nebulaika · 4 months
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How about episode 2 huh?
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gibbearish · 9 months
everyone clap and cheer for me my physical therapist says my boypussy era can finally begin
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d1s1ntegrated · 2 months
Im obsessed with loser shigaraki, do u think u could write hcs on his first time making out 👀
Also I’ve been obsessed with your blog your writing is just too good 😫 could I claim this emoji 🫶🏼 anon?
yass 🫶🏼 is all urs bby
i always thrive with loser shig <3
first time: making out with shigaraki hc's (slight nsfw mention) 『♡』•『♡』•『♡』•『♡』
shigaraki had never touched anyone like that before, let alone kissed.
he would crack jokes from time to time, taunting you
"you wanna just kiss me so bad, huh?"
til one day, you said yes, and he panicked.
your lips crashed on his in a fit of half-rage half-lust, sick of the teasing.
safer to say, he didn't disappoint.
albeit he was a bit sloppy at first
waaaay too rough and kept his lips pursed like a goldfish
he didnt think you'd actually do it
so he got super insecure when you laughed at him but he quickly got over it
and yeah no hes not beating the dry lips allegations but its okay
he def tastes like og monster energy (my fav to describe in fics)
but he caught on pretty quickly
then he was soft, slow, tantalizing
until he tried to use tongue
too much, again, but you slowed him down
"like this, tomu"
he's not stupid, he's actually a fast learner, he just needs a little help, yknow?
of course, kissing him got him hard as a rock, which was actually kind of endearing.
he quickly gained confidence, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you in
he forgot how to breathe a few times but its okay
once he really got the hang of it, its like a switch flipped.
he pushed you right against his bedroom door and pinned you there, moaning and grinding against you as his tongue explored your mouth
there was such a strong hunger in him, just knowing you liked him enough to want to do this with him
it drove him crazy
so he dragged you to his bed and urged for you to get in his lap
he kissed your entire face, down your neck
like a dam had been broken
months of tension led to this, and it was positively euphoric
the way he touched you and kissed you was unlike anything you'd ever felt.
you felt more than loved, you felt needed.
safe to say, you'd be doing this way more often
he never did stop with the teasing, though.
thank u for the ask love!
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orkbutch · 1 year
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Okay! time to add my accompanying essays with each image from this set of work about why I assigned which types of play to each set of characters, and how Baldur's Gate III supports these in the text of the game. Because I thought about all of this way too much im not joking
First, Context:
All of these are drawings of consensual play happening between these characters after they have put aside any active conflicts between each other. Nonetheless, they utilise the dynamics and emotional conflicts of these characters. Each of these characters are in some way violent people, deeply stressed out by their circumstances, and craving pleasure and connection. Sometimes you need a little pinch and squeal before the end of the world just to get through the night, you know?
Knife play; Shadowheart (D) / Lae'zel (S)
This is definitely the best supported concept in the text of the game because we literally see this happen, though in a significantly different context. I'd say most of us thought it was hot, whether we realised it or not, and I think Shadowheart and Lae'zel probably agreed once they weren't worried about dying! I think its the perfect encapsulation of the tension between SH and LZ both early on and as it resolves. It also expresses both their personalities very succinctly and accurately. SH is absolutely an edgy, paranoid goth, and LZ would love the thrill.
For all the early game SH sees LZ as ruthless and dangerous to her, and resents Gith for the death of her peers. LZ is a threat she wants to neutralize or at least control. At the same time, SH is someone who prefers to avoid conflict and subtly occupy power/advantage in most situations she finds herself in. She has little concern for honour, pride or fairness.
Lae'zel absolutely does. She is a very straight forward and efficient person. For her, SH starts as an inconveniently racist coworker, but at the reveal of the artifact SH becomes more than that; not only has she insulted LZ's people, she's revealed herself to be untrustworthy, very willing to lie and play dirty. Not only does SH seem to hate her, but SH has rules and intentions that are entirely unknown to LZ, and that is obviously frightening.
AND SO I JUST THINK... that potent history would be very hot background for fear based play, which knife play is all about. The heart-racing threat of the point of a dangerous object held at your most tender areas - throats, armpits, mouths, bellies... and the depth of trust and submission to let that occur, to sit in the fear and really enjoy the rush of danger and helplessness, knowing you will be safe. It shows a profound growth in their regard for eachother, a true and total overcoming of old resentments and conflicts.
This is not only a position I think SH would relish - to reduce someone as deadly as LZ to being at her mercy, and to feel deeply trusted with someone's life and pleasure - but also a rare delight for LZ. To take the heart-thumping threat of a battlefield, which she absolutely thrives in, and to toy with and explore that mental space. To be truly stripped back and placed in anothers hands. For that to be an enemy who has become someone she feels so completely safe with.
Beneath this I think there is also a thread of empathy and shared idiosyncratic communication between them. They were both cruelly broken into roles that made it difficult for them to connect to others. Violence is a language both of them understand very well, in different ways, and even after they each turn on their cruel masters, violence retains meaning for them.
For SH, violence is to be enacted and more often endured as a sign of devotion. It's something that carries wisdom, the agony of lessons learned and knowledge that is uncomfortable but ultimately good for you. I don't think this is something she decides is wrong. I think what disillusioned her (beyond the betrayal of being lied to) was how Shar was revealed to have misused her pain. Shar's pain was not a gift, it had no loving measure or purpose. It was a spiteful, excessive control tactic.
I like to imagine SH learning a new way to use her affinity with pain, which I think is a very normal affinity for people to have. To learn how to use pain the way she had wanted it to be used and had come to admire. To make pain bespoke from Shar, her own gift to give and recieve on her own terms.
For LZ, violence is to be mastered for survival and superiority. Pain was only endured to prove you could endure it better than others. Violence is a hammer in a world where all beings are nails, except you and the few other hammers. All else was forsaken for this mastery. Even in sex violence and superiority are key. Vulnerability is terrifying, to make yourself a nail made to be driven by hammers who are certain of their purpose.
What else could be a greater liberating thrill, a more profound sign of trust for LZ? Willing submission to the violence of another. Those she comes to truly love become the source of her bruises. In submission to violence LZ embraces true vulnerability, untethered by tradition, opening herself to another person and trusting them to handle her with care.
In conclusion: These bitches love knife play, it gets them super hot and they feel rly connected after and share wine and cheese and maybe a massage if they have energy as aftercare. LZ will be cuddled but only if SH doesn't ask and just does it. LZ always makes sure to tell SH she admires her skill and had fun. Its very sweet
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voidandabyssal · 6 months
Mmkay im gonna talk a little on lusttale.
Now Im not gonna lie, I know very little about the original lusttale, only that there was a lot of controversy around it; supposedly because it glorified sexual assault and sexualised children? I don’t know how true that is tho, so take it with a grain of salt.
But it’s an interesting au anyways, so I’m gonna have my own take on it!
Chara and Asriels death was the start of a slow decline for Monsters. Everyone fell into a dark depression, hope was lost; and though eventually people moved on from their lost heirs, things changed.
Fertility rates dropped shockingly low. Children were becoming increasingly rare. Extinction was becoming a very real threat for Monster kind.
King Asgore ordered the royal scientist to find a fix for this issue.
The lust serum was created. Not that thats what they called it at first, thats just the popular nickname the inhabitants started to call it.
Toriel is one of the few monsters not to have taken the serum. Instead she, and a few dozen other adult Monsters decided to start residing in the ruins. There isn’t as much tension between herself and asgore. He was more then happy to let toriel live there if she pleased (its not like their marriage was thriving anyways).
Though he was saddened at the thought of never having another child like Asriel again.
When Monster children are born, they may spend a few months to a few years with their birth parents before being sent to the ruins
There, they are communally raised alongside all the other children by Toriel and her Keepers. Once they reach the age of majority, they’re given a choice.
Either take the serum, and thus be able to leave the ruins and enter into Monster society with all the freedoms of an adult,
Or stay in the ruins. They would join Toriels Keepers and would help raise the children of the underground. In this case they wouldnt take the serum. They’d be the caretakers of all the little children.
Monsters primarily focus on the lust aspect of a relationship nowadays. A wedding hasn’t happened in a very long time
Most relationships are either casual or very short lived. Some Monsters aren’t even sure love is something they can feel anymore,
How could they when lust is all they’ve known?
Passion (LT papyrus) is a pretty flamboyant guy. His dream is to work for the royal guard and he has a huge soft spot for anything (or anyone) cute looking.
Passions also a hopeless romantic, he’s daydreamed about his one true love since he was a babybones. Which frequently leads to him excitedly jumping into new relationships and then getting heart broken only weeks or months later when he realised they aren’t actually who he imagined they were and breaks up with them.
Him and Undyne have been besties since childhood, Dior jokes that they must’ve had the same mother with how close they are.
Passion worries for Dior, he’s his brother and he can see how depressed Dior gets. Passions not blind, he knows his brother well enough to see through that facade.
Dior (LT sans) is a hard working man. He works at Grillbys as a sex worker. Grillby allows him and his brother to eat and drink there for free so long as Dior keeps bringing in customers.
He’s worked there since he left the ruins. Him and Grillby are pretty close friends. Probably the only person aside from Passion he actually likes.
Diors a real fashionista, he loves designer clothes, shoes and perfumes. Nothing makes him more powerful then a good looking dress and powerful set of high heels.
Very pessimistic man under all those smiles though. He thinks Passion is naive. Love doesn’t exist! Thats something for fairytales and babybones!
he’s worked long enough to know that everyone is just looking for an easy way to relieve stress. ‘Love’ is just some fancy dressed up word for lust!
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angelmichelangelo · 3 months
Hello! ❤️❤️ The latest one-shot you did with Splinter just warmed by heart. Could I make a request for Kappa? I love tender Splinter and I'd also love to see more of your Raph (love the way you write him, even if he's not your top turtle!) Could we get something of Splinter, any universe, taking care of his grumpy red son who secretly loves the attention? Maybe Raph is sick or has been injured during a mission and papa Splinter is making it all better? Thank you! ❤️
im having a pretty crummy week so far so here’s some sick fic turtle tot raph because that seems to heal me - enjoy <3
Splinter’s voice is warm yet unwavering, the type of tone he uses when he’s allowing no such wiggle room for argument to arise. Unfortunately for him, this is his one son who thrives on being argumentative.
“M’not sick,” the six year old pouts from his bed, lip jutted out, arms crossed over his chest, the whole nine yards of utter defiance that has the rat chuckling fondly as he presses the back of his hand against his forehead once again.
Warm. Too warm for a creature supposedly cold-blooded. That, along with the sniffles at breakfast and the slight raspiness to his voice come the mid-morning had indicated to Splinter that his son was coming down with something as simple as a cold.
The young turtle whines pitifully as he tries to chase Splinter’s hand away with his, but both the sound and the movement must tickle something in his chest, causing a small, brief coughing fit to erupt from him. Splinter waits for it to subside before he’s passing him his favorite red beaker of very diluted juice.
“You must rest,” he’s telling him again, pulling back the blanket he’d kicked off himself moments ago. “Or you shant get any better.”
Raph only sucks down a meager mouthful of the drink before he’s shoving it back into his father’s hands. He looks up at him with a more defined and determined pout.
“But I’m not sick!” He protests, voice nasally and raw sounding. “I wanna go’n’play!”
There’s tears now glossy over his leafy green eyes, the lip he’d so purposely pushed outwards was starting to wobble and he’s bringing out all the big guns that he knows works wonders on his dad before he coughs again, spluttering harder before Splinter is making him drink at least three full mouthfuls of his juice.
“You can play when you’re better,” he tells him, firmer this time as to squash any illusion he was worming his way out of this one with something as trivial as puppy dog eyes. “I won’t have you out of bed in the cool air where you shall get worse.” He tucks him into bed despite his squirming and his whining. He stands and gives his son a look.
“I mean it, Raphael. Do not get out of that bed, okay?”
Raph sighs heavily, defeated, he rolls over onto his side to face the wall. Splinter shakes his head. He was dealing with a teenager before his years.
It only takes another hour before there’s soft feet padding into the dojo, approaching Splinter where he sits, his semi-meditative trance broken where a small three fingered hand clasps around the sleeve of his robe and tugs.
“Dad,” Leonardo speaks in a loud whisper. “Dad, Raph is outta bed again.”
Splinter cracks open one eye to look downwards at the son that stands before him.
He’s got his newly gifted bandana slung around his neck, playing with the tails of it with his free hand, twisting it up around his fingers with worry.
Splinter smiles at him, hoping it would be enough for now to alleviate some of his concerns.
“Do not worry,” he tells him, unfolding himself from the floor to stand, prying his son's fingers away from his sleeve to grasp at his hand instead. “Let us go put him back to bed.”
Leo hums, diplomatic and sure. “He’s playing with Mikey. He’s gonna get him sick, too.”
Splinter does not outright agree with his son, mindful not to spur on any possible anxiety of an outbreak of cold and flu between them, as Leonardo often wore his worry very blazingly for a child his age.
The approach the main room of the lair where he can hear the hushed voices of two of his children coming from one of the bedrooms. Donatello, who’s sprawled out on his front, happily working away on his number book, glances up at them both, putting his crayon down momentarily to tell them,
“They’re in Angies room, daddy.”
Splinter thanks him with a gentle nod of his head, then pats Leo’s shell affectionately as he encourages him to go sit with his brother.
“Help Donatello for a while, my son.” He is instructing him as he sweeps across the lair. “I shall only be a moment.”
He hears his second youngest murmur something about not needing help with his times tables but he ignores it in favor or going straight to the last bedroom, pushing the door open to find his other two children paused in their activities to stare up at his presence with big, frightful eyes.
Michelangelo is frozen in place where he’d been seemingly prancing about the bedroom with two old action figures clutched tightly in his hands whilst Raphael is sat on the floor, looking tired and worn but has a stuffie in his hold, making it dance across the floor.
“Boys,” he speaks to them both and Mikey lowers his arms, Raphael hugging the stuffie closer to his chest. “I told you, best rest.”
Raph goes to speak, sluggishly peeling himself up off his brothers bedroom floor but Mikey moves fast, gently clipping his shoulder with his as he rushes towards their father with a million mile per hour explanation.
“I was jus’ tryin’ to cheer Raphie up, daddy!” He says loudly, voice filling with an overflow of various emotions. “I thought it would make him better.”
He’s pulling a face, one that Splinter has come to read as don’t tell me off, I’m the baby.
He doesn’t yell at either of his children. He plucks the action figure out of his loose fist and sets it carefully on the bedside table.
“I understand,” he tells his smallest son, eyes flickering between him and a rather sheepish looking Raph who’s hiding behind him now. “But the best thing for Raphael is rest. I don’t want you getting sick either, Michelangelo.”
Mikey seems to take offense to that, puffing out his chest and frowning. “I never get sick. I haffa, um, what did Donnie call it? An iron stomach.”
Splinter can’t help but chuckle, patting his son affectionately across the dome of his head.
“That you do,” he tells him. “But that doesn’t mean you’re exempt from colds.” He turns to Raph who’s decidedly staying silent on the matter. “And it doesn’t exempt you from going against my word.”
Raph looks down at his feet, sniffing miserably.
“Sorry, dad.”
He shuffles quietly out of the bedroom behind his father, not before throwing Mikey a forlorn look over his shoulder. He goes to pass him back his stuffie, but his brother is pressing it back into his arms with a toothy grin.
“Keep it for now, Raphie,” Mikey tells him proudly. “That’ll help get rid of your sickness.”
Raph pretends to look a little put out at the idea of sleeping with a cuddly animal, one of which that belongs to his little brother no less, but when he thinks his father isn’t looking, Splinger catches him hold it tight across his chest and smile just slightly.
He gets Raphael back into bed, tucking him for what feels like the hundredth time.
“I can bring you in some soup later,” he tells his son, running a hand over his clammy forehead. “It will help your sore throat and make your tummy better.”
Raphael sniffs, twisting up the worn tag of the stuffie between his finger, he’s about to tell him once again to sit still when he watches his little chest hitch and fresh tears spring to his eyes.
“Daddy,” he cries brokenly, a deep rattling his his chest breaking when he flings his arms up towards the rat. “Daddy, I don’t wanna be sick no more!”
Splinter coos, bundling up the turtle in his arms to hold him as he cries.
“I know, little one,” he soothes him best he can, tracing his paw in circles across his shell. “But as long as you rest and sleep, it won’t be very much long, hm?”
Raphael sniffles, wiping his wet snout along the shoulder of Splinter’s robes — he’ll allow it just for today.
“Can you… can you tell me a story?” He’s asking his father, sliding back down the bed, his eyes growing heavy as he presses the soft stuffie against his cheek. “Not one from the story books, but one of your stories, daddy.”
Splinter hums, pulling up the blanket up under his chin, smoothing a palm over his cheek.
“Alright,” he says gently. “Then you just sleep.”
Raphael nods tiredly, wedging a thumb into the corner of his mouth as he gets himself comfortable.
“Once upon a time,” the rat begins, voice soft and quiet. “In a place far away from here, a place called Japan, there lived a beautiful woman called Tang Shen…”
He continues his story, one he had retold each of his sons many times before, watching as his sickly son sags against his pillow, body finally going lax as sleep wins against him.
He finishes telling his story, steadily standing from where he was perched on the edge of the bed, mindful to make each movement as silent as possible, he bends himself over his child and presses a warm kiss to his forehead.
“Sleep, Raphael,” he whispers. “And sleep well.”
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defiantdreemurrs · 8 months
homestucks are some of the worst because of how ridiculously conflict averse they are to the point of clutching their pearls the MOMENT anything even SLIGHTLY not good threatens to happen to their blorbo
not only can so many of them not handle actual conflict in their own lives theyre so afraid of any kind of conflict at all that they see anything bad happening to their favorite characters as just bad writing
so they spend their time coming up with shitty fluff fics where nothing bad ever happens between the characters they like and all potential conflicts are solved by everyone using therapyspeak at each other as the authors use the characters as little more than hollow mouthpieces for them to soapbox thru towards the kinds of people they think are "bad" and "wrong" (most often this equals anyone who even remotely resembles vriska)
and like on some level i get it. especially when youve gone thru years of abuse conflict aversion can become your safety mechanism. you try as hard as you can to avoid any conflicts happening because conflicts usually mean more abuse. but thats not ALL conflict means.
we thrive on conflict. were all different from each other. we all have different wants and needs and desires and dreams and sometimes these will come into conflict with others and THATS OK. THATS NORMAL. THATS GOOD. the problem isnt the conflict, the problem is in the resolution of it.
resolving conflicts in a healthy way (that may sometimes involve getting upset with each other and arguing!) helps us to grow closer to each other and helps forge connections and regularly trying to avoid conflict will only end up hurting those connections if not outright breaking them. ive been thru multiple relationships where deep amounts of conflict aversion on their parts made me feel small and broken and worthless because if anything DID ever happen between us it was always ignored and whatever hurt may have been there was allowed to just fester instead of being heard, to the point of ending in nasty breakups that still harbor plenty of resentment.
all of this to say your shitty fic where nothing bad ever happens to your blorbos is at best uninteresting and at worst promoting ever more dangerous levels of conflict aversion that might be ruining your relationships. am i gonna tell you to stop writing that way? no. write however you want. but just as youre allowed to write about it im allowed to bitch about it.
also high key stories and narratives revolve around conflict. like if you dont have some kind of conflict then you dont really have much of a story. even something as simple as "two characters misunderstand each others feelings and keep self sacrificing for the others sake only to realize thats what they were doing and that they dont have to keep hurting themselves" is conflict. it doesnt have to be massive earth shattering world ending conflict. just let the characters have trouble with each other and let them come to a resolution about it. and not just therapyspeak at each other either thats fucking lame and amounts to little more than soapboxing.
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knjbrin · 8 months
Introduce your ocs to me, im new :3
Oh HIIIII omg Let me start okay so These are all Ocs for my Comic Broken Bottlez;
*This is Willow they go by She/They Pronouns and is the main character and lead singer and guitarist of the band
Her interests consist of reading Books on The history of rock music and Practicing guitar. She takes writing music and keeping the band together very seriously. When she’s not doing any of that she’s Exercising or working part time at Vera’s Bar.
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*Then there’s Keeoni She’s 24 and goes by She/Her pronouns and is the second main character. She’s a Journalist for a Magazine that features Rock bands and all things Alternative.
A social Butterfly Keeoni loves to be on the scene whenever there’s a concert, a party, or an event that needs her she’ll be there.
Her interests consist of Learning about bands and the history of Alternative music because her father used to be the lead singer of a Famous band. When she’s not doing that she’s Volunteering at Libraries reading to children or tutoring students. She loves Fashion and Wants to start a blog about Fashion trends in the scene. She’s new to town and Finds herself Getting much more personal with Lead singer of Broken Bottlez
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*Then there’s Elizabelle who’s sort of the main Antagonist of the comic. She’s 25 and goes by She/Her pronouns and is an Ex member of Broken Bottlez along with Being Willows Ex.
An Upcoming Model and Fashion Influencer Elizabelle is A Social Butterfly she thrives in the Social Scene and will do anything to Stay in it.
Her interests consist of Shopping, Blogging, and Socializing with People of her Social Status and going to Parties to mingle with the VIP there. Outside of that Eliza struggles with her self image of being Apart of a society that looks at her like another Bimbo Woman who just wants to be Famous.
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*Then there’s Vera The best friend of Willow and sort of the older sister of the bandShes 25 and goes by She/Her pronouns and takes on more of a Manager role for the band By finding gigs, writing songs, managing tours and interviews etc.
She owns a Goth Bar and Considers herself an Ambivert. Blunt and Straightforward when it comes to the greater good of her friends and the band she’s taken on a Sisterly role to Willow, Ash, and Karissa.
Her interests consist of supporting her community and giving her people a space where they can be themselves and still feel safe and comfortable. She can be sarcastic at times and a little harsh with her honesty but has the greater good of her friends in her heart.
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*Then there’s Karissa Lead Bassist and Sub Vocalist of Broken Bottlez She’s 22 and goes by She/Her pronouns and is Willows younger Cousin Karissa is the heart of the band She always knows how to lift everyone’s spirits whenever things seem to be going wrong.
She’s an Extrovert and loves to be around like minded people. She’s very protective of her friends Especially Ash and Willow. She can tell what a persons feeling just off of one look and tends to be the shoulder her friends can lean on.
Her interests consist of making her own Clothes and designing outfits for the band to wear. When she’s not doing that she’s Practicing Bass and helping out at her mother’s Bakery or Helping Vera manage the Band. She also may or may not have a teeeeny tiny crush on Ash.
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*And finally There’s Ashton “Ash” for short. Lead Drummer of the bandThey’re 23 and go by They/Them pronouns and is Willows Best Friend
Introverted by choice Ash likes to keep their public image simple: Cold and Mysterious. Buuut in reality they’re actually An open book and a very loyal and kindhearted Individual to those they are close to. They just really prioritize privacy. Tends to get overwhelmed when at the center of social scenes so Prefers Observing and listening.
Their interests consist of Playing and Practicing The drums. Are they never not playing the drums? Outside of that They Help run their family’s Record store With their Oldest brother and going to quiet places like parks, libraries, and Art galleries. Loves to hangout at Vera’s Bar tends to be the one Social setting they thrive in.
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And that’s it pretty much! I’m still working on some things and getting character sheets out but Welcome to my Weird little Sapphic Comicverse 😭❤️❤️❤️
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stewingstee · 11 months
Okay killing off a character to also kill Blackbeard so the main character could thrive is so so fucked
How would izzy be responsible for who ed is, izzy was growing, to be accepting to who ed was becoming, but still, had to die so blackbeard could die, im not saying izzy deserved better (cuz c'mon, death is inevitable, everybody dies, and it's unfair and they all deserve better) I'm just saying he didn't need to die for Ed to let go of Blackbeard, they were both fucked broken men, no one needed to die for the other.
And they could've been just ed and iz if they wanted to, again, no dying.
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gagfadget · 7 months
So this post is kind of a sequel to this post. I wanted to go more in depth as to why I said that but also talk about why I feel like ther term anti and proshipper are both fundamentally broken. Again, I’m speaking from the experience of being an ex-proshipper. I’m neither of the two. I think both sides are bad and reductive. I’ve been on both sides and I’ve seen the toxicity of both sides. Do NOT call me anti and do NOT call me a proshipper.
Anyways even when I still considered myself to be part of that group, the trend with them calling conservatives and right-wingers “antis” started to come about. At first it wasn’t like that. On a surface level an anti was someone who was just an opposite of a proshipper, someone who harassed people in fandoms over ships or characters that they deemed problematic and harmful. Over time I started to notice proshippers calling people antis over minor disagreements and eventually they started calling actual bigots antis. By that point I started to become frustrated because this word that had a set definition already and actually did have a lot of right wing anti-sjw types in it, started to expand and expand until it became almost like an umbrella term for anything that was of the left.
Is an anti someone that harasses people over ships?
Is an anti a conservative/right winger/puritan?
Is an anti someone who doesn’t like proshippers?
Is an anti someone who doesn’t like a certain ship or character?
Is an anti someone who disagrees with a proshipper during a discussion?
And this isn’t stuff that I just pulled out of my ass, these are all different groups of people that ive seen proshippers call antis. If it’s all of the above then you’re grouping in actual dangerous political groups or people who want those groups to thrive with someone like me. Which is fucked up because conservatives/ right wingers/ puritans wants to eradicate me. That’s why I tell proshippers to not call me that (they do it anyways) because the term anti is too broad and encompasses too many things, just like the term proshipper.
Proship started off as “people who don’t harass others over ships and believe that fiction doesn’t affect reality in a 1:1 way.”
But now? I’ve seen proshippers say that proshipping is pro freedom of expression, pro-free speech, anti harassment, anti censorship, anti racism, pro lgbtq+ etc. Basically it is everything that is left leaning and everything that I also stand for. BUT. I’ve had them come to me over and over and tell me that it doesn’t matter that I’m left leaning, that I’m black, that I’m queer, that Im against harassment or hate speech or pro free speech or whatever. The mere fact that I think that shipping drama shouldn’t come up in discussions about real world topics and that complaining about “antis” when a post is talking about trans issues is tone deaf, was enough for them to label me an anti and much MUCH worse.
Things that are actually bad and actually dangerous are sharing the same label with things that aren’t. In the eyes of proshippers Iam on the same level as a person who wants me dead and has killed, tortured and attacked my people for decades and decades. When people genuinely believe that, it creates an all or nothing mentality. You’re either a proshipper or you’re a person who is a fascist or at the very least, supports fascism and im not using fascist randomly, it’s because I was called a fascist and a nazi for the same post that I mentioned above.
That “either your for us or against us” mentality is how you get absolutely insane coo coo takes like this
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Where people insinuate that being a proshipper/supporting proshippers is somehow intrinsic to being queer and that setting up boundaries for them to not interact with you is seen as you forgetting your own people’s history…
Mind you, the proshipping community is mostly made up of white people and there is a racism problem in it that I’ve had to witness, ended up taking part in and was the victim of MULTIPLE times. And some of it is because they will slap the anti label onto anyone.
You know what happens when you’re labeled an anti by a proshipper? They show no sympathy towards you because they believe that antis are/ support oppressors. When you are labeled as an anti they don’t take the time to differentiate if you are Anti: Genuine Bigot Flavored™️ or Anti: Minor Disagreement Flavored™️. They just come at you as if you are actively trying to take away their rights.
This causes someone to go through harassment and this includes racist harassment.
And when a person who had to endure harassment from them says “hey I got fucking harassed, dog pilled and got slurs spammed in my inbox by y’all only for saying that I don’t like proshippers” they counteract it by saying “Woah! Sorry you went through that but those weren’t proshippers. We don’t stand for that, only antis harass people. So those were really antis!”
I’ve seen this happen and said over and over and over and it’s even been said to me after I was harassed.
Telling people that they have to let proshippers engage with them even if it is triggering to do or else you are an anti (everything they deem as oppressive) is almost cult-like.
“Anti” is a label that encompasses too many things which include acts of actual oppression with benign disagreements on ships and characters and because of this, it often groups in oppressors with the groups they seek out to oppress.
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niftukkun · 1 year
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=The Skydiver=
[A being of the skies, though not by nature. Stranded with broken artificial wings, you must make use of both your cleverness and swiftness to thrive.]
[Little Gods and Passing Beasts AU, aka roleswapped rain world! ;; more under the cut]
introducing the scug version of my Chasing Wind! in Gourmands campaign!! hell yeah!!!
despite their campaign being more similar to Gourmands, the Skydiver has Rivulets movement mechanics. the swift speed not the extended underwater breathing. they also have Gourmands craft mechanic, but very specifically not the. pull random stuff out of your stomach mechanic? im not calling it regurgitation im fairly certain Gourmand doesnt. vore actively alive things. just to pull them out later. anyway, i think Skydivers crafting system would be different from Gourmands. i mean thered probably be some similarities but id say Skydivers is more. spear based? have i said that Skydiver has unique spears like Spearmaster does? different kinds though, not just one type. thered be the usual bomb and electric spears but i think Skydiver should be able to make like. idk rubbish spears which deal more damage than a regular spear. flashbang or singularity spears for shits and giggles. lantern spears that can glow in the dark but dont deal extra damage? i also think Skydiver should be able to hold two spears at once or store them like Hunter can but i think spear crafting plus Rivulets speed plus being able to hold multiple spears may be. a lil much. i think it sounds fun though but also very unbalanced whoops. Skydiver has their own version of foodquest!! hell yeah!! i call it the spearquest. essentially, theres a unique recipe that calls for specific materials in a specific order, something like a rubbish spear plus a vulture mask plus. something? i havent fully thought it out but in essence Skydiver is making a new Vulture Spear (aka gliding spear, look at the picture up top its that). its the same kind of deal with gourmand if you finish the campaign without making the spear nothing really happens but if you exit the campaign with it theres some extra art and maybe the craftable spears can start appearing in other campaigns randomly? or scuppies can show up like with Gourmand but theres like no correlation there so im thinking spears.
the Skydiver has always looked to the skies, always stood on high branches to feel the winds, always looked at vultures with some measure of envy with how easily they soared through the air. they trained, started moving quicker and jumping high enough to feel the winds as they fell but it wasnt enough. they needed the skies themselves. they needed wings. they know just how to get some, always having known their creativity and cleverness and drive. they make a spear, wrapped with stiff wings and outfitted with an odd device that mimics the pinkish gasses vultures flew with. they step off a tree and put their faith not in the hands of random gods or nature itself but in themselves their hands their /wish/ and and it works. they fly. its. its addicting. fulfilling. incredible and vast and they hope never to lose this ever.
so of course, they lose it.
a wing snaps, flight thruster broken. Skydiver can only catch a glimpse of a falling vulture and a pink slugpup? before they spin spin spin and fall far from home with broken wings like a broken heart. something within them wails at the very idea of never tasting the skies again and for a moment it feels all too much for the Skydiver to bear. it doesnt matter. they pick themselves up. they did it once, they can do it again. theyll find their way to the skies once more and dance in the clouds with bliss. they just have to find their way out. far from these walls and back to their tree. maybe theyll even find the time to see whats the fuss with these so called random gods while theyre here.
for a moment, while wandering, Skydiver thought they saw another slugcat, blue and heavily scarred and moving with determined purpose. they never saw whoever that was again. Skydiver hopes that wherever they are, theyre doing okay in these vulture infested lands.
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accidentalkilljoys · 6 months
Pill-taking poll followup
#is this outrage bait #are we having a 'it never occurred to me someone would take 12 pills in one gulp because I can't do that' moment #or a 'I'm perfectly aware people take 10+ pills at once I just want attention and I don't care how I get it' moment
It’s not outrage bait, I swear! It honestly did not occur to me that, faced with a handful of small things of various sizes, shapes, and colors, tumblr users would NOT immediately sort them. (I personally take five in the morning, which I put in a little pile next to my cereal bowl, and then sneak them into my mouth between bites, largest first, like I’m tricking a dog.) 
I was not expecting over 50,000 responses to this poll. I have fewer than 100 followers, and that’s including the pornbots. But the notes are fascinating to read! 
“All at once,” or as one person called it, “the cursed jello shot,” was by far the most popular response, despite my forgetting to put it as a poll option. [The following quotes are all by different people.] 
Didn't realize there were other methods besides chaos #SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS #i slam them all back at once to take advantage of my powerful throat #i take pills with the same energy ppl in movies put their broken bone back in place #I will just shove them all in my mouth at the same time and hope I don’t die #<- YOU GOTTA SHOT GUN THEM BACK LIKE A CHEEP BEER #those mfs get gulped as a team #Genuinely I just chuck them all at once down my throat hole #i take my pills like a fucking whale shark ok!? #i gobble them up all at once like im a starving horse eating delicious gruel from the palm of a cowboy's (my own) hand. #all at once and I look like an owl eating a rat I unhinge my jaw, stuff them all in my mouth at once, then slam a big glass of water #all at once bby #all in one go baby #ALL AT ONCE BAYBE #ALL AT ONCE BABEY #Three at once baybee i am unstoppable #all at once babeeee
(There were also some people who were very judgy about people who can’t do the cursed jello shot, whose thoughts I am choosing not to reproduce here.) 
I am amazed at how many pills you all are taking at once. 
YES I usual to take 7 pills at once just to save time like a fucking animal #all at once #even if I have like 8 and they're huge #i take 9 pills at once about twice a day I take about 10 pills. I take them all at once. #i take 11 in the morning all at once including two large ones #i take 12 pills every morning and 7 at night and my family hates it but i just knock em back #i take them all at once #granted i take like 13 pills at once every night sometimes more #i take 15 pills every morning and i just swallow them all at once #i learned to take all 17 at once #i can swallow upwards of twenty pills at a time #i can easily swallow like 20-30 pills at a time
There were also a couple of notes from people who USED TO do the cursed jello shot but don’t anymore because they choked or, in one case, misfired and spent the day with a Claritin in their cleavage. 
Other things that didn’t occur to me: pills that dissolve under your tongue; people who use feeding tubes; the options of “in order from least tasty to most tasty;” random order; texture order; order in which they were prescribed; “whatever I grab first;” “all at once except the fish oil which is unreasonably large;’ order of how easy it is to swallow; in order of buoyancy because some pills float; by shape; “I only take one pill at once;” “top to bottom of my body so head pills first birth control last.” 
#i dont take any pills reglarly but secret 5th option had me think of someone fucking plinko-ing their pills
In conclusion: I’m glad we’re all doing what we need to do to survive and thrive. I’ll be over here with my cereal bowl. Thank you for participating in the poll. 
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clock-onyx · 7 months
First and closest planet in the Stellular Solar System, the only habitable one in it aswell. Situated perfectly above the South Star, and perfectly under the North Star
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I may or may not have changed some things, if i talked about Stellaris before i am so sorry i genuienly do not recall
AND some things may change and i will write more detailed stuff in the future idk im tired LMFAOOOO
An infamous planet, known now for the fact it was forcefully terraformed into something completly unrecognizable from how it used to look by Stars, causing plently of fauna and flora going extinct because of it, and many more adapting to the changes.
Orbiting around a young red dwarf and accompanied by its artifical moon, Octavian, its a super earth-like planet, 4x the size of earth, or simply around the same size as Uranus.
The north is a region of the planet that has been the most affected by the Stars, having a permanent purple sky that always shows the stars, it is the region with the least amount of gravity. People and creatures who lived there evolved to large sizes, yet fragile and hollow bones to be able to walk around the region safely.
It is also home to the Crystilized Castle, where the gods lived in before an incident accoured, causing them to split up. It sits abandoned now, just a haunting reminder of who lived there.
The Equator is the most similar to Earth, with its almost identical gravity, level of oxigen, soil, sky etc, it is the most habitable region out of all of them and most studied.
Many famous people, cities, amd even wars have happened in the Equator. Almost all people born on the Equator have stronger bones and muscles, aswell as being a lot shorter than the one in the North.
The South is the least studied and unknown. It has the strongest gravity out of all the planet and is also the least affected by the Stars. Not much is known about it, due to no one having the right equipment to explore the Region.
No known native species or flora, sentient or not, have been discoverd that originated purely from the south.
Before the Stars, the planet was originally a habitable tidally locked planet. Most species lived on the dark side of it, and some went out to love between the line of darkness and light, to thrive without dying from the heat.
Lots of the sentient species lived in harmony, amd even created community villages to live in togheter, but that all changes when they sae the lights in the sky
The tidal lock was broken when the stars crashed into the North with force, creating a large crater and energy so violent that the planet began spinning, causing mass extinctions all over the planet with only a few lucky ones surviving.
Inhabitants of Stellaris do not have countries. They live in whatever region they wish, not having much political conflict, as theyre all driven by religion insted.
The planet is essencially on the brink of exploding due to the energy being too much, if the stars leave, there may be a slight chance of it healing slowly, but not fully.
The most common enviorment on Stellaris are grassy places like meadows and fields. The rarest is any sort of icy enviorment
Stellaris is a fairly hot planet, avreaging a 25° ~ 30° C at day all year, and 4° ~ 9° at night
Stellaris most common season is Spring
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igbylicious · 22 days
im so sorry im late ozr I read the new chapter as soon as I saw the notification but it was such a hectic week I couldn't get my thoughts in order (not like I am about to make any sense lol). Whichever way has become such a safe space for me tbh icb we only got 2 chapters left T_T
the intro of woo and reader's setting up the new boundaries was honestly delightful to read like things aren't just magically hunky dory now that he moved in w/ san but they talk about things and compromise and it's honestly an estimate to your ability to write about the little moments so well too. I swear I can read a whole book of just those little moments!!! maybe if you're up to it we can get more spin offs in this universe (can you notice me clinging to this fic??)
I love instigator Woo bless him for noticing reader's hesitancy and understanding her concerns while still pushing her to see past it. PUSSY DRUNK WOO MY BELOVED IS BAAAAACK!! honestly felt my stomach flutter reading that part and I just (,,♡ᵕ♡,,)
BUT OH GOD SAN??????????? this might have reawakened a part of me I thought was long gone because wth bro. he was in his element and THRIVING!! using reader's panties as a gag for woo was too hot i don't think i can be normal about this im afraid. the degradation, the overstimulation the POSSESSIVENESS???? do you want me dead???????
AND OF COURSE THE AFTERCARE AND THE WINDDOWN AFTER! *chef's kiss* i wanna hug them all they're just the most precious babies!! the san video might have broken my brain but I am so glad reader got her wish.
Another great chapter as always igby!! truly can't wait to read what you write next! I hope you're feeling better!
asdjhasdjhasdhj ahhhhhh i am meltinngggggggggg at this ask ;;♡ you’re always so generous w/ your thoughts, i appreciate you taking the time SO much!!! (and pls don’t worry abt being ‘late’, there is no such thing! you could show up in my inbox two years after an update and i’d be hecken THRILLED to see your name pop up! your asks always make my day, but i’m the last person who’s gonna judge others for being too busy or not having the spare batteries asdskjasdjk i understand the struggle :’) )
i’m really happy you enjoyed the lil moments hehe i love putting those in! i want to be careful abt making hard promises bc there are other projects i’m also excited abt, but i’m also super attached to these lil guys so there totally is a chance i’ll write more for this au after the fic is done ^^ i even got some notes jotted down for drabble ideas that don’t fit into the main fic (♡ ˙ ︶ ˙ ♡)
Wooyoung multi-tasking his emotional intelligence w/ his horny appetites is what we’re here for hehe <3 and asdjhdasjh ngl i’m p sure the demon that possesses San on stage took a bite out of me for this one @_@
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kittykat940 · 2 months
Hi, you’re not obligated to respond to this (and honestly, I'd prefer if it wasn't shared under the Byler tag, as I'd like my thoughts not to influence others). I just wanted to share because I feel safe and comfortable in this space you've created.
I was a casual viewer who noticed the potential for Byler endgame after Season 4, Volume 1. I believed the Duffers would pursue this path, as it not only seems best for Will but also for El and Mike, who appear incompatible. A relationship needs shared interests or at least good communication to thrive, and I can't see a couple staying together solely for physical reasons.
My concern is that while the show contains ample evidence suggesting Byler endgame, many significant leakers are claiming that Mileven is doing fine, that they haven't broken up, and that they have many scenes together. This makes me anxious because, while I trust the narrative clues in the show, I find it hard to fully trust the Duffers' intentions. It’s not about queerbaiting; I just worry they might have deliberately set things up to keep fans speculating. Maybe I'm overthinking, but it troubles me that none of the reliable leakers from two years ago seem to suggest Byler has a real chance.
Idk I feel like I am going crazy.
hiii anon i will keep this out of the tag for you <3 i mean we already knew mike and el would have scenes together but the leaker saying this has been proven to be a liar lol so you dont have to worry about that! from what we have seen from s5 suggests els storyline will be with hopper and max the most which im excited for! as for leakers anon do not trust them the duffers are being very careful this season to avoid spoilers! remember that i hope i helped you feel better anon ❤️
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youlooksogoodinblue · 2 months
Soo i have dnd brain rot and i havent been able to play in a while(like for years :[ ) so here r the fob albums as dnd classes and subclasses(not including eowyg and eps and stuff). this is honestly for a niche audience of just me.
Tttyg is an arcane trickster rogue. Tttyg is teen angst perfectly captured in an album in my humble opinion(and what suits that edge better than a rogue!) Tttyg registers as more of a martial class than a magic user but could utilize both, and definitely something more agility/dexterity based than pure strength.
Futct is a bard through and through, an edgy bard but a bard nonetheless. I think college of eloquence subclass. The lyrics in this album are a major highlight and the way they r delivered is just so good(its my fav album so i may be biased). The lyrics of futct is some of the most biting and/or horny of all of fobs discography.
Definitely a druid, idk if its too derivative but maybe circle of stars? Of the pre-hiatus albums it feels the most grounded and like grown to me, which gives more druidic healer energy than anything else. This is mostly vibes based lol
Folie à deux
WARLOCK. FIEND PATRON. This is the one i feel the strongest about. Like the themes of fame and like disillusionment with it gives total deals with a devil/ monkeys paw kind of vibe that a warlock pact brings. And also vibes are right, argue with the wall
Okay im not super certain for this one but as soon as the thought came in my brain it felt right, originally i thought barbarian, a specifically tanky one but the vibes were off bc this album feels very light, adaptive, and nimble while also feeling like sturdy. Way of the long death monk just fits the vibes in my brain so much better. Like it still can be used more defensively and the temp hp touch of death and the ki to hp thing gives off reborn/ not broken up just on break/ rise from the ashes come back vibes.
This is definitely a barbarian to me. Berserker or giant? Just this feels like a big strong person who can tank and deal alot of damage, and also while this album doesnt really have that much rage compared to other albums the angry harsher songs hit harder bc of that reason, you feel me? Also no disrespect this album would mainly thrive in battle is the vibe i get.
Wild magic sorcerer. Yeah. Of all the albums this feels like a magic user, simultaneously innate/natural yet unpredictable/uncontrollable. Fits the vibe of the reception of the album, a tone that felt out of left field yet still them.
Once again maybe too derivative but twilight domain cleric? This album is the most healed in my brain so its definitely more of a healer and defender in my brain. Just the vibes, if this were a party, smfs would definitely be the parent figure and being a cleric fits that sort of energy sometimes.
I could also see this album as a divination wizard.
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