#I'm seen as not trying hard enough to form relationships but every time I speak I get treated as insane!
Creations Dance
Danny likes to dance in the night sky while flying in his new ghostly form which is very ethereal holding glimpses of different parts of space and creations unknown, this continues even after he moves to Gotham.
The sky around him becomes his stage,
A stage that matches him and follows his lead.
Gotham has never had such clear skies, able to see each and every star shining brightly.
Twinkling in many colours almost seeming to dance alongside Danny,
Sharing his joy in their existence.
Duke had seen the new phenomenon that was Gotham's skies, who hadn't it was all he would hear people talking around him anytime he left the house, speaking of which were also discussing the same.
Bruce, Tim, and Barbara all researching to see what had caused the change, their bet so far was on magic but not sure who or what was causing it or the reason why.
He had seen the others also poking around seeing if they could find a lead.
But the most curious of all being Jason's new demeanor, ever since the night skies had changed he seemed to calm down almost seeming peaceful.
Which don't get him wrong was a great thing to happen but the timing of it all was too weird, honestly even Bruce was tense about the sudden turn around in demeanor.
So with everyone else occupied he decided he might as well go and enjoy the night sky, it was a very amazing view to miss out on.
He had discovered a new spot a bit far from home but it was quiet and private and would make the perfect spot to stargaze comfortably without being interrupted.
He had fallen asleep accidentally but something had woken him up.
He noticed that it was cold, cold enough that he could just barely see his breath in the air in front of him which should not be possible since it was almost summer, had Mr.Freeze escaped?
Looking around now alert he caught a flash of something up above his head.
Looking up he saw..light and darkness and so many things that his mind couldn't comprehend rather less describe.
His eyes shifted trying to make out what he was seeing, in the center was a being..dancing?
The being seemed to feel his eyes on them because in the next moment they turned to stare at him.
He could feel the weight of their eyes on him their entire presence focused around him radiating power and joy.
Continuing to stare at each other the only thing Duke could think of was,
"You're gorgeous.."
Duke snapped back realizing he had said that out loud his face warming, but the being in front of him seemed delighted.
"Thank you! I'm surprised you're able to see me."
"It's hard not to, you were dancing so happily I could feel it in my chest."
They-he? floated closer
"If you liked my dancing so much you could continue to visit me here to see."
" If you're okay with it then I would really like that, my name is Duke."
"It's a date then Duke! You can call me Danny."
God what was he going to tell the others? He found the cause for the change in Gotham but Danny seemed to be good, not a villain.
Well he'll keep it a secret for a while more right now he had to prepare for his date!
Duke sees Danny dancing around in the sky: "We'll have a winter wedding."
Duke seeing the Bats stressing and losing sleep trying to figure what's going on: "Should I say something? Hm nah."
Danny Dancing around in the sky while Duke is in the background being a supporting bf cheering him on with pom poms: "That's my boyfriend woo~!"
The bats for some reason arguing about each other's past relationships and crushes
Steph pointing at Dick: You're the one with the strangest taste seriously out of everyone in this family Duke and I are the only ones with normal taste! Right Duke!"
Duke " My Boyfriend is a Being/Ancient Ghost of Space That Most of the Time Doesn't Look Human/Humanoid" Thomas: * face sweating while he tries to sneak out of the room* "Umm..*voice crack* y-yeah."
I really enjoyed writing this one, I don't see a lot of Duke/Danny, but the works I've read are all so wonderful ♡
Just an Idea
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scalingsvt8thusiast · 6 months
Skin-Deep Chapter 3
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summary: The one where you fall for Seungcheol amongst all the protests and insecurities. The one where you don't know that he's fallen for you too.
A/N: I was debating doing a 3 and 3.5 again for the latter part of this chapter, but I cannot handle inconsistencies so that means it was either having many 0.5 or having that one off soonyoung insert. So i'm gonna try and stop the 0.5 chps but that depends on my future writings as well D: my mind is plagued by these sort of arguments
You and Mingyu were walking down the street after a very successful shopping trip. He wanted a new pair of leather shoes and you needed a new dress. The two of you were preparing for his parent’s imminent arrival. Every time his parents came into town, they insisted on having at least a meal with you.
“You know, I would have thought that Seungcheol would ask you out by now,” Mingyu said, you could feel him looking at you, trying to get a read on your emotions regarding the topic. 
“And I told you, I’m not special,” you kept your face unreadable, you didn’t want Mingyu to worry. 
It was hard to admit that you like Seungcheol. But you had to constantly remind yourself that despite what he says or the way he acts, he would do it for any girl who gave him any form of attention. His words that probably meant nothing to him, meant everything to you. You weren’t special. This placed you in an awkward situation, if you told Seungcheol how you really felt you’d be risking jeopardising the friendship as well as the dynamics of the group. That and you did not want to embarrass yourself. 
“I think the two of you should talk,” Mingyu said. His forehead creasing from how wide his eyes were. Maybe he would be able to read your mind if he looked at your harder.
“I think you should butt out, Gyu.” You said, you were starting to get annoyed, with yourself and Mingyu. More annoyed with yourself really. “Think about it, Seungcheol’s not dumb. If he wanted to do something, he would have done something by now.”
“Maybe he IS dumb, you never know.” Mingyu shrugged, you looked a him incredulously, “I mean the last time we played soccer together, he did fall down and hit his head quite hard.”
You sniggered and said, “Gyu, I love you, but please for the love of god, shut up.”
Then you spotted something on the other side of the street that made your heart to stop. Mingyu who continued walking noticed that you weren’t next to him. He followed your gaze and made a mental note to never speak ever again. 
Sitting at a table outside a cafe was Seungcheol and a girl. The girl was twirling her hair, looking extra love-sick and giggling while Seungcheol sat relaxed with his arms crossed. As she spoke, she leaned closer him. Mingyu froze with his mouth agape, he didn’t know what to say or do. He turned to you to look at you. Your were standing completely still, eyes devoid of life, your lips slightly downturned at the ends.
“Told you.” You whispered, loud enough for Mingyu, loud enough so he wouldn’t hear how your voice cracked. You met Mingyu’s eyes and gave him a weak smile. Mingyu had never felt shittier. 
He wrapped an arm around your shoulder as he lead you to his car, hoping that Seungcheol did not see the two of you. Actually, he hoped that Seungcheol did see the two of you, that would give Mingyu a valid reason to punch him when you weren’t around. 
The car ride to your place was silent. You sat with your hands on your lap, eyes cast towards the moving scenery. 
Mingyu had seen you through breakups before. He always felt that you had a habit of dating people not on the same level as you were. He could never pick out any decent guys from any of your past relationships. When Seungcheol started showing an interest in you, Mingyu was excited: finally there was a guy worthy of you and your time. Oh how wrong he was.
Mingyu cleared his throat, “Your brother called me the other day, he was talking about some car.” He forced a small laugh. He was hoping to take your mind off Seungcheol, he knew how much you liked home so anything related to that would be good. 
You hummed, then barely loud enough for Mingyu to hear, “I’m alright, Gyu. Don’t worry.” 
Mingyu huffed, when he saw Seungcheol, he was going to get it. 
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“Cheollie~ you left me alone at the party the other day!” Seungcheol rolled his eyes, he couldn’t even remember her name. What was it? Jimin? Stella? Ying? Fuck it. 
“Yea, I just wasn’t feeling it.” Seungcheol reasoned he could probably get through this conversation without saying her name. 
She giggled and leaned closer, “Anyway Cheollie~ I’m so happy we’re finally out on a date! I knew we were always~~~ meant to be” 
Seungcheol cleared his throat and tried his best to lean further away into the chair. If he had a choice he would rather it be you at this cafe, sitting opposite him, rather than this pink, squeaky thing. 
“This is definitely not a date,” he rubbed the bridge of his nose with his eyes closed, he could feel a migraine coming on. “I called you out here because I heard about the way you treated my friend.”
“Which friend? Was it Jeonghan? Baby I only have eyes for you~” Seungcheol wanted to throw up. 
“Who? Baby~ why are we talking about another girl?” 
“You disrespected her while she was working.” Seungcheol was becoming increasing annoyed every second. The thought of this thing disrespecting you pissing him off. 
Soonyoung had told him about the event at the coffee shop. It took all of Soonyoung and a very concerned Jeonghan to stop him from barraging out the door and killing those girls. Who did these people think they were? Paying you off? Disrespecting you that way? He seethed silently throughout the whole outing with his friends.
“OH!” As if she had just received a revelation, she smiled sweetly, “I did you a favour Cheollie~ that gold digger has no place being anywhere near you.”
Seungcheol’s fist clenched. He really did not want to start punching women but this person was making it very hard. He reminded himself, the faster he was done with this, the faster he could go and look for you.
“Your father works at my company doesn’t he?” Seungcheol forced himself to look at her. As soon as he got home that day he looked up this girl’s family, turns out her father worked at one of his father’s subsidiary companies.
The girl’s eyes flicked upwards as if thinking, if that was even possible. “I’m not sure baby, but I’m definitely on your level~”
“Jesus Christ are you dumb- you know what? Let’s cut to the chase I can’t deal with this anymore.”  Seungcheol stood up, not wanting to be in this thing’s vicinity any longer. “You talk to her again, you even so much as look at y/n? I’ll make sure your father is fired, I’ll make sure your family won’t be able to find another job anywhere in the world.”
The girl immediately recoiled from him, her mouth hung open at Seungcheol’s glare. If looks could kill, she would have been dead 10 times over.
“Think I won’t do it, baby?” He spat the last part out like it was poison. 
 “I’ll make sure you never leave your house ever again. Trust me.”
A/N2: Again, always accepting criticsm, comments, questions :D shoot me a message/dm/ask or whatever ✌️
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hi! Im not quite sure if your requests are open at the moment, but I was wondering if you could possibly write a Poly! Marauders x reader? Maybe where the reader talks a lot and is ignored by parents and friends of is yelled at often for small nervous habits they do unconsciously? You don't have to ofc!
Love ur work!!
hi guys! i've been inactive for a while, trying to focus on schoolwork and things, but now i have some time so i thought i would write something! i'm sorry if i didn't respond to any requests, ill try to get those done asap. thanks so much! love u guys<3
to anon: ofc! hope i did this one right:) i kind of did it more hurt/comfort cause you guys know i love my comfort trope<3 also if you didn't want it like this, don't hesitate to send me another req if this was too over the top with the hurt, or you didn't like the tropes:)
warnings: implied and referenced abuse, mention of sirius's past trauma & abuse, feeling not good enough, insecurity, shy!reader, introverted!reader, bruises, hurt/comfort, crying
"(y/n!)" you snapped out of your daydream, blinking your eyes lazily as your focus adjusted to your surroundings. "ignoring us is not okay, (y/n). you need to tell us why you are behind in your classes. you're not doing good enough. we need you to stop getting distracted and focus on your work." your dad scolded you.
"argus, don't you think you're being a bit too rough on her?" your mother said quietly. "i'm sure she's doing her-"
"eleanor, don't interrupt me," your dad said quietly. that shut your mother up, and she said nothing else. you felt for her in that moment, being trapped in a relationship where she couldn't say anything, couldn't voice her own opinions because they would get shut down every single time.
it scared you to think of ever being in a marriage like theirs. because of your parents, you had trust issues, and you didn't think you could let anyone into your heart because of how your parents ended up.
they were high school sweethearts, fell in love at the young age of 16. as a kid, you would look through old boxes in cupboards, filled with old pictures of your mother and father at your age. it was crazy to think that they too fell in love, just like you.
but how their love ended up petrified you. how they thought their love would never end but it did, when you were born. you'd never seen your parents happy, let alone happy together.
playing with your fingers to try and distract yourself from the conversation you were having, you thought of your own relationship with your boyfriends. it was the complete opposite of your parents. they were comforting, respectful, caring and they always loved you no matter what.
your thoughts were interrupted by your father's voice. "for god's sake, stop fidgeting like that!" he yelled, and grabbed your wrists tightly, making you flinch. you could already feel the bruises forming.
"i'm sorry. i'll work harder," you murmured, eyes focused on the floor. you couldn't meet their eyes. you knew you were a disappointment to them. it just hurt too much to even look at them.
hogwarts was made for gifted witches and wizards. although you were relatively smart, you had to work really hard to get good grades, as opposed to some of your friends who barely studied and still managed to get exceptional grades. it infuriated you.
you had managed to convince two of your friends to help you study, as they were really good at astronomy.
at the library, you were excitedly telling your friends about a new book you were reading. you continued, a huge smile on your face, saying, "and so then, the she finally gets together with him, and it's just so dreamy and i-"
"oh my god, (y/n)! are you done?" your friend snapped at you. she looked extremely annoyed at you, and once you glanced at the clock you saw that you'd only been speaking for a few minutes. you didn't get why she had to be so annoyed with you. you didn't do anything wrong, did you?
your smile dissolved, and you quietly said, "yeah."
your friend then proceeded to tell you guys about her new relationship with cedric, who you didn't care about in the least. "i'm just gonna go up to the dormitories," you said quietly, excusing yourself. your friends didn't even notice your departure.
what kind of friends were they? they hurt your feelings, always making you feel worthless, just like your parents. your boyfriends had told you they were both wastes of time but you had ignored them.
'where are they, anyways?' you thought to yourself as you looked around for your boyfriends. you needed them right now. tears pooled behind your lash line as you thought about what had happened.
you felt almost guilty for wanting to see your boyfriends. you didn't want them to pity you, and so you went up to your dormitory, which was completely empty at this early hour. falling face flat onto your bed, you finally let your tears fall.
a few minutes later, you heard a knock at the door, then a soft, "baby? are you in there?" it sounded like james, and you sobbed quietly at his voice, at the comfort it brought you even without seeing him.
"c'mon, let us in," remus said through the door.
"please?" sirius chimed in. "if you don't, we'll feed you to the rats."
"pads!" james whisper-screamed. "why would you say that?"
you smiled. they could easily cheer you up, even just their voices.
you grabbed your wand off the bedside and undid the lock on the door. your boyfriends came bursting in, not expecting the sudden movement, and they caught sight of you on your bed.
"oh, sweetheart," rem said softly.
making his way over to you, he pulled you into his lap and your legs encircled his waist. you let your head fall into his chest and his hand came up to smooth your hair. "shhh," he cooed into your ear. "it's okay."
jamie was already on the other side of you, thumb stroking your palm, already warming you up. you winced slightly as his thumb pressed on your bruise from yesterday.
siri sat on the bed opposite you, and his eyes darkened protectively when he saw the bruises lining your wrists. "pup, what's this?"
for a second you were confused, then you realised what he was talking about. your eyes grew wide as you said, "it's nothing, siri, I promise." you knew about his past, you didn't want to bring it up and have him do something he would regret.
"no, sweetheart," sirius put a finger under your chin, tilting your head so your eyes could meet his. "who did this to you?"
your eyes filled with tears and the anger on his face softened, but he was still inquisitive. "dad," you mumbled under your breath. "but it wasn't his fault, i was being a brat, and-" your tears came back full force, and you whispered, "and i'm not good enough for them." you laughed wetly, then continued. "my friends ignore me. they probably think I'm stupid and useless. i don't deserve to be here. it's all my fault for being friends with them. it's my fault for not working hard enough for my parents."
the boys exchanged a look over your head. their princess, believing she wasn't good enough? well, they couldn't have that.
sirius lifted his hand from your chin to cup your cheek. you leaned against the warmth radiating from his palm, tears still silently flowing down your face. "it's not your fault," he murmured. "it's never your fault. please remember that, baby."
"you deserve everything and more," james said softly.
remus hugged you tightly against his chest. "don't let anyone ever tell you different, princess."
you cried into remus's sweater, letting out everything you'd felt the past few days. they let you cry, knowing it'd be useless to try and get you to stop. you needed a good cry.
"i'm so-"
"don't you dare apologise." sirius's eyes grew serious. "otherwise we're truly feeding you to the rats."
you giggled, hand coming up to wipe your tears but james did it for you himself. they really treated you like their princess.
"i love you guys," you mumbled, sniffling quietly.
their faces softened. "love you too, bug."
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armpirate · 10 months
The Only One || JJK || Ch. 39
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Pairings: mafia!jk x fem!reader
Genre: smut, angst, mafia, contract relationship
Warnings: Prostitution, torture, blood, use of drugs and weapons
Summary: You've always wished for a better life. Every single day at work, you were hoping something would change. Although you didn't think that change would come in the form of one mysterious man and a contract.
His controlling and selfish behaviour only wanted to keep you away from any other man that wasn't him, and you only had to wait for him.
Too bad you really thought you'd be smarter than Jeon Jungkook.
Previous || Next
Aprox. time of reading: 13 minutes
Chapter warnings: smut, female masturbation, unprotected sex, dirty talk, sex in public
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Jungkook admired her reflection on the mirror from the back, playing with his lip ring while Y/n kept moving the skirt of the purple dress to change the length. Although the music of the shop was a bit too loud for his liking, he could still hear her groans and huffs before she threw the dress along with the other two she had tried on. 
—What's wrong with that one? —he frowned— I really liked it.
Maybe his huge need to leave the shop had a lot of influence on his opinion, but it still was the best dress he had seen on her that morning. , and it was the dress she was the happiest to try on when she first wore it. The fabric molded to her curves, reaching her knees. It was sexy enough for him to show her off proudly, but also hid all the parts of her body he wanted to keep to himself. 
—It makes my legs look chubby —she whined—. I'll look ridiculous with that dress at such an important party.
—How can a dress make your legs look in a way they don't? —he got up from the couch, slowly walking to her— It's all in your head.
—Of course you wouldn't understand it —she rolled her eyes, turning so her back would be facing him again.
—What's there to understand?
Her body instantly reacted when the reverse of his finger caressed her skin, moving over her lower back and ghosting her skin so her hairs would raise, asking for more without needing to say a single word. 
—You look gorgeous with whatever you wear —he assured her, kissing her neck softly—. You always drive me insane. 
His hands kept moving over her body, tracing her curves delicately while he pushed his body to hers, redirecting her to the wide mirror in front of them. She instantly felt heated when she was aware of the way his eyes looked at her over her shoulder through the reflection. He worshiped her body, it was like a sacred place for him and that was why he tried to keep her from sharing it with anyone else since the beginning. He wouldn't allow anyone to ill talk about her, not even herself. At least not while he was there to talk back. 
—If I knew no one else would cross a single bad thought through their heads, I'd even encourage you to walk around naked —he whispered, unclasping her bra—. Not a single person would be able to make me as hard as you do with some old bra and panties that don't even match. 
—Okay, but...
—I'm speaking now —he cut her off—. You're mine. If you are, that's because all of you is worthy of my pride. All of you, doll.  
His teeth closed on the sensitive skin behind her ear when his eyes fell over his mark, which only corroborated his words. His body reacted to the sight, starting to feel the pressure against his dark jeans and letting her know the way he felt just by looking at her. A heavy breath escaped from her lips when she felt the growing bulge against her ass, feeling hot just by imagining the filthy thoughts that were going through his head in that moment, and that hinted her with what could be going down in a matter of seconds. 
—Are you trying to imply I should be embarrassed of you? —he caressed her nape with his left hand, while the other one kept moving down her body. 
Although she was waiting for it, Y/n still was surprised when his fingers tangled on the elastic of her panties and moved them down, seeing the fabric sliding down her legs by itself, surrounding her ankles. 
—Maybe it's my fault —he reflected out loud, squeezing her nape while his fingers moved up her inner thigh—. I was so lost in my business that I didn't pay attention to you, and caused you to have those dumb thoughts, huh?
She ate up her own gasp when his fingers found her core, spreading her wetness until his digits found her clit. Jungkook started moving two of his fingers in slow circles, getting drunk with her reaction alone. Her breath was heavy through her lips, trying to control her own reactions when his teeth trapped her earlobe while making sure they kept eye contact. 
—Spread those beautiful legs a bit for me —he asked her.
Her legs moved instantly after his words drilled her ears, sliding her feet over the beige carpet just like Jungkook wanted her to. And her back arched as he slowly slid inside, feeling her walls taking him in like her body had been waiting for him.
It didn't matter where it happened, or when, it just felt like the first time. Eager and desperate to reach the deepest spot to feel completely linked to her. It didn't matter how many times they had sex, Y/n still felt as desired and wanted as the first night they spent together.
Jungkook groaned, changing the angle of his hips to rub himself against a spot that made her eyes roll to the back of her head, unable to keep looking at the reflection. His palm still covered her pussy, making her clit rub against his skin every time her body bounced forward with his thrusts. He was making her go insane, and he knew her so well that he knew how to make her go even crazier. 
Her hands held onto his shoulder and his hair over her hair, digging her nails and fingertips on his clothes and locks, trying to make sure she wouldn't lose balance any moment. Covering her mouth with his free hand, Jungkook redirected her eyes to the reflection, forcing her to look at the reflection, burning in the image in her retina for the next time she felt insecure about her body. 
—You're so beautiful, doll —he groaned in her ear—. So fucking gorgeous. But you'll look even more precious when they start shaking when you cum on my cock. You gonna do that for me, right?
Her head moved steadily, nodding to his words while her moans kept being shut by the left palm of his hand. 
Without warning her first, he pulled out and made her turn to him, trapping her lips in a lewd kiss that almost made her tiptoes curl. Their tongues moved against each other, eating up their own gasps when he lifted her body in the air, pushing her against the mirror and sinking deep in her again. 
Her whines started off low and weak, but they kept earning a new pitch with every new thrust he gifted her. She wasn't able to control her feelings when it came to him. 
—Please —she whispered, breaking the kiss.
Jungkook looked up to her through his eyelashes, proud of her fucked out and needy expression. Her eyelids were almost closing while she looked down at him, and her lips were slightly parted as she tried to gather as much oxygen as possible. 
—Are you going to wear that dress? —he teased, tilting his head.
—Only if you fuck me later with it on —she teased back, smirking. 
That was exactly the answer he wanted. 
Holding her tight by her thighs, with his fingers denting on her flesh, he linked their lips together to keep her from moaning before he started rocking his hips against her core again. With every thrust, her body collided against the glass, making it bounce back to the white wall behind it.
They both knew the other was close by reading each other's bodies, they both gave it away easily. In a matter of a few seconds her walls tightened around him while his dick twitched in pleasure and spilled in her core. 
—You're beautiful, babe —he whispered, kissing her shoulder—. And wear what you want. If someone dares to say something, I'll cut their tongues and tear out their eyes so they aren't able to say any bullshit about you. 
Those words were worth it when he saw the way she smiled to them, looking away while trying to calm herself down. 
He helped her put her underwear on after he left her back on the ground, and handed her the clothes she had left folded over the backrest of the armchair he was sitting at. While he left her to get dressed calmly, Jungkook took the amount of dresses she had rejected in one hand, while he took the purple dress on the other to pay for it. 
✸ ✸ ✸
He could tell she was nervous when the car stopped in front of the big club, strategically placed in the middle of the two roads. Her fingers moved over his reverse constantly, feeling uneasy at the thought of how risky it all was. They were still on time to leave and forget about everything, just focus on their own life and the future they could be able to build together, even if they were just hiding. Jungkook would never be able to live a calm life even if they did that. And she was aware. The man next to her would be paranoid, and think the minimum thing was a sign of danger for them unless they finished it all for good. 
Y/n looked up to him when she was aware of his eyes on her, concerned for the uneasy thoughts that were possibly going through her head as she stared at the wide terrace of the establishment. 
There she was again, forgetting her own worries to turn into a pile of strength for him. 
—Whatever happens there, I'm with you —he assured her.
Her hand raised to his cheek, caressing his skin with her thumb before he moved his head to kiss her palm. 
—Let's ruin a party—she giggled. 
Jungkook held her hand tight ever since they left the car and walked up the stairs to the first entrance to the terrace, just to be redirected to the second entrance that led to some stairs down inside the club where loud music was heard through the walls. 
Of course his father rented the whole place for his own ego. 
He wasn't able to recognize some of the faces he saw, neither of his men were there -since they were asked to wait outside so his father wouldn't take their attendance as some type of threat. And he was sure more of those people that were invited had more to do with Pedro anyway. 
Their walk was stopped when a bulked up man stopped in front of them, and told Jungkook to follow him. 
—Remember what I told you? —he said loudly near her ear, so she'd be able to hear her voice through the music. 
Of course she did. And clearly she wasn't going to go on with his plan, even if she promised him she would. Running away, and leaving him there by himself wasn't something she was going to do.
They moved through the crow, hands intertwined tightly so neither of them would be too separated. At some point, Jungkook moved her closer to her body, pulling her wrist to his belly so her chest would be against his back, and she'd be completely covered in case something happened. 
Apart from the dance floor, behind a black door that connected with the counter of the bar, there was a quieter room with two black leather couches that formed a reversed "L" in the middle. In the middle of all the people that were celebrating, there he was: Jeon Jungho. 
His father smirked when he saw his younger reflection in front of him, with the same frowned expression he was taught. Although his smile dropped when he saw that thin hand Jungkook was holding against him, before he spotted her eyes over the pad of his jacket. 
—What is she doing here? —he pointed at her with his chin. 
—Is that seriously the first thing you're going to say after seeing your son for the first time in years?
—Well, I already know what I need to know, there's no need to ask anything else —the old man shrugged—. But I'm going to ask: what are you doing here?
Jungkook looked around, eyes going from the man sitting the the furthest corner of the couch, to the one that was nearest to where he was standing, before he let go of Y/n's hand softly, caressing her fingers with delicacy. He stepped forward, in the middle of those couches, right in front of his father, sinking to his knees with his head up high, gaze always connecting with Jungho's one. 
—I'm offering the chance to retire on time —Jungkook whispered—. Leave me and Y/n alone, step away from the family that doesn't belong to you anymore and let's live a peaceful life. I'm offering you the chance to live.
The old man chuckled at his son's comment, leaving everyone in the room confused before they all followed and laughed along. Meanwhile, Y/n wasn't able to understand a single word they were speaking, but it was enough for her to read through the expressions of Jungkook's father. The disdain in his eyes, like he was looking at a dog and not a person was taking the worst out of her, yet she held back.
—I raised you well, didn't I? —his right gray eyebrow curved— You're the one kneeling, the one that has more to lose, and the one who needs something from me, yet here you are... demanding shit and even threatening me when I could kill you right now with one gesture. 
—I'm not threatening you. I'm aiming for peace —he quickly denied—. Bangtan could be harmed with our battle.
—Do you think I care about Bangtan after what you turned it into? —he bent over, getting closer to his son's face— You harmed it the second you fucked that whore and claimed her as part of the family. Don't blame me for the mistakes you made —he whispered, slowly, going word for word—. You're still on time to mend all you did wrong. 
 Lifting two of his fingers in the air, he motioned one of the men that were standing on each of the corners in the room to walk to him and hand him his gun. 
—Get rid of what made me distrust you —he handed him the gun—, and I promise everything will go back to normal. You'll get back your safety —he smiled—, and your father. 
Jungho's chest puffed with pride when Jungkook took the gun in his fingers, surrounding the handle with his fingers. There was his last test to show his devotion to the family, and to show off he was worthy of his position. 
Y/n was confused, heart beating fast when she saw Jungkook holding the gun that his father handed him. At first she thought that, maybe, he was putting him on a test, the typical move in movies to show if he was brave enough to go on with his threats and do what he was saying when the villain gave him the resources to do it. But she was shocked when Jungkook stood up, and instead of pointing to her father, he started walking to her. 
Playing with his lip ring while looking down at the gun, he sighed. There was something inexplicable in the way she felt when his hand raised to her head. It was frightening, horrendous to see the person she loved pointing a canyon of a charged gun at her. Yet she still trusted him, staying still on the spot while her eyes were still linked to his and she was still seeing the person she came with. 
She had the chance to run, to assure herself she'd be safe, but she didn't move. Although she almost lost balance when her knees went weak from relief when Jungkook moved his arm fast, changing the target to his father's head. 
Seeing his choice, Jungho only scoffed, while the rest of the people in the room didn't move -except for the other three men that were waiting with their hands in the air, pointing their guns at him. 
—Are you going to kill your father to protect a hoe?
—You've been dead for seven years anyway.
When he pulled the trigger and nothing came out of it but air, Jungkook tried again. But nothing came out of it. Jungho snatched the gun from his son's hands, dropping the empty charger in front of their eyes. 
—Did you really think I would give you a charged gun? While you're thinking with your dick and not your head? —he mockingly laughed at him— You really don't know what you've just done —he took a step forward—. You've just sentenced you and your girlfriend to the worst of the deaths I can give you. 
Jungkook saw no point in arguing anymore. He knew there was nothing left to be done there. And he was also sure his father wouldn't kill them right there, he was more the type to rejoice himself in knowing the people he was threatening were hysterical when their time would come. 
He was just that twisted. 
Jungkook held her hand, walking away from there with her -or more like dragging her outside to make sure nothing would happen to her that night. Although he stopped midway when he saw someone he recognized. 
What was Yejun doing there?
Taglist: @kaiparkerwifes @sheylamc @amy2006jones @allamericanuniverse @00frenchfries00 @massivelyfullenthusiast
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telnaga · 2 months
wrote a little thing about childhood friendships. i want to make drawings for it to make it a tiny visual novel, but u can read it <3
You're together, on the cool concrete, shaded beneath a large two-walled shed that occupies this corner of the outside space. You're in a lonely corner; cool brick against your backs, the gentle sun and open air to your side. A breeze plays. It is a perfect, unexciting day, and here, in the shadows, you feel light, and real.
Cleo feels it, too. And her hands clasp each other as she faces you, without a shred of self consciousness, more with a sense of reserved determination. Her face is open. There are no walls between you.
"I'm a witch," Cleo says.
You believe her. Are witches real? You're not sure, but you believe her. She feels so real in this moment. So earnest. Something, of some nature, lives strong in her, and in a quiet, desperate way, she is sharing a piece of it with you. It's a present, a secret. You have to believe her.
"That's so cool," you say. As a fact, not an exclamation.
"I can do magic," she whispers. Wind brushes your bare arms, bringing with it the laughter of children on the far side of the shed. "It's hard, and not always. But if I think about something hard enough, sometimes it can happen. I can talk with animals. And fly in my sleep."
You dream of flying, too. You only realize this now, in this moment. Memories of gliding, soaring over open fields and the waves of pines that line your hometown; power lines running like rivers beneath you, you flapping and straining to climb higher. The wind on you, beneath you, through you. Power, effort, freedom. You picture yourself, seen from the ground; how anyone would marvel, would be proud! For you to have unlocked and mastered such a skill, the kind that could take you far away from here.
After this moment of spaced out recollection, something sparks, turns, begins to form. You lean in, and tell Cleo, "I can fly, too." Her face, like a sunrise, blooms into an open smile. You are the same. You are the same.
You speak together, in the shade, of magic, flight, wild animals, strange occurrences, the ghosts of lost family. You speak of things you don't understand and the times that you received strange insights into them, like a star falling and landing in your heart, bursting and feeling uniquely indescribable.
You don't touch each other. Raw skin is vulnerability. You live in balance with vulnerability, as children mostly unwanted. You know adults can do whatever they want with the inconvenience of your person; as friends and confidantes, you do not touch, you do not breach the sanctity of security of the body.
But you share, and share touch through beloved objects. You trade little cards, for the art, for the fantastic animals you imagine befriending you, following you even on car rides, dashing across sidewalks and power lines. You hold each others' dolls, and stuffed animals; you tell each other their names, their stories. You tell each other so many stories, of the world and yourselves. Everything you know is a story, and not all of it makes sense; but doesn't that make it better? That's where the magic is; in the gaps between what is charted. The unknown is utterly, arrestingly beautiful.
Two witches, weaving magic about themselves, dancing in the space between. Trying to fly by jumping off playground equipment holding an open umbrella. Always chasing the freedom and power that happens when you sleep.
Summer always ends. You give each other a number, and hug; one mutual touch, a flourish at the end of a passage. The number is on a torn scrap of paper; you set it somewhere. You know where it is. You never call it. What existed was lightning in a bottle; you were put together, reliably, every day, by the forces that be. Now separated by unfathomable distance, and unmovable parents, the relationship is in the realm of magic.
But, like all close witches, you visit in your dreams. You fly to each other over fields, lakes, pines; kicking off trees, working the muscles in your arms, putting your heart and determination into the magic of your freedom. The freedom that you've earned.
And you clasp hands, in the safety of this un-space. And you look out to the clouds, and speak, with great volume, in silence.
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Give Me a Hand 2: Reciprocation
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TW: Smut. DominantDrew! Oral sex. Thigh Riding. Spanking. Fingering. Rough sex. Smut. Language. Degrading Language. 
SUMMARY: When you decide to torture Drew in public-yet again, he decides it’s time to put you in your place…
Give Me A Hand 2: Reciprocation
It had been two weeks two long since you'd last seen Drew. With reshoots and interviews, your difference in schedules always meant playing phone tag in flirtatious texts and promises of making plans once you shared the same soil. However, the height of the show's popularity made every attempt made to be alone with him truly impossible as he wanted you all to himself. Because of this, the two weeks became three then four, until the morning marking the six month prompted you to take action. 
Granted access on set by Madelyn, you decided to surprise him as you waited until he filmed his scene before making yourself known to him. The second his eyes found you, that welcoming smirk altered his expression from Rafe, back to Drew. By now, everyone was knowledgeable of your relationship, even if neither of you had labeled it. You didn't need to. The pet names used had been enough of a title for you both as you basked in having your own bubble away from the public eye. 
"I missed you…" You spoke into his ear while you sat on his lap, the cast set around the table of a popular restaurant in Charleston before being due back on set within the hour. 
"Careful how you're moving there, sweetheart, can't go back to work with a hard-on…" This gave you the most devious of ideas as your lips pulled to a smirk and you 'adjusted' over his cock. The rigidity of his excitement already formed beneath you, he tried to still your hips to keep you from being too obvious. 
"Can't handle it?" You rivaled as he suddenly rooted you in place. 
"You already had your fun last time…" He reminded you as a blush deepened across your cheeks at the memory of that very exchange. 
"Gotta be a good girl, now."
"But that's no fun…" You pouted as he smirked at how adorable this pucker of your lips and furrow of your brows had appeared to him. 
But it had been WEEKS since you'd felt his touch. Too many days had passed since you'd felt him inside of you. It was enough to push past his rejection as you continued your motions, damning judgment from anyone who dared look your way. 
"Babe…I'll take care of you later, I promise-"
"But I need you now…" You whined, playing with the chain wrapped around his neck and nibbling on the lobe of his ear, all while continuing your motions. 
"And I need you to stop-" He was sincere, almost annoyed, if not for the slight interruptions of his breathing coming from the pleasure your movements allowed him. 
"You sure about that? Seems to me like you're enjoying it…" 
"If you don't stop-" 
"You'll come?" His hand suddenly took the back of your neck in his grasp. 
"I'll make you sorry- '' You had to repress a laugh as Drew was too sweet to make anyone sorry for anything. Even if he was passionate and dominant with sex, he was not cold amd calculated as he wanted to appear to you in this moment. But you were pushing every last one of his goddamn buttons. 
"I'd like to see you try…" You teased, rolling your hips one final time before feeling your weight shifting to your feet. Before you could speak, you were taken into his car and driven back to the direction of the set. In your attempts to speak, he was quick to berate you. 
"It was cute the first time, sweetheart…not when I have to be at work in thirty minutes in cum stained pants…"
"I just want-"
"I know what you want. And if you actually want to get it, you're gonna keep quiet until I'm ready for you to scream for me." Showing his pass and being allowed inside, he parked in what was reserved for cast and crew before moving to the passenger side of the car and taking you to the direction of his trailer. 
"Come on-" He patted his thigh as you cocked your expression in confusion. 
"The only way you're getting off is on my thigh-"
"But you gotta learn a little lesson first-" He moved you forcefully over his lap, bending you to what would still be comfortable, before lifting your skirt to expose your ass. 
"I owe you a few…as promised…" He explained, a bitter sting left behind by the rest of his palm to your skin as you belted out a whimper of surprise and pain. 
"Wanna ride my thigh in public? Trying to make yourself come like a desperate little whore that can't wait an hour for me?"
"Drew-" He struck you again, this time soothing the pain in a gentle caress, before repeating the process. 
"So needy and greedy…" His finger suddenly slipped inside of you, an action unnoticed due to the pain of his strikes. 
"And so fucking wet, oh my God!" He groaned, curling his fingers before stretching you with a second. 
In and out. Quick with fingers bent perfectly to your g-spot. He sourced for your satisfaction and imprinted his focus, drawing the most decadent of moans from your throat before suddenly retracting. 
"Drew- '' With one hand, he was undressed, his cock at emotional attention with a weeping tip as you'd obliged all too quickly to his invitation. With fingers still anchored in penetration, he used his second hand to your hair to guide you. 
"I've been thinking about you taking me like this behind those pretty little lips for weeks…don't disappoint, sweetheart…" He smirked as you angled yourself over him. A talent with your tongue, you had him raising his brows and contortions his features with just how enthusiastic you'd been. A usual sheepish girl who was able to keep herself not only in check but also mostly on the sidelines, he brought something out within you completely different. And it made you want to please him that much more. 
"Fuck!" You grinned to his exhale, savoring his salt before being taken upwards to his lips. 
"Everytime I think I know you…you keep giving me reasons to want to make you come…" He spoke once retracting from a thorough kiss. 
"It's all I can think about every fucking second!" He quickened his fingers inside of you as he'd continue to hit THAT spot over and over again. His name left your lips in a broken whine as you almost began to bounce against his hand as he kept you still as if to inhibit any sense of control that you attempted. 
"But I can still control myself long enough to not act so desperate-"
"Please Drew, I just want you so badly-"
"Think I don't know?" He chuckled. "You're a desperate, selfish little thing…impatient-but fuck, so sexy pretending to be so innocent until you want it-" He bit his bottom lip as you motioned back towards his cock before you were positioned over his thigh. 
"I said you only get to come on my thigh…So ride it, sweetheart." He assisted your positioning as you paused for a moment before guiding yourself over the fabric of his jeans. However, the friction was nearly painful as his words themselves were almost enough to edge you. 
"Feel good baby?" Before you could answer, he was laughing at you, "Yeah, I fucking know it does…keep going." He smiled, the intentional tense of his muscles amplifying the pressure building slowly between your legs. 
"What about-your…your pants?" You whimpered, that usual worry showcasing itself against wanting to please him. 
"You let ME worry about that. You just come like the dirty girl you are…" You nodded, the names only endorsing you as you knew it was meant almost as endearment between you two. The passion was at its apex and you trusted everything beneath its conjurings. 
"Could always tell ‘em how you were so desperate you couldn't couldn't wait for my cock, just rode my thigh like this til you came-"
"DREW!" You belted, hand tightening behind your neck in your attempts to find comfort in allowing it to fall back with slack. 
"Nuh uh, I didn't get to hear you scream last time…That's all I want to hear from you now on-" Taken higher from his knee, he was suddenly inside of you. The distant familiarity of his cock sprung into you with the same precision as before was a soothe to your need. However, it did little to ease your behavior. His fullness was only a motivation as you stabilized your hands to his shoulders and began to set the pace before he lifted you upwards and onto your back. 
"If you would have behaved, I'd let you come so many times, you'd know just how much I'd missed you…But now, you're gonna make it up to keep keep taking what I fucking give you-" You were taken to your knees and forced over the arm of the couch as he pounded into you. Held at its edge by only your hair and the claw of your own fingers, slaps to your ass interrupted the silence infringed by your moans, as he climbed in crescendo behind you. 
"Drew! Oh my God!"
You only found another slap to your ass, the sting quelled by his thrusts, deep and quick, before the sound of voices outside the trailer reminded you of where you'd been. You buried your head into the fabric before you until feeling him lift you enough to no longer have this option. 
"No, sweetheart. You wanted to act like a little slut in public….so you're gonna let them hear what happens when you act like that." A final slap to your ass sent you to gasp as he groaned with a speed increasing to you having obeyed. 
"Sing for me, baby-" You allowed each and every moan and groan to expel to the air as he continued his paces. The grip of your hair eventually loosened to only your hips as he used every ounce of his strength to prove his point before coming to that edge. 
"Had enough? Wanna come don't you?" 
"Then make me come…show me you can listen and behave and take my cum for me baby…fuck it out of me, come on- Use that little attitude and come baby…let me have it…" He was winded and desperate as he allowed you to make up the pace before ultimately overtaking you in final motions of pure unbridled dominance. 
"Fuck!" He called to you, your name a sweet echo on his lips as you were returned to his knee. 
"Now, let me watch you, baby-"
He grounded you by your hips, leading you in circular motions before driving his thumb to your clit. The release of his name only came as mutterings from your groans as he grinned in approval. 
"Come on, baby…I know you want it, don’t get shy on me now-" You nodded as he intensified your sensations by twisting your nipples and taking you to your edge. 
"Come for me." This was enough to warrant that release, the rush of satisfaction too powerful to silence, a desperate gasp of his name and the evidence of his effect now worn on his leg. 
"Think you can behave long enough for me to go back to work now?" You nodded, overtaken with pleasure as he kissed you. 
"Good. Make sure you drink some water and eat something, because when I come back, you're coming on my cock next time.."
Taglist: @hopebaker @iovdrew @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271
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larrysficlibrary · 5 months
Fics with the tag 'Angst'
❥ all we can do is keep breathing [310k] ♡ thealmightyavocado
"Harry, I- I'm so sorry..." Louis stutters out, trying to keep his voice level and even, to portray a depiction of strength, but with the way Harry is looking at him, staring at him like he has a personal passage way straight to Louis' soul, it's so hard, nearly impossible. That simple opening phrase, that short introductory acknowledgement that is often rushed out so easily, painlessly, at a safe distance. Giving a doctor the ability to portray empathy without true emotion, without feeling the full brunt and sheer force of the underlying pain itself. But Louis feels it, he feels the crushing agony laced behind the phrase, he feels the weight of the painful words, slipping from his lips, the cause and effect that the three-word expression holds. The distantly empty "I'm so sorry" that doctors through out in self-preservation, isn't at all empty for him. Louis recognizes it, he understands it, he feels it. ✚☤✚ a fated story of two broken and battered boys who barely survived the unimaginable and how the love of one little brave girl defies all the odds and somehow puts them back together.
❥ one breath at a time [427k WIP] ♡ thealmightyavocado
"Louis, I know it's hard, but I need you to focus and tell me exactly what happened, ok?" Louis is shaking uncontrollably, his hands, his heart, his mind, nothing is stable, nothing is ok. He feels untethered, boundless in time, yet paradoxically his entire life is torturously bound to this very moment. Absolutely nothing he tells his mind serves to calm his racing thoughts, he commands his body to move and his body betrays him, commands lips to speak, but no words form. All Louis can do is blindly stare at the sickeningly heavy blood coating his arms, dripping to his trembling fingers. Tears ceaselessly pour down his cheeks despite how hard he squeezes his eyes shut, trying desperately to calm himself enough to utter a sound. An he can't breathe, despite all of his failed efforts to catch his wandering breath and gasp a much-needed lungful of oxygen, his diaphragm constricts further still, suffocating him from the inside out. breathe, breathe, breathe Louis forces a sharp inhale that hurts as the breath expands his stilted lungs, god it hurts. Like stabbing his chest with a serrated knife, dragging the jagged blade through his heart over and over and over again until there is nothing left.
❥ These Hallowed Woods [36k] ♡ snowcaplou
Before he can allow himself to feel bad for himself, Harry is coming back into the cave. He's changed into his wolf form and hanging from his bloody maw is the largest bear pelt that Louis has ever seen. The first thought that enters his mind is how. How did Harry manage to kill something so big when his best trackers can barely find scraps in these woods. The second thought the flies through his mind is: Oh fuck. Because Harry has just laid a pelt at his feet. There's no mistaking what is happening any longer. Harry has just presented Louis with an invitation for courtship. OR Louis becomes Luna of the Tomlinson Pack after the untimely death of his father, the Pack Alpha. Saddled with his newfound responsibility and an unpleasantly demanding pack council, he finds secret respite in the arms of a rogue wold that camps out just outside his territory. The only problem? The rogue has no idea who Louis actually is, and as Louis falls harder and harder for the man he escapes to every night, the weight of his lies steers him along a path of certain misery.
❥ Back to the Beginning [857k] ♡ LHStylinson
Prequel to All About Us. After Harry and Louis share some of their story with the boy that stole their daughter's heart we go back to where it all started. From the very beginning they fall in love and we see their lives without their kids and watch as their relationship is tested. The struggle of becoming teen parents and then turning their lives into what they have in All About Us.
❥ When You Least Expect It [182k] ♡ LHStylinson
Harry and Louis' son is on a journey of self discovery and figuring out his own sexuality, with some very unexpected turns for the Tomlinson family along the way.
❥ Take Your Time [247k] ♡ LHStylinson
Rosie Tomlinson is the third oldest of the Tomlinson kids and seems to have broken the tradition of falling in love by 18. It's her first year of uni and she still hasn't held a boy's hand, hasn't had a real first kiss. When she does meet a boy though she knows bringing him home won't be easy. Her dad (Louis) will be even more overprotective than he was over her older sister, Alexis. But at least Rosie has her pop (Harry) as help to somewhat keep her dad from losing his head.
❥ A Darker Shade of Love [751k] ♡ LittleSpoonStyles94
Louis is a 30 year old multi-billionaire with a very dark past. He is violent and is a sadist with a taste for pain. Harry Styles is a 19 year old student who sets out to London after being kicked out by his homophobic father to follow his dreams. He wants to go to the best University to study but he needs a lot of money so he starts to work as a part time stripper at a gay club to support his studies and his life. The club he works at, Garland's, is part owned by Louis Tomlinson. When they meet, its life changing for the both of them.
❥ Compass to my Soul [31k] ♡ LadyLondonderry ♡ Espanol
Harry Styles, alpha, is 1/4 of the perfect pack, and 1/5 of world famous boy band One Direction. He spends his time touring the world with his best friends and family. Louis Tomlinson, omega, is 1/5 of world famous boy band One Direction. He spends his time hoping his bandmates don't notice him.
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Elrya: The New World By T. A. Onkọwe (Me)
2 - Kaeden
The fourth Prince and later King of the Northern Cerisi Isles was a strange sort, there are almost no records of him having relations with the fairer sex, and he's relationship with his Queen Hersa was believed to be largely sexless, with the few exceptions needed to create his heir.
His most constant and close companion appeared to be Duke Edan of Brini. The two were known to go on long hunting trips alone together, visit bath houses and upon the Queen's death they moved to Goldquest castle to live out the rest of their days together. They were reportedly very good friends.
-Luc de Gavon, A History of the Nobility of the Continent of Elva.
The emerald, green leviathan slithered out from between the mists, swimming through the air as if it was just like the water below, no wings in sight. It approached Kaeden's flagship slowly, massive golden eye, regarding the ship curiously. Kaeden stood in the crow’s nest, eye level with the beast as it came closer, great axe and shield gripped tightly in case of the worst. His crew was on deck, silent and still as possible as he confronted the creature. He'd told them to drop their weapons to try and avoid this turning into a fight.
If push came to shove Kaeden could handle himself till, they got their weapons ready.
Soon the beast was inches from his face, head turned so it could peer at him with one wide eye. Its mouth did not move, but he heard it speak in his head.
"I am here to pay respects to my kin." Its voice was sand scraping against stone. "It is not often I meet other skyborne."
Kaeden's shoulders dropped as he untensed. As he suspected and hoped, this serpent was non-hostile. "I am Kaeden of Lormir, Crown Prince of the Southern Cerisi Isle and duke of Grale." Kaeden introduced himself in the stuffy and formal way he'd been taught. "Welcome. Your presence is appreciated"
The serpent laughed in his head in return, golden eyes squinting in what appears to be amusement. "By you maybe, but not by your crew. Even now they brandish bows against me in spite of your orders. Though I do not blame them, not every godling can be blessed and cursed with a human form." The creature's voice was now twinged with mirth as it continued to speak. "As for my name. I haven't had a human one in quite some time, but among my people I am known as TheyWhoRacestheWind, and I do not hail from anywhere."
"They don't understand. They see scales and they are full of fear. I've seen too much to be properly afraid."
"In normal circumstances that would be unwise indeed, as most massive scaly creatures would be wrecking your ship right now instead of talking." The serpent coiled and twisted; head pointed to the cloudy sky. "I must take my leave now little brother, tell your men you scared me with your stare, sailors always love a good story."
With that, it soared into the sky, gracefully disappearing into the fog and mist.
As soon as it was gone, cheers erupted from the deck below, weapons clinked together, and someone rolled a keg onto the deck from below.
Alcohol? ...wonderful.
Kaeden sighed and made his way down the rigging, reluctantly joining his crew in their revelry. Once he got to the deck, his friend Arynn was the first to meet him and the first to congratulate him.
"Well done, Kae, you faced down a creature most grown men would soil themselves over and lived to tell the tale." Arynn slaps him on the back hard enough to make him stagger. "Though I must say I'm surprised you didn't kill it. The scales would have made great trophies."
"I don't see the need." Kaeden shrugged as Arynn ushered him to a table the crew had dragged out from below deck. "It wasn't harming anyone, and it seemed peaceful enough."
Kaeden grimaced as Arynn clapped his back and boasted on his behalf. He yanked his hand back as static lightning arched of Kaeden's back. Arynn winced but quickly shrugged of the little shock and continue to brag on his behalf.
"We'll make it to Kirus in no time with the winds on our side," He boasted as two flagons of ale were slammed down on the table in front of him. Kaeden grimaced at the brown swill. If he was lucky, Arynn would get drunk and down both their drinks before anyone could notice he didn't touch his drink. Otherwise, he'd have to stealthily pour it out.
He wasn't very stealthy.
"A toast to the crown and the greatest adventurer in Elva. No beast of the sea or skies stands a chance against our Prince." Arynn shouted before downing his flagon to a storm of applause. "Did I ever tell you about the time I watched this man wrestle a gorlon? It was 13 moons ago to this day..."
Arynn launched into one of his stories, recounting a slightly more glamorous retelling of the fight, as if they hadn't already heard the story dozens of times before, which only served to deepen Kaeden's embarrassment. The only thing Kaeden remembered from that night was having to bathe for hours to get rid of the slime.
His 'adventures' were never as wonderful as they were made out to be, most of the time he was covered in slime, or blood, or viscera and he rarely ever left a fight without wounds or broken bones.
Or a lost limb. Kaeden stared down at his iron hand.
He played along though, because what was his alternative? Sulk off to his quarters because he's moody that his subjects were praising him too much? Not an option, unless he wanted to be forever known as the dick head prince.
And he will admit, today wasn't the worst event for his crew to witness. He had to admit he'd given quite a performance when he swung from the mast. But anyone else with his powers and his advantages in life could do the same.
"...and that's how the halls of Tallan gained their newest centre piece." Arynn finished the story to a raucous round of applause and as predicted, grabbed Kaeden's drink for another toast. 
"We'll feast there when we return!"
After a few hours of feigning enjoyment, Kaeden adjourned to his cabin. The ship's medic, a petite mousy woman, was waiting for him. She spread her medical supplies out on his bed and went to work.
Kaeden winced as she finished disinfecting his stump, making sure the wounds wouldn't get infected or scar in an ugly way. Kaeden tried to speak to her, wanting to try and thank the person patching him up, but she turned mute as a mouse and answered his questions in short phrases and single words.
He gave up. She left soon after and Kaeden was alone again.
Nothing new there.
He could go back up and join the drunken party stomping about above his head. But they didn't speak to him either. They spoke about him, they praised him, put him up on a pedestal with no way to climb down.
Kaeden stared down at his stump and studied the circlet about his forearm, remembering the only person he knew that was trapped in the exact same guided cage. He and Arli, they were bound together, for better or worse, and though he loved her, and she loved him, it wasn't in the way they were supposed to.
The way he sometimes wanted to.
Would they still admire me if they knew?
Doubtful. He missed her.
A.N- @sewi-li-suwi, @sinharder, @reiki-tsubetai@concoctionboy and @hummbirb if you're interested. Let me know if you don't want to be @'ed.
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junipaca · 9 months
jotting my thoughts on pokemon rejuv so far since im just finished battling hazuki.
hell yeah more utilization of double battle scenarios. those are my jam and butter i have so much fun calculating who's gonna target who and what the fuck should i go for. I'd like to thank my cinccino and weavile. fakeout helping hand combos so well with my tanky or fast sweeper pokemon.
the field options and crest system are cool as hell. its gen rlly creative and i had to get used to it and use my brain, it throws a wrench in usual pokemon play and style. it also lifts some underutilized pokemon! its manageable though. and the boss battles were gen rlly cool! rift pokemon my beloved. rlly hard in the beginning but i learned to cheese it eventually (curse + leech seed + whirlpool + toxic with corrosion)
the difficulty i think is spiked p well, its good enough that you aren't out of options, almost never, but you got to use your head around certain teams and foes. EV training is a MUST, luckily there are EV training centers. i hate IV hunting so i used the password for full 31 IVs all the way . you also need some basis of pokemon competitive i'd say.
speaking of passwords those are gen rlly nice to use, saves some time. i got a remote pc with me and that saves like 50% of the handling when preparing for a boss battle.
the aevian forms are so cool. my fav has been probably chandelure and leavanny so far but i just caught a feebas so who knows. i also have a gastrodon who's so silly i love that design
god the characters are so nice. i love the individuality of each character presented to the player, and you kind of got to twist one part to get to the other and know why the first part was twisted. that being said, if you asked who my favs are its adam ren and talon. silly dudes. but i also know i would EAT this up in my younger years a lot more. but even now i still adore them. found family is dear and nice, especially well done for a large cast jesus fuck
also worldbuilding. i don't want to say more but woah. good job.
i adore [REDACTED] very dearly and i have to apologize every time i see them. i wish i got to know them more. hopefully more appearances later??????
iffy stuff:
i want to like venam and melia's relationship a lot more than i do now. i think its just uncertainty with their previous known age gap before the time skip? eh.
I'm. very confused about Risa's whole schtick. i don't want to say more than now because spoilers and all. but i think too much information got laid on with that arc that my brain exploded there. wish it was just a bit clarified or so . (also is she 18 or 21??????? the internet and the game confuse me. this matters because i have to know whether to sock dylan or not)
some of the sidequest lines are misleading. they say "go to [here]" and when i go there nothing happens. its only when i search up the issue online is when i find out that i have to do Something Else first. just wish it was more clarified or such? if that makes sense? its like someone told you to go to the field or smth but didn't say you had to talk to the lady at the building first.
honestly i think the story confusions i have now are going to wait until The End of this game because rn it isn't fully complete. i will wait as long as needed until everything releases before i can make a full assessment. like. this has so much work put into this game. for FREE. NOTHING OF COST. like holy shit i can wait forever and ever. i have 130+ hours into this game. i can't believe this is nothing of cost. so a positive note here in this category.
honestly ive seen a ton of critique towards this game, so i was sort of jumping around trying to assess how hard it was going to be and whether or not i would be actually interested. i'm delighted to say i am. key note: don't listen to reddit when they say "too edgy". i know my edgyness. i i also quite enjoy some of it. i think its a matter of taste.
if you try out this game do have. a lil handful of pokemon experience in terms of speed, sweeping, and tanks. i think some basic knowledge there would go a long way. then again i played normal mode, there is an easier mode if i remember. either way, get ready to strategize.
also rec me more games im almost caught up w everything pretty please i need something to occupy my brain.
0 notes
honeymilkk00 · 3 years
Haikyuu Boys: You Flinch
Pt 2
@silver-argent​ :  Hii! I super looooove the way you wrote Haikyuu Boys: You flinch, perfect amount of angst to fluff! Are you taking requests? If you are, will you please do a Sakusa and Kenma? the you flinch. It's okay if you don't tho! I'll still look forward to your works!❤❤
tysm for the encouraging words!! my requests are open and im more than happy to do Sakusa and Kenma jewbjkew. i hope you enjoy. i'm literally so tired and just wanted to finally get this out <3
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Dating Sakusa was the last thing you ever thought would happen to you. He filled your days and nights with such love and passion. You had broken through his stoic and cold shell and had seen him for who he truly was deep inside- a loving partner through and through.
Of course, old habits die hard. Since he had spent years of his life being a reserved person, only putting up with his family and teammates, he still was very hesitant when it came to affection. Sometimes all he wanted to do was to be alone with his thoughts and nothing else. It hurt to see him like that, knowing that no matter what, you couldn’t help him, but you understood and gave him the time he needed.
Five months into yours and his relationship had lead to a few disputes, but nothing too serious. He was a prideful, headstrong man which lead to you having to bite your tongue during arguments and keep your snarky words to yourself, refusing to let them slip off the tip of your tongue. If they did, the argument would escalate. 
You loved Sakusa for everything he was, bad parts and good, but sometimes he was too much. 
And, that’s how you were here, biting your lip harshly as you stare at him, refusing to let your anger get the best of you. 
Sakusa had been coming home quite late due to volleyball practise, but it got to the stage where you were scared that he was doing to overwork himself and injure himself. Instead of letting it slide, you confronted him about it and suggested that he should take some time to let his body heal from the strenuous training regimen that he was doing. It seemed that Sakusa wasn’t in the best of moods and had snapped at you, shooting abhorrent words towards you as if you were nothing but a pile of shit, accusing you of restricting him from reaching his full potential and trying to turn him away from volleyball because you were too clingy for his liking. 
“Fucking hell (Y/N), you’re so fucking clingy! Just because you’re an attention whore and want me to worship you doesn’t mean you can try and take me away from what I love doing. You’re so fucking obsessive it’s driving me crazy!” Sakusa bellowed and clenched his hands together, his nails digging into his hands. 
Taking a deep breath to keep yourself as calm as possible, you spoke in a soft tone, “Omi, I’m not trying to keep you from anything. I just think you should rest your body before you overwork yourself and become ill or injure yourself. I know you want to improve but that can happen gradually over time. I doesn’t need to happen all at once.” You murmured and gently placed a hand on his, trying to reassure him.
Letting out a deep, angered growl, Sakusa pulled away from your grip harshly and pushed your hand away, “don’t fucking touch me! You’re fucking disgusting! All you do is hold me down and try and control my life, you obsessive pest!” He hollered out.
His words ripped open your chest and stabbed you in the heart repeatedly. You felt like you were choking on your own heartbeat. It hurt knowing that your lover found you disgusting. A strong feeling of rage surged through your veins. “How fucking dare you, Sakusa! I’ve done nothing but tried to help you and all you do is treat me like shit. Every time we argue I have to bite my tongue because I know that if I retaliate, you’ll just get even more angry. I can’t express how I feel to you anymore and I feel as if I don’t matter in this relationship. If you want to overwork yourself and injure yourself then fine, go ahead, but don’t blame me for saying I told you so after it’s happened!”
His eyes narrowing at your words, Sakusa swiftly turned to glare at you and raised his fist, poking your chest aggressively, “Fine, I will then because I’m not letting you control me anym-” He paused mid sentence, his eyes widening when he noticed you flinching when he raised his hand. Slowly, he lowered his hand and dropped them at his sides. Your shaking figure made his heart clench painfully tight. “(Y/N) I-”
“I can’t do this anymore, Sakusa.” You voice whispered, barely loud enough for him to hear. Tears rolled down your cheeks and you sniffled quietly. “I can’t handle this pain anymore. I can’t handle feeling like I’m walking on egg shells with you. I can’t handle being afraid of how you’ll react when I speak about how I feel. I just can’t do this anymore.” You voice got quieter and quieter the more you spoke. Looking up at Sakusa, you swallowed thickly. “I can’t do us anymore.” 
Sakusa was frozen, watching you carefully. It was deathly silent. The only sound he could hear was the sound of his heartbeat beating rapidly. 
“I’ll pick up my things tomorrow. I’m going to stay at Atsumu’s for the night.” You whispered and turned away, heading towards the front door. 
A small, almost whine-like noise left Kiyoomi’s mouth. He reached out and clasped your hand gently, tears forming in the corner’s of his eyes. “Please.” He begged quietly.
Looking back at the man you loved, your heart shattered into small pieces when you noticed his dampened eyes. Never had you seen him cry before. “What is it?” You asked quietly, biting the inside of your cheek.
Sakusa pulled you in tightly for a hug and pressed his lips against your cheek gently. “Please don’t leave. Please please please… I’m so so sorry (Y/N).. I didn’t mean anything I said. I love you and I’m grateful for everything you do for me. I’ve just had a really bad day. Please I love you. Please don’t leave. You’re my baby... “ He pleaded softly and held you tightly, as if afraid that you’d disappear if he let go. 
Letting out a sigh, you caved in. You were still mad at him but at the end of the day, you loved Kiyoomi more than anything else. You would give up everything for his happiness. “Kiyoomi...” You whispered softly and then turned around so you were face to face with him. Gently cupping his cheeks, you sighed, “I love you so so much Kiyoomi... But you can’t say stuff like that to me even if you’ve had a bad day. You really really hurt me even though I was just trying to look out for you.” You explained and frowned softly, kissing his tears that resided in the corner of his eyes. 
Pressing his lips softly against your hands that rested on his face, he let out a shaky breath that he didn’t realise he was holding, “I know... I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I promise I’ll do better..” He whispered gently and pressed his nose into your hair lovingly. “I love you so much...”
Leaning in closer to Sakusa, you inhaled his scent, “I love you too, Omi..”
He never wanted to see you flinch like that again.
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Kenma was an erudite genius when it came to the art of strategy. His deep understanding of the game and the unspoken pledge to win is what drove him forward and kept him reaching, grasping, clutching for new strategic idea that would leave his opponents breathless.
For days, maybe even weeks, on end, Kenma would be researching, training, and repeating the process until he felt confident in his methodology that would be used in a game. Thus, led to a breakdown. After weeks of undereating, lack of sleep, training beyond his physical capabilities, and his mental strain thinking of ways to defeat the opposing team, Kenma was at his wits’ end. 
As his partner, you immediately noticed the changes in his personality. Of course, concern was your initial reaction and you were somewhat frightened of irritating him more, but you knew you had to confront him about his lack of self care. Seeing him train during lunch and falling asleep in lessons led you to realise how hard he was working himself. 
So, after school you managed to pull him to one side before he proceeded to train at the club. A frown was present on your lips and you took a deep breath. Looking at him now hurt a lot: his eyebags had considerably increased since the last time you saw him; you could now see physically where he had lost weight from undereating for weeks; his eyes seemed a lot duller; his body slouched over slightly, as if it was begging for a break. It was agony to see your partner slowly harm his body and mind like this.
"Kenma, just know I love you so much and I understand that volleyball means a lot to you right now since it's your final year with your team as you know it with Kuroo as captain, but look at yourself. You're not taking care of yourself at all. You aren't helping you or your teammates by undereating and not sleeeping." You murmured gently, taking Kenma's hands in your own. You knew that you had to be careful and not push your boyfriend, but you couldn't let it continue.
Kenma simply frowned at your words and pulled his hand away from yours, "(Y/N), I don't need your lecturing. I'm perfectly fine taking care of myself. I don't need you." He hissed out and turned his back on you, proceeding to head to practise. He had no time to waste on pointless conversations.
(Y/N) grinded their teeth together, their heart aching slightly at the harsh words, "I'm not lecturing you, Kenma! I'm doing what a s/o should do and I'm looking out for you! Please just take a small break before you overdo it!" You hallooed, as if that would make the words sink in.
Vexed, Kenma turned around with a deep scowl on his face, "Why don't you just back off, (Y/N)!? I don't care about you right now, all I care about is me and my teammates winning this game!" He shrieked, which caused you to trip back and swallow thickly.
A small whimper escape your lips and tears formed in the corners of your eyes as you flinched. You were normally fine with Kenma's salty attitude, but he never usually shouted at you. Taking a shaky breath, you looked at your boyfriend dead in the eyes, "fine! Do what you want to do! Since you don't care about me I won't bother anymore! Don't you fucking dare come running to me when you overwork yourself and can't handle it anymore!" You retorted and turned away.
Kenma's eyes widened slightly at your words as he watched you turn away. "Wait...." He whispered out, his hand reaching towards yours. Lightly, he grasped your wrist and sighed, pulling you close and burying his head in your shoulder. "'M sorry... I'm just so stressed..." Tears brimmed his eyes and he sniffled softly. "I didn't mean it..."
Letting out a soft sigh, your shoulders relaxed and you pulled your lover in for a cuddle. "I know you didn't mean it baby... But remember your health comes first, volleyball after." You whispered and gently stroked his hair. He simply nodded in response and hugged you tighter.
Maybe you both could work things out. You just need to learn to communicate more.
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Requested from @girliesanjose123
Request: Can I have prompt 68 with Indra Otsutsuki in a soulmate AU?
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, harsh behavior, controlling behavior, kidnapping, violence, abuse
Prompt 68: “You’re all I think about. I always think about holding you, kissing you, touching you, making love to you, breeding you...”
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"Don't even think about it." You flinched when you heard his cold and voice ringing through the cold air of the night, a wonderful addition to his icy tone. Just as quickly as your eyes had wandered to the forest and the idea of trying to make a run for it as soon as he was asleep, the idea left you again. Instead you just turned around, staring with a scared look in your eyes at the dancing bonfire. "I'm sorry. I won't think about it again.", you muttered quickly out, a habit you had formed due to past experiences with him.
You heard something akin to a dismissing hum from him before ot became silent between you two, the only thing that made this all not too suffocating or awkward were the random noises of the night, the crackling sounds of the fire and the swooshing created by the wind. It wasn't the first time that you two just sat there like this, not speaking to each other. You because you were too intimidated and had no idea on about what you could possibly talk about with him and him because he wasn't the very talkative type. And forcing him into a conversation wasn't very wise either, he got quickly annoyed with you.
Up until this day you had troubles believing that he was really the one you had been born to be with, your soulmate. And yet his name had been engraved on your wrist since your thirteenth year of life, written down in black letters without a chance to ever erase it again. Just like your name was written down on his wrist, he had never told you since when. The most detailed answer you had gotten from him had been that he had the mark on him since quite the long time.
Soulmates were totally romanticized in your opinion even though you understood to a very small degree why people wished to have a soulmate as well. The idea of having someone who was born to be with you and would experience something that could only be described with love at first sight was tempting to imagine. But sadly the dark side of having a soulmate was overshadowed, pushed away since people only wanted to see and hear what added up to the dream relationship in their mind.
There was no other choice than this one person who was your other half, not even if you fell for someone who seemed to fit you much more perfect. This was one of the most common misunderstandings people had about soulmates. They thought they were perfect for each other and loved each other conditionally. It was a lie. You had informed yourself, read a lot of reports and letters about it, even from people who had themselves a soulmate. And in more than a few people had described that their soulmate had been nothing near perfect, they had been lazy, selfish, mean and so much more. Some had even described how their soulmate had cheated even after they had met each other which had ended in a terrible heartbreak for both parts.
Having a soulmate didn't have to mean that they loved you as well, but once this happened, it ended in a terrible pain and depression for both parties and some had even said to die because of a broken heart. What a ridiculous thing to exist. Why would have a innocent who had done nothing wrong suffer because their soulmate had to be a dick without knowing each other even that well except the sudden attraction to each other and the knowledge that they were your soulmate?
So you had never been exactly happy when receiving that mark of yours, but everyone else around you had seemed to make a huge fuss about it. Friends and classmates had envied you for it and your neighbors had started almost gushing about the name written down on your wrist, starting to talk to you about how happy you must be to have one and how cute you would look together with them. You hadn't, but with that opinion you had been sadly alone. Even your parents had sugarcoated it, maybe because they were scared what might happen to you and this Indra if you would reject them.
But you had been completely right and you could bet that everyone in the village had sobered by now up from their delusions. If he would have kidnapped you silently, they would have assumed that you might have gone with him. But you hadn't. Instead you had tried to run away from him after only a few hours of knowing him. And you still remembered how the protests and comments to try to calm you down had died down the moment Indra had started demolishing everything in his way to catch you.
You didn't know until this day what had become of all the people in the village and if some of them were even alive. You hadn't seen much, but the short glances on the place that had used to be your home once had been enough to horrify you before you had passed out after looking in red eyes with three dots spinning inside of them.
You had by now given up asking to see your family again, every begging and pleading had been harshly and coldly shut down by him that by now you had pretty much lost all hopes. You had also given up on cursing whoever had decided to set you two up, there was nothing you could do and you had sadly no one to blame for this either, leading you to wallowing in self-pity.
The most frustrating was that you knew so little about him. He had never told you much and you had long ago lost the guts to ask him. You knew he was from far away, had left due to family issues and was planning to prove something. That was about all you knew about him next to his name and that he was insanely powerful. He could be a mass murder and you wouldn't kno. He on the other hand had wanted to know about everything about you and had forced it out of you. Well, maybe he would become more open over time. He wasn't someone who seemed to warm up quickly to a stranger.
That was probably why he was so distant and cold to you most of the time next to being very strict and controlling. He striked you as someone who viewed love and attraction as a weakness, but still seemed to be sane enough to know what would happen if he would have left you behind back then when he had met you for the first time. You had read that soulmates had gone crazy for their other half after meeting them and having to endure a longer time not touching them.
He was smart enough to fulfill those needs of his which sadly also fulfilled your needs. He hadn't engaged in anything too sexual so far, but even those forced touches of his had been enough to make you feel repulsed and yet also had pulled you closer to him. You blamed the soulmate bond for it. You knew too well that you would most likely not be able to stay like this forever, being already sometimes torn apart between your huge dislike for him and the always remaining attaction for him, the butterflies you felt whenever he seemed to become more nice and softer with you.
It was frustrating enough to make you feel like crying sometimes, you hadn't want any of this, but life had to be a bitch and decide to make him from all people in this world your soulmate. You just wished you had never been born with a soulmate or at the very least never met him. You hated how you always felt a painful stinging in your chest when he ignored you or hissed angrily at you.
You knew he had to feel the same, he had to suffer when avoiding you as well. But he was far more better in handling and hiding it than you were which was another rather hurting and harsh slap in your face. Didn't he care at all? You really just thought he was, the only reason he kept you around was because he didn't want to endure the full package of pain that came with just leaving your soulmate alone. He was just too hard to read.
And yet there were those moments where you almost got the feeling he was seeking for your touches and some sort of affirmation of you, only to push you moments later away from him and look like he had no idea what he had just done either. Such moments confused you greatly and seemed to irritate him just as much. So at the very least he seemed to slowly get pulled to you as well. Was this actually a thing to be glad or terrified over?
"Are you sulking again over the fact that we're soulmates?" His voice brought you out of your thoughtful gaze, noticing with a slight shiver that he was staring at you. You guessed you had stared too long at the mark on your wrist. You didn't know how to answer this, feeling scared that the wrong answer might lead to him getting angry again. You had learned to be careful around him, you felt most of the times like you were walking on eggshells whenever with him.
You opened your mouth shortly, only to close it again after not finding the strength to do as much as uttering a single word out. You had nothing to say if you were honest with yourself. "You're not going to answer me?"
Indra had shifted slightly closer to you, eyes drilling themselves into you with a piercing intensity. He hadn't activated them yet so that meant you were still in a green zone with him, he always activated them when he was pissed off because of something. A short glance at him made you almost believe that he seemed to display genuine curiosity right now.
You hesitated for a bit, not knowing whether to be honest with him or not. Lying was always an option, but a rather stupid one, he noticed always when you lied to him and he disliked it when you lied. "Yes, I am.", you answered for a few seconds of thick silence passing by, observing cautiously his reaction.
You had expected him to either not care or just becoming mad with you, but instead you always imagined for a second something akin to exhaustion flashing over his face. But it was so quickly gone that you weren't even sure if it had been there in the first place. But it had awakened some sort of interest in him, judging from the way his attention was now hooked on you. It made you tense up, playing with your fingers awkwardly.
"You know, I never asked you this before...But what do you think of me? Be honest." This question always made you choke on your own spit, gaping dumbfounded and majorly confused at him. His face gave no emotion away he could possibly feel right now. But from the way he was looking at you, you knew that he expeted an answer, a honest one, from you.
"You're not...what I expected." It was the only true yet subtle enough statement you could think off without saying anything that could offend him too openly.
It didn't seem to satisfy him though, he furrowed his eyebrows slightly at this very vague answer of yours. "Be more specific. I want to know."
If you would tell him, he would be angry with you, you were almost certain about it. Shouldn't it have been obvious from the way you were acting around him that you didn't like him? He couldn't be that oblivious. So if he already knew, why asking? Did he perhaps want to hear it from you personally?
"You're kind of...distant..." It sounded more like a question and you said it extremely slowly, unsureness dripping from every word. You kept by now an eye on Indra so you could react when he seemed to get offended by what you said. But at the moment he appeared to be calm, just listening and watching. "Continue."
"Well, if I'm being honest I feel a bit neglected from you. You're hard to read and I can't seem to understand what you sometimes even want from me. There are those moments where you treat me like I'm just air or some sort of dog you have to punish for bad behavior. And in other moments you are suddenly being all nice and friendly with me and almost act like you care before you snap out of it again and lash out on me. You're a bit confusing to be with and I just feel like you can't stand me at all since I make you acting like this. So emotionally."
There were quite a lot of unspoken things you could have added, but that would have taken a while and were far more offendingly than what you had put in words as politely as possible and told him just now.
He didn’t say anything which you just counted as a good thing, it meant he wasn’t mad at you...At least yet. Who knew with him and his temper. “So I take it that you don’t like me, do you?”
You quirked yourself eyebrow a few millimeters upon hearing the undertone in his voice, scanning his face. He was not angry, you could tell. It was something else right now for which you needed a few moments to look at before you suddenly understood. Was he...Was he poking fun at you?!
This made you stop thinking for a moment, you had in those past few weeks never seen him displaying many emotions except anger, impatience and from time to time those nearly desperate acts of affection. But never, never had you seen him being amused, you had thought that he had been annoyed by all of this. But now he looked like he was almost about to grin which irritated you. Why was he being entertained all of a sudden? You felt a flicker of annoyance and slight anger shooting through you, making you frown a bit.
“No, of course I like you. Why wouldn’t I like my soulmate who kidnapped me, ruined my village and life and treats me like I’m a piece of shit? I’m happy to be ignored and neglected from my soulmate who seems to not like me at all.” You could not help the sarcasm dripping from your voice whilst watching him through narrowed eyes. The last sentence from you was half the truth and half a lie. You were content with him not acknowledging your presence, it saved you from his outbursts or forced affections. On the other hand it also led you to feeling a often a tingling pain of abandonment in your chest which you didn’t like at all. You could only curse at the connection you shared with Indra. You loathed it.
You heard him scoffing, his expression telling you that he was surprised, luckily not too negatively, by your sudden attitude. “You feel neglected?”, he asked you, giving you a somewhat mischievous look which made you even more irritated. “So you want me to give you more affection? Is that it?”
You didn’t like how close he had shifted to you, it made you uncomfortable and you refused to acknowledge the happy and warm tingling this sudden closeness seemed to cause in your body. “Tell me,”, he asked in a deeper voice,”do you think I hate you and you me?”
Against your will you felt your face heating up and your heartbeat increasing, staring almost hypnotized in those deep and black orbs of his in which you, for the first time since he had abducted you, saw the sparkles of emotions. Had they always been there? Granted, it was your first time looking him so directly in his eyes.
“I-I-umm...” That was about how you sounded right now, slapping yourself mentally out of embarrassment. Why were you all of a sudden so bashful? No, you refused to let him win this. You took a deep and shaky breath to come back to your senses. “Give me a reason to not think you would hate me despite those short moments where you fulfill the basic needs every soulmate feels when with his other half. And why wouldn’t I hate you?! You dragged me in this whole mess and because of you I-“
You were forcefully silenced in a way that made your heart nearly jump out of your chest. He kissed you, surprisingly warm lips moving in a firm way against yours. And you really should have done something against it. But the moment you felt his lips against yours for the first time since you had seen him, it was like a bomb exploded in your head and all of a sudden everything inside of you seemed to slow wonderfully down, no numb stinging, no unnecessary thoughts, only you and him.
Just for a short moment you seemed to forget what he had done, letting the overwhelming feelings of the special bond between you two get the better of you. And all of a sudden you found your arms around his neck, your body screaming to be closer to him. This didn’t go unnoticed by him and you felt something that would have been a smirk if your lips wouldn’t have affectionate-starved moved against his own. At the very least he seemed to share the same hunger for touches from you like the other way around because you felt his arms suddenly sliding around you and lifting you with surprisingly much carefulness yet also eagerness closer to him, chest pressed against chest so that you two could feel each other’s heartbeat beating in sync. It was such a blissful experience for you, suddenly having so much intimacy with the man who had refused to give you what you had always wanted despite refusing to admit so.
You almost whined when he suddenly pulled away, probably because he had realized that you were running short on air which you hadn’t even realized until you panted quickly for air, body still refusing to leave his sudden embrace.
“Are you sure that you hate me? Your actions just right now seemed to tell the opposite.” He himself seemed to be out of air, you hearing his slight panting, warm air hitting your neck and causing goosebumps to rise on your skin.
You felt shame washing over you the moment you heard his questions, refusing to look him into his eyes. Your lips had pressed into an angry line, the feeling of his mouth on yours still lingering and you cussed yourself when catching yourself wishing to just slam your lips against his once again.
“What was that for right now? Did you want to torture me by showing me how pathetic this rebellious act of mine really is?” Your voice was a hushed hissing, but the bitterness laced in it was clearly audible.
“That was one of the reasons, though not the main one.” You gnashed your teeth when hearing the smugness in his voice, obviously content with what he had just seen and felt. But you also found yourself being once again confused. Not the main one? What was that supposed to mean?
You didn’t even have to ask this, he answered it without you even having to question him. “I don’t hate you. Much more on the contrary. You’re all I think about. I always think about holding you, kissing you, touching you, making love to you, breeding you...”
You felt a disturbing feeling starting to make it’s way up your throat, forming a lump on which you almost choked. By now his eyes seemed to blaze with a sudden storm of emotion which could be put together in a few simple yet terrifying words. Twisted and sick obsession.
“You will love me. You have no choice, but to do so. You can try to neglect your feelings for as long as you want, I can guarantee you that I’ll make sure that you’ll melt in my touches. We’re soulmates (y/n). You’ll come around sooner or later.”
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colethewolf · 2 years
So like...I follow enough neutral TW fan pages that tend to post things from the actors all of the time when they themselves or their managers, friends, third parties posts things. If not completely in the know I at least have an idea of what they're up to somewhat.
Dylan O'Brien's the most I've seen because boy has he been VERY busy!
So when I heard that the only two to show up at the pannel for something they want to succeed...I can't help but wonder about everyone else? They all seemed eager to return at first...
I wonder if they regret bringing back their character for Jeff to fuck em up in some way they hadn't expected. I'm legit worried what throwaway line they'll use to explain why Stiles isn't there beyond that his FBI work has him very busy. (like on one hand I think Jeff is glad not to have Stiles because I wager to think there are more hard core Stiles fans than Scott fans but at the same time with an ego like his I can't put it past him to be mad that Dylan didn't want to reprise his Stiles role)
Mostly...with how they broke up Stalia which seemed a pretty natural(for the show's standards of natural) and good relationship on things that could have been easily resolved just so the path could be cleared for Stydia(in the path also ruining Parish/Lydia which was making a lot of lore based sense with hell hound and banshee which I was really digging so of course they nipped it and stunted more of each of their characters development because no one can have more growth than Scott), I fear now that they're going to ruined Scalia now that Allison's back so they can have their og endgame couple of Scalison and I just feel bad for Shelley and Malia and whatever Hale Curse(even by blood) they'll be putting her through just because.
I have a feeling that Jeff and Posey are pissed that Dylan refused to come back for this movie.
Posey has already made a shady remark when he said that the movie "has every character that you’d ever want to see again" knowing damn well that Dylan didn't come back. And this is reminiscent of a comment Posey made back when Hoechlin left. He said something to the effect of: "everybody who wants to be here is here".
So yeah, I definitely think Jeff will try to shade Dylan/Stiles in the movie in some way. But honestly, it'll just feed directly into the reason why Dylan didn't even bother to return in the first place. I feel like that workplace was toxic af.
Also, I'm not a fan of Malia is any way shape or form. I actually hate her, so you're probably speaking to the wrong person regarding worries about how she'll be treated in the movie. If it was me, the movie would open with a coyote getting hit by Stiles' jeep.
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all-about-seggs · 4 years
False Love-
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Rating: ❌ 18+, Explicit ❌
Pairing- Timeskip! Yandere Oikawa Tooru x fem reader
Word count- 1.8 K
Warnings- Aphrodisiacs, fingering, dub-con, vaginal sex, Oikawa is delusional and sad.
A/n: This is my fic for the Valentine's day Collab that @ultimate-astridwriting hosted. I hope I was able to live up to their expectations (ᗒᗩᗕ).
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Roaming around the busy streets of Palermo, ginormous heart shaped props occupying the narrow lane paints Oikawa's vision in scarlet. Love is in the air, as they say, was quite literally true for the beautiful city of Argentina.
In the midst of giggling couples and warm twinkling lights, the annoyed click of his tongue gets drowned out; Unnoticed ;making him recognise his own solitude.
Normally he'd have hoards of girls vying for his attention, trying to take him to their place but maybe it was because of his age, or the mountain of experience with the momentary flings that made him want to search for something deeper.
He used to be fine with superficiality of his relationships, the repeated cycle of getting himself off of any faceless women who came onto him then forgetting her existence the next day was fulfilling in itself. Afterall, his career has always taken priority.
Though the last remaining brain cells of his body tries to rationalise the situation he is getting himself in, Oikawa had already decided what kind of connection he wanted and and was just going to let himself have that. Selfishness is not something he ever disliked anyway.
He felt no need to hide his disdain, Oikawa wasn't one to be subtle about his pettiness either, that's why the contrasting emotions of his own, clashing with the jubilant ones of his surrounding annoyed him to no end.
The chocolates wrapped up neatly in his hand felt heavy, causing his fingers to tremble slightly. It wasn't the weight of the box but what he intended to do with the said item that made his insides twist with excitement.
Yes. It was excitement. Happiness and pure bliss that he felt when he rang the doorbell of your modest appartment in the costal side of the city. Despite having the sea right next to your place, the cold February air still made you shiver as you opened the door to see Oikawa standing at your doorsteps, all smiles with a dash of extra in his typical 'hand on the hip' pose.
Surprised wouldn't even being to describe your current state of shock. You spend the next few seconds just starting at his ever confident form before his voice brings you back to your senses.
" Yooohooo~ babe, I'm sure I don't look 'that' good. I just finished with practice so my hair's probably a mess right now", he continued on with his cheery tone,
" Come on, It's not like you have anyone else to spend Valentine's with, so why not just let me in already and look", dangling the expensive looking bag in front of your eyes, his expression took on a slightly sinister turn in their features, the kind that went away as soon as they appeared not leaving any trace of its original condescending vibes.
" I made these chocolates for you", emphasizing on the made part he stares right into your eyes, as if waiting for his well earned praise. Heaving a sigh of defeat you release the door know you didn't knew you had in a death grip, opening the door completely in a gesture to usher him inside.
Oikawa quickly makes himself at home, plopping down on your couch with his long legs stretched.
This was the first time you had seen him after the rejection of the high in demand position of his girlfriend. The face he made when you turned him down was of utter disbelief so much so that you almost reconsidered your decision. But you weren't that wishy washy in your opinions and his was a type you made sure to ignore.
You were aware of his salty personality and the habit of holding grudges, so you thought after that fateful day he'd ignore you like the plague, but for all his arrogance Oikawa's face was the epitome of gleeful.
" Soooo", starting off with an awkward note you casually try to sit on the furthest arm chair from the couch Oikawa was currently occupying and tried to ask what exactly was he expecting out of his current visit but he quickly cut you off by his own booming voice.
" Before all that, why don't you try these?", Pointing to the chocolates he starts unwrapping them, as he pulls the decorative ribbon, two rows of brown, heart shaped delicacies appeared.
"Don't be shy, I made these for you afterall", he remarked, pushing the box on your side of the table.
You didn't think much of it, afterall, 'making' chocolates just means buying store bought ones and just melting them into different shapes right?
Popping one small cube in your mouth you let it dissolve, your taste buds filling up with the sweetness of the treat. Just as it finished you heard Oikawa speak again.
"You probably know why I'm here, but I'll tell you again", readjusting his posture, he sits straight, both the look in his eyes and tone taking a more serious turn.
" I thought about why turned me down that day and I finally realised......You were just scared weren't you?", rather than upset he sounded relieved as he continued with self assuredness ,
" Of commitment? Or because of my job? Either way I can already assure you that I was already prepared to put you above everything else if the situation calls for it".
You were just sitting, listening to his outrageous conclusions when you felt your heartbeat increase. The sweaty palms of your hand to the moistness in your core, your entire body started reacting in ways you'd never experience before.
"You thought that I'd keep our relationship on the back burner and only focus on my career? You were just lonely weren't you?", With every passing second his delusional words seemed to work with more and more intensity that didn't helped your hyperventilating state at all.
"And you rejected me because you didn't wanted to have an absent boyfriend right? So in reality-", by the time he finished he was already in front of you, the fire in the depths of your core made your mind hazy and eyes unfocused. You wanted to ask what was happening or what he put in those chocolates but forming any coherent words was a feat on its own in your current condition.
He smoothly takes one of your burning hand in his cool ones, the contact making you instantly lean onto him for more. You're sitting in a daze when he pulls you up from the arm chair and places you on his lap back on the longer couch.
In your already aroused state, the soft strokes of Oikawa's fingers on your scalp made you succumb further into the need for release as you sit on his lap with your head resting against his shoulder. The room was now quite safe for his soothing voice that came from right about your head.
"You love me right?", the words that come out of his mouth in the heated moment betrayed all his attempts at feigned composure. He may have spiked the chocolates with some sort of aphrodisiacs but the way your heart hurted after hearing this made it seem more like a love potion.
With his barely audible voice they sounded almost like a plea, another desperate measure to get what he wanted.
Before you could even notice, your vision tilts and you find yourself pinned to the couch, with Oikawa hovering right above you. His hands on your sweatpants, lowering them all the way to your ankles. And the weirdest thing?
You didn't wanted him to stop.
Not when he spread you out completely in front of him. Not when he was shamelessly staring at your naked pussy with a maniacal glint in his eyes and definitely not when he shoved two of his thick digits up your leaking pussy that covered his entire palm in your slick at the slightest of contact.
Your soft walls clenching around his fingers was all he needed before he stared unzipping his own pants. He gazed at your panting body while he pulled his cock out, flipping you on your stomach with your ass up and face shoved down.
You barely cared about anything but getting fucked good at this point when you heard some rumbling behind you, as soon as Oikawa was done putting on a condom he lined himself up against your entrance.
Not wasting any more time he slips past your folds until he is buried to the hilt. The feeling of being stretched out and filled to the brim coaxed out a few lewd moans from your mouth.
Your slick was enough to make Oikawa pick up a hard and fast pace, your entire body shook with every thrust of his. He kept his hands on your waist, pushing himself as deep as he can before pulling out until only the tip remains. Your own orgasm started building up with his every action.
His member throbbed against your insides and the moans that slipped past his gritted teeth indicated he already came but his cock showed no signs of softening as he kept going with his brutal pace.
You bury your head sideways, tongue lolling out and covering the fabric beneath it in your drool as Oikawa lodges his cock further into your pussy from behind. He moves in and out of you with ease, the slick from both your pussy and his previous release was more than enough to keep his memeber going.
Gripping your ass cheek in one hand, he trails his other one in between your thighs. Quickly his digits grazes your clit, the pressure they added along with the heavy thrusts pulled you closer to the edge. The anticipation of your impending release was all your lust laden head could think about the feeling of ecstasy that you desperately needed.
The intensity of your orgasm made your eyes roll back, and if it wasn't him holding you firmly in place, you probably would've fell down the couch. With your entire body shaking your panted heavily from your mouth to calm yourself.
Oikawa doesn't make any attempt to pull out or move and even after your breathing becomes even his member is still lodged deep inside you. He gently starts gyrating his hips against your pussy again and it becomes obvious that you weren't the only one under the effects of aphrodisiacs.
As cum trickles down your inner thighs, all you could decipher was the overwhelming bolts of pleasure Oikawa's cock provided and the sounds of your skin smacking against eachother's.
With his hands on both of your sides, he lowers himself down until your back was flush against his toned chest, his raspy voice rumbled through your ear as he spoke in a dark possessive tone,
"Don't forget..... we are in love"
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geekwritersworld · 3 years
Hey i hope I'm not bothering you.
Could you do Alfie Solomons with a male reader? Where Alfie gets hurt and we patch him up, just pure fluf. I need ir
Another life
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pairing: Alfie Solomons x male! reader
Warnings: there's a slight description of wounds and cuts.Fluff other than that.
summary: As stated above in the request.
a/n: this isn’t my best I’m completely aware of that, but I am slowly emerging from writers' block. So please do bear with me.
Alfie never showed vulnerability. No one had ever seen him vulnerable. And he planned to keep it that way.
But just like everyone, sometimes he needed help too.
Nobody knew of Alfie's boyfriend. Disguised as his assistant, helped keep the suspicions away. It occasionally got hard to hide their relationship, but they knew it was for the best.
But on days when Alfie risked his life by being his usual reckless self, his boyfriend, Matthew couldn't help but lose his temper. Which, sometimes put their relationship at risk of being revealed.
When Alfie showed up at Matthew's apartment in the middle of the night, Matthew had a good mind of not helping his reckless boyfriend. But he loved the reckless man too much, and  Alfie was laid down while clutching his deep gash.
Matthew rushed around, grabbing all the med supplies he'd need to patch Alfie's wound, whilst cursing Alfie out.
"Fuck sake, Alfie! You always have to be such an unfiltered dick?!"
Despite the pain coursing through his side, and the wet blood seeping through his shirt, Alfie managed to chuckle. Which didn't amuse his concerned boyfriend.
They'd been together long enough to know each other like the back of their hands. Alfie's humor wasn't anything new to Matthew, but he did occasionally wish that Alfie was more cautious.
"Now if people can't take a fucking joke, yeah, that ain't my problem now is it love?" He hissed when his wound stung.
Rolling his eyes, Matthew hastily pulled a chair towards Alfie and sat down. Turning to the numerous med supplies he'd just placed on the table next to them.
Prying the wet and sticky cloth of his boyfriends skin, Matthew took a cloth and dipped it in water, before gently placing it on the wound. 
"Fuck me, you trying to kill a dying man matt?"Alfie hissed at the water seeping through his wounds.
"Shut up" Matthews quick hands, then immediately dried the gash on Alfie's side, when he saw some blood starting to slowly seep within the wound again.
Alfie continued to groan in pain; the one time Matthew had seen his boyfriend show any vulnerability after being injured.
Grabbing the vinegar he managed to find, dipping the cloth in it, he placed it on the gash.
"FUCK MATTHEW" hearing Alfie scream was nothing new, but this time, it did hurt Matthew to see his boyfriend in pain," fucking hell!"
"I'm sorry Alf but you know I don't have a fucking choice" looked at Alfie's face with sympathy, something neither showed nor felt very often.
"Right, yeah, keep going" it was surprising to hear Alfie whisper, the man was basically incapable of it. Until now apparently.
The smell of blood and disinfectant filled the room, the fire across crackled, keeping the room warm.
Squinting as he further inspected the wound, Matthew lifted his head and looked at Alfie "Alfie, I'm going to need to stitch this" Matthew found himself barely able to whisper.
 The image of having to sew his boyfriend's skin back together whilst he was already in pain, made him want to throw up.
He'd never get used to seeing Alfie hurt, even after 2 years of being together.
Matthew remembered the first time he'd seen Alfie injured which was only 2 months into their relationship. Alfie had Matthew removed from the room while Ollie tended to his wounds.
They'd come a long way, and as glad as Alfie's boyfriend was, he couldn't deny the fear that slowly crept into his mind.
"One of these days Alfie, your wounds may not be shallow enough to save you" his voice cracked, the lump in his throat starting to feel bigger.
"Listen, I once carried out y own personal form of stigmata on an it-" 
"I don't give a shit about hammering a nail up an Italians nose Alfie" the silver needle between Matthew's fingers felt heavy " I just don't want you dead"
The room was quiet enough for the injured gangster to have heard his boyfriends whisper.
The ceiling seemed all too interesting all of a sudden to Alfie, rather than the conversation his boyfriend was trying to have.
"Right, well where's fucking Cyril Matt?"
"With Ollie"
2 years with Alfie taught Matthew that Alfie was never one to be subtle when it came to changing the subject. 
Slipping the sterilized needle between Alfie's skin and between the other, a few deep breaths and multiple profanities later, Alfie was sitting up again. His shirt half torn from where he'd been wounded.
Matthew began to get up but was stopped short with the feeling of cold calloused fingers grabbing his face.
"I fucking think I'm done with this life love" his voice wasn't a whisper or a mumble, it was him speaking loud and clear, ye tit still left Matthew confused.
"what the fuck's that supposed to mean?"
"meaning, I think its fucking time we fucking getaway, and just spend the rest of our fucking years waking u next to each other"
It dawned on Matthew what his love was trying to get across. And he'd be lying if he said that after 2 years of worrying every single day about his Alfie's safety, he just wanted to be able to sit in front of the fire with him. With no worrying involved.
He loved Matthew beyond words, and the life that he led, kept him from feeling. But with Matthew it was different.
He was tired of running, though he'd never admit it out loud, he was sick and tired of looking over his shoulder.
For once he'd fallen and fallen hard for Matthew. they loved each other without boundaries and regrets.
he'd plan it out, in a way that no one of their enemies ever found him or Matthew.
Pulling Matthew in closer, their lips molded with each other perfectly.
It was suddenly warmer and it the fire. 
Matthew slid his arms behind Alfie's neck, cradling his head with one hand, he pulled himself closer, if it was even possible.
Their breathings were heavy, soft sighs and moans filling the room, they lay in each other's arms. 
After 2 years of hiding and worrying for every second that either of them was out of the sight of the other, the idea of getting away and spending the rest of their years with each other was
It would take more than a month for Alfie to get his affairs in order, but he was going to get to it one last time.
He wanted nothing more than to be able to spend his days with Matthew, in peace. Which he couldn't even give his boyfriend with the life they lived.
Looking down at Matthew, Alfie felt something he hadn’t felt ever since he came back from the war. He felt excited. For the first time he looked forward to what was to come and it made him happier that he’d have Matthew with him through and through.
But to carry out his plan to make a getaway, he’d need help. Help that went beyond his bakers. 
He needed Tommy Shelby.
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whatanoof · 4 years
I have a few corruption ideas in mind for cal and I'm just. Okay so like-- reader grinding on/teasing him, maybe while they're hiding in a cave or an empty room in an inquisitor base-- purposefully to the point where he can't hold himself back and he just cums right then and there 👀
Or-- reader accidentally projecting some very, very dirty thoughts towards Cal (bonus points if it's virgin!/inexperienced!Cal), and his reaction to said thoughts ;3c
Don't feel obligated to turn these into full fics or anything tho!! I just like to share my thoughts w ppl and see what they think abt it 🥰💛
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Oh babe, this isn’t an obligation. This is my PLEASURE. Don’t mind me with my slightly force sensitive reader learning how to weaponize her inexperience against her very innocent boyfriend.
A/N: These turned out a lot more fluffy than I had in mind at first, and probably more so than you had in mind, anon. I'll to expand a little more on these, but I wanted to give you what I have now. More to come!
You were two weeks into your relationship the first time it happened. It’s early morning on Bogano, the rare off-day where Cal doesn’t have to take a quest anywhere. The grass glistens in the early morning light, dew droplets sending sparkles of light through the air. You sit in the field, watching the sunrise with a blanket wrapped around your shoulders and a steaming mug of caf clenched tightly in your hands, gracing your morning with its fragrant smell. Happy chirps and beeps echo through the stillness of the morning as BD-1 scampers around the field, chasing a butterfly that’s been disturbed from its early morning food quest. It’s so domestic that it almost hurts. It reminds you of life before the Purge, when everything was better. Except, now you have Cal.
Not beside you of course, he’s actually the reason that you’re even awake to see the dawn. He stands stock-still in the grass several meters in front of you. He’s relaxed, breathing in the crisp dawn air, eyes closed against the rays of light beginning to conquer the horizon line.
Cere stalks back and forth in front of him, “Focus, Cal.” She hefts a round fruit in her hands about as big as her head. “Sense the life around you. What do you feel?”
Cal pivots slowly on the spot until he’s facing you. “I feel you. And her.” His brow is creased in that one spot between his eyebrows. You want to kiss it. 
“Not us, Cal. The life all around us. There’s a reason I chose Bogano for this lesson.” Cere’s disapproving tone is a common staple around here. The crew has learned to accept it as a sign of affection.
“A bogling. On the ship. It’s looking for food.” Cal says.
You smile. The newest addition to the crew has been nothing but a joy to you and a pain in the ass to Greez. It’s always stealing his favorite snacks and making a mess of his ship, if you count it’s tiny nest in the corner of the kitchen to be ‘a mess’. 
“Better. Expand, Cal.”
Then you feel something at the edge of consciousness, something familiar and strange all at the same time. It wasn’t so much a thing, but a feeling. A presence. If you had to describe it in words, you couldn’t. But if you had to try, it would be in swaths of color and emotions that blend and swirl in the invisible eye of your mind. It’s warm, reds and oranges and yellows fluttering against each other, tinged around the edges by blue, the same blue as Cal’s saber. Cal. The presence is undeniably Cal, the warm colors echoing back to his fiery spunk and stubborn affection. 
Your eyes open. When had they closed? Cal is right there, his hand stretched out in your direction. Cere watches cautiously, eyes flicking between you and him. You see her reluctance to interrupt the moment. 
As if called back to the ground by your distraction, Cal opens his eyes with a soft gasp. The presence retreats, fading from your short grasp as you try to chase it. Your gaze bores into Cal, trying to focus your mind on reaching back out to him. But you can’t.
Cere speaks, “That’s enough Force training for today.” She tosses the previously forgotten fruit directly at Cal’s head. “Think fast. Form V today.”
His lightsaber materializes into his hand, cleanly slicing the offending object out of the air in a single smooth motion. But Cal doesn’t hesitate for a single moment, flowing through different saber forms without difficulty. Cere calls a variety of commands, and each gives way to another attack by Cal. The saber moves like it is an extension of his body, like a deadly serpent that flickers in and out of the air.
This continues for a long time, long enough that you have time to finish off your caf. The drink warms your insides. Watching Cal working so hard to strengthen his connection to the Force warms your heart. Examining the definition of his shoulders and his muscular torso warms other places. Your eyes drift to his ass, emboldened by the illusion of ignorance. You allow your mind to drift. 
You and Cal started dating two weeks ago. There was an irresistible pull between the two of you, to the point where the crew forced you two to acknowledge it. Cal had been cautious, but permission from Greez and a blessing from Cere was all the encouragement he needed, because as he had said so eloquently, “Like you. I like you. A lot.”
And you like Cal. A lot. Nothing physical had happened beyond a single makeout session and more cuddle sessions than you could count. You know that he’s unsure about sex, and because of that you’re more than willing to wait for him to be ready. But that doesn’t mean you can’t look and daydream. 
Your gaze drags over his body, imagining for a moment how it would feel. What it would be like, to be allowed close to him to make him feel good. What his skin would taste like, how your fingers would feel threaded through his bright hair. The sounds that he would make as you go down on him. 
A gasp from the field snaps you out of the daydream. Cal’s facedown on the ground; all you can make out of him from here is the fringe of his poncho and his shock of red hair contrasting against the green environment of Bogano. You stand, hurrying over as Cere helps him up.
“Cal?” She's concerned, you can see it in her eyes even if she won’t verbalize it. You’re worried too. In all of your time aboard the Mantis, you’d seen clumsy Cal maybe once before, and that was because he was goofing off in an attempt to make Greez laugh.
He doesn’t respond to Cere. His gaze snaps up to you, and he says your name urgently. Your brow creases, “What?”
His face is flushed red, and he’s panting as he shakily kneels in the grass. “I think you’re Force-sensitive.”
“Come on, it’ll be easy!” He looks so earnest, like a kicked puppy dog. You avert your eyes. Looking too long means that you will fall prey to the terrible innocent eyes.
“I said no. What’s so hard to understand about that?” You cross your arms tighter over your chest. You know that arguing is futile. Cal is the most stubborn person you know, even more so than Greez and you have witnessed the intense food aggression.
“Babe, it’s one rock. You’re not going to get hurt.”
“I might when it’s going to be flying at my face!” Cere had insisted that you learn to control your Force sensitivity, at the very least so that you could learn how to guard your mind from others. But, she placed Cal in charge of your training. Merrin’s Force abilities were nothing close to what you could hope to accomplish, and you believe Cere’s exact words were, “It will be good for Cal to learn just how irritating training a Padawan can be.”
And so your Jedi boyfriend became your Jedi Master. It was quickly determined that your Force sensitivity was nothing close to the level of Jedi. Your talents extended to thought projection, minor thought detection abilities, and, as Cal had been so excited to learn, basic telekinesis. 
That had been an accidental discovery, actually, brought out of a session wrestling with the Mantis’s control board wiring. You’d lost concentration for a split second, and in a flash of light and electricity, you were nursing a burnt finger. Merrin was attracted to your area by the flash of light and pained cry, and was incredibly surprised to find you with various medical supplies hovering in front of your face while you soaked and bandaged your finger. And she’d snitched on you.
So now you’re on a no name forest planet, facing down your boyfriend who’s threatening to throw a rock at your head in order to force out your hidden telekinesis, because as soon as Merrin witnessed the feat, you’d lost all voluntary control over it.
“Cal, this is a bad idea.”
“Do you have a better one?”
“Yes. Leave me alone. I can shield my thoughts now, that’s all I wanted to do.”
“Oh come on. It doesn’t excite you even a little?”
It does, but not enough that you’d be willing to have a rock thrown at your face. You roll your eyes and throw your hands up, “I’m going back to the ship.”
But as soon as you turn, something sparks on the edge of your conscious mind, and you whirl with an outstretched hand. The rock sails past your fingers and bonks you on the forehead. You clap a hand over your head as pain throbs at the point of contact. “Ow!”
You whip your head up and glare at Cal, who’s standing there, mouth agape and eyes so wide that you can see the whites from here. When he meets your eyes, he shrinks back and turns to run.
“Cal Kestis you are going to pay for that!” You lunge after him, nearly tripping over a root as you scramble after your soon-to-be dead boyfriend. 
He disappears around the corner of the clearing with you hot on his heels. Trees tower over your head in every direction. The only thing interrupting the perfect vision of nature is the dorsal fin of the Mantis spearing up into the sky, guiding you to safety.
And Cal’s running away from it, leading you further into the forest. Branches whip at your face, but you can’t pay attention to them when you’re focusing harder on not losing Cal as he ducks and weaves through the foliage with all of the ease of a jungle cat. Then you round a corner, and he’s gone. 
You’re gasping for breath as you stumble to a stop in the midst of the forest. Damn it Cal. You want to rest, but you’ll be damned if you’re going to allow Cal to get away with this. He knows that if he gets away now, you’re probably going to be cooled down by the time he gets back to the Mantis, and you can’t have that. You tamp down your anger. Gather yourself. Feel the world around you. Now hold it at arms’ length. You bring your mental shields up slowly, guarding yourself and calming your racing heart through a few deep breaths. Then, you let the barriers down, allowing the world to rush back into your mind. You exhale slowly, combing through the sensations like Cal had taught you, searching for the presence that had become so familiar over the past few months. There!
A flash of warm colors in the midst of the muted Force signatures of plants.
You whirl, scanning the tree branches above you in time to see Cal make a break for it. He’s overhead, about ten feet off of the ground and running along a tree branch so gracefully that it seems like he’s skimming across the air. He’s heading for a vine. ‘Sneaky little--’
‘Sneaky little what?’
You gasp as he teases back through the Force. Your brow sets in determination, and you narrow your gaze on the vine that he’s reaching out for. You settle on it, and reach out. Your consciousness brushes the vine, pulling it just out of Cal’s reach. His outstretched fingers close just short of the vine, and he loses his balance.
He hits the ground with an oof and you plant a foot on his chest. “Sneaky little laserbrain.”
“Babe you did it!” He grins up at you, unrepentant and ruffled from the mad dash through the forest, “Don’t you love your amazing boyfriend who just helped you to learn another Force trick?”
You smile, “I do. But--” you press harder on his chest with your boot, “--you’re still going to pay for that.”
He groans, “I just paid by falling out of a tree. How else would I make it up to you?”
Without your bidding, ideas leap to your mind. “Oh, I have some.” Cal, between your legs and making you cum with only his mouth. You, on your knees for Cal against one of these trees. Riding Cal back on the Mantis, topless and gasping his name as he brushes up against that one spot inside of you that makes you sing. You don’t project them, but you’re aware that your shields aren’t up, and Cal’s Force presence is hovering on the edge of yours.
Cal’s face reddens as he gapes up at you. All of this time, and he still gets worked up at the bare idea of you naked. It’s a little cute. He springs to his feet, “Let’s go back to the ship.”
You hum, looking at him thoughtfully, ‘We don’t need to go back to the ship for a couple of those.’
He chokes, and you smile as you grab the front of his poncho and back him against a large tree. This is going to be fun.
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love-hatred-stuff · 3 years
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》genre: tiny bit of fluff(they're really in love), mainly angst
》warning(s): mentions of cheating, heartbreaking break up
》part 1
"Babe? Baby? Hello, are you there?" Mingi's voice repeatedly called out to me.
But I was in such a shocked form I needed a while to even realise who's voice that was, the realisation hitting me hard suddenly. So hard, it felt like a bullet had hit my heart and teared it in two halfs. I didn't want to believe it in that moment because it just seemed to surreal to be true that he had betrayed our shared love, but I think he really had broken my heart that second. And it felt impossible to heal again.
Though, I wanted to break off civilized and maybe give him a chance to explain why exactly he'd been seen with another girl by my so called "friends". I'd find it stupid to be that sensitive and just cut our bond like that. Both of us wouldn't deserve it that way.
"Mingi, we need to talk. When will you be here?" I needed everything in me to control the tone of my voice and not let him know what a cry baby I was. I had avoided the word "home" on purpose, unable to think about the fact that we practically shared this apartment since we got together.
I couldn't see it, but I knew that he frowned after my words. Not sure if he should feel guilty or worried. I think probably he was more worried because he was pretty protective and attentive when it was about me, and he always knew when something was up with me or if I were just joking. Mingi could feel the tension building up in his veins. And within the next few minutes not only blood rushed through them, pure adrenalin were mixed with it, by the intense fear he felt.
"Why, baby? Is everything okay? Don't make me worried, please. I called because I wanted to tell you that I'll be with you in around ten minutes." He answered, already feeling how sweaty his hands felt on the steering wheel.
He gets home late on Saturdays and always calls me when he's on his way. Although the only thing that buzzed inside my head was, why he would make all this effort for me and our valuable relationship when he had someone else to love.
Maybe we still had hope? Or he just wanted to keep a good reputation and break up with me without me knowing he'd found another girl.
I shook my head, in order to get rid of those awful thoughts. It began hurting more and more each second that had past.
"That's good. I'll see you then. Drive safe." I ended the call. Even if he had made big mistake, I still cared for him and I didn't want him to drive home faster and have an accident just because of me.
●●Author's POV●●
Mingi didn't understand anything anymore. He was eager to know what in the dirty hell was going on and have the problem solved as fast as possible. Since he really fucking hated arguing with you or if you were mad at him.
You were everything he had, and that was the ugly truth. He had no one else, his family didn't support him in anything that he did. He had just a few friends that he could say he trusted well enough to talk about some particular things of his private life with. Though, no one could compete with you.
And he thought you knew that. But he could feel how this night wasn't going to end well for him.
When Mingi arrived everything was silent. And he hated this kind of silence. It wasn't only scary, it reminded him of you not talking a word with him even though you may be in the same room. It was because you were never silent, you always talked to him. There was just a few moments he had to experience where you had given him the cold shoulder. The worst thing that he could ever imagine to happen. Because he loved you, truly and dearly. With every single cell of his body. Who else would there be to love anyways?
At first he had hope and thought it was just going to be one of your warnings you gave him when he didn't do something you told him to do several times, like cleaning up his mess or taking out the trash. Just simple things, he could apologise for and do what he was supposed to do.
Mingi got rid of his jacket and shoes in a swift motion, just wanting to see your face again. Even if he was just gone for a few hours, he had missed you so goddamn much, his heart already began swelling.
And then he searched for you in the living room. So finally Mingi saw your face, but he had imagined it to look very much different. His heart sunk as he saw how red your eyes were. The tall and totally whipped man already began begging for it to be just a nightmare. He barely saw you this way and if he did, he wasn't the reason and could sing you to sleep until you were happy again, but something had him feeling like that wasn't the case this time.
"Y/n please, tell me what’s wrong. I will make it up, I promise. It will be fine." His calming voice spoke to you while he looked for any other signs in your face.
In reality he was scared, he wasn't calm, he was screaming inside, hoping for it to be just nothing. Mingi wanted to spend the rest of the day cuddling with you and fulfilling all of your little wishes. He had it planned out, so he pleaded for it to be nothing big that he had to worry about any longer. It was already enough pain he was feeling as he saw how exhausted you looked, it teared him apart.
Your eyes searched for his, looking for sincerity. And you found it, you could clearly tell how scared he was. Then you decided to speak, using all your strength to not cry out for his help.
"Mingi. I know I'm important to you. And it's okay, alright? I just want you to break up with me now and tell me the truth." You tried to be gentle, because you didn't feel like yelling at his handsome face.
You didn't wanted to see how realisation hits him. But weirdly, you really didn't. You only saw confusion.
"Baby, what do you mean "break up"? Why would I ever do that? I never thought about it and I never will. I promise you, it'll be okay, just tell me what got you so upset. Please, baby I wanna see you happy." He approached you and stood now a few inches away, using the opportunity to lay his hand on your cheek and caress it.
Mingi gave you a reassuring smile until you put his hands away from you. This small gesture pained him so much, it let his eyes get teary instantly. Why were you doing this?
"Please don't call me baby anymore. I think we should take a break or something. You don't love me enough to not think about replacing me soon." You stated and the first tears started falling.
"Why would I replace you? You don't know how much you mean to me y/n, do you? I love so much." He tried grabbing you again but you refused to have skin contact now.
"Don't do this y/n, please. You're all I have." He begged, sniffing while whiping his tears away.
"But what can I do when you found someone better than me?! I love you more than I have loved anyone else before but I don't wanna look at you while knowing you don't feel the same, Mingi!" Your voice got louder, although it was the last thing you wanted.
Now your boyfriend had completely lost his mind. The ability to think before speaking wasn’t a choice anymore, leading to words he would regret for the rest if his life time.
"Fine! I don't wanna look at your face either, I can find plenty of prettier ones!!" It took him a second before recalling and realising what he just said to you.
Mingi didn't even knew he could be this mean. But he was desperate, he was confused by the things you accused him of so suddenly. It was to much to take. And too late for him to change his choice of words.
As a wave of regret hit him, he tried holding you and apologised continuously, but for no use. You had made up your mind by then, you had to leave him. Now, not later.
And after another few minutes of him trying to explain, he could watch you leave with a little bag in your hand.
Mingi would never forget your last words: "I wished I wouldn't love but hate you."
•••~to be continued ~
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