#I'm sure nothing bad will happen :)
gotham-snark 4 months
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Damian's had a rough time lately 馃槰 go hurt some bad guys with your dad
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nimuello 3 months
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*bops them on the head* these two can fit so much angst in them
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crossdressingdeath 1 month
Hm. Well.
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I'm sure that's fine.
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dani-the-goblin 4 months
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We could just go home right now, or maybe we could stick around for just one more drink.
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tonguetiedraven 1 year
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My main contribution to mermay. Merman Ryuuji finding a strange glowing orb. Filter free version below the cut :)
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recklessattack 2 years
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What's that?
Selv braves the wilderness of Ryxia alone, drawing away a pack of predators so his guildmates can safely enter into the mind of Valeska Carter.
There he encounters horrors, strangeness and frankly more horrors.
In E54: Me, My Selv, and I
Links in comments!
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mwagneto 5 months
15 revealing that apparently the bigeneration was hugely traumatic and not something he could survive again is already insane but especially considering that when he was with 14 neither of them acted like it was anything other than amazing which makes me think 15 was the only one who felt that it was something incredibly damaging but he didn't wanna tell 14 coz he wanted at least one of them to be happy which is sooo.. ough....
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aediondraws 5 months
the Magnus Protocol Character Designs
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these are just my current headcanons, as well as some things I've seen from others. idk who came up with the Sam amputee hc but I rlly fwi! These aren't final, so feel free to tell me your hcs in the comments, I'd love to hear about them!!
Colin, Lena & Celia are next, and if i find the time I'll try to work on some others like Bonzo etc.
Some details:
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swkbiggestdefender 7 months
oh to be loved by the sun :,(
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the sun loves the sky <3
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knight-of-aether 3 months
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On the eve of battle, as twilight draws near...
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chemdisaster 10 months
secret life joel has seriously got me so fucked up
it's something about how in 3rd life he was all alone, he had his dogs and his all-consuming propensity for destruction and that was that. he had the taste of fire climbing up his throat, the smoke that clouded his vision and turned everything red, and that was all he ever needed, no alliance ever meant a thing to him beyond how it would eventually look when it went up in flames. then in last life he made attempts at something resembling genuine connection, but they fell through and so he fell back on what he knew, what was familiar. he made alliances that only went as far as the shared blood they could draw, willingly relinquished himself to the comfort of loneliness and death, and ended up being damn good at it. he had his fingers with the red dripping from them and not much more, and he never asked for more, either. all he really had was himself and the fire. and he was fine staying like that, everything was as it was meant to be, it was fine.
but then came double life and etho and the relation ship, and suddenly joel had something to fight for, a cause and a direction for the destruction, and when the relation ship burnt it was a conscious, purpose-filled decision to let his own blaze explode outwards and reduce everything else to embers and smouldering ash. joel said, "the ship burns, everything burns," and even when his words came true in the cruellest way possible, when everything burnt and he and etho followed, in the spills of swirling lava, amidst their sizzling remains that quickly dissolved into nothingness, something had changed.
and then came limited life and the bad boys, and at this point joel had known what it was to be wanted and to want, and maybe he never expected the bad boys to matter as much as they did in the end, but it happened before he'd even had time to notice, slowly and then all at once, and there was no denying now that he cared. and this time when he died, it was reckless and desperate and with one name playing on repeat in his ears until the sky came down and he heard nothing at all. he died wanting to stay alive, in a world where suffering and loss grew on you like fungi until it was all you ever knew how to feel, joel died with something to live for and something to die for.
and now here he is. in secret life. and you'd think someone like joel, someone who never really asked for connection, someone who knows how to stay himself with nothing but an army of wolves surrounding him, would get burnt once or twice and close himself right off, go back to doing what he knows and what works. but for someone so accustomed to loneliness that he wears it like a second skin, joel remains startlingly willing to put himself out there. he remembers the bad boys, screams when jimmy dies and gives grian hearts and tells him he would always help him out. he, despite the complicated nature of their relationship and the way they always seem to go for each other in fights, despite how he's made sure to put on an air of being unaffected when it comes to their memories, nevertheless gets in a boat with etho and openly tells him that he still cares, it's just - it's just. when pearl is green and he is yellow, he purposely throws away his guess to ensure that she is safe around him. joel, the character who you'd think would be most likely to spurn every alliance and go back to fighting for himself only because if he doesn't, no one else will - joel, despite all that, is actively trying to be more, more than what he is and what he already knows how to be.
you can see it in how he is as a red life, too. in every previous season, to the point where other lifers have made note of it, joel has become imprudent, excessively reckless and rash when he's gone down to red. in contrast to secret life, where he's more or less calmly completing tasks, gathering resources and preparing himself for possible eventualities. his actions this go around are step-by-step, organised and calculated in a way they weren't before. and obviously part of that is to do with the nature of this season, there isn't much room to be reckless when everything you do has to correspond with what's in your book. and tomorrow is life day, probably the last session, and who knows what's going to happen. but still, it cannot be denied that joel's demeanour has changed to be more collected this time - especially impressive if you remember that he's lost three people he loved already.
over the course of the life series joel has been learning what it is to love and be loyal and fully and unquestionably open yourself up to someone. despite getting hurt over and over again, something that by all rights should have warned him off from getting close to people forever, he's instead taken everything good about those relationships and carried it with him. in a world that pushes everyone to fall to the same character flaws, he's found space for growth and healing, and that is so beautiful it hurts.
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ndn-craft 2 months
Marmalade heart emoji
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focshi 1 year
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a familiar family of slugcats...
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finemealprompt 4 months
DP x DC Prompt #89
Tim and Danny grew up in the same household together. Tim was never alone with his younger brother around. But Tim couldn鈥檛 fight the urge to sneak out at night to stalk watch normally Batman and Robin from afar. He didn鈥檛 know that his younger brother was following him. He didn鈥檛 know someone was following them. He didn鈥檛 know until he came home to an empty house.
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pimsri 1 year
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Finsihed The Witcher SS3 so here's the hansa doodle <3
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paigeyssims2004 1 month
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Finally got this game. Wish me luck y'all 馃檹
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