#Insomnia is kicking my ass sorry
lunaslemons · 7 months
3AM thought:
When I was little I'd catch flies that were on the screen door, rip their wings off and give them to the unfortunate adult taking care of me and say "look it's a walk!" like the mentality unwell child I was.
Then I thought about obey me and how Beel would react to Mc ripping the wings off of flies for fun.
Would he be scared? Not care? Or something else? Who knows?
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A bit of a thought, but what if, just like SJ shackled himself to Cang Qiong for YQY, YQY did the same thing for SJ.
Shen Jiu has absolutely no backing, no family, no wealth to fall back on, nothing. All he has is his Qi-Ge, who also has no backing.
Not until he becomes Sect Leader, then he has the support of the top sect backing him up.
All he wants is to protect his Xiao Jiu, but he can't do that without power. Spending years in a sect filled with young lords and mistresses, he quickly learns that power and money talk. If you have enough of it, nothing can touch you. So if his at the very top, he can make sure nothing can hurt or take SJ away again.
YQY who clawed himself to the very top and became The Head Disciple, the one to inherit the sect. YQY, who, much like SJ, managed to convince everyone that he was something that he wasn't. A young master from a respectable family, not an orphan slave with nothing to his name.
People seem to forget that this man raised Shen Jiu himself up until he was twelve. As well as the fact that he literally broke his soul trying to go save him faster.
(Which sort of brings up an interesting question: Does YQY trust any of the peak lords, excluding SJ? Because doesn't the fact that he shows his bias so openly, and they know nothing about either of their pasts, speak to a lack of trust. This man went feral when he received SJ legs. He probably doesn't trust people who are actively hurting the most precious thing in his life, his Xiao Jiu, right in front of him.
He can't trust that they won't weaponize SJ's past against him if they find out, so how can he trust in them when he can't entrust them with his Xiao Jiu? How can he trust that these people who come from privilege won't try to strip either of them from their power or even condem them for their past? They may have his respect and faith in their abilities, but never his trust.)
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potetosaradas · 5 months
Prickcest coded do you agree
I remember when he such fun and everything was fine, I remember when we use to have a good time, Partners in crime. Tell me that's all in the past and I will gladly walk away, Tell me that you're happy now, Turning my back Nothing to say!
(also i love the music video omg thank u for sharing)
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blackmetalstar · 26 days
you will be able to snuggle with your plushies and have the best sleep ever 🌀🌀🌀🌀 you will fall into deep uninterrupted sleep thats just enough so you will feel energized for tomorrow 🌀🌀🌀you will have the best morning tomorrow 🌀🌀🌀 im hyptonizing you so u have no choice 🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀
idk about that lol i gotta be up in five hours so probably not gonna be well rested but thank u haha :,)))
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iwtvdramacd18 · 1 year
Thanks!! The link goes to the og tweet thread which yall definitely should check out bc it does go into a lot more detail specifically about it in the context of the episode but for quick access of the painting here:
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The Fall of the Rebel Angels, by Pieter Bruegel the Elder (1562).
gimme some time to think on this
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lewkwoodnco · 3 months
You look like shit - Lockwood x Reader
One time you told lockwood he looked like shit and four times he told you you looked like shit
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“You look like shit.”
“Oh, I see how it is. You’re in a hospital bed but I’m the one who looks like shit.”
“Exactly, you look spectacularly terrible. Did you sleep at all last night?”
“I tried, but my sorry excuse of a boss got his ass kicked by some Type Two, so here I am.”
“Doesn’t your sorry excuse of a boss write your cheques?”
“Have I mentioned how fond I am of my sorry excuse of a boss?”
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a/n: just a little drabble i typed up having been inspired by this post :)
tropes/warnings: mostly fluffy, some mentions of grief, slight description of injury, smidge of flirty-ish banter 🙈🙈
wc: 1.5k!
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“You look like shit.”
Lockwood froze with his mug halfway to his mouth. He gaped at her briefly before setting the mug down once the shock passed. She was Lockwood & Co.'s newest employee and it was only recently that the ice had been sufficiently broken for their interactions to evolve into something more than a passing smile or greeting. This, however, was more than he had expected. He was possessed by a sudden overwhelming urge to laugh.
"It's like, 10 in the morning, and you already look exhausted. Do you ever sleep?"
He struggled with his words for a moment. "...yes. Sometimes."
"Not enough, clearly."
He did look especially worse for wear that morning. Only just recovering from a mild flu, his insomnia was at an all-time high and the lack of sun over the past week had his skin looking nearly transparent. He was a frail, washed-out thing flitting restlessly between rooms, bemoaning all the cases he was missing out on while cooped up here.
He smiled for what felt like the first time in days. She coughed, embarrassed, feeling like she had grossly overstepped.
"I mean...you don't look that horrible."
Fortunately, Lucy chose that exact moment to walk in and sufficiently distract Lockwood with the details of their newest case and she took the opportunity to duck out of the room. What the hell had she been thinking?
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"H- oh, you look like shit."
She emerged from behind the counter through a cloud of steam, her hair resting on her shoulders like a large, frizzy, brittle rat. While he and George had spent the morning at the Archives, she had spent it at Portland Row preparing Fesenjān for their lunch as part of some stupid bet she had made with George.
"Oh, good, you're back. You took your time."
"George is still there so Lucy's going in to hel-"
She cut him off by shoving a spoon of hot stew into his mouth.
Lockwood spluttered around the spoon, mouth working furiously to cool the scalding food while she watched him intently.
"It's...it's good."
"As good as George's?"
He grimaced. "I don't think I should be taking sides in this." He didn't even want to think about George finding out.
"This isn't taking sides. But also, if anyone asks, you weren't here. So...?" She fixed a desperate look on him. Lockwood sighed.
"It could use a little more salt."
"Angel." She turned around, pulling out the salt while he watched her with a flicker of amusement in his eyes. The crazy hair suited her in some odd way.
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“You look like shit.”
He had meant for it to come out as teasing but at the sight of her tearstained face, it sounded terribly mean. He had found her sitting on the front steps late one evening when he was about to turn in, only a thin hoodie insulating her from the harsh cold. Her head whipped around at the sound of his voice, a hand carelessly dragged across her face. He took a seat next to her, dropping his voice.
"Everything alright?"
She swallowed, eyes trained on their shoes. Her voice was hoarse with disuse.
"One of my friends moved away a couple of years back. She's been in an accident."
"How bad of an accident?"
There was a tightness in her chest that made it difficult to go on. "The worst."
In a rare moment of weakness, she crumbled, sagging against Lockwood like she had no spine left to hold herself upright. He wrapped a warm, comforting arm around her, and the simple gesture was enough to break her down. She cried into his shirt, cried for the friend she would never see again, cried for the part of her childhood that had chipped off and floated away into some abyss. Cried while he held her.
"I can't -" she hiccuped, unable to hold back a poorly concealed sob. "I can't even remember the last thing I said to her." It felt like an awful thing to admit, something sinful and evil, something that made it impossible for her to shake the tremble from her hands. His hold on her tightened a fraction, like he was holding her shattered pieces together, and she clung to his shirt with all the despair of a shipwrecked passenger.
Maybe it was selfish, but she didn't want him to leave. And so he stayed.
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“You look like shit.”
They had just returned from a job at some old, abandoned building set to be torn down in a few months. George and Lucy were handling some other case at the other end of the city, so the sounds of them shucking off their coats and gear echoed through the empty house. Between the two of them, she was always more prone to going ham on their cases. Today, it was in the form of her barrelling full tilt through a series of cobwebs to serve as a distraction. The case had ended with Lockwood hurriedly bagging the Source and her pink-faced and speckled with the grey strings.
Back at Portland Row's kitchen, there was still a lingering tinge of warmth to her cheeks. Lockwood paused by the cupboard where she was pulling out some mugs and plates, idly picking off the remaining strands still loosely clinging to her hair and shoulders. As his movements slowed, fading into something more gentle and meticulous, she glanced at him. He looked back. The cobwebs now littered the little space between them, but still he did not move away. The back of her neck prickled under his wretchedly attentive gaze. She did not know how to look away.
"Tea?" she croaked out, throat embarrassingly taut with choked-back emotion.
Whatever spell that had settled over them broke. Lockwood reeled back, almost noisily busying himself with fishing out the biscuit tin, forcing something nonchalant into his voice.
They spent the rest of their night operating with an invisible bubble between them, neither of them daring to get too close to the other lest a brush of the hand shattered the pallid illusion they were play-acting in. The house was far too quiet that night, filled with the unbearably soothing sounds of their cutlery, the rain and their breathing. Lockwood fiddled with his mug. She scratched at a particularly obscene message etched into the thinking cloth. He dragged a shoe along the scuffed kitchen floors. She drummed her fingers restlessly, watching the seconds tick by excruciatingly slow on the clock.
Where the hell were George and Lucy?
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“You look like shit.”
“Oh, I see how it is. You’re in a hospital bed but I’m the one who looks like shit.”
She was in a gleaming, sterile hospital room, painfully twisted into some uncomfortable plastic chair after a night of fitful sleep and checking to make sure Lockwood was still alive. Lockwood had gone out for a solo case and she had been waiting up, expecting him to return any minute when the hospital called. Luckily, it was nothing fatal, but enough to keep him out of commission for a while. Enough to make her worry.
“Exactly, you look spectacularly terrible. Did you sleep at all last night?”
“I tried, but my sorry excuse of a boss got his ass kicked by some Type Two, so here I am.”
“Doesn’t your sorry excuse of a boss write your cheques?”
“Have I mentioned how fond I am of my sorry excuse of a boss?”
He quirked a smile at that, then immediately winced. She lightly tilted his bruised face just as he raised a tentative hand to the stitches on his lip, their fingers brushing against each other for a fraction of a second. He looked at her questioningly, unable to see how it was healing himself, and she thought it was extremely unfair to have eyes as disarming as his. She shoved down the stab of sympathy at the unexpectedly vulnerable sight. Hospital gowns really did a number on how strong, or lack thereof, a patient seemed.
“Poor baby. Do you need someone to kiss it better?”
“You could kiss me better.”
“You…are clearly still concussed. Where on earth is your nurse?”
She stood and busied herself by sticking her head out the door and looking for his nurse, which was most definitely not an attempt to hide the flush creeping up her neck. After a few minutes of futile searching, she returned, alarmed at how wan Lockwood was starting to seem.
“I don’t remember getting a concussion,” he murmured, closing his aching eyes.
“Of course you wouldn’t. That’s how concussions work. Idiot.” She tried to keep her tone light, but he cracked an eye open as if he had heard something in her voice. He slipped her fingers through hers casually and she felt the tension in his stiff shoulders ease.
"You should sleep," she tried gently. His thumb slowly traced hers drowsily. Still, he forced his eyes open with considerable effort. Looked at her like she was all he wanted to see for the rest of his life.
"In a minute."
It was the first of the lifetime of minutes ahead of them.
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TAGLIST: @ell0ra-br3kk3r @cielooci @midnight--raine @mohinithoughts @neewtmas @snoopyluver20 @ahead-fullofdreams @elenianag080 @mischivana @houseoftwistedspirits @avdiobliss @dangelnleif @mitskiswift99
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asimpforthe80s · 7 months
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Happy Late Valentines
Starring: Eddie Munson x Reader
Warnings: slight angst. Smut!! Cunnulingus. P in V (unprotected). Breeding kink? Daddy kink?
Valentines Day. A day Eddie had despised for years. He never got anything, which is obvious knowing what his most known title is in the town. But you, on the other hand. You were quite popular despite hanging out with Eddie 'the freak' Munson, almost daily.
It was conveniently HellFire night on Valentines, and right before the campaign started, you were all showing off everything you had gotten. Everything from cards to chocolates.
Everyone was smiling and showing off expet the man himself, sitting on his throne almost frowning.
"So, what'd you get, Eddie?" You giggled, not noticing how saddened and frustrated he looked. "What do you think?!" He scowled, arms crossed on his chest.
"I didn't get shit. I'm just sitting my ass here, like always watching you get everything."
He said, leaning back in his throne and looking at you a bit, expecting sympathy. Everyone went silent, and as he expected, you looked at him with sympathy and shame. Ashamed of how you had shown off your cards and chocolates.
"God damn. I hate this stupid day." He muttered, turning his head to the other side, feeling pretty upset.
He didn't talk again for a bit, just sitting with a cold stare at the wall. "Sorry, Eddie.." you muttered. Dustin swallowed and decided to say something. "Should we get on with the campaign now?" He asked.
"Yeah-yeah- sure. We have nothing else to do, anyways." He said, sounding a bit annoyed with himself.
"God, sorry. Yeah. We should start. We got a lot to do today. Just- nevermind. I'm okay. Let's just do this campaign."
The eight of you nodded and waited for Eddie to start the new D&D campaign he had praised himself for the entire week. Eddie took a deep breath and looked at all of you, nodding.
"So, everyone's ready? All here?"
He asked, sounding enthusiastic, a way to distract himself from Valentines Day. "Yeah." You said, after counting all of Eddie's so-called 'sheep'.
"Okay, cool, cool. So." He rubbed his hands together, a large grin on his face, though his mood from before still kind of lingered.
"As you finally got out from the cave, you were all standing in a green field-..."
You were up all night crafting something for Eddie. It had to be good. It had to be perfect. You told yourself as you sat up by your desk gluing and painting.
You made a homemade heart-shaped box and painted the logo for HellFire in the middle of it. Then, filled it with chocolates and a small jar. Inside the jar there were small, midevial looking letters where you had written all the things you like about him. After hours of painting and writing, you put the last thing inside the box. A love letter.
All the while, you'd have a big smile on your face thinking of how happy Eddie will be. You were sure that he'd love your present, who knows? Maybe he might finally look at you as more than a friend. You couldn't wait to give it to him. You thought he'd probably appreciate some sweet gesture like that in the morning.
After a few more last touches, you called it done. You sat the box on your nightstand so you knew you wouldn't forget it tomorrow morning.
After a little bit of insomnia, you finally fell asleep, excited for the next morning, and finally getting to give Eddie the present you've worked on for hours.
You wake up with the biggest smile on your face, remembering the present right away. You quickly get dressed, wanting to go and hand him the box as soon as possible.
You grab some breakfast on the way, hoping you get to him fast enough. You barely finished eating before rushing out to your car and driving across the town to get to Eddie's trailer. When you got there and knocked on the door, your anxiety kicked in. What if he didn't like the box? What if he thought you did it because no one else did? What if he didn't like you like that?
Those thoughts and more kept rushing through your head, heart beating fast in anticipation for what might happen.
After a while, you heard some shuffling through the trailer. The door opened after a bit, and Eddie stood on the other side. He looked exhausted. You hadn't even thought about how early it was. All the thoughts disappeared from your head, however, as the look on his face turned to surprise as he saw you.
"Hey, Eddie.." You chuckled nervously, holding the box out to him. He looked down at the box curiously. A smile then crept onto his face and he took it from you.
"For me?" He said, a bit curious and surprised. "For- for you, yeah.." you said nervously, scared of how he'd react to your love letter. "Thank you." He said a bit stunned, and then he looked down at the box again before back at you.
"It's early, um, mind if I open it later?" He said, looking tired and a little bit out of it still.
Your heart ached with anxiety and slight pain. "Y-yeah, sure." You mumbled. "Thanks." He said before yawning wide, and his eyes began to flutter shut.
After a quick goodbye, he closed the door, leaving you to walk to your car and drive home upset. A small bit of hope still lingering, hoping that he'll actually look at it later. But Eddie was forgetful when it came to things like this. You probably wasted an entire night on making that box just for Eddie to never open it.
When it got to evening, that last bit of hope that he'd open the box began to disappear. You felt bad that you wasted all that time on it, wishing that he would actually look at it. But he didn't, and he probably didn't care much anyway.
You sighed and decided to call him.The phone rang a bit before Eddie picked up.
"Hey, what's up?" He asked after you said hello. "I know you've forgotten and this is kinda fucking important, so go open that box I gave you.. if you get surprised or something, live with that, I've got too much anxiety right now to deal with that." You said before hurriedly hanging up.
Eddie looked down at his phone, quite surprised at your sudden aggression. He didn't expect that at all.
Feeling a but hesitant, he walked into his room and over to the nightstand. He picked up the box and looked over at it for a moment before he finally opened it, careful and slow, expecting what the surprise might be.
He stared at the contents of the box as his eyes widened and he froze, not really sure what to feel.
The love letter, the chocolates, and the little surprises caught him by surprise, and he didn't really know what to do in the moment.
Feeling a bit overwhelmed by everything, he took a deep breath and closed the box, stilThe emotions just hit him like a truck.
He suddenly looked overwhelmed by everything, all the things you went through just for him.
Eddie just stood frozen, thinking at how much you really do love him, even with all the crap he puts you through.
As tears welled up in his eyes, a feeling of guilt washed over him. He couldn't believe that you had gone this far for someone like him, for him.
Eddie couldn't hold back, and the tears began to fall. The sudden rush of realization that you truly love him hit him hard, and he just bawled his eyes out, unable to control the emotions.
In that moment of weakness as he cried into his hands, he couldn't help but wonder, "Why me?"
After a bit, Eddie managed to calm himself. He still had tears on his face as he wiped with them with his sleeve.
Finally, he pulled himself together and looked at the open box again.
He picked up the jar and pulled out the love letter to finally read it.The love letter really struck him in the heart.
He could actually feel that love pouring out of it, like there was nothing else on earth that mattered more than you felt for him.
Eddie felt his eyes well up yet again, it was a bit embarrassing.
"To: Eddie.
For once in my life, I don’t have to try to be happy. When I’m with you, it just happens. Your Lips? I kiss that. Your body? I hug that. My smile? You cause that. Your heart? I want that. In a sea of people, my eyes will always be searching for you. I’m so confused. I don’t know what to do. All I know is I wanna be with you. You make me smile whenever you're around. I could just sit and watch you without making a sound. I could talk to you for hours about nothing at all. You make me feel so comfortable into your arms, I wish I could crawl. I miss you when you’re gone. I miss you when you’re near. If we are together, we will have nothing to fear. So I guess I’m finally telling you I’m being real and true. Not only do I like you, I’m completely head over heels in love with you."
The love letter just overwhelmed him more and more.
He couldn't believe that after all this time thinking he was just a freak and that no one could like him, that this was his reality.
He could hardly hold back his tears of joy as he read the entire thing.
"God damn, this is it. She finally said it. She really likes me." He thought, happy tears flowing down his cheeks. As he finished the letter, he finally looked at all the contents in the box, his emotions still overflowing.
"Damn..." He muttered to himself, just overwhelmed with joy now that he really knew how she felt. He really couldn't believe that she could like him like this, he almost felt like he didn't deserve it.
His tears of joy started to dry up and he wiped all the tears with his sleeve, finally starting to calm down as he looked at the box again.
"She really went through all this for me..." He thought to himself, staring at the jar and the chocolates. He looked back over at the love letter again, feeling his heart flutter.
This was the happiest he felt in so long.
Finally, after this long time, someone really likes him.
"And- and here I thought being a freak, I'd just be alone for the rest of my life... She really... She really likes me..." He whispered to himself, smiling wide and his heart beating so fast. He set the box down and leaned against the nightstand and just took a moment to breathe.
This was the best he'd felt in years. Someone really liked him! What a feeling! He never thought that would happen, he really didn't think he was good enough for that.
But now, things seemed possible... The feeling was so overwhelming for him, he couldn't think straight. All these emotions just rushed the moment he saw the letter.
He felt like crying all over again, but he didn't wanna cry anymore.
He grabbed his phone, thinking about finally texting you and telling you all the things you mean to him. Just to thank you, or at least try. As he finally opened the text box and typed up the message, he stared at the screen.
He didn't know how to fully put it into words, but he had to try right?
He typed up the message slowly and sent it off to you.
He set the phone down and waited in anticipation to see how you'd react once you got it. After just a few minutes, his phone started ringing.
"Hm?" He said, looking at his phone.
He picked it up and checked the caller id, noticing it was you.
"Hey, um, what's up?" He said, his heart beating fast all over again, nervous of how you'd react. "Hey.. so, uh... my gift wasn't a bad idea, huh?" You chuckled nervously.
"Bad idea?" His voice sounded shocked for a moment as he laughed lightly too.
"It's literally the best thing I've ever received in my life." He said, truly meaning it.
"There's just so much to say to you, I don't even think you will fully understand just how much you mean to me." He added, still looking at the texts he sent you.
"Can I come over?" You asked nervously. In your head, you'd go to his place, and you'd cuddle all night while watching movies on the thick TV in his living room.
Eddie went silent for a moment, thinking about everything and what you asked.
He took a deep breath, thinking, "Oh God, oh God, OH GOD! She wants to come over! What do I do?!"
"Uhm... Yeah, I..." He stuttered, not sure how to finish his sentence. "Thanks." You giggled and hung up once more, immediately putting on some comfy but pretty clothes and rushing to your car, again.
Eddie quickly sat there in his bed staring at the phone, processing everything.
"Oh god, she's coming over. She- she wants to come over! Oh God, oh God!!"
He got himself out of the bed quickly, frantically putting on some clothes to look presentable when she gets here. He took some breath mints and sprayed himself with cologne a few times.
"Oh god, what should I do when she gets here?! How do I act?" He paced around the room now, just waiting nervously for her. He would check his phone every few seconds, thinking about her on the way over and how he's going to act when she gets here.
"Should I be calm? Should I be excited? What does one even do in this situation!? What do I talk about? I have to be so goddamn careful." He berated himself as he paced around the room, his anxiety kicking in.
He took yet another deep breath, checking the time. She should be here soon. He was sweating profusely now from his nervousness, and he was getting annoyed with himself.
Okay, Eddie. Calm, calm, calm...
After a few minutes, the doorbell rang.
He froze immediately from his pacing, thinking of nothing but the fact she was actually here.
He walked to the door and opened it with shaky hands and a big smile.
"Hey, uhm, h-hi." He said, not sure how to handle this, but he was glad you were actually here. "Hi.." you answered, just as nervous. His heart was racing, not knowing what to say. Should he invite you in, or should he just talk to you here?
"W-wanna come inside?" He asked, not wanting to sound rude by not inviting you in.
"Y-yeah.." you chuckled and stepped inside. Eddie immediately shut the door behind you.
"Oh um- follow me." He said as he began to walk towards the living room, letting you follow. She was actually here, and the thought is still a bit surreal to him. You followed him, sitting down very close to him.
"So- uhm, I just wanted to say..." His voice was shaky, it felt like he didn't have full control over the things he wanted to say to you.
"Thank you, for everything. For coming here and... And liking me like this, and for actually being here." He stuttered, feeling his emotions getting the better of him. You built up some confidence and decided that this was enough awkwardness. So you kissed him.
The kiss took him completely off guard and he froze with wide eyes for a second, but he quickly relaxed when the kiss continued.
His breath caught, and he held his hands to the side of you, gently caressing the back of your neck.
He was still very much surprised, but he couldn't resist your lips. You smiled against his lips. But the way his hands were moving over you made you feel sensitive to his touch. His hands began to move up and down your back. He couldn't help but caress your body as his lips stayed tightly pressed to yours. The kiss lasted long enough that he could really get lost in the emotion, and the feeling that someone really liked him like this was almost unreal to him.
When you pulled away, there was a string of saliva connecting you and heavy breaths filling the room. His breath was shaky and his face red from the kiss.
"That was..." He said softly, but he didn't finish the sentence.
He leaned back a bit and stared into your eyes, not breaking eye contact. And then he leaned forward again a bit for another kiss. Your eyes fluttered shut as he kissed you again. You moaned softly against his lips as they connected once more. His lips pressed to yours with a bit more force as he moved forward into you.
His hands moved to your waist now as he pulled you in closer. His breathing got heavy, and he kept kissing you as he took over.
You laid down against the sofa, and Eddie followed. Putting almost all his weight on you as he kept your lips on his. He did lay his entire weight onto you as he kissed you, you being pinned beneath him as he couldn't stop. The kiss felt like it went on forever, but he still wanted more.
His lips and his tongue moved in unison with each other, the heat rising between the two of you as his hands moved back to your neck.
You moaned softly against his lips as the intensity of the kiss grew. Your clothes were on the floor within just five minutes of making out.
Eddie leaned down and pressed a few kisses to your neck, causing you to shudder and let out a delightful purr. One that stirs not just the pit of his guts but in his boxers, too.
He presses two more kisses to your neck, open-mouthed, wet, and claiming he sucks hickeys into two sensitive spots. The hickeys made your eyes slightly roll back, and you let out not only another purr but a gasp of his name.
He has a feeling he knows what you want, but he's not ready to give it to you yet.
He moves from your neck, trilingual kisses down your right shoulder, tongue lathing against your skin before peppering more kisses. Kisses in paths down your brests until it's time to give both of them individual attention. A tweak of a nipple to the right one, a scrape of the teeth to the left one. He loves the way you respond. The way you gasp and moan his name like a chant.
Eddie continues his path downwards with one last kiss against each of your tits. His path leaves you breathless.
You grow inpatient as he takes his time, pressing kisses down your stomach and to the place you need him the most. "Eddie," you whispered. Voice full of need.
"What's the word, sweetheart? You know what to say if you want it.." Eddie groaned.
You sigh and bite your bottom lip gently. You don't want to give in to him so easily. Your eyes meet his brown ones, and you breathe out the one word he wants to hear. "Please."
The word "please" sent him over the edge.
Every muscle in his body was tense and his breath was still shaken. The sound of that single word was enough to make him lose the last bit of composure he had.
He looked down at you, his eyes full of desire and want for all of you. Eddie dipped down to your soaking cunt, first gathering your slick on his fingers and sucking them clean. Then he started eating you out like a starved man. His tongue lapping up all your slick and swirling your sensitive bud. You had heard that Eddie was good at this, but not that he had sex skills of a God.
You moaned and writhed under him, eyes rolled back and mouth slightly agape. Gasping, whimpering, and moaning as he ate you out. His tongue dipped into your entrance and started lapping up everything he could get to before pulling out and pushing two fingers inside instead.
As his fingers pumped in and out of your cunt, he sucked and toyed with your clit until you were gasping that you were gonna cum. "That's it.. fucking soak my face, baby." Eddie groaned and went back to sucking your bud.
Doing exactly as he said, you came all over his face with a breathless moan. He pulled his fingers out and sucked off your nectar like it was a necessity.
Eddie ridded himself of his boxers. Saying he was big was an understatement. He was *huge*. The biggest you'd seen.
He inspected your pussy for just a few seconds before deciding to gently slide into you. Bottoming out with a groan.
"This what you wanted, princess?" He grabbed your jaw and squeezed slightly. "Already too fucked out to answer? That's okay, I got you."
You barely nodded as he dipped his head down and caught one of your nipples in your mouth, biting a little harshly on the bud. "Ngh, Eddie.." Arching your back, pushing your chest further into his face, he pulled off with a pop.
"What, too much?" He said in a mocking tone. "Jus' want you.." Your hands grabbed at his chest and shoulders. "But I'm right here, sweetheart?" He looked confused.
You shook your head and wrapped your legs around his waist, pushing him impossibly deeper into your cunt. "Fuck.. just need me, hm? I can do that.."
He began to roll his hips, your pussy sucking him in with each push. His face hovered over yours, studying your pinched brows and puffy, kiss bitten lips parting softly. He kissed your cheek and then the other. Any other teasing comments died on his tongue once his eyes roved over you, halting his movements momentarily so he could speak clearly. "Love you, sweets."
You smiled at that. “I love you too, Eds.” You giggled as he held your cheek and began peppering kisses across your face. “Valentine's day got you all mushy, huh baby?” Eddie grinned and kept his hips moving ever so slightly. "Mmmh.. guess so.." you muttered.
He started picking up his thrusts, hitting that perfect spot inside you every time, making both of you moan out. "You close, baby? You gonna cum f'me?" He asked with a few grunts.
“More…” you whined out.“Oh, now she wants more.” He chuckled, gaze turning a little more dark as he said it. “Mmhmmm… need more.” You choked out as he moved out of you just for a moment to get a better angle.
He quickly sat up, pushing both of your knees to your chest, his thick cock pushed back into your tight cunt. In one swift motion, giving you no time to think. “That's it… mmm… she's gripping now. C’mon baby. Soak my cock.”
With the new angle, he set a brutal pace, as broken moans rang out with the sounds of your soaked pussy being pounded into oblivion. He reached up, placing his thumb between your lips, as you quickly sucked it into your mouth, swirling your tongue around the digit. "That's it.. get it nice 'n wet for Daddy." He groaned.
“Be a good girl. Come for daddy and I'll fill this pussy full. Let everyone know you let the freak wreck your tight little cunt.” He growled into your ear.
You hummed as he brought his thumb down to your clit. Immediately pushing harsh circles to your swollen nub.
“Oh fuck, Eddie!” His words straight to your aching core.Your orgasm hits with a blinding force, those fireworks burst behind your eyes as your pussy strangles his cock.
He lets out a low growl as his balls tighten for his impending release. His cock twitches as it paints your walls with thick, white ropes.
He put your legs down and laid his full weight on top of you once more. The both of you were catching your breath as you laid there in awe of what had just happened.
"Happy late Valentine's.." you breathed, stroking his long, brown curls.
"Happy late Valentine's Day..." He smiled at you, looking at you from his head laying on your chest, feeling the heat in his face fade just a little bit and his breathing finally slowing down.
He felt his muscles relax as he lay his ear on your chest, his hand moving down to touch your thigh. He finally felt happy that he could be like this with you now.
"I love you." He said softly, his hand moving closer to your hips, but you never really felt it as you were still laying there after the intense session you just had.
"Love you too.." you said, kissing his cheek. He smiled, his eyes closed now as he felt his body relax.
He thought to himself for a moment, now the feeling of happiness and love kicking in with the dopamine running in his brain.
He sighed happily and nuzzled a bit into your chest, the feeling of just laying here with you was more than enough to make him feel content and loved.
Tag list: @reidsbtch @rogueddie
Thanks for helping me.
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tokischaaaaa · 2 months
si las más puta' son las más fina'
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!hamzah x !reader
summary : in miami, the reader is @ a club, hamzah is there and just got kicked out for fighting a guy. he obviously isn't in the best mind, while sober, however, the reader goes outside to check on him since moments ago they exchanged glances from a distance multiple times.
warning! : smoking mention, cursing, smut
word count! : 1.2k
"y/n, come here, let's take a shot!" your friend said, obviously hammered already. you waved her off, looking around for the curly-haired boy you had been exchanging glances with, but he had disappeared. for some reason, when you were dancing and met his eyes, you felt less overwhelmed by the blasting music and sweaty bodies surrounding you.
"i'll meet back with y'all, i just wanna check something," you whispered to one of your slightly more sober friends. she nodded, and you started to walk toward the exit before being stopped by the dj queuing your current favorite song, "fina" by bad bunny.
you groaned and continued outside. "this mysterious cute boy better be worth it to skip a bad bunny song," you muttered to yourself.
as you finally got outside, you saw the boy from before sighing while looking up at the sky. "here goes my attempt at rizz," you thought, cringing to yourself.
"pretty ugly tonight," you sneered. the boy looked at you and gave a small grin. "yeah, sure is, a shitty one too," he groaned, his voice numb and emotionless.
"okay," you said, rolling your eyes. "that dude beat your ass and your aura. damn, couldn't be me," you added with sass. you couldn't believe you had even left the safety of your friends for a boy who kept making eye contact with you. scoffing, you started heading back to the club's entrance, but were halted once you heard behind you,
"least i'm not dressed like a slut," the stranger said.
too irritated to respond or say something witty back, you felt embarrassed that out of all the people in the club, he had caught your attention. you waved your hand at him, signifying that he could go fuck himself.
as you were about to enter the club, you felt a strong tug on your wrist. assuming it was a homeless man, you jerked your hand away, still looking at the entrance, trying to get in as quickly as possible.
"no, please, though, i'm sorry, i should've controlled my tongue."
"that is not a homeless man," you sighed to yourself, turning around to face the stranger from before.
"what do you want now, bruh?" you groaned, now just wanting to get away from this jerk.
"just to hear me out," he sighed, his head hanging low.
"okay, you have a minute, that's it," you said, looking up at the dark blue sky.
the stranger started explaining what had happened, causing him to slip up and call you a slut. "so, as i was saying, the dude i got into the fight with was this frat white dude who kept saying he'd slip it into you before me. i wasn't saying that or even suggesting that. i'm assuming he got that from seeing you and i exchange glances."
after the stranger finished his sentence, you felt tears welling up. maybe it was the tequila shot you took an hour ago, or the curse of insomnia rubbing off on you and your fatigue starting to settle in.
"oh my god. this makes so much sense, thank you. i'm sorry you got kicked out of the club," you said, quickly wiping any tears that attempted to escape your eyes.
"it's no problem. it started getting boring in there; all the music was becoming the same," he scoffed.
"boring? do you hear what they're playing now?" you cried, surprised he couldn't hear "fina" playing. you grabbed his wrist and ran with him inside the club. once inside, you felt a pair of familiar hands around your waist. you began to slowly grind on him, seeing if you could get him to calm down. he let out a moan that only you and he could hear. you slowly looked up, seeing the stranger making sure the security guards couldn't see him.
"me gustan las suciería', baby, how 'bout you? tengo el bicho afeita'o y cabezón como caillou besito' en el cuello, besito' en el toto"
as the music got louder, you took his chin and brought it down to face you. you brought your noses together, then your lips, and your hands all over each other's bodies, exchanged names, called each other dirty names, then shared a taxi, and finally ended up in a hotel bedroom.
"yo soy tu bambino, tú eres mi villana vamo' a hacerlo hoy porque nadie sabe lo que va a pasar mañana ey, por la forma en que me chinga, a veces pienso que me ama, ey"
he now had your tit in his mouth, his dick inside of you, and you were kissing all over his head, praising him and urging him to get rougher. you started to feel a knot tie inside of you.
"hamzah, please, i'm gonna finish soon," you moaned as a bead of sweat fell onto your tit.
he nodded, stopped sucking your tit, and repositioned himself to support his next move. he raised his torso and began to grind his hips in a circular motion. your moans became clearer and louder with each circle hamzah made.
you released all over his cock, your orgasm accompanied by his release of cum inside you.
you collapsed on his stomach. "no sé qué tú me hiciste, mami, que me tiene' loco," hamzah said, quoting the song. a large grin appeared on your face. "you do like the song!" you exclaimed with the remaining energy in you. he nodded with a grin. moments later, both of you were passed out on the hotel bed.
two weeks later
"mandy, but it can't be that. i don't think i was unsafe," you said.
"y/n, listen, you and the girls were at a club a few weeks ago. did anything happen there?" your friend mandy asked. a blush appeared on your face. you tried to hide it, but it was too late; mandy was giggling her ass off. "yeah, that's what i thought," mandy said, bursting out laughing. "listen, let's go to my place. i have some tests there," she said, putting her arm around your shoulder.
"oh, what would i do without my dear nurse mandy," you scoffed.
once you arrived at mandy's apartment, you said hi to her boyfriend, martin, who was busy doing something on the computer. you followed mandy to their bathroom, took the test, and handed it to mandy. you were too nervous to see the result. "mandy, read it to me," you said sternly.
"okay," she said, taking a deep breath. mandy looked down and saw two lines on the test.
"guess who can file for child support from bad bunny!" mandy said, laughing her ass off once again. you went up to where mandy was to examine the test to see if she was right.
two lines.
"shit," you groaned. mandy cleared her throat and stopped laughing. she embraced you in a hug. "we'll figure it out, y/n, trust me. but now, let's get you some water," mandy said, leading you to the kitchen.
as mandy got out some cups for the both of you, you looked at mandy and martin's couch and saw a person there. you went up to mandy and asked who the stranger on the couch was.
"oh, that's hamzah, martin's friend."
you nodded before realizing the familiarity of that name.
"mandy, why is my name in your mouth?" hamzah groaned, facing you.
"shit," came out of both your mouths simultaneously.
~ fin(a)
tokischaaa speaks: heheheheeheehheehheheehehh, hows yalls summer? <3
also lmk if you want me to make another part cuz idk what to do wit this one lol
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whillywisp · 8 months
No winter lasts forever; no spring skips it's turn.
Summary: Reader has insomnia, Finnick has nightmares. Both have a little comfort to share in District 13's grey little compartments as the winters approach and an impending doom settles itself in their chests.
Pairing: Finnick Odair x Male Reader (requested)
Warnings: nightmares, mentions of non graphic torture, mentioned past drug use, implied forced prostitution, insomnia.
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: I'm so terrible sorry about how rambly this is and how long it took me to finish this. Exam season is kicking my ass but at least it's out now. Hope you all like this. I did my best <3
You spent far too much time awake for your liking.
Far too much time left alone in thoughts that plagued your peace, left your chest aching from panic that made you struggle to breathe and far too much time aware of everything.
Worst of all though, it gave far too much time to let insomnia induced migraines develop and make the next day worse than the one before. District 13 was not known for giving painkillers or treatments for things they didn't classify as life threatening with a generous heart.
Days underneath layers of earth, surrounded by metal and blanketed by the condescension of those that boasted surviving as frugally as humanly possible, made you wish you still had access to those little lilac pills that were passed around on marble trays at Capitol parties, the little butterfly embed in it's centre your last thought and the taste of cherry lip gloss still on your tongue as you passed out cold for long enough for the sun to rise twice.
But the wistful longing for Capitol drugs and the relief they brought were interrupted by a long arm wrapping itself around your chest and a puff of warmth washing over your skin as Finnick pushed his face into your neck in his sleep, his golden hair in your mouth and soft snores in your ear. You sighed, wrapping your own arm around his shoulder as you closed your eyes. Not for the first and more than likely not your last either, you envied your husband's ability to sleep through just about anything.
The thought of associating that word with the man in your arms with his pouting lips pressed against the underside of your jaw made your cheeks burn a little red and a giddy smile cross your lips as you watched your breath fog in front you.
Years spent yearning for little more than slaps on the back given as a token of boyhood to months spent waiting on a victim who was haunted by the graves that lined to salute his victory. Years spent waiting for green eyes to meet yours with the devotion that you knew he could feel to hours spent with hands begging for relief on skin stained red from need before the march to your own funeral. Years spent in hidden peace as the world corrupted you too and then months spent apart where his screams for help, the smell of your own blood and beady eyes that imitated them became your only company.
Years. Yet again you spent far too many years yearning for something. Yearning for relief. And it came in the form of a wedding underneath layers of earth and metal, surrounded by people a little less stoic and a boy who's smile resembled the very sun that your skin craved, far too spoiled with kisses from its rays and his pillow lips.
You both were clad in identical, standard grey '13 haute couture boxer briefs, your skin cold to touch from sweat that had dried in the chill of approaching winter and Finnick's as warm as the sand on District 4's beaches in summer. Sunshine, you breathed into golden hair, a small smile pressed into the top of your husband's head.
Your heart still sang as you felt the little bruises he had kissed into your skin ache slightly and you sighed, blinking up at the dark ceiling in exhaustion. This was the most exhausted and comfortable and loved and sleep deprived you had been in a while.
Sleep. You needed sleep. This was getting ridiculous.
You huffed, gently manoeuvring out of Finnick's octopus grip as you tried to wiggle out of bed until you were standing next to the bed, your heart breaking a little as Finnick immediately starts searching for you in his sleep, mumbling incoherently and you put your pillow into his grasp to let your scent pull him into the safety of sleep long enough for you to take a short shower.
The compartment you both had been assigned didn't hold much besides a bed just big enough to fit two adult men and a small bathroom cubicle that didn't have a warm water supply, that was only in the communal bathrooms. Still, you didn't complain, knowing the only way you would less tired was if you shocked your body out of its sleepy state, even if it meant staying awake for the rest of the night.
You washed yourself down slowly, taking time to run the scentless soap into your skin and washing away your earlier activities. Finnick had never been one to constantly crave sex, far too scarred from what he was made to do and what he had to watch you do, but ever since you both had been married, he was insatiable, his hands wandering the length of your body every night and your need for the intimacy making you crave his too.
Finnick's sitting up in bed, wrapped in the duvet and sniffling softly. His hair sticks in every which direction and the bright light of the bathroom makes his green eyes look wider and, with a painful tug at your heart, you realise they're stained with tears and red rimmed.
You pushed the thoughts of your earlier activities away, your cheeks burning as you shiver under the cold water shower. You stand there long enough to have your teeth chattering before stepping out of the shower and drying yourself quickly. You pull on the first thing your fingers touch — a thin, grey sweater that's too big for your lithe frame — and a pair of sweatpants before stepping out of the bathroom and jumping a foot in the air.
You close the bathroom door behind you before quickly making your back to the bed, gently cradling his face in your palms, a part of you melting when he leans into your touch immediately, keeping your voice low as to not startle him.
"Love, what's wro—"
"You were gone," he whispered, his voice breaking with your heart at how desperate he sounded. "You were gone a-and the room was dark and I thought...I thought I heard you screaming—"
"Shhh," you whispered gently, tugging him close until he rested his head against your chest, muffling a sob in the sweater as you gently kissed the top of his head, wrapping your arms around his trembling form. Finnick had far, far too many nightmares about the time you were taken by the Capitol, the months he spent alone, waiting for District 13 to rescue you. While your mind actively blocked those days spent away from him, his was hell bent on tormenting him through his dreams. You sighed, gently whispering to him.
"I'm here, baby. I'm right here. I just needed to clean up a little because I couldn't sleep. You just had a bad nightmare. It's okay. I'm okay. We're okay." He sniffled softly as you wiped his tears away and peppered his face with kisses. You sit there with him in your arms, humming softly to him as you wait for your racing hearts to slow down. It was an old, old sea shanty, sung on boats by sailors with voices too rough.
He eventually calmed down and you sighed, tugging him until he lay down with you on the bed, his face burrowed into your chest. The silence of the room is less suffocating now that you both managed to shred last dregs of fear from your limbs, leaving behind exhaustion and something you weren't very familiar with — sleepiness.
You almost doze off, Finnick's warm breath against your throat too comforting when you hear his small, sleep laden voice whisper softly into the silence.
"I want to move out of The Victor's Village when we get back."
You blink into the darkness, tightening your arms around him. You weren't exactly surprised by his statement but the randomness of it still catches you off-guard. "Oh? And go where, baby?"
Finnick shifts against you to look up at you, his wide, green eyes and pink dusted cheeks making him look so adorable that you can't resist kissing the tip of his nose, making him scrunch it as he continues. "A small cottage on the cliffs overlooking the ocean. We'll decorate it with seashells and get a dog."
You chuckle softly at his enthusiastic future planning, running your fingers through his hair as you nod. "And a cat. And hydrangeas to decorate the front porch. And you could knit us all cute little sweaters to wear around the house."
Finnick beams up at you, his dimples making your heart ache with affection. This is what you fought through hell for, making sure he could lay in your arms like this and smile softly up at you as you both daydreamed of a future that looked so distant but felt just as real as the present.
He snuggles impossibly closer to you as he whispers, his voice serene. "I will. I'll knit you a pink one. And we'll make sure the yard looks like a little meadow where our kids can play."
You press gently kisses to the top of his head, rubbing his back gently as you smile. "Of course. We'll get a swing set too."
You feel him press a kiss to the base of your throat, smiling against your skin as you fall silent again. You could feel his breathing slow down, his lashes fluttering against your skin and just as you think he's falling asleep again, you hear him whisper softly, all the wistful longing for a peaceful happy ending with you bleeding out to leave behind a familiar anxiety, anxiety that he only let you see.
"We'll be okay, right?"
He sounds so afraid that it breaks your heart, leaving you to close your eyes as you try to breathe past the pain of seeing him struggle to hold onto happiness. You tilt his head up and gently kiss his lips, his sigh of relief giving you the strength to summon all the confidence you could as you whispered back.
"Of course, baby. We'll be perfectly fine."
Finnick breathed out softly in relief before kissing you again, pushing you onto your back before straddling you. Your hands immediately reach for his hips as you sit up, pulling him impossibly close, desperate to feel him, to know he was right here and yours to love.
You didn't like lying to him, didn't like not feeling confident in your own words, didn't like the uncertainty that came with a promise like this. But if it gave his mind the temporary relief to shed the worries and leftover tears and breathe a sigh of relief, then so be it.
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peachy-wolfhard · 1 year
Dating Leo II
a/n: I wanted to add more after I posted part one so here it is Bone Apple Teeth, I love leo sm so its LONG
Let me know if you would like to be on my tmnt taglist!
Warnings: swearing, grandchildren mention (splinter is gonna splinter), illness mention, insomnia, mentions of slapping leos bald head
Word count: 738 -woof
Insomnia gang
This turtle physically cannot sleep
When you don't spend the night he is CONSTANTLY texting you everything that comes to mind
“y/n…why is pizza a circle?” “idk lee can i come over :3” “yeth pls HURRY IM DYING HERE WITHOUT U”
Lying in his bed, cuddling, matching eyemasks ON, fan ON
Even with all of that, nothing works
The nights that the both of you are actually able to sleep he has a grasp on you
Holds you so close to him all the time, you guys are joined at the hip
Everyone besides Mikey and Splinter thinks you guys are gross
“You can't even say their names apart now it's ALWAYS Leo and y/n. You can't separate them they will DIE without each other”
“Calm down Mikey please you're scaring Shelldon”
Splinter is…well Splinter. He stays in your guys' relationship, with how dramatic you guys are he doesn't need his soaps
He loves to show you baby pictures of the boys esp the ones of Leo
((cough cough he definitely mentions grandchildren like the old man he is))
Bites all the time like anytime anywhere
Making breakfast peacefully listening to music- CHOMP
Getting ready for work- CHOMP
Dr. Delicate Touch has to intervene
Play fights with you in slow-motion
(slow motion voice) “yyy/nnn iiiimm goooinggg tooo kick your aaaasssss”
(also slow motion voice) “im gooonnnaaa kick yours firrrst”
Initially, it started as a way to keep Leo from running off when exploring places, but then it turned into a regular thing
“My love, light of my life, future spouse eHEM!”
“What Leo”
Absolute drama queen and don't get me started when he’s sick
Picture those old paintings of the sick children in bed, he’s that but dialed up to eleven
All he wants is cuddles and daytime television and don't you DARE come in between him and his Maury
Giving him medicine is surprisingly easy maybe it’s because he’s so out of it or maybe he’s just in love he’d let you do anything to him
But if you’re ever sick he does the exact same for you
If you fight medicine (just like me fr) he’s NOT afraid to use those ninja moves to get you to take your meds
Loves it when you read to him no matter what you are reading
Manga? Sign him up! Horror book? Let's get spooky! Sad book? I'll get the tissues! He just loves to hear your voice especially if you do different voices for the characters but not overly comedic voices, he’s here for the story!
Falls asleep listening to your voice with his head on your lap 99% of the time
Going to the Hidden City for date nights and getting up to absolute mischief
(having to then call Raph to come get you guys because you pissed someone off and just kicked their butt)
Speaking of the Hidden City! During their break in the Hidden City (when everyone gets arrested) you join Leo at the spa
After he gets kicked out he BEGS you to go to the creepy spa across the street with him
“Sorry sweetheart I too am in DIRE need of some relaxation plus it’s not often I’m in an exclusive club”
The moment he shows up with that gorgeous hair you’re suspicious
Texts you a selfie of his new hair with the creepy ass background
“Whatcha think? Even more handsome than normal? ;)” “go back to being bald i miss slapping ur bald head :(“
Anyway when he starts “sleepwalking” your immediate reaction is “Maybe it's the wig” but quickly forget all about it due to relaxation
“Um… yyyy/nnnn could you please help me out with one teeny tiny situation…? Please?”
Now you and Leo are on the case!
“Ooo lala finally some privacy ;)”
“Don't touch me until you’re bald AND we figure this out”
“Pwetty pwease? JUST ONE!”
“Fine, ONE kiss”
After the evil hair reveal and fighting with your boyfriend’s hair he's finally bald again
Leo explains the massage guy’s deal but it falls on deaf ears
“Hey, who’s that guy?” “He'sthe non-member we kicked out earlier!”
“I bet he and that human are the thieves. Call the cops”
After a quick stay in jail, you’re now peacefully back home
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captain-mj · 1 year
I have an idea.
Werewolf 141, except Soap who is a Wulver. This does not get discovered until Soap starts leaving fish on Ghosts desk.
Listen... Listen... Wulvers are one of my favorite creatures (ignore that I have a ridiculous amount) and I fucking love this. Also wrote this super sleep deprived and I did not edit so good luck y'all
Ghost stared at the fish on his desk for a stupid amount of time.
Was this a prank? It was a weird prank. Maybe if he was a cat shifter, it would make sense, but this was... odd. He didn't even get the joke.
Slowly, he knocked the fish into the trashcan.
Alright, just gonna... ignore that.
He grabbed the paperwork and went back to work as normal.
The next time, Price was with him. They both just stared at the fish.
"Why is there a fresh caught carp on your desk?"
"I don't know." Ghost was now angry. It was annoying, gross and made the room smell awful. He didn't fucking like fish normally, why the fuck would he want it RAW and WET on his desk. "Do you want it?"
Price grabbed it immediately. "Yeah. I'll give it to the cooks or something... Who did you piss off?"
"A dead man." Ghost growled. Whoever was doing this was going to keep a chunk taken out of them. Maybe lose a leg too. He staked out in his office for a while but caught nothing.
Ghost didn't bring it up to anyone else just yet. The culprit might get skittish and stop.
Instead, Ghost shifted and sat under his desk one day. He was a large wolf, but he had made sure he could fit under his desk when he got it. At the time, it had been for if he wanted to take a break from paperwork, not hide out in an attempt to catch a criminal. His insomnia would keep him up forever anyway.
When he woke up to a fish, now placed right in front of his nose, he almost went ballistic.
The nerve.
The audacity.
How had they managed to not wake him up? He woke up at everything! A FNG sneezed on the other side of the base and he woke up!!
Soap noticed something was wrong. "You alright, Lt?"
"I'm fucking fine." He snapped, narrowing his eyes at Soap.
Soap winced. "Aye..." Ghost shoved down the feeling he got from that. He didn't have time to feel bad!
"Have you seen anyone acting weird lately?"
"How so sir?"
"Coming in with wet hands. Going near where my office is. Lingering."
Soap looked confused. "No. I can't say I have. What's going on?"
"Nothing." Ghost grabbed his tea and escaped into his new room. Luckily, there's no fish to deal with. His room is clear. Thank goodness.
His office... His safe space... No longer safe...
Okay, a touch dramatic there. Ghost drank his tea and told himself that he needed to focus on work, not his tiny mystery.
He woke up again. Head down on his desk. Tea cold. Was there a fucking gas leak? Since when did he sleep so much?
Soap was there.
With a trout.
"You motherfucker." Ghost threw himself over the desk, watching Soap jump back and start sprinting down the halls. He chased after him. Soap tried to shift to get away, but that was ineffective. Ghost slammed into him, sending them both tumbling to the ground before he got his arm around his throat.
"I don't care if you look like a mutt, I'll still kick your ass. Now shift back and explain yourself."
Soap did not shift back, instead wiggling to try to get away. Ghost tightened his grip until Soap stopped fighting him. He slowly shifted back, clearly embarrased.
"Hey, Lt. Fancy seeing you here."
"Why? Just why?"
"So... ya see... I am not a werewolf."
"You turned into a wolf, did you fucking not?"
"Actually.... I am a wulver."
"A wulver?"
"I uh... bring people fish."
"Why me?? Why did you bring me fish??" Ghost sounded accusatory.
Soap stuttered.
"Don't wulvers do that for people who are poor? Or can't feed themselves?"
Soap looked panicked.
"Fuck you."
"I'm sorry!" Soap yelped. "I don't know. i just wanted to... do something for you."
Ghost glared but dropped him. "Don't do it again."
Soap shakily gave him a thumbs up.
"I like mugs. Give me those next time."
"Yes, sir."
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meowmeowmeowmeow4x · 5 months
Dark Blue Moon and the Suffering Sun Chapter 22
this chapter kicked my ass, what with the allergic attack and continued insomnia epsidoe ;-;
Danny watched as Damian’s body froze in dawning horror. The hang-up sound deafened the room. The boy sat stock still. His arms trembled. The phone slipped out of his palm. He didn’t bother to pick it up.
“I… I do not understand.” Damian whispered. “I was speaking in plain English.”
But Danny understood. He understood now, where he never knew before. A lump grew in his throat.
How many people think about the movements of their tongues in speech? How many people actively plan out and execute precisely which movements their mouths make, judging distances, contours, contact time and aerodynamics? How many conversations has the average person had without a single thought towards any of these factors?
His siren brain turned Damian’s shell-shaken chirps into English words so seamlessly that it took active concentration to remember they weren’t English words, not any that a human could easily understand.
“Do not ‘Damian’ me!” Damian’s fins turned into rigid spines, a reaction he only ever saw from sirens seriously trying to kill him. “We have been speaking in English this entire time! Why could he not understand me?! I have been-”
Damian’s eyes widened. His breathing hitched, then labored. His hands went to clutch at his throat.
“What have I been speaking?”
“Damian, I’m sorry.”
“When you threatened the sailor for his phone password, he complied immediately. You spoke human English to him!” Damian jabbed Danny’s chest, accusation radiating off every word.
“I know. Damian, I-”
“Father is a discerning man. He will not accept a phone call from a strange number twice! You could have squandered the only opportunity we have had to contact help for thousands of miles!”
The young boy’s chest strained to contain his breathing.
“Damian, you’re hyperventilating. Let’s slow down and-”
“No!” Damian backed away from Danny’s hands, like they were molten lava. “We need to contact father again, now! Show me how to form human words.”
Danny stuttered. He had never thought how to do that. He spoke in clicks to his enemies, and when he changed to human form, he’d speak normally again with his loved ones. Changing to human words in siren form was effortless to him.
Damian did not wait for his response long. The boy wheezed, and gasped. The boy’s throat clenched and throbbed as he spat out rasping hisses, and malformed syllables.
He sucked in another breath, and tried again. Each attempt ended up in failure. Damian’s breath grew shallower, his breathing accelerating further and further.
“No! No, no, no, no!” Damian muttered. The boy’s body slumped over, collapsed against the floor. “Why can I not do it?! What do I need? Show me!”
Damian’s chin wobbled His eyes wavered with tears threatening to come out.
Danny was at a loss. Heat scorched his cheeks, shame and guilt in tandem. “I- I- I don’t k-know. I never l-learned. I-it just came naturally to me.”
“I have lost my legs! I have lost my family. I have lost my age and my mental maturity. And you never saw it fit to tell me I have lost my voice too?! What else will you take from me?!”
Danny’s heart seized. A white streak dripped down Damian’s cheek. Then another. Danny lowered his head. “I’m sorry Damian. I- I didn’t mean to. I didn’t know this would happen.”
“What do you mean?!” The child wailed. “We have been swimming for two days! You have had so much time to consider, and yet you did nothing!”
“We can still contact your dad. I-I can speak to him. Or we could text. Or maybe-”
Danny’s nose prickled. Voices came from around the boat. Atlantean voices. More than ten of them. He raised his head, and spotted scores of soldiers announcing their presence in front of the boat. A couple of them in fancy headgear also sported Atlantean magic tattoos. Not good at all.
Damian wrenched a half-sobbing chirp too broken to understand. Danny scooped up the tiny, tiny child, and turned them both invisible. Damian pushed against his arms, but Danny kept firm. He shattered the windows of the room, causing the soldiers outside to yelp and ready their weapons. Without giving them anymore notice, he jumped into the water, speeding away from the scene.
Danny had lost count of how many hours he’d swum, Damian still clinging to his back. Whatever faint traces of warmth the boy had started to show him had long evaporated.
“Damian?” Danny prompted, for what felt like the hundredth time. “Damian, I’m sorry, I swear I didn’t mean to.”
What did he mean to do?
Damian remained quiet, and terrifyingly still. All that came out was a tiny whine and a hiccupped gasp.
“Damian, I promise there’s an explanation for this. It’s-” Danny stopped. It’s what? What could he say to explain? That he was a full human until he was 13 years of age? That he’d had about 10 positive interactions with the other members of his ‘species’ his entire life? That he was not even what or who he said he was, a freak of nature, tainted and touched in ways he could barely imagine?
His only safety net was his secrecy. Danny’s mind flashed to armadas of GiW ships funded by Wayne Enterprises, his parents at the helm of the flagship, and Bruce Wayne soon after. He imagined swimming, and swimming, and swimming for the rest of his life, hiding away in the Mariana Trench and never seeing the stars again.
Damian had no reason not to tell his father everything that transpired during this journey. And he especially had the right to be very angry with Danny. After all, who else failed to save him?
But he was also owed an explanation of some kind. Maybe a half truth? Danny swallowed the lump in his throat. He cleared his mouth. Why were there tears blurry his vision?
“Do not speak to me.” Damian muttered. Nowhere was the boisterous, prideful ego. The kid sounded utterly defeated.
“Damian…” Danny begged. He blinked as fast as he could. The tears were even faster.
“The only reason I have allowed you to carry me is because I still wish to go home. But I do not wish to speak to you. Or speak, period.”
Danny let the silent tears fall freely. “Ok.”
Jack Fenton lay on a mechanic creeper, looking into the complex mesh of wires he and Maddie had concocted in a feverish haze over the course of a single day, and now it was sparking. That was worrying. No need to sweat it, though. Jack Fenton was nothing if not a mechanic, and he’d sort this issue out in no time.
Maddie was on the deck, carefully watching for any siren interlopers who might take an easy shot at them. With her at the helm, Jack had nothing to fear as he inspected the damage.
His eyes traced lines of wires and pipes. Hydroplasm tubes leading into combustion chambers fed by cooling units. Ahah! There it was! One of the cooling tubes was leaking. The bolts on the thing were just a bit too loose, and water was beginning to drip through. A layman might think a cooling tube being broken would cause issues, but the Fentons were nothing if not thorough. Their failsafe system kicked in, and forced the engines to slow down so as not to overheat everything. Let it never be said that Jack Fenton did not care for the safety of his children!
Actually, now that he thought about it, there were a lot more minor issues than he thought there would be. Nothing major, thank goodness, but he could tell why the SAV had been chugging lately.
Time to get to it! Now what tools would he need?
Jack Fenton sat up, only for his head to bang on a pipe. He fell back onto the creeper with a wheeze. Gotta keep an eye on where he was!
 “Dr Fenton?” Was that Brucie?
“Brucie boy! Please, call me Jack! Dr Fenton was my dad.”
“I’m sure Jasmine will soon be saying the same.” Brucie chuckled. “Jasmine told me you were taking longer than normal. Need a hand?”
“You sure about that? This isn’t the kind of thing you can find in an old Toyota.”
Brucie was out of his fancy suit and tie, and in more dirty work-appropriate wear. At least he had the spirit!
“I’m sure that won’t be a problem. I’ve done a few creative engineering projects myself. Some of my designs are sold by the company.”
Jack rolled himself back into the open air, where Brucie was already taking stock of the machinery. Jack’s eyebrows shot up.
“Huh. I didn’t know you were a hands-on type of CEO!”
“I try not to be distant from the people I’m working with in the company. This is your field of expertise, though. If I’d get in the way, that’s fine too.”
“No, no! It’s been a long since time someone’s been this interested in our work. Most people run away! Probably the sirens intimidating ‘em.”
“I can imagine.” Brucie’s voice became sombre.
“Oh, I’m sorry, Brucie, I didn’t mean to, well.”
“It’s alright. The two of us are in the same boat, anyway.”
Jack snorted. Brucie’s face cracked up a little. “Alright then. Come on down and I’ll show you what we need to do.”
Brucie wasn’t lying when he said he had experience. Guy was keeping up with Jack as he explained how the engine worked and why it wasn’t working now. It was like he was talking to a peer in the field! It was exhilarating, considering he and Maddie made up pretty much half of the entire field of siren research.
“Where do you even get enough energy to power this thing? I know it’s not oil or coal or any kind of fossil fuel.”
“That’s easy, Brucie! It’s hydroplasm! Same thing that makes up sirens’ bodies. Gives them their powers.”
Brucie coughed loudly, almost dropping the power cell he was holding up while Jack redid the seals. “So it’s siren blood?”
“I guess you could say that. Not like we’ve ever actually caught one.” Jack tapped the hydroplasm tubes. Thankfully those ones were still airtight and secure. “All this stuff is filtered from the big blue sea herself! Ain’t that neat?”
“It’s incredible.” Jack felt pride swell, for his and his wife’s hard work.
“You’re pretty incredible yourself, Brucie.”
Brucie’s eyebrow quirked. “I can’t say I haven’t heard that before, but it’s usually from women trying to get my attention.”
“I mean it! Most parents wouldn’t have the gumption to take to the seas and fight monsters from the abyss for their kids. And that’s fair! Not everyone’s got the expertise Mads and I do.”
Jack turned the last screw and tapped the power cell. Tight as a tourniquet.
“And not every CEO’s willing to get knee-deep in nuts and bolts either.” Jack continued. Truth be told, Jack had never thought of the possibility of meeting a rich person before. He always thought they’d be in some other kind of world, totally unlike anything he knew. Vladdie was different of course. They went back all the way to their college days, after all.
“Not every parent would personally invent an arsenal worthy of sailing the high seas and fighting through them to get their son back.”
Jack beamed with pride. “Come on, Brucie. You’re making me blush!”
The men continued working, patching up the cracks, filling in missing parts, and welding together pipes, falling into a new pattern that they weren’t quite used to. Occasionally they would bump into each other, or pass the wrong tool and would have to correct. These mistakes became rarer as the night went on, and a comfortable silence settled between them.
“I’m just- I don’t know what to say. The boys. After Alicia and her son, we promised it would never happen again. Moved all the way to Amity, filled the bay with equipment, made a fortress out of our house, and then what?”
Brucie looked down. “I’m sorry about your sister-in-law. And I’m sorry I was careless too.”
Jack reared his head up. “What do you have to be sorry for, Brucie?”
“It was very likely my carelessness in visiting Amity Island that provoked the attack on my son, and yours.”
Jack waved them off immediately. Preposterous! “The only fault to be had is Phantom’s. We’ll get our boys back, and make Phantom pay.”
Bruce screwed in the last piece. The fathers backed out of the room, and slid the protective panel back over the engines.
“Danno’s a strong kid. I’m sure your Damian’s a wildfire and a half too. Wherever they are, I’m sure they’ll have each other’s backs.” Jack whispered. He hoped everything he taught his boy would give him a chance, even a sliver.
Brucie nodded. The men shared a look, and shared whatever hope they could carry on this voyage over the ocean.
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A Code Geass/FGO crossover where Lelouch's geass, once again, screws him and everyone else over by having the World of C summon a beast of humanity on accident.
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kalifornia1025 · 11 days
The Red Circle Pt. 4 (SPOILERS)
Red Circle finale notes, let’s GET IN!!
Ah right, the cliffhanger…John, why are you always in life-threatening situations? (And why do I eat it up every time??)
“Stop looking down and look at me” UGH I love this trope
Sherlock: “I’m climbing down to you”, John: “Don’t you idiot” they care for each other’s safety!!
“Let me hold your weight, I’m strong enough for goodness sake” oh? Strong enough as in…canon boxer Sherlock??
I’m getting kinda tired of the ‘Sherlock calling John fat’ jokes (I know he didn’t say it this time, but it was still implied)
“Would a fool do this?!” *John painfully tumbles down rubble shaft while swearing profusely*, John I love you so much
“Oh God I’m bleeding!! I’m bleed-oh wait it’s paint” as silly as this was, was I the only one worried it would trigger some memories for John?…
They’re REALLY emphasizing that John doesn’t want to use a gun…wonder if there’ll be a case where he has no choice but to use one…
Security thought he was a protestor for a museum because he’s covered in paint, that’s hilarious!
“I’m British mate. This entire museum is built on us sticking our noses in places we shouldn’t be” ope at least he’s self-aware
John: “Let’s go for a coffee-for a cappuccino eh”, Rosso: “THAT IS A BREAKFAST DRINK” he sounds so heated over that lol
Oh shit, sword fight?
OMG I need FANART of this sword fight scene!!! (I wish I could draw people, I would be ALL over it!)
“Traitors! Traitors!!” um what?
Security is kicking John out because he thinks he’s a protestor, HA
‘The Gregster?’, oh no John is rubbing off on you Sherlock
Gregson: “Stop it”, Sherlock: “Ok”, THEY’RE SO SILLY
Sherlock loves looking at screens, huh? Like it’s beyond just doing it for a case at this point
“What’s the password?” “Met123”...very secure password guys
Omg are they flirting while boxing?
Nope not flirting but yes Sherlock, BEAT HIS ASS!!!!
I need fan art of this scene too!!
John why are you STILL covered in paint??
Dang, part of me wishes to know how that Lord Harmson murder case went
Oh, we get to know why Gregson is so salty towards Sherlock?
Gregson, you’re upset because Sherlock trademarked being the first Consulting Detective before you?!...and of course that’s when Sherlock remembers
Don’t be sorry John, I loved it! It’s in my top three cases from the podcast
And that’s the end of The Red Circle case!! I don’t care what John says, this was a really good one. Not just the case itself; we had some really good silly shenanigans happening throughout the story! I was starting to miss the sillier stuff (and not being reminded of certain characters’ issues *ahem John’s alcoholism/insomnia ahem*). It’s definitely going up there in my top 3 favorite cases from the podcast alongside Lion’s Mane and Shoscombe Old Place!
Later this week we should be getting an announcement for the next case art commission winner meaning…we’ll get to see what the next case will be! Me and other members in the Sherlock & Co discord are already theorizing what the next case will be but for now we must wait…
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tangledinink · 1 year
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In lieu of a new chapter-- I'm Sorry, Teenage Mutant What Now? one-shot! In which Leo cannot sleep, and events occur as a result. NOW UP ON ao3!!! Or, read below the cut!!!
It was another one of those.
Those little loops he got into sometimes.
Insomnia was kind of like that, funnily enough. Really hot-and-cold, waxing and waning, on and off, or at least it was for him. So sometimes, it really wasn’t so bad. He’d sleep relatively well for weeks at a time. Granted, it was never as simple as just laying his head on the pillow and falling asleep (could you imagine?), but with a little bit of work, he could eventually manage to get himself off to dreamland and get a good six or seven hours. And that was awesome, by Leo’s standards! It was great when it was like that!
But that was when it was good.
Sometimes, it was harder than that. Sometimes, it took herculean efforts to get himself to sleep each night. Sometimes, he’d be lucky if he got three or four hours, no matter what he did, with the occasional all-nighter sprinkled in here or there, just for the fun of it. And that was less than ideal for, like, a lot of reasons, obviously, but at least it was tolerable. That was kind of the usual for him, quite frankly, and he knew how to operate under such circumstances by now.
So, you know. Sometimes it was good. And sometimes, it was hard, but overall okay.
The real problem came when things… got away from him.
He knew how to weather a no-sleep kinda night. He was comfortable with taking the occasional L and just grinning and bearing it for the day. That was fine, it happened, not a huge deal. He could handle all that.
Two all-nighters in a row? Okay. Now we’re starting to run into a problem, but still not anything insurmountable. Things will probably suck for the day, but he’s capable of muscling his way through and remaining (mostly) functional. That’s what they made Red Bull for, obviously.
It’s on the third night, usually at around one in the morning, that he always starts to think that maybe he might be in real trouble. And that was really his downfall. The thinking. 
Despite his best efforts, he’d always climb into bed on the third night, intending on getting, like, some bomb-ass sleep, finally, because surely his body is ready for it after two nights in a row, right? But then always, without fail, that stupid little voice in his head would eventually go,
Oh my god, is this the start of a Loop?
And he’d go, NOOOO, why did you say that!? Why would you jinx us like that!? Now the insomnia heard you!!!
And that would be that. A self-fulfilling prophecy. His stupid, dumbass brain would go, oh no, what if we get stuck in a Loop? and then his anxiety would kick in, grabbing onto the thoughts and sinking its teeth in and going, oh no, oh god, please, we’ve gotta sleep, this is night three, we can’t keep going like this! and his heart rate would pick up, and all his nerves would flash on stark and bright, and all the cogs would start spinning in his annoying, useless brain, everything switching on and going into overdrive… 
Which, of course, would simply ensure that he wouldn’t be getting any sleep that night.
And then, all of a sudden, he’d be in a Loop.
That was when things were truly bad. When he was ‘Looping,’ so to speak, trapped in these dumb little circles, endlessly worrying and stressing about his inability to get to sleep and keeping himself awake. And the longer he went without sleep, the more panicked he’d get, and the less ability he’d have to keep himself in check and apply, you know, actual reason or logic to anything. And then he’d start getting desperate. He’d just do more and more stupid things to try to get himself to sleep, and he’d freak his family out and scare them, and then feel awful about it later. 
He wasn’t allowed to hang onto his own trazodone prescription anymore because he had once, in a state of overtired delirium and panic, accidentally taken too much. 
He had been fine, really, it wasn’t like he took that much-- he mostly just gave himself a killer headache. But he sure had freaked Dad out. And maybe also himself.
He hated worrying them. And he knew they all already worried about how much he slept as, like, a baseline, let alone when things were bad, even if bad only came around every few months or so. Especially because it wasn’t like he wasn’t trying. He really was! He tried so frickin’ hard. His dad had dragged him to, like, a dozen different sleep doctors and specialists or whatever (that brave soul, he always shook like a leaf every time, which Leo also hated,) and they’d tried twice as many different medications and tricks and home treatments or whatever, but nothing actually, truly fixed the problem. Not forever, anyway.
The point was, it sucked.
He didn’t like it. 
It was stressful, and it was unpleasant.
And, quite frankly? It was scary.
And the longer he was awake, the scarier it would be, because the longer he was awake the less he could trust himself. When he was like this, even the simplest of tasks would suddenly become so freaking hard.
Leo was not a chef by any means, but he was competent enough that he could at least do simple things like make a sandwich or cut up an apple for himself. But he only had to nick himself with a knife once, clumsy with sleepiness, for his Loop Self to suddenly be terrified of the kitchen.
Likewise, Leo though typically perfectly capable of navigating the streets of the city, but only had to get a bit turned around and confused on a single occasion for his Loop Self to be petrified of leaving the house alone-- even if he had found his way in a matter of minutes that first time.
It only took him sending one stupid sleep-drunk text to the wrong person by mistake for his Loop Self to become too frightened to text people for fear of somehow sending something awful to the wrong person and promptly destroying his social life.
It didn’t matter how unlikely or niche the fear was. Every time he got like this, his Loop Self would find more ways to be anxious and more things to be terrified of. And the longer he was awake, the more paranoid he would get.
This was his fourth night. 
This wasn’t the longest Leo had ever stayed up, but that was of little comfort to him at the moment. During the day, it really wasn’t that bad. Like, yeah, Loop Leo would always be there, kind of whispering in his ears, but it was a lot easier to ignore them in the light of day. He could still be a person during the day, at least, mostly, even if he was afraid the entire time. But at night? Once it was dark out and the rest of his family had gone to bed?
That was when Loop Leo truly came out to play.
And looping he most certainly was doing, pacing anxiously through his room and tugging at his hair, his nose wrinkled up as he scowled. 
You should lie down. Like. Get in bed? So you can sleep? You can’t go to sleep if you’re not laying down, and you need to sleep, Leo pointed out.
What if something happens while we’re asleep? Loop Leo countered. Besides, we can’t lie down. Laying down makes us feel like we’re losing it. Can’t you feel how much energy we have?!
That’s not energy. That’s anxiety, Leo argued from his current spot, way in the back of his own mind, trapped in some tiny metaphorical cage. But, of course, he was ignored.
‘Cause the real bummer of the matter was that the later it got on nights like this, the more ‘Loop Leo’ and ‘Leo’ kind of blurred together, until they were basically just the same person.
He paced for a while, spiraling around his room. He checked the locks on all his windows, and then he went downstairs and checked all the doors and the security system. He then almost set off said security system because his brain was so foggy and moving so slowly that he nearly mistyped the password. And then when he realized his close call, he had spent some time stressing about that, too, laying on the couch with his face buried in the pillows, because he just didn’t wanna be in one place right now, and besides, his room felt too small to be in anymore.
Leo groaned softly, rolling over onto his front, pulling the pillow over his head as he did so. He thought quietly to himself that he should have asked Dad for sleepy drugs, but then he would have worried Dad, and Dad would be stressed, and he didn’t even know if it would work for sure, and what if he poisoned himself, somehow, actually?
That’s literally why Dad holds onto the drugs. So that doesn’t happen. Just go wake him up! He won’t mind. He’ll give you the drugs. He’ll give you the correct dose! 
Nope, absolutely not. We cannot do that. Leo whined to no one in particular, rubbing at his face with his hands and rolling over onto his feet again. And he kind of stumbled a bit, and nearly fell over, but he didn’t. 
He couldn’t stay in one place anymore. It was driving him crazy.
He went down to the Lair. He played video games for, like, an hour and a half, and he lost every single one. He thought about playing Minecraft or something simple like that, but he was afraid he’d accidentally fuck it up and then be crushed about it later, so he didn’t. He laid out the gym mats with the intention of practicing some of his gymnastics routines that he was working on, and then thought, what, are you crazy? Right now, like this? You’ll break both your legs. You’ll get a head injury and die. So he put the mats back away. 
His sleepy brain thought about messing with some of Donnie’s stuff for a minute, ‘cause it might be funny, and then the anxiety brain went, are you insane!? And so he talked himself out of it at the last minute, heading back upstairs.
He checked all the windows and doors, (again,) and then peeked his head into his Dad’s room, just to make sure that he was still there and alive. He was, and was furthermore snoring softly in his bed, and Leo internally sighed in relief. He did another lap around the ground floor before he went up to the second, and did the same exact thing. Checked all the windows, and then checked on Mikey and Raph. And, just as he expected (or rather hoped?) they were both there. Mikey was all curled up in bed, snuggled up with his pillow, and drooling slightly on himself. His limbs would kind of twitch every now and again as he dreamed, and Leo smiled a tiny bit at the sight. Raph was splayed out across his mattress, amongst all his blankets and pillows and stuffed animals, his limbs flopped out in every which direction. Leo watched him for a little bit, too, his arms crossed over his chest as he leaned against the doorframe, watching as his chest slowly rose and fell with each breath.
He stayed there for a few minutes, lingering on each family member for a spell before he finally moved on, closing the door behind him as he quietly could.
He made his way back up to the third floor. And he kind of had one of those ‘out-of-it’ moments for a second there and got dizzy and sort of blacked out real quick and almost fell, but then he didn’t. He caught himself, so it was fine, totally fine, but he still kind of rushed a bit the rest of the way up the stairs because suddenly he was sort of scared to be on them.
Once he reached the top, he ended up sitting in the hall for a bit, clenching and unclenching his fists and staring up at the ceiling. Eventually, he laid down on the hardwood floor, curled up on his side, and closed his eyes, like somehow this would be the fix and laying in the middle of the floor was the answer and he would finally be able to fall asleep like this. He stayed there for maybe five minutes before he gave up and got back to his feet, and he wandered towards Donnie’s room to do the exact same thing he had just done on the last two floors.
Very carefully, very quietly, he cracked open the door, leaning through the doorway to peek his head in, blinking a few times to adjust to the lighting.
And Donnie was there. Bundled up in bed beneath his weighted blanket, fast asleep, just like the rest of his family. Just like Leo had known (hoped) he would be.
See? Leo told himself. He’s fine. Everyone is fine. Chill.
And that should have been enough, right? That should be fine. He had physical eyes on him. He could see him, right there, literally, like, five feet away. 
The problem was that Donnie always slept under the covers, with his big weighted blanket layered up on top, curled up into a little ball. And his back was on Leo right now, facing the wall, leaving him with only a view of the back of his head.
So he couldn’t see if he was breathing or not.
This is stupid, Leo protested. Of course he’s breathing. Why wouldn’t he be breathing?
What if he’s not? Loop Leo countered. Something could have happened. He could be dead.
He’s not dead. And even if he was, what would we do about it? Cast Revivify? Use a Max Revive? 
Maybe he’s dying. 
Maybe he’s dying right now.
Maybe he just stopped breathing, just now.
Maybe he stopped breathing just before we came in, and he’s still alive, but not breathing, and we could still save him. What if we’re watching him die right now? What if he’s dying right now in front of us and we’re just watching him? 
What if he’s dying, and he dies, and then we’re just one person instead of a set? What if we have to live without him? What if we never talk to him again? And we can’t ask him for help with our homework ever again, or play Mario Kart with him, or show him dumb botany memes that make him laugh? What will you do when you see a stupid science joke and you wanna send it to him and make fun of it with him? What then?
What if he dies and leaves you and you let it happen?
He’s dying right now and you’re watching it happen.
Do something!!!
Leo’s feet were moving before he even realized they were.
He kind of stumbled a bit in his rush, not being the most coordinated person at the moment, only just managing to avoid face-planting right into Donnie’s bed frame. He kind of ended up flopping against Donnie’s bed, half falling on top of him, grabbing onto his blanket to hang onto and using his free hand to grab him and shake him.
“Donnie?” He hissed frantically, practically digging his nails into his brother’s form through the blankets. “Donnie!? Wake up!” He tightened his grip as his heart climbed up into his throat, because oh my god, he was dead, he wasn’t waking up, and he didn’t know what to do, and he was about to start screaming for their dad--
“Wha--? Leo? What the fuck is-- The house had better be on fire--” Donnie slurred, his voice weighed down with sleep, and Leo kind of paused for a moment, stopping dead and staring at him.
All he could hear was his own heartbeat pounding wildly in his ears.
And then he sobbed, immediately throwing his arms around his twin and clinging desperately to him.
Donnie chirped in surprise, sort of floundering, his eyes wide as he stiffened.
“Leo? What’s going on? What’s wrong?” 
“I-- I thought you were dead--” Leo wept pitifully, burying his face against his shoulder.
“... Why would I be dead?”
“I-- I couldn’t see you breathing!!!”
“Leo, what the hell are you talking about? And why are you in my room?”
Leo hiccuped weakly, because, like, he didn’t actually have a good way to answer that? Hostage-Leo rattled the bars of their metaphorical mind cage and fucking wailed because oh my god, STOP, you are embarrassing yourself and being soooo fucking insane right now and it is NOT CUTE, get it together right this fucking instant!!!-- But actual, physical Leo did not have it together. Not in this instant or any of the following instances. He just wept and burrowed in closer to Donnie, hugging him as tight as he possibly could, and he knew he was probably pissing him off and he had just woken him up and he probably didn’t like this, but he had just--
He had been so fucking scared that he was dead.
He had been so scared that he was gone forever, and he’d never ever see him again.
Donnie sighed deeply, reluctantly wrapping an arm around Leo as he whimpered into his shoulder, giving him a few awkward pats on the back.
“You’re totally sleep deprived, aren’t you?”
“Are you in a Loop?”
“How many days has it been?”
“Jesus christ, Nardo.”
“I love y-youuuu…”
“Why didn’t you ask Dad for meds?”
“I don’t knowwww…!” Leo sobbed, because how the hell was he supposed to explain that, actually, he was too scared to do that because what if he somehow accidentally poisoned himself and died? That just seemed like wayyy too much to try to unpack at four in the morning, quite frankly.
“Oh my god. You’re so stupid…”
“And you’re totally losing it, I assume?”
“Okay,” Donnie sighed, patting Leo’s shoulders a few more times. “Come on. Get up.”
Leo whined loudly, tightening his grip in response and curling up closer to Donnie, all but koala-clinging to him while Donnie huffed a bit at the increased weight.
“Lee, come on--”
“Please lemme stay! I promise I, I won’t w-wake you up again--”
“You can stay, Nardo, but we’ve gotta go get meds first, okay?”
“Yessssss,” Donnie insisted, imitating his drawn-out, whiny tone, trying to pry his brother off of him. “Come on. You’re fucked up, so just let me fix you already, dum-dum. We’ve just gotta go downstairs and get your meds from Dad, alright?”
“I don’t wanna take meds…”
“Yes, you do, your brain is just operating at an even lower capacity than usual right now,” Donnie insisted, finally managing to worm his way out from under Leo and get up to his feet. Leo whimpered, a tiny bit of panic flaring up in his chest, attempting to chase after him and grab him back, but Donnie quickly danced out of the way, purposefully standing just out of arm’s reach.
“Come on. I’m going downstairs to get Dad. So if you wanna hang out and not be all by yourself, you’re gonna have to follow me,” he said firmly, crossing his arms over his chest and fixing him with a hard stare.
Leo groaned softly, taking a moment, rubbing at his face with his hands and crying for just a tiny bit longer. He was feeling very miserable and frightened, as well as feeling very stupid for being so miserable and frightened. But even more than either of those, he just felt exhausted, and so very much did not want to have to get up or move or do anything else.
But even more than that-- he didn’t wanna be alone.
Finally, after several long moments, Leo gathered up just enough resolve to get to his feet, only wobbling a little bit as he did so. He reluctantly followed Donnie out into the hall, hanging onto their hand like a lifeline and sniffling softly. Honestly, he was being so brave about this. As soon as they approached the stairwell, however, he stopped short, digging his heels in with a whine and pulling back against the other.
Donnie sighed, his shoulders slumping with quiet exasperation.
“Leo, we’ve gotta go downstairs, remember?”
“I don’t wanna.”
Donnie quirked a brow.
“Okay, and?”
“I’m gonna fall down,” he hissed out, his voice absolutely drenched in worry, cracking the tiniest bit at the end. Much to his chagrin, he could feel himself tearing up again, but what if he did? He almost had coming up! What if he fell down and fractured his skull or something? Or even worse, what if he fell and took Donnie down with him, and fractured his skull? 
Donnie absolutely rolled his eyes at him.
“Leo, you’re not going to fall down. You are literally an award-winning acrobat. And I am also literally an award-winning acrobat. And I am holding your hand right now,” he said, shaking his arm as if to demonstrate. “And they’re stairs. I think that we can handle it with our powers combined. It is fine. You’re not gonna get hurt. I’m right here. Chill,” he pressed. “Are you ready?”
Leo wrinkled up his nose, hesitating. Donnie narrowed his eyes.
“Okay, look,” he huffed. “You can stay here if you want, but I have to go downstairs to get Dad so we can get your meds. So you can either wait up here, and I’ll be right back, or you can come down the stairs with me and we’ll go together. It’s your choice.”
Okay, fine. He’d brave the stairs. If he had to choose between risking the trip down or letting go of Donnie, who had literally just almost died, (... kinda,) then the stairs were definitely the lesser evil. 
Inhaling sharply and steeling himself, they started the trip downwards.
And would you believe it?
They were fine. 
He got a little overwhelmed and dizzy at a few places, but each time Donnie kept a hold on his arms, hanging onto him to make sure he stayed upright until it passed, and, hey, you know what? It turns out that he was, in fact, still fully capable of walking down stairs. Who knew? Hahaha…
Once they were on the ground floor, Donnie wasted no time in heading down the hall, towing Leo along by their connected hands into their dad’s room.
“Dad,” Donnie hissed softly, reaching over to try to shake him into consciousness. The poor man had been dozing quite peacefully up until now, and sort of twitched and snorted in his sleep slightly, mumbling to himself.
“I swear I’ve never been to Dallas…”
“Dad! Wake up!” Donnie pressed, a bit louder now, nudging him a few more times, until finally, their dad startled awake, his head jerking upwards as he blinked blearily.
“Hm…? Purple…? What’s… What’s wrong…?”
“Mom, I frew up,” Leo mumbled sleepily, extending his shoulders forward slightly to try to do the pose. Donnie whipped around to absolutely glare at him.
“Are you seriously quoting a fucking meme right now!?”
Leo giggled softly, maybe a bit hysterically, covering his face with his free hand and slumping against Donnie. His brother sighed loudly, rolling his eyes and scowling.
“Father, Leo needs his trazodone.”
Their dad was still clearly half-asleep, and it took him a second to process this, but to his credit he caught on fairly quickly, looking between the two and humming softly.
“Of course, of course…” he said, rolling over slightly in bed so he could begin shuffling through the drawers of his nightstand. Donnie, in the meantime, hoisted Leo off of himself, shoving him instead onto the bed.
“You too!” Leo protested, and Donnie grumbled.
“Yes, okay, I’m also sitting. See me sitting?” He said, gesturing to himself with a flourish as he plopped down by his brother’s side, elbowing him a bit. “Here. Move over. Not, not there, there-- Stop it. If you fucking touch my face I’m going to fucking end you I swear to god--”
“Blue,” their father interrupted, tapping his shoulder to get his attention. Leo blearily turned to face him, blinking slowly, and his dad very carefully pressed a little white oval pill into his palm. “Here.”
Leo stared for a moment, processing. And then he picked the pill up in his fingers, examining it carefully.
One. There was one of them.
And he was pretty confident it was trazodone.
And there was just one. And it was 150mg. He was supposed to have 150mg. This should be… right. It should be okay. He was… 80% sure. He counted a few more times, just to be safe.
“It’s the right dose, Blue. It’s alright. I double-checked,” Dad assured, passing them over a glass of water from his bedside table as well. “I promise it’s okay.”
“You’re fine, Nardo,” Donnie mumbled, having already flopped down onto his stomach, curled up against his twin’s side. He reached over so he could rub Leo’s back. Or maybe kind of smack it. Flail his arm at it? “Dad won’t fuck it up or poison you. Please just take your meds.”
And Leo considered this for a second. And yeah, okay.
He supposed that checked out. 
He was still scared. But he took the pill anyway, tipping his head back to swallow it down.
“Thank you,” Dad said, resisting a yawn, plucking the water back from his hands to place out of harm’s way before patting his back a few times. “Come on. Lay down.”
Donnie muttered what might have been agreement, snuggling his way under the covers, his eyes already closed. Leo hummed softly in response, and then very slowly, carefully, eased his way down in bed beside the others.
He blinked up at the ceiling, shifting a bit to settle in, laying his head down against the pillow. Donnie adjusted the blankets around Leo, yanking them up over him, wriggling somewhat to force Leo to scootch over slightly so he could curl up against his side. And on his other side, Dad settled in as well, rolling over slightly so that he could wrap an arm around Leo.
And so Leo settled in, too. 
And he waited.
Waited to see if the drugs were gonna kick in properly and knock him out or not.
And it was kind of nice, at least, because he could feel both of them breathe like this.
He started doing that thing he tried to do sometimes, where he made a mental list of some random category in alphabetical order, because, in theory, it would help you get to sleep. He was doing comic book characters this time, rolling his tongue around in his mouth as he stared up at the ceiling.
Astro Boy. Batman. Catwoman. Daredevil. Eddie Brock. Fantastic Four. Ghost Rider. Hawkgirl.
He was surprised when, in his second rotation through the ABC’s, he heard Donnie very softly mumble.
“Are you asleep yet?”
Leo gaped for a moment.
“... You’re not?”
“No, dum-dum. I’m waiting for you,” Donnie whispered in response, and he heard his father very softly hum on the other side of him, drawing him in just a bit closer and giving him a gentle squeeze.
“... You don’t have to--”
“Shut up,” Donnie interrupted. “Are you doing the deep breathing thing?”
“... No, I’m doing the alphabet thing.”
“Okay. Keep going,” Donnie bade, nuzzling up against his shoulder slightly, and Leo couldn’t help but smile.
“Yeah. Okay,” he whispered into the darkness of the room, laying his head back down again and settling in properly this time, sandwiched between the two.
“Oh. Also, I love you too. Let the record show that I said it back.”
Leo laughed a tiny bit.
He closed his eyes.
Iron Man. Jean Grey. Kitty Pryde. Lightspeed.
… Moon Knight… Nightcrawler…
… Professor X…
… … …
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kairiscorner · 1 year
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
my insomniac ahh had to make this, so imagine:
the atsv babes with an insomniac partner (part 1 !)
miles would probably not have been bothered if you texted him in the middle of the night, well a little disoriented because he was in the middle of sleeping peacefully, but when it came to you, nothing was a bother. he would be worried though, like you messaging him at that time? it had to have been important. so he checks your messages and just chuckles to himself when you text him, "miles bb i cant sleep tell me a story :(" he'd text you back, "want me 2 swing u round nyc? make u feel better (´。• ◡ •。`) ♡" you'd always giggle at the cute little kaomojis he'd send, they always cheered you up no matter how irritating your insomnia would get. "ngl i think i cant sleep bc of u" you text him. he raised an eyebrow and texts you back, "wdym?" as he waits for your message, miles' mind began to think that, lately, you did seem pretty lethargic and tired at school. you were caught sleeping in class once and tried to cover for you that you were both studying up late at night for your geography finals or something, when in reality, you were struggling to sleep at night. he sighed, he felt bad he couldn't help you fall asleep right then and there, but he really wanted to do something to ease your burden. it wasn't long until you texted him back a selfie of you curled up in your bed, smiling, with dark circles under your eyes and with disheveled hair all the while from all the tossing and turning. you had a caption there that said, "bc when i finally sleep i find myself missing u, dont leave me while im sleeping ok?" he blushed as he saw your cute face, even if it was tired and sleepy. he took a bed selfie of his own, the same fashion as yours--disheveled and smiling as he's tucked in, with the caption, "ofc not ill even visit ur dreams if u want me to ( ∩´͈ ᐜ `͈∩)"
gwen would probably be doing her rounds as spider woman when she noticed a faint light still on by your room. she decided to check in on you, the last time that light was on, you were overworking yourself on a group project you carried all on your own she kicked those slackers' asses the next day. the minute she got there, she noticed you were tossing and turning a whole lot in your bed, clearly struggling to find the right position and spot on your bed to sleep in comfortably. she winced, you seemed really stiff and uncomfortable, you didn't look like sleep was coming to take you away to dreamland any time soon. she lightly knocked on your window, which made you get up immediately. you smiled when you saw her, and you opened the window for her. "hey," you said, clearly tired but unable to sleep. "hey." she replied with a grin as she sat by your windowsill. "can't sleep?" she asked and you nodded slowly. "that... really sucks." she said, taking her mask off to look at you. she was sorry she couldn't say anything better to help the situation, but whatever you were going through, she didn't want you to go through it alone. you laid back down on your bed, "what about you? any plans to sleep tonight, spider woman?" you asked her, to which she chuckled. "not when you're new york's only defender. and especially not when my partner is struggling to sleep on such a fine night." "well... can you maybe sit down next to me? it's not gonna be anything weird, i just... i have a feeling i couldn't sleep because of everything that's happened to us lately–i just really missed you." you say as you look up at her, now in front of you as she hopped off the windowsill and walked toward you. "like how we used to do at sleepovers?" she asked as she gently pulled up a chair and sat across from you. you smiled. "yeah... just like how we used to do at sleepovers." you said as gwen took your hand in her own. even with the suit on, it was warm. you could feel her pulse, the life in her veins and the love she had for you. "i really love you, gwen." you say as she leaned over to kiss your forehead. "love you, too. i hope you'll sleep well tonight." she said as she brushed a few stray hairs away from your face as you closed your eyes, smiling and holding her hand all the while, with her not intending nor planning to ever let you go.
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