#I'm also doing surprise things of artistic nature some with sound
mecdidikmen · 2 years
heart & mind, hope you forget not.
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oldworldghost · 1 year
How do you think P would react over finding out Reader likes to sing? Is a duet incoming in the walls of Hotel Krat?
P with a lover who's a singer! ☆
↳ Anon this is adorable! I'm tempted to write a fic about something along these lines at a different time, but for now have some hcs :]
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➸ Pinocchio finds out you sing on one of his return trips to the hotel. His attention is first grabbed by the sound of the piano, its' notes greeting him upon his entrance, and being the artistically inclined man that P is, he naturally follows it. His attention is secondly grabbed by the faint sound of a voice, half hidden by the keys and only to be properly made out that's yours when he's standing in the doorway of the library. He makes eye contact with Antonia, who sends him a smile before turning back to you, who either hasn't noticed that he's there or simply doesn't care. He supposes it to be the former, too engrossed in what you're doing to pay attention to the outside world.
➸ He, very quickly, ends up the same. Dead glass eyes watch intently as your hands glide over the keys, something akin to life sparking in them as he listens to your voice dance with the music. Pinocchios' initial reaction is that you sound beautiful, look beautiful. Though it would be more accurate, I suppose, to say that he thinks you both look and sound incredibly human. P has never heard anyone sing outside of Vinyls, at least not for long, so being able to not only listen in person but watch as you engage in the act of something as human as music has his gears speeding up. Something in them has changed, he's sure of it.
➸ It should come as no surprise to say that Pinocchio is immensely curious about [and attracted to, in your case] things he perceives as human. This is partially due to the fact that he sees them as a goal, something to work towards and obtain, a barrier to be broken between himself and humanity as a whole. And of course this extends to music and is one of the reasons his vinyl collection is ever growing, why he always finds himself returning to the piano. It is a little hard to tell whether Ps' appreciation of art is something inherent to him or if it merely exists because he thinks it has to. In all honesty it's probably both.
➸ Now, to grow less introspective about it all, Pinocchio also just really loves listening to you sing because it's, well, you. He is undoubtably your number one fan, though he's subtle about it. Gemini is the hype man, much to the embarrassment of P and the amusement of Everyone Else. Honestly it's not even really embarrassment on Ps' part, more of an annoyed "wow I wish you would shut the fuck up!" because Gemini has the talent of being able to bring you into every conversation and you being a singer just adds more fuel to a fire that really does not need it [Pinocchio would one hundred percent do the same though if he was more, you know, talkative].
➸ One of Pinocchios' main love languages is quality time, and honestly you being a singer is perfect for that. Most of his time at the hotel is spent just sitting and listening and watching. Something about your voice makes him feel safe, as weird as that may sound. Maybe it's the affection in it when you sing for him alone, or just how intimate the atmosphere ends up being. He's not even sure if he's capable of feeling comfort, but he wouldn't change whatever's in his chest for the world.
➸ In regards to duets, I think Pinocchio would actually be rather open to the idea. Now, contrary to popular belief he can in fact speak, though he seldom ever does it without prompting. He doesn't really see the point in it if we're being honest, yes speaking is human but his voice is so flat and honestly he just doesn't have a lot to say about things. So it's fairly safe to say P has never sung before, hell he's not even sure if his voicebox can function like that, but nonetheless when you bring up the idea of a duet he's not only willing but somewhat eager about the whole thing. There's really no rhyme or reason for it either, Pinocchio just likes the idea of doing something human with someone who makes it easy to forget he's a puppet.
➸ Now Pinocchios' singing voice is actually rather nice! Though it is, of course, undeniably mechanical. There's something off about it, at times sounding like a crude mimicry of a human, a constant stiffness and roughness to it. It falls into a sort of uncanny valley, however there is also something undeniably endearing about it, something human about how much you can tell he wants to express anything in it. As for sound outside of puppetry, Ps' voice is fairly deep but retains a certain gentleness to it, a smoothness that contradicts the stiffness in a really lovely way. And yes, Pinocchio has a sense of rhythm.
➸ Pinocchio has a strong preference for keeping your duets private. The best way to do that, in his opinion, is when you're both out in the gardens dancing together. Under the stars while everyone else is inside, chest against chest and voices in sync, the gentle twirls and turns as you both slip into your own little world. If you couldn't tell how much he values your duets before, you certainly can now. Kiss him after the song is done, won't you?
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joka13 · 7 months
FANFICTION (REQUEST): Weasley Twins x Reader (Hufflepuff Girl) - Lovesick - Part 3/5
WARNINGS: British swearing
"Ah, yes," Madam Pomfrey said in an uncharacteristically happy tone. It was early in the morning and the twins stood anxiously in the entrance of the hospital wing as the school nurse examined the sample flower petal they had brought to her. "Witches and wizards in Japan call this the Hanahaki disease."
Fred's eyes widened. "Disease? This isn't some curse? Or the result of poisoning...?"
Madam Pomfrey shook her head, smiling, and went to store the petal in a small bottle. The twins followed further into the room.
"How does this illness come about in the first pl—" George coughed. A fresh cloud of petals spewed out of his mouth and fell delicately to the tile floor.
"You are going to clean that up," Madam Pomfrey said without looking while she placed the bottle in a cabinet.
George took his wand out, pointed it at the flower petals in the floor, and quickly spoke, "Evanesco," and the petals disappeared.
Madam Pomfrey explained, "Unrequited love. That's the cause. It's rather common, especially amongst teenagers such as yourselves. I see it all the time."
"Common...? It's strange that we are only now learning about it..." Fred half-mumbled to himself.
"Well, you boys have obviously never been in love before," the nurse chuckled. "It's about time. I've been wondering if I'd ever see you in here for it. I shouldn't be surprised that it's taken this long. You're always too busy with your shenanigans to care about such things."
George's brow furrowed. "No... what? Wait... Why are you so cheery about this?"
"Because you need it," Pomfrey replied, wiping her hands on her apron.
"Do you mean love or the disease?" Fred asked.
Madam Pomfrey laughed. "Both. You two need a firm push in the right direction. There is a medical cure for the disease, but I won't give it to you."
"Why not?" the twins exclaim in unison.
"Because I want you to try to use the natural cure. You must get whatever poor girl you have feelings for to admit that she feels the same way about you. Do this within the next week. If you come to learn that the infatuation is not mutual, then come back to see me."
Later that day, the twins had a table to themselves at the back of the Divination classroom.
George doodled a picture of a drooping flower on the corner of his parchment paper. "Didn't Pomfrey say that dreams were stage one of the Hannah-hobo-or-whatever-you-call-it disease?" he whispered. "And coughing up petals was stage three? Now that I think about it, we never went through stage two."
"You're right," said Fred. "Though I'm not complaining. I've never found myself wishing and wanting for chest pains and vomiting."
George brushed the tip of his quill against his cheek thoughtfully. "Wishing and wanting for chest pains and vomiting," he repeated. "That's got a sweet, poetic sound to it, doesn't it?"
"Yes, yes. I'm quite the natural artist, you know," Fred replied, chuckling pompously.
"That's disgusting!" Hermione Granger commented from a nearby table.
"Your hair is disgusting," Fred retorted.
She scoffed, "And you're so immature." She went back to her book and began to run her fingers through her hair self-consciously.
George went on, completely unbothered by the rude exchange. "I wonder... Could it be because this is our first time... being in love?"
"You gits are in love?" Ron, the twins' younger brother, asked. He and Harry Potter sat at Hermione's table, and the three of them stared with curious eyes.
"Mind your own bloody business, Ronald!" George hissed. He turned back to Fred, his expression reverting to something calmer.
Fred spoke as if nothing had happened, though quieter so no one but themselves could hear it. "It could be. I think it may also have something to do with the level of our love and how suddenly it came on. I don't know about you, and I know it sounds cliche, but I'll confidently say that I've never met a girl like y/n."
"Yeah, same here," George said, nodding. "How should we admit our feelings to her?"
There was a long moment of silence between the twins. Professor Trelawney's ramblings filled in as background noise.
"I don't want to admit my feelings," Fred eventually said.
"Me neither. This is probably something along the lines of what Pomfrey was talking about when she said that we 'need a firm push in the right direction'," George sighed.
"She also said we need love."
"But I love you, Freddie."
"And I love you, George. And we don't need anyone else's love," huffed Fred determinedly. He leaned back in his chair, coolly linking his hands behind his head.
Another moment of silence.
George clicked his tongue and copied Fred's relaxed pose, saying, "You're in denial."
"You're right again, Georgie. We also need dear Mum's love. Life's not worth living if I can't have her cooking in it."
"Ah, but romance...," George said, waving his hand in a dramatic rainbow as if to say, "Just imagine...!"
Fred folded his arms in front of his chest like a child with a made up mind. "We've gone without it for this long," he said.
"...A kind, beautiful, mischievous girl who will vandalize public property with you..." George exhaled wistfully. "Someone to be the inspiration for your 'natural artistry'... Someone who will cuddle with you on cold days..." George snuggled up to Fred's side playfully.
Fred laughed and shoved his twin away. "That's not helping paint the picture... It's kinda spooky you mentioned cuddling. I mean, we sure have that twin telepathy thing, but now you're seeing my dreams!"
George gasped. "That's what you dreamt about last night? You're so naughty!"
"It was totally innocent cuddling!" Fred snorted, shoving George again. "What did you dream about anyway?"
"Quidditch. She was my biggest fan in the crowd."
"That sounds nice."
The twins sighed in unison, each remembering the wonderful, though very temporary feeling that their dreams produced.
"George," Fred said in a way that prepared for a bold statement. "Let's make those dreams come true!" He sat up and pumped his fist into the air.
"So the Hannah-banana disease doesn't kill us!" George exclaimed, knocking his own fist against Fred's.
As they held their purposeful stance, both twins coughed at once, scattering flower petals all over the table top.
TAG LIST: @tomhockstetter7-111 @jasm-1ne @costheticbabe @luthien-elvenia-asher @megablonde22 @thecuteavocado @weasleylady92 @websfromallthespiders @rubyintheforest @weasleylover4eva @georgeweasleyslostearhq @im-coolrat @them-cute-boys @xmadigurlx @keirasinbin
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weirdmageddon · 1 year
First off!!! Hello fellow davejade enjoyer i see you. Second off—what sort of things do you wish you could’ve seen with these two in canon :0. Could be expansion on canon scene, arc direction, or just a new scene entirely. for me personally I would’ve loved to see some genuine fighting collaboration going on. I felt VERY teased with all the magic combo’s in collide.
Third! I know they do a lot of music collaboration in canon, and I’ve seen some things with them making a band together post canon. What sort of sound do you think they’d have/what artist do you think they’d sound like?
Thank you :))
okay god theres so much i wish was expanded on in canon with regard to dave and jade
this post is swan dive into homestuck meta and took me over a day to write. so i would appreciate feedback or discussion on this if you'd like, reblogs appreciated!
despite this question being posed as davejade related, my answers here are actually relevant for anyone interested in homestuck meta as well.
it’s just recently come to my attention that there are a a handful of people on twitter who are vocal davejade dislikers. i didnt know it was actually disliked until i looked it up on twitter, i honestly thought it was a joke blown out of proportion but no they exist! it surprised me a lot to see people think they "lack chemistry". not only because knowing what i know about them thats a ridiculous insinuation, but also i haven't seen the vitriol on tumblr. probably because we can actually poast about it on here in an unabridged manner which thus enables better, deeper critical analysis and engagement with the media. i think also people forget that dave strider is canonically bisexual and are too yaoipilled + facing the consequences of the epilogues to even give davejade a serious look/analysis. (dave dates terezi and karkat in separate timelines, thinks jane is hot, thinks roxy is a babe but shoves it down when he discovers she’s his ectomom lmfao. davesprite—an extension of dave himself—dated jade! but i'm going to cover that in more depth in this post since theres a lot of misunderstandings about the nature of that relationship in fanon.)
(as a side note according to what some people have told me in inbox and what ive seen lol i think that ive been inadvertently been getting people into davejade. it's all in my davejade tag here in chronological order if you'd like to get a Whiff. be sure to read the tags on posts in there too!)
even though theres a lot in this post as it is, it doesn't cover everything ive talked about wrt davejade, and i think it would benefit readers to have complementary posts alongside this for the full picture with stuff it doesn't cover. there's a ton about why theyre cute and why i think they work well together in that tag.
here's some highlight analysis posts, but be sure to check the tag because there's a more in there:
post a / post b / post c / post d / post e / post f (← one of my favorite ask responses ive ever gotten)
i think a huge chunk of the issue has to do with how the narrative handles dave and jade. one of the most damning things to me is how glossed over their canon interactions were in act 5 despite them collaborating on one of the most important things in the story. i haven't talked about this yet but i'm going to do so here. because they’re put on the backburner by the focus of the narrative during act 5, people who don’t read carefully will miss the implications that are there all along in canon but easily passed over.
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under the cut ive separated it into multiple parts
1. Jade’s Quest: What Frog Breeding Entails
this is an analysis examining apart exactly what jade and dave did while frog breeding. i wrote it while high which was extremely enlightening and it allowed me to comprehend it and hopefully explain it in an understandable way. i also discuss how shitty the lack of on-screen communication between jade and dave was for this part and the next.
2. Jade & Dave vs. Jack Noir
ive discussed this one before on my blog so it's not as dense (see davejade tag). but i still sewed the gifs together and discuss how unfortunate this was to be be delegated to a banner at the top of mspa and the neglect of that whole arc despite the outcomes of it being reissued by characters thousands of pages later
3. Davesprite and Grimbark Jade
i get into davesprite's head here and try to make his motivations about the breakup clear to the extent that i can infer because jesus fuck i love these characters way too much ive known them for a decade i understand their core personality structures and why they think what they do and what is most likely to happen when extrapolating? i also talk about how grimbark jade changed the way the fandom perceives their relationship, leaving davejade on a low note instead of a high note. and then hs epilogues had even worse consequences for davejade but i wont get into it because it was character assassination all around and doesnt deserve my time or yours. but if you wanna know what i think, here
4. The music question
where actually answer this ask like it's an ask and not an essay
1. Jade’s Quest: What Frog Breeding Entails
i wish we could have seen what collecting frogs entailed for the two of them. what exactly were they doing? jade’s quest is one of the most interesting.
before i start i want to take a tangent and say the frog breeding reminds me of back in 2020-2021 when i would breed hybrid flowers in animal crossing new horizons to get a very specific gene sequence for these flowers to not only use to breed for hybrids, but to get known gene sequences that i could use to “check” the genes of other flowers. the goal is to get two parent flowers whose sequences when bred would make a specific phenotype 100% of the time.
this sounds complicated but here’s what i did for the lilies:
(“rare island” refers to one of the first acnh patches that removed a nook miles island from the pool that had hybrid versions of your native flower of very specific phenotypes for each color. i wrote out the breeding chains to get parents that would always breed that exact flower found on the rare hybrid nmt island that is no longer available.)
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the cleanup ALL TO GET the white 2-2-2 lily looked like this. and after i got white 2-2-2 lily it was smooth sailing
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after all that i could use the orange 2-2-0 lilies and white 2-2-2 lilies made in the black lily process and get rare island orange 2-2-1 lilies 100% of the time. in mendelian genetics these numbers (2-2-1) are quite literally RR-YY-Ww.
RR-YY-ww (orange) x RR-YY-WW (white) = RR-YY-Ww (orange: heterozygous Ww gene)
and all that effort into getting white 2-2-2 lilies enables me to get it over and over again now. i don’t have to repeat that process to get rare island pink lilies. all i need to do for the pink 2-0-2 lilies is breed two default bag red lilies (2-0-1) together. 50% will be red (2-0-1) lilies, 25% will be black 2-0-0 lilies, and the last 25% will be pink (2-0-2) lilies.
anyway sorry back to the main point. FROG BREEDING. it just reminded me of it. now that i think of it the frog breeding process also reminds me a lot of artbreeder back from when AI was only a fun little toy 4-5 years ago
ok so have a look at what kanaya says about what jade must do. this is the coolest quest imo because of how it progresses and how long it actually is
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here’s how it works. remember back in act 2, when the wayward vagabond needed to tie a longer cable to descend down the ship (and refused to give up the ones that made up his mayoral sash)? he used the appearifier in the ship to appearify the extra cable across the gap to his location? that’s how the appearifier normally works when when it’s locked to the present. it’s very straightforward.
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when jade appearifies a frozen frog, it shows us this exact thing. she appearified the actual frog itself (the same way WV appearified the actual cable across the gap) to her exact location. it can get the frog out of the ice in the way WV could untrap serenity from the amber. if something’s destiny wouldn’t otherwise be changed, it will not be paradoxified, it will just simply itself be warped to that location, with precise carving if it is somehow trapped inside of something else.
if you could appearify it to your location right now, you wouldnt be able to take it out the appearifier’s crosshairs in person later to alter its destiny because the object won’t be there at that time. it wouldve been with you the entire time. unless you decide to take the appearified item back to that location so that you could appearify it in the past, but that’s the most pointless time loop ever and doesn’t change its destiny.
for this icicle frog jade and dave weren’t capable of changing its destiny anyway, because it was completely encased in ice, and just didn’t bother to go after it. partially because it was with jade at the appearifier the entire time anyway and she can’t exactly put it back in there in the future. the point is, besides jade appearifying it to her location, the frog had no other possible routes of destiny. in that part of lofaf where she appearified the frozen frog from, the ice is too deep to get anything out of it (other than appearifying it) and i’m not sure the forge would have melted it in time before their reckoning ended anyway.
the goal of jade and dave is to target frogs on the appearifier screen and trust that their future selves follow through in altering the frog’s destiny. if so, then the frog’s paradox slime will appear instead and its genes would be collected in addition to creating offspring between multiple paradox clone frog genes. then, dave and jade would necessarily have to go out adventuring and find the frog so that they end up following through for their past selves.
if i understand correctly, jade is creating all the frogs on her planet that grow up with manually modified genes. these frogs must be genetically altered from their parents so that the frogs she creates don’t grow up to become one of their parents (as they’d be identical). the mutant offspring frogs “generation A” she ectobiologizes will eventually mature from tadpoles to frogs, assisted by dave’s time travel. then she will eventually target “generation A” with the appearifier to get their paradox slime to fuse with some other frogs’ paradox slime and create new slightly altered frogs “generation B” (and then follow through on altering the “generation A” frogs’ destiny so their slime and genes can be paradoxified by jade and dave’s past selves). repeat until the genes are fine tuned for the genesis frog.
this is why i compared it to my breeding in animal crossing. getting the genesis frog reminds me of the blue rose paths. i worked with the garden council back in the day and i used backwardsN’s “cesspool” method, except i honestly gotta say my white 2-2-2 lily thing was much more involved and carefully maneuvered in a way that i imagine frog breeding is more like. backwardsN’s “genepool method” was basically making a red-orange-black rose primordial soup and waiting for a blue rose to emerge out of it, just increasing the chances seeing a blue rose sprout the next day after watering with each generation of offspring. you KNOW my ass was using time travel, even if i happened to get lucky and got a blue rose without even finishing the big turtle plot. without time travel, most players (95%) will get their first blue rose before these # of days. (open up advanced tag)
there must be so many daves running around to help her going back in time all within the span of a few hours while still having their own linear, older timelines that are much longer than the “time stage” they’re actually functioning in. this sounds complicated but it’s not. think of this “time stage” as analogous to the 3 days until the moon falls in majoras mask. it’s the “time window” all the time travel takes place within, but link doesn’t become a day younger when he travels to a day ago. the timeline of his “self” is older but is kept within the confines of the 3-day timeframe. similarly, in tears of the kingdom, two master swords exist simultaneously for most of history, but the one on the light dragon’s head (who was above the cloud barrier before the upheaval btw) is further ahead on its own linear timeline: it starts as the other, pre-gloomed master sword → broken by gloom → sent to the past to be repaired → renewed over time, existing at the same time on the “time stage” as its own pre-gloomed past self but ahead on its own linear timeline
now imagine this but within the “time stage” of just a few hours within the same 24-hour period. kanaya says frog breeding ordinarily takes weeks. multiple daves can exist simultaneously because they’re operating in the same few-hour-timeframe but one can linearly be days ahead of another. it’s the exact same thing as breeding flowers in animal crossing for irl days but to your game it’s whatever date you have it set to. your irl progress isn’t lost if you go back a few days in settings. i’d often find a week in june to use as a “time stage” to loop through when it would rain at least one hour on each day of that week which would save me the hassle of watering my flowers every day before time traveling to the next.
it must’ve sucked for dave to hear jade say the same things over and over again. the novelty probably wore off pretty fast lol…… dave says he saw his future self fighting and dying to jack and knew that’s what he’d eventually have to do as well. every single dave at all points of his linear timeline understood that and it probably settled something horrible into his heart.
im imagining during the original run dave was thinking to himself: “im bored but cant alter anything about this without creating a doomed timeline. if i dont see my future self hugging jade then i cant hug her even though i really fuckin want to. note to future self: hug jade. aww shit look at me go guess i remembered. hell fucking yes cant wait for that to be me in a few hours” and gives a thumbs up
future dave pov, hugging jade and watching his past self give him a thumbs up from afar thinking to himself: “ahaha i remember exactly what i was thinking there” and gives a thumbs up
but anyway. goddamn. JADE AND DAVE. what did hussie do to you.
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this is a goddamn atrocity.. what the hell man. i wish we could have at LEAST seen the text file jade sent to kanaya. we got to see ConversationWithAVeryStupidGirl.Txt but not daveisafunnyguy.txt?
i mean i GUESS the humor is delivered through this
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and like, yeah that is pretty funny? but i feel like the single laugh this gives me is nothing compared to the joy i wouldve gotten out of seeing what dave has to say about the cloning apparatus for ants here and talking himself into circles about frog procreation enough to make not just gigglehouse jade laugh, but kanaya too
we spent so much time learning about the mechanics of the punch designix and hardly anything about creating the seed of the actual new universe. we learn about it through kanaya and karkat messaging jade, instead of dave and jade working that out through SHENANIGANS. even though this is JADE AND DAVE'S session. it’s fine that kanaya is helping them, as she should, but we’ve seen parallel pesterlog conversations before so i dont get why we didn’t get that here! jade and dave frog breeding is one of the most important events in homestuck, and yet it was terribly glossed over. everything in the story, their futures, are predicated on their success. not just in their unwinnable session, but the one they split up for 3 years and escape to.
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at first i thought, maybe their lack of shown interaction has to do with hussie working out the intricacies of pesterlog/dialogue thing? as he once stated on tumblr:
shoshaumbay asked: In the intermission of act 6, it says that they get to talk. Does this mean that their guardians couldn’t talk to them before and that is why they left them notes all around their houses?  The achievement badge only upgraded their ability to speak to each other as presented through the comic. I.e. it permitted them to speak to each other… WHILE WE WATCH! Do you think all the trolls were hanging out together, not talking at all? Or Dave and Jade were doing all that frog hunting without a single peep?? That’s ridiculous. On the other hand, abstraction weaves itself through the Homestuck reality, and it can be hard to pin down where abstraction is to be taken literally. The truth is, there is not much distinction between the layers of abstraction and the reality they are meant to stand for. John was both literally named on his 13th birthday, and not quite, because that’s silly. The guardians are both literally silent automatons, and not really, as there is indication through allusion they function as normal people too. And the kids went through a huge adventure, achieved immortal god status, and even then had to gain a few more levels just to gain the achievement of simple dialogue as a literal upgrade, as well as not literally, because that makes no sense. The reality is inseparable from the way the story is presented and the way the “game” is played. But those abstractions are also a facade for a more life-like reality beneath it as well.
then i realized, this is not only an arbitrary cop out that affects my enjoyment of the comic in retrospect because they wind up being able to talk later anyway and that makes me feel cheated in these moments, but also still actually awful within these parameters because hussie breaks his own rule here, proving he could have shown us dave and jade talking in person at any time regardless of needing the gift of gab achievement for us to watch them as readers. recall this is also the first time john and rose met in person (at least when rose wasn't asleep):
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2. Jade & Dave vs. Jack Noir
this is where i take out my frustration over this being delegated to a banner at the top to the point where readers forgot it occurred.
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(also i want yall to take a moment to acknowledge this ^)
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i wish their time on lofaf frog breeding and fighting with jack was front and center and wasnt just in the banner at the top of the page. it makes it seem not as important when it completely was, considering that characters brought up what had happened in that scene multiple times.
it is significant because it is at that point that jack noir has killed all of the kids at least once. the only one left being jade who he refuses to kill due to bec’s loyalty
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jack noir killed john on his quest bed which allowed him to ascend to god tier. then he killed john AGAIN but it wasn’t a heroic or just death so john was revived
jack killed grimdark rose. john smooched rose’s corpse, allowing her to take over on derse.
jack killed dave by redirecting jade’s bullets into dave’s body instead. jade smooched dave’s corpse, allowing him to take over on derse.
after jade shoots him through jack, he’s down for the count. she kisses him and he wakes up on derse; all he and rose have left of “themselves” in an existential sense are their dreamselves. they didnt know they were going to ascend to god tier delivering the tumor. they assumed they were just going to die like for real and not come back which is why dave went with rose since he didnt want her to die alone.
it was also an important point since her time spent with dave on lofaf is the first in-person contact jade has had with another living human since she was probably 4 years old with her grandpa.
for jack noir, we got [s] seer: desend and [S] ==> (3696) which were hella impactful. seeing jade and dave essentially go through the same thing but with an extended battle sequence honestly kinda warrants a flash in my mind. (the sad thing is that unite synchronization was originally written with those pages in mind (the track was originally called redshift) but of course malcolm brown couldnt have known what was going to happen unless hussie commissioned him for a specific track for a specific story beat, probably like whatever he did to coordinate cascade’s music with toby ahead of the 10/25/11 release of the flash and publication of volume 8 on bandcamp)
i think one of the worst parts is that entire conversations were referenced, but cut or never written.
this is a real forgotten homestuck fact: jade was completely freaking out after filling dave with bullets until karkat had talked her through it. very easily forgotten since even though it being referenced twice we never actually saw the conversation. (i overrode the black scratch background so it's easier to read)
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wow thats so crazy i as a member of the audience dont in fact remember! would it have killed to write it my guy
and we find out thousands of pages later dave was thinking more about how it wouldve made jade feel to watch him die than knowing he was about to fucking die. if you even care btw
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i wrote more about this here
3. Davesprite and Grimbark Jade
davesprite—an extension of dave himself—dates jade but breaks up because he feels inadequate at being the dave that he thinks jade deserves. NOT because they fought or anything. they were still on good terms. davesprite just felt inherently unlovable. john seemed more upset about the breakup frankly.
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what davesprite did was because he thought it was in jade's best interest. there is nothing to suggest it was a fight / clash break up. they still seemed to be on good terms, davesprite asking where she went and all. jade says the breakup “is complicated” and “hes going through a lot of stuff”. given the context i think it's reasonable to assume that davesprite's thought process was: “we're coming up to the new session soon and youre going to meet up with dave again and i dont want to make shit awkward with you dating knockoff dave. you deserve to be with real dave instead so im gonna cut what we have going here in advance and distance myself from your life”
jade probably protested about saying how he's just as real as “real dave”, but davesprite made his decision already. im sure it wasnt easy for davesprite to break up either. with emotions running high (sadness, not anger) he probably just left to be alone and distance himself from jade, and seems to harbor guilt about it as we see in the log. that's probably why he wasn't at john's movie party. this is just speculation on my part but it doesnt seem in character for the breakup to be explosive because jade seemed more understanding than john. sad, but understanding.
i feel like a lot of people forget this. grimbark jade made it seem like davesprite did it to hurt her, or for this to mean that dave and jade are not actually good for each other, which is a wild mischaracterization of what happened but the one that stuck with the fandom nonetheless.
not only that, but davesprite's existence tragic and he's understandably depressed. after spending about a year in sburb (accounting for time travel) without john or jade, only to go back and give up your personhood to advance the alpha timeline and become forgotten is fucking crushing, and i think the breakup is also about davesprite coming to terms with that trauma, being okay with his existence as a sprite instead of being a bootleg stand-in for the dave that jade knew.
basically what vintagegamebro says,
it was such a tragic way for them to part for 3 years with no communication, and it was only proceeded by more tragedy because jade then had no one but davesprite to turn to, and davesprite needed anything but romance at that point
grimbark jade isn’t a good reflection of jade’s actual self. she pushed the mayor into lava for fucks sake which normal jade would never dream of doing, grimbark jade is straight up unhinged. i’m sure jade was hurt because all breakups hurt, but it was blown out of proportion (see how calm she was above a few days after the breakup?) because of Evilness. but also as @vintagegamebro mentioned it also felt somewhat … “off”? or out of left field? especially seeing what the nature of the breakup was from both sides in the above screenshots.
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when dave says “theres no way i would have done that to you” i genuinely believe him. i have no reason not to believe him. look at him above asking for questions and clarification. thinking about how what davesprite did, a version of himself beyond his control and how it reflects on himself, i think it's obvious dave cares a lot about how jade feels about him
even after this confrontation in the game over timeline, dave laid down his fucking life to defend her corpse from the becs in he hope she could be revived by jane
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and to think that after all this he still chose to save her, like always, probably knowing he had little to no chance, just because he cares for her, her life and who she is beyond this moment, really meant a lot for them. i really, really was mad that this would be the last time they would truly ever be together in a way that to me mattered
4. The music question
i wrote this post regarding instruments with this song in the back of my head if its anything. takes about 12 seconds to start after you press play for some reason
this too, closer to the “style”. i like imagining dave going apeshit on drums
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nerdlingmerchling · 6 months
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So, I've watched Out of Darkness (2022) starring Mr Kit Young himself. 🎬 🎞
Full disclaimer, I hate horror movies, but I watched it anyway cause Kit (yes, it's a good reason). My verdict is that it's more of a thriller than a horror movie, and to my delight, it didn't rely heavily on jump scares.
It's rare to see movies set in the paleolithic era, and I think that's where the true originality of this movie lies. The costumes and props look overall pretty authentic, up to the stitching of the clothes, which I was happy about. It shows that there had been some anthropological research done beforehand.
The made-up Tola language was such an interesting, fascinating aspect to the movie, and all of the actors sounded exactly as if they had spoken it all their lives. They adopted such unique intonation that I even had a hard time recognizing Kit's voice at first. Acting was incredible, from everyone, and from start to finish.
Also, very glad to see an ethnically diverse group of prehistoric humans. Some recent studies tend to show that paleolithic groups were more complex in terms of origins than we might think.  So, props to the casting direction for that.
I also loved how this movie was much more than a slasher and had a true reflexion on what it is, and what it means to be human.  The movie was efficient in presenting the characters and their individual motivations. Each of the six main characters represented different angles of human nature : ego, ruthlessness, innocence, kindness, religious zeal, and determination/weakness. I thought it was such a great way to explore that theme.
It's also a beautifully-shot movie, which shows its Scottish Highlands setting in all its gloomy glory : making it both breathtaking and menacing. No green screen in sight, and you can feel the harshness of the elements piercing through the screen.
Overall, I had a good time, but I'm a sensitive creature, and I was still affected by the movie hours after I was done watching it. Much of it has to do with the character played by Kit.
Character analysis and SPOILERS under the cut :
Kit plays Geirr, a young hunter and the most sympathetic character overall. To no one's surprise, Kit plays him with a lot of nuance.
Geirr is a hunter and a warrior by necessity. He's a gentle, sensitive, artistic soul and the stark opposite to his older brother Adem, the leader of the group, who's proud, selfish, and prone to violent outbursts.
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Geirr has a special bond with Beyah, a teenage girl the group picked up "en route". The others still treat her as a stray and an outsider. Geirr, though, accepts her and sees her as being part of their little tribe. He vows to protect and take care of her.
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Very few people smile in that movie, but when someone does, it's usually Geirr, and he's smiling at Beyah.
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You might think at first that their attachment is a brother-sister or friends type of bond, but something happens that make the viewer understand Geirr's feelings for her extend further than that. While the group is resting after a day of walking the treacherous terrain, Geirr realizes his friend's pants are stained in blood, and he looks alarmed. She's having her first periods ; she's a woman now, and that means leader Adem can get to have a claim on her as he pleases.
Well aware of that fact, Geirr is devastated, and you understand at once that he was hoping to make Beyah his own companion.
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You also understand that he's not going to fight for her. He's going to suffer in silence, accept the situation and accept his brother's authority. Because that's the thing with Geirr ; he's not a fighter. And throughout the movie, Beyah is going to prove that she has a lot more fight in her than he does.
Geirr is someone who has principles, and he's going to follow those principles even when it leads him to suffering or even be at risk of dying. He refuses to kill someone, even out of mercy, or to resort to cannibalism, even when it's the sole way to survive.
By the end of the movie, he has given up, and it becomes clear he's not destined to make it. It makes his death even more devastating, because you're still hoping against hope that he's going to live.
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I'm still mourning that sweet prehistoric cinnamon bun, and I blame Kit's acting (and his face) for my emotional turmoil.
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northern-passage · 1 year
honestly same...I also only stick to reading the same ifs I've been reading since like 2 years ago + as a disabled lgbt person this community has gotten to toxic to interact wth tbh
hmmm putting this under a read more but here's some ramblings about my personal experience as well as some advice if anyone wants it
before i started writing tnp, when i was just a reader, it was very easy to curate my space and avoid a lot of the nastier people (especially back when the forums were the main space for people to talk about IF. i didn't go on the forums at all) and i was very much outside of the fandom and followed only like one artist whose recommendations i started off with before finding more stuff on my own.
once i became an author though it is impossible to avoid certain groups of people and it's really hard to hold on to that comfortable space. over the last like 3 years now my audience has definitely changed and dwindled a lot due to my.... Big personality but before that i had to endure a lot of harassment, people stalking me, people harassing my friends just for being my friend, almost constant transphobia and racism, and even now i still have people that seem to just camp in my inbox waiting for any opportunity to try and hurt me/get a reaction out of me.
i've been pretty open about all of this stuff happening too which most people also don't like, though that seems to be pretty standard across any fandom when you try to talk about how bad they are. i'm never really surprised when other authors delete without any warning or they just slowly stop posting and never come back. it's definitely something i've wanted to do more than once and still think about sometimes. even now after finally seeming to find my "niche" and a more understanding audience, it's really hard and i struggle with finding inspiration and motivation because of how people have treated me.
unfortunately i think it's always been this way, it's the nature of sharing work online and especially with IF feeling so "collaborative" people really feel entitled to it. and i also see readers facing this same kind of harassment, too, so it's definitely not just an author problem.
my advice is to just block and ignore people as best you can and just stay in your own little bubble with your friends or at least people that you trust. if you're an author going through any of the things i mentioned then just know there are a lot of other authors that have had to go through it, too, and that you should also just block and ignore to the best of your ability. just because you're an author doesn't mean you have to tolerate it. i used to respond to a lot of messages which is why i feel that a lot of my harassment lasted for so long, because they thought it was "funny" to upset me, but the more you respond and give them attention the more they'll keep doing it. so just block anons and move on (i know i make it sound so simple. trust me i used to be really bad about it, now i try to take at least a day or two before responding and usually by that time i realize how stupid it is and i just delete it without any fanfare)
at the end of the day though it's your decision, and your well-being comes first before anything else. i say this to both authors and readers, there's no reason to force yourself to stay in a place that makes you uncomfortable or is triggering. sometimes it's better to just let go and move on, though i know that's easier said than done. i'm a prime example as someone who still logs into tumblr daily despite trying really hard not to do that.
and i'm not saying to give up on your work, but rather that writing privately is always an option, and it's what i've been doing now with my other projects ever since i took siren's call down. i know the desire for outside validation can be overwhelming but i think it's important to remember that you should be writing this for yourself first and that there's no harm in keeping your work private until you're ready. tumblr is fun but there's also a lot of problems that can be difficult to deal with while you're also trying to keep motivation and creativity up to write your story, and it can be really discouraging.
like i said, your first priority should be yourself, and if you have to step back away from tumblr/fandom then you should & you shouldn't feel guilty about it.
all of that to say that there are nice people out there, too, i've made really good friends here and i really value their friendship and their understanding, especially when i was going through the worst of it. and there are a lot of readers who have been very kind to me and that have sent me very nice messages and drawn lovely art over the years and i always try to focus on that over everything else.
it can be really easy to get overwhelmed by all the negativity and hostility which is why it's so important to find your people and be supportive of each other.
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luci-j · 7 months
More "Rocky Raccoon & The Knowhere Man" Headcannons
I'm sorry. I was really being honest when I said I love this stuff. <3 So uh, let's do some headcannons on this older "Dad" Rocket in my series. Little stuff I've kept in mind while writing him as someone who's older and... Well, maybe not wiser, but more experienced.
Has a total sweet tooth, especially for marshmallows. This comes from him not drinking much, and the phenomena of ex-alcoholics tending to have a sweet tooth and raccoons loving marshmallows
He can understand more raccoon than speak it. His vocal cords were messed with, making his vocalizations sound a bit strange to the other raccoons around him. They still regard him as a very large, slightly strange kit.
He meets with Drax and Nebula a few times a week for lunch or just to vent
At this point he's had multiple surgeries to replace the old metal in his body. Each surgery took place on Wakanda, and he got to know the surgical team pretty well
He's taught a few classes here and there at Drax's school. Mostly mechanics and the like. He's surprised at how well he's received as a teacher, and he has a Gordon Ramsay approach to it; if you're really trying, he'll be patient. Negligent idiot, though? He *will* roast you like you're a fresh cob of corn
The chore he minds the least in his apartment is the dishes. His least favorite is dusting, which stinks on account of he and Meti have a lot of decor and collectibles around the house. He also is the type to pull out clothes directly from the dryer and just wear them.
He's amassed a large collection of CDs, records, cassettes, and players.
He'll collaborate to make prosthetics for Meti's patients sometimes. This actually helped eased his fears that he might not have a job to do other than being a Guardian.
He loves hanging out on Earth with Peter, Owen (Peter's boyfriend), and Peter's family. Owen being a country boy at heart, he's taken Meti and Rocket out to do things like fishing, off roading, and the like.
Peter took Meti and Rocket to their first comic book convention! Peter also got to explain to Meti and Rocket what furries were! They were a little thrown, a little confused, but ultimately kind of flattered, and ended up taking a lot of photos with them. :')
He likes "Dad" shows. He's through half of "Yellowstone" and can't decide if he likes it or not.
He's gotten more into his artistic side with having his own space to fully decorate. This is why his and Meti's home looks like a kitsch dream. He knows he won't be judged in the comfort of his own home.
He likes leaning into some of his more natural instincts in his home. This includes running on all fours (it feels so good on his back!), dipping his food in water, and climbing.
Speaking of his apartment, he's built a total of seventeen separate hiding/escape hatches throughout it. Meti's found about fifteen.
He is building a ship in his basement workshop, but he doesn't have a damned clue how he's going to get it out of there. Oh well, that's a problem for another day.
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djservo · 11 months
that time of the month again... how did your october reading go? i saw you hit your reading goal! are we increasing it to push or just enjoying the moment? what's on the winter horizon
IMO !! we both hit our goals right? I feel like I cheated bc half of these reads were lil bite-sized afternoon reads but whatevz, october was fun!
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High Risk: An Anthology of Forbidden Writings edited by Amy Scholder & Ira Silverberg
I found this buried in the back of a bookshop for like $5 & saw that old copies are selling for like $25+ online?? wild! I lucked out! I loved the variety featured here, poems and prose and short stories and essays, a lil bit of everything for everyone. I've shared this exact sentiment before I'm sure but I really do love these types of anthologies because it exposes me to so many new authors/artists I wouldn't have so easily come across otherwise, and this collection was particularly fruitful. my favorite bit was probably 'Dear Dennis' by Dodie Bellamy, which is from a collection of letters written from the point of view of Mina Harker from Dracula and it's just as fun and zany as it sounds. this particular letter is addressed to Dennis Cooper which makes it even more fun for me hehe here's a particular (NSFW) passage I was super charmed by and keep thinking about
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The Complete Eightball 1-18 by Daniel Clowes
ohhhh daniel... with a collection this big there are bound to be some misses + the cynical sarcastic gen X 'everyone's an idiot & society is stupid' voice/punchline got predictable and grating after awhile, but it's still a treat to see the progression of his art and storytelling. Ghost World + Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron were featured in here so it was really nice to reread them bc I already loved them both but this time I was able to appreciate the artistic details and stories even more. especially Ghost World which I read around high school and it left a more superficial "haha bitchy teenage girls me as hellll" impression whereas this time around I was surprised at how emotionally gut-punched I felt at the end. so beautiful and touching
A Season in Hell and the Drunken Boat by Arthur Rimbaud
I was craving some poetry + Dennis Cooper has referenced Rimbaud as an early inspiration so I thought i'd give a try, and I totally see the influence with this sorta meandering self-loathing nature mixed with this sensuous + bursting understanding of life. poetic stream-of-consciousness mumblecore. the beauty's kinda stained for me by racial slurs and general weird racial undertones but what else can I expect from a white french man from the 1800s i guess! the length is short enough (hardly 100 pages) to not have to commit to it very long at least
Lord of the Flies by William Golding
I am sooo shocked at how into this I was + I wonder if this would've been the case if I'd read it in high school under a teacher's direction bc while I've enjoyed books I've been assigned to read and analyze academically in the past, the vibe is so different when you're reading something on your own and processing/interpreting things by yourself, more limitless in a way. and I think because of that freedom to move around and stew in and envision things way I wanted to, I really had fun with this!! I think reading it at my age, so removed from school, also made it more shocking in the sense of realizing these are literal children.....??!?? so crazy silly funny scary to think about... these poor boys who desperately need therapy... also the copy I had included introductions by Lois Lowry and Stephen King which were basically nostalgic odes to literature and the stories that shape us as and the way we interpret the world as young readers and I really had a moment like...wow... books really are so powerful like truly....
The Wolf Plays by Brad Fraser
I cant lie, I picked this up bc I was so entranced by the photoshoot Keanu Reeves and Carl Morotte did for the live performance they starred in hehe. it feels redundant to be like 'this would've worked better on the stage.." when reading a play bc Obviously it was Meant for performance/the stage, but IDK I've read screenplays that were so layered and full of life from dialogue to stage directions that it felt as if I really were witnessing a production of it whereas here, the direction and characters were so sparsely written that it was hard to imagine it being any more fleshed out for the stage. to be fair, Fraser himself admitted in the introduction to Wolfboy (the first/main play out of he two featured in this collection) being rushed and rough around the edges so oh well, I'm just glad to have gotten this out of my system now or else it would've plagued me
Castle Faggot by Derek McCormack
so strange and bewitching. I love how it plays with form in a kinda taunting way. blank boxes where you imagine the picture that's being drawn out n stuff like that. I think I'll need to read it again to flesh out my thoughts but with it fresh on the mind, I'm tickled by its way of weaving anger with absurdity. in the afterword convo between Dennis Cooper + Zac Farley, Dennis recounts a story about Derek where they were hanging out at some mall and Derek spotted Nicholas Brandon (the guy who played Xander in Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and without a word Derek made a beeline to Xander and just stood closely right behind him on the escalator staring at him intensely and Dennis was equal parts humiliated and terrified bc he'd never seen this weird dark obsessive side of Derek before + that was basically how he felt about the book as well. thought that was neat and somewhat clarifying LOL
PHEW im pooped. NO i will NOT be increasing my reading goal for these last 2 months, lest I strive farther than my capabilities/motivation yet again!!! I tried a few Fil-Am/Filipino horror fictions in october but none of them really clicked for me and i didn't want to commit to something I felt lukewarm about so I'm planning to read some (non horror) Fil/Fil-Am books this month. I realized in October I read almost every form (poetry, fiction, graphic novel, play) except nonfiction wtf! my bread and butter! so I'll probably look for something stimulating buried in my pdfs somewhere
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captainjacklyn · 2 years
"A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one can take." - Cardinal Meymillod
A/N : I present to you my OC, Marie ! She is Riddle's intelligent android caretaker who watched over him when he was studying after he was separated from his friends. She started off as a watchful nanny but soon became the closest thing to a mother Riddle ever needed and wanted. He is nine years old in this chapter. (full credits to the artist, this piece of art does not belong to me ! If you are it's creator please message me privately so that I may offer you full credits)
Personality : Marie is usually very kind, loving and understanding, but when angered she can come across as cold, unforgiving and even cruel. The barbie-like automaton is motherly by nature as she was created to mainly suit children. She is a bundle of joy until her primal user is endangered, she will do anything to defend them. Anything.
Warning(s) : there will be violence in future chapters which include things such as blood/injuries and general fighting, horror themed AU, inspired for the new movie M3GAN. Animatronic malfunctions and more. If you are sensitive to any of these subjects, I advise that you either scroll away or proceed with cautions as some may trigger you.
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Prologue : Meeting Marie.
Today was a rather quiet day, Riddle was studying at his desk like always and his mother was away for 'something important'.
It wasn't long before she came back from her errands with a little surprise, "Riddle ?" she asked, opening the door. "Yes mother ?" he answered, turning around to face her,
"There is something I want you to meet." She avoided eye contact with her son and continued "You see..I will be gone on a business trip for about four months, so I bought a nanny to make sure you are taken care of while I'm gone."
The little boy's eyes widen in shock after hearing the news of his mom's sudden leave, what was even more intriguing was the fact that she addressed to the nursemaid as a 'thing'.
"O-oh, alright." he nervously replied, this was going to be the first time that she would leave for so long. And also the first time he would be looked after by someone who wasn't his mother.
The woman quiet for an instant. She soon walked towards him, placing a hand on his shoulder in a sort of comforting manner : "I know this will be difficult and I am worried about the idea of leaving you, but you must be as obedient as you are with me towards Marie."
"Marie ?" Riddle repeated, confused.
"Yes Riddle ?"
A foreign voice was heard outside of his room, surprised, the young boy gasped at the sight. A rather tall female figure with a smiling face and robotic eyes, dressed in a victorian dark red dress appeared in front of the door. She was previously standing behind his mother but he was so focused on her announcement that he did not notice her presence in the room.
"Marie will be responsible for taking care of you while I'm gone, she will make sure that you do not break the rules like last time. In addition to that, Marie and I will stay in contact so that I can make sure everything is going well." Mrs rosehearts took a deep breath before adding one more thing.
"Your schedule has been placed into her memory and she will assist you in your work. I'm leaving in a week, so for now, I'll suspend your learning for you to create a 'bond' with her. According to her inventor, it's important to be comfortable around Marie, if by three days you don't approve of her behavior I will ask her creator to have her exchanged by a new one." she then changed her tone, addressing herself to the machine.
"Correct ?"
"You are correct mrs rosehearts, I promise to take good care of your son."
Marie talked in a monotone way, it was brief but nevertheless, she still sound like she was bored which almost made Riddle giggle at the thought.
"Good. I'll leave you two alone for now, you will be able to catch up with your current studies later. I have to verify some details with her originator." the lady walked out of the room but right before she left, a disgusted glare was shot at the humanoid bot.
"..." Riddle stood in front of his caretaker in silence, he didn't know how to communicate with her.
"Is something the matter Riddle ? Your heart beat is increasing by the second."
"H-how can you tell- ?"
"I was built in the purpose of taking care of others, my duty is to make sure you are well at all times. My creator equipped me with a sound detector that allows me to assure your safety. I happen to hear that your heart beat as quickened, this can happen due to anxiety, nervousness, physical exercise, in moments of dishonesty-"
"I get it. Thank you." Marie obeyed and closed her statement at the orders of the young boy.
Riddle looked around the room trying to find something to talk about or ask the maiden as she stood still, smiling warmly. That was until the commanding voice of his mother resonated through the halls, calling Marie who turned around at the mention of her name.
She took a few steps towards the door before stopping to look back at Riddle.
"Riddle ?"
"Wha- Yes ?" Riddle stammered.
"May I ?"
"Uh ?" he replied, confused at her question.
"Approach you. I must not make my primal user uncomfortable in any way. So I will ask for your permission to do certain actions when your comfort is depending on it."
"Ah, of course." he answered, after receiving confirmation, she walked towards Riddle and then sat on her knees in front of him. He patiently waited for something to happen until Marie began to slowly extend her hands out to him.
Seeing this, Riddle hesitantly put his hands in her gloved, hard palms. The fabric felt like simple velvet, but the body under it had the texture of solid plastic. Marie gazed at his hands in hers before looking up into his eyes to speak sweetly.
"I am your personal caretaker. I prioritize you over anyone and anything else, it is my mission to make sure that you are protected from both physical and mental harm. If there is anything you request of me, simply say the word."
"MARIE ! COME AT ONCE WILL YOU ?!" before Riddle could comprehend the sudden declaration of the droid women, the sound of his yelling mother startled the poor boy. Her smile dropped as she saw the obvious distress on his face, "I-I think you should go to her, she sounds really irritated."
Marie shifted her head from the door back to the youngster as she spoke once more, her voice sounding more cold and even a hint of irritation could be heard.
"Right. Please wait for me, I will return swiftly."
She stood up and walked away, closing the door behind her. Riddle remained still, thoughts swarming through his mind like a storm. He needed some time to process the news he received under such a short time.
Meanwhile, a different conversation was taking place outside of his study room into the corridor. "Listen to me you walking doll, I expect my son to be well taken care of for the next few months. If he or I don't approve of you, you will be discarded in the dumpster. Do you understand me ?!"
"Yes. I am aware of your expectations. I am programmed to take care of people, it is my mission to assure one's safety. All means necessary."
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End of Prologue. OC Marie introduced. Moving on to Chapter 1.
Coming soon....
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flameswallower · 1 year
"How people think"-- I mean, what their experience of consciousness is like-- is so fascinating to me. It seems to vary a lot even within groups like "autistic people" or "NTs" & everyone typicalizes their own experience (naturally)! I would be so interested in more non-judgmental, non-humblebraggy discussions of this that also didn't assume differences could be reduced to "are you NT or 'neurodivergent' (almost always implicitly meaning, specifically, 'an autistic person without intellectual disabilities')."
For example, it doesn't surprise me that many people lack internal monologues. I do have one, although it's usually more like an internal dialogue or conversation, but I do enough thinking outside of that to imagine it.
I AM surprised that linguistics youtuber Simon Roper says he has no internal monologue, though, because the thinking I do that isn't verbal-linguistic and doesn't have a strong "I" perspective is typically extremely difficult for me to put into words at all. Often, as I try, I feel the understanding actively slipping away from me or becoming confused as I attempt to phrase it-- it won't work for me in words, or at least not in the English language. But Roper appears to totally lack this problem, & is very articulate on a number of conceptually sophisticated, fairly abstract subjects!
The concept of aphantasia was more surprising for me to encounter. I suppose the best way to explain why is to share the anecdote that growing up, I always felt my imagination was kind of weak because it takes great effort and will for me to actually, in a literal sense, make myself Really See the phantom image of something before me. Most of the time, I can "only" picture things inside my head, I can only sound-picture music in my head/create a simulation of hearing as opposed to literally hearing it.
Later, I would find out that the amount of time other people imagine something and actually see or hear it is basically "none times ever," so my assumptions were pretty off-base there! But yeah, my sensory imagination is strong, except for taste. I also have some degree of synesthesia (primarily audio/music--> color/pattern/shape), which...you know, I live here! In my brain! I don't have direct access to how others perceive the world! A lot of the books, poetry, even cinema I encountered growing up suggests that more people think like I do in these respects than is probably true, which I'm guessing is a combination of people who think like me being somewhat more likely to become poets/novelists/artists/etc., and poets/novelists/artists/etc. who don't think in this way using vivid, unusual dreams/daydreams/sensory imagery for literary effect
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tsunderedoctor · 2 years
hiii it's my first time actually requesting something !! i hope i don't say anything stupid i'm really nervous 😭
as someone who's been diagnosed with this, may i ask for autistic reader with ace and cora? preferably male reader but gn is fine too !
idk if you know much abt it but i do wanna put in some of the stuff i tend to do !! since it is a spectrum, being autustic varies for those who are — but for me personally i have the urge to stim a lot, specifically i get urges to flap and shake my hands often or to just rock back and forth while sitting, or to say certain words like "pop" or "bubble". i really struggle with eye contact and overall most social situations, especially face-to-face but that doesn't mean i'm ignoring them ><
and also sensory issues with how certain things feel/sound/etc, like damp clothing or really loud sounds — sometimes i get really overwhelmed when there's too many things at once ( e.g. flashing lights, loud sounds, too many people, etc. all at once ) and kinda just meltdown uncontrollably. :( but i also love how certain things feel, like soft fur or weighted blankets !! and also certain special interests like aquatic creatures and just the overall marine stuff, or just drawing ! cats too
also random side note i remember seeing you join a one piece artist server i was in and i wanted to say hi so badly since you're my favorite comfort blog !! but i got so scared and nervous and didn't want to bother you so i didn't ☹️ also sorry for rambling a lot i didn't think i would write that many words haha ! that's all i wanted to say though i'll be very happy if you do my request, but it's fine if you don't, just take your time !!!
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So, so sorry that you had to wait so long for this!!! I hope you are doing well and know I love you so much!! Also, always feel free to talk to me!! I don’t mind, really!! I’m also in quite a few discords (I left ones I was inactive in-), so feel free to say hi there too!! 💜💜💜
I broke this down into the symptoms you had mentioned and how they first react to now being used to it, so I hope this makes sense!!
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When you first presented the stimming, the brunet might be a bit confused at first, but once you explain the situation he just gives you a smile and lets you carry on!
Now he is used to it and doesn’t mind it at all. If anyone says anything rude or gives you dirty looks, be prepared for them to be sat down as he explains the symptoms of Autism to the bystander. If they want to be ignorant, he’s going to teach them a lesson!
This one might surprise you, but he is used to Luffy saying random things at times, so he doesn’t even realize it was an issue for you. When you mention it, he just waves it off, it’s not annoying, don’t you worry!
Sometimes he finds himself mimicking you now! You might utter the world “bubble” and the brunet just whispers out “pop” subconsciously, he doesn’t even realize he does it! 
Eye contact:
He also struggles with this! Not from Autism, but due to his trauma. If there is one thing Ace doesn’t feel like he is, is worthy. He doesn’t understand why people always get upset with him, so he is very understanding when you struggle with it too. It’s okay, you’re safe here.
This is something I think would be amazing that you both can work on together! Whenever one another notices the other not looking at them, be direct about it and let them express why they might can’t! It’s a great bonding exercise to get the other to talk and also expressing yourself to others who also might ask! 
Sensory issues:
Do you see this man?? He hardly wears shirts (though I think it’s more to due with his Devil Fruit-), so he totally understands and doesn’t mind supporting some natural looks. As long as you are comfortable and still somewhat decent, he doesn’t mind or won’t get embarrassed! 
As for sounds, he might not realize it until it’s too late. He’s quite the loud man when it comes to fighting and the crew he is in isn’t the quietest either. So with some good communication, the crew and him work on letting you know a head of time! 
Even now he still feels the same way. As long as your clothing choices are kid friendly, he doesn’t mind what you wear or choose not to wear. he also goes out of his way to make sure not to get certain fabrics or have a change of clothes if you happen to get wet.
Selective mutism:
He’s going to be confused at first if you happen to go mute without telling him. He might react negatively too and think he did something wrong, so just let him know through pen and paper you just can’t talk right now and he will be fine. 
Starts to pick up on your low level cues and knows what to expect when you go mute. It’s taken a while, but he is now a pro at it and can speak up for you if needed! 
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I like to think that due to his background and education with different countries, Cora would have some knowledge about Autism. So when he sees you stimming for the first time, it just automatically clicks to him and he just goes with the flow as if nothing changed (and nothing has!).
The type to move something out of your reach when you stim just so you don’t accidentally break it or knock it over. He doesn’t want you to feel guilty later when you have better control over your body. 
Again, since he has some knowledge he understands what is happening when you say certain words randomly or mimic someone unintentionally. However, he has the book smarts, so he doesn’t have any practical knowledge on this symptom. 
Has more knowledge now and knows how to help you break out of it if you find it difficult on your own. He doesn’t mind it either way, but wants to be helpful to you and your feelings.
Eye contact:
He struggled with this as well, but living in the military had forced this habit on him. That doesn’t mean he is going to force it on you though! He would never do something that causes you discomfort and if you can’t look at him or others, than so be it! 
Let’s people know ahead of time (especially Sengoku) that you might not look at them directly. Just so they don’t go poking around demanding or asking personal questions you don’t want to answer!
Sensory issues:
Might get quite embarrassed if you change your clothes right away when they get wet. Always offers his jackets (even the fluffy coat) for you, even if you are dressed. He just likes seeing you in them and that he can comfort you!
As far as loud sounds go, this man has you covered! He will use his Devil Fruit to mute any loud sounds for around you, giving you a chance to relax and catch your breath again! 
Selective mutism:
He completely understands, he spent years being mute, so when you need a break, just let him know and he will mute you with his Devil Fruit, allowing you to not have to hear others or speak up.
If it comes to people like Doffy, he will let them know you are completely mute. He doesn’t want you to speak to these kinds of people anyway. Call him possessive, but there aren’t many people he is comfortable with you talking to. 
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''Welcome To Rosas'' - Wish
I recently have been talking with a friend about the songs in the upcoming movie Wish and how we're not impressed by them.
Judging by other people's reaction we're not alone. I want you to know I'm not a professional, so I might not have a good enough vocabulary to express what I mean but I'll do my best.
And to people who will go ''You can't judge it! You're not a professional critic, what do you know? This movie is for kids!'' I would like you to look at all the kids movies with far better soundtracks (like all of Disney from the 90s). Somebody has to bring the kids to the movies and I'm not going to sit through the whole movie if the writing is as terrible as the writing in the songs. I'm just going play my Hercules DVD for my nephews.
I would also like to say that I don't know how to fly a helicopter but I know that it shouldn't be in a tree upside down. (If you get this reference, good for you.)
Let's get to the songs shall we? Let's star with the welcoming song!
At first she sings about mundane things that you can do without magic like dancing on beat and having long hair and then she drops that you can wish to go to outer space! How?! Did Magnifico do that? Is the person back and alive? The whiplash is so jarring! I guess it's a connection between cosmos and stars and it was supposed to rhyme. There's more to song writing than making it sound nice and words rhyming!
There's also ''place full of surprise''. Shouldn't it be ''surprises''? Do they have only one surprise?
And the usage of the word ''collide''. ''Collide'' implies something sudden, dangerous and unpleasant. I guess it's another attempt at using ''space'' lingo. ''Combine'' would've been much more natural.
Her going ''so like'' is very annoying. Is she Shaggy or some valley girl? It completely stops the flow of the song and restarts right after. What's the point? Is it supposed to be funny?
The visuals accompanying the song are so boring. I already mentioned a few but there's more: walking on stilts, playing on the ceramics like they're drums, playing with birds, a toy pinwheel, more dancing and rose petals from the sky. None of it is magical and I guess that might be the point but it doesn't change the fact that it's not shown in an entertaining manner. Cinderella singing while washing the stairs and bubbles has more artistic value and creativity!
Also, Disney is getting lazy with the same character model just color swapped. It was noticeable in Frozen during the ballroom scene and now I saw the same characters multiple times in many parts of the movie.
The clunky exposition about King Magnifico and his magic. I have to jump ahead to the villain song in which he sings ''I granted 14 wishes last year!'' but in this song Asha sings how he grants one wish a month. Does a year in Rosas have 14 months?
The part of ''Welcome to Rosas'' that goes ''it is unlikely that you'll be unhappy'' annoys me to no end. This is supposed to charm people? Imagine if Genie sang ''You probably never had a friend like me.'' or if Ariel sang ''I think I would like to see your world''.
Is there anything that you disliked about the song but I didn't mentioned? Feel free to tell. And if your defense for the song is ''It sounds nice.'' this isn't what I'm talking about. We're criticizing the lyrics and how you can't enjoy the pretty music because the awkward writing makes my brain stop and ask ''What did you just say? That doesn't sound right.''.
Special thanks to toaverse for discussing Wish with me.
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buddysmut · 1 year
Have you listened to Yuju's new song? I love it and I've already listened to it many times, unfortunately the MV isn't doing well but Yuju is beautiful and hot as always.
I just got around to listening to it today. I honestly really love it! As I was listening to it, by the first chorus I was thinking of this ask and how I was going to start the reply with "Well, the people at Konnect have done it again!" But I'm not sure if foreign readers will understand the ironic jokes about ReviewBrah lol
But yeah, I really love the song. I saw a tiktok link on her twitter. So I only heard the chorus at first and thought, "not quite what I'm looking for from her music, but it's not bad or anything." But the full song is alot better.
I actually really like the MV too. The scene with the guy getting on the elevator actually did make me laugh. I'm not a fan of the Avril Lavigne look she had with the converse and tie outfit. But my opinions on that look aside, her stylists always do a really good job of presenting her.
As far as the song itself, I was kinda trying to figure out what genre it was going for. At first I thought it was just doing a bad job at doing some kind of retro sound. But as it went on the city sound got alot more apparent. So I have to qualify this by saying I have a pretty big bias towards that kind of thing. I literally grew up walking through downtown parts of cities at night. So old 80's Japanese city pop, or even stuff like some of the Glen Frey stuff just really hits something in my personality. So this single was really targeted towards weirdos like me, I guess lol
I'm actually surprised the MV does have such low views, since you mentioned it. 173k at the time I'm writing this. I thought it might be kinda normal for her being a solo artist and all. But I guess this one in particular just isn't really popular. And that's a shame. I guarantee you in another decade or so people will come back to it and appreciate it as some overlooked gem.
But I guess that bass line is probably off-putting for people that mostly listen to kpop or something lol Also all the recommended videos as I was re-listening to it just now are all boy groups stuff. Which usually isn't the case. I do a registry clean and don't log in. So that's just straight up the natural algorithm. So yeah, people into boy groups probably also wouldn't be the type to like this type of song either. So that makes sense too.
Did you notice the butterfly? Wonder if this will ever get connected to some other long term fic I'm working on
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amarantine-amirite · 1 year
Blaming the World
Everybody thinks that I'm a screw-up artist, but I doubt that's the case. For a long time, I believed I was too stupid to deal with a service provider by myself, but that was because the people doing the work were totally incompetent. I believed I didn't cope with having my expectations not met, but I just didn't cope with people lying about things.
And the worst part? My parents let me believe I was the problem here because they didn't want me to grow up to be one of those losers that blamed the world for their problems.
Of course, when I say that everything is everyone else's fault out loud, I know it sounds bloody ridiculous. But what if it was true?
I woke up to this email the morning Dad left for his trip:
Hey Laika,
I just landed in Boston!
I need your help with something: I forgot my computer! I can't believe I did that but I was rushing. I should have just packed it last night, instead of leaving it to charge.
Anyway, I need to have it shipped. Maybe you could walk it over to the UPS store. It's down the street from the grocery store. Don't worry about packing it, they will do that for you.
Shipping the computer to his hotel sounded simple enough. Dad called me back, and he said that they could ship it to his hotel overnight, and it would cost $50. I took $75 of cash in case I wanted to get a snack or some lunch while I was out or if packing it beforehand cost extra.
I walked up to the UPS place and plunked the laptop down on the counter. "Hi, I'd like to send this computer overnight to Boston," I told the cashier.
Dad said UPS would pack it for me, but the cashier took one look at the laptop and said, "We can't ship this, it isn't packed."
This surprised me. "Can you pack it?" I asked neutrally.
the cashier shook his head, "No, we can't"
"That's ridiculous," I scoffed, "I know you can pack it because we've shipped something with you before and you were perfectly willing to pack it."
"Well, times change," the cashier replied, his eyes glazing over, "You need to pack whatever you want to be shipped before we can handle it for you."
I turned around and went home, packed the laptop in some bubble wrap I found in the garage, and came back.
Upon returning, I saw a different cashier. "hey, I'm back," I commented as i put the newly packed laptop down on the counter
The new cashier looked at the bubble wrap-packed laptop and pushed it away with a ruler. "We can't ship anything packed in single-use plastic," she said derisively. It was almost like she didn't want it near the other packages.
"That's not what the other guy said," I remarked. I noticed that her name was Morgan.
Morgan adjusted her glasses and said, "Well, I'm not him, I'm me. The rules are that we can't ship anything unless it's packed in reusable materials."
Frustrated, I took the laptop out of the bubble wrap, put it in one of those fold-up polyester tote bags with the zipper, and gave it back to her. "There, it's in a sealed, reusable bag, now can we get this thing shipped?" I said, losing my patience with Morgan.
She wasn't having it. "No," she said, "this bag is not reusable." She pushed it off the counter with her hand this time.
"Yes, it is," I huffed
"no, it's not. It needs to be made of natural fibers."
Of course, I thought sarcastically to myself, reusable bags aren't really reusable if they aren't made of natural fibres. Cue mental head slap.
I took the laptop out of the polyester bag and put it in a wool net bag I had. "OK, here," I said sharply as I buckled the bag shut, "this laptop is now in a reusable bag made of natural fibres. Happy?"
Morgan pushed it back a second time, "No, I'm not happy because wool isn't a natural fibre because it's animal based." this time, she rolled her eyes at me in an obvious manner.
I burst out laughing. How could someone think that wool was not a natural fibre because it came from an animal? On top of being obnoxious, Morgan was also stupid.
After a bit of quick thinking, I told her that it was plant-based wool. To my shock, she accepted it.
I spent so much farting around with the packing that I missed something crucial: I didn't know where to send it. Dad thought he told me the address for his hotel before he left, but he only said he was staying at the Marriott. I tried to call him, but no luck.
I was so drained that I told them to send it to the Marriott in Boston without specifying which one. To nobody's surprise, the laptop got lost in transit. Worse, it had consequences that I didn't expect.
I didn't find out how badly things went until my Dad called me two days later.
"Laika, where the hell is my laptop?" he demanded. his frustration crackled through each word.
My heart skipped a beat. I struggled to find the right words. "Dad, would you believe me if I said that this isn't what it looks like?" I asked.
"I don't care," he retorted. "I had an important presentation today, and because my department doesn't have access to the company cloud, I didn't have my files."
I stood there confused. "You never mentioned anything about having to present," I responded. if this was so important, then why didn't he tell me anything?
"That's not the point!" he snapped, "I resorted to drawing my diagrams on the windows of the boardroom, and someone called building security on me for graffiti."
The severity of the situation sank in. "But building security understood what you were doing, right?" I asked.
"No, you don't understand," he admitted. frustration crept into his voice. "I got arrested for vandalism. I'm calling you from jail!"
"Listen, Dad, I tried to ship it," I confessed, regret tainting my words. "But they insisted on packaging it in a plant-based, reusable fibre. Once I sorted out the packaging issue, I tried calling you to ask for the address of the hotel you were staying at, but you didn't pick up."
An exasperated silence followed, and then he demanded an answer. "So, where's the laptop?"
"I don't know," I shrugged. I didn't say that to be evasive; I genuinely didn't know.
I thought it had been resolved, but it hadn't. "You don't understand," Dad spat in unabated frustration. "Nothing gets done unless I do it myself! I ask you to do something simple, and you mess up so badly that I can't even comprehend it. You're useless!"
I calmly refused to accept the blame for circumstances beyond my control. "No, Dad," I asserted, "None of this was my fault."
Dad got mad and hung up after this.
I still got blamed for it, but it wasn't my fault. If it wasn't mine, then whose fault was it? Regardless, it triggered this revelation that sometimes, everyone else is the problem and not me.
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diorgirl444 · 2 years
Heya! May I request a male ship for Narnia? I can ship you in return (but chosen fandoms will be a surprise) Thank you so much!
𝗦𝗘𝗫𝗨𝗔𝗟𝗜𝗧𝗬/𝗣𝗥𝗢𝗡𝗢𝗨𝗡𝗦: Biromantic Pansexual and Genderfluid; He/They (though I'm biologically woman irl)
𝗔𝗣𝗣𝗘𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗡𝗖𝗘: 21 years old, 5'1.5", Southeast Asian (Filipino). Chubby with messy shoulder length brunette hair, chocolate brown eyes, and a small beauty mark on my forehead. Feminine Tomboy or Soft Vintage (like Malia Tate's style from Teen Wolf) but loves to wear Korean makeup style
𝗣𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗢𝗡𝗔𝗟𝗜𝗧𝗬: Libra-Scorpio cusp, Slytherin with patronous spirit of Hummingbird, INFJ, my enneagram is 4w5 and Neutral Good. I may have a slight introverted tendencies and awkward/anxious nature, I describe myself as fiery, swears like a sailor, confident, jokester, and, passionate. Religious, super talkative, sometimes hyper (because of excitement), giggly (I always laugh/snort for stupid reasons), nerdy, also sweet and nice though I can be aloof, intimidating, and scary when I get so angry. I tend to become really fiesty, stands boldly on what I believe (claiming myself as a realist though some of my views doesn't makes sense), unbothered to be myself, stubborn, young-at-heart, clumsy unfortunate and inattentive. Would don't give af towards the people that I hate, sarcasam and savagery is my main language. But on the other side, I overthink a lot and cry over small things many times which I sound like a drama queen, and a perfectionist that provokes even more, yet recognizes a soft spot for dumb jokes, cheesy pickup lines and prefer people with a good sense of humour who see myself as equal. Chill in academics, but very competitive that manages to the top even for my dreams---I'm very dedicated on what I want for my life, and I display modesty and gracefulness towards some people that deserves respect. One notable feature about her is her multi-potentiality due to being naturally gifted in artistic fields (this includes singing).
𝗟𝗜𝗞𝗘𝗦/𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗘𝗦𝗧𝗦: Arts, choir, poetry, karaoke, literature, history, makeup, beauty pageants, fun/deep/dumb conversations, expanding my knowledge in Christianity, documentaries (about saints), reading interesting stuffs, talking about social issues, and creative writing, chilling both indoors and outdoors
𝗗𝗜𝗦𝗟𝗜𝗞𝗘𝗦: Stereotyping, obligation (without a logical reason), getting excluded, being interrupted, invalidating my feelings, judgemental people, telenovelas, hypocrites, dirty bathrooms, blackout, lightning, firecrackers, toads, snakes, cockroaches, toxic masculinity, misogyny, fake woke individuals, colonial mentality, and absurdly girly things
𝗛𝗢𝗕𝗕𝗜𝗘𝗦: Drawing, singing, dancing when nobody's around (I'm very bad at it), sharing nerdy or opinionated thoughts, walking like a model (if I ever feel so confident), sleeping, listening to music (2000s, rock, kpop, and EDM), chatting or browsing on social media, watching videos on YouTube, making terrible jokes/puns, watching cartoons, writing, cooking, reading interesting things, and conceptualizing my artworks. I also used to study Italian language a bit
your perfect matchup is 𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐞 💌
𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 <𝟑
𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝟐 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 <𝟑
i can definitely see you meeting peter after the events second of the second movie. 
like you’re on the train on the way to school just minding your business, probably writing in a notebook, and then you hear noise.
some boy is bickering with his siblings about something, they keep subtly gesturing to you so you’re safe to say very confused.
because like what have you got to do with him, absolutely nothing! yet…..
eventually the boy sighs and goes to sit in the empty space next to you.
you’re understandably a little bit offended because it feels like he didn’t want to sit next to you.
till he turns to you and says “did you see all that over there?” you nod looking slightly irritated by him but he quickly says “before you come to the idea that i didn’t want to sit next to you i wanted to clarify that it wasn’t that at all. you see in fact i think you’re so pretty and i was worried that i’d do something stupid in front of you.” he looks incredibly apologetic and you say that he hasn’t done anything stupid at all!!! however if he does want to make it up to you he could always go out for a meal with you.
he instantly agrees and it’s safe to say that from now on every journey you took, be it on train, plane, bus or just life itself, you took it together.
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 <𝟑
i feel that you and peter are that couple that everyone knows is gonna tie the knot one day. 
like to the other pevensie’s your already part of the family so they’re just waiting for the day you and peter make it official. 
till then though let’s discuss what you’re like simply in the dating stage.
ok can i just say you and peter are always and i mean always saying dumb pick-up lines it makes the two of you equally entertained and flustered and you always try to catch the other one out.
in contrast he also loves having long deep chats about topics such as christianity or social issues with you. he just finds you such an interesting person. 
he loves your singing voice he thinks it the most gorgeous sound in the world so he’ll always get you to sing to him.
he’ll also love slow dancing with you at home, just imagine him softly wrapping his arms around you and humming some old love song whisking you around your kitchen.
oh how lucky you are.
i can assure if there’s any animal that you dislike around you peter, hero complex, pevensie will get rid of it for you. 
another thing that you two often do together is watching a documentary. peter’s ideal day is sat in front of an interesting documentary snuggling with you.
basically like the other pevensie’s i’m wondering when the two of you are gonna get married because you two are cute as can be!!!
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐚𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 <
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hugs and kisses, flo
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yegas · 5 months
ughhhh me too. in the past I said I wouldn't mind watching a slice of life about knb, and it's still true now ;-; I tried getting into fujimaki-sensei's other manga about baseball....but eh.. it just didn't hook me.. if it were to become an anime though, I think I'd be interested
I think I need to have a listening spree of the new album hahahaha SAME I feel like with their self-titled, they really found their sound.. for me, it's THAT album that got me into them. I still remember the first time I ever saw Afterlife on MTV and what I was doing and how I reacted (and how I fell in love with Synyster Gates hahahaha) did you have a *favourite* member? ngl, I was a total fangirl for Syn (if my previous statement didn't give it away yet 😂) and I still have a reaaalllyyyyy soft spot for him when I look back at my teenage self, but in its entirety I've definitely grown out of it and just respect each band member as a musician and artist
I wouldn't say it's amazing, but more of a convenience. so if you're on your phone most of the time, it's handy to have. although I preferred it in the past where the customization was minimal lmao just so there are fewer things to fuss about.. now you gotta make a theme for a desktop version AND mobile version.. yeah.. and I think most of the users now prefer to just like stuff or passively scroll through the app.. oh true.. before, a mutual's mutual would more often be in the same fandom as you and it was THAT easy. now, it's hard to even begin where to look.. it's nice to see those old posts from time to time. like it's still alive after all these years 😂 (lol yeah on other social media, a post either dies out or is reposted—which I find really annoying. I see the same post 10 times but from different usernames..like talk about originality) I was on twitter for a while until it became X which sucked 🫤
awww hahaha gotta thank that stray cat 😂
thank you so much, I appreciate it 🥺 I've been doing some journaling.. I guess it's helping.. and just trying to ground myself with things I used to enjoy and surrounding myself with good company. though I really wish there was a fast forward button for recovery
really i didn't know he had a baseball manga! now that you mention baseball, have you seen diamond no ace? i remember watching quite a few episodes but i don't think i finished it, i think it was ongoing back then when i was watching. i wonder if i should get back to it...
DONT TELL ME YOU ALSO DISCOVERED THEM ON MTV LMAOOOO i saw the nightmare video there for the 1st time and got hooked !!! that's so funny, mtv used to be pretty good, found a bunch of bands on there back in the day. and yea i totally get you, syn was definitely the coolest!! i don't think i had a fav member but i found matt the most attractive back when he had super short hair >.> but when i saw them live in 2013 he had long hair so that was unfortunate hahahaha. what other bands are you into?? i've been obsessed with dir en grey lately if you don't know them you gotta check em out trust me on this one :p
wtf a theme for the mobile version, that sounds like a hassle. yep definitely ends up being like the more new features they introduce on social media, the more cumbersome everything gets, cause it seems like they don't even think em through more often than not..
you know what, another thing i find refreshing about tumblr nowadays is the lack of reels/shorts/tiktoks whatever they call short form videos lmao idk abt you but i never really got into them (unless they include some cute animals lol)
it seems like you're handling it in a healthy manner, i'm rly happy to hear that! 🌸 i know what you mean, but you really gotta take it a day at a time, it's gonna be much better for you in the long run than if you were to bottle up everything and "force" healing. you'll see, soon enough you'll be surprised to find yourself not even thinking about the person for several days. it happens naturally somehow, and you'll be an even stronger person mentally for having dealt with everything this way
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