#Investing with Knowledge and Confidence
aadmelioraa · 9 days
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When your oldest brother dies on a religious crusade just as you feared he would and your father refuses to deal with his grief just as he refused to deal with it when your mother died (you were a baby btw) and then again when your other brother left home (because your dad was impossible to live with) and in spite of feeling entirely abandoned by your dad you use your newfound higher status to put yourself out on a limb in order to downgrade his punishment and that of your close friend despite grieving their involvement with the queen who led your brother to his death but instead of your father acknowledging your pain and your attempts to do what you believe will bring justice he lashes out at you by comparing your current position to the horrific way your mother died…just Eärien things
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her-thoughts-zone · 8 months
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lieeleee · 1 year
I’m in the state of fandomless ness where there’s 10 fandoms I’m interested in and participate in but in a very “i don’t go here” capacity. Like I like the idea or my perception of what the characters or story is like but I haven’t consumed enough of the show/book/whatever or haven’t spent enough time to know it deeply enough to truly participate in fan contelnt.
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borngeniusworld · 8 months
A Dive into the Psychology of Wealth
Unveiling the Intricacies of Money: A Dive into the Psychology of Wealth In a world dominated by financial transactions and economic pursuits, our relationship with money extends far beyond the tangible bills and digital numbers in our bank accounts. The intricate dance between our emotions, behaviors, and financial decisions shapes what is known as the psychology of money. In this exploration,…
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cc-kote · 1 year
So codywan has absolutely become my unwavering OTP and comfort ship, and while writing my fic I definitely took inspiration for their silly banter from the shit my gf and I say because it both feels in character and is just like, a reflection of the happiest, healthiest love I've ever experienced.
But I just realized today that I've been planning a big Cody inspired tattoo for my post-top surgery-recovery gift to myself, while my fuckin gf has a tattoo of the Jedi Order symbol. I've been planning this for months now and I didn't put that together until this morning when I woke up and was looking over at her tattoo. But like. Yeah no wonder that pairing means so much to me.
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kumar-pradeep · 1 year
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Charting the Course: Best Crypto Podcast to Follow in 2023
Embark on a transformative journey with the best crypto podcast to follow in 2023, "Charting the Course." This exceptional podcast serves as your compass, guiding you through the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies. Stay updated on the latest trends, insights, and expert advice that will shape the crypto landscape. From interviews with industry leaders to deep dives into blockchain technology and investment strategies, this podcast equips you with the knowledge and confidence to navigate the crypto space with precision. Whether you're a seasoned investor or a curious beginner, "Charting the Course" is your trusted companion for staying informed, making informed decisions, and unlocking the potential of cryptocurrencies.
More Info: https://coincred.org/blog-detail/top-crypto-podcast-to-listen-to-in-2023
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inzaynety · 4 months
investigation: start! ⤫
➢ summary: when visiting the third division, there’s never a shortage of questions and confusion about you. a few take it upon themselves to get to the bottom of it.
➢ content: hoshina x fem!reader, 2574 words, nosy officers, jealous hoshina, suggestive at the end, iharu has a crush on you, slight spoilers for the manga for certain instances to make the plans make sense but it’s vague
➢ notes: i was reading thru character profiles and it made writing this a little easier w the interactions 🫡 hope u enjoy
prequel - pt. 1 of slice & dice - pt. 2
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The lives of the higher-ups were always a topic of discussion for the members of the defense force. If anything, it seemed to be entertainment and gossip to exchange and bond over between divisions. One of the hot topics includes Commander Ashiro’s childhood, courtesy of Kafka. 
The only person they couldn’t get anything on was their own Vice-Commander. He was already an enigma himself with that cheerful yet unsettling grin, and they were all witnesses to the receiving end of his narrowed stares during training. The most they could get out of him was a boisterous laugh that shared nothing. They were getting bored. 
But with boredom comes the urge to seek new things. And in this case, dirt on Vice-Commander Hoshina.
There wasn’t much they could see initially–until you came along. 
Now, you weren’t an uncommon sight for the Third Division officers. They would see you hanging around Okonogi or eyeing a few of the new officers during training with an intense gaze that they didn’t know if they should feel flattered or intimidated. Most of the time, however, you were in close proximity to Hoshina. During division meetings, the officers never saw a day without the two of you conversing in some way whether it be through words or standing right next to each other. There was no blatant physical contact but the distance between you two was a little odd to say the least. 
So some took it upon themselves to start a mission.
Kikoru would never voice her true intentions out loud but it was clear that she was as invested as her companions were if her constant questions about the matter said anything about it. She was influenced by her close peers and their enthusiasm definitely fed that.
Reno didn’t want anything to do with it… at first. He changed his mind after only an hour and he thinks it’s due to spending too much time with a certain someone who loved entertainment. Iharu sneezes in the distance. 
Kafka was simultaneously wanting to join the younger members in their antics, though he wasn’t sure he wanted to risk another week of pushups. While he would admit that his arms were tougher, those exercises reminded him of the embarrassment every time he miscalled his commander. But the thought of having some knowledge about Hoshina was interesting, to say the least. 
It seemed they were all bored overall. 
Ultimately, they all decided to make a plan and figure it out separately. Your division was visiting for a week and reconvening would wait until the weekend. It was time to investigate. 
Minase was the one to kick it off, prompting her fellow members to gain more confidence. It all started with an innocent encounter in the operations room when she, Kikoru, and Hakua passed by. 
There were voices inside but the most prominent ones were yours and Hoshina’s. The Vice-Commander was a little surprised to see them when they intercepted at the door but it is quickly masked when you step out, a hint of a smile on your face possibly due to the joke he told you only moments before.
“Now, what’re you three doin’ here?” The Vice-Commander asks, hands in his pockets while you stand slightly behind him with your head tilted. 
Minase always had a good ear being a great listener for her peers and was able to hear what he had said to you. It was a flirty quip, but not enough to not be told to a close friend. Upon seeing that she had caught both of your attention, she smiles.
“Good afternoon!” You greet her as well but a silence falls over you five. It’s a bit awkward–Kikoru side-eyes her friend to see what the whole stopping and rushing over here was for, but Minase had a plan already set. “We were actually looking for you, Commander,” she looks directly at you and you raise a brow at the implication of her tone.
“Oh?” You take a step forward. “What for?”
“Some training tips, is all. After the last session you gave us, it motivated us to work on our blade work even more!” Like Hoshina, your preferred way of fighting had nothing to do with the guns everyone else used. You hum in acknowledgement. 
The Third was full of promising new officers and it would be a waste to not help them hone their skills even more. But you were sure Hoshina was pushing them enough with his own swordsmanship. You even learned a lot from him yourself. 
Hakua stifles a choked sound when Minase elbows her gently, not expecting to be put on the spot just like that. And despite already being told of their group’s plan beforehand and having her outgoing personality, it was still a nerve-racking request. 
“Y-Yeah! You seem close to Commander Narumi so we thought you guys would have similar fighting styles.” In your head, you think they’re referring to how he’s the strongest and anyone would want to learn from the best of the best. Gen wasn’t the easiest to get a hold of and you felt flattered they would ask you directly, so of course you would help out.
On the side, Kikoru is tasked with watching the Vice-Commander. Not all reactions were verbal and she was the most observant of the three, but she couldn’t maintain her eyes on him the whole time lest he get suspicious. 
But now she thinks her eyes have deceived her. At the mention of Commander Narumi, Hoshina’s eyes peek open. She sees how they darken more as Hakua talks about your fighting styles but just like his initial surprise earlier, that expression left as quickly as it came. 
She tucks that away.
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Vice-Commander Hoshina had his “Kaiju killing eyes” at the mention of Commander Narumi. Don’t know what that could mean. - Kikoru
That’s jealousy! - Minase
Now you see what I mean about his eyes?? - Kafka
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Iharu was infatuated with you from the get-go, though you would say that his first inspiration was Commander Ashiro. Saving him that day was what began his journey into the Defense Force, but it was you who motivated him to alter his fighting style to keep up with Reno. 
Speaking of the latter, he was sitting beside him in the cafeteria as the two tried to think of a plan for their part. They caught wind that Kikoru’s group got a promising lead and it was up to the rest to solidify it. But they’ve been stuck for the past hour trying to come up with their own thing and asking for training would be a stolen idea.
Reno watches as more and more officers walk into the shared area and grab their meals from the line. They’re a mix of your division and the Third Division members conversing among themselves and he immediately sits up with his idea. Iharu turns his head in surprise to find Reno’s attention already turned to him.
“What? Got an idea?” Reno nods fervently and brings both of their heads down to speak more quietly. Iharu raises his brows at the proposal and his cheeks turn pink. He’s outspoken, yeah, and confident, sure, but this was you. 
His friend pleads with him. He relents.
It’s not too long before you step into the cafeteria with the goal of lunch like everyone else. Spending time with Okonogi was great and all but she fried your brain with data only she and your Operations Leader Sora could keep up with. This was grounds for a well-deserved meal before your joint training session as well. 
Iharu watches as you get in line and as he stands up to line up behind you, and like Reno predicted as you grab your tray, you see the officer. To his and Iharu’s surprise, you greet him first. 
“Officer Furuhashi, right?” You ask after grabbing your tray. There’s a bright look on your face at the excitement of seeing the man who impressed your previous Commander. He shakily nods and you smile in response. “Commander Ogata said a lot of things about you.”
Iharu lets out a polite chuckle. “All good things, I hope?” He gets a laugh out of you and you both fall into a comfortable conversation as you move down the line. Reno watches the door and he hopes the timing works out, or Plan B would have to be used. At least Iharu was having a good time. 
It’s when the two of you reach the end of the line and walk towards Reno’s table does Hoshina appear from the doorway. The red-haired officer doesn’t see him yet and your conversation is at the point when you have a hand on his arm as you’re gushing over his newfound ability with his Kaiju suit. He feels a strong hand clamp down on his shoulder and Iharu freezes, looking to his side to see his Vice-Commander. 
“Afternoon, Officer Furuhashi. Whatcha two talkin’ about?” By then your hand still hasn’t left his arm and he feels Hoshina’s grip get tighter. Iharu places his tray down onto the nearest table and your hand drops to your side but you didn’t notice. 
“His new ability,” you answer, “we were talking about it earlier with the operations team, remember? I was just looking for you, Officer Furuhashi, I’m so glad I got to talk to you.” Your answer is so sincere and he feels like he could melt right then and there. But to the side of him, there was also a strange sensation in the air. 
It was akin to bloodlust. 
“The same here.” Iharu answers and bows, “Please, enjoy your lunchtime.” Before you can say anything more, he turns on his heel straight towards Reno with his head down. 
The two sit there in silence as you look on in confusion before Hoshina pulls you along with him for his lunch. They aren’t looking at the two of you but Reno already got what he needed.
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Vice-Commander Hoshina almost broke Furuhashi’s shoulder. I saw he also had one of his blades behind him while they were all talking. - Reno
WHAT?? - Iharu
By the way, what was plan B? - Kikoru
Iharu asks her directly if she’s dating the Vice-Commander. - Reno
HELLO?? - Iharu
Hi. - Kafka
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Kafka knew he was going to be the last of the bunch to get this done. The digital community board on their group chat was a smart idea by Minase and he was able to see what the younger officers were trying to do with this mission. 
Kikoru and her friends got the first response but it needed more. Reno and Iharu got the “more” and all-in-all needed one final piece to set the puzzle. Kafka was proud of them but was currently in a situation with absolutely no idea as to what he was going to do. He thought that was more than enough to assume there was a relationship between the two of you, but Kikoru kicked him for that, too.
Was there any way to get you to confess about it? He thought about asking you directly but even though you were younger than him, you still held a higher title. And he didn’t want to face the potential wrath you could unleash for asking such a question. Were you the type to dish out punishments like the Vice-Commander? Again, he didn’t want to risk it. 
He had to do it soon too, you and your division were leaving in the morning and it would be another month or so before you and Hoshina would be seen in the same vicinity. 
Kafka sighs and runs a hand through his hair. This was troublesome but they were counting on him. 
He looks around the library he’s doing his nightly study session and sees that the time is very close to midnight. He’s shocked and now there’s absolutely no way he’s going to catch you at this hour, not unless you were training anyway. His best bet was to find you early in the morning but even that was a bit of a gamble.
Deciding on his defeat, Kafka puts his books and pens away before heading out into the hallway back to his room. He gets a sense of deja vu when he sees the light of the training room still on and assumes it’s the Vice-Commander again, and it wouldn’t hurt to watch him in action, right?
He walks up to the slightly open door and stops in his tracks at the sight. Both you and Hoshina were holding blades. Your’s were slightly longer and his were the typical ones he used during outside missions. Needless to say, they were the real deal. 
In the blink of an eye, you’re lunging towards each other and Kafka thinks if he blinks even once, he’d miss about five slashes shared between you two. Following Hoshina alone was already too much but watching someone match his speed? It was out of this world. 
The match only lasts for about half a minute, ending with a knife to both of your throats from the other. A moment of heavy breathing follows before you groan and toss your head back in exasperation, both of you simultaneously lowering your weapons. 
“I still can’t get that last one right!” 
“It was close! And hey, ya got the blade to my neck.”
“I always get the blade to your neck.” You roll your eyes. Hoshina was the best swordsman there was and it was incomparable to your personal weapon, so of course he would be better than you at it. ‘Whatever, I’m heading to bed.” Hoshina lets out a laugh. You put away the practice weapons and as you head to the door, Hoshina pulls you back to him by your wrist. 
“Wait a second,” he says and leans his head down to yours. 
Kafka, in the meantime, ducked his head to avoid being seen at least a little longer knowing he was not running away to hide in time. There aren't any more words being exchanged and he thinks there’s something else going on in that small bit of silence. 
He pops his head up and makes eye contact with Hoshina’s open eye. 
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Got pushups. - Kafka
Damn. Sorry old man. - Iharu
So you got caught? Amateur. - Kikoru
Leave me alone! I tried. - Kafka
So you really didn’t see anything? - Reno
Oh, yeah. They kissed. - Kafka
What? - Kikoru
I got caught by the Vice-Commander. Scared me. :(- Kafka
HUH?? - Kikoru
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After Kafka leaves, his head hung low at the premonition of more punishment, your arms stay on Hoshina’s shoulders. 
“Did you have to do that?” You muse, playing with the shorter hairs near the nape of his neck. He shivers at the feeling but his eyes open slightly and they’re not looking at you so softly.
“Did ya have to talk about him before training?” He counters back. He knows what you’ve been doing. You scoff.
You also know what he’s been doing. The murderous intention at the mention of you and Gen, the physical warning during lunch at Iharu, and even a mark of possession to the poor older man who was just joining in the fun of his peers. 
“Of course,” you bring him down to you, your lips brushing against the shell of his ear. You feel his hands tighten on your waist. 
“What are you gonna do about it?”
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©inzaynety 2024
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mazeyphaedra · 6 months
was rewatching fabian’s baron moment on account of it being the most delicious piece of pvp in my recent memory and ally beardsley’s growth as a player just shone through so brightly and with such clarity. after dusting off their shock they immediately asked about the nemesis ward, had enough knowledge about fellow pcs stocked to remember adaine’s ac with such like frustrated confidence and certainty, suggested to siobhan to dimension door out of adaine’s room, like. they came into this making a character with 4 dex. and now the dice deity offered to roll a check to sense if adaine was in danger. making decisions, asking questions, getting invested in the story, trying so hard with the tools they have to save characters from danger; ally beardsley is an incredible d&d player.
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mrfoox · 2 years
Talking with Oliver about friendships is so fucking... Intresting lmao
#miranda talking shit#Hes making them sound like actual business things... And meanwhile im here like... Lol only thing in common with people all around me that#Invest time is that they care. They care differently all of them#But they do care in their own way about things/others. Uncaring and unfeeling people are generally not who i invest time in#Oliver: i want people around me with similar ambition and opinions. Meanwhile im there like... Gos there's so few in my life that share#My ambition. I know and have known people with bigger ambitions. Those who want to be well known artists.. Roo working to become a doctor#Giulio is an dentist surgeon... Linnéa is an nurse. Only thing about them all is that they are caring/loving people in their own way#To me... Money and work/ambition in that way doesn't... Matter. Not something i care about at all... So i think it works#For me having people with so different ambitions and higher knowledge than me bc they are also caring people and thus dont give an f about#Others choices or ambitions/money/background? I have friends who are driven and ambitious and hard working...#Which i am not but we are both... Okay with it? I mean i show my support for them and gladly listen to them discuss it with me#Maybe they don't like that i am so... Unambitious and so on but it doesnt seem to be on the level they wont be my friend lol#I just find talking with him so fascinating bc its almost always an different opinion than me#Unfortunately the more i hear him talk the more confident i feel like he would never talk to me outside of work ajdkfkslaldmgk#Which yeah a bummer but i get it. I am not an easy person to like or want around in general
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botanicalsword · 5 months
House Stellium • Harmonising your energy
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Advices for those with prominent House Stellium
This is relevant for Natal Chart, Progression Chart, Solar Return Chart, and Lunar Return Chart.
1st House Stellium - maintain humility & an open mindset
be open to others' opinions and not be too arrogant
listen to your inner voice, trust your intuition and inner feelings - learn to listen to others' perspectives
gain different angles of thinking and experiences
2nd House Stellium - hard work and savings
avoiding get-rich-quick schemes, seeking luck, or engaging in illegal ways
through diligence and frugality, steadily accumulate wealth and achieve your goals
✧ 3rd House Stellium - talents and interests
leverage your expressive and communication abilities to excel in the field of culture and the arts
showcase your uniqueness in the arts and cultural domains
enhance your expressive and communication skills to engage with others and share your thoughts and creativity
✧ 4th House Stellium - explore unknown territories
explore the world outside and not stay too isolated at home.
actively participate in social activities - step out of your comfort zone
broaden your horizons, enrich your life experiences - interact with different groups of people
✧ 5th House Stellium - the importance of financial knowledge
study investment theories - can better manage and grow our financial assets
engage in moderate entertainment and relaxation outside of work - maintaining a balance
✧ 6th House Stellium - physical health
be attentive, and diligent but overworking
maintain a balance between work and life
Sustaining good physical health - enhance work efficiency and life quality
schedule work and rest time properly
✧ 7th House Stellium - choice of partner
be cautious in choosing partners, whether in relationships or business ventures
Good partnerships - shared success
unsuitable partners - unnecessary troubles and difficulties
✧ 8th House Stellium - unexpected circumstances
leave room for alternatives when dealing with matters - reduce anxiety and stress
have backup plans and maintain being calm / let go
9th House Stellium - knowledge and wisdom
read more books, explore the world
understand different cultures and perspectives, and expand our thinking and cognitive range
Reading - transport us into a colorful world, stimulating our imagination and creativity.
✧ 10th House Stellium - quality of life
excel in work or entrepreneurship while also giving yourselves some space for personal life
pursue professional success while paying attention to our quality of life
need time to rest, engage in leisure activities
spend time with family and friends
✧ 11th House Stellium - self-acceptance
strong interpersonal skills
avoid relying too much on others' approval
maintain authenticity and independence
not excessively conforming to others' expectations or seeking validation for satisfaction
believe in our value and capabilities
maintain confidence and self-esteem
✧ 12th House Stellium - kindness and empathy 
qualities of tolerance and inclusiveness
sympathize with others' experiences
avoid procrastination
take proactive actions and avoid delaying problem-solving or pursuing our goals
forgiveness towards others and yourselves - release inner tolerance and goodwill
Dear 12th House Stellium
12th House Stellium Part I (Extended)
12th House Dominance Part II (Extended)
Hidden strength of 12th House (Extended)
>> Back to Masterlist ✧ Explicit Content
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ad-caelestia · 27 days
Actions as planetary offerings 🔮✨
Moon - divination using water or mirrors, being empathetic, caring for others, meditation, self-care, emotional awareness
Sun - displaying leadership, taking charge of a project, displaying confidence, taking pride in your success, spend time watching the sunrise and sunset
Mercury - long drives, studying, learning new things, meaningful conversations with others, exchanging gifts, thrifting, bibliomancy
Venus - acts of cooperation, group work, volunteering, random acts of kindness, self-care, doing your make-up, going on a date
Mars - acts of passion, being goal oriented, protecting your loved ones from harm, playing competitive sports or games, energy work, "if you're afraid to do something, do it scared"
Jupiter - paid work, playing card games or using cards for divination, public speaking, investing, charity, working towards a promotion, an effort towards personal growth, favors for others
Saturn - acts of justice, being responsible, being organized, following through on your promises, setting priorities, cutting ties from things that no longer serve you
Uranus - taking an interest in electronics and the sciences, seeking higher/advanced knowledge, breaking free from expectation, independence, challenging tradition, taking advantage of freedom
Neptune - meditation, dream work, mirror scrying, acts of self-sacrifice and compassion, spending time near the ocean, introspection, beach clean up
Pluto - spirit work, honoring loved ones who have passed on, changing bad habits, indulging in pleasure, astral traveling, bone throwing, "out with the old, in with the new"
compiled from my personal grimoire & based on my own associations updated 9.22.24
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tarotwithavi · 1 month
I get money, I am a star
How can you make more money? How can you attract abundance into your life?
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How to choose a pile?
Close your eyes and take a deep breath and ask the angels to show you the right pile for you and open your eyes. The first pile that catches your attention is the right pile for you.
This is a general reading, so take what resonates and leave what doesn't.
Masterlist 💌 paid services
You have a special ability to attract people, and that's because the way you see and understand life is very different from everyone else. I'm also getting the message that you can use your unique perspective and appearance to earn more money. For example, you could become a social media influencer or start your own blog where you share your opinions with others. You might even consider writing articles or books to share your knowledge, which could also help you earn more.
You have a talent or skill that could lead to great financial success. All you need to do is focus on developing it. This might seem like a random message, but I sense that some of you have hacking skills that could be used to catch online predators. You could make money while also doing something good for society, and you can do this without revealing your identity.
I also heard the phrase “secret superstar,” which might have special meaning for some of you.
You can attract abundance into your life just by being yourself. You don’t have to follow strict instructions on how to manifest things. You are fully capable of discovering new methods that work for you when it comes to manifestation. Remember, sometimes you need to "fake it till you make it." Don’t worry about what others might think or say; be the most confident and imaginative version of yourself. Believe in the impossible, and you’ll see it become reality. Dream big, and don’t hesitate to manifest the most outrageous things, even those that seem out of reach.
I see that some of you are thinking about choosing a business major in college, and I want you to know that this is a great choice for you. I got the message that you have the potential to make more money by helping others learn how to manage and grow their own money. You could become a freelancer, offering advice on how to use money wisely, or you might even start a course where you teach people how to invest and handle their finances.
You have a special knowledge or skill that could be valuable to others, and you could exchange this knowledge for money. Some of you might also be excellent teachers, guides, gurus, or counselors. You hold the key to success—your ideas, inspirations, and whatever thoughts come to your mind right now could be what lead you to success.
I also see that some of you don't feel the need to make a lot of money; you just want to earn enough to live a good, comfortable life. You don't necessarily desire a luxurious lifestyle. Some of you could even become great spiritual teachers.
You can attract abundance into your life by growing spiritually. However, I also notice that some of you have been slacking on your spiritual practices. For example, something you used to do regularly, like manifestation, meditation, or journaling, you now barely do once every two weeks. These practices help keep you emotionally stable. If you start doing them regularly again, you'll notice a significant change in the energy around you.
At this moment, you need to focus on your studies and avoid chasing temporary pleasures. Concentrate on the things that will bring you long-term fulfillment and happiness.
You need to break free from the cycle you're currently stuck in, and I'm getting the message that this may be connected to your ancestors. It’s possible that your family has experienced a fluctuating cycle of wealth and poverty over time. As a result, you might be afraid of making more money because you fear that you’ll end up facing the same ups and downs as your ancestors did.
I also see that you have a mindset of lack when it comes to money, and this needs to change. If you don’t shift your thinking, you may struggle to manifest more money in your life. Another issue is that you tend to overspend on things you want but don’t really need. Then, when it comes time to spend on something you actually need, you might find yourself short of money. It’s important to learn how to manage your finances better so that you have enough money for both what you want and what you need.
Some of you might be thinking about starting a business or entering a partnership with someone. This could be a good opportunity, but you need to be very careful about who you choose to partner with. For others, starting your own business could be a great option. I see that some of you are considering businesses related to jewelry, clothing (especially thrifted clothes), or decorative items.
You also need to let go of habits or memories that are no longer serving you. You can attract abundance by releasing an addiction or behavior that is holding you back. For instance, I see that some of you may be spending too much time on social media or on your phones. You need to be mindful of how much time you’re wasting on these activities. Instead, invest your time in something that will benefit you. If something isn't adding value to your life, don’t waste your time on it.
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hauntingofhouses · 9 months
uhhh thinkin about how mizu and taigen's relationship was described as "this meeting of the minds, this meeting of the swords, that they could not share with anybody else" in one of the netflix articles about the show
and i'm going crazy because YEAH they're both equally invested about swords and fighting in a way that nobody else in their lives are. and that's just. so important considering we're talking about mizu, who sees her sword as her own soul.
and it's not JUST mizu who's obsessed with fighting. taigen is too. cuz like after their duel at the shindo dojo, as taigen is examining his bald spot in the mirror where mizu cut off his hair, he literally interrupts his own turmoil over losing his honour, just to express his awe, openly admiring mizu's skill DESPITE the fact that mizu just beat his ass and stripped his honour and status from him
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then in the next episode, mizu says a very similar line when she examines the cut flower that fowler had pinned to heiji shindo's robe.
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this was also such a sudden thing to notice in the middle of their conversation (my interpretation of this is that it hints to fowler's own skills with a blade, and gives mizu information about her enemy being a formidable opponent), but the fact that mizu had such a keen eye and managed to hone in on such a tiny detail from like a foot or two away is interesting because it shows us just how attentive mizu is, especially when it comes to blades and anything to do with them
to mizu (when she's not spiralling and agonising over her own self-hatred and the way the world treats her), swords are not a mere tool for revenge, but an art form which she is fascinated by and loves and admires. we see this from time to time, during rare moments of respite, like when she admires the duel in the beginning of ep4
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mizu also takes to heart all the teachings from her years training, while taigen is interestingly less strict about them, basically disregarding some of those teachings as mere pedantry, or even if he doesn't actually really think so, he at least tells mizu as much in his attempt to comfort her after her sword breaks
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but that doesn't mean he doesn't care for the more formal aspects of his training at all. because in ep3 when he says this
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this line about mount sumeru is not talking about the literal mountain in front of them, but is a recitation of a line from the lotus sutra, which is among the mahayana sutras that they learned as part of their spiritual training, as zen buddhism forms a lot of the basis for samurai doctrines and philosophy. the sutra given more emphasis in the show is the heart sutra that mizu writes on her body in ep7 during her rite of rebirth
so taigen saying this line, as i see it, is a way to bond with mizu, or at least make conversation over their shared knowledge, as we see him await a reaction as soon as he says this. but mizu gives him none, and he looks disappointed/annoyed/frustrated or what have you as he watches her walk off without a word
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also we see a little more of their shared knowledge of swordsmanship in the last episode when it's clear that mizu has been training ringo in sword fighting techniques
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and later taigen recognises it instantly
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they're both nerds about swords and fighting!!! they both respect each other's skills!!!
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GOD i really hope in future episodes they get to bond some more over their shared passion and common training and just samurai camaraderie in general!!! mizu clearly loves the artistry of sword fighting so much, she deserves to have a confidant who shares that with her, someone she can talk openly about these things to!!!
because like remember when mikio was telling her about the naginata, she looked soooo uwu in love!!! admiring her husband as he showed off the weapon and told her the benefits of using it!!! believing at the time that she'd found a match who she could openly share her love of martial arts with!! she was having so much fun sparring him too. everyone says fighting is part of her love language and YES it IS!!!
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except the difference is that mikio—due to, among other things, their large age difference and subsequent gap in life experience—believes he is mizu's teacher, rather than her equal. this is the role he's readily taken throughout their marriage, from teaching her how to throw a knife to cut down fruit (not like she needed that particular lesson), to teaching her equestrian skills.
meanwhile taigen and mizu were both kids growing up poor in the same backwater fishing village, which means that they are and always have been PEERS. and this becomes even more pronounced once taigen is stripped of his giant ego and unlearns his prejudice, allowing them both to fully respect each other and view each other as equals
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which is again why it frustrates taigen when mizu admits later in this scene that she basically doesn't care about saving the shogun. like he gets mad because it upends his initial belief in their shared goals and aligned values, believing them both to be samurai of equal standing and honour.
ALSO i'd like to add, that though mizu is the better swordsman as we see her win all their brawls and matches, she doesn't surpass him by that much, and mizu knows this.
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these words coming from mizu is such a huge compliment all things considered, acknowledging that he was strong enough to deserve fighting her, because shortly before this mizu was just about to say "no one has given me much of a challenge" only for taigen to enter the scene and, well, challenge her.
now combine this with her saying that chiaki's broken blade suits him well, giving to him HER sword which SHE made AND won, as a surety, promising him a duel that he "deserves". it's proof that even though she finds taigen an annoying brat and oftentimes an obstacle to her mission for revenge, she DOES respect him and does value his skills.
IN CONCLUSION nobody else is on their level, nobody else shares their love of swordsmanship and that is such an important factor to their bond and the way they relate to each other. i rest my case your honour
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kleopatra45 · 1 month
Jupiter in the Houses [Solar Return]
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1st House
This year, your sense of self expands, boosting your confidence and personal magnetism. You may feel more adventurous and willing to take risks, attracting opportunities for personal growth, travel, and new experiences. People are drawn to your positive energy, making it a great time for networking and forming beneficial relationships.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You may need to turn inward to reassess your beliefs and values. This introspection could lead to significant personal revelations, helping you realign with your true purpose. It’s a time to focus on personal growth from within, rather than seeking external validation.
2nd House
Financial abundance and material growth are highlighted this year. You may experience an increase in income or acquire valuable possessions, leading to greater financial security. This is an excellent time to invest or expand your resources.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You might need to reevaluate your approach to money and possessions. Are you placing too much importance on material wealth? This period encourages a shift in perspective, focusing more on what truly brings you security and fulfillment, beyond just financial gain.
3rd House
This year enhances your communication skills, making it a great time for learning, teaching, writing, or speaking. You’ll feel more curious and eager to expand your knowledge, so take advantage of new learning opportunities. Short trips, networking, and connections with siblings or neighbors are emphasized, bringing growth through your immediate environment.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You may need to revisit past conversations, ideas, or learning experiences. This is a time for deep reflection on how you communicate and connect with others. Are there outdated beliefs or communication patterns that need to be revised? Retrograde Jupiter invites you to refine your thoughts and how you express them.
4th House
Home and family life take center stage this year, with a focus on expanding your living situation or enhancing your sense of security. You may consider moving to a larger home, renovating, or deepening your family bonds. Emotional growth is also a key theme, encouraging you to nurture yourself and your loved ones.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You might need to revisit your roots or past family dynamics. This period can bring up old issues that require healing and resolution. It’s a time for introspection about your home life, asking whether your current environment truly supports your growth. Retrograde Jupiter encourages you to create a deeper emotional foundation.
5th House
Creativity, romance, and self-expression are emphasized this year. You may feel more playful and eager to explore new hobbies, artistic endeavors, or romantic relationships. This is a time for enjoying life’s pleasures and taking risks in matters of the heart.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You might find yourself rethinking your creative projects or romantic relationships. This period encourages you to delve deeper into what brings you joy and how you express yourself. Are you truly following your passions, or are there aspects of your life that need to be realigned with your authentic desires? Retrograde Jupiter in the 5th house calls for an introspective look at what makes you happy and fulfilled.
6th House
This year, there is a strong focus on health, daily routines, and work. You may find new opportunities for growth in your job, possibly leading to an increased workload but also greater rewards. This is an excellent time to improve your health through better habits and to find joy in your daily tasks. Helping others or working in service-oriented roles can bring fulfillment.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You may need to reassess your approach to work and health. Are your daily routines truly serving your well-being, or are they leading to burnout? This period encourages you to reflect on how you can create a more balanced and sustainable lifestyle. Retrograde Jupiter may also bring up unresolved issues related to your job or health, prompting you to make necessary adjustments.
7th House
Relationships and partnerships are a key theme this year. You may experience growth and expansion in your personal or business relationships, leading to new commitments or collaborations. This is a favorable time for forming beneficial alliances and enhancing your connection with others. There is a focus on mutual support, understanding, and shared goals.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You might need to revisit past relationships or unresolved issues within current partnerships. This period encourages deep reflection on how you relate to others. Are your relationships based on genuine connection and growth, or are there imbalances that need to be addressed? Retrograde Jupiter in the 7th house invites you to refine your approach to partnerships, ensuring they align with your higher values.
8th House
Transformation, shared resources, and deep psychological growth are emphasized this year. You may experience significant changes related to finances, such as investments, inheritances, or joint ventures. This is also a time for profound inner growth, exploring the deeper aspects of your psyche and undergoing personal transformation.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You may need to revisit issues related to shared resources or personal transformation. This period can bring up unresolved fears, insecurities, or power dynamics that require healing. Retrograde Jupiter in the 8th house encourages you to delve deep into your subconscious, releasing old patterns and embracing a more empowered and authentic self.
9th House
This year, your horizons are broadened through travel, higher education, or spiritual pursuits. You may feel a strong desire to explore new cultures, philosophies, or belief systems. This is an excellent time for academic or spiritual growth, as well as expanding your worldview. Opportunities for long-distance travel or learning new languages may arise.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You might need to reassess your beliefs, philosophies, or long-term goals. This period encourages you to reflect on your spiritual or educational journey. Are you truly aligned with your higher purpose, or are there outdated beliefs holding you back? Retrograde Jupiter in the 9th house invites you to deepen your understanding and realign with your true values.
10th House
Career advancement and public recognition are key themes this year. You may find opportunities for growth in your professional life, leading to promotions, awards, or a higher social status. This is a time to focus on your long-term goals and to take steps toward achieving them. Your reputation and public image are likely to improve, attracting positive attention and support.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You might need to reevaluate your career goals or public image. This period encourages introspection about your professional path. Are you truly fulfilled by your current career, or is it time for a change? Retrograde Jupiter in the 10th house asks you to consider whether your ambitions align with your deeper values and long-term vision.
11th House
Social connections, friendships, and group activities are highlighted this year. You may find yourself expanding your network, joining new groups, or becoming more involved in community activities. This is an excellent time for collaboration and working toward shared goals. Your hopes and dreams for the future are likely to be supported by others.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You might need to reassess your social connections or involvement in group activities. This period encourages you to reflect on whether your current social circle and collaborations are truly supportive of your goals. Retrograde Jupiter in the 11th house invites you to refine your vision for the future and ensure that your friendships and alliances align with your higher purpose.
12th House
This year, there is a focus on spiritual growth, introspection, and healing. You may feel drawn to retreat from the outer world, seeking solitude and inner peace. This is a time for deep self-reflection, meditation, and exploring the subconscious mind. Spiritual practices and charitable work can bring fulfillment and a sense of purpose.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You may need to confront unresolved issues from the past or hidden fears that have been holding you back. This period encourages deep inner work and healing, helping you release old patterns and embrace a more spiritual and compassionate approach to life. Retrograde Jupiter in the 12th house invites you to reconnect with your inner self, finding wisdom and guidance from within.
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astrocafecoffee · 2 months
• Sun in Groom persona chart •
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✨ you guys requested this series of groom persona chart, so here it is. Today I am gonna cover sun in the houses of Groom pc .
Sun in the houses :
💖 1st house : your fs is likely to have a strong sense of self confidence and Vitality . They may have commanding presence and charismatic personality. They may possess natural leadership abilities and a desire to take charge in various situations. This can make them stand out in social settings. They are likely to be expressive and have a clear sense of identity . They may be quite open about their thoughts and feelings. You fs may seek attention and recognition from others. They might enjoy being in the spotlight and receiving praise for their accomplishments. They are likely to be determined and have a strong will . When they set their mind on something they pursue with vigor. They may have generally positive and optimistic outlook on life, which can be infectious to those around them. Sun in the 1st house can also influence physical appearance , potentially indicating a strong , healthy and attractive look. While they may have admirable qualities , they might also need to watch out for excessive pride or ego , which can sometimes leads to conflicts.
💖 2nd house : When the Sun is in the 2nd house of your groom's persona chart, it can uniquely indicate that your future spouse's identity and life purpose are intricately tied to their ability to create and sustain value. This placement suggests a person who doesn't just seek financial stability but sees wealth creation as a form of self-expression. They may have a unique approach to wealth that blends creativity with practicality, turning passions and hobbies into lucrative ventures. This placement can denote a person who values authenticity in their possessions and relationships. They might prefer quality over quantity, investing in items or experiences that reflect their true self and bring lasting joy rather than fleeting satisfaction. your future spouse might also possess a natural talent for identifying hidden potential in people and things. This ability to see value where others might not could lead them to success in areas such as investing, art collecting, or any field where discerning true worth is key. This placement might indicate that your spouse’s journey involves transforming their relationship with material wealth, learning to balance their innate desire for security with a deeper understanding of self-worth that transcends possessions. This unique blend of traits can create a dynamic and enriching partnership where you both grow and thrive.
💖3rd house: Your future spouse may stand out as an intellectual leader in their community.They may have a unique ability to connect seemingly unrelated ideas, leading to innovative solutions and creative projects. This knack for seeing the bigger picture can make them a visionary in their field.They could excel in multiple areas, from writing and public speaking to technology and social media. Your future spouse might have a natural talent for connecting people, creating networks, and fostering collaborations. They can effortlessly bring different groups together, facilitating teamwork and community building. Their love for variety and learning may lead them to travel frequently, seeking out new experiences and cultures. They might enjoy exploring different places and sharing their adventures through blogging, vlogging, or social media. With a strong emphasis on continuous learning, they may always be enrolled in a new course, reading the latest books, or attending seminars. This lifelong pursuit of knowledge can keep them dynamic and adaptable. They might have a passion for teaching and mentoring others, finding fulfillment in helping others grow intellectually. This could manifest in formal education roles or informal settings, like community workshops or online platforms.
💖 4th house : Your future spouse might possess an extraordinary ability to turn any space into a vibrant, lively, and welcoming home.Their home could be a reflection of their personal adventures and interests, filled with unique artifacts, travel souvenirs, and collections that tell their life story. Your spouse may have an innate ability to transform emotional pain into strength and wisdom. This skill allows them to help others navigate their own emotional journeys, often acting as a healer within their social circle. They might excel in integrating cutting-edge technology with traditional home comforts, creating a smart home that’s both futuristic and cozy. Think automated systems, green energy solutions, and innovative home design. There could be a unique passion for cooking and experimenting with different cuisines. Their kitchen might be the heart of the home, where they create culinary masterpieces that bring people together. They might blend different cultural elements into their home, creating a space that’s a melting pot of traditions and modernity. This could manifest in their interior design, food, and even the way they celebrate holidays. Their approach to family relationships might be both insightful and practical.
💖 5th house : When the Sun is in the 5th house of your groom's persona chart, it highlights a vibrant, creative, and playful side to your future spouse. This placement suggests that your spouse will likely be someone who thrives on joy, self-expression, and the pursuit of personal passions. They may have a natural talent for arts, whether it be music, painting, acting, or any other form of creative expression. Their creativity isn’t just a hobby; it’s a core part of their identity and something that they actively seek to incorporate into their daily life. This placement also suggests a strong connection to children. Whether or not they have their own, your spouse is likely to have a youthful spirit and may enjoy activities that allow them to connect with their inner child. They might be excellent at entertaining children and could find great joy in spending time with them. Romance is another key aspect of the 5th house, and with the Sun here, your spouse is likely to be very romantic and expressive in their affections. They may enjoy grand gestures of love and will likely seek to keep the romance alive in your relationship through thoughtful surprises and passionate moments.Their competitive nature can drive them to achieve great things in their personal and professional life, as they are likely to enjoy the thrill of the challenge and the satisfaction of victory.
💖6th house: With the Sun positioned in the 6th house of the groom's natal chart, your future spouse's focus on routine and structure can be a defining aspect of his personality. He might thrive on having a well-organized daily schedule and may feel most comfortable in environments where tasks and responsibilities are clearly defined. This inclination towards routine can make him a reliable and consistent partner, as he likely values stability and predictability in his relationships. Health and wellness are likely important to him, and he may integrate these values into his daily habits. This could manifest as a commitment to regular exercise, a balanced diet, or other health-conscious practices. He might also encourage these habits in his partner, reflecting his belief in the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. His attention to detail is another notable trait. He is likely to be meticulous and thorough, whether in managing household duties, handling work-related tasks, or addressing minor issues. This precision can be an asset in maintaining an organized and functional home life, though it may occasionally lead him to stress over small details. In the context of a relationship, he might express love and affection through acts of service and practical support. For him, demonstrating care might involve helping with chores, offering assistance with daily tasks, or being a steady source of support. This service-oriented approach reflects his belief in showing love through tangible actions rather than just words.
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💖 7th house: Sun is in the 7th house of a groom's persona chart indicates that your spouse may have a strong and confident personality. They might be assertive, charismatic, and central in their social circles. Physically, they could have a noticeable presence or be prominent in some way. Since the Sun symbolizes leadership and authority, your spouse might be someone who takes charge in relationships or in their career. They may have natural leadership abilities and can be influential in their community or workplace. The 7th house is traditionally associated with partnerships, marriage, and significant others. With the Sun here, marriage and committed relationships are likely to play a significant role in their life. They may seek a partnership that enhances their personal identity and goals. The Sun in the 7th house can also indicate that your spouse may be quite visible or known publicly, possibly through their work, social activities, or community involvement. They might have a career that puts them in the spotlight or involves interactions with the public.
💖 8th house : The 8th house in astrology is associated with deep transformation, intimacy, and shared resources. When the Sun placed here ,it suggests that your future spouse is likely to have a profound and intense personality. They may approach life with a deep sense of passion and emotional depth, seeking meaningful connections and experiences that go beyond the surface.This placement can indicate that the spouse may have an interest in occult, mystical, or spiritual matters.The 8th house deals with shared resources, investments, and inheritances. Therefore, the spouse may have an influence or involvement in financial matters that involve joint resources or inheritances. Your spouse may seek relationships that bring about personal growth and change. They might have a strong need for emotional intimacy and connection, and relationships could serve as a catalyst for their personal development. The 8th house is also significant, indicating a deep and intense approach to physical intimacy. Your spouse may place great importance on the emotional and spiritual aspects of intimacy, seeking a profound connection with their partner.
💖 9th house : your spouse could be philosophically inclined, interested in exploring different belief systems, or deeply spiritual. They may seek meaning and purpose through intellectual and spiritual pursuits.your spouse may have a keen interest in travel,(or could be a foreigner) either physically exploring different countries or mentally through academic studies of different cultures. They might be drawn to adventures abroad, international relationships, or careers that involve cross-cultural interactions.your spouse may have pursued advanced studies or have a career in academia, teaching, or guiding others in some capacity. They might value knowledge and continuous learning, possibly inspiring others through their wisdom and experience.Your spouse may be idealistic, advocating for causes they believe in or striving to make a positive impact on a larger scale. They could be ethical, principled, and committed to justice and fairness.They may have a cheerful disposition, seeing opportunities and possibilities even in challenging situations. Their upbeat attitude could be contagious, uplifting those around them.your spouse may have an affinity for languages or an ability to adapt to different cultural environments easily. They may enjoy learning about different customs, traditions, and languages, fostering a sense of cultural understanding and integration.
💖 10th house: your spouse is likely to be ambitious, driven, and focused on their career goals. They may aspire to positions of authority, leadership roles, or recognition in their profession. Their identity and sense of self-worth may be strongly tied to their achievements and career success.They may strive to maintain a positive image in the eyes of others and uphold their integrity and credibility. Their actions and decisions may often be influenced by how they are perceived in their professional and social spheres.Your spouse may receive recognition and accolades for their hard work and accomplishments. They may strive for excellence in their chosen field and be motivated by the desire to achieve significant milestones and goals. Their achievements may bring them a sense of pride and fulfillment. There may be a need to balance their professional goals with personal life. Your spouse may invest considerable time and energy into their career, which could impact their family dynamics and relationships. Finding harmony between work and personal life may be an ongoing challenge. your spouse may have had influential authority figures or mentors who guided them in their career path. They may have learned valuable lessons from leaders in their field and benefited from mentorship or guidance that shaped their professional development.your spouse may have strong public speaking abilities and effective communication skills. They may excel in presenting ideas and networking with other people.
💖11th house : Your spouse may possess a visionary mindset, capable of seeing beyond current limitations and envisioning innovative solutions or possibilities for the future. They may inspire others with their forward-thinking ideas and aspirations.Your spouse may have a natural affinity for technology, whether it's through their career, hobbies, or social connection.Your spouse may have a diverse and influential network of friends, colleagues, or acquaintances. They may excel in building and maintaining relationships that span different social circles, which could benefit them professionally or personally.They may be actively involved in community initiatives, social groups, or online communities that align with their interests and values. Their contributions could range from advocacy for social causes to organizing events that promote collective well-being. They may advocate for social justice issues or champion reforms that contribute to a more equitable society. Your fs may have entrepreneurial inclinations , particularly in the areas of technology, innovation or social enterprise. They may be drawn to startups or ventures that harness creativity and connectivity for positive impact.They may have a keen interest in future trends, whether it's in technology, social movements, or cultural shifts. Their ability to anticipate changes and adapt accordingly could be a valuable asset in both personal and professional endeavors.
💖12th house : your spouse may have a rich inner life and be introspective by nature. They may value solitude and contemplation, finding spiritual fulfillment through practices like meditation, prayer, or introspective self-reflection.They may be drawn to helping professions or volunteer work that allows them to make a difference in people’s lives.Your spouse may have a talent for creative expression through music, art, writing, or other forms of artistic endeavor.Your spouse may have a deep interest in psychology, psychotherapy, or exploring the hidden aspects of the human psyche. They may be introspective about their own motivations, fears, and desires, seeking to understand themselves on a profound level. This introspective journey may also lead them to explore esoteric or mystical teachings.Your spouse may prefer peaceful, serene surroundings where they can retreat and recharge. They may have a knack for creating sacred spaces or environments conducive to relaxation and inner peace.They may have a quiet determination and inner fortitude that allows them to overcome obstacles and setbacks with grace and perseverance.The 12th house is often associated with karmic themes, past lives, and spiritual healing. Your spouse may be on a path of spiritual growth and transformation, seeking to resolve past issues or karma through self-awareness, forgiveness, and healing practices.
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Thanks for reading 💓
- PIKO 💖
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honeytonedhottie · 2 months
your greatest accomplishment is yourself⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🗒️💕
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i was inspired to make this post after watching sheraseven's youtube video "a woman's greatest accomplishment is herself" just my notes on it and what i took away from the video…💬🎀
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when you are constantly putting your time and energy towards building for others, you are depriving urself of what u can be building of yourself and being the best that u can be. when u sacrifice ur own time for others, whether thats out of love, for free, or for money thats still ur time that ur giving away and ur time is valuable.
use what you have to build yourself. things like ur knowledge which are investments, but if ur not going to apply that knowledge then its like, in vain. make sure to apply what u know. put ur education towards ur own gain and building instead of someone else's.
women can do literally everything. we are so multi talented and multi faceted, theres nothing that we cannot do and we have that established already. but since we are so talented and amazing then how come so many women have low self esteem and confidence in themselves and their abilities?
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because we are conditioned through societal norms and sometimes culture to think that even though we can do everything, we dont deserve anything and thats very sad. if ur not being built from what u are building then you are depleting urself.
how do we know and remember our value? through continuous reminders. we can remind ourselves of our value through being careful what kind of content we consume.
be careful the content that u consume
pampering and taking care of ur body
being disciplined and achieving ur goals
through taking care of ourselves and leading a disciplined life because discipline is the highest form of self love ofc. say ur affirmations and listen to affirmation tapes that feed ur self concept.
and lastly just a reminder that you are so so valuable and to never doubt that ever. continue to take care of urself, glow and thrive ✨
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