#I'm in love with my glittery gel pens!
doodlboy · 2 years
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ask-spiderpool · 3 months
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Step up, true believers! It's been aaaaalmost 10 long years of heartache and Britney numbers.... 
10 years of gathering all of that blood, sweat and tears which I hope to so very lovingly pour all over the pages of a end-of-decade yearbook zine to commemorate an experience just as excruciating as the usual high-school experience. 
So, no matter if you've been here since the beginning, or if you've only very recently jumped face-first into the spiderpool – if you love us, and ask-spiderpool has meant something to you, please leave your mark on ask-spiderpool history. Scribble something sappy with some sparkly gel-pens. Whip out some glittery stickers, and fancy highlighters. Put on your best lipgloss, and leave us a kiss on the page. Anything goes, (but please don't be a dick and draw a dick. Expecting a little bit more originality than that.) Ideally a white or transparent background, but allowances will be made if you're sending in something a little fancier (who am I to stop you?)
If you'd like to submit a fan-comic or a piece of prose, feel free to shoot me a message - I might be shooting around some messages myself – the theme is high-school (cheerleader outfits abound!)
If you can't or don't want to submit an image, there's also an option for short written submissions. Leave us a love note in our locker, and share the love. Address the boys, and they might just respond. (Wade Wilson has lovingly offered to put the whole affair together. I'm putting my trust in him. God help us all.) Keep your notes short and sweet! 150 words max! 
The earlier you send your note in the more likely it is you'll make it onto the page, (I don't know how many of you there'll be!) so get out those crayons and glitter-glue, and let's make a super-baby. 
Kisses!  xx
Send in your submissions here!
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luvfy0dor · 1 month
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“And My Daddy Tells Me I Light Up His World ♡” Dad!Bsd Drabbles ੈ✩‧₊˚
╰┈➤ Chuuya Nakahara, Osamu Dazai, Fyodor Dostoevsky
Warnings; Line breaks between indented paragraphs mean new scenarios, girl dads, d/n- daughters name, s/n-sons name, p/t-parental title for reader
Description; a couple different scenarios, 2 for Fyodor, 1 for Dazai, 1 for Chuuya
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A/n; just so u guys do know I giggle every single time I type out d/n, also also I've got a req still about dad Fyodor in my inbox but I don't know why it's so hard for me to write it 3: I'll get it out ong, im so sorry dad fyodor anon </3 consider this tribute to you 3: also next post's gonna be for the event! Had to rewrite it.
Fyodor Dostoevsky ★
Fyodor stood in the kitchen, accompanied by his young daughter sitting at the dining table. In his hand was a letter to Nikolai, written a week ago that he had finally decided to mail. He grabs an envelope before rummaging through drawers while his daughter colors idly across the room. She peers up at him from her spot and hops out of her chair, coloring paper in hand. "what're you looking for, papa?" She asks, looking up at him with her e/c eyes, the ones that matched yours perfectly. He smiled at her and closed the drawer he was looking through. "Just a pen, malyshka. Do you know where I could find one?" He asks her, looking down at her. She nods and fetches one of the pens from her big bag of coloring supplies, digging through it for a quick second before returning to him with her arm outstretched and a glittery pink gel pen in her small hands. "This is okay, right, papa? Who's the letter going to?" He takes it appreciatively and writes out Nikolais name and address. "Uncle Kolya, and any pen you give me will do, sweetheart." He gives the pen back to her and ruffles her hair. "Oh, uncle Kolya will just love it, then! I'm pretty sure his favorite color is pink. I'm gonna color this for him so that the next time he comes over he'll have a present from me!" She says with excitement, skipping back over to her seat at the table to resume her coloring. "Oh, ofcourse, d/n." After Fyodor mailed the letter, he soon got a response from Nikolai expressing his disappointment over the letter not being fully written in pink gel pen, which was backed up by his daughter as well.
You stood in yours and your husbands bedroom, buttoning his shirt for him while he watched the numbers flicker and change on the alarm clock on your nightstand. Your daughters school was hosting a daddy-daughter dance and your daughter insisted on Fyodor taking her. He agreed obviously, but he felt unfamiliar with such things, after all, he'd never experienced a daddy-daughter dance in his childhood. You gave him a smile once you buttoned his shirt and grabbed the only tie he owned off the dresser. "You look so good, Fedya. Like a prince." You said with a smile, leaning in to kiss the corner of his lips. He hummed and guided your chin with his fingers to kiss his lips completely. "Just a prince? Not a king?" His eyes were half lidded as always and you could make out a small smile on his face. "Alright, fine, a king." You finished tying his tie for him and left it slightly loose around his neck, knowing he was never really fond of how tight they could be. "Perfect, that would make d/n our little princess." Almost as if summoned, her footsteps are heard pattering down the hallway in her cute little flats that you got for her. The dress that she wore was adorned with puffy, mesh layers on the skirt and some gemstones on the top. "Papa, are you ready to go yet? " she asks, walking over to his side and examining his outfit thoroughly and gasping excitedly. "Papa, your tie matches my dress!" She says, pointing out the same colored material. "It does." He picks her up with a smile. "Do I look pretty?" She asks, a big, toothy grin on her face. He laughs and nods.
"Absolutely, now go say goodbye to p/t." He says, putting her down onto the ground so she could hug you and bid you a goodbye. "Bye, p/t!!" She says, squeezing you quite tightly. You hug her back and kiss her head, looking down at her. "Bye, sweetheart, I love you. Oh- wait! Before you go I want a picture of you and papa." You fish your phone from your back pocket and open the camera app as she backs up and hugs her papa just as tightly as she held you. Fyodor places his hand on her back while they both smile for the photo, but wince all of a sudden as your phones flash goes off. "Oh- whoops, I forgot to turn the flash off- for real this time." They both pose again, d/n giggling at your small mistake. You snapped it and then examined it on the phone before your daughter started pleading to see it. Fyodors smile was as charming as always, both in person and in the photo, and your daughter looked absolutely adorable in her poofy dress. Once you had shown her and she was satisfied, she quickly made her way out of the room, holding the skirt of her dress by the handfuls. Fyodor laughed at her under his breath before he leaned in to kiss you once more before he left, letting his hand linger on your hip like his taste did on your lips. "Bye, Fedya, I love you, have fun." You grin, to which he lets out a sigh. "I will, I love you too, Moya Lyubov." He pulls away and follows the young girl out of the bedroom. You smiled to yourself as you heard him call from down the hallway, "Wait, malyshka, don't go out the door so fast", followed by the prompt creeking and closing of the door.
Osamu Dazai ★
No one got the memo that it was apparently 'bring your kid to work's day', but everyone had to adjust rather quickly when Dazai pulled up to the Ada with a young child on his hip, oogling at any shiny object in its sight. Kunikida was the first to ask about it. "Is this another orphan that you've decided to pick up off the streets? It's too young for a job here." Dazai rolled his eyes. "For your information, this is my son. His babysitter has come down with the flu." He clarifies, walking past everyone to his desk and sitting the one year old on his lap. The baby leans towards him and reaches for the tassels of his bolo tie, grabbing and pulling on them to his mouth. Dazai laughs and gently pulls them out of the little boys grasp. "No, s/n, you can't chew on those." His son pouts and coos out some baby nonsense, starting to look around for some other entertainment, only to find nothing that interests him. He looks up at his dad with his big brown eyes and pouts, huffing and gripping his long jacket in his chubby fists. "Papa, 'ome." He babbles, missing the comfort of yours and Dazais house and preferring to be there over the agency. "I know, s/n, believe me. I'd rather be at home than sitting here with these people." He says, sighing and shaking his head. "Just keep him from crying." Kunikida says exasperatedly while writing a report from the last case he worked on for Fukuzawa. Dazai hums in acknowledgement and turns the baby to face away from him, keeping him sat on his lap. "My boy doesn't cry, he's nothin' like those other babies." He says with a grin, grabbing a pen and wrapping his son's hand around it and helping him drag it acrossed the closest paper on Dazais desk. "Yeah, just get a feel for holding the pen and as soon as you can write on your own, daddy's never doin' his own reports again." He grins. "Your son isn't doing any paperwork for the agency until he joins. And that still doesn't mean he'll be doing yours." Kunikida says from his desk. Dazai shakes his head and lets go of his sons arm. "Ugh, whatever... Kunikida doesn't gotta know if I bring it home though." He whispers to the boy, evoking an unaware giggle. Kunikida let out a knowing huff and gave up on trying.
Chuuya Nakahara ★
After his little girl had asked him on numerous occasions for a trip to the fair, he was finally able to get some time off and go with you and her. He weaved through the crowds with her on his shoulders and his hand in yours while trying to decide on one final game for your daughter to play before you left.. "Papa, look! They have fish!" D/n exclaimed, pointing at the booth that ran the famous goldfish game that parents never want their kids to see. Not Chuuya though. He's nothin' like y'all. Chuuya didn't mind the idea of having a fish for his daughter, even if it was him who had to feed it every day and clean it's tank regularly. He smiled and looked over at you with eyes that asked you if you were in mutual agreement of letting her try to win a goldfish. You smiled back at him and nodded, noticing your daughter watching the two of you exchange your glances. "Alright sweetheart, let's go get ya one of them fish." He walks over to the stand with you, lifting her off of his shoulders while you handed the carnie a $5 bill for a basket of ten ping pong balls. Chuuya watched d/n try to toss the first five into one of the colorful mini-fishbowls and miss every single one, so he grabbed a ball and tossed it, getting it into one of them. The man running the game cheers and heads to get d/n her fish, but she ends up getting two of the last four balls in on her own, nearly shrieking in excitement. "Daddy, that means I get three fishes, right?" She excitedly asks, her hair bouncing in the pigtail style it was pulled into. "Yup, that's right." He smiles at the carnie when he hands the fish to him and mutters an appreciative thank you, patting his daughters back and telling her to do the same. "Thank you! P/t, can we get them a tank at home?" She asks, still super hyper from her triple win. You laugh and nod, holding two of the fish so Chuuya doesn't have to hold all three and your daughter if she chooses she's too tired to walk to the car. "Yeah, we'll stop at the pet store to get you a nice tank for them." You tell her, nodding for her to follow you and Chuuya grabbing her hand so she doesn't get lost. "What do you say to daddy? He got you one of those." You say with a small laugh and she looks up at her dad with big, adoring eyes. "Thank you, daddy! Ahh, I'm so excited for my fishes!" Her misunderstanding of the plural version of fish also makes you giggle a little. "You're welcome, princess. Y'gonna take real good care of them? Remind me to feed 'em every day?" He says, guiding you guys through the parked cars towards your own. "Yup! Every single morning! But what're we gonna do when I'm at school and you and p/t are working? What about their lunch?" She frowns. "Fish don't need lunch, don't worry." He reassures her and hands you the third bagged fish for a moment while buckling d/n into her seat. "Good, I don't want them to starve!" She says. Chuuya laughs under his breath and closes the backseat door, pulling out a cigarette to smoke before taking the sorta-long drive to the pet store and home. Now he had three more responsibilities, but it made his baby happy, so he really didn't mind having to take care of three more animals in addition to his original one.
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A/n; yawns speed ran these, wrote Chuuyas in like,, 12 minutes, it's not proofread (js Chuuyas) but hopefully it works (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ also I'd like to come out and say ion proofread my own stuff, I have my friends do it (I love you guys MWAH)
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I don't mean to be mean or rude but there were these people in my class who were wearing like REALLY revealing clothes and I've gotten an idea: How would yandere class 1A react to the reader who's usually an introvert suddenly wearing really revealing clothing since she wants to be noticed and doesn't want to be viewed as an introvert anymore? Tbh, this is actually what I'm thinking rn... it's like if I want to be noticed in my college these days, that's the step I'll have to take but I don't feel comfortable wearing such revealing clothes
~#~#~#~ Just a happy reminder that everyone is allowed to wear whatever they want, whenever they want! You can wear t-shirts, sweatpants, miniskirts, high heels, platforms, formal dresses, boxers, thongs; you can even walk around naked! I wouldn't recommend being fully nude outside, but you do you. Anyways, clothes don't determine who you are or what you identify as! ~#~#~#~
Also, I know you wrote Reader in your ask as female identifying (she/her), but I am going to continue writing them as gender neutral! Let me know if you have a problem with that.
✩࿐ Let's go! ✩࿐
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So, for starters, let's talk about the school days. Since the uniforms are pretty standard, it's a little hard to spruce them up to be "skimpier". If you choose to wear the women's uniform, you could pull up the skirt further up your hips so the hem brushes the tops of your thighs. Could even doll yourself up with a few accessories in your hair, on the clothes, or even some jewelry. If you choose to wear the men's uniform, you could pull a Bakugo by not wearing the tie or unbutton the top few buttons of your uniform. Show a little cleavage (both pecs and boobs can have cleavage. I don't discriminate between cleavage; all types are delicious 🤤). Paint your nails, wear some makeup; anything you can really!
Now, since most of the class keeps a close eye on you 24/7, they're gonna notice every little thing you do to yourself. From the way you wear your hair, to the shoes you skip down the halls in, to the exact scents you use for your shampoo and body sprays; nothing is secret to them. So, when they notice for the first time that your skirt's riding a little higher than normal, or they're getting a face full of your pec cleavage, their minds are flying all over the place. Everyone is going to have their eyes unconsciously drift to you every so often, or they're on you all the time.
Izuku and Uraraka are just blushing up a storm. Deku cannot stop looking at you—or, rather, your exposed skin. He swears he doesn't mean to be a pervert! You just look...so soft. It's killing him. He just wants to nuzzle up to you and forget the school day all together. When you try to talk to him throughout the day, he's just a ball of stutters, nervous giggles, and never-ending mumbles. But as soon as you turn your back, he is writing in his notebook, scribbling outfits that show the same amount (or even more) skin you're showing now that he believes you would look ethereal in. He also cannot stop writing things along the lines of 'They look so cute.', 'I can't look at them again! It's too much!', and 'How can I tell them how I feel when seeing them like this makes me forget my words?'
Ochaco's no better. She can't stop thinking about how sweet your thighs look. And how when you sit down, your skirt rides even higher up. You're such a little tease, can you even fathom what you're doing to her?! She's losing her mind; she's practically two seconds away from getting down on one knee and proposing to you right now. She's sighing in a puppy love manor, writing her name and your name together in the last page of her notebook. She's drawing little stick figures that are supposed to be you and her kissing, holding hands, hugging, basically doing everything together. Hearts and sparkles drawn in a pink glittery gel pen are everywhere on the page of art she has dedicated to you.
Some people are a little more uptight than others COUGH COUGH Iida COUGH COUGH and are gonna hound you throughout the day. The second you walk into the class, he is all over you. Iida's stuttering something about fixing your attire, something about how you are in a professional academy and you can't walk around looking like that and blah blah blah. Everything that is coming out of his mouth is just a flimsy coverup to try and hide the rapidly spreading blush seeping across his cheeks. How can you do this to him?!?! As the class president, he is ashamed of how he can't stop his eyes from drifting all across your body, but he can't stop. He desperately tries to focus on your adorable face, but he doesn't know how much longer he can keep up the façade of being a proper gentleman.
His commotion to your attire draws the attention of the rest of your friends. The room is then split between a mixture of squeals and yelling, and dead silence.
Across the class, Todoroki is falls quieter than usual. It's unnerving, he's acting like how he was the first few weeks of class, aloof and unapproachable. On the outside, he doesn't show much (what's new), but on the inside it's simultaneously a raging typhoon and a fervent volcanic eruption all at once. He feels his body heat up to a scorchingly dangerous level, and drop to a frost-biting chill in a matter of seconds. Shoto's poor brain can't wrap around what he's seeing. His darling, his everything, is fully on display (you are nowhere near that level, you're just showing a tiny amount more of skin LOL) for his eyes to see. It's like he's reached nirvana. He feels all warm and fuzzy inside, though his outside is still a staggering contrast of temperatures.
Bakugo cannot decide whether to be angry at you or angry at his idiot classmates. As he finally breaks his gaze from you, he watches the class's faces shift into hunger and desire and he decides. Yep. He's angrier at them than he is at you. But he understands where their desire is coming from. He's in the same sinking boat. He wants to look at your forever; say 'fuck it' to the lessons that day, scoop you into his arms, and run back to the dorms to hide you away for only him to see. He feels his palms heat up and leak sweat like a faucet from both the anxiety of how gorgeous you look and from the aggression of wanting to beat everyone around him into pulps for daring to peek at what’s his. He yells at everyone to stop their clamoring, shoving his face down to stare at the desk instead of your fucking cute nervous expression.
Kirishima is slack-jawed, heart-eyed. The real life combination of these two emojis: 😳😍. He's literally dying to feel how soft your skin is as he scans your body over and over again. It's like a song on repeat in his mind, encouraging his eyes to soak up as much of you as he can, forcing him to do it all over again multiple times. He feels like a cringy and awkward middle schooler seeing the contents of a pervy magazine, or a semi-naked person, for the first time. Then, it hits him. Kirishima isn't alone in seeing this newfound expanse of your body. As soon as that registers in his mind, he flips on a 180° and wants nothing more than to pull your skirt down or button your shirt himself. He wants to protect you from the disgusting eyes gaping at you. Kirishima snaps his jaw closed and bites his lip to keep in the growl forming at the back of his throat. His mind calculates all the people witnessing your beauty. He thinks he wants this image all to himself.
Denki, Sero, and Mina are panting like freaking dogs. They are eating up how you dressed today. Denki is privately thanking whatever god influenced you to dress yourself in this way today. Mina is squealing inside and out, thinking about how she feels like she's the main character in one of those romance manga she reads and how you're dressing like that to catch her attention alone (you’re not, but her theory is what she chooses to believe). Sero can't stop grinning all day because of how sweet you are, dressing in that manor to steal his attention (again, you’re not, but oh well). The two boys might even try to sneak a picture of you, but Mina quickly shuts that behavior down and makes them delete the photos thank goodness for our girlboss.
Tsu, Momo, Jiro, and Hagakure all cannot work up the courage to say how absolutely alluring you look today. Maybe they'll say it in flippant passing, but they cannot put into words how you truly make them feel. They’re antsy and nervously giggling all day whenever you get close, so much so that you think they have a fever. They’re just flustered because you’re stunning. Please don’t take their lack of words negatively! They’re obsessed with you, and that possessiveness clouds their better judgement at times. Secretly, they’re all planning how to successfully sneak into your dorm room and steal an item of your clothes to keep. Tsu and Hagakure are not known as the leading stealth heroes of Class 1-A for nothing~.
At first, they all thought it was an accident. Maybe you were just a little clumsy dressing yourself this morning! Maybe you're overly stressed and didn't even notice that you're showing more of yourself than you ever have! Yeah, that has to be it.
They only get concerned when you start to dress like this outside of school as well. Don't get them wrong, you look incredible (all of them are constantly drooling at the sight of the amount of skin you are showing off. They want to stroke, caress, pinch, and even bite every bit of it.), but they are worried. Ever since they first met you, you'd been so shy and reserved, so, why are you dressing so provocatively now?
Short skirts, crop tops, low cut shirts, everything under the sun that showed a little more and more was what you suddenly exclusively wore. Again, they know you can wear whatever you want to wear, but what happened to their shy (Y/N)?
A few of the girls sit down with you one day and have a chat about your shift in attire. You explain your dilemma to them, and they resonate with your change in demeanor. It's hard being labeled as one thing, and when you try to branch out to try something different, you’re looked at strangely. The change you choose to make my not be acknowledged in a positive light. They reassure you that they all love the style you're trying out, and how you look to die for, but you do not have to completely change who you are for anyone else.
Being comfortable in your own skin correlates with the clothes you wear that make you feel the most, well, you! If dressing in thinner, smaller fabric is what you enjoy now, then go right ahead! If you find that the former isn't working for you anymore, and you wish to dress in baggier, less attention-catching clothes, rock on. Whatever you wear, they will support you the best they can.
Though, that doesn't stop them from lashing out at creeps who stare at you for a bit too long~
WHEEW. DAMN! I hope you guys like it. To the asker, I hope I fulfilled what you were looking for! Thank you so much for reading, I hope you have a wonderful day! :)
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viscerax · 2 years
Hey I'm back agian with another ask lol sorry if im being annoying but I was just wondering if you could do a finney x fem!reader where he had wrote a letter to the reader trying to confess his crush to her and as he's walking over to her locker to slip it into her locker but one of his bullys take it and read it out loud to the whole hallway so he's super embarrassed and he starts getting teary eyed but reader is listening to the whole thing so she gos and tries to stop it but he didn't know that she was listening so he gets embarressed and runs away and hides and starts crying out of embarrassment and the reader finds him and comforts him telling him she feels the same way (sorry that was really long and probably dosnt make any scence my grammar isn't very good)
Love Letters
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Finney wasn't really a "romantic love confession under the moonlight" kind of guy. He was always nervous, and talking to girls definitely wasn't easy. His palms would get sweaty and his cheeks would flush, and his words would come out in a messy and stuttering slur.
So, he opted for the second best option, which was to write a letter, slip it into your locker, then turn heel and run. Gwen practically sat on his shoulder at home, coaching him in what to say, and letting him borrow her glittery gel pens and stickers.
And today was the day. He walked down the halls, head hanging low as he read the two words written in fancy calligraphy on the front of the envelope, "For Y/n."
Just as he approached your locker, he felt someone rip the envelope from his hands.
"Hey, Finney! Whats this, huh?" Matty, one of Finneys most common bullies snickered as he observed the envelope. "Oooh, is this a love letter! I didn't think you were into girls." Matty snickered, and Finney tried to snatch the letter back, but Matty quickly moved it away from Finney, causing Finney to slip and almost fall onto Matty. Finney was shoved back, and he almost fell flat on his ass.
"Let's see what this says, hm?" Matty tore the envelope open, and Finney already felt tears begin to well up.
"No! Don't!" Finney cried but it was already to late, as Matty and his goons were snickering.
Matt and Buzz pushed Finney back again when he tried to grab the letter and he fell backwards and onto the ground.
Matty snickered and put on a high pitched, girly voice to mock Finney. "Dear Y/n, I'm writing this letter to tell you something thats been weighing me down for a long time! I've had a bit of a crush on you ever since 5th grade, but I've always been to shy to say anything." Matty looked around at the crowd that was forming, and Finney felt his chest get heavy as more tears spilled. He was practically frozen in fear as he looked around at the faces looking at him, mocking him and laughing at him. "Oh man, Finney! This is rich!
"You are so beautiful! The way your eyes sparkle, and the sun shines down on your skin. I always love hearing you cheering for me during my baseball games. If you want, maybe we could hang out soon. As a date. Sincerely, Finney Blake." Matty laughed loudly, and it felt like the room was closing in on him. Finney immediately stood up, breaths coming out in panicked huffed as he grabbed his bag, pushing people aside and running away from the crowd. He didn't care about where he would end up, he just had to get away from everyone. He had to get away from the prying eyes, and the laughs, and everyone laughing at him, for what? Having feelings for you?
He had never felt more embarrassed or pathetic then now, as he sat with his knees pulled against his chest, back leaning against the scratchy brick wall. The back of the school seemed to be his safe space, ever since the bullies found him hiding in the bathroom stalls, he had to find a new hiding space, and this is where he found himself. The gravel beneath him was uncomfortable, but that was the least of his concerns.
Tears spilled down his cheeks, making little wet spots on his jeans. He heard crunching of gravel and looked up to find you slowly approaching him, his tattered up letter held delicately in your hand. Finney quickly wiped the salty drops that welled at the corners of his eyes, trying to pretend like he wasn't just crying, although it was very obvious to anyone with eyes.
"H-hey, Y/n. D-did you n-need something?" Finney murmured, wiping his hands on his jeans.
"Finney..." you sighed and quickly plopped down next to him, staring into his eyes with a remorseful expression sprawled across your face. "Are you okay?" You frowned as Finney nodded, plastering a smile across his lips. You handed him the note, and Finney immediately cringed. "This was a really sweet note, Finney."
Finney sighed and took the note,nervously fidgeting as he looked away from you. "I-uhm, I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you in person, but I ended up chickening out. So I wrote this and I was just gonna put it in your locker. But then Matty-"
"I know what happened. I saw it. I don't think Matty or his goons will be messing with you anytime soon." You chuckled and held up your fist, which was bruised and irritated, and bleeding a little bit, the remnants of a fight. "I wish I just could've read it, instead of you having to be embarrassed like that-"
"I get it if you don't like me back! I m-mean, I'm just kind of a loser, a-and kind of a nerd. A-and you're just s-so perfect! S-so if you don't return the feelings, I get i-it." Finney sighed, his smile slowly fading into a frown as he stared down at his shoes.
Suddenly, he felt your thumb run across his cheek as you wiped a tear off of his face, and his face warmed up, a red blush accumulating across his cheeks as you gently cupped his face. "I really really like you, Finney. I would love to go on a date with you sometime." You smiled and turned his face to look at you. He had a shocked expression on his face, and you leaned in, gently placing a swift kiss on his lips.
His heart was racing, and for a moment, he wondered if he was dreaming. He just couldn't fathom that in any real world scenario that you liked him, and that you just kissed him. But here he was, staring into your eyes, a warm smile spread across your perfect face, and he knew that somehow, this was real. That somehow, by the mercy of whatever God was up there, you reciprocated his feelings, and Finney could not have been happier.
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faeriefrolic · 7 months
Thank you for the tag @papermint-airplane !!! 💖I will take any opportunity to ramble about my ocs and I haven't done so enough on here dkhjdfk
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I'm going to do my soft doll Crystal Leblanc! I'll be posting her save file with her friends eventually because I adore her and she has a lot of lore. Here's her pinterest board btw if you're curious about her!
ANIMAL: Dilute calico scottish fold
COLORS: Yellow, light pink, light green
MONTH: November/December
SONGS: What Was I Made For? - Billie Eilish (THIS IS VERY CRYS CODED), Faerie Court (Under Moon) - CLANN, Femia - Purity Ring, Love Like You - Rebecca Sugar, and Coffee - Beabadooobee
PLANTS: Daisies, forget-me-nots
SMELLS: Cinnamon, sugar, coffee, old books, apples
GEMSTONE: Sunstone (her ship name with Leon), rose quartz
SEASON: Autumn
PLACES: New York Public Library, Treehouses, Bakeries, Coffee Shops, the grocery store Leon works at (she visits him), Aerolife Factory, Farmers Markets
FOOD: Cinnamon rolls, pumpkin pie, honey bread
DRINKS: Coffee drinks, especially lattes (with cute latte art made by her)
ELEMENT: Electric, air
SEASONINGS: Cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves
SKY: Cloudy but not too dark out
WEATHER: Gentle rain, soft thunder and lightning, crisp cold breeze, the kind you want to stay indoors and read a nice book in
MAGICAL POWER: Restoration magic, electromancy, dreamwalking
WEAPONS: "You want weapons? We’re in a library. Books are the best weapon in the world. This room’s the greatest arsenal we could have. Arm yourself!"
SOCIAL MEDIA: Tumblr and instagram, she has a food blog called Cinnamew
MAKEUP PRODUCT: TooFaced Blush,glitter, lots of concealer to cover her seams
CANDY: Reeses peanut butter cup
METHOD OF LONG DISTANCE TRAVEL: Flight or faerie rings
ART STYLE: Impressionism
FEAR: Water, sharp objects
PIECE OF STATIONARY: Hello Kitty with lots of scented stickers and written in glittery gel pen, along with doodles when her airy mind wandered
CELESTIAL BODY: Moon I tag: @bastardtrait, @simsandgiggles, @getboolpropped, @necile, @bool-prop and anyone else who wants to ramble about their ocs 💖
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taylortruther · 16 days
My deep secret is that I've felt "you know how to ball, I know aristotle, touch me while your bros play grand theft auto" was the worst lyric of her career. Because some of the others (like Karma is a Cat or yes, even spelling is fun) seemed to come from a place of pure silliness that I didn't feel from that line. I couldn't stand SHS. Now, somehow, it's won me over, and I'm a little sad about what a bop I find it lmaooo
i'm glad you love it now because imo the charm of that line IS how silly it is, total glittery gel pen situation
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keerysquinn · 7 months
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ship: Chrissy Cunningham/Nancy Wheeler wc: 0.9k A/N: this one was suggested by @heroeddiemunson <3 consider this ball of fluff a gift for putting up with all of the angst I forced you to read in the last year lol
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When Nancy first started dating her, she realized that there was more than meets the eye when it came to Chrissy Cunningham. She may have been one of the most popular girls in school, but there was so much about her that she kept safeguarded from the people who saw her everyday.
She loved heavy metal music and would headbang in the car if she wasn't the one driving. She was so quiet in groups, but when it was just the two of them, she had the quickest wit and the best sense of humor. She was deceptively strong from years at the bottom of the pyramid and catching fliers, and she was a fierce competitor in all forms of play fighting which made her easily able to pin her girlfriend and tickle her silly. She had to change the channel whenever there was a sad or hurt animal on the TV because she cried if she thought about animals in pain. She read everything she could get her hands on and hide from her mother, so she could talk about horror and fantasy and historical fiction for hours, and she had a book recommendation for every mood. She was the most fascinating girl that Nancy had ever met.
But the biggest thing that Nancy learned - and perhaps the least surprising thing of all - was that Chrissy loved glitter. She always signed her name in a different colored glitter gel pen because she thought those ones were the prettiest. She had a secret collection of glitter eyeshadows that she kept hidden and only wore to parties when she knew she was going to be sleeping over at someone else's house because her mother told her that only hookers wore glittery makeup. If she had to do a school project that required any sort of visual aid, she was going to include glitter lettering in some way.
“I just think things are the prettiest when they sparkle,” she'd said when Nancy asked her about her affinity for it.
Nancy couldn't deny that Chrissy's eyes popped just a little bit more when she wore her favorite silvery glitter eyeshadow, or that her lips looked extra-kissable when she wore this one specific shimmery pink lip gloss. She wasn't just the most fascinating girl she'd ever met - she was the most beautiful, and maybe that was because she sparkled, too.
So, when it came to choosing a Christmas gift for her, Nancy knew that it had to be something sparkly. That posed its own unique challenge of finding something Chrissy's mother wouldn't notice as a romantic gift from another girl but was still as heartfelt as she wanted it to be. When she arrived at Chrissy's house for their gift exchange, she just hoped she'd been successful.
“Mom! Nancy is here to study!” Chrissy called out as she pulled her girlfriend into the house. “We'll be up in my room if you need us!”
Chrissy practically pulled Nancy up the stairs, racing to get to her room. She knew this was because Chrissy couldn't really relax until they were safe behind her locked bedroom door. So, as soon as that lock clicked into place, Chrissy was placing a quick kiss on her girlfriend's lips before bouncing over to her desk to grab a gift box. She moved to kneel on her bed, sitting back on her ankles, and beamed over at Nancy.
“Someone's eager,” Nancy said as she took off her coat and moved to sit on the bed as well.
“I'm just excited for you to see your gift,” she said with what was maybe the largest smile Nancy had ever seen on her face. “I worked really hard on it.”
Nancy pulled a small wrapped box out of her bag and set it in front of Chrissy.
“You open yours first,” she said.
Chrissy made quick work of opening the package and inside was a pair of small, dangly heart-shaped earrings coated with sparkly red glitter. She immediately pulled them out of the packaging and ran over to her vanity to replace the simple gold hoops she'd been wearing with her gift.
“Maybe they're a little obvious, but I figured you could tell your mom that you bought them when we went to the mall last weekend if she says anything. I saw them and instantly thought of you, so I couldn't pass them up.”
“They're perfect. I love them.”
Chrissy climbed back on the bed and leaned in to kiss her girlfriend before sitting back on her heels again.
“Now, you open yours,” she urged as she slid the box closer to Nancy.
Nancy lifted the lid off of the box, and nestled in the tissue paper inside, she found a simple silver Christmas bauble. The focal point, however, was the heart made out of bright red glitter on the side.
“If anyone asks, you can say it represents the Tin Man because I know he's your favorite,” she said, staring down at her hands. “But I made it special for you. I gave you my heart a while ago, so I wanted you to have a physical representation of what's already yours.”
Nancy set the gift down so she could take Chrissy's hands in her own and give them a small squeeze. Chrissy looked up from their hands to see her girlfriend positively beaming.
“I love that our gifts match,” Nancy told her. “I love that you made your heart sparkle, and I love that your gift was homemade. And, most importantly, I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
As Chrissy leaned in to kiss her again, Nancy noticed a stray bit of craft glitter reflecting the light on her cheek. That was her girlfriend. She sparkled.
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purple gel pens part one — harringrove
soulmate au where every mark on your soulmate's skin appears on your own
( part two here )
the first sign of steve's soulmate came when he was seven. a little drawing of some waves patterned over the inside of his wrist in blue marker appeared at the end of march. it was only one line, curved up to points across his wrist, but still it was from his soulmate, the one person who was destined to love him forever. he'd practically shrieked in delight, immediately hopping up and running to find his dad.
at first, the man had been annoyed that steve had bothered him in his office. but then he'd grinned in amusement when steve thrust his wrist in the air to show off the drawing. "she's talented, son," steve's dad told him, and steve ignored the way his chest didn't quite feel right at that sentiment.
he snatched a pen off of the desk, ignoring his dad's annoyed shouts as he practically slid back into his own bedroom, carpet burn be damned. 'hi' he wrote across his forearm, tongue poking out as he focused on making each letter as perfect as his hand could manage. he sat back on his heels to admire his work, grinning at the way the word stopped just before the edges of the waves his soulmate had made.
steve watched with fascination as a doodle of a smiley face appeared on his forearm just below the greeting he'd written moments prior. there had been a delay, like his soulmate had taken the time to run and tell a parent about the new discovery too.
from then on, steve always carried a pen with him. his arms would be littered in doodles and conversations, discussing favorite foods and how someday his soulmate would take him to the beach because he's never seen it before. while steve used a blue ink pen he'd stolen from his dad, his soulmate used what looked like a glittery gel pen, in purple ink. the colors matched well together, creating an ocean-like pattern of art across his arms and legs.
he'd look forward to when days turned to night. steve would rush through his dinner, fly through his homework with little care to what was being written on the pages, all so he could leap into bed and watch his skin for any sign of conversation.
'how were basketball tryouts?' the purple words curled onto steve's calf, the two of them running out of room on their arms. he knew it would be washed away when the two of them inevitably showered, but for now he could look back on prior conversations and smile.
'i made the team for sure' steve wrote back. 'would you ever come to one of my games?'
a pause, a longer one than normal. he wondered if he scared off his soulmate, wherever they may be. he imagined them curled up in bed too, eyes on their legs as they fought to come up with the right answer.
'i'll be your best cheerleader.' came the response, allowing steve to breathe again. soon after, though, came a question written just underneath the promise. 'are you pretty?'
there it was. it seemed an odd question, a strange wording to ask someone like him. though, steve eventually realized, his soulmate only knew what he ever told them, and they hadn't so much as exchanged names. it had been his soulmate's idea, wanting to keep it a secret so they can find each other naturally. it'll be more fun that way, they'd written.
pretty was how people described his mom. no one ever called his dad pretty, steve realized. so did his soulmate think he was a girl? should he correct them?
steve sat there with his pen against his leg, trying to form the right words. he didn't want to lie to his soulmate, he finally decided.
'i'm a boy' he wrote out, chewing on the pen tip as he waited for an answer.
it was much quicker this time, coming in neat scrawl, 'i bet you're a pretty boy then.'
steve's chest filled with warmth at the thought that his soulmate thought he was pretty. 'you've never seen me, how do you know?' he wrote back, grinning so wide and for so long that it hurt.
an answer never came though. steve stayed awake hours after the lights had gone out in the house, waiting for any kind of remark from his soulmate. none came though, nor did it come the next day or even the next week.
in fact, he wouldn't hear from his soulmate again for another eight years. the only proof he had that his soulmate was still alive was the bruises that blossomed across his chest and the burn in a perfect line across steve's words: 'i'm a boy.'
even at seven, steve knew what that meant.
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kookaburra1701 · 11 months
Only if you feel so inclined, from the non-pacifist list: 12 (Unpopular or overlooked character) 17 (there should be more of this) 23 (unwilling ship...ship for which you never bought a ticket, but here you are?)
Something I want to make clear with these answers: I LOVE CHANGING MY MIND. If you read these and know a fic that counters something I've said or think I've overlooked something or am just plaing WRONGITY WRONG WRONG I welcome reblogs/comments/theses-nailed-to-my-blog-door, etc. 12. Ennis of Rorikstead! He's so fascinating, but doesn't even have a canonical tag on AO3. I don't think he's unpopular/disliked, just completely overlooked until people do A Night to Remember and then they forget about him again. He's always thinking up new ways to improve the farm, and is sooooo into breeding goats. His conversations around Rorikstead are just him constantly coming up with ideas that are ahead of his time and the people of Rorikstead being doubtful about them. Do you want to see my entire binder of notes written in color-coded glittery gel pen about Ennis???? (it only exists in my heart sorry)
17. I'm getting better at searching through the TES tags on AO3, so I'm discovering there's more of this than I originally thought when I got into fandom, but NPC-centric fic. This ties into my Ennis love, ha ha. We get little snippets and windows into all these characters' lives, and some of the views we get seem to be completely internally inconsistent. I LOOOOOOVE fic that takes those seemingly incompatible bits of lore and characterization and synthesizes them into a coherent whole.
23. Teldrana. I never really shipped Serana with anyone - I enjoyed non-ship fics about her, and my Teldryn Sero OTP will always be with @thana-topsy 's bard DB, Aerik. The shippy stuff that came out after the epic Skyrim Sexyman finals was fun, but didn't "do" it for me. Especially since I find Serana very frustrating in-game (I'll admit, she reminds me A LOT of my disaffected teen-angst phase and oh boy was I insufferable and that doesn't even go to how her base mechanics ruin stealth characters) and then lots of shippy stuff seemed to just...gloss over all the trauma or be nothing BUT trauma. It didn't do it for me. Then I started reading Death of the Dragonborn by @expended-sleeper . I'm not even to the shippy parts yet but I am LIVING for Teldrana in this fic!
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pulpitude · 2 months
meet my mc ✦ ilw edition 2/4
yes i know i mentioned 5 mcs in ame's introduction post but i got rid of the fifth one lmao. rip milena wilder you and your slutty antics will be missed. also got rid of aoya and replaced him with mia since there's just something about ao that didn't leave me satisfied enough with their character to keep her as a mc 😭
also a little fun fact about mc's sister: since all my mcs are so different and have different ethnicities i headcanon their sister's full name to be something else every time i play. in mia's case her full name is annalise labelle, in ame's case it's joanna grimes, for my korean mc it's shin an-hee and for my egyptian mc it's anipe el-sayed
(cw/tw for mention of sa and lesbophobia under the cut)
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full name: euphemia "mia" labelle
age: 22
birthday: march 20th, 2000
gender: questioning if cis female or non-binary
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: greysexual lesbian (apologies for forgetting to put the grey flag above 😭)
personality type: genuine 99% of the time, aggressive once in a blue moon
love interest: amalia de león
occupation: unemployed, thinking of becoming a writer/poet
fate: merged with her human half, successfully defeated matty and cured the horrors
fates of friends: everyone survived and stayed
♡ she has two mothers, esmé and miranda labelle, who only legally married when mia turned 12. she calls esmé "mom" and miranda "mama" or even "mamita". her name came to be because esmé wanted something that shortened to mia but didn't want to use just mia itself (she felt it's too basic), to which miranda suggested euphemia.
♡ however, what she doesn't know (and what neither of them wanted to reveal to her, for obvious reasons) is that her biological father is matthias. he used to cheat on silvia with esmé, who tried to leave him after finding out that he's married and that she's into women, but he manipulated her into repressing her attraction to women so she'd stay with him and coerced her into having sex with him.
♡ she's fairly loud about her shipping of abel and lincoln (but obviously not in front of them) and has gotten up to many shenanigans together with amalia trying to set them up, starting from the very first moment they saw the two interacting without arguing.
♡ she is 100% a girl written in pink, glittery gel pen. she frequently listens to female pop artists like britney spears, madonna, sabrina carpenter, (as of recently) chappell roan, girls generation and tomoko kawase. she's also a sanrio girlie and likes dressing in kawaii fashion with a bit of coquette inspiration. (yes all of my mcs are fashion icons don't blame me)
♡ mia does not sleep in that grey hoodie, most of the time she sleeps in bloomers or night gowns/baby dolls but those last ones are usually saved for when she wants to impress amalia. she does wear hoodies (rarely, but she does) but they're in her usual pastel color palette.
ps: if any matty stans follow my blog i'm sorry for making him into an even worse piece of crap than he is in canon
♡ she's very into writing and has been since she was a kid. she writes a bit of everything from poetry to fanfic to original stories and wants to have her works published in the future. ever since amalia got into fanfic as well, mia has beta read for her as well as given her writing tips.
♡ despite neither of them seeing matty as a father, mia still has a healthy sibling relationship with lincoln and considers him to be one of her best friends (and her one closest platonic friend ever since her relationship with amalia turned romantic). the fact they're related has yet to fully sink in for her, but the more time they spend together, the more things in common they realize they have. mlm wlw solidarity fr
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youareinlove · 8 months
1989 vault predictions
"slut!" - there's going to be clever wordplay, most likely a fountain pen song but mayyyybee glitter gel pen. probably going to get overplayed very quickly but i'll probably still love it. it'll be very heartbreaking and very boppy
say don't go - i'm guessing this will be one of my favorites. it's going to be insane, glittery gel pen pop perfection. very haylor of course. i can see it having dream pop elements
now that we don't talk - i think it's about the same person clean is about (JG) because of the 300 coffees line. 300 coffees would be about 10 months if she's getting a coffee a day, and i think that line is from this song. fountain pen song and extremely relatably depressing
suburban legends - i think this song will be about her friends and fame and everything that can entail. glitter gel pen for sure, i'm positive on this one. i also think it's going to be my favorite
is it over now? - haylor perfection. i feel like it'll be out of the woods pt 2, or the second half of the events laid out in question. i think we will be fed very well and it'll be boppy as hell
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quilleth · 11 months
Unusual Muse Associations
Tagged by @faejilly ^-^
Tagging: @mer-birdman @timelord-in-hogwarts @squarelyblue @elliekayy @letyepetyelepetye @steamingowl Tell me about your oc's and/ or blorbos (if you want ;)
Vanora currently owns whatever portion of my brain isn't going towards various fic projects so I'm answering for her!
SEASONING: a little spicy! but also sweet
WEATHER: warm, breezy, good for swimming or fishing or exploring!
COLOR: pinks! (even though she is blue)
SKY: sunny! or the quiet at sunset/ sunrise
MAGICAL POWER: if there is trouble to be had, she will almost always run into it. also she can shape water
HOUSE PLANT: she probably wouldn't keep house plants, but she likes flowers. if she did have one, maybe some kind of hard to kill succulent garden thing
WEAPON: long sword! i imagine she probably also knows her way around many different kinds of fishing equipment, but her primary weapon is her sword.
SUBJECT: p.e.? she's also good at history
SOCIAL MEDIA: *sighs* she would be a tik toker. mostly of the "watch me do dumb pranks of questionable safety standards" variety, and funny things with her siblings.
MAKEUP PRODUCT: probably sparkly and brightly colored eye shadow
CANDY: YES! fruity ones preferably! she'd love jolly ranchers and skittles
FEAR: >;D spoilers! but also the unknown. which is ironic given her penchant for impulsively throwing herself into things. for someone as reckless and impulsive as she is, she really doesn't like not knowing things
ICE CUBE SHAPE: technically, she can make her ice cubes into all kinds of shapes, which she probably would just for funsies and to amuse her friends xD
ART STYLE: bright colorful things! she'd love good old 90's Lisa Frank things
MYTHOLOGICAL CREATURE: hmm this is hard. where she lives is warm enough though that i think a narwhal could count in her opinion xD
PIECE OF STATIONERY: do glittery gel pens count as stationery?
Blanks below the cut!
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hectorthedoggo · 9 days
do you have any silly r1 gang facts? :D:D
hm... i don't want to spoil, so i'll make them menial!!
both haruka and es have eaten a plant they were not supposed to eat at some point
(es doesn't get that sick ofc but oh boy haruka gets sick)
i think. mu hates the non-pretty bugs, like mosqitoes and shit. even though she is a bug.
maybe in the future (no spoilers tho just a dynamic), es would research a random bug and tell all of it to haruka (with diagrams). he tries his best to understand (very excited about what he does). mu confused "it's not even that interesting why tf do you know about all of this? Why would you want to know all of this??" (local girl SICKENED by the amount of autism in her prescence /j)
Shidou was going from town to town to try to save people, but he decided to settle for the sake of his two (now three if he gets his way) not-his-kids.
He has gotten hrk and mu ice cream (hasn't had time to get es)
Kotoko tries (and fails) to climb trees.
shidou #1 maker of tea. he's good with plants and such. he can also make poison but he wouldn't do that
honestly all of the r1 gang could kill someone if they really wanted to. but. morality unfortunately. they're like a group of little bugs.
in a classroom, i think that mu would be that annoying kid that won't stfu while the teacher's talking, haruka would talk with her, but usually be quiet, kotoko would tell them to shush even louder than they're talking, shidou would be the overly-patient teacher, and es would be the dead silent kid that somehow knows all of the material. but. they don't talk. when confronted with interaction, they would simply give a one-word answer and continue writing notes (?) (who knows if they're notes. they might be doodles. it might be the communist manifesto. nobody knows.) shidou probably has met with them after class to ask them if they're okay. they would probably say that they're okay but they won't because they would be late to their next class/they don't want to leave their guardian waiting to pick them up. so. they simply stand up and walk away.
woah that one got long. whoops.
mu is also good with plants.
there might be some romantic love going on with the minors but this is es who's pov we're in. everything flies straight over their head. and i'm pretty sure they're on the aro-ace spectrum somewhere but idk.
i think everyone but haruka would write in a diary with a glitter gel pen: "i'm losing my sense of humanity" (ktks would be dark red but uh it's still glittery)
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do-you-want-hugs · 1 year
currently obsessed with how much the song You’re Stupid Face by Kaden MacKay reminds me of prinxiety, and Virgil is the one singing it
specifically the lines
I'm not really into love that you flaunt
In some glittery font
But if that's what you want
Make it snappy
like roman would for sure write “Virgil’s my boyfriend!!! ❤️❤️❤️” in red glittery gel pen and stick it somewhere hehe and virgil would initially hate it but he would see how happy it makes roman and allow it
also the lines
Because if you don't hate me, I can't hate myself
But that's why I need you
You shatter my fear
i mean come on. it also helps that this is a song that’s in a musical theater style, which is perfect for all the sides really
anyways go listen to Your Stupid Face :)
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ventingmadness · 4 months
Don't know when the last time I wrote one of these was.
Diary entries.
These words would have probably excited my younger self, when the word I knew for it was "daily". Lovingly, I tended to it day and day again, writing down everything I could possibly think of
Phone numbers of my mother - which I technically had engraved in my brain nonetheless - or my classmates - whom I always talked to, but never felt the need to call.
Now, I am back, more than a decade later. Do you miss me, young princess who used to write poems or laint what you saw out of your five store castle of a building? Do you miss writing with different colored, glittering gel pens? Do you miss showing your mother what you did when you cut the pages of you diary in half because of a video you saw?
Do you miss being a little princess? Or a little fairy? Maybe a fairy-princess fitted you best. Winx Club was your favorite cartoon, after all, and Bloom has always fascinated you.
I don't remember the moment I picked up the sword to fight. But I haven't been able to set it down since.
I know you've scolded me enough already for fighting and ripping up your nice, silky dresses. I know you don't like washing the blood off your garments. How much you dislike this neverending war should be no secret to anyone. Yet I am sorry, princess. You had to sell your little crown and tear off your wings. And I'm afraid that even after war ends, I won't be able to buy them back. No amount of money and sewing would be able to bring back the glittery, sparkly, small plastic crown and wings you used to wear back home.
No amount of medicine will be able to bring you back to being a princess. I'm afraid you'll have to remain a soldier forever, and hopefully, you won't have to tend to too many wounds at once again, little one.
For your hands weren't made for killing. They were made to love. What a shame others have it the other way around.
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