#I'm dreaming of a place with a kitchen in a separate room that has an oven and enough space for me to cut vegetables without
hairmetal666 · 9 months
Eddie's a mechanic, has a shop in Indy. It's only got two bays, but he owns it, he saved up the money, it's his. He runs it with Wayne, is building up a customer base. He loves it.
Within the year, a bakery opens up next door, separated from Eddie's shop by a narrow alley. He has a perfect view into the bakery's kitchen from the shop's office, and almost immediately catches a glimpse of the drop-dead gorgeous guy behind the mixing bowl. He's got sun-golden skin, swoopy brown hair, wide puppy dog eyes, the poutiest mouth, and a face dotted with freckles. Eddie gapes at him for a solid two-minutes, salivating over the bunch and pull of his muscles as he kneads a ball of dough. A wet dream come true.
Eddie's always sneaking glances at the shop next door, can't seem to keep his gaze off the most beautiful man he's ever seen. Over the next few months, he becomes familiar with this herd of kids that hang around the bakery at all hours. There's one, curly-haired and mouthy, who often makes the baker frown with his hands on his hips, but as soon as the boy walks away, the baker smiles all wide and fond.
It's a silly crush, no big deal. He has a weakness for brown-eyed pretty boys, so what? It's not like he's going to do anything crazy, like make a move.
It's past midnight, a few months after the bakery opens, and Eddie's in his little office, doing the monthly accounting. He's exhausted, tired of calculators and numbers, when a flash of light catches at the corner of his eye. He blinks a few times, sure it's the exhaustion setting in, but it doesn't go away.
Instead, there's a light on over at the bakery. It's a kitchen light, and the baker is standing at the stainless steel counter, looking unlike Eddie's ever seen. His hair is a soft wave, swooping onto his forehead. He wears grey sweatpants and a yellow sweatshirt. Tonight, his movements are less precise and practiced; he's slow and contemplative as he gathers ingredients and mixing bowls.
It's been long enough Eddie should look away, but he forgets that it isn't a dream, that he's actually watching the baker roll up his sleeves as he whisks. It's inevitable that, eventually, the baker catches Eddie staring. He just smiles, though, and waves. Eddie manages to return the greeting before awareness smacks him in the face, and he flees the office and the building in acute embarrassment.
They share waves after that. Smiles. Laughter once when Eddie's reading over an invoice and walking, smacks face-first into the doorframe. Eye rolls after the baker gets into an impassioned argument with the curly-haired boy, one that involves a copious amount of thrown flour.
They exchange waves and smiles and goofy expressions, and it shouldn't escalate further, but one day Eddie steps into the shop's waiting room to find the curly-haired boy sitting behind the reception desk, flipping through Eddie's new dnd guide.
"What." Eddie says.
"You," says the boy. He's pointing and glaring and Eddie is a little scared.
"You like dnd?"
He hopes his sigh of relief isn't audible. "Best DM this town has ever seen." He postures and smirks.
"Doubt it," the boy says.
Eddie lets out an offended squeak, dramatically smashes his hand over his heart. "Insulted! Maligned! In my own place of business! Oh!" He falls into a dramatic swoon.
The boy snickers. "I'm Dustin," he says.
"Eddie." They shake hands and Eddie does not laugh at how overly serious this is all is. "Sir Dustin, what brings you to my fine establishment?"
Dustin shrugs. "Steve."
Dustin rolls his eyes. "The bakery."
"Oh," Eddie says. Steve. The baker is Steve.
He's having a little trouble breathing, sure he's done something wrong, a distinct feeling of doom settling on his shoulders. "Why?"
"He won't stop talking about the mechanic next door but refuses to introduce himself. Plus, I saw your D20 tattoo the other day."
Eddie's barely hearing him, reeling over the knowledge that Steve talks about him to his gaggle of children. He barely hears the rest of the conversation, but the next day Dustin shows up with the rest of the kids, Lucas, Mike, Max, El, Erica, Will.
They're loud, chaotic, wild, and somehow--before they leave--they've coerced him into running a one-shot for them. They come by in twos and threes for the rest of the week, eating all the snacks in the waiting room mini-fridge and talking at him and Wayne as they work.
It's Friday, it's sweltering, he's closing the shop for the night with the top of his coveralls hanging off hips, his sweat soaked undershirt tossed behind a tool chest. He steps into the waiting area and nearly jumps out of his skin to find a man there, holding a plastic container.
"H--hi," he stutters. And fuck, he's shirtless. He's standing in front of Steve for the first time and his nipples are out. This is it, the moment he finally dies of embarrassment.
Steve's eyes are locked on Eddie's torso for a few seconds too long, cheeks flushing. He blinks, finally looking at Eddie's face. "I'm Steve. From the--the bakery next door?" He points. "I--uh--I wanted to stop by and apologize?"
"What?" Eddie asks. There's too much happening for him to keep up.
"Um, the kids?"
And Eddie can't fathom why he needs to apologize, can only stare at Steve in confused disbelief.
"It's just. They can be kind of a handful. I used to babysit Mike and the whole group of them started following me around, and--Anyway, I think Dustin took it upon himself to try to introduce us. I've been wondering where they keep disappearing off to, and Max told me today that they're here with you, and I thought I probably owed you an apology. You're trying to work and I know they can be a bunch of shitheads, and oh my god, I'm rambling, I really am turning into Robin, Jesus Christ."
Eddie is fucked. Oh he's so fucked. He's charmed, endeared, can't stop smiling at Steve who is somehow even more beautiful up close.
"I forgive you," Eddie says. "They're nice kids."
Steve lets out a hard breath. "They are, huh?" He smiles. "Don't let them hear you say that. You'll never get a moment's peace. And they shouldn't have been over here bothering you, anyway."
"It wasn't a bother. Though, they did eat all my snacks and swindle me into running a one-shot for them. Still not sure how that happened."
Steve laughs and his eyes crinkle at the corner. So fucked. So fucked. "I should've known that you play that game of theirs."
"Aw, not a dnd fan, Stevie?"
Steve blushes. "It's--there's a lot of math."
Eddie laughs, already knows he's never getting over this one. "You bake professionally."
"It's different?" Steve laughs. "Fine, fine! You got me, it's not my thing."
"Bet I could change your mind," Eddie says. He doesn't mean to be flirting, can't stop himself.
"I bet you could," Steve agrees. He moves his hand, like maybe he's going to run it through his swoop of hair, then seems to remember he's holding baked goods. "Oh, uh, please take these cupcakes as my apology for accidentally saddling you with my group of semi-feral children."
"You're already forgiven, but I'll never say no to a cupcake."
"You should stop by the shop tomorrow, then" Steve says. "On the house."
"You've already given me these." He wiggles the cupcakes in Steve's pretty face.
"I only save the free samples for the hottest customers." Steve does run a hand through his hair now, and it's dorky as fuck, but Eddie still feels like he's died and this is heaven. "See you tomorrow?"
Eddie can only nod as Steve backs out of the office with a cheeky little wave.
He goes to the bakery the next day, sure he just let his crush get away from him and imagined the entire interaction with Steve. Except, when he walks in, Steve smiles all big and pretty in his little blue apron, invites Eddie back to the kitchen.
And if they share their first kiss against the stainless steel countertops, it's between them, Wayne, and all the kids who spy on them from the shop's office window.
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tardis--dreams · 2 years
I know it's Jammern auf hohem Niveau, but god i wish i had some shelves or any other pieces of furniture where i could put my stuff. Currently everything i don't use at a given moment is on the floor or the bed and it's so frustrating because it makes my apartment look even more untidy than it already is
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vanteguccir · 8 months
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── ୨୧ ! 𝗜 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 𝗬𝗢𝗨
         𝒑𝒂𝒖𝒍 𝒍𝒂𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒆 x reader
SUMMARY: Where Paul finally gets the courage to say "I love you" for the first time.
REQUESTED?: Yes, on Wattpad.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
   ༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
Y/N's eyes slowly opened as she tried to adapt to the brightness of the space, rays of the morning sun completely entered through the window covered only by a thin curtain, keeping the room warm and comfortable.
The girl turned her head as she stretched lazily, a smile stretching across her cheeks as her eyes stopped on the face of her boyfriend, Paul, who was lying on his back, eyes closed and small snores coming from his half-open mouth.
Y/N shifted her body to the right, facing Paul while her head rested on his bicep, which served as her pillow every night she slept at his house.
Her eyes traveled over his face, which carried a relaxed expression. His long eyelashes rested on his tan cheeks, and his nose moved slightly from time to time, showing that his mind was immersed in some dream. Y/N felt like she could stay there all day, her left hand drawing small shapes on her boyfriend's bare chest.
After a few minutes of admiring him, the girl felt her hunger speak louder, sitting up slowly so as not to wake Paul, smiling in relief at not seeing him move even an inch, showing that he felt extremely calm and safe in her presence.
Y/N slowly got up from the bed, casting one last glance at Paul before starting her steps out of the room and towards the kitchen, her hands using the black hair tie on her wrist to tie her hair into a high ponytail.
The girl entered the kitchen, a yawn escaping her lips. She walked over to the small radio on the counter and played it, leaving it on the station she always listened to with Paul, turning down the volume a little so as not to disturb her boyfriend's sleep.
Y/N walked to the fridge and opened the door, vaguely observing the items inside, deciding to make a creamy scrambled egg with buttered bread and a fruit salad with yogurt, knowing that Paul felt hungrier than normal and a simple loaf of bread wouldn't sustain his stomach for more than 30 minutes.
She took what she was going to use, placing it on the sink and doing the same with the cabinet, organizing separately what she would use for each dish and starting to prepare breakfast.
With the bread already in the toaster and the water already heating for black coffee, the girl took a ceramic bowl and broke five eggs there, stirring them with a fork.
Sounds of footsteps echoed through the hallway between the bedroom and the kitchen, but it was imperceptible to Y/N, who was too focused on her action and the music coming from the radio.
Paul leaned his body against the threshold of the kitchen door, crossing his arms as his eyes admired his imprint preparing coffee for both of them while softly following the melody on the radio, a smile stretching across his cheeks at the scene so homely, free from weight and worry from all the chaos that has surrounded the supernatural beings of Forks over the last few months.
The opening whistle of the song "Home" by Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros sounded through the room, catching Paul's attention. That song was considered one of the main songs of their relationship, as it played during the first bonfire that Y/N attended as Paul's companion. The memory of the two of them dancing together late at night, bare feet on the sand, surrounded by people they loved and lots of food was engraved in their minds.
The boy walked away from the door, going towards Y/N, who swayed her hips to the beat of the music as she passed the eggs to the frying pan on the stove.
Warm, strong arms surrounded the girl's waist, causing her to jump in place in fright, her right hand flying to Paul's arms while her left went to her chest, trying to calm her racing heart.
"You scared me!" Y/N said loudly, slapping weakly her boyfriend's arms, taking the spatula from the sink and stirring the eggs in the pan before it burns.
"Sorry, my love. Good morning." Paul responded in a whisper, resting his head in the crook of his girlfriend's neck, breathing in the natural scent of her skin and the body cream she had applied the night before after her shower. "Remember this song?"
"How can I forget? It's our song, it marked the beginning of our relationship." Y/N responded in a low voice, not wanting to burst the bubble that seemed to settle around them.
"Yes, I will never forget you dancing in that beautiful white dress that night, the bonfire behind you, and the smell of food in the air. Remembering that memory makes me love you even more." Paul commented with a goofy smile on his face, closing his eyes briefly, seeming to see the scene in front of him again.
Y/N's right arm, which was previously moving the spatula against the eggs, suddenly stopped, catching the boy's attention, who raised his face and moved so that he was next to his girlfriend, watching her with confused eyes.
"You love me?" She asked in a whisper, turning off the heat and dropping the spatula into the frying pan, turning around and facing him.
Paul replayed in his mind what he had said seconds ago, the understanding that he had said that he loved her flashed across his eyes, a nervous smile expanding on his face as his heart accelerated, fear settling in his chest.
"Yes, I love you." He revealed, knowing that was no coming back, looking at her closely, observing her reaction closely.
His heart warmed at the sight of his girl's eyes shining with tears as her mouth opened slightly in surprise, Y/N's right hand going to her own chest in disbelief.
"Oh Paul, I love you so much." She reciprocated, a tear escaping her eyes as she walked closer to her boyfriend, laying her head against his warm chest, her arms wrapping around his waist.
Paul sighed in relief, his eyes also filling with tears as he pulled Y/N closer, hugging her tightly.
"I've loved you since before I understood what that kind of love meant. The first time I saw you, I gave myself completely. When we kissed for the first time after you accepted me as yours, I became an addict and I knew that no one else could make me feel such an electric spark. Y/N, the moment I looked into your eyes for the first time, I knew I would follow you to the end of the world if necessary. And I don't say that because you're my imprint, my love for you goes far beyond that." Paul declared, pulling away slightly so he could look into his girlfriend's eyes, a huge smile decorating his features.
"Paul, it's not fair of you to make me cry at a time like this." Y/N muttered, her voice cracking with emotions. Paul brought his large hands to her face, wiping away the tears that wetted her flushed face. "I love you so much, I promise I'll be yours for the rest of our lives." She whispered, her heart overflowing with love, passion, and affection.
The boy bent down slightly, sealing his lips on hers in a slow kiss, full of the best feelings. A sigh escaped Y/N in pleasure, surrendering to the kiss and Paul's arms.
The sound of the wolf's stomach begging for food interrupted them. Y/N let out a laugh against Paul's lips, opening her eyes slowly and walking away, smiling big and turning to the stove again, going back to finishing breakfast for both of them.
Paul's arms remained around his girlfriend's body seeking contact and comfort, his heart warm, as their bodies moved slightly to the melody of the songs that sounded from the radio.
They felt like they could stay there forever, surrounded by the best feeling, love.
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remcycl333 · 2 years
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in the loass community, "ignoring" the 3D is a very common phrase, but i find that this often leads to confusion and stress. i think that a much better phrase for it is "dismissing the 3D."
your inner man responds to feelings. your inner man doesn't have eyes; it cannot see your 3D. and your thoughts (dominant or not) do not manifest. your inner man doesn't care what your conscious mind is thinking: it cares about your state.
your 3D is a manifestation of your previous state. your 3D doesn't look the way it does right now because of any thoughts you've had, it looks that way because it is reflecting your dwelling state. so how do you change your 3D? by changing your dwelling state.
you don't need to ignore your 3D, you need to dismiss it.
an example i'm going to use is one i've been getting a lot of questions about: you're living in your parents house in the 3D, but you're manifesting moving into your own place. how do you ignore the 3D?
you wake up in your old bed every day, in your old bedroom. you go to your old bathroom and take a shower in your old shower. you go to your old kitchen and do your old dishes and eat your old food. your parents talk to you and tell you you need to clean your old house. you sit down for family dinner at your old dining room table and talk about the things you did in your old house that day. then you sit down with your parents on your old couch and watch a movie on your old tv before going to sleep in your old bed in your old bedroom.
how are you supposed to ignore the 3D when you are constantly witnessing it? how are you supposed to not think about your current 3D when you are constantly dealing with it?
because you don't need to ignore your 3D, you need to dismiss it.
as i mentioned earlier, your subconscious is blind. your thoughts don't manifest. neither of these things are going to effect your manifestation. the only thing that will effect your manifestation is your state.
let's take a little detour to talk about the inner man (i promise it's relevant)
what is the inner man? it's YOU. it's who you identify as, and it's who you are in your imagination. so when you imagine something, you are giving whatever you imagine to your inner man. your inner man is experiencing your 4D.
your outer man is the YOU who is experiencing your 3D. your outer man lives in your outer world, and your inner man lives in your inner world. however, there is no separation between your inner man and your outer man.
as Neville says, "where I shall go in imagination, I shall go in the flesh as well." you must give your inner man your desire first in your inner world, and then your outer world will follow. you cannot skip step one.
this is what i like to do: i give myself my manifestation in my imagination. still using the above example, we'll simply say "there. my inner man lives in my desired apartment right now."
now my inner man is living in my desired apartment. i made a little post about how i like to view my inner man as a little, doll-like version of myself inside of me, but it is not actually separate from you. my favorite way of dismissing the 3D and shifting myself back to my desired state when something in my 3D shakes me is by reminding myself that my inner man already is/has what i want to be/have.
so, still using the same example, if i were to feel myself slip out of my desired state while manifesting my dream apartment--say that i was dwelling in the fact that in my 3D, i have to do chores at my parent(s) house--i'd remind myself that my inner man is already living in my dream apartment/house and that nothing i see or do in my 3D can change that.
there is a difference between dealing with your 3D and identifying with your 3D. in the example i just gave, i could've allowed my actions in the 3D--doing chores--tell me that my desire was never going to manifest because my 3D was showing me the opposite. i could've let myself dwell in the state of lack. instead, we recognized the 3D for what it is: a reflection of our previous dwelling state.
there's this comment i read on the Neville Godard subreddit that I really loved. it said: "the best advice i can give you is stop worrying about what your subconscious is going to think of what you're doing."
your assumptions manifest. what you do in your 3D is completely irrelevant unless you identify with it. your subconscious is not gonna see you doing chores at your parent's house and think that that means you don't live in your desired apartment/house. your subconscious mind doesn't have it's own opinions or ideas on what things in your 3D mean.
for example, say you wash your face and do your skincare every night, yet you are still dwelling in the state of having bad skin. which is going to manifest? your state, every single time. it's why that skincare product that everyone under the sun said helped clear their skin didn't work for you: you assumed it wouldn't.
if you negatively react to your 3D, that is an indicator you fell out of the state of the wish fulfilled. shift back to it, and then continue taking care of business. you're going to notice your 3D no matter what you do. your only job is to dismiss it, because you know it's not your true reality.
keep reminding yourself that your inner man already has your desire, and you're just chilling in your current 3D--no matter how opposite of the 4D it appears--until it catches up. your 3D is not permanent. you don't have to accept it as true.
the goal isn’t to ignore your 3D, it’s to let it pass without worrying about it.
an analogy that i read that i really liked was this: say you're in a disagreement with someone. they keep telling you that a song is sung by a specific artist, but you know for a FACT that it's actually sung by someone else. no matter what, they won't believe that you're right, and they're actually trying to convince YOU that THEY'RE right. but this is literally your favorite song, you know for a FACT who it's sung by, and it's not the person that they're saying. do you let them convince you that you're wrong, or do you stand firm in your belief?
that's how you should act in regards to your 3D. you know that you have your desire in your 4D. i mean, it's YOUR imagination and YOU'RE in control of it! you can have whatever you want in your own imagination! so are you gonna let your 3D tell you that you don't have your desire in your imagination? or are you gonna stand firm in the belief that you have your desire in your 4D?
that's all you need to do. you don't need to believe that you have your desire in your 3D, you just need to believe that you have your desire in your imagination. and you can control your imagination, so this should be super easy. give your desire to you inner man, and as long as you stay faithful to the fact that your inner man has your desire, your 3D will reflect this.
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cactus-cuddler · 3 months
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝑺𝒑𝒚 𝒔𝒆𝒅𝒖𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 // first part
Natasha Romanoff
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x female reader
Word count: 2,1k
Plot: you and Natasha are two spies who have worked together for many years. During these years, a particular chemistry has arisen between you that will make something emerge that you couldn't have foreseen
Genre: Romantic Erotica
Warnings: this story contains descriptions of sexual activity
Author's Notes: English is not my first first language so I apologize for any errors! Let me know what you think!
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You and Natasha are the most famous spy couple in the world. There isn't a mission you haven't completed, and your lives revolve around espionage. You don't consider yourselves friends, and you don't think you ever will be; you only refer to each other as 'colleagues'. Nothing more and nothing less, but between you, outside of your work, there is a strange and deadly chemistry.
In the facility where you work, each of you has an apartment with everything that is yours. There are no rigid timetables to follow; you have total freedom of movement. From the outside, the building that houses you looks like a very normal condominium, and it is. Most of the people who live there are spies, but there are also ordinary people and children. No one is allowed to know the identity of others except within couples, so you don't know who is a spy and who is not inside the building.
Your apartment is furnished according to how you always dreamed your home would be when you moved out on your own. It has a bedroom, a guest bedroom, and a connected kitchen and living room; however, they are separated by a curtain. You have a cat sleeping on the armchair, occupying the place where you usually like to read and watch movies, so you are forced to sit on the soft sofa that you typically reserve for your guests.
It's a beautiful day outside. You notice as you adjust the curtains on the window that you live on the top floor, so you enjoy a spectacular view of your town. The doorbell rings unexpectedly, and you're alarmed since you're not expecting any visitors. It could be anyone! You shout, 'I'm coming!' and then put on a cardigan with pockets hiding weapons, just in case it's an attack—unlikely, but never say never. You open the door carefully, and there stands a redhead with a friendly smile on the threshold. You stare at her for a few moments. She's wearing a simple T-shirt that says 'I 🌵 cactus' and gray sweatpants. You don't even understand the effect she has on you. Every time she looks at you outside of a mission, you become like a broken record that only makes one sound: the 'tumtum' of your heart. She has never been in your apartment in all the years you've been working together, which is why you're very surprised.
"Haven't they taught you how to welcome guests?" she asks you sarcastically, and you snap out of your trance. She sits inside your apartment and looks around as if lost. "You have good taste," she compliments, and you smile shyly.
"How can I help you?" you ask her but she’s lost in petting your cat. You clear your throat as you cross your arms to remind her that you're there.
"I just wanted to see you," she says, looking at you with her penetrating gaze. You didn't expect such an answer, and you were absolutely not ready to receive it because your heart starts beating hastily, leaving you breathless. "What a beautiful cat! What's his name?" she asks you, but it doesn't have one yet. You found him yesterday, cold and hungry, and you couldn't leave him there!
“He doesn't have one yet" you reply, trying not to tremble.
“What do you think of Dymka? It’s a Russian name” you like it so you nod in approval. You ask her if there is something she wants to eat and she asks you for a beer but you don't have it in your fridge. You have only water, tea and fruit juice.
"Your fridge looks like a baby’s" teases you with a sarcastic voice. Pretend nothing and serve her a glass of orange juice and pour one for yourself while Dymka sits on Natasha’s legs.
"I have a favor to ask you. I have a problem with the water pipes, and I remember that," she starts talking, and before finishing the sentence, she lowers her voice, "during an old mission we had the same problem and you were able to solve it," she concludes. For a second there, you really thought she was just there to see you, and you feel stupid.
"Of course!" you answer, hiding your disappointment. After finishing your drink, you go to her apartment. She lives downstairs, in apartment 52. Her house is rather messy; she has dirty clothes around, including bras, beer bottles, and empty canned food.
She apologizes for the mess, but it doesn’t bother you; on the contrary, you are pleased that she also lives alone and has no traces of any partners. She takes you to the kitchen, which, unlike the living room, is clean and immaculate. You open the door under the sink and, once you understand the reason for the leak, you get to work, asking Natasha to help you by passing the necessary tools.
"Where did you learn?" she asks curiously. You smile softly, and while you wash your hands, you tell her that when you were little, your father forced you every time to keep the light on while he had to solve small problems. Every time you watched him, you learned how to fix things without having to call a plumber or an electrician.
She invites you to eat with her that night, she feels indebted to you so she decides to offer you a pizza. You take it easy.
You're sitting at the kitchen table. She refuses to let you stay in a dirty place like her living room, so you're sitting next to each other on the table. There's a particular tension in the air between you. It's not discomfort, but something that makes your heart beat timidly and makes it seem like there's nothing else around you. She looks at her phone silently, and you try to find topics to talk about, but she interrupts you, "I saw a movie start like that," she says with a seductive voice. You blush and wait for her to continue, hoping she doesn’t mean what you understand.
"How?" you ask.
"With one person fixing something for someone, the other one doesn’t know how to pay and so..." She starts talking and leaves the phrase hanging, stroking your thigh from under the table. "Do you think I haven’t noticed how you look at me?" she asks you and inside you begin to feel an unusual warmth.
"How do I look at you?" you ask with a tremble in your voice, while her grip on your thigh gets stronger and stronger.
"Every time you look at me, your eyes always tell me 'fuck me,' and you don’t know how hard it is for me every time to hold back," she whispers in your ear. Your body is literally on fire. Between your legs, you feel something pulsating, something that begs to be stimulated. You swallow, feeling petrified. You don’t know what to do, how to react, or what is going to happen. Your mind is a mix of emotions and feelings that you haven’t experienced in a while, and you didn’t think it could be caused by a woman. But the woman next to you is not just any woman. She is Natasha Romanoff, the one who can render you speechless with just one look.
"Am I wrong?" she asks you, moving a lock of your hair behind your ear. You say no with your head. You know it’s something you want even though there’s something in your head that tells you you’d regret it and that’s wrong.
"Tell me you want it," she says, curling a lock of your hair to her finger.
"I want," you say in a gentle whisper, normally a phrase like that would have embarrassed you, but right now you feel imposing in front of her.
"What do you want?" she continues teasing you, moving her hand from thigh to more internally.
"I want you to fuck me" you whispers and she takes your chin and kisses you passionately. You eat each other’s lips and it seems to come from a primal feeling that was secretly hiding inside you. During the kiss she lifts you up and makes you sit on the table without taking her lips off of yours. She explores your body by pressing her hands on your buttocks in a possessive way. As if she were afraid that someone might catch you and take you away from her. She begins to undress you carefully and admire your body like a painting. She likes every inch of your body. She eagerly inhales the scent of your skin and kisses every inch of it.
"You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen," she says before kissing you again. An avid, passionate kiss that screams "again".
You’re in your underwear, it’s uncoordinated, which is why you’re embarrassed. But it’s not your fault, how could you have imagined that this would happen? She caresses your breasts from under the bra teasing your nipples that become turgid to her touch then she loses it and looks at you enchanted by your body. With both hands she touches your breasts, squeezes them in her palm. Then, as she continues to massage one, she takes the other’s nipple in her mouth. First sucking it and then biting it between your teeth, paying attention to give you just pleasure. In the meantime, small sighs of pleasure emerge from your lips. Your mind is clouded by the sweet but tantalizing scent of the woman beneath you and you can’t process any thoughts other than what you’re feeling. Between your legs you feel an unbearable and heartbreaking sensation. You want that she touches you there, you want she looks at you there, and you want she fills you with her fingers. You would never be able to compose such a perverse sentence so you start slowly massaging yourself from the fabric of your briefs while she continues her perverse play with your breasts.
She starts undressing too with your help between stolen kisses. Her body in your eyes is just perfect and her curves make you crazy. You are afraid to touch her because you fear to hurt her, you see her as a crystal vase: beautiful but equally delicate. While you are still sitting on top of the table she ducks and with her teeth tries to remove the only garment you have left, inhaling your smell and admiring how wet you are just for her.
"Is this for me?" she asks and you nod shyly. She take off your panties and gently caress you, giving you a little taste of what you’re about to do. She take out her tongue and look straight at your eyes and then you feel a warm and pleasant feeling in your intimacy. She leaves you a kiss on your clit before she starts sucking and from your lips you start to make small moans. You put your hands on her head pushing it more towards you and when she finds the rhythm that makes you crazy, you caress her hair and your moans become stronger. It leaves you dissatisfied and gets up to take possession of your lips and you feel the taste of her mouth mixed with that of your liquids, it's a taste that turns you on even more. Meanwhile Natasha with her fingers looking for your sweet opening that penetrates first with one finger and then with two.
"Nat, you’re driving me crazy," you say between groans and the other, and you move your pelvis over her fingers until you come on them. Natasha licks her fingers satisfied for her work while you continue to sigh for the pleasure you have felt.
You move into her bedroom, you don’t notice how it is furnished because you wouldn’t even have time to admire it. She puts you on top of the bed and puts herself on top of you with the knee placed in the middle of your legs to be able to tease you again in the middle and you kiss again. Then she turns by placing her buttocks on your face to put herself again where she caused the fireworks inside you and starts to penetrate you again with just one finger going deep causing you a pleasant feeling while you focus on her and her own pleasure.
You are interrupted by the doorbell and quickly disconnect as if you were at a crime scene and she lends you a t-shirt of her pajamas while she puts on the first things she finds to open the door. She return to the room with a face with an expression of disappointment and surprise and announces: "we have a new mission".
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Thanks for reading!
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝑺𝒑𝒚 𝒔𝒆𝒅𝒖𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 // Second part
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proboblynotstriaght · 27 days
Yeah I may have a problem with taking screenshots....
Doesn't mean I'm gonna stop!!!
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As usual, minor spoilers for episode 39 of once upon a witch light : Too many Cooks. (and I'm already off too a great start considering I read that as cocks)
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Derek : ooo, I will endeavor to crush it's mind"
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Derek : "Only dreams now" he woke up today and chose VIOLENCE
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"Grickos right, we probably should have washed our hands first"
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"First the worms and now this"
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*making fun of 'rizz' and gen alpha slang n their best frost impression*
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"You wanna boil the lornilings?" "No-" "You sick fuck" "Yeah that's way too humane!"
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"If this was your kitchen you'd know where the lid was" - Gideon
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Derek : You've picked the right one
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"What were my heart sounds not good enough for you Derek" "No they were not" "what the fuck derek" "I'm sorry Angela, they were great, they were great I promise"
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Dm's revenge on Derek. (Derek's valley girl voise) : YAS QUEEN KILL THAT FUCKING CAT!! BITCH SLAYYYY!!! (not an actually quote)
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Derek : *least realistic heart sounds you've ever heard in your life*
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I love them
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Mike : SpongeBob refrence
Derek : Man we are all going to die
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Nikkie : You... you can feel frost filling your mouth
Richis : You could have not said that
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Frost : Perhaps you could spend a few minutes - (WHILE GRICKO IS FREEZING TO DEATH IN THE NEXT ROOM)
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"Although see doesn't like you" "Ok wow."
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leaning over to talk to Twig, their dynamic is so sibling core
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"Gricko is probably far away and outside of ear shot" "Gricko you can hear everything, as you look like Jack Nicholson in the final scene of The Shining"
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"You nipple is completely gone"
Earlier, Gricko : Kremy always has his lock pick on him
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Kremy : "Oh yeah this is my Lock Pick" gestures at Gideon
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"Just chain it to your back or something Gid" "I'm not playing that character this time"
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Twig messing with Gideon
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The beezel berry returns, what started as a Mace-mispronunciation is now an eldritch fruit of the fae wilds
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"You see him dangling his - his hooves" "BAD place to stutter there Angela" "Are those two socks with eggs in them- OOH NOOO"
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I love their reaction to all put their heads down and then Derek looks up and Laughs
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"Yeah we changed the name of the attraction from the dunk tank to throw fruit at the freak"
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"Now was that before or after the Chunk Tank"
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"Why is this chain so greasy?! I can't get any grip on it man, It's like a greased fucking pig!" - Direct quote from one Gideon Coal
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Mace is swinging the wooden whistle side to side as Nikkie describes the fully naked satyr walking.
Oh I love these Idiots
FUck the 30 image limit ok, making a part 2 as I finish up the episode, brb
Edit : reblogged this with more screenshots
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observeowl · 1 year
Sleepwalking N.R
Natasha Romanoff x daughter!Reader
Summary: You started sleepwalking again when Natasha went missing
You got out of bed and walked towards the kitchen, stopping one step before the kitchen. You knew you were never allowed in there. "Mummy, I wan m'lk." You rubbed your eyes and looked at Natasha.
"It's still too early, baby."
You wanted milk so badly and Nat had taught you well not to enter the kitchen but that's where she was. Your body was screaming at you to rush at her but your mind told you better. It was very conflicting so you sat at the entrance and threw a tantrum. "M'lk, I wan m'lk!" All the Avengers turned their heads towards the kitchen.
"Okay okay baby. Can you wait for me in bed?" Natasha took out the equipment needed to heat up your milk. There was a designated cabinet for your stuff so you knew whenever she opened it, you were getting your milk.
"Me wait for mummy here." You clapped your hands and giggled. You wanted to watch her at work so continued to sit on the floor and gaze up at her.
"Are you that happy, baby?"
Wanda noticed you got out of bed when the alarm in your room rang. As per normal, it didn't manage to wake you up and you proceeded out of your room. It was hard to differentiate if you went down for water or you were sleepwalking when you had your eyes opened.
You mumbled incoherent words and Wanda was unable to catch anything you said. When she was looking around at what it was you wanted, you dropped to the floor and rested your head on the side of the counter.
"Y/N!" Wanda was now able to confirm that you were sleepwalking. You looked around, taking in your surroundings after feeling someone shaking you.
"You were sleepwalking again."
You always suffered from sleepwalking from a young age. Therefore, sensors were installed at the doors of your room that activated after a certain time, to alert anyone when you stepped out of your room. Initially, Nat slept with you but as you got older, Fury started sending her for longer missions more frequently. She had no choice but to slowly set these measures in place and stopped sleeping with you gradually. Though occasionally, she would make an exception and sleep with you when days were tough.
When she's out on a mission, Wanda would be tasked to take care of you. Natasha knew, without a doubt, your sleepwalking always worsened when she's not around. Your room has a separate bed for Wanda when Nat is not around. You were close with the team but you weren't comfortable sleeping with them on the same bed.
The next few days, you had a sleepwalking streak. You would end up in places such as Nat's office, training room or even the couch. Since you were safe on the couch you didn't move after, Wanda left you there and sat on a nearby couch to look after you. She knew sometimes you would be having a nice dream so she didn't want to cut it short for you.
Today, you were sleepwalking again. Except this time, your destination was near. Just next door.
"Do you have to leave?" You asked Nat who was suiting up. You would always ask her when she goes on a mission. The answer would always be the same but you can't help but have a little hope when you ask.
"I'm sorry baby... " Nat came and hugged you.
"I'm not a baby..." You mumbled into her shoulders.
"You are my baby." Nat pulled away and cupped your face. "You know I'll come back for you. I'll always come back for you."
"I'll miss you."
"I'll miss you too." Nat gave you one last kiss before leaving. "Please give Wanda an easier time at night." You stuck your tongue at her as she closed the door.
As soon as Nat closed the door, the lighting of the room changed and Wanda was standing in front of you. "She's not coming back. She left me."
"We are trying to get Natasha back, Y/N. She hasn't left you." Wanda cooed.
"Then where is she?" You always ask the whereabouts of your mother when you come back from your dreams.
"We don't know yet. Do you want to go back to sleep here or in your room?"
One part of you wants to go back to your own room because you can't bear the reminder of your missing mother. Another part of you wants to stay and hope that once you wake up again, your mother would be laying next to you.
"My room..."
"Alright... Let's go back then." Wanda led you back to your room with you following behind, she tucked you in bed and got into hers, making sure you fell asleep before doing so herself.
At the beginning of Natasha's disappearance, you still went to school, but you would just stare into space without any books on the table. Your teachers couldn't get you to focus and your classmates would just push you around. The team thought it would be better and safer for you to stop going to school so they decided to pull you out. The team stopped hosting any events because they didn't want you to feel guilty for not being able to match the mood.
Ever since then, you stopped going out of your room during the day. You spent all your time in your room, mindlessly playing with the butterfly knife your mother gave you on your 15th birthday for self defense.
You sat at the edge of your bed, swinging and catching the knife without looking. As long as you caught one part of the knife, you could always continue with another. "Y/N!" Wanda knocked the knife off your hands, snapping you out of your daze.
"What the hell?"
"Your hand!" You looked at your hand covered in blood trickling down to the floor, cuts mainly around your thumb and index fingers from spinning the knife and the worst was across your palm from when you caught the knife wrongly. "I didn't feel it."
"Stay here and don't move."
Wanda came back with a first aid kit and cleaned your wounds with antiseptic wipes before placing plasters/band-aids over the cuts. Your dominant hand was full of old scars from previous use of the butterfly knife.
"You can't neglect yourself even if Nat's not here." Wanda still has her hands on yours after she's done.
"I'm tired, I'm going to bed." You pulled away your hand and lay in bed properly. Days were spent laying in bed. You didn't want to get up to eat so Wanda had to compromise and tried stuffing all the nutrients you needed into smoothies, drinking seemed easier than eating.
The only time you would give Wanda a strong reaction was when she wanted to take your knife away because you were hurting yourself. Red was staining your bedsheets and Wanda had to change them frequently. You glared at her when she suggested. You may not be your mother, but your glares are just as terrifying, especially at the speed you changed your expression.
Wanda couldn't risk not being able to enter your room to take care of you so she let it drop. If Nat came back and realised that her child wasn't taken care of, Wanda being dead wouldn't be a question.
Behind the scenes, the team has been trying their best to locate Nat. It isn't like her to go off the grid for so long, especially after having you. She would have tried to contact the team on her coordinates or clues about her location. Clint has been manning the radios everyday, hoping to pick up any signals coming from Nat. Tony has JARVIS running CCTVs 24/7 and Steve has been trying to get into Hydra's base, hoping to uncover more clues. Their scope grew wider as they crossed out possible locations each day.
That was until Clint heard some discrepancy in the radio. He recorded that portion and began unveiling the clues Nat had hidden. Tony began keying it into his data and ran diagnostics on all possible locations that matched the description. Satisfied and confident with what they found, they went to raid the base, hoping to be able to bring Natasha back to you.
Apparently, they have been moving bases that's why it was harder to find her and the team kept missing her, being one step too late.
It was when Nat overheard the guards talking that she knew the team was close to finding her. She began collecting scraps of wires and metals as they moved around, building a makeshift transmitter, hoping anyone in the team would pick up her signal.
You were still in bed when Natasha came back. Despite everyone's protest of making sure she goes to the medbay to make sure she's okay, because they knew you were sleeping, she insisted on checking how you were doing. When she saw you in bed, she wanted to hold you in her arms so badly but she decided it was better to change out of her dirty suit first. Not one second did her eyes leave your body as she changed, making sure you're okay. If there was any sign of you waking up, she would lunge at you no matter what stage she was at in changing.
When you opened your eyes, you saw your mother lying next to you. "Hi baby."
You looked at her for a minute before saying. "I don't remember this. Why isn't it moving?"
"What is supposed to move?"
"This dream. It's supposed to be on autopilot."
"Because this is not a dream, baby. I'm back." You turned away thinking this was your mind playing tricks on you. Your brain no longer has any memories to play, and you missed your mother so much that it started formulating its own memories.
Natasha started to panic because she thought you hated her for leaving when she said she would come back. "Baby?"
"Which year is it?" You couldn't remember when this happened. You sieve through your memories but you couldn't find any familiar feelings such as this.
"Right now. This year, this very second. It's all new. I'm real, baby." Nat waited for you to turn back to face her.
"It's real? I'm not dreaming?"
"Yes, I'm back."
"You're real?" You refused to let down your guard after seeing her in your dreams for so long. Your heart was telling you this was real but your brain was trying to pull your heart back. You cannot comprehend that she's right next to you after yearning for her for so long. You finally face her.  "It really is you."
"Yes, it's me."
"It's you." You started wailing like a baby, screaming that she's finally here with you. They could hear your cries in the living room and were heartened to finally have a reaction from you.
"Oh baby..." Nat held you in her arms as you cried onto her shirt. She rubbed your back trying to calm you down before you became sick from crying. Your chest moved up and down rapidly.
You tried to suppress your cries, but your tears have a mind of their own.
Eventually, after a few couple of minutes, your cries soften to a sniffle and occasional hiccups. Your eyes were red from crying and they hurt a little when Nat tried to wipe away your tears. "What happened to your hand?" She traced the plaster/band aid that littered your hand.
"I was playing with the butterfly knife... to take my mind away from you." You said softly as Nat pulled you on top of her. "I missed you a lot."
"I missed you too, baby."
The two of you spent the rest of the day catching up, talking about random things that came to mind, planning how you were going to spend time together. The team didn't interrupt because they wanted you to spend some mother-daughter time together.
It became a nightly routine for Wanda to check on you so she knocked softly on the door before entering. You were sleeping in Nat's arm as she nodded for Wanda to enter.
"She must be a tough thing to handle at night." Nat said in a low voice, looking down at you making sure you didn't wake up.
"It was alright. She always went to places related to you." Wanda sat on the spare bed she has been sleeping on for the past few weeks. "It was tougher for her."
"Thank you, really."
The two women ended up sleeping in your room that day.
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Hey love! So, I know you already have the proposal au, but I was wondering if you could do an arranged marriage au. And basically, Gilgamesh is in the mafia and Thena's horrible abusive father (Arishem) steals money or drugs from him that Thena doesn't know anything about. And Gilgamesh and his men just show up to her home while Thena's not there and when she comes back she finds out that she's being forced to marry Gilgamesh (which she's not that mad about bc Gil is fine asf🤭). But Thena is basically just shocked and she has to get used to being treated how she should and with princess treatment (like opening her door, giving her gifts just because, etc) Maybe a little age gap like Thena's in her early 20s, Gil is in his Early 30s👀. Also maybe like Gil gives her princess treatment but disrespectful in bed vibes😜.
But anyways I love you and your whole existence and when I found your Tumblr acc it quite literally the happiest day of my life and I literally would kill for you. You're my whole world I live for all your posts and sit waiting everyday for you to post. You are the best thing that happened to me and I'm so grateful you're alive. I love you so much!😘❤️
She startled, but a warm yet gentle hand touched her shoulder, "hey, it's okay. It's me--I'm sorry to startle you."
She looked around her. She wasn't at home--well, she was. She was no longer in her father's home, where falling asleep out in the open could lead to her getting her hair pulled if he was feeling particularly inebriated and particularly mean spirited.
She was home, in her home with Gilgamesh. It was a massive, modern and sprawling house. She had her own room, despite sharing the house with her husband. It had its own walk-in closet and full bathroom suite. He had installed a library having found out that she liked to read (that was all the incentive he needed, apparently). The only thing her room didn't have was a kitchen, and Gilgamesh did all the cooking anyway.
The first two weeks, when she wouldn't emerge from her room at all, he would leave trays out for her to take inside where she felt safe.
"I'm sorry," he repeated, speaking softly and moving so she could see him, showing her his hands. "I shouldn't have snuck up on you like that. I wanted to see if you were hungry, or if you wanted to move into your room."
A gangster for a husband, and he made sure her room was always open for her, that only she was allowed in it, unless there was any house keeping she wanted done. He had even hired a female cleaner, specifically in hopes of making her feel more comfortable.
"Thank you," she smiled at him, hoping to assuage his fears of scaring her. She let the book on her lap fall closed and curled her legs up under the blanket thrown over her. "Sorry, dozed off between chapters."
"You don't have to apologise," he assured her, moving slowly as he took a seat on the sofa. He wasn't at the far end of it, but it was more than enough space for her to feel separate from him. He leaned forward, his elbows on his knees. "Are you okay? You seemed to be having a bad dream."
She was. Even removed as she was from that place, sometimes she would think was waking in her room, her desperate attempts to start a real career crammed into the corner of her room where her father wouldn't know to go digging for money.
The crinkle of her clothes in plastic bags so that he couldn't get them all wreaking of alcohol before a job interview. The way she would walk on the balls of her feet so as not to wake him when he was passed out on the couch in the middle of the day. The fear that every knock on the door would be another debt collector.
"Hey," Gilgamesh said as softly as he could again, "what do you need?"
If she hadn't woken from such a terrible dream she might swoon. It was almost a shame their relationship was one of contract. Gilgamesh was very good at seeming romantic.
She inhaled, putting on a braver face. "Some food sounds good."
"Okay," he nodded. His hand hovered, as if he would pat her knee under her blanket. But he stood instead, pulling himself away from her. "I can do that."
Thena stood, nearly slipping on the stairs of the elevated seating area to follow him into the kitchen. "Do you need any help?"
He did let his surprise show on his face, and instances like these she was reminded of the menacing - as well as cocky - gangster who had first appeared in her home and informed her of their marriage. "Setting a fire?--no, sweetheart, thank you."
She huffed, and she even managed to get a chuckle out of him. Laughing suited him more. "You must have had a hard day."
He immediately looked at her, trying to tell how any clue of how his work had gone could have slipped through the cracks. He worked very hard to keep all aspects of his business out of their home life.
She leaned against the spotless granite island/sink. "You seem more tense than usual."
He didn't rise to her bait, focusing on putting together a meal for her--for them.
But she was in the mood to poke the bear, as it were--the big grizzly teddybear in the pinstripe suit. "I figured I would get a 'no need, princess', at least."
He shook his head at her, pulling out a clay pot and retrieving the ingredients necessary. For a man living outside the law, he really was a great cook. "No need for a house fire--that's true."
"I am not that bad," she insisted, rising to her own bait if need be.
Gil - not Gilgamesh but Gil - finally looked at her with a little more mirth. He even chuckled, "Need I remind you of the eggs?"
She rolled her eyes at him. He had this big, beautiful kitchen, and she was home alone all the time. And sometimes she didn't want to wait for delivery to make it all the way to the house (and past security) while Gil was at work. She had figured making herself some eggs couldn't possibly go wrong.
"The hob at our-" she paused and moved on like it was nothing- "at my old place would take ages to heat up. I could never have known that this monstrosity can boil water in under a minute."
Gil glanced towards his very fancy oven on the other counter and then back to her. "Who turns the heat up all the way to make eggs in a pan?"
She shrugged, "they cook faster."
Gil let out a real laugh now, finally relaxing some as he finally started preparing the veggies. She could tell he was enjoying it when he slid them onto an angle to slice them. If it were strictly business he would cut them into little cubes instead. He shook his head. "I told you not to lift a finger while you're here."
That was true. After the fire had been put out, her housekeeping companion had insisted she simply ask if she wanted a meal. It was part of her requirements for the job and everything! Which was a little insulting, no matter how aware of her own cooking habits Thena was.
"I thought men wanted a wife who would cook for them as soon as they got home."
But Gil didn't latch onto her joke. He put down his knife, slowly and gently. He dried his hands on the hand towel below. Then he moved towards her, holding his hands out and asking for hers.
She watched as he did, curious enough to give her hands over to him. He held them so gently, even as he brought them up to his lips to kiss the back of each. She shivered.
He opened his eyes, peering down at her as he stroked her hand with his thumb. "Those aren't men. And you are not just 'a wife', Thena."
Did he want her to fall in love with him or not? The times when he was at work, and then completely secretive about it at home really seemed that he didn't. It seemed that he was upholding his end of the agreement with her father, and his vow to respect her and not to allow any harm to come to her.
But then other times he would say things like this, and she wouldn't know what to think.
She blushed as he left one last kiss on the tip of her finger. Then he was back to chopping, as if he hadn't nearly swept her off her feet (metaphorically speaking).
"Why don't you go sit down, sweetie? I'll come up and join you once this is on the heat." Back to that respectful distance.
She pursed her lips, moving away from the kitchen island as he started rinsing the rice and mixing sauces. That was just like Gilgamesh, to say something so breathtaking and sweet one moment and be a husband in name only the next.
She glanced at her book, although she couldn't even remember what she was reading in it before she had dozed off. Throwing herself back on the couch did seem to catch his attention somewhat; she could tell by the tilt of his head only vaguely in her direction. She also pulled the blanket over her again, with a little more force than the light cashmere needed.
If he only wanted to be half a husband then fine, but he didn't have to be a full time flirt to do it.
She peeked up from her phone as Gilgamesh walked up the three small steps to join her. He had a bad knee but wouldn't admit to it, maybe that was adding to the pressure of his day today.
"Okay," he groaned as he too threw himself onto the couch. He looked over at her, at her safe and respectful distance. "So?"
"So?" she asked in return, bristling at the grin on his face. It suited him a little too much.
He nodded, as if he had been thinking something to himself and had the affirmation he needed. She didn't know what he thought he knew, but she almost didn't want to. He leaned back on the couch, relaxing his posture. This was how a gangster would sit, she imagined. "Well."
"Well?" she prompted him again. But all he did was lazily wave his hand at her. She raised her shoulders, "you want me to...?"
He shrugged, even turning his head away from her. "If you want, I mean. You seem like you want the company."
He was calling her out on her wanting his attention, he meant. And he was right, but she didn't appreciate it. She turned her nose up at it.
"If you wanna sit in my lap, you can say so."
She shivered again, turning and half expecting him to be nose to nose with her. But whens he did look, he was back to pretending like he was halfheartedly watching something on the obscenely large tv mounted on the wall.
To his credit, he didn't say anything as she quietly shifted her position. She didn't tuck herself into his embrace or anything. They weren't actually married.
Gil lowered his arm from the back of the couch to her shoulder, letting her lean partially on him but not so close that she would feel trapped. "Put on that show you like."
"The one that puts you to sleep?" she smirked, even as she picked up the remote.
"It does not put me to sleep."
"It does," she corrected him, and it was moments like these when the marriage did feel less like a business agreement and more like...well, like something. "What about the food?"
"It has a timer, just take it off the heat when it's done."
It was he who was on the verge of nodding off, now. He really had endured a truly terrible day to be so exhausted. And she wouldn't be the one waking him.
She did put on her show, a historical drama she liked. And he really did nod off, the clay pot dinner simmering in the background silently. And only because he was dead asleep did she take the liberty of tucking herself against his chest. Just this once.
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Hi there! I challenge thee for a headcanon on Ominis's and Sebastian's lives with MC.
I'm going to answer this one as Sebastain x MC and Ominis x MC, fresh out of school.
Let's start with MC and Sebastian -
They decide to move in together right after school ends. Both interested in pursuing careers with the Ministry, they move to London, living in a tiny two bedroom flat surrounded by muggles. Moving in is quite the adventure, the first thing Sebastian wants to do, of course, is get down and dirty in every single room. It takes three weeks to unpack fully, Sebastian using every old school item they unpack as an excuse to pull her to the closest surface and have his way with her. The Ministry may see them as adults but he's not about to let the passion of their school years slip away.
Months pass and lives grow busy, both of them training for jobs they've dreamed about for years. The rare days they have off of work together start with lazy mornings in bed getting reacquainted with each others bodies, an activity that usually spills over into the kitchen, the way MC dances around in her underwear while she cooks too much for Sebastian to resist.
As the years pass, their jobs become more demanding, and dangerous, often leaving them in separate countries for weeks at a time, the strain on their relationship obvious to everyone they know. After many sleepless nights full of tears and fights about their future, they both decide a change is needed and MC quits her job, Sebastian promising to do the same once they have a next step decided. They reach out to old friends for support, and within a few months they each receive a letter from Headmistress Weasley (Fuck Black) asking if they would be interested in a teaching position at Hogwarts. They eagerly accept. As they pack up their lives again, those old school items having the same effect on Sebastian, they fall in love again. Their last night before returning to Hogwarts Sebastian asks MC to marry him (finally) and makes a point of calling her Mrs. Sallow in front of the other professors before they're even married. 
Their wedding is held on the grounds of the school over Christmas break, a casual affair full of friends and the professors who knew all those years ago this is where the couple would end up. They buy a tiny cottage close to the school and spend their honeymoon making it a home, wrapped in each others arms.
Life as teachers suits them well, both enjoying being back at Hogwarts, this time shaping young minds. They still find ways to ‘get into trouble’, often sneaking off to the Undercroft or the restricted section of the library when they can’t contain their desires and they flirt in the hallways like when they were teenagers, calling each other Professor Sallow even when they're alone or at home. Before too long they have their first child. 
MC and Ominis -
Ominis is a bit more traditional and won’t ask MC to live with him until after he is settled in a career and ready to propose. They date for many years after graduation, MC becoming a magizoologist and traveling the world, Ominis caught up in the demanding life of becoming a doctor. It isn’t until MC comes to see him after what turned out to be an extremely dangerous trip that Ominis decides it’s time to pop the question. He gets up from the sofa where he and MC are having tea, her hands shaking as she recounts her mission to rescue some exotic creature, and shuffles around in a drawer of his desk. Clearing his throat as he sits back down he reaches for her hand, placing a small wooden box in her open palm.
When MC moves into his little house with her rescued animals, Ominis is overjoyed to have her take over his space, telling her as long as he has his office and a place next to her in bed, he’s happy. After they marry he buys them a farm with lots of space for her animals and work.
Their wedding is small, neither having any family to invite, and they decide to marry in Hogsmeade Square with just their school friends as witnesses. Their six month honeymoon is spent traveling the world followed by a month at home, Ominis determined not to go back to work until she’s pregnant or ready to physically kick him out of bed for a bit of peace, whichever comes first. (He’s worse than Sebastian now that they’re married)
When MC does get pregnant, Ominis goes into Terrified Dad mode. He spends all his free time at work studying what MC is going through, and it calms him a little, but he still worries about them both. After the baby is born he goes hard into Protective Dad/Husband mode. He doesn’t let MC do anything if he can help it, always taking care of the baby, even taking an extended leave from work. At some point MC will have to talk with him, reminding him she is more than capable of taking care of at least herself. After a long night of reminding him that she can also take care of him too (wink wink), he gives in to her and goes back to work, spending the days working hard to come home to his family on time every night.  
As the years pass, they have many more children, six in total. Ominis’ favorite thing in the world is listening to them play with MCs animals out in the field, or the way they shout joyously when he gets home from work or the scoff MC gives him when he holds her tight at night, jokingly whispering "we could have another one”, before ravishing her anyway.
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fellthemarvelous · 11 months
The Small Back Room - Maggie's Record Shop (unhinged meta no one asked for, part 1)
I'm going to cover these in two separate posts because there are a lot. This post is going to be dedicated to the artists with multiple covers in Maggie's shop.
*This is all bonus content from The Arrival (2x1).
What is the purpose of the record shop? It's called The Small Back Room, and it's connected to Aziraphale's bookshop. And a small back room seems like a place someone would store their records.
"If I owned a record shop, I'd be more concerned about people breaking in and leaving more records behind." - Nina
And someone left more records behind. Records of "Every Day".
Aziraphale hears Gabriel sing a human song that Aziraphale is unfamiliar with, so he goes to the record shop to ask Maggie, who actually has way too many copies of "Every Day" because of a pub in Edinburgh, the place with the cemetery that has the statue of Gabriel.
There is more to it though. The pub called the Resurrectionist that plays "Every Day" over and over on the jukebox (and somewhere in America John Mulaney is cackling like a madman) now has direct ties with Aziraphale's personal life because they ended up in Maggie's record shop.
The place where they met Elspeth and Wee Morag, Mr. Dalrymple, messed with dead bodies, and where Crowley saved one woman's soul from Hell.
We heard one passage from Aziraphale's diary, and it was about the time he and Crowley went to Edinburgh that started off with them looking at the statue of Gabriel.
We know Aziraphale has more than 600 volumes of personal written history (as of 1827).
Where is he going to store records of his life on Earth? A record shop that no one other than him visits, attached to the building he owns.
The walls lined with record covers that are telling stories. Clues as to where the story is going to take us? Could they be Aziraphale's diaries or other important records Aziraphale has kept for thousands of years?
And is anyone else concerned about "Come on Over to Our Third Floor Apartment" or is that just me? Heaven is the third floor when you look at the button arrangements on the lift. ⬆️⬆️ ⬇️⬇️
Oslo Revival 1. Come on Over to Our Third Floor Apartment (We're Having a Party / Just for You / Four in a Bed / Have This Drink / It Doesn't Taste Weird / We'll Take Care of You / We Love You / You're One of Us Now / Together Forever) 2. Disguises (Carol and Her Hat / The Bicycle / Memories of a Windchime / Lunch / Who Am I Today? / Make Me Cry / Peggy Asked for Her Jumper Back) 3. It's Raining in My Kitchen (You Cast a Spell on My Wife / Running into Danger / Transcending the Patriarchy / Plumbing / A Dozen Eggs, (Too Many) / Someone New in the Bedroom) 4. Better Together
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Kubasulu 1. Great White Lies (Fishy Business / Fluent in Shark-asm / Vanish into Fin-air / Gettin' Chummy / You're Gill-ty / No-fin Left to Lose / I Chews You) 2. Sweating in the City
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Rat Keith 1. Look at This Mountain (The Mountain I Climbed / Assorted Wailing Chants of Peril / I Ate Some Berries (Shouldn't Have Done That) / What Happens on the Mountain, Stays on the Mountain / I See It in My Dreams / Soiled Leaves and Soft Bark / Don't Touch the Mushrooms / Huddle for Warmth / My Map Blew Away / This is My Home Now / Finally Rescued) 2. A Dog in God's Hot Car 3. Chem Trails
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Raga Koboj 1. Raga Koboj 2. Earth, Swallow Me Whole (Why Can I Just Stay in Bed? / Sighing Loudly / No One's Going to Lunch / I'm Hungry But I Don't Want to Eat Alone / I Wonder What's on the Menu Today / Probably Something Mediocre / I'm Tired / It's Friday / I Wish It Would End) 3. Just Sounds 2.0 (Falling Coin / Stubbed Toe / Oops! / Rice in a Bowl / Spoon Clang / Gagging / Crinkled Paper / Bad Alphabet / Winded)
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Deaf Dust 1. Change the Lightbulb (Cartwheels in Mexico / The cinnamon candle / Hold Me / Let Go / Who wait's for us? / Awesome / The basement's pretty dark / Broken Bulb / Stairway to your Mum's house) 2. Snapshots from the Moon
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Randa Ransom 1. Doin' it in the Dust (Hard on the Rocks / Ridin' the Horizon / Tall Drink of Water / Wear My Hat / Call My Name / Let Me Use a Saddle / Just Us in the Dust) 2. I'm Lost and I Don't Speak the Language (Lost in Tokyo / WHat's that shop selling? / Sex Dolls (Self-Assembly) / Where's the Bathroom? / This Toilet is Singing / More Sex Dolls / There's a Cafe for Cats / I Want to Go Home / What's Home in Japanese? / Take Me Anywhere Taxi Man) 3. The Answer May Surprise You
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Georgina O'Georgia 1. Gorgeous in Georgia ("Oh, George You're Gorgeous" / "It's Georgia with a G!" / "Get your hands off my hair" / "Yes, that's my real name") 2. Spur of the Moment
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CT Bazz 1. Locking Up & Looking Down 2. Dank Balaclava
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I've never seen anyone talk about these though, but they seem important. Have I missed conversation surrounding these? I'm just really curious as to what other people might think.
As I said above, there is a part two, but that part will cover artists with only one cover.
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justanamesstuff · 1 year
The intimacy of being understood
Chapter 6
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Matty Healy x f!reader
A/N: This chapter it was inspired by Gilmore Girls. I needed to say that haha. Okay, one more chapter and this little story is done (+ the epilogue). I'm not sure I said this but it was a real rollercoaster for me the experience around this story...it's not a one about big moments and plot twists, all that happens is kinda under the surface. The reality is that didn't happen on porpoise, it kinda happened. I've been writing for a long time now, and one thing that keeps surprising me is how stories built themselves. In the sense that the writer only has a bit of control over it..the rest is the magic of writing. So, thanks for being here guys, for reading my works. Truly means the world :)♥
Warnings: a lot of fluffy feelings and a few hurt ones at the end, typos.
Word count: 1.2 K
Blog Masterlist Series Masterlist
The annoying vibration of a phone buzzing closer to her body disturbed Y/n’s dreams. She moved trying to ignore it, although a loud groan from another human being woke her up a little bit more.
Her tired eyes opened and fell on a male sleeping across from her on the couch --on a very uncomfortable position, Y/n thought. Matty was sound asleep on her couch. His curls were everywhere around the cushion he was using like a pillow. The singer looked innocent and cute. 
Her phone vibrating distracted Y/n from the view. Kate was calling her. Y/n frowned to her screen, swiping her finger to answer. 
“Hello.” she said, in a low tone, so her voice didn’t wake Matty. 
“Thanks for picking up, bitch.” 
“Sorry.” Y/n placed a hand on her forehead, walking away from the couch. She turned around to check he was still asleep. Y/n let a breath out, noticing he in fact was. 
After, she noticed the bottles --plural-- of wine empty on her coffee table, also being adorned by the copy Matty was meant to take and return home. Obvious to that point, he never left.
“What are you waiting for?” Kate shouted, Y/n took the phone away from her ear. 
“What?” her friend was very confused.
“I’m freezing out here, girl!”
“What are you talking about, Kate?” 
“Here that goes, our new intent to be healthy. Open your door and I’ll make coffee.”
Y/n vaguely remembered talking with her about going for runs around the park every Saturday. Something they failed at the first start. 
“Are you at the door?” 
Kate’s friend walked fast, opening the door and finding her best friend at the other side. She cut the call. 
“Please don’t shout.” she pleaded.
“Oh, shit!” Kate exclaimed, taking in Y/n’s state. 
Both friends stood side to side on the old frame which separated the entrance of the house from the living room. 
“He’s sleeping in your living room.” Kate stated the obvious. 
“Matty Healy is sleeping in your couch.”
“Care to explain? Did you-” Y/n’s friend turned to look at her, surprised about her idea. 
“No.” Y/n interrupted her before she could say the next words. Both checked if Matty woke up, he only turned to the opposite side. “No.” Y/n said lower than before.
“It’s okay if you did.”
“Kate, he came to pick one of his books. We drank wine and talked about it.” she explained, meanwhile she pushed her friend towards the kitchen. They needed to be far from Matty, just in case he woke up.
“He couldn’t wait until you were at the shop?” Kate inquired. 
“He could. I urged him.” Y/n admitted, making coffee for them.
“You what?”
“Mornin’” Matty showed up, startling them. “Sorr- Oh, hi Kate.” he greeted her, embarrassed she was there.
“Hi, Matty.” 
“Do you- Do you want coffee?” Y/n offered him. Matty looked at the woman for the first time that morning. His curls wild, his cute tired eyes. Her knees almost failed her.
Matty stared between the friends. “I should go…”
“Don’t mind me crushing your sleepover, guys.” Kate teased them, breaking the tension.
Y/n scolded her, “Kate!” and Matty laughed.
“Okay, one coffee and then I'll leave.” he said, taking a seat beside Kate on the kitchen table. 
Matty and Y/n exchanged a couple of smiles under the attentive watch of Kate. They didn’t notice her, too engrossed in each other. Y/n’s friend hid her smile behind her mug. 
Matty stood up when the conversation died a little, giving him the perfect chance to leave before he just decided he was going to spend the entire day there. Which was what he really wanted, although Matty felt he already took enough of Y/n’s time and attention.
“I’m off, girls.”
“Really? You just stayed more than twelve hours, Matty.” Kate titled her head. 
“And you wanted to meet her.” Y/n remind him. 
Matty chose silence as the best option, saying a simple “Bye, Kate.”
“Bye, Matty.”
Walking behind Matty, Y/n closed the door so Kate couldn’t spy on them. 
“Sorry about her.”
“Don’t, she’s funny.”
“Sorry for retaining you here.” she truly meant it. 
“Stop apologizing, ya?” Matty placed his hand on her forearm, looking into her tired eyes.
Y/n made a fake sign of zipping her mouth.
“Had a great time last night.” the singer squeezed her arm a bit.
She agreed, “Me too.” 
“I’ll see you soon, Y/n.” Matty dared to leave a soft kiss on her cheek and she felt all the surrounding air disappearing. 
The frontman looked at her, centimetres away from her face, to then suddenly be metres away.
Y/n waved, saying, “See ya.” Matty chuckled without turning around.
The woman saw her disappeared around the corner. Y/n noticed then she had been waving the entire time until that moment. She stopped, turning around, going inside. 
“See ya? See ya? What a moron.” Y/n whispered, closing the door behind her. 
“Sure. Of course.” Kate teased her.
Kate’s friend protested, resting her body on the wooden door, “I- Don’t.”
“I didn’t.”  the addressed woman lifted her hands.
Y/n’s tired eyes turned to the side, towards the living room. She moved fast, as if someone was banging on the door fell on the book startling her, although her eyes were fixed on an item resting –still– on the coffee table. ‘On The Road’ by Jack Kerouac.
“Shit.” Y/n took it. 
“Excuse you.”
She didn’t hear Kate’s lame joke, she continued, “He forgot the book.”
“He came to pick the book…and he forgot it.” Y/n looked to Kate. “I’m going to try to catch him.” she started walking, trying to reach the front door. 
Although Kate stopped her, “Don’t be dramatic. Take it to the shop.”
Maybe it was a “Good idea.” since she didn’t want to look desperate. 
“Do you want toasts? I’m starving.” Kate offered, without paying more attention to the book. 
“Yeah, yeah…” Y/n’s were still focused on the old item between her hands.
When Kate was out of sight, she took her phone out and opened Matty’s chat.
Y/n: you forgot the book…
Matty replied right away.
Matty 🎸: yeah x Y/n: I can bring it to the shop!
Because offering to bring it to his house was too much, even more after they spent the night together at hers.
Matty 🎸: no, it’s alright 
Y/N frowned reading the text.
Y/n: what do you mean? 
She was biting her nails when he clarified.
Matty 🎸: I mean, keep it Y/n x 
Y/n typed and typed, looking for the right words. It was his book, not hers. 
Matty 🎸: IT YOURS NOW! 
The singer stopped her before she could protest more, even though she tried one last time. 
Y/n: This doesn’t feel right. I’m going to gift you one. Matty 🎸: fuck no! Forget it. Y/n: Matty… Matty 🎸: Y/n, it was a pleasure to discuss it with you. Have a nice day, see you soon x 
His written words left a sour taste on her mouth. Y/n felt like Matty was dismissing her, ending the conversation, so she just locked the phone, feeling a pang in her chest. Without knowing that at the other end of the line, Matty was waiting for an answer that never came and made him thought he fucked up for good.  
Taglist (let me know if you want to be included): @indierockgirrl @x-a-black-winged-dove-x @iregretbeingherewheniwas10 @hswannaknow @thefrontofmymind
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morganalatina21 · 2 years
Manipulating Death: Chapter Five
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Series Summary: When Harry discovers he has a twin sister that was hiding for years, he wants to know all about her, specially about her ability to bring people back to life.
A/n: as promised, first out of 3 in less than 24h...
(Also, english isn’t my first language so I’m sorry in advance lol)
Chapter One Two Three Fourth | Masterlist
She saw a large house with a beautiful garden separating it from the street, small black metal gate at the beginning of the path.
A large orange cat was pacing back and forth into a big bush, his tail up in the air and ears fluttering to the sides. His green eyes barely look in her direction as she made her way to the front door.
Opening it and stepping inside, she saw the happy family that lived there.
Well, part of it actually.
A small boy was sitting in front of a small coffee table at the living room, showing his three uncles the 200 pieces puzzle he just finished the night before. Two of them were kneeling down in his sides to watch as he explained every character present on the print, the other one sat at a chair and smiled at the boy.
From the kitchen, a tall man came with shoes that could only fit the kid.
"Hey Harry, let's doorbell ditch the neighborhood with your uncles?" He asked and threw the pair of shoes to his son.
The two sitting down with him celebrated and started getting up, hyping the experience.
"You guys are almost 40!" Harry mocked, however tying up the sneakers to join them.
"After 25 you start counting backwards, no one told you that kiddo?" The long-haired man asked, racing the shorter one to the door. They past her, not even noticing the girl.
"Uncle Moony isn't coming?"
"Someone needs to be our alibi, son." He answered, cleaning his glasses and offering the boy a hand, to which he took immediately.
"What's an alibi?"
From the same place the man came, a figure with bright red hair appeared, smiling gently and looked at the only one left.
"I swear to God if James teaches my son about committing crimes I'm gonna lose it."
"To be fair, he's going to Hogwarts in a few years so I'm sure he wants to give his son everything he knew about getting away with things." He replied, reclining softly.
"Getting away? You guys were on detention at least once a month when we were there." She questioned, sighing and sitting on the couch.
He shrugged, tired smile on his face. "You ever think about having another child?"
She held her breath and watched the woman, supposedly her mother, think about the question, lips twitching.
"I don't know. I love Harry profusely, but I don't think I can ever go through this again." Lily replied, patting her skirt and taking cat hair out of it. "Besides, two seem like a lot of trouble. Don't want another mini James running around making me go mad. But why do you ask?"
"Sirius and I have been talking about adoption for quite some time, and we visited this orphanage nearby. There are this twins there, I absolutely loved them." He whispered, looking at the door, hoping to see one of his friends barg in.
"Remus, that's awesome!" She complimented. "But to be honest, I wouldn't have twins. They're just a lot of work and they'll tire you in no time. Just see what Molly's been going through with her twins."
"Yeah maybe you're right."
At this point, she couldn't even breathe. The room was spinning and her ears were ringing like crazy, legs feeling numb. It felt like someone had just punched her throat, struggling to keep the tears from touching the cheek.
The doorbells in the distance from the three marauders and the kid punched her in the head, growing and increasing as time went by.
The girl woke up shaking, moving the shirt away from her throat to make sure nothing was stopping her from breathing.
That nightmare. Again.
It was a current dream, thinking her parents -no, scratch that-, that everyone's life would be better without her.
By far wasn't her worst nightmare, however it pinched right her insecurity.
Regulus twitched, feeling she wasn't there anymore. His hands ran through her waist and she sat on the bed to look at her.
"What's wrong?" He asked, raspy and groggy, moving her hair away. She looked at him with teary eyes and buried her face on his neck.
He immediately hugged her, running his fingers through the exposed skin, lying down again and bringing her along.
"Which one was it this time?"
"The house without me." She simply responded. The man had basically an encyclopedia of her nightmares inside his head.
They were living together and he only saw her, for three years now, Regulus knew basically every single piece of her life.
"Come on, you saw their reactions." He said, stroking her hair. "You really think they'd want a life without you?"
It made sense, she had to admit. However her mind was in such a dark place she could only think how it would be way better if her soul never even came to this world.
"Look at me." He asked, stroking her hair. The girl only buried her face even more into his chest.
Sighing deeply, she raised her head a little, staring into his eyes.
"You made my world a thousand times better." Regulus whispered to her face. "I'd still be in so much pain if it weren't for you. Don't let your mind go there. For me."
Spending time like this, breathing deeply in and out, starting to calm herself down, the hand in her hair and those eyes certainly helped. Lying there, she felt at ease.
Like she was floating with her eyes closed in a calm river, having no idea where it'd lead but didn't wanted to know. The water would be filling her ears, stopping the sounds from the outside world to bother her imense peace.
That's exactly what she felt.
A small smile took the form of her lips and Regulus mirrored her.
If she was floating on a calm river, this is the time something would cause a light wave, it would make her lift a little and a cold on her belly when falling back, tingling inside her.
Oh, she thought.
Oh, she panicked.
God, no.
This was the last thing she needed right now.
That part was when she realized she had no fucking clue how to swim, and started panicking, wanting to reach shore once again before drowning.
Noticing how her smile faltered, he tilted his head. “What’s wrong?”
“I- uh- nothing. I just- huh- realized I forgot to feed the possessors last night, I’m gonna do it now, just in case.” She said, fumbling to get up.
“Didn’t you give them pie yesterday?”
“Yeah but, you know, there’s a new one, they’ll start to feel weird, it’s better to make sure.” Continued to lie, brushing her hair with her fingers to keep her hands busy and not letting him see she was shaking. “I’ll be back!”
“Y/n is-” But she left before he could finish. “Five in the morning.”
Basically running down the stairs, she sighed deeply. 
This wasn’t happening, no, absolutely not. This couldn’t be happening.
Of all the people in the world? Well, she didn’t knew a lot of people, mostly like ten or twelve and they were all really old.
But the guy she had saved? To be fair, their pain made them get really closer.
But right now? War is banging at your door, how longer do you want to wait?
But why him? Why Regulus? Why not?
Shaking her head and stopping her inner conversation, she cut a big piece of pie he made the day before and stomped her way to the basement once again.
“Oh Merlin’s sake, why me?” She grunted, sitting on the floor with two candles throwing light at the entire place. “And why him?”
The possessor only looked at her, bright red eyes of different sizes staring and following her every movement. A few of them, bigger and harder to be domed were on big metal cages with enchantments surrounding them.
She didn’t fear they’d attack her, not at all, but Regulus she wasn’t sure. After all, he shouldn’t be alive. 
Others, smaller and gentler, would often be out of the cages, especially those who possessed animals, it wasn’t the same “fun” as possessing humans.
Humans were confusing, filled with emotions who often would go against instincts, it was more feelings for them to digest and explore. And right now, she was the perfect mix of them: anger, sadness and confusion.
There was only a small ray of sunshine, of happiness, but it wasn’t enough.
“I mean, he knew my parents, probably my father made fun of him at some point, everyone knows James Potter wasn’t a saint.” She talked, chewing on the pie. “Hum, this is amazing. I see why I’m in love with him.”
She gasped for herself, choking on the food.
“No!” Said, between swallowing. “I’m not in love with him. Plus, Regulus is like twenty or something. He wouldn’t want this fifteen kid with him. It’s better if I just... ignore it, and it will go away. It will past and I can forget all of this.”
The door to the basement opened up and she jumped, thinking it would be said person, however she was met with her brother’s figure carefully stepping down.
“Harry! What are you doing here?”
He left the stairs, looking around to the amount of red eyes looking at him. They reminded him of Voldemort’s eyes, but even those had something beyond them, some spark, the man’s eyes were just... void.
“I heard you on the stairs.” He said calmly. “Thought you were making breakfast but I didn’t find you in the kitchen so I took a wild guess.”
“And it worked!” She giggled. “Usually Reggie makes breakfast while I’m down here training and learning. He should be out of bed in a couple minutes and we can eat.”
“Some of them are bigger than others.” Harry mentioned, looking up her shoulder.
“Yeah, it depends on the person, the kind of death, how long that person was dead, if they accepted it, these type of things.” Y/n explained. “See that one right there?” She pointed at the only big one without bars locking him up. “It came out of Regulus. He knew his death was coming and it took him quite some time to die, and more than ten years later he didn’t accepted.”
Harry stared at the monster, that’s what it looked like. A giant cloudy figure who was tall enough with its paws lightly curved to be on his chest’s size. If his sister wasn’t speaking to him in such light tone, he’d be freezed.
“That’s their intention.” She said, smiling gently. “They want to paralyze you and understand all of your fears, deepest feelings and how ready you are to die. It’s exactly what they do.”
“This big guy in particular gave me a hell of a headache to capture it.” She went on, caressing the top of the creature like one caresses a puppy. “He escaped the house, I was too busy with Regulus I couldn’t go after him. Long story short, we had to move because in just a few days everyone knew what happened and they wanted answers that we couldn’t provide.”
“Did he... kill... anyone?”
“Well, not quite.” She made a weird face, a mix of cringe and sarcasm. “He sure scared a lot of people and sent them to the hospital, that I won’t deny. But he needed someone with as much trouble on the head as Regulus Black, and we were living in a small town were people’s biggest trouble was a pumpkin contest.”
He laughed at that, kind of sounded like where he lived, how aunt Petunia were always so worried abou the farm market and how she wanted to win the best pie in town.
But they probably lived very far apart, something like a possessor walking freely down the street could never go unnoticed his aunt’s long neck and his uncle’s big ears.
“Where did you lived all these years?” He asked, sitting on the floor and crossing his legs. Her life felt like a thousand times more interesting than his.
“After I left Abby’s house I went west, so I visited Wales, probably jumped to Ireland, I’m pretty sure I saw some leprechauns in my life.” She told, still caressing the possessor’s head, who was now asleep in her lap. “But after I saved Regulus we basically just lived around here. After Voldemort’s return we sealed the house even more and I started training these bad boys to attack if someone invaded;”
So that’s what he meant yesterday with “special moves” if anything happened, the boy thought.
“Where exactly are we?”
“In the very North of London, almost Scotland. There’s a beach just a few minutes away if you want to know.” Hearing the bumps upside her head, she smiled. “I guess it’s breakfast time.”
Next Chapter
Taglist (lmk if i forgot anyone): @intoanothermind @moonysupremacy01 @maraudersarelifee @elleraelockwood @darkenwolfie @hopesf @lukewearingbeanies @azuredgalaxies @klazina-couch-potato @goldensunshineshit @kaverichauhan @venomsvl @mrs-billyrussooo @mikadorbs @iavenderh6ze @wizardsgrace @reblog-princess @dittos-blog-dylanobrien @roroswitherose @s-we-e-t-t-ea
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kobol1 · 2 years
Infinite Realms Green Lantern Chapter 1
Danny flew in through the front door. He landed with a small thump as he shifted back into his human half. Phasing through his shoes, Danny walks through the living room and into the kitchen for an after-patrol snack. He sees Jazz sitting at the kitchen table looking through her Phantom scrapbook.
"Danny, how was your patrol?" "Did you catch any ghosts, any of the usual troublemakers?" Jazz asks getting up and pulling Danny into a hug. Danny leans into her embrace.
"Nope," he says popping the p, "just a few ectopuses."
"It's been quiet lately ever since Dan started patrolling with you" Jazz replies back to him.
"Yeah it has been quiet lately," Danny says, "It was funny watching Dan rip apart Skulker's suit the first time he went out patrolling with Me and Valerie," Danny said giggling at the memory of a terrified Skulker dangling between Dan's fingers.
Jazz laughs along with Danny. "I haven't seen Ghost X run back into the Zone so quickly before".
Danny groans out from where his face is pressed into Jazz's shoulder, "Jazz you know that's not his name."
Jazz just smiles and replies, "I know little brother just teasing you".
They separate from their hug, "little Jazz I'm almost as tall as you now," Danny says.
"You will always be my little brother, Danny, even if you're as tall as Jack one day". Jazz replies back smiling. "Although I am going to miss calling you short king".
Danny scoffs good-naturedly with a hand dramatically pressed against his chest and replies with a grin "Well I'm still going to call you Princess Jazzerincess Amazon warrior of Amity Park". They both break out in a small fit of laughter at their inside joke.
Danny walks over and opens the fridge. He eyes the leftover meatloaf from the other night already starting to glow an ecto green and an eye pops open to stare back at him, "nope" Danny says firing off a quick ectoblast at the meatloaf and closing the fridge door.
"Oh, are you hungry Danny how about we order out? What are you in the mood for?" Jazz says from behind him eyeing the fridge cautiously hoping for not another Thanksgiving turkey incident.
"How about Chinese?" Danny offers. Half an hour later with empty containers of Chinese food spread around the living room table, they both are sitting on the couch curled up against each other flipping through Jazz's scrapbook and looking at the newspaper clippings and pictures that Jazz had collected over the years.
"Hey, look at this one" Jazz points out. It's a picture of Danny as Phantom fast asleep all curled up in a box on the floor of his room. "If you fits you sits Catboy Danny" Jazz giggles."
"Jazz I am not a cat!" Danny huffs out, as Jazz is carding a hand through his hair as he leans against her side and his core lets out loud happy purrs despite his objections.
"Are you sure about that, you sound like one now." Jazz replied pulling him closer to her. Danny just rolls his eyes and enjoys the comfort of spending time with his older sister.
Tiredly Danny sighs happily, with Jazz holding him he feels safe, warm, protected, and at home, for Danny home, isn't a place or a house, and it hasn't been Fenton Works for a long time, maybe it never was. For Danny home has always been Jazz for as long as he can remember. It was Jazz who taught him how to read, to tie his shoes, and who made him breakfast, lunch, and supper. She would kiss his bumps and bruises better, she would read to him at night and comfort him when he had nightmares.
It was Jazz who took him to his first day of school and the millions of other things that his parents should have done. Jazz is his home and always will be, and now Jazz is leaving, for Gotham University. Of course, Danny is happy for his older sister. She has to go and live her own life and accomplish her dreams and Danny's half-life has been going great in the past few months.
He finally faced his deepest fear, he finally worked up the courage to tell his parents about Phantom, and his parents accepted him! All of him, his human and ghost half!
And best of all they had accepted Dan and Ellie, welcoming them into the family as if they always had been there. Danny lets out a fanged-toothed yawn Jazz had moved his head onto her lap and he drifted off into deep sleep with Jazz carding her hand through his hair.
Jazz wakes up to her phone vibrating on the arm of the couch she is leaning against, she looks down at her little brother, her baby, her everything, he is practically her son. She was more of his mother than Maddie has ever been. And now she was leaving him here. Here in this house full of anti-ghost weapons and scientific instruments that doubled more as instruments of torture for the poor unfortunate ghost who would be caught in them.
But Danny had finally told Jack and Maddie about his ghostly half-life, and they had taken it as well anyone learning that their son had died, they are trying to be better and are working on changing their views on ghosts and they have, and they no longer view every ghost they encounter as evil and something that has to be destroyed.
There was a lot of apologizing and crying on both sides, more so on Jack and Maddie's end. They had accepted him, all of him. They were finally acting as the parents they always should have been from the beginning. It only took their son half dying for it to happen.
But Jazz was finally sure that she could leave her baby brother here, that he is finally safe here in this house. That she won't wake up to a panicked phone call telling her that something terrible had happened. She can finally put that fear to rest.
Jazz looks at the time it's 9:30 pm, she ruffles Danny's hair and he makes those adorable cute cat noises that she loves.
"Mrrp?" Danny says as he blinks open his sleep-filled eyes at her, He chirps out a groggy "mom? oh, Jazzy." He stretches out like a cat before sitting back up next to her.
"Who's on patrol tonight?" Jazz asked.
"Valerie is on the night shift tonight since Dan is with Mom, Dad, and Ellie down in Spittoon" Danny replied to her as he yawned.
"Good now go upstairs and get a full night's rest little brother." Jazz told him.
"Okay mom,” Danny said half asleep as he made his way upstairs to his bedroom. Jazz just smiled as she started to clean up the empty containers on the table.
Meanwhile, in the Infinite Realms, there's a streak of green light with an emerald green ring in the middle of it heading towards a very familiar portal to the living realm.
YES YES, chapter one is finally done! After starting and deleting the dang thing several times it's done!
You all can thank @gilbirda and @stealingyourbones for all of this happening with their Green Lantern Jazz Fenton posts that have been living rent-free in my head. Seriously go give them all the likes and reblogs and friendly comments don't be rude now.
And don't forget to reblog and tag and comment here also! I seriously absolutely love when you do, I read all of them and try to comment back when I see them. It gives me all the encouragement to continue with all this.
Like always if you wanna read my previous posts on my au look up #IRGL au on my Tumblr page or in the tags of this post.
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m-jelly · 1 year
Your Leather Gloves
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Episode 3 - A new way of living
Pairing: Erwin x Fem! Curvy!Reader
Genre and tags: Modern AU, romance, falling in love, confident Erwin, flirting, Curvy reader, possessive Erwin, slight yandere traits, kissing, teasing touch, suggestive.
Concept: You wake up after a long love-making session that Erwin promised you to find you are in a new bed with your naked lover. Erwin has moved you into his place and has now claimed you as his. After talking it through, you agree to stay. You get used to a new way of living life.
Extra warning for this one as Erwin's yandere traits are strong at the beginning.
Taglist of who would like Erwin: @ladycheesington @skittlelover69 @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @watyousayin
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You inhaled deeply and shifted in a big soft bed. You felt a soft comfort around your naked body. You rolled onto your side and faced something hot that smelt nice. You opened your eyes and blushed hard when before you lay Erwin on his stomach with his big hand propping his head up, a charming smile was on his face, he was completely naked and the cover on his end was low on his bum.
Erwin reached over and dragged you right over to him. "Hello, little peach. You are looking very juicy this morning."
You smiled as your gazed up at your lover. "Good morning."
He ran his hand down your body and moved up slowly as he spoke. "So, my princess, would you like a delicious breakfast this morning? I'm a very good cook."
You hummed a laugh. "I'd love that, but I don't have much in food-wise."
"Don't worry, I do."
You frowned as Erwin jumped out of bed and stretched with his back to you. You sat up and held the sheet to your chest as you began to register where you were and what he'd said. You looked around the room and saw how large it was.
You were clearing in a penthouse in a highrise. The bed you were in was massive compared to yours and a dream bed for you. You saw a huge wall that was just a window to the outside. A glass wall on the other side separated the bedroom from the bathroom. You assumed that behind the door Erwin was near led to the rest of the home.
"Are we at your home?"
He walked over to you making you blush hard due to him being naked. "We are."
You gulped hard as he leaned closer and dotted your face in kisses. "How did we get here? I don't remember."
He rubbed your cheek. "I brought you here after you passed out in my arms from our last love-making session. I told you, you are mine now." He gently cupped your face. "I will take great gentle and loving care of you. I love you so much and I will make you feel like a Queen. Okay?"
You nodded and pouted a bit as he walked away and left you alone in his room. You finally got out of bed and opened the door to his walk-in wardrobe. You admired all his perfect clothes and noticed a section for his guns. You gulped hard and looked at a part that had only some of your clothes. You decided to pull on some simple underwear, along with a top of Erwin's and his jogging bottoms.
You slipped out of the bedroom and gasped at how large the penthouse was. You were up on a small balcony looking down at the large living room, kitchen and dining space. You moved down the stairs and admired Erwin in just an apron in his top-of-the-line kitchen.
You stood at his side as an intoxicating aroma of coffee and food cooking filled the air. "Erwin? Why did you bring me here?"
He looked over at you. "Because, my peach, it's safe here for you. You also said that you were mine and I was yours."
You frowned a moment and agreed, he was very right. "That's true, but why when I was passed out?"
"Moving is a hassle and I know a lot of people don't like it. You have recently moved to your place and I'm sure you're already spent from moving."
You nibbled your lip. "You're right, I am tired of that."
"I skipped a step for you."
You nodded and agreed with him. "You did, that saves me a lot of time. Thank you."
He kissed your forehead. "You're welcome."
You hummed. "That the only reason?"
"I had to make sure you were safe while moving you." He handed you a coffee. "My job is dangerous. I lead a large gang and have a lot of power. I had to make sure I moved you here before many knew about you. If people knew about you while you were living alone, you'd be a big target and could get hurt. We wouldn't want that, would we?"
You sipped your coffee while you were in awe of Erwin. "Mm, you're right."
"I turned up at your place with a bullet wound." He plated everything up. "I also had a gun with me. Isn't that dangerous?"
"It is!"
He picked up the plates and put them down on the island in front of the stools. "Imagine if some other guy turned up with a big gun like mine? Would you be able to fight him?"
You blushed. "No..."
"I can. However, I'm very needed for my job and spending a few weeks away was too much. I'm needed again. So, that would mean leaving you alone in a very unsafe apartment that I easily broke into."
You gasped at the thought. "Oh, I wouldn't want that! I could be hurt."
He pressed the end of your nose. "That's right." He held your hand. "I don't know what I'd do if you got hurt. I'd be heartbroken. So, there's only one safe option. You need to be somewhere where I and my gang can keep you safe from harm."
"Your place."
Erwin kissed your hands. "Correct. You're so smart."
You giggled a little. "I'm safe here and we can be together a lot! Oh, but my job is an issue."
Erwin cut up your food and fed it to you. "Maybe, you could work for me? Possibly an assistant?"
"Mm, that sounds perfect."
He hummed a laugh. "I'll take great care of you, little peach. After all, it is my fault. I broke into your apartment and I pursued you romantically because I love you. I'm taking responsibility for my everlasting love for you. I'll take care of you. You'll be happy here."
You leaned over and kissed him. "You are very good with your words, Erwin Smith. I love you a lot and you are right. Being with you is dangerous business and I have to accept adjustments to my life now if I want to stay with you. You are worth it though. I love you and I want to stay with you, so let's do this!"
Erwin leaned over and kissed you. "You're so cute. So, now you're living with me I want you to know that you can do anything you want to our home. This is our home now. If you want to change the design and furniture, you can."
Your eyes widened. "Really?"
He nodded. "I want you to be comfy here."
You snuggled up to Erwin. "I'm comfy."
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You hummed a song to yourself as you changed the bedsheets in the bedroom. You were on cloud nine since living with Erwin. Every single day had been blissful. You would shower each other in love, go on many fun dates and he'd tell you about his day. You both fell into a wonderful routine.
You gasped as you were picked up and thrown onto the bed. You giggled as Erwin crawled over you and purred. Your heart felt warm as you felt excitement bubble through you. You adored his man more than anything.
Erwin smiled down at you. "I'm home."
You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him. "Welcome home. How was your day?"
"Same as normal. I made someone talk, made a few deals and I took on your ideas about the hotel and it's doing incredible."
You gasped and slapped his chest. "Really!? No joke?"
Erwin chuckled. "No joke."
You rolled over onto Erwin and squealed in delight. You sat up and straddled him and began bouncing up and down. "I'm so happy! I'm so glad it worked out! I've been studying hard about hotel management and all the files you gave me about business. It was a bit hard in parts, but you're a fantastic teacher. I'm glad my hard work paid off."
He massaged your thighs as he looked up at you. "You're more incredible than you think."
You leaned your arms on his pecs and smirked. "Are you thinking dirty things?"
"Why would you think that?"
You kissed the end of his nose. "I can feel your boner."
Erwin chuckled. "Forgive me. I just adore you."
You sat up and held his hands. "You can have me later. I still need to fix the bed." You frowned as you studied his hands. "Your knuckles are crackled and bloodied."
"I told you, little peach, I made someone talk."
You pouted so sweetly making Erwin smile. You climbed off the bed, grabbed his hand and pulled him along to the living room. "I swear, Erwin Smith, you are naughty on purpose so I'll fuss over you."
He smirked a little. "You got me." He sat down and spread his legs as he looked up at you. "I rather enjoy it when you fret over me."
You pinched his wonderful cheek. "I should spank you."
"You and I both know you are the one who likes being spanked." He chuckled when you got flustered. "Cute." He watched you do a little stomp around the apartment and come back to him. He sighed as you took his hands and began cleaning roughly. "Ow, little rough there."
You stopped a moment and sighed. "Sorry, I just worry about you. Your job is dangerous and seeing you hurt...I know you're trying to make light of it all and be positive."
Erwin leaned closer and kissed you. "Sorry. I've lived this way for so long. Now I have something worth living for."
You blushed. "Really?"
He kissed you again. "I'll be more careful."
You finished cleaning. "Thank you." You wrapped his hands up and smiled at your work. "I love you."
Erwin blushed a little before yanking you into his arms. "I love you so much." He covered you in kisses. "You are the best thing in my life."
You played with his soft hair and hummed in happiness. "You're so handsome."
"Will you still love me when I'm old and wrinkled?"
You frowned. "But you're already like that."
Erwin laughed. "You cheeky little thing. I'm not old. How is 31 old? You're close to my age."
You kicked your legs and smirked. "You're fun to tease." You bit his cheek. "You bite each time."
"I should punish you for that."
You gasped and scrambled off his lap. "Give me a headstart!"
Erwin stretched before releasing a sigh. "Better hide well. I keep finding you each time!" He leaned his head back and closed his eyes with a smile on his face. "One! Two! Threeee!" He smirked as he kept counting until he reached the last number. He opened his eyes. "Ready or not! Here I come!"
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Erwin typed away at his laptop and took a call quickly. He sighed as he gave commands to his team and felt a bit irritated. He was tried because he'd opened up a new hotel and was trying to manage it as best as he could while trying to stop other gangs from trying to attack the place.
He ended the call and tossed his phone on the desk. He took his glasses on and pinched his nose as he groaned in irritation. He felt stiff and had a headache coming on. He was overworked, he knew that and he wanted to change that.
He released a long moan when your hands massaged his shoulders. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back. "Mm, thank you, my little peach. This feels so good."
You kissed the top of his head. "You've been working too much."
"You're right, I have." He sighed. "I'm sorry, I should be spoiling you."
You hummed a laugh. "I should be spoiling you." You played with his hair a little. "Head back more."
He opened his eyes and leaned his head back. "Got it."
You rested your breasts on his face. "Better?"
Erwin chuckled then moaned in delight. "Thank you."
You lifted your chest off him. "You want a handjob?"
He pulled you onto his lap. "No, darling."
You hummed. "Blowjob?"
He chuckled. "No, thank you." He rubbed your cheek. "Don't get sad. You know you blow my mind when you do either. I'm just a bit tired my sweet peach."
You cupped Erwin's face and saw the exhaustion. "You need a nap, but I have a little gift for you."
"Oh yeah?"
You nodded and slipped off his lap. "Come."
He followed you along. "Come huh? I'd love to do that later in you."
You giggled. "After your nap, yeah?"
He chuckled as he thought about the things he was gonna do to you. "Oh, yes."
You took him outside to his favourite seat with coffee and snacks set up for him. You turned on some classical music and kissed his cheek. "Relax and enjoy."
Erwin sat down and chuckled. "Thank you." He blushed when you knelt in front of his feet and took his slippers off. "What are you up to?"
"Foot massage."
He moaned in delight as you massaged his feet perfectly. "That's incredible. Thank you."
You smiled and glanced over to a little box. "That box is for you."
He picked up the box. "You bought me a gift?"
"I did."
He felt his heart flutter at how sweet you were. He opened the box to reveal leather gloves inside. He pulled them out and yanked them on his hands. He clenched his fists and noticed you whimper and moan a little. "Thank you so much for these. I know they'll protect my hands when I hurt people." He hummed a laugh.
You gulped hard. "I got you two."
He pulled out the other pair. "Oh, I'll use these at home," he looked you in the eyes "on you."
You shivered in delight. "N-Naptime first."
He smiled at you. "Thank you for these incredible gifts. I will treasure both of them." He patted his lap. "Come here."
You sat on his lap and snuggled up to him. "You like?"
"I love them." He gripped your neck making you gasp in delight. "I love you."
"I love you too." You picked up some food and fed him. "Eat up. You need to sleep soon."
"You better join me for a nap. I need cuddles."
You giggled. "Yes."
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philomenie · 4 months
4 Beings from a different time, a different world than today. Rivals, friends, allies from the beginning of time. 4 magical beings, long separated, now reunited to save what means the most to them. Moon Hill
Nicholas: Peuchen, vampire-like winged serpent, demon Joakim: Fenris, Fenrir, wolf-like demigod Nick: Kerberus, hellhound Noah: Yokai, demon, Chi o nomu hito, blood-drinker, also Kyuketsuki, vampire
CN Fantasy, Mystery, Mention of Blood, Torture, Killing, Betrayal
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Nicholas is shaken, he sits silently with his friend, trying his best to reassure him. When Joakim's tears dry up, he is still shaken by cramps. Nicholas is unsure what to do. He has never seen the demigod like this. Broken, destroyed. Nicholas chews on his lower lip, wondering if he should get Noah? But would Joakim want the vampire to see him like this? The two are close, yet the rivalry between them has always flared up....
Suddenly the door opens and Elin stands in the room. Her worried look is reflected in Nicholas'. "How?" "I don't know, I had another dream about him!" she points at Joakim. "What did you see?" Nicholas wants to know. But Elin shakes her head, "Nothing specific, it was just fragments, memories if I'm not mistaken. Of what he went through!" Tears run down Elin's cheeks.
Nicholas' gaze hardens, "They haven't paid enough for this!" "Who Nicholas? What's going on here? I've always had these dreams, but never so often since you've all been here!" "Elin, I don't know how to explain this to you....!" "I should be scared by all this, but I'm not, I don't understand it!" Nicholas would love to explain everything to Elin, but he doesn't know how.
"Elin, I promise you, we'll explain everything to you! Trust your instincts, everything will turn out all right again!" The Peuchen isn't entirely convinced himself, but he doesn't want to frighten the young woman after all. Joakim groans again, "Can you?" Nicholas looks helpless. Elin nods, goes to the two of them, Nicholas gets up and leaves his place to Elin. Elin takes Joakim's hand and strokes his skin soothingly with the other, murmuring the words she used to hear from her grandmother when she was sick. She closes her eyes and concentrates on bringing him relief. Nicholas watches them both, fascinated. Elin's hands begin to glow green, first slightly, then more and more intensely. With each of her touches, Joakim relaxes more and more, his breathing calms down and his muscles stop trembling. When Elin has finished, he lies relaxed and asleep in front of her. "I knew it! She's the Voelva!" Noah has joined them silently, as always, his burning gaze fixed on Elin, who looks at him questioningly.
"I want to know what's going on right now!" Elin's voice is loud and now unrestrained. Everyone is in their eat-in kitchen, the sun has already set, Folio and Skadi are sitting at the dining table with their eyes downcast, Noah is leaning against the sink, Nicholas is in the doorway. "Skadi, you're my friend? I don't understand any of this! How did I know you were coming, that you needed help and that I didn't need to be afraid?" "Because you're the Voelva!" Noah's calm reply infuriates Elin, who angrily steps in front of him. "One more Voelva and I'll wring your neck if you don't explain to me what or who that is!" Her eyes sparkle aggressively. The corners of Noah's mouth twist in amusement; this mortal has courage and fire in her, something he appreciates. Overall, she is to his taste, the way she moves, her smell, everything. He quickly represses the thought of tasting her. That would only make things more difficult. He catches Nicholas' gaze on him. His friend looks at him coldly, shakes his head. Nicholas knows him too well, Noah sighs, nods at him, grins apologetically. "Don't grin at HIM, explain to ME WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!" Elin's eyes are glowing by now as she angrily grabs Noah's face by the chin and pulls him into her field of vision. The vampire is more than surprised that she dares to deal with him like this. He grins demonically at her, his mouth slightly open, his fangs suddenly shooting out.
Elin's gaze couldn't be more disbelieving, breathlessly staring at Noah's mouth. Nicholas groans and throws his hands up. Folio retches at the table and Skadi averts her eyes guiltily. Noah and Elin are still staring at each other. Elin swallows, "WHAT are you?" she chokes out. Her gaze now races over each of the others. "WHAT ARE YOU?" "Elin" Skadi gets up from the table, walks towards her, wants to take her in her arms. "Don't touch me!" Elin stumbles backwards, her eyes panicked. "Elin, please, let me explain..." Nicholas steps in, "Elin, please listen to me, you don't need to be afraid, you know that!" She stares at Nicholas with wide eyes. "Elin, your dreams, they weren't and aren't dreams! You have the ability to see. Into the future and into the past!" "What?" "You have magical powers, you can heal, I've seen it myself, when you touch the sick, your hands glow greenish. You're what Noah has been saying all along, you're a Voelva, a seer, a healer, a shaman, a witch!" Elin is still staring at him in disbelief "How?" she chokes out.
"It's passed down from generation to generation. Your grandmother was a Voelva too, Elin!" "How do you know that Skadi?" "I didn't know right away, I didn't want to believe it, but when you healed the animals, I realized that you had magical powers!" Noah snaps angrily at Skadi "So you lied again, you claimed she wasn't the Voelva!" "I wanted to protect her!" "From what? From us?" Noah's voice as cold as ice. "From what she's about to face!" Skadi looks to the ground. "What you mean?" Elin feels like the ground is being pulled out from under her feet. "You are the chosen one who can prevent Ragnarök, through you the void will disappear, everything will come back into balance!" Everyone turns to the door in surprise. Joakim stands trembling in the doorway, a blanket wrapped around him, his burning gaze fixed on Elin. "Oh" is all that comes out of Elin's mouth.
Elin sits on her couch in the living room, still staring stunned. The others around her are discussing the matter angrily. She lifts her head and sees that Noah is watching her closely. Elin's eyes narrow, Noah grins. "I still don't understand!" she starts. Nicholas sits down next to her, smiles at her "What don't you understand, love?" "You're telling me you're not human? You're demons?" Elin's look is still incredulous. Nicholas nods seriously, "Yes, we are the ones you saw in your dream. We can shapeshift, live among and with mortals without being noticed, even if we don't prefer it." "And Skadi is really an asin? Joakim a half-ase, the Fenris wolf?" Elin's voice cracks in disbelief. Nicholas nods again, "Yes dear, exactly that!" "But if you're demons, why do you want to stop the world burning? Isn't that what demons actually want?" "A stubborn misconception, a false rumor spread by the good guys, the light creatures, to elevate themselves!" Noah's sarcastic voice reaches Elin's ear and he sits down next to her. Elin scowls at him "YOU want to tell me that you're actually the good guys, merciful and charitable?" "Heavens no, I wouldn't go that far!" Noah laughs, "No, certainly not that, we've all fed on mortals, other demons, even gods, mauled them out of sheer lust!" Elin's face reflects her disgust, which makes Noah grin even more.
"You're making yourself even more unpopular with me than you already are!" Noah comes even closer to Elin, his gaze riveting, his eyebrow raised "Really? Is that so?!" "NOAH, stop playing games, she's off limits to you!" Nicholas' voice couldn't be more snide. Turning to Elin, he continues "No, we were chosen, out of all those who belong to the darkness. We were the ones called to protect the light, the hope for all!" "What do you mean, just like that?" "The Voelva chose us, so long ago, so infinitely long ago. Only together was it possible for us to maintain the balance of the forces of good and evil. On Moon Hill, our sanctuary, the shrine of light!" "The Voelva? Like I'm supposed to be one?" "Yes, Elin, a Voelva, a wise woman!" "And what about Joakim? Why....." "Joakim is a demigod, the son of Loki, the Fenris wolf. More powerful than Odin liked. Asen are an elitist lot anyway, like all the other gods, but the Asen didn't care about balance. Their interests were more important to them!" growls Noah. "Joakim angered Odin and didn't submit to him. Odin wanted to punish him for it, to break him. That's when your friend Skadi came into the picture and our friend Folio here, this idiot!"
Folio growls angrily at Noah, who continues unimpressed.
"He fell head over heels in love with this woman and in his infinite stupidity he not only told her about Moon Hill, no, he also told her that Joakim is one of the four Guardians! This allowed the Aesir to enter Moon Hill and surprise Joakim in human form while he slept. Otherwise they would never have been able to capture the Fenris wolf!" Skadi looks guiltily to the ground. "You let them torture him and beat him up like that?" Elin is speechless. "Not only allowed it, she was one of his guards!" Noah's voice corrosive as acid. "I thought I knew you, that I could trust you!" "Elin, I had the order from Odin, our All-Father, I never thought he'd do this to him. I never thought....." she breaks off. "What? What did you never think?" Noah doesn't let up tormenting her. "That the Allfather would be so blind and risk everything just for his revenge. I'm so sorry for everything, even for using you, Nick. I didn't mean to, only then it was all too late, events came thick and fast. All I can do is keep apologizing!" her voice breaks. "Tell that to Joakim, maybe he'll let you live....." Noah is unstoppable. Elin stands up "I need some fresh air!" and runs out of the room. Noah rises, wants to go after her. Nicholas holds him back.
"Noah, leave her alone, she needs a moment to herself!" and more quietly "and anyway, keep your hands off her, she's not meant for you, you know that!"
Noah's eyes narrow instantly and he angrily pushes his friend's hand away, growling at him. "If I want her, I'll take her!" "You won't, you won't make the same mistakes you did with Hella and Yuki! I won't let you!" Noah's anger is immeasurable, his fangs snap forward, his eyes blood red, he grabs his friend by the collar, ready to bite. "Noah stop it!" Folio's angry voice echoes through the room "Nicholas is right, you're forgetting yourself right now and everything else too! She's not yours, she never was and she never will be!" Noah snorts angrily, lets go of Nicholas, his fangs retract, his eyes normalize. "Noah, come to your senses, it's her blood that's making you lose your mind. I can feel it too! But we can't touch her, you know that!" Noah nods briefly, of course he knows, but everything inside him is screaming for her, her blood, just like with the first Voelva, Hella. The other companions had felt the same. Hella smelled more delicious than anything they had ever smelled before, the magic in her fogged his senses, he was no longer in control of himself.
Noah had to make it his own, but before he could sink his fangs into it, Joakim was there and had snatched her from him. As much as he loves Joakim, that was the point at which he almost killed the demigod. If Nicholas and Folio hadn't intervened, he would have torn him apart. Noah was furious with rage, and through this rage he had also lost his love, Yuki Onna, the snow woman. The Kami Izanami had told her everything and Yuki had turned away from him as a result. His madness had cost him everything.
Skadi considers, "Yes, that could well be possible, especially since she's probably the one who can stop everything, should stop everything!" Noah snorts. "That sounds logical, plus her smell.... I didn't notice it at first, but the longer we're here, the more it permeates every single pore and you feel the same way, Noah!" Nicholas nods in agreement. "We should pull away from her, not that any of us can't control ourselves!" Nicholas gives Noah a stern look.
"We can't leave here, you know that! Joakim is still too weak and we can't leave Elin alone any more!" "You could move into the stables, there's a spacious room next to the tack room where you could set up some couches...." suggests Skadi. "I'm certainly not going to sleep in a stable!" growls Noah. "You'll survive, as long as your blood is boiling like this, it's safer, I'll go with you, who knows what else her presence will do to me!" explains Nicholas calmly "Folio should come too, Skadi can stay in the house!" "Why should I go to the stables? I'm not interested in her!" growls Folio, at the same time casting a longing glance at Skadi. Elin Elin rushes out of the house, almost runs. Get out, get away, just get away! Is all she can think. It's all madness, a dream, a nightmare. She just has to wake up from it. Elin runs into the stable, takes Asa out of her stall, saddles her and leads her out of the stable.
"What are you doing?" a whipping voice out of nowhere, Noah. Furious, she turns around "I need space to think, I need to get out of here!" "Not when it gets dark, not on this cattle!" Noah just spits out the words. Groaning, Elin puts one foot in the stirrup and is about to mount, but before she can do so, he is beside her, preventing her from doing so, pulling Elin back, holding her against him. "You stay here!" his voice in her hair is just a gasp. Elin freezes, the iron-hard grip on her couldn't be more brutal, yet it doesn't feel violent, more protective. She hears Noah swallow, feels his words against her neck. "Go into the house if you know what's good for you!" his voice a harsh whisper. Elin is suddenly more than aware of the situation she is in, it would be easy for him to tear her apart here and now, rip open her neck with his fangs and drink her blood. Noah still holds her tightly against him, unwilling to let her go. Elin slowly and firmly pushes away from him, turns around, his eyes blood-red, rimmed in black, his skin snow-white. She swallows, reaches out for him, has to touch him to realize that this is real, the real thing. Noah flinches under her touch, then leans into her palm, closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, "Go, go back to the house, Nicholas and I will sleep in the stable, it's safer for you! Skadi will look after Folio and Joakim!" "Neither you, Nicholas, Folio nor Joakim will hurt me!" Elin has no idea how she knows this, but she is certain that this is the case! A sudden certainty. Noah groans, "Elin I can't guarantee I won't hurt you right now. It's your blood, it's like the first Völva, Hella. The longer she was with us, the worse it got. I was no longer in control of my senses. It mustn't happen again. This is too important!" "What happened to Hella?" "Joakim took her away in the end, hid her, protected her. He must have loved her very much. She died. Since then, his only purpose in life has been Moon Hill. That and making the Aesir white-hot.…"
Elin nods, "Joakim, he... I've never seen him before in my life, yet I feel like I know him... does that make sense?" Noah sighs, "Yes, it makes sense, you're descended from Hella, you have her blood in you, the way I'm experiencing it right now, you're probably even stronger, more powerful than her!" Elin widens her eyes in disbelief, "Powerful, me?" Noah steps closer to her again, sniffs her, buries his nose in the soft flesh of her neck. His hands wander along the sides of her body. "Yes, you are powerful, you beguile everyone here with your power and aura!" Noah's voice is a hoarse whisper. Shivers run through Elin's body, unable to move. "We will show you what you are capable of, how you can develop your power and use it. Skadi will help you, you were chosen for this!" Noah abruptly pushes himself away from Elin, looking at her with a fierce gaze, "But now little Völva, go back to the house, or I will take you here and now, and I would gladly bear the consequences!" Noah's voice barely audible. Elin feels as if her legs are not carrying her properly, she almost stumbles back into the house, Noah's burning gaze at her back.
She meets Nicholas on the veranda, he is just bringing blankets and pillows into the stable. His eyes darken at the sight of her. "NOAH!" Elin shakes her head, "No, don't, nothing's happened!" "He mustn't touch you, if he does, all is lost!" Nicholas' gaze piercing. "I know, he explained it to me, he says it's my blood, you can all feel it" "Yes, we all feel it by now, but our friend there is the one who is having trouble controlling himself. Elin, for your own sake, stay away from him! Besides, everything is lost without you! We all need you!" Elin nods silently, aware by now that she has a key role to play in all of this, whether she likes it or not. The house is quiet. Skadi and Folio have probably retired to their study. Relieved, Elin closes the front door behind her and leans against it. There are so many emotions rushing through her. Slowly but surely, she can no longer cope. Her life was finally acceptable again, she had found her peace, her refuge, and now? Just absolute chaos! Thor and Freya come whimpering to her, she sinks to the ground with her dogs, wraps her arms around their necks and lets herself be comforted by their warm bodies.
Not for long, then she stands up again and straightens her back, she has already managed so much, she will manage this too, she simply has to. Maybe Skadi and the demons can really help her develop her powers, help her conquer her inner demons. After feeding her dogs and having a snack herself, Elin sneaks into the guest room to check on Joakim. A quick glance tells her that he is asleep. However, it is probably not a restful sleep; he tosses and turns, moaning restlessly. Elin sits down next to him on the bed, hesitating briefly, what will happen if she touches him again? Her fingertip carefully touches his arm and he flinches. Elin tentatively places her hand on his arm, Joakim shivers under her touch. She watches his face, which is still contorted in pain, with concentration. She slowly strokes her hand up and down his arm, noticing how his face relaxes more and more. Elin adds her other hand and places it on his bare chest, Joakim sinks deeper into the pillows. She concentrates completely on him, his pain, she notices how her hands become warmer, when she opens her eyes, she can also see the green glow that Noah and Nicholas noticed long before her.
Spurred on by this, Elin moves her hand from his arm to his forehead, concentrates more, tries to penetrate his thoughts, to take away the nightmares that continue to torment him. Suddenly it flashes through her head like a lightning bolt and she sees images rushing at her, images of days gone by, far before her time. She sees Joakim and the others, sees a woman with them, tall, red hair, green eyes. Elin gasps. She sees Noah and Joakim fighting, Nicholas and Folio pulling Noah away from Joakim with all their strength.... She sees how Noah loses the woman who has meant everything to him so far through the betrayal of a goddess. How Joakim and the Völva spend their lives until she dies. Feel his pain..... how Skadi seduces Folio and then betrays him and Joakim.... How Joakim is carried off to Asgard, is bound, how he fights, tries to free himself, suffers incredible agony in the process.... How he gives up. Elin has to tear herself away from him, tears running down her cheeks. As she sits on the bed, panting and crying, she notices that his eyes are open. Warm brown-green eyes looking at her, exhausted.
Elin hesitantly reaches out for him, touches him gently on the cheek. He takes her hand in his and leans into the touch. With her other hand, she tenderly strokes a strand of hair from his face, this man is so familiar to her, this memory from his past has opened up something inside her. She knows that she knows him, has always known him. Elin moves closer to him, he watches her attentively, she lies down next to him, still not saying a word, just looking into his eyes. Joakim looks at her with a look of disbelief, longing, hope, but also fear and uncertainty. He swallows, Elin puts her hand on his chest again, scoots closer and rests her head on his shoulder. Joakim trembles, rests his head against hers. "It's all right, you don't need to be afraid anymore, I'm here now!" Joakim gasps.
When Elin wakes up the next morning, she feels refreshed and safe. No nightmare has tormented her this night. She is still snuggled up close to Joakim, her hand on his chest, held by his. He is sleeping peacefully, his face turned away from her. Elin doesn't want to wake him under any circumstances, but she urgently needs to use the bathroom, so she carefully pulls her hand out from under his and quietly rolls out of bed. She tiptoes out of the room, closing the door behind her. When she looks up, Folio grins at her with a raised eyebrow. "Soooo, you've been with him all night?" Folio nods towards the door to the room. "Yes, I was and I don't think that's any of your business!"
"Oh yes, little human, it is my business, because you're the one who's supposed to straighten out the whole mess! The one whose blood is clouding all our senses. It's dangerous for you to be alone with one of us. Think about that carefully!" "I was never in danger," Elin growls angrily at him. "Oh, and you know why so well?" "Never mind, I'm the Völva and I can see into the future!" and with that Elin simply leaves the now astonished hellhound standing there. Elin closes the bathroom door behind her. Damn, what if he's right? What will happen when Joakim has fully regained his strength? She has already had a small taste of just how dangerous Noah can be. They are still demons, or a demigod and a hellhound..... who only look like humans but aren't.... Jesus, why does everything have to be so complicated? Can she really rely on her feelings? Can she trust these beings? Angrily, she bangs both hands on the sink. Damn, but why does she feel absolutely no fear? Even Noah doesn't see her as a danger, it's more like she's grateful for his strength and power. None of this makes any sense at all. How does she know that.... Only from her visions? Elin sighs, she can't explain why she is drawn to the demigod. Ever since his friends brought him here, this feeling has intensified with every touch of his body. Is it really because of her blood? Is it her heritage from Hella? She doesn't know exactly what to do, she just knows she can't stay away from him.
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Drabble | Teddy Lobo x Reader
Just a random thing me and @broccolithebunni had been talking about. Teddy's an idiot /pos.
TW: Food, mentions of choking, not being able to pair the proper wine with food, excessive use of the word 'fuck'
Being associated with the Lobo's was still something you were getting used to. Before, people would treat you like anyone else, not even turning their heads if you walked into a room. Now, it was pure association that seemed to have everyone desperate to never anger you. And that was when you were on your own. And it was nothing compared to how they treated you with him.
Tonight he insisted on treating you for dinner, telling you to pick any restaurant. You should know by now that nothing can be lowkey with Teddy, but part of you hoped the two of you would just sit down and enjoy dinner.
That dream was of course crushed the moment you approached your favorite cajun place. Teddy always made comments about owning the town, and you knew he was talking about fear, but part of you was beginning to believe maybe he legitimately owns New Orleans, because as soon as you walked in, everyone sat up straight. A waiter took your orders and gave them to you as soon as humanly possible. With the take out (that you're not even sure they normally have), you both headed to your place.
Now, about twenty minutes later, you were watching with disgust as Teddy attempts to crack a crawfish with his teeth, like a dog on a chew toy. The occasional, "Fuck," is heard before he checks if his tooth is still in his mouth. You wait until he gives up before sliding over a plate of peeled crawfish, waiting to walk him through how to eat it. "You done?" You ask, smiling at him.
He looks over at you with his signature wide-eyes before slowly putting the mangled crawfish down, blushing as he tried to stammer out an excuse.
"How'd you fucking do all that?" He points to the plate between the two of you.
"Twist the head and separate it-" "Nope, no, ew. Okay, how do you eat it?" He picks one up, inspecting it suspiciously.
"Squeeze the tail right here," You demonstrate by holding one up and pitching the fan-shaped part of the tail, sucking the meat out of the body. He stares at you, raising his eyebrows.
"That's so fucking gross," He laughs.
You roll your eyes at his hypocrisy, "Just eat." He nods, looking down at the crustation in hand before copying what you did. You smile, proud that he could finally do something on his own. Then he begins violently coughing, and your smile drops.
"Teddy, are you okay?" You ask, looking for any signs of choking. He seemed fine, just really red in the face.
"You didn't say it was spicy!" He gags, chugging the red wine he's been drinking. You leaned back, lowering your brows in confusion.
"It's not spicy at all. It's, like, the opposite of that, actually."
"Mhm, sure," He finishes his wine, waiting a moment to see if the burning in his mouth dissipated at all, "Fuck, man."
"Come here, let's get you some water," You offer a pitiful smile, standing up with him and walking into the kitchen, holding his hand like a hurt child.
As soon as he got the water, he chugged it as fast as he could. You watched his Adam's Apple bob, wrinkling your eyebrows. How has he even lived this long?
In one swift movement, he slammed the glass down on the counter, "Fuckkkk me…"
He panted, staring at the floor. You just nodded your head, genuinely concerned for him.
"Do you want to get something else to eat?" You tilted your head until he met your eyes. "Yeah," He responded, flustered and embarrassed, "Sorry I ruined dinner, but next time, I'm choosing," He placed a kiss on your lips, an apology for the whole night, before shoving you away.
"I forgot you just fucking ate!" He cried, refilling his glass. Done lol
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