n, now I know you have things to do so why are you stopping by?" 
You smiled, "Manny and I are getting married." 
Angel hopped up from the chair and raced over, "did I hear that right, you're getting married?" 
Manny grinned, "yep, we talked about it last night. We're having a proper wedding so it will be next year but when you know you know." 
Angel all but jumped up and down, "fuck yeah. I am the best match maker ever. I stand by what I said, you better name your first kid after me." 
You rolled your eyes, "if you shut up I'll think about it." 
Coco walked in from outside and looked at the scene, "what?" 
Before you could answer, Angel did it for you, "these two are getting married, just like that." He turned back to you, "when are you getting the dress?" 
You shook your head, "I'm going to get an appointment which brings me to my next point. I'd really like it if you guys could come along." 
Coco smiled and wrapped his arms around you, "hell fucking yeah, you want Hope and Lettie there?" 
You nodded, "of course. And I need someone to walk me down the aisle, so do you want to?" 
Coco hugged you again, "fuck yeah. Come on, we have planning to do, I'll get Chucky to help." 
You sighed as he pulled you away, "there goes my plans for the day." 
Manny pecked you before Coco dragged you to the office, "have fun." 
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Knock Knock
You, Coco and Chucky were looking over invite templates when Riz knocked on the door, "come in." 
He opened the door with a smile, "Angel told me the good news, congratulations." 
You smiled and got up to hug him, "how many people has Angel told?" 
Riz smiled, "the moment he told me and Creep, he left to call Marcus, he also told Taza to start looking for a venue, I'm pretty sure he's appointed himself as the wedding planner. I was coming to ask you about your dress." 
You sighed, "of course he has. I've got an appointment at the dress shop next month why?" 
Riz shrugged, "I was hoping I could come, I've really love all those sappy shows." 
You nodded, "of course you can come. I need as much help as I'm going to get." 
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The week had been a rush, turns out bikers were far more into weddings than you had thought. Between the guys helping Manny move and Manny looking for a place to make a ring and work, you felt like you didn't get a second to stop.
When the weekend rolled along and it was time to leave for Yuma you could sense something was coming. Manny came up behind you while you were feeding the cats and wrapped his arms around your body before resting his head on your shoulder, "you don't have to say yes but can you come with us this weekend? It would be good to have you there."
You sighed, "sure, I think I should be there to stop you from killing Canche anyway. Did anything come of that?"
Manny shook his head, "nah, he would have had to explain why I hit him in the first place."
You spun and kissed him, "I bet it will be strange to be back there?"
Manny nodded, "yeah, it ain't the most enjoyable place to be, but I have you and that's good enough for me."
You smiled and kissed him again, "you are such a dreamboat. What's next, you're going to show up on a white horse and whisp me away?"
Manny smiled, "if that's what you want, I'll have to learn to ride a horse but I'll do it."
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You understood what Manny meant when you arrived at the Yuma compound, it just felt gross. Marcus was there, smiling from ear to ear when he saw you had accompanied Santo Padre. He gave you a hug, crushing your ribs with an embrace, "Angel told me the good news, when's the wedding?"
You smiled, "ten months, we're still planning the big bits but we're getting there."
Manny walked up to you and threw his arm over your shoulder, accepting Marcus' congratulations with a warm smile before walking off to deal with Canche, "you doing good?"
He nodded, "yeah, I want to head somewhere later today, Coco said he's keep you company."
You smiled, "of course, is everything ok?"
He nodded, "yeah, I wanted to stop by and see my sister." He sounded so sad.
"That's fine with me, please take as long as you need. I'll be here waiting for you."
He dropped his forehead onto yours and kissed you softly, "thank you."
Manny detached for you with a kiss, and you waved goodbye as he left and you went to sit with Coco, "you good?"
You nodded, "I'm great, everything is great. How did Templo go?"
Coco shrugged, "if there's one more bad cut Yuma is done, the vote went through without much protest, if we're lucky, this is the end of it."
You sighed, "and this threat?"
He gave you an unreadable look, "we'll see."
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Manny brought the flower to his face, the little white Heliotrope filling his nose with a gentle scent. He walked up to Clara's gravestone and brushed away the dirt before placing the flowers in the little holder and kneeling down, resting his hand on the cold rock.
"I've meant someone CC and she's so wonderful, you would have loved her. I think, I know, she would have loved you too. We're getting married soon." He stopped, his emotions clogging his throat, "I just wanted to tell you the good news, because I know you would you'd want to be there if you could."
A gentle breeze blew in his face and he swore he could smell her bubblegum shampoo, he knew it was just his mind playing tricks on him but he couldn't help but feel it was his sitter letting him know she was happy for him. He left feeling lighter, the breeze brushing by him one last time as he walked through the gate.
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There was something different about Manny when he returned, he sat next to you, Coco Angel and grabbed your hand, "how was your trip?"
He smiled, "it was good, I know she's not really there but it felt good to talk to her again."
The others were lost in their own conversation as you spoke, "I don't know much about that kind of thing but I think she was listening , even it it was just the part of her that you carry."
Manny reached up and brushed your cheek, "I love you so much."
You smiled, "I love you too."
Marcus watched from afar, knowing that something was happening, he allowed a few moments for calm to come over to walk over to you, "I never got the chance to talk about your wedding before I was called away, it's very exciting."
You smiled, "it is, I know is really soon but.."
Marcus waved his hand, "when you know you know. I would have married Izzy the second she said hello to me but I think she would have called me an idiot."
You giggled, "well, you're both invited so I hope you can come."
Marcus smiled, "of course, we wouldn't miss it for the world. I'm very happy for you both."
He offered Manny a hug, "thank you Pardrino."
The conversation between Angel and Coco must have wound down because Angel was butting in, "are we talking weddings? I'm trying to convince them to have it in the national park but y/n is worried about bothering people on public land. I think it would be nice, with all the trees and all."
You sighed, "you know Taza is taking care of it, there's a lovely portion of tribal land that he thinks we'll be able to book."
Angel nodded, "you got an officiant?"
Marcus smiled, "why don't you do it Angel, you can get the licence online, it's the least they can do after everything you've done to get them here."
You blinked and Manny laughed, "I like it, I mean, why not."
You sighed, "alright, but nothing dirty, there'll be kid there."
Angel smiled, "I wouldn't dream of it, it's going to be the best wedding ever."
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The night wore on and you felt yourself grow tried, Manny hadn't left your side and you tapped him to bring his attention away from the story Hank was telling about the time he found a snake in his bedroll, "yes Mi Amor?"
You smiled, "I'm going to take a few minutes outside, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed."
Manny nodded, "you want me to come?"
You shook your head, "nah, I'm not going to leave the compound."
You headed out and made a beeline for a quiet section of the lot, sitting down on a mild crate and taking a deep breath. Your peace was interrupted when Canche approached you, "what the fuck do you want?"
He raised his hands, his face still bruised, "Marcus has brought to my attention that I've treated you unfairly and I just wanted to apologise."
You snorted, "you want me to thank you, expect an apology for a man that crawled up the ass of a baby raper?" You shook your head, "fuck off man, I have nothing to say to you."
He inhaled, "I'm not expecting you to forgive me, but you're an old lady now and you have to do things for the greater good."
You were ready to rip his intestines out but a figure in a hoody walking towards you at speed pull your attention away, "you know that guy?"
Canche turned around and you saw the shotgun, you moved without thinking and threw Canche to the ground as the shot rang out. Everything moved in slow motion as you stood up, the world coming back into focus with a rush of sound and violence as people came running and a shotgun was levelled at your chest, "move, I don't want to you hurt."
You stayed stuck to the spot, "no, if you want to kill this man you'll have to shoot me too."
There was pain, not anger on the man's face and you shook your head violently as the others arrived with their guns drawn, a look to your side revealed a terrified Manny, his face a mix of rage and fear, "are you here because of the drugs?"
The shotgun lowered slightly, "he's the reason my baby boy is dead, him and his dirty drugs. He deserves to die."
You nodded, "I know, had I had the time to think I would have let you shoot him. But we're here now and it's not that I don't agree with you, it's that I can tell you are suffering and this, what you're about to do won't bring your child back. He has a little boy of his own, we might think he deserves everything he gets but I'm sure you know this, a little boy's first hero is his father. You don't want his son to lose that."
The man looked around, "I came here to end things."
You lowered your hands slowly, "I know, but then these men will kill you and then what happens to the people you leave behind?"
He huffed, "I don't have anyone, Shaun was all I had and now he's gone."
You stepped closer and the gun went up a fraction, "if you die, your son, Shuan, dies with you. There will be no one to keep his memory alive. If you leave here now, I swear nothing will happen to you. No one is going to come after you and Shaun's memory won't be sullied by more pain."
He took in a shaky breath and dropped the shotgun, falling to his knees with his face in his hands, "I miss him so much."
You knelt by him and placed a hand on his shoulder, "I can't even imagine what you're going through." You pointed towards Coco, "my friend is going to make sure you leave here safe. Don't come back, I won't be able to save your life a second time."
The moment there was calm, Manny ran up to you and pulled you into his arms, looking over your face with worry, "don't you ever do anything like that again, do you understand me?"
You nodded, "I understand, can we go back inside?" Manny took your hand and you walked back into the Clubhouse, accepting the water that Angel handed you.
"You good?" He kept looking behind you.
"I'm fine, I just want to go back home."
Angel gave you a soft smile, "yeah, we all do."
Someone clearing their throat behind you had you turning around, it was Canche, "what the fuck do you want?"
He swallowed, "you saved my life."
You let out a cynical laugh, "yeah well, it's not like I did it for you. I saw that man's face before he pulled the trigger, he would have regretted it. You are a stain, a pathetic waste of air and if you don't get out of my face, I'm going to shoot you myself."
He walked away, shaking his head and Manny's hand on your back brought your racing heart back down, "you wanna go back to the hotel?"
You nodded, "please."
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You could tell that something was wrong the moment to hotel door closed, Manny's eyes filled with emotion as he stared at you, "what the fuck were you thinking, stepping in front of a gun for that piece of shit, if anything had happened…"
His breath caught and you stepped closer to him, cupping his cheek while you ran your thumb over his skin, "nothing was going to happen to me Manny, he wasn't going to be able to pull that trigger and before you say that there's no way I could have known that, this isn't the first time I've had to deal with a parent in that kind of pain."
He blinked away a tear and leaned down to kiss you, "I can't lose you."
In a flash, his fear turned to desperation he and was ripping your clothes off and all but tossing you in the bed. You reached out and pushed his kutte off his shoulders, Manny's lips never leaving yours as you both got naked as fast as you could. You shuffled up and bed and Manny hovered over you, his face filled with love as he rolled you onto your side and threw your leg over his hip.
His hand moved between your legs in a flurry and his fingers slid inside you as his thumb landed on your clit. You moaned into his mouth and Manny's teeth sunk into your lower lip. He pressed his fingertips into your G-spot, his thumb moving faster on your clit, when you were ready enough to take him, he yanked his hand away and used your wetness to slick up his cock, then with a soft please from you, he repositioned his hips and slid inside you slowly.
He let out a grunt and rocked his hips, his hand on your thigh holding you close as you matched his pace. "I love you so much." His tone was almost pained as his hips picked up speed.
He brushed your G-spot as you returned his affection, "I love you too."
He kissed you softly, pulling back just enough to breathe, "tell me you're mine."
His hand moved down to stroke your clit and you gasped, "I'm yours, please I'm yours."
He kissed you again, his lips firmed, "tell me again and I'll let you cum."
His fingers sped up in time with his hips and he brushed your G-spot with each thrust, "I'm yours."
In a flash, he was rolling on top of you and ramming himself inside you with a grunt. You wrapped your legs around his body and pulled him close, burying your face in his neck as he rolled his hip, placing his finger back on your clit while pressing soft kisses to any body part he could reach.
The peak came hard and fast, Manny moaning as you clenched around him, he followed you into bliss soon after, his lips pressing to yours as his hips slowed.
He rolled off you with one last kiss and caught his breath, "you good?"
You sighed, "I'm great. I love you."
Manny grinned, "I love you too, let me clean you up yeah, then we'll order room service."
You looked over the menu while we waited for Manny to return, a smile on his face as he cleaned you up and threw the damp towel in a pile, "anything look good?"
You nodded, "yep Tostones, I could eat my weight in them."
Manny shook his head, "Tostones is it then." You ordered while Manny held you, a soft smile on his face as he ran his hands over your body.
His hand slowly made it's way to your lower stomach, his fingers moving in a gentle brush, "how many kids do you want?"
You shrugged, "more than one, less than four. How many do you want?"
Manny kissed your temple, "however many you'll give me."
You sighed, "marriage first, then a baby."
He smiled softly, "I'm going to buy the lot behind you house."
You blinked, "why?"
His hand moved to squeeze your hip, "because we need a nice place to live so I was thinking we expand the home we already have and that way, you don't need to move and you can have a huge garden. I was even thinking the cats could have a little outside catio so they can spend time outside without risking them getting away and hurting birds."
You smiled, "I think that's great."
Manny kissed your temple, "so that's settled, I buy the lot, we get married and then I give you a baby or two."
You pecked his cheek, "that sounds great."
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Ten Months Later
"You ready?" Coco came up behind you and did the last button of your dress, a simple flowy, lace dress, the skirt with only a little fullness and the sleeves sheer and coming to your mid upper arm, Riz had called it bohemian and went on about how it was the best style on the market right now.
You spun and gave him a smile, "yes, yes I'm so ready."
Coco stuck out his arm and Penelope ran outside to signal the music to start, the soft sound of the piano coming through the small white tent you were getting ready in. You began to walk, catching sight of Manny as you got closer to the top of the aisle. When he saw you, his eyes filled with tears, a huge smile coming over his face as you stood next to him.
"Hi." You reached up a wiped a tear from his cheek.
"Hey Mi Amor, you look really pretty."
You giggled, "everyone helped."
Beside you, Angel cleared his troat, "can we get to this? Al this mush is going to make me cry and I don't think that's professional."
You snorted, "you got your licence online, I'm pretty sure we might not even be legally married after this."
Angel ignored you, "dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the joining of two people, y/n and Emmanuel Ramírez. Are you here of your own free will, with no influence for other?"
You couldn't say yes fast enough, "I'm told you have your own vows?"
You took a deep breath and started first, "I'm normally really good with words but I sat down to write this and had no idea how to put my feelings onto the page. I love you and I have from the moment I laid my eyes on you and while it took a little while for me to say it," the crowd gave a laugh, "I promise that you will always now I love you and cherish you, support and encourage you, I will be there through every storm and every day of sunshine."
Manny had tears running down his face and a quick glance at the crowd showed you that others were in a similar state, Angel wiped his face and sniffed, "holy shit dude, that was deep."
You giggled and Manny started, "you are the best thing that's ever happened to me and I wake up every day grateful that you are the first thing I see in the morning and the last thing I see before I go to bed. I will spend every day of the rest of our lives telling you how much and in all the ways that I love you. I will make sure you always feel safe, and warm and loved."
You both turned to Angel how took a deep breath, "if anyone has any objections speak now or forever hold your peace. If any one says anything I will shoot you myself." He looked around, "no? Alright, do you y/n take Emmanuel Ramírez be your."
You cut him off, "yes."
Angel huffed "and do you."
Manny didn't even let him get that far, "yes."
Angel sighed and shook his head, "by the power invested in me by the state of Califonia and a shady internet website, I now pronounce you husband and wife you may now.."
You wrapped your arms around Manny and he kissed you before Angel could finish, and he threw his hands up in the air, "I give up." The crowd erupted in cheers as Manny deepened the kiss, dipping you like a prince in a fairy tale.
You pulled away and Manny smiled at you, pecking you one last time before letting you up, "I love you."
You smiled back, "I love you too."
Angel gave a loud clap, "time to party."
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Manny had his hand in yours as the speeches started. Angel went first, stepping up to the platform with a smile, he had a pile of papers with him that had you worried and he banged them on the wood before tapping the mic, "all I wanted to say was that I was right." Everyone burst out in laughter and Coco slapped his arm as they swapped places.
Coco took a deep breath before he started, "when y/n and Manny met, I knew something was there, I had never seen y/n smile so wide and I had never heard Manny stutter when he was talking about a woman until her. I can go on and on about how happy I am for them and that I know that they have a long and happy life ahead of them but we all already know that. So all I'm going to say is that I love you both and I'm happy you found each other because you both deserve happiness."
Bishop went next, his face a mix of joy and satisfaction, "getting here has aged in twenty years, if I had a dollar for every time I had to tell one of my brothers to shut up about these two getting together, I would be rich. But we're here now and there's nothing better than being with someone you love. Let's hope it's doesn't take them as long to have a baby because I want a niece or nephew and I can't take the fuckers I'm in charge of bitching about how they haven't made any cute babies yet."
Marcus went last, his speech full of kind sentiments, love for his wife and affection for you and Manny. After he stepped down, Angel clinked his glass and gained everyone's attention, "alright everyone, now to the main reason we're all here. Let's eat."
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You walked into your newly renovated home and said hello to the cats before walking to the bedroom hand in hand with Manny. You stood in the middle of the room and Manny took your hands, looking you up and down with a soft smile on his face, "hello wife."
You smiled back, "hello husband, will you help me out of my dress?"
His smile turned into a grin, "hell yeah."
You spun and he unbuttoned the dress, letting it fall to the floor and pool at your feet. You spun back around and Manny looked you over again before leaning down and kissing you softly, "shall we ring in the rest of our lives?"
He bit his lower lip, "hell yeah." He took your face in his hands, bumping your nose with his then kissed you as you sat back on the end of the bed. He raised a single finger to brush the strap of your bra off your shoulders, "I love this set, the white suits you."
You shook your head, "thank you, I picked something I knew you would like."
He smirked, "you picked well." He ran his fingers over the delicate lace flowers, "fuck, I am a lucky man."
You reached up and removed his kutte, Manny's hands going to the buttons of his shirt while his eyes raked over your skin, you went to reach back to unlatch your bra but he stopped you, "let me do that Mi Amor." He knelt on the bed and reached behind you, pressing his lips to your shoulder as the item came free.
You pushed yourself up the bed and Manny caught your panties on the way up, pulling them down your legs and pressing his lips to your claves as he made his way up your body. He kissed your knee, one then swapping to the other before repeating the pattern all the way up to your core.
He kissed the crease of your thigh then lifted your legs over his shoulders, he looked up at you, smiling softy before diving in like a man starved. You placed your hands on his head and stroked his scalp, Manny moaning as your nails gently scratched his skin.
He removed one hand from your leg and used two fingers to circle your entrance before sliding them inside you and pressing his fingertips to your G-spot. He pulled you closer, his lips wrapping around your clit as he moaned against your skin.
You bucked your hips as you got closer and Manny made no move to stop you, his fingers picking up speed and he doubled his efforts with his tongue. You didn't have the chance to warn him before you were arching off the bed and squeezing his fingers for dear life. He chuckled and pulled away, wiping his face with the back of his hand, "that was easy."
You rolled your eyes and tapped him with your foot, "you're smug." You sat up and ran your hands down his body to his cock, wrapping your hand around him and stroking him slowly, "you turn?"
He shook his head, "nah, we have all out lives for you to suck my dick." You laid back down and Manny went with you, holding himself up on his elbows as you reached up and pulled him closer, Manny's lips finding yours as you wrapped your legs around his body.
He kissed the tip of your nose and you giggled then he was reaching down and taking his cock in his hands before rubbing it up and down your slit. You gasped as he pushed inside you, your nails biting into his shoulders as he bottomed out. He rocked his hips slowly while he buried his face in your neck, the hand that was on his cock moving to rub your clit as his hips picked up speed.
He kissed his way from your neck to your face, his lips landing on yours. You pulled him closer and rocked your hips, matching his speed as he pushed your closer to the edge, "Manny please."
He kissed you, his nose brushing yours as he hit his stride, "you don't need to beg me for anything Tesoro." His fingers sped up and he pushed you over the edge as you whimpered into his mouth. He smiled against your lips as he followed you, grunting like an animal while his hand moved from your clit to grip your hip.
His hips slowed and he pulled away, rolling over and taking you with him. You rested your head on his chest and Manny reached up to stroke your cheek, "I love you."
You turned your head and kissed his palm, "I love you too. When do you want to open all out wedding presents?"
Manny chuckled, "why don't we open them tomorrow before we head off on our honeymoon?"
You sighed, "that sounds great."
He placed his hand on your cheek and turned your face towards his, "I love you, more than anything."
You kissed him softly, "I love you too."
The End
Song inspo for the title is Hozier - Would That I
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cloudlessly-light · 1 year
Hello🤗 I have a request.
It's not smut (weird from me lmao)
So they are with an unsub, and this unsub is like "torturing" aaron. it could be something personal like foyet because hotch is like tied up end blah blah.
Emily comes and she is like "shoot me" or she puts a gun to her head to distract the unsub in order to save aaron. the team arrives and shoot the unsub and blah blah and hotch is like "you never point a gun at your head again to save me. i'd rather get shoot twenty times over than ever see you do that again".
It could be something like what happened in season 6 of grey's anatomy but him is awake and not in an OR lol.
I saw it on tiktok and i thought it could be really cool
A/N: I hope that you like this, it was definitely out of my comfort zone but fun to write!
Title: If the world would ever stop Rating: T Summary: "Shoot me." It wasn’t supposed to go down like this. They were supposed to catch a murderer and go home, it was supposed to be a fast case done in a couple of days. He had never been so wrong. Warnings: Violence, canon typical violence, guns, knifes, mentions of blood, swearing
Six days ago
“Alright my friends, you’re all going to Wisconsin.” Penelope turned the screen on as soon as the team had sat down around the table, all reaching for the files in the middle of it. “Green Bay have had five men shot once in the back of the head and disposed of in garbage bags…” She stops like she always does she when a particular detail filled her with horror. “Multiple garbage bags actually.”
“The ME concluded that the dismemberment was done postmortem.” Aaron continued for her. “The rate of the kills have escalated from a month apart between the first two victims, to just one week between victim four and five.” He looks around the team as they nod along, already getting ready to stand up.
“The locals are worried that they won’t catch him until another body drops.” Derek finishes and Aaron nods.
“They want us there as soon as possible, we’ll work on the profile on the plane.” He stands when the rest of his team does. He looks to his left at Emily and lets his hand move to the small of her back. “I’ll call Jessica.”
“Sounds good.” She moves away but not without grabbing his hand and squeezing it, a small gesture of affection before she leaves the room like everybody else.
Five days ago
They had hit the ground running, the profile given as early as the same day thanks to evidence and the police work already done but no one had any idea how to catch the unsub.
“I don’t know honey, something feels off. Like we’re missing something.” He sighs as he lets her into their hotel room.
“So you’ve said.” Emily turns to him as he comes to stand in front of him. “It’s been one day, in the morning things will seem clearer.” She reaches to push some hair that’s fallen over his forehead and he smiles at the gentle gesture.
“You’re right.” He kisses her, lingers against her as they finally give in to the urge of each other. He feels her hand stroke along his jaw, grabs at his suit to push it off his shoulder.
“How about we shower, I show you just how much I love you, and then we’ll try and get some sleep?” She mumbles with an arched eyebrow, her eyes playful as she continues to push at his jacket until it falls to the floor.
“I like the sound of that.”
Four days ago
“There’s no surveillance footage, there’s no car, there’s nothing to go by.” Penelope tells them and the sighs are heard throughout the conference room.
“There’s no pattern to the disposal sites either.” Spencer says as he puts red stickers on the map. “No witnesses, nothing.”
Emily leans on her hand as she looks around at her team, all of them tired, all of them trying to find anything to go by. She looks to Aaron who sits across from her, his eyebrows are furrowing, the lines on his face deeper than she’d seen them in months.
“We’ll catch him.” She says to no one in particular but his eyes find hers. “We always do.”
It was a lie and they all knew it, but it seemed to be enough for them to push through.
Three days ago
Aaron silently puts the takeaway cup of coffee in front of her. They were no closer to catching the unsub than they had been when they got there three days ago. They had a profile, they were sure of it, but it wasn’t enough to go on.
“Thank you.” Emily smiles and takes a sip of the coffee, not caring that it was too hot. “Any leads?”
“Nothing.” Dave says as he sits down beside her while Aaron remains standing.
“It’s like he’s a ghost.” JJ mutters as her forehead rests on the table in front of her.
“No killer is uncatchable.” Dave reassures them. “He will make a mistake.”
“And by the time he does, we’ll have another man dead.” Derek says, the morbid thought having already been on everybody’s mind.
Two days ago
“He clearly has a type, he kills white men between the ages 40 and 50. They must represent someone in his life.” Derek looks through the file for what could possibly be the twentieth time that day as he massages his temples.
“We know that, what we don’t know is why.” Emily feels just as frustrated, what had seemed like an easy case was taking longer than any of them thought. “He kills them execution style, it’s cold, detached even.”
“But then he chops them up and puts them in garbage bags all over the city.”
“That could just be a way to easier dispose of the bodies.” Spencer adds before taking a sip of his coffee.
“I don’t know…” Emily starts as she looks at the crime scene photos from the first scene. “There’s something more to it.”
“What are you thinking?” Aaron asks as he walk into the conference room they were in, Dave and JJ in tow. He sits beside her and immediately sees the tension in her body. He puts his hand on her knee and her leg stops bouncing as she gives him a grateful smile.
“I’m not sure, but I think if we figure that out, we’ll figure him out.”
It was late, almost midnight when the team finally decided to get some rest, all of them frustrated at the lack of progress. They had all gotten back to the hotel, exhaustion etched into all of them as they muttered good night before disappearing into their rooms.
“You’re right, something feels off.” Emily says through a yawn as she pulls her shirt over her head.
“I hate saying this, but if we do get another victim we’ll have more to go on.” He answers as he looks through his pockets. “I forgot my phone in the car.” He sighs heavily, his own enervation clear. “I’ll be right back.”
“Okay honey.” She stamps a quick kiss on his lips, already moving towards the bathroom.
He sighs again as he grabs the keycard and heads back out toward the deserted parking lot. It’s quiet outside, dark and cold from the fall weather and he shivers as he hurries towards the SUV. He’s quick to grab his phone and is about to turn around, wanting to get in the shower with his fiancé. He’s barely able to take two steps before he suddenly feels something hard in the back of the head, and then everything is black.
Emily gets out of the shower and wraps a towel around her body. She had expected Aaron to join her after grabbing his phone but she had seen his exhaustion, she felt it as well and didn’t fault him for going straight to bed. She expects to find him on their bed sound asleep, something that happens sometimes on cases. But then she opens the door and he isn’t there and she immediately knows something is wrong. She reaches for her phone and dials his number and it goes to voicemail, calls again and the same thing happens.
She rushes through getting her clothes back on and hurries out to where they had parked the car. When she reaches it she can feel the blood turn to ice in her veins. The door was open, Aaron’s phone on the ground next to a small puddle of blood.
It’s too familiar, felt too much like when she got to his apartment and Foyet had attacked him, the panic feels the same, the worry for the man she loved almost all consuming. She runs back inside the hotel and bangs on the door next to their room.
“Prentiss what the hell… what’s going on?” Derek asks, his irritation quickly turning to concern when he sees the panicked look on his friend’s face.  
“It’s Aaron… he’s gone.”
Present day
When he wakes up the first thing he notices is the headache, a sharp pain that made his eyes unfocused. The next thing he realize is that he’s tied to a chair, arms secured behind his back and ancles tied to the legs of the chair with zip ties that cut painfully into his skin.
“He’s a fed that was not the plan.” He hears a voice, male and low, almost a whisper and Aaron looks around. He’s in a warehouse, empty and dirty but the smell of blood prominent, making him nauseous.
“I- I didn’t know.” Another voice sounded form somewhere behind him, this one shaking, scared.
Through the pounding in his head, Aaron realizes that this is what they’ve been missing. There was two of them, a team, and from the sound of it they seemed like a typical dominant submissive partnership. He hears a bang, followed by a whimper and he thinks the first man hit the second one.
“One more fuck up like this and I’m getting rid of you.” The voice is closer now and Aaron can hear the sound his steps coming at him. “Look who’s awake.”
Emily is pretty sure her heartrate won’t ever return to normal, at least not until she sees Aaron. If she ever sees him again, a voice in the back of her head sounds and she does her best to ignore it as they wait for Penelope to hack to the surveillance camera that covered the parking lot.
“Okay here it is!” Penelope pulls up the footage and all of them watch in horror as Aaron is attacked from behind and collapses on the ground. A man dressed in a black hoodie gets him up and pulls him into a car and drives off. It’s little to go on, but it’s something, she thinks as the license plate shimmers under the streetlight.
She feels JJ’s comforting hand on her shoulder and she fights every urge not to shrug it off. She didn’t want their pity of comfort, she wanted her fiancé back.
“Can you track the license plate?” Dave asks as they hear Penelope typing on the other side of the screen.
“Already on that.” She answers and not for the first time, Emily is thankful for the blonde always thinking one step ahead. “Okay the car belongs to a Stewart Smith, not much on him but he has an older brother Nathan Smith and let me tell you he’s a real piece of work…”
As Penelope starts telling them about the Smith brothers, Emily realizes that this was the break they needed to find them. A location to a house and to a warehouse quickly being found as Penelope dug deeper They had made a mistake, and now the team had an address. She just hoped it wasn’t too late.
Aaron groaned as a fist connected to his cheekbone, his head flying back with the force of it.
“They’ll kill you. My team, they’ll find you.” He spat at the floor, blood trailing from his split lip from a previous hit. His body was aching, his head was spinning but he refused to give in to them.
“Your team? Look around, you’re all alone.”  Nathan cocked his head to the side. “We’ve gotten away with this for over a month, and we’ll get away with this as well. But we’re going to have some fun first.”
Aaron felt the feeling of the cold steel cutting into his shoulder and he flinched before looking to the other man. He was younger, avoided eye contact as he pulled the knife back to look at the blood covered blade.
“So this is what you do?” He looked to Nathan. “You shoot them and then have him cut up the remains?”
“Stewart here have always enjoyed the blood more.” He looked to his brother who still kept his eyes on his knife. “I enjoy the kill, he likes the cleanup.”
Aaron sucked in a breath as the knife dug itself into the flesh of his arm again, slowly and shallowly. Somewhere in the midst of the pain he realized that this was the first time Stewart had gotten to cut someone while they were still alive and as much as it hurt he knew that this gave his team more time to find him.
“You forget that you messed up tonight. That parking lot has cameras.” He smirks as Nathan’s eyes flashed to the younger mans before he gets out his gun and points it at Aaron.
“You talk too much.” He pulls off the safety. “No one knows we’re here.”
“That’s where you’re wrong.” Emily says as she comes out from the back where she had sneaked in. She held her gun up and aimed it at Nathan while her eyes moved frantically from the unsubs to Aaron. “You messed up taking him. Put the gun down.”
“I swear I’ll shoot his brains out right here.” He pressed the gun to Aaron’s temple and Emily fights everything in her not to shoot him. She knows it’s too big of a risk, that if she shot Nathan he could still pull the trigger or Stewart could use the knife. She looked to the younger man, he looked terrified as he looked between her and his brother.
“You don’t want to do that.” She doesn’t know how her voice doesn’t shake as she walks a few steps closer. “Then I’d shoot you and then Stewart, is that what you want?”
“No, we are getting out of here.” His voice gets louder as she gets closer. “Don’t think I won’t shoot, bitch.” He sees the way Aaron tenses out of the corner of his eye just as Emily lowers her gun.
“How about this, don’t shoot him. Shoot me.” She lets her gun hang loosely from her hand and Nathan raises an eyebrow in surprise.
“Emily don’t!” Aaron yells but she ignores him and keeps her eyes locked on Nathan.
“If you have to shoot anybody, shoot me.”
“Why would you do that?” He asks, gun still pressed to Aaron’s temple.
“Because I love him.” She says as she finally looks at Aaron, her eyes filling with tears as she once again raises her gun and points it at her own head.
Aaron starts fighting the restraints desperately but is stopped when a fist hits him in the stomach, knocking the air out of him.
“Let him go, shoot me.” Emily says again and she sees Nathan slowly lower his gun.
It’s the sound of a gun going off behind them that sets everything off. Derek and JJ are coming up behind Aaron, guns drawn as Derek hits Nathan while JJ keeps her gun on Stewart, the man dropping his knife the moment he sees his brother fall to the floor. He lets out a scream as he hurries to Nathan’s side, all of them knowing that Stewart wouldn’t last long without his older brother to guide him. Derek pulls his arms behind his back and forces them into cuffs while Emily rushes to Aaron.
“Are you okay?” She cuts the zip ties quickly and the moment he’s free he pulls her into his arms, holding her tighter than his body really allowed him to.
“I’m okay.” He whispers as her tears soak through his shirt and mixes with the blood already there.
Emily only pulls back when Derek clears his throat.
“Took you guys long enough.” She huffs and wipes her cheeks. They had entered from different points, figuring that distracting the unsubs would be their best bet and Emily refused not to be the one going in first.
“This place is like a maze.” JJ tells her and she sees the relief on the blonde. “Come on, the ambulance is waiting and I want to get out of here.”
“Give us a minute.” Aaron tells them as Derek starts to lead Stewart out with JJ following close behind. When he turns back to Emily she’s already looking him over for whatever damage they had done to him.
“I’ve never been more scared in my life.” She tells him and he hears the way her voices trembles, sees all the emotion she’s forcing herself to hold back until they’re home, safe behind closed doors.
“I need you to listen to me,” He gently cradles her face to make sure that she’s looking at him. "You will never point a gun at your head again to save me do you hear me? I’d rather get shoot twenty times over than ever see you do that again." Emily tries to shake her head as her eyelids close. “Emily you can’t do that again.”
She looks back at him and she sees the desperation in his eyes, the hurt of having to picture his life without her and she inhales slowly. It had been a distraction, but she knew that in that moment she would have shot herself if it meant saving him.
“I can’t promise that.” She whispers and he sighs. “And I know that’s not something you can promise me either.” Her hands comes to cover his on her cheeks and pulls them away to hold them in hers.
“Are you saying that you won’t?”
“No, but I…” He stops and takes a breath, trying to calm the lingering anxiety from seeing her hold the gun to her head. “I don’t want to lose you.”
“And hopefully we won’t ever come to that until we’re old and gray sitting in wheelchairs.” She smiles and she sees the corner of his lip tug upwards. “But until then, all we can do is promise to try and keep each other safe.” When he nods she pulls him into a gentle kiss, foregoing the taste of blood in favor of feeling his lips against hers but still careful of his split lip. “Come one, the ambulance is waiting.” She takes his hand and pulls him with her.
“Emily I’m really fine…” He stops speaking when she turns to look at him with stern eyes. He knew there was no point of arguing with her and instead decided to follow along.
Three broken ribs, a concussion and a lot of bruises, that’s what the Smith brothers had done to him. Emily refuses to leave his side, sleeps besides him after forcing him to stay overnight at the hospital, sits next to him on the plane ride home.
“I love you.” She whispers against his ear quietly. The rest of the team asleep on the plane.
“I love you too.” He kisses her, a promise in his kiss as he holds her close.
“Let’s get married when we get home. I don’t want to wait.” She grips his hand tight with excitement.
“Yeah?” He smiles and gently nuzzles her nose. “This isn’t because I almost died?”
“Oh it most certainly is. But I want to be your wife, I want to marry you.” She kisses him, lingers against his lips until they hear someone coughing beside them.
“Did someone say wedding?” Dave asks, already holding the champagne he had hid in the jet months ago.
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
17 - Darkness It's Calling
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Part 18
Kenobi's Future
Tag list - @supernaturalgirl30 @nanagoswife @lycaonpictusphotography @bigbendyhorns @abaker74 @haideehaids @sassycowboygoatee @jedi-archives @iifloweringnightsii @ocappreciationtag
Obi Wan's POV
"From my point of view the Jedi are evil...they make you keep your feelings buried down!" Anakin hollered to me as we were both back fighting on the lava and fire planet. Swinging my lightsaber to clash with his my mind must be playing tricks on me. Because all I could feel was regret that I couldn't treat Y/n the way she deserved. That our child would be discarded because of the Jedi Order. Anakin kicked me in the gut holding his weapon in front of me anger clear in the eyes of my former padawan. "Think about it Obi-wan. If you and Y/n joined me you could have as many children as you want. You would be able to show affection out of the shadows!" Shaking my head I wanted to block him out but I raised my hand shaking his outstretched one in agreement. "Let's go get our girls."
Shooting up in the bed I could see my wife rushing to my bedside immediately with concern on her face. "Obi, are you alright. I could sense your struggles through the Force?"
Running my fingers through my hair I felt my heart beating faster than I expected. Sitting up straight on the bed I grab the blanket feeling my mind is playing tricks on me. I never would choose to join Anakin  - I mean Darth Vader like that. So I must have just lived through a nightmare. "I - I'm not sure darling - I saw something  - horrible.."
"Just take a breath and tell me, Obi-wan. I can handle whatever it was." Y/n climbed into the bed beside me. Laying back down I lay my head in the crook of her neck where she wrapped her arms around me gently.
Burying my face into the fabric of her shirt trying to catch my breath as I spoke to her. "I was fighting Anakin again...the night of Order 66. But I - I don't believe what I did. I would never have  - oh in the name of - I joined him."
"You joined the Dark Side, why?" Y/n raised a brow tilting my chin up so I'd look her in the eye. She had confusion still all over her face.
Throughout my years of becoming a Jedi you were always told to not fall to the Dark Side. The Council believed if you felt fear or had nightmares about something meant you were easy to fall down the wrong path. Blinking through tears I try finding my daughters through the Force for comfort but I only can feel my wife and Padme. "Y/n, why can't I feel Kiera anymore...her signature it's gone?"
"That's what I was coming to tell you. She - um - she cut herself off - from the Force. Obi-wan she's angry with us - that we lied so - she gave up the feeling of the Force around her." She explained running her fingers through my bed head of hair as to not start crying in failure for losing our eldest.
Silence fell over the two of us. Where the only sound you could hear was the humming of the ship as we fly through lightspeed. Padme was still asleep in her room and I assumed Kiera was off with that pilot somewhere on this ship. Laying my head back down on her chest I sighed listening to the steady beat of her heart until she asked through the air. "Have you had this nightmare before ever, love?"
"No I haven't. I - what if it became real Y/n - what if I do turn?" I felt my body shaking in fear where she squeezed my body closer to her. Then gently kissed my hair whispering in my ear. "Don't talk like that honey. You'll always be a loyal Jedi. Even if the Order is gone."
Y/n knows one thing for certain about me. That even though the Jedi are gone its all I've ever known. I was taken from my parents before I could form any attachments with my mother or father. Sometimes I even think I had a brother. But the Jedi Order is the only family I have. She's different though, Y/n is probably the oldest padawan the Jedi ever had. It still surprised me to this day that Yoda took her on. I remember when my former master brought Anakin in and said he was too old to begin the training...and then I met my wife.
Y/n moves my chin up gently kissing me. Lifting a hand up to her shoulder I squeeze it softly while kissing her back. Her right hand ran through my hair until we broke the kiss needing air. "Obi-wan just try and get some sleep alright. Things will be better when you wake up."
She tossed the covers off her legs about to get up until I snagged her wrist in my hand giving her puppy dog eyes. "Stay with me, darling please..." I begged not wanting to be alone if that nightmare were to plague my thoughts once more.
"Of course. I'll always be here for you." She got back into the bed pulling my head so it would lay on her chest. She moved her arms around my waist so I was close to her. She lays her head against mine staring into my eyes weakly. "I love you, Obi-wan."
Closing my eyes I pray I could get some peaceful sleep laying here in her arms whispering as I drifted off to sleep. "I love you too, Y/n."
Abored the unfinished Death Star Darth Vader entered the room seeing his master sitting on a throne in the center of the room waiting for him to come. "You wanted to see me, my master?" Vader asked the man.
"Yes, Lord Vader. Any hope to turn the eldest daughter is gone. I can't feel her prescence anymore. Like her father she is." The emperor spoke resting his hands on the armrest.
Vader lowered himself on one knee breathing heavily through his mask seeing an evil smile work itself on his masters face. "What is that look for master?"
"Entered the mind of your former master I have tonight. Putting him in a shacky state of mind I have. Y/n is too strong minded to be turned. The eldest daughter has cut herself from the Force. That leaves Obi-wan." The emperor made his hands into fists angered.
Vader rose to his feet remembering what happened the day he captured Obi-wan and Y/n. "Master, there's another. There's another daughter, she's the youngest. Her name is Padme."
Sidias clapped his hands together pleased at this new information. "Then make them join the Dark Side we shall or they die."
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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jji-lee · 3 months
hiiiii, are you still taking requests? can you do something with this prompt? "Jaemin and you were friends for a long time and you didn't let go of each other, you walked hand in hand, you exchanged affection and kisses, you protected each other. Everyone thought you were much more than friends, but you always denied that. Until one day, one Jaemin's friend (insert neo here) started to be interested in you, asked you on a date in front of Jaemin and you quickly accepted. That's when Jaemin realized that his feelings for you were very different from what he imagined."
i can't copy the prompt word for word but i will try my best to do something similar. thank you for the request, enjoy! ☺
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no, you were not dating na jaemin. not yesterday, not today, and not tomorrow. yes, you hold hands around campus, spend almost all of your time together, and kissed occasionally - but hey, friends can be affectionate too, right? Everything between you and Na Jaemin was purely platonic, total best friends. so why did it bother him so much when haechan decided to ask you out right in front of him? and why did it sting even more when you accepted?
jaemin didn't know what to do to get you to cancel your date. there he was sitting on his couch thinking of ways to get you to leave haechan and come home. maybe call you and say his cats ran away? that would kill you, his house is on fire? too extreme, his tv is broken? not good enough. he paced around the living room phone in hand, your contact open, thinking of what he could possible tell you to leave that stupid date, with stupid haechan, and haechan's stupid flirting skills, what was jaemin gonna do with himself! he threw himself onto the couch, deciding maybe it was best to let things play out. yeah, maybe you might hate haechan's very attractive face, and smooth pick up lines, and his nicely styled hair, and- oh my god, what was he thinking haechan was a catch! and thats when he heard it, "hello? jaem? is everything okay?" he picked up his phone staring at the ongoing call he had accidentally started. what was he gonna say? "oh um, hey y/n, i'm just checking in making sure you're safe and stuff, seeing if haechan isn't creeping you out or anything" he could hear you giggle on the other end of the call, thank goodness you weren't mad. "nana, it's 5 my date isn't for another hour, i'm still at home getting ready" all you heard was, "wait right there, i'll be right over" before he hung up. not even 10 minutes later you heard a heavy knock on your door followed by a heaving sound. when you opened the door you found a very out of breath and disheveled jaemin. he was hunched over hands on his knees gasping for air, "oh my god, i need start doing more cardio instead of weights, just, just give me a second, i need to catch my breath." you let out a laugh rubbing his back in an attempt to help him breathe. when he finally caught his breath, he looked up at you sweat sticking on his forehead, cheeks slightly pink, "please don't go on that date with haechan" "jaem what? why-" he interrupted you, "wait let me finish before you say anything, please don't go on that date, because if you do i think i might die at the fact that holding hands and kissing won't be our thing anymore, and that you'll fall in love with someone that isn't me. it's just natural for us, to be a couple, so please, don't go." he held his breath squeezing his eyes shut scared of what you might say, but he just felt you grab his shoulders forcing him to look at you, "jaem, come on look at me" as he opened his eyes, he saw your warm smile, "if you really mean what you're saying, then i can cancel on haechan okay?" jaemin looked as if he'd just been told alien's have landed on earth, "really? i thought you'd take more convincing then that, i was thinking of telling you my cats ran away so you'd stay." "if you told me that i'd be dead on the floor right now and neither you or haechan would get the chance to date me" jaemin grinned widely at you, "so you're saying i have a chance at dating you?"
no, you were not dating na jaemin. not yesterday, not today, but maybe tomorrow. and yes, you hold hands around campus, spend almost all your time together, and kissed occasionally - but now you guys might have an actual reason to do so.
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hannahsmusings · 2 years
*I feel a warmth wash over me when he agreed to 5 o’clock, it feeling like ages away but I had gotten through an entire summer without talking to him face-to-face, I could survive another 2 hours* *my cheeks flush as he says he missed me, not really knowing what to do with that information since I don’t think anyone besides my girlfriends had ever told me they missed me, feeling so important and it was a new feeling for me, often cast aside by my parents and other ‘romantic’ interests due to being boring or too smart for my own good but Anthony missed me and wanted to spend time with me and talk to me and it made me feel insanely special* Missed you too, Ant. *I mouth back, scrunching my nose at him as he continues watching me, feeling like we were in some trance, the two of us just stood in the hallway looking at one another, it feeling like coming home in some way, excited about the prospects of this year and all the books Anthony and I could manage to read and analyze by the end of it* *one of Anthony’s friends calls his name again and it breaks the mini spell, giving him another wave and mouthing ‘see you soon’ before unlocking my dorm door and letting myself in, throwing Ant one last smile before closing the door behind me, letting out a dreamy contented sigh as I look around the room, feeling 10x more positive about this living situation than I did an hour ago* *I get to decorating my room, having gotten the single this year, the room having two doubles, two singles and a living area* *I just got done putting up the last few photos on my wall when I heard a knock on the door, hopping off my bed and padding out, my heart thudding since I knew it was Anthony, opening the door and smiling sweetly* Hi. *my voice was soft and quiet, my eyes bright as I looked up at him, him looking so different yet the same, his features definitely having matured a bit over the summer, his skin was sun kissed and his arms filled out his shirt a bit more than they used to, trying not to focus on any of that* 
*face breaks out into a fond grin when I see your cheeks flush in that perfect way I loved, always liking to see when I'd had an effect on you* *places a hand on my heart when you said you missed me too, partly for show but also partly to calm the racing it was doing, feeling like it was yearning for me to get closer to you* *just looks at you for what felt like too little time, only blinking out of the little daze as I hear my name called, looking over my shoulder and seeing a couple of my friends come up the stairs, looking back at you and giving you a little wave before I greet my friends with a quiet sigh, going back to the task at hand with a little more vigour as all I wanted to do was spend time with you now* *the few hours pass back way too slowly, grateful when my friends eventually leave and I was free to come and visit you, grabbing the books and my journal of notes, heading to your door and taking a deep grounding breath before knocking, feeling jittery with excitement and nerves and not remembering ever feeling so strongly about seeing you but assuming I couldn't remember the feeling as 6 weeks ago was the last time we were together* *can't help the goofy lopsided smile that brightens my face as you open the door, seeming to tower over you more than I did last school year and grinning down at you as my heart pounds loudly in my chest* Hi stranger. *murmurs softly, able to admire you from up close now and god was there a lot to admire, my eyes drifting over the flecks of gold in your eyes, the blush and freckles over your nose, the tease of your collarbone, stomach twisting at all these things I hadn't noticed before, feeling overwhelmed with affection for you suddenly* God, it's good to see you. *breathes out before I was stepping into your space and wrapping you in my arms, pulling you close into my chest and breathing you in as I squeeze you tightly* Too long. *murmurs into your hair*
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