#Ironwills 2
thatonebirbnerd · 1 year
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At some point, I took some fresh pics of Geanais, but I never posted them here - so here they are.
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ao3wasntenough · 1 month
I read in some fanfic and some fans section that Autobots should giving close and trustworthy human and allies and friends cybertron names, many kind disappointment that they not give sam or Lennox one. In fanfic sam and Lennox have they cybertron names, sam : swiftstrike (giving by deception because how fast sam take down Thundercrack) and Lennox : ironwill( probably because he and Ironhide are close and how Lennox and Ironhide like same person )
So do you have idea sam cybertron names (he still human)?
But I have a few names for magic sam if Autobots decide give him one
1) seraphic: angel. This definitely something bumblebee will suggest because how sam protect them from evil supernatural like guardian angel
2) Druid : magician plus priest. This will suggest after sam using matrix
3) Galdra: literally meant magic user. Also the fact sam only wizard that want help Autobots affair.
4) Enchanter: magican, but for enchanter because sam attract many cybertron shit.
5) Vityaz : warior hero that use magic. Well you can guess who is purpose this name.
So which one you like? And fit for magic sam
Phaethon. inside joke as he is a demi god who crashed the Sun chariot (bumblebee)
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dicuori · 3 years
His first impression as he wakes up is that something is not right. Normally he would not feel this lethargic in the morning, nor this heavy. His muscles are sore, as if years were suddenly added to them unannounced, and he swears he can feel something digging into his back. But Riddle doesn’t let this be any excuse for him to not get up in the morning. As routine dictates, he’s up opening the windows and starting his day. The bed is made, the outfit is chosen and he’s already on his way towards the living when he actually stops and looks at the clock. 
He still had a time for breakfast before he heads off. 
“Good morning Mathew.”
Although it wasn’t everyday that Mathew was around for breakfast, lately it had started to change as the grumpy old cat man started to become more vocal about his opinion on Riddle ironing his clothes in the morning. Unfortunately for him though, Riddle would not abdicate of the task, as it was a crucial step for both his appearance as well as routine.
He’s about to reach for the tea pot when he feels something flicker against his legs. A soft sensation, almost like the tail of a cat, which could have had him surprised if he didn’t know he lived with a mitqo’te. Riddle carries on with his task, meticulously preparing his morning cup of tea with patience.
It’s only as he sits across the other and finally regards him that things suddenly stop making sense. His hand freezes mid way, still holding the tea cup as he stares at an identical copy of himself, albeit way more disheveled and with a clear sulk.
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shinydmoon · 4 years
MY Crown Tundra thoughts/Reactions p1
-Oohh pretty senery, and hey Its south of Galar. Cute map design.
-Hey Dex lady, happy to help😸. Also Trainstacem floor design is quite lovely.
-Is she a Gangaro girl? Aw her earing/s? Are female pikachu tails. Also why is she wearing what looks like ether a Business suit or school uniform? Isn’t she cold?
-you sir. No no you dont. (Mythology and History lover starts a rant). Oh no, he a Dad, please tell me a side arc is him not being soo...this? at the end? I don’t really like ether of them yet. Music an’t helping, what is this music?? This is not a gameshow or overly humorous scene?😾 MAKE IT STOP!
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-MAKE HIM AND THE MUSIC STOP! Sir, Im going to kick your butt. Sir, I’m the champ and already have many rare and legendary mons under me. But HEY SuRE yoU NUSince!
-metal elephant meet Fire Bunny ball. Oh hey it was a 1-Shot. And no sir, I’m not even scratched and have PLENTY MORE. Oh you use steel types? oh ya, I have plenty of Mon to handle you. New(toSwSh) mon, hm is it rock-steel or ground-steel, kicks will do I hope.
-Me.punch.You.SIR. I dont even need to hit the ‘next’ button to know she ran off during the fight. You know what, fair enough reaction for a parent 2. 3 now I have questions. Oh um, well the thought counts? But maybe you were a BiT too pushy? Sorry. You sir are in denial(running off is not a show of love😓). P4 😶 . You didn’t even see my team, Harp kicked your butt.
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-oh snow idle animation is pretty, normal or updated? Maybe I just(somehow) didn’t spend enough time in the ices routes. QuickBall throwing mantage now I guess?
-hi snom, dont need you but hey any sparkly ones are welcome. OH FOSSIL DINO(I have an amaura plush)! A town and Spheal! I like this music. Dynite? Hm wonder what the carrots do. Aw no, its a really nice town. Theres a legendary pokemon statue, thats really nice☺️. Cosmog? Hua...well thats a thing I guess. Back to mon hunting.
-?? Is that marshadow or pkmn prints? Oh Hi Sonia. Yes as I said hi.(pic5). 2%? Um is that a collectible like the diglets or forced storyline things? Wait, ironWill, Cavorn, and Meadow pokemon? OH The swords right😃? Yes I am, don’t worry I’m happy to help with your search Sonia😌. Counted dex(took out unknowns that I know for a fact are evolines) and less than 50 mon to catch, likely Far fewer but dont know which spots are just Evos, also Aron line the farthest down.
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- Nidorans cute. ESPEON! Eeveelotions spawn here! Stone mound? Oh more myths/lore😁. Is Aradactul Lighter?
- I am seriously lost. Oh fairy cave. Oh Frotmoth forest. ...which Legendary was that, well i made it to one end of the Tundra I assume.
- oh it wasn’t that I was somehow only in the grassy areas, I was just bad at spotting the other two prints.
-Thanks lady for the crown, are those MaxRooms... in the frozen floats? Hey GameFreak you know what would make perfect sense? MAKING A RING OF ICEBERGS INSTEAD OF US JUST RUNNING INTO A WALL THAT HAS CLEAR BEEN PLACED WILLY NILLY! Well Im still kinda lost but Im calling it here for now. Btw, looks like less then 30 mons left to find. Babys are currently being mean(Aron, Magbe, Electabuzz but that may be Verson-mon)
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art-g0blin-draws · 4 years
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Age: 19
Favored types: Steel, Dragon, Fairy
Dove is an energetic person with a fiery personality, firm in her beliefs, always willing to stand behind what's right. Serving as a self-proclaimed "knight of pokemon", she often takes in pokemon rescues, offering them a home, caring for them, and transforming them Into formidable opponents for challengers.
A rambunctious trainer, who in her beginning years as a trainer tended to act without thinking. Gifted with a shiny charmander at the age of eleven by her father, the fire-type gym leader Kabu, dove served as a gym trainer for 2 years in her fathers gym before setting out on her journey to become a self-proclaimed "knight of pokemon", against her father's wishes.
Although having great potential, she suffered from a large case of overconfidence. Specializing in fire types at the time, she breezed through the first gym, bolstering her confidence. However, the second gym proved to be much more difficult.
The true test, however, came when she went to face her father in the fire the gym.
Despite giving it her all, dove lost in spectacular fashion on her first attempt. The experience left her humbled; the match wasn't close, and kabu hadn't even utilized his gigantamax centiskorch.
The ordeal forced her to briefly reconsider her aspirations, before deciding that this would not be the end of her journey.
Drawing inspiration from the fantasy novels she had read, she began training other types of pokemon, chief among them at the time, a young squirtle she named galahad, who was unable to utilize special attacks. through an intense trip through the galar wilds with galahad and her charmander, cinder, she was able to unlock squirrel's potential, locking down a strategy revolving around shell smash that proved to turn galahad from a shy rescue pokemon into a hyper offensive sweeper.
With this newfound strategy, dove challenged her father a second time, and although the match was close, this time she met with success.
Having earned the her third badge, and her father's blessing, she continued onward in her journey to become a knight of pokemon.
Throughout her journey, dove learned a great deal about many different pokemon, capturing any she didnt already have, and paying special attention to the steel, dragon, and fairy types that reminded her of the stories she would often read. Two years were spent traveling the galar region, taking wild pokemon and expanding her knowledge of battles and strategies.
Badge after badge was earned, and finally, she stood in the stadium that held the championship matches.
With her potential assumed unlocked, she pushed through to the final round, where stood waiting the current champion, leon.
While her battle instincts were fierce, she once again met with a monstrous defeat, though the sight of the two charizard locked together in mid-flight combat was a scene to behold.
Dove was devastated. Briefly. Leon approached her after their match, with an offer to meet his former master, at a place called the isle of armer.
It was there that dove would complete the next step of her journey.
Once at the island, dove made her way to the dojo, where she met with mustard, a former league champion, and owner of the entire island.
The training was fierce, and though she found a new ally in kubfu, the ordeals were no less grueling.
Dove spent four years on the island, honing her fighting instinct and trainer's mind, deepening her bond with many of her pokemon, as well as kubfu.
Only once she had mastered her craft did she challenge sensei mustard to a battle in earnest. And though the two appeared evenly matched, it was dove's unorthodox strategies that won the day, her dark-type usrhifu landing the final blow on her opponents defending water-type urshifu.
Exhausted, but having a reinvigorated love for the sport of pokemon battles, dove remained at the dojo for a week or two more, going over the basics and recuperating, before deciding to head back out to the galar championships once again.
This time, the challenges were different. It wasn't that her opponents were any weaker, but she and her team were so much more in sync, it felt as if they could read each others minds. Dove had often found herself mimicking her pokemon's movements on the field, but now it seemed as if their lock-step dances were commands in and of themselves.
Finally, it came time for her rematch against leon, and this time, the battle was much more evenly matched.
The battle came to ahead when once again the charizard pair faced off. However, dove had surprised everyone by removing the gigantamax potential from her own charizard.
Though Leon's was much more intimidating with his gigantamaxed behemoth, it was dove's own dynamaxed charizard that eventually stole the show in a short-lived but intense burst of passion and determination.
Utilizing her knowledge of the max flare, dove forced the sun to shine ever brighter, kicking her charizard's "solar power" into high gear. Combining that with a life orb, dove unleashed a short but absolutely ruthless onslaught of fire upon her opponent. And although leon's managed to defend, eventually the attack proved too much, and the opponents charizard fell, a large explosion signaling the fall of a dyanamaxed pokemon ringing through the stadium.
The stadium went stark silent. Not a sound was made until the judge declared dove the winner.
Leon walked up to her silently, and then, looking to dove with the widest grin on his face, held her hand into the air for the whole stadium to see. All at once, the crowd erupted into cheers and whistles, and dove almost succumbed to a panic attack due to the influx of emotions.
As current champion of the galar region, dove has made several significant changes to the league. Her largest change is holding exhibition matches with other champions from other regions near and far.
Eager to expand her own knowledge, she seeks to fight ever stronger trainers.
She is a firm believer that she can change the world for the better, and will do everything in her power as champion to make sure that the lives of both people and pokemon are elevated.
Dove is an avid reader of midievil fantasy novels, and while team roster is always shifting, elements of her affinity for these books always seem to leak into her team somehow. A fairy, steel, or dragon type can always be expected in her roster, and her starter, a shiny charizard named Cinder, os almost ALWAYS sure to be on her team.
Other common pokemon appearances include:
Gardevoir (zelda)
Corviknight (segfried)
Aegislash (excalibur)
Gothitelle (hilda)
Hatterene (blair)
Escavalier (lancelot)
Blastoise (galahad)
Venusaur (snakevine)
Gyarados (wrath)
Steelix (ironwill)
Hydreigon (basilisk)
Dracovish (jaws)
Noivern (smaug)
Haxorus (axe)
Zekrom (zeus)
Galarian weezing (toppomhat)
Sylveon (siren)
Whimsicott (cottonball)
Rhyperior (rampage)
Druddigon (thorn)
Spent an hour writing this short story. Spent 2 hours on the body and outfit. SPENT THREE FRIGGIN HOURS TRYING TO GET THE HAIR RIGHT.
Newfound respect for people who make drawing curly hair look easy, cuz goddamn that shit's hard.
Ah well. At the end of the day I'm super happy with the final product.
So happy in fact that I'm getting a 16" × 20" print of it and am putting it in my house because I did a good job, and you should always appreciate your own work.
I hope you guys enjoy the picture, and if you read my little head-canon, I hope you enjoyed that too!
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flve-hargreeves · 4 years
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( chris wood, 28, he/him ) class is in session for ANSEM WARBECK. their resume says they’re a WITCH and they’ve been teaching MENTAL MAGIC at the academy for THREE YEARS. the psychological report says they are LETHARGIC and CONTEMPTUOUS, but they’re also IRONWILLED and COMPASSIONATE. we wish them good luck in the new school year.  
— * | ansem warbeck is the oldest child of ragnor and celena warbeck. he has a twin brother named arson and while they are identical, they couldn’t be more different. both ragnor and celena are influential members of the magical community and always prided themselves on having a stellar reputation. stellar isn’t quite so stellar though; they are morally gray.  they  never get into dark magic themselves, but their family has profited heavily from it over the years.  ( think … war profiteers, i guess.  they never get their hands dirty but they have plenty of blood money ).  arson is the dutiful son, the good son, and ansem’s always been the disappointment who couldn’t live up to their expectations.  ( the michael bluth )
 ansem was never good at doing what he was told and rebelled against the behaviours his parents tried to ingrain in him. he never listened, always liked to do his own thing, and never bought into the whole ‘pureblood supremacy’ thing that they tried to drill into his head.  so what if they came from an old witch family? la creme de la crop? magic was magic. he figured if you could do it, you were just as good as anyone else.  ( his family disagreed. )  he  started  at  arcanas  when  he  was  eleven,  like  his  descendants  before  him,  and  was  a  member  of  house  aquis.  
       personality wise, ansem is sharp, sarcastic, and doesn’t have a high tolerance for people. the list of people he dislikes is longer than those he likes. he likes to have a good laugh ( sometimes at the expense of others ) and isn’t one to take on responsibility. ironic, given he’s now teaching at the school he used to go to. for someone as intelligent as he is, he does the least amount of work possible and does well but never really exceeds his own expectations. he’s incredibly lazy and can usually be found snacking or napping around the school.
 shortly after graduation he worked as a for hire curse breaker.  if there was a hex you couldn’t undo, or a curse on your family name, he was the guy you called to fix it.  he was good too.  it was only after a curse backfired and nearly killed him that he got scared and backed out of it. the fear was greater than the love he had.  arcanas was safe, a reminder of good days (and far far away from his family) so he was happy to ya yeet out of the real world.  less than a year after graduation, he was enrolled at a magical college and eventually became a mental magic teacher.
 another  point  of  irony,  given  how  much  he  claims  to  hate  people,  is  the  story  of  how  a  twenty/twenty one  year  old  mess  accidentally  adopted  an  eleven  year  old.   it  was  an  assignment  from  one  of  the  teachers  or  housemasters,  a  mentorship  program  between  tenth  and  first  years.  he  was  assigned  jade  brantley  and  at  first  ?  oh  boy  did  he  hate  her.   or  rather,  the  responsibility  he  felt  towards  her.   it  became  pretty  evident  the  more  he  got  to  know  her  that  they  were  put  together  for  a  reason.   her  family  had  sent  her  to  arcanas  without  so  much  as  a  second  look  and  couldn’t  have  cared  less  if  they  ever  saw  her  again.   she  stayed  behind  at  the  school  for  christmas,  as  did  he  to  avoid  tense  family  dinners  with  the  warbecks,  and  that  was  when  their  mentorship  started  to  become  more  like  family.   
by  the  end  of  the  year,  he  looked  at  her  like  —  his  kid,  if  he  was  being  honest.   it  was  kind  of  terrifying,  wanting  to  protect  another  person  from  the  realities  of  their  life,  but  he  knew  it  was  the  right  decision  to  make.  it  helped  that  his  partner  agreed;   they’d  come  to  care  about  jade  in  those  months  too,  and  they  both  knew  it  was  the  right  call.   he  contacted  her  parents,  assumed  temporary  guardianship,  and  she  moved  in  with  them  that  summer  after  they  graduated.   (  the individual that set all of this up,  the  cheeky  bastard,  sent  them  a  potted  plant  as  a  housewarming  gift.   a  plant  that  would  have  needed  to  have  been  potted  SIX  MONTHS  EARLIER.   he’d  be  mad  about  getting  played  if  he  wasn’t  so  happy.  )
they  formally  adopted  jade  a  few  years  later.  they  were  already  family  in  everything  but  blood  and  name  —  it  was  simply  a  formality.   the  three  of  them  —  four,  if  you  counted  jessica  the  cat  (  famously  known  for  stepping  on  faces  )  —  had  been  more  of  a  family  than  any  of  his  blood  relatives  had  ever  been.     he’s  never  regretted  his  choices.
that  being  said,  things  weren’t  always  happy.  he  and  his  partner  fought  a  lot,  sometimes  over  nothing  and  couldn’t  remember  why  they  ever  loved  each  other  in  the  first  place.  but  this  isn't  a  story  about  vindictive  exes,  it's  about  two  people  that  do  love  each  other,  probably  always  will,  but  just  didn't  love  being  together  anymore.  they're  excellent  co-parents  to  their  adopted  daughter  and  they're  working  their  way  back  to  being  best  friends  even  though  it's  a  little  awkward.  they  split  up  roughly  three  years  ago,  shortly  after  ansem  started  teaching  at  arcanas.
he  was  a  bit  of  a  mess  that  first  year,  i  won’t  lie.  he  probably  drank  too  much,  smoked  like  a  chimney,  and  was  trying  to  remember  how  to  be  a  person  instead  of  1/2  of  a  couple.  he’d  been  with  his  partner  almost  his  entire  life,  it  was  a  process  —  discovering  himself  again.  he  eventually  started  seeing  jude  montague  (  who,  ironically,  he’d  always  had  a  schoolboy  crush  on  when  he  was  a  student  )  who  also  taught  at  the  school.  one  thing  led  to  another  and  they’ve  recently  taken  things  to  the  next  level:  they  got  married.   ansem’s  still  a  little  terrified  this  one  is  going  to  go  belly  up  too,  that  he’s  going  to  mess  things  up,  but  they’re  still  in  the  newlywed  phase  so  he’s  not  quite  as  pessimistic  on  their  outlook.   it  also  helps  that  his  family  hates  jude:   1.  he’s  much  older,  even  without  the  whole  phoenix  thing,  2.  he’s  not  a  pureblood  witch  who  comes  from  a  good  family  name,  and  3.  he’s  a  man.   yeah,  celena  warbeck  was  not  happy  and  threatened  to  cut  him  off.   she  didn’t,  of  course,  but  his  father  hasn’t  spoken  a  single  word  to  him  ever  since  they  got  married.  it’s  a  game  now,  trying  to  see  if  he  can  say  or  do  something  to  make  him  break.  so  far,  he  hasn’t  won.  
 when  he’s  not  staying  at  arcanas,  watching  over  his  water  demons,  he’s  at  his  house  nearby.   now  that  he’s  married  jude,  however,  the  clan  (  bc  ansem  doesn’t  go  anywhere  without  jade,  jessica,  and  by  extension  kit  )  will  be  moving  into  his  definitely-haunted  house  nearby.  it’s  an  old  victorian,  fits  jude’s  goth  boy  aesthetic  perfectly,  and  tbh  as  long  as  it  has  decent  wifi  and  an  espresso  machine?  he’ll  be  fine.  
     he’s been teaching mental magic at arcanas academy for three years, so connections can be assumed with other staff members and students !!   he’s also been the housemaster for aquis, who he refers to as his water demons, so that’s opportunities for connections too! ( there’s also a 99% chance he calls all of his students by pokemon names. sorry not sorry. )   he’s  your  typical  panic  first,  think  logically  later,  type  person,  so  if  he  heard  about  the  orb  being  stolen  he’d  fear  for  their  inevitable  demise.   y’know,  chaotic  and  assuming  the  worst  case  scenario  from  the  get  go.
so that’s basically him in essence.  see some quick stats below for more tidbits.
— * | BASICS !
NAME: — ansem ragnorius warbeck.
NICKNAME(S): — ansem.
PRONOUNS: —he/him.
AGE/DOB: — twenty seven / july 25th.  (  he’s  almost  28,  so  don’t  @  me  )
ETHNICITY: — caucasian.
NATIONALITY: — british.
HOMETOWN: — manchester, uk.
EDUCATION: — he previously attended  arcanas, aquis house.  four  years  @  a  magical  college  near  aurora  /  arcanas  school. 
STAR SIGN: — leo.
ALIGNMENT: — chaotic neutral.
PHOBIA(S): — enclosed spaces, clowns, snakes.
VICE(S): — cynicism, impatience, vindictiveness, spitefulness.
VIRTUE(S): — accountability, candor, realism, honesty, loyalty.
PARENT(S): — ragnor and celena warbeck.
SIBLING(S): — arson warbeck ( twin brother. )
— * | PHYSICAL !
FACECLAIM: — chris wood.
HEIGHT: — 6'0.
WEIGHT: — 71kg.
EYE COLOR: — brown.
HAIR COLOR: — brown.
TATTOOS: — n/a.
SCARS: — jagged scar across his collarbone.
— * | MEDICAL !
ALLERGIES: — shellfish.
SMOKING/ALCOHOL/DRUGS: — former smoker. he hasn’t had a cigarette in approx. 112 days.  he drinks more than he should.  no drug use.
BLOOD TYPE: — universal donor.
students  with  an  aptitude  for  mental  magic  that  he  provides  additional  /  advanced  work  for  to  challenge  them.  (2/2)  dominic masters & rome hawks.
students  who  need  extra  help  in  one  or  more  of  the  aspects  of  his  curriculum.  this  would  include  after  hours  help,  extra  assignments,  or  one  on  one  attention  if  they  were  struggling  with  concepts  (1/4):  ella  bloom.
students  that  give  him  a  hard  time  in  class  for  one  reason  or  another.  could  be  people  who  sleep  in  class,  talk  back,  distract  others,  etc.  (1/??):  morgan  stife.
the  unholy  trinity:  fellow  teachers  who  like  to  get  together  and  be  chaotic,  shittalk  their  students,  and  forget  they’re  not  seventeen  anymore  bc  they’re  fucking  idiots  who  like  to  troll  (2/2):  maximus & reserved
fellow  teachers  who  like  to  get  together  and  drink  wine  after  stressful  days,  or  just  when  they  feel  like  it  tbh.  (1/????)  maxwell gray.
a  rival/enemy  from  when  he  was  @  arcanas  who  now  also  works  at  arcanas.  he  can’t  remember  why  they  don’t  like  each  other  but  he’s  dedicated  to  the  feud.  it’s  petty,  he  knows, but  he  sucks  at  admitting  he’s  wrong.  (0/1)
ex-wife.  see  wanted  connections.  (0/1)
childhood  friend.  fellow  witches  who  would  have  hung  around  people  who  were  haughty  and  thought  they  were  better  than  everyone  else.  ansem’s  parents  thought  they  were  hot  shit  so  maybe  their  parents  felt  the  same.  they  both  rebelled  against  what  their  parents  wanted  for  them  and  it  bonded  them.  (0/1)
partner  in  crime.  (28  years  old)  this  person  was  very  different  from  ansem.  different  species,  a  little  more  serious,  the  kind  of  person  you  wouldn’t  expect  to  be  friends  with  him.  they’re  probably  the  only  reason  ansem  even  passed  his  exams,  forced  to  study,  and  he  forced  this  friend  to  actually  have  fun  and  live  a  little.  they’re  still  close  but  maybe  fell  out  of  touch  over  the  years.  this  person  would  be  new  to  arcanas  as  a  staff  member,  or  teacher,  but  would  be  an  alumnus  preferably  from  house  aquis  but  could  be  any.  
others  to  be  added  when  it  isn’t  2am  and  my  brains  fried.
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iron-clan · 5 years
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story of the iron clan [2/?] - as told through instagram
ironwill Day One of #StarkExpo38 and I just want to nap.
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notamountain So ready. ironheart Nap? Are you sure? Not ‘die’? ironwill Very sure. I’m not THAT desparate babysnark you’ll do fine, bro, go kick some ass ...
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bakuraryxu · 5 years
im trying ot encourage brodie to  eat mindfully and only have one junkfoody sweet a day and 2 eat more vegetables and hes really encouraged to and honestly all i had to do was be like  ironwill help you put on muscle the followsing foods have high iron
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kharrisdawndancer · 6 years
Whumpiness 1-10
! I have a lot of asks in my box I didn’t get to, I realized today.
1. Do they have any sort of physical condition or mark that impacts their daily life? (chronic disease, deep scar, disability)
She does not have a disability or condition that impacts her, but her background as a Traveler can mark her for some communities. She still struggles with the stereotypes and prejudices.
2. What is their pain tolerance? Do they close their eyes and block it out, or go into a full blown panic?
Her pain tolerance isn’t great. She’s always healed away pain before it makes much of an impact. It was something her mother drilled into her as a toddler and she uses Light based healing almost without thought for this. Having to endure pain can be difficult for her. (Kharris is markedly better than Khaeris.)
3. How long do they typically take to recover from illness or injury compared to average?
Going with above, she doesn’t usually stay sick long. If she can’t heal away an illness, she does know a lot of traditional remedies and alchemy to help as well. So in general, she doesn’t get sick for very long.
4. What are the most telltale signs that they’re sick or injured?
She won’t move as much as she normally does. Being very kinetic in general, if K is fairly still, something is going on.
5. What is their response to their friends or loved ones in pain?
She nurtures and offers help. She will offer alchemy and her magical healing. Just taking care of them in general.
6. How easily do they cry? Is it different alone vs in public?
I would say she does not. Maybe not with an ironwill not to cry in front of people or at all, but she’s not a huge crier generally. Her eyes might well up in intense personal distress, but actually crying is rare. Not unheard of, but rare. She would almost NEVER cry in public. Being that vulnerable in front of strangers is unthinkable. There are only a few people she’d probably cry in front of; and there’d be a lot of anger that they saw her like that.
7. Is there any emotion they find difficult to control (anger, sorrow, anxiety)?
She finds strong emotions difficult to understand usually. She has a hard time controlling and expressing her feelings if they’re intense: rage, hurt.
8. Is there a place, name, object, etc. that holds painful memories for them?
Kharris certainly has all that. Hinterlands. Rowan. ... She has a lot more that hold very mixed, strong memories of both good and painful memories.
Khaeris: Not as many. Andaeros. 
9. In a dire situation, are they fight, flight or freeze?
She’s often a Flight if she thinks she can manage it. She CAN fight and is effective at it, but if she can get away, she will without hesitation. 
10. How stable do they consider themselves? How stable are they really?
Kharris considers herself pretty stable. And she is fairly stable. She has some tender places, and things that could destabilize her quickly, but in general, her footing is honestly more solid than she’d prefer.
Khaeris is ... Not all that  stable at the moment. She just got back (like in the last 36 hours) from being in her original timeline and her life has been shaken up in pretty much every way!
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jacksgreysays · 6 years
ironwill, firenation tetsuki/azula, 21) things you said when we were on top of the world
Iron Will, 21) things you said when we were on top of the world
“Green suits you,” Azula says from behind her, voice as diverting as ever. Tetsuki doesn’t tense up, though with anyone else she would–hating the idea of anyone else putting her in such a vulnerable position. With Azula physical location means nothing.
And plus, her houndsnake continues to lounge lazily across her shoulders: he would not be so relaxed with just anyone. She’s travelled with the Freedom Fighters for months and he still growls when they draw too near.
Tetsuki turns around to face her princess, “It suits you far less,” she responds, smile immediately curling on her mouth at the sight of the Fire Nation princess in overly traditional Earth Kingdom garb.
“Yes, well, needs must.” Azula sniffs, adjusting the headdress she took from the Kiyoshi warriors, “Terribly impractical, honestly, but it’s not as if I expected any better.”
“It seems effective enough,” Tetsuki nods, gesturing at their surroundings. If she had to be honest, she’d admit that she much preferred the throne room in Ba Sing Se than the Fire Lord’s–though she had only been there once. Something about the solidity of the stone, as if this palace were as old as the mountains itself.
Too bad the same could not be said of its monarchy.
“Was your ticket to entry as impractical as mine?” Azula asks, though surely she must already know.
“I wouldn’t say impractical so much as annoying.” Jet–and the Freedom Fighters through him–have been useful in many ways, especially in capturing Zuko without expending too much effort on her part, but managing his ego to guide him has been tedious.
She’ll be glad to be rid of the both of them.
“You’ve done adequately with the resources available,” Azula says and Tetsuki blinks at her, surprised. That… was a compliment, perhaps?
“You seems to be in a good mood,” she remarks, hesitantly, not wanting to spoil it but unable to ignore it. Tetsuki always wants Azula to be happy.
Fortunately, Azula’s satisfaction is not so easily soured, “Why wouldn’t I be? My idiot brother has been handled, the Dai Li is mine, this city is mine, and soon enough the Avatar will fall. Our victory is assured.”
“Our victory?” Tetsuki reflexively repeats, internally scolding herself. Azula is always careful with word choice, to question her is to doubt her.
Instead of answering her, Azula meets her eyes and reaches a hand out. Tetsuki can feel a twitch run down her arm, an attempt to reach back swiftly aborted. Tetsuki’s houndsnake sniffs at Azula’s hand, tongue flicking against her fingers in greeting. Those fingers can wield lightning, can form flames so hot they run blue; it seems neither Tetsuki nor her houndsnake are afraid.
Finally, Azula says, “I knew it would be a good match.”
A/N: Not quite on top of the world, but definitely “before things started going to shit”–for Azula, that is. Mostly, though, I’m not sure how much impact Tetsuki would have in the world. Like… maybe Ozai still loses, but surely Tetsuki wouldn’t let Azula fail as in canon?
Check out The Geek Show 2: BindleCon. Use promo code “FRIDAY” to get 25% off 4/20 tickets. Valid for tonight’s show only! 
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thatonebirbnerd · 4 years
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Recovery is an uphill battle.
I have to keep reminding myself that I’m no longer there.
Sometimes... it’s hard to stay convinced.
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vanir666 · 6 years
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Guten Abend, liebes Facebook! Heute waren nur Warmup, 2 Drilleinheiten und ein leichtes, körpermittebetontes Intervalltraining auf dem Plan. Genau richtig um in die neue Trainingswoche zu starten. Goatwhore hat mich heute etwas von meiner Müdigkeit abgelenkt und mit mit ihrer Scheibe "Carving out the Eyes of God" von 2009 kräftig in den Hintern getreten. Jetzt noch ein wenig Bizeps-isolation und dann gibts lecker Meeresfrüchtesalat. Habt einen schönen Restabend und passt gut auf euch auf! 🤘💪🤘💪➡🏃🏋⬅🤘💪🤘💪 #ironwill #SportingVanir #Goatwhore #youcandoit #fitfam #fitfamgermany #freeleticscoach #fitness #fitnessmotivation  #instafit #freeletics #runtastic #fit4life #instarunner #fitstagram #nopainnogain #transform #Trailrun #missionKante2018 #warriordiet #getstrong #intermittendfasting #Metal #freeathlete #fitnessmodel #german #lifestyle #aesthetic #Bulls #Intervall
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tcrmommabear · 7 years
TCR AU #4: D’n’D AU (2)
Welcome to part 2 guys, gals, and non-binary pals!
Let’s get this show on the road! Today we’re talking characters!!
Sidenote: So, 90% of my experience is with Pathfinder, so that’s what I’m using in regards to race and class and suchforth. D’n’D and Pathfinder are two separate things, but I felt D’n’D was a better name for the AU.
Name: Louisa Player: Louise (DM) Race: Catfolk Class: Vigilante Backstory: Louise is the (older) twin sister to Duke. They grew up in a primarily Catfolk village by loving parents. When they were young children, their parents were viciously murdered. Duke took the time to mourn, while Louisa viciously clung to the idea of vengeance. The twins separated due to conflicting wants and desires- Duke settled down as a sort of “sword for hire”, deadset on helping and defending those who couldn’t do it themselves, while Louisa searched tirelessly for their parents’ killer. Years later, she finally has a lead and asks Duke for help, just this once. Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Name: Duke Player: Baron/Humbert Race: Catfolk Class: Paladin Backstory: Duke was happy to live his life, working for little pay to help those in need. He couldn’t protect his family, so he’d protect as many people as he could. But when his sister Louisa finally came back into his life after nearly 10 years, he couldn’t deny her ask for help (or the gold she provided when he originally said no). With the help of his employees/friends, they’ll travel across the world to finally find peace. Alignment: Lawful Good
Name: Moon Player: Muta Race: Half-Orc Class: Bloodrager Backstory: Moon doesn’t have much of a story to tell. He keeps it close to his chest except after a few gallons of ale. He was raised in a human family, educated beyond measure. Then his Orc family took him away and all he knew was violence and bloodshed. He was caught between two worlds for a long time until he settled on being a mercenary for hire. It wasn’t until Duke came along that he knew he wanted to do something more. Something better. With a healthy dose of brains and a great disregard for rules, Moon is willing to do anything to help a client. (Side Note: Has a weakness for little kids) Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Name: Aubert Player: Toto Race: *Tengu Class: Rogue Backstory: Aubert came from a distant Tengu village, hidden in the mountains. He talks little of it though, only sharing bits and pieces of the life he lived there with the friends he surrounds himself with. All is known is he left, and he committed theft after theft in order to survive and get where he is. Now, he uses his talents to help Duke and Moon, to pay for the meals when Duke refuses payment. Now with Louisa in the picture, he’s seeing different sides to his oldest friend, and wonders what this adventure will do to everyone. Alignment: True Neutral
Name: Hero Player: Hiromi Race: Human Class: Ranger Backstory: Hero stumbled across the group during their journey to cross the sea and just... Never left? With nothing better to do, and instantly bonding with Yuki, Hero decided she would be just that- A hero. Alignment: Neutral Good
Name: Kore, Pirate Queen of the 8 Seas Player: Persephone Race: Merfolk Class: Swashbuckler + Witch Backstory: Merfolk are xenophobic and harsh people. With amazing musical ability and a dangerous beauty, they lure many a sailor and innocent victim to the cracks of their islands and devour the bodies as they fall to the sea. Kore was born the most beautiful of them all, but with a compassionate heart and no singing voice. She was forcibly chased from her home, her family, her life, and sought out a new way of life. That’s how she met Captain Killigan. The two women were inseparable, and Killigan helped Kore find her calling- benevolent pirating. Killigan died, and Kore conquered the seas in her name. Now alone, and hiding her heritage with an innate magic, she sails for hire and battles other pirates competing for her crown. She was supposed to be the Ironwilled Queen. Until a certain Catfolk came onto her ship. Alignment: Chaotic
Name: Yuki Player: Haru Race: **Skinwalker (Elf) Class: Druid Backstory: “H-Hello? Is this the Cat Bureau?” Yuki was just looking for help. Little did she know she’d get dragged into the advenure of a lifetime, with romance, bloodshed, intrigue, and deeply personal problems. Indebted to Duke and Louisa, Yuki travels with them to help the siblings find their parents murderer and seek vengeance. But is that what the pair really need? Working constantly as a voice of reason and constant motivation, Yuki hides a dangerous secret from her friends. Maybe one day, she can tell them about the animal skin she wears. And warn them to let sleeping dogs lie. Alignment: Good Neutral
*Tengu= Bird people **Skinwalker= Shapeshifters (Haru looks like an Elf rather than a human)
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dylawa · 4 years
Having Lived and Loved: The Playlist (Part 2)
Here is Part 2 to my HLAL Playlist description series! The purpose of this post is to put all the important songs in one place, as well as add descriptions for where they fit in, and my reasoning as such. I’ll put it all under a Read More of course.
Again, this is Part 2 since I can only share five videos per post, so expect more to come, and know you’re entering in media-res if you haven’t read the first post! I will also mention, there will be more songs in the playlist than there are directly mentioned in this series of posts. That is because the playlist will include all songs related to the chapters’ titles, not just the ones that have significance character/story-line wise. Links to all parts and the full playlist are at the bottom of the post!
“Oh man, Dylawa, Rush again?” Yes, my friend, Rush again. Specifically, “The Anarchist”. We have a very different mood to set here from our last Rush selection, though! Take a look at these lyric excerpts and, based on the chapter it’s from (yes, the chapter is titled “The Anarchist”), see if you can guess who this is for:
A voice so silent for so long For all those years I had to get along, they told me I was wrong I never wanted to belong - I was so strong
In all your science of the mind, seeking blind through flesh and bone Find the blood inside this stone What I know, I've never shown, what I feel, I've always known I plan my vengeance on my own - and I was always alone
The lenses inside of me that paint the world black The pools of poison, the scarlet mist, that spill over into rage The things I've always been denied An early promise that somehow died A missing part of me that grows around me like a cage A missing part of me that grows around me like a cage
Have an idea yet? We’ve moved on from focusing on Comet and All Might here: This is about Ironwill.
I purposefully wrote Ironwill to be a reflection of Comet-- or, at least, my rendition of Comet. Remember, Comet is meant to be a character you can project onto and change and warp to your heart’s content! The main reason I write her with specific details about her past is because, well, it’d be difficult to write a compelling protagonist without some baggage and the like. Feel free to discard anything in your own Comet interpretations, or add your own details! Anyways, that point aside, as I was saying, Ironwill is meant to be a reflection of Comet; both had distance or abusive parents, and both were told their powers were not suited for the dreams they had. Both lived isolated childhoods due to their oppression and personal beliefs differing from those around them, and both ultimately decided to go against everything they were told to the best of their ability anyways. However, their more personal choices on that last bit of similarity lead them down ultimately different paths.
Ironwill justified his actions by saying they were for the betterment of mankind; he wanted to save people, but believed the only way to do as such was to do exactly as he was told as a child; to fit everyone into neat, safe little qualifying boxes that, should anyone attempt to step out of, would face dire consequences. It’s for their own good, after all! What’s a little government tyranny if it means saving your life?
I understand the title of this piece means the very opposite of what Ironwill is striving for, but his actions certainly go against the government in many ways. Think of it as temporary anarchy to bring about a new rule.
Wow, that was a lot! Moving on to the next song: “Prime Mover” by... Rush. I know, I’m sorry, this is the last Rush song for now, and we won’t spend as long on it!
Basic elemental instinct to survive Stirs the higher passions Thrill to be alive Alternating currents in a tidewater surge Rational resistance to an unwise urge Anything can happen...
So this is it. The evil is defeated, the hero returns to the familiar, but they have been forever changed by the hardships they have endured, and the treasure they have gained along their journey. Comet has started on a path of finding herself, thanks to the help of All Might, alongside coming to her own difficult conclusions about herself. At this point, she’s riding high on the wings of victory, but not every bird can fly forever. For now, though, she’s found her strength, and the world is at her fingertips. Further growth will come later; after all, such an ordeal is never linear. It comes and goes in waves, and for now, Comet has won the right to be proud of herself, and have high hopes for the future. Not to mention, with All Might as her newfound friend...
Anything can happen...
... And while that concludes “if i could be half of what you think of me,” we’ve still got “wondering when i’m coming back” to cover! Let’s get started on diving into that right now, because why not?
I love “In Love With A Ghost”! Great music! Wish they would actually make some!
Ahem, sorry, salty moment there. This song is called “i know it’s not easy but you’re not alone anymore.”
This skips pretty far into the WWICB storyline, as this is the title for the sixth chapter, where Comet and All Might enjoy the Tanabata festival after a not-so-pleasant run-in with Endeavor. At this point, it has become apparent that something is still wrong with Comet’s power; while she has the aid of her eye drops, her power continues to diminish dramatically. I didn’t make this as clear in the story as I wanted to, but the reason for this is her emotions-- anyone who isn’t at their mental best would suffer in performing their duties in, well, any aspect of life. So, essentially, she pulls an Elsa and decides to conceal, don’t feel. That will end well!
But, I digress. What I like about the selection of this song for this chapter is, it’s not really clear who this is meant to be directed at. Is this Comet thinking about Yagi, or vice-versa? It also doesn’t help that, ahem, feelings are beginning to become apparent for both parties (well, apparent to the reader, at least; Comet is clueless!)
Ah, man... To The Moon. Brilliant game. Old, a little outdated, not the best representation of Autism, but still brilliant, and is a huge inspiration for how I try to write as a whole, both in direct dialogue, and in emotion. If any of you have played this game and read the Having Lived and Loved series, now that I’ve pointed it out, I hope you can see some connection!
Anyways, Kan R. Gao is the creator of the game and its soundtrack, and this piece, “Once Upon A Memory,” doesn’t quite fit the overall theme of Chapter 12 of WWICB. However, a moment alone between our two darling heroes is deserving of a track that feels intimate and close, even if the upbeat nature isn’t quite the same as the circumstances our heroes currently find themselves in. Plus, the characters in To The Moon are stargazing when this piece plays, and at this point of time, so are All Might and Comet. So there’s... some connection, I suppose?
That being said, the songs don’t always necessarily fit the chapters they’re assigned to. Sometimes, just the name itself is fitting enough and gets a spot that way, but that being said, most songs at least fit the aesthetic of the All Might/Comet relationship. This one is no different, even if not placed in the most opportune spot.
I really want to go into “The Body Electric” as my next song, but that is, unfortunately, another Rush song, and I promised you guys no more Rush! So I’ll just abbreviate really quickly before moving on to the next piece; it’s 45T3R01D’s song. It will be present in the playlist, of course! So with that, we’ll end this post on...
“You Can Be A Hero,” from the My Hero Academia Soundtrack.
“Now, wait a minute: This is the title of the last chapter, and you only covered three songs from WWICB, and Comet already knows she can be a hero! What gives?!”
There is a really easy answer to that: The other songs aren’t super worth going into detail for (but feel free to ask about any other titles you may be curious about!), and more importantly, this is the song I had in mind for when All Might and Comet share their first kiss.
That little pause at the 1:30 mark is absolutely the perfect moment for a breath, and for All Might to sweep in for that kiss I spent a week writing and perfecting.
For a second, his hands dance in the air, before one settles on your lower back, while the other brushes your hair back from your forehead. The touch is… different, from everything you’ve shared before.
It’s intimate.
You open your mouth to speak, to comment, to question. But all you have time to do is take a breath.
For Yagi makes it impossible to breathe, when his lips connect with yours.
It’s quick, but it’s not a crash. It’s eager, but not desperate. It’s not gentle, but it’s not bruising either. Whatever you can think of to describe it, it isn’t quite that; no matter what, it remains something in between, something indescribable, something… something that must be for you.
... Yeah, I made myself breathless a couple times writing that part.
So, for this song, it’s not so much about the title and the song’s meaning, and more about the feeling it evokes. Once again, Comet has overcome overwhelming odds to emerge the victor, only this time, the tables on the surprise kiss trope are turned! At least, I think it is: usually I see girls initiating the surprise kisses in most forms of media. I like to think this is a welcome breath of fresh air in that regard!
Well, that’s five videos again! Next post, we’ll be going over individual character songs!
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Full Playlist]
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lordginger3rd · 7 years
Soooo I was tagged by the incredible @birdymary - so here's to you *clinks glasses* okay the topic issss(insert drum roll):
10 Movies I could watch (or have watched) over and over (this is not in a ranked order)
1. LOTR all of them but especially the first and second.

2. Harry Potter because just heart melts!

3. Anne of Green Gables (thanks mom for that one)

4. Serenity( I watched it for a college class and watched it back to back to back for like 11 hours through the night while writing a dystopic society analysis)

5. Cloud Atlas

6. Spongebob squarepants movie (the cartoon with Shell City

7. Twilight series (yeah I know just let it go)

8. Disneys Tarzan/Dreamworks Spirit (also I could listen to those soundtracks repeating forever)

9. It's old but Across the great divide (1976)

10. Squanto a warriors tale/ Ironwill (classics I grew up on with my dad!)
Most of these are annually watched at a bare minimum!
Also I will tag (should they want to play along) @hollywoodhighfive @kickassfu @walkingkdisaster @themagicofmayhem @booksforthoughts
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zacheven-esh · 7 years
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#IronWill Book / Every day I read a minimum of 2 pages. I began this practice in my early 20s. / Gotta feed your brain powerful information. / #Books #UndergroundStrengthGym #LiveTheCode365 #Spartan #Success #UndergroundStrengthCoach (at Manasquan Underground Strength Gym)
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